second lowest in Region for renewable -2024Report electricity generation
Three found dead in bus

on Mabura Trail
Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep

Five years later… Fruit vendor stabbed to death by husband
4,500 dengue deaths in Region thus far - PAHO Govt. concerned about low gold recovery rate
ExxonMobil’s interest rate on investments still a mystery ...butPres.AlisaysGovt.managing oilsectorintransparentmanner ...challenges miners to adapt to new technologies
Govt. concerned about low gold recovery rate ...challengesminerstoadapttonewtechnologies
With modernisation taking place in each sector, miners are encouraged to adapttothenewtechnologies tohelpincreasethecountry's goldrecoveryrate.
This was emphasised by Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat during a recent meeting at Duke Lodge with persons within the gold trade industry According to the minister, the country's recovery rate is relatively low He said it is important forminerstoshiftthewayin which they are currently doing things “We only recover about 35 or 40 percent of the gold at any givenminingarea,whetherat a small or medium mining operation.So,wehavetoget ourminerstoadapttothenew technology and different methodsofdoingthings,”the ministerstressed.
With the use of technology,therecoveryrate can greatly increase or even double the percentage of what the country is currently reaping. The minister that
once the rate is doubled then it simply means that there will also be an increase in gold production at a similar cost of operation. However, thiscanonlybedoneoncethe miners reinvest in their mining operations and make use of the technology that is being made available to them, especially from the government.
Additionally, the natural resourcesministeraddedthat they are now looking to adamantly use mercury within the gold mining industry “We are looking to phase out mercury We are a signatory to the Minamata Convention,sowewillphase thatout.Itsimplymeansthat theywillhavetoadapttothe new technologies, whether by themselves or working in groups,” Minister Bharrat stated. Miners usually mix the liquid mercury into the sedimentwhichthenformsa coatingaroundthegold. Even as government grapples with low recovery, the country's gold declarationshavedroppedby

approximately 209,000 troy ounces over the past five years.VicePresidentBharrat Jagdeo previously had expressedtheGovernmentof Guyana's concern about this trend. He warned that strict penalties would be imposed on those found guilty of under-reporting gold declarations to evade taxes and royalties. In 2019, gold
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat (standing) engages local gold dealers.
declarations were 641,828 troy ounces, marking a 4.7% increase that year, primarily due to greater declarations from small and mediumscale miners However, foreign companies, Guyana GoldfieldsInc.(AuroraGold Mines) and Troy Resources GuyanaInc.,sawacombined output decline of 26.6% to 186,584troyounces.
Jagdeo explained that higher gold declarations in previous years were due to large-scale miners beginning production, leading to increased declarations from those companies. Kaieteur News had reported that Troy Resources exited Guyana's gold industry owing the country over $2.6 billion in royalties. Last year, total gold declarations contracted by 11.2 % to 432,113.2 troy ounces, reflecting a decline in production by small- and medium-scale miners and an increaseinthesoleoperating foreign company It was stated that AGM recorded higher declarations by 7.8% to 109,358.4 troy ounces at theendof2023.
In wake of the US sanctions on the Guyanese billionaire Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin Mohamed andgovernmentofficialMae Thomas for alleged gold smuggling and corruption, the government last week said it was now requesting information on all local gold exporters to see if they have been making accurate gold declarations President Mohamed Irfaan Ali during an engagement with the media at State House on Thursdaysaidthatwhileitis awaiting information from the United States on the Mohameds, the government is also seeking additional information on all gold (Continuedonpage16)

Exxon’s interest rate on investments still a mystery
...but Pres. Ali says Govt. managing oil sector in transparent manner
With Guyana
s o o n approaching itsfifthanniversarysincethe commencement of oil production activities, the countryisstillinthedarkon the interest rates being chargedbytheoperatorofthe StabroekBlock,ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited(EMGL).
ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess and CNOOC each make annual equity contributions to support the Stabroek Block operations. Consequently,thecompanies each receive an interest on the financial investments This rate of return, though previously justified by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo remains a mystery, although this country's resources are being used to pay those companies.
Be that as it may, President Irfaan Ali believes there is no lack of transparency in the management of the burgeoningpetroleumsector Duringapressconferenceon Thursday, the Head of State wasaskedtocommentonhis government's perceived lack of transparency in the management of the sector Ali in response explained, “I can't respond to perception, what facts are you bringing? Ifyouaresaying,thereislack
of transparency where is the lack of transparency?”
Notably, the Head of State did not allow Kaieteur News to cite specific examples but he noted that he does not need to address matters relatingtothesectorsincethe VP answers questions weeklyinthatregard.
The President then went ontoexplain,“Intermsofthe management of the sector, we had made it very clear therearehistoricalthingsthat we would have liked to be better, we would have liked the negotiations then to give usabetteragreementbutwe have an agreement that we havetoworkwith.”
After Ali pointed to the enactment of a new Petroleum Activities Act to govern the sector, the passageoftheLocalContent legislation,aswellasthenew Production Sharing Agreement(PSA) craftedby his government, Kaieteur News alerted the Head of State that the country is still in the dark on the interest rates being charged while therehasalsobeennoupdate to the Stabroek Block reservesintwoyears.
The President however maintained, “I don't know that there's a lack of transparency I can't agree withyouandIcansaytoyou

that all the revenue we have received is published accordingtolawandthereis remedy in the legislation if those revenues are not published.”
Meanwhile, the Head of State noted that work was ongoing to update the country's reserves and when information in that regard becomes available, it will be sharedpublicly
He said, “Now in terms of the finds and the commercial viability, that is ongoing work and as the
information is there that becomes available will be

updated reserves, as this would be in the best interest of the country, the government has refused to provide the public with recent data in that regard although Exxon has publicly revealed that appraisal activities are ongoing to determinetheviabilityofthe resources that have been discoveredtodate.
ce estimate in 2022 of the Stabroek Block determined that the c
ry had approximately 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves.
sharedpublicly Youcanrest assurewehavenointerestin not revealing the reserves that we have because we want more persons to be attracted.”
While the President has committed to revealing the
Since then, however, Exxon has announced an additional eight discoveries. Stakeholders believe that th
is deliberately withholding the updated oil reserves from the public as this would lead to more public pressure for a renegotiation
of the 2016 oil deal with Exxon.
It must be noted that PresidentAlididnotaddress the unknown interest rates b
c h a r g e d b y ExxonMobil and partners in theStabroekBlock.
Previously, VP Jagdeo said Guyana was paying a rate to Exxon as this is a standardpracticeforareturn to be generated on a company's equity
“Regardless of whether you make the financing in the formofaloanorequity,you have to get a rate return. Thereisacostofcapitaland that is how it is,” Jagdeo asserted.
Despite multiple attemptsbythisnewspaperto clear the air on this issue however,thegovernmenthas refusedtotellthenationhow much interest was being charged on the companies' investments.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The elderly
The older section of the society is increasingly being placedatagreatdisadvantage.
These are the people most likely to rely on the medical services and on the various medical benefits toward which they would have subscribed during their active years. Indeed, during the younger years, there was often no consideration on the part of the people who are now the senior citizens, of sickness and ill health. In fact, younger peopledonotconsidersuchthingbecausetheirmindsdonot focusonthosethings.
They do not even contemplate retirement and the accompanying benefits The Scheme does not pay the medical expenses for people over 60 who may not havemadeamedicalclaiminthepast Peoplebecome ill as they grow older; not to pay because the person never made a medical claim prior to 60 akin to encouragingfraud
One may now find that people who are approaching the pensionable age may very well go to a doctor and inveigle him or her to forge some illnesses. The NIS attracts other complaints. People issuedwithcertificatesthathavefaultsbytheNISare madetofeelthattheyareresponsibleforthefaults.
Some have been pushed around to the point that they have been reduced to tears. Many depend on this money because their earning capacities have been drastically reduced Indeed, the Scheme has systems that make collection of whatever pension there is, easier, but once there is a mistake the Scheme places the onus on the pensioner who must sometimes travel milestocorrecttheproblem
But the NIS is not the only entity that deals with pensioners
There are the Government Ministries and Departments These days the pensioner hears that records cannot be found and that aspects are missing Sometimes it takes months and even years for some pensioners to receive what they earned during their activeyears
This is often not so bad of interest is attached to compensate for inflation but this is never the case The result is that the pensioner loses money even before he collects it But his plight is never considered Itisasifhavingcompletedhisusefulness to the state he is discarded For more than a decade, some economists have been calling on the government to review the manner in which pensions andgratuityarecomputed
This should have been done ever since the authorities recognized that the days when pensions were sums on which a worker could have lived and when gratuities were monies that afforded the public servant a chance to own either a house or a car on retirement
Teachers, now among the lowest on the public servant ladder, are forced to continue seeking employment after they have retired The gratuity cannot sustain them for a year and the pension cannot feed them for a month Anation that ignores those who contributetoitsdevelopmentisboundtosuffer Perhaps, thisisthereasonwhytherateofmigrationissohigh.
A Guyanese who works in one of the countries of the metropolis for a number of years gets a substantial sum as social security The sum can afford this individual to return home and given the exchange rate the person is better off than living and working in Guyanaallhislife
Older citizens are also provided with special services out of due consideration for the elderly Transportation is free, they are given preferential treatment,andtheirslightestconcernsareimmediately addressed Guyana now flush with oil money could do alotmorefortheelderly
My approach as President of Guyana
DEAREDITOR, I have spent countless sleepless nights thinking aboutthis.EversinceIhave announced that I intend to runforPresidentofGuyana, people have been meeting me over the past four years and asking if I am still running.At times, I felt that the price would have been toohigh,andIwascounting the cost. However, it seems at this point that those of us whofeelthatwecanmakea difference in Guyana, have to step up. Leadership is important, who sits in the seat of power and has the authorityoverourcountryis important.Irememberinthe movie ‘Malcolm X,’ a policeman looked at MalcolmXandsaid,‘thatis too much power for one person.’ As I look at this government,thisistoomuch powerforanygovernment. This government from 2020 to now, has effectively taken away power from every aspect of our country and the Guyanese society. Theyhavetakenawaypower from the Opposition, business community, public sector, justice sector, civil society sector, law
enforcement,securitysector, communities, individuals and have effectively neutralized the international community Thishasputthe Guyanese people in a position where many of us have four choices; either to join the government and confirm to their approach to governance;staysilentwhile wearedyinginside;migrate; or do as Mahatma Ghandi said, ‘be the change that we want to see’. I have chosen thelatter;Iwillbethechange I want to see. I am running forPresidentin2025.
Here are some of the thingsIwilldoasPresident: Withinthefirstsixmonths,I will confirm the Chancellor oftheJudiciaryandtheChief Justice. I do not need to be concerned about whether they will support my government because the government will operate within the rule of law If a government operates within the rule of law, it should not be concerned about confirming those in high office in the judiciary. Additionally,withinthefirst six months, my government will set up the Petroleum Commission which will be
accountable to the National Assembly, Christopher Ram is one of the persons who will be on that commission. We will establish a ‘League of Elders ’ Some of the people who will be on that body would be former Presidents David Granger and Donald Ramoutar; Hamilton Green; Indra Chandrapal; Clement Rohee; Joe Singh; Volda Lawrence and two civil societyrepresentatives.
Within the first six months, as president, my government will set up a ‘ R e c o n c i l i a t i o n Commission’,Iwillpushfor a ‘ R e c o n c i l i a t i o n Commission’ and not for a ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ because I believe that if we know the truth about our history and who really did what, among other things, we will never reconcile.So,forustohavea functional and effective reconciliation process, it may be best to leave some things behind. This may not be the right approach but sometimes we have to make the best decisions under the circumstances and depending on what we
In the first six months, we will develop an ‘Economic and Social Development Plan’ for Guyana,inclusive of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Happiness (GNH) as indicators with which to measure the country’s growth and development This will be done by integrating the National Development Strategy (NDS)approach.
I see ExxonMobil as a critical player in the Guyanese economy and society, however, the company operates as a responsiblecorporatecitizen in the United States of A m e r i c a n a n d m y government will engage the company strategically around an equal level of operation in Guyana. Our government will also create a business environment conductive for foreign investors and businesses to operateatthehighestlevel. Some people have asked me what I will do about crime and security. I believe whiletherewillalwaysbe (Continuedonpage)
campaigning and political trust’
In an open competitive
liberal democratic environment,thestrugglefor national political office is usually fierce but is also consideredanessentialgood and requirement Internal democratic party elections are also considered a necessary good, but the battles tend to be less contentious since after the internal dust has settled the party will have to confront their opponents at the national level and a united frontisnecessaryifitistobe optimallyeffective.
I n d e e d , d i r t y campaigning can lead to repercussionsfarbeyondthe intentionsofthosewhohave initiated it, usually for immediatepoliticalrewards. Therefore, from wherever they emanate, one needs to guard against extremes that would make it difficult for one to later make the strongest national representation. This is the case even where ethnic divisionisasstrongasitisin Guyana and internal party quarrelsareunlikelytohave significantnegativeelectoral effectatthenationallevel.
Not too long ago, the leadershipsofGuyana’stwo largest national parties, the People’s National Congress
(PNC) and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), c l a i m e d t o b e Marxist/Leninist and followed the democratic centralisttraditionsetbythe Soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin, who banned the creationoffactionsandthus strong internal competitive democraticelections.Butthe fall of Soviet Marxism broughtdemandsforgreater intraparty democracy and the realisation that even wheresuchpartiesaresaidto exist, they are usually captured by small groups of activists who perpetuate themselvesinoffice.Thissocalled‘ironlawofoligarchy’ was first recognised by RobertMichelsin1911,and internal electoral primaries that are in essence factions struggling for office within organisationsareonewayof countering this oligarchic tendency
ThePPPhasremainedin the democratic centralist mold that requires what Lenincalled‘irondiscipline’ onthepartofitsmembership and in which a handful of oligarchs determine the fate of the general membership. However, since about 2011, the PNC has been experimenting with primary type ideology and arrangements in which
campaigning for the important offices can become extremely questionable This is precisely what is taking place as we count down to the biennial congress of the PNCthatisdueattheendof thismonth.
Thepresentleaderofthe PNC, Mr Aubrey Norton, who won the leadership contest at the end of 2021, has for some time been a controversial figure in the party and since his election to the leadership factional animosity has increased significantly. I am not concerned here with the wrongs and rights of the internal wranglings, personal and institutional accusations, most– not allof which, in my view, go withtheterritoryandshould be applauded Yet being relativelynewtothiskindof process,topreventonefrom transgressing the limits of sensible behaviour, one should also try to appreciate a few of the appropriate characterisations and consequentialdimensionsof thecampaignprocess.
Ayear or so ago, I came uponapaperbyFranzReiter and Jörg Matthes that considered national political campaigning inAustria, and ifIinterpretthemcorrectly,it
appears to me that although their focus was national elections, what they had to say could be useful if for no otherreasonthanbecausethe politicians impacted at the internallevelaremorelikely tohavealreadybeennational p e r s o n a l i t i e s (https://wwwtandfonline co m/).
ReiterandMatthesargue that campaigning for political office can be positive, negative or dirty and negative campaigning haswronglybeentreatedasa blanket term covering both positive and dirty c a m p a i g n i n g , i . e . substantive criticism, character assassinations, pejorative language, spreading of false information, etc. They have conceptually separated dirty from negative and positive campaigning. Negative campaign statementsaresaidtobecivil because criticisms are made inaconstructivemanner On the other hand, dirty campaigning includes uncivil criticism, impoliteness, disrespect, defamation or unfair political methods Dirty campaigning is usually socially rejected and perceivedasunacceptable (Continuedonpage05)
‘people over profit’ Breadfruit getting its deserved attention
The Guyana Public Service Union salutes all workers in the Public Service of Guyana in recognition of United Nations Public Service Day June 23, 2024. As you continue to deliver Quality Public Services to the citizenry and escalate the development process of Guyana, be mindful of your value,roleandtheimpactof the services provided to the communities that benefit and depend on these facilitiesfortheirsurvival.
As Public Servants providing Health Care, Building Infrastructure, Ensuring Safety, Delivering Education, Air Navigation
Services, Revenue Collection, Environmental Health and Protection Services, you are the foundation upon which growth and development
takes place. The power of progress is in the hands of thePublicSectorWorkersto shape the innovative advancements that propels progressinsocieties.
However, today as governments all over the world reprioritize their agendas to handle global shifts and problems emanating from wars, climate disasters, widening gaps in inequalities, poverty and technology Public Service Workers find themselves holding the shorterendofthesticks.
The Guyana Public Service Union calls on the Government of Guyana to reprioritize its growth and modernization agendas to i n c l u d e a d e q u a t e accommodation for the human capital, the Public Service Workers, without which development and progress would not
efficiently happen
Development and Progress must be inclusive of the workers that manage and implement the system in delivering Quality Public Services for a better future.
As the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres stated:“Let’sworkshoulderto-shoulder with these champions of service to build a healthier, more prosperous and equal world forallpeople”.
Decent work is a human right! Stop the wealth drain, stop the brain drain. Put ‘people over profit’. While cumulativewealthiscreated for some, precarious work continuesforothers.
Stop the hemorrhaging of much needed resources that can provide adequate pay for workers. It is just a political will that is needed tochangethecircumstances (Continuedonpage06)
‘Dirty campaigning and political trust’...
Frompage04 political behaviour, while negative campaigning is socially accepted and perceivedaspositiveaction. Positive campaigning involvesstatementsinwhich political actors emphasise their own achievements, w h e r e a s n e g a t i v e campaigning encompasses civilcriticisms.
Positiveandnegativeforms ofcampaigncommunication are perceived as acceptable socialbehaviour
Reiter and Matthes furtherarguethatsubstantial criticismaswellasthestress onpositiveachievementsare perceived as normal and tobe-expected behaviours during political campaigns. Also, in interpersonal communications, negative communication patterns are not automatically perceived as a violation of democratic norms. In other words, during times of elections, negativecommunicationfits well with the nature of democratic campaigning in which parties usually praise themselves and criticise theiropponents.
Importantly, they observed that political trust legitimizes representative politics in a democratic system and that dirty political campaigns cause people to lose their trust in politicians. Thus, dirty campaigning has the potential to underminethelegitimacyof democratic governance This, they argue, can have importantconsequences:for instance, in times of crisis,
citizensmaybeunwillingto support the proposed crisis handling methods because they consider political a c t i o n s g e n e r a l l y ineffective. Political trust is a fragile good that can be impaired by dirty campaigning.
ReiterandMatthes’‘key theoreticalargument[is]that negative and dirty campaigningaretwodistinct concepts Negative campaigningcannotserveas an umbrella term that s u b s u m e s d i r t y campaigning dirty campaigning is multifaceted because it goes beyond the civility concept and encompasses the use of unfair campaign methods, such as techno-distortions, deepfakes, or voter
Thus, our findings show that dirty campaigning as a broader and multi-faceted concept has the potential to undermine trust in politicians.’
Particularly in our contentious ethnic/political environment where an autocratic government, multinationals, an aggressive neighbour, numerous carpetbaggers, etc.
are taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them by our disassociation, one needs to guard against opportunistically using any smalldemocraticopeningto furtherunderminetheliberal democraticprocess.

DEAREDITOR, The headline got my attention: “Massive coffee, breadfruit production on the cards for Region One.”As a matter of fact, it got me engrossed,andwhy?
Well, it’s because of “Breadfruit.” I cannot understand why our breadfruit has remained uncelebratedforsolong,and for now, in this little letter, I willcelebrateit.
I am so happy that President,Dr IrfaanAli,has touted plans to restart the large-scale production of coffee and other high-value cropssuchasbreadfruit(but for now, I will leave out ‘coffee,’ even though I am equallyelatedwithit,asIam withthe‘breadfruit’).
I noticed that the President is quite excited, stating (to residents of Waramuri, Region One, (Barima-Waini) that “We wanttodosomemajorcrops herethatarehigh-valuedand thatwillputyoubackonthe regionalmap.”
He detailed that his Government would support villagers with the local breadfruit production to meet the demands of local andregionalmarkets.
The facts, fully accessible, regarding breadfruit, should make us wanttoreallygoafterit.Itis a staple food in many tropicalregions.
Most breadfruit varieties produce fruit throughout the year, and both ripe and unripe fruit have culinary uses.
The unripe breadfruit is
cookedbeforeconsumption. Before being eaten, the fruit is roasted, baked, fried or boiled.
When cooked, the taste ofmoderatelyripebreadfruit isdescribedaspotato-like,or similar to freshly baked bread.
Its versatility is shocking-curried, fried, boiled, baked, roasted and wecangoonandon.Onthe nutritionalside,breadfruitis not only a good source of carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and protein, it also contains substantial amounts of micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron, vitaminC,andB3.
Then it comes in high proliferation, where one breadfruit tree can produce as many as 200 kilograms (450 lbs.) each season. So, theworkwillbeintheareaof thepreservationofharvested fruit.
We must not waste any at all I have read that in some places, that the traditional preservation techniqueistoburypeeled andwashedfruitsinaleaflined pit where they ferment over several weeks and produce a sour, stickypaste
So stored, the product may endure a year or more, and some pits are reported to have produced edible contents more than 20yearslater
What I do propose is that we find ways to market and preserve the breadfruit
T h e w o r d f r o m
PresidentAliisthat“ we want to replant 5,000
breadfruit plants in the region; so that we can become an important supplier of breadfruit for thecountry
We are going to move into this production because these are crops that have value on the regionalmarket.”
He added that “I think there is tremendous potentialinthisregionand we want to now move to a n o t h e r p h a s e o f development where we
opportunities for the future, where more of the women in our society can earn, more young people c
agriculture is a main aspectofthat ” Editor, what I am so pleased about is that Budget 2024 is becoming moreandmoreofareality
Back in January 2024, some $527 4 million was allocated to increase opportunities for agroprocessors, farmers, and wo
we are witnessingthisyetagain IrecallSeniorMinister in the Office of the P
e s
d e n t w i t h responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, stating that “Guyana is promoting the
y, including value-chain development and market expansion for its produce andproducts ”
My approach as President of Guyana...
some degree of crime in a society, the degree is highly dependent on other factors, suchaseducation,qualityof l a w e n f o r c e m e n t , employment opportunities, etc With a 1 4 trillion Guyana dollars budget for 2024,thereisnoreasonwhy crime should be this high in Guyana.
Guyana’sGDPin2000was 1.36 percent, while in 2023, the GDP was 38 percent. Thereisabsolutelynoreason whycrimeshouldbesohigh in an economy that grew by 38percentlastyear,despitea post-COVID period It meansthatwearenotdoinga lotofthingsright.
Additionally, on the topic of crime, my government would require
thesecuritysectortodevelop a plan to recruit more men, young men, into the sector, evenifitisasentryleveljobs asapartofthegrowthcurve for young men. We have become a society where our women are the protectors, thisneedstobere-examined, so that women can have more space to nurture their childrenandfamilies.
This would assist in increasingeducationresults, reducing crime, greater wellbeing,etc.
As president, my government will designate themonthofFebruaryevery yeartolatePresidentForbes Burnham and the month of March every year to Cheddi Jagan in recognition and observance of their contributions to Guyana
With regards, to the state media, the Guyana Chronicle, National Communication Network (NCN) - Television and Radio, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)andthegovernment willhaveaccess.
Iamofthefirmviewthat both the Opposition and government must have access to the state media. The Opposition will be very involved in my government at various levels, we will governthiscountrytogether
Iwouldliketoworkwith the Hindu, Christian, Muslim and other religious organisations, the private sector, civil society, and others to move our country forward, together Many people are of the view that

the developed countries would never allow Guyana to be truly independent People are concerned about whattheycalltheroleofthe ‘colonialmasters.’
I say to them if the ‘colonialmasters’aresobad, how is it that people are doingeverythingpossibleto gotothese‘colonialmasters’ countriesforabetterlife.
Ifthecountriesthatthey areleavingaresogood,then why are people so desperate toleave?
Another point is that some of the same leaders who are talking about the ‘colonial masters’ are not even as accountable and transparent as some of ‘colonial masters’countries. Let us be honest, many developingcountriesneedto improveontheirgovernance and accountability, Guyana is an example. I once read a ‘quote ‘people like standards,setsome.’
As president, my government will set standards for our engagement with countries from the developed world. Wewillnegotiatefora60/40 control (60 for them, 40 for Guyana[smile]).
preserve our Indigenous knowledge and culture
Guyana with all its challenges, was not sustainedbymagic,thereisa body of indigenous knowledge, norms, values, and culture which hold the society together and we will notthrowawaythebaby and the bath water So, while we take the modern knowledge from the develop world, we also recognize that there is great value in our indigenous knowledge in Guyana
My government will work with the West, East, Southandothers
Sometime back, I had indicated in a previous letter to the press that if I became president, I would settle the issue on Freddie Kissoon’s termination from the University of Guyana and I will keep my word We will engage in settling this matter once and for all with Freddie I also mentioned in a previousletterthatshouldI become president, in the first week, I would appoint Nigel Hughes as a Senior Counsel, he is already a
Senior Counsel, my government would just givehimtheofficialtitle
However, I guess now that he is running for the leader of the Alliance For Change(AFC)party,hemay have to appoint me into a positionsomeday(smile).
As I am talking about babyandbathwater,itisfelt that what Guyana needs at this point, perhaps at this moment in the country’s history, is a mother in a president
I know that we would need funding to campaign, lots of it too, but we have a very good chance to steer Guyana in a different direction, together, g o v e r n m e n t a n d
Opposition I would like to partner and team up with people who still believe in the ideal of our Motto: One People One Nation One Destiny
Ifyouwouldliketoshare your views and discuss further, please contact us on Email:onepeople onenation
Yoursfaithfully, Citizen Audreyanna Thomas Presidential Candidate 2025
‘Put ‘people over profit’...
Frompage05 ofpoverty PSIGeneralSecretary:“Anurse onnightshiftonaCOVIDward…paysmore tax than the corporation that is making massive profits from the medicine she is administering”.
The time to act is now Public Service Workers deliver the core of government services and lack the recognition for the value created; their development is stymied by poor responsive mechanisms to strengthen them in preparation for a better future, for themselves and that of their families. Notwithstanding, the Guyana Public Service Union salutes all Public ServiceWorkersonthisspecialday,bringing recognitiontoyourstewardshipsinfulfilling your obligations with commitment and dedication to building progressive societies for all. Continue to strive for excellence despitethemanyinequitablesituationsfaced daily Youaretherealheroesoftheworld.
Happy United Nations Public Service Day2024.
Regards GuyanaPublicServiceUnion

PNCR headache
TIGI stresses bipartisan cooperation to tackle corruption ...says recent sanctions on Mohameds, Mae Thomas tip of the iceberg
In the wake of the recent US Treasury Department sanctions on the Mohamed family and government official, Mae Thomas, Mike Singh, the President of the Transparency Institute of Guyana Incorporated has called on the government, oppositionandotherpolitical actors to put their own egos and agendas aside and collaborate to rid the nation of the widespread corruption thatplaguesit.
Allegedly,theMohameds under declared their gold exports in order to avoid paying about USD $50M in taxes to Guyana, and, according to the US Department of the Treasury press release, “to conceal their illegal activity and operate with impunity, Azruddin and Mohamed's Enterprise have engaged in
extensive bribery schemes involving government officialsinGuyana.”
T h e s e r e c e n t developments have inspired questionsandconcernsabout corruptioninthegovernment and its agencies, the relationshipandleveloftrust between the United States' and Guyana's governments, andmanyothers.
Former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, recently said in a press release that the US agentsthathadinformedhim and his ministry of a gold smuggling racket in 2015, very early in the coalition government's term, had only thenbeenauthorizedtoshare the information “because in the past, there were serious concerns about confidences being kept and sensitive investigations being c o m p r o m i s e d b y government of Guyana officials.”
InaresponsetoTrotman, the Ministry of Natural Resources criticized the APNU/AFC coalition government'shandlingofthe gold smuggling issue and questioned his claims that it launched its own antismuggling operation after being briefed by US law enforcement agents “If, indeed, these former senior government officials were madeawareoftheseverityof theissue,thentheyshouldbe held accountable,” the ministrysaidinitsstatement. Responding to Trotman's accusation that the current administrationshutdownthe abovementioned operation days after taking office, the ministrysaid,“Forthepublic r e c o r d , n o s u c h

operations/investigation werediscoveredattheOffice of the President in August 2020andlogicallytherewas no “shut down” of any such operationwithinfivedaysof theGovernmenttakingoffice threeandahalfyearsago,or atall.”
Askedtoweighinonthe sanction against t6he Mohameds, the TIGI President said: “what has happened with the Mohameds maybe is the tip of the iceberg, and it's not them alone, there are many bad actors. So it's just that they [the Mohameds] are exposed, they're being made the sacrificial lamb for one reasonortheother,butit'snot them alone, it's a whole society of rottenness, and to fix that problem, they [the political class] have to find the political will to do the right thing, not some of the time, but all of the time. Guyana is not the exclusive domain of the PNC or the PPP or the AFC, it's for all Guyanese, and unless we can, as I have said before, leave the past behind, join ranks and work together…
I'llechothesentimentsofthe late Dr Martin Luther King Jr., who said, “We must all learn to live and work together, or suffer together andperishasfools.”
Change in political culture
Singh underscored the necessity of a change in Guyana's political culture if thenationistoriditselfofthe corruptionthathasplaguedit forsomedecades.
There must be drastic improvement in terms of accountability, the rule of law, transparency and good governance.
“These are the basic parameters for disciplined approach to fiscal responsibility, national d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d development must be inclusivetoall,”hesaid.
Itisworthnotingthatthe US Treasury Department's pressreleasesaid“toconceal their illegal activity and operate with impunity, Azruddin and Mohamed's Enterprise have engaged in extensive bribery schemes involving government officials in Guyana.” The
report proceeded to say that Thomas is “one such official,” which implies that the corruption runs deeper than just
Permanent Secretary of the Home Affairs (during the investigation period) and Labour ministries. Mae is also a former member of the P
Committee Due to this, many Guyanese fear that more sanctions could be on theway
OnthisSinghsaid,“Iwill tell you; all things are possible. I don't have any finite proof if they [the United States government] are going to implement sanctions against any other members of the regime but all things are possible, you have to follow the smoking gun,youhavetoconnectthe dots, and I think they're able to connect the dots. I don't think people act in isolation; theycouldactinisolationbut I don't know what political powers she [Mae Thomas] had; I don't know what administrativepowersshe
Services offered by Home Affairs Ministry to go fully online
WithGuyanadeveloping its information and communicationstechnology (ICT) Masterplan 2030, the government aims to digitise allMinistryofHomeAffairs' services and subagencies as part of phase one of the strategy
This is according to President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli, who outlined the government's digitisation strategy aligned with the ground-breaking Low Carbon Development Strategy(LCDS)2030.
Speaking with reporters on Thursday, the president said these include birth certificates, death certificates, immigration services, work permitting services, and visa services.
“Allofthatwearelookingto digitiseonthisfirstphaseof this project,” the Head of Stateunderscored.
According to President Ali, this undertaking will eventually be implemented withinsixotherministriesin keeping with the ICT
visioning and digital transformation plan. In the LCDS2030, the PPP/C Governmenthasoutlinedits ambitious plan of transitioning to egovernance leveraging digital technology to revolutionise all sectors, thereby enhancing the operations of public sector organisations. The national e-identification project is one component of this strategy and is being implemented A US$34 5 million contract has already been signed with Germanbased company Veridos Identify Solutions to develop this system. Some $783.4millionwasallocated to the national budget to continue the project this year
“As you know, the implementation of the National ID is one of our keystone projects.The ISOcertified International Civil Aviation Organisation accepted CAD system, will allow for the issuance of resident identification and work permit, and will facilitateamorecoordinated approach to public service delivery,” President Ali detailed. The e-ID system would allow for fingerprint verification and validation of individuals so that the needforproofofaddressand all the audit documentation may be eliminated. It will, however, not replace the c u r r e n t N a t i o n a l Identification card The government is also actively expandingthe'SafeCountry' which has produced excellent results in crime fighting and the protection ofcitizensandtheirassets. The government will work to create a national online portal to serve as a gateway to access digital government services, the digitisation of population, and commercial and land registers. Data centres to support the provision of services provided by governmentagencieswillbe expanded.(DPI)
The sanctions relate to assets held in the US and to transactions within or by US citizens or companies
The United States Department of Treasury recently imposed sanctions on Nazar Mohammed and his son. Those sanctions are extra-territorial in reach in that they target persons outside of the United States. Theyalsotargettheassets,of thetargetedpersons,thatare withintheUnitedStates.
What the sanctions means is that any assets or interestsoftheMohammeds and their companies held in the United States are blocked. The Mohammeds or anyone else cannot have accesstothoseassets.
The sanctions also mean that U S citizens and businesses cannot engage in transactions with the Mohammeds, their companies nor their assets. This includes providing or receiving any funds, goods, orservicesfromoronbehalf of them United States financial institutions, including banks, cannot provide services to the Mohammeds. In effect, the Mohammed’s assets are blocked in the US, they cannot do business with US firmsandtheycannotutilize theUSfinancialsystem.
H o w e v e r, t h e s e sanctions do not force other countries to take action
against sanctioned individuals. The sanctions imposed under U.S. laws, such as the Magnitsky Act, only apply to U.S. persons
andentities,andtoactivities within or transiting through theUnitedStates.
The Government of Guyana,however,obviously facing embarrassment, by the actions of the US Department of Treasury, took extreme action. It immediately revoked the cambio licence of the Mohammeds. While it is clearthatlocalbankscannot transact any financial transaction with the sanctioned individuals once those transactions have to utilize the US financial system, there is nothing in the announcement by the Department of the Treasury that indicates that any local bank or person who does business with the Mohammedswillbeliableto sanctions.
TheGuyanagovernment is obviously concerned abouttheimplicationsofthe sanctions on the country’s financial system but, so far, thisonlyrelatestotheuseof US intermediary banks. It can hardly mean that the sanctioned individuals cannotwalkintoalocalbank and open up a savings of chequing account or have accesstoanyassetstheycan have within the local bankingsystem.
There is no treaty enacted into our local laws thatwouldallowtheBankof Guyana, as the regulator of the country’s financial
system to instruct or advise local financial banks not to do business with the Mohammedsbasedonsome edict of the United States. The United States has no powertoblockassetsheldin Guyana.
The Bank of Guyana must therefore explain the basis on which it opted to revokethecambiolicenceof theMohammed.Itmustalso indicatewhetherinrevoking the licence it provided the Mohammeds with the right to a hearing as provided for inthelaw
AsfarasIunderstandit, we do not have laws in Guyana which allow the government to arbitrarily freeze the local assets of anyone. As far as I believe, this can to be an issue for which the Courts have to so direct.
TheMohammedsusedto operate a cambio Why should they have been prevented from buying and selling foreign currency in accordance with the licence granted to them? How does this place the local financial sector at risk when the sanctions relate to foreignheld assets and dealings by US citizens and companies withthesanctionedpersons?
This issue has arisen because there is talk around thetownthatnolocalperson or company can do any business at all with the Mohammeds. So does this
If shrimp is prawns, den cow is donkey!
Dem boys seh
d e m
government always find a way to mek we laugh. Dem boasting abouthowmuchshrimpwe producing.Butaskanypoor man who looking fuh a lil parcel of de brackish water shrimp,andhegontellyuh: “Bai,depricestillhighlike gasindemdays.”
Yuhsee,dempoliticians love fuh talk ‘bout how muchmoreshrimpwegotin de brackish water Dey seh it’s a shrimp bonanza. But whenyuhgotodemarket,is like de shrimp dem hiding. Dem price nah budge one bit.Poormanstandupbyde stall looking at dem red shrimp, wondering if dem turn to gold or what. One lady seh she nearly faint
when she hear de price. “Demshrimpgategginside dem?” she ask de vendor Vendor just shrug and seh, “Is de government fuh blame.”
Now dem come wid a new plan – inland prawns cultivation. But dem boys seh, why we need more prawnswhenwecan’teven afford de shrimp? Dem government officials must be living in some fairy tale land where money does growpontree.
And leh we talk ‘bout demeateries.Yuhthinkdem easy? Dem selling fat shrimp and calling it prawns, thinking we nah know de difference. One timedemboysorderprawns curry, and when it come, it wasshrimp!
mean that the supermarkets cannot sell any food to the family? Or that the more than 200 workers which the Mohammedsemploycannot be paid through the banking system?Doesthismeanthat the schools which the children and grandchildren of the family attend can no longerteachthem?Doesthis mean that the fruit vendor that sells on the pavement outside the mosque cannot sellthesanctionedpersonsa sliceofwatermelon?
These are issues which the President should have addressedduringhisweekly pressconference.Thereisno need to write the US Department of Treasury to ascertainthescopeandreach
of the sanctions. The US embassycouldhaveadvised on this or the Guyana Embassy in Washington could have interfaced with the US Department of Treasury.
Vice President Jagdeo has indicated that the government has sought an opinion on the implications of the sanctions imposed on theMohammeds.Attheleast one would have expected that the government would have awaited the report beforetakinganyprecipitate action.
It should be noted also
that the sanctio
individuals have a right to contest the designation by the Department of Treasury

so as to have their names removed The very law under which the sanctions weremadeallowsforthisto bedone.
But the Guyana government is jumpy It is not waiting on the outcome ofdueprocess.Asaresult,it may be overreaching in its reaction.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Dem boys seh, yuh cyant fool we, we know a shrimp when we see one. But dem restaurant owner smile sweet sweet and seh, “Is prawns, just smaller.”
Demboysseh,“Ifshrimpis prawn,dencowisdonkey.”
Is a real rip-off fuh consumers. De government boasting about shrimp production,butdemnahsee westrugglingfuhbuylilbit. Demboysseh,nexttimede government boast, tell dem fuh come market wid we and see if dem can afford dem own shrimp. Maybe den dem gon understand why we bawling. Till den, weguhcontinuefuhboillil saltfish and pretend is shrimp, cause dat is all we canafford. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

Ali the magnificent
Iam doing my civic duty in the public arena, and so should those who are close to Excellency Ali. Somebody must summon the strength and spark to whisper into PresidentAli'sear. 'Bigboss, don'tgodownthatdarkroad, don'tbashlittlepeopletrying to do their job as media professionals ' To the President,Iofferthishumble counsel: why return the
respectful with the distasteful? Excellency Ali, itisunbecomingforaheadof state, to engage in the equivalent of verbal fist fightstothepointwhereheis the only one dishing out the blows When a president appears to relish being a roughneck, then what his country has is a bruiser and not a leader I urge my president to listen and adjust accordingly
I come across an occasional snippet of Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Republic of Guyana, and I hang my head
in shame I suggest
(respectfully, of course) to Excellency Ali that he reviews those delicious moments in his press conferences, when he transforms into an out-ofcontrolfireextinguisher,and foamsoverwithuncontrolled abandon.SinceIamforcedto hangmyheadinshameatthe national spectacle and national leadership disgrace, the president may wish to buryhishead.
Indeed,thisishowmuch leadership has declined in this country Attacking juniorreportersisnotpartof the list of duties of a president, the last time I looked, Mr President. Not those working at an honest living and seeking to share some truth and light to citizens,bothofwhich[tobe frank]areblackmarketitems in the PPP government Likewise overflowing with thevenomousisnotinthejob description of a national leader Distance from the odious and ignominious, skipper; be about the harmonious I share
something that must have some meaning for the dear presidentof this dear land of ours:arroganceisnotamask that works well for ignorance.
The ignorance shines through, no matter if it is a president or a peasant. Or one of the many political panjandrums that President Alilovestohavearoundhim.
Iamsearchingtodiscern whatpsychicvalueGuyana's presidentcouldbefindingby being priggish and mulish, andinthisunendingdriveof histobeasensationalist. The roleofpresidentisnotthatof a performer, or a motion pictureproducer,Excellency I quietly implore President Ali to stop comporting himselfasthoughheissome low gravy zookeeper His closepeoplefromthecabinet have attacked female journalistsbefore. Thebelief was that such developments would (or should) have met with the sternest disapproval expressedbyPresidentAlito his raucous and malicious comrades. ItseemsthatIam
too generous to Guyana's leader,becausetherewasthe big man himself throwing around his weight and dragging down even more deeply both the once noble political profession and two professionals in the local mediaworld. Howdoesthis build anybody up? How does hostility and insulting language contribute to a better society in a very polarized land? Where are the positives from such bawdy instances that add to theauraofthepresidency,or the quality of PPP Governmentleadership?
President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAlimayharboursecret hopesofearningtheaccolade ofAli the Magnificent. But first he must submit to a 15year sabbatical and purge himselfofallthoseelements that make him deficient Then,hemaystandachance to be Mohamed Ali the Magnificent and not Irfaan Ali,theIrrelevant.
There is the sense that Guyana's young president is trying too hard to

demonstrate how big and bad and boisterous he can be. YetIamenragedthatthe maninCaracascoulddismiss himasinsolent,andthesame politicalmasterblasterinthe local environment suddenly loses his voice, his swagger, and his buildup of testosterone. I recommend that President Mohamed Ali pick on someone his own size, one befitting his nationalstature. Thereisthe fellaNicholasMaduroonthe othersideofthefence. There is a problem of two-parts where the first is when Maduroengagesinhiswarof words on the PPP Government and President Ali.Thesecondpartiswhen President Ali then takes out his resentments and animosities against media people from local media houses that he finds disagreeable.
Regrettably, it is my heavy duty to inform my fellow Guyanese that what PresidentAli is dealing in is not leadership, it is gamesmanship and
salesmanship. Remember I said earlier that his role should not be that of a vaudeville performer Unfortunately, that is an inseparable aspect of the game that the president has become a champion at, as well as part of the macho leadership style that he is selling.
I hope that the president comestohissensesandfinds somepeaceofmindbybeing a new and improved Mohamed Irfaan Ali. Who knows, he may still come neartohisdreamofbeingAli the Magnificent. There is only one issue left: magnificentatwhat? Thatis the puzzle and predicament for Guyanese with their president.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Black Bush Polder pump station now operable - Agri Minister
The pump station located at Adventure,BlackBushPolderisnow operable, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha disclosed on Saturdaywhilespeakingtothemedia andresidentsofthearea.
“From now on, if there is any heavyrainfallandexcessivewaterin Black Bush Polder, the pump will become operable to drain the area. So, like I said, this pump is completed, we will commission it shortly,” the Agriculture Minister said.Another pump station will be
commissioned soon in Region Three atVergenoegen,whichisoneofthe12 pump stations the government committed to build countrywide. Mustapha explained that there were other projects of the same nature between 70% to 80% completion and he is hoping that they will be completed shortly to be commissioned. “Now there are a number of contractors who are delinquent. The President at his press conference spoke about it, we have alreadystartedliquidateddamageson
those contracts and I am hoping that those contractors will complete shortly so we can commission those pumpstations,”theministeradded.
This publication previously reported that heavy rain had severely damaged crops at Black Bush Polder and other nearby communities, particularly Lesbeholden. Apart from the rainfall, a lack of effective drainage mechanisms had amplified what should have been a typical, seasonal spell of inclement weather, residentshadsaid.

Fruit vendor stabbed to death by husband
Police are investigating the murder of Anuradha Khatoon,called'Mama',a34year-old fruit vendor of Best Village, West Coast Demerara, which occurred at about 23:30hrs last Saturday night.
Thewomanwasallegedly murdered by her reputed husband, a 30-year-old fisherman,attheirLot1Best Village home Enquiries disclosed that the now deceased woman and the suspecthadsharedacommon law relationship for the past fiveyears.
According to a police release, on Saturday at about 23:30hrs,thesuspectreturned home under the influence of alcohol and the woman told himthathehadto'easeonthe alcoholdrinking'.
The suspect became angry, and the couple ended upinaheatedargument.Asa result, the suspect armed himselfwithaknifeanddealt Anuradha Khatoon one stab toherthroat.

The woman was then rushed to the nearbyWest Demerara Regional Hospital by family members, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The scene was searched and one kitchen knife was found onthefloor
Astabwoundwasseento the woman's throat area. The body is at Ezekiel Funeral Home awaiting a postmortem examination. The suspectisyettobearrested.
The woman fell to the floor in the living room, and the suspect made good his escape. An alarm was raised by the woman's 12-year-old son, stepson of the suspect, who was awoken after he heard his mother screaming.
Three people found dead in bus on Mabura Traila

Confirmeddead: Leon Achee
Detectives in Regional Division #10 are probing the circumstances surrounding the deaths of three persons who were found inside a minibus (BAC 7350) along theMaburaTrailat28Miles, Sundaymorning.
The discovery was made around 09:40 hrs, police said in a press release. Those confirmeddeadare:thedriver of the minibus, Leon Achee along with occupant, Refa Bovell of Linden. The other deceased individual has not yetbeenidentified.Thescene wasvisitedbyCommanderof

Confirmeddead: Refa Bovell
Regional Division #10, Superintendent Guy Nurse, alongwithapartyofpolice. Upon inspection, the minibus appeared to be stuck inadeeppotholewiththerear ofthevehiclesubmerged.The vehicle's engine was on and allwindowswerelocked.Itis suspectedthatthevictimshad slept in the bus the entire night The bodies of the deceased were examined for marks of violence, but none wasseenontheexposedparts of their bodies. No foul play has been suspected. Further investigationsareongoing.

NDIAtorehabilitate 63sluicesnationwide –Min.Mustapha
The Ministry of Agriculture through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will soon commence major rehabilitation work on sixtythree (63) sluices across Guyana'scoast.
This was disclosed by AgricultureMinister,Zulfikar during a community meeting atKorthberaadtVillageonthe East Bank of Berbice, the ministry said in a press release. Minister Mustapha
told residents that approximately US$40M will be expended to rehabilitate thestructuresinkeepingwith the government's flood risk managementefforts.
“We have a programme withtheWorldBankthatwill see sixty-three sluices across t h e c o u n t r y b e i n g rehabilitated That project will commence shortly The project sum is about US$40 million and the procurement process is expected to commenceinJuly Therearea number of sluices in Black Bush Polder that will be rehabilitated as part of that project, one being the Pepper SluiceatCumberland.Thatis amajordrainagearea.Sluices
in New Amsterdam, Corentyne, and across the Coast will also undergo rehabilitation work. We will also be acquiring dredges to clearoutfalls,”heexplained. While responding to issues about drainage Minister Mustapha told residentsthatthegovernment was working to ensure that citizens receive maximum benefit from the resources being made available. He also said that rehabilitation works on the Korthberaadt crowndamareongoing.
“Wewillcontinuetomake the interventions and make the resources available. For 40yearsnoworkwasdoneon the crown dam. We are now doingthat.Assoonaswegeta
break in the weather again well continue those works,” headded.
Meanwhile, during a site visit to the pump station at Adventure on the Corentyne Coast, Minister Mustapha disclosed that the pump station will be commissioned inthecomingweeks.Hesaid that approximately $448M wasexpendedtoconstructthe pump station which is outfitted with two large pumps with the capacity to drain300cusecperminute.
Theministeralsometwith farmers and residents from #52-#74Villages.Duringthat meeting, he said that works have commenced on the internaldrainagechannelsfor the Hope-like canal on the CorentyneCoast.
“We are doing a massive drainage system across the country Works have commenced with the highlevelHope-likecanalinthe# 51 - # 52 Village area. The embankment from #66 to Canje has started and very shortly the second phase of the project from Lancaster will be awarded so that the entire project can move forward,” Minister Mustapha said.
He also told the farmers thatclearingandmaintenance work would be done on several canals in the region. He noted that most of those canals were cleared but no maintenance was done and thattheNDIAisintheprocess of developing a maintenance programme to ensure those canals are properly maintained Minister Mustapha also met with farmers from Lesbeholden and disclosed that the seed paddy facility is expected to become operable in the coming months. He said that oncethefacilityisoperable,it will have the capacity to produce 6,000 bags of seed paddypercrop.
MACORP celebrates 100th Cat 320 GX excavator milestone
Sales & Marketing Manager, Jordi Pinol presents the key to Chung's Global Inc., the customer who bought the 100th 320GX excavator from MACORP.

MACORP, the authorised dealer of Caterpillar machinery in Guyana last week celebrated a significant milestone:thesaleofits100th320GX Excavator
Tocommemoratetheachievement, the company hosted a customer appreciation event to thank its customersandrecognisethecompany, Chung'sGlobalInc.thatpurchasedthe 100thequipment.
The event, held at MACORP's headquarters, was attended by customers, employees, Caterpillar representatives and industry leaders, MACORPsaidinapressrelease.
The festivities included an exhibition, product demonstrations, and presentations by Caterpillar FactoryandSalesexperts.MACORP's President and General Manager,
German Consuegra told the gathering that reaching the 100th milestone is a testamentofhowthecompanyhelpits customers to create value through the quality of its equipment and the best product support capabilities in the market,highlightingsomeofthemain featuresofthe320GX.
“We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone with our valued customers who have deposited trust and confidence in us, and look forward to manymoreachievementstogether,"he said.
Ezekiel Jardine of Chung's Global Inc spoke highly of MACORP's support in helping to build the company “We have been in existence for about 25 years and have now solidified ourselves as one of the toptiercontractorsinthecountrywiththe help of MACORPthrough our fleet of
Caterpillarmachines,rangingfromthe 303allthewaytothe320GX.Theyare the number one brand in heavy machinery across the world. We look forwardtoalong-standingrelationship withyou,"hesaid.
Customers were exposed to Caterpillar's latest products and technologies, showcasing their commitment to meeting evolving customerneeds.
They also interacted with Caterpillar experts to gain valuable insightsandbestpracticesrelatedtothe equipment.As part of the celebrations tomarkthemilestoneevent,MACORP is currently hosting a 100th 320GX Milestonesalewith15%offits320GX and 320 Next Gen Excavators. These excavators come with 24 months warrantyandarepartoftheCaterpillar FuelGuaranteeProgram.

Rotary Club of Georgetown appoints new board of directors
The Rotary Club of Garden City has
a n n o u n c e d t h e appointment of its new board for the2024-2025year
The officers were officially commissioned at the club's Handing Over Ceremony held on SundayatOlympicHouse.
The ceremony witnessed the transition of leadership as the outgoing board, led by President AlvinaRambarran,handedoverthe responsibilities to the incoming board. The event was attended by esteemed Rotarians, and guests whogatheredtocelebratetheclub's achievements and to welcome the newleadershipteam.
The newly appointed board members for the 2024-2025 year areasfollows:
·President:MelissaDeSantos President Elect: Risa De Santos Vice President: Pearson Burch-Smith
·Treasurer:OniecaDennis Directors:
· Club Administration: Ronald Burch-Smith
· Rotary Foundation: Ariane Mangar
·PublicImage:NatashaBacker Service Projects: Cindy Maloney
·YouthDevelopment:Mischka White
· Executive Secretary: Lisa Foster
· Environmental Officer: LadonnaKissoon
· Club Learning Facilitator: ArronFraser Sergeant at arms: Roger Harper
In her acceptance speech, incoming President, Melissa De Santos expressed gratitude for the trust placed in her and emphasised the club's ongoing dedication to service above self, a press release from the club stated “I am honoured to lead this dynamic and passionate group of Rotarians Together,wewillcontinuetomake apositiveimpactinourcommunity and beyond, upholding the values andmissionofRotary.”
Outgoing President Alvina reflected on the accomplishments of the past year and extended best wishestothenewboard.
“Ithasbeenaprivilegetoserve as President, it was truly a rewarding year, filled with lots of learning.
I am confident that the new board will lead with vision and determination, building on our successes and tackling new challenges with enthusiasm.” She acknowledged her directors and members who contributed to making her year a very successful one.
Theclubwasabletoachieveall of the Rotary International and District 7030 goals; the latter enabled the Club to receive the District 7030 Titanium Award for itsexcellentwork.
Assistant Governor, Elizabeth Cox, also spoke at the event thanking the outgoing President and congratulating the incoming President and her Board of Directors.
TheRotaryClubofGardenCity - Georgetown is in its 4th year of existence, with numerous projects under its belt focused on safeguarding the environment, education,andmentalhealth.
Canadianbusinessman wins$25Mjudgmentfor libelagainstVictorSingh
Heralall Nandlal, a Guyanese and Canadian national, who is a practising CPA/Chartered Accountant in Canada and a Director of local tire and lubricant distributor,IdealSuppliesInc.,was awarded$25millionjudgmentplus costforlibel.
The judgment was awarded againstVidyarithi'Victor'Singhfor false, defamatory, and libelous statementspostedontheFacebook.
Mr Nandlal'sAttorney-at-Law, Mr Stephen G. Lewis, had filed a claim in the High Court, on September 21, 2022, for $750 million.
According to information published by online news site, News Source, the businessman claimedinexcessof$50millionfor eachpostthatwasmade.
Nandlal in his Statement of Claim document filed in 2021 stated that Victor Singh who is the Administrator for the Facebook Group:PPP/CFamily,sharedfalse, defamatory, and libelous posts in

Undertheleadershipofthenew board, the club aims to expand its outreachandimplementinnovative programs that address current community needs. The Handing
Over Ceremony concluded with a renewed commitment to Rotary's core principles of service, fellowship,diversity,integrity,and leadership.
$56M Canefield Health Centre commissioned

the Facebook Group about him repeatedly
He said there were also fake Facebook accounts that were allegedly being used by the same VictorSinghtomakestatements.
Hesaidtheoffensivepostswere madeovertheperiodofoneyear
According to the businessman, he has repeatedly reported the matter to the Cyber Crime Unit of the Guyana Police Force but no action has been taken and his only option is to approach the Court for redress.In addition to a claim for damages, Nandlal also sought to have the Court issue an injunction to prevent further posts by Victor Singh and to also take down existingposts.
Singh has found himself the subjectofseveralpolicecomplaints overtheyears.
Back in 2021, the plaintiff had issued a press release explaining that he reported this matter to the cybercrime division of the Guyana PoliceForceinlate2021.
Ensuring the residents of Canefield in Canje, Region Six have access to quality healthcare services,theMinistryofHealthon Saturdaycommissionedanew$56 millionhealthcentreinthearea.
Officiallyopeningthebuilding was Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony who was joined by DirectorGeneralattheMinistryof Health, Dr Vishwa Mahadeo; Region Six Chairman, David Armogan; Regional Executive Officer (REO), Narindra Persaud; and Regional Health Officer (RHO),Dr VishalyaSharma.
Kaieteur News understands that the health centre is equipped with medical supplies and equipment and is staffed with adequate human resources to provide primary healthcare servicestoresidents.
On Saturday, the Ministry reported that Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony at the commissioning ceremony said the openingoftheHealthCentreispart of the government's initiative to transform the health system into a
world-class healthcare system in Guyana.
Dr Anthonyelaboratedthatthe Ministry has since identified there are 115 different interventions at a health centre level, hence the Ministry continues to expand its efforts to train staff to provide this levelofcare.
“One of the things we have been able to do over the past two years is determine what level of intervention a health centre must have. We have decided that we must provide at least 115 interventions at a health centre level,andthereforethesestaffmust be trained to provide these interventions,”hestated.
Additionally, the minister took the opportunity to inform the community of the newly launched eye testing and spectacles programmeandthecervicalcancer screening programme and informed them to visit the health centre to uplift their vouchers and take advantage of this opportunity tobescreenedearly.Meanwhile,in her brief remarks, RHO, Dr.
Vishalya Sharma, reminded those gathered that quality healthcare services are essential to tackling illnesses and diseases. “We can only tackle our disease trend, our disease prevalence, by strengthening our primary healthcareaspect,”shesaid.
In a Department of Public Information (DPI) article, the minister at an event on Tuesday saidthattheministryhasembarked on building several health centres acrossthecountry,andthisaimsto decentralise and expand the range of public healthcare services provided to citizens. “As we build out these facilities, the idea is to havethehospitalsbutaroundthem, wewanttohavehealthcentresand healthposts. Andwewantthehealthpoststo beabletodeliveracertainlevelof services,” the minister was quoted inthearticle.
This year, to continue enhancing healthcare services and infrastructures, the ministry was allocated $110 billion from the nationalbudgettodoso.
4,500 dengue deaths in Region thus far - PAHO
Latin America and the Caribbean has reported 9.3 millioncasesofdenguesofar thisyear,twicethenumberof casesreportedinallof2023.
However,accordingtothe latest epidemiological update issued late last week by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the fatalityrateremainsbelowthe regional goal of 0 05%
"While we are seeing a notableincreaseinthenumber of dengue cases in the region this year, it is important to highlight that the proportion ofcasesthatprogresstodeath remains low thanks to countries' efforts and the support of PAHO," PAHO Director Jarbas Barbosa said.
"This situation highlights the importance of sustaining surveillance, strengthening prevention and control measures,andensuringtimely medicalcare,"headded.
In2024sofar,countriesin Latin America and the Caribbeanhavereportedmore than 9,500 cases of severe dengue (0.10%) and just over 4,500 deaths (fatality rate of 0.048%). Compared to the same period in 2023, all countries recorded increases incases.
This can be attributed to several factors, including territorial expansion of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, its main vector, which has expanded its range to areas where it was not present
before, potentially due to factors such as El Niño and climatechange.
In addition, rapid unplanned urban expansion and population growth, combinedwithpoorwaterand sanitation services, have created favorable conditions for the proliferation of mosquitoes in discarded objects and containers that a c c u m u l a t e w a t e r Furthermore, limited contact between humans and the dengue virus, due to reduced exposure from confinement measures and travel restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, may have increased the number of susceptiblepeople.
PAHO works closely with thecountriesandterritoriesof the region to implement comprehensive dengue prevention and control plans. These plans are based on PAHO's Integrated Management Strategy for ArbovirusDiseasePrevention and Control, adopted by PAHO Member States since 2003, which includes measuressuchasintersectoral coordination, strengthening epidemiological surveillance, improving timely clinical management, and integrated management of Aedes aegypti, with a cross-cutting focus on communication and communityparticipation.
To strengthen the
-MinisterSingh announces
capacities of health personnel in the clinical diagnosis and management of patients with dengue, PAHO has supported face-to-face and virtual training courses - through its Virtual Campus for Public Health. This has benefited more than 430,000 professionals and students of medicine and nursing in the region.
As the peak season for dengue circulation approaches in the northern hemisphere, PAHO urges countries and territories to redouble their efforts in detecting and preventing cases. Governments should raise community awareness about eliminating breeding sites, adopt personal protective measures to avoid mosquito bites, and ensure timely and appropriate medical care for patients Additionally, individuals are encouragedtoseekimmediate medical attention at any sign of alarm and take personal protective measures to preventmosquitobites
PAHO also invites countries and the community, especially in CentralAmerica and the Caribbean, to join the Mosquito Awareness Week. Under the slogan United for Health, this initiative seeks to raise awareness and involve the population in the prevention and control of dengue and other mosquitobornediseases.
Services offered by HomeAffairs Ministry to go fully online Govt. rolls out ICT Masterplan
With Guyana developing its information and communications technology (ICT) Masterplan 2030, the government aims to digitiseallMinistryofHomeAffairs'services and subagencies as part of phase one of the strategy.
This is according to President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, who outlined the government's digitisation strategy aligned with the ground-breaking Low Carbon DevelopmentStrategy(LCDS)2030.
Speaking with reporters on Thursday, the president said these include birth certificates, deathcertificates,immigrationservices,work permitting services, and visa services. “All of that we are looking to digitise on this first phase of this project,” the Head of State underscored.
According to President Ali, this undertaking will eventually be implemented withinsixotherministriesinkeepingwiththe ICTvisioninganddigitaltransformationplan. IntheLCDS2030,thePPP/CGovernmenthas outlined its ambitious plan of transitioning to e-governanceleveragingdigitaltechnologyto revolutionise all sectors, thereby enhancing the operations of public sector organisations. The national e-identification project is one component of this strategy and is being implemented.AUS$34.5millioncontracthas
already been signed with German-based company Veridos Identify Solutions to developthissystem.Some$783.4millionwas allocatedtothenationalbudgettocontinuethe projectthisyear.
“As you know, the implementation of the National ID is one of our keystone projects.
TheISO-certifiedInternationalCivilAviation Organisation accepted CAD system, will allowfortheissuanceofresidentidentification and work permit, and will facilitate a more coordinated approach to public service delivery,” President Ali detailed. The e-ID systemwouldallowforfingerprintverification and validation of individuals so that the need for proof of address and all the audit documentation may be eliminated. It will, however, not replace the current National Identification card. The government is also actively expanding the 'Safe Country' which has produced excellent results in crime fightingandtheprotectionofcitizensandtheir assets.
The government will work to create a nationalonlineportaltoserveasagatewayto access digital government services, the digitisationofpopulation,andcommercialand land registers. Data centres to support the provisionofservicesprovidedbygovernment agencieswillbeexpanded.(DPI)
Canadian gold company to produce
annually – Minister Bharrat
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat recently disclosed thatwhenCanadianmining company, Reunion Gold starts gold production at its Oko West gold project, locatedinGuyana'sRegion Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) – the project would yield about 200,000 gold annually.
Back in April, the Government of Guyana (GOG) signed a US$1 million mining contract with Reunion Gold. Under the terms of the Mineral Agreement, Reunion Gold Corporationanditswhollyo w n e d G u y a n e s e subsidiary are granted stablefiscalandoperational conditions throughout the project'slifespan.
These conditions align withtheprevailingstandard terms established by the country, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement for all parties involved.
The Company had said it is moving forward with development studies to advance Oko West towards a construction decision.As partofthiswork,itexpects to complete a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) by mid-2024, which will provide an estimate of the key economic parametersoftheproject.
Moreover, Reunion Goldisactivelyconsidering both open-pit and

underground mining. The company aims to reach a construction decision by 2025, marking another crucial milestone in its journey toward operational readiness in Guyana's gold industry
The Canadian mining company has firmly set its eyes on reaching gold production at its Oko West Gold Project by 2027. Last June, the company announced its maiden resource estimate of 2.5 million ounces of gold Now the company estimated that the mining projecthasanestimated4.2 millionouncesofgold.
In February 2024, Reunion announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate(MRE)containing a total of 4.3 M oz. of gold in Indicated Resources grading 2.05 g/t and 1.6 M oz of gold in Inferred

Resourcesgrading2.59g/t. The February 2024 MRE includes an underground Resource containing 1.1 M oz.ofgoldatagradeof3.12 g/t Au in the Inferred category
This publication had reportedthatthecompany's Chief Executive Officer (CEO),RickHowes,during an interview disclosed that they are on a fast tracked timeline with its Oko West project In 2020, the Companyannouncedanew greenfieldgolddiscoveryat its Oko West project and announced its maiden mineral resource in June 2023afterjust22monthsof resourcedefinitiondrilling. Since discovery, Howes noted that the resource estimatecontinuestogrow, and that the deposit offers ample scale to underpin a meaningful mining operation.

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call: (592) 610-6650.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, attractive salary. Call: 673-7373.
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One experienced Domestic to work 3 days per week in Bel-Air Park. Salary $6000 per day. Call: 226-2322.
Handy boy to work 2 days per week. Good salary & conditions. Call: 226-2322.
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1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Canter truck, great for mobile vending, 2019 December, RHD with 54,500 KM. Arrived in Guyana December 2023. Contact: 676-5051.

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Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport & i130 application forms. Call: 6267040.
GTA showcases destination at Caribbean Media Marketplace in New York
The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) recently participated in the Media Marketplace during Caribbean Week in New York, demonstrating its commitment to promoting Guyana as a premier travel destination.
Representing Guyana at the event was Christina Koontz from CornerSun Destination Marketing, one of Destination Guyana’s North American Marketing Representatives. The Media Marketplace, a highlight of the week-long celebration of Caribbean tourism, took place on June 17, 2024, at the InterContinental New York Times Square. The Media Marketplace event serves as a vital platform for networking with leading voices, experts, and stakeholders from across the Caribbean tourism industry. This year’s event brought together media professionals, travel writers, influencers, and tourism officials, providing an opportunity to showcase Guyana’s unique offerings.
In a press release, the GTA said that Ms. Koontz high-
lighted the significance of participating in such a prestigious forum. She expressed that “The Media Marketplace provided an exceptional platform for us to share Guyana’s rich culture, vibrant heritage, and unparalleled natural beauty with influential media and travel professionals. We are excited about the prospects this exposure brings for our destination.” Kamrul Baksh, Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority, emphasised the importance of these engagements in promoting Guyana on the international stage. “Our participation in the Media Marketplace at Caribbean Week in New York is a testament to our ongoing efforts to position Guyana as a top travel destination. By engaging with key media outlets and industry professionals, we are ensuring that Guyana’s tourism potential is recognised and appreciated globally,” Baksh stated.
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), organiser of Caribbean Week in New York and its signature Media Marketplace event, is dedicated to positioning the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warmweather destination.
The CTO’s mission aligns with the GTA’s efforts to promote sustainable tourism and showcase Guyana’s unique attractions to a global audience. The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) is the official tourism agency responsible for promoting Guyana as a premier travel destination. With a focus on sustainable tourism development, the GTA works to showcase the country’s rich cultural heritage, diverse ecosystems, and unique attractions to travellers worldwide.
The event featured prominent media publications, including Condé Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure, and Essence Magazine. As a Gold level exhibitor, the GTA had the opportunity to conduct multiple meetings with these influential outlets, fostering valuable connections and enhancing Guyana’s visibility in the competitive tourism landscape.
TIGI stresses bipartisan cooperation to tackle...
From page 8 had to act… we have to stay tuned.
I think that this is just the tip of the iceberg, in my humble opinion and there could be many more [sanctions] to come but who, when, where, why, what, I don’t know. I’m scanning the headlines like the average Guyanese.”
There is widespread concern about the effects that the
sanctions could have on Guyana’s economic interests, considering that the Mohameds are prominent figures in the Guyanese business arena, and that the nation’s development hinges somewhat on foreign investment.
“It’s not a positive development for the country or its investment framework, you know if someone
wants to invest and they do their due diligence in Guyana, they’ll say ‘what the hell is happening in here’,” said Singh. Nevertheless, Guyanese should certainly keep their eyes and ears focused on this matter, as it will undoubtedly have major ripple effects both in Guyana and internationally.
Govt. concerned about low gold recovery...
From page 2 exporters. “I have asked the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to seek further information at all export locations on gold exported by other gold dealers so that we can have information to see if it matches what is declared in our system”, the president said before revealing saying that GRA is managing the process and is very proactive in its approach for the information.
The sanctions imposed on the Mohameds were made by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The OFAC made allegations against the Mohameds for a series of corruption – including gold smuggling. It is alleged that
Thomas, the Permanent Secretary (PS) for the Ministry of Labour, misused her position to offer benefits, like government contracts to the Mohameds. On the sideline of an event at the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, Ambassador Theriot said the sanctions, are the result of over two and a half years of investigations by US authorities.
Ambassador Theriot highlighted the gravity of the offenses that led to these sanctions. She stated, “We reserve these types of sanctions for gross levels of corruption and human rights abuses.” Theriot went on to explain that, “it’s a very high bar, we do not do this lightly. This is something that we ensure that we have a preponderance of
evidence before we’re ready to levy the sanctions and we had that in this case against the three individuals who were sanctioned.”
Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Godfrey Statia have since written to the OFAC requesting additional information on the allegations.
President Ali on Thursday said that his government is still awaiting that information but have since revoked their cambio licence. The government has even moved to meet with local jewelers and local gold dealers asking to keep record of those who sell them gold.

Ocho Rios to be redeveloped, says PM
( J A M A I C A
Minister Andrew Holness says the Government is looking to redevelop the tourist resort town of Ocho Rios in St Ann to accommodate its rapid growth.
“In terms of the size of the investment we are looking to make, it’s in the billions of dollars so it is a huge investment — and the reasonforthatisbecausethe entire town of Ocho Rios is being looked at for redevelopment,” Holness told vendors and other stakeholdersduringatourof the Ocho Rios market last Friday
“I know you [the citizens] see that your town is growing, a lot of people arecomingintoyourtown,a lotofhousingdevelopments are going on around the town;andjustoutsideofthe
town we see some other areas developing as well,” h e a d d e d “ T h e infrastructure that is here cannotcarryalltheactivities that you have so we are going to have to do some really serious investments — and the first investment that we need to make in improving your town is improving the market,” the primeministeradded.
Holness said the plans to upgrade the market and transportationcentrewillbeput intoeffectinshortorder “For thelastfiveyearswehavebeen refining a plan which will see theupgradeofthemarket[and] the upgrade of [the] transportation centre and not just the clothes and the food [market] but we also havetodosomethingforthe craftmarkets,”hesaid.“My tour here is to see the actual physical conditions on the ground so that I can
reconcile what we have on paper versus what actually exists,” Holness added, and assured stakeholders that they will start to see significantchangessoon.
“ W e h a v e a comprehensiveplanwhichwe are going to start to put into effectveryshortlytodosome simplethings:Firsttoimprove the sanitary facilities in this market, and then to improve some of the street areas to create exclusive pedestrian zones,”hesaid Thetourofthe market formed part of a workingvisittotheparishby the prime minister which included a tour of a new classroom block being constructed at ExchangeAllAge School and a tour of the Ocho Rios Pier to examine recent damage He also visited Pimento Walk Road to look at road work in the area, and toured Little Dunn’sRiver

during a tour of the Ocho Rios
formed part of a working visit to the
Guyana to tap FOA US$70M global initiative to upscale soil management
T h e F o o d a n d Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) last week announced that it helped 28 countries to unlock US$70 million in financing from the Global EnvironmentFacility(GEF)
t o a d d r e s s u r b a n sustainability, groundwater management, biodiversity loss, climate change and landdegradation.
In a press release, the FAO said that 14 Caribbean states – Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados,Belize,Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica,St.KittsandNevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago will upscale sustainable soil management in the second phase of the SOILCARE initiative By supporting countries to achieve land degradation neutrality targets, the project will help theSmallIslandDeveloping States (SIDS) manage land
resources for more productive and climateresilient agrifood systems and livelihoods. The project aims to restore 28,000 hectares of agricultural lands, improve management of nearly 70,000 hectares of land, and directly benefit at least6,900farmers.
“These initiatives will help to increase the resilience of those on the frontlinesofclimatechange,
biodiversity loss, and land degradation,” said FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo after the projects were greenlightedbytheCouncils for the GEF Trust Fund and the Least Developed
Countries Fund in
Washington D C “These integrated agrifood system solutionswillhelpcountries and communities address complex environmental challenges and make a real difference to lives, livelihoods and our planet.”
The projects will contribute totheimplementationofkey FAO strategies in areas including climate change, biodiversity and integrated land and water resources management, Semedo noted. SustainableCities Additionally, the FAO said three projects in
Algeria, Chile, and Zimbabwe are advancing FAO’s work on urban agrifood systems, including the FAO Green Cities Initiative, by joining GEF’s SustainableCitiesIntegrated Program The program unites 20 countries and nine agencies, including FAO, to catalyze transformation towards nature-positive, climate-resilient, and carbon-neutral urban developments. FAO will help Algeria integrate ecosystem-based solutions, such as green
spaces and circular waste management approaches, into its New Cities Presidential Initiative. The project aims to restore 17,500 hectares of green spaces and urban and periurban forests, improve practices on over 21,000 hectares of landscapes, mitigate more than 715,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, and directly benefit 1,090,000 people Chile will receive FAO support to enhance ecosystem-based solutions and green infrastructure networks for biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation in four cities.The project aims toimprovepracticesonover 1,325,000 hectares of landscapes, mitigate over 14,900 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, and directly benefit nearly 732,000people.
The Organization will help Zimbabwe address ecosystem degradation and pollution in its two most populous cities through enhanced data analysis, urban agroforestry and greening, ecosystem restoration, and publicprivate partnerships The project aims to restore 300 hectares of forests and wetlands, improve practices
on 136 hectares of landscapes, mitigate over 24,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions,
and directly benefit 6,000 people.
Improving our lands and seas
Seven countries in Central America – Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama –willcollaboratetoscaleupa source-to-sea management approach to holistically manageinlandresourcesand coastal ecosystems The project will enhance the biodiversity, water security, and Blue Economy of 12 large watersheds and the Caribbean and Pacific large marineecosystemsthatflank the countries. The project aims to improve the management of over 1 8 millionhectaresofprotected areasonlandandsea,restore 300 hectares of wetlands, improve practices on over 353,000 hectares of landscapes, and directly benefit350,000people.
In Mauritania, the approved project will restore, promote inclusive use, and improve the integrated management of landscapes for agriculture, livestock and forestry to combat desertification, improve climate change mitigation and adaptation, and enhance biodiversity in the Gum Arabic belt. The project aims to restore 80,000 hectares of forest land, including 40,000
hectares of pasture and 300 km of livestock corridors, and mitigate 313,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The project also targets 60,000 direct beneficiaries.
I n B o s n i a a n d Herzegovina, FAO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will implement a project to advance land degradation neutrality and improve the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by enhancingthemanagementof important spaces for biodiversity and developing integrated spatial land use plans The project aims to improve management over 193,000 hectares of biodiversity conservation spaces, including protected areas, key biodiversity areas, and high conservation value forests The project will also restore 1,500 ha of degraded agricultural lands, mitigate over 2 million metric tons of greenhousegasemissions,and directly benefit 100,000 people
C l i m a t e c h a n g e adaptation
ThroughtheGEF’sLeast Developed Countries Fund, FAO will support Angola and Tanzania to adapt to climate change through c o m m u n i t y - b a s e d approaches. In Angola, the project will enhance the resilience of livelihoods, foodsecurityandnutritionto
climate change through sustainable land and forest management, strengthened agrifood value chains, and land tenure for smallholder farmers.Theproject aims to improve the management of 250,000 hectares of land for climate resilience, directly benefit 180,000 people and train 100,000 people In Tanzania, the project will addressthecountry’srapidly expanding livestock sector and increased land degradationandwaterstress in drylands through s
strengthened climate data systems.Theprojectaimsto improve the management of 20,000 hectares of land for climate resilience, directly benefit approximately 1.5 million people and train or raise the awareness of 175,000 people on climate changeadaptation. As a partner agency for the GEF, FAO supports countries worldwide in addressing the complex challenges at the nexus between the agrifood s y s t e m s a n d t h e environment. FAO’s active global GEF portfolio currently exceeds USD 1.4 billion, assisting more than 120countriesinprojectsthat respond to local priorities, d e l i v e r g l o b a l environmental benefits, and advance the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs).
Ukraine says it destroyed Russian drone base
(BBC NEWS) Ukraine says satellite pictures show the destruction of a Russian warehouse used to launch Iranian-made drones and to traincadets.
The photos - posted by Ukraine’s Navy - follow reports of a massive explosion near a Russian airfield in the southern region of Krasnodar Moscowhasyettocomment on the reports, but did say it has shot down a number of drones in the region overnight on Friday Navy officials in Kyiv said a number of training instructors and cadets learning to operate the Iranian-madeShaheddrones were killed by the attack, whichtheysaidhappenedon Fridaynight.
In a post to Telegram, Navy officials in Kyiv said the operation was planned andconductedinpartnership with Ukrainian intelligence agencies.Thebasesatonthe Sea of Azov opposite the occupied Ukrainian city of

Mariupol, data from Planet Labs - the US-based company who took the photos - showed. “New satellite images confirm the destruction on the night of June 21 of the Shahed136/Geran-2 storage and preparation facilities, training buildings, control and communication points oftheseUAVslocatedinthe Krasnodar Territory,” naval
officials wrote in a post to Facebook The photos posted to social media appeared to show two large warehouses bisected by a road running north-south on 11April.Subsequentphotos taken on Saturday showed one of the warehouses completely destroyed, with the other having sustained significantdamage. Russia said on Friday
Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep
(BBC NEWS) The Israeli military has said its forces violated protocol by strapping a wounded Palestinian man to the front oftheirvehicleduringaraid in the West Bank city of Jenin.
The Israel Defense Forces confirmed the incidentafteritwascaptured onvideoandsharedonsocial media AnIDFstatementsaid the man was wounded in an exchange of fire during the raid, in which he was a suspect. The injured man’s family said that when they asked for an ambulance, the armytookhim,strappedhim tothebonnetoftheirjeepand drove off The individual waseventuallytransferredto the Red Crescent for treatment The IDF said the incident would be investigated Eyewitnesses speaking to Reuters news agency identifiedhimasalocalman and named him as Mujahed Azmi “This morning [Saturday], during counterterrorism operations to apprehend wanted suspects in the area of Wadi Burqin, terrorists opened fire at IDF troops, who responded with fire,”theIDFstatementsaid.

“During the exchange of fire,oneofthesuspectswas injuredandapprehended.
“In violation of orders and standard operating procedures, the suspect was taken by the forces while tiedontopofavehicle.“The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does notconformtothevaluesof theIDF Theincidentwillbe investigated and dealt with accordingly ” There has been a surge in violence in
theWestBanksincethestart ofthewarintheGazaStrip, triggeredbyHamas’sdeadly attack on southern Israel on 7 October The UN says at least 480 Palestiniansmembers of armed groups, attackersandcivilians-have been killed in conflictrelatedincidentsintheWest Bank, including East Jerusalem Ten Israelis, includingsixsecurityforces personnel, have also been killedintheWestBank.
Ukrainianmissileattackona beach on the peninsula
Mikhail Razvozhaev - who was installed by Moscow as the regional governor in 2020 - said almost 100 people were injured by missile fragments in the attack on Uchkuyevka near thecityofSevastopol.
Russia’s defence ministrysaidfiveprojectiles had been destroyed by air defencesbutdebrisfromthe interceptions fell on coastal areas Officials said the missiles were US-made ATACMS - which are capableofstrikingdeepinto Russian-held territory
that it had shot down 114 drones during a Ukrainian attack on oil refineries and military targets in the south ofthecountry Officialssaid thatonepersonwaskilledby falling debris, but did not mention the attack on the drone base. On Saturday Russian-installedofficialsin occupied Crimea said three people including two children were killed in a
Elsewhere, the governor of Russia’s Belgorod region saidfurtherUkrainiandrone attacksovernightonSunday left one person dead and three more injured Vyacheslav Gladkov said oneofthedronesdestroyeda carparkinGraivoron-about six kilometres (3.7 miles) fromtheUkrainianborder
Meanwhile, officials in Kyiv said two people were
injured and scores of residential buildings were damaged in a Russian missile and drone attack on the Ukrainian capital on Saturday night Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the K y i v r e g i o n a l administration, said the people were injured by falling debris. He noted that six tower blocks, 20 private homes and several shops were damaged in the attack. Ukraine’s air force said it destroyed two of three missiles launched by Russia towardstheKyivregion.
During his nightly address from the capital, P
renewed his appeal to Western nations to supply newairdefencestoUkraine, specifically calling for Usmade Patriot systems “U
necessary forces and means to destroy the carriers of these bombs, particularly Russian combat aviation whereveritis,”hesaid.
TwoUSmilitaryairmenseektobecome conscientiousobjectorsoverGaza
(AL JAZEERA) Two active members of the United States Air Force wish to leave military service and become conscientious objectors over Washington’s support for the Israeli military in Gaza.
Larry Hebert and Juan Bettancourtsaytheynolonger wishtoservetheUSmilitary duetoitsroleinthewar,which has killed more than 37,400 Palestinians, mostly children and women They have officially requested, through an existing procedure in the military, to become conscientious objectors, people who refuse to participate in military service on ethical or moral grounds. Hebert, a senior airman on active duty in the USAirForce,toldAlJazeera there is a long history of conscientious objectors from the US, including in protest against the wars in Vietnam andIraq Hesaidhehopesto highlight that becoming a conscientious objector is an option for other active-duty US soldiers “I think a lot of service members don’t actuallyknowentirelywhat it is and what their rights are,”hesaid. While on leave from
duty in April, Hebert protestedoutsidetheWhite House, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the end of shipments of US weapons to Israel. Hebert had earlier told US broadcaster NBC News that the death of sixyear-old Hind Rajab in Februarywasaturningpoint Rajab’s family car was targeted by Israeli tanks and she begged for rescue in a phone call as she was strandedinsidethecarwith herdeadrelatives.
“She looks almost just like my daughter, and that was something that was extremely hard to grasp, is that all these children that have aspirations and dreams and lives thatmany ofusarelivingandwant,and it’s wholly unjustified to support what’s happening,” Hebert told NBC News, adding that he worked on a US operation to provide weaponssalestoIsrael
A i r m a n J u a n Bettancourt also said he could not support the US’s role after watching Gaza news.“Iseetheslaughterof thousands of innocent civiliansallwhiletheworld watches through their smartphones,” Bettancourt
told NBC, which reported theairforcehasactedon36 conscientious objector applications since the beginning of 2021, 29 of which were granted. By objecting publicly, the pair hope to influence the US’s position on support to Israel.Theyhavealsobeen influenced by Aaron Bushnell, the US airman who self-immolated in February to protest against the Gaza war The US has providedthousandsoflarge bombs, along with other munitions and equipment, as well as intelligence support, to the Israeli military since the start of the war on Gaza. Those weapons, including 2,000pound (907kg) bombs, have been repeatedly used in large-scale attacks that have killed many civilians, including in attacks on UnitedNations-runschools that are now used as shelters for displaced Palestinians.
But earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video statement strongly criticising the US for “withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel” inrecentmonths.
Guyana ranks second lowest in Region for renewable electricity generation
Guyana has been
r a n k e d t h e second lowest countryinLatinAmericaand the Caribbean Region for power generation using renewables, a new report from the Development Bank of Latin and the Caribbean (CAF)shows.
CAF in its 2024 Report on Economic Development (RED) titled 'Renewed energies: A just energy transition for sustainable development' explained that total energy consumption in Latin America and the Caribbean is 24.2 exajoules (EJ),ofwhich20%(4.78EJ) corresponds to electricity generation.
According to the report, “This electrification rate is slightly lower than that of OECD countries (around 22%) and remarkably
heterogeneous across countries,rangingfromlows of 1% and 7% in Haiti and Guatemala to highs of 26% and 27% in Panama and Suriname,respectively.”
Notably, 57% of electricity is produced from renewable sources in the region.
This is significantly higher than the world averageof36%.
The energy report explainsthattheregionhasa relatively clean electricity matrix.
“Nonconventional renewable energy (NCRE) represents 11% of power generation, similar to the global value, indicating that the advantage in non-fuel generationcomesfromwater resources, from which 80% ofelectricityfromrenewable sources is generated,” the reportstates.
Furthermore, the participationofthesesources in electricity generation is heterogeneous among countries The Caribbean
i s l a n d s s h o w l o w participation in nonfuel generation, reaching a maximum of 14% in the DominicanRepublic.
Meanwhile, in South America, there is a group of countries with medium progress, where non-fuel
generation represents between30%and40%ofthe total, and another group of advanced countries, with
values between 74% and 80%.
Paraguay stands out in the report since all its generation comes from hydroelectric sources. Most
of the Mesoamerican countries show values between44%and68%,with the exception of Mexico (23%), on the low end, and Costa Rica (99%), on the highend.
While the report did not provide specific details on the renewable power generated by Guyana or the nation's progress in this regard, a table depicts poor use of electricity generated by non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRE),includingsolarand wind.
The energy report highlights the need to increase the electrification rate and use of green energy options.Itexplainsthatinthe International Energy Agency's (IEA's) announced net zero emissions scenario, theelectrificationrateforthe region reaches 41% in 2050. Along with this expansion, there is a significant growth in installed capacity from solar and wind sources, whichreach43%and19%in 2050,respectively
While countries around the world transition to renewable energy, Guyana has taken a different approach and said it would provide the electricity needed through the use of natural gas- a cleaner fuel in comparison to the Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) presently usedtogeneratethecountry's electricalneeds.
In April, this newspaper reportedthatsevenstatesare now using renewable energy to supply nearly all of their electricity needs The Government of Guyana (GoG) is however adamant thatrenewableenergycannot be used to supply stable electricityforthecountry
A recent report by the 'Independent' highlighted those countries, such as, Albania, Bhutan, Nepal, Paraguay, Iceland, Ethiopia andtheDemocraticRepublic of Congo produced more than 99.7 percent of the electricity they consumed using geothermal, hydro, solarorwindpower

Chart showing the share of non-fuel electricity generation, i.e., the share of non-thermal generation in electricity production and the percentage of this that is obtained from non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRE), including solar and wind. (Source: CAF 2024 Energy Report)

Sinner wins first title as world number one
(BBC Sport) - Jannik Sinner claimed his first title as world number one with victoryoverHubertHurkacz attheHalleOpen.
Italy’s Sinner won his first Grand Slam at the Australian Open in January
and replaced Novak Djokovic at the top of the world rankings earlier in June.
He secured his first grass-court title with a 7-6 (10-8) 7-6 (7-2) victory against Poland’s Hurkacz, who he also played doubles withinGermany
Sinner has lost just three matchesthisseason-falling twicetoCarlosAlcarazatthe French Open and Indian Wells, and being beaten by Stefanos Tsitsipas in Monte
Hewillbethetopseedat Wimbledon, which begins on 1 July, as he looks to go one step further than his semi-finalshowingfromlast year
“I’m just looking forwardtoWimbledon.Last year I made the semis, I playedsomegoodtennis,so let’s see what’s coming this year,”the22-year-oldsaid.

Monday June 24, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some i
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
oday, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
y histo
y lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

“I’m more confident for sure. Obviously the grass mightbeabitdifferentfrom hereandWimbledon.
“But I have one week nowtoprepare,sohopefully it’s going to be a good tournament.”

Jannik Sinner was playing in his first tournament as the world number one (Getty Images)

Fullkrug scores late as Germany draw with Switzerland
(BBCSport)-Substitute NiclasFullkrugscoredalate equaliser for Germany as they rescued a draw with SwitzerlandtotopGroupA.
The Swiss thought they were going through to the last16asgroupwinnersafter an early goal from Dan NdoyeuntilFullkrugheaded intheequaliser
Therewasanoutburstof celebration from home supportersbehindthegoalas Germany maintained their unbeatenstarttoEuro2024.
It was a blow to Switzerland, who had defendedresolutelyformore than90minutesbuttheystill progress to the knockout stages.
MuratYakin’ssideknew victory would see them leapfrog Germany and they almost delivered in Frankfurtuntilpressuretook itstollinstoppagetime.
Germany, who had largely frustrated the home fans in the stands, created a
flurryofchanceslateonand eventuallydidenough.
Earlier, Swiss fans were bouncing and singing in the stands after Ndoye had placed a first-time shot into the roof of the net from Remo Freuler’s dangerous cross.
Ndoye also had a goal ruled out for offside in the second half that would have madeit2-0-thesecondtobe crossed off after the video assistant referee (VAR) intervened for Germany’s RobertAndrich.
Andrich curled a shot from the edge of the box
under the arms of goalkeeper Yann Sommer, whose blushes were saved when referee Daniele Orsato overturned his decision after going to the pitchside monitor to see a foul from Jamal Musiala in thebuild-up.
Germany had lacked the ruthlessness they had shown in their opening

two victories of the tournamentbuthighhopes remain that they can go all t h e w a y i n t h e competition
Germany underwhelm butgetthejobdone
Germany boss Julian Nagelsmann named the same side for the third
match running and it appeared to take its toll as his players lacked energy andcreativity
It was often too easy for Switzerland to implement their gameplan as they stayed compact and organised while
struggled to break them down
(SportsMax) - In a stunning display of speed and focus, World 100m
champion Sha’Carri Richardson secured her place at the 2024 Paris Olympics by winning the 100m at the US Olympic TrialsinEugene,Oregon,on Saturday night With a world-leading time of 10.71
seconds, Richardson dominated the competition, cementing her status as an early favourite for Olympic gold.
Richardson’s final at Hayward Field started with an intense staredown, a marked departure fromherexuberantsalutes to the crowd in earlier heats
This newfound focus paid off spectacularly, as Richardson blazed down the track to clinch victory and her first Olympic berth
Joining her on the plane to Paris are training partners Melissa Jefferson and Twanisha Terry, who finished second and third with times of 10 80 and 1 0 8 9 s e c o n d s , respectively Jefferson’s timewasalifetimebest
This victory marks a significant milestone in Richardson’s career, es

Sha’Carri Richardson wins a heat of the women’s 100-metre during the U.S. Track and Field Olympic Team Trials (Photo:
disappointment of missing theTokyoOlympicsduetoa suspension for marijuana use. She acknowledged the struggles she has faced, saying, “Everything I’ve been through is everything I have been through to be in this moment right now There’s nothing I’ve been throughthathasn’tdesigned metositrighthereinfrontof youtoanswerthisquestion.”
Richardson’s resurgence has been marked by notable achievements, including winning the 100m at the world championships in Budapestlastsummerwitha personal best of 10.65 seconds. She also anchored the US 4x100 relay team to victory
Richardson’snextgoalis to qualify for the 200m. She enters the event with the third-fastestqualifyingtime, behind Tokyo Olympic bronze medalist Gabby Thomas and 2024 NCAA champion McKenzie Long. The first-round heats for the women’s 200m are scheduledforThursday Before Richardson’s electrifying performance, Noah Lyles, the reigning world champion at 100m, ran his preliminary heat in 9.92seconds,thefastesttime in the first round of men’s qualifying. Christian Coleman also advanced winning his heat in 9.99 whileFredKerleyran10.02 toalsoadvance.
(BBC Sport) - Red Bull’s Max Verstappen prevailed in a tense, strategic battle with McLaren’s Lando Norris to win the Spanish Grand Prix.Verstappen’sseventh victory in 10 races this year hinged on a decisive opening phase of the race fromtheDutchman.
Verstappen was in the lead by lap three while Norrisstayedstuckbehind Mercedes’GeorgeRussell for15laps.
ItleftNorristoomuch to do and Verstappen was abletomeasurehispaceto control the McLaren behind. Lewis Hamilton took his first podium finish of the year for Mercedes in third, ahead of Russell, as Britons finished second, third and fourth. Charles Leclerc was fifth, leading home Ferrari team-mate Carlos Sainz.
The race underlined thefactthatRedBullhave lostthemassiveadvantage theyheldoverthefirstfive
Germany’s response took a while to arrive as they were wasteful and impatient, resulting in countless shots from outside the box flying overthebar
Kai Havertz headed over the bar twice and Ilkay Gundogan sliced a shot wide before Fullkrug finally broke the Swiss resistance While this performance might humble Germany, they remain one of the favourites to lift the trophy in Berlin and showed character to find the goal they needed to helptheirroutetothefinal becomeeasier
ForSwitzerland,itwas another step in the right direction as they continue to make strides under Yakin and they have now progressed from the group stage in their past three Eurosappearances
Ndoye’s clinical finish - against the run of playgave Switzerland a huge confidence boost and they startedtothreatenmoreon the break, while Germany grewfrustrated It was the Swiss fans making the noise at halftime as the players went down the tunnel with blotchesofredstillvisible on the pitch, left by objects thrown in celebration
Verstappen holds off Norris to win in Spain

racesoftheseason,butalso thatVerstappen is operating at a level of consistent excellence in the cockpit and will be tough to beatn o t o n l y f o r t h e championship, on which he has a stranglehold, but also on individual race weekends. McLaren have been on Red Bull’s pace since the Miami Grand Prix in early May, and Verstappen has not taken a pole position since the ChineseGrandPrixinApril. Even so, Verstappen has won three of the past five
races and consolidated his championshipadvantage. Norris has moved ahead ofLeclercintosecondplace but is 69 points behind Verstappen after 10 of 24 races. “I should have won it,”Norrissaid.“Igotabad start, as simple as that. The carwasincredibletoday,we wereforsurethequickest,I justloseitinthebeginning.
“Disappointed but a lot of positives. One negative and that kind of ruined everything.IknowthatIcan just work on it for next time.”

Afghanistan shock Australia to keep semi-final hopes alive
( B B C S p o r t ) -
Afghanistan shocked
Australia to keep their T20 World Cup hopes alive with a historic 21-run win in St Vincent.
Needing a victory to avoid elimination, Afghanistanposted148-6on a challenging surface on the back of a superb opening stand of 118 between Rahmanullah Gurbaz and IbrahimZadran.
They quickly reduced Australiato32-3inthechase before Glenn Maxwell’s 35ball half-century recovered the situation for the 2021 champions.
But just when Australia seemed to have the advantage, Gulbadin Naib removedMarcusStoinisand TimDavidbeforetakingthe prizewicketofMaxwell.
From there, Australia collapsedfrom106-6to1139andAfghanistansealedthe win - their first over Australia in any form of cricket-inthefinalover
“We’ve been waiting for a long time, it’s a great moment for me, my nation, my people,” said player of thematchGulbadin.
PatCumminshadearlier taken his second hat-trick in as many games - the first player to achieve the feat in T20 internationals - but despiteAustralia’sfightback with the ball, Afghanistan’s total proved to be beyond them.“It’samassivewinfor usasateamandasanation,”
Afghanistan’s win is their first over Australia in any format of the game (Getty Images)

added Rashid. “In a World Cup, to beat champions [Australiaare50-overworld champions]isagreatfeeling and it is something we have missed “It’s just the beginningforusandwehave every chance of making the semis.”
Meanwhile, Australia takeonIndiainStLuciaand will likely need to win to progresstothelastfour HistoryforAfghanistan
A win for Australia would have taken them and India safely through to the
Instead, the group has beenbroughttolifethanksto a memorable Afghanistan win.“It’ssoimportantforus and back home. People in Afghanistan are badly missing this win and I’m sure they are proud of us,” saidRashid.
The first moment of intrigue came at the toss when Australia opted to bowlfirstatagroundwhere chasinghashistoricallybeen difficult.However,itquickly becameapparentthatbatting
was not going to be simple on a bouncy pitch offering movement for seamers and spinners alike. “We were outplayed tonight,” Marsh said. “I don’t think it was wonorlostatthetoss,Iwas more than happy to bowl first.”Afghanistan’sopeners battled through some tricky opening overs before acceleratingtowardstheend ofthepowerplay
Gurbaz and Zadran picked their moments to attack superbly as the inningsprogressedbut,with
boundaries not always easy to come by, it was their tireless running between the wickets that really kept the momentumgoing.
Afghanistan, who are coached by former England batter Jonathan Trott, falteredoncethepartnership was broken with Cummins nipping in to claim his own landmark late in the innings but the openers had done more than enough to give theirsideachance.
Theygottheidealstartin the second innings, too, as
Naveen-ul-Haq bowled Travis Head with a beauty third ball and then got rid of Australia skipper Mitchell Marshwithaslowerball.
When David Warner fell in the last over of the powerplay, Afghanistan were in control but they knewbetterthantothinkthe job was done against Australia, especially with Maxwellatthecrease.
The all-rounder produced one of the great innings to deny them at the 50-over World Cup in India last year and, for a time, he threatenedtorepeatthefeat.
B u t t h i s t i m e Afghanistan would not be denied. Naib dragged them over the line almost singlehandedly, taking four wickets – including the big one of Maxwell, caught at backward point – and then diving to take a stunning catch to get rid of Ashton Agar
Adam Zampa was the lastmantogo,holingoutoff Azmatullah Omarzai with fourballsleftinthematchas Afghanistan clinched a momentoustriumph.
The joyous celebrations told the story withAustralia defeated at last. And now Afghanistanhavethechance to add further chapters before this World Cup is done.
“Our journey starts now,” added Gulbadin “We’re very lucky to have a teamlikethis.
It was a thrilling encounter that ended in South Africa toppling West Indies by 3 wickets in their tense battle for a spot in the semisfollowingthebattleat the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium,Antigua.
Batting first, Windies had hiccups on their way to 135-8 in 20 overs Allrounder Roston Chase kept theirinningstogetherwitha classy52off42(3x42x6).
Left-handed opener Kyle Mayers playing his first game, scored 35 with two sixes and three fours.
Andre Russell (15) and Alzarri Joseph (11) tried to sign off the innings on a good note Leg-spinner
Taibraz Shamsi spun webs around the West Indies players, returning figures of 3-27; while 4 others returnedawicketeach.
The Proteas in reply made 124-7 in 16.1 overs after the revised score TristanStubb’shitfourfours in his 29 while Heinrich Klassen (22) and captain Aiden Makaram (18) and opener Quinton DeKock (12).
Bowling for the Caribbean side proved valuable in the end for pacers Russell (2-19) and Alzarri Joseph (2-25) supporting the off-spinner Chasewhobagged3-12. Rain,coupledwithsolid
bowlingfailedtokeepWest Indiesinthegame,asMarco Jansenprovedtheherowith his21notoutandsixtoseal thegame,gothisteamhome inthelastover SouthAfrica got their innings going by removingthedangerousduo of Shai Hope (0) and NicholasPooran(1).
But Mayers and Chase took the score from 5-2 to 70-2atthehalfwaymark,as both batsmen found the occasional boundary during their resurgent half-century stand.
When the pair was dismissed,justRussellanda few timely strikes from the tail, helped propel the West Indiestoadecenttotal.

Roston Chase and Kyle Mayers forged a strong partnership for West Indies (AFP/Getty Images)
England thrash USA to secure semi-final place
(BBC Sport) - England charged into the semi-finals oftheT20WorldCupwitha ruthless10-wicketthrashing oftheUnitedStates.
Chris Jordan took a hattrick - England’s first in men’s T20s - as the USA were dismissed for just 115 inBarbados.
A n d d e f e n d i n g champions England chased their target in just 9.4 overs meaningtheyareguaranteed to progress because of their excellentnetrun-rate.
Captain Jos Buttler endedonabrutal83notoutaknockwhichincludedfive sixes in one Harmeet Singh overwhichcost31.
EarlierJordan’shat-trick was part of a run of five wickets in six balls, four taken by the 35-year-old on the island of his birth as he returnedfiguresof4-10.
Englanddonotyetknow when, where or who they willplaytheirsemi-finalbut it will be on Wednesday in Trinidad or Thursday in Guyana.
They could yet top Group 2 if West Indies beat South Africa later on Sunday Afterthatthepicture will become clearer when

Australia meet India on Monday in what is likely to be a must-win fixture for England’sAshesrivals. England could meet either of those two, Afghanistan or less likely Bangladesh, in the last four as they hunt a third world T20 title in a campaign that almost met a premature end twoweeksago.
England romp into last four What a difference two weeks makes When England left Barbados after their second match of this World Cup, a damaging defeatbyAustralia,theirtitle
Ontheirreturntheyhave romped into the last four to keeptheirhopesalive.
Ofcourseitmustbesaid that three of their four wins have come against associate sides – Oman, Namibia and nowtheUS.
They have lost two of their three against top-tier opposition, having been beaten by South Africa on Friday
But they go into the semi-finals with momentum thanks to a savage demolition.
After Jordan’s delight,

Buttlerputtwosixesontothe roof of the famous Worrell, WeekesandWalcottStandas he found form with England’sfastestfiftyofthe tournamentandhisfirsthalfcentury since arriving in the Caribbean.
Phil Salt was able to admire from the nonstriker’s end with an unbeaten25.
Buttler’s side came into thisgameneedingtowinand boost their net run-rate to ensure another nervy night awaiting the outcome of West Indies’s meeting with South Africa was not
In truth such a victory was never in doubt. USA’s tournament ends with a heavydefeatbuttheirrunto the Super 8s has still been one of the stories of the tournament.
Jordan’s spectacular homecoming
When opener Andries Gous flicked Reece Topley forsixinthefirstover,there werechantsof“U-S-A!U-SA!” in the stands of one of cricket’s most iconic stadiums.
Thatwasasgoodasitgot for the US, however – the
show stolen by a man born justastone’sthrowaway
Topley had Gous caught at deep-mid-wicket for eight, Steven Taylor was taken at backward point by Moeen Ali to give Sam Currana50thT20wicketfor England and from there Rashidspunhisweb.
USA’s scoring ground to a halt as Aaron Jones and Nitish Kumar were both bowledbyRashidgooglies.
Corey Anderson, USA’s former New Zealand international, made a slow rebuildwith29from28balls but became Jordan’s first victim by hitting the Barbados-born seamer to long-on–aballafterCurran ended his over by having Harmeet Singh snaffled in thesamepositionfor21.
After that Jordan took centre stage as Ali Khan missedhisfirstballbutthen had his off stump sent cartwheeling, Nosthush Kenjige was trapped plumb in front and Saurabh Netravalkar was also spectacularlybowled.
Jordan beamed as he ran away in celebration in a special moment that sends Englandontothelastfour
Sri Lanka invest in youth ahead of women’s T20Is against West Indies
(Cricinfo) - Sri Lanka have given their women’s T20I side a youthful overhaul ahead of the threematch series against West Indies,makingsixchangesto the side that competed in last month’s T20 World Cup qualifiers Amongthemarethe under-25 trio of Imesha Dulani,SachiniNisansalaand Kaushini Nuthyangana - they have eight T20Is between them - and the uncapped 17 year-old Rashmika Sewwandi There are also recalls for the veteran pair of Oshadi Ranasinghe and Ama Kanchana,wholastturnedout for a T20I in September and February2023respectively
Making way are UdeshikaPrabodhani,Inoka Ranaweera, Hansima Karunaratne, Anushka Sanjeewani and Achini Kulasuriya. Of these, the omissionsofSanjeewaniand Kulasuriyaarelikelytoraise eyebrows after both had made their mark in the recently concluded ODI series against the West

Indies.Kulasuriyahadtaken threewicketsacrossthefirst and second ODIs before beingrotatedoutinthethird. Her economical spells had also played a crucial role in Sri Lanka’s unbeaten run in the qualifiers. Sanjeewani meanwhile had seemingly smashed her way out of a lean patch with a match-
defining46-ball55twodays ago On the whole, the exclusions and their replacements have seen the average age of the squad drop from 29.4 to 26.25.
Sewwandi, a batting allrounder,joins15year-old Shashini Gimhani - who made her debut in the qualifiers - in the 16-member
squad,whiletherearenowjust sixplayersabovetheageof30
Despitethesechangesthough, the batting unit remains as solid as ever, led by Chamari
Athapaththu Vishmi Gunaratne, still just 18, has already nailed down a spot at thetopoftheorder,whilethe likes of Harshitha Samarawickrama, Hasini
Perera, Nilakshi de Silva and KavishaDilhariwereallinthe runs during the West Indies ODIs
Kumari, Ama Kanchana, R
Imesha Dulani, Shashini Gimhani, Kawya Kavindi, Sachini Nisansala, Kaushini Nuthyangana
Therecouldalsobegame timeforDulaniandallrounder Sewwandi, along with Nuthyangana,whoistheonly recognised wicketkeeper in the squad The spin departmentaseverisstacked, and will be headed by the experienced trio of Ranasinghe, Inoshi Fernando and Sugandika Kumari They will be supplemented by wristspinnerGimhaniandleftarm spinner Nisansala - fresh off a five-wicket haul in her last ODI - while also being able to call on the services of Dilhari and Athapaththu MeanwhileKanchana,Kawya KavindiandSewwandiarethe seambowlingoptions The first T20I will take placeinHambantotaonJune 24 followed by the second andthirdmatchesonJune26 and 28. Sri Lanka women’s T20I squad: Chamari Athapaththu (capt), Vishmi Gunaratne, Harshitha Samarawickrama, Hasini Perera, Nilakshi De Silva, Kavisha Dilhari, Oshadi R
Archibald soared to impressive Long Jump victory at AP Invitational
B YRAWLETONEY-Amoahretrains100mtitle;mixedresultsforAbramssisters
The Aliann Pompey Invitational returned for the first time since 2019, and basedontheperformances,it was evident that the athletes were excited to compete in the country’s premier international track and field event, which took place on SundayattheNationalTrack and Field Centre, West Demerara.
Guyana’s Emanuel Archibald takes flight to win the men’s long jump (Rawle Toney photo).

RAN 15’s
Emanuel Archibald defeated a star-studded lineup to win the men’s long jump with a leap of 7.67 meters, surpassing the 2022 Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, LaQuan Nairn of the Bahamas (7.58 metres), and Australia’s HenryFrayne(7.50metres), the 2018 Commonwealth Games and 2011 World Indoor Championships silvermedallist.
A t t h e 2 0 2 2 Commonwealth Games, Archibald’s jump of 7.54 metersplacedhim11thinthe men’slongjump.
Ghana’s Joseph Amoah, the 2019 AP Invitational 1 0 0 m c h a m p i o n , successfully defended his title, crossing the finish line in 10 35 seconds He defeated Archibald (10.37 seconds) and Alex Ogando from the Dominican Republic (10.41 seconds), who finished second and
Championship 2024… TT dismantles Guyana at home
TheTrinidadandTobago (TT)ruggershavedampened
the Guyana Jaguars’ campaign to qualify for the 2027RugbyWorldCupwith a stunning 3-26 victory in their latest Men’s Rugby AmericasNorth(RAN)15’s championship match held yesterday at the Guyana Defence Force ground, CampAyanganna.
The Jaguars struggled against the tactical TT side, losing in match #7 of the championship.
Guyanaheldabrieflead, scoring early through a penaltybyGodfreyBroomes intheseventhminute,giving thehostsaninitial3points.
Ruairi O’Farrell missed an early penalty chance for Trinidad and Tobago, but Guyana’s lead was shortlived. Sustained pressure in the Guyanese half led to JonathanTaylorscoringatry in the 33rd minute, giving TrinidadandTobagothelead (5-3). Despite a promising runfromOwenAdonisinthe second half, Trinidad and Tobago continued to dominate the scoring Anderson Joseph extended

Guyana and Trinidad ruggers attempting to gain possession in a line-throw during Saturday’s rematch Saturday’

third, respectively Amoah’s hopes for a sprint double weredashedbySt.Kittsand Nevis’ Nadale Buntin, who won the 200m in 20 86 seconds The 2022 Commonwealth Games 200m bronze medallist finished second, just behind Buntin with 20.86 seconds, while Guyana’s Shamar Horatioran20.88secondsto finish third in the closely contestedrace.
It was a photo-finish in the Women’s 100m event, but when the dust settled, Michelle Lee-Ahye from Trinidad and Tobago claimed victory with a time of 11.49s, narrowly beating out Guyana’s Jasmine Abrams(11.53s).
Athaleyha Hinckson, the CARFITAGamesU17100m champion, secured third place with a time of 11.50 seconds.
However, in the 200m, Ahye had to settle for second-place, after being edgedbyDeshanaSkeete.
The University of Kansas athlete clocked her secondfastest time ever in the event, finishing in 2364 seconds Ahye placed second with a time of 2416 seconds, and Milagros Duran of the Dominican Republic finished thirdin2429seconds Overin the women’s 400m, Aliyah Abrams (5200s) took the top ofthepodium,whileKenisha Phillips (5286s) followed in secondplace TiannaSpringer ranherthirdfastesttimeeverin the 400m, 5291 seconds, to finishthird The16-year-old’s time at the AP Invitational ranks as the seventh-fastest U18 time in the world This addstoher5231secondsfrom theU20Women’s400matthe CARIFTA Games, which is currently the second-fastest U18 time globally. The Dominican Republic’s Lidio Feliz ran a season’s bestof46.02secondstowin the men’s 400m, ahead of Even Mafilas (46.39) of the USA and Nefer Santana (4651) from the Dominican
Republic Meanwhile, the men’s 800m kept fans on the edgeoftheirseatsasMatthew Gordon and Devaun Barrington engaged in a thrillingback-and-forthbattle Just when Barrington (1:5164) thought he had it covered, Gordon (1:5122) powered past him with 20 meterstogototakefirstplace Nicholas Daw (1:53 26) finished third, and Simeon Adams (1:5424) was fourth Leslain Baird took home the men’sjavelintitle,throwinga distance of 73.79 metres. Trinidad and Tobago’s AnthonyDiazfinishedsecond with 68 52 metres, and Guyana’s Gabriel Lim was third with a throw of 64.22 metres.
Trinidad and Tobago’s representative ran 13.65 seconds to win the men’s 110mhurdlesevent,aheadof Zaza Washington of Liberia (13.69 seconds) and Isaias Bless of the Dominican Republic,whoalsoran13.69 seconds.
their lead with a try in the 52nd minute and added another ten minutes later to completeabrace(15-3).
Perhaps, Guyana’s best opportunity came from a Lionel Holder run, but the Trinidadian defense held firm Christopher Hutson laterconvertedtwopenalties in the final ten minutes for TrinidadandTobago,further solidifyingtheirlead(21-3).
Trinidad and Tobago sealed their victory with Joseph
Trinidad and Tobago’s winincludedthreetries,one conversion, and three penaltiestosecureadecisive victory, as the Guyanese chances were stifled by a strongdefense.
The last time the two teams met, Guyana triumphed24-23intheaway leg.Withthisdefeat,Guyana will likely have to travel to BarbadosfortheirnextRAN 15’sfixture.

Archibald soared to to impressive Long Jump victory at AP Invitational
- Amoah retrains 100m title; mixed results for Abrams sisters