Marion Hernandez, a Belize national, who is currently completing his degree in Dental Surgery at the University of Guyana (UG), was recently honoured with the Best International Student award when the institution’s prestigious College of Medical Sciences hosted its annual awards and prizegiving exercise to recognise itstopachievers.
In an interview with UG’sDepartmentofEvents,
C o n f e r e n c e s a n d Communication (DECC), Hernandez, who currently serves as a Captain in the Belize Defence Force, expressed that the award is more than just an academic achievement.
“To me, this award symbolises the diverse experiences, cultures, and perspectives that enrich our campus community It serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and a commitment to
excellence, anything is possible,” the soldier is quotedinareleasebyUGas saying.
Reflectingonhisjourney thus far at UG, the Belizean explained: “The journey started in week one when I was selected as the class representative.Interestingly, no one knew I was an international student. “His leadership extended beyond the classroom as he held variousroles,includingVice President of the UG Dental
Students’ Association, President of the UG Dental Association, and Chairman of the International Student AffairsCommittee.
The aspiring dentist notedthathispassionforthe sciences was evident from a young age, particularly during his secondary school years, when he delved deeply into biology He detailed that as he got older, his interest in the medical fieldgrew Heexplainedthat about five years ago while observing the expansion of the Belize Defence Force’s hospital, he noticed a significant gap - a dental clinic without a dental surgeon.
“I noticed a dental clinic devoid of a dental surgeon. Witnessing this gap sparked a deep-seated motivation within me to pursue dentistry, recognising the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to healthcare inmycountry,”hesaid.
AccordingtoHernandez, selecting the university to pursue his studies in Dental Surgery was an important decision, and there were several factors he had to consider before he made up his mind Beaming with pride, he said that he is confident that he made the rightdecisionbychoosingto pursue his academic career atUG.
“Dentistry is a practical field that requires extensive hands-on experience,” he noted while expressing g r a t i t u d e f o r t h e comprehensive clinical
Marion Hernandez, a Belize national, who is currently completing his degree in Dental Surgery at the University of Guyana
exposure and early immersion provided by UG’s School of Dentistry. This rigorous training he explained, is preparing him toofferqualitydentalcareto members of the Belize Defence Force and the broader community The scholar’s advice to other students aspiring to excel academically and achieve international recognition is rooted in humility and openness.
The Univers
y of Guyana boasts over 60 d
, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Degrees at very affordable rates. With over 60 years of academic ex
assembled a world-class
ed to providing an exceptional educational experience Welcoming students from aroundtheglobe,UGstands as the ideal university for quality and accessibility in highereducation.
“Form study groups, seek help from your peers andprofessors,anduseyour setbacks as a guide to improve yourselves Immerse yourself in the culture of your host country and take part in unique festivities.Remember,atthe end of the day, we are all students with remarkable capabilities.”
Guyanaisheadingdown aroadtochaos,givenitslack of planning and capacity building-asituationthatwill notonlyleadtoapermanent class of poor citizens, but alsoanincreaseinexpatriate labour along with its concomitanteffect.
These were among the views proffered by eminent Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes,whowasatthetime a guest on an online panel
discussion that was broadcastlive.
Qualifying his position, Hughes pointed out that Guyana has “just finished five years of oil production, if you look at the amount of oilrevenueandthedemands on the system that will be madeinthenextfiveyearsas those next developments in the oil industry come onstream there is no way Guyanaisgoingtobeableto satisfythatdemand.”
He adumbrated further, “… we have not begun to demand of our government what is their plan as to how they are going to be dealing withthisrevenuethroughout theeconomy,wegoingtobe in chaos; we are going to be like a kid in a candy shop with more money and we goingtodieofdiabetes.”
This he said, since at present “…there is no plan whatsoeverastohowweare going to manage the economy across the board; we don’t have the capacity; doyouunderstandwhatitis like to pour money into a system with revenues from oilwhereyoudon’thavethe capacity.”
According to Hughes, it means that the whole
country will be faced with the fact that there will be more foreign labour than local labour in Guyana over the next five years and as such the country will then have to deal with the consequences of that; “because when the foreign labour comes and makes children etcetera, etcetera, what you think is Guyana today will not be recognizable.” Adamant his position was not “anti-progress”
Hughes said “I am saying, we are doing zero planning; none of us and we can’t handlewhatwedealingwith now, we have no plan for developmentastohowmuch of this money we are investing to protect ourselves, how much of this money we putting into infrastructure, how much of this money we putting into education and how it is that we are protecting our investment; that’s long before you come to leveraging more out of oil from the big producers, so we have some real major issuescomingup.”
According to Hughes, “the most important and most fundamental aspect that will determine what kind of future we have is education,soletusagreeon thebesteducationmodelthat will deliver the best quality education across the board which includes making sure thatthosepeoplewhoarenot economically fortunate are given the means so they can actuallylearn.”
In a 2022 study, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) had
noted that Guyana is expected to become one of thetopproducingoilandgas economies globally within the decade, but despite the growth opportunities, the acceleratedexpansionofthe related operations has exposed a pronounced gap between the industry’s labour demand and the availability of skilled workersatthelocallevel.
Additionally, the ILO said the challenges for the localoilandgasindustryare compounded by systemic local weaknesses including quantitatively (headcount) limitedworkforce,amarked gender gap (especially in terms of labour force participation) and by worldwide inter and intra industry competition for talent,notablytheoneatpar with digital transformation or replacing retiring professionals.
The ILO said too that policies to address the current and future gap may include - as countries in a similar situation are currently choosing to address - the managed immigration of specialized l a b o u r a n d s k i l l s development strategies to respond to oil and gas, and, possibly, green transition needs.
Findings from the study also revealed that in relative terms,themainoccupational profiles in demand for the nextfiveyearsintheoiland gas valuechainappearto be those of ‘engineering professionals’ (accounting for15percentofanswersto the question about most in demand occupation), ‘risk
( e n v i r o n m e n t a n d occupational health and hygiene) management professionals’(11 per cent), ‘ships’ deck crews and related workers’ (10 per cent),andthenindecreasing o r d e r , ‘ f i n a n c e professionals’, ‘mining and construction labourers’, ‘physical and engineering science technicians’, ‘sheet and structural metal workers’, ‘moulders and
welders’, and ‘mineral processingplantoperators’. Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during a recent
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The shareholders of both ExxonMobil and Chevron have voted overwhelmingly to return most of the directors on the boards of the two oil giants. If the percentage of votes some of them received were for political office in a Third World country, there would be howls about fraud and rigging. But when shareholders vote for a board of directors in an advanced country like America, the process is more than tightlymanagedandcarefullymonitored.
It is clean and sanitized as a medical operating theater Percentages of votes for reelected directors ranging in the high90stolowsofjustbelowthe80shaveapowerfulringof endorsement about them. Said differently, the shareholders of ExxonMobil and Chevron have the highest appreciation for the efforts and results of Darren Woods and Michael Wirth, the head honchos of ExxonMobil and Chevron respectively And,thegreatestconfidenceintheirvisionsand priorities to make their companies even more profitable in theirnextterm.
Shareholders, with a handful of exceptions, do not want their CEOs and boards to waste time with human rights concerns. Nordotheyhavemuchinterest,beyondtheoldlip service, to push them to get serious about climate change. Nor do they have much patience, outside of proper political correctness publicly, with their boards being too concerned aboutcountryrightsandwhatisafairdealforthosewhoown the resources, (with both oil companies it is oil). The only country rights that most of the shareholders of ExxonMobil and Chevron care about are that the countries are there, they havetheoilassets,andthatthetwocompanieshavearightto exploit them for the richest possible returns. It is the right to soaringprofits.
Climatechangeconcerns,humanrightsanxieties,andtax transparencyissues,allhaveacostattachedforthemtobeput into effect. Each of those areas are expensive to the bottom line,adrainonprofits. Shareholderswanttheirfatdividends, andanythingthatisachargetoincome,impactstheamountof the dividend declared and paid. Why try to be the heroes to change the world and neglect to care for number one (themselves) first? Corporate leaders like Woods and Wirth have their fingers on the pulse of their shareholders, and they know how to live up to their expectations. There is nothing that speaks a more inspiring and exciting language than money The bigger the profits, with less encumbrances (subtractions for what some dissenting shareholders want), thesweeterthepayouttoshareholders. Givetheshareholders whattheywantandthereispeaceinthecorporatehouse,with everybodyhappierthanpuppieswithabigbone.
It is with a sense of reluctant admiration that we look at how the likes ofWoods andWirth cater to the wishes of their shareholders and take care of them. In contrast, it is with a sense of shame and regret that we think of our own political leaders. It is about how they cannot even speak in the most unambiguous terms that the priorities and expectations of Guyanesearetheirprimaryinterest. Further,thereisthisnew norm, where they do very little that is to the benefit of Guyanese or do everything thing in their power to make the aspirations of a struggling people a reality. The people who votedforthePPPCGovernmentthatisinpowerdonotcount for anything, are delivered one deception after another, if not total falsehoods on how this oil is being managed. ExxonMobil’s and Chevron’s leaders move mountains to present their shareholders with handsome returns. Ruling Guyanese politicians walk all over their own voters and others with distractions and endless deviousness, and they call that oil management, fighting for Guyanese. Guyanese are the true owners of this nation’s oil wealth. Most of the time, their leaders do not treat them like owners, but as strangers, nuisances to get rid of in the quickest, most ruthless, manner Those with the biggest share in Guyana’s oil wealth are seen as the biggest blocks. Guyanese have a decision on their hands. Vote and keep them in office or do somethingthatgiveshope.
DEAREDITOR, today’sGuyana. that Lewis wrote in another
In response to my T h e o t h e r t w o section of the media a few
labelling as anachronistic paragraphs fail to make any weeks ago. Then, he made a detriment, young people of and destructive Lincoln sensible argument to support vague reference to a World the Opposition he says he Lewis’ fond reminiscences his backward, destructive Bankreport. wants to continue his work. of violent action against and unlawful statements that Neither the World Bank Two years ago, APNU/AFC people who appear to be thereshouldbeviolentorany noranyofusinGuyanawere MP Juretha Fernandes, scornful of and uncaring for action against people who able to find the report of clearly mimicking her strike action and his choose to exercise their right which the gentleman seniors but failing to suggestion that the same not to strike and/or that mentioned. My mistake then understandherresponsibility should apply now, and his teachers should refuse to go was to neglect to respond, to be truthful in the National open encouragement for back to work while figuring that people would Assembly, repeated this teachers not to go back to conciliation is taking place understand his missive for defamatory rubbish in the work during formal talks despite the clear 1990 what it was: political said NationalAssembly She therebybreachingtheGTU’s A g r e e m e n t F o r t h e propaganda. wasgiventimetobringANY
1990 Agreement with the AvoidanceandResolutionof G u y a n a l e a d s i n evidence of this claim. She Government for the
Disputes entered into by and Education at the nursery and could not because nothing of resolution and avoidance of between the Union and the primary levels in access, the sort had happened disputes, all while he was Government which states, “ quality and output. At the Indeed,theonly timeI spoke comfortably receiving his …During the consideration secondary level, we lag in ofrapeintheParliamentwas guaranteed income through of the matters in dispute access, but this won’t be for whenIpilotedandpassedthe pensions, the goodly under the grievance much longer There are Sex Offences Act, thereby gentleman pens a 9 procedure there shall be no currently 26 new secondary repealing a hundred year old paragraphletter strike, stoppage of work..., schools being constructed piece of legislation. This S e v e n o f t h o s e go slow, boycott, picketing, across Guyana, which ought may give Mr Lewis some paragraphs are dedicated to retardation of production or to bring us very close to indication of just how saying, in his eyes, I am any other interference with universal secondary libelous is his claim. Ms physically ugly and that I the Ministry’s operation by education. Compare this to Fernandes was forced to look old. (Sigh…who cares theUnion…” the APNU/AFC period in withdraw and apologise for about stupidness like that in Lewisgoesontoslipinto government where not one her untruthful claim and this day and age?). I believe his missive, his unfounded single secondary school was have same expunged from the airing of those views view, which is presented as started and finished in their therecord. alone makes the argument fact, that the education term and for which horror Mr Lewisisinvitedtodo that the gentleman’s system is crumbling and that Lewiswasnotablysilent. the same or face the natural opinions ought to be ignored our children are lagging In respect of Lewis’false consequencesoflibel. and rubbished for being behind their Caribbean claims that I shouted rape in Sincerely, anachronistic and useless counterparts This was parliament, I invite Mr Priya Manickchand and without a place in represented in another letter Lewis to understand how his Minister of Education
DEAREDITOR, simplyunacceptable!
with those teachers who school because the roads A recent headline
Wemustputanendtothe come to school habitually were bad, the General reported that “Education chronicabsenteeismwehave late and are habitually Assembly (Parliament) has Ministry to tackle teacher now at 30% for any given absent. That’s bad modeling. to give a waiver of the days absenteeism– current school day When teachers Theymustbeterminatedand lost due to severe weather situation ‘unacceptable’ in are absent, instruction is given help to redirect their conditions Schools must light of massive government largely lost for that day careers.Therecanbenosuch also show how time lost will i n v e s t m e n t s , s a y s Simply put, if the teachers thing as “Guyana Time” in be made up. That’s how Manickchand (Chronicle, are absent, the students are education (meaning people seriously instructional time June 1, 2024).”The absence not getting taught, and the have no respect for time). is protected. Parents should of 30% of staff on any given subject curriculum is not The Teaching Service complain to the school day, does much disservice to being covered. How about Commission’s “Table of Principals and Ministry if a students, and has a dramatic requiring teachers who will Charges, Offences, and child’s teachers are effect on student learning be absent to send a video Penalties,” includes the habitually late or absent, to and achievement. Teacher recording of the lesson for option of dismissal at the make teachers accountable absence has a direct that day? In the USA, if third breach for “persistent for results. Principals must influence and is likely a key teachers are going to be unpunctuality ” We must not be afraid to impose factor in low student absent, teachers must leave r a t c h e t u p t e a c h e r sanctionsasnecessary achievement at the NGSA lesson plans for a substitute accountability with the The Minister is reported andCSEC. teacher to teach.They have a availableprovisionswehave as saying, “I think it’s fine to
The Government has list of substitute teachers on inourrules. call for better salaries and so been spending more and callifasubjectteacherhasto In North Carolina where on. I think it’s ridiculous more on educational inputs. beabsent.Yousimplycannot I lived, the State Board of w h e n p e o p l e a r e But massive investment call in sick without sending Education mandates how unreasonable.Itisfinetocall must be accompanied by any lesson plans. A class in many days of school you for more. I think the system immediate return on the USA cannot be left should have in a year and is going to have to become investment. You can’t have unsupervised, and they will how many clock hours of more accountable. I think massive inputs that are not not ask another teacher to do teaching should be done. In accountablehastomeanthat, producing improved results. substitute work for an absent theschools,theStateexpects like in any other profession, Which businessman will teacher instructional time to be when you don’t perform pour tons of money into an A substitute must be protectedbecauseateacher’s there has to be mandatory enterprise and not have called If a teacher is time-on-taskininstructionto retraining or exit, ” better sales and profits? chronically tardy to school complete the written Manickchandnoted.” Same thing with education. and chronically absent, that curriculum is essential to In North Carolina (NC), We have to see better results teacher will not last long. He students doing well on the we do not get a one-month and cannot keep having 40% or she will be let go. In assessments (tests) If it “WhitleyCouncil”leave of students failing. That is Guyana, we must get strict snows and we couldn’t have (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, and Workers’ delegates who peace is essential to Decent Work Agenda, with recognized human and reports on the application of Guyana has been a parti
, and vote prosperity, and in keeping gender as a cross-cutting labour rights, pursuing its C
member of the International independently The ILO is a with its mission to promote theme of a) Freedom of founding mission that
Labour Organization (ILO) United Nations Agency rights at work, encourage association and the effective justice is essential to memberstates since 1966 and will attend, whose mandate is to advance d
t recognition of the right to universal and lasting peace. IV Protection against and should participate social and economic justice opportunities, enhance collectivebargaining;b)The The agenda items for the
actively at the international bysettinginternationallabour social protection and elimination of all forms of
(standard-setting, first Labour Conference with the standards. strengthen dialogue on forcedorcompulsorylabour; discussion, consideration, discussion) r
e FoundedinOctober1919 work-relatedissues. c) The effective abolition of andapprovalof:- V.Arecurrent discussion delegation. The 112th undertheLeagueofNations, F
child labour; and d) The
on the strategic objective of Session of the International itisoneofthefirstandoldest
fundamental principles and Labour Conference is specialised agencies of the Organization are promoting discrimination in respect of Governing Body and of the rightsatwork scheduled from 3 to 14 June UN with 187 member states.
employmentandoccupation. Director-General VI. General Discussion 2024inGeneva,Switzerland It is headquartered in guaranteeing rights at work, The International Labour II Programme and on Decent work and the care The International Labour Geneva, Switzerland, with extending social protection, Organization (ILO) is Budget and other related economy Conference is the ILO’s around 40 field offices and promoting social devoted to promoting social questions InJune1998,the highest decision-making aroundtheworld. dialogue in context of ILO justice and internationally III Information and (Continued on page 6) body It meets annually in The International Labour June, bringing together Organization (ILO) is
devoted to promoting social
justice and internationally organisation’s 187 Member recognized human and S
f labour rights, pursuing its Governments, Employers’ founding mission that labour
From page 4 Should teachers who are every four years, as in chronicallylateandabsentto Guyana. school be entitled to the Teachers work for 10 colonial era practice of months and get paid for 10 “WhitleyCouncil”orshould months, yet NC teachers therebeaconditionsuchasif would do remediation and you have a 90+% attendance club activities after school, rate,youareentitledtoapply or attend professional forthatleave?Weshouldnot development in overtime reward the chronically late voluntarily for the good of and absent with more leave. thecause. Let’sputstudentsfirst,while We need to research how we work on teachers issues the Whitley Council leave too! affects student learning, Sincerely, time-on-taskandcompletion Dr. Jerry Jailall ofthecurriculum. Civil SocietyAdvocate
DEAREDITOR, unilaterally impose punitive Guyana’s workers, teachers This allowed my gross The Government of adjustments of 5 percent included, or meet rising cost salary as an untrained Guyana has over the years untilrecently oflivingsince2001. graduateteacherforexample dating back to 2000 or 2001, T h e s e u n i l a t e r a l Very probably as a toincreaseby23.6percentor thelastyearofthemulti-year impositions have not consequence of the threat of $42,967, inclusive of the award by the 1999 allowed the salaries of being sued as recommended $10,000 allowance for my Arbitration panel, has failed, teachers to be adjusted over b y a n u m b e r o f university qualification, and and been willfully negligent the years by guidance from commentators in the public the 6.5 per cent or $11,826 in its constitutional duties of knowledgeable persons on domain, the Government of increase, which had been meeting with the bargaining appropriate adjustments Guyana in November 2023 paid retroactive to January agent for teachers, the necessary to meet the announced an extraordinary 2023. In spite of my request Guyana Teachers’ Union, to demands placed on teachers’ adjustment in salaries for for the administration to pay arrive at salary adjustments households that resulted teachers, inclusive of balance of $31,141 of the c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h from the drastic structural allowances which varied increase retroactively to Guyana’seconomicrealities. adjustment policies of the with the level of University January 2023 also, this was Its treatment of this matter late eighties and early educationachieved($10,000 not done, the administration has been one utter disregard nineties in the first place, for Degrees, $20,000 for obviously intent on denying for submissions of the GTU, which destroyed the Masters, $30,000 for orrobbingoutrightteachers and it has instead sought to purchasing power of Doctorates).
(Continued on page 6)
Guyana’s abundant natural resources, including fertile agricultural lands, mineral deposits, and vast rainforests, are the cornerstone of its non-oileconomy and livelihoods. Over time, these invaluable resources face threats from climate change, unsustainable land use practices, and deforestation These threats have farreaching consequences on food security, while Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) biodiversity,andecosystemservices. with enrichment plantation to reclaim
As we observe World Environment Day deforestedareas,VetiverGrassPlantationfor on June 5, 2024, we are reminded that our mine tailing rehabilitation and protect soil, actions have consequences. But we’re also and Brushwood Check Dam Technology to inspired by the power of collective action to retain eroded sediments have been initiated restore our landand create a better for piloting in the mined reclamation areas of environmentforthefuture. region7.
This year’s World Environment Day These agreed strategies, developed by theme focuses on land restoration, national experts and stakeholders, will be desertification, and drought resilience. Over piloted in partnership with the National thelastyear,Guyanaexperiencedaprolonged Agricultural Research and Extension drought season, which saw the Institute (NAREI) and the Guyana Geology urgentimplementation of measures to and Mines Commission (GGMC). This managewaterconsumptionandtheeffectsof exemplifies the importance of coordinated severalforestfiresacrossthecountry landreclamationinterventionsintheselected UndertheSustainableLandManagement regions, thereby paving the way for tangible Project (SLDM), the Food and Agriculture action towards preventing, reducing, and Organization of the United Nations along reversing land degradation, and promoting with our implementingpartner, the Guyana environmentalsustainabilityinGuyana. LandsandSurveysCommission(GLSC),are Astheprojectprogresses,itisevidentthat collaborating with government agencies, sustainable land management practices are experts, and local communities to enhance crucial not only for preserving natural soilhealth,implementreclamationstrategies, resources and biodiversity but also for andimprovelandusepracticestomitigatethe ensuring a resilient economy and addressing impactsofsoildegradationandsafeguardour climate change challenges. By investing in naturalresources. sustainable land development and Some of the concerted efforts to address managementinitiatives, Guyana is taking a soil degradationare embarking on a multi- significant step towards safeguarding its stakeholder approach to streamline policies, naturalheritageandcreatingathrivingfuture enhance institutional capacities, and for generations to come This SLDM strengthen local governance. We are also project,funded by the Guyana REDD+ and focusing on regions 4, 7, and 10, where land InvestmentFund(GRIF)isashiningexample degradation is particularly pronounced. Soft of what can be achieved when we work interventions like Biochar application to together to protect our environment and improve the soil condition, vermicompost natural resources. Join us in celebrating application to promote organic fertilizer, and World Environment Day and let’s committo shade house farming with drip irrigation to sustainable land management and natural facilitate multi-crop in degraded have been resourceuseand pledge to work towards earmarked for piloting in regions 4 and 10, betterlivelihoodsandabrighterfutureforall.
From page 5 annual reports on the international Treaties International L
ur p r o g r
s m a d e i n registered with this UN Conference (ILC) adopted implementing the principles O r g a n i s a t o n ) a n d the ILO Declaration on of these core Conventions R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , Fundamental Principles and which establish a “social international labour surveys, Rights at Work and its minimum at the global responding to the ILO on Follow-up, as an expression level ” The Declaration labourissues,andpromoting of commitment to uphold stresses that “labour the decent work agenda of basic values that are standards should not be used the ILO.CAGI is a member e m b o d i e d i n e i g h t for protectionist trade of the Caribbean Employers’ f u n d a m e n t a l I L O purposes”. Confederation and the Conventions: - No. 29 - TheGuyanadelegationis International Employers’ ForcedLabour,1930;No.87 required to be well prepared Organization based in the - Freedom of Association to represent this country and ILO. and Protection of the Right contribute meaningful in the CAGI has a wide range to Organize, 1948; No. 98 - debates and discussions of members drawn from the Right to Organize and T h e r e a r e a l s o major private companies CollectiveBargaining,1948; simultaneously specialised based in Guyana and which N o 1 0 0 - E q u a l consultative meetings of are companies affiliated to Remuneration, 195; No. 105 Government,Employersand the Chambers of Commerce, - Abolition of Forced Trade Unions delegations, t h e M a n u f a c t u r e r s Labour, 1957; No. 111 - and negotiations among Association, Tourism and D i s c r i m i n a t i o n themoncriticalissuesbefore Hotel Association etc. ( E m
he Furthermore, CAGI has Occupation),1958;No.138- Employers’ and Trade membership from Public Minimum Age, 1973; and Unions’ delegations are Corporations, Shipping and No. 182 Worst Forms of usually assisted in technical the banking sectors. CAGI is ChildLabour,1999 issues by the International a founding member of the The Declaration places Employers’ Organization, Private Sector Commission an obligation on all member International Workers’ of Guyana and maintains States, even if they have not bodies within the ILO membership in the Private ratified these Conventions, respectively SectorCommission. to respect “in good faith and T
It is the specialised in accordance with the Association of Guyanese organization of employers Constitution, the principles Industry Ltd. (CAGI) has on International Labour concerning the fundamental
Conventions, labour and rights, which are the subject Employers’ Organization by Human Resource matters, of these Conventions” the ILO on all tripartite official ILO correspondent States that have not ratified
ofemployers. the core Conventions are
Yours Sincerely, requested also to submit Conventions (which are Samuel J. Goolsarran
From page 6 backyearsoverwhichtheGoGfailedtomeet theirduewagesashasbeenthenormdecades the GTU to arrive at salary adjustments for past. It is my suggestion that the GTU, its theseyears. lawyers, teachers, inclusive of those retired, 4. That the 2023 salary increases be consider suing the government and request treated as an interim amount by which theCourttofind: Government has been underpaying teachers
1. That Government of Guyana has been over the years. Consequently, the Court negligent in its constitutionally prescribed should award teachers the 2023 salary duty as employer over the last two decades in adjustments as a correction to teachers’ meeting with the Guyana Teachers Union to salaries for all the years over which the negotiatesalaryadjustmentsforteachers. Government of Guyana failed to honor its
2. The negligence did in effect not allow constitutionaldutyasemployer for any disputes to be moved towards the A successful award by the court would process of arbitration as prescribed in such realize an amount in excess of $4.4 million situations. for the twelve years I worked, much less that
3.Consequenttotherebeingnoresolution of others who are on much higher scales with on salaries over the years, with no properly longertermsofemployment.Itwouldalsobe advised salary adjustments, Government of agreatincentivetootherteachersgenerally Guyana has been underpaying teachers over Yours Faithfully the years, and in fact, owes them for all the Craig Sylvester
The US$2B oil spill guarantee lodged by ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC is due for an upward revision in keeping with the terms oftheagreement.
The Guarantee and Indemnity
Agreement signed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on June 9, 2023 states at Section2.2,“ThePartiesrecognize that an estimate required under Condition 14.3 of Environmental Permit No 20160705-EEDPF issued on the 27th day of October 2022 was utilized to arrive at the MaximumAmount.”
If however, “with respect to activities under the Petroleum Agreement there are either: i) additional petroleum development activities, including exploratory activities within the Stabroek Block,orii)anymaterialchangein the estimate required to be made under the aforesaid Environmental Permit No 20160705-EEDPF issued on the 27th day of October 2022,oriii)anymaterialchangein any estimate of liability similarly required under another relevant EnvironmentalPermitpertainingto petroleum development activities, including exploratory activities
within the Stabroek Block, iv) or anyotherchangeinenvironmental risks or circumstances that would reasonably impact the estimated liability; then, if requested by either party, the Guarantor, the BeneficiaryandtheOperatorshall promptly re-negotiate the MaximumAmount.”
Importantly, the US$2B guarantee has been cited as the floor amount and will not decrease. The parties shall enter negotiations to modify the terms andconditionsoftheagreementby providing at least three months writtennoticeofitsintenttodoso.
Since the agreement was signedbytheregulator,anotheroil project was approved by the EPA for ExxonMobil to produce as muchas250,000barrelsofoilper day The sixth development, Whiptail, was sanctioned by the EPAonApril10,2024.It’s project poses an increased risk of an oil spil
Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) which therefore justifies the upwardrevisionoftheguarantee.
ExecutiveDirector of the EPA, KemrajParsramwhileappearingas aguestontheEnergyPerspectives
Podcast said the US$2B sum was not “pulled from a hat” but was determined as the “reasonable credible cost” using guidelines from the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) of Australia.
“We looked at what our Act says about financial assurance and strengthened those requirements
(by)lookingatwhatexistsinother jurisdictions we looked at NOPSEMA in Australia, we looked at UK, we looked at other (partssuchasthe)USandCanada and we put in key measures because our act says financial assurancehastobeatanamount,” Parsramexplained. Hecontinued,“HowdoIcome up with that amount? I can’t just pull it out of a hat, so I looked at NOPSEMA guidelines and they have to require an estimate of the reasonable credible cost of an oil spill and then that will be able to giveyousomeguidanceofwhatit willcostandsowehavedonethat andwehaveaninitialvalueandwe haveputinplaceanagreement-it’s allinthepublicdomain.”
TheEPAbosswaskeentonote that the guarantee will only be tappedifthepermitholderdefaults initsobligationtocleanupthespill. Accordingtohim,theEPAhasalso required the companies to submit anannualdeclarationofitsbalance sheettoproveitscapacitytocover itsliabilities.
To this end, he pointed out that the US$2B amount will increase with the approval of more projects
in the Stabroek Block “With increasing risk and increasing development, that estimate can go up...it’s there as the floor and with increasingriskitcangoup.”
Moreover, he noted that if a spilloccursandtheEPAhasreason to tap the guarantee and the sum required is more than the US$2B guarantee, the EPAcan negotiate a further amount with the guarantor to satisfy the compensation required.
It must be noted that stringent conditions have been set in the contract for Guyana to access compensationfromtheguarantee.
For instance, the country will firstberequiredtowriteeachofthe three guarantors informing of the company’s failure to meet its legal financial obligations. See more h e r e : https://wwwkaieteurnewsonline c om/2024/05/26/exxonmobil-andpartners-set-stringent-conditionsfor-guyana-to-access-us2b-oils p i l lguarantee/#:~:text=Kaieteur%20N ews%20%E2%80%93%20Before %20the%20Government,meet%20 its%20legal%20financial%20obli gations.
A debate has been at 60 or any time before resources to support sector, whether through indefiniteandthatitdoesnot reignited in Dominica over reaching 65, with a themselves. By extending tenuredorcontractpositions, hinderthecareerprogression employees, and ensure that the fact that public servants mandatory retirement age of the retirement age, the strikes a fair balance. This ofyoungerstaff. the public service benefits must wait five years after 65. TheCOIadvisedagainst government can help ensure cap ensures that the public
o p o s e d from the experience and retirement to receive social reemploying retirees in that retirees have sufficient s e r v i c e p
v i d e s changes—a retirement age s k
security payments. It is a established public service income to cover their needs opportunities for younger of65andanemploymentcap professionals without debate that the PPPC positions. This perhaps was throughout their retirement employees to advance while of 75 years—offer a sensible becoming stagnant. It is time government has ignored in intended to address concerns years. atthesametime,recognizing c o m p r o m i
for the PPPC government to Guyana even though the abouttheupwardmobilityof Extending the retirement the need for experienced measures acknowledge the elevatepublicservicereform issue has been in the public younger staff However, age can contribute to the individualsincertainroles. value of experience while tothefrontburner domainforsometimenow these recommendations overall efficiency and By setting a cap on ensuring that the public For too long, public Currently, public service werenotimplementedbythe productivity of the public employment at 75 years, the service remains vibrant and service reforms have been employees and teachers APNU+AFC government, service Experienced and public service can ensure provides opportunities for put on the backburner to the retire at 55 years old, while leaving the current system skilled employees will have thatyoungeremployeeshave new talent. These changes detriment of those employed some public corporations unchanged. the opportunity to continue o p p
can help address the withintheservice,thosewho extend the retirement age to Extending the retirement contributing their expertise, advancement This policy accusations of employing have retired from the service 60. Upon retirement, these age to 65 years is an thereby enhancing the prevents older employees geriatrics in government. It and citizens who must public servants and teachers advisable route towards quality of public services. from occupying positions
indefinitely employment decisions are from a demotivated public without a pension, waiting stability and dignity for retirement age is essential, it
endure substandard service face a challenging period ensuring greater financial W
based on necessity and service. five years for their National public servants. Firstly, it is equally important to discretionary reemployment productivity, rather than on
(The views expressed in Insurance Scheme (NIS) aligns the retirement age a
up to 75 years enables the discretionary reemployment this article are those of the pension and ten years for with the social security reemployment in the public public service to benefit thatmaynotalwaysservethe
their social security (old- pensionable age, thereby
publicinterest. necessarily reflect the age) pension. This situation eliminating the period of recommended prohibiting experience of seasoned These changes will opinions and beliefs of this createsasignificantfinancial financial uncertainty faced reemployment of retirees in professionals. However, it providefinancialstabilityfor
gap for retirees, posing a by retirees This change established public service
retirees, promote upward affiliates.) question: how are they to would mean that upon positions, a measure no
mobility for younger survive between retirement retirement, individuals doubt aimed at promoting andpensionableage? would be eligible to receive upwardmobilityforyounger
The Commission of theirsocialsecuritypensions staff. However, it is also Inquiry(COI)intothepublic immediately, preventing the necessary to acknowledge service, launched under the financial hardship that the value of experienced APNU+AFC government, currently plagues those who professionals and the need proposed sensible and fair retireat55. for their skills in certain recommendations to address With all the chatter over roles. Therefore, a balanced these issues The COI life expectancy, raising the approach is required—one recommended raising the retirement age reflects the that allows for discretion in retirement age to 65 for new projected increased life reemployment but also sets entrants and current public expectancy and the need for clearlimits. servants below 50 years old. sustained income in later Implementingacapof75 For those below 55 years, it years. As people live longer, yearsforemploymentwithin suggested an option to retire they require more financial the public service and public
Every story gat more than one side. Yuh Because low and middle income earners does get one version from one person and can’t afford to pay them price wah dem another from another. But a story does also propertyownerscalling.Imagineahouselot gattoofaces,onethegoodsideandtheother wah nah gat no building on it in government thebadside. housing scheme, reselling for $30M dollar.
Prezzy does like talk how when How poor and middle income gan afford government put in infrastructure in dem dat? areas it does raise de value of people And deh gat some landlords who does property He does like talk how when mek it clear, dem nah want no family with business investment such as bank and children. It remind dem boys of dem man hospital go to an area, it does increase the who had 12 children and wherever he went valueofdepropertyindearea. to rent a place, he was unsuccessful. The This is good news fuh dem home man was honest and could not contemplate owners. Dat is is de good side to the lying.Soonedayhetoldhiswifetogotothe investment. But they gat another side to: de cemetery to her father’s tomb and take 11 of badside.Whenbusinessesareallowedtoset the 12 children with her He then visited a up shop and everywhere, it does raise not property which was vacant and told the only be value of dem property but also de landowner that he would like to rent the rents. This good for de owners and de place. landlords. But is a horror story fuh people “Is this your only child?” asked the wah looking fuh buy a lil property to put landowner something over dem head.And it stresss fuh “No,Ihave12children”repliedtheman. demwahgattopayrentindesamearea. “Thenwherearetheother11kids?”
Right now rent is Mr Rent. If yuh is a “In the cemetery with my wife,” he tenant, yuh feeling de squeeze. If yuh is a calmlyreplied person looking fuh own yuh home, yuh Hegotdeplaceandhedidnothavetolie. better hope yuh get a government house lot. Talk half. Leff half
Guyana’s President Ali can work himself into full accelerationwhenGuyanese are involved, those seen as insurgents. Yethecanbeso flatfooted when it is Venezuelarattlinghiscage,a hostile Maduro, making no bonesaboutwherehestands.
The big and brave Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice President of anything that moves under Guyanese skies, can be such a raging bull (or something else) whenhisfavoritelocalsmust betaughtalesson. Yetheis such a sweet kitten when Maduro masses his assets in a purposeful, relentless display next to Guyana’s fence.
In a cruel twist of irony, the man Maduro has embraced the language of one Dr Cheddi Jagan and loudly slapped it, plastered it,rightacrossthemugofDr IrfaanAliandquietlyonthe ageing countenance of Dr BharratJagdeo.
Itistheultimateinsult,a historicaltakedownnowdug upandusedtodenouncetwo
great political sons of the immortalCheddiJagan.
PresidentAli is a puppet of America, a puppet of Exxon. Though I have said so a few times in different words, I claim no fame this time for that last blast from Caracas. Thosewordswere uttered by Venezuelan President Nicolos Maduro.
Thoughonlyatotatthetime, thatringing,scorchingscorn ofDr Jaganremainedfresh. HeappliedittoSouthKorea andSouthVietnam. Nowwhowouldbelieve, buthisownbelovedGuyana is labeled an American province, with his own descendants as the biggest stooges His ashes stir restlessly I react impatiently Where is the usuallyloudandaggressive, the leader with the hairtrigger temper, Excellency Mohamed Irfaan Ali?
Where is big brother Jagdeo running to the rescue with teeth bared in a menacing snarlandreadyforabrawl?
WherearetheGuardians of Democracy (of the PPP,
really), have they all had a vasectomy? Oh, I know, Guyana is depending on Uncle Sam and John Bull aka perfidious Albion Guyanese know the United States is the former, and I help those unfamiliar with the latter It is the United Kingdom.
The thinking here is that t h o s e t w o limpingpowerhouses, but still potent forces, are for Guyanese. Warplanes, warships, war hawks and war dogs. Remove Exxon and Hess/Chevron from the local oil equation and it would be revealing to analyze where the same US andUKarethen. Thelesson is that when the air has cleared,Guyaneseonlyhave Guyanese as the staunchest, mostenduringallies.
Unless that registers deep inside the bricklike skullsofmyfellows,thenthe wordsofMaduroapplyeven more broadly He is no regularfoe,butaswornfoe. Also, he has laid the groundwork from which no
competitor, no successor, in Venezuela’s political arena dareretreat. Notaword,not even one syllable about easing up on claims on Guyana whispered or whimpered.
I plead with comrades and contemporaries, whether they find me agreeableordisagreeable,to examine Maduro’s painstaking infrastructurebuilt block by careful block. Referendum to marshal and galvanize a dispirited population. Law to give basis. Moving men and materiel to give muscle.
And, of course, the belligerentrhetorictoinspire his people, to intimidate the Guyanese people starting withthepresident.
What has our beloved PresidentAlidone? Before, and in anticipation of the ratchetingupofpressureand tensions from across the Cuyuni? The president and the vice president had their Congress Both were thrilled to perfect their p a n t o m i m e s a n d performances before a captiveaudience.
One would have thought (Idid)thatthecontemptuous attention directed at local teachers would have been rehearsed and refined for
delivery on the head and in the face of Maduro Bullies can’t hide their fear, no matter whattheirbluster Cowards can’t conceal their color, as they quiver before the stronger who is the real wrongdoer, the real despoiler in waiting for Guyana.
Instead of reviling and working overtime to bring down patriotic Guyanese, spend that same energy thinkingofhowtobringthis country together, so that all areoneagainstVenezuela.
One in attitude. One in spirit. And of one mind becausetheyfeeldeepdown thattheycountandthatthey haveaplaceinthisgreatnew eraofpromise.
And of predators, too. American predators who want every bone and scrap for themselves in the best renditions of corporate hyenas. Amid the promised prosperity there are also the Venezuelan predators thinkingofpouncingtograb two thirds or three quarters ofGuyana.
Exxon has its contract and wants everything, including our minds. It has doneextremelywellinboth, thanks to a government and leadership that is at its command.
Undoubtedly, neither of Guyana’s two biggest leaders,Drs.AliandJagdeo, are pleased with such conclusions expressed publicly
So, they crack the whip on dissidents, when they shouldbefullyengagedwith redirecting their strengths across the border When Guyaneseleadersmuststand tall, they turn tail. When theyshouldhavethecourage to face the devil over there, theyseedevilsinpeoplelike me.
Maduro flexes his muscle, intensifies his insults at the leader of Guyana. Tomyuttershame and regret, the same local leader and his powerful sidekickpassthatontothose whotheyfindoffensivehere. Therealenemyisoverthere. AliandJagdeoimagine,then createenemiesrighthere.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
During the distribution of Land Leases to residents on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway on Monday, President Irfaan Ali urgedthemtoutilisesomeoftheir landsforthecultivationofginger and turmeric to attain decent livelihoods.
The Head of State met with residents of Base Road Timehri, Swan Turn, Kuru Kururu and Banakari (Long Creek) where he emphasised the importance of creating value for the people and developing community wealth, one of the major solutions being planting crops and selling. “We
want to develop a farm step approach,”Ali declared, “we can help you by giving you the infrastructure and you earn m o r e w e ’ l l p u t t h e infrastructure in to support you, and that is the modern way in which we want to build out the farmsets.”
Ali told the residents that the lands they receive must be put to work. “No sense you have five acresoflandifyoucan’tmaintain half an acre ” He proposed resolving this issue by constructing shade houses for crop farming, suggesting that it
wouldencouragecommunityand family wealth. “We can help you withtheshadehouses,”headded, “in those shade houses we could specialise in ginger; we could specialiseinturmeric,high-value stuff.” Through these shade houses,Aliasserted,“youcanget the livelihoods, you can get a decent living out of the farm step.”
Meanwhile, over 400 residents of Base Road, Timehri; Swan Turn, Kuru Kururu, and surrounding communities received their land leasess,
marking a significant step in formalising land ownership and contributing to community development.
President, Ali, along with Minister within the Office of the P r i m e M i n i s t e r w i t h responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy, distributed the land ownership document during asimpleceremonyatBaseRoad, Timehri President Ali acknowledged the challenges in regularising communities along theSoesdykeHighway duetothe diverselanduses,including Continued on page 22
CustomsOfficersoftheGuyana Revenue Authority (GRA), on Tuesday seized a quantity of gold jewellery from three passengers, two of whom are US citizens, who were attempting to leave on an outbound American Airlines flight forNewYork.
The operation, which was fully supportedbyofficersoftheMinistry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU), led to the discovery of approximately 240 ounces of virtually pure gold disguised as silver plated jewellery, that was beingtransportedoutofthecountry without the necessary permits and
declaration to Customs Officials, with a value of over US$560,000.
The outgoing passengers were arrested, taken into custody and handed over to the Guyana Police Force.Investigationsarecontinuing, withaviewofdeterminingwhether they are part of ring(s) reportedly smuggling gold out of Guyana. Chargesarelikelytobemadeunder the Customs and Anti-Money LaunderingActs,withtherelevant Authorities both in Guyana and overseas being informed of the resultsoftheinvestigations.
“TheAuthoritycontinuestonote the alarming trend in the efforts to
Authorities intercepted 240 ounces of smuggled gold at the CJIAon Tuesday
smuggle items including gold, monetary instruments, arms, and narcotics through ports in Guyana and cautions that all such persons dealing in or contemplating engaging in such illegal activities
should cease and desist therefrom, or face the consequences for their actions,”theGRAsaid.
“The Revenue Authority again entreatstheGeneralPublictoreport any illicit, unlawful or smuggling
activitiesontelephonenumber2276060,Extensions3201,3204,3205, 3206, 3211, 3212, or 3408All information provided will be dealt with strict confidentiality,” the statementconcluded
The United States EmbassyinGeorgetown,the PanAmerican Development Foundation (PADF) and Guyana Police Force (GPF)
have announced the successful accreditation of three GPF training centers, located in Suddie, Essequibo; Adventure, BerbiceandGeorgetown. The achievement was formally recognised on Tuesday at the International Association of Directors of LawEnforcementStandards and Training (IADLEST) conference, currently taking placeinPhoenix,Arizona.
IADLEST is globally
recognised for its commitment to enhancing law enforcement service
standards th
ough certification, setting a benchmark for training excellence,theUSEmbassy here said in a press release. The accreditation is a key componentoftheCaribbean
Police Professionalization Project, funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), and implemented by PADF
The motor pickup that was involved in the accident
Concluding in June 2024, the project has significantly elevated law enforcement training within the region A pivotal elementofthissuccesswasa study tour that PADF facilitated to the Idaho Police Officers Standards and Training Academy in Boise, Idaho. The academy shared best practices in
standardswiththeGPFteam and directly influenced the efficient and successful accreditationprocess.
process involved a rigorous self-assessment, detailed online verification, and a comprehensive physical evaluation by IADLEST, ensuring compliance with
the highest international standards.
The local accreditation
Superintendent Nicola Kendall,withoversightfrom A
CommissionerCalvinBrutus and substantial contributions from Superintendent Sonia Herbert, the Force Training Officer and head of the trainingcenters,andAssistant
A17-year-oldgirlanda30-year-oldmanwerearrestedon Tuesday in connection with the accident that occurred on Sunday night on John’s Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice, whichclaimedthelifeof29-year-oldDeonarineBudram
Budram lived in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice
According to police, the fatal accident occurred at about 21:30hrs Itisreportedthattheaccidentinvolvedmotorpickup withregistrationnumberGNN4363ownedbyAaronAbrahim anddrivenbyapersonwhosenameisyettobeascertained,and pedestrianBudram.
Investigationsrevealedthatthepickupwasproceedingwest along the southern side of John’s Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice at an alleged fast rate, while Budram was walking, headingeastalongthenorthernsideofthesaidroad
Police stated that the driver lost control of the vehicle and collidedwithBudramcausinghimtobeflungwestontotheroad surface, colliding with a bus shed on the northern side The pickupendedupinanearbydrainandthedriverimmediately fledthescene
AmotionlessBudramwaspickedupinanunconsciousstate by a public-spirited citizen and taken to Port Mourant Public Hospital,wherehewaspronounceddeadonarrivalbyadoctor onduty ThebodyispresentlyatRamooFuneralHomeawaiting post-mortemexamination Theinvestigationsareongoing
manages the
Computer Centers
All of these members of theGPFplayedpivotalroles to reaching today’s success. Commissioner of Police Clifton Hicken noted, “This accomplishment is a major m
n e
n t h e implementationoftheGPF’s 2022-2026StrategicPlan.”
The future is here with best-in-class connectivity to Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago
Digicel’s advanced fibre cable network will provide seamless connectivity to the countries it serves, facilitating uninterrupted communication and realtime data transmission, the releaseadded.
Deep Blue One also presents an invaluable opportunity to connect offshore oil and gas rigs, supporting the growing energy sector in the region and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders in
The Digicel Group has announced the activation of its subsea fibre cable, Deep Blue One- a significant investment in international submarine capacity that will supercharge connectivity across the Caribbean and South America, particularly benefiting Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago, the telecommunications giant saidinapressrelease.
the oil and gas industry, Digicalsaid.
Marcelo Cataldo, Digicel Group’s Chief Executive Officer said, “Subsea fibre has long been the backbone of global connectivity,andDeepBlue One is set to serve as a catalystforthenextwaveof economic development in theregion.
AtDigicel,ourfocushas always been on keeping our customers connected to the peopleandthingsthatmatter most; driving economic developmentinthecountries
weserveisakeypartofthat. Thisisanexcitingmilestone forus,andwearecommitted t o u n l o c k i n g n e w opportunitiesforgrowthand innovation across the region.”
Deep Blue One’s redundant pathways and cutting-edge technology ensures reliability, optimal operational efficiency and minimal downtime even in challengingenvironments.
Leveraging the latest technology, this subsea cable network is also designed to accommodate
future growth and evolving technologicalrequirements, offering scalability and flexibility to meet industry demands
Additionally, as part of Digicel’s commitment to m i n i m i s i n g i t s environmental impact, the build out of Deep Blue One prioritised sustainable practices, while supporting the transition towards a greenerfuture.
Cyril Francis, Digicel Guyana’s Chief Technical Officer said “In Guyana, DeepBlueOnewillenhance Guyana’s digital integration withtherestoftheworldand will foster the growth of e-
services by offering businesses and consumers more choices that better servestheirneeds.
Deep Blue One is well positioned to support
Guyana’sburgeoningoiland gas sector with features that enableoffshoreconnectivity to FPSOs and other platforms.Atthisjunctureof r a p i d e c o n o m i c development, the launch of Deep Blue One is critical to for the acceleration of Guyana’s transition to a DigitalEconomy.” The link between increased connectivity and improved economic outcomes has long been p r o v e n , w i t h t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Telecommunications Union (ITU) reporting that a 10% increaseinfixedbroadband penetration can result in up to2 3%increaseinGDPper capita, while a 10% increase in mobile broadband penetration can resultinupto2 8%increase inGDPpercapital
Manshot,robbed whilewaitingon wifetoopendoor
AmanwasonMondayshotinthefootandrobbedofhis goldjewellerywhilewaitingonhiswifetoopenthedoorfor himatAdventure,EssequiboCoast,RegionTwo.
Police identified the victim as Charran Ragoobeer, 46, a mnibus driver He was attacked around 22:30 hrs. A lone bandit armed with a gun reportedly robbed him of two gold chainsandonegoldringvaluedattotal$240,000.
Ragoobeertoldpolicethathehadjustreturnedhomefrom afuneralandwaswaitingunderhishouseforhiswifetoopen thedoorwhenamanarmedwithagunaccostedhimandtook awayhisjewellery
The suspect then shot Ragobeer three times before running away One of the bullets reportedly struck the minibusdriverinhisleftleg.Hewaslaterrescuedandtaken totheSuddiePublicHospitalwhereheispresentlyadmitted. Investigationsareongoing.
Twodriftingtrawlersaround17:45 hrs on Tuesday afternoon reportedly collided with the Demerara Harbour Bridge(DHB).
InitialreportsarethataTrawlerhad first collided with the bridge and subsequently another that went to retrieveit.KaieteurNewswastoldthat thesecondvesselwaswarnednottogo near the bridge to offer assistance
becauseofthedirectionofthetidebutit ignoredandwentahead.
Asaresultitcameintocontactwith the bridge too. A statement by the managementoftheDemeraraHarbour Bridge Corporation (DHBC) later revealed that it was a minor incident and that no major structural damage was caused According to the statement, the minor collision took
“As a result, traffic continues to flow in both directions on the Demerara Harbour Bridge,” DHBC said before adding “management assures that all efforts are in place for thesafetransitofcommutersasaresult on this minor incident” Loaded trucks werealsoadvisedtoadheretothespeed limitof thebridge.
The drifting trawlers that collided with the bridge.
Demerara Distillers
An artiste’s impression of what the completed World Trade Center’s Association building would look like
therefore exempt from the requirement to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA).”
Limited has been given the environmental clearance to pursuewiththeconstruction of its locally based World Trade Center’s Association (WTCA)—an international non-profit organization representing a global network of World Trade Centers(WTCs).
The regulator, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in announcing its decision to grant an environmental permit to DDL for its latest project said, it “has determined that this project will not significantly affect the environment, and is
Among the reasons for itsdecision,accordingtothe EPA, were the fact that impactsonairqualityduring construction will be shortterm, localized, and mitigable; Dry and loose construction materials will be suppressed by water and covered to prevent particles from becoming airborne; Noise pollution will be moderate and will occur predominantly during construction from equipment and heavy-duty machinery It was additionally noted that “A community engagement
plan is in place to engage stakeholders on the constructionactivities.”
Additionally, hazardous waste generation has been determined to not be significant and hence pose minimalrisk.Nonhazardous waste will be managed and disposed of using an approveddisposalcompany Additionally, the EPA in giving its environmental clearance indicated that also included in its reasons was t h a t n o p r o c e s s water/effluent will be generated, would be generated from the project and additionally, “Stormwater and sedimentation risks during construction willbelocalized,short-term, andmitigable.Waterquality will not be impacted since there will be no direct dischargeintowaterways.”
Founded in 1970, its main objective is to foster international trade and investment, as well as to promote economic d e v e l o p m e n t a n d cooperation among the different regions of the world.
Project Manager Paula Castro, indicated that, “the World Trade Center Georgetown Guyana will bring Guyanese access to
programmesincollaboration withover322centersinover 91 countries to facilitate their global potential and promote prosperity through trade. In addition to all the benefits it will offer to the businesscommunitythrough its network of relationships with centers around the world.”
Additionally, “the facilitywillalsohaveaspace as a tourist attraction, which will serve as an enjoyable educational experience for both Guyanese and foreign visitors The building is located in Georgetown, the capital of Guyana. In the Kingston area, “a strategic point of the city, as it has manyplacesofinterest.
Close to Hotels as Marriot and Pegasus, US embassy,touristattractionas the conical palm thatched hut Umana Yana and Georgetown Lighthouse ” According to the Project Summary, “the WTCG will operate in the former DDL office building at 44 High Street Kingston The building, constructed in 1981, has 7 floors and will undergo a renovation processtomeetinternational quality standards” and the renovation process will take oneyear
‘mango pelter’ in powder bottle into prison
AFriendship,EastBank Demeraramanwasarrested bythepoliceranksstationed at the Timerhi Prison as he attempted to smuggle a cellphonehiddeninasealed powderbottle.
The man has been identified as Adrian Braithwaite of Lot 21 Friendship, East Bank Demerara. The Guyana PrisonService(GPS)issued astatementonthematteron their official Facebook Page. In the statement it was confirmed that Braithwaite visited the prison around 13:50h on June 3, 2024, to dropoffpersonalitemsfora femaleinmate,ShelisaEllis. As per protocol, the items were checked at the selfsupport area, where prison staff discovered the cellphone hidden inside the powderbottle.
The suspect was taken
conducted Director of
has warned that persons found engaging in collusion to smuggle contraband into prison facilities will be subjected to the full extent oflegalconsequences. He further noted that despite increased monitoring in the prisons, more persons have made attempts to smuggle contraband into various prisonfacilities.
A 30-year-old vendor told Chief Magistrate Sherdel Issacs-Marcus on Tuesday that he uses ganja for personal reasons when appeared before her on a chargeofpossessionofnarcotics.
The Daly Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown man, Kevin George pleaded guilty to the charge. The court heard that George on Friday, May 31, 2024 at about 22:00hrs, was stopped by police from the Brickdam Police Station at Stabroek, Georgetown.Hewasthensearchedandranks foundonhim11gramsofcannabis.
The allegation was told to him by the police and the man admitted to being in possessionofthecannabis.
He was taken into custody and appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court #1 on Tuesday to answer to the charge. He was represented by Attorney-at-Law, Stacy Goodings.
The man was fined $30,000 and is to report to the Brickdam Police Station for Community Service weekly George is scheduledtoreturntocourtonSeptember13, 2024.
T h e C a r i b b e a n Examinations Council (CXC)onTuesdaywithdrew its decision on suspending four subject areas that are being offered at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination(CAPE)levels.
Announcing the Council’s decision during a press conference yesterday was CXC’s Registrar & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr Wayne Wesley, who noted that the decision
was made following a meeting with Minters of Education from across the region who raised concerns about the suspension. “We just completed a meeting with Ministers of Education from across the region to discuss the regional
concerns arising from the contemplation of syllabus suspensionforthefollowing subjects: CAPE - Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, CAPE- Green Engineering, CSECAgricultural Science, the double award, and CSEC Industrial Technology, the mechanical option,” he stated.
The CEO told media operatives that the meeting demonstrated their shared commitmenttofindacritical path forward on this matter, giventhepressingeducation and human capacity development imperatives facingtheregion.
“The Ministers of Educationwereforthrightin their positions, as well as pledging their support for CXC and for more direct lines of communications withtheCouncil.Itherefore wanttoannounceouragreed positions emerging from the meetingasfollows:One,the Caribbean Examinations Council will continue to offer to the region, Agricultural Science double major, Green Engineering, Industrial Technology the mechanical option, and Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology,” heannounced.
Kaieteur News had previously reported that CXC had announced that come September 2025, it will be suspending the four subjects at both the CAPE and CXC levels due to a notable decline in student engagement. Itwasnotedby the CEO that following the meeting it was agreed that the Ministers of Education will work with the Council on having a marketing drive soastoensuregreateruptake inthesubjects.”
Accordingly, today’s deliberations with the Ministers of Education reinforce the need for a collective regional marketing thrust to promote the priority subject areas in STEMorSTEAMeducation and climate smart agriculture which are considered critical for the economic growth and sustainable development of theregion,”herelated.
It was noted during the press conference that the reasons CXC considered suspending the courses followedastudydoneacross different schools in the region. It was revealed by CXC’s Deputy CEO & ProRegistrar, Dr Eduardo Ali that besides low enrollment, some other reasons they considered for the suspension were, “the issue of plant and equipment that are outdated, the lack of practical experience for students because of the inadequacy of the labs and facilities that are there, lack of qualified teaching professionals to teach the broad syllabus, the issue of physical resources such as textbooksandotherlearning resources were challenges that the systems did not provideforstudents,aswell as areas related to the m a t r i c u l a t i o n s requirements.”
Meanwhile, in a press release, the Education MinistrystatedthatMinister of Education, Priya Manickchand during that meeting highlighted the critical importance of these subjects to the rapid growth in sectors such as oil and agricultureinGuyana.
“She pointed out that heads of government of countries in the region are
constantly speaking locally and internationally of sustainable growth and being food secure and selfsustaining. She referenced the investments of the Caribbean Development Bank(CDB)intheregionin countrieslikeGuyanawhere 6 new Technical and Vocational Education and T r a i n i n g ( T V E T ) institutions are being established and says the decisionwastonedeaftoall of these realities,” the statementrevealed.
Accordingtotheministry, Minister Manickchand made it clear that were CXC to discontinue these subjects, Guyana would be forced to find other bodies who could test and certify the subjects. It was revealed that other ministers of education also e x p r e s s e d s t r o n g reservations against CXC’s decision.
Dr Wesley further announced in the press conference that CXC has rolled out a menu of new generation technology and science programmes He noted that some courses are notyetatthedesireddemand but the governments will work with CXC in a partnership in building demand for these new programmes.
ItwasdisclosedbyCXC that there would be 12 new generation subjects at the CAPE level and these include: Agriculture Science, Entrepreneurship, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Sport, Tourism, Animation and GameDesign,Logisticsand Supply Chain Operations, Digital Media, Financial Services, Design and Te c h n o l o g y , a n d Biotechnology
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One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.
One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.
One able bodied porter in a hardware store at Sheriff Street, Attractive salary .Contact: 689-4041.
Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.
German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 6480111.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. For more information Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.
Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.
Restaurant Manger experience in management & customer service, Good communication skills required. Emil resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com
Head chef, Experience in designing menus and managing staff.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com
Lead Bartender, experience in designing menu, Overseeing staff & Train servers.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com
Vacancy available for Factory workers at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
Vacancy available for Porter at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
In this dated May 27, 2024, CARPHA instructors Carlos Rampersad, and Danielle Gordon-John (seated) have a photo opportunity with workshop participants from Ministry of Health, Guyana. The training programme, “Shipping of Infectious Substances and Laboratory Biosafety Practices”, ran from May 20 to 27, 2024. [Image courtesy CARPHA]
Guyana now has cadre of persons with essential knowledge and practical skills on how to safely prepare and ship infectious materials, and to increase the compliance of CMS with World Health Organization International Health Regulations (WHO IHR).
This was made possible by training recently facilitated by CARPHA IATA certified trainers.
According to a statement issued by CARPHA, the training programme ran from May 20 to 27, 2024, with some 16 participants from the Ministry of Health Guyana, successfully completed the Shipping of Infectious
Accounts Clerk needed. Must have English & Maths and knowledge in QuickBooks. Apply @ mikeswholesaledepot@yahoo.com or @ their location.
Registered pharmacist. Experienced in community pharmacy would be an asset. Apply @ mikeswholesaledepot@yahoo.com or @ their location.
Cashier & Driver with canter (Truck Licence).Apply @ mikeswholesaledepot@yahoo.com or @ their location.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Substances and Laboratory Bio-safety Practices training programme.
The training workshop was held at Guyana’s National Public Health Laboratory and was made possible through funding from the Republic of Korea-CARICOM Cooperation Fund. Participants engaged in an intensive curriculum that combined theoretical and practical instruction covering a range of topics including waste disposal; materials management and chemical safety; bio-safety audits and monitoring; shipping of infectious substances/ practical assessment packaging; handling and emergency response.
“The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) underscores the importance of maintaining International Air Transport Association (IATA) certification and the Agency has been working since 2016 with Member States on improving national capacities for bio-safety and biosecurity, which are key components for national and
regional health security,” stated Dr. Joy St. John Executive Director at CARPHA. “To date, more than 300 laboratory personnel from CARPHA Member States (CMS) have been trained in how to safely prepare shipments of infectious substances.”
CARPHA, through its Medical Microbiology Laboratory has been working within the Caribbean Region to promote and support the achievement of re gional health security through compliance with the WHO IHR and increased laboratory capacity to respond to public health threats and/or public health emergencies.
Dr. Lisa Indar, Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA, underscored the importance of such training.
“Our region continues to face both old and new public health challenges,” Dr. Indar observes. “These include non-communicable diseases, natural disasters, and emerging and re-emerging
infectious diseases.” “As such, it is important that we have the capacity to respond at the national and regional levels to safely and quickly respond to these situations. Having teams of trained and certified shippers in the public health systems allows us to do just that,” she stated. In continuation of this programme, CARPHA will conduct a series of Training Workshops in Member States during the coming months.
The Training series is supported through the project “Strengthening Health Systems in CARICOM to Address Infectious Diseases”, which is funded by the Republic of Korea through the Republic of KoreaCARICOM Cooperation Fund.
The project supports regional and national level workshops in the Shipping of Infectious Substances, as well as the enhancement of other biosafety and biosecurity measures in CARPHA Member States. Georgetown, Guyana (CARPHA)
From page 3
Party/Civic (PPP/C) since 2020, has fortified the country’s institutional architecture for the burgeoning petroleum industry to guarantee accountability and transparency. For instance, he said government established a Local Content Act in 2021, allowing thousands of Guyanese to be able to participate in the sector through employment and business opportunities.
In addition, the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) was updated, enacting a series of reforms to strengthen the regulatory infrastructure of the oil and gas industry. Moreover, the Petroleum Activities Act of 1986 was updated and in 2023, the Ministry of Natural Resources hosted an auction for its
remaining oil blocks offshore Guyana, absolving the firstcome-first-serve model and giving other investors a fair chance.
“Any independent observer would know that in the past four years, we have practically modernised the entire framework for the oil and gas sector. We have addressed all of the major issues in this sector,” the general secretary boasted.
This, he said is in stark contrast to what transpired under the coalition government, which hid deals and agreements from the public eye for many years.
“No minister of the government answered any question about the oil and gas sector. That was their legacy.
The People’s Progressive Party resumed office, and we
are extremely proud of what we have achieved in that sector over the past four years that we’ve been in office,” Dr Jagdeo reminded. Jagdeo also criticised the opposition and certain sections of the media for lacking profundity in addressing constructive policies relating to the management of the petroleum industry. He believes that this is how they seek to distract from the successes of the government in managing the industry.
“We are not going to be led by anyone in this makebelieve world [that]APNU could do that. They could go into a make-believe world that they are addressing serious issues [but] we are addressing the serious issues,” he underscored.
Both the Charity E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a
Primary and Secondary Manickchand mentioned Schools located in Region that the government would Two will be extended this be repairing and upgrading year to an estimated figure all schools across the of$101million. country to ensure children
This is according to a are learning in a safe and total account of the comfortable environment. Ministry of Education Already a number of engineer’s estimate for the schools are under repairs projects.Atarecentreading and construction while of bids at the National some projects are in the Procurement and Tender tenderprocess.
Administration Board This year, the ministry (NPTAB) office it was was allocated $74.4 billion revealed that the extension from the national budget at the primary school which will see funds go building is estimated at $48 towards, rehabilitating, mill
d secondary school is pegged maintaining educational at$53million. facilitiesinthecountry
At a press conference Below are the last month, Minister of companiesandtheirbids:
Secure Innovations and Concepts Inc will be hosting their first ever job fair on June 7th and 12th at the Square of the Revolution,Georgetown.ThiswasconfirmedbytheDirector of Security Operations Dwayne Bagot. During a telephone interviewwiththeKaieteurNewsonTuesday,Bagotsaidthat this job fair though an employmentdrive is not something the company normally does, but they have come to a point where changesarebeingmadetotheemploymentprocess.
Personsinterestedinbeingrecruitedneedtobephysically fit, computer literate, clear background and experience in security would be an asset. The Director of Security Operations explained that their clients require a certain numberofstaffandalsoquality “Ourclientsrequireacertain number of personnel of course, they’ll need a certain quality of personnel and we are talking about persons here that have backgroundinsecurity…”
Though there will be no on the spot hiring, there will be company officials present to take down as much information as possible from potential recruits and the eligible ones who areshortlistedwillbesubsequentlycontactedforaninterview Positions are open for security officers, aviation security and operations personnel at the CCTV operation centers, to name a few So far there are no other companies participating in the jobfairasBagotexplainedthatitisanexclusiveevent.
Ministry of Education
Ministry of HomeAffairs Procurement UPS, desktop computer, laptops and printers.
Ministry of LegalAffairs
Casting of compound and construction of drain, fence, concrete culvert and concrete revetment at Essequibo Sub Registry
Ministry of Human Services and Social Security Repairs to CPAoffice – Whim.
Supply and delivery of one double cab 4x4 motor vehicle.
Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) Hosting of EPA'sAnniversary dinner andAward Ceremony 2024.
‘Plant ginger and turmeric for decent living’
From page 12 Wa t e r, a n d s e v e r a l to the lots that we will give transformation for the residential, farming, mining, commercial banks, to assist you,” the president pledged. region. He said the massive and tourism areas. “There is residents in securing loans. Meanwhile, the president infrastructural agenda sees no other land planning area With approximately 2300 pointed to the growing enhanced connectivity globallythatbringswithitall squatters living along the potential of the highway, through the expansion of the of these complexities, and Soesdyke-Timehri stretch, with mega projects like M a n d e l a H i g h w a y that is what we have to deal the president reaffirmed the Silica City lending tourism Currently, the third phase of with. government’s dedication to appeal and economic this project is undergoing
Sometimes people ensuring that these persons opportunities, attracting evaluation, and will extend believe this is a very simple are able to have legal morepeopletothearea. the four-lane road to Land of exercise, but this is the ownershipoftheirlands. This development is Canaan. “We are already complexity, and we are He acknowledged that reflected in the exponential securing financing to take confronting this complexity not all current settlements increase of applications for that road from Land of in a way that is people- can be regularised due to plotsoflandthere. President Canaan to the Soesdykecentred, where we can move variouslimitations. Ali said the government has Linden highway And then you into value and improve However, those residents received over 15,000 the road is already on the your prospect of earning,” will be offered alternative applications for land on the verge of being awarded for theheadofstatesaid. solutions, including housing highway over the last three the Soesdyke-Linden
The president also o p t i o n s i n n e a r b y years – an unprecedented highway So, you’ll have a announced additional government-developed feat. brand new four lane support for the beneficiaries, schemes. According to the head of highway Imagine the lands such as the steel and cement For instance, the state, this is only the that will be opened up,” the subsidy programme. “Those Ministry of Housing is beginning of a tremendous presidentsaid. of you who have to build developing 800 house lots at wooden homes, we will help Hauraruni, Soesdyke, and you with 900 bm [board according to President Ali, measurement] of wood,” the anadditional800lotswillbe presidentfurtherannounced. developed there for new Additionally, in the new squatters. week, Minister McCoy is “So, we have 1600 lots expected to return to these that we are trying to develop c o m m u n i t i e s w i t h at Hauraruni and with those representatives from the 1600 lots we will get Ministry of Housing and schools, water, roads, value
incomes have fallen amid rising costofHindus.
(Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister foodprices.Sucheconomicgrowth “I believe that the polarising
Narendra Modi is set to win a rare hasmeantwealthisconcentratedin campaign that the prime minister third term in office, but a smaller- the richest 1% of India’s ranthistime,thekindof,youknow, than-expected mandate means he population While headline hyped-up media outreach that he will have to lean more on his allies inflation hovering around 5% is did, I think these were all signs that for support, and that means relatively low, food inflation of he was worried,” said political urgently addressing issues like above 8% since November 2023 commentatorAratiJerath. unemployment, inflation and has hit the poor hard. Prices of The BJP said Modi was their economic disparities in the world’s vegetables and cereals have risen bestbettoputtheirmessageacross. mostpopulousnation. by double digits for most of the last “We discussed internally how
Unlike the last two elections, year our work, economic development, Modi’sHindunationalistBharatiya TURNOUT TROUBLE India’s global image and such Janata Party (BJP) will need its Modi was seeking one of things sometimes do not set the alliance partners to cross the 272 India’s biggest mandates in the six- narrative,” said spokesperson majoritymarkinthe543-seatlower week-long election after most Agarwal. house of parliament, according to opinion polls conducted before “The politics is such that other the running vote count on Tuesday voting began had predicted a big things dictate the narrative, and the Modi had set a target of more than the past and it was not clear how international stature and the party’s victory for him, driven by his BJPmustalsorespondaccordingly 400 seats for his National easily he would cope. “Modi is not H
personal popularity, free cereal for Forournarrativetowork,theprime Democratic Alliance (NDA), but it knownasaconsensualfigure,”said acknowledged unemployment was the poor, new roads and bridges, ministeristhebestcommunicator.” is currently leading in only about New Delhi-based political
and his courting of majority However, with the BJP falling 290, according to Election commentator Arathi Jerath. “So, “Employment is a challenge that Hindus. short of a majority on its own, its Commission data about three- it’ll be very interesting to see how we also accept and whatever best But a fall in voter turnout in the promises like a uniform civil code quarters of the way through the he manages the pulls and pressures can be done is being done,” first stage of the seven- phase for all religions, opposed by some count.TheBJPitselfwasleadingin ofacoalitiongovernment.” spokesperson Gopal Krishna election worried the BJP, several Muslims, and simultaneous state 239seats,comparedwith303atthe Populism and welfare policies Agarwal said. The unemployment party officials said.Apollster, who and national elections, will likely lastelectionin2019. will “gain currency” as Modi will rate in India rose to 8.1% in April declined to be named citing private be put on the back burner They Final results are expected to have to depend on regional leaders from 7.4% in March, according to conversations, said he got calls couldbereplacedbypoliciesaimed come later on Tuesday or early like N. Chandrababu Naidu in the the private think-tank Centre for from “panicked” BJP officials at more bread-and-butter issues as Wednesday “TheBJP’srelianceon southern state of Andhra Pradesh Monitoring Indian Economy, asking if “something was going its allies could demand. “Modi has allies to form the government is a and Nitish Kumar in Bihar in the compared with around 6% before wrong Why aren’t people seemingly lost his aura of electoral slap in the face,” said Milan east, who support such policies, the COVID-19 pandemic. Modi coming?”. invincibility,” said Michael Vaishnav at the Carnegie said political analyst Rasheed first came to power in 2014 on the Atthesametime,someanalysts Kugelman, director of the EndowmentforInternationalPeace Kidwai. promise of creating 20 million jobs told TV debates that opposition Washington-basedWilsonCenter’s think-tank in Washington. “At this Naidu’s Telugu Desam Party a year, but has fallen far short of attempts to woo the masses with SouthAsiaInstitutethinktank.“He stage, NDA allies will extract their and Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) that. promises of affirmative action, remains highly popular, and his pound of flesh, which will have an said they would endorse Modi for Government estimates for the bigger handouts and more jobs party likely would have done even impact not just in terms of primeminister Modicalledthewin latest January-March quarter show weregainingtraction. worse if he weren’t leading it. This policymaking but also in terms of forhisalliancehistoricandsaidthat that the urban unemployment rate That is when Modi changed is a leader who has repeatedly the composition of the cabinet. “we will continue the good work in the 15-29 age group ticked tack. bounced back from political and (Earlier) the BJP could dictate done in the last decade to keep higher to 17%, from 16.5% in the Having earlier focused on policy setbacks and retained large terms with very little regard for its fulfillingtheaspirationsofpeople”. priorquarter economic development, India’s public mandates. With the results coalitionpartners.”
T h e B J P, w h i c h h a d Despite India’s impressive image and such issues, he switched we’reseeingtoday,thatnarrativeof Modi, a strong leader, has not campaigned on India’s spectacular economic growth of more than 8%, back to accusing the opposition of resilience has been dealt a big had to rely on alliance partners in economic expansion, its growing rural distress has increased as favouring minority Muslims at the blow.”
Washington, DC – United obstacletotheagreement. Friday “Indefinitewarinpursuitof surveys in Israel show Netanyahu draft resolutions that would have States President Joe Biden has The Palestinian group said on an unidentified notion of ‘total recovering popularity amid the war calledforaceasefire. suggested that Israeli Prime Friday–hoursafterBidenmadethe victory’ will only bog down and edging out his main rival, war The US president also signed Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is proposal public – that it is dealing Israel in Gaza, draining the cabinet minister Benny Gantz off in April on $14bn in additional prolonging the war on Gaza for “positively and constructively” economic, military, and human Israeli officials close to Netanyahu military aid to Israel. And his politicalreasons,anaccusationthat withtheplan,butithasnotissueda resources, and furthering Israel’s have previously floated the administration has continued to highlights the apparent tensions formal response to it. Meanwhile, isolationintheworld,”hesaid. possibility of a protracted conflict transfer weapons to the country betweenthetwoleaders. Netanyahu has said the deal would The US president’s remarks to in Gaza Days before Biden despite growing allegations of war In a TIME Magazine interview “enable Israel to continue the war TIME Magazine on Netanyahu unveiledthetruceproposal,Israel’s crimes, including withholding aid, published on Tuesday, the US until all its objectives are achieved, appear to further underscore his National Security Adviser Tzachi killing non-combatants, torturing president said there is “every including the destruction of growing frustration with the Hanegbi said the fighting in Gaza detainees and targeting civilian reason for people to draw” the Hamas’s military and governing conflict. Before the war broke out would go on for at least another infrastructure International conclusion that Netanyahu is capabilities” The discrepancy on October 7, Netanyahu was seven months. In the US, Biden’s Criminal Court prosecutor Karim perpetuating the conflict for his between how US and Israeli dealing with nationwide protests in response to the war in Gaza could Khan is seeking an arrest warrant own political ends Biden’s officialsareportrayingtheproposal Israel over a push to overhaul the harm his re-election chances, with for Netanyahu and his defence remarkscomeashisadministration hasledtoconfusion. country’s judiciary The Israeli public opinion polls showing that minister Yaov Gallant as well as pushes for a truce deal and Still, the push marks a shift in prime minister is also facing Arab,Muslimandyoungvotersare Hamas leaders over alleged war exchange of captives between the position of the Biden corruptionchargesathome. reluctanttovotefortheDemocratic crimes. Last month, Biden rejected Israel and Hamas that Washington administration, which had For months, Palestinian rights president over his support for the ICC prosecutor’s move and says would lead to an “enduring previously rejected a permanent advocates have warned that Israel. Biden, a self-proclaimed called it “outrageous”, but the ceasefire” and the eventual end to the war, arguing that Israel Netanyahu has a personal, political Zionist, had been a staunch White House has opposed reconstructionofGaza.TheUShas must eliminate Hamas before a interest in prolonging the war to defender of the war His congressional efforts to impose presented the proposal as an Israeli lasting ceasefire is achieved. Biden boost his standing in Israel and administration has vetoed three sanctions on ICC officials for their plan,arguingthatHamasistheonly criticised Israel’s war efforts on extend his political career Recent United Nations Security Council investigationofIsraeliconduct.
From page 31 Bishops and pawns. Neither Round Three, Khan activeKingandRook.Many Drayton responded with the side was willing to risk faced Couchman, who matches reached their Slav Defence Despite further,leadingtoamutually opened with the Queen decisive moments in the
Drayton’s aggressive agreedtruce. pawn. Khan employed the endgame phase, with kings combination involving his Other notable results Benko Gambit, sacrificing a playing crucial roles in Knight, Queen, and Rook, from Round One included a pawn to speed up his attack. s e c u r i
countered draw between CM Ronuel The match concluded after Sandiford, Drayton, and effectively with his own Greenidge and reigning 60 moves, with Khan’s Greenidge are all on 2.5 Queen and minor pieces, Junior Champion Keron advanced pawn heading for points after four rounds, leading to Drayton’s Sandiford, while Loris promotion and Couchman’s w h i l e N a t h o o a n d resignationonmove37. Nathoo suffered a defeat at King unable to prevent Couchman each have 2 InRoundOne,EthanLee the hands of Justino Da checkmate. points. Justino Da Silva and held defending champion Silva. Nathoo bounced back Moving into Round Ethan Lee have one point Taffin Khan to a draw after in Round Two with a win Four, Pitamber fell to Khan each. nearly 70 moves, with both over Ethan Lee, securing in another endgame battle, The remaining rounds players running low on time victory by promoting a resigningafter41movesdue will continue on June 7th, and locked in a deadlock passed pawn in a thrilling to Khan’s superior position 8th, and 9th, after which the with opposite-colored endgame. with advanced pawns and National Champion will be crowned Whether Khan retains his title or a new champion emerges is yet to beseen.
From page 26
was no respite for Uganda. Mujeeb Ur Rahman had Ssesazi caught at short fine leg, before Naveen had Nakrani bowled off his inside edge in the fifth over. One ball later, Ramjani edged Naveen to Naib at first slip. It was Uganda’s first appearance at aWorld Cup, andAfghanistan underlined the gulfbetweenthetwosides.
Farooqi has five in the bag
Riazat and Robinson Obuya keptAfghanistan at bay for 7.3 overs as they added 29 runs for the sixth wicket. But the former’s 34-ball vigil ended when Farooqi, back into the attackforhisthirdover,cleanedhimup.
He had captain Masaba caught behind off the next ball before Obuya, Uganda’s top scorer on the day with 14 runs, wasalsocaughtbehindinthesameovertohandFarooqihis five-for
Rashidtookthetworemainingwickets,trappingHassan lbwandbowlingSsenyondonextball.
Scores: Afghanistan 183 for 5 (Gurbaz 76, Ibrahim 70, Masaba 2-21, Kyewuta 2-25) beat Uganda 58 (Farooqi 5-9) by 125 runs.
It’s time to get in touch with t h e p e o p l e i n y o u r neighborhood, Aries By reaching out to the people you live near in a jovial and congenial way you build communityspirit.
Today could bring a lot of physical activity, possibly including workouts and dancing, as your energy, enthusiasm, and stamina are all high, Taurus. Life may be mentally demanding, too, but youcanhandleit.
Childrencrossyourpathtoday for a reason. You might get caught up in their games and momentarily experience being a child again yourself. This could increase your appealforlovepartners.
Communication flows freely today Land might be discussed Atsomepointyou'll be reminded of someone from the past and experience a momentarywaveoflongingto seethispersonagain.
Expect to hear some great news from relatives or neighbors, perhaps involving money You could hear this from more than one source, Leo,soit'slikelytrue.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
The forthcoming completion of a frustrating project could be moved closer by one intense burst of energy from you Self-confidence and determination come together to make sure you tie up all the looseendsandfinishitallup.
Today you might plan a trip, perhapsavacation.Youmaybe planning far in advance, but you love to dream about the possibilities now. You're in the position where you feel secure enoughfinancially
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Scorpio, some interesting insights could steer you in the right direction regarding a goal you've been working toward for a long time. You generally prefer logic to ESP, but today your intuition is so strong that it'sdifficulttoresist.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Expect to spend a lot of time communicating with others, perhaps texting multiple friends at one time either individually or in a group chat. Atleastonecouldendupbeing helpful to your professional life.
Your health is likely to be glowing and your physical energy high You'll probably wanttospendsomeofyourtime today working out or otherwise gettingsomeexercise
Intense communication throughout the day could bring you closer to a friend or lover, Aquarius.Conversationsabout a number of different subjects c o u l d i n c r e a s e y o u r understandingofoneanother
Your self-confidence is likely to skyrocket today, Pisces Good news about money could reach you while you're at home, causing family members to want to celebrate. Youmightbealittletired.
From page 31 games per day, allowing every player to gain experience on the field Many girls played football for the first time, while others had some on-field experience, but all were competitive and dedicated, representing their respective schoolswell.”
Women’s Football A s s o c i a t i o n ( W FA )
President Andrea Johnson
added that she was “delighted to see the smiles and hear the laughter from the girls on the various teams The tournament provides a learning environment while allowing thegirlstodevelopalovefor thegame.Ihavealreadyseen some future stars in the making.”
She encouraged the schools that did not progress to the Round of 16, “to continue practicing and learning the fundamentals of football. Congratulations to the top sixteen schools, and I am excited to see what the upcoming round will bring from these talented young players.”
and Ibrahim added
a 154-run opening stand, while Farooqi claimed a five-for, as Afghanistan started their World Cup campaign with a bang
E S P N c r i c i n f o - Farooqi’s five-for apart, Kyewuta took two wickets boundary off the second ball Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Naveen-ul-Haq and captain each. of the innings Ibrahim Ibrahim Zadran struck fifties Rashid Khan picked up two
Before the collapse, struck Kyewuta through in the second-highest wickets each as Afghanistan Gurbaz and Ibrahim had mid-onforhisfirstboundary opening stand in T20 World r u i n e d U g a n d a ’ s blasted 18 boundaries in the before wicketkeeper Simon Cup history and Fazalhaq introduction to cricket’s first 14 overs. Gurbaz made Ssesazi dropped him on 16 Farooqi took his maiden biggestevent. his 76 off 45 balls with four offRamjani. five-wicket haul in T20Is as Uganda would, however, sixes and as many fours, He capitalised on the Afghanistan crushed take heart from their while Ibrahim struck nine chance, hitting Dinesh debutants Uganda by 125 comeback with the ball fours and a six in his 46-ball Nakrani for four successive runs in their Group C game Afghanistan lost 5 for 31 in 70. boundaries in the sixth over of the T20 World Cup in the last six overs of their The Gurbaz- as Afghanistan ended the Guyana. innings to finish well below Ibrahim show powerplay on 66 for 0 Afghanistan’s 183 for 5 200.
Gurbaz got things going Gurbaztookhissixestallyto was too much for Uganda, Uganda captain Brian when he lofted left-arm four when he struck Henry who were bowled out for 58 Masaba, who bowls spin, spinner Alpesh Ramjani to S s e n y o n d o f o r t w o runsin16overs. and fast bowler Cosmas thestandbeyondthelong-off maximums in consecutive overs.
Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Ibrahim Zadran added 154 for the opening wicket. (ICC via Getty Images)
He brought up his eighth
missed a tossed-up ball from the last six overs of the T20I fifty in the ninth over, Masaba. Ramjani then had innings, the first such before Ibrahim brought up Gurbaz hole out to deep instance in the T20 World their century stand in the square leg in the following Cup. followingover over Pace blows away Ibrahim also reached his M a s a b a r e m o v e d Uganda’s top half seventh fifty in T20Is before Najibullah Zadran in the FarooqiandNaveentook launching into Bilal Hassan 17thover,Nakranitakingthe two wickets each in the for his first six, a proper slog catch at the deep square leg powerplay as Uganda overmidwicket. boundary, before Kyewuta slipped to 18 for 5. Farooqi It was a tough 14th over picked up his two wickets. removed Ronak Patel and for Hassan, who conceded He had Gulbadin Naib R o g e r M u k a s a o f f five wides and then was hit caught at long-on for four, consecutive deliveries in the for a four off a no-ball. He and then in the final over, firstover ended up giving away 25 Azmatullah Omarzai skied Both deliveries were fast runs in the over, after which onetoshortthird. and swung in, leaving the Afghanistanlosttheirway It was a fine comeback two batters with little time to Masaba leads Uganda’s from Uganda after they bring down their bat. Riazat recovery conceded at 10.85 in the first Ali Shah kept out the yorker Ibrahim fell in the 15th 14 overs. They didn’t give onthehat-trickballbutthere overtoendhis154-runstand away a single boundary in (Continued on page 25) with Gurbaz, when he
Sammy says Windies taking “One game at a time” approach following opening win
- as Caribbean side shifts focus to Uganda
West Indies Head Coach Darren Sammy cricket the Windies have been playing for all lauded his team’s performance following of2023uptopresenttime. their opening round win, but said the game “Everygameisimportantforus.Wehave plan is to take it one match at a time as they Uganda next, that’s where our focus will be. maptheirwaytowardsapossibletitle. Weneedtostayinthemomentandwecannot Sunday’s opener at Providence ended in a getcomplacentbecausewehavebeenplaying 5-wicket win for the home team over a a brand that has been successful in 2023,” spiritedPapuaNewGuineateam. Sammyoutlined.
The Windies drew first blood thanks to The former title winning skipper said, all-roundeffortsfromtheirstarsandgotback “We gotta keep building confidence”, further to working on their game during yesterday’s revealing that with such a buffed roster, a sessionatProvidence. numberofstarswillrotateintheplayingXIas
However, the brief interview which thecompetitionprogresses. followed, Sammy said complacency and With superstars like Shai Hope and rushing into combat are moves the former 2- Guyanese Shamar Joseph waiting in the timechampsarelookingtoavoid. wings, Sammy believed that it was a good
“We were prepared for this (Sunday’s problem to have as it relates to having such a game), it was a good lesson for us and I wide array of talent to select from going deep encourage everyone to respect every cricket intotheCup. team”, adding that the 2 points gained from Windies currently sit in second place the win, while welcomed; should have been behind the dangerous table-leaders more. Sammy also identified a few areas Afghanistan, who they play after the which the team will be focusing on going Ugandans in the next game set for Saturday forward but admitted his faith in the brand of June8underlightsatProvidence.
SportsMax - England and Scotland’s T20 World Cup openerwasabandonedafterthefirstinningsduetoheavyrain. The match was initially delayed by an hour following the tossbeforeScotlandcameouttobat,racingto59-0duringthe powerplay,includingasixfromMichaelJonesthatsmasheda solar panel, before the wet weather halted proceedings once more. In what then became a reduced-overs match, Scotland lookedsharp,asJones’45notoutandGeorgeMunsey’s41not outmeanttheyfinishedtheir10overson90-0,settingEngland atargetof109tochaseintheirinningsduetotheDLSmethod. However,moreheavyrainmadeitimpossibleforthegame to continue, and it was eventually called off with England and Scotlandtakingapointapiecefromtheiropener,leavingthem sittingbehindearlyGroupBleadersNamibia.
Rain halted a seemingly interesting game between Scotland and England in Barbados.
From page 27 successful bowler for Dynamic Boys by blasted a pugnacious, 21-ball 78 that snatching2-48offhismaximumfourovers. contained 8 sixes Kristopher also When Dynamic Boys batted, Gavin collaborated with his dad in a flamboyant, Ganness scored a fighting 36 while Kenneth 131-run third-wicket stand. After Dynamic Itwaru also provided some resistance in the Boyz won the toss and elected to bowl, closingstagewith31notout. Kristopher laid a solid foundation with his Kyle returned with the ball to prove his opening partner Akash Budram of 53 runs all-round capability grabbing three wickets before Budram departed for 24. His twin- for 25 runs from four economical overs. brotherKyleKarranalsobattedaggressively Kristopher and the Berbician Muniram also bycontributingasteady28. accounted for two victims each conceding Rabindranauth Persaud was the most 18and16runsrespectively.
BBC Sport - American third seed Coco
serving strongly to give her opponent little Swiatek hands out another thrashing Gauff reached the French Open semi-finals chanceonreturn.
Coco Gauff. (Getty Images)The question coming into the clay-court after recovering to beat Tunisia’s Ons Jabeur
In a city with a hugeTunisian population, major was: who can stop Swiatek at Roland inanabsorbingcontest. Jabeur always receives passionate support Garros? Nobody is any closer to answering it Gauff, 20, showed her maturity and andherfanscelebratedherwinningthesetby following another imperious performance mentalitytowin4-66-26-3atRolandGarros singingapopularfootball-styleterracechant. fromthe23-year-oldworldnumberone. onTuesday TheUSOpenchampionwillplay
Gauff said the atmosphere also inspired Since fighting past Naomi Osaka in the Polish top seed Iga Swiatek, who beat her in her “Whenever I’m not playing, I cheer for secondround,Swiatekhasgoneupagear the 2022 final, in the last four today, Ons too, so thank you guys for making it a Swiatekonlyneeded40minutestothrash Thursday Swiatek continued her bid for a great atmosphere I like playing in Anastasia Potapova 6-0 6-0 in the last 16 and third straight title with a 6-0 6-2 win over atmospheres like this,” she told the crowd on carriedonwheresheleftoffwitha28-minute CzechfifthseedMarketaVondrousova. CourtPhilippeChatrier bagelagainstVondrousova.
After a superb opening set from eighth “I know you wanted her to win, but even Vondrousovawastherunner-upatRoland seedJabeur,Gauffcontinuedtobelieveinher not used to. “I got a little bit tight but I did whenIwasinthebathroom[afterthefirstset] Garros in 2019 and is the reigning game and took advantage of her opponent’s whatIneededtodo.” I was thinking ‘this is really fun, win or Wimbledon champion, but Swiatek operated level dipping. Gauff was unable to convert a Boisterous atmosphere inspires Gauff lose’.” Three-time major finalist Jabeur has on a different level. After briefly coming match point on Jabeur’s serve at 5-2 in the GauffhasfollowedupwinningtheGrand endured a tough season because of a niggling under pressure on serve at 1-1 in the second decider, and survived a break point at 5-3, Slam title which her prodigious talent had knee injury and struggled for form before set, Swiatek held for 2-1 and broke again for before getting over the line when her long promised with another strong season on rediscoveringherlevelatRolandGarros. 3-1 on her way to teeing up another match opponentdumpedanoverheadlong. theWTATour However, the 29-year-old was unable to against Gauff, who she also beat in the
A passionate roar as Gauff celebrated in Now, after reaching the Australian Open sustainthepressuresheputGauffunder quarter-finals last year “Today it was pretty the middle of the court indicated the semi-finalsinJanuary,shehasmovedintothe Struggling to land as many first serves, straightforward. I’m happy that I kept my magnitudeofthetestshehadcomethrough. last four at a third successive major and beginning to make rash decisions in her focus. Sometimes I felt the game was pretty “She’s a tough opponent,” said Gauff, tournament. She did it on the Paris clay by returning, was costly as Gauff turned the intense,”saidSwiatek. who saw Jabeur save a second match point recovering from dropping a set for the first match around. “The quarter-finals is not bad. “Sometimes the intensity went down a before missing on the third. “I was trying to time this tournament. Jabeur played superbly I’lltakeit,”saidJabeur bit. I wanted to just play my game no matter be more aggressive, she was playing really in the opening set, absorbing Gauff’s power “I’m trying to be less hard with myself what was coming back from Marketa. I felt well and hitting a lot of winners - which I’m from the baseline with her forehand and andbeproudwiththewayIwasfighting.” likeIwasinthezonetoday.”
It was a significant day for the happen without the commitment of all Association (BFA), Berbice Football Guyana FootballAssociation (GFA) on stakeholders, including the GFA Association (BFA), East Coast Sunday with the kick off of their Senior Executive Council, club managers, Demerara Football Association Men’s League and the presentation of players, and of course the GFF M-FAP (ECDFA), Rupununi Football $1 4 million by Guyana Football was launched to ensure that we can Association (RFA), Upper Demerara Federation (GFF) President Wayne support our members’ competitions. FootballAssociation(UDFA),andWest Forde to ensure the league’s successful Congratulations once again GFA. I am Demerara Football Association completion. looking forward to a season of amazing (WDFA) – are gearing up to kick off
The June 2 ceremony, attended by football.” their respective tournaments in the GFA’s Executive Council Members All member associations will comingweeks. including President Otis James, VP receive similar funding for their The champions of the regional Clifton Adams, VP Michelle George, leagues. GFAis now the third Regional leagueswillhavethechancetocompete Treasurer Akram Sabree and Secretary Association to start their league – in the GFF Elite League Promotion Lomell Johnson, was held at the GFF’s Essequibo Coast/Pomeroon Football PlayoffforaspotinSeasonSevenofthe National Training Centre (NTC) in Association (ECPFA) commenced in premierclubtournament. Providence,EastBankDemerara. April, while the East Bank Demerara In the GFA opening matches, President Forde also presented FootballAssociation(EBFA)kickedoff Northern Rangers FC drew with essential equipment, including balls, inMay Eastveldt FC 2 – 2, while Black Pearl cones and bibs to the GFA’s ten clubs: The remaining six Regional FC secured a victory against Vengy FC defending champions Beacons FC, Associations – Bartica Football 2–1. Black Pearl FC, Campton FC, Riddim Squad FC, Eastveldt FC, Georgetown FC, Northern Rangers FC, Pele FC, VengyFCandOrdisFC.
The funds were provided through the Member Financial Assistance Programme (MFAP), which was launched in 2020 to support the Federation’snineMemberAssociations in four key areas: administration and operations, equipment and materials, competitions and technical development,andinfrastructure.
President Forde congratulated the GFA on another successful league launch, noting that he was impressed withtheoverallplansfortheseasonand theplayers’energy
“Club football is a key element to the sport’s growth and this cannot
The Rising SunTurf Club Gymkhana which was set for June 16th has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
TheorganizingbodyoftheGymkhanaapologizedtothe sponsors,JumboJetandAJMfortheinconveniencecaused, andextendedapologiestohorseowners.
According to a release from the organizers, the Gymkhana will be held after the August 11 Guyana Cup. This Gymkhana, once held, will be an annual event, which will ensure the younger horses and owners to be involved andwinbiginGuyana’shorseracing.
With reliable sponsors in Jumbo Jet and AJM, the Gumkhana which will cater for lower classes of horses, will be rewarded with lucrative prize money and bragging rights
Horse owners and trainers, who had already paid entry fee for the now postponed Gymkhana, will be refunded by organizers.
TheRisingSunTurfClubGymkhanahadaGClassand Lower feature race, and the top horse would be rewarded G$300,000.
OtherracesfortheprospectiveGymkhanacardaretheJ Class and Lower, Three-year-old Guyana-bred winner of oneraceandmaidens,theLClassrace,two-year-oldtrial,L Class Non-winner/low earner and L Class Low Earners of thedayandFarmHorses.
Theorganizerswillkeepfans,horseownersandtrainers in the loop as it relates to this Rising Sun Turf Club Gymkhana.
Despite this recent development, horse racing fans will have action on July 14 at the Port MourantTurf Club, when theCaricomracemeettakescenterstage.
That event will be a preview and preparation for the marquee horse racing event, the Guyana Cup, which will runoffonAugust11atRisingSun.Newhorsesareexpected to feature in the Jumbo Jet-organized Guyana Cup horse race.
Victory Valley Royals won for the second time with a comfortable, 84-59, victory against Amelia’s Ward Jets but Block 22 Flames after losing their first game secured a hard foughtwinbeatingCentralMackenzieKings,46-37,whenthe Linden Amateur basketball association senior league tournament continued Saturday night at the Amelia’s Ward HardCourt.
The Royals solid win came as HaroldAdams who was in fine form netted 27 points, while Rakin McDonald 13 and Orlando Glasgow ensured them that win. Quincy Easton and Dennis Niles both had 15 points for Jets who had won their openinggameagainstRetrieveRaiders.
Flames recorded their first win by defeating Central MackenzieKingsbehindJosephClarkewhoscored12points andJerryReynolds11.
Tonight (Wednesday) the competition resumes with one gameat6.30pmwhenCentralMackenzieKingsfaceRetrieve Raiders.
In another groundbreaking initiative, the PM, ensuring ample opportunities for Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, in participants to dive in and hone their collaboration with the National Sports swimmingskills. Commission, have splashed off the inaugural Under the expert guidance of national Learn to Swim programme tailored for coach Paul Mahaica and senior instructor differentlyableindividuals. Brentnol Carmichael, among others,
This marks a significant milestone, participants are guaranteed top-notch fulfilling the promise made during the training and support. With a growing interest opening of the Teach Them Young swim in swimming nationwide, Minister of programmelastApril. Culture, Youth and Sports, Charles Ramson
The event got underway, last Saturday, Jr , recognized the need for inclusive with over 400 hundred person(s) registering programmes, making swimming accessible for the inaugural programme The toeveryone,regardlessoftheirabilities. programmewhichissuitedforperson(s)with This initiative not only promotes disabilities will run from June 1 through to inclusivity but also underscores the July6,withclassesheldeverySaturdayatthe Ministry’scommitmenttofosteringalovefor National Aquatic Center Sessions are swimming across all segments of the available from 2:00-3:00 PM and 3:00-4:00 population.
Asix-memberteamfromGuyanaissetto compete in the prestigious Endurance Stage Race from Suriname to Cayenne, spanning from June 8 to June 10. This four-stage race will challenge the endurance, speed, and strategy of cyclists from various territories including Suriname, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Holland, and Cayenne.
Representing the Golden Arrowhead are Briton John, fresh off a stellar season having dominated Guyana’s recently concluded Independence Three Stage race, and senior Kaieteur Attack Racing Cycle Club rider, Kwame Ridley Joining them are Curtis Dey, Aaron Newton, Mario Washington, and Alexis Mendes, all prepared to tackle the demandingrace.
ThefirststagekicksoffonSaturday,June 8, in Paramaribo, where cyclists will embark on a 90-mile journey to the Suriname/French Guiana border The race continues the next day with an 80-mile leg beginning in Saint Laurent, French Guiana, during the morning hours. Later that day, competitors will face a challenging10-mileTimeTrialrace,marking
The Guyana Cycling Federation, along thethirdstageoftherace. with the respective cycling clubs has
Thefinalleg,scheduledforMonday,June approved all participating cyclists to ensure 10, will see cyclists undertaking a grueling their readiness for this cross-country road 75-mileRoadRace,bringingthecompetition race. toanintenseconclusion.
SportsMax - The investment Each player 3.JoshuaDaSilva Cricket West Indies (CWI) selected has earned their 4.JasonHolder Senior Men’s Selection place through consistent 5.KavemHodge Panel has unveiled the 15- performances and hard 6.TevinImlach member squad set to tour work. We are confident that 7. Alzarri Joseph (ViceEngland for the three-Test this blend of seasoned Captain) Richards Botham series, players and emerging faces 8.ShamarJoseph which starts at Lord’s on will perform admirably 9.MikyleLouis Wednesday,10July2024. againstEngland.” 10.ZacharyMcCaskie Test matches between Young Fast Bowler 11.KirkMcKenzie these two rivals date back to Jayden Seales returns to the 12.GudakeshMotie 1928 when the West Indies squad having missed the last 13.KemarRoach made their first trip to Test Series against Australia 14.JaydenSeales England. The Teams now d
n d 15.KevinSinclair compete for the Richards experienced all-rounder These players will be Botham Trophy, named in Jason Holder has earned a supported by the following honourofWestIndieslegend recall having made himself teammanagementunit: Sir Vivian Richards and unavailableforthelasttour · Head Coach - Andre England great Lord Ian There is also a first Coley Botham. international selection for · Team Manager - Rawl C a p t a i n K r a i g g
Brathwaite will continue his batsmanMikyleLouis. Assistant Coachleadership role, with fast Louis, a former West JimmyAdams bowler Alzarri Joseph again Indies U19 International, Assistant CoachservingasVice-Captain.The scored 682 runs in his debut RayonGriffith teamisscheduledtoarrivein First Class season for the ·AssistantCoach-Shaun England on 23 June for a Leeward Island Hurricanes Tait training camp at Tonbridge at an average of 48 71 · Physiotherapist - Dr School, ahead of a 4-day Should he debut for theWest DenisByam w a r m - u p m a t c h a t Indies in England, he will S t r e n g t h & Beckingham commencing become the first Kittitian to Conditioning Coachonthe4July wearthefamousMaroontest RonaldRogers CWI Lead Selector, the cap. Team MasseuseMost Honorable Dr Guyana’s Tagenarine FitzbertAlleyne DesmondHaynes,expressed Chanderpaul has been left ·TeamAnalyst-Avenesh confidence in the squad’s out for this tour And Seetram composition. Guyana’s 19-year-old fast West Indies’ last test
“The squad has been bowler, Isai Thorne will match was a resounding shaped with both experience travel with the squad as a victory in Australia earlier and emerging
ayer, this year Since then, all ensuring a strong balance as following impressive selected players were we face the challenge of performances in this debut involved in the West Indies p l a y i n g i n E n g l i s h First Class season taking 31 Championship, which conditions. Over the past wickets at average 16.29 in concluded in April and was y e a r, o u r r e d - b a l l hisfirsteightmatches. won by the Guyana Harpy programme has continued to The West Indies 15- Eagles. develop. member test squad is as The West Indies are the
Following our victory in follows: current holders of the the last Test in Australia in 1 Kraigg Brathwaite Richards Botham Trophy January, it is evident that we (Captain) following the 1-0 HomeTest are seeing the fruits of that 2.AlickAthanaze SerieswininMarch2022.
Opening batsman Kristopher Karran allotted 20-overs. Dynamic Boyz responded began the 2024 Ontario Softball Cricket with168-9inthe19thovers,inningsclosed. Association (ORSCA) Elite T20 Karran, the 19-year-old, who competition with an attractive century (108) represented Ontario in Inter-Province for Cool Runningz against Dynamic Boyz cricket and also played in the Toronto and lastSundayinBrampton. District Cricket Association tourney, got The immensely talented right-handed fantastic support from his dad and CanadaKarran clobbered 15 sixes inspiring Cool basedGuyaneseMuniramKarranwho Runningz to an imposing 265-4 from their (Continued on page 27)
Some of the action in the latest round of games that determined the last 16 teams.
The Guyana Football They joined the line-up (Upper Demerara-Upper Federation-Blue Water with Region One (Barima- Berbice). Shipping Under-15 Girls’ Waini) group champions GFF President Wayne
National Secondary Waramuri Primary and Forde commended all C h a m p i o n s h i p h a s runners-up Santa Rosa schools that participated in completed the preliminary Secondary; Westminster the first round for their round conducted in nine Secondary, top team for dedication to the sport and regionsandGeorgetown. Region Three (Essequibo congratulated the teams
Sixteen teams from nine Islands-West Demerara); advancing to the Round of regions across the country North Georgetown winners 16. are now preparing to face off Queen’s College and “I commend all the on June 22 and 23 at the r u n n e r s - u p N e w teams, along with their Federation’s National Campbellville Secondary; coaches, teachers, and fans, Tr a i n i n g C e n t r e i n and Region Five (Mahaica- for their dedication Providence, East Bank Berbice) group winners throughout the first round of Demerara. Bush Lot Secondary and the national tournament over
On June 1, the final four runners-up Woodley Park the past few weeks schools to progress to the Secondary Congratulations to the s e c o n d r o u n d w e r e Also included are New sixteen schools who determined. Amsterdam Secondary, who progressed to the next stage.
Charity Secondary, topped Region Six (East This competition was winners of Region Two Berbice Corentyne); Bartica organised to ensure girls (Pomeroon-Supernaam), Secondary, winners of have equal opportunities to along with Tucville Region Seven (Cuyuni- learn andunderstand the Secondary, champions of Mazaruni); St Ignatius rules of the game and to South Georgetown District, Secondary, group champion compete in a structured and President’s College and of Region Nine (Upper environment.” Ann’s Grove Secondary, Takutu-Upper Essequibo); “I have witnessed many winners and runners-up and Mackenzie High and standout talents and have respectively of Region 4- Christianburg Wismar enjoyed the level of East Coast Demerara group, Secondary, the winners and sportsmanship displayed securedtheirspots. runners-up from Region Ten over the last few weeks. We lookforwardtomorehealthy competition in the upcoming rounds,” the GFF head added.
The tournament, the largest girls’ competition in Guyana,kickedoffonMay4 with more than 70 games being played over the weekends which concluded onJune1.
Coordinator Lavern Fraser shared that the teams have been given two to three weeks to rejuvenate and focus on their strategies for the fixtures at the end of June. “We have had a few packed weeks of matches in the various regions, with eachteamplayingseveral (Continued on page 25)
Zion Hickerson represents the Golden Arrowhead with pride.
The little dynamo, Zion Hickerson, turned in an impressive showing at the Lease Operators Junior Tennis Tournament in Trinidad held during 30th Mayto2ndJune.
H i c k e r s o n ’ s performanceearnedhim2nd place in Boys U10 and 1st Place in Boys U10 Doubles. The final went the full distance with Zion falling short to Trinidadian U10
National Champion Nicholas McLetchie in a super tie break in the 3rd set 4-0;0-4;13-15.
I n t h e d o u b l e s , HickersonpairedwithMalik Bain of Trinidad to win the doubles title 5-4; 4-1. Zion willnowpreparetorepresent Guyana at Junior CASA (squash) in BVI during June 29thand7thJuly,2024.
Candidate Master, Taffin Khan keen on retaining National title.
Zion Hickerson collects his prize.
TheNationalOpenChessChampionship, chessboard from the outset. He triumphed sponsoredbyNEWGPCINC.,kickedofflast over junior players Kyle Couchman and SaturdayattheNationalRacquetCentrewith Sachin Pitamber and defeated 2023’s main fourexcitingroundsofplay challenger, Loris Nathoo, in a Round Three
The tournament features a round-robin encounter Khan’s only half-point came from format among the top ten contenders, with adrawwithEthanLeeinRoundOne. each match played under a time control of 90 Following the traditional handshakes, the minutesplus30-secondincrementspermove. ten participants engaged in fierce battles on After four of the nine rounds, defending the chessboard. The highlight of Round One National Chess Champion Candidate Master was a stunning victory by 14-year-old Kyle (CM)TaffinKhanhassecuredthreewinsand Couchman over FM Anthony Drayton, onedraw accomplished in fewer than 40 moves.
The tournament, marked by intense Couchman, playing with the white pieces, competition for the highest local chess title, openedwiththeQueen’sGambit,while Khan displayed his prowess on the (Continued on page 25)