...after paying US$20k to ex-T&T Minister gas monetisation strategy
Maid beaten in alleged family row
Guyana among 18 countries in regional alliance to address organised crime
Toshao found dead with 19 stab wounds at city hotel
...male friend seen leaving hotel
Govt. urged to formally write ExxonM to initiate renegotiation process raped at knifepoint
Undertakers removing the body of Toshao, Ridley Joseph of Tasserene Village, Region #7
Ridley Joseph
Crane residents share mixed reviews on EPA's final report on seepage
Residents of
Crane, West Coast Demerara (WCD) who have been affectedbytheseepagefrom the ground into their homes have shared mixed feelings about the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s final analysis of the situation.
TheEPAhaswrappedup its investigations into the recent seepage of a substance from the ground there, and have concluded that
no environmental or health riskstoresidents.
In a press release issued lastweek,theEPAsaidafter having conducted both laboratory and field testing, ithasconcludedthatthereis neither health nor environmental risks evident in the substance that was collected.
Kaieteur News first reportedthatCraneresidents were living in constant fear for their health since the appea
nce of the mysterioussubstancestarted on their floor tiles midOctober
The affected residents include Basmatie Singh and her son
Flanders/CraneandNandani Singh and her family of CraneHousingScheme.
Atonehome,theseepage had resulted in strange odours and health-related concerns, while in others, damaged floor tiles. And while initial tests from the
seepage found sulphur dioxide,aharmfulsubstance (SO2) which according to the American Lung Association is a gaseous air pollutant, composed of sulphurandoxygen,theEPA debunked the initial test results as inaccurate stating that their equipment had malfunctioned.
Inresponsetothereport, Basmatie Singh said that while she is not quite satisfied with the manner in which the investigation was
conductedandconcludedby the EPAand other agencies, she is forced to move forwardwithherlife.
“Me can't really do nothing about what the EPA say If them said it not dangerous,Igottotaketheir wordforitandmoveonwith my life. But how they said firstthatitisdangerousthen change they mouth will alwaysbotherme,”shesaid.
The woman, who shares h e r N o u v e l l e Flanders/Crane home with her adult son, said that she has already started to have work done to restore the affected area of her home. “We had to break up all the floor tiles in middle of the living room so that the EPA could do their investigation, butwealreadystartedtoseal itbacktogether….Wegotto move on with our life and hope that this thing doesn't happen anymore,” she added.
Singh had initially experienced a burning sensationtopartsofherbody as a result of the fumes emanating from the seepage through her floor tiles. She however, revealed that the scent and the burning sensation she once experienced has since stopped.
“We not getting that scentanymoresoitbringme alittlerelief,”sheadded.
Meanwhile, Nandanie Singhexpressedreliefatthe EPA's final report. “We are feeling a bit better about it because we were worried that people might get sick butsofar,nobodyissick.We are going about our lives as normal,”shesaid.
She said too that she plans to continue to monitor the situation. “I will still be on the lookout just in case anything strange happens becauseIhavetoinformthe EPA,”sheadded.
Last week, the EPAsaid in a statement that their investigations revealed that thesubstancecollectedfrom the tiles is not hydrocarbon based, toxic gases and r a d i a t i o n b e y o n d background levels are not present in the homes where
Basmatie Singh points to seepage on the tiles at her Nouvelle Flanders/ Crane, WCD home, after making the discovery in October.
discovered, collected and tested Surveys of the community and homes have also revealed that the damagetogroundtilesisnot widespread.
Further,itwasnotedthat a few other households that reported seeing damaged tiles, including a temple in Crane, indicated that this seepage has been occurring several years now and prior totheCOVID-19pandemic.
Accordingtotherelease, Executive Director of the EPA, Kemraj Parsram expressedappreciationtoall Government ministries and departments, the University of Guyana and other local agencieswhichassistedwith various aspects of the investigations “Our investigations, which were conducted between October 8 and November 19, 2024, involved a comprehensive scientificanalysis,including laboratory testing of the substancecollectedfromthe tiles, air quality assessment, soil analysis, and surveys of thecommunity,todetermine the extent of the occurrence,”hesaid.
Added to this, the EPA hasalsoconfirmedthatthere have been no additional reported instances of continued odours The statement also said various teams from the EPA conducted several visits to the areas where the seepage of the substance was reported.
Expert advice provided to the EPA by other local agencies attributed the damages seen on the tiles to e f f l o r e s c e n c e “Efflorescence is a natural occurrence, resulting from soluble salts in construction materials rising to the surfaceduetomoisture,”the statementadded.
In addition to its findings, the EPAnoted that observations also revealed that structural anomalies, including the absence of the use of Damp Proof M
proofing) and substandard installation techniques, also contributedtotheproblem.
Govt. teams up with US firm to develop another
gas monetisation strategy
...after paying US$20k to ex-T&T Minister
The Ministry of Natural
Resources recently disclosed its partnership with S&P Global to guide the development of a Gas MonetisationStrategy
The announcement follows a release of a draft Gas Monetization Strategy, preparedbyformerTrinidad & Tobago (T&T) Energy Minister,KevinRamnarine.
Following its release for national consultation, the National Gas Strategy was widely criticised. In fact, VicePresident(VP),Bharrat Jagdeo, who previously expressed enthusiasm about the strategy, conceded that there were several known issues with the 43-page documentbeforelabellingit a “discussion paper.” It was reportedthatRamnarinewas paid some US$20,000 to prepare the National Gas StrategyforGuyana.
Government had also previously criticised S&P for its pronouncement on Guyana'soilreserves.Atthe
time, Guyana's reserves had notbeenupdatedinovertwo years, although eight new discoveries had been made in the Stabroek Block, operated by oil major, ExxonMobil.
Jagdeo disputed the figures presented by S&P, indicating that the reserves had not significantly grown from its last estimate of 11 billionbarrels.Hesaid,“You quoted some agency from abroad that has given a high figure, there has been no major change in the report that we receive.” S&P has been a trusted source, providing global analytics and financial information.
Guyana is actively pursuing the use of natural gas in the Liza One and Liza Two fields for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project. The government has also hired another US firm, Fulcrum LNG to design, finance, construct, and operate the requiredgasinfrastructureto provide gas monetisation
Natural Resources,
solutions and accelerate upstream gas developments in the country Discussions between the GoG, ExxonMobil and Fulcrum aresaidtobeongoing. Though the government did not reveal additional details about its partnership with S&P, the Ministry highlightedchallengestothe developmentofthecountry's gas resources. According to theMinistry,thiswillrequire
Additionally, it noted the need to assess gas measurement capacity and training for related agencies suchastheGuyanaNational BureauofStandardsandthe Guyana Revenue Authority, as well as technical officers attheMinistry
Meanwhile,theMinistry said there may be need for additional infrastructure to facilitatetheadditionalstaff, after being trained, for gas measurement. Moreover, it was explained that a list of 22 standards have been recommended by an InterAgency Technical Committeeandapprovedby the National Standards Council as National Standards to date. This requires focus on implementation.Guyanahas an estimated gas reserve of 17 trillion cubic feet Government has been consistent with its intent to develop these resources to generate additional revenue forthecountry
WPA backs set criteria to choose presidential candidate of grand coalition
The Working People's Alliance (WPA) has thrown itsweightbehindsetcriteria being established for choosing a presidential candidate for a grand coalitiontocontestthe2025 elections.
Lastweek,Leaderofthe Opposition, Aubrey Norton, toldreportersatthePeople's National Congress's weekly press conference that he believes criteria should be laid out to select the 'right' person to be the presidential candidate. Co Leader of the WPA, Dr David Hinds, told reportersonMonday,during their party's press conference, that his party does not have a candidate and therefore cannot be burdened with the stress of finding one. However, they do have an interest in who will become the consensus candidate to represent them comenextyear
Toshao found dead with 19 stab wounds at city hotel ...male friend seen leaving hotel
Heexplainedthereisalso thegenderperspectiveandif thecoalitioncanarriveatthis 'top ticket' to reflect the multi-ethnic nature and the gender dynamics in the society,“wewillgetthebest of all, but at the minimum, wewillinsist,thatthetopof the ticket reflects the multiethnicnatureofthesociety.” Nortontoldreportersthat
“So we agree with the PNC that there should be declared guidelines as to how we arrive at the consensus candidate We havenotgivenmuchthought to a candidate coming from outside of the political parties, but we would not object to such a proposal,” Dr Hinds said. He reasoned thatifaproposalisputonthe table, it would be discussed buttheyfeelthatthereisstill time, as “in arriving at a consensuscandidate,wefeel that we have to have a consensusprogramme,aswe said, a consensus approach to governance, and I think out of that consensus programme, out of that consensus approach to governance, we may get an insight into the type of person or candidate who shouldheadtheticket.”
ColeaderoftheWPA, Dr. David Hinds
the intellect of the person who will lead the coalition must be examined thoroughly, if that person is to compete as head of the combined opposition at the 2025 General and Regional Elections. “This cannot be some arbitrary thing, in which somebody flies from the sky and decide that they willbepresident.Oneofthe things for me, a leader of a political party has to be able to do, is to withstand pressure not resign as
soonassomepressurecomes to you, and while I wouldn't attack anyone, when it comes to dealing with a presidential candidate, we will have to identity the criteria and see who fits the criteria,andIampreparedto beinvolvedinthatprocess,” Nortonsaid.
The PNCR leader explained that he is guided by the PNCR and that party has made it clear that he should be the presidential candidate. However, if there is a chance that another person is being considered, thenaspartyleaderhewould be the one to make the decision.“Iwouldsaythisto you, I would do everything to ensure that we get rid of thePPP AndthatguaranteeI givetoyou.Wemustweaken thisgovernment.Wemustdo everything [and] if it demandscoalitiontochange this government, we will do that,becausetheworsething for the people of Guyana, at this stage, is the Irfaan Ali Government,” Norton told reporters.
A 37-year-old Toshao of Tasserene village, Middle Nazaruni,RegionSevenwas found murdered with some 19stabwounds,insideacity hotelearlyMondaymorning. Dead is Ridley Joseph. His body was found lying facedowninapoolofblood around 07:30hrs Police believe that he was killed between00:50and07:39hrs. Josephwasalsoamemberof the recently elected Executive Committee of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) and had travelled to Georgetown on Sunday for its second official meeting that was scheduled for Monday Police said Joseph checked in at the Signature Inn Hotel located on Laluni Street Queenstown - where five other toshaos were staying-around18:23hrson Sundayforonenightandwas given room 135 Shortly afterchecking-in,Josephleft thehotelbutreturnedaround 00:50hrs in the company of anAmerindianmancarrying a Rude Boy (popular alcoholicbeverage)bottlein hishand.Theystoppedatthe reception area where Joseph bought a bottle of water before they both went to his room. At around 02:19 hrs, policesaidthemanwasseen exiting Joseph's room and leaving the hotel. He was captured on surveillance footage walking out of the building and then heading westalongLaluniStreet.He thenturnedsouthontoAlbert Street and disappeared into thedarkness.
Murdered, Ridley Joseph
Joseph's bloodied body wasdiscoveredbythehotel's receptionist. According to Police, the body was seen lying in a pool of blood through a hole punched throughtheroomdoor “On the floor of the walkway leading to the room, several reddish stains suspected to be blood stains were seen,” Policesaid,addingthatthere were several footwear impressions seen in the blood that pooled around Joseph's body. There was alsoaRudeBoybottlelying close by and blood splatters were seen on the walls and the room's ceiling “Bloodstains were also found behind the door,” Policesaid. Anexamination of the body by crime scene investigators revealed that it bore a total of 19 stab wounds.
Eleven were seen to the right side of the man's back, (Continuedonpage16)
A 56-year-old businesswoman was allegedly raped at knifepoint at her place of business in Region Seven on Sundayaround20:30hrs.
According to a Police statement, Sergeant 18454 Haywood of the Imbaimadai Police Station received the report around 22:50hrs. The alleged perpetrator is an identifiablemale.
The victim told police that she was laying in her hammock inside her shop when the identifiable male approachedherwieldinganobjectthathadtheappearanceof a knife. He reportedly threatened her and instructed her to keepquiet,addingthatifanysoundwasmadehewouldkill her.The man then proceeded to remove her underwear and forcefullyhadsexualintercoursewithher Aftercommitting theact,heescapedintosomenearbybushes.Policeareonthe lookoutforthesuspectasinvestigationsareongoing.
Wehavebeenattheforefrontofthecallsfor renegotiation of the criminal oil contract that enslaves Guyana to ExxonMobil. When there were few other voices calling for renegotiation of the lopsided American oil company contract with this country, we were there, and we have beenloudandpersistent.
Renegotiation affords some relief, some reversal, of this unspeakable crime that ExxonMobil has committed on the Guyanese people, and the ones unborn as of today This dirty, ugly, abusive oil contract must go And all Guyana must be ready to join hands to combat this evil All Guyanese must gear themselves to fight shoulder to shoulder against thiscontract
Though at times ranking figures at the leadership level in Guyana’s Opposition have come out in no uncertain terms to signal where they stand with this woeful contract, at a party level, no clear message hasbeensent,ratherGuyanesearelefttobelievethat both the opposition and the government are happy withthelopsideddeal
Notable civil society figures have taken to the public spaces to draw a line in the sand to say where they stand No more of this patronising, looking down their noses, and insulting behaviour is to be accepted or tolerated from the leaders of ExxonMobil,regardlessofwheretheyarelocated
Those Guyanese who seek solace in fawning on their knees before them reveal their manhood, and their patriotic instincts and principles when they slavishly do so Regarding those in the media who thrill to do so, we have no quarrel, only deep shame As for our leaders in this PPP/C Government, we have a special word reserved for these Guyanese brothers,thesepowerfuldomesticdecisionmakers. It is now well known about how much the leading voices in the PPP/C committed to doing with the oil contract,whentheywereintheOpposition.
Torecapquickly:itwastheworstofoilcontracts, the most unforgivable of crimes, and it must be upturned It is time for them to make good on those words and postures now that they are in the seat of power,andholditsreins.
PresidentAliandVicePresidentJagdeohaveitintheir electiontopowertobringaboutchangeinthisvulgaroil contract written with our bitter tears by ExxonMobil. Renegotiationofthecontractisnotjustleadershipduty,a nicethingtopresideover,amerecorrectivemeasure. Itis amatteroflifeanddeath,andthisishowitmustbeseen, givenallthatExxonMobilisdoingtous.
This oil contract is not just the worst of outrages, it is an absolute evil So that this registers deeply, we repeat:theExxonMobiloilcontractisatotalevilthat tortures the Guyanese people, and it must be renegotiated.Itmustberenegotiatednow,andnotinsome hazytimeinthefuture.
ToourGuyanesebrothersandsisters,wehaveone more thing to say today: renegotiation is now more than necessity, it is mandatory Renegotiation of the oil contract is more than to improve the state of Guyanese
Reform the outdated electoral system
, Reference is made to a missivebyone,CASingh,in which he calls for a modern electoral system in which MPs are directly elected rather than appointed by a party leader (Aug 15). Most European countries and severalAsiancountrieshave thePRsystem.Theproblem in Guyana has not been the PRsystem;ithasbeentotal, stiflingcontrolbytheleader ofapartyonitsMPs.
If the MP defies the party’s whip, he can be replaced.Thecurrentsystem is outdated and should be replaced.Thedirectelection of a MP offers some degree of independence from the party leadership, if elected without the support of the party leader, but it is not necessarily the bullet that willslaybadgovernance.
Thenationwantsabetter systemofelectionstochoose elected officials (national, regional, local) and one that will offer transparency and a c c o u n t a b i l i t y i n governance.Inshort,people want better governance and an end to corruption. Direct elections do not necessarily guarantee honest, good governance as the party leader still has the power to choose nominees or candidate for the first past the post system. A political system is needed where members of parliament
(MPs) can be allowed to function independently of the leadership of parties and be accountable to constituentsandthenational populationratherthantothe party There must be a way forMPstoconsultwiththeir constituentsashappenedina USA, Canada, UK, India, etc.,ratherthanbebeholden tothepartyleader
The issue confronting the nation is bigger than PR versus first past the post direct elections to choose MPs.Currently,theleaderof the party (leader of list) decides who will sit in parliament.
The leader of the list, usually but not required by law, is the party leader except for PNC; the list leader was chosen in 2020 and is David Granger Jagdeoisleaderofthelistof thePPP.Shumanisleaderof the list for (LJP) and the joinderparties.
In the FPTP system, while the leader will not have the power to replace electedMPs,thepartyleader decides who will be the nominee or candidate in a constituency going to the polls.
And the leader, especially if a populist, also campaignsforthecandidate. Even those with impeccable integrity may not get a nomination. The voters cast ballots for the party and/or
its populist leader and not necessarilythecandidateina constituency If a MP deviates from the party, he will not get a nomination at the next election. So MPs remain beholden to the leader unless he is enormously popular and chooses to defy the leader and can win a seat on his own. Independents are not beholdentoaparty;theyare beholden to their constituents and are more likelytoactinwhatisinthe bestinterestsofconstituents and the nation But the chance of electing an independent is slim in a racially polarized, party partisannationlikeours.
What the country needs isapoliticalsysteminwhich parliament holds the executive accountable. A bicamerallegislaturewithan upperhouse(asexistedprior to1964)mayhelptoprovide better debates in parliament aswellasholdtheexecutive to account; better quality people may sit in the Upper House.Thechallengewould beonselectionoftheUpper House(Senate)–nominated but by whom (parties, labour, religious groups, civic groups, others?) – not under the control of the politicalparties.
Another suggestion is constitutional reform to allow independents to run for President and to
parliament rather than be requiredtorunasleaderofa party On the face of it, that law is unconstitutional; everyone who is a citizen should be allowed to seek electiveofficewithoutbeing mandated to be affiliated with a political party Political freedom must necessarily involve the freedomnottojoinorbelong to parties as is the case in USA,Canada,SouthAfrica, India, UK, and every democracy
Avotershouldchallenge thelaw–thecourtwillhave nochoicebuttodeclarethat clause of the constitution as unconstitutional as it violatesone’srighttorunfor office without affiliation Democracy is freedom of association as well as freedom not to associate withothers.
Another idea that can be considered is reform of the list system. It should be by order of preference giving the candidate the option to declineaseatifelected.
The leader of the party should not have power to replace MPs; that was the system prior to 2007. While direct election is better than the current system, one has to look at all aspects of an electoral system that p r o d u c e s M P s o f independenceandintegrity
Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram
, It is important that the Chief Education Officer (CEO)rereadCRG’sletterin the press where concern is expressed over the lack of direction at the Ministry of Education. The CEO has made several assumptions and assertions, and he has reached a number of conclusions in error He has even quoted me as saying somethingwhichIhavenot. Innoplaceintheletterwasit stated that talent at Bishops’ should not be used in vocationaleducation.
Stabroek News placed that title on the letter The key point made within CRG’s original letter that may help the CEO understand its content is the point made when it was stated, “the Ministry of Education(MoE)hasshifted the focus and development ofsomeofthebestmindsin the nation to areas of less need and less difficulty”. I would encourage Mr Saddam Hussain to clearly linkthenationsdevelopment with the education system,
and not detach it from the realityofrankingswithinthe globalacademicsystem.
Those that pursue a vocational education can expecttogainaccesstotwoyearassociatedegreesatthe university level. Those that focus on excelling in the traditional fields of higher educationcangainaccessto four-year Bachelor’s degrees This academic pyramid gets more difficult as you ascend it and it takes more time and ability to get to the top. Even the number of individuals participating decrease as you gain more ability Itisaconceptthatthe Ministry of Education should be familiar with. If the Chief Education Officer doesn’t understand this difference and the academic rigor involved then he is not themanforthejob.
Quite simply put, we need those that have been placed at the top schools to focus on and be given the tools to excel at the higher levels of academic achievement. This does not exclude vocational education, but those graduatingfromBHSshould be encouraged to pursue a Bachelor’s degree, which is a more substantial achievement than that of an associate’s degree. Furthermore,ittakes11to14 years to become a doctor, while a carpenter need not necessarily go to school at all Vocational education trainsastudentforaspecific job.Weneedourbestminds learning how to think in broader terms. The CEO cannotexpectanyonetotake him seriously if he thinks that the studies required for bothareequallydemanding.
More importantly, there is a difference between developing mangers and leaders vs developing a workforce. It is no surprise thatwehavepeoplewhoare unqualified in key roles in our society The CEO doesn’t appear to appreciate the academic rigor involved withdifferentcareerchoices. Placingthebestmindsatthe best institutions is not elitist it is pragmatic. Would you ratherhavesomeonewhoisa
very talented student at a school where the academic experience was of lower quality, and where the class discussions were mundane and not very intellectually stimulating? The talented student would be easily bored. Is the CEO implying that the world’s educational system has got it all wrong? Or does he think that all teachers and schools are equal?Wemustberealistic. In addition, if the commonentranceexamwas not important in deciding who gets into the best schools, then why have it? I am not aware of what the C E O ’ s a c a d e m i c background is, but if he had been fortunate enough to reach where he is today due to his achievements, then I would have expected him to appreciatetheimportanceof ensuringaclearlinkbetween t a l e n t , a c a d e m i c achievement, and nation building. We are currently building hospitals and roads across the country This has beenmetwithashortageof (Continuedonpage17)
“Freddie “Janus” Kissoon-voluminous duplicity
DEAREDITOR, Freddie ‘Forgetful’ Kissoon,onDecember11,in his erstwhile, decades-long ‘outcast’ newspaper, the Chronicle (but now his life line), asks “Are Dr Alissa TrotzandStabroekNewsnot ashamed?” So, instantly, I answer on their behalf, and it’s a resounding ‘NO.” I have my reasons for arrogating to myself the ‘right’ to make a collective responsetothis‘Pretend-toForget’PPP/Cpalterer
As per usual, Freddie’s piece is quite stodgy, being characterised by unmatched verbosityandmonotonythat drown his miniscule and evanescentpoint.
So, in this regard, I will limit my response to a few things therein, but they can be very much applied to all of his pieces wherever they are.
Freddie iterates that “I have done several columns c o n d e m n i n g t h e unprofessional approach to journalism by Dr Alissa Trotz of Canada, who edits the column in the Stabroek News (SN) titled, “In The Diaspora (ITD).” His big grouse is that “This is a weekly feature in SN and to date it has not carried even one writer that takes a positive position on the GuyanaGovernment.”
Here is my immediate response. Your accusations on Dr Alissa Trotz and SN resided in you; you were exactly the same regarding the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (their leaders andfollowerstoo).
Haveyouforgotten?Are youindenial?
I mean just read this excerpt, my fellow Guyanese. The last line in the veteran writer, Freddie Kissoon, in “The rise and role of paranoia in the PPP (Jul 21, 2008 KN)” states that “Not only is the PPP a culturebyitself,itisalsoan immense tragedy for Guyana and the world.” In that article, he was manifesting great angst, as then President, “Mr Jagdeo (was daubing) everyone with the same brush Rickford Burke and Gerry Gouveia got the same tongue-lashing even though one is involved in political commentary while the other is a human rights activist. WhenMr.Gouveiaassessed the two recently bought helicopters as a bad deal, he wassubtlyreferredtoas“an expert who knows everything.”Hisexplanation wasthat“Mr Jagdeohastwo styles in his reaction to
criticism–one is to see malice in the media, the other is to spontaneously hit out.Thistypeofattitudecan lead the commentator (Freddie) to believe that a creeping paranoia is on the rise.”
This little piece evokes my laughter Freddie wrote that “Those writers who are presently afraid to castigate the PPP will be mentally liberated to write bravely.” He was anticipating and predictingthedisappearance of the PPP/C. In fact, recently,onMarch12,2019, in “Guyana Politics: The Freudian mind of the PPP,” hewrotethat“ThePPPison auto-pilot.ThePPPisinselfdestructmode.
This means the PPPwill not be in power in 2019…Wecomenowtotwo dates in the 2019 calendar that support the theory that thePPPwillnotbeinpower in 2019… The first one is January19.
Irfaan Ali is elected to become the PPP’s presidential candidate. The explosive news was overshadowed the next day by what FrankAnthony and Vindhya Persaud told close relatives and friends – they were asked to withdraw (Please Note) “This columnist (FK) has incontrovertible evidence of this admission by Anthony andPersaud.
(and)Theseconddateis last Sunday – March 10, 2019 when on podium at Babu John, there was no apologies from any of the PPP’s Speakers, and they should have. Again, in the said piece, he noted that “In 2015, Jagdeo lost another election. In 2019, Jagdeo choseMr Alioverwinnable candidates like Anthony, Persaud and the towering personality of a learned lawyer,AnilNandlall”(SC). “In 2019 Jagdeo will lose another election. Jagdeo is living out the Freudian
instincts of 1957. The PPP can never lose… The PPP will always win. Of course, not only is the PPP selfdestructive,theman,Jagdeo isalso.”
So, I am asking Freddie Kissoon, for the umpteenth time, “Why should anyone be different and switch like this new ‘born again’ convert.
But is he a convert, or a betrayer? Or maybe, out of fear, he was coerced into serving a new master, his once despised PPP/C Maybe,heisjustenjoyingan episode of masochistic servility
Mind you, Freddie did boast that he “… dealt with the rise and role of paranoia in the PPP in several pieces stretching back to the later eighties when I became a newspaper columnist ” I mean in all that time did he notfindanythinggoodabout thePPP/C?
IguessIcansumupwhat happened in a jiffy too (maybe three or four months). In the words of Freddie Kissoon: “One could very well understand what Lloyd Searwar wrote when he said that if an enemy walked into Burnham’s office he leaves asafriend,butwhenafriend goes into Cheddi Jagan’s office he comes out as an enemy.”
Reversal: Freddie, the PPP/C’s enemy walked into the PPP/C’s office and met Jagdeo, Irfaan andAnil, and he,Freddie,leftasafriend.
Secondly, Freddie talks of the “Why is this poor scholarship? (referring to TrotzandSN).
Since I have made my point,Iwilljuststitchinthis dessert.In“FreddieKissoon replies to Randy Persaud,” (Dec 27, 2009 -by the way, this once (For Freddie) lowratedPPP/Clackeyisnowa stupendous scholar) Freddie wasin‘hot,buse-outmode’. Reason: Randy had objected to Freddie’s article “The tyranny of elected dictatorship in Guyana,” (Kaieteur News, December 21).
Hereisareproductionof the part that scares Dr Persaud, according to Freddie Kissoon: “As Guyana grew older and as a phantasmagoria of evil policies, autocratic edicts, appalling practices of antiAfrican racism and unbelievable and incredible levels of corruption enveloped Freedom House, thePPPandtheGovernment of Guyana, no one ever wanted anymore to hear aboutabadPresidentnamed Burnham.”
(as) He had become a saintafterwhattheysawthe PPP was capable of doing anddid.”
In his rejection of my observation, Randy Persaud deliberately left out the last lineofBurnhambecominga saint after what the nation sawthePPPdoing.
I got news for Dr. Persaud. I stick to that opinion. And I do so
unapologetically and I can assure him using different juxtapositionofwordsIwill repeat that sentiment again andagain.
I believe in what I wrote in that article of December 21, 09. Now Dr Persaud wanted the Kaieteur News editor to have edited that section of my essay because of the language used. He claimed any responsible editorwouldhavedoneso.”
Freddie asserts that “Persaud has now joined Misir in calling on the Kaieteur News editor to show more responsibility (But) I think the Kaieteur News editor dealt with Misir’s call condignly in an editorial a few months back andweheardnothingfurther fromthatquarter
unadulterated hypocrisy on thepartofMisirandPersaud to seek to lecture the
Kaieteur News editor when they are both columnists for one of ‘the world’s most
“The Chronicle is a newspaper that has been brought into the gutter by thisregime(PPP/C).
UndertheBurnhamand Hoyte Government such a descent into journalistic miasma would not have taken place …It is possible thatMisirandPersaudwrite for the Chronicle but don’t read it Who reads the Chronicle?
Not me! Who writes for the Chronicle (now)? Who hasnochoice?
Who has morphed or switched? Maybe, it is time someone officially rebrand Freddie Kissoon to Freddie ‘Jag-JagIr-Kissoon.”
Yourstruly, PrescottMann
DEAREDITOR, The GAWU General Council met on December 13, 2024, at the Union’s H e a d q u a r t e r s i n Georgetown The fortythree-member council
engaged in robust discussions on key issues affecting the lives of our union members and the
broader workforces across the various entities where G A W U e n j o y s representational rights. This meeting also provided a platformtoaddresslocaland international situations, considering a range of significantissues.
One of the key discussions during the
meeting centred around the recently established threeyear wage/salary agreement between GAWU
nd GuySuCo The Council
agreement, recognising its
providing stability and reassurance to union
members in the sugar
unwavering dedication of the union’s leadership and negotiating team to secure
especially considering the numerous challenges the sugar industry is currently facing. There was a shared
sentiment of gratitude from the General Council, which wholeheartedly supported the agreement. The Union’s General Council expressed their sincere appreciation to President Mohamed Irfaan Ali and his Government for their essential role in facilitating this significant achievement.
The Union’s General Council is the pinnacle of decision-makingbetweenits Congresses, embodying our collective vision and
purpose. Elected during the Union’s 22nd Congress in August 2023, this dedicated Council meets quarterly to reflect on the meaningful work of the GAWU. Their commitment provides invaluable guidance and support to the Union’s Executive and leadership, driving us forward in solidarityandstrength.
Sincerely, Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union(GAWU)
The First Lady’s Diamond Ball
There are matters that come to the notice of citizens which need to be interrogated because they reflect on issues of concern toallGuyanesecitizensand in this case women in particular
For want of a better word, one feature of the ‘entertainment’ondisplayat the Diamond Ball of an aerial hoop performance by ascantilycladfemalewasan extremely poor choice as it in effect objectified women’s bodies in a way that was shocking, jarring and disturbing, more so as thiseventwasheldunderthe patronage of the First Lady Mrs.AryaAli.
The benefit of doubt must be given to the First Lady for this unfortunate occurrence as she is known for promoting many well deservingprojectsofbenefit toGuyanese.
Not so the Office of the First Lady, who must take blame for this startingly inappropriate display which unfortunately has put the First Lady in a somewhat embarrassingposition.
Themovefromlightning up State House in orange, thecoloursymbolizinghope andcommitmentforafuture free from violence against women and girls to this aerial display objectifying women’s bodies at the First
Lady’s Diamond Ball is indeedperplexing.
TheDiamondBallonthe 8th of December fell within the United Nations 16 Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and in a context where Guyanese women continue to suffer one of the highest levels of gender-based violence globallywithmorethanone out of every two women in Guyana experiencing such violence.
Additionally, during 2024 twelve (12) women were murdered by their intimatepartners,52%ofall cases listed for the January Demerara Assizes were sexual offence cases and between April and June, of thisyear,atotalof478cases of sexual offences were reported In these circumstances, this aerial hoop display sends the absolutewrongmessagetoa country where in spite of laws, programmes, initiatives and services, sexual and gender-based violence continues to be widely accepted as normalized behaviour and where attitudes and societal norms which objectify women as sexual objects perpetuates the scourge of sexual and gender-based violence.
Yourstruly, Danuta
Govt. urged to formally write Exxon to initiate renegotiation process
Former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, is urging the Government of Guyana to initiate the process for a possiblerenegotiationofthe 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited.
Exxon's Guyana operator holds 45 per cent interestinGuyana'slucrative StabroekBlock,whichis6.6 million acres and has 11.6 billion barrels of oil. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd holds30percentinterestand CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 per cent interest.The2016dealgives Guyana an industry-low 2% royalty Presently, Guyana shares revenue with ExxonMobil after the companydeducts75percent towards the cost incurred to
develop the resources in the StabroekBlock.
During the People's NationalCongress(PNCR's) Nation Watch programme, on Sunday, Jordan said, “I seenothingwronginwriting to Exxon, initiating the process of renegotiating the contract; until you do that youdonotknowwhatwillbe Exxon's response, you don't know.”
While the current g o v e r n m
h a s acknowledged that the deal benefits the oil companies morethanitdoesthecountry – t
n Ali-led administration has taken the stance to not make changes to the contract, touting sanctity of contract In response to this, Jordan explained that it is known thatthecontractprovidesfor amutualagreementbetween
government and Exxon, before the contract can be amended. “Weknowthatis both of us that have to clap hands to come to an agreement.So,Iwillinitiate it and we will come to the tableandletusseewhatisin itformewhatisinitforyou. That is what I see. Okay, if the negotiations go south, they go south, but you can't just keep sitting down and hollering sanctity of contract,”headded.
ExxonMobil Guyana
President, Alistair
Routledge,hasdefendedthe heavily criticized deal it signed with the previous Coalition Government for the lucrative Stabroek Block. Last month, in an interview with Financial Times, Routledge defended thecontract,sayingtheterms were competitive for a deep
President Dr. Irfaan Ali
water, frontier development that had attracted limited interest until the big recent discoveries Just two companies – Hess and CNOOC – replied to 35 letters sent out by Exxon seeking partners when Shell pulledoutoftheconsortium in 2014, he said. Routledge saidreturnstoGuyanacould exceed US$10 billion over its operations' decades-long lifetime. There would be no renegotiation of the agreement as “contract
ExxonMobilGuyana President, Alistair Routledge
sanctity is super important for investors,” he added.
“Everybody can cherry pick certain things but at the end of the day, it's a collective economic return for an economy [whose current] national budget is only around US$3 5 billionUS$4 billion. It is quite transformational,”hesaid.
Further, during Exxon's last press conference with themedia,Routledgemadeit clear that Exxon is not open to renegotiating the oil
FormerFinanceMinister, Winston Jordan
contract. He was asked about using the provision in the contract that caters for Guyana and the company to mutually agree to renegotiate the contact. He said,“Wehavenointerestto invokethatArticle.AsIsay, we've made US$55 billion worth of commitment to the country
To go back and to undermine the basis of that investment would seriously challenge any future investments.”
The oil industry is a casino of cash, power and corruption
Ac c o r d i n g t o
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in her book,Blowout:“Theoiland gas industry is essentially a big casino that can produce bothpowerandgreatgobsof cash, often with little regard for merit That equation invites gangsterism, extortion, thuggery and the sortoffolkswhoenjoythese hobbies.”
Maddow brilliantly illustrates how the oil industry operates with little regard for merit, ethics, or sustainability She says the industry enables a web of exploitative behaviours and destabilising political consequences Maddow begins by explaining how the oil and gas industry thrives on speculative risks t h a t m i m i c t h e unpredictability of a casino. Energy companies drill wells, often spending billionswithnoguaranteeof finding oil or gas. However, the potential payoff is astronomical, making the industry a magnet for both visionary entrepreneurs and unscrupulous players Maddow argues that the sheer scale of potential rewards—unlimited wealth and influence creates a climate where ethics and merit take a backseat to profit.
But the author also argues that that the oil and
gasindustryisnotjustabout cash it is about power
Controlling energy resources translates to geopolitical influence, allowing countries and corporations to wield enormous leverage over g o v e r n m e n t s a n d economies She provides examplesofpetro-stateslike Russia, where Vladimir Putin has weaponized oil and gas as tools of dominance. Under Putin’s rule,Maddowdescribeshow theKremlinhasusedenergy to coerce neighbouring countries and consolidate authoritarian control at home.
Russia’s interference in global affairs, Maddow claims, is funded by oil wealth, making the industry complicit in perpetuating instability and corruption.
The annexation of Crimea, meddling in foreign elections, and support for rogue regimes are all tied to Russia’s ability to leverage its hydrocarbon riches
Maddow uses these examples to demonstrate howtheoilandgasindustry notonlyenablesbutactively fuels gangsterism on a globalscale.
Maddow does not shy awayfromexposinghowthe oil and gas industry’s enormousprofitsoftenbreed c orruption.Shedelvesinto th e murky dealings of
companies and highlights instances wh
l companies have bribed officials, manipulated regulations, and suppressed information about climate change. These actions, she a
democracy Maddow also explores the concept of the “resource curse,” whereby countries rich in oil and gas often suffer from political
Maddow is equally criticaloftheenvironmental costs of the oil and gas industry In her book, she illustrates how catastrophic oilspillsandgreenhousegas emissions lay bare the industry’s destructive impact on the planet Maddow argues that the industry’s focus on profit at any cost has stymied meaningful action on climate change, putting humanity’sfutureatrisk.
She also critiques the industry’s greenwashing efforts, accusing companies of promoting superficial environmental initiatives while continuing to exploit fossil fuels. Maddow sees these efforts as emblematic oftheindustry’swillingness
How dem driver does outsmart dem traffic cops
Amangetpulloverbya traffic cop pon de East Bankroad.Decopwalkup to he car and seh, “Bossman, yuh know how fastyuhwasgoing?Letme seeyuhlicence.”
De man seh, “Officer, menahgatone.”
Decopseh,“Wha?Yuh nahgatalicence?”
De man seh, “I done loseitfourtimealreadyfuh drivingundertheinfluence ofalcohol.”
Decopeyeopenbig-big now “Alright, leh me see de vehicle registration then.”
Demanseh,“Mesorry, officer, but me nah gat dat neither.”
Decopbawlout,“Wha yuh mean yuh nah gat registration?”
De man seh, “Well, is
De cop nearly faint. “Thiefdecar?!”
De man seh, “Yeh, and mekilldeownertoo.Shein detrunkifyuhwantsee.”
De cop nah wait fuh nutten else. He back off slow-slow to he patrol car andcallfuhbackup.Before yuhknowit,fivepolicecar pull up sirens blazing, lightflashing.
De senior officer, gripping he gun like he in some action flick, walk up todeman.“Sir,stepoutde vehicleandopendetrunk.”
Demancomeoutcalmcalm. “Wha happen, officer?”
Deseniorcopseh,“Me hear yuh thief dis car and kill de owner Open de trunknow!”
De man open de trunk
to prioritize image over substance Given the findings and unassailable arguments offered by Madow, Guyanese must critically evaluate the costs and benefits of their burgeoning oil and gas secto
considering concerns about
Agreement (PSA) signed with oil companies The Guyana government’s refusal to renegotiate the deal raises red flags about just whose interests the government is representing. The disparity between the returns to the nation and the profits reaped by the oil companies suggests an imbalance that may border on what can only be described as “gangsterism.”
This term captures the p o s s i b i l i t y o f a n arrangement where one partyholdsundueinfluence, e
mum benefits while leaving the other to bear the long-term burdens Guyanese must confront the uncomfortable
question: has the nation sacrificed too much in exchangefortoolittle?
Guyanese must also consider whether the possible power wielded by oil companies over local politicians and the economy is cause for concern. They mustquestionwhetherthere is evidence of political compromises that favour corporate interests over national priorities. If left uncheckedsuchconcessions can compromise democratic governance, creating a climate where leaders prioritize corporate agendas over the welfare of their citizens. Guyanese must be onguardforsignsofbribery Andaskthemselveswhether theshort-termgainsfromoil revenueareworththelossof erosion of political integrity andautonomy
Nor can they ignore the environmentalrisksinherent inoilextraction.Theglaring allure of oil wealth appears to blind authorities to the dangersposedtoecosystems and people Oil spills, flaring, and pollution
represent severe threats to G u y a n a ’s f r a g i l e environment, including its vulnerable coastline alongsidewhichmostofthe population live. The mad rush for profit leaves little room for precaution or remediation.Guyanesemust ponderwhethertheirnatural heritage, public health, economic wealth and longtermsustainabilityarebeing sacrificed for fleeting financial gains. In asking themselves whether the industry’schaos,corruption, and unchecked power outweigh its contributions, Guyanese should also consider if a future without oil’s dominance one focused on diversified and e q u i t a b l e development—might leave thembetteroff.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
slow-slow, but de trunk empty
Deofficerseh,“Wait,is discaryours?”
De man seh, “Yeh, boss,”andhandoverallde proper papers—everything inorder
Deseniorcopscratchhe head. “But me officer seh younahgatalicence.”
De man pull out he wallet, tek out an updated, legit licence and hand it over
De senior officer watch it, then watch de man, and ask, “So wha happen here? Oneofmehofficerstellme yuh didn’t have a licence, yuh thief dis car, and murderedtheowner.”
De man replies, “I bet you the lying bastard told youIwasspeeding,too!”” Talkhalf.Leff.
Not ignorant, but political cormorants
Afew Guyanese havesharedwith me that they cannot believe that many in
Guyana's political leadership cohort are so ignorant. Wrong,Isay. The local leadership is not
ignorant, but more possessing the skills of a cormorant.
They dive deeply for the benefit of their fishing expeditions It is how leaders dunk Guyanese in a
seaofstupiditythathastodo withtheiroilmoney
Ignorant is accidental, could be a product of circumstances, or personal condition. Morementalthan physical.
Who in Guyana, who in the world, can persuade me that the PPP leadership is ignorantandsoisthePNC's?
To keep everybody happy, I offer them a swap deal. Impotent in the place of ignorant. Here are some
extras, deliberately obtuse, playing the fool, and comfortable in their role as political eunuchs. There is still hope for Guyana. For during the waning days of the once dominant Roman
Empire, the eunuch
Eutropius rose to become a consul, the highest post in the old Roman republic of GaiusJuliusCaesar,Marcus Tullus Cicero, and Gaius ValeriusCatullus.
The PPP doesn't have
corrupt men and women relative to the mind department.
Utterly corrupt around the people's money, most definitely. But the corruption of ignorance, not atall.
Big men in the PPP pretend at stupidity They may not know the Exxon contract inside out, but they knowenough.
And they use that to get by, and wave it around like
somepompomclad cheerleader for Exxontomisleadand blindGuyanese.
Are some Guyanese living here (or anywhere) who truly believe that the members at the higher levels of the PPP brassbandareignorantofthe provisions of the Natural Resource Fund? Or, of the depth and breadth of what transparency with its millions means? C'mon people,let'sgetreal.
for different matters. But they are not ignorant when money is involved. Money is what drives Guyanese politicians, almost without exception, to be at their dazzling best with powerful and unmatched animal cunning.
It is not that they, decisionmakers, in the PPP Government are ignorant about what bona fide transparency is all about. It is how they define transparency, and how they minimize the definition, for their own self-serving purposes. Self-serving is a synonym for selfenrichment.
Ifirmlybelievethateven the severely psychically retardedwouldnotconclude that moving a million from PointAtoPointBrepresents transparencyatitsbest.
And further, when the same million is again lateraled and immersed in a broad spending mechanism that such represents revealingtransparency The broad is too thick, too blurred.
Itisalsotooconvenienta cover for the shenanigans thathavebeensoinseparable from the spending of public monies from the first dollar
Only people who are especiallyinventiveareable to think of such a definition of transparency, then apply it,andlastdefendit.
Naturally, due to its narrowness, and its 35,000 feet height, it must be defended with still more politicalguile.
Political guile has elementsofcriminalguilein itsmakeup.
The rottenness that run amok behind the public smoke and mirrors, public wordgames,mustbehidden from public view, suppressedatallcostsandby anymeans.
It is why Guyanese politicianscantakeasimple bananapeelanduseitasthe floorofadancehall.Observe them, listen to them, then interpretthem. Inaggregate, it is the height of unwisdom to think of such men and women in the Guyanese political arena as fulfilling allthecharacteristicsofwhat is ignorant They are ignorantindifferentwayand
M o n e y i s w h a t engenders the necessary skulking astuteness in many Guyanese politicians, particular those with the elected power, to be as scurrilously resourceful, as thecircumstancesdemand.
I encourage my fellow citizens to absorb the street acumen of politicians standing at the top of the heap. Citizensmustthenask themselves if what they are seeing and hearing would not make the originator of a Ponzi scheme and any veteranconartistlooklikea beginner
The greater the amount ofmoneythatisupforgrabs, the slicker they are. These menarenotignorant,donot have the luxury of lapsing intoignorance.
One crack in their armour and they fall apart. So, they study their soft points (transparency and accountability place at the top of the totem pole) and thenputputtyorfastengrout inthosechinkstoholdthings together
I myself am astonished atthefacethatisbeingputon transparencywithoilmoney It has pimples and scars all over
But a spirited effort is still made to steer local thinking in only one direction That matters relating to oil money are on the up and up and, further, that the road stops where they say that it does Ignorance or feigned impotence?
I think that this is less than what is ignorant and more in the manner of the cormorant.
The cormorant goes to extraordinary levels for the big fish. Oil money has powered big bacchanals Guyanese want it that way Hence, it has been so. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionofthisnewspaper.)
Growingcalls forrenegotiation
As another year comes to a close, Guyanese continue to call for the current ExxonMobil deal to be scrapped or renegotiated.
Guyanese want that odious contract renegotiated so that the country can get more, which means that they could do better.
But even to mention the word 'renegotiation' in the presence of ExxonMobil's local generals such as Alistair Routledge, could lead to political downfall. VP Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton, know this, so they are not going to go anywhere near anything that confirms what Guyanese want.
The odds are heavy that a simple 'yes' or 'no' question placed on a referendum ballot could put the PPP/C Government, and Jagdeo by extension, in a difficult place. Their own instincts emphasise that a referendum on renegotiation of the oil contract poses considerable danger.
A cleanly run referendum is almost sure to confirm that Guyanese want renegotiation, and they want it now.
They want materially different contract terms from what exists today.
Death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza surpasses 45,000
Al Jazeera - Israel's war on Gaza has now killed more than 45,000 people, the Ministry of Healthinthebesiegedandbattered Palestinianenclavehasconfirmed.
The revised death toll, which includes 17,000 children, was announcedbyofficialsonMonday, markinganothergrimmilestonein the14-monthwar
It does not include the 11,000 missing Palestinians who are thought to be trapped under the rubble.
“The amount of loss of life in Gaza is unbearable among the Palestinians who have been living through this war for more than 14 months,” said Al Jazeera's Hind Khoudary.“Every single aspect of life, including schools, shelters, andhospitals,hasbeentargetedby the Israeli forces,” said Khoudary, reportingfromDeirel-Balahinthe centreoftheStrip.
InthenorthofGaza,whichhas been under an even tighter siege, the situation was especially harrowing,saidKhoudary
“Constant shelling and air attacks continue – quadcopters are chasingandkillingPalestinianson the streets,” she said, adding that rescuers were unable to reach people.“We have been seeing a lot of Palestinians on the ground and no one has been able to get to them,” she said, alluding to a massacre at Khalil Oweida School inBeitHanoononSunday Monday morning was also “bloody”, said Al Jazeera's Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from the centre of the Strip amid the sound ofexplosionsastheIsraelimilitary
attacked civilians in the nearby Nuseiratrefugeecamp.
Palestinian health officials reported that 52 dead people had arrived at hospitals across the bombed-out Strip over the past 24 hours.Medicssay10ofthearrivals – including two parents and their
AseparatestrikeonAhmadBin AbdulAziz School in the southern city of Khan Younis on Sunday killed at least 20 displaced
Palestinians The Israeli military claimedithad“conductedaprecise strike” on members of Hamas operating inside the school compound, but did not provide evidence.On Monday, mourners gathered for the funeral of Al Jazeera TV journalist Ahmed al-
two children – were killed in an overnight Israeli strike on a house in Gaza City's eastern Shujayea neighbourhoodinGazaCity
Louh, killed along with five Palestiniancivildefenceworkersin anattackonNuseiratrefugeecamp thepreviousday The overall death toll now amounts to roughly 2 per cent of Gaza'spre-warpopulationofabout 2.3million.
Mourners attend the funeral of Palestinian Ahmed al-Louh, a video journalist for Al Jazeera and members of the Palestinian Civil Defence who were killed in an Israeli strike on the civil emergency centre, on December 16, 2024. [Ramadan Abed/Reuters]
Maid beaten in alleged family row
A 30-year-old labourer from Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara, was allegedlyassaultedbyafamilymember and employer with a mop stick and pieceofwoodoverafamilydispute.
The incident was brought to light after a video surfaced on Facebook, showing the employee, Esther Williams,beingbeatenbyheremployer and family member on December 15, 2024.
AccordingtoPolice,aftertheywere alerted, officers visited the scene at 17:30 hrs and spoke to Hansranie Abrahim, a businesswoman, and her daughter Rehana Abrahim, 34, who allegedlyassaultedWilliams.
“Theybothgavewrittenstatements indicating that on the mentioned date, there was a family issue in their yard involving another family member…and that they do not wish to proceed with any criminal charges againsteachother,”Policesaid.
Williams was later contacted and reiterated the same, expressing no desireforcriminalaction.
Kaieteur News spoke with Region Three Police Commander Mahendra Siwnarine, who confirmed that the MinistryofHumanServicesandSocial Security removed the maid from the home.
The video, posted by Rhonda Dixon,showedtheemployerassaulting the maid around 11:00 hrs. In the footage, the maid is seen cleaning the yardwhileheremployerstruckherwith a piece of wood to the shoulder and face.Asthemaidcriedoutinpain,the employer ordered her to continue working,thenhitheragainwithamop stick,shouting,"Pickupalladah,pick up them thing " The employer
proceeded to throw items at her, including a dustpan and two baskets.
One of the baskets struck the maid's back, causing her to scream in agony before being struck again in the face. The employer then closed the gate, leaving the maid still crying. Later, around 15:00 hrs, the employer and familymembersattemptedtoblockthe view of the yard from a neighbour's camera.
ThreeemployeesoftheDr Balwant Singh Hospital Inc. were, on Monday, charged with embezzling over $15M from the hospital, when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates'Court.
The accused were identified as accountants: 23year-old Shivannie Guyadeen of BelleWest, Canal#2,West Bank Demerara (WBD); 21y e a r- o l d K i m b e r l y Meenwattie Prasad of Foulis Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara and the third accused is 23-year-old Randy PersaudofLaGrange,WBD.
The trio is accused of stealing approximately $15,791,000fromthehospital between February 12 and December5,2024.Theywere arrested on December 12, 2024, and charged with LarcenybyClerkorServant.
Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore read the charges to the defendants. Guyadeen, an Accountant, and Persaud, an Auditor, are jointly charged with stealing $234,000 from the hospital on March 28, 2024.Additionally,Guyadeen is accused of stealing $14,307,000 on February 19 and December 5, 2024
Persaud was charged separately with allegedly stealing $180,000 on May 19, 2024.
Meanwhile,Prasad,whois alsoanAccountant,isaccused of stealing $1,070,000 on January 27 and February 12, 2024.
The three defendants pleaded not guilty to the chargesandweregrantedbail. Persaud's bail was set at $150,000 for both charges, Prasad's at $250,000, and Guyadeen's at $575,000 Persaud was represented by Attorney-at-law Bernard Da Silva, while Guyadeen and Prasad were represented by Attorney-at-law Yuborn Allicock, who made their bail applications.
scheduledtoreturntocourton January 27, 2025, for statements.
Screen graph of the camera footage
Shivannie Guyadeen
Kimberly Meenwattie Prasad
Randy Persaud
International migrants are vital force in the global labour market -ILO
International migrants continuetoplayavitalrolein the global labour market, accountingfor4.7percentof the labour force in 2022, according to the latest report by the International Labour Organization(ILO).
The ILO Global
Estimates on International Migrant Workers, indicates that 167.7 million migrants were part of the labour force of their destination countries in 2022. Of these, 102.7 million were men and 64.9 million were women (roundedfigures).
This represents an increase of more 30 million since 2013, an increase that was mainly observed between 2013-2019 The majority of migrants in the labour force were concentrated in high-income countries, which accounted for 68.4 per cent of the total
(114 7 million people), followed by 17.4 per cent (29 2 million) in uppermiddle-incomecountries.
The majority of migrants in the labour force were concentrated in Northern, Southern, and Western Europe; Northern America; and the Arab States. The share of migrants in the labour force living in Northern, Southern, and Western Europe increased from22.5percentin2013to 23.3 per cent in 2022. In contrast, the share of migrants in the labour force ofNorthernAmericaandthe Arab States experienced slightdeclines.
Of the 167 7 million migrants in the labour force in 2022, 155.6 million were employed,while12.1million were unemployed Significant gender
disparities persisted, as migrant women had an employment-to-population ratio of only 48.1 per cent, comparedto72.8percentfor migrantmen.Migrantsfaced a higher unemployment rate (7.2 per cent) compared to non-migrants (5.2 per cent), withmigrantwomen(8.7per cent) experiencing higher unemployment levels than men (6.2 per cent). This disparity may be driven by factors such as language barriers, unrecognized q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , discrimination, limited childcare options, and gender-based expectations that restrict employment opportunities, particularly forwomen.
The importance of care andservices
A significant proportion ofmigrants–68.4percent–(Continuedonpage16)
Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.
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Westminster fire that killed bedridden mother, daughter was electrical – Fire Chief
The house fire that claimed the lives of a bedridden 75-year-old mother and her 44-year-old daughter on Friday, was caused by an overloaded electrical circuit, Fire Chief Gregory Wickham said on Monday.
Felis Smith and her daughter Ventina Smith were both burnt beyond recognition in the fire, which occurred at their 3834 Plantation Westminster, West Bank Demerara home.
Felis’s 21-year-old daughter, Chandine Sookraj, told Police that she also lived with her mother, sister, 34year-old brother Vidnauth Sookraj and her four-yearold daughter Veleta Sookraj.
Sookraj told investigators that her mother and sister occupied the last bedroom in the north-eastern corner of the house while her brother slept in the living room. She and her young daughter occupied the remaining bedroom.
“At about 21:30 hrs last
The aftermath of the fire that claimed the lives of 7 5-year-old Felis Smith and 44-year-old Ventina Smith.
night, Chandine said she retired to bed with her daughter, leaving everything intact,” Police said in a press release. The 21-year-old woman reported that she was awaken by heat coming from the bedroom occupied by her mother and sister. Upon investigation, she saw that part
of the bedroom was engulfed in flames.
The young mother said she got hold of her daughter and ran to the yard through the southern main door where she alerted neighbours who went to her assistance and also contacted the Guyana Fire Service (GFS).
Despite the efforts of the Fire Service, the structure was completely destroyed. Representatives of the Guyana Police Force and GFS found the charred remains of the mother and daughter motionless and facing upwards, in the north-eastern corner of the house.
International migrants are vital force in the global...
From page 15 were employed in the services sector, compared to 51.5 per cent of non-migrants. This trend was largely driven by the global demand for care and domestic work, particularly among women. 28.8 per cent of migrant women and 12.4 per cent of migrant men were employed in care
economy, compared to 19.2 per cent of non-migrant women and 6.2 per cent of non-migrant men.
The report underscores the complexities of labour migration and the key need for targeted policies to support international migrants. These include improving access to decent work oppor-
tunities and enhancing the protection of migrant workers.
With the majority of migrants employed in high-demand sectors, ensuring equitable access to employment opportunities for fostering sustainable development and inclusive labour markets is a policy priority, it says.
“Migrant workers are indis-
pensable in addressing global labour shortages and contributing to economic growth,” said ILO DirectorGeneral, Gilbert F. Houngbo.
“Ensuring their rights and access to decent work is not only a moral imperative but also an economic necessity.”
Toshao found dead with 19 stab wounds at city hotel...
He captioned it “Woi…omg… “ and that was the last post he made before he was found brutally murdered hours later. Friends, relatives and co-workers were not the only ones posting tributes and expressing their shock.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956. Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
From page 03 while four were seen in the centre of his back. Two were seen to right side of his chest, one to the left side of his neck and one to his right eye. As Police continue efforts to crack the case, they are trying to identify the Amerindian man who accompanied Joseph to hotel and left alone. Meanwhile, Joseph’s death has sent shockwaves through the country. Tributes began pouring in across social platforms. Joseph was not only a Toshao but also a health worker and Medex who worked in several indigenous villages throughout his career. Apart from his friendly personality, Joseph was very active on Facebook and is known for posting funny memes and jokes. His last active post was made around 23:34 hrs on Sunday. He shared a meme, with the phrase “Private relationship is always good until you find out, you are the fourth one.”
The Ministry of Health expressed sympathy on behalf of the country’s entire health fraternity to the Toshao’s loved ones. The Ministry said that Joseph was scheduled to graduate on the day he was tragically murdered. “Joseph was expected to graduate today (Monday) as the ‘Best Graduating Student’ of the Health Ministry’s Registered Nursing Assistant (RNA) programme in Region 10" the Ministry stated, adding that he “was a stalwart in healthcare and an exemplary student who demonstrated good leadership qualities, dedication and commitment during his training.”
“Today, he would have also been receiving the following awards: RNA deemed the most compassionate, RNA who demonstrated a high level of integrity, most outstanding RNA in Clinical nursing and, RNA who performed excellently in academics,” the Ministry added.
Meanwhile, the NTC in its statement said Toshao Joseph and 19 others were preparing to participate in its final executive meeting for the year when things took a tragic turn. “His leadership, dedication, and contributions to his district and the NTC will always be remembered,” the NTC said. Former Parliamentarian and executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Mervyn Williams, in a statement, said the gruesome murder of a Village leader raises the question of security of Indigenous Leaders everywhere in Guyana. “Now Guyana is confronted by the gruesome
murder of an elected Village leader, a Justice of the Peace, and Rural Constable. Toshao Joseph was in Georgetown on official business. He was here to speak for and represent the interest of his people, both at the Village and National levels. The government must do better by Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples. It is not enough to engage in theatrics. It is not enough to play to the gallery and pretend that all is well. The Indigenous population of Guyana is at its most fragile state ever. No effort should be spared in swiftly bringing closure to this investigation and bringing the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice. No effort should be spared in ensuring the future safety and security of our Indigenous Leaders while on duty, executing the functions of their elected offices in the best interest of their principals, the Indigenous Guyanese population,” Williams said.
Massara to get $5M grant to expand cassava production
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha presents the Mavic Multispectral Drone to Regional Executive Officer (REO) Karl Singh.
Cassava farmers in Massara, Region Nine, will soon receive a $5 million grant to enhance cassava production, as part of the government’s efforts to boost food security in the Amerindiancommunity
The grant is expected withinoneweek.Ministerof Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, announced the initiative during a recent two-day outreach in the region The National Agricultural Research and ExtensionInstitute(NAREI) will also offer technical
Additionally, Minister Mustapha disclosed that 15 rolls of fencing materials would be supplied to Massara to support the cassava initiative. He noted that distributing cassava sticks would help alleviate the challenges farmers face due to the prolonged dry season.
The minister then pointed out, “I want to make the commitment that within one week, we will send nearly 60,000 pounds of cassava for the
community of Annai to work with These are
c developments that we aretalkingabout…”
minister reiterated the
providing the necessary support to the farmers to
production and generate more disposable income for their households Back in March, close to 1 million pounds of cassava were
The Ministry of Education...
From page 04 medical staff and a lack of good engineers. The roads are already crumbling and outsidefirmsarerequiredto get the work done properly
distributed to several communitiesintheregion.
The government had also announced plans to procure and install a cassava mill valued at $20 million in Nappi
Guyana reaped more than 20 million pounds of cassavasofarfor2024.
The government also introduced a new variety of cassava aimed at increasing the yield from 15 to 30 tonnes per hectare. The communities also received numerous farming inputs to
Minister Mustapha reiterated the government’s firm stance to prioritise the needs of Guyanese citizens through the execution of various programmes and policies.
This, he said, is part of the PPP/C Administration’s plan to build a robust Guyana for 2030 and beyond, bringing prosperity toallGuyanese. Meanwhile, Minister MustaphapresentedaMavic Multispectral Drone to the Regional Executive Officer (REO) Karl Singh The state-of-the-art drone will assist the Regional Agriculture Department to conduct proper analysis and testing of the soil aimed at providing better agricultural services. The drone, worth about $3 million, was acquired through funding fromthegovernmentandthe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), which falls under the ministry’s Hinterland E n v i r o n m e n t a l l y Sustainable Agricultural Development (HESAD) project.(DPI)
Guyana among 18 countries in regional alliance to address organised crime
Gu y a n a w a s a m o n g 1 8 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) that, on Friday, launched the Alliance for Security, Justice,andDevelopment.
strengthen institutions and c a p a b i l i t i e
The government continues to bring Cubans into the country to help. Would you prefer to have a top student fix your car insteadofensuringthatyour heart surgery went well? It would be better to bring in the workers to do the work learnt from a vocational educationwhileourcitizens focused on building their businesses.
In whose hands do you place which level of responsibility?Forcenturies thishasbeendeterminedby
The recent early morning meeting with the President was a great example of the importance of ensuring that weproperlydevelopthebest minds in the country Does theCEOthinkitbesttohave our top students become labourers instead of leaders inindustryandgovernment? Balanceisimportant,butwe mustnotdetachabilityfrom needs, and needs from importance It would be great if all Guyanese could become successful leaders and import the labour needed from outside of the country,butwearenotthere as yet The level of mathematical achievement inthecountryistestamentto this.We have some work to dobeforewecanbecomethe next Dubai, but we must pursueit. TheGuyanawegrewup in was one where it was difficult to find a doctor This holds true today as well.
ability and academic achievement The MoE’s strategy must align with the world’s educational system in a way that allows our citizenstoexcel.
As for the appointment of head teachers being apolitical,itisquitenaiveto thinkthatthisisthecase.
Those who grew up in the school system in our countryknowofitsrealities. Itisagreedthateachstudent hasauniquecontributionto make and they must all be givenanopportunitytofind whatitisthattheyenjoyand excel at We must also ensure that we build the future leadership of our nation and develop our people to meet the growing needs of Guyana from a positionofstrength.
Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee
Promoted by the InterAmericanDevelopmentBank (IDB), this unprecedented alliance unites governments, multilateralorganisations,and civil society to address organisedcrime Accordingto a press release from the IDB, the Alliance will operate on three pillars: protecting vulnerable populations, strengthening security and justice institutions, and reducing illicit markets and financialflows Itwillpromote evidence-based policies and concreteactions Thesearethe countries that joined the A
, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile,CostaRica,Dominican R
, Honduras, Jamaica, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Suriname, The Bahamas and Uruguay “Organised crime operates across borders and demands bold, coordinated regional a c t i o n E n h a n c e d collaboration is critical to protect communities,
activitiesacrosstheregion,” said IDB President Ilan Goldfajn. “The Alliance for Security, Justice, and Development will enable strategic partnerships and resource mobilization, essential to amplify the impact of our countries’ efforts in addressing organisedcrime.”
The Alliance will be guided by a steering committeeandthreetechnical working groups involving over 20 countries These groups are already advancing targeted initiatives, including curbing violence and trafficking in at-risk communities, enhancing security systems through technology and collaboration, and curbing illicit markets with advanced tools and coordination Additionally, the Alliance also has the participation of eleven organizations, including the Organization of American States (OAS), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the World Bank, CAF (Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean), the
Caribbean Development Bank, Caricom IMPACS, theGlobalInitiativeAgainst Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), the UnitedNationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP), Regional Security System (RSS), and the Italo-Latin American Institute (IILA) These organizations all officially joined the Alliance, signalling a strengthened regional and global commitment and showcasing broad, multisectoral support forthisinitiative TheAlliance is an evolving initiative that willcontinuetowelcomenew partners Ecuador will hold the first pro tempore presidency of the Alliance. The IDB will serve as Technical Secretariat, providing strategic support and contributing to mobilizing resources and scaling up effective interventions.
To support regional implementation, the Alliance will work through tailored mechanisms. The Alliancewaslaunchedatthe Regional Security and Justice Summit held in Bridgetown, Barbados, on December11and12.
Assad says he didn’t intend to leave Syria, statement claims
BBC - Syria’s former President Bashar al-Assad saysheneverintendedtoflee to Russia - in what is purported to be his first statement since the fall of Damascuseightdaysago.
Assad’s reported statement was put on the Telegramchannelbelonging to the Syrian presidency on Monday, although it is not clear who currently controls it-orwhetherhewroteit.
In it he says that, as the Syrian capital fell to rebels, hewenttoaRussianmilitary base in Latakia province “to oversee combat operations” onlytoseethatSyriantroops hadabandonedpositions.
Hmeimim airbase had alsocomeunder“intensified attack by drone strikes” and the Russians had decided to airlift him to Moscow, he says.
In the statementpublishedbothinArabicand English - the former Syrian leader reportedly describes what happened on 8 December-andhowhewas apparently besieged at the Russian base “With no
viable means of leaving the base,Moscowrequestedthat thebase’scommandarrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th December,” the statementreads.
“This took place a day after the fall of Damascus, followingthecollapseofthe final military positions and
the resulting paralysis of all remainingstateinstitutions.”
The statement adds that “at no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individualorparty”.
“Whenthestatefallsinto the hands of terrorism and
the ability to make a meaningful contribution is lost, any position becomes voidofpurpose,”itsays. Assad was nowhere to be seen as Syrian cities and provinces fell to rebels led by the Islamist militant groupHayatTahriral-Sham (HTS)withinaperiodof12 days However, speculation
mountedthathehadfledthe country as even his prime minister was not able to contacthimduringtherebel sweepintoDamascus
On9December,Russian media announced that he had been given asylum there - even though there has not been any official confirmation
The Syrian rebel groups are continuing to form a transitionalgovernment
HTS, Syria’s most powerful rebel group, was set up under a different name, Jabhat al-Nusra, in 2011 and pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda the followingyear
Al-Nusrabroketieswith al-Qaeda in 2016 and later took the name HTS when it merged with other factions However, the UN, US, UK and a number of other countries continue to designate it as a terrorist group. Its leader Ahmed alSharaa,whopreviouslyused the nom de guerre Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, has pledged tolerance for different religious groups
and communities. But his group’s jihadist past has left some doubting whether it willliveuptosuchpromises.
U N e n v o y G e i r Pedersen,whometal-Sharaa on Sunday, said Syria must have a “credible and inclusive”transition.
Qatar has also sent a delegation to Syria to meet transitional government officials ahead of the reopening of its embassy on Tuesday,13yearsafteritwas closed.
Western countries have not gone as far as reopening their embassies, but in the past two days the US and the UK said they hadbeenintouchwithHTS.
TheBritishgovernment made clear the Islamist-led rebel group remains a proscribed terrorist organisation, despite it beginning “diplomatic contact”withthegroup.
Speaking on Monday, EU foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said Moscow and Tehran “should not have a place in Syria’s future”
Canada finance minister quits after clash with Trudeau over Trump tariffs, spending
OTTAWA, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Canada’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland quit on Monday after clashing with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, opens new tab on issues including how to handle possibleU.S.tariffs,dealing an unexpected blow to an already unpopular government.
Inastingingresignation letter, Freeland dismissed
Trudeau’s push for increased spending as a politicalgimmickthatcould hurtOttawa’sabilitytodeal with the 25% import tariffs
U.S.President-electDonald Trumpsayshewillimpose.
The resignation by Freeland, 56, who also served as deputy prime minister, is one of the biggest crises Trudeau has faced since taking power in November 2015. It also leaves him without a key ally when he is on track to lose the next election to the official opposition Conservatives.
T h e C a n
a n Broadcasting Corp cited sources as saying Public Safety Minister Dominic
LeBlanc - a member of Trudeau’s inner circlewould be named finance ministerlateronMonday
The national Liberal caucus is due to meet later on Monday, CBC said, but gavenodetails.
Trudeau quickly came under pressure to go from the New Democrats, the smaller opposition party which earlier this year pulled its unconditional support of the minority Liberal government but has continuedtobacktheprime ministeronsomelegislation throughparliament.
“I’m calling on Justin Trudeautoresign.Hehasto go,” party leader Jagmeet Singhtoldreporters,thefirst time he has unequivocally calledontheprimeminister toquit.
Singh did not respond directly to questions about whether he would continue to prop up Trudeau in parliament, saying that all optionswereonthetable.
Trudeau can be toppled if the opposition parties unite against him on a vote of no confidence, though that cannot happen until
Parliament is due to break for Christmas on Tuesdayandnotreturnuntil Jan.27.
H o u r s e a r l i e r , Conservative leader Pierre Poili
government was spiralling outofcontrol.
“We cannot accept this kind of chaos, division, weakness, while we’re staring down the barrel of a 25% tariff from our biggest tradingpartner wesimply cannot go on like this,” he toldreporters.
Freeland said she was quitting in the wake of a meeting last Friday with Trudeau, who asked her to takeonalesserpostafterthe two had argued for weeks overspending.
A Liberal source said TrudeauwantedFreelandto serve as minister without portfolio dealing with Canada-U.S. relations in nameonly-ineffectamajor demotion.
Her resignation came just hours before she was due to present a fall economic up
parliament, a document widelyexpectedtoshowthe m i n o r i t y L i b e r a l government had run up a muchlarger2023/24budget deficit than predicted Officials said the document would be unveiled on Mondayasplanned.
“This will likely trigger aleadershipcrisiswithinthe Liberal caucus (it) is politically and personally devastating for Trudeau,” said Nik Nanos, founder of the Nanos Research polling firm.
Polls show the Liberals are set to be crushed in an electionthatmustbeheldby lateOctober2025.
Freeland, a former journalist, served as trade minister and then foreign minister before taking over the finance portfolio in August 2020. As minister, she oversaw the massive government spending campaign to deal with the damagedonebyCOVID.
Trudeau has been under pressure for months from Liberal legislators alarmed by the party’s poor polling numbers, in part due to unhappiness over high
prices, and the loss of two safe parliamentary seats in specialelections.
The party is due to contest another special election in the province of British Columbia later on Monday
“This is quite a bombshell,” said Nelson Wiseman, political science professor at University of Toronto “I think the problemtheLiberalshaveis that they have no mechanism to remove Trudeau. Only a full blown caucusrevoltcoulddothat.”
Canada’s 10-year note yields climbed to their highest level since November 28. They were last up 4.2 basis points at 3.2%. The Canadian dollar weakened to a four and a half year low at 1.4268 per U.S.dollarbeforereversing course.
Domestic media reports said Freeland and Trudeau had clashed over a government proposal for temporary tax breaks and otherspendingmeasures.
“For the last number of
weeks,youandIhavefound ourselves at odds over the best path forward for Canada,” Freeland said in a letter to Trudeau posted on X.
Freeland said the threat of new U S tariffs representedagravethreat.
“That means keeping ourfiscalpowderdrytoday, so we have the reserves we may need for a tariff war That means eschewing costly political gimmicks, whichwecanillafford,”she wrote.
When Trump came to powerin2017,hevowedto tear up the trilateral free tradetreatywithCanadaand Mexico. Freeland played a large role in helping renegotiate the pact and saving Canada’s economy, which is heavily reliant on theUnitedStates.
Although tensions between prime ministers and finance ministers are notunusual-Trudeau’sfirst finance minister quit in 2020 in a clash over spending - the level of invectiveinFreeland’sletter was remarkable by Canadianstandards.
Portraits of Assad have been torn down across Syria (Getty Images)
He has been identified asAkeem Bruce, 26, of Haslington New Scheme,ECD. Brucewaslastseenaliveathishomewearingapair ofshortpants,at-shirtandapairofslippers,relativeshadsaid.The body was discovered by residents of Victoria, who contacted the police.
Police arrest several in connection with fire that killed Berbice mother and four children – Commander Bacchus
The victims: Hemwatie Singh, and her children, Kelvin Ramjattan, Brandon Ramjattan, Cindy Ramjattan, and Tomesh Ramjattan
Police have arrested several persons in connection with the fire that killed a motherandherfourchildrenat No 64 Village, Corentyne, Berbice on November 12, 2024.
The Guyana Fire Service (GFS)determinedthatthefire was “maliciously set” The victims were identified as Hemwatie Singh, a 34-yearold housewife, and her children: 14-year-old Kelvin Ramjattan, 10-year-old Brandon Ramjattan, 11-yearold Cindy Ramjattan, and 2year-oldTomeshRamjattan.
Senior Superintendent Shivpersaud Bacchus told Kaieteur News on Monday that, “Several persons were arrested However, (the) investigations (are) continuing.”
Fire destroyed the home just around 02:00h while the familyslept.KevinRamjattan, Singh's 17-year-old son, managedtoescapeunharmed. He was later taken into Police custody to assist with the ongoing investigation.At the time of the fire, the children's father, Rohan Ramjattan, was notathomeashewasinPolice custody in relation to cattle
rustling case Kevin told investigators that he was sleeping on the veranda when he was awoken by flames coming from the lower flat, where his father's car was parked. He rushed downstairs and found his family awake and trying to escape. “They triedtorunoutofthehousebut astheysawthelargeflamesin frontofthehouse,theyturned back and went upstairs,” Kevin reportedly said. As a result,theybecametrappedin the fire.Kevin further explained that he was unable to call the Police immediately due to a lack of a phone and unresponsive neighbours. He rantohisgrandmother'shouse for help, but by the time they returned, the house was fully engulfed in flames. He also notedthatthesteelgate,which hehadclosedthenightbefore, was found open when he escaped the following morning.
Fire fighters arrived at approximately 3:35h but found the house already consumedbyflames.Oncethe firewasbroughtundercontrol, thecharredremainsofthefive victims were discovered inside.
Akeem Bruce
Residents of Victoria gathered at the scene where the body was found.
Guyana and Suriname conclude bilateral friendly series with strong performances
Th e G u y a n a
F o o t b a l l Federation(GFF) and the Suriname Football
A s s o c i a t i o n h a v e successfully concluded a series of friendly matches designed to prepare both nations for the FIFA U-17 Women’s and Men’s World Cup qualifiers in February
As part of the bilateral agreement,eachteamplayed two matches in Suriname
and two in Guyana,
a n d d e v e l o p m e n t opportunities for their players The series w r a p p e d u p w i t h
Guyana’s U-17 girls d e l i v e r i n g a commanding 3-0 victory over Suriname in their finalmatch.
Veronica Chatta broke the deadlock early in the second half with a well-timed strike in the 47th minute Erin Peneux
doubled the lead in the 81st minute, and Allia Henry sealedthewinwithaclinical finishinthe90thminute.
Meanwhile, Guyana’s U-17 boys showed grit and determination in a hard-fought 0-0 draw against Suriname in their finalmatch.
The boys showcased resilience throughout the series, earning crucial experience to build on as they prepare for their
Reflecting on the importance of the matches, GFF President Wayne Fordestated,“Iamextremely proud of our U-17 girls Congratulations to the coaching staffandourbehind the-scenes support staff
These games are an essential benchmark of the progress we are making as we build towards the 2025 FIFA World Cup qualifier
Tuesday December 17, 2024
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Frompage27 willbebankingontheirtrio that scored for them, Chris Macey, Devon Padmore, and Amos Ramsey while Stabroek Ballers will depend on the form of Dwayne James, Shamar Welch, Dorwin George, SeonTaylor,JerryBurnette, and Mark Jahlua to see themintothenextround.
campaign, but more importantly, a litmus test of the growth of female football domestically “I would like to express a specialheartfeltthankyou to the parents,partners,and stakeholders who are investing in the growth of the women’s game We have some distance to go, but these encouraging
results are a fitting indicator that we are on the righttrack”Hewasalsokeen to note, “While the boys’ match ended in a draw, their improvement and progress wereevident Itwasahardfought match that showed their determination, and their performance is an encouraging sign as we head into the 2025 qualifiers.”
The bilateral series highlighted the shared commitmentoftheGFFand the Suriname Football Association to youth footballdevelopment
The four matches for each team, played in both countries, not only allowed coaches to assess their squads but also strengthened regional collaboration in advancing the sport
As both associations gear up for the FIFA U-17 World Cup qualifiers, these matches serve as a crucial foundation for continued growth, team-building, and fostering competitiveness ontheinternationalstage
Bent Street ‘B; and Alexander Village will go head to head in the night’s third match, Bent Street edged Street Vybes by the
Alexander Village were pushed into extra time and penalty kicks to get past RealSport.
Buxton will match skillswithNorthEastinthe night’s second showdown from8:15hrs.
Buxton had made light work of Linden All-Stars whom they defeated 5-2, whileNorthEasthadtodig deep to stave off the challengeofagameRegion 1side,8-6.
The opening clash at
Albouystown ‘A’ both had scoredthreegoalsapieceto get past their opponents in the opening round matches against Z-Tekk and Sophia Ballers,respectively.
Fansareinforatreatas theirteamscontinuetokeep their eyes fixed on the top prize of $2 million, second place of $1 million, third place$500,000 andfourth place,$200,000.
The MVP, highest goal scorer and best goalkeeper will all ride away with a brand-new motorcycle sponsored by the Guyana Energy Conference and SupplyChain.
Other sponsors on board are Government of Guyana, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport, Ansa Mc Al Distribution Inc., Forester’s Concrete, JaiSigns&Designs,HJTV, Star Pa
y Rental, Bakewell,Superbet,Dinars Trading Ltd., The Trophy Stall, Tiger Rental, Colors Boutique, and Maggie’s Snackette.
GGA provides ground maintenance support for President’s College suppor
In an effort to help relaunch the golf programme at President’s College (PC), Guyana Golf Association (GGA) president Aleem Hussain in collaboration with Head Mistress Ms Samantha Success led a rehabilitation campaign which helped to restore two sections of the school’s ground.
Alongside the institute’s Senior Assistant Master, Sir Willon Cameron, who also took advantage of the opportunity to have several students immediately utilize the freshly mowed ground under the watchful eye of veteranplayer/coachHussain; thelatteralongwiththeHead Mistress helped revamp a sectionoftheschools’ground which was in need of immediate restoration President’s College was amongstthefirstinstitutionsto
A few students from President’s College as they get ready to run some practice sessions of golf on their newly developed ground with GGA’s Coach Hussain.
implementgolfaspartoftheir Physical Education (PE) elective at CSEC However, owing to the lack of a proper facility to practice, the programme was put on an indefinitehold
According to HM Success,“Wetrulyappreciate theeffortsofMr Hussainwho personallycameouttoprepare the grounds for our students and took time to provide instructiontoourlearners The two grounds that were preparedwillgreatlyassistour school in providing students with access to better playing facilities”Afew students got their strides in as they were able to put in a mini practice session to commemorate the restorationofasignificantpart of the school’s outer facility, which going forward should help the sport return to prominenceaspartoftheirPE activities Speaking on the
occasion,HussainsaidtheGGA hasbeenaimingtodomoreoff the golf course, something he said still helps to develop the sport as it encourages a much strongerbasetowhichhasbeen evidentgiventhelargenumber ofstudentswhooptedforGolfas part of their CSEC PE mandates “This is a part of our ongoing commitment to ensure that Golf is available to students all over the country, we have provided similar services to other schools even as far away as the Berbice Educational Institute.”saidHussain.
Meanwhile, Hussain said getting more schools involved in the future also meansgettingmorefacilities available; at least for the sake of practicing one’s strokesandpatience;adding to another crucial area he hopestofocuson;with2025 approaching.
Dharry’s pre-world title fight promises to be best boxing event of 2024- Allicock poised ahead of battle
The highly anticipated Elton Dharry Pre-World Title bout at the National Gymnasium on December 28 promises to be the most explosive boxing event of 2024 with an exciting ProCardbilledfortheevent.
Dharry has been one of Guyana’s most prolific and d e c o r a t e d b o x i n g champions, as his name and fierce fighting style pleases crowdsallovertheworld.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport has been a staunchsupporterof boxing over the past few years and with the fact that Guyana willhosttheDharry’sWorld Title fight in February, all eyeswillbeonthecountry “SportsTourismisapart
Draughts Association ends year with extensive hamper tournament
The National Draughts Association held its final gamefortheyearlastSunday at the Transport Sports club pavilion.
Hampers were on stake forallinattendance.
The games were played onthe10x10boardsonafive round Swiss system format. Therewerefivehampersfor the first five finishers, howeveraftertheconclusion ofthegames,Presidentofthe Association Mr. Jiaram delivered six more hampers to the losers making every
ofourstrategicplantobring attention and tourists to our country,” said Minister Charles Ramson. “We are proud to showcase two of our boxing superstars to closeoutafabulous2024.”
Dharry will step into the ring against an undefeated Colombian Knockout artist Randy Ramirez who has 7 straightKO’sunderhisbelt, and is the last obstacle
between Dharry and Guyana’snextWorldTitle.
Asked why he would take on such a tough opponentlessthan2months from the biggest fight of his career Dharry responded,” I haveneverrunfromatough opponentandmyfansknow that every time I step in the
The fight card includes Olympic Superstar Keevin Allicock who has promised to put on a dazzling display of boxing, “I am the best fighter in my weight class and I intend to show the world that I will close out 2024 in spectacular fashion, don’t blink or you’ll miss it onDecember28.”
Four scintillating amateurboutswillhighlight the evening as a prelude to the main bouts of the night. Gates open at 18:00h with a limited number of VIP and Ringside tickets still available; while general admission is only GY$3,000.
Some of the players in Sunday’s tournament
one a winner High praises came in from President of PAMDCC Mr Clifton Agatha from Curacao who hailed Mr Jiaram as an example of selflessness and dedicationtothegame.
The first five finishers were: Devanand Persaud, Floyd Cumberbatch, Ramsagar Singh, Dr Ivor English and Jiaram in that order Accompanying the Hampers were portions of rice and potatoes for all, compliments of Fast Relief Pharmacy in Durban Street.
Other contributions came from, Ramesh Sunich of TrophyStallBourdawhohas recently received a National Award from the NSC for his contribution toward Sports. Survival Supermarket Sheriff Street, Super Graphics Inc Tularam Supermarket Malgre Tout WBD.H.A.Snacks,Mattai’s Supermarket, The New Guyana Marketing Corp, Transport Sports Club, Literacy Book Store and Gentle Elias, Attorney-at law
Defending champs Guyana Harpy Eagles commence training camp ahead of
2025 Regional Four-Day season
The Guyana Harpy Eagles have commenced their preparations for the Regional Four-Day Tournament, which bowls off next month-end January 2025. The defending champs commenced encampment recently with a training session currently underway at the Guyana National
The Guyana Harpy Eagles have commenced preparations for their title defence ahead of next month’s 2025/26 Regional 4-Day tournament, which bowls off in January.
Stadium According to a release from the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), multipleintensenetsessions are planned for the remainderofDecember
As part of the selection process,trialmatchesareset for early January 2025, which will be used not only as preparations but as a measuring stick for the final squadselection. The first three rounds of the tournament will be hosted in the champ’s backyard at the Guyana NationalStadium,providing the necessary home-field conditions for the reigning champions to get off to a goodstartcomelateJanuary when the season officially bowlsoff.
Elite Guyana pugilists Elton Dharry and Kevin Allicock
Sammy to be appointed as West Indies Senior Men’s Head Coach for all formats
SportsMax-WestIndies white ball Head Coach
DarenSammywillalsotake over the role as head Coach of all West Indies Men’s senior teams as at April 1, 2025, Cricket West Indies (CWI) Director of Cricket MilesBascombeannounced at a CWI quarterly press conference yesterday in St. Vincent.
Sammy, who was appointed as West Indies white ball coach in May 2023,willtakeovertherole asheadoftheTestteamfrom Andre Coley, who was also appointed full time in May last year after being appointed in an interim capacityinDecember2022.
Coley’s last series in chargeoftheteamwillbethe two-Match tour of Pakistan fromJanuary16-28.
U n d e r C o l e y ’ s leadership, the regional side have won one series, a 1-0 win over Zimbabwe last February and have suffered losses against India, England and South Africa, twice.
The high-point of Coley’s tenure was the drawn two-Test series against Australia in January thisyear
“Post our World Test Championship campaign, we are going to be expanding Mr Sammy’s role to encompass all formats,”Bascombesaid.
“WhenwehostAustralia nextsummer,DarenSammy
willbetheheadcoachofall senior Men’s teams We have been quite impressed with the way that he has charted a course for our white ball teams and he has guided them towards consistency of performance and that is exactly what we wanttoseeinourTestteam,” headded.
B a s c o m b e a l s o expressedgratitudetoColey whose contract will run out prior to the start of the next WTCcycle.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank Andre Coley who has served well. He still has to complete his World Test Championship campaigninPakistanandhe will have our full support,” hesaid.
Sammy also expressed optimism and enthusiasm at theaddedresponsibility
“It’s always an honor to represent the West Indies in any format or any position. For me, this news is not something I was expecting.
Coaching was never something I saw myself
doing but, I must admit, the way it’s been going, I’ve developed a much stronger passion and a love for the job,”hesaid.
“I believe in processes and something we’ve been able to do in the white ball format and, with this new role, I’ve already mapped out some of the areas and some of the processes that we’llhavetofollowinorder forustobesuccessful.I’ma patient man and once I trust that process and understand the requirement from the Director of cricket, then the plan gets into action. I’m really excited about the added responsibility and the newjourneyandit’sonethat I think myself and my team will be prepared for,” Sammyadded.
Sammy’s focus is currentlyfiguringoutapath to victory for the T20I team in tomorrow’s second game against Bangladesh after a narrowseven-runlossinthe first game of the series on Sunday
Bangladesh hold nerve to defend 148 and take 1-0 T20I series lead over West Indies
SportsMax - Bangladesh took a 1-0T20 International series lead over the West Indies after a seven-run win in the first game at Arnos Vale in St. Vincent & the GrenadinesonSunday
The Bangladeshis first posted 147-6 from their 20 oversafterbeingoutintobat by West Indian skipper Rovman Powell. That decisionlookedliketheright oneasthewicketsofTanzid Hasan(6),LittonDas(0)and Afif Hossain (8) left Bangladesh 30-3 with two balls remaining in the first powerplay
SoumyaSarkarandJaker Ali put on 57 for the fourth wicket before Ali went off the bowling of Romario Shepherd for 27 in the 13th over Sarkareventuallymade a top score of 43 before he fell bowled by an excellent slower ball from hometown boy Obed McCoy for his 50thwicketinT20Is.
The left-arm quick also took the wicket of Shamim Hossain for 27 off 13 balls. AkealHoseinwasthepickof theWestIndianbowlerswith 2-13 from his four overs while McCoy’s final figures were2-30fromfourovers.
The West Indian reply thenstartedterriblywiththe wicketsofBrandonKing(1) and Nicholas Pooran (1), JohnsonCharles(20),Andre Fletcher (0) and Roston Chase(7)allalreadybackin the shed with the score on just38intheseventhover
10 balls into the second half of the innings, the hosts alsolostGudakeshMotie(6) andAkeal Hosein (2) to find themselves reeling even furtherat61-7beforecaptain RovmanPowellandRomario Shepherd set about a repair job Thepairadded67forthe eighth wicket, making the possibility of a West Indies win look stronger with every delivery they spent at the crease together Their partnership came to an end needing a further 20 runs off 17ballswhenShepherdheld outinthedeepoffthebowling of Taskin Ahmed for 22, bringingAlzarriJosephtothe crease
With Powell and Joseph at the crease, the equation was eventually 10 runs neededoffthelastovertobe bowledbyHasanMahmud.
Joseph got a single off thefirstballbeforeMahmud bowled an excellent wide yorker with the second to
ThethirdballsawtheWest Indian hopes end as Powell was caught behind for a top score of 60 off 35 balls includingfivefoursandfour sixes Two balls later, Mahmud bowled Joseph for nine to wrap up the victory anda1-0serieslead.
Mahedi Hasan was the main destroyer with the ball with4-13fromhisfourovers while both Mahmud and Taskin picked up a pair of wickets,each.
The second game takes place today, Tuesday at the samevenue.
Full Scores: Bangladesh 147-6 from 20 overs (Soumya Sarkar 43, Jaker Ali27,ShamimHossain27, Mahedi Hasan 26*, Akeal Hosein 2-13, Obed McCoy 2-30).West Indies 140 from 19.5 overs (Rovman Powell 60, Mahedi Hasan 4-13, HasanMahmud2-18,Taskin Ahmed2-28).
Chris Dehring appointed Chief Executive Officer of Cricket West Indies
ST JOHN’S, AntiguaCricket West Indies (CWI)
has announced the appointment of Chris Dehring as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).A visionary leader with an extraordinarytrackrecordin finance,sportsmanagement, m e d i a , a n d
telecommunications, Dehring is uniquely positionedtosteerCWIinto aboldnewchapterofgrowth and development. Selected from a competitive pool of over fifty (50) applicants
representing Europe, Australia, Afghanistan, India, and the Caribbean, Dehring’sappointmentisthe culminationofameticulous, meritocratic process which included independent experts His selection reflects CWI’s steadfast commitment to attracting top-tier talent to lead West Indies cricket. Dr Kishore Shallow, President of CWI, praised the appointment, saying, “Consistent with the priority to recruit exceptional leadership to drive our mission forward, ChrisDehringrepresentsthe best of the best an innovator, strategist, business magnate and passionateadvocateforWest Indies cricket. His return as an executive at West Indies cricket signals the dawn of an exciting new era as we worktoreclaimourposition asadominantforceinworld cricket ” Dehring is no stranger to pioneering achievements As the founder of SportsMax, the
Caribbean’s first sports television broadcaster, he revolutionized the region’s media landscape by showcasing global events suchastheFIFAWorldCup and the NBA. He also cofounded Jamaica’s first investment bank, Dehring, Bunting & Golding, which grew into a financial powerhouse and was eventually acquired by S c o t i a b a n k H i s entrepreneurial portfolio further includes ReadyTV, Jamaica’s first digital broadcast television service, and ReadyNET,
e country’s first satellite internetprovider In telecommunications, Dehring’s leadership at
& W
transformative.Heservedas a member of the Senior ExecutiveGlobalLeadership TeamresponsibleforUS$35 billion in annual revenues
while spearheading innovative digital content deliveryandexpandedaccess t o a d v a n c e d telecommun
His ability to seamlessly
strategy with technological advancementhasearnedhim internationalrespect.
Chris Dehring’s earlier tenure with CWI cemented hislegacyasagame-changer for West Indies cricket. As ManagingDirectorandCEO of ICC Cricket World Cup 2007,hedeliveredoneofthe
most complex and successful multi-nation sporting events in the Caribbean’shistory
Hisleadershipresultedin theconstructionoftenstateof-the-art stadiums, the i n t r o d u c
an experiences such as The Mound party stand at Sabina Park, and the implementation ofdevelopmentprogramslike the Shell Cricket Academy andScotiabankKiddyCricket Under his guidance, the tournament achieved recordbreaking revenues and global viewership, enhancing the Caribbean’s reputation as a world-class cricketing destination
E x p r e s s i n g h i s enthusiasm for the role, Dehring said, “West Indies
cricket has always held a specialplaceinmyheart.As a unifying force and a symbol of pride for our region, I am honored to returntoanorganizationthat holds great significance to our people. Together with the CWI team and stakeholders, I am committed to driving innovation, fostering talent, andreignitingthepassionfor West Indies cricket, both at homeandglobally.”
Chris Dehring will officiallybeginhistenureon February1,2025.Hewillbe basedatCricketWestIndies’ headquartersattheCoolidge Cricket Ground (CCG) in Antigua, where he will lead the organization’s strategic vision and operational objectives.
West Indies white ball Head Coach Daren Sammy will also take over the role as head Coachof all West Indies Men’s senior teams as at April 1, 2025.
Nicholas Pooran was out stumped for 1. (Cricket West Indies)
The defending
c h a m p i o n s
Milerock were held to a 2-2 draw, but Botafago impressed with a 7-0 whipping of Silver Shattas to kick start this year’s Upper Demerara Football Association’s $3M
C h r i s t m a s f u t s a l competition which began SundaynightattheRetrieve Hard Court in Mackenzie Linden,followingthemarch pastwhichwaswitnessedby Mayor of Linden Sharma
Solomon and UDFA President Wainwright Bethune among other officials.
To start their pursuit o f r e t a i n i n g t h i s
c h a m p i o n s h i p , Milerock found their opponents a tough one as Blueberry Hill got off to bight start with two goals from the boots of Shaka Louis and Nickosi Julian in the 4th and 5th minutes respectively with Milerock facing a 0-2 deficit
But veteran Colwyn Drakes with a timely strike in the 9th minute and Mickle Jeffers (10th minute) would pull them out of this hole, to level things of this initial round robin play and escape with a2-2tie.
Botafago, after making the final four last year through Jamal Haynes and Sherwin Caesar were jump
Mayor of Linden Sharma Solomon (fourth from right) meeting players before the start of the Futsal Championship.
s t a r t
2 - 0 advantage, with Rondel Deutron adding the third goal within the first four minutesofplay A m i n u t e l a
Amaniki Buntin piled on the pressure to
Malachi Austin added another goal for Botafago tomakeit5-0.
B o t a f
r control to the end as
J e r m a i n e M a i s o n polished it off with two more goals for the 7-0 Botafagovictory
Amelia’s Ward and Net Rockers’fourth game of the night also ended without a winner as the scoresweredeadlocked5-5.
Winners Connection then pulled off a solid victory easing past Coomacka 5-2, behind double strikes from Anthony Layne and Jamal
Reynolds, with Akeem Caesar notching in the fifth goalforthewinners.
against last year’s final four club Capital FC, as Rudolph McCalmon scored twice while Amanykia Mayers and Ryan Noel added the other two goals.
Capital FC’s scorers
Giddings Jr , Emmanuel Atkins and Romanan
Action on opening night of UDFAyear-end futsal championship at Retrieve Hard Court.
Jamaica through to last eight in both men’s and women’s tournaments at FIBA
3x3 AmeriCup in Puerto Rico
SportsMax - Jamaica are through to both the men’s and women’s quarterfinal roundatthe2024FIBA3x3AmeriCupafter similar results in Friday’s preliminary roundinSanJuan,PuertoRico.
After advancing through Thursday’s qualifiers, Jamaica’s men took on Canada andArgentinainpoolplayonFriday
They first suffered a narrow 14-19 loss to the Canadiens before returning a little overtwohourslaterandreboundingwitha 21-14winoverArgentinatoadvanceahead of the South Americans who also lost to Canada. Jabulani Newby had nine points and seven rebounds against Argentina. They will have a tough task in their quarterfinal on Sunday when they take on the USA at 2:20pm Jamaica time. On the women’s side, the Jamaicans, who didn’t havetoplayinqualifying,openedtheirday witha14-9winoverMexicobeforelosing out 15-20 to Canada in their second game, advancing to the final eight in second in Pool B. Tiffany Reynolds was excellent against Canada despite the loss with nine points and 11 rebounds. They will tackle hostsPuertoRicointhelasteightonSunday at1:30pmJamaicatime.
YBG’s Titan Bowl XIII and Tertiary Knockout feature nail-biting encounters on penultimate day
Youth Basketball Guyana (YBG) year-end basketball events heated up over the weekend, with exciting encounters in the 13th edition of the Titan Bowl and the Tertiary
Knockout Basketball
To u r n a m e n t T h e competitions, held at the National Gymnasium, showcasedthebestofyoung basketballtalentfromacross Guyana, with teams vying for top honours in both the girls’andboys’categories.
In the Girls’Titan Bowl, President’s College (PC) madeanemphaticstatement by securing their spot in Sunday’s final with a commanding 36-8 victory over The Bishops’ High in the opening match. Leading the charge for PC was
Jenelly Paddy, who delivered an all-around performance with 10 points and four rebounds Key contributions also came fromRonayaGrant,Jemima
Moseley, Akeelah Campbell, and Sarah Williams, who each added fourpoints.
Despite the loss, The Bishops’High saw a strong effort from Rehaicia Romain, who tallied six points and five rebounds. PC’s dominant win set the stage for a thrilling final against perennial rivals KwakwaniSecondary
Over in the Boys’leg of the Titan Bowl, intense competitionunfoldedacross several matchups. Queen’s College (QC), Kwakwani SecondaryandTheBishops’ High secured spots in the semifinals after impressive victories.
Intheopeninggame,QC edged out President’s College with a 35-22 triumph, driven by stellar performances from Darren Dublin (11 points, three steals) and Allan Patterson (eightpoints,fourrebounds, six steals). Owen Hooper’s defensive prowess added fivestealsandfivepointsto QC’seffort.Despitetheloss, PC’sMattaniahFordyceand Romarion Wolfe put up a strongfight.
Kwakwani Secondary then faced off against St.
RosesHighinacompetitive 41-32 contest Simeon Sinclair led Kwakwani with 11 points and seven rebounds, while Marlon Mendonca and Hayden Sampson added eight points apiece. Cheziah Bernard’s 11 points and Jaden Bacchus’ eight points kept St. Roses in contention, but Kwakwani ultimately prevailed.
Theday’sfinalgamesaw St.StanislausCollegedefeat The Bishops’ High 34-23. DanielChisholmdelivereda double-double with 11 points and 10 rebounds for “Saints,” while Ralston Pollard (10 points) and Kadeem Beckles (seven points, four rebounds) supported the effort Bishops’ Alex Burnett and A e d e n L a l l g a v e commendableperformances inavaliantbutunsuccessful attempt.
Meanwhile, the Tertiary Knockout Tournament also provided its share of drama, with Georgetown Technical Institute (GTI) pulling off a heart-stopping 27-26 win
K&S/One Guyana National Futsal Championship
Quarter final spots at stake as round-of-32 kicks off tonight
With the round-of-32 dye cast last evening at the National Gymnasium when the final round-of-64 matches were contested, action in the inaugural Kashif and Shanghai Organisation M.S year-end football extravaganza, powered by the government of Guyana will intensify fromtonight.
Five potentially explosive showdowns are carded with the respective winners stamping their ticketstothequarterfinalsof what is shaping up to be an intriguing year-end futsal spectacle.
Sparta Boss, one of two teamsthathaverecordedthe most goals in their opening fixtures of this knock-out championship,willheadline the first night of this round andnodoubt,willbeaiming to their second win in as manymatches.
They will have to prove that their 12-0 whipping of Melaniewasnoflukeasthey willhavetogetpastFestival
Tonight’s action promises to be riveting.
City which won via the walkoverroutefromMoney Bell.
The likes of Kelsey Benjamin, who has four goals and is third in the list for the top goal scorer accolade (4-players on 4) will be teaming up with colleagues, Guyana’s leadingall-timehighestgoal scorer Omari Glasgow, Carl Griffith, Darren Niles, Jermain‘Panky’Junorasthe players that will see their
- GTI edges NATI in nail-biter
against New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI). Peter Langevine starred for GTI with 10 points and seven rebounds, while A
contributed seven points eachforNATI.Despitetheir valiant efforts, NATI fell short by a single point, s
With the semifinals and finals completed on Sunday last, fans eagerly await detailed coverage of the thrilling conclusion in upcomingeditions.
This year’s tournaments were proudly sponsored by Franc
s-Lau Boyce Construction Co Ltd, ENET, John Fernandes, the N
o n a l S p o r
s Commission, and Real Value Supermarket. Their continued support ensures the success of these premier youthbasketballevents.
sidetovictory FestivalCitywillhaveto bring their A-game to the arenaiftheyaretocreatethe biggest upset of the championship.
The main supporting clash of the night will see Team Unity tackling Stabroek Ballers, both enjoying comfortable wins in their opening clashes against One Love and MightyRulers.TeamFamily (Continuedonpage25)
GTI narrowly defeated NATI to advance into semis.
Chris Dehring appointed Chief Executive Officer of Cricket West Indies
Jamaican national
Chris Dehring
Part of the quarter final action on Saturday between St Roses High and Kwakwani Secondary.
Mahedi Hasan’s four-wicket haul rocked West Indies’chase. (Cricket West Indies)