Kaieteur News

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Man dies after car plunges into trench

Bandits strip woman’s car of wheels

after key departures

...interestratesmovedfromUS$8M toUS$15.2Minthreeyears

Singapore races to clean-up beaches after oil spill spill

Govt. to beef up systems to curb gold smuggling Exxon buys vessel monitoring and alert system from French company

Guyana’s oil spill response plan still under review - CDC Head

Put our own meters on Exxon’s oil pumps!

AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online: www.kaieteurnews.com June18,2024-Vol.17 No.24 Online readership yesterday, 61,587 Tuesday Edition Price $100
Israeli PM
Benjamin Netanyahu scraps war cabinet
Guyana paying back
Efforts are ongoing to clean-up the oil spill in Singapore, following a collision between two vessels (AP photo ) Friday, June 14, 2024
alone US$18.3M on loans yearly

Man dies after car plunges into trench

A 20-year-old man from Herstelling, East Bank Demerara died following an incident Monday morning in Diamond, East Bank Demerara.

The motor car submerged in the trench on the Diamond Public Road, EBD

Dead is Mark Andrew Ramachand.Policeinapress stated that around 05:30hrs Ramachandwasdrivingacar north-bound along the eastern lane of the western carriageway of the Diamond Public Road at a fast rate of speedwhenhelostcontrolof thevehicle.

The car then skidded on the road, overturned, and ended up submerged in a nearby trench. Police were summoned and on arrival at

the scene, ranks and other citizens assisted in removing the vehicle from the trench.

The driver was motionless and pinned down in the driver's seat of the vehicle.

The ambulance service was summoned and arrived shortly after at the scene (Continuedonpage6)


Reference is made to the notification below that was published in the Kaieteur News' Monday, June 17, 2024 edition. We acknowledge an error in the notification, in which Mr Daniel Stewart's photograph was

publishedinsteadofMr EustaceAbrahams. Kaieteur News regrets the error and apologises to the persons involved We are republishingthenotification withthe correct photograph.

Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Tuesday June 18, 2024

Guyana paying back IDB alone


on loans yearly

...interest rates moved from US$8M to US$15.2M in three years

Over the past 47 years, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved over US$2 billion inloanstosupportGuyana's development.

TheIDB's'Partneringfor Resilience' report, said that Guyana is experiencing a significant increase in its debt repayment and interest obligations The figures highlightasubstantialrisein both principal and interest payments over the past few years, reflecting the country'sevolvingeconomic landscape and financial commitments.

The IDB report reveals that Guyana's principal repayments have surged from an average of US$8.3 million per year between 2010 and 2020 to US$18.3 million annually over the period from 2021 to 2023.

This increase underscores the growing financial demands on the nation's budgetasitmanagesitsdebt obligations.

Similarly, interest payments have seen a notable rise From an averageofUS$8millionper year over the 2010–2020 decade, the figure has climbed to US$15.2 million per year on average during 2021–2023. This escalation ininterestcostsreflectsboth the increase in overall debt and potentially higher interest rates on new or refinanceddebt.

Senior Minister with Responsibility for Finance, Dr AshniSinghisquotedin the report saying that throughout the years, the Bank has provided more than US$2 03 billion in sovereign loans. Of that

RystadPredictsNear ZeroOilSupply Growthin2024

Rystad Energy on Monday projected that global oil supply growth would slow in 2024 and potentially the following year, due to the extension of OPEC+ voluntary cuts and thecartel'sdemandforecast.

Basedonthemostrecent OPEC+ guidance, total globaloilsupplygrowthwill be near zero in 2024, which could render this year the first since 2020 with zero supply growth, Rystad said, estimating expect supply growth at around 80,000 barrels per day for 2024, down from earlier expectationsof900,000bpd, which had been made in early June Reuters reported onMonday

Rystad noted that OPEC+ cuts will take 830,000bpdoffthemarketin 2024 and 1.04 million bpd offthemarketnextyear,with U.S. shale being the most “trustworthy source” of supplygrowth. "Themarket

initially responded negatively to the latest OPEC+ guidance. However, it's difficult to remain completely bearish when

sum, the minister stated that US$112 million in technical cooperations and US$145 million in investment grants to support development projects across Guyana Also, IDB Invest has approved over US$168 3 millioninloanstotheprivate sector with an exponential increase expected in the coming years based on the development trajectory of thecountry

Someofthekeyareasof interventions in recent years include support to energy, water and sanitation, infrastructure, housing, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Support in the energy sector c

electricity distribution network across the country, reduction of electricity losses,anddiversificationof the energy matrix with renewableenergysolutions.

In the area of water and sanitation, this support has improvedefficiency,quality, and sustainability of potable waterservicesandsanitation infrastructure. Infrastructure support included improving drainage and irrigation s

implements for farmers, w

corridors, and building safe

roadways along critical corridors such as the Sheriff Street-Mandela roadway In the housing sector, the B

ion supported infrastructure development of housing communities and making availableaffordablehousing solutions to our population. In justice reform, this collaboration has enhanced and modernise the criminal justice system consistent with international best practices Moreover, Ilan

Goldfajn, President of the IDB said that Guyana's prospects are gaining internationalattentionasthe country continues to see recordgrowth,withitsGross Domestic Product (GDP) nearly quadrupling since 2019.Hesaid,“AttheInterAmerican Development Bank Group (IDB Group), we are looking forward to continuing to partner with Guyana to help seize this excellent momentum towards future sustainable andequitablegrowth.”



report had cautioned Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) countries against 'excessive' borrowing and urged governments to bring their debts down to more prudent levels. In the report titled, 'Dealing with Debt –Less Risk for More Growth intheLatinAmericaandthe Caribbean' the IDB disclosed that debt has risen andstandsatsomeUS$5.8T which is 117 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)intheregion.“Given the dangers of excessive debt, the current situation in (Continuedonpage9)

Oil funds temper bearishness after OPEC+ reassurance: Kemp

global oil supply growth is expected to slow down in 2024andreducedproduction isstillapossibilityin2025," Reuters quoted Rystad vicepresidentPatricioValdivieso as saying. OPEC's current strategy aims to keep productionatalevelthatcan support oil prices in a range of $80-$100/bbl, which becomes challenging if U.S. production continues to grow, as it has for over a decadeandahalf.

Last week, OPEC released its monthly oil market report (MOMR), keeping its demand growth forecast for the year unchanged at over 2 million bpd Simultaneously, the InternationalEnergyAgency (IEA)releasedanewmarket report with significantly different projections, forecasting a “staggering” supplyoverhangof8million bpd in spare production capacity by 2030 The forecast angered OPEC, which called the prediction “dangerous” and warned it could inject additional volatility into oil markets. (OILPRICE.COM)

(Reuters) -Portfolio investors last week repurchased some of the petroleum they had sold the week before after Saudi Arabia and its OPEC+ allies stressed any future production increases would be contingentonmarketconditions.

Hedge funds and other money managers purchased the equivalent of 80 million barrels in the six most important petroleum futures and options contracts over the seven days ending on June 11. Purchases reversed about 40% of the 194 million barrels sold the week before after OPEC+ surprised investors by announcing plans to start increasing production fromthestartofOctober

Inthemostrecentweek,thebuying wave was led by crude (+68 million barrels), spread between NYMEX and ICEWTI(+42million)andBrent(+26 million), reversing some of the heavy salesaweekearlier

Therewassomesignificantbuying in European gas oil (+17 million barrels)butnochangeinU.S. gasoline and further sales in U.S. diesel (-5 million) Post-meeting briefings to selected media and analysts dispelled fears OPEC+ would flood the market with extra barrels from the fourth quarterof2024.

The result was that prices rebounded to pre-meeting levels while positions were somewhat but not

completely restored. Even after the round-trip, however, fund positions remain very bearish for all parts of the petroleum complex with the partial exception of European gas oil. The combined position across all six contracts of 288 million barrels was in only the 6th percentile for all weeks since2013.

Bullishlongpositionsoutnumbered bearish short ones by a ratio of just 1 96:1 (11th percentile) Positions across the complex were uniformly bearish (25-49th percentiles) or very bearish (24th percentile and below) showing very little confidence among investorspriceswillriselaterthisyear

The enormous overhang of spare capacity held by OPEC+ members as well as continued production growth from the United States, Canada, Brazil and Guyana are expected to limit price increases in crude. On the fuel side, inventories of both gasoline and diesel havebeenrisingrelativetotheseasonal trend in the United States, and consumption growth for fuels remains tepidacrossNorthAmerica,Europeand China.


Investors became more bullish about the outlook for gas prices in the United States despite the limited progress made so far in depleting the enormousinventoriescarriedoverfrom the mild winter of 2023/24. Hedge

funds and other money managers purchasedtheequivalentof332billion cubicfeet(bcf)inthetwomajorfutures andoptionscontractslinkedtopricesat HenryHubinLouisianaovertheseven daysendingonJune11.Fundmanagers have been net purchasers in six of the lasteightweeksbuyingatotalof1,607 bcfsinceApril16,accordingtorecords filedwiththeU.S.CommodityFutures TradingCommission.

Fundshaveraisedtheirpositiontoa net long of 1,123 bcf, in the 59th percentile for all weeks since 2010, from a net short position of 483 bcf on April16,inonlythe19thpercentile.

As a result, the hedge fund community had built the most bullish position in gas for more than a year sinceApril2023.Increasedbullishness has come even though inventories remain well above normal for the time of year and show only limited if any normalisation. Stocks were 605 bcf (+26% or +1.47 standard deviations) above the prior ten-year seasonal averageonJune7.

The surplus had narrowed only slightly from 662 bcf (+40% or +1.47 standard deviations) on March 15. But investors are betting drilling and productioncutsannouncedinFebruary will eventually eliminate the surplus, withsummerheatwaves,increasedgasfired generation, and faster LNG exportsacceleratingtheprocess.

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Tuesday June 18, 2024
ontributed to the rehabilitation of the
ystems, agricultural
idening transport
nd climate-resilient
nk's c
Ilan Goldfajn, President of IDB


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


The poverty trap

Fordecadesnoweconomistshavebeensearchingforan answer to a simple question: how to bring poor countries o u t o f b a c k w a r d n e s s ?

The initial answer was as simple as the question itself. Societieswerebackwardbecausetheylackedtheresources toinvest.Mostofthepopulationlivedclosetothelevelof subsistence which meant that people could not save to invest for a better future. They were caught in a ‘poverty trap’. The best way of getting them out of the trap was to providealargeinfusionofcapitalfromtheoutsideandstart theprocessofcapitalaccumulationandgrowth.

Sincethe countriesthatneededmoneywere very poor and could not borrow on interest, a system for providing easy money was created. The World Bank became the central part of this structure and large flows of capital movedintothenewlyindependentcountriesofAfricaand A s i a

When Robert McNamara became the president of the World Bank in 1968, he took stock of the situation in the developingworldandconcludedthatsomethingmorethan simplygivingmoneyhadtobedone.Theprogressinwhat was then called the Third World was not rapid enough to vindicatethosewhobelievedthataidwasneededforonlya shortperiodoftime.HelpedbyPakistan’sMahbubulHaq, McNamara came up with the concepts of rural and urban developmentinwhichtheproblemsfacedbythepoorinthe cities, towns, and villages would be directly addressed by funding the projects that would increase employment, incomes,andalsofulfilpeople’sbasicneeds.

Theprogresstowardsthisroutewasinterruptedbythe increaseinthepriceofoilinthe1970swhenalargenumber ofcountriesbecamehighlyindebtedtothebankingsystem which was the main beneficiary of the windfall incomes that came the way of the oil producing countries. The World Bank and its sister institutions turned their attentionto‘structuraladjustment’–policiesthatneededto be adopted by the developing world to deal with shocks such as those delivered by the OPEC. Addressing the problem of poverty became a secondary issue. Since that timeanumberofeconomists,somefromtheWorldBank, have turned their attention to understanding why a large number of countries remain poor although they have received large flows of external finance. The number of people living in abject poverty has continued to increase since they began to be counted by the World Bank in the mid-’70s. They now number more than a billion. Two oppositeconclusionshavebeenreachedbythosewhohave studiedtheproblemofcontinuingeconomicbackwardness inmanypartsoftheworld.Accordingtoeconomistssuchas WilliamEasterly,onceoftheWorldBank,therealproblem isnottheabsenceofresourcesbutthepoliciesadoptedby the countries that continue to persist in poverty Bad governance, corruption by the politically powerful and those holding public office, and lack of institutions that allowbroadparticipationtopeopleintheaffairsofthestate remain the main reasons for backwardness The preoccupation of public policy, therefore, should be to correct these faults. According to some other economists suchasJeffreySachs,theavailabilityofresourcesremains the main issue. A large number of countries in the developing world continue to be caught in a poverty trap from which they can only escape if they are provided a generousdoseoffunds.

These must come in the form of grants and not loans sincelendingonlycreatesaproblemofdebt. PaulCollier, onceattheWorldBankhadinsertedhimselfinthisdebate bysuggestingthatthesituationismuchmorecomplicated than maintained by these two groups. ‘Development traps havebecomeafashionableareaofacademicdispute,witha fairly predictable right-left divide’, writes Collier in his book,“TheBottomBillion:Whythepoorestcountriesare

Ahaphazard approach to development


Popular Keynesian Economist Joseph Eugene Stiglitzwhenaskedabouthis thoughts on development he stated, “Development is about transforming the lives

of people not just transformingeconomies.”In thisquote,hepostulatesthat development should not be singularonmacroeconomics but rather the administrators should embrace a microeconomicapproachfor thebenefitofthegrassroots.

Over the last 58 years of our post-independence era, something is not right when successive governments do notseemtocareaboutdirect

populous From building roads, schools, medical facilities,andhousingforthe people,ithasalwaysfocused on large-scale development with little direct assistance for the poor and working class.

Roadways have been concreted with rigid lanes, speedhumps,poordrainage, lack of signage along with wretched enforcement of speeding laws without cameras, speeding guns and

police patrols Recent developmentsin Providence suggestsweareanationthat governsreactivelypreparing for events such as the ICC T20 world cup to improve the roadways with poorly planned traffic patterns and rain delays leaving slushy unfinishedroadsforamajor globaltournamentwherewe areexpectingvisitors.

Despite all the efforts to foster macroeconomic development,ourpeopleare s t r u g g l i n g a t t h e microeconomic level Mothers with multiple kids are struggling to cover rent, food, transportation and school supplies Recent studies have shown a substantial number of children are going to school hungry in the aspiring “DubaioftheCaribbean.”

Recent observations of the construction of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge does not correlate with the news of a 40% completion withoutthefoundationofthe bridges being securely casted with concrete. Our nationality is more respectablethanthetalesour governmentportrays.

Additionally, health

facilities like the

GeorgetownPublicHospital areoverwhelmedbypatients withinefficiencyintraining, research and customer service from the staff. It’s appalling to have medical professionals uttering to patients to “shorten their storybecausetheyaretired.”

T h i s i s n o t o n l y d i s h e a r t e n i n g b u t unprofessional, uncaring and a step backwards in development.

The reality facing a country whose GDP per capita according to the World Bank is estimated at US$25,000 per person is far fromtherealityoftheplights of the average Guyanese whom eagerly earns approximately US$8,000 per capita. Even though, we are the fastest growing country due to the windfall fromtheoilandgasindustry, developmentneedstotrickle directly into the pockets of the average Guyanese. Cash transfers and increasing salaries of the public sector workers by GUY $80,000 (US$380) can move the earning power of the people closer to the cost of living. Secondly, the government

should curtail its focus to social net programmes such as providing discounted housing, free tertiary education, meals at school and an expanded public assistance programme that will ensure that families are notstrugglingtoputfoodon the table daily While roads, schools and hospitals are paramountfordevelopment, they cannot be consumed daily by the people, so policymakers need to retool their strategies for greater effective economic outcomes of the populous if it really cares. Part of the developmental model calls for honesty, transparency, and accountability to be the cornerstone of the government’s actions, but this government seems to intend to forego all these virtues and do what it pleases.Afterall,wehavean oppositionwhoisineffective at representing its constituencies, they are waitingonelectionstobegin fighting for direct economic development among its people. Really unfortunate casewefindourselves.

Roysdale Forde is the superior candidate


As a student, never a scientist,doctororprofessor, and having an interest in the p u b l i c d i s c u s s i o n surrounding the leadership contestinthePNC/R,Ihave rationalized my support and advocacy for a particular candidate by seeking to identify widely acclaimed behavioural qualities and characteristicsofagoodand successfulleader

The British statesman, Lord Chesterfield, believed that “firmness of purpose”, by which I concludehemeant,having a clear vision; being strategic and decisive in action; being confident, courageous, resilient and a d a p t i v e ; a n d demonstratingpassionand commitment as providing the “best instruments of success”.

He also believed that superior leaders won their team’s trust, led by example, demonstrated a n d d e m a n d e d accountability, were willing to embrace failure and learn from their mistakes, invest in their team’s future, and commit to the empowerment of others Moreover, a good leader is authentic, has integrity and humility, demonstrates empathy and respect,isabletolistenandis an effective communicator

All these qualities are at the core of teachings at academic, business and governance institutions everywhere and it would come as no surprise that the incumbent PNC/R leader is consideredtobeverylimited with regard to most of these qualities, while his main challenger, Roysdale Forde,

‘Therighttendstodenytheexistenceofdevelopmenttraps, asserting that any country adopting good policies will escapepoverty

The left tends to see global capitalism as inherently generating a poverty trap ’ If these are simplistic conclusionsthenwheredoestruthlie?‘Thisbookisabout fourtrapsthathavereceivedlessattention:theconflicttrap, thenaturalresourcestrap,thetrapofbeinglandlockedwith badneighbours,andthetrapofbadgovernanceinasmall country.’ While Guyana is not landlocked, our policy makers would do well to consider Collier’s recommendations on the other traps that have certainly helpedtostymieourprogress.

possesses these qualities in abundance. Most people are aware that ostentatiousness, noiseandself-promotionare not proof of substance and we are all familiar with the adage that “empty barrels make the most noise”, or as Zsa Zsa Gabor, American socialite and actress, puts it “macho does not prove mucho”.

However, these qualities are not always easy to appreciate in the modern political environment where perception is very often more acute than reality and performative leadership is sometimes more attractive than substantive leadership. This is the area in which the incumbent leader seems to bemoreheavilyinvestedand hisadvocatesandsupporters rarely speak of his substantive qualities and accomplishments but wax poetically about his sociabilityandidentification with the ordinary man. It is not my intention to deprecate, or disregard the significance of symbolic leadership. Every politician is keenly aware of the importance of kissing babies, shaking hands, flag-waiving, churchg o i n g , v i s i t i n g c o m m u n i t i e s a n d participating in public

, like Mashramani and Labour Day and any suggestion that Roysdale Forde is elitist, lacks respect, empathy or the common touch, or is distant from the ordinary man, or w o m a n , i s demonstratively false He does, and has done, all those things I have mentioned,butinhisquiet and unassuming way, not necessarily seeking media attention

Only last week, he visited Leguan and engaged withcitizens,notconsidered a large PNC/R constituency, and demonstrated his culinary skills, making gulgula.Accordingtoformer US Supreme Allied Commander during WW2 and President, Dwight Eisenhower, “the supreme quality of leadership is integrity” which is characteristic of Forde’s personal, professional and politicallife.

In every regard the candidacy of Roysdale Fordehasrevealedthathisis the superior campaign, candidate,team,programme and vision and likely next leader of the PNC/R but for procedural irregularities, administrativefailuresand (Continuedonpage05)

Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Tuesday June 18, 2024
s o c i o - e c o n o m i c development of the
demonstrations and natio
l event
failing and what can be done about it”

“Guyana a ‘criminal enterprise’state”


Could it be that with the endofcommunism,theState under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has become something of a criminal enterprise whose institutionsarebeingusedto enrich the ruling oligarchy anditsassociates?Whenthe overarching ideology that buttresses state centralism disappears, perhaps it is too much to expect that relatively poor apparatchiks will not seek to enrich themselveswhileoverseeing theenrichmentofothers.

The infamous Russian billionaire/oligarchs arose out of the capitalist reforms and rapid privatization processthattookplaceinthe SovietUnioninthe1990s.In 1991, the Soviet Union became the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic with Boris Yeltsin as its first president, tasked withmanagingthetransition from communism to capitalism. Although somewhat overstating the case, by 1993 he was bragging to The Financial Times that he and six other Russian oligarchscontrolled half of Russia’s hugeeconomy

According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI),acriminal enterprise is a ‘a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity’ Under international and US laws, where persons have shown themselves to be capable of egregious and criminal beh

g regulations or instigating and carryingoutviolentacts-they can be prosecuted for membership of criminal enterprises It appears that without any specific crime being committed, simply beingamemberofacriminal enterpriseisenoughtowarrant prosecution

Forsometime,thenature of capital accumulation and privatisation in Guyana has been giving rise to Soviettypeconcernsandtothisday, onecouldhardlyconsultthe media without coming upon allegations of corruption, cronyism,etc.Addedtothis, since the PPP returned to government in 2020, two particularly telling events suggest the question at caption.

In around mid-2022, the vice-president and general secretary of the PPP, Mr Bharrat Jagdeo in an interview with US VICE

Newsappearedtohavefound himselfinwhattomeseemeda classicalprincipal/agent/client framework of corrupt behaviour Thevicepresident, the presumed principal, had a meeting in his home that was arrangedbyhisagent,oneMr Su,wholivednextdoortothe VP in accommodation he rentedfromtheVPHeassured the client, the Vice News operative posing as a legitimatebusinessperson,that Mr Suwashisfriendandthat he would provide him with what necessary government supportheneededtofacilitate theprojectinwhichtheclient was interested This was after Mr Su had already informed the client that theVPwas his normalfacilitatorforthiskind of backdoor illegal operation

Inthesekindsofrelationships, the principal is merely expected to authenticate his agent and no one expected money to directly change hands. However, it is largely onthelattergroundthattheVP claimed innocence and there thematterrested,withthestate investigative and legal authorities claiming that no onehadlaidanycomplaint! However, not long after the president and his VP were ignominiously invited toWashingtonforadressing down,andasifforalltosee that the state of Guyana is associated with criminal activities, in April 2023 the permanent secretary of the MinistryofHomeAffairs,Ms Mae Toussaint Jr Thomas, while transiting in the United StatesofAmericaonherwayto

China, was inspected and her cellphone seized by immigrationofficialsatMiami InternationalAirport She was subsequentlyinformedthather United States visa had been revoked and she had to make alternative arrangements to return to Guyana When the newsfinallybrokeinGuyana, she and the government admitted that she was interrogatedontheoutwardpart ofherjourneybutpresentedthe situation as merely a ‘routine second check’ Deliberately or accidentally, by their actions the US authorities broadly outlined an investigative pathway that the PPP government could have taken if it so desired. The events suggested that the PS might be abusing her office, and that information tosupportthispositioncould b e f o u n d i n h e r communicationsrecords.One would have expected that Guyanese investigative authorities would at the very least have thoroughly scrutinized those and associated records and found little or nothing, for there the matter rested, apart from Ms Toussaint Jr Thomas being transferred from the Ministry of Home Affairs to the MinistryofLabour

The transfer suggests that the regime was aware of a problemwithMs ToussaintJr Thomasbutthathertransferal wasasfarasitintendedtogo Indeed, as if in an act of contrition, Toussaint Jr Thomas was later torpedoed intotheupperechelonsofthe

PPP,becomingamemberofits importantcentralcommitteeat itsmostrecentcongress Asa matter of fact, if one understandshowthesematters are fixed in ‘democratic centralist organizations’, this move may not unreasonably be considered something of a promotion!

Interestingly, last year, whenissueshavingtodowith thepossibleillegalactivitiesof the Mohameds arose, President Irfaan Ali, who appoints permanent secretaries, informed that his government had not received any notification from the US authorities about Nazar Mohamed, who is his friend and had supported him duringthe2020Elections.

Whatasurprisethenwhen on 10 June 2024, after an investigation that lasted some two and a half years, the United States Department of the Treasury, in collaboration with many other US government organisations, imposed sanctions on Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin Mohamed and Ms Toussaint Jr Thomas for, inter alia, smugglingmassiveamounts ofgoldoutofGuyana,which costtheGuyanagovernment someUS$50millioninunpaid taxesbetween2019and2023 TheformerPSisallegedtohave usedherofficewhileservingat theMinistryofHomeAffairs,to offerbenefitstotheMohameds thatincludedcontracts,licences forweapons,andpassports,etc

TheMohamedsapparentlyalso paid bribes to other corrupt Guyanese government

officials to facilitate the award of government contracts and ensure favorable treatment in criminalorcivilmatters!

It cannot be denied that theregimehasatrackrecord of rule breaking–I mentioned a few last week thataremoredirectlyrelated toissuesofgovernance-and association with dubious individuals During the crime spree of 2002-2008, during which hundreds of persons lost their lives, Mr Roger Khan, who was later found guilty and sentenced to15yearsinprisonfordrug

tampering and gunrunning, had to be nabbed by the Suriname authorities and passedontotheUSauthorities in2006 Khanhadtakenouta public advertisement in which he stated that instead of his being pursued by Guyanese

authorities,hehadbeenfighting crimewiththePoliceForceat the behest of the Guyana government.

Howinacontextofsuch illegal profligacy, can a governmentbesurprisedthat its request for information dealingwiththesehigh-level investigations was ignored by the US authorities? Ms. Toussaint Jr Thomas has been sent on leave and has now resigned from the PPP ‘to save its good name’! These events indicate why simply being a member of a ‘criminal enterprise’ is enoughtowarrantsanctions! After decades of destructive tomfoolery, on my reading, the window remains barely open and the PPP needs to stand back and consider a more moral and materially productivenationalcourse.



Roysdale Forde...

Frompage4 partisan manipulation and machinations seemingly aimed at frustrating and depressing his likely support.Iamawareofatleast onepartygroupinGeorgetown, entitled to the allocation of twelve (12) Congress delegates,thatislikelytohave none. Others have drawn attention to other nefarious schemes and more PNC/R leaders must be sufficiently concernedtospeakoutnow

I understand that this is the desperate recourse of an

incompetent incumbent campaign, based on personal grievance and cancel culture, and should be corrected immediately before a pyrrhic outcomeisrealized

Sincerely OscarDolphin

Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Tuesday June 18, 2024
aviourinsidiously evadi
trafficking, witnes
unpopular, insecure, unaccomplished and

DeAbreu’s letter brings back memories $50M

DEAREDITOR: By coincidence or Divineintentions,BakraEid brings a flood of emotions buried in my psyches. I just finishedreadingthe17June 2024 letter by Mr Frank DeAbreu[https://wwwkaiet eurnewsonline com/2024/0 6/17/the-early-days-ofbusiness-in-georgetown/] and he triggered memories thathavestayedwithmefor some58years.

On Bakra Eid some 58 years ago: annually, my father [the late Haji Mozam Ally]andhisbrotherswould “qurbani” [sacrifice] a bull and share the meat to the surroundingcommunitiesof S u p e n a a m / G o o d Hope/Aurora on the EssequiboCoast.

That year [1966], after witnessing the “jabbakaray” [the actual slitting of the bull’s throat according to Islamic practice] and its attendantduties:skinningof thecarcass,choppingupthe meat, etc. As a curious 7year-old boy, I wanted to knowwhattheydidwiththe guts?Onlytobetoldthatthe

gutswasgiventoMissJoyce [Bovell]tobecleanedatthe wharf close by I went to investigate.

And as I was about to peer over to see Miss Joyce cleaningthegut,thenDaniel [Bovell]swungalinewitha hook to catch fish. Instead, thehookstruckmyrighteye damagingthelens.

IwasrushedtoDr Goel, the leading eye doctor in Guyanaatthetime.

He operated on my eye atPrashad’sHospital.Justas an aside, many years later, my ophthalmologist at Massachusetts General Hospital asked me, who did the surgery to my eye?

Fearingtheworse,Itoldhim the surgery was done in Guyana, during the 1960s, by an Indian doctor named Goel.

He remarked that Dr. Goelwasagenius.Giventhe primitive conditions of the times, Dr. Goel performed a miracle: he extracted the damaged lens without damagingmyeye. Itwasakintopullingthe lens through the eye of a

needle. Nothing short of a miracle. I spent a week in Prashad’sHospital.

Now, back to Mr DeAbreu’s letter He mentioned Mr Azeez of RoyalJewelHouse.

Mr Azeezwasafriendof mydad.

Anduponlearningofmy m i s h a p a n d m y hospitalization,everydayhe would send a cooler with apple juice and goodies [chocolates and sweets] Now,mindyou,Ihavenever met Mr Azeez; but every timethatIhaveapplejuice,I remember his kindness and the taste to having apple juiceforthefirsttime.Thank youMr Azeez.

EveryyearatBakraEid, I say a prayer for Dr Goel and Mr Azeez. May Allah forgive their sins and grant them a place in paradise. And may Allah shower his blessings on the children of Dr. Goel and Mr. Azeez. Ameen.

Thank you, Mr DeAbreu.

Sincerely, RogerAlly

DEAREDITOR: It is unbelievable that Guyanese continue to allow ourmoniestobestolen.Our mentalities are being stolen –systemsareveryweak.50 mil for community development, meals and busesforstudents,homesfor thehomeless,freeeducation from nursery to university, free healthcare and more –50milgone.

We h a d s u g a r , aluminum, cotton, and precious metals. We have gold, an abundance of land/waterandnowoil.Why are we poor spiritually, mentally and physically? 50 milgone.

Our colonized minds keep waiting for ‘someone’ to come and apply their rule oflawtoourcountry Weare


embarrassed! We are all the way in Alaska – we are embarrassed at the state of our country Imagine someone coming into your home to sweep it, weed it, scrub it – FREE! We like a lot of freeness. This is at a cost Imagine many are waiting and watching to see who is next! Editor, this is nonsense.The talking heads sit and dissect the shenanigans rather than giving an abundance of solutions.

What good are their ‘shows’withoutsolutionsto the country’s pressing issues?Theywillsitthereas many have done year after year and watch and comment only on what the PPPisdoing.Thentheywill comeandaskforhatevotes–

Not me – not my community! Editor, there is deep-seated hate and anger among our people.They are eveninchurchandhatingon eachother

Godhasgothispeoplein preparationmode.

The walls are falling –Get Ready! Wipe your tears and get up Guyanese! Our appreciation to those who are real citizens of this nation.

May God give us everlasting love for our home country and our brothers and sisters? May God bless our corruption free Republic? Stand up for Guyana and fight for your homeland-GetreadytoVote likeaBoss!

Sincerely, Dr DeniseMurray

Man dies after car plunges into trench...

Frompage2 along with a team of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) Ramachand was subsequentlypronounceddeadbyadoctorat thescene.

Accordingtothepolice,thecar,licensed under plate #PZZ 4447, is not registered to Ramachand but rather belongs to a female resident of Hope Lowlands, East Coast

Demerara. However, Ramachand was the onedrivingthevehicleatthetimeofthefatal crash. Ramachand’s body has been taken to theMemorialGardensFuneralHome,where a post-mortem examination is to be conducted. The damaged vehicle has been lodged at the Diamond Police Station for further inspection as the investigation into theincidentcontinues.

Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Tuesday June 18, 2024


PNCR ‘Cong-mess’

The People's National Congress Reform like their twin sister - PPP will be holding their biennial congress later this month. With all the ‘cussing-out’ going on among the contestants, we predict that would be a ‘cong-mess’ instead of a congress.

What is true also is that none of the candidates, not even the incumbent leader, Aubrey Norton has fully grasped the trouble this country is in with Bharrat Jagdeo at the helm and how desperate we all must be to have him replaced.

But freeing Guyana requires more than just getting rid of the corrupt PPP/C and replacing them with a crooked PNCR.

Guyana needs new, visionary leaders. Guyana needs to breathe and the leaders being offered by both these parties are not up to the task to usher in the independence so badly needed here.

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Tuesday June 18, 2024

Govt. to beef up systems to curb gold smuggling

In a move to combat rampant gold smuggling, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo last Thursday said t h e r e w o u l d b e a comprehensive legal overhaulofthesystemaimed at imposing stringent penalties on large-scale gold smugglers.

His remarks were as a result of the recent sanctions on Guyanese billionaire Nazar Mohamed, his son, Azruddin Mohamed, by the United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)forallegecorruption - including gold smuggling and evading taxes. The US Treasury in a report alleged that between 2019 and 2023, Mohamed's Enterprise omitted more than 10 thousand kilograms of gold from import and export declarations and avoided paying more than US$50 million in duty taxes to the Government of Guyana (GoG).

Addressing the media at his press conference held at Office of the President,

Jagdeo outlined a series of measures intended to clamp down on illicit activities that have deprived Guyana of significant tax revenues. He first highlighted a robust multi-agencysysteminplace to ensure that gold exported through the system is properly certified Jagdeo said, “Now, clearly we have to strength

n this arrangement further and possibly by some review by an external consultant to strengthen this to see what additionalsafeguardswecan put…”

He expressed concern over the discrepancies betweenreportedexportsand the actual imports reported by those nations. He said, “Because when you look at the UN [United Nations] tradedata,theUNtradedata show how much gold was declared and how much was exported. There is a discrepancy, but it is not of the magnitude like what the US has said been smuggled there.”

However, he noted that goldsmugglinginsuchlarge

quantitiesshouldbecaptured in the UN trade data. “So there are issues, so we may have to work this through a system and get more help from those countries to which [gold is] exported because they know what the figures are they could easily see in Guyana, every year, howmuchgoldweexported, andhowmuchtheyreceived becauseit'spartoftheirtrade stats,andtheycaneasilysend us this information,” Jagdeo added.

Moreover, the Vice President highlighted the need to bolster existing systems with additional safeguards to prevent gold from being illegally shipped outofGuyana. Jagdeonoted that there is no deterrence to smugglers because they might believe that if caught, theywillonlybesubjecttoa smallpenaltyundertheGold Board Act. He pointed out that current penalties under the Gold Board Act are insufficient to deter largescalesmugglers. “Soclearly we have to strengthen the system,” it was stated

Jagdeo noted that when the goldissmuggled,thecountry loses the royalty payment as wellasthe5%corporatetax. Healsopointedoutthatgold smuggling can also be used for other purposes like moneylaundering.

To this end, he underscored that while government awaits assistancefromthecountries importinggoldfromGuyana, strengthening the system of penalties should also deter smugglers. He clarified that the efforts will be more focused on the big exporters smuggling gold. Notably, he disclosed that additional penalties are likely for the three individuals that were recently apprehended at Cheddi Jagan International Airport(CJIA)attemptingto smuggle 240 ounces of virtuallypuregoldoutofthe country

Jagdeoexplainedthatthe trio was charged in accordance with the Gold BoardAct where the penalty is minuscule. “I'm told they are also going to be charged undertheMoneyLaundering

...promisesstricterenforcement, forfeitureofassets

Act That is additional charges coming. So it's not just one end, we need to strengthen the charges and the penalties for illegal smugglingofgoldabroadby these large smugglers,” he said.

Furthermore, speaking on the strengthening the penaltiesforgoldsmuggling, Jagdeo said that government needs to make the financial penalty more substantial. He explained that according to theCustomsAct,individuals who evade taxes by smuggling goods will be subject to a fine three times the value that would normally be paid on the items. The Vice President explained, “So, like in this case now, it's estimated that the US$50 million we lost is 7% of the total value of the gold, that is the royalty and tax rates amount to 7%…” He continued, “If you had to pay triple the value on that, you'llprobablyhavetopaya penalty of 25% of the value ofthegold.Somethingofthat nature so we may want to take what we do at customs

nowandintroduceitherefor theevasionof[tax]ongold.” This means that gold smugglerswillnotonlyhave to pay the taxes they evaded butalsoincurapenaltythatis several times the amount of theevadedtaxes.

“So if you get caught, there's a big risk. First of all, yougetchargedunderanact that has severe penalties. Secondly, there's a big financial risk because you have massive fines,” Jagdeo noted.

The Vice President's third proposal is exploring forfeiture of assets arising from illegal proceeds. This practice is done under the laws dealing with money laundering and drug trafficking.

“So we intend to strengthenthistotacklegold smuggling to get more risks to the smugglers…” he said. Additionally, the Vice President expressed disappointment that despite alltheincentivesgovernment implemented for the mining industry, smuggling is still (Continuedonpage16)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Tuesday June

The GRA should not be weaponised against local content violators

Th e G u y a n a

R e v e n u e Authority (GRA) must recognise its role as a taxcollectionagencyandnot allowitselftobeweaponised toperformfunctionsoutside of its remit. While the GRA implements government’s tax policies, it should be insulatedfrommanipulation bythegovernment.

This is why it was disturbing to read that the government plans to collaborate with the GRAto root out what it calls ‘fronting’or ‘rent a citizen’. ButwhytheGRA? Isitthe GRA’s role to police the ownership and staffing structureofforeignandlocal firms to ensure compliance withlocalcontentlaws?And what does the GRA have to do specifically concerning the unethical practices of ‘fronting’ and ‘rent a


‘Fronting’ is a practice where foreign companies uselocalindividualstomeet local content requirements for ownership and staffing, without genuinely adhering to the spirit of these laws. According to the Local Content Act, a company musthaveGuyanesecitizens in at least 75% of its executive and senior management positions, and at least 90% in nonmanagerial and other positionstoqualifyasalocal company However, to c i r c u m v e n t

companies engage in ‘fronting’ by placing Guyanese individuals in specific roles merely to appear compliant, without granting them real authority orownership.Thisdeceptive practice allows foreign

companies to enjoy the benefits intended for genuinelocalbusinesses.

TheLocalContentLaws also require that Guyanese must own at least 51% of a company for that company toqualifyasalocalcompany underthelegislation.‘Renta citizen’referstothepractice where foreign companies use local individuals as figureheads or nominal owners to satisfy local contentlaws,withoutgiving them actual control or benefits.

While ‘fronting’ and ‘rent a citizen’ are clearly unethical, it is for the authorities to prosecute those engaged in such practices. ‘Fronting’ is a form of fraud as it misleads authorities and undermines the purpose of the Local Content Act, which aims to promote genuine local

Guyana paying back IDB alone...

Frompage3 Latin America and the Caribbean is worrisome,” theIDBreporthadsaid.The IDBsaidpublicdebtservesa critical role for countries to pursue public investment

projects, implement countercyclicalpolicies,and provide support to economies in the face of negative shocks. However, theIDBwarnedthatifpublic debtbecomestoolargeoris not managed with sufficient caution, interest costs may balloon, growth prospects maysuffer,andinthelimit,a costly debt crisis may be provoked.

It was stated that public debt had risen before the pandemic, with sudden debt spikes accounting for much oftheincrease.Accordingto the IDB, “that spikes occurred largely during times of stress, fueled by a combination of low growth, h

ons, and significant off-budget and unfunded liabilities This pattern of debt increases in theregionpointstotheneed for stronger fiscal institutions to establish credible and sustainable

medium-term objectives to limitdebtspikes,andwhere they are necessary, to promote periods of debt reduction…” the IDB said. According to the report, governments can bring down their debt levels by improving spending efficiency,expandingthetax base, and seeking wider reforms to enhance fiscal balances and boost growth. The IDB said that there are many reasons why public debt levels should be lower than they currently are, highlighting that there are several ways to reduce that debt.


Driving under de influence

We gat some policemen who think dem smart. Dem know de government de Police Force serious about drunken driving. So dem does go and park out in front of dem bars late at night.

Assoonas,dempatrons comeoutandgototheircar, the popo does pull dem over Dem does administer de Breathalyzer test and catch all dem who drink more than they should without having a designateddriver

One night, some popo been outside of dem

popular waterholes in the city ItwasaSaturdaynight anddemknowasthisnight is easy pickings fuh dem wah drinking under the influence(DUI).

Sure enough, right at 2am, a man stumbles out thebartowardshiscar

Thepopowatchesashe fumblestogethiskeysout, struggles to unlock and openthedoor,anddropsthe keys repeatedly before finally getting them in the ignitionandstartingthecar

Assoonashepullsontothe street, the cop flicks on his lightsandturnsonhissiren, andpullshimover ”Sir, how much have you had to drink

participation and benefits. ‘Rentacitizen’alsoinvolves f r a u d u l e n t misrepresentation, as it createsafalseimpressionof compliance with legal standards designed to supportlocalbusinessesand development In one instance, the government’s denial of local content certification reached the court. The court ordered the government to issue the certification deeming that the Local Content Secretariathadactedoutside ofitspowers.

That decision suggested that instead of taking unilateral action, the government should be focusingonstrengtheningits local content laws and regulations. That has not happened yet even though it wassaidthatloopholeswere going to be plugged. Now comes this bizarre announcement that the government would be collaborating with the GRA in relation to ‘fronting’ and ‘rentacitizen’practices.But why GRA? What violations ofthecountry’staxlawstake place when there is ‘fronting’ or ‘rent a citizen’ schemes?

The GRA’s role in auditing cost recovery expenses for Exxon is already controversial. The taxagencyshouldonlyaudit

for its own purposes – tax purposes – and have no role in the actual government’s audit of cost recovery expenses Such audits involving the GRA poses a potentialconflictofinterestand is outside of the tax agency’s legal remit The GRA should not allow itself to become embroiledinanycollaboration withthegovernmentinrelation to cracking down in ‘fronting’ and‘rentacitizen’practices It should advise the government to instead focus on strengtheningthelocalcontent laws In declining to collaborate, it should suggest thatthegovernmentimplement strongervettingproceduresfor companies claiming local status, including detailed checksonownershipstructures and management roles. The government should also institute, under the laws, the authority to undertake regular audits and independent reviews to ensure compliance with local content requirements. Thegovernmentshouldalso be encouraged to institute, again through legislation, severe penalties for companies and individuals found guilty of fronting or “rentacitizen”schemes.

To m a n a g e t h e certification process, there must be established a dedicatedregulatorybodyto oversee compliance and

investigate suspicious activities. This body should be independent of the M

Resources. But even more fu

introducelegislationtomore clearly define “beneficial ownership,” to close any loopholes that might be exploited.Thebottomlineis that it is legislation that needs to be reformed to prevent the unethical practices which the government is desirous of eradicating.

The GRA should stay clear of being weaponised against those who the government feels are breaching the local content laws The GRA’s core function relates to administering the country’s tax’s laws. It should not be drawn into any gunfights on behalf of a government which has historically shown a penchant for intruding into the functions ofstatutorybodies.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

tonight?””Nothing, I’ve just been drinking soda all night.” ”Sir, I have reason to believe you’re intoxicated.Pleasestepout ofthecar

”The cop administers the breathalyzer, and the man comes out as having zero alcohol in his blood. Heiscompletelysober

”Idon’tgetit”,saidthe cop, “I watched you stumble out of that bar, fumble your way into it, anddropyourkeystryingto getitstarted.

Yet here you are stone cold sober What happened?”Oh,tonightI’m thedesignateddecoy.”


e requirements, some
t h e s
damentally, the government needs to
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Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Tuesday June 18, 2024
fiscal deficits, ballooning interest payments, currency


Nigel Hughes: a bright shining moment

The name of Nigel Hughesisbackintheair,and not for high-level lawyering onthisoccasion. Hughes'hat is in the AFC ring for its leadership come the end of June. Ifthishasasuccessful ending, it could signal an inspiringbeginning. Well,at least when I ponder and weigh what Mr Hughes placed on the table as his conditions.

Those are some big conditions for small-minded Guyana; a big table is required Are Guyanese capable of envisioning one first,andthenconstructingit?

Ilike,ammoved,bywhat activist and attorney-at-law Hughes brought to the f o r e f r o n t o f o u r consciousness. Guyanaisin a 'very, very precarious' condition. He should know. I think I know, too. But do Guyanese know? And those

that do know (there are some),dotheycare?

To ask and answer, they don't Apparently, Nigel Hughesknowsandcares,and on this crossroad, he and I haveameetingoftheminds.

There must be what not only appears to be new, but what is new all the way through One of his conditions spoke of what is broad-based, with the political and civil having theirrolestoplay Significant roles, and as buttressed by genuine constitutional reforms. He can be optimistic, I am a cynic, on the last score. We don't have meaningful constitutional reform, and it is hello again to the regular treadmill. We are going nowhere.

Tocracklelikelightning: We don't give something to grow and get something and

somewhere, then we are going nowhere. One of the raps (in the olden days welldeserved and well-received) was that I spoke in the language only the gods would understand, and that withsomedifficulty Today, every effort is made to keep thingssosimplethateventhe lowly lettered can grasp the essence of what I stand for, whereIamgoing.

The first thing to be said is that I am not going anywhere.

Certainly, there are no planstorejoinmyoldUncle, theonegoingbythenameof Sam. NotSamHinds,butthe other one that dresses in red, white,andblue. TheGolden Arrowhead is my second coming. HereIam,andhere Istand.

So,helpmeGod! Ihope thatheisstilllisteningtome, giventhebadcompanythatI

have been keeping for close to the last decade. Some wearred,somelikegreen. I amablueguymyself. ButI wandered.

Weneedasociety,where every Guyanese feels, believes,thathecanachieve. Because he or she belongs, hasaseatatthetable,andhis or her little offering, no matter how small, count for something in the grand deliberations of the day Anytime there is a one-eyed man in a one-footed country with a one-headed vision, then what results is a onetoed society Sounds like a slothtomecrawlinghisway sidewaysonhisbellyandby hisfingernail.

The sharp-eyed should note the singular for fingernail. But that is what wehavehadbefore,andwhat Guyaneselivewithnow The here and now is of a Guyana like never before. Great expectations Greater passions.

The greatest visions imaginable from bow to stern. If that is too much about seas and ships for landlubbers, then how about from the penthouses to the pastures to the potholed provinces, some near, some remote.

We must bridge those divides beyond the political leadership speeches Sweeteningtheyareforsure, but they have had a way of souring and curdling all too quickly

Ever left milk outside

overnight? Try it sometime but citizens must remember to hold theirnoses.

The ole head politicians with their old politics have left Guyanese sick. Oil and politics don't mix, is an explosive combination, especially in a society trappedatsuchdistantpoles.

Politicianshavepreached like Paul, and even threw in Petertoenrichthings.

For all their efforts, mostlythatoffalseprophets, itisthesamepitifulstatethat Guyanesefindthemselvesin, overandover

IthinkIhearMr.Hughes speaking the measured tones of outreach and hands outstretched to welcome in homecoming. No, I am not talking about the diaspora justyet.

This is about those Guyanese who have been exiled between the boundaries of Guyana itself. Pathetic and tragic, isn't it?

Wemustgettherequicklyto go somewhere efficiently Somewhere broader and deeper and higher than any Guyanese has ever known, maybeevencontemplated. I daretodoso. AndIammore than the Man from La Mancha with his Impossible Dream.

IamachildofGuyana, andIhavesuchdreams. Still do, despite all that has cascaded,flooded,andswept upwards. I am still clinging to the roots, no matter how stumpytheyare.

We can and shall overcome. I hear Nigel Hughes, a brother, a neighbour,afellowsojourner onthisroadoflife. Thereis space on this trail for many more, as many Guyanese as they are, no matter the number,includingthosewho havetobecarried.

As the Hollies sang during the devastating Vietnam era in America: he ain't heavy, he is my brother [andsheismysister,too].

Arealitycheckistimely: JamaicansingerJimmyCliff saiditbestinsong:thereisa hard road to travel, and a rough-rough way to go Nigel Hughes spoke his symphonic lines, and I have justwrittenmyinterpretation ofthetimes. WhoinGuyana islistening?

Who in Guyana wants a differentGuyana? Ifitisnot now, then Guyanese should prepare themselves to kiss goodbye to any new tomorrow.

A bright and new tomorrowcouldbeinafresh dawningGuyana. Itcallsfor sacrifice. It calls for that rarest of truths. Love of country before love of self. (Theviewsexpressedinthis article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Tuesday June 18, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Tuesday June 18, 2024

PANCAPhostsWHOteamtodiscussfuture opportunitiesforgreatercollaboration

The Pan Caribbean Partnership AgainstHIVandAIDS(PANCAP)had thehonourofhostingDr MegDoherty, theWorldHealthOrganization(WHO) DirectorforGlobalHIV,Hepatitis,and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Dr Doherty's visit to Guyana, part ofherCaribbeantourfromJune12-14, 2024, was aimed at strengthening collaborations in the region's health sector,PANCAPsaidinapressrelease.

During the meeting, Dr Doherty expressed her enthusiasm for understanding PANCAP's work more deeply and exploring avenues for future collaborations. She highlighted theimportanceofregionalcooperation in addressing public health challenges and emphasized the WHO's commitment to supporting the region through collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The Director of PANCAP, Dr WendyTelgtEmanuelson,providedan overview of PANCAP and its initiatives,includingtestimonialsfrom partners who have worked with

(Left to right) Mr. Collin Kirton, Senior Accountant (PCU), Dr. Shanti Singh-Anthony, Coordinator of Knowledge Management (PCU), Dr. Shellon Bovell, Project Manager for the Office of the Principal Recipient, Global Fund – CARICOM Secretariat, Dr. Wendy Telgt Emanuelson, Director PCU, Dr. Meg Doherty, Director of Global HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs, Monica Alonso, Unit Chief of the HIV/STI & VH Unit at PAHO Washington DC, Carlos Cisneros, Technical Officer for Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships, and Country Support at World Health Organization (WHO), and Sandra Jones, Advisor for HIV/STI, VH, and TB at the PAHO/WHO Caribbean Office.

PANCAP This was followed by Dr Shanti Singh-Anthony's presentation on strategies used to strengthen the region'sresponsetomanagingsexually transmitted infections (STIs) The meeting focused on identifying opportunities to integrate Viral Hepatitis and STIs into the regional HIV agenda, aiming to formulate strategiestoeliminatethesediseasesas publichealththreats,inalignmentwith globalhealthgoals.

The discussions covered various methods to seamlessly integrate Viral Hepatitis and STIs management into existing HIV programmes and the development of comprehensive health strategies that address multiple diseases simultaneously for more effectivepublichealthoutcomes.

The visit of Dr Meg Doherty to PANCAP was highly productive and underscored the value of regional and international collaboration in public health. The discussions laid a strong foundation for future partnerships aimedatintegratingViralHepatitisand STIs into the regional HIV agenda. Thiscollaborativeeffortisexpectedto

significantly contribute to the elimination of these diseases as public health threats in the Caribbean. The discussions were also very timely as PANCAPpreparesforthedevelopment of its new Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework (CRSF), which will include strategies proven to be successful in reaching the 95-95-95 targetssetfor2030.

The WHO delegation, led by Dr Meg Doherty, included Monica Alonso, Unit Chief of the HIV/STI & VH Unit at PAHO Washington DC; Carlos Cisneros, Technical Officer for Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships, and Country Support atWHO; and Sandra Jones, Advisor for HIV/STI, VH, and TB at the PAHO/WHO Caribbean Office.

Accompanying Dr Wendy Telgt Emanuelson were Dr Shanti SinghAnthony, Coordinator of Knowledge Management (PCU); Dr Shellon Bovell,ProjectManagerfortheOffice ofthePrincipalRecipient,GlobalFund – CARICOM Secretariat; and Mr Collin Kirton, Senior Accountant (PCU).

Govt.willcontinueto championtherightsof workers–PMPhillips

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips has underscored the steadfast commitment of the PPP/C Governmentinadvocatingfor the rights of workers nationwide,ensuringtheyare treated with the respect and dignitytheydeserve.

The PM made the assertion on Sunday, during the commemoration of the Enmore Martyrs, at the monument site, Enmore, East Coast Demerara. “As a government, we are committedtocontinuingthe fight for justice and equality,” the prime minister told those gathered. As the th nation observes the 76 anniversary of the tragic killing of five sugar workers

empowered labour unions by providing a legal

recognition and ensuring that workers have the right to be represented by unions oftheirchoice.”

This legislation has strengthened collective bargaining and enhanced the negotiatingpowerofworkers.

Occupational Safety and Healthlawshavebeencritical in safeguarding the wellbeing of workers, mandating that employers adhere to safety standards that promote a

at Enmore, PM Phillips said the occasion serves as a reminder that the ultimate sacrificemadebythesebrave menmustnotbeinvain.

Rather, he said it should serve as an inspiration to advocate for fair labour practices,supportingworkers' rightsandstrivingtocreatean environment where every individual can thrive without fear of exploitation. Along this vein, he pointed out that the government has made significant headway “The progress we have made in labour rights and working conditions includes better labour policies, improved workingconditions,andthe establishment of labour unionsthatprotectworkers' rightsacrossournation,”he said.


“As part of the consistent consideration that workers receive their fair compensation for their labour, our country sees periodic reviews of the national minimum wage to ensure improved living standards for workers,” he added.

The prime minister also highlighted substantial gains made within the agriculture sector, where instrumental reforms have sought to enhance the living and working conditions of those operating within the industry T

de measures to boost sugar production and improve the lives of sugar workers, diversification efforts, and support for small farmers, co

economic opportunities However, despite this progress, the prime minister acknowledged that many workers still endure harsh co

(Continued on page 16)

The prime minister said these moves have seen the enactment of sound pieces of legislation, and the establishment of a robust regulatory framework that recognisesworkers'rights.He said, “This includes the Trade Union Recognition Act of 1997, a landmark l e g i s l a t i o n w

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Tuesday June 18, 2024
h i c h
framework for their
Added to this, the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f
s e c u r e w o r k i n g
se efforts in
ing to be
ons and un
Prime Minister, Mark Phillips lays a wreath in honour of the Enmore Martyrs

Singapore races to clean-up beaches after oil spill

Workers in full body suits cleaning up the oil spill at the tourist attraction Tanjong Beach on Sunday (Reuters)

( B B C N E W S )

Singapore authorities are scrambling to clean up a major oil spill that has blackened the city-state's southern coastline, days afterashippingaccident.

O n F r i d a y , a

Netherlands-flagged dredgingboatcrashedintoa Singaporean fuel ship moored in the shipping straitsoffthenation.

Authorities said the dredger's loss of engine power led it to drift into the Singaporean vessel, puncturingitsoiltank.

Atleasthalftheoilinits tank, about 400 tonnes, spilled out, with large quantities washed ashore.

"The allision caused a ruptureofoneoftheMarine Honour'soilcargotanks,and its contents of low-sulphur fuel oil were released to the sea," Singapore maritime and environment agencies said in a joint statement. Visitorstosomeofthebeach clubs on the popular resort island of Sentosa reported the water was still dark and oily and a smell lingered

threedaysaftertheincident. Swimming and other sea activities are prohibited for now in Sentosa, while several beaches across the country are closed until furthernotice.

There are concerns for wildlife - with reports from responders of sea snails and othercreaturescoatedinoil.

However, initial biodiversity surveys have come back with no major damagereported.

“Nosignificantimpactto marinebiodiversityhadbeen observed, though oil was observed on the roots of somemangroveplantsinthe area," Dr KarenneTun from the National Parks Board told the city's Straits Times newspaper However volunteers taking part in the clean up say it could still be tooearlytotell."Itisagood sign that we did not see any wildlifeindistresstoday,but we will have to monitor the situation. It could take a while before we see the true impacts from the oil spill," Kua Kay Yaw told the (Continuedonpage16)

Beach-goers walk next to the polluted oil slick at Tanjong Beach on Sunday (Reuters)

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Tuesday June 18, 2024

Guyana’s oil spill response plan still under review

Guyana's National Oil

Spill Response Plan (OSRP), completed some four years ago by the Civil

Defence Commission (CDC) is currently under revision.

Director General of the CDC, Colonel (Retired) Nazrul Hussain in an interview with Kaieteur News on Monday explained thattheprocessisongoingto

update the response plan. Presently, three projects offshore Guyana are producing approximately 645,000barrelsofoilperday (bp.d)intheStabroekBlock. When the document was

launchedinAugust2020the country had merely one FloatingProduction,Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel in operation, producing just over 100,000 bpd In add

- CDC Head

production activities, ExxonMobil is also conducting exploration offshore. The Government

Director General of the CDC, Colonel (Retired) Nazrul Hussain (PC: CDC)

of Guyana is also in the processofawardingmoreoil blocks for exploration activities, following its successful maiden bid round.Followingthelaunch of the OSRP, Auditor General (AG) Deodat Sharma in a Performance Audit Report conducted in 2022concludedthattheplan wasdeficientinanumberof areas Consequently, the CDC commenced efforts to address key aspects of the document. Hussain told this publication yesterday, “Whatwehavedone,wedid have a meeting some time ago with regards to sensitising and modernizing the Oil Spill Plan and now that we have this draft (Oil Spill) legislation, the next stepforwardistoensurethey areinsyncwitheachother.”

The CDC head told this newspaper that he could not share the areas that were being addressed at the time. Additionally, Hussain explained that there is no timeline set for the completion of the revision. According to him, “We are the end users so we really have to have some consultations; we are going to do consultations on the local level to ensure that it's in sync with all the s t a k e h o l d e r s ' responsibilities etcetera. So basically, it's a work in progressbecauseitwasdone a few years ago and it needs tobeupdatedeveryyear.”

Former Executive

D i r e c t o r o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams during an Oil Spill Forum in observance of World Environment Day described the OSRP as “inadequate”.

He told attendees at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Georgetown,“Youalsomust have a very good oil response plan because you have to prepare for the worse...anythingcanhappen because of the state of the mindatthetimesoyoumust bepreparedforifsomething happens.” To this end, he argued that the current Oil Spill Plan is “inadequate” (Continuedonpage18)

Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Tuesday June 18, 2024
ition to

CAF highlights Latin America and the Caribbean's potential for clean, affordable, and stable energy

The energy transition is now Since 1850, human activity has emitted over 2,300 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). More than 68%oftheseemissionscame from the use of energy generated by fossil fuels. That's why scientists warn that, at the current rate of emissions, we have 28 years left to limit the temperature increase to 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, and only nine years to limit it to 1.5°C.

Comparatively, Latin America and the Caribbean contribute little to emissions (11% of the global total) but areparticularlyvulnerableto the negative effects of climatechange,whichinturn demands adaptation and climate resilience efforts

Therefore, the energy transition must be fair, promote vigorous and inclusive economic growth, and contribute to closing the per capita income gaps with the developed world, as well as reducing inequality and poverty This implies that while all countries in the region must join efforts to reduceenergyemissions,the speed, and strategies for doing so will be specific to eachcountry'sreality

These are some of the f i n d i n g s a n d recommendationsofthenew CAF Economics and Development Report (RED) titled "Renewed Energies: A Just Energy Transition for Sustainable Development," w h i c h p r o v i d e s a comprehensive analysis of

the current energy situation in the region, focusing on energy supply and demand agendas The report emphasizes three crucial sectors for demand: transportation, industry, and the residential sector, and concludeswithananalysisof theimpactsthatthetransition will have on the overall macroeconomy, particularly on public finances, the external sector, and the labourmarket.

"We are a region of solutions, capable of contributing to the global energy transition process by seizingtheopportunitiesthat arise for countries with c r i t i c a l m i n e r a l reserves—such as lithium, copper, or nickel for countries with gas reserves

Caricom countries urged overhaul food systems - new study

In the face of mounting

, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries are urged to immediately overhaul their food systems, following a recent study commissioned by Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)

The study highlights the direneedfortransformation, citingthedetrimentalimpact ofunhealthydietsladenwith fats, sugars, and sodium on theregion'shealth.

The study, entitled 'A Sustainable Food Systems and Policy Framework for smallandmediumscalefood producers in selected CARICOM countries, was authored by Dr Fitzroy Henry and Dr Tigerjeet Ballayram and published by the Caribbean Policy

Development Centre (CPDC) and launched in TrinidadonJune4,2024.

According to the study, the supply of fats and oils, sugars and sweeteners, coupledwithalackofaccess to nutritious foods due to poverty and unemployment, hasfueledanalarmingrisein chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, are increasingly prevalent, posing significant public healthrisks.

Dr HenryandBallayram pointed out that the region's food systems have been hindered by more than two decades of slow economic growth, exacerbating issues of food insecurity and


In response to these challenges, they emphasized the necessity of reshaping food systems and policy frameworkstoprioritisefood and nutrition security and sovereignty “While the concept of food sovereignty has yet to gain widespread traction in CARICOM

countries, grassroots organisations, farmers' networks, and regional initiatives are championing local food production and sustainable farming practices,”theysaid.

“Advancing the food sovereignty agenda requires robust leadership from nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), with the Caribbean Policy

Development Centre identified as a key player in this endeavour,” they recommended.

T h e s t u d y a l s o underscores the importance of regional and international policy interventions in

supporting nat



ed programmes. Global mandates such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide essential resources for addressing poverty and hunger, but progress in

CARICOM countries remains modest, the study pointedout.

To address these challenges, Henry and Ballayram stated that CARICOM nations should prioritise regional cooperation, production

whose use during the transition would reduce emissions without immediately abandoning fossilfuels,andforcountries with potential for renewable energy production in the relocation of energyintensive activities (power shoring).With this RED, the development bank for Latin America and the Caribbean reaffirms its commitment to accompany the region as it successfully faces the challengeofatransitionwith renewed energies," said Sergio Díaz-Granados,


The supply-side actions fordecarbonizationproposed in the RED include increasing electricity generation capacity driven by a greater share of unconventional renewable sourcesandthedevelopment oflow-emissionfuelssuchas biofuels or low-emission hydrogen Additionally, during the transition, the report argues that gas can play a crucial role by substituting more polluting fossil fuels like oil and coal. If50%ofcurrentoilandcoal

uses were replaced by gas, emissionsintheregioncould be reduced by 7%, representing almost 65% of the total commitments the regionsetfor2030. From th

efficiency and savings are also indispensable pillars on the path to decarbonization. In the case of the industrial sector,thetransitioninvolves electrifying some processes orusesthatcurrentlydepend on fossil fuels, as well as promoting circular economy (Continuedonpage16)

integration, and trade facilitation. A regional food import replacement programme aims to reduce dependencyonfoodimports, whichtheysaidwouldbean advisablemove.

The study found that a needs assessment of small and medium-scale food producers revealed significant challenges, including droughts, pests, and post-harvest losses. Key requirements identified by the study include training, resources, marketing support, and farm management skills “In response, a sustainable food systems policy framework has to be developed to address issues of crop production, quality control, and the economic empowerment of food producers. This framework emphasises the importance of prioritizing areas neglected in previous policy prescriptions to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of CARICOM food systems, ” they recommended. The study underscored that as CARICOM countries navigate the complex interplay of health, e c o n o m i c , a n d environmental challenges, the imperative to reshape food systems and policies has never been more pressing With concerted efforts from governments, NGOs, and civil society, the region can strive towards a future of improved food

security, health, and prosperity,thestudystated.

Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Tuesday June 18, 2024
spective, energy
demand per
health concerns and economic challenges


Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.

Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Armed security with precept & experience, rate 400-450 hourly. Contact 676-1380.

Admin assistant wanted, experience will be an asset. CONTACT : 603-5140.

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We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.

Hello businesses & Contractors let me spend the time for you on N.I.S Matters. Call/ Whatsapp: 609-6952/ 2235160. Save time, save money.

Govt. to beef up systems to curb gold smuggling...

From page 8 rampant. “We have lowered the taxes so that they can have a better environment but still no compliance because the rewards of smuggling seem to be greater, the foregone tax revenue seems to be

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Security, Labourers & Maintenance Workers. Call: 621-6969/ 6157784.

Security officers and housekeeper supervisor/ staff needed at EMPAG INC. Call: 664-3716 / 226-4364.

Experienced Hair Colorist, Receptionist/ Massuese, Nail Techs, Barber and Domestic needed. Call/ WhatsApp: 649-5005/ 2266705.

Excavator operator , Truck and canter driver. Labourers (road construction) Call: 6130855 8:00am-5:00 pm

Experience lorry driver, License must be valid. Apply via e-mail Square1solutions2024@gmail.com / 609-2220

Housekeeper for East Bank, 3 days per week for general cleaning. Apply via e-mail Square1solutions2024@gmail.com / 609-2220

One Bodywork man needed. Call: 675-9988.

Cook for snackette in Georgetown must have baking skills with the ability to manage 30% profit given. Call: 661-3608/644-6551.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English & Mathematics,grade 2.Email application:techserigy@yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area call: 615-9132

Male cleaner for Eccles call:615-9132 or 645-8443

Female cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 645-8443


40x100 ft(+10ft Reserve) in Cummings Lodge ideal for apartment building/bond etc. Tel: 624-8694.

a big incentive,” Jagdeo said.

He continued, “We have to take away that incentive now by putting a regime of penalties and sanctions if you get caught smuggling the large quantity of gold…I’m talking about these smugglers who have been smuggling at this magnitude.”

Moreover, Jagdeo reiterated Guyana’s commitment to collaborating with international partners, including the United States, to tackle the issue effectively.

“We have already requested their help and we hope that that help,” he stated, hopeful for prompt cooperation on the recent sanctions by the OFAC.

Govt. will continue to champion the rights of workers...

From page 12 treatment.In this regard, he underlined the importance of collective action to exact more positive change.

“Unity and solidarity among workers have always been the cornerstones of our progress,” he said.

According to PM Phillips, the occasion serves as a reminder

that the struggle for a better life must be carried forward by each generation.

“In remembering the Enmore Martyrs, we are reminded that the struggle for a better life is continuous.

Their bravery symbolises the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming adversity,”

the prime minister said.

Enmore Martyrs Day marks the anniversary of a tragic incident that occurred on June 16, 1948, when five sugar plantation workers were brutally killed during a peaceful strike in Enmore Village. This day serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for

workers’ rights, social justice, and equality in Guyana. Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill; Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony; members of the diplomatic corps and other government officials were all present at the ceremony.


Singapore races to clean-up beaches after oil spill...

From page 13 newspaper. About 1,500 people have volunteered to help with the clean-up, the Singaporean government said.

But most of the work is being carried out by contracted workers - with several seen on the sands of Sentosa on Sunday, shovelling blackened heaps and picking through the oily surf.

On Monday morning, a staff member at a beach club metres away from the tourist beach said the water was “still black”


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) crystal clear swimming pool. Adult/children sections. Music & food. Contact:264-2946-9


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 6490956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.


Aracari Hotel WBD (VreenEn-Hoop) A/C rooms from $75 usd/$40 usd day rate WIFI, secure parking & poolside. Contact: 264-29469 / www.aracariresort.com

“The beach is open but you just can’t go into the water, it’s still not clean,” Siobhan Chan told the BBC. The government says it has deployed about 1.5km of oilabsorbent container booms near the beaches as well as off public park waterways at East Coast Park, West Coast Park and Labrador Nature Reserve. The operation on

the water to clean up the spill has also involved spraying dispersant chemicals to “break down the surface oil into droplets to enhance biodegration”, the joint statement from authorities read.

But such treated oil suspended in water could still be “carried by tidal currents to coastlines”.

Authorities said “oil

sheen” had also been detected in the waters surrounding the protected Sisters’ Islands Marine Park, which is closed to the public for coral reef and marine life protection.

Singapore is a major shipping and fuel bunkering hub - and hundreds of ships dot the city state’s southern coastline.

CAF highlights Latin America and the Caribbean’s...

From page 14 practices. In urban mobility, the use of sustainable (massive and active) public transport is important. There is room for electrification in urban logistics, while in the case of freight transport, promoting efficiency and the use of alternative fuels are effective short-term measures.

A just transition also requires closing the gaps in access to and quality of energy that still persist in the region.

Among the household demand policies highlighted in the RED are electrifying some consumptions, such as heating and cooking, avoiding the still frequent use of biomass with its negative health consequences.

Likewise, it is recommended to promote improvements in energy efficiency, with appliances consuming less energy and better building envelopes, among others.

The energy transition will impact the economies of the region across the board, with effects on the labor market, economic structure, and macroeconomic balances.

In the labor market, it will involve a shift of workers from traditional sectors and occupations to “green” jobs, which, besides having different characteristics, particularly demand more skills and abstract tasks and offer higher wages.

The challenges of the transition are global, but this process will affect the countries of the region differently depending on their energy matrix and dependence on fossil fuels.

Therefore, the responses and speeds at which actions aimed at moving towards less dependence on fossil fuels will be specific to each country. T o address the challenges of the energy transition, the RED also proposes four

cross-cutting policies: green financing, carbon markets and carbon taxes, carbon capture and utilization technologies, and the circular economy.

The RED presents a regional context in which it is vital to coordinate national and regional efforts to transition towards energy transition.

As part of its strategy to be the green bank for sustainable and inclusive growth in the region, CAF has committed to dedicating at least 40% of its approvals to green projects, including those facilitating the energy transition.

The regional launch of the RED took place on Thursday, June 13, at the Adolfo Ibáñez University in Santiago, Chile, in an event attended by the Ministers of Finance, Mario Marcel; Environment, Maisa Rojas; and Energy of the Republic of Chile, Diego Pardow; along with the Executive President of CAF, Sergio Díaz-Granados, and experts in energy transition.

China to include Australia in visa-free countries

(CHINA DAILY China will include Australia in the list of unilateral visa-free countries, Premier Li Qiang said on Monday.

Li, who is paying an official visit to Australia, made the announcement at a news conference held jointly with Australian Prime Min-

ister Anthony Albanese in Canberra.

During their talks at the Parliament House, the two leaders welcomed the further increase of people-topeople exchanges and highlighted the important role the exchanges play in deepening the bilateral relationship.

They also welcomed the implementation of arrangements to facilitate exchanges, including reciprocal access to multientry visas of up to three to five years’ duration for business, tourism, and visiting family members.

PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Tuesday June 18, 2024
EDUCATION First aid/cpr/aed & Home nursing courses Starting soon at St. John Association - Call #225-9082

$80M estimated to build teachers’ quarters at Annai Secondary

During a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board office (NPTAB), it was

revealed that the

Ministry of Local

G o v e r n m e n t a n d

Regional Development is gearing up to spend approximately $80 million to build a teachers’quarters

in the Annai Secondary School compound, Region Nine.

At the opening, it was revealed that 13 contractors havesubmittedbids for the contract Other than the teachers’ quarters, the ministry has set aside $ 4 5 m i l l i o n t o rehabilitate the Annai dormitoryandkitchen.


MinistryofLocalGovernmentandRegional DevelopmentUpgradingofsectionofroadat WowettaVillage,NorthRupununi,RegionNine.

Constructionofteachers’quarteratAnnai SecondarySchoolCompound,NorthRupununi.

RehabilitationtoAnnaidormitory andkitchen,NorthRupununi.

RegionalDemocraticCouncilofRegion Three.ConstructionofRCbridgeatMiddle Street,Stewartville,WestCoastDemerara.

Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Tuesday June 18, 2024
ConstructionofKaspashnaBridge atKaspashnaCreek,Parikwarunau Village,SouthCentralRupununi. ConstructionofItaballiNurserySchool,Region7.

IsraeliPMBenjaminNetanyahuscraps warcabinetafterkeydepartures

(BBC NEWS) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuhasdissolvedhis six-member war cabinet, a widely expected decision thatfollowsthedepartureof centrist opposition leader Benny Gantz and his ally GadiEisenkot.

A g o v e r n m e n t spokesman said the preexistingsecuritycabinetand the larger full cabinet would make decisions about the war with Hamas in Gaza. Since Mr Gantz quit eight days ago over what he said was the lack of strategy for thewar,therehavebeencalls from far-right ministers to takehisplace.Bydissolving

the war cabinet, Mr Netanyahu avoids a tricky situation with his coalition partners and international allies.

A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that, as far as it was concerned, it would not affectthechainofcommand. Mr Gantz and Mr Eisenkot joined a national unity

government with Mr Netanyahu's right-wing coalition days after the start of the war in October The two former IDF chiefs of staff announced their resignations on 9 June, with Mr Gantz saying that the prime minister's leadership was “preventing us from approaching true victory”. Immediatelyafterwards,farright National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said he had written to Mr Netanyahutodemandthathe beaddedtothewarcabinet.

On Sunday night, Mr Net

d ministersthathehaddecided to dissolve the decisionmaking body rather than bringinnewmembers.“The primeministersaid:'Thewar cabinet was in the coalition agreement with Benny Gantzathisrequest.WithMr Gant

government,thereisnomore need for this extra branch of g

government spokesman DavidMencertoldabriefing on Monday "The security cabinet is granted authority by the state to make decisions together with the fullcabinet,”headded. Israel's Haa

z newspaper reported that some of the issues previously discussed by the war cabinet would be transferred for discussion in the 14-member security cabinet, which includes Mr Ben-Gvir and fellow farright Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. It said sensitivedecisionswouldbe addressed in a “smaller consultation forum”, which was expected to include Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and the chairman of the ultraOrthodox Shas party, Aryeh Deri.The three men were in the war cabinet along with theprimeminister,MrGantz and Mr Eisenkot. The IDF's chief spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, insistedonMondaythatsuch moves would not affect its operations "Cabinet

Benjamin Netanyahu had faced demands from far-right ministers to join the war cabinet

members are being changed and the method is being changed We have the echelon, we know the chain ofcommand.We'reworking according to the chain of

reporters The Israeli m

y launche

campaigninGazatodestroy Hamas in response to an unprecedented attack on southernIsraelon7October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 othersweretakenhostage.

Morethan37,340people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry

There have been further signs of strain in the Israeli government in the past day, with Mr Netanyahu and his far-rightministerscriticising a decision by the IDF to introduce daytime “tactical pauses in military activity” near the southern Gaza city

of Rafah to allow more deliveries of humanitarian aid.

The pauses are meant to allow lorries to collect aid from the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom border crossing, south-east of Rafah,andthentravelsafely to reach the main northsouth road inside Gaza Supplies have been held back at the crossing point since Israel began an operation in Rafah last month. But Mr Ben-Gvir decriedthepolicyasfoolish, while Israeli media quoted Mr Netanyahu as saying: “We have a country with an army, not an army with a country.”TheIDFsaiditwas carryingoutpoliticalleaders' orders to make sure that humanitarianaidwasgetting into Gaza. It also said the pauses did not mean the fighting in southern Gaza would stop, which created confusion over what exactly was happening on the

C'bean body consults with Guyana's civil society, policy makers to reduce poverty

Noting that climate change can cause severe poverty in the region, the InternationalOrganisationofMigration (IOM) Caribbean has consulted with policymakersinGuyana,Barbadosand Dominica to create a series of policy paperstopreventthisfromhappening.

In statement issued by IOM Caribbean, the organisation said that it collaborated with the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) to create the policy papers. “In the Caribbean, environmental changes including phenomena like desertification, reduction of soil fertility, coastal erosion, sea level rise and disasters all impact livelihood patterns and systems of production


, triggering different types of mobility”, IOM Caribbean stated before adding that that the changes can

heavily impact individuals and communities in rural areas thus contributing to a rise in poverty among vulnerable groups and a reduction in regionalfoodproduction.

Asaresult,theorganizationdecided to collaborate with the civil society in the region to develop a series of policy papers that can assist in safe guarding againstthisfromhappening.

According to the organisation, in order to develop the policy papers, it consulted with senior officials and policy makers from Barbados, Dominica,andGuyana.

IOM Caribbean did not state who these officials were but said that the papers developed focused on strengthening and updating existing policies and creating new ones to deal withgapsandcaptureopportunities. Afullreportonthepolicypaperwas

ground. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa),whichisthelargest humanitarianorganisationin Gaza, reported that fighting wascontinuinginRafahand elsewhere in the south on M o n d a y a n d t h a t “operationally nothing has changed yet” The IDF meanwhile said that its troops were “continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the area of Rafah”. It added that they had located weapons, struck structures rigged with explosives and eliminated “severalterrorists”intheTal al-Sultanarea.

Unrwa estimates that 65,000 people are still sheltering in Rafah - less than 5% of the 1.4 million

people who had been taking refuge there before the IDF began what it described as a limited operation to root out Hamas fighters and dismantle infrastructure used by the Palestinian armedgroup.

With little sign of progress towards a full ceasefireinGaza,therehave beennewwarningsfromthe Israeli military that the lower-levelconflictwiththe Lebanese armed group Hezbollah is now threatening to spiral into a wider war Following a recent intensification in exchanges of fire, a key US diplomat has returned to the region to try to reduce tensions on the IsraelLebanonborder


From page 14 and never received the stamp of approval from the EPA while he headed the agency In a subsequent comment, Dr Adams

document lacked a risk assessment and failed to outline the clear roles and

stakeholders. “You could not do such a plan without understanding what the risks are and how you wouldrespondandmitigate and the roles and responsibilities of those stakeholders who participatedintheplanwas not clear,” the former EPA Headsaid.

Notably, the OSRP was preparedbytheCDCunder thepreviousadministration.

releasedandKaieteurNewswillfollowuponitscontents. Establishedin1951, IOM is part of the United Nations System and stands as the leading intergovernmental organization in the fieldofmigration.

The organization collaborates with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners to improve the resilience of people on the move, particularly those in situations of vulnerability Italsoworkscloselywith governments to manage all forms of mobility,andtheirimpacts.

This work includes operations in some of the most complex emergency settingsintheworld.

The IOM Constitution recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedomofmovement.

On Monday, the Auditor Generaltold Kaieteur News thatafollow-upauditofthe Plan was imminent He explained, “What we will do is a follow up audit to determinewhatisthestatus now That is the procedure. After two years, we normally go in back after giving them time to fix it andcheckit.”

Inhisperformanceaudit report,theAGsaidplacesof refuge during oil spills are essential to protect human life and the environment. Elaboratingfurther,Sharma said a 'place of refuge' is a pre-defined site where a ship in need of assistance can be taken to stabilize its condition and reduce the hazards to navigation, and protect human life and the environment. He said the d e v e l

document in collaboration

Notwithstandingthis,itsaid it must be noted that at the time of any spill response, the tactics and strategies to beemployedwilldetermine howavesselwillbetreated which includes position. It said, “The ultimate priority at the time of an incident would be to save lives, containthespillandrecover or treat pollutants

Removing the vessel may only be done, in Guyana's contextifthevesselisinthe channel of any of the main rivers that are being traversed or at the time when full containment and stabilisationareachieved.”

p m e n t o f contingency plans should provide for specific, highrisk spills with potential places of refuge identified andproceduresputinplace for their implementation. Sharma said too that these plans should be tailored to protectsensitiveareasfrom the impacts of possible spills to save time during thecriticalfirstfewhoursof a vessel response. Much to his dismay, Guyana's National Oil Spill Contingency Plan does not identify potential places of refuge.Assuch,theAuditor Generalsaiditcouldnotbe determined how decisionmakers will respond to vessels in distress and how sensitive areas will be protectedduringanoilspill. The Civil Defence C

Kaieteur News PAGE 18 Tuesday June 18, 2024
nyahu infor
leaving the
overnment, " Israeli
command This is a democracy,” he told
d a
the agricultural sector
explained that the
responsibilities of
ommission, which s p e a r h e a d e d t h e development of the
with other agencies acknowledged the f o r e g o i n g f l a w

Bandits strip woman’s car of wheels Exxon buys vessel monitoring and alert system from French company

The vehicle in which the wheels were stolen from

Police are currently investigating the theft of four wheels from a vehicle belonging to a resident of P

Scheme, East Bank Demerara.

The robbery happened last Thursday morning in the early hours of the morning, at Providence

Housing Scheme According to information received from the police,

CCTV video footage

captured a silver-grey Fielder Wagon in the area thatparkedalittledistance from the woman's car The suspects jacked up the car and then proceeded to remove the four wheels fromthevehicleanddrove away Thepolicearecurrently trying to identify the getaway vehicle and the suspects.

French company, Sercel lastThursdayannouncedthe sale of Marlin™ , an innovativevesselmonitoring and alert system, to ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd. to supp


As part of the wider Sercel Marlin software suite for optimizing offshore operations,theMarlinvessel monitoring and alert system represents a significant a

operational safety. The sophisticated system is designed to protect floating production storage and o

(FPSOs) and other highvalue assets against a wide rangeofmarinerisks,evenin the most challenging marine environments.

“The solution's real-time monitoring and proactive intelligence capabilities deliver comprehensive in

sel movements, operational parameters, and potential risks, enabling operators to m

decisions and enhance operational safety,” Sercel saidinastatement.

Jerome Denigot, Sercel Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said: “Marking the culmination of our client's multi-year use of our Sercel software and services to optimize its marine operational projects, this Marlin vessel monitoring and alert system award recognizes the value of our technical solutions and our commitment to delivering excellenceandinnovationin the offshore sector Our Marlin software suite offers energy and other offshore operators the right tools to enhance safety, efficiency, and compliance across their operations.”

The first significant oil discovery in offshore Guyana was made by ExxonMobilin2015atwhat isnowtheLizaprojectinthe

Stabroek block. Since then, ExxonMobilanditspartners, HessandtheChinaNational Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), have made more than 30 additional offshore oil and natural gas discoveries within the Stabroekblock.

Guyana's oil production comes from three FPSO vessels: Liza Destiny, Liza Unity, and Prosperity Oil production is now at some 645,000 barrels per day (bpd) up from 98,000 bpd from its first full year of production. Guyana is now ranked as the third highest global supplier of crude outsideoftheestablishedOil Producing and Exporting Countries(OPEC).

Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Tuesday June 18, 2024
nce in offsh
ding platfor
into ve
ake more informed
vidence Housing
PAGE 20 Kaieteur News Tuesday June 18, 2024

Star Rentals increases support for One Guyana T10 Tape-ball

Star Rentals, Guyana’s

l company, has cemented its commitment to the Kares One Guyana T10 Tape-ball Blastbyreturningasamajor sponsor for the second season.

Building on the success of the inaugural edition in 2023, Star Rentals has significantly increased its

support by sponsoring the G$1.5 million first prize for theupcomingseason.

In a press statement issued on Friday, the company expressed its delightatpartneringwiththe tournamentagain.

“We were thrilled with the marketing value generated in 2023,” the statement read. “Taking a

chance on an unknown venture proved to be an excellent investment, not justforusasacompany,but for the entire community Witnessing young talent flourish and the enthusiastic crowds, particularly at the finals, was truly special We’re excited to be even moreinvolvedthisyear.”

Star Rentals has also

pledged to play a leading role in the popular Cricket for Charity match. Last year’sevent,championedby President Dr Irfaan Ali, successfully raised over G$20 million for worthy causes.

Thesecondseasonofthe fast-paced T10 tournament kicks off on August 3rd. MatchescontinueonAugust 4th and 11th and culminate inthefinalsonAugust25th.

Tuesday June 18, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay




y h


ately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

The National Stadium will once again host the championship match Thirty-twoteamswillviefor glory in a straight knockout format. The first two days willseetheRound-of-32and Round-of-16 matchups, followedbythequarterfinals onAugust11th.

Beyond the top prize, there’s something for everyone.

Therunners-upwilltake home G$500,000, while the losing semi-finalists will each receive G$250,000 Individual accolades will be awarded for Player of the Final, Most Wickets, Most Runs, and Most Valuable Player

Last year, Eccles AllStars emerged victorious, defeatingV-NetVipersinthe finals. Team Corruption and Tarmac secured the losing semi-finalistpositions.

Fans are encouraged to visit the One Guyana T10 Blast Facebook page for the l


Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Tuesday June 18, 2024
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ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers13:45hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers14:35hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers02:30hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs TuesdayJune18,2024 WednesdayJune19,2024 WednesdayJune19,2024 Berbice RiverBridge Closure to RoadTraffic Demerara River Bridge Closure to Road Traffic H 24 G.L.C.357LamahaStreet,NorthCummingsburg,Georgetown Tel:226-0753.Whileeveryeffortismadetoensurenumbersare correct,pleasecallthehotlineforconfirmation,TheG.L.C.and KaieteurNewscannotbeheldresponsibleforprintingerrors. 9 2 4 3 9 0 3 10 13 17 20 DATE: 05/15/2024 DATE: 05/15/2024 DATE: 05/15/2024 DATE: 05/15/2024 5 6 7 10 12 27 1 15 18 21 4 9 13 ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers02:00hrs TuesdayJune18,2024 Afternoon Evening
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Star Rentals has increased their support for the One Guyana T10 Tapeball tourney

2024ICCMen’sT20WorldCup…WestIndiesvs.Afghanistan Pooran, bowlers maul Afghanistan by 104 runs

Afiery innings from the explosive Nicholas Pooran, coupled with some pinpoint bowling from Obed McCoy andcompany,gavetheWest Indies a commanding win over Afghanistan last night attheDarrenSammyCricket Stadium,St.Lucia.

West Indies posted a daunting 218-5 from their allotted 120 deliveries battingunderlightsfirst.

Pooran was the main manforhisteam,punchinga 53-ball98,aninningswhich setthetonefortheCaribbean team that featured six fours andawhopping8sixes.

Ideal support came from opener Johnson Charles,

who hit 8 fours in his knock of 43 off 27 balls, reviving the innings after the departure of Brandon King (07). Playing his first game off the bench this Cup, Shai Hope looked decent, smacking a pair of sixes duringhisinningsof25.

West Indies captain Rovman Powell (26) then provided some late hitting withapairofsixesandafour during his brief stay alongside Pooran, who was


celebrates after

sadlyrunoutjusttwoshyof his ton, thus effectively bringing the first innings to an end Afghanistan’s, who’s bowling was led by medium-pacer Gulbadin Naib(2-14),wereshotdown for114in16.2overs.

Windies pacer Obed McCoy was the differencemaker, picking up 3-14 as the left-arm spin pair of Akeal Hosein (2-21) and Gudakesh Motie (2-28) continued to torment batters

thistournament. Apartfromagutsyknock of38(5x41x6)fromopener I

Azmatullah Omarzai (23), not much came from the typically explosive Afghan battingorder,astheWindies movedtothetopspotintheir Group.

Scores: West Indies 218 for5(Pooran98,Charles43, Naib2-14)beatAfghanistan 114 (Ibrahim 38, McCoy 314)by104runs.

Petra-ExxonMobil U14 Football Quarter finals postponed due to weather

Fans and football enthusiasts will need to wait a bit longer as heavy rains has caused the postponement of the quarterfinal matches of the 2024 Petra-ExxonMobil Boys and Girls Schools

Under-14 Football Championships.

The decision was made earlyMondaymorningwhen Petra Officials inspected the MinistryofEducationvenue following the previous night’s heavy downpours. Coordinators Marlan Cole andTroyMendoncadeemed it necessary to cancel all matches to ensure the safety oftheplayers.

The tournament, which

began on May 27, has showcasedmanynewtalents andfeaturedseveralthrilling matches.

Currently, eight of the best teams in both the Boys’ and Girls’ divisions willnowhavetowaitafew more days to determine which four teams will advance to the semifinals in the race for the 2024 title.

The Girls’division will see teams like defending champions Waramuri Top, Bartica, Charity, New

Amsterdam, Marian Academy, President’s College, Tucville, and Santa Rosa competing for semifinalspots

Likewise in the Boys’ division, Bartica, Leonora, Chase’s Academic, South Ruimveldt, Dolphin, Bush lot, Westminster, and Wismar Christianburg Secondary are all vying for victories to move on to the next stage of the competition. The tournament is sponsored by ExxonMobil, with support from MVP Sports, Stena Drilling, and DDL/Pepsi, and is sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, andSports.

Newmatchdateswillbe announcedlaterthisweekas theweatherimproves.

PAGE 22 Tuesday June 18, 2024 Kaieteur News
Quarter finals’matches forced to postpone due to overnight rain.
brahim Zadran and
Gurbaz Nicholas Pooran falls short. (Getty Images)



The Linden Technical Institute (LTI) and

University of Guyana (UG) are set to clash on Sunday, June23inthechampionship

game of the Youth Basketball Guyana (YBG) Tertiary Basketball League, followingtheircommanding wins in the semifinals last Sunday at the National Gymnasium.

LTI,knownasoneofthe strongest teams in the league, dominated Guyana SchoolofAgriculture(GSA) withadecisive89-38victory to secure their spot in the final. LTI took control early inthegame,jumpingouttoa 24-3 lead, led by Kimol Grimmond’s impressive 32point performance, which included 5 rebounds. Colin Phillips contributed 20 points, while Neil Marks added 15 points, 6 assists, and 8 rebounds Leron

Joseph also played a crucial role with 12 points and 10 rebounds GSA struggled without their top scorer Shannon Wilson, with Cadasie Fraser scoring 16 points and 7 rebounds as theirstandoutperformer Over in the otAher

semifinal matchup, University of Guyana

defeated Government

Technical Institute (GTI) with a score of 60-44

Jushawn Bailey led the charge for UG with a stellar double-double performance, tallying 41 points and 12 rebounds,alsocommitting6 crucial turnovers. Malachi Grimmond added 17 points and 5 rebounds to bolster UG’s offence. GTI fought hardwithJamalMercierand Peter Langivine making significantcontributions,but they fell short in their bid to reachthefinal. T

championshipgameisbilled for Sunday, June 23 starting at 8pm. Season Two

GCB lauds ICC Player of the Month Motie, following historic award

The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) showered praise upon Guyana/West Indies left-arm spinner and ICC Player of the Month, Gudakesh Motie, following hisrecentachievements.

Motie recently became the second player from the West Indies to be given the ICC Men’s Player of the Monthaward.

Guyanese fast-bowler ShamarJosephwontheICC Men’s Player of the Month award a few months back, following his historic performance in the Test victoryoverAustralia.

Motie eclipsed Pakistan pacer Shaheen Afridi and Ireland’s Lorcan Tucker to wintheaward.

The Guyanese grabbed eight wickets from 3 matchesversusSouthAfrica at an average of 8.50 to cop theseriesMVPaward.

GCBexecutivemembers a n d i t s p r e s i d e n t Bissoondyal Singh recently cheeredtheirplayeronashe continues to impress on the international stage while making personal strides on hiscareer

The Board executives congratulated Motie for his continuedroleinthesuccess oftheGuyanaHarpyEagles team and the West Indies across the respective formats.

Gudakesh Motie was lauded for his award. (CWI)

Meanwhile, Motie and company’s performances have reflected, as the West Indies T20 Men’s team now sit number 3 in the ICC World rankings; the highest inalmostadecade.

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Tuesday June 18, 2024
h e l e a g u e ’ s
of the Tertiary League is proudly supportedbysponsorsYBG, G-boats Guyana, and EdwardBBeharry Linden Technical Institute to lock horns with University of Guyana in YBG Tertiary League finale this Sunday

Archibald’s brilliance highlights AAG’s Senior Championships


Emanuel Archibald erased Adam Harris’ 10year-old 100m national record in a standout performance at theAthletics Association of Guyana (AAG) Senior National Championship, marking the highlight of the two-day event.

Athletics fans and sports enthusiasts who ventured to the National Track and Field Centre in E d i n b u r g h , We s t Demerara, witnessed the country’s leading sprinter establish himself as the fastest Guyanese ever over 100metres.

Archibald crossed the finish line in 10 09 seconds, shattering Harris’ record of 10 12 seconds set at the 2014 HamptonGamesinTrinidad andTobago.

Archibald’s success extends beyond local competitions; he has also e x c e l l e d o n t h e international stage

He represented Guyana withdistinction,winningthe country’s first-ever Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games 100m gold and earning Guyana’s first

Aaliyah Moore was outstanding in the women’s 1500m at the AAG Senior Championships.

100m medal at the Pan Am Games with a third-place finishinSantiago,Chile,last year N o e l e x H o l d e r (10 23s) finished second to Archibald in the 100m finals, while Revon Williams (10 40s) came inthird Holder also secured second place in the 200m (20 74s), which was won by Shemar Horatio, who ran20 69seconds

A r c h i b a l d a l s o competed in the long


jump, where he holds the national record (8 12 metres) He leaped 7 77 metres to finish ahead of Lutalo Boyce (7 56 metres) a



The Abrams siblings, Aliyah and Jasmine, stole the show with their dominant performances in the 400m, 200m, and 100m events

B o t h s i s t e r s competed at the last Olympics and hold national records in their respective events: Jasmine’s 11 07 seconds i n

Aliyah’s 50 20 seconds inthe400m

Over the weekend, Aliyahclockedasubpartime of 52.02 seconds to win the women’s 400m, beating Kenisha Phillips (52 51s) and Deshana Skeete (52.81s). Tianna Springer, who had been unbeaten in the400mthisseason,posted asubstandard53.73seconds.

Aliyah also won the 200m, running 23 41 seconds, defeating Jovanna Cornette(23.59s)andKeliza Smith(23.71s).

Meanwhile, Jasmine ran a season-best 11.11 seconds to win the women’s 100m. Cornette (11.33s) finished second, and U17 CARIFTA Games 100m champion

Athalayha Hinckson (11.39s)tookthird.


CARIFTA Games U20 400m Champion and Youth Commonwealth Games silver medallist, Malachi Austin, was outstanding on the track, winning the national title in 47 70 seconds.

Austin’s personal best is 46 32 seconds, which he set in Grenada this year

S i m e o n A d a m s (48 90s) and Lennox

D o u g l a s ( 4 9 0 9 s ) finished second and third, respectively, in the men’s 400m finals

Aaliyah Moore won the women’s 800m, her pet event, in 2:05 38 Alika Blucher (2:32 41)

and Marissa Thomas (2:35 10) followed

N i c h o l a s D a w (1:53 32) won the men’s 800m, edging pre-race

f a v o u r i t e D e v a u n Barrington (1:54 15),

with Kosi Thomas (1:55 03) taking third

A t t o y a H a r v e y, fresh off a fantastic

season with Monroe

College, returned to

Guyana to win the women’s 1500m in 5

t h e w Gordon won the men’s eventin4:06 17

In the field events, L e s l a i n B a i r d (70.20m) won the men’s javelin, while Prudence Codgrington (36.72m) wonthewomen’sevent.

Damon Williams had a season-best leap of 15 80 metres to win the men’s triple jump, while Natrina Hooper’s 12 05 metres was good enough to winthewomen’s event.

T h e c o u n t r y ’ s premier athletes will now shift their attention to the Aliann Pompey Invitational track and field championships. The June 22 event is also a World Continental Tour(bronze)event.

ASTP make donation to a family of four

After being approach by the family in which both partnerswerestrugglingdue toalackoftheirbasicneeds to provide for the home, the ALSport&TourPromotions

decided to assist in purchasingsomeitems.

ASTPsawa6monthold baby in discomfort when they visited the family as they explained their situation. The organisation expressed pleasure in being able to assist this family, a first for the ASTP The ASTP purchased the items andmadethepresentation.

Michael Trotman presentedtheitemsonbehalf of the AL Sport & Tour Promotions, who is known fororganisingsports,mainly Windball Cricket & Guyana National Game of Circle Tennis.

Meanwhile, the Guyana School Girls Windball Cricket team recently returned from a successful participating in the West IndiesWindballtournament. It is the first time in the history of the tournament that the team secured a 3rd placespot.

Kaieteur News PAGE 24 Tuesday June 18, 2024
t h e 1 0 0 m a n d
1 4
M a t
Michael Trotman (left) hands over the items donated by the ASTP. Malachi Austin celebration mode after winning the Men’s 400 at the AAG’s Senior National Championships.

Dominic Tyrell to debut at World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships

Gu y a n a ’ s Dominic Tyrell, who is based in France, is set to make his senior debut at this year’s annual World Classic

O p e n P o w e r l i f t i n g Championships which is being held in Druskininkai Lithuania, from June 15-23, 2024.

Having bagged a deadlift bronze medal last year in his final year in the Junior category, Tyrell who has been training hard and competing in France with encouraging success, is focused on building on last year’ssuccessinMalta.

This year, Tyrell has moved up in weight class to 83kg category, having competed in the 74kg division last year in Romania

The confident Tyrell

arrived in Lithuania on Sunday morning and will be hitting the platform, today from around 07:30hrs, Guyana time

The battle will not be easy for the young Guyanese as he will be competing against 26 other athletes from the USA, Great Britain, France, Hungry, Canada, Italy, Peru, Denmark, Japan, Czechia, China, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Singapore, Qatar, Lebanon, Brazil, Malta, CyprusandKuwait.

President of the G u y a n a A m a t e u r

Powerlifting Federation, Franklin Wilson has been in contact with Tyrell and wished him every success

o n b e h a l f o f t h e Federation, its members, andthenation

”We are well aware that

you are a very disciplined athlete and have no doubt that you are indeed destined for greatness, following in the footsteps of the likes of Winston Stoby, ‘Big’ John Edwards,RandolphMorgan, and Carlos PettersonGriffith,amongstothers.”

Wilsonisalsoexpressing gratitude on behalf of the GAPLF to President Godfrey Munroe and the Executive of the Guyana Olympic Association for supporting the Federation’s quest to keep the Golden Arrowheadflyinghighinthe sport, on the international stage.

Carlos PeterssonGriffith, the national 93kg champion, who placed seventh overall at last year ’sWorld Open Powerlifting championship inMalta,wasalsoscheduled to grace the platform in


Unfortunately, up to presstime,theathletehasnot beensuccessfulinsecuringa visa.

Thisyearwithtwoofhis closer rivals unable to make the cut, Carlos stood a very high likelihood of a podium finish.

In 2023, the GAPLF attended three world championships and medaled at each whilst also attending and excelling at the South Americanchampionships

The Government of Guyana, through the MinistryofCulture,Youth andSportandtheNational Sports Commission as well as the GOA, have been the Federation’s leading supporters from a sponsorship perspective and the Federation is very appreciative

Dominic Tyrell to debut at World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships.

Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Tuesday June 18, 2024

Pooran, bowlers maul bowlers Afghanistan by 104 runs

highlights AAG’s Senior
Archibald’s brilliance
win the men’s 100m at theAAG’s National Championship in a new National Record, 10.09s.
JasmineAbrams winning the Women’s 100m finals.
EmanuelArchibald easing cross the finish line to
(Hosea Glenn photos)
Sports 2024ICCMen’sT20WorldCup… WestIndiesvs.Afghanistan
Nicholas Pooran goes on the attack. (Getty Images) Obed McCoy’s three-for dentedAfghanistan’s progress. (ICC/Getty Images)

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