Kaieteur News

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Thedeceased, Aaron Dookaran
Founder and CEO of Fulcrum LNG, Jesus Bronchalo
Pres. IrfaanAli hands over a land title to a Toshao at yesterday’s opening of the National Toshaos Conference (NCN photo)

New concerns raised over former Exxon VP securing contract to monetise Guyana's gas

A company established by the formerVice President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) with less than a year experience was awarded a contract to monetise Guyana's gas resources.

Government advertised earlier this year, locally and internationally, through a Request for Bids (RFB) for the Design, Finance, Construction, and Operation ofessentialgasinfrastructure

to support upstream developments in Guyana Proposals were invited from qualified developers for comprehensive solutions to develop the required gas

infrastructure, which includes the necessary pipelines to connect and monetizeupstreamgas.

Of the 17 bids opened, Fulcrum LNG, founded by JesusBronchalowasselected by the Government of Guyana. Bronchalo worked 19 years and one month for ExxonMobil The last position he held for the company was Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for the Guyana operations; his tenure ended

inFebruary2023. According to reports, Bronchalo months later- in July 2023- launched the energy company, Fulcrum LNG, boasting “experience and expertise across all aspects of the oil and gas value chain, including lowcarbonsolutions.”

The company on its website stated, “Our gas infrastructure development approach enables faster development and execution of projects which allows for faster revenue generation, delivering reliable energy to the world, and providing decarbonization alternatives by switching to significantly less-polluting energy sources.”

Importantly, the company said its partners with some of the industry's leading global engineering, technology, and finance firms,aswellasglobalLNG buyers, to deploy the most advanced technologies and sustainable solutions that will generate maximum valueforitsclients. There were no mentions of completed projects by Fulcrum on its website. The

deal between the GoG and the former ExxonMobil Executive continues to raise eyebrowsascompanydetails remain sketchy It should be noted that Fulcrum LNG would be entrusted with developing the country's gas resources for monetisation purposes, however given its a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h ExxonMobil, stakeholders remain concerned about the interests of Guyana being protectedinthetransaction.

O p p o s i t i o n

Parliamentarian David Patterson in an invited comment told Kaieteur News,“Lessthanayearlater (after) leaving Exxon, this company was awarded this contract. The company has notrackrecord,beingformed a little while ago.” He

Agreement (PSA) with Exxonhighlightstheneedfor theoilcompanytoconducta feasibility study for the utilisation of the gas resources.

Additionally, Patterson urged, “The GoG paid a former Trinidadian Minister US$20,000 to produce a

option was not explored by government.


Founder and CEO of Fulcrum LNG, Jesus Bronchalo worked with Exxon for almost two decades.

policy, which resulted in a substandard document Based on this, any new contractshouldhaveitterms of reference placed in the public domain for comment, or we will end up with a similar end product.” The former minister also

Government of Japan prepared a draft Gas Road Map around the year 2018 and offered to produce a m

rehensive document,freeofcharge.He therefore asked why that

The Ministry of Natural Resources in June defended the award of the contract to Fulcrum LNG. It said an “independentandtechnically competent” evaluation team was established by the ministrytoconductadetailed and robust evaluation of all 17 bids. Fulcrum LNG was deemed the most responsive compliant bidder and ranked No. 1, followed by CNOOC Power and Gas Group, ranked No 2, and a consortium of local and international companies which were ranked No. 3.

“Assuch,FulcrumLNGwill be supporting the governmentandtheStabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana, to utilise the nonassociatedgas–servingasan independent development,” theMinistrysaid.

Meanwhile, with regard to the company's CEO, the ministry acknowledged that while Bronchalo was a former senior employee of Exxon, at the time of the evaluation, his involvement inFulcrumLNGwasknown,

andhispreviousrelationship with ExxonMobil was not seen as presenting a conflict of interest, since he had severed all ties with the company Thecontractaward to Fulcrum LNG was first announced by President Irfaan Ali during a press conference at State House in June.

He explained, “We recently concluded the expression of interest for a major gas project outside of theWalesdevelopment(Gasto-Energyproject).Wehada company identified, that company with the Government of Guyana and Exxon and its partners will nowhavetohavediscussions and we will have to together arriveatamodelandaplanas to how we will advance this major gas development in ourcountry.”

The Head of State was keen to note that the government has since assembledatechnicalteamto participateinthediscussions and draft a model for the utilization of the gas resources President Ali anticipates a Heads of (Continuedonpage10)

Exxon’sdecommissioning moneycouldreduce withlargeroilreserves

- Former EPA boss

Former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams recently said that American oil major, ExxonMobil, could be hiding Guyana's true oil reserves, as thiswouldreducethesumthat could be deducted by the c o m p a n y f o r decommissioningactivities.

Decommissioning refers to the cleanup and restoration of the environment following the end of the life of an oil project.

It involves the safe pluggingofwellsandremoval of equipment used during the operations, including the Floating Production Storage andOffloading(FPSO)vessel.

During an Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference on Friday, Dr Adamssharedhisviewonthe recent revelation by Minister ofNaturalResourcesVickram Bharrat that Guyana's oil reserves have only grown from 11B barrels to 11.6B barrelsoverthelasttwoyears andeightdiscoveries.

Dr Adams, a Petroleum and Environmental Engineer hinted that the company may be deliberately keeping the nationinthedarkonitsrealoil reserves as this would affect the monies it can deduct and hold in its account for decommissioning.


what they can withdraw for decommissioningsoistherea suspicion that is tied to it?”

The comments made by Minister Bharrat have attracted criticism from citizenswhohavebeenpaying attention to the developments inGuyana'spetroleumsector

French company wins contract for Guyana’s reservoir audit

...“It is something that we should have done a long time now” – Oil minister

Minister of Natural Resources,VickramBharrat last week revealed that a contract has been awarded toaFrenchfirmtoconducta reservoiraudit.

Earlier this year, the

Ministry of Natural Resources issued Epression of Interest for “Consulting Services for Conducting Petroleum Resources and Reservoir Audit ” This process had initially attracted three proposals, Egyptian company Stratoil Energy Services, French company Beicip Franlab, and DeGolyer & Mac Naughton Corp (D&M) of Texas,USA.

T h e m i n i s t r y ' s advertisementstatedthatthe Government of Guyana (GoG) has received financing in the amount of US$20 million from the World Bank (WB) towards the cost of the Guyana

Petroleum Resources

Consultant to provide advisory services, technical support and training and capacity strengthening services to the government, through the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Sector Regulator – the GuyanaGeologyandMines Commission (GGMC) or the Petroleum Commission (PC)onceestablished–and other attendant Ministries with the aim of enhancing the country's core capacity to review, approve, authorise, and oversee, monitor and report on the country's oil and gas reservesandresources.

During his Mid-Year press conference last week, Minister Bharrat revealed, “A French company has beenawardedthecontractto do our reservoir audit. It is something that we should have done a long time now, but I'm happy that we're goingtostartthissoon.”

taxes), US$192,070 (local taxes).

reservoir audit comes amid debatesonthetruefigureof Guyana's Stabroek Block reserves According to MinisterBharrattheblock's r

Heexplained,“Ifyouread the contract and this might be tiedtosomethingelsebecause remember the issue that was raised about the money being w i t h d r a w n f o r decommissioning that goes into Exxon's Bank Account? The amount that is being withdrawn is calculated and here is how that amount is being calculated: it's being calculated by dividing the ( d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g ) budget you divide that number by the reserves and then you multiply it by the amount that has been produced.”

It should be noted that the last resource count, dated April 26, 2022, declared the recoverable resource for the Stabroek Block at 11 billion oil-equivalent barrels. Since then, Exxon announced eight subsequent discoveries, the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, and Lancetfish-2 wells, along with the recently announced Bluefindiscovery

Exxon's partner, China

Management Project (GPRGMP) and intends to applypartoftheproceedsto pay a consulting firm to provide advisory services, technical support and training and capacity strengtheningservicestothe GoG.

It was revealed by the Natural Resources Ministry that the objective of the assignment is for the

This publication had reported that during a May 2024 opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that Stratoil Energy Services bid –US$381,200 (excluding local indirect taxes), US$129,000 (local taxes) for the contract, and Beicip Franlab bid US$451,930 (excluding local indirect

increased by 600 million barrelssincethelastofficial update in 2022, which placed the reserves at 11 billion barrels. This update comes despite ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the block, announcing eight new discoveries since then and Exxon's partner, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) stating that one of the eight new discoveries Lancetfish which was discovered in April 2023, averaged 100 million tons, translating to

an estimated 746 million barrelsofoil.CNOOCmade the disclosure in its 2023 Annual Report which was releasedthisyear At the press conference, Minister Bharrat addressed a n e s t i m a t i o n b y international experts from US analytics company S&P Globalwhorecentlyputthe current Guyana basin reserves at 18 7 billion barrels. Chairman of Wales Development Authority, Asgar Ally in January had said that some 15 billion barrels of oil have already been discovered to date in the Stabroek Block. Ally, a former Finance Minister and former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Jamaica was representing GuyanaattheJamaicaStock Exchange Conference held inJanuarywhenhemadethe comments.

Consequently, the former headoftheEPAnoted,“Right now they are dividing by 11B barrels,ifyoudivideitbylet's say 18B barrels you are reducingitbyalmosthalfasto

) Limited, in its 2023 Annual Results disclosed that one of the eight discoveries made by ExxonMobil Guyana since 2022 holds an estimated reserve of 746 million barrels of oil. CNOOC said in the report that the Lancetfish discovery,whichwasmadein April 2023, averaged some 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746 million barrels, according to the conversion formula of the Independent Petroleum Association of America ExxonMobilistheoperatorof theStabroekwitha45%stake, withpartnersCNOOCLtdand Hessholdinginterestsof25% and30%,respectively

Dr. Vincent Adams
MinisterofNaturalResources, Vickram Bharrat


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Hijacking of the Toshaos Conference

Everyyearthecountry’sindigenousleadersembarkona pilgrimage to the city for the National Toshaos Council Conference(NTCC).TheforumshouldbefortheToshaos, but the government has taken it over. They dictate the agenda,thespeakersandeverything.

It was no surprise that ahead of the conference the AmerindianPeoplesAssociation(APA)warnedagainstthe hijacking of the forum and also urged respect for the autonomyandself-determinationofindigenousleadership. In its efforts to control theToshaos, government will serve up this week sumptuous dinners and cultural extravaganza fortheleadersofthecountry’sindigenouscommunities.

However, beneath the veneer of the conference and its side attractions, the indigenous communities, despite residing in the resource-rich hinterland, face deep-seated challenges that have gone unaddressed for far too long. While the new Secretariat for the Council and the coming togetherofindigenousleadersarestepsintherightdirection, it is high time to revamp these conferences into platforms thatcanbringresolutiontothesystemicproblemsplaguing indigenouscommunities.Itisapainfulironythatindigenous communities living amidst the natural wealth of Guyana’s hinterlands,bearthebruntofthecountry’shighestandmost extremeratesofpoverty

Hinterland resources are being exploited without adequate rewards flowing to indigenous communities. Mining activities have ravaged the environment, leaving scars that are not only visible on the land but also in the communities Indigenous peoples face the harsh consequences of soil degradation, deforestation, and pollutedwatersources,whichseverelyimpacttheirwayof life.Mining,despiteitspromiseofeconomicadvancement, has unleashed a slew of social problems upon these communities. The surge in alcohol abuse, prostitution, and sexual abuse has eroded social relations, while the mass migrationofyoungpeopletothegoldfieldsduetoalackof economic opportunities threatens the continuity of these communities. Indigenous communities witness the plunder of their forests by timber companies, who often depart without offering adequate compensation or sustainable alternatives. The more resources are extracted, the poorer theindigenouscommunities.

Such exploitation only exacerbates the vulnerability of indigenous communities, as these forests are intertwined with their cultural heritage, sustenance, and spiritual practices.Lastyear’sMahdiatragedyresultedinthelossof 20 innocent lives, mostly children. This tragedy, although the PPP/ C Government may want us to forget is a stark reminder of the dangers facing indigenous communities. Yesterday’s opening ceremony was another sorry spectacle of politicking by President Irfaan, totally ignoring the real issues facing the Indigenous community, but instead proceedingonrewritinghistory Itwasheart-warmingtosee veteran Journalist, Miranda La Rose, herself of Indigenous descent using her facebook page to fact-check the many misleadingstatementsmadebythePresident.

This underscores the need for an overhaul of the conference’s purpose – from political maneuvering to genuinetransformation.

The current trajectory of the National Toshaos Council Conference is not yielding the desired outcomes. It’s high timeforashiftinfocusfromhandoutstosubstantiveefforts to uplift indigenous communities and extricate them from the grips of poverty and despondency This transformation mustbeaimedatresolvingproblemsthathaveplaguedthese communitiesforgenerations.Ratherthanforcingtheyouth tomigrateintogoldfields,thereshouldbeinitiativesaimed at creating sustainable economic opportunities within indigenous communities. This could include support for agricultural ventures, ecotourism, and skill development programmesthatempowerindividualstothriveintheirown villages.

Afirst for Guyana, Dr. EuclidA. Rose is the first Guyanese-Caribbean Scholar to write a Comprehensive Manuscript onAmerican Presidency


Onthesubjectofwriting, the author’s position is that good writing starts with honesty, outstanding research and excellent analysis. He says that a lot can be expressed with a few simpleandhonestwordsthat a set of pretentious words cannotdo.

But occasionally, the author writes: a great manuscript is often written about someone great, and thatgreatsomeoneisBarack HusseinObama11,the44th President of the United States And that great manuscript, he emphasizes is‘ARacetotheFinishLine: The Election of Barack Hussein Obama 11 as the First Black President of the UnitedStates’writtenbyDr EuclidA. Rose, professor at the City University of New York. Dr Rose is the first Guyanese-Caribbean Scholar to write a comprehensive text book on thePresidencyoftheUnited States.

Dr Rose’s research is breathtaking in that it traces Obama’s life from his birth in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961, to Seattleand to Jakarta, Indonesia, where he learned

Bahasa Indonesia the official and national language of Indonesia. Dr Rose’s penetrating and captivating work examines the forces that shaped Obama’s early life; it providesadefinitiveaccount ofhisformativeyears,which made him the man he became After graduating from Punahou High School, a private, elite all-white academy in Honolulu, Obama attended Occidental College in California, for two years and then transferred to Columbia University in NewYork and to Harvard Law School where he was elected the first black President of the prestigious Harvard Law ReviewJournal. ARacetotheFinishLine is a brilliant analysis of the struggles that Barrack Obama overcame to be elected the first black President of the United States in 2008 It is intellectually stimulating and insightful and presents fresh insights into Obama’s life, his tumultuous upbringing as a young man of mixed race who was raised exclusively by his white mother and grandparents and his

marriage to Michelle Robinson in Chicago in 1992 The book vividly describesObama’sworkasa community organizer on the South Side of Chicago before he ventured into politics. He was elected a StateSenatorofIllinoisfrom 1997 to 2004, and was electedtotheU.S.Senatein 2004 Four years later in 2008hewaselectedthefirst blackPresidentoftheUnited States.

Finally, A Race to the Finish Line assesses how African Americans rose from the depths of poverty, racial discrimination, and thebrutalityofslaverytobe elected to the highest office in America. It explores the phenomenon of Barack Obama belonging to two differentworlds—oneblack, the other white. It is one of the most powerful books of self-discovery with illuminating insights into race,class,culture,ethnicity, and politics in America Rose’s epic work is a rich tapestryofalifelittleknown or understood prior to his announcement to seek the presidency of the United States in 2007. It tells the human story of a man Barack Hussain

Obama—who changed the course of history and the world in a way that no one elsecanandnooneexpected orcouldhavepredicted.

The book is a classic narrative drawn from hundreds of interviews, inc

ral of President Obama’s advisers, friends,andclassmatesanda trove of articles, journals, and other documents. It is a

manuscript; that providers readerswitharichlytextured

Obama’s life who tried to make sense of his existence as he prepared for his political career It is a beautifully written and credible book that tells the hum

ry of a man Barack Hussain Obama—who changed the course of history and the world in a way that no one else can and no one expected. Rose’s work is a bold and ambitious undertaking, and we are confident and most certain that it will provoke debates amongstudentsandscholars in America and around the world.Itisapleasuretoread.

Regards Aubrey

Quality of life must not be restricted to the emergence of a luxury beach front hotel


, EverydayIseePresident Ali, featured in a BBC commercial, wagging his fingers and vociferously declaring,“Iwilllectureyou on climate change! “I

understand that he is the holderofaPhDinUrbanand Regional Planning from the UniversityoftheWestIndies and may be aware of the issuespresentedinthisletter. Nonetheless, it is with great

To combat the environmental degradation caused by mining and logging, a commitment to environmental stewardship is vital. The conference should promote discussions on sustainable resource management, reforestation efforts, and responsible mining practices, ensuring the delicate balance between development and preservation.

Addressing the social issues that plague indigenous communities requires a comprehensive approach. The conference should foster open dialogues about alcohol abuse,sexualexploitation,andothersocialchallenges.The National Toshaos Council Conference holds immense potential to reshape the trajectory of Guyana’s indigenous communities. No longer should the conference be a mere spectacle of political enticements, but rather a conduit for transformation.

ThefutureofGuyana’sindigenouspeoplesdependsona collectivecommitmenttochange–achangethatstartswith a fresh perspective on the purpose of the NationalToshaos Council Conference, beginning with the removal of the shadow of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs over conferenceproceedings.

deferencethatIwritetodraw attention to an ecological issue that Guyana will confront.

I grew up in a Guyana whichtallstructurescouldbe countedonone’sfingers;the Saint George’s Cathedral, the Stabroek Market Clock

To w e r, F o g a r t y ’s Department Store, Pegasus Hotel and the Bank of G u y a n a w e r e o u r “skyscrapers”.

With our newfound prosperity, tall buildings are popping up around Georgetown and will probablyproliferateoverthe restofGuyana.Inourfrenzy of building, we must enact and enforce laws and codes to preserve/enhance our qualityoflife.

This weekend I spent a wonderful time at the beach located at the Miami-Dade and Broward county-line My host was an architect with a keen sense of design

and its effects on the environment.

During our evening conversation, she told me that even on a hot day the beachisalwayscoolbecause ofthewinds.Shewentonto elaborate that the tall perpendicular buildings on the beach-front block the salubrious sea breeze and weather from reaching inland communities behind the narrow strip of luxury condominiums and hotels that ribbons the Florida Atlanticcoast.

Thedeleteriouseffectsof building tall skyscrapers alongthecoastaretwo-fold. First, the skyscrapers block the cool sea breeze, and the inland communities experience a noticeable rise intemperaturewhichaffects the quality of life for humans, animals, plants and insects. And second, when thecooloceanbreeze


‘Clement Rohee: not much wiser’


Clement Rohee’s contribution ‘GECOM is capable of executing mandate’ (SN:15/08/2024) indicates well why Guyana isinitspresentperilousstate. He claimed that since his a p p o i n t m e n t a s a commissionerofGECOMin August2022,‘Ihaveformed the opinion that, save for mischievous and unlawful acts by the human factor, GECOM can execute its constitutional mandate.’But is it not arguably the most important part of Rohee’s andGECOM’sobligationto guard against ‘mischievous and unlawful acts’? I am certain that it was not Rohee’sintentiontosupport what many have suspected, namely that GECOM is incapable of fulfilling its mandate.

Furthermore, Mr Rohee seems to be incapable of appreciating the nuanced qualitative difference involved in comparative social discourse. He tells us thatthepopulacetendstobe suspicious and distrustful of ‘every government or constitutional body in the world’ Even if we understand his dash for comfort in generalisation, saying that the citizens of Norway are suspicious of theirgovernment’sactivities is a far cry from Russian citizens saying the same thing.

Also,failingtograspthe dynamicsthatnormallyexist between teaching and learning,Mr Roheeappears to believe that one can

change the substantive negative view of GECOM by way of public education/propaganda but without significantly improving its effectiveness andinclusivity Hesaysthat: “As regards the question of comforting the ordinary voter that GECOM will fulfill its constitutional mandate with honesty and integrity, I know that the Commission has plans to launch a Civic and Voter Education strategy that will place specific focus on the rebuilding of trust and confidence in the Commission!”

T h e n s o m e w h a t confusedly and clearly intendingtomisleadthepublicà laPPP,Mr.Roheeattributedthe following statement in my article (Elections skullduggery:’VV;11/08/2024 & KN 12/08/2024) to the Stabroek News editorial (SN: 12/08/2024) to which he liberally referred ‘On the questionofthevoters’register, the editorial (Jeffrey) added, “The PPP/C government, on the other hand, prefers to improve the existing voter register through extended continuous registration and somewhat improved procedures for the removal of deceased registrants We shall seeiftheoppositionwillgoto andhopetowinanelectionwith thecurrentlistbecausethePPP doesnotwantitchanged!”

But this speculation by me was based on the following position that was deliberately removed by Rohee ‘[T]he European Union (EU) Final report

recommended ‘a thorough update of the decade-old register well ahead of the nextelectioncycle,basedon inclusive consultations and politicalconsensus.’Andthe EU election follow-up mission of 2023 reported that the present electoral list remains problematical, and that the opposition is advocating that a new voter registerbecompiledthrough house-to-house registration combined with electronic capture of fingerprints, as well as advocating the introduction of biometric (fingerprint) verification of votersatpollingplaces.’

T h e c o n t i n u o u s registration process of claims and objections is considered insufficient yet that is precisely what Rohee offered when he stated that theexercisecalledforbythe EU and CARICOM is an ongoing one which commenced in 2022! This and his misattribution aside, much more importantly, his political allegiance makes it impossibleforhimtoaccept that a workable democratic

questionablemajoritarianism that exists at GECOM Mr Roheethenturnedspecifically tothepositionsIhavetakenin ‘Elections skullduggery’ above He claimed that ‘Jeffrey documented several speculative points and unsubstantiated comments which he sought to peddle as facts Inthisregard,Iwishto point out the following ’ Firstly, Jeffrey said ‘that rigging elections by way of a

bloated list has now become themodusoperandiinGuyana and is the major reason why only just over 20% of the population is certain they are not manipulated’ Notwithstanding what follows, Mr Rohee claimed thatI‘didnotevenattemptto give a decent level of credibility to this blatant falsehood’ Elections are best rigged long before elections day and some of this skulduggery can be detected on that day or thereafter Thus,Inotedthat during the 2020 elections process the chairperson of GECOM, having requested and received reports from the relevant state officials aboutelectionsskulduggery, i.e., people voting that are eitherdeadorwerenotinthe country on elections day, conclude

sufficientimporttocomeby wayofanelectionpetition.I pointed out that the former Chief Executive Officer of GECOM after considering thematterclaimedthatthere w

e s o m e 4 , 6 8 6 impersonations and other irregularities. Is he and his party not running helterskelter to prevent consideration of this matter in the courts? Am I to understandthatthePPPwas lying when it filed a similar elections petition in relation to the 2015 elections? So why should I doubt Mr Malcolm Harripaul ‘How thePPPandGECOMrigged the 2011 elections’ and believe the honourable comrades in Freedom

House? I believe that the aboveprovidesaprimafacie caseandthatMr.Roheeand the PPP should have sought to definitively settle the matter in the courts rather than have 80% of the electorate questioning the currentregime’slegitimacy!

Secondly, Mr Rohee statedJeffreypleaded,’Please spare me the nonsense about foreign monitors certifying elections’ Jeffrey’s ‘position in this matter seems to be premisedontheunifiedstance the APNU+AFC adopted towards the International Observerswhochallengedand exposed the rigging of the 2020 elections. ... it appears that Jeffrey has joined with those who despise the presence of international election observers because they interfere in Guyana’s domestic affairs’ Bearing in mind my above contention about his incapacity to properly grasp the nuances of comparative discourse, generally the presence of observers - particularly Western ones - has contributed to there being more free and fair elections and a more democratic world. But Clement Rohee,

thisdoesnotmeantheyhave never been wrong and when needs be prioritised their nationalinterest,etc.

Finally, he claimed that I ‘failedtocallintoquestionand to admit that it is the same ‘bloatedlist’thatwasusedfor the2015electionsthatbrought the APNU+AFC to power’ Yes, Mr Rohee, it was a similar list but what do you think ‘[r]igging elections by way of a bloated list has now becomethemodusoperandiin Guyana’smeans?In‘Guyana is a rigging field’ (SN: 05/02/2020 & SN: 12/02/2020) I asserted that boththePPPandthePNChave over many years been manipulating elections in Guyanaandhavedeliberately constructed and sustained a bloatedvoters’register Ifthey cared to pay attention, what Africansarefacingtodaywas clearyvisiblesometimeago I concluded ‘Two Thieves make God laugh’ (SN: 01/04/2020): ‘However, as thesayinggoes;‘twothieves make God laugh and given thePPP’smorerecentstance onsharedgovernance,brace yourselfforabumpyride!’


Private funeral for Dave Martins

Annette Arjoon, wife of the late G u y a n e s e musical icon, Dave Martins saidthattherewillbeprivate funeral for him and a subsequent public memorial serviceatalaterdate.

Martins (90) died on Sundayfollowingaperiodof illness “Many thanks everyone for your kind condolences We will be having a private funeral and a public memorial which will be at a later date,” Arjoon said in a Facebook postonMonday Meanwhile, tributes continue to pour in for the ‘not a blade a grass’ singer The Alliance For Change (AFC) in a message said Martinswastheveryessence of what a Guyanese is and was.“Heembodiedthespirit of Guyaneseness in the way he lived, and in the way he expressed himself through his music. Every generation ofGuyanesesince1970,has embraced the nation’s unofficial anthem, ‘Not A Blade of Grass’as that song that we are most proud of after‘DearLandofGuyana’. It was this song that created the spirit of defiance and patriotism that we needed when our neighbours threatened our sovereignty,” AFCsaid. Accordingtothe political party, Martins’ repertoire of music is a

veritable catalogue of Guyanese and Caribbean life, captured and curated in musicalnotesandlyricsthat aresecondtonone.

“These are capable of spawningfieldsofstudyand r

a personalpointofview,Dave Martins composed the AFC’s theme song in 2005 from his recording studio in the Cayman Islands, and for that and everything else he has contributed, we are eternallygrateful.

To Annette and the Martins’family, the Leader, Nigel Hughes, Mrs Catherine Hughes, and the entire Alliance For Change offer th

elt sympathyandsupportatthis time of mourning Dave Martins was a national hero and must be recognised as suchindeath.”

For its part, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) said it was saddened to learn that Martins had passed away “One of Guyana’s many outstanding cultural icons, Dave Martin and his Tradewinds captured the quintessence of Guyanese life.

FormanyGuyanese,his musicconjuredupmemories of growing up and life in simplertimes,”FITUGsaid.

Accordingtothetradeunion, formost,his“NotaBladeof Grass” will be most fondly remembered at this time. “It epitomises the conviction of our people in defending our territory against aggression fromVenezuela. It has not escaped our attentionthatthesongandits lyricsstillevokethespiritof patriotism and commitment toourcountry.”

FITUG said though Martinsisnolongerwithus, “his music and his life’s work will remain with us –cheering us up in difficult times,remindingusoflifeas

Sunday evening said Martin was more than just a musician; he was a true Caribbean person whose influence extended beyond borders,touchingthelivesof countless individuals across the region “His loss is deeply felt, not only in Guyana but throughout the entire Caribbean and in our diaspora.

Whenever his music plays, no matter where you are, it stirs a deep sense of pride in being a Caribbean person.

The rhythms and melodies carry the essence of our shared heritage, reminding us of who we are and where we come from,”

Guyanese people and inspiring us to defend our country and its people. At this time, the FITUG and its thousands of members spread throughout Guyana extend their sincerest condolencesandsympathies to the family and friends of thelateDaveMartins. We thank them for sharing him with us and, as theyfacethisdifficulttimein theirlives,takesolaceinthe countless lives that Dave Martinshastouchedthrough hislife’swork.Mayhissoul restinpeace.”

President Irfaan Ali

thePresidentsaid. He said Dave Martins’ music connects us to our roots and fills us with a profound love for our Caribbeanidentity

“I am confident that while he has passed on, his music will live on. Guyana andtheCaribbeanareindeed poorer for his passing, but we are infinitely richer for having had the privilege of experiencing his art, his passion, and his deep love for our country and the culture of the Caribbean. Dave Martins will be dearly missed, but his spirit will forever resonate in the rhythms of our Caribbean identity “

Quality of life must not be restricted...

Frompage04 collides with the tall buildingsonthebeach,ithas nowhere to go but back to thesea. This creates an air current that constantly erodesthebeachandcreates asandbarsomemilesouton ocean My architect host pointedouttheMiami-Dade County side of the border where the homes of the ultra-rich live [Madonna, Tommy Hilfiger, Satya Nadella, etc.] the buildings were not taller than the tallest coconut tree. It was her professional judgment that a height restriction of buildingonthebeachserved 2 purposes: the inland communities will enjoy some of the cool sea breeze

and the soil erosion on the beach will be somewhat mitigated.

As we begin to develop our “seawall” we must be cognizant of the effects it will have on the quality of life for the inland residents of Georgetown. As we remakeGeorgetownandthe rest of Guyana, let us be prudent: a height restriction for new construction along the coastline may be something for Guyana to consider

Aqualityoflifemustnot be restricted to the emergence of a luxury beachfront condo/hotel clientele along our Atlantic coast.

Sincerely RogerAlly


Part IV: Jagdeo playing a cat and mouse game with oil

How much is this “massive” return for Exxon, Mr. Jagdeo?

Time to stop playing the cat-and mouse games.

It has gone on too long with Guyanese the losers.

Time for Guyanese to compare.

What is Exxon grabbing under some accounting profit heading?

What is this country getting?

How massive is “massive”, Mr. Jagdeo”?

It is time for these foolish, time-wasting tactics to be over.

Hughes pushes for experts to help manage Guyana’s oil resources

...says Guyanese are spectators as

foreigners devour country's wealth

Amid the rapid developmentofthecountry's oil sector with little or no oversight and expert's technical management, Leader of the Alliance For ChangeNigelHughessaidif this is not changed quickly Guyanesewillbereducedto spectators as foreigners devourtheirwealth.

The AFC leader was at the time speaking at his party's public meeting held in Linden Saturday night. Hughes calls for expert's advice is in keeping with public advocacy for the establishment of the Petroleum Commission, which the Guyana Government said would slow down the development in the sector and also would not add anything new to what they are currently doing.

While highlighting that thegovernmentcontinuesto boast about the construction of new hospitals, hotels and roads, Hughes pointed out that at about 50 percent of students are dropping out of school, which will result in themnothavingadecentjob. Assuchhesaid,“…Arethey going to eat the roads, are they going to be able to afford the health services thatexist,soyouknowwhat is going to happen we [Guyanese] are going to become spectators as the roads that are being built withourmoneyisbeingused byforeigners.”

He continued: “We are less than a million people brothersandsisters,lessthan onemillionpeople;wedon't

havetheskillstomanagethat kind of wealth in a responsible way and when I saythatitisnotthatwedon't have the capacity or we cannotgeneratethecapacity but with that significant amount of money, you need professional help ” The AFCleaderthenrecalledthe Government's recent visit to s

millions was invested

“Since we [AFC] have started these visits, the listening and the grounding tours, all of a sudden four years after the PPP [People Progressive Party/ Civic] is in office, they running to go by Monkey Mountain and telling the people that they will be getting $40 million forthisand$100millionfor that,” Hughes said, while adding, “ I just want you to thinkaboutit,$40millionis less than an hour of income fromoil,sowhenyourunto tell me that you spending $40 million of my money, it is less than an hour of my money you taking and turning around to say that somehow we must be

y, H

described Guyana's wealth to be so much that, “we got moneytillwestupid.Wewill end up being stupid if we don'tmanagethatmoney.”

TheAFC leader told the gathering that for years, since the country gained independence successive governments have failed to delivertoitscitizensabetter life. He said, “For the years

Decomposed body of man found at Henrietta

Police are investigating the discovery of a decomposed

Inapressreleasepolicesaidatabout09:40hrsMondaya64year-old resident of Henrietta reported to theAnna Regina Police Station that he was getting a foul smell emanating fromanabandonedhouselocatednorthofhisyard.Assuch, hewentandmadechecksandobservedthebodyofamanin adecomposingstate.RanksoftheDivisionalHeadquarters at Anna Regina and crime scene technicians visited the scene. The body, observed to be about 60 per cent decomposed,wasphotographedandescortedtotheSuddie PublicHospital,whereitwasofficiallypronounceddeadby a d o c t o r o n d u t y

ThebodyisattheSuddieHospitalMortuaryawaitingapostmortem examination. Investigators were told that the deceased man had no fixed place of abode Investigationsareongoing.

this country has been independent, we have failed every single cycle to deliver tothepeopleofthiscountrya better life, every single cycle. We might have done betterinsome,inthelast32 yearsthePeopleProgressive Party has been in office for 27 [years], therefore 84 percentoftheyearsbetween 1992 to now they have been inoffice,elected.Andsowe have to seriously ask ourselves if the best we can do with all this wealth is to leave us in this struggling conditionthatwearein.”


Notingthateverycitizen must benefit from the country'soilwealth,Hughes pointedoutthatthesituation onthegroundatthemoment isthatonlypeopleconnected to the oil and gas sector do. Hefurtherrecalled,whenthe Government stated that Guyanese will benefit from the oil, through the 'trickle down' concept Hughes describedthistobe,“suchan offensive concept ” He explained, “Trickle down means that only the people whoconnectedtooilandgas

can get enough money and hopefully they are going to employ enough people and buy enough services, so that when the man that's getting thecontractsfortheroads,or the man that's getting the local content contract money, hopefully the maid, the taxi driver and wherever he buying his food from the restaurant will get some money.” In light of this, Hughes proposed and urged people to campaign for the oilmoneytobemanagedby experts, so each citizen can benefit from their profound wealth.

Back in March this year when Guyana appeared before the United Nations Human Rights Committee questions were raised about on whether the oil wealth was being used to ensure every citizen benefits. The question was posed to Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira. Committee member Rodrigo A. Carazo had noted that the Committeehasseeninmany parts of the world the extent natural resources have been

pillaged and how natural wealth has been stripped to the bones and any wealth generated by the use of the natural resources has not been evenly distributed. To thisendhesaid,“Thedesire ofthiscommittee,thedesire o

architecture is to support member states including the Cooperative Republic of G

intended to ensure the best and fairest of distribution of wealth derived from natural

explained that the even distribution of wealth promotesthewell-beingand humanrightsofallpeople.

Inherresponse,Minister Teixeira said, “The issue of natural wealth being shared, we have reported here, the increase in allocations for healthandeducation,thefact that in every Amerindian village in our society or Indigenous village in society,everyruralvillagein o

y municipality they are schools for children at the nursery, primary and in the regions which are large, we

MResources Vickram Bharrat has announced thatthegovernmentwillbesigningthe award of the contract to audit the expensesofExxonMobilfortheperiod 2021-2023.

He made the disclosure while addressing the media at his mid-year press conference last week. Bharrat said, “With regards to the third audit I think we are well on course to ensure wesignthat…inSeptember Againwe arelookingatthesamemodelwherewe can have the local consortium, a local consortium to partner with an international company or companies, sothatwecanbuildcapacity.”

Three firms both local and international had expressed interest in conductingthethirdaudit.

TheMinistryofNaturalResources, the executing agency for the project, had previously sought consulting services for 'Cost Recovery Audit and Validation of the Government of Guyana'sProfitOilSharefortheperiod 2021to2023.'

At the opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender AdministrationBoard(NPTAB)office, it was revealed that the three bidders

oftheAlliance ForChange[AFC], Nigel Hughes

have secondary schools where children come (from) in the interiors where dormitoryisprovided.”

She explained that for a country of fewer than 800,000 people, coming from a poor background, significant changes have been made in terms of free education, free health care, subsidize housing, increases in the water availability in the interior and rural areas, and electricity Guyana's first trillion-dollar budget was passed in the National Assembly last month. The largest chunk of the $1.146 trillionbudgetwasallocated to improving the country's infrastructure: roads, bridges, sea defence and airstrips among others, with $221.4billionallottedtothis sector For healthcare and education system, $129 8 billion and $135.2 billion wereapprovedrespectively

Contract for third audit of Exxon expenses to be signed next month - Oil Minister

are: VHE Consulting (which is a registered partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc.); Grant Thorton UK LLP and PKF Barcellos Narine & Company; and M. Sukhai & Company (local)injointventurewithInfoWorks SolutionsLtd.

According to the tender, the Terms ofReference(ToRs)saidthesuccessful consultant is required to conduct a pre-audit analysis; devise an effective audit plan inclusive of an appropriate methodology; execute the audit in adherence to the provisions of the Stabroek Block

Petroleum Agreement and applicable locallaws,regulations,andprocedures; as well as international good practices andstandards.

The scope of works also includes conductingverificationsofthecrudeoil valuation pursuant to the provisions of the petroleum agreement for the audit period as well as verifying royalties remittedtothegovernmentforthesaid period.

Additionally,theselectedcompany will also be required to validate the accuracyofthetotalgovernmentshare of petroleum for the period under review,andassessingtheimpactofthe auditonfutureprofitoilrevenues.


Agreementinthisregardwillbesignedbynextyear Hesaid,“Whatwewantisthe monetisationofthegasasfastaspossibletoaddanadditionalrevenuestreamand it'snotonlygas,it'sthecondensatethatcomeswithit.Foramatteroffactthathas tremendousopportunityandpotentialforusbutwecan'tknowthat,wecan'tknow the degree of opportunity until the full analysis, technical (and) financial, is completedforustoknowwhatwehave.”

To this end, Ali revealed that a number of possibilities are being examined, including the export of energy through the development of an energy corridor to BrazilandSuriname.Inadditiontothat,hecitedthemarketingofby-productsfrom thenaturalgas.Alialsohintedatthepossibilityofasecondpowerplanttoposition thecountryasanexporterofelectricity


The pandemic of disorder

InGuyanawherethe c l a m o r o f development rings out like a hopeful hymn, a dissonantnotehasbegunto reverberate through the dailylifeofitscitizens.

Thisisnotthediscordof political strife, nor the cacophony of economic despair; rather, it is a quieter, more insidious affliction that creeps unnoticed until its effects are too entrenched to reverse The spirit of Guyana, once vibrant and hopeful, is being steadily eroded not by external

forces, but by the unchecked proliferation of a new pandemic: the pandemicofdisorder

the construction of fourlane roadways These roads, gleaming and new, stand as symbols of progress, the physical embodimentofthenation’s aspirations. But no sooner are these roads completed thantheyareswallowedup by the very disorder they weremeanttotranscend.

lies a dangerous disregard for the rule of law and the good of others. The roads, which should be shared spacesforall,havebecome battlegrounds where the selfish few stake their claims, indifferent to the disruption and danger they cause.

Thenewlymintedextra lanes, intended to ease the flow of traffic and provide safe passage for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike, are quickly repurposed as parking spaces for businesses that spring up like weeds along the roadside What was onceapromiseoffluidfour lanes of movement and modernity is reduced to a c

ending and

This disorder, though it may seem benign to some, is no less devastating than the physical ailments that plague societies. It is not a sicknessofthebody,butof thespirit,manifestingitself in the chaotic sprawl of i

phazard business establishments that now encroach upon the very arteries meant to carry the lifeblood of the nation—its roads. Where there should be order, there is now a festering chaos, a creeping malaise that threatens to suffocate the spirit of this nation.

The government, in its ambition to modernize and propel the country into a future of economic vitality and social progress, has poured tens of billions into

pedestriansandcyclistsare forced to navigate a perilous gauntlet of parked cars of customers that patronize businesses and illegalvendors.

Guyanese have a history of improvisation, unmatchedanywhereinthe world We could turn discarded materials into a stove. This improvisation was born of necessity in a land where resources have often been scarce, and formal avenues of opportunity, limited. But this tact, once a source of pride and resilience, has now become a doubleedged sword. For in the unchecked proliferation of roadside commerce, there

This is not merely a question of aesthetics, thoughtheunsightlysprawl of makeshift stands and illegal structures is undeniably a blight on the landscape.Itisaquestionof whether we will allow continued disorder to becomethedefiningfeature of our public spaces. The soulofGuyanaisnotjustin itspeople,butintheshared spaces where we come together as a community. When these spaces are hijacked by those who believe they have a right to set up shop wherever they please, the social fabric beginstounravel,threadby thread.

Consider the recent completionofthefour-lane CemeteryRoad,intendedto be a major thoroughfare that would alleviate congestion and provide a modern route through the heart of the city Even before its completion, the road has seen an alarming increase in the number of caravans, roadside businesses, and illegal vendingstandsproppingup alongitsedges.

Thesamehashappened totheextensiontoourlanes


De cost of living high; but de cost of dying higher

Demboyssehitcheapertolivethanto deadthesedays.Yuhthinkthecostofliving high? Wait till yuh hear bout the cost of dying! Back in de day, when somebody dead, de community would gather at de home, sit around and sip black coffee, crunchafewdraybiscuits,andsharestories ’boutdedeparted.Itwasasimple,humble affair—peoplecometogethertoremember de life that was lived, not to run up de grocery bill. It was what was known as “Wake” Butnow?Oh,it’sawholedifferentball game. When somebody dead, it’s like yuh planningabigparty Isnolonger‘Wake’.It is“Shake”.PeopleshowinguptodeWake expecting more than just dray biscuits and blacktea.Nah,demwantboxfood,snacks, anddrinks—plentyofittoo.Andyuhbetter believe some of dem want alcohol in de mix.Soinsteadofmourning,defamilyleft worrying’bouthowtofeedallthesepeople whoshowuplikeisafree-for-all.

Dem boys seh this Wake business getting out of hand. One night’s worth of food and drinks can run yuh pocket dry

of Sheriff Street. Sections of that road, once intended forpedestriansandcyclists, have been overtaken by parkedvehicles,effectively reducing the road’s capacity from four lanes to two. The very lanes which wereallocatedforthesafety of the most vulnerable road users pedestrians,cyclists, andmotorcyclists arenow usurped for parking, turning the promise of a modern, efficient roadway into yet another symbol of thedisorderthatplaguesthe nation. OntheEastBankof Demerara where two-lane roadsarebeingexpandedto four lanes, illegal vending has already began to prop up along these public roadways Imagine what will happen when these arteries are completed. It will be a free-for-all on the freeway.

Thenarrowingofpublic roadsduetoillegalvending and parking create bottlenecks that lead to traffic accidents, endangering the lives of drivers and pedestrians alike The clutter of makeshift stalls and permanent structures along the roadways obstructs visibility, turning what should be a safe passage intoaminefieldofpotential hazards. The spirit of the law, which seeks to ensure thesafetyandwell-beingof all citizens, is being

trampled underfoot by those who see only their immediate gain, oblivious t o t h e b r o a d e r consequences of their actions.

The proliferation of i

ness expansion speaks to a deeper malaise within the society—a creeping sense that the rules do not apply, that disorder is not only tolerated but tacitly e n c o u r a g e d T h e authorities, overwhelmed or indifferent, often turn a blind eye, allowing the problemtofesterandgrow

The result is a landscape where the lines between what is legal and illegal, right and wrong, are increasingly blurred. The once vibrant and orderly publicspacesthatshouldbe theprideofthenationhave become contested territories,wheretheforces of order and chaos are locked in a relentless struggle.

There is a dangerous fallacy at the heart of this disorder, a belief that personalenterprisecan,and should, flourish unfettered bytheconstraintsoflawor consideration for others But in a society, freedom cannot exist without responsibility The right to transact business must be balanced against the right ofotherstomovefreelyand

safely through their city When one person’s enterprise – whether legal or illegal - infringes upon the freedom of another, disorderensues,andwithit, the slow death of the communalspirit.

The disease of illegal v e n d i n g a n d t h e indiscriminate approval of businesses along major road arteries, unless addressed, will lead to the snuffing out of the soul of this nation. The pandemic in which some persons believe they have a right to set up “shop” wherever they want is at the heart of this malaise. Disorder is now the order of the day Thisisnotmerelythestory of a road besieged by vendors and parked cars; it is the story of a nation at a crossroads. Will we allow the spirit of Guyana to be smotheredbythepandemic ofdisorder,orwillwestand up and reclaim the spaces thatbelongtoallofus?

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Somepeoplenowcan’tevenaffordtokeep de wake every night until de funeral like before. Dem only keeping one night, and eventhatisbreakingdebank.Imaginethat! The wake, which suppose to be a time of reflection and comfort, done turn into a financialburden.

Andjustwhenyuhthinkyuhdonewith de expense after de wake, here come de repass after de funeral. Yes, dem asking, “Wha’bout de repass?” Now yuh have to serve food and drinks again! Funeral done become like a two-for-one special—feed people twice and still have to pay for de burial.

Sodemboyssehitcheapertolivethan to dead these days. Who woulda thought? With all this expense just to lay somebody to rest, it might be better to just keep on livingandsaveyuhselfdetrouble.Oneday wemightstarthearingpeoplesaying,“Nah, don’tbothertodie,yuhcan’taffordit!”Yuh got to plan fuh yuh funeral like yuh planning fuh a wedding—cost just as much!



Exxon Guyana PROs

Exxon's Lord Alistair Routledge of Permian-bythe-Demerara has been conspicuouslysilentinrecent days. He has good reason; in fact,thebestIwouldcontend.

Lord Routledge now has an army of willing Guyanese at his beck and call to do Exxon's menial jobs (dirty ones), so he doesn't have to get his lily-white hands sullied. Considering that the companyhasarighttopayits money and put up its offensive billboards (Jagdeo saidso,notI),Itakethesame position.Thatis,Exxonhasa right to hire any Guyanese mercenarytodouglydutyfor it for a fee. Obviously, the bigger the better, and there has been no shortage of Guyanese takers for Exxon's cheap and nasty dollars Absorbthefollowing.

First, I commend Exxon for recruiting those skilled Guyanese who perform honest duties at the offshore rigs, others doing legitimate work elsewhere. After that, theroadrunsoutofspace,not one millimeter left. I have only total scorn, utter contempt (for emphasis), for those Guyanese who collect Exxon's dime for the wrong reasons, under one pretense oranother ItcouldbeaPPP politicalluminary,andIdon't care: traitor It could be a PNC/AFC superstar, and I'm

immovably locked in the same harsh place: betrayer When poor Guyanese can manage, however they are able to do so, with Bank of Guyana currency, so must they One more thing is worthy enough to be placed in the public record: any Guyanese-be he or she [or it or them or they] Indian, African, Indigenous, or mixed heritages one-there arenoobjections,noqualms, no condemnations for any G u y a n e s e w h o d o propagandaworkforthePPP or PNC. Such is more than their right; it is now an inseparable part of their sacred birthright. Just like that oil out there. But I see red, is overcome by dread, when Guyanese strip themselves naked for ready prostitution for Exxon's dollartosellthisvoraciously American corporate John to Guyanese. When they tell Guyanese about how good Exxonhasbeentolocalsand will be for them that is beyond the pale of consideration Though propagandize has a certain taint to it, to say that Guyanese who sell themselves to Lord

Routledge'sbidfallsshortof the ghastly reality Without naryadoubt,whenGuyanese stoop so low as to guzzle Exxon's dollar off the

ground, with the Yankee jackboot on his neck, he or she is engaging in more than propagandizing and marketing.

That Guyanese is pimpingforExxon. Pimping Guyana, pimping Guyana's promise, pimping Guyanese aspirations,foranuglydollar from the company No selfrespecting Guyanese should besoengaged.

I recognize the value of having Exxon here, but I abhor it when it is on the company'stermsexclusively Damnit to hell, I didn't leave one white master inAmerica toreturntoGuyanatopickup another Letthatbealesson for those with PhDs and JDs and now an integral part of the machinery oiled by DDTs. Myforeparents(and those who are of Africans, Chinese, and Portuguese strains) did not embark on their grueling journeys, endured the harrowing miseryoftheestatesandtheir othercircumstancesinflicted by the white man for me to subject myself to the wiles and guiles of their descendants.

Nomatterhowsmoothor benevolent or innocent they may appear to be, there can benodealing,intermingling, withthemontheirterms.

Thus: my revulsion at those Guyanese brethren

Govt's hiding of true oil

(they still are) who creep on theirkneesandcrawlontheir elbows to ketch a dollah or two thrown their way for theirlabors.

When the arms of Guyana's State media network are directly or indirectly maneuvered by Exxon (or Lord Routledge's Guyanese born minions) to trap locals in a treacherous corporate net, I have a problem. WhenGuyaneseof learning, and some of profound ignorance masquerading as wise men and women, grab Exxon's greenbacks to propagandize (pimp) for the company to gullible Guyanese in the diaspora concentrations, I have a bigger problem. My biggest objection of all is when sneaky Guyanese of a particularpoliticallineage,as well as the proper racial strain, visit local communitiesanddeceivethe naïve villagers about the beauty of Exxon and what that means for their destiny Canthereeverbealatrinepit deep enough for Guyanese like these? Sell loyalty to Burnham,sellloveforJagan, andIamgood. HailAliand Jagdeo and Aubrey and Hughes, and that's appreciated,evenapplauded, notwithstanding my differences with all four of them. But sell Exxon and

reserve numbers

a recipe for thievery - Opposition

The People's National Congress Reform PNC/R) is of the view that the Government of Guyana's hiding of the true oil reserve numbers is a recipe for thievery Economist and Spokesperson on oil and gas for the party Elson Low told this publication in an invited comment said that the current administration is treating the country's oilasifitisitspersonalproperty

Lowsaid,“ThePPPisbehavingasif it believes that Guyana's oil is its personal property It is clear that the government is deliberately hiding accurateoilreserveestimatesbecauseif only one new oil find announced by CNOOCislargerthanthegovernment's entire announced reserve increase then the total increased reserve for multiple findsmustbefarhigher.”

The party is of the belief that there should be criminal penalties in place “fordeliberatelyconcealingoilreserves and that there should be a transparent, specific, regular process for the release of reserve estimates. In the event that there is a legitimate reason to conceal them(suchasnationalsecurityconcerns given the current controversy with Venezuela), these updated estimates shouldatminimumbecommunicatedto

theOppositionviatherelevantNational AssemblyCommittees.”

Furthermore the PNC believes that the government's hiding of the true numbers of the oil reserves “is a recipe forkleptocracybecauseitwouldallowa government and company to collude to siphonoffoilrevenues.IfGuyanesedo not know exactly how much oil the country has and there is not adequate monitoring of daily production (as we have called for) then billions of barrels could go missing over time, with Guyanese unable to identify this. The PPP's disdain for basic tenets of good governance, like transparency, is a danger to Guyana's potential prosperity.”

TheAlliance for Change (AFC) on Fridaysaidthatitbelievesthecountry's oil reserves are significantly more than the 11.6B barrels that the government claims.

At the party weekly press conference, former leader of the party KhemrajRamjattansaid,“inviewofall that is happening right now I distrust whateverthegovernmentissayingasto whatourreservesare.Ibelievethatitis lots more than 11 6B and the government simply doesn't want us by

collect its cash under the table is where I drawtheline.

virtue of this precedent that they are talkingabout2014 tocallExxonforus to question Exxon how much more oil they have discovered, because there wereobviouslyabout16discoveriesor so after that big one in Payara in the StabroekBlock.”Ramjattan'sutterance was bolstered and supported by former head of the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)Dr VincentAdamswho challenged the government to release the quarterly report presented by ExxonMobil so that the public can examineitforthemselves.

In its 2023 annual report that was released this year, ExxonMobil's partner, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) said that one of the eight new discoveries Lancetfish which was discovered in April 2023, averaged100milliontons,translatingto an estimated 746 million barrels of oil. However, the Guyana Government on Wednesday claimed that since the last update in 2022, the reserves have only grown by 600M barrels. This glaring contradiction, which was done at a televised news conference will further undermine the government's claim of being transparent in its dealing with citizensintheoilandgassector

Exxon has abused Guyanese. Then,Exxonhas usedsomereadyGuyaneseto engage in harlotry for the company, both locally and acrosstheUnitedStates. Itis a pitiful state for any Guyanese,onethatcannever be rationalized at near zero royalty, zero taxes, no comforting oil spill safety net, and all the rest. I had firsthandexperienceofthose using PPP feeds, coaching, and propaganda to sell the party and government. As demeaningasthatwastothe lackeys, a pass is given, because it is the sum of the perverseness and rancidness ofGuyanesepolitics. It is managing of my ex pectations. But I draw the line when Guyanese delight in using Exxon material, claiming such as one's own, andcollectingits30piecesof silver That's beyond the point of no return, is unpardonable. When the numbersaredifferentforthis nation,thenImayreconsider, even withdraw this redline position of mine. Go tell Exxon and all itsWoods and Routledge(s)thatIsaidso.

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Dengue cases climbing in Guyana

Guyana has recorded in excessof8000denguecases thus far, according to information obtained from MinistryofHealth.

Thecasesoftheinfection have grown significantly within the past two weeks whentheMinistryhadabout 6000 cases of the vectorbornediseaseonfile.During a recent interview, Minister ofHealth,DrFrankAnthony revealed that twenty-six thousandtestsweredonelast year compared to 29,000 so far for 2024. The public health sector is testing more personsforthedisease.

DrAnthonyrevealedthat as of recent, the ministry conducted 30,273 tests for dengue,with8,021returning positive results. He noted thatoutofthepositivecases, 894 were admitted to the hospital, with five deaths.

“We are doing more testing and we're trying to find people as early as possible,” thehealthministersaid.

Dr Anthony noted too thattheMinistryofHealthis ramping up its efforts to combat the disease by e m p o w e r i n g Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and municipalities to carry out their own fogging operations. With dengue cases on the rise, he emphasised the need to interrupt the mosquito's life cycletopreventthespreadof dengue.Hecalledoncitizens to eliminate containers and even old tires that might accumulate water, which

mosquitoes can use as breedingsites.Tohelptackle the issue, Dr. Anthony explained that right now, NDCs and municipalities wouldhavetodependonthe Health Ministry to conduct fogging exercises in their communities.

“The idea here is that in every NDC and every municipality, we want to makesurethattheyhavethe equipment to do their own fogging We're going to give them the fogging machineandtrainthemhow to use the chemicals and the personal protection equipment”, the health minister explained He added, “It is going to be a totally different way of how we are approaching fogging andtryingtointerruptthelife cycleofthemosquito.”

Earlier this month, Dr Anthony disclosed that the H

eradication by fogging communities every two to threeweeks.

He then that “That has takenabigtollonourbudget but we have to do it and so you'll see that as part of our supplementary that's going to Parliament soon,” Dr Anthony said. To this end, Dr Anthony revealed the Ministryhasbenefittedfrom a portion of the recently approved supplementary funding He said that a portionfromthatsumwould be going towards further enhancing the local fogging capabilities.

Govt. hands out land titles, grants

…as NTC

Karasabai Village in Region Nine and Arau VillageinRegionSeven,two Amerindian communities, havebeenthelatestrecipient oftheirlandtitlingcertificate at this year's National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference.

This year, the conference isbeingheldunderthetheme 'Astute Leadership for AmerindianDevelopment.'It is being held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) from August 19 to 23, 2024. Handing over the land titles to the Toshaos of the villages at the opening ceremony on Monday was PresidentIrfaanAliwhoalso handed out six Absolute Grants from the Amerindian Land Titling project of the AmerindianAffairs Ministry

to several Toshaos In his feature address at the opening ceremony, President

Ali boasted of the investments his government made to the Amerindian communities upon returning toofficein2020andtheyears before the country started producingoil.“Withoutoilin the period of the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government the capital expenditure to Amerindian communities increased 25 fold, isn't this commitment, isn't this love, isn't this a government that cares.

As a result, we saw tremendous improvement in health, education, housing, water and sanitation, roads, bridges, agriculture,” he h i g h l i g h t e d During his speech he mentionedto the leaders that he has asked the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh to

Conference opens

examinewaysinwhichsmall contracts can be distributed toresidentsofthevillagesfor small works. He noted that roads, fence, and furniture contracts among others worth $10 million will soon be given to the locals to executeintheircommunities.

“In the new programme of works, all those work would come directly and will maximize the labour in your community,” he added. The HeadofStatefurthersaidthat both the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education have a task that within the next 14 months they should ensure that every health centre and education facilities is upgraded with improved accommodation and provide good customer service.

“Themappingexerciseis completed and within 14 months they have to finish every single facility across the country,” he elaborated. Alsospeakingattheopening ceremony Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai told the village leaders and representatives whoarenewandre-electedin takinguptheleadershiprole, thatit'stheconfidenceofthe people that bestowed upon them that their new assignment requires serious commitment for the new three-yearterm.

“The NTC member which is all of you, must foster an approach linked to the involvement of your p e o p l e i n v i l l a g e developmentplans,decisionmaking and feedback for the advancement and expansion of livelihood opportunities. I am pretty confident that this batch of leaders will uphold

the principle of good governance, achieving a progressive and upgraded legacy of success which will bring benefits to all the people of your villages,” the Minister said yesterday She noted that in keeping with this year's theme, accountability and transparent leadership must beupheldtoavoidexpending far too much time and resources in resolving g r i e v a n c e s . “ T h e requirement of the law on financial reporting must be upheld. I urge the NTC to insist on its membership to addresstheissueoffinancial reporting to its people,” the minister expressed

President Irfaan Ali at the opening ceremony of the NTC Conference.

Opening ceremony of the 2024 National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference being held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

Toshao of Moraikobai, Derrick John reminded the leaders gathered that they should use the time to report and inform of the challenges affecting their people and bringforththenewideasthey have to further develop their c o m m u n i t i e s

During her address also, the minister told the leaders that she has been receiving complaints that Toshaos are notengagingresidentsonthe developmental plans of their communities.

The NTC Conference which is an event held annually gives village leaders from all across the countryaforumtoengagethe President and government ministers and expand d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e conference also gives Indigenous leaders a platform to raise concerns and challenges affecting t h e m

It is with this objective, Chairman of the NTC and

Carbon credit sales dipped

…but Govt. ups allocation toAmerindians by US$700,000

President Mohamed Irfaan Ali on Monday announced a US$700,000 increase in Carbon Credit Funds for some242AmerindianVillages.

The announcement was made during the opening Ceremony of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference annually held at theArthur Chung Conference Centre Liliendaal, GreaterGeorgetown.

During his feature presentation Ali said that this year a total of US$87.5 million in revenues was received from “Carbon Credit Sales and pointed out that it is less than what Guyana had r e c e i v e d i n 2 0 2 3 .

Last year Guyana received US$150 million from Hess Corporation- one of ExxonMobil's partners in the lucrative StabroekBlock-followingaUS$750M

multi-year deal the government signed withtheoilcompanyforonethirdofthe country's Carbon Credits” The government had handed out 15 percent of that amount (US$22.5 million) to A m e r i n d i a n V i l l a g e s

With Carbon Credit Sales revenues decreasing this year by some 41.6 percent, Ali noted that a similar 15 percent allocation for the villages will mean less money for the indigenous people. “…But because we are a government that care and love you, because we are a government that believesingivingmoreandnotless,we have taken a decision to allocate 26.5 percentofthetotalearningsthisyearto you, although the agreement is 15 percent.”, Ali told the Toshaos on the openingdayoftheconference.

While 26.5 percent is a significant increase in percentage from 2023, the actualrevenuesthatthe242Amerindian Villages will receive in 2024 has not increased by much. “We do not want youtogetlessthanwhatyouhadsowe have increased the percentage this year to26.5percentensuringthatyougetno less than what you got last year, US$23.2 million or GYD$4.84 billion, directly transferred to your villages,” Ali further explained before adding: “Isn't this love? Let me hear you, isn't thislove?”.

An increase from US$22.5 million (GYD 4.7 Billion) to US$23.2 million (GYD$4.84 billion) means that the Amerindian Villages will only receive US$700, 000 (only GYD$140 million) morethantheydidlastyear

Speakingofthecarboncredit funds the villages have been receiving, the NTC Chair said“Iwanttoappealtoyou, especially our young leaders who are here with us this morning, these resources are very critical, they are very important and we need to ultilise these resources in a way that will bring benefits and transforms the lives of o u r p e o p l e ” He noted too that accountability and transparencyareverycritical and so the NTC recognises thefactthatsomeleadersare young and that they would continue to work with them inhavingtheirstrategicplans implemented in a successful


On Monday also, a new executive committee of the NTC was elected which will servetheyears2024to2027. The body comprises of 20 members from various villages across all the regions.These members are: Andrew Cox, Michael Williams, Alister Daniels, Sonia Latchman, Monty Simon,ChristopherGouviea, AlvoroSimon,DerrickJohn, LaurenceVandenburg, Shane Cornelius, Ridley Joseph, Romario Hastings, Fel Fel Bennett, Tarcellia John, Earl Gildharie, David Albert, Apollos Isaacs, James George, Rohan Fredricks, and SydneyAllicock. Of the listofnames,ToshaoDerrick JohnwasreelectedChairman of NTC, Toshao Sonia Latchman was elected ViceChairmwoman, Toshao AlvoroSimonwaselectedas Treasurer, andToshoa Shane Cornelius was elected as Secretary

President's College for $386M expansion

Education Minister Priya

Manickchand on Monday officially turned the sod for the construction of a new $386M teachers' block at President's College, GoldenGrove,EastCoastDemerara.

This ceremony marks the commencement of a major project aimed at enhancing the educational infrastructureoftheinstitution.

The construction contract has been awarded to Jaspal Mohabir of Mohabir's Construction, with an expected completion timeline of 12

months,theEducationMinistrysaidin arelease.

Themoderntwo-storyblockwillbe designed to improve both the teaching and learning environments, the release added.

The ground floor will feature nine state-of-the-art classrooms, a sanitary block, and an administrative office, while the upper level will boast eleven additi


Furthermore, the integration of modern science laboratories into the

newbuildingwillsignificantlyenhance the college's science curriculum, providing students with innovative hands-on learning opportunities, the ministrysaid.

In her remarks at the sod-turning ceremony, Minister Manickchand emphasisedtheimportanceofinvesting in education and infrastructure. She noted that the new teachers' block will not only address the immediate needs for modern educational facilities but also lay the groundwork for future advancementsinteachingandlearning.

60 rogue drivers nabbed during traffic enforcement exercise

Mason dies after running into path of car

Aaron Dookaran, a 20year-old mason, tragically losthislifeafterbeingstruck byavehicleontheNumber2 Village Public Road in West CoastBerbiceSundaynight.

The incident occurred around11:00h.

The accident involved a motorcar, PAG 8265, driven by Gansham Munshi, and a parked vehicle owned by EverestJapal.

Dookaran, who was a pedestrian at the time, reportedly ran across the roaddirectlyintothepathof

Munshi's vehicle, resulting inacollision.

The impact caused Dookaran to be thrown onto therearofJapal'sparkedcar, which was situated on the oppositesideoftheroad.

Concerned citizens rushedtoDookaran'saidand transported him to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding this fatal accident are still ongoing.

Two teenagers were on Sunday involved in an accident on the Onverwagt Public Road, West Coast Berbiceleavingonedeadand anotherinjured.

The teens were hit by a motorcar Police identified the deceased as 16-year-old Jahiem Gangoo. Injured is Elijah Rigby Both men hail from Hopetown Village WCB The accident occurred at about 19:50hrs. DuringthattimeGangoowas driving Motor cycle # CL 7060 with Rigby as the pillionrider

Police initial reports revealed that the motorcycle made a sudden turn across the road, into the path of the motorcardrivenbySherwin Goring.The right side of the motorcycle swerved into the left front of car causing a collision. As a result, the teenagersfelloffthebikeand crashed on the road surface where they received several injuries The young men were picked up by publicspirited citizens and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital where Gangoo was pronounced dead on arrival and Rigby was treated and discharged. The driver is presentlyincustodyassisting withinvestigations.

KaieteurNewscontacted the sister of the diseased, Ciara Gangoo who told this publication that her brother was heading home at that time when the family heard the tragic news. She further

disclosed that the car was allegedly speeding when it hitthemotorcycle.“Whenhe turning, the car was coming with speed and it knocked him,”thesistersaid. Gangoo suffered a broken neck, head injuries andseveralbruisesabouthis body Ciara expressed her disbelief,sayingthatshewas close to her brother and is asking for justice for him. Meanwhile, relatives, and residents of Hopetown Villagewereleftinastateof shock after receiving the tragic news. Kim Hamilton Mentore, a resident of the community in a Facebook post commented: “A young boy who I could have talked to, never give back answer, always listen but gone too soon, Jaheim RIP” Another resident Oneil Mcalmont said, “Rip famo, just Wednesday I was gaffing withunwaitingforurlunch breaktofinishtogetawash. Sosad!”

Thedeceased, Aaron Dookaran
Teen biker dies after hit by car
Jahiem Gangoo
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand appearing in the sod turning at the President's College

Bids open for procurement of bucket seats for new sport grounds

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport is looking for suitable contractors to procure and install bucket seats at sport facilities in Regions Two and Ten.

This was revealed at the recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board

(NPTAB) office. The ministry is seeking contractors to procure bucket seats for the Anna Regina, Mackenzie and Bayroc grounds. Thirteen contractors have bid for the contract. The ministry was allocated approximately $8.8 billion this year to execute its programmes and projects.

Below are the companies and their bids:

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Procurement & Installation of Bucket Seats Lots 1-5.

Chambers of the Department of Public Prosecution (DPP) Design and Supervision of the Construction of the New Main Office of the DPP.

Construction of Façade and Finishing Work to Table Tennis Training Facility National racquet Centre.

Supply and Installation of Air Conditioning Units (Lots 1-3).

Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Supply and Commissioning of a Type III ambulance.

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Electrical Upgrade of Mabaruma Regional Hospital Powerhouse and Network.


Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.

Wanted Maths Tutor. Call: 223-5273/ 223-5274.


3 Bedroom flat house in Tuschen & High income property in Providence. Call: 644-9333 / +1 (917)7715202. Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.

1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.

2 Kitchen Assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278. Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.

Cook needed to work in a bar at Providence. Call : 6253037 / 233-5450.

Handyman for basic maintenance work on two houses in Georgetown. Tele : 225-0168/226-3087. MonFri 9:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.

Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.


One middle age AfroGuyanese man is interested in a single female companion. Text or call : 662-2018.

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office. Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443


Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.

FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.

One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443. FOR RENT

Furnished 2 bedroom flat Cable & Utility near U.G, Giftland & Movietowne. $170,000. Call: 600-4343.

SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-082024-29-08-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or WhatsApp: 673-2348.

Gazans ‘live among rubble’ amid relentless Israeli attacks - UN

The UN Agency for Palestinian R e f u g e e s (UNRWA) says some Palestinians have no choice but to live in the rubble of buildingsdestroyedbyIsrael across the besieged Gaza Strip.

UNRWA spokesperson Louise Wateridge said on Monday that the Israeli forces were massacring morePalestinianciviliansin the besieged region and using repeated evacuation orders as cover to commit atrocities. “Strikes are now relentless:thedaystartswith people checking if family andfriendsarestillalive,and ends hoping they make it through the night,” she said inapostonX.

UNRWA has reported that 80 percent of the Gaza Strip’s infrastructure has been destroyed since Israel

launched its savage military

n territoryinearlyOctoberlast year The United Nations recently reported that 10 months of Israeli war in G

approximately 42 million tons of debris. Clearing the rubbleisexpectedtocostup to $700 million and could take several years to complete. According to the UN, the scale of destruction in Gaza is unprecedented, with entire neighborhoods reducedtorubble. Thesheer volume of debris poses a significant challenge for recovery efforts, both logistically and financially UN estimates suggest that the cleanup operation could extend over several years, some say 15 years given the complexity and scope of the work involved. The most

recent report by the world body has also identified approximately 73 percent of industrial and business facilities as damaged across Gaza.

UN also says most of Gaza’s population has been displaced, including many who have been forced to evacuate multiple times New reports of death and destruction emerged on Monday as Israeli forces launched more deadly strikes on the central and southern parts of the besieged strip.According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the total number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli regime’s genocide since early October has topped 40,100, mostly women and children. More than92,000peoplehavealso beeninjured.ThePalestinian Civil Defense recently said

play on the

of a destroyed


thecatastrophicdeathtollof more than 40,000 given by health officials fails to capture the full extent of Palestinian losses during Israel’s 10-month-old

genocidal war in the Gaza Strip. This comes as tens of thousands are missing or buried under mountains of rubble, many with “disintegrated bodies”. The


Lancet, a leading general medical journal, earlier estimated that the death toll from Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip could be 186,000orevenmore.

Talks with Blinken ‘positive’, says Netanyahu

(BBCNEWS)Benjamin Netanyahuhasdescribedhis three-hour meeting with Antony Blinken as “positive” and says it was “conducted in good spirit”, with pressure for a ceasefire growing.

The US Secretary of Stateismakinghisninthtrip to the region since Israel’s war on Hamas began in October The US expressed optimism about a ceasefire deal after talks resumed in Dohalastweek.

However, Hamas has said suggestions of progress are an “illusion”, with a number of issues between thetwosidesstillcontestedincluding whether Israeli troops will be required to withdraw fully from Gaza. Earlier that day Mr Blinken also met with Israel’s President Isaac Herzog and said it was “probably the best, maybe the last opportunity” to secure a ceasefireandhostagerelease dealinGaza.

“We’re working to make sure that there is no escalation, that there are no provocations, that there are no actions that in any way could move us away from getting this deal over the line, or, for that matter, escalating the conflict to other places, and to greater intensity,” Mr Blinken said during his meeting with Mr Herzog.

A statement from Mr Netanyahu’s office following his talks with Mr Biden said: “The prime minister reiterated Israel’s commitment to the latest

merican proposal regarding the release of our

hostages - taking into account Israel’s security needs, which he insists on firmly.”

The current negotiations are based on a modified proposal presented by the US, aimed at bridging longstandinggapsbetweenIsrael andHamas.

The Americans hope theycangetthedealoverthe finishlineperhapsassoonas thistimenextweek.Butthat level of optimism is not shared by the Israeli leadership or Hamas. Each accuses the other of obstinate cynicism, and blockingadeal.

InastatementonSunday, HamasaccusedIsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of putting “obstacles” in the way of an agreement and “setting new conditions and demands” with the aim of “prolonging thewar”.

It added it holds him “fully responsible” for thwarting mediators’ efforts and “obstructing an agreement”.

A Hamas source earlier told Saudi media that the proposals include the IDF maintaining a reduced presence along the Philadelphi Corridor, a

narrow strip of land along Gaza’s southern border with Egypt. But Israeli sources havetoldtheTimesofIsrael that other procedures along thebordercouldcompensate for an Israeli withdrawal from the area in the first phaseofthedeal.

The Israeli military launched a campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in r e s p o n s e t o a n unprecedented attack on southernIsraelon7October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 taken hostage. More than 40,000 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-runhealthministry

A ceasefire deal agreed in November saw Hamas release105ofthehostagesin return for a week-long ceasefire and the freeing of some 240 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails Israel says 111 hostages are still being held, 39 of whom arepresumeddead.

Earlier this week, US PresidentJoeBidensaid“we arecloserthanwehaveever been”toadeal.

But previous optimism expressed during months of on-off talks has proven unfounded.

US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken met with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday
al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip
June 26, 2024, amid the ongoing Israeli war on the Palestinian territory. (Photo by AFP)

Invincibles take down Brave to retain Hundred title

(BBC Sport) - Oval

Invincibles have won The Hundredforthesecondyear running after a convincing 17-run victory over SouthernBraveinthefinalat Lord’s.

Set 148, Brave made a solid start to their chase but then collapsed from 58-0 to 102-7 as Invincibles seized control.

Australia leg-spinner

Adam Zampa made the initial breakthrough before fastbowlerSaqibMahmood shredded the Brave middle order with three wickets in sevenballs.

Will Jacks took the key wicket of Brave skipper James Vince, the leading r u n - s c o r e r i n t h e tournament, to back up his tone-setting37from22balls at the top of the order for


While no Invincibles batter was able to kick on, SamCurranandJordanCox both contributed value knocks of 25 and Tom Curran added 24 from 11 ballslateintheinnings.

Left-arm seamer Tymal Mills was the pick of the Braveattack,taking3-33.

It looked like the Brave inningsmayfollowasimilar

pattern when opener Alex Davies fell to Zampa for 35 from23balls.

Vince made 24 but Mahmood bowled Leus du Plooy for 20 then quickly added the wickets of Kieron Pollard and Laurie Evans to stopBraveintheirtracks.

throughYoaneWissa’stapinafterHendersonhadkept outNathanCollins.

Tuesday August 20, 2024


Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher


The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.


There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.


Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.


Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.


Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.


Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor


Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.


Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,

Invincibles were able to see out the match without issue and become the first men’s team to successfully defendTheHundredtrophy Match details: Oval Invincibles 147-9 (100 balls):Jacks37(22);Mills333, Hosein 3-34 defeated Southern Brave 130-7 (100 balls): Davies 35 (23); Mahmood3-17by17runs

Guyana extends its Boxing...

Frompage23 29 points, while St. Lucia narrowly secured third placewith13points,edging outSurinamewith12.

Trinidad’s Neraj Mahadeosingh and Reyah

John also received recognition, being named BestBoxerintheYouthand Schoolgirl’s categories, respectively, rounding out thisyear’sawardees.

The tournament was sponsored by the Government of Guyana, Ministry of Culture, Youth andSport,GuyanaOlympic Association, Bounty Farm, John Fernandes Limited, Secure Innovation and Concepts, Ernest Dunlop, Delmur Shipping, Games Xpress, Hits and Jams Radio, Enet, Star Party

Rental, Antarctic

Maintenance and Repairs, Mrs Mayfield Ninvalle and KhalsanPRInc.

Maurice Solomon & Co. Golf Tournament...

Frompage25 participants’ dedication to thesport, as well as the


The course was in fair

condition, providing the perfect backdrop for a day of competitive and enjoyablegolf

As the tournament concluded, participants a

reflectedonthesuccessof the event, which not only celebrated the talents of its winners but also highlighted the vibrant golfing community in Guyana

Guyana extends its Boxing C/ship record with 7th title … Niles,

Guyana’s Ezekiel Bancroft was adjudged Best overall Boxer at the Seventh edition of the Winfield Braithwaite Schoolboys’and Girls’Boxing championship

Bancroft cop Best Boxer accolades

and elite matchups. Guyana secured six gold medals on the last day, which contributed to their overall first-placefinish.

Among the gold medalists was Kevin Klass, who triumphed over St Lucia’s Nervon Medick in the Schoolboys’ 26kg final, winning by RSC in the

second round. His sibling, Kenroy Klass, followed suit by winning the 44kg final, while sister, Kenisha Klass, also earned gold in the female 44kg division. Also in the Junior’s 75kg final, Joffes Jackson of Guyana performed well, defeating St. Lucia’s Elroy Canchon. Ken Harvey and Chance

Niles completed Guyana’s campaign with victories in the 60kg and 70kg finals, respectively

As the tournament wrapped up, Guyana celebrated their seventh consecutive title, amassing 38 points Trinidad and Tobagofinishedsecondwith (Continuedonpage21)

Guyana’s Chance Niles, Ezekiel Bancroft, Ken Harvey,andcompanyledthe host to their seventh Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean Schoolboys’ and Girls’BoxingChampionship title on Sunday The tournamentconcludedatthe National Gymnasium, with an enthusiastic crowd

witnessing Guyana’s success in yet another premierboxingeventhosted by the Guyana Boxing Association.

Ezekiel Bancroft

delivered a standout

performance, capturing the crowd’s attention on the penultimate day of the competition.Hewongoldin the 13-14 age groups Schoolboy’s 40kg final and wasnamedBestBoxerofthe 2 0 2 4 C a r i b b e a n Tournament Bancroft’s victory against Trinidad’s Zafar Al Sadiq also earned himtheBestBoxerawardin theSchoolboy’scategory ChanceNilesonceagain demonstratedhisdominance intheJunior’s70kgdivision, securing gold and being recognizedastheBestBoxer

in his class. His powerful punches and strategic awareness helped him claim the top prize at this year’s championship.

Ken Harvey, another rising star in Guyana’s boxing scene, claimed victory in the Junior’s 60kg division. He defeated St. Lucia’s Kurt Kirton in just one minute and 26 seconds, adding another gold medal for the host nation on the finalday

Thefinaldayfeatured20 bouts,including14finals,as well as a mix of exhibition


So m e f o r m

international players, Ministers of government, entertainers, and athletes will join in a noblecausetoraisefundsfor charitable organisations in Guyana when they compete in the exciting Cricket For Charitymatchatthefinalsof the Kares One Guyana T10 TapeballBlastonAugust24 at the National Stadium, Providence.

The teams - Team KanukuandTeamRoraimawill once again be led by President Dr Irfaan Ali and former national cricketer LennoxCush.

President Ali’s team is expected to feature fellow government members Minister Charles Ramson Jr , Minister Vickram Bharat, Devendra Bishoo, Ryan Ramdass, Caleb


Bastain, Commission of Police Clifton Hicken,


Johnson, Wr Reaz, and Navin Prashad, among others.


the likes of Ramnaresh Sarwan, young Shahid

Chattergoon, Clairmonte Christopher Lewis, Chief of DefenceOmarKhan,Rawle Ferguson, Jeremey Garrett, Minister Susan Rodrigues, and Robbie Rambarran, amongothers.

In 2023, the match

G$17M for charitable organisationsinGuyana.

The Charity Match forms p

n action

packed day, with the first semi-finals

set for 15:00h between Montra Jaguars and Mahdia (Movements Family), followedbyTitansAll-Stars


S e c o n d - p l a c e –

$500,000 from SuperBet Guyana, and the winner pockets $1.5M from Star Rentals.

Moreso,playerswillvie for the titles of Most Runs, MostWickets,andPlayerof the Final. Each winner will receive a Smart TV and a $75,000 cash prize compliments of Regal Stationery and Computer Centre.

Assuria Insurance will present a motorbike, and $85,000 will go to the MostValuablePlayer

A d d i t i o n a l l y , $100,000 will be split equally between t

against Diamond Gunners from17:00h.

The charity match is from 19:00h, and the final is from 20:30h

Eachofthelosingsemifinalists on August 24 will take home $250,000, compliments of Premier

e Kawasaki Super Striker of the tournament (player with the highest strike rate minimum of 12 b

( l o w e s t e c o

rate minimum of 24 balls)


e venueisfree

RS53 RestoBar and Lounge, Samaroo Investments, and Coel’s Boutique

Flashback to 2023! President Dr. Irfaan Ali (left) and Lennox Cush, along with the son of Guyana Amazon Warriors captain Imran Tahir, after the coin toss



Th e G u y a n a

C y c l i n g

F e d e r a t i o n

reported the current standingsofourlocalcyclist riding as Team Guyana following the completion of Stages 2 and 3 in the 33rd Tour Cycliste de Guiana. The team continues to demonstrate resilience and competitive spirit as they progress through this prestigiousnine-stagerace.


Briton John delivered a solid performance, finishing 33rdinStage2,maintaining hispositionintheracewhile Curtis Dey completed the stage in 56th place,

showcasing his endurance anddetermination.

The remaining Team Guyana cyclists finished in the latter part of the stage, continuing their efforts in t h i s c h a l l e n g i n g competition.

Stage 3 Recap John achieved a remarkable victory in Stage 3, crossing the finish line in first place.

T h i s o u t s t a n d i n g performance highlights his skillandstrategy,markinga significant achievement for Team Guyana in this year’s Tour The results for the otherTeamGuyanaridersin Stage 3 were still pending confirmation at the time of

this release. The victory in Stage 3 by John is a proud moment for Guyana, reflectingthehardworkand dedicationoftheentireteam. The Guyana Cycling Federation is confident that thissuccesswillmotivatethe teamtocontinueperforming strongly in the upcoming stages.TheTourCyclistede Guiana remains a challengingandcompetitive event and Team Guyana is committed to giving their best as the race progresses. The Federation extends its gratitude to all supporters and sponsors who have contributed to the team’s journey

Maurice Solomon & Co. Golf Tournament: Persaud, Zeplaki and Sookram share the spoils

On Sunday last, the Lusignan Golf Club hosted the highly anticipated Maurice Solomon & Co. Golf Tournament, drawing someoftheregion’sfinestgolfingtalent.The competition, known for its challenging course and competitive field, did not disappoint as players battled both the elementsandeachotherfortophonors.

The tournament featured a diverse range of participants, with categories that allowed golfers of varying handicaps to compete on anevenplayingfield.Theeventunderscored the skill, perseverance, and sportsmanship thattheLusignanGolfClubisrenownedfor, while also highlighting the growing prominenceofgolfinGuyana.


In the 0-14 handicap category, Avinash Persaudemergedasthetopperformerwitha Grossscoreof74andaNetscoreof71aftera Handicapof3.CloseonhisheelswasMunaff Arjune,whofinishedsecondwithaGrossof 82andaNetscoreof72afteraHandicapof 10.BridgelallHarrysecuredthirdplacewith a Gross of 87 and a Net score of 73 after a Handicapof14.

The15-28handicapcategorywitnesseda fiercely competitive field. Sam Zeplaki clinched first place with a remarkable Net scoreof68afteraGrossof84andaHandicap of 16. Chatterpaul Deo followed in second placewithaGrossof87andaNetscoreof71, adjusting for his Handicap of 16. Bholoram DeoroundedoffthetopthreewithaGrossof

Premier League: Man City open title defence with victory at Chelsea

Haaland has scored on the opening day of each of his three seasons at Manchester City (Getty Images)

(BBC Sport) - Erling Haalandscoredonhis100th ManchesterCityappearance as the Premier League champions began their title defence with a win against ChelseaatStamfordBridge. Haaland opened the scoringon18minuteswitha dinked finish over Robert Sanchez for his 91st City goal since joining from BorussiaDortmundin2022.

Former Chelsea midfielder Mateo Kovacic made the game safe late on withacurlingshotfromjust outsidethepenaltyarea.

A low-key match only

Avinash Persaud won the 0-14 category

87 and a Net score of 73, factoring in a Handicap of 19. In the Ladies category, ChristineSookramdeliveredacommendable performance with a Gross score of 91 and a Netscoreof81afteraHandicapof10. Attheendoftheresultstherewasalsoa cardraffleinwhichGavinToddwonaprize compliments of FROGGY’S Grill. The tournamentwasacleardemonstrationofthe (Continuedonpage22)

fleetinglyburstintolife,with KevindeBruynecurlingjust wide from the edge of the box shortly after Haaland’s opener, before Sanchez made a fine save from Jeremy Doku’s deflected drive Nicolas Jackson thought he had equalised after City goalkeeper Ederson fumbled Cole Palmer’s shot into his path, but the Senegal forward had juststrayedoffside. Jacksonthenfiredafirsttime volley straight at Ederson as Chelsea pushed for an equaliser after the break. City also went close

throughHaaland,whileRico Lewishadagoaldisallowed, before Kovacic sealed the points.

BrentfordbeatPalace… Brentford started their season with a narrow win over Crystal Palace, despite leaving out striker Ivan

Toney over “transfer interest” Bryan Mbeumo scoredBrentford’sopenerin the29thminute,shortlyafter CrystalPalacehadtheirown strike controversially ruled out. Eberechi Eze found the net direct from a wide freekick,butrefereeSamBarrott (Continuedonpage21)

Briton John

…Niles, Bancroft cop Best Boxer accolades

Director of Sports, Steve Ninvalle (extreme right) as well as medalists and coaches share photo-op on Sunday at the National Gymnasuim, as Guyana secured a seventh Winfield Braithwaite Caribbean title

John excels to win third stage

Briton John receives his accolades for conquering the third stage

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