profits triple st in 1 Quarter
‘Tender board has power to terminate ‘Critic’ contract’ Original $82M Den Amstel Police Station contract now needs $94 million more to complete Demerara Bank opens branch in St. Lucia
VP Jagdeo calls sections of Justice Kissoon’s ruling on teachers’ strike presumptuous
AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online: April26,2024-Vol.26 No.17 Online readership yesterday, 55,684 Friday Edition Price $100 Palestinians
found buried alive Oil companies’
Chief Executive Officer of Hess Corporation, John Hess
Justice Sandil Kissoon -Jagdeo
by Israelis in mass graves
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Friday April 26, 2024
Oil companies’ profits st triple in 1 Quarter
US oil producer, Hess Corporation saw its profits leap by $626M in the first quarter of 2024 thanks to higherproductionvolumesin the Bakken shale in the US and the Stabroek block offshoreGuyana.
This according to the company's most recent first quarter report for the year Hess' net income, the c o m p a n y s a i d , w a s US$972M in the three months ended 31 March, compared to $346 million in the first quarter of 2023, according to the company's latestearningsreport.
This would mean that Hess's profits have almost tripled over the previous reporting period. According to Hess, its overall net production of oil and gas was 476,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, up 27 percent from 374,000 barrels ofoilperday(bpd)in2023.
The Bakken production surged by 27,000 (bpd), according to Hess, “while Guyana offered up an additional 78,000 (bpd) this quarter.”
The first quarter results “substantiallyoutperformed” expectations, according to a report from analyst firm TD
Cowen. Overall production beatprojectionsby9percent, while Hess' Guyana output beat consensus by 28 percent, Cowen noted. Hess is still in line to be acquired by US supermajor Chevron for $53 billion, though that deal could be upended by arbitration challenges by ExxonMobil and CNOOC International over a right-offirst-refusal debate in the prolific Stabroek field, which ExxonMobil operates witha 5percentstake.
Hess' 30 percent stake in Stabroek would wind up in Chevron's hands if the merger is still completed. CNOOC International owns 25 percent. The merger however is expected to drag out until the end of the year owing an arbitration challenge by ExxonMobil Guyana and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), over the 30 percent stake held by the company in the lucrative S t a b r o e k B l o c k ExxonMobil Corporation is slated to release its first quarter2024financialresults today (Friday, April 26, 2024).
Meanwhile CNOOC, yesterday reported that its
Chief Executive Officer of Hess Corporation,
John Hess
first-quarter net profit surged 24% to a record, driven by higher realised oil prices and output growth. Net income f o r J a n u a r y - M a r c h , according to CNOOC rose to 39.7 billion yuan (US$5.48 billion) from 32.1 billion Yuan in the same period last year This much is d o c u m e n t e d i n t h e company's filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
on Thursday “CNOOC's total net production during the period was 180.1 million barrels of oil equivalent (bpd), up 9.9 percent, credited to increased output from the company's international operations which increased by 16 9 percent, “lifted by higher production in Guyana and Canada.”
As such, the company in
January revised its 2024 production target by about 8 percent to a record 700 million to 720 million bpd, while raising the annual capital spending target to new highs. ExxonMobil in presenting its last report, for the fourth-quarter 2023, the Company's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Darren Woods had reported earnings of US$7 6B for the last quarter of the year For the full year 2023, the company reported earnings of US$36B.
To this end, Woods had observed “…our consistent strategy and execution excellence across the business delivered industryleading earnings and enabled us to return more cash to shareholders than our peers in2023.”
According to Woods, at the time of the release of that report in February last, “These results demonstrate t h e f u n d a m e n t a l improvementswe'vemadeto
our business, reflecting our progress in high-grading our p o r t f o l i o t h r o u g h investments in advantaged projects and select divestments, while, at the same time, driving a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness throughout the business. The foundation of our success comes from the resiliency, hard work and commitment of our people.
As I reflect on our industryleading results over the past year, I have a great sense of pride in what our people accomplished.”
Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Friday April 26, 2024
Exposure and danger
Guyanese still hoping for something material coming their way from their oil patrimony understand that as the number of projects increases, there should be more. This should mean more for them, the ones living on rungs lower than the middle of the national economic ladder Though approvedoilprojectshavegonefromtwotofour,thenfive, and now six, the hopefuls in Guyana still dream for somethingfromtheirwealth.
Theyhavebeentoldtobepatient,becauseinafewyears, they will be rolling in the revenues maximized from productionsoaring.Theestimatesarethatby2027,Guyana willbeproducing1.3millionbarrelsofoildaily AsGuyana joins that exclusive million-bpd club, Guyanese should be millionaires, but their prospects of attaining that height do notlookoverwhelmingpresently Morebarrelsperday(over a million) mean more billions for ExxonMobil, while the millionorsothatisdueeachGuyanesehastobereceivedto bebelieved. Simultaneously,themoreoilthatisproduced, themoreexposuresmultiply,themoredangersintensify
To say that ExxonMobil is barreling ahead with daily productionoffshoreisaseriousunderstatement. Witheach new oil project approved by the PPP/C Government, more revelationsarriveonwhattherisksare. Priortotheapproval ofthesixthproject,ExxonMobilwasalreadyexceedingthe safety limits identified in Environmental Impact Assessments. Insteadofgivingitselfacushionbypumping within a reasonable margin of 10 to 20% below the recommended daily barrels, ExxonMobil has been bulldozing ahead in the Liza 1 and Liza 2 oilfields. The companyclaimstoknowwhatitisdoing,ithasthingsunder control, and its technology and other risk mitigation measuresmustbetrusted.
Concerned Guyanese and knowledgeable foreign observersarenotcomfortedbythecompany’sreassurances. TheyarealarmedathowExxonMobilkeepsratchetingupits daily production numbers without much restraint, and with thewillingcooperationofthePPP/CGovernment. Sincethe GovernmentofGuyanaisimmovablycommittedtobeinga slavetovisionsandplansofthecompany,theleastitcoulddo is to get the best protection for this country should a disastrousoilspilloccur,asnewprojectsaregreenlighted.
Therecentlyapprovedsixthoilprojectconfirmsthatthe PPP/CGovernmentisgoingtheotherway. Itseemsthatthe primary policy now is to give more and more rein to the offshore oil consortium for it to race ahead with more production,whileloweringtheprotectionbarriersthatmust be in place for Guyanese. When Guyana should be more vigilantabouttheexposuresfromincreasedproduction,itis contenttogotheotherway Whatthegovernmentthatstands in command over this national endowment is doing is more than what is cavalier, more than irresponsible. What the PPP/CGovernmentanditsleadersaredoingisendangering Guyanatoafrighteningextent. Agovernment’sfirstdutyis toitsownpeople,buttherecordindicatesleadersgoinginthe opposite direction. Any excuse has been made to deny Guyanese the security blanket of an unlimited parent company (ExxonMobil) guarantee, and that is the determinedhandworkoftheirowngovernment. Itcannotbe defined, it is not quantifiable, it is too open-ended, and it couldbankruptthecompany Insteadofseriousconcernfor potential catastrophic environmental wreckage and irrecoverableeconomiccalamities,thegovernmenthasbeen more concerned about what could happen to ExxonMobil, and how foreign investors could retreat from interest in Guyana because of nervousness. With the sixth oil project giventhegoahead,thepostureofthePPP/CGovernmentis that it will decide on how much insurance is necessary A government that has betrayed Guyanese repeatedly lets ExxonMobil off the hook. Government leaves Guyana hostage to the company’s known resistance to paying when thereisheavydamagefromanoilspill. AnyGuyanesewho believesthatExxonMobilwillbegenerousishopingagainst hope. AnyGuyanesewhoexpectstowincourtbattleswith ExxonMobilforoilspillcompensationisgamblingwiththe oddsalmosttotallyagainstthem.
ThankstothecollusionsofthePPP/CGovernmentwith ExxonMobil,thisisthespecteratwhichGuyanesestare.
When the carnage was instigated by a PPPMinister and the
group, people sought solace in NorthAmerica
I noted the daily
The fear surrounding the Cold War provided the incentiveforGuyanesetogo North Generally, the Portuguese at first found comfort in Canada. Records would show that during the PPP Government, 19571964, large numbers of Guyanese, Indo and Afro movedtotheUnitedStates,a sprinkling settling in the Caribbean and even Surinam.
This movement north continuedunabateduntilthis day When the carnage was instigatedbyaPPPMinister and the Phantom group, people sought solace in North America. Today, this northern drift continues. In
Chronicle report on President’sAli visit with the diaspora in New York FollowingthePPPscript,he talked about the many Guyanese leaving Guyana empty-handed, according to him, due to the PNC dictatorship This is a propaganda trick and falsehoodsthePPPhasbeen getting away with for a long time. Since the end of the firstWorldWar(1914-1918), people moved first to the UK, the Caribbean and the United States This continued particularly to the US and those with families willtellyouthatevenduring the Ten-Year Depression in the US (1929-1939), Guyanese moved to the United States This continuedaftertheendofthe SecondWorldWar,1945.
some cases, to unite with theirkithandkinwassettled and acquired citizenship or permanentstatusafter1945.
Dear PresidentAli, the truth and the whole truth will prevail and pierce the darkness of propaganda
Dear PresidentAli, only the truth can secure an honourable place for you in ourhistory
Today, it is difficult to identify any family in Guyana without some relative or family member already settled in North America I publicly challenge President Ali to provide the statistics to justify his emotionally chargedstatementthatitwas during the dark days of the PNC-R authoritarian rule, thatGuyaneselefttheshores of Guyana. Talking about dictatorship and as some folkssay,thesubtlecreation ofanapartheidstate,lethim explain, in spite of our massive inflow of money, thegapbetweentheveryrich and the poor continues to widen. Ali and his friends must stopthisnonsenseandcheap propaganda and perhaps when next he speaks to the diaspora, tell them who are the beneficiaries of these Contracts and why there is every day a line of persons awaiting visas to go as we say,upnorth.DearPresident Ali,onlythetruthcancreate conditions for a One Guyana. Dear PresidentAli, onlythetruthcansetusfree.
HamiltonGreen Elder.
NDIAdenies delays in Region Three pump projects
Officials from the National Drainage and IrrigationAuthority(NDIA), have dismissed the recent comments made by Opposition Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul, about the constructionofseveralpump stations in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) Over the weekend, after attending several meetings with residents and farmers from Maria’s Lodge, and other surrounding communities in Region Three, Agriculture Minister,ZulfikarMustapha, along with a team of senior officers from the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), visited thelocationwherethepump station is being constructed inCanalNo.1. “Iwasinthe region for several meetings with farmers and residents anddecidedtovisittheCanal No. 1 pump station which was on my way back to Georgetown. When I go to these places I don’t just run in and run out. I speak with the team there and get as much information based on my observation and the guidance of my senior engineers.Ifsomethingisoff or seems behind schedule, I don’t leave until the contractor can provide me with a sensible and reasonable explanation. The other pump stations – I’ve visitedthoseareasonseveral other occasions, not only in Region Three but in other parts of the country So, this
narrative that Mr Mahipaul istryingtopushisridiculous and it seems as though he wants some publicity As Minister, I’ve visited these areas on previous occasions and I’ve also met with the contractors to discuss the progress of these projects,” MinisterMustaphasaid.
As it relates to the other pump stations mentioned, Minister Mustapha said that contrary to what Mr Mahipaul said, progress is beingmade. “AtBelleVue, the contractor has mobilised andalreadyinstalledacoffer dam.Thetestpileshavealso been driven and this project isscheduledtobecompleted 4thofAugust,2025.
AtMeter-Meer-Zorg,the contractor has commenced mobilisationandthisproject is also scheduled to be completed on the 4th of A u g u s t , 2 0 2 5 . A t Pouderoyen, the contractor hasmobilisedtothesiteand hascommencedworkonthe access road which is part of t h e c o n t r a c t T h e procurement of long lead items under the project is alsoinprogress.Thisproject isscheduledtobecompleted on the 29th July 2025,” MinisterMustaphanoted.
Furthermore, Minister Mustapha rubbished Mr Mahipaul’s conclusion that projects across the region languish in a state of abandonment and disrepair This,henoted,wasludicrous onMahipaul’spart.Minister Mustapha also calledon Mr Mahipaulinhiscapacityasa Member of Parliament to
comment on the neglect and incompetenceofhispolitical party who, while in government, procured pumpsthroughanIndiaLine of Credit that were not compliant with the contract specification.“Mr Mahipaul can try to discredit the work we are doing to improve the country’s drainage infrastructureallhewants.
The fact of the matter is that under the watch of the former government, several pumps were procured which were ineffective costing taxpayers over US $3 6 million.Theywerenotfitfor thepurposeandhadallsorts ofmechanicalissuesranging
from parts overheating, electrical problems with the control panel, alignment difficulties, leaking gearboxes, broken drive shafts, engine back pressuring,brokengearsand gearboxesamongothers.
The work we are doing nowtoimprovedrainageand irrigationacrossthecountry, theycouldn’tevenattemptto executetheseprojects.
Iwanthim(Mahipaul)to speak on that,” Minister Mustaphaadded.
Regards, JanellCameron, Public Relations Officer, MinistryofAgriculture
Gaza mass grave and campuses protests
Amidst continuing students’ arrests across U S universities campuses as the ongoing pro-Palestine/Israel protests intensify, comes grisly and harrowing evidence as the Gaza mass grave unearth bodies being tortured,executedandburied alive(AlJazeeraApril24).
All of this as the Rafah offensive is ramped up, despite international calls to desist.
Turning to protests across U S campuses, one letter writer has said Ivy League universities are on edge following protests and advocatedthatstudentsmust have the right to peaceful protests on their campuses, even as a Muslim valedictorian at one university is denied making her speech (GT April 25). The writer further advocates that vice-chancellors should welcome and encourage the input of students seeking representationoftheirviews throughouttheirinstitutional structures and are willing to engage positively and constructively to this end. The writer then asks ‘isn’t that what their institutions werefoundedtodo?’
The question is: is there thewilltodefyitsdonorsand standwithitsstudents? The backlashfromdonorscanbe decisive,aswesaw
Sincerely ShamshunMohamed
Kaieteur News Kaieteur News PAGE 04 FridayApril 26, 2024
by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456 Editor-In-Chief: NIGEL WILLIAMS
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Political activism flourishes at Columbia University
ColumbiaUniversityhas a long history of allowing student protests and has always shown itself to be responsible.
While attending the University,wehadprotested against University actions via peaceful means Ben Jealous who eventually became the head of the N A A C P ( N a t i o n a l
Association for the Advancement of Colored People),themaincivilrights organizationintheUSA,had co-led a protest when I had first started attending the University
We had blocked off Broadway and even prevented entry to the main administrative building
There was also a protest in my senior year where
students fasted to have their concernsaddressed.
T h e U n i v e r s i t y immediately took steps to ensure those fasting were being kept safe from seriously harming their health.
There were even times when the Nation of Islam was brought on campus, which sparked outrage and conflict between Jewish,
African American and Muslimstudents.
All of these situations were dealt with effectively by the University and without any detrimental harmcomingtothestudents.
Inthosecases,theUniversity did their best to prevent the situationfromescalating.
What appears to be different in the current proPalestinian protest at the
How can Guyana accelerate the monetization of its Natural Gas?
Proposal to President Irfaan Ali and President ChandrikapersadSantokhi.
Since the discoveries of the Oil and Gas resources Guyana tried to look for possibilities to reach a sustainable economic and social development of the country for the prosperity and the wellbeing of its people. This is in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UnitedNations.
But the main problem, apartfromotherissues,isthe funding for the projects and programmes for the developmentgoals.
How effective and efficientcanGuyanamanage itsOilandGasResourcesto getitsfairshareforfulfilling itsneedsaccordingtheSDG oftheUN?Letustakealook for the Natural Gas Confronting with the high energy rates (all the feedstock for the power generation is imported) the firstthingistotrytoreplace theimportbyitsownNatural Gas. Guyana has succeeded to realize its Gas-to-Energy Project after several
extensive feasibility studies.
The GTE Project will be in operation during 2025. This projectneeds50millionscfd natural gas for the power generationplantof300MW while the transport capacity ofthepipelineis130million scfd. So, the balance of 80 million scfd can be put available for a power generationofabout400MW (proposed project) in the district Nickerie, in the Western part of Suriname. This energy can be used for the industrial development ofbothcountries.
In the initial period, when there is no power consumer,thegovernmentof Suriname can purchase the energy through its wholly ownedenergycompanyEBS instead of using the energy generatedbyEBS. EnergyfromNaturalGas is cheaper than from HFO.
As industrialisation is starting to increase at the same time the energy decrease for EBS will take place.This proposed project will accelerate the monetisation of the natural gasdevelopmentsofGuyana and is in line with the
Formation Agreement for the Strategic Dialogue and Cooperation Platform signed on November 24, 2020 by the Government of the Republic of Suriname and the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Cooperation under thisAgreementshallinclude areas of common interest. One of the areas is Natural Resources including Mining andOilandGas.Meanwhile Guyana has sent out Invitation for Request for Proposal for Design, Finance, Construction, and Operation of Required Gas Infrastructure to Support UpstreamDevelopments.
This project will be strictly financed and owned 100% by private sector As part of this RFPprocess, the selected Applicant, if any, with the most optimism
solution for the Project, will haveexclusivitytonegotiate with the GoG for its entitlement of the gas to ensure the viability of the Projectandtheoverallvalue
c h a i n ( R E F : GOG/MNR/2024/GTE-01)
* GoG and GoS to sign an MOU for cooperation for the 400 MW Power Project andforthesupplyofNatural Gas.
* Two RFPs based on D e s i g n , F i n a n c e , Construction, and Operation for the pipeline and for the power generation plant will be sent out It is recommendedthattheMOU to be signed by both Presidents on the Suriname Energy Oil and Gas Summit on4-7June2024.
Drs. Johan Tjang-ASjin
University is the mounting number of non-University actors that are participating intheprotest.
Prior to the protest erupting on campus, there was a pro Hamas speech given.
A sign was also seen at the protest calling on a terrorist organization linked to Palestine to take action against the University Taking the non-violent nature of the protest into a very risky stage where violence and harm to those attending the university was possible.
Something which other protests at the University alwaysavoided.
The current emotionally charged atmosphere around the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians makes thesecurityrisktothe University very substantial.Thus,thecurrent actions to wind down the proteststoregaincontroland safetyattheUniversity.
Just recently, a student from Europe was killed while returning to campus fromplayingfootball.
The location and design of the campus lends itself to security risks that can result in dangerous non-university actors gaining access to the campus.
Columbia has no choice
but to take the initiative and reduce the safety risks to keep everyone in a safe environment.
> I am sure the spirit of academia, free speech and political activism will continuetostriveatthisgreat institutionwhichhasbirthed foundingfathersoftheUSA, 34 presidents and prime ministers and 87 Nobel laureates.
Agreatsourceofleaders forthefreeworld.
MyAlmaMaterdoesnot shy away from rigorous intellectual debate, nor does itsuppresspoliticalactivism.
The safety of students and faculty has always been apriorityandwillalwaysbe a priority at Columbia University “In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen”, in thy lightshallweseelight.
Kaieteur News PAGE 05 FridayApril 26, 2024
“Integrating Trade Facilitation into Climate Strategies”
In the face of an escalating global climate disaster, global supply chains play a critical role, accountingformorethan60 percent of overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissionsfrominternational tradeinfossilfuels.
As climate change threatens to disrupt these supplychainsandnegatively impact international commerce including increasing trade costs—the need to address the climate crisisbecomesmorecrucial. Climate adaptation and mitigation are two complementary approaches used to tackle these challenges.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate mitigation as man-made interventions to reduce the sourcesorenhancethesinks of GHGs, and climate adaptation as the modification of natural or human systems in response to actual or anticipated climate stimuli or their effects,aimedatminimizing harmorleveragingfavorable circumstances.
Beyond the adaptation and mitigation efforts pursued by each country under its Paris Agreementb a s e d N a t i o n a l l y Determined Contributions (NDCs) to achieve their targets and bolster their responses to the climate threat, trade facilitation, along with its associated protocols and regulations, is vital for promoting sustainable economic growth and development, e n h a n c i n g t r a d e competitiveness, and serving as a gateway into regional and global value chains.
The World Trade Organization(WTO)defines trade facilitation as the streamlining, harmonising, and modernising of export and import procedures to make international trade moreefficientandeffective. Trade facilitation not only accelerates the transfer of goods across borders, enhancingaccessibility,cost efficiency, and firms’ competitiveness, but it also requires attention to the linkage between climate changeandtradefacilitation to achieve alignment and
To gain a better understanding of how concerted action may result in equitable growth, r e s i l i e n c e , a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l sustainability, this SRC Trading Thoughts seeks to demonstrate the nexus between trade facilitation andclimatechange.
GreenTrade FacilitationPolicies
To maintain strong economies and supply chains and contribute to climate objectives, green tradeisessential. Green trade facilitates businesses in conducting environmentally friendly transactions, which may includetradinginrenewable energyandenergyefficiency markets.
By incorporating environmental provisions into trade agreements, alliances,andpolicies,green trade facilitation can reduce the negative environmental impacts of global trade UNCTAD estimates that the maritime transport sector accounts for 2.8 percent of all global GHG emissions. Achievinganet-zerocarbon f o o t p r i n t i n t h e transportationprocesscanbe attained by promoting environmentally friendly practices such as carbonneutral shipping using nonplasticsandbulkpacking,as well as energy-efficient logistics.
Prominent logistics companiesliketheUS-based
UnitedPostalService(UPS) aim to achieve a 12% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 Similarly,FedEx’sGoGreen programme aims for carbon neutrality by 2050, and the European courier DPD Group has committed to being carbon-neutral by 2025.
Climate-Resilient Infrastructureand Connectivity
Developing climateresilient infrastructure and connectivity is critical for extending asset life, safeguarding asset returns, andmitigatingtheincreasing risks and disruptions that supplychainsfaceasaresult of climate change Particularly in the Caribbean, transitioning from climate threats to opportunities involves securing supply chains and diversifyingsourcelocations and trade routes against environmental effects like extreme weather events, sea level rise, and natural disasters.
Climate technology also plays a key role in creating moreresilientoperationsand strategies.
C o n s e q u e n t l y , commerce can be bolstered by investments in reliable transportation networks, ports, and digital infrastructure, along with adaptation strategies to reduce the risks and disruptions caused by climate change. UNCTAD projects that, without
appropriate corrective
action, infrastructure including seaports and airports will be more vulnerable to coastal flooding as early as the 2030s.
SustainableSupply ChainsandCircular EconomyPractices
Accordingtoonesurvey, approximately 70 percent of supply chain companies have incorporated circular economy principles into their innovation and design processes.
T h e r e f o r e , b y encouraging resource e ff i c i e n c y, w a s t e minimization, and the reuse and recycling of materials t h r o u g h o u t t h e manufacturing and distribution processes, trade facilitation frameworks may support sustainable supply chainsandcirculareconomy strategies.
Additionally, long-term material utilisation allows for the extraction of its full value,potentiallyunleashing millions of dollars in economic value while generating employment and c u t t i n g h a r m f u l environmentalemissions. This is known as a circular economy Implementing eco-labeling programmes, responsible sourcing programmes, and greenprocurementrulesthat encourage climateresponsible trade practices also requires cooperation and prioritisation among governments, corporations, andcivilsociety Technologyand Innovationfor Climate-ResilientTrade Leveraging technology and innovation can enhance trade facilitation processes while addressing climate challenges.
Digital platforms, blockchain technology, and data analytics can enable real-time monitoring of supply chains, reducing
emissions and optimizing resourceallocation.
Additionally, publicprivate partnerships and research collaborations can also drive the development o f c l i m a t e - s m a r t technologies, such as renewable energy-powered transport systems and smart logistics solutions, which can mitigate environmental impacts and enhance trade efficiency.
CapacityBuildingand KnowledgeSharing
Capacity development and information exchange are essential for promoting best practices in green trade facilitation and climate resilience.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l organisations, development agencies, NGO’s and other experts in the relevant field can be engaged to help nations integrate climate issues into their trade policies and goals by providing technical assistance, training p r o g r a m m e s , a n d information-sharing platforms.
Inthefaceofthisclimate crisistrade,facilitationmust be integrated with climate change adaptation and mitigation to promote resilient and sustainable economic growth in light of theclimatecrisis.
A more sustainable and inclusive future may be achieved by enabling synergies between trade facilitation and climate action.
Green trade practices, investments in climateresilient infrastructure, the promotion of sustainable supply chains, the use of technology and green innovation, and the encouragement of capacity building and information exchange may all help to accomplishthesesynergies.
Kaieteur News PAGE 06 FridayApril 26, 2024
Who is that man?
There is one policymaker in Guyana. One man is the chief spokesman for the Guyana Government.
One leader has the fullest say, the only say, in the oil patrimony. All the other rich patrimonies. One citizen makes news, is in the news, is the sum of the news.
There is one man controlling all the ministerial portfolios in this country.
Let these be dealt with one by one.
Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Friday April 26, 2024
Demerara Bank opens branch in St. Lucia
The chairman of the DDL Group of Companies, Komal Samaroo, says Demerara Bank, has opened a subsidiary in St. Lucia taking advantage of legislation in that Caribbean country allowing financial institutions to focus on investmentbanking.
“Wedohaveasubsidiary inSt.Luciabutthatisforthe purpose of investment and looking at opportunities in the region so it is at the very beginning stage of widening the footprint of the bank,” Samaroo told the online publication Demerara WavesOnlineNews.
He said the financial institution, though small, was holding “some investments regionally and globally” and was exploring options such as corporate lending. Samaroo said that the 32-year-old financial institution would be searching for investment opportunities, and had not reached the stage of planningabranch“asyet”in
S t L u c i a “ W e ' r e establishing a presence and we're managing some investments through that branch for the wider Caribbean but St. Lucia is the focal point; it's where everythingwillbebased,”he said. The group chairman said St. Lucia's laws “allow for this kind of operation” andsothecorporatedecision makers wanted to widen the base of the bank outside
Guyana, “not to have it in one location but to start lookingatthewiderregion.”
Known as DB St. Lucia Incorporated,theinvestment subsidiary has already receivedregulatoryapproval from the St Kitts-based Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB),” he said, adding“it'sincorporatedand i t ' s h o l d i n g s o m e investments that the bank has”. Samaroo said that, in contrasttoGuyana,St.Lucia “especially created this kind of regulation that allows for investment companies to be basedthere.
“We believe that Guyanese companies should not confine their thought process to Guyana but should look outside and the first step in the region to see howwecanstartpositioning ourselves to go after opportunities in the region,” hesaid.
Demerara Bank was incorporated in January 1992 and declared open in 1994.(CMC).
PAHO urges countries to step up access to diagnosis, treatment for vulnerable populations
With countries of the Americas reporting around 480,000 cases of malaria in 2023,onWorldMalariaDay, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has called on governments to step up efforts to tackle the d i s e a s e , w h i c h disproportionately impacts indigenous communities, migrantandothervulnerable populations.
While the number of reported malaria cases in the Americas has declined since 2017, when cases reached a peak of 934,000, some countries are still far from achieving the target of 75% reduction by 2025, as proposed by the World Health Organization's (WHO) malaria strategy,” Dr Sylvain Aldighieri, Director of Communicable Diseases at PAHO said “This is due to the fact that many populations continue to miss out on key interventions, particularly in remote and hard-to-reach areas.”
Miners, agricultural workers and other mobile populations are at particular risk of malaria, accounting for between 29 and 64% of
cases in some countries, w h i l e I n d i g e n o u s populations are also hardest hit, accounting for between 25 and 100% of cases. In some parts of the Amazon basin, up to 45% of malaria casesarereportedinchildren undertheageof10years.
To address this, PAHO has called on countries to ensure the availability of malaria diagnosis and treatment services at the primary health care level, particularly in high burden areas Involving affected communities is also key to addressingtheissue.
This includes involving community health workers who are trained to carry out rapid testing and provide treatment within indigenous andhard-to-reachareas.
“Reaching global malaria targets will require an urgent shift in our malaria response,addressingtheroot causes of the disease, and ensuringthatessentialhealth services are delivered equitably “Innovative methods of delivering health care, including through c o m m u n i t y h e a l t h volunteers,isacrucialpartof this,”Dr Aldighieri,added.
PAHO continues to work with countries of Americas toensuretheimplementation of the Organization's Action Plan 2021-2025, which is aligned with the WHO malaria strategy The plan of action seeks to guide national plans and promote joint efforts between countries and partners in malaria detection, diagnosis andresponse.
In the Americas, Paraguay was certified malaria-free in 2018, followed by Argentina in 2019, El Salvador in 2021 and Belize in 2023. This brings the number of malaria-endemic countries intheregionto17from21in 2015.Suriname,Mexicoand the Dominican Republic are also close to eliminating the disease.
Malaria is an acute febrile disease caused by the parasite Plasmodium, which is transmitted by the bite of an in f ected f e male Anopheles mosquito Symptoms, including fever, headache and chills, which may be mild If left untreated, malaria can progresstosevereillnessand evendeath.
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Friday April 26, 2024
Executive Chair of Demerara Distillers Ltd, Komal Samaroo
As the clock ticks towards the culmination of the International Decade for People of African Descent, tensions between the Guyanese government and the International Decade of People of African Descent Assembly – Guyana (IDPADA-G) seem to have reached a crescendo. At a recent international forum, instead of having a united position, the government found itself at odds with IDPADA-G, with both presenting contrasting reports. Yet, the sources of the tensions between the government and the IDPADA-G runs much deeper than the differences that have arisen over the withdrawal, by the government, of funding for theAssembly Ifthereistobe a shared responsibility to salvage the plans forged for the Decade and ensure that the aspirations of African Guyanese are not lost in the quagmire of political discord, it is important to identify the sources of these tensions.
The genesis of these tensions can be traced to the divisions in Guyanese sociology where ethnic divisionsoftenintersectwith political allegiances The perception of the IDPADAG’s leadership as politically motivatedhassownseedsof distrust. This in turn has poisoned the already fragile relationship between the government and the Assembly
A second source of tension has been the
underlying philosophy adopted by some, not all, African organisations that PPP/C governments should have no say in matters concerning Africans. Years ago, differences arose between the PPP/C government and African organisations over the plans for a monument to the 1823 Slave Revolt. As was mentioned in a previous column,thecontroversywas never about the lack of consultations. Beneath the surface,therealsourceofthe discord was reflected in a letter to the media, questioning what gave a government, that garners its support primarily from Indians, the right to decide where to put a monument to anAfricanSlaverebellion.
Compounding these historical sources of tension was the initial the slow progress in developing and implementing plans for the Decade Things plodded along for five years before finally a Strategic Plan was developed towards the end of2019.
The slothfulness in advancing the work of the Decade prompted the then Head of State to remind those concerned that time wastickingbyandthatwork needed to be accelerated. The Decade will the end in eight months’ time and legitimate questions have been asked as to what has been achieved given the hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars given to I D P A D A - G A n y government would have a
Dem Boys Seh...
legitimaterighttoaskforan accountof how and on what themoneywasspent.
The Strategic Plan developed by IDPADA-G anditsconsultantsidentifies key thematic areas: the economy, employment, education, and equality and expiation But the developmentoftheStrategic Planwashingedtothenotion of African victimhood. The planalsolackedempiricism. The notions of African victimhood were evident in the questions posed during the Regional Consultations employed in developing the StrategicPlan.
For example, persons were asked about policies thatdenyequalopportunities to African-Guyanese; actions and policies that restrict the development of African- Guyanese village economies; discriminatory and disadvantageous practices that hinder A f r i c a n - G u y a n e s e employment; practices that discriminate against African-Guyanese; the failure of the Rights Commissions to protect African-Guyanese from discrimination and unequal treatment compared to other races; how the legal system and police discriminate against African-Guyanese; and discrimination in access to land and housing as comparedwithothergroups. These questions pander to the notion of victimhood and lends itself to the narrative that the government systemically marginalises African
No to seafront vending!
Theseadefencereservesstartswherethe seameetsdelandandthatareaisimportant to planning for the reinforcement of the country’s fragile sea defences. The worst thing can happen if squatting and illegal vending takes over those reserves in the same way that it has taken over the pavements and government and municipal reserves. It was surprising to learn that the Sea Defence Board had actually granted permission to dozens of vendors to open businesses along the sea defence reserve betweenCampStreetandVlissengenRoad. That should never have bene allowed becauseitwillbehardtoreclaimthoseareas iftheneedarisesforworks. Takingastroll on the Sea Wall is no longer a relaxing experience.Therearenowallkindsofstalls selling any and everything. Some of them have been turned into makeshift bars and clubs. You can actually sit and down and drinkinsomeofthem.Isthiswhatvending has come to?And where are the toilets and the displayed licences to sell beer and
Guyanese. This obviously would generate tensions in the relationship between the government and IDPADAG. Notwithstanding the fact thattheconsultationsandthe Strategic Plan may have focused heavily on narrativesofvictimhood,the actions outlined in the Plan havethepotentialtoaddress systemicissues.
Also, the government, itself, by advocating for a secondDecadeforPeopleof A f r i c a n D e s c e n t , acknowledges that it will take a much longer time for systemic issues to be addressed. Importantly,also is the fact that many of the targets set in the
Demboysisallforentrepreneurialspirit, but let’s not turn our beaches into bazaars. Once you open the floodgates (pun intended) to seafront vending, you’re essentially inviting chaos to the coastline. And let’s not forget the slippery slope of legality Once vendors get a taste of that sweet seafront real estate, they’ll start staking their claim like pirates burying treasure. Before you know it, we’ll have a full-blown turf war over who gets to sell whatandwhere.
Not only will our sea defences be overrun with impromptu marketplaces, but we’ll also witness the rise of permanent structures faster than you can say “ Sea Wall!” So, let’s keep our sea defences reserved for what they’re meant to defend: thesea.Becauseonceyouletthevendorsin, there’s no turning the tide. And trust me, nobodywantstoseethedaywhensquatters takeoverourseafronttotheAtlantic!
Implementation Plan are quitemodestandwouldhave already been surpassed because of the expansion of the economy since the advent of oil production. A basis therefore exists for both sides to reconcile their positionsandtofindamodus operandi for collaboration outside of providing financial support to IDPADA-G. Where relationshavebeenstrained, it is always best to move towards agreement on lowhanging fruits. With only 8 months left for the Decade, the issue of financing for IDPADA-Gshouldbeputon the backburner The government should in collaboration with IDPADA-Gagreeonastudy that would verify the extent to which indicators i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e Implementation Plan have been met and what needs to be done to meet the other targets.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
Kaieteur News PAGE 09 FridayApril 26, 2024
A one-man monopoly
There is one policymaker in Guyana. One man is the chief spokesman for the GuyanaGovernment.
Oneleaderhasthefullest say, the only say, in the oil patrimony All the other rich patrimonies.
One citizen makes news, is in the news, is the sum of the news. There is one man controlling all the ministerial portfoliosinthiscountry Let these be dealt with one by one. May Guyanese with a speck of sense remaining conclude honestly for themselves about what should be done, if a free pass isdue.
The president may like to give the impression that he hasahandinpolicies.
But it is crystal that his prioritiesaresecondaryinthe schemes of the policymaker monopolist.
He is more of a follower, subject to the whims of the policymaker,andpushedinto the role of a lesser leader There is this pretense of a
cabinet of contributory thinkers, when they all have that appearance of the whipped into line and cowed intosubmission.
There is one policy only: this is it, now get with it. Since the going is good, very good for all of them, they all fall in line and get with the programmeofoneman.
It is the same policy in operation, when there are ceaseless and furious attemptstoyokeGuyaneseto whatisdecidedanddictated.
By one man. When policies have substance and merit, are powered by clarity and credible integrity, and I canclickmyheelsandsalute, too. Yessir!
This makes sense, is for the best, so there is no need for contradiction or conflict. Givesomethingreadableand believable about the Wales gas-to-Energy project, and thereisnostrongersupporter
Don't insult Guyanese (if there is none caring, then try me) with these horse
droppings about better contract management, and thereisnotevenanattemptto figure out ways to circle around Exxon for openings to unravel its stranglehold on thiscountry
Approve new projects but be skillful enough to wring some concessions out of the company for this oil thatitbetssomuchon.
Donotmakeitapolicyto redirect energies and human and State resources to attack thoseGuyanesewhosaywhy give Exxon what it wants, when we get nothing that we want.
Not even a nudge in that direction.
Not even a move on the Guyana side to probe what can be had, if the right combination of assets is broughttobear Isitpossible that a prime policy is to want nothing different than what the Coalition signed over to Exxon?
How can any of this be left to go untouched,
unchallenged, uncriticised, if there is any iota of selfregardleft?
The chief Guyana Government spokesman (the only one that counts) - a oneman propaganda machine masquerading as knowledge man does all the talking for the ruling group, and nothing should not be found fault with, though the flaws and farces are undeniable Obeisance and silence when the destiny of a nation hangs. The monologues of the one man who has usurped for himself that duty and made a messy performance out of it may be well in Kremlin, but not here in what is supposed to be a democracy of free will, the free expression of ideas.
EveninaForbiddenCity like Beijing, the wisps of dissent seep out, which means all is not as they say In Stalin's USSR, he had his Beria and Pravda and Izvestia, and still Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn succeeded in sharing the real truths of lifeoverthere. Here this, my fellow Guyanese: the despotic and autocratic need to learn that the more that they try repression, the more there is
objection and rejection of their deceptions and cuteness.
When any spokesperson cannot speak straight, then whatisleftarethecirclesthat must be traveled around and then retraced repeatedly Regardless of who is the speaker for the government, Guyanese need the cleanest, clearest, truest story of their excitement-drooling wealth. When that is more absent than present, the word must go out: something is rotten, something stinks, some things cannot be held together,ormadetostandup. Ichalkthatuptobeingpartof the reason that the man from the CIA identified who was not permitted to be present at histable.
Who is the main newsmaker and fake news operator?
Perhaps, that shouldn't matter I invite fellow Guyanese about who is announcing pension increases (not Vindya); resource developments (not Vickram); indigenous happenings (not Pauline).
Who signs new currency?
Who is Chief Whip and the main whipper of dissonant, disagreeable Guyanese? Go
ahead! Pick a portfolio from Local Government to any in Big Government and there is a common denominator: the one man who decides, the one who alone speaks Blanket that man and the government is a blank sheet. It doesn't exist, more a shadow than of any substance.
The Soviets had their Iron Curtain, there are attempts by the one-man wrecking crew here to erect the same here. Guyana has become a country of gamesmen and pranksters. On the other hand, the foreignersaredeadlyserious, driven by their lust for profits.
The first policy of the sole policymaker is that no Guyanese should raise any concerns Falsehoods flourish. Betrayals multiply B e f o r e t h e s e , o n l y prostrations welcomed. Not I.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Friday April 26, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Friday April 26, 2024
Hess sets April 12, 2025 for shareholder vote on Chevron merger
(REUTERS) Hess Corp on Wednesday said its board has set April 12 as the record date for the determination of the stockholders entitled to vote on the proposed merger withChevronCorp.
Shareholders will vote on the proposed deal in a meeting whose date is yet to be set, the company said in a U S securitiesfiling.
Neither Chevron nor Hess can predict the actual date on which the transaction will be completed,itsaidinthefiling.
ExxonMobilandCNOOC Ltd filed cases before the International Chamber of Commerce last month, seeking to claim a right to a first refusal over any sale of Hess' 30% stake in the giant Stabroek offshore oil block in Guyana.
Hess confirmed the case could drag on until year-end and ultimately block the deal. Separately, Hess has reaffirmed that it does not anticipate the need for regulatory approval from the Guyana government for this deal.
Last October, it was announced that Chevron will beacquiringHessCorporation (the third-partner in the Stabroek Block) for some US$53billion.
The takeover would give Chevron access to Hess' most valuable asset in Guyana However, Exxon the operator of the block filed for arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris,arguingthatithasaright of first refusal over Hess' stake. ExxonMobil Guyana holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited with25%interest.
According to a Bloomberg report, commenting on the dispute with Chevron, CNOOC Board Secretary Xu Yugao, revealed that the company had filed for arbitration on March 15 CNOOC will do whatever it takes to protect the interests of the firm and its shareholders by legal means, he said at a briefinginHongKong.
“We will uphold the terms of the partners' agreement to safeguard our shareholders' interests,” Upstream Online quotesYugao.
Meanwhile,thecompany's Chief Financial Officer Wang Xin told the event that Guyana's Stabroek block is expected to yield as much as 1.2 million barrels per day by 2027 Moreover, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chevron, Michael Wirth, recently revealed that discussionwithExxonChina's CNOOC abruptly ended over
Reuters had reported that Wirthwassurprisedasthetwo companies, were in discussion regardingthedeal.
Exxon says it has preemptive rights, which means the company should have the first option over any sale of shares in the Stabroek Block. Chevron had been in talks with Exxon over the matter,Wirthsaid.
“We were surprised when they, a couple of weeks ago, abruptly ended those discussions and publicly announced… they had filed for arbitration,” Wirth said at the CERAWeek energy conference, currently being heldinHouston.
ExxonCEODarrenWoods had told Reuters the company filed for arbitration because discussions were not happening with Chevron and Hess around the right of first refusalprovision.
“Those discussions needed to happen and hadn't been happening,” Woods said inaReutersarticle.
He said Exxon wanted to have its right of first refusal recognized before it could decide on its strategy for the Stabroekblock.
An Exxon executive has said the arbitration could take fivetosixmonths.
Meanwhile, Wirth said Chevron had done extensive due diligence on the operating agreementbetweenExxonand Hess in Guyana and has extensive experience in those types of agreement around the world. Chevron is looking forward to affirming its understanding of the contract in the arbitration, he added. The fight over Guyana's Stabroek Block resources findsitsgenesisinthelopsided oil deal signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition administration back in 2016. This deal extends favourable terms to the oil companies, providing unlimited tax waivers, uncapped interest rates and perhaps the lowest royalty rates known to the industry, at a meager two percent. Production from the Stabroek Block developments sits above 600,000 bdp – with Exxon having the Liza 1, Liza 2 and the Payara projects online.
The oil companies have embarked on an aggressive drilling campaign in the StabroekBlocktargetingthree other developments: Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail projects.
It should be noted that Yellowtail and Uaru have already been approved, while Whiptail is under review awaitinggovernmentapproval anydaynow.
Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Friday April 26, 2024
Environmental Law prevents Guyana from demanding unlimited guarantee from ExxonMobil - Nandlall
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, this past week d o u b l e d d o w n o n government's apprehension, to call on ExxonMobil Guyana's parent company, for an unlimited insurance guarantee, saying it is p r e v e n t e d b y t h e Environmental Protection Act.
Nandlall gave his position in response to AllianceForChange's(AFC) Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, who at a recent press engagement lambasted the restrictions on insurance as spelled out in the recent permit issued to ExxonMobil Guyana for the development of its sixth oil field in the Stabroek Block Whiptail. He gave his views this past week during his weekly 'Issues in the News' broadcast, where in defending the insurance caps in the Permit, pointed to the limitations enshrined in the law Tothisend,hepointedto C l a u s e 3 0 , o f t h e Environmental Protection Act, which, provides for “financialassurance.’
In that legislation, it dictates that Financial Assurance would be taken to m e a n o n e o r m o r e connotations, one such being “cash specified in the e n v i r o n m e n t a l authorization.”
Additionally, the legislation provides for financial assurance to also mean “a letter of credit from the bank, in the amount and terms specified in the e n v i r o n m e n t a l authorisation.” Furthermore, financial assurance under the act, can also be taken to mean, “a guarantee in the form, terms and amount s p e c i f i e d i n t h e environmental authorisation from any person whose longterm unsecured obligations are rated equally with a bank by an internationally recognized credit rating agency.”
Lastly, the law dictates financial assurance to also mean“aperformancebondin theformsandtermsspecified in the environmental authorisation.”
Ramjattan in his earlier press engagement had publicly chastised what he termed inadequate protection
in the permit saying it in fact spells doom and gloom for Guyana.
To this end, the Attorney General reiterated no insurance can be unlimited and was referenced the permit which stipulates that the sum of the estimate shall be of reasonably credible cost expenses and liabilities that may arise from any breach.Assuch,theAttorney General contends, “must it (insurance) not be based upon some reasonable estimate or credible cost; this language that is in the Whiptail permit, it was first inPayara,itwasinYellowtail itwasinUrauanditisnowin whiptail.”
Further defending the government's position, he d i s c l o s e d t h a t t h e formulation of language in the permit was taken from an oil and gas directive published in the United Kingdom giving general guidelines for the oil and gas industry
He was adamant too, “it (language in the permit) was recommended to capture the essence of the Act (Law). Seeking to rubbish claims that the inclusion of the clause in the permit was meant to undermine the ruling of the High Court calling for unlimited insurance coverage, Nandall insists this regime does not exist any other place in the world.
He in fact, insists the law repeatedlyspecifiedamounts whenitcomestothefinancial assurance and questioned rhetorically, “how can it be unlimited, it (the law) tells youintheamountspecified.”
Speaking to other instances of “terms and amounts specified” the MinisterofLegalAffairswas of the view, “in the face of those expressed language in the law; this is the environmental protection act, this is the law that requires the financial assurance; how can it be unlimited?”
E x x o n M o b i l , t h e operator of Guyana's prolific Stabroek Block was granted a Permit for a sixth deepwater development, Whiptail, on April 11, 2024 which includes a provision that will force Guyanese to
fight for compensation from aspillintheCourts.
The Whiptail Permit makes it clear that the insurance and financial assurance provided by Exxon shall be “guided by an estimate of the sum of the reasonably credible costs, expenses, and liabilities that may arise from any breach of the Act andthisPermit.”
As such, the assurance will not be a signed
“unlimited guarantee” but will be capped at a specific sum.
Section 14.3 of the document goes on to note, “Liabilities are considered to include costs associated with responding to an incident, clean-up and remediation andmonitoring. Such cumulative amount required is not expected to include costs which may be a s s o c i a t e d w i t h compensation for loss and
other parties, and which are able to
Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Friday April 26, 2024
damage to
pursued through civil proceedings.”
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall
Tender Board has the power to revoke
‘Critic’s’ $865M pump station contract
T h e N a t i o n a l company that the Guyanese terminate contracts once Procurement and Tender Critic(MikhailRodrigues)is irregularities are found Administration Board closelylinkedto. Kaieteur News asked the VP (NPTAB), has the authority AtleastthisiswhatVice- ifhisCabinetwillbelooking to terminate $865M Belle President, Bharrat Jagdeo to terminate contracts like Vue, West Bank Demerara said on Thursday at his the one awarded to (WCD) pump station weekly press conference Rodrigues. Jagdeo in his contract which was awarded after he was asked if his response said that his to Tepui, a construction Cabinet has the power to Cabinethasnoparttoplayin
The contract handed to Tepui was the subject of an investigation by PPC over the past six months. The investigation revealed that Tepui had failed miserably during the evaluation process for bids at the level of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), but it was still handed a $865 million contract to build a pump station at Belle Vue, West BankDemerara(WBD).
In its report, the PPC highlighted several procurementbreaches (Continued on page 21)
irregularities were found by theawardingorapprovingof the PPP government put in t h e P P C a n d contracts. “Tender Board placethatwasn’tthere”. recommendations were approves contracts…” the He added that if persons made, terminating the VPresponded,beforeadding aren’t satisfied with the contractwasnotoneofthem. later on in his lengthy P P C ’s f i n d i n g s o r explanation “We took the recommendations after Cabinet out of awarding investigating the awarding contract. So Cabinet doesn’t of a contract then they can award contract, I already also head to the courts. “So explainedthatCabinetoffers if people feel that the PPC a no-objection, the award is doesn’t give them what they doneatNPTAB.” want although it’s a Jagdeo said too that his constitutional body They government has multiple still have recourse to go to layers of protection when it our courts that was never comes to the awarding of withdrawn from people,” contracts “If you feel Jagdeotoldreporters. aggrieved, the PPC (Public With regard to the Pump Procurement Commission) Station Contract awarded to is an oversight body, a Rodrigues, Jagdeo at a press constitutional oversight conference last week body so there are several Thursday had said that layers that we put in place- a l t h o u g h m u l t i p l e
Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Friday April 26, 2024
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Mikhail ‘Guyanese Critic’ Rodrigues
Original $82M Den Amstel Police Station contract now needs $94M more to complete
After awarding an $82 million contract back in 2022 to reconstruct the DenAmstel Police Station in Region Three, the government throughtheMinistryofHome Affairs is looking to spend approximately $94 million more,tofullycompleteworks onthestation.
At a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender
Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the estimated $94,901,520 is to complete infrastructural works at the newlybuiltstation.
NPTAB revealed that 24 contractors submitted bids for the contract. They are KP Engineering -$90,023,400, R&MMiningInvestmentInc. - $94,237,710, Singh & Son Construction - $89,924,520,
The new Den Amstel Police Station on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) back in August 2023.
M a s o n ' s I n n o v a t i v e
Construction & General Supplies - $87,199,245, K Kusial General Contractor$ 9 0 , 4 8 3 , 4 0 3 , N K
Engineering Services$82,699,150,A&NEnterprise - $82,310,498, Output Solution - $94,843,245, Yhadram Construction & E s t a b l i s h m e n t$140,441,628, Phenix
(Continued on page 19)
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Friday April 26, 2024
Palestinians found buried alive by Israelis in mass grave
At least 20 Palestinians may have been buried alive in a mass grave at a hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza's civil defence said on Thursday as it continues excavating the site.
Three mass graves have been found at Nasser Hospital, weeks after Israeli forces ended the last of several lengthy raids on the medicalcomplex.
The bodies of 392 people, including children, have been found in the graves since they were discoveredonSaturday,civil defence chief Yamen Abu Sulaiman said. Most have notbeenidentified.
"We believe that the occupation buried alive at least 20 people at the Nasser Medical Complex," Mr Abu Suleiman said, adding that some bodies bore signs of mutilationandtorture.
"There are cases of field execution of some patients while undergoing surgeries and wearing surgical gowns," his team said at a pressconference.
Mr Abu Suleiman said bodies were buried about three metres deep in plastic bags, which caused them to decomposemorequickly
" T h e o c c u p a t i o n deliberately concealed evidence of its crimes in the Nasser Complex by changing the plastic shrouds more than once," he said,
without providing further details.
Civil Defence member Mohammed Mughier said the bodies needed to be forensically examined to determine if they were alive whentheywereburied.
Ten bodies were found with medical tubes
The civil defence team called on the UN to form an international committee to investigate potential field executions and crimes againsthumanityatthesite.
Israel has firmly rejected claims it is responsible for the mass graves, saying it
searched them based on intelligence that hostages hadbeenburiedthere.
Theforeignministrysaid Palestinian reports that Israeli forces had dug the m a s s g r a v e s w e r e "misinformation".
It said they were dug by Gazans several months ago, sharingvideofootageshared by Palestinians of mass gravesbeingduginJanuary
In January, medical staff at Nasser Hospital told The National that mass graves were being dug around the hospital amid a continuing Israeliraid.
Mass graves are the final
resting place for most Palestinianskilledinthewar, civil defence said earlier this week.
Palestinians have buried patients, medical staff and patients' relatives in mass graves within hospital compounds during previous raids, citing the Israeli military preventing them from leaving the grounds as thereasonfordoingso.
D o c t o r s a t t h e Indonesian Hospital, in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, described the complex as a "mass grave" as bodies piled up in corridors and outside
morgues during a November raid.
Medical authorities have denied Israeli claims that hospitalsinGazaareusedby Hamasascommandcentres.
Mass graves have also been found at Al Shifa, Gaza's largest hospital, which was completely destroyed in a raid last month.
Teams from the World Health Organisation who f o u n d g r a v e s a n d decomposing bodies at the hospital in Gaza city described the scenes as "
Kaieteur News PAGE 16 Friday April 26, 2024
h o r
e a n d unimaginable".
r i
Palestinian Civil Defence and health workers search for buried bodies (AFP)
Health workers unearth bodies found at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. AFP
Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Friday April 26, 2024
Guyana applauded for its commitment, support to Palestinians –UNCommitteedelegation
Guyana has received praise for its long-standing commitmenttoandsupportof solidarity for the Palestinian people, as well as for acknowledging their right to existinpeace.
Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour made these remarks at a public meeting by several representatives from the United Nations (UN) Committee on the inalienable right of the Palestinian People, hosted at Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown onThursday Ambassador Mansour expressed that the delegation has received nothing but genuine affection and support for the Palestinian people in all of the meetings and engagements they have attended.“Andweimmensely appreciate [that]. [We] thank you for this demonstration of solidarity, support, standing with justice [and] standing withthecause,”headded.
H e c o n v e y e d t h e committee's admiration for Guyana and Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett's amazing work in the UN Security Council. The ambassador also commended the two CARICOM countries, Barbados and Jamaica, who have recognised and
announced Palestine as a state.
HeaddedthattheTrinidad and Tobago Government is seriously considering this issue and may make an announcement before this week In light of this, Ambassador Mansour emphasised that during a meeting, CARICOM's Chairman President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali assured himthat'hewilldoeverything possible to help us in this regard.'
Guyana's humanitarian support to the Palestinian people was welcomed since local organisations raised a total of $110.8 million. The cheque was handed over to PresidentAli on Tuesday The president highlighted that Guyana is united in the process of achieving world peace and remains dedicated to assisting international efforts to bring peace to Palestinians Meanwhile, Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation, Ambassador Ivan Evelyn said Guyana has made known its full and unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people Permanent Representative of Senegal and Chairman of the Committee, Ambassador Cheikh Niang also delivered brief remarks during the dialogue.
Miner dies after being struck by tree
Sherman Tang, a 58-yearold miner from Quartz Stone Backdam, Cuyuni River, died betweenApril 21 andApril 23 after he was struck by a tree while in a mining pit. Tang sufferedsevereinjuries.
Preliminary investigations revealed that Tang, who lived and worked alone at his camp in Quartz Stone Backdam was last seen leaving his residence on April 21, 2024, by another minerinthevicinity
Concerns arose on April 22,2024,whenafellowminer, who wanted to visit Tang, failed to locate him at his camp. The miner returned the following day and found Tang alivebutinjurednearhiswork area.
Subsequently, the miner contacted Tang's cousin, who promptly arrived at the scene and attempted to transport Tang to his camp for assistance.
Tangtoldtohiscousinthat he was operating a jet when the mining pit wall collapsed causing a tree to fall, striking him in the process. Tang was left immobile since April 21, 2024.
Despite efforts to arrange transportation to a medical facility, Tang remained at his mining camp. On April 24, 2024, at approximately 04:30 hrs, Tang's cousin discovered himmotionless.
The police were called in. Upon arrival, they observed several injuries on Tang's body, including wounds to his knee,head,andrightshoulder. The police then took custody of the body, which was subsequently transported to Bartica Regional Hospital, where Tang was pronounced deaduponarrival.
Investigations into the circumstances surrounding Tang'sdeathareongoing.
Kaieteur News PAGE 18 Friday April 26, 2024
From left): Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ambassador Ivan Evelyn; Permanent Representative of Cuba and Vice Chairman of the Committee, Ambassador Ernesto Guzman; Permanent Representative of Senegal and Chairman of the Committee,Ambassador Cheikh Niang; and Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations,Ambassador Riyad Mansour
Original $82M Den Amstel Police Station contract now needs $94M more...
From page 15 Engineering & Consultancy Inc105,955,500, LF Global, Andrew's Enterprise - $93,579,465, M&D Investments - $71,153,880, S&K Construction ConsultancyService&GeneralSupplyInc.$112,184,940, Truck Smart - $84,575,295, Premier Contracting Service - $91,661,414, Build to Last Electrical & General Services$90,610,228, Ray Parris Associates Civil Eng&LandSurvey-$313,007,107,Builders Supplies - $97,535,293, Ace Construction Services & Investments Inc. - $105,955,500, Kawal Ramdeen General Construction & Office Furnishing - $89,824,455, Westbrook Caribbean Inc. - $90,986,595, Saam General Contracting -$84,289,905,andGreenPlains Enterprise - $80,871,789.Kaieteur News
understands that while the majority of the works on the new structure have been completed, works on the exterior of the building have to be done.Through NPTAB, an$82,290,625contractwasawardedtoAces Construction Service & Investment Inc. to rebuild the police station.This publication understands that the reconstruction of this police station, among others, is aimed at
transforming the decades-old buildings and their environment into ones that are more modern, accommodating and 'user-friendly' to visitors and ranks that are stationed in the facilities.Further,itwasreportedthatthenew and improved station would include modern amenities, a domestic violence room, CriminalInvestigationDepartmentroomand dormitoriesforranks,tonameafew
Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Friday April 26, 2024
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn and the Chief Statistician after observing the agreement signing
Service to use statistical analysis to expand, better protect communities
- Signs MoU with Bureau of Statistics
The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) will now be better equipped to respond to or analyse trends and areas for improvement in fire prevention and safety, with the signing of a landmark M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding (MoU) with theBureauofStatistics.
Chief Fire Officer (ag) Gregory Wickham and Chief Statistician, Errol LaCruez inked the agreement on the sidelines of the GFS Senior Officers' Conference 2024, at the Guyana Police Force, Annex in Georgetown on Thursday Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn along with Head of Strategic Management within the fire agency, Kimberly Dos Santos witnessed the signing event. During brief remarks, Dos Santos noted that it has become increasingly clear that statistical development is an essential tool to better understand fire patterns, response times, and risk factors, thereby reducing the numberoffireincidentsinthe country.
As part of the MoU, some
30 electronic tablets have beendistributedtotheGFSto enable ranks in various areas tomonitornationwidefires in real-time.
“By leveraging data, we can develop targeted strategies to reduce the number of fire incidents and e n h a n c e c o m m u n i t y resilience,” she added. This critical tool enables the Fire Serviceto effectivelyallocate r e s o u r c e s , e n s u r i n g firefighters have the tools and information they need to respond to emergencies swiftly
Meanwhile, in his address to officers, Minister Benn reemphasised the need for continuous training and improvement within the service, to effectively prevent f i r e s a n d p r o t e c t communities “I want to encouragethefireserviceto continue to upskill and to get better at the work that they do,” the minister stressed This year's conference is themed “Adapting to change, leading w i t h i n n o v a t i o n a n d resilience.”
Passenger faints on the M.V. Sabanto, crew renders medical assistance
A passenger aboard the M.V Sabanto, traveling the Supenaam to Parika route, reportedly fainted and failed to regain consciousness despiteeffortstoreviveheron Wednesday The crew
o n b o a r d t h e v e s s e l immediately rushed to the woman's aid and placed her in therecoveryposition.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the M V Sabanto departed the Supenaam Stelling at 19:15h and was heading for Parika. About halfway through the journey, the crew was informed that a passenger had fainted, the Transport and Harbours Department said in apressrelease.
The passenger was breathing and monitored for therestofthejourney
Meanwhile, arrangements weremadebythestellingstaff for an ambulance to be in position to transport the passenger to the hospital for immediate medical treatment and assessment. The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) also provided assistance and the use of its ambulance to transport the passenger to the hospital.
A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e Transport and Harbours Department was informed by relatives that the woman received medical attention at approximately 00:30h. The woman has been discharged and is currently resting at home The Transport and Harbours Department thanked the crew and the GFS for their prompt intervention andassistance.
Kaieteur News PAGE 20 Friday April 26, 2024
M.V. Sabanto
Jagdeo refuses to direct media to Exxon’s assets register
VJagdeo has refused to direct the media where they can access Exxon’sassetsregistertobe abletoscrutinisethebillions in assets, which he claimed thatcompanyhas.
On Thursday, at his weekly press conference at FreedomHouse,Jagdeowas askedbythispublication:“A fewweeksago,yousaidthat Exxon has too many assets for you to list to support the billionsyousaidtheyhavein assets.Canyousayordirect us to an asset registry where
we can go to basically scrutinise these billions in assets that you claim Exxon has?”
In response Jagdeo said: “I deal with that issue already,todayisashortday Moveon.
You can put your headline Jagdeo refuses to point out where the asset registry is. You go do your research, why do I have to baby you all the time?”
“There is no pride in researching for yourselves?
DoIhavetodoyourworkas a journalist and a newspaper? Move on! I am
gettingabittired,Ihavealot ofworkthatyoudoresearch for you in the Kaieteur News,”hesaid.Recently,the VP was asked by this publication at one of his press conferences to list the assets,butinsteadshiftedhis attentiontotheassetsofHess -a30percentshareholderin Guyana’s Stabroek Block. Jagdeo said then, “If I have to list the assets of Exxon, have you read the balance sheet, have you gone to the financial statements and look at the balance sheets? You should look at that. I have to list every asset that
they have and considering something else We talk about the book value of the assets,letmejustgiveyouan idea.You’veheardaboutthe merger between Chevron andHess…”
Former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams had mocked the responseprovidedbyJagdeo that Guyana could sell US$20B in assets owned by ExxonMobil Guyana to cover costs associated with anoilspillthatoccursinthe StabroekBlock.
Attorney-at-Law and
Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram had also exposed the true value of
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited’s (EMGL’s) assets, compared to the highly inflated figure spouted by Jagdeo. Ram had explained to readers of his weekly column that as at December 31, 2023, the net assets of ExxonMobil Guyana amountedtoUS$7B.
The lawyer also pointed out that Jagdeo’s statement of a merger between Chevron and Hess is also wrong, since it was a takeoverbyChevron.
Barbados to seek reparation from British plantation owner
T h e B a r b a d o s governmenthashintedatthe possibility of negotiating paymentforreparationswith theBritishownersregarding theDraxHallplantationthat for centuries had been the sceneofinhumanetreatment of enslaved African ancestors.
Drax Hall, where sugar canewasintroduced,driving the plantation slave economy,hasbeendescribed by historian and University of the West Indies Vice Chancellor, Sir Hilary Beckles as a “killing field”. An estimated 30 000 enslaved people died on the Drax estates over a span of 200years.
Prime Minister Mia M o t t l e y , w h o s e administrationhadsoughtto compulsory acquire the plantation for a housing project,itnonethelesshasno intention of breaching the Constitution by taking up anybody’s land without paying them. Critics of the acquisition have suggested the government should confiscate the property as reparations rather than enriching the pockets of the owner, British MP Richard Drax, a descendant of
Colonel Henry Drax who introduced sugar cultivation toBarbadoswithinadecade ofsettlement.
But, Mottley in a late night broadcast on Tuesday, said that having already met with Drax, and though not happywiththepaceatwhich talkshavebeenprogressing, shebelievesthefocusshould be on pushing for a reasonable settlement for reparations. “And to that extent, the government has expressed itself of wanting tobeabletofindasettlement that would be just for the people of St George and for thepeopleofBarbados.
“Giventheconversation, Ibelievethatitisappropriate for us to pause the acquisition, to allow for greater conversation to take place, and also for us to be able to see where we are in terms of being able to get some kind of reasonable settlement with Mr Drax, recognising that in our conversations, without prejudicetoanythingelse,he is aware that the Government of Barbados feelsstronglyaboutthis,and will pursue these matters” shesaidinthebroadcast.
D r a x , 6 6 , a
parliamentarianintheruling Conservative Party, was set toreceiveanestimatedthree million British pounds (One GBP=US$1.24 cents) from the land purchase. Mottley said she did not take lightly the concerns of many Barbadians who may feel that they have been robbed of the opportunity of having an appropriate settlement as a result of the reparations that ought to be made as a resultoftheblood,sweatand tears of Barbadians over centuries.
“The Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act was enacted and dealt with by successive governments because we recognise the need for the government of Barbados, whoever that government is, to be able to make reparations for people whoseancestorswereforced to live in some of the harshestconditionsandwho were deprived of all opportunities to be able to makethebestforthemselves and their families. “So, we get the concept of reparationsdomestically,but also as we have been doing, internationally Therealityis that we have been at the forefront in making the call
Tender Board has the power to revoke ‘Critic’s’...
committed by TEPUI and overlooked by NPTAB in awarding the contract
According to the document which was perused by Kaieteur News, NPTAB ignored several key details whenitcametothecompany satisfying the evaluation criteria for the award of the $865milliondeal.
Jagdeo had reportedly shifted blame to the evaluation team for the procurementbreachesfound in the handing out of a $865M pump station contracttoTepui.
On Thursday when he was asked about what his
government intends to mitigate such irregularities when it comes to awarding contract, he said, “You should direct that [question] to the Ministry of Finance and the Tender Board but clearly we have to ensure that there is no arbitrariness in the application of the evaluationcriteria.”
He noted however that evaluation criteria must be crafted in a manner “that would allow you to stick rigidlywithit.” “Youknow that the market don’t have enough bidders, so you are going out for 17 contacts.
You can’t give all 17 to one or two persons with the
experience”, Jagdeo said in making his case for crafting a set of flexible evaluation criteria.
“Now I have seen this thingabout,ohbecausethey don’t have prior experience, I have seen contractors that havealongtrackrecordwith prior experience and their projects are now delayed too…oftenitisnotaboutthe contractors who have the capacity Many of the contractorswhohavethefull capacity, the “so called capacity”, they have so much work to do that even thecontractstheyhavenow, they are not fulfilling on time”,Jagdeoadded.
forreparations,againstthose who contributed to the decimation of this country andthelivesofpeoplewhile at the same time enriching themselves and building out the industrial revolution and that which has now become the climate crisis caused by the greenhouse gases and emissions coming from the industrialrevolution.So,we get it ” But Mottley reminded Barbadians that this a country governed by the rule of law “We have nevermadeitahabit,noram I aware of any example, where we have expropriated people’s land. When people have land that is the subject of compulsory acquisition, bylawweareduetopayfor it. “At the same time, that does not preclude us from goingaggressivelytobeable to pursue, both through our advocacy and as we are seekingtodoinrecenttimes, through our preparation through what are our legal options, with respect to beingabletotakeaction.”
Prime Minister Mottley said that such action would notonlybeagainsttheowner of Drax Hall but against all otherswhohavecontributed to this country being one of the worst examples of modern racism in the
Americas She said her governmentbelievesthereis a justifiable case for it to continuetomount.
“We in fact met with Mr Draxsometimeago.Iamnot happywiththepaceatwhich these discussions have continued. But believe you me, we will, as we are required to do, pause, and listen to Bajans to understand what is really at stake here, recognising that wedonotcutoffournoseto spoilourface.
“AndwhatdoImeanby that? That we should not deny ordinary Barbadians who are in need of housing, the opportunity to have housing, but at the same time, that we pursue with greater alacrity, the issue of reparations with Mr Drax andwithrespecttoanyother with whom there is a case and a chain of custody that wecanjustify.”
Prime Minister Mottley said that Drax Hall is one of the few estates whose chain of custody can be traced back to the 17th century “I hope that this explains matters to each and everyone, recognising that even though we believe that awronghasbeenperpetrated tous,wewerealwaystaught as children that two wrongs
don’t make a right. And those who sought to ignore the law or who sought to makethelaw…androotitin immoral purposes cannot be our moral compass today as tohowweact.“Havingsaid that, we will go after all legitimate actions that we can take through advocacy andlegalissuestobeableto justify our claim for reparations, while at the same time finding ways to meet the day-to-day needs and immediate needs of Bajans who are in need eitherofhousingorwhosee this as a platform, like through free education, to bring themselves out of poverty “And that which was done in earnest to perpetuate the profits of a previous generation cannot nowbetheinclinationforus toexpropriatelandinbreach of the Constitution of Barbados.
So, we will do what we have to do, but always recognise that as a country governed by the rule of law, that people have their rights safe in this country and can be justified in feeling confident that they are dealing with a serious country who does not act arbitrarilyandcapriciously,” sheadded.(CMC)
Argentina seeks arrest of Iranian minister over 1994 bombing
BBC NEWS - Argentina
hasaskedInterpoltoissuean arrest notice for the Iranian interior minister, Ahmad Vahidi.
The request comes less than two weeks after a court in Argentina held Iran responsible for the 1994 attack on a Jewish communitycentreinBuenos Aires, in which 85 people werekilled.
Mr Vahidi was in Pakistan earlier this week as part of an Iranian delegation
which is now in Sri Lanka. Argentina said it had also asked the two countries to detain Mr Vahidi The Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Interpol had issued a socalled“rednotice”.
While a red notice alerts police in member countries aboutinternationallywanted fugitives, it does not constitute an arrest warrant. Interpol cannot compel police to arrest someone for whom a red notice has been
issued,itisuptothemember countrytodecidewhetherto makethearrest.
The Iranian delegation, which includes President EbrahimRaisi,arrivedinSri LankaearlieronWednesday However,AFPnews agency reported that Mr Vahidi was not seen accompanying the president upon arrival in Sri Lanka. Iran’s official news agency reported that Mr Vahidi was back in Iran on Tuesday,withoutreferringto therednotice.
Kaieteur News PAGE 21 FridayApril 26, 2024
ice President (VP) Bharrat
Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
OnenightWatchmanneeded. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Onemaleable-bodiedStaff. Call:231-2029,616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, CarpentersandLabourersto work in Linden. Call: 6029469,660-6385or625-7642.
Live-infamily,husband-mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.
Securityguard,businessman onbailfortheftofsolarpanels
A security guard and a businessman were granted bailonWednesdaywhenthey appeared at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court to answer SimpleLarcenyandReceiving StolenArticles charges.
the Two Miles Primary School,Bartica. Ramcharan and Caesar appeared before Magistrate Teriq Mohammed and pleaded not guilty to the charges.
MaleSalesRepresentative, Age20-30yearsold.Apply orContact:619-1237. VacancyExistFortwoExperiencedDispatcherAtConfidentialCabs.Call:231-5784, 231-4001,231-4000.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided.Call(592)610-6650.
OnecompanyDriverneeded to work with private company. Call: 685-1735/ 6844936.
Pitbullbusesneededtowork oncontracts.Call:685-1735/ 684-4936.
1HondaCRV, includesTV, musicsystem,alarm,reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (firstowner).Contact:6490956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reversecamera,alarm,lowmilage.Call:649-0956.
Mazda Axela for sale, $900,000neg.Call:623-7047.
One BMW for sale, mileage 082443.Call:655-7405/6947817.
Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M,VisaApplication, advertisements, graphics design,passportapplication forms & i130 application. Call:626-7040.
Elevateyour brandwithour professional Graphicdesign services. For more informationCall:619-0007,629-5526.
ForLandClearance(Grubbing), Sand fill, Housing PlanandEstimates.CallK. LakeramBuildingContractor 692-8464 or whatsapp 622-0267.
Primary level Teachers needed.Submitapplications to smartmindseducation
OneClerkforTSIEcclesoffice.English&Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: or Call:615-9132.
Maidtocook&cleanforEast Bankarea.Call:615-9132. Porter needed for truck. For moreinformationCall:6611000.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles.Call:645-8443/6159132.
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older.Call:654-1535.
Male & Female workers neededtoworkataCarwash inCampbellville.Call:6694676.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 GeneralDomestic.Applyat KeyfoodMc.DoomVillage next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, InterestedpersonscanCall:6670859.
Oneable-bodiedmaleneeded to work on a farm in Bartica. For more information Call: 679-7906.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 6981267/657-9121.
Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick'sVilleHotel.Call:2277714/ 223-3448. Email:
Vacancy exist for two nannies. Must be 40 Years or older.Call:654-1535.
The duo, 44-year-old SunilRamcharanofLot6,1st Avenue, Bartica, Essequibo River, was charged with Receiving StolenArticles while 26-year-old Shawn Caesar, a securityguard,fromTwoand a Half Miles, Bartica, Potaro Road, Essequibo, was chargedwithSimpleLarceny Reports are that between April19andApril22,2024the duo stole solar panels from
4apartmentsforrental,fully furnished, located at lot 4 AreaK,LBI,ECD.Call:6490609.
1fullyfurnishedLuxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot andColdwater,remotegate etc in Campbellville. G/ town.PriceUS$2000.Call: 621-5140.
One four bedrooms house forrentinPeter'sHall,PlantationEBD.Call:655-7405/ 694-7817.
One five bedrooms house forrentinRepublicGardens, gatedcommunity.Call:6557405/694-7817.
One,twoandthreebedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 6046664.
River side land for sale in Timehri&Parika,Plantation Berg.Call:653-2477.
According to police reports,April22,2024,atabout 07:30hours,theschool’scanteenmanagerwascleaningin the vicinity where the panels were stored and discovered thatfourMerisolarsolarpanels,valuedat$260,000,property of the Government of Guyana,weremissing.
The matter was promptly reported to the authorities after being brought to the attention of the Head Teacher Inquiries disclosed that recentlyrepairsweredoneon the mentioned school, and solar panels were replaced; hence, the old panels were stored under the school’s stairway Theschoolismonitored on a 24-hour basis by a SecurityService.
It was suspected that
Caesar stole the solar panels.
Police,actingoninformation, visited Ramcharan’s home who provided information that led to Caesar being questioned and subsequently arrested. The security guard reportedly admitted to the crime. Further, Ramcharan, a businessman, cooperated by disclosing the location of the two stolen panels that were stationed in a vehicle.
TwoSUVLexus forsale@ 8.9mileach.Call:650-0402/ 652-0251.
Masons, carpenters, & skilled men labourers wages $8,000-$10,000 per day & Labourer 5-7K per day.Call:650-1394,692-7110. One
River side property for sale atEastBank.Call:653-2477.
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community.Call:655-7405/ 694-7817.
Meanwhile, Ramcharan was granted bail in the sum of $100,000, while Caesar’s bail was set at $90,000, with the condition that he reports to the Bartica Police Station everylastFridayofthemonth untilthetrialcommences.
The matter was adjournedtoMay15,2024.
Healsoremovedtwoother panels from his home’s roof and handed them to the police. Bothmenwereinformed of the charges against them, cautioned, arrested, and placed into custody
American businessman Ramy El-Batrawi, who emerged as the leading bidder for the acquisition of the Guyana Marriott Hotel, has died at the age of 62. ElBatrawi, died on April 23, 2024.
El-Batrawi’sbidofUS$90 million stood as the highest offer for the Kingston, Georgetown property, positioninghimasthefrontrunner in negotiations with the NationalIndustrialandCommercial Investments Limited (NICIL).
In the wake of the businessman’s demise, a close friend of El-Batrawi conveyed heartfelt condolences and support to his grieving wife, Courtney, and thewidercommunity
Described as a visionary
leader,El-Batrawi’slegacywas underscored by his unwavering commitment to the principles espoused in Napoleon Hill’s“ThinkandGrowRich,” embodying resilience, perseverance, and the pursuit of dreams against all odds.
The friend said, “While we mourn the loss of a dear friend and colleague, let us also celebrate the legacy that Ramyleavesbehind.Hisspirit will continue to inspire us all to pursue our goals with passion,courage,andanunyielding belief in our own potential. In the coming days, we will gather to honour Ramy’s memoryandreflectontheimpact he had on each of our lives. Until then, let us hold Courtneyandtheirlovedones close in our thoughts and prayers. For you Ramy, Rest
Since last year, ElBatrawi’s team and NICIL and their lawyers commenced talks to finalize the sale of the Marriott Hotel.
In December 2022, the Government announced that itwillbesellingthehotel.Negotiations with El-Batrawi and NICIL began in June 2023.
Followingtheannouncement, six companies had submittedtheirproposalsfor the hotel. However, in May, the government had informed the bidders that their initialbidswererejected,because the bids were too low and did not reflect the true value of the hotel.
Thereafter, four bidders dropped out leaving X, LLC ownedbyEl-Batrawi,andlocal consortium Integrated Group Guyana Limited, headed by Ravindra Prashad, whose second bid wasUS$86.1million,falling short of El-Batrawi’s proposal.
PAGE 22 Kaieteur News Friday April 26, 2024
generatingproperty. Land size 37'x 345' at Middle road, Pouderoyen.
Shawn Caesar and Sunil Ramcharan
Jagdeo says sections of Justice Kissoon's ruling on teacher's strike presumptuous
Vice President (VP)
Bharrat Jagdeo has described sections of Justice Sandil Kissoon's ruling in the case brought against the Government by the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) as n o t h i n g s h o r t o f “presumptuous.” Last week, Justice Kissoon ruled in favouroftheGTU,affirming the legality of their monthlongstrike.
As a result of his decision, Justice Kissoon prohibited the government fromactingonitsdecisionto deduct the salaries of teachers who participated in the strike in February Speaking at his weekly press conference held at Freedom House on Thursday, the VP criticised the decision describing the outcome as defying logic and having the potential to cause chaos. “The ruling defies common sense…If a person doesn't work and that person has the righttoreceivepaythenwho will work…We believe that this will lead to a chaos in any society,” the VP said vowing that the government willappealthedecision.
Of note, Jagdeo said he found parts of ruling particularly appalling. “I can
only go by what I read in the newspaper. I asked the Attorney General for the written judgment because we need it for the appeal. It was promised by the judge. Hesaidhehasnotreceivedit but from what I see here in the newspaper; Stabroek News …'of particular note was President Ali's meeting with some teachers at State House which Justice Kissoon criticised as not constit ting collective u bargainingwitharecognised union.'
“Now the President never claimed that this was collective bargaining but I think it's presumptuous of a judge to tell the President, whoheshouldmeetandwho heshouldn'tmeet.Thisisthe elected President of Guyana of the Executive branch of the government which is separate from the judiciary,” asserted Jagdeo. Jagdeo stressed that President Ali is accountable elected by the people of this country and as such, he is accountable to them.
He continued that “For whatever reason not to have a judge; any judge for that matter tell him what he should do or he shouldn't do
andwhatitconstitutesornot. The President never claimed i t w a s c o l l e c t i v e bargaining.”As such, theVP said that “It's presumptuous' to criticise the President. “Purelypresumptuous!!”
Another issue raised by Jagdeo was what he called the “vilification of pubic officers” in the decision. Alluding to the ruling, the VP noted that the public officers cannot respond because they are fearful of being called before the court for contempt. “Now if they could have responded in kind, I'm sure they would have some choice words to
$397 million rehabilitated Paruima airstrip commissioned
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill on Wednesday officially commissioned the recently rehabilitated $397 million Paruima airstrip in Region Seven.
The grass surface was upgraded to a solid structure Kaieteur News understands that the grassy strip had posed a number of challenges for aircraft to properly operate in the village. It was reported by the Public Works Ministry that the new strip can now withstand frequent use and harsh weather conditions, alleviating challenges previously experienced by villages. The ministry noted that the new and improved airstrip paves the way for new developments in the area, attracting more businesses, tourism, and socio-economic activities.
This publication had reported that in Marchlastyear,theNationalProcurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office had awarded the $397,552,625 contract to contractor,
International Import & Supplies, to execute the works. The airstrip stretches some 2500ft and wasupgradedtoaconcretestructure.
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill had related to this publication last year that the ParuimaAirstrip which measure 760m (length) x 15 24m (width) would soon see the “Placement and compaction of 225mm cement stabilized laterite base course and sand sealing ofthefinishedsurface.”
Kaieteur News reported too that Paruima airstrip and other hinterlands were being upgraded so as to make the structures safer for aircraft to land. Senior Minister with the responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh had said in his budget presentation earlier this year that in 2023, works significantly advanced at Ekereku Bottom, Eteringbang, Karisparu, and Pariuma airstrips, with the works expecting to be completed this year. “In 2024, $2.3 billion has been allocated towards completion of these airstrips as well as the rehabilitation and maintenance of several others including the Imbaimadai, Kaieteur, Kaikan and Matthew's Ridgeairstrips,”heannounced.
The new $397 million rehabilitated airstrip.
sayhere.Thevilificationand misrepresentation of their role…” In his decision, Justice Kissoon had pointed to a number of instances where the government evaded engaging the Union in collective bargaining on salarymatters.
According to the judge,
the evidence revealed that from 2020 and the days leading up to the strike in February, “letters were sent to every conceivable person in authority” by the Union, including the President. He noted that there was no evidence of a response, with the exception of the belated letter of response by the Permanent Secretary of Education Ministry, and the ChiefLabourOfficer
The judge noted, inter alia, that the letter written by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Shannielle Hoosein-Outar dated February 6, 2024, which was addressed to the President of the Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte included a numberof“graveallegations ofcriminalnature.”
The Court noted that the said letter communicated Government's decision to discontinue the deduction of
Union dues from the salaries of teachers and contained allegations made against the General Secretary of the GTU, without any evidence. The Judge noted too that even the President's meeting with teachers in the absence of union representatives, couldnotbeseenasanyform of collective bargaining. He said many of the decisions taken by the Government w e r e u n i l a t e r a l Additionally, in his ruling, Justice Kissoon noted that Chief Education Officer (CEO), Saddam Hussain wasnot“fullandfrank”with the Court; instead, he attempted to justify the actions of the Ministry of Education. He noted that H u s s a i n ' s e v i d e n c e “bordered on tarnishing the reputation of his office, c o n s t i t u t e d a misrepresentation of the facts, and was found to be inaccurateandself-serving.”
Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Friday April 26, 2024
Justice Sandil Kissoon Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Students ramp up protests across US universities in support of Gaza
- Over 100 students arrested in California, Texas T
ALJAZEERA-Policein the United States have arresteddozensofprotesters at the University ofTexas at Austin (UT Austin) and the University of Southern California(USC)asstudentled demonstrations against Israel’s war on Gaza intensified across the country and House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested calling in the National Guard.
T h e a r r e s t s o n Wednesday in cities of Austin and Los Angeles came as students at Harvard University and Brown University on the east coast also defied threats of action and set up encampments in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. The movement, which began at Columbia
University in NewYork last week, is calling on universities to cut financial tiestoIsraelanddivestfrom companies they say are enabling its brutal war in Gaza At least 34,262 Palestinianshavebeenkilled in Israeli attacks on the besieged enclave since October 7, when fighters from Hamas attacked southernIsrael,killing1,139 people and taking dozens of peoplecaptive. The student-led protests have been peaceful and largely respectful, but have been met by heavy-handed action from many universitiesamidallegations of anti-Semitism The biggest rally on Wednesday took place at UT Austin where hundreds of students
staged a walkout and marched to the campus’s main lawn, where they planned to set up an encampment But the universitysaiditwould“not tolerate disruptions” and called in local and state police to disperse the crowds.
Hundreds of officers arrivedatthescene,someon horseback. Holding batons, they charged at the crowds and forcefully arrested several students.At least 34 were taken into custody, the Texas Department of Public Safetysaid.GregAbbott,the Republican governor of Texas, said the protesters “belong in jail” and that any students joining in what he called “hate-filled, antiSemitic protests” should be expelled.JeremiSuri,whois Jewish and a professor of historyatUTAustin,toldAl Jazeera there was “nothing anti-Semitic” about the protests.
Israel intensifies airstrikes on Gaza’s Rafah before ground operation
CAIRO (Reuters)Israel stepped up airstrikes on Rafah overnight after saying it would evacuate civilians from the southern Gazancityandlaunchanallout assault despite allies’ warnings this could cause mass casualties.Medics in the besieged Palestinian enclave reported five Israeli airstrikes on Rafah early on Thursday that hit at least three houses, killing at least six people including a local journalist In the seventh month of a devastating air and ground war against the Gaza Strip’s ruling Islamist group Hamas, Israeli forces also resumed bombarding northernandcentralareasof theenclave,aswellaseastof KhanYounisinthesouth.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet was holding meetings “to discuss how to destroy the last vestiges, the last quarter of Hamas’ battalions, in Rafah and elsewhere,” government spokespersonDavidMencer said. He declined to say when or whether the classifiedforummightgivea green light for a ground
operation in Rafah. Israeli warplanes had hammered thenorthforaseconddayon Wednesday, shattering weeks of comparative calm there.
The war, now in its seventh month, has killed at least 34,305 Palestinians, Gaza health authorities said on Thursday The offensive haslaidtowastemuchofthe densely populated and widely urbanised enclave, displacing most of its 2.3 million people and leaving many with little food, water ormedicalcare.
Israel has said it will eradicate Hamas following the rampage by gunmen from the militant group on Oct.7inwhich1,200people were killed and 253 taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies Iranian-backed Hamas is sworn to Israel’s destruction Escalating Israeli warnings about invading Rafah, the last refuge for around a million civilians who fled Israeli forcesfurthernorthearlierin the war, have nudged some families to leave for the nearby al-Mawasi coastal areaortrytomaketheirway
students,” he said. Reynolds said some of the students laterstagedasit-inwiththeir armslinked.
to points further north, residentsandwitnessessaid.
But the number of displaced people departing Rafah, abutting Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, remained small. Many were confused over where they should go, saying their experienceoverthepast200 daysofwarhadtaughtthem that no place was genuinely safe.MohammadNasser,34, afather-of-three,saidhehad leftRafahtwoweeksagoand nowlivedinashelterinDeir Al-Balah in central Gaza to avoid being caught by surprise by an Israeli invasion and unable to escape.“Weescapefromone trap into another, searching for places Israel calls safe beforetheybombusthere.It isliketheratandtrapgame,” he told Reuters via a chat app. “We are trying to adapt to the new reality, hoping it will become better, but I doubtitwill.”AseniorIsraeli defence official said on Wednesday Israel was poised to evacuate civilians before its attack on Rafah and had bought 40,000 tents that could house 10-12 peopleeach.
“These students were shouting ‘free Palestine’, that’s all,” he said. “They weresayingnothingthatwas threatening And as they were standing and shouting, I witnessed the police – the state police, the campus police, the city police – an army of police almost the size as the student group many were carrying guns, many were carrying rifles, and then, within a few minutes,thisgroupofpolice stormed into the student crowd and started arresting students.” At the USC campus in Los Angeles, efforts by students to set up an encampment were also metwithforce.
Campus security scuffled with students as they took down tents, and dozens of police officers holding batons and wearing helmets later moved in to arrest the protesters as helicopters hovered overhead.
The crackdown came after USC Provost Andrew Guzmansentacampus-wide email, saying protesters had “threatenedthesafetyofour offices and campus community”.
Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds,reportingfromthe university, however, said that “this protest against the war on Gaza was entirely peaceful”. “We did not see any confrontations or harassment among the
“One by one, protesting students are being handcuffed with zip ties and led away by Los Angeles police officers, under arrest and taken away to a vehicle onthecampus.
Theydidnotresistarrest and we did not see any violence on the part of the police,”headded.
The Los Angeles Police Department said some 93 people were arrested in and around the USC campus. Jody Armour, a law professor at the university, said officials were using claims of anti-Semitism to try and silence the protests. “WehavelotsofJewish,and Muslim,andPalestinian,and Catholic like I am, P r o t e s t a n t s t o o , intergenerational, coming together Everybody should hateanti-Semitismandfight anti-Semitism, but being opposedtoIsrael’sslaughter inGazathattheUNhassaid may plausibly be genocide, does not mean that you’re anti-Semitic,andweneedto stop allowing people to weaponise anti-Semitism againstrealvalidprotests.”
On the other side of the country, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, hundreds of students at Harvard University set up their own encampment at Harvard Yard, despite the university closing the space and threatening “disciplinary action” against students for settinguptentswithoutprior permission.
The protesting students were calling for the institution to divest from Israel and also lift the suspension of a proPalestine group called the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee. Similar scenes played out at Brown University in Providence, RhodeIsland.TheNewYork Times said students there haderectedsome40tentsby Wednesday afternoon, despite the university threatening “proceedings” against the students if they didnotclearout.
At Columbia University in New York, meanwhile, there was an uneasy truce between students and officials. The university, which called in police to clear an encampment last week resulting in the arrest ofmorethan100students,is currently in talks with the students to dismantle the protest camp and averted another confrontation by extending a deadline for dispersal by another 48 hours Johnson, the Republican speaker of the US House, also visited the campus to support Jewish students amid concerns of anti-Semitism,andcalledon Columbia President Nemat Shafik to resign “if she cannot bring order to this chaos” Johnson, who addressed the media on the library steps near the encampment, said that “if this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidationarenotstopped, there is an appropriate time fortheNationalGuard”.
Kaieteur News PAGE 24 FridayApril 26, 2024
People sit on the ground handcuffed at Emory
PAGE 26 Kaieteur News Friday April 26, 2024
PAGE 26 Kaieteur News Friday April 26, 2024
Lusignan Golf Club to Host House of Majesty... Kohli and Patidar star to snap RCB’s losing streak
From page 33 who shared, “We at the LGC based on handicap ranges. 1stto3rdplaceineachflight, tee times starting at 11:30 would like to thank House of Additionally, there will be a Overall Best Gross, Overall am. Majesty for their continued Ladiesflightforplayerswith Best Net, and Net prizes for Speaking at a simple support over the last eleven handicaps ranging from 0- 1stto3rdplace. handover ceremony Founder years. We would like to 28 Teams of three Golf enthusiasts are of House of Majesty, Pope highlight this contribution individuals will compete, invited to register for the Emanuel London said, “The and call other cooperate with the total net score tournament by contacting purposeofthistournamentis entities to do their cooperate determining the winning Lusignan Golf Club at 220to reach various individuals social responsibility and team. Prizes will be awarded 5660 The registration from all walks of life evengobeyondastheHouse to the 1st place team deadline is set for 5:00 pm Golfingisoneofthemedians of Majesty has done. On members. today,Friday,April26,2024. where we can not only meet behalf of the LGC we would Participantscanalsolook In adherence to Covid persons but demonstrate the like to thank House of forward to exciting practices and protocols, all love of God. I urge the other Majesty and Pope Emanuel challenges such as the participants are reminded to sponsors to come on board London.” LongestDriveonhole#3and observe safety guidelines andplaytheirpart.” The tournament will NearesttoPinonhole#4.An throughouttheevent.Players Representing the LGC follow a Medal play format, array of prizes will be are advised to contact the was Secretary Chet Bowling with flights categorized awarded,includingprizesfor club’s manager on the day of the tournament to collect scorecards, pay tournament fees, and proceed to their allocated tee boxes to begin playpromptlyat11:00am.
Friday April 26, 2024
Usually, youhaveprettygood powers of focus and concentration However, today you might find that these powers are flagging. Working could be difficult, and you could even find yourself dwelling on disappointments fromyourpast.
A strange person promoting him- or herself as a mindreader of sorts could come onto the scene today, Taurus. This person, however, is more mixedupthanmindful.
Your financial goals could seem vague and uncertain at this time, Gemini. Perhaps you face a crossroads in your life as far as income goes, and you might not be sure which waytogo.
A colleague's motives could seem rather sinister today, Cancer This person has a definite agenda of his or her own that may not take into account the needs or feelings of anyone who could conceivablystandintheway
Today doubts may crop up for you concerning certain spiritual concepts that you've embracedforalongtime,Leo. Don'tletthiscauseacrisis.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Somedisturbingdreamscould bring up doubts you may have about the motives of someone you consider a friend, Virgo. This person might have been acting strangely, and you could be wondering about the futureofyourfriendship.
Some underhanded and not altogether honest machinations could be happening at the workplace. You could be offendedbyit,andyoucouldalso worry if it threatens your job Then you might also consider whatyou'redoingthere
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today you might feel a little out of sorts, Scorpio, and your concentration could be diminished. You might even havealittletroublefocusingon your work. Don't worry about it It's more mental than anythingelse,anditwillpass.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today doubts, uncertainties, and insecurities could plague a love relationship, Sagittarius. Does your beloved share your passion? Is your friend being honestandopenwithyou?
A member of your household could be going through some rough times, Capricorn, and as a result might become overly dependent on your moral and emotional support This is flattering, but it could also be a drainonyourenergy
Some blatantly untrue gossip could reach you today, Aquarius When you think about it, you'll see that what youhearddefiesalllogicandis actuallyratherludicrous.
Pisces,todayyoucouldfeelthe needtoworkonyourfinancespay bills, make deposits, and plan a budget for next monthbut your heart won't be in it. Yourmindisprobablyonmore interestingprojects.
Don’t miss out on the excitement of the House of Majesty Golf Tournament at Lusignan Golf Club. For further inquiries or registration, please contact LusignanGolfClub.
SportsMax - Royal reason to cheer after Virat Challengers Bengaluru Kohli’s 51 and Rajat ended a six-match losing Patidar’s 20-ball 50 got the streak in the Indian Premier jobdoneinstyleyesterday League by claiming a Cameron Green chipped convincing 35-run win over in with a useful 37 as RCB SunrisersHyderabad. reached 206-7 from their 20 Bengalurustillsitbottom overs, and the Australian of the standings, but have then took 2-12 with the ball as the Sunrisers failed to get going.
Shahbaz Ahmed top scored for Sunrisers with 40 not-out, but it was not enough as they only mustered171-8inresponse.
Data Debrief
Yesterday’s match marked Jaydev Unadkat’s 100th in the IPL, and though he finished on the losing side, he did take a memorable three-for to celebratetheoccasion.
It was Unadkat who dismissed Kohli, Patidar and Mahipal Lomror, finishing withfiguresof3-30.
S c o r e s : R o y a l Challengers Bengaluru 206 for 7 (Kohli 51, Patidar 50, Unadkat 3-30, Natarajan 23 9 ) b e a t S u n r i s e r s Hyderabad 171 for 8 (Shahbaz 40, Green 2-12, Karn 2-29, Swapnil 2-40) by 35 runs.
Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Thursday November 24, 2022 AGE Friday April 26, 2024
Virat Kohli’s half century helped Royal Challengers Bengaluru ended a six-match losing streak.
WADA to launch independent review into Chinese doping case
(Reuters) - The under- findingswithintwomonths. Calls for an independent is found in heart medication, fire World Anti-Doping “WADA’s integrity and investigation have grown were discovered in the Agency (WADA) said reputation is under attack,” since a New York Times kitchen. yesterday it would launch an saidWADApresidentWitold report on Saturday said 23 WADA has defended its independent review over its Bankainastatement. Chinese swimmers had handling of the case, saying handling of a case that “In the past few days, testedpositiveforthebanned it had no evidence to allowed 23 Chinese WADA has been unfairly drug trimetazidine (TMZ) challenge China’s findings swimmers who tested accused of bias in favour of months before the COVID- andthatexternalcounselhad responded by threatening anti-doping community to positive for a banned China by not appealing the delayed Tokyo Olympics in advised against appealing legalaction. jointhemission. s ub s tan ce to avo id CHINADAcase to the Court July2021. them.
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President, Witold Banka attends the World Anti-Doping Agency Symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland, March 12, 2024. (REUTERS/Denis Balibouse/File Photo)
The New York Times “While not one shred of punishment. of Arbitration for Sport,” he The swimmers avoided The United States Anti- reported that the White evidence has been presented
The investigation will be saidreferringtoChina’santi- s a n c t i o n s a f t e r a n Doping Agency (USADA) House had also called for an to support any of the led by Swiss prosecutor Eric doping agency and sport’s investigation by Chinese has led the call for an inquiry as have the anti- allegations made against Cottier, a former attorney highestcourtrespectively authorities ruled the adverse independent investigation doping authorities of Britain WADA,wewishtodealwith general of the canton of Advertisement•Scrollto analyticalfindings,orAAFs, along with an overhaul of andAustralia. the matter as quickly and as Vaud, who WADA said will continue were the result of being WADAtorestoreconfidence
In addition to the comprehensively as possible have access to all files and “We continue to reject inadvertently exposed to the in the global body ahead of independent prosecutor, so that the matter is documentsrelatedtothecase the false accusations and we drugthroughcontamination. the2024ParisOlympics. WADA said it will send a appropriately handled in and will be free to consult are pleased to be able to put A report determined all USADA chief Travis compliance audit team to advance of the upcoming anyindependentexperts. these questions into the the swimmers who tested Tygart has accused WADA Chinatoassessthestateofits P a r i s O l y m p i c a n d Cottier will begin his hands of an experienced, positive were staying at the of being involved in a anti-doping program and Paralympic Games,” said work in the coming days and respected and independent same hotel where traces of “potential cover-up” and the will invite independent WADA director general is expected to deliver his prosecutor.” trimetazidine (TMZ), which global anti-doping has auditors from the broader OlivierNiggli.
Waramuri Top to meet Chase in the 2024 Petra/Milo U18 Football final
- PC and Dolphin to battle for 3rd place spot
Chase’s Academic victory on penalties against substantial reward of Foundation and Waramuri Dolphin Secondary after an $300,000 to support any Primary Top secured their intense semifinal clash school project, in addition to spots in the 2024 Petra/Milo ended in a 2-2 draw. Despite thechampionshiptrophyand Schools Under-18 football Dolphin’s early lead with medals. Second, third, and championship final after goals from Ezekiel Frank fourth place finishers will impressive victories David and Candel Hazel, also be rewarded with yesterday at the Ministry of WaramuriTopfoughtbackin $200,000, $150,000, and Educationground. the second half with goals $75,000 respectively, along C h a s e A c a d e m i c from Zundel Abrams and with medals and trophies. Foundation showcased their Odel Homes, salvaging an Additionally, incentives will dominance in a 4-0 triumph epic2-2draw WaramuriTop be awarded to the Most over President’s College, eventually won 4-3 on Goals,MostSaves,andMVP with Captain BryanWharton penaltykicks recipients. and Justin Alcindor leading The stage is now set for Sponsored by Nestle the charge with goals in the an electrifying final MILO and endorsed by the 15th and 19th minutes, showdown between Chase’s Ministry of Education with respectively Shaquan David Academic Foundation and approval from the Guyana extended the lead to 3-0 with Waramuri Primary Top on Football Federation (GFF), a well-placed finish, before April 28, while President’s the tournament enjoys MVP contender Omar Sam College and Dolphin widespread support from sealedthevictorywithagoal Secondary will compete for entities such as the Ministry inthe80thminute. thethird-placespot. of Sport, Ministry of Local
Meanwhile, Waramuri The winners of the Government, Yellow Steel Primary Top battled to a 4-3 tournament will receive a Inc.,andMVPSports.
Part of the semi finals action between Waramuri Top and Dolphin Secondary
Kaieteur News PAGE 28 Friday April 26, 2024
Tiger Woods’ 15-year-old son Charlie to attempt US Open qualification
CNN - His father’s name Woods is one of 10,052 He added two more titles is written prominently in the entries for US Open in 2002 and 2008, but never history of the US Open. qualifying this year with at Pinehurst, finishing tied-
Yesterday, Charlie Woods hopefuls – who must have a third and second in 1999 and lookedtopenachapterofhis handicap not exceeding 0.4 2005 respectively before own. Tiger Woods’ 15-year- or be professional to be pulling out of the 2014 old son teed up at an 18-hole eligible – spanning all 50 tournament due to a back local qualifier in Port St. states and 70 foreign injury Lucie, Florida, as one of an countries. Adecadeon,the48-year84-player field vying for a
The youngest golfer oldcontinuestobehampered spot at the 124th edition of attempting to make it to by physical struggles – his themajor Pinehurst is 12-year-old playing time hampered by The five top finishers at Beck Patrick from Houston, the long-term impact of a The Legacy Golf and Tennis Texas,whiletheoldestis74- 2021carcrash–butmadethe Club will advance to the year-old Washington native cut at The Masters for a second and final qualifying Keith Crimp, according to record-setting 24th stage – dubbed ‘Golf’s the USGA. Woods’ father consecutive time earlier this Longest Day’ – held at 36- withdrew from last year’s month. Woods finished 60th holeeventsacross10USand tournament at Los Angeles following his 100th round at three international venues in Country Club as he Augusta National, 27 shots MayandJune. continued recovery from behind champion Scottie
The Woods
Those that progress from anklesurgery,missingouton Scheffler there will stamp their ticket the opportunity to compete Withfourwinsacrosshis to Pinehurst Resort and forhisfourthUSOpentitle. last five starts, world No. 1 Country Club in North The 15-time major Scheffler is showcasing a Carolina on June 13, joining winner clinched his first in brand of dominance rarely r e i g n i n g c h a m p i o n historically dominant seen since Woods’ own Wyndham Clark and the rest fashion in 2000, finishing 15 heyday and will be tipped by of the 50 top-ranked players shots clear of his closest manytoaddtohistwomajor in the world already exempt Tour winning father at four taste of Tour qualifying in around Lost Lake Golf Club chaser at Pebble Beach. To crownsatPinehurstinJune. for the third men’s major of PNC Championships – an February when he teed up in in Hobe Sound, Florida, the this day, it remains the Woods is not yet among theseason. unofficial team event on the a pre-qualifier for the teenager shot a 16-over par largest ever margin of the field, but could still Having competed PGA Tour Champions – the CognizantClassic. 86tofallshortofmakingitto victory in any of the four receive a special exemption alongside his 82-time PGA young Woods got his first Pursued by big crowds thenextstage. men’smajorchampionships. toplayfromtheUSGA.
West IndiesAcademy Squad named for Ireland tour
ST JOHN’S, Antigua - Cricket West Indies(CWI)hasunveiledthesquadselected for the upcoming West Indies Academy tour of Ireland, slated from June 8th to June 29th, 2024. This tour will comprise five matches, encompassingthree50-overmatchesandtwo four-day matches against Ireland’s Emerging Men’s Team. It signifies a reciprocal tour following Ireland’s visit to theWest Indies in November 2023 “We continue to be methodical in our approach by exposing our academy players to various opposition and conditions across different formats. This is key to their development and fosters resilience and adaptability,” said Miles Bascombe,CWIDirectorofCricket.
Zambian FA President charged with money laundering
Andrew Kamanga was first elected as Football Association of Zambia President in 2016. (Kennedy Gondwe/ BBC Sport)
BBC Sport - The positionswithinFaz. thefirsttimeweweregetting president of the Football Thequartetareallegedto suchaquery Association of Zambia (Faz) have acted together to obtain “We have never been has been arrested and 341,902 Zambian kwacha given guidance that these charged with money ($13,150 £10,580) from the parties should only be for launderingoffences. government for expenses Faz staff and executive
The country’s Drug and a further 99,980 kwacha committee members. We did Enforcement Commission ($3,850 £3,095) for return clarify that with the Ministry (DEC) alleges that Andrew flightstoIvoryCoast. [ofSport].”
K a m a n g a o b t a i n e d The DEC says the An Faz spokesperson government funds under fraudulent activity occurred said Andrew Kamanga’s false pretences and was part between 1 January and 15 arrest was “part of a longofaconspiracytodefraud. February, coinciding with term plan to bring [into]
Strength & Conditioning Coach: Shayne
Nyeem Young will continue as Captain, with Teddy Bishop as Vice Captain for both formats. “Nyeem’s leadership qualities have been evident throughout his tenure, notably JoshuaBishop steering the Academy team during the McKennyClarke Super50 and West Indies Championship JoshuaJames campaigns. His continued captaincy is a JordanJohnson testament to his exceptional leadership skills LeonardoJulian and contribution to the team,” noted Graeme JohannLayne West, CWI’s High Performance Manager in AshmeadNedd reference to Young. Regarding Bishop’s KelvinPitman selection as Vice Captain, West highlights, RamonSimmonds “Teddy Bishop’s elevation toVice Captaincy CarlonTuckett underscores his growing stature within the The coaching and support staff team. His adept handling of leadership accompanyingthesquadisasfollows: responsibilities during Young’s absence and HeadCoach:RameshSubasinghe his invaluable experience with the West AssistantCoach:RohanNurse IndiesATeamandSeniorTeamsmakehiman Physiotherapist:NeilBarry idealchoicefortherole.”
NyeemYoung-Captain Manager&TeamAnalyst:KeshRamphal
TeddyBishop-ViceCaptain Of note: Matthew Forde is the only KadeemAlleyne contracted academy player not selected.
JewelAndrew Forde is vying to be selected for the ICC AckeemAuguste
The DEC says the 57- theNationsCupfinalswhere question” his reputation year-old used the money to Zambia exited at the group ahead of the governing fund trips for two associates stage.AndrewKamangasaid body’selectionsnextyear. to the 2023 Africa Cup of Madalitso Kamanga and Faz is set to hold its Nations in Ivory Coast Siame, officials at club sides annual general meeting in earlier this year. Madalitso Lusaka Dynamos and Lusaka this weekend and the Kamanga and Jairous Siame N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y spokesperson added that the - the two individuals who respectively, were “part and positionoftheorganisation’s travelled to the tournament parcel of Faz”. “There was president was not under aspartofFaz’ssupportstaff- actually nothing untoward,” threat “There is no have also been charged, he said during an interview immediate risk of Mr along with Faz general onPrimeTelevisionZambia. Kamanga being out of Faz secretaryReubenKamanga. “As far as we are because this is just an arrest A n i n v e s t i g a t i o n concerned whoever we send and the matter has to go to revealed that neither onassignment,whetherlocal court - if at all there is any Madalitso Kamanga, who is or foreign, they are part and merit,” they said. A DEC no relation to Andrew parcelofFaz. statement added that the Kamanga, nor Siame held “In the last eight years suspects “will appear in
have been at Faz it was courtsoon”.
Kaieteur News PAGE 29 Friday April 26, 2024
walk Augusta National ahead of the Masters earlier
month. (Ben Jared/PGATOUR/Getty Images)
official or executive
Kobayashi flies 291 meters through the air in landmark ski jump, but his effort wasn’t ‘in line with FIS regulations’
Kobayashi smashed the previous record and was in the air for around 10 seconds. (Red Bull)
CNN-RyôyûKobayashi single athlete and therefore 2017. might have bettered the ultimately to a single Nonetheless, Kobayashi, world ski jump record by jump/flight,” the FIS said in whoseteamtooktwomonths nearly 40 meters on astatement. toconstructa3,658ft(1,115Wednesday, but the “Askiflyingcompetition meter) high jump table from International Ski and must be based on a FIS- snow for his landmark Snowboard Federation (FIS) certified distance measuring attempt, was thrilled at his says it won’t recognize the system and take place on a achievement. Japanese jumper’s landmark ski flying hill homologated “It’s difficult to put this effort as it didn’t meet the by FIS in order to stand up to feeling into words. This is g o v e r n i n g b o d y ’ s comparison with other my dream come true,” he competitionconditions. flights and be eligible for an said according to a news
The 27-year-old barreled official ski flying record,’ releasefromRedBull. down a specially-created addedtheFIS.
“Last September, when I natural ramp and launched “At the same time, there first visited this place, all I into a jump that saw him fly are regulations for the sawwasarock.Itwashardto around 955 feet (291m) material that is used and that imaginethisplacecoveredin through the air against a must be tested by a FIS snow then, but I knew this stunning backdrop at certified equipment place has the perfect natural Hlidarfjall Akureyri in controller; for example, the slope,” added Kobayashi, northern Iceland, according lengthoftheskiandthemass who holds two overall titles toRedBull,whichhailedthe ofthesuit. in the World Cup and featasanewworldrecord. “Ryoyu Kobayashi’s individual gold and silver Kobayashi flew through jumps in Iceland did not take medals at the 2022 the air for around 10 seconds place under competition Olympics. before delivering a smooth conditions and in line with “I don’t really pay landing on Wednesday, theFISregulations.” attention to what’s going on videoshows. The official body also around me. Only on my own While Kobayashi’s said it was looking forward performance There’s no jumps - which included to welcoming Kobayashi at otherwaythantogetonwith attemptsthathit256m,259m next winter’s FISWorld Cup it. Even if I’m worried, I’ve and 282m on Tuesday - season competing for the nochoice.” “showcase an extraordinary officialworldrecord. Kobayashi, aiming to athlete’s performance under Austrian Stefan Kraft jump some 984 ft (300 very special conditions,” holds the FIS record for the meters)stillhashissightsset they “cannot be compared to longestcompetitiveskijump onthatlandmark. a FIS Ski Flying World Cup, for a male after landing a “I know 300 meters was as both the start date and the 253.5m (831 ft 8.31 in) jump the goal I set but I’d love to entireprojectaretailoredtoa in Vikersund, Norway, in challengeagain,”hesaid.
Raducanu and Dart lose in Madrid Open first round
Emma Raducanu missed the last eight months of 2023 as a result of injuries. [Getty Images]
BBC - British pair Emma Raducanu and world, reached her first WTAquarter-final in Harriet Dart lost in straight sets in the first 19 months at the Stuttgart Open last week as roundoftheMadridOpen. she continues her comeback from an injuryRaducanu, 21, was beaten 6-2 6-2 by hit2023season.
ArgentinequalifierMariaLourdesCarle. But Raducanu, who dropped to 303rd in Dart, who won two qualifying matches to the world following wrist and ankle reach the main draw, held a 4-0 lead in her operations last year, was unable to recover second set against Spain’s Cristina Bucsa but afterfallingadoublebreakofservebehindin lost6-46-4. bothsetsagainsther82nd-rankedopponent.
In the men’s draw, Britain’s Jack Draper The 2021 US Open champion has was set to begin his tournament against returned to better form in recent weeks, AustralianqualifierThanasiKokkinakislater helping Britain beat France in the Billie Jean onWednesday KingCupbeforedefeatingAngeliqueKerber Raducanu was set to play Karolina andLindaNoskovainStuttgart.
Pliskova in her opening match but the former Elsewhere at the Madrid Open, four-time world number one pulled out of the major champion Naomi Osaka progressed tournamentbecauseofawristinjury with a comfortable 6-4 6-1 win against The Briton, ranked number 221 in the Belgium’sGreetMinnen.
Osaka doing her homework on clay ahead of French Open
(Reuters) - Naomi Osaka picked up her there are things that work for me and have first win on clay in two years on Wednesday gotten me to where I am, so I don’t want to and while the former world number one is startslicinganddicing.
adapting to the slower surface ahead of the “There’sabasistomygameandIwantto French Open she has no plans to abandon the stick to that, but also respect the court. It’s a power game that brought her four Grand work in progress for me, but I’m watching a Slamtitles. lotmorematchesonclay I’mtryingtodomy Osaka, who returned to action in January homeworkasbestasIcan.” after a 15-month maternity break, has Osaka, who is now ranked 197th in the enjoyed huge success thanks to her powerful world,hasnevermadeittoafinalonclayand baseline game but the Japanese player has has failed to advance beyond the third round struggledonclay atRolandGarros.
Her first match of the season on the to hundreds of victims of former USA surface ended in an opening-round loss to Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar in a Martina Trevisan at Rouen last week but she settlement that resolves claims the FBI responded with a 6-4 6-1 win over Greet botched the initial investigation into the MinnenattheMadridOpenonWednesday disgracedsportsphysician.
“I slid a couple of times to my forehand “I’d like to win a tournament on clay,” pretty well, so I was excited about that,” said Osaka, who meets Liudmila Samsonova Osaka told reporters. “She was hitting really nextinMadrid. good drop shots, but I think I got to a couple “Itwouldbeveryironicbutalsohilarious quite well. Movement-wise I’m feeling a lot if my first tournament (win of the comeback) morecomfortable. wouldbeonclay.”
“I want to adapt and I’m trying to, but TheFrenchOpenbeginsonMay26.
Kaieteur News PAGE 30 Friday April 26, 2024
Japan’s Naomi Osaka in action. (REUTERS/Susana Vera)
Hughes targets Olympic glory; expects Racers Grand Prix to offer taste of potential Paris test
Zharnel Hughes…”To have great competition like that at the Racers Grand Prix is just a great indicator to see where we’re at.”
SportsMax - Winning a first summer. So, to have great global individual medal at last competition like that at the Racers year’s World Championships Grand Prix is just a great indicator whetted Zharnel Hughes’s appetite to see where we’re at, and what we formoresuccess,andsoitcomesas can tweak going into our national no surprise that theAnguillan-born trials, because my trials will be the Great Britain sprint sensation is latter part of June. So, for me, I’m strongly optimistic about clinching lookingforwardtothisraceandthe a medal at this summer’s Olympic following week I’ll have the GamesinParis. European Championships as well.
In fact, if Hughes’s confidence So,it’llbeagreatindicatorforme,” to top his performances from last heshared. year is anything to go by, then he
Working tirelessly under the could very well accomplish the watchful eyes of decorated coach feat,providedhemaintainsaclean Mills, Hughes, a four-time bill of health throughout the EuropeanChampion,hasuppedthe season ante in the gym to improve his
During last year’s electrifying strength, as he is leaving no stone campaign, which ended with his unturned in his quest for Olympic World Championships bronze in glory the men’s 100m final, Hughes
“My training has been going broke Olympic champion Linford tremendously well. I’m excited to Christie’s 100m British national open up properly (at Racers Grand record when he clocked a personal significant impact on the world “I’m in good shape and I’m At the Racers Grand Prix, Prix) because my first race wasn’t best 9.83 seconds at the New York stage this year Whether or not it excited. I’ve definitely counted Hughes will line up alongside sogoodbecauseIhadalittleniggle, GrandPrix,inJune. will be an Olympic gold medal myself as one of them (athletes) to Racers Track Club teammate butI’veovercomethatnowandI’m
A month later, at the UK triumphislefttobeseen. be reckoned with (for an Olympic Oblique Seville and American very excited to see what’s there. Athletics Championship, Hughes “It’s the Olympic year, so gold medal). I’m never going to World champion Noah Lyles in the I’ve worked on my strength a lot, ran a brisk 19.77s, which is faster obviously you want to better what count myself out now because 100m, which he considers a good physically, I’m a lot stronger and I than John Regis’s national 200m you did last year I’m happy with you’ve seen what happened last prelude for what could come at the just want to keep on top of my record,butthetimewaswind-aided howlastyearturnedoutforme,and year, and I’m excited to top my ParisGames. mental health as well,” Hughes and, as such, was recognised as a this year is very much more performance from last year,” he “I’mlookingforwardtoit,Iwas revealed. record. exciting I’m preparing myself added. listening for who was going to be “Those things are very crucial
However, Hughes, with his nicely I’m feeling fit and ready to Thoughhe48.25sina400mrun there; Oblique and I have been going into an Olympic year, so you superb form, inevitably established go. Obviously as an athlete, you in February, followed by a 20.40s- training pretty good and I know have to be very focused. You have a new record when he clocked a want to lower your personal best clocking in March, the 28-year-old both of us representing coach Glen toensurethatyourbodyisproperly wind-legal 19.73s at the London every year, but unfortunately, pointedoutthatheisyettoreallyhit Mills,willbebringingitontheday fit as well in order to go there to DiamondLeague. sometimes it doesn’t work out like top gear in preparation for the So, I look forward to who’s in the give the best that you’re looking
With that in mind, coupled with that. But I’m definitely aiming to upcoming Olympic Games, but is field, especially with Lyles being for So,I’mprettysharponkeeping his relentless work ethic and lower my personal best both in the aiming to do so at the sixth edition there,”Hughessaid. my mental focus up and ensuring resolute pursuit of excellence, 100m and 200m,” Hughes oftheRacersGrandPrix,onJune1, “Thisraceistogetyouprepared that I’m properly recovered,” he Hughes is poised to make another declared. atJamaica’sNationalStadium. for what’s to come later in the ended.
Chile replace Argentina as 2025 Track World C/Ships hosts
(Reuters) - The 2025 Track Cycling hashostedthecompetitionsinceColombiain World Championships will be held in 2014. This year’s championship will take Santiago, Chile and not San Juan, Argentina place in Denmark in October while next as previously announced, the sport’s year’seventwillbehostedbyChina. governing body the Union Cycliste Reuters has contacted the UCI
in 2022, but Chile will now host the The world championships are held every competition for the first time at the year for the various disciplines and distances Velodromo Penalolen from Oct. 15-19 in intrackcycling.Riderscompeterepresenting 2025. It will be the first time South America theircountry
Indonesia’s Rohmalia smashes women’s T20I record with 7 for 0 on international debut
Rohmalia struck with her first delivery and dismissed seven Mongolia batters for ducks
ESPNcricinfo - Teenaged Indonesia offspinner Rohmalia createdanewworldrecordforbest bowling figures in women’s T20I cricket on Wednesday, when she returned 7 for 0 against Mongolia in their fifth T20I in Bali. That she achieved the feat on her international debut made it all the morespecial.
Rohmalia topped the record previously held by Netherlands seamer Frederique Overdijk, who had taken 7 for 3 against France in a T20 World Cup Europe Region Qualifier in 2021. Rohmalia is the 5 on the back of opener Ni Putu Ayu Nanda third bowler in women’s T20Is to have taken Sakarini’s 61. In reply, Mongolia were seven wickets in a match, after Overdijk and bowled out for 24. Rohmalia picked up a Argentina’s Alison Stocks (7 for 3 against wicketwithherfirstballand,overall,bowled Peru). just 3.2 overs, not conceding a run. She
Rohmalia poses with the match ball and her Player-of-the-Match certificate. (Persatuan Cricket Indonesia)
On Wednesday, Indonesia posted 151 for dismissedsevenbattersforducks.
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for Internationale(UCI)saidonWednesday information on the reason for the change of Argentinahadbeenselectedashostsback venue.
General view during the Men’s Elimination Race at the Tissot UCI Track World Championships 2022 at the National Velodrome, Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines, France - October 16, 2022. (REUTERS/Matthew Childs/File Photo)
2024 CARICOM Regional Cricket Conference Day 1…
Guyanese President delivers powerful address on opening day of CARICOM Cricket symposium
- “Today is an important day in the region, because cricket is not only played on the field but in the hearts of our people” - PresidentAli
The Opening Ceremony players like Sir Clive Lloyd, Andy of the CARICOM Roberts, Michael Holding, among Regional Cricket others.
Conference held at “We do not intend to give up on Hyatt Regency, Trinidad Tobago cricket.Weintendtodefendcricket yesterday broke new ground as the and we intend to play cricket at the Region’selitegatheredtocelebrate, highest level, and we will get back recognize and reveal plans which tothetop,”saidDr.Rowley will aid in the continued growth of He continued, ”I want to say WestIndiesCricket. today that in the interest of West
Themed under the term Indies Cricket and managing ‘Reinvigorating West Indies resources that are available to us Cricket – A Symposium for andshouldbeavailabletous,thatit Strategic Collaboration and is absolutely essential for West Innovation’, the event was chaired Indies Cricket to reopen the CPL by Prime Minister of Trinidad & contractandtolookattheresources Tobago and CARICOM Prime availabletoWestIndiescricket.” Ministerial Sub-Committee on However, the opening day of Cricket,Dr theHon.KeithRowley the symposium was headlined by a Among the distinguished guest passionate feature address speakers, President of the Republic delivered by President Ali, who of Guyana His Excellency Dr spoke intensely on the current state Irfaan Ali, Dr Rowley himself of of cricket while pitching a wide Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados array of ideas and solutions which Prime Minister the Honorable Mia are directed towards the reshaping Mottley,CricketWestIndies(CWI) of what the President dubbed as the President Dr Kishore Shallow EcosystemofCricket. among other former legendary “Today is an important day in
the region, because cricket is not developmental model, the Americas. only played on the field but in the Guyanese leader said identifying The now extinct Champions heartsofourpeople.Butwehaveto threats and opportunities while LeagueT20tourneywasamongthe look at the entire cricket ecosystem redefining West Indies Cricket, is top T20 competitions prior to the ifwearetoaddresstheissuesinthe important as the game is now emergence of the Global craze Caribbean,” said the Guyanese shifting towards a more franchise- whichisfranchiseT20cricket(IPL, President. related model which is associated CPL, BPL, etc.). The League,
He added that the sport is withfootballamongothersports. which first bowled off back in incorporated into the lives of the “Youmustseeadifferentvibe,a 2009, featured the best T20 stars people, linked to a number of areas different energy, a different style. from across nations like Australia, including the economy and How do we create smart stadiums? IndiaandSouthAfrica. tourism. President Ali said that it And whether or not the current The tournament bowled the last was highly important to redefine stadiums are attractive enough to overs in history back in 2014 but this brand of cricket that the West give the personalized experience President Ali hinted at a new Indies represented, adding that that fans want globally now from ground-breaking move which recreating, expanding, rebranding sporting events,” said his could see newer heights being and creating global avenues; all Excellency reachedinthesportsregionallyand while protecting this redefined “We have threats with the internationally brandofcricket;isparamount. growing North American cricket, “In Guyana, we are working
“We were known for fearsome which can bring in a lot more fans withtheWestIndiesCricketBoard, fast-bowling and elegant stroke- andalotmorerevenue.Ibelievewe CPL, and the ICC to launch a new play but the rules were changed to need to examine whether we can product for the region that will deny us form this brand of cricket move the West Indies Cricket position the region in the global and we allowed the rules to Board to the American Cricket market; theWorld Premier League. change”,citingthatnowistheideal Board because we have to now We are hoping that it will replace time to master and expand the work toward owning cricket in the what used to be the Champions product which is West Indies Americas and develop a strategy League.” cricket. where West Indies cricket becomes Day 2 of the symposium will Expanding on his cricket the owner of cricket within the concludetoday
Kaieteur News PAGE 32 Friday April 26, 2024
The head table during the opening Ceremony of the CARICOM Regional Cricket Conference held at Hyatt Regency, Trinidad Tobago yesterday.
CWI President Dr. Kishore Shallow spoke on the importance on rebuilding West Indies Cricket for the future preservation of the sport’s legacy among other crucial areas.
GCB T10 Blast tournament...
Foo blitz pilots Anacondas to 21-run win over Pitbulls
- Sampson, Permaul see Piranhas to 17-run win over Hawks
J o n a t h a n F o o ’ s followed up his MVP game scorching half-century gave with 2-2 as the main strike the Essequibo Anacondas a bowlersfortheAnacondas. big 21-run win over a Berbice Piranhas spirited Demerara Pitbulls beat Demerara team as yesterday’s round of Hawks by 17-runs the GCB T10 Blast Berbice Piranhas raced continued at the Malteenoes to 112-2 after a string of SportsClubGround. knocks from Man-of-theEssequiboAnacondas match Quentin Sampson defeat Demerara who muscled 38 from 12 Pitbulls by 21-runs with 5 sixes, while Brandon Anacondas posted a Jaikaran hit 29 and 17 from daunting 93-4 from their theveteranRickeySargent. allotted10oversledbyMan- The Hawks bowling of-the-match Foo’s robust struggled despite having the 59off26balls. services of national pacer
Quentin Sampson powered the Piranhas to a huge win over the Hawks yesterday with his quick-fire 38.
The former Guyana and Windies U19 star Isai limited overs batsman Thorne who had 1-15, clobbered 7 sixes and one 4 alongside spinner Totaram while Raymond Perez (15) Bishun(1-11). and Ushadeva Balgobin (11) Demerara were kept to gotintodoublefigures. 95-6 by the end of their 10 Keon Sinclair (2-19) overs Captain Akshaya escaped the punishment Persaudledwithaclassy19while off-spinner Junior ball 32 (3x4 2x6). David Sinclair and veteran seamer Williams also hit three fours Chris Barnwell returned a and a pair of sixes in his 29 wicket apiece. The Pitbulls off 17, but no other player were then strangled by the offeredassistance. Anacondaswhokeptthemto Veteran spinner and at the Meten-Meer-Zorg 72 all out despite efforts skipper Veerasammy Ground with the Essequibo from skipper Barnwell Permaul finished off the Jaguars playing their county (21*), Justin Sinclair, Leon match nicely for his team m a t e s , E s s e q u i b o Swamy and Jeremiah Scott with figures of 2-16 with Anacondasfrom12:00h. whoallhad11runseach. former Guyana T20 player Match 2 will see the Fast-bowler Qumar Rajiv Ivan chipping in with PitbullsbattlingthePiranhas Torringtonstarredwith3-15, 2-7. from14:30h. while Kwesi Mickle Round 4 continues today
Jonathan Foo accepts his MVP award from Mr. Grantley Culbard following his whirlwind half-century.
LGC Secretary receives the sponsorship cheque from a House of Majesty representative alongside Pope Emanuel London.
Lusignan Golf Club to Host House of Majesty Golf Tournament this weekend
Lusignan Golf Club is proud to announce the upcoming House of Majesty Golf Tournament, set to take place tomorrow, Saturday, April 27, 2024. Organized under the esteemed leadership of Captain Pope Emanuel London, the House of Majesty has a rich history of hosting successful golf tournaments since its inception in 2013 The tournamentwillkickoffwith (Continued on page 27)
Kaieteur News PAGE 33 Friday April 26, 2024
prizes on offer during the event.