$164 million contract signed for new Mahaicony fire station


submits final brief to ICJ in border controversy case Chinese firm wins bid to build Corentyne River Bridge
$164 million contract signed for new Mahaicony fire station
submits final brief to ICJ in border controversy case Chinese firm wins bid to build Corentyne River Bridge
Wh i l e t h e contract has not yet been awarded for a seventh floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for ExxonMobil's Hammerhead development, Japanese floater specialist
Modec has initiated discussions with Chinese yards for an engineering, p r o c u r e m e n t a n d construction (EPC) contract to convert a Very Large CrudeCarrier(VLCC)intoa FPSO for the seventh project. This is according to reportsbyUpstream.
Industrysourcesfamiliar withthetalkstoldUpstream thatModechasshortlistedat least three yards, with the contract expected to be awarded next year The FPSO under discussion will serve as the centerpiece of ExxonMobil's seventh project in the prolific Stabroekblock,withfirstoil expected in 2029. Upstream has previously reported that Modec has the upper hand against Dutch rival SBM
O f f s h o r e f o r t h e
Hammerhead FPSO contract According to sources, Modec is already conducting preliminary engineering work on the vessel.
Back in October, ExxonMobil Guyana's PresidentAlistair Routledge highlighted the decision to utilize a converted unit for Hammerhead, citing the approach as a practical alternative to new build designs While converted FPSOsmaylacksomeofthe customizationandefficiency advantages of new build units,theycanoffercostand time-saving benefits. This m a r k s a s h i f t i n ExxonMobil's FPSO strategy Unlike its recent projects that have employed purpose-built FPSOs, Hammerheadwillfollowthe model of the Liza Destiny Guyana's first F P S O w h i c h w a s converted from a VLCC. The retrofitting process involves equipping an existing oil tanker with production, processing, and storage facilities to meet
o f f s h o r e o i l f i e l d requirements.
This year, ExxonMobil made an application to the Government of Guyana for its seventh projectHammerhead. However, the chief policymaker for the sector, Vice President, BharratJagdeomadeitclear that there is no guarantee approvalwouldbegranted.
Following the official application by the company, Jagdeo was asked to comment on the project when he announced that the
consultant to review the H
According to him, the information the company presented was incomplete. H
Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)hasadvanced their part in relation to the application that was made
Authorisationforitsseventh project
Exxon is aiming to receive environmental
Hammerhead project next year Routledge during a recentlyairedinterviewsaid, “Now, we're initiating the Hammerhead project. The first step is securing the environmental permit, which is underway We're hopeful that process will concludenextyear.”
Hammerhead is located in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells.
Productionisexpectedto begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operate for at least20years.
In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)
vessel will be capable of storingapproximately1.4to 2 million barrels of oil
Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making theoilavailableforexportto the international market. To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three projects
ready producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000 barrelsperday(bpd).
If Modec secures the contract, the Hammerhead project would become its second FPSO in Guyana, joining the Errea Wittu floater, which is currently beingbuiltforExxonMobil's Uarufieldandissettobegin operationsin2026. The Uaru project is located about 200km off the coastofGuyana.Theproject has a crude oil production capacity of 250,000 barrels per day, a gas production capacityof540millioncubic feetperday,awaterinjection capacity of 350,000 barrels per day, and a crude oil storagecapacityof2million barrels. After construction, the project will be designed and constructed by SOFEC, a U.S. subsidiary of the Company Itwillbemooredatseaat a depth of approximately 1,690 meters using a mooring system called spread mooring (multiple pointmooring).
Modec said that it plans to provide operation and maintenance services to ExxonMobilforthevessel.
Three of Guyana's top opposition parties- PNC, AFC, and WPA are all demanding that the government better secure better fiscal terms from ExxonMobilbeforeitgrants the permit for the seventh project-Hammerhead.
ExxonMobilhasmadean application to the seventh project, but Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo has said in the past that there is no guaranteeapprovalwouldbe granted During a press conference in August, Jagdeo when questioned on the seventh project said, “When and if…if and or when and if we approve the project then you will be told about what the benefits will be.”At that time, the former Head-of-State said the company had not yet made an application for the project.
Following the official application by the company, Jagdeo was again asked to comment on the project when he announced that g o v e r n m e n t h a s d i s c o n t i n u e d a n advertisement for a consultant to review the Hammerhead project According to him, the information the company presentedwasincomplete.
Hammerhead is located
in the south-central portion of the Stabroek Block, approximately 160 km from Georgetown. Current plans include drilling via drill ships to produce oil using approximately 14 to 30 production and injection wells.
Productionisexpectedto begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operate for at least20years.
In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA,thecompanyexplained thattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per day production capacity. The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel will be capable of storing approximately 1.4 to 2 million barrels of oil Third-party oil tankers will be scheduled to offload the oil from the FPSO, making theoilavailableforexportto the international market. To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza PhaseOne,LizaPhaseTwo, Payara,Yellowtail,Uaruand Whiptail The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 640,000
Speaking at his party's press conference on Monday, Co-Leader of the Working People's Alliance (WPA)Dr DavidHindssaid his party is concerned about government engaging ExxonMobil in a lopsided arrangement He said Guyana must leverage its 'sweet crude' for any future negotiations. Dr Hinds told reporters that “we (WPA) think, given what we have, given the volume of oil that we have, given the quality, the sweet oil that we have, we do have some leverage there, and that our government should exercise thatleverage.So,WPAisnot opposed to renegotiation withExxonthatwouldbring maximum benefits to our country.”
HeexplainedthatWPAis interested in ensuring that any future negotiations between Exxon or any other oil company, and the governmentarefreefromthe mistakesofthepastinterms ofthe2016PSA…” TheCoLeader of the party made it clearthatheisnotaskingthe government to take the membersoftheoppositionto the negotiation table when the negotiations are to be done,butratherthereshould be consultations with the
Hammerhead On Friday, during the party's weekly press conference, Kaieteur News asked whether the party believes there should bemorefiscalbenefitsahead oftheapprovalofthepermit.
political oppositions any other major stakeholders before engaging Exxon, highlighting that this is somethingtheyfeelstrongly about.
“We think that was one oftheweaknessesofthefirst negotiation. Secondly, we wouldlikesomeoftheissues that were raised about the first negotiation to be ventilated.”
Secureadditional benefits
Recently, the Alliance For Change (AFC) said that government needs to secure additional fiscal benefits for its people ahead of the granting of a permit to ExxonMobil Guyana for the 7 t h o i l p r o j e c t –
Chairmanoftheparty,David Patterson told reporters that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, who is also the country's chief policymaker on oil and gas, should focus his attention on deriving more benefits from the oil company “Jagdeo and the PPP instead of doing what they should be doing trying to make the country better are taking out the big stick method, threatening that they will withhold permissionon(7thproject),” Pattersonsaid.
The People's National CongressReform(PNCR)is also calling for better fiscal terms before granting of the permit for the seventh project. Advisortotheparty on oil and gas, Elson Low saidthepartyalwaysheldthe position that it is critical for the government to have d i s c u s s i o n s w i t h ExxonMobil to derive additional benefits for the peopleofGuyana.
Low was asked by Kaieteur News whether his party believes that more benefitsoughttobeobtained
before the approval of the project.“Itdoesn'thavetobe attheinstanceofthegranting of an additional permit, it couldbeinthenearfuture.It couldbethatthegovernment engages with consultants, andwithlegalrepresentation to have that discussion and prepare itself. Rather, we havenotseenanymovement onthatfront,”Lowsaid.
The government, opposition and several other stakeholders both locally and internationally have acknowledged the lopsided nature of the 2016 agreement,whichwaivesall taxes for the oil companies, requiring the government to pay Exxon and its partners' taxesfromGuyana'sshareof oilprofits.
The deal also grants Guyanaonlya2%royaltyon its resources and allows the companiestorecover75%of their investments before splittingtheremaining25%, with Guyana receiving just 12.5%.
Furthermore, the contract also lacks a ringfencing provision This means Guyana is covering thecostsofprojectsthathave not yet started production. Each month, future development expenses are added to Exxon's costrecoverylist.
As the Government of Guyana (GoG) continues to faceheavycriticismsforthe blackout of information on the use of the country's oil andgasrevenue,theAlliance For Change (AFC) has pointed to the lack of transparency in the billions of US-dollars being recovered by ExxonMobil andpartners.
Former Executive
D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams on Friday during the party's weekly press conferenceflaggedtheissue, calling for the cost recovery statements being prepared andhandedovertotheGoG, byExxon,tobemadepublic.
In highlighting the importance of thi
reminded that a whopping 75%eachmonthisdeducted bytheoilcompaniestowards cost. Be that as it may, he argued that the country is cluelessastowhatexactlyits oil is being used to fund.
“Wedonotseeabreakdown inthosenumbers.Wearenot evengettingintheauditasto what's coming out for operations and what's coming out for capital,” Dr Adamsargued.
Even in the case of a house mortgage, he said a schedule is provided with how the money is paid off.
To this end, the former EPA boss noted that while it is public knowledge that the Opposition has had difficulty in securing answers and gaining cooperation from the government, especially with regard to the oil and gas industry in the National
Assembly, efforts must continue in the House for transparencyinthisregard.
“Iwouldsuggestthatwe continue to persist in Parliament and ask for this kind of information to be released,ifnotinParliament tothepublic,”henoted.
Annex 'C' of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement between the GoG and ExxonMobil makes it explicit that the company is required each quarter to prepare a cost recovery statement.
It goes on to highlight that the statement must include: (a) recoverable contract costs carried forward from the previous calendar quarter, if any; (b) recoverable contract costs for the calendar quarter in question; (c) total recoverable contract costs; (d)quantityandvalueofcost
oil taken and disposed of by the contractor for the calendarquarterinquestion; (e) contract costs recovered for the calendar quarter in question and (f) total cumulative amount of contract costs to be carried forward into the next calendarquarter
The cost recovery statementforeachquarteris required to be submitted no later than 30 days after the endofeachquarter
Dr Adams told Kaieteur News in response to a question that these statements must be made public for the transparent managementofthecountry's resources. He was keen to point out that the audit process does not delve into all the expenses but a mere sample of costs incurred by Exxon.Thestatementsmade by the former EPA Head
comes in light of the recent disclosurebyVicePresident BharratJagdeothatalthough Guyana is paying for the assets being used in the offshore production of oil, the country is not a partowneroftheassets. The VP at his Thursday press conference explained, “It's a simple thing. You're not part owner of any company You don't own t h e s e a s s e t s S o , ExxonMobil puts in the investment. They create a company; the company has these assets. We are entitled toreceiveinthefuture,50%, once everything is paid off you are entitled to collect50%offutureprofits and they get 50% and then 2% royalty on the gr
On the other hand, Jagdeo said that if the
Former Executive Director
companywastodissolveand sell the assets, Guyana may thenbeentitledto50%ofthe assets. “Now if you have a dissolution of the company andtheysellofftheassets,I guessweareentitledto50% of the assets too in the situationwhereyoudissolve the company so I hope that clarifies your question,” he noted.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
season has begun Guyanese from all indications,intendonhavingagreatChristmas thisyear
This past weekend, the Capital was bursting withactivities,mostlyshopping
Weexpectthistrendtocontinueandintensifyas citizens descend on the shopping areas in the various towns and Regions to make their purchases
There is always a last-minute rush at Christmas
We urge all those who will be on the streets to be extremely careful at this time, more especially since our traffic situation is chaotic at best We urge the exercise of caution at this time and hope that drivers will consume in moderation or avoid at all drinkinganddrivingonourroadways
Let us do our utmost to keep the roadways safe As much also, we urge minibus drivers to observe the bus stops and only stop to put off and take in passengers at these points As much as we urge Guyanese to see the re-introduction of these stops as necessary for order to prevail on our streets, we hope that better judgment will be exercised in some instances when it comes to identifying the specific locationforsomeofthesestops
The traffic police ranks should also spend more time directing the flow of the traffic rather than shakingdownunsuspectingdrivers
Christmas is a time of the year also when we show concern for the needy and destitute In Guyana, these days, it seems there is no end to the number of persons who are in need of assistance We are particularly troubled by the large number of drug addicts who continue to roam our city, rummaging through rubbish bins and also in other cases posing problems for the safe disposal of garbage.
We hope that in the new year, some concerted but compassionate plan can be devised to get these people off the streets at places where they can be treated and cared for.
Whatever your plans for the Christmas holidays, we urge everyone to do a good deed at this time in keeping with the tradition of helping the less fortunate at this time Merely giving a beggar a $20 bill may allow that person to not become a bother
But doing a great deal more, making a difference through our own sacrifice, can lead to a feeling of contentment
And is this not what we all seek at this time?
All the spending, all the partying, the receiving and giving of gifts, the preparing of special meals and all the other things we do at this time of the year may help us to feel good But in the final analysis, it is only by being true to our innate values of goodness and kindness that will lead us to true satisfaction
All the material possessions in the world can never replace the satisfaction of making a real difference in the lives of others
Let us therefore in the few days remaining for Christmas begin to do this by first exercising care and caution, by being considerate of the suffering of others and by reaching to the less fortunate in more than just a meaningful way.
Over the past few months, prominent political figures have been consistently promulgating distorted and contorted information targeted to me regarding specific events of March 2020. Moreover, I have construed these statementsasslanderousand libellous as well as made withtheexpressintenttocast a shadow and doubt on both myselfandbyextension,the operational arm of GECOM which has the responsibility for planning and executing the activities related to ElectionsinGuyana.
Amidst the frequent protests in front of GECOM’s headquarters and through Press Conferences aswellasotherprogrammes aired via social media, there havebeennumerouscallsfor the resignation of both myself as well as the Chairman.Hereafter,whileI may refer to Chairman, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh, it is not my intention tospeakonherbehalfsinceI
believe she has adequately addressed relevant issues including: the call for a “clean voter’s list” and matters related to the allegations of “voter impersonation” at the ElectionsinMarch2020.
Mr Aubrey Norton, MP and Leader of the Opposition, in a Press Conference on the 8th November is quoted as saying: “Additionally, there is credible evidence that the Deputy CEO is a PPP plant that is carrying out the diktats of the PPP and is compromisedandunfittobe anemployeeatGECOM.”
“Itmustberecalledthatit wasthesaidAnealGiddings who disappeared with GECOM’s computer hard drivein2020inpursuanceof thePPPagenda.”“…Heisa political partisan and cannot be expected to be part of a free and fair elections process.”
Mr Norton,again,on5th December in a video clip posted on the People’s NationalCongressReform’s
highlighted: “The Chairman of the commission has proven that she cannot be impartial”; “the Deputy CEO who has responsibility for information technology is compromised and the in 2020election,heisknownto havemovedoffwiththehard drive of the computer in pursuance of the PPP agenda.”
t another Press
Conference on 6th
December, Mr Ganesh
Editor, I will not burden youwiththemyriadofother snippets of disinformation that have found its way to Guyanesebothlocallyandin the diaspora through prominent broadcasts of known characters and entities on this matter. Sufficeittosay,Ibelievethe time has arrived for me to provide the facts, for the consumptionofallwhomay be interested. Some of what is recorded herein was also tendered as evidence to the Commission of Inquiry into the Elections of 2nd March, 2020.
Section 96 of the RepresentationofthePeople Act,(Cap1:03)priortoits (Continuedonpage17)
paul, MP and Executive Member of the PNCRstated:“alotofthings were also reported about Aneal Giddings during that same period. I think there was some story about some flashdriveorsomeserver… sometechnologything.Iam not too versed in technology and Aneal Giddings ended up being now the Deputy CEO”; “A lot of things have been reported.”Hegoesontosay immediately after “the question is… what has been proven? and the answer is: absolutely nothing to date.” While feigning ignorance in the former statement, I do not believe that latter statement by Mr Mahipaul intended to defend me, especially since most of the utterances came from his leader, but it was, nevertheless, perfectly in order
DEAREDITOR, ExxonMobil sternly and sharply rebuts Craig Sylvester on accusation of moneypaymentstopolitical parties (Dec 08, 2024). I do not think Exxon directly funds political parties or directly gave money to politiciansinGuyana.
But how about rental payments (property) and for services (like car rental or taxis and entertainment) to politicians?Thereisquidpro quo. Is that not bribery or payment?Doesthatnotlead to influence on political parties by oil companies? There were and are credible reports in media outlets about corruption operations of oil companies globally includinginGuyana. No political party or politician in Guyana would refuse funds, and they have been known to accept unlimited money from businesses and individuals without transparency and accountability But no political party and or politician would want to directly accept money from Exxon in light of all the
negatives in the media on royalty and profit sharing; the country is royally cheated when measured againstglobalnorms.
Politicians are paid, it bribed indirectly Oil companies are known to bribe politicians and politicalpartiesandcleverly disguise their payments under normal expenses for rental, food, entertainment, local transport, etc. Exxon personnel patronize certain restaurants and catering halls and use certain caterers.Dotheyoverpayfor services?Whoknows?
Politicians and the political parties have been soft towards Exxon. Why? The political parties prior to 2015electionscommittedto renegotiatingtheoilcontract buthavefailedtodoso.The matter has not even been raised in parliament. Even the audit in which some US$300millioninexpenses was in discrepancy for 2018/19 has not been discussedandresolved.That isahugeamount.Auditsfor subsequent years have not been carried out as yet.
discrepancy for the first audit? And when will the other audits occur? And if there is no settlement of discrepancies in expenses, over billing by Exxon, then whyhaveanaudit?
What the country would like to know and or see is complete, transparent information on all oil expenses, particularly rentals: How much was spent annually in local rentals from 2018 till now?
Whatbuildingsorproperties were rented and from whom?Howmuchwaspaid for each rental? How many taxisandvehicleshavebeen rented and from whom?
Among the individuals and companies renting to Exxon are current and former politicians from both sides. My investigation reveals more politicians and business people affiliated withPPP,thanwithPNCand AFC, are beneficiaries of Exxonrentalpayments.And the amount is staggering in the tens of millions in American dollars annually
And that is how former and current politicians get their cut and make their massive pay day from the oil companies.Themiddleclass a n d p o o r a r e n o t beneficiaries And the amountpaidtoeachbusiness owned by politicians would be staggering. A thorough audit would expose the companies owned by politicians and those frontingforthem. There is an exclusive restaurant on Church Street patronized by Exxon personnel; the cost of a meal isbeyondtheaffordabilityof middle class. The top floor restaurant and the multistoreybuildingisownedbya high-profile government official The building is heavily protected Will Exxon open its book for a full and complete auditing onrentalandotherpayments andtowhoandwhen? If nothing to hide, all oil companies should open their booksforaprofessionalaudit and provide explanation on everymajorlocalexpense
Yourstruly, NathanBarton
ANUG takes note of a mischievous and malicious article issued by an online media platform “Guyana Daily News” with headingAFC/ANUG hold Coalition
TalksamidInternalDissentANUGunequivocallystate that we are indeed meeting, today,Dec9,2024,withthe Alliance For Change (AFC) and plan to meet with the o t h e r p o l i t i c a l parties/groupingsinGuyana in the immediate future ANUG categorically denies t h a t w e a r e i n “COALITION” talks with
the AFC and further, unswervingly, state that ANUG will not be in coalitiontalkswiththeAFC, PPP/CnorthePNC.
ANUG is committed to nation building and will leverage our resources for thebenefitofALLGuyanese whilst maintaining our politicalindependence.
ANUGatitsmostrecent press conference on Friday 6, 2024, did inform its members and the public at large that we will be reaching out to all political parties, the diplomatic missions, Civil Society,
Trade Unions, NGOs and G
Business Community and PrivateIndividualsetc.
Ourgoalistohaveinput from all of Guyana as we develop policies and policy framework reflective of all ofGuyana.
ANUG reiterates its most recent call for the fourth estate to do due diligence in presenting factual reports and desist frompartypropaganda.
A New and United Guyana
DEAREDITOR, For the government to openly admit to its inability to account for the spending of the funds f r o m t h e N R F i s sufficient grounds for a comprehensiveaudit Even the Opposition who has had trouble in the past with the i n c o n
i e n c e o f accurate mathematics has been able to clearly outline an appropriate accounting process for t h e t r a c k i n g o f expenditures associated with the funds from the
ly embarrassed that they have not been able to properly utilize the accountants within their administration
It does
a doctorate to accurately accountforexpenditures
W e m u s t h
responsible people in chargeoftheeconomy
Maybe it is time for the retirement of those who are incapable of doing what is required
spending of the country’s money
A strong fiscal policy and prudent expenditures ar
utmost importance
The benefits to be g a i ned from poor accounting are not for the scrupulous and those of integrity
Poor accounting and
management encourage
Withconcern, JamilChanglee
, It’s a pity that newspapers allow for ‘pelt andhide’journalism.
Thereisno‘face-off’and immediacy, and this allows for any and every Narcissistic Windbag to ‘mouth-off.’ Now Editor, I am using this kind of language based on what I read in “Who is Guyana’s biggestsycophant?”
This frothy piece was penned by ‘Born Again’
People’s Progressive
Party/Civic Freddie Kissoon,whohasbeenwellneutered into a complete Brodalisque.
HereistypicalFreddiein his role as one of, if not the chief PPP/C’s mouthpiece. He buses out that Peeping Tom is “… very nasty with people who support the PPP (as they are most)-fawning, groveling, and (and steeped in) rhetorical contortions (they are mere) political footstools (who) defy the standardsofhumandignity.”
Then, on the personal level, Freddie, in typical Odalisque-like manner, and performing the duties of an old,biliouscatamite,hesays that Peeping Tom “… is virtuallyaslavetoLall(and) cannotbelieveanyoneinlife can be so sycophantic.” It
gets worse, as the ‘Sycophant Epitome’ declares that “Glenn Lall is incapableofstringingwords
together (and can’t) pronounce the word, “apartheid ” Like heck, where do these fit into any intelligent writing that smacks of quality analysis and profundity of subject
Hereistheironyofitall. Freddie Kissoon typified ‘anti-PPP/C’ rhetoric and sentiments, and used the very man, Glenn Lall, and his platform, the Kaieteur News, before his descent intotheHobsonpit.
Just take a dip (and bet youwillbesaturated),aswas the case when he used to interminably sing ‘vitriolic’ solosagainstthePPP/C.
In “I feel personally insulted by what Irfaan Ali did” (April 15, 2019), in “KaiLalNews-sycophantic” mode, the ‘cacophony reads that “Most people are familiarwiththatoldsaying, “whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”IfIhadanyrespectfor
If I had any admiration forIrfaan,hehaslostit.Iam referring to his recent press conference in which he appointedKwameMcCoyto direct.”
Freddie was so enraged, and being devoid of substance, he ranted that “Irfaanhasgonemad.
Thegodshavedestroyed him. Of course, the gods rendered him incompetent before sending him off to Hades.” Freddie asks (and answers too) “How perceptive is Ali? The questionisheisn’tatall.
Just take a fleeting glance at any PPP rally for the past three months and you will see handsome and beautifulyoungpeopleinthe
crowd, many of whom have universitydegrees.
There is no need for me toexposeandembarrasshim further,butsufficetosaythat Freddie apparently believes he is quite ‘good-looking’ andhebringsthistohisvain arguments.
Justfigurethisout,ashe invites readers to scan the crowd, as they “… will see handsome and beautiful young people in the crowd, many of whom have universitydegrees…”andin this lot, there is the palpable absence of Kwame McCoy (as Freddie deems that he is not‘sogoodlooking’).
In his state of ‘then’ thralldom to Glenn Lall and the Kaieteur News, he concluded the wasted
exercisein“Ifeelpersonally insulted by what Irfaan Ali did” (April 15, 2019), by describing “Irfaan’s press conference as a disaster (as) It shows that he (Irfaan Ali) has learnt nothing from the four years which he has beeninopposition.
It shows that he may have learnt nothing from politics in general ” He buttresses this by offering that“TherelianceofthePPP onKwameMcCoyindicated that the PPPleaders will not change their attitude to politicsandthiscountry.”
What an apostate we havehereinFreddie.PPP/C has never and will never change.
So, I predict that readers can anticipate Freddie’s
future Chronicle pieces by simply going to Kaieteur News, and then ‘turnaround’ his myriads of poisonous outpourings against the PPP/C. All that the readers have to do is switch the attack, that is, make a ‘devil’ out of the current opposition, and ‘deify’thePPP/C,IrfaanAli, Jagdeo et al…same content, butanewtarget. My footnote: Freddie Kissoon is doubly sycophantic. He now reverentially idolises the party and people he only recently used to ‘demonise.’ So, now we all know “Who is Guyana’s biggest sycophant.”
Yourstruly, GaylordRiley
DEAREDITOR, I have read with interest an article published in the Stabroek News edition 0f Wednesday, December 4, 2024, ‘where seven small business operators were provided financial compensation, totaling $676,000 00, through the ‘Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme (AHAUP),’
through the Ministry of Housing and Water, department of Central Housing and Planning Authority
Editor,myfocuswillnot be on the recipients, since I am happ
resources made possible through the programme; successfully negotiated by FormerMinisterofFinance,
Mr Winston D Jordan
Therefore, it is imperative that I remind your readers thatthisprogrammeisnotan initiative of the PPP/C Government but one like many other programmes, which they inherited from the Coalition Government. The nature of the PPP/C is not to be fair, honest, and transparent, but a political party which in every regard
will seek to obfuscate the truth to make themselves look good and the Coalition Government be put in a negative position; as they continuously do with their now out of tuned lyrics, ‘Coalition Government did NOTHING!’Well,Iamduty bound to bring the FACTS and briefly share how this p r o g r a m m e w a s conceptualised during the
tenure of the Coalition Government. PPP/C must notbeallowedtotakecredit forotherpeople’swork.
Financing of the programmewasdonebythe I n t e r - A m e r i c a n Development Bank through the reformulation of the expansionandintegrationof the Basic Nutrition Programme.
The budget for the programme was approved for US$34 5M, with a durationfrom2017to2022, andwithafocusedobjective; toimprovethequalityoflife in the Urban and peri-urban Georgetown through better access to adequate housing and basic infrastructure for low-income populations, and through improved accessibility and mobility services.
Prior to the change in administration on August 2, 2020; the Coalition Government, through the Ministry of Communities, department of Housing and Water, the following activities were in progress and executed: application process completed (November 1, 2018, to February 1, 2019); beneficiary selection process in progress for Sophia; Infrastructural worksinSophiaCompleted; this included rehabilitation ofthe“C”Fieldplayground, roads, drains and culverts,
and verification exercises commenced in La Parfaite for subsidies and Core Homes.
Approximately two (2) years ago, I highlighted the discrimination and disadvantages faced by persons who were approved as beneficiaries during the assessment and evaluation conducted by the Unit of Central Housing and PlanningAuthorityunderthe Coalition Government Many persons engaged me and sadly stated that since the PPP/C came to office, they have not received feedback from the ministry The PPP/C in some aspect revised the programme to ensure that persons in their perceived stronghold areas benefitfromtheprogramme, while hundreds are disenfranchised.
Editor, I conclude by reminding the PPP/C regime, that I will not allowthemtocontinuously get away with their mendacious traits, without fact-checking and will represent the work of the Coalition Government, since they are narratives to share, which will aid in exposing the PPP/C for w h o t h e y a r e , untrustworthy, inept, visionless and full of dishonesty
Yourssincerely AnnetteFerguson,MP
DEAREDITOR, I read with admiration a letter penned by Mr TerrenceCampbellaboutthe malfunctioning of the Natural Resource Fund that appeared in your newspaper on Saturday December 7, 2024. The letter was also clear as to how the work of the Investment Committee has been hamstrung by the improper operation of the Fund.
Editor, that letter did threethingsforme. First,it reminded me that the NRF belongs to the people of Guyana and the resources enteringthatFundareatrisk. Second, I admire the willingnessofMr Campbell todefendtheinterestsofthe people of this country in the manner expected of those serving the public. Too many of our institutions are being destroyed by this government as it also tears down the guardrails of integrityanddemocracyand leave us exposed to the vicissitudes of its greed While Mr Campbell might notwanttobethoughtofasa
hero, I cannot help viewing him that way for taking his oathofofficeasseriouslyas he is in this environment in whichcorruptionabounds.
Third, the letter reminded me that we asked the government to manage the NRF for us and to be guided by the rules of the Fund. Thegovernmentwent throughthemotionofsetting up the institutions for the investmentandmanagement oftheFund.
As laudable as those actionswere,Ihavecometo realize that the institutions are occupied by spineless enablersofthegovernment’s contempt for Guyanese Instead of creating an oversight body, the governmentcreatedafaçade ofaccountability
It is for the foregoing reasonsthatImustthankMr Campbell for his letter and forlettingusunderstandhow vulnerableourNRFisinthe handsofthisgovernment.
Sincerely, MervynWilliams, Former Member of Parliament
Guyanahassubmittedits final written brief on the meritsofitscaseagainstthe Bolivarian Republic of Ve n e z u e l a t o t h e International Court of Justice(ICJ)inTheHague. Accordingtoastatement issued by the Ministry of Fo
ign Affairs and International Cooperation, the brief, officially entitled
Guyana's Reply to
's CounterMemorial, was personally delivered to the Registrar of
theCourtbyHisExcellency Sasenarine Singh, Guyana's AmbassadorinBrussels. Inthemeritsphaseofthe case,eachpartysubmitstwo written briefs Guyana's Memorial was submitted on 8 April 2023 Venezuela submitted its CounterMemorialoneyearlateron8 April2024.Guyana'sReply, filed on Monday December 9, 2024 responds to that Venezuelanbrief.Venezuela will have the opportunity to respond to Guyana's Reply
with its Rejoinder, due on 8 August2025.TheCourtwill in due course set a date for oral hearings Guyana welcomes Venezuela's engagement in the merits phaseofthecase.
Guyanabeganthecasein March 2018 following the determination by United Nations Secretary General AntónioGuterresthathehad chosen the International CourtofJusticeasthemeans tobeusedforthesolutionof the controversy between the
Guyana is seeking the Court'sconfirmationthatthe 1899 Arbitral Award which determined the international boundary with Venezuela is legally valid and remains binding on both States as a matterofinternationallaw
Although Venezuela recognizedthevalidityofthe Award and accepted the boundary for more than 60 years,itchangedpositionon the eve of Guyana's independence, rejected the
Award and asserted a claim to more than two-thirds of Guyana's territory in the EssequiboRegion.
Ve n e z u e l a h a d previously sought to have the case dismissed by the Court, filing two separate objectionstoitsjurisdiction, in 2019 and 2022, respectively
The Court rejected Venezuela's objections, both times by overwhelming majority InDecember2023, in response to Guyana's request brought on by Venezuela's threat to seize and annex Guyana's territory, the Court ordered the parties to refrain from any actions to disturb Guyana'sadministrationand control of that territory pending the conclusion of the case.In the release, the Government of Guyana said
andInternational Cooperation, Hugh Todd
itisfullyconfidentthatithas shown, in its Reply, that Venezuela'schallengestothe Arbitral Award and the international boundary, as set forth in its CounterMemorial, are entirely without merit, and that the Court will ultimately confirm the validity, finality andlegallybindingnatureof both the Award and the boundary
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Monday commendedtheGuyanaBankforTradeandIndustry(GBTI) on the launch of GBTI GROW, an innovative division dedicated to addressing the unique needs of small and medium-sizedbusinesses(SMBs).
ThePSCsaidthattheinitiative,unveiledatMonRepos, East Coast Demerara (ECD), represents a strategic and forward-thinking commitment to advancing the growth and sustainability of SMBs in Guyana. The PSC acknowledges the vital role SMBs play in driving innovation, creating employment, and contributing to Guyana's socio-economic development.
“GBTI GROW provides a comprehensive suite of financial products and advisory services tailored to support SMBs in overcoming challenges, enhancing their competitiveness,andrealizingtheirgrowthpotential.GBTI's strategic decision to launch this unit in Mon Repos demonstrates a clear understanding of the dynamic opportunities within this region and its surrounding communities,”thePSCsaid.
TheplannedtransitionoftheMonReposlocationintoa full-service branch is a noteworthy development that will furtherenhanceaccesstoabroadrangeofbankingsolutions, supportingbothpersonalandbusinessfinancialneedsacross Guyana.
ThePSCsaiditisencouragedbytheremarksdeliveredby GBTI's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Shawn Gurcharran, which underscored the Bank's steadfast commitment to fostering entrepreneurship, providing targeted support to underserved markets, and partnering with SMBs to drive inclusiveeconomicgrowth.
Additionally,theinsightssharedbytheSeniorMinisterin theOfficeofthePresidentwithresponsibilityforFinance,Dr Ashni Singh, “aptly highlighted the timeliness and significanceof this initiativein Guyana's rapidlyexpanding economy.”
“The establishment of GBTI GROW is a testament to GBTI's proactive approach to banking innovation and its alignment with national objectives for sustainable development,”thePSCsaidnotingthatthenewinitiativeisa modelofcorporateleadershipandameaningfulcontribution toGuyana'sevolvingfinanciallandscape.
“The Private Sector Commission remains committed to workingcollaborativelywithGBTIandotherstakeholdersto strengthen the ecosystem for small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring that they continue to thrive and contributetoGuyana'seconomicprosperity,”thebodysaid.
It must be exhausting toliveinsideBharrat Jagdeo’s head. The man wakes up every morning and decides which bygone fiasco from the archivesofGuyanesehistory that he can breathe life into next.
His latest candidate for r e i n c a r n a t i o n ? A development bank Yes, folks, that’s right—another swing at this pińata of government-sanctioned debt.AndhereIwasthinking the after-life was supposed to be for humans, not institutions that repeatedly failedus.
Forthoseofyoukeeping score, Guyana’s past e x p e r i m e n t s w i t h d
opment banks resemble the tragic plots of Shakespearean drama, only lessentertaining.Remember theGuyanaAgriculturaland Industrial Development Bank (GAIBANK)? Or the G u y a n a N a t i o n a l CooperativeBank(GNCB)? These institutions were supposed to be the shining knights of affordable financing, but instead, they fellintothemurkywatersof political meddling. Loans were handed out like free candy—only the trick was on the taxpayer, who ended up footing the bill when many of those politicallyfavoured “businessmen” forgot to repay their huge debts.
Jagdeo’s recent musings about bringing back this failed idea has me wondering if he’s trying to write the sequel to Groundhog Day He knows thisstory’sendingaswellas we do bad loans, bad decisions, and a big, fat bailout waiting at the finish
line Yet here we are, listening to him talk about developmentbankslikeit’sa possible pana
mic shortcomings. Tobefair,theconceptof a development bank isn’t inherently ridiculous In theory, it’s supposed to a d d r e s s m a r k e t failures lending where private banks fear to tread, likelong-terminfrastructure or agriculture projects. But theory and practice are two different beasts, and in Guyana, they’re practically strangers.Theprivatesector loves to dream of development banks as magicalATMs, spewing out
c h e a p l o a n s B u t development banks aren’t just about low-interest financing they’re about catalyzing growth in sectors thataretooriskyortooslow forprofit-drivenbanks. In small economies like ours, where the financial system is about as robust as wet paper, introducing a development bank isn’t just risky—it’s an invitation to rent-seeking. That’s a fancy termforwhathappenswhen politically connected folks use public resources for personal gain. We’ve seen this movie before, and spoileralert:theherodoesn’t save the day Instead, the taxpayers are left clutching thebillwhilethepoliticallyaligned villains ride off into the sunset, smug and debtfree.
Andlet’snotforgetabout t h e “ c o n t i n g e n t liabilities”—a phrase that sounds boring until you realizeit’sshorthandfor“the government will be bailing this out when it all goes south.” Imagine the PPP/C,
adding yet another financial albatrosstoitsneck.It’slike watching someone who can’tswimdiveintothedeep end with a bag of rocks aroundtheirneck.
But what really boggles the mind is how Jagdeo can bring up the idea of a development bank with a straight face. This is the same man who launched, within CARICOM, the Jagdeo Initiative on Agriculture, a plan so ambitious, it could have rivaled the Green Revolution—if only it had leftthedrawingboard.
Morethanadecadeafter andwhatdowehavetoshow for it? A concept paper A concept paper, people. The Caribbeanisstillwaitingfor their green revolution while the latest half year report on Guyana’seconomysuggests thatthecountryisimporting more food, not less than before. The PPP/C seems to have perfected the art of what I like to call “aspirational governance ” Grand plans are thrown out, enough to excite the populace and, in this instance, the local private sector And then…nothing. We have had this idea of a development bank before… underthesameJagdeo. What failed then, is not likely to work now The
r e s u r r e c t i o n o f a development bank fits perfectly into this pattern. It
s o u n d s b o l d a n d
visionary until you rememberthatwe’vetriedit before, and it was a disaster in one era and a non-starter in another So, here’s a revolutionary idea for Jagdeo and company: insteadoftryingtoresurrect a failed institution, why not
Dem boys seh, once upon a time, deh had a government minister who decide he gongotodedoctorfuhafullcheckup.De man walk in de office looking like he just losehebestfriendandallhemoneyatsame time.
Helookreallydownindedumps.Itwas just left fuh he cry He sit down, hold he headinhehand,andtelldedoctor,“Doc,I in a bad state. Every time I look in de mirror,Ifeellikecryin’.Mehbellysagging like a hammock, meh face full of blotches like it tek sandblast, and meh losing meh hair on meh head in handfuls. Doc, I lookinguglybadandoutofshape.Wahyuh thinkwrongwidme?”
Dedoctorsitdown,watchhegood,and thenseh,“Honestly,Iain’tsurewahwrong
focus on fixing the existing banking system? Guyana’s private banks may not be perfect, but they’re not beyond repair Strengthen them, expand them, and encourage them to lend to the sectors that matter Yes, it’s less glamorous than announcing a shiny new development bank, but it’s also less likely to end in tears—and by tears, I mean another multi-billion-dollar bailout.
So, here’s my advice to the PPP/C: before you start
wid yuh, but one ting I can tell yuh: yuh eyesightperfect!”
Demboysseh,deministerlefdeoffice more vex than when he walk in. De man seh,“ImagineIpayalldismoneyfuhhear dat!”
But de truth is, dis minister ain’t need no doctor fuh tell he wah wrong. He need somegoodoldcommonsenseandmaybea new mirror! Dem boys seh, some people doeslookeverywhereelsefuhdeproblem, butdemcan’thandledetruthwhenitright infrontdemface—literally!
So if yuh see yuh reflection looking rough, don’t blame de mirror And if yuh can’t handle de answer, don’t ask de question! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
building a development bank,takeagood,hardlook at the ruins of the ones that came before. And then ask yourself: Do we really need anotherinstitutiontofailus? Or should we focus on building something that actuallyworks?Forthesake ofGuyana’staxpayers—and my sanity I hope they choose the latter But given the PPP/C’s track record, I won’t hold my breath.After all,governanceinGuyanais nothing if not predictable. And, as with any good comedy, sometimes all you candoislaughtokeepfrom crying.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The PPP Government's chief strategist, chief policymaker, chief salesman, and chief trash talker, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo had something to say the otherday No! to any Opposition involvement in the national procurementapparatus. Too much delay and destruction. To emphasise how adamant heis:hell,NO! Issueraised; caseclosed. Let it not surface again. Inclusion, anyone? Should
the VP object to me putting words in his mouth, I would gladly rescind them all Nonetheless,Idohavesome words of my own for him, Excellency Ali, and the entire PPP machinery Fastenseatbelts,please. The PPP Government anditspropagandistsmaylie to themselves, then deceive Guyanese about little corruption, or hide behind new projects. They are lying, distracting Corruption is PPP culture,
crisis Thus: no to opposition in key areas Then, what about civil society? Patriotic civil society,notPPPcivilsociety PresidentAli could call 100 fore day morning verbal slugfests,butcorruptionand distrusts are ca
decimating his government. Icouldwriteamillionwords t
n procurementisnegligible(it is not), and it wouldn't matter Citizens would laff. It is how perceptions rage
about pervasive corruption in tender and tender oversight within the government's corruption complex. Dr Jagdeo could comeupwithhis95percent clean contract business scenario, and all he does is make himself sound and lookcomical.
Toputallthiscursingand condemning of the PPP for chronic corruption to rest, Dr Jagdeo has one clean shot. Hisbestbetoutsideof ethical civil society presences is to invite the political opposition to be partcrucialdecision-making areas, such as procurement. Letthemdisturbanddistort, then deal with them. But that may be too demanding for Jagdeo's delicate anticorruption constitution. He can, however, still open the door for adversaries to haveobserverstatus. Dueto cynicism, I have misgivings about many opposition presences around tenders, contractawards,andsuch. It doesn't take much locally to make good men do lovely imitations of a turtle, i.e., capsizethemselves.
For a share of the booty, naturally And who has more money than the PPP Government of Ali and Jagdeo? It is enough to makeaSupremeCourtjudge forget his ethics. Still, I believe that with an opposition presence around theentirebid-awardprocess, the positives outweigh the nasty.
The PPP Gov't proves it is clean (nothing to hide). Prove it's open (no fear). Prove it is about 'oneness' (not divisive). Who could go wrong doing so? Yeah, butthegravyistoosweet.
The bad luck for this government is that most of
its people are too damn greedy They want all the rich procurement returns for themselves. It is big, big money Whateverthegoing [percentage]ratethesedays, with hundreds of billions in contracts to be awarded, which crooked government would be open to having its sworn(supposedly)political opponentsinthehenhouse? Therefore,thedollarlogicis unbeatable. Leavethingsas they are, let the good procurement times roll PresidentAli'tryating'afew Tuesdaysback,butwasvery careful to walk the narrow line of late completion of projects. Forthelifeofhim, the president was not going to go anywhere near the contract (public works projects) corruption monster Regardlessofhow reckless the president may sometimesappeartobe,heis not that irresponsible to so much as touch the Achilles heel of his own government andparty
Excellency Jagdeo has settled for the more delicate operationofthedelicatessen meat carver: he slices matters so thinly that it is surprising that he hasn't lost ajointortwo.
In all this, neither President Ali nor Vice President has done much to persuade of their anticorruption credentials
No question that both of them have proven themselves to be brash talkers on most issues, including corruption, but withlittleofsubstance. The unexplained wealth of their cronies mocks their platitudes. In thinking of these two noble political sons of Guyana, the butcher's business comes to mind. Excellency Ali believes that brandishing a verbalmeatcleaverwillhelp him to bowl over issues and inquirers. All he does is splatter himself, making matters worse. In contrast,
As one example using the Big Boss's own representations, he noted that 95% of contracts awarded could past any filter: from the tender process to the performance ofthewinners. Considering that58%ofthisyear'sinitial $1 146 trillion went to infrastructure in some shape or form, the result of that is $558 billion for building from scratch or refurbishing what could use a facelift. The 5% (according to Bossman Bharrat) of contracts that may be iffy still amounts to a mouthwatering $27.9 billion, which is a huge amount for a country where 2outof5citizensdon'thave enoughtoeatdaily
Corruption is killing this country Yet leading politicians gaff about it, make fools of Guyanese. Anynon-PPP(gov'torparty) presencecouldhelpeasethis national sickness. It could be the opposition, civil society, activists, or others. Theycanfunctionasbrakes, as watchdogs, unless they also get infected by the corruption virus It is lifelong.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP/C Government are doing everything in their powers to be opaque as ever with the management of this country's resources.
Last week when he was asked why government does not give a proper account as to how the oil money is being spent, Jagdeo was quick to offer one of those silly excuses and try to obfuscate the issue by saying that doing so would be very difficult. We strenuously disagree with Jagdeo.
It is not “very difficult” to deliver the kind of transparency Guyanese need with withdrawals from their Natural Resource Fund (NRF).
In typical fashion, what Jagdeo doesn't want to reveal, he wraps in mud. He gives this long, drawn out speech, so that oil withdrawal transparency is clouded in a hail of words. Jagdeo came up with 89 words that filled a page about how “very difficult” it is to deliver transparency, but still left nothing but blankness. The question is why is the much-needed transparency on withdrawals from the NRF causing he and his PPP/C Government so many fits?
What is there to hide, why does he have to go to these lengths of disingenuousness?
The construction of the Corentyne River Bridge
between Guyana and Suriname will be executed by China Road & Bridge Corporation, a construction firmfromChina.
Quoted in a Bloomberg article on Sunday, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill confirmed the contractor and said that the company was agreed upon
by both Guyana and Suriname. This publication reported that the Corentyne River Bridge, is a project beingundertakenbyboththe governments of Guyana and Suriname.
Kaieteur News had reported that China Road & Bridge Corporation was among three bidders that submitted proposals to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office last year.At that opening, it was revealed that Ballast Nedam Infra Suriname bid US$325,400,000 for the
contract, while China Road & Bridge Corporation bid US$236,173,962 Another Chinese company – China Railway Caribbean Company Limited also submitted a bid but the amountwasnotlisted.
According to media reports, both Guyana and Suriname governments had requested funding from China for the project. The governments are still awaiting the financial approval.
In a Department of Public Information article last year July, Minister Edghill was quoted stating, “We have gone through the full tender process, we have a preferred contractor at the endofanevaluationprocess and both governments have agreed to approach our partner, the Republic of China to finance the project.”
He disclosed then that Suriname's President, Chandrikapersad Santokhi
An artist's impression of the proposed Corentyne River Bridge between Guyana and Suriname.
minister posited that once the financial agreement is finalised,constructionofthe bridge will begin, DPI had reported Kaieteur News reported that the bridge will be constructed using the Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Maintain (DBFOM) model. It will be done through a PublicPrivate Partnership (PPP) arrangement This means thatthesuccessfulcontractor or joint venture will be responsible for its final design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance.
The Ministry of Public Works said the bridge will span the Corentyne River from South Drain in Suriname to Moleson Creek in Guyana, and is slated to havealifespanof100years.
In May 2022, the consultancy assignment for the Feasibility Study and Detailed Designs for the Construction of the bridge was awarded to WSP Caribbean, amounting to US$2 million The assignmentincludedvarious
works such as topographic assessment, hydraulic and hydrographic studies, traffic demand analysis, financial and economic evaluation, environmental assessment, and the preliminary design ofthebridgeandroads.
The bridge will span approximately 1,100 metres in length with 22 spans measuring 50 metres each. The sub-structure will be designedtowithstandminor vessel impact The carriageway is expected to span around 10.05 metres, accommodating two lanes underregularconditionsand three lanes during emergencies or controlled situations. Additionally, the bridge will feature utilities inside the box girder, which will include an inspection path width of 260 metres, among other features. The infrastructure project holds immense potential for fostering economic growth, strengthening regional integration, and improving transportation links between the two neighbouring nations.
Acting Chief
Magistrate Faith
M c G u s t y , recently assigned to preside over the 2020 election fraud case, is set to deliver a ruling on December 30 regarding whether the case should start anew
This decision follows a series of oral submissions made on Monday at the Georgetown Magistrates'
C o u r t D u r i n g t h e
proceedings, Special
Prosecutor Dharshan Ramdhani KC (King's Counsel) argued for a summarytrial,whileDefence Attorney, Nigel Hughes called for a "de novo", meaning a fresh start to the proceedings.
Theissueofrestartingthe trial had previously been raised, with the defence requesting a new trial after nearly four years of delays. However, the prosecution opposed this request, leading to the court ordering written submissions from both sides todeterminewhetherthecase shouldstartanew
In his arguments on Monday, Ramdhani emphasised that "de novo" orders are typicallyissued by the High Court, suggesting thatthemagistratereconsider prior rulings made by other magistrates.
He argued it would be more appropriate to proceed with a summary trial, adding thatifthecaseweretorestart, the prosecution should present its case first before anyevidenceisheard.
On the other hand, Hughes insisted that the trial should begin anew, noting that, with a new magistrate presiding, the case should be treated as if it were being heard for the first time, free fromanypreviousrulings.
After hearing both sides, Magistrate McGusty indicated that she needed additional time to make a decision and scheduled the next court hearing for December 30, 2024, to announce her ruling. Following the hearing, Defence Attorney Hughes expressed his views on the prosecution's proposal for a summarytrial.
“He is clearly opposing, I thinklegally,thelawisnotin his favour, " Hughes remarked.
In contrast, Prosecutor Ramdhani stated, “It is our hope that regardless of how the magistrate rules, the matter will have to start, whether as a preliminary enquiryorasasummarytrial. We will ask for the earliest
Former GECOM Chief Elections Officer (CEO), KeithLowenfeild
Acting Chief Magistrate, Faith McGusty
possible dates in January to beginthesematters.”
The trial, which began on July 29, 2024, has faced multipledelays,notablywhen SeniorMagistrateLeroyDaly fell ill onAugust and applied for sick leave in September 2024.
Magistrate McGusty took overthecasefollowingDaly's absence, raising procedural questions about whether the case should be tried summarilyorindictably
The case involves nine defendants facing 19 charges of conspiracy related to the March 2020 general and regionalelections.
The accused include former GECOM Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield; former ReturningOfficerforDistrict Four Clairmont Mingo; former Depu
y Chief Elections Officer, Roxanne Myers; former Minister, Vo l d a L a w
c e ; APNU+AFC's Chief Scrutineer, Carol Smith Joseph; and former GECOM
February, Enrique Liven, Michelle Miller, and Denise Babb-Cummings.
The charges allege that, betweenMarch 2 andAugust 2, 2020, the accused conspired to manipulate the resultsofthe2020electionsat A
defrauding the electors of Guyana.
People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR) member, VoldaLawernce
Former Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO), RoxanneMyer
Former District 4 (Demerara-Mahaica), Returning Officer ClairmontMingo
People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR)member, Carol Smith-Joseph
Guyana has made considerable progress in realising several human rights for citizens, owed to the government's “rights-based” approachtodevelopment.
This strategy has proved instrumentalinreducingdisparities betweenurbanandruralareas,and empowering vulnerable groups, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, GailTeixeira has said. She made the assertion on Monday as she addressed the opening ceremony of the Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Expo, whichwasheldattheArthurChung ConferenceCentre.
The minister outlined that over theyears,rightstohousing,internet connectivity,andtoacleanandsafe environment have been critical areas of development. “The right to housing is particularly interesting for women, because 40percentofthehouseownersin Guyana are female,” she pointed out. This is a major step forward, according to the minister, especially against the backdrop of the poverty-ridden state of Guyana's economy during the late 1900s.
Thisisalsothecasewithaccess to clean water and healthcare.
According to Minister Teixeira, thereisnowalsogreaterequalityin the households. She explained that while household work is still mostly done by women, there is a push to have men share more equallyintheseresponsibilities.
Additionally, investments in telecommunications, internet, and satellite communications have improved access to services, especially in rural and hinterland areas.
This is made possible through programmes such as the Solar HomeSystemsProjectandtheICT Acces
Hinterland, Poor & Remote CommunitiesProject.
“All of us as citizens, government,privatesector…itis our responsibility to promote, protect and preserve democracy and human rights, and most of all,tomakesurethateveryoneis treated equally Our democratic governance has become better, m
participatory than before,” she underscored.
The minister also pointed to
n programmes that target vulnerable populations like the elderly, children and persons with disabilities These programmes provide cash transfers, healthcare subsidies and similar support, helping to reduce poverty and improve living standards Similarly, the government is investing heavily in education and training,throughinitiativeslikethe Guyana Online Academy of Learning(GOAL)andtheBoardof IndustrialTraining(BIT).
Further, the rights of Indigenous people are recognised
and protected, and this includes their rights to land and cultural heritage. The PPP/C government empowers Guyana's Indigenous communities to participate in decision-making processes and benefit firsthand from the development initiatives unfolding acrossthecountry
“We are trying to create resilientinstitutionsthathavethe capacity and the competency to reduce corruption, to not only preventandreduceit,butalsoto uncover it and to prosecute it,” the parliamentary affairs minister said.
The Human Rights and AntiCorruption expo aims to raise awareness on this, on December 9 and 10 from 10 AM to 5 PM, and features over 40 interactive booths by government ministries, constitutional agencies, statutory bodies, and international organisations. Patrons have the opportunity to access services, gather information, and engage directly with these agencies. The expo also features insightful panel discussions on building resilient institutionsandcollectiveactionto protect human rights and combat corruption.(DPI)
Thefirsteverfirestation for Mahaciony in Region Five will cost government approximately $164 million toconstruct.
This is according to the Ministry of Home Affairs whichsigned$593millionin contracts on Monday for several infrastructure projects which include both capital investments and recurringworks.
Currently,theclosestfire stations supporting the Mahaicony area come from Mahaica and Onverwagt, WestCoastBerbice(WCB).
Signing the contracts withtheconstructionfirmsat the Ministry's Brickdam office was Permanent Secretary Mr Andre Ally According to the ministry, theseprojectsaimtoenhance public safety and improve operational efficiency and that it underscores the government's commitment to advancing critical infrastructure and fostering developmentacrossGuyana.
n contracts signed, it was
administrative building at the Lusignan Prison in R
$165,984,252. ThePShadsignedovera $164,464,666 contract to KNVDesigns,Construction, andSuppliestoconstructthe Mahaicony Fire Station, while a contract for the Onderneeming Fire Station in Region Two will be done byTeon Peters Construction Services at a cost of $174,150,924. Additionally, repairs to Officer Living Quarters at Fairs Rust will be done by Civil EC Engineering Solutions for $7,200,000,
repairstotheEnmorePolice Outpost will be executed by V. Ramlal Contracting Service for $2,525,500, and repairs to the Clonbrook Police Outpost will also be carried out by V Ramlal ContractingServiceatacost of$2,677,000. Further, a contract was signed for the supply and installationofFirePumpfor the Ministry of Home Affairs, and this will be supplied by contractor MS Trading for $2,600,000.The Permanent Secretary during his brief address to the contractors noted the importance of adhering to safety standards. He told them, “Every worker must be equipped properly, and weexpectthehighestquality in execution within the budgetandtimelines.”
According to the ministry, the PS highlighted the role of project engineers and supervisors as liaisons forsmoothcoordinationand encouraged contractors to promptly address any challenges This structure aims to promote open communication regarding anychallengesthatmayarise during project execution, Mr Ally related. “As the fiscal year concludes, the Ministry is prioritising the prompt commencement of these initiatives,” the ministryshared.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Monday refuted
reports that Deputy
Superintendent of Police
Phiona Harris, the ImmigrationOfficerincharge
of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), wastransferredfromherpost.
On Sunday, Kaieteur NewsreportedthatHarrishad been transferred due to her alleged involvement in allowingAdonikaAulder,the wife of embattled Assistant
Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus,totraveltotheUnited States of America on Thursday
“The Force recognizes and respects the ruling of the court, which permitted Ms. Aulder to travel overseas for medical reasons. In keeping with this directive, due process was followed to facilitate her departure. A discussion took place between Superintendent Stephen Telford, Deputy Chief Immigration Officer,
and Deputy Superintendent Harris, which resulted in the necessary arrangements being made to comply with the court order,” the police said.
TheGPFmadeitclearthat Harris did not act outside of her authority nor did she violateestablishedprotocols.
“Contrary to reports
circulating, Deputy Superintendent Harris was nottransferred.
Aulder and Brutus faced several money laundering charges and are currently on bail. Aulder is accused of withdrawing $352,082,315 fromherbusiness'saccountat Republic Bank in December 2023, allegedly knowing or havingreasonablegroundsto believe that the funds were derived from criminal activity
The Deputy Chief Immigration Officer, Mr Telford, did not issue any transfer orders, nor was there any directive from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) of the Guyana Police Force regarding such an action,”policesaid.
Some of the vehicles that were stopped during the exercise (Radio Eve Leary photos)
Furthermore, the GPF rejected claims that officers involved in this matter were being threatened with demotion, transfers, or criminal charges. The Force reaffirmed its commitmentto upholdingtheruleoflawand ensuringthatallmembersare treated fairly and in accordance with established
Although the High Court had initially denied Aulder, who is pregnant, and Brutus permission to travel to the United States for medical treatment on October 18, 2024, Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty grantedpermissionforAulder to leave for emergency medical treatment on
Aulder appeared before Magistrate McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, accompanied by her lawyer,EusiAnderson.
The pregnant woman is expected to return to Guyana for her next court appearance onDecember18,2024.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) recorded 82 traffic cases between 23:20h and 01:30h on December 8 and December 9, 2024 along the Kitty Seawalls, between the Kitty roundabout andCampRoad,Georgetown.
Police in a report issued on Monday said, “The traffic enforcementexercisefocusedoncolouredlights,heavilytinted motorvehicles,andothertrafficviolations.”
Policesaidthatthereweretwobreachesoftheconditionof aProvisionalDriver'sLicence,whilefourindividualsfailedto produce their Driver's Licence when requested.Additionally, twocasesinvolvedunlicenseddrivers,andtwoothersrelatedto thebreachesofinsuranceregulations.
Notably, 16 violations were noted for failure to meet prescribed fitness conditions for vehicles. Safety was also compromised, with 14 individuals failing to wear safety helmetsandthreepillionriderstravelingwithouthelmets.
In terms of vehicle visibility and compliance, seven vehicles had tinted front windows, and two lacked identification marks on the front, while one was missing the rear identification mark. Furthermore, 20 cases of obscure numberplateswererecorded,alongsideoneunlicensedmotor vehicle.
Tothisend,fivearrestsweremadewhile20revocationsof fitnesses were recorded. Seventeen motorcycles and two motorcarswerealsolodged.
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
Experienced bus driver for Region #3, Must have a valid bus license. Contact : 60079618/ 703-7133 or email : e.e.transportgy@gmail.com
Live-in Babysitter / Cook age 45-55 years old. Experience would be an asset. Contact : 681-4662.
Help Wanted: Join 592 Rides as a Driver!- Download the 592 Rides app from your smartphone's app store.
Single male seeks a live-in Domestic Partner, Light housework. Salary $60,000 monthly. Call: 603-9085.
Part-time Driver, 5 years experience aged 30-45 years old, preferably from E.B.D. Tele: 665-0677.
Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
Drivers / Porter. Contact : 223-5273 / 621-5907.
Porter Vacancy at Vegetarian Gardens. 68 Robb & Cummings G/Town. Tel:2277714 Cell:640-0673
Receptionist Vacancy at Hick’s Ville Hotel. 79 West Ruimveldt Estate G/Town. Tel :231-0951/640-0673 Email:info@vegeworld.net
Maid to clean for east bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female cleaner. Call : 6159132 / 645-8443.
One (1) painter & Male cleaner 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Pump Attendant (6am-2pm & 2pm-10pm).Mobil Providence E.B.D, Call: 265-7306. Email:Mobilramsburg@gmai.com
Receptionist, Supervisor , Laundry attendant 23-50 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
One day Guard to work around Ogle area. Call: 2275222 or 617-4662.
Vacancy for experience and non-experience sewing machine operator at Lall's Garment Enterprise Lot 6 Friendship E.B.D.
Guyana has recorded a 33 percent reduction in murders caused by domestic violence for the year 2024, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud said on Friday at an event held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.
“When we started with all of our measures, there was an increase in cases at first. Now, there has been a decrease and this may be as a result of more people reporting or maybe because more responses are forthcoming. But this does not mean that we should sit around, we still have work to do,” the minister explained.
Some of the measures implemented by the ministry thus far includes the Community Advocate Network (CAN), the 914 hotlines, the iMatter app and the Hope and Justice Centres.
As it relates to the CAN initiative, the ministry trains interested persons within various communities to respond to gender-based violence.
Some of the other services that are offered by the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security to eradicate gender-based violence.
Additionally, the 914 tollfree hotline is the ministry’s main reporting tool for victims to reach out for help. The hotline is operated on a 24hour basis.
improvements where persons can chat with not only personnel from the ministry, but they will also be able to talk with a lawyer, councillor or a survivor advocate.
Meanwhile, the Hope and Justice Centre is a holistic building designed by the ministry in collaboration with the Ministry of Legal Affairs where any form of help can be found.
This includes, counseling, police report and access to an attorney. The CAN initiative helps in decentralising the reporting of domestic violence.
For this year, some 6,000 calls were recorded through this medium. Out of that number, 182 calls dealt directly with domestic violence.
On the other hand, the iMatter is another chat-based system to report on any type of violence.
According to the minister, very soon the app will see
With all these measures being put in place, Minister Persaud stressed the importance of the government in creating a safe country for every gender. “We will continue to make these significant steps so that we can work to eradicate violence against everyone. We have to make it known what we are
doing so people can utilise these resources,” the human service minister stressed. She encouraged persons to continue to report on any form of domestic violence. (DPI)
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918 ENTERTAINMENT
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
For sale 1 320D Caterpillar Excavator with 3066 Engine. Contact :701-4000
Seeking single Female roommate no pets, no kids $120,000 located at betterhope. Contact: 6098881.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
One Unregistered Nissan XTrail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526. Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Palestinian death toll in besieged Gaza Strip rises to 44,758 amid relentless Israeli attacks, health authorities say.
Aljazeera - Dozens of Palestinians – including women and children – have been killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza, health authorities say, as a power outage threatens the lives of more than 100 patients at a hospital in the besieged territory’s north.
Gaza’s Health Ministry said on Monday that 50 people were killed the previous day and 84 others were injured as Israeli forces committed three “massacres” in the territory. An Israeli drone attack in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Monday morning killed three people, sources told Al Jazeera. “[The victims] were
trying to leave their home in search of food in the vicinity of their neighbourhood when they were targeted by a drone,” said Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from central Deir el-Balah in Gaza.
“They were killed right away. Their bodies are still in the street and nobody has the ability to get to the bombed site and remove the bodies from the street.”
Jabalia has been under Israeli siege for 65 days, with thousands of Palestinians being denied access to food and water supplies, leaving many starving. “Jabalia has been turned into a graveyard,” Mahmoud said.
Overnight, an Israeli attack in the southern city of Rafah also killed 10 people while they had lined up to buy flour. Mahmoud said because of the limited delivery of humanitarian aid going through the southern border, scenes of hunger similar to northern Gaza were also happening in the south. In central Gaza, where our correspondent is reporting from outside Al-Aqsa Hospital, bodies were also piling up at the medical facility’s morgue following the latest Israeli bombing of a residential building in the Bureij refugee camp. At least nine members of one family, most of them
women and children, were killed in the attack, Mahmoud said. “The agony keeps on unfolding here at Al-Aqsa Hospital, where survivors and relatives showed up early this morning to collect the bodies from the morgue of the hospital,” he said. “At some point, the morgue of the hospital was packed with the bodies and there was not enough room for more bodies.” ‘Extremely dangerous’ Meanwhile, in northern Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital, the head of the facility, Hussam Abu Safia, said the lives of more than 100 patients were in danger after electricity, oxygen and water supplies were cut.
During the recent
opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, several proposals were opened for secondary school projects being undertaken by the MinistryofEducation
The ministry had initially tendered for bids
Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: MinistryofEducation
FinancialSupervisionServices ConstructionofDistrict10SecondarySchool.
FinancialSupervisionServicesConstructionof NewBlockCummingsLodgeSecondarySchool.
for the construction of the District 10 Secondary School, the Cottonfield Secondary School, the Kopinang Secondary School, the Kaneville
Secondary School, the Dora Secondary School and for a block at the C u m m i n g s L o d g e Secondary
Following that, the
FinancialSupervisionServicesConstruction ofKanevilleSecondarySchool
FinancialSupervisionServicesConstruction ofCottonfieldSecondarySchool.
I did not disappear with
Frompage04 amendment in 2022 and whichappliedtotheGeneral and Regional Elections of 2020states:
The Chief Election Officer shall, after calculating the total number of valid votes of electors which have been cast for each list of candidates, on thebasisofthevotescounted and the information furnished by returning officers under Section 84 (11), ascertain the result of the election in accordance withSections97and98.
The Chief Election Officershallprepareareport manually and in electronic form in terms of Section 99 for the benefit of the Commission,whichshallbe thebasisfortheCommission to declare and publish the election results under Section99.
Presiding Officers are responsible for the counting of votes after the close of Poll on Election Day This process culminates in the production of Statements of Poll (one for the General component and another for the Regional component).
These SOPs are transmitted totheirrespectiveReturning
Officersandaseparatecopy provided to the Chief Election Officer. The amendments made in 2022 nowavailacopyoftheSOP totheChairman. As the Information TechnologyManagerduring the2020period,Iwasgiven the specific mandate of managing and executing the tabulation of Statements of Poll of the Chief Election Officer(hereinreferredtoas the CEO’s tabulation). This process was parallel to that of each Returning Officer and not a requirement in the l e g i s l a t i o n Notwithstanding, and in ordertocomplywithSection 96(2),theCEO’stabulation isasortofcheckandbalance to the work of Returning Officers and delivers a complete box-by-box report in digital form to aid in expediency for transmission totheCommission.
On 5th March, 2020, many would recall the infamous bomb scare which caused the Guyana Police Force to request an immediateevacuationofthe Ashmins Building It is important to note that this building served several purposes:i)theOfficeofthe
ReturningOfficerofRegion # 4; ii) the Media Centre (both located on the ground floor); ii) the Tabulation Centre (located on the 1st Floor);andtheOfficeofthe Chief Election Officer (located on the 2nd floor). The Commission also had a space to conduct their meetings.
On receiving guidance fromAssistantCommissioner ofPolice,Mr EdgarThomas,I instructed all staff under my supervision to evacuate the building and proceed to the assigned muster point. I, together with another technical staff, remained behind to secure SOPs and other documents which were inprocessaswellastoexecute the backup protocols on the serverwhichhadasignificant amount of data already encodedtherein.
Duringthistime,thethen Deputy Chief Election Officer, Roxanne Myers entered the facility and inquiredwhetherthebackup could be placed on removable media and handed over to her This instruction was, in fact, a departure from bestpractice, and standards outlined in our protocols
ministry recently went out
supervisory services for theseprojects
supervision service is to ensure the contractors fulfill its contractual obligation and that the project is completed to standard
FinancialSupervisionServices ConstructionofDoraSecondarySchool.
FinancialConstructionof KopinangSecondarySchool.
since such data is usually securedbyITpersonneland depositedatapredetermined s e c u r e l o c a t i o n . Nevertheless, I complied withthisaberration.
Considering the extant threat, I instructed my staff to power down and disconnecttheserversothat it could be moved to a more secured location especially since I had surrendered my only copy of the backup data The server was transportedbymeoutofthe building,againsttheprotests of DCEO Myers, and into the parking lot of the Ashmins complex where I placed it in my vehicle and proceeded to the evacuation point since there was no other secured area in the building. Multiple attempts to communicate with then CEO, Keith Lowenfield, for guidancewerefutile.
At no point in time did I “disappear” with either the server or any component therefrom It remained safely inside my locked vehicle until it was returned totheTabulationCentrelater during that same day when the Guyana Fire Service completedtheirwork.
many days elapsed and it wasnotuntilthe16thMarch, 2020 where I received a s i g n e d i n t e r n a l memorandum from DCEO Myers (copied to the CEO where I was instructed to “provideacogentreasonfor actions observed at
GECOM’s Command Centre for GRE 2020". In her missive, she outlined what she considered to be “the unauthorised removal of the agency’s server” and further stated that “… cited abovecouldbeconsidereda breach of the election procedures”andIwasgiven 48 hours to respond I diligently complied and, in myresponse,(copiedtoboth the CEO and Chairman), I detailed the account and my reasons for extracting the server from the Tabulation Centre. I also respectfully requested a copy of these “electionprocedures”which I would have allegedly breached.
It is my hope that, in an effort to allay any concerns of the electorate or stakeholdersoftheelections process, this letter provides some clarity into what actuallytranspiredonthe5th March,2020.
Sincerely, AnealGiddings Deputy Chief Election Office
Editor, I received no return correspondence, no phone call from either Ms. Myers, Mr Lowenfield or Justice Singh, nothing. The Commission met on numerous occasions afterwards and, to my knowledge, no discussion washeldwithregardstothis issue. As a matter of fact, subsequent to Order 60 of 2020, the Commission through the Chief Election Officer appointed me to be theTabulationSupervisorof the National Recount. This decision undoubtedly provedthattheCommission found no issue with my actionscitedabove. Lastly, I will completely disregard statements which paint me as a political operative. I have not, nor will I ever, in the execution of my duties, do anything that favours any political position, in support of any politicalpartyortheiragents My duty is to the people of Guyana, in accordance with relevantlawandCommission policy directives for which I haveswornanOath
Ousted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s prime minister said he had agreed onMondaytohandpowerto the rebel-led Salvation Government, a day after the rebels seized the capital Damascus andAssad fled to Russia.
Theimminenttransferof power follows 13 years of civilwarandtheendtomore than 50 years of brutal rule bytheAssadfamily,leaving Syriansathomeandmillions of refugees abroad hopeful yet deeply uncertain about theircountry’sfuture.
Oilpricesrosemorethan 1% on Monday, partly on concerns that uncertainty in Syria, which is not a major oil producer, could raise regional instability, analysts said.Damascusstirredtolife on Monday, with traffic returning to streets and people venturing out after a nighttime curfew, but most shopsremainedshut.
Fightersfromtheremote countryside milled about in the capital, clustering in the central Umayyad Square “Wehadapurposeandagoal andnowwearedonewithit.
We want the state and security forces to be in charge,” said Firdous Omar, who said he had battled the Assad government since 2011 and now looked forwardtoresumingworkas
a farmer in provincial Idlib. Assad’s prime minister, Mohammed Jalali, told Al ArabiyaTVhehadagreedto hand power to the Salvation G o v e r n m e n t , a n administration based in rebel-held territory in northwestSyria.
He said the handover couldtakedaystocarryout.
The main rebel
commander Ahmed alSharaa,betterknownasAbu Mohammed al-Golani, met overnight with Jalali and Vice President Faisal Mekdad to discuss a transitional government, a source familiar with the discussions told Reuters Golanihasvowedtorebuild Syria.
Al Jazeera television reported the transitional authority would be headed byMohamedal-Bashir,who ran the Salvation Government before the 12day lightning offensive swept into Damascus. The advance of a militia alliance spearheadedbyHayatTahrir al-Sham, a former al-Qaeda affiliate, was a generational turning point for the Middle East.Therebelsweependsa war that killed hundreds of thousands,causedoneofthe biggest refugee crises of modern times and left cities bombed to rubble, countrysidedepopulatedand the economy hollowed out
Assad’s police state was knownasoneoftheharshest in the Middle East, holding hundreds of thousands of political prisoners On Sunday, elated inmates pouredoutofjails. Refugees could finally go home from camps across Turkey,LebanonandJordan. European countries put Syrians’asylumapplications on hold pending greater clarity on the situation in
Damascus Regional governments including Iran
scrambled on Monday to forge new links with the insurgents Qatar opened contacts with HTS and plannedtospeakwithBashir on Tuesday, an official told Reuters.
The U.S. has been in communication with Syrian groups including through intermediaries, the State Department said. The Arab world faces the task of reintegrating one of the Middle East’s pivotal states, whilecontainingthemilitant Sunni Islam that has in the past metastasized into the sectarianviolenceofIslamic
Highlighting the fluidity ofSyria’spoliticalsituation, U S Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday predicted Islamic State would try to re-establish its capabilities in the country during the transition. But he saidtheU.S.wasdetermined not to let that happen, citing U.S. strikes on about 75 Islamic State targets in centralSyriaonSunday HTSisstilldesignatedas a terrorist organization by many states and the UN, althoughtheUKsaiditcould consider lifting the label. The group has spent years trying to soften its image to reassure foreign nations and minority groups within Syria.
One of the last areas to falltotheinsurgentswasthe Mediterranean coast, heartlandofAssad’sAlawite sect and site of Russia’s naval base. Two Alawite residents said so far the situation had been better than expected, seemingly without retribution against Alawites.
Near Latakia, a rebel delegationmetwitheldersin the Assad family’s hometown of Qardaha, and the Alawites signed a statement of support for the
rebels, three residents told Reuters.
Assad’s fall wipes out one of the main bastions from which Iran and Russia wielded regional power Turkey, long aligned with Assad’s foes, emerges strengthened Israel said Assad’s fall was a direct consequence of Israel’s punishing assault on Iran’s Lebanese allies Hezbollah, who had propped up Assad foryears.
Since rebels entered Damascus, Israel has struck sites in Syria including bombingatleastthreemajor Syrian army air bases on Monday Israeliofficialssaid those airstrikes would carry on for days to keep Assad’s former arsenal of heavy weapons out of hostile hands.
SaudiArabiasaidIsrael’s seizureofabufferzoneinthe Golan Heights would “ruin Syria’s chances of restoring security.” But Israel told the U.N.SecurityCouncilthatit was not intervening in Syria’s conflict and had taken “limited and temporary measures” solely to protect its security The Kremlinsaiditwastooearly to know the future of Russia’s military bases in Syria Russian news agencies reported that rebel leaders had guaranteed the safetyofthosebases.
(Reuters) - At least 110 mostly elderly people have been brutally murdered by gang members in the Haitian capital, Port-auPrince, according to a humanrightsgroup.
The National Human Rights Defence Network (RNDDH)saidalocalgang leader had targeted them after his son fell ill and subsequentlydied.
The gang leader reportedly consulted a voodoo priest who blamed elderly locals practising “witchcraft” for the boy’s mysteryillness.
TheUnitedNationssaid the number of people killed in Haiti so far this year in spirallinggangviolencehad reached “a staggering 5,000”.
While details from the massacrearestillemerging, theUN’shumanrightschief VolkerTürkonMondayput the number of people killed over the weekend “in violenceorchestratedbythe leader of a powerful gang” at184.
Thekillingshappenedin t h e C i t é S o l e i l neighbourhood of the capital.
According to reports, gangmembersseizedscores of residents aged over 60 from their homes in the Wharf Jérémie area, rounded them up and then shot or stabbed them to death with knives and machetes.
Residents reported seeing mutilated bodies beingburnedinthestreets.
RNDDH estimated 60 were killed on Friday while another50wereroundedup and murdered on Saturday, after the gang leader’s son had died of his illness
WhileRNDDHsaidthatall the victims were over 60, another rights group said some younger people who had tried to protect the elderlyhadalsobeenkilled.
Local media said that elderly people believed to be practitioners of voodoo had been singled out becausethegangleaderhad been told his son’s illness hadbeencausedbythem.
Rights groups said the man who had ordered the killings was Monel Felix, also known as Mikano Mikanoisknowntocontrol Wharf Jérémie, a strategic
area in the port of the capital.
AccordingtoRomainLe Cour Grandmaison, a Haiti expert at the Global Initiative against Transnational Crime (GITOC), the area is small but hard for the security forces topenetrate.
Local media said that residents had been prevented from leaving WharfJérémiebyMikano’s gang,sonewsofthedeadly killingswasslowtospread.
Thegroupformspartofthe Viv Ansanm gang alliance, which controls much of the Haitiancapital.
Haiti has been engulfed in a wave of gang violence since the assassination in 2021 of the then-president, JovenelMoļse.
Data gathered by GITOC shows there was a decline in the murder rate
between May and Septemberofthisyear,after rival gangs had reached an uneasytruce.
But attempts by the gangs to expand their territory beyond their strongholds in the capital have led to particularly bloody incidents in the past two months, with ordinary residents rather than rival gang members
being increasingly targeted On 3 October, 115 locals were killed in the small town of PontSondé in the Artibonite department
That massacre was reportedlycarriedoutbythe GranGrifganginretaliation
forsomeresidentsjoininga vigilante group to resist attempts by Gran Grif to extortlocals.
If confirmed, the death tollgivenbytheUNforthis weekend’s killings in Cité Soleil, would make it the deadliestincidentsofarthis year
Withgangsincontrolof an estimated 85% of Portau-Prince and increasingly large swathes of the countryside, hundreds of thousands of Haitians have been forced to flee their homes.
According to the International Organization for Migration, more than 700,000 people - half of them children - are internally displaced across thecountry
Farouk/Joel Rambirche 2110,21-10
Under 17 Boys Doubles
S F – R u e l Rambiriche/Gabriel Felix
v s . C h r i s t o p h e r
Jordan/Ronit Gulchand 2111,14-21,21-18
Under 13 Mixed
Doubles Finals – Joel
Rambirche/Anjaneysa Godette vs Christopher Harrison/Anyha Hassan 212,21-2
Under 17 Mixed
Doubles Finals – Gabriel
Felix/Mishka Beharry vs Ruel Rambriche/Gabrielle
Men’s Singles Finals –
Akili Haynes vs. Tyrese
Under 19 Boys Doubles
F i n a l s – F r a n k
Waddell/JoanathanDebidin vs Ruel Rambirche/Vishal
Under 19 Girls Doubles
F i n a l s – M i s h k a
Behary/Leshaunte Berkley vs Neveah Eastman/Malia
– Priyanna Ramdhani vs Mishka Beharry 21-12, 217
Under 17 Boys Doubles
F i n a l s – R u e l
Rambiriche/Gabriel Felix vs. Egan Bulkan/Ethan Bulkan21-12,21-14
The Winners of the categoriesare:
2nd Chr
1st Joel Rambirche & AnjaneysaGodette
3RDNathanMohalall& AnandPersaud
2ndMohamedFarouk& JoelRambiriche
1stEhanBulkan&Ethan Bulkan
3RD Nikolas Pollard & AvinashRamnarine
3rd Christopher Jordan &RonitGulchand
2nd Egan Bulkan & EthanBulkan
1st Ruel Rambiriche & GabrielFelix
2nd Nevaeh Eastman & MaliaHaley
1stMenikshiJaikisson& GabrielleFelix
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
u to
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Red Dragons, kept Oneonta competitive throughout the firstday
However, it was the second day that truly belonged to Tyrrell In an exhilarating display of skill, he shattered two pool records First, he claimed victory in the 100-yard backstroke, setting a new Cortland pool record with a blistering time of 5130 Not tobeoutdone,hefollowedup withanotherrecord-breaking swim in the 200-yard backstroke, finishing with a time of 1:54.93, further imprinting his name in the Oneontarecordbooks.
3RD Nikolas Pollard & HarshiniMuralidharan
3rd Ronit Gulchand & MenikshiJaikissoon
2nd Ruel Rambiriche & GabrielleFelix
1st Gabriel Felix & MishkaBeharry
3rd Gabriel Felix & JonathanRobinson
3rd Percival Chester & RonitGulchand
2nd Vishal Gopaul & RuelRambiriche
1st Frank Waddell & JoanathanDebidin
3rd Ashley Forde & HarshiniMuralidharan
2nd Nevaeh Eastman & MaliaHaley
1st Mishak Beharry & LeshaunteBerkley
3rd Vishal Gopaul & MenikshiJaikisson
3rd Haresh Persaud & MaliaHaley
2nd Joanathan Debidin &LeshaunteBerkley
1st Frank Waddell & MishkaBeharry
The Presentation followed the finals and the medalsandcashprizeswere presented by Mr Kareem M u n r o e o f M a s s y Distribution (Blue Water), Mrs.AyannaWatsonofSOL Guyana and Mr Chet Bowling of Amaila Car Rentals.
Tyrrell capped his day withastrongperformancein the 200-yard freestyle relay, where Oneonta finished second.
Despitethedisappointment ofnotrepresentingGuyanaon the world stage, Tyrrell’s achievements at SUNY Oneontaareatestamenttohis dedicationandrelentlessdrive. AstheRedDragonspreparefor their next meet against CortlandonJanuary24,there’s no doubt that Delroy Tyrrell will continue to be a powerhouse in the pool, reinforcing his tremendous talent.
The Red Dragons also showcased their collective talent, with junior Nicky Byrd earning a notable fourth-place finish in the 400-yard IM, and senior James Llewellyn clinching victory in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:49.57.
Frompage27 the opportunity to be a part ofthis
project.We had an incident-free event, which is very important in
tournament, and we are thankful to the players and fans that supported the initiative, and we can only growandimprovewitheach edition. We will take the momentum of the West Demerara leg into the other areas that are slated to commencein2025.”
TheFinalsoftheGokarn Ramdhani Memorial Badminton Tournament was held on Sunday evening at the National Gymnasium and several champions were crowned in the various categories.
Thereweremanynotable improvements especially among the juniors and this was commendable as announced by the Guyana BadmintonAssociation.
On Saturday the quarter finals and semi-finals were held and the following matcheswereplayed:
The results of Day Two areasfollows:
Quarter and Semi-Finals -Day2Matches–Saturday, December7th,2024
Women’s Singles QF –Michelle Astwood vs Nevaeh Eastman 23-21, 2022,21-17
Men’s Singles R16 –Avinash Odit vs Egan Bulkan21-8,20-22,21-11
Men’s Singles R16 –Tyrese Jeffrey vs. Haresh Persaud21-14,21-11
Under 17 Boys Doubles Q F – N i k o l a s Pollard/Avinash Ramnarine vs. Keon Gonsalves/Nathan Mohanlall21-6,21-7
Men’s Singles QF –Nkosi Beaton vs Frank Waddell21-14,22-20
Men’sSinglesQF-Akili Haynes vs. Omkar Persaud 21-9,21-9
Under17Boy’sDoubles Q F – R o n i t Gulchand/Christopher Jordan vs Mohamed Farouk/Amaan Khan 21-9, 21-15
Under 19 Girls Doubles SF–NevaehEastman/Malia Haley vs. Harshini Muralidharan/Ashley forde 21-17,21-15
Men’s Singles QF –Avinash Odit vs. Wenyuan Chen21-23,21-14,21-14
Men’s Singles QF
Tyrese Jeffrey vs Ruel Rambiriche21-13,21-13
Women’s Singles QF –MishkaBeharryvs.Michelle Astwood21-11,21-9
Q F – V i s h a l
Gopaul/MenikshiJaikissoon vs. Keon Gonsalves/Ashley Forde21-7,21-3
Under 19 Boys Doubles
R 1 6 – H a r e s h Persaud/Mohamed Farouk vs Kunal Alert/Alok Matadial22-20,21-8
Under 17 Boys Doubles
Q F – R u e l
Rambiriche/Gabriel Felix vs.MicaiahMclean/Antoine Ramand21-13,21-7
Under 19 Boys Doubles
Q F – F r a n k Waddell/Joanathan Debidin vs Egan Bulkan/Ethan Bulkan21-9,21-9
Under 19 Boys Doubles – Percival Chester/Ronit Gulchand vs Nikolas Pollard/Avinash Ramnarine 22-20,21-9
Women’s Singles SF –Priyanna Ramdhani vs AsiyahEastman21-11,21-6
Women’s Singles SF –
Mishka Beharry vs Menikshi Jaikisson 21-10, 21-15
Under 19 Boys Doubles
QF – Vishal Gopaul/Ruel Rambirche vs Yonneil
Benjamin/Christopher Jordan21-7,21-12
Men’s Singles SF- Akili Haynesvs.AvinashOdit2112,21-18
Q F – N i k o l a s
P o l l a r d / H a r s h i n i
Muralidharan vs Joel Rambiriche/Anjanyesa
Q F – R o n i t
Gulchand/Menikshi Jaikisson vs. Nevaeh
E a s t m a n / Av i n a s h Ramnarine21-7,21-13
Under 19 Boys Doubles
Robinson vs Haresh
Persaud/Mohamed Farouk 21-6,21-12
Men’s Singles SFTyrese Jeffrey vs Nkosi Beaton21-17,21-19
SF – Gabriel Felix/Mishka
Beharry vs Nikolas P o l l a r d / H a r s h i n i Muralidharan21-7,21-18
S F – R u e l Rambiriche/Gabrielle Felix v s R o n i t
Gulchand/Menikshi Jaikisson21-16,21-14
SF – Frank Waddell/Mishka
Beharry vs Haresh Persaud/Malia Haley 21-10, 21-10
Under19MixedDoubles S F – J o a n a t h a n Debidin/Leshaunte Berkley vs. Vishal Gopaul/Menikshi Jaikissoon21-18,21-16
Under 17 Boys Doubles
SF - Egan Bulkan/Ethan
Bulkan vs Nikolas Pollard/Avinash Ramnarine 11-21,21-19,25-23
Under19 Boys Doubles
S F – F r a n k Waddell/Joanathan Debidin vs. Gabriel Felix/Jonathan Robinson21-5,21-12
Under 19 Boys Doubles
SF – Vishal Gopaul/Ruel Rambirche vs Percival Chester/Ronit Gulchand 214,21-6
F i n a l s - F r a n k Waddell/MishkaBeharryvs. Joanathan Debidin vs Leshaunte Berkley 21-16, 20-22,21-18
Under 17 Girls Doubles
Finals – Menikshi Jaikisson/GabrielleFelixvs. Nevaeh Eastman/Malia Haley21-7,21-14
Under 15 Boys Doubles Finals – Egan Bulkan/Ethan Bulkanvs.Mohamed
Sixteen teams have already kicked off their campaignwithopeningwins in the inaugural Kashif and Shanghai 64-team National Futsal Championship. The competition,poweredbythe Government of Guyana (GoG)underitsOneGuyana initiative, has drawn extensivecorporatebacking, setting the stage for a thrilling straight-knockout championship which will see the winners walking awaywithanimpressivetwo millionfirstplaceprize.The grand finale, scheduled for January3,2025,promisesto crown the ultimate futsal champion.
The third night of action unfolded on Saturday last at the National Gymnasium, where teams like Stabroek
‘B’ , Show Stoppers, Spaniards, Buxton, Espanyol, and Bent Street ‘A’showcasedtheirprowess to secure places in the next round.
First up, Stabroek ‘B’ thrashedWestSideBallers7 goals to nil in their opener Makingthunderousstartinto the competition, Stabroek ‘B’ dismantled West Side Ballers 7-0 in a one-sided encounter Nikolai Andrews
stole the show with a brilliant four-goal haul, while Randy Maynard and JonathanMcKenzieaddedto the tally The West Side defense simply couldn’t cope, as Stabroek cruised to adominantvictory.
Show Stoppers then defeated South Side Ballers 6-2, hat tricks from Delon Lanferman and Chedie Beres powered Show Stoppers past South Side Ballers. Despite consolation goals from Christopher AgustuoandDarnellSealey, theSouthSideboyscouldn’t keeppace,bowingoutinthe firstround.
In another exciting encounter, The Spaniards liveduptotheirnamewitha stylish display, leaving the crowd in awe. Jason Moore led the charge with a brace, while Randell Parks and Sherwin Caesar chipped in to seal a comprehensive 4-0 victory Michael Red Force had no answers for the Spaniards’ flair and precision.
Afterthat,Buxtonstaged an incredible comeback victory after trailing 2-0 early on. Clevon Barnwell and Akeem Jarvis sparked the fightback, championing
Delroy Tyrrell
a deflected own goal which helped them level the score by halftime. In the second half, The Buxtonians turned up the heat, netting three unanswer
oals to completea5-2triumph.
Espanyol overwhelmed Broad Street with a commanding 6-2 win. Carlos Gill and Jose Ito shared four goals between themselves, while Adrian Martinez and Darwin each added one to the tally The young Broad Street team couldn’t match Espanyol’s firepower, fall four goals short in the race for qualification.
Bent Street ‘A’ later edged out Region 9’s Maguiver Park 2-1 in a tightly contested match. An early own-goal ended up being the deciding factor betweenthetwo.However,it was Bent Street who subsequentlytooktheleadas Jamanine Beckles strike cemented the 2-1 win Despite Maguiver Park’s efforts,theycouldn’tfindan equalizer before the final whistle.
The action continues tonight at the National Gymnasium,withteamslike Kitty Hustlers, Lima Dam,
Despite being sidelined by the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) from representing his home country at the World Aquatics Swimming Championships inHungray,BudapestfromDecember10-15, Delroy Tyrrell continues to make waves in the collegiate swimming arena. The junior standout from SUNY Oneonta has been nothing short of sensational this fall season, earningthetitleofSwimmeroftheWeeknot once,buttwice.
Tyrrellcappedoffastellarfallcampaign with a record-breaking performance at the two-day Cortland Snow Flurries Invitational, showcasing his undeniable talentandsolidifyinghisstatusasaforcein thepool.Competingagainstsomeofthebest intheregion,Tyrrellproducedjaw-dropping results, notably finishing second all-time in the100-yardbackstrokeandthirdall-timein the 200-yard backstroke. His dominance is an emphatic declaration that GASA’s decisiontobenchhimwasamistake.
The Oneonta men’s swimming and diving team put on a captivating display at the invite, finishing second overall with 1,013pointswhileCortlandclaimedthetop spotwith1,423.Thecompetitionbeganwith
Delroy Tyrrell and his coach Kevin Walsh pose after the Bentley meet.
Tyrrell and his teammates taking second in the 200-yard medley relay, clocking in at 1:37.75, setting the stage for what would becomearemarkableweekend. As the event progressed, Tyrrell’s prowessshonethroughinindividualevents, starting with a strong second-place finish in the 50-yard freestyle at 22.10. His efforts, complementedbyperformancesfromfellow (Continuedonpage23)
Red Force, Vryheid’s Lust, TigerBay,TimehriHustlers, Laing Avenue, Finishers, Gold is Money, and Region Seven Ballers all vying for progression in this highstakescompetition.
The tournament has garnered strong support from the Government of Guyana,alongwithsponsors such as ANSA McAL Distribution (Lucozade, Heineken,Magnumbrands),
Forester’s Concrete, Jai Signs and Designs, Hits and Jams TV, Star Party Rental, Tiger Rental, Bakewell, SuperBet, Dinar’s Trading Limited, Trophy Stall, and ColoursBoutique.
The second week
of the Maid Marian Wheat
Up Women’s Cup 2024 brought another round of thrilling matches at the Parade Ground, with teams
s h o w c a s i n g t h e i r determination and skill in pursuitofvictory
Guyana Defence Force (GDF)GroupA,openedthe daywithacommanding140win against the Bartica Football Association
SandraJohnsonandNiomie Williamseach scored two (2) goals, while Glendy Lewis added another brace. However, it wasJalade Trimwhostoletheshow with an incredible eight (8) goals.
In a tightly contested match,GDFGroupBedged Guyana Police Force Group A1-0, with Abioce Heywood
scoringthedecisivegoal. Fruta Conquerors FC securedanarrow1-0victory against Bartica Football Association, courtesy of a strikebyRayannaHarris
The Junior Lady Jags delivered an emphatic 5-0 win over Santos FC, driven by a hat-trick from Marissa Foster, with Leandra Henrito and Whitney King each contributinga goal
GDF GroupAreturned tothepitchlaterintheday to face Herstelling RaidersFC,
dominant 11-0 victory GlendyLewisnettedthree (3)goals,Niomie Williams added two (2), and Sandra Johnson scored once Jalade Trim contributedfour (4) goals to the tally andforcedanowngoal Jalade Trim continues
tournament, emerging as thetopscorerwitha remarkable 16 goals over two weeks After scoring four goals in the firstweek,the young talent further showcased her incredible talentthispastweekendwith eight(8)goalsin one matchandfour(4) more later in the same day
n a l performancehasnot only ledGDFGroupA toback-to-backvictoriesbut has also set her apart as one ofthe tournament’s most impactfulplayers.
The Guyana Football Federation(GFF)celebrates the outstanding talent displayed
t h r o u g hout the tournament and looks forwardtomoreexhilarating actioninthecoming weeks
The Guyana Defence Force A
TLeague bounced over the weekend at the National Gymnasium, showcasing exciting matchups and setting the stage for an intensebattleforsupremacy among 22 basketball clubs fromacrossthecountry
Sponsored by the Government of Guyana, the league runs until April 25, withthechampionshipteam settotakehome$1M.
Friday’s opening game saw the Ravens defeating M a m b a s w i t h a commanding 25-point victory, securing a 75-50 win. Leading the charge for the Ravens was Nikkoloi Smith, who netted a teamhigh15points.
The Mambas found some resistance in Jared Sears,whodroppedagamehigh20points,buthisefforts werenotenoughtoclosethe gapastheRavens’balanced offence proved too much to handle.
Game two on Saturday
featuredtheEaglestakingon the University of Guyana Trojans In a fast-paced showdown, the Eagles soared to an 82-70 win, led by a brilliant 22-point performance from Travis Belgrave.
Zion Gray also chipped in with 21 points, showcasing his scoring prowess and r e a f f i r m i n g h i s reputation as one of Guyana’s hottest hands in basketball.
Despite the loss, UG Trojans put up a valiant effort with Kadeem
Peterkin leading the charge,scoring17points
Jushawn Baley and Jether Harris added 12 a n d 1 1 p o i n t s , respectively, but the Trojans ultimately
couldn’t match the Eagles’firepower
Sunday evening’s marquee matchup saw the Colts squeeze past the Nets in a thrilling 80-77 victory The Colts were without star player
Shelroy Thomas, who remains side-lined with an injury, but Domitri Rankin and Quacy Smartt stepped up, scoring 18 a n d 1 7 p o i n t s , respectively, to guide theirteamtoanarrowwin.
The Nets put up a fight, with Dennis Niles also scoring 18 points, but their late surge fell just short as the Colts held on to secure thevictory.
Theleaguewillcontinue on Wednesday, with Black Caimans taking on Guardians at 7:00 pm, followedbyKobrasbattling theMastersat9:00pm.
Meanwhile, the opening ceremony featured a special address by Patrick Haynes, President of the Central American and Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CONCENCABA). Haynes highlighted the league’s significance, not just for Guyana but for the Caribbeanregion.
“This moment marks a historic milestone, not just forbasketballinGuyanabut
fortheCaribbeanasawhole, as we celebratethe unifying power of sport,” Haynes said.
“This league embodies the vision of One Guyana, f
ing inc
sivity, r e s
e n c e , a n d collaboration It is a reflection of what can be achieved when we come together with purpose and passion.”
H a y n e s a l s o emphasized the role of players as ambassadors of the game and urged fans to support the league wholeheartedly, noting that their energy fuels the growth of basketball in the region
As the One Guyana Premier League continues, teams will look to build momentum in pursuit of the coveted $1M prize and the title of Guyana’s top basketball club With the
already on display, fans can expect edge-of-theseat action throughout the season
Mahdia (Movements Family) performed superbly to win the inaugural Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) Harmony League
T 1 0 T a p e b a l l Championship. On Sunday, RicardoAdamsandErshaad Ali marched them to a comprehensive victory over Lil Rams in the final at the EverestCricketClub.
Set a target of 95, the powerful duo of Ricardo Adams, who made 44* (4x4s;3x6s) from 27 balls, and Ershaad Ali, who made
41* (1x4;5x6s) from 14 balls,quicklysteeredthetitle Mahdia’sway
, legendary West Indian captain Sir Clive Lloyd and Commissioners from the ERCgreetedtheteams.
Forty-eight teams from each of the counties competed in the tournament
November 17 Given the success and interest of players,theERCisexpected to host a bigger event in 2
initiative, the ERC aimed to build lasting connections amongparticipants,promote m
, and strengthen community ties across Guyana Prize Summary:
Winner ($500,000):
Losing Semi-finalist
LosingSemi-finalistTwo ($100,000): CJIA Warriors
Most Valuable Player ($100,000): Riyad Latif
Most Runs ($60,000): Ershaad Ali Most Wickets
($60,000):GaneshSurijpaul Player-of-the-Final
($60,000):RicardoAdams SummaryofFinals Semi-Final One: Lil Rams 122-3 from 10 overs (ShamarApple40,Jonathan
Van Lange 20, Kemol Savory 19; Mark Jeffers 121,RonaldoAlimohamed129) vThe Guards 66-7 from 9 4 overs (Christopher Barnwell 27, Sheldon Alexander 15, Shemroy Barrington 13; Ganesh Surijpaul 3-6, Marlon Boele 3-12)Semi-FinalTwo:CJIA Warriors90-6from10overs (Shakiel Wong 28, Alvin Ramdeholl 13, Noel Eveyln
12; Raydon Austin 2-4, SureshDhani2-9)vMahdia 91-0from5.2overs(Ershaad Ali 59*, Ricardo Adams 28*) FINAL: Lil Rams 94-8 from10overs(KemolSavory 33,RiyadLatif23,Thaddeus Lovell 14; Floy Joseph 3-24, Neiland Cadogan 2-23, CarlosLaRose1-9)vMahdia 100-0 from 6 5 overs (Ricardo Adams 44*, ErshaadAli41*)
Ballerz Empire wascrownedthe i n a u g u r a l Rockstone Street Classic West Demerara Champion, defeating Jetty Gunners 3-1 in the final on Friday evening at the Pouderoyen Tarmac,WestDemerara. Kevin Padmore, Jaleei Alcindor, and Ackeem Pompey found the back of thenetinthe10th,35th,and 39th minutes, respectively. For the loser, Tefon Fraser scoredinthe37thminute. BallerzEmpire,fortheir efforts, collected $200,000 and the championship trophy On the other hand, Jetty Gunners pocketed $100,000 and the second placetrophy In the third-place playoff, Team Family dispatched the Pouderoyen Brothers 3-1. Teon Jones bagged a brace in the 20th and 40th minutes while Devon Padmore scored in
the ninth minute. On target in the loss was Emmanuel Thomasinthe11thminute. With the win, Team Family collected $75,000 and the third place trophy For the loser, they received $50,000andthefourthplace trophy Meanwhile,intheearlier semifinal segment, Ballerz Empire edged Family 1-0 in thefirstfixtureofthesection. Seon Alfred recorded the onlyconversionoftheperiod in the 32nd minute. In the second semifinal fixture, Jetty Gunners bested Pouderoyen 2-0 Stephon Jupiter tallied a brace in extra time in the 41st and 42nd minutes. Tournament coordinator Esan Griffith said, “It was an exciting conclusion to a wonderful tournament. This is just the beginning; we intend to stageeventsinotherareasto giveeveryone (Continuedonpage23)
Espanyol, Stabroek ‘B’ make strong statement on Saturday