List of aid items to Gaza rejected by Israel
6th Guyana’s coastline Tsunami risk to ExxonMobil’s EIA reveals...
6th Guyana’s coastline Tsunami risk to ExxonMobil’s EIA reveals...
VP Jagdeo boasts of better contract management through passage of Local Content Law, free gas supply from Exxon
Two die in Corentyne motorcycle crash
Manwantedfor2013 Baracaramurder, finallycaptured Guyana’s oil reserves have not changed significantly since last update
Jagdeo refuses to say whether new oil spill law will address full liability coverage
Motorcycle bandits caught on camera robbing man of cash, jewellery at Cummings Lodge
VP Jagdeo managing oil sector alone as Govt. refuses to appoint Petroleum Commission
- Opposition
Despitepromising to establish an independent commission to manage the country’s oil and gas sector, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has made no move in this direction and has instead allowed a lone individual, accused of bribery and corruption, to control the industry
This is according to Opposition members, Shurwayne Holder and ElsonLow Theduoduringa Leader of the Opposition
press conference on Thursday shared concerns regarding the lack of independent professionals managingthesector,arguing that the country can only obtain maximum benefits throughthisbody
Shadow Minister of Natural Resources, Shurwayne Holder explained, “We believe that such a commission should exist to take away the political element to remove politicians from having that direct management of the sector Rather, we want to see professionals lead it so thatwecanobtainmaximum benefitforthepeopleofthis country.”
T h e M e m b e r o f Parliament pointed out that the subject of a Petroleum Commission is not new, as thePPP/Canditsincumbent General Secretary had championed calls for the establishment of the body while in opposition, but has failedtodosowithjustafew months remaining for their term.
TheParliamentarianisof the view that this key management body has not been established since the rulingparty“believesintotal domination and control ” According to him, “They don’t believe in putting professionals in certain positions and allowing them to do their jobs. They don’t believe in transparency and accountability and so Bharrat Jagdeo wants to have his claws deeply sunk into the oil industry and control every single aspect ofit.”
He said the Opposition has been pushing for the Commission to be establishedatthelevelofthe National Assembly; however, these calls have fallenondeafears.
Holder, Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), the main Opposition party told
reporters, “We have made a promise to the nation that when we get government nextyearatthenextregional andgeneralelections,weare going to set up that PetroleumCommission,that isoneofthegoalswesetout withintheoilandgassector Meanwhile,Lowpointed out that VP Jagdeo was accused of corruption involvingoilcompanies,ina Vice News documentary; however,heremainsthekey decision-maker for the rapidlydevelopingindustry
“We are concerned that we are seeing such significant, such serious, suchgraveallegationsabout someone paying a bribe for an oil company and at the same time, no movement towards a petroleum commission that would removetheoilindustryfrom the hands of political interference,”heargued.
Low added, “This to me is troubling and until we see an investigation on these allegations (it) should continuetodistresseachand every right-thinking Guyanese.”
Jagdeo was accused by hisfriend,SuZhiRonginan exclusive Vice News documentary of accepting bribes in the oil sector and for the planned Amaila hydroproject.
In the 24-minutes documentary, released by Vice News, a New York based under cover reporting agency that exposes corruption by political leaders,Jagdeowasrecorded in his home having a conversation with two Chinese; one was his friend Su and the other, an undercover reporter, Chan, posingasaninvestor
In the recording, Jagdeo was heard saying, “You’ll
get the support. Su is my friend; he gets all the support…Su deals with all the agreements. I don’t, I don’t…the thing is that my thing is that I’m in governmentsoIcan,Iassist from government side That’sit.”
Su then interjected in Mandarin, urging Mr Chan not to talk about the bribe there but was assured by Su in the foreign language, “Don’tworry,Iwillgivehim
[Jagdeo] the money with you.”
Thediscussionshowever tookamoredamningturnas the Chinese duo left the home of the Vice President.
In the hidden camera that continuedrecording,Suwas heardtellingthereporterthat the Vice President’s hands are“veryclean”.Hewenton to tell Mr Chan, “Other amounts of money we’ve handled before have been much bigger, like from the
o i l c o m p a n y T h e hydroelectric power plant needs tens of millions of dollars. He’ll never admit thathe’sinvolvedinthis.”
InSu’sconversationwith theVicereporter,heclaimed to have brokered among otherdeals,theAmaliaFalls Hydro project reportedly wonthroughthepaymentof amassivebribe.
Vice News reporter, I s o b e l Ye u n g h a d interviewed Jagdeo in
February 2022 to question his involvement in corruption and bribe-taking as alleged by his friend. Jagdeolaterupdatedthefull interviewwithViceNewson February7,2022.
It wasn’t until later that yearthatViceNewsreleased its documentary See link below (The conversation quoted above can be found 14:00intothevideo.) qBYTY
Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has to feel the shadows closing in, hear the footsteps of those stalking him drawing closer He came to the leadership role amid great expectations: the fighter needed the inspiration to lift disillusioned Guyanese to new ground. Years later, he is still to deliver Now, the challengers are assembling, showing their hand. Though Norton has his strengths and his cohort of loyalists, he looks vulnerable, a leader that is beatable.
We look at his tenure to this junction and are forced to grope for his accomplishments. What are they and where arethey? Outofsheernecessity,oneofhisfirsttaskshadto beunifyingtheuneasyfactionsinthePNC. Thishehasnot done, which is clear from the arrival of the first challenger, ofwhomwebelievetherewillbemore. Thequestionishow much he put into building internal bridges, winning people over to his vision, getting buy-in with his strategies. What arethose,ifwemayask? Onthevitaloilandgassector,the Opposition has lagged far behind, and always seems to be catching up, leaving it out of touch, even an irrelevancy in theonenationaldevelopmentthathasallthecomponentsto be a national difference maker for the better The Guyana people need this to happen, and the Opposition should have beenthecatalyst,withtheLeaderoftheOpposition,Aubrey Norton, in the driver’s seat. The backseat has been the position to which he has been stuck, which he seems to favor
ThetimesrequirethatNortontransformhimselfintothe political presence that Guyanese desperately need, so that this oil wealth can be converted to the life that all citizens should be guaranteed, begin to experience. He has been conspicuously content to hesitate and put up a wall. That can never do, never get his people anywhere, and if there is onethingthatheshouldknow,itisthatreality
On the issue of race, Mr Norton faces a formidable barrier He does not have crossover appeal, and for a group that lacks the advantage of numbers, the labors to close the gap have been less than encouraging. What has been done there,andwhatistheretoshowforefforts? Guyaneseofall political persuasions are disgruntled and angry at the PPPC Government; they see Vice President Jagdeo in the poorest of light. These are gifts of immeasurable value to any opposition, but Norton has been sluggish and awkward in capitalizing, an abject failure here. Much time has elapsed andhistimeformakingheadwayinthemostsensitiveareas all but gone. Looking back at oil, the Opposition Leader appears more focused on staying in the good books of ExxonMobil at all costs. There is his noticeable reluctance to say or do anything that would prompt the company to view him as a concern, probably blank him out. In the tossup between pleasing the people of ExxonMobil and galvanizing his own people, the conclusion is that the companyhasbeenthewinnerhandsdown.
Aubrey Norton has been on the move, but the more he moves, the more he remains in the same place. Some cautious noises have been made with oil, but what is his endgame. Whatishisoverallprogram,thatis,ifhehasone. AmidthegloomforNorton,thereisasilverlining. Hisfirst challenger, what are the accomplishments that he can point to and call his own. What is it that separates Mr Roysdale Forde,SC,fromMr Norton,andissufficientlydistinctiveto give agitated and discontented Guyanese some hope?
Lookingatthewiderpoliticalarena,thereisBharratJagdeo, and the less that Guyanese hear of him, and have to do with him, the better it is for them. Many have reached this stage across Guyana. It is fertile ground that demands a man of wisdom and deep acumen to drive through the opening, his opponent’s weakness. Norton has not been that man so far When he has Jagdeo on the ropes, he has been busy picking himself off the canvas. Time is passing; Norton may have missedhischance.
good men (and women) stay silent so thatevilmayflourish,(aportionofthat currently ‘evil’ being spelt out in the
DEAREDITOR, ridiculing and slandering a former recent Report published by the UN
WhiletheAttorney-Generalseeksto opposition politician, Eusi Kwayana, Human Rights Committee). Abusive bring all civic and political factions now 99 years of age and living abroad threats and character assassination by together in a Constitutional Reform formanyyears. the ruling party for both the recent and Committee, other elements in the State At the same time, a Minister of distant past are no doubt intended as a apparatuswerebusydrivingthemapart. Governmentwasberatingawell-known deterrenttopubliccommentsoncurrent Last week, Guyanese were treated to a Guyanese female media presenter in a scandalousofficialactions. full-page advertisement in the Sunday foul-mouthed rant on Facebook for Against this background, sectors of Stabroek,paidforbyawell-knownPPP commenting critically on the current society which in earlier times routinely camp-follower accusing many named electricitysupplycrisis. voiced opinions and monitored private individuals of remaining silent Neither the living nor the dead, it authoritarian abuse are cowed, over rigging of the 2020 elections. The seems, are immune from ruling party remaining silent or taking refuge in advert also singled out individual outrage over inadequate cheer-leading oblique complaints. Balancing whether opposition parliamentarians for their ofitsaccomplishments. democratic participation is a high supposed‘heinousacts’.
The aphorism ‘All that is required enough priority or a luxury they can’t
The following day, the State-owned for evil to flourish is that good men stay afford too frequently, it ends with the Guyana Chronicle published a column silent’ is usually (and mistakenly) latterchoice.
dedicated to slandering Miles attributed to a well-known historical People of integrity shying away Fitzpatrick and David DeCaires, two politician Edmund Burke. Authorship from involving themselves in political politically independent lawyers, now notwithstanding, however, the ruling life ensures it becomes a race to the deceased Later in the week, the party in Guyana has fully embraced the bottom,reinforcingthetruthofwhat Chronicle devoted an entire column to sentiment, determined to ensure that
(Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, concerning GOAL, it helps common knowledge that an It is awesome, reading people become better educated population is that some “30,000 Guyanese citizens, get a better-paid important in building a have benefitted over the past job, shows the difference n a t i o n ’s e c o n o m y threeyearsfromfree,quality between good and bad According to studies, education, through the Education overall shows us countries with the highest Guyana Online Academy of theimportanceofhardwork, literacy rates are more likely L e a r n i n g ( G O A L ) and at the same time, helps to make progress in human programme” This is us grow and develop. Thus, and economic development. something to celebrate, both we are able to shape a better National economic growth at the personal and societytoliveinbyknowing begins with individual governmental levels; and respecting rights, laws, economic growth, which is personal, as ‘being and regulations. Increasing often linked back to qualified,’ means at least earningpotentialisofcourse education. bargaining for a better living almostautomaticaswell. Editor, education and s t a n d a r d , a n d T h e n a t t h e trainingpay‘bigtime,’even governmentally, it is governmental level, it is (Continued on page 63) testimony to the continuing input of the People’s ProgressiveParty/Civic,into thelivesofGuyanese.
First, at the level of the individual, and specifically
From page 4 decent relations between the friend, of human them and would also help to flourishing.
Edmund Burke did in fact say,namely,
“When bad men weaken the political Civic activists are almost combine, the good must polarization within always temperamentally on associate; else they will fall, Parliament However, the the outside, mistrustful, ever one by one, an unpitied evidence provided this week vigilant for evidence of a sacrifice in a contemptible would suggest respectful breachoffaith. struggle.” relations as a priority of the Ironically given the All of this bodes ill for rulingpartyrankslowerthan ruling party on the past, not the recently announced keeping independent since the worst period of the Constitutional Reform opinionsuppressed. 1970sand‘80shastheStateCommission (CRC) Rather than bring the owned media been so Bringing the political and sectors together, current completely subject to party civic sectors together in the trends reinforce civil society controlasatpresent. formal structure of a CRC tendenciestoregardtheState Executive Committee could be a step in the right as inherently the enemy, Guyana Human Rights direction of strengthening ratherthan(evenpotentially) Association
DEAREDITOR, extent on the choices we development.Itmust,surely, exports in the billions and the balance of our trade in 2022, it was down to a net It is understandable that make. Guyana has scored be clear to anyone – it does billionsarebeinggenerated. services has moved outflow of 3.7 billion USD. Guyanesepeopleshouldfeel phenomenal GDP growth not call for university With international trade dramatically in the opposite The main source of the euphoria over the discovery ratessince2020whentheoil degrees – that understanding and payments playing such direction. The balance of outflow is the expenses of oil in our waters and the industry started operating – what is happening calls for a an important role in service trade that averaged claimed as costs by Exxon prospects which this even against the background broader analysis, a look at Guyana’s economy, we can 126 billion USD annually in resulting in a net outflow of presents,butwhatthismeans of the pandemic – but still, I the bigger picture. From the learn a lot by looking at 2013-2016 was down to 3.1billionUSDin2022.The for our future is an open find it disappointing when viewpoint of economics, for developments in our balance negative $3 9 billion in IMF is projecting this net question. What this leads to people tout these growth example, you have to of payments. Starting with 2022.What accounts for this outflow to reach 11 billion intermsoftheprosperityand rates and Guyana’s elevated wonder how it can be that observations from the decline? The outflow of USD by 2028. Deposits into welfare of Guyanese people per capita incomerankingas foreign exchange shortage is current account, the earnings by Exxon and other the Natural Resource Fund will depend to a significant evidence of improved experienced at a time when dominantfactoris,ofcourse, foreign firms operating in count also as outflows, but the phenomenal growth of Guyana. It is also interesting government’s external exports due mainly to the oil to note that remittance flows borrowing is a significant industry In just three years, into the country have positiveinflow between 2019 and 2022, continued to grow Net The overall state of the Guyana’s goods exports transfers into the country balance of payments is jumped from 1.6 billion to have more than doubled reflected in what is 11 3 billion US Dollars from 491 million USD in happening regarding the (figures obtained from Bank 2018tooverabillionUSDin c o u n t r y ’s s t o c k o f of Guyana and IMF 2022. In other words, in this international reserves. The publications). That means oil-rich society, families IMF record shows an that the value of our exports continue to depend a d d i t i o n t o g r o s s almost doubled every year substantially on the support international reserves of 122 overthatperiod.Butitisalso of relatives and friends million USD in 2022. This significant to note that abroad. brings reserves to a level imports also grew rapidly The current account of providing 1 1 months of Whereas imports of goods the balance of payments import coverage, well below averaged 1.7 billion USD taken as a whole is strongly the recommended level of from 2013 to 2016, in 2021, positive, due mainly to the threemonthscoverage. they had reached 4.4 billion impact of the oil exports, but Wemayalsoconsiderthe in the middle of the thepictureisreversedforthe fiscal position, i e , the pandemic This signalled capital (or financial) balances based on the that the main part of the account.Whereas the capital government’s management import increase was due to account registered a net of its revenue receipts and theoilindustry inflowof314millionUSDin spending Government
Nowwhilethebalanceof 2013, averaging 146 million revenueandspendinghave our goods trade has grown, annually in 2013-16; by (Continued on page 62)
DEAREDITOR, suchanescalationcancause. isimportantforallpersonsof
In the current climate of Further, in being frank influence to help fight and racial tension and division, it and honest which is the only put up a defence against any is imperative that we defence needed to be put up act or forms of racist or approach our discourse with as a defence for Mr Norton racism wherever it raises its clarity,honesty,andfairness. in this regard, as I would for uglyhead.
Asacomradeandmemberof any other member of the All of our leaders and the People’s National party, the coalition or influencers words and Congress Reform, I feel governmentwhoIalsoknow actions should consistently compelled to address the are not racist and is being reflect a message of unity misconceptions and accusedofsuchfalseclaims. andsolidarityinourGuyana. unfoundedaccusationsmade I urge all before forming Rather than resorting to against the leader of the a rushed conclusion to divisive rhetoric or stoking Party, Mr Aubrey Norton as consider the man’s actions, the flames of racial beingRacist. statements, and track record, animosity We all must
At the outset, let me all of which has not resulted consistently seek to bridge unequivocally state that Mr in any form of racist divides and foster dialogue Nortonisnotaracist. elements. among all segments of the
If that were indeed the Itisimportanttofirstand society, having repeated case, I would not have foremost recognize that Mr calls made as we emphasize supported him in 2018 to Norton has been consistent the importance of empathy, become the leader of the in his advocacy for policies understanding, equitable party that promote racial equality, distribution of the state’s I do not encourage, equityandjusticeinGuyana. resourcesandmutualrespect support, associate or engage From supporting initiatives in overcoming the many in those unwelcomed aimedataddressingsystemic challenges we face as a attributes. racism, championing rights nation.
Thisstanceofwhatsome o f m a r g i n a l i z e d We all must demand and may term as a defence communities, and having a ensure that all voices are coming from me may come steadfast dedication to heard and all perspectives as a surprise to some, given advancingthe cause of racial are valued in the decisionMr Norton and I having had harmony, reaffirming that he makingprocess. a very public exchange of isnotaracist. As I have stated in my different points of view Those liked attributes I embryonic remarks, it is several months ago But have also seen in many other important to restate for given the unfortunate party comrades including emphasis, Mr Aubrey divisive rhetoric that often Mr Forde andAmanza, who Nortonisnotaracist. permeates the political both have directly and Yours respectfully, discourse in our country, I indirectly expressed an Regional Chairman hold the view that every interesttoleadthePNCR. PNCR Ten responsible effort should be Editor, as our country Hon. Jermaine Figueira madetodefuseanynegative, continuestomoveforward,it MP
“As it stands, Guyanese are concerned that Jagdeo has once again neglected to seriously assess critical elements of a major national project. If this project is severely delayed...the nation will face a severe blackout crisis throughout 2025 and beyond. Jagdeo must not be allowed to dodge and duck these critical questions and grave issues. A delayed project could lead to an escalating budget and harmful unforeseen consequences. A power plant built on unsuitable soil or inadequate foundations is a recipe for disaster. As natural gas can be explosive, the people of Guyana must demand reassurances on the engineering and operational safeguards to be put in place to prevent any disaster. Such a project must not be cloaked in secrecy and uncertainty.”- Elson Low, Opposition press conference, April 18, 2024.
The government is in the process of acquiring another Catheterization Laboratory
( C a t h L a b ) f o r t h e Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the hospital's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Robbie RambarransaidonSaturday
The CEO was at the time delivering brief remarks at GPHC's second annual Cardiology Symposium held at the Arthur Chung C o n v e n t i o n C e n t r e , Liliendaal.
Speaking of the strides made in the hospital's Cardiology Department over the years, the CEO made mention of the substantial investment in cutting edge equipment used to improve the capabilities of hospital's cardiologydepartment.
“These investments will undoubtedly elevate our capacitytodiagnoseandtreat complex cardiovascular conditions benefiting patients across Guyana,” he said as he announced plans
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony
for another Catheterization Laboratory
In highlighting the immense achievement of the department, Rambarran said that in 2023, the Cardiology Department witnessed a remarkable influx of patients seeking care with a total of 2538 cardiology scans conducted. He noted that the team performed 14,249 echocardiograms, 220 stress tests, 616 angiograms, 286
stents replacement, and 49 pacemakers' implants, u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e comprehensive range of cardiovascular intervention offeredatthefacility
The CEO said also that theinvestmentintrainingand education has been instrumental in enhancing the capacity of staff and improvingpatientoutcomes.
“Last year, we witnessed the graduation of six nurses
from the inaugural batch of cardiovascularnurses'degree programme among with two technicians who acquire a post-graduate diploma in echocardiography through the GPHC Institute of Health Science Education and the University of Guyana,” Rambarranrevealed.
In addition, he said 20 of the hospital's nurses completed the Congenital Heart Disease training
Guyana Project for Advanced Cardiac Care (GPAC), a testament to our ongoing commitment to investing in the professional development of health care workforce by equipping our staffwiththenecessaryskills and expertise. We are not only enhancing the quality of care we provide, but also empowering our team to meet the evolution needs of ourpatient,”herelated.
GPHC's Chief Executive Officer, Robbie Rambarran
curriculum. This, he said, is testament to enhancing their skills and knowledge in specialized areas of cardiologycare.
According to the CEO, at present, they have a group of eight nursing assistants ongoing specialized ECG training and two technicians
undergoing intensive training in echo-sonography with the aim of transitioning to a technician within the cardiologydepartment.
“These training areas are made possible through
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that after the r e a c t i v a t i o n o f t h e partnership with the GPHC andGiftofLifeInternational, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) dedicated to providing lifesaving cardiac cares to countries like Guyana, the hospital was able to facilitate 18 paediatric cardiac surgeries over the course of two missions in 2023. This year saw eight complex cardiology cardiac surgeries being done so far, with two moremissionsexpectedtobe completedwithintheyear
Minister of Health, Dr FrankAnthonyinhisaddress
(Continued on page 57)
The Opposition on Saturday said it welcomes Friday'srulingbyHighCourt Judge Sandil Kissoon where he declared that the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) led strikeislegal.
“We further see the ruling as a blow against the PPP government in its efforts to abusetherightsandfreedoms of workers and other Guyanese and to control public institutions,” a statement from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition (OLO) said in a release to the media.
The Opposition said that the High Court correctly reversed the vengeful antiunion actions of the government to deduct the salaries of teachers who participated in the monthlongstrikeinFebruary,andto discontinue deducting union dues from the salaries of teachersfortheunion.
“We share in the Court's condemnation of the government's actions as “arbitrary, unilateral, and discriminatory”.
The OLO noted too that Guyanese should also take note that the Judge found it necessary to expose the “unprofessional and deceptive conduct” of senior
public servants in the Ministries of Education and Labour,particularlytheChief EducationOfficer.
“While we, in the Opposition, understand the political pressures under which senior public servants work, we call on them to uphold their integrity and resist becoming pawns and lackeys of the PPP government,” the release added.
The Opposition said that it has noted the government's intention to appeal the High Courtrulingallthewaytothe Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ),ifnecessary
The release noted too that the Opposition Coalition will continue to stand on the side of the GTU and the teachers of Guyana as they continue their fight for the respect, remuneration, and other rewardstheydulydeserve.
“Guyanese, as one, must continue to stand up and resist We deserve a government that respects the rights and freedoms of workers and all other citizens and that embraces the p r i n c i p l e s o f g o o d governance. We deserve a government that sees workers' rights as human rights,”thereleasesaid.
He had come to the hadbecome. him had the same idea. And him. After a while, he just considered it a waste of United States on a visitor’s He saw no future in so, he found himself at the said the first thing that came precious money to take him visa. But he could never Guyana. In those days, there back of a long line. He had tohismind.Hewasinadaze somewhere they themselves
explainjusthowhemanaged were lines everywhere. If dressed in his best clothes, and just wanted to get home. hadnevergone. to convince the consular you wanted anything, you butlookingattheattireofthe He was asked to return. He It took him four months officerthathewouldwasnot needed connections. He had others in the line that asked why “For your visa! tolandajobandthenanother planningtostayon. none.Hecamefromafamily morning,hefeltasifhewore “Answered the interviewing four years before he could
Onto this day, he feels without prestige or rags. But his friend had officer He almost dropped rent an apartment on his thanking him. He felt like a t h a t i t w a s d i v i n e reputation. He was not well advised him, “Dress your dead. own.Fourmoreyearsbefore real-life hero and was so intervention. The gods had off. He held no fancy title, bestandyouhaveachance”. He was still in a daze he met a partner and another warned by their affections smiled on him and softened and his education was Hehadboughtanewpair when he left the embassy fouryearsbeforehemarried. that he felt he had won new the heart of the interviewing limited. But he has some ofshoesfortheinterview He The next thing he knew was It was a quiet thing. Not like friends.Heaskedthemabout officer This was the only skills. His hands had always was sorry now They were that he was wandering back home where he would themselves.As it turned out, way he could explain the allowed him to provide for tight.Hisfeetfeltsore.Every around the city, still have been unable to do such they were rich, very rich. non-immigrant visa that he himself and buy enough rum step aggravated the confused that he has thingswithoutafete. They owned a business and hadbeengranted. to drunk himself on situation.Hetriedtodraghis succeeded. Just then the sun The life he dreamed of employed hundreds of
When he entered the weekends. feet as he stepped forward in emerged from behind a was slipping away He now persons. He mentioned that embassy on that fateful It was a life of theline. cloud.Heknewit!Thiswasa had responsibilities.Then he he was down on his luck and morning, he did not believe nothingness. He wanted to After what seemed like sign! The gods had ordained lost his job, then his home had been out of work for that he had any chance of escape.Hetookachanceone an eternity, his turn came. anewfutureforhim.Hislife andlaterhisfamily sometime. obtaining a visitor’s visa. He day and applied for a visa. His palms were damp and wasnotinhishands.Destiny He was starting over The child’s father gave was simply trying his luck. He was called for an beadsofperspirationformed hadtakenitscourse. again Many times, he him a card and told him to He was playing a game of interview, but he did not on his forehead. He forgot Therewasgreatrejoicing thought of returning home. see him the next day As the chance. He felt that he at expectavisa. some of the answers he had when he went home with his Buttheshamewastoomuch. fatherleftthepark,headded, least needed to try so as to Heturnedupearlyforthe rehearsed. immigrant visa. It was a To go back without anything “Comepreparedtowork!” escapethemiserythathislife interview Many others like The questions flew at great joy The celebrations to show would be a harsher He thought to himself began The neighbours truth to face than his present that this was another turning thought he had won the predicament.Hepreferredto point in his life. Lady Luck lottery He had won pineaway had smiled on him. The next something greater- a rare When shoed away from day, he turned up dressed in chancetostarthislifeanew his countrymen, he stayed jacket and tie and his best
Dem Boys seh it look like Guyana catch withoutsellingakidney! Dutch disease, and it spreading like flu in a And what ‘bout them traditional sectors, crowded minibus! Every corner you turn, eh? Paddy bugs causing more trouble than a people bawling ‘bout how hard it is to get mischief-making cousin at a family foreign currency You’d think dem trying to gathering.And now them sugarcane looking get gold from a miser’s grip!And when dem like they’ve been on a diet! Stunted canes, finallygetsome,dembusinesspeoplesaying stuntedprogress,stuntedhopesforabrighter how it slipping through dem fingers like future! sand. You walk into a shop these days, and But wait, we got oil now, right? Plenty youmightneedtomortgageyoursoultobuy blackgoldpumpingfromourshores,making a pack of biscuits. Prices flying higher than some people richer than King Midas. But kite pon Easter Monday! Dem say it’s the where’sthewealthtricklingdownto?Seems Dutch disease making everything more like it’s evaporating faster than water in the expensive. desertsun!
And let’s talk ‘bout them rentals! So, here we are, surrounded by Landlords out here acting like dem own abundance, yet drowning in distress. Dutch pieces of gold instead of just property. Dem disease spreading faster than gossip in a hair hike up the prices so high, you’d think salon.Ifwedon’tfindacuresoon,wemight they’re renting out penthouses in New York as well rename Guyana to “Dutch Guiana” City, not lil’ old Georgetown People andcallitaday! struggling to find a place to rest dem head Talk half. Leff half.
The elation lasted away from social events. He trousers, ready to climb the throughoutthejourneytohis becamereclusive. corporate ladder He felt that new home. He was greeted One day just by chance, havingsavedtheboss’sson’s by his relatives in the United hewaspassingaparkwhena life, he would be given a Stateslikeaconqueringhero little boy ran out onto the seniorposition. with everyone reminding road onto the path of an Hewasgivenaspadeand him how lucky he was to be approaching vehicle He told that henceforth he inthelandofopportunity managed to pluck the boy would be responsible for
When he was asked away from the approaching shoveling snow. He took the wherehewouldliketogo,he vehicle.He did not know job. quickly said the Statue of how he did it. He again felt (The views expressed in Liberty Hisrelativesquickly thatthegodshadcometohis this article are those of the changed the conversation. aid. a u t h o r a n d d o n o t Few of them had ever gone The child’s parents were necessarily reflect the there and most of them grateful. They did not stop opinions of this newspaper.)
The$865MTepuipumpstation contract award has brought out another silky and slippery side of thegreatestsonofGuyana,Bharrat Jagdeo. Please don’t embarrass me by asking the greatest in what respect. But there he was, the economist, now a picky and cautiousEnglishLanguageteacher educating the natives and ‘lowlifes’ of Guyana in the sophistications of the mother tongue. It is the type of spoilage that flows from deep inside of a wicked stepmother The economist is now impressing himself that he is a man astute in the finer points of English syntactical sophistry, when all he succeeds in doing is emphasizing thecheapandgracelessentertainer thathehasbecome.ListentoVice President Jagdeo in his most dazzling House of Commons flourish: “it didn’t say breach, however it pointed out the application for evaluation criteria; an evaluation criterion that was outlined in the bid that there was notaperfectkindofapplicationor in this case, the bid’s criteria” (“Jagdeo blames the evaluation team for handing ‘Critic’ the $865M pump station contract”,
KN April 19, 2024). In the beginning, I thought that I heard the symphonic dedicated to linguistics acrobatics; as clearer light dawned, that composition of Jagdeo’sisthepreludetoGuyana’s funeralmarch.
Chopin,itisnot. Itrustthatall Guyanese now appreciate when I have said repeatedly that as Vice President,itisthebestnationaltitle and recognition that could have been awarded this grand spawn from the bowels of this diseased land. Of course, “it didn’t say breach” but if it was not a disruption and departure from the standing evaluation criteria, then what was it, Mistah Jags? And whatisdisruptionanddeparture,if not a violation, a rupture, a rent in the evaluation criteria garment and,ineffect,nothingbutabreach, “Daktah Jaggy”? These are the jagged edges, the jagging, zigzagging, gagging paths which the Hon. Vice President has made his special reserve. Oh, but this smartest of smart Guyanese man wasjustwarmingup. “Therewas not a perfect kind of application”, says this hallowed servant of the Guyanesepeople. Thankyou,but I will take the cruelest of prison
wardens,theworstthatthegatesof hell could unleash and lay at the threshold. I could deal with all of that,justasIhandlewiththemost delicateoftouchesthismostfragile childthatpretendstobeamanfor Guyanese.
A man of honour, a man of truth, a man of clarity and comprehensive cogency Look at whathehasputhistorturedmindto workfor,tosliceanddiceandthen smooth over For the enlightenment of this most soggy and tricky of local presences, I tender this gift free of any consideration.
If it was “not a perfect kind of application”, then it was less than perfect, hence, imperfect Therefore, whether the lovely loyalistsinthePublicProcurement Commissionused“breach”ornot, I tender (not a pun) that what occurred represents a breach Several breaches. Egregious breaches. Inexplicablebreaches. I couldagreewith“DaktahJag”that theword“breach”wasmissing,for what happened was more than a breach. It was and is a crime. WhatistantamounttoaClassOne white-collarfelony
The evaluation committee
must have been composed of the same kind of minds that were aroundthatUS$214millionExxon audit, which was miraculously rejigged to US$3 million Somebody in Guyana is pushing hard for poor, simple fellows (like me)toacceptthatasaccidentaland unpremeditated and untouched by political hands. I wonder if BharratJagdeoknowsanyonewho meets that criterion. From Exxon auditamounttoevaluationcriteria managers, the PPP Government has developed the extraordinary skill of identifying a rare kind of Guyanese worker who knows just what fits the bill, what delivers to the satisfaction of their wily, expectant, commanding political masters.
If we all had willing and devoted helpers like those in the PPP Government’s handpicked machinery,therewouldbenoneed to be concerned about anything. There are always soldiers running in front to do the kinds of jobs needed,includingsuicidemissions and, better still, take silent ownershipoftheconsequences.
Now, I make it my duty to inform Excellency Ali (probably an oxymoron), Vice President
Jagdeo(themostsuitabletitle),and Attorney General Nandlall (generaloverthepracticeofwhat), and their likeminded boosters: there is stink and “dutty”. Then, there is what is slimy and sleazy and encompasses all that deathly sickly about this nasty and grimy country Okay, it wasn’t called a breach,norwasitnotaperfectkind of application of criteria, but that contract award possessed all the stuff of the moral and intellectual (and leadership) sewer that Guyana is so proudly about today I leave with another gift - time worn but timeless - for all of my fellowcitizens:“Ohwhatatangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” (Sir Walter Scott, Marmion). Note carefully: the tangled web comes after deceivingisthefirstpractice.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaperanditsaffiliates.)
BharratJagdeohasrefusedto statewhetherthenewoilspill legislation will address full liability coverage from oil spills.
At his Thursday press conference held at Freedom House, Kaieteur News asked, “Can you say if the new legislation will seek to cap how much coverage Guyana gets in the event of an oil spill?”
In response, the Vice President said, “The legislation is being developed,itwillspeakabout responsibility It's just being drafted now and looking at the experience around the world. So once that's done, youwillknowaboutit.”
“But I hope that you praise the government a little bit for passing legislation of this nature, very few countries have that. I hope
you can say something positive about that,” Jagdeo added.
According to reports, on March24,1989,anoiltanker owned by ExxonMobil Corporation and dubbed the “Exxon Valdez” ran aground in a body of water in the Gulf of Alaska. It was heading to Long Beach, California with over 50 million barrels of oil but had hit a well-known navigationhazardinAlaska's waters.
The impact of the collision tore open the ship's hull,causingsome11million gallons of crude oil to spill into the ecologically sensitive location At the time, it was the largest single oilspillinU.S.waters.Initial attempts to contain the oil failed, and in the months that followed,theoilslickspread, eventually blackening about 1,300 miles of Alaska's
coastline. It was, and still is, regarded as one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S.history
At a previous press conference, Jagdeo had outlined the key components of the proposed legislation, including delineating responsibilities, liabilities, a n d c o m p e n s a t i o n mechanisms in the event of anoilspill.
“So we have been working at this for a while now, looking at how we strengthen legislatively, so we can have clear legislation onhowtotacklethesethings, there is no ambiguity, just in case these things happen,” theVicePresidentsaid.
He underscored the importance of clarity and fairness, stressing the need for independent mechanism to resolve disputes regarding compensation for spills. He
noted, “Often oil companies argue if the government comes up with a figure for compensation they will argue (for) a different figure. So an independent fair
consequences of the spill but also a mechanism that could lead to resolution to things like compensation etcetera,” Jagdeotoldreporters.
The Vice President also addressed the complexities surrounding liability in cases involvingvesselshiredbyoil companies, highlighting the gaps in existing regulations. Hesaidthenewlawwillcater for spills that occur during the transport of petroleum products.
mechanism for all of those things.”
Jagdeo further explained that the Government's aim is to strengthen the law governing any situation in theeventofanoilspill.
“We will determine responsibilitiesbothfromthe states side and from the parties causing the spill, we will determine liabilities in the act who will be liable for what, we would have to have amechanismthatallowsusto immediately tackle the
Jagdeo said, “So if a vessel were to have a blowout, one of these big vessels transporting oil and gas they may not be associatedwithExxon,thisis a company that they hire. So whoisliableinthatinstance? And how do we enforce the liability? All of these are questions that we would look atinthelegislation.”
S p e a k i n g o n t h e Petroleum Commission, Jagdeo said the government is still to decide on the implementation of the independentbody Outsideof that, he said the Government hasfulfilleditspolicyagenda fortheoilandgassector,with new things to come on stream.
Samples from Corentyne siblings sent to GPHC lab for additional tests …initial tests point to dengue related complications – Health Minister
Samples from the Corentyne siblings who died this week have been sent to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation's (GPHC) laboratory to be tested. The tests are being donetodeterminetheircause ofdeath.
The Ministry of Health launched an investigation into the deaths of 9-year-old
Arianna and Ricardo Mahabir after reports surfaced in the media on Wednesday
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony in a brief interview with Kaieteur News on Friday said that while initial investigations determined that the children died from dengue related complications, and a subsequent post-mortem examination was done, a decision was taken to exploreotherdiagnoses.
“At the time when I
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony
spoke around 12, that ( d e n g u e r e l a t e d complications) was the diagnosis we were working with However, the government pathologist did apost-mortemandtheyare
(Continued on page 55)
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo is confident that the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has kept its campaign promise to engage i n b e t t e r c o n t r a c t management, since the administration has managed to enact Local Content legislation and will be receiving free gas from the offshore, Stabroek Block operations to provide cheaper electricity to Guyanese.
The PPP/C in its 2020 Elections Manifesto promised to not only to renegotiate oil contracts but to engage “immediately” in b e t t e r c o n t r a c t administration so that the country benefits more from itsoilandgasresources.
It has now decided it no longer wants to renegotiate the 2016 oil contract with ExxonMobil and its CoVenturers, Hess and CNOOC, due to its potential toslowdowntheindustry
In its evaluation of the government's performance, the Opposition described the PPP's management of the Exxon contract abysmal, owing to the glaring lack of transparency and failure to securemorebenefitsthrough the recently approved Whiptail development, Exxon's sixth deep-water project.
The lopsided PSA cleverly outlines in the Stabilization Clause that no new taxes, laws or royalty should be imposed on the Contractor that causes adverse effects on its profits as government would be required to take all actions necessary to ensure the contractor's benefits are restored.
In light of the foregoing, this newspaper recently asked the Vice President to say what efforts have been made by government to ensure there is better management of the contract to ensure Guyana gains fully from the existing fiscal terms. Kaieteur News also highlighted that Exxon would be required to make 25 helicopter trips per week asaresultofthesixthproject and asked the politician whether the country has any involvement in the award of thoselargecontracts.
It has been argued that Guyanashouldhaveaseatat the table when such large contractsarebeingapproved since the country is footing those costs The Vice President however appears to be comfortable in the current arrangement which onlyallowsGuyanatoverify contracts after they have beenawarded.
He explained on Thursday during his weekly press conference at Freedom House, “We are not comanagers of the project. We auditandtheauditorshaveto look at comparable prices…andthentheywould say its inflated or not. That's why it is post audited to see whetherwearegettingvalue formoney.”
Jagdeopointedoutthatif the auditors find exorbitant contract costs, compared to rates elsewhere, they can querythecostorrecommend it be removed, through the costrecoveryaudit.
TheGeneralSecretaryof the PPP/C then switched caps to defend the party's commitment to better contractmanagement.
He said, “We have i n s i s t e d t h a t m o r e opportunities, that in the past,beforewehadtheLocal Content Law that Exxon used to bundle these opportunitiesandsometimes directly award to a company or award them in a manner that would exclude local people, so we said that the activities have to be unbundled and tendered so that Guyanese and Guyanese companies can have an opportunitytobidonthem.”
Jagdeo pointed out that
through the Local Content Actpassedin2021,Exxonis expectedtospendUS$700M this year to benefit some 2,000 Guyanese companies, outside of the benefits from thePSA.
Furthermore, the Vice President highlighted that the Licences awarded to ExxonMobil by the PPP administration have been significantly evolved to enhance safety, reliability andmonitoring.
“If you go through the comprehensive agreements that are put online, you would see how they have evolved into more robust management tools requiring h i g h e r l e v e l s o f accountability on the part of the operators. The same has happened in terms of e n v i r o n m e n t a l sustainability Youwouldsee higher standards set and g r e a t e r c o m p l i a n c e requirements,”hesaid.
Jagdeo then went on to note that mere days after the governmentwasswornin,he met with Exxon to outline the administration's plans to enact a Local Content Law andmadeitclearthatthegas from the Liza One and Liza Two projects must be delivered free of cost to support the Gas-to-Energy project. He boasted that the free gas is valued at tens of US-billions over the life of the contract, which will benefit Guyanese through lowerelectricitycosts.
To this end, he told this newspaper, “In a very practical way, we have done better, we created a better framework for managing, we have eked out more
Almost four years after the PPP/C promised better contract administration Guyana still has:
1. No independent meters to verify oil production
2. No robust reviews of Field Development Plans (FDPs)
3. No say in the award of large contracts to support oil and gas operations
4. No transparency in management of the petroleum sector (reserves hidden since 2022, cost recovery statements not public, interest rates on ExxonMobil’s equity contribution unknown, etc )
5. No unlimited parent company guarantee to protect nation from oil spill
6. No sanctions for Exxon, other oil companies for abusing Guyana’s oil profits
7. No ring-fencing
8. No independent Petroleum Commission
benefits significantly, running into the billions of USdollarsofbenefitsforour people and our country withoutrenegotiating.”
However,KaieteurNews askedtheVicePresidentifhe doesnotbelievethatGuyana can ensure better contract management by simply having a say in the procurement of large contracts, especially since this would not cause “adverse effects” on the
J a g d e o h o w e v e r dismissed this view, arguing that the country is not privy toco-managetheoperations, even though it funds the sector in the absence of ringfencing and through the cost recoverymechanism.
He said, “We don't have co-management we are entitled to 50% of the profits and2%oftheroyaltiessowe really don't have 50% ownership of the company,
we are entitled to 50% of the profitsandtheroyalty.”
Further,henoted,“Sowe have our say in controlling costbecausecostdetermines the extent of profit - if they inflate cost, the profits become lower, and our control is not through the day-to-daymanagement,but it is a post expenditure audit to look at similar cost in the industry and whether these costs approximate those costs.”
ExxonMobilCEO,other officialstookpayincrease, US-millionsinbonusasoil productioninGuyana rampsup
Theexcitingdrillingand production results of ExxonMobil in its most cherished acreage globally, the 6 6 million acresStabroek Block in Guyana has been increasing the profits of the American oil company, with top executives being praised for the remarkable growth benefittingtheshareholders.
In acknowledgement of t h e c o m p a n y ’ s achievements, its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Darren Woods, as well as four other senior executives have been granted salary increases effectiveJanuary1,2024.
Thisyear,Woodswillbe paid an additional US$94,000annuallyormore than $1.5M monthly. His new monthly salary is US$164,083- equivalent to morethan$32.8MGYD.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that among those receiving a bigger pay cheque this year are Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Kathryn Mikells, Senior Vice Presidents, Neil Chapman and Jack Williams and President, ExxonMobil ProductSolutionsCompany, KarenMcKee.
Exxon revealed to its shareholders that the annual salary was increased for Mr Woods to $1,969,000; Ms. Mikells to $1,276,000; Mr Chapmanto$1,259,000;Mr Williamsto$1,271,000;and Ms. McKee to $1,116,200, with effect from January 1, 2024.
Notably, the top executives also benefitted from massive year-end bonuses last year For instance, Woods received US$4,787,000; Mikells US$3,154,000; Chapman US$3,282,000; Williams US$3,282,000 and McKee US$2,799,000.
Thecompanyinits2023 Annual Report, released on Thursday, revealed that it pocketedUS$36Binprofits, drivenbytherecordlevelsof oilproductioninGuyanaand thePermian. Woods told shareholders oftheFortune-500company that Exxon outpaced peers across a range of metrics, delivering earnings of $36 billion and operating cash
flows of $55 billion. In fact, he boasted that since 2019, the oil giant has grown earnings at a compound annual growth rate of more than 40% and cash flow by more than 15% – both well aheadofitsnearestpeer Woodswaskeentonote, “Our industry leadership extendstoourrecordannual production in Guyana and the Permian and the continued strengthening of our already advantaged p o r t f o l i o t h r o u g h divestments, acquisitions, andinvestments.”
The CEO described Exxon’soilandgasactivities in Guyana as one of “our mostexcitingandsuccessful –forourbusiness,thepeople ofGuyana,andtheworld”.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, the subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation is currently producing approximately 645,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the Stabroek Block, offshore Guyana. Three projects, the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara are currently in operation.
A fourth Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vesselOne Guyana- is expected to startup in 2025; while the fifthproject-Uaru-ispoised forfirstoilin2025.
Only on Friday Exxon announced that its sixth development- Whiptail- has been sanctioned by the
government of Guyana. It therefore noted that the Stabroek Block partners are on track to have six FPSOs operational by 2027, which willcollectivelyproduce1.3 millionbarrelsperday
Even as oil production activities continue to ramp up locally, undoubtedly delivering more profits to ExxonMobil and its CoVenturers, the Government of Guyana (GoG) has refused to engage the operator of the Stabroek Block for a renegotiation of the lopsided contract that governsthearea.
While Exxon can pay higher salaries and massive bonuses to its executives on account of the growth of production activities in Guyana, the country has not beenabletoextendthesame privilege to its public servants.Thishadresultedin a month-long strike by educators across the nation earlier this year Similarly, the country has been losing its trained nurses to other countries, and is now mulling the importation of labourfromBangladeshand Cubatofilltofillthehuman resourcegap.
The current Petroleum Agreement that was signed in 2016 by the former administration has been widely criticized, however, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), though it promised to renegotiate all
the coastlines of Venezuela, the Lesser Antilles, and the Greater Antilles, ” ExxonMobil said in its EIA that was submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)forapproval.
According to the Exxon submittedandEPAapproved EIA, “if such an improbable event were to happen, the environmental and socioeconomic impacts could include impacts on marine mammals through ingestionorinhalationofoil; intergenerationalimpactson marineturtlesthroughoiling ofnestingbeaches;systemic ecological and food-web impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems; and impacts on air quality, marine birds, marine fish, andmarinebenthos.”
Additionally, key socioeconomic impacts couldincludehealthimpacts onindividualsexposedtooil and impacts on fisherfolk livelihoods driven by the impact on marine fish and theplannedProjectactivities would not cause irreversible damagetoanyonshoreareas ofGuyana.
oilcontracts,isnowarguing that such a move could destabilize the country and itsgrowthprospects.
Oilspillat6thoilproject potentiallyputsRegionat risk–EIA …upto40%chance ofimpactingGuyana’s shoresdirectly
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) conducted for the recently approved Whiptail DevelopmentProject(6thoil project)showsthatthereisa 10 to 40 percent probability that should there be a large oilspill,thespillcouldreach the Coast of Guyana (Regions1and2)depending on the oceanographic
The EIAalso states that, “even in the unlikely event of a large marine oil spill, little irreversible damage wouldbeexpected,although it could take a decade or more for all resources to fully recover, depending on the volume and duration of the release, as well as the time of year If authorized, the Project will be EMGL’s sixth FPSO development in theStabroekBlock.”
Meanwhile, as it relates to the environmental challenges, the EIA for the project notes that while G u y a n a ’ s w a s t e management infrastructure capacity is expected to be sufficient to support Project operations in the short term (up to 4 years) ongoing coordination with the
conditions at the time of the spillandthetimeoftheyear “This modeling also indicated that a mitigated and unmitigated spill could reach the coastline of Trinidad and Tobago and an unmitigatedspillcouldreach
could also occur during unplanned events such as a hydrocarbon spill (marine oilspill,coastalfuelspill,or non-aqueous drilling fluid release), vessel collision, discharge of untreated wastewater from the FPSO, vehiclecollision,orcollision betweenmarineanimalsand aProjectcomponent(vessel, flare, or helicopter) but insists, “these events are considered unlikely to occur.”
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) filed an A p p l i c a t i o n f o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l Authorization with the Guyana Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)on 15 December 2022, for the Whiptail Development Project.
The EPA, with the g u i d a n c e o f t h e Environmental Advisory Board,hastheresponsibility of granting or denying authorization and determining any conditions under which to grant authorization. On review of EMGL’s Application, the EPA determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was required.
ThepurposeoftheEIAis to present the necessary informationon,andanalysis of, potential and predicted impacts that EMGL’s proposedProjectmayhaveif itweretobeimplemented,to enable the EPA to make an informed decision on EMGL’sApplication.
6thoilprojectpermit revealsCitizenswillhave totakeExxonMobil toCourttofightfor compensationfrom oilspill …asGovt.todecide amountofcashforparent companyguarantee
government and waste management providers is necessary to ensure longterm waste management needsaremet.
Thedocumenthighlights that potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts
The Environmental Permit obtained by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)foritssixth oil project in the Stabroek Block- Whiptail- does not require an unlimited parent company guarantee to fully protectthenationagainstthe perils associated with a major disaster that may occur Intheabsenceofsuch a guarantee, citizens in Guyana, and even those that may be affected beyond this nation’sborders,willhaveto fight in the Courts to seek compensation from the Exx
a p p r o v e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the Whiptail development, on April10,2024.Section14.1 of the Permit states, “The Permit Holder and its CoVenturers (CoVs) are liable for all costs associated with clean up, restoration and compensation for any damages caused by any d i s c h a r g e o f a n y contaminant, including the costofallinvestigationsinto pollution incidents or discharge of contaminants, conducted at the instance of Agency.”
To ensure the Permit HolderanditsCoVsareable to cover its “legitimate liabilities arising under the Permit and theAct”, EMGL shall provide, to theAgency or the State a written declaration of the Permit Holder and its CoVs’ financial capabilities to fulfill all environmental liabilities as required by the ActandthePermit.
To this end, three pieces of documentation are required,includingawritten declarationtotheAgencyof the Permit Holder and its CoVs’ financial capabilities to fulfill all environmental liabilities as required by the Act and the Permit and evidence of insurance. The third requirement is Financial Assurance, in the form of a Guarantee Agreement that must be to the satisfaction of the government.
The Permit requires, “FinancialAssurance, in the form of a Guarantee and IndemnityAgreementissued infavouroftheGovernment oftheCo-operativeRepublic of Guyana (represented by the Agency), as beneficiary, by each of either the parent company or an affiliate of each CoV covering the liabilities under this Permit for a cumulative amount guided by the estimate described in Condition14.3andinaform as further described in condition 14 6 (hereafter referred to as the
The Whiptail Permit makes it clear that the insurance and financial assurance provided shall be “guidedbyanestimateofthe sum of the reasonably crediblecosts,expenses,and liabilities that may arise from any breach of the Act andthisPermit.” This means that the assurance will not be a signed “unlimited guarantee” but will be capped at a specific sum. Section14.3ofthedocument goes on to note, “Liabilities are considered to include costs associated with responding to an incident, clean-up and remediation and monitoring. Such cumulative amount required is not expected to include costs which may be a s s o c i a t e d w i t h compensation for loss and ongoing damage to other
parties,andwhichareableto be pursued through civil proceedings.”
This means that citizens willnotbeprotectedfroman oilspillinthePermitgranted by the EPA but will be required to fight the oil company in Court for compensationintheeventof aspill.
While the oil spill guarantee does not protect citizens, the insurance Exxonisrequiredtoprovide also fails to mention coverage for the livelihoods of citizens that can be affected.
The EPA however did reserve the right to require further insurance as necessary.
permittedactivities;andany other requirements made by theAgency
T h e U S $ 1 2 7 B deepwater project was sanctioned by the GoG on April11,2024.Whiptailwill target an estimated resource base of more than 850 million barrels of oil and includeupto10drillcenters and 48 production and injectionwells.
The floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for Whiptail, which will be called Jaguar, i s a l r e a d y u n d e r construction Exxon is aiming to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day at the project by the end of 2027.
block covers 6 6 million acres (26,800 square kilometers) and is operated by ExxonMobil’s affiliate witha45%interest.
The company’s partners intheblockareHessGuyana Exploration (30%) and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana (25%).
Chevron-Hesstieupcould draguntilnextyear courtesyofExxon–Hess saysinsecuritiesfiling
Chevron’s acquisition of GuyanasuperstarHesscould be delayed until next year thanks to Exxon Mobil’s arbitrationcase,Hesssaidin aFridaysecuritiesfiling.
But in February, Exxon raised a challenge to Chevron’s takeover, claimingithadthefirstright of refusal on the stake that Chevron would absorb with the Hess acquisition CNOOC quickly mounted a similar challenge. Chevron has argued that the right of first refusal does not apply because the deal is for the acquisitionoftheentiretyof Hess, and not just for its Guyanaassets.
Guyana has become a hotspot for oil exploration and development in recent years after Exxon and Hess found more than 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent offshoretheSouthAmerican country Exxon, leading a consortium with Hess and CNOOC, is currently producingallthecrudeoilin Guyana the world’s newestoil-producingnation.
Exxonholdsa45%stake in the Stabroek block, with Hess holding a 30% stake. Production from Stabroek is on track to soon reach 620,000 bpd, with some estimating this to rise to 1.2 million bpd by 2027
Without Hess’s share of Guyana’s assets in the mix, Chevron is unlikely to be interested in a Hess acquisitionatall.
VPJagdeopussyfooting aroundtoreleaseofWales Gasprojectagreements
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeoisreluctanttotellthe nation when the Gas-toEnergy (GTE) agreements
The insurance must coverandwillnotbelimited to (a) loss or damage to all assetsusedintheProject;(b) w e l l c o n t r o l ; ( c ) environmental damage caused in the course of the ProjectforwhichthePermit Holder will be, jointly and severally, held responsible, including clean up; (d) loss or damage to property or bodilyinjurysufferedbyany third party in the course of the Project for which the PermitHolderisliableto;(e) the cost of removal of wreckage and clean-up operations required as a result of an accident occurring in the course of
According to project documents, the Whiptail project will develop the Whiptail, Pinktail, and Tilapia fields, along with potential additional resources, if determined to befeasibleandeconomically viable.
Based on ExxonMobil’s plans, six oil ships with a grossproductioncapacityof morethan1.2millionbarrels ofoilperdayareexpectedto be online on the Stabroek block by the end of 2027, to develop the estimated gross discovered recoverable resources of more than 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent The Stabroek
Hess said in the filing that the $53 billion merger couldbedelayeduntil2025. The deal was originally supposed to close this summer Both Exxon and CNOOChavebroughtcases against the acquisition, arguing that, as current partners with Hess in the prolificStabroekblock,they legallyhavetherightoffirst refusal.InOctober,Chevron said that it would purchase Hess Corporation in an allstocktransactionvaluedata whopping $53 billion. The deal would give Chevron a bite at some of the world’s most coveted oil reserves in Guyana’sStabroekblock.
willbetabledintheNational Assembly
He was asked by this newspaper on Thursday during his weekly press conference when the agreements would be made publicwhenhesaid“maybe soon”.
In fact, the Chief Policymaker for the oil and gassectornotedthatthe
details of the agreement are already public knowledge. According to him, “Everything that you see in the agreement you know we told you the price- US$750 million; we told you the timeline for implementation; you know how many turbines and what’s the size of the turbines…you know what the liquidating damages are.”
Jagdeo therefore said, “Maybesoon,Idon’tknow I don’t know That’s for Gail Teixeira and the others” when asked when the agreements would be laid in Parliament.
He argued that the Opposition has been calling for the release of the documents as part of its normal “gyaff”. “When you don’t have anything to say, youjustsayohwedon’thave enoughinformation,”theVP reasoned.
Jagdeo then pointed out that the former President, Donald Ramotar had tabled the agreements relating to the Amaila Falls Hydro power project, including the environmental studies, feasibility study, design studyandothersbutthiswas not analysed by the Opposition, which has mixed up the facts of the project.
He accused the group of lyingabouttheprojectwhich is then published by newspapers. As such the VicePresidentargued,“Iam done with helping this Opposition and some of the people; you have to sort
TheOppositionhasbeen callingonthegovernmentto tableallagreements,relative to the massive US$2 billion GTE project, in Parliament however none of the documents have been presented to the nation Since 2022, the government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures, ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, that outlines the principlesandconditionsfor the commercial and technical arrangements of thedeal.
The GTE project includes a pipeline, to be built and financed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components, a 300-megawatt power plant and a natural gas liquid (NGL) facility is being constructed by the governmentofGuyana.
Former Minister of Public Infrastructure and Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson recently raised concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding theproject.
HeexplainedthatBudget 2024 reveals that Guyana has already spent US$400M on the initiative but the country remains in the dark on the deals struck with government and its contractors.
To date however, Pattersonsaidnoagreements have been supplied to the Houseontheproject.
The former Minister
Whiptail is Exxon’s 6th deepwaterproject,peggedat US$12.7B. It is expected to produce 250,000 barrels of oilperdayby2027.
believesthatthegovernment is reluctant to table the agreements as these would expose the beneficiaries of the arrangements. He said, “Obviously they don’t wanna lay it because that would unravel where the feed troughs are and how unviable this entire thing is. It would show how corrupt this thing is ” The government has been reluctant to release documents relative to this project and numerous attempts by the Opposition toseekclarityintheNational Assembly have been defeated.
MP Catherine Hughes hadcomplainedlastyearthat questions submitted by her werenotallowedbySpeaker of the House, Manzoor Nadirsincetheseissueswere addressed by Head of the GTE Taskforce, Winston Brassington when Guyana hosted its Energy Conference in 2023. This wasthefourthattemptbythe Opposition seeking details s u r r o u n d i n g t h e controversialGTEproject.
ExxonMobilwillbe allowedtopumpabove safetylimitsaftertwo yearsin6thoilproject–PetroleumLicence
The Government of Guyana(GoG)hasinserteda provision into the Whiptail Petroleum Production
Licence that allows
ExxonMobil G
uyana Limited(EMGL)toproduce oil above the safety limits, two years after the start of operations.
According to the Petroleum Production LicencegrantedtoEMGLon April 11, 2024, the Licence Holder shall facilitate and fullycooperatewithreviews of production optimization reports for the Whiptail project.
TheLicencestates,“The first such review shall commence two (2) years afterstartup.”
The oil company will be required to meet with the Chief Inspector, at his request,toensureanyissues, concerns, and/ or recommendations arising out of the review are complied with and/ or addressedinamannerthatis satisfactory to the Minister ofNaturalResources.
Exxon’s Environmental Permit, obtained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – datedApril 10, 2024- also states in Section 13.30, “No system upgrades and/ or production increase above the FPSO’s key design rates shall be implemented without the written approval of the Agency.”
ExxonMobil to date has ramped up oil production beyond the designed capacity of two Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, the Liza Destiny and Liza Unity The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the two projects indicate that the Liza One and Liza Two projects were designed to safely operate at 120,000 and220,000barrelsofoilper day(bpd),respectively The most recent production statisticssourcedfromtheMinistryof Natural Resources Petroleum Management Programme- indicates that Exxon is producing more
than150,000bpdattheLiza Destiny and over 250,000 bpdattheLizaUnityFPSOs. Thismeansthatbothvessels are producing 30,000 bpd more than it they were designedto.
Athird FPSO that began producing oil in November 2023- Prosperity- is producing approximately 230,000 bpd. That vessel was designed to safely produce oil at a capacity of 220,000bpd.
Stakeholders have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with the ramping up of oil and gas production in the Stabroek BlockbyExxonMobil,even as the country is not fully protected from the costs of anoilspill.
Exxon previously explainedthattheFPSOsare safely modified to allow for the vessels to produce at higher volumes daily This technical process is rigorously examined and reviewedbytheregulatorof thesector,theEPA.
GuyanesegainUS$1.5B incontractsfrom ExxonMobilin9years
The Government of Guyana (GoG) has refused to renegotiate the lopsided termsofthe2016Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil and has instead opted to pursue the “low-hangingfruits”suchas opportunities in the Local Contentsector
Since 2015, however when the operator of the Stabroek Block struck oil, the company has only spent US$1.5 billion in contracts procured from local companies.
This was revealed by ExxonMobil Guyana
Limited (EMGL) on Tuesday in a social media post. The company said it recently received its 2023
Local Content Certificate of Compliance from the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat aswellasitsapprovalforthe 2024annualplan.
“We are proud of the workwe’redoinginGuyana to help develop a globally competitive workforce and supply chain,” Exxon said, adding that “ExxonMobil Guyana and its contractors have spent US $1.5 billion with Guyanese suppliers sinceoilwasfirstdiscovered in2015”.
The company was keen to point out that more than 1,700 unique local suppliers and6,200Guyanesesupport itsactivitiesinGuyana.
Notably, Guyana has only received a total of US$4.2 billion in revenue from the production of oil that commenced in December 2019 In the meantime, ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess and CNOOC have walked away with a whopping US$21.6B in profits and through the cost recovery mechanism outlinedinthePSA.
Guyana has failed to secure more revenue from the production of its sweet light crude as a result of the contract that was signed by the previous government in 2016.ThedealallowsExxon to deduct 75% of the monthly earnings to recover its investments into the block.Theremaining25%in then shared with Guyana as profits,withthecountrypaid anadditional2%asroyalty
Guyana has also waived taxesforthecompanyandits subcontractors, losing billions annually as a result of this major gap The country further loses revenue by failing to ringfence the projects in the Stabroek Block A ringfencing provision would prevent oil companies from using revenue generated fromaproductionfieldto (Continuedonpage58)
miner of Batavia Village, Cuyuni River, Region Seven was found floating in the Essequibo River on Friday afterhewasreportedmissing twodaysprior
The dead man was identifiedasExleyBoyal.
Police in a press release stated that Boyal's body was found at about 17:30hrs on Friday
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Boyal went missing on April 18, 2024, around 10:45hrs. According to police, a boat captain from Falmouth Essequibo River, called the Bartica Police Station and reported that he saw a small wooden boat called 'ballahoo' with a 15 horse power (HP) Yamaha outboard engine drifting in the vicinity of Byderabo, Essequibo River He reportedlytoldpolicethatthe engine was on, but no one wasintheboat.
Following that, a rank visited the scene where the boatwaslocatedandasearch was conducted. Notably the
rank found 1 ZTE cellular phone and four five-gallon pails. Thereafter, the boat was taken to the Bartica Police Station, where it was lodged.
A telephone number for the wife of the deceased was obtained, and she was contacted shortly after and told of the discovery The wife reportedly told ranks thatBoyalisherhusbandand identified the boat that was found in the Essequibo River to be their property She added that onApril 18, 2024, at 08:30hrs, she, along with her husband and a 59-yearold Chainsaw Operator from Batavia Village, traveled to Bartica,RegionSeven. Additionally, the woman r e v e a l e d t h a t s h e disembarked at Bartica Market, while her husband and the 59-year-old male proceeded to Burn Bush, EssequiboRiver
Amidstthediscovery,the male was contacted and questioned by ranks, and he indicated that after Boyal's wife went at Bartica Market, he and the deceased went to
Notably on the way, they stopped at Dass's Liquor Store at First Avenue, Bartica, and purchased half a bottle of High Wine and startedimbibing.
The chainsaw operator said too that they arrived safely at Sherry's Saw Mill, and after a while, Boyal left Burn Bush to return to Barticawiththeboat.
As such, a search party was formed, and searches were conducted in the area for Boyal, but he was not foundduringthatsearch.
Notably on Friday, Boyal's body was fished out and escorted to the Bartica Hospital, where he was pronounceddeadonarrival.
Examinations were done onthebodybyaCrimeScene Technician (CST) and no marks of violence were seen.
However, 'blood-like' substance was seen oozing fromhisnostrils.
His body was then taken to the hospital mortuary for storage as it awaits a postmortemexamination.
Following the discovery of a syringe in a water dispenser at the Campbellville Health Centre on Friday, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has assuredthatnostaffofthehealthcentre hassufferedanyadverseeffects.
The hospital, in a statement issued to address reports of staff feeling unwell said that at about 14:00h, a security officer assigned to the health centre discovered the syringe in the dispenser located in the staff lunch room.
Upon the discovery, the clinic administration immediately alerted GPHC's administration and the Chief Internal Security Officer GPHC
reported that its Chief Security Officer then made contact with the police who visited the health centre to investigate theincident.
“Contrary to the misinformation circulating on social media, at the time of discovery, no staff reported any adverse health effects. However, in adherence to established protocols, all staff members were immediately transported to the Accident and Emergency Department at GPHC for precautionary screening for any potential toxicological concerns,” GPHCsaid.
The hospital said that after thoroughassessments,GPHCrevealed that the staff was discharged and are in
Kaieteur News understands that samples from the syringe and water dispenser were taken and sent for testing at a laboratory which later revealed that there were traces of alcoholpresentinthesamples.
According to the hospital, the incident is currently under investigation by both the Guyana Police Force and GPHC's internal security team.“The Georgetown Pubic Hospital Corporation wishes to emphasize that the health and wellbeing of our staff and patients are of paramount importance and as such, take this incident very seriously,” the hospitalsaid.
An earthquake is generally caused by the shiftingoftheearth’stectonic plates and with the E x x o n M o b i l l e d consortium’s latest
US$12 7B Whiptail Development Project being located in the vicinity of the fault line close to the South American and Caribbean Plates, the activity poses increasedseismicactivitythat could potentially see Guyana’s coastline being ravagedbyatsunami
Thisisdocumentedinthe recently approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), that was s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)
T h e W h i p t a i l Development Project is located some 294 kilometers awayfromanareathatposes increased risk of seismic activity at the boundary between the Caribbean and SouthAmericanplates
The document also outlines that with regards to the Whiptail Development Area “deep-seated faults on theoutershelf,someofwhich appear to offset the seabed, mayindicateaslightlyhigher risk of seismic activity than has previously been considered” As such, it was reported that “Guyana could experience tsunamis generated from seismic activity outside Guyana if such activity propagated waves of sufficient magnitudeandintherequired direction”
According to the document, “major earthquakes frequently occur along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, where the
South American Plate is subducting beneath the CaribbeanPlate”
The Whiptail Production Area,accordingtotheEIAis located approximately 294 kilometersfromtheboundary between the Caribbean and South American plates and more than 1,050 kilometers fromthenearestareaofactive seismicity (in the vicinity of PuertoRico)
According to Exxon basedonitsstudies,“thereisa 2 percent chance in a given 50-year period that a very small seismic event (which mightnotevenbeperceptible if someone were at the exact location of the event) would occurinthePDA(Production Development Area)
Referring to the map, the nearest area identified on the map as having an elevated seismicriskisapproximately 294kilometersawayfromthe PDA, at the boundary between the Caribbean and SouthAmericanplates”
Although one of the eight discoveries made by ExxonMobil in Guyana’s prolific Stabroek Block, since the last resource update,isestimatedtoholdsome746million barrelsofoil,VicePresidentBharratJagdeo saysthecountry’sreserveshavenotchanged significantlysince2022.
The last resource count, dated April 26, 2022, declared the recoverable resource for the Stabroek Block at nearly 11 billion oilequivalent barrels Since then, Exxon announcedeightsubsequentdiscoveries,the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, and Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the recently announcedBluefindiscovery
It was revealed that the Lancetfish discovery, which was made in April 2023, averaged some 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746 million barrels, according totheconversionformulaoftheIndependent PetroleumAssociationofAmerica.
Jagdeo during his Thursday press briefing remained tight-lipped on the country’sreserves,butclaimedtherewasno significantincreasesincethelastupdate.
TheVicePresidenttoldreporters,“Right now, there is an assumption that the information is being withheld, that’s false. I pointed out to you that we get these reports every three months and the reports that we havestatewhatthereservesareandthathas
not changed materially over the past maybe year or so, so that’s not withholding informationthatwehave.”
Accordingtohim,“Informationaboutthe reserveshavebeenpartofthatreportandit’s around the same 11 billion barrels. I’ve pointed out that...a discovery doesn’t mean thatyouknowthesizeofthereserve.Thatto gettosizeofreserve,longafterthediscovery, youhavetodoappraisal,seethetypeofrock, a complex process before you get to the reserve.”
TheChiefpolicymakerfortheoilandgas sector explained, “Already the amount of reservesweknowthatwehavewilljustifya number of investments and it’s not through the knowledge of the reserves but the investment in producing the oil that matters most because when you produce that’s how you get the revenue and the other economic activities.”
The VP argued that while Suriname for example knows some of its reserves, the country has not been able to secure a Final Investment Decision (FID) from the oil companies for production activities to commence.
WhiletheVicePresidenthassaidthereis no significant change to the country’s oil reserves, the political Opposition believes the hidden reserves could be equivalent to Trinidad and Tobago’s total oil production overits100-yearstintintheindustry
Earlier this month, the Opposition’s spokesperson on oil and gas, Elson Low pointedoutthatdatafromT&T’sMinistryof Energy and Energy Industries indicate that thecountry’soilproductiontotalsjustover3 billionbarrelsduringitsmorethan100years inthesector TheEconomistinasubsequent interview with Kaieteur News said that by using a conservative estimate of 375M
barrels of oil for each of the eight hidden discoveries,thecountrycouldeasilybeinthe dark on the total oil produced by the twin island over its century long involvement in theindustry
TheOpposition’sOilandGasspokesman pointed out that one of the Stabroek Block partners, CNOOC recently revealed that the oneoftheeightdiscoveriesmadesinceApril 2022isestimatedtoholdsome746Mbarrels ofoil.
He argued, “We even saw one of the partners in the Stabroek Block say one of those finds was over 700 million barrels of oil.Thereareentirecountriesthatdon’teven have 700 million barrels of oil in its reserve andthat’sonefind.”
LowsaidthattheOppositionwillraiseits concerns over the lack of transparency and accountability by the government with the international community and even multilateralorganizations.
The Economist stressed, “The government right now could be hiding as much oil from the Guyanese people as Trinidadeverproducedintheirentirehistory Thisisthescaleofthemismanagement;this is the scale of the bad governance you are seeing in our country and it should disturb eachandeveryGuyanese.”
Meet captivating
Shaniyahasalwayshadapassion forthearts,fromdancetomusic, singing,andvisualarts.However,it wasthetactilenatureofcrochetthat capturedherimaginationandbecameher primaryartisticoutlet.Shaniyadiscovered herloveforcrochetattheyoungageof11. Throughtrialanderror,shetaughtherself newstitches,techniques,andpatterns, pushingtheboundariesoftraditionalcrochet tocreateuniqueandinnovativedesigns.Her ultimategoalistoexpandhercrochet businessonalargerscaleandhercreations withtheworld.Drivenbythisperspective, Shaniyacontinuouslyseeksgrowthand innovationinbothhercraftandher businessendeavours.Withdetermination andcreativity,she’sreadytotakeon thechallengeofturningherpassion intoasuccessfulenterprise.Her favouritequoteisbyMax DePreewhostated“We cannotbecomewhatwe wantbyremaining whatweare.”
It is Occupational Occupational health and leadership commitment, associated costs, as well as need, the Bureau in 2022 i m p l e m e n t i n g t h e Safety and Health safety management employees’ participation, legal issues which can arise commenced providing requirements of the ISO
Month which is systems — Requirements risk assessment, legal and fromsuchoccurrences. technical assistance to 4 5 0 0 1 S t a n d a r d being observed under the with guidance for use regulatory compliance, The Guyana National interestedcompanies. Organizations are also theme “We are running out Using the Plan-Do-Check- emergency planning, Bureau of Standards
The process ranges from encouraged to join the of time: Ensuring Safe and Act methodology, it helps incident investigation and (GNBS) is here to help with six to twelve months after an Annual OSH Walk which Healthy work now in a organisations of all sizes to continualimprovement. our Training and Technical application form is will take place on April 28, changingclimate” reduce workplace incidents
E m p l o y e r s a r e Assistance programmes completed and submitted to 2024, at 06:00h from the
But what better way is by identifying risks and encouragedtoimplementthe With its competency, the the GNBS. The forms are Ministry of Labour’s there to ensure a safe and applying the necessary ISO 45001 to show GNBS Team is the leading a v a i l a b l e a t forecourt and end at the h e a l t h y w o r k i n g controlmeasures. employees and external provider of training and https://gnbsgy org/forms- SquareoftheRevolution. environment than with the ISO 45001 specifies stakeholders that the technical assistance towards all/. For technical assistance useofstandards? requirements for an organisation is committed to the implementation of According to the and training support based
One such international occupational health and worker health, safety and National, Regional and International Labour on the ISO 45001 standard, standard that provides a safety management system. well being leading to InternationalStandards. Organization (ILO), more contact the GNBS on framework for organisations It establishes criteria for an enhanced morale and Localcompanieslooking than 7,600 people die from telephone numbers: 219to manage risks and improve OH&S policy, objectives, reduced workplace injuries, to supply the safety- work-related accidents or 0064-66 or WhatsApp us on Occupational Safety and planning, implementation, illnessesandincidents. conscious Oil and Gas diseases every day Protect +592-692-4627. Remember H e a l t h ( O S & H ) operation, auditing and P r o t e c t i n g y o u r industry are rushing to your employees and to visit the GNBS Facebook performance is the ISO review employees and customers implement the ISO 45001 customers this Occupational and Instagram pages for 4 5 0 0 1 s t a n d a r d - Key elements include reduces downtime and Standard. Recognizing this Safety and Health Month by regularupdates.
Secondary school with several students who show like how Shakespeare playtolife. read these types of books to were great. They portrayed students from Regions expressed their admiration didhistypeofshows.” While expressing her understandtheconcepts. the play in a way that it Three, Four, Seven,Ten, and for the play, as it exceeded Now that he has been deep love for literature, she He stressed, “I find wouldn’tbeboring.” Georgetown were provided theirexpectations. exposed to the play, he noted, “I find it very movies better than books I Meanwhile, a student of with the opportunity to A student of St. Ignatius added, “I think I will be able interesting that its love don’t like to read so much I Queen’s College, Akeelah experience the enchanting Secondary School, Phyllis to write CSEC right now triangle meets tragedy, prefer to watch something I Harding enjoyed the way the performance of William Euscibo emphasised that it lookingatthisplay.” comedy, and romance. It is find myself more versed in actors embodied the Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth was worth travelling from Another student of The really fun to read it. I would the play rather than the characters especially the Night’ which encompasses RegionNinetoseetheactual Bishops’ High School, come back to watch it again book So, I find it very characters of Malvolio and love, drama, comedy and play “It was very exciting S h e k i n a h Yo r r i c k ifthereisanotherchance.” enjoyable ” Maria.“Itwastrulybeautiful tragedy and the enthusiasm was highlighted that the play has Another student of Student of President’s tosee,”Hardingadded. This play’s endeavour there. In the end, it was very helped to broaden her Tagore Memorial Secondary C o l l e g e , J a s m i n e Other literary works seeks to stimulate a more enjoyableandintriguing…It imagination and everything School, Ezekiel Hernandes Braithwaite expressed, “The from the CSEC syllabus will profound admiration for isgoingtobeverybeneficial she would have grasped who also enjoyed the play was very enlightening be included in future literary works and enhance since we witnessed the fromthebook. performance said that he and humorous. The actors theatricalproductionsaspart student involvement in actual play instead of “I think that is one way finds it difficult at times to did great and the costumes ofanendeavourtoexpandit. anticipationoftheupcoming reading the books,” Euscibo that would help the students E n g l i s h L i t e r a t u r e said. whoarewritingCSEC…The examination for the Student of The Bishop’s play was good. One of my Caribbean Secondary High School, David Hackett favourite characters was Examinations Certificate expressed that the play was Malvolioespeciallywhenhe (CSEC)scheduledforMay beyond amazing and a good was expressing his love for
The performance was exposure to Shakespeare’s thegirl.Andhewasalsovery hosted at the National worksofart. comedic,”shesaid.
Cultural Centre from April Hackett said, “I would S t u d e n t o f We s t 12to17,freeofcost. like to thank them for Demerara Secondary, Janae
On Wednesday, the showing how you can put all Lovell explained that the Department of Public oftheelementsofdramainto literature was well scripted Information (DPI) caught up one and portray into a lovely as the characters brought the
The vampire squid gelatinous body varies in und Ärzte, a group of (Vampyroteuthis infernalis, colour from velvety jet- German scientists who lit ‘vampire squid from black to pale reddish, believed there was life at hell’) is a small cephalopod depending on location and depths greater than 550 found throughout temperate lighting conditions A meters, contrary to the and tropical oceans in webbing of skin connects its Abyssus theory Valdivia extremedeepseaconditions. eight arms, each lined with was fitted with equipment The vampire squid uses its rowsoffleshyspinesorcirri; forthecollectionofdeep-sea bioluminescent organs and the inner side of this “cloak” organisms, as well as i t s u n i q u e o x y g e n is black. Only the distal laboratories and specimen metabolism to thrive in the halves (farthest from the jars, in order to analyze and parts of the ocean with the body) of the arms have preserve what was caught. lowest concentrations of suckers. Its limpid, globular The voyage began in oxygen. eyes, which appear red or Hamburg, Germany, Strangely enough, this blue, depending on lighting, followed by Edinburgh, and form of sea life is neither a are proportionately the then traced around the west squid, nor an octopus, largest in the animal coast of Africa After before discovered any exist or an inaccurate regions or from the reduced despite its appearance kingdom at 2.5 cm (1 in) in navigating around the species from this family that determination of when abundance and distribution Scientists have designated diameter The name of the southern point of Africa, the could be traced back to the vampire squids originally of vampire squids. In any the vampire squid as a animal was inspired by its expedition studied deep Cenozoic. This suggests two settledinthedeepoceans. case, even while the search completely separate animal, dark colour, and cloaklike areas of the Indian and ideas which include, a The Lazarus effect may regionsremainthesame,itis eventhoughithaseightarms webbing, rather than its AntarcticOcean. notable preservation bias result from the scarcity of more difficult to locate and and two tentacles.Again, the habits—it feeds on detritus, Researchers had not calledtheLazaruseffectmay post-Cretaceous research analyzethem. n a m e c a n b e notblood. c o n f o u n d i n g t h e s e Discovery creatures don’t suck blood The vampire squid was and actually are pretty discovered during the passive hunters, considering Valdivia Expedition they’re filter feeders (1898–1899), led by Carl Instead, the name comes Chun. Chun was a zoologist from the skin between its who was inspired by the arms,whichresembleacape. Challenger Expedition, and Oh yeah, and this little dude wanted to verify that life lives in the pitch black does indeed exist below 300 waters of the mesopelagic fathoms (550 meters). Chun zone. later classified the vampire Description squid into its family, The vampire squid can Vampyroteuthidae This reach a maximum total expeditionwasfundedbythe length around 30 cm (1 ft). GermansocietyGesellschaft Its 15-centimetre (5.9 in) Deutscher Naturforscher
Madagascar, officially the day Indonesia These were Republic of Madagascar, is an joined around the ninth century fourth and current republic, with ountry lies mostly between island country comprising the AD by Bantu migrants crossing constitutional governance being latitudes 12°S and 26°S, and island of Madagascar and the Mozambique Channel from restoredinJanuary2014. ongitudes 43°E and 51°E numerous smaller peripheral East Africa Other groups HISTORY Neighboring islands include islands Lying off the continued to settle on T r a d i t i o n a l l y , the French territory of southeastern coast ofAfrica, it is Madagascar over time, each one archaeologists have Réunion and the country of the world’s fourth largest island, making lasting contributions to estimated that the earliest Mauritius to the east, as thesecond-largestislandcountry Malagasy cultural life settlers arrived in well as the state of and the 44th largest country in Consequently, there are 18 or successive waves in Comoros and the French t h e more classified peoples of outrigger canoes from territory of Mayotte to the world https://en wikipedia org/ Madagascar, the most numerous South Borneo, possibly north west The nearest wiki/Madagascar - cite note- being the Merina of the central throughout the period m a i n l a n d s t a t e i s world-atlas-15 Its capital and highlands. between 350 BC and 550 AD, Mozambique, located to the largestcityisAntananarivo. Until the late 18th century, while others are cautious about west.
Following the prehistoric the island of Madagascar was dates earlier than AD 250. In CULTURE breakup of the supercontinent ruled by a fragmented either case, these dates make
Each of the many ethnic Gondwana, Madagascar split assortment of shifting Madagascar one of the most subgroupsinMadagascaradhere from Africa during the Early sociopolitical alliances recent major landmasses on to their own set of beliefs, Jurassic, around 180 million Beginning in the early 19th Earth to be settled by humans, practices and ways of life that years ago, and split from the century, most of it was united predating the settlement of flightless elephant birds have historically contributed to Indian subcontinent around 90 and ruled as the Kingdom of Iceland and New Zealand.] It is (including possibly the largest theiruniqueidentities.However, million years ago, allowing Madagascar by a series of proposed that Ma’anyan people bird to ever exist, Aepyornis there are a number of core native plants and animals to Merina nobles. The monarchy were brought as laborers and maximus), the giant fossa, and cultural features that are evolve in relative isolation; was ended in 1897 by the slaves by Javan and Sumatran- several species of Malagasy common throughout the island, consequently, it is a biodiversity annexation by France, from Malays in their trading fleets to hippopotamus,whichhavesince creating a strongly unified hotspotandoneoftheworld’s17 which Madagascar gained Madagascar Dates earlier than become extinct because of Malagasy cultural identity In megadiverse countries, with independence in 1960 The the mid-first millenniumAD are hunting and habitat destruction. addition to a common language over 90% of wildlife being country has since undergone notstronglysupported. By600AD,groupsoftheseearly and shared traditional religious endemic The island has a four major constitutional Upon arrival, early settlers settlers had begun clearing the beliefs around a creator god and subtropical to tropical maritime periods, termed republics, and practiced slash-and-burn forests of the central veneration of the ancestors, the climate. Madagascar was first has been governed as a agriculture to clear the coastal highlands.https://en.wikipedia.o traditional Malagasy worldview settled during or before the mid- constitutional democracy since rainforests for cultivation. The rg/wiki/Madagascar - cite_note- is shaped by values that first millennium AD by 1992.Followingapoliticalcrisis first settlers encountered Camp93-46 emphasize f i h a v a n a n a Austronesian peoples, and military coup in 2009, Madagascar’s abundance of GEOGRAPHY (solidarity), vintana (destiny), presumably arriving on Madagascar underwent a megafauna,including17species A t 5 9 2 , 8 0 0 s q u a r e tody (karma), and hasina, a outrigger canoes from present- protracted transition towards its of giant lemurs, the large kilometres (228,900 sq sacred life force that traditional mi),https://en wikipedia org/wi communitiesbelieveimbuesand ki/Madagascar - cite note- thereby legitimates authority BGNote-8 Madagascar is the figures within the community or world’s 46th largest country, the family Other cultural elements second-largest island country commonlyfoundthroughoutthe andthefourth-largestisland.The (Continued on page 33)
From page 29 southeastern Antemoro island include the practice of ethnic group, who trace their male circumcision; strong ancestry back to early kinship ties; a widespread Somalisettlers. belief in the power of magic, CUISINE diviners,astrologyandwitch Malagasy cuisine doctors; and a traditional reflects the diverse divisionofsocialclassesinto influences of Southeast nobles, commoners, and Asian, African, Oceania, slaves. Indian, Chinese, and
Although social castes E u r o p e a n c u l i n a r y are no longer legally traditions.Thecomplexityof recognized, ancestral caste Malagasy meals can range affiliation often continues to from the simple, traditional affect social status, preparations introduced by economic opportunity, and the earliest settlers, to the roles within the community refined festival dishes M a l a g a s y p e o p l e prepared for the island’s spices or herbs. In parts of variety of sweet and savory produced beverages include g/wiki/Madagascartraditionally consult 19th-century monarchs. the arid south and west, fritters,aswellasotherstreet fruit juices, coffee, herbal cite note-Antal-250 Three Mpanandro (“Makers of the Throughoutalmosttheentire pastoral families may foods, are available across teas and teas, and alcoholic Horses Beer is the most Days”) to identify the most island, the contemporary replace rice with maize, the island, as are diverse drinks such as rum, wine, popular beer on the island auspicious days for cuisine of Madagascar cassava, or curds made from tropical and temperate- a n d a n d i s c o n s i d e r e d important events such as typicallyconsistsofabaseof fermented zebu milk.Awide climate fruits Locally beer https://en wikipedia or emblematicofMadagascar weddings or famadihana, rice (vary) served with an according to a traditional accompaniment(laoka).The astrological system many varieties of laoka may introduced by Arabs be vegetarian or include Similarly, the nobles of animal proteins, and m a n y M a l a g a s y typically feature a sauce communities in the pre- flavored with such colonial period would ingredients as ginger, onion, commonly employ advisers garlic, tomato, vanilla, known as the ombiasy (from coconut milk, salt, curry olona-be-hasina, “man of powder, green peppercorns much virtue”) of the or, less commonly, other Monument
Madagascar cuisine
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) commenced the runoff of the third edition of the Standards in Academia Quiz Competition for Primary schools across the country.
The GNBS in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, hosted the first of the regional quizzes at the La Grange Primary School, in Region Three Schools that participated in the Region Three competition were La Grange Pr imar y, Belle West Primary, Windsor Forest Primary and Meten-Meer-Zorg Primary La Grange Primary emerged as the winner and is set to meet winners from the other regions in the finals on May 28, 2024. During this year’s competition, Grade Five pupils of f our Pr imary Schools within Regions 3, 4, 5, 6 and Georgetown are slated to participate
S p e a k i n g a t t h e o p e n i n g ceremony of the competition,GNBS Head of Corporate Communications, Mr.Lloyd David stated,“the objective of the competition is to provide pupils at the primary level (as well as their teachers) with the opportunity to become educated on the concepts of s t a n d a rd s a n d q u a l i t y a n d t h e
principles of measurements and how these can be applied in their daily lives.”
Mr David added “Understanding the relevance of standards and reliable measurements at an early age will ensure that our young people in Guyana appreciate the importance of
these active life concepts long before they become businessmen and women, active consumers, and leaders in society”
Meanwhile, representing the Department of Education Region Three, Education Officer, Mr Netram Doobay lauded the efforts of the GNBS in
hosting the quiz competition. Mr Doobay stated that the competition s h o w c a s e s t h e s k i l l s a n d knowledge of the pupils.
He added, “One of the core values of the Ministry of Education i s c o l l a b o r a t i o n a n d t h e competition provides collaboration and participation and the GNBS is making education meaningful for pupils.” The Education Officer also emphasized that the opportunity provides pupils with personal growth as well as development w h i c h w i l l f o s t e r l i f e s k i l l development as they progress through life
As part of the initiative, a booklet was developed, and copies were provided to participating schools ahead of the competition for pupils to study along with their teachers Information contained in the booklet includes details about GNBS and its services, the use and benefits of standards, measurements, and the InternationalSystem ofunits T h e S t a n d a rd s i n A c a d e m i a Competition is biennial event, which was first hosted in 2018, then in 2022 and now in 2024. Weekly competitions with schools within the selected regions will continue until the final at the end of May,2024.
President Dr. Irfaan Ali was on Friday last conferred with the Legacy Award Class of 2024 at the American Foundation for the University of the West Indies (AFUWI)’s 27th Annual Awards Gala in NewYork.
At the gala, the Head-ofState was lauded for his l e a d e r s h i p , v i s i o n , ” c o m m i t m e n t t o n a t i o n building” and as a “champion” for regional cooperation by Guyanese-born American actress,CCH Pounder
In his acceptance speech, the President said he is indebted to the people of Guyana,“whose resilience and generosity of spirit have inspired me to dedicate myself to a career in public service ”
The Head-of-State spoke of t h e e n o r m o u s i m p a c t o f colonisation on the region and r e i t e r a t e d t h e c a l l f o r r e p a r a t o r y j u s t i c e H e commended the efforts of the University of the West Indies in promoting this agenda.
As the region continues its healing journey from the repercussions of colonisation, President Ali stressed that investing in and utilising homegrown resources are essential for fostering shared development.
“We must value more what we are. We must value more what we produce, and we must value and utilise what we own. Our culture is an integral part
fundraising event that benefits approximately 50 deserving students at the University of the West Indies (UWI) every year
A World Bank 2020 report reveals that the Caribbean r e g i o n h a s t h e l o w e s t enrollment rate for higher education in the hemisphere, with less than 25% compared to the North American average of nearly 60% and the Latin American average of 52%.
Over the last decade, approximately 600 tuition s c h o l a r s h i p s h ave b e e n a w a r d e d f r o m t h e g a l a p ro c e e d s i n a d d i t i o n t o fostering relationships with other leading institutions.
of the societies that we are building,” the Guyanese leader opined.
T he region is already charting its development t r a j e c t o r y t h r o u g h collaboration in the realms of food and climate security
President Ali reminded the audience that despite being the smallest carbon emitter, the Caribbean is excessively affected by climate change
“ O u r c o m m i t m e n t t o energy secur ity, climate security, and food security can be celebrated, but we are the w o r s t a f f e c t e d . T h e commitment of the world is not motivating,”he lamented.
He reiterated Guyana’s dedication to fulfilling its r e g i o n a l a n d g l o b a l responsibilities, emphasising that “the prosperity of Guyana, must and will lead to the prosperity of the region”.
He recalled that Guyana raised some GY$ $72.5 million in support of the people of Palestine, and said this reflects the country and the region’s moral standing to be on the right side of history
“We will continue to do more of this, especially for the people of Haiti.We cannot find ourselves at a forum like this, and ignore the realities of the people of Haiti.We must never allow any circumstance or changing conditions to change the way we approach situations regionally and globally,” the
G u y a n e s e l e a d e r underscored.
The Gala is AFUWI’s main
This significant difference highlights the crucial role AFUWI plays in supporting the bright minds of the Caribbean and the urgent need to help them achieve their academic goals.
T he need f or suppor t notably increased in the wake of the global pandemic, d o u bl i n g t h e c a l l s f ro m students facing dire financial circumstances; many often having to choose between n e c e s s i t i e s a n d t u i t i o n AFUWI is grateful to its donor network for their outstanding o n go i n g s u p p o r t a n d i s dedicated to meeting this exigent need
First LadyAryaAli, First Son ZaydAli, and their dedicated team at State House, Georgetown, Guyana, has resulted in an impressive $6 million (GYD) fundraising.
ThethirdLemonadeSale,hostedbyFirst LadyAryaAli, First Son ZaydAli, and their dedicated team at State House, Georgetown, Guyana, has resulted in an impressive $6 million (GYD) fundraising effort to support animalwelfareinitiativesacrossthenation.
The event, heldApril 19, 2024, garnered widespreadsupportandenthusiasmfromthe community, highlighting the collective commitment to improving the lives of animalsinneed.
Attendees generously contributed to the noble cause, laying the groundwork for significant advancements in animal welfare throughout Guyana. Among the esteemed beneficiaries of this remarkable fundraising initiative is the Rosewood Foundation Guyana, a registered non-profit organisation committed to advocating for the protection andcareofanimals.
Foundedin2017bypassionateadvocates Donna and Ileana, the foundation has emerged as a leading voice for animal welfare, spearheading initiatives focused on education,rescue,andcare.
ThesubstantialcontributionfromZayd’s Lemonade Sale will empower Rosewood Foundation Guyana and five other distinguishedanimalwelfareorganizationsto expand their reach and impact, providing vital support to countless animals in need of assistance.
The President of the Rosewood Foundation - Donna Lam, alongside Adoptions & Rescues Coordinator Christopher Persaud, and Volunteer Nafeeza Balram, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the
generosity and compassion demonstrated by FirstLadyAryaAliandherteam.
She noted that their unwavering commitment to animal welfare has not only enriched the lives of our furry companions buthasalsounitedthecommunityinashared missionofcompassionandkindness.
As this remarkable achievement is celebrated, deep appreciation is extended to First LadyAryaAli, First Son ZaydAli, and their team for their tireless efforts and dedication to the welfare of animals. Their visionaryleadershiphaspavedthewayfora brighter future for animals across Guyana, reinforcing the collective commitment to building a compassionate and cruelty-free society
About Rosewood Foundation Guyana: RosewoodFoundationGuyanaisaregistered non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicatedtoadvocatingfortheprotectionand careofanimals.
Through education, rescue, and care initiatives,thefoundationworkstirelesslyto create a safer and more nurturing environmentforanimalsinneed.
Foundedin2017bypassionateadvocates Donna Lam and Ileana Bonnard, The Foundation has emerged as a leading voice for animal welfare, spearheading initiatives focusedoneducation,rescue,andcare.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact: Anesa Bird, Public Relations Coordinator through or President of the organization, Donna Lam on+592621-5514.
JByAnasa Williams Berbice (WCB) is a village that friendly and one can always expect originatesfromPlantationWeldaad awarmgreetingorfriendlysmileas ust a few villages away on which was founded when the areas they trek through this countryside the western end of the that make up Guyana were Dutch spectacle.
Ancient County of colonies.
Most of the community’s Berbice,there’sasmallcommunity The community comprises of population lives up the center strip that thrives on Agriculture and is mixed ethnicities and everyone of the community on either side of farming. The northern side, headed “Right now, we just ploughing mostlyquie lives in harmony A total the road. The lands leading to the to the sea, caters to cash crop up and then when the water comes t, due to constant police population, of approximately 250- back dam are taken up by mostly farming. in, we will drag. Sometimes we presence. Weldaad, West Coast 300 people, the villagers are cattle rearing, poultry and rice
The residents here are camera havetoploughtwotimesifthefirst shy,howeverwhenthispublication one chips the earth too big. Once visited on a Tuesday afternoon, that’s out of the way, it is a smooth there were a few persons out and ride into shying the paddy and then about There were shirtless fertilizingafewweekslater.” youngsters playing a game of Next to the Magistrate’s Court football in the empty lot between is one of the shops called Wonda’s the pump station and a few houses. andfolkscanalwaysstopbyhereto They all appeared to be of school get a hot breakfast. The meal aged but scattered as soon as they options include egg ball, channa sawthecamera. and chicken burgers, along with Therewereafewsmallshopsin localandcarbonatedbeverages. the area and persons could be seen The Weldaad Police Station is traversing them to get in some last- directly opposite and since it is minute shopping for the following currently under construction, only day.Thecommunitysportsapolice one of the buildings in the station,apostoffice,apumpstation compound is currently being andaMagistrate’sCourt. utilizedatthemoment.
Due to the dry season, most of When this publication visited the ranchers have to bring their this community a few years ago, it cattle out of the backlands and was bustling with life since most closer to home to look for different of the population was of school pastures as the common grazing aged Fast forward a few years, grounds had either little or no they have all become adults and vegetationtosupporttheanimals. have either moved away from the
“We were lucky to catch up area or became a part of the Joint with a rice farmer who gave us a Services quickwalkthroughoftheprocessit
In addition to the other basic takes to get the land ready and so amenities, the village has its own on…” Richard (only name given) beach, a good place for recreation. said.
So whenever you’re tired of city
He noted that since they are life, take a break and head up to currently out of crop, the main Weldaad Berbice. See you next focus was getting the land ready weekwhenwe’llbringyouanother before the rains and the water is village focus…maybe it will be releasedfromthereservoir yours!!!
Heart disease refers to blockages and cause blood referstoaslowheartbeat. should be. Congestive heart any problem affecting the flow to stop, which can lead P r e m a t u r e failure is a type of heart heart, such as coronary toaheartattack. contractions: This refers to failure that can occur from artery disease, arrhythmia, Congenital heart defects anearlyheartbeat. problems with the pumping andheartfailure. A person with a Atrial fibrillation: orrelaxingfunction.
According to the Centers congenital heart defect is This is a type of irregular Heart failure can result for Disease Control and born with a heart problem. heartbeat. from untreated coronary Prevention (CDC), heart There are many types of A person may notice a artery disease, high blood disease is the leading cause congenitalheartdefects. feeling like a fluttering or a pressure, arrhythmias, and of death in the United States.
· Atypical heart valves: racingheart. other conditions These Around 1 in 4 deaths in the Valves may not open I n s o m e c a s e s , conditions can affect the US occur due to heart properly, or they may leak arrhythmias can be life heart’s ability to pump or disease, and the condition blood. threatening or have severe relaxproperly affects all genders as well as ·Septaldefects:Thereis complications. Heart failure can be life all racial and ethnic groups. a hole in the wall between Dilated cardiomyopathy threatening, but seeking In this article, learn more either the lower chambers or I n d i l a t e d early treatment for heartabout the types, causes, and the upper chambers of the cardiomyopathy, the heart related conditions can help symptoms of heart disease. heart. chambers become dilated, preventcomplications. This article also covers risk
· Atresia: One of the meaning that the heart Hypertrophic factorsandtreatment. heartvalvesismissing. muscle stretches and cardiomyopathy
Types Congenital heart disease becomes thinner The most This condition usually Heart disease refers to can involve major structural common causes of dilated develops when a genetic cardiomyopathy is the main heartmurmur any condition affecting the issues,suchastheabsenceof cardiomyopathy are past problem affects the heart cause of cardiac death Mitral valve prolapse is cardiovascular system a ventricle or problems with heart attacks, arrhythmias, muscle. It tends to be an among young people and not usually life threatening, There are several different unusual connections and toxins, but genetics can inheritedcondition. athletes under 35 years old, butsomepeoplemayneedto types of heart disease, and between the main arteries alsoplayarole.
The walls of the muscle accordingtotheAHA. receive treatment for it they affect the heart and thatleavetheheart. As a result, the heart thicken, and contractions Mitral valve regurgitation Genetic factors and blood vessels in different Many congenital heart becomes weaker and cannot become harder This affects This event occurs when connective tissue problems ways. defects do not cause any pump blood properly It can the heart’s ability to take in the mitral valve in the heart can cause this condition, Coronary artery disease noticeable symptoms and result in arrhythmia, blood andpumpoutblood.Insome doesnotclosetightlyenough which affects around 2% of Coronary artery disease, only become apparent clots in the heart, and heart cases, an obstruction can and allows blood to flow thepopulation. alsoknownascoronaryheart during a routine medical failure. occur backintotheheart. Aortic stenosis disease, is the most common check.
It usually affects people There may be no As a result, blood cannot In aortic stenosis, the typeofheartdisease. According to the aged 20–60 years, according symptoms, and many people move through the heart or pulmonary valve is thick or It develops when the American Heart Association totheAHA. do not receive a diagnosis. body efficiently, and it can fused and does not open arteries that supply blood to (AHA), heart murmurs often Myocardial infarction However, hypertrophic putpressureonthechambers correctly This makes it hard the heart become clogged affect children, but only Also known as heart cardiomyopathy can worsen oftheheart.Intime,theheart for the heart to pump blood with plaque. This causes someareduetoadefect. attack,myocardialinfarction overtimeandleadtovarious can become enlarged, and from the left ventricle into them to harden and narrow Arrhythmia involves an interruption of heartproblems. heartfailurecanresult. theaorta. Plaque contains cholesterol Arrhythmia refers to an the blood flow to the heart. Anyone with a family Mitral valve prolapse A person may be born andothersubstances. irregular heartbeat. It occurs This can damage or destroy history of this condition This happens when the with it due to congenital As a result, the blood when the electrical impulses partoftheheartmuscle. should ask for screening, as valve flaps of the mitral anomalies of the valve, or it supplyreduces,andtheheart that coordinate the heartbeat
The most common cause receiving treatment can help valve do not close properly may develop over time due receives less oxygen and do not work correctly As a of heart attack is plaque, a preventcomplications. Instead, they bulge into the to calcium deposits or fewer nutrients. In time, the result, the heart may beat too blood clot, or both in a H y p e r t r o p h i c left atrium. This can cause a scarring. heart muscle weakens, and quickly, too slowly, or coronary artery It can also there is a risk of heart failure erratically occur if an artery suddenly andarrhythmias. There are various types narrowsorspasms.
Whenplaquebuildsupin ofarrhythmias,including: Heart failure the arteries, it is called Tachycardia: This When a person has heart atherosclerosis.Plaqueinthe referstoarapidheartbeat. failure, their heart is still arteries can rupture from Bradycardia: This working but not as well as it
(Billboard news)
Dcaptioned black-and-white u r i n g h e r photos of the “Senorita” headlining set singer on Instagram
on Friday night
Cabello took to the (April19),the“Summertime comments section of the Sadness” songstress Lana post, leaving a series of
Lana Del Rey headlines Coachella Day 1 on Friday, April 12, 2024. (Pooneh Ghana)
Del Ray welcomed Camilla crownemojis Cabello to the stage to sing
Del Rey’s weekend two hernewtrack“ILuvIt.” performance at Coachella
A f t e r D e l R e y followsherguest-filledsetat temporarily left the stage the popular music fest’s following a performance of opening day on April 12. “Bartender,” Cabello
During the performance, she emerged with backup welcomed Jon Batiste for dancers for a lively delivery “Candy Necklace,” Jack of her hyper-pop collab with Antonoff for “Hope Is a Playboi Carti (who didn’t Dangerous Thing,” and make an appearance at the duetted with Billie Eilish on Indio. California, festival). “Ocean Eyes” and “Video
Del Rey welcomed Billie Games.” Eilish and others guests
Del Rey’s roughly 90during her opening weekend minute Coachella set last setinIndio,California. weekend also boasted some Del Rey mostly watched truly stunning set design, a with admiration, but joined bizarrely alluring hologram in on some of the verses and moment, her trademark atonepointplacedherhands sultry vocals, a generous on Cabello’s waist and Harmony alum after she Thank you so much, angel, my favorite artists of all Rey showed some love for helping of faded glamour playfullyspunheraround. closed the song. “This is my forcomingtosingwithme.” time.Thankyousomuch.” the energetic single on and even some stripper pole “Iluvit,Iluvit,Iluvit,I girl. I have so much fun with Cabello replied, “This is In late March, prior to social media “I luv it,” the twirling by the singer herself luv it,” Del Rey sang to Fifth her I love this song to death. an honor me, you’re one of thereleaseof“ILuvIt,”Del s i n g e r - s o n g w r i t e r forgoodmeasure.
Timmy was just an ordinary kid with an extraordinary fascination for bubbles He loved everything about them—the way they shimmered in the sunlight, the way they floated gracefully through the air, and the way they poppedwithasatisfying pop when touched. To Timmy, bubbles were like little balls of magic, capable of bringing joy and wonder to anyone who watched them dance.
One sunny afternoon, Timmy and his friends gathered for a picnic in the park. As they munched on sandwiches and sipped juice boxes,Timmycouldn'tresist theurgetoblowbubbles.He dipped his wand into the soapy solution and blew gently, watching with delight as a stream of iridescent bubbles floated intothesky
"Look at that one!"
Timmy exclaimed, pointing toaparticularlylargebubble that wobbled in the breeze. But as his friends turned to look, their expressions shiftedfromawetoalarm.
"Timmy, watch out!" one of his friends shouted,
Confused, Timmy glanced upward just in time to see a large branch breaking loose from the tree overhead, plummeting toward him with frightening speed. With a gasp, Timmy instinctively raised his arms infrontofhim,asiftoshield himself from the impending danger
But then something incrediblehappened. Instead of crashing into
Timmy, the falling branch collided with an invisible barrier a barrier made entirely of bubbles. Time seemed to slow as Timmy and his friends watched in awe as the branch bounced h a r m l e s s l y o ff t h e shimmering surface of the bubbleshield.
"Wow, Timmy, you did it!" one of his friends exclaimed, rushing forward to inspect the miraculous bubbleshield.
Timmy blinked in disbelief, still trying to process what had just happened. Had he really created that bubble shield withoutevenrealizingit?
As his friends cheered and congratulated him, Timmycouldn'thelpbutfeel a surge of excitement coursing through him Maybe, just maybe, there wassomethingspecialabout hisloveforbubblesafterall.
Later that evening, as Timmy lay in bed replaying the events of the day in his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his newfound discovery than met the eye. What if he really did have powers beyond his wildest dreams? What if he was destined for something greater than just blowingbubblesinthepark?
With these thoughts swirling in his head, Timmy drifted off to sleep, his dreamsfilledwithvisionsof soaring through the sky on a bed of bubbles, saving the day with his newfound abilities.
Little did he know, this was just the beginning of his extraordinary journey as BubbleBoy
o old magazines
o scissors
o tape
o glue
o toothpick
Step 1- First, cut 25 or more pages out of the magazines. Try to choose vibrant pages so your bowl will be colourful. Next, take a toothpick and one page at a time, then roll them into paper straws. Place the toothpick on the bottom of the corner and roll the paper nicely and tight. (It's really important that as you roll each of these, you're going toward the top corner and as tight as possible.) When you get to the very top, put glue before finishing rolling it. You can also use tape. Repeat this process at least 25 times. (If you want a larger bowl, you're going to have to do more.)
Step 2-After you have at least 25 paper straws, you're now going to make the actual bowl base. Take one straw at a time, flatten the end, use the toothpick again, and begin to coil it into one large disk.
(Make sure to roll it as tight as possible.) Now, as you have about an inch or two left, insert new straw inside the opening part, then continue to tightly coil around the base. Repeat this process until all straws are gone. When you're on your last straw, glue it to the outside edge of the disk. Let it dry for an hour
Now that your glue has completely dried, it's now time to make the concave shape for your bowl. Just slowly push with your thumbs to create the concave shape.After this, take your glue and add a generous amount to the inside of the bowl. Once you've added your glue, you can either use your finger or you can use a paintbrush to spread the glue and get it all inside the cracks. Let it dry completely and you're now finished.
Drawing and painting are so cool,
And they make me feel so great,
To know that I can make a picture, That others admire and appreciate.
Sometimes I draw the things I see,
At other times what I imagine,
Whatever I do it makes me so happy
To know I created something.
The good thing is that I can do art
Anytime and anywhere I be,
All I need is pencil and paper,
And I soon have a picture to see.
So join me in this nice hobby, hobby
That you'll be sure to enjoy,
And realise for yourself that art
Is more fun than playing with a toy
Be aware of all the qualities with which you have been endowed
Apart from the human assets which we have mentioned before, which will enable us to succeed in achieving your goals, we havetounderstandandmake full use all of our positive qualities to succeed at whatever we set your mind to. When you realise your true nature, that you are a unique human being with so many natural talents and endowments, then you will finditeasyandjustasnatural to develop confidence in yourself, and use these to yourbestadvantage.
Allhumanbeingshave come into this world with fourinborngiftswhichmake us superior to the other
creatures of the earth, and capable of performing tasks which are truly wondrous.
Thesegiftsare:Self-awareness. the ability to look at ourselves objectively, affording us the power to see when we need to effect positive changes
towards developing ourselves to our maximum potential;
Imagination, the power to create in our minds a better way, and the likely result of whatever choice we want to make, which would enable us to accomplish what is most effective to a c h i e v e o u r g o a l s ; Will-power, the faculty t h a t e n a b l e s u s t o consciously determine the best course to follow and move forward confidently and with conviction to implementthis;
Conscience, giving us the capacity to judge right
from wrong, so that we can choose our life goals that are truly aligned with the intentions of our souls, and utilise methods that are right and in accord with our principles and values to achievethese.
Thefactisthatyoucan only develop these 4 human endowments by practice There is a saying: “Use it or lose it”. This is true of these gifts, just as it is true of any other quality and every part ofourphysicalbeing.
Afifth human gift that canhelpustoseethegoodin everything, which many ignore,isaSenseofHumour
And, last but certainly not least, is another quality that unfortunately mankind doesnotmakeenoughuseof -thepowertoLove.
Take some time to meditate on these qualities, trying to understand how they work, and how you can make full use of them, and you will be certain to benefit in your endeavours towards the life goals you have set yourself.
Use the coming week to meditate on your unique human qualities, and you will be more equipped to move forward towards your goals.
Connect these islands with bridges until each island can be reached from any other island, and each island has as many outgoing bridges as its number You may only connect islands v e r t i c a l l y o r horizontally and bridges may not cross. There may be one or two bridges connecting pairs of islands, but no more thantwo.Eachpuzzle has a unique solution that can be found
(by Carmen Mashier)
We make our own world, whoever we are, Our happiness is of our own making; We make our own world, wherever we are, Our success is there for the taking.
Our world goes with us as we walk and talk each day, Our world can be a heaven or hell, our attitude will say, We make our own world, whatever we are, Let's make our own world, wherever we are.
Keep thinking happy, and we'll make a new world, Make full use of your qualities to succeed; Be always confident that you have what it takes, And you will surely win in all you need.
Solutions to last week’s
There are things you can do to help keep your eyes healthy and make sure you are seeing your best:
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your diet should include plenty or fruits and vegetables, especially deep yellow and green leafy vegetables. Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut can also help your eyes.
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of developing diabetes. Having diabetes puts you at higher risk of getting diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.
Get regular exercise. Exercise may help to prevent or control diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These diseases can lead to some eye or vision problems. So if you exercise regularly, you can lower your risk of getting these eye and vision problems.
Wear sunglasses. Sun exposure can damage your eyes and raise your risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Protect your eyes by using sunglasses that block out 99 to 100% of both UV-Aand UV-B radiation.
Wear protective eye wear. To prevent eye injuries, you need eye protection when playing certain sports, working in jobs such as factory work and construction, and doing repairs or projects in your home.
Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts and can damage the optic nerve.
Know your family medical history. Some eye diseases are inherited, so it is important to find out whether anyone in your family has had them. This can help you determine if you are at higher risk of developing an eye disease.
Know your other risk factors.As you get older, you are at higher risk of developing age-related eye diseases and conditions. It is important to know you risk factors because you may be able to lower your risk by changing some behaviors.
If you wear contacts, take steps to prevent eye infections. Wash your hands well before you put in or take out your contact lenses.Also follow the instructions on how to properly clean them, and replace them when needed.
Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time using a computer, you can forget to blink your eyes and your eyes can get tired. To reduce eyestrain, try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.
Everyone needs to have their eyesight tested to check for vision and eye problems. Children usually have vision screening in school or at their health care provider's office during a checkup.Adults may also get vision screenings during their checkups. But many adults need more than a vision screening. They need a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
Getting comprehensive dilated eye exams is especially important because some eye diseases may not have warning signs. The exams are the only way to detect these diseases in their early stages, when they are easier to treat.
The exam includes several tests:
Avisual field test to measure your side (peripheral) vision. Aloss of peripheral vision may be a sign of glaucoma.
Avisual acuity test, where you read an eye chart about 20 feet away, to check on how well you see at various distances
Tonometry, which measures your eye's interior pressure. It helps to detect glaucoma.Dilation, which involves getting eye drops that dilate (widen) your pupils. This allows more light to enter the eye. Your eye care provider examines your eyes using a special magnifying lens. This provides a clear view of important tissues at the back of your eye, including the retina, macula, and optic nerve.If you have a refractive error and are going to need glasses or contacts, then you will also have a refraction test. When you have this test, you look through a device that has lenses of different strengths to help your eye care professional figure out which lenses will give you the clearest vision.At what age you should start getting these exams and how often you need them depends on many factors. They include your age, race, and overall health. For example, if you areAfricanAmerican, you are at higher risk of glaucoma and you need to start getting the exams earlier. If you have diabetes, you should get an exam every year. Check with your health care provider about if and when you need these exams.
In the Hindu religion, thousands of years ago, a manifestation of god known as Lord Hanumanwithamonkeyformappeared Over the years, he was known to be a powerful descendent and eleventh avatar of the great Lord Shiva. Hisnamehasbecomerenowned forthelifethathelivedshowingpurityofheart andhumilitywhileonearth Notposingtobea god, but an ardent servant of the Lord Shri Rama incarnation of Lord Vishnu his name, hastraveledfromgenerationtogeneration.
Acompilationofhisstrengthsandpowers hasbeencreatedbythegreatsaintValmikito glorify this true devotee of the lord. This rendition is known as the Shri Hanuman Chalisa.Withintheseverses,therearehidden secrets of healing, hope, strength, wisdom and power It has been stated in this divine chantthatwherever,theseversesenchanted, whoever listens to them will definitely be
motivated, uplifted and become spiritually inclined.
It is for this reason; the members of the Bajrang Baan Committee along with their spiritual leader, Pundit Narad Gosine have organised a huge gathering at the National Stadium in Guyana for the first time on Sunday28thApril2024from3.30PMto7:30 PM to acknowledge the importance of this Hindu deity through chanting. On this day, thousands of Lord Hanuman followers will assembleatthegroundstoperformrenditions of21roundsofShriHanumanChalisas.
This grand event will be called Shri Hanuman Chalisa chanting. Constant repetitionofthissetof40versesrepeatedlyhas proven to bring back the life of a devotee to normalcy This event aims to achieve the awakeningofself-realisationandspiritualgod consciousnesswithineachandeveryonewho
attends, transforming everyone’s mental awarenessintoandhighlyspirituallevel.
Pundit Gosine said that “the hope and missionincarryingoutthiseventistoeducate everyonewhileencouragingouryoungerones to continue religious practices and moral valuesinbecomingbetterhumanbeings.”
OnSunday28th2024,thereareplansfora grand procession with images of Lord Hanuman along with music starting from the DemeraraHarbourBridgestartingat2:30pm, headingtowardsthestadium.
Within the programme of that day, there willbethechantingofShriHanumanChalisas along with religious and sacred dances, vegetarianfood,Tassa, vendors with various foodsandsweets.
Thesightofa30-foot-tallLordHanuman figure would definitely be the attraction, meanwhileasthenightcontinues,thehypeof
Spiritual Leader: Pundit Narad Gosine
the chanting will accelerate to a maximum where the energy will be felt by the talented musicians with the sound of their, drums, guitars, harmoniums, keyboards and percussioncreatingaheavenlyexperience.
Free public event is open to everyone to come and enjoy a spiritual moment with no meat,noalcohol,nofights,noanimosityand nohatred
The inspiration behind The Book Nook Gy is a combination of passionforliteratureandadesire to make books more accessible and affordableforpeopleinGuyana.
Founder of the online bookstore, Sharlean Mahabir told The Waterfalls that April last year, she decided to publically, share her love for literature by introducing herown.
Mahabir, whose professional expertise lies in the world of accounting, told this magazine in a recent interview that her true passion has always revolved around the “magicofliterature”.
“From an early age, I found solace, inspiration,andendlessfascinationbetween the pages of books. As an avid reader, I’ve alwaysbelievedinthepowerofstorytelling totransportustonewworlds,challengeour perspectives, and inspire personal growth,” shesaid.
According to the young woman, recognising the transformative power of reading and the convenience of online shopping, last year she saw the opportunity to create a platform that could connect Guyanesereaderswiththeirfavouritebooks.
The Book Nook, which celebrated its one-yearanniversaryonApril14last,offers a wide range of genres of books which includes YA fantasy, romance, selfdevelopment, thriller, historical fiction, and non-fiction.
Mahabir recalled that when the business initially launched, it offered a curated
“Young entrepreneurs play a crucial role in society by bringing innovation, fresh perspectives, and economic growth. They contribute to job creation and foster community development through their ventures.”
mindfulness, personal growth, and overall well-being. Over the months, the business furtherexpandeditslist,basedoncustomers’ feedback and demand for popular bestsellers.Inadditiontothis,thestorealso introduced trendy book accessories, journals, planners, and stationeries just to nameafew
With The Book Nook becoming popularly known, Mahabir magazine that since the launch, the support for the business has been really overwhelming She added, “We’ve seen a tremendous influx of customers, many of whom have discovered us through customer referrals and targeted advertisements It’s been incredibly rewarding to witness the community’ enthusiasmforourplatform.”
While noting of th tremendous support, Mahab saidtheonlinebookstorealsohad its share of challenges S recollected that during the initial stages, it encountered logis challenges in sourcing deliveringbookstovariousparts the country and this was due to the businessbeingonlinebased.
extendingdeliveryservicestotheEastCoast, East and West Bank of Demerara, Linden, andBerbice.
“Despite facing competition from larger retailers, we remained resilient and innovative in our approach. By prioritizing exceptional customer service, nurturing strategic partnerships, and continuously optimising o u r o p e r a t i o n a l esses,” Mahabir noted
According to the young woman, this issue was soon addressed after she established partnerships with reputable and reliablecourierservices,whichallowedThe BookNooktoexpanditsreachtoencompass a broader geographic area. This magazine understands that this expansion included
She vowed to continue to ensure growthandsuccessofherbusiness.
With that being mentioned, when asked of the long-term goal for the online bookstore,ourfeaturedentrepreneursaidshe plansonexpandingherdistributionnetwork across Guyana, in reaching even the most remoteregions.
“In addition to strengthening our online
presence, we aim to establish a physical location in the future. By combining the convenience of online shopping with the personaltouchofaphysicalstore,weaspire to further promote a culture of reading and literacythroughoutGuyana,”sherevealed. With the aim of promoting a culture of readinginourcountry,whenaskedwhatrole she thinks young entrepreneurs play in our society,sheexplained,“Youngentrepreneurs play a crucial role in society by bringing innovation, fresh perspectives, and economic growth. They contribute tojobcreationandfostercommunity developmentthroughtheirventures.” She further mentioned that small business owners serve as role models for future generations, by inspiring others to pursue their passions, and making a positive impact in their ommunities “Overall, their contributions are essential for driving ogress and shaping the future of society,”shestated.
Meanwhile, when asked what more n be done locally to boost small businesses in our society, our featured entrepreneursuggestedthatinitiativessuch access to funding, mentorship programmes, and promoting buy-local campaigns can be implemented to encourage community support and sustainability
Personsinterestedinpurchasingabook from‘TheBookNook.Gy’cancontactthem on WhatsApp via telephone number (+592) 657-2209, or on Instagram at the book or on TikTok at
Gabyluv and The Bad Family Music’s Issibaby were surprise artistes at Club HQ for a show called“Knockitfromtheback”thatfeatured YungBreddaandGrannyIV
Gabyluv is a Venezuela born-Guyanese Reggaeton and Dancehall singer who participated at the recently held first ever Guyana Dancehall Monarch Competition. Her song Gabyluv Mamacita has been trending especially among her Latin fans in Guyana.
On Friday night, she opened at the Club HQ performing Gabyluv Mamacita, and another song that she will be releasing soon called “Whine Pon It” Gabyluv also performed a cover of Colombian International recording artiste, Karol G’s songcalledBesties.
Meanwhile, Issibaby impressed the crowd with her smooth but sensual performance. She took to the stage with her
Issibaby at Club HQ live on Friday night
dancers and had the crowd taking out their cell phones to record her performance, her Spanish remixes of songs made by popular Jamaicanartistes.
Many persons were impressed with how smoothsherapped.Issibabyevenperformed some of her original songs called, Paparazzi andEncrypt.
Issibaby whose real name is Nosliannys Isabel Menendez left her hometown, San Felix, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela and travelledtoneighbouringGuyanain2020.
Issibabyhadtold The Waterfalls in a previous interview that she began pursuingherdreams at the age of 18 by writing songs and recording them, but migratingtoGuyana was the launching padforhercareer. She was 23years-old when she arrived in the countryandwithina matter of months, local artists in Guyana became aware of her talent and she became the Spanish singing sensation in the country
Issibaby made a grand entrance into the Guyanese music industry through collaboration with popular local artiste Ezan Benzy in the remix of his song BoujeeHardball.
Melo’s Entertainment and Club HQ did notdisappointwith“KnockitfromtheBack” featuring Trinidadian artiste, Yung Bredda, DJ Energy and Guyana’s very own Granny IV The event was indeed a steamy one held on Friday night, at Club HQ (the old Club Rio), located at the corner of Oronoque and Forshaw Streets, Alberttown, Georgetown andcontinuedintoweehoursofSaturday
Some lucky fans even won cash as they got the opportunity to competewitheachotherina dance off while dancing on stage alongside the Trinidadiansingingsensation andGrannyIV
Melo’s Entertainment even had some surprise artisteslinedup,LatinSinger, Issibaby from The Bad FamilyMusicandGabyluvas he set the mood for fans awaitingthemaineventwhile partying to some acrobatic performance from Granny IV and a steamy one from Yung Bredda.
Gabyluv opened the show just after mid-night on Friday before Granny IV come on stage,toperformhissocahits, Miss Grippy Remix, Bumper Tricks, Big Aunty and Red flag.
He sent the crowd wild with some acrobatic splits frommid-airandeventdanced while swinging from the balconyatClubHQ.
He picked some of his lucky fans from the crowd to dance with him and even thought them how to split to thebeatofhissoca.Theywere rewarded with cash prizes for theireffort.
The Bad Family Music’s Issibaby then took the stage with her sensual dancers. She performedsomeofherpopular dancehall remixes and few of her very own Latin tunes before making way for DJ
energytoprepthevibesforYungBreddawho madeClubHQsteamy
Cell phone lights filled the club as the YungBreddaperformedhishits.LikeGranny IV, he pulled some lucky fans to dance on stageandtheytooleftrewardedwithcash.
The show ended just after 04:00hrs on SaturdayasYungBreddaheadedbacktohis hotel to get ready for another show with Melo’s Entertainment at Baramita later that evening.
OnSaturdayMay4,CarolProductionspresentsanight of Salsa featuring DJ Fleming, El Demente de la Salsa at ClubEnvylocatedatSherriffStreet,Georgetown.
ItwillbeanightforallLatinmusicloversandespecially loversofSalsa.ThiseventissponsoredbyTheBadFamily Music, Veneburgers, Red Dragon, Glamour Hairstyles, DulceMielamongothers.
VIP tickets for this event are at $8,000 while general admissionisonly$3,000.Showbeginsat21:00hrs.
Man wanted for 2013 Baracara murder, finally captured
Captured: Timothy Charles Dejonge
Motorcyclebanditscaughtoncamerarobbing manofcash,jewelleryatCummingsLodge
Tw o m e n o n a motorcycle were caught robbing a man of his cash, jewellery and cell phone at Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown.
It is unclear when the robbery took place but according to the footage seen,therobberytookplace inbroaddaylight.
Thevictimwaswalking alongastreetwhentwomen on a dark coloured scooter pulledupbesidehim.
Thepillionriderdressed in a red jersey, black tope, and a pair of short denim jeansgrabbedthevictimby theshirtbeforejumpingoff his bike and raiding the victim’spockets.
SuttonwaskilledinBaracaraVillage.Awantedbulletinwas issuedthereafterforDeJongein2014.
Policeinastatementsaidthathewasarrestedfollowingan intelligence led operation. A search was carried out in DeJonge’s home where one suspected 12-gauge cartridge was foundinabaghangingonabedroomwall.
“As such, DeJonge was escorted to Central Police Station alongwiththesuspectedcartridge,whichwasmarked,sealed, andlodgedinhispresence,”thepolicesaid.
As he took away the man’s cash and other valuables,hepassedittothe rider of the motorcycle dressed in a black jersey, capandapairoflongdenim jeans.
The accomplice stuffed all of the valuables into his pants crotch and the pillion rider jumped back on the motorcycle and they both escaped.
Meanwhile, a man was robbed in a similar fashion
Screen grab of the robbery at Cummings Lodge
on Thursday in the c o m m u n i t y o f Albouystown. He told Kaieteur News that the attack took place during the wee hours of the morningwhilehewasriding to work on his motorcycle. He recalled that while exiting Albouystown, two menrodeupbesidehimona motorcycle and the pillion riderattackedhim.
The victim said that he tried to wrestle off his attacker but the man overpowered him and dealt himsomeblowstothehead before relieving him of his wallet containing $5,000, hisdriver’slicenceandother importantdocuments.
The bandits made good theirescape.
Justin Rambarran, A Trinidad and Tobagobased AI for Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) developerissettoheadlinethefirst ever Caribbean AI4Education ConferencescheduledforApril2526,2024,atthePrincessRamadaat Providence.
The landmark event is being hostedbyCamille’sAcademyIncaleadingprivateschoolinGuyana, in collaboration with AI expert, NickBrown.
The conference will also be hosted in association with the AI4Dev Showcase.The event will bring together educators, technologists, policymakers, and students to explore the latest advancements in AI-powered educationandco-createinnovative solutions to the region’s most pressingeducationalchallenges.
Rambarran, a self-taught programmer,whoisonamissionto transform the educational landscape in the Caribbean is among those to headline the conference.
Heexplainedthathismaingoal is to educate and bring light to the usefulness ofAI technology to the students and teachers of the Caribbean.
Withthisinmind,thestudent’s most recent project is called ChatCXC AI and it capitalises on
theexistingtechnology ofgenerativeAIandthe unique curriculum of Caribbean countries providedbyCXC.
The 18-year-old student currently completing his CAPE Unit2saidthetoolwill help to revolutionise learning in the Caribbean and beyond. TheteensaidthattheAI tool is like having a virtual teacher at your fingertips who is ready to provide detailed answerstoanyquestion thatastudentmayhave about his or her syllabus.
“Whether it might be for CAPE or CSEC ChatCXC AI is not another Chatbot, it’s a comprehensive tool designed to enhance your educational journey in ways you have never thought possible. But what sets ChatCXC AI apart from the other Chatbotsisitsutilizationofofficial syllabuses from the Caribbean Examination Council By leveraging this wealth of knowledge ChatCXC AI goes beyond the generic Chatbot
responses, providing accurate and syllabus specific answers to your questions.”
Rambarran said that the tool includesover1500passpapersand 10,000teachersandstudentsnotes andresponsesallavailableforfree.
“ That way, preparingfortheexams has never been easier ChatCXC AI also allows students to get personalised study guides to help them complete and learn the entire syllabus for each subject. It is here to empower you every step of the way,” Rambarransaid.
In addition to the teenager, Ms. Camille Deokie, CEO and Founder of Camille’s A c a d e m y I n c , G u y a n e s e t e c h innovator and educator Eldon Marks, and AI expert,NickBrownare also scheduled to make theirkeynoteaddresses attheconference.
In a previous interviewwithKaieteur News,theAIexperthad explained that by attendingtheCaribbean A I 4 E d u c a t i o n Conference 2024, Guyanese educatorsandstudentscanposition them at the forefront of the education revolution, embracing thetransformativepowerofAIand preparing for the challenges and opportunitiesofthefuture.
Brown noted that over the courseoftwodays,attendeesofthe conference will have the opportunity to discover more than 50 cutting-edge tools and technologies, from ChatGPT and BardtoOtter.aiandBrilliantAI.
“It’s time to redefine the boundaries of what’s possible in education and pave the way for a smarter, more inclusive, and more sustainableCaribbean.”
“Workshops, keynotes, and networkingsessionswillempower educators to integrate these tools seamlessly into their classrooms, while students will be inspired to harness the power of AI to shape theirowneducationaljourneysand unlocktheirfullpotential,”Brown added.
“The benefits of AI in education extend far beyond the classroom. AI-driven tools like ChatGPT,Bard,andBingcanhelp students research, write, and organise their thoughts, freeing up valuable time for deeper learning and exploration. Similarly, AIpowered virtual assistants like Claudecanserveaspersonalstudy aides, offering guidance on complex topics and helping students to better understand and retaininformation.
From page 12 exploring other diagnosis,” Dr Anthonysaid.
The minister said that the resultsareexpectedbackthisweek.
authorities and “both cases are presentlybeinginvestigated”.
On Thursday, the Ministry of Health in a press release said that it has engaged the relevant
The Ministry said that Arianna was admitted on Monday,April 15, 2024,incriticalcondition.
“Whilepreparationswerebeing made to transfer the patient to the
“A post-mortem has been conducted on the first child and another post-mortem will be conductedonthesecondchild,”the ministry said while noting that “the management and staff of the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital are deeply saddened by the death” of thechildren.
GPHC, the child suffered a cardiac arrestanddiedintheIntensiveCare Unit,” the press release said Further, the ministry said that prior to Arianna's admission, her 9-year-old brother Ricardo Mahabir was taken to the hospital on Sunday, April 14, 2024 “with no sign of life”.
The Ministry said too that it “has instructed that an expert group be dispatched to the New Amsterdam Hospital to further investigate the circumstances surrounding the deathsofthetwochildren.”
The Stabroek Market Wharf cleanup is 85 percent complete, Deputy City Engineer, Rasheed Killman said in an interview on Friday with the Department of PublicInformation(DPI).
Killman said the clearing operations are proceeding at an acceleratedpace.
Furthermore, he outlined the current phase of the operation, which involves the demolition of thecondemnedbuildingsthatarein linewiththewharf.
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at approximately 10:15 pm, the Stabroek Market Wharf collapsed injuring five vendors who were in the vicinity During a visit to the site, President IrfaanAli said that a comprehensive plan of action will be issued immediately, outlining the steps to be taken in response to the situation, including improving safety in the area as well as rebuildingtheinfrastructure.
Meanwhile, in a statement Kellman reassured that, “We should finish removing the debris from the structure (deck) by Sunday and on Monday; we will start removing the decking.And by next weekend t h e w h o l e decking should be completed meaning that we remove all the d e b r i s a n d everything will beclear.”
Thecleaning exerciseisbeing e x e c u t e d through the
collaborativeeffortsoftheMinistry ofLocalGovernmentandRegional Development, Ministry of Public Works and the Mayor and the City Council.
Additional support is being provided by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the Guyana Fire Service(GFS).
In response to the dilapidated structure, an 85-member team has been deployed to remove the rubble. Due to the inability to supporttheheavymachineryonthe structure, the team has been organized to manually handle the debris and ensure safe removal of thedebris.
A barge was obtained by the
Ministry of Public Works and stationed at the rear of the wharf, in order to facilitate the movement of the rubble without hindering marketoperations.
Additionally, once the debris is cleared, a comprehensive assessment of the extent of the damages will be conducted, providing valuable insights for the next steps in the restoration process.
The Government of Guyana stated that it remains committed to collaborating with the Major and the City Council to devise strategies for the resumption of normal operations at the Stabroek MarketWharf.
From page 8
at the symposium said that presently, cardiac services are reaching more persons through the introduction of telemedicine in remote areas. Dr Anthony said that the country adopted the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) HEARTS protocol. The minister shared that this is helping to provide better cardiovascular care to patients whiledisclosingthattheHEARTSprotocolor guidelines are being implemented in 171 differenthealthcentersacrossthecountry
In addition, using these guidelines, they have been able to introduce new medication that are more effective and would lead to better control of various cardiovascular
conditions.“Oneofthechallengesthatwestill have is that while we have introduced this programme, we have seen that there is still a need for better compliance of our patients. So we have medicines, we have people who are following guidelines, the challenge now is to make sure that we get our patients to comply so that we can see better outcomes,” the minister shared while noting that through the symposiumitishopedthatpatientcompliance can be addressed.Meanwhile, the minister saidthatthroughitscollaborationwithMount Sinai Hospital in New York, a team from GPHC will develop national guidelines for cardiovascular care to be able to standardise guidelinesacrossthehealthsector
offset costs in another project In the absence of s u c h a p r o v i s i o n , ExxonMobil have been using the proceeds from the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara projects, currently producing more than 645,000 barrels of oil per day, to pay for costs related to other Stabroek Block projects.Thishasresultedin Guyanafailingtopayoffthe Liza Two project costs, peggedatUS$6billion,even though ExxonMobil recovered a whopping US$7.4 billion in expenses in2022alone.
Instead of engaging the oil company for a fair oil deal, the GoG has instead said it will pursue revenues andbenefitsforthepeopleof Guyana through the Local Content Act, passed in the National Assembly in December2021.
T h e l e g i s l a t i o n prioritises the use of Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies in the procurement of goods and servicesfortheenhancement of the value chain of the sector.TheFirstScheduleof the Act ring-fences 40 categories of work for Guyanese participation via the supply of goods and the provision of services which include: food supply, rental o f o f f i c e s p a c e , accommodation, insurance, accounting and legal services.
Theforegoingcategories carryminimumlocalcontent levels for which local participation had to be achieved by Contractors, Sub-Contractors, and Licenseesinthesectorbythe end of the calendar year 2022.
Ensuring these targets are met is the Local Content Secretariat.
Localinvestorsenjoying samebenefitsgrantedto foreigncompanies–Local ContentSummithears
Addressing criticisms that foreign companies are receiving more benefits in the business economy, Senior Director of InvestmentofGuyanaOffice for Investment, John
Edghill, disclosed that local investors are receiving the same benefits as the foreign companies.
Edghill made these remarks during the Local Content Summit hosted by the MBW Energy Support Services Inc (MBWESSI) and Prestige Management
partnership with the Local Content Secretariat through the Ministry of Natural Resources, on Tuesday, at Pegasus Suites, Kingston, Georgetown.
Themed “Creating Value, Driving Economic Expansion” the one-summit is an event geared towards knowledge sharing for local businesses in Guyana to understand the benefits of becoming Local Content certifiedandhowtoidentify and capitalize on available andupcomingopportunities.
Edghill said, “The questionisalwaysaskedand isaquestionIconsidertobe ridiculousanditsaysthatthe foreign persons are coming and getting more benefits, the fiscal concessions, the incentives and everything else.”
He added that such questions would be brought up by certain articles circulating in the media, about a Hotel at Carifesta Avenue, Thomas Lands, Georgetown.
“We have been seeing a little of that recently in the newsandthenewssites,with thegovernmentwiththevery beautifulandluxurioushotel resort we have at Carifesta Avenue,”henoted.
The Senior Director of Investment was referring to the Qatari group that was granted prime green spaces of land, along Carifesta Avenue to construct a stateof-the-art Hotel. That hotel will enjoy a tax-free ride during the first 10 years of businessinGuyana.
Bethatasitmay,Edghill pointed out, “If we look at the numbers specifically… youwillseethatmostofthe newinvestmentsarecoming from our local people and many of them are coming fromlocalbusinesses,which wouldhavebeenestablished foralongtime.”
Edghill said that such localbusinesses,whichhave been established for several yearswould haveastrategic advantage, because an
opportunity would arise from the local content legislation.
He said, “Businesses who would have been operating in a particular sector would have now seen strategic advantage, an opportunity from the local content legislation for them tonowdiversify.”
E d g h i l l f u r t h e r explained, “The private sector needs to rise to the occasion, the local (and) privatesectors,anddiversify those sectors, especially the 40 beneficial economic areas.”
Exxon’s6thoilproject willeatawayatskilled labourfromlocal businesses–Impact AssessmentReportreveals –driveupfoodpricesin markets
T h e G u y a n a Government recently signed off on a sixth project for the ExxonMobil-led consortium operating in the Stabroek Block, but its expanded production poses a risk not only to the availability of skillsforthedomesticlabour
potential increase in the pricesforgoodsandservices on the domestic market, meaning an even steeper increaseincostofliving.
According to the ExxonMobil Guyana study, withthenewproject,thereis “Potential increased cost of living to citizens due to higherdemandforgoodsand services.”
With the coming on board of the sixth project, it would mean the oil companies would increase its demand of goods and services locally, and with a dwindledsupply—asaresult of Whiptail and its related activities the price for goods and services left available for the domestic economy, will inevitably skyrocket.
Expounding on its rationale for its conclusion, theEIAnotes“TheProject’s potentialforadverseimpacts o n s o c i o e c o n o m i c conditions, employment, and livelihood include a potential increased cost of living and competition among local businesses for qualified workers due to local hiring and spending associatedwiththeProject.” Meaningthedomesticsector
force, but potentially an increased cost of living for citizens This much is documented in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), that was s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA),aspartofthe approvalprocess.
In that document, it outlines that with the US$12 7B Whiptail Development Project, there will in fact be no direct impact on the country’s administrative divisions, population distribution, or education systems, socioeconomic conditions,
e m p l o y m e n t , a n d livelihoods.
Further it said that “area for work will be small and thus will not result in any
change in the overall population distribution ” Whatinfactisprojected,isa
company, and tax revenues
on local spending ExxonMobil expects the Whiptail project to require an investment worth $12.7 billion The project is anticipated to yield 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil by the close of 2027. This development is expected to elevate Guyana’s total daily crude capacity to a staggering 1.3 million bpd, just eight years after the onsetofoilproductioninthe country
The Whiptail project includestheestablishmentof upto10drillcenterswith48 production and injection
wells Located in the southeastern portion of the Stabroekblock,theprojectis expected to tap into the Whiptail, Pinktail and Tilapia fields, with the potential for additional resourcespendingfeasibility studies.
Investigationexposes severalbreachesinaward of$865Mpumpstation contractto‘Guyanese Critic’
*Failedtomeet$8Mbid securityamount
*Failedtodemonstrate constructionexperience
*Noexperiencewith projectofsimilarnature
*NorecordofPastWork Experience
*Failedtodemonstrate financialcapacity
*Noauditedfinancial statements
*Noevidenceof ownershipandor possessionofkey equipment
will lose more of its skilled employees to the oil sector with the expanding of ExxonMobil’s operations offshore Guyana. As such, according to ExxonMobil, it would be up to the government, through Project-related revenue generationandincreasedtax r e v e n u e s f o r t h e government, to potentially increase spending on social servicesandinfrastructure.
As is customary, the company did share that the Project is also expected to generate positive impacts through contributions to the gross domestic product as a result of the Production Sharing Agreement, as well asthroughrevenuesfromthe local procurement of goods, wages paid to Guyanese employees of ExxonMobil Guyana, spending in local communities by the
committed by TEPUI and overlooked by NPTAB in awarding the contract According to the document which was perused by Kaieteur News, NPTAB ignored several key details whenitcametothecompany satisfying the evaluation criteria for the award of the $865milliondeal.
The investigation was launched into the award of contract after a complaint was lodged at the PPC by
Local Social Media
opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson whoraisedconcernsoverthe questionable circumstances underwhichthecontractwas awarded For its part, NPTAB had previously defended the contract award to TEPUI claiming that it follows the systems, processes and procedures e n s h r i n e d i n t h e Procurement Act and its regulations in the award of contracts.
Although TEPUI – the company closely linked to social media personality, Mikhail Rodrigues popularly known as the ‘Guyanese Critic’had failed miserably during the evaluationprocessforbidsat the level of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), but it was still handed a $865 million contract to build a pump station at Belle Vue, West BankDemerara(WBD).
In fact, Rodrigues’ company beat off 26 other bids, 13 of which were described as “substantially responsive,” to win the lucrative deal This was revealed in a report released by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) the body legally mandated to with oversight and investigative capabilities to monitorpublicprocurement.
The PPC, in its report
released on Tuesday
The Tender Board had explained that in any bid, there are administrative, technical and financial criteriatobefollowedwhich are assessed by the Evaluation Committee in making its recommendation toNPTAB.
“These criteria are all fully enshrined in the specific tender document applicable to the specific procurement, whether for goods, works or services,” thetenderboardsaid.
However, in its report, the PPC underlined the fact that the company failed to satisfy several technical criteriaforthespecificaward but was still given the contract. According to the report,thecontractor-TEPUI – did not demonstrate that it had construction experience or “[completed] projects of a similar nature” as the Belle Vue pump station project. Instead, the record before the commission reflectsthatTEPUI
submitted two contracts under this criterion stating that it has a contract Hadi’s World Inc. dated March 27, 2023,fortheconstructionof a concrete wharf at Providence, and a contract between it and the Central Housing and Planning Authority dated February 24th,2023,fortheupgrading of roads in Block three, GreatDiamond.However,it was pointed out that the list ofcurrentprojectssubmitted by TEPUI under evaluation criteria,gavethestatusofthe aforesaidprojectsatthetime of the bid submission (June 2023) as 30% and 20% completed,respectively
The commission noting that the works for which the contracts were submitted by TEPUI were neither for a “pump station, sluice and or drainage structure” as specified in the evaluation
committee to accept, the purported work experience of the bidder’s officers, as distinctfromthebidderitself (acompany)whichadmitted nopastworkexperience.
Further, the committee
e v a l u a t e d t h e b i d submission, important to note that discrepancies were identified between the original bid document and electronic copies submitted by company, particularly r e g a r d i n g p r o j e c t completionpercentages.
The original bid document listed the construction of a concrete pile bed and foundation at Providence (Hadi’s World Inc.) and the upgrading of roads in Block 3, Great Diamond(CH&PA)as100% and 80% completed, respectively, while the electronic copies indicated lower completion rates of 30%and20%.
ThePPCnotedthatinthe absence of bank statements, whicharenotreflectedinthe record as having been submitted, a line of credit f r o m a “ b a n k ” o r “recognized financial institution”isrequired.What is a “recognized financial institution” is not defined.
Notwithstanding, the issuer must at least be a “financial institution” What is a financial institution is defined by law, pursuant to the Financial Institutions Act, Cap 85:03 and in accordance therewith, must be licensed by the Bank of Guyana (Sections 2 and 3). [A bank must be similarly licensed by the Bank of Guyana in accordance with thesaidAct.
Puran Bros. Top Mix is not a ‘bank’ or a ‘financial institution’ within the meaning of the Financial
criteria nor were any, by TEPUI’s own admission, completed, also as required by the said criteria In addition,thebidder,TEPUI, submitted as part of its tender, a letter addressed to the procuring entity and dated June 13th, 2023, by Winston Martindale, Director captioned “Record ofPastWorkExperience”in which it is stated – “Our company was registered in August 2022 and has now commenced the process of bidding for projects, hence wedonothaveanypastwork experience but our team of personnel have years of experience under upgrading andrehabilitationofroadsas indicated on their respective resumes.”
By way of the aforesaid letter of February 6th, 2024, the commission also requested from NPTAB, “clarification as to the authority on which the evaluation committee acted whichpermittedthewinning bidder to rely on, and the
In such cases, the document noted that the information provided in the original bid document takes precedence It went on to statefurtherthatwhetherthe projects submitted by TEPUI were 20% complete or 80% complete (re letter fromNPTABdatedFebruary 20th,2024)isimmaterial,as what was required by the evaluation criteria was ‘completion’ Another requirement for the successful bidder is to provide evidence of financial capacity representing (30%) of the bid price Bidder must provide a bank statement or LINE of credit from a bank or a recognized financial institution.The criterion has anumberoflevelswithinitis to be satisfied The first, being a bank statement or line of credit from a “recognized financial institution” The record reflects the submission by TEPUI of a line of credit issued by Puran Brothers
criterion provides that “ownership or possession can be demonstrated by providing the licences, purchase documents, registrations, agreement to lease or rent from a recognized leasing agency, and or affidavit of ownership ” The record reflects that TEPUI Inc. did not submit any of the aforesaid, to wit, a ‘licence, purchase document, registration, agreement and oraffidavit.’
In addition to the aforementioned criterion, the successful bidder was required to submit “bid securityinthesumof1%of the Bid Price.” The report pointedoutthatTEPUI’sbid w a s i n t h e s u m o f $865,543,500 Hence, the Bid Security ought to have been in the sum of $8,655,435 However, the security submitted by TEPUI was in the sum of $7,791,985 That is, $863,450 less than the required sum in satisfaction ofthiscriterion.
for a robust e-procurement system.”
36MWpowershipto costGuyanaUS$2.4M annually,minusfuel
The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Incorporated will be paying as much as US$2.4M annually for the useofapowershipthatithas contracted with Urbacon Concessions Investments, W.L.L (UCI) to charter the vessel with a total installed capacity of 36 Megawatts (MWs) for a period of two years. This, figure does not includefuel.
expected to be fully operational and delivering electricity by May 8, 2024.
Institutions,” the regulatory bodystatedinitsreport.
Yet, another criterion required the successful bidderisforthecompanyto–“…provideauditedfinancial statements for the last financial year, dated within one year, for incorporated companies Financial statements must be audited b y a C h a r t e r e d accountant/accountancy firmandincludeanauditor’s note…”
In response to this requirement the company’s director, Martindale addressed to the procuring entitydatedJune13th,2023, which states –“ Our company was registered in August 2022 and has now commenced the process of bidding for projects; hence, wedonothaveanyfinancial statements.”
The company was mandated show evidence of ownershipandorpossession of key equipment in the specified number, is availablefortheproject.The
Stemming from the PPC report, Minister within the Office of the President with the Responsibility for Finance,Dr AshniSingh,on Tuesday night, sought to reassure the nation of government’s commitment to transparency and accountability in the distribution of state contracts. In a live address, Dr. Singh spoke of the government commitment to the scrutiny of bidders to ascertain whether they would be able to meet the workdemandsanddischarge contractsinatimelymanner
“I wish to assure the Guyanese public that this PPP/C government, led by HisExcellencyPresidentDr Irfaan Ali, remains firmly a n d u n w a v e r i n g l y committed to good g o v e r n a n c e a n d accountability, including throughthemaintenanceand preservationofpublicbodies thatcanwithstandscrutiny,” Dr Singhsaid.
Meanwhile,NPTAB,ina subsequent release, also indicated what steps would be taken to strengthen its systems.
I t s a i d i t h a s “ c o m m e n c e d t w o consultancies to strengthen records management and d e v e l o p a p u b l i c procurement management
system ” The NPTAB release added, “Both will introduce information technology solutions to current processes and proceduresandpavetheway
The contract, according to GPL, includes the provision of operation and maintenanceservicesaspart oftheagreement.According to the utility company in a public missive yesterday, “thecontractrequiresGPLto pay UCI a fee of 6.62 US cents per kWh as a monthly charterfeeforthepowership andamonthlyoperationand maintenance fee of 0.98 US cents per kWh, based on electricitygenerated.”
A 36MW capacity plant isexpectedtogeneratesome 315,360,000-kilowatt hours per year, which would mean a n a n n u a l b i l l $2,087,683,200 This in additiontothe0.98UScents maintenancefee,willaddan additional US$309,052,800, o r c u m u l a t i v e l y US$2,396,736,000.
According to the power companyinamissive,power shipisexpectedtooperateat 96 percent availability Additionally, it was pointed out that GPL has already paid a total mobilization fee of US$1M and is not required under the contract topayademobilizationfee. As had been indicated earlier, under the contract, GPL is responsible for providing Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) for the operation of thegenerators. Accordingto the power company, the powershipwaslastoperated
in Cuba as a part of
contingent of similar generation assets and is expectedtoarriveinGuyana on May 1, 2024, subject to weatherconditions.
According to GPL, the powershipwillbelocatedat Everton,Berbiceandwillbe interconnected with GPL’s Gridat69kV Thecompany
said it has already commenced preparatory work at the site to accommodate the power ship and the interconnection t
GPLonApril13,2024,GPL Inc. inked the contract with UCI, a subsidiary of UCC Holdings, a company incorporated in the State of Qatar UCC Holdings has a strategic alliance with Karpowership International, aTurkishcompany Meanwhile, in an advertisement published in the Kaieteur News on Thursday, GPL invited expressionofinterestforthe rentalofabargetotransport andstoreheavyfueloilfrom Kingston/Vreed-en-Hoopto Everton, Berbice In the advertisement, GPL explained that it is in the process of expanding its generating capacity and the need has arisen for a barge with the capacity to transfer andstorebetween8,000and 35,000 barrels of HFO to be transportedfromKingstonto Everton.Thecompanynoted that the barge will be primarily stationed at Everton. With this in mind, GPL said it is seeking e x p r e s s i o n o f individuals/companies who can provide these services. The requirements for the barge include capability of transporting and storing heavy fuel, oil (HFO) in a safemanner Thebargemust have among other things, capacity to store between 8,000 to 35,000 barrels of heavy fuel oil. The barge mustalsohavethecapability of mooring and transiting betweenGPL’sKingstonand Vreed-en-Hoop ports The bargemustbeself-propelled. Itmustholdthecapabilityof performing ship-to-ship transfer /loading of heavy fuel oil. The barge must be available to be leased on a continuous basis for a minimumperiodofoneyear toamaximumperiodoftwo years. It must have a valid barge registration/licence and be double hulled. The relevant documents have to besubmittedtotheNational Procurement and Tender Administration Board by 2 pmonApril30th.
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo has assured that there will be no increases in electricity charges during the period that the power ship is in operation.
Speaking at his weekly pressconferenceatFreedom House on Thursday, Jagdeo explained that the governmentwillabsorbany
additional costs stemming from the rental. “There will be no increase in the price ofelectricitybecauseofthis rental.Thegovernment,at about $44 or $50 per kilowatt hour, is already subsidising the power to people, businesses, etc , ” Jagdeosaid.Thepowership isbeingrentedinanattempt tosupplementthegeneration shortfall, which has led to recurrentblackouts.Itforms a critical element of the government’s short-term plantoaddressthisshortfall. Jagdeofurthernoted,“Itisa largesumofmoneythatwe use to keep the price of electricity fixed. Since we got into office, we have keptitfixed,inspiteofthe increase. So, there shall be no increase in the price.”
On Tuesday, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali affirmed the feasibility of this rental, explaining that some of the challenges GPL facesareheighteneddemand andthelackofcapacity This temporary arrangement will be in place for two years, essentially until the transformative gas-toenergypowerplantcomeson streamin2025.
Sixthoilprojecttofurther batterfishingindustry–ExxonStudyreveals …increasedvesseltraffic toalsoimpactGuyana’s commercialcargo transports “…somefisherfolkhave beenforcedtoselltheir boatsandfindalternative jobs.Inmanycases,fish catchpriceshavestayed thesamewhilethecostof livinghasincreased,and thedistanceandeffortto catchfishhasalso increased,”–EIA
The expanding oil and gas economy in Guyana is being seen as a boon by many for the country’s economy but the potential impacts on the lives of the many citizens that are going to be directly impacted with the increased vessel traffic between the Georgetown harbour and the Whiptail Development Project Area (PDA) are many. These include, the further decimation of the country’s fishing industry since the development of the new project, will result in the reducedavailabilityofocean s u r f a c e a r e a s , f o r commercial fishing and artisanal fishing. This much is documented in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), since
approved by the regulatory body the Environmental Protection Agency—as part of its approval process in ordertosecureitsPetroleum Production Licence The EIA also acknowledges that the increased traffic will not only affect the fishing industry, but also interfere withcommercialcargo.
According to the EIA, the ExxonMobil led consortium will be using a number of support vessel tripstoandfromaGuyanaor Trinidad and Tobago s h o r e b a s e f o r t h e development and operation of the Project. It stipulated toothatduringdevelopment, approximately 10 to 15 roundtripsperweek.During installation, approximately three to five round trips per week; and, during the production operations stage, approximately three to five roundtripsperweek.
That EIAdocument also reiteratedthattheUS$12.7B Whiptail Project will also generate a variety of marine vessel trips throughout the life of the Project, including maritimetransportofProject materials, supplies, and personnel, as well as the presence of the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)Vessels), drill ships, and major installation vessels “These marine activities will potentially impactvesseltrafficintoand out of Georgetown harbour, open-ocean shipping in the vicinity of the PDA (Production Development Area), the limited commercial fishing activity that occurs as far out as the PDA, and commercial and artisanal fishing activity within the transit corridor between the PDA and Georgetownharbour.”
The company insists however,thatproject-related vessels and commercial vessels are expected to be able to safely navigate aroundothervesselsinthese areas and as such, the significance of potential
residual impacts on commercial cargo vessels is listedasnegligible.
commercial fishing vessels
offshore, the company outlined that this industry will lose access to some fishing areas that are currently available to them and will have to avoid Project-related vessel traffic wherenonecurrentlyexists.
It notes however, “Artisanal fishing occurs well inshore of the PDA, so therewillbenolossofaccess for artisanal fishing Artisanal fishing vessels c o u l d e x p e r i e n c e interference due to movements of Projectrelatedvesseltraffic.”
According to the EIA, “while Notices to Mariners will be provided to mitigate potential interference with commercial and artisanal fishing vessel navigation, t h e r e a r e limitations—particularly for artisanal vessels to the effectiveness of these notices.
The ExxonMobil EIA also concedes reports of a declineinfishcatchthathas displaced some fisherfolk from their livelihoods and that “some fisherfolk have beenforcedtoselltheirboats and find alternative jobs. In manycases,fishcatchprices have stayed the same while the cost of living has increased, and the distance and effort to catch fish has alsoincreased.”
The EIA additionally concedes that catches have decreased, resulting in longer days at sea, while inflation has driven increasedpricesfor fueland equipment “Other complications include a loss of skilled workers, and the operational challenges of findingnewfishinggrounds. Fisherfolk representatives indicated that there is a lack of incentives or other support for the artisanal fishing sector, compared to other sectors in Guyana,” accordingtotheExxonEIA.
With the expansion of the industry,theEIAdocuments that the Project will require the use of onshore facilities suchasshorebases,laydown areas, pipe yards, fabrication/maintenance facilities, warehouses, fuel supply depots, heliport, and waste management facilities
to support development drilling, FPSO/SURF installation, commissioning and start-up, production operations, and ultimately, decommissioning.
HaagsBoshdumpsite quicklyrunningoutof spaceforExxon’swaste–Exxon’sEIAreveals …Govt.willneedto developnewfacilitysoon
The main dumping ground for waste generated by the still nascent oil and gas industry is the multibillion-dollar Haags Bosch dumpsite,butwitheachnew ExxonMobil led project, its capacity is quickly being depleted.Somuchsothatthe waste management infrastructure capacity is expected to be sufficient to supportprojectoperationsin the short term up to 4 years.
This much is spelled out
community (inclusive of all residential and nonresidential users) is the primary user for nonhazardouswastelandfills.”
To this end it was noted that the construction of a second cell at the Haags Boschsitewascompletedin 2021 and continued upgrades and improvements areongoing.
“ W i t h t h e s e improvements and the
construction of two additional cells, the HBL facility has capacity for the next10years,”thedocument said.
the Seawall, Timehri, and Parika.
This in addition to the fact that all of the nonhazardous solid waste generated to date from the ExxonMobil projects is beingdisposedofthere.
Theoriginaldisposalcell (Cell1)isclosed,andCell2 started operations in late March 2021. The remaining estimated life span of Cell 2 depends on how much the waste volumes received at thelandfillincreasewiththe expanded economic developmentexpectedinthe Georgetown area over the next5years.
However, the EIA said there remains space for additionalcell(s)attheHBL location to be developed in thefuture.
ExxonMobil Guyana’s non-hazardous solid wastes that are not recyclable are disposedattheHaagsBosch site.
intheEnvironmentalImpact Assessment (EIA) that was s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency for its US$12 7B Whiptail Development Project.
According to the o p e r a t o r, o n g o i n g coordination with the government and waste management providers is necessarytoensurethelongterm waste management needs are met In the
meantime, the EIA documents state that the planned project activities
could impact waste management infrastructure capacity for current users of Georgetown-based waste treatmentfacilities.
According to the EIA, the ExxonMobil led consortiumandotheroiland gasoperatorsaretheprimary users of hazardous waste management facilities and “since2019,therehasbeena substantial expansion of third-party commercial hazardous waste handling, storage, and treatment facilities in Georgetown The general Georgetown
A d d i t i o n a l l y , ExxonMobil outlined in its EIA that subsequent decisions regarding further expansionofexistingornew municipal waste landfills will be undertaken by the GovernmentofGuyanawith the input and support of the M i n i s t r y o f L o c a l Government and Regional Development and the EPA, and participation of the p u b l i c a n d o t h e r stakeholders.
ExxonMobil said the projected project waste generation represents a significant portion of the t o t a l d e m a n d f o r Georgetown-based hazardous waste treatment f a c i l i t i e s a n d i t s contributions of nonhazardous solid waste volumessenttothedumpsite already represents up to seven(7)percentofthetotal annual volume received by thefacility
The Haags Bosch site is government-owned and is operated by a third-party contractor and is at present the only engineered sanitary landfill in Guyana and started operations in early 2011.
That dumpsite is at present the current destination for most municipal and commercial solid non-hazardous waste generated from the greater Georgetown area, including wastes generated from the 25-plus Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) between Mahaica,
The EIA also states the site will be used for the “disposal of the treated residues and other nonhazardouswastesthatwould be expected to be generated during a spill response,” for itsWhiptailProject.
“ N e w l a n d f i l l development in the region may be appropriate for consideration going forward,” the oil company said.Itwasexplainedthatin the absence of other oil and gas/industrial operations exerting a significant increase in the demand on Georgetown-based hazardous waste treatment facilities, the cumulative projected peak hazardous waste generation at approximately 550 tonnes permonth,wouldrepresenta significant portion of the t o t a l d e m a n d f o r Georgetown-based hazardous waste treatment facilities.
Teachers’ strike was legal; salaries must not be deducted–JusticeKissoon Govt. acted unlawfully andwasdiscriminatory
Govt. sidelined and underminedUnion Strike by the GTU was legalandjustified
Chief Education Officer’s evidence was inaccurateandself-serving Govt. failed to engage the GTU in collective bargaining
HighCourtJudgeSandil KissoononFridayruledthat theGuyanaTeachers’Union (GTU) led strike was legal. Asaresult,JusticeKissoon
Frompage60 prohibited the government fromactingonitsdecisionto deduct the salaries of teachers who participated in the month-long strike in February
In a marathon judgment which lasted several hours, the High Court Judge also slammed the government’s decision to discontinue deducting union dues from the salaries of teachers for the union describing the move as “arbitrary, u n i l a t e r a l , a n d discriminatory”.
Alluding to a number of landmark decisions and judicial reports from several Commonwealth nations, in addition to the Constitution of Guyana and evidence presented to the Court, the jurist declared that teachers were not only within their right to strike but that “right is enshrined in the Constitution.”
Kissoon made this determination despite arguments by Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs,AnilNandlall, SC–the government’s legal representative that the teachersenjoya“freedomto strike” but no right to strike undertheConstitution.
Nandlall argued that the Common Law principle of “no work, no pay” was justifiably applied by the government.
Rejecting the argument in its entirety, Justice Kissoon explained that “the right to strike, like the right to engage in collective bargaining, is firmly e m b e d d e d i n t h e fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to every citizen of Guyana undertheConstitutionofthe Co-operative Republic of Guyana”.
Justice Kissoon found too that the government had sidelined and undermined theGTU.
Henotedinhisviewthat the Ministry of Education andtheGovernmentfailedto engage in Collective Bargainingasitrelatestothe proposed multi-year agreement for the period 2019-2023, which includes the critical issue of wages and salaries This was despitethebesteffortsofthe G T U t o e n g a g e i n negotiations.
According to the judge, the evidence revealed that from 2020 and the days leading up to the strike in February, “letters were sent to every conceivable person in authority” by the Union, includingthePresident.
He noted that there was no evidence of a response, with the exception of the belated letter of response by the Permanent Secretary of Education Ministry, and the ChiefLabourOfficer
The judge noted, inter alia,thattheletterwrittenby Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Shannielle Hoosein-Outar dated February 6, 2024, which was addressed to the President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte included a numberof“graveallegations ofcriminalnature.”
The Court noted that the said letter communicated Government’s decision to discontinuethedeductionof Unionduesfromthesalaries of teachers and contained allegations made against the General Secretary of the GTU,withoutanyevidence.
“Thoseallegations,those contentions, those assertions, erroneously, arbitrarily and unilaterally informedadecisionbasedon a false premise, which is unlawfulandhastobestruck down,”theJudgesaid.
In the case of the Chief Labour Officer, the Judge said there was no evidence that he conducted a single inquirytoascertainwhenthe multi-year proposal was submittedbytheUnion,and whether the two sides had initiatednegotiations.
The Judge said instead, the Chief Labour Officer, r e l y i n g o n l y o n correspondences from the Government,concludedthat the conditions for conciliation and arbitration had not been met, when requestedbytheUnion.
The Judge concluded that the Government, including by the actions of the Chief Labour Officer, hadcreatedtheconditionfor industrial action, given its refusal to engage in collective bargaining, and matters directly related to wagesandsalaries.
TheJudgenotedtoothat eventhePresident’smeeting with teachers in the absence of union representatives, couldnotbeseenasanyform of collective bargaining. He said many of the decisions taken by the Government wereunilateral.
“Theteachersliftedtheir voices and they asked for bread and they were given stones,”theJudgeadded.
As it relates to the evidence presented by witnesses in the trial, the judge made several determinations He noted that in his testimony, the
Chief Education Officer (CEO),SaddamHussainwas not“fullandfrank”withthe Court; instead, he attempted to justify the actions of the MinistryofEducation.
According to Justice Kissoon,Hussain’sevidence “bordered on tarnishing the reputation of his office, c o n s t i t u t e d a misrepresentation of the facts, and was found to be inaccurateandself-serving.”
Further, he concluded that the CEO intended to deceive the Court with his testimonyandasaresulthis “evidence cannot be acted upon or relied upon by the Court.”
In contrast, the Court found that the evidence presented by the Second Vice President of the GTU, Julian Cambridge was “credibleanddirect.”
Outside the courtroom, Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, who represented the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), welcomed the decision d e s c r i b i n g i t a s a “ s i g n i f i c a n t ” a n d “landmark” one that further strengthens the rights of workersinGuyana.
Forde represented the interest of the GTUC in association with attorney D a r r e n Wa d e w h o representedtheGTU.
However, the Attorney Generaldeemedthedecision as dangerous and having far reachingeffects.Hesaidthat the government will definitely appeal the decision.
He maintained that Guyana’s constitution provides a freedom, not a right, to strike though doing so may incur sanctions such aswithholdingpayments.In suchcases,Nandlallsaidthe
issue of “no work, no pay” arises.
“Now you are going to have striking workers who aregoingtobecompensated forworknotdone.Whatyou have done there is you have turnedthelawupsidedown,” Nandlalllamented.
He added, “…You can’t usethetoolofinterpretation to expand the meaning of words beyond their natural grammaticalmeaning…You can’t convert the term freedom into a right using interpretative mechanisms
I n a s u b s e q u e n t statement issued on Friday, the Government of Guyana noted the High Court has completely dismantled a salutary principle which has struck a vital balance between the employer and the employee in industrial relationsforcenturies.
“TheCourtruledthatthe ‘no work no pay’ principle no longer applies to Guyana – a position that does not obtain either in the Commonwealth Caribbean
orindeedthishemisphere. The repercussions that will flow from this ruling willhavedevastatingimpact on industrial relations both in the private and the public sector Workers now can strike with impunity and they will havetobepaid.Insoruling, and in an effort to find a constitutional right for the w o r k e r, t h e C o u r t simultaneously is depriving theemployerofhisproperty (wages) ” the Government saidinitsstatement.
Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
Wanted one experienced Cook. Call: 654-1535.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and truck. Call: 227-1813.
Property and 80X120 land for sale in Enmore. Front and Back driveway access. Call: 623-8754.
Two motorcycles were on Friday killed after they crashed into each other around 20:30hrs along the Williamsburg Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice Region Six.
According to police, a pillion rider identified as Veeram Seecharran, 17, was also left critical with a fractured skull.
2969 while Emmanuel was rider of another motorcycle, CM 50. Seecharran was reportedly Emanuel’s pillion rider when the accident occurred.
Police said that the two motorcyclists crashed into each other head-on.
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
House for sale at WBD, $ 50 mil. Call: 615-2911.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237. Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: bakshwork
Experienced Lorry Driver, must have a valid licence.
WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal
Labourer needed, must have good attitude and reference. WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal
Operations Coordinator, must have 5 cxc, including English & Maths. WhatsApp application: 609-2220, 725-4360, Email: River side property for sale at East Bank. Call: 653-2477.
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older. Call: 654-1535.
Vacancy for Cashier and Sales girl. Lot 4 Robb street Georgetown. Call: 652-9576 or 656-1234.
Male & Female workers needed to work at a Carwash in Campbellville. Call: 6694676.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
The dead motorcyclists were identified as 21-year-old Vekash Tulsi of Lot 90 South First Street Letter Kenny, Corentyne, Berbice and 22year-old Rondy Emmanuel of Lot 167 Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice.
Tulsi was reportedly the rider of a motorcycle, CM
4 apartments for rental, fully furnished, located at lot 4 Area K, LBI, ECD. Call: 6490609. Living and Business Quarter for rent at James and Hunter Street. Call: 674 0614.
1 fully furnished Luxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot and Cold water, remote gate etc in Campbellville. G/town. Price US$2000. Call: 6215140.
One four bedrooms house for rent in Peter's Hall, Plantation EBD. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One five bedrooms house for rent in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 6557405/ 694-7817.
Investigations revealed that Tulsi was proceeding west along the southern drive lane of Williamsburg’s Public Road while Emmanuel was proceeding east along the northern drive, both allegedly at a ‘fast rate of speed’”, police said.
Emanuel reportedly lost control of his bike and ended up into Tulsi’s path and they crashed head-on.
Dead: Venkash Tulsi Dead: Rondy Emmanuel
Emanuel, his pillion rider and Tulsi were all picked up in an unconscious state following the accident and taken to Port Mourant Public Hospital. Tulsi was pronounced dead on arrival, while Emmanuel succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment.
Up to press time, Emmanuel’s pillion rider Seecharran was still being treated for a fractured skull at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital. His condition remains critical. Investigations are continuing.
From page 6 both grown, but expenditure has outstripped revenue significantly. Even though the oil industry does not contribute much, revenue growth is to be expected as economic activity increases, while government spending has expanded rapidly as a result, the Government’s vaunted public capital works programme. The result is a widening fiscal deficit, estimated at 16 percent of the country’s non-oil GDP, overall, and with a primary deficit of 28 percent. The primary balance measures the difference between revenue and expenditure with interest payments on the government’s debt excluded. A primary deficit means that the Government is in the position of having to borrow to pay interest. Apart from concerns about the growing deficits and debt (which, admittedly, has not reached crisis proportions yet), Government borrowing to service debt is surely not the right direction to be going in.
The key question arising
New home sea view, four bedroom, three toilet & bath. Call: 675-1510.
tion Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
as we observe the fiscal deficits is: how are they being financed? The traditional sources available to the Guyana Government are borrowing from local institutions, borrowing abroad, withdrawals from the Natural Resource Fund and money creation (printing money). A couple of things must be borne in mind where these sources are concerned.
As usual, borrowed money is not free, even when the Government does it. Ultimately, the service of Government borrowing will fall on taxpayers. As it turns out, even though the Government has been borrowing both domestically and abroad, and had been drawing funds from the NRF, it has also resorted to printing money.
This is unfortunate because money creation is especially to be avoided because it supercharges, as it were, the worst effects of deficit financing such as inflationary pressure and pressure on international reserves.
Looking back at the balance of payments, one can observe growing levels of net portfolio investments flowing abroad. Money creation by the Government may be a major factor in this as well as the experience of foreign exchange shortage alluded to earlier.
In conclusion, this sense of an enhanced development status with unlimited access to financial resources is premature at best.
The Government needs to be prudent in its development choices, and not get carried away with the mentality that its pockets are so deep that it can spend at a whim. Its resources are limited relative to the development needs and imperatives of the country.
So, whether it’s a matter of building bridges and roads or hospitals or paying teachers and nurses, choices must be made with prudence and attention to macroeconomic realities.
Desmond ThomasFrom page 5 though it is costly. That is why I stitch-in here that we must not take for granted what is unfolding in the education sector in Guyana.
I recall from the last budget that Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh did announce that $4.1 billion was budgeted to support the operations of the University of Guyana (UG) this year. He revealed that in 2024, new programmes will be offered in such areas as food security, cybersecurity, engineering technologies, biopharma, marine studies, earth and climate sciences, and sports medicine.
As we are all aware, the world has grown exponentially, and if Guyana will compete, then investment in the people’s preparation is necessary. Specifically, $4 billion was allocated for the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) to support new and continuing students, and we are now beginning to reap herein; it will get better and bigger.
As we share in the pride of President Irfaan Ali (when he addressed recently those gathered for the American Foundation for the Uni-
versity of the West Indies’ 27th Annual Awards Gala in New York), “… his government has been working assiduously to enhance access to quality education, ensuring that universal access be achieved countrywide … the effort has produced notable results, as the government continues to surpass its goal of providing 20,000 scholarships during its tenure.” So far so good. Why?
He pointed out that “Today, under the GOAL scholarship programme, we have over 345 programmes from 19 universities. More than 30,000 students are on this programme in just three and a half years, 75 percent of whom are women … (and) of this number, some 2,229 graduated from the UWI programmes.”
I just hope that we will continue to capitalize on what is on-going educationally. To enjoy free tuition from GOAL is not a trivial matter. In highly developed nations, many cannot pursue higher learning and why? It is just ‘far too costly.’
Yours truly, HB Singh
all the sub-sectors saw an increase and this was attributed to the influence of the energy sector It was also suggested that this sector will continue to see growth as the energysectormatures.
The top two key sub-sectors were wholesale and retail trade and Guyana’s manufacturing sector pharmaceuticals,tonameafew manufacturing. Other sub-sector Guyanese Diaspora markets such repairs and administrative and recorded a 25 per cent growth in According to the GMSA, developments were seen in paints, as Florida, New York and Toronto support services, bringing in 2023 raking in G$70B, the Guyana Guyana’s manufacturing sector alcoholic beverages, processed were cited. Moreover, Guyana’s GY$95.83 billion and GY89.74 Manufacturing and Services was accounted for by five percent foods, pharmaceuticals, textiles and duty-free access to the CARICOM billion for the service sector Association (GMSA) said in its production bringing in GY$3.29 sewn goods Bitumen, a substance marketmustnotbeoverlooked. respectively. As the service sector annualreportreleasedonThursday billion in sugar, 24 percent in rice createdfromthedistillationofcrude Notable products for continuestogrow,itwasmentioned According to the report, the amountingtoGY$17.22billionand oil was also highlighted DCSN manufacturing are uncooked pasta, that opportunities greatly lie in the 2023 growth represented a $13.7B 71 percent in other products with a Manufacturing Incorporated, the medicaments, rum and prepared tourism, hospitality and catering, increase in revenues when totalofGY$49.83billion. firstandonlymanufacturerofCRS2 sauces. In the service sector, the financial services and information compared to 2022. The reported T h e g r o w t h i n o t h e r and RC 250 bitumen, has thus far industry generated GY$500 billion technologysub-sectors. notedthatGuyanahasbeenshifting manufacturing production was produced 100,000 tons, all of which and grew by ten percent at the end GMSA said that Guyana’s awayfromthetraditionalsugarand creditedtofabricatedmetalproducts wasproducedlocally of 2023 as compared to 2022. This manufacturing and services sectors rice production and has been more and non-metallic products This, GMSA also alluded to sector accounts for 13 percent of are driven by the changing focused on other manufacturing GMSA claimed was proof of the opportunities for manufacturers as Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product dynamics of the Guyanese sectors such as spirits, processed spillover of the energy sector and Guyana’s proximity to the (GDP) and over 41 percent of non- economy and the confidence of f o o d s , c h e m i c a l s , a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n b o o m o n Caribbean, Latin-America and oil GDP It was distinguished that investors.
e n c y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
SinceOct.7,Israelhasimposed coordinatingreliefinGaza,saidthe a complete siege, and restrictions Israelisundergrowingpressure allegations that it restricts aid are on the kind of items that can enter to ramp up aid to Gaza, where its “false” and that it largely permits have greatly expanded beyond military operations and siege have the entry of humanitarian supplies, dual-useitems,manysay. broughtmassdisplacement,hunger subjecttoasecurityinspection. One U.S. official who visited and disease. In recent days, Israeli HereisalistofitemstheUnited theRafahcrossingpointlastmonth authoritiessay,theyhaveincreased Nations and other aid agencies say describedmeetingwithaidworkers the number of food and aid trucks Israeli authorities have blocked who were deeply frustrated by the entering the enclave, after from entering Gaza at least once seeming arbitrariness of the President Biden warned Prime sinceOct.7: rejected items. They included a Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that anesthetics pallet of chocolate croissants, U.S. support for Israel depends on animalfeed which was apparently blocked the measures it takes to protect cardiaccatheters because the Israelis deemed them civiliansandaidworkers. chemical water quality testing luxury foods inappropriate for a
But in the six months since the kits war zone, said the official, who start of the war, Israeli authorities chocolatecroissants spoke on the condition of have also denied or restricted crutches anonymity to talk candidly about access to a number of items, fieldhospitalboxes theirconversationsduringthevisit. ranging from lifesaving medical flak jackets and helmets for aid
Thereviewprocessofgoodsfor supplies to toys to chocolate workers entryis“totallyarbitrary,”saidSen. croissants. fittingsforwaterpipelinerepair Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who ventilators
“I think it’s unprecedented,” generatorsforhospitals
a video from U N Secretary visitedRafahinJanuary waterbladders Shaina Low, a spokeswoman for greententsandsleepingbags
GeneralAntónio Guterres showing “When you’re turning back water filters and purification the Norwegian Refugee Council in maternitykits miles of stalled trucks at the Rafah maternity kits and water tablets the Palestinian territories, said of medical thread in reproductive border crossing, COGAT said on purification tablets, that is a waterpumps the Israeli restrictions. “It’s just healthkits social media that the United deliberate effort not to allow wheelchairs, glucose nothing that aid agencies have ever medical scissors in children’s Nations “must scale up logistics desperately needed goods into measuring devices, syringes hadtodealwith.” aidkits and stop blaming Israel for its own Gaza,”hesaid.“There’snorational andothermedicalequipmenton The blockages and delays, microbiological water-testing failures.” justification.”
a truck rejected for a different coupled with attacks on aid kits
Fewer than 1.5 percent of the Impact on humanitarian work item workers, are costing Palestinian mobile desalination units with total trucks have been denied entry
The difficulties of bringing aid X-raymachines lives, aid groups say — charges solarsystemandgenerators at the crossings, COGAT said, intoGazatodayareunprecedented, Limitedscanningmachinesand Israeldenies. nailclippersinhygienekits adding that 20,900 tons of medical severalaidworkerssaid. operational hours at border
Items rejected from entry into obstetricclamps equipmenthaveenteredGazasince “The challenges with this, I’ve inspection sites slow down the Gaza oxygenconcentrators the start of the war, including never seen in 15 years of doing this delivery of aid, according to Jamie
The Washington Post reached oxygencylinders medicines for cancer patients, work,”saidahumanitarianofficial, M c G o l d r i c k , t h e U N 25 aid groups, U.N. agencies and powersupplyequipment insulin pens, anesthetics, X-ray who spoke on the condition of humanitarian coordinator for the donor countries about the kinds of prefabricatedshelters machines, CTimagers, and oxygen anonymity due to the sensitivity of occupiedPalestinianterritory aidtheyhavetriedtogetintoGaza. satellitecommunicationkits generatorsforhospitals. theworkontheground,addingthat
If one item is rejected during an Food, water and blankets do not scissors and scalpels in
Overall,theagencysays22,105 groups had begun to self-restrict. inspection, he added, the whole require approvals, but agencies midwiferykits trucks were allowed into Gaza “They may not be pushing through truck is sent back. Earlier this year, submitrequestsforitemstheythink sleepingbagswithzippers between Oct. 7 and Wednesday, an everything they want because they insulin pens for children were have a chance of getting rejected, solarpanels averageofabout118trucksperday know it takes up a huge amount of denied entry, McGoldrick said, such as communications solar-powered lamps and
— about a fifth of the number that time for them and it’s not always after a mixed-cargo truck was equipment and sanitation or shelter flashlights entered prewar This week, goingtowin.” rejected apparently because of items. solar-powered medical COGAT said that Israel was Besides aid groups, donor solarpanels.
Pre-dispatch approvals and refrigerators “surging” aid into the territory and countries including Britain and “You’d think after 5½ months border inspections have been spare parts for pumps and that more than 1,200 aid trucks European Union nations have also of a crisis of this kind, the systems inconsistent, they said, with some generators were inspected and transferred to sharedtheirfrustration. in place would be a bit more items rejected in one instance but stonefruits Gazaoverthreedays. A part of Belgium’s medical predictableandsettled.Infact,they approved in others. In some cases, surgicaltoolsfordoctors U.N.andotheraidagenciessay, supply package was refused are not. And that’s why we’re organizations were able to get tap-stand kits for water however, that Israel still controls recently without reason, said struggling,”McGoldricksaid. rejections overturned upon appeal. distribution when they can retrieve the goods Caroline Gennez, the country’s COGAT has in turn accused Other requests have remained in tentpoles from the Gaza side of the crossings minister for development U.N. agencies of delays in aid limbo. toysinwoodenboxes —andalsomustapprovetheroutes cooperation, adding that tons of delivery Lastmonth,respondingto COGAT, the Israeli military ultrasoundequipment the aid trucks take within the food aid are often inadmissible enclave. because of frequent changes in ‘Dual-use’items rulesforpackagedfoodstuffs. Israel has maintained a land, air “Blockinghumanitarianaidisa and sea blockade on Gaza since grave violation of international 2007. This has included regulating humanitarian law Using starvation the entry of “dual-use” items into as a weapon is a war crime,” Gaza, those that are predominantly Gennez said. “This madness must civilian in nature but could also be end ”These experiences and used militarily, such as assertions have prompted a c o n s t r u c t i o n m a t e r i a l s , growingdebateinWashingtonover communications equipment and whether the United States should chemicals Israel argues these suspend arms transfers to Israel, restrictions are necessary to choke with aid groups and some offHamas’smilitaryapparatus. Democrats calling on the Biden
Israel’s dual-use list, when it administration to reject Israel’s comes to Gaza, far exceeds the claims that it is not violating internationallyrecognizedstandard international law over its for such items, aid groups say “It restrictions on humanitarian aid includes broad categories that anduseofU.S.-suppliedweapons. contain potentially thousands of “Given the current restrictions items, making it very difficult to on the delivery of aid, there’s no know if any specific item is on the plausible way that somebody could list or not,” said Miriam Marmur, find that those assurances are public advocacy director of the credible and reliable,” Van Hollen Israeli human rights group Gisha. said.
“This has impacted, for years, Abigail Hauslohner, Beatriz many, many aspects of everyday Ríos and Lior Soroka contributed lifeontheStrip.” to this report.
Incaseyouhaven’theard,pleasebeinformedthataspartofourcontinued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecenciesinourlandthatshouldmatter,notonlytousatthispublication, buttheentirenation.
6thoilproject getsapproved
More oil projects equal more profits for Exxon and less for the people of Guyana.
Who would willingly allow 85 and a half of every 100barrelstobegivenaway whileyousettlefor14.5?
More oil projects mean greater revenue at the disposaloftheoilcompanies to feast on while Government settles for the bones to feed its starving population.
Weeklyone-hour pappyshow
Guyana has become a one-man zoo - a circus, where the whole country gets a weekly one-hour package,apappyshow. Onemanjumpingupand
down,swingingfrombranch to branch, trying to pick at everyspectator,everyvisitor whojeershim,pointsathim, correctshimorannoyshim.
Vice President Bharat Jagdeo started out his onehourweeklypappyshowlast Thursday as is the case every week swinging left, right and center at Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall and his reporters.
He picks on Norton, the AFC, Moses Nagamootoo and everyone else under the sunwhodarestoquestionor challenge his poor stewardship of the economy andtheoilsector
This VP does not go prepared every week to address the hundreds upon hundreds of wrongs he and his government do every day,thatisbeingpointedout in the newspaper daily, but he spends time repeating himself while trying to convincethenationthatheis actuallydoinggood.Itisalla pappyshow
Wrongmanfor theoilsector
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is the wrong man to be spearheading Guyana’s oil business. Mr Jagdeo is thewrongmaninthewrong placeinthewrongbusiness.
Mr Jagdeo is the worst presencethatwecanthinkof that should be allowed to be near this nation’s trilliondollaroilandgassector Mr Jagdeo must not have anything to do with this sectorgoingforward.
Pres.AlisaysGovt. findingsolutionsto blackoutwoes
“Wehaveaneednow.We have need. But let me tell what is the narrative some people would enjoy us not meeting the demand and enjoy us not buying for the
demand because you get the free opportunity to go on social media every day We take ownership… we take ownership of what we inherited;wetakeownership of the problem but guess what, we take the responsibility of finding the solutionandwearegoingto find solution for every challenge. God bless you!”
ThePresidentneeds mediatraining
The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) is on a mission to train individuals interested in joining the media.
The OPM should also host a specialised training with the Head of State, President Irfaan Ali along with the other Cabinet members, especially Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on how the media should be treated.
Reporters need not to be handled by these two men andupbraidedforaskingthe difficult questions that obviously cause discomfort amongleaders.
Journalists must be able todotheirjobswithoutbeing disrespected Someone please urgently host a training course for the President and his VP on respectforthefourthestate!
Earlier this week, the Guyana Government was happytoannouncethatlocal businesses gained US$1.5B incontractsoverthelastnine years.
Guyanese who get carried away by the selfserving propaganda of the PPP/C Government have another gross imbalance to weigh. Since oil production began in December 2019, ExxonMobilanditspartners carted away US$21.6B in profits and cost recovery dollars.
In the same period, Guyana collected US$4.2B in what is celebrated as a 50:50partnership.
Inthispartnershipthatis supposedtobeahalfandhalf one, it is clear that ExxonMobil’s half is bigger than Guyana’s by a staggeringmargin.
“As it stands, Guyanese are concerned that Jagdeo has once again neglected to seriously assess critical elementsofamajornational project. If this project is severelydelayed...thenation will face a severe blackout crisis throughout 2025 and beyond.
Jagdeo must not be allowed to dodge and duck these critical questions and grave issues A delayed project could lead to an escalating budget and harmful unforeseen consequences.
A power plant built on unsuitablesoilorinadequate foundations is a recipe for disaster
As natural gas can be explosive, the people of Guyana must demand reassurances on the engineering and operational safeguardstobeputinplace topreventanydisaster Such aprojectmustnotbecloaked insecrecyanduncertainty.”ElsonLow,Oppositionpress conference,April18,2024.
- Surujpaul slams
Opener Zameer Zaman Zaman struck six fours responded with 138 -9 Imran Khan picked up 4-22, hit a quick fire 96 to lead and nine sixes as he Kevin Hemraj made 34 Vickram Ramnarine 2-28 Sans Souci Jaguars to a 63- plundered the bowlers on while Bernard Lewis scored and Mohandass Surujpaul 2run win over Maria’s both sides of the wicket and 25 and Kennard Lewis 19. 35.
Pleasure while Good added136forthefirstwicket ChandrikaJairamandAmeer Good Success responded Success beat Zeelandia by withGladewinHenrytogive Mohamed had two wickets with 176-6 in 19.4 overs. four wickets when the Sans Souci Jaguars a solid each. TulsiramRamadeenmade63 Wa k e n a a m C r i c k e t start.
Zeelandiabattedfirstand with two fours and six sixes Committee/ Trophy Stall Henry made 20 while made 175 all out. Ravi (only while Komesh Sudin scored T20 tournament commenced NoktaMoseschippedinwith namegiven)struckfivefours 34 and Surujpaul 22. Joshua recently at the Wakenaam 27 as Sans Souci Jaguars and fours sixes in a top score and Varun Pooran had three Community Center ground, posted201. of 68 while Joshua (only wicketseach. GoodSuccess. Maria’s Pleasure name given) made 32 as Good Success beat Sans Souci by eight wickets Batting first, Sans Souci posted 152-6. Heera Sukram made 32 while ReonVenture got 27, Kamal Khan 23 and Oyono Sampson 22. Wazir Khan and Bomesh Lall took twowicketseach.
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
Your sensuality is tempered today with a touch of the mystical sort of romantic feeling found in fairy tales, Aries. This might be unusual for you, but your current partnerisgoingtoloveit!
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
A desire to spruce up your home might start with a thorough cleaning from attic to basement. You could go through that chore like gangbusters and then do some repairsorgoforthefunstuff.
A love partner could contact you out of the blue, Gemini, perhapsproposingthatthetwo of you get together tonightalone. You're in just the mood for this, since you're feeling especially sexy and not particularlyafraidtoshowit.
Haveyoubeenwaitingtohear about some funds, perhaps to create a piece of art, write a book, or make a documentary film? If so, you could have a lot to celebrate today when you receive news that the moneyisforthcoming!
Someone at your workplace could suddenly find you very attractive and make no secret of it today How you respond, ofcourse,isuptoyou.
Your desire to respect and honor the special someone in your life clashes today with an equally strong desire to becomeapassionatepersuader Thewaytoresolvingthisliesin knowing that the two aren't mutuallyexclusive.
From page 73 they posed for photos and videos at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. During the session, they also offered words of encouragement to several young cricketers who were specially selected to attend the event and were delighted to meettheirheroes.
The trophy tour made several other stops at iconic locations–ShirleyHeights,NelsonDockyard;andHeritage Quay, and the Antigua Recreation Ground in St John’s. It was also hosted by Governor General Sir RodneyWilliams, Prime Minister Gaston Browne and Minister of Sports Daryll Matthew. ICC and CWI thanked the Government of Antigua and Barbuda for their tremendous support in hosting the trophy tour events and the upcoming tournament.
West Indies have been drawn alongside Afghanistan, New Zealand, Uganda and Papua New Guinea in the openinground.TheybowlofftheirtitlehuntagainstPNGon June2,attheGuyanaNationalStadium,followedbyaclash with newcomersUganda at thesamevenueon June 8. From theretheytraveltoTrinidadtofaceNewZealandattheBrian Lara Cricket Academy on June 12. Their final preliminary contest will be against theAfghans on June 17 at the Daren SammyCricketGroundinSaintLucia.
Have you been harboring a secret desire for someone you believe thinks of you only as a friend, Libra? Don't be surprised if you learn differentlytoday
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today you could encounter a work colleague and suddenly feel an unexpected romantic attraction, Scorpio. This could catch you off guard because youneverbeforethoughtabout thispersoninthatway
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Asumofmoneythatyoumight have been expecting from far away may be delayed, Sagittarius This could be frustrating for you, but don't panic. The money is indeed coming.
Sex and romance are top priority for you today, Capricorn You're looking especially beautiful, you're feeling especially sensual, and youcouldwellattractadmiring looksfromstrangers.
If you're single, Aquarius, tonight you could find yourself longing for a lover from the past and wondering what's happening with this person right now If you're currently involved, you might be experiencing a temporary separationfromyourbeloved.
Are you waiting for a love partner to phone you at work, Pisces?Asmuchasyouwantto hear from your friend, you could well get so caught up in your work that you wouldn't hearamarchingbandgoby
Good Success replied with 153-1 in 11 overs Mohandass Surujpaul slammed 95 laced 12 fours and eight sixes while KomeshSudinmade49.
From page 68 stalwarts like Senior Council Marcel Crawford, Justice Cecil Kennard and Insanally Habibulla among others had r e g i s t e r e d c e r t a i n information at the Supreme Courts of Guyana. Those cannot be changed and are thereforalltoperuse.
There are rules that covers the categories and class that North American and West Indian bred horses can race in and not the haphazard arrangements that entails today Those arrangements helped the localbreedingindustry in the past.
Who made those changes and can someone make the documents authorizing those changesavailable?
How could imported horses be running in races drawn up for locally bred horses” What could happen, isthattherecouldberacesfor imported horses only in the various classes. The locally bred horses could have an optiontorunwiththem.
The country is supposed to be heading for new legislations, only supposed. However, with the up and down nature of the sport in Guyana the latest word that Litigation is ominous. A number of prominent personalities are consulting legal authority to move to Court shortly if things do not improve to ask the court to determinethewayforward.
By Samuel Whyte what is happening in different meetingsunderthedraftedRulesof the only legal document available asthoseinauthority spheresoflife. the Guyana Horse Racing coming out from an Act of Some questions being asked is, Whilstsomeareoftheviewthat Somemightlikewhatyouwrite Authority, although there is not Parliament.Soanychangesofrules could someone in authority says the Horseracing situation is getting whilst others may not, especially if GHRA in place, except the have to be by an act of parliament who the current members of the better in Guyana, the vast majority it fits into what they like or dislike. Kennard Memorial Turf Club and in the meantime those rules GHRA is? Who represents the of Guyanese and fans holds an Although so much was written (KMTC). According to Matriarch Stands. various race tracks, horse owners, opposingview before pointing out the many Mrs. Chan Kennard, she is using Youcannothavetwosetofrules jockeys,trainers,groomsetc.?
Case in points is the latest shortcomings and the do’s and rules of the KMTC since there is governing the one sport. The issue From my recollection there upheavalsthatoccurredatthelatest don’ts of horse racing in Guyana, notaGHRAinplace. of the passage of legislation seems were representatives in place, were horseracing meeting held recently things seems to be going further Aquestiontoaskis,doesn’tthis to be, is the distance since there are they voted out or replaced and by at Port Mourant. As was said south. GHRA Rules originate from the stillalotofworktobedone. what authority? Could those before, as Journalists, our job is not After doing some inquiries and Demerara Turf Club (DTC) Things are not nice and apart minutes of the respective meeting to go after anybody, but to present cross checking a few things came legislation which has been from money making, chaos bemadeavailable? facts and ask questions and seek up. It was noticed that horseracing amendedovertheyears.Fromwhat continues to be the order of the day Itwasalsolearntthatlate answers so as to inform persons promotersarenowrunningofftheir I gathered is that the DTC rules is with persons imposing themselves (Continued on page 67)
BRIDGETOWN – Nissan 350Z and Kyle in the Catwell is expected to lead
Thirty cars have registered Honda S2000
A good the charge with the Datsun, for the Barbados Auto showing is expected from which is making its local, Racing League’s (BARL) stalwarts Danny Croney in circuitracingdebut.Group2 first racing event for the the Toyota Starlet 4AGE 20 is expected to be keenly 2024 season, slated for Valve, Stephen Elliott in the contested with former class Bushy Park today Sunday, Suzuki Forsa 1600, and champions Ali and Andre April21. Jeremy Jones in the Honda Walcott in a Suzuki Swift
The day is split between PoweredToyotaCorollaSR. 1321 CC, facing strong two competitions, Time Sean Merrit, son of Mike challenges from Ross Attack and Circuit Racing. Merritt is expected to Callender,DwaneHolmesin Leading the pack in time perform in a Toyota Starlet the Toyota Starlet 1600 CC, attack in the Race Car Class Turbo,hehasbigbootstofill and David Small in a Toyota is Tremaine Ford-Catwell as his dad Mike Merrit is Starlet1587CC. who will be defending his known for the potent Nissan
This is the first time in 2019timeof1:07.883which March SR20 back in the day four years BARLhas been at he clocked then in the Former Class Champion Bushy Park and Chairman, Daihatsu Charmant This Jason Harewood will also be S t e f a n H i n d s s a i d time around he will be in his on the track in his Toyota motorsportloverscanexpect newmachine,aDatsun1200 Starlet 1800 CC 4AGE, he clean, close, exciting racing. 4AGE20ValveTurboandhe tooisexpectedtoshowout. “We are trying to return the is hoping to shave a few The only electric vehicle family atmosphere to Bushy seconds off his previous in time attack is the MG Park. Gates open at 8:30 and time Tremaine’s father 4xPower driven by action kicks off at 9:00 am Gregory ‘Cheese’ Catwell ChristopherMcFarlane. with time attack, which is will be competing in the Ross Callender in his going to run until midday, Daihatsu Charmant 4AGE Toyota Starlet 1800 4AGE, then we are going to kick off 16 Valve, and they will also Ford-Catwell and Elliott are circuitracing.” be competing in circuit some of the drivers listed for Headded,“Itisafullday racing with Tremaine circuit racing on the two- of racing action, lots of fun, leading the charge in Group miletrack,whichisfivelaps. bring the kids, enjoy the 3 and ‘Cheese’competing in Strong challenges will come facility,andhaveagreatday Gorup2. fromSchevalAliwhowillbe Children under 12 are free
The other father and son in a Toyota MR2, Jeffrey and patrons on the grounds duo of Steve and Kyle King O’Brien in his Mazda RX7 can have access to the club will also be competing in powered with a 12A Rotary house,buttheyneedtobring time attack - Steve in a engine at 1200 CC. Forde- theirownchairs.”
Powered by Jumbo Jet opening round of the which features nine cars and the first time. Driver Anand drove a Toyota. I have now official race day. He will be Auto Sales and AJM G M R S C c i r c u i t fivedrivers. anticipates victory and will upgraded to better in this drivingbothclasseswithone Enterprise, renowned championship Mohamed, RenaultMeganerecently be touring throughout the group. The lap time and car to try and get experience businessman Nasrudeen Jr underhisJumboJetandAJM acquired by Nasrudeen Jr CaribbeanwithhisMegane. handling couldn’t have been on the track and one day Mohamed will be hoping to brand is known for Mohamed from Franklyn The Toyota Starlet, better,”Mohamedsaid. becomes a senior driver like ignite the South Dakota horseracing and cricket, but Boodram (Trinidad) will be driver Anand Ramchand, Toyota Levin, driver therestofhisteam. Circuit in the Renalult Sport now he has expanded his driven by Anand Ramchand will be participating in the Adrian Fernandes #211, Toyota Vits, driver Megane Trophy today wingstocircuitracing. #911 and now Powered by starletcupandispoweredby powered by S.C.I. & Team Zafiro Luis #515 hails from (SundayApril21). He will be representing S C I a n d w i l l b e S.C.I. Anand mentioned he WreckerSports Tuner class, Cuba. He will be driving in This event will be the team One Guyana; a team participating in Group 4 for was two points short to hold drove this class for many the Street tuner class the championship last year, years. He had some of the Powered by S.C.I. & Team and he is confident of going fastesttimesinthisclass,and Wrecker He comes with a allthewaythisyear won some endurance great deal of experience in Toyota Starlet, driver championship for a few Go-carting, where most Raymond Seebarran #72, years. formula-1 drivers come (Starlet cup) is powered by Toyota Levin driver from. He started racing cars AJM Enterprise, and he will Ravindra Dharamjit 522, at South Dakota one year alsodebut. (sports tuner class) is ago. With only one year Honda Civic EK., driver powered by S.C.I. and Team experience, he has had a few Nasrudeen Jr Mohamed Wrecker He will now be winsunderhisbelt. #125 is also powered by going up from street tuner Team One Guyana with AJM Enterprise (in Group class to sports tuner class for themostcarsasateamandis 2). The Honda Civic EK that thefirsttime,andisexpected formulated by 3 companies, is newly acquired by to do well, driving a fully including Jumbo Jet Auto Mohamed will see him in stockToyota. Sales, AJM Enterprise, participating in this class for Toyota Levin, driver S.C.I, and Ramchand Auto a second time. He noted that Andre Rochford #777 from Body and Wrecker Services. with more track time under Trinidad & Tobago is in All with one vision, to grow hisbelt,heismoreprepared. Rookie class and sports motor sport, not by only “Been a while since I’ve tuner. He is also powered by having lots of cars but won in this class, I always AJM. This is Andre’s first improvingourlocaldrivers.
Six outstanding fire were the first set of public theirhighstandard. officers of the servants to be honoured
The six awardees pose with senior fire officials and the RHTYSC officials.
The tribute to heroes G u y a n a F i r e under the Tribute to Heroes programme for fire officers
Service were last Programme. Over the last 12 was co-sponsored by Alton week honoured by the years the programme has Duchin, Guyoil, Superbet cricket teams of the Rose been expanded to include andMike’spharmacy. Hall Town Youth and Sports retired educators, teachers,
The Rose Hall Town Club. outstanding students, fire Youth and Sports Club was The officers were the officers, law enforcement formedin1990bythreetime latest public servants to be officers, postal workers, Commonwealth Youth honoured by the club under municipality workers, Service awardee the St its Tribute to Heroes garbage collectors, Francis Community Programme. Club Secretary, sportsmen and religious Developers and has won a Hilbert Foster, accompanied leaders. total of 122 cricket by other executives of the Foster congratulated the tournaments and produced a club visited the New cricket teams; Poonai combined 121 players for Amsterdam Fire Station for pharmacy under11 and Berbice or Guyana. 14 of its the presentation ceremony under13, Farfan and Mendes membershaveplayedforthe which was attended by under15, Bakewell under17 West Indies or USA at the senior officers of the fire and second division, Pepsi internationallevel. service. under19 and under23, Metro
Among the players Foster stated that tribute females, NAMILCO producedbytheclubareNeil to heroes programme main Thunderbolt flour under21 Williams, Shaun Grant, board president urged the praised the club for its special gift package from objective is to recognize the and first division for their Kevlon Anderson, Assad awardees to uphold their outstanding work among Mike’s pharmacy Fire hardworkofGuyaneseinthe hard work to honour the Fudadin, Royston Crandon, high standard of service to youths.
woman Persaud expressed different areas of public life unsungheroesofGuyana. Esaun Crandon, Kevin thegeneralpublicandtobea The regional first class gratitude to the cricket team to make our country a better The awardees honoured Sinclair, SylusTindall, positive example to fellow umpire stated that the tribute for honouring her and place for all of us to live in. were Seetvon Leader, Peter Clinton Pestano, Sharmaine work mates. He committed to heroes award would serve colleagues. The idea was born when the Joseph, Mark Kendall, Campbell, Dominique the RHTYSC to continuing asaninspirationtoall. Persaud stated that it was secretary was hospitalized at Joshua Outar along with Ricky,AkshayHomraj,Erva theprogrammeinthefuture. Each of the awardees it pleasant experience to be the Port Mourant Public leading fireman Gordon, Giddings, Shabika Gajnabi, Station officer in charge, received a medal of recognized for years of Hospital and witnessed the firemanRicardoCaravioand Jonathan Rampersaud, Shannon Crawford, express e x c e l l e n c e , f r a m e d dedication in your job. She dedication and hard work of firewoman Kunitz Persaud. MatthewPottayaandJeremy gratitudetotheRHTYSCfor certificate of excellence, a committed in the future for doctors and nurses. They The former Berbice Cricket Sandiaamongothers. honouring the awardees and trophy, 2 special gifts and a her and colleagues to uphold
NationalDraughtsplayerJiaramreturned while another American; Rudnitsky from Costa Rica where the 22nd Pan- Alexander(MF)tookthethirdprize. AmericanDraughtstournamentwasheld. The games were played over a period of Thetournamentattracted42playersfrom 10 days at the Estadio Nacional Stadium San several countries Jiaram was able to Jose Costa Rica and the event was telecast accumulate7pointsfrom9matches. live. Guyana is now a registered member of Jiaram defeated Raymond Baynes from the PAMDCC which is under the world body Tobago 2 - 0; Lucas Antunes from Brazil 2 - FMJD. 0; draw with Roberto Rajas from Costa Rica PanAmericandraughtsisbeingcontested 1 - 1; draw with Dennis Torres from Costa every two years. Brazil will host the next Rica 1 - 1; draw withAntonio Morales Costa event in 2026. The President of the local Rica 1 - 1. While Jiaram was not in the top body,Jairam,saidthathehopesmoreplayers five, he considered the games to be a are prepared for that game since Ratings can marvelous experience where Masters and onlybesanctionedbytheworldbodyFMJD. GrandMasters International participated Thanks to the National Sports Brazilian icon Allan Igor Moreno Silva Commission for their major contribution. Grandmaster International (GMI) won the ThanksalsotoPuranBros.DisposalInc.M& title 5 times, breaking the record set by GMI M Snackette, Rubis BelAir and Gentle Elias Yser Kuperman (4 times winner). American AttorneyatLawinmakingJiaram’sjourneya Keita Souleymane (MI) brought second possibility
The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has commenced legal proceedings against CricketWestIndies(CWI)anditspurported Vice-President,CWIMr AzimBassarath,in relation to the CWI elections held on March 25, 2023. The GCB is represented by AttorneyatLawArudranauthGossai.
The genesis of the proceedings is the GCB’s withdrawal in writing of its nomination of Bassarath for the position of Vice-President of CWI before the elections.
At the subject elections, the GCB’s representatives restated the Board’s withdrawal and stringently objected to CWI’s decision to proceed with the election but the matter remained unresolved. Dr of Bassarath even though the nomination Shallow stated that he had received legal waswithdrawn. opinion that the subject election was
The decision to withdraw its nomination properly conducted and that he would of Bassarath was taken consequent upon the submit that opinion, and the names of the GCB receiving certain information, just lawyers who gave it, to the GCB and the prior to the CWI elections that included otherStakeholders.Thiswasneverdone. serious allegations of misconduct at the The GCB, as a shareholder/full member TrinidadandTobagoCricketBoard(TTCB). of CWI, has a moral and legal duty to
There were numerous requests by the institute, promote and support the high GCBtoCWItoremedythesituation. standards and ideals of West Indies cricket
Two letters were written to CWI and to ensure that there is full and President, Dr Kishore Shallow, requesting unwavering compliance with theArticles of the legal basis upon which Bassarath was Association of CWI and that all elections elected. held by CWI are conducted in accordance
There was no response to these letters.A with the law especially now that with the meeting was convened by Dr Shallow and emergenceofthestatedallegations,arelease other CWI representatives on July 05, 2023, fromtheGCBinformed.
TheWorldArchery down as candidates to allow A m e r i c a s Peru to be voted to host the G e n e r a l games.
World Archery Americas General Assembly 2024 was attended by 30 national federations from the Americas.
Assembly, which
The Pan Am Junior washeldonApril11,2024in GamesSecondQualifierwill Medellin, Antioquia, be hosted in Buenos Aires, Colombia was attended by Argentina,asagaininashow representatives from 30 of camaraderie, Chile and national federations of the Dominican Republic Americas. stepped aside to allow
Representing Archery Argentinatobevotedashost Guyana was Secretary country General Nicholas Hing, who In 2026, the Pan was also working as a American Championships Continental Judge at the Pan will be held in Guadalajara, AmericanChampionships. Mexico from 24-29 March.
Seated at the head table
In June, Medellin, Colombia were World Archery will host the Pan American representative Mr Mark Youth Championships, Miller, World Archery while also in June, Lima, Americas Secretary General Peru will host the Para Pan Sergio Font, World Archery AmericanChampionships.
Americas President Maria
Armand Duplantis breaks pole vault world record for eighth time, soaring to
CNN - Sweden’s Armand Duplantis extended his dominant reign over the world of pole vaulting yesterday, setting his eighth world record in the discipline at the season’sfirstDiamondLeaguemeetinginXiamen,China.
After the elections
Emma Gaviria, First Vice Tom Dielen. The minutes of steadilygrowinginthesport. and David Rahming Jr of the events were also made by ended, World Archery President Federico Paiz and the 2022 General Assembly, There is need for developing Bahamas (BAH), were nationalfederations. awards were given out, Vice President Cesar the President’s Report, and this part of the region, elected to the Ethics From March 24-30, notably World Archery Otarolla. the Financial Report were thereby unifying the Committee along with Juan 2025, the first Qualifier for Americas awarded Mr Delivering the opening thenreadandapproved. Americas as a whole, to be Morelli of Uruguay the CAC Games will be Nikhil Kanhai of Trinidad speechaftertheRollCalland Development Activities able to compete on the (URU) Mary Emmons hosted in Santo Domingo, and Tobago Archery Quorum Statement was and Strategic Plan were next internationalstage. (USA) will now serve on the DominicanRepublic. Federationfortheexemplary WAA President Maria on the agenda where it was Committee Reports were Finance and Audit Board, In July 2025, the and successful hosting of the Emma Gaviria, followed by noted that the Caribbean, read, and motions and while Trina Roberts of Bahamas will host the Caribbean Development a video message from World being an important part of proposalsputforward. Bermuda (BER) was re- Caribbean Development Championships2023. Archery Secretary General the Americas, has been ThepositionofFirstVice elected to the Development ChampionshipsinNassau Also receiving awards President went to Federico Committee. World Archery In October 2025, the Pan were USA Archery’s Phil Paiz of Guatemala (GUA) AmericasSecretaryGeneral, A m e r i c a n F i e l d Graves for his tireless work and the positions of Vice SergioFontwasre-electedto Championships will be held in developing archery in the President (2 candidates) serve on the Judges inthecityofSanCristobalde Caribbean, and retired went to Tamara Jiminez Committee, along with las Casas, Mexico. Also in InternationalJudgeBobPian (CUB) and Rubens Terra Andrew Neville (USA) and October 2025, Chile will for his work throughout his Neto (BRA). From a list of 6 LizPerez(MEX). host the Pan American 3D career and for helping to candidates, Sanjay Jiandani O n t h e M e d i c a l Championships in Santiago, make the Arizona Cup the of St Vincent & the Committee, Lena Orrego while the Pan American successitis.Aftertheawards Grenadines (VIN) and (COL) was elected to serve, Indoor Championships will World Archery’s Mark Nikhil Kanhai of Trinidad while Daniel Campos be hosted in San Luis Potosi, Miller gave a speech and Tobago (TTO) were (PER), Petra Ruocco Mexico. followed by closing remarks elected Council Members. Sanchez (BRA) and Jason For the South American by President Maria Emma Robert Pian (USA) and Tabansky (USA) will serve Open Championships, there Gaviria World Archery AndreaAguilar (GUA) were on the Para Archery were 3 bidding countries: Americas GeneralAssembly elected to the Legal Matters Committee. Argentina, Chile and Peru, 2024 was attended by 30 Committee. A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r but in a surprise twist, nationalfederationsfromthe Sanjay Jiandani (VIN), organizing and hosting Argentina and Chile stepped Americas.
The 24-year-old cleared the bar at 6.24 meters, a full eightcentimetershigherthananyoneelsehaseverachieved and, further underlining his dominance, more than 40 centimeters higher than his competitors on the night. After achievingthislatestlandmarkinhisglitteringcareer,which has yet to be ratified, the US-born athlete celebrated by jumping off the mat before running over to celebrate with histeamandsalutethecrowd.
He cleared every vault on his first attempt, even sailing over his record-breaking one, demonstrating the ease with whichhehascometopushthelimitsofhissport.
And, as the Paris Olympic Games creep ever closer, Duplantis has made it clear that he hasn’t yet reached his bestlevel.
“I know what I need to do to get into those 6.30-type marks,” he told CNN’sAmanda Davies inApril. “I want to be dominant in the sport because I know that’s what I’m capableof,tryingtowineverycompetitionandgetthemost outofmyselfateverymeetthatI’mat.
“If I’m able to jump high, jump a world record, then that’sjustacherryontop.”
Meanwhile, the USA’s Christian Coleman won the men’s100meterswithatimeof10.13seconds,justaheadof his compatriot Fred Kerley in second and Jamaica’s AckeemBlakeinthird.
In a closely fought women’s 200 meters, 19-year-old TorrieLewisstunnedthefavoritestotakeherfirstDiamond League victory and announce her presence on the world stage.TheUSA’sSha’CarriRichardsonwasforcedtosettle forsecondaftertheAustralian’slatecharge.
Gretained the West Indies Championship.
uyana Harpy men secured their second 103 8 points; a terrific found their form and E a g l e s successive title and 7th in 9 comeback after a mixed start resilience deep in the
completed a years, after completing a tothetournament. competition. successful title defence, as crushing win over CCC on With the inclusion of The young Eagles will they were officially crowned Friday,withadayleft. Captain Tevin Imlach, also feel confident having champs of the 2024 CWI The Harpy Eagles, who GudakeshMotiespecifically won this title without their Regional4-DayTournament now have their 13th first whojoinedtheteamafterthe most successful skipper, the Tevin Imlach and his class title, finished with opening rounds, Guyana retiredLeonJohnson.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport is committed to promoting and supporting sporting excellence, and the sponsorship of the MCYS
The Guyana Cycling Federation is proud of renowned international cyclists, adding an to announce that the Ministry of Culture, extralayerofcompetitionandprestige.Their Youth, and Sport and the National Sports presence will not only enhance the caliber of Commission will once again be sponsoring the race but also foster cultural exchange and the highly anticipated 41st edition of the camaraderieamongparticipantsfromdiverse MCYS NSC 3 Stage Race. Set to be held in backgrounds. Guyana on the 18th and 19th May, 2024, this TheMinistryofCulture,Youth,andSport prestigious cycling event promises to be is committed to promoting and supporting bigger and more thrilling than ever before, sporting excellence, and the sponsorship of with the participation of esteemed the MCYS NSC 3 Stage Race reaffirms this internationalcompetitors. dedication. By investing in events like these,
The MCYS NSC 3 Stage Race has long theMinistryaimstoinspireanewgeneration been a highlight on the sporting calendar, of athletes and foster a culture of showcasing the best of cycling talent from sportsmanshipandhealthycompetition. both local and international arenas. With Cyclists, spectators, and enthusiasts alike three challenging stages spread across scenic areencouragedtomarktheircalendarsforthe routes, the race offers a platform for riders to 41stMCYSNSC3StageRaceandjoininthe testtheirendurance,skill,anddetermination. excitementastheworldofcyclingconverges.
This year’s event is poised to elevate the For more information, follow and like our excitement to new heights with the inclusion pageGuyanaCycleFederationonFacebook.
confidence as he spoke during the ongoing globaltrophytour,whichtoucheddowninhis homelandAntiguaearlierthisweek.
West Indian batsman
“It’s really exciting to see that one of the biggestsportingeventsontheglobalcalendar will be coming to the West Indies and the USA and we will have matches right here in Antigua. For me, and my fellow Antiguans this is a tremendous event and we as absolutely delighted to host the world on our shores,”Richardsshared.
“As I look ahead to the matches, I’m backingmyWestIndiesteamtodeliveronthe big day. We have a very good team, and they SportsMax - Legendary West Indian look united under Rovman Powell, so I’m batsman Sir Vivian Richards is backing the throwing my full support behind my team. It regional side to go all the way and claim a would be great to win this ICC Men’s T20 third ICC Men’s T20 World Cup title at the World Cup on our home soil. We won twice upcomingtournament. before those were way (in Sri Lanka in The Darren Sammy-coached and 2012andIndiain2016),soathirdtitlewould Rovman Powell-captained West Indies will be great, and where better, than at home in square off against some of the world’s best front of our great West Indian fans to teamsattheJune1-29showpiece,whichwill celebrate,”headded. bejointlyhostedintheCaribbeanandUnited Richards was joined by former Antigua States. West Indies won the 2012 and 2016 and West Indies greats SirAndy Roberts, Sir editionsofthetournament. RichieRicardson,andSirCurtlyAmbroseas Richards gave the team a rousing vote of
(Continued on page 67)
Petra/Milo Schools U-18 Football C/ship
Thequarter-finalstageof the highly anticipated 2024 Petra/Milo Schools Under18FootballChampionshipis set to unfold today at the Ministry of Education ground Four thrilling matchups are on the docket, promising an exciting display of talents among the topschoolsinthenation.
K i c k i n g o f f t h e proceedings is a showdown between frontrunners C h a s e ’s A c a d e m i c Foundation and Bartica Secondary with kickoff Secondary fourth place finishers will scheduled for 13:00hrs Looking ahead, Co- also receive significant sums Following that, fans can Director of the Petra of $200,000, $150,000, and expect an intense clash O rg a n i s a t i o n , Tr o y $75,000 respectively which between East Ruimveldt Mendonca, has announced will go towards projects for Secondary and President’s that the semi-finals will take theirrespectiveschools. College. place on Thursday, Sponsored by Nestle
The day’s excitement culminating in the eagerly MILO and sanctioned by the continues with Ann’s Grove awaited final showdown on Ministry of Education with Secondary taking on the Sunday(April28). approval from the Guyana undefeated Waramauri In the quest for glory, Football Federation (GFF), Primary Top, setting the teams are not only the tournament enjoys stage for a battle of skill and competing for victory on the support from various entities strategy The quarter-final field but also for the chance including the Ministry of lineup concludes with to secure a top prize of Sport, Ministry of Local Dolphin Secondary facing $300,000 towards a school Government, Yellow Steel off against West Ruimveldt project. Second, third, and Inc,andMVPSports.