16,000 Americans demand US-EXIM Bank withhold funding for Guyana’s Gas-to-Energy project …say project a disaster for country
ByDavinaBagotMore than 16,000 Americans havewrittentoChairoftheUnited States Export-Import Bank (USEXIM), Reta Jo Lewis demanding thefinancialinstitutionnottofund the controversial Gas-to-Energy (GTE)projectbeingpursuedbythe GovernmentofGuyana(GoG).
Since April 2023, it was revealedthatGuyanaappliedtothe US EXIM Bank for a US$646M loan to support the Natural Gas Liquids(NGL)facilityandthe300megawatt gas-fired power planttwocomponentsoftheventure.To date, the application has not been approved. According to a letter from16,452membersofFriendsof the Earth United States, a nongovernmental organization, the projectisbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate. They said, “This projectisbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate! The U S government should not be using taxpayerdollarstosubsidizeExxon – a company that has recently reportedbillionsinprofits.”
The advocacy group in the missiveissuedlatelastmonthwent on to point out that studies done indicate that the gas project is not necessary as solar panels could provide a cheaper alternate of
power generation. According to theletter,“Thisfossilfuelprojectin Guyana is not even close to necessary Some analyses have shown that installing solar panels would meet the energy needs of Guyanesecommunities.Moreover, it would cost less to build, reduce bills for ratepayers, generate local jobs,andfighttheclimatecrisis.”
The letter also pointed out that “Thisprojectwillhelpincreasethe world’s dependence on fossil fuels and make limiting global warming to 1.5°C even more difficult.” and that “greedy companies [like] ExxonMobilwillgetevenricher!”
Theactivistgroupnotedthatthe letter was sent in solidarity with Guyanese citizens who are opposing the gas project on multiple grounds including the f
ure to car
out an environmental impact assessment for the gas plant; the lack of a business case; the lack of any financialinformationshowinghow spending billions of US dollars would deliver ‘cheap’ electricity; thefailuretocomplywithnational law and environmental risks involvedwiththeproject.
Meanwhile,15,435membersof Friends of the Earth also sent a separatelettertoUSVicePresident Kamala Harris urging her to

vocally oppose EXIM support for gas in Guyana.TheVice President hasyettoformallyrespondtovoice opposition to the projects. Friends of the Earth US was founded in 1969inSanFrancisco,andwasone
of the founding organizations of FriendsoftheEarthInternationalin 1970. Friends of the Earth US has fordecadesbeenattheforefrontof high-profile efforts to create a healthierandjustworld.
Over the last 40 years the organization has reformed the World Bank to address environmental and human rights concerns;stoppedmorethan Continued on page 8

OilMinistermumonwhetherfullauditreport ofExxon’sUS$7.3Bexpensesreleased
Amid growing concerns as to whether the full audit report of ExxonMobil’s US$7.3B expenses has been released, the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharratismum.
The audit report in question was completed by VHE Consulting, a registered partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. The local consortium was supported by internationalfirms-SGSand Martindale Consultants. A final report by the auditors was handed to government sinceApril2023.
Notably, a massive bill amounting to US$7.3B was racked up by the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobilGuyana,during the review period- 2018 to 2020. This is more than one year of Guyana’s entire national Budget, which is this year pegged at $1.146 trillion or approximately US$5.5B.
Although auditors revealed in the report that ExxonMobil brazenly misused this country’s oil profitstopayforschoolfees of expats’ children, yoga sessionsandpuppetshowsto name a few, the document
lacksinformationonthekey areas that attract higher costs.
Ananalysisofthereport, done by Kaieteur News, whencomparedwiththefirst audit report completed by a British firm, IHS Markit foundthatcontractsawarded for major expenses such as chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supply vesselsanddrillrigs;subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines (SURF); helicopter charge
; laboratory costs and waste treatment management among others have not been included in the report completed by the local consortium.
Minister Bharrat was therefore asked by Kaieteur News to clarify whether the full report has been released to the public. The Minister responded on Thursday saying “It’s online” but did notclarifywhetheritwasthe completedocument.
This newspaper therefore asked the Minister againtosayifthefullreport was published but did not receive a response A reminderofthequestionwas sent to Minister Bharrat again on Saturday at 11:17 am Bharrat read the message an hour later but

Subsequent calls to his mobile phone on Sunday werenotanswered.
The nation is therefore leftinthedarkregardingthe useofitsresourcesbytheoil giant as Vice President BharratJagdeohasexcluded himselffromthequestionof what is likely an incomplete report that has been shared withthepublic.
He was asked on Thursday during his weekly interactionwiththemediaat F r e e d o m H o u s e ,
Georgetown to say whether the full report has been released, however the Chief Policymaker for the sector said he did not review the document.
“I asked them to publish theauditreport.Itshouldbe the audit report as received from the auditors, that’s the report so that would be the reporttheywouldpublish,as receivedfromtheauditors.I have not checked it personally but I asked them to post it and they have posteditsothatshouldbethe

AUDITCOMPARISON It must be noted that the
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat
first audit report provides readerswithaclear Continuedonpage8

Kaieteur News
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The call for renegotiation must go on
We have been at the forefront of the calls for renegotiation of the criminal oil contract that enslaves Guyana to ExxonMobil. When there were few other voices calling for renegotiation of the lopsided American oil company contract with this country, we were there, and we havebeenloudandpersistent.
Renegotiation affords some relief, some reversal, of this unspeakable crime that ExxonMobil has committed on the Guyanese people, and the ones unborn as of today This dirty,ugly,abusiveoilcontractjustgo.AndallGuyanamust bereadytojoinhandstocombatthisevil,allGuyanesemust gear themselves to fight shoulder to shoulder in this war againstExxonMobil,forhavingdeclareditonthem,andfor theirownpatrimony
Ranking figures at the leadership level in Guyana’s Opposition have from time to time come out in no uncertain terms to signal where they stand with this woeful contract, this yoke around the neck of the Guyanese people. Parliamentary moves were made in the past and though struckdown,thebattlemustgoon,forithasonlyjustbegun. Notable civil society figures have taken to the public spaces todrawalineinthesandtosaywheretheystand. Ifithasto be written in blood, then let it be. Let it be what Guyanese will be remembered for, in that they dared to stand up to a giant oil killer and say: no more, not here, not with this oil. No more of this patronising, looking down their noses, and insulting behaviour is to be accepted or tolerated from the leadersofExxonMobil,regardlessofwheretheyarelocated. Those Guyanese who seek solace in fawning on their knees before them reveal their manhood, and their patriotic instincts and principles when they slavishly do so. Regardingthoseinthemediawhothrilltodoso,wehaveno quarrel, only deep shame. As for our leaders in this PPP/C Government, we have a special word reserved for these Guyanese brothers, these powerful domestic decision makers.
Itisnowwellknownabouthowmuchtheleadingvoices inthePPP/Ccommittedtodoingwiththeoilcontract,when they were in the Opposition. To recap quickly, it was the worstofoilcontracts,themostunforgivableofcrimes,andit mustbeupturned. Itistimeforthemtomakegoodonthose words and postures now that they are in the seat of power, and hold its reins. PresidentAli and Vice President Jagdeo haveitintheirelectiontopowertobringaboutchangeinthis vulgar oil contract written with our bitter tears by ExxonMobil. Renegotiation of the contract is not just leadership duty, a nice thing to preside over, a mere correctivemeasure. Itisamatteroflifeanddeath,andthisis how it must be seen, given all that ExxonMobil is doing to us.
We call upon leaders in the PPP/C Government to make the clearest, most powerful statement as to where they truly stand with this vile oil contract branded into our flesh by ExxonMobil,andwithsuchheinous,wantonbarbarousness. There must be no more pussyfooting by both President Ali andVice President Jagdeo, for Guyanese will not be fooled, notbepacified,nottrickedintosurrenderinganylongerthis precious birthright of theirs. More citizens of this country are growing impatient, increasingly wrathful, as they come to realise the extent of ExxonMobil’s premeditatedly murderousexploitsontheGuyanesepeople.
This oil contract is not just the worst of outrages, it is an absolute evil. So that this registers deeply, we repeat: the ExxonMobil oil contract is a total evil that tortures the Guyanese people, and it must be renegotiated. It must be renegotiated now, and not in some hazy time in the future. Forsuchnevercomes,andifitdoes,itislittledifferentfrom whatwelivewithcurrently,otherthanforsomenewcrumbs andpittances.ToourGuyanesebrothersandsisters,wehave one more thing to say today Renegotiation is now more than necessity, it is mandatory Renegotiation of the oil is more than to improve the state of Guyanese. Renegotiation isastateofwar
‘A costly governance stalemate’
DEAREDITOR, SouthAmerica, these factors that developed in Mocha example a presentation by From its formation to the also pose challenges to Arcadia. MP Jermaine Figueira, ‘The fall of international cohesive and inclusive Congressman Jackson legaciesofcolonialismcould communism in 1989, the development as topics of promised the people of only be corrected by a People’s Progressive Party national interest are usually Mocha Arcadia that he
(PPP) sought to use liberal distorted through individual would share his experience
democratic means - free and racial, ethnic, and political withmembersoftheForeign 27/05/2024). After the usual fair elections, etc - to lenses Consensus and Affairs Committee, the hackneyed lament about the destroy liberal democracy inclusion have their own Leader of his Democratic
and establish a Soviet-type dynamics but wield
dictatorship That effort powerful influence on the colleagues, so that the
failed but with the aid of ability to govern, which government can be held informed us that ‘genuine those who had kept it out of impac
independence transcends government for nearly three
challenges the people of
decades, in 1992 the PPP effectiveness As noted Mocha Arcadia face. This is governance, it touches on came to power with a great earlier, Guyana’s political good but will only confirm economic self-sufficiency fanfare of ‘a return to parties are predominately what was already known. and equitable distribution of democracy’.Inthecontextof ethnically homogeneous, Indeed, if the current wealth The question, a nation rooted in ethnic exacerbating racial and undemocratic behaviour by therefore, is how can this be division and antipathy and a ethnic tensions. Regarding thePPPtoforceAfricansinto attained?….I dare say only c o m m u n i s t Human Rights and Rule of itsranksisanythingtogoby, through unity. The path to conceptualization of
Law, the team viewed this the important decisions have
s governance, over the last 25 element as a cross-cutting alreadybeenmade. inherently linked to national years,thePPPhasbeenusing theme present in all W h a t i s q u i t e unity. Our motto, ‘One illiberal methods to try to elements there is no disappointing is that to this People, One Nation, One camouflage its hegemonic cohesive public pressure for day, the official opposition Destiny’ should not be mere ethnic/political agenda. As substantive political or whichreceivesthebulkofits words, for it is much more the recent visit by United electoral reform stemming support from the African thanthat–itencapsulatesthe States Congressman from the political crisis people does not appear to vision of a cohesive Jonathan Jackson indicated, International pressure on the u n d e r s t a n d t h e Guyanese society working this attempt has also failed, two parties for better complications and dynamics towards common goals.This but how its consequences governance practices is not ofthesituation.Mostofwhat unity is a necessary will develop, is dependent breakingthestalemate!’ one is hearing from the PNC condition to maximize the upon all the current Itishighlyunlikelythata is ‘vote them out’ and by benefits from our vast socio/politicalactors. US Congressman, who has a implication ‘put us in’, as if naturalresources.’
In 2021, a group of staffofabout15,wouldhave that is the solution to the Even with the best of experts contracted by come to Guyana without national problem. Karl Marx intentions, national unity USAID completed the having seen the above noted that ‘practice without will not be attained by ‘Democracy, Human Rights, mentioned report and being theory is blind Theory simply recognizing the need a n d G o v e r n a n c e further briefed on the current without practice is sterile. for it Since the 1940s, Assessment’of Guyana with situation.Hecouldnotfailto Theory becomes a material Cheddi Jagan and Forbes the following important have grasped that the refusal forceassoonasitisabsorbed Burnham and every leader c o m m e n t : ‘ T h e of both the PPP and the by the masses.’One is yet to after them have been calling accountability gap is most People’s National Congress discernfromtheoppositiona for national unity! But readily seen in the (PNC) to establish more theoretical expression nowhere did Mr Figueira elements of competition and inclusive governance a p p r o p r i a t e t o t h e explain what he means by political accountability, approaches and the plot by complexities outlined by the nationalunityandhowitisto consensus, and inclusion the former to establish USAIDreport. be attained Instead, he While Guyana’s history, instead ethnic/political To avoid getting proceeded in a most cultural diversity, and size dominance are substantially involved in PNC leadership questionablemanner ‘This make the country unique in responsible for the situation politics, let us take as an (Continued on page 5)
The Success of High-Value Crop Investment under Minister Zulfikar Mustapha
DEAREDITOR, Furthermore, the absence of reveal stark improvements. i m
T h e M i n i s t r y o f substantial investment in In 2020, the export value of innovative projects, such as Agriculture in Guyana, technology and training led high-value crops stood at the establishment of agrounder the leadership of to suboptimal yields and $20 million. By 2023, this processing facilities and the Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, limitedexportpotential. figure had more than promotion of value-added hasmarkedasignificantshift In contrast, Minister doubled to $45 million, products, which have further in the agricultural landscape, Mustapha’stenurehasseena reflecting both increased bolstered the sector’s with a particular focus on transformative approach. By productionandbettermarket profitability high-value crops This 2023, the high-value crops penetration. These figures I n s u m m a r y, t h e strategic redirection has not sector’s contribution to GDP starkly contrast with the proactive and strategic only revitalized the sector had surged to 8%, a clear previous administration’s initiatives under Minister but also underscored the indication of progressive performance, where annual Zulfikar Mustapha have comparative inefficacy of policies and robust growthratesbarelyexceeded markedly uplifted Guyana’s the previous APNU/AFC investment.Theintroduction 2%. high-value crops sector The administration. of advanced farming Minister Mustapha’s comparative figures
Under the APNU/AFC techniques, coupled with emphasis on modernizing illustrate a stark contrast government, the agricultural comprehensive training the sector has also led to a between the stagnant growth s e c t o r e x p e r i e n c e d programs for farmers, has significant increase in under the APNU/AFC stagnation. High-value crop substantially boosted investment Government government and the production, including fruits, productivity Additionally, spending on agriculture rose dynamic, forward-looking vegetables, and spices, saw the Ministry’s collaboration fromGYD18billionin2019 policies of the current minimalgrowth.In2019,for w i t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l to GYD 30 billion in 2023, a administration, leading to a instance, the sector agricultural bodies has testament to the current flourishing agricultural contributed a mere 3% to the facilitated the adoption of a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’ s sector poised for sustained GDP, reflecting inadequate sustainable practices and commitment to agricultural success. policies and lackluster enhancedmarketaccess. excellence This financial Sincerely, support for farmers Statistical comparisons influx has enabled the Fawaz Harry
Guyanese are fed-up,
and have had enough of
Jagdeo, the PPP and PNC
‘A costly governance stalemate’
From page 4 intentions of the PPP The day for notion of independence transcends way assimilation is long gone and last week I beyond mere governance’, etc. Do the theory indicated that the UN has called upon and practice of national governance exclude governments to protect the institutions and considerations of ‘economic self-sufficiency processed of ethnic groups within their andequitabledistributionofwealth,’etc.? borders.
DEAREDITOR, powerinanydevelopmentof persons with requisite skill to get a seat in parliament. I to consider that they are them. We are better than the The DNC is once again the party I sought to address sets, but who might consider wish to state that I am not being called to service, to PPP and PNC. To fail is to encouraging Guyanese to this for the2025 electionsby they would lose against me interested in politics for the lead Guyanese into their have either back in power in consider leadership allowingallGuyanesetocast as a contestant for any of the sake of power, argument in future blessed with a much 2025; to fail is to put inferior positions in the Democratic their hats into the ring for all positions As previously parliament, or publicity My betterlifethaneitherthePPP and corrupt persons in National Congress, forming positions of candidacy from stated, my primary goal is goal of reclaiming our or PNC could hope to government to manage our a full slate to offer Guyanese the President, Vice- building a strong enough government for Guyanese provide Sugar workers affairs; to fail is to agree to in time for the November president(s), Prime Minister, party to win more than 50 from the PPP and PNC going back to 2010 will get giving away our money to 2025 General Elections to the other ministerial percent of the votes for a would not be achieved if six money and agricultural Exxon and other foreign While feedback has been portfolios. majority in parliament. The oftheDNC’scandidateswon support if they choose to economicpirates;to failis to great, I suspect that as at the Additionally, I have full slate of the DNC is seatsinparliament. remain in the sector Rice have the disasters of our past last General Elections, decided not to offer myself therefore open to all We need thirty-three farmers will be guaranteed bethefutureofourchildren. interested persons were as a contestant for any of the Guyanese. seats for a full majority, and world market-aligned prices Respond to Guyana’s rightly concerned that I candidate positions to give Itwasagainmentionedto thirty-threeseatsandmoreis for their paddy, all public call and take the reins of our would have held too much additional encouragement to me recently that I should run what we will get if we do a servants will get an across- future, chart a course of good job of getting a strong the-board ‘living wage’ prosperity for all Guyanese, and attractive slate for adjustment, in addition to sugar workers, rice farmers, voters. many tax reforms to ease the other workers in the private Guyanesearefed-up,and cost of living for Guyanese. sector, nurses, teachers, joint have had enough of Jagdeo, Unemployment insurance is services and other public the PPP and PNC. With a on the table, as well as servants, our business good offering, I have no adjustments for pensioners community doubt that the DNC would and persons receiving state We are living in our verylikelysecurealandslide benefitstoallowthemtolive future. Letusnotsquanderit in2025. theirlivesmorecomfortably to the folly of Jagdeo and his
‘Governance refers to the overall process Today one must strive for unity in of decision-making, implementation, and diversity: for peaceful coexistence, managementofpublicaffairs,whichincludes cooperation and working together for a not only the government but also various common good. This kind of cooperation actors and institutions such as civil society helps to build trust and confidence among organizations, private sector entities, and individuals and groups, leading to increased international organizations While cooperation and collaboration. Once there is government focuses on the exercise of a properly contextualized democratic theory political power, governance emphasizes the ofunity,thequestionforMr Figueiraandhis effectiveness, transparency, and party is still how it is to be structured and accountability of the decision-making implemented. process, aiming to ensure the well-being and However, as noted in the USAID report, d e v e l o p m e n t o f a s o c i e t y ’ international pressure on the two parties for (https://thisvsthat io/governance-vs- better governance practices is not breaking government). the stalemate and there is no cohesive public
But that aside, the Hon. Member claimed opinion to force them to do so. The Hon. that only through unification of the country’s Member would do a great service to his leadershipcantherebeprosperity Ihopethat country if he used his location and in this part of the 21st century he does not participation in the PNC to help break this mean that there should be racial/ethnic mostcostlylogjam. assimilation, particularly as it is at present Regards, beingexpressedbythehegemonicleadership Dr. Henry Jeffrey

There are many qualified Potential candidates for PPP acolytes, or the voteGuyanese who we know can the DNC’s slate must know rigging PNC. Your time is do much better than anyone that the welfare of our now Ourtimeisnow in the PPP or PNC. These children, our future Yours Faithfully, persons are seriously asked generations, depends on Craig Sylvester
GWI’s response to article
Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) wishes to While there is more work to be done to clarify articles appearing in the Kaieteur and completetheproject,whichistoreplacevery StabroeknewspapersonMay31st,inrelation oldpipestoensurethecontinuedprovisionof toBelAirVillageresemblingasquattingarea clear water, the team is working towards a following GWI’s upgrade of the water timeline of one week for a full completion. It distribution network, as such, would like to was disappointingthatthe sender of the letter highlight the following based on the progress didnotstatehisorhernamesinceGWIwould of the works. The GWI team visited the area have visited residents in the area to address where works are currently in progress and concerns,ifany conducted an assessment. It was found that Kind regards, the parapets of most of the residents were Akosua McPherson reasonably reinstated, and they now have full Guyana Water Inc

45 Region 2 women to undergo cosmetology classes
Forty-five women from shestated. region two (Pomeroon- Meanwhile, Chief Supenaam) will receive Executive Officer (CEO) of trainingincosmetologyover the Small Business Bureau, the next four months, Shazim Ibrahim, engaged througha the participants on the steps
competency-based in applying for and securing vocational training for asmallbusinessgranttostart employment programme their own businesses upon launchedbytheOfficeofthe successful completion of the First Lady and the Board of programme. IndustrialTraining(BIT)last Also,inattendanceatthe Thursday. ceremony were: Regional

Theprogrammewillalso Chairperson of region two, provide life skills coaching, Vilma Da Silva; Mayor of and mic
prise congratulatedthewomenfor Mrs.Aliexplained.
individuals to transcend needforwomenintheregion AnnaRegina,DevinMohan; training, while some of the seizing this opportunity She highlighted too that socioeconomic constraints, to equip themselves with the Chief Executive Officer participants will benefit whichwas
fostering upward mobility skills that there is a growing (CEO) of BIT, Mr Richard fromsmallbusinessgrantsto specifically tailored for unparalleled flexibility for and paving the way for a demandforinGuyana. Maughn; and Permanent start their own businesses at them She was keen to those who may be employed brighter future, not only for “BIT and the First Lady Secretary at the Ministry of theend outlinetheadvantagesofthis full time, or face the themselves but also for their continue to provide these Labour, Mrs. Mae Toussaint ofthetraining,theOffice particular area of the constraints of parenthood. families,” the First Lady opportunities and we are Jr Thomas- Meerabux. Just of the First Lady said in a s e r v i c
s t r y, “Even for individuals said. extremely pleased to see that two weeks ago, 40 women release T
e women underscoring its versatility balancing day jobs or the Speakingonbehalfofthe
from regions seven and nine benefitting from the training w h i c h e n a b l e s demands of parenthood, the Ministry of Labour, positively This is how you benefitted from a maritime are from the villages of: cosmetologists to cater to a adaptabilityof Ministerial Advisor Gillian empower yourselves and training programme through Grant Success, Lower diverse clientele, thereby cosmetology opens Burton-Persaud stressed the yourfamilies,” theOfficeoftheFirstLady Pomeroon; Grant Strong allowing them to maximize avenues for supplemental Hope, Lower Pomeroon; theirearningpotential. i n c o m e w i t h o u t Charity; Onderneeming “One of the inherent compromising on personal SandPit;Johanna advantages of cosmetology obligations,” she noted Cecilia; Lima Sands; lies in its recurring nature. Beyond its economic Richmond; Sparta; Aurora; Services such as haircuts, potential, Mrs. Ali said that Hampton Court; Henrietta; facials, manicures, and the training serves as a Mainstay; Coffee Grove; pedicuresnecessitateregular catalyst for social mobility Better Success; Bush Lot; upkeep, fostering a loyal andequity CottonField;andReliance. customer base that returns “ B y s p e c i f i c a l l y At a simple ceremony for ongoing maintenance targeting women for this held in the boardroom of the This translates into a stable training initiative, we aim to region two Regional and predictable revenue dismantle the barriers that Democratic Council (RDC), stream, ensuring sustained impede their progress. Skills First Lady Mrs. Arya Ali business growth for you,” t
Safety continues to be less important
DEAREDITOR, putinplacetherequirements a better job of protecting our T h e M i n i s t e r o f for persons working on high w
Education in a Facebook rise buildings across the employers provide safe post recently shared her country to ensure that the working standards for them. pride for the services being proper safety equipment is The inexperience of the provided to a school. She alwaysused. current team of Ministers is stated, “This is Godfrey Given the recent becoming more evident as MunroefromourMISUdept concerns for safety at the theseembarrassingincidents with Umbrella in one hand schools, including those becomepublic. and phone to ear in the other raised as a result of the The Ministry of Labour on a roof in pounding rain to Mahdia Fire, I expected the must step in and prevent install internet at Waramuri Ministers and their further near misses from Village at the primary associated Ministries to be occurring by explicitly school. This is what service more sensitive and aware of implementing clear working lookslikeforus!” theimportanceofsafety at heights requirements Unfortunately the What is more concerning Such work should require a Minister overlooked the is that the Minister seems to permit that ensures the safety of Munroe, while be oblivious to the safety person carrying out the work boasting of the service being risks and how serious an has been trained on how to provided. There have been injury Munroe could have use,andwillusetherequired many accidents involving experienced Both hands safety equipment for the job personsworkingonhighrise filled while on a zinc sheet being carried out. Safety buildings, causing death and roof in the pouring rain with mustbethefirstpriority! injuries. The Ministry of nofallprotection. Sincerely, Labour should have already The government must do Mr. Jamil Changlee
Indians Voted for Modi’s re-election
DEAREDITOR, Exit polls released on evening of June 1 Elections concluded in India on June 1. suggested that Modi has indeed won reGuyanese were querying whether the ruling election as PM and his party has made big BJPhaswon. gains. The opposition continues to claim it As I found from interviewing voters has won. Counting of ballots will take place during my sojourn in India, incumbent PM onJune4fortheoutcome. was on course to re-election winning a Yours Truly, landslide. Vishnu Bisram
Constitutional reform must encourage popular involvement
DEAREDITOR, will inevitably succumb to happening has to contend Inauguration of the the polarizing tendencies of with official hyperConstitutional Reform political parties which sensitivity over freedom of C o m m i s s i o n ( C R C ) constitute 50% of the CRC speech. While getting rid of s y m b o l i z e s t h e membership. The GHRA is the economic straight-jacket s t r e n g t h e n i n g o f concerned that the civic of ‘marxism-leninism’ from mechanisms capable of character of the CRC must the Party’s constitution, the shaping political, social and notbelost. ruling party explicitly family life in Guyana. Law- One proposal might be retained ‘democratic m a k i n g i s a c i v i c for persons selected to hold centralism’, i.e. the policy of responsibility, the results of regular meetings with the dominantcontroloftheState which the legal and political sectorstheyrepresentandfor by the party in power The professions are charged these meetings to be made profound deficit of subsequently to implement. public, so that ordinary democracy that capitalism Reservations about the people clearly know civic currentlyentailsinGuyanais method of selection or other representatives’ positions rooted in this misguided limitations of the CRC and are provided with policy process notwithstanding, the opportunitiestointeractwith I n s p i t e o f t h e Guyana Human Rights them. discouraging context, civic
Association (GHRA) Inauguration of the CRC bodies should not use welcomes the CRC and istimelyinviewofthesocial shrinking democratic space wishesitwell. tensions being fueled in asanexcuseforoptingoutof Initiatives that enable Guyana by the uncritical testing the usefulness of the people to make political embrace of an extreme CRCprocess.Deepeningthe decisions as directly as economicstrategy democratization process possiblearetobewelcomed. No country should be entails making as much use Voting in Guyanese national adopting this version of as possible of limited elections is as much capitalism at the present opportunities, thereby symbolism as anyone needs time. Its hallmarks globally expanding the space inpoliticallife.
are poverty amidst available.
National elections, for s u p e r a b u n d a n c e , Boycotts and nonexample, are symbolized by disproportionately harming involvement in Guyanese cups, trees and other thealreadyworst-offpeople; politics are justifiable in far paraphernalia rather than by forms of work that are less circumstances than they names or photos of actual alienating and demeaning are invoked. Politics is an candidates, and financing of and finally, a system that has a c t i v i t y a n d n o npolitical activity is disguised produced the single most engagement is avoidance of inanynumberoffictions. potent crisis humanity has activity
An important early ever faced, namely, the Apart from influencing priority of the CRC should climatecatastrophe. the substantial issues be to determine how the Inthiscontext,Guyanais involved, the CRC provides elected representatives of crying out for new ideas to opportunities for young various sectors will engage replace the exhausted p e o p l e a n d c i v i c with their nominating version of ‘prosperity’ that organizations to develop organizations and through dominates official thinking. political skills so woefully them with the broader The CRC could serve as a absent among the current public. platform to articulate cropofpoliticians. Without maintaining alternative visions of human Executive Committee such links with the public, flourishing. Guyana Human Rights individual representatives The likelihood of this Association

Man remains on remand for allegedly beating woman unconscious

AmineronFridaywasremandedto prison for allegedly beating a businesswoman unconscious on April 24, 2024 at Issano Landing, Middle Mazaruni,RegionSeven
The defendant identified as Ryan Smith appeared virtually at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court for a second hearing
ofthematterbutwasfurtherremandedto prison until next month He reportedly hadassaultedHollyMonderson,51.
According to reports Monderson owns a business on Issano Landing and onthedayinquestionhehadgonetoher shop to make a purchase. The woman stepped out for a short while leaving Smith to browse her shop for what he wanted.Whenshereturnedhemadehis purchase and left but while browsing her purse she recognized that $10,000 wasmissing.
The woman suspected that Smith might have stolen the cash and went in search of him When she located him they had an argument over the missing moneyandshereturnedtohershop
Later that evening the suspect allegedly returned to her shop with a pieceofwood Accordingtoreportsshe was in her hammock asleep when he entered and began beating her with the woodbeforemakinggoodhisescape.
Monderson was allegedly beaten unconscious and could not raise an alarm Itwasnotuntilthefollowingday that she was found by customers who wenttohershop Reportsarethatshewas foundinandoutofconsciousness
She was immediately rushed to a health centre and then to the Bartica Hospitalfortreatment Mondersonuntil now is still recovering from a fractured skull AreportwasmadeandSmithwas laterapprehendedandcharged

OilMinistermumon whetherfullaudit...
Frompage3 understanding of the company’s operations during the review period. For instance, the auditors explained that during the audit period, there were 10 exploration/appraisal wells spudded and drilled in the StabroekArea.
Drilling related costs recorded against these 10 wells account for US$903 million.
A table is also included with details of the rigs used for the drilling operations at theexactwells-(seepage34 of report) No such information is included in thesecondreport.
Notably, the IHS audit also presents the list of contracts reviewed by the auditteam;again,thesecond report does not contain such details.
With regards to SURF plans, the first audit report provided an overview of an analysis done for the Liza DevelopmentPlan(seepage 43 of report) and details the costoftheinfrastructureand related services; again, such information is not reflected inthesecondreport.
As it relates to drillship costs, ExxonMobil was flagged by the British audit
150 destructive dams and water projects worldwide and pressed and won landmarkregulationsofstrip minesandoiltankers.
Although the US EXIM Bank has not granted approval for the loan, the GoG has made it clear that the lack of financing from the institution will not stall theproject.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during a press conference in October last yearsaidthattheloanhasnot yet been approved, but governmentisconfidentthat the green light will be given soon To this end, he explained, “If there is need for, we can have bridge financinguntilthatcomeson stream and from what I gather, the loan can fund retroactive expenditure so if you have bridge financing then you can go back and clear it easily once the loan comesonstream.”
Jagdeotoldreportersthat PresidentIrfaanAlimetwith the President of the USEXIMBankduringavisitto the United States and had “reallygooddiscussions”.
A damning international report by the Institute for Energy Economics and
firm (see page 49 of report) for single-sourcing the Deep-Water Champion drillship which was contracted from Triton / Transocean at a day rate of $707,620/day; with total contractspendamountingto $87 million Meanwhile, there is no indication of rates, which Guyana was charged for the rental of drillships for the period 2018-2020.
Previously, Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant, Floyd Haynes whileappearingonKaieteur Radio was questioned about suchcostsbutsaidwhilethe team reviewed those numbers,hewasnotallowed torevealtheinformation.
He explained, “I haven’t been told by my client to discussthistypeofstuffsoI want to respect the client. Once they ask me to speak onit,I’dbehappytoprovide (theinformation).”
Haynes noted that, “We have detailed schedules of all of those things. What I cantellyouisthatthosewere someareasthatwelookedat keenly – drilling, mud, all those types (expenses), helicopters and we benchmarked them against industrystandards.”
(IEEFA), aUSthinktankhaspointedly underscoredthatgoingsolar is a less costly alternative to thegasproject.
Kaieteur News reported thatinthereport,co-authored by Tom Sanzillo, Director of financial analysis for IEEFA andCathyKunkel,anEnergy Consultant at IEEFA, it was explained that distributed (rooftop) solar power providesanalternativetothe gas-to-energyprojectthatcan be built out in small increments to avoid overbuilding the generation system
The experts stated that a rooftop solar and storage system consisting of 2 8 kilowatts (kW) of solar panelsand10kWhofbattery storage would be more than sufficient to meet this level of current and projected consumption, producing approximately 368 kWh per month.
“We estimate that such a system would cost approximately US$7,800,87 andwouldgeneratepowerat approximately15cents/kWh less than the cost of GPL’s current rates (20 cents/kWh for residential customers) or of a diesel generator,” the IEEFAexpertssaid.
Jagdeo’s explanations are a case of “talk half, leff half”

Vice President Bharrat government would have successfully renegotiated lack of ring fencing a where over 40 discoveries Jagdeohaselevatedtheartof been in a better position to contracts to secure better measure that would prevent have already been made, political sidetracking to a meet the demands of terms for their citizens costs from one project being remains under the old new level. His recent press teachers. He said that when without causing a mass used to offset profits from agreement’s terms This conference, where he in Opposition his party had exodus of investors or another These provisions block is currently the missed opportunityto secure addressed the contentious been highly critical of the without renegotiation acting havesignificantimplications epicenter of production. The bettertermsforthecountry’s Production Sharing agreement, including its tax asadisincentivetoattracting for Guyana’s revenue from failure to apply the new oilwealth. Agreement (PSA) signed by measures and lack of ring newinvestment. itsoilwealth. provisions to the Stabroek (The views expressed in the previous government, fencing. But then, he deftly ThetermsofthePSAare Jagdeo’sgovernmenthas Block represents a glaring this article are those of the wasamasterclassinpolitical sidestepped the elephant in u n c o n s c i o n a b l e indeed drafted a new PSA, a
strategicomissions. the room: the promise to Unconscionable terms in a aimed at future agreements. Jagdeo’s half-talk on the necessarily reflect the Forthoseunfamiliarwith renegotiatethecontract. contract refer to provisions However, this is a classic PSA is a disservice to the opinions and beliefs of this thephrase,“talkhalfandleff He has offered over the that are so extremely unjust, caseoftoolittle,toolate. people of Guyana It
half” is a quintessentially past four years a buffet of one-sided, or oppressive that The Stabroek Block, obscures the reality of a affiliates.) Guyanese way of describing excusesfornotrenegotiating they shock the conscience of someone who conveniently the agreement. Each excuse the court. When the terms of omitscrucialdetails.Jagdeo, conveniently ignores the a n a g r e e m e n t a r e it seems, has embraced this crux of the issue. First, he unconscionable, there exists approach with gusto. When invoked the sanctity of bothalegalrightandamoral Jagdeo was in Opposition he contracts, a favourite refuge duty to renegotiate its terms. passionately denounced the for politicians who find Legally, contracts that are PSA signed by the themselves unable to deliver
APNU+AFC. He described on grand promises. This
the agreement as a “sell- column has explained before challenged under the out ” He pledged to that this principle protects d
renegotiate the agreement against unilateral changes to unconscionability, which once his party was in power an agreement which is aims to prevent one party It was a promise that differentfromrenegotiation. f r o m
u n d u l y resonated with many Then, he expressed advantaged over another Jagdeo’s pledge to concern about sending The doctrine is rooted in the renegotiate the agreement negativesignalstoinvestors, principle that contracts would have won his party as if renegotiation would should be fair and equitable, many votes from those who somehow transform Guyana ensuring that no party is were shocked and peeved at into an investment pariah. If subjected to undue hardship the agreement signed by the anything, the failure to or exploitation. Fairness and APNU+AFC. renegotiate places greater equity are foundational to
However, when the pressure on the government contract law. Yet despite the PPPC got into office, it to grant terms to other acknowledged imbalance in began to retreat from the investors similar terms to the contract, Jagdeo refuses obligation to renegotiate the that offered to ExxonMobil, to renegotiate But to PSA signed between the Hess and CNOOC.The third understand the magnitude of Government of Guyana and excuse is the claim that Jagdeo’s half-talk, it’s ExxonMobil, CNOOC and renegotiation would break essential to delve into the Hess. At his most recent t h e m o m e n t u m o f specifics of the PSA. The press conference last development within the oil agreement, signed under the Thursday, Jagdeo was asked and gas sector This excuse previous administration, has whether if certain measures rings hollow Other been criticized for its such as ring fencing was in countries, including generous tax concessions, p l a c e w h e t h e r h i s Trinidad and Tobago, have poor royalty payments and
Dem Boys Seh...
Mosquitoes running things now!
Well,well,well,look wha we cometo in Imagine, we had to wait for powerboats dis country Yesterday, cricket match was torescuewefromblackoutwoes.Now,who nice. Dem West Indies fans leff de cricket coming to rescue we from these pesky ground happy Dem even had time to go and mosquitoes? Superman? Batman? No sah, take a celebratory drink before nightfall and weneedMosquitoMan.Weneedsomebody de invasion of dem annoying flying objects who gon actually take action, not just talk wedoescallmosquitoes. prettyandlookbusy
Is a good thing de match play in de day, Everyyearisdesamestory,rainyseason because come evening, dem mosquitoes come and mosquitoes tek over And de does come out in full force. Is like dem have people in charge? Dem waiting till de a clock set—sun gone down, dem come out situation get serious. Well newsflash, is fuhbitefleshandsuckblood. seriouslongtimenow
And wha we doing ‘bout it? Not a damn Dem boys seh de authorities treating thing. Big tournament, plenty tourists, but mosquitoes like uninvited guests at a who care? As long as dem officials safe wedding—ignore dem and hope dem leave. behind dem fancy office windows, is no But guess what? Mosquitoes nah leaving. problem. Demmultiplying.
We hosting major cricket matches in de So,whiledefansenjoydecricketandde rainy season, and it look like we hosting mosquitoes enjoy dem blood banquet, we mosquitoOlympicstoo. can only hope somebody wake up and do De authorities keep saying dem doing something. Until then, keep yuh repellent thingstocombatdemosquitoproblem.Dem handyandprayfordebest.Demmosquitoes boys seh if dem authorities put half de effort running tings and it look like dem here to into fighting mosquitoes as dem put into stay givingexcuses,wewouldn’tbeinthismess. Talk half. Leff half

A man goes to Mocha
One by one, little by little,thereisatricklethena torrent Truth cannot be suppressed. A stirring, a small seeping, and soon there is a sea of all that is wrong. Theplightofpeople v i c t i m i z e d a n d marginalized.
Painthatpiercescanonly stay inside for so long, despite the high hands with long whips. A community then further degraded and lasttraumatizedintouneasy,
restless silence still somehow finds expression by the inspiring grace of divine providence in a listeningear
An ear that gives a genuine hearing, cuts throughthemanmadestorms that intrude, and there is fertile soil to receive the outpouring of what has disturbed because they were intended to setback, set low, and set helpless and dependent.
And submissive, with not a sound allowed to escape. What is soundproof
is not necessarily foolproof. There are receptive hearts that absorb; at least, one left theUnitedStatesofAmerica andreachedavillagenestled inthedeepeastofDemerara. It is a deep east that is darkened. Receptiveearand patient heart absorb, then preparetoactwithexpansive energy.
More hear again. Many more outside of Guyana willhearofwhatblightsthis society. Manyhereandafar will learn of a place called Mocha More will get to know and come to grips with the fact that there are peoplenotanimalslivingin a place pushed into dispiritedness
More become aware of how they are forced to live. Whenallthetyrantsandtheir terrorists, when all the deceivers and their daggers are done, there is still a Jonathan Jackson A politician,butonethrustinto the role of inquiring, probing, listening humanitarian.

No matter how much theytry,despiteallthepower and the people with their demented, destructive programs, there is a Mocha, and there is a growing number of them in this Guyana of ours so prettily varnishedfortheeyesofthe world.
Jonathan Jackson would not be deterred by the determined swaying of the masters; the anguish of the people of Mocha, as poured out, just had to be heard. Afterall,itwaswhyhecame to Guyana, traveled to Mocha.
TodayIcomenottoclash with anyone, but to seek a cure for what ails Guyana from pinnacle to pavement to pasture. What hangs like one large, dark shadow over this gifted sward of God’s green earth. Hear me for something. Hear me, if not for my cause and its call to payattentiontothemadness in Mocha, then hear the searingrustlingofone’sown conscience.
Theremustbeonedozen, and one score, plus one hundred, then one thousand, next one legion, last one large or small multitude of Guyana’ssonsanddaughters whoforgetthepastandfocus thenrefocusonthepresent.
Too many carry their burdensome memories that will not give them peace. Too many are endeavoring futilely to wish away, push away, drive away truth

Truthislikepainundeniable, and when it expands, it can be unimaginable. Its reach. Itspowertoprojectandleave an inerasable imprint Something is not right in Mocha Something, too many things, are terribly wrong, which reduces residents to a wretched existence.
There are patterns in Mocha that are as old as time. First, target and putdown. Then invade, disrupt, and undermine Last, there are attempts to smoothover,justifyinsome way or the other, and when those find few paying customers, then the spears come out. Those with the power of leadership in their handssendtheirlancers. Itis like the Charge of the Light Brigade: for king and country, but such a tragic waste.
The woeful who marched and rolled and into Mocha like a conquering army tried their best, did theirdamnedest. Their prime objectives were to turn back the clock, to deny inflicted reality, and toreplacebothofthosewith window dressing, and when that failed, more attempts at coercionandsuppression.
Thirtysecondstospeak? Inthisnowworld-renowned democracy? Whereverthere is a world of Orville Faubus andGeorgeWallace,thereis a King Whether a Montgomery inAmerica, or

a Mocha in Guyana, there is a Jackson, a Jonathan Jackson that cometh. Truth cannot be suppressed.
Thearcofhistory,ofthe moraluniverse,islong,butit bends towards justice. It is the defectors in brutal dictatorships that have defeatedtheiroppressors.
There are no better eyewitnesses than victims, no fairer rendition of inhuman conditions. The injustice of the many MochasofGuyana. Whither fairnesshasfled?
In this time of plenty, what has become of our decency, our humanity, so that each can live with dignity? If we cannot summon fearless and frankness with one another, then what is there to expect for fairness from others? Whether massed at our border,orwell-settledinour richseas?
No one in Mocha is pleading for the pity of a handout. Allthatthosewho are an inherent part of the sacred, national birthright are calling, reasoning, struggling for is equity Thereisadutytoequity,and itstartswithinclusivity Not the blandness of empty rhetoric, but the fullness of outstretched reaching for neighbor and fellow citizen that seeks and eventually finds.
Itisthoseeffortsthatfirst touch,thenidentify,andlast
lift to that place which is right. Morethanafewwent to Mocha. One will be rememberedinthathecared. Jonathan Jackson, US Congressman.
It is why I have often found great and good things about America. Even at its worst, there are still those qualities and those human beings that make the spirit soar
It would be a blessing if we could find a few, then a few more, right here in beloved Guyana. At our ordinary level in street and sidewalk, and then at the highest elevations of this land that can be so low so manytimes.
Therehavebeenpseudotruths, crypto-truths, quasitruths, and they all have perished. The buses rolled by the dozen and score into Mocha. The real truths about Mocha still surfaced and will now flourish Before the highest height. Beyond Guyana. Tell them in the USA about Guyana, the real one. Tell them in America, Jonathan Jackson, aboutMocha.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Guyanese must reaffirm their commitment to addressing environmental issues
The environment plays a crucial role in ourwellbeingandassuchGuyaneseareurged to reaffirm their commitment to addressing environmentalissuesinthecountry
directlyimpactsourwell-being.Therefore,it is crucial for us as health professionals to understand the importance of environmental preservation,”Persaudstated.
Shamsudeennotedthatworkingtogethercan help to transform degraded landscapes into thriving ecosystems that will foster food securityinthecountry
Principal Environmental Health Officer of the Ministry of Health, Nayan Persaud speaking at the World Environment Day interfaith service and brunch
This was emphasised during Region Three’s Regional Democratic Council interfaithserviceandbrunchheldonSunday to kick-start the week of activities for World EnvironmentDay Held in the boardroom of the Demerara Regional Hospital, Principal Environmental Health Officer at the Ministry of Health, Nayan Persaud stressed that health workers should pay more attention to their environmentandhowitimpactstheirwork.
“It is important for us to understand the connectionthattheenvironmenthaswithour health and that the state of our environment

Additionally, Senior Environmental Officer,IanShamsudeennotedthatGuyanese shouldplayamorecrucialroleinthewaythey carefortheirenvironment.
“To commemorate World Environment Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to addressing desertification, drought, and land degradation through restoration efforts. We can implement and support restoration projects, engage and support local initiatives that are aimed at restoring degraded lands,” theenvironmentalofficerexplained.
Acknowledging that there is much work to be done in the local environment,
Also present was the Regional Health Officer(RHO),EricaFortewhoalsostressed the need for better care of the local environment, both on land and sea. World EnvironmentDaywillbecelebratedonJune5 and activities planned for the week include a healthwalk,atalkabouttheenvironment,and a tree planting exercise, among other activities.
To commemorate the event, walks were held this morning in several regions. An exhibitionwasalsoheldattheNationalPark by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).(DPI)

Miss, Mrs. and Teen India Guyana sashed
The 2024 class of Miss, Mrs. & Teen India Guyana were officially Sashed at an exquisite High Chai Event titled“AMughalAffair”attheRamadaPrincessHotelon Saturday.
HeldintheRoraimaBallroomofthehotel,thethree luckyladieswillrepresentGuyanaattheupcomingMiss, Mrs. & Teen India Worldwide 2024 pageant in SeptemberinNewJersey,organizerssaidintherelease.

GWI honours longstanding staff

The Guyana Water
Incorporated (GWI) honoured 32 long-standing employees for their exemplary contributions towards the development of thewatersector.
Additionally, 20 retirees werealsohonouredfortheir invaluable and outstanding contributionsthroughoutthe years.
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal
expressed profound gratitudetothestafffortheir unwavering commitment in fulfilling the aggressive mandate of the water sector and the high calibre of service provided to consumers.
In light of GWI’s achievements,heemphasised that the difficulties that GWI facedbackthenintheirquest for access to clean and safe water still exist today in an increasingly competitive world
“Butwehavemadegood strides in significantly increasingaccesstowaterto every region through upgrading and introducing new infrastructure in the water networking. Equally,
we have invested in improving the skills and
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, Chairman of the Board of Directors at GWI, Ramesh Dookhoo, Chief Executive Officer of GWI, Shaik Baksh and some of the retirees who were honoured
knowledge of our staff and theserviceofferedbyGWI,” the minister underlined at GWI’s22ndanniversaryand awards ceremony at Umana Yana in Kingston, Friday night. HeemphasisedthatGWI willcontinuetoinvestinthis criticalserviceasthecountry moves closer to meeting the United Nations Millenium
Development Goals Guyana is well on track to providing access to clean and safe water to everyone by the end of next year He continued, “And for this, I wish to acknowledge the hardworkingstaffwhooften work beyond the call of duty.”
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, Chairman of the Board of Directors at GWI, Ramesh Dookhoo, Chief Executive OfficerofGWI,ShaikBaksh andsomeoftheretireeswho werehonoured
C o n s u m e r s a r e benefitting from several interventions as a result of the government’s measures throughtherestorationofthe watersubsidyforpensioners and the removal of value added tax (VAT) which was p l a c e d o n w a t e r
Driver runs away, leaves passenger with illegal gun
A driver on Saturday ran away, leaving his passenger behindwithaloadedunlicensedfirearmafterhecrashedinto asoldier’svehiclealongtheLindenHighway
ThesoldierwasreportedlydrivingtoLindenwhenhewas hitfrombehindbyapick-up.Insteadofstoppingthevehicle themandroveaway
The soldier gave chase and as he closed in on him, the driver stopped the vehicle and ran away leaving behind his passenger in the front seat, a man identified as Delbert Barrington.
The vehicle was searched and a magnum revolver with threeliveroundswasfoundonthebackseat.Barringtonwas arrestedandplacedincustodyaspolicelookforthedriver.
consumption, benefitting 201,000 citizens. Residents from the hinterland regions are benefitting from the construction of new wells increasingaccesstowater.
Some communities are now benefiting from first-
Chief Executive Officer of GWI, Shaik Baksh, underlined that the water sectorisplayingakeyrolein thereductionofpovertyand the improvement of the health of the population,
through the supply of clean andsafewater
“We have a key role to play.And we have taken up that challenge. We have a strong mission driven by an evenstrongervisionatGWI. We have a robust strategic plan which has been implemented to achieving our goals,” Baksh pointed out. Chairman of the Board of Directors at GWI, Ramesh Dookhoo and other staff of GWI were also in attendance.(DPI)

Hess shareholder vote on Chevron deal easily met majority required - filing
(Reuters) - Hess shareholders cast 157.6 million ‘yes’ votes in favor of its sale to Chevron, a Securities and Exchange Commission filing on Friday showed, more than3millionmorethanrequiredtopass.
Tuesday’svoteclearedonehurdleforthe $53 billion deal, which is still under review by U.S. regulators and embroiled in an arbitration battle with Exxon and CNOOC (0883.HK),opensnewtab,Hess’partnersina lucrative Guyana oil-production joint venture.
Shareholder approval required a yes vote by a majority of Hess’s 308 million shares outstanding, or about 154 million shares The victory for Hess came despite a campaign by some shareholders to urge abstention votes to give more time for the outcome of the Exxon-CNOOC arbitration tobedecided
adjournthemeeting,sayingtheproposalwas not put forth because there were sufficient votesinfavorofthedeal.Proxyadvisoryfirm Institutional Shareholder Services had recommendedshareholdersvotetoabstain.
ISSalsocalledonHesstoofferitsowners a financial incentive given the delay meant they would be without the higher dividend available to Chevron shareholders. Friday’s securitiesfilingwasthefirsttimethenumber ofvotescastwasdisclosed.
Some 19.7 million shares were cast against the deal and another 72.8 million abstained Hess shareholders failed to approve a non-binding vote on executive compensationunderthemerger
Theycast112.9millionsharesinfavorof the pay plan and 109.9 million votes against it.Some27millionsharesabstainedfromthe payproposal,whichrequiredamajorityofall votescasttobeapproved.
Proposed Engineers Bill geared at enhancing accountability-Min.Edghill
A s p a r t o f t h e government’sdrivetoensure engineers executing public works are held accountable, theEngineer’sBillwillsoon be tabled in the National Assembly Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, made the disclosure during a workshop at the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown, on Thursday last. “Very soon, I’ll be tabling in the National Assembly, the Engineers Bill. And that will bring a new level of accountability for engineers. And part of that bill will be with how we licence and remove from being licensed engineerswhocompromise us,”MinisterEdghillsaid.

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill

The proposed piece of legislation aims to regulate and professionalise the engineering field by setting
implementation would
y practices, leading to safer and more reliable infrastructuralprojects.
As large-scale projects ramp up across Guyana, the government is keen on prioritising efficient and onbudget execution. Minister Edghill emphasised strict accountability, emphasising that there would be no tolerance for contractors or engineers who fail to fulfil theirobligations.
“None of us must be found in a place where we are making excuses for contractors. Let the contractors make their own excuses. We are enforcing what the government wants,” he underscored.
“None of us want to
hear a bridge that we supervise fell. None of us want to hear a building that we signed off on collapse. And I’m sure none of us want to see a road that we signed off on disappear,” the public worksministercontinued.In a concerted effort to tackle defaulting contractors, the government has embarked onacomprehensivestrategy to strengthen contract managementandevaluation. Earlier this year, President, Dr MohamedIrfaanAlimet with several project managers and engineers to hash out the strategy to strengthen contract managementandevaluation. During that meeting, the president said any projects exceeding their contracted timelines would face strict consequences, and announcedtheestablishment of an independent team to oversee these projects. Added to this, the Ministry ofLegalAffairsestablisheda dedicated Contract ComplianceUnittofacilitate effective contract implementation.(DPI)
Cop caught on camera slapping man with gun
ApolicemanwasonSaturdaycaughtoncameraslappinga civilian in his face with his gun during a confrontation at CampandChurchStreets,Georgetown.
TheGuyanaPoliceForceidentifiedhimasasergeantand saidthathewasarrestedandispresentlybeinginvestigatedby the force’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). Investigators said that he allegedly assaulted the civilian around 11:45hrs. “The sergeant, armed with a firearm, assaulted the civilian, who was carrying a cutlass”, police said.
However,accordingtothevideofootageseen,thecivilian wasunarmedatthetimewhenthepolicemandealthimablow tothefacewiththegun.Thecivilianthenwenttohiscartrunk andreturnedwithacutlass.
Atthistime,theofficerhadalreadyremovedtheweapon fromitssheathandcockedit.Thevideoendedthere.Policein the statement said that the matter was reported to the AlberttownPoliceStationandtheOPRhasbeentaskedwith investigatingthecase.
HOUSTON/DENVER, May 31 (Reuters) - U.S. oil drillers are sticking to pledges to temper spending on boosting output, keeping the world’s top crude producer on course for slower growth in 2024 in what may ease pressureonOPEC+tomakefurther supplycutsthisweekend.
The U.S. has driven growth in global oil supply from non-OPEC producers over much of the past decade due to the shale revolution and breakthroughs in technology and efficiency that have boosted output.
Last year, U.S. crude output surprised to the upside, growing over a million barrels per day to 12.93millionbpdandwelloverthe roughly 400,000 bpd the governmentpredictedatthestartof 2023.
The Organization of the PetroleumExportingCountriesand allied producers in the group knownasOPEC+deepenedsupply cutslastyearinparttocompensate forrisingoutputfromtheU.S.and other non-OPEC producers. Total OPEC+ cuts stand at 5.86 million bpd, equal to about 5.7% of global demand. OPEC+ is working on a
complex deal that will allow the grouptoextendsomeofthesecuts into 2025, three sources familiar with OPEC+ discussions said on Thursday
AsOPEC+meetsonSundayto consider supply policy, U S production increases continue to drive gains in non-OPEC+ output butwillpresentlessofathreatthan theydidin2023.
The government’s latest forecastisforU.S.crudesupplyto risebyabout270,000bpdthisyear That is similar to OPEC’s own forecast for U S crude and condensate output to grow by 300,000 bpd. which could raise as much as $13.1 billion for the oil giant.
The International Energy AgencyexpectshigherU.S.output growth of 640,000 bpd. The three are the most closely watched forecasters,andallwerewellbelow lastyear’sfigure.
OPEC expects global demand growth of 2.2 million bpd to outstrip supply growth from oil producers outside the OPEC+ group by about one million bpd in 2024 That would imply that demand for OPEC+ crude should
be around 900,000 bpd more than in 2023, the group said in its May monthlyoilmarketreport.TheIEA expects a much lower global demand growth of 1.1 million bpd and little change in demand for OPECcrude.
Overall U.S. crude output has changed little so far this year Output in April was around 13.13 million bpd, down from 13.26 millionbpdinDecember
U.S.producersseemunlikelyto surprise to the upside in the way theydidin2023,evenasoilprices hovercloseto$80abarrel,industry executivesandanalystssaid.
“Our customers are remaining veryconservativeanddisciplined,” saidPaulMosvold,chiefoperating officeratcontractdrillerScandrill. “It’s been surprising that the rig count hasn’t ticked up more given currentprices.”
Hiscompanyiskeepingcapital spending flat and holding off upgrades to its rigs to best align with a flatter drilling growth. It planstooperate12rigsbyyear-end andre-deployafewmorenextyear
TheU.S.oilrigcounthasfallen to 496, down 13% from year-ago

levels, according to data from Baker Hughes. “The U.S. has the abilitytogrowat1millionbpdfora number of years, but there is presently no desire to grow at that rate,”S&Panalystssaidinanoteon Thursday
S&P Global Commodity
Insights expects an increase of 470,000 bpd in U.S. crude oil and condensateproductionthisyear
Publicly traded U.S. producers havelimitedspendingongrowthin recent years, under pressure from investors after unbridled spending drove breakneck growth but limited returns from the shale sectorinthe2010s.
Higher-than-expected output increasesinrecentyearshavebeen driveninpartbyprivateproducers, someofwhicharenowbeingswept up in a wave of consolidation hitting the sector They have increased productivity by drilling longerwellsandfracturingtherock to produce oil from more wells at thesametime.
“Iexpectthatdespitetherecent waveofconsolidations,wewillsee currentoilpricescontinueandhelp support moderate gains in overall
U.S. oil production growth as constant improvement in drilling and completion efficiencies continues, ” said Timothy Roberson, president of Texas StandardOil.
Oilfield service firms, like SLB, are forecasting more growth from international markets this yearratherthanNorthAmerica.Its first quarter international revenues grew 18% this year, while North Americanrevenuesweredown6%, inpartduetoconsolidation.
“There has been a shift in strategy in recent years, with a strongerfocusoncapitaldiscipline, resulting in a different reaction,” saidGiovanniStaunovo,ananalyst at UBS bank, who thinks OPEC+ willextenditsvoluntarycuts. Still, the U.S., along with Canada, Brazil and Guyana, are anticipated to lead oil and liquids production growth this year Petroleum liquids production from OPEC+isanticipatedtodeclineby 1 million bpd this year, while nonmembers’supply will grow by 1.4 millionbpd,theEIAsaidinMarch. “OPEC+haslearnttolivewithU.S. oil production growth”, UBS’ Staunovosaid.

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One male able- bodied Staff. For more information Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One female able-bodied Staff. For more information Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
One Hauler Driver needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call : 673-7373.
One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.
One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.
One able bodied porter in a hardware store at Sheriff Street, Attractive salary .Contact: 689-4041.
Mature domestic help needed to work in a workshop on the East Coast Demerara. Call: 662-1883/ 654-2516.
Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.
Hiring Manager at S.S.W dry goods store at lot 20 Regent street & Hinks street. Tel:6561234.

German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.

Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
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Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.
Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.
Restaurant Manger experience in management & customer service, Good communication skills required. Emil resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com
Head chef, Experience in designing menus and managing staff.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com
Lead Bartender, experience in designing menu, Overseeing staff & Train servers.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com

Cummings Lodge 100ftx80ft (+10ft reserve). sandfill, eastern fence, bridge e.c.t , Plan for 9 apartment 3 story building available. Tel: 624-8694.
Women Chamber partnering with AMCham for fiancne seminar
In a bid to empower businessmen and women in Guyana and address their pressing needs, the Women’s Cha mber of Commerce and Industry Guyana (WCCIG), in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce Guyana (AmCham Guyana) is hosting a Business Brunch and Finance Seminar on June 15, 2024.
The aims at providing valuable insights into accessing finance and investment, addressing one of the mostsignificant challenges faced by many entrepreneurs in Guyana, organisers said in a press release. The event comes as
a direct response to a January 2024 survey conducted by WCCIG among its members. In that survey, 44.4 percent of the respondents identified Access to Finance as their biggest challenge, while 48.1 percent said they would like to receive training to better understandhow to access finance and make investments. Notably, 66.7 percent of the respondents preferred in-person training.
Instead of just catering to its members, the WCCIG and AmCham Guyana have extended access to the seminar to the wider business community in Guyana. This decision reflects the Chambers’ commitment to
fostering a more inclusive and robust business environment by addressing the broader needs of the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem.
“By attending this seminar, you’ll gain direct access to industry experts who will provide practical strategies and insights into securing financial resources and making informed investment decisions. This is a unique opportunity for professionals, seasoned entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners to overcome their financial challenges and leverage their assets for sustainable success,” said the WCCIG Board of Directors. “This event is being held inperson to allow participants to interact
directly with the industry experts – ask questions and get answers on the spot.”
The seminar is scheduled for 9 am to 1:30 pm, on Saturday, June 15 at the Guyana Marriott Hotel located in Kingston. The theme of the event is ‘Leveraging Your Assets For Sustainable Success.’
Tickets are priced at $12,000 for members of the two Chambers and $15,000 for non-members. The event aims to raise funds to cover operational costs and any surplus generated will be reinvested into future training initiatives, ensuring a sustainable cycle of empowerment and growth within the business community.
Equitable access key to ensuring health resilience in small island developing states
Experts from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) last week participated in the 4th Small Island Developing States (SIDS) International Conference, to ensure that health remains front and center of discussions around catalyzing the sustainable development of small island nations.
Underscoring the importance of inclusive health services, “each of us deserves access to quality and timely health services and care, regardless of race or ethnicity, language, birth, economic status, social
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
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Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
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We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, and or gender identity,” PAHO Deputy Director, Mary Lou Valdez said, in her remarks at the conference.
Throughout the week, experts from PAHO and the World Health Organization (WHO) engaged in several side events and interactive dialogues that emphasized the critical intersection of health with the other sustainable development goals.
During the dialogue, “By SIDS, for SIDS: Next Decade of Action on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health,” co-organized by PAHO, WHO, the government of Antigua and Barbuda, and the Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Sir Molywn Joseph, Minister of Health and the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda stated that addressing NCDs and mental health conditions must be a collective undertaking, not a job for one Ministry or one actor. “It simply cannot be done alone,” he said.
At the side-event, “Smart Hospital Initiative Addressing Emergencies and Climate Change Resilience: A Blueprint
for SIDS,” organized by PAHO, participants discussed the importance of enhancing the resilience of healthcare facilities to emergencies and climate change events. The Smart Hospitals initiative focuses on strengthening the structural and operational aspects of hospitals in the region, as well as on the implementation of green technologies that enable health care facilities to continue operation during and after emergencies and disasters.
At the conference, Werner Obermeyer – WHO Director at the United Nations Office in New York, outlined several health-related priorities for leaders, partners and donors to support the strengthening of health systems in SIDS. These include integrating NCD services into primary health care to help reduce the disproportionately high burden of NCDs in SIDS; addressing the health impacts of climate change; and accelerating actions to address challenges related to the training, employment and
retention of health care workers in SIDS.
During the week, countries also agreed on the “Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS.” This outlines a strategic plan for the region, to be implemented over the next ten years, to ensure the sustainable development of SIDS. The plan focuses on addressing a variety of health issues, including maternal health, moving towards universal health coverage, addressing the high burden of NCDs, improving nutrition and food security, and tackling climatesensitive diseases, among other issues.
Reiterating the commitment of PAHO and WHO to supporting health resilience and equitable access to health for SIDS, the PAHO Deputy Director emphasized that if countries are to deliver on the agenda, ensuring sustainable financing for health, beyond times of crisis, will be key. “To ensure a successful decade of action ‘for SIDS and by SIDS’, we must all step up and strengthen the region’s health systems to achieve universal health coverage with primary health care at its core,” Valdez said.
Over 240 communities implementing 811 projects – VP Jagdeo
A total of 242 Amerindian, riverine, and remote villages in Guyana are currently undertaking transformative projects worth $4.7 billion, funded by carbon credits under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) 2030.
These initiatives span sectors such as tourism, agriculture, infrastructure, industrial arts and crafts, and incomegenerating ventures, all aimed at promoting sustainable livelihoods. During a recent press conference, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party
(PPP), expressed satisfaction with the positive impact of these projects.
“We’re extremely pleased with the implementation. The last report indicated that 811 projects were being executed in 242 villages, purely funded by the sale of carbon credits,” he stated. The upcoming National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference will feature further consultations on the allocation of an additional $2.7 billion in carbon credit funds to these villages.
”They will be notified about the new allocation for
these villages. We are extremely pleased about the allocations,” Jagdeo added. The LCDS, initially developed under former President Jagdeo and expanded by the current administration following national consultations from October 2021 to July 2022, was endorsed by the NTC. It was agreed that 15 percent of total revenues generated would be directly invested into the economies of these villages.
Guyana has signed a multi-year agreement with global energy giant Hess Corporation, which will purchase (Continued on page 17)
Govt. to develop 500 acres to expand cassava production in Mabaruma communities
President, Dr these communities across togreaterheights. Mohamed Irfaan here,” thepresidentsaid. He assured that as the Ali has announced The head of state added government continues to
plans to develop that the government will provide opportunities and 500 acres of land to expand assist in expanding coffee enhancethelivingconditions cassava production for productiontomeetbothlocal of Guyanese across the Mabaruma communities in andregionaldemand. country, Region One will not RegionOne(Barima-Waini). “Outside of that, we are beleftbehind.
The president made the going to give you the The president expressed announcement during a planting material to have planstopositiontheregionas community meeting with 3 0 0 a c r e s o f g i n g e r a spice hub, and throughout residents of White Water and cultivated. We import $100 his outreach to the various surrounding communities in million of black pepper every communities, has been the Mabaruma sub-district, year in Guyana. We can touting various lucrative as he continued his Region produce all the black pepper agricultural ventures that One outreach last week we need, right here in these villages can capitalise Thursday Late last year, the Region 1, and we have to do on, with the government’s government invested some it. We must do it,” President support. $25 million in an agro- Alitoldresidents.
These include breadfruit processing facility for White The president explained and coconut cultivation, in Water, which has been that the region is brimming addition to onion and ginger instrumental in boosting the with potential to propel the production. (DPI) village’s processing of country’s agriculture sector cassavacassareep.
The president pointed out that White Water alone is producing a significant 30,000 pounds of cassava with the aid of this facility, but he emphasised that the government is aiming to further boost production “For this to be meaningful, and for that to operate at full capacity, we have to get the women involved, the young people involved, and we have to put 500 acres of cassava in
Over 240 communities implementing...
From page 16 30percentofthecountry’sforestcarbonovertenyears.
Additional financial resources are expected once the remaining 70 percent of carbon credits are sold. While 15 percent of the LCDS 2030 funding goes directly to Amerindianvillages,theremaining85percentisallocatedto climate resilience and adaptation efforts. This funding is further supplemented by government investments in health, education, housing, agriculture, and other essential social services, alongside the disbursement of Presidential Grants (PGs). Capital projects are also supported through the AmerindianDevelopmentFund(ADF). (DPI)

US expects Israel will accept Gaza ceasefire plan if Hamas does
(BBC NEWS) The US areaareemptyafterresidents including male soldiers. The government has “every wereforcedtoflee. ceasefirewouldthenbecome expectation” that Israel will Another 1 7 million “the cessation of hostilities, accept a ceasefire proposal people are estimated to be permanently”. that would begin with a six- displaced in Khan Younis On Saturday, however, week cessation of hostilities and parts of central Gaza.
in Gaza if Hamas takes the Speaking to ABC News on ministers threatened to quit deal, according to National Sunday morning, Mr Kirby and collapse the country’s Security Council spokesman said that the US had “every governing coalition if Prime JohnKirby expectation” that Israel M
The three-part plan would “say yes” to the Netanyahu agreed to the unveiled by President Joe proposed ceasefire deal if deal Finance Minister Biden last week would also Hamasaccepts. Bezalel Smotrich and be a “surge” of humanitarian “We’re waiting for an National Security Minister aid,aswellasanexchangeof official response from Itamar Ben-Gvir said they s o m e h o s t a g e s f o r Hamas,” he said, adding that were opposed to striking any Palestinian prisoners before the US hopes that both sides deal before Hamas was apermanentendtothewar agree to start the first phase destroyed Similarly, Mr The proposal, however, of the plan “as soon as Netanyahu has insisted that on7October

Israeli forces have continued striking targets in Gaza even as the US and its allies push for both sides to accept a ceasefire proposal
began in October when has met with vocal possible”. During that initial there will be no ceasefire “We’ve not said that they prompting a warning from Hamas gunmen launched an opposition from some six-week pause in the until Hamas’s military and don’t still represent a viable Israel’s foreign ministry that unprecedented attack on members of Israel’s fighting, Mr Kirby said the governing capabilities are threat to the Israeli people. its citizens should avoid the Israel, killing about 1,200
v e r n m e n t T h e “two sides would sit down destroyed and all hostages Of course they do,” he said. country About 11,000 people and taking 252 back negotiations come as and try to negotiate what are released. Mr Kirby, for “But they don’t have the Israelis visited the Maldives to Gaza as hostages. In the fighting continues in Rafah, phase two could look like, his part, said that US military capabilities to do last year - less than 1% of all US, President Biden has which came under intense and when that could begin”. intelligence now believes what they did.” In another touristarrivals. faced growing domestic Israeli airstrikes over the In a televised address last that Hamas has been development on Sunday, the More than 36,000 people criticismoverthelevelofUS weekend. According to the week, Mr Biden said that the militarily degraded to the government of the Maldives havebeenkilledacrossGaza support for Israel, as well as UNRWA, the UN agency for second phase of the plan extent that it can no longer announced it would ban since the start of the conflict, callstodomoretoencourage Palestinian refugees, all 36 would see all remaining repeat an attack such as that Israeli citizens from the according to the Hamas-run the wa
o of its shelters in the Rafah living hostages returned, which its fighters conducted Indian Ocean island health ministry The war negotiate.
Xi highlights friendship withArab nations
(CHINA DAILY) China and closelycooperatinginareassuchas Tu n i s i a a n n o u n c e d t h e health, transportation, green establishment of a strategic development and education to partnership on Friday as they elevate bilateral relations to a new committed to strengthen bilateral level. Tunisia firmly adheres to the ties and jointly respond to regional one-China policy and firmly andglobalchallenges. supports the efforts of the Chinese
President Xi Jinping and government to achieve national Tunisian President Kais Saied reunification and defend its core made the announcement during interests, he said. In a joint their talks at the Great Hall of the statement on establishing a PeopleinBeijing. strategic partnership between Saied was on a state visit to China and Tunisia, which was China He also attended the released after the leaders’meeting, opening ceremony of the 10th the two countries agreed that they Ministerial Conference of the would firmly support each other on China-Arab States Cooperation issues related to their core interests Forum, which was held in Beijing andmajorconcerns. on Thursday Following their talks,
Both countries will jointly the two presidents witnessed the promote high-quality cooperation signing of multiple agreements on on the Belt and Road Initiative, bilateral cooperation in fields fully leverage the role of BRI including green and low-carbon projects, and jointly ensure the developmentandinvestment. security of the projects, the XitoldhisTunisiancounterpart statementsaid. that China and Tunisia are good

OnthePalestine-Israelconflict, friends and brothers. Over the 60 both countries condemn the brutal years since they established violations against the Palestinian diplomatic relations, China and people, emphasizing the need for Tunisiahavealwaysrespectedeach an immediate cessation of the other, treated each other as equals violations, the comprehensive friendship, deepen exchanges and He underlinedthe need for both States Cooperation Forum and the and supported each other no matter lifting of the blockade in the Gaza cooperation in various fields, and countries to work together with Forum on China-Afr
how the international situation Strip and ensuring access to food take the countries’relationship to a Global South countries to Cooperation, injecting new evolves,hesaid. and medical aid, according to the newlevel. strengthen unity and cooperation, impetus into the development of
Noting that consolidating and statement. Xi emphasized that China practice true multilateralism, China-Arab relations and jointly developingChina-Tunisiarelations
On Friday, the Tunisian supports Tunisia in following a advocate an equal and orderly building a high-level China-Africa is in line with the fundamental president also met with Premier Li development path that suits its own multipolar world and promote communitywithasharedfuture,Xi interests and common aspirations Qiang, and Zhao Leji, chairman of national conditions, and supports it inclusive economic globalization said. of the two peoples, Xi said China is the Standing Committee of the in independently promoting thatbenefitsall. Saied said that Tunisia looks willing to work with Tunisia to National People’s Congress, reforms and firmly holding its China is willing to work with forward to more support from carry forward the traditional China’stoplegislativebody destinyinitsownhands. Tunisia to build the China-Arab China in
Verwey outclass Alphonso to cop Toucan-Kraft Mac &
Cheese 2024’s Cheesiest title
The exhilarating week- prowess, Verwey triumphed category saw Justin long Toucan-Kraft Mac and with scores of 11-8, 11-3, Goberdhan delivering an Cheese Skill Level Juniors and 11-6, leaving Alphonso impressive performance, S q u a s h t o u r n a m e n t strugglingtokeepup. o
e e concluded yesterday at the In other divisions, Zoey Rodrigues 11-13, 11-4, 11-4, Georgetown Club, with McDonald secured first and11-7inthefinaltosecure Nicholas Verwey emerging place in the White Cheddar first place. Seed-one Egan victorious. category after a hard-fought Bulkan breezed past Jacob Verwey clinched the 3-2 win against Tehani McDonald in the Thick and prestigious Mac and Cheese Munroe.BlakeEdwardsalso C r e a m y
h ‘The Cheesiest’ title by impressed, defeating top commanding scores of 11-1, toppling Michael Alphonso seed Demetri Lowe 3-0 to 11-2,and11-4. in a decisive 3-0 victory claimtheSpiraltitle. During the closing Demonstrating his stylistic The Three Cheese ceremony, Safirah Sumner

Participants and GSA official share photo-op at the conclusion of the 2024 Toucan-Kraft Junior Tournament.
won first place in the Group showcased the exceptional tournament was sponsored B of the Spiral division as talent and sportsmanship of by Toucan’s Kraft Mac and well as the ‘Heart of a the juniors, promising a Cheese and also sanction by Champion’ and the Most bright future for squash
Monday June 03, 2024
Stress might be getting the better of a household member today,Aries.This person feels emotionallyvolatile.Theleast irritation could set off a tempertantrum.
Friends, neighbors, and relatives could be feeling especially stressed out and explosive today, Taurus. This isn't a good day to initiate intense communications with them.Keepyourtalklightand inconsequential.
The economy could well take another dip, Gemini, and you might hear from people expressing concerns about financial matters. Don't take them to heart, and certainly don't worry about your own financialcondition.
Oppressive stress on you or those close to you could cause disconcerting upsets within your relationships today, Cancer Try to be objective and work things out rationally insteadofgoingtopieces.
Stress could take a toll on you today, Leo You might tempo
wondering if it's all really worth it. This isn't a good day to start projects or engage in importantdiscussions.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Surprising new developments in close friendships or love relationships could come your way today, Virgo. Someone might move away or perhaps moveclosertoyou.
Unexpected developments mightinterferewithyourhome life or with plans to spend a quieteveningwithyourfamily, Libra. This could have you feelingalittledownatfirst,but don'tletitgettoyou.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Youmaybelookingforwardto talking on the phone with someone dear who lives far a w a y, S c o r p i o , b u t circumstances beyond your controlcouldgetintheway
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Although business and money matters continue to go well, some rather unsettling news regarding either your finances or the economy in general couldreachyoutoday
You may have been looking forward to communicating or spending time with the people you care about today if possible, but circumstances beyond your control throw some unexpected obstacles in yourway
Although you've been feeling especially strong physically over the past few days, Aquarius,todayyoumightfeel a little under the weather You could even experience some giddiness. This is nothing to worryabout,butyoushouldtry totakeiteasy
Emotionalmatterscouldhitthe fan today at a (virtual) group meeting of some kind. Those around you communicate with are apt to be feeling especially stressedandvolatile,Pisces,so bepreparedforanything.
Promising Girl award, while athletes and enthusiasts. The Association. Ethan Bulkan copped the MostPromisingBoyaward.
Conquerors stun Tigers...
From page 23 minute, and Neron Barrow sealed the victory with a stoppage-time goal in the 92nd minute. Round Two of the league got underway on May 25, with the ten elite clubs gearing up to compete in a total of 45 matches stretching through August. Currently, the top five teams are Guyana Defence Force FC, Slingerz FC, Guyana Police Force FC, Western Tigers FC and Santos FC.At the other end of the table are Fruta Conquerors FC, Den Amstel FC,Ann’s Grove FC, Monedderlust FC and Buxton United FC. They are all vying for prize money, with $2,000,000 for the champions, $1,200,000 for the runners-up, $800,000 for the third-placed team, and $500,000 for the fourthplacedteam.
Upcoming fixtures: On June 8, Den Amstel FC will take on Monedderlust FC at 6:30 PM, followed by Buxton United FC facing Ann’s Grove FC at 9 PM. Both matches will be held at theNTC. (GFF Release)

GFF appoints IMC to stablise WDFA
An I n t e r i m P r e s i d e n t , a n d t h e includes the management of Management subsequentresignationofMr the “day-to-day affairs of the
C o m m i t t e e Adrian Giddings who served WDFA in accordance with (IMC)hasbeenappointedby as Secretary of the the Constitution of the the Guyana Football Association.”
WDFAandtheGFFStatutes; Federation (GFF) to bring Additionally, on June 24, review, update, and align the stability to the West 2023, GFF President Wayne WDFAConstitution with the D e m e r a r a F o o t b a l l Forde and Vice President GFF statutes, regularise the Association(WDFA). Brigadier(Ret)BruceLovell management structure of the The Committee, headed heldameetingwiththeclubs clubs of the WDFA and by Chairwoman Grace oftheWDFA. supervisenewelections. Burgess, was made official During the candid According to Alves, “in on May 31 in accordance discussion, a series of the coming days, the GFF with Article 51 of the serious allegations and Administration will Federation’sstatutes. complaints were raised, schedule a General Council The appointment of including poor management Meetingwiththeclubsofthe Burgess, along with of funds raised during the WDFA to provide further Committee Members Association’s 2022 Senior updates on the work of the George Adolph, Danneze Men’s League, lack of IMC.” Lovell and Joseph Prescott, disclosure of these funds to InadditiontotheWDFA, tookimmediateeffect. members, disappearance of there are eight other GFF
This team will serve as football development Member Associations: the stabilising body for the equipment provided under Bartica Football Association WDFA for a maximum the Member Financial (BFA), Berbice Football periodoftwelvemonths. Assistance Programme (M- Association (BFA), East GFF Secretary General FAP), and the unreported Coast Demerara Football Ian Alves explained in a theft of the total bar income Association (ECDFA), East correspondence sent to on the night of the league Bank Demerara Football CONCACAF General final. Association (EBDFA), Secretary Philippe Moggio, Alves stressed that the Essequibo/Pomeroon Caribbean Football Union “GFF will undertake an Football Association (CFU) Camara David, and extensive investigation into (EPFA), Georgetown GFF Member Associations theseallegationsandreports, Football Association (GFA), that the decision was made in addition to conducting a R u p u n u n i F o o t b a l l “due to the prolonged comprehensive audit of the Association (RFA) and unexplained absence of Mr Association.” UpperDemeraraFootball TrevorWilliams,whoserved He added that the Association ( G F F as the Association’s Committee’s mandate Release)

Charity Secondary goal scorers (from left) Cyenthia Decosta, Rhyia Wilson, Remilia DeAgrella and Sheleza Boston.
Defending champions Bartica and Warmuri Top continue with Round 2 wins
The Petra Organisation continued its Leonora, West Minster, Marian, PC, prestigious Schools Under-14 championship L’Aventure, Santa Rosa, and Waramuri Top with thrilling Round Two action in the 2024 registeredwinsheadingintothethirdroundof ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Football the competition Hope Secondary edged past Tournament yesterday at the Ministry of Brickdam Secondary 1-0, with Oswald Duke Educationground. scoring the lone goal in the 28th minute New WaramuriTop secured their second win of Amsterdam’sEonWilliamshelpedhissidetoa thetournamentwithabrilliant7-0victoryover superb 2-1 victory over Christ Church. Christ Church Secondary Erica Harris and Christianburg battled to a 1-0 win overAbram Brentia Marks shone for the Waramuri Girls, Zuil,withPharezNoblenettingabrilliantgoal each scoring two goals, while Nickisha in the 23rd minute Keon Grant and Quincy Williams and Electra Marks added one goal Fraser were pivotal for Leonora Secondary, each to complete the 7-goal onslaught In each scoring a goal as they toppled Three another dominant display, Reyanna Gounga Mile Secondary 2-0.West Minster Boys later and Kimore Edwards led the President’s downed St John’s College 3-1, with goals College girls to a resounding 8-0 triumph from Shakell Waal Dijk (4’) and Germaine Gounga was exceptional, scoring five goals in Garrette (3’ and 7‘) Marian Academy the5th,7th,13th,25th,and28thminutes,while emerged victorious over Queens College Edwards netted a hat-trick, showcasing their withacommanding4-0win,withLucasPino goal-scoring prowess as they overwhelmed impressing with two goals, and Christiano MarianAcademy Larose and Nyhl George each contributing
In the other girls’ divisional matches, onegoal. Charity, New Amsterdam, and Bartica also PC and L’Aventure held their opponents, recorded wins Nerismar Williams was StJohn’sandEastRuimveldt,respectively,to brilliant again for Bartica, scoring an identical 1-0 defeats. Waramuri Top and impressive hattrick in their 7-0 win. Genesha Santa Rosa Secondary also gathered wins; Spencer scored twice, and Keilys Williams Santa Rosa crushed Patentia 2-0, with Shane added one goal as Bartica cruised to victory. James scoring both goals, while Waramuri Tucville Secondary defeated East Ruimveldt edged Charlestown 1-0. The tournament is 2-0,whileCharitythrashedDolphingirls5-0, organised by the Petra Organisation and with Cyenthia DeCosta scoring a double and sponsored by ExxonMobil, with support Rhyia Wilson, Remilia DeAgrella, and from Stena Drilling, MVP Sports, Demerara ShelezaBostoneachnettedonegoal. Distillers Limited (DDL), the Ministry of Over in the boys’ division, Hope Education and the Ministry of Culture,Youth Secondary, New Amsterdam, Christianburg, andSports.

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Linden…
Silver Bullets win third title
Silver Bullets berth to the national captured their c h a m p i o n s h i p i n third crown in the Georgetown during the
G u i n n e s s month of August. The loser ‘Greatest of the Streets’ received $400,000 and the Linden edition following a runner-uptrophy crushing 5-0 victory over Inthethird-placeplayoff, Hardball Management on Turf President crushed Saturday evening at the Spaniards 4-0 Anthony RetrieveHard-court. Layne, Kelroy Anthony, It was a commanding Malachi Todd, and Floyd performance from the Silver Headly found the back of the Bullets unit, as the contest net in the fifth, sixth, ninth, was effectively over at the a n d 1 0 t h m i n u t e s , halftimebreakfollowinga3- respectively 0advantage. With the win, Turf Damion Williams President walked away with opened the scoring in the $300,000 and the respective sixth minute, before Colwyn trophy, while Spaniards Drakes doubled their pocketed $250,000 and a advantageashescoredinthe trophy eighthminute. Meanwhile, in the earlier Amoniki Buntin then semifinal segment, Hardball completed a perfect first half Management downed Turf period, as he netted in the President 2-0. The contest, 17thminute. which was rescheduled Drakes then sealed the owing to persistent rainfall result as he tallied a on May 31st, was settled ‘Guinness Goal’ [a goal followinggoalsfromRoshan scored in the final three Kitt andYhanks Brummel in minutes of normal time the 25th and 30th minutes, counts as two] in the 28th respectively minute. The Guinness ‘Greatest With the win, Silver oftheStreets’Championship Bullets walked away with will now make its maiden

The victorious Silver Bullets team receives their prizes after winning their third Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Linden Zone title
AnthonyLayne-5th $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d t h e voyage to Essequibo, which
Colwyn Drakes-8th and 3rdPlace
KelroyAnthony-6th championship trophy They is pencilled to commence on Final GG-28th Turf President-4 vs MalachiTodd-9th also earned an automatic Fridayevening.
Silver Bullets-5 vs DamionWilliams-6th Spaniards-0

Port Mourant Turf Club CARICOM horse race set for July 14
The Port Mourant Turf Club Racing Authority Rules, and CARICOM horse race meet has races are subject to change been shifted to Sunday, July 14. Horseswouldneedtoshowproof
According to the provisional ofvaccinationatthetimeofentry program, eight races are on the Ent
y 14 cards and close to 10 million CARICOM race meet will close dollars in cash and prizes will be on July 8. The organizers are up for the taking at the Port asking for horses to properly be MourantTurfClub. entered through the way of The feature race will be open entriesform. to all horses running at an Entries close on July 8, 2024. approximate distance of 1350 Contact for entries are Dennis on meters, where the top horse will 640 6396, Fazal on 611 1141, bagG$1,500,000. B u j u o n 6 5 8 7 6 3 7 , The three-year-old Guyana Shazeena/Rose/Vanessa on 322and West Indies-bred horses will 0789, and Ginjo on 6187278. For run at 1350 meters and the top additionalinformationorqueries, horsewillberewarded$500,000. contact should be made via Ginjo HorsesintheH&Lowerwillrun at 6187278. All two-year-old at 1500 meters and the top horse horses will need to present a Vet will be awarded G$400,000 Certificate(Verifydateofentry). Other races on the cards include The Port Mourant Turf Club the E Class Non-earner last start CARICOMmeetwillserveasthe & F and Lower, the two-year-old final competitive preparation for Guyana bred, the J & Lower, the theAugust 11 Guyana Cup meet, LOpen,andtheJ/K/LMaiden. which is organized by the Jumbo All races will run under the Jet Thoroughbred Racing guidance of the Guyana Horse Committee.
Tally reaches 76 for Project Cricket Gears for young and promising cricketers in Guyana

Two of the latest beneficiaries of the project.
Two young aspiring cash collected is being used playing the traditional Harkishun, Allan Mangru cricketers from Enmore to purchase gear requested hardball and softball in the and Dennis Mangru, Vishal Cricket Club have benefited andnotavailableatthetime. Upper Corentyne area, Mahabir, Sherman Austin, from this joint initiative of To date, 76 young No.65 Young Titans with 30 Huburn Evans, Rajendra Kishan Das of the USA and players, male and female, TeeShirts,youthsofJustTry SadeoandRameshSunichof Anil Beharry of Guyana. from all three counties of Cricket Club, Wakenaam
Anthony Chan and Rishi Guyana have benefited from Cricket Academy (one box Mohamed of Star Sports Seodatt, both 16 years old, seven gear bags, two of white balls), Shemar Awards and Trophies, Ajay received pads, gloves, bats, trophies,fourarmguards,32 J
balls, gear bags, hats, track bats, three boxes, six Hohenkirk and Shamar
pants, and cricket shoes helmets, 27 pairs of cricket Apple. Gajanand Singh, Peter Chan is a student of Hope shoes, eighteen pairs of Cricket-related items, Ramkissoon, Rabindranath Secondary School and batting pads, 24 thigh pads, used or new, are distributed Saywack, Roshan Gaffoor, Seodatt Ann’s Grove one bat grip, 31 pairs of free of cost to young and Ameer Rahaman, Chin Secondary They expressed batting gloves, one pair of promising cricketers in Singh, Denesh Chandrapaul, gratitude for the gear We are wicketkeeping pads and Guyana. Skills, discipline Davo Naraine of UK, Dr happy to be associated with three pairs of wicketkeeping and education are important Cecil Beharry, Raj Mathura, the development of cricket gloves. characteristics of the Raj Bharrat, Latch Mohabir especially through young In addition, two clubs in recipients. and family, Suresh Dhanai, people. the Pomeroon area benefited Talent spotting is being Vishal Nagamootoo, Moses
Total cricket-related from two used bats done across the country and Nagamootoo Jnr, Regal items received/purchased so Pomeroon, Leguan and club leaders also assist in Sports Store, Omkar Singh, far: $460,000 in cash, W a k e n a m C r i c k e t i d e n t i f y i n g t a l e n t Parmanand Dhaniram, thirteen colored cricket Committees and CottonTree Progressive and well- Reshma Mathura, Booman uniforms, two trophies, Die Hard also received one managedcricketclubswitha S i n g h , K r i s h n a eighteen pairs of cricket box of red cricket balls each, youth program, will also Rengensamy, Ishwar Singh, boots, thirty-one pairs of Cold Fusion Cricket Club benefit. Ricky Deonarain of 4R batting pads, 33 cricket bats, thirteen color uniforms We take this opportunity Bearings,Terry Mathura, 29pairsofbattinggloves,24 while RHCCCC received to thank Javed and Imran of Kennard Verapen and NY thigh pads, three pairs of three boxes of balls, fifteen West Indian Sports PioneerCC,AnitaandDerek wicketkeepingpads,sixarm white cricket shirts, one pair Complex, Option Group of Kallicharran, Powan of DX guards, two chest pads, , ten of junior batting pads, one USA, Hilbert Foster, Bish SportsandRamjitSingh.We cricket bags, six bat rubbers, pair of wicket keeping Panday of P and P Insurance thank the media for the role six helmets, one fiber-glass gloves, a set of stumps and Brokers, Sean Devers, they are playing in bat and ten boxes of white bails. Trevis Simon, Årïêl J. Tïlkú, promoting this venture cricketballs.
Other beneficiaries are Aaron Beharry, Leanna Distribution will continue. In addition to the above, The Essequibo Cricket Bachan and Imran Saccoor, Anyone interested in morethan$600,000worthof Board, the Town of Lethem, Devon Ramnauth, Teddy contributingcancontactAnil gear was donated by Sheik youth coach Travis Persaud Singh,RomashMunna,Ravi Beharry on 623 6875 or Mohamed,aformerNational (oneboxofredcricketballs), Etwaroo, Kelvin Brijlall, Kishan Das on 1 718 664 wicketkeeper/batsman. All male and female teams Ravin Harkishun, Surendra 0896.
Bagnaia claims sprint-race double at Italian GP
(BBC Sport) - Defending champion Francesco Bagnaia completed a sprint-race double at the Italian MotoGP on a “difficult weekend” for championship leader Jorge Martin.
Spaniard Martin saw his lead cut from 39 points to 18 after crashing out of Saturday’s sprint and finishing third in Sunday’s race at MugelloinTuscany
Bagnaia’s Ducati team-mate Enea Bastianini produced a stunning late move to pip Martin to second, while Gresini Racing’s MarcMarquezwasfourth.
“It’s incredible,” said Bagnaia, who started fifth on the grid but produced a blistering start to lead after turn one. “It wasn’t easy starting from P5, but I had a strategy to go from the outside and it worked perfectly.”
Pramac Racing’s Martin broke the lap record to qualify for the race in pole position, while Bagnaia was demoted to the second row of the grid for hindering Alex Marquez duringqualifyingpractice.

Yet the Italian powered to the front to didn’t close the line on the last lap and he dominate Sunday’s race on his home circuit [Bastianini] overtook me,” said Martin. “But and Martin, who looked well set to clinch overall I’m satisfied with a podium after a second place going into the last lap, was difficultweekend.” passedbyBastianinionthefinalcorner The season continues at Assen, in the “I’m frustrated with myself because I Netherlands,from28-30June.
Mbappe signs Real Madrid deal
(BBC Sport) - Kylian Mbappe has signed a contract to join Real Madrid on a free transfer when his Paris St-Germain deal expireson30June.
The France striker verbally agreed to move to the Bernabeu in February and then announcedinMayhewouldleavePSGatthe endoftheseason.
Mbappe, 25, has now signed terms with RealMadridandwillmovetoSpainwhenthe LaLigatransferwindowopenson1July
Madridareexpectedtoannouncethedeal next week and could formally present the forwardattheBernabeubeforeEuro2024.
Mbappe, a World Cup winner in 2018, is PSG’srecordgoalscorerwith256goalssince he joined them from Monaco on an initial loanin2017.
HehasagreedadealwithRealuntil2029, earning 15m euros (£12.8m) a season, plus a 150m euro (£128m) signing-on bonus to be paid over five years, and he will keep a percentageofhisimagerights.

The Frenchman will get the chance to play alongside Luka Modric, with the currentdealexpireslaterthismonth,butheis Croatianmidfieldersettosignanewone-year expectedtostayforafurther12
38, came
Dortmund at Realwillholdatrophyparadethroughthe WembleyonSaturday Spanish capital on Sunday night following The former Tottenham midfielder’s theirrecord-extendingsuccess.
ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024…
Chase and company help
Windies secure 5-wicket win over spirited PNG
All-rounder Roston form with the bat, Chase carried the Windies hammering the PNG home by 5-wickets bowlers inside the first 5 yesterday at Providence, overs as the West Indies’ when ICC Men’s T20 World team 50 came in quick time, Cup action bowled off in so too did the 50-partnership Guyana against Papua New betweenthepairwhichcame Guinea(PNG). off38ballswith6foursand2 PNG posted 136-8 sixes; after losing opener batting first after 20 overs JohnsonCharlesfor0. ended, carried by Sese Bau With the deficit under who stroked 50 off 43 with 6 100-runs and almost their fours and a maximum, entire batting order still Captain Assadollah Vala 21 intact, the partnership was and 27 not out from wicket- broken by Kariko and the keeperKiplinDoriga(3x4). Windies lost their second West Indies bowling wicket in the dangerous clicked in their first game, Pooran; while King skied a with veteran seamer Andre deliver from the PNG Russell (2-19) and speedster skipper which resulted in Alzzari Jospeh (2-34) good outfield catch to leadingthecharge. accountforhisdismissal.

The home team then New men Roston Chase decent weather, PNG were
Roston Chase scored 42 off 27 balls (ICC via Getty Images)
The departure of number 100 in no time, seemed to be innings approached but had made light work of the run- and Captain Rovman Powell 39-3 after 7 overs thanks to 3 batsman Lega Saiga (01), their last hope as another his stumps abused by a chase; thanks, impart to (15) sought to further wipe s o m e a l l - r o u n d who was bowled by left-arm left-arm spinner, Gudakesh slower delivery as Joseph some power-hitting from the runs off the board with showmanship by the home spinnerAkeal Hosein (1-9) a Motie (1-24) bagged the completedhisfruitfulspell. opener Brandon King (34), the game entering its final team. The opening pair of few overs after the first wicket of Hiri Hiri (3), who PNG nevertheless took Nicholas Pooran (27), Chase halfofthesession,beforethe Vala, who was snagged by power-play ended, kept the fell to a catch in slip after their total past the 100-run whoendedwith42off27not latter was caught behind, Jospeh, just when he seemed Windies on top despite the attempting a reverse-sweep mark with a few streaky out with four fours and 2 leaving the former champs to be on an aggressive path visitors reaching 57-4 at the shot. shots, some of which sixes, help the Caribbean facingatrickychasewiththe with2foursandasixalready halfwaymarkof10overs. Bau then reached his reached the ropes as Doriga sideto137-5in19overs. last4oversremaining. under his belt and Tony Ura Some stability from Bau, well-earned half-century off tried his hand at a cameo and
Vala had a great game Chase and Russell (15*) (2),whowasthefirsttogoat who had crept into the 20’s 42 deliveries, as the death remained unbeaten as the bagging 2-28 as three of his then got the job done in the thehandsofhometownhero, withastrikerateoflittleover stages of PNG’s batting inningsended. menchippedinwithawicket penultimate over to see their Romario Shepherd (1-23); each. side off to a great start this provided PNG with a mixed King and Pooran tournament. start. continued their devastating Batting first under some

Conquerors stun Tigers, GPF overpower Santos in June
In a surprising turn of events, Fruta Conquerors FC pulled off a stunning victory against Western Tigers FC, while Guyana Police Force FC recorded a solid win over Santo FC on Saturday in the June openers. Fruta Conquerors FC, sitting seventh in the standings, stunned fourthplacedWesternTigerswitha 2-1 victory on June 1 in RoundTwooftheKFCElite League Season Six at the Guyana Football Federation National (GFF) Training Centre in Providence, East BankDemerara.

The GPF team dominated ball possession on their way to a comfortable win.
The Meadowbrook Georgetown side took control early, with Jermain Beckles opening the scoring in the 28th minute, putting Fruta Conquerors ahead by H
halftime Western Tigers’ Conquerors’ Makhaya
Samuel Garnett equalised in Jervis netted the decisive performance, winning 2-0. the 56th minute, injecting goal in the 68th minute, Nicholas McArthur scored new energy into his team for sealing the upset win anincrediblegoalinthe74th thesecondhalf. Guyana Police Force FC (Continued on page 19)