kaieteur news

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Man gets life imprisonment for felonious wounding

‘Headsmustrollover collapsingGPLpolesin SouthRuimveldt’-Jagdeo ...familystagesprotest,lawyervowsappealcase

$52.5 billion in contracts awarded for construction of 4-lane highway from Craig to Land-of-Canaan

Brutus refutes claims of attempting to leave Guyana

Biker crushed to death by truck after swerving

Ganesh Dhanraj
Embattled Assistant Police Commissioner, Calvin Brutus
The car in which the Ministry of Home Affairs claimed, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus attempted to leave Guyana, it was intercepted at Lethem.

Brutus refutes claims of attempting to leave Guyana

...Home Affairs Ministry said he was sent back to GT from Lethem

Embattled Assistant PoliceCommissionerCalvin Brutus has denied claims made by the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding an alleged attempt to leave GuyanaforBrazil.

On Thursday, the ministry issued a statement stating that Brutus had been

intercepted by law enforcement officers on Monday, December 16, while attempting to depart Guyana through Lethem, Region 9. According to the statement a vehicle with Brazilian registration, carrying a driver and one passenger, was approaching the Takutu Bridge when it was stopped by the police.

“Upon inspection, the passenger of the vehicle was identified as Mr Calvin B r u t u s , D e p u t y Commissioner of Police (Administration) (ag) who is currently on administrative leave.Mr Brutusiscurrently under a court order prohibitinghimfromleaving

the jurisdiction, as he faces criminal charges stemming from investigations into alleged financial crimes,” theministrysaid. The ministry's release further stated that Brutus was informed by police that he could not leave the country and subsequently returned to Ogle from Lethem on a flight later that day In response, Brutus's Lawyer, Eusi Anderson, in a statement refuted the ministry's release describing it as “fictions of an o v e r s t i m u l a t e d imagination ” Anderson insisted that the ministry should provide evidence to support its allegations. He pointed out that two days priortotheallegedattemptto flee, Brutus had appeared before Acting Chief MagistrateFaithMcGustyat theGeorgetownMagistrates' Court. Anderson noted that the state had failed to inform themagistrateaboutBrutus's

Embattled Assistant Police Commissioner, Calvin Brutus

supposed attempt to leave the country during that appearance. He emphasised that the magistrate, who oversees Brutus's passport and bail conditions, is in a better position than the public or social media to evaluate Brutus's conduct and determine whether his bail conditions should be altered “Instead of complainingtotheauthority, the ministry of Home Affairs, take their complaint

totheCourtofpubicopinion and social media,” the statementsaid.

Anderson also raised concerns about the logistics of the alleged escape attempt.Heexplainedthatto approach the Takutu Bridge, any traveller must pass through two checkpoints on the Guyana side: the Guyana Immigration and Customs Office and a second checkpoint manned by police officers Anderson questioned how Brutus could have been intercepted onhisapproachtothebridge ifhehadalreadyclearedboth checkpointswithvalidtravel documents He further questioned why Brutus would choose the official border crossing when the Guyana-Brazil border is known to be porous during thedryseason,andtravellers could potentially cross the border at locations without immigration or police oversight “If indeed Mr B r u t u s w a s t r u l y

The car in which the Ministry of Home Affairs claimed, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Calvin Brutus attempted to leave Guyana, it was intercepted at Lethem.

attempting to flee, why would he choose the official Guyana checkpoints on the Takatu Bridge when, at this time of the dry-season, the borders are porous and he could simply walk over in the ankle-deep water where there isn't a Guyana ImmigrationorPoliceOffice in sight?” Anderson questioned.

Anderson also drew attention to the timing of the incident, which coincided with the swearing-in of a newCommissionerofPolice and Deputies who may supersedeBrutusinrank.

In his statement, Anderson demanded that the

Ministry of Home Affairs provide the following evidence: the name of the officer who allegedly intercepted Brutus, records of the travel documents he used to pass through the first checkpoint, and footage of the supposed violation of Brutus's bail conditions. He also called for the police officers trailing Brutus to release photographs and video evidence to support the ministry's account of events Anderson further stated that Brutus demands a public apology and retraction of the ministry's statement within 48 hours, byDecember21,2024.

Dr. Adams: EPA shamefully omitted sections Exxon permit to argue against unlimited parent company guarantee for oil spills

Former Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr. Vincent Adams has called out the regulator for “shamelessly” omitting a portion of the Liza Two Permit in a statement last week arguing the absence of a provision requiring an unlimited parent company guarantee.

In a press statement on December 11, the EPA challenged Dr Adams to confirm whether there was anAgreement signed by him and ExxonMobil, where an unlimited parent company guarantee was required to be provided.

TheEPAquotedasection of the Liza Two Permit which address oil spill coverage. It said, the permit states under section 12.5 “The permit Holder must, as soon as reasonably practicable,providefromthe Parent Company or Affiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder

and its Co-Venturers ('Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the StabroekBlock…”

In his response on Thursday, Dr Adams said that the EPA failed to state theentireclause.Tothisend, he pointed out that the full clause without omissions is, “The permit Holder must, as

soon as reasonably practicable,providefromthe Parent Company or Affiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder

Former Executive Director, EPA, Dr. Vincent Adams

and its Co-Venturers ('Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the Stabroek Block if EEPGLor its Co-Venturers fail to do so”.

As such, the former EPA boss argued, “As all can see with your own eyes, the last nine words, “if EEPGLor its Co-Venturers fail to do so” representing the essence of the Guarantee, were dishonorably omitted in EPA's citation to bolster its shameful lie and deceive the public.”

Dr Adams argued that it is unimaginable that Government officials would so barefacedly lie to the public, in spouting “sheer madness” that “nowhere in thepermit(Liza2)signedby Dr Adams is there any reference for unlimited parentcompanyguarantee”. He was keen to point out that the clause was proudly crafted by him on behalf of

the EPA and people of Guyana and first enshrined in the Liza Two permit since April2019,wascopiedword for word into all subsequent permits issued by the same body. F

Petroleum Engineer pointed out that almost daily for the past four years, the same EPA was being schooled by thenewsmediaandlocaland internationalexperts.

Moreover, Dr Adams said, “Their own boss-man Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo regularly chides the deficient original Liza 1 permit (devoid of the Guarantee) signed by Mr Khemraj Parsram as the worst permit ever, while he embraces the Guarantee clause I crafted in the Liza 2 permit to fix the deficient

Liza One permit, when he declared publicly in various media forums that “yes, full liability coverage (insurance plus unlimited parent company guarantee) is in all of the permits…it is by law they have to do this...that is an obligation they are liable for any oil spill by law and the EPA for full coverage”.

He was keen to note that the EPAwas sued and lost in the High Court for going against its own permit, with Justice Sandil Kissoon adjudicating the clause to mean that “The Permit Holder is mandated to provide insurance and provide a further financial assurance of an unlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto indemnify the Government againstallliabilities.”

The former EPA boss

explained that the full clause in the Permit, which the EPA claimed did not require an unlimited parent company guarantee, simply means that if the child companyEMGL's insurance is inadequate- (fail to do so) to cover an oil spill, then the Parent Company - Exxon and Affiliates - have to provide further financial resources (the Guarantee) to covertheremainder

He said this is as simply put by the Judge that, “there is no hurdle to the unlimited guarantee the Permit Holder is mandated to provide insurance and financial assurance of an unlimited parent company guarantee to indemnify the Government against all liabilities and if the Guarantee is in place, and there is the release of

hydrocarbons then EMGL, to the extent that it is unable to do so (EPA's omission) as it is largely an assetless subsidiary, then EXXON, the Parent Company comes intoplay

If, however, that event occurs and there is no unlimited parent company guarantee, then the State is liableforallthatoccurs.”

Dr Adams concluded thatthesadtruthisthatwhile the EPA leadership is betraying its own people, denying them this necessary unlimited parent company guarantee, it is in contrast, disloyally granting Exxon the unlimited guarantee to stand with the company against Guyana at all cost. He urged citizens to read the ruling by Justice Kissoon on the matter to draw their own conclusion.


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Upside down


upsidedown. Thepeoplewhomakedecisionsarea sorrowfulsight. Thedevelopmentsthatcomeoutof oilconveyastorythatisbrightononesideandgloomyon theother ExxonMobilisawashwithdelightoverGuyana’s oilpotential,whiletheownersofthewealthaskwhatabout them,theirwelfare,theirbenefits.

ExxonMobil’s top executives speak and Guyana’s spectacularmeaningtotheircompanytumblesout FromChief ExecutiveOfficerDarrenWoodstoitsGuyanaCountryhead, AlistairRoutledge,thegrandnessofGuyana’slowcost,high qualityoilistheirbiggestsellingpoint Totheirinvestorsand otherstakeholders,Guyanaisanever-endingstreamofgood fortune Thebigstrikethatdeliversbigprofitsforthecompany andmore ExxonMobiliscurrentlyproducing650,000barrels ofGuyana’soildaily,reapingprofitsatrecordlevels Inthree years,650,000-barreloutputoftodayissettodoubleto13M barrels daily There is today’s output level in Guyana, and Guyanese are still driven crazy by a paralyzing and fearinducing cost of living environment Basic food items are beyond the reach of their pockets We interpret that not to representoilprosperityfortheownersofthewealth,butahorror for the impoverished in Guyana Yet, in this upside-down country, this is the upside-down reality of citizens where 650,000barrelsofoilareproduceddaily Forthosewhothink thatwhenoilproductiondoublesin2027thattheirportionwill bedoubled,theycouldbeinforabigdisappointment.

The leaders in this country are not even trying to push ExxonMobiltogivemoretoGuyanesefortheiroilwealth. ThePPPCGovernment’spreferenceistoattackthosewho pointtotheweaknessesandbetrayalsoftheirleaders. The governmentcannoteventakeastandforoilassetspaidfor bythiscountry’soilmoneyintheeventofamajoroilspillat ExxonMobil’soffshoreoperations.

ThenewestobscenityfromthePPPCGovernmentisthat 50%ofthoseassetsmayhavetobesoldtohelpdefrayexpenses relatedtoanExxonMobiloilspill Thisishowupside-down GuyanaistodaywiththePPPCasthegovernmentincharge It issoupside-downthateventhepoliticaloppositioniscontentto tagalongandnotupsetanyofthepeopleatExxonMobil The peoplewhoowntheoilwealthareheldhostagebythepeople givenalicensetoexploreandexploitit Thisistheupside-down situationwheretherolesarereversedandboththegovernment andoppositionleadersareproudtosayhowpowerlesstheyare todoanythingaboutit

DarrenWoodsspeakswiththeauthorityofachiefexecutive whoknowsthathecontrolstheoilfieldsandpoliticalfieldin Guyana Heisalreadybusysellingtohisaudiencehisfive-year vision and projection, with Guyana as the centerpiece ExxonMobil’snewestestimateis17Mbarrelsadayby2030, which is not quite three times Guyana’s current daily oil productionbutcloseenough Thepositionweatthispaperhave alwaystakenisclear ForeachnewoilprojectthatExxonMobil presentsforapprovaltoenhanceitsproductionandprofitability, Guyana must use that as leverage for concessions from the company Suchprojectsmustberingfencedandsomeofthe provisions of the new Production SharingAgreement (PSA) mustapplytothem TohaveanewPSAasthegoverninglaw overoil,andthenassertthattheStabroekBlockisexemptfrom its provisions reduces that to a joke of a law It’s another instance of how upside-down this country is where its oil is concerned.

Further,thefactthatDarrenWoodsistellingtheworld abouthowvaluableGuyanaisinExxonMobil’sportfolioof assetsandasignificantcomponentofitsplanspresentsan openingbythePPPCGovernment. TheHammerheadand Longtail oil projects now in the formation stages must be grabbed with both hands to get more from ExxonMobil. Thefirstismoremoney,orthoseprojectsaredead. Instead of the upside-down history so embedded in the ExxonMobil-Guyana partnership, there must be what is sensibleandprofitableforthiscountry

EPAcaught in blatant untruthfulness on Exxon’s Parent Company Guarantee

DEAREDITOR, Most weirdly, EPA’s purported December 14, 2024 response to my Kaieteur News interview of December 11, 2024, “Guyana cannot seize and sellitsownassetstopayfor an oil spill” did not match my interview subject, obviously admitting the idiocythatGuyanacanseize Guyana’s own assets to pay foranoilspill.Nevertheless, I gleefully welcome the EPA’s veering off into raising up the ant’s nest of unlimited parent company guarantee (the Guarantee), returning it to the front burner refreshing our memories as to the circumstance of this most consequential issue manifesting the EPA’s betrayalofGuyana.

Notwithstanding the patented incompetence and improprieties of EPA’s

l e a d e r s h i p , i t i s unimaginable that Government officials would so barefacedly lie to the public, in spouting sheer madness that “Nowhere in thepermit(Liza2)signedby Dr Adams is there any reference for unlimited parent company guarantee”, though: (i) this very clause which I proudly crafted on behalfoftheEPAandpeople of Guyana and first enshrined in the Liza 2 permitsinceApril2019,was copiedwordforwordintoall of the other permits by this same EPA; and (ii) almost dailyforthepastfouryears, this very same EPA leadership was being schooledbythenewsmedia and local and international experts including yours truly

Further, their own bossman VP Jagdeo regularly chides the deficient original

Liza 1 permit (devoid of the Guarantee) signed by Mr Khemraj Parsram as the worst permit ever, while he embraces the Guarantee clauseIcraftedintheLiza2 permit to fix the deficient Liza 1 permit, when he declared publicly in various media forums that “yes, full liabilitycoverage(insurance plus unlimited parent companyguarantee)isinall of the permits…it is by law they have to do this...that is an obligation they are liableforanyoilspillbylaw and the EPA for full coverage”. Even further, the EPAitselfwassuedandlost overwhelminglyinthecourt for unbelievably going against its own permit, with the Honorable Judge Sandil Kissoon adjudicating the clause to mean that “The PermitHolder…ismandated to provide insurance …and provide a further financial

assurance of an unlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto indemnify the Government against all liabilities ” Therefore, since it is uncertain whether the EPA leadershipmaypleainsanity, blindness,incomprehension, or obliviousness to critical information stored in their own files and which bombards them every day; and since no level of ineptitude could unravel such a misreading; and unless “the Agency has descended into a state of inertia and slumber at the critical juncture of an emergingoilandgassector” as characterized by the Judge; this grave malpractice of the Agency could only be explained by its arrogance, malfeasance, anddisrespectforthepublic whichpaysitssalaries. Itis unthinkablethatthe (Continuedonpage06)

Coalitionpoliticsisnotjustapolitical strategybutareflectionofourcommitment toamoreequitableandunitedGuyana




Assomeonewhohashad the privilege of appearing and listening to Dr David Hinds’ programmes on Politics101onsocialmedia (Facebook), I have come to appreciate his deep knowledge and analysis of Guyanesepolitics.

Dr Hinds’perspectives have been invaluable in fostering understanding, particularly when it comes to the complexities of coalitionpolitics.

However, it is my belief that there is a critical aspect of coalition politics that Dr Hinds, and others in the political discourse, must address more directly: the need for a truly inclusive approach that represents the interestsofallethnicgroups inGuyana.

It’s undeniable that coalition politics plays a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of our nation.Historically,theidea behind a coalition government was to bring together different ethnic communities Africans, Indians, Indigenous peoples, and others—into a shared vision for a united Guyana This model is supposed to be a reflection of the diverse fabric of our society Yet, we must ask ourselves whether coalition

politics today truly embodies this inclusivity or whether it falls short in addressingtherealstruggles oftheseethnicgroups.

Under the current government, we cannot ignore the fact that many communities particularly the Africans, Indians, and Indigenous peoples are still facing significant challenges.

Thesechallengesarenot just economic or social but are also embedded in the political dynamics that govern their daily lives

From access to resources and opportunit

r e p r e s e n

o n i n government, these groups are still marginalized, and their needs are often overlooked.

The government’s actions do not reflect the unityandinclusivitythatthe concept of coalition politics demands.

It is crucial to acknowledgethatGuyanese people are not uninformed or easily swayed Our people are intelligent, aware, and capable of understanding the complexities of politics Theycanseewhenpromises aremadeandwhentheyare broken.

They know when their communities are being left

behind in favour of others. And they understand when coalitionpoliticsismerelya term used in speeches, but not fully reflected in policy andgovernance.Thisreality cannotbeignored.

Coalition politics must go beyond just a surfacelevel agreement between political parties It must address the unique and diverse concerns of each ethnicgroup.

The issues facing

Africans, Indians, Indigenous peoples, and o t h e r v u l n e r a b l e communities cannot be relegatedtothebackground. These communities have legitimategrievances,andit istheresponsibilityofthose advocating for coalition politics to ensure that their voices are heard and their issuesareprioritized.

This includes equitable access to government programs, protection of cultural rights, and genuine representation in decisionmakingprocesses.

I have great respect for Dr Hinds and his contributionstothepolitical discourseinGuyana. His insights have been invaluable in shaping the way we view the political landscape, especially with regard to coalition politics. However, I believe that it is

time for a more inclusive approach one that acknowledges the realities of all ethnic groups and provides solutions that are not just political in nature but also practical and equitable. Coalition politics must be more than a concept; it must be a living, breathing force that works for every Guyanese, regardlessofethnicity

Letusnotforgetthattrue unity comes from understanding and addressingthediverseneeds ofourpeople.

Itisnotenoughtospeak of coalition politics when actions do not align with these principles The Guyanese people deserve better, and they are smart enoughtodemandit. In closing, I urge Dr Hinds and other political leaders to take a closer look attheissuesthatcontinueto divide us and ensure that coalitionpoliticsisnotjusta political strategy but a r e f l e c t i o n o f o u r commitment to a more equitable and united Guyana. Only then can we moveforwardasonenation, withagovernmentthattruly representsallofus.


Pt.UbrajNarine Former,Mayor CityofGeorgetown

Robert Corbin: one of PNC’s most consequential leaders


Biographer Ron Chernowoncedisclosedthat he decided to write a book aboutthemanontheUnited States ten dollar bill to give Mr Alexander Hamilton his just deserts. He said “He seemed to be fading into obscurity….to be regarded as a second string founding father.”

During a television interview, Lin-Manuel Miranda admitted that the very book motivated him to research and write, over a seven-year period, the transformative musical ‘Hamilton.’

It is in this context that I have chosen to highlight some aspects about a living Guyanese political legend who, though not of the statureof“foundingfather”, couldgodowninthehistory of the Peoples National Congress(PNC)asoneofits mostconsequentialleaders.I say this because his strategic, unselfish action resultedinhispartyleadinga coalition to a one seat majority in the National Assemblyin2011andaone seatmajorityingovernment, thoughshortlived,in2015. He is a pragmatic politician, a master at reading the landscape, who altruistically put party and country first by turning his backontheperksassociated with the Office of leader of theopposition.Thiscouldbe consideredakintoasingular role in enabling his successor to achieve the coveted high office that alludedhim

At a young age, Robert Herman Orlando Corbin, fondly called Brezhnev by his compatriots, was elected General Secretary (GS) of the Young Socialist Movement (YSM), youth arm of the governing Peoples National Congress (PNC). He became an

elected Member of Parliament (M.P) from August 1973 to October 1997andfrom2001to2011. He held several ministerial portfolios, the highest rank being Deputy Prime Ministerfrom1985to1992. In2000hewaselectedPNC Chairman (I would expand on this aspect a bit later).

Following the death of PresidentDesmondHoytein February 2003 he ascended to the position of Leader of the Party and suffered a resounding loss as presidential candidate at the 2006 National and Regional Election.

But while the buck stopped with the leader, the fact of the matter is that

Corbinwasdealtabadhand andgivenaporousbucketto fetchwaterinlargepart,due to some self-defeating actions by his predecessor who served as Executive President and would have had favours to call in; yet wasbeatenthriceinNational andRegionalelections.

On assuming the Presidency and party leadership in 1985, Hoyte, an economic reformer who liberalised the economy, opened the door to private media,privateeducationand in general, promoted the private sector as the engine of economic growth as part of a negotiated Paris Club and International Monetary Fund (IMF) prescribed Economic Recovery program.Ontheflipside,he simultaneously, diminished the national significance of hispoliticalpartyinrelation to the government, and as a consequence, the party structure tapered in size and influence. Grassroots’ cells dismantled, and seasoned political organizers were shunted off to overseas missionsorputtopasture.In fact, one minister, a respected political type who successfully managed a number of different portfolios from his youth, only learnt of his removal fromofficewhilelisteningto theradioonhiswayhome. By the time the overdue elections were held in 1992, President Desmond Hoyte, with a weakened party institution resorted to Committees for the Reelection of the President (CREEPS), a Nixon era United States political campaign model which comprised mainly of businessperson,ashismajor fund raising mobilising


Dr Cheddi Jagan meanwhile, with his party structure firmly rooted and growing, was successful in engaging lobbyists to find favour with influential American policy makers Hoyte underestimated Jagan’s staying power He over relied on the communism bogeyman strategy to the degree that during their presidential debate he demanded of Jagan “Are you still a communist? You must answer the question” the latter calmly retorted “do youstillbeatyourwife?”By that time internationally, the Berlin wall was taken down in 1989, and because of Glasnost and Perestroika, communism was making a steady decline throughout Eastern Europe and some Republics that were part of the USSR. The iron curtain was less opaque. Let’s also remember that before August 1985, the governing and opposition parties were engagedinunitytalkswhich Hoyte discontinued. When Corbin assumed leadership of the PNC in 2002, the governing party between 1997 and 2011 had aggressively instituted several policies and actions thatexpandedtheirsphereof influence, an

d opportunities for the oppositiontogrow They amassed financial resources to expand their war chest, nurtured and formedastrongalliancewith theprivatesectorandprivate

remarkable inroads in the territory of organised labour to the extent that they wrestled control of the

Guyana Labour Union (GLU) and engineered the formationofapowerfulrival umbrellaTrade Union body Ironically, that body, The Federation of Trade Union Organisations (FITUG) was headed by the very person that ousted Corbin as leader oftheGLU,theTradeUnion ofH.N.Critchlow,andL.F.S Burnham.

A national election is a n


ame The g


n g P a r t y methodically chipped away at almost every existing support and strategic building block which had anypotentialofproppingup thePNC.BythetimeCorbin took the helm of the PNC, the PPP had aggressively dug in, consolidated and expanded their support base into almost every available social, economic and cultural people centred organisationaswellassome sections of the religious community In other words, the governing party finetuned its prowess as a welloiled election machine Those were some of the daunting hurdles that challenged Corbin as a political Leader and leader oftheOppositionalongwith havinginheritedaweakened p

continued downhill. Corbin also f

challenges Like Mayor Robert Williams, he was exposed to bias from some memberstheAfricanmiddle class; Those who firmly believed that leadership should only be bestowed on persons of

influential family name, having attended one of the four top secondary schools (especiallyQueensCollege), and/or having resided north of Brickdam. I see history repeatingitselftoday

Corbin tried to maintain a healthy relationship with the private sector When the Guyana Manufacturers Association (GMA) under RameshDookhoodecidedto engage the main political parties to ease growing ethnic tension, he promptly agreed and participated in thedialogue.

Editor, permit me to briefly state something worthy of note that is a uniquely positive trait of Corbin’s character Before doing so, I wish to acknowledgethathewasnot a paragon of virtue throughout his political career He was tainted by a scandal of which he had his day in court and was exonerated.

At the Party Congress in 2000 it was the day to hold elections for office bearers.

Corbin, was at the time reading law (alongside his daughter) and was therefore alittlelessactiveinpersonin party affairs He was however playing a key role in managing the congress, the highest forum of the Party

It was understood and acknowledged in some quarters that a slate headed bythebrilliantanddedicated Winston Murray for Party Chairman would be elected asofficebearers.Theline-up alsocomprisedpersonsfrom the ‘Reform, ’ ‘nontraditional’ subset of Party leaders But something happened that morning that nearly sounded Corbin’s political death knell. The incident undermined his stature and credibility; a damning, self-inflicted, unkind cut, initiated by someone else for which but he was duty bound to carry out. The fallout was very seismic. By the time he assumed the position of Party leader in 2002, many of those reform / nontraditional activists gave lukewarm support Some continued to serve in the National Assembly or returned to the party from whence they migrated Despite being roundly condemned,malignedand (Continuedonpage16)


Abudding young entrepreneur’s l i f e w a s tragically snuffed out on Thursday after a Canter truckcrushedhimtodeathat Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara (EBD). He had reportedly swerved his bike fromcollidingwith afemale pedestrian, lost control and fell into the path of the heavy-dutyvehicle.

The dead man is identified as 23-year-old Ezekiel Castello, the owner “Zeek592Customs”, a small business that customizes sneakers.

CastelloaresidentofLot 294 Savage, La Penitence, Georgetown was killed around15:37hrs. PixelsGY Inc.’s cameras recorded the victim riding a motorcycle southalongthewesternside of the East Bank Demerara (EBD) Public Road. As he approached the intersection that leads to the Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) the traffic in front of him began slowingdown. C a s t e

en undertaking the slowly movingvehiclesinaZigZag manner when suddenly a woman walking north appeared in his path It appeared as if Castello was unable to simmediately halt

the bike, so he made a sudden swerve right, lost controlandfellwithhisbike

ontotheroad. Unfortunately,Castello’s head fell under the tray of a

Cantertruckthatwasdriving closely behind him He could not recover quickly and the rear wheel of the truck ran over his head, crushinghisskull.

Police said that an ambulance was summoned immediately

Castello, according to the police, was picked up in an unconscious state and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was pronounceddeadonarrival.

The truck driver is in custody assisting with the necessaryinvestigation.

Castello, a Guyana Technical Institute (GTI)

graduate had big plans for hislife.Helaunchedasmall business in 2022 and hardwork led to it becoming a successfulventure.

In 2023, the Kaieteur News’ Sunday Magazine, The Waterfalls featured him asa“YoungEntrepreneur”.

Duringaninterviewwith the magazine, the young Castello spoke about his passionforsmallbusinesses.

“I think that young entrepreneurs play a huge role in society because not everyone has a mind whereby, they have a business idea and work towards it and be consistent withit,”hehadsaid.

EPAcaught in blatant untruthfulness on Exxon’s...


untrustworthiness of the EPA could have sunk any lower, and in any other country that honors good governance and the rule of law,theEPAHeadwouldbe removed for this dastardly

m i s c o n d u c t , notwithstanding the myriad of widely publicized

transgressions and incompetence which will be further dealt with at a later time.

Asforthebiglieathand, in unethically omitting key words to pedal their lie, the EPAcitedthepermit’sclause 12.5 in question, as “The permitHoldermust,assoon as reasonably practicable, provide from the Parent Company or Affiliate CompaniesofPermitHolder and its Co-Venturers (‘Affiliates”) one or more legally binding agreements

to the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resources for the permit holder and its Co-Venturers to pay or satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the StabroekBlock…”

However, the full clause without omissions is “The permitHoldermust,assoonas reasonably practicable, provide from the Parent Company or Affiliate

Companies of Permit Holder

and its Co-Venturers (‘Affiliates”) one or more legallybindingagreementsto the EPA, undertaking to provide adequate financial resourcesforthepermitholder anditsCo-Venturerstopayor satisfy their respective environmental obligations regarding the Stabroek Block ifEEPGLoritsCo-Venturers failtodoso”.

As all can see with your own eyes, the last nine words,“ifEEPGLoritsCoVenturers fail to do so” representing the essence of the Guarantee, were dishonorably omitted in EPA’s citation to bolster its shamefullieanddeceivethe public.

However, the Judge described this full clause theyfalselyclaimtonothave the Guarantee, to be “clear and unambiguous terms, in simple language that boded no uncertainty or lent itself to ambiguity”, simply meaning that if child companyEMGL’sinsurance is inadequate (fail to do so) to cover an oil spill, then Parent Company Exxon and Affiliates have to provide further financial resources (the Guarantee) to cover the remainder; or, as simply put by the Judge, “there is no hurdle to the unlimited guarantee the Permit Holder is mandated to provide insurance and financial assurance of an unlimited parent company guarantee to indemnify the Government against all liabilities and if the Guarantee is in place, and there is the release of hydrocarbons then EMGL, totheextentthatitisunable todoso(EPA’somission)as it is largely an assetless subsidiary, then EXXON, the Parent Company comes intoplay.

If, however, that event

occurs and there is no unlimited parent company guarantee, then the State is liableforallthatoccurs.”

The Honorable Judge continued that the Agency has “at every juncture, engagedinacourseofaction to undermine and erode the terms and conditions of its own Permit…an egregious state of affairs that has engulfed the EPA in a quagmire of its own making abdicated the exclusive statutory responsibilities entrusted to it sought refuge in silence, avoidance, c o n c e a l m e n t a n d secrecy acted in unison with EMGL EMGL engagedinacourseofaction made permissible only by the omissions of a derelict, pliant and submissive EPA… notwithstanding the grave potential danger and consequences to the State and citizens if an event occurred in absence of such financial assurances mandated by the Permit. Such conduct is nothing short of reprehensible and inconsistent with its mandate and functions…. relegated itself to state of laxity of enforcement and condonation compounded by a lack of vigilance thereby putting this nation and its people in grave potential danger of calamitous disaster… by its failure and/or omission, it placedthenation,itscitizens andtheenvironmentingrave peril…notwithstanding this grave allegation of dereliction of its functions and potential calamitous consequences.”

In defiance of the Court’s Decision so as to be submissive to Exxon, and despite the fact that the Macondo spill in the Gulf of Mexico costed $145 Billion USD, the EPA wants to

callously axe the unlimited guaranteedownto$2Billion, to which the Judge ruled that EMGL cannot “engage in a frolic of its own, aided and abetted by the EPA, to unlawfully cap its unlimited liability, and any attempt to substitute a diluted guarantee constitutes a breach of the Permit so that argument is erroneousandself-serving” Most frighteningly and a lessons-learned that an unfit EPA has ignored, the Judge, in his thoroughness, cited the 2021 case Okpabi and others v Royal Dutch Shell before the UK Supreme Court which highlights the catastrophic pitfalls of not having an unlimited parent company guarantee, where Shell used the argument that it was not responsible for the oil spills occurring in Nigeria under theirsubsidiaryoperator

Theverysadtruthisthat while the EPAleadership is betraying its own people, denying them this necessary unlimited parent company guarantee, it is in

unlimited guarantee to stand with Exxon against Guyanaatallcost

If you don’t believe me, read Judge Kissoon’s characterization of EPA’s “submissiveness” to, and “unison” with Exxon, manifested by the innumerable examples of privileged treatment not afforded local businesses, including hiding Exxon’s files locked up in the Director’s office; allowing Exxon to break the law; and indefianceoftheJudge,not showingproofofExxon’s$2 Billion provisional guaranteependingappealof the full parent company guaranteecase.


Hicken appointed Top Cop

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday set aside conventions and appointed C l i f t o n H i c k e n a s Commissioner of Police although he has passed the age of retirement and is being kept on as head of a f o r c e b e s i e g e d b y allegationsofcorruption.

The issue of whether Hicken could have been still appointed to the top post within the Guyana Police Force had been fiercely debated in the press, but government has maintained that they saw nothing wrong with doing it. In addition to Hicken, President Ali also appointed Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) Head Fazil Karimbaksh, Assistant Commissioners of Police Ravindradat Budhram and Errol Watts and Simon McBean, Commander for Region Four as deputy commissioners.

…five deputy commissioners sworn-in

President Irfaan Ali, along with Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn and Newly appointed commissioner of Police Clifton Hicken and Deputy Commissioners (right) (Screenshot from President Irfaan Ali Facebook page)

of Guyana. He stressed that the fight against crime requires both strategic planning and operational efficiency, which the new leadership team is expected to provide. "I expect the leadership of the Guyana Police Force and all the men and women who constitute this body of service to our country to act together in unison. In upholding our constitution, protecting our laws, protecting the people ofourcountry,"hesaid.

$52.5B in contracts awarded for constructon of 4-lane highway from Craig to Land-of-Canaan

TheNationalProcurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office has awarded eight contracts totalling $52.5 billion for the construction of a new fourlane highway from Craig to Land of Canaan on the East BankofDemerara(EBD).

$7,724,548,738; Lot 4 $8,222,950,788; Lot 5 $644,692,261; Lot 6

$4,568,695,021; Lot 7 $5,687,188,423; and Lot 8 $8,348,303,167.

In June, 47 contractors submitted bids to construct the new four-lane road.At the opening of bids at the NPTAB office, it was revealed that the project is being executed in eight lots and is estimated to cost $49,550,312,074 The four-laneroadprojectisbeing executed by the Ministry of Housing and Water through the Central Housing and PlanningAuthority(CHPA).

The contracts for the highway were awarded as follows: Lot1(AshokaBuild

C o n s t r u c t i o n L t d )

$5,546,817,641; Lot 2 (H. N a u t h & S o n s )

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that funding for the new highway is part of the $100.5 billion that was approved for the ministry in this year's budget. At the ministry's year- end press conference held in January 2023, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal said that the new East Bank highway that is under construction will extend from Buzz Bee Dam, Craig to Land of Canaan, and then from LandofCanaantoSoesdyke.

The first phase of the new East Bank highway started with the $2 6B Mandela Avenue to Eccles road project which was commissioned in April2022.

PresidentAli, during the ceremony, expressed high expectations for the newly appointed leaders He emphasised the critical importanceofunity,respect, and professionalism in the execution of duties, stating thatthesuccessofthepolice force hinges on the collective strength of its leadership and officers

"The prosperity of every

country lies in the bosom of the security of the nation," said President Ali. "Today we have men and women including the Director of CANU, (Director of Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit, James Singh) who is here, who are placed in position of leadership in the security architecture of our country to execute their responsibility in a manner that will build, uphold, and extend public trust," he added.

The President further called on the Police Force to act as a cohesive body, working together to achieve the goals set forth by the Constitution and the people

As part of his address, PresidentAlihighlightedthe recent successes of the GuyanaPoliceForce,noting that the country's crime detection and solving rates are among the best in the region. He acknowledged that while the police force is a central component of national security, its success d e p e n d s o n t h e collaboration with other arms of government and continued modernisation of operations.

"When you look at our operation efficiency, when you look at our training, modernising the force, the strategic direction, the strategic planning is in keeping with what the economy is evolving into but more importantly, it is in keeping with what is expected of Guyana in this region," The Head of State related As Guyana continues to evolve as a nation, Ali emphasised that theleadershipoftheGuyana Police Force will play a crucial role in ensuring that its security architecture remains robust, responsive, andtrustedbyall.

$6,384,420,210; Lot 3 (R. Bassoo & Sons & Qingjian Group Co Guyana Inc

$7,699,717,043; Lot 4 (S. Jagmohan Construction & General Supplies and Vals

C o n s t r u c t i o n )

$8,198,675,835; Lot 5 (Aronco Services Inc. and Build Smart Construction & Supplies) $6,325,080,011; Lot 6 (China Railway First G r o u p G u y a n a I n c )

$4,464,086,736; Lot 7 (Pro

B u i l d H a r d w a r e & C o n s t r u c t i o n I n c )

$5,676,911,709 and Lot 8 (KP Thomas & Sons Construction Inc and Const Soma)$8,262,131,511.

Notably, according to its engineer's estimate Lot 1 is e s t i m a t e d t o c o s t

$7,758,191,995; Lot 2

$6,595,741,681; Lot 3

The second phase of the road was extended from the Eccles Dumpsite Road all the way to Diamond. This project costs $13.3 billion and is divided into 12 lots It includes the construction of more than 30 reinforced c

, 8 6 kilometres of reinforced concrete highway road, and tworoundabouts.

In September 2023, P

roundabout which connects the already completed Eccles thoroughfare to the Mandela AvenueHighway After Diamond, the other phase of work continued to Buzz Bee Dam. The $11B contract was awarded late last year

A question of timing and priorities

The advent of significant oil discoveries has catapulted Guyana into the global spotlight. However, beneaththepromisinglayers of black gold lies a central questionofgovernance:how best should a government utilize its newfound wealth toserveitspeople?

Lastweek,aninteresting issue arose during the Vice P r e s i d e n t ’s P r e s s Conference It concerned whether to go for increased amortization of costs or impose a windfall tax. As with most economic conundrums, the devil residesinthedetails,anditis here that the government musttreadcarefully

Proponents of increased amortization of costs argue from a position of fiscal prudence.Inthecontextofa Production Sharing Agreement(PSA),whereoil companies can claim up to 75% of revenues as cost recovery, accelerating the repaymentofthesecostscan have tangible benefits. The quicker the costs are amortized, the sooner the nation can access the lion’s shareoftheprofits.

Consider the mechanics: every dollar directed toward amortizing costs today

translates to fewer deductions tomorrow By reducing the cost-recovery pool, the government potentially accelerates its journey toward enjoying 50% of the profit oil. Over time, this could mean billions more in state coffers—funds that can be channelled into education,

infrastructure,orhealthcare. On the other side of the ledger, advocates for a windfall tax appeal to immediacyandequity They argue that wind

y profits generated when oil prices s o a r b e y o n d expectations—are a unique opportunity to address pressing social and economic needs. A windfall taxcapturesthissurplusand redistributesit,ofteninways thatdirectlybenefitcitizens.

In a country where inequality is a persistent problem, this approach carriesundeniableappeal.

A windfall tax, in its essence, is a recognition of the finite nature of oil wealth. Oil is a depleting resource,andtherevenuesit generates are subject to the whims of global markets. Capturing excess profits duringboomperiodsensures that the nation can build buffers for the inevitable bust Whether through sovereign wealth funds,

social programs, or infrastructureprojects,these revenuescantransformlives inthehereandnow.

Theethicalunderpinning of a windfall tax cannot be ignored When oil

c o m p a n i e s r e a p extraordinary profits, often due to geopolitical tensions or supply disruptions, the opticsofallowingsuchgains togountaxedaredamaging. Citizens, who often bear the brunt of environmental and social costs associated with oil extraction, demand a fairershareofthepie.

At its core, the debate between amortization and windfall taxation is a question of timing and priorities Should a government prioritize longterm financial stability or address immediate needs? The answer lies not in choosing one over the other but in finding a balance that respects the complexities of theissue.

To achieve this balance, governments must first ensure transparency and accountability in the managementofoilrevenues. Without a clear framework, both amortization and windfall taxation are susceptible to misuse A robust sovereign wealth fund, for instance, can serve as a repository for windfall revenues while adhering to strict rules for withdrawals. Similarly, accelerated amortization can be accompanied by periodic audits to prevent inflated cost claims by oil companies.

In countries like Guyana w h e r e p o v e r t y i s widespread, the case for windfall taxes becomes stronger. Immediate investments in social services, job creation, and infrastructure can lay the foundation for sustainable growth Conversely, in countries with more advanced economies, where the emphasis might be on debt reduction and fiscal discipline, amortization couldtakeprecedence.

The debate between the choice of a windfall tax and that of amortization is not a


Women Shopping Is Ah Sport

Dem boys seh shoppingwida woman is like runnin’ a marathon in slippers—it does test yuh patienceandyuhsanity De mandemknowdestruggle. Yuhguhintownfuhpickup onelilthing,andbeforeyuh blink, de woman done stop in every store like she getting paid to window shop. Butevenmoreworse is Christmas shopping in Guyana.Detownrampack wid people hustling, car horns blaring, and vendors shouting.Lastweekpeople did walking and looking. But dis week, dem get pay

and is shopping till yuh drop. And nuff men does mek de mistake of tagging alongfuhfetchbag. But is de women in de stores who does mek de men sweat. Fellas, next timeyuhwomanseh,“Let’s go shopping,” just seh, “I busy,” and hide yuhself. stress.

One man seh he and he wife gone in town fuh do some Christmas shopping.

De man seh he tell heself, “Leh we do this quick and done,” but quick and women ain’t mix, especially when shopping involved.

peripheralissue.Itiscentral to any strategy aimed at ensuringthebestinterestsof the people. The way oil revenues are managed has a direct impact on a nation’s economic and social development, and its ability to weather future uncertainties.

Of importance to note is that neither the windfall tax norhigheramortizationneed to be a zero-sum game. It is possibletoachieveasynergy t h a t b e n e f i t s a l l stakeholders A hybrid

approach,forinstance,could allocateaportionofwindfall revenues for immediate social investments while channeling the rest toward acceleratedcostrecovery

Another nuanced approach could involve a sliding-scale mechanism, where the rate of cost recovery diminishes as oil prices rise. This can bridge t h e g a p b e t w e e n amortization and windfall taxation. Such a mechanism can ensure that both the government and oil

companies share in the risks and rewards of the industry Butsellingsuchanapproach toJagdeomaybeano-goer (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Nextthingyuhknow,de man and he wife get separated in de crowd. She call he pon de phone, vex vex, and ask, “Where yuh deh?”

De man seh, “Do you remember dat likkle jewelry store we gone to lastyear?Deonewhereyou see dat diamond bracelet yuhdidlove,butItellyuhI ain’tgotmoneyfuhbuyit?” Shesehexcitedly,“Yes! Yes!Iremember!“

De man tek a deep breath and seh, “Well, I in debarnextdoortodatplace drinkin’acoldbeer.” Talkhalf.Leffhalf.


Upcoming elections rich with opportunities

There is the strong sense that one of the traditional underpinnings of Guyana's elections has undergone a change. Blameitonoil. For onceinthespottedhistoryof this country's elections, the blindness has eased, voters from all points are watching, considering. Here are some commonsense assertions that can be challenged, but hardtoovercome.

First, I believe the racial count has narrowed. It is more than migration of one demographic over the other on a sustained basis. People seeandknowthefatcats,top cats, and alley cats that live large off the wealth that belongs to all Guyanese, but from which the majority has been excluded. It's not so much about government policy, but more the result of i n s a t i a b l e g r e e d C o v e t o u s n e s s a n d acquisitiveness always trump clearheaded and

cleareyed policy This has riled those who once told themselves that they will onlyvoteoneway Oilisthe mover and shaker, and a great many Guyanese have beenshakenandstirred,then taken for a ride. They don't likeit.

Second, the census results are now long overdue.

The PPP Government, the custodian of that sensitiveBlackbox,hasgone underground with it. Only the comatose, or Guyanese s p a c e c a d e t s , n e e d enlightenment as to why I report this differently If the demographics favored the government, or were closer to some confidence in electoral viability, both government and leaders would have been fullfledged noise nuisances Study the tensions in the two leaders Anything riles them,notjustinquiriesabout

their poor oil management. The usually garrulous, unstoppable twosome are strangely silent about that census, then did what couldn't have been more revealing. They have been ducking it. The longer and deepertheyduckit,themore quickly and powerfully it floats before Guyanese This is more than losing an election. It is more than l o s i n g i l l e g i t i m a t e intimacies with the people's oil money It is about serial crimes that hang over the unvaccinated.

Thus, one side of the local electoral mudwrestling extravaganza has been pummeled by a two-fisted attack. The census numbers and the ever so slightly shifting voter sentiment Sure,itisn'tamassrejection, but just enough to cause profusesweatingatFreedom House. It's why the air conditioners are always on,

and the curtains drawn Citizenswantpieceoftheoil pie. Guyanesecanread,they have cellphones, many of them are on Facebook Guyana is the biggest news around, but ordinary Guyanese must still fish around for a tadpole or a teabagtogetby So,thePPP dugdeep,andcameupwitha believed winner -$100,000 per adult. Many Guyanese are delirious, reinforcing how bad things are. After all, a hundred is a hundred, and when there is nothing, anything is something. The PPP Government is gambling that the hundred isn't too small, not too late, and recipients will remember Like the singer sang, “remember who, who use to wipe yuh nose fuh yuh, who use to hug and kiss you.”

Meanwhile, PPPhustlers are busy selling that song. But when Sir Alistair put up his luscious billboards, and the PPP li'l buoys (they bob and weave like one) went around trying to roundup the faithful, the people knew courtship was happening. The difference is that there

are neither flowers nor perfume; not even some cheap chocolate The peeple nah stupid like lang time What difference this oil makes, 24 littleerrors…

Looking at these scenarios, the opposition should be sitting prettily electorally Whoever has that thought in their head, should swallow a bottle of aspirin. The PNC and the AFC are either tacticians of peculiar ability, or have some secret elections sauce. Like, the ruling party's supporters, some of the o p p o s i t i o n p a r t i e s ' supporters are saying not so fast. Show what is in hand. Show how much readiness there is. Show what is different, better Remember that slogan about every vote counts? Now try this, Guyanese who are utterly disgusted with the PPP, want the PNC and AFC to show them what they have got. Why y'all and not dem? Why even vote? This is no longeraboutthelesseroftwo evils. It is about which side could deliver more money,

andothergoodies. It is my position that there is a decent basket of votes that is up for grabs. Call them whatever suits: independent, malcontent, intelligent, or just plain damn belligerent. They are fed-up and mean to get the most from their vote, if they vote. If the opposition can rise to the challenge with the proper form and figure, it may surprise. If it doesn't, something tells me that it could be a low voter turnout come September or whenever Apurelyoilparty could be a homewrecker, but thatdependsonwhoisdoing thejilting,whogetsjilted. A foot in the house and soon seats could be occupied. Is who house is dis? Is who runnin' dis place? Move over,Manzoor Oil has lubricated the upcoming elections every which way The action is now starting. Incidentally, I'm watching to see if Mr Alistair Routledge would be voting. He has been here long enough. Yeah, sad moviesmadeSueThompson cry Oil is doing that to Guyanese.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

‘Heads must roll for collapsing GPL poles’ -Jagdeo

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told reporters on Thursdaythatpersonsshould be fired and blacklisted for the concrete poles that recently collapsed in South RuimveldtGeorgetown.

The incident caused blackout for around 2000 residents.Jagdeosaidthatthe incident caused him great grief and made him infuriated. He said it is time that government starts firing people who are not doing their work and are being paid to oversee projects be done properly but are neglecting theirduties.

“Imagine if that didn't happen there we would have never known that these poles were not placed according to specs because someone eitherthecontractordidn'tdo theirworkproperlyandifthe contractor didn't do their work properly they had to do it with the complicity of the personwhoissupervisingthe work and there should be consequences,peoplehaveto be blacklisted and fired for thesesortsofthingsorit'snot going to change,” the vice presidentsaid.

C i t i n g t h a t t h e government has been on a journey to upgrade Aubrey BarkerRoadaspartofitscity upgradeplans,hehighlighted that since the project a number of new businesses have sprung up and property value has also gone up. “So consistent with this we are extending theAubrey Barker Road, and we want the community to benefit from allofthesechanges.

He explained that he did some digging and realised that it was not an ordinary accident that brought discomforttothecommunity. In fact, the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and the Public Works Ministry will have to provide credible information on the situation justifying what exactly went wrong.

“I'm going to be on their case until we get to the bottom of this, because for one these poles that were

moved there from the wooden poles to the concrete polestheyweremovedoutof the path way to expand the road,” the Vice President said.

He said information reaching him suggests that the poles were not laid according to specifications.

“So the Public Works Ministrywillhavetosaywho was responsible for the d e s i g n A d d i t i o n a l information will have to be providedasto,“whatwasthe contractor paid for whether it's a design fault or the contractor did not comply with the design and who supervised this, which engineers designed this and allowedthistohappen.”

On December 14 this publication reported that GPL had blamed ongoing road and drainage works for the collapse of the poles which caused a 24-hour power outage in South Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

Power was disrupted around 19:00 hrs on Thursday last Shortly thereafter, videos and photographs of concrete utility poles hanging dangerously over Aubrey Barker Road, in the vicinity of Spurwing Drive, South Ruimveldtbegancirculating.

The viral circulation of photographs on social media resulted in widespread concernforsafetyastheGPL workersrushedtoremedythe situation. Residents blamed the road contractors for the disaster that not only left them in darkness but without access to the roadway for several hours. In its press release GPL stated that at approximately 20:07 hrs. on the evening it received a report of the falling poles. Upon inspection, it was determinedthatongoingroad and drainage works had compromised the foundation o f G P L ' s n e t w o r k infrastructure, leading to the collapse, GPL stated. Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips and a team had alsovisitedthesite

Vice President,

The collapsing poles last week.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Man gets life imprisonment for felonious wounding

The family and friends of Ganesh Dhanraj, also known as “Jango,” protested outside theHighCourtofDemeraraon Thursday, calling for justice after the 33-year-old was s e n t e n c e d t o l i f e imprisonment and flogged with four strokes of the whip forfeloniouswounding.

The sentence followed a jury's guilty verdict in November on a charge stemming from a 2014 incident.

Dhanraj,ofMontrose,East Coast Demerara (ECD), was convicted of attacking 20year-oldClintonBabooramon December 26, 2014, stabbing him in the groin.According to reports, the sentence, handed down by Justice Navindra Singh followed Dhanraj's conviction by a jury in November Originallycharged with attempted murder, the jury found Dhanraj guilty of the lesser charge of felonious wounding.Two days after the sentencing, Dhranraj family and friends gathered at the High Court gates to protest. Holding placards, they voiced their frustration at what they described as an “excessive injustice penalty” Kaieteur News was on the scene where the family shared their frustrationintothematter

Dhanraj's sister, Sherry Dhanraj, stated, “He has always been bullied, and one day he decided to retaliate. He was in a fight, and a couple of guys beat him.” The family claimedthatDhranrajreported his assault to the Sparendaam Police Station However, when trying to retrieve the case jacket as evidence for the trial, the jackets could not be located at the station. “His medical records, his statement, everything disappeared from court, and now he's sentenced to life imprisonment with four lashes.Thisguy(thevictim)is alive and well, but my brother is treated as if he committed murder,”thesisterexplained. She further questioned the

fairness of the sentence and believed that the maximum penalty was imposed on Dhanraj, noting, “Can you imagine being whipped four times? That's like sentencing him to death for something that happened when he was 24 yearsold.Wewantaretrialand for the jacket he used to report thebullyingtobefound.”

His mother, Dhrandaei Dhanraj, visibly distraught, could only say, “Right now, I'm confused. I don't have words. I feel sad,” before breakingintotears.

Dhanraj's family also pointed out the long gap in proceedings, noting that the case resurfaced nearly ten years after the incident. “This case died down for about a decade before it was brought to the High Court. Jango had poor defence,” a family memberclaimed.

In light of the protest, this publication contacted defence lawyer Adrian Thompson, who announced plans to appeal the sentence, particularly the corporal punishment aspect. “We are appealing and will attempt to file a constitutional motion because we believe the flogging is cruel and inhuman. It should be removed from the penalty,” Thompson said. He addedthattheteamispursuing all legal avenues through the Court of Appeal.During the (Continued on page 16)

Family members and friends gathered at the High Court to protest against penalty imposed on Ganesh Dhanraj
Ganesh Dhanraj sentenced to life imprisonment

Israeli attacks pummel Gaza's north as UN denounces lack of aid access

(ALJAZEERA) Israel has carried out a series of attacks on northern and central Gaza that killed at least 25 people, including children, as a leading rights

group accused it of

committing “acts of genocide” by denying clean watertoPalestinians.

Separate Israeli attacks on Jabalia in northern Gaza, where Palestinians have remained under a tight siege for more than two months, killed at least 16 people, including 10 members of the samefamily,onThursday

In Gaza City, an Israeli attack on a home in the Daraj neighbourhood killed at least four Palestinians, with another person killed in a strike on a group of civilians inZeitounneighbourhood.In central Gaza, a strike on Maghazirefugeecampkilled atleastfourpeople.

There were fears the overall death toll would rise as many people were reported wounded in the Israeli attacks. The Israeli military also issued forced evacuation threats to residents in Bureij refugee camp “The question is where people can go, as everywhere is overcrowded in the central areas of the strip,”saidAlJazeera'sTareq AbuAzzoum,reportingfrom nearby Deir el-Balah At least 45,000 Palestinians havebeenkilledand107,000 others wounded in more than 14 months of attacks across Gaza, a densely populated territory that is at risk of famine and is experiencing emergencylevelsofhunger Israel began its ferocious military campaign after at least 1,139 people were killed during an attack led by Palestinian group Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023, with more than 200 others takencaptive.MostofGaza's 2.3 million inhabitants have been displaced, many of them multiple times, while Israel'sintensebombardment has left much of the territory in ruins.Referring to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday that accused Israel of using water as a weapon of war in Gaza, Abu Azzoum said searching for water in the besieged and bombarded territory was “a daily struggle for survival”. In its 179-page report, HRW detailed how Israeli authorities have cut off and laterrestrictedpipedwaterto Gaza, rendered most of its

water and sanitation infrastructure useless by cutting electricity and restricting fuel, deliberately destroyed and damaged

ation infrastructure and water repair materials; and blocked the entry of critical water supplies.Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied the accusations, which it called “lies”, and alleged that the organisation is promoting “anti-Israel propaganda”. A separate report by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) publishedonThursdayfound “clear signs of ethnic cleansing” in Gaza, particularly in the northern part of the strip “Our firsthand observations of the medical and humanitarian catastropheinflictedonGaza are consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organisations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza,” the organisationsaid.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly ordered Israel to take all the necessary action toensurethatwaterandbasic food supplies arrive without delay to the Palestinian population in Gaza. In spite of that, Israel was still being accused by the United Nations and humanitarian organisations of restricting aid supplies to Gaza by effectively blocking access

t o t h e e n c l a v e U N spokesman Stephane Dujarric on Thursday said Israeli authorities had “yet again” denied access to Beit Hanoon,BeitLahiyaandeast of Jabalia, which are under h e a v y s i e g e “ We underscored how the vast majority of our efforts to r e a c h N o r t h G a z a governoratessincetheIsraeli siege began 10 weeks ago have been blocked. Most requestsaredeniedoutright,” Dujarric said. The UN said it had planned 96 humanitarian actions in the north of Gaza, but just 16 of those were facilitated by Israeli authorities.

Women and children were among the victims of the air raids, and were taken to the al-Ahli Arab Hospital [Abood Abu Salama/Anadolu Agency]

President Ali pledges continued support to GDF

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has reaffirmed the government's commitment to investing in the well-being of members of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and enhancing the agency's operatingcapabilities.

The president's heartfelt speech resonated with all those present at the Christmas Luncheon at Camp Base (Continued on page 16)

Govt. touts easier access to loans for small businesses with passage of new bill

ThenewSecurityInterests in Moveable Property Bill 2024 was passed Wednesday evening in the National Assembly,allowingsmalland medium-scale enterprises (SMEs)toeasilyaccessloans.

During her presentation, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, said the bill will resolve the hesitancy of small business owners being able to access loans due to the insufficiency of immovable properties.

“The bill simplifies the process of using moveable assetsascollateralforsecured credit, making it more accessible to a wider range of businesses These include

equipment, inventory, crops, livestockandvehicles,aswell as intangible assets like receivables intellectual properties and negotiable instruments,” the minister e x p

w legislation creates more opportunities for financing and ensures consistency, transparency and legal certainty in credit markets by streamlining a secure transactionsystem.

It consolidates previous mechanisms for securing credit such as bills of sale, finance leases and pledges of goods. All these mechanisms are contained in a single legal device called “security agreements ” A security agreement is a consensual agreement that secures payment or performance of obligations It eliminates r

administrative burdens and ensures a coherent legal


It must be noted that if an asset is jointly owned both owners must sign this agreement.

The registration of the

electronic track register maintained by the registrar According to the minister, the Security Interest in Moveable Property 2024 will bring a safechangeinthecommercial industry “It will remove key const

aints that have confronted thousands of Guyanese citizens and small businesses It opens up avenues of credit previously (Continued on page 16)

Members of the Guyana Defence Force at the Christmas Luncheon
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali hands over parcels to GDF members

Israeli attacks pummel Gaza's north as UN denounces lack of aid access

(ALJAZEERA) Israel has carried out a series of attacks on northern and central Gaza that killed at least 25 people, including children, as a leading rights

group accused it of

committing “acts of genocide” by denying clean watertoPalestinians.

Separate Israeli attacks on Jabalia in northern Gaza, where Palestinians have remained under a tight siege for more than two months, killed at least 16 people, including 10 members of the samefamily,onThursday

In Gaza City, an Israeli attackonahomeintheDaraj neighbourhoodkilledatleast four Palestinians, with another person killed in a strike on a group of civilians in Zeitoun neighbourhood. In central Gaza, a strike on Maghazi refugee camp killedatleastfourpeople.

There were fears the overall death toll would rise as many people were reported wounded in the Israeli attacks. The Israeli military also issued forced evacuation threats to residents in Bureij refugee camp “The question is where people can go, as everywhere is overcrowded in the central areas of the strip,” said Al Jazeera's

Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from nearby Deir el-Balah. At least 45,000 Palestinianshavebeenkilled and107,000otherswounded in more than 14 months of attacks across Gaza, a densely populated territory thatisatriskoffamineandis experiencing emergency levelsofhunger Israel began its ferocious military campaign after at least 1,139 people were killedduringanattackledby Palestinian group Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023, with more than 200 others taken captive. Most of G a z a ' s 2 . 3 m i l l i o n inhabitants have been displaced, many of them multipletimes, while Israel's intense bombardment has left much of the territory in ruins.

Referring to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday that accusedIsraelofusingwater as a weapon of war in Gaza, Abu Azzoum said searching for water in the besieged and bombarded territory was “a daily struggle for survival”.

In its 179-page report, HRW detailed how Israeli authorities have cut off and laterrestrictedpipedwaterto Gaza, rendered most of its water and sanitation infrastructure useless by cutting electricity and restricting fuel, deliberately destroyed and damaged water and sanitation infrastructure and water repairmaterials;andblocked the entry of critical water supplies.

Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied the accusations, which it called “lies”, and alleged that the organisation is promoting “anti-Israel propaganda”. A separate report by Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

published on Thursday found “clear signs of ethnic cleansing” in Gaza, particularly in the northern partofthestrip.

“ O u r f i r s t h a n d observations of the medical a n d h u m a n

i a n catastrophe inflicted on Gaza are consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organisations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza,” the organisationsaid.

The International Court

Women and children were among the victims of the air raids, and were taken to the al-Ahli Arab Hospital [Abood Abu Salama/Anadolu Agency]

of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly ordered Israel to take all the necessary action toensurethatwaterandbasic food supplies arrive without delay to the Palestinian population in Gaza. In spite of that, Israel was still being accused by the United Nations and humanitarian organisations of restricting aid supplies to Gaza by effectively blocking access totheenclave.

UNspokesmanStephane Dujarric on Thursday said Israeli authorities had “yet

again” denied access to Beit Hanoon, Beit Lahiya and east of Jabalia, which are under heavy siege. “We underscored how the vast majority of our efforts to r e a c h N o r t h G a z a governorates since the Israeli siege began 10 weeks agohavebeenblocked.Most requests are denied outright,” Dujarric said. The UN said it had planned 96 humanitarian actions in the north of Gaza, but just 16 of those were facilitated by Israeliauthorities.


Drivers (25-45 Year old) to deliver Groceries & Porter to work on the canter & warehouse. Attractive salary. Tel673-7373.

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Robert Corbin: one of PNC’s most consequential...

From page 05 accused of even harbouring racial tendencies contrary to the ethics of the party, Corbin took the criticism without retort.

A disciplined cadre, he chose not to invoke the popular Shaggy line “it wasn’t (all) me”.

And so editor, some two decades before a long serving Caribbean head of state lectured a colleague “(he) should learn to take his licks like a man,” RHO Corbin demon-

strated this admirable leadership character trait to this day.

Unfazed and undaunted, Corbin having given up the leadership to a person with a significant following (estimated almost the equivalent of one parliamentary seat,) operated behind the scenes and engineered the entry of big tent politics on the political landscape.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) was formed in 2011.

The party won 26 of the

65 seats in the National Assembly. The Alliance For Change (AFC) won Seven.

The Peoples Progressive Party having won 32 seats and formed the government with a one seat minority.

For the 2015 election, APNU formed a joint electoral list with the AFC.

The combined result, thanks to the support of a large amount of young people, was thirty-three seats which gave the coalition the nod to form the government.

In a functioning democracy, the pendulum could swing in favour of any contesting party. Results according conditions agreed must be acknowledged, recognised and facilitated without delay.

It was John Lyly who said “All is fair in love and war” I prefer to say, “All is fair in love, war and politics.”

I wish everyone, a Merry Christmas, a happy Kwanza and a prosperous 2025. Yours faithfully Derrick Cummings

Govt. touts easier access to loans for small businesses...

From page 14 unavailable to them,” Minister Walrond noted.

Moreover, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh also contributed to the bill.

Dr. Singh noted that the bill will add to the series of

legislations already put forward by the government to support SMEs.

“This Security Interest in Moveable Property 2024 is a most commendable and most welcomed addition to our legal architecture and financial system and I commend my colleague for bringing it to parliament on behalf of our

government,” the senior minister noted.

According to him, Guyana’s bank deposits grew exponentially over the years due to the many financial initiatives that the government implemented.

He pointed out that between June 2022 to June 2024, the commercial bank deposit

grew by a staggering 7.9 per cent. Meanwhile, the bill received unanimous support from APNU+AFC Opposition Member of Parliament, Khemraj Ramjattan. He commended the government for the “well put together” bill, which he believes will assist upcoming entrepreneurs. (DPI)

Man gets life imprisonment sentence for felonious...

From page 12 sentence on Monday, it is reported that Justice Singh imposed a base sentence of 30 years, adding nine years for aggravating factors, including the senseless nature of the attack and Dhanraj’s attempt to mislead the court with contradictory defences.

The judge ordered that Dhanraj serve at least 39 years before becoming eligible for parole.

In addition to the life sentence, the judge ordered that Dhanraj receive four strokes of the whip.

The incident took place outside a rum shop near

Babooram’s home in Montrose, ECD. The court noted that Dhanraj approached Babooram without provocation and delivered a potentially fatal stab wound in the groin with a knife before fleeing.

The injury required emergency surgery, with medical

experts confirming its lifethreatening nature. Babooram had remained hospitalised for over two weeks and was bedridden at home for an extended period after the incident.

The trial was prosecuted by attorneys-at-law Muntaz Ali and Christopher Belfield.

President Ali pledges continued support to GDF...

From page 14 Ayanganna, Thomas Lands, Georgetown, on Thursday.

During his address, the president celebrated the significant strides the officers have made in their welfare and living conditions, emphasising that hundreds of service members now own their own homes. He accredited this major accomplishment to the numerous investments the government has made to support, train and develop members of the joint services.

“Our defence…is built on our own determination, our own selfless action, our own men and women in uniform [and] the investment we make

in you,” President Ali noted. Over the last four years, the government has expended over $115 billion to enhance the infrastructure and proficiency of the GDF, Additionally, this year, 12,000 GDF service men and women will receive a onemonth bonus. President Ali deemed these investments as a “well-spent cent” and commended the progress the GDF has seen over this term.

The head of state further emphasised that Guyana’s defence strategy will continue to thrive on internal resilience and international partnerships. Looking ahead, plans to generate a stronger defence force and a more mod-

ern and technologically advanced military are being streamlined. The president highlighted interest in incorporating newer technologies such as artificial intelligence into the country’s defence strategy. “Today, we are building a new defence force. A defence force that is focused heavily on the future,” President Ali said. As these plans take effect, there will be a growing need for increased investments in training officers and enhancing their intellectual capabilities. Referencing this notion, President Ali said, “We will continue to expose you to greater training, greater opportunity, and importantly, greater technol-

ogy.” The Commander in Chief also addressed ongoing territorial disputes and pledged his administration’s willingness to adhere to international law, protecting the sovereignty and national borders of Guyana. In addition to these technological and territorial advancements, the government will also continue to increase financial investments. President Ali’s renewed message and his administration’s numerous strides to supporting the GDF are a testament to the government’s dedication to bettering the quality of life for service members and creating a defence force capable of facing all challenges. (DPI)

Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 264-

Israel committing ‘acts of genocide’ by cutting off water in Gaza, HRW says in

Displaced Palestinian women use a dry path to carry water. Palestinians in Gaza have access to only a few litres of water a day in many areas, far below the 15-litre threshold for survival [File: Bashar Taleb/AFP]

(ALJAZEERA) Human Rights Watch has accused Israelofcommitting“actsof genocide” by denying clean water to Palestinians in Gaza, and called on the international community to imposetargetedsanctions.

Inanew184-pagereport released on Thursday, the New York-based watchdog saidthatsinceOctober2023 – when Israel launched its military offensive in Gaza –Israeli authorities have “deliberately obstructed Palestinians’ access to the adequate amount of water required for survival in the GazaStrip”.“Whatwehave found is that the Israeli government is intentionally killing Palestinians in Gaza by denying them the water that they need to survive,” Lama Fakih, Human Rights Watch Middle East director toldanewsconference.

Bill Van Esveld, acting Israel and Palestine director atHumanRightsWatch,told Al Jazeera that the organisation interviewed over 115 people and used satelliteimageryaspartofits investigation.“Wedidavery thorough job and we found four key things that Israel has done to deliberately block [access to water] in Gaza,”hesaid.

First, pipelines bringing drinkingwaterfromIsraelto Gaza were blocked. Israel then cut off the electricity supply needed to activate water pumps for reserves inside Gaza, so desalination plants,waterwellsandwaste management plants stopped working.

Some of those facilities had solar panels to power them in case the electricity was cut off. “The Israeli military then went in and bulldozed every single one oftheminfourofGaza’ssix wastewater treatment facilities, leaving nothing to chance,” Van Esveld said. “Finally,theypreventedany attempts at repair from

happening,” he said, by killing technical staff and preventing humanitarian aid agencies from bringing in water-relatedsupplies.“This is a comprehensive policy preventing people from getting any water,” Van Esveld concluded, and “a very clear finding of extermination”.

“What this means is that you’redeliberatelyinflicting conditions on a population that you know are going to kill a large number of those people.” The organisation found Palestinians in Gaza had access to two to nine litresofwateradayinmany areas, far below the 15-litre thresholdforsurvival,which contributes to the spread of diseases and death The report concluded that this policy amounts to “acts of genocide” under the criteria outlines in the Genocide Conventionof1948.“Israeli authorities intentionally inflicted on the Palestinian population in Gaza ‘conditionsoflifecalculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,’”itsaid.


Israel has repeatedly rejected any accusation of genocide, saying it has a righttodefenditselfafterthe Hamas-ledattackfromGaza on October 7, 2023. On Thursday,itrejectedHRW’s report, calling its findings “appallinglies”.Provingthe crime of genocide against Israeli officials before international courts also requires establishing an intenttocommitthiscrime.

T h e G e n o c i d e

Convention, enacted following the mass murder of Jews in the Nazi Holocaust,definesthecrime of genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy,inwholeorinpart,a national, ethnical, racial or religiousgroup”.

The report cited statements by some senior

Israeliofficialswhichitsaid suggested they “wish to destroy Palestinians” which means the deprivation of water “may amount to the crimeofgenocide”.

It also argued that Israel violated provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in January, as part of a case brought by South Africa alleging that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention. The court required Israel to enabletheprovisionofbasic

services and humanitarian assistance to demonstrate it hasnogenocidalintent.

In light of its findings, HRW called on the international community to issue “targeted sanctions, suspensionofarmstransfers and military assistance, and review of bilateraltrade and political agreements” to pressure Israel to comply with the ICJ’s provisional measures The report follows another study by Amnesty International issuedearlierthismonththat

also concluded that Israel’s actions in Gaza amount to genocide.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) last monthissuedarrestwarrants for Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahuandhis former defence chief for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity Israel’s war has killed more than 45,000 Palestinians, displaced most of the population and reduced much of the coastal enclave toruins.

I should have invaded Ukraine earlier, Putin tells Russians in TV marathon

(REUTERS) Russian

PresidentVladimirPutinhas said Russia should have launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine earlier andbeenbetterpreparedfor thewar

In his end-of-year press conference on Thursday, Putin said, with hindsight, there should have been “systemic preparation” for the2022invasion,whichhe refers to as a “special militaryoperation”.

Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and pro-Russian forces began a conflict in eastern Ukraine, but it was eight years later thatPutintriedtoseizeKyiv During his four-hour long appearance, Putin also talkedaboutSyria’sdeposed leader, Russia’s more aggressive nuclear doctrine as well as domestic issues, likethepriceofbutter

Billed as “Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin”, theeventwasbroadcastlive across the main state TV channelsonThursday Putin appeared in front of a large blue screen emblazoned with a map of the Russian Federation, complete with annexed parts of Ukraine. He took questions from

members of the public, foreign journalists and pensioners - but it was a highly choreographed and tightlycontrolledaffair

When asked by the BBC’s Russia editor Steve Rosenberg whether he felt the country was in a better state than where his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, hadleftit25yearsago,Putin said Russia had regained its

happening to Russia before that, we were heading towards a complete, total lossofoursovereignty.”

Asked about the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, Putin insisted it was not a defeat for the Kremlinwhich supported President Bashar al-Assad militarily for years - but he admitted the situation was “complicated”. He said he hadnotyetspokentoousted Syrian leader, who fled to Moscow as rebel forces closed in on Damascus earlier this month, but plannedtodososoon.

He added that Russia wasintalkswithSyria’snew

s to reta

n two strategically important military bases on the

Mediterranean coast and that Moscow would consider using them for humanitarianpurposes.

On US President-elect Donald Trump, Putin said the pair had not spoken in fouryears,buthewasready tomeethim“ifhewantsit”. Whenputtohimhewasina weak position compared to Trump, who is set to take office in January, Putin quoted American writer Mark Twain: “The rumours of my death are much exaggerated,” prompting a smattering of laughs in the conferencehall.

Moving on to China, PutinsaidRussia’srelations with its eastern neighbour hadreachedanall-timehigh

and the two countries were coordinating actions on the world stage. “In the last decade,thelevelandquality of our [Russia-China] relations have reached a point that has never existed throughout our entire history,”hesaid.

Alengthyportionofthe session was focused on the war in Ukraine, with Putin saying he was “open to compromises” to end the war-althoughitwasunclear what such compromises could entail. Russian forces are making progress on the frontlines “everyday”, he said,describinghistroopsas “heroes”. At one point, he produced a signed flag he said was given to him by

Russian marines who were “ f i g h t i n g f o r t h e motherland” in the Kursk region, and ushered two observers to hold it behind himforthecameras.

He also talked up Russia’s construction projectsinareasithasseized from Ukraine, claiming the standard of roads in the U

improvedsinceitwasseized by Russia-backed forces in 2014. When asked by an audiencememberiftheWest had “received the message” on Russia’s change to its nuclear doctrine, which Putin pushed through in November, he said “you’ll have to ask them.”The new nuclear doctrine allows Russia to conduct a nuclear strikeonanycountry,ifitis backed by a nuclear power That means if Ukraine were to launch a large attack on Russia with conventional missiles, drones or aircraft that could meet the criteria for a nuclear response, as couldanattackonBelarusor anycriticalthreattoRussia’s sovereignty Putin also emphasised the capabilities o f R u s s i a ’ s n e w intermediate-range ballistic

missile, Oreshnik, which was used in a strike on UkraineinNovember

Inordertotestitspower, he suggested Russia should fire the Oreshnik towards Ukraine, and Ukrainian air defence-usingUS-supplied systems-shouldtrytobring it down. As for the name “Oreshnik”? “Honestly,” Putinsaidwithasmirk,“No idea. No clue.” A dominant theme throughout the event was “Russian sovereignty”, withPutinclaimingthatless reliance on international partners - partly a result of Westernsanctions-wasone of the key achievements of hisinvasionofUkraine.

Hesaidtheeconomywas “stable”, pointing to higher growth than countries like Germany, but admitted inflation of 9 1% was “alarming”.

In fact, the economy is overheating and highly reliant on m

y production - sometimes t

Throughout the address, Putin also answered questionsondomesticissues - from telephone scammers to young people’s struggles withgettingamortgage.

Congress in disarray and shutdown looms as Trump, Musk slam spending deal

(BBC NEWS) The US could face a government shutdown at midnight on Saturday after Presidentelect Donald Trump called onRepublicanlawmakersto reject a bipartisan funding billthatwouldhavekeptthe government funded through March.

Trump urged Congress to scrap the deal and pass a slimmer version with fewer provisions. His intervention followed heavy criticism of the bill by tech billionaire Elon Musk. Congressman Steve Scalise, the Republican House Majority Leader, indicated on Wednesday night that the bill was dead after Trump denounced it. The shortterm funding bill will need tobepassedbyCongressby the end of the week to prevent federal government offices from shuttering

beginning on Saturday Now,Republicanleadership mustgobacktothedrawing board, and they only have until 23:59 EDT (04:59 GMT)toreachadealbefore funding expires and the government shuts down. A government shutdown wouldcausefederalservices - ranging from the National Parks Service to Border Patrol - to limit and begin closing operations this weekend. Trump and VicePresident-elect JD Vance dealtthefinalblowtoHouse Speaker Mike Johnson’s bipartisan funding bill on Wednesday night following a pressure campaign led by Mr.MuskonX. Mr.Musk, who Trump has tasked with cutting government spending in his future administration, lobbied heavily against the existing deal posting repeatedly on

Wednesday against the bill, oftenwithfalsestatements.

The president and vicepresident elect are pushing for streamlined legislation that does not include Democratic-backed provisions that Johnson negotiated with his colleagues across the aisle. The now-dead bipartisan deal would have extended government funding until March 14 - several months after Trump returns to the White House The legislation is necessary because Congress never passedabudgetforthe2025 fiscalyear,whichbeganon1 October Instead,lawmakers opted to pass a short-term funding extension until December20.

They also called, in a joint statement, for Congress to raise the debt ceiling, which determines

how much the government can borrow to pay its bills, and limit the funding legilsation to temporary spendinganddisasterrelief.

“Republicans want to supportourfarmers,payfor disaster relief, and set our country up for success in 2025. The only way to do that is with a temporary funding bill WITHOUT

D E M O C R A T GIVEAWAYS combined with an increase in the debt ceiling,”thestatementread. Theycalledanythingelse “abetrayalofourcountry”In postsonhissocialmediasite, Truth Social, Trump threatenedtohelpunseat“any Republican that would be so stupidasto”voteinfavourof thecurrentversionofthebill, which was unveiled on Tuesday “If Democrats threaten to shut down the government unless we give

them everything they want, thenCALLTHEIRBLUFF,” hesaid Johnson’s1,500-page continuing resolution included more than $110bn (£88bn)inemergencydisaster reliefand$30bn(£23bn)inaid tofarmers Italsoincludedthe first pay raise for lawmakers since 2009, federal funds to rebuildabridgethatcollapsed in Baltimore, healthcare reforms,andprovisionsaimed at preventing hotels and live event venues from deceptive advertising. It is not clear how Johnson plans to proceed.

Both parties are meeting on Thursday to decide their party’s path forward Democrats are unlikely to help Johnson with support forare-vampedfundingbill, blaming him for breaking their bipartisan agreement.

“You break the bipartisan agreement, you own the

consequences that follow,” Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries posted on X White House Press Secretary Karine JeanPierreissuedastatementafter Trump came out against the bill, saying: “Republicans need to stop playing politics withthisbipartisanagreement ortheywillhurthardworking Americans and create instabilityacrossthecountry” “Triggering a damaging government shutdown would hurt families,” President Joe Biden’s spokeswoman continued,adding:“Adealisa deal. Republicans should keeptheirword.”

There have been 21 US government shutdowns or partial shutdowns over the past five decades - the longestofwhichwasduring Trump’sfirsttermwhenthe government was shuttered for35days.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

India produce dominant 60-run win over West Indies to claim 2-1 T20I series victory in Mumbai

SportsMax - The West Indieswillhavetowaitabit longer for their first T20 Internationalserieswinover India since 2017 after they were defeated by 60 runs in theThursday’sdecisivethird T20IattheDYPatilStadium inMumbai.

Indiabattedfirst,posting 217-4 from their 20 overs before restricting the West Indians to 157-9 in their 20 overs.

It looked like Hayley Matthews made the right decision by choosing to bowl first after winning the tosswhenChinellehenrygot the wicket of Uma Chetry for a duck at the end of the firstover.

However, that proved to be the last bit of success the W i n d i e s w o m e n experienced for a while as

captain Smriti Mandhana and Jemimah Rodrigues added 98 throughout the nextnineovers.

That partnership ended when Rodrigues fell off the bowling ofAfy Fletcher for 39inthe11thover.

Raghvi Bist then joined her skipper and the pair out on a further 44 before Mandhana went off the bowling of Deandra Dottin

with two balls to go in the 15thover

Mandhana made a top score of 77 off47 balls including13foursandasix.

That wicket brought Richa Ghosh to the crease andthewicket-keeper/batter played a massive part in India reaching their biggest totaloftheseries.

Ghosh combined with Bist to put on 70 for the fourth wicket in just 5.1 overs before being dismissed with one ball remaining in the innings for a 21-ball 54 including three foursandfivesixes.

Friday December 20, 2024


Todayisadayofoppositesfor you.You may jump from one thing to another, Aries Somehow nothing seems to sitrightwithyou,andsoyour search intensifies. Try to be the active one in the situation as opposed to the one acted upon.


Todayisaterrificdayforyou, Taurus,inwhichactionspells reward.Youcan'tgowrongby expressing your needs and how they fit with the collectiveagenda.Feelfreeto focus on you and be selfish aboutyourpassions.


Egos may rage out of control today, leaving you to wonder whatallthefussisabout.Give other people their space, Gemini. If the conversation getstooboring,justsmileand nod.


Today is a powerful day for you, Cancer Your emotions may be stubborn but realize theverythingyouresististhe verythingyouneedthemost.


Today could be an unusual oneforyouemotionally,Leo. Your usual easygoing, adaptable nature could be ruffled by people who try to takeoverprojectsthatyouare perfectlyqualifiedtodo.


Try not to be too arrogant today, Virgo, even when you'reutterlysureyou'reright about the given situation Morethanlikely,youhavethe correct answers, but it isn't necessarytobestridentabout it.


People may have an extra spark in their actions and an extrabiteintheirwordstoday You will find that you may be better off just walking away fromanysituationthatdoesn't feelright.


Express yourself to the fullest today, Scorpio. Feel free to take an unconventional approach when it comes to dealing with your emotions. Trynottoletotherscajoleyou into thinking you need to fit into an artificial construct of what you need to be and what youneedtothink.


Itmaybehardtodealwiththe opposing energies today, Sagittarius Conflicting viewpoints and twisted perspectivesclashwithinyour world.


Capricorn, this may prove a challenging day for you You're used to being the sovereign surrounded by courtiers currying your favor. There's something trying to drawattentionawayfromyou.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18)Take care of yourself and your needs, Aquarius. There's an advantage to making sure your emotions are cared for and stable before you try to healothers.

PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20)

Take the unconventional approachtoday,Pisces.You're able to gain a great deal and establish a whole new perspective just by opening your lens wider in order to include what you normally shrugoff.


Frompage26 two exciting semi-final matchups, starting at 5:30

’s Academic Foundation suffered a 3-0 defeat against the Trinidadians, while last year’s champions, Clarendon College, edged out Tobago’s Speyside College 2-1 These results set the stage for an exhilarating finish ahead of Sunday’sgrandfinale

Bistfinished31*asIndia reached 217-4 from their 20 overs.

In pursuit of 218 for victory, the West Indian chase started slowly with openers Matthews and Qiana Joseph adding just nine in the first three overs thanks to some accurate Indianbowling.

Thatbuiltuppressurepaid off in the fourth over when Joseph, after hitting a six off thepreviousball,fellcaught off the bowling of Sajeevan Sanjana for 11 off 13 balls withthescoreon20.

In a change in the order, Deandra Dottin came in at number three and her and Matthews added 37 for the second wicket before Matthewfellcaughtoffthe bowling of Radha Yadav for a 17-ball 22 in the eighth over One over later, all West Indian hope seemed lostasDottinfellfor25off17 balls,caught off the bowling of Titas Sandhu with the scoreon62.

Shemaine Campbelle and Chinelle Henry, who came in at four and five, respectively, both batted well in their partnership of 34 for the fourth wicket before Campbelle fell caughtforan11-ball17off the bowling of Deepti Sharma at the start of the 12thover

Henry was the best West Indian batter of the day, making43offjust16ballsto try her hand at overhauling the massive total put up by thehosts.

Shehitthreefoursandfour sixes before falling with the scoreon129inthe15thover

Aaliyah Alleyne (6), Nerissa Crafton (9) and Shabika Gajnabi (3) all fell before the end of the 18th overasIndiaclosedinonthe winandaseriestriumph.

According to the fixtures, StBenedict’sCollegewilltake on Region Seven’s giants Annai Secondary, who previously defeated Tobago’s Speyside College Annai will needtogivetheiralltosecurea spotinthefinals Ontheother side, Chase’s Academic Foundation, the 2024 U18 Leaguechampions,willbattle Clarendon College for a place in the championship match. Who will emerge victorious? That’s the big question.Eachoftheremaining teamshasearnedtheirspotinthe finalfourNowistheirchanceto showcaseallthehardworkand dedication from the 2024 footballseason

Fans can expect electrifying youth football as theseteamscompetetomake history Comeoutandsupport both local and international contenders as the Petra Organisation inches closer to crowning the 2024 KFC Goodwillchampions The tournament is proudly sponsored by KFC, withadditionalsupportfrom ANSA McAl Distribution (Lucozade), Royal International Hotel, Tiger Rentals, SkyTec Enterprise, RSI Maintence Service Limited, MVP Sports, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSports.

2024 BCB Ivan Madray T20 Memorial T20 semi-finals… UCCA, RHTYSC NAMILCO to face off tomorrow

Th e B e r b i c e

Cricket Board

(BCB)/Dr Ivan MadrayT20semi’sbowloff tomorrow, Saturday, with Upper Corentyne Cricket



battling Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTYSC) this Saturday, December21.

The two teams having

made it this far, will lock horns at theArea H Ground located in Rose Hall with action bowling off from 13:00h,asoneofeitherteam is likely to book a place in


On the other hand, the BCBhasannouncedthatthe continuation of the ongoing Dr Armanauth Dukki sponso

d Under-15 tournament will take an indefinitebreak.

ActioninZonesBandC will pause for the moment duetotheconsistentrainfall which has plagued some partsoftheAncientCounty

AT least two clubs can swiftly secure quarterfinal places tonight (Friday) on day two when the Upper Demerara Football Association’s (UDFA) $3M C h r i s t m a s f u t s a l championship continues at the Retrieve Hard Court in Linden.

As the preliminary play continues after rain forced

the postponement of Wednesday night’s six matchesFutsalfansareinfor a treat since, weather permitting it would be most interesting as teams know theimportanceofavictory

In this fourteen-team championship, two groups have three and another two consist of four and after roundrobinplay,thetoptwo teamswilleachadvanceinto thequarterfinals.

In this scenario where three teams are in Group B, Topp XX who defeated Capital FC 4-3, on the opening night last Sunday, can with a win against Fearlessat7.00pmreachthe lasteight.

Then at 7 45pm the second match on the night features Group D teams and again where three teams are bracketed.

Winners Connection, who were 5-2 winners versus Coomacka, can also reach the last eight by defeating opponents Rockstone.

The third game is where the most interest will be as fourteamseachareinvolved in these clashes battling it out.

In Group A at 8.30pm GroupAmatchpitsAmelia’s Ward against Silver Shattas

The board is expectedto make future announcements regarding the resumption of pla


withtheShattasjustoffa7-0 destruction by Botafago searching for a way to rebound against this Amelia’s Ward side which were held to a 5-5 draw by NetRockersintheiropening game. After that game in a Group C which has four teams,Blueberry Hill will at 9 15pm, after holding Milerock to a 2-2 stalemate, nowfaceEaglesUnited. Eaglesaftersecuringthat important win over Hi Stars will be tough to stop, but Blueberry Hill United must be encouraged with their previous performance. That game will be followed at 10.00pm by one which also has four teams contesting in a Group C, featuring the defending champions Milerock and Hi Stars Milerock are seeking to improve their chances of advancing, after they were heldtoa2-2drawwhenthey clashed with Blueberry Hill Unitedon thefirstnightlast Sunday Hi Stars on the other hand cannot afford to lose again, after they went down 2-0toEaglesUnitedintheir opener

Game six of the night starts at 10 45pm where Group A’s Botafago fresh from an impressive 7-0 hammering of Silver Shattas, hoping to establish themselves with another solid win against Net Rockers,whoplayedtoa5-5 drawwithAmelia’sWard.

Following tonight’s matches the tournament continues on Sunday with another six matches at the RetrieveHardCourt.

Guyanese athletes make mark at second Kares Cross Fit Caribbean event in Suriname

Roley Chandler, Kellon Reid and Shanika Estwick highlighted the Guyanese presence at the Kares Caribbean Championship ‘December Classic’ in partnership with local gym RockFitnessParamaribo.

Chadler and Reid finishedfirstandthirdinthe Intermediate Individuals category, while Estwick claimed a third place finish intheScaledFemalesevent.

Sponsored by Kares Group and Lotus Hardware, it was the First CrossFit Licensed event in Suriname held on 14-15 December at Ring sports canter in Paramaribo International participation came from countries including Guyana, Suriname, Bahamas, French Guiana, United Kingdom, France,USA,Venezuelaand Brazil.

A total 82 Athletes

competing, categories: Intermediate Individuals, scaled males and scaled females battled over 2 days of competition starting on Saturdayatanoutdoorvenue at Plantation Frederiksdorp where the first event was 1000mkayaking,2000mrun and5000mtrailbiking. It was the second Crossfitlicensedeventinthe Caribbean, (first one in TrinidadAugust2024).

Athletes completed 1 event on Saturday and 5 eventsonSunday. TheEventwasdescribed

as a g

commencing at 9am and finishingat5pm.Organizers were pleased with the enthusiasmandsupportfrom athletes and spectators (300). They will be hosting the next Crossfit Licensed event in another Caribbean country in April 2025. The vision for the competition is

to move across borders regionally in the Caribbean and eventually expand globally in USA, UK, Europe and beyond as a

Licensed Event in countries


Results of the Podium finishes:


1st - Roley Chandler (Guyana)

2nd- Jaime Thompson (Bahamas)






2nd- Dimitri Stomp (Suriname)

3rd- Kenneth Yau (Suriname)


1st- Patiqua Cooper (Bahamas)

2nd- Amanda Rijsdijk

Saints, Good Hope, Christ Church...

It was highly-competitive battle among students as a number of schools brought the intensity through the 2024 CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited/GTTA National Schools Table Tennis championships.


High “A” def St Joseph’s High“A”3-0

Obinnah def Travis Lyken3-0(11-8-11-9,11-8)

Josiah Issacs def Christian Williams 3-0 (115,11-7,11-8)


Obinnah/Williams def Lyken/Issacs 3-0 (113,11,9,11-10)

Christ Church SecAdef StRoses“B”3-0

Samuel Ally def Brad Cush 3-2 (9-11,11-2,1210,6-11,11-6)

Gamaliel Philips def Xavi Peters 3-1 (3-11,115,11-2,11-5)


Ally/Philips def Brad Cush/Tyen Paul 3- 1 (118,10-12,11-8,11-8)

St Joseph High def ChristChurch“B”3-0

Travis Lyken def Diego De Nobrega 3-0 (11-5,118,11-8)

Josiah Issacs def Phillip Persaud 3-0 (11-6,11-7,116) Lyken/Issacs def De Nobrega/Andre Arjoon 3-0 (11-3,12-10,11-8)

Christ Church “A” def ChristChurch“B”3-0

Samuel Ally def Diego De Nobrega 3-1 (12-10,119,11-13,11-6)

Gamaliel Philips def Andre Arjoon 3-0 (11-7,119,11-8)


S.Ally/G.PhilipsdefDe Nobrega /Persaud 3-0 114,11-6,11-9)

Boys19YearsandUnder Region 4 Bladen Hall def GoodHopeSec3-2


J Mc Pherson lost K


3rd- Shanika Estwick (Guyana)

The event saw backing



Hall /Mc Pherson def D’Olivera/Foster 3-1(119,11-7,7-11,11-9)

D’Oliviera def J Mc Pherson 3-0 (11-2,11-3,112)

A Hall def K Foster 3-0 (11-6,11-3,11-5)

Girls 19 Years and U n d e r N a t i o n a l Edition

S T S t a n i s l a u s

College def Bladen Hall Sec 3-0

Akira Watson def

Angel Robinson 31(11-9,6-11,11-4,11-5)

Jamine Billingy def

Shackey Damon 3-0 (11-6,11-7,11-4)

A Watson/J Billingy def A Robinson/S Damon 3-0 (11-4,119,11-4)

from Sponsors: Baitali Group, Gorilla Energy Drink,Jumexjuice,Bacardi, FIS Industrial Services, All Star, Paramaribo Bright, Plantage Frederiksdorp, Basic ne Water, Rude Boy andRamcharan’sslijterij.

Minister Ramson tables historic Guyana Horse Racing Authority Bill

- Horse racing industry set for transformation

The Guyana Horse RacingAuthority Bill 2024, tabled by Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport Charles Ramson Jr in the NationalAssembly, marks a historic step toward modernizing and regulating the country’s horse racing industry

The long-awaited legislation, which was presented to Parliament by Minister Ramson, aims to establish the Guyana Horse RacingAuthority,agoverning body to oversee licensing, management, and discipline withinthesport.

The Bill outlines a comprehensive framework to professionalize horse racing in Guyana, with its provisions including establishment of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority, which will be a corporate body governed by a Boardcomprisingprofessionals with expertise in law, finance, business,andhorseracing

It also covers mandatory Licensing,whichwillallowfor allracecourses,trainers,jockeys, andstableemployeestoobtain licensestooperate Applications will be vetted to ensure compliancewithregulationsand industrystandards

A dedicated Disciplinary Committee will also be established investigate

complaintsandenforcepenalties for breaches of rules Actions such as license suspension or revocationwillbepublishedfor public awareness Regulation andEnforcementwillbeseethe MinisterofCulture,Youth,and Sporthavingthepowertomake additional rules concerning security,safety,andoperational standardsatracecourses

The tabling of the Bill represents the culmination of years of effort. Several previous administrations attempted to introduce similar legislation but were met with resistance from certain stak

holders, particularly stable owners, as past proposals often faltered at the discussion stage, leaving the industry unregulated and vulnerable to exploitation. The passage of the Bill is poised to addresslongstandingissues, including the lack of accountability, safety concerns, and disputes over pri

l framework, the government aims to create an environment conducive to growthandinvestment.

Guyana’s push to regulatehorseracingmirrors similar initiatives in other Caribbean countries like Barbados, Jamaica and


In Jamaica, the establishment of the Betting, Gaming, and Lotteries Commission has transformed the horse racing sector into a robust contributor to the economy Regulatory oversight has attracted sponsorships,improvedanimal welfare, and created employmentopportunities

Similarly, in Trinidad and Tobago, the Trinidad and Tobago Racing Authority ensures fair competition, promotesethicalpractices,and safeguards the interests of all stakeholders. Theseexamples highlight the economic and social benefits of a wellregulated industry, offering a glimpseofwhatGuyanacould achieve under the new Bill Minister Ramson underscored the transformative potential of thelegislation,statingthat the Bill is not just about regulation; it’s about elevating horse racing to a professional sport that contributes to our nation’s economic and cultural landscape The Guyana Horse RacingAuthorityAct 2024 aims to provide a platform for stakeholders to engage in fair and transparent practices, ultimately fostering a thrivingindustry

1st placed Patiqua Cooper (Bahamas) (centre), is flanked by 2nd-placed Amanda Rijsdijk (Suriname) at left and 3rd- placed Shanika Estwick (Guyana).

GFF and MEYBA launch new kits to unite Guyanese fans and boost team performance

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF), in collaboration with global sportswear brand MEYBA, is proud to launch its new team kits, marking an exciting milestone in their five-year partnership announced in September

The kits are designed to celebratethevibrantspiritof Guyana while equipping the national teams with cuttingedgeperformanceapparelas they gear up for a packed 2025 calendar featuring major campaigns for both male and female national teams. The year kicks off with the Concacaf U-17 Women’s and Men’s World Cup Qualifiers, then the U20 Women’s World Cup Qualifiers followed by the

seniormen’sparticipationin the Concacaf Gold Cup Preliminaries, the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers and laterontheirNationsLeague campaign The senior women’steamwillalsotake to the field for the Concacaf W Champions Cup Qualifiers.

The newly unveiled kits feature designs inspired by Guyana’s rich cultural heritage, striking colours, and passion for football Jonathan Jones, MEYBA’s Head of Global Marketing, shared his enthusiasm, noting: “It’s a proud day for MEYBA to release our first international kits with the Guyanese Football Federation.Guyanaisavery special place, and we’re

The GFF, in collaboration with global sportswear brand MEYBA, launched its new team kits.

thrilledtobeworkingwitha federationthatisasforwardthinkingastheGFF Thekits are directly inspired by the essence, colours, and love forGuyana.Wecan’twaitto

2024 CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited/GTTA National Schools Table Tennis championships… Saints, Good Hope, Christ Church among winners in National Tabletennis School’s championship

It was a strong performance from the lads of Saints Stanislaus College, Christ Church Secondary, St RosesHighandGoodHope Secondary who emerged winners of the nationwide n a t i o n a l s c h o o l ’s tournament endorsed by the Ministry of Education, which ended recently at the NationalGymnasium.

In Boys U-19 group matches for Georgetown which spiked off, St. Roses defeated St. Joseph’s High Schoolafterhandingthema 3-0defeat.

Meanwhile, Christ Church Secondary ‘A’team hadapairofwins,defeating Christ Church ‘B’ and St. Roses High ‘B’, while BladenHallbeatGoodHope Secondary3-2.

Action was also intense intheGirlsU-19department as the national duo of Saint Stanislaus Colleges’

Jasmine Billingy and Akira Watson, who got the better of Shackey Damon and AngelRobinson,winnersof the Region 4 girls U-19 leg fromGoodHopeSecondary

The tournament was overlooked under the watchfuleyesofITTFLevel

2 Coach, Linden Johnson and the dynamic ITTF level

1 Coach/ ITTF national

umpireLeonaKyte.Results and Winners Row the CNOOC Petroleum Guyana

GTTA Ministry of

Education Nationwide National Schools Table Tennis Championships Georgetown Region 4 and nationalEdition:

Boys19YearsandUnder StRosesHigh“A”defSt Joseph’sHigh“A”3-0

Obinnah def Travis Lyken3-0(11-8-11-9,11-8)

Josiah Issacs def Christian Williams 3-0 (115,11-7,11-8)


Obinnah/Williams def Lyken/Issacs 3-0 (113,11,9,11-10)

Christ Church SecAdef StRoses“B”3-0

Samuel Ally def Brad Cush 3-2 (9-11,11-2,1210,6-11,11-6)

Gamaliel Philips def Xavi Peters 3-1 (3-11,115,11-2,11-5)


Ally/Philips def Brad Cush/Tyen Paul 3- 1 (118,10-12,11-8,11-8)

St Joseph High def ChristChurch“B”3-0

Travis Lyken def Diego De Nobrega 3-0 (11-5,118,11-8)

Josiah Issacs def Phillip Persaud 3-0 (11-6,11-7,116)Lyken/Issacs def De Nobrega/Andre Arjoon 3-0

(11-3,12-10,11-8) Christ

Church “A” def Christ Church“B”3-0SamuelAlly def Diego De Nobrega 3-1 (12-10,11-9,11-13,11-6)

Gamaliel Philips def Andre Arjoon 3-0 (11-7,119,11-8)


S.Ally/G.PhilipsdefDe Nobrega /Persaud 3-0 114,11-6,11-9)

Boys19YearsandUnder Region4

Bladen Hall def Good HopeSec3-2


J Mc Pherson lost K Foster3-0(4-11,5-11,6-11)


Hall /Mc Pherson def D’Olivera/Foster 3-1(119,11-7,7-11,11-9)

D’Oliviera def J Mc Pherson 3-0 (11-2,11-3,112)

AHall def K. Foster 3-0 (11-6,11-3,11-5)

Girls19YearsandUnder NationalEdition

ST Stanislaus College defBladenHallSec3-0

Akira Watson defAngel Robinson 3-1(11-9,6-11,114,11-5)

Jamine Billingy def Shackey Damon 3-0 (116,11-7,11-4)

AWatson/J Billingy def A Robinson/S Damon 3-0 (11-4,11-9,11-4)

seethemonthepitchasthe Golden Jaguars prepare for the 2026 World Cup qualification with MEYBA by their side!” GFF President Wayne Forde also expressed his pride in the partnership and the unveiling of the new kits: “This partnership with MEYBA represents an important step forward for the Guyana Football Federation. These new kits notonlysymbolizethepride andidentityofournationbut also showcase our commitment to providing the best for our players and fans. We are excited to see our teams donning these

jerseys as we continue our journey towards the Gold Cup 2025 and FIFA World Cup2026Qualifiers.”


Men’s Home Jersey: The homekitshowcasesabespoke Jacquardbasewithanall-over jungle sublimation pattern, representing the colours of Guyana’s national flag Key features include omni move technology, a reflective GFF badge, tri-colour raglan sleeves, a V-neckline, and hidden design elements throughout.

Men’sAway Jersey: The away kit offers a classic pinstripe design combined with geometric jacquard

elements A dual-color reflectiveGFFbadgeandan exclusive MEYBA neckline blend retro aesthetics with modernperformance.

Women’s Home and Away Kits: The women’s kits feature bespoke designs inspired by the sights, sounds,andvibrantcolorsof Guyana, creating a unified identityforallGFFteams.

Founded in Barcelona, Spain, in 1981, MEYBA gained international recognitionasthefirstbranded kitsupplierforFCBarcelona, famouslywornbylegendslike Maradona and Johan Cruyff Today, MEYBA continues to deliver high-performance sportswear to professional clubs and international federations worldwide, includinginEurope,theUSA, Africa, and South America The new Guyana Football Federation kits are available exclusively at MEYBAcom starting Wednesday, 18th December.

The GFF is thrilled to continueitspartnershipwith MEYBA, confident that these kits will not only enhance team performance butalsoreflecttheprideand identity of the Guyanese people.

Petra/KFC Goodwill Int’l Football Series

Chase’s Academic to tackle Clarendon Col’ for spot in the final

The Mantas frontline (Clarendon College) will be on show from 19:30 at MoE ground.

The stage is set for the ultimate playoffs where the winnerswillsecureticketsto the final in the FifthAnnual KFCGoodwillInternational Under-18 Secondary School’s Football Series 2024. The atmosphere is electric, featuring eight of the fiercest football teams from secondary schools in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, and host nationGuyana.

The tournament kicked

off last Sunday at the

Ministry of Education grounds. From witnessing 28 goals scored on the opening day to thrilling double hat-tricks, remarkable penalty kicks, and dramatic comeback victories. The 2024 Series, coordinated by the Petra Organisation has delivered unforgettable action. Today, the finalists will be decided attheMoEground.

The teams to watch are

Clarendon College from Jamaica and Trinidad’s Southern and Intercol champions, St Benedict’s College. Both have proven formidable, remaining unbeaten in this year’s campaign. Four dynamic teams including Guyana’s Annai Secondary and Chase’s Academic Foundationwillfaceoffin (Continuedonpage23)

Trophy Stall supports RS/One Guyana Softball Cup Trophy Stall on board with Petra-KFC Goodwill Series 2024

The Trophy Stall, Guyana’s leading trophy store, has officially joined the list of sponsors supporting the ongoing 2024 KFC GoodwillFootballSeries.

This prestigious tournament brings together eight of the best secondary school teams in a thrilling eight-day Series battle for the ultimate championship title.

D u r i n g a b r i e f presentation ceremony held yesterday at the company’s Bourda Street location, Ramesh Sunich, owner of theTrophyStall,highlighted theoutstandingeffortsofthe Petra Organisation in developing grassroots football across the country Recognizing the positive impact of their initiatives, Sunich made a generous contributionof first, second, and third-place trophies for thetournament.

Co-director of the Petra

Organisation, Troy Mendonca, and Assistant Secretary Nafeeza Latif-

Boston attended the handing-over ceremony

Speaking at the event, Mendonca expressed

gratitude for the support providedbytheTrophyStall, emphasisingthesignificance of the tournament for young footballers.

“We at the Petra Organization are happy to receive support from the TrophyStall.

This tournament provides a platform for our youngfootballerstocompete with the best teams in the Caribbean, which can only benefit their development.

Weareverythankfulforthis contribution,” Mendonca said.

TheTrophyStalljoinsan imp

ive ros

of sponsors, including Royal International Hotel, ANSA McAL’s Lucozade brand, Tiger Rentals, SkyTec Enterprise,MVPSports,and RSILimited,allcontributing to the success of the 2024 KFC Goodwill Football Tournament.

With such strong backing, the event promises to be an unforgettable showcase of talent and competition.

As RS Sports preparestobowl off its highly anticipated inaugural

Berbice Softball Cup, Trophy Stall has stepped up asakeysponsorbydonating trophies for each competitivecategory

These trophies will be awarded to the winners, ensuring that topperforming teams receive well-deservedrecognition.

Thetournamentisslated to commence on Sunday, December 22, at the Port Mourant Centre ground, featuring thrilling Male and Female championship matches.

This event promises to bring excitement and competitive energy to the softballcommunity

JulianaRikheeofTrophy Stallledabriefhanding-over ceremony at the company’s South Road and Bourda Streetslocation.

During the ceremony, Trophy Stall presented first, second, and third-place trophies for both Male and Female formats, solidifying their commitment to supportinggrassrootssports.

The Berbice Softball Cup is made possible

through the collaborative efforts of RS Sports, Roraima Tours, City Stars SoftballTeam, and the GoG One Guyana brand. Their combined support underscores the spirit of partnership in fostering sports development in the region.

RCD rep Seetaram (left) receiving the donated accolades from Trophy Stall rep Juliana Rikhee.
Trophy Stall’s Devi Sunich (center), Troy Mendonca (right) and Nafeeza Boston exhibiting the three donated trophies on

Sports MinisterRamson tableshistoric Guyana HorseRacing Authority

Proley Chandler of Guyana (centre) and fellow countryman Kellon Reid flies the GoldenArrowhead after securing first and third positions, 2nd placed Jaime Thompson(Bahamas) share the podium.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr
Olympic Kremlin, out of Slingerz Stable, is the top horse in Guyana this year.

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