Gaza appeals for help as Israeli army attacks key hospitals
Guyanese losing millions from Govt. and Opposition’s failure to manage oil sector

The truth fears no question.
ButwithintheincumbentPPP/C government, truth often cloaks itselfinsilence.
On November 1, 2019, this newspaper reported Bharrat Jagdeo, then Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party, as delivering a scathing critique of President David Granger's failure to hold regular press conferences. How ironic then, that President Irfaan Ali, Jagdeo's protégé now faces a similaraccusation.
Morethanfouryearsintohis presidency, Ali's engagements withthefullpresscorpsarerare and sporadic. It has been quite sometimesincehelastmetwith the full press corps The President now prefers to hold court with handpicked media operatives. He prefers the sitdown with select persons rather thantostandupandfacethefull media corps This practice, unworthyofaHeadofStateina democracy, is a betrayal of the very principles the PPP once brandishedasitsmoralsword.
Where is the President's courage to face the press in its entirety?Whereistherespectfor the citizens who deserve answers to questions that matter questions about the nation's oil wealth, crime, the cost-of-living and the murky dealings concerning public procurement. To sidestep the press is to sidestep accountability, and to sidestep accountability is to sidestep democracyitself.
Letusnotbefooledbytoken engagements or answers to questions on the sidelines of events Democracy demands substance,notspectacle.Apress conference is not merely an event;itisaninstitution.Itisthe arena where leaders prove their mettle, where their words are weighed and measured against thegravitasofreality By avoiding this crucible, President Ali undermines his office A leader who fears questions is a leader who fears his own inadequacies A government that cannot endure scrutiny is a government that forfeitslegitimacy
This newspaper calls on President Ali to confront the media,notincuratedinterviews or controlled settings, but in the open, unfiltered glare of a full press conference Let the journalists,allofthem,askwhat they must. Let the President answerwhathecan.
If President Ali believes in his government's record, he should have no hesitation in defending it. If he values the trust of the people, he should havenofearofaddressingthem throughthepress.
Theabsenceofregularpress conferences is not just an omission;itisanabdication. Mr President, the nation waits.Thepresswaits.Willyou rise to the occasion, or will you remain in the shadows of convenience? The time for excuses has long passed. It is timetofacethefullpressandto dosoregularly








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Peace and joy to all
in this country for one reason or another HappyChristmas,MerryChristmas,issoeasy tosay,almostareflexactionduringthisseason.
The joy of this season really should belong to every Guyanese family, every Guyanese. It is what should accompanybeingdescribedasamongtherichestpeoplein theworld,thatdeep,lastingjoy
Therichestwouldenergizetothatspecialstate:peaceof mind. As citizens in an oil rich country, Guyanese must knowwhatitistocelebrateagoodChristmas,andnotonly in December On this day, too many of our Guyanese brothersandsistersdonothaveenough,longfortheeaseof releasethatbringsalittlemore.
The tables of those in charge and their circle of family andfriends,thehighlyfavouredinGuyana,areoverloaded withrichness. Theyhavealltheywant,andthensomuch more. Incontrast,thereisadifferentstoryonthetablesof thepooronthecoastland,thedistanthinterlands,andmany otherpartsacrossGuyana:theyneedanddon’thave,need not want, but must do without in this season of joy in a country applauded universally, for its many treasures, whereoilstandsatthepinnacle. Itisthegrimrealityofthe havesandhave-nots,whenthereshouldnotbeonehave-not inacountrysorichwithnaturalresources,withoilasking. There are those at the top and they are laughing, drinking, and dancing comrades, who live the opulence of Oil Guyana. Then, there are the many Guyanese crowded around the bottom of the ladder, who are dragging due to lackoffood. Theydon’thaveenoughmoneytobuybasics, includingclothesandpaythebills.
In one of the richest countries on the planet, many Guyanese cannot even think of buying a toy for their children,doingsomethingextraforthefamilyatChristmas. Thisiswhatshouldneverbeinthiseraof650,000barrelsof oil being produced daily, and of five years producing oil. Leaders and their gang of insiders enjoy themselves to the hilt. Ordinary Guyanese are consumed with figuring out how they are going to manage, going to endure, going to survive. Somemayhavecollected$100,000,iftheirnames werecalled. Whatis$100,000inacountryproducingoilin theamountsthatitdoes,foraslongasithas? Themildest waytoexpressthisisthat$100,000isworsethanapittance, worse than an insult. Regardless of any helpful way in whichweconsiderthis$100,000slap-in-thefacefromthe government and its leaders, it is the height of their callous indifference.
No Guyanese should be in need on Christmas Day, or any other day Those in control, with the power in their hands, have more than they want, more than they can imagineorconsume.
Whiletheyareontopoftheworldandlivinginecstasy, manyintheranks of theGuyanesemanandwomaninthe streetarehungry,hurtingbadly Leadersandtheircronies areknockingglassesandhavingawonderfullygoodtime. All that Guyanese around the poverty line can do is knockingtheirheadsonfindingawayoutoftheirdistress. Theirhardtimesneverseemtoend.
The richer the statistics, the poorer they are. The brighterthatwell-nourishedfatcatsintherulingcliqueare, the gloomier the weak and struggling in Guyana are. Becauseoftheoilwealththatthiscountryhas,thereshould be peace and contentment in the heart of every Guyanese. Theyshouldhaveenough,sothatsomethingislefttoshare withneighbourswholeavetheirtornsocietiestofindrelief in Guyana. What should have been, is a dream that loses someofitspromisedaily.
The rich get greedier, the poor learn to live with their woes. Christmas should not be this way in Guyana anymore. To those who have less, change must come. Better is what must be, and there will have to be a strengtheningofthewilltoachievethatloftygoal.
The EPA’s duty is to safeguard Guyana’s environment and citizens’interests, not dilute operators’obligations
DEAREDITOR, The EPA’s December 22ndresponsetoDrVincent Adams’s criticisms reflects poorly on its oversight role. Instead of addressing his substantive arguments, the EPAattemptstodiminishhis credibility through political labelling, disregarding his decades of environmental andengineeringexpertise.
The EPA’s parsing of “adequate” versus “unlimited” liability ignores both Justice Kissoon’s clear High Court ruling and its own selective omission of key permit text - “if EEPGL oritsCo-Venturersfailtodo so.” Their touted $2 billion
liability floor misses the fundamental point: Guyanese citizens need absolute protection against environmental disaster costs,notarbitrarycaps.For someamountofassurance,it would be helpful if they could respond to the following critical questions arisingfromArticle28ofthe 2016PetroleumAgreement:
1.HastheEPApublished any comprehensive standards for offshore petroleum operations in the eightyearssincesigning?
2 What constitutes “reasonable notice” before ministerial intervention in pollution cleanup under
3 Has it done or commissioned any independent assessment to evaluate whether the Agreement’s environmental provisions adequately protect Guyana, given today’s massive operational scale?
4. How does the EPA reconcile its stance with Article 28.4’s requirement for “all reasonable measures to remedy” pollution?
5 What specific standards and protocols ensure compliance with Article28.3’senvironmental protectionrequirements?
6. Should the EPA not prioritise developing clear environmental standards over semantic debates about guaranteelanguage?
As an observer of Guyana’s oil sector, I find it troubling that our environmental regulator advocates for weaker rather than stronger protections
The EPA’s duty is to
environment and citizens’
operators’ obligations t
e interpretation.
Sincerely, ChristopherRam OilandGascolumnist
Ignore the platitudes and demand that our leaders make full use of our God-given bountiful natural resources
DEAREDITOR, Itistraditionaltousethis Christmas season to offer goodwishesandpeacetoall men. On behalf of my wife, Dr Jennifer Basdeo, family and acquaintances, I extend to Guyanese, at home and abroad,goodcheerandmost of all Peace and Love as we observethebirthoftheLord JesusChrist.
B u t E d i t o r a n d Guyanese, I offer those wishes despite extant challenges
Thanks to sorrowful steps of sheer stupidity and a stubborn refusal to have meaningful consultation onmattersof national importance by our present Administration, we are giving up a golden opportunity to take every Guyanese out of the bottomless pit of want and the opportunity of this and succeeding generations to develop each and every one ofustotheirfullestpotential. Asadsituation.
Available evidence, notwithstanding the fine speeches our natural resources, timber, gold, manganese and oil are not beingproperlymanaged
In gold, we are allowing irreplaceable d a m a g e i n o u r environment
A sad and sorry situation This Christmas, let us ignore the platitudes and demand that we do such thingsthat we make optimum use of our
God-given bountiful natural resources.
This season I wish the President and his Cabinet good wishes, that they recognize their duty is to serve all of Guyana and so dispense with the notion that this
Christmasthebigsliceofthe cake is for those who are harvesting our oil, gas, gold etc and that the thin slices in the form of handouts and blackouts are all that we the people deserve
A good Christmas gift
fromthePresidentwouldbe his announcing of his willingness to seek a renegotiation of that lopsided 2015 oil contract Best wishes and a Merry Christmas
HamiltonGreen Elder

Education officers should visit schools not only to berate, but to improve
Last month, some
education officers from the Department of Education Region 4 visited Annandale Secondary School under the guise of addressing the findings from a ‘Math Intervention’ event and to discuss how to improve the schooloverall.
However, the session with these officers ended up being more of a dressingdown and fault-finding venture with no tangible ideas proffered by the officers on how the school can be improved nor were they receptive to those offeredbyteachers.
They were more interested in castigating, for instance, they went through teachers’ files and found it ‘alarming’ that more reprimand letters were not p l a c e d i n t h e m Subsequently, the headteacher was ordered to issue letters to teachers and
to ensure that files were fattenedwithasteadysupply ofsuch.
During the meeting we were faced with a variety of personalities and none showed that they were able toprovideevidenceforwhat theyspoutedandaccusedus of. For instance, one looked at us ferociously and exclaimed that she lived in thevillageandknewthatour stories are ‘stink, stink, skink’ yet she failed to provide details. Was it a moral issue or one rooted in objectivity?
Morality is a subjective matterandnobodyshouldbe imposing their brand on others.
Another said that he spoke with some children and they complained about not being selected to be prefects.
The officer then accused teachers of being racists however, the scolding died downwhenhesawwhowas

in charge of selecting prefects. Nevertheless, he should know that prefects are selected based on conduct and not ethnicity And if 75% of those in the grade being considered are fromoneethnicgroupthenit standstoreasonthatonemay havemoreprefectsfromthat group Regardless, the officermadehisaccusations but provided no details includingtheethnicityofthe children who complained or backed up his statements withevidenceofpreferential treatment.
The same officer also took a frivolous complaint made by some students as legitimate and a serious matter
Thestudentscomplained about not having access to the canteen during instruction time, in other words, not being able to go buy snacks, chat with their friendsandloiteroutsidethe classroom when teaching is
being done. Students are given a mid-morning break, one hour for lunch and dismissal is at 2.30 pm. The fact that the officer considered this complaint is laughable.
The team also accused teachers of not having the required records yet failed toberatethemselvesfornot providing adequate support to teachers new to administrative duties or ensuring that systems were in place to ensure smooth transitions and it seemed like they hadn’t familiarised themselves adequately with the circulars issued by the Ministry of Education (MoE) regarding records. The observations are too numerous to mention but it appeared as if the main objectivewastosowdiscord andwidentheriftratherthan applying a more balanced approach.
After the visit a Memorandum was issued



by the DoE Region 4
informing teachers that they’d by disciplined for conduct such as: having bright coloured hair and wigs; wearing round neck tops and displaying aggressive behaviour (how wouldthisbejudged,seems vague).
Given their behaviour I wonder why education officers visit schools in the firstplace
Theyserveastheliaison between schools and the MoE therefore they are empowered not only to find faults but to address and meet the needs of the schoolstheyareresponsible for, if possible, by liaising with the relevant departments within the MoE
Theofficerswouldmake a greater impact by not only being disciplinarians but by reachingoutforassistanceto improvetheschoolstheyare assignedto.
They can also divert resources in terms of materials and manpower for example, within an educationdistrict,theremay beanexcessofteachersand textbooks in one school while in another it’s the opposite.
Editor, these former teachers who are now education officers need to work with teachers to improve the education system rather than create discontent, rifts, and stalemates.
Each side is dependent on the other for progress to beachieved.
AtAnnandaleSecondary School, subjects are being done yet the teachers are without textbooks for the students, staff shortages in particular departments, the need for training/workshops or mentoring; and other issues.



NY Guyanese gear up for holiday season
DEAREDITOR, This is the last weekend before Christmas and end of year festivities, and Guyanese New Yorkers are gearing up for the holiday Christmas fever has gripped the community, shopping in earnest for gifts and food (drink)itemsforpreparation of special holiday meals. Christmas and the related end of year season is the most celebrated of all festivals An aura of excitement is in the air in Guyanese residential and commercialneighbourhoods (Richmond hill, Jamaica, Ozone, Queens Village, Flatbush,etc.).
The plowable snow last Friday and bitter cold temperature since then have not deterred people from going out to do shopping to celebrate Christmas and the season Shops in Little Guyana and Little Trinidad are jam packed as people stock up on X-MAs related items.
Guyanese Americans, including their American
born and grandchildren as wellasgreatgrandscontinue to celebrate the season with the traditions as accustomed withinGuyana.
They are out of Guyana in the diaspora but Guyana remains in their thinking, way of life, and cultural practices, including worshipping, entertainment, music,andfoodhabits.
The early Guyanese pioneers in America have transplanted many practices and traditions in their new adapted including those associated with Christmas liking making cake (black cakeincluded).
Everyone, regardless of ethnicity and faith, take in the beauty of the season and engage in one kind of celebration or another Homes are remodelled and decorated on the exterior with fancy electronic lights.
Ditto the yards! The Guyanese neighbourhoods are brilliantly lit up with a variety of colours. There is competition for best lit homes.Duringtheseasonas t
, Guyanese acquire new c l o t h
n g , s p e c i a l entertainment equipment, andprepareGuyanesemeals (curried dishes, pepper pot, pachaoni, cake, pastries, bread,etc.). Therewasalot of excitement in baking; chi
Families prepare mauby, sorrel, ginger beer, eggnog (coog), all popular with the diaspora including those born in USA Their American friends also like those drinks and Guyanese cuisine.
Christmas is a time for family get-together Guyanese consume a lot of freshly killed animals (mutton, goat, chicken, duck, etc.) although more and more Guyanese are turning to vegetarian diets forhealthreasons. Thereare animal farms in the city cateringtoWestIndiansand Caribbean people Halal meatshopsandanimalfarms dowellthisseasonasdoroti (Continuedonpage32)


Guyanese losing millions from Govt. and Opposition’s failure to manage oil sector
The Government ofGuyana(GoG)
a n d t h e Opposition have failed to ensureGuyana'soilwealthis prudently managed to maximize benefits to Guyanese.
This is evident in 12 glaring areas, which if implemented or enforced could have ensured the country receives a fair share of its resource Notably, theseactionsdonotrequirea renegotiation of the 2016
Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with
ExxonMobil and its partners.
Guyana has failed to conduct timely audits of
ExxonMobil's USmultibilliondollarexpenses, whichthecountryultimately paysforthroughitsoil.
According to the PSA, government has a two-year timeline to complete audits however, the administration has not been able to ensure the financial reviews are conducted within this stipulatedtimeframe.
A d d i t i o n a l l y , government has been criticized for failing to publish the audit reports, which expose the abuse of the country's oil revenue by t h e m u l t i n a t i o n a l corporation.
To date, the final audit report of the second review isstilltobepublished. Nopenalties
Although there have been calls for Exxon to be

penalized for misusing the country'soilmoney,ashave been demonstrated in previous audit findings, the governmentisnotinclinedto punish the operator for its actions.
The Opposition has effectively agreed with the government's position on this.
A major provision that government has forced to implement has resulted in the loss of massive annual revenue.
Aring-fencingprovision would ensure only costs related to one project are paidofffromthoserevenues.
In this way, more money would be available to share as profits between the government and Exxon, after the co-venturers recover the cost of the project. Presently, Guyana could have been receiving a greater share of profit from the three projects producing oil-LizaOne,LizaTwoand

Payara. This, as Exxon has since recovered over US$19B from the Stabroek Block, well above the cost forthethreeprojects.
implement this provision while the Opposition remains undecided over the issue.
Windfall taxes are special taxes levied by governments on companies or individuals that have u
d substantial profits due to unforeseencircumstances.
Oil producing countries around the world, such as Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States among others had imposed this tax on the massive excess revenue being enjoyed by the oil companies as a result of higheroilprices.
Guyana's leaders have however decided that this wouldnotbepursuedlocally

currently being earned by American super major, ExxonMobil.
Nounlimitedprotection againstoilspills
Guyana is currently exposed to grave financial danger in the event of an oil spill as the government has refused to pursue an unlimited parent company guarantee from the operator oftheStabroekBlock.
as it would constitute a breach of the PSA. The Opposition's position however, is that the circumstances are not bizarre enough presently to warrant the implementation ofsuchaprovision.
Only last week Kaieteur News reported that each household in Guyana lost $1.7M in 2024 through the Government's refusal to implement a 65% windfall tax on the excess profits
In fact, the government has teamed up with Exxon, against the citizens of Guyana, to fight against an unlimited parent company guaranteefromExxon.
On December 19, Guyanareachedasignificant milestone, five years of oil production. The country has however not procured independentmeterstoverify the daily rate of production asreportedbyExxon.
Presently, ExxonMobil reports the daily amount of oil produced on the three Floating Production Storage
and Offloading (FPSO) vessels.
Exxon has also blatantly refused to provide auditors withtherawproductiondata and how auditors the location of its oil meters, raising further concerns about the accuracy of data beingreportedtotheGoG. Contractawards
Although Guyana essentially pays for the products and services procured by ExxonMobil, through the cost recovery mechanism outlined in the PSA, the country has no say in the award of large contracts.
The absence of government's involvement intheprocessmeansthatcan only verify whether it was overcharged after the contract has been granted. These costs can then be pursued in the audit, which cantakeyearstobereturned tothestate.Infact,ifExxon disagreeswithgovernment's (Continuedonpage32)
Sharp decline in prison violence this year
There has been a s i g n i f i c a n t reduction in the number of prisoner-toprisoner incidents so far for 2024, the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) reported on Tuesday
The Prison Service attributed the reduction to theintroductionofextensive inmatetrainingprogrammes, where 800 prisoners participated in technical, vocational, and behavioral modification courses aimed at rehabilitation and skillbuilding.
“I must say because of the training opportunities provided to prisoners c o u p l e d w i t h t h e enhancement of the prison facilities and the training provided to prison officers incidents within the prison have significantly reduced,” Director of Prisons, Nicklon Elliotsaid.
Prison incidents ranging from assaults and riots to trafficking contraband and evensuicidescanjeopardize the safety of both inmates andstaff.
To tackle such incidents the Prison Service offers 25 training programmes tailored to address various offences committed by prisoners.
Theseinitiativesnotonly help reduce conflicts within the prison walls but also prepare inmates
reintegration into society upontheirrelease.
Further, the Director of Prisons disclosed that the initiativewillexpandasnew vocationalschoolsareunder construction at the Lusignan and Timehri Prisons, while trade shops have been established at the Lusignan and New Amsterdam Prisons. These facilities will provide inmates with practical skills, improving their chances of success uponrelease.
The focus is not only on skill-building but also on reducingre-offending.Elliot emphasized that the prison administration is committed to creating opportunities for staff and inmates, fostering rehabilitation and smooth reintegrationintosociety

To further ensure safety and address grievances, the GPS has implemented a variety of channels through whichbothinmatesandstaff can raise concerns. Weekly meetings with prison officers, daily visits by welfareandmedicalofficers, andaquarterlyinspectionby Elliot himself are just a few ofthemeasuresinplace.
‘Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals’
Ah, Christmas - the season of goodwill, good cheer, and, let’s not forget, good riddance! It’s that magical time of year when even the most hardened scoundrel can decorate a tree, stuff a turkey, and pretend they aren’t the Grinchinhumanform.
Thisyear, inthespiritof inclusivity, I’ve decided to extendmyChristmaswishes to the underappreciated demographic of society’s miscreants, crooks, and ne’er-do-wells. Because if Santa can tolerate naughty kids, surely, I can tolerate, well...thislot.
First up, a warm, tinselwrapped“MerryChristmas” to the oil deal masterminds. Youknowwhoyouare—the ones who sold the people’s future for what I can only assume was the moral equivalentofalumpofcoal. MaytheNewYearbringyou introspection, repentance, andacozycellwithaview
And let me not forget those self-appointed (or is it self-anointed?) guardians of our natural wealth who somehow mistook their mandate to “protect the people”asanopeninvitation to footsie with the oil companies Merry Christmas to you, too! You’ve truly outdone yourselves this year by not renegotiating a contract so lopsided it makes a seesaw look balanced, by skipping the whole “ring-fencing” thing (because why bother containingthechaos,right?), and by forgetting that adequateoilspillprotections aren’t just nice they’re
necessary unless you’re aimingforanenvironmental disaster to match your governance. Here’s hoping Santa leaves you a conscience underthetree,becausecome nextyear,theonlythingthat shouldspillisthetruthabout whyyouletusalldown.
And to those with sticky fingers who treat the public purse like their personal ATM—Season’s Greetings! I hope next year you’ll realizethatthetreasuryisn’t a cookie jar, and if it is, you’reoutofcookies.Enjoy your holiday, but don’t get too comfortable; orange jumpsuits are always in style.
Ah, the gatekeepers of progress, the maestros of “come-back-later,” and the undisputed champions of red tape! To you, merry purveyors of bureaucracy, a hearty Merry Christmas. Your dedication to delay is unmatched why approve today what you can file, stamp, and misplace for tomorrow?
Whetherit’sapermit,a pension, or a passport, your motto remains steadfast: “Patience is a virtue, and you’ll need plentyofit ” Here’s hoping the New Year brings you a sudden allergytopaperworkanda newfoundzestforactually helping people, because if efficiency were a crime, you’dallwalkfree
Let’snotforgetthehighclass freeloaders those occupying positions of power while doing absolutelynothing.
Oh,howweadmireyour ability to contribute zilch whilereapingthebenefitsof hardworkingtaxpayers.
May the ghost of productivity haunt you this Christmas and inspire you to, you know, do something nextyear
To the procrastinators, bribe-takers, and kickback kings and queens: Happy Holidays! You’ve kept the wheels of corruption welloiled this year, but here’s hoping 2025 sees you spinningthosewheelsinthe unemployment line or betteryet,acourtroom.
A special yuletide shoutout to the contractors who’ve elevated “cutting corners” to an art form. Nothing says “holiday spirit” like substandard roads and shoddy infrastructure! May your New Year’s resolution involve giving taxpayers their money’s worth—or at leastarefund.
To the confidence tricksters, hustlers, and con artists who’ve made an art form out of swindling the poor Merry Christmas, you heartless virtuosos of deceit! Your schemes, whether cloaked as miracle cures, get-rich-quick scams, or the old “just sign here” hustle,haveonlyonegoal:to strip the desperate of their last dime while flashing a smile faker than your promises.
MaytheNewYearbring you a dose of poetic justice and a sudden bout of empathy, because while you were busy preying on the vulnerable, karma was busy
Dis is what all the fuss was about
ChristmasDaydoesreminddem boys of dem times when dem does try fuh sneak out of dem boring office meetings. Dis day is one of de quietest day of de year Yuh could literallyhearapindrop.
In the weeks leading up to this day, people been hustlin’ and bustlin’, decoratin’yuhplace.Yuhbeenspendingso muchcash,yuhwalletlookin’likeit’sona diet. But Christmas mornin’, it’s like de whole world tek a break and whisper, “Easy,man.”
Yuh clean up, spruce up, dash decorations all over de place. And why? ForChristmasDaytocomeandsay,“Nah, bai,wechillin’today.”
Peopleshoptilldeydroplikedemboys at a bar after payday, and then what? ChristmasDaycome,andallyuhhearingis quietude. Yuh would have thought that Christmas day would have ended in a big
Finally, to the election meddlers, the democracy defilers, the folks who thought “steal the vote” sounded like a catchy carol: Merry Christmas! You’ve gifted us all a lesson in audacity, if nothing else. May you find clarity, humility, and maybe a new career in 2025—preferably
So, to all the rogues, rascals, and reprobates who’ve brightened our lives with their unique brand of mayhem,IwishyouaMerry Christmas.
And, in the immortal words of Kevin McCallister from Home Alone: “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!”

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
bang – a noisy culmination of all the sportin’andspendingoverthepastmonth.
Ask people ’bout dey Christmas Day, and like clockwork, nine outta ten go say, “Quiet,man.”Deoddoneoutprobablyget knockedoutfrompartyin’likeit’stheend of the world on Christmas Eve. Sleepin’ through de silence, so exhausted dey dreamin’ofasecondChristmas.
Imagine,disdedaywecommemoratin’ a baby born in a manger in a stable in a farawayland. Weturnthatintoacarnival, and Christmas Day just sittin’ back, smirkin’, and askin’, “What was the big fussfor?”
So, leh we enjoy dis Christmas Day, takeabreatherfromthenoise,andwishall demGuyaneseaMerryChristmas.Andoh, dem boys hopin’ Glenn Lall get he ringfencingofdeoilprojects.Christmascheer forall!


It is the middle of the week, Wednesday, andChristmasisthat graceetchingthedawn. Itisinthemiddleofthe oceanandGuyanasitsplumb ontopofitsrichwaters-oil. The good and now for the bad. It is the middle of disputes and arguments, tensions and acrimonies, with the stage set: the
relentless pursuit of power, the troubles that litter every stepoftheway Theremust be some spark, some glimmer of instinct, that makes me and maybe others (you)wanttogiveofwhatis deep in us to point this country and its people towardsaroadofhealing. It hasbeenalongtimethatthat thought, that word, has
wendeditswaytothecentre ofconsciousness.
Healing. What would I giveforalittlehealinginthis country,andthensomemore of it, until that is all every Guyanesecanthinkof,want todosomethingabout? May thepeaceandjoyofthisday bewithallGuyanese,andall our foreign brothers and sisters who come here for
shelterfromlife’sstormsthat batter them, the gems that attractthem.
In the hope of finding success Whatever the objective that powers a gleam in the eye, a hope in the soul, welcome and the best of this Christmas Day andholidayseason.
I start at the top and follow the road To

President Ali and family, blessings
Let there be a vision of what helps th people of this society mendacellatatime,andfor thebeautyandinspirationof healingtobetheirs. Avision that is genuine and serene, with the rage and rancor dismantled and carted away To Vice President Jagdeo and family, greetings. I say let’sputourheartsintowhat is better for Guyanese, inspires them to extend the favour to neighbour. I take the first step, utter the first word. Therearesomethings in this world, this life, that must(must)rankhigherthan whatisgoodforme,andonly me. To Opposition Leader Norton and family,, felicitations.

May there be that coordination and movement ofhandandmindthatallare inspired to break away from thefencesthatkeepusapart, that fill with so much bitterness. To Opposition Builder Hughes and family, peace. The cry of the Guyanese peoplebreaksmyheart;their tears can be dried, but they should never be crying on a daylikethis. Oranyotherin this age of grace. Before
these four Guyanese brothersofmine,Istandand say don’t see me as an enemy,notevenachallenge.
Allthatisenvisionedisa better Guyana for all. We have what can make that possible.
All citizens of this republic that can rise to gloriousstatushavearightto great expectations. What theyhaveisagrandgift.
It is what makes many things possible, including the kind of life that was unknowntotheirforefathers of yore. Every Guyanese deserves,hisdue,mustrise.
If I must be their voice and scribe, then that call must be answered, regardless of the price to be paid Here I am A Christmaspromiseismade.
Some say that things are so far gone that there can be noturningaround.
Thoughthereareflashes ofthateveryonceinawhile, I banish and perish the thought.
There is too much quarreling, so much wrangling Energies dissipated.
When I look at a man, I mustnotseeacompetitornor troublemaker nor danger There is a brother and a partner, with the same said for a sister, regardless of political address, the color distinctive,theirplaceonthe ladder Would be lovely if Guyanese could somehow gettothisplace,thisstateof mind.
Thesearenotsentiments of the season. I call them thatmysteryknownasgrace. They are the strengths that stirdeepinsidethesoul. Itis why the Yuletide Season always brings yearning: what is grasped in the hand withjoyforaday,whynota year? We could use a tranquil year Looming overhead and around the corneris2025.
Ooh, what will be remembered and then to where? What cannot be let go, be forgotten, and with what result? Will there be manglingofoneanotherlike never before? My wish is that those passions die quietlyintheirsleep.
And with those the ancient grudges that foster such unending resentments andanimosities.
I leave the somber behind, aim for a high note. The world can be ours. We musthaveit.
To do so, there must be reachingforit,awillingness tosacrificeforit. Christmas made possible a supreme sacrifice. Wearegladforit. Nowwemustshowhow
In whatever manner, however it is, let’s all make thebestofit,bebetterforit. The powers of heaven have been generous to Guyana. Now we must prove ourselves worthy of that generosityfromprovidence.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Intellect squandered Hope hemorrhaged Treasure diminishing. There is something wrong with w h e r e Guyanese are. There must be a better path, a stronger will. Theremustbenothing so sacred that it cannot be given up, without regret. It is incredibly difficult to speak in this manner on a DayofGoodwill. Perhaps,it is why I am driven to do so. A man has got to believe in something, stand for something.

Over 10 thousand square meters of sea and beaches damaged in Peru oil spill
Amazon Watch: A new environmental disaster has hitthenortherncoastofPeru, in the district of Lobitos, in the region of Piura
According to Petroperú, last Friday, December 20, the presence of hydrocarbons was detected during the manoeuvres prior to the loading of oil on the POLYAIGOS vessel, at the underwater terminal of the Talara Refinery, located 10 kilometers south of Las Capullanasbeach.
Although the company assuredthatithadcontrolled the situation immediately andsuspendedoperationsas a preventive measure, the impact of the spill has already extended to four beaches: Las Capullanas, Lanchón, Palizada, and La Bola, and affects approximately 10,000 cubic meters of the sea in the province of Lobitos, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Environmental Assessment and Oversight Agency (OEFA) and the District MunicipalityofLobitos.
Images and videos
Credit: Handrez Garcia

shared by fishermen and residentsshowtheimpactof theoilspillonthewatersand beaches of the area, with marine fauna covered in oil and extensive contaminated areas.z The state-owned company said in a statement thatthespillwasdetectedon Saturday morning and that o p e r a t i o n s w e r e immediately suspended as a preventive measure
However, as of Saturday night, December 21, it had not specified the exact
amount of hydrocarbon that hadbeenspilled.
Local authorities have expressed concern about the impact on marine biodiversity,confirmingthat speciessuchasturtles,crabs, octopuses, and fish have been seriously harmed by contact with the spilled oil. Videos and photographs postedonsocialmediashow the oil covering not only the water but also the sand and rocks on the affected beaches.
S a n c t i o n s a n d

our Peruvian coast Our beaches, where we offer tourism and marine prod
The local authority pointedoutthatthedistrictis the largest producer of oil and gas in the country; however, the citizens of Lobitos are the last to be takenintoaccount.“Wewant those responsible and the governmenttotakeactionon thematter.”
remediationdemanded M a y o r R i c a r d o Bancayán, of the Lobitos District Municipality, spoke out on the matter: “I am outraged by the oil companies and this spill on
The General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA)recentlydeclared that the beaches of Lobitos are healthy, now for the summer beach season, “but the oil company, due to its irresponsibility, has caused thousands of residents to be affected, transporters,
hoteliers, restaurateurs, fishermen, ( ) we are harmed,” he said in a video posted on the municipality's socialnetworks.
The impact of the spill not only affects the marine ecosystem but also local communities that depend on fishing and tourism. Bancayán added that he hopes that the violations committed in the district of Lobitos will be punished, as well as measures to protect the district and demand environmentaljustice. Lobitos is known for its beaches and biodiversity, making it a popular destinationforvisitorsanda key area for fishing activity Pollutionintheseareascould havesignificant
Minister ofAgriculture Zulfikar Mustapha hands over a cheque for $100,000 to a sugar worker from the Utivlugt Estate.

(Continuedonpage32) S
workers across the country received the government's $100,000 one-off cash grant on Tuesday, the Ministry of Agriculturesaid.
In a statement, the ministry said that the distribution exercise was spearheaded by Minister of
Mustapha at the Uitvlugt Estate,RegionThree.
The minister told the sugar workers that the cash grant is aimed at improving the lives of citizens. He said while GuySuCo has not reached its targets, the
committed to ensuring that the sector's performance is enhanced.
While addressing the workers, Minister Mustapha
commitment made by the government to improve the lives and spending power of citizens. He also said while GuySuCo did not reach its targets, the government
remains committed to ensuring the sector is restored.
“This morning, you will receive another form of empowerment from the government. Not so long ago,justoverfouryearsago, many persons thought GuySuCo and sugar itself had died. But I want to tell you all, that thanks to this government, sugar is alive and we will ensure sugar doesn'tdie.Weallknowthat at one time, the earnings fromsugarwereresponsible for all the wealth and development that took place inthiscountry
However, the industry started to experience challenges when we had the 36% cut in our preferential market by the European Union.Theindustrysuffered a further decline when the PPP/Civic left office in 2015,”henoted.
“When we left office in 2015, many estates were neglected There was no investment, repairs, or recapitalization in the industry Wesawadeclinein cultivation which is affecting production now But, as a government, we know the importance of the sugar industry It is the largest corporation in the country and many people andtheirfamiliesdependon theGuySuCo.
Wehavebeenmakingthe necessary investments to ensure we mechanize, and recapitalize the industry so thatproductioncanimprove. I am confident that we will be able to break even and lateron,becomeprofitable,” MinisterMustaphaadded.
Further, the minister challenged the management and staff of the sugar companytoworktogetherto ensure production improves and targets are achieved. He also said while people may criticize the government for investing in the industry, thousands of persons, over 7,000 persons, directly and indirectly, benefit from the sector
‘Guyana’s Stabroek Block success is like a Michelin star restaurant’
– ExxonMobil official

ExxonMobil’s Guyana Development Manager Drew Bishop,haslikenedthedevelopmentandsuccessofGuyana’s StabroekBlocktotheexperienceofaMichelinstarrestaurant.
Speaking during the Guyana Investor Spotlight event aired on December 12, Bishop detailed the strategies behind ExxonMobil’s rapid progress in Guyana’s oil sector He outlinedtheexecutionofExxon’sstrategythathasledthemto achieveremarkablesuccesswithinfiveyearsofproducingoil inGuyana.
“GuyanasuccessismorelikeaMichelinstarrestaurant,” Bishop said, explaining that it’s not about a singular “secret sauce,” but about how diverse components come together to create a world-class outcome. “Diverse ingredients, creative recipes, and flawless execution in the kitchen and front of house”arevital,headded.
OilwasdiscoveredintheStabroekBlockoffshoreGuyana in 2015, by December 2019 oil production commenced.
ExxonGuyanaistheoperatorandholds45percentinterest–Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOCPetroleumGuyanaLimitedholds25percentinterest.
The Stabroek Block which covers an area of 6.6 million acres is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil.To date, ExxonhasobtainedapprovalfromtheGovernmentofGuyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail.
Thefirstthreeprojectsarealreadyproducingoilatadaily estimated rate of 660,000 barrels per day (bpd). With the addition of Hammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day, with total production capacity expectedtoreach1.7millionbarrelsperdayonaninvestment basis.
Highlighting the accelerated pace of development in Guyana, Bishop said, “Guyana has been one of the fastest developmentsfromdiscoverytoproductioninhistory.”
He pointed out that the country is on track to reach one million barrels per day within just over a decade of first discovery,adding,“Forcomparison,achievingthismilestone inBrazilorAngolatook50plusyears.”
Further,elaboratingontheuniquechallengesposedbythe reservoirs in the Stabroek Block, Bishop explained, “Hammerhead, our seventh project, has amazing rocks in shallower water but it also comes with some unique challenges from this heavy crude which looks more like molassesthanwater.”
Ontheotherhand,henotedthecontrastingcharacteristics of the eight project, Longtail development. “Longtail can’t decideifitwantstobegasorliquid,”hesaid,referringtoits blendofgasandlight,high-qualityliquidoil.
Bishop identified advanced technology as ExxonMobil’s edge in maximizing the block’s potential. “4D seismic post startupisthemostpowerfultooltoextractfurtherincremental value,” he said, highlighting its role in production optimizationandidentifyingnewdrillingopportunities.
ExxonMobilisnotrestingonitslaurels,Bishopexplained, with plans to explore new areas and maximize current developments. He noted that approximately one-third of the StabroekBlockstilllacks3Dseismiccoverage.“Thethingto rememberiswehaveunexploredacreage,stillaboutathirdof the block still does not even have 3D seismic across it,” he emphasized.
Bishop concluded by reiterating the company’s commitment to delivering value through innovation, flexibility,andmeticulousplanning.“Thecomplexitymadeto lookeasy,executingtodelivermaximumvaluefrompotential without sacrificing capital discipline,” he said, summing up ExxonMobil’sapproach.
“Everywhere in the world, all contracts or agreements are subject to national law” - Energy Expert
“Everywhere in the world, all contracts or agreements are subject to national law, so if a contract contains terms that are at variance with national law, those terms may not be enforceable ” This was recently explained by an energy expert in an invited comment.
The source, who has worked for decades in the petroleum industry, explained that from the commentary in the media in Guyanaandviewssharedby associates in the sector, it is clearthatthereareClausesin the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with American super major, ExxonMobil, that are by international norms, so onesided and disproportionate that they may be considered “unconscionable” or “odious.”
“Asanexample,inoneof the clauses, the Minister has agreed not to change fiscal (tax) terms. This typically does not fall under the control of a Minister responsible for extractives, but is the responsibility of a Minister of Finance. That said, the minister for extractives acts on behalf of the government and would have had the approval of the Cabinettoagreetotheterms of such an Agreement,” the sourcenoted.
It was, however, pointed out that all contracts or
agreements across the world are subject to national law
Thisthereforemeansthatifa contract contains terms that are at variance with national law, those terms may not be enforceable.“Inotherwords, noMinistercanlegallyenter into a contract that contravenes an existing law
Similarly, can a Minister or government can bind Parliament to not change laws in the future. In some cases, international trade dispute resolutions authorities have taken a different view, basing their rulings on the legitimate expectations of investors
Givenwhathashappenedon the international scene in recentyears,itappearsthere are different rules for different players,” the Energyexpertpointedout.
In the case of Guyana’s Agreement with Exxon, the specialistsaidtheMinisterof F
ratification In so doing, Parliament effectively made theAgreement law and may have amended or repealed existingstatutes,justforthis Agreement.
According to the source, “In discussing whether the conditions in theAgreement can be unilaterally changed, the question therefore arises whether a Parliament can bind future Parliaments and prevent it from amending or
It was noted that this is where another of those contentiousclauseskicksin.
According to Guyana’s contract with Exxon, should any change be made in the future, the Minister has agreed to make up any perceived shortfall in return on investment that the Contractor may have reasonablyexpected.
“Thatsuggeststomethat aMinisterwouldhavetoget priorParliamentaryapproval ofabudgettoallowforthat. Thelanguageinthisclauseis verycleverlydrafted,butnot necessarily bullet-proof One question that has arisen is why the Minister would agreetosuchterms.Thatwas answeredbytheMinister,in testimony before a ParliamentaryCommittee,in responsetoaquestionposed by none other than the Minister of Finance,” the expertreasoned.
Renegotiation ofodiouscontracts
There is a body of work on the unenforceability of unconscionable or odious contracts, including cases wherenegotiatorshavebeen deemed as “lacking the capacitytocontract.”
The source pointed out, “Althoughnopartywantsto renegotiate a contract w i t h o u t c a u s e ,
renegotiation of contract terms in the industry is routine, particularly if there is a material change in conditions like geological understanding or markets (costs of services, prices of product,etc.)fromwhatwas expected at the time the contractwasnegotiated.”
Similarly, he explained that it is also not unusual if one party wants to open a specific clause or condition that it finds particularly unattractive.Thismeansthat every time Exxon asks for something, which they always will do, Guyana can askforsomethinginreturn. The energy expert however,pointedoutthatthe desire to revisit the terms of the agreement hinges on the concept of economic stability “Simply put, this meansthataninvestorhasan expectationand,inthiscase, is given a guarantee, that it willachieveaspecificreturn on its investment. This is typically premised on costs, productionlevelsandmarket prices, while providing for risks and some level of variation.
These would have been a g r e e d u p o n a n d documented on the approval of the Field Development Plan,bythegovernment,and the Final Investment Decision, by the respective boards of the partners who makeuptheContractor,”the sourcesaid.
Acouple will spendChristmas in prison after they were remanded for allegedly killing their landlord.
The accused, a 27-yearold construction worker, Ramlagan Mahadeo, called ‘Dado’ and his commonlaw-wife, Sarah Persaud are accused of killing 50-yearold Kenrick Hakim of Lot 142 Fourth Street, Martyrs Village, Mon Repos, East CoastDemerara.
They both were charged withmurderandappearedat t h e S p a r e n d a a m Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday They were not required to plead to the indictable charge and were remandeduntilFebruary25, 2025.
The couple was seen beating Hakim on his veranda around 18:00 hrs last Wednesday He was dealt multiple cuffs and kicks to his head and body Reports are that the beating lastedforonehour
The following day at

around15:00hrsHakimdied at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
An autopsy on Monday confirmed that he died from injuries sustained from the brutalbeating.
According to the post mortem report, the landlord died from subdural haematoma caused by “multiple blunt trauma” to the head Subdural haematoma occurs when a blood vessel in the space between the skull and the

brain(thesubduralspace)is damaged Blood escapes from the blood vessel, leadingtotheformationofa bloodclot(haematoma)that places pressure on the brain anddamagesit.
Kaieteur News had reportedonSaturdaythatthe coupleallegedlybeatHakim brutally after he confronted them about playing music tooloud.
A neighbour had reportedly complained to Hakimabouttheloudmusic. This reportedly led to an
argument between the female tenants and the neighbour Duringtheverbal exchange, the neighbour reportedly accused the woman of being unfaithful to her husband The argument ended there but anotheronebegan,thistime between the couple (the tenants) over the allegation. The two suspects then left but returned later (at around 18:00hrs) still arguing with each other Subsequently, they were seen beating Hakimonhisveranda.


luxury car racket
The Guyana RevenueAuthority (GRA) on Tuesday, said that it has “uncovered a racket, estimated at hundreds of millionsinlosttaxes”whereunscrupulousimporterssomeof whomareautodealers,havemadefalsedeclarationsaboutthe engine capacity(cc) of some luxurious motor vehicles. The RevenueAuthority,inastatement,saidthefalsedeclarations arecontrarytotheprovisionsofthelawsadministeredandare done in an effort to evade payment of the full and applicable taxes.“Consequently,theRevenueAuthorityhascommenced awidespreadtaxcomplianceactivitytodetainallsuchmotor vehicles,wheretheenginecapacity,amongotherdeclarations, werefalselymade.”
Further, GRAsaid that “any person found to have made, submitted or caused another person to make or submit such incorrect declaration(s) may be prosecuted, in accordance withtheapplicablelawsadministeredandthemotorvehicle(s) may be detained or be seized, unless the full and applicable taxes, together with any applicable penalty are immediately paidthereon.”
The Authority encouraged persons involved in or benefiting from the false declarations to voluntarily visit its headquarters at Camp Street, Georgetown or call telephone numbers225-5061ext.2501-2508toimmediatelycommence the process to have such motor vehicle deemed entered, by paymentofthefullandapplicabletaxesandpenaltiestoavoid prosecution.
“TheAuthority advises that all such cooperative persons who comply with voluntary declarations will not be prosecuted neither will their motor vehicle/s be seized or detained,”thestatementassured.
‘Soup man’ remanded for allegedly robbing woman of $3.4M in valuables
A22-year-old food vendor was remanded to prison on TuesdaywhenheappearedattheGeorgetownMagistrates’ Court to answer to a Robbery Under Arms (RUA) charge which states that he robbed a woman of $3,415,490 in valuables.
Theaccused,PeterThompsoncalled‘Soupman’,made his first court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate FaithMcGusty,wherethechargewasreadtohim. Thompsonwasnotrequiredtoenteraplea.
The court read that on November 12, 2024 at Lot 32 D’urbanStreet,Lodge,Georgetown,Thompsonwhilebeing inthecompanyofothersandarmedwithagun,robbedAdele Davidofhervaluables.
Thevaluablesweresixgoldrings,valued$632,500,two gold chains valued $870,000, one ankle chain valued $150,000,onegoldwristbandvalued$570,000,ahandbag valued $2990 and $1,190,000 cash, total value of $3,415,490.
TheaccusedwasrepresentedbyAttorney-at-LawDarren Wade,whomadeanapplicationforbail.Thelawyertoldthe courtthathisclientisafoodvendorwithnoantecedentsand thatnostolenitemswerefoundonhim.
Inaddition,WaderequestedbailsothatThompsoncould spendtheholidayswithhisfamily Hearguedthatthevideo footage did not identify his client as being involved in the incident.
Theprosecutionobjectedtobailduetotheseriousnature of the offence committed and the penalty it attracts. He statedthatthevictimidentifiedtheaccused.
Afterlisteningtobothsides,theactingChiefMagistrate remand Thompson to prison. He is scheduled to return to courtonJanuary8,2024.

GPSU’s Christmas message 2024 2024 GAWU Christmas Message 2024

of the GPSU. May the festiveseasonbringyoujoy, peace and goodwill. In all thingsbesafe,thinkofyour merited benefits and aspirations for the year aheadandworktowardsthe achievement of future goals.ThisChristmas,aswe celebrate, let us reflect on thegoodnessandmerciesof the Season; the reason that werejoice.Foritisthemost resonant fuel for our decisions and purpose in thisworld.
To the workers in
Th e E t h n i c
R e l a t i o n s
Commission (ERC) extends warm Christmas greetings and
fellowship to every Guyanese, especially the Christiancommunity
Military others, required to work during the holidays, we extend our gratitude as you perform your duties while keeping the population healthy and safe.
To all Guyanese, take care as you celebrate the festive season, being mindfulthatwearetobeour brothers’ keeper, extending that hand of generosity and compassion.
Iurgeyoutopleasegive serious consideration to all that is necessary, deserving and reasonable to be achieved in 2025. We must be determined and collectively committed to the accomplishment of thesegoalsintheNewYear Once more, best wishes for a joyous and fulfilling ChristmasandmaytheLord bless and keep you safe throughouttheholidays.
MerryChristmas. President/CEO, Mr. PatrickM.Yarde
Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men is theforlornpromisethathas been ages old. It is hoped thatthisseasonwouldbring us closer to realizing this pp prosperityforthebenefitof all.
andallthewonderfulpeople ofGuyana.Thisfestivetime invites us to pause, reflect, and share love and kindness with those who hold a specialplaceinourhearts.
Christmas is not just a celebration; it’s an opportunity to acknowledge the tireless efforts and unwaveringdedicationofall those who contribute to our nation’s growth Our workers, who labour diligently across various sectors, are the unsung heroes behind our daily comforts providing food on our tables, goods in our stores, and securing
Guya ese to e b ace t e values of unity, compassion, and support for one another Simple acts of kindness, spending cherished moments withlovedones,andreaching out to those who may be strugglingcancreateripplesof positive change in our communities
“Weareremindedduring this festive time of the importance of family, community, and our shared responsibility in creating a better Guyana for all,” reflected Seepaul Narine, PresidentofGAWU.“Letus gather to celebrate our accomplishments over the collectively for families, provide esse ta se vces,e su gt e safetyandwell-beingofevery Guyanese Yourresilienceand determination throughout the year enable us to enjoy the manyblessingsofthisholiday season, and for that, we are trulygrateful
May this Christmas bring you peace, joy, and prosperity We wish our members,theirfamilies,and all Guyanese a holiday seasonfilledwithhappiness, good health, and renewed hope. Withwarmwishesfor a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Guyana Agricultural and GeneralWorkersUnion!
2024 Christmas message
piteous occasion, let us collectively as a unified nation embrace the true spirit of Christmas in peace
and goodwill to all humankind as Jesus, the Christcametoofferallofus. The feeling of togetherness
enduring tradition in the psycheofthenation. The‘seasonofgoodwill’ andallreligiousobservances play a unifying role in spreading harmony, peace and understanding throughoutourmulticultural
decorated residences and offices, sharing gifts, and fraternizingwithfriendsand loved ones all lend to the aura of festivity that dominates nationally during this period, and the ERC understands the deeper
More importantly, let us remember the benevolence of sharing to the less fortunate.
The Commission fervently believes that every Guyanese should commit to spreading that ahead
T h e C h a i r m a n , Commissioners and staff extend profound wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a NewYear filled with peace, shared optimism, kindnessandblessings

Creating holiday memories with Delectable Cakes and Treats by L

For LeNece BarringtonHyman, Christmas is a magical time that brings back fond childhood memories. Sherecallsthehoneymustardham her father prepared every Christmas morning and her mother’s pepper pot, a dish she learned to enjoy in various ways. Thesetraditionscontinuetoinspire herworktoday
The 36-year-old owner of Delectable Cakes and Treats by L, basedinSectionALiliendaal(also known as A Field Sophia), has turned her love for baking into a thriving business that brings joy to countlesshomes,especiallyduring theholidays.
How I started baking is an interestingtale.AsachildIgrewup seeing my parents bake and create wonderful meals and memories.
Although they both had government jobs they loved cooking and were part time caterers.Iwouldhelpoccasionally so this was embedded in me,” LeNecesharedduringaninterview withthispublication.
Formany bakingisahobbyor

an occasional indulgence, but for her it’s a calling. “These early experiences planted the seeds of herpassionforbaking,thoughher career initially took a different path.
LeNecespent14yearsworking in the credit department of a hirepurchase company, where she rose to the position of supervisor But her love for baking never faded, leading her to enroll in a cakedecorating course at Carnegie SchoolofHomeEconomics.
Therealturningpointcame when she and her husband, high school sweethearts, deepened their faith and became Seventh-day Adventists With Sabbath observance conflicting with her workschedule,LeNeceprayedfor guidance and eventually made the bold decision to leave her job pursuebakingfull-time.
“IhadtostepoutinfaithandifI did that God would have me covered. He had already given me my solution. So I resigned from a job I held for 14yrs to pursue the passionforbakingandmylovefor God,”shereflects.
Since its launch Delectable


CakesandTreatsbyL,LeNecesaid theholidayseasonis busiesttime, withbakingoftenstartingat3a.m. andcontinuinguntil11p.m.“Some days,I’mbakingaroundtheclock,” shesays.

herfamily,followedbypreparation and a meticulous review of her baking schedule From cutting parchment paper to mixing batters andpackingcakeboxes,everystep isinfusedwithloveandcare.

This year has been

transformative for LeNece “I stepped into so many things that werenewtome.Opportunitiesthat called me out of the background I loved to hide behind My appreciation for myself has grown tremendously and I believe it was these opportunities that drew attentiontothededicationIputinto my work. This holiday season I’m just happy to have my treats be a art of so many homes and memorable moments” she shares.
One of the highlights was participating in the “We Lift” Women’sBusinessExpounder the Ministry of Human Services, an experience that boosted her confidence and expandedherbusiness’reach.
This Christmas, Delectable Cakes and Treats by L, offers an irresistible array of goodies. Their assortmentofsixcakesincludesthe classic black cake and fruit cake, infused with aged brown and red rum, as well as red velvet, chocolate, vanilla sponge, and carrotcake.
Customers can choose a ¼ lb. black cake, fruit cake, and sponge cake package for $10,500 or

upgrade to ½ lb. for just $5,500 more.
Cookie lovers are in for a treat with options like turtle cookies filled with caramel, chocolate, and nuts,alongsidecranberrychocolate chip and nine other flavors.At just $4,500 for 20 cookies, they’re a holidaybargain.
Other offerings include banana bread, sweet bread, cheesecakes, and cheese straws, many of which can be found at Real Value Supermarket or James Service Centre at the Rubis gas station on MandelaAvenue.
When the baking frenzy subsides, LeNece treasures moments of rest and family time. “A long nap, followed by games, good food, and spicy ginger beer with my family – that’s my way of celebrating the blessings of a full house,”shesays.Forthoselooking to make their holidays a little sweeter, Delectable Cakes and Treats by Lcan be reached at 6567228or649-8751,orthroughtheir Facebook page, Delectable Cakes andTreatsbyL.LeNece’sstoryisa testament to faith, resilience, and the joy that comes from following yourpassion.



Duringtheholidayseasonit has become tradition for KaieteurNewstohighlighthow Christmasisviewedthroughthe eyesofchildren. Thisyearisno different; when this publication reached out to a few young one whoweredelightedtogivetheir take on the holiday and share theirwishesfortheseason.
While most times, children equate the joy of the holiday withgiftgiving,orthedelightful feast,11-year-oldNissibiKhan, loves spending time with her family She said with a bright smiletolightuparoom, spending time with my and having fun with my and brother." The laughter chatteroffamilyarewhat treasures most. When comes to Christma traditions,Khanisfondof the movies that play a big role in the celebrations, with HomeAlone being top pick. The mov humuor and heartwarming moments seem to perfectly capture the spirit of family that she holds dear during holidays. She told newspaper that her wish holiday is for new case mobilephone.
“I want a phone because my phone c breaking. That's why I newphonecase,”shesaid.
Her younger s








cook-up,” she said, noting how ing with mother bake a . “I v e ing with my m, ” says,

Nukkida Khan, whois10,sharesin the festive fun, saying, “Christmas is all about enjoying good
becauseIlove she

Grinchis urite movie,andlikemany
Angel enjoys the Christmas tree family “I like the lights,” she said; her sparklingasshetalksabout twinkling decorations that holidays feel so Angel'senthusiasmfor details like the lights decorationsshowsjusthow small, joyful things theseasonshine.
KesandraJeffrey,an11xpresses that atimetoreflecton matters “My part about Christmas d, the glowing and the holiday spirit,” says, capturing the warmth and joy that fill the air duringthisspecialseason.
The young Jeffrey sees Christmas as a time for more than just celebration, she said it's about love, kindness, and appreciation. “Christmas is about spreading kindness, cherishing the people around me, and embracing the spirit of giving,” she adds, noting that theseason'struemagicliesinits abilitytobringpersonstogether andinspiregoodwill.

food, singing Christmas songs, and getting gifts!” This little one loves the whole family experience, from singing carols together to unwrapping presents.“Ireceivedagiftfrom my auntie,” she adds, beaming with excitement For her, Christmas also has its special flavors. “My favourite food is
already imagining the sweet aromas filling the house.And, likemanychildren,Sukhnanan enjoys the festive treats that comewithChristmas.“Cookies and chocolate milk are my favorite!” she exclaims, painting a picture of cozy moments and enjoying the season'ssweetindulgences.
Athena Sophia Angel, who is a six-year-old, loves the surprises that Christmas brings, especiallygifts.
“I love receiving gifts
Sweet little Dahlia Calistro, whoisfouryearsolddidn'thave much to say except that she wantsSantatogifthertwodolls r Christmas Much like Dahlia, Aden Bell age 4, told Kaieteur News he wants a big oy's toy excavator and a bicycleforChristmas.
As the holiday season unfolds, these young ones often highlight the magic and wonder that comes with Christmas For children, Christmas is a time of enchantment, where every twinkling light, every festive song,andeverysharedmoment feels like a gift in itself. Their innocence and excitement capture the true essence of Christmas, inspiring many to embrace the spirit of togetherness, kindness, and gratitudethattheseasonbrings.
Whetherit'sbakingcookies, decorating the tree, or simply spendingtimetogether,children oftenshowusthatthetruespirit of Christmas with the love shared and the memories created.


Dusty Christmas:
Hydrometofficesays SaharandustheretillFriday
The cloudy effect of the Saharan dust along the West Bank Demerara, Tuesday morning.

The Hydrometeorological Service of Guyana on Tuesday urged persons to take precautions as there is a “very high concentration of Saharan dust” moving over theCaribbeanandNorthernGuyana.
In a special information bulletin, the Hydromet office said that the situation is projectedtoremainuntilFriday.
“Thesignificantconcentrationsofthedust present (can) cause reduced visibility, inhibit deepconvectionandcloudformationandmay affect persons with respiratory illnesses,” HydrometeorologicalServicestated.
F o r u p d a t e s , v i s i t
[ w w w h y d r o m e t g o v g y ] ( or contact the National Weather Watch Center at 2613065/4489/2284.
Earlier this year, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) issued a health advisory encouraging individuals to take precautions against the harmful effects of Saharandust.TheAgencyrecommendedthat personsstayindoorsasmuchaspossible,and should there be a need to be outdoors, they
Additionally, using a HEPAfilter indoors can help purify the air in individual rooms whilepersonswithpulmonaryconditionsare advisedtocarrytheirmedicationsatalltimes andusethemasprescribed.
Should difficulty breathing occur, professionalmedicaladviceshouldbesought immediately. For less severe symptoms, standard allergy medications, such as antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays, may helpalleviatediscomfort.
Saharan Dust causes itchy eyes, runny noses, and sore throats; this colossal dust transport becomes a vital contributor to the Amazon Basin, as it is rich in phosphorus, a crucialnutrientforplantgrowth.
AsrainintheAmazonwashesawayupto 90% of the soil's phosphorus to the sea, the significance of this external mineral supply becomes evident. During this unique natural phenomenon, the Saharan dust travels from across theAtlantic to SouthAmerica and the Caribbean, creating colossal dust clouds visiblefromspace.




Some of the delicious and creative cakes baked by ‘Sweet Surprise’



Have a this Christmas Season Sweet Surprise’
As we all know, Christmas is not Christmas if there isn’t sweet treatsandcakeswaitingforuson the food table. And so, if you are spendingtheholidayseasonwith your loved ones and friends and thinking where to place that order, then ‘Sweet Surprise’ a smallbakerybusiness has something sweet waitingforyou.
For anyone who has not come across ‘Sweet Surprise’ before, it is a small thriving bakery businessthatisproudly owned by 25-year-old KhadijaKhan.
By all Christmas is if isn’t and waiting the food table. And if you are spendingtheholidayseason your loved ones and thinking place that order, ‘Sweet Surprise’ a smallbakery has something waitingforyou. anyone who has not come across ‘Sweet Surprise’ before, it is small t ving a er businessthatisproudly owned KhadijaKhan. business and sweet treats for events anniversaries more only thriving on its it, we it!” the makes impossible, possible tend to fulfill late orders holds Bachelor’s in TourismManagement

The business caters cakes and sweet treats for all special events including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and more Not only thriving on its slogan “you crave it, we bake it!” but the business also makes the impossible, possible meaning they tend to fulfill late orders
Khan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in TourismManagementandhashadmanyjobs. However no matter how far she goes, she wouldalwaysfindherselfbackinthekitchen doingwhatsheloves.
“Everything I know is completely selftaught, YouTube was literally my best friend,”shesaid.
With practice makes perfect, Khan’s baking skills has truly paid off and this is evidentfromthetremendoussupportshe hasreceivedsinceintroducingher businesstotheworld.
“Everything know is completely selftaught, YouTube was literally best friend,”shesaid. With perfect, baking skills paid and this tremendoussupport has businesstothe have been h bi ge “They
According to the young woman, her family and friends have always been her biggest supporters “They have all become mini b a k e r s , s a l e s representatives, brand ambassadors, cake decorators, delivery drivers,”shenoted.
Young Entrepreneur, Khadija Khan
“In their own way, each person would have added to the development of Sweet Surprise, and I will forever be grateful,” Khan further expressed.



In an exclusive interview with this newspaper,thebuddingentrepreneursaidshe first started this business venture in April 2021 and the inspiration came from her father
“My inspiration came from my dad. He hadareallyhugesweettoothanditmadehim happy to eat anything I made and me even happiertoseehimactuallyeatingit;whether it be burnt, undercooked or overcooked he would always have a huge smile on his face andkeptencouragingmetocontinue;andI’m happy to say it definitely paid off,” Khan related.
However no she wouldalways herselfbackin kitchen doing sheloves. this newspaper, buddingentrepreneur she first started this venture 2021 the inspiration came from father inspiration came from my He hada huge it him happy eat anything I made me happierto himactuallyeatingit;whether it overcooked he would always a on his andkeptencouragingme happy it paid Khan related.
Khansharedthatfromaslittleas10years old; she always wanted to do two things, to becomeateacherandabaker.
sharedthat as as old; two things, to becomeateacherandabaker.
Asked if baking has always been in her family,Khanexplainedthatithasnot,sheis theveryfirsttotestthewaters.
Asked baking has been in her family, explained has she the
Speaking about challenges along her journey, the young entrepreneur related a major challenge has been the availability of bakingresources.“Thereisnoonestorethata baker can go to and is guaranteed to find everythingontheirlistofitems;it’salwaysa run around. That’s why I find it easier to outsource everything, meaning to order my items online; yes, it might be a bit more expensive but it’s more effective,” she explained.
Despitethischallenge,Khansaidshehas been able to find a way out and fulfill her orders.
When asked what she hopes to achieve with her business, the young woman disclosed that her long term goal is to make ‘Sweet Surprise’ a household name. “One where people can close their eyes and know forcertainthateveryitempurchasedfromus is of the highest standard and the best the quality,”sheadded.
Already making an impact in society through her business, our featured entrepreneur is of the view that small business owners create a mindset of hope, mindset confidence, resilience and independence amongtheirpeers.
way Theyarerolemodelstonotonlyyoung people like themselves, but also the older folks,”shestated.
Khan suggested that to see small suggested businessesgrowinoursocietyalotmorecan be done. For example she said, information abouthowtoaccessthefinancialsupportthat isavailablecanbeofgreathelp.
, a l s ambassadors, delivery drivers,” noted. own way, each person would have to the of and I will be further challenges along her young a major challenge has the of a to is find their items; a run around. That’s I it easier to everything, meaning my items might be a bit more but more effective,” she this has able to find a out and fulfill her asked what she achieve her business, woman disclosed that to make Surprise’ household “One eyes know forcertainthat itempurchasedfromus the highest best quality,”she impact society through business, our featured is of view small hope, confidence, resilience and independence amongtheir often fresh perspectives to solve challenges in a unique

“Young entrepreneurs often bring fresh perspectives to solve challenges in a unique
Also training and resources which
includes improved educational workshops and mentorship programmes focusing on financial management, marketing, digital tools, and customer retention strategies can furtherboostyoungentrepreneurs.
ForpersonsinterestedinutilizingKhadija Khan’s business this holiday season you can contact her on (592) 653-9297 or @Sweet Surpriseonallsocialplatforms.
young themselves, older shestated. that small grow lot can be For she information howto the that beofgreathelp. Also training resources which includes workshops on digital can furtherboostyoung utilizingKhadija business season you can her 653-9297 or @Sweet Surpriseon socialplatforms.





Christmas at St. John Bosco Orphanage
Fo r c h i l d r e n
everywhere, Christmas marks the most magical time of year trimmed with beautiful décortothegiftstogoodies. Inthequietcornersoftheof the St John Bosco Orphanage, children find comfort in each other's company, their laughter echoing like soft music throughthehallways.
Their faces, often markedbytheabsenceofthe love every child craves, still glowwithhope.Theydream offamiliestocalltheirown, ofwarmarmstowraparound them, and of a home where they are cherished. Despite this,theycarrytheresilience oflittleheartsthatbelievein a tomorrow and find solace inthewarmthofeachother's company at the all boys orphanage.
It'sinmomentslikethese that the resilience and innocence contained in children shine through, remindingusallthatevenin thehardestoftimes,thelight ofachild'sspiritcanneverbe dimmed.
When Kaieteur News reached out to the St. John Bosco Orphanage, where contact was made to sweet young angels, they shared thattheholidayseasonisnot just a time of joy, but also a time of anticipation, as they look forward to the special events, delicious food, and thelovesharedbyall.
Junior, a 13-year-old, shared his excitement, saying, "I feel very excited

for all the parties and gifts. Yes,ImadeChristmascards forthestaff,teachers,andthe sisters " For Junior, Christmas isn't just about receivinggifts;it'salsoabout thelittleactsofkindnessthat maketheseasonspecial.
Joshua, who is 12, can't waitforthefestivepartythat takes place every year "The special events at the orphanageforChristmasare amazing,"hesays."Wehave a party with Santa Claus, champagne,abouncycastle, and delicious food My favourite song is 'The First Noel,' and I also love 'The LittleDrummerBoy.”
Theexcitementbuildsas Christmas Day approaches.
For Anthony, an eight-yearold with a bright smile, the holiday season brings one thing to mind: food. "My favouritefoodispepperpot,"
he says, eagerly anticipating the delicious meal. "And I really want a remote control car for Christmas!" he said.
Like many children, Anthony'swishlistissimple but filled with the joy of childhooddreams.
Israel,asix-year-oldboy, alsohasafavouritemealthat he looks forward to each year: "I love fried chicken!" hesays.
Foodisanimportantpart of the celebration, and each child's favourite dish is something they anticipate during the festive season. The joy of sharing these meals with friends and caregivers is a reminder of the warmth and love that surroundthem.
Isaiah, another six-yearold is filled with energy, describes the happiness he feels as Christmas

approaches. "I'm happy and excited when Christmas comes," he says "My favouritepartofChristmasis receiving toys,” Isaiah said. The simple pleasures of receiving a gift that makes theirdreamscometruebring somuchjoytothechildrenat theorphanage.
Bharrat, a nine-year-old, echoes the same feelings of happiness when Christmas comes around. "I feel happy when Christmas is coming," he says with a big smile. "And my favourite food is pepper pot,” he related with joy. Just like his friends, Bharrat eagerly awaits the festivitiesandthetimespent togetherasafamily.
The Christmas season at the orphanage is much more thanjustaholiday It'satime when children, who might not have families of their
own, experience of a community and cares staff, sisters work tirelessly that each special, and and laughter seasonbrighter In the midst Christmasparties, and meals, of the orphanage comfort in they shar reminder matter w comefromor past ma Christmas celebratelove, and the h brighterfuture.
Ifyouare donatingor the orphanage, bemadevia



A quiet Christmas in the Gustave home
Less than a year ago, KeshaGustavewould have been busy with preparations for the Christmas holiday, whether it was decoratingherhome,shoppingor buyingtoysforherchildren.
However, this year the holiday looks different, where theechoesofmerrimentfromthe young Jeremiah Gustave was once evident, sits a quiet, pensiveness as his mother wonderswhatthefutureholds.
From her Charles Street, Charlestown home, Kesha recalled the days when little Jeremiahwashappyandhealthy
She reminisced “He always got me talking around Christmas... but this Christmas willbeaquietone,”themotherof the six-year-old-boy who is recovering from a gunshot woundtohisheadcontinued.
Jeremiah,oncethelifeofthe party in his home, is left paralyzed from the head down andunabletospeak.
He was shot in the head on July 9, 2024, while standing outside with his mother, as she cookedameal.Whatstartedasa normal day quickly turned into devastation when Kesha heard gunshots and turned to find her son bleeding from a gunshot wound.
“I turned to take something
fromthefridge,andthenIstarted hearing him say, 'Mommy, mommy, mommy.' I thought, 'Mawn, just now you'll get your thing.' But something told me to turnaround.WhenIturned,Isaw himwithhisheaddown,bloodall over,” Kesha recalled through tears.
The aftermath of that night has been a long and painful journey Jeremiah was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital
Corporation, where he
underwent six surgeries His mother remained by his side, spending sleepless nights at the hospital, praying for her son's recovery Butdespitethemedical efforts,complicationscontinued, and Jeremiah was left paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speakormove.
Kesha, who closed her business to care for Jeremiah, describes the painful reality: her energeticson,oncefulloflifeand mischief, is now confined to a hospital bed, his body no longer hisown.
By the end of November, Jeremiah was discharged and beganthelongroadtorecoveryat home.Yet,asKeshasitswithhim now,it'sclearthatChristmaswill beabittersweetoccasion.
Jeremiah's grandmother, teary-eyed,sharedwith Kaieteur News, how much she misses her

“This is not the Jeremiah I know,” she said, her voice cracking.“Imisshim.Ifeelitto seemygrandchildlikethis.”She
recounted how Jeremiah would help her with simple tasks, like applying ointment to her sore foot,andhowtheywouldchatfor hours “When my foot was hurting, Jeremiah would come andsay,'Granny,putthisonyour foot,itwillhelp.'”
The family also reminisced about how much Jeremiah loved Christmas. “He went to Parika last year to buy beef for the pepperpot.
He loved pepper pot so much,” Kesha said, smiling through her sadness “Every Christmas, we would walk around Georgetown together to shop,andhe'dpickoutthethings, heliked.”
This year, however, the family is mourning the absence of Jeremiah's lively presence. “Hewouldsay,'Du-du,youain't done the pepperpot yet?'” Kesha recalled. “He would talk all day and night, and now everything has changed. I can't talk to him anymore. Now, I just hold his handandsitwithhim.”
Despite the overwhelming challenges, Kesha remains gratefulthathersonisstillalive. However, the upcoming holiday brings with it a painful reminder ofwhat'sbeenlost.“Christmasis for children,” she said. “For me, this Christmas, I miss talking to him. This is a time of the year
when you're busy, running around, and I can't even say, 'Jeremiah,ohgosh.'”
Shealsosharedtheheartache of preparing for the season with Jeremiah's limited ability to engage. Gifts have arrived for him like roller skates but theyremainunused,asymbolof the joyful moments he cannot experiencethisyear
“He has gifts that he can't use,” Kesha said her voice soft withsorrow
While adjusting to the new realities of care giving has been difficult,Keshaadmittedthatit's especially hard to decorate the house for Christmas when she knows that Jeremiah won't be able to enjoy the holiday in the wayheoncedid.
“It'sheart-rendingtoseethat Jeremiahcan'tenjoyChristmas,” shesaid.
But despite the pain, the Gustavefamilyremainshopeful. “I ask God to give me strength over the situation,” Kesha said. “It's a very hard situation, but we're hoping for a successful recovery.”
Astheynavigatethisdifficult season, the family holds onto their faith, hoping for both Jeremiah's recovery and justice for the senseless act that robbed him of his childhood and his favoritetimeoftheyear



Last year, for my Christmas edition paper I shared that my fully vegetarian Christmas spread which included the cherished Guyanese food staple; rice. However, this year whether you are counting your calories or want to eat clean like me, I mayhavetheperfectoptions for you, I’ll be sharing delicious Christmas recipe minusrice.
For those who missed last year’s edition I am
vegetarian, an ovo vegetarian to be exact. I can eat eggs but you know the Guyanese saying ‘too much ahonetinggoodfuhnothing’ so,eventhoughIdoeateggs now, it’s in monitored amounts.
AGuyaneseChristmasis allaboutfood,drinks,family and a nice time. The start of
pepperpot my days of nut butter and bread or buttered toast at the breakfast table have been over This year I have been experimenting quite a lot and I have improvedmyrecipe.
Theveggiesincludecorn on the cob, carrots, sweet potatoes and lots of mushrooms Specifically wood ear, shitake and king oyster,theydon’tjustabsorb the flavours well but they also mimic the texture and pullofmeatperfectly
A hot cup of milo with almond or oat milk as I am lactose intolerant, hot steaming homemade bread and my veggie pepperpot
makes for the most comfortingheartyChristmas breakfast. The fun part this pepperpot can be reheated for days on end and never lose its flavor It’s indeed a vegetarian gift that keeps on giving.

the show is usually pepperpotatbreakfastwhich many persons call the national dish of Guyana.
Being a land of six ethnicities everyone plays a partintheChristmasfeast. Pepperpot is a dish created by the indigenous peoples also known as the Amerindians.
Itentailsmeatorfishthat is boiled in a sauce made from boiling the juice of the bitter cassava until it thickenscalledcasareep.
Added to this are wiri wiri peppers, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, fresh or dried fine leaf thyme and otherfresharomatics.Thisis adishthatrequiresatleastan hour of prep and several hours of h s d
removethecinnamonsticks, orangepeelsandifyouused the big sprigs of thyme (instead of shredding) removethesetoo.
1 head cauliflower, chopped into florets (or 4 cupsricedcauliflower)
1 small onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup fresh or frozen peas
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/4 tsp fresh grated ginger, (or 1/8 tsp ground ginger)
2 Tbsp green onions, chopped
Lunch is the biggest mealoftheandtakesthe mostprep,butsinceI amdoingitrice-less this year I have decidedtoreplace the prominent carbohydrate in Guyanese diet
with ‘riced’ broccoli and cauliflower.
Broccoliisgreen d cauliflower is white for those who may get confused and they are both the unopened flower heads of plants in the brassica family, which is wherecabbagebelongsto.
All of the tiny little buds areactuallyunopenedflower budsandwhenslicedoffthe bearasimilarresemblanceto rice.
The amazing thing is the absorbflavorsthesameway andaddawonderfulhealthy twisttoamean.
This year it will be a ‘riced’ cauliflower and broccoli fried rice, grilled tofu with a spicy honey BBQ sauce to replace chickenbutstilladdprotein, a Christmas special sorrel drink and for desert a strawberrycheese
I know these may sound complicated but looking at
1/2tspsaltorveganstock cubes
Few sprigs of thyme (about 3/4 tablespoon of crushed fine leaf from Guyana
Sprinkles of Black pepper
6-8 cloves garlic (optional)
2 Table spoons of coconut oil or whatever you prefer Process
• Heat the oil in a large/deeppot
• Saute all the onions, garlic,
• Then add all the other ingredients, leaving the watertilllast.B
• Bring to a boil till the provisions are soft and edible.
Note 2: Check the consistency,whichshouldbe thick, not like molasses but not runny Check the colour, it should be deep and dark. Taste should be hot, sweet, bitter, savoury, spicy (cinnamon, cloves, orange peel should be strongly hinted) all at the same time! So not too much of either
intofloretsandplaceinfood processor Pulseuntilitstarts to resemble rice and set aside.Youcanalsousestorebought fresh or frozen cauliflowerrice.
Heat a large wok or skilletovermediumheatand drizzle in sesame oil. Add chopped onion, peas and carrotsandsautéuntiltender, about2to3minutes.
Meanwhile in a small bowl,whisktogetherthesoy sauce, honey, fresh ginger and red pepper flakes. Set asideuntilreadytouse.
Stirincauliflower“rice” and pour the soy sauce over top,mixingwell.Cookforan additional 3 to 4 minutes, until cauliflower is soft and tender
Stir in cauliflower rice and pour the sauce over top, mixing everything well Cookforanadditional3to4 minutes, until the cauliflower is soft and tender. Top with green onionsandserve!
· 1 Block(15oz.) Extra firm tofu, drained and pressed*
· 2 teaspoons Garlic powder
· 2 teaspoons Baking soda
1 Tablespoon Rice wine/applecidervinegar
· 1 Tablespoon chili/ hot peperpaste
· 2Tablespoons chili/hot pepperpaste
· 3 Tablespoons Agave/ maplesyrup
·1TablespoonRicewine vinegar
12 Cloves Garlic, chopped
· 1 Tablespoon Sesame seeds
After you have drained and pressed the tofu, cut the tofu into cubes, or break it intochunks.Setaside.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the cornstarch, garlic powder, bakingsoda,saltandpepper water, rice cidervinegarand thebowland fullycombined. intothebowl coat.Setasideand



let the tofu sit in the coating for about 10 minutes or more, while you make the sauce.
Now, make the sauce, in a medium sized mixing bowl, add the pepper paste ,agave, soy sauce, rice wine/apple cider vinegar, garlic, sesame seeds and broth Whisk to fully combine.Setaside.
Now, heat about 1/2 an inch of vegetable oil in a large non-stick skillet on medium high. Once it is hot and small bubbles are formingintheoil,addabout half the tofu at a time to the skillet. Fry, reducing heat as needed, making sure you don’t burn it. Fry the pieces oftofuforabout2-3minutes per side, or until the are goldenbrownandcrispy
Removefromtheoiland place on a paper towel
Now, heat the sauce in a smallsaucepanonmedium. Bring to a simmer, reduce heattolowandsimmerfor23minutes.
In a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and water for the sauce until there are no lumps of cornstarchleft.Pourthatinto thesauce.Whisktocombine and simmer for another minuteoruntilthesaucehas thickened.
Add the tofu to a large bowl and pour the sauce on top.Tosstocoat.
S e r v e immediately withriceif desired.
Sorr el
Sorrelblossoms(driedor fresh)
Spices-cinnamon, star anise
Whole ClovesDemerara
Addcinnamonsticksand wholeclovestoalargestock pot on medium heat, then bring up to temperature Whilethepotiscomingupto temperature it will warm up the spices for a better flavor payoff.
Then add, water, orange peel, and dried sorrel blossomstothepot,increase theheattohighandbringtoa rolling boil Allow the mixture to boil for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to cool completely
When the mixture is completely cool, add the sugarandmixuntilthesugar completely dissolves. Then letsitovernightorforatleast 8 hours. Then strain with a fine mesh strainer or a strainerlinedwithmuslin. Serve
Store the sorrel drink in anairtightjarinthefridgefor upto3days.




Must try mocktail recipes to spark your holiday spirit


Easy Spritzthemindfulmocktail

In the age of digital
everything, it’s no surprise that TikTok has seamlessly become a stapleinmylife.Whatstartedasa platform for dances and comedy skits has now evolved into a treasure trove of knowledge
Need a quick hack to fix something?TikTok.Wanttolearn anewskill?TikTok.
During the festive season, it’s practically my go-to source of inspiration.Fromholidaydecorto recipes, TikTok has all the inspiration I need. So, for this Christmasholiday,I’vedecidedto share some fun and interesting mocktail recipes I discovered on TikTok that will elevate your holidaygatheringswithoutadrop ofalcohol.Let’sdivein!
TheMindfulMocktail: GrinchyGranny
· 3oz (60mls) green apple & cucumberjuice(methodbelow)
Mixer: your choice of soda water, sparkling white wine or gingerkombucha
Add the maple syrup to your shaker
Claptheminttogetherandadd to your shaker Pour in the apple/cucumber juice and lemon juice,thenaddiceandreplacethe lid.Shakewell.Strainintoaglass overiceandtopwithyourchoice of mixer Stir, garnish and enjoy!
Green apple & cucumber juice: blend 1/2 diced apple and 1 inch cucumber with 2 tablespoons water,thenstrain.Addmorewater if you need to, to help facilitate blending. Or use a juicer, much easier
TheMindfulMocktail:Merry MojitoMocktails

Naughty or Nicediycocktailguy

An easy festive alcohol-free cocktailthatcanbemaderightin yourglass!
· ½ lime, 8 chopped mint leaves
· 1 oz. (30 ml) non-alcoholic rumthiscanbeleftout,oryoucan use 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegarforalittlebite
· 2 oz. (60 ml) pomegranate juice
· Pomegranate and mint to garnish
Muddlethelimeinyourglass toreleasethejuices.Clapthemint together in your hands and add it to the glass. Fill your glass with iceandaddtheoptionalrum/ACV and the pomegranate juice. Top with soda water, stir gently, garnish with pomegranate arils and mint, then serve. Note: you
canaddalittlesweetenertothisif youwish!
April’sAperitifs:non-alcoholic Santa’sHatShirleyTemple!
Thisisaverysimplemocktail that’skidfriendlywithdecorative garnishes to add to the festive mood.
Rimaglasswithsimplesyrup and cinnamon sprinkles. Add ice to a glass and add a splash of Grenadine.Top up the drink with lemonade and garnish with a candy cane and cherries. Then enjoy!
· Peppermint Candy Canes
· Ice · GreenEdibleGlitter LimeCordial SparklingWater Method: Crush peppermint candy canesandusetorimglass
Add lime cordial and sparklingwater Enjoy!
·Inyourshakeraddplentyof ice
· 60mls or 2oz Grapefruit Juice
· Give it a good shake - then strainintoaglasswithfreshice& sugaredrim.
· Topping up with orange juice.
Garnish with cherries and rosemary!Enjoy
TheMindfulMocktail: EasySpritzMocktail
With non-alcoholic rose, a splash of cranberry juice and some sparkling water, this recipe is perfect if you’re entertaining and want to make some quick drinksforyourguests!
Optional garnish: cranberries,rosemaryororange.
Fill a wine glass with ice and add the rosé, soda water and cranberry juice. Stir gently and garnish with your choice of cranberries,rosemaryororange.

The Grinchtastefullykayla



Gaza appeals for help as Israeli army attacks key hospitals
The Israeli military is targeting Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital, Indonesian Hospital and al-Awda Hospital.
Aljazeera - The Israeli military is targeting three major hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip as doctorsandauthoritiesinthe enclave request immediate intervention by the internationalcommunity
On Tuesday, weeklong Israeli attacks intensified on the besieged Kamal Adwan Hospital and Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahiya, and theal-AwdaHospitallocated east of the Jabalia refugee camp.
Two explosive-laden unmanned robotic vehicles planted earlier by the Israeli military blew up in the vicinity of KamalAdwan in the early hours of Tuesday, wounding approximately 20 patients and medical staff, hospital director Hussam AbuSafiatoldAlJazeera. This was the first time Israeli forces used the explosives outside Kamal Adwan, but there have been similarreportsofthembeing usedtodetonatebuildingsin northernGaza.
Reporting from Deir elBalah in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said,“Aneyewitnesstoldus thatmuchoftheareaaround thehospitalhasbeencleared from buildings, the infrastructure destroyed and severelydamaged,impeding movement in and out of the

A fire is seen through a window from Kamal Adwan hospital, in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, December 18, 2024 [Stringer/Reuters]
The hospital has been repeatedly bombed by the Israeli military, rendering various departments, including the intensive care unit,inoperable.
Al-Awda, a charitable facility providing free healthcare in the northern part of the enclave, was hit on its third floor by the Israeli military on Tuesday Parts of the building caught fire, which also spread to nearbyresidentialbuildings.
TheIndonesianHospital, a larger health facility that also been experiencing increased attacks, was
threatened by the Israeli forces to evacuate the entire facility
MunirAl-Bursh,director ofGaza’sMinistryofHealth, said the Israeli army had ordered hospital officials to evacuate it on Monday, before storming it in the early hours of Tuesday and forcingthoseinsidetoleave.
Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud said the two hospitals have been providing medical supplies to besieged Kamal Adwanandalsotransferring patients out of there when possible “The Indonesian Hospital has been crippled bytheattacksinthepastfew
months.Muchofthefacility has been damaged, forcing many to evacuate it. As of midnight,theIsraelimilitary issuedawarningtoeveryone insidethehospital,including the patients, to leave the buildingandbeinthestreets inthecoldweatheramidthe intimidationbythetanksand quadcopters,”hesaid.
Hospitaldirectors,health authorities and rights organisations inside and outside Gaza have been condemning the attacks and calling for international help, but the situation in the northhasonlydeteriorated.
Gaza’s Health Ministry
said in a statement on Tuesday that the Israeli military is trying to put all three hospitals in the north out of service, and appealed forintervention.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) saidmorethan20attackson Kamal Adwan Hospital in recent days using drones, shelling and gunfire show that “genocide persists” in Gaza.
Aid delivery ‘almost impossible’
The Israeli military continues to launch numerousdeadlyairraidson Gazaeachday,withmedical sources confirming on Tuesday there were at least 32 deaths in the past 24 hours.
SomeofthelatestIsraeli attacks included the bombing of a house in centralGazathatkilledfour, including a child and two women.
The Israeli military has kept blocking humanitarian aid bound for the enclave, withthechaoscreatedbyits ground offensive presenting myriadchallengesforsafely getting the meagre trucks coming in to designated locations,aidgroupssay On Monday night, an Israeli drone attack hit an area approximately 1km away fromAl-Aqsa Martyrs
Hospital in Deir el-Balah, targeting a humanitarian aid convoy
Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud, reporting from the hospital, said the Israeli military first allowed gangs to attack the convoy with the aim of looting it, to later launch a droneattackagainstsecurity guards trying to protect the cargo.
“These seem to be deliberate attacks to cause more mayhem. Israel has killed 30 of these security guardssofar.”
TomFletcher,theheadof the United Nations humanitarian agency (OCHA),saidinayearwhen more humanitarians have been killed than any on record, Gaza is currently dealing with its most dangeroussituationyet.
“As a result, despite the massivehumanitarianneeds, it has become almost impossible to deliver even a fraction of the aid that is so urgentlyrequired.
The Israeli authorities continue to deny us meaningful access – over 100requeststoaccessNorth Gaza were denied since 6 October
We are also now seeing the breakdown of law and order and the systematic armed looting of our suppliesbylocalgangs.”
Uncertainty clouds fate of Syrians in Egypt after Assad ouster
CAIRO, Dec 24 (Reuters) - Syrian refugees and residents in Egypt face an uncertain future as new regulations may jeopardise their right to remain in the country after Bashar alAssad’s ouster earlier this month.
European countries quickly suspended Syrian asylum applications after the Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham swept into Damascus on Dec 8, forcingAssad to flee after a 13-yearcivilwar
Other countries are also responding to the changing political landscape. Egypt lastweekratifiedanewlaw giving the government the power to determine refugee status. A decision has not been made on whether
Syrians in Egypt would qualifyasrefugeesunderthe new law, security sources toldReuters.
The U N refugee agency UNHCR estimates six million Syrians are livingasrefugeesaroundthe world, primarily in neighbouring countries. It expects1milliontoreturnin the next six months, but some Syrian refugees fear beingforcedtoreturnhome. Egyptisalsosuspending the renewal of existing residency permits, held by many Syrians for tourism, education, or business, pending a security check, security sources told Reuters.
Syrian residents who spoke to Reuters were mostly unaware of the new
rules, and many were also cautious about returning home.“Thesituationthereis notstableandwestilldonot know what will happen,” said Ahmed al-Akhras, owner of a car spare parts business, who said his children’sschoolingandhis shop were other reasons to stay He said his residency permitrenewalwasdelayed so, like a number of other Syrians, he recently applied forUNHCRrefugeestatus.
“If I go back to Syria, it won’tbenow,”hesaid.
“We are afraid of the unknown, we don’t know who the new person that tookoveris,wedon’tknow the future,” said another Syrian who had been in Egyptfor12years.
Residency decisions
would be based on security considerations, the sources said. One cited concerns about Egypt’s own internal security after Assad’s replacementbytherebels.
Egypt has taken a diplomatic approach to the upheavalinSyria,butstatelinked media have referred to the rebels as “terrorist” groups.
With Egypt tackling an economic crisis of its own,
officials have often described refugees in the country,whichtheynumber at10million,asaburden.
The UNHCR puts the numberofrefugeesinEgypt
at around 800,000, including about 159,000 Syrians Hundreds of thousands more Syrians
have residency permits in Egypt, and many own businesses.
“There is no other countryintheglobehosting this number of refugees while receiving the same treatment as Egyptian citizens despite the fact we are not a rich country,” Egyptian Foreign Minister
Badr Abdelatty told reporters last week, citing the absence of refugee camps and access to free education, healthcare, and subsidies. “This law strikes a balance between upholding our international commitments, while preserving the national securityofEgypt.”
Thelaw,ratifiedonDec. 17, transfers the asylum system to the government
from the U.N., and allows the government to collect more data on the number of refugees.
“Of course, the increase in numbers of registered refugees will contribute in providing more aid (from t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l community)toEgypt.
This is not a bad thing,” said lawmaker Freddy Elbaiady
The law includes provisions protecting refugee rights to work, health, and education and freedomfromexploitation.
Rights groups have criticisedthenewlaw They point out that the definition of a refugee is ambiguous, and authorities have the right to deport anyone they deemdoesnotqualify


Male sales-rep 18-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 619-1237.
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Govt. and Opposition refuse to implement...
From page 8 findings, it can trigger the provisions in the PSA to require settlement via arbitration- another lengthy process. Cost recovery statements
Although Guyana’s oil is being used to fund the USbillion-dollar operations of ExxonMobil, the country is clueless as to what specifically its oil is being used for.
This is so as the government has refused to publish the cost recovery statements submitted by the company each quarter.
Each month, a massive 75% of the oil produced by Exxon is taken by the Contractor for its expenses.
Capping interest rates
Guyana has been repeatedly advised to cap the interest rates that can be recovered by Exxon. Notably the operator makes the investments in the Stabroek Block and is allowed to institute an interest rate on its investments.
The IMF had warned that Guyana could be taken for a ride with unfair interest rates that could further shorten the

One (1) painter & Male cleaner 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Subby’s Sandwich Shop is hiring Restaurant Manager, Supervisors, Cooks, Kitchen Assistants, Counter Attendants Email: subbysguyana / WhatsApp: 657-0772.
Job opening- Truck drivers, project manager, Civil engineer. To apply, please send your application via Whatsapp 638-5303 / 6082114.
Female cleaner call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132
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Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.

country’s already meagre share of profits. It pointed out that Guyana not only allows the recovery of the interest but also sets no cap.
Guyana has been paying massive sums to rent vessels, buildings and other equipment to support Exxon’s ongoing operations in the Stabroek Block.
It has been argued that these costs may not only be inflated in some instances but also lack significance. For instance, the country has been warned to pay specific attention to these costs as it is normal for oil companies to abuse this privilege and utilize the services of its shell compa-
nies to rent tools such as simple as hammers to justify its expenditure.
Lack of transparency in GTE project Since 2022, the government signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with the Stabroek Co-ventures, ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC, that outlines the principles and conditions for the commercial and technical arrangements of the deal.
Despite a number of attempts by the Opposition to secure copies of the agreements relevant to the project, the government has refused to make the documents public.
In addition to these agreements, the country is also yet
to access studies on the feasibility of the project and its plan, along with terms to repay for the various components of the project.
The GTE project includes a pipeline, to be built and financed by the Stabroek Block operator, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), while the other two components, a 300megawatt power plant and a natural gas liquid (NGL) facility is being constructed by the government of Guyana.
In 2023, ExxonMobil was required to hand back a 20% portion of the Stabroek Block back to the GoG.
The company had however written to the David
Granger administration in 2020 seeking a grace period given the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on its exploration campaign. The extension was granted by former President Granger and later upheld by the Irfaan Ali government. The relinquishment was then pushed back to October this year; however, there is still no confirmation on whether the process has been completed to date.
Exxon is required to hand back acreage where no commercial discoveries have been made, a condition that allows Guyana to auction the areas to attract greater fiscal benefits to Guyanese.
Over 10 thousand square meters...
From page 12 repercussions on the local economy and quality of life for its inhabitants.
OEFA announces supervision in Piura Sea
The OEFA, an entity attached to the Ministry of the Environment in charge of supervising and monitoring compliance with environmental regulations in the country, has initiated an investigation to determine the exact causes of the spill and assess the corresponding responsibilities in the area of the Mari-
time Terminal of the Talara Refinery, located in the district of Pariñas, province of Talara, department of Piura.
The supervision carried out by the OEFA, together with the Captaincy of the Talara – Dicapi Port, will verify the facts of the environmental emergency, the responsibility for the events, and the impact generated.
“It is worth mentioning that, within the framework of supervision, verification of the first response actions by
Petroperú is scheduled, as well as the collection of samples of surface seawater and sediments, which will be analyzed by an accredited laboratory,” OEFA reported.
Petroperú announces the start of clean-up activities
This is not the first incident involving oil spills in the region, which has led to questions about the safety measures and protocols of com panies operating in the area. The Talara Refinery, operated by Petroperú, is one of the country’s most im-
portant facilities in the hydrocarbon sector, but it has also been the subject of criticism for its environmental impact.
The situation in Lobitos highlights the need to strengthen environmental regulations and ensure that companies meet the standards necessary to protect ecosystems and local communities.
In the meantime, clean-up and recovery efforts continue, although the full extent of the damage is yet to be determined.
NY Guyanese gear up for holiday season...
From page 06 (dhal puri) shops; a lot of bara, phulourie, and pastries are consumed.
Shopping areas patronized by Guyanese drew large crowds over the last couple weeks as people shopped for gifts, decorations, drinks and food items.
There is gifting especially to children to create joy for
family members. As in Guyana, Christmas carols and related songs are very popular – (calypso, reggae, chatney and locals, Bollywood) at home and in shops.
The end of the year season is also a time for parties at businesses owned by Guyanese or where large numbers of Guyanese are
employed. Several m0andirs also held year-end holiday concerts last weekend. The Indo-Caribbean Federation hosted a dinner for its executives and supporters in Ozone Park.
Arya Samaj USA held a dinner last Saturday evening in Richmond Hill. Other organizations held luncheons for seniors in Little Guyana, a
practice going back many years.
The Christmas holiday will be at fever from this weekend as many businesses have closed for the holidays, until after New Years. Schools shuttered only from last Friday.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

State makes application to revoke Brutus’s bail
Prosecutors,onMonday, filed an application to have
embattled Assistant
Commissioner of Police (ACP) Calvin Brutus's bail revoked over alleged breach ofhisbailconditions.
Brutus,whoisfacing250 financial crimes charges, is accused of attempting to leave Guyana to Brazil on December 16, 2024 through Lethem,Region9.
Thematterwasheardby acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' CourtonTuesday Leadstate
p r o s e c u t o r D a v i d Braithwaite along with Brutus's defence attorneys: EusiAnderson,EarlDaniels, Darren Wade and Yuborn Allicock made appearances. Brutus attended court via Zoom.
Prosecutor Braithwaite
explained that the
application for bail revocationstemmedfroman incident where Brutus attempted to leave Guyana for Brazil via Lethem, Region Nine without prior courtapproval.

On December 21, 2024, theMinistryofHomeAffairs issued a statement stating thatBrutushadbeenstopped by police officers while attempting to cross the border into Brazil Braithwaite stated that the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), which had charged Brutus with fraud, was unaware of the incident u
announcement, which promptedthestate'sdecision to seek the revocation of Brutus'bail.
The prosecution highlighted the urgency of the matter, emphasizing that Brutus had been previously denied permission to leave the country On October 2, 2024, Brutus had sought permission from the High Court to accompany his pregnant wife to the United Statesformedicaltreatment.
However, Justice Gino Persaudrejectedtherequest, notingthatBrutushadfailed to provide the necessary approval from the
PermanentSecretary Braithwaite stressed that Brutus was also facing over 200 charges related to financialcrimes,allofwhich
…Magistrates' Court to rule on Friday
are indictable and Brutus was granted bail in the said court with conditions to report SOCU. He was also required to lodge his passportinthecourt.
The prosecution further outlined the events surroundingBrutus'salleged attempt to flee the country. AccordingtoBraithwaite,on December 16, 2024, ACP BrutusenteredtheRupununi region via Trans Guyana Airwaysaround8:58hrs.
“At 9 am that morning PoliceCorporalRodfillRoss and Police Constable Sherwin Smith and customs CANU (Customs Anti Narcotic Unit) officers were performingroutinechecksof thevehiclestraversinginand out of Lethem from Guyana to Brazil, when they intercepted a red Brazilian motor vehicle bearing registration number NAK 896 heading to the Takutu Bridge Police Corporal Rosssignalledthevehicleto pull over and requested the driver to lower his vehicle window,whenheobserveda lone passenger in the said vehicle. The passenger who was capped with a black hat lowered his face was asked to remove said cap and identified himself as Assistant Commissioner of Police Mr Calvin Brutus,” Braithwaitestated.
Braitwaite told the court thatwhenquestioned,Brutus reportedly stated he was headed to theTakutu Bridge

The car that the Ministry of HomeAffairs claimed Brutus was traveling in while attempting to leave Guyana.
to collect something from a relative.
However, when officers informed Brutus that he had not received court permission to leave the country, he was directed to return to Central Rupununi. Superintendent Raphael RoseofRegion9confirmed that Brutus was not authorized to leave the jurisdiction Subsequently Brutusboardedaflightback toGeorgetownlaterthatday Braithwaite pointed out, “at no time did Brutus avail himselforpresentedhimself todeclareforclearanceatthe Rupununi police outpost at Lethem,” as is required for all individuals leaving the region. He also noted that Brutus'sfamilymembersare
believed to reside in Brazil, which further ra
sed concerns that Brutus may havebeenattemptingtoflee the country “It is our respectful submission that theaccusedattemptedtoflee thejurisdiction.Basedonthe investigations conducted, the state has reasonable grounds that Assistant Commissioner of Police Mr Calvin Brutus has breached his bail conditions by attempting to flee Guyana withoutrequisitepermission fromthishonourablecourt,” theprosecutorstated. He also reminded the court that all charges are indictableandifBrutusflees the jurisdiction, the state cannot proceed with the matter Additionally, given
the serious nature of the offences that state indicated that there are reasonable grounds to believe that if Brutus remained on bail he will “inevitably flee the jurisdictiongiventheporous natureofGuyana'sborders.”
The prosecution assured the court that evidence of Brutus attempting to leave the jurisdiction will be presented to the court in the form of videos and photographs.
Braithwaite urged the court to consider what measures should be put in place to ensure that Brutus doesnotfleethejurisdiction.
In response to the prosecution's application, Brutus's defence team requested14daystorespond to the bail revocation application The defence also asked for the officers involvedintheincidenttobe present in court for crossexamination.
However, Magistrate McGusty rejected the request for an extended timeline, citing the urgency ofthecase.Sheinformedthe defence that the application had been filed the previous day and that the court had beennotifiedofthematteron Monday As such, the Magistrate granted the defence time to respond to theapplicationonFridayand insisted that Brutus be physically present in court for the ruling. The matter is tobeheardat10:30h.
Over 178 illegal guns seized so far this year – Crime Chief
TheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF) has seized over 178 illegal firearms, and made significant progress in dismantling gangs so far in 2024, the Head of Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and Deputy Commissioner of Police, WendellBlanhumsaid. Blanhum disclosed this onMondayduringtheGPF's CID annual Christmas Luncheon and Awards Ceremony, hosted at the PoliceOfficers'MessAnnex, EveLeary,Georgetown. During the ceremony, Blanhum praised CID officers for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. He encouraged those not receiving special
awardstoremainpatientand continuetheirdiligentwork.
“While this department investigatescrimes, its main function is to also prevent crime.
“Withsomementionable successes over ten years, serious crimes are at their lowest,” Blanhum said in a statement published on the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Facebookpage.
Meanwhile, a highlight of the event was the recognition of Inspector Seetaram,whowasawarded for leading Region 8, which recorded the lowest serious crimesinthefirsthalfofthe year. Seetaram was also named the runner-up Best Copthisyear.
Further, Commissioner
of Police, Clifton Hicken congratulated the CID ranks for their outstanding achievements. He stressed theimportanceofadoptinga community-based approach to crime fighting He encouraged detectives to engage the community, particularly on weekends, to build stronger partnerships that would enhance both crime-solving and communityrelations.
In recognition of their hardwork,Hickenpresented the CID department with a gift of $500,000, which was met with cheers and gratitude from the ranks. In closing, he urged each officer to reflect on their contributionsthisyear.
“When you leave here






BCB thanks cricket fraternity for strong support in 2024
With the year
w i n d i n g
down, the
Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) has sent its gratitude to the cricket community which has helped in a numberofwaystomakethe endeavors of the Ancient County Board a success in 2024.
The BCB via social mediasentitsgratitudetothe
respective entities involved in making the calendar year fruitful The board thanked parent company theGuyanaCricketBoard (GCB) for their support throughout the year, which has added to their successfulseason
BCB also took the time out to hail their players, clubs and coaches involved in the
continued development of cricket in and across Berbice, especially with a packed2025projected
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) held recently in Rose Hall also cappedoffagoodyearfor the pres
and executives, who outlined a number of strategic and d
ans which will be geared


towards the continued growth of its players and the brand attributed to Berbicecricket
Wednesday December 25, 2024
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Meanwhile,theBCBhas also confirmed that both the Ivan Madray T20 Memorial semi-finals and the Dr DukkiUnder-15tournament for Zones B and C are on hold due to the inclement weather and will have their resumptions announced in thefuture.
Jamaican Govt to Support 10 High...
Frompage40 supportfornutritionbecause weknowthatmanytypesof athletes; they go to school, maybe they didn’t have a good breakfast, and throughout their training, they need support that will equip them and make them stronger both emotionally andphysicallytotrainandto dotheirbest.”
The programme’s beneficiaries are schools facing infrastructural or socio-economic challenges. The 10 schools selected include Tacky High, Papine High, Port Antonio High, Herbert Morrison Technical High, Rhodes Hall High, St Catherine High, Muschett High, Clarendon College, Alphansus Davis and LacoviaHigh.
The government is prioritizingschools with the greatest need while aiming toreachasmanyaspossible withintheallocatedbudget.
T h e I S S A GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships have long been a cornerstone of Jamaica’s track and field dominance, serving as the launch pad for global icons like Usain Bolt and ShellyAnnFraser-Pryce.
By focusing on infrastructure and nutrition, thisinitiativeseekstoensure that future generations of athletes are equipped to upholdthecountry’sathletic legacy




Jamaica to Host Zambian Athletes and Coaches for Training
A delegation from Zambia consisting of two coaches and six athletes will train in Jamaica as they seek to improve their performances on the world stage.
SportsMax - Jamaica is set to welcome a delegation from Zambia consisting of twocoachesandsixathletes, who will train in the island renowned for producing some of the world’s best sprinters and track and field coaches.
Minister of Sport Olivia Grange shared the news last Fridayduringaneventather ministry, where symbolic envelopes were presented to members of Jamaica’s Paris 2024 Olympic delegation, representing their share of JMD $45 million in governmentgrants.
“We are in the final stages of welcoming a delegation from Zambia of twocoachesandsixathletes, who will be coming to Jamaica for training,” Grangeannounced.
Addressing concerns about Jamaica training international athletes who couldonedaybecomerivals, Grange expressed pride in the country’s coaching and athleticprowess.
“Peoplealwayssay,why are our clubs and our coaches training other peopletobeatus?
I don’t see it that way because,one,wearegoodat what we do—not only our
While Minister Grange did not disclose the exact date of the Zambian delegation’s arrival or the duration of their stay, she emphasized the significance of Jamaica’s role in global athletics.

athletes but also our coaches,” Grange said. “It’s a compliment when other

countrieswanttodrawupon ourskills.Butthemorethey drawuponourskills,itisthe more we are motivated to beatthem.”
The minister framed the collaboration as a mutually beneficial opportunity, showcasing Jamaica’s excellence while fostering goodwill in global athletics. Jamaica’s reputation as a
global leader in track and field has attracted athletes andcoachesfromaroundthe world, eager to learn from the country’s elite coaching methods and training programs.
Hosting the Zambian delegation is the latest example of Jamaica’s influenceanditswillingness toshareexpertise.
More details about the Zambian delegation’s visit, including their training schedule and the clubs they will collaborate with, are expectedtobeannouncedin thecomingweeks.
Thisexchangereinforces Jamaica’sstatusnotonlyasa powerhouse in athletics but also as a hub for global sportingdevelopment.
Konstas, 19, to make Australia debut in Boxing Day Test
BBCSport-OpenerSam Konstas is set to become Australia men’s youngest Test batting debutant in 71 yearsintheBoxingDayTest againstIndia.
The 19-year-old was called up to replace Nathan McSweeney last week after he managed only 72 runs across six innings at an averageof14.40.
The series is currently tiedat1-1withtwomatches lefttoplay
“He’s composed, relaxed, knows his game is in a good place at the moment, he’ll play Boxing Day,” said Australia coach Andrew McDonald. “We’re really excited for him, Boxing Day, the biggest stage. He might as well get that one out of the way early.” New South Wales’ Konstas will be Australia’s youngest batting debutant sinceIanCraigin1953.
Earlier this season Konstas scored two centuries against South Australia in the Sheffield Shield, becoming the youngest player to do so sinceRickyPontingin1993.
McDonald said he has been selected to take the game to India at the

Melbourne Cricket Ground, withbowlershavinghadthe upper hand in the series so far “We want to throw a different challenge at India at this point in time,” said McDonald.
“We believe Nathan [McSweeney] is good enough for Test level. We weren’t sure about how the top order was functioning. Wechallengedourselvesfor that decision. Whether it works or not, time will tell (but) we’re really confident thatSamcandothejob.” McDonald was also “pretty confident” Travis Head would be fit to play despite a quad strain preventing him from trainingonMonday
The 30-year-old lefthand batter has scored 409 runsincludingtwocenturies inthefirstthreeTests, McDonald also said that paceman Scott Boland wouldlikelycomeinforthe injured Josh Hazlewood, and confirmed all-rounder Mitchell Marsh was fit to play Skipper Pat Cummins issettorevealtherestofthe Australia line-up on Wednesday, with the match startingat23:30GMT There will be ball-byball commentary on BBC Sounds,BBCRadio5Sports Extra and the BBC Sport website and app, where videohighlightswillalsobe available (all UK users only).
ESPNcricinfo - The game witnessed two majestic hundreds, from Harleen Deol and Hayley Matthews. Where Deol had support of three other halfcenturions in the Indian innings,Matthewshadnone. And that in a monumental chaseof359wassimplynot goodenough.
The end result was another one-sided fare that gave India the ODI series with one match remaining, but it was also one where West Indies showed a lot morefightthantheydidtwo nightsago.
They nearly batted out the 50 overs to take away something from a contest they never looked like bossingatanypoint.
West Indies’response to India’s358for5-theirjointhighest ODI total - was circumspect.Theybattedout three maidens in the first seven overs, two of those to Renuka Singh, who had wreckedtheirtoporderwith in-swing to finish with a five-for in the first ODI. It underlined West Indies’ approach for large parts of their innings - survival over flamboyance that they’re knownfor
A s t h e i n n i n g s progressed, it became evidenthowbigthegulfwas between Matthews and the rest of their batters, who hardly seemed to trust their defenseandbatlongenough against an Indian attack that boasted of some variety that will give them a welcome headacheastheygoforward inaWorldCupyear
OnlyDeandraDottincan claim to have received a pearler that she had no answerstoasRenukaripped pastherinsideedgetoflatten
Mathews aside, the only other semblance of a fight from the West Indies came from wicketkeeper
Shemaine Campbelle, who made 38 in a fifth-wicket stand that was worth 112.
Matthews was brutal in her onslaught against India’s spinners, especially legspinner Priya Mishra whom she read from the hand and off the pitch
Against pace, she was quick to pounce on anything short orwide.
Yet, it wasn’t until she had crossed 70 that she began to show off her full range of strokes, eventually getting to her seventh ODI hundredoff99balls.
But Matthews’ century onlyservedtomerelyreduce themarginofdefeat.
The story of the day, though, was Deol. Having beenoncrutches,recovering fromakneeinjuryuntilfive months ago, she repaid the faith the team management had in her by hitting a
maiden international hundred from No 3
Dropped on 20 by Dottin at square leg, Deol made them pay
She built slowly to a half-century, reaching there in 62 balls, but shifted gears seamlessly in the end overs to raise her century off 98 balls.
In Jemimah Rodrigues, shefoundanableallyasthe pair put on a quick-fire 116run stand off just 71 deliveries for the fourth wicket in a partnership where they attempted a shot everyball.
R o d r i g u e s w a s outstanding against spin, loftinginside-outovercover,
paddling fired-in deliveries pastshortfineleg,orrocking backtopull.
Along the way, she showed her versatility to accelerate as comfortably as shehadbuilttheinnings.
The reward was a halfcentury off 34 deliveries, before she was out attemptingtohitoutawaisthighfulltoss.
Deol fed off that energy, inadditiontotheconfidence from spending time at the crease.
In all, India scored 184 in the last 20 overs, comparedtothe160theyhit twonightsago.
That they achieved this with Richa Ghosh contributingjustanunbeaten 13 should give them much encouragement.
Deol’s knock was preceded by a second straight century opening standfromSmritiMandhana and rookie Pratika Rawal, wholookedanythinglikethe nervous version from her debutonSunday
She came out looking to scorequickly
There wasn’t much swing on offer, and Rawal impressed with her intent andstrokeplaytosetthebase of India’s innings after they electedtobat.
At the other end, Mandhana, who became the highest run-getter in women’s ODI this year, simply carried on from where she left off in the seriesopener
She displayed more than just traces of brute force in muscling spinners. Rawal was comfortably outscoring Mandhana until the eighth over, but it didn’t take long for the India vice-captain to catch up, before overtaking
Moraikobai village two-day football competition and fun day set for Old and New Year’s Day
Those who are w o n d e r i n g where to go to spend their Old and New Years’Daycanheadoverto Moraikobai in Region 5 up the Mahaicony River The village which is the only Amerindian village in the Region will be hosting two daysofsportingactivities.
Football fans in and around the Amerindian resort of Moraikobai will have an opportunity to end the old year and ring in the
newyearbyparticipatingin a number of sporting activities. Themainattractionwill be the football clash between, home team Moraikobai Gladiators as they play host to Swan Superstars. Residents and visitors will be able to witness two nights of football. The activity will
take place at the Moraikobaiplayfield. Theteamswillfirstplay on Old Year Day and then
her to raise a 29th halfcentury and her second straight of the series off just 44balls.
One ball later, the opening pair raised their centurystand.
Rawalsooncaughtupto get to her maiden halfcentury but missed out on a greatchanceofconvertingit to a maiden international hundred, when she was out toasoftdismissalon76.
But in taking two wickets and sending down a few tight overs, and taking an excellent catch inside the ring,Rawalhadadayneither s h e n o r t h e t e a m management will forget in a hurry, not even after having had a role in running out Mandhana, who instead of fuming gave her a pat of encouragement as she walkedback.

Scores: India 358 for 5 (Deol 115, Rawal 76, Mandhana 53, Rodrigues 52) beat West Indies 238
repeat their encounter on NewYear’sDay
There are a number of attractive prizes on offer includingcash,trophiesand othermemorabilia.
There will be lots to eat and drink and residents are encouragedtocomeoutand beapartoftheactivities.
Chairman of the Toshaos Council, Dereck John, who hails from the area,isexpectedtomeetthe teamsbeforethestartofthe activities. (SamuelWhyte)

Jamaican Government to Support 10 High Schools for Boys and Girls Championships
SportsMax - The Jamaican government has unveiled plans to provide targeted support to schools participating in the annual
ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships.
Through the Sports Development Foundation (SDF), the initiative aims to
e n h a n c e a t h l e t i c infrastructure and address nutritional needs, creating a more solid foundation for student-athletes.

Speaking on the plans, MinisterofCulture,Gender, Entertainment, and Sport, OliviaGrange,revealedthat 14 schools have been identifiedforsupport,withat least 10 slated to benefit in the next budget year. “We have identified 14 schools, of which a minimum of 10 will be done next year. If budget allocation allows, all
14 will be done,” Minister GrangetoldSportsmax.TV
The initiative seeks to addresstwocriticalareasfor s
development of athletic facilities and improved accesstonutrition.
“Through the Sports Development Foundation, we will be identifying 10 schools in our next budget
year for special attention to give support for their participationintheBoysand Girls Championships, and also to create a stronger foundation for the next generation of athletes,” MinisterGrangeexplained.
“We are speaking about


The wait is over, all roads lead to KMTC for their Grand Boxing Day Horse race meet Over70entriesinas$7Minprizesatstake

The Kennard Memorial Turf Club is the venue for what promises to be a highly entertaining day for top class horseracing tomorrow
The time has come and thewaitisoveranditsgallop timeasthebiggesteventfor theyear-endseasonissetfor the Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) tomorrow, BoxingDay,December26.
AllroadsleadtotheKMTC fortheannualeventashordesof spectators are expected to throng to the famous venue where a bumper crowd is expectedtogather Situatedat Bush lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice, the venue is touted as the best in terms of hosting horse race meets. The venue is in excellent conditionand a rivetingand pulsating day of racing is in store.
A number of top-class events have been held at the venue,andthisoneisexpected to be one of the biggest horse races meets for the year Reports are that close to 70 horseshavetakenentry
There are seven events listed on the day’s card with thehorsessettodobattlefor the mammoth $7M and over stake which includes cash, trophiesandotherincentives on offer A riveting battle is anticipated in the feature C1 and lower event which goes over 7furlongs With an impressivelineupalreadyon the cards, the entering of Stormy Entry into the fray has made the contest event more intense That animals willbelookingtostormoutof thegatesearlyasitbattlesthe likes of Soca Harmony, Beckham James, Qurbann’s Kingdom, Phil in Echo, Game Changer, Frontline Warrior and Stormy Victory and Stolen Money, as they looktoraceawaywiththebig moneyatstake
The Sunny Kharag Memorial Stakes and Trophyisupforgrabsinthis mouthwatering event. The champion will race away with the lavish s $1.2M and
trophy. An intense battle is inthemaking.
The H1 and lower race also has a top-notch field with the likes of American Traveller, Emotional Damage, Amazing Grace, Amicable Kate, Zelda, Blinding Light, Republican, Pocoyo, Fulfil and Stormy Dancer set to compete for the$500,000topmoneyand trophy Most of the top animalshavetakenentryfor the three-year-old open GuyanaBredevent.Thereis alsoa$500,000andatrophy atstakeforthewinnerover7 furlongs.
All the other events have full gates with 10 and more animals entered for the respective races the J and lowerrace having a winners takeof$300,00andatrophy
The L class open, the K classnon-winnersandLopen and the one for Guyana Bred two years old maiden horses Have the pole position takingsetas$250,000anda trophy
The sponsors include P and P Insurance Brokers, Trophy Stall, Kharag Family of USA, Patsan Trading Establishment, Colin Elcock Delmur Company Limited, Metro Company Limited. Dalip Trading, N and S Matai and Company, Khanai’s Guyana Electrical Agencyamongothers.
The Top jockeys, stable and trainer will be rewarded with accolades compliments of Ramesh Sunich’s Trophy Stall With the absence of a functioning Guyana Horse Racing Authority the event will be stage using the rules oftheKMTC.
Information can be accessedbycontactingIsaac Dalloo at 689-0629, Fazal Habibulla at 657-7010, T Jagdeo at 618-7278 or RopnauthSewsankarat6786722forfurtherdetails.


– flipping the script towards Gymnastics history for Guyana Xhiya Hercules
At just 13 years old, Xhiya Hercules is defying gravity and stereotypes, vaultingherwayintohistory withdreamsasboundlessas thestars.
BorninGuyanaandnow residingintheUnitedStates, the young gymnast is not onlychasingmedalsbutalso
aiming to be Guyana’s firstever Olympic gymnast, a journey that inspires countless others to dream beyondbordersandbarriers.
Attending Mae’s and growing up in Lamaha Gardens, Georgetown, Xhiya’s first exposure to gymnastics was through the televisionscreen.
Enthralled by the flips, twists, and perfect landings of elite gymnasts, she found herself mimicking their movesaroundherhome.
Though her athletic ability was undeniable, thanks to her mother CandyssJohnson’sinfluence as a former national track athlete, Xhiya’s heart was
never on the track but in the air—flipping, cartwheeling, andtumbling.
At age 7, Xhiya and her family moved to the United States,openingnewdoorsto opportunities previously unimaginableinGuyana.
Her mother recognized her unwavering passion for gymnastics two years ago


when Xhiya’s self-taught flipsandcartwheelsbeganto outgrowtheconfinesoftheir home. With the hope of honing her daughter’s talents, Candyss enrolled Xhiya in a local tumbling class when the gymnastics programme had no immediateopenings.
That small step turned into a giant leap when a coach,captivatedbyXhiya’s natural talent and determination, swiftly transitioned her into the gymnasticsprogramme.
In just eight months, Xhiya was competing. Her firstcompetitionprovedthat she wasn’t just passionate butalsoexceptional.
By the time she reached the Georgia State Championships, her scores of9.4onthevaultand9.3on theunevenbarscrownedher state champion and runnerup, respectively Two years in a row, she has been recognized as the “Most Improved Gymnast,” a testament to her tireless workethicandresilience.
Now,asshetrainsforthe 2025 competitive season, Xhiya’s eyes are set on advancing to the regional championships, a milestone she narrowly missed by a mere0.2pointslastyear But for Xhiya, gymnastics is more than personal
conquests; it’s about paving apathforothersinGuyana. Shedreamsofcompeting u n d e r t h e G o l d e n Arrowhead, representing Guyana on the world stage and inspiring children back hometofollowtheirdreams.
In Guyana, where sports like gymnastics are often overshadowed due to the lack of resources and infrastructure, many young talents’ aspirations are stifled before they even begin. Xhiya’sstorystandsas abeaconofhope,showingthat with support, talent, and determination, the impossible can become possible Her family’s unwavering encouragement plays a vital role Fromherstepdad’squiet support to her sister Kristen’s cheers, a former national swimmer now serving in the US Army,Xhiya’sjourneyis a collective effort, driven by loveandbeliefinherpotential For Xhiya, gymnastics isn’t just about flips and medals; it’s about breaking barriers and building dreams. Her journey reminds us all that no matter where you start, passion and perseverance c a n t a k e y o u t o unimaginable heights. With her sights set on the Olympics, Xhiya is not just flipping through the air; she’s flipping the script for Guyanesesportsforever
Frompage43 Canaimas, `Tucville Terrorists, `The Lionesses, `LadyRoyals.
The top female team will pocket $200,000, 2nd$100,000,3rd-$60,000and 4th-$40,000,TheMVPwill ride away with abrand new motor cycle as will the M V P o f the male championship, along with
the highest goal scorer and best goalkeeper all compliments of the Guyana Energy Conference and SupplyChain. Awaiting the top four male teams are the following cash prizes, 1st$2,000,000 (two million), 2nd- $ 1,000,000 (one million), 3rd- $500,000, and4th-$200,000
K&S/One Guyana Futsal set for CASH tonight Road Warriors, Bent Street, Team Cruel & Gold Is Money into quarter-finals
The final eight teams in the inaugural Kashif & Shanghai / One Guyana N a t i o n a l F u t s a l Championship will be confirmed tonight at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall when the round-of-16 will be completed with the final fourmatches.
F rom 20:00hrs , Unstoppable will battle Stabroek Ballers ‘A’, one hour later, North East will match skills with Espanyol,
followed by Timehri Warriors against Back Circle ‘A’ with the final match in the round-of-16 bringing together Sparta BossandBentStreet‘B’.
When this round commenced on Monday night at the National Gymnasium, RoadWarriors of Region #9, Bent Street, T e a m C r u e l o f
Beterverwagting, and Gold Is Money became the first teams to make it to the quarter-finals, all with contrastingwins.
Road Warriors lived up to the billing as one of the frontrunnerstoinkitsname on this inaugural trophy when they hammered Ballers United of Berbice, 10-0 in a lopsided contest. The teaching of their o p p o n e n t s i n t h e fundamentals of futsal continued much to the delightofthespectators.
Dionathas Pereira (1st, 7th, 24th, 34th) led his side with a helmet-trick, two in eachhalfasthissideranriot against the lads from the AncientCounty.Inthethree gamesthattheyhaveplayed to date, the Warriors, made up of Brazilian and Guyanese players have scored a total of 18 goals whilstconceding5.
Wendrecky Gios DeSouza,whofiredinahattrick (4th, 8th, 27th) mirroring his performance intheirpreviouswinagainst Victoria Eagles, has taken his overall tally in the championshipto8goals.An owngoalinthe16thminute from Ballers United’s LomarReidandstrikesfrom JaleelAlcindorandArckson Dos Santos both in the 38th minute accounted for the othergoals.
set up a potentially mouthwatering quarter final showdown with Gold Is
Money which became the first team to qualify on account of a 4-2 win over BackCircle‘B’.
Back Circle ‘B’ drew first blood five minutes into theencounterwhenFabioan Abrams found the back of the nets. Four minutes later though, Gold Is Money found the neutralising goal off the boot of Andrew Murray Their after, Gold Is Money controlled proceeding and eased into the lead when Michael Ballack fired in a double in the11thand12thminute. Thattwogoaladvantage was reduced in the 14th minute by Back Circle’s Jeremiah Softleigh. But a William Europe missile on thestrokeofhalftime(20th minute) restored the twogoal cushion for Gold Is Money, thereby securing their passage into the final eight.Neitherteamwasable to trouble the score in the secondhalf.
Team Cruel, a team that is based in the village of BeterverwagtingontheEast Coast of Demerara has continued to impress with eachpassinggame.Theyput on their best display yet, blanking Albouystown Ballers,9-0.
Neron Barrow who missed at least three easy opportunitiesinthefirsthalf finally made amends in the second half to bury all four chances, ending with a helmet-trick (22nd, 26th, 37th, 38th). Ian Dooker backed up well with a hattrick, scoring in the 15th, 23rdand40thminute.Jemar Harrigan touched in a double in the 13th and 38th minute.
Team Cruel’s opponent in the quarter finals is Bent Street which defeated Stabroek Ballers ‘B’, 5-2. Two goals each from JamaineBeckles(5th,33rd) and Colin Nelson (20th, 38th)setupthewinforBent Street, the other scored by Pernel Schultz also in the 38thminute.
Stabroek Ballers ‘B’got their goals from Jamal Cozier (19th) and Nickolai Andrews(24th).
Thequarterfinalswillbe contested tomorrow night, Boxing Night also at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall withthesemifinalslatedfor New Year’s night and the
grand final on January 3rd, 2025 Meanwhile, the female segment of the championshipwillalsostart tomorrow night using the round-robin format with the finals set for January 3rd. Thefourteamsbattlingare (Continuedonpage42)

Gold Is Money in a containing mode against Back Circle ‘B’on Monday night in their round-of-16 clash.


BCB hosts Dr. Tulsi Dyal Singh Cricket Academy for 80 youths youths

The Berbice Cricket Board is forging ahead with its ongoing cricket development programme The BCB last weekend hosted a highly successful cricket academy at the Port MourantCricketGroundfor over eighty youth cricketers between the ages of ten to sixteenyears.
The academy sponsored by overseas based BCB sponsor, Dr Tulsi Dyal Singh,wascoachedbyhead coach Winston Smith with support from Leslie Solomon and Lawrence Mentis Special emphasis wasplacedonimprovingthe players’ batting, bowling and fielding techniques,
while the coaches also worked on the physical fitnessofallplayers.
The academy also involved the hosting of several practice matches on the pitch where technical problems were identified andcorrected.Playerstothe academyweredrawnfrom (Continuedonpage24)





