th6 project spells doomsday for Guyana
found at Port Kaituma

Manshotdead bybanditstrying tostealhisbike

Exxon and Chevron’s fight over Guyana's oil triggers major investigations by US federal agencies over their assets conduct oil audits
Govt. seeks consultants to train persons to
Cabinet and NPTAB are accountable for approving $865M pump station contract to ‘Guyanese Critic’ -FormerAuditor General Mikhail

thOil spill protection in 6 project spells doomsday for Guyana
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is warning of a doomsday that awaits this country as the Government of Guyana (GoG) continues to make strategic moves against full protection from oilspillcosts.
E x x o n M o b i l , t h e operatorofGuyana'sprolific Stabroek Block was granted a Permit for a sixth deepwater development, Whiptail, on April 10, 2024 which includes a provision that will force Guyanese to fight for compensation from aspillintheCourts.
The Whiptail Permit makes it clear that the insurance and financial assurance provided by Exxonshallbe“guidedbyan estimate of the sum of the reasonably credible costs, expenses, and liabilities that mayarisefromanybreachof the Act and this Permit.”
This means that the assurance will not be a s i g n e d “ u n l i m i t e d guarantee” but will be capped at a specific sum. Section14.3ofthedocument goes on to note, “Liabilities are considered to include costs associated with responding to an incident, clean-up and remediation and monitoring. Such cumulative amount required is not expected to include costs which may be a s s o c i a t e d w i t h compensation for loss and ongoing damage to other
parties,andwhichareableto be pursued through civil proceedings.”
Former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams believes the inclusionofthisclauseinthe Permit is part of a grand scheme by the government to overturn a ruling by the High Court for an unlimited parentcompanyguarantee.
Dr Adams, a Petroleum andEnvironmentalEngineer during an AFC press conference last week reasoned, “There should be no limit. You can't tell me that a company is gonna come in here and make hundreds of billions of dollars and if they get an oil spill, they could walk away free. Now you tell me if that isreasonable.”
He continued, “You (government) talking about the reasonable and credible (cost) and whatever words they (Exxon) want to use. You want to tell me that they comeheretoexploitustoget rich off our patrimony and if an oil spill occurs, they are not wanting to commit and the government is agreeing with them. That's the most egregious and disloyal thing thatanybody,anyreasonable personcouldsee.”

The former EPA head therefore pointed out that he believes the clause in the Whiptail Permit will be insertedintothenewoilspill legislation presently being drafted by the GoG to overturn the Court's ruling for an unlimited parent companyguarantee.
Dr Adams was keen to note that Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall previously hinted that oil spill coverage should be determined by government rather than the courts when international lawyer, Melinda Janki argued otherwise in an extensive missive to this newspaper
Meanwhile, Attorney-atLaw and Leader of theAFC, K h e m r a j R a m j a t t a n explained that the lack of an unlimited parent company guarantee can spell
doomsday for the citizens of thiscountryintheeventofan oil spill, since the government has made it mandatoryforcompensation to be sought through the Courts.
The Lawyer explained, “when you put in that citizenshavetherighttoseek compensation…citizens will come up against a powerful company when they are seekingcompensationandto (put) a small meagre unit called citizens against a transnational corporation called ExxonMobil to seek compensation is but a strategyliterallyreallytonot grantit.”
Ramjattan argued that government should have instead made it clear that an unlimited parent company guarantee is required to cover all damages including compensation to citizens since the public will now be
left at the mercy of a limited liabilitycompany
“When you say that the citizenshavetherighttoseek compensation, where will they go and seek the compensation from? It is the local company which does not have any assets so it is pitiful thing that they are now propagandizing that the citizens got the right. It would be a right without any remedy quite frankly,” he pointedout.
Notably, Dr Adams h i g h l i g h t e d t h a t multinational companies such as Exxon would establish limited liability companies such as EMGLto insulate the parent company from any liabilities. This therefore means that the country would only be able t o s e e k l i m i t e d compensation from the company
HowExxonMobilfought against compensating citizensafteranoilspill
On March 24, 1989, an oil tanker owned by ExxonMobil Corporation and dubbed the “Exxon Valdez” ran aground in a body of water in the Gulf of Alaska. It was heading to Long Beach, California with over 50 million barrels of oil but had hit a well-known navigation hazard in Alaska'swaters.
The impact of the collision tore open the ship's hull, causing some 11 million gallons of crude oil
to spill into the ecologically sensitive location. The state of Alaska had sued Exxon overthespill,andthefederal government indicted the company for violating the Clean Water Act. The oil company was forced to dish out US$1 billion in settlements to the state and federal governments, and US$300millioninvoluntary settlements with private parties.
A lawsuit was also filed against ExxonMobil on behalf of more than 32,000 fishermen, native Alaskans and landowners, resulting in an award of US$5 billion in punitivedamages.
Exxon's full strength in the courts was demonstrated here.In2008,itappealedthe case and got the judgment reduced to $507.5 million.
(See link for article r e f e r e n c e d : https://www washingtonpos - e x x o n - v a l d e z - o i lspill/2017/03/14/d131b630f 8 7 6 - 1 1 e 6 - 9 8 4 5576c69081518 story.html). Importantly, the case would drag out for 26 years, showing just how tedious a n d e x p e n s i v e environmentallitigationis. Read more about the s t o r y h e r e : https://www kaieteurnewso nline com/2023/02/22/exxo n-beat-down-us5b-courtjudgment-for-fishermennatives-landowners-tous507m/
Demand for land increasing
…GLSC now looks to repossess lands for more productive use - Exxon study
Wi t h t h e e v e rexpanding oil and gas industry in Guyana bringing with it increased foreign businesses and expatriate workers, the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission is now reporting that this had had a direct impact on the demand for land and nowitsunavailability
Thismuchisdocumentedinthe mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment since approved for ExxonMobil's sixth development project in Stabroek Block Accordingtothatdocument,:“with the development of the oil and gas
industry in recent years, the GLSC has reported that the demand for land and therefore the value of land have increased particularly in proximitytoGeorgetown.”
To this end, it was recalled that back in 2019, GLSC reported that demand from local and international investors for private and public lands was increasing; and “at that time, GLSC noted that the government was considering expanding the state land area availableforlease.”
The latest ExxonMobil Guyana EIA notes however that at present, “GLSC remains unable to
accommodatethehighdemanddue to the limited availability of land suitableforthispurpose.”
According to ExxonMobil Guyana however, measures have been taken to address the influx of applications, including reducing the size of land allocations, monitoring and canceling non performing leases, and conducting layout surveys to divide land into smallertracks.
The EIA also documents a heightened demand for state land along the Linden Highway in Region Four (4) “with a rise in requests for residential,
agricultural, and industrial purposes (GLSC 2023, pers. comm.). To address the growing demand for land for agricultural, industrial,andotherpurposes.”
To this end, ExxonMobil documents in its EIA that “GLSC has indicated that underutilized state lands currently held by cooperative groups may be repossessed with the intent of supportingproductivelanduse.”
According to the submitted EIA, “housing demands are also a priority, and the Government of Guyana has recently converted more than 800 acres of land
formerly held by GuySuCo (Guyana Sugar Corporation), primarily in Regions Three (3) and Four(4),tothetenureoftheCentral Planning & Housing Authority for the purposes of housing development.
Itwouldbepoignanttonotethat in the EIA, Exxon Mobil Guyana laments that the country's housing market data is lacking and is the focus of data improvement efforts through the Bureau of Statistics
According to ExxonMobil, with the growth of oil revenues has prompted significant government expenditures in infrastructure and housing,whicharealsointendedto address effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation, and other macroeconomic stressors and that these investments may also influencedemandforland.
The sixth oil project
The sixth oil project has been approved with all its impurities- starting from the lack of ring-fencing to inadequate protection from an oil spill. We have also reported on the risks it poses to our environment, the fishing industry and how its impacts will touch even our localmarkets.
TheUS$12.7billionWhiptaildevelopmentwilltarget an estimated resource base of more than 850 million barrels of oil and include up to 10 drill centers and 48 production and injection wells. The floating production, storageandoffloading(FPSO)vesselforWhiptail,which will be called Jaguar, is already under construction. ExxonMobil also announced its Final Investment Decision (FID) for the project that is expected to produce approximately250,000barrelsperday(bpd)bytheendof 2027.
Liam Mallon, President of ExxonMobil Upstream Company said, “Our sixth multi-billion-dollar project in Guyana will bring the country’s production capacity to approximately1.3millionbarrelsperday.”
Guyanese have to make up their own minds regarding ExxonMobil’s and Vice President Jagdeo’s sixth oil project. Guyanese must make their minds about whether the American oil partner is a straight shooter and a clean operator, viz., a set of people with whom they can do business. In other words, when people from ExxonMobil say that this is the way it is, then it is guaranteed to be so, come rain or shine. Regarding the Vice President, once one of Guyana’s favourite sons, if not the most favourite one of all, the people of this country must also decide for themselves how far they are prepared to trust him, and where does that leave them, should he prove to be a hucksterandoperatorforExxonMobil.
Anyone paying careful attention to how theAmerican company operates here, and the manner in which Guyana’s Jagdeo has sprawled himself backwards to accommodate the company’s objectives, would come to one conclusion. There is no better tango team than America’s ExxonMobil and Guyana’s Bharrat Jagdeo. Bothknowwhattheotherdesires,eachoneworkswithan extraordinary degree of knowing arrangements towards whatsatisfiestheother
This has been the way for prior oil projects, such as three, four, and five, as handled by ExxonMobil and Jagdeo. With each new oil project put on the drawing board, announced, and approved, the two partners in attitude and aptitude have gotten quicker, slicker, and slipperier
The sixth oil project forms part of the continuum, but at a higher pitch and this is the secret sauce at work between ExxonMobil and Jagdeo. What Guyanese are watching in slow motion are two of the cleverest manufacturers (of how things ought to be), and operators (focusedongettingthingsdone).
In recent times, when Guyanese look at their own Jagdeo,heisunrecognizable.Heisnolongeroneofthem, forheisnowblissfullyhappytobeExxonMobil’smanon the ground in Guyana. Any one of ExxonMobil’s heavy hitters tips a delicately manicured fingernail, and there is Jagdeo hanging in the air He does not care if he has to hang the hopes of every Guyanese, all he cares about is ExxonMobil and its interests, what is beneficial to it, notwithstanding how much is the cost to Guyana. This is whatisgoingonwithExxonMobilandJagdeoinablurof motion.
ExxonMobil presents the compulsory Environmental Impact Assessment (or public consultations and regulatorystages)thatneedstogothroughthewholenine yards, not to worry For there is ExxonMobil’s man Jagdeo landing on the beaches, like a battling MacArthur marine, clearing out snipers, landmines, and bunkers. This is the wealth of Guyanese. This oil is the inheritance of Guyanese. This is a major part of the aspirations and destinyofgenerationsofGuyanese.So,whatisitgoingto be? ExxonMobilandJagdeomustpaymoreforthissixth project.Ifnot,itmustbestopped.
An umbrella programme management unit is urgently needed
for public infrastructure works
DEAREDITOR, investments in focused qualifications are prepared Guyana as noted by the Since coming into power education and training byoneormoreappropriately writer (KN 2022/04/27; in 2020, the PPP/C programmes. The Guyana experiencedengineers.If the 2023/02/01)andothers. Government has been Governmentisinadilemma. engineer is inexperienced It is the right of every engaged in a wide range of It inherited an impoverished and is also compromised, citizen to be vigilant and infrastructure projects country and wants to fulfill then the contractor’s constructively critical of the includingroadways,bridges, itspromisestothepeople. e x p e r i e n c e a n d execution of public works to hospitals, energy systems, The opponents of the qualifications and/or ensure value for public andsoon.Thelikesofwhich Government are razor-sharp financial bonds can be expenditures. But care must were never undertaken in with a bifocal lens of alleged lowered or tailored for a be exercised in rushing to Guyana before oil discovery racial discrimination and specific contractor The condemn the Government and production. Many of the corruption.Itisaclassiccase NPTA’sevaluationprocessis when incidents such as the projects are within the scope of “pot calling the kettle then handicapped. NPTA is Tepui Inc. debacle occur of the PPP/C election black.” The Government’s an independent not a without a thorough m a n i f e s t o a n d t h e approach to accomplishing government body However, investigation to determine Government has been its manifesto promises and the Government must have where the breach occurred adamant in fulfilling its more with the extant limited independent peer reviews in and to fix it. Because, as promises embodied in the human capital and other all phases of public stated above, corruption manifesto.Thisisadmirable. required resources, and infrastructure works either deliberately or not is T h e G o v e r n m e n t addressing the opposition’s including procurement b o u n d u p i n c i v i l rightfully is calling attention allegations is to accept, at documents to prevent such infrastructure works. Is it to the transformational least tacitly, lowering the corrupt practice. Even with tolerable? Absolutely not. nature of these projects and s t a n d a r d s f o r t h e f l a w l e s s c o n t r a c t But systems must be in place the opportunities they procurement and award of procurement and award, it is andproperlyimplementedto present to improve the living contracts. The Tepui Inc. necessary to have high stymie corruption One standards of Guyanese and fiasco, media-reported quality project management. needs to look not only at a reduce its poverty burden. contractors’ transgressions This is a fundamental specific incident but the O p p o n e n t s o f t h e and defaults, citizens’ problem in the execution of numberofdeficientpublic infrastructure projects are complaints of inferior civil infrastructure works in (Continued on page 5) making an assortment of qualitywork,andallegations claimsfromcorruptioninthe of corruption are the price to awarding of contracts to bepaidforthisoption. dolling out the oil proceeds Historically, corruption toGuyanesehouseholds. follows civil infrastructure
The Government has works regardless of publiclyacknowledged(e.g., countries and their stringent Guyana Dialogue - a weekly laws Civil infrastructure liveFB/YTevent-Thursday, works usually involve large July28,2023;Oct.19,2023) sums of money with many thatthereisanacuteshortage uncontrollable factors such of local engineers, as climate, materials and technicians, contractors, and equipment supply, and other skilled workers to workforce. Human greed a c c o m p l i s h t h e exploits these factors. The infrastructure projects. processes embodied within Countries (e.g., UAE) faced G u y a n a ’s N a t i o n a l with such a shortage have Procurement & Tender importedworkersfromother Administration (NPTA) are countries such as India, consistent with international where there is a surplus of norms But contract skilled workers. This was requirements such as c o n c o m i t a n t w i t h contractor’s experience and
Is the AFC fully back in the coalition fold?
DEAREDITOR, The same can be said S t a t e m e n t s a n d about the weekly press comments by the Opposition conferencesoftherulingside Leader repeatedly speak of heldattheparty’sHQ,where an APNU+AFC coalition theGSwhoisalsoVPspeaks f o r m i n g t h e n e x t more about government government. ButAFC exited business. The AFC has been the coalition and is only tied quiet on the utterances made toitinParliament. regarding its role in the
The roles are blurred coalition outside of since the OL wears several Parliament.Ofcourse,bynot hats - leader of the sayinganything,itiskeeping opposition, leader of PNC its options open. Was a quiet and leader of APNU. So deal done which brought the when he goes out into AFC back into the coalition communities don in party fold? colours, is he out there as OL Regards, orpartyleader? Shamshun Mohamed
My memories of Stabroek Market
DEAREDITOR, Wewerethesupplieroffruits and vegetables at the Guyana in 2009, I visited the I can still remember my and vegetables to the southern end of the wharf. It market and saw the days at the Stabroek Market. Government House on Main came by launch. On the deterioration inside and My grandfather who was Street. northern end came a sloop outside most of all, a known as Samaroo or uncle I have a large framed filled with watermelon. The nonfunctional clock which Samaroo had his business in pictureonawallatmyhouse wharf was well maintained people relied on back in the that market where my with my mother facing the with any defective floor olddaystoknowthetime. mother also had a free then Governor Sir Ralph board or other structural It is of my belief that this standing wooden stall on the Grey, mayor Sir Lionel defects being promptly market which I knew from wharf. L u c k h o o a n d o t h e r repaired. my boyhood days went Throughout my school delegates. Cleanlinessofthemarket downhill under Hamilton holidays and on Saturdays, it Theypaidavisittohavea took priority with regular Green’s era and became was compulsory that I go to firsthand look at the produce sweeping of the floors worse under the last mayor the market to help out at the that was supplied to the several times during the day whom I think was unfit for business which was dealing GovernmentHouse.Someof The entire market floors that position. It was sad to mainly with fruits and ourothercustomersincluded werewashedontheweekend see the crumbling Stabroek groundprovision. Correia, Sue-A-Quan and starting with the wharf on Market.
My grandfather was thefamousTang’sBakery Saturday afternoon and then This was because of lack mainly a wholesaler who I hated when I had to go the inner market on Sunday of maintenance. My mother sold to vendors of all the tothemarketonSundaysbut when it was closed for and grandfather must be markets around Georgetown I had no choice. That was business I am sure this turningintheirgraves. and also New Amsterdam when we were receiving exercisenolongerexists. Regards, and McKenzie now Linden. pineapples and other fruits On my last visit to Kenneth Singh
Planet vs. Plastics
DEAREDITOR, companies. This has given rise to new This year’s Earth Day theme is “Planet products such as boxed water products that vs.Plastics”. allowforabiodegradablesolution.
In honour of our planet and in support of The world is beginning to once again the global push to preserve its sustainable embrace paper products for packaging futureweshouldalllookatwaystoreducethe alternatives to help combat the extensive use useofplastics. of plastics. New technology has enabled
Whether it be by using only producers to make products that are sturdier biodegradable and recyclable materials for andmoredurable. the school feeding programme, or by The government can play a major role in establishing recycling facilities in each reducing plastic use through restrictions in region where plastics are collected and imports and the development of local processed for use in other areas, we must biodegradable products. Bottled water being embracetheglobalinitiativetoreducetheuse a fertile area for such an initiative. The ofplastics. packaging used by the fast-food industry can
In today’s environment, micro plastics also be positively impacted by such havebeenfoundintheoceanandseafood. regulations.
This has caused cardiovascular problems Our ecotourism credentials will be and the pollution continues to increase. boostedasweimplementsuchlegislationthat Guyana’s current stage of development supports the global push for the reduction of allows for the country to leapfrog these plastics. Let’s do our part in achieving a 60% problems and focus on the newly developed reduction by 2040. If we truly believe in our alternatives being used to combat the role as environmental stewards, we should problemofplastic. help lead this initiative by providing a stellar
Glass has been a better alternative to example of how to live and thrive with the plastic when it comes to the direct impact on minimaluseofplastics. the environment, but transportation costs Best regards, have made plastics more attractive to large Mr Jamil Changlee
An umbrella programme management...
From page 4 couldbeaccomplishedwhile least, for the initial phase. infrastructure works, and the the required technical This unit could be tasked losses compared to the total workforce is imported with peer review, project number and value of these temporarily Given the scale management either in-house works. and scope of the public or contracted to the private
As an observer, it is easy infrastructure works that the sector for quality, value, and to criticize the Government Government has undertaken timeliness. In addition, the in the execution of public with more in the planning creation/adoption of infrastructure works when and early initiation phase building codes, standards, deficiencies surface and are suchasSilicaCity,asolution and specifications, and media-hyped, but there is a to stymie corruption and get conducting certain focused myriad of considerations v a l u e f o r p u b l i c education and training can b e y o n d t e c h n i c a l infrastructure investments is also be part of the unit’s capabilitiesandcapacitythat to create an umbrella portfolio. a government must consider infrastructure programme
Fortheunittofunctionin The Guyana Government management unit to oversee the public interest, it must be decided to push forward its the procurement and award well structured with astute manifesto’s infrastructure of all contracts and the leadership and competent programme and risk default, execution all public technical staff using modern deficiencies, and quality infrastructure works technologies, and with the Certain checks and balances Ideally, this should be a necessary legal clout, and must be in place but are private sector contracted w i t h o u t p o l i t i c a l absentforderisking. unit, but a private-public interference.
A solution for derisking partnership will be more Dr. Muniram Budhu is to fast-track building effective and efficient, at Professor Emeritus codes, standards and specifications, peer review, education, training, and certification of engineers, contractors, project managers, and other technical personnel This

Palestinians are not mere data sets; they are real, living human beings with families
DEAREDITOR, lives brutally lost due to a Furthermore, policies
Recent investigations by statistical error More allowing up to 20 civilian +972 Magazine and Local recently, did Lavender also deaths to eliminate a single Call have detailed the Israeli targeted the 7 World Central low-ranking target and DefenseForce’s(IDF)useof Kitchen aid workers? Could accepting the death of 100 the artificial intelligence Lavender have caused Palestinians as collateral for system “Lavender” in Gaza, anotherstatisticalerror?And a high-ranking Hamas prompting me to express my how many more Palestinian operativehighlightachilling deepconcernswithurgency lives will be snuffed out and devaluation of Palestinian
The Israeli army, using cut down because of lives based solely on t h i s t e c h n o l o g y i n Lavender’s statistical errors, g e o g r a p h i c a n d conjunction with other as the Israeli army’s demographicprofiles. systems such as “Where’s unfolding genocide doesn’t T h e “ L a v e n d e r ” Daddy?” and “The Gospel,” seem to be coming to an end software analyzes a massive has effectively utilized data soon? amount of data on almost all management to turn Gaza “Where’s Daddy?” 2.3 million residents of into a killing field, treating exacerbates the problem by Gaza, ranking everyone’s Palestinians as mere identifying individuals at likelihood of being active in statistical variables in a their most vulnerable Hamas or PIJ. The criteria deadlyformula. moments, particularly at for these assessments
In the early stages of home, which increases the include overly broad and Israel’s recent war on Gaza, likelihood of civilian often inaccurate markers, the “Lavender” system was casualties and turns safe such as participation in designed specifically to havens into high-risk zones. certain WhatsApp groups or identify all individuals The approach suggests a frequent changes of address suspected of association disregard for the sanctity of orphonenumbers.Evenpast with the military wings of Palestinian lives, as family affiliations or coincidental Hamas and Palestinian members of targeted use of a device previously Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Palestinians often become ownedbyaHamasoperative including those at lower casualties themselves. The can flag an individual as a levels, flagging up to 37,000 use of “dumb bombs” for t a r g e t T h e I D F ’s people as potential targets lower-level targets, which mechanized, detached for bombing. In the early destroy entire buildings to approach to this recent phasesofitsuse,Israeliarmy ensure the elimination of the o n g o i n g m a s s a c r e officers had broad discretion intended target, speaks to a profoundly devalues to act on “Lavender’s kill grim efficiency and a Palestinianlives by reducing list” without needing to profound indifference to the them to mere statistical data confirm the reasons for such collateral damage inflicted. in a software system. Using identifications, resulting in Thisisacost-savingmeasure these AI systems, the Israeli minimal oversight. Before for the IDF, as one Israeli army has indiscriminately granting authorization to officer puts it: “”You don’t slaughtered thousands of bomb, the IDF officer only want to waste expensive Palestiniansinthisunfolding needed to confirm that the bombs on unimportant genocide. target was a male The people; it’s very expensive Palestinians are not mere system made decisions to for the country, and there’s a datasets;theyarereal,living authorize bombings in as shortage[ofthosebombs].” (Continued on page 6) little as 20 seconds, often based on vague or nonexistent links to militant groups. Given a 10% error rate, it raises the question of the number of Palestinian

Guyana awarded for fostering Indigenous tourism
are not mere data...
He added that this type of Indigenous
Guyana has been awarded for its country that promotes Indigenous tourism magnificent contributions made to the that is led and owned. This means that the Indigenous communities nationwide at the Indigenous people own the land, the assets, 4th edition of the World Travel Market the business, and control the profits,” the (WTM) Latin America Responsible directorexplained. TourismAwards.
The country secured silver place under tourism is a major differentiating factor thecategory‘BestInitiativesforIndigenous compared to other community-based Communities and\ or Traditional tourism models around the world. “One of Communities.’Inarecentinterviewwiththe our officers who is also an Indigenous Department of Public Information (DPI), person went to Brazil to collect this award Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority and also to make a presentation. We are (GTA), Kamrul Baksh noted that over the reallyhappyaboutthis,becauseitshowsour years, the nation has been fostering many commitmenttosupportingcommunitiesand tourism initiatives led by the Indigenous developing tourism in Guyana,” Baksh peoples. stated.
“This was well-deserved because as you
InGuyana,manytourismproductsand know, Guyana is uniquely positioned as a (Continued on page 9)

From page 5 thatIsraellifttheblockadeonGazaandallow human beings with families, hopes, dreams, humanitarian aid into the region. We must and aspirations Even animals are not insistthattheIDFimmediatelystopbombing slaughteredasindiscriminatelyastheIsraelis and destroying schools, places of worship, have been killing the Palestinians. To treat hospitals, etc. We must insist on holding the Palestinians as mere statistics that could be Israeli army accountable for its actions. We easily deleted shows how little value the must demand an end to the IDF’s occupation Israeli army has placed on their lives. of internationally recognized Palestinian However,theworldneedstowakeupfromits territories.Wemustdemandanendtosettlerslumber and recognize the genocide colonialism, settler-violence and the theft of unfolding in Gaza. It is imperative that we Palestinian lands. We must call on all address these revelations not merely as a governments to recognize Palestine as a state critique of the Israeli Defense Force’s brutal and support the right of Palestinians to selfand savage military strategy but as an urgent determination. We must advocate for a free call to action to stop what amounts to an Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestine unfoldinggenocide. willbefree.
We must demand an end to this genocide Yours sincerely, andanimmediateceasefire.Wemustdemand Shazad Sookram

Cabinet and NPTAB are accountable for approving $865M pump station contract to ‘Guyanese Critic’-FormerAuditor General
FormerAuditor General (AG), Anand Goolsarran has noted that given their oversight role, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), and Cabinet should both be held accountable for overlooking evaluation breaches in the $865 millionpumpstationcontract.
The contract handed to Tepui, the company closely linked to social media personality, 'Guyanese Critic' was the subject of an investigation by Public Procurement Commission (PPC) overthepastsixmonths.
Goolsarran's comments come days after Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo at a press conference, blamed the evaluation team for the procurementbreachesfoundinthe handing out of a $865M pump stationcontracttoTepui.However, Goolsarran in his column 'Accountability Watch,' published in the Stabroek News on Monday pointed out that while the blame is been thrown on the evaluation team for approving the company's bid, both NPTAB and Cabinetalso holdsimilarfunctions.
He pointed out too that the procuring entity- the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) turned a blind eye to the breaches of the company In his review on the report by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC), the former AG pointed out that while the PPC made 13 recommendations as a form of remedial action, however, there was no mention of any recommendation as regard sanctions being imposed on member if the evaluation committee for their failure to adhere to the requirements of documents relating to bidders' experience.
Goolsarran questioned NPTAB's role in the process of approving the bid. “And what of NPTAB, which is responsible for exercising jurisdiction over tendersthevalueofwhichexceeds such an amount prescribed by regulations, appointing a pool of evaluators for such period as it may determine and maintaining efficient record keeping and qualityassurancesystems?”
Goolsarran continued “Surely NPTAB is not a post office accepting evaluation reports without examining them to ensure that all the laid requirements have been followed and the determination as to the lowest evaluated bids can stand the test of independent scrutiny.” He added that “This is especially so, considering that NPTAB is

required to prepare a streamlined tender evaluation report to cabinet toenableittoissueitsnoobjection totheproposedaward.”
As it regards Cabinet, Goolsarran noted that Section 54 (2)requiresCabinettoobjecttothe award of the procurement contract if it determines that the procuring entity failed to comply with applicable procurement procedures.
“That apart,” the former Auditor General noted that “Section 51 (1) requires Cabinet andthePPCtoreviewannuallythe cabinet's threshold over time so as to promote the goal of progressively phasing out the Cabinet involvement and decentralising the procurement process.”“[However] after almost eight years since the PPC became operationalised, there is no evidence of any caution taken to implementthisrequirement.”
Additionally, the former AG said that the procuring entity NDIA also failed to object to evaluationgiventhebreaches.“By Section 39 (3) if the procuring entity does not agree with the e v a l u a t i o n c o m m i t t e e determination as to the lowest evaluated bid required to issue an advisory recommendation to the evaluation committee regarding which bidder should be the lowest evaluated bidder which recommendation the evaluation committeemustobserve.”
Jagdeo at his press conference while noting the report by the PPC said that the entity did not recommend the cancellation of the contract.
The VP responded, “It didn't saybreach,however,itpointedout

the application for evaluation criteria; an evaluation criterion that was outlined in the bid that there was not a perfect kind of applicationorinthisbid'scase,the evaluation criteria.” Jagdeo then sought to defend the awarding of the contract to Tepui by saying most of it was transparent and that
the findings show that there is a functioning PPC under his government than was under the pastadministration.
“Onethingwasclearandthatis there was a public tender for all of the 19 pump stations that were being built across the country including the one under review by
the PPC,” Jagdeo said before adding “that an evaluation committee consistent with the Public Procurement Act was established. It was a multi-agency evaluationCommittee”.
“So I asked who the evaluators were today and they sent me this document,” he continued before naming the evaluators “The evaluatorswereRandyBeckles,he was the coordinator for the particular project and he is the procurement officer from the GNBS (Guyana National Bureau of Standards), Miss Shabbana Omar, a civil engineer at the BNTF, Ministry of Finance and Mr Larry Karrel at the ASDU (a unitattheMinistryofAgriculture). These were the three evaluators so they completed their evaluation report and then the report was sent to NPTAB and then it went to the Cabinetforanoobjection,”Jagdeo said. He also told the media that while it is good that it focuses on thetransparencyofthehandingout of contracts,it must also shed light on the implementation and completion of projects by his government along with the benefitsitbringstothepopulaceof Guyana.
Constabulary Officer critical after hitand-run accident La Penitence Market
According to Lance Corporal #1845, Henry was handling a report f r o m t h e
c o m m u n i c a t i o n s department when he was notified by a senior colleague on duty about
A 32-year-old father of three, Kevin James, is in a critical condition after being involved in a hit-and-run incident at La Penitence Market, located on Saffon Street i n C h a r l e s t o w n , Georgetown Monday night. James, employed as a Constabulary Officer and residing in Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara, was on hiswaytoworkwhenthe accidentoccurred.
the accident involving one of their own. “I attempted to contact the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s department and learned that an ambulance was en route,” Henry stated during an interview with KaieteurNews.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) from the Guyana Fire
Service responded promptly to the scene. James was struck by a car, the driver of which this newspaper was able toascertainimmediately The incident has been reported to the p o l i c e , a n d a n investigationiscurrently underway (Wayne Lyttle)

Govt’s constant absence from PAC crippling oversight of their spending
Th e c o n s t a n t a b s e n c e o f g o v e r n m e n t members at the duly constituted meeting of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is crippling the work of the oversight committee with regard to scrutinising publicspending.
Chairman of the PAC, Jermaine Figueira in a media release on Monday pointed o u t f o l l o w i n g t h e cancellation of yet another
statutory meeting scheduled for yesterday, that it has become more and more pellucid of the government's chronic and deliberate plot to stymie the work of this very important committee of the NationalAssembly Primarily, he noted that the government members whositonthiscommitteeare deliberately absenting themselves According to Figueira, the government's consistent no-show is

imperiling one of the guard rails of democracy; and h a n d i c a p p i n g t h e committee's capacity to functionasarobustoversight mechanism “Without effective oversight, we risk witnessing further fiscal mismanagement, reckless squandering of public resources,andacrisisoftrust in the government's financial stewardship,”Figueirasaid. He explained further that thePACstandsasabastionof tr ansparency, accountability, and provides responsible oversightfortheallocationof publicfunds. ThePACChair r e m i n d e d t h a t t h i s disheartening trend of absenteeism by government members began when the ruling party altered the standing order, mandating the presence of two government members for a quorum.
“This changed,” the PAC Chair noted “slowed down and stymied the committees work with more than 40 cancelations of the committee meetings since this unnecessary and unwarranted change was made.” Figueira explained that the PAC continues to grapple with an alarming backlog of work, particularly in its present examination of the financial records for the year 2019, rendering it years behind in its essential work

PAC Chair, Jermaine Figueira
andwearein2024,fiveyears laggingbehind.
He emphasized that “It is important to note, that a fully functioning PAC is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy, providing a vital counterbalance to unchecked government actions and to ensure that accounting officersdischargetheirduties and responsibilities in accordance with the law and showrespectinservicetothe peopletheyserve.”
It is in this regard, the PAC Chair iterated a call for the government to prioritize the prompt resumption of regular PAC meetings, replace the "hard working" ministersofgovernmentwith two other competent members, so as to ensure the committeecanreallybeginto address the backlog of work in a meaningful way, diligently executing the pivotal oversight duties for thepeopleofGuyana.
“ M i n i s t e r G a i l Teixeira's own words in parliament, where she posited "ministers of government should not sit on the PAC because of their commitments and heavy workload".
“I agreed with her when it was said then and I agree with her even more now than ever The government members we all have seen, continues to display a flagrant disregard for this crucial parliamentary oversight body, entrusted with the vital task of scrutinizing government's
Bourda Market vendor remanded for possession of cannabis
A 41-year-old West Coast Berbice (WCB) man was on Monday remanded to prison for possession of 282 grams of cannabis when he appeared before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Georgetown Magistrates'Court.
Lochan Beharry made his first court appearance and pleadednotguiltytothecharge found under Section 5 (i) a (i) of the Narcotic, Drug, and Psychotropic Substances (Control)Act10/2010.
Beharry was represented by attorney Bernard Da Silva. The lawyer sought bail for his client telling the court that Beharry received a call from a friend asking him to collect a bag from someone and deliver ittoBerbice.

Beharry is a bus driver and a vendor and according to the attorney,therequestwasnotuncommon.
“He would normally take things from Berbice to Bourda for a fee,” said Da Silva. The lawyer argued that his client had no knowledge of the bag's contents. He claimed that Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) intercepted Beharry without giving him a chancetoexplain,afactthatcanbesupported byCCTVfootage.
Further, the attorney pleaded that bail be granted to his client who is not a flight risk and never had any prior criminal matters before the court. However, the CANU prosecutor opposed bail, citing the
seriousness of the offence. She stated that CANU officers witnessed Beharry holding a gift bag on North Road, leading to his immediatesearchandsubsequentarrestupon discovery of a quantity of leaves, seeds and stemsofsuspectedcannabis.
The prosecutor emphasized the importance of considering the Narcotic, Drug,andPsychotropicSubstances(Control) Act10/2010inadjudicatingsuchcases.
Giving consideration to the arguments putforward,theseniormagistratedeniedbail based on the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. Beharry is scheduled to return to courtonMay7,2024.
The PPC has implied adjudicatory powers

Just recently, the PPC procurement processes to changes to the National liaisewithbodiessuchasthe determined that it does not ensure compliance with Assembly It conducts police and the Auditor havetheauthoritytovitiatea legal frameworks and policy reviews of procurement General, this does not imply contract which was awarded guidelinesestablishedbythe procedures at various levels that it can delegate in breach of the country’s National Assembly This of government entities and investigations to these procurement rules and laws. involves promoting project execution units, entities. Instead, the PPC’s This decision has led to an awareness among suppliers, investigatescomplaintsfrom function to liaise serves to accusation that the PPC is constructors, and public suppliers, contractors, and facilitate communication equality, and the rule of law, toothless. b o d i e s r e g a r d i n g public entities, and proposes and collaboration with and adapt to changing
In this column, I wish to procurement rules and remedialactionsasneeded. relevant authorities in s o c i e t a l n e e d s a n d argue to the contrary I wish p r o c e d u r e s w h i l e It is this mandate to matters related to public circumstances. to suggest that the PPC does safeguarding the national propose remedial actions procurement. However, the A broader interpretation indeed have implicit powers interest and considering thatmayhaveledtothefalse PPC should retain its own of the relevant provisions of of sanction and compulsion, internationalobligations. conclusion that the PPP/C investigative role, allowing the Constitution would including to reverse an The PPC monitors the lacks the power to sanction it to independently suggest that the PPC does award granted by the performance of procurement procurement entities and to investigate complaints, have powers of sanction. National Tender Board bodies, ensuring efficiency vitiate contracts awarded. It cases of irregularity, and How so? The Constitution Administration(NTBA). in procuring goods and should be noted however mismanagement within makes provision for a Public
falls within the realm of the Executive branch. It is the Executive which is responsible for the implementation and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f government policies and procedures. Therefore, the PPC is precluded from directly ordering specific changes in policies and laws since to do would be to trespass on the inherent jurisdictionoftheExecutive. This is why, in instances relating to systems, laws, rules and regulations, the PPC can only recommend a d j u s t m e n t s o r i m p r o v e m e n t s t o procurementprocesses.
The Constitution of services, and oversees the that the PPC does have the procurementprocesses. Procurement Commission Guyana makes provision for execution of works, while power to investigate cases of Nevertheless, when the Tribunal. In fact, a law was the establishment of a Public also approving procedures, i r r e g u l a r i t y a n d PPC encounters possible passed and assented to by Procurement Commission disseminating rules, and mismanagement More criminal conduct during its then President Bharrat The PPC is an established, r e c o m m e n d i n g importantly,itcanliaisewith investigations, it can and Jagdeo The country’s independent body that is modificationstoenhancethe relevant authorities such as should draw such matters to highest law makes provision required to act fairly in the procurement process. The the police and the Auditor the attention of both the for the establishment of a dischargeofitsmandate. PPC also serves as a General to ensure the police and the Auditor Tribunal to review the
The Constitution details watchdog, monitoring efficient discharge of its General. It is up to these decisions of the PPC, with the functions of the PPC. Its legislation, policies, and functions. bodies to determine what evensubjectsthesedecisions mandate encompasses measures for compliance
However, when it comes to instances of fraud or breaches of procurement laws,itwouldbeananomaly for the PPC not to have the power to recommend criminal investigations or specific actions to be taken.
While the Public actiontheywilltake. of the Tribunal to judicial various key functions aimed and reporting the need for Procurement Commission
Guyana awarded for fostering Indigenous...
From page 6 when they visit the village, making their stay servicescanbefounddeepwithinIndigenous moreenjoyable. communities due to the nature-like and With the implementation of these relaxing environment like the pristine rivers activities, employment for the Indigenous and the fresh and heavy vegetation that people will become available and foreign surroundstheseareas. exchange will begin to circulate in the Additionally, with great tourism potential villages which will help to expand the existing in many Indigenous villages, the newfound venture. The government also GTAplaysacrucialroleinhelpingtheleaders plays a pivotal role in sustaining these and residents of the communities to further products and services by funding them build upon what the village is already through various grants such as the Low offering. CarbonDevelopmentStrategy(LCDS)funds
The authority oftentimes conducts its andthePresidentialGrants.Thesegrantshelp assessment of the talent and art of the people the villages to build guest houses, kitchens, such as pottery and painting and see how it and purchase vehicles to propel tourism can make this into an activity for tourists withinthearea.
Dem Boys Seh...
A title is a title but...
Desweetsoundofvictorydrumsechoed practice. Things got better with matches through the walls of the airport terminal as under their belt.The lesson must not be lost. the Guyana Harpy Eagles returned home. Failuretoprepareistopreparetofail. Theboysandmenwerehailedasconquering But a title is a title, and credit must be heroes. givenwhereit’sdue.Theplayers,againstall
The government, in its characteristic odds and despite their evidently subpar fashion, wasted no time in seizing the preparation,managedtosnatchvictoryfrom opportunity to bask in reflected glory. With the jaws of inconsistent performances. But tassa drums beating and high-ranking let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that a officials donning their best smiles, they hero’s welcome at the airport and a few welcomed the victorious players at the congratulatory speeches from politicians airport. and cricket board officials will magically
But let’s not get carried away in the erase the systemic problems plaguing celebratory fervor just yet. Yes, Guyana has Guyanesecricket. clinched the Cricket West Indies four-day If we truly want to see our cricketing cricket tournament, but let’s not overlook prowess restored to its former glory, it will the inconvenient truth that this victory require a concerted effort to invest in proper involvedsomeluckinthefinalround. training facilities, coaching staff, and most
The title was by no means a triumph of importantly, plenty of match practice to preparedness. The team’s journey to victory honetheskillsofourplayers. was marred by a glaring lack of preparation, So, as the drums of victory fade into the akin to a student pulling an all-nighter and distance let’s not lose sight of the bigger miraculously acing an exam they barely picture.It’stimetorollupoursleeves,putin studiedfor thehardwork,andensurethatourcricketing
Intheearlystagesofthetournament,the future isn’t just a stroke of luck, but a wellGuyanese team was as match rusty as an deservedtriumphbuiltonasolidfoundation antique tin can left out in the rain. Their ofpreparationandtraining. performance screamed of a lack of adequate Talk half. Leff half.
that the PPC is not
A narrow interpretation review. Why would there be at monitoring and reviewing any necessary legislative (PPC) has the authority to of the relevant provisions of a tribunal established to the Constitution relating to review the decisions of the the functions of the Public PPC if the PPC decisions Procurement Commission were not adjudicatory and may lead to the conclusion enforceable?
This provision for the empowered to enforce its establishment of a tribunal own decisions and to take suggests that the PPC has actions to annul contracts adjudicatory powers and awarded. The provisions therefore can and does have speak to the PPC proposing the power to make orders, remedialaction. includinginvokingsanctions
When the Constitution mandates the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) to propose remedial action, it primarily refers to actions aimed at rectifying deficiencies within procurement systems, rules, and regulations This responsibility inherently
In such cases, the PPC’s role extends beyond mere recommendations. It must in these instances advocate for legal consequences against individuals or entities found to have engaged in unlawful activities. In this way, the PPC upholds its overarching mandate to ensure the integrity and legality of public procurement practices.
This would be consistent on procuring entities and also with a broader individuals, including interpretation of the vitiating contracts awarded Constitution A broader in breach of the procurement interpretation of the rulesandregulations.
Constitution is permissible (The views expressed in to allow for upholding the this article are those of the fundamental principles and a u t h o r a n d d o n o t values enshrined within the necessarily reflect the document, promote justice, opinions of this newspaper.)

The magic of money
There is a saying that Americans love to share: moneytalks,bull****walks. Money makes the world go around. People may make the world their own, but only those with mucho money can dreamofdoingso,succeedin doing so. Reading Exxon's andCEODarrenWoodsState of the Company address, and it was a gusher to the glories of money and his special brightness Money from Guyana featured highly, the company's numbers are there to prove, and Woods is the man to make a mountain out ofthem.
In 2020, Exxon lost US$22 4B when special itemswereincluded,itsworst outing in 40 years. Look what it has done since, where it is now In 2021, profits skyrocketed to US$23B. In 2022, the company's profits soaredintothestratosphereat US$55.7 big ones (billions). And here we are absorbing the little dip in 2023 of US$36.01B. Darren Woods went with the positive: “we've grown earnings at a compound annual growth rate of more than 40%...”. Nicely said, Mister Woods; other than the Wall Street analysts and money managers, nobody is overly concerned about that 36% drop in profits versus 2022. Not with US$36B profits comingintothepocket.
thought I had some promise in the preaching department, but Mr Woods crosses all his X's, his t's, dots his i's and ensures that his y's are forked. A fork is what he sticks into Guyanese, this coolest of political operators. Hearhim.
T h e r e a r e t w o contributors to Exxon's that are major parts of the Exxon profit conversation Oil price staying steady and swinging upwards in spurts are two others, and sweet, sweet Guyana, the other Though the Permian and other businesses had a contribution, Guyana now always features prominently in profit talk. When Darren Woods speaks these days about his oil bonanza in Guyana, there is no better public relations man, no smarter political operator, andnoslipperierpartnerthan themanwhoisthekingofthe Lone Star State. To that, I would be negligent if I didn't add King of Guyana to his portfolio of provinces. I
“Our work in Guyana continues to be among our most exciting and successful -for our business, the people of Guyana, and the world.” Do Guyanese see how clever this fella Woods is? He said “among our most exciting andsuccessful”whenitisthe MOST EXCITING AND SUCCESSFUL Hedge, give self a fallback option in case Guyanese get ideas and start clamoring for a fair piece of their patrimony How can it not be the most exciting and most successful when the oil is cheap to p r o d u c e , w h e n t h e government is a slave to Exxon's beck and call, when the leading oilman and the Guyanese officials closest to the company operate in the cage that the carpenters from
Texasbuiltforthem. Collect Guyana oil money and celebrate, Mr Woods, but don't try these stunts in the belief that all Guyanese are jackasses. Thisoneisn't.
Exxon is drowning in US billions, and poor Guyanese arestrugglingtofindaspotto sell their plantain chips, roti and curry, cook-up rice and souse, among other items. The High Court ordered the Town Council to move them from in front of Demico, and those vendors are just a drop in the bucket of struggling Guyanese who scratch out the paltriest of existences. Meanwhile, business is booming for Exxon, lauded to be “among the most exciting and successful” in thecompany'sconglomerate. Exciting and successful for Exxon from Guyana's treasure but depressing and haemorrhagingforGuyanese from their own birthright. There should be more than resistance to these damn carpetbaggers. There should bearevolution,radicalismof a kind not seen. Routledge

and Woods know that when the passivity and docility boats stopped here, they docked permanently Hence,thislistlessstate.
The tricky politician in Woods is now always on display, especially for the consumption of the Guyanese public The excitements and successes are good for “our business, the people of Guyana, and the world ” Success for Exxon is a given, fully understood as the leader and corporate power priority
Success for “the world” is neither my interest nor my business. Success for “the people of Guyana” ranks high. GotellMr Woodsthat, Mr Routledge. There is nothinghigherandextending thecompany'ssuccessto“the peopleofGuyana”makesme think of identifying this nobleAmerican as one given to misrepresentation with the bonusofmakingafooloutof Guyanese. He should consult with his legal people and get some advice about whatmisrepresentingmeans,
if he doesn't know I shall be contented with exaggerator and misleader To his prevaricator in Guyana, Mr Alistair Routledge, I remind him to relay to Texas these sentimentsofmine.
“The people of Guyana” in the vicinity of their oil is that of Palestinians and their homeland. Ripped away Gouged out. With them gored for good measure
When and how have the people of Guyana, Mr. Woods benefited as they should from their legacy? Exxon prospers. Guyanese impoverished are further pauperized. Exxoncashesin from Guyana's oil, Guyanese crash with catastrophic failure from leaders and fallenhopes.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Guyanese scholars tackle aeronautics through drone building workshop
prestigious Academic Drone Soccer
World Cup and associated events, running from April 23-25,2024. T h e v i s i t a l s o e n c o m p a s s e s a

comprehensive Student Conference and Career Fair aimed at immersing the team in both competitive and educational experiences in the drone and aeronautics sectors, STEMGuyana said inapressrelease.
On Monday morning, the teamwasengagedinahandson drone building workshop at Millennial Tech Middle School, where they strengthened their skills in t h e a s s e m b l y a n d maintenance of the very drones they will operate during the competition. The workshop is crucial, as all players are required to swiftly manage any technical issues that arise midcompetition.Drone soccer, a sport demanding quick
Man robs woman of gold chain, placed on bail

A21-year-old man of South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown wasonMondaygranted$150,000bailandplacedonprobation when he appeared before senior Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answer a Robbery Under Armscharge.
ItisallegedthatonMarch20,2024onDurbanStreet,Werken-Rust, Georgetown, Smart, while armed with a dangerous weapon, robbed Margaret Walter of a gold chain valued $150,000GYDand$60,000GuyanaDollars.
The man, who was represented by attorney Samuel Glasgow,pleadednotguiltytothecharge.
Glasgow raised concerns about racial bias as a motive for his client's arrest since his client had previous run-ins with the law Theattorneytoldthecourtthatwhilehisclientwasaccused ofsimilaroffences,hewasproveninnocent.
However, the prosecutor told the court that Smart was charged with Robbery UnderArms onAugust 11, 2023 and on March29,2024,hewasalsochargedwiththesameoffence.
Notwithstanding, Magistrate Nurse placed Smart on $150,000 bail and probation which requires him to report weeklytotheBrickdamPoliceStation.

Left to Right: President of Guyana Drone Soccer, Leon Christian Eshan Harjohn, STEMGuyana Operations Manager, Alisha Koulen, Rashad Lancaster, Zion Rambarran, Jad Narine, Mariam Brown and Coach of the USA Drone Soccer team, Kyle Sanders
maneuversandstrategicplay, is not just a game for these young enthusiasts but a gateway into the expansive field of aeronautics. “Our goal is to launch a robust programme across Guyana, empowering young people to access burgeoning 21stcentury careers in drone
technology,” said Leon Christian,PresidentofDrone Soccer Guyana The initiativeisthefirstofitskind in the region, combining elements of soccer, and the intensity of a fast-paced esport.The timing of Team Guyana's involvement in such international platforms
is strategic, aligning with the increasing global demand for skilled drone operators in fields ranging from agriculture to security and beyond. During their stay, Team Guyana scholars will also participate in career fairs,meetindustryleaders,
(Continued on page 16)

ExxonMobil and Chevron's fight over Guyana's oil triggers major investigation by US federal agencies
TExxonMobil have triggered an investigation into their assets by two federal agencies in the United States of America. According to Forbes, the assets of ExxonMobil and Chevron as well as other oil companies are currently being evaluated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and t h e F e d e r a l T r a d e Commission because of climate related concerns and competitionlaw
Itisimportanttonotethat Exxon's acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources and Chevron's acquisition of Hess placed them both at the topoftheagencies'list.

This publication previously reported that, the twohavebeeninabattleover Hess' 30% stake in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana – the centrepiece of Chevron's deal for Hess Corporation Chevron's US$53 billion acquisition of Hess potentially gives it access to Hess' stake in the StabroekBlockandpositions the oil major to profit from Guyana'semergenceasanoil powerhouse, boasting one of the world's fastest-growing economies.
On October 23, 2023
Chevron announced that it entered into a definitive agreement with Hess Corporation to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Hess in an all-stock transaction valued at $53 billion, or $171 per share based on Chevron's closing price on October 20, 2023.
Under the terms of the a g r e e m e n t , H e s s shareholders will receive 1.0250 shares of Chevron for each Hess share. The total enterprise value, including debt,ofthetransactionis$60 billion.
In a statement, Chevron had said the acquisition of
H e s s u p g r a d e s a n d diversifies Chevron's already advantaged portfolio.The oil company noted, “The Stabroek block in Guyana is an extraordinary asset with industry leading cash margins and low carbon intensity that is expected to deliver production growth into the next decade.” To this end, it signaled, “The combined company is expected to grow production and free cash flow faster and for longer than Chevron's current five-year guidance.”
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chevron,MikeWirthsaidthe company is now positioned to strengthen its long-term
performance and further enhance its “advantaged portfolio by adding worldclassassets.”
However, Chevron's pending $53 billion acquisition of Hess is largely a play to gain a foothold in Guyana's massive oil assets. Exxon is claiming a right of first refusal over Hess' Guyana assets under a joint operating agreement that governs the Stabroek oil block, which is estimated to have 11 billion barrels of oil and gas. Exxon controls 45% of the Stabroek block, while Hess has a 30% stake. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC, controls the remaining 25%.
Exxon escalated the dispute with Chevron by seeking a r b i t r a t i o n a t t h e International Chamber of Commerce in Paris last month.
Chevron rejects Exxon's claim to a right of first refusal,buthastoldinvestors in financial filings that its deal with Hess would not close if an arbitration court rules in its competitors' favour.In the same month of October 2023, the US Reuters reported that Exxon Mobil agreed to buy U.S. rival Pioneer Natural Resourcesinanall-stockdeal valued at $59.5 billion that would make it the biggest producer in the largest U.S.
oilfield and secure a decade of low-cost production
Pioneer is the Permian oilfield's largest well operator, accounting for 9% of gross production, while Exxon occupies the No. 5 spot with 6%, according to RBC Capital Markets Pioneer had bulked up through multibillion-dollar deals such as those of shale rivals DoublePoint Energy for $6.4 billion in 2021 and Parsley Energy for $7 6 billion in 2020 under CEO Sheffield.
Thedeal,valuedat$253a share, combines the largest U.S.oilcompanywithoneof the most successful names to emerge from the shale revolution that turned the U.S. into the world's largest oil producer in little more than a decade. Exxon Chief Executive Darren Woods said in an interview the combination provides a big opportunity for synergies among the companies. “We basically closed this deal fairly quickly,” Woods said after approaching Pioneer's Scott Sheffield two weeks ago, “and started talking about the complementary nature of both of our businesses.”
The Forbes article stated that,“Senatorsand
Exxon to hire 20 support vessels daily to lay gas-to-shore pipeline
The Waddenstroom to be employed for Bunker
The Guyana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the use of a fuel bunkering vessel that will be moored in Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (EZZ) in order to support a 20-fleet of vessels to be used for the offshore aspects of the pipeline laying component for the Gas-to-EnergyProject.
Esso Exploration and
Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) has contracted a consortium of Subsea 7 LCC and Van Oord Offshore (EPC5) to install the 12.75” Gas pipeline system from existing gas production facilities offshore Guyana towards the shore In explainingitsrationalefortheneed for a vessel to store fuel offshore to support its operation, it was noted that the parties use two types of v e s s e l s f o r s u c h operations stationary which remain offshore, and sailing vessels.
The problem with the latter in Guyana's case however, is that the abilitytosailintooneoftheportsin
Georgetownisthatitwillencounter limited port refueling facilities, in addition to long sailing times for offshorevessels.Thisaswellasthe additionaltimeofprojectactivities, higherfuelconsumption,“meaning more greenhouse gases” and additional traffic to the local port activities.
With this in mind, the company said, it proposes to use some of its support vessels as a bunkering vessel which will provide services exclusively to the Van Oord construction fleet during the project “Waddenstroom” is a Multicat that had recently been delivered (January 2024) is sailing under the flag of The Netherlands. Her length overall is 36.66 meters and her width is 13.45.00 meters.
The Waddenstroom” is equipped with a certified fuelling station in order to bunker other vessels and barges,” the company said in its ProjectSummary
According to the company,Van Oordwilloperateafleetofupto20 vessels and Barges including: Shallow Water Pipelay vessels;

Pipe supply vessels; Anchor handlers; Crane barges; Survey vessels; Supply vessel (other than pipes); Crew Transport vessels; Accommodation vessel and specialized vessels for lowering of thepipelinebelowtheseabed.
The company, in its project summary, “offshore bunkering can pose a pollution risk to the marine environment in the unlikely event that a spill should occur.” It was adamant however, “based on thorough management and
mitigation measures, supported by the inductions and training of crew with close monitoring during operations, Van Oord will strive to maintain preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of a spill occurring during bunkering offshore.”
According to the company, these include but are not limited to, a Project Spill Prevention Plan in addition to rigorous Hazard IdentificationandRiskAssessment (HIRA)foroffshorebunkering.
ThecompanywasadamantVan Oord's objective is to minimise and prevent risks to the environment; However, in the highly unlikely eventofaspillthevesselShipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) provides spill response details and the Waddenstroom along with all vessels in the fleet shallbeequippedwithSOPEPspill kitsandequipmentandthattraining drills will be conducted with all vessel crews with respect to spill preventionandresponse.
Semi-submersible vessel found at Port Kaituma Por
Police in Region One are currently investigating the discovery of a semi-submersible vessel which was found with sandbagsandcasesofwateronSaturdayinPortKaituma,North WestDistrict.
According to the police, about 16:35hr Saturday, the greycoloured vessel was found in Paiana Creek, Port Kaituma coveredwithtroolieleaves.Justashortdistanceaway,therewas a makeshift camp that was hidden from public view, the police revealed.
It was reported that the vessel was searched, and approximately 15 sandbags were discovered, along with about sixcasesofwater.Investigationsareongoing.
Dead: Alwin Griffith
Man shot dead by bandits trying to steal his bike

A 22-year-old labourer was on Sunday shot dead by bandits who attempted to steal his motorcycle in Sophia.
Dead is Alwin Griffith of Lot 632 'A' Field Sophia. Griffithwasshotintheregion of his chest by one of two bandits in front of his South Sophiahome.
One of the suspects has been identified as a 19-yearold of Campbell Street, Albouystown.
Police said that the shooting to death occurred at about 21:30h as Griffith was sitting on his black CB1 m o t o r c y c l e b e a r i n g registrationnumberCM3560 infrontofhishome.Whileon his motorcycle, two males approached Griffith, one of whom pointed a handgun at him and tried to take his motorcycle.
A scuffle ensued and the suspectwhohadthehandgun, discharged a round in the region of the victim's right

Griffith, while wounded ran a short distance before collapsing on the roadway The suspects once again attempted to take Griffith's motorcycle, but an alarm was raisedbyresidentsinthearea, whowenttothevictim'said.
In a bid to escape, the suspects attempted to run awaybutresidentsgavechase and managed to apprehend onesuspectwhowasbeaten.
Meanwhile, Griffith was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)byresidents,butwas pronounced dead on arrival. The body of the deceased is currently at the GPHC mortuary awaiting PostMortemExamination.
The 29-year-old suspect wasalsotakentotheGPHCin an unconscious state. Police said he is receiving medical attention while under police guard.
The investigation is ongoing.

$650 million Canal pump station to be completed soon
A s c o n s t r u c t i o n acceleratesonapumpstation at Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara in Region Three, farmers and residents are poised to benefit from improved drainage and irrigation(D&I)access.
The $650 million pump station is slated for completion within three months. The development is part of a broader initiative to enhance D&I infrastructure in the region, which also includes projects at Belle Vue, A-Line sluice, and Meten-Meer-Zorg.
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha inspected theCanalNumberOnepump station Saturday last, where he announced the project's completion date, among otherinterventions.
When completed, the pumpstationwillfeaturetwo mechanically driven pumping units, each capable of discharging 150 cubic feet ofwaterpersecond.Atotalof
19 pump stations are under construction nationwide and Minister Mustapha remains optimistic about the operationalisation of these pump stations by mid-2025.
Apart from the ongoing c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d rehabilitation of existing drainage and irrigation i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , t h e government also plans to replicate the success of the Hope Canal at East Coast Demerara, across Regions Three,Five,andSix.
“We also will be building a Hope-like canal in this area bytheB-Linestructure.Itisa mega project that will help to drain the system. This area is a large agricultural area for us and we are trying to put systems in place to mitigate flooding in the future,” the agriculture minister underscored. Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), Lionel Wordsworth, emphasised
thattheseprojectsrepresenta nationwide comprehensive drainage improvement programme. Works will also advance on pump stations at Charity, Cottage, Cozier, Jimbo Grove, and Letter Kenny, with additional investments planned for pump stations at Chesney, Farm, Grove South, and Little Diamond Several other drainage improvement projects in various communities are currently in thetenderingstage.
These projects include the construction of a guest house at Lama; East Conservancy Water Dam in Region Four, estimated at $8 9 million, and the rehabilitation of Sukhram Cross Drainage Channel from Number 52 Dam to Number 66 Main Dam, Corentyne, Region Six, estimated at $13.9 million. Works will also include the rehabilitation of a 30km access road in Ebini/Kimbia,
Massy and Rotary join forces to rehabilitate greenhouse at Cheshire Home

Region Ten, with an estimated cost of $394 million, and the construction of an access road at Canal Number Two Conservancy Dam, West Bank Demerara, costing approximately $145 7 million Residents along the Corentyne in Region Six will benefit from the rehabilitation of the
Number Two drainage pump at Ankerville pump station, estimated at $38.4 million. Additionally, $167.5 million is budgeted for the construction of a sluice and revetment work at Blenheim in Leguan, and $16.3 million isallocatedfortheupgradeof Flagstaff Road at East Conservancy Water Dam in
Region Three. Furthermore, Somerset and Berks Co-op Pastureland in Essequibo, Region Two, will be developed at an estimated cost of $27 million, and $22 4 million will be invested to rehabilitate Hackney Canal in the Lower Pomeroon River in Region Two.(DPI)
Massy Distribution Guyana, as part of its Forces for Good Initiative, recently donated US$5,000 to the Rotary Club of GardenCity
This contribution is earmarked for the rehabilitation of a greenhouse at the Cheshire Home in Unity, Mahaica. The greenhouse, initially constructed by the Rotary Club to supply healthy meals to the residents of the Home, had fallen into disrepair due to resource constraints, a press release from Massy said. Massy Distribution's support will restore and maintain this vital facility for the community's well-being. The company recognises the efforts to promote healthy livingandisproudtodonatetimeandfunds torebuildandupkeeptheshadehouse.
Sarah Deokaran-Mustapha, Human
Resources Manager at Massy Distribution Guyana, said, “We are delighted to partner with the Rotary Club of Garden City in this worthy endeavour.”“Bysupportingtherehabilitationof the greenhouse at Cheshire Home, we are not only promoting healthy living but also enhancing the quality of life for those in need withinourcommunity.”
Elizabeth Cox, Director for Services at the Rotary Club of Garden City, extended heartfelt gratitude to Massy Distribution Guyana for its generous support. She remarked. “Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of the residents at Cheshire Home, ensuring they have access to nutritious meals and a nurturing environment.” The Cheshire Home houses approximately 30 persons with various disabilities and is located at Unity Mahaica on theEastCoastofDemerara.

Govt. to spend $96M to repair Meadow Bank Wharf
The Meadow Bank Wharf in Georgetown, the place where fisherfolk ply theirtrade,willsoonundergo major rehabilitation as the government through the Ministry of Agriculture has set aside $96,372,850 to do the works.This is according to a tender issued by the ministry seeking contractors toexecutetheproject. K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that plans to have the facility be r e h a b i l i t a t e d w e r e announced by President Irfaan Ali during an impromptu visit to the wharf late last month. The
President was joined by Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha where they listened to concerns raisedbythefisherfolk. It was reported by the Department of Public Information (DPI) that one of the major concerns raised was the need for running water in the area and repairs to the wharf They also requested additional street lightsforthearea.
After listening to their concerns, President Ali said that all the issues raised would be addressed and notedthattheroadleadingto the wharf would be
rehabilitatedandanumberof standpipes will be set up in thearea.
Additionally, a shed will be constructed in the area to properly accommodate them Kaieteur News had reported that a similar visit bythePresidentbackin2022 sawtheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) establishing a permanent presence at the location to ensure the safety of those plying their trade andthesafetyofcustomers.
T h e P r e s i d e n t ' s intervention also saw the installation of proper washroom facilities and lightingforthefisherfolk.
President Irfaan Ali interacting with fisherfolk at the Meadow Bank Wharf last month. (Photos, President Irfaan Ali Facebook page)

Girl, 14, dies in West Coast Berbice accident
Fourteen-year-old Renesha Small of Lot 7 Paradise Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB) lost her life on Sunday after she was struck by a motorcar while crossing the No.41 Public Road, WCB.According to the police, the incident occurred around 14:00h and involved motorcar HD 4290, owned and was driven by a 45-year-old resident of Lot 5 New Savannah Park Housing, New
Amsterdam, Berbice Kaieteur News understands that Small, attended the Belladrum Secondary School when she met herdemise.
Investigation into the fatal accident revealed that the motorcar was heading east along the northern lane of the public road, reportedly at a speedofabout80kilometers At thesametime,Smallhadjustexitedaminibusthat
washeadingwestonthesoutherndrivelaneofthe road InvestigationsrevealedthatSmallwasinthe process of crossing the road (south to north) when she ended up into the path of the motorcar.As a result, the car collided with her, and she fell on the roadway receiving several injuries about her body.She was picked up in an unconscious condition by residents in the area and was rushed to the
Fort Wellington Public Hospital. She died while receiving treatment. Her body is at Bailey's Funeral Home, awaiting postmortem examination.Meanwhile, the police reported that a breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver of the motorcar and “a reading of three micrograms of alcohol was found”.The driver is in police custody andinvestigationisongoing.

Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
Wanted one experienced Cook. Call: 654-1535.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.

Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
For Land Clearance (Grubbing), Sand fill, Housing Plan and Estimates. Call K. Lakeram Building Contractor 692-8464 or whatsapp 622-0267.

River side land for sale in Timehri & Parika, Plantation Berg. Call: 653-2477.
LFS at Soesdyke. Call: 7000797.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older. Call: 654-1535.
Male & Female workers needed to work at a Carwash in Campbellville. Call: 6694676.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 6670859.

4 apartments for rental, fully furnished, located at lot 4 Area K, LBI, ECD. Call: 6490609.
1 fully furnished Luxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot and Cold water, remote gate etc in Campbellville. G/town. Price US$2000. Call: 621-5140.
One four bedrooms house for rent in Peter's Hall, Plantation EBD. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One five bedrooms house for rent in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 6557405/ 694-7817.
One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 6046664.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.

River side property for sale at East Bank. Call: 653-2477.
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.

In the East Demerara Magisterial District Magistrate’s Court to be held at Vigilance Magistrate’s Court in the MAGESTERIAL DISTRICT
In the matter of the Money Lenders Act Chapter 91:05 -and-
In the matter of an Application for a CERTIFICATE, Pursuant to Section 4, thereof MONEY LENDERS
CERTIFICATE Certificate granted under Section 4 of the MoneyLenders Act Chapter 91:05.
I, THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certify that I do
Govt. seeks consultants to train persons in oil audits
Three international consulting companies have submitted bids to provide technical support and training to enhance Guyana’s capacity to review and monitor the country’s oil and gas resources and reservoirs.
The Ministry of Natural Resources sought consulting services for ‘Conducting Petroleum Resources and Reservoir Audit’.
The companies that submitted proposals to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office are DeGolyer & Mac Naughton Corp (D&M) of Texas, USA; Stratoil Energy Services of Cairo, Egypt; and Beicip Franlab from Paris, France.
In the ministry’s advertisement, it stated that the Government of Guyana (GoG) has received financing in the amount of US$20 million from the World Bank (WB) towards the cost of the Guyana Petroleum Resources Governance and Management Project (GPRGMP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to pay a consulting firm to provide advisory services, technical support and training and capacity strengthening services to the GoG.
It was revealed by the Natural Resources Ministry that the objective of the assignment is for the Consultant to provide advisory services, technical support and training and capacity strengthening services to the government, through the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Sector Regulator – the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) or the Petroleum Commission (PC) once established – and other attendant Ministries with the aim of enhancing the country’s core capacity to review, approve, authorise, and oversee, monitor and report on the country’s oil and gas reserves and

Kaieteur News understands that the assignment will include areas such as “Verification of the completeness of the data used in the current estimates, assessment of the credibility of the assumptions and methodologies used in current estimates, confirmation that the current petroleum reserve and resource estimates are compliant with relevant industry standards and regulations, validation of the accuracy and reliability of current estimates, validation of the level of uncertainty associated with the estimates, evaluation of the consistency of the estimates with previous estimates and industry benchmarks, identification of any areas for improvement in the petroleum reserve and resource estimation process and reporting, [and] provision of recommendations for enhancing the quality and reliability of future estimates.”
Guyanese scholars tackle aeronautics...
From page 11 attend lectures, and explore potential scholarships offered by aviation companies and universities.
Moreover, the team will have the opportunity to visit pioneering aerospace exhibits. These exhibits showcase the latest advancements in drone technology and autonomy, providing a glimpse into the future of the industry. The enthusiasm for expanding drone technology education is palpable. Christian plans to extend the programme to regions of Guyana where interest is most pronounced, specifically in Regions 2, 10, and 6.
The expansion aims to partner with STEMGuyana’s
authorize the Grant to DAMION PETERS of 209
Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana, of a MONEY LENDER under the style and the title of BLOCKS,CLOTHES AND TRUCKING at 219
Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana. This Certificate shall come into force on the 11th day of April, 2024 and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of February,2024.
Learning pods programme and industry leaders to foster a generation well-versed in aeronautical careers.
“The drone industry is rapidly expanding, and Guyana is poised to become a leader in preparing its youth for diverse roles in this innovative field,” Christian added. With drones increasingly utilized across various sectors including policing, delivery services, and agriculture, the potential for career opportunities is
vast. As the event progresses, Team Guyana Drone Soccer’s participation not only marks a significant milestone in their own journey but also sets a precedent for the development of drone sports and education in the region. The future looks promising as these young scholars are set to return equipped with knowledge, experience, and inspiration to pursue careers in the rapidly evolving drone industry.

Israel-Gaza: Baby saved from dead mother’s womb after Israeli strike
(BBC NEWS) Sabreen theemergencyneo-natalunit baby Sabreen and their grief was dead before she could at Emirati Hospital in Rafah. andanger look into the baby’s eyes or But the baby - who weighed
The baby’s maternal holdher. just1.4kg(3.1lbs)-survived grandmother, Mirvat al-

The baby girl has now been placed in an incubator
The young mother had theordealofherbirth. Sakani, spoke of the carried her child through The doctor wrote the “injustice and slander” of seven-and-a-half months of words “the baby of the whathadhappenedtopeople pregnancy They were days martyr Sabreen al-Sakani” who “have nothing to do and nights of constant fear, on a piece of tape and with anything” “My but Sabreen hoped the attached it to her body She daughter was pregnant and family’s luck would hold was then placed in an had a foetus in her body, and until the war ended. That incubator “We can say there her daughter is with her, and luck vanished in the roar and is some progress in her my son was also with them,” launched its offensive after shield. them. They are all children fire of an explosion in the healthcondition,”DrSalama she said. “My son became about 1,200 Israelis and The Israeli air strikes on and women,” he said. An hour before midnight on 20 said.“Butthesituationisstill body parts and they have not foreigners - mostly civilians Rafah on the night of 20 Israeli military statement April. at risk This respiratory found him yet. They do not - were killed and 253 others April also killed 15 children sent to the BBC after the
The Israelis dropped a distress syndrome is recognise him… why are were taken back to Gaza as from the extended al-Aal strikes said: “At the given bomb onto the al-Sakani originally caused by they targeting them? We hostages,accordingtoIsraeli family The father of several times, the IDF struck several family home in Rafah where premature birth. This child don’tknowwhy,how Wedo tallies. The Israeli military of the children,Abed al-Aal, military targets of the Sabreen, along with her should have been in the not know… they only target insists it does not target said his identity had been terrorist organisations in husband and the couple’s mother’s womb at this time, womenandchildren.” civilians and has accused erased as all of his children Gaza including military other daughter - three-year- but she was deprived of this
The baby’s uncle, Rami Hamas of using the and his wife were killed. compounds, launch posts old Malak - were asleep. right.” al-Sheikh,saidherfatherhad population as a human “Show me one man among andarmedterrorists.” Sabreen suffered extensive Thedoctorexpectsherto worked with him as a barber. injuries and her husband and remain in hospital for up to a “What’s their fault, a whole Malak were killed, but the month. “After that we will family wiped from the civil baby was still alive in her see about her leaving…here registry and the only mother’s womb when rescue is the biggest tragedy Even survivor is a small baby workers reached the site. ifthischildsurvives,shewas girl?” he asked. “These are They rushed Sabreen to born an orphan,” Dr Salama ordinarycivilians.” hospital, where doctors said. There were no parents Sabreen’s paternal performed an emergency left to name the baby Her grandmother, Ahalam alCaesarean section to deliver dead sister Malak had Kurdi, promised that she thechild. wanted her to be called wouldraisethechild.“Sheis Sabreen could not be Rouh, which means soul or my love, my soul. She is a saved but doctors worked to spirit in Arabic. But she has memory of her father I will resuscitate the baby, gently been called Sabreen, in take care of her ” The tapping her chest to memory of her mother Hamas-run health ministry stimulate breathing. Air was Surviving family members in Gaza says that of 34,000 pumped into her lungs. “She gathered at the hospital, people killed in Gaza since was born in severe caught between the the war began on 7 October, respiratory distress,” said Dr practicalities of creating a at least two-thirds are Mohammed Salama, head of new family life for orphaned women and children. Israel

Adams with 4 goals, Hackett hat-trick sees Chung’s Construction to 3-0 win -‘One Guyana’ Beach Football semifinalists to be decided tomorrow
The ‘One Guyana’Kings Friday,thesesixexhilarating their dominance in another and Queens of the Sand matchups got underway on encounter, defeating
B e a c h F o o t b a l l Saturday due to heavy Rockstone13-0.
Championship saw thrilling rainfallinthearea. The Kings division saw action on Saturday, as Pro On the Queen’s side, LA Ballers and Hururu Men Ballers, LA Ballers, Chung Ashanna Williams stole the battling to a 1-1 draw Delon Construction United, spotlight with a second-half France of Hururu opened the Platinum Ballers, and goal, leading Speightland to scoring early on, but LA Speightland football teams a 1-0 victory over Aroaima Ballers fought back, with secured victories at the PPP- Ladies. Despite Aroaima’s Jehu Rogis leveling the C Office compound in efforts to equalize, they score. The match ended 1-1, Linden. failed to find the back of the leading to a tense penalty Originally scheduled for net. Speightland continued shootout, which LA Ballers eventuallywon4-3.

Tuesday April 23, 2024
Just because one person is no longer a part of your life doesn't mean that all people are unreliable. People change, asdosituations.
It can be hard to release old habitsandbeliefsevenasnew, better ways of thinking struggletogainafoothold.It's timeforyoutodothis,Taurus. You might find it difficult to confide your feelings to another
You always suspected that your job was making you crazy, but it never occurred to you that it could make you sick, too. Is it really worth it, Gemini? You may be asking yourselfthisquestiontoday.
Just how long has it been since youindulgedinabighelpingof your favorite guilty pleasure? It's time to let the youngster in you come out and play today Eat that chocolate, read those mindless magazines, or skip downthesidewalk
Ifyoufeellikeyou'retryingto push a square peg into a round hole, you're probably right. Whether you're having personal or professional difficulties, there are times when it just doesn't pay to try sohard.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Things aren't always as they first appear People you thought you knew well and circumstances that you thought you understood
Difficultasitmaybeforyouto face all those projects you've leftundone,knowthatyou'llbe free to move on once they're complete. People from your pastfigureprominentlynow
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You could have a “eureka!” moment today, as events from your past unexpectedly bubble tothesurfaceofyourmindand crystallize in a surprising new way Suddenly, you have a clear understanding of how these past events affect your presentbehavior
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Sometimes it's easier to tend to life's mundane details rather than lift your eyes and see the big picture, Sagittarius. For example, it's likely that you've growncomplacentatwork.
Change is in the air, Capricorn. Whether it's a dramatic change of faith or a major shift in your life's goals, prepare yourself foraprofoundtransformation.
It's time to refill the well of yoursoul,Aquarius.Youspend so much of your life in service to others that it's only natural that you feel drained sometimes. Rather than try to pushpastthisfeelingandgoon asthoughnothingisthematter
You would make an excellent judge, Pisces. You're able to consider all aspects of a situation. This is a bit of a blessing and a curse, becauseit can make it difficult to come to a decision. Today you could face the challenge of reconsideringpastdecisions.
In another matchup, Chung Construction secured a convincing 3-0 victory overFearless,thankstoRyan Hackett’s impressive hattrick.Hackett’sgoals,scored in the 3rd, 4th, and 23rd minutes, ensured Chung Construction maintained a cleansheet.
UDK Victors suffered a 5-1 defeat against Platinum Ballers, with Isaiah Adams stealing the show by scoring four goals. Adams’ early brace set the tone for Platinum Ballers, who dominated the match.Tyrese Lewis added a third goal beforeAdams completed his hat-trick and added a fourth, securing a comprehensive victory
Pro Ballers showcased their skills in a 3-1 win over DC Ballers. Jamal Reynolds and Jafon Reynolds providedanearlylead,while Omari Adolph sealed the victorywithasuperbgoal.
T h e e x c i t e m e n t continues at the same venue tomorrow, with quarter-final matches scheduled to commence at 18:00 hours. Rockstone Women will face Aroaima in the opening c l a s h , f o l l o w e d b y Speightland taking on HururuWomen.
In the Men’s division, Hururu will battle Young Gunners at 19:30 hours, followed by a showdown between Pro Ballers and MS Ballers The night will conclude with Hi Flyers facing off against Chung’s Constructionforaspotinthe semi-finals.

T10 Blast...
Action bowls off today with star-studded double-header 2024 Inaugural Guyana

Round 1 bowls off today at the Enmore Ground with an exciting double-header between the Jaguars and the Hawks from 12:00h.
The second game, which bowls off from 14:30h, features Pitbulls squaring off against Caimansaspartoftheopeningroundaction.
Rounds 2 and 3 continue tomorrow, Wednesday April 24 and Thursday April 25 respectively,alsoattheEnmoreGround.
The second round will see Piranhas and
Tevin Imlach
Berbice Caimans - Kevlon Anderson ( Anacondas facing off from 12:00h while the Captain), Navindra Persaud, Alex Algoo, Essequibo Jaguars and Caimans of Berbice Kevin Sinclair, Abdool Subhan, Steven playeachotherfrom14:30h.
Friday’s round at Meten-Meer-Zorg

Sankar, Johnathan Van Lange (U19), Shahid
Thursday’s encounters will see the Viera (U19), Sylus Tyndall, Aryan Persaud, Pitbulls locking up with theAnacondas from Devon Lord, Bernard Bailey, Romeo 12:30h, while Piranhas look to take a bite out Deonarain (U19), Travis Persaud, Matthew oftheHawksfrom14:30h. Pottya
Berbice Piranhas - Veerasammy
TheGuyanaCricketBoard(GCB)willbe features the Jaguars playing the Anacondas of the continued development of the younger Permaul (Captain),Taganarine Chanderpaul, bowling off their inaugural tournament, from12:30h,withthesecondmatchat14:30h coreofplayers. Ricardo Peters, Quentin Sampson, Ronaldo dubbed the ‘Guyana T10 Blast’which bowls betweenthePitbullsandPiranhas. Players and teams selection was carried Renee, Rivaldo Phillips, Suresh Dhanai, off from today April 23rd, with a mouth- Speaking on the magnitude of such a out by a draw supervised by chairman of Darwin Joseph (U19), Haimant Singh, wateringdouble-header tournament, GCB president Bissoondyal national senior selectors, Ramnaresh Sarwan Garfield Phillips, Rajendra Chandrika, FanCode has come on board as the Singh said this initiative has been on the andhisselectionpanel. Jermey Sandia, Brandon Jaikaran, Nigel exclusive digital partners for the India and agenda ever since the board was elected, EssequiboAnacondas-AnthonyAdams Deodat,ShemarYearwood(U19) Indiasubcontinentterritorytolivestreamthe adding that he’s pleased to be in partnership (Captain), Raymond Perez, Johnathan Foo, Essequibo Jaguars - Kemol Savory matches that will feature Guyana’s best with Fancode as “We seek to modernize the Avinash Persaud, Joshua Jones, Thaddeus (Captain) Chandrapul Hemraj, Ricardo cricketers. gameinGuyana”. Lovell (U19), Bruce Vincent (U19), Qumar Adams, Anthony Lim, Joemal LaFleur,
The GCB has approved seven Grounds Singhnotedthatthequalityoftheplayers Torrington, Quency Sampson, Quacy Carlos Larose, Shemroy Barrington, across the country, including; No# 69 involvedissettomakethetournamentoverly Mickel, Tuleseeram Premnauth, Abdul Demeter Cameron, Nial Smith, Ashmead Ground, Malteenoes, Enmore, Imam exciting,asanumberofstarswillbeonshow Ramsammy, Ushardeva Balgobin, Alvin Nedd, Leon Andrews, Seon Glasgow, Bacchus, Blairmont and others as venues; andisurgingfanstosupportthetournament. Mohabir,KevonBoodie. Mavindra Dindyal (U19) , Kevin Kisten whichwillhostsomeofthemostentertaining
Some 90 of the best players, along with a Demerara Hawks - Tevin Imlach (U19),ZacharyJodah(U19) T10cricketoverthenextfewweeks. number of top upcoming coaches will be (Captain), Rampertab Ramnauth, Joshua Demerara Pitbulls - Chris Barnwell
Some six franchise teams, two from each involved as the tournament’s aim is to afford Persaud, Ronaldo Alimohamed, Akshaya (Captain),SachinSingh,OrinGibson,Junior county, will battle for supremacy with the players the opportunity to showcase their Persaud, Richie Looknauth, Isai Thorne Sinclair, Malcom Hubbard, Johnathan likes of; Essequibo Jaguars, Demerara talentinthisspecificT10format. (U19), Neiland Cadogan, Totaram Bishun, Rampersaud,GulcharranChulai(U19),Leon Pitbulls, Berbice Piranhas, Essequibo Asamandate,theGCBpresidentsaidthe David Williams, Sheldon Charles, Garfield Swamy, Floy Joseph, Jadon Campbell, Keon Anacondas, Berbice Caimans and the all franchises are expected to have two U19 Benjamin, Zeynul Ramsammy, Asraf Sinclair, Damian Vantull, Jeremiah Scott, Demerara Hawks representing their playersintheirplayingXIatalltimes;aspart Bodhoo(U19),TommaniCeaser JustinSutton,RonaldJeffery(U19).
Family of Omari Glasgow accepts Concacaf Awards on his behalf from GFF Pres. Wayne Forde
Guyana Football ceremony on April 20, receiving the Young Player “Omari is an example of present to you guys the players.” F e d e r a t i o n President Forde presented Award and contributed to the BV community and I acknowledgement and the PresidentofBVTriumph
(GFF) President the awards to Vonnetta Guyana’s historic promotion know many of you present awards that Concacaf has United FC Mr Duncan also Wayne Forde on Saturday Justice, the mother of the toLeagueA. hereandthosethatmightnot bestowedonhim.” e x t e n d e d t h e i r proudly presented Omari Senior Men’s NationalTeam In his remarks, the GFF be here now played a East Demerara Football congratulations to Glasgow, Glasgow’s family with his forward The event was top official shared that tremendous role in his Association Vice President praising his parents for prestigious Concacaf attended East Demerara Glasgow’s achievements upbringing. Oftentimes we Rickford Profit also believing in his talent and Nations League Top Scorer Football Association Vice stem from the consistent might believe that Omari’s e x p r e s s e d p r i d e i n providing the support and Young Player Awards at President Mr Rickford backing of his family and greatest gift is his ability to Glasgow’s development necessaryforitscultivation. the Beterverwagting Profit, President of the BV community, as well as his playfootball,buthisgreatest through the East Coast In response, Vonnetta Community Centre on the Triumph United FC Mr personal qualities of giftfrommyownexperience programme. Justice expressed gratitude EastCoastDemerara. Dwayne Duncan, relatives, humility, discipline, self- interacting with the young “It takes humility, it to the Federation for Glasgow, the first friends, aspiring players and respect, and respect for man is his humility and his takes…courageandittakesa organising the ceremony for Guyanese football player to membersofthecommunity others. d i s c i p l i n e , h i s lot of discipline to achieve hersonandthecommunity achieve this feat, received Glasgow wrapped up the “Ittakesavillagetoraise respectfulness.” suchmarks. She added that she is the acknowledgement after season with a commendable a child and I believe this is President Forde stressed Isitamongyouguyshere confident that he “will take an outstanding 2023|2024 tally of seven goals, what we are all experiencing that Glasgow stands as a tosayindeedwehaveandwe us from here further,” and season in League B, Group accumulating a total of 10.5 here with the tremendous source of pride within will be having more Omaris shared her aspiration to D, competing alongside points. His consistent performancesthatOmarihas G u y a n a ’s f o o t b a l l coming up from the East witness him playing on “one AntiguaandBarbuda,Puerto scoring across all five of been able to deliver from the community and “it’s simply Coast.We will do our best to of the high level teams, Rico,andtheBahamas. Guyana’s matches was time he entered into the anhonourandaprivilegefor raise and to increase, (to) maybe in England or some During a modest instrumental in him nationalteamprogramme.” me personally to be here to motivate persons and otherpartofthe(world).”
From page 24 and former WI cricketers could CWI Officials have even tried to India, Queen’s Park Oval, Trinidad ourMediaAccreditation. many past and present regional and carry, to identify themselves, at make this possible, but, remember, &Tobago,1971),late,formerT&T IhadaMediaAccreditation,but international cricketers on CWI’s regional and world-wide cricket they claim that they have the off spinner Leo John, and late, Sir Everton did not have any website. Indeed,ifanyonewantsto grounds?
LEGACYofWIcrickettoheart. former T&T all-rounder and WI accreditation,ortickets,toenterthe get information on West Indies Ironically, and luckily, on my I doubt that 20 past players, per tourist (1969 West Indies Tour to ground. (Please note that this cricket, one normally goes to many free-lance Cricket WI territory, would attend the the UK), Pascal Roberts, begging is/was the SAME Sir Everton ESPN-CRICINFO. Journalism travels around the cricket,evenifallowed,sowhycan me, with open tears in their eyes, Weekes, one of the best batsmen How can that make sense to world, except for Bangladesh, there not be passes available for either for tickets, or for a means to WIcricketeverhad,andwhomhad anyone involved in West Indies where I have never been, I have thosewhosodesire? ascertain said tickets, just for represented Barbados in at least cricket? always been quickly accepted and CWI and respective Caribbean themselves, to see cricket at the TWO sports - Cricket and Bridge / PRESENTAND accommodated, and immediately Governments suggest that they QPO. Incidentally, this happened Cards).
PAST PLAYERS - i s s u e d w i t h r e l e v a n t have the LEGACY of West Indies so often in 2007, when WI hosted I tried to explain to the gate
MALE & FEMALE documentations, might it be in cricket in mind. That LEGACY ICC CWC 2007; seriously personnel that THIS was indeed QUESTION 2 (a): Where is Australia, UK, South Africa, Sri startedin1928,NOTin1994. embarrassing and quite THE Sir Everton Weekes, of West theWestIndiesPlayersAssociation Lanka, New Zealand or (FYI : My ALL Airports disappointing. Indies cricket fame. The gates (WIPA)inallofthis? Whatexactly elsewhere Accreditation, through DAL, (ii) In Antigua & Barbuda, in personnelthuslyinsisted: istheirtruerolefortheplayers,past NOTETHISPLEASE: Right allowing me FULL clearances and 1992/3, during Pakistan’s tour of “Mr Croft, I KNOW who Sir and present? Whom exactly do now,withabout40daysbeforeICC accesses for ALL airports in the West Indies, I had made Everton is, but he CANNOT come they represent, only the present WT 20 2024 begins, I, Colin Croft, USA, after FULL security checks arrangements with the West Indies into the ground WITHOUT a pass players, and perhaps a few known haveneithertheappliedforOfficial by the FBI, CIA, Orlando Airport then Coach/Manager, my friend or accreditation.” formerplayers? Accreditation for that tournament / Authority, all local, regional, State and former team mate, Sir Andy I stood there and cried like a
QUESTION 2 (b): There is competition, or a ticket / pass to ofFlorida,andnationalUSApolice Roberts, to get a set of tickets, for child,sinceIcouldnotbelievewhat also a relatively new past player attendanyofthescheduledgames. entities, was issued to me within, me only, for daily entrance into the Iwashearing. That,folks,isHOW association in the Caribbean - The Must former WI players NOTE PLEASE, 72 hours - three ARG. AsIapproachedthegateway wetreatourLEGACY!! West Indies Retired Players continue to beg for complementary days - after I heard the words “You for the Players pavilion, and on Sir Everton was as gracious as Association (WIRPA) - as tickets Surely, all past WI are hired”, as issued by my DAL inquiring about said tickets, the ever, suggesting to me: ”Everton presently partly fronted by the cricketers who helped build this Manager, Mr Lee Boots, at gate-manthenaccosted/abusedme (he always called me that) please present President of the Queen’s supposedLEGACYdeservebetter Orlando International Airport withthefollowing(exactprose): do not worry about me. Please go Park Cricket Club in Trinidad & A L S O N O T E T H I S (MCO). Remember,DALhasover “All yuh f…ing people does try ahead, as I will sort this out.” Tobago, Dr Nigel Camacho, WI PLEASE: Recently, I received 85000employees.) all kind ah f…ing ting. I know who I did not move, as I decided Team’sDentistinT&T notifications from BOTH the Another wager here. I would is Colin Croft, and YOU is NOT that, come what may, I would stay
From what I can glean, some England and Wales Cricket Board, bet anything that I have that the he!” with MY hero to the end that financing has been recently (ECB), and the UK Professional presentWIPAorCWIdoNOTeven Thatwas,effectively,that. situation Eventually, about 30 released to the WIRPA that had CricketersAssociation,(UKPCA), have the present, correct contact Had the then WI captain Sir minutes later, one of the Barbados been on hold for some time, for t h a t A N Y F O R M E R information of ALL present and Richie Richardson, not looked out Cricket Association (BCA) whatever reasons. What exactly INTERNATIONALOR COUNTY formerWI players, male or female, of the window just then, and personnel had to come to the gate are the aims, plans, outlook and PLAYERS, who want to attend which probably number less than identifiedme,Iprobablywouldnot to allow Sir Everton Weekes entry inputs into WI cricket by WIRPA, ANY County games or ANY 1000. Right now, I can contact have gotten into the ARG that day. and access to the Kensington Oval asregardsthewell-beingofpresent County cricket grounds in the UK - ANY one of the over 85,000 Saidthesaidgate-manafterwards: inBarbados. and especially former West Indies International games have different personnelatDALdirectly. “Oui. Yuh is Colin f…ing Croft Until the day I die, I would cricketers? criteria - ONLY have to access a So, here are a few examples feh true?!”
NEVER forget that situation, and
In other words, who does ANY certain given operating website, where a UNIVERSAL PASS for (iii) This following incident, the way we actually treated our former WI or Regional player have complete the registration, and then each former WI or Regional which I have repeated many times, LEGACY to BEG, and probably be publicly input one’s request, to gain access cricketer would have sufficed very wastheworst,really,astothisvery Believe me, I can go on and on, embarrassed by, to get ANY to whichever cricket ground in well. day,IstillcringewhenIthinkabout about the rank stupidity and assistance at all, if one had played question. TWO free tickets are (a) During my sojourn into it. Readonplease. asininity that entails in West Indies for WI or one of the Regional thusly allocated for each day of Sports Journalism from 1993/4 to The late Sir Everton Weekes cricket, but I would be wasting countries? Just check on what the ECBCountyCricket. the present time, many former and I (He is / was one of my batting time. As“OldLady”Sylviausedto NFL and NBA and MLB do for Anyway, the first time that I Regional and West Indies heroes, as MY middle name was sayoften: their veterans in the USA, or even actually heard of a UNIVERSAL international players have accosted given to me because of him), were “Hitting your head regularly bymyairline,DAL,forthatmatter PASS for former West Indies me, as one of the operating media, part of the commentary team against a brick wall will not do Also, is it YET widely known cricketers was in 1972, when he as to HOW can they get a covering Pakistan’s Tour to the anything but give you a massive that EVERY past player, for India, was playing for Warwickshire complimentaryticket,justtoattend Caribbean 2000, at the Kensington headache, as the wall would as far as I was informed, gets a CCC, when I first met former WI the games themselves, in their Oval,Barbados. probably never break!” monthly stipend - I was even told a official Vice Captain / Acting respectiveislands/countries? As we approached the main, Sylvia Celestine was also number amount; quite substantial, Captain, Ambassador Deryck (i) I will never forget late northern entrance to KO, jostling correct. Nothing really changes, too-fromtheBCCI? Murray, whom I met at WCCC former T&T and WI off-spinner, with the crowds, with a plan to regardless as to whom suggests,
QUESTION 3: What about a while I was on a cricketing Jack Noreiga (the man who still proceed to the newly renovated withsomuchfanfare,thattheywill UNIVERSAL PASS, not unlike a scholarship. holds the best innings bowlingTest Media Stand at the southern end of indeedchange! driver’slicense,whichbothpresent NONE of the ensuing WICB / record for West Indies - 9 for 95 v the ground, we were both asked for Time will tell. Cheers.

West Indies Cricket Conference, Good luck to Dr. Keith Rowley
By Colin E. H. Croft - Former Jamaica, also attended, and he,
former Barbados and WI Captain Australia, for the very first time Guyana, Lancashire CCC and soon afterwards, penned a Sir Garfield Sobers, and his own ever, or, (c) even more recently, West Indies International wonderful document, with the record too - Lara’s 375 (v England, and pertinently, for the upcoming Cricketer (1970 - 1983) hopeful improvements and Antigua Recreation Ground, ICC World T-20 2024 tournament, objectives of West Indies stated Antigua&Barbuda,1994),and400 that, in the 2012 tournament, in Sri Dear All involved in the therein. After several such n o (v England, Antigua Lanka,andthe2016tournament,in progress of West Indies cricket: documents in the following years, Recreation Ground, Antigua & India,bothwonbyWestIndies,that Greetings! Hopefully, the “PJ’s” document must have Barbuda, 2004), eclipsing Sir Jamaican all-rounder Marlon upcoming, very important meeting cobwebsbynow,asapparently,soI
Gary’s 365 n.o. (v Pakistan, Sabina Samuels had been “Man of the in Trinidad & Tobago, on West am told, none of his suggestions Park,Jamaica,1958). Final Match” in 2012, with 78, Indies cricket, would bring hadeverbeenused.

As my favorite Calypsonian of from 56 balls, in a winning total of severely needed openness, and Anyway, not only was that all time, the late, absolutely great 137 - 6, and also “Man of the Final much better changes in event quite enlightening, it was Dr Winston Bailey - simply “The Match”, in 2016, with 85 n.o. from communications and involvements actually unique, as it was the first, Shadow” (without the normally 66balls,inatotalof161-6? for all concerned - present and past and last, such fully inclusive event, incorrectly added ‘Mighty’) - But all you hear about is about players, politicians, business men as hosted by CWI (WICB) and / or suggested in his fantastic effort Darren Sammy, the team’s captain, a n d w o m e n , s p o n s o r s , the Governments of the Caribbean, ”Jump Judges Jump!” (Album ChrisGayleandCarlosBrathwaite. organizations, conglomerates, toevertakeplace,asfarasIknow “Dreadness” - 1977): Well, F.Y.I., those three DID NOT schoolsanduniversities. When Sir Everton Weekes, Quote: “Deh bring people to playbythemselves!
Very good luck to Dr Keith SeymourNurseandDavidHolford, judge meh; who have degrees in (Please read, fully digest and Rowley,PrimeMinisterofTrinidad all former stalwarts and servants of stupidity!” understand those Marlon Samuels & Tobago, in hosting this meeting, Barbados and West Indies cricket,
If you think “Dr Shadow” was statistics again, to fully appreciate as this is a very good initiative. and Joseph Solomon, also a wrong,thenreadthefollowing: his fantastic inputs in those two never previously worked for DAL, Thankyou,sir stalwart for Guyana and West One of the Caribbean’s tournamentssuccesses.) even with my extensive aviation

The normal practice in West Indies cricket, passed away not so supposedly most learned These are just some of perhaps experiences elsewhere, at 62 years Indies cricket, even before I had long ago, I thought long and hard historians, with degrees from thousands of pieces of information old? Naah!! Idonotthinkso! played for West Indies in 1976/77, that the West Indies cricket everywhere coming out of the ass, missing from our present, standard The Caribbean pensions off its through my entire cricket career, fraternity MUST institute a once openly suggested that the normal cricketing information and ClassroomTeachersat60yearsold. and which has continued to this “CRICKET HEROES DAY” as MOST successful quartet of WI education. Whatawasteoftalent). very day in April, 2024, has been soon as possible, since many of our Fast Bowlers ever, were the late AsIhaveheardmanytimes: ”If
Anyway,ALLDALemployees, that ONLY a few selective REALcricketingheroes,thosewho Malcolm Marshall, Sir Andy one does not know one’s history, without exception, have DIRECT personnel and former players, REALLYbrought about our REAL Roberts, Michael Holding and Joel one cannot aspire to emulate and and FULL access to the CEO and could be included; really very few; LEGACY, and inspired all of us Garner,who,playingtogether,only enhance that history!” the Management Operational along with many massive who followed in the cricket world, played six Test games, realizing QUESTION 1: So where Team(s) Per many seriously exclusions,evensevere,veryopen, from the 1950s, 1960s, even 1970s justover50wicketsbetweenthem. exactly is either a full museum or encouraged suggestions and very hostile victimizationtoo, to so and 1980s, have been leaving us,
Meanwhile, Michael Holding, library, specific to West Indies concerns, including several from many of us who really want to permanently, at very regular Sir Andy Roberts, Joel Garner and cricket, held anywhere in the me, many changes, internal and contribute fully to the cause of the intervals. Colin Croft played eleven Tests Caribbean, even at the supposedly company universal, have been further development, enhancement I have even attended such together, realizing 172 wickets welcoming University of the West openly discussed and implemented andsuccessofWestIndiescricket. similar events in the United from the possible 220 available Indies? since I have been employed at
As a former, extremely Kingdom a few times, courtesy of wickets, with some of those 11 (NOTE: Delta Air Lines was DAL,especiallyoverthetryingand prominent, unnamed WI player the UK Professional Cricketer gamesdrawn,butatleasttheVERY also inaugurated in 1928, as Delta tiring times of the recent Covid-19 oncetoldme: ”Crofty, WI cricket is Association. BEST West Indies fast bowling, Air Services. Right now, anyone pandemic, and the aviation like incest. They only deal with a Anyway, since the Pat combinedtogether,effortsever. canvisit,inAtlanta,Georgia,USA, emergencesince. few others like themselves!” Rousseau undertaking, in the early “Dr Shadow” was not wrong: the Delta Air Lines Museum - B.T.W Thank you Mr Philip
Since 1992/3, with my 1990s, if anything, the entire ”Deh bring people to judge meh; massive area - which includes, Ayoung-Chee (Retired Urologist), experiences, knowledge, scenario and facade in WI cricket who have degrees in stupidity!” among some truly magnificent for your narrative earlier today qualifications and skills in both has regressed, when it comes to Quiteso!! displays of the company’s aviation Excellent points, sir Thank you International Cricket and open communications, becoming F.Y.I. West Indies cricket has history, that very whole, in every verymuch. Education / Teaching, and many evenmoreclosedofffromsomany existed, in its international Test way, the very FIRST, Boeing 767
So, as the West Indies, the rest other situations too, I have tried NOTE PLEASE: It has form, since 1928. That is 96 years wide-bodied airliner ever used by of the Caribbean and USA, and desperately to be intimately become such that even vacant ago. DAL, in 1982, and named ”The diasporaaroundtheworldawaitthe involved in the operations of West employment situations at CWI are
Many today involved in WI Spirit of Delta” THAT Boeing excitingICCWT-202024,thereare Indiescricket. Outsideofveryfew neverpublishedpublicly,muchless cricket even suggest that “that 767-200 airliner had actually been few additional things to note and appearances as a “West Indies to be applied for Yes, I can state history is before their (my) time”. BOUGHTBYTHE EMPLOYEES consider that have irked me, and Legend” (What???), nothing else many such instances over the last Well, so are the histories of ONLY, then present and former, many other former, probably more haseverbeenmentioned,muchless twenty years, including over the playwright William Shakespeare, and friends, and DONATED by important former West Indies offered. presentCWI’sremit,butthatwould scientists Albert Einstein and themtotheiremployer,DAL.) cricketers, for years, even over Those scenarios have existed in bewastingmoretime. RobertOppenheimer,andmusician So, as a stupid comparison, decades. our cricket over several decades, Itisnowtime,however,toclear / composer extraordinaire wherearethetrophieswonbyWest WEST INDIES CRICKET even though, very note-worthily, that air fully, and remove all WolfgangAmadeusMozart. IndiesinICCCWC1975and1979, LEGACY & HISTORY one past President of Cricket West obstacles, if West Indies cricket is, Iwouldwagerthatmorepeople and those from ICC WT-20 2012
Many of the especially younger Indies (West Indies Cricket Board indeed, going to really progress as in theWest Indies cricket fraternity and2016,displayed? people, and even many older, back then), Jamaican Businessman itshould. know more about those erstwhile While the Cricket West Indies supposedly knowledgeable heads, and Lawyer, the late Mr Patrick That thought also emanates gentlemen than they know of, for website has recently improved, it is in cricket and politics, who really Rousseau, had, in the early 1990s, from my most recent aviation instances; (a) “Massa” George still one of the most difficult to should know better, now involved almostimmediatelyafterachieving employment situation, at Delta Air Headley, the former Jamaica and negotiate, and to get information in our cricket, have absolutely no that position, actually endeavored Lines (Orlando, Florida / Atlanta, WI batsman, and the FIRST Black from thereof, as regards the ideas as to the histories of West to bring ALL then present and Georgia, USA), since 2015, an man to captain theWest IndiesTest probably much less than 1000 Indies cricket. For most of them, former WI players, all who could entity,which,incidentally,hasover team,in1948-(NO,itwasNOTSir people who would have played for their knowledge begins in the midhaveattended-hundredsattended- 85,000 employees worldwide Frank Worrell, in 1960/1), or (b) WestIndiesinanycricketformat. 1990’s, about 30 years ago, when to a convention in Kingston, (Aged 62 years old when hired, that in 1979-80, the West Indies Even today, inApril 2024, with superlative batsman, former Jamaica, for open discussions and B.T.W., Do you think that ANY cricket team, led by Sir Clive much technology around, there are Trinidad&TobagoandWICaptain communicationsaboutWIcricket. Caribbean entity, inANYsphere of Lloyd, and including yours truly - still minimal descriptions, and Brian Lara, twice broke the Test Notably, Honorable P J professionalism life, would hire most wickets on that tour - beat manyphotographsmissing,of batting records of that Patterson, then Prime Minister of someone,offoftheroad,sinceIhad Australia in a Test series, played in (Continued on page 23) incomparable cricketing genius,
Rivalry heating up ahead of Jumbo Jet’s Race of champions
The rivalry continues to intensify ahead Money Ihavebloodinmyeyes.” oftheJumboJetRaceofchampions,whichis Meanwhile, Owner/trainer of Stolen setforSundayApril28attheRisingSunTurf Money, Dennis DeRoop, also shared similar Club, West Coast Berbice All of the sentiments, noting that a lot of the jocks are country’s top horses will be on show, but the displaying bad riding, especially at the last rivalry between Spankhurst, Stolen Money meetatPortMourant. and Bossalina will be the center of attention. More than G$10 million will be up for In the last race day, Spankhurst cruised to grabs on the day The feature race at the victory, leaving the dust behind Stolen JumboJetRaceofchampionswillbeopento MoneyatPortMourant. all imported and locally bred horses running
According to Stolen Money jockey, at 1,600 metres, will see the top horse Ronaldo Appadu, he has blood in his eyes, walking away with G$2,000,000. In addition and he coming all guns blazing for to Banks DIH, the other sponsors are AJM Spankhurst.“WhattheotherjocksdidatPort Enterprise, Jumbo Jet, Sino Truck and Mourant, I did not like that. I want to tell my XCMG. fellow jocks to be safe while riding, because A total purse of G$3,750,000 will be our lives are at risk. Ride a clean race, and dividedforthefeatureracewhiletheentryfee everythingwillbesafe,”Appadusaid. isG$232,500.
He added: “Stolen Money has been In addition to the feature event, six more knocking on the door since he came into the racesareonthecards.Allraceswillrununder country, he is working 100%, better than all the guidance of the Guyana horse racing the time. I would have (beat) Spankhurst at authority rules. Entries will now close on PortMourant,butIdidnothaveafairtrip,but WednesdayApril 24. The race of champions I would like a fair trip this time. I would send will get going at 12:00 hours at Rising Sun, a message to Spankhurst, look out for Stolen andadmissionisG$2,000.
Team Digicel Guyana dominate AMCHAM Golf Tournament

Jockey Ronaldo Appadu, piloting Stolen Money said he is coming with blood in his eyes.
Over the weekend, the prestigious Guyana clinched third place with 23 points, LusignanGolfClubplayedhosttothehighly showcasing the depth of talent within their anticipated AMCHAM Golf Tournament, organization Maurice Solomon, Robert drawing golf enthusiasts and professionals Hanoman, Monnaff Arjune, and Richard alike from across the region. With more than Haniff exhibited a commendable display of 70 players showcasing their skills on the skill and sportsmanship, solidifying their immaculategreens,thetournamentprovedto position among the tournament’s elite be a thrilling display of talent and competitors. sportsmanship.
The AMCHAM Golf Tournament not
In a fiercely competitive field, Team only provided a platform for friendly Digicel Guyana emerged victorious, competition but also fostered camaraderie claiming the coveted first-place title with an and networking opportunities among impressive 23 points. Comprised of Ryan participants. With the support of sponsors, Ramjit, Avinash Persaud, Balaji Vinjimoor, including Digicel Guyana and ExxonMobil and Vishal Dhani, Team Digicel Guyana Guyana, the event proved to be a resounding showcased exceptional teamwork and skill success, further cementing its status as a throughoutthetournament. highlightonthelocalgolfingcalendar
Not far behind, Team ExxonMobil As the sun set on another thrilling Guyana secured a commendable second- tournament at Lusignan Golf Club, place finish with 21 points. Phillip Rietema, participants and spectators alike departed Jim Peck, Corey Dean, and Matt Rall with cherished memories and a renewed demonstrated unwavering determination and passion for the sport. The organizers extend precision on the course, earning well- theirheartfeltgratitudetoallwhocontributed deserved recognition for their stellar tothesuccessoftheeventandlookforwardto performance. welcoming players back for future Rounding out the top three, Digicel tournaments.