The state-controlled Environmental Assessment Board(EAB)hasclearedthe way for the operations of a Radioactive Source Storage and Calibration Facility at Houston, East Bank Demerara.
The facility which is beingdevelopedbyoffshore drilling contractor Schlumberger Guyana Inc. (SLB) was the subject of a court matter after residents of residents of HoustonVanda Radzik, Danuta Radzik and Raphael Singh had filed the case after objecting to the first EIA waiver on the grounds that radioactive materials should not be used and located in close proximity to schools, neighbourhoods, a main thoroughfare, the Demerara River, etc. The issue has been under review by EAB since last September On Wednesday, the EAB sent out a notice informing the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Kemraj Parsram of their decision to uphold the waiver of the EIA. The document seen by this newspaper informed in making its determination, the EAB noted that it took into consideration inter alia, the written and oral objections raised by the appellantspriortoandatthe public hearing held on August7,2023.
Theboardsaidthatitisin conformity with the stance of the EPA’s right to not requireanEIA.Accordingto the EPA, Section 11 of the Environmental Protection Act, Cap 20:05 mandates thattheEPAdecideswhether an EIA is required for a project and that it subsequently publishes its decision with reasons regarding the exemption of theproject.
The EAB said its decision is premised in the recent ruling by “Justice Nareshwar Harnanan in Radziketal-v-TheEPAetal viaparagraph56—“EPAby Sec 11(2) of the Act is mandated to determine whether the project requires anEIAornot.”
It continued that “The EPA is not in breach of its statutory duty Furthermore, it is not debarred from relying on information beyond sec.11 of the Act to execute its mandate under sec.4(1)(a)oftheAct—that theEPAshalltakeeverystep to make an informed decision and effectively manage the environment This is reflected/ confirmed
in the recent judgment of Justice Priya Beharry in Radzik et al v The EPA via paragraph 52.- “Parliament intended for the EPA to be armed with as much information as may be required to come to a decision”.
In addition to this, the E A B n o t e d t h a t Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP) outlines a number of plans to not only enable compliance with statutory requirements, but also address efforts to monitor the effectiveness and relevance of the mitigations in place to address all potential impacts identified by the concerned parties or appellants. The board noted that the appellants’ major concern lay with the radioactive nature of SLB’s activities and also on the treatmentofwastewater,and plansinplaceforaddressing fires, flooding, and evacuation.
The EAB said that the company has put in places measures to address the concerns of the appellants. Some of these measures include implementation of: radiation safety training for all employees who may comeintoproximitywiththe occupational use of sources of ionizing radiation in SLB facilitiesorworksites;anair quality management plan that outlines the procedures and performance objectives for monitoring and impact mitigation from suboptimal air quality due to project activities; radiation safety and monitoring plan which provides details and instructions for the safe management of radioactive materials and response mechanisms in the event of an incident; waste and hazardous materials management plan — the type and quantities of hazardous waste generated, the manner of storage, the offsite transfer process, and waste minimization efforts will be recorded in keeping with this plan. Further, the document stated that in support of the EAB’s consideration of the EAMP, anindependentreviewofthe document was requested
This review was done by Acorn International Ltd which found that the EAMP was acceptable and that the safeguards for the proposed activity were adequate. In light of the abovementioned facts,andtheholisticreview ofthesubmitteddocuments, the EAB confirmed the
EPA’sdecisionthatanEIAis not required
The board
n o n e t h e l e s s m a d e recommendations that should be considered as permit conditions The recommendations include better stakeholder engagement and baseline monitoringoftheproject.
Theenvironmentalboard concluded that it is evident that greater involvement is needed to engage those stakeholders directly affectedbytheoperationor
From left: Chairman of the EAB, Dr. Mahendar Sharma with EAB members, Dr. Garvin Cummings and Joslyn McKenzie.
Guyana could be looked upon as an inspiration talked about around the world. This small country could take the lead in fighting for more from its oil riches, and when it succeeds in doing so transform into a model for other small, poor,andtrampleduponsocietieseverywhere.
Little Guyana could turn the tables on ExxonMobil and partners, and turn into a big champion for other little people allover Manypartsoftheworldarepayingcloseattentionto what goes on with this oil wealth of ours, what we get for it, and how we go about doing so. Guyana’s 2016 oil contract with ExxonMobil et al is one-sided, lopsided, and wrongsided. ExxonMobil used circumstances favourable to itself to blindside us. All of this is written in the contract, through itstermsandconditions,andeveryclausethatputshandcuffs on us, while freeing the American oil company to run any racket that it can think of, to cheat us and drain our wealth away Every addition for ExxonMobil is a horrifying subtraction for Guyanese, already yoked to subtraction upon subtraction. These are among the reasons why this criminal contractmustberenegotiatednow
We cannot continue with this 2016 contract as it stands, and still maintain our self-respect. The contract is a bludgeon to the head and a knee on the neck, and each day thatitexistsisaninsulttous. ExxonMobilwillnotgiveusa penny more, not when the company’s Country Head, Mr Alistair Routledge, was proud to pour salt into our wounds and state that it ‘the best contract ever for Guyana’ consideringitspotentialrevenuestream.
This man Routledge used almost the same words that the slave traders and slave masters uttered centuries ago. It was that slavery was good, for it gave the enslaved civilisation and that slaves have never been so happy, since they never haditsogood.
Theslaveownerswererapingthecaptivewomen,selling their young children, and killing their assertive men, but all the while engaging in the humiliation by telling them how welltheyweredoing. Inalmostidenticalfashion,therewere slaves who nodded their heads, and smiled their servant smiles, as they agreed with their powerful masters.This was whatAlistairRoutledgedidwhenhelookedatthatcrime-ofthe-century contract, his company’s bandit contract, with Guyana, and then had the gall to tell Guyanese that it is the best thing that has ever happened to them. He must have been thrilled to have some Guyanese prostrating themselves in thanksgiving at his feet. Just like others who were fooled didinthedaysofchainsandwhips.
The 2016 oil contract in its present state is what chains andwhipsthepeopleofthiscountrydaily Thisistheshabby lot of every single Guyanese, including those who drink deeply from ExxonMobil’s poisoned chalice. This contract needs to be torn up and the pieces hurled into the face of the people of ExxonMobil, who mock us and rub our faces into the dust. Best ever contract for Guyana, indeed! In more civilised language, the contract must be renegotiated, and regardingthat,thereshouldbenofurtherdiscussion.
The task is not easy, but one riddled with mysteries and obstacles. Wehaveleadersplayinggames,andtheystandas models of betrayers in that they want nothing to do with renegotiation. Norenegotiationisofimmenseimportanceto the captains of ExxonMobil, and it has to do with money Successful renegotiation in Guyana would mean that ExxonMobil would be pressed to do better for others in contractual relationship with it elsewhere, even those with better terms than Guyana. There is more than royalty, better expensemanagement,andmorerobustprotectionatstakefor ExxonMobil. The floodgates could be opened for other countries to follow the renegotiation path championed by Little Guyana. Renegotiation would not only lift us Guyanese,butstandasprecedent,champion,andinspiration for other poor oil-producing countries labouring under contract conditions that they hate. Let us push and push for bringingExxonMobiltotherenegotiationtable. Ifthestreets mustbethelaunchingpad,thenletitbe.
DEAREDITOR, Caban, said: “The students university said in a the site because of their Ivy League universities that were arrested were statement Although, the ethnicity,” contradicting across the United States are peaceful, offered no students who were arrested “NYU’s principles of on edge amid arrests of pro- resistance whatsoever, and have been referred for academic freedom and Palestinian demonstrators were saying what they disciplinary action, the e g a l i t a r i a n i s m ” this past week and mounting wantedtosay.” encampment at Yale has Additionally, the letter calls tension between pro- The Ivy League school’s continued since Friday, with on leadership to re-evaluate Palestinian and pro-Israel lush campus on the Upper protesters demanding that the involvement of NYU, protesters over the war in West Side of Manhattan is Yale divest from military particularly its Tandon Gaza. known for many things. It’s weaponsmanufacturers. School of Engineering, in Columbia University has where the popular TV show Several protesters were a r m s r e s e a r c h a n d been thrust into turmoil in “Gossip Girl” was often also arrested from NYU development, and to cease the last week, reeling from a filmed. It’s where Barack following an encampment collaboration with arms congressional hearing on Obama finished his organized by the NYU manufacturers. antisemitism with President bachelor’s degree and Palestine Solidarity Inspired by protests at Nemat Shafik and NYPD’s Hillary Clinton is now a Coalition. TheNYUAlumni Columbia University, proarrest of more than 100 professor And now, this past for Palestine website details Palestinian camps have been protesters in support of Mondayinanunprecedented a list of demands in an open set up at the Massachusetts Palestinians on Columbia power move, Columbia letter to NYU’s leadership Institute of Technology, university’s lawn, including University witnessed a which was signed by 2,410 Tufts University and Isra Hirsi, the daughter of massive faculty walkout, alumni calling on NYU Emerson College. At MIT, Ilhan Omar, a Democrat in where educators condemned leadership to shut down protesters also have asked the United States House of the institution for calling the NYU’s Tel Aviv campus the university to stop what Representatives. During a policeonstudentprotestors. which “bars Palestinian they say is funding from the news conference following On the Yale University students, faculty and Ministry of Defense in Israel the arrests, the NYPD campus, authorities arrested affiliates from accessing touniversityprojectswith commissioner, Edward 47protestersonMonday,the academic opportunities at (Continued on page 6)
DEAREDITOR, constitutes judicial activism. They arrogate onto Registries Authority since High Court Judge Sandil overreach.” The government themselves the power 2005.Also,theGTUfailedto Kissoon was applauded by contends further that the reservedtotheexecutiveand submit minutes of meetings thePNCRpartyfordeclaring ruling encroaches on the the legislature. The judicial between the MoE and the that the Guyana Teachers doctrine of “separation of system could not allow an GTU that the Judge had Union’s (GTU) strike was powers.” unelected individual to have requested. It was the MoE legal and for also declaring ÿþThe Ministry of greater power than the thatsubmittedtheircopiesof t h a t t h e P P P C ’ s Education (MoE) had people’s representatives. minutes. Despite these and government’sactiontocease submitted evidence that the Judges must be held in other glaring flaws the Judge deduction of union dues on negotiations between the check: this is what judicial ascribed validity to their behalf of GTU as well as to GTU and MoE were restraint is about And claim and rejected the stop payment of wages for ongoing, and that the judicial restraint necessitates Government’scase. those strike days, was also grievance procedure was that decisions must take into This was reminiscent of illegal. The PNCR readily never exhausted to reach the consideration the public this Judge’s ruling in the agreed with the Judge that stage of strike action in interest In other words, Exxon’s unlimited insurance the government’s decision accordance with existing judges must evaluate the case. He ordered the EPA to was “arbitrary, unilateral, C o l l e c t i v e L a b o u r likely impact of their rulings secure unlimited insurance anddiscriminatory.” Agreement (CLA). Despite onthewidersociety to cover oil spills and other Whatisfascinatingabout the ongoing negotiations It seems that Judge environmental disasters the PNCR’s statement is that where over 30 items of Sandil Kissoon did not within30days.Whywoulda they claim that they are on grievance had already been evaluate the public interest Judge order the impossible? the side of teachers in their determined, the GTU (thelikelymassiveeconomic Where in this world is there quest for respect, salary abandoned the CLAprocess. and social upheavals his such a thing as unlimited increases,andotherbenefits. The logical question is: “on decision would entail), went insurance? If that Judge had Really!ThePNCR’sclaimis what basis did the Judge find beyondjudicialrestraint,and his way, Guyana’s economy tenuous they could hardly thestrikelegal?” engaged in judicial activism would have collapsed, and produce evidence that they What is fundamentally at by grabbing executive the society’s social fabric support teachers All the stake here is how the judge power Any union in the crumbled. This Judge has major benefits (salary views his role in the private and public sector made two rulings that, if adjustments, duty-free administration of justice could strike and employers activated, would ruin allowances, housing, GOAL Judges must adhere to the must pay them for strike Guyana’s economic and scholarships, etc ) that doctrine of “judicial days. Also, employers must social life. Why would any teachers enjoy were granted restraint:” they must continue their agency country allow an unelected bythePPP/Cgovernment. interpret conflicts in laws function to collect union person to wield such
ÿþIf we think that the based on the intent of dues! These are decisions to unbridledpower? PNCR’s comments on the legislators as well as the bemadebytheexecutiveand The government has case were gratuitous, how public’s interest. But they notbythecourt. announced its intention to would we rate the ruling of must not legislate from the What is startling is that appeal Judge Sandil Judge Sandil Kissoon? Bench: they must not make the Judge is aware of the Kissoon’s ruling to the Court Unlike the PNCR, the laws and violate one of the malfeasance of the GTU of Appeal and even to the Guyana Government has major pillars of democracy which failed to submit Caribbean Court of Justice. been critical of Judge called the “separation of annual financial returns to We eagerly await the Kissoon’s ruling which it powers.” the Auditor General since outcome. describes as “shocking, When judges make law, 1989 and annual reports to Sincerely, unprecedented, and which they engage in judicial the Deeds and Commercial Dr. Tara Singh
DEAREDITOR, Durban Park. These were ministries set up to Developingcountriessuchasoursneedto siphon off monies into dubious avenues, in avoid the Dutch Disease or else face the other words, these were “slush funds” set up ignominy of wallowing in abject poverty toopenthefloodgatesofcorruptgovernment while that same natural wealth abounds all transactions. To answer the question why aroundus.Thisisnotanidlestatementbyany manycountries,godownthecripplingpathof means, it is as real as noonday, and we do not underdevelopment, the above data expresses have to go very far to witness the dire results thisfact. of this failure. The experiences of our Even the use of first oil monies was neighbourVenezuela are ever before us, for a shrouded in mystery during the Coalition country that has the largest deposits of crude Years,whichwasaclearsigntothisnationof oil in the world, however, the path chosen by what was to come, with no vision as to where successive administrations have seen a this country was going, meant that Guyana downward spiral in the state of affairs of that was in the welcoming arms of an economic country The reason for this is a country disaster and headed for the dumps. The strickenbytheDutchDisease! combination of poor planning and corruption
Now, what is the dreaded Dutch Disease? was a recipe for disaster, and a sure curse of Dutch Disease is an economic phenomenon, theDutchDisease. where the rapid development of one sector of Contrast the Coalition’s approach to that the economy (particularly natural resource) of the present-day PPP/C Government, and precipitatesadeclineinothersectors. Closer we see a marked difference, there is the home, that definition is reflective of what expansionofthetraditionalagriculturesector havestartedhereinGuyanaandforwhichwe while there is the introduction of improved, were well on the way to being bankrupt in a genetically adaptive animals and plants.This few years. We’ve seen the closure of four (4) augurs well for the future as we are assured productive sugar estates and a huge that we would not be under the curse of the downgrade in the agricultural sector overall. dreaded Dutch Disease. Further, every dollar We are talking about a major contraction of earned from sovereign wealth is public traditional crops that have sustained this knowledge, as well as, the developmental country throughout its formative years, only works financed from that sovereign wealth is toshutthemdowntofocusonthedeveloping also in the national domain. It therefore oil sector Placing so much emphasis in one increases public trust in the government, that sector virtually starves others, especially theirinterestisingoodhands. those in the income generating or productive
Finally, all sectors must develop at a sectors.Otherareasofgrossmismanagement simultaneous pace, no one sector being more can be seen in the PNC Led Coalition’s highlyfavouredthananother fueling monies into non-productive areas
Respectfully submitted, such as a ministry of social cohesion and Neil Adams
DEAREDITOR, frameworks,thatcanthengivethepeople
My attention was drawn to an interview themselvestheopportunities.”
on PNC’s Nation Watch in which Chairman By Mr Alexander’s own admission, of the International Decade for People of activities surrounding training and capacity African Descent Assembly-Guyana building for Afro-Guyanese, and promoting (IDPADA-G), Mr Vincent Alexander, economic empowerment through the contendedthattheUN’sInternationalDecade distribution of grants to small organisations forPeopleofAfricanDescent were the “little things” that the Decade and (2015-2024) was never about the “little IDPADA-Garesomehow“notabout”. things”butrather“bigthings”. Editor,sometimearound2016,IDPADAThis is what he said during that interview G emerged out of a ‘Core Group’ as the which was aired a few days ago: “The reality Country Coordinating Mechanism for the is we (IDPADA-G) have taken people to be Decade. But, its scope of work was limited trained to process their stuff hence Mocha accordingtoitsowndocuments. started their Market Day We’ve started the The Charter of IDPADA-G outlines it’s bigmarketdayintheavenue...We’vebrought goal as follows: “The Goal of IDPADA, 100vendorsforcraftandwetrainedthem.We Guyana is to craft the Guyana plan for the started to give every organization something International Decade for People of African every year to start small projects. The fact of Descent,inkeepingwiththeprovisionsofthe thematteristhattheDecadeisnotaboutthese UN’s Resolution; and as mandated by His little things.The Decade is about big things – ExcellencyPresident[DavidGranger]atthe institutionalandlegal (Continued on page 6)
(CNN) — The United crime,” he added, referring mission, Raed Saqr, told Nations has called for an tonon-combatants. CNN that they are searching “independent, effective and A mass grave with 324 for the bodies of another 400 transparent investigation” bodies was uncovered this missing people after the into the discovery of mass week at the Nasser Medical Israeli military left on April graves at two Gaza hospitals Complex in the southern 7. that were besieged and Gaza city of KhanYounis by A CNN stringer who raided by Israeli troops this Gaza Civil Defense workers visitedthesceneSundaysaid year following the withdrawal of people had buried the bodies T h e U N H i g h Israeli forces from the area. of family members who had Commissioner for Human Col. Yamen Abu Suleiman, beenkilledonthegroundsof Rights Volker Türk said in a Director of Civil Defense in the hospital as a temporary statement he was “horrified” Khan Younis, alleged that measure in January When by the scenes reported from some of the bodies had been they returned this month both the Nasser andAl Shifa found with hands and feet after the Israeli military medical complexes in the tied,“andthereweresignsof withdrew, they discovered besiegedenclave.“Giventhe field executions. We do not the bodies had been dug up prevailing climate of know if they were buried and placed in at least one impunity,thisshouldinclude alive or executed. Most of collective grave, the stringer international investigators,” thebodiesaredecomposed.” said.It’snotcurrentlyknown Palestinian bodies is area of Nasser Hospital were which it said it had nothing Türk said. “Hospitals are CNN is unable to verify how many bodies were baseless and unfounded ” examined,” the Israeli moretoaddbeyondprevious entitled to very special Suleiman’s claims and initiallyburiedthere.
“During the IDF’s operation military said, adding that the comments. p r o t e c t i o n u n d e r cannot confirm the causes of In response to a CNN in the area of Nasser examination was done US says reports are international humanitarian death of those whose bodies inquiry about the mass Hospital, in accordance to “exclusively in places where ‘incredibly troubling’ law And the intentional are being unearthed graves at Nasser Medical the effort to locate hostages intelligence indicated the This month, health killing of civilians, Previously, a Khan Younis Complex,theIsraelimilitary andmissingpersons,corpses possible presence of workers in Gaza exhumed detainees, and others who Civil Defense spokesman said on Tuesday that the buried by Palestinians in the hostages ” Once it was corpses from mass graves in are hors de combat is a war and head of the search “claim that the IDF buried determined that the bodies and around another hospital, didn’t belong to the Israeli Al Shifa, after they said hostages, they “were Israeliforceskilledhundreds returned to their place,” it of Palestinians and left their said. Hamas-led militants bodies to decompose during kidnapped more than 250 their two-week siege of the people from Israel during medicalcomplex. theirattackonthecountryon At least 381 bodies were October7. recovered from the vicinity
From page 4 If the university can institutions alone. Were we on issues ranging from fees military objectives accommodate speeches by to join together in working and cuts to fossil fuel Students at Brown, Ben Shapiro and Milo toward a peaceful resolution divestment and workers’ Princeton and Northwestern Yiannopoulos and host to the slaughter and famine rights, which is now under held protests on Friday and President Obama and the in Gaza, I can almost threat. overtheweekend. King of Jordan at its promise you: the rancor, the The increasingly harsh Other institutions that graduations, surely it can unrest, the division in and violent policing and saw protest actions included bear whatever burden comes academia is not a permanent intimidation tactics from Boston University, the with celebrating Asna situationthatanyoneexpects campus security services, University of California, T a b a s s u m a s i t s or desires to perpetuate? It’s the punitive suspensions, Berkeley, and the University valedictorian. notconducivetolearning. bizarre bail conditions and of North Carolina at Chapel It is concerning that Collegesanduniversities mass arrests students have Hill. schools might decline to have long been hotbeds for faced in recent weeks
L a s t w e e k , t h e select a qualified visibly activism, playing an represent a complete lack of University of Southern Muslim student who important role in shaping foresight from university California faced intense advocates for Palestine, to public sentiment on managers and serve only to backlashafteritcanceledthe avoid what happened at controversial issues recruitmore students to their valedictorian speech of a USC. University students should causes. Muslim student Asna Schools are going to do be supported and not Students want better Tabassum While the more harm than good if they prevented from participating representation of their views university cited security try to censor and silence inactivism. throughouttheirinstitutional concerns for canceling the commencement speakers, Instead of punishing structures and are willing to speech, Ms. Tabassum, a and especially students who students for living up to the engage positively and biomedical engineering have received the honor of responsibility cast aside by constructively to this end. major, said in a statement speaking at their graduation leaders and lawmakers, they Instead of seeking to that she was “shocked” and ceremonies. shouldbeapplauded. suppress this critical “profoundly disappointed” These protests take place Students must have the engagement with the key by the decision. And she at a sensitive time on right to peaceful protest on issues of our time – vicequestioned the school’s campuses, which have seen their campuses. Let’s not chancellors should welcome motivation. widespread protests, largely forget that student-led and encourage their input.
After the decision to calling for ceasefire and protests and campaigns Afterall,isn’tthatwhattheir cancel her speech, the divestment, over the last few played a key role in institutions were founded to administration has faced months. supporting Mandela’s anti- do? several days of protests
Throughout history, apartheid movement in the
Sincerely, calling for Ms. Tabassum’s wars have begun and ended. 1980s. It is this resurgent H a n a M o h a m e dreinstatementasaspeaker Leave our educational student protest movement, Dmitriyev
There are 133 hostages of the complex since Israeli from Israel in captivity there forces withdrew on April 1, now, 35 of whom are Gaza Civil Defense believedtobedead. spokesperson Mahmoud
CNN reached out to the Basal said, adding that the I s r a e l i m i l i t a r y o n total figure did not include Wednesday for comment people buried within the regarding Türk’s remarks, to groundsofthehospital.
From page 5 was limited to crafting the Cuffy 250 Committee Strategic Plan and outlining Annual Forum on August m e c h a n i s m s f o r 07[sic], 2016, inclusive of implementation and m e c h a n i s m s f o r monitoring Having i m p l e m e n t i n g , achieved that goal by s u p e r i n t e n d i n g a n d delivering the Strategic and monitoring the plan, as may Implementation Plans, bedeemednecessary”. which help to establish and At the end of 2019, three lay the foundation for the years after IDPADA-G’s institutional and legal emergence and two years frameworks as articulatedby after it began receiving an Mr Alexander, the work of annual subvention from the IDPADA-G should have Government, the group endedin2019. produced the 2020-2024 Instead, the group Strategic Plan and an continued to exist without a ImplementationPlan. mandate – having already These documents outline delivered its Strategic Plan –m e c h a n i s m s f o r drawing down an annual i m p l e m e n t i n g , subvention of $100 million s u p e r i n t e n d i n g a n d until it was discontinued by monitoring the Strategic theGovernmentin2022. Plan, in keeping with the Rather than complaining g o a l o f t h e and challenging the organization/company. cessation of the subvention, Importantly, IDPADA- that group should be G’sscopeofwork,according thankingthetaxpayersofthis to its Plans, did not involve country and the Government implementation and or of Guyana for the bonus it monitoring of the Strategic received for 2020, 2021 and Plan. It bears repeating that 2022.
, Yours faithfully, according to its own Charter, Ravin
Former President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Hyginus “Gene” Leon is threatening to sue the financial institutionifhedoesnothear from it by May 4 “to negotiate an amicable separation.”
In a legal letter dated April 21, in which he announced his immediate resignation, Leon accused the CDB of conducting an investigationofhimthatwas unconventional, did not follow due process and was besetwith“graveprocedural irregularities” that fatally taintedit.
“The circumstances of this matter, articulated here and in our previous letters, amount to a constructive dismissal of our clients and shouldwenothearfromyou by May 4, 2024 to negotiate an amicable settlement, please take this letter as our client’s pre-action protocol letter to move the court in Barbados or any other j u r i s d i c t i o n m o r e appropriate, to enforce our client’s legal and constitutional rights,”
In the three-page letter sent to the CDB by his St. Lucia-based lawyers, Leon saiditishisopinionthat“he will never be treated fairly” after he had been sent on administrative leave in January “It is also evident thattheBankhaslostalltrust and confidence in our client bythefailureoftheboardof governors to prevent the continued violations of its charter, policies, rules and regulationswithregardtoits electedPresident.”
In January, it was
disclosed that Dr Leon, had been sent on administrative leaveuntilAprilthisyear,as “an ongoing administrative process” continued at the region’s premier financial institution. The CDB has remained mum on the circumstances surrounding the decision to send the St Lucian-born economist on administrative leave, with the acting president Isaac Solomon, confirming at a bank news conference in February that “there is an internal administrative process involving the
Intheirletter,thelawyers wrote that “On April 16,2024, 40 hours after our client’s leave expired, our client received a letter of notification of leave extension signed by the chairman of the OAC, but stating that it was from “the Board of Directors of the Bank(currentlycarryingout the functions of the OAC with respect to the investigation…).
“We are uncertain at this stage of the significance of this as the OAC is not the Board of Directors and the BoardofDirectorsisnotthe OAC. The meeting on the 16th of April 2024, was anotherbreachoftheBank’s by-laws, the Charter and its policies,”thelawyerswrote. In their letter, the lawyers noted that the Board of Governors has “never responded” to them regarding “our letters of complaint about the manner in which the investigation has been initiated, and allowedtocontinue.
“Our many letters consistentlycomplainedthat theBankhasbreachedandis in violation of its own charter, laws, rules, regulations, and policies as regards the conduct of an investigation pertaining to the elected president”. They wrote that central to the complaint is that their client “has only been informed of the general, barebones nature of the wide complaints levelled against him”.
“These complaints continue to be bare, nonspecific, allegations without condescending to any particulars of the circumstances of the complaintsincludingbutnot limited to dates, subjects, places or references to the
Former President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Hyginus “Gene” Leon
evidence to support the graveandseriousallegations madeagainstourclient.”
The lawyers wrote that the initiation of the investigations “was and continues to be in violation of Annex 10 of the ICA Procedures for Special Investigations, the Code of Conduct for Directors, and Uniform Principles and G u i d e l i n e s f o r investigations and many other policies of the Bank anditsCharter”.Thelawyers said in their view, the conduct of the investigation has been “unconventional, doesnotfollowdueprocess, and does not adhere to the bestpracticesreflectedinthe m o r e e s t a b l i s h e d Multilateral Development Banks “All of these complaints have been meticulously set out in our previous letters,” they said, adding “we are therefore of the opinion that the grave procedural irregularities fatallytainttheinitiationand continuation of the investigation, rendering it nullandvoidabinitio”.The lawyers said that Leon’s “wrongful suspension” ended on April 14 this year and that he endeavoured to returntoworkthefollowing d a y “ d e s p i t e t h e embarrassmentofhisforced and unlawful leave and the humiliation of not having r e c e i v e d a n y communication prior to the expiration of leave.” (with filesfromCMC)
Frompage3 thoseincloseproximitytothefacility.Assuch,SLBshould berequiredtofacilitateacommunitymeetingforthisspecific target audience so that concerns may be ventilated and addressed with available information or amendments to the EAMP’smitigationandmonitoringplans.
Furthermore,itpointedoutthatthepermitshouldrequire this activity to be conducted periodically as a means of evaluatingtheeffectivenessofthecompany’smonitoringand mitigation plan. SLB and the EPAshould make information available to the public on what actions are required in the event of an incident/emergency As it relates to baseline monitoring—theboardrecommendsthatthepermitshould requiretheconductofbaselinedosemonitoringtodetermine thebackgroundradiationlevelswhennosourcesarepresent atthefacility
“This will allow the company to more effectively determines changes in background radiation levels throughoutthelifeoftheproject.SLBshouldberequiredto make publicly available all monitoring data as they become available,”theEABsaid.
Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, the ofadiminishingassetlikeoil could fall too heavily on the Kaieteur News reporter, at Legislation be amended to General Secretary of the and gas reserves. As these government. h i s p r e v i o u s p r e s s insist on greater local People’s Progressive Party, finite resources are Instead of addressing conference, why Guyana participation into the larger persists in offering absurd extracted, royalties ensure these issues through could not be involved in contracts? And what does explanations regarding the thatthehostcountryreceives renegotiation, Jagdeo touts securing a stake in these this have to do with intricacies of the oil and gas a fair share or its finite e f f e c t i v e c o n t r a c t larger contracts, Jagdeo management? sector His continued resources. Guyana is not management and local p r o v i d e d a m o s t I f l o c a l c o n t e n t by the questions posed to d i s m i s s a l o r receivingafairshare.Infact, content legislation as means disingenuous explanation legislation allows for him that he goes on the mischaracterization of key our royalty rates are among through which Guyana can He stated that Guyana is not Guyana to participate in defensiveandoffersthemost issues impedes progress thelowestintheindustryand derive greater benefits aco-ownerofco-managerof smaller contracts, what is to ridiculousexplanations. towards establishing Jagdeo has not demanded While effective contract the project and sought to prevent it from insisting that He is only deluding equitable agreements that theyberenegotiated. management and local make a distinction between locals have a stake in the himself that he sounds truly benefit Guyana’s Lowering cost recovery c o n t e n t l e g i s l a t i o n receiving 50% profit sharing larger contract contingent on impressive and convincing. interests in its dealings with thresholds ensures that oil contribute to transparency, and being a 50% owner of thelocalcapacitytodoso? The reality, however, is that the oil multinationals companies bear a fair share accountability, and local theproject. Jagdeo could have his arguments lack operating in the Stabroek o f e x p l o r a t i o n a n d economicdevelopment,they But what does this have sought refuge in arguing that substance, ultimately failing Block. development costs, do not cannot address the todowithsecuringastakein Guyana does not have the to withstand scrutiny or He touts improved seek to recover costs too fundamental deficiencies of the large contracts. Guyana capacityasyet,toparticipate swayinformedopinions. contract management and quickly, and prevent them revenue distribution and risk passed local content in the larger exploration and (The views expressed in local content legislation as from disproportionately mitigation inherent in the legislation but is limited to production contracts or even this article are those of the means through which the profiting at the expense of existing Production Sharing receiving crumbs in terms of in terms of some aspects of a u t h o r a n d d o n o t country can derive greater the host country Capping Agreement. Better contract overall procurement. Why the oil operations. But he so necessarily reflect the benefits from the oil and gas interest rates on loans taken management and local cannot the Local Content often ends up in a kerfuffle opinions of this newspaper.) sector without having to by oil companies for project content legislation cannot renegotiate the oil financing safeguards against effectively compensate for agreement. As usual, he excessive financial burdens the failure to renegotiate missesthepoint. that could otherwise erode higher royalties, lower cost W h i l e c o n t r a c t the government’s share of recoverythresholds,capping management and local profits. The government interest rates, and improving content legislation certainly refuses to make public the decommissioningterms. playcrucialrolesinensuring interest rates that are being Jagdeo touts local additional benefits from oil levied on ExxonMobil’s content legislation as and gas exploration, they investments in Guyana. Its allowingforgreaterbenefits. cannot fully compensate for mouthpieces are urging that But the numbers which his the shortcomings in royalty reporters go to the oil own government has rates, cost recovery company’s annual reports generated indicate that the thresholds,interestrates,and and calculate the interest value of local content is a decommissioning terms r a t e S o m u c h f o r mere pittance in relation to Renegotiating these aspects transparency! the overall expenditure of the Production Sharing Another area of concern withinthesector Agreement between the is decommissioning costs. Guyana’s local content Government of Guyana and Decommissioning terms are legislation came belatedly, ExxonMobil and its partners essentialforensuringthatoil long after the major isimperativeformaximizing companies do not pass on contracts in the sector had the country’s take from the unfair responsibility and already been farmed out to sector and thus safeguarding costs for dismantling foreign companies This itslong-terminterests. i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d columndidafeatureonthose
Higher royalties directly rehabilitating sites once contracts, showing how the impact the government’s extraction activities cease. larger and more substantive income from oil production. W i t h o u t b e t t e r contracts have already been Royalties serve as a critical decommissioning terms, a l l o c a t e d t o m a j o r form of revenue recovery, there is a huge risk that the multinationals. especiallyintheexploitation burden of decommissioning When asked by a
Guyana is now under invasion. But not down, barricading in deh homes at from our neighbours to the West. De sundown. De blood-sucking fiends gat we invasion been on for months now but de running fuh de cover of we homes and authoritiesnahbothertotellwe. hidingundermosquitonets!
Dem mosquitoes bin sneaking around So, what’s di grand plan from our solikeundercoveragents,spreadingmorethan called health gurus? Where are di battle just their wings – dem spreading diseases plans? Where di cavalry riding in to save di likedengue. day? Ah, but maybe they too busy swatting
While they been attacking our citizens atimaginaryflies. with sniper fire, the Ministry of Health, de Whilewewaitingfordemtogetdemact agency tasked with defending against dese together, we gotta arm ourselves with more pestswereasleep. than just mosquito nets and insect repellent.
Three souls done meet dem maker, and We need humor, we need sass, we need to two lil’ ones may have also been their laugh in di face of adversity – or else we victims. Yet only now we hearing ‘bout di might as well be donating our blood to the dengue cases bursting at the seams like a mosquitooverlords! squeezed orange. Wha’ kinda catnap dem
So, here’s to di brave warriors battling authorities bin tekkin’?Was dey waiting for against di tiny terrors, fighting for our di mosquitoes to come with a big flashing comfort and sanity amidst di buzzing chaos. neon sign saying, “Welcome to the And here’s to dem health authorities, may MosquitoCircus”? they wake up from their siesta and join di And now de invasion is expanding. fray before we all become part of di Mosquitoes now attacking in battalions and mosquitobuffet! battalions. People got demselves on lock- Talk half. Leff half.
The Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) Sea Defence Board has issued a notice for vendors with permanent structures within the vicinity of the Georgetown seawallstoremoveimmediately
Inamediarelease,theministry confirmed that the Sea Defence Boardcommenceditsenforcement exercise to address cases of noncompliance by approved business operators at the Georgetown seawalls reserve between Camp Street and the Kitty Roundabout.
The ministry said the sea defence board is the statutory body responsibleformanagingtheuseof
sea and river defence reserves and foreshorelandsinaccordancewith the provisions of the Sea Defence Act.
In this regard, the ministry stressed that the board has historically facilitated applications from individuals and small businessenterprisesforconducting business activities along the Georgetown Sea Defence reserve betweenCampStreetandtheKitty Roundabout At present, the ministry noted that in excess of eighty individuals have been granted approval and a significant number of interested persons
continue to engage the Board with expressionsofinterestandbusiness proposalsforconsideration.
To ensure that the approved vendingactivitiesareconductedin a sustainable manner, the ministry said that all approved vendors are required to comply with stipulated requirements that are tailored to achieving socially and environmentally acceptable conditions in the reserve space generally
The requirements include the clear stipulation that “the vending structure utilised must be mobile, aestheticallypleasingandmodestly
sized, not exceeding a plan area of 100ft2 “Acceptable structures include collapsible tents, vending trucks, vending carts and similar structures which can be easily transported.Thevendingstructures and all amenities used must be dismantled and removed from the sea defence reserve daily, at the close of business Additional requirements are stipulated to ensure acceptable waste disposal and cleanliness of the approved vending space, noise control, 2 acceptable offset from the Seawall Road, traffic safety, and the controlled use of recreational
devices and other amenities,” the ministryexplainedinitsrelease. However,itpointedoutthatthe Sea Defence Board continues to face significant challenges with noncompliance from approved business operators. “Atotal of 55 approved vendors are currently operating from semi-permanent andpermanentstructuresthatwere installedattheseadefencereserve for an indefinite period. These include customised shipping containers and constructed bars that significantly exceed the maximumpermissiblestructure
Continued on page 15
Closeto400landowners along East Coast Demerara obtained their Certificate of Titles, while 50 families across various communities received vouchers through the Steel and Cement Subsidy initiative to commence construction of theirhomes.
The distribution of the land ownership documents and the subsidies took place at the Ministry of Housing and Water’s ‘Dream Realised’ exercise, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC), Liliendaal, on Wednesday, the Department of Public Information (DPI) has reported. For the nearly 400 individuals who obtained their certificates of title, it represents a tangible step towards securing their propertyrightsandfostering a sense of stability One of the beneficiaries who obtainedhislandcertificate, Keshan Denbichan, was elated to collect the document after waiting for more than 20 years. “I feel good because I have been lookingforwardtothisfora very long time, ” he expressed. James Novreja from No. 2 Canal in Region Three welcomed the timely issuance of the vouchers,
Frompage14 sizestipulatedbytheBoard.
Additionally, the storage and accumulation of derelict itemsandwastecontinuetohaveanunfavourableimpacton the general aesthetics and cleanliness of the sea defence reserve. In recent months, complaints of noise nuisance associatedwiththeweekendactivitiesalongtheGeorgetown Seawallshaveescalated.”
Inanefforttoaddresstheseissues,theMoPWsaidtheSea Defence Board has repeatedly engaged vendors to reinforce andclarifyitsrequirements.Itwaspointedoutthattoimprove the general aesthetics and socio-environmentalconditions at theGeorgetownseadefencereserve,arigorousenforcement exerciseisbeingundertakentoremoveallvendingstructures that are in non-compliance with the size and portability requirementsstipulatedbytheBoard.
Assuch,theMinistrysaidadditionaladjustmentswillbe undertaken to achieve consistency and uniformity in the vendingoperationsinthefuture.“TheBoardcommencedthe firstphaseofengagementswithvendorsonMondaylastand progressivemeetingswillbeconvenedinthenearfuture…All affected vendors will be adequately engaged during the implementationofthesemeasuresandwillbeprovidedwith guidanceonrequirementsfortheircontinuedoperation,”the Ministry said. The MoPW reiterated that the enforcement measures will beneficially improve conditions at the Georgetownseawalls.
noting, “I get a start. This will help me a lot to start building.”
After waiting for more than a year, Claudine Bart from Norton Street in Georgetownexpressedrelief upon receiving the voucher and stated that she would move immediately to purchase the items to begin the process. Bart expressed thankstothegovernmentfor its kind gesture. Under the Steel and Cement Subsidy programme, homebuilders
constructing homes valued at $6 million or less were provided with steel and one sling of cement to construct their foundation, while persons with budgets ranging from $6 to $25 million received two slings ofcement.
During brief remarks, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, revealed that over 430 steel and cement vouchers have beendistributedin
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal hands
Two months after the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)beganproducingoilatits thirddeep-waterdevelopment,the company breached the safe productionlimit.
This information is reflected on the Ministry of Natural ResourcesPetroleumDataCentre. Guyana’s third Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vesselProsperity, which commenced oil production in November is now producing approximately 230,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) even though the vessel was safely designed to produce 220,000 bpd. Thesafeoperatinglimitisoutlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that was conductedfortheproject.
In mid-January, the oil giant reached a peak of 229,000 barrels sincestartup Notably,ExxonMobil pushed production to as much as 237,000 barrels on March 8, 2024
The statistics represented on the websitedisplaysaworryingtrendof the company producing above the safetylimitsalmostonadailybasis, evenasthecountryisyettosecurean unlimited parent company guarantee
Chart showing offshore oil production from December 2023 to March 2024
Presently, ExxonMobil is also producing oil from two other projectsintheStabroekBlock,Liza OneandLizaTwo,atabout150,000 bpd and an average 250,000 bpd respectively Notably, the two projectshavebothexceededitssafe operating limit as prescribed by the respective EIAs The EIAs for the LizaOneandLizaTwoprojectseach specifically outline 120,000 and 220,000barrelsofoilperday(bpd), respectively, as the safe operating limit
Former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),Dr VincentAdams,saidthe American oil giant is not only slaughtering the safety limits or makingamockeryofitinthename ofgreed,butistakingadvantageof theGovernment.
Dr Adams during a previous interview with Kaieteur News said when an EIA is done prior to oil production operations commencing, it explains clearly what would be the safe limit of production the oil companies will abide by He said too that this numberisusedtogenerateoilspill scenarios for the Government’s regulatory arm to consider When the goalpost is shifted by going beyondthesafetylimit,Dr Adams saiditiscommonsensethattheEIA
would be properly updated to reflectthenewrisksthatcomewith increasedproductionnumbers.
Dr Adams said, “Exxon has clearly invalidated the EIA and I saythatbecausethepurposeofthe EIAis to set the safety production limit and now that limit has been exceeded or violated without a properreviewprocess.”
Whentoldthatthecompanyhas said it has engaged in ‘debottlenecking exercises’ to allow for the increase, Dr Adams said this too is absolute nonsense. He said Exxon’s Executives use such jargons as a mask for their unconscionable pursuit of obscene profits.
Dr Adams said, “They are using this debottlenecking jargon to intimidate and confuse because they know most Guyanese don’t
know fully what this type of lingo means. That terminology means that they widen the piping system andotherequipmenttoincreasethe production. They try to make it seem that this is some industry norm but it is not. They can’t pull this nonsense in the USA- I know thatforafact.”
TheformerEPAHeadadded,“I dobelievethattheyknowtheright thing but they are without a conscience and ruthlessly taking advantage of an abysmal EPAand weak Government. The EPA is being paid to be our protector but they are obviously intimidated by Exxon,doeswhatevertheywant.”
This has sparked concern among Guyanese as the company fights against offering full liability coverageintheeventofanoilspill.
Presently, Guyana has been
assured of a US$600 million insurance policy per oil spill event in the Stabroek Block, where over 11billionbarrelsofresourceshave alreadybeendiscovered.
Two citizens had approached the High Court for the company to provideunlimitedoilspillcoverage rather than leave those costs to Guyana The Court ruled that ExxonMobil must provide the signed parent company guarantee tothateffectbuttherulinghasbeen appealed. In the meantime, Exxon has lodged a US$2B affiliate company guarantee to prop up its USS$600 million oil spill insurance.
Guyanese, however, remain concernedthatthissummaynotbe sufficient to cover the extensive damage that may be caused by a massivespill.
The government, through the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, is actively paving the way for Guyanese citizens to access a plethora of opportunities through the distribution of its Cultural and Creative Industry Grant Programme.
Some 30 individuals were presented with their grants at the 2024 Mashramani Awards Ceremony hosted at the National Cultural Centre (NCC) Tuesday evening.
Eachgrant,totalling$1million, aims to assist individuals in expanding existing businesses within the arts industry or establishing new ventures that contribute to Guyana’s growing entertainment and entrepreneurial landscape.
Minister Charles Ramson Jr., emphasised that recipients of the grant will become ambassadors supporting and promoting Guyana’s diverse culture He highlighted the importance of changing perspectives within the
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr. and other members of staff presenting the grant certificate to one of the new recipients
creative industry, both locally and globally,byutilisingthissupportto createsustainableventures.
“You are using this support, this investment [to] create somethingthatyoucanbuildfor yourself and can now invest in other people,” Minister Ramson expressed. This marks the third
consecutive year of grant disbursement, with approximately 500applicationsreceivedthisyear
The grants cover various creative endeavours, including publications, films, music, and architectural initiatives The ministry allocates $30 million annually to support the initiative,
demonstrating its commitment to fostering creativity and entrepreneurship in the cultural sector Past beneficiaries shared their experiences, highlighting the transformativeimpactofthegrant. Published author, Chevon Lim emphasised the grant’s role in
bridging the gap between conceptualisation and realisation.
“In2019,Ipublishedmyfirstbook and at that time, there was no avenueformetotakethestepfrom conceptualisation to realisation. I then saw the application for the grantandIappliedandreceivedit,” shesaid.
Anotherrecipient,JoelBrowne expressed gratitude for the opportunity to enhance his production capabilities and compete internationally “After hearingaboutthegrant,Iwasallin. I did the interview and I came out successful In the life of production, knowledge and assets arekingandthisgrantaffordedme the opportunity to buy new equipment to compete on the international level,” Browne recounted.
These testimonies reflect the tangible impact of the grant programme in empowering individuals and driving innovation within Guyana’s cultural and creativeindustries.(DPI)
Every person who has received permission from the Sea and River Defence Board to vend on the Kitty Seawall will continuetovend,buttheymustabidebythe guidelines, Public Works Minister, Juan EdghilltoldameetingWednesday MinisterEdghillsaidanymisinformation thatthegovernmentwasremovingvendorsis clearmischief-making.“Whatwearedoingis to ensure that everybody who got a licence, your licence [would have] told you, or your letter of permit [told you] the conditions under which you must vend and those conditionsmustbeupheld,”Edghillisquoted inaMinistryofPublicWorksreleasesaying.
MinisterEdghilllistedthoseconditionsas no permanent structures, the vending space should be no more than 100 square feet, mobile vending carts must be fifteen feet fromtheedgeoftheroad,vendorsmustclean
up their area after vending, and whatever is set up when vending must be aesthetically soundandlendingtothebeautificationofthe environment.”
The minister also made it clear that the removalexercisewasnotsudden,butinfact overaperiodandwithpropernotificationto the vendors. “Anybody who is trying to tell you that this is a now, yesterday for today exerciseisfoolingthenation,and[sofar]we haveremovedmorethan20pitlatrinesfrom this seawall, secondly people have gone far beyond what their licence told them and are putting down concrete structures, and containersonbases.”
Minister Edghill said persons have also vended in areas not designated for vending, like between the Kitty roundabout and the monument.Thesepersonshavesincebeen
Continued on page 20
Head of State, President
Irfaan Ali on Monday, received the Letters of Credence affirming the presence of two new AmbassadorstoGuyana.
These are Bernardo José DelPicoRubio,ofChileand Pavla Havrlíková, of the CzechRepublic.Themodest handing over ceremony was held at Office of the President.
Inabriefdiscussionwith the Czech Ambassador, the Head of State said that Guyana is keen to cooperate in the areas of aquaculture and telemedicine. He also shared the country’s vision and its quest to provide leadership in areas of food, energy and climate security ThePresidentsaidthatunder the tenure of Ambassador Havrlíková,hewishestosee newareasofcooperationand strengthenrelationsbetween Guyana and the Czech Republic.
As it relates to Chile relations, the President used the occasion to highlight the cordialrelationsbetweenthe two countries and spoke of the need to strengthen relations and enhance areas of cooperation, including trade. Guyana and Chile established diplomatic relationsin1971.
Canadian company handed sells 57% of its shares for US$638M days after inking agreement with Govt. massive gold field in Guyana, sells 57%
Canadian gold company sold Guyana. Under the terms of the premium to Friday’s closing share (SpinCo) that will hold all of Moreover, the transaction is 57% of its shares for US$638M MineralAgreement, Reunion Gold prices of Reunion, underlining the Reunion’s assets other than Oko expected to be completed in Q3 days after it signed agreement with is granted stable fiscal and strategicimportanceofOkoWestto West. Notably GMIN has agreed to 2024, subject to the receipt of GuyanaGovt. operational conditions throughout GMining’sexpansionstrategy fundSpinCowithC$15million. required securityholder, court and Days after disclosing the theproject’slifespan.
“Through the transaction, Louis-Pierre Gignac, Chief Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) signing of a US$1 million Mineral With hopes of establishing its GMIN will acquire RGD’s ExecutiveOfficer(CEO),President approvals and other closing AgreementwiththeGovernmentof presence in South America, [Reunion] flagship Oko West ofGMIN,stated:“OkoWesthasall conditions customary in Guyana (GoG), Canada-based Montreal-based, G Mining Project located in Guyana, within the key attributes GMIN is looking transactions of this nature. Also, mining company Reunion Gold Ventures Corporation (GMIN) is theGuianaShieldregion,oneofthe for in its next leg of growth.We are the agreement includes reciprocal Corporation announced that it sold set to acquire the majority share of mostattractiveminingjurisdictions well-positioned to accelerate value deal protections and a reciprocal 57% shares of its Guyana gold Reunion’s Gold Oko West project. in South America. Oko West has creationatOkoWestleveragingour C$31.2 million termination fee project for some US$638 million According to Monday’s emerged as a globally significant unique expertise in building and p a y a b l e u n d e r c e r t a i n (C$875million). announcement, the Canadian gold discovery over the last few operatingminesonscheduleandon circumstances.
Guyana is taking steps to Anthony stated The health increase the uptake of the Human minister announced that the Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as vaccineisnowavailabletowomen the country marks Immunisation upto45yearsold. Week2024. Women aged 16 to 25 require
The global event, observed two doses, while those aged 26 to from April 24 to 30, carries the 45requirethree.
On April 18, Reunion companies entered into a definitive years, with excellent potential to budget in the Guiana Shield, deep As the deal awaits approval announced the signing of an agreement to combine the two becomeatoptierdepositthatcould knowledge of and network in the from both sets of shareholders, the agreement with government and companies, with hopes of setting support a large, long-life mine region, and over US$480M market has already responded the Guyana Geology and Mines the stage for the creation of a complex to accelerate GMIN’s anticipated near-term free cash positively to the news, with Commission (GGMC), which leadingintermediategoldproducer, vision of building a leading flow from Tocantinzinho The Reunion’sstockrisingby8%andG paves the way for the exploration particularly in the Guiana Shield intermediate gold producer,” it was acquisition of Oko West is the Mining’s stock,albeitexperiencing and development of the Oko West region.Theall-sharedeal,isvalued stated. second step towards our vision of a slight decline initially Kaieteur gold project located in Region at a substantial US$638 million. To this end, it was explained becoming a leading intermediate News had reported that Reunion Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), The acquisition represents a 29% that the GMIN team including gold producer, building on the Gold is actively considering both through the Gignac Family-owned team’s success at Tocantinzinho. open-pit and underground mining. G Mining Services (GMS), has an We look forward to continuing to The company aims to reach a impressive track-record of advance our Buy Build. Operate construction decision by 2025, executing world-class projects in strategy to create and unlock marking another crucial milestone the Guiana Shield region to further value for GMIN in its journey toward operational generate industry leading returns shareholders.” readiness in Guyana’s gold for its stakeholders. GMIN says it Rick Howes, Chief Executive industry plans to move Oko West quickly Officer (CEO) and President of The Canadian mining company through technical studies to a Reunion stated: “We are very has firmly set its eyes on reaching construction decision, leveraging pleased to announce this gold production at its Oko West the considerable amount of Transaction today, which we Gold Project by 2027 The exploration, development, and believe is a testament to the company has an estimated 4.2 permitting work that has already outstanding work our team has millionouncesofgold.InFebruary been completed by Reunion, done rapidly discovering and 2024, Reunion announced an supportedbytheexpectedfreecash advancing Oko West over the last updated Mineral Resource flow from the Tocantinzinho Gold few years. We believe that this Estimate (MRE) containing a total ProjectinParastate,Brazilwhichis Transaction not only delivers our of 4.3 M oz. of gold in Indicated on schedule and on budget for shareholders an attractive upfront Resources grading 2.05 g/t and 1.6 commercial production in the premium, but also the ability to Moz.ofgoldinInferredResources secondhalfof2024. participatewithsignificantongoing grading 2.59 g/t. The February
theme ‘Humanly Possible: Emphasisingthevaccine’srole Immunization for All.’ in cervical cancer prevention, Dr Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony outlined countries with Anthony noted the country’s h i g h v a c c i n a t i o n r a t e s commendable performance in experiencing a notable decline in general child immunisation, cervical cancer cases. “So, by achieving coverage rates between getting this vaccine, you can 98 to 100 percent. However, there prevent yourself from getting remains a challenge in cervicalcancerandpossiblydying administering the HPV vaccine, from cervical cancer, so we can with only 40 percent of children change this with a vaccine that is aged nine to 15 receiving the jab. widely available and it is free of “Wewanttotakethisuptocloseto cost.The government is providing 90 percent and therefore we still it,”Dr Anthonyunderscored. have a lot of work to do,” Dr Guyana boasts impressive Anthony told the Department of coverage rates across various Public Information (DPI) during a vaccines, including injections for recentinterview pregnant women Meanwhile, “It’s important because if you WorldImmunisationWeekaimsto gettheHPVvaccine,itcanprevent raise awareness and enhance cervical cancer and for boys, coverage against vaccinebecause we are doing it for both preventable diseases, an annual boys and girls, it can prevent other endeavour observed during the types of genital cancers,” Dr lastweekofApril. (DPI)
Upon completion of the ownership in the combined 2 0 2 4 M R E i n c l u d e s a n transaction, GMIN will hold the company,havingtheopportunityto underground Resource containing majority stake in a new combined participateinanexpectedfuturere- 1.1 M oz. of gold at a grade of 3.12 entity,witha57%ownership,while rating as Oko West is advanced g/tAuintheInferredcategory Reunion shareholders will retain a towardsproduction.” China’s Zijin Mining said on 43%stakeonafully-dilutedin-the- He continued, “The transaction Friday, it would acquire Guyana money basis; prior to the significantly de-risks the GoldfieldsforC$323million($238 concurrent US$50 million equity advancement of Oko West given million), bringing an end to a financing. Notably, the number of the financial strength, free cash protracted takeover battle for the common shares issued by New flow, and development capabilities Canada-listedgoldminer GMIN to GMIN and Reunion that GMIN brings to the table. Toronto-based Guyana shareholders will be equivalent to Importantly, we believe this is a Goldfields announced on June 3 thecombinedcompanyundergoing great outcome for the country of that it had received a binding a 4-to-1 share consolidation upon Guyana,withOkoWestbeingtaken proposal from an unnamed closing of the transaction In forwardbyacompanythatwillbea overseas-basedminertoacquirethe addition, Reunion shareholders great steward of the asset for the company, valuing it around 35% will receive common shares in a benefit of the country and its higher than a previously accepted newly created gold explorer communities.” offerfromSilvercorpMetals.
I came back to this town determined to give everyone their due Acleanslatestartedfrom,anda fair shake as the standard Bharrat JagdeowaspresidentwhenIhadto leave Afterwards, he became Opposition Leader, then appointed himself Vice President, General Secretary,andchiefpolicymakerin rapidorder,thenallthosecapsatone time
Themanhadsomethinginhim: uncannyandunusual Unsettling,it wasandformanyreasons,someof whichwerehardtopindown ButI was the odd man out in a country where such imperatives have little moral power, not a single banking component I thought I saw the unhealthy early, only for him to proveitlater
Many a long day later and countlessdollarsdoneandgone,and some of the substances of Jagdeo take on brighter glow The contradiction is that the brighter he became, the darker the shadow he cast The eerie sense of the leader from before compounded exponentially As a man, I am certain that he has some graces to recommendhim
It is as a leader with a national
castthathehasmetamorphosedinto thisunbelievablenightmare. Iknew that the man was capable of many thingsofaheinousnaturebefore,for thereisatrailofevidenceaslongas an overgrown Amazonian anaconda But now, with oil in his hands, and power taking over his head, I think that even he cannot recognize himself, and in his many long-isolated moments shrink from himself
In brief, Bharrat Jagdeo, in the moment of his most arcing ascendancy, has become more than Guyana’sworstevernightmare He has become his own worst living, haunting, overpowering nightmare Thereissomethingaboutwhomthe godswishtodealwith,theyfirstdo somethingto Itrulyfeelaprofound senseofsorrowfortheman
Allthispower,allthiswealth,all of these caravans of comrades, and heistheloneliestmanintheworld,a man most useless to himself One who exists in a self-made house of horrors The words of the great Greek tragedian, Aeschylus in Agamemnon,cometomind:“Where haveyoubroughtme-andtowhata house! ThehouseofAtreus,ahouse Godhates !
I thought he knew some things, only to realise that he knows less, muchless,butseekstobluffhisway with bulk One of his attempts to concealthedeficitsinknowledgeis to engage in these elaborate dissertations that split apart at the seamsfromthepressuresofreality, which slowly, inexorably, return he andhisaudienceattheprecisepoint wherehestarted
Hisargumentshavenomerit,his citations nothing to recommend them It is the hollow victory of a manofstrawandchaffbuyingtime, usingupalltheacreageofspace,and gaining nothing The more that Jagdeotakestherisksandopenshis mouth,themorethatthefeverinhis mindisexposed
A man constructed of tobacco leaves,onepuffandtheyareoffinto the winds When they do register, the poisons spread, have crippled many an honest man and woman They, too, have no choice, so they clingtohiminthehopethattheride onthebackofaninfernowillcome toacoolingplace
But the worst instincts and impulses of Jagdeo flash in uncontrollable flame when he is cornered, the straightness of his
story, his posture, his essence is stressedbytheunforgivingscrutiny ofthemicroscope
This is when Jagdeo does what comes to him automatically these days, in helpless displays of his natural substance He becomes a bully trashing about and lashing about,amandriventofitsoffuryby the futility of his farces Go ahead andaskhim:whatisthis? Howcan thatbeso? Whyisthisbeingstood fortoday,whensomethingelsewas committedtothedaybefore? When the curved and curly in Bharrat Jagdeo is subject to the purity of light, Guyanese recoil at the pungencyinthemantheycalltheir own, but who they recoil from holdingcloseanymore
There is no limit that cannot be breached, no depth too degraded, andwhatthosedoistosharetheman inside, the tormented soul that would not rest I have always said thatasfallibleandfulloffoiblesas manis,theremustbeneverlessthan that existential struggle to think straight, start out straight, continue alongastraightroad,nomatterhow difficult the one before is Regardless of how tempting the other paths are Begin with the
twisted, and the curves must multiply and deepen When an edificeisbuiltonwhatisdistorting (maybe even with shades of the demented), then there is no turning back.
Theonlyweaponsleftarethose named bluster, lashing out, and seeking to intimidate others to fold in submission
One of the many unknowns in this brother’s makeup is that he has failed to grasp that adversity that makes some people stronger, even more determined Hisfuryismockedasfleabites A man and leader constricted by the neurotic and consumed by a paranoiac’s purgatory Though as oldasthesea,andjustasmysterious, Isharethisnuggetthatneverfailsto sparkle, never ceases to inspire: “O whatatangledwebweweave,when first we practice to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott, Marmion Remember!
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
With the US$12.7B project now sanctioned and preparations underway for its immediate development, itshouldbenotedthatwhile, flaring is strictly prohibited, t h e r e a r e s p e c i a l circumstances under which thecompanywillbeallowed toflarewithpermission.
Thisincludes,duringstart uporcommission According to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project,“theestimatedflaring emissions assume that startupflaringfortheProjectwill occurforupto3monthsatthe rate of 120 million standard cubicfeetperday”
This, ExxonMobil said, “includes best efforts to achieve flaring of pilot gas,
purge gas, and other de minimis streams (60 days) and an additional 30 days to c o m p l e t e s a f e commissioning and start-up of all gas compression equipment with minimal controlledflareevents.”
A c c o r d i n g t o ExxonMobil, between 2027 and 2029, Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions from the operations are expected to exceed2,580kilotonnes.
Inqualifyingitsposition, theconsultantsthatprepared the report for Exxon said, “GHG emissions from the Project have been estimated basedonanumberoffactors, including activity levels, fuel types, equipment capacities, vendor-provided
data, emission factors published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) in C o m p e n d i u m o f Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies for the NaturalGasandOilIndustry (API 2021), and standard emission factors published by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency(USEPA) in AP-42, among other sources.”
It did note importantly too that, the Project emissions estimates account for an assumed quantity of emissions from low-level continuous flaring of pilot gas, purge gas, and other de minimis streams; nonroutine flaring associated in part with upsets and
Frompage15 Region Four to date, with an injection of $107 million. Some 36 Region Three residents recently received the vouchers. Overall,morethan1,095vouchers,totaling over $274 million, have been issued under theinitiative.
Meanwhile, to make homeownership more accessible to everyone, the government has collaborated with local banking institutions to allow persons to access funds to build their homes. Many homebuilders are benefiting from this
undertaking as a result of banks drastically loweringtheirinterestrates.
“We have been working with the banks to expedite the mortgage application process and I am pleased to say that through this collaboration, for thisyearalone,morethan2,100mortgage applications have been approved,” Minister Croal highlighted These initiativesarepartofacomprehensiveplan beingrolledoutbythegovernmenttoensure Guyanese citizens have access to opportunitiestoachievehomeownership.
maintenance;andothernonroutine and/or unplanned eventsduringtheProjectlife cycle.
A c k n o w l e d g i n g potential climate/climate change impacts are a global concern and stem from cumulativeworldwideGHG concentrations, the consultants said the Global Circulation Models used to predictclimateimpactsfrom global concentrations are built around emissions on a globalscale,andthusarenot capableofmodelingimpacts from the GHG emissions contribution from a single project such as the Whiptail DevelopmentProject. It notes however that statistical downscaling
methods can be used to establish a statistical relationship between global climate and local climate using observed data and can be used to estimate future local climate changes based on the results of Global CirculationModels.
A c c o r d i n g t o ExxonMobil, while it is possible to quantify the estimated total GHG emissions from the Project, it is difficult to assign a magnitude rating that reflects the potential effects the receptor will experience specificallyasaresultofthe Project.
The primary sources of GHG emissions for the Whiptail Project will be
generated through activities such as the combustion turbines and flaring on the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel), with smaller amounts from other fuel combustionsources.”
To this end, it said GHG emissions were calculated in three parts for the EIA, namely, the quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the fuelthatisemitteddirectlyas CO2;productsofcombustion of various fuel components based on the potential for eachcomponenttocontribute to GHG emissions; and the CO2-equivalent (CO2e) emissions of other emitted compounds such as methane andnitrousoxides
Frompage17 removed and will be accommodated in the properlydesignatedvendingareawestofthe monument.
“Youwouldhaveseenthatwewouldhave alreadyclearedthatarea,becauseofwhatwas transpiring; we could not have allowed it to continue.Ijustdrovethereandyoucouldsee the concrete foundations remaining after we moved those persons. So, even though they were moved from between the roundabout andthemonument,arrangementswerebeing put in place for them to fit in [with the other
vendors west of the monument] so that they would not be left out of business as well,” MinisterEdghillnoted.
He urges persons to be reasonable and rationalastheSeaandRiverDefencereserve they use temporarily for vending, must be easilyaccessibleintheeventofanemergency Minister Edghill said the PPP/C government is not in the business of displacing anyone nor in the business of taking bread out of their mouths. “But rules are in place for a reason and for all of us, regardlessofwhoweare…”hesaid.
The Georgetown Public impacting the efficient ensurethatbedsareavailable Hospital Corporation functioning of both the for those in need, the GPHC (GPHC)iscallingoncitizens GPHC and the Infectious administration is appealing to collect their discharged Disease Hospital, as bed to the families and relatives relatives from the facility, space remains a critical of these individuals to lamenting that they are resource for patients in need p r o m p t l y m a k e occupying critical bed of medical attention,” the arrangements for their loved spaces. hospital said “The ones to be uplifted from the In a press release on continued presence of these hospital. The Social Work Wednesday, the GPHC said individuals, referred to as Department at GPHC is it has observed a concerning “lodgers,” has prompted the available to assist families in trendintheoccupancyofbed hospital administration to coordinating the discharge space within its facilities. takeaction.WhiletheGPHC and transportation of their According to GPHC over remains committed to relatives. recent months, there has providingcaretoallpatients, The cooperation of the been a noticeable increase in the prolonged occupation of public in resolving this the number of patients who, beds by individuals who are matterisgreatlyappreciated. having received medical medically fit for discharge is By working together, we can s e r v i c e s a n d b e e n straining the hospital’s ensure that hospital discharged, continue to resources and affecting its resources are utilised remain in hospital beds due ability to accommodate new effectively to meet the to their families failing to patients.” healthcare needs of the collect them. “This issue is To address this issue and public.
“I suspect it was ganja but I couldn’t smell it”
EusiWilson,ataxidriverfromEastBank Berbice, was remanded on Wednesday following an incident on April 21, 2024, where he was allegedly caught with nine parcels of cannabis on High Street, Georgetown.
Below are the names of the individuals currently occupying bed space as lodgers:
Name Age Address
BerylDavis 74 NorthRuimveldtGeorgetown
JosephDaSilva 89 Lot3ColganDam,Pouderoyen,W.B.D
ArciaJavier 86 CentralBaramita,NorthWestDistrict
JoshuaShuri 21 Lot16JamesStreet,Albouystown,Georgetown
RameshwarSingh 64 Lot15LatchminStreet,BetterHope,E.C.D
GeermattieShivjattan 75 Lot104MartyrsVille,E.C.D
RookneeMeetooram 84 Lot357“BB”Eccles,E.B.D
MorrisPereira 72 Lot1305thStreetAlberttown,Georgetown
OrinBoller 63 Lot24Prospect,E.B.D
JamesWilliams 58 EastLaPenitence,Georgetown
MarkDillian 64 Lot8Bagotstown,E.B.D
KarlMartin 69 NightShelter,LaPenitenceGeorgetown
Donald NIL Industry,ECD
VibertFrank 75 440SamarooStreet,SouthSophia,Georgetown
GeorgeGraham 58 NIL
SiceilO’Brien 61 NIL
KenrickVelloza 56 Lot246Blygezight,Campbellville,Georgetown
CharlesQuail 75 NIL
PercivalBenjamin 84 CroalandAlexanderStreets,Georgetown
NeaveCox 85 125KingEdwardSt.Albouystown,G/town
TerryBassant 57 NIL
JosephArjune 22 NIL
AnthonyKhan 54 NIL
RudolphBilley 73 43SupplyMahaica,E.C.D
GerardCharles 85 227SouthRoadG/Town
MichaelDainty 67 NortonStreet
1,000 families receive house lots at Enterprise, Non Pareil - man tells magistrate
Wilson appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief Magistrate, Sherdell Issacs-Marcus where thechargewasreadtohim.Itwasallegedthat on the day in question, Wilson had in his possession 22 kilograms of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking. He pleaded guilty to thecharge.
Remanded: Eusi Wilson
According to official statements, law enforcement officials observed Wilson in a car on High Street. Upon exiting the driver’s seat and moving to the passenger’s side, suspicion arose.Approaching the vehicle, an officer witnessed Wilson tampering with something beneath the driver’s seat. The prosecutor opposed bail, on the Suspectingittobecannabis,asearchensued, grounds of Wilson’s sole ownership of the revealing a bulky parcel containing leaves, vehicle,thequantityofparcelsfound,andhis seeds, and stems of suspected cannabis. active participation in the illicit activity Furtherinspectionofthevehicleyieldednine During court proceedings, Wilson explained additional parcels wrapped in plastic, all that the original recipient of the parcels containing suspected cannabis declined, prompting him to undertake the Subsequently,Wilson was arrested and taken task himself When questioned by the to the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU) magistrate about his awareness of the headquarters. During interrogation, Wilson contents of the parcels, Wilson replied, “I admitted to collecting the cannabis from an suspect is that.” When pressed further about individual referred to as the “bush man.” He whether he had detected any odour from the claimed he was to receive $40,000 for each parcels, he stated, “I ain’t get no scent.” parcel to deliver to another individual whose Despite his explanations, bail was denied for identity is unknown He was then Wilson. He is scheduled to appear again on subsequentlychargedfortheoffence. May29,2024,aslegalproceedingscontinue.
Police are probing the shooting of a Bystanders alerted police and the man vagrant on Monday at a popular bar in was rushed to the Georgetown Public Providence on the East Bank of Demerara HospitalCorporation. (EBD).
One eyewitness recalled that he had just The vagrant has been identified as Raj lefthishotelroomtogogetsomefoodwhen Mohammed,andaccordingtopolice,hewas the shooting occurred. He identified the shotinhisleftleg. Policesaidthatataround shooter as a drunken man. “The guy just got 23:45hrs Mohammed was standing near the shot in the foot, there was a drunk man who bar when an unidentified individual walked tookoffencetoaRastaguy(thevagrant)and up to him and shot him in the leg before shothim”,themansaid. runningaway Investigationsareongoing.
Less than two Benjamin also expressed completion. weeks after 1,500 gratitudetothegovernment. Despite the distribution
residentsreceived “ItisverygoodnowthatI of 1,000 lots, Minister Croal their house lots in Region have my house lot, I am very spoke of a backlog of over Three, another 1,000 thankful,” Benjamin noted. 40,000 applications, with families have become proud Another landowner who over 19,405 lots already landowners at Phase II of the applied in 2011, Fiona allocated in Region Four, Enterprise and Non Pareil Greaves, emphasised that since the government Housing Schemes along the she is the second sibling out assumed office in 2020, East Coast of Demerara in of eight to obtain a house lot representing 63 percent of RegionFour and she is grateful for the thetotalallocation.
The two housing kind gesture although it took Meanwhile, Minister schemes altogether cater to sometime. within the Ministry of around 3,000 lots Both In his remarks, Minister Housing and Water, Susan feature essential amenities ofHousingandWater,Collin Rodrigues, emphasised the such as nursery, primary and Croal, disclosed that government’s commitment s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l s , approximately $18.2 billion to clearing housing recreational spaces, a w i l l b e s p e n t o n application backlogs up to magistrate’s court, and areas infrastructuraldevelopments 2019 by developing new and designated for small this year in the various expanding pre-existing businesses. phases, in areas including housing areas. “We have The beneficiaries Good Hope Blocks E and F, been very committed to that received their house lots at La Bonne Intention, effort. We have been the Ministry of Housing and Lusignan, Two Friends, imploring people to have Water- Central Housing and Enterprise,andNonPareil. patience with us and not to Planning Authority’s More than 25 acres of feeltheneedtoengageinany (CHPA) ‘dream realised’ land are being prepared to illegal activities or corrupt land distribution exercise, at provide 7,528 additional practices to get your house t h e A r t h u r C h u n g residentiallotsintheseareas. lots…We are working to Conference Centre (ACCC) “Thecostthatyouarepaying address every single atLiliendaal,onWednesday for your lands today is application in our system,” One of the beneficiaries, heavily subsidised. And you she told the gathering. Over Samantha Bourne, who had as I mentioned, where you 1,000 homes have been waited for 24 years, are being allocated will be completed from 2020 to expressed her excitement at considered prime location,” 2023 and over 32,000 lots becoming a first-time Minister Croal noted distributed nationwide to landowner I n f r a s t r u c t u r a l date.
Hailing from North developments like those on The government’s Ruimveldt in Georgetown, the East Bank are also overall aim is to deliver B o u r n e s h a r e d h e r occurring along the East 50,000 house lots within its enthusiasm, stating, “I am Coast corridor, providing first term in office excited to own my own enhanced road access to Permanent Secretary of the property It is my first time these new housing areas. Ministry, Bishram Kuppen, doingthis. Construction has also and CHPA’s Chief Executive My next step is to build commenced on over 2,307 Officer, Sherwyn Greaves my own home.” Seventy- houses in Region Four, were also present at the
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
4 apartments for rental, fully furnished, located at lot 4 Area K, LBI, ECD. Call: 6490609.
As the world continues to grapple with the effects of Climate Change, United Nation’s Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has again reiterated his call to phasing out the use of fossil fuels, implement carbon pricing and to, put an end to subsidizing the fossil fuel industry.
…as Guyana continues to dole out concessions galore in latest project that have been “creating climate chaos: fossil fuels and deforestation.”
Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
Wanted one experienced Cook. Call: 654-1535.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
One company Driver needed to work with private company. Call: 685-1735/ 6844936.
Pitbull buses needed to work on contracts. Call: 685-1735/ 684-4936.
Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
For Land Clearance (Grubbing), Sand fill, Housing Plan and Estimates. Call K. Lakeram Building Contractor 692-8464 or whatsapp 622-0267.
River side property for sale at East Bank. Call: 653-2477.
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation @gmail.com
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132. Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older. Call: 654-1535.
Male & Female workers needed to work at a Carwash in Campbellville. Call: 6694676.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 6670859.
One able-bodied male needed to work on a farm in Bartica. For more information Call: 679-7906.
1 fully furnished Luxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot and Cold water, remote gate etc in Campbellville. G/ town. Price US$2000. Call: 621-5140.
One four bedrooms house for rent in Peter's Hall, Plantation EBD. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One five bedrooms house for rent in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 6557405/ 694-7817.
One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 6046664.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
River side land for sale in Timehri & Parika, Plantation Berg. Call: 653-2477.
The UN Secretary General, gave his remarks on Monday at the UNDP Climate Promise 2025, where he sought to underscore that “It is not all doom and gloom” and that “many countries have the will to take more ambitious steps on climate action.”
He was adamant however, “the world needs to mobilise to ensure that there is a way.” According to Gutteres, the Climate Promise 2025 – an initiative that is even bigger and bolder – with more partners, more tailored support, and greater focus on linking sustainable development and climate. “Done right, national climate plans double as national investment plans, and reinforce National Development Plans. They can catapult sustainable development — connecting billions to clean power, boosting health, creating clean jobs, and advancing equality.”
According to the UN Secretary General, “they can catapult sustainable development – connecting billions to clean power, boosting health, creating clean jobs, and advancing equality.”
As it relates to the fossil fuel industry, Guterres was adamant in order to meet any of the targets there must be the tackling of the two key causes
Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Call: 2277714/ 223-3448. Email: info@vegeworld.net Application
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Mazda Axela for sale, $900,000 neg. Call: 623-7047.
In the East Demerara Magisterial District Magistrate’s Court to be held at Vigilance Magistrate’s Court in the MAGESTERIAL DISTRICT
In the matter of the Money Lenders Act Chapter 91:05
As such, he proffered, “we must have drastically accelerated a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels.” According to Guterres, the International Energy Agency projects that the proportion of electricity generated by fossil fuels globally must fall to thirty percent by 2030 – from sixty percent today.
With this in mind, he insists that while all countries must play their part, “the G20 – which accounts for around eighty percent of emissions – must lead.”
To this end, he reiterated this requires a commitment to dramatically accelerate fossil fuel phase-out and “I repeat phase-out.” This, in addition to detailing policies and regulations to provide continuity and predictability to markets – from carbon pricing to ending fossil fuel subsidies.
Guyana as a country is a new entrant to the list of oil producing nations and the administration has argued that production of oil offshore Guyana must be accelerated in order to maximize the benefits of the new found resource, given the limited window of opportunity. The window of opportunity referenced frequently by officialdom refers to the phasing out period mentioned by the UN Secretary General.
It would be poignant note that in tandem with his call for reduced subsidies as incentives to the industry, this does not obtain in Guyana.
Certificate granted under Section 4 of the MoneyLenders
authorize the Grant to DAMION PETERS of 209
Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana, of a MONEY LENDER under the style and the title of BLOCKS,CLOTHES AND TRUCKING at 219 Section B Enterprise East Coast Demerara, Guyana. This Certificate shall come into force on the 11th day of April, 2024 and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of February,2024.
This since, the heavily criticized Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) signed by government with the ExxonMobil led consortium exploring for and producing crude from the Stabroek Block, have been granted a plethora of concessions and tax waivers to the point where critics observe that the country has been losing more than it gains.
Only yesterday this publication reported on the Alliance for Change’s (AFC) Leader’s and former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjatttan told reporters during his party’s weekly press conference on Friday last that the country is losing more by refusing to renegotiate the contract than it has gained through the enactment of the Local Content Law for instance.
This in addition to the myriad of tax breaks, concessions and other ‘lopsided’ clauses have been pointed out as evidence of the contention. One such clause, speaks to a US$50 per ton fine for Exxon’s flaring, which activists have also criticized as allowing Exxon to pay Guyana a pittance to pollute. The absence of ringfencing is also among some of the other deficiencies identified in Guyana’s oil contract, that all serve to incentive or act as a subsidy for the companies operating in Guyana. only recently government approved a sixth oil development field for the ExxonMobil led consortium operating in the Stabroek Block, with the concessions galore remaining enshrined in the PSA.
An 18-year-old construction worker was on Wednesday remanded to prison despite denying his involvement in the alleged robbery of a man of his motorcycle on March 14, 2024.
Dwayne Nedd made his first court appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, before Chief Magistrate Sherdell Isaacs-Marcus (ag), where the robbery charge was read to him. Nedd pleaded not guilty to the charge which alleges that while being in the company of others on March 14, 2024 at New Market Street, North
Cummings, Georgetown, he robbed the virtual complainant of his motorcycle valued $212,000. During the court proceedings, the prosecutor objected to bail on the ground that there is a ClosedCircuit Television (CCTV) footage that shows what transpired during the robbery. An unrepresented Nedd refuted the claims leveled against him in court. “I didn’t commit no crime,” he said. Nevertheless, bail was refused by Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus, and Nedd was remanded to prison. He is scheduled to return to court on May 10, 2024.
The $17M maternal waiting home commissioned in Annai back in 2019.
The government has set commissioning ceremony aside approximately of the $27 million upgraded $37,045,170 to construct a maternal waiting home in maternity waiting home in Lethem, Minster of Health, RegionEight. Dr Frank Anthony had K a i e t e u r N e w s mentioned that the understands that the government started to build maternitywaitinghomewill out these types of be built in Mahdia and will infrastructures with the aim accommodate pregnant of reducing maternal and women from far-flung neonatal deaths especially villagesintheregion. in the hinterland and urban
Theprojectwasrecently communities.Thismaternal opened at the National home is located at the Procurement and Tender Lethem Regional Hospital, Administration Board and was upgraded and (NPTAB) office and a total e x p a n d e d t o n o w of two contractors have bid accommodate 14 beds for the contract The Kaieteur News understands contractors are Jemcorp that a maternal waiting Engineering&Importswho h o m e w a s a l s o bid $33 million and James commissioned in Annai, Contracting Enterprise who RegionNinebackin2019. bid$32million. B e l o w a r e t h e A t t h e 2 0 2 2 companiesandtheirbids:
Ministry of Local Govt. and Regional Development Construction of maternity waiting home at Mahdia, Reg. 8.
Regional Democratic Council of Region 10 Upgrading of drainage system at Sharon George Road, Wismar
Construction of teachers' quarters (2 apartments) in Mabura Hill.
Construction of teachers' quarters (6 apartments) at Kwakwani.
Construction of teachers' quarters (3 apartments) in Gateroy
Construction of teachers' quarters (6 apartments) inAtonement.
(CNN) Pro-Palestinian news briefing Wednesday protests are taking place at afternoon.
majorAmericanuniversities, “While we have received prompting some officials to written assurances that our take extraordinary steps to encampment will continue, confrontthegrowingcrisis. the university continues to
Texas state troopers in make threats in its attempts riotgearbeganbreakingupa to stifle its students’political group of protesters at the speech,” he said When UniversityofTexasatAustin asked by CNN about the after a demonstration began written assurances, James Wednesday said there was an update
New York’s Columbia posted to the university’s University, facing an eighth w e b s i t e We d n e s d a y day of tense demonstrations, morning.Therehavebeenno said it has extended public updates posted to the negotiations with student university’s website since a c t i v i s t s o v e r t h e Tuesday, according to a dismantling of the pro- reviewbyCNN.
Palestinian encampment In a statement to CNN The university said early Wednesday, Columbia Wednesday it will extend its said “student protesters have hybrid model through final committed to dismantling exams. and removing a significant
Meanwhile, House number of tents.” “Thatwas Speaker Mike Johnson will a bad faith negotiation made meet Jewish students at before the university Columbia today and said he threatened to call the will call on the university’s National Guard on us,” said presidenttoresign. another student protester,
Across at Columbia Basil Rodriguez Susan University, CNN reported Ellingwood, AVP of public that negotiations between affairs at Columbia, said to protesters and officials at CNN: “Deploying the Columbia University about NationalGuardwasneveron clearing the lawn with the the table.” When asked what encampment had been protesters would say to extended for 48 hours. students who say they feel Student protesters “won the u n s a f e o n c a m p u s , concession that the Rodriguez said: “Listen to university will not call law our demands.” What the enforcement on our peaceful protesters are advocating for protests” early Wednesday, is “mutually beneficial to Khymani James, a student at everyone” and “acting out of Columbia, said during a love,”Rodriguezsaid.
A27-year-old taxi driver approaching a turn on the of Tuschen, East Bank said road, the driver lost Essequibo (EBE) died in the control of the vehicle, wee hours on Wednesday collided with a shop and after he lost control of his subsequently ended up in a car, which collided into a trenchonthesouthernsideof shop then ploughed into a thesaidpublicroad.
trench at Farm Public Following that, the Road,EBE. ver (Kissoon) P o l i c e was picked up in identified the an unconscious dead man as state along D e r e k w i t h t h e Kissoon of occupant and L o t 2 1 9 2 transported to Tuschen EBE. the Leonora
It is reported C o t t a g e that the tragi Hospital, West accidentoccurredat Coast Demerara about 02:15hrs, which (WCD). Unfortunately, involved Kisson (deceased) Kissoon was pronounced and Shazim Hanif, 25, a dead on arrival while the resident of Zeelugt, EBE. occupant was admitted as a According to a report issued patient Police said, by police, investigation “Hanif’s condition is revealed that motorcar PVV regarded as stable.” The 8589,drivenbyKissoonwas body was then escorted to reportedly proceeding at an Ezekiel Funeral Home alleged fast rate, west along awaiting a Post-Mortem the southern drive lane of E
Farm Public Road. Whilst Investigationsareongoing.
(DAILY MAIL) The where rights groups and of lethal force in the West The application urged Israeli government called an international bodies Bank, including East the International Court of ‘emergency discussion’over continue to warn of Jerusalem, and May 2023 Justice to order ‘provisional concerns the International impending ‘man made also saw an escalation of measures’ to protect Criminal Court could be famine’, alleging deliberate hostilities in Gaza ’ The Palestinians in Gaza, point is paramount, not least sexual crime victims were preparing an arrest warrant restrictions of aid into the British government in including the cessation of to uphold the international found bound and shackled. forPrimeMinisterBenjamin Strip. December called on Israel to military attacks that rules-basedorder.’ ‘The genitals of both women Netanyahu and other Israeli Israel faces a number of ‘take immediate and ‘constitute or give rise to Legal experts warned and men were brutally leaders over alleged allegations pertaining to concrete steps to tackle violations of the Genocide that receiving such legal mutilated, and sometimes breachesofinternationallaw breachesofinternationallaw record high settler violence Convention’ The key advice would mean the UK weapons were inserted into inGaza,ithasbeenrevealed. over its conduct in Gaza intheoccupiedWestBank’. request, the cessation of would have to immediately them. The terrorists did not
A 52-year-old man identified as Shawn George was stabbed to death on Wednesday in front of a grocery shop at Vlissengen Square,EastRuimveldt,Georgetown.
Police said that he was killed around 17:00hrs by a 34-year-old West Ruimveldt residentduringanaltercation.
Three ministers and since October 2023 In T h e U N H i g h hostilities altogether, was cease all arms sales to Israel, stop at shooting, they also several government legal February, the UN High Commissioner’s report notgranted,buttheCourtdid asitwouldotherwisebeseen cut and mutilated sexual experts met at the Prime Commissioner for Human suggested Israel had order Israel to prevent and as aiding and abetting war organs and other body parts Minister’s Office on Rights published a damning committed war crimes and punish direct and public crimes - itself implicating withknives.’ Tuesday to discuss how they r e p o r t c a l l i n g f o r violations of international incitement to genocide. The the country This week, Al Thetestimoniesincluded would manage arrest accountabilityforbothIsrael law, including the ‘wanton Genocide Convention Jazeera reported that nine claims Hamas gunmen warrants after reportedly and various Palestinian destruction of civilian defines genocide by acts bodies had been found repeatedly stabbed an receiving information such militant groups over alleged property’ , collective ‘committed with intent to buried in an apparent mass injured woman while they orders could be issued violations of international punishment, punitive and destroy, in whole or part, a grave near Al Shifa hospital raped her; that victims had imminently, according to law d e l i b e r a t e s i e g e s , national, ethnical, racial or inGaza. nails, grenades and knives IsraeliChannel12. Thesecoveredtheperiod ‘deprivation of essential religious group’. Genocide, The bodies had not fully inserted into their sexual Foreign Minister Israel November 1, 2022 to services’ such as water and conspiracy to commit decomposed, suggesting organs; and how survivors Katz, Justice Minister Yariv October 31, 2023, but also a i d , a n d f o r c e d genocide, direct and public theyhadbeenkilledrecently fleeingthefestivalwitnessed Levin and Strategic Affairs referenced historical displacement. incitement to commit Some were found with ‘girls whose pelvises were Minister Ron Dermer allegations of rights Italsonotedthedeathsof genocide, attempt to commit medical bandages and simply broken from being reportedly met and decided violations ‘For over 56 30 Israelis in the West Bank genocide and complicity in catheters still attached to rapedsomuch’. to seek support from years, the Occupied andoneIsraeliwomankilled genocide are all punishable, them Officials stopped Yoni Saadon, a survivor international diplomatic Palestinian Territory – the in Israel by a ‘rocket accordingtotheConvention. digging after finding nine who witnessed the rape of a circles in an effort to foil West Bank, including East launchedfromGaza’priorto Responding to the ICJ over fears Israeli drones young woman enduring possible action against Jerusalem, and Gaza – has October 7 The report h e a r i n g s , A m n e s t y were hovering above them. severe violence, recounted a Netanyahu Numerous remained under occupation claimed the human rights International warned at the Hamas said in a statement: victim crying out: ‘Stop it - bodies have alleged Israel by Israel, affecting all rights situation in the West Bank time of the ‘staggering scale ‘The series of ongoing already I’m going to die has breached international ofPalestinians,includingthe was deteriorating prior to of death and destruction’ in violations, including the anyway from what you are law in its retaliatory right to self-determination,’ October 7, citing the use of Gaza, as well as the discovery of mass graves in doing,justkillme!’ campaign in Gaza since the thereportread. ‘settler violence to facilitate ‘appalling spike in al-Shifa, cases of execution, The witness said ‘when Hamas-led October 7 ‘The human rights de facto annexation’ of the dehumanising and racist and the hundreds of bodies they finished they were attacks. situation in the Occupied territory Earlier this year, rhetoric against Palestinians that remain under the laughing and the last one Israel reportedly fears Palestinian Territory South Africa also filed an b y c e r t a i n I s r a e l i rubble… are clear and well- shot her in the head’. One thatarrestwarrantswouldbe drastically worsened during application alleging that government and military documentedwarcrimes.’ witnesssaidshesawayoung brought on the basis of the the reporting period. There Israel’s conduct in Gaza officials’ ‘This, coupled Hamas has itself been woman with a back injury, humanitarian crisis in Gaza, was an escalation of the use weregenocidalincharacter withIsrael’simpositionofan accused of committing her trousers pulled down illegal siege in Gaza, which numerous war crimes while belowherknees,beingraped has cut off or severely the de facto authority in by one terrorist as another restricted the civilian Gaza. ‘pulledfromherhair’. population’s access to water, Human Rights Watch ‘Each time the woman food, medical assistance and cited the role of Hamas and resisted, the terrorist stabbed f u e l , i s i n f l i c t i n g other Palestinian armed her in the back.’ Some 250 unfathomable levels of groups in their devastating people were taken hostage suffering and puts the assault on Israel on October during Hamas’ incursion survival of those within 7. Some 1,170 Israelis - into Israel in October last G a z a a t r i s k , ’ t h e many of whom were year Many have returned organisation said in a civilians - were killed when alleging poor treatment and statement. Hamas swept into southern widespread sexual abuse in Last month, the chair of I s r a e l a n d b e g a n captivity. Israel and Gaza the foreign affairs select indiscriminately targeting havenotmanagedtosecurea committee, Alicia Kearns people. prisoner exchange since MP, suggested the British
According to police, George was at the shop sitting on a bench, when the suspect rode up on a motorcycle and called him an “anti-man”.
He then reportedly shouted back telling abdomen. thesuspecttocomeandsayittohisface. The suspect then escaped on his “The suspect reportedly stopped, came motorcycle,leavingawoundedGeorgeinthe off the motorcycle, and approached 52-year- drain. old George, after which a scuffle ensued”, George was taken to the Georgetown policesaid. Public Hospital, where he died while
The two men ended up in a nearby drain receivingtreatment. where the suspect pulled out a knife from his ‘Crime Scene’ ranks have managed to pants waist and stabbed George four times- retrievethemurderweaponfromthescene. onetohisleftforearmandthreetohisleftside Thesuspectremainsontherun.
Israeli rape centres have November,whenaround100 government had received since compiled reports of people were returned in advice from its lawyers rape and sexual abuse exchange for a lull in the statingthatIsraelhadbroken committed by armed conflict and the return of international humanitarian assailants last year A Palestinian prisoners held in law, according to a leaked chilling report from the Israel. recording obtained by the Association of Rape Crisis Protests continued to Observer.
Centers was presented to the mount against Netanyahu
Ms Kearns reiterated the UNSpecialEnvoyonSexual this week from those claims in a statement, ViolenceinConflictAreasin pleading for the immediate saying: ‘I remain convinced February, who visited Israel release of hostages and the government has to hear testimonies of sexual cessation of conflict in the completed its updated abuse. Gaza Strip. Some 33,900 assessmentonwhetherIsrael
An overview of the people have been killed in i s d e m o n s t r a t i n g a findings states: ‘Hamas Gaza since the hostilities commitment to international terrorists employed sadistic began in October, according humanitarian law, and that it p r a c t i c e s a i m e d a t to the Palestinian Health has concluded that Israel is intensifying the degree of Ministry in Gaza The not demonstrating this humiliation and terror ministrydoesnotdistinguish commitment, which is the inherent in sexual violence. between military and legal determination it has to ’Many of the bodies of civiliancasualties. make. ‘Transparency at this
From page 32 seven gear bags, two Die Hard also received one No.65 Young Titans with 30 Ramkissoon, Rabindranath Kennard Verapen and NY six bat rubbers, six helmets, trophies, four arm guards, box of red cricket balls each, T-Shirts, youths of Just Try Saywack, Roshan Gaffoor, PioneerCC,AnitaandDerek one fiber glass bat, thirteen thirty two bats, three boxes, Cold Fusion Cricket Club Cricket Club, Wakenaam Ameer Rahaman, Chin Kallicharran, Subhas boxes of white cricket balls six helmets, twenty seven thirteencoloruniformswhile Cricket Academy (one box Singh, Denesh Chandrapaul, Powan Persaud of DX andtwentyeightfootballs.In pairs of cricket shoes, RHCCCC received four and of white balls), Shemar Davo Naraine of UK, Dr Sports,RamjitSingh,Kumar addition to the above, gear nineteen pairs of batting a half boxes of balls, fifteen J o s e p h , N e h e m i a h Cecil Beharry, Raj Mathura, Dindial, Shazam Hussain, worth more than $600,000 pads,twentyfourthighpads, white cricket shirts, one pair Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Raj Bharrat, Latch Mohabir Ravi Lutchman of JIS&L was donated by Sheik one bat grip, thirty two pairs of junior batting pads, one Leguan Cricket Committee, and family, Suresh Dhanai, NY and Cyber Trading, Mohamed, former National of batting gloves, one pair of pair of wicket keeping Tucber Park Cricket Club Vishal Nagamootoo, Moses Georgetown. We thank the wicket keeper/batsman. All wicketkeeping pads and gloves, a set of stumps and and Malteenoes Sports Club Nagamootoo Jnr, Regal media for the role they are cash collected is being used three pairs of wicketkeeping bails. Other beneficiaries are (ninecricketballseach). Sports Store, Omkar Singh, playing in promoting this to purchase cricket gear gloves. Many others The Essequibo Cricket Cricket related items, Parmanand Dhaniram, venture. Distribution will requested and not available benefited indirectly. In Board, the Town of Lethem, used or new, are distributed Reshma Mathura, Booman continue. Anyone interested atthetime. addition, two clubs in the youth coach Travis Persaud free of cost to young and Singh,KrishnaRengensamy, to contribute can contact
From page 33 Sports Commission
Mr JaffarRamnarine SteveNinvalle.
No doubt you're feeling attractive and passionate today, Aries Don't be surprisedifaformerlovergets in touch with you to try and rekindletheoldflame.
Asyougetolder,you'redrawn more and more to spiritual matters, Taurus. It isn't so much that you're embracing any particular religion, more that you're quite curious about the supernatural and some of theancientarts.
Don'thesitatetotrysomething new today, Gemini. If you've thought about joining a book club or taking a class, do it today! You're likely to meet some interesting people and enteranewsocialworld.
You're likely to feel optimistic and enthusiastic about life today You might also feel sexy, a feeling you should definitely take advantage of! Why not plan a romantic eveningwithyourlovedone?
Today is full of possibilities. You could fall in love at first sight,oratleastmeetsomeone who captures your interest! You should be feeling especially loving and eager to devote yourself to a worthy causeorcreativeactivity
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You're looking beautiful and feelingpassionate Ifonlyyour passionscouldbereciprocated! Even though there may not be anyone special in your life right now, that's no reason to nottreatyourselfwell.
Ms.AlliyahRamnarine Our next upcoming
Mr AryanBahadur event will be in New Jersey
Mr ChaitramRamotar Atlantic City on the 24th
Mr ShivFerreira and 25th of May 2024. Our
To date, seventy three Pomeroon area benefited (oneboxofredcricketballs), promising cricketers in Ishwar Singh, Ricky AnilBeharryon623-6875or young players, male and from two used bats male and female teams Guyana Skills, discipline Deonarain of 4R Bearings, Kishan Das on 1-718-664female, from all three Pomeroon, Leguan and playing the traditional and education are important TerryMathuraofTDMJInc., 0896. counties of Guyana have W a k e n a m C r i c k e t hardball and softball in the characteristics of the benefited directly from Committees and CottonTree Upper Corentyne area, recipients. Talent spotting is being done across the countryandclubleadersalso assist to identify talent Progressive and well managedcricketclubswitha youth programme will also benefit.
This could be a frustrating day in the romance department, Libra. Communication is blocked at all levels. You're anxious to speak with your loved one, but simply can't reachhimorher
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You have certainly felt better than you do today, Scorpio. We'll pause here while you go and fetch the aspirin. The stomachache and headache are simply the result of recent overindulgence.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
ou could be feeling playful today, Sagittarius Your romantic partner will certainly appreciate your fun-loving mood. Why not plan a fun day togetherdoingsomethingother thanyourusualroutine?
Don'tbesurprisedifyouhavea desire to redecorate The celestial energies have put you in the mood to rearrange your house a bit. Take care to not go overboard,Capricorn.
Be sure to answer all phone calls and open all letters and emails today You're likely to receive some interesting news. You might get word from a former boss that you'd be perfect for a new position openingupinhisorheroffice.
Just as a watched pot never boils, so, too, do anxiously awaited checks or lettersrefuse to arrive in the mail Beyond double-checkingthattheperson or company has your correct address, there isn't much you candobutcontinuetowait.
We take this opportunity to thank Javed and Imran of West Indian Sports Complex, Option Group of USA, Hilbert Foster, Bish Panday of P and P Insurance Brokers,SeanDevers,Trevis Simon, Årïêl J. Tïlkú,Aaron Beharry, Leanna Bachan and Imran Saccoor, Devon Ramnauth, Teddy Singh, Romash Munna, Ravi Etwaroo, Kelvin Brijlall, Ravin Harkishun, Surendra Harkishun, Allan Mangru and Dennis Mangru, Vishal Mahabir, Sherman Austin, Huburn Evans, Rajendra SadeoandRameshSunichof Trophy Stall, Sheik Mohamed of Star Sports Awards and Trophies, Ajay G a i n d a o f C r i c k e t Equipment Guyana, Gajanand Singh, Peter
Mr MohbirDaneeram team comprised of 15
M r C h r i s t o p h e r members and we are Mohadeo s e e k i n g f i n a n c i a l
Mr DominicJoseph sponsorship from the M r D o m i n i q u e Government or any other Doodnauth private sector entity, which Mr OmeshKissoon is willing to financially Mr ChadPhang assist us to travel to this Ms.RosealinSamaroo event.
The Guyana Mixed Those interested in Martial Arts Karate sponsoring our team or Association would like to joininganyofourbranches, extend special thanks to its feel free to contact us on sponsors; Smalta Company 698-6727, 689-9288, 681andtheDirectorofNational 1701or698-7456.
Members of staff of the Louvre Museum and agents of the Creteil choreographic center participate in a yoga class as part of the dress rehearsal of ‘Run in the Louvre’. (REUTERS/Stephanie Lecocq)
Parisians warmed up for the Next up was disco in the coming Olympics with a Cour Caryatides, which series of workouts inside the features the former ballroom renowned Louvre Museum of 16th-century King Henry yesterday, part of a IV programme to meld sports The workouts amid and culture as the French artworks ended with a cardio capital girds to host the exercise at the foot of the SummerGames. walls of the Louvre’s Participants took part in mediaevalcastle. four 10-minute sessions of In all, there will be 16 various disciplines dubbed such sessions of up to 30 “Run in the Louvre” in four participants, arranged by emblematic rooms of the French choreographer world’s most visited Mehdi Kerkouche, taking museum. place from 8-9 a.m., before
The project is one aspect the museum opens to the of the Cultural Olympiad general public, through May programmedevelopedbythe 31.
Paris2024organisers. The Louvre Museum is
In the museum’s Cour the world’s largest, drawing (hall) Marly, which features around 30,000 visitors daily French sculptures that and nearly 10 million per adorned 17th-century King year
Louis XIV’s chateau in The Olympic flame will Marly, participants took part be carried through the inayogalesson. Louvre’s halls on July 14, Theythengotachanceto France’s Bastille Day, and learn dancehall, a Jamaican the museum will host in its dance, amidst statues hailing outdoor spaces the Olympic back to the reign of ancient cyclingeventsonAug.3-4as Assyrian King Sargon II in wellasthemarathononAug. t h e L o u v r e ’s C o u r 10-11.
From page 29 global stage.” “We remain committed to building upon the progress we’ve made and charting a course towards a vibrant and prosperous future for West Indies Cricket,” affirmed Dr Shallow “Through collective action and shared responsibility, we are confident in our ability to overcomechallengesandrealizeourvisionforthesport.”
The CWI delegation at the conference will be led by President Dr Kishore Shallow along with Vice President Azim Bassarath, CWI Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Director of Cricket, Business Planning Manager, and Head Coaches Andre Coley and Daren Sammy Additionally, other key members of the CWI organization will also be presenttocontributetothediscussionsanddeliberations. The conference will be live-streamed on Cricket West Indies’officialYouTubechannel.
ESPNcricinfo - In a Axar then took three catches clearlongoff. thrilling finish at the Arun and a wicket, and also ably Wi t h A z m a t u l l a h Jaitley Stadium, Rashid supported Kuldeep Yadav (2 Omarzai, Shahrukh Khan Khan nearly took Gujarat for29)withtheballtoensure andRahulTewatiaallfalling Titanshomeinpursuitof225 Capitals did just about for single-digit scores against Delhi Capitals. But enoughonthenight. around Sudharsan’s Mukesh Kumar held his Sudharsan, dismissal,Titansappearedto nerve to defend 19 off the Miller make it a contest lose steam needing 73 in 24 last over as Delhi Capitals Shubman Gill fell early balls. However, Miller completed a thrilling four- toAnrichNortjeinthechase, mauledNortjeforthreesixes runvictory. for the fourth time in seven and a four in a 24-run 17th
For Rashid to have a innings,butthatdidnotslow over to give Titans hope and chance at chasing a tall total, Titansdown. complete his own halfTitans had B Sai Sudharsan Wriddhiman Saha struck centuryoff21balls. (65)andDavidMiller(55)to 30 in his first 12 balls by Mukesh then dismissed thank. expertly clearing the infield Millerinthe18thoverandat
Their quick fifties kept while Sudharsan made full the time it seemed Capitals Titans within touching use of an early reprieve off had done enough. But Salam distance of the climbing Rasikh Salam’s bowling to leaked 18 runs in the 19th required run-rate, and for a raceofftheblocks. over to make it a shootout brief moment in the end, it TheydidnotletNortjeor between Rashid and felt like they had timed their Khaleel Ahmed settle and Mukesh. chase perfectly However, collected 67 in the Mukesh conceded two that wasn’t to be, and the powerplay fours off the first two balls Titans went down to the The spinners then and then another six off the Capitals for the second time bogged down Saha, and penultimate delivery but insevendays. Kuldeep Yadav dismissed held his nerve in the final Capitals themselves had him for 35 in 29 balls. But delivery to get a ball to land to climb out of a hole to post Sudharsan dominated so full that Rashid could not 224 for 4 in the first innings. through the middle overs, find that elusive boundary or SandeepWarrier’s3for15in hitting both seamers and six. the powerplay had left the spinners through the offside Scores: Delhi Capitals Capitals struggling at 44 for with cuts both in front and 224 for 4 (Pant 88*, Axar 66, 3, but Rishabh Pant’s behind square. He also came Warrier 3-15) beat Gujarat masterful 43-ball 88 and down the ground to race to Titans 220 for 8 (Sai Axar Patel’s 66 from No. 3 69 in 35 balls before falling Sudharsan 65, Miller 55, resurrected their innings to Salam in an attempt to Salam 3-44) by four runs.
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua - Dr Kishore Shallow, President of Cricket West Indies (CWI), eagerly anticipates the forthcoming RegionalConferenceonWestIndiesCricket, slated for 25-26 April 2024 at the Hyatt Regency in Trinidad and Tobago, a release fromtheCWInoted.
As stakeholders convene under the banner“ReinvigoratingWestIndiesCricketA Symposium for Strategic Collaboration and Innovation,” Dr Shallow acknowledges the significant strides taken by CWI as it navigates a new four-year cycle and strategic plan.
“While we have made considerable progress within CWI, setting the stage for a brighter future for West Indies Cricket, it’s essential to recognize that there is no quick fix addressing the complex challenges facing oursport,”remarkedDr Shallow “Itrequires sustained effort and participation from all stakeholdersinvolved.”
Dr Shallow emphasizes the need for The upcoming conference provides a shared responsibility in driving positive platform for collaborative efforts aimed at change within the cricketing community addressing critical areas such as “While CWI shoulders a significant portion infrastructure development, investment in of the responsibility, we understand that grassroots, youth, and women’s cricket, and meaningful progress cannot be achieved in other aspects of sports development. Dr isolation,” he stated. “It is crucial for all Shallow expresses optimism about the stakeholders, including CARICOM potentialoutcomesoftheconference,stating, Governments, territorial boards, and other “Together,wecanforgesustainablesolutions relevant entities, to actively engage and that will propel West Indies Cricket to new contribute to the advancement ofWest Indies heightsofsuccessandprominenceonthe Cricket.”
(Continued on page 28)
The Prime Minister’s birth anniversary dominoes tournament will be held on May 5 at Shanghai’s residenceintheminingtown of Linden. Entrance fee is $20,000 and the winning teamwilltakehomeatrophy and $700,000 along with nine medals, the runner up will receive $300,000, third place $150,000 and fourth place $50,000. The MVP in the final will collect $20,000 and the best uniform team $50,000.
The four -game six sitting competition will be contestedonatwoinoneout basis and teams can contact Mark Wiltshire on 659-8672 formoreinformation.
Thefirstplacetrophyhas been sponsored by Trophy Stall.
SportsMax - The International Cricket Bolt currently holds world records in the Council (ICC) have announced Olympic 100m, 200m and 4x100m with times of 9.58 legend Usain Bolt as an ambassador for the secs, 19.19 secs and 36.84 secs. His first upcoming ICC Men’sT20World Cup, which world record was in the 100m in 2008 when will be played in the West Indies and USA hepostedatimeof9.72secsinNewYork.He from1-29June2024. lowered it to 9.69 secs at the 2008 Olympic
The announcement comes a few weeks Games in Beijing and then to 9.58 secs at the ahead of the start of the biggest cricket 2009 World Championships in Berlin. He carnivalspectacleeverthatwillinspireanew holds the three fastest times ever run: 9.58, generation of fans. Bolt’s global appeal 9.64and9.69seconds. alongside his out of this world athletic The ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 is achievements and ability to transcend set to be action packed with Bolt’s presence boundaries makes him a perfect fit for the adding a new level of excitement for fans biggestT20WorldCupever globally Fans can look forward to seeing the Bolt created history at the 2016 Olympic world’sbestteamsbattleitoutforglory,with Games in Rio when he achieved the ‘Triple- theWorld Cup opening match seeing co-host Triple’, three gold medals at three USA taking on Canada at the Grand Prairie consecutive Olympic Games. His journey to CricketStadiuminDallas,TexasonSaturday worldwide stardom started at the 2008 1 June. For full match fixtures and tickets, Olympic Games in Beijing where he won the including hospitality packages in both the 100m,200mand4x100m,allinworldrecord We s t I n d i e s a n d U S A , v i s i t times. tickets.t20worldcup.com
Gu y a n a ’ s competitive That means Jumbo Jet Race of Horseracing jocks will be position riders, championswillbeopentoall
continues to and we must position our imported and locally bred attract and inspire those horses a lot faster than back horses running at 1,600 outside of Guyana With home in Trinidad. I have meters,willseethetophorse more than G$10 million in three rides so far, but I am walking away with cash and prizes up for grabs lookingfortwomorerides.” G$2,000,000. In addition to on Sunday April 28 at the Flavenney, like his Banks DIH, the other Jumbo Jet Race of fellow Trinidadian jocks, are s p o n s o r s a r e A J M champions, Trinidadian seeking greener pastures in Enterprise, Jumbo Jet, Sino jockey Nigel Flavenney has thelandofmanywaters.“An TruckandXCMG. secured his flight to Guyana. owner called me and offer A total purse of Flavenney will suit up at the meanopportunity,andItook G$3,750,000 will be divided RisingSunTurfClub,andhe it.Rightnow,inTrinidad,the forthefeaturerace,whilethe is hoping to bring his 20- race in Trinidad is a bit poor, entry fee is G$232,500. In years of experience to the and we need more help, but I addition to the feature event, Guyana horseracing had to look for the six more races are on the population. opportunity where it is. That cards.
“Everything so far has is why I am out here. In All races will be run been a nice experience in Guyana, you are getting a lot under the guidance of the Guyana.Ihavebeeninhorse more work here,” Flavenney Guyana Horse Racing racingfor20-yearsnow,”the said. Authority’srules. Trinidadianjockeysaid. The confident jockey is Entries closed yesterday, Sharing his sentiments telling his fellow riders to Wednesday, April 24. The on the tracks in Guyana, look out for greatness, as his race of champions will get Flavenney said: “The turns strength is being a front going at 12:00hrs at Rising in Guyana are a bit tighter, runningjockey Sun, and admission is but the races will be The feature race at the G$2,000.
Round 2 of the Guyana Mickelcompletedagreat T10 Blast continued game with 3-22 while yesterday at Enmore Ground Guyana Harpy Eagles withwinsforbothEssequibo opener Raymond Perez franchises as the Anacondas showed his class with the andJaguarsregisteredstrong ball as he returned 3-4 while wins. left-arm spinner Anthony EssequiboAnacondas beat Adams (1-3) and Foo (1-14) Berbice Piranhas by 6 lentsupport.
wickets Berbice Caimans lose by 7 The Anacondas finished wickets to Essequibo on 49-4 to seal their win Jaguars thanks to Kwesi Mickle who National players, opener ledthechasehitting21off12 Kevin Sinclair gave the withtwofours. Caimans a terrific start with Thaddeus Lovell hit a 20 off 12 (2x4 1x6) while solitary six (7*), while Guyana Harpy Eagles viceJonathan Foo and Ushadeva captain Kevlon Anderson Balgobin (4) were the heldthemiddletogetherwith primaryscorers. an18-ball26(1x6).
Left-arm spinner Steven Sankar (10) was GarfieldPhillipswasthestar the other player to reach for Berbice with 3-15 double figures for the Earlier Berbice captain Caimans, as Harpy Eagles
29 not out with 2 fours from Savory along with the Jaguars to 82-3 in 9.5 with theAnacondas tangling Veerasammy Permaul pacer Nial Smith (1-10) and national wicket-keeper and veteran openers Shemroy overs. with the Pitbulls from hammeredapairoffoursand national spinner Ashmead Jaguars captain Kemol Barrington (22) and Sankar had a good game 12:30h Game two will sixes in his 22 off 9 while Nedd (1-15) and Joemal Savory, guided his side to Chandrapaul Hemraj (18) as he finished with 2-11 feature the Piranhas and Rivaldo Phillips had 13 with LaFleur (1-17) led the victory with 1 run required and national U19 star whileSinclairhad1-12. Hawksbattlingfrom14:30h, a six and four to his name as bowling. with2ballsremaining. MavindraDindyal(10),took Round 3 continues today attheMalteenoesGround. theyendedon48. But a brilliant knock of
Los Angeles Clippers guard
James Harden (1) passes the ball.
b e c a u s e o f r i g h t k n e e inflammation, scored 15 points in 35minutes.
Pacers 125, Bucks 108
Pascal Siakam recorded 37 points, 11 rebounds and six assists and Indiana evened its first-round Eastern Conference playoff series with an impressive victory over hostMilwaukeeinGame2.
Myles Turner added 22 points, seven rebounds, six assists and three blocked shots for the sixthseeded Pacers, who snapped a 10game postseason losing streak datingbackto2018.
Damian Lillard scored 34 points and Brook Lopez added 22 for the third-seeded Bucks. Each player made six 3-pointers
Reuters - Luka Doncic had 32 points and Milwaukee again was without star nine assists and Kyrie Irving added 23 points GiannisAntetokounmpo(calf). as the Dallas Mavericks got the best of the Timberwolves 105, Suns 93 Los Angeles Clippers 96-93 in Game 2 on Jaden McDaniels scored 25 points on 10Tuesday to even their first-round playoff for-17 shooting and Minnesota pulled away series. from Phoenix in Game 2 of their Western
PJ Washington scored 18 points and Conference quarterfinals series in Derrick Jones Jr had 10 as the Mavericks Minneapolis. recovered from a double-digit defeat in Mike Conley and Rudy Gobert finished Game 1 on Sunday, when they trailed by as with 18 points apiece for Minnesota, which many as 29 points and scored just 30 in the seized a 2-0 lead in the best-of-seven series. firsthalf The Timberwolves won by double digits Doncic and Irving combined to go 19 of despite a subpar night from Anthony 44 (43.2 percent) in the game after they Edwards, who shot 3 of 12 from the field and struggled in the decisive first half of Game 1 finishedwith15points. when they combined to shoot 5 of 19 (26.3 DevinBookerledtheSunswith20points percent).Irvingmade3of4freethrowsinthe on 6-for-13 shooting, though he was 1-for-6 last12secondstosealthewin. from 3-point range. Kevin Durant finished
James Harden and Paul George each with 18 points and Bradley Beal scored 14, scored 22 points as the Clippers were unable but the pair combined to shoot 12 of 32 from totakeadvantageofKawhiLeonard’sreturn. thefield. Leonard, who had not played since March 31 (Field Level Media)
SportsMax - Excitement is mounting in medalsattheOlympics.
Bermuda as double-double Olympic Anticipation is palpable among champion Elaine Thompson-Herah is set to Bermuda’s Jamaican community, with make her season debut at the upcoming Yackeisha Weir, president of the Jamaican USATF Bermuda Grand Prix on Sunday, Association of Bermuda (JAB), expecting a April 28.Thompson-Herah, who trains under strong showing of support for ThompsonCoach Reynaldo Walcott at Elite Herah at the Flora Duffy Stadium. Weir Performance in Kingston, Jamaica, arrives as emphasized the significance of Thompsonthe reigning fastest woman alive after Herah’s presence, particularly with the clocking a stunning 10.54 seconds in the upcomingParisOlympicsonthehorizon. 100minOregoninAugust2021. “The anticipation is high this year, Thompson-Herah made history at both especiallyaswehavethefastestwomanalive the 2016 Rio Olympics and the rescheduled competing,” said Weir in an interview with Tokyo Olympics in 2021 by claiming gold in BerNews. “With the Olympic Games taking the 100m and 200m events, becoming the place this summer, Bermuda has a chance to only woman ever to achieve this remarkable see a preview of Paris. It’s an honour to have feat. Elaineontheisland.”
Her dominance extended to the relay The USATF Bermuda Grand Prix, slated events,whereshesecuredgoldinthe4x100m to be broadcast live on NBC from 5 pm to 7 relay in Tokyo, joining the elite company of pm, promises to be a thrilling showcase of Usain Bolt and Florence Griffith-Joyner in world-classathletics,withElaineThompsoncompleting a triple clean sweep of sprint Herahheadliningastar-studdedlineup.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport,
Charles Ramson JrGovernment of Guyana’s G o d f r e y M u n r o e , commitment to sports acknowledged that while no investment, noting that the Guyanese athlete has nation is witnessing one of directly qualified for the t h e m o s t p r u d e n t Olympics at present, he investments into sports, assured that Guyana will be while praising the strong represented, citing various bilateral relationship with pathways to qualification France. acrossdifferentdisciplines.
With several of the Paris won the hosting country’s top junior athletes rights for the 2024 Olympics
Toney exhibition “A fitting seated in the audience, after the International introduction to the public as Minister Ramson affirmed Olympic Committee (IOC) The French Diplomatic it is one of the world’s most that investments are decision during the 131st Office in Guyana, in anticipated sporting underway to ensure that IOC Session in Lima, Peru, collaboration with the spectacles, the Olympic Guyananotonlyparticipates inSeptember2017. G u y a n a O l y m p i c Games.” in the 2028 Olympics in Los Anticipated to showcase Association and UNICEF, Theexhibitioncelebrates Angeles, USA, but also a diverse array of sports, the hosted an exhibition on Paris and France’s embrace standsatopthepodium. Paris Olympics will feature Tuesday evening at the of the world; a gesture Highlighting boxer both traditional Olympic N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y , imbued with the same ethos Michael Paris’Bronze at the events and potentially some spotlighting the July 21 – that underpins the Olympic 1980 Games in Russia as newadditions. August 11 Paris Olympic movement itself. In a world Guyana’s only Olympic Paris, with its rich Games. fraught with conflicts and medal, Minister Ramson history, iconic landmarks, PrimeMinisterBrigadier challenges, the Olympic expressed confidence that and vibrant culture, (Ret’d) Mark Phillips spirit offers a glimpse of this tally will change come promises an enchanting delivered a keynote address, what humanity can achieve 2028. settingforthegames. emphasizing the profound when we come together in Forté stated that the In preparation for the impact of the Olympic pursuit of a common goal,” exhibition aimed to provide Olympics, Paris has Games in fostering global PrimeMinisterPhillipssaid. aglimpseoftheParisGames undergone significant unity The Prime Minister to Guyana, offering both infrastructure upgrades, Minister of Culture, highlighted that the Guyanese citizens and venue constructions, and Youth, and Sport Charles Olympics offer a chance to athletes an opportunity to logistical arrangements to RamsonJr andJean-Jacques reassert our dedication to a previewthevenuesandother ensure seamless operations Forté, Chargé d’Affaires & more peaceful world, and aspects that will be duringtheevent. Head of the French Guyana’s athletes will showcasedinFrance. As with every Olympic Diplomatic Bureau in exemplify their athletic He underlined the strong Games, the Paris Olympics Guyana, along with GOA excellence in a manner that diplomatic ties between aims to unite athletes from President Godfrey Munroe, embodies the Olympic Guyana and France and across the globe, fostering a l s o s h a r e d t h e i r values of peace, friendship, eagerly anticipated seeing international camaraderie perspectives. andrespect. Guyanese athletes compete and sportsmanship while
Prime Minister Phillips Meanwhile, Minister inParis. celebrating the pinnacle of hailed the exhibition as Ramson highlighted the President of the GOA, athleticachievement.
Another young cricketer benefits from Project “Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana”, thanks to Star Sports Awards and Trophies
Fifteen years old Esau this initiative for the cricket Azees of Rose Hall gear and promised to work Community Center Cricket hard on his game. We are Club is the latest youth to happy to be associated with benefit from this joint the development of cricket initiative of Kishan Das of especially through young theUSAandAnilBeharryof people. Guyana. The all rounder, a Total cricket related student of Berbice High items received/purchased so School a right hand batsman far: $460,000 in cash, and off spinner, was the thirteen colored cricket recipient of one pair of uniforms, two trophies, batting gloves, one pair of twenty five pairs of cricket batting pads and one cricket shoes, thirty three pairs of bat. batting pads, thirty five Sheikh Mohamed of Star cricket bats, thirty pairs of SportsAwards and Trophies, batting gloves, twenty five lot 28 Logwood, Enmore, thigh pads, three pairs of East Coast Demerara wicketkeepingpads,sixarm provided the gloves and guards, two chest pads, two pads Young Azees was boxes,twelvecricketbags, grateful to Star Sports and (Continued on page 27)
Esau Azees left and Ameer Rahaman at the presentation.
Richard DeNobrega, Blue Water Shipping
Senior Vice President of Sales and Development speaking at yesterday’s launch.
Yesterday marked a to cultivate a new generation significant milestone in of female football stars for Guyana’s football history as Guyana. He emphasized the the Guyana Football broader lessons of football Federation (GFF), in beyond the field, saying, “I collaboration with Blue see not only students but Water Shipping, launched potential football stars the the groundbreaking Girls will represent us (Guyana) U n d e r - 1 5 N a t i o n a l on the international fronts. S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l Football is more than just a D e v e l o p m e n t a l sport It teaches you championship The event principles that you can take unfolded at the prestigious with you beyond your National Training Centre football career It also brews (NTC), heralding a new era camaraderie and friendships for female football that will last after you leave developmentinthecountry thefield.”
SponsoredbyBlueWater President of the GFF, Shipping, the three-month Wayne Forde, underscored tournament is set to the significance of focusing showcase the talents of 60 on the Under-15 level as a schools from across the strategic starting point for nation, constituting f e m a l e f o o t b a l l approximately half of the development Forde total number of public extended his gratitude to schools countrywide Blue Water Shipping and the Scheduled to commence on Government of Guyana, May 4, the championship particularly the Ministry of will span all regions of the Education, for their pivotal country, excluding region roles in supporting the eight, with participation c h a m p i o n s h i p H e fromregions1,2,3,4,5,6,7 envisionedthetournamentas and9to10. a catalyst for greater interest
In a format designed to and participation in football foster competitiveness and amongGuyaneseyouthatall skill development, the levels of the education tournament will see teams system.
engage in nine-a-side The championship matches in a round-robin represents a concerted effort format within their by the GFF to promote respective regions The gender equality and expand victors of each region, a c c e s s t o f o o t b a l l alongside four additional opportunities for young teams, will advance to the women across Guyana. As round of sixteen, where they the tournament unfolds, it will compete in group stages promises not only to of four to secure a spot in the showcase emerging talent finaleight. but also to inspire a new
Richard DeNobrega, generationoffemalefootball
Senior Vice President of enthusiasts, laying the Blue Water Shipping, foundation for a vibrant and expressed optimism about inclusive football culture in the championship’s potential thenation.
FIFA’s Regional Office
Lead Hervé Blanchard has acknowledged the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) effortstoboostinfrastructure and reaffirmed FIFA’s ongoing collaboration with the Federation to grow footballacrossthecountry
Blanchard visited
GuyanafromApril15and16 and met with GFF President Wayne Forde and his Council to evaluate the advancementsofthenation’s facilities supported by FIFA Forwardfunding.
The FIFA official also conductedathoroughreview of architectural blueprints and made visits to football facilities, including the National Training Centre (NTC) in Providence, East flood light system The everywhere,” Blanchard
FIFA’s Regional Office Lead Hervé Blanchard took a look at the work by the GFF at their Providence facility.
At the heart of President opportunity to discuss and andournationalteamswitha Bank Demerara, and the current facility offers a lot of noted. F o r d e ’ s v i s i o n t o show the infrastructure place to train and compete in potential football venue in potentialtocontinuetoreally He added that the focus revolutionise the sport in development made through front of supporters. We once Ann’s Grove, East Coast developthedifferentfootball now is seeing “how we Guyanaliesthedevelopment t h e F I FA F o r w a r d againthankFIFAforbacking Demerara. specific amenities that are continue to develop its of state-of-the-art amenities. programme which was ourvision.”
T h e N T C i s t h e going to be able to cater to infrastructure”, to ensure These facilities will feature launched in 2016 by FIFA “We are pleased to have centrepieceprojectunderthe national teams, women, Guyana will be able to host synthetic pitches, spectator PresidentGianniInfantino. had the opportunity to share FIFA Forward initiative for men, boys (and) girls, but international games stands and residential “We have consistently our progress with Blanchard Guyana with recent also really to host domestic “because let’s keep in mind dormitories. prioritised investment in and to outline our improvements including the competition.” that currently it seems like The GFF top official infrastructure, aiming to comprehensive plans for installation of state-of-the- The enhancements at the national team is having added that Blanchard’s visit provide footballers with a future FIFA Forward art floodlights and upgrades NTC have significantly difficulties to play their gave the Federation an home, clubs with a venue, investments,”Fordenoted. to the pitch, amounting to an elevated the game and home games in Guyana investment of US$1 1 training experience for which is something that million. nationalteamsandimproved ultimately we have to work Blanchard said he was the fan experience during towards.” pleased to see the broader tournamentssuchastheKFC “I think Guyana, the football community Elite League and Women’s Guyanese people ought to benefiting from the recent LeagueDivisionOne. see their national team upgradesattheNTC. “I think we have already especially the way that it is “Iwasreallyhappytosee achieved significant p e r f o r m i n g o n t h e that now the Guyana achievements. There is international level to be able Football Federation, but as incredible potential and so to play at home so really the well (as) the football much more we can continue importance of further stakeholdercommunity,now to achieve in this country development of that facility benefit from a state of the art where football is being to FIFA but also to the GFF football pitch, state of the art played pretty much it’skindofessential.”
Aryan Bahadur receives his award from Sensei Lloyd Ramnarine.
The Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Karate Association successfully held its Third Annual Epic Clash Martial Arts Championship last Sunday at the Guyana National Gymnasium. With more than fourteen participating teams, students left with great success and worthy accomplishments.
Upon the completion of the event, Mr Aryan Bahadur secured the first position at the Traditional Kata Grand Championship among 15 other participants. Master Lloyd Ramnarine applauded every participating student and congratulated them for their performance as theyexcelledattheevent.
The Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Karate Association held an Ambassador presentation on the said date of the event. Fifteen students we’re nominated and were presented with the Ambassador Award. Those awarded are as follows:
Mr ZafarRamnarine
(Continued on page 27)