$110.8M for Gaza of oil contract -Ramjattan
$110.8M for Gaza of oil contract -Ramjattan
$100millionlibel, defamationlawsuit on‘GuyaneseCritic’ th in Guyana’s 6 oil project
Exxon’s contractor profits jump 40% with new deal
Opposition flags delays in several pump stations in Region Three
French company given US$1B contract
Five int’l firms bid to map out Guyana’s mineral hotspots ...learnt of sale while in Bourda Market House sold and demolished without owner’s knowledge by ExxonM was fined several times in US and UK for bribing Govt. officials
As the ExxonMobil-led consortiumcontinuesdoling out a steady stream of contracts for various components of the development of its oil fields intheStabroekBlock,ithas been leading to ever increasing revenues for thosecompanies.
One such company is Italian-basedSaipem,which was recently handed a US$1.5B contract for an engineering, procurement, constructionandinstallation (EPCI) contract for the Whiptail Development Project.
F o l l o w i n g t h a t announcementlastweek,the company reported its firstquarterearningsonMonday, saying it had to adjust core earnings upwards to 40 percent, over the same periodoflastyear,drivenby growth at its offshore e n g i n e e r i n g a n d constructionbusiness.
AccordingtoSaipem,its adjusted core earnings increased to 268 million euros ($285 million) from 191 million euros in the same period of last year Crediting its remarkable increase in earnings the company said, “its most significant new contract in the first three months of the yearwastheexecutionofthe
W h i p t a i l o i l f i e l d development project for ExxonMobil offshore Guyana.”
Saipem’s latest contract worthupto$1.5billionisfor the supply of a subsea production facility for ExxonMobil’s Whiptail ultra-deepwater field development offshore Guyana.
Twoweeksago,theU.S. supermajor took the final investment decision to develop Whiptail field, located on the prolific Stabroek block, which will exploit an estimated resourcebaseof850million barrelsofcrude.
Saipem in making the announcement had said it has already started initial activities the detailed e n g i n e e r i n g a n d procurement of long lead items for Whiptail and following FID, now has the issued authorisation to proceed with the execution of the remaining project activities.
The$1.5Bcontractisthe second largest contract handed out by the ExxonMobil-ledconsortium in relation to the Whiptail DevelopmentProject.
This past week, this publication reported that Dutch shipbuilder; SBM
Offshore confirmed that it will be constructing Guyana’s sixth Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Jaguar
The vessel will be designedtoproduce250,000 barrels of oil per day, and will have associated gas treatment capacity of 540 million cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of300,000barrelsperday
The FPSO will be moored in water depth of about 1,630 meters and will be able to store around 2 million barrels of crude oil.
Italian-based Saipem was recently handed a US$1.5B contract for works on Exxon’s sixth oil project
To date, SBM has constructed four FPSOs for Guyana, including the Liza Destiny, L
Hear the word excuse and Bharrat Jagdeo's name immediately surfaces. The chief policymaker for the PPPC Government is Guyana's chief excuse maker Matters have gone so bad that even the Opposition, no tower of strength itself,hascriticizedJagdeoforonelameexcuseafteranother relative to the release of the Wales gas-to-energy (GTE) project.
The Opposition has described the chief policymaker's behaviour as 'juvenile' but we think that is giving him too much credit for maturing years, since his behaviour is more infantile than juvenile. We agree with the Opposition that the former president fancies himself to be the brightest personintheroom,whichheisn't.Thisisnotevenwhenheis theonlypersonintheroombecausethataccoladegoestothe mosquitoesthatmaybebuzzingabout. Butononeessence, there must never be any doubt: Jagdeo is always in the running when the conversation is about who is the most cunning.
TheGTEstandsasasolidexample. ItisoneofJagdeo's newest pet projects. This is the first clue, for whenever this political operator is so bent on a particular project, there is more to it than what meets the eye. There are always some hidden components, many of them that must be kept from thepryingeyesofthepopulation.Fortheskeptical,wehave aquestionforconsideration.
Whenwasthelasttimethattherewasahuge,expensive project where Guyanese were given all the documents and told everything by Jagdeo? Straight answers and total transparency are foreign to this national leader This has prompted many Guyanese to conclude that he runs the country'sbusinessasifitwassomepersonalbusinessthathe hasonthesidewhichmustbekeptsecret. Sinceheissohigh ontheWalesGTE,itmakesforthebestcommonsensetoput all contracts related to it in the public domain. Any other leader and policymaker would be proud to place his studies, his strategies, and his methods before the public. Confident men and women do that, and those who value transparency and accountability ensure that whatever they do are about thosetwoessentials.
If they don't do so, then they have no credibility All types of questions and misgivings are stirred about how muchtheycanbetrusted.
Due to his style and actions, his lame excuses and flock of flaccid defenders running futilely to his rescue, Jagdeo has brought these less than inspiring interpretations about his standards of conduct in the management of the great responsibilities that have been put in his hands. As matters stand, he should know more about the Wales GTE than any other person in Guyana since it has been his baby from the inception(withnoneotherknowntothispoint).
Clear and crisp answers to questions should roll off his tonguelikequicksilver Hidingandlashingoutandseeking to deny the media and civil society questioners are not the attributes of anyone pretending to be half smart, much less the brightest fluorescent tube in the room. Such behaviors are part of the standard operating practices of someone who is either insecure or ignorant and liking one or the other.The cost of the GTE has spiraled, and Guyanese are still unsure whatthefinalpriceisgoingtobe.
This is a development that calls for patient and repeated explanations. Throwing tantrums do not chase Guyanese away, only open their eyes about the quality of leadership they have in Jagdeo. A litany of excuses being made whenevertheissueofpublishingtheGTEcontractsdoesnot add any leadership luster to the Vice President. It simply intensifiesacoupleofthoughts.
First,doesheknowwhathe is doing, getting Guyanese into? Second, what is he up to with this GTE project, truly up to, with all these secret closets and webs of haze involving the related contracts? Third,howcanheorhisPPPCGovernmenteverclaimtobe about transparency and accountability when there are these manyexcusesandcover-ups?
The GTE could be a good thing for Guyanese. But not whenmanagedlikethisbyJagdeo.
This is in reference to the Tepui contract (April 22).
The taxpayers are being taken for a ride in the Tepui award and hundreds of others over the last three years in the hundreds of billions of dollars It is estimated that some 53% of the national budget gets looted by government officials. It means almost a trillion dollars was looted over the last three and a half years Mr Jagdeo in response to a reporter's question about the contract blamed the evaluators for approving a contract that is in serious violation of the tendering regulations. But the VP knows exactly how and why Tepui got the
contract. Wasn't instruction given to approve it? Who gavetheorder?
Inside sources said the evaluators had opposed the tender of Tepui saying the contractor did not meet the minimum requirements for constructing pump stations. But the evaluators were overruled and instructed to approve Tepui tendering
CantheVPcommentonwho gaveinstructiontoawardthe contracttoTepui?
The Tepui contract is among a long list of irregularities in approval of tenders with overbidding by thetensofbillionsofdollars. Another more egregious one is that from cabinet minutes number CP2024-03 for procurement of Geotextile
materials for embankment againstfloodinginRegion6. A popular firm was sole sourced for materials for $296,412,480 00 from N D I A , M i n i s t r y o f Agriculture. (NPTAB No: 129/2024/21.)
Contractors told me the actualtendershouldbeabout $81,000,000. That means government overpaid the c o n t r a c t o r s o m e $215,000,000 extra for same m a t e r i a l s T h e s a i d contractor previously was awarded a contract on tendering for sheet piling.
Although nearly four times the next highest bid, the contractor was approved for the contract Question has been asked whether the Minister of Agriculture is
residing in the house in Eccles owned by the contractor If so, is it not a conflict of interest? Is the Minister in the process of purchasing the property from the contractor? The contractor reportedly got approval for billions of dollars in contracts from the government. It is not known if all of that company's bids were the highest among several tenders. The latest sole-sourced one on geotextile with an approval that is $215 Million over bid isverytroubling.Whyitwas nottendered?
When will the curse be r e m o v e d f r o m t h e agriculturesector?
Yours Truly, Nigel Pilgrim
Itcanonlybedescribedasacomedy of errors: the mayor giving permission forsellingintheStabtoekBazaarwithin a certain timeframe, while the TC reported there cannot be business as usualintheBazaar'(NewsSourceApril 22), until the destroyed wharf is completely dismantled and debris cleared. And all because of poor communication.
As one vendor said from the
inception (not interception) there was poor communication on the part of the Municipality Did the Mayor not know of the continuedworkatthewharfareaduring theday?
Was the information that vendors can sell at the Bazaar passed on to the TC? The TC, from the report, met with some of the vendors, but most, it seems were not aware of her decision and certainly not the mayor, at the time or
afterwards. He only became aware, it seems at the statutory meeting Anothercommunicationlapse.
So if proper communication had occurred all around, the vendors would notbeupinarms.
It has to be basic: if you do not communicate and share pertinent information then chaos will ensue with fingerspointingyourway
Sincerely Shamshun MohamedGTU has led the way on this landmark victory, which is important not only to Guyana, but the wider Caribbean
The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), whilst giving support, to the workers and union' cause, entered into the court issue because collectively, the federation believed, the PPP Government was setting out, to cut off the lifeblood of the GTU, and if successful they would turn on any union challenging their violations andtransgressions.
The PPP are sore losers and, history has proven, they areneverpreparedtoplayby the rules, when in government. The Jagdeo /Ali regime has proven to be e v e n w o r s e , w i t h Machiavellian tendencies and practices, threatening peace and stability, lives, livelihood, and our nationhood.
It is over important to state, that the trade union community, must recognise, thattheGTUhasledtheway, on this landmark victory, which is important not only to Guyana, but the wider Caribbean and CARICOM nations. Special mention
must be made to President Lyte and General Secretary Coretta McDonald, the "boots and slippers" of our teachers,ontheground,their frontline leadership, refusal to be divided in true trade union resolve, and resilience intheirstrugglesforworkers' rightsandprotection.
The labour union has proven with its collective membership from all races and communities that Guyanese can come together on issues, fight and win their battles and struggles against common threats to their collective well-being. It's a lesson that must be enshrined.
Our Teachers from all races, ethnic and political persuasions rejected race, ethnic and political baiting to show the world and other Guyanese we can achieve as aunitedlabourmovement.
Before the GTUC joined theteacher'scasetherewasa meetingwithSeniorCounsel Roysdale Forde where we discussed the struggles of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, protecting the value and
integrity of the Guyana Constitution, particularly Article 147, and the ILO Conventions.
We sealed the deal and it brought great relief when asked about cost to hear Mr Forde say immediately, " No cost! it's about the cause, let usfight."
Akey issue addressed by Justice Sandil Kissoon, was Article 147 of Guyana constitution,whichspeaksto the 'Protection of freedom of assembly, association and demonstration', to the right to strike and collective bargaining.
This demonstrates that our constitution can work, and is there to protect and advance the rights of citizens,andnottoembolden governments to transgress them.
· The decision included that there exist a right to strike in the circumstances whereanemployerhastaken the decision not to negotiate withthetradeunion.
· The termination of the check off is illegal and must continue.
· The deduction from the salaries of the teachers is illegal due to the fact that the employer refused to negotiate.
· The dereliction in the performance of the duties of the Chief Labour Officer in seeking to address the issues as requested by the union. GTUCwasconvinced,ithad made the correct decision to recruit Forde, for he was incisive, thorough, well prepared and commanded our deserved space in the courtroom. There was a general palpable feeling of appreciationforthismoveby the GTUC, and Forde delivered with great skill establishing his welldeserved bonafides as a senior legal officer To all those who contributed from former minister Senior Counsel Basil Williams, attorney-at-law Darren Wade, current trade unions leaders and teachers, GTUC thanksyou.
Guyana Trades Union CongressMaduro's madness is not merely a threat to Guyana, it is a threat to the maintenance of peace and security in all of South America and the Caribbean
When last, on 22nd March, 2024, I publicly commented on Venezuela's claim to the Essequibo region of Guyana in a letter to the media, I concluded by pointingout thatVenezuela's President, Nicolas Maduro, “has obviously become a desperate man, cannot be relied upon to honour his word nor his signature on any agreement and that Guyana must now be prepared to address the consequences of any action whichMaduromaydecideto take”.
I was, of course, right. Maduro's government has now pronounced, on 3rd April, 2024, a new “Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba”, clearly aimed at annexing the Essequibo Region of our country
In fact, beginning with the 1899 Arbitral Award, including the demarcation in 1905 of the boundary shown on all the official maps of Guyana and Venezuela until the 1960s, followed by the Geneva Agreement in 1966,which empowered the United Nations SecretaryGeneral to choose the means of the settlement of the controversyoverthevalidity of the 1899 Arbitral Award,
and then the Declaration of Argyle on 14th December, 2023, committingVenezuela to not threaten nor use force against Guyana and to refrain from escalating any conflict or disagreement with Guyana arising from the controversy Venezuela, under Maduro's rule, has violated every agreement to which he has penned his signature.
Immediately following a request by President Irfaan Ali to the United Nations SecurityCounciltofacilitate a meeting to address the matter of Venezuela's promulgation of the Organic Law as a direct threat to Guyana's sovereignty, Ambassador, Carolyn R o d r i g u e s - B i r k e t t , PermanentRepresentativeof Guyana to the United Nations, addressed the meeting on the 9th April, 2024.
T h e A m b a s s a d o r 'pointed out that “without prompt action by the Council, our next report is very likely, and tragically, to be that Guyanas territory has beeninvadedbyVenezuela”. She called upon the Council “to denounce Venezuela's illegal and reprehensible action”.
The Security Council issued a Statement, on
15thApril, 2024, which did not denounceVenezuela, but chose, instead, to call upon both Venezuela and Guyana to “exercise maximum restraint”,remindingthemof their obligations to comply withtheOrderofProvisional Measures issued by the International Court of Justice on 1stDecember, 2023.
This, in spite of the fact that Venezuela is the only aggressorinthematter
Nevertheless, the Council has now directed Venezuela to comply with the rulings of the ICJ and goes on to remindVenezuela of the Argyle Declaration to keep the peace and, further, to respect the Geneva Agreement.
Nicolas Maduro is a dictator He rules Venezuela, not by the choice of Venezuelans, but by the enforcement of military powertokeephiminoffice.
Maduro has rejected the authorityoftheInternational Court of Justice (ICJ), t h e r e b y r e j e c t i n g Venezuela's recognition of the UN Charter and the decisions of the United Nations Security Council itself.
It is Maduro's clear, unvarnished, undisguised intention to re-elect himself
and his regime in the forthcoming July Venezuela election, by denying and/or imprisoning the democratic opposition from contesting in a free and fair elections, regardless of the promise to conduct free and fair elections previously signed byVenezuelainBarbados.
The Maduro regime commands the third largest military force in all of South America and the Caribbean, after Brazil and Columbia. It is at Maduro's disposal to enforce a historically illegitimate and illegally unfounded claim to take possession of two-thirds of ourcountry
Madurobelievesthatthis will give him the right of access to our oil and gas, gold, diamonds and other mineral resources in the Essequibo and its offshore waters Maduro, in the meantime, has driven his own country's economy into the ground, resulting in millions of his own people fleeing to other countries, including our own In defence of this naked
aggression against our country, Maduro has falsely accused Guyana of harbouring secret US military bases, an accusation whichisentirelyuntrue.
The Venezuelan dictator has also extended his aggression to the point of threatening the operations of the US and Chinese oil and gas companies which are licensed by Guyana to operate offshore our country in compliance with the United Nations Convention ontheLawoftheSea.
Maduro's madness is not merely a threat to Guyana, it isathreattothemaintenance ofpeaceandsecurityinallof South America and the Caribbean and with the wider implications of drawingintosuchaconflict, the United States of America, the United Kingdom,RussiaandChina,
all of which have direct investments and interests in bothGuyanaandVenezuela.
We know, indeed the worldknows,that,inspiteof the kind of foolishness advanced by former Chiefof-Staff, Rear Admiral Dr Gary Best, Guyana cannot defend itself against a Venezuelan military, thousands of times more powerful than Guyana's. A military equipped with fighter jets, attack helicopters, tanks and warships We must, therefore, rely on the truth, on diplomacy, on our allies in democracy, the USA, the UK, Canada, France and, closer to home, Brazil and our CARICOM partners to come to our protection from Maduro's threat to declare waragainstGuyana.
Regards, Kit Nascimentocontract by ExxonMobil was fined several
French-US firm Technip FMC recently secured a contract for subsea works in Guyana's 6th oil project W h i p t a i l , w o r t h approximately $US1B, however over the last few years the company has faced multiple lawsuits and fines for corruption and bribery of government officials, in the United Stated and the United Kingdom.
InJune2019theOfficeof P u b l i c A ff a i r s , U S Department of Justice released a statement saying that TechnipFMC plc (TFMC) a publicly traded company in the United States and a global provider of oil and gas services, and its w h o l l y - o w n e d U S subsidiary, Technip USA, Inc (Technip USA), had agreed to pay a combined total criminal fine of more than US$296 million to resolve foreign bribery charges with authorities in the United States and Brazil. TFMC is the product of a 2017 merger between two predecessor companies, Technip S.A. (Technip) and FMC Technologies, Inc (FMC).
The charges arose out of two independent bribery schemes: a scheme by Technip to pay bribes to Brazilian officials and a schemebyFMCtopaybribes to officials in Iraq. Technip USA and Technip's former
consultant pleaded guilty in connection with the resolution. In 2010, Technip entered into a US$240 million resolution with the Department over bribes paid inNigeria.
Pursuant to its agreement with the Department, TechnipFMC had to pay a total criminal fine of over US$296 million, including a US$500,000 criminal fine paidbyTechnipUSA.Aspart of the deferred prosecution agreement, TechnipFMC committed to implementing rigorousinternalcontrolsand to cooperate fully with the Department's ongoing investigation.
In connection with the scheme to bribe Brazilian officials, Technip's former consultant also had pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of New York to a one-count criminal information c h a r g i n g h i m w i t h conspiracy to violate the FCPA. Afewmonthslaterin September, 2023 The Wall Street Journal reported that TechnipFMC PLC, a U.K.based oil-and-gas services company, agreed to pay US$5 1 million to settle foreign bribery charges and improve its compliance procedures under a deal with theU.S.securitiesregulator
Those charges stemmed from US$794,000 in payments made between 2008 and 2013 by FMC Technologies Inc , a
predecessor company to TechnipFMC,toanunnamed third-party consultant, the Securities and Exchange Commission said Monday in afiling.
The consultant used the funds to bribe Iraqi governmentofficialswiththe goal of winning contracts to provide oil-and-gas metering services,theSECsaid.
L o n d o n - b a s e d TechnipFMC was formed in 2017 through a merger between Technip SA and FMCTechnologies.
I n J u n e 2 0 2 3 SPLASH247 com reported that Subsidiaries of TechnipFMC and Technip Energies had to pay fines of nearly €210m ($230m) to avoid lawsuits regarding subsea projects undertaken between 2008 and 2012 Technip UK Limited, a subsidiary of TechnipFMC, and Technip Energies France SAS, a subsidiary ofTechnip Energies settled matters with France's national financial prosecutor or Parquet NationalFinancier(PNF).
PNF said that the resolution encompassed the corruption of foreign public officials between 2008 and 2012 related to subsea projects undertaken by the former Technip S.A. group, mainly in Africa This settlement took the form of a convention judiciaire d'interet public, or CJIP. The CJIP settlement was not an
Dengue claims two lives– Health Minister …almost 3000 cases recorded this year
Two persons have died so far this year from the dengue virus as Guyana experiences a surge in the infection which is spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony has reported.
The Minister, in an update on the surge in the spread of the disease, said that 2,852 personshavetestedpositiveforthevirusso farfortheyear
“Of those persons, who have tested positive,wehaveseen265ofthemneeding some form of hospitalisation and so far for the year, we have had two deaths resulting from dengue. The affected Regions are Regions 4, 2, 10, 6. 9, and 1…since it is a mosquito borne infection, the way to preventtransmissionistoensurewekillthe mosquito,”theministersaid.
In a video update disseminated to the press, the Health Minister said that the Ministry of Health has noted a surge in dengue cases and has taken key actions to helpmitigatethesituation.
actions taken.Dr Anthony revealed too that morethan11,200testsweredone.
“There has been a decline in cases this week,” the Health Minister said noting that “…Our teams would generally go out in the evenings to do the fogging and early in the mornings and right now we have various teams inthecountrydoingthis”.
Minister Anthony explained that there are four types of the dengue virus and being diagnosedwithonetype,doesnotmakeaperson immunetotheotherthreetypes.
The Minister also explained that the symptomscanrangefromafeverandaheadache to vomiting and the passing of blood in urine or faeces.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has said the increased infections are, in part, linked to global warming. Increased temperatures are said to be conducive for the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which spreads the diseaseandthrivesinstagnantwater.
Last week, Berbice siblings Vishnu and Arianna Mahabir, succumbed to dengue related complications.
admissionofliabilityorguilt, nor was it a conviction of Technip FMC or Technip Energies but it did result in avoiding prosecution. Under thetermsoftheCJIP,Technip UK and Technip Energies France paid a fine of €154 8m and €54 1m, respectively, for a total of €208.9m.
Kaieteur News reported last week TechnipFMC had been awarded a contract in Guyana's Stabroek Block by US supermajor ExxonMobil to supply subsea production systems for the Whiptail
project. TechnipFMC will be responsible for providing project management, e n g i n e e r i n g , a n d manufacturing to deliver 48 subsea trees and associated tooling, as well as 12 manifolds and associated c o n t r o l s a n d t i e - i n equipment. Exact financial details for the deal were not revealed but TechnipFMC did say that it was a “large” contract which means that it is worth between US$500M and $1B. According to the company, the award will be includedininboundordersin
French-US firm Technip FMC recently secured a contract for subsea works in Guyana's 6th oil project Whiptail, worth approximately $US1B
thesecondquarterof2024. TechnipFMC currently employs nearly 140 Guyanese workers and will continue hiring and training additional local staff in support of this award. The contract was awarded a few days after Exxon announced the final investment decision fortheproject.
The US$12.7B Whiptail is the sixth project on the Stabroek block and is e x p e c t e d t o a d d approximately 250,000 barrels of daily capacity by theendof2027.
Guyana highlights Venezuela’s threat to hemispheric stability at 2024 ConcordiaAmericas Summit
Th e r e c e n t postures and action by the Ve n e z u e l a n r e g i m e regarding its illegal claim of Guyana's territory was deemed a threat to stability inthewesternhemisphere.
Foreign Secretary Mr Robert Persaud joined leaders of the Western Hemisphere at the Eight
Concordia Americas Summit held at the University of Miami on 2223 April 2024. This year's Summit focuses on sustainable and inclusive growth and strengthening democracy, featuring sessions on topics of importance to the region, including climate change, governance, security, migration, rule of law, investment, economic partnershipsandeducation.
The Foreign Secretary was invited to participate in aStrategicDialogueentitled
'Regional Unity: Strategies to improve the Western Hemisphere Relationships'. The dialogue sought to provide a platform for leaders and experts to explore strategies aimed at enhancing and revitalizing the relationship and cooperation between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean.
During the dialogue, the leaders identified and discussed key challenges and threats that require greater collaboration in the areasofsecurity,democratic backsliding, socioeconomic pressures, supply chains disruptions, irregular migration, natural disasters, cybercrime, among others.
Foreign Secretary Persaud underscored the need for a collaborative, regional and hemispheric approach in dealing with some of these challenges.
Among the speakers at
the dialogue were Secretary General of the Organization ofAmerican States HE Luis Almagro, former President of Colombia Iván Duque, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis HE Terrance D r e w , C o m b a t a n t CommanderofUSSouthern Command Gen Laura Richardson and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador Hon Gabriela Sommerfield.
Concordia is a global convener of heads of state, government officials, Csuite executives, and leaders of nonprofits, think tanks, and foundations to find cross-sector solutions that address the biggest challenges of our time. The S e c o n d C o n c o r d i a Amazonas Summit will be held in Guyana on 9-13 July 2024, with a focus on E n v i r o n
l Sustainability and Financial Inclusion.(DPI)
“The ban on former Prime Ministers accessing the VIP lounge at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) is a blatant affront to the principles of equality and fairness.
In a democratic society, all individuals, irrespective of their political allegiances, should be treated with dignity and respect. As is evident the ban will only presently affect former Prime Ministers of opposition parties. By issuing this edict, the ruling PPPC government is setting a dangerous precedent that can backfire on it. It also exposes the government to criticism of political vendettas take precedence over principles.
The decision reflects a myopic understanding of international best practices. nternational best I practices often dictate that individuals holding high-ranking official positions, such as current and former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Vice Presidents, and other senior government officials, should be treated with courtesy and respect when traveling through airports. VIP treatment, particularly at airports, is not merely a matter of protocol but also a reflection of a nation's commitment to upholding standards of hospitality and respect.”
(Peeping Tom April 24, 2024)
A 39-year-old vendor is reportedlyontherunafterhe shottwomenonWednesday night at the Kitty Seawall, Georgetown.
The victims were identified as two taxi drivers, Jermaine Duncan, 34, of Lot 1478 Cummings Park ‘E’ Field Sophia, and Sheldon Smith, 32, of Durban Street Lodge, Georgetown
Smith was shot in his thigh and is presently at home recovering while Duncan is still hospitalized in a stable condition for a gunshot wound to his belly Itisbelievedthatthevendor shot the men following an argumentwiththemoverhis girlfriend.
Police said “inquiries disclosed that Smith was celebratinghis34thbirthday
with friends, including Jermaine Duncan” at the seawallthatevening.
At around 22:30 hrs, the suspect pulled up to the gathering in a white fielder wagon from a western direction and spoke with his girlfriendwhowasattending thecelebration.
While police did not reveal what the couple spokeabout,itwasreported
that the man took his girlfriend away from the celebration He reportedly returned an hour later on a motorcycle and confronted Smith
The two men started arguing and the vendor pulled out a gun from his pantswaistandshotatSmith several times before making goodhisescape.
Smith was struck in his
upper left thigh while Duncan who was standing next to him was hit in the abdomen The vendor escapedandthevictimswere rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Detectives recovered six (6) 9mm spent shells from the scene while the hunt continuesforthesuspect.
In a letter to the editor, we have learnt that edict has been issued a n d c o m m u n i c a t e d , ostensiblyprohibitingformer Prime Ministers from utilizingtheVIPloungeatthe Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) While ostensibly neutral in its language, the practical application of this measure will only affect former Prime Ministers affiliated with oppositionparties.
There are three living Prime Ministers in Guyana: Hamilton Green, Moses Nagamootoo and Samuel Hinds. The first two are from opposition parties; the edict does not affect the latter who is from the ruling party since he is also a former President and therefore not debarred from the use of the said VIP lounge This decision is perverse. Within any country there exists a hierarchy that delineates the order of precedence and respect accorded to individuals in officialdom.Thishierarchyis evident in the order of introductions and salutations at official events This hierarchyisareflectionofthe esteem with which each officeorpositionisheld.
At the apex stand figures like the President, followed by the Prime Minister who is constitutionallytheFirstVice President Next are other Vice Presidents, followed by a cascade of Very Important Persons (VIPs) comprising the Chancellor, Ministers of the Government, and
esteemed former heads of stateandgovernment.
However, the report that an edict has been issued prohibiting the use of the airport's VIP lounge to former Prime Ministers is a petty and troubling development. It represents a deviation from the principles of dignity and respect that should underpin the treatment of public officials, whether past or present, and regardless of their political affiliations,pastorpresent.
This decision, if true –and there is no reason to suspect that it is false – reeks o f p e t t i n e s s a n d vindictiveness. It should be widely condemned and it shouldbereversedforthwith.
The ban on former Prime Ministers accessing the VIP lounge is a blatant affront to the principles of equality and fairness In a democratic society, all individuals, irrespective of their political allegiances,shouldbetreated with dignity and respect. As is evident the ban will only presentlyaffectformerPrime Ministers of opposition parties.
By issuing this edict, the ruling PPPC government is setting a dangerous precedent that can backfire on it. It also exposes the government to criticism of political vendettas take precedenceoverprinciples. The decision reflects a myopic understanding of international best practices. International best practices often dictate that individuals
holding high-ranking official positions,suchascurrentand former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Vice Presidents, and other senior government officials, should be treated with courtesy and respect when traveling through airports.
V I P t r e a t m e n t , particularly at airports, is not merely a matter of protocol but also a reflection of a nation's commitment to upholding standards of hospitalityandrespect.
In many countries, former heads of state and government are accorded VIP privileges as a mark of recognition for their service to the nation, regardless of their political affiliations This treatment may include access to VIP lounges, expedited security and immigration procedures, and other privileges aimed at ensuring their comfort and convenience.
By denying oppositionaffiliated former Prime Ministers access to the VIP lounge, the government not o n l y t a r n i s h e s i t s international image but also exposes its inability to rise above petty politics. The ban reeks of insecurity A confident and secure government does not feel threatened by the presence of former leaders, regardless of their political leanings Instead, it welcomes diverse p e r s p e c t i v e s a n d a c k n o w l e d g e s t h e contributions of all individuals towards nation-
Depoliticsindiscountrygettingmore twistedthanapalmtreeinahurricane.De manwhosupposetobesettinganexample fuh all ah we, just deh pon a next level ah dismissiveness.
De man when asked about de hot dog hot potato claimed that he did not know about it. Dis man who does know any and everything de Opposition seh nah read what was reported in de newspaper about dehotdogman.
One of he party's organizers gone rogue, threatening folks dat if dem nah buy dem hot dog tickets, dem ain't getting nocashgrant!
Wha' kind ah 'grab yuh belly' politics dis we living in? De PPPC, instead ah giving de fella a boot, just act like dem ain't smelling de stink coming from deir ownbackyard. But hey, dis ain't no ordinary hot dog
stand-off Dis is about principles, about standing and sanctioning those who threaten dat those who nah buy de PPPC fund-raising hot dog tickets, gan be taken off de list for receive cash grant. De ultimatum to de public was clear: Buy a hot dog or kiss yuh cash grant goodbye. Wha' next? You gotta wear de party colorstogetyuhpension?
Dis whole saga just highlights de rot within de PPPC, how dem ready to turn a blind eye to anyshenanigansaslongasitain'tblowingupin therefacelikeafireworksfactoryinafire. Dishotdogscandalmightjustbedetipofde iceberg.
IfdePPPCain'twillingtoputdefootdown on dis nonsense, wha' else dey letting slide underderadar?
In de end, dem boys seh, "Eh, who needs principles when yuh could just buy a hot dog andcallitdemocracy!" Talk half. Leff half
building.Byresortingtosuch measures, the government betraysitsfragility
The prohibition is not only unnecessary but also impractical It is highly unlikely that droves of former Prime Ministers would suddenly descend upontheVIPlounge,causing chaos and inconvenience. In fact, the decision appears to be a solution in search of a problem.
How does it look that advisers to the government
and relatives of senior political figures are granted VIP courtesies while former Prime Ministers are denied thesesameprivileges?
Upholding the dignity andrespectofallindividuals, regardless of their political affiliations, should be a fundamental tenet of governance. There can be no placeformeasureswhichcan beaccusedofbeingpettyand vindictive.
The ban on former Prime Ministers accessing the VIP
lounge is a regressive and shortsighted decision It reflects poorly on the government. The President should forthwith reverse this ill-conceivededict.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
Sorry to disappoint folks, but this is a journey away from the hallowed sonnets and syntax of literature and CharlesDickens.
Incredible as this may sound, expectations today start out with cricket, then His Majesty's Royal Navy And just so that my dear friend,Dr AnilNandlall,QC, SC, and PPP MC does not feelisolatedandleftallonhis lonesome, he comes in for extended and honorable mentioninthisofferingabout great expectations. English Literature it is not, but all about the vacuity, puerility, and inanity that are now so thoroughly Guyanese over thisoil.
Dr. Nandlall, the Nawab of a State going by the name of pusillanimity, has a starring role. The two senior guys direct the show from behind the scenes, he steps forward and does a startling impression of Mehmood and Johnny Walker (the comedy man, not the one with the top hat and umbrella on a whisky bottle). I begin with a short
batandballstory In England's storied cricketing history, there was that profane fast bowling legend,Yorkshire'sFrederick Truman. He was one of a kind, not these touchy-feely, warmhearted, politically correct thunderbolt throwers oftoday
Once, on a bad cricketing day for the chaps from Lancashire, Surrey, Oxford, and the Army, Truman was told that England was expecting a topnotch performance from him with the ball. In authentic Truman form, the irascible and often pungent terrorizer of batsmen (they call them batters now, like if they did something else before) responded along these lines: 'that's the bloody problem, England is always expecting No blasted wonder why she is called the MotherCountry'. What is there not to love about an original like that, particularly when the expectation was first uttered by that other immortal of
Britannica's ruling over the waves.
For the dumb in the PPP (Mr Nandlall excluded, naturally),thatwouldbeVice Admiral Horatio Nelson at theBattleofTrafalgar
The things they drummed into our heads in those days, and now there is Jagdeo trying to do the same, screaming at the top of his lungs about the beauty of Exxon.
JagdeobeingJagdeogets AnilNandlalltodotheheavy liftingon oil spill coverage,a task at which he is only too willing to burnish his head of state candidacy; now the rest is on the table and left to the jurisdiction and judgment of history.
Specifically, this is what thebigLegalAffairsMinister had to say relative to this troubling business about Exxon and parent guarantee if a cataclysmic oil spill were to occur out there. May it never come to that day, but it is worth listening to Mr Nandlall: “If it is US$100B then that is what we are
entitledto. Itisnotlimitedin any form or fashion by this assurance…” Godbless,Mr Nandlall; and God bless Guyana for having a grand son of the soil like Mohabir AnilNandlall.
Ifthatishisexpectation, then he is greater than Charles Dickens. Since he has such grand expectations of Exxon, no questionthathe stands in a category way ahead of Horatio Nelson in t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s sweepstakes. Now since I'm all British today, stone the crows. I admit publicly that the AG blew me away with thatone.
Indeed, if we are entitled toUS$100B,thenitiswhatit is. However, does Anil Nandlall on his brightest day genuinely expect Exxon to forkoverUS$10Btoa'nat-afart' country like Guyana? Does Mohabir Nandlall truly expect that these goddamn pirates will pay US$5B to a society overflowing with a millioncoloredpeople?
It should not elude the eyesight of Guyanese that I have not gone anywhere close to his hypothetical US$100Bfigure,andalready I am sweating blood over a lousy number that is one tenth, even a twentieth, of what he is bandying about as
The voraciously predatory Exxon is battling Guyana with p i c k a x e a n d sledgehammer for a skimpy US$107M from an audit. Yet this character straight out of political Hollywood is so sure of the company that he tries this arithmetic six for a nine on his own brothers and sisters. I regret that the schoolsthattheesteemedAG went to failed to teach him to thinkinastraightlineandfor himself, while using the record of oil history as his guide.
Teixeira. Godhelpme.
There is no doubt in my mind that the man Nandlall knows better, is made of betterstuff.
EspeciallythatofExxon. If any Guyanese thinks that Chevron is any better, he or she should check with the people in neighboring E c u a d o r F o r t h e enlightenment of the great Anil Nandlall (at least in his own mind), Exxon declared judicialwaragainstitsfellow Americans and nickeled and dimed them down from US$5B to US$450M for damages from the Exxon ValdezruptureinAlaska.
In Guyanese, that's beating down. If there is a struggle against Venezuela, I do not want Anil Nandlall anywhere near to me; I will take, ahm, ai-ya-yi, Gail
But this is what oil has done to different political men whenever it touched in nonwhite countries It transforms them into dangerous caricatures made even more so when they adoptagelatincoating. With expectations of the grand texture of Dr. Nandlall, Guyana can't go wrong. To return to cricket, it has been called the game of glorious uncertainty
In the dirty game of Guyanese politics, there is no-baller Nandlall with his inglorious certainty Not for the last time: how does Guyana keep churning out characters like the erudite and effervescent Mohabir
Anil Nandlall is anyone's guess. Igiveup. Gomyway
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
President of the Barbadosbased Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Dr Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon, has resigned with “immediate effect” from the regionalfinancialinstitution.
Accordingtoathree-pageletter sent to the Bank by his St. Luciabased lawyers, Leon is of the opinion that “he will never be treated fairly” after he had been sent on administrative leave in January
“ItisalsoevidentthattheBank has lost all trust and confidence in ourclientbythefailureoftheboard of governors to prevent the continuedviolationsofitsCharter, policies,rulesandregulationswith regardtoitselectedPresident.
“Our client has therefore made the extremely difficult decision to resign his elected position of the President of the Bank with immediate effect”. The lawyers have given the regional financial institutionuntilMay4“tonegotiate unamicable separation” indicating also that their correspondence should be viewed “as our client’s pre action protocol letter” regardingtheentiresituation.
In the three-page letter, dated April 21st., 2024, and headlined “Re: Dr Hyginus “Gene”Leon, Resignation and Constructive Dismissal, a copy of which has been obtained by the Caribbean MediaCorporation(CMC),Leon’s St. Lucia-based lawyers said they
would be moving to the courts in Barbados“oranyotherjurisdiction more appropriate, to enforce our client’s legal and constitutional rights”.
InJanuaryitwasdisclosedthat Dr Leon, had been sent on administrativeleaveuntilAprilthis year,as“anongoingadministrative process” continued at the region’s premier financial institution. The CDB has remained mum on the circumstances surrounding the decision to send the St. Lucianborn economist on administrative leave, with the acting president Isaac Solomon, confirming at a bank news conference in February that “there is an internal administrative process involving
the president. In their letter, the lawyerswrotethat“OnApril16th., 2024, 40 hours after our client’s leaveexpired,ourclientreceiveda letter of notification of leave extension signed by the chairman of the OAC, but stating that it was from “the board of directors of the Bank (currently carrying out the functions of the OAC with respect totheinvestigation…).
“We are uncertain at this stage of the significance of this as the OAC is not the board of directors andtheboardofdirectorsisnotthe OAC. The meeting on April 16th. 2024, was another breach of the Bank’sby-laws,theCharterandits policies,” the lawyers wrote. In their letter, the lawyers noted that
President of the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Dr. Hyginus ‘Gene’Leon
the board of governors has “never responded”tothemregarding“our letters of complaint about the manner in which the investigation hasbeeninitiated,andallowedto
Continued on page 30
There is no increase in theboatfarefortheParikato Supenaamroute,Ministerof Public Works said on Tuesday during an outreach with boat operators at the Parika, Bartica and SupenaamStellings.
The current fare is $1300. However, some boat operators have been demanding$1500instead.
The Minister listened to the concerns raised by boat operators and addressed issuesonthespot.
At the Parika Stelling,
the Minister was joined by Director General of the Maritime Administration Department Thandi McAllister During the inspection, several matters were discussed including planned phased upgrades of thestelling,improvedsafety measures that are to be enforced, and general infrastructural development ofthewaterfrontarea.
The Minister’s outreach continuedtoBartica,Region 7 where he met with speedboat operators at the
Regional Democratic C o u n c i l ’s ( R D C ) boardroom.MinisterEdghill was joined by the Prime Minister’s Representative in the region, Mr Erwin Ward, Regional Executive Officer (REO) Kerwin Wade and Regional Councilor, KennethWilliams.
At that meeting, the possibilityofimprovingand regularizing the current turn systemattheBarticastelling was discussed with the speedboatoperators.Onhis
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill at the Supenaam Stelling
Guyanabeganproducing oil at the end of 2019 and to date a total of six oilfield development plans have been approved. Three of these have since moved to a production phase. But with theintroductionofeachnew project in Guyana, there is the concomitant influx of foreignworkers.
This, together with the increased vehicular and marinetrafficcouldincrease the potential for projectrelated accidents, which could result in an increased use of medical and health resourcesintheGeorgetown area,puttingastrainonthese facilities.
T h i s m u c h i s documented in the mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the ExxonMobil-led consortium’ssixthprojectin the Stabroek Block The EIA, which has since been a p p r o v e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency outlines that most project activities will be located offshore and will have no direct impacts on communitiesinGuyana.
Itconcedeshoweverthat project-related activities increase the introduction of foreign labour (expatriates)
for the project workforce, that could lead to the potential increase in the risk of communicable diseases and overburdening the c o u n t r y ’s a l r e a d y overwhelmed medical installations.
According to the EIA, the primary source of the impacts, would be from the “increased vehicular and marine traffic as a result of Project activities; Social interaction between foreign Project workers and residents, in particular with respect to a risk of t r a n s m i s s i o n o f communicablediseases.”
According to the EIA, “The Project will (also) increase the demand for hazardous and nonh a z a r d o u s w a s t e management services and infrastructureinGuyanaand thus could potentially compete with other existing waste generators for limited waste management capacity.”
Other potential impacts citedwiththeintroductionof its sixth development project,includeincreaseuse of public infrastructure and services, which could potentially compete with otherexistingbusinessesand
consumers across a range of services such as roads, airports/helicopters, accommodations, and utilities.
Assuch,theproject“will result in increased vehicular trafficinGeorgetown,which could potentially contribute to vehicular congestion in certainareas.”
Additionally, it was reiterated that project is generallyanticipatedtohave a positive impact on the economy of Guyana as a result of government revenue sharing, as well as employment and local procurementopportunities.
A c c o r d i n g t o ExxonMobil’sEIAhowever, while the Project is also expectedtobuildcapacityin the local labor force, increase demand for skilled labor, and increase demand for service industries, “potential adverse impacts may include potential shortterm increases in the cost of livingasaresultofincreased demand for specific goods and services, and limited adverse impacts on fishing activities—and livelihoods stemming from those activities as a result of marine safety exclusion zonesormarinetraffic.”
Five international companies from Canada, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) have signalledtheirinteresttoprovideconsulting services to map out Guyana’s mineral hotspots
Kaieteur News had previously reported thattheMinistryofNaturalResources(MNR) issued a tender for the ‘Mineral Mapping Study of Guyana’s Mineral Resources targeting both traditional gold reserves and emergingnon-traditionalminerals.’
OnTuesday,itwasrevealedthatthefirms who submitted bids to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office for the contract are: Watts,Griffis&McOuatLimited(WGM)of Canada. That company bid US$1,301,700 andGY$88,088,000;TechnicalManagement Group Limited (TMG) in partnership with Purple Rock Inc both of Canada submitted
a bid totaling US$2,806,686; SLR Consulting Limited of the UK bid £156,976 (this sum does not include all fees and expenses);GlobalVentureConsultingofthe USA bid US$1,981,218; and Oculus Geophysical Resources also of the USA submittedabidforUS$1,556,500.
The ministry in its advertisement had stated that the objective of the mineral mapping study is to close data gaps, reduce investmentcosts,fosterdiversification in the mining sector and enable more targeted investments from both small and medium scaleminers.
Notably, it was explained that the identificationandquantificationofmineralsis notthesolepurposeofthismappingexercise, but it will also provide a comprehensive understanding of the significant multidimensional role of these minerals in the country’sdevelopment.
Kaieteur News reported that earlier this year, the National Assembly approved $400 millionforPhaseOneofthemineralmapping project to be undertaken by the Natural Resources Ministry in the various mining areasinGuyana.
During the consideration of the 2024 Budget, Minister of Natural Resources, VickramBharratexplainedtotheCommittee of Supply that the mineral mapping of the mining areas in Guyana is badly needed, since the current data is over 40 years He added that the project will assist his ministry in making informed allocation of claimsandminingblocks Theministersaid too that it will also reduce the cost of prospecting and exploration, particularly forsmallandmedium-scaleminers
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Shurwayne Holder had asked the specific areas the $400 million will cover for the
mineral mapping and what other minerals besides gold and diamond the ministry will besurveyingfor
In response, the Minister stated that in light of other critical elements being sought around the world to produce batteries and solar panels, the government will be surveyingforsame
“We know that lithium is in big, big demand across the world…so it is a much soughtafterelementaroundtheworldandwe know that they are a few countries in South America producing lithium so we believe that they maybe a possibility that we do have that in the critical mineral here too that’s why we are not only focused on gold anddiamond,”MinisterBharratsaid
Hedisclosedthattheteamwillbefocusing on the Mazaruni, Puruni and North West District(NWD)miningdistrictsduringPhase Oneoftheproject
Two more men were on Tuesday found guilty by the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court of shooting and robbing a Surbryanville businesswomanonFebruary 6,2021.
The men Jermaine Hassan,35,of 207,DaSilva Street,NewtownandRussell Bowman, 38, of 8th Street, Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara appeared before Magistrate Dylon Bess and after a three-yeartrial, he ruled that the evidence presented against them by the prosecutor was overwhelming and enough to convict them of armed robbery
They were put on bail andasaresultoftherulingit was revoked and they were both remanded until their sentencingonMay20,2024. In February one of their accomplices, Ronlee
Rampersaud, a watchman pleadedguiltytotheoffence afterspending19monthson remand.Hewassentencedto five years in prison for
Currently service his sentence for shooting,
robbery under arms, three years for grievous bodily harmandtwoyearseachfor dischargingaloadedfirearm and illegal possession of a
firearm Rampersaud’s sentences will run concurrently and the 19 months he spent on remand will also be deducted from
the time he is required to serve.
Meanwhile, another accomplice, Orvin Grant was sentenced in absentia after he failed to return to court after being granted bail.Hewassentencedtothe maximum of five years in prison for robbery under arms His sentence will commence whenever he is caught.
Accordingtoreports,the four men arrived in front of the businesswoman’s home inablackwagonmotorcarat around16:20hrsonFebruary 6, 2021, and proceeded to rob her in her yard. One neighbour who reportedly witnessedtherobberytold
A 24-year-old Miner of South Rupununi was on Tuesday remanded to prison after he was charged for murder when he appeared at theBarticaMagistrates’Court.
Cane Vincent who resides in Quarries Village,SouthRupuniuni,Region9isaccused of murdering 19-year-old Leonel Manuel Franco Beria called “Frankie”, a Venezuelan nationalwhodiedonApril18,2024.
TeriqMohamedwherethemurderchargewas readtohim.Hewasnotrequiredtopleadtothe indictableoffence.
Beria was killed at Paiyuka Falls, located alongthePuruniRiver Investigationsrevealed thatbothVincentandBeriawereemployedby anotherminer,ReneetaAndrews.
According to police, on April 18 at approximately03:20h,Vincentwasamonghis co-workers, reclining in a hammock while
being intoxicated and later fell asleep. Beria allegedly disturbed Vincent’s slumber by striking him while he slept. Vincent became angry,armedhimselfwithaknifeandstabbed Beriafourtimesinhisback.
Thevictimsoughtrefugeinhisemployer’s living quarters but succumbed to his injuries shortlythereafter Thepolicewascalledinand uponarrivalfoundBerialayingfacedownona mattress.Hewascladinabrownthree-quarter pants. An examination of his body revealed that he was stabbed four times, twice to the upperbackandmidsection.
Themurderweaponwasfoundatthescene. VincentisscheduledtoreturntocourtonMay 14,2024.
A 45-year-old woman is at her wits end after she discoveredthatherTuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) property was sold and demolished while in a conversation with her neighbouratBourdaMarket.
Omedelle Greene, the owner, during an interview with Kaieteur News alleged that her stepson destroyed her property and sold it without her consent. She explained that after her husband’s (the accused’s father) death some 14 years ago, she became the owner oftheproperty
The angry woman said that the Lot 1040 Block 8 Plantation Tuschen, EBE. property was sold sometime between January and February 2024. She disclosedthatatthetimethe house was dismantled she wasstayinginGeorgetown.
“NowIcomeintownfor four months cause me daughter get baby,” Green said adding, “So a day a neighbour pass me pon Bourda Market and tell me, meplacebreakdown.”
She said the neighbour asked her if she sold the houseandlandtowhichshe replied,“Nomeain’tsellthe place.” She continued: “The
placebreakdownwhenIgo home, me pot, mattress deh on the land, this place break down,” a frustrated Greene exclaimed.
Upon seeing the condition of the property, Greene sought to find out whattranspiredandwaslater toldbyoneoftheneighbours thatthepropertywasbought fromherstepson.
Greenesaid,“WhenIgo fuh find out from the neighbour…,shesaid‘yesis we buy it’.” The woman then asked from whom and the neighbour reportedly said “I bought it from your (Greene)stepson.”
Following that, Greene said after discovering that
the property was broken downandallegedlysold,she ventured off to a nearby policestation,whereareport was filed. Subsequently, the 26-year-old stepson was contacted, and was told of theallegationsagainsthim.
“He said that he knows his father is living there, but didn’t know he was married,” she then added, “he lied because he was at the wedding,” the woman toldKaieteurNews.
Nevertheless, after an evaluation was done on the property,whichamountedto $3.7 million, Greene related that whilst at the station, herselfandtheaccusedcame upon an agreement, which states he (accused) will compensate her with $3.7
However, despite the agreement, Greene alleged that her stepson has refused
topayherandsheintendsto take the matter to court to ensurethathedoes.
Meanwhile, Kaieteur
News understands that the policeisawaitingstatements fromthepersonswhobought theland.
Delaysinthecompletionofseveralpump station across Region Three (Essequibo Island-West Demerara)have raised the ire of Opposition, Member of parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul who also criticised Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha who recently visited the region ostensibly to check on the pumps,butonlywenttoonelocation.
It is not the first time Mahipaul-aresidentofRegion Three and also the APNUAFC’s Member of Parliament for the region has raisedconcernsabouttheslow progress in the works on the pump stations- one of which was handed controversially to government propagandist, Mikhail ‘Guyanese Critic’ Rodrigues.
Mahipaul’scommentswere triggered by a Department of PublicInformation(DPI)press release which reported on Mustapha’s visit to one of the pump stations under construction at Canal Number One,WestBankDemerara
NumberOnepumpstationSaturdaylast,where he announced the project’s completion date, amongotherinterventions
Opposition, Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister for Local Govt. and Regional Development, Ganesh Mahipaul
When completed, the pump station will feature two mechanically driven pumping units, each capable of discharging 150 cubic feet of water per second.Atotal of 19 pump stations are under construction nationwide and Minister Mustapha remains optimistic about the operationalisation of these pump stations by mid-2025. Apart from the ongoing construction and rehabilitation of existing drainage and irrigation infrastructure, the government also plans to replicate the success of the Hope Canal at East Coast Demerara, across Regions Three,Five,andSix.
TheDPIreleasestatedthatthe$650million pump station is slated for completion within three months, noting that the development is part of a broader initiative to enhance D&I infrastructureintheregion,whichalsoincludes projects at Belle Vue, A-Line sluice, and Meten-Meer-Zorg According to the DPI, Minister Mustapha inspected the Canal
“We also will be building aHope-likecanalinthisarea bytheB-Linestructure.Itisa megaprojectthatwillhelpto drainthesystem.Thisareais a large agricultural area for usandwearetryingtoputsystemsinplace to mitigate flooding in the future,” the agricultureministerunderscored.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), Lionel Wordsworth, emphasised that these projects represent a nationwide comprehensivedrainageimprovement
Continued on page 31
Rodrigues popularly knownasthe‘GuyaneseCritic’has beenslappedwithyetanotherlibel, defamation lawsuit This time, Rodrigues is being sued by USbased Guyanese activist Mark Benschop.
In the lawsuit seen by this newspaper, Benschop is claiming damagesinexcessof$100million worth of libel committed against him on January 23, 2024, via the Facebookshow“Morninglivewith Critic”.
According to the court documents, Rodrigues is accused of publishing or causing to be published defamatory statements that portrayed Benschop in a manner that will tarnish his personal and professional reputationandstandinginsociety
As such, in addition to $100 million in damages, Benschop is seeking a mandatory injunction compelling Rodrigues to, whether by himself, his servants, agents, assigns or whomsoever, forthwith permanently remove the defamatory statements from the internet through the respondent’s Facebooksocialmediaforum.
The claimant is also claiming exemplary damages, aggravated damagesandinterest at a rate of 6% per annum from the date of filing to the date of judgment and thereafter at a rateof 4%per annum from the date of Judgment untilfullypaid.
Tosupporthisclaim,Benschop said he is a well known and prominent social activist for the cause of democracy, good governance, social justice and equalityinGuyana.
Theclaimantnotedthatheisthe owner and managing director of Keystone Solutions inc , a companywhichoperatesBenschop radio107.1FMandisthehostofthe popular daily radio and social mediashow“StraightUp”whichis broadcast on the aforesaid radio stationandonsocialmedia.
Benschop said that he is also a political and immigration consultant and a recipient of the national award, Medal of Service (M.S)inGuyana.
The activist noted that the defamatorystatementswhichwere published on the internet through the respondent’s Facebook forum and which were also wildly circulated and or shared thus further published, transmitted and broadcasted in were in the natural and ordinary meaning meant to cause reasonable harm to his character
Benschopsaidthattheeffectof the aforesaid defamatory statements seems calculated to affect him as a political, immigration, social activist with a view of lowering him in the estimationofrightthinkingpersons insociety,renderhimthesubjectof disapproval and rejection by the citizens of Guyana and to
negatively affect his creditability, characterandreputation.
TheUS–basedactivistsaidthat as result, his wife and family were inundated with phone calls, text messages, Facebook messages, emails and WhatsApp messages concerning or related to the
defamatory statements and the truthfulness and/or veracity of the claimsmadebytheRodrigues. He said that scores of persons including the friends, family, colleagues, prominent members of the business, Government Ministers and officials brought to him and his wife’s attention the claims made by ‘the Guyanese Critic’ which were on the internet through his Facebook page and have sought information regarding same.
Asaresult,Benschopsaidhis Continued on page 30
Some $110 8 million was raised through local donations to support humanitarian efforts in Palestine.
Thechequewashandedoverto President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli on Tuesday at the Office of the President The fundraising initiative was launched at the National Ramadan Village, and spearheadedbytheCentralIslamic Organisation of Guyana, the Muslim Youth Organisation, and theGuyanaIslamicTrust.
Thesefundswillbedispatched to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). President Ali, during hisremarks,affirmedthecountry’s commitmenttopeaceandnational security
“This simple but important occasion verifies our credentials globally–thatis,Guyanabelieves in global prosperity, the global family, and in the strength of humanity and unity,” he affirmed. The president said this contributionservesastestimonyto the spirit of generosity that permeatesGuyanesesociety
“These resources were raised across all segments of the Guyanese society…and that tells you that Guyana is always united in the process of advancing development, peace, and conditions through which humanitycanexistinafairerand betterway,”thepresidentsaid.
AccordingtoPresidentAli,the peopleofPalestinedeservetolive in peace, sovereignty, and
territorialintegrity Heassuredthat Guyanawillcontinuetosupportall global efforts to bring peace to Palestine, putting a stop to this brutal attack on humanity For the last six months, Gaza has been suffering at the hands of a brutal Israeli assault. Based on the latest reports, the death toll there has climbed to over 34,000. Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,HughTodd,Resident UN Coordinator for Guyana, Yeºim Oruç and Director of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana(CIOG),SheikhMoen-ulHack were among those in attendanceattheceremony (DPI)
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) party, Khemraj
Ramjattan has reiterated the need for the lopsided oil contract with ExxonMobil and partners to be renegotiated, noting that failure to dosowillseeGuyanalosingmore thanitisgaining.
The former Minister of Public Security told reporters during his party’sweeklypressconferenceon Fridaylastthatthecountryislosing morebyrefusingtorenegotiatethe contractthanithasgainedthrough theenactmentoftheLocalContent Law for instance. It was reported that since 2015, ExxonMobil has
only spent some US$1.5 billion in contracts procured from Guyanese suppliers.
ThePeople’sProgressiveParty Civic (PPP/C) had promised to renegotiate the oil contract and engage all oil and gas companies for better contract management, howevertheAFCbelievesitfailed todeliverinbothinstances.
According to Ramjattan, “It is obvious that the country is losing more and that is why we indicated that there ought to be a renegotiation and because of the conduct and utterances whilst they wereinoppositionthatthecontract
is rotten, that they will renegotiate it-thatisthePPPandJagdeoandall of them- they have now found sanctity of contract to halt all the nonsensethattheythensaid.”
The Member of Parliament in an invited comment by Kaieteur News was keen to note in his response, “If they care about Guyanese and want more monies forGuyanese,theyoughttogoand renegotiate.” He pointed out that while the administration has now turned its back on the promise to renegotiate the Exxon contract, it hasalsofailedtobettermanagethe existingcontract.
Ramjattansaidthatgovernment has reversed the requirement of an unlimited parent company guarantee to protect Guyana and the Caribbean Region from the costsofanoilspill,andtodatehave madenoprogresstoindependently verify the number of barrels being produced per day by ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL).
Thepoliticianargued“therehas been a weakening of all the scaffoldingthatwehadputaround the framework” as he referenced theurgentneedforthegovernment of Guyana to renegotiate the deal for the country to receive greater benefitsfromthesector Guyana has been repeatedly warned by international energy institutes that the country may never see the promised annual revenues from its oil sector, as the ‘one-sided’oilcontractgives
Continued on page 30
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
Wanted one experienced Cook. Call: 654-1535.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
For Land Clearance (Grubbing), Sand fill, Housing Plan and Estimates. Call K. Lakeram Building Contractor 692-8464 or whatsapp 622-0267.
River side land for sale in Timehri & Parika, Plantation Berg. Call: 653-2477.
LFS at Soesdyke. Call: 7000797.
From page 14 return to the city, the minister stopped at Supenaam where he was joined by Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar.
The Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill told boat operators in Supenaam, Region 2 that the government will not support any increase in boat fares and added that
persons demanding $1500 instead of $1300 will be sanctioned.
Further, Minister Edghill insisted that boat operators be checked for the relevant documentation.
He also urged that there be inspections of boats and the engines.
Boat operators have reportedly requested conces-
sions on the engines. In response, the minister said he would “try to bring it before cabinet and maybe look at a measure of how they can get engines at a reduced priced so that the maintenance cost would be significantly less”.
Meanwhile, Minister Edghill called for immediate safety measures to be put in place at the stelling.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237. Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older. Call: 654-1535.
Male & Female workers needed to work at a Carwash in Campbellville. Call: 6694676.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 6670859.
One able-bodied male needed to work on a farm in Bartica. For more information Call: 679-7906.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
River side property for sale at East Bank. Call: 653-2477.
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
From page 12 continue. “Our many letters consistently complained that the Bank has breached and is in violation of its own charter, laws, rules, regulations, and policies as regards the conduct of an investigation pertaining to the elected president”.
complaints have been maliciously set out in our previous letters,” they said, adding “we are therefore of the opinion that the grave procedural irregularities fatally taint the initiation and continuation of the investigation, rendering it null and void ab initio”.
4 apartments for rental, fully furnished, located at lot 4 Area K, LBI, ECD. Call: 6490609.
1 fully furnished Luxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot and Cold water, remote gate etc in Campbellville. G/town. Price US$2000. Call: 621-5140.
One four bedrooms house for rent in Peter's Hall, Plantation EBD. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One five bedrooms house for rent in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 6557405/ 694-7817.
One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 6046664. Mazda Axela for sale, $900,000 neg. Call: 623-7047.
In the East Demerara Magisterial District Magistrate’s Court to be held at Vigilance Magistrate’s Court in the MAGESTERIAL DISTRICT
In the matter of the Money Lenders Act Chapter 91:05 -and-
In the matter of an Application for a CERTIFICATE, Pursuant to Section 4, thereof MONEY LENDERS
They wrote that central to the complaint is that their client “has only been informed of the general, barebones nature of the wide complaints levelled against him”. “These complaints continue to be bare, nonspecific, allegations without condescending to any particulars of the circumstances of the complaints including but not limited to dates, subjects, places or references to the evidence to support the grave and serious allegations made against our client”.
The lawyers wrote that the initiation of the investigations “was and continues to be in violation of Annex 10 of the ICA Procedures for Special Investigations, the Code of Conduct for Directors, and Uniform Principles and Guidelines for investigations and many other policies of the Bank and its Charter”. The lawyers said in their view, the conduct of the investigation has been “unconventional, does not follow due process, and does not adhere to the best practices reflected in the more established Multilateral Development Banks. “All of these
The lawyers said that Leon’s “wrongful suspension” ended on April 14th. this year and that he endeavoured to return to work the following day “despite the embarrassment of his forced and unlawful leave and the humiliation of not having received any communication prior to the expiration of leave. They said Leon also wrote the Director of Human Resources to have his access to the Bank restored and to have returned to him, his lap top, Ipad and Iphone “so that he could carry out his duties as President.“We also sent a letter to the Board of Governors suggesting an orderly process for our client’s return to work, consequent on the termination of the “forced” leave and wrongful suspension imposed on him. “Our client received an email after the end of the working day from the director, human resources, stating that he had no authority to so act, to restore our client’s access to the Bank, and the return of his devices”. (CMC)
From page 17 police that he heard the woman shouting “which bag, which bag” followed by two loud explosions suspected to be gunshots. The neighbour said that he peeped over and saw one of the suspects running from the woman’s vehicle which was parked on the parapet in front of her house. The bandits then entered the backseat of the waiting wagon which sped off. Kaieteur News later learnt that the bandit had
Certificate granted under Section 4 of the MoneyLenders Act Chapter 91:05. I, THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certify that I do
authorize the Grant to DAMION PETERS of 209
Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana, of a MONEY LENDER under the style and the title of BLOCKS,CLOTHES AND TRUCKING at 219
Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana. This Certificate shall come into force on the 11th day of April, 2024 and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of February,2024.
shot the woman twice in her left leg. She had to be rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation for treatment.
Police later managed to nab four suspects they believed shot her and escaped in the getaway car. Since their arrests, many had reached out to Kaieteur News calling them a gang that has been a menace to residents in the Kitty area. At least two of the suspects are no stranger to the
From page 22
ExxonMobil and its partners the benefit, leaving Guyana and its people out of their fair share of the wealth.
The contract allows Exxon to deduct 75 percent of the resources each month to cover expenses to develop oil and gas projects.
The costs that are not covered each month go over to the following month. Presently, Guyana only receives a
From page 21
personal and professional reputation and standing has been irreparably and severely damaged.
He claims that he and his family have suffered and continue to suffer financial injury, constant grave distress, humiliation, embarrassment, indignity, pain and suffering.
Rampersaud had been previously convicted of conspiring with another to commit armed robbery and had been cleared of that charge in 2015. The other suspect, Bowman a taxi driver, had been busted in 2019 with an illegal firearm and driving a car with a fake licence plate. Police were able to apprehend him after they noticed him trailing another car.
meagre two percent royalty, as agreed to in the 2016 PSA. This has been described as one of the lowest rates in the World. Royalty is a percentage of total production on any commodity, paid to the owner of the resources and are free and clear from any costs whatsoever.
Notably, the country also does not receive taxes from Exxon and its sub-contractors.
Mark Benschop slaps $100M libel... the defamatory statements have no basis in fact, are malicious, grossly inaccurate and intended to deceive the public. The Claimant has in consequence been seriously injured in his character, credit, reputation and profession and has been brought into public scandal, odium and contempt, the lawsuit prepared by Roysdale Forde, SC said.
According to Benschop,
Several roads in West Ruimveldt, Georgetown will soon be rehabilitated by the Ministry of Public Works' Special Unit, the Department of Public Information(DPI)reported.
Frompage20 programme. Works will also advance on pump stations at Charity, Cottage, Cozier, Jimbo Grove, and Letter Kenny, with additional investments planned for pump stations at Chesney, Farm, Grove South, and Little Diamond Several other drainage improvement projects in various communities are currently in thetenderingstage.
These projects include the construction of a guest house at Lama; East Conservancy Water Dam in Region Four, estimated at $8 9 million, and the rehabilitation of Sukhram Cross Drainage Channel from Number 52 Dam to Number 66 Main Dam, Corentyne, Region Six, estimated at $13.9 million. Works will also include the rehabilitation of a 30km accessroadinEbini/Kimbia, Region Ten, with an estimated cost of $394 million, and the construction of an access road at Canal Number Two Conservancy Dam, West Bank Demerara, costing approximately $145 7 million Residents along the Corentyne in Region Six will benefit from the rehabilitation of the Number Two drainage pump at Ankerville pump station, estimated at $38.4 million. Additionally, $167.5 million is budgeted for the construction of a sluice and revetment work at Blenheim inLeguan,and$16.3million is allocated for the upgrade of Flagstaff Road at East Conservancy Water Dam in Region Three. Furthermore, Somerset and Berks Co-op Pastureland in Essequibo, Region Two, will be developed at an estimated cost of $27 million, and $22 4 million will be invested to rehabilitate Hackney Canal in the Lower Pomeroon River in Region Two.
Mismanagement of pumpstationprojects
Meanwhile, commenting on the pump station projects, Mahipaul said as the MP responsible for Region Three, “I cannot sit idly by while Minister Zulfikar Mustapha's mismanagement ofvitalpumpstationprojects threatens the well-being of our constituents. It is my duty to hold the Minister
accountable for his neglect and incompetence.” The opposition MP said Region Three was promised five pump stations under construction, yet the Minister's actions—or lack thereof speak volumes
“While he made a show of visiting the Canal No. 1 pump station, conveniently ignoring its neighbouringALine station and Pouderyoen Pump Stations, the truth is clear: projects across the region languish in a state of abandonmentanddisrepair
“Take, for instance, the A-Line Pump Station, a w a r d e d t o C i v c o n Engineering Contractors for $717M is at a standstill.
Despite significant disbursements, only a paltry 10% of the project has been completed Similarly, the Pouderyoen Pump Station, awarded to Spectre Construction, lies dormant, with little progress to show for the hefty investment of $981M,”Mahipaulnoted.
He said at the MetenMeer Zorg Pump Station, thiscontractwasentrustedto Satar Mohamed & Son Construction at a cost of $868M. He said no work has beendone-atestamenttothe Minister's failure to deliver on his promises “The infamous Belle Vue Pump Station (which was handed to Guyanese Critic) recently began with a small machine onsiteandasmallamountof excavation work done, but what about the others?
Where is the Minister's accountability for the stalled projects that plague our region?” As such Mahipaul is demanding answers, querying: “What is the update on the other pump stations in Region Three? The Minister's evasion of his duty to provide a detailed PSIP update to the National Assemblyspeaksvolumes.It is clear that he prioritizes political posturing over the w e l l - b e i n g o f o u r constituents.” “I will not rest until Minister Mustapha is held accountable for his actions—orlackthereof.The people of Region Three deserve better than broken promises and abandoned projects. It's time for the Minister to deliver real results or step aside for
, ” Mahipaulstated.
The main goal of the project is to improve the community'saccessibilityas wellasitsoveralllandscape. Residents of the community had raised several concerns about the state of the roads w h i c h h a v e b e e n deterioratingforawhile.
A recent evaluation of the roads revealed that there are significant defects that include potholes and raveling caused by the aging asphalt.
According to the Department of Public Information (DPI), in some sections of the road, the raveling has extended into the base, causing the surface toworsen.
The recommended scope of work to address the issues include light scarification of the e x i s t i n g s u r f a c e , p l a c e m e n t a n d compaction of crushed aggregates as necessary, and installation of 2inch-thick asphaltic concrete.
The project will address specific issues on various internal roads, such as patching potholes, full overlays and road shoulder leveling.
These roads serve as vital links for schools, businesses, and public offices that benefit numerousresidentsandroad users.
A 54-year-old man was on Monday sentenced to one year in prison after he was found guilty of being in possession of narcotics with thepurposeoftrafficking.
Theman,DexterGriffith, was also fined $30,000 when he appeared before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court.
Griffith had first
appeared before Her Worship, Christel Lambert on June 23, 2023, at the BarticaMagistrates’Court. He was charged with the possession of narcotics for thepurposeoftrafficking.He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted bail inthesumof$100,000.
T h e m a t t e r w a s adjourned and set for trial on March 11, 2024. It was later postponedtoApril22,2024 Griffith was arrested on June 21, 2023 at the 70 km police checkpoint after he was found with 199 grams of marijuana.
(BBC NEWS) The UN's human rights chief has said he is "horrified" by the destruction of Gaza's Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals and the reports of "mass graves" being found at the sites after Israeliraids.
Volker Türk called for independent investigations into the deaths. Palestinian officials said they had exhumed the bodies of almost 300 people at Nasser It is not clear how they died or when they were buried. Israel's military said claims that it buried bodies there were"baseless".
But it did say that during a two-week operation at the hospital in the city of Khan Younis in February, troops "examined"bodiesburiedby Palestinians"inplaceswhere intelligence indicated the possible presence of hostages".
Ten hostages who have now been released have said that they were held at Nasser hospital for long periods duringtheircaptivity
Prior to the Israeli operation at Nasser, staff there had said they were being forced to bury bodies in the hospital's courtyard because nearby fighting prevented access to cemeteries There were similar reports from al-Shifa beforethefirstIsraeliraidon the hospital took place in November
The Israeli military has saidithasraidedanumberof hospitals in Gaza during the war because Hamas fighters have been operating inside them - a claim Hamas and medical officials have denied.
The war began when Hamas gunmen carried out an unprecedented crossborder attack on southern Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people - mostly civilians - and taking 253 others back to Gaza as hostages.
More than 34,180 people - most of them children and women - have been killed in Gaza since then, the territory's Hamas-run health ministrysays.
A spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office saiditwascurrentlyworking on corroborating reports from Palestinian officials that 283 bodies had been found in Nasser hospital's grounds, including 42 which hadbeenidentified.
"Victims had reportedly been buried deep in the ground and covered with waste," Ravina Shamdasani told reporters in Geneva. "Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while others... were found with their hands tied and stripped oftheirclothes."
Mr Türk called for independent, effective and transparent investigations into the deaths, adding: "Given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators."
"Hospitals are entitled to veryspecialprotectionunder international humanitarian law And the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are hors de combat [not participating in hostilities] is a war crime." On Monday, a spokesman for the Hamasrun Civil Defense force told BBC Arabic's Gaza Today programme that it had received reports from local Palestinians that the bodies of a "large number" of people who had been killed during the war and buried in a makeshift cemetery in the hospital's courtyard were moved to another location duringtheIsraeliraid.
"After research and investigation, we learned that the occupation [Israeli] army had established a mass
grave, pulled out the bodies that were in Nasser hospital, and buried them in this mass grave," Mahmoud Basal said. Gaza Today also spoke to a man who said he was searching there for the bodies of two male relatives which he alleged had been taken by Israeli troops during Israel's recently concluded offensive in Khan Younis.
"After I had buried them inanapartment,the[Israelis] came and moved their bodies," he said. "Every day we search for their bodies, but we fail to find them."
Hamas has alleged that the bodies include people "executed in cold blood" by Israeli forces, without providingevidence.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement on Tuesday: "The claim that the IDF buried Palestinian bodies is baseless and unfounded "
"During the IDF's operation in the area of Nasser Hospital, in accordance to the effort to locate hostages andmissingpersons,corpses buried by Palestinians in the area of Nasser hospital were examined.
"The examination was conducted in a careful manner and exclusively in places where intelligence indicated the possible presence of hostages. The examination was carried out
r e s p e c t f u l l y w h i l e maintaining the dignity of the deceased Bodies examined, which did not belong to Israeli hostages, werereturnedtotheirplace."
The IDF said that its forces had detained "about 200 terrorists who were in the hospital" during the raid, and that they found ammunition as well as unused medicines intended forIsraelihostages.
It also insisted that the raid was carried out "in a targeted manner and without harming the hospital, the patients and the medical staff".
However, three medical stafftoldtheBBClastmonth that they were humiliated, beaten, doused with cold water,andforcedtokneelfor hours after being detained duringtheraid.
Medics who remained at Nasser after the Israeli takeover said they were unable to care for patients and that 13 died because of conditions there, including a lack of water, electricity and othersupplies.
On 1April, Israeli troops withdrew from al-Shifa hospital, which is in Gaza City,followingwhattheIDF said was another "precise" operation carried out in response to intelligence that Hamas had regrouped there. The IDF said at the time that 200 "terrorists" were killed
in and around the hospital during the two-week raid. More than 500 others were detained, and weapons and intelligence were found "throughout the hospital", it added.
After a mission gained access to the facility five days later, the World Health Organization (WHO) said al-Shifa was "now an empty shell", with most of the buildings extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment unusableorreducedtoashes. It also said that "numerous shallow graves" had been dug just outside the emergency department, and the administrative and surgical buildings, and that "many dead bodies were partially buried with their limbsvisible".
The IDF also said it had avoided harm to patients at al-Shifa.
But the WHO cited the acting hospital director as saying patients were held in abysmal conditions during the siege, and that at least 20 patients reportedly died due toalackofaccesstocareand l i m i t e d m o v e m e n t authorisedformedics.
Spokeswoman Ms. Shamdasani said reports seenbytheUNhumanrights office suggested that a total of 30 bodies were buried in the two graves and that 12 of them had been identified so
far Gaza's civil defence spokesman told CNN on 9 April that 381 bodies had been recovered from the vicinity of al-Shifa, but that the figure did not include people buried in the hospital'sgrounds.
The UN human rights chief also deplored as "beyond warfare" a series of Israeli strikes on the southern city of Rafah in the past few days, which he said had killed mostly women andchildren.
The strikes included one on Saturday night, after which a premature baby was delivered from the womb of her pregnant mother, who was killed along with her husband and other daughter Mr Türk also again warned against a full-scale Israeli ground assault on Rafah, where 1.5 million displaced civilians are sheltering, saying it would lead to further breaches of international humanitarian law and human rights law In response, the IDF said it was "operating to dismantle Hamas military and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e capabilities" "In stark contrast to Hamas' intentional attacks on Israeli men, women and children, the IDF follows international law and takes feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm," it added.
Cricket West Indies (CWI)
Men's Selection Panel has unveiled the 15-member squad for the West Indies Men's A Team set to tour NepalfromApril25thtoMay 15th,2024.
Led by the experienced Roston Chase as Captain and supported byAlickAthanaze as Vice-Captain, the West Indies Men's A Team will engage in a series of five (5) Twenty20 matches against the Nepal Senior Men's Team. T h i s t o u r h o l d s significant importance as it serves as another phase in preparation leading up to the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024.The series also marks a historic occasion as it isWest Indies' first-ever tour to Nepal.
Roston Chase will take on the responsibility of captain for the first time at this level. Commenting on Chase's selection as Captain, Dr The Most Honorable Desmond Haynes, CWI's Lead Selector, emphasized Chase's consistent display of diligence and leadership skills. Dr Haynes remarked, “Chase has exhibited over the past few years an impressive work ethic and proven leadership qualities” He further noted, “No doubt since Chase made his T20I debut in October 2021, for the West Indies against Bangladesh he has continued to make considerable strides.”
Dr Haynes further emphasized the significance of this squad stating “I am confident this Nepal tour
marks a crucial step forward in our preparatory phase for the ICC Men's T20 World Cup It presents an invaluable opportunity to get ourplayerswhoarenotinthe IPLback on the park playing competitive T20 cricket as well as provides the chance for us to expose a few emergingprospects.”
InpreparationfortheICC Men'sT20WorldCup,White Ball Head Coach, Daren Sammy said “From a coaching perspective, the Nepal tour couldn't have come at a more opportune time. It offers us a chance to refine our World Cup squad, defining roles and personnel more clearly Additionally, with nine players in the IPL, we can truly gauge and push the limits of our T20 team's depth.”
Wednesday April 24, 2024
Today, Aries, you'll really be in the limelight. This could help you change what is sometimes a very negative image you have of yourself. You have a certain kind of energy and magnetism about you
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
If you've been feeling a little under the weather, today's planetary configuration will make you feel a whole lot better,Taurus.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Today is another passionate day in a series of passionate days! Usually, Gemini, you're a fairly reserved person where feelings are concerned.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
If you come across someone a little strange or eccentric today, try and get to know him or her, because that person could be a reflection ofpartofyou.
If you often help people in need, or if helping people is part of your profession, this daywillbringcertainideasto light,Leo.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
One couldn't really say that you have a hard time making decisionsregardingyourlove
life, Virgo. You're a passionate person and you believe in love at first sight.
The tour's opening T20 fixture will bowl off at Tribhuvan University on April27th,2024.
Roston Chase
Meanwhile,The deadline for submission of the West Indies World Cup squad is May1,2024.
Prior to the World Cup, the West Indies team will host South Africa for a 3match T20 series from May 22-26,2024.
And of note: Brandon King sustained an injury during the West Indies Championship and is rehabilitating Meanwhile, Evin Lewis advised that he was unavailable for selection.
SportsMax - President of Cricket West Indies, Dr Kishore Shallow, extended heartfelt congratulations to Guyana Harpy Eagles, who emphasized their remarkable consistency and dedication in topping the just-concluded WestIndiesChampionship.
The Harpy Eagles, who were slow into stride in the four-day cricket campaign, rebounded well in a thrilling showcase of their cricket prowess to retain their title and pockettheUS$250,000prize.
You enjoy reaping rewards for all your efforts. But in yourlovelife,youhavetoadmit thatyoucanneverbesureofthe quantity or the quality of the fruitsofyourlabors
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
You probably know that you don't attain freedom in one fell swoop, but rather bit by bit as you go through life, Scorpio.Perhapsyou'vebeen feeling as if you don't have enoughfreedom.
Throughout the day you may getthefeelingthatsomething has changed in the way people relate to each other, Sagittarius. It will be as if people are surer of themselves,moreopen,more expressive.
You can relax a little at last! That's what you could be thinkingwithtoday'scelestial energy The time is perfect to getreadyforthechallenges
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
You're interested in better understandingyourselfandyour reactions to the world around you Well,Aquarius, today you shouldtakethetimetolookover yoursuccessesandfailures.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Today, Pisces, forget socializing, working, and answering the phone. Stay home and cuddle in a blanket bythefire.
“TheGuyanaHarpyEagles have demonstrated immense skills, tactical astuteness, and resilience throughout the tournament, showcasing the true spirit of West Indies cricket," Shallow said.In a gripping race to the championship, the Harpy Eagles secured a decisive eight-wicket victory over the Combined Campuses and Colleges Marooners, which propelledthemtothetopofthe table with 103.8 points. Their path to victory was charted by key performances from Raymond Perez's, an unbeaten 79 runs, and skipper Tevin Imlach's crucial halfcentury.Their champion status was confirmed for the seventh time in nine years, after LeewardIslandsHurricaneand Windward Islands Volcanoes, played out a hard-fought draw, while Barbados Pride were stunned by CWI Academy.Dr Shallow lauded the collective efforts of all participating teams “The West Indies Championship is the pinnacle of regional cricket and serves asatestamenttotherichlegacy and tradition of cricket in our region. Therefore, it was only fitting that Cricket West Indies further invested in this level of cricket by increasing the financial winnings to incentivize players further and build interest across the region,"Shallowreasoned.
A s t h e c r i c k e t i n g community reflects on the tournament's outcomes, Dr Shallow expressed optimism for the future of West Indies cricket, as the regional body remainscommittedtofostering excellence and nurturing talent at all levels.“The dedication and passion exhibited by our teams reaffirm cricket's enduring significance and relevance, which we are confident will positively produce more desirable and sustained success at the international level," the CWI presidentnoted.
North Soesdyke beat
Guyana Police Officers by nine wickets when the teams collided in a T20 fixture on SaturdayatFarm.
GPF Officers, led by Mr Budram
AssistanceCommissioner, tookfirst strike and were bowled out 115 in 19 1 overs Alli made 34 and Gravesande(onlynamesgiven)16as Anand Bharat claimed 3/23 off of 4 overs, Anthony Ifill 2/6 and Rakesh
In reply North Soesdyke made 117/1offof11.3overs.
ClementArcherscored57notout, Walker (only name given) 33 and ImtiazSadiq16notout.
The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) 'Guyana T10 Blast' bowls off its second round today, weather permitting, with an exciting double-header at Enmore Ground Rain spoiled the opening the round yesterday butshouldmothernaturehold u p , R o u n d 2 t o d a y (Wednesday April 24) will see the Berbice Piranhas and Essequibo Anacondas doing battlefrom12:00h.
The second game features a battle between the Essequibo Jaguars and Berbice Caimans of Berbice who play each other from 14:30h,bothatEnmore.
Navindra Persaud, Alex Algoo, Kevin Sinclair, Abdool Subhan, Steven Sankar, JohnathanVan Lange (U19), Shahid Viera (U19), Sylus Tyndall, Aryan
Persaud, Devon Lord, Bernard Bailey, Romeo Deonarain (U19), Travis Persaud,MatthewPottya Berbice PiranhasVeerasammy Permaul (Captain), Taganarine
Chanderpaul, Ricardo Peters, Quentin Sampson, Ronaldo Renee, Rivaldo Phillips, Suresh Dhanai, Darwin
Joseph (U19), Haimant
Singh, Garfield Phillips, Rajendra Chandrika, Jermey
Essequibo AnacondasAnthony Adams (Captain), Raymond Perez, Johnathan Foo,AvinashPersaud,Joshua Jones, Thaddeus Lovell (U19), Bruce Vincent (U19), Qumar Torrington, Quency Sampson, Quacy Mickel, Tuleseeram Premnauth, A b d u l R a m s a m m y , Ushardeva Balgobin, Alvin Mohabir,KevonBoodie.
Demerara HawksTevin Imlach (Captain), Rampertab Ramnauth, Joshua Persaud, Ronaldo Alimohamed, Akshaya
Persaud, Richie Looknauth, Isai Thorne (U19), Neiland Cadogan, Totaram Bishun, David Williams, Sheldon
Charles, Garfield Benjamin, Zeynul Ramsammy, Asraf Bodhoo (U19), Tommani Ceaser
Berbice CaimansKevlon Anderson ( Captain),
Sandia, Brandon Jaikaran, Nigel Deodat, Shemar Yearwood(U19)
Essequibo JaguarsKemol Savory (Captain) Chandrapul Hemraj, Ricardo Adams, Anthony Lim, Joemal LaFleur, Carlos Larose, Shemroy Barrington, Demeter Cameron, Nial Smith, Ashmead Nedd, Leon Andrews, Seon Glasgow, Mavindra Dindyal (U19) , Kevin Kisten (U19), Zachary Jodah(U19)
Demerara PitbullsChris Barnwell (Captain), Sachin Singh, Orin Gibson, Junior Sinclair, Malcom Hubbard, Johnathan Rampersaud, Gulcharran Chulai (U19), Leon Swamy, F l o y J o s e p h , J a d o n
Campbell, Keon Sinclair, Damian Vantull, Jeremiah Scott, Justin Sutton, Ronald Jeffery(U19)
From page 39
PompeyInvitational,severalmeetrecordsfell. Trinidad and Tobago's Kamaria Durant secured a 'sprint double,' winning the women's 100m in 11.39 seconds and the women's200min20.75seconds.
Ghana'sJosephAmoahsetanewmeetrecordintheMen's 100mwithatimeof10.20seconds,surpassingBarbados'Levi Cadogan's previous record of 10.24 seconds from 2017. Emmanuel Archibald (10.33 seconds) finished second, followedbyWinstonGeorge(10.40seconds).
George claimed victory in the 200m, clocking 20.75 seconds, ahead of Daniel Williams (21.10 seconds) and LeonelMarks(21.20seconds).
ArinzeChancewon the400 metersin 46.14 seconds, with Deon Lendore (46.17 seconds) and Brian Romain (48.53 seconds)followingclosely
Joanna Archer set a new meet record in the women's 800 meters with a time of 2:13.01, while Devaun Barrington won themen's800metersin1:50.95.
Chantoba Bright set a new meet record in the women's longjumpwithadistanceof5.83meters.
Jamaica's Rushell Clayton improved upon her 2017 meet record in the women's 400m hurdles, setting a new mark of 52.25seconds.
Providence beat Diamond by 66 runs when the East Bank Demerara CricketAssociation T20 tournament commenced last weekend.
Providence batted first and posted 197-8 at Canal No.2. Opener Dwain Dick, surprisingly not selected on any of the teams for the upcoming GCB T10 tournament, struck four fours and five sixes in a top score of 67, while Mikah Fraser scored 54 with five fours and four sixes and Roger Henry contributed 39. B. Fraser picked up three wickets.
Diamond were bowled out for 131 in 17.4 overs in reply D. France made 41 while Kevin Plantz scored 24 as Shahid Mohamed picked up 3-25, Dick 3-30 and Shivram Mahase 2-19.
Ruimveldt made 120-3, batting first. Jeremiah Scott scored 38 while Usherdeva Balgobin made 25;Andy Lall took 2-22. Sandpipers replied with 55-8.
South Raiders beat Western
Warriorsby19runswhenthe teams collided in a 40-over match recently at Malteenoes SC. SouthRaiderswonthetossanddecided first and posted 242 all out in 37.3 overs.
Richie Looknauth made 78 (8×4) (3×6), Nityanand Mathura 48 (1×6) (5×4), Mavindra Dindyal 36 (4×4) (2×6), Banerd Bailey 32(19) (3×4) (3×6)andBernardBailey20(21)(3×4)
Krsna Singh claimed 3-16 (5 overs), Myhiem Khan 3-25 (7 Overs), Ntini Permaul 2-41 (6.3 overs) and LaurelParks2-67(6overs).
InreplyWesternWarriorsmade223 alloutin39overs.
Brandon Jaikaran scored 60 (8×4),
Tevin Imlach 44 (5×4), Adrian Hinds 26 (3×4) (1×6), Ricardo Percival 20 (2×4) (1×6), Jonathan Van Lange 17 (1×6)(1×4)andLaurelParks14 (3×4).
Stephon Wilson bagged 5-31 (8 overs).
The man of the match was Richie Looknauthwhoalsotooktheawardfor thescoringthemostruns.Otherawards went to - Most Wickets: Stephon Wilson, Most Valuable Player: Richie Looknauth, Game Changer: Stephon Wilson,BestCatch:RichieLooknauth, Biggest Six: Nityanand Mathura, Lets Crack it Six & Fours: Richie Looknauth, coaches: Rawle Merel & Martin belle Pestano - Belle, Umpires: AbenaParker&StephonJosiah.
The game was organised by One
Movement Entertainment headed by Royale Melville in Collaboration with QualityDeliverer
Among the sponsors were - Quality deliverer, Shi oil, 007 Bar & Lounge, Synergy vertex, Barkers plumbing, SD&L Certified service, 4R Bearings, S&DFuelDepot,RBGrocery BS Inc, Candy's Catering Service , CR7 Bat Repair Shop , Js17 online c r i c k e t s h o p p i n g , O M HEAT TRANSFER SHOP , C&C Detailing Service , Exotic Printz 592, Price Mart Supermarket, Brown's Holdings,Ansa Mcal Distribution Inc., Guyana Beverages Inc , Smith's Electrical Contracting Services, Sams ServicestationandD&STrimService Station.
The Petra Organisation has been granted membership into the Friendly Society of Guyana (FSG), marking a significant milestone followingasuccessfulmembership approval meeting held at the Ministry of Labour's Friendly SocietyDepartmentonBrickdam.
During the certification presentation ceremony, Janaknauth Panchu, Chief Cooperative Development Officer, extended a warm welcome to the Petra Organisation, emphasizing the value of their participation in the Society
He expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, particularly highlighting the potential for mutualgrowth.
Panchu underscored the role of professional guidance and monitoring in facilitating the Petra Organisation's development efforts, particularly in harnessing sportsandeducationtofosteryouth development.
He emphasized the positive
impact of sports involvement in deterring youth from engaging in negative activities such as gambling, criminal behaviour, and violence.
Membership in the FSG grants the Petra Organisation access to a range of benefits including increased sponsorships, donations, tax exemptions, grants, and other privileges.
This alignment with the FSG's principles reflects the Petra Organisation's commitment to transparency, legitimacy, and accountability
Furthermore, as a member, the Petra Organisation is bound by the constitution governing the FSG, including the obligation to present annualfinancialreportsforscrutiny and verification, promoting democratic practices within the organisation.
Marlan Cole, Co-Director of Petra, expressed gratitude for the approval of their membership. In his remarks, he acknowledged the significance of joining the Society,
Janaknauth Panchu, Chief Cooperative Development Officer at Ministry of Labour Friendly Society Department hands over Membership Certificate to Co-Director of Petra Organisation, Troy Mendonca in the presence of other Petra executives.
emphasizing its potential to streamline the organization's efforts in promoting local football.
Cole highlighted Petra's extensive grassroots football programmes at primary and secondary levels, with aspirations to expand into tertiary football. Additionally, Cole emphasized theimportanceofbuildingstronger relationships with key stakeholders such as the Guyana Football Federation, the Ministry of Education, the National Sports Commission, and corporate entities.
The membership in the FSG represents a strategic opportunity for Petra to enhance collaboration and cooperation within the sports communityandbeyond.
The Vurlon Mills Football
Academy organised an excursion to the Carnegie School of Home Economics, aiming to introduce young participants of the SBM Offshore Guyana Women in Football Development Programme to various career opportunities beyond the football field.
Girls from five different schools enjoyed an enriching and
educational experience, witnessing first-hand the diverse activities of Carnegie School of Home Economicsstudents.
They observed bread baking, inquired about pedicures and hairstyling intricacies, and were captivated by the array of vocational skillsondisplay.
Additionally, they received a crash course in table etiquette, enhancing their understanding of
The Women in Football Development Programme empowers young girls by exposing them to potential career paths. By fostering curiosity and exploration, the program instils confidence and ambition, equipping participants withskillsforsuccess.
The Vurlon Mills Football Academy extends heartfelt gratitude to the Carnegie School of Home
Economics staff and students for their warm hospitality and invaluable contribution to the girls' educational journey. Their dedication to inspiring the next generation is commendable and greatlyappreciated.
For more information about the Vurlon Mills FootballAcademy and its initiatives, please contact Vurlon Mills at 613-1361 or Marisha Fernandesat600-3332.
The Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport and the National Sports Commission has reiterated its support of the Guyana Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation's (GBBFF) hosting of st the 51 Central America and C a r i b b e a n F i t n e s s a n d Bodybuilding Championship th th (CAC2024)fromthe17 tothe20 October,2024.
In a recent meeting, the executive of the GBBFF had extensive and fruitful discussions with the Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, the Honourable Charles Ramson Jr and the Director of Sports,SteveNinvalle.
Among other topical issues, the meeting was to give the Honourable Minister and Director of Sports an update on Guyana's preparation for the marquee regional event and to discuss the official launching of CAC 2024 thatwillbeheldinMay
Attending the meeting were (from left) Committee members; Fyzal Bacchus, Alexander Williams, Treasurer of GBBFF Nathan Wilburg, President Keavon Bess, Minister Charles Ramson Jr., Director of Sports, Steve Ninvalle, General/Organizing Secretary of GBBFF, Videsh Sookram, Committee member, Romel Siland, Vice President of GBBFF, Eybo Orford.
In concluding the meeting, the Honourable Minister Ramson reassured the executive members oftheGBBFFthattheGovernment of Guyana is fully committed to ensuring that CAC 2024 is a resounding success and the best thattheregionhaseverhad.
The Guyana Police
Force FC on Saturday last
demolished Pakuri Jaguars FC with a 17 - 0 goal blitz at the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Tr a i n i n g C e n t r e i n Providence, East Bank Demerara.
The Round Two of the Women's League Division
One April 20 victory saw striker Akeelah Vancooten scoring five spectacular goals in the 65th, 71st, 77th, 80th, 80+2thminutesofthegame.
But it was her teammate Lakeisha Williams, who opened the scoring in the 4th minute, and went on to clinch twomoregoalsinthe45thand 69thminutesofthegame.
Nine more goals were netted before the final whistle
-MelinaLarsonsecuredahattrick with goals in the 21st, 24th, and 31st minutes; Deekola Chester added two more to the score line in the 44th and 52nd minutes and Collette Rutherford, Sasha James, Janelle Edmondson andLatoyaWilliamsrecorded
one goal each in the 11th, 31st, 43rd and 38th minutes, inthatorder
Bytheendofthefirsthalf, therewasnocomebackforthe visitingteam.
The victory cemented the Guyana Police Force FC second place position on the points table with twenty-one points from seven wins and oneloss.
Top of the table is the Guyana Defence Force FC, alsoontwenty-onepoints,but with a clean sheet of seven consecutivewins.
Holding on to third place for several weeks is Fruta Conquerors FC with a record of twelve points from four wins and four losses, while Potato Strikers FC remains in fourth position, accumulating four points through one win, onedraw,andfourlosses.
Parkuri Jaguars FC's defeat on Saturday keeps them in fifth place with one win,onedrawandsixlosses.
Upcoming Fixture: On April27FrutaConquerorsFC will take on Potaro Strikers FCat6:30p.m.atNTC.
Track and Field event, last held in 2019, is set to return to Guyana on June 22 at the National Track and Field CentreinEdinburgh.
Aliann Pompey has a n n o u n c e d t h e championship's comeback, providing Guyanese athletes and those from abroad a chance to qualify for the Paris Olympics, with the qualification deadline set for June30.
Pompey stated that the event will be part of World Athletics' Continental Tour, expressing her excitement about its return as a Bronze levelevent.
Wo r l d A t h l e t i c s established the Continental Tour to offer more competition and earning opportunitiesforathletes.
Pompey, Guyana's Commonwealth Games 400m gold and silver medallist, had to cancel the fifth edition of the AP
Akeelah Vancooten hammered five spectacular goals during the encounter.
Invitational in 2020 due to COVID-19.
D e s p i t e f a c i n g challenges such as track repairs at the country's only synthetic facility, she is optimistic about hosting a successfuleventthistime.
With the completion of remedial works at the National Track and Field Centre, Pompey anticipates an epic meet, offering local fans the chance to witness top-notch talent from the country and the region compete.
The 2018APInvitational witnessed Kirani James, the 2012 Olympic Champion, 2016 Olympic silver medallist and 2020 Olympic Bronze medallist, clocking 44.99 seconds to not only win the 400m but also set a newTrackRecord.
The inaugural AP Invitational in 2016, 11 athletes from overseas qualified to compete at the OlympicGamesinRio.
Atthe4thAliann (Continued on page 36)
The 2024 Karate Grading exams held at the YMCA Thomas Lands was hosted by senior international instructors, Shuseki Shihan Dr th Frank Woon-A-Tai 10 Dan, th ShihanAmir Khouri 7 Dan, Sensei th HazratAli6 DanandSenseiRoger th Peroune5 Dan.
The annual examination was held for students eyeing the Kyu andDanlevels.Activitieskickedoff at 10 00hrs and concluded at 15 00hrs
The results were announced to the examined students and photographstaken EightBlackBelt promotionswererecordedattheend ofthegrading.
The large number of Parents and supporters present testified to the interest, Parents have in their Children'sprogressandwellbeing.
Training continues at the ASKG - Land of Canaan Dojo (Sensei Parmeshwar Persaud): Albion, Canjie, Rosehall and Blairmont Dojos (Sensei Hazrat Ali): Tucville Shotokan Karate Club (Leonard Leuwaisee): New Amsterdam Berbice DoJo (Sensei Clinton Moriah): YMCA Dojo (Sensei's Roger, Keith, Malcolm, Shamar, Patrick, Matthew, Andre, Bevon, Wanda andShihanAmir.)
Preparations are also ongoing
fortheGKFJuniorNationalKarate rd Championships on the 23 June, 2024 and the IKD World Cup 16 –st21 July,2024.
Asuccessfulday,resultedinthe followingpromotions.
th10 kyu White to Yellow belt
th8 kyu:-Tanveer Ramcharitar, NicoliFernandes,KyleMcDonald, TharaSamad,&AlainaBell.
th10 kyu White to Orange belt
th7 kyu:- Liam Hodge, Elon Rickford, Kyron Huntley, & SoofianGuptar
th10 kyu White to Green belt
th6 kyu:- Kyron Savory, Keyshia Beaton,&KeithK.A.Beaton.
th th 8 kyutoOrangebelt7 kyu:-
Jihanna Smith, Christian Seymour, RunakoDelph&NathanHenry
th th 8 kyu to Green belt 6 kyu:Radane Bissessar, Adysson DeSantos, Maya Balram & AnthonioDaCosta.
th th 7 kyu to Green belt 6 kyu:Adam Baksh, Aleeza Azimullah, Anusha Singh, Jola Williams, RomanaRamjit,DevrajRamgobin, Junaid Bacchus & Lawrence Williams.
th th 7 kyu to Blue belt 5 kyu:Kayden Hackett, Otavia Bobb, Phillip Persaud, Josiah Dick, Frank Persaud, Alana Hollingsworth & KarissaSavory
th 6 kyu to Blue belt 5 kyu:SalihAli,MiahRajkumar,Madison
th th 6 kyu to purple belt 4 kyu:Leon Jagmohan & Jordan Benjamin.
th th 5 kyu to Purple belt 4 kyu:Veerendra Krishna, Alisha Moideen,NataliaPersaud,Marquis Ferreira, Shawn Ranjit & Rachael
th rd 5 kyutoBrownbelt3 kyu:Prame Pooran, Kayden Savory, JuliaBadal&SachinPitamber
th rd 4 kyu to Brown belt 3 kyu:TremiyahLake&ZuriyahHowell.
th nd 4 kyu to Brown belt 2 kyu:AdiPersaud. rd nd 3 kyu to Brown belt 2 kyu:Charisse Scott, Ashton Chang, Josiah Clinken, Sachin Mulchand,
Christopher Cooblall, Clarissa Scott&MariahFrancis.
nd st 2 kyu to Brown belt 1 kyu:Simkhael Levans, Lukas Singh, RaydenAustin&AlgernonSealy
The following were promoted
st to SHODAN (1 Dan Black Belt):- (Three) Saffir Ali, Saskia Dyasindoo&Mahir,Rajkumar
nd NIDAN (2 DanBlack Belt):(One)KishanRagubeer
rd SANDAN (3 Dan Black Belt):- (Two) Andre Sookram & LeonardLeuwaisee.
th YONDAN (4 Dan Black Belt):- (One) ASP Keith A.A. Beaton
th HACHIDAN (8 Dan Black Belt):-(One)AmirKhouri.
Some 75 schools will be engaged in nationwide cricket action following yesterday's launch of the Republic Bank Cricket West Indies (CWI) 'Five For Fun' programme, at the Herdmanston Lodge, Queenstown.
The second edition of the event will target more than 1000 students from across regions2,4,5,6,7and10.
These current batch of students will be the latest entrants into this year's grassroots cricket system, whichwillbeoverseenbythe Guyana Cricket Board (GCB).
Former Guyana andWest Indies pacer turned international match referee Reon King, will head up the programme as the national coordinator
King said the programme ensures kids are properly equipped and have the necessary access to the sport attheprimarylevel.
He added that the 'Five for fun' creates player pathways while playing a crucial role in cricket coachingdevelopment.
King further pointed out that the 5-over-aside tournamentisgearedtowards
integratingmorecompetition betweenboysandgirls.
The format will see the participating schools engaging in a battle for supremacyofthezones.
Thereafter, the zonal champs will battle for the county title with the respective three victors duelingfortherightsofbeing crowned national country champions.
Speaking at yesterday's
launch, Republic Bank Guyana Ltd Commercial Manager, Harry Dass Ghaness said the bank's aim was to ensure the future generation will be allowed to flourish and grow via the programme.
Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle officially declared the 2024 edition of the programmeopen.
Ninvalle added that the success of such grass-roots
programs is reflected in the results of the country at regionalevents.
Secretary of the Guyana CricketBoard(GCB)Ronald Williams lauded the longstanding relationship
between the financial institution and the cricket board, which has played a roleinthedevelopmentofthe youngercoreofcricketers.
Williams added that this year will be no different as it will open the avenue for an additional 20 schools who will be involved in the 'five for fun' programme Defending Champs All Saints Primary School, won lastyear'stitle.