Int’l partnership needed to tackle gold smuggling – Norton
The Government of Guyana should incorporate
international security cooperation and the assembling of an interagency task force to assist it incurbingthecountry’sgold smuggling challenges, Opposition Leader Aubrey NortonsaidonFriday Norton, who was at the time speaking at a press conference, suggested that key stakeholders meet regularly and coordinate anti-smuggling efforts to tackletheprevalenceofgold smuggling.
He said this move would enable the sharing of critical information and ensure that thegoldsmugglingistackled onallfronts.
“The establishment of suchataskforcewascritical to the Coalition’s effective anti-smuggling efforts It shouldcompriseatminimum representatives from the GuyanaGoldBoard,Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Financial Intelligence Unit, Guyana Defense Force, Guyana Police Force, Guyana RevenueAuthority,Attorney General’s Office and Civil AviationAuthority,”hesaid.
Further, the Opposition Leader said international security cooperation should be an integral element in protecting the country’s borders from gold smugglers.
“The Coalition was able to coordinate with Brazilian authorities in the past to
prevent smuggling and such partnerships should be revived,” Norton said while adding that developing the skilledlabourrequiredbythe industry should be a priority andincentivized.
“This means that there needstobearenewedpushto expand Technical and Vocational Schools nationwide, providing them withresourcesandadditional capacity so that the needs of thegoldindustrycanbemet.
Astudentstipendof$50,000 a month should be provided toencourageenrollmentand retention of students until graduation,”heproposed.
The Opposition Leader blamed the government for the current situation noting that the low gold production and declaration from small andmedium-scaleproducers are dropping as a result of “the PPP’s incompetence and lack of drive and initiative.”
“Labour shortage in this subsector shows signs of becoming chronic Smuggling and illegal trading are increasingly rampant. The recent arrest and arraignment of three persons on a joint charge of exporting gold, valued at US$560,000, without a license is the mere tip of the iceberg,”Nortonsaid.
declarations from local small-to-medium scale miners reached 448,321

ounces. He said, in 2023, it dropped to 322,755 ounces —nearly30%lessinweight oraquarterofUS$1B.
Kaieteur News has reported that in 2019, gold declarations were 641,828 troy ounces. For that year, it was stated that the totalgold declaration increased by some4.7percentwithgreater declaration from small and medium-scale miners and a combined output of the foreign companies, Guyana
GoldfieldsInc.(AuroraGold Mines) and Troy Resources Guyana Inc declined by 26 6% to 186,584 troy ounces.
Similarly,in2020,itwas reported that gold declarationdeclinedby7.8% to 585,433 troy ounces. The gold subsector experienced lower declarations by Guyana Goldfields Inc. and Troy Resources Guyana Inc. to73,155troyouncesand Continuedonpage14

Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
ExxonMobil running its own country offshore
ExxonMobil has never had it better It is virtually running its own country 120 miles offshore, free from any heavygovernmenthand. Whenitmustdosomethingforthe record,itfeedsacaptivePPPCgovernmentinformationthat noGuyanesecanreallyattestthatitiswhatitsays. Meaning, it is accurate, and provides a clear and complete picture. Produced water from oil operations being dumped overboard daily represents a reality about which Guyana doesnotknowwhereitstands.
ExxonMobil has been given a free hand to inform the governmentabouthowmuchproducedwateritispumping into our waters, and how it has treated that compound of many chemicals, some of them toxic and radioactive, over time. Guyana’sEnvironmentalProtection(EPA)Executive Director,Mr KhemrajParsramsaidthatExxonMobilhasits onboard sensors that provide real-time feeds to the EPA. ExxonMobil is obligated to comply with World Bank IFC standards, which is “49 mg per day, or on average 29 milligramsperliterpermonth”,accordingtotheEPAboss. That may be so, but the question for the government and Guyaneseiswhetherthecompanycouldbetrusted,inthatit issupplyingcredibleinformation,andGuyanacanrelyupon it. ThereissomuchthatGuyanesedon’tknowabouttheir oil wealth and ExxonMobil knows this. We have neither expertcapacitynortherangeoftechnologyandsystemsthat couldhelpusknowwherethingsreallyare.Theissueishow muchoilandotherdamagingchemicalscouldbepresentin the produced water dumped overboard far from shore, notwithstandingthefeedstothegovernmentfromtheFPSO sensors.
ThecurrentEPAheadalsosharedinarecentpodcastthat the agency has secured its own sensors and have them in operation at several locations in Guyana. Currently, there are three sensors measuring water quality (temperature, dissolvedsolids,andsoon),withafourthtobeoperational soon. Thisishelpfultoknow,buttheissueiswhetherwhat we have is enough and can capture what ExxonMobil is reallydoingwiththemillionsofgallonsofproducedwater thatitisdumping.
Dr VincentAdams,theformerheadoftheEPA,andan oldhandintheoilindustry,waskeentonotethatwhenthe EPArefersto“29milligramsperliteritaddsup. Forevery millionbarrelsofwaterdumpedthatis29to40barrelsofoil is going there.” We hear clearly what this Petroleum Engineer with decades of experience behind his belt is saying,butistheGuyanaGovernmentlistening,anddoesit care? It may sound like a tiny amount that “29 milligrams perliter”butwithdailyoilproductionwhereitisandsetto nearly double in a couple of years to around 1.2 million barrels daily, the quantity of resulting wastewater dumped overboard, even if treated properly, must be a source of concern from today. Dr. Adams noted that the Guyana Government is doing the opposite of what a responsible national overseer should do. That is, get ExxonMobil to reinjecttheproducedwaterfromitsoperationsbackintothe wells, regardless of what that requires in effort and costs. Unfortunately, the record of the PPPC Government is to standasideandgiveExxonMobilcarteblanchetodowhatis best for its own interests. However this is analyzed, the unwritten objective is that ExxonMobil must not be inconvenienced nor inhibited in any way in its race to producecheapGuyanaoilandprofitrichly Ifthatcomesat asteeppriceforGuyanese,thensobeit.
Taking all this into account, we at this paper make our position known again: ExxonMobil has scant credibility with us. We cannot trust a company that colludes with an aiding and abetting PPPC Government to conceal so much fromthecitizensofthiscountry Itcouldbetheamountof oil from new discoveries announced. Or the true daily oil productionnumbersattheoffshoreoperations. Orthereal figures and the associated circumstances in the billions of dollarsofexpensessubmittedbythecompany Ordumped producedwateramountsandhowithasbeentreated.
Concerned citizens respond to EAB upholding EPAdecision to exempt hazardous waste facility from EIA
On April 24, 2024, the EAB,afterseven(7)months of deliberations, finally ruled to uphold the EPA’s exemption of an EIA for Schlumberger Guyana Inc. (SLB) Radioactive Storage andCalibrationFacility
THE EAB in its ruling referred to Schlumberger Guyana Inc (SLB) Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP). However nowhere on the EPA website is this EAMP available Neither has this EAMP been shared nor has there be any EAMP stakeholder consultations held with residents or
communities situated in the area in which SLB operates asrecommendedbytheEAB in the six weeks since this ruling.As such stakeholders have no access to this document and were never consulted by ACORN or anyoneelseinreviewingthis EAMP This is not the first time that the EAB in upholding EPA decision over the objections of citizens have referred to documents not available to stakeholders.
Concerns were also expressed in March 2023 that the EPA and the EAB were relying on documents for its decision to exempt
EIAswhileatthesametime refusing to provide these documentstoappellantsand stakeholders. This lack of t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability continues to be deeply concerning and raises questions about the fairness and transparency of thedecision-makingprocess ofboththeEPAandtheEAB to make or uphold decision affecting the health, safety andwell-beingofappellants and stakeholders without their constitutional rights to accesstoinformation.
A p p e l l a n t s o n September 6 stressed that what was before the EAB and the EPAwas not only a radioactive source storage and calibration facility, but rather an integrated “single facility” involving the handling, storage, and processingofnotonlysealed radioactive sources but hazardous materials, chemicals and hazardous waste from a rapidly expanding oil and gas industry We reminded the EAB that this type of integrated project is precisely the type of project contemplated in Section 17 of the EPA Act, which mandatestheEPAtorequire a full EIA to identify and assessprospectivelythe (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox
The Unexplored World of Micro-organisms in Guyana
As a documentary
journalist deeply committed to uncovering the hidden storiesofournaturalworld,I am compelled to voice my strong criticism of the glaring omission in our national media: the lack of documentaries focused on
the rich and largely
unexplored world of microorganisms in Guyana. This oversight is not merely a missed opportunity for scientific exploration but also a disservice to the public’s understanding of our environment and the intricate web of life that sustainsit.
Guyana,withitsvastand diverse ecosystems, is a treasure trove of microbial life.
From the dense rainforests and expansive wetlandstotheintricateriver systems and coastal mangroves, our country harboursastaggeringvariety ofmicro-organismsthatplay crucial roles in maintaining ecologicalbalance.
These micro-organisms are the unseen engineers of our environment, driving processes such as decomposition, nutrient cycling, and even climate regulation.
Yet, despite their significance, they remain largely invisible in our medialandscape.
T h e l a c k o f documentaries on micro-
organisms in Guyana is perplexing, especially considering the global scientific community’s growinginterestinmicrobial ecology
Studies have shown that micro-organismsarenotjust passive inhabitants of their environments but active players that influence the health and stability of ecosystems For instance, soil microorganisms contributetosoilfertilityand plant health, while aquatic micro-organisms are vital forwaterqualityandnutrient dynamics.Inourrainforests, micro-organismsareintegral to the decomposition of organic matter, thus sustainingthenutrientcycles thatsupportplantandanimal life.
However, the general public remains largely unawareofthesefascinating dynamics.
Documentarieshavethe power to bridge this knowledge gap, making complex scientific concepts accessibleandengaging.
By bringing the microscopic world to the screen, we can inspire curiosity and appreciation forthesmallestformsoflife that underpin the health of ourplanet.
M o r e o v e r, s u c h documentaries can serve as powerfultoolsforeducation and conservation, highlighting the need to protect not just the visible

flora and fauna but also the invisible microbial communities that are essential to ecosystem resilience.
One might argue that microorganisms lack the charisma of larger, more visually appealing wildlife
H o w e v e r, t his perspective underestimates the potential for storytelling and visual innovation in documentary filmmaking Advancesinmicroscopyand imaging technology now allowustocapturestunning, high-resolution images and videosofmicro-organisms.
T h e s e v i s u a l s , c o m b i n e d w i t h compelling narratives about their ecological roles and interactions, can make for captivating and informativedocumentaries. Furthermore, focusing on micro-organisms offers a unique opportunity to a d d r e s s b r o a d e r environmentalissues
For instance,the impact of climate change on microbial communities and their subsequent effects on ecosystem functions is a criticalareaofresearch.
By documenting these changes, we can raise awareness about the far-
reaching consequences of environmental degradation. Additionally, exploring the potential of microorganisms in biotechnology, such as their use in bio-fuels, bioremediation, and agriculture, can highlight innovativesolutionstosome of our most pressing challenges.
The absence of micro-
o r g a n i s m - f o c u s e d documentaries in Guyana also reflects a broader issue within our media industry: the tendency to prioritize sensational and immediately appealing content over in-depth and thought-provoking exploration Whilethereis undoubtedly a place for entertainment in media, we must not overlook the importance of educational content that can broaden

our horizons and deepen our understanding of the world. Documentaries on micro-organisms may not promi
te commercial success, but their long-term value in fost
cientific literacy and environmental s t e w a r d s h i p i s immeasurable
Moreover, this neglect is a missed opportunity to showcase Guyana’s unique contributions to g l o b a l s c i e n t i f i c knowledge. Our country is home to numerous endemic species and unique habitats that provide invaluable insights into microbial diversityandfunction.

This, in turn, can stimulate local scientific initiatives and educational programmes, fostering a culture of inquiry and innovation.
Inconclusion,theneed for more micro-organism documentaries in Guyana is not just a matter of filling a niche in themedia landscape; it is a call to recognise and celebrate the intricate and essential roles that microorganisms play in ourecosystems.
It is a plea to elevate our public discourse, to move beyond the surface and explore the depths of ournaturalworld
WayneLyttle Do c u m e n t a r y
By documenting these aspects, we can position Guyana as a leader in environmental research and conservation, attracting international collaboration andfunding.

Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox
Guyanese should be proud of the national football team ConcernedcitizensrespondtoEAB...
As a Guyanese born individual living in the Diaspora, I had the distinct honour of being in Panama to witness a spirited performance by the Guyanese team. Although, thefinalscorewasPanama2 and Guyana 0, the results in nowayshouldbeviewedas a loss. I wish to personally commend the players and the coaching staff for the
team’s performance. I have been made aware that the teamislackinginresources, facilities and much more. Guyana can do and must do bettertogivetheseplayersa fightingchance.
Of special note is the mental fortitude of the players, playing against a team with home team advantage and thousands of fans in the stadium. Simply put, it was absolutely
amazing and an honour to supportthisincredibleteam. Guyana footballers, you shouldbeproudandIcallon thosewithresponsibilitiesto provide resources to you forthwith.
In conclusion, all I will say at this point is Guyana footballers you have set a standard for yourselves and forGuyana.

Frompage04 cumulativeeffectsofrelated activities. The EAB ruling has not responded to this issue.
AndwhiletheEABand the current executive director of the EPA continues to justify the EPA’s power under the Environmental Protection Acttodetermineifaproject warrants an EIA, what the EPA and the EAB fails to acknowledge is EPA’s “statutorydutytorequirean EIA to ensure that any activitywhichmaycausean adverseeffect beassessed before such an activity should be authorized ” Additionally, the lack of expertise and competency within the EPA to make informed decisions are gravelytroubling.
At the EAB hearing into Schlumberger Guyana, the EAB Chairman asked the EPA to state qualifications within their agency on radiationcompetency
This revealed that no EPAstafforresourceperson hadaBSdegreeoraMSora PHD and the longest course any EPA person had undertaken was for 1 year and that was their radiation expert, who unfortunately, subsequentlydied.
Whenthenaskedifthere was other expertise on radiationwithinGuyana,the EPA’s expert referred to Xraytechnicians.
Equivalenttocomparing chalk and cheese and solicitingsurprisefromeven SLBrepresentativespresent. In the face of this lack of expertise and competency on radiation and radiation protection, how can citizens have confidence in the ability of the EPA as Guyana’s regulatory body and the EAB as the EPACT appeal body, to make well informed expert and
including exempting SLB’s radioactive and source storage calibration facility from an EIA, thereby
constitutional right to a safe and healthy environment. Wealsorejecttheimposition of an EAMP which has grossly failed to consult or even get any feedback from c o m m u n i t y - b a s e d stakeholders.
TheEABrulingfailedto address the more than 12
These included the failure to answer the adequacy of 19 source storage pits to hold not
dioactive Sources (SRS) but increasing number of SRS as oil and gas production expands with Liza 1, 2 and Payara in production over their safetylimits.
Neither was any explanations given of the 100 Cobalt 60 pip tags missing in SLBs project summary revised in 2021 and 2023, and the 8 Barium 133SRSalsomissinginthe 2023revisedreport.
It is known that the Cobalt 60 is one of the radionuclides which can be used in the manufacture of dirtybombs.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)requirement is that all facilities and companies storing and using sealed radioactive sources, (SRS) must keep an updated registry of number, type, movement, lost, disused or spent SRS
The EPA as Guyana’s regulatory agency revealed that they keep a registry but failed to answer any questions about the
discrepancies and missing SRS Major differences raisedastothepurposeofa 300mm trench in the calibration room, which according to the EPA generated 10 44 metric tonnes equivalent to 264 17 gallons in just 2 months in 2022 remains answered.
The EPA report was on hazardous wastes so it must be assumed that this referred to 264.17 gallons of hazardous wastewater andwedonotknownifthis wasarecurringmonthlyor bi-monthly SLB referenced GWI as its receivingwatersourceinits 2023 revised project summary
This is highly alarming thatSLBwouldbesending its wastewater to GWI GWI is not a hazardous waste management company or a river into which wastewater or treated effluent can be discharged
And while the EAB in its ruling has called for baseline monitoring to be conducted as part of Schlumberger Guyana Inc SLB’s permit including monitoring of radiation levels around SLB radioactive and source storage facility to be made public; since the EPA has no specific - safety standards for radiation protection, permissible doses and dose limits, specialized regulations or codes of practice who will be setting these standards and ensuring that independent monitoring is carried out and safe radiation levels are complied with according tointernationalstandards
Yourssincerely, DanutaRadzik VandaRadzik RaphaelSingh

The owners of the resources are not benefitting!
Guyana is supposed to be benefitting from 50% of the profits in the Stabroek Block, but ExxonMobil and its partners in 2023 walked away with a whopping US$6.5B in profits, leaving the crumbs behind- US$1.6B, for Guyana.
This utter disrespect must cease immediately. Guyanese must not be treated as dogs in our homeland; we deserve to live better lives with the wealth that the creator has blessed us with. It should not only be to the benefit of the foreigners.
Our politicians are however allowing the oil companies to fatten their bank accounts at the expense of our people and our future.
ExxonMobil and partners made US$6.5B profits in 2023 while
ExxonMobil, Hess and 2023. Notably, this sum also resources. transfer metering skids and CNOOC in 2023 pocketed a includesthe2%royalty
exciting and rapidly
Production Sharing
PresidentofExxonMobil analyzed by independent whopping US$6.5 billion in In keeping with the Guyana, Alistair Routledge laboratories to ensure profitsfromtheworld’smost provision of the 2016 said, “It has been an integrity Independent
extraordinary year of surveyors, as well as developing basin, the Agreement (PSA), the progress and achievements. officials from the Guyana StabroekBlock. government of Guyana is OurGuyanainvestmentsand
O n T h u r s d a y , entitled to 50% of profits unrivalled development Standards and the Guyana
ExxonMobil Guyana generated in the Stabroek success continue to deliver Revenue Authority witness Limited (EMGL), with a Block and two percent transformational value to the custody transfer and 45% interest in the Block, royalty on all petroleum Guyana and contribute to
revealed its financial producedandsold.Itmustbe secure, reliable and diverse volumes.” statements, highlighting an noted that ExxonMobil first globalenergysupplies.”

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

EMGL said it continued after-tax profit of $615 deducts 75% of the monthly According to him, the
President, ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge
billion or approximately revenue to recover its highlight of 2023 was the investments in Guyana, with US$3 billion. Hess Guyana investments in the block- the Payara project, starting up total assets increasing 44% Exploration Ltd. holds 30% remaining 25% revenue is safely ahead of schedule. to GY$3.2 trillion. With the interest, and CNOOC thensplitwithGuyana. Payara is the company’s startup of the Prosperity In the meantime, the billion in 6 offshore Petroleum Guyana Limited
A l
FPSO in November 2023, government of Guyana, that developmentprojects. holds25%interest.
government has criticized development in the Stabroek gross production increased is contractually poised to Exxon reported that a
This means that the three the lopsided arrangement, it Block and has pushed daily by 41% and revenues by benefit from 50% of the totalof142millionbarrelsof partners together walked has bluntly refused to production to over 645,000 26% compared to 2022, profits generated in the oilwereproducedandsoldin away with approximately renegotiate the fiscal terms barrels per day (bpd) on despiteloweroilprices. block, was only paid US$1.6 2023; Guyana received 17 $1 4 trillion or US$6 5 to ensure the country average. The company reported billion in oil revenue during millionprofitoilbarrels. billionin2023.
benefits fairly from its

To date, the ExxonMobil that its equity also increased
The company was keen
Guyana-led Stabroek Block by 47 percent when to note, “Oil sales volumes consortiumhascommittedto comparedtotheendof2022, are measured via custody investing more than US $55 drivenbyitsearnings.
Missing woman found naked and headless in Port Kaituma
The headless, naked and decomposing bodyofawomanwasfoundinPortKaituma, North West District, Region One on Friday afternoon. Detectives believe that the body maybethatofPauletteEdwardsofMatthews Ridge who was last seen alive on June 4, 2024.
The decomposing remains of the woman were found at around 16:30h in a clump of bushes in a swamped area in the vicinity of Cat Walk, Port Kaituma. Police have since been able to locate the head of the corpse on Saturday
Investigators believe that the remains wereatthelocationforaboutfourdaysdueto itsdecomposition.

“The deceased was clad in a black top pulleduptoherchest,exposingherbra,while Kaieteur News that her daughter's father is her lower body was fully exposed,” police knownforphysicallyabusingher Onesource toldKaieteurNews. revealed that the man was recently released
The black blouse was similar to the one from police custody where he spent time for thatPauletteEdwardswaswearingontheday assaultingthewoman.Thepersonsaidthaton she reportedly went missing. 'Lilly' was June4,themanwasallegedlyseenhittingthe written on the right sleeve of the blouse woman. Edwards was last seen wearing. At the time
It is unclear, however, whether the person the body was found, the said name was seen ofinterestsoughtbythepoliceisthefatherof on the same sleeve of the blouse she was clad Edwards'daughter;henorthebabyhavebeen in. seeninthearearecently
Kaieteur News understands that
Further, Edwards' acquaintances are detectives are trying to locate a male trying to locate the baby, with the hope that acquaintance of Edwards who they believe sheissafe. canassistthemwiththeirinvestigations.
The matter is being investigated by
“The Port Kaituma Police Station urges detectives.Meanwhile, after news surfaced anyone with information related to this that the body of a beheaded woman was incident to come forward and assist in the found, representatives of the Venezuelan investigation. Community cooperation is migrant community have indicated that crucialinensuringtheswiftresolutionofthis several Venezuelan women living in Guyana tragicevent,”policesaid. havegonemissinginRegionOne.
Kaieteur News learnt that Edwards had
“There are various girls that have moved to Port Kaituma some time ago and disappearedinrecentdays,thereisonewhere reportedly lived there with her daughter's afamilyhasnotheardfromformonthsnow,” father thepersontoldKaieteurNews.
Persons familiar with the deceased told
Beware of the environmental and economic risks of brackish shrimp cultivation
The government’s brackish water shrimp project has faced criticism from Mr. Tony Vieira. The allegations include damage to sea defence dams and protective mangroves, alleged overstatement of production, and increased salinity of the ponds and surrounding lands, rendering them unfit for otheruses.
The Ministry of
Agriculture has not adequately addressed these concernsinitsresponse.The Ministry instead claims that production figures are actually understated and insists there are no negative environmentalimpactsfrom the current system However, the Ministry has not addressed the reported damage to earthen sea dams or mangroves due to the sourcingofsaltwaterforthe farms. Additionally, it has not acknowledged issue of insufficient knowledge, aboutbrackishwatershrimp cultivation, among agricultural authorities in East Berbice, nor has it commentedontheclaimthat increased land salinity from these ponds makes the land unusable for other purposes afterwards.
The Ministry of Agriculture ought to have known that brackish shrimp
cultivation has potential environmentalrisks.Similar initiatives in other parts of the world have been associated with destruction of coastal ecosystems and the degradation of receiving water bodies canals Brackish shrimp cultivation hasalsoledtoanincreasein soil and ground water salinity T
obligation to address the concerns expressed by Mr Vieira concerning the brackish water shrimp cultivation project The public is not going to be appeased by the Ministry’s own assessment of its own project.
One effective measure would be to invite the InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to conduct a thorough environmental impact assessment This assessment would evaluate the potential damage to the lands caused by the shrimp farmingactivities,providing a n u n b i a s e d a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e understanding of the environmental implications. By doing so, the Ministry will be demonstrating its commitment to sustainable agriculturalpracticesandthe well-being of the affected
The Ministry of Public Works should assess the integrity of sea dams and mangrove forests in the vicinityoftheshrimpponds. It should do so to determine whether these structures have sustained any damage duetothesaltwatersourcing required for the shrimp farms Ensuring the structural integrity of these natural defences is vital to protect the surrounding population from potential sea water incursion and coastalerosion
I have my own concerns about this project, which I have mentioned before First, despite the contention by the Ministry of Agriculture that this project hasbeenamajorsuccessand has resulted in increased production of shrimp, the price of this commodity in the market has not been reducedmuch.
While the price mechanism in our markets follow their own laws, it is known that when swamp shrimp is in ‘season’ the price dips appreciably. However, even with the declaredmassiveincreasein output, the price of this shrimp remains extremely high and out of the reach of thepoor
As such we have a
GDP per capita causing de dollar to vanish
“Lemme tell yuh something ‘bout GDP per capita.” Now, we all know dis fancy figure does mek headlines and give dem bigwigs like de Vee Pee someting to boast ‘bout. Guyana’s GDP per capita flyfromUS$6,400in2019 to a whopping US$18,200 in 2022. If yuh blink too long, yuh might tink yuh livingindenextDubai.But tekagoodlook‘round,and yuh gon see a different story. All dis talk ‘bout GDP per capita is like putting lipstick pon a pig. Sure, it lookniceindenewspapers and mek de politicians walk tall. But dem boys seh, “Where de money deh” De average man hustling harder dan ever, an’ de cricket stadium at Providence emptier dan a churchonaMonday Yuh know things bad
when even de cricketers can’t draw a crowd. Dem ticket prices high, yes, but if all dat oil money was trickling down to we pockets, de stadium woulda been packed, even formatchesbetweenteams nobodyhear‘bout.Butno, de stands stay bare, like dempromiseofbetterdays.
Dem boys seh, “Check
de other Caribbean islands ” Barbados, Trinidad, dem places gon havecrowdsbigenoughto mek de ground shake. Meanwhile, back in Guyana, yuh could hear a pin drop in de stadium. Is like de oil money jump straight from de well to de pockets of dem big oil companies, bypassing de smallmanentirely
GDP per capita like it tekarocketridetodemoon while de small man still hustlingtobuyalilriceand
billion-dollar industry in Guyana producing an item than is unaffordable to the poor. Priority needs to be given to satisfying local consumptionneedsoverthat ofexportmarkets.
The production numbers therefore need to be interrogated. In the first 11 months of last year, the government claimed that brackish water shrimp earned some G$1.3 billion dollars.Buttowhomdidthis money go: the rich or the poor? The government is projecting a 15- fold increase in brackish water shrimp. But who benefits fromthisproduction?Which economic class is reaping the investment that government is handsomely supporting?
The Ministry should clarify who has benefited from the government’s support for this capitalintensive project It is
important to know if the benefitshaveprimarilygone torichfarmers,whichwould undermine the potential for this initiative to serve as a toolforpovertyreduction.
Ideally, such a project should be designed to provide incre
d opportunities for youth and women, positioning it as a
y alleviation effort If the project is instead enriching thealreadyaffluent,itraises serious concerns about its equitable distribution and the soci
omic approach behind this initiative.
As a major agricultural endeavour, this shrimp farming project could have been an avenue for diversification for the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) Utilizing non-canelands,GUYSUCO has the capacity and resourcestoengageinlarge-

scale shrimp farming and other aquaculture activities. This diversification could o f f e r s u b s t a n t i a l remunerative employment opportunities for hundreds of workers, contributing sign
economic development and stability of the agricultural sector
GUYSUCO’s infrastructure and workforce, the project could achieve a broader impact, fostering inclusive growth and supporting the livelihoods of many within thecommunity (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
chicken. Dem boys seh, “GDPper capita more like GP-de pocket ah dem oil companies ” De fancy number sound nice, but it ain’t doing nothing for de peoplewhoreallyneedit.
So next time yuh hear ‘bout how Guyana getting richer, ask yuhself, “Who really getting rich?” De answermightsurpriseyuh. Or maybe not, ‘cause dem boys know de truth. De money flowing, but it flowing like de Demerara River–alwaysgoingoutto sea,neverstayinghome.
So dem boys seh, “Keep yuh GDP per capita.” We gon be happy when we see de money in we pocket, not just in de headlines. Until den, we gon be watching empty stands and wondering where all de wealth really deh. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

VPJagdeo – a frank profile

Before Bharrat Jagdeo delightful pastime to keep Guyana’s EPA went into sir Getting in the face, or it was GY$387 8 big was a person, he was a them from getting bored. deepfreeze Bewitched crawling on the knees? I am ones for capital political creature. When he They give them oil. Jagdeo Guyanese stare at a corpse dumb, so Guyanese must tell expenditure, which was m a d e s t r i d e s i n got his paws on oil, and it that embalmed itself. The me. They tell me that Dr 50% over 2022, and improved in what, may I understanding politics, he was the beginning of the end disemboweled EPA still Bharrat Jagdeo is a smart about 275% over 2021 Is ask? In craftiness and stopped being a human forhim. stinks. When pressed about man, but with what and for that real money, or what? camouflages, certainly being, and became a In opposition, he was the absence of a Petroleum what purpose, those are the Now, when all de money dun And, upon second thoughts,
machine Cold and going to do this and then that Commission, the Mighty VP questions. They tell me that teef out and the toothless, what is claimed to be ‘new’ calculatingasacashregister withtheoil. Thenhefellflat seh why the need for waan, he is a leader of fire and cherry-picked procurement in Jagdeo is not really new Bloodlessandruthlessasany on his behind, once in when Guyanese already gat brimstone, and I agree. Just commission is exposed as a Only a new coat of paint, foreign barbarian. But they government, and his one. Itishehimself.Dozens listen to one of what he calls con game, there is Jagdeo thanks to the mushrooming tell me he is a people person. backbone collapsed. Ever of people in a cabinet and his press conferences. They riding into town on his white American presence I Mustbesomespecialkindof see a man go so fast from every maan jack of them are so adorable that they horse with his white hat caution my fellow Guyanese people unknown to me. I warrior to weasel? There is don’t have a single pulse. should be sent to the UN firmly in place. He has been that I know these people believethatJagdeohassome the man in red and the Objection, Comrade leader GeneralAssemblyforairing. around those cowboys and well. Give them as much residual good in him. The brightest,hardworkinghead. Overruled! Nowshutupand They need some excitement cowgirls from Texas too freedom as Jagdeo has, and handicap is that he himself When he must tell Guyanese sit down, and let it be the last in that stuffy institution, an long. Corruption has been they could blow up this would have the greatest whatheisdoingforthem,he time. Nowthatisleadership. openmouthed peek at what killing Guyana from the day place No meters, no difficulty finding such, if he tells them about what must Like the Almighty Ali, the Jagdeo school of it stopped being British conservative production did care to find some be done for Exxon. He the VP speaks thunderously Guyanese leadership is all at Guiana,butithasneverbeen levels, no watchdogs, and no Guyanese love to showoff thinks he is a mulatto, even and menacingly to poor, the core. On the other hand, this bad. Here is a thought parent liability guarantee, that they know a few some Viking warrior for the frikkened Guyanese. But when his audience consists forpeers:theAmericanslove and Guyana just joined the profound truths. One is company’s cause The when it is the white man, of foreigners, Mistah Jagdeo Guyana so much that they nuclear club. As jarring and about those whom the gods warmest welcome for they are all manners and is more about protocol than send their CIA, DEA, FBI, jukingandjivingasthatwas, wish to destroy they make investors, he calls it. When mincingtheirwords. Yessir! Buckingham Palace. There State Department and even I think that the old Jagdeo mad. Guyanese don’t know Jagdeo blazed like a blast Right away sir! No sir! Not is Mr Hyde putting on his the NYPD here Jeez! had a few droplets more to zilch. The gods have a more furnaceforforeigninvestors, a word about renegotiation, best face and pretending to Thanks to Jagdeo’s style of recommend. be the polished and proper c l e a n g o v e r n a n c e , Summing up all this, my Dr Jekyll. I will take Georgetown has become thinking is that the honcho Dracula. Incidentally, I can MadisonSquareGarden. Or lost his way when he began see the white people is it that Cuban resort called to view truth as some kind of wrinkling their powdered Guantanamo that was so terrorist,andlightasablight. noses at his airs, at this favored by the Yanks? Now I don’t believe that he can uppity n (now don’t get any the word is about big plans recover anymore. Even he ideas, folks). N is for for Parika. The positive is wantedto,hisnewAmerican neophyte. Nothing to do that it could be the gateway friends have some other with nincompoop or that for ecotourism. The dark, ideas. MyGod!Guyanaisin other nasty, ugly, and dirty unspoken side is that the a vise: all the vices word. Take it from me, the modern Parika would be a congregateinthatonelocked Arabsfeltthatstingfirst. paradiseforsmugglers,andit place. One apple can spoil a See if these dentures fit is not plucked chicken whole barrel. One black Bharrat Jagdeo is such a wise Everythingaboutdesebannas sheep can tarnish an entire fellow that it took him four gah fuh gat a hidden agenda family One maximum years to hear and recognize The whole US National leader can bring down a the noises thundering Security Council could countrycompletely globally about Guyana’s suddenly develop a keen

(The views expressed in procurement malpractices interest about vacationing in this article are those of the Fouryearsofrecord-breaking thenewParikaarea a u t h o r a n d d o n o t national budgets, where the Many PPP stalwarts necessarily reflect the hog of the billions went to, insistthattheBharratJagdeo opinions and beliefs of this what else, procurement In of today is new and n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s 2024, it is GY$666 billion, in improved. I will meet them affiliates.) someshapeorform In2023, halfway: new, I agree, but

ConstructionofMaruranauSec. Schoolestimatedtocost$189M
The construction of the Maruranau Secondary School, Region Nine is estimated to cost $189M, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)hasrevealed.
The new secondary school is one of several that the Ministry of Education planstobuildinthehinterland.
DuringthereadingofbidsatNPTAB,it was revealed that 12 contractors are competing for the contract. They are
$196,161,000, Panko Steel Fabrication & Construction-$295,000,000,Ceraturium$196,841,500, QA Civil Works$179,599,015, Beerdat Harrinandan Construction & Transportation$197,936,000, Transmobile Construction & Electrical - $194,730,638, Sheriff Construction Inc - $178,539,300, Gormain D'Aguair Construction$196,858,040, Reiaz Akbar General Construction Services - $268,538,937, Osbert & Sons Construction Agriculture Transportation & Lumberyard –$196,036,910, 3D Construction$182,487,711, and Surajpaul Balkaran &
Kaieteur News understands that currently secondary school students are being accommodated at the Maruranau Primary Top school.InApril, at an outreach in Region Nine, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand told residents that four new secondary schools are expected to be constructed in the region at Nappi, Massara, Maruranau and Tabatinga villages.
According to the Department of Public Information (DPI) the construction of the secondaryschoolswilleasetheovercrowdingat StIgnatius,whileclosingtheprimarytopsinthe other communities to provide students with the opportunitytohavebetteraccesstolearning.
This year, the Ministry of Education was allocated$74.4Billionfromthenationalbudget, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenanceofeducationalfacilities.
Thisnewspaperreportedthatsincereturning to office the government through the ministry has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation's children have access to secondary education. The aim is to achieve universalsecondaryeducationby2025.

Jagdeo refuses to say whether Caribbean covered in US$2 billion oil spill guarantee
Jagdeo refuses to say whether Caribbean covered in US$2B oilspillguarantee
ExxonMobil Guyana
Limited (EMGL) has consistently warned through t h e p a g e s o f i t s Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) that a majorspillcanaffectasmany as13Caribbeannations.
The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysisinacolumnlastyear pointed out that the islands located within the path of a potential oil spill from the Guyana project produce more than US$140 billion of economic activity annually, largelybasedonthemaritime and tourism sectors International Financial Analyst, Tom Sanzillo explainedthatthesecountries suchasTrinidadandTobago, byvirtueofthesourceofsuch revenuescited,facefinancial risks from an oil spill in Guyana.
Currently,theoperatorof the Stabroek Block is producing approximately 645,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd) at three Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels. Notably, the vessels are all producing above nameplate capacity, sparking safety concernsoftheoperations.
ExxonMobilandpartners have since lodged a US$2 billion oil spill guarantee to provide additional resources tocleanupandcompensateif its limited US$600 million insurance fails to satisfy thosedemands.
Chiefpolicymakerforthe petroleum sector, Vice PresidentBharratJagdeowas asked during his Thursday pressconferenceattheOffice of the President in Georgetown to say whether the guarantee will provide coverage beyond this country's borders In his
response, the VP told the reporter to ask Trinidad whether it has the resources to take care of a spill should Guyanabeaffected.
He said, “I see the Trinidadianconcernandstuff like that. Did the Caribbean n
Guyana? You think the Trinidadians when you ask themwhatiftheyhaveanoil spill, do they have money to cover our liabilities here? Justaskthemthat.”
On Thursday, Kaieteur News reported that a TrinidadianandTobagonon-
FishermenandFriendsofthe Sea (FFOS) raised concerns about the risk posed to the twin island and other Caribbeannations,duringan OilSpillforuminobservance of World Environment Day onWednesday
During a v
ual appearance at the event hosted at Cara Lodge,

Q u a m i n a S t r e e t , Georgetown, the founding member and Corporate Secretary of the Tobagobased fisherfolk body, Gary Aboud argued that the risks posed by an oil spill in Guyana to other parts of the Caribbean are yet to be properly addressed by an EIA.
“IfGuyanahasaspill…it comes directly onto our
Tobago) and 70 percent of our Gulf of Paria water c
Orinoko…yet the EIA does not even address the risk to Caricom, the risk to Trinidad,”Aboudlamented.
He continued, “So Guyana is operating as if Guyanaisatriskforoffshore platforms. They are not at risk; the movement from the water does not flow onto Guyanese shores; so all of a sudden where is the TOR (Terms of Reference) for Guyana.”
The Trinidadian said citizens have raised this concern with government officials in T&T previously both in person and through letters;however,itisyettobe addressed.
Oilspillmodelsincluded in the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for a 35 welldrillingcampaigninthe Stabroek Block showed that
an unmitigated oil spill can reach Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Martinique, and Barb
well as Dominican Republic, Haiti, andJamaica.
Two Guyanese citizens, Frederick Collins and Godfrey Whyte took the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Court for failing to ensure the nation receives an unlimited parent company guarantee, in accordance with the Liza One Permit, to protect the nation from oil spill liabilities.
While the Court ruled in favourofthecitizensonMay 3, 2023 the EPA and Exxon movedtoappealthedecision. Government subsequently applied to be joined to the matter to fight against the unlimited parent company guarantee.

Int'l partnership needed to tackle gold...
Frompage3 26,727troyouncesrespectively.
Golddeclarationdeclinedin2021,to499,054 troy ounces reflecting decreased declaration byallcategoriesofminers.
Gold declined to 486,415 troy ounces in 2022 reflecting decreased declaration by small and medium-scale miners, while the sole operating foreign company recorded higherdeclarations.
“Thisdownwardspiralislikelytopersist asthegovernmenthasdisplayedlittleserious andsustainedefforttotacklegoldsmuggling and, on the other hand, to grapple with a manifestation of the Resource Curse in the
form of skilled labour leaving legacy lowerwage industries for the better-paying oil and construction sectors. Should new large-scale production fail to materialize as expected, Guyanawillexperiencesignificantreduction in gold revenues and export earnings under thePPP,”theOppositionLeadersaid.
Norton said that given the opposition's track record on the subject, the aforementioned measures need to be undertaken to ensure that the country's gold industryisrevived.
“Itisvitalthatanyinter-agencytaskforce isgiventherequisitemandateandresources,” NortonsaidinastatementreadonFriday
CopaccusesSuperintendant ofPoliceofsexually assaultinghimonseawall
A male Constable has accused a male Superintendant of Policeofsexuallyassaulting himontheKingstonseawall inGeorgetown.
“The incident allegedly occurred sometime in April 2024 in the vicinity of the Kingston Seawall,” police said before adding “This
allegation is being treated seriously.”
TheConstable,however, only reported the matter on Friday The Superintendent of Police has since been relieved of his command as theprobecontinues.
advances towards the Constable.
Kaieteur News learnt thatthetwopolicemenwere outtogetherinthevicinityof the seawall when the

Constablewasgropedinthe process.
Auditors that were integrally involved in the review of the US$7 3B expensesincurredbyUS oil major,ExxonMobil,between the period 2018 and 2020 have denied that the full report prepared by the team hasbeenpublishedonline
VHE Consulting, a
nership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; EclisarFinancial;andVitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc was recruited by the government of Guyana back inMay2022toconductacost recovery audit of the c
consortiumwassupportedby I
Sources close to the process explained that approximately 40 pages of theauditreporthavenotbeen includedinthedocumentthat was made public by the government
ThesourcetoldKaieteur News, “The audit team submitted a detailed report ofapproximately170pages, includingamanager’sreport to the Ministry ” The document available online however consists of 135 pages. See link attached for r e p o r t :
- Auditors reveal

https://nre govgy/2024/04/ 12/vhes-initial-audit-reportfor-the-stabroek-block-costrecovery-audit-2018-to2020/ This newspaper previously reported that a number of major expenses were not captured in the second audit report. This glaring observation was made when comparing the document to the first audit report completed by British consultant,IHSMarkit Contracts awarded for major expenses such as
chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supply vessels and drill rigs; subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines(SURF);helicopter charges;laboratorycostsand wastetreatmentmanagement among others have not been included in the report completed by the local consortium
When questioned on this stateofaffairs,VicePresident BharratJagdeowhomanages the petroleum sector told reportersthathedidnotcheck
thedocumentpersonally,but the full report should be online Jagdeo during his May 30, 2024 press conference explained, “I asked them to publish the audit report. It shouldbetheauditreportas received from the auditors, that’s the report so that would be the report they would publish, as received fromtheauditors.Ihavenot checked it personally but I asked them to post it and they have posted it so that shouldbethereport.”
Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrathasbeenutterlysilent on the subject This newspaper reached out to BharratonMay30toclarify whether the full report has been released to the public The Minister responded saying “It’s online” but did notclarifywhetheritwasthe completedocument This newspaper therefore asked the Minister againtosayifthefullreport was published but did not receive a response A
reminderofthequestionwas sent to Minister Bharrat againonJune2,at11:17am. Bharratreadthemessagean hour later but never responded.Subsequentcalls to his mobile phone on Sundaywerenotanswered. The lack of information on the major contracts in the audithasraisedconcernsand questions regarding the government’s management of the petroleum industry, especially since Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant, Floyd Haynes previously told Kaieteur news that the team reviewed the numbers but was not allowed to reveal the information
During an interview on KaieteurRadioheexplained, “I haven’t been told by my client to discuss this type of stuff so I want to respect the client Once they ask me to speak on it, I’d be happy to provide (the information)” Haynesnotedthat,“Wehave detailed schedules of all of those things What I can tell you is that those were some areasthatwelookedatkeenly –drilling,mud,allthosetypes (expenses), helicopters and we benchmarked them againstindustrystandards”


Thirty-five students from Region Eight have completed the Ministry of Health’s Community Healthcare Workers(CHWs)andgraduatedonFridayata simpleceremonyheldatRogerHinds’Hotelin Mahdia that was attended by Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony; Regional Chairman,HeadlyPio;RegionalHealthOfficer (RHO), Dr Talitha Cort; the ministry’s Hinterland Coordinator, Michael Gouveia amongotherofficials.
ThestudentsgraduatedfromtheMinistryof Health’s Community Healthcare Workers Programme offered by the Health Sciences Education Division and are the first batch to undergotraininginRegionEight.
According to information released by the ministry on Saturday, this cohort is now expected to return to their respective communities and put into practice the knowledge and skills they acquired over the pastsixmonthsoftraining.
Minister Anthony in his feature address notedthatthe35graduatesrepresent23villages acrossRegionEight.HesaidtheMinistry’saim is to ensure that at least 115 different interventionsareavailableatlevelsoneandtwo health facilities Among the training the graduatesreceivedwerefirstaid,heartdisease, cardiopulmonaryresuscitation(CPR),andtelehealth.
“At levels one and two, one of the things that we’ve decided in the ministry is that we must be able to offer at least 115 different interventions Thisisimportantbecauseifwe want to make sure that people are getting access to care then these very basic interventions must be available to people in thevariouscommunities.Iamveryhappythat withthisbatchofstudents,youwerealsoableto include first aid, heart disease, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and tele-health,”hestated.
ItwasrevealedattheceremonythatRegion Eight will have additional tele-medicine sites by the end of this year The Minister also encouraged residents to take full advantage of the service provided and even encouraged the recent graduates to further their studies in this regard.
Meanwhile,thegraduateswereencouraged toperformtheirdutieswithexcellenceandalso educateresidentsonpreventativemeasuresfor chronic diseases, conducting comprehensive school health screenings, and supporting the HPVvaccinationprogramme.

Kimberly Sattaur

Meet theabsolutely ravishingKimberlySattaur, aGuyaneseentrepreneurandcreative whodescribesherselfasadreamerand mastermanifester.Kimberlyoccupiesseveral rolesincludingmanagingTheWalkinCloset,and makingjewellerywithKarmabyKim.Inherleisure, Kimberlyloveslearningnewskills,spendingtimein nature,studyingastrology,exploringspiritualityand embarkingonherpersonalhealingjourney. Assuch,herultimategoalistobecomeanexpertin thefieldofholistichealth.Thisweek’sbeauty sharedherfavoritemantrafromthehoodhealer “Onceyouhavebreath,youhaveoptions”.

Kidney Stones: Very Painful, Very common
Dr Zulfikar Bux passes tiny tools urine is less acidic, then
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicinethrough the holes and stones may be less able to
into the kidney Then form Eating meat –he or she removes the especially in excess- causes
Ihaveoftenheardfemale stone. This is called your body to produce urine patients say that they prefer “ p e r c u t a n e o u s thathasmoreacid,whichcan the pains of labor than those nephrolithotomy.” then increase your risk for that come from kidney
A thin tube that goes kidney stones You can stones. Every 1 in 5 men and into your body the reduce excess salt in your 1 in 10 women will have same way urine diet. What foods are high in kidney stones in their comes out. Doctors salt? Everyone thinks of lifetime. use tools at the end of saltypotatochipsandFrench
This rate is increasing thetubetobreakupor fries alone. There are other and is expected to increase remove stones. This products that are salty: given our trend of unhealthy i s c a l l e d sandwich meats, canned living. Some people have “ureteroscopy.” soups, packaged meals, and kidney stones and never

Drinking enough fluid overweight But, high-
What can I do to evensportsdrinks. realize. For others it’s one of keep from getting Youwanttotrytogettoa the most painful experiences kidney stones again? normal weight if you are inlife.
As some stones move, willhelpkeepyoururineless protein weight loss diets that they cause intense pain concentrated with waste include high amounts of Patients will often have to products. Darker urine is animal-based protein, as visit the emergency room or more concentrated, so your well as crash diets can add to
Theneedtourinatein their doctor to have the pain probably need to drink a lot with: urine should appear very the risk of stone formation. ahurry controlled as regular pain offluids.
A machine that uses light yellow to clear if you You need adequate protein, How do I know if medicationsoftenfail. Plus, you might need to sound waves to break arewellhydrated. but it needs to be part of a I have kidney stones?
Today we will discuss take pain medicines or upstonesintosmaller Most of the fluid you balanceddiet. If your doctor thinks you this common condition and medicinesthatmakeiteasier pieces. This is called drink should be water. Most Your doctor can advise havekidneystones,heorshe bring some clarity to to pass the stone. There are
“ s h o c k w a v e people should drink more you on your diet and canorderanimagingtestthat misconceptions that are specific medications that lithotripsy ” This than 12 glasses of water a prescribe medications that can show the stones. An usually peddled about help open your urinary tract procedure does not day Water is better than will decrease your risk of ultrasound of your abdomen kidneystones. and make it easier for the involvesurgery,butit soda, sports drinks or havingkidneystones. is the most common test that What are kidney stones? stone to pass. Your doctor canbepainful. coffee/tea. lf you exercise or Drinking plenty of fluids is ordered to detect kidney
Kidney stones are just will decide on these A special kind of ifitishotoutside,youshould and eating healthy are your stones. what they sound like: small medications according to surgery that makes drinkmore. best options in your fight
How are kidney stones that form inside the yourcondition. very small holes in Eat more fruits and against kidney stones; stones treated? kidneys. They form when Stonesthatdonotpasson yourskin.Duringthis vegetables, which make the prevention is always better Each person’s treatment salts and minerals that are their own can be treated surgery, the doctor urine less acidic. When the thancure! is a little different. The right normally in the urine build treatment for you will upandharden. dependon:
Kidney stones usually
The size, type, and get carried out of the body locationofyourstone when you urinate But How much pain you sometimestheycangetstuck have on the way out. If that
How much you are happens, the stones can vomiting cause:
If your stone is big or Paininyoursideorin causes severe symptoms, the lower part of your you might need to stay in the belly hospital. If your stone is Blood in the urine small and causes only mild (which can make symptoms, you might be urinepinkorred) able to stay home and wait Nauseaorvomiting for it to pass in the urine. If Pain when you you stay home, you will urinate

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, arid, tribalism, and untold sparsely populated wealth have fueled the kingdom of the country’s subsequent
MiddleEast. history

It is ruled by the Saud Visualartsaredominated 1972 to coordinate and
several species on Peninsula history in the family, which in the 18th by geometric, floral, and support traditional which the falcon preys Islamic period—the rise of century entered an alliance abstract designs and by Arabian art forms. The
Islam in western Arabia in with the austere and calligraphy, the latter a K i n g F a y c a l endangered. the 7th century, the creation conservative Wahhâbî sophisticated and learned Foundation (1976)
The government of and expansion of the various I s l a m i c m o v e m e n t enterprise Not much
Islamic empires to the 10th Mohammed bin Salman, the dive
encouraged sports and century, the establishment of forceful crown prince, is the traditional architecture; cultural programs. The a t h l e t i c s b y separate and usually small de facto ruler, acting on typic
annual Jinâdiriyyah constructing sports and Muslim states in the period behalf of his elderly father decorative designs on doors Heritage and Cultural recreation facilities in leading to the 15th century, KingSalman. andwindowsandwideuseof Festival brings together all major urban areas. and the ordering of the Arab Extendingacrossmostof crenellatedwalls. thousands near Riyadh

The Saudi Arabian Middle East conducted by the northern and central The wave of change to partake in traditional Olympic Committee the Ottoman Empire starting Arabian Peninsula, Saudi starting in the 1960s pastimes such as camel was organized in 1964 in the 16th century Central Arabia is a young country influenced architectural racing, arts and crafts, and was recognized A r a b i a w a s l i n k e d thatisheirtoarichhistory styles,andstarklinearmotifs andtraditionalsongand internationally the c o m m e r c i a l l y a n d In its western highlands, became common in office d a n c e A l - $ i j r following year It has intellectually with western along the Red Sea, lies the and residential buildings (Mad⾘in bâli%), an sent athletes to the Arabia and the Fertile Hejaz, which is the cradle of The spectacular airport archaeological site Summer Games since Crescent but was often Islam and the site of that terminals at Jeddah and inhabited until the 1st 1972buthasnotfielded isolated from general religion’s holiest cities, Riyadh, however, are century CE by the a team for the Winter political and military trends MeccaandMedina. testimony to the persistence Nabataeans, was in the 1970s. During the Games The country because of its remoteness I n t h e c o u n t r y ’s and worth of traditional designated a UNESCO winter—the coolest part of also sends athletes to the andrelativepoverty geographic heartland is a styles. WorldHeritagesitein2008. the year races are held AsianGames. In the middle of the 18th region known as Najd Cultural institutions Sports and recreation weekly at the Riyadh History century in central Arabia, an (“Highland”), a vast arid The King Fahd National Saudisvalueanumberof stadium. This discussion focuses alliance of Muslim Wahhâbî zone that until recent times Library (founded 1968) is traditional and modern TheannualKing’sCamel on Saudi Arabia since the religious reformers and the was populated by nomadic located in Riyadh, as is the pastimes. Football (soccer) Race, begun in 1974, is one 18th century For a treatment Saud dynasty formed a new tribes. To the east, along the National Museum (1978). is extremely popular Many of the sport’s most important of earlier periods and of the stateandsocietythatresulted Persian Gulf, are the There are a number of Saudis also participate in contests and attracts animals country in its regional in the creation of three country’s abundant oil fields smaller libraries and activities such as scuba and riders from throughout context,seeArabia. successive Saudi kingdoms, that, since the 1960s, have museums throughout the diving, windsurfing, and the region. Falconry, another The coastal parts of the including the modern m
The time-honoured practiced, although it has Saudi Arabia participated in officially proclaimed in
e Saudi Arabia country, mostly in the larger sailing. traditional pursuit, is still territory that was to become country of Saudi Arabia, synonymous with petroleum townsandcities.
e The Society for Arts and pursuit of camel racing come under increasingly the broad trends of Arabian 1932.
i o n , Cultures was founded in developed a new following strict regulation because

The Bachelorette’s Rachel Lindsay Shares Why She Regrets Not Having Prenup with Ex Bryan Abasolo
Rachel Lindsay is married in California I
Learning podcast host put it, And while Rachel said reflecting on her know California is wild It’s “Thepersonyoumarryisnot the breakup was amicable, journey with not in my favor all the time. the same person you “The way it was filed was
B r y a n It was just a different time. divorce.” not.” Abasolo including their So I wasn’t leading with
“I’m talking about Bryan and Rachel—who divorce and why she wishes that.” myself too,” she clarified. are still living together amid they had gotten a prenuptial And while the season 13 “I’m not the same that I was their divorce—got engaged agreement before they got star noted she was open to a when I got married. You’re on her season of The married. prenup at the time, she just not. And that’s why a Bachelorettein2017.
“A lot of people are like, indicated they didn’t see eye prenup is necessary because And while she said the ‘you’re a lawyer, do you toeyeonthesubject. you’re dealing with divorce may make it seem have a prenup?’” The “We weren’t on the same
dissolving a marriage and like they didn’t get a “happy Bachelorette alum said on page with prenups,” she you’re two different people. ending” in viewers’eyes, the the June 6 episode of fellow continued. “So I just didn’t Andmymistakeisexpecting Miss Me With That author Bachelor star Natasha want it to be a bigger issue, that the people will handle it noted she doesn’t see it that Parker’s podcast Hidden so we didn’t have one. And in the same way, and they way Gems.“Idon’t.” youknow,hindsight’s20/20. justdon’t.” “I’m doing what’s best

As for why Rachel and Iwouldhavedoneit.Imean, Bryan filed for divorce for me, and that’s a happy Bryan didn’t get one before I always wanted to do it but, from Rachel in January, ending,”shesaid.“Andright saying“Ido”in2019? again, we weren’t on the citing “irreconcilable now, as I’m going through it, “The reason I didn’t is same page when it came to differences”asthereasonfor no it’s not happy It’s becausetheplacethatI’min that.” their split and noting in a messy unnecessarily now financially, however Now, Rachel encourages predicted that in 2024 I for one union. You should statement that while the messy But when I get you want to define it is couples to consider a prenup would be getting a divorce. absolutely get it.And it’s not decision to part ways was a throughit,I’mgonnahaveto totally different than when I beforetyingtheknot. You just never know what unsexy, and it doesn’t mean difficult one, “sometimes rebuild, I’m gonna have to gotmarried,”sheexplained “I think every person life’s gonna throw at you, you’re planning for a loving yourself and your restructure, but it’s a happy “We were more level, and I should have a prenup,” she what’s gonna happen. It’s divorce.It’sjustsmart.” partner means you must let ending because it’s what I wasn’t in California If I got shared. “I could have never two people coming together Because as the Higher go.” want.”

Taylor Swift defends Lady Gaga over pregnancy rumours

Taylor Swift has come cryin at the gym.” Swift trying to type up all these havearealbody’.” out in support of Lady Gaga, postedunderthevideo:“Can adjectivestodescribeme.” In January, Little who posted a video denying we all agree that it’s invasive Swift’s comments Mermaid star Halle Bailey pregnancy rumours, by and irresponsible to prompted a flood of defended her decision to calling comments about it comment on a woman’s responses underneath, such keep her pregnancy private, “invasiveandirresponsible”. body “Gaga doesn’t owe as “Gaga and Taylor OMG” despite people saying online The two US superstar anyone an explanation and and hopeful suggestions that saying she had “lied” about singers responded after neitherdoesanywoman.” the two might do a musical it. “I never lied or even said online speculation that Taylor Swift fans collaboration. anything about it honey, Grammy and Oscar-winning descend on Edinburgh as This isn’t the first time makingajokeaboutmynose singer Lady Gaga was ErasTourcomestoUK there has been online was the farthest I went,” she pregnant. People began to TaylorSwiftisknownfor speculation over whether a said. comment after photographs speaking out when she feels celebrityispregnant. “I’ll never understand emerged of the star with stronglyaboutanissue In March, High School why you are mad I protected “And I’m gonna share safely,ifudon’twannaseeit boyfriend Michael Polansky G a g a a l s o u rg e d Musical actress and singer myownpeace,wouldn’tyou my pics now if I want to just keep scrolling baby lol as they celebrated her sister followers to register to vote, Vanessa Hudgens responded dothesame? because my son is here Godblessyou.” Natali Germanotta’s andsmiledasshelipsynched tosuchcomments. weddingintheUS. to an audio clip, saying: “I US Weekly reported that Gaga posted a video on don’t have to find an she told the She Pivots TikTok,referencingthesong aesthetic;Iamtheaesthetic. podcast: “I was like: ‘That is DownBad,fromSwift’snew “I mean, I’m sure there’s so rude. I’m sorry, I don’t album, saying: “Not somebodyouthererightnow wear Spanx every day, and, pregnant - just down bad who is going into Pinterest like, am a real woman and

Greenfield MeatAnnounces US$10 Million Halaal Facility in Diamond to Boost Caribbean Meat Supply

M e a t , Guyana's top quality meat centre, is thrilled to announce its plan to construct a stateof-the-art halal meat processing facility in Diamond, East Bank Demerara.
This US$10 million investment underscores
t h e c o m p a n y ' s
c o m m i t m e n t t o enhancing the region's food security and aligns with the Caribbean C o m m u n i t y ' s (CARICOM) strategic goals, led by President IrfaanAli.
The new facility, slated to become operational by the end of
significantly increase our capacity to supply highquality meat products across the Caribbean
Thisexpansionisnotonly a testament to Greenfield Meat's dedication to quality and innovation but also to Guyana's growing role in the regional agricultural landscape.
The Diamond facility will incorporate cuttingedge technology and adhere to the highest standards of food safety andsustainability
Further details about the facility and its operational plans will be disclosed in the coming months.

Interesting Creatures...
A red panda totters along the branch of an evergreen tree, placing one paw in front of the other like a gymnastonabalancebeam.Butthen whoops! The panda loses its footing. A fall from this height—aboutahundredfeet—could bedeadly.Butthepandaquicklygrips the branch with all four paws and some seriously sharp claws, steadies itself,andkeepsmoving.
Red pandas and giant pandas share a similar name—and a love for bamboo but they aren't closely related Scientists think that red pandas are more closely related to weasels, raccoons, and skunks. And whilegiantpandasspendmostoftheir time plodding around on the ground looking for food, red pandas spend about 90 percent of their time in the treesinthemistymountainsofNepal, Myanmar, and central China where theylive.
In fact, red pandas have adapted sowelltolifeinthetreesthatthey're famous for their incredible acrobatic skills. They even have a special thumb-likewristbonethathelpsthem get an extra grip when climbing. While they can't exactly extend their arms like an acrobat to keep their balance, they can use their tails. If a red panda starts to lean in one direction, it can swing its tail the oppositewaytosteadyitself.
Spending time in trees is how theseanimalsavoidpredators,suchas snow leopards. Their reddish coats and white face markings provide camouflage in the red-brown moss
and white lichen of trees where they live.About the only time red pandas go to the ground is to, um, go. And they scamper down tree trunks headfirst. How? They rotate their ankles180degrees—that'slikebeing able to turn your foot backward. The movegivestheircurvedclawsabetter angletohangontothebark.
Redpandasareendangered.Their foresthomesarebeingcutdown,and poachershuntthemfortheirfur And their adorableness might put them in more danger, since they're ideal targetsfortheillegalpettrade.
Luckilypeoplearetryingtohelp. Forinstance,theRedPandaNetwork hires local people to be forest guardians. These panda pals keep watch over the red pandas in Nepal, replant bamboo, and help paying tourists observe them without disturbing the creatures Other organizations are using high-tech methodstotrackpoachers.Bytaking a DNA sample from a red panda rescued from the black market, conservationists can learn where the animalsarebeingtakenfrom.
Redpandaslickthemselvesclean, justlikehousecatsdo.
Newbornshardlyhaveanyfuron the bottoms of their feet. The fur growsastheygetolder Red pandas wrap their tails around themselves to keep warm in theirchillyhabitat.
They eat about 20,000 bamboo leaveseveryday

Kelly Clarkson Wins One, Loses One at 2024 Daytime Emmys
The Kelly Clarkson The video player is award she had won the last also won twice. She and Show won outstanding currently playing an ad. You four years running The RyanSeacrestwononce. daytime talk series for the canskiptheadin5secwitha award went instead to Kelly TV legend Dick Van fourth consecutive year at mouseorkeyboard Ripa and Mark Consuelos, D y k e w o n g u e s t the 2024 Daytime Emmys, “Thanks to NBC for the married stars of the performance in a daytime which were held at the believing in our show The syndicated Live With Kelly drama series for his WestinBonaventureHotelin fact that NBC, a huge and Mark. It was a surprise appearance on Days of our LosAngeles on Friday (June company, took time and win: Ripa and Consuelos Lives.At98,VanDykeisthe 7). Clarkson has won eight listenedwhenIsaid‘Hey,my didn’tevenattendtheshow oldest Daytime Emmy Daytime Emmys over the life is not going super great I ThiswasRipa’ssixthwin winner in history “If I had course of the first five don’t know if I can live here in that category Only three known I was going to live seasons of her popular talk [in L A ] anymore I don’t other hosts have won six or this long, I would have taken show (compared to three know if I can do this.’ And more times in the history of better care of myself,” Van Grammys over a much they really wrapped their the category, which dates to Dyke joked in accepting the longer period of time). arms around us and they 1974. Phil Donahue leads honor. Van Dyke, who was Impressively, she has won at helped us move. And the with nine awards in the featured on the Mary least one Emmy in each of movehasbeensogreatfornot category, followed by Oprah Poppins soundtrack, which thefiveseasons. justmeandmyfamilybutour Winfrey (seven) and Rosie topped the Billboard 200 for In accepting the award whole show It takes a lot of O’Donnell(alsosix). 14 weeks in 1965, was for outstanding daytime talk time and money and effort to What’s most impressive inducted into the Television series,Clarksongavespecial do that It is not unnoticed I about Ripa’s track record in Academy Hall of Fame in thanks to NBC for listening just want to say thank you for the category is that she has 1995 and received the to her concerns when she thinking of mental health as won alongside four different Kennedy Center Honors in proposed moving the show wellas,youknow,aproduct ” co-hosts She and Regis 2020.EntertainmentTonight from Los Angeles to New Clarkson did not, Philbin won twice in the w o n o u t s t a n d i n g York. however, win outstanding category entertainment news series TrendingonBillboard daytime talk series host, an She and Michael Strahan forthefifthconsecutiveyear

Kelly Clarkson, winner at the 51st annual Daytime Emmys Awards at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles on June 07, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

Today (Sunday, June 09, 2024)isWorldAccreditation Day (WAD). Accreditation is a formal, independent
verification that a program
internationally established quality standards and is
competent to carry out
Conformity assessment

tasks include testing, inspection, or certification, which are all essential in a world marked by rapid technological advancement, shifting consumer behaviours and ongoing economicuncertainties.
Thethemeforthisyear’s o b s
: Empowering Tomorrow andShapingtheFuture.’It highlights the role of accreditation in harnessing emerging opportunities and addressin
including the Guyana N
Industrial Metrology & Testing (IMT) Laboratory which is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017Generalrequirementsforthe competence of testing and calibration laboratories
Others include the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) Laboratory, the Government Analyst- Food and Drug Department (GAFDD) Laboratories which are also accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025Standard

T h e r e f o r e , t h e advancements perused through research and investmentinoneregioncan beeasilyacceptedelsewhere once the facilities are a c c r e d i t e d b y a n international accreditation body In Guyana, there are several laboratories that are internationally accredited
, medical laboratoriesaccreditedtothe ISO 15189:2022- Medical
l a b o r a t o r i e s
c o m p e t e n c e include WoodlandsLimitedMedical Laboratory, Woodlands
ogy Laboratory, Dr Balwant Singh’s Hospital, and
a l LaboratoriesInc.Whetherin manufacturing,healthcareor agriculture, accreditation provides a framework of trust and reliability It also enables organisations to confidently embrace new technologies and drive innovation Further, accredited conformity assessment tasks confirm that new products and processes meet rigorous requirements, facilitating their adoption and integration into existing systems.
As the Na
onal Accreditation Focal Point, theGNBScontinuestooffer support in the form of technical assistance and training to both public and private companies and la
are interested in vying for accreditation With this support, s
me were successfully accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the ISO 15189:2012 standards, giving their services international recognition.Ontheoccasion of World Accreditation Day 2024,theGNBSencourages morelaboratoriescertifiedto the National Standard to climb to the level of accreditation which will allow global confidence in the test results they provide, particularly for industry, health and the environment. For further information or technical assistance, reach out to the GNBS today on Telephone numbers: 2190064-66 or visit the GNBS website: wwwgnbsgyorg You can also WhatsApp us on+5926924627.

Lab Personnel Making Media for Bacteria Growth in the Food Microbiology Lab.

As on the occasion of
Lab Personnel performing Sample Dilution in the Food Chemistry Lab.

consumers, and businesses. competency and training approval This signals World Accreditation Day Accreditation also facilitates Regular technical assistance quality to customers and 2024 observed on June 09, market acceptance and and training programmes stakeholders, fostering trust the Guyana National Bureau compliancewithregulations, are provided by the GNBS and ensuring confidence.” of Standards (GNBS) lauded decreasing the risks of non- forcontinuous education and As Guyana looks the Government Analyst – compliance in International improvement Meanwhile, towards the future, the GAFood and Drug Department Trade The benefits of internal audits, performance FDD’s commitment to for having its laboratories laboratory accreditation evaluations, and external accreditation embodies this accredited to international extend beyond trade; public collaborations ensure that year’s World Accreditation standards. This stands as a health and consumer safety staff are proficient and up to Theme By maintaining testament to this year’s require it. Accredited labs d a t e w i t h t h e l a t e s t rigorous standards, fostering theme; Accreditation: liketheGA-FDDensurethat developments in their fields. confidence and ensuring Empowering Tomorrow testing methods are This approach is crucial for public health and safety, the andShapingtheFuture trustworthy and accurate, maintaining the standards GA-FDD not only enhances

Sinceitsestablishmentin allowing fast detection of required by accreditation,” its own credibility but also 1971, the GA-FDD has hazards in food, drug, water saidMs.Sultan. contributes to a safer evolved from a sugar and other consumer S h e a d d e d , marketplace. industry laboratory to a products. Timely health and “Accreditation is a symbol of For further information comprehensive institution safety interventions and commitment to excellence. onAccreditation, contact the which ensures safety and consumer protection require The journey to accreditation GNBS on telephone qualityoffood,drugs,water, thiscompetence. can be challenging but with numbers: 219-0069, 219cosmetics, and medical “ To m a i n t a i n o u r all the efforts, it is worth it. 0065, 219-0062 or visit the devices. Along this journey, accreditation status, the GA- When you’re accredited, you G N B S w e b s i t e : a c c r e d i t a t i o n h a s FDD prioritizes personnel earn a valuable stamp of www.gnbsgy.org.
Competence of Testing and followed suit in 2024.” significantly propelled the Calibration Laboratories. S h e c o n t i n u e d , institutiontowhatitistoday; The GA-FDD embarked “accreditation is not just a one of excellence and on its accreditation journey formality; it is a cornerstone fostering trust through its to facilitate trade, ensure of the GA-FDD’s mission by testingservices. conformance to standards adhering to internationally TheGA-FDDwasableto and to protect consumers recognised standards such expand its scope to include against falsified food, as the ISO 17025 and ISO public health and safety pharmaceuticals, and 17020 for Inspectorate thanks to the enactment of cosmetics GA-FDD’s Activities The GA-FDD the Food and Drug Quality Manager, Fadeeaha e n s u r e s i t s t e s t i n g Legislation of 1971.Today, Sultan highlighted the key procedures and outcomes the GA-FDD boasts five milestone, “On May 29, are of the highest quality, analytical laboratories: Drug 2018, the Food Chemistry, reliability and impartiality.” Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology and A c c r e d i t a t i o n Food Microbiology, Water W a t e r C h e m i s t r y significantly increases Chemistry and Excise Laboratories received initial stakeholder confidence in Laboratory; four of which accreditation through the results. With it, GA-FDD’s are Accredited to the Jamaica National Agency labs provide accurate and ISO/IEC 17025 – General for Accreditation. The Drug dependable test findings to Requirements for the Chemistry Laboratory r e g u l a t o r y b o d i e s ,

Exxon’smajorspending missingfromsecond auditreportreleased
The multi-million-dollar expenses racked up by
American oil major, ExxonMobil between the period2018and2020arenot included in the second audit report, completed by the local consortium, VHE Consulting.
This glaring observation isevidenttoanyonewhohas analyzed the document which delved into the company’s US$7 3B spending, billed to Guyana. The key data missing from the audit report is however detailed in the first report done by an international firm, IHS Markit. That firm was hired by the Coalition government to audit the company’s 1999-2017 expenses which totaled US$1.6B.
Both reports are now available on the Ministry of Natural Resources website.
See link attached: https://nre.gov.gy/2024/04/1 2/vhes-initial-audit-reportfor-the-stabroek-block-costrecovery-audit-2018-to2 0 2 0 / a n d https://nre.gov.gy/2024/04/1 1/ihs-markit-final-auditreport-for-the-stabroekblock-cost-recovery-audit1999-2017/
A comparison between the two documents reveals that contracts awarded for major expenses such as chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supply vesselsanddrillrigs;subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines (SURF); helicopter charges;laboratorycostsand w a s t e t r e a t m e n t management among others havenotbeenincludedinthe reportcompletedbythelocal consortium.
Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant, Floyd Haynes while appearing on
Kaieteur Radio was questioned about such costs but said while the team reviewed those numbers, he wasnotallowedtorevealthe information.
He explained, “I haven’t been told by my client to discussthistypeofstuffsoI want to respect the client. Oncetheyaskmetospeakon it, I’d be happy to provide (theinformation).”
Haynes noted that, “We have detailed schedules of all of those things. What I cantellyouisthatthosewere

someareasthatwelookedat keenly – drilling, mud, all those types (expenses), h
benchmarked them against industrystandards.”
It must be noted that the first audit report provides readers wit
company’s operations duringthereviewperiod.For instance, the auditors explained that during the audit period, there were 10 exploration/appraisal wells spudded and drilled in the StabroekArea.
Drilling related costs recorded against these 10 wells account for US$903 million.
A table is also included with details of the rigs used for the drilling operations at theexactwells-(seepage34 of report) No such information is included in thesecondreport.
Notably, the IHS audit also presents the list of contracts reviewed by the auditteam;again,thesecond report does not contain such details.
With regards to SURF plans, the first audit report provided an overview of an analysis done for the Liza DevelopmentPlan(seepage 43 of report) and details the costoftheinfrastructureand related services; again, such information is not reflected inthesecondreport.
As it relates to drillship costs, ExxonMobil was flagged by the British audit firm (see page 49 of report) for single-sourcing the Deep-Water Champion drillship which was contracted from Triton / Transocean at a day rate of $707,620/day; with total contractspendamountingto $87 million Meanwhile, there is no indication of rates, which Guyana was charged for the rental of drillships for the period 2018-2020.
Inlightoftheblackoutof information in the second audit report, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was asked
during his Thursday press conference to clarify whether the full report has beenmadepublic.
The Chief Policymaker for the petroleum sector however informed that he has not reviewed the document for himself and couldnotsay Heexplained, “I asked them to publish the auditreport.Itshouldbethe auditreportasreceivedfrom theauditors,that’sthereport so that would be the report they would publish, as receivedfromtheauditors.I have not checked it personally but I asked them to post it and they have posteditsothatshouldbethe report.”
The lack of such information in the report raises serious doubts about t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s commitmenttotransparency inthemanagementoftheoil sector and further underscores the need for an independent petroleum commissiontobeappointed. Moreover, it leaves the Guyanese public in the dark regarding the use of the country’s oil resources at a time when the nation continues to protest for a fairershareofitsprofits.
ExxonMobilused oilprofitstopayfor warehouseoperations inCanada,US&Gulf ofMexico
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) billed Guyana for works undertaken in the United States of America and the Gulf of Mexico, claims for which auditors have since takenumbragesincetheydid not fall under the rubric of the provisions for cost oil recovery in the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)todevelop theStabroekBlock.
VHE Consulting had been hired to audit the expenditure already recouped by EMGL—and found that the country had been made to pay for
Itwasfoundnonetheless that“regardless,theconcept is the same; the overhead is f o r g e n e r a l a n d administrative functions
a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
ExxonMobil’s global warehousingoperations.”
Additionally, VHE
warehouseschargesnoteven locatedinGuyana.
According to the Auditorsintheirnowpublic report that documents a series of breaches and abuses, it was observed that EMGL included in the Cost Recovery Statement an allocated share of overhead for its worldwide drilling warehouse(s).
The Stabroek Annual OverheadChargewassaidto coveralloverheadfunctions performed outside of Guyana, including “this worldwide drilling warehouse overhead” but according to the auditors, “directly charging the warehouse overhead is a duplication of amounts covered in the Annual OverheadCharge.”
According to VHE
Consulting EMGL, “accumulated overhead costs of its global warehousing operations and allocated the overhead to various countries based on the value of material transfersinthosecountries.”
Poignantly, the auditors observed “it is not known whether the worldwide drillingwarehouseoverhead is for actual costs or some type of perce
Consulting reported that EMGL did not confirm that 100 percent of Stabroek materialsweresourcedfrom its Houston warehouse, “how many warehouses exist, and what comprised thecostbaseoftheStabroek allocation (leasing costs, payroll costs for only warehouse personal, payroll costs for the Contractor’s parent’s entire Procurement and Logistics group, real estate costs, etc.), and the propriety of using material transfer values as a basis of costallocations.”
As such, the auditors determined that until such detailed information is p r o v i d e d , t h i s indeterminable “worldwide warehousing” cost is disallowed and deemed covered by the Annual OverheadCharge.
16,000Americansdemand US-EXIMBankwithhold fundingforGuyana’s Gas-to-Energyproject …say project a disaster for country
More than 16,000
Americans have written to Chair of the United States Export-Import Bank (USEXIM), Reta Jo Lewis demanding the financial institution not to fund the controversial Gas-to-Energy (GTE)projectbeingpursued by the Government of
Since April 2023, it was revealed that Guyana applied to the US EXIM BankforaUS$646Mloanto support the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and the 300-megawatt gas-fired p o w e r p l a n t - t w o components of the venture. To date, the application has not been approved According to a letter from 16,452 members of Friends of the Earth United States, a n o n - g o v e r n m e n t a l organization, the project is both a disaster for Guyana andtheclimate.
They said, “This project isbothadisasterforGuyana and the climate! The U.S. government should not be using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Exxon – a company that has recently reportedbillionsinprofits.”
The advocacy group in the missive issued late last month went on to point out that studies done indicate that the gas project is not necessary as solar panels could provide a cheaper alternate of power generation.
According to the letter, “This fossil fuel project in Guyana is not even close to necessary. Some analyses have shown that installing solar panels would meet the energy needs of Guyanese communities. Moreover, it would cost lesstobuild,reducebillsfor ratepayers, generate local jobs, and fight the climate crisis.”
The letter also pointed out that “This project will help increase the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and make limiting global warmingto1.5°Cevenmore difficult.” and that “greedy companies[like]

From page 40 ExxonMobilwillgeteven richer!”
The activist group noted that the letter was sent in solidarity with Guyanese citizens who are opposing the gas project on multiple groundsincludingthefailure
t o c a r r y o u t a n environmental impact assessmentforthegasplant; the lack of a business case; the lack of any financial information showing how spending billions of US dollars would deliver ‘cheap’ electricity; the failure to comply with
Meanwhile, 15,435 members of Friends of the Earth also sent a separate letter to US Vice President Kamala Harris urging her to vocally oppose EXIM support for gas in Guyana.
TheVicePresidenthasyetto formally respond to voice opposition to the projects.
Friends of theEarthUS was founded in 1969 in San Francisco, and was one of the founding organizations of Friends of the Earth International in 1970 Friends of the Earth US has for decades been at the forefront of high-profile efforts to create a healthier andjustworld.
Overthelast40yearsthe organization has reformed the World Bank to address environmental and human rights concerns; stopped more than 150 destructive dams and water projects worldwide and pressed and wonlandmarkregulationsof strip mines and oil tankers. Although the US EXIM Bank has not granted approval for the loan, the GoG has made it clear that the lack of financing from the institution will not stall theproject.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during a press conference in October last yearsaidthattheloanhasnot yet been approved, but governmentisconfidentthat the green light will be given soon To this end, he explained, “If there is need for, we can have bridge financinguntilthatcomeson stream and from what I gather, the loan can fund retroactive expenditure so if you have bridge financing then you can go back and clear it easily once the loan comesonstream.”
Jagdeotoldreportersthat PresidentIrfaanAlimetwith the President of the USEXIMBankduringavisitto the United States and had
A damning international report by the Institute for Energy Economics and FinancialAnalysis(IEEFA), aUSthinktankhaspointedly underscoredthatgoingsolar is a less costly alternative to thegasproject.
Kaieteur News reported that in the report, coauthored by Tom Sanzillo, Directoroffinancialanalysis for IEEFA and Cathy Kunkel, an Energy Consultant at IEEFA, it was explained that distributed (rooftop) solar power providesanalternativetothe gas-to-energy project that can be built out in small increments to avoid overbuilding the generation system.
The experts stated that a rooftop solar and storage system consisting of 2 8 kilowatts (kW) of solar panelsand10kWhofbattery storage would be more than sufficient to meet this level of current and projected consumption, producing approximately 368 kWh per month.
“We estimate that such a system would cost approximately US$7,800,87 andwouldgeneratepowerat approximately15cents/kWh less than the cost of GPL’s current rates (20 cents/kWh for residential customers) or of a diesel generator,” the IEEFAexpertssaid.
OilMinistermumon whetherfullauditreport ofExxon’sUS$7.3B expensesreleased
Amid growing concerns as to whether the full audit report of ExxonMobil’s US$7.3B expenses has been released, the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharratismum.
The audit report in question was completed by VHE Consulting, a registered partnership between Ramdihal & Haynes Inc; Eclisar Financial; and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc. The local consortium was supported by internationalfirms-SGSand Martindale Consultants. A final report by the auditors was handed to government sinceApril2023. Notably, a massive bill amounting to US$7.3B was racked up by the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobilGuyana,during the review period- 2018 to 2020. This is more than one year of Guyana’s entire national Budget, which is this year pegged at $1.146

trillion or approximately U S $ 5 5 B
Although auditors revealed in the report that ExxonMobil brazenly misused this country’s oil profitstopayforschoolfees of expats’ children, yoga sessionsandpuppetshowsto name a few, the document lacksinformationonthekey areas that attract higher costs.
Ananalysisofthereport, done by Kaieteur News, whencomparedwiththefirst audit report completed by a British firm, IHS Markit foundthatcontractsawarded for major expenses such as chemicals used in the operations; costs associated with the rental of supply vesselsanddrillrigs;subsea umbilical, risers and flowlines (SURF); helicopter ch
; laboratory costs and waste treatment management among others have not been included in the report completed by the local consortium.
Minister Bharrat was therefore asked by Kaieteur News to clarify whether the full report has been released to the public. The Minister responded on Thursday saying “It’s online” but did notclarifywhetheritwasthe completedocument.
This newspaper therefore asked the Minister againtosayifthefullreport was published but did not receive a response A reminderofthequestionwas sent to Minister Bharrat again on Saturday at 11:17 am Bharrat read the message an hour later but n e v e r r e s p o n d e d Subsequent calls to his mobile phone on Sunday werenotanswered.
The nation is therefore leftinthedarkregardingthe useofitsresourcesbytheoil giant as Vice President BharratJagdeohasexcluded himselffromthequestionof what is likely an incomplete
report that has been shared withthepublic.
He was asked on Thursday during his weekly interactionwiththemediaat F r e e d o m H o u s e , Georgetown to say whether the full report has been released, however the Chief Policymaker for the sector said he did not review the document.
“I asked them to publish theauditreport.Itshouldbe the audit report as received from the auditors, that’s the report so that would be the reporttheywouldpublish,as receivedfromtheauditors.I have not checked it personally but I asked them to post it and they have posteditsothatshouldbethe report,”Jagdeoexcused.
It must be noted that the first audit report provides
company’s operations duringthereviewperiod.For instance, the auditors explained that during the audit period, there were 10 exploration/appraisal wells spudded and drilled in the StabroekArea.
Drilling related costs recorded against these 10 wells account for US$903 million. A table is also included with details of the rigs used for the drilling operationsattheexactwells(see page 34 of report). No suchinformationisincluded inthesecondreport.
Notably, the IHS audit also presents the list of contracts reviewed by the auditteam;again,thesecond report does not contain such d e t a i l s
WithregardstoSURFplans, the first audit report provided an overview of an analysis done for the Liza DevelopmentPlan(seepage 43 of report) and details the costoftheinfrastructureand related services; again, such information is not reflected inthesecondreport.
As it relates to drillship costs, ExxonMobil was flagged by the British audit firm (see page 49 of report) for single-sourcing the Deep-Water Champion drillship which was contracted from Triton / Transocean at a day rate of $707,620/day; with total contractspendamountingto $87 million Meanwhile, there is no indication of rates, which Guyana was charged for the rental of drillships for the period 2018-2020.
Previously, Financial Analyst and Certified Accountant, Floyd Haynes
whileappearingonKaieteur Radio was questioned about suchcostsbutsaidwhilethe team reviewed those numbers,hewasnotallowed torevealtheinformation.
He explained, “I haven’t been told by my client to discussthistypeofstuffsoI want to respect the client. Oncetheyaskmetospeakon it, I’d be happy to provide (the information).” Haynes noted that, “We have detailed schedules of all of those things. What I can tell you is that those were some areas that we looked at keenly – drilling, mud, all those types (expenses), helicopters and we benchmarked them against industrystandards.”
Spice-producingGrenada payingteachersmorethan oil-producingGuyana–Dr.Adams
Withanabundanceofoil andgasresourcesinGuyana, the Government should not be making excuses to pay teachersalivablesalary
Thisviewwasexpressed byGuyanesescientistandoil governance advocate, Dr. Vincent Adams. Dr. Adams isaddinghisvoicetosupport calls made by the GTU and other civil society members for an across-the-board pay

increase for teachers. It has been 52 days since teachers have engaged in industrial actionledbytheGTUaspart of their efforts to get the governmenttoincreasetheir salary in accordance to a multi-yearagreementsigned in2019.Speakingatavirtual panel discussion hosted by theGuyanaTeachers’Union (GTU),lastweek,Dr Adams lamented the fact that teachers have to protest for better pay in an oil-rich Guyana. Adams, a former
Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pointed to the striking difference in pay between Guyanese teachers and teachersinotherpartsofthe region. He noted that many timesteachersinGuyanaare being paid two times less thanateacherintheisland.
Dr Adamsexplainedthat “The average teachers’ salaryinGuyanaislessthan GY$180,000amonthbefore tax Here we are the richest country not only in the Caribbean but on the planet with the highest GDP whichwebragaboutbutyet stillwe’vegotcountriessuch as Grenada; where the only thing that Grenada has and I’m not trying to be derogatory here; the only thing that Grenada has is n u t m e g a n d s o m e spices…They are called the spice island. Do you know what the average salary of teachers in Grenada is US$1,890.”
“In Guyana, your average salary is less US$850 which means that a Grenadianteacherismaking two and a half times more than their Guyanese counterparts. Imagine, we gotthehighestGDPwiththe lowestteachersalary…”Dr. Adamscontinued.
He said too that other Caribbean territories like Antigua that do not even have a drop of oil, their teachersarebeingpaidmore. “In Antigua, their teachers are making USD $1110; Trinidad and Tobago, their teachers are making $1,500 per month and in St Maarten, the teachers are makingclosetoUSD$3000 permonth,”heexplained.
As such, Dr Adams said teachers should not feel guilty for asking for a pay raise. “Teachers pay issues should not be made to be about politics!” he posited. “You’refightingtofeedyour kids that is not partisan politics You fighting to sendyourkidstoschoolthat i s n o t p a r t i s a n politics…You’refightingfor a living wage not to live a luxurious life; you are fighting for a living wage to provide shelter for your kids ” “So, politicians should not guilt trip you. They are the ones that got a $300,000 raise this year on top of their fat salary and most of them are probably makingabout$2millionper month,”headded.
AccordingtoDr Adams, the teachers strike for better payisasaddayforeveryone inGuyana.“ThethingsthatI (Continuedonpage42)
From page 41 haveheardfor51odddays asamatteroffactmakeyou feellikeourleadersin Guyana,theydonothavea heart.
Butyouhavetostaystrong; youhavethenoblest professionwithoutquestion inmybookandwithouta doubt,inmanyother people’sbooks,”DrAdams said.
Hecontinuedthat“Every singlepersonbeitalawyer,a doctor, an engineer, they all pass through the hands of teachers …You are one who mold them even beyond the math and science, you mold them, you build character in them which is more importantforthenation.”
To further support his viewthatteachersshouldbe paid more, the Guyanese scientist alluded to this year’snationalbudgetwhere achunkofthefinanceswent tobuildinginfrastructure.He suggested that some of that money can be used to pay teachersbetter
“Educationisthenumber onecriteriausedforbuilding b u d g e t , i t ’ s n o t infrastructure This Government has everything upside down The 2024 budget that was passed in parliament, infrastructure received $666 billion of our budget–that is 58 percent of the budget… Teachers got a paltry$29billion.”
Dr. Adams said. He reasoned, “If you give a 50 percentraise…itmeansthey could take $14 billion from infrastructure which will takeyoutoabout$42billion ayear;ifyoutakethat$14B from the infrastructure budget, they will still have $652B remaining which is justapaltry2percentofthat budget.”
Guyana’sgold declarationsfallfrom 641,828oz.to432,113 oz. in5years
Guyanaisendowedwith rich natural resources, including bauxite, timber, gold,diamonds,manganese, andnowoil.
Thecountryisnowbeing recognised as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, owing to its offshoreoiloperations.
However, regarding Guyana’s gold industry, there has been a noticeable decline in declarations over the past several years. From 2019 to 2023, gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, according to the Bank of Guyana annual

I n 2 0 1 9 , g o l d declarations were 641,828 troy ounces. For that year, it wasstatedthatthetotalgold declaration increased by some 4.7 percent with greater declaration from small and medium scale
restrictions which limited the movement of workers.
Also, for that year, declaration by small and medium scale miners increased.
Gold declaration declinedin2021,to499,054 troy ounces reflecting

miners and a combined output of the foreign
companies, Guyana GoldfieldsInc.(AuroraGold Mines) and Troy Resources Guyana Inc declined by 26 6% to 186,584troy ounces
Similarly,in2020,itwas reported that gold declarationdeclinedby7.8% to 585,433 troy ounces. The gold subsector experienced lower declarations by Guyana Goldfields Inc. and TroyResourcesGuyanaInc. to 73,155 troy ounces and 26,727 troy ounces respectively Notably, it was stated that the outcome by the foreign companies reflected the cessation of operations by one of the largegoldminingcompanies to facilitate a transfer of ownership, as well as lower extractionsbytheotherlarge company, due to the enforcement of COVID-19
decreased declaration by all categoriesofminers.
Troy Resources and Guyana Gold Fields Inc. experienced contraction in output,to16,845ouncesand 51,384 ounces, respectively That year, Troy halted operations in May 2021, to facilitate a recapitalization of the company and was expected to resume production during the secondquarterof2022.
Golddeclinedto486,415 troy ounces in 2022 reflecting d
creased declaration by small and medium scale miners, while the sole operating foreign company recorded higher declarations.
Guyana Gold Fields, the sole operating foreign company saw an increase in declarationsto101,418troy ouncesattheendof2022.
It should be noted that Troy Resources exited
building-asituationthatwill notonlyleadtoapermanent class of poor citizens, but alsoanincreaseinexpatriate labour along with its concomitanteffect.
These were among the views proffered by eminent Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes,whowasatthetime a guest on an online panel discussion that was broadcastlive.
makes children etcetera, etcetera, what you think is Guyana today will not be recognizable.”
Guyana’s gold industry owing the country over $2.6 billion in royalties The Government of Guyana announced in October 2023 that the company’s mining licencewasterminated.Last year, total gold declarations contracted by 11.2 % to 432,113.2 troy ounces, reflecting a decline in production by small and mediumscaleminersandan increaseinthesoleoperating foreign company It was stated that AGM recorded higher declarations by 7.8% to 109,358.4 troy ounces at theendof2023.
Moreover, Senior Minister Dr Ashni Singh earlierthisyearstatedthatat least four Canadian mining companies are expected to startgoldproductionasearly as2026.
He said that at the largescale end of the spectrum, exploration activities continue to indicate very strong resource potential of over eight million ounces of gold with ongoing investment in Eagle Mountain, Marudi, Oko West and Wenot mining projects.
“Goldminingoperations continue to offer profitable opportunities for both international and domestic investors and prospects for gold remain positive both at thelargescaleaswellasthe small and medium scale level,”theministersaid.
Ill-prepared‘oil producing’Guyana headingdownaroad tochaos …lack of capacity will see foreigners reshaping country –Nigel Hughes
Guyanaisheadingdown aroadtochaos,givenitslack of planning and capacity
Qualifying his position, Hughes pointed out that Guyana has “just finished five years of oil production, if you look at the amount of oilrevenueandthedemands on the system that will be madeinthenextfiveyearsas those next developments in the oil industry come onstream there is no way Guyanaisgoingtobeableto satisfythatdemand.”
He adumbrated further, “… we have not begun to demand of our government what is their plan as to how they are going to be dealing withthisrevenuethroughout theeconomy,wegoingtobe

in chaos; we are going to be like a kid in a candy shop with more money and we goingtodieofdiabetes.”
This he said, since at present “…there is no plan whatsoeverastohowweare going to manage the economy across the board; we don’t have the capacity; do you understand what it is like to pour money into a system with revenues from oilwhereyoudon’thavethe capacity.”
According to Hughes, it meansthatthewholecountry will be faced with the fact that there will be more foreign labour than local labour in Guyana over the next five years and as such thecountrywillthenhaveto deal with the consequences of that; “because when the foreign labour comes and
Adamant his position was not “anti-progress” Hughes said “I am saying, we are doing zero planning; none of us and we can’t handlewhatwedealingwith now, we have no plan for developmentastohowmuch of this money we are investing to protect ourselves, how much of this money we putting into infrastructure, how much of this money we putting into education and how it is that we are protecting our investment; that’s long before you come to leveraging more out of oil from the big producers, so we have some real major issuescomingup.”
According to Hughes, “the most important and most fundamental aspect thatwilldeterminewhatkind of future we have is education,soletusagreeon thebesteducationmodelthat will deliver the best quality education across the board which includes making sure thatthosepeoplewhoarenot economically fortunate are given the means so they can actuallylearn.”
In a 2022 study, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) had noted that Guyana is expected to become one of thetopproducingoilandgas economies globally within the decade, but despite the growth opportunities, the acceleratedexpansionofthe related operations has exposed a pronounced gap between the industry’s labour demand and the availability of skilled workersatthelocallevel. Additionally, the ILO said the challenges for the localoilandgasindustryare compounded by systemic local weaknesses including quantitatively (headcount) limitedworkforce,amarked gender gap (especially in terms of labour force participation) and by worldwide inter and intra industry competition for talent,notablytheoneatpar with digital transformation or replacing retiring professionals.
The ILO said too that policies to address the current and future gap may include – as countries in a similar situation are currently choosing to address – the managed immigration of specialized l a b o u r a n d s k i l l s developmentstrategiesto (Continuedonpage43)
From page 42 respondtooilandgas,and, possibly,greentransition needs.
Findings from the study also revealed that in relative terms,themainoccupational profiles in demand for the nextfiveyearsintheoiland gas value chain appear to be those of ‘engineering professionals’ (accounting for15percentofanswersto the question about most in demand occupation), ‘risk ( e n v i r o n m e n t a n d occupational health and hygiene) management professionals’ (11 per cent), ‘ships’ deck crews and related workers’ (10 per cent),andthenindecreasing o r d e r , ‘ f i n a n c e professionals’, ‘mining and construction labourers’, ‘physical and engineering science technicians’, ‘sheet
and structural metal workers’, ‘moulders and welders’, and ‘mineral processingplantoperators’.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo during a recent edition of his weekly news conference noted that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) since 2020, has fortified the country’s institutional
architecture for the burgeoning petroleum industry to guarantee accountability and transparency For instance, he said government established a Local Content Act in 2021, allowing thousandsofGuyanesetobe able to participate in the sector through employment andbusinessopportunities.
In addition, the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) was updated,enactingaseriesof reforms to strengthen the regulatory infrastructure of the oil and gas industry. Moreover, the Petroleum Activities Act of 1986 was updated and in 2023, the Ministry of Natural Resourceshostedanauction for its remaining oil blocks offshore Guyana, absolving the first-come-first-serve model and giving other investorsafairchance.
“Any independent observerwouldknowthatin the past four years, we have practically modernised the entire framework for the oil and gas sector We have addressed all of the major issues in this sector,” the generalsecretaryboasted.
This, he said is in stark contrast to what transpired
under the coalition government,whichhiddeals and agreements from the public eye for many years.
“No minister of the

government answered any question about the oil and gas sector That was their legacy The People’s Progressive Party resumed office, and we are extremely proud of what we have achieved in that sector over the past four years that we’ve been in office,” Dr Jagdeoreminded.
Jagdeoalsocriticisedthe opposition and certain sections of the media for lacking profundity in addressing constructive policies relating to the management of the petroleum industry. He believesthatthisishowthey seek to distract from the successesofthegovernment inmanagingtheindustry
“We are not going to be led by anyone in this makebelieve world [that]APNU coulddothat.Theycouldgo into a make-believe world that they are addressing serious issues [but] we are addressing the serious issues,”heunderscored.
Over240ouncesof goldseizedatCJIA – three passengers held, gold disguised as silverplated jewellery
Customs Officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), onTuesday seized a quantity of gold jewellery from three passengers, two of whom are US citizens, who were attempting to leave on an outbound AmericanAirlines flight for NewYork.
The operation, which was fully supported by officers of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU), led to the discovery of approximately240ouncesof virtuallypuregolddisguised as silver plated jewellery, that was being transported out of the country without the necessary permits and declaration to Customs Officials, with a value of
o v e r U S $ 5 6 0 , 0 0 0 (GYD$117,001,604).
Theoutgoingpassengers were arrested, taken into custody and handed over to the Guyana Police Force.
Investigations are continuing, with a view of determining whether they arepartofring(s)reportedly smuggling gold out of Guyana. Charges are likely to be made under the Customs and Anti-Money Laundering Acts, with the relevant Authorities both in Guyana and overseas being informedoftheresultsofthe investigations.
“ T h e A u t h o r i t y continues to note the alarming trend in the efforts to smuggle items including gold, monetary instruments, arms, and narcotics through portsinGuyanaandcautions thatallsuchpersonsdealing in or contemplating engaging in such illegal activities should cease and desist therefrom, or face the consequences for their actions,”theGRAsaid.
“The RevenueAuthority again entreats the General Public to report any illicit, unlawful or smuggling activities on telephone number 227-6060,
Extensions 3201, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3211, 3212, or 3408 All information provided will be dealt with strict confidentiality,” the statementconcluded.
‘Amerindiansbeing brainwashedonbenefits ofExxon’soperations’–RegionOneToshao tellsoilspillforum
Theconsultationshosted by oil major, ExxonMobil along the coastal communities have often been described as a tool to merelycheckofftheboxesin the regulatory process, so thatthecompanycanreceive approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to move to production In the Indigenous communities, theprocesshasbeenheavily focused on playing up money to be made from oil rather than educating the public on the potential dangers they are exposed to as a result of the offshore activities This startling revelation was made by the Warapoka Village Toshao, JaremyBoyal,akeyspeaker
at an Oil Spill forum hosted by Red Thread and the Greenheart Movement, in observance of World EnvironmentDay Thisyear, WorldEnvironmentDaywas observed under the theme ‘land restoration, desertification and drought resilience’.
The forum brought together Guyanese experts such as International awardwinning Lawyer, Melinda Janki, former Head of the EPA, Dr Vincent Adams as well as founding member of the Trinidadian nongovernmental organisation ‘Fishermen and Friends of the Sea’, Gary Aboud. A numberofnotableGuyanese advocates for better governanceoftheoilandgas sector, such as Vanda and Danuta Radzik, Frederick Collins, Elizabeth Hughes and Alfred Bhulai were among those that joined the discussions at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Quamina Street, Georgetown. There was also a large virtual attendanceofthesession.
Boyalinhisremarkssaid hewasreallyappreciativeof the information shared by speakers – Dr Adams and Aboud. For his part, Dr Adams stressed the dangers posed by ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL)by increasing oil production above the safe operating limits outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) of the three projects currently producing oil. Meanwhile, Aboud, among other things, cited the fact that hydrocarbons could already bepartofourdietswithflow of hydrocarbons from the recentlyoverturnedvesselin Tobago.
The Village leader said,
“I am really grateful for the opportunitytohearthesetwo presenters, you could imaginewedon’thaveallof thisinformation…it’sbeena discussion for us, if there is anoilspillhowwewouldbe affected”.
The Toshao told the gathering that after listening to the previous speakers he was very fearful as ExxonMobil often boasts about how much profits Guyanawouldmakeandthe development the country will achieve from its offshore operations He pointed out that a research donelastyearconcludedthat Warapoka’s natural environment is intact as within six weeks 90% of all species in Guyana were recordedapresencethere.
Warapoka Village is approximately90milesfrom the mouth of the Waini River; however, there are a number of other villages in close proximity, including Three Brothers, Imbotero and Morawhanna The Toshao was keen to note, “The communities there, we survive off the natural resources, so people use the water from the creeks, from the rivers, a lot of these villages there is no running tapwater;westilluseponds and lakes so we are very much dependent on the environment.”
Assuchhereasoned,“So thinkingaboutthatifthereis an oil spill, imagine what wouldbetheimpact.It’slike losingeverythingandIthink it’s what we do as well as a village and there’s a lot of communities now talking about eco-tourism and our product that we have is the natural environment so losingthatwouldbelosing

Charlotte's Web
Once upon a time, in a quaintlittlefarm,therelived a friendly and wise spider named Charlotte. She was a remarkable creature with a talent for spinning intricate websandanevengreatergift for words Nearby, in the farm's barn, lived Wilbur, a curious and gentle-hearted pig.
Wilbur was feeling lonely and anxious on his first day at the farm. He missed his family and didn't know anyone. Little did he know that his life was about tochangeforever.
One morning, as the sun rose over the farm, Wilbur heardasoftvoicecallingout to him from above. It was Charlotte, the kind-hearted spider, introducing herself andofferingtobehisfriend.
As days turned into
weeks, Wilbur and
Charlotte's friendship blossomed.Theyspenthours chatting,sharingstories,and dreaming about the future. Charlotte told Wilbur about her plan to save him from
becoming the farmer's Christmas dinner She wantedtoprovetoeveryone that Wilbur was more than just a pig; he was a special andlovablefriend.
With determination and creativity,Charlottebeganto spin her magical webs. She weaved enchanting words into them, praising Wilbur's wonderful qualities These incredible words captured the attention of everyone on the farm, including the humans. Soon, news of Wilbur's extraordinary naturespreadfarandwide. As autumn arrived, the people flocked to see the miraculous web that Charlotte had spun They marvelled at her beautiful words, which read "Some Pig," "Terrific," "Radiant," and "Humble " Wilbur becameasensation,admired byallwhovisitedthefarm.
But as the winter chill settled in, Charlotte grew weaker She knew her time w a s limited, but she continued to be
Wake up early & be happy
byUncleRoySometimesIfeellikesleepinglate, Andgetupaftereveryone, ButwhenIdoriseandcomeoutside, Myeyesburnfromthebrightsun.
AtothertimeswhenIgetupearly, Thesunisnowpeepingout, Ifindtheairsoniceandcool, Itfeelssogoodtomoveabout.
ThatiswhyInowtryeverynight, Tosleepsoastoriseearly; ThenIcangreetthesuncomingup, Whichmakesmywholedaysohappy


Cuff Cards

Supplies: construction paper, scissors, needle-nose pliers,shankbuttons,wire,marker,stencil,stamps. Fashionacardtolooklikeadappershirtcuff,andthen useittopresentagiftofcufflinks(makeasetoutofshank buttonsorbuyneworvintagelinks).
Cut a 3 1/4-by-9-inch rectangle from construction paper and round two corners, as shown. Rubber-stamp a greetingononeside.Gentlybendpaperinhalfandcutfour slitsforcufflinks.
Tomakecufflinks,hook24-gaugewireontoabutton's shank,securingwithneedle-nosepliers.Cutwiretohalfan inchandloopthroughasecondbutton'sshank;repeat.
a true friend to Wilbur until t
n d S h e encouraged him to be brave andkind,justasshehadbeen tohim.
As the farm animals mourned the loss of their beloved Charlotte, they found comfort in the legacy she leftbehind.Wilbur, now surrounded by friends who adored him, carried on her memory with love and gratitude.
With spring's arrival, a remarkable thing happened.
Charlotte's children, hundredsoftinyspiderlings, emergedfromtheireggsand began to spin their webs They floated away on the gentle breeze, ready to start new adventures and spread the message of friendship and love.And so, the farm remained a place of magic,
r extraordinary friendship withWilburlivedonforever Each year, the spiderlings would return, reminding everyonethattruefriendship knows no boundaries, even betweenapigandaspider
As the stars twinkled in the night sky, the animals of the farm would gaze up and remember their dear friend Charlotte And they knew that her spirit would forever be with them, guiding them withherwisdomandlove.
Andso,mydearones,as youcloseyoureyesanddrift off to dreamland, remember thestoryofCharlotte'sWeb, where a small spider and a little pig taught us the true meaning of friendship and the power of believing in ourselves and each other
Goodnight, my little adventurers. Sleep well, and may your dreams be filled withloveandkindness.

Succeed in your Studies when you adopt the right strategies
You will be more confident of success in your studies when you make definite plans to achievethisandfollowthese faithfully You will do well to follow these tips in formulatingtheseplans.
1. Set a schedule for yourwork.
You should make sure that you make a time
scheduleforallthatyouhave to study and follow this carefully
On your calendar, mark out chunks of time that you can devote to your studies. You should aim to schedule some study time each day, but other commitments may necessitate that you give more time to your studies whenyouarefreeofthese.

UncleRoyisagainappealingtoourreaderstomakea contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback onwhatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsome personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers,orsharingthenewsofwhatishappeningin his/her community Please send your contribution to roypaul2002@yahoo.com
Each puzzle is divided into 10 dif ferent regions.
Each region, row and column contains exactly two stars. Stars may not be adjacent to each other (not even diagonally).

O n c e y o u h a v e completed this schedule, make sure that you stick to this, and not find excuses to disturbit.
2. Study at Your Own Pace
Do you digest content quickly,ordoyouneedtime to let the material sink in? We are all different in this respect and only you know what pace is best for you. There's no right (or wrong) study pace. So, don't try matching someone else's speed.
Instead,throughtrialand error, find what works for you. Justrememberthatthe time you need for those subjects which you find harder will require more time than those which you normallyfindeasier
Exhaustion will prevent youfromperformingatyour best. Your body and mind need to be refreshed in this effort.
Enough sleep is also crucialformemoryfunction. This is another reason thatschedulingstudytimeis so important: It reduces the temptation to stay up all night cramming for a big test.
Instead, you should aim for seven or more hours of sleep in all nights, and especially before an examination. Limit prestudying naps to 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Upon waking,doafewstretchesor light exercises to prepare your body and brain for work.
We will continue with thesetipsinournextarticle.

Be the Best of whatever you are
Ifyoucan'tbeatreeatthetopofthehill, Beabushdowninthevalley, Butbethebestlittlebushbythesideofthehill, Beabushifyoucan'tbeatree.
Ifyoucan'tbeabushbeagrass, Andsomehighwayhappiermake; Ifyoucan'tbeasnapper,justbeapatwa, Butbetheliveliestpatwainthelake.
Wecan'tallbecaptain,somehavegottobecrew, There'ssomethingforallofushere, There'ssomuchworktodo,andlessertodo, Andthetaskyoumustdoisquiteclear
Ifyoucan'tbeahighway,thenjustbeatrail, Ifyoucan'tbethesun,thenbeastar; Itisn'tbysizethatwewinorwefail, Justbethebestofwhateveryouare.

Following definite plans in your studies will help tremendously in ensuring you success.


Magic Square Puzzle

Three ways to wear the trendy hair bow
Rememberwhenyouwereinjuniorhighschoolandthepink hairribbontiedintoabowaroundyourponytailmatchedthe flipped-upcollarofyourpreppypinkshirt?No?Howabouton runwaysorcelebrityredcarpetsoreveninpaparazzi-captured momentswherestunninglybeautifulandoftenfamouswomen areaccessorizedwithallsizesofribbonsandbowsintheirhair? Thereyougo.Soevenifthisspring'scomebackhairbowtrend doesn'thaveyouthrowingbacktopicturesofyou,circa1980s, onInstagram,knowthathairbowsinalltheirsilky,satin, grosgrainandvelvetpermutationshavepushedheadbandsand scrunchiestothesidetobethisyear'sbiggestretrohairtrend. Andweknowyouwanttogetinonthebowinhairaction, becausewedo,too.Simplyfollowourhairbowtutorialtofind outhow
High,low,sideordoubles,thisfunandchicponytailcanbe casualorhighend.Allyouneedtodoisletyourfashionable style,beitboho,sophisticatedorsomewhereinbetween,guide theway Togetstarted,brushyourhairsothatit'slongandloose. Ifyou'vegottightcurls,runyourfingersorapickthroughthem instead.Pumpadime-sizeamountof'LOréalParisStylista #SleekSmoothingSerumintoyourhandandthenworkit throughyourdryhairtoeliminatestaticandflyawaysandadda healthydoseofshine.Secureyourhairintoalooseponytailwith anelastic,andthenattachyourfavouritehairbowtotheelastic usingabobbypin.Spray'LOréalParisElnettSatinHairsprayto helpkeepthestyleinplace.
Thisversatilestyleisfastandeasytocreateand,likethe ponytail,looksmostpolishedwhenyouworkadime-size amountof'LOréalParisExtraordinaryOilPenetratingOil throughyourdryhair.Next,takeasectionofthehairaboveyour earsandsecureitwithahairelasticsothatitlookslikeahalf ponyrestingontopofyourlooseandflowinglocks.Spray 'LOréalParisElnettSatinHairsprayoveryourentireheadtoset andholdthestyle.Attachafashionablebowinthehairatthe baseoftheelasticband.
Sure,weknowyou'vebeenworkingthetightballerinabun andthelowhairbunlooksforagesnow,butwe'rekickingthings upandintohigh-fashiongearbyaddingahairbowtoyourstyle. Likewiththeponytailandthehalfup,halfdownlooks,worka dime-sizeamountof'LOréalParisStylista#SleekSmoothing Serumthroughyourdryhair,avoidingtheroots.Thiswill diminishflyawaysandaddluminousshine.Then,spray'LOréal ParisMagicInvisibleDryShampoointotherootsofyourhair andmassageitintoyourscalp.Thiswilladdgritandtextureto yourhair,makingiteasiertomanageandstyle.Next,pullyour hairbackintoaponytailandlooselybraidit,securingtheends withanelastic.Gentlypullthebraidopenwithyourfingersto addextratextureandvolumeatthetop,onthesidesandaround yourface.Wrapthemessybraidintoabunandsecureitwith bobbypins.Sprayalayerof'LOréalParisElnettSatinHairspray allover,andthen,usingabobbypin,attachabig,little,shinyor mattebowinthehairatthebaseofyourbun.

Unleashing Potential:
St. Joseph High School Career Fair Inspires Students to Pursue Careers in an Emerging Economy
In a quest to empower and guide students toward a prosperous future, St. Joseph High School hosted a dynamic and inspiring career fair centered around the theme,"Discoveryourpassion,pursueyour careerinanemergingeconomy."Thisevent aimedtoshowcaseadiverserangeofcareer opportunitieswithinarapidlyevolvingjob market, while also nurturing students' interests and aspirations With the enthusiastic participation of industry professionals, the career fair served as a catalyst for students to explore their passions and align them with the demands ofanemergingeconomy
This career fair marked a significant milestone for St. Joseph High School, as it was the first of its kind after several years. Featuring around 35 organizations specializinginvariousindustries,theevent attractednotonlySt.JosephHighstudents butalsostudentsfromneighboringschools who eagerly explored the fair and everythingithadtooffer
Among the participating organizations were The Guyana Geology and Mines, Guyana School of Agriculture, The Department of Public Information, Policy Forum Guyana, Guyana Responsible Parent Associate Clinic, Cacique Accounting,TheGuyanaFireService,The University of Guyana, and many more. These organizations engaged extensively with students, providing valuable advice and resources to help guide them on their

Israel kills more than 200 in attacks on central Gaza
...large numbers wounded rushed to hospital
Aljazeera - The Israeli military is conducting intense assaults across the Gaza Strip by air, land and sea, killing more than 200 people and spreading fear among its war-weary displacedpopulation.
Dozensofairraidshitthe besieged territory on Saturday, particularly in Deir el-Balah and Nuseirat in central Gaza, homes west of the city of Rafah in the south and multiple areas in Gaza City to the north. UN addingIsraelto‘blacklist’of countries harming children inconflictlist2of4.Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to addressUSCongressonJuly 24 list 3 of 4. US sanctions Palestinian group under decree used to target Israeli settlerslist 4 of 4 US weaponspartsusedinIsraeli attack on Gaza school: Al Jazeeraanalysisendoflist.
TheMinistryofHealthin Gaza said “large numbers” of killed and wounded were arriving atAl-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, the majority of whom are children and women.
“Dozens of injured people are lying on the ground, and medical teams are trying to save them with the basic medical capabilities they have available,” it said, adding that it is short on medicine and food, and that its main
generator has stopped functioning due to a lack of fuel.
A statement released by theGazaGovernmentMedia Office said that 210 people hadbeenkilledintheIsraeli attacksonNuseiratandother partsofcentralGaza.
A health ministry spokesman earlier said that there were still “a lot of” bodies and wounded people thatremainedonthestreets.
Communications were affected amid the intense bombardment, but reporting f r o m i n s i d e t h e
“overwhelmed” hospital via atelephonecall,AlJazeera’s Hind Khoudary said the situation is tense, with terrified people on the street notknowingwheretoturn.
“There are explosions happening every minute Ambulancesaretransferring the wounded to the hospital where we are trapped. It’s chaos inside the hospital. There are children among thewounded,”shesaid.
Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan, a paediatric intensive care doctorwithDoctorsWithout Borders (MSF), described Al-Aqsa Hospital as a “complete bloodbath”, adding that it looked “like a slaughterhouse”.
“The images and videos that I’ve received show patientslyingeverywherein poolsofblood theirlimbs
- Ministry Report

The bodies of Palestinians killed in the Israeli attack are brought to the morgue ofAl-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah, Gaza, on June 8, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency]
have been blown off,” she toldAlJazeera.
“Thatiswhatamassacre looks like,” she added. “It means parents running around caring for their children who have blood running from their head tryingtofindamedictotreat them.Butit’ssochaoticand there’ssomanypatientsthat
is vastly outnumbering the healthcare ability to care for them.”
In a short statement, the Israelimilitarysaiditsforces were “targeting terrorist infrastructure in the area of Nuseirat”.Itlaterannounced its forces rescued four captives during the operation in Nuseirat. The
four, who were taken into Gaza after the Hamas-led attack in southern Israel on October 7, were in “good medical condition”, the militarysaid.
Also in central Gaza, at least six Palestinians from one family were killed by Israeli forces after they shelled their home in the
Palestinians look at the aftermath of Israeli attacks in Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, on Saturday, June 8.
Jehad Alshrafi/AP

Bureij refugee camp in the morning.
Dozens of air raids targeted the southern areas ofGazaCity,withwitnesses reporting that entire residential blocks were wiped out, while gunships bombarded the area near its fishingport.
The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reactedtoSaturday’sattacks by calling for an emergency UNSecurityCouncilsession on what he denounced as a “bloody massacre that was carried out by the Israeli forces”.
The Israeli military is only intensifying its deadly campaign in Gaza after an attack on Thursday killed about40peopleshelteringat aUnitedNations-runschool in the Nuseirat refugee camp, where some 6,000 displaced Palestinians were sheltering.
It claimed it killed 17 “terrorists”inthatattack,but the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) said in a condemning statement that the “school turned shelter” was targeted without any warning and those responsible must be held to account.
Hamas accused the Israeli military of providing “false information” about the17,sayingatleastseveral of those announced killed arestillalive.

Serial Guyansese Entrepreneur,
FByDarrenHindsSerial Guyanese entrepreneur offers comprehensive insight into corporate Guyana with release of new book

or entrepreneurs of any and all
kinds, success depends on their own ability and diligence, but also on their business acumen and understanding of business concepts and practices. This kind of information is simplynotequallyaccessibletoeveryone, and unfortunately many entrepreneurs, regardless of their background, do not haveitcompletely
This is why Kerensa ‘Kerri’ Gravesande-Bart’s Compilation of Corporate Governance Guidelines for Entrepreneurs, released on May 27th, 2024,issovaluable,becauseitisbasically a crash course in business and entrepreneurshipthatisheavilyinfluenced byherexperiencesinthebusinessworldof Guyana.
This book is truly a comprehensive, detailed account of the frameworks and principles that entrepreneurs should employ to ensure that their ventures are successful and sustainable, so any entrepreneur, at any stage of their experience, would benefit greatly from securingacopy
Gravesande-Bartisnotonlyadevoted mother and wife, but also a serial entrepreneur and an absolute force in Guyana’sbusinessarena,abalancewhich is incredibly hard to strike Her accomplishments, especially in recent times, are an indicator of her tact, drive, andgeneralaffinityforbusiness,andwhen this is observed in conjunction with her years’worthofexperienceinthefield,itis clear that she is a valuable asset to the
general development of the Guyanese corporatearena.
Gravesande-Bart recognizes the opportunity that she has to improve the ability of the Guyanese people to participate in and contribute to the country’sbusinesssectoratahigherlevel; this ability comes through a thorough understandingoftheconceptofcorporate governance,whichmostGuyanesedonot possessatthemoment.
Withherinvolvementintherecentoil andgasindustrydevelopmentsinGuyana, Gravesande-Bart is fully equipped to impart knowledge about corporate governancetobusiness-mindedGuyanese at all levels; along with her husband, she co-founded Guyana’s first recruitment company and customs brokerage and logistics firm to service the oil and gas industry
These are both 100% Guyanese owned, affirming her commitment to supporting and advancing Guyanese corporate interests. This commitment is exemplified from cover to cover in her recently published Compilation of Corporate Governance Guidelines for Entrepreneurs
There is no shortage of obstacles and hindrances to efficient and successful corporategovernance,andthisbookdoesa fine job of identifying and addressing them Issues such as stakeholder management, compliances, rapid growth, andretainingcontrol-—whichisofutmost importancetoventuresthatseekinvestors andcollaborators—arealltackledinaway thatpreparesthereaderfortheseinevitable challenges.
The goal with much of the content of the book is to equip new entrepreneurs with the skills to establish a solid foundation for their business and ensure longevity after the fact, and this comes through incorporating good corporate governanceatallstages,whichwillputthe business in a favourable position for increasedgrowthandinvestment.
The key topics covered by Gravesande-Bartinherbookarechosenin anintentionalmanner,andshefocuseson concepts like risk management, financial reporting, transparency and disclosures, compliances,ethicaldecisionmaking,and stakeholder engagement, as these are the core tenets of corporate governance and ensuring success for the business and the entrepreneur
Theauthorsaysthataftersheattended acorporategovernanceworkshopin2023, shebeganconnectingthedotsbetweenher own entrepreneurial experiences and the information dispensed in the workshop, which prompted her to engage in focused researchonthetopic.Thisresearch,along with the skills and information she assimilated at the workshop and her own experience is essentially what has been compiledinthebook.
The utility of the subject matter of the book should not be underestimated, and Gravesande-Bart promises that by prioritizing and improving corporate governance, organizations can expect to buildtrustandcredibilityduetotheethical nature of their business framework, creating access to resources/capital; they canalsohavethedecisionmakingprocess become simpler and quicker with a
streamlined approach. Overall, this will result in long term sustainability, growth, andadaptability
Forwomen-ledbusinesses,thisisalso agreatresourcebecauseitcomesfromthe perspectiveoftheCo-CreatorandFormer President of Guyana’s Women’s chamber ofcommerceandIndustry,somuchofthe information in terms of risk management, rolesandresponsibilitiesarecomingfrom aninformedpositiononwomen’sbusiness and entrepreneurship experiences Gravesande-Bart expects that this book will play a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to empower Guyanese women in business, as it will ensure that they understandtheirrights.
The author is proud to have released this book and to know that there is now a resource available for entrepreneurs in Guyana
entrepreneurial experience; young entrepreneurs should note that while it is always a positive to earn from your own experiences, one of the wisest things you can do is learn from the experiences of others, especially someone with as much experienceasGravesande-Bart.
Sheintendsforthebooktobethefirst installmentinaseries,assheiscommitted tosharingherknowledgewithGuyanaand the world, and the second installment is alreadyintheprocessofbeingcompiled.
Toaspiringentrepreneurs,shestresses that they should focus on creating a corporategovernanceframework CompilationofCorporateGovernance Guidelines for Entrepreneurs is now available in e-book format on Amazon, andphysicalcopieswillsoonbeavailable.
SIDS must be innovative to achieve climate transition – Min. Bharrat
DPI-MinisterofNatural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, stressed the importance of innovation and creativity in crafting initiatives that help Small Island Developing States (SIDS) adapt to climatechangeandtransition torenewableenergy
The minister was at the time speaking during the 'Blue Talks' series on Thursday, which was organised by the United Nationsinpreparationforthe 2 0 2 5 U N O c e a n s Conference.
He reiterated that a common issue in the renewable energy transition is limited or no access to
SIDstateoranycountry,asa matteroffact,throughoutthe world, what is the number one reason for you not achieving your target that you would have set? And they will tell you, besides technology, besides expertise,itisfinancing.Itis resourcestoachieveit.”
Therefore, the natural resources minister underscored that innovation and creativity must be employed to facilitate this shiftsustainably
Hesuggestedthesestates explore earning blue, green, andbiodiversitycredits.
These credits provide financial rewards and

financing In some cases many energy projects in SIDSreceivefundingintheir initial stages, there are no systems in place in others to maintain these large-scale projects in the aftermath, the ministerstated.
“If you get financing for theproject,andiftheproject lifespanisthreeyearsorfour years, that's fine. But after three or four years, how do wemaintainthat?Howdowe continue what was already started? And that is also another challenge faced by small island developing states,”heexplained.
Minister Bharrat further emphasised, “If you ask any
incentivise practices that combat climate change and protecttheenvironment.
Blue credits focus on healthy oceans and coasts, green credits on sustainable land management, and biodiversity credits on protecting the variety of life onEarth.
In this regard, the minister said Guyana is a “shiningexample,”fortunate to have a wealth of natural resources and several transformationalprojectsand initiatives that encourage environmental sustainability while capitalising on these resources.
The Low Carbon

Development Strategy 2030 has enabled the country to earn approximately $1 billion to date through its Forest Partnership with Norway.Furthermore, in recognition of its efforts to curb deforestation and forest degradation between 2016 and 2020, Guyana was awarded33.47millionforest carbon credits This achievement paved the way for a significant agreement withHess,whocommittedto purchasing these high-
quality REDD+ carbon credits from Guyana for at least US$750 million, covering the period 2022 to 2032.
“So similarly, we are saying that the small island developing states must take this kind of initiative Bahamas,Iknow,istakinga similarkindofinitiativewith their marine space.And it is also important, for other small islands, especially those in the Pacific,” he added.

From page 43 everythingaswellas(our) culturebecauseofwhatwe dependontosurvive.”
At a number of public consultationsheldinthepast by ExxonMobil, the Toshao said he enquired about the Shell Beach protected area; however, his question has notbeenaddressed.Oilspill modeling shows that this areacanbeaffectedbyanoil spill; however, the Toshao said, “That has not been on the agenda many times sometimes we would try to have what would be the effect,how arewe playinga roleifthereisgonnabeone, but again that is not something that we as villagesareawareof.”
According to him, “We justhearonesideofthestory that there is so much production, that there is so much millions that we can earn in the next five, 10, 15, 20 years and the rate of developmentplusweareone of the fastest growing economiesintheworld.”
The village leader said this often appeals to the Indigenous population, especially since they are not privy to the type of information he received During those consultations, hesaidforabouttwotothree hours representatives from ExxonMobil and the EPA would provide information and allow the Toshaos to raise questions Boyal explainedhowever,“Mostof these documents are in technicalform(orlanguage) liketheToshaoandtwoother representatives might come butsomeoftheseleadersare not you know, highly qualified to understand very technical documents so that would definitely be a problem.”
He said topics discussed usually are “how would the drillingaffectwildlifewithin that area as well; there is always as well the idea and themessageouttherethatthe possibility of an oil spill is almost zero so don’t worry aboutthat.”
The Toshao said the village would often hear stories or read stories about how spills affected other countries but citizens are oftenafraidtospeakoutlest they be viewed as unqualified by their fellow villagers or even be victimised. He recalled that some years ago, the leaders were involved in a onetime oilspillresponseactivitybut even with more projects approved for the operator, there has been no further programmes to engage the

community on preparation forsuchadisaster
Consequently, the Village Leader said he was deeply concerned about the how the village would respond to a spill, what they would do and who would compensate them for their loss of livelihoods. “Like I said,wedon’tknowthatand alotvillagesareverycloseto the Waini River as well, the water would be washing up and down…I think with the little information that we haveandthestorieswehave been hearing as well many times, if there is an oil spill and whatever likely effect is there, most of the time the peopleonthegroundarethe onesthatsufferthemost.The richandthewealthylikethe investors, they don’t worry aboutwater,theywillalways have. The people on the ground are the ones that sufferthemostandwedon’t know like what the last presenter just said, we probably eating some of the stuffalreadycomingintoour system.” The Toshao thereforemadeanappealfor the Indigenous communities to be properly informed to participate meaningfully in any consultation activity plannedbyExxon.
UNChiefurgesoil companiestopay moretaxesonprofits …calls them godfather of climate chaos
During his address on World Environment Day, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged oil companies to pay higher taxes on their profits, labeling them the “godfathers of climate chaos.”
andunderscoredtheneedfor these companies to contribute significantly more to the global fight against climate change Guterresfirstsharedthatthe European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Change Service officially reported that May 2024 as the hottest May in recorded history “This marks twelve straight monthsofthehottestmonths ever Forthepastyear,every turn of the calendar has turned up the heat Our planet is trying to tell us something. But we don’t seem to be listening,” he said.
The UN Chief said that like the meteor that wiped outthedinosaurs,inthecase of climate change – human beings are the meteor “We arenotonlyindanger,weare the danger,” he added Guterressaidthetruthis,itis almost 10 years since the Paris Agreement was adopted with the target of limiting long-term global warming to 1 5 degrees Celsius,andtheagreementis hangingbyathread.
He said the world is spewing emissions so far that by 2030, a higher temperature rise would be guaranteed, adding that at this,theentirecarbonbudget will be busted before 2030. New data from climate scientists shows that the remaining carbon budget to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is around 200 billion tonnes
According to Guterres, currently, about 40 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide is emitted annually, which could deplete the budget before 2030. To stay within the 1.5-degree limit, global emissions need to fall by nine percent each year until 2030.
“Thecostofallthischaos is hitting people where it hurts. From supply-chains

severed, to rising prices, mounting food insecurity, and uninsurable homes and businesses. That bill will keep growing,” the UN Chiefsaid.
Guterres noted that climatechangeisthemother of all stealth taxes paid by everyday people and vulnerable countries and communities. “Meanwhile, the godfathers of climate chaos, the fossil fuel industry, rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies,”hecontinued.
UNGuterreshighlighted the urgent need for immediate action over the next eighteen months to ensure a secure future for people and the planet. He outlined key measures, including drastically cutting emissions, protecting both people and nature from climateextremes,increasing climate finance, and imposingstricterregulations on the fossil fuel industry Guterres stressed that these steps are crucial for achieving a sustainable and safefuture.
“It is a disgrace that the most vulnerable are being left stranded, struggling desperately to deal with a climate crisis they did nothingtocreate.Wecannot acceptafuturewheretherich are protected in airconditioned bubbles, while therestofhumanityislashed by lethal weather in unlivable lands,” Guterres stated.
Asafirststep,hesaidall developed countries must honour their commitment to doubleadaptationfinanceto atleastUS$40billionayear by2025.UNChiefGuterres highlighted the critical need for financial reform to address the climate crisis, noting that the current unequal financial flows are hinderingprogress.
Guterres called for a significant expansion of affordablepublicandprivate finance, urging reforms at the Summit of the Future, G7, and G20 Summits to leverage more private finance.Healsostressedthe need for substantial contributionstotheLossand Damage Fund and a strong finance outcome from COP29.
Additionally, he advocatedfornewsourcesof funds,suchascarbonpricing andtaxingwindfallprofitsof fossil fuel companies, to fundclimateaction.Hesaid, “It is [high] time to put an effectivepriceoncarbonand tax the windfall profits of
Added to this, Guterres called for a direct confrontation with the fossil fuel industry, criticising its long history of obstructing climate progress through misinforma
acknowledged the efforts of
, a n d whistleblowers who have exposed these tactics, often at great personal risk
Guterres urged fossil fuel leaders to transition to clean energy, noting that last year the industry spent a mere 2.5% of its capital on clean energy
He highlighted that doubling down on fossil fuels is an outdated strategy and called on executives to use their profits to lead the energy transition. Financial institutions were also urged to stop funding fossil fuels and invest in renewables, presenting clear transition plans and disclosing climate risks. “Many in the fossil fuel industry have shamelessly greenwashed, even as they have sought to delay climate action, with lobbying, legal threats, and massive ad campaigns,” the UN Chief said He concluded by urging the public to make their voices heardandtheirchoicescount in the fight for a livable future.
Exxonshouldstop misleadingGuyana–Jagdeosays
Vice President Bharrat
Jagdeo on Thursday afternoon lashed out at US oil major - ExxonMobil
Guyana accusing the company of misleading Guyanese with recent statements abo
financials and investments here.
H o u
, ExxonMobil hosted a media backgrounder at its Duke S t r e e t , K i n g s t o n , Georgetown office, where among other things, the companyboastedabouthow its operations transformed the financial landscape of this country Taking a break from his usual venue at FreedomHouse,theVPtold reportersattheOfficeofthe President that ExxonMobil shoulddesistfromitsefforts tomisleadthecountry
“I heard today that Exxon did a briefing about their investments in Guyana and so I have here a document that apparently
they circulated I looked through this and obviously Exxonistryingtodefendits position and its investment in Guyana, ” Jagdeo explained The former President however made it clear that the company will not be given a free pass to misinform the nation about its contributions to the country’s development through tax payments. On the contrary, Jagdeo reminded, “they pay zero taxes.”
The Vice President reasoned that the government has agreed that the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, signed by the former administration is flawed and has made corrections in a new Production Sharing Agreement The 2026 contract stipulates that Exxonanditssubcontractors shall not pay taxes to the government In the meantime, he said, “They want to speak about the national budget and they haveshownthegrowthinthe nationalbudgetfrom2020to now and somehow is attributing this to their tax revenue.”
The Vice President pointedoutthatlessthanhalf of this year’s $1.146 trillion budget is funded by oil revenue, but Exxon somehowwantstocreatethe illusion that the massive fiscal plan is fully financed fromtheirtaxes.Jagdeosaid: “Thisisverymisleading”as he encouraged the company to instead report how much profits it recorded from Guyana.
“What Exxon should focusonishowmuchmoney they are making, that’s what theyshouldtellthereporters not how much taxes we are collecting because already we agree that the tax take is lower than what we should be getting and this is not really taxes because none of thiscomesfromtaxesexcept the 2% royalty so it’s not reallyataxbecausetheypay zerotax,”theVPquipped.
He continued, “When Exxon does its own PR, I would urge them to keep away from this and maybe talk more about the big question that people been asking- how much money they make on this matter It irks me same way that they didthesebillboardsthatthey look like they are financing all our activities in this country.”
The Vice President thereforecautionedExxonto steerclearofthesetopicsin (Continuedonpage53)

From page 52 thefutureandtalkabout theirprofittakeoverthe fiveyearsratherthan Guyana’s.
ExxonMobilbills Guyana$55Bfordry holesdrilledin2023
In 2023, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) billed the country a jawdropping $55 billion for dry holes it drilled during exploration activities across theStabroekBlock.
This is according to the company’s financial statementfortheyearended December 31, 2023 According to the report shared with the media on Thursday at the company’s Duke, Street, Kingston, Georgetown office, explorationexpenseswassix times higher in 2023 when comparedto2022.
The company reported that some $55,496,143,794 wasspentonfivedrywellsin 2023 while $8,744,062,803 was expended on one dry hole in 2022. Each well is distinct from the other, meaningthecostvariesona number of factors such as depth, location, technology usedandequipmentcosts.
Notably, the exploration costs reflected on the financial statement does not include the successful wells drilled by Exxon, but only thosethatwere“dry”.
Successful exploration wells are accounted for separately
A t o t a l o f t w o commercial discoveries wereannouncedin2023.
This year, Exxon will be pursuing a number of exploration and appraisal wells ahead of its scheduled relinquishment of a portion oftheBlockinOctober
The Country Manager, Alistair Routledge said recently that two wells, RedmouthandTrumpetfish, will be drilled in hopes of landing a find big enough to supportastandaloneproject.
ExxonMobil to date has made over 40 discoveries in the Stabroek Block since oil wasfirstdiscoveredin2015. The company later commenced oil production atitsfirstoffshoredeepwater projectin2019.
Presently, ExxonMobil Guyana is producing oil from three Floating, Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels in the oil rich Stabroek Block.
The company is currently pumping over 645,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd) cumulatively from the three projects- Liza One, LizaTwoandPayara.
The terms of the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) allow the company to bill Guyana for its exploration activities, even if those efforts do not produceoil. Thismeansthat Guyana pays ExxonMobil for its drilling campaign regardless of whether oil is found. In fact, the company usesGuyana’soiltorecover these and other expenses relatedtoStabroekBlock.
E a c h m o n t h , ExxonMobil can deduct up to 75% of the revenues earned from oil production tocoveritsexpenses.
The remaining 25% is then shared equally with Guyana as profits ExxonMobil is the operator of Guyana’s lucrative StabroekBlock.
The company holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd holds30percentinterestand CNOOC Petroleum Guyana

Limited holds 25 percent interest.
Oilmoneyearned in2023andusedin 2024budgetcouldonly financetwoministries–AttorneyGeneral
The revenue Guyana received last year from oil exports and royalties was justaboutenoughtofundthe allocation for two ministries inthe2024NationalBudget, Attorney General (AG) and

Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlall,S.C,stated. During his weekly programme ‘Issues in the News,’theAttorneyGeneral discussed the extensive development that is occurringinGuyana.
While the 2024 budget amountsto$1.1trillion,less than30%ofthistotalisfrom theoilandgassector
Notably, over $400 billion of this year’s budget is financed by non-oil revenues, with around $300 billioncontributedtobudget fromtheoilandgassector
Nandlall explained, “Lookatwhatwehavebeen abletoachievefromrevenue generated from this sector. We have not traveled the road that other countries have travelled of over dependency on the [oil and gas]sector
In fact, the backbone of our economic plan is one p r e d i c a t e d u p o n diversification.”
He underscored that the governmentisawarethatthe agriculture sector is the country’s future and aims to avoid over-dependence on oilandgas.
“Sousingproceedsfrom the oil and gas industry, we are creating a foundation in agriculture,”Nandlallnoted.
The Attorney General believes Guyana serves as a model for development, citing the substantial progress made through infrastructural initiatives However, he highlighted a common misconception, stating,“Andalotofpeople don’t understand that all of thismoneyisnotnecessarily comingfromoil.
So we drew down last yearabout$300billionfrom the oil and gas sector in revenue,thatiswhatwetook fromtheoilfundandputinto theconsolidatedfund.”
Nandlall clarified that w h i l e G u y a n a ’ s developmental drive is progressing rapidly; the funding is not entirely sourced from oil revenues. Nandlall said, “Two of our ministries, two of our ministries, use up that money.”
He pointed out that the budget allocations for just two ministries nearly equate totheentireoilrevenuefrom last year This year, the Ministry of Education received $135.2 billion, the Ministry of Health $129.8 billion, and the Ministry of Agriculture$97.6billion.
Notably, the Ministry of Infrastructure’sallocationof $221 4 billion is almost equivalent to the $300
billion Guyana received last yearfromoil.
“…infrastructure and education and that is the oil money done right there and peopledon’tunderstandthat.
Two of those ministries, if you look at the budgetary allocation of two of those ministries, that would have used up all the revenue that we took from the Natural ResourceFundandputinthe consolidated fund and withdrew,”Nandlallsaid.
Despite oil money being enough to fund only about two ministries, Nandlall highlighted that significant development is occurring acrossallsectors.
This year, Guyana expects to receive approximately US$2 1 billion from oil exports and US$320 million from royalties.
‘Nomorenegroes’ …Stateagencies instructedtostopusing ‘Negro’and‘EastIndian’ inethnicdescription
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) and other State agencies are no longer permitted to use terms such as ‘Negro’and ‘East Indian’ when referring to or describing ethnic groups in Guyana.
On Friday, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance,GailTeixeirain a statement disclosed that Cabinet has decided to changetheIdentificationand Health Epidemiological Terminology used for several ethnic groups in Guyana. The government’s decision comes days after attorneyNigelHugheswrote the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) on the Guyana Police Force (GPF) describing his client, Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Executive Member, Kidackie Amsterdam as a ‘Negro’ Amsterdam has been charged under the cybercrime laws over alleged threats made on his
talk show against the President and other government officials by a calleronhisprogramme.
In the letter addressed to the ERC’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms Gomin Camacho,Hughesexplained thattheterm“negro”hadits roots in colonialism and slavery,whereitwasusedto dehumanize and subjugate peopleofAfricandescent.
“Its usage today is not only outdated but also perpetuates a legacy of racism and exclusion,” Hughesdeclared.
As such, the lawyer called on the ERC to issue a directivetothePoliceForce, advising that the law enforcement agency to “cease the use of the term ‘Negro’” and any other derogatory language when referring to individuals of Africandescent.
“Thisdirectiveshouldbe disseminated widely within the Force to ensure complianceatalllevels,”the lawyersaid.
Meanwhile, Teixeira in her statement said that the Cabinet recognising that many Guyanese find the terms “Negro” and “East Indian” offensive, decided on June 6, 2024, that the terms used by the Guyana Police Force including Immigration,andtheHealth Sector as forms of identification and epidemiological references to ethnic descriptions are inappropriate.
Instead, the Minister advised that the terms that will now be used are Guyanese of African descent,Guyanese of Indian descent, Guyanese Amerindian, Guyanese of mixedancestry,Guyaneseof Portuguese descent and Guyanese of Chinese descent Further, Teixeira saidallrelevantStateentities are instructed to implement the Cabinet’s decision and update their operational manuals and rules accordingly
Govt. to host NY job fair to target Diaspora
DPI - The government is 550,000 Guyanese live Public Information (DPI),
Guyana, we’ve lost many set to host a job fair in New abroad The study also Foreign Secretary Robert skilled workers and some of York, aimed at attracting reveals that between 1965 Persaud disclosed the our biggest minds. In the last members of the Guyanese and 2000, nearly 90% of government’s plans to host a half-century, Guyanese have Diaspora back to their Guyanese nationals with job fair targeting the
Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud
homeland This initiative tertiary-level education and diaspora. contribution to other comes in response to a 40%ofthosewithsecondary “This will be happening countries and industries significant skills and education emigrated from in a very short while across the world. This brain resource gap identified by Guyana. whereby we’ll be targeting
international and local With Guyana’s recent the persons who are there, impactedourcountryandwe assessments, highlighting a economic advancements, letting them know what are trying to change that,” he need for approximately there has been a noticeable opportunities exist in explained.
1 0 0 , 0 0 0 s k i l l e d trend of Guyanese nationals Guyana, what skills we need
To address this, the professionalsduetotherapid returning to their homeland. a n d h o w t h e y c a n government is rolling out transformation of Guyana’s The government has contribute,”saidPersaud. initiatives aimed at retaining economy introduced various policies He emphasized that not talent within the country and A research paper by the and initiatives to encourage o n l y a r e G u y a n e s e developingthecapacityofits Centre for Strategic and thisreversemigration. expatriates returning, but w
International Studies (CSIS) In an exclusive interview their children are also being

thecountry’sdevelopment. climate in Guyana creates a indicates that around with the Department of encouraged to contribute to economy

“Already we have seen favourable environment for As Guyana continues to an influx of persons both returnees and new grow, these efforts to returning to Guyana, migrants, ensuring their reconnect with its Diaspora addressing the skill gap of retention within the country are critical in bridging the over 100,000. What we are Persaud highlighted the skills gap and ensuring seeing is that there is a detrimental impact of the susta
renewed interest from the brain drain over the past development. The upcoming secondgeneration,whohave decades and the importance job fair in NewYork marks a builttheircapacityinvarious ofreversingthistrend. significant step towards sectors. They are also “A n y d ev elo p in g achieving these goals, returning to Guyana,” country such as ours, losing invitingskilledprofessionals Persaudnoted. one skill can have an impact to return home and be part of
The positive economic and unfortunately, in Guyana’spromisingfuture.

Man found dead in trench three hours after two-vehicle accident
A55-year-old man was found Pharous. thecar. dead in a trench on South Road, Investigations revealed that Police said, “Both drivers Georgetown, Friday night motorcar #PJJ 4643 was weretakenoutoftheirvehiclesby following an accident that proceedingeastalongSouthRoad public-spirited citizens and occurred earlier that evening at a fast rate, while the hire car EMTs, placed them in an between two cars at the proceededsouthalongtheeastern ambulance, and were taken to the intersection of South Road and drive lane of Oronoque Street.At Georgetown Public Hospital Oronoque Street.Dead is Sooklall the intersection of South Road Corporation (GPHC), where they Pharous of South Ruimveldt, andOronoqueStreet,thedriverof receivedmedicalattention.” Georgetown. hire car #HD 5268 failed to stop Meanwhile, at about 22:50hrs Police in a statement said that and ensure that it was safe and on Friday, Pharous’ body was the accident occurred at about clear at the stop sign and drove fished out of thetrenchby public18:25h and involved motorcar into the path of motorcar #PJJ spirited citizens and taken to #PJJ4643,ownedanddrivenbya 4643. The front of motorcar #PJJ GPHC where he was pronounced 36-year-old resident of South 4643 collided with the right side deadonarrival. Road, Georgetown and hire car of the hire car, and as a result of His body is at the GPHC’s #HD 5268, driven by a 41-year- thecollision,thehirecarendedup Mortuary, awaiting a posto
, in a trench at the side of the road, mortemexamination. Georgetown, with lone passenger where Pharous was thrown out of Investigationsareongoing.

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One immaculately kept Teana Executive car. Call: 592-701-4514.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 6981267/ 657-9121.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts Clerk. To apply, send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/ 608-2114.
Vacancy available for Factory workers at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
Vacancy available for Porter at Dyna's Embroidery screenprint 22 Austin Street, Campbellville. Call: 226-2621.
Accounts Clerk needed, must have English & Maths and knowledge in QuickBooks. Email: mikeswholesaledepot @yahoo.com
Registered Pharmacist. Experienced in community pharmacy would be an asset. Email: mikeswholesaledepot @yahoo.com or @ their location
Cashier & Driver with canter (Truck Licence).Apply @ mikeswholesaledepot@yahoo.com or @ their location.

Cummings Lodge 100ftx80ft (+10 ft reserve). sandfill, eastern fence, bridge e.c.t , Plan for 9 apartment 3 story building available. Tel: 624-8694.
Land for sale at West Demerara (50x100) ft residential lot. Contact: 2260066 / 660-6751.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 6490956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Unleashing Potential: St. Joseph High School...
From page 48 directly with professionals from diverse fields. Students had the opportunity to ask questions, gather insight, and gain a deeper understanding of the skills and qualifications required in their desired careers. The professionals shared their personal experiences, highlighting the challenges and rewards of their respective professions, thus inspiring the young attendees to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience.
The event also fostered a sense of excitement and motivation among them. Many students left the fair feeling inspired and energized, armed with newfound clarity about their career goals and a strengthened commitment to pursuing their passions.
The Waterfalls had the privilege of speaking with representatives from various organizations presented at the St. Joseph High School career fair. Among the notable participants was the Guyana Responsible Parent Associate Clinic, a non-profit organization that provides essential guidance on topics rarely discussed openly. The clinic hosts regular sessions for primary and secondary students, offering insights into family planning, STD and STI testing, contraceptives, and counseling on sensitive youth-related topics. The Guyana Responsible Parent Associate Clinic is open to anyone interested in learning

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
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Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

Modern home under construction at Annadale, E.C.D. For more information Call: 675-1510 / 613-7964.
3 bedroom furnished apartment, close to UG. $120,000 monthly, 1 month's rent and security. Free Wi-Fi & parking. Call: 709-4391.
or seeking guidance on these matters. Additionally, the University of Guyana and Cyril Potter College of Education had a strong presence at the career fair, engaging with students interested in the programmes offered by these esteemed institutions. Representatives from various faculties, including the Faculty of Social Science and the Faculty of Agriculture, were present at the University of Guyana booth.
They provided students with informative brochures and materials, giving them a glimpse into the diverse educational opportunities available. The Cyril Potter College of Education, renowned for its teacher training programmes, also actively engaged with aspiring educators. A representative from the college highlighted the crucial role of teachers in society, emphasizing that without them, no other profession would exist. The representative expressed the importance of guiding and encouraging students who are interested in teaching, providing them with the necessary information and support to pursue a career in education.
Accounting institutes also made a strong showing at the career fair, including Cacique Accounting. As an internationally recognized organization, Cacique Accounting presented numerous opportunities for students interested in the field of accounting and business. They aimed to assist students who were uncertain about their career path by offering resources and guidance to help them make informed decisions.
The representatives from Cacique Accounting expressed their commitment to supporting students who may be unsure about their future prospects. They emphasized that their goal was to provide assistance and guidance to those who were interested but needed direction, ensuring that students understood the potential and opportunities available in the accounting and business fields.
The event not only provided students with insights into diverse career opportunities but also offered an engaging experience focused on
fire safety, thanks to the participation of the Guyana Fire Service. With various fire safety equipment on display, the booth attracted students eager to learn about the importance of fire safety and the uses of different firefighting tools.
At the Guyana Fire Service booth, students had the opportunity to interact with firefighters and gain handson knowledge about fire safety. To further engage students, endurance tests were conducted, challenging them to hold up a heavy hammer for a specific duration of time.
The test is for firefighters to build stamina and endurance for a prolonged period under stressful conditions. This friendly competition not only tested their physical strength but also served as an entertaining and engaging activity that drew a crowd.
Students enthusiastically participated, eager to showcase their endurance and vie for the title of the longest hammer hold.
By providing hands-on experiences and engaging activities, the fire service not only educated students about the importance of fire safety but also encouraged them to consider careers in firefighting and emergency response.
Representatives were present from the Guyana School of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health. These institutions provided valuable insights into the fields of agriculture and healthcare, respectively, inspiring students to consider careers in these vital sectors.
The Guyana School of Agriculture’s booth was brimming with various packaged and local produce proudly displayed. Students had the chance to explore the diverse aspects of agriculture and learn about the resources available to those interested in pursuing careers in this field.
Representatives from the Guyana School of Agriculture engaged with students, sharing information about the different programmes and opportunities offered by the institution. They highlighted the importance of agriculture in sustainable development and food security, encouraging
students to consider the significant role they could play in shaping Guyana’s agricultural landscape. By providing helpful resources and guidance, the school aimed to foster a deep appreciation for the agricultural sector.
Simultaneously, the Ministry of Health representatives captivated students’ attention with their booth dedicated to medicine and science. They showcased the wide range of career paths available in the healthcare industry, such as midwifery, nursing, and medicine. Students eagerly gathered around, asking questions and seeking guidance regarding these potential career choices.
The representatives from the Ministry of Health shared valuable insights into the specialties and responsibilities associated with each profession. They explained the educational requirements, training programmes, and the essential role that healthcare professionals play in society. By providing a comprehensive overview of the various career paths within the healthcare sector, they empowered students to make informed decisions about their future.
In addition to the informative and interactive displays, the fair also offered entertainment provided by Hit and Jams 94.1, enhancing the overall experience for the students. The presence of Hit and Jams added a lively atmosphere to the event, and some lucky students even had the opportunity to receive free DJ lessons, further fueling their passion for music and creative pursuits.
Beyond the fire service and entertainment, institutes that specialize in assisting students who aspire to pursue education internationally were also present. One such institute, Keen360, was present at the event, offering resources and guidance to access scholarships and accommodations for studying abroad. While Keen360 primarily focuses on computer science, they also provide support for students pursuing other majors, broadening the horizons for those seeking international educational opportunities.

Missing woman has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia
(CBS News) -Awoman has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia, a local official said Saturday, marking at least the fifth person to be devoured by a python in the country since 2017.
The husband of 45-yearold Farida and residents of Kalempang village in South
Sulawesi province discovered her on Friday insidethereticulatedpython, whichmeasuredaroundfive meters(16feet).
The mother-of-four had gonemissingThursdaynight and failed to return home, forcing a search effort, villageheadSuardiRositold AFP
Her husband “found her belongings... which made him suspicious The villagers then searched the area. They soon spotted a python with a large belly,” saidSuardi.
“Theyagreedtocutopen the python’s stomach. As soon as they did, Farida’s head was immediately visible.” Farida was found fully clothed inside the snake.
Graphic video published by TMZ appeared to show thesnakebeingcutopenina

wooded area while more footage posted by the Daily Mail showed the woman’s body being carried in a blanket past distressed villagers. Other similar incidentsinrecentyears Reticulatedpythonsgrab onto their prey with dozens of sharp curved teeth and then squeeze it to death before swallowing it whole.
They are widespread in Indonesia and other parts of
Southeast Asia, and are known to eat monkeys, pigs andothermammals. Reportsofhumansbeing killed by pythons are extremely rare but several p
ave died in Indonesia in recent years afterbeingswallowedwhole bypythons.
Last year, residents in Southeast Sulawesi’s Tinanggea district killed an eight-meter python, which
was found strangling and eatingoneofthefarmersina village.In2022,awomanin Indonesia’s Jambi province was killed and swallowed wholebyapython,theBBC reported,citinglocalmedia.
In 2018, a woman was found dead inside a sevenmeter python in Southeast Sulawesi’s Muna town Officialssaidthevictim,54year-old Wa Tiba, went missing while checking her
vegetable garden near her village.
In2017,afarmerinWest Sulawesi went missing before being found eaten alivebyafour-meterpython atapalmoilplantation.
A six-minute video obtained by CBS News showed villagers slicing open the python’s carcass to reveal the legs and torso of the dead victim, named Akbar Villagers said the
victim was likely ambushed frombehind.
“Reputation for being aggressive”
Thereticulatedpythonis the longest snake in the world, according to London’s Natural History Museum.
They are native to SouthernAsia and can grow tobemorethan20feetlong.
The longest reticulated python ever found in the wildwasdiscoveredin1912, according to the museum, and was measured to be nearly 33 feet long – “more than half the length of a bowlinglaneandmakesthis snakelongerthanagiraffeis tall.”
Zoo Atlanta, which houses reticulated pythons, says the snakes “have a reputation for being aggressive.”
T h e s n a k e s a r e occasionally kept as pets in theU.S.
Lastyear,a14-foot-long reticulatedpythonwasfound dead on side of the road on Long Island, prompting a searchforitsowner.
In2022,a16-footalbino reticulated python that slithered through a Texas neighborhood for months was finally rescued and returnedtoitsowner
Zelenskiy welcomes French promises of Mirage 2000 warplanes to help fight Russia
PA R I S , J u n e 7 (Reuters) - Ukrainian
President Volodomyr
Zelenskiy said on Friday he hoped to see Frenchsupplied warplanes in Ukrainian skies soon after President Emmanuel MacronsaidFranceplanned to provide it Mirage 2000-5 fighterjets.
Zelenskiy has long expressed his frustration at how long Western allies are takingtomakekeydecisions on military support for Ukraine in its war against Russianinvasionforces.
“Your combat aviation, brilliant fighter jets under Ukrainian pilots’ command will prove that Europe is stronger, stronger than evil which dared to threaten it,” Zelenskiysaid.
Macronalsomadealink with D-Day, promising Europewouldnotweakenin its support for Ukraine. He did not specify how many Dassault-made Mirages France would provide but said Paris would send the planesandtrainpilotsbythe endoftheyear
U.S.PresidentJoeBiden saidaftermeetingZelenskiy in Paris on Friday that Washington would not walk away and has offered a new $225millioninweapons.
“I’m sure that a day will comewhenUkrainewillsee thesamejetsinourskiesthat we saw in Normandy skies yesterday,” Zelenskiy told Frenchlawmakers,referring t o T h u r s d a y ’ s commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day inNormandy Advertisement·Scrollto continue

The Mirage 2000-5 is a multi-role, single-engine jet fighter France aims to replace its existing Mirage fleet by 2030 with Rafale warplanes, but it hopes also to convince other countries that have Mirages to supply themtoUkraine.
Zelenskiy addressed France’s NationalAssembly on Friday, earning several standingovations.
“Can Putin win the war? No,becausewehavenoright to lose,” Zelenskiy told the lawmakers. “Can this war end on the lines that exist now? No, because there are nolinesforevil,not80years
ago,notnow.”Intherun-up to Zelenskiy’s visit, diplomats had said Paris could agree to send military trainers to Ukraine given Kyiv’s urgent needs to quicklymobilisemoremen.
Macron said that in the immediate term, France would train, equip and finance an entire brigade of 4,500 Ukrainians, but he stoppedshortofmakingany announcement on sending advisersfornow
Suchadecisionwouldbe done on the basis of a collectivedecision,hesaid.
“There should not be a taboo on this subject. At a momentwhenUkrainehasa challenge, we need give an answer,”hesaid.
“There is a request,” Macronsaid.
Ukraine’s military leaders admit that the battlefield situation on the e a s t e r n f r o n t h a s deteriorated. Two years of war have sapped Ukraine’s ammunition and manpower and a failed counteroffensive last year sank morale.
Though the U S Congress finally greenlit a long-delayed $60 billion U.S.
military package in April, analysts say that a severe worldwide shortage of artillery shells means Ukraine is likely to be outgunned by Russia for the remainder of the year as Kyiv’s allies ramp up production.
He said Ukraine’s defence minister had through an official letter 48 hours ago told its allies it neededmorehelpintraining quicklyandonitssoil.
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our Publisher, Dr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about ongoing indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
SUNDAY – JUNE 02, office, Jagdeo abandoned unconscionability, which week issued a statement a two-state solution but also professional audit. What Mr 2024 this promise to the citizens. aims to prevent one party reiterating its call for a two- erodesthetrustnecessaryfor Lall said publicly was that
The US$2B debt sentence He is now a big defender of f r o m b e i n g u n d u l y state solution to the ongoing meaningfulnegotiations. the report the government
The government of the contract and has advantaged over another Israel-Palestinianconflict. released to the public did not Guyana has ace///pted a p o i n t e d l y s a i d h i s The doctrine is rooted in the
But how can a two-state FRIDAY – JUNE 07, 2024 include major expenditures measly US$2B from government will not principle that contracts solution succeed when, even Was the full by ExxonMobil, which he ExxonMobil and its partners renegotiate it, although he should be fair and equitable, today, the fundamental report released? (Floyd Haynes) talked about intheStabroekBlocktohelp hasacknowledgeditisabad, ensuring that no party is premise of an independent Mr Floyd N. Haynes, when he appeared on the this nation to clean up after bad,deal. subjected to undue hardship Palestinian state is met with Project Lead of VHE KaieteurRadiolastyear anoilspill. or exploitation. Fairness and resistance from both Consulting responded to one Mr Haynessaidthenthat
As if the sum itself
TUESDAY equity are foundational to American and Israeli of our front page articles this his team did check the major wasn’t already an egregious – JUNE 04, 2024 contract law Yet despite the leadership? week regarding the absence expenses but did not get crime, the terms governing Party paramountcy acknowledged imbalance in The persistent refusal to of ExxonMobil’s major p
mission f
he theGuaranteeandIndemnity Vice President, Bharrat the contract, Bharrat Jagdeo recognise Palestinian expenses from the US$7.3B government to speak on Agreement are no less than a Jagdeo’s weekly press refusestorenegotiate. sovereignty undermines any audit report. He sought to thematthetime. ‘debt sentence’ for the conference, ostensibly in his genuine efforts towards a attack the Publisher of The billion-dollar country capacity as his party’s
THURSDAY peaceful resolution This KaieteurNews,GlennLall. question for Mr Haynes is:
The leaders of this great General Secretary has – JUNE 06, 2024 entrenched opposition from However, Mr Lall never DidtheGuyanaGovernment nation are setting the stage effectively overshadowed Two –state solution key stakeholders not only accused Mr Haynes or his release full report you for Guyana to once again the role of official Guyana Government last delegitimizes the prospect of team of not conducting a handedovertothem? pick up its begging bowl and g o v e
s s ask for a handout should a conferences. disasterstrike. This practice not only In the meantime, the muddles the distinction multi-national corporations between party and State but are enjoying the biggest also poses the risk of payday from this country’s r e v e r t i n g t o p a r t y oilresources. paramountcy a scenario
Let us pray that these fraught with potential for shameful acts against abuse of power and Guyana will someday be diminished democratic punished. governance.
JUNE 03, 2024 – JUNE 05, 2024
Can’t keep his word Holding on to an Forthoseunfamiliarwith unconscionable contract thephrase,“talkhalfandleff The terms of the half” is a quintessentially ExxonMobil contract are Guyanese way of describing u n c o n s c i o n a b l e someone who conveniently Unconscionable terms in a omits crucial details. Vice contract refer to provisions President Jagdeo, it seems, that are so extremely unjust, has embraced this approach one-sided, or oppressive that with gusto. When Jagdeo they shock the conscience of was in Opposition he thecourt. passionately denounced the When the terms of an ExxonMobil contract signed a g r e e m e n t a r e by the APNU+AFC He unconscionable, there exists described the agreement as a bothalegalrightandamoral “sell-out.” He pledged to duty to renegotiate its terms. renegotiate the agreement This newspaper has been at oncehispartywasinpower the forefront of calls for this It was a promise that lopsided oil deal to be resonated with many renegotiated. We will not J agd eo’s pledg e to retreat from our position renegotiate the agreement despite our leaders are hell would have won his party bentongoingalongwithit. many votes from those who Legally, contracts that were shocked and peeved at are grossly unfair and the agreement signed by the exploitative can be APNU+AFC However, challenged under the when the PPPC got into d o c t r i n e o f

Russell edges out Verstappen to take Canada pole
(BBC Sport) - George Russell took Mercedes’first pole position of the season ahead of Red Bull’s Max Verstappen at the Canadian GrandPrix.
Russell and Verstappen setidenticallaptimesofone minute 12 seconds dead but because the Briton banked hisfirsthewillstarttherace fromfirstplace.
Lewis Hamilton could manage only seventh in the
second Mercedes as Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri locked out the second row forMcLaren.
Ferrarifailedtogeteither car into the top 10, Charles Leclerc 11th after winning lasttimeoutinMonaco,with team-mate Carlos Sainz 12th.
The second Red Bull driver Sergio Perez was knocked out in the first session for the second
consecutive race - the last timehewasinthetop10on the grid was three races ago inMiami.
Russell’spoleseemedto come out of the blue, after a difficult start to the 2024 season, but in fact is the cumulation of a series of upgrades that have been put on the car over the past four races.
Thecreamonthetopwas anewfrontwingintroduced

in Monaco, where only Russell had it before both carsuseditinMontreal.
Russell, whose last pole was at the 2022 Hungarian GrandPrix,said:“Amazing. It feels so good. So much hardworkbackatthefactory hasgoneintothis.Wesaidin Monaco that we hoped this was the start of something for our season and I think it is.
“Thecarhasbeenfeeling amazing since we brought some upgrades to Monaco. We have really been in that fight Let’s go for it tomorrow.”
Sunday June 09, 2024
Today you will have all the energy you need to deal with long-term family problems. Indeed, you'll probably clash with some of your relatives. But this situation won't cause anyseriousissues.
You enjoy caring for others andyouinterveneregularlyin their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clearviewofyourownlife.
We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society.You may have strong beliefs, but it's difficult to combine your idealsandasociallife.
You'vealwaysfelttheneedto free yourself from society You need to feel independent at any cost. You may need to face certain relationship problemsatthistime.
You may feel annoyed about the attitude of some of your groupoffriends.Unlikethese people, you're very openmindedandyoucandealwith situations as they arise Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation.
Today, Virgo, you'll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you'll be revisiting your childhood
Youmaybeveryedgy Thisis agooddispositioninwhichto analyzeyourlife.
You really know how to seduce,Libra.Thereisaspark inside of you that spreads naturally to those around you. You have a big reservoir of sensitivity and emotion that couldgrowtoday
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You're a very active person, Scorpio, but today you'll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won't understand yourneeds.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Nothing much is happening today, yet you seem worried and tense. You'll have to use this day to your advantage. Think about your life. You'll also think about the needs of yourrelativesintheyears.
You often need to thrive on personal emotions.Today will benoexceptiontotherule.For instance, you could try to captivate the attention of peopleyouadmire.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You shouldn't try to fight the feelings that run through you today Don't even try to rationalize them These feelingsareprobablyrelatedto emotions dating back to your childhood You shouldn't avoidoranalyzethem.
You'll be lost in your thoughts today, analyzing your life and relationships.You'll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the peoplearoundyou.
Verstappen said: “It’s how it is. We had a good qualifying The whole weekend has been still a bit tricky for us but to be P2, I takeit.Goingintoqualifying Iwouldhavedefinitelytaken that It makes it more excitingfortheraceaswell.”
Mercedes actually lost pace in the final sessiontheir lap times in the second partofqualifyingwereeven faster Russellwas0.258secs faster then, and Hamilton 0.2secsslowerbutstillfaster thantheeventualpoletime.
Verstappen said: “Q3 was the worst session for Mercedes.Whenyoulookat their pure pace, I am happy withsecond.InQ2,Ilooked at their lap times and I thought there was no way I coulddothat.”
Norris was just 0.021secsoffpolehimselfin a very tightly packed session, and Piastri just 0.082secsbehindhim.
AtRB,onthedayitwas announced Yuki Tsunoda wouldbestayingattheteam in 2025, Daniel Ricciardo sent a message by outqualifyingtheJapanesefora grand prix for only the secondtimethisseason.
Fernando Alonso was sixth for Aston Martin, ending a difficult run of qualifying sessions at the previousthreeracesbybeing 0 473secs quicker than team-mate Lance Stroll in eighth. The Aston Martins sandwich Hamilton, who was second fastest behind Russellafterthefirstrunsin thetop10shootout.
Neither Mercedes driver improved on their second laps, but the 0.28secs gap betweenthepairallowedsix drivers to slot in between them by the end of the session.
Thefinalplaceinthetop 10 was taken by Williams driverAlexAlbon.

George Russell has taken his first pole position since 2022 (Reuters)

Miller and Baartman help SA end Netherlandsjinx in low-scoring nail-biter
(BBC Sport) - South Africa made heavy weather of a modest chase in New York before David Miller andTristanStubbsdugdeep to save them from a third straight defeat at Netherlands’handsatanICC tournament.
Miller and Stubbs added 65 for the fifth wicket to lift themfromthepitsof12for4 on a pitch that didn’t play anywhere as badly as the scorecard suggested, even thoughtherewasenoughinit forquickbowlers-13ofthe 15 wickets fell to them, while there were two run outs.
As he walked out to bat, Miller might have had a flashback ofAdelaide 2022, where his wicket, with 47 needed off 28 balls, shut the door on South Africa and gave Netherlands a 13-run win.
On Saturday, Miller stayed the course and

remained unbeaten on 59, flicking on his best sixhitting self in the
penultimateoverwithSouth Africaneeding16off12. In the end, in a game where 209 runs were scored in 38.5 overs, South Africa wonwithenoughtospare. QuintondeKockwasrun out without facing a ball.
ReezaHendricksgotapeach from Logan van Beek that angledinandstraightenedto
hit the top of off. Vivian Kingma had the first of a double when he strangled AidenMarkramdownlegto leave South Africa 3 for 3.
And when Heinrich Klaasen’s rush of blood had himpickingoutTimPringle attempting a pull off Kingma, Netherlands dared to dream - or maybe just expected the expected, considering the recent resultsbetweenthetwosides
Miller and Stubbs take over
Both Miller and Stubbs are instinctive batters who love taking the bowlers on. Butthesituationtheywalked outtowasnotforthatsortof batting,itwasacrisis.Amisstep could have meant curtains So they chose caution, saw off the powerplay without any furtherdamage,andhitonly a further two boundaries until the ten-over mark to leave South Africa needing 72offthelasttenovers.
Stubbswason9off21at thispoint,strugglingtoforce thepace,especiallywhenthe ballwasdugintothepitch.A hint of grip for the spinners alsomadeitdifficultforhim tohitout.
So when Bas de Leede came on in the 11th, Stubbs gave him the charge and enjoyed a massive slice of luck as a thick inside edge

flew wide of the midwicket fielder Miller, too, rode someluck.
A big hit down the ground off left-arm spinner Pringle only just eluded the long-on fielder in the 12th over with South Africa still needing57off50.
Stubbs finally shrug off the pressure that had built around him with a hoick for six off Vikramjit Singh, and then launched van Beek down the ground three balls later to turn the tide SouthAfrica’s way
Miller lands the finishing blows
It should have been a smooth ride from there,
with South Africa needing 29 off 30 But there was another twist
F i r s t , P a u l v a n Meekeren delivered a maiden over to Miller, and the pressure showed when Stubbs holed out to deep midwicket in the next,offBasdeLeede.
Then, in the 18th, van Beek came back after being walloped for six by Miller to dismiss Marco Jansen
But, with South Africa needing 16 off 12, de Leede erred in line. Miller began the penultimate over by dispatching a halftracker over fine leg, and then finished the game with a sequence of 2, 0, 4 and 6 - cue a roar and wild fist pumping Miller had tamed the demonsofAdelaide2022.
Sybrand Engelbrecht, who represented South
Africa at the Under-19 WorldCupin2008andonly
recently made his Netherlands’ debut, topscored with a 45-ball 40 on surface where the next best amongthetopsevenwas12.
A t t h e t o s s , Netherlands were put in to bat seemingly because South Africa wanted to exploit the morning conditions, and had them tottering at 32 for 4 South Africa’s four-pronged pace attack, led by Marco Jansen, was breathing fire atthatstage,withpaceand bounce off the pitch for assistance.
S o u t h A f r i c a ’s hostility didn’t end there, with Ottneil Baartman and Anrich Nortje ensuring thereweren’tanyfreebies
T h i s r e s u l t e d i n Netherlands attempting to manufacture strokes, like Scott Edwards did when he executed a reverse scoop for six, but they simply didn’t have enough
It came down to Englebrecht’s patient knock and his 54-run association with van Beek to get them intothreefigures. It would have been inadequate on most days, but Netherlands can give themselvesapatontheback formakingamatchoutofit tokeepGroupDveryopen Match details: South Africa 106 for 6 (Miller 59*, Stubbs 33, Kingma 212, van Beek 2-21) beat Netherlands 103 for 9 (Engelbrecht 40, Baartman 4-11,Nortje2-19,Jansen220)byfourwickets
GBA’s National Novices Championship set for June 13-15
Th e G u y a n a
B o x i n g
Association (GBA) has revealed it will conduct its annual National Novices Championship - a three-dayevent,whichisset to commence on June 13 at theNationalGymnasiumon MandelaAvenue.
The Championship continues on June 14 and brings the curtains down on June15atthesamevenue.
Thereareapproximately seven gyms from across the various regions that have signaled their intent to compete.
They are: Forgotten Youth Foundation, the Guyana Defence Force, the Guyana Police Force, Pace and Power, Vergenoegen, New Amsterdam Academy,
the Guyana Police Force, andRepublicans.
GBA President, Steve Ninvalle,noted,“Thisisour ‘year one’ in the development of boxing Thisisournursery,thestage whereweplanforourfuture by unearthing new talents and beginning the eventual and natural process of transition. The Novices Championship holds an innate importance in the grand scheme of our developmental system and should not be overlooked in any way but viewed as an exampleandopportunityfor the future generations of pugiliststomaketheirmark and seek recognition in the sport.”
He added, “The GBA remains steadfast in its
pursuit of excellence in the discipline by building on existingprogrammesandby implementing modern standards and practices that areprovenandrespectedby the global boxing community
The nursery is vital in this regard, and we will continue to work and support its advancement given its empirical value, which has led to Guyana maintaining its dominance in the English-speaking Caribbeanregion.”
Meanwhile, the GBA Technical Director and ad
, Terrence Poole, said, “This is the breeding ground and starting point formanyboxersinthesport.
This is where we identify future and potential talents, because often this is where they start their respective careers.”
According to Poole, “We are expecting a lot of excitement because most of the boxers will be new to the sport and, though not technically correct, are very eager and enthusiastic.
After the event, we w i l l i d e n t i f y t h e respective talents and call them to camps and trials so that they can get more s p e c i a l i s e d a n d experiencedtraining
Thisiswherewelookto the future, and we have discovered many talented boxers in this tournament throughouttheyears.”

(BBC Sport) -Australia outplayed England in Barbados to leave the defending champions sweating on their qualification for the Super 8s. They posted the highest score of the T20 World Cup to date after David Warner and Travis Head blitzed 70 runs in the first five overs, before Adam Zampa made the difference in England’s lacklustrerunchase.
Theresultisnotterminal for England’s title defence, buttheyhaveonepointfrom their first two matches and face an anxious week ahead inAntigua.Theywillalmost certainly need to beat both Oman (on Thursday) and Namibia (on Saturday), but eventhenwouldlikelyhave to rely on net run rate to qualifyforthesecondround aheadofScotland.
major role at Kensington Oval: one square boundary wasninemetresshorterthan the other, measured at just 58m. Australia targeted it, almost immediately Will Jacks,surprisinglygiventhe secondover,concededthree sixesinhisfirstfourballs,all flying over the shorter legsideboundary;MarkWood’s firstoverfromthesameend alsocost22.Australia’stotal reliedoncameosthroughout their batting line-up rather thanonesubstantialinnings. Warner, likely facing Englandforthefinaltimein international cricket, topscoredwith39buteveryone in their top five reached at least 28; Matthew Wade’s 10-ball 17 not out was another useful contribution fromNo.7,takingAustralia past 200 England, by contrast, fell away badly after Zampa accounted for
both of their openers - Jos ButtlerandPhilSalt-inside his first 11 balls. They were 73for0aftersevenoversbut onlymanaged92for6inthe following 13, their middle order failing to adjust to a dry pitch quickly enough against a clinical Australian attack. Head, Warner’s fast start
Forthefirsttimeintheir T20history,Englandopened the bowling with spin from bothends.
It didn’t work: Moeen Ali’s first over cost only three runs to Head and Warner, Australia’s lefthanded opening pair, but Jacks-whohadonlybowled twooversinhis14previous T20Is-waspumpedoverthe short boundary three times infourballs.
Wood took over from Jacksatthesameendandhis first over was equally as expensive: he tried to tuck Warner up and bowl to his sweepers,butinsteadfedhis strengths and was cracked over the short side for three more sixes and a four Moeen broke through when a ball skidded under Warner’s bottom edge, but only after conceding two foursandasixinhissecond over Jofra Archer was the quickest England bowler to adjust to the conditions, using his slower balls and dragging his length back, and could celebrate a first international wicket in Barbadoswhenhisoffcutter burst through Head and hit middleandoffstumps.Even
GBAPresident, Steve Ninvalle

still,Australia’s74for2was their highest powerplay at a men’sT20WorldCup.
Australia’sstrongfinish England started to drag things back when the field spread, though Mitchell Marsh continued to find the boundary He nailed a pull overmidwicketandontothe solar panels on the roof of a stand off Adil Rashid, and swung Archer over the legsideboundaryafterthemidinningsdrinksbreak.
Glenn Maxwell’s 28 off 25washisjoint-highestT20 score since February but he and Marsh fell within four balls of one another: Marsh was stumped by Buttler at the second attempt off Livingstone’s legspin, and Maxwell picked out deep midwicket off Rashid. At 142 for 4 in the 15th over, Australia needed a strong finish. But Marcus Stoinis, Tim David and Wade ensured they reached 200 with regular boundaries at the back end and England became ragged in the field: Rashidthrewhishandsupin frustration when Stoinis picked up four from a toeended reverse-sweep, Archer and Jonny Bairstow leaving the ball to one another at point and backwardpoint.
Zampa makes the difference England’s openers looked to maximise the powerplay, with Buttler using his feet to target Josh Hazlewood and Salt launching a 106-metre six off his Kolkata Knight
Riders team-mate Mitchell
Starc The seventh over, Starc’s third, then cost 19: Head caught Salt at deep third but while stepping on the boundary, and Buttler pickedoffasixthenafour
But on a dry surface, Zampa was the key bowler andstruckwithhisfirstball, whichcrashedintothetopof Salt’soffstumpashelooked to create room to cut. In Zampa’s second over, Buttlerswunghimdownthe ground for six but then reverse-sweptstraighttoPat Cummins at point, leaving 109requiredoffthefinal10 overs.
Will Jacks cracked one boundary off Cummins but thenpickedoutStarcatlongoff, who took an excellent divingcatchoffStoinis,and Bairstow looked short on rhythm throughout his 13ball7.
M o e e n b r i e f l y threatened something special,hittingthreesixesin a Maxwell over, but the required rate proved insurmountable.
Match details: Australia 201for7(Warner39,Marsh 35,Head34,Stoinis30)beat England 165 for 6 (Buttler 42, Cummins 2-23, Zampa 2-28)by36runs

ExxonMobil Boys and Girls U14 Schools Football C/ships 2024… Group stage culminates with thrilling display
The third and final round of the group games in the 2024 ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Under-14 Football tournament concluded yesterday at the Ministry of Education ground, with an action-packed day featuring 27 matches across the boys’ and girls’ divisions The young athletes delivered exceptional performances, setting the stage for an excitingknockoutphase.
G i r l s ’ D i v i s i o n
Inthegirls’leg,standout performances were abundant. Ne
Williams of Bartica was particularlybrilliant,scoring five goals in Bartica’s 6-0 demolition of Cotton Three Secondary Keilys Williams contributed the remaining goalinadominantdisplay
Rosa continued her remarkable run in the tournament, netting five consecutive goals in a 9-0 routofAbramZuil.Chatta’s prolific form has seen her tally rise to 16 goals in just

Part of the third round action of the ExxonMobil Boys and Girls U14 Football Championship
three matches Maria Atkinson also shone in this game, scoring a hat-trick, with Anelisa Robinson addinganothergoal. Defending champions Waramuri Top secured their third consecutive win,
trouncingCarmelSecondary 7-0. Erica Harris led the charge with a hat-trick, supported by a brace from Nickisha Williams. In other m
goals from Arianna Stoby, Dalisa Joseph, and Melissa Evans.
President’s College, powered by two goals from Reyanna Gounga, defeated Charity Secondary 3-1
Bushlot Secondary’s
Ashante Scott delivered a hat-trick in their 6-0 victory over West Minster Girls, with Moneta Frazer and LatishaJackalsofindingthe net. T
Academic Excellence (IAE) edged Christ Church 1-0, while Marian Academy cruised to a 7-0 victory over
ondary, featuringgoalsfromKaleigh Todd (two), Caitlin Larose, Skyler DeNobrega, Ashley Walton, Ella Fernandes, and HaleyHaberkorn.
B o y s ’ D i v i s i o n Highlights
The boys’ division a
Academic Foundation emerged victorious over Three Mile with a 3-2 win, thanks to a double from Akeel Young and a goalfromAaronKing Abram Zuil narrowly defeated St Joseph 2-1 Bartica Secondary proved too strong for East Ruimveldt, securing a 3-1
victory with Jadan Christian scoring twice andGarfieldJonesadding
another goal Patentia
over New Campbellville 3-0
Leonora’s Keon Grant scored twice in their 4-2 win over VYC Academy, with additional goals from Issiah Wilson and Quincy Fraser Christ
e d President’s College 2-1, with Jadel Liverpool stunning the crowd with twobrilliantgoals West Demerara edged out Bushlot 1-0. Other teams securing wins on the final day included School of the Nation, H
This edition of the tournament is sponsored b y E x x o n M o b
organised by the Petra O
Distillers Limited under their Pepsi brand, MVP Sports, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and the Ministry of AmerindianAffairs
Essequibo’s Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ kicks off with favourable response
Henrietta United, C h e l s e a , Ballers, and Suddie recorded contrasting wins when the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’
Essequibo edition commenced on Friday evening at the Anna Regina carparktarmac.
Stagedinfrontofalarge gathering, Henrietta United defeated Police B 2-0. M. Rosario and D Romeo scored in the fifth and seventhminuterespectively
Likewise, Chelsea outflanked the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) 2-0. K. Glasgow and O. Warrick scored in the second and sixthminuterespectively
Meanwhile, Ballers downed Dartmouth 1-0 Marvin Walcott found the backofthenetinthesecond minute Also, Suddie downed ETI 1-0 via a T Brandonstrikeinthesecond minute In other results, Henrietta arrested Police A 2-0 via a Joel Haynes ‘GuinnessGoal(GG)[agoal
scored in the final three minutes of normal time counts as two] in the 17th minute. Gunners riddled Lakers2-0complimentsofa Hayla Haynes GG conversion in the 18th minute Also, All Stars dismantledYoungGuns3-1. Thewinneroftheeventwill pocket $300,000 and the championship trophy, while thesecond,third,andfourthplace finishers will pocket $200,000, $100,000, and $80,000 apiece and the respectivetrophy
Todate,theGeorgetown, Berbice, and Linden zones have been completed, with the Bartica, East Coast
Demerara, and West Demerara set to commence following the conclusion of theEssequiboleg. CompleteResults Roundof16
PoliceA-0vs.Henrietta2JoelHaynes-(GG)-17th Game-2
Lakers-0vs.Gunners-2 Hayla Haynes-(GG)-

2024 ICC Men’s World Cup…
Windies make light work of Uganda under lights
- Hosein grabs career best figures

Cosmas Kyewuta gave Sherfane Rutherford a send-off after bowling the perfect yorker (ICC/Getty Images)
West Indies
m a u l e d Uganda by a whopping 134 runs last at Providence,continuingtheir winningwaysinGroupCas the tournament gains momentum, playing their final preliminary game in Guyana.
Taking first strike, the hometeamaftersometimely battingfromopenerJohnson Charles with 44 (4x4 2x6), Rovman Powell (23), Sherfane Rutherford (22) andAndreRussellwitha17ball30(6x4),propelledWest Indies Academy to 173-5 after20overs.
The Ugandans then fumbled the chase, as they knockedoverforapaltry39 alloutin12overs,withJuma Miyagi the only player to reachdoublefigureswith13 notout.
Left-arm Akeal Hosein was the difference-maker,
Edghill secures Paris Olympic Games qualification
National Table Tennis Player
Chelsea Edghill will represent Guyana at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games scheduled to be held from July26toAugust10.
Edghill, Guyana’s highest-ranked female player narrowly lost in her Olympic qualification quest inaseven(7)gamethrillerto EstellaCrespoofCubaatthe International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF)Americas Pan American qualification event,heldfromMay14–18 4 in Lima, Peru, but was granted the sole female ‘Wild Card’ spot to the games when she gained the votes of the International Olympic Committee and International Table Tennis Federation.
For Table Tennis, only a men’s singles and women’s singles “Wild Card” Tripartite Commission Invitation Places for the sport are made available for theOlympicGames.
This would be Chelsea’s second showing at the SummerOlympicsgames.
She became the first Table Tennis player from
Guyana and the first female player from the Englishspeaking Caribbean region toqualifyforandcompeteat the Olympic Games when she participated in the 2020 TokyoGames.
AttheTokyoGames,she had an impressive showing, captivating Guyana and the Caribbean region when she defeatedtwo-timeOlympian
SallyYeeofFiji4-1,11-5,411, 11-3, 11-6, 11-8, a
preliminary round at the globalGames.
Edghillprogressedtothe main draw but lost toYubin Shin of South Korea in the Women’s Singles at the TokyoOlympicGames11-7, 11-8,11-7,12-10
Edghill, who is a University of Lindenwood Missouri graduate in Chemistry, a holder of a master’s degree in Sport Management from the UniversityofLondon,Chair of theAthletes Commission Guyana, is a former ITTF with The Future in Mind Scholarship Awardee and a former Junior Olympian (NanjingChina2014).
bagging impressive figures of 5-11 from his 4 overs. Fast-bowler Alzarri Joseph chipped in with 2-6 as West Indiescompletedahugewin athome.
Pooran and King (13) added 41 as the Windies’ team half-century came justasthefirstpower-play ended Uganda gained a bit of
aforementioned pair, with West Indies reaching 85-2 atthehalfwaymark Charles continued his
eventuallypassedthe100run mark in the 12th over, leaving rest to Russell,
boundaries to help push theCaribbeansidetoahuge score.
Chelsea Edghill (Getty Images)
She has been a
Caribbean champion at different levels, and a winner of several medals at the Caribbean, European, international and North America and collegiate
level also played professionally in Portugal atclubLusitaniadeLourosa andinGermanyin2023
ThisisawinforGuyana and regional Table Tennis and is a testimony to the talent, hard work and determination of Chelsea, builtonthesacrificesofthe players officials sponsors andstakeholdersofthepast and present Olympic
Games represent the pinnacle of all sports, this represents a truly historic achievement it is once again a victory for us as a nationasaregion
It is significant in that this has shown ITTF and IOC recognition of our player’s talent and country programmes in selecting Chelsea.
This provides the platformforustocontinueto enhancethesportprofileand marketGuyanatotheworld, lobby for more support for

our athletes and truly show thatwehaveplayerswiththe talentandability
The GTTA was of the strong view that Shamar Britton was also a key candidate for a wild card
s p o t g i v e n h i s p e r f o r m a n c e s i n international competition during the qualification period June 2023 to June 2024, However, he was unable to attend the qualification events due to clashes with the Olympic qualification event and final year exams at the Hugh Wooding School of law, whichwasakeyrequirement to being considered for selectionforwildcardspots.
The key focus is working on ensuring that Chelsea continues to get the requisite preparation to face the challenge ahead Part of this process has been a program with coach YaselofCubainGuyana