Govt. promising Amerindians 64 new wells by year-end in hinterland regions
...promisesagaintoengageExxon,butcan’t sayifhewilldemandtaxes,moreroyalty
Eight contractors bid to construct multipurpose wharf at Charity

Govt. promising Amerindians 64 new wells by year-end in hinterland regions
...promisesagaintoengageExxon,butcan’t sayifhewilldemandtaxes,moreroyalty
Eight contractors bid to construct multipurpose wharf at Charity
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, after revealing last week that American oil giant, ExxonMobil was bagging a “massive” return on its investments in the Stabroek Block, has refused to disclose the rate of return the company is charging Guyana.Aninvestor'srateof return is the percentage of net gain or loss of an investment over a period of time. This is a critical area that can be abused by oil companies to profit more throughunfairchargestothe country
Jagdeo clarified last week that the company was not using loans to fund the developments in the Stabroek Block; therefore, there was no interest cost addedtothecostbank.
TheVicePresidentmade itclearthatthecompanywas using the revenue generated in the block and funding the developments through equity Accordingtohim,the company was earning a “massive” return on its equity
He explained, “If you supply financing, nobody doesitandyou'reaninvestor for free, if there is a cost to you then you recover the cost. So whether it comes in the form of a loan or an equity,yougetareturn.Soin thiscase,Exxonhasmadeit clearthereisnointerestcost. They are financing the operations from equity and from their own retained
earnings.Thereisnointerest cost so don't you think they get a return on their equity? They're getting a massive return on their equity and that is exactly what is happening here. They have chosen not to go down the interest route, but they are getting a return on their equity.”Since there is no interest cost, Kaieteur News askedtheChiefPolicymaker for the oil and gas sector on Thursdaytosaywhattherate of return on the company's equityis.
To this end, Jagdeo explained that the rate changes overtime, adding that the company will enjoy greater returns in the future after the investments have beenrepaid.
Under the provisions of the2016ProductionSharing Agreement (PSA) Exxon can deduct up to 75% of the monthly revenue generated at the Stabroek Block towards cost recovery (paying back itself for its investment). The remaining 25% is shared with Guyana as profits. As such, Jagdeo said, “If you look at over time, this will grow significantly so it changes over time. Like right now if you look at it, it probably would be relatively low...let's use US$30B in equity, but they are getting only, they are getting 10.5% of the total sale of oil. The total value of oil per year, when you compare that,
based on equity investment, it may seem relatively modest over this period but when we start clearing off thecostbankthenthatgrows enormously.”
The Vice President was careful not to disclose the specificrateof returnonthe company's investments but noted that it will grow overtime. “Their return on equity will increase
significantly overtime so they are gonna get a great return on their equity,
massive return on their equity,” Jagdeo said He added that Guyana too will enjoy a significant increase in revenue after Exxon is repaid.
In the meantime, he noted, “There is no doubt thattheyaremakingagood, they are gonna get a good return and a lot of it, this return has to do with the fiscal provisions under the 2016PSAthatwehavenow adjustedinthenewPSAsoI thinkitsself-explanatory.”
Minister of Natural
Resources, Vickram
Bharrat, on Wednesday highlighted the importance of the Government of Guyana (GoG) supporting companies operating in Guyana's manganese and diamond sectors given the challenges posed by unfavourable global market prices.
Speaking at an event, Bharrat stated, “The manganese company [Chinese owned Guyana Manganese Inc. (GMI)] too has been producing in Region One, unfortunately like diamond, the prices in the world market haven't been too favourable and we
have to work with these companies that are engaged in diamond and manganese production.”
He further stressed the importanceofkeepingthese companies operational in Guyana, noting, “It is importantthatwekeepthese companies in Guyana and w o r k w i t h t h e m incentivising[them].”
Bharrat pointed out the critical role GMI plays in local employment, particularlyintheMatthews Ridge and Port Kaituma areas “The manganese company employs almost 200 individuals from Region One, particularly those in the Matthews
Ridge, Port Kaituma area and employment in those areasarecritical. There aren't many opportunitiesaswehaveon the coast so it is important that work with these companies to ensure that they stay in operation and continue to produce and employGuyanese.,”hesaid.
In 2022, Guyana resumed exporting manganeseforthefirsttime in 54 years. GMI is a subsidiary of Chineseowned bauxite BOSAI, a bauxite producer in Linden, Region10.
Accordingtoreports,in 2016, Canadian company Reunion Gold sold its MatthewsRidgemanganese projecttoBOSAIforUS$10 million.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
One of these days, the Guyana Government may get something right with its management of the oil and gas sector Theoilissupposedtolastdecades,sothereisroom for continuing error, getting off the ground, and probably repeatingthesamemistakes. Thelistislongandnumbing ofhowthePPP/CGovernmenttiesitselfintoknots,leaves itself no wiggle room, and keep going merrily along the same losing way The selection of Fulcrum LNG as this country’s partner to help monetize the gas qualifies as one suchdevelopment. Itisremarkablethatof17bidders,the selectionprocesszeroedinwithanunerringeyeonFulcrum LNG and declared it the winner The CEO of Fulcrum is Jesus Bronchalo and he spent 19 years and a month in a senior capacity with ExxonMobil. The dust had not even settledunderhisfeetwhenheleftExxonMobilandthereis Mr Bronchalobackinthelocalaction.
StrangethingsdohappeninGuyana,andthearrivalof oilhasintroducedabewilderingarrayofthemontheheads of Guyanese. The timeline walked by Mr Bronchalo is tight:hespentslightlyover19yearswithExxonMobiland washardlygoneayearwhenthecallofGuyana’sgaswas toomuchtoresist. Itmaybemoreaccuratetostatethatitis too much to explain. Considering our choppy and lessthan-inspiringrelationshipwithExxonMobil,itspredatory one-sided nature, the last thing any government, any decisionmaker,inGuyanashouldbeengagedinisanother engagementwithoneofthecompany’sformerpeople. He spent too long at ExxonMobil, and he has been gone too briefly from it, to bring any comfort in this space. Mr Bronchalo was simply too close to the company, and that shouldhavebeentheendofthestory Giventhetreatment meted out by ExxonMobil time and again to the people of thiscountry,theremustbesomedrawingoftheline.
TogivethenewlymintedFulcrumLNGCEOhisdue,he may know the gas business inside out, but to whose advantage. In the normal workings of business and its hierarchy for such an advantage, there are three candidates. Withabowtohumancalculations,Mr.Bronchaloisthefirstin line to reap a handsome return for his help in monetizing Guyana’s gas It follows that ExxonMobil is next on the advantagecarousel,sincethecompanyhasmadeititsdutyto beineverythingthathassomethingtodowithGuyana’shigh quality,cheapoil AndthankstoaPPP/CGovernmentand leadership that is at its call and under its full control As a consolationprize,Guyanacouldclaimits placeonthethird rungofwhateveradvantagetheremaybeleft
ExxonMobilhasburnedGuyaneserepeatedly,usingone blowtorchafteranother ItisperplexingthattheGovernment of Guyana would give a former company employee of significant rank, a contract to monetize this country’s gas assets There is no choice but to face this hard fact: ExxonMobilhasmushroomedintoanecessary,unavoidable evil in its presence here No one, not a subgroup, not a onetimeworkerforthisAmericanoilgiant,shouldbeallowed tospendoneminutemorethanlongeraroundourwealth The quickerthatthemajorityofGuyanesecometoappreciatethis, thewisertheywillbeinidentifyingwhoaretheiralliestobe trusted,asopposedtowhoaretheiradversariestobewatched likeasnake Tryingtorelaythattotheoilandgasdecision makers in the PPP/C Government is tantamount to deliveringthattoaconventionoftheunhearing,unseeing, and uncaring. It is intriguing, gives rise to all manner of ideas, that of 17 bidders (including CNOOC, a member of the ExxonMobil-led Guyana consortium) Fulcrum LNG came out on top. These are among the mystifying developments that swirl around the incredibly rich oil and gas sector in Guyana. It is so rich that it attracts an abundanceofcurioushumanandcompanyspecimensfrom allover Oneofthesedays,Guyanawillgainsomewisdom and do things right, with no questions dangling, no misgivingsfloating.
TheAmerindianPeoples Association (APA) keenly listened to His Excellency President Dr Irfaan Ali’s presentation at the opening of the National Toshaos Council’s Conference on MondayattheArthurChung Convention Centre. We are nowcompelledtorespondto a series of inaccuracies presented by the President during his nearly two-hour, politicallychargedspeech.
PresidentAli’s portrayal of the history of Indigenous Peoples’ development in Guyanawasincompleteand misleading,omittingseveral critical facts. In his move to institute the NT Cast, he “custodians of Indigenous Peoples’ hopes and dreams and a protector of their rights,” President Ali attributed the annual gathering of Toshaos as a hallmark achievement accomplished by his PoliticalParty
It is important to remind President Ali that his government or political partydidnotinitiatethefirst N a t i o n a l To s h a o s Conference. In fact, it was the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) that supported the inaugural conference in 2003. The 2003meetingwasheldinthe Region Two community of Mainstay/Whayaka under the theme ‘Working TogetherforaBetterFuture’ and can be confirmed by members of the President’s political party –who were
alsoleadingmembersofthe APA at the time. The first NTC meeting was also attendedbythenMinisterof AmerindianAffairs Carolyn Rodrigues,andasimplefact check by the President would have brought this to hisattention.
The 2003 conference, supportedbytheAPA,wasa landmarkeventthatbrought Indigenous leaders together todiscussandaddressissues affectingtheircommunities. The APA played a pivotal role in supporting the establishment of such a platform for Indigenous voices,afactthatshouldnot be overlooked, as was done by the President in his attempttorewritethehistory of Indigenous Peoples’ developmentinGuyana.
At its inception, the N a t i o n a l To s h a o s Conference was intended to be a vital mechanism for Indigenousself-governance, advocacy and the protection oftheirrightsandinterestsin Guyana.Itwascriticalatthat point and remains critical that Indigenous voices form part of the national conversation and decisionmaking processes. To date, we are seeing the continued fight of our Indigenous Peoples to have their voices heard and recognized in the decision-makingprocess.
Whenourleadersmetin 2003, they had hoped that the National Toshaos Conference would be an a n n u a l gatheringwhereToshaosand
otherIndigenousrepresentati vescouldcometogether, discuss and address the issues facing their commu
Conferencewassupposedto e
o advocate for their people’s rights, development, and well-being.
Our leaders had hoped that the Conference would provideaforumfordialogue between the Indigenous leadership and the government. The National Toshaos Conference was conceptualized to also highlight the importance of preserving and promoting Indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions. Our leaders wanted the Conference to serve as a spaceforleaderstoadvocate for protecting our cultural heritage and resist any policiesoractionsthatmight threatenit.
OnepurposeoftheNTC Conference was to address issues related to land ownership,mining,logging, and other activities that impactancestrallands.
Over the years, we have consistently seen increased government dominance in the NTC Conference agenda Additionally, we have heard Toshaos complaining about not having access to a draft agenda prior to t
complaints come from Toshaos, who sat on the Executive of the previous NTC,andthosewhoarealso
The APA saw this on MondaywhenToshaoswere given the agenda minutes before the afternoon session commenced and asked to adopt an agenda that only a few may have had access to and that they played no part increating.Itisclearthatthe NTC needs to put in place mandates and procedures freefrompoliticalandother influences. These mandates and procedures should set out how the Conference should be structured and adopted by the entire NTC membership after careful review
Over the last three days, we have seen the government lambast Toshaosforhavingdiffering opinions or questioning them. It now begs the question of whose conferenceisthis?
Another attack on traditional Indigenous leadership,whatwesawwas the attack on District C o u n c i l s – w h e t h e r formalizedornot.Theattack came from both President Ali and Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai.
The APA wishes to inform the President and Minister that Indigenous Peoples have traditionally gathered as Districts to manage and protect their territories Therefore, Minister Sukhai’s deeming the meeting of Indigenous Leadersintheirterritoriesas (Continuedonpage06)
I’vestayedsilentontwo things that bother me regarding Trade Unions in Guyana. I refrain from taking a side on the current negotiations between the GovernmentandtheGuyana Teachers’Union,sinceIfeel that the process should be allowedtoproceed.
However,I’mpuzzledat public statements made that the General Secretary is, in contraventionoftheUnion’s Rules,tobeinthatposition, while being a Member of Parliament.Ifthisisinfacta correct interpretation, it is inconceivable that this person is being allowed to continuetodoso.
I don’t care at all which party she represents but am disappointed that such a vibrant Union, whose membership “mould the
nation’s children”, can blatantly breach its own Rules. How can we instill respect for laws, morality, decency and democracy when we ourselves, deliberatelyviolateourown R u l e s ?
Can’t concerned teachers and Union members invoke whatever clause exists in their Rules to ensure c o m p l i a n c e ? Would legal action help to dislodge this violator of the GTU’s charter? The other issueconcernsthecontinued functioning of some Trade Unions which have for YEARS violated the Trade Unions Act, by their failure to meet the requirements of filingreturnstotheRegistrar ofTrade UnionsAND more importantly have their annual Financial Accounts audited, by the Auditor
General’s Office.
Having spoken with a few unionleaders,I’vebeentold that accounts were submitted to the AG but a shortage of staff in that officeisresponsiblefortheir accountsnotbeingaudited.
Iknowasafact,thatthe AG is permitted to “contract” out audits, where he feels compelled to do so, due to lack of staff or expertise.AGAIN, how can the membership of these defaultingunionspermitthis absolutely absurd, ridiculous and dangerous situation to continue year after year, and continue to express confidence in their “leadership”?
H o w c a n t h e membershipoftheseunions be assured that their membership dues are being conservatively, wisely and properly utilized in THEIR bestinterests?
I sincerely hope someoneinGPSU(ofwhich I was once, many moons ago,theAssistantTreasurer) would attempt a response. As a “side issue” (since I said ONLY two issues) can the GTUC say definitively how many active and functioning unions are currently under their “ u m b r e l l a ” ? I understand one “union leader”residesoverseasand only visits Guyana periodically, for “specific” reasons.Sincerelyanticipate responses from any source(s) including TUC, FITUGandindividualTrade Unions, on whether my assertions are accurate or not.
Bestregards, HarryNNawbatt
Wednesday 21st August 2024 between 10:30hrs and 10:50hrs, I had an experience that convinced mebeyonddoubtthat,Ilive in a country that is nothing shortofadictatorship.
I attempted to enter the main meeting room of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre where the National ToshaosCouncil(NTC)was having its Conference. As I pushed the door, the Permanent Secretary (PS), Ministry of Amerindian Affairs was exiting. I steppedbacktoallowhimto pass.Weexchangedgreetings. AsIwasproceeding(orrather attempting to), the PS placed his arm across the doorway blockingmyaccess Heasked whereIwasgoing Iexplained that I had an interest in the ongoing deliberations of the NTC conference and again tried to go through the door Again, he stopped me This time, with his hand on my chest Hetoldmethathecould notletmeenter
Hetoldmethathewould not allow me to enter the meeting area. Upon inquiry, he told me that it was a
“closed door meeting”. I producedanextractfromthe A m e r i n d i a n A c t , specifically, Section 43 (3) (b)andreaditaloudtothePS as follows: “The National Toshaos Council shallallowAmerindianstoattend its meetings ” The PS accused me of (a) ‘not understanding the law’ and (b)‘readingitinisolation’.
He, in turn referred to section 43 (1) [erroneously referringtoitassection41(1)] which provides that: “The NationalToshaos’Councilmay determine its own procedure and may, in consultation with the Minister make rules governingsuchprocedures.”
IpointedouttothePSthe mandatoryprovisionofsection 43 (3) (b) versus the optional nature of section 43 (1)’, making the point that, in the exercise of 43 (1) there is a process that involves the meeting of minds and the documenting of the procedure
whichcouldbecomparedwith aministermakingregulations I,therefore,requestedtosee the documented procedure he referred to. By then, a plainclothes security officer who was summoned by the PS arrived. Shocked, I inquired why the PS would summon security when we were engaged in a civil conversation. By then, the Minister of Amerindian Affairs arrived. I engaged her, requesting her interventionandcompliance withsection43(3)(b). The ministerwasdismissive.She said that it was not her meeting. Parliamentarian Seerajarrivedandsotoodid a senior commissioned police officer who said that he was there because of a threat of a security nature. The policeman (Williams) interrupted my conversation with MP Seeraj demanding toknowifIwas“invited”to theconference!
TheViceChairmanofthe NTC,aPPPactivist,joinedthe conversation making it clear (after brief interaction) that it washer“finalposition”thatI would not be allowed in the meeting room Kwame McCoy then showed up armed with a cell phone, holding it up to my face. McCoy, a minister of government, phone camera aimed at me, followed me everywhereIwentincluding thewashroom.Ibroughtthis to the police officer’s attention and was told that this is a public space and people can video whatever they wanted. I provided a detailed account of my encounter at the NTC conference to make the following points:1 ThePPP would stop at nothing to dominate and control every person and situation in furtherance of its political agenda2 ThePPPengineered the election of its party
activists to the NTC executivewhowouldblindly contribute to the fulfilment of its agenda 3 The PPP would openly persecute, intimidate, and harass any personororganisationitsees as a challenge to its brutish, nakedabuseofpower
4 The PPP violates whicheverlawitwantstoasit pursues its political objectives5 ThePPPcherrypicks bits of legislation it findsconvenienttoitscause
6 The PPP has an iron grip strangle hold on key members of the NTC executive, particularly its activists that it positioned there 7. The PPPis ensuring thattheIndigenousleadersdo not interact with persons not
government Itisinstructiveto note that the agenda speaks only of “presentations” and “interactive discussions” and mentionsnothingof“closed door meetings”. That the PPPwould go to the lengths they have to exclude Indigenous Guyanese from theNTCconference,inclear violation of the law tells the tragicstoryofagovernment that has lost its way This PPP government has no respect for citizens and the ruleoflaw.Thiscannotbea democracy.The struggle for the rights of Indigenous Guyanese continues. We were here before others arrived. We will always be here.
It’s about time we learn f r o m o u r s h a r e d experiences. In a few hours, we mark the anniversary to commemorate the Battle for Stalingrad, described as the mostbrutalbattleamongsocalled civilised people in recenttimes.
As a youngster, my parentsandUncleJoetalked about the Battle for Stalingrad.
They also talked about the attack on Pearl Harbour earlier, which changed what began as a European Civil War in 1939 into a fullblownWorldWar
TorecallStalingrad,isto remind us of a universal obsession to use power to dominateothersandworstof all,thearroganceofoneside determining what is right and what is wrong. This combination has led to steady steps of shared stupidity
Unfortunately, a condition that has led to the loss of millions of innocent lives that has and continues toleadtothelossofmillions of lives This stupidity continues unabated in the world, but Guyana has its fairshareofit.
TheGermansdeployeda massiveforcetotakecontrol of Stalingrad, beginning on August23,1942.
By the 17th of September, Stalingrad was on fire, brutalised by Nazi
dive-bomber attacks. For the first time, the Russian concededthatGermanshock troops rammed their way into the outskirts of the city after a non-stop 26-day attack.
The German command claimed its troops had crossed the Volga and barreled into the city Years later,asamemberoftheQC Cadet Corp, and the BG VolunteerForce,usingthose royal enfield rifles, we were taught how to attach the bayonets to the rifle and using bags stuffed with strawsorothermaterials,we were taught how to pierce theenemies’abdomen.
The bayonets then were like cutlasses, cut lengthwise in half. Some veterans boasted that with good techniques, the bayonet could penetrate fromthestomachtotheback oftheenemy
The German battle plan wasveryeffectiveuntillater when the Russian sharpshooters, dug into trenches, learned how to punish the German fliers. In today’s warfare, there are moresophisticatedmethods, with drones, bombs and lethal weapons that can be effective for many miles. Today,wehavetheatrocities in Sudan, Gaza, Ukraine, amongothers.
The big question is, whenwillthehumanspecies learn from our own
experiences? In all of this, the loss of innocent human lives from Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, and elsewhere is a sad, sickening saga of people who claim to be civilised and promote the sanctity of life. There are always those who manufacture and make available to one side or the other, not equipment to till the soil and produce food and energy but to destroy fellowhumanbeings.
Genocide and warfare could not characterise our world. The arms trade and the arms race only benefit those who produce these weapons of destruction StoriesaboutStalingrad,the horrorsofwarsandconflicts in every continent have producedamongsomeofus the need and the passion to avoid this wanton destruction of life and property Let us pray and hope that as we wind down Emancipation Month, we alsorecallman’sinhumanity to man and go beyond the rhetoric of talking about peaceaswewouldlikelydo during the upcoming Christmas season. It may be helpfulifwesubscribetothe words and lyrics sung by MahaliaJackson-I’mgonna lay down my burden, down by the Riverside I’m gonnastudywarnomore.
HamiltonGreen Elder
Freddie Kissoon asked me to show proof of the words “hungry belly negroes”.Isenthim17ofthe 40pagesofracialinsultsand h e h a s n o t e v e n acknowledged it He continues to write from the Chronicle but although I sendresponsestohisletterto theChronicle,theChronicle has not printed nor acknowledged any of my fourletters.
I know Freddie has receivedthe17pages.Thisis theintellectualcowardheis.
After debunking all of his accusations about working for Granger and SARApursuingAmerindian Lands Rights issues, he continues to lie. His latest question was why I left SARA. Well Freddie, after being wrongfully accused about having a conflict of interest with the application for an oil block, I write PresidentGrangerandasked for the Attorney General to investigatethisaccusation.
Well Freddie Kissoon, the investigation showed I had no conflict. I resigned from SARA so as not to impede their work which began to show evidence of scampishness in the allotment of the last two oil blocks, one being given out two weeks before the PPP left government. One of the
agreementshadatypeddate crossed out, and instead had a new hand written date, attempting to show the application was years ago insteadofrecently Imaging,theallotmentof an oil block worth US$ billions on a contract that was back dated, in someone’s handwriting. Not typed Perhaps Freddie shouldseekthatcontractand ascertainwhosehandwriting itwas.
So Freddie, keep pelting lies from your sanctuary of the Chronicle, while the management,ownershipand leadership of the Guyana Chronicle refuses to allow my responses. By the way Freddie Kissoon, the 17 pages I sent you had racial epithets and nasty slogans againstAfricanGuyaneseof the worst type most people would even imagine. Words thatwouldmakeanynormal Guyanese cringe. And this wasontheFacebookpageof a major political party Should I take out an advertisement and print them.
I have sent these to the Embassies to illustrate the stateof“fear”thatexistedin the last “fair” elections. Don’t you think Freddie Kissoonthatthiscreatedthe environment that resulted duringthelastelections?
Did you write any of
these statements Freddie? Check the website that promoted this racist agenda against Africans during the lastelection.
Freddie, you may be suffering from either amnesia or dementia. You forgotin2006,youcalledme “Hitler” when I wrote about an African Renaissance in Guyana. This is normal for liars. Go read your columns ofthattime.
A s a “reporter/columnist” who claimstohavestudiedFreud etc., don’t you see a link betweenthesehorribleracist statements and the killing and mutilation of the Henry brothers?
CarefulFreddieKissoon, more than your slip is showing.
Finally Freddie, as you and your newspaper don’t haveanyintegritybecauseof the refusal to have my responses to your lies and idiocy, I will no longer respondtoyou.
Iknowyoulikeattention so seek it elsewhere where the intellect is the same and whereonehasto“lookdown tolookup”.
Inolongerwillwastemy time attempting decent or intellectualdebatewithyou. Itislikethrowingwaterona two-backduck.
Respectfullyyours EricPhillips
Frompage05 “ operating under the banner ofDistrictCouncils”isaslap in the face of our ancestors’ traditionsandcustoms.
The Amerindian Act recognises that Indigenous Peoples gather as Districts, and therefore, the inclusion of the gazetting of District Councils is merely a formality
Our peoples deserve to rightfully meet to discuss issues as our ancestors did without being deemed as illegal or masquerading by thegovernment.
Minister Sukhai should have informed the NTC and President Ali that her Ministry has received
applications from the Upper Mazaruni and North Pakaraimas to formally recognise their District Councils as provided for in Section 35 of the AmerindianAct.
Those applicationsare lingering in the Ministry somewhere without any priority being attached to
them. We remind the M i n i s t e r t h a t t h e Amerindian Act outlines her functions for the recognition of District Councils and the criteria to b e m e t f o r t h e i r establishment.Wemustadd that political loyalty is not one of those conditions, therefore, why the
T h e A P A also reminds President Ali that Indigenous Peoples were the beneficiaries of scholarships before 1992 and finds it disingenuous that he sought to erase all the strides made by
Indigenous Peoples before the PPP/C took office in 1992. W e a d v i s e the President to ensure that his addresses are not used to deliberately mislead and revise our country and peoples’historyinpolitical campaigning. R e g a r d s A m e r i n dian Peoples Association
The $30,000 electricity subsidy introduced by the government recently is not just a failure of policy; it is a failure of imagination by an administration that continues to play hit and miss.
It reflects a government that is out of touch with the realities facing its citizens and is more concerned with optics than with outcomes. The pensioners of this country deserve better than this.
They deserve a government that sees them not as a monolithic bloc, but as individuals with unique needs and challenges.
They deserve policies that are designed with care and compassion, not with expedience and indifference. And above all, they deserve a government that understands that true charity is not about giving everyone the same, but about giving each person what they need to live with dignity and respect.
...promises again to engage Exxon, but can't say if he will demand taxes, more royalty
Leader of the
Aubrey Norton is still promising to engage ExxonMobil for better benefitsforthecountrybutis unabletosaywhetherhewill demand taxes and more royalty from the companytwo key aspects of the lopsided oil contract which his party when in government had signed that most people agree must be changed.
Norton, the leader of the People's National Congress Reform during his press conferenceonTuesdaysaid, “Increasing our share of the pie is a must; and ensuring Guyanese benefit fully from oilrevenuesisamust.”
Kaieteur News therefore askedtheLeadertosaywhat specific areas in the Exxon dealhe would seek to adjust for Guyanese to enjoy greater benefits, especially
since there have been calls forthecompanytopaytaxes and a fairer royalty to the country
Presently, Exxon does not pay taxes to Guyana while a meager two percent royaltyispaidtothecountry Norton however could not say whether he would engage the company on thoseareas.Instead,hesaid, “Noareaisasacredcow.We will engage on every aspect of the contract with the aim of bringing benefits to Guyana.”
He told Kaieteur News, “Wehavesaidarticle32.1of the PSA provides a wide rangeofopportunitiesforus to engage ExxonMobil and increase the benefits for the people of Guyana and we continue to be committed to that because the particular article is clear and provides avenues for us to engage Exxon and increase the
benefits to the people of Guyana.”
maintained that the entire contract will be open for discussion. “We will engage on every aspect of the contract with the aim of bringingbenefitstoGuyana. NowitmightbeXandYbut as the time progresses, there might be more added Sometimessomechangebut
in essence, that article permits us to look at every aspect of the agreement and toimprovethebenefitstothe people of Guyana,” he explained.
The PNCR in a previous statement said, “A new Coalition government will invite the company to the negotiation table within its first50daysingovernment.”
Guyana's oil deal has
Eight contractors have submitted bidstobuildanewmultipurposewharf atCharity,RegionTwo.
Asreportedpreviously,theMinistry of Public Works had tendered for the 'Construction of the New Charity Market Multipurpose Wharf' and shared that the project is estimated to cost$881,000,894.
Duringthereadingofbidsthisweek attheNationalProcurementandTender AdministrationBoard(NPTAB)office, itwasrevealedthatthreeoutoftheeight contractors bid above the engineer's $881millionfortheproject.
Thecontractorswhoappliedforthe projectareS.JagmohanConstruction& General Supplies Inc., - $880,234,803; Well Built Construction Service$1,182,494,670; Sheriff Construction Inc. - $797,325,847; Crown Road & Drainage Contractors; VG Group Guyana Inc. - $832,541,745; A Alli
Construction - $777,778,365; S Maraj Contracting Services - $906,918,548; and Samaroo's Investment$874,707,800.
Kaieteur News understands the Charity Market wharf has been in a deterioratedstateforanumberofyears.
Regional Chairperson of Region Two, Vilma De Silva told this publication previously that this new project is expectedtobedoneintwophases,with phase one being done this year and the other phase beginning in the new year “Itwouldbeabrand-newwharf,theold one will be demolished and then you wouldseethestartofthenewone,”she said.According to the Regional Chair, themovetohavethenewstructurebuilt is because the current wharf has outlived its lifespan posing a threat to persons who are operating at the facility “Already persons who occupy there, we sent them notices to vacate
been repeatedly criticized both locally and by experts abroad. Even the incumbent administration before it was elected highlighted flaws in thecontractandpromisedin its 2020 elections manifesto to renegotiate the oil contract.
After being elected, the leadership of the party now argues that seeking a renegotiation of the contract could affect investment in theStabroekBlockanddeter futureinvestors.
Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young during this year's Energy Conference encouraged Guyana that a renegotiation of its oil contract was possible. In fact,hepointedoutthatT&T hadchangedthefiscalterms ofitsoilandgascontractsto benefit the citizens but this didnotdeterinvestors.
He pointed out, “We in Trinidad and Tobago have spent the last seven years of our term successfully negotiating, and I can say here without fear of contradiction,everycontract that we negotiated augurs better in direct revenue for the people of Trinidad and T o b a g o a n d t h e multinational oil and gas companies have not got up andrunoff.”Youngreasoned that those companies are continuing to invest since “respect and fairness” are key pillars in business “They continue to invest because it is all about respect and fairness of relationships and I offer that here to Guyana and t o S u r i n a m e i n a collaborative approach because you see I am convinced that [we can] work together to change the dynamics…”hesaid.
because that structure outlived its life span so it's only a threat for persons to be operating from there at the wharf,” she added.Still to receive the design works and other specifications for the projectfromtheministry,DeSilvasaid at the time that she is unable to say if vendorswouldbeaccommodatedatthe new structure when completed However, she noted that the Regional Administration is constructing a new marketfacilityatCharitywhichissetto accommodate 115 vendors. “I'm not sure(if)wegonnahousethem,wewant to do some changes but it will be real transformational,”shestated.
Kaieteur News understandsthatthe currentCharityMarketWharfhasbeen around for over 30 years and is frequently being used by persons heading into the hinterland of Region One, and farmers living in the Pomeroonarea.
TheMinistryofHealthin collaborationwiththeOffice of the Prime Minister is working to install internet connectivity in health facilities across hinterland
r e g i o n s , e n s u r i n g telemedicine options are available.
Telemedicine provides
real-time interactive communication between patients and healthcare providers.
The integration of audio and video equipment, along with medical devices, will enablehealthcareworkersto remotelydiagnose,evaluate, andtreatpatients.
During the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference on Wednesday, MinisterofHealth,Dr Frank Anthony, responded to the appealsmadebyAmerindian leaders regarding the need for internet connectivity in remote health facilities
“We're going to make sure some internet connectivity is there. We'll be collaborating very closely with the Prime Minister's officetodothat,”thehealth ministerdisclosed.
Over 25 telemedicine sites have been established across Guyana to ensure even those in the most remote areas have access to
reliable and efficient healthcare services This transformative service has been welcomed by leaders representing various Amerindian villages In addition to addressing the n e e d
r n e t connectivity, Minister Anthony also responded to
, including the need for transportation and the rehabilitation of various
government's vision of modernising the healthcare system in the hinterland, promising significantly improvedservices.
Leaders were also encouraged to ensure young people within the region are enrolledinthegovernment's
This would ensure that p
he communities are equipped with the skillset needed to construct and expand health facilities.
Meanwhile, every villagewillreceiveafogging machine as part of the government's efforts to prevent and eradicate malariainfections.(DPI)
In the 21st century, where nations tout the progress of modern civilization, where skyscrapers pierce the clouds and digital revolutions reshape human interaction, it is nothing short of a national disgrace
t h a t i n G u y a n a , kindergartners the most vulnerable and innocent among us are still subjected to the indignity of pitlatrines.
This is not merely a blemish on the face of our country; it is an indictment of both the current People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration and theformerAPartnershipfor National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition. Their collective failure to abolish such primitive facilities in schools is a moral and political crime, one that should shame any government that claims to careforitscitizens,letalone itschildren.
Sixteen years ago, a tragedy that should have been the final nail in the coffinofthisarchaicpractice occurred. A nine-year-old primary school student, Tanesha DeSouza, lost her
life in a horrific manner—drowning in the filth of a pit latrine at Santa Rosa Primary School. What acruelwaytodie:enveloped inthestinkofgovernmental
neglect,abandonedbythose whosedutyitwastoprotect her
In the aftermath of that tragedy, the call was loud and clear: no more pit latrines in hinterland
schools Indigenous organizations such as the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) and the Guyanese Organisation of Indigenous Peoples (GOIP)
demanded that the government install flush toilets in all schools. The opposition at the time, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), rightfully decriedthisabysmalstateof affairs, pointing out the glaring disparity between schoolsinthecityandthose in the hinterland. It accused the then PPP/C government of discrimination against Amerindians.
The stench of that tragedy should have pervadedthehallsofpower, compelling immediate and decisiveaction.Butherewe are,sixyearslater,facingthe same abysmal conditions. Where was the resolve to change? Sixteen years has passed, and still, we find ourselves outraged—rightly so that schools, and kindergarten schools at that, continue to use pit latrines. This failure is not just a failureofinfrastructure;itis a failure of morality It is a failureonthepartofboththe former APNU+AFC
administration and the current PPP/C government, who have both proven themselves incapable of safeguarding the basic human dignity of our children.
What excuse will be offered now? Who will the Ministry of Education blame?Willitpassthebuck t o t h e R e g i o n a l Administration, as has been the norm in the blameshiftingcultureofGuyanese politics?Orwillit,foronce, acceptresponsibilityforthis grotesque neglect? In a country that boasts of being
the fastest-growing economy in the world over the past three years, how do we justify the fact that our small kindergarten children stillhavetousepitlatrines?
The problem, however, is not confined to schools alone. Itisnationalinscale.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) estimated in 2021 that as much as 28% of the populationdisposesofwaste water through pit latrines. This is a staggering figure, one that speaks to a broader systemic failure in our nationalinfrastructure.
The persistence of pit latrinesinGuyaneseschools is not just a failure of infrastructure; it is a damning reflection of those in power It is an abject failure to recognize the humanity of our children, to
Imagine, one student decidestowrite29subjects for the CSEC exams. Yes, you read that right, 29! In demboys’day,ifyoucould manage to pass 6 subjects, yuh mother woulda bake a cakeandsendoutinvitation for a party But today, children gone mad. They signing up for more subjects than the whole school offering Einstein himself mighta scratch he head trying to figure out whyanybodyneedtostudy so many subjects. But then again, Einstein wasn’t exactly a bright spark in school.
Now, let’s be real. How many secondary schools in Guyana actually teaching 29 subjects? Yuh got to wonder if these children making up subjects as they goalong.Butwhilesomeof dem children claiming victory with nuff subjects, the truth is, the results
hiding some serious problems Math, for example, proving to be a real headache. Less than one in every three children fail to pass Math. In a country with an economy thatcountingoilbarrelsand USdollars,thishighfailure rate in Math should be a designated national emergency If we continue down this road, we gon needtohiremathematicians from overseas just to count ourownmoney On the flip side, we not doing too bad in English. Butlet’sfaceit,withahigh literacy rate like we own, wecoulddobetter Afterall, if we can’t express ourselvesproperly,howwe gon tell the world about all the oil we pumping out the ground?
But here’s the kicker: howmanyofthesestudents actually pass with five or more subjects including
see them as more than just numbers in a growing economy, but as individuals deserving of safety, dignity, andrespect.Thecurrentand former governments stand equally condemned. It is timeforrealchange,notjust words, to ensure that no more children suffer the indignitiesofthepast.Inthis failure, both governments havefailedthenation,andit is the nation’s children who have paid—and continue to pay—theprice.
At the very least, public schools should not be certified as fit for human occupancyiftheycontainpit latrines.Itisshocking,tosay the least, that in 2019, the
Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) was setting a code of standards for pit latrines. They should have been advocating for their eradication, not their standardization.
Considertheexampleset bySouthAfrica.In2018,the President of South Africa announced a plan to eradicate pit latrines across allschoolswithintwoyears. This was not just a policy decision; it was an acknowledgment of the inherent dignity that every childdeserves. Guyana,too, must embark on a similar path immediately and decisively
merely make a speech; he should take strong action, including the rolling of heads, to kick-start this objective Anything less would be a betrayal of the futureofthisnation.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Math and English?The big question hanging over the results is this: how many studentsreallymatriculate? From the looks of the Math results, the answer might not be too pretty The number of students that actuallymakethecutcouldbe aslowasthepriceofapattyin 1980 And while the Education Ministry busy celebrating top performers, they might want to take a goodhardlookatthebottom of the barrel As one of dem children who didn’t pass Mathsaid,ifhewasgiventen dollars for every Math exam he fail, today he would have $613 Now, if that’s not a wake-up call, I don’t know whatis Butdon’tworry,dem boys have a solution: maybe the Ministry of Education should start paying children to pass Math That way, we might finally start seeing somerealprogress Talkhalf.Leffhalf!
Want to bet big o n o i l ?
Guyana was theplacetobe. Wishingfora rocket fuel boost to career in oil? Guyana was the big elephant that had to be stalked, with the dice rolled. It was what worked out splendidlyforTimChisholm of Hess Corp and Pablo Eisner of CNOOC As pathfinders, trailblazers go, ChisholmandEisnerarenow hailedamongthekingsofthe oilpatch. Chisolm(Chisum) itselfisanamestraightoutof Texas legend about trail droversandcattledrives,and cattlewars.
Both the Chisolm of todayandPablo(thecrudeoil one)haveetchedtheirnames inoillore,anditisallbecause of Guyana Guyana's Stabroek Block, now a legend in its own time Whoever said fairytales are about nothing that resembles
reality The only problem withGuyana'soilfairytaleis that Guyanese have now beenforcedtolivewithcrass and cruel stepmothers (stepfathers and stepbrothers notexcluded).
Chisolm aimed for what Americans call the big score and made a big career for himself when he persisted withtheStabroekBlocknow a proven bonanza of stupendous proportions, and thefinancialfunisonlyatthe startofRound1.
Guyana the Big Score, Guyana the big career builder; just don't tell that to ordinary Guyanese between arock(istheoilforreal?)and ahardplace(ifitis,thenwhat about a real share?). Many havebeentheheadsrolledin theoilworld,sometimesfora mark missed by a whisker
Years of patient exploration andstudygodownthedrain. The rare, good ones who are
laboring in the lonely, often barren, oilfields have that instinct that turns out to be a killer It is called gut Neithersciencenoracademic nor textbook, just a sense of smell that detects oil, when others see sand and seabed, have already thrown in the towelandheadedofftobetter pastures.
Karl Twitchell was one who toiled for eternities in the empty spaces of the Middle East until he struck gold. There was Michael Halboutywhowascalledthe “greatest wildcatter of all time.” He liked to boast of “14 straight discoveries followed by 36 straight dry holes.' Aman who lost two fabulousfortunes,thenmade athird. Ittakesararekindof self-believer, risk taker and committedadventurertolive likethat,alwaysdangerously poised on a knife's edge and lovingit. And,ofcourse,the
man who came before them all. ItwasCol.EdwinDrake who struck pay dirt in Titusville, PA in 1865. They didn't call him Crazy Drake for nothing, and that army rank was how he rewarded himself. In summary, the late, great oilmen were a combination of geologists, eccentrics, mystics, with great, big-eyed oil optics. Like any really good salesman, they believed in themselvesmore,lessintheir product. Enter Chisholm, Tim Chisholm, not John Chisum.
If I may be tolerated the liberty, he became Guyana's JohnWayne. Doeshehavea Guyanaoilwarstorytotellor what? There is the gusher that is the now fabled StabroekBlock. Takeitfrom me, Guyana's Stabroek Blockisthegiftthatkeepson giving, and Guyanese don't know the ha
Legendary careers are erected on the
perspicacity that senses whatallothermencouldnot see, and such dogged prowessthatstaysthecourse, thencomesupwiththegiant motherlode. Is the Stabroek Block,onevastoilbasin,one unending oil bonanza or what? Butforwhom,Ihave theinsensitivity,incivility,to inquire.
Tim Chisolm and Pablo Eisner now stand as men of awesomeproportionsamong oilmen. Their trajectory is known, their course set What about Guyana and Guyanese,wherethatstuffof fables, the Stabroek oil
unbelievable underwater splendor?
envisioning an international career for Guyana as a country that commands respect, because it is more thanrich. Becauseitiswise. But before that, brawny, courageous, and resourceful enough at leadership heights to stand, fight. Should I not be excused for harbouring ideas that every Guyanese man, woman, and child can look forward to a career of comfort and contentment?
Chisolm and Eisner found theoil,andtheyarethetoast of their times. Guyana and Guyanese own this same oil, but both have been toasted black and blue, so battered and brutalized they have been for their own inheritance.
Chisolm and Eisner, Routledge and Woods and the Chinese and Dutch and Japanese, have all collected high recognition and handsome rewards from Guyana's Stabroek Block Why not the same for Guyanese from the last and
unchanging will and testament of their oil bequest? Theforeigncapital investors and local political operators(Icallmostofthem deceivers and exploitative predators)grabtheirshareof Guyana's Stabroek patrimony
W h a t a b o u t t h e prosperity,thatkindnowand laterdestiny,thatisdueevery singleGuyanese?
The richest people in the world cannot be so crippled by something as ordinary as cost-of-living that they flee this country What kind of career for the richest global citizens: vacuuming floors, babysitting the children, and givingcaretotheelderlyand sickly of foreigners? The same ones who are here and inthethickofrichoilcareers. I am delighted for Chisolm andEisner
They have earned their places. I would be more delighted when Ali and Jagdeo work their butts off, fight an honest fight, for Guyanese to get their rich, rightful share and take their rightfulplaceamongthefirst citizens of the world. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Two Guyanese construction companiesareamongfourbidders vyingforthecontractstoconstruct the state-of-the-art hospitals at Kato in Region Eight and at MorucainRegionOne.
It was reported that the Ministry of Health previously tenderedforthedesignandbuildof the new Kato and Moruca hospitals.
According to information released by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), among the three bidders who appliedfortheMorucaprojectare PCI - Sinopharmintl Consortium (China), China Sinopharm International Corp, Sinohydro Bureau 10 Company Ltd, Powerchina International Group Limited;SheriffConstructionInc. (Guyana); and Shandong HiSpeedDejianGroupInc(China).
For the Kato hospital, the four bidders who bid are PCISinopharmintl Consortium (China);SheriffConstructionInc.; Zeco Group of Services Inc (Guyana),injointventurewithEJ Engineering & Construction Consultant Ltd (T&T), and Construction Services & Supplies (T&T); and Shandong Hi-Speed DejianGroupInc.(China).
It should be noted that all the bidders have submitted their technical and financial proposals to NPATB in relation to the projects.
Kaieteur News reported that the Kato and Moruca Hospital projectsarebeingfundedthrougha loan from the Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB).
The ministry in its tender document stated that the Government of Guyana received financingfromtheInter-American Development Bank under the Health Care Network Strengthening in Guyana project and intends to use part of the proceeds to fund the hospital projects This publication had reported that the US$97 million
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony Dr among other officials during a recent site visit in Kato.
(Photo courtesy, Ministry of Health)
IDB loan secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022, forms part of a broader effort to strengthen the nation's healthcare network under the Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP) The comprehensive programme aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, includingkeyhinterlandareasand urban centers According to reports, the loan will be used to improve the health of the Guyanese population through increased access, quality, and efficiency of health services by improving health outcomes associated with low and high complexityprocedures. Thiswillbedonebyexpanding
the capacity of strategic hospitals, by extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country's hinterlands,throughdigitalhealth; andbyincreasingtheefficiencyof the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support processesandinputs.
The project is also expected to target infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH) and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitalslocatedinthehinterland
and Lethem) K a
w s understands that the state-of-theart facility for Moruca is set to feature a modern medical laboratory,anda24-houroperated Accident and Emergency Unit amongotherfacilities.Thesitefor the new hospital has already been identified and it is located at 3 Miles,Moruca.
AsforthehospitalatKato,itis set to benefit residents of that Village and neighbouring communitiesandwillconsistof75 beds,amodernmedicallaboratory, and a 24-hour operated Accident and Emergency Unit. The worldclass health facility is set to be completed by the end of 2025 or thefirsthalfof2026.
Amerindians and other observers will have to observetheongoingNational Toshaos Council's (NTC) “Closed Door” meetings from outside of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre's (ACCC) Dome, NTC's Chairman, Derrick John said onThursday
According to John, the Amerindian Act No. 6 of 2006, empowers the NTC to determineitsownprocedures andestablishitsownrulesfor consultation with a minister “In strict adherence to this Act,theNTCdeterminedthat themeetingsheldinthedome of the ACCC following the opening ceremony of the NTC Conference would be closed-door consultations
reserved exclusively for Toshaos,villageleaders,and Ministers of Government”, John stated before adding. “Therefore,entrytothedome requires proper accreditation fromtheNTC”.
For other Amerindians, andobserverswhowishtobe part of the meetings, John said “ provisions were made to accommodate them on the ground floor of the ACCC(outsideofthedome), wheretheproceedingsofthe closed-door meetings are beingstreamedlive”.
Johnmadethestatements following strong criticisms that an Indigenous Member of Parliament (MP); Vincent Henry was wrongly thrown out of the NTC meetings.
Henry,anoppositionMPhad said,thathewasnotallowed to sit in at the ongoing National Toshaos Council Conference (NTCC) despite beinganindigenousman.
“Thepresentationbythe Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat was stopped because of my presence and then the police escortedmeoutoftheArthur Chung Conference Centre,” the opposition MP said in a Facebook post.According to Henry, those who accosted him said that he was an imposter and then later told him that the conference is only for Toshaos The minister's interactive session with the Toshaos ended around 16:30hrs following an announcement by one of the chairpersons that it was timetotakeabreak.
Johninhisstatementsaid that Henry and another opposition member, Mervin Williams who too was reportedlydeniedentry,were notproperlyaccreditedtobe part of the meetings. “In the case of Mr. Henry, he brazenly impersonated a delegate during an afternoon session, even going so far as
to pose with an ill-gotten 'officials' badge,” John said whileadding“Mr Henrywas instructed promptly to remove himself from the dome as he was not properly accredited, and both he and Mr Williams, along with others who lacked accreditation,wereinvitedto followtheproceedingsonthe groundflooroftheACCC”.
John continued “The NTCstandsresolutelybythe actions taken to uphold the safety and order of the conference, for the rules and regulations regarding attendance are essential to protecting all participants and ensuring that the conference can fulfill its objectives without any form ofdisruption”.
The NTC and the government had come under strong criticisms by the opposition for its actions.
One of the executives of A New and United Guyana (ANUG), Mark DeFrance stated on Tuesday, “It pains me therefore to see such treatment meted out to a son of our soil, a man who has given to our great nation in various aspects of life, but
NTC Chairman, Derrick John
more so a sitting Member of Parliament.”
DeFrance pointed out that the Amerindian Act of 2006givesHenrytherightas an Indigenous person to attend the conference “Chapter 43 (3) b of theAct, states clearly who can attend meetings of the National Toshaos' Council. Any Amerindian”,DeFrancesaid.
Headdedthatafewyears ago, he himself as Guyanese of Amerindian heritage, wanted to attend the NTC
conference and had reached out to Lennox Shuman (a formerVice-Chairmanofthe NTC) regarding who can attend.
DeFrance said that Shuman had directed him to theAmerindianActandsince then he has attended the last three NTC meetings.
“Sometimes observing and even asking questions and giving suggestions, as is my right,” DeFrance related beforeadding:“Idohopethat (Continuedonpage15)
An overloaded
sponge chipping machine, which hadbeenleftpluggedinforan extended period of time resulted in the fire that destroyed four buildings at Lot 24, Block 12 Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara (ECD) onWednesday
The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) reported that the machine's motor overheated, igniting nearby combustible materials and eventually engulfing the entire building attheNonPareilhome,which spread to three other buildings.
Upon receiving an emergency call, at 09:42hrs, the GFS dispatched several watertendersandfirefighters at the scene. "Water Tenders #105and#106,WaterCarrier
#16, and Ambulance #23, along with their respective crews, were immediately dispatched to the scene. The water tenders arrived at 09:43hrs, carrying a total of 9,274 liters of water Firefighters began their operations at 09:44hrs," GFS reported on its Facebook page.
Notably, the affected structure was a single-storey wooden and concrete building, owned by 48-yearold Mohammed Azad Ali, who lived there with three others.As a result of the fire, which completely destroyed the building and its content, four occupants were left homeless.
Kaieteur News reported that the owner estimated his losses to be $50 million.
A male nurse was found deadonThursdaymorningin a hotel room on Main Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice andoneofhiscolleaguessaid he was recovering from denguefever
Dead is Wilton Longford Benn, a 63-year-old Public Health Nurse from Lot 82 William Street, Kitty, Georgetown. Police said in a press release said that about 09:02hrs Thursday, ranks responded to a report of a body found motionless at the hotel.
Upon arrival, ranks located the body of Benn in room 238 Emergency medical services were called tothesceneand,whilstonthe ground, pronounced Benn deadatthelocation.
The cause of death is currently under investigation and is to be determined by a post-mortem examination
According to Holly Trim, a 38-year-old Public Health Nurse, she and Benn are attached to the Maternal and Child Health Department, MinistryofHealth.
Ms Trim further mentioned that Benn was recovering from dengue fever She noted that she and Benn went to Berbice on
Furthermore, due to the intensityofthefire,fourother buildingswerealsoimpacted. AstoragebondlocatedatLot 25Block12,NonPareil,was destroyed due to the radiated heat from the building of origin.
The external walls, a washing machine, a freezer, two tanks and a quantity of guttering and pipes of three neighbouring buildings, locatedatLots22,26,and27 Block 12, Non Pareil, suffered varying degrees of damage, also from the radiatedheat.
Firefighters initially used two jets from Water Carrier #16's tank supply, then deployed two more jets from Light Pump #126, relayed through Water Tender #106, tofullyextinguishthefire.
Deceased: Wilton Longford Benn
Atabout08:45hrsThursday,a driver for the Ministry of Health went to the hotel to pick up Benn and Trim, who wasalsostayinginaseparate roominthehoteltotakethem toCorentynetoconducttheir supervisory visit. Ms. Trim and the driver both knocked on Benn's room door but got noanswer
As such, the driver broke the door, and upon entering, they saw Benn lying motionlessinhisroom.
The emergency medical team and the police were informed subsequently Investigationsareongoing.
Wednesday to do a supervisory visit to the different health facilities to see how they are managing the new HPV vaccine
Policy makers from twelve Caribbean territories are now better equipped to a c c e l e r a t e d i g i t a l
transformation and digitalisationeffortsandtake actionable steps toward a
more sustainable and inclusive digital future for theircitizens.
The first Caribbean edition of the School of Digital Transformation and Innovation was held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and TobagofromAugust12-15, bringing together a diverse group of regional policymakers, international experts and professionals from across the LATAM and Caribbeanregion.
The initiative was coorganised by CAFDevelopment Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the Internet TechnicalCommunity
In a press release CAF said the programme welcomed policymakers from Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, British
Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Sint Maarten, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago Participants were immersed in intensive capacity-building exercises designed to address the uniquedigitalchallengesand opportunitiesfacedbySmall Island Developing States (SIDS) The four-day programme provided insightsintothelatestglobal digital transformation trends and best practices in the digitaleconomy
Dr Stacy RichardsKennedy, CAF's Regional Manager for the Caribbean, was proud of the School's missionandoutcomes.“This inaugural Caribbean edition of the School of Digital
transformative. Participants are returning to their respective countries with enhanced knowledge and skillsbutalsowitharenewed purpose to drive digital
, communitiesandcountries.”
“CAF has committed up to USD 75min grants and investments to support
digitalisation initiatives of Caribbean SIDS,” Dr Richards-Kennedy stated “We are also partnering with the European Union to mobilise an additional €3m granttosupportdigitalisation in Trinidad and Tobago. It is testamenttoourcommitment todigitalinnovation.”
Theeventwasdeveloped around three pillars: the internet ecosystem and its critical infrastructure, the transition to a data-driven economy and its governance and aligning digitalisation withproductivitygoals.
Ontheprogramme'sfinal day, policymakers visited Trinidad and Tobago's Ministry of Digital Transformation. CAF is providing the ministry with technical support for the development of a TIER-IV Modular Data Centre and D e v e l o p e r s ' H u b Participants were provided with key insights from the preliminary assessments for the project.This formed part of the showcase of innovative solutions for public policy issues which provided concrete examples ofhowdigitaltransformation can be practically implemented within the
Participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage with leading expertsandpeersfromacross theregion.Moreimportantly, for implementable measures that can be applied immediately “Thiswastruly beneficial I told my colleaguesthatwhilealotof informationwasshared,Iam goingtobeginimplementing the lessons learnt almost immediately, ” said
Cheryleann Pemberton, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, C o m m u n i c a t i o n , Technology and Posts in St. KittsandNevis.
“There were areas that I found to be tremendously beneficial as we are now preparingthenationalbudget forthenewfiscalyear.Iwill use the information shared hereasevidencetojustifythe financial resources needed for digital transformation efforts in St. Kitts & Nevis,” s h e a d d e d Wi t h cybersecurity a growing threat for the Caribbean, Pemberton and other participants also welcomed the lessons learnt on cybersecurity and data management.Theywerealso
Dr. Stacy Richards-Kennedy, CAF's Regional Manager for the Caribbean, addresses opening ceremony
equipped with the tools to measure the status of digital transformation in the region.
Eduardo Chomali, CAF´s
Business Coordinator in Digital Transformation outlined the progress and challenges in the region's digital infrastructure, public policies,digitaleconomyand human resources Oscar Vargas, CAF´s Executive of Financial Inclusion provided details about the regional digital economy and sustainable digital finance initiatives including CAF´s Laboratory on Financial Inclusion.
Thisinitiativehaslaidthe groundwork for a cohesive regional approach to digital transformation, with participants now better equipped to implement innovative, out-of-the-box strategies that address their uniquechallenges.Thisisthe tentheditionoftheSchoolof Digital Transformation and Innovation in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean and the first held exclusively for the Caribbean The previous editions were held in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Montevideo, Uruguay and Barcelona, Spain.
The Mohameds in keeping with their commitment to education haveofferedtheirsupportto anotherGuyanesestudentat the Hugh Wooding Law SchoolinTrinidad.
The law student, Angel StephensaresidentofWest Ruimveldt, Georgetown is currentlyinhersecondyear at the institution, following herundergraduatestudiesat the University of Guyana, theMohamedssaid.
Given the fact that Stephenshasexcelledinher studies, the Mohameds stated in the release that they are, “thrilled to aid suchatalentedindividualin her quest for academic excellence.”
Over the years, they
have helped numerous young people complete their law school education, many of whom are now practising both within and outside Guyana.
“The Mohameds remain dedicated to nurturing young talent and will continue to support individuals pursuing their dreams in various fields, includingsports,education,and beyond.” Mohameds statement concluded.
As part of the government’s drive to improve access to potable water, 64 wells will be completed by the end of 2024 in the hinterland regions.
This announcement was made by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, during his presentation at the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre in Liliendaal, on Wednesday. Since August 2020, the government has invested over $4.9 billion in the hinterland, significantly enhancing access to treated water. To date, 95 wells have already been drilled in these regions. In the year of 2024, one can expect 64 wells being drilled. By the time, we are finished with this year, 139 wells are expected to be completed
in terms of drilling in four years” Minister Croal announced. Recently, an additional $600 million in supplemental funding was approved to drill more wells and extend water supply systems, bringing the total budgetary allocation for 2024 to $2.1 billion. These projects will be carried out in Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight, and Nine, with completion expected by yearend. In Region One, two wells will be drilled in the Mabaruma sub-district, two in Arakaka and Para, and five in Matthews Ridge, Big Creek, Tassawini, Eye Lash, and Baramita. In Region Two, six wells will be drilled in Wakapoa, Siriki, Kabakaburi, Caria Caria, Santa Mission, and Lower Bonasika Creek, and one well in Kamarang, Region Seven. Currently,
wells are being drilled in Santa Cruz, Warapoka, Kokerite, Waikrebi, Kariako, Chinese Landing, and Assakata in Region One. Additionally, several trestles have been tendered and awarded in various communities. Potable water coverage currently stands at 79 percent in Region One, 70 percent in Region Seven, 87 percent in Region Eight, and 94 percent in Region Nine. With this ongoing momentum, potable water coverage is expected to reach 93 percent by year-end and 100 percent by the end of 2025 in the hinterland regions.
To encourage community participation and generate income, many communities have partnered with Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to extend water distribution networks and undertake other
projects. Meanwhile, Minister Croal, along with Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues on Wednesday, handed over 16 contracts to several village councils for the construction of water supply systems. A total of $13.8 million was allocated to Kopinang, Sand Creek, Kaicumbay, Sawariwau, Capoey, Quatata, Quiko, Quarrie, Yurong Paru, Masakenari, Katu’ur, Kokshebai, Baitoon, Sawarinau, Semonie, and Maruranau.
Additionally, Arrau received $9.36 million for community participation, $5.7 million was allocated to Waipa, and $3 million to Falmouth. In total, $32 million will be injected into the village economies. (DPI)
Trinidad and Tobago’s personnel work to secure the refloated Gulfstream oil tanker
(BBC NEWS) The mysterious tanker that caused a major oil spill after capsizing off Trinidad and Tobago in February has been successfully refloated, the government said.
The operation was completed on Monday, and the vessel - known only as the Gulfstream - will now be inspected by divers before being towed away, the energy ministry said.
The ship was found with no crew onboard after running aground and overturning off south-western Tobago. No emergency calls were made and local authori-
ties have been unable to find anyone responsible for the incident. Since then some 50,000 barrels of oil have leaked, damaging the Caribbean island’s pristine beaches and prompting the government to declare a national emergency.
In a statement, the energy ministry said the Gulfstream was now afloat in an overturned state 60m (197ft) deep in the sea, secured and supported by tugs. A team of divers will assess the tanker and remove any hanging debris that could impact its towing to the capital Port-ofSpain in Trinidad. The gov-
ernment has so far been unable to find who was responsible for the incident, which happened on the eve of the country’s carnival celebrations.
Soon after the spillage occurred, the authorities suggested the tanker had originated in Panama and had been towed by a tugboat. They said it appeared “to have been bound for Guyana”. The tugboat was never located. During a cleanup operation, some 1,000 volunteers worked alongside government staff on Tobago’s beaches. In May, Energy Minister Stuart Young
Male able-bodied Staff to work in general store. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.
estimated that the overall damage could reach $30m (£23m). In the first few weeks the oil spill spread hundreds of miles, reaching as far as the island of Bonaire, a Dutch municipality, in the Caribbean.
One middle age AfroGuyanese man is interested in a single female companion. Text or call : 662-2018.
SURINAME August vacation tour trip from 24-082024-29-08-2024 for more information. Call Matthew 639-2663 or WhatsApp: 673-2348.
2 Kitchen Assistant & 1 Roti Maker. Call : 665-5074 / 6031278. Driver, must have valid license for Car & Van. Must be able to assist in Workshop also. Call: 615-9132.
Wanted Maths Tutor. Call: 223-5273/ 223-5274.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Skilled labourer (road construction), 20 years or older & Welder / Fabricator, 30 years or older call: 613-0855 9am-4pm.
Canter driver needed, ages 30 years or older. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Call:613-0855 9am-4pm.
One Cook. Call: 223-5273/ 74.
One Salesgirl to work in a Boutique in Georgetown. Call: 698-7152.
Experienced utility operators (excavator, bulldozer, ADT) and Mechanics wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.
Experienced male Cooks Crew wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Rumion for sale, Model 2012, PTT Series. Call : 6715759.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/673-2348.
One Electrician needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Litigation/companies clerk. Experience essential, Applications with CV & References to Cameron & Shepherd / csmain@cameronandshepherd.com
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
Female cleaner for office call : 645-8443
Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Vacancy for salesgirls and boys at Lot 16, Public road Soesdyke. Call: 669-9258.
Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.
Nayelli school of cosmetology is n ow enrolling for cosmetology courses beginning September 9th, 2024, 211 New Market st. Call: 2262124.
FIRST AID/CPR/AED as well as home nursing courses at St. John Association starting shortly. Call: 225-9082.
1-320 D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 engine in excellent condition, if interested contact: 701-4000 Monday - Friday 8am-5pm.
Lawn grass, palms & flowers for sale. Call : 626-1044.
Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 698-1267/657-9121.
(ALJAZEERA) Gaza’s healthauthoritiesreportedat least 42 more deaths from Israeli attacks on Thursday, bringing the overall death toll since last Oct. 7 to 40,265.
A Health Ministry statement said that some 93,144 others have been injured in the ongoing assault.“Israeliforceskilled 42 people and injured 163 othersinfour‘massacres’of familiesinthelast24hours,” the ministry said. “Many peoplearestilltrappedunder therubbleandontheroadsas rescuers are unable to reach them,”itadded.
Israel has continued a brutaloffensiveontheGaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023, following a Hamas attack despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire. Over 10 months into the Israeli war, vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amidacripplingblockadeof food, clean water, and
medicine. Israel faces accusations of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which has ordered a halttomilitaryoperationsin the southern city of Rafah, where over one million Palestinians had sought refuge before the area was invadedonMay6. Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum says residents of Deir el-Balah are now lookingfornewareastoflee toafterIsraeliforcespushed deeperintothecityincentral Gaza. “The Israeli army is starting a new military incursion in the eastern areas, with residents in certain blocks asked to flee to the western parts,” he reported “We have seen families since yesterday morning until now who are fleeingfromtheseareas.The cars are loaded with basic furniture and they are lookingforanyemptyspace oflandinordertosetuptheir tents,despitethelackofany humanitarian aid, including
Gaza’s health authorities reported at least 42 more deaths from Israeli attacks on Thursday bringing the overall death toll since last Oct. 7 to 40,265.
food and water.” Moreover, Abu Azzoum said, Israeli army operations were not only taking place in central Gaza but continued “to expand to the northern and southern parts” of the Gaza Strip.Meanwhile,AlJazeera also reported that an Israeli official told The Times of Israel that a ceasefire deal would not mean the end of
thewarinGaza.“Solongas Hamas doesn’t agree to a deal, we will continue fighting,” the official was quoted as saying. “Even if they do, the war will continue. Of course, if there isadeal,therewillbealullin thefightinginthefirststage. But we will continue fighting until we achieve all ofourwaraims.”
Theinsistenceonthewar continuingechoesthewords of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who hashimselfinsistedthatany ceasefire deal still allow the Israelis to continue to attack Gaza, despite the US
insistence that a deal would lead to an end to the war Hamashasrepeatedlystated that any deal to secure the release of captives held in Gaza lead to a lasting ceasefireandthewithdrawal of Israeli forces from the enclave.
The talks between Egyptian, Israeli and US officials will focus on the borderasIsraeldemandsthat it maintain a military presence in the Philadelphi Corridor–thenameusedfor the stretch of land along the border,theUSnewswebsite Axiosreports.
Egypt has rejected any
long-term Israeli presence there, seeing it as a security threat. Hamas has also demanded the Israelis withdraw from the area, whichIsraeliforcescaptured in late May The Palestinian grouphasinsistedthatafull Israeli withdrawal from Gaza – including the Philadelphi Corridor – be part of any ceasefire deal. Theissueisamajorsticking point,andAxiosreportsthat BidenurgedNetanyahutobe “flexible” on the issue duringthetalks.
The UN agency for children’sRegionalDirector for Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr has urged world leaders to secure a ceasefire deal, warning that the daily violence in Gaza should not bethe“newnormal”. “With each day passing, the violence intensifies in #Gaza: small children’s bodiesbeingpulledoutfrom under the rubble, injured children crying in fear with no safe space or place remaining for them,” she posted on X. “The daily violence should not become the new normal World leaders have to act to save children’s lives. A ceasefire isneedednow.”
( A L J A Z E E R A )
Ukrainehaslaunchedoneof its largest drone attacks on Moscow, as it presses on with a major incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, Russianauthoritiessaid.
Russia’s Ministry of Defence said onWednesday that air defence forces shot down 11 drones over Moscowanditssurrounding region,withsomereportedly downed over the city of Podolsk some 38km (24 miles)southoftheKremlin.
“This is one of the largest ever attempts to attack Moscow with drones,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on the Telegram messaging app No damage or casualties werereported.
Drone attacks on Moscow are rare. Ukraine’s latest attempt to target the Russian capital appeared to be larger than an attack in May 2023, when at least eight drones were struck down.
Thebarragewaspartofa broader attack on Russia, withtheMinistryofDefence saying its air defence units destroyed 45 Ukrainian drones in total overnight. In
addition to the 11 drones destroyed over the Moscow region, 23 drones were downedintheborderregion ofBryansk,sixintheborder region of Belgorod, three in the Kaluga region, which borders the Moscow region to its northeast, and two in the embattled Kursk region, the ministry said. Russia’s state news agency RIA reported that two drones weredestroyedovertheTula region, which borders the Moscow region to its north.
Following the assault on Moscow, temporary restrictions were imposed overnight at Moscow’s Vnukovo,Domodedovoand Zhukovsky airports, but all three returned to normal operations later on Wednesday
Reporting from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Al Jazeera’s defence editor, AlexGatopoulos,saidgiven howwellprotectedMoscow and other Russian cities are “it remains to be seen whetherthisisadepartureor just a one-off by Ukraine’s militarycommand”.
Ukraine’s drone assault came as Russia struggles to
pushUkrainianforcesoutof Kursk, two weeks after the surprise incursion. Alexei Smirnov,theactingregional governor of Kursk, said one person was killed and two injured after a Ukrainian drone dropped an explosive on a vehicle Kyiv also claimed to have destroyed Russian pontoon bridges with US-made weapons to defenditsincursion.
A video posted by Ukrainian special forces showed strikes on several pontoon crossings in the region, where Russia has reported that Ukraine has destroyed at least three bridgesovertheSeymriver
“WheredoRussianpontoon bridges ‘disappear’ in the Kursk region? Operators accurately destroy them,” Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces said on Telegrammessenger
Hundreds of prisoners were taken and tens of thousands of civilians were forcedtoevacuatefollowing Ukraine’s lightning raid on Kursk onAugust 6. Ukraine now claims to control 1,263sqkm(488sqmiles)of Kurskterritory,including93 settlements.
T h e e x c i t e m e n t continues to build towards the One Guyana President’s CupwhichissetforSunday September 22, as organizers announcednineracesonthe provisionalprogram.
This event is organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee and will be held at the Rising SunTurf Club. More than G$15 million dollars in cash and prizes will be up for grabs on race day The feature race will
haveatotalpurseofcloseto six million dollars and the r a c e w i l l r u n a t
approximately eight furlongs. That race will be opentoallhorsesthree-yearold and over The winner of the President’s Cup will be awarded three million. All entrieswillonlybeaccepted by entry forms. As owners enter, that will be the gate draw Horseswillnotbeable to race without entry form.
Entry Forms for the President’s Cup will be at
Port Mourant Racecourse, Rising Sun Turf Club, Bush LotUnitedTurfClub&106 Smyth St Werk-En-Rust, Georgetown.
Other races on the provisional program includes the three-year-old Guyana and West Indian Bred, Sprint E Class for horses three-year-old and over, two-year-old maiden, H1 And Lower Open to G Class Non Earners on GuyanaCup,alsoopentoG Lass Non winners in Guyana, H3 and Lower, J ClassOpentoH3Nonearner inlasttwostarts,KClass/J3 Non-Earner Last Start and the L Class/J Class and K Class and Non Earner Last Start.
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Entries for this year’s President’sCupwillbeopen on September 11 and close on September 17. No late entrieswillbeaccepted.
Slingerz Racing Stables, whoarethereigningGuyana Cup champion with the newly imported Olympic Kremlin, will be out to defend their title. John Bull, anotherhorseoftheSlingerz Racing Stables, is the defending champion of the President’sCup.
All the top horses are fresh from intense action at the Guyana Cup, and those who were unable to
the score down inside nine overs, with the low scores being put down to uneven bounce and excessive seam movement But happily, that’snotthenormhere,and in 35 completed first innings in the CPL, the average first-innings score is145,which,inthelasttwo seasons, has increased to 158.
On the weather front, theremaybesomenervesas well after rain washed out mostofthefirstTest,which was held in nearby Port-ofSpain.Butthenewsisbetter for the T20Is. There are morning showers forecast forFridayandSunday-the days of the first and second match - which should clear by the afternoon. The third game,onTuesday,mightbe in some danger of being affected,butdownpoursare notexpectedtobeconstant, and a three-hour playing windowshouldbepossible. All three matches will start at3pmlocaltime.
West Indies speedster
Shamar Joseph was presented with tokens of appreciation from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) and The NewAmsterdamMayorand Town Council (NAMTC). The simple but significant ceremony was held recently attheNAMTCOffice.
Shadow Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport of the PNCR, Nima Flue Bess, and the NAMTC presented separate tokens of appreciation to the fiery WestIndiesspeedster
Joseph was presented with a gold wicket pendant and a canvas painting. The paintingdepictsthemoment when he captured five wickets on his test debut in December last year against
Toastswereofferedwith words of encouragement to the cricketer, who brought international recognition andfametohishometownin Baracara.
Attending the ceremony wereMayorWainwrightMc Intosh, Deputy Mayor Kirk Fraser, Councillor Polliann Shultz and Acting Town Clerk Devon Gallay among others In his latest appearance for the West Indies against South Africa at the Providence National Stadium in Guyana, he captured a 5-fer to chalk up thethirdofhisbriefcareer
Joseph has been outstanding thus far gaining the spotlight with several achievements.Amongthem, the record of scoring the
highestindividualscorebya West Indian number 11 batsmanontestdebut. Taking a wicket off the first delivery bowled in test cricket - becoming the secondWestIndiesbowlerto doso.
He took a five-wicket haul on test debut becoming the 10th West Indian cricketer to do so. He becamethesecondbowlerin test cricket history to complete the double of taking a wicket off the first delivery on Test debut and takinga5-fer
Joseph also became the first West Indian player to achieve the unique distinction of scoring over 50 runs and taking five wickets on debut. (Samuel Whyte)
Cotton Tree Cricket Club were beneficiaries of cricket uniforms from rice farmer Rusty Suenarine and hisfamily Atotalof35setof colored uniforms were presented during this week at the club. The uniforms included shirt and trousers andhatstosuit.
The West Berbice-based cricket club made great strides in recent youth tournaments and has produced cricketers for Berbice and Guyana youth teams.
Suenarine, who hails from Cotton Tree, has recognized the talent from
the club and found it fitting togivebacktoaplacethatis closetohisheart.
Additionally, Suenarine has took it upon himself to cover the expenses of a qualified coach to provide knowledge with training sessions to the Cotton Tree youths. Winston Smith of theBerbiceCricketBoardis the coach that will perform thisdutyatCottonTree.
Someoftheplayerswith inter-county experience are Rashad Gaffur, Arif Bacchus and Shoaib Gaffoor
In addition to the solid youth foundation at Cotton Tree,theclubhasdominated senior inter-club cricket in the West Berbice area in recenttimes.
Popularly known as the CottonTree Die Hard Club, theywerevictorsatthe2024 AJM Mash It Up T20 tournament which had a sold-outcrowdatBushLot, WestBerbice.
Right-arm fast bowling sensation Arif Khan is the most recognized youth playerthatclubproducedin recentyears.Herepresented Berbice and Guyana at youthlevels,andheistipped toplayfortheNationalteam inthenearfuture.
Another international title for Guyana’s racquet queen, Nicolette Fernandes, this time winning the Women’s +40 title at the World Masters Squash C h a m p i o n s h i p i n Amsterdam.
Undefeated throughout the tournament, Fernandes facedSamanthaTeraninthe finals, where the former World top-ranked squash player dominated her Mexican opponent in straight sets: 11-6, 11-4, 1110.
The former World #19 player has not lost a single set/match at this year’s championships.
In her opening match against Siobhan Parker, Fernandes, who entered the tournament as the top seed, securedadominant11-4,112,11-2victory
Facing the fifth seed, Milja Dorenbos of the Netherlands, the Guyanese star cruised to another straight-setswin:11-3,11-4, 11-2.
In the semi-finals, South Africa’s Karen Blom posed a challenge, but Fernandes proved why she was the top seed, winning comfortably 112,11-5,11-3.
Fernandes also won the Women’s +35 title in 2 0 2 2 w h e n t h e tournament was held in Poland
The former national basketball and hockey
player is the only Guyanese to win not just
one, but two World
M a s t e r s S q u a s h Championshiptitles Fernandes, during the t o u r n a m e n t , t h e championship made her fell in love with squash all over again, adding, “I have to admit,whenIsawtheplayer list it did drive a little bit of dreadandfearintome!”
“I was like, ‘Oh no, we’re gonna do this again!’ But they are two of the ladies I considered my friends when I was on tour, so to play them again is just a treat for me,”Fernandessaid Fernandes added she “had to have her arm twisted” to play at the 2022 World Masters in Wroclaw, but after
BarbadostrouncedadismalGuyaneseat Gilbert Park, California, by an innings and 46-runs to seal an emphatic victory yesterday as the U17 Rising Stars action continued.
Barbados made 188 all out in the first innings with Kevion Newton (37), Gadson Bowens(27),ShaquanBelle(24),Damarko Wiggins (28) and Captain Joshua Dorne (22)leading.
In-form left-arm spinner Golcharran Chulai returned 3-42 with help from Riyad Latiff (2-28) while four other bowlers grabbedawicketapiece.
St John’s, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) will hold an election for the VicePresidentonSeptember 20,2024.
This follows the recent judicial decision from the High Court of Guyana regarding the Vice President’s election, which has led to Mr Azim Bassarath vacating the position At the close of nominations, Mr Bassarath is the sole candidate, having been nominated by the Jamaica CricketAssociation andLeewardIslandsCricket Board.
The nominations were circulated as customary, and every territorial board, which constitutes the shareholders, was adequatelynotified.
CWI is being guided by
itsArticles ofAssociation in conducting this election to ensuretheprocessishandled withthehigheststandardsof democratic principles and transparency
The upcoming election will provide a timely resolution to the current vacancy of the Office of the
Fernandes won gold at the 2022 tournament.
winning the 35+ title there she “fell back in love” with squash after a period where she barely stepped on to a court following her retirement from the Tour and then the pandemic.
“I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy it, but I fell in love with the whole atmosphere, and here inAmsterdam it’s no different,”shesaid
“I played at this venue when I was growing up, so to come back and play with less pressure and m o r e e n j o y m e n t , amongst friends that I haven’t seen in decades, has been a real treat I’m justlovingit ”
GuyanathenlosttheirwayafterZachary Carter (6-24) kept them to 66 all out, with RampersaudRamnauth(21)thetop-scorer
After enforcing the follow-on, Guyana were mowed down for 76 in the second innings with Ramnauth matching his first innings score of 21 to end as the premier scoreryetagain.
Cartergrabbed3-33asheendedwith9 victimswhileXaundreBaptiste(4-8),R'Jai Gittens (3-6) had brilliant spells for Barbados.
Guyanawillspringintoactionagainon Sunday,August25.
President and reinforce CWI’s commitment to fair governance.
The organization looks forwardtothecompletionof this robust and transparent electoral process while continuing its efforts to advance the sport of cricket acrosstheregion.
(ESPN Cricinfo) - No points on the line No imminently looming World Cuptopreparefor Sportfor sport’ssake,who’dathunk?
The three-match T20I series between West Indies and South Africa is a contextual anomaly on the cricket calendar because theredoesnotseemtobeany reasonforit-otherthanthat it was scheduled to take place.Whilefans may see it as an opportunity to just be entertained, neither side’s coachingstaffwaswillingto take that approach. Instead, they’ve already begun a narrative of using these matchesasafirststeponthe roadtotheT20WorldCupin 2026, even as the memories from the 2024 event have barelyreceded.
West Indies hope to lay foundationforfuture
For West Indies, the failure to reach the semifinals of their home
tournament - after defeat against South Africaconfirmed to white-ball coach Daren Sammy that they need to work on their tournament-play “I want to become a championshipwinning team Right now, we are a series-winning team,” Sammy said “We beat one team over a threeor five-game period and we know what to do, but I want this team to become a championship-winningteam - where you can find and playadifferentoppositionin atournament,andbeableto come up with the goods everysinglegame.”
In the lead-up to this year’sT20WorldCup,West Indies came out on top in four out of five T20I series, including two against South Africa and one against England. At the tournament itself, they were unable to beat either side in the Super Eights, when it mattered
most Whether another series against South Africa can help West Indies overcome this issue is debatable, but it does allow Sammy to keep his core group of players together11ofthe15whowerepartof the World Cup squad are in this one - and hope the younger ones like Alick Athanaze and Sherfane Rutherford can learn from thelikesofJohnson Charles andRovmanPowell.
“Thoseguysof2016[the T20 World Cup West Indies won] are now the senior players,”Sammysaid.“It’sa combination of youth and experience.And by the time you look at the next 16 months, hopefully the game plan we put in place, the rolesandpersonnelwehave will tick all the boxes, and the championship mentality wearelookingforcancome tofruition.”
South Africa look to
developdepthintalent South Africa have taken the opposite approach, and brought only six of the 15member squad that reached their first men’s World Cup final as they try to create depth around the big names and among players who don’t always feature in T20 leagues. Quinton de Kock, David Miller, Heinrich Klaasen, Marco Jansen, Kagiso Rabada, Anrich Nortje,KeshavMaharajand TabraizShamsihaveallbeen given the series off, with recalls for experienced names like Rassie van der Dussen, and call-ups for promisingyouthlikeUnder19 World Cup’s breakout starKwenaMaphaka.
“It’s 18 months away from the 2026 World Cup. We’ve got nine series from nowuntilthen,whichleaves us with around 32 to 36 fixtures before that World Cup,” Rob Walter, South Africa’s white-ball coach, said “In terms of giving guys international opportunities and playing against quality T20 sidesnot every one of our players is a marquee player in the league-wehavetousethese opportunitiestoplayagainst strong opposition. We need to grow the base of our playersthatarecompetingat this level ”For me, the importance of fixtures like
these are massive The leaguesandthecongestionis a challenge, but actually it can be a positive for us in that we’ve got a broader group of players that are playing competitive cricket.”
Walter will also be looking for some level of consistency as he builds the squad. Before the 2024 T20 WorldCup,SouthAfricahad not won a T20I series in six attempts since beating Ireland in August 2022.
They went into the tournament with only two wins from their previous 11 games, though it’s worth remembering that they pulled off a stunning run of eight successive victories to reachthefinal.
Batters to watch: Nicholas Pooran and Reeza Hendricks
The highest T20 rungetter so far this year is Nicholas Pooran, who has played 54 matches and scored 1628 runs, including 11 fifties. He was also West Indies’highest run-scorer at theT20WorldCup,with228 runs in seven matches Pooran is known as one of the biggest hitters and best finishers in the game, and will be after a three-figure score to top off a stellar 2024.
Just181runsbehindhim this calendar year is Reeza
Hendricks, but the least profitable of South Africa’s topsixattheT20WorldCup. Hendricks scored 113 runs from nine games in the competition and, after missingoutonplayingeven asinglegamedespitebeinga partofthesquadatthe2022 tournament, may have a sense he did not fulfil his potential, especially as he just turned 35. ButWalter is backing Hendricks to keep going, and Hendricks will know the expectation is that runswillcome.
“Inmyopinion,35isnot too old. There’s many guys whoareplayingatolderthan that, and they’re playing the best cricket of their life,” Walter said “We are cognisant of age and building for the future, but also of wrapping younger guys with experience We want to get the balance right.”
The venue: Brain Lara Academy,Tarouba The ground staff at the BrainLaraAcademyarestill smarting from news that the surfacetheypreparedforthe T20 World Cup semi-final between South Africa and Afghanistan was deemed unsatisfactory by the ICC, andwillbekeentodobetter
As a reminder, South Africa bowled Afghanistan outfor56andchased
Infrontofadecenthome crowd, Guyanese squash stars Ashley Khalil and Ashley DeGroot clinched the 2024 Women’s Doubles title at the ENet Senior Caribbean Championship,
h e l d a t t h e n e w l y inaugurated National Racquet Centre (NRC) Doubles’Courts.
Playing before a vibrant and supportive crowd, Khalil and DeGroot delivered a spectacular performance,
ing Barbadian opponentsAmanda Haywood and Sumairaa Suleman with scoresof11-3and11-9
The electrifying final saw Khalil and DeGroot maintain theirdominanceonhometurf, securingthegoldmedalforthe third consecutive year Their previous victories came in Jamaica in 2022 and the CaymanIslandsin2023
Thewinwascelebratednot onlybythelocalcrowdbutalso by notable figures including Assistant Director of Sport Franklin Wilson, Guyana OlympicAssociationPresident Godfrey Munroe and Guyana Squash Association President, David Fernandes, among others The intense final showcased the depth of local
talent as Khalil and DeGroot demonstrated their exceptional teamworkandtacticalprowess
The duo’s victory was particularly poignant as it was achieved on their home soil,addingaspeciallayerof significance to their accomplishment. Khalil expressed her elation, stating, “I think it’s unbelievable, because the pressure was on us,” while DeGroot reflected on the support of the home crowd, saying, “It was nice to do this withthehomecrowdbehindus, so we’re happy to keep it home.”Earlierintheday,Khalil and DeGroot secured their placeinthefinalwithadecisive straight-sets victory over Jamaican competitors Mia
Todd and Mehar Trehan, showcasingtheirreadinessand resilience Khalil and DeGroot’s triumph not only reaffirms their position as dominant forces in Caribbean squash but also highlights the growing popularity and competitive spirit of doubles squashinGuyanaaswellasin the Caribbean “We only started doing Doubles in the Caribbean in the last four years,soIthinkwe’vestarteda nice trend here,” DeGroot concluded.
TheirvictoryattheNRC marks a new chapter in the CASA Women’s Doubles history, solidifying their legacy and inspiring future generations of squash players.
A decision was taken after a meeting with President of the Guyana Netball Association (GNA) Ailene Bowman and a committee that has an interest in the revival of the sport.
It was staged Friday last at the Regional Democratic Council of Region 10’s Boardroom and that outcome has led to a oneweek clinic for boys and girlsbetweenages8to17at the Mackenzie High School HardCourt.
The idea was floated to have a discussion with the GNAheadbyKeneshaDeyVenture, who was recently appointedRegionTenYouth Officer, and this prompted a visit to Linden by Bowman, an executive member of the GNA and former national playerDonnetteBoston.
They met with former LindennetballplayerDenise Belgrave, Odessa Adams, Businesswoman Dianta Phillips, Franklyn Kingston andveteransportsjournalist, JosephChapman.
The deliberations surroundedthedormancyof the sport in the town and at
GNA President, Ailene Bowman
thenationallevel,whichwas forabout15years,according totheGNAHead.
Thosepresentfeltthatan effort should be made as early as possible and it was agreed to have it in the comingweek.
Parents and guardians are advised to make contact withthefollowingpersonsto register or to request more
information on the clinic: DeniseBelgrave-630-5661, Dianta Phillips - 500-1205, Abdulla Hamid or Odessa Adams.
Theclinicistargeting30 players and the sessions for the children will be next Monday through to Friday from 9:00hrs - 11:00hrs at the Mackenzie High School HardCourtinRetrieve.
Ashley DeGroot (in motion) firing back a power return off of the side wall against Bajan duoAmanda Haywood and Sumairaa Suleman as Khalil locks -in on the play
Back-to-Back! Nicolette Fernandes showing off her World Masters Squash C/ship gold medal in Amsterdam.
West Indies will face SouthAfrica in all three
West Indies will face SouthAfrica in all three matches at the Brian LaraAcademy (Getty Images)