Kaieteur News

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…Terrence Campbell says Gov t . should negotiate with company for changes

ExxonM paying taxes in Bahamas but not a cent to Guyana

Twelve-year-old girl missing for three weeks Pressure mounts for full

probe into corrupt land deals - preparing to challenge matter in

company completes airstrip, roads to kick off Cit y Hall stands firm that it owns lands given to Qatari investors to build hotel

Missing girl: 12-year-old Shanacia Edwards
Edul ‘Ed’ Ahmad
Dr Phillip Baldeo

Condemnation grows over map at business

conference showing New River Triangle is

par t of Suriname

The Guyana Government and s e v e r a l l o c a l e n t i t i e s h a v e condemned the use of a map at a c


Triangle as part of that country

“Every Guyanese, especially those of us who hold positions of leadership and influence in this c o u n t r y,

d k n o

h certainty and conviction what are the limits of our territory. The New River Triangle remains an integral and indivisible part of the territory of Guyana, because it was so determined by a process recognised as binding under international law,” Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud said. His response came following reports of the map that was used at


Conference in Suriname, which w

Guyana Chamber of Commerce and organised by Action Invest Caribbean Incorporated and Global Event Partners.

Persaud in a statement on his Facebook page explained that the starting point of the boundary between Guyana and Suriname was determined in 1936 when a joint

British-Dutch-Brazilian Boundary Commission identified the source


watershed with Brazil, as the tri-

Guiana and Suriname meet.

“A monument exists marking

southernmost point of the boundary between Guyana and Suriname.

The Report of the tri-junction point was signed by Heads of the three C


effect: The Mixed Commission, being satisfied that this is the only river which in any way answers to the Schomburgk’s description of the Kutari agreed that the boundary Surinam and British Guiana, as defined in the instructions issued to the Mixed Commission, should follow the left bank of its longest branch.”

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e f o r e i g n secretary, the map of the trijunction point was duly signed by the Brazilian, British and Dutch Boundary Commissioners in 1936.

“Therefore, Guyana has always enjoyed continuous occupation of its internationally recognized and

legally established territory The New River Triangle has never been recognized nor administered as S u r i n a

appendage of a portion of Guyana’s territory to the map of Suriname neither creates nor establishes any legal rights to it. Further, the current

historical records relating to the unresolved border issues between t

recommendations to the Foreign Ministers about how these issues may be resolved. The Commission does not have a mandate to revisit the established boundary.”

A l s o i n a s t

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said that the presence of representatives of the Government of Guyana at the Conference in no way signifies the condoning by the Government of Guyana of the use of a map that incorrectly represents the territory of Guyana. “The Government of Guyana was not consulted about the map prior to its distribution. Had it been consulted; it would have strongly objected. For the

Triangle is part of the sovereign

Republic of Guyana. This status is based on

binding legal process

and The Netherlands in

determined in 1936 when a joint British-Dutch-Brazilian Boundary Commission identified the source

watershed with Brazil, as the tri-

Guiana and Suriname meet.” “The Continued on page 6

Line (left) shows the Guyana/Suriname disputed area

ExxonMobil paying taxes in Bahamas but not a cent to Guyana

As ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), continues to make massive profits from the resources in the Stabroek Block, the company enjoys

a n u n l i m i t e d t a x h o l i d a y, meaning it does not pay a cent in corporate tax to the G o v e r n m e n t o f G u y a n a (GoG).

E M G L , f o r m e r l y E s s o Exploration and Protection Guyana Limited (EEPL) is a company registered in the Bahamas with ExxonMobil Global Holding Investment

B.V being the 100 percent owner of that company

W i t h n e w t a x arrangements put in place by t h e B a h a m a s , E x x o n i s required to pay a corporate tax of 15% to the country, as

p o i n t e d o u t r e c e n t l y b y

b u s i n e s s m a n , T e r r e n c e

C a m p b e


, d u r i n g a n

erview on the People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNC/R’s) Nation Watch. He t o l d v i e w e r s o f t h e

b r o a d c a s t , “ I p e r s o n a l l y

…Ter rence Campbell says Govt. should negotiate with company for changes

believe that there is a way to renegotiate the contract that would be revenue neutraleven to Exxon- and it’s from the tax angle.”

The businessman went on to explain, “Globally, a lot of countries signed on to a minimum tax of 15%, so e v e n s o m e o f t h o s e havens…the last I remember is that they run a company out of the Netherlands that is then owned by a company out of the Bahamas. Even the Bahamas has signed on, the last I checked to this global minimum tax of 15%.”

The Bahamas enacted the Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax Act, 2024 (the Act) on 28 N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 4 T h e A c t i n t r o d u c e s a D o m e s t i c M i n i m u m T o p - U p T a x ( D M T T ) i n l i n e w i t h t h e

Organisation for Economic C o o p e r a t i o n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ’s ( O E C D ) Pillar Two Framework. The objectiv

s of the OECD’s framework are to implement a global minimum tax at an effective rate of 15% on the i n c o m e a r i s i n g f r o m multinational entities in each

y operate.

Consequently, Campbell questioned the logic behind t h


y m e n t o

s b y Exxon Guyana to Bahamas. He said, “Why should The Bahamas be getting taxes off of Guyanese oil and we (are) n o t g e t t i n g a n y t h i n g o u r s e l v e s h e r e ? I b e l i e v e that there is a way for those w

PSA and taxation

The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between the GoG and ExxonMobil

d o e s n o t r e q u i r e t h e c o m p a n y t o p a y a n y corporate taxes. Further, it states at Article 32.3 that if any changes are made that has an adverse effect on the economic benefits of the oil company, then the country would be required to take “ a n y a n d a l l a f f i r m a t i v e actions to restore the lost or impaired economic benefits

t o C o n t r a c t o r , s o t h a t Contractor receives the same economic benefit under the Agreement…”

e n o u g h f i n a n c i a l l y t o s i t down with Exxon quietly in a room and extract benefits from Exxon that is really revenue neutral to them, but would be a loss in some other jurisdiction.”

‘Berbice will need air por t to complement second gas project, deep-water por t’ - President Irfaan Ali

President Irfaan Ali said that Berbice will need an airport to support the government’s plan to have a deep-water port and a second phase of the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project that will be located in Region Six.

Last month, the head-of-state disclosed his administration’s intention to have the second gas project in Berbice as well as the deep-water port. However, these plans he had noted will be executed in the People’s Progressive Party next term – if reelected. President Ali made the comments during a recent interview on the Energy Perspectives Podcast. During the podcast, President Ali

creation, and improvements in the transport s

existing gaps.

He highlighted the need for significant infrastructure development in Berbice and point to the necessity of a deep-water port and a municipal airport to support the region

e c o n o m i c a c

v i t i e s . H e s a i d t h a t t h e Corentyne River Bridge, linking Guyana to Suriname will bring increased activities in Berbice.

President Ali stated, “It is my estimation that somewhere in Berbice we will need to have a municipal airport like Ogle.” He further explained that the airport would c o m p l e m e n t t h e s e c o n d g a s p r o j e c t i n Region Six, which is expected to bring s u b s t a n t i a l i n d u s t r i a l e x p a n s i o n a n d investment.

“ We w i l l h a v e m a s s i v e a t s c a l e investments. You’ll have power plants so that will create a whole ecosystem by itself. That is why the Municipal Airport, you’ll


of Guyana, Irfaan Ali

have private investment in real estate and everything there in Berbice and that, of course, lends its way now to a massive investment in a deeper port,” Ali said.

In relation to the deep-water port he said, “That deep water port you know, that’s will carry, I think, a decent price tag, and we are already looking at that. That is part of the p l a n . ” I n a D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 4 i n t e r v i e w, President Ali had disclosed that by midJanuary 2025 the government would have solid proposals for the execution of the deepwater port. He had said, “We will have a c o n s o r t i u m w o r k i n g w i t h t h e G u y a n a Shippers Association to come up with a plan as to how we can keep the draft at seven meters, at least, at the bottom of the tide, so you can have 24-hour use of the channel.”

Moreover, beyond Berbice, the President also pointed to the need for expanded road networks in Region Five and modernization of the agricultural sector, given its strategic link between Regions Four and Six.

As such, Dr Campbell m a d e t h e p o i n t t h a t government should seek to enter discussions with the company to allow taxes to be p a i d h e r e , i n s t e a d o f Bahamas. “There must be a way to finesse some things where Exxon doesn’t lose a n y m o n e y. S o m e o t h e r jurisdiction will perhaps end u p g e t t i n g t a x e s o f f o f Guyana’s oil and bring that money home. There are ways to go about renegotiation and that’s only one possibility,” he said.

Jagdeo lacks sophistication

In a subsequent interview

w i t h K a i e t e u r N e w s , D r

Campbell made the point that Guyanese should not be s u r p r i s e d i f E x x o n approaches government for a

m o d i f i c a t i o n o f c o n t r a c t

t e r m s , s h o u l d o i l p r i c e s decline. In the same manner, he said the nation should not be fearful in requesting the same. “If the price of oil falls to a point that kind of makes

i t d i f f i c u l t f o r E x x o n t o operate, it’s not beyond them

T h e b u s i n e s s m a n believes that there may be a p l e t h o r a o f o t h e r opportunities available to the country to enjoy a greater share of its wealth generated offshore. He however noted that this will require research and “sophistication” which the chief policymaker for the sector, Bharrat Jagdeo lacks. “Mr Jagdeo has the ability to speak with passion on both sides of the coin…he was all for renegotiating the contract and he raised issues like no t a x e s , z e r o r o y a l t y, r i n gfencing and so on. None of that has changed, he didn’t consider ring-fencing for the last five years,” Campbell said. As a businessman for a b o u t 3 7 y e a r s n o w, h e pointed out that contracts are renegotiated on a daily basis.

Double taxation

M e a n w h i l e , h e a l s o addressed the issue of double t a x a t i o n i n E x x o n M o b i l Guyana’s business with the Bahamas. Since EMGL is presented with a certificate by the GoG indicating that taxes have been paid locally, t h e c o m p a n y

u l d b e eligible for a waiver in the Bahamas. If there is a double t a x p o l i c y a g r e e m e n

between the two countries and the rates are the same, then taxes paid locally would b e t r e



Guyana and the Bahamas do not have a double taxation treaty, then Exxon will report its profits in the Bahamas and it would also show its taxes. It would then be taxed at whatever rate the Bahamas i s a p p

i n g t a x a t i o n , t h a t would be deducted and then the taxation is applied.”

t o c o m e t o t h e G u y a n a government and say times are tough and can we modify t h e c o n t r a c t a n d s o i t shouldn’t be beyond us to go t o t h e m a n d s a y h e y w e would like to benefit a little more from this oil contract. These discussions take place all the time and they are not usually controversial, ” the businessman said.

Dr. Terrence Campbell during his interview on Nation Watch

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Promises made, promises broken

Soon Guyanese will be going back to the polls to elect a new government. It is our position that all those who seek office must be judged by their deeds. Much has been said about the PNCR and its attempts to rig the 2020 elections and the mountain of corruption it presided over during the five years of the coalition government. These things for many people summarily have cancelled them out as a credible contender, even as the opposition itself has cast the PPP/C as corrupt and incompetent group.

In our Monday edition, we reported Vice President, B h a r r a t b a s i c a l l y d e f e n d i n g h i s g o v e r n m e n t ’s backpedalling on the many promises they made on the campaign trail back in 2020 regarding the oil contract the Coalition Government signed with ExxonMobil. Owing to their signal failure on the matter of the oil and gas sector, the government has been trying its level best to prevent the upcoming elections being framed as a referendum on their handling of it.

We have seen already when the question of a referendum to renegotiate the ExxonMobil deal was raised, how Jagdeo was quick to pour cold water on it, deeming it a new speaking point for the opposition. Instead, he wanted the opposition to talk about things he feels his government has an advantage on. He said thusly: “So one of the new causes…the people who signed the 2016 contract want referendum now, they and the WPA. They want to obfuscate the key issues, they don’t want to talk about delivery of house lots to people, fulfilling their dream of owning a home, they don’t want to talk about lower mortgage rates for people, they don’t want to talk about assistance in building, like core homes or young professional homes.” He stressed that the opposition is not speaking about the expansion of healthcare, the new water treatment plants nor the iron removal plants and a number of other achievements of the government but they are desperately looking “to find some issue to mobilise themselves around.

Then he said his government will not be caught in that trap as “GECOM must focus on preparing for the 2025 elections…They would love to have GECOM or someone else particularly GECOM divert their attention to something else. We are not falling into that trap at all. So that’s the only thing that they can come up with right now.”

Interestingly enough, as leader of the opposition, Jagdeo was a champion of renegotiation and better management of the sector Back in 2019, while being interviewed on 94.1 FM he said: “They (Coalition) sold us out to the foreigners – the oil companies. Every time there is a find there, our people should be sad because nothing comes our way. We are going to renegotiate those contracts because that’s not what we had in mind. When we were in the early days, we were coaxing the people (ExxonMobil and partners) to go along. They (APNU+AFC) came into office (and met) 3 billion barrels of proven reserves and then gave up zero royalty, no taxes, no ring-fencing, no local content for these people to spend any money here.”

He continued: “Paying our people GY$72,000 a month when the foreigner is getting US$10,000. Bringing water from California to drink here. We are paying for all that. Landscaping – they wanna contract it to a company coming from abroad and the Trinidadians and others are just walking in not only in the oil sector but they are getting all the prime lands too… So that is why I got back into politics. I’m not prepared to see this happen; I have no desire to be President again.”

The erstwhile former president had even promised to set up a Petroleum Commission and when confronted about it recently, he told a news conference that he has dealt with that 100 times before. And what did he say before. In August 2020, he was reported as saying that the body would be set up in six months and the Attorney

Rennie Parris’s analysis on PNCR’s Budget 2025 proposals misleading


I must correct a math error in a column published in your 9 February paper which amounts to over $200 billion dollars. I do so not out of an urge to humiliate your columnist, but because it has resulted in very misleading analysis.

In his column Talking dollars and making Sense, Mr Rennie Parris appears to double count the existing wages of public servants ($210billion) when he tries

t o c r i t i c i s e t h e P N C R ’s proposals for budget 2025. He mistakes $285 billion dollars for the cost of our p r o p o s e d 3 5 % s a l a r y increase when it represents the cost of both the increase and the existing public sector wage bill.

I must admit this is surprising, since even a c a s u a l g l a n c e a t t h e numbers would indicate a 35% salary increase cannot

c o s t $ 2 8 5 b ( u n l e s s t h e public servant wage bill

w ere over $800 billion, which it most certainly is not) As a result, instead of a total of $1 4t being the cost

of an alternative PNCR budget, according to his method of summation, he instead arrives at $1 618t

S a d l y, M r P a r r i s t h e n attempts to make the case that the PNCR’s proposals are not affordable, a case which rather falls flat given

$ 1 4 t i s s i m i l a r t o t h e

existing 2025 budget of $1 382t

He has made a few other errors, which he may spot in time, but there’s no point in

dwelling on them right now

I see the real source of his mistakes, however, as due to an odd willingness among Guyanese commentators to advocate spending hundreds of billions of dollars on traditional policies which have largely failed us, rather t h a n e m b r a c e p o l i c i e s t a i l o r e d t o o u r u n u s u a l national challenges.

It is easy to reject direct cash transfers, as they are unfamiliar, even when they c o m e f r o m c a r e f u l l y thought-out policies. Like many in the PPP, Mr Parris f a i l s t o s t r e s s p o v e r t y alleviation in his analysis, which is disappointing given a wide range of authorities, from the World Bank, to U N I C E F , t o s t a t i s t i c websites like statista com have stressed that between 35 and 48% of Guyanese live in poverty

On the other hand, the Wo r l d B a n k h a s n o w classified Guyana as a highincome country, with the IMF expecting our GDP per capita to surpass the UAE t h i s y e a r, a d j u s t i n g f o r prices.

Doesn’t this mean it’s realistic for Guyanese to demand an end to poverty? If not now, when will this be realistic?

Guyana will continue to be a nation of contradictions until we confront the striking changes that have taken place in our country

O u r p r o p o s a l s w i l l eradicate poverty in two years, and any approach that minimizes this central issue should be looked upon with

General, Anil Nandlall told the media in 2021, that the Natural Resource Ministry’s legal department, along with the Chief Parliamentary Counsel attached to his office, was working on the document to facilitate the change which the n

Commission Bill that was left behind by the previous administration. Vice President Jagdeo went from stating that the Commission would be set up within months to claiming that the Commission is not necessary At an August 2024 press conference, Jagdeo said, “There is no magic with a Petroleum Commission…There is no magic, we have given our agencies the tools to manage the sector.”

We have reported ad nauseam on how this country is being robbed owing to the lopsided Exxon contract. Just take one deficiency of the deal-the lack of ring-refencing p

provisions, Guyana will be shortchanged on every oil discovery. We have had 46 so far. With ring-fencing provision, expenses for one project will be isolated and accounted for against that project, and that one alone. Expenses must not be given carte blanche to roam freely to wherever (other projects) and whenever it pleases those charging such expenses (when nimble accounting tricks are

consequences. This is what Exxon is doing, when it takes the fullest of unfair advantage to utilise the lack of ring-fencing in Guyana’s oil contract to boost its bottom line and delight

extreme skepticism. Along t h e s e s a m e l i n e s , i t i s realistic that middle class citizens expect that their lives will be significantly improved and everyone earn a livable income. After all, there isn’t much point to a wealthy country if its people are hungry and frustrated.

On the other hand, our targeted policies recognize

challenges we face Our $50,000 monthly stipend for t h o s e p u r s u i n g h i g h e r

e d u c a t i o n a n d f u r t h e r training will target those at the University of Guyana and technical schools first, but over time increase to those looking to rewrite or w r i t e f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e Mathematics and English at CSEC, or those looking to learn skills like plumbing and electrical work through g o v e r n m e n t c e r t i f i e d apprenticeships.

We r e c o g n i z e t h a t roughly 80% of Guyanese

do not have a Mathematics

and English pass at CSEC

(this can be calculated by

c o m b i n i n g t h e h i s t o r i c

high school dropout rate a n d C S E C m a t h f a i l u r e

rate), and thus this will serve as an incentive to mature students to seek to enhance their qualifications.

B e c a u s e q u a l i f i e d

s t u d e n t s c a n e x p e c t a

higher wage, according to

studies by the Brookings

I n s t i t u t i o n a n d o t h e r s ,

these types of policies will pay for themselves in time, a s a d d i t i o n a l VAT a n d

M o r e fundamentally, however, we

wealthy country would not provide a path to attain useful qualifications for 80% of its citizens? Orthodox

primarily on children, would obviously completely miss these hundreds of thousands of adult Guyanese.

Mr Parris has written

Leader of the Opposition

interview Clearly, he is now aware that errors occur from time to time. Duly, we will expect him to retract his

proposals add substantially to the cost of the current national budget.

As I’m confident he is

man, he will certainly oblige.


Elson Low



h Policy Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Opposition Oil and Gas Spokesperson, Treasurer, PNCR.

I n c o m e t a x r e v e n u e i s generated. This policy has its r o o t s i n B r a z i l ’s B o l s a F a m i l i a , w h i c h , w h i l e t a r g e t i n g c h i l d r e n , h a s nonetheless demonstrated t h a t c a s h t r a n s f e r s

its investors. This is what started out, most abominably, with the previous APNU Coalition Government, and now continues with uninterrupted stride under this PPP/C Government. It is the loophole of loopholes, and our alternately wise and wretched political leaders in today’s PPP/C Government and the Opposition know this, but are determined to do nothing about.

We say that our national political leaders are wise and wretched at the same time We did so purposefully, because we think that a survey of local circumstances confirms this condition of our leaders They have the intellect, the total awareness, of what is lacking, what needs to be done, and how to go about closing this gaping ring-fencing loophole, but they are wretched by their inactions The absence of sturdy ring-fencing provisions is a perversity that must be corrected The continuing of this country without it, opens the door for Exxon to bulk-up its expenses by the billions and then cunningly spread them from one project to another. Exxon has not dealt fairly with Guyana, it has cheated us, as was pointed out in the US$460M pre-contract expenses submitted by the company. And all Guyanese can be assured that as the billions of expenses come rolling in, there is great room for Exxon’s accountants and top corporate chiefs to gouge us some more, much more. One would have expected, with the same fervour the then leader of the opposition Jagdeo set his face against the lack of ring-fencing in 2019, in this the fifth year of oil production, he would have ensured it was in place. Instead, what we have are promises made and promises broken.

THE Trump presidency Remembering Nujoma


A n u m b e r o f extraordinary developments have occurred within recent times in the United States These developments stem from a slew of executive

o r d e r s i s s u e d b y U S President Donald Trump.

T o s o m e A m e r i c a watchers the developments are considered worrisome, in other quarters, they are

w e l c o m e d a n d d e e m e d unprecedented in the sense that never before were they ever applied in America nor to other nations

T h u s f a r, i n s t e a d o f

r e s o r t i n g t o A m e r i c a ’s military might in pursuit of foreign policy objectives, he has slammed the brakes on USAID stopping foreign

aid, a practice used by

p r e v i o u s U S administrations to promote

t h e n e o l i b e r a l c a p i t a l i s t

model of economic and s o c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t a n d

foster friendly ties with


R e p o r t s i n d i c a t e t h a t staff at USAID has been

d o w n s i z e d f r o m t e n thousand to two hundred During its more than four

d e c a d e s o f e x i s t e n c e , USAID has been accused of f o r e i g n m e d d l i n g ,

f o m e n t i n g c o l o u r a n d

s p r i n g r e v o l u t i o n s a n d regime change in countries around the world.

Ironically, were Trump’s orders, resulting in mass

r e t r e n c h m e n t o f p u b l i c

s e r v a n t s ; p u rg e s a t a n d

d i s m a n t l i n g o f s t a t e institutions, carried out by a

d e m o c r a t i c a l l y e l e c t e d

g o v e r n m e n t i n a n o t h e r country; that government

would have been branded authoritarian or communist.

I t w o u l d h a v e b e e n s a n c t i o n e d , i t s o f f i c i a l s denied visas and their assets frozen in America.

P u r g e s a r e u s e d a s

e x c u s e s t o i s o l a t e , t a k e

r e v e n g e a n d p u n i s h individuals and institutions considered hostile to leaders

o f r u l i n g p a r t i e s a n d ‘enemies of the state’.

The outcry against such acts is usually loud and universal. They linger for a long time.

T h e p u rg e s c u r r e n t l y underway in America and dismantling or downsizing of USAID, the Treasury, S t a t e a n d E d u c a t i o n departments, the FBI and CIA are taking place in a totally different national and global context.

T h e y a r e v i e w e d b y millions of Americans who v o t e d f o r T r u m p a s justifiable and acceptable.

But what is happening in America today is more than just purges, retrenchments,

o r t h e d o w n s i z i n g o r d i s m a n t l i n g o f s t a t e institutions.

It is far deeper than what meets the eye. Its reach is b e y o n d A m e r i c a T h e

mounting of billboards in Georgetown supporting the election of Trump should be seen as supportive of his domestic and foreign policy

Perhaps it may be useful to keep in mind what Henry Kissinger once said; “It may b

America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

B y n o w , K i s s i n g e r ’ s prophesy must have dawned on Zelensky in Ukraine.

Mr Trump has shown a willingness to use American power in a way that most of his mod

coercion, like the tariffs he o r d e r e d o n

f r o m Canada, Mexico and China.

T r u m p p r e f e r s t o bludgeon, not bargain, his way to foreign policy goals like Greenland.

B u t c o n t r a d i c t o r y statements have begun to emerge.

Take for example Mr Trump’s demand that the Panama Canal, be handed b a c k t

Hegseth, Trump’s Defense Secretary has not disavowed using force, “all options are on the table.’ he told a Fox

News reporter

A n d a s r e g a r d s M r

Trump’s ambition to ‘clean up’ and ‘fix up’ euphemisms f o r e t h n i c a l l y c l e a n s i n g

Gaza, some of Trump’s aides while supporting the project have walked back on what is clearly a delusional proposal.

Unsurprisingly, but not unusual of Trump’s modus operandi, it appears that s o m e

b e e n activated.

While there has been no official acknowledgment, s

e r s a t i o n s have opened up between contacts in Iran, Venezuela and Russia ‘S/N editorial of 9/2/25’ put it bluntly, ‘President Trump seems to be creating a new world which functions without principles The message he i s s e n d i n g w h e t h e r intentional or not is that anyone can seize land (a matter of some concern to u s ) a n d n o

l level ’

Yours faithfully, Clement J. Rohee

F o r m e r M i n i s t e r o f Foreign Affairs

DEAR EDITOR, Sam Nujoma, the first President of Independent Namibia, passed away on February 8, 2025. He was ninety-five years old. Nujoma belonged to that group of anti-colonial fighters that arose at the end of the Second World War He was one of the outstanding leaders of Southern Africa He stood alongside revolutionaries of the calibre of Nelson Mandela, O

Amilcar Cabral, Agostino Neto, among others and was a great friend of Dr Cheddi Jagan Sam Nujoma was a founding member of the South W

Organisation (SWAPO) in 1960 Shortly thereafter he launched an armed struggle against the Apartheid regime of South Africa for independence after the United Nations withdrew the mandate of S

During his struggles the PPP and SWAPO forged close relations giving solidarity to each other’s struggle Later he forged close relations with the PNC and Mr Burnham after the PNC government provided financial support of the Southern African Liberation Movement in the 1980s He visited Guyana in 1994 to express his thanks for the support that he received from G

h e independence war

Nujoma was one of those anti-colonial leaders that was very respected by freedom fighters throughout the world He was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union, the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize by India and the Ho Chi Min Peace Prize by Vietnam At this time we bow our heads in honour of a towering figure in the AntiC

t Freedom struggles of our world


Namibia That struggle was won and in 1990 Nujoma became the first President of his free country. He held that position until 2005 when he demitted office.

Guard shot as bandits attack Cummings Lodge supermarket

Screen grab from CCTV footage of the robbery

A5 4 - y e a r - o

s e c u r i t y g u

w a s s h o t o n Monday during a robbery at a Chinese Supermarket in C u m m i n g s L o d g e , Georgetown.

Injured is security guard, Robert Massiah, employed with OPS Security Group. It is reported that two bandits went into the Titan Supermarket, located at Lot 196, 2nd Field, Cummings L o d g e T h e i n c i d e n t occurred around 16:00hrs.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the bandits arrived at the supermarket with a motorcycle and were a r m e d a n d t o o k approximately $30,000 in cash. In a video footage seen

Supermarket back in business, hours after robbery

e security guard and disarmed him. They entered the store and began taking money from the cashier counter

The security guard tried to stop the bandits, but later he

Residents concerned about the dark streets in Cummings Lodge, which is a hunting ground for motorcycle bandits at nights.

was shot before the crooks making good their escape.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that this is not the first time a robbery has taken place in the area

Residents complain that the area at nights is dark and are calling for the installation of streetlights.

K a i e t e u r N e w s a l s o learnt that the supermarket was open a few months ago. The security guard is said to be very friendly to the residents and customers.

Condemnation grows over map at business conference...

From page 2

G o v e r n m e n t o f G u y a n a

r e m a i n s c o m m i t t e d t o f o s t e r i n g s t r o n g a n d cooperative relations with the Republic of Suriname,

g u i d e d b y p r i n c i p l e s o f

m u t u a l r e s p e c t a n d international law, and will

c o n t i n u e t o a d v a n c e

d i s c u s s i o n s t h r o u g h t h e mechanism established to address outstanding issues on the border between the two countries.

Opposition Member of P a r l i a m e n t a n d S h a d o w Minister of Foreign Affairs

a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l

C o o p e r a t i o n A m a n z a Walton-Desir in a statement said she has been following with concern the reports in relation to the matter and highlighted that Guyana’s Ambassador to Suriname Mr Virjanand Depoo, as well as a large Guyanese contingent was present at the event. She highlighted that this incident follows closely on the heels of a nonGuyanese appearing at an i

there has been no statement

by the ministry to provide clarity on the issue or the indicate whether a formal protest has been lodged.

“To say that I am deeply d i s a p p o i n t e d w i t h t h e quality of the organiser Mr Vishnu Doerga’s response to t h e m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f Guyana’s territory at the Business Conference is an understatement. I have long s i n c e b e m o a n e d t h e u n a c c e p t a b l e q u a l i t y o f some of our representation overseas and this recent debacle does little to instill in the people of Guyana any degree of confidence in our diplomatic representation in Suriname,” she stressed.

Further, she said “the PPP Government continues to dole out Ambassadorial appoints to cronies, whilst ignoring qualified career diplomats, even deliberately sidelining them in some cases and continues to under i n v e s t i n t r a i n i n g a c o m p e t e n t c a d r e o f diplomats.

The result is continued

d i s r e s p e c t a n d

e m b a r r a s s m e n t , ” t h e shadow minister said. She is of the view that there is need

for the ministry to establish a robust standard operating p r o t o c o l , w h i c h w o u l d ensure that any territorial m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n occurrences of Guyana will b e m e t w i t h i m m e d i a t e formal protests, at the level of the organizers of in this c a s e , t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Business Conference as well as at the diplomatic level.

S h e s t a t e d t h a t , “ I t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e A l i Administration understands t h i s a n d o p e r a t e accordingly.”

Adding its voice to the i s s u e , t h e G e o r g e t o w n Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) strongly c o n d e m n e d t h e infringements on Guyana’s territorial integrity by way of p u b l i c i s e d i m a g e s t h a t represent the New River

T r i a n g l e a s p a r t o f neighbouring Suriname at the conference.

“The Chamber is deeply concerned by the use of these images as well as the failure to object to the use of these images. Silence in the face of t h i s t h r e a t t o G u y a n a ’s sovereignty is viewed as an endorsement of same, which

t h e C h a m b e r v i e w s a s inexcusable. The GCCI calls on fellow Business Support

O rg a n i s a t i o n s a n d o t h e r

a g e n c i e s t h a t a c t e d a s

supporting actors to the conference to reject these actions and refrain from supporting and justifying any activity that violates G u y a n a ’ s n a t i o n a l boundaries.”

For its part, the Guyana Manufacturing & Services

A s s o c i a t i o n ( G M S A )

e x p r e s s e d “ p r o f o u n d concern and condemnation of the recent dissemination

o f a m a p i n a c c u r a t e l y depicting Guyana’s New River Triangle as part of Suriname.”

The GMSA dissociates itself from the dissemination of the map and any attempt to justify it.

“ T h e N e w R i v e r

Tr i a n g l e i s a n i n t e g r a l c o m p o n e n t o f G u y a n a ’s sovereign territory, a status solidified by the 1936 trijunction point agreement, duly signed by the Brazilian, British, and Dutch Boundary

C o m m i s s i o n e r s F u r t h e r, G u y a n a h a s a l w a y s

m a i n t a i n e d u n i n t e r r u p t e d

o c c u p a t i o n a n d administration of this region, r e i n f o r c i n g i t s internationally recognised a n d l e g a l l y e s t a b l i s h e d borders,” the busine body said.

“ W e u r g e a l l stakeholders—both regional

a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t o

r e s p e c t t h e e s t a b l i s h e d treaties and international l e g a l f r a m e w o r k s t h a t uphold Guyana’s territorial sovereignty

Furthermore, we call on our partners to take proactive measures and ensure that such inaccuracies do not r e c u r i n f u t u r e engagements,” the statement ended.

Back in January, during the budget debates, Minister o f F o r e i g n A f f a i r s a n d

International Cooperation, Hugh Todd spoke about the vital role of diplomacy in f o s t e r i n g a s t a b l e e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f c r i t i c a l industries, particularly the h y d r o c a r b o n s s e c t o r O n G u y a n a ’s r e l a t i o n s w i t h

Suriname, Minister Todd highlighted ongoing efforts to address unresolved border

i s s u e s t h r o u g h t h e accumulation and analysis o f h i s t o r i c a l d o c u m e n t s P r e p a r a t i o n s a r e a l s o underway for a meeting of t h e G u y a n a - S u r i n a m e B o r d e r C o m m i s s i o n t h i s year

“ We r e a f f i r m e d t h e commitment of our two countries to pursue the greed i n i t i a t i v e s w i t h i n t h e s t r a

disseminate information on Guyana’s borders.

briefed on the strategy of the government and the role they play in carrying out this strategy,” he said.

New CDB President for three-day visit to Guyana

N e w l y a p p o i n t e d

President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Daniel Best, will commence a three-day visit to Guyana from today

During his visit he will

m e e t w i t h P r e s i d e n t , Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Senior Minister in the Office of the P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr.

A s h n i S i n g h , a n d o t h e r

Government off icials for discussions, the Ministry of Finance said in a press release. Mr Best, who was elected in December 2024 and commenced his tenure

r e c e n t l y a s t h e S e v e n t h

President of the Bank, is slated to visit a number of places and inspect various project sites in the country w h i l e h e r e H e i s a l s o expected to hold various meetings with the finance minister and officials of his m i n i s t r y i n r e l a t i o n t o ongoing projects for which t h e B a n k h a s p r o v i

d partnership assistance.


congratulating Mr. Best soon after his appointment, had noted that the new president is well-equipped to lead this work at this critical juncture.

“Guyana looks forward to

working closely with Daniel as we tackle the pressing needs of our Region and as we work together to improve the lives of all of the people

o f t h e C a r i b b e a n , ” t h e minister had said.

The objective of the visit is to reaffirm the CDB’s commitment to Guyana and to explore opportunities for e

development goals. The visit also provides an opportunity for dialogue between the Bank and the Government of



objectives and priorities and

how CDB can continue to provide support for these through its assistance and lending p

press release noted.

T h e B a n k h a s b e e n partnering with Guyana on a number of projects such as educational facili


To u

Training Institute in Port Mourant, Corentyne and the Linden to Mabura Road currently under construction.

Development Advisor to the Office of the Prime Minister of Barbados, seconded from his role as Director, Projects Department at CDB. With over 30 years of experience as a Civil Engineer, Project Management Professional, and Development Banker, he is known for his ability to

teams to success. Under his leadership, the CDB Projects

President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Daniel Best

G u y a n a i s o n e o f t h e founding members of the CDB, having joined in 1970 and the Bank has been a l e a d i n g p a r t n e r i n t h e country’s development over the past half century. CDBfunding in Guyana has been used for social and economic

n f r a s t r u c t u r e , i n c l u d i n g schools, water systems and climate- resilient roads.

In 2020, the CDB, which i s t h e

Barbados, approved US$9.9 million for the construction of the modern Hospitality and Training Institute and U S $ 1 9 0 m

f o r upgrading 121 kilometres of roadway from Linden to Mabura Hill – the largest ever project in the Bank’s history

Mr Best, as ‘a highly

approximately 1.6 million C

areas of education, access to resilient infrastructure and

opportunities to women and girls.

The Bank also pointed out that Mr Best not only

other regional IFIs, but also led the development of the B

Financing Framework and

mobilise private capital for regional development. He

University of Durham with a M

Administration and holds a M

and Management from the University of the West Indies (St. Augustine).

23-year-old man

was on Monday fined a sum of

e appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer three charges.

Floyd Grant of Sophia was charged with unlawful and maliciously wounding Terence Jones, as well as d

public and resisting police arrest. The incident occurred

Regent Street Bourda.

The charges were read to him by Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore. He pleaded guilty to the disorderly behaviour charge and not guilty to the unlawful and maliciously wounding and resisting police arrest charges.

Magistrate Azore fined

$25,000 bail on each of the other two charges. Man was fined and placed on bail for three charges

Floyd Grant

Are we better off today than we were before first oil?

If you had asked me ten years ago what I wanted for Guyana, I would have said a few things: better roads, cheaper housing, an end to t h e e t e r n a l s t r u g g l e o f finding someone willing to work for a reasonable wage, and most importantly, not having to sell a kidney just to afford a decent meal.

Then oil came along, and s u d d e n l y , w e g o t t h e roads—but not in the way we expected. We got houses—if you have a million US dollars to spare. We got labour—if you consider your only option is to pay an arm and a leg for a day’s work. And as for food prices, well, let’s just say that at this rate, it’s going to be cheaper to eat the actual money than to buy groceries and greens.

So, here we are. We are now an oil-producing state, a p r o u d p e t r o - e c o n o m y, a nation that can finally look at Qatar and say, “Hey, we too have something in common besides the heat!” And yet, I f i n d m y s e l f wondering—would we have been better off if we had never struck oil in the first place?

First, let’s talk about infrastructure. Before oil, we had a few potholes, and yes, there was a time when these

were large enough to be considered archaeological s i t e s , b u t a t l e a s t t h e y weren’t being pulverized by c o n v o y s o f 1 8 - w h e e l e r s carrying equipment the size of small skyscrapers. Now, b i l l i o n s a r e b e i n g s p e n t fixing the very roads that are being destroyed by the oil

i n d u s t r y a n d i t s h e a v y machinery

It’s a beautiful cycle: build road, truck smashes road, rebuild road, repeat. And yet, somehow, despite all this spending, it still takes an hour to drive three miles during peak hours. We are now paying for roads at a rate that makes gold look cheap, and yet the only thing that has improved is our ability to creatively insult traffic while stuck in it.

Then there’s housing

Once upon a time, a humble Guyanese could dream of a small but sturdy home, a modest fence, and perhaps even a nice hammock to sip

their morning coffee in Today, thanks to our oil economy, you can buy that s a m e h o u s e i f y o u ’ r e prepared to part with your firstborn and promise to n a m e y o u r n e x t t h r e e children after the contractor

T h e p r i c e s o f b a s i c construction materials have

shot up so high that even the government’s tax breaks feel like a cruel joke. Sand? Might as well import it from Mars. Cement? You’d have better luck negotiating with diamond dealers. And let’s n o t e v e n t a l k a b o u t galvanized sheets. The only people who seem to be able to afford homes these days are the rich and those making good money Poor people cannot afford to build a fowl coop.

L a b o r i s a n o t h e r delightful mess. Before oil, finding someone to do a job was straightforward: offer a fair wage, and someone would take it. Now? Good l u

d person is either working for the oil industry, working in construction, working for someone who works for the o

n d u s t r y

h e construction sector; or has developed a sudden allergy to employment unless it pays in offshore accounts. The labour shortage is so bad that

Georgetown are looking for

someone to paint my fence, and he asked for a salary package that included health insurance and pension. Even the neighbourhood kid who


De Dirty Trick Crew

Dem boys seh de Pee Pee Pee Cee ain’t change one bit. Same old party, same old tricks. Dem spend five years in de wilderness between 2015 and 2020, and yuh woulda think dem learn lil humility But no! Dem boys she, dem just get more desperate and more dangerous.

De party done seh straight up: Anybody who jump in de political ring gon get “deal with.” And when dem seh “deal with,” dem don’t mean tea and biscuits and a nice lil handshake. Nah, dem mean full-blown character assassination, smear campaign, and lies upon lies till yuh own shadow start doubt yuh.

Back in de day, dem used to got one or two rogue bloggers who use to do de dirty wuk. Now? Dem boys seh de whole machine up and running. Is a full battalion! Dem got a social media infantry, equipped with money, power, and a whole heap of time pon dem hands. Before yuh even sneeze wrong, dem done got one fake story bout yuh up pon Facebook. By de time yuh wake up next morning, dem done “expose” yuh as a thief, a traitor, or worse—a critic of de government!

used to wash cars is now a “ f r e e l a n c e s a n i t a t i o n consultant” and charges an hourly rate that would make a Wall Street banker blush. And of course, there’s the cost of living. Yes, global inflation is a factor But so is the fact that everyone is walking around with pockets full of oil money, and it turns out that when people have m

they dispose of it on things that drive up prices for everyone else. A simple plate of cook-up rice now costs as much as two plates did in the past. Rent has become so e x p e n s i v e t h a t t h e o n l y people who can afford to live in the city are those who can afford not to rent. The only place where prices hav

cemetery, and that’s only b

trying to avoid ending up there. But don’t let me speak too fast.

So, are we better off? The economists say yes The government says absolutely But when was the last time an economist had to haggle with a vendor over the price of a boulanger? When was the last time a government o

whether to pay rent or buy groceries? The truth is, oil has made us richer on paper, b

Guyanese, it has also made l

more, and enjoying less.

Would we have been better off without oil? Well, let’s put it this way: Before oil, we were struggling. But at least we were struggling together

fancier cars, pricier houses, and a lot more dust in the air

Welcome to the oil boom. Don’t forget to tip your

consultant” on the way out.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the

opinions of this newspaper.)

Dem boys seh is bare mudslinging. And leh we tell yuh, dem got plenty mud to throw Dem got access to all de state resources, and dem using it to tek down anybody who even look like dem want challenge de establishment. Yuh ever see a government so sensitive? Is like dem more afraid of a lil political competition than rain pon Election Day. And hear dis—if yuh think things bad now, just wait till campaign time come! Dem boys seh yuh gon see dirtiness at a next level. Fake social media accounts gon multiply like mosquito in rainy season. Photoshop gon wuk overtime. Fabricated stories gon drop like mango in August. If yuh believe even half of what dem gon put out, yuh might start believing Santa Claus real.

Dem boys seh de Pee Pee Pee Cee still got all dem old habits. Dem never lose dem stripes, dem never change dem spots. Is de same dirty tricks, just with new technology and more money behind it. If yuh tink yuh see it all, fasten yuh seatbelt—dis election season gon be a wild ride. And remember, dem boys only talking wha dem hearing. Talk half. Leff half.


V i c e P r e s i d e n t , D r Bharrat Jagdeo has a defence relative to contract awards. Specifically, he objects to being attached to and held

responsible for contracts awarded to a Guyanese who uses the handle ‘Critic.’ The man who is in charge of e v e r y t h i n g ( I m e a n everything) in Guyana says that he was not there when the Critic contracts decisions were made, so it is improper and unfair to hang them over his head. This may shock many citizens, but I hear him and believe him: after all, even a man as gifted as Jagdeo can’t be in several places at once. He may hold himself out as divine, but he is only a man: a slippery, sloppy, even shadowy fella, come to think of it. But I still believe him. But only up to a point.

VP Jagdeo may not have been physically present at the related Cabinet meetings w h e n t h e d e c i s i o n w a s finalized, re the contracts for Mr. Critic. But what about his comrades in the Cabinet? What about them, Guyanese may ask? Who did they work for, tirelessly? Who do they live in mortal fear of, constantly? Who do they know full well, and what his e x p e c


? B e assured, the answers to those questions all embrace one



Bharrat Jagdeo. Cabinet

contract game is played They know that the national tender board has the spinners and googly masters (like Pakistan’s Wasim Akram,

the express deliverer) to fix things up and clean things up for Cabinet’s rubberstamp and signature. In kindness, I label that as a hand-in-glove

Jagdeo doesn’t have to be at

tender board, or anywhere else, for his unstated wishes, his believed preferences, and h


The leader ’s shadow is feared to be coming out of the walls, hovering from the

lurking under the table. Who

intimate Jagdeo commodity on it? Is somebody kidding me? I believe that Dr Jagdeo just tried to make a

fool out of me. He is free to try that with the rest of Guyana, but there are two signs written in big red lettering here: Not wanted! Not welcomed! Jagdeo is not at Cabinet meetings, but not just his shadow stretches o

There is that powerful smell usually associated with one Bharrat Jagdeo that invades the nostrils of the ministers and other lovelies who are part of the proceedings. That

Wisdom arrives on winged feet. This is what Comrade Jagdeo would want: one for Mr Critic. This is what the esteemed Maximum Leader w o u l d b e p l e a s e d w i t h : another one for Mr Critic. It is all on the table, though nothing is in the minutes.

T h e l e s s s a i d , t h e l e s s memorialized. Moreover, it must be remembered that C a b i n e t m e e t i n g s a n d writings are mostly stamped “Secret.”

So, Mr Jagdeo is now sheltering via the safety of absence and distance. “Laak ah sed, I believe the man.” He does have to be at the ready always to answer the

c a l l s a n d c o m m a n d s o f

A l i s t a i r R o u t l e d g e a n d Darren Woods. Guyanese must not forget those two Executive Presidents of this Republic. Jagdeo was not p r e s e n t , b u t h e l a t e r pronounced when pressed by the press. He was all blather about tender evaluators and c r i t e r i a a n d p r o c e d u r e a r o u n d t h e t e n d e r administration cabal. About who must do their job (like Cabinet) and blah, blah, blah ad infinitum. This is a crucial, usually overlooked, aspect of the vice president’s verbal hopscotches He picked the people for the tender board; his people own the Cabinet; and it is his p r o c u r e m e n t c o m m i s s i o n that has the majority and holds the chair The result is a playful pup for a tender board, and a pathetic poodle f o r a p r o c u r e m e n t commission. If Comrade Jagdeo (he is that) was serious about the Critic (Mr Critic) contract awards, he would have called for a fullblown probe into that award.

laff and Guyana gaff story If Dr Jagdeo is serious about contract awards, any of the questionable ones, he would not go on the defensive with his usual dodges and drifts. H e w o u l d g o o n t h e o f f e n s i v e , b y g e t t i n g credible people to look into more than contract awards. He would check out the entire National Procurement and Tender Administration

Board (NPTAB), strip it down, and start over with new faces, characters that are kind to the welfare of the Guyanese people.

A l l o f D r J a g d e o ’s Yabba, Yabba, Doo of Fred Flintstone fame no longer serves him as well as before. His distractions have lost their prior selling strength. Guyanese are not buying anymore Not being at C a b i n e t d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g meeting(s) is cuckoo stuff. Start over bhai Bharrat. Stop running for cover Face the nation Level with the people.

No! No! Not his lame d u c k s a r o u n d O i l F u n d management and the other regulars who make genuine inquiries into a belly busting

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e opinions of this newspaper.)

Surprise your love this Valentine W ith

T welve-year-old girl missing for three weeks

A 33-year-old mother is in desperate search for her 12-yearold daughter, who has been missing for three weeks.

Shanacia Edwards, a student of Tucville Secondary School was last seen in her school uniform outside the school’s compound on January 20, 2025. In an interview with Kaieteur News on Monday, her mother, Shennel Edwards said that she realised her daughter went missing after the child’s father went to pick her up from school at 15:30hrs but could not locate her S h a n a c i a

children, lives with her mother, two younger siblings, and stepfather at L o t 1 7 7

, Georgetown.

Shennel recounted that she and Shanacia’s father would usually take her to school and bring her home afterwards. However, on the day of Shanacia’s disappearance, both parents were unavailable and arranged for a taxi to take her school. “She (Shanacia) went to school with a taxi after her father said that he can’t come for her The taxi confirm it dropped her off at school. The vendor at the school said yes the taxi driver dropped her off and when the taxi left, the child come out to buy something at the gate and by time she (the vendor) raise up she head, she ain’t see back the child because she was going to ask her where is she going,”

Shennel explained. She further explained, that upon Shanacia’s father arrival to take her home, she was nowhere to be found and was told by students to look for her at Eve Leary Sports Ground.

“He went to pick her up and them children tell he that it had sports going on at the Eve Leary and they could check and see if she is there but he checked and we never see her back from since then to now,” the

emotional mother said.

Shennel said that Shanacia does not own a phone but would use other students’ phones to contact h e r m o t h e r H o w e v


students’ parents, they were unable to help her locate her daughter On January 22, Shennel filed a missing person report at the Alberttown Police Station. “When I call patrol and the patrol came and assisted me, and searched a house because someone told me that she went at this house but when we reach there, there was nobody like her,” Shennel said.

According to the mother, she does not know any of Shanacia’s other friends or associates to reach out to. With days turning to weeks and police unable to locate the child, Shennel is deeply distressed and has taken matters into her own hands by distributing flyers with S h a n a c

’ s p

c t u r e a r o u n d Georgetown. “I gave them (police) a picture of her but since then I didn’t hear anything back from police,” she said.

Holding back her tears, Shennel shared the emotional toll the situation has taken on her “It is hard because three weeks now, your 12year-old and you not getting to find her. I can’t sleep, I have nobody to go to so I reached out to Miss Broomes (Simona Broomes) and we started a search.” She added. “I just want a safe return of my child b e c a u s e I ’ m w o r r i e d , g e t t i n g sleepless nights and is three weeks now and the police haven’t given me an update since I reported the incident.”

A flyer with the missing girl was posted in Georgetown

Shannacia was described by her mother as a calm, intelligent child. Anyone with information about Shanacia Edwards’ whereabouts or who may have seen her is asked to contact her mother at 617-6362, 660-9445, or the nearest police station.

Missing girl: 12-year-old Shanacia Edwards


New 10-year passpor t launched


Home Affairs on M

Guyanese passport will now be valid for 10 years.

This new document was

Immigration and Passport


document was valid for five

Home Affairs is pleased to advise the public that the


d Passport Office under the

, through the Government of Guyana, has rolled out the new Co-operative Republic

o f G

y, Monday, February 10, 2025.


c o m p o n e n t o f H i s

Excellency President Irfaan

Ali’s vision for modernizing

G u y a n a a n d e n h a n c i n g s e r v i c e d e l i v

s citizens,” the ministry said. The new passport has

A test sample of the new passport

enhanced security features a

elements aimed at improving the identity protection as well as the Guyanese travel experience. Applicants will be given the option to choose between the five-or ten-year options.

Cost for the five-year p a s s

$6000 but will be doubled to $12,000 for the 1

passport, to allow citizens to

be able to make an informed d


security features, an upgrade which aligns Guyana with international standards for standards for secure travel

smoother border crossings


It also features the One Guyana theme in the design to reflect the country’s unity

Canadian company completes airstrip,

application system shortly W

s a r e currently required to submit Continued on page 17

Canadian mining company, Aris Mining Corporation, has completed key infrastructure developments, including a camp, airstrip, and site roads, for its estimated 5.4-millionounce Toroparu Gold Project in the Region Seven, CuyuniMazaruni, Guyana.

The Toroparu Gold Project and its adjacent properties, collectively known as the Upper Puruni Concessions, consist of two gold deposits: the Toroparu deposit and the Sona Hill deposit, which lies about five kilometers southeast of the main site. The company noted that the Toroparu project is a gold exploration and development project with open pit and underground mineral resources.

Aris Mining owns the project entirely through its subsidiary, ETK Inc.

On March 14, 2023, Aris Mining announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Toroparu Project, effective as of February 10, 2023.

Neil Woodyer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aris Mining, noted the re-evaluation process initiated after the merger of GCM Mining and Aris Gold in September 2022, which led to a revision of the company’s development strategy

“We are reporting the results of the updated mineral resource estimate which is based on a new detailed structural analysis and updated geological model. The Aris Mining team has confirmed that Toroparu is a large-scale gold-copper deposit with an updated measured and indicated resource estimate of 5.4 million ounces of gold and 118 thousand tonnes of copper, and an inferred resource estimate of 1.2 million ounces of gold. We are progressing additional studies to update, fully define, and optimize the development plan,” Woodyer had disclosed.

According to the company, the Toroparu project is in the optimization phase as the company refines its development strategy The completion of infrastructure such as the exploration camp, airstrip, and site roads, marks a milestone in the project’s progress. Aris Mining said it is currently evaluating road access routes and other site infrastructure to support future operations.

The MRE report states that the Toroparu Project began with alluvial mining by Alfro Alphonso in 1997, transitioning into deeper saprolite mining by 1999 before ending in 2001. ETK started exploring the site in 1999 and, through a joint venture with Alphonso in 2000. ETK acquired full ownership of the project in 2020 by exercising an option in the joint venture, paying $20 million. Alphonso retained alluvial mining rights on specific lands and the use of certain roads and the airstrip.

A consulting agreement with Alphonso & Sons ensures payments of $1-2 million annually once ETK generates sufficient cash flow Additionally, a 2011 mineral agreement with the Government of Guyana established a tiered gold royalty of 5% for prices up to $1,000/oz and 8% above that, plus a 1.5% royalty on other minerals. ETK has also negotiated an investment agreement with GO-Invest for tax exemptions on project-related imports.

Guyana’s Aviation Training School gains ICAO accreditation

DPI - Guyana’s Civil Aviation Training School

h a s b e e n a c c r e d i t e d b y

T R A I N A I R , a g l o b a l training programme under

t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C i v i l

Av i a t i o n O r g a n i s a t i o n (ICAO).

A d e l e g a t i o n f r o m

Guyana will soon be in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, to

r e c e i v e t h e o f f i c i a l instrument of certification while attending the Global

I m p l e m e n t a t i o n S u p p o r t Symposium (GISS).

M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c Works, Bishop Juan Edghill made the disclosure during

t h e r e c e n t l y c o n c l u d e d Parliamentary Committee of Supply’s consideration of budget 2025.

“This means that we will not only be allowed to train Guyanese, but we can train people from all over the Caribbean and any other country that

wishes to come to Guyana because of the quality of

training that is taking place here with our air

t r a f f i c c o n t ro l l e r s a n d

o t h e r p e o p l

Minister Edghill explained. He said the certification i s

revenue, as trainees from other nations will pay for courses in Guyana.

The minister described it as a significant milestone for the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) which has been working to rebuild its financial reserves after inheriting a deficit.

A t t h a t t i m e , t h e a u t h o

a previously strong financial reserve of over $1 billion.

The ICAO assessment t e a m r e c e n t l y v i s i t e d

Guyana to evaluate the Civil Aviation Training School (CATS) before granting it

T R A I N A I R P l u s



A v i a t i o n T

i n g Organisation is certified by both the GCCA regulatory b o d y a n d t h


The ICAO assessment

operations met international standards to conduct ICAO-

various aviation disciplines.

approved training courses, which can be shared with TRAINAIR Plus members globally Minister Edghill

positions Guyana as a key player in the global aviation sector, with further growth

recognition on the horizon.


Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.

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Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9

WPA, PNCR sign coalition pact

- to up pressure on GECOM for biometrics at upcoming elections

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Friendship East Bank, Yarawkabra & Long Creek, Soesdyke & East la-Penitence Front Road. Contact : Ray's Realty : 627-9685.

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The Working People’s Alliance (WPA) has entered into a new electoral partnership with the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) as part of its strategy for the upcoming general and regional elections. And the party intends to join forces with allies to mount a robust campaign for the introduction of biometrics at the upcoming general and regional elections.

Late last year, the Joint Opposition had emphasised its support for the full implementation of biometrics throughout the election process. The joint statement outlined the party’s support for the capture of fingerprints digitally in the registration process (to enhance the quality of fingerprints available to the Commission and aid in the prevention of multiple registration) and digitized fingerprint identification at the place of poll (to prevent voter impersonation or identity theft). “We express our preparedness to lend support to all the necessary stages to arrive at this outcome, including enacting constitutional and statutory changes, if necessary,” the joint opposition said in a statement back in November last year. The opposition said too that it stands ready to engage in all necessary discussions at the GECOM level, the parliamentary level, and/or at the inter-party level to resolve these concerns to


One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.

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the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the Guyanese people. “We recognise and support GECOM’s position that stakeholder involvement should be integral to the process,” the two parties added in the statement while calling on GECOM to promptly engage stakeholders before finalising its internal discussions on the way forward.

Meanwhile, speaking at the party’s weekly news conference on Thursday, WPA Co-Leader, Dr. David Hinds said the two parties met this past week in another round of talks in pursuit of their earlier commitment to contest the upcoming general and regional elections as part of a broad coalition. The deliberations, Hinds said centered on two major issues: firstly, how to more effectively confront GECOM’s continued reluctance to ensure that the joint opposition demands for free and free elections are met. Secondly, how to strengthen the electoral coalition in preparation for the upcoming elections.

As regards the GECOM issue, Dr. Hinds said both sides agreed that the commission’s continued resistance to the use of biometrics at the upcoming elections poses a serious threat to the integrity of the

Govt. to

elections.” Consequently, it was agreed that the opposition is left with no alternative but to intensify the pressure on GECOM on multiple fronts. Given the ramifications of this undertaking, we agreed to set up a joint working committee to further address the related issues and make recommendations in this regard for consideration at the next meeting,” Hinds told the media. In relation to the electoral coalition, WPA, Hinds said feels that “we have made some progress. We took note of the PNC/APNU ongoing coalition talks with the AFC. It was agreed that the PNC-WPA talks would proceed based on its own dynamics. Given the WPA’s continued hesitancy about rejoining the APNU. The meeting agreed that there is need to find a mechanism to resolve this apparent dilemma. Another joint working committee was set up

to make recommendations in this regard to the next meeting.”

He said the meeting spent much time discussing how a coalition of parties with varying electoral appeals and political capacities can work more harmoniously and effectively in pursuit of common goals. “We view the setting up of the two joint working committees as a step in the direction of democratisation of decision making—an issue that haunted intra-party relations in the last coalition. We left the meeting more optimistic that the two parties share a commitment to coalition politics both as an election strategy and as a means to a political solution to Guyana’s ongoing ethno-political impasse. In this regard we are optimistic that there will be a grand coalition to confront and defeat the PPP at the next election.” Hinds told (Continued on page 18)

spend $766M to construct/ repair bridges in Regions 3&4

With approximately $19 billion approved for the Ministry of Public Works towards its bridges programme, the ministry is now preparing to spend some $766 million to construct and rehabilitate a number of bridges across Regions Three and Four.

According to a tender notice issued by the ministry, these projects that amount to $766,854,371 (engineer estimates) have been divided into 19 lots.

In its notice, the ministry noted that it intends to kick start its bridge projects for the year with the construction of a steel, concrete and timber composite bridge (main access) for Zeeburg New Scheme, West Coast Demerara (WCD) and these works is estimated at $40,915,400.

The ministry will be rehabilitating the bridge at Patentia West, West Bank Demerara (WBD) which is estimated at $32,866,750, rehabilitating the bridge at Good Intent Back Street, estimated at $32,866,759, and rehabilitate the bridge at Stewartville First Bust Street for $32,852,750.

In Region Three also on the island of Wakenaam, there is a project for the rehabilitation of Bell Plane access bridge for $47,290,824, rehabilitation of Fredricksburg Dunburge Access Bridge for $47,290,824, and the rehabilitation of Mo Farm access bridge for an estimated $47,290,824.

There is a project also for the rehabilitation of Zulander Caledonia access bridge for $47,290,824, and the bridge at Nursery School Old Road Den Amstel for $38,549,560. Moving to Region Four, works are expected to be done on the Community Center access bridge at Enterprise, East Coast Demerara (ECD) for an estimated $31,679,750, there is a contract for the rehabilitation of bridge at Nabacalis Railway Embankment for $31,679,750, and the rehabilitation of Colin Street Golden Grove bridge for $32,852,750.

The ministry is also seeking contractors for the rehabilitation of Kendell Street Golden Grove Street bridge for $32,852,750, the bridge at Charles Street, Golden Grove for $32.8 million, the bridge at Bus Shed Street, Industry for

$32.5 million, and the bridge (third) at Supply for $32.8 million.

Further, for bridges on the East Bank of Demerara, the ministry has a contract for the rehabilitation of bridge #1 at Mocha Arcadia for an estimated $32,.8 million, and the construction of a steel, concrete and timber composite bridge (#2) at Mocha Arcadia for $76,734,300.

There is also a contract for the construction of the Laluni access bridge at $62,429,565.

Kaieteur News understands that the ministry has been undergoing a robust road and bridge programme as there is a demand for more stringent structures across the country.

This year, it was announced during the budget presentation that a total of $209.3 billion have been allocated in 2025 to further develop our road and bridge infrastructure. It should be noted that bids for these projects are expected to open on February 26, at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.

Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Leader of the PNCR, Aubrey Norton and Leader of WPA, Dr. David Hinds

Cit y Hall stands firm on ownership of lands given to Qatari investors to build hotel - preparing

to challenge matter in court

Ma y o r o f

G e o r g e t o w n

A l f r e d

Mentore has said that the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is standing its ground on the ownership of the lands at Carifesta Avenue

a n d T h o m a s L a n d s , G e o r g e t o w n t h a t w e r e allotted to Qatari investors for the construction of a hotel.

The land was gifted by the Government of Guyana

t o Q a t a r i i n v e s t o r s t o construct a US$300M hotel. During a statutory meeting held on Monday, Mayor Mentore noted that there has been back and forth verbal discussion on the issue but there has been no particular progress on the ownership of the land. “I strongly believe they are not getting nowhere and as such, we will have to seek legal review in this

m a t t e r W h e r e w e ’ r e a t nothing has been coming

f o r t h We a r e n o t a n t idevelopment; we just want

our fair share…” “I have based on council’s decision b e e n t a l k i n g t o v a r i o u s attorneys and will report at n e x t c o u n c i l o n w h a t decision will be taken if Government does not reach out for conversation. As it stands, nothing positive has come out from letters sent to H i s E x c e l l e n c y , t h e President,” Mentore said. Last March, the Mayor had written to President Irfaan Ali on the subject of the sale of prime Carifesta Avenue lands. Back then, Mentore told Kaieteur News was given seven days to respond failing which the Georgetown Mayor and City C o u n c i l ( M & C C ) w o u l d have determined whether moving to the court is the best way to resolve the matter

The Mayor said that the l e t t e r h a d i n f o r m e d t h e President about the Council’s c o n c e r n s a s w e l l a s reservations about the sale of the lands The Mayor and City

Council has made it clear that the property was gifted to the C i t y o f G

y former plantation owners in 1887. The said land was being used by the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Mentore had circulated a

transport that purports to show Council’s ownership o f t h e p r i m e w a t e r f r o n t property to the over 30 councillors present at the meeting. He noted that the Council was kept in the dark as it relates to the plan even though it holds a transport to

Pressure mounts for full probe into corrupt land deals

Th e W o r k i n g

People’s Alliance ( W P A ) h a s expressed concerns at the recent spate of revelations which point to potential if not actual corruption in the sale of public lands.

In a statement released on Monday, the WPA called for a full and independent i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t h e allegations.

The issue which came to light over the past two weeks has pointed to sale of prime lands in Guyana at below

m a r k e t v a l u e u n d e r questionable transactions Land deals made by New

Yo r k b a s e d D r. P h i l l i p Baldeo and Edul Ahmad have since raised red flags. Baldeo owns several acres of prime land at Providence

a l o n g t h e E a s t B a n k Demerara as well as on the Heroes Highway In the case o f A h m a d , w h o w a s convicted for fraud, money laundering and real estate crimes in the US, he also acquired several pieces of prime property at Diamond, E B D , O g l e E a s t C o a s t Demerara.

The revelations have led to the resignation of the C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O

Authority (CHPA) Sherwin

WPA member

Greaves after it came to light that he allegedly bought two luxurious properties in the United States from the same individuals embroiled in the land scandal.

“We therefore call for such an investigation as an u r g e n t n e c e s s i t y N o democratic government in the face of such damming allegations should deny its citizens the satisfaction of knowing the full truth.

That top government o f f i c i a l s h a v e a l r e a d y p r o n o u n c e d o n t h e innocence of those at the center of the allegations only compounds the problem,” the WPA said in its release.

The party noted that the i s s u e o f g o v e r n m e n t facilitating the transfer of State assets to favoured i n d i v i d u a l s a n d g r o u p s , often devoid of transparency and below market value, is not new one. As such, the

WPA said it had strenuously lobbied for the institution of the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) as both a deterrent to thievery of State assets and a mechanism for r e c o v e r i n g s u c h s t o l e n assets. The agency, which came into being during the previous government, was promptly disbanded by this government on its return to office. “WPA cites the correlation of this action and t h e r a p i d i n c r e a s e o f allegations of giveaway of State assets to friends of the government.”

The party noted too that constitution empowers the government to be managers of the day-to-day activity of the State in accordance with the laws of the land, but not to circumvent the laws or set the government up as a substitute for the law

“As we await a full probe

of the latest allegations, W PA i n v o k e s P r o f e s s o r Clive Thomas’ warning of the criminalization of the State under the previous PPP g o v e r n m

p o i n t s t o m o r e d e a d l y consequences for Guyana in the era of Oil and Gas. Consequently, we call for the reinstatement of SARA.

Only last week, Leader

the property “I have spoken to my lawyers and have been advised. I am giving the President the courtesy of time to respond in writing or i n v i t e m e t o h a v e a discussion in person. Based on what the response is, I w ill d ecid e w h eth er th e matter goes before Council,” Mentore had said back then. The Qatari Investors are expected to pay G$2B for the prime lands, the Guyana O f f i c e f o r I n v e s t m e n t (GOINVEST) had disclosed last year GOINVEST and signed a memorandum of Understanding with Assets Group, a subsidiary of Power International Holding (PIH) with an expected completion date of March 1st, 2026. The Hotel will house 260 rooms and suites, 150 serviced a p a r t m e n

include branded residences and premium villas.

“ P o w e r I n t e r n a t i o n a

Holding (PIH), a Qatarbased conglomerate has a diverse portfolio spanning

various sectors such as real

, manufacturing, and services. PIH has established itself as a prominent player in the Qatari business landscape a

operations internationally in

added. GOINVEST also said

deficit of quality room stock by more than doubling the number of available rooms within a one-mile radius. The resort will feature a world class 30,000 square ft. convention center outfitted with all modern amenities to

of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes made it clear that his attempt to acquire lease lands along the Essequibo River, Region Two was “above board”. Notwithstanding, he said he welcomes any investigation into the acquisition. “…I w e l c o m e , I a b s o l u t e l y welcome and encourage a full investigation into my acquisition of lands on the left bank of the Essequibo River…” Hughes said.

The prominent attorney also told reporters at his p a r t y ’ s w e e k l y p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e t h a t h e a l s o welcomes an investigation into any role he played in helping a company acquire lands at Plantation Ogle, E a s t C o a s t D e m e r a r a (ECD). He made it clear that he is not a shareholder of the c o m p a n y n o r a d i r e c t beneficiary of the lands. On Thursday, Vice President B h a r r a t J a g d e o , w h i l e defending his government’s sale of over 35 acres of prime land to convicted fraudster Edul ‘Ed’ Ahmad, at his p a r t y ’s p r e s s - c o n f e r e n c e highlighted a bid by Hughes t o a c q u i r e 7 5 a c r e s o f undeveloped State lands. He also said that Hughes was part of a company that acquired lands at Plantation Ogle, ECD.


New 10-year passport launched...

From page 14 m a n u a l

c o u n t r y w i d e , t h e integration of an online p l a t f o r m w i l l a l l o w citizens to apply remotely, streamlining the process and reducing wait times,” the ministry added. With the new passport, there is the introduction of enhanced data collection,

submitted from February 10 onward will receive the new e-passport.

“As part of efforts to prevent any abuse of the system, the process of replacing lost or damaged p a s s p o r t s i s c u r r e n t l y under review While the existing policy remains in effect, future adjustments m a y i n c l u

replacement documents to d

a t e possible fraudulent claims.

s e c u r i t y

fingerprinting. This is an aim to further enhance d o c u m e n

However, must be noted that the individuals who applied for a passport on or before Friday, February 7, 2 0 2 5 , w i l l r e c e i v e t h e p r e v i o u s v e r s i o

However, all applications

T h e C e n t r a l Immigration and Passport Office urges citizens to stay informed and exercise p a t i e n c e d u r i n g t h i s transition. Further updates, including the activation of t h e o n l i n e a p p l i c a t i o n platform, will be shared in due course,” the ministry further stated.

Hamas threatens to postpone next hostage release, claiming Israel has broken terms of ceasefire deal

( C N N ) H a m a s h a s

said the next hostage release scheduled to take place in Gaza on Saturday will be

p o s t p o n e d “ u n t i l f u r t h e r notice,” accusing Israel of breaking the ceasefire deal.

I s r a e l d e s c r i b e d t h e

p o s t p o n e m e n t a s a “complete violation of the ceasefire” and called on the Israeli military to prepare for “any possible scenario” in Gaza.

In a post on X, Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, said that the handover of the prisoners “who were scheduled to be released next Saturday

w i l l b e p o s t p o n e d u n t i l further notice, and until the occupation commits to and c o m p e n s a t e s f o r t h e e n t i t l e m e n t s o f t h e p a s t weeks retroactively ” He

a d d e d : “ We a f f i r m o u r commitment to the terms of the agreement as long as the o c c u p a t i o n c o m m i t s t o them.”

In a separate statement, Hamas said there was still an opportunity for the release to go forward as planned. It said the move “serves as a warning” to Israel and was meant to pressure it into “fully honoring” the terms of t h e c e a s e f i r e d e a l “ B y issuing this statement five f u l l d a y s a h e a d o f t h e

s c h e d u l e d p r i s o n e r handover, Hamas aims to grant mediators sufficient t i m e t o p r e s s u r e t h e o c c u p a t i o n t o f u l f i l l i t s obligations,” the statement read. “This also leaves the door open for the exchange t o p r o c e e d a s p l a n n e d , p r o v i d e d t h e o c c u p a t i o n complies.”

A b u O b e i d a d e t a i l e d various alleged violations of the agreement by Israel over t h e p a s t t h r e e w e e k s , i n c l u d i n g “ d e l a y i n g t h e return of the displaced to the n o r t h e r n G a z a S t r i p , targeting them with shelling and gunfire in various areas of the Strip, and not allowing the entry of relief supplies in all their forms according to what was agreed upon ” Hamas also accused Israel of n o t a l l o w i n g t e n t s , prefabricated houses, fuel, or r u b b l e - r e m o v i n g mechanisms into the Strip. It a l l e g e d I s r a e l w a s a l s o

d e l a y i n g t h e e n t r y o f

e s s e n t i a l m e d i c i n e s a n d

h o s p i t a l s u p p l i e s I n

r e s p o n s e t o H a m a s ’

a n n o u n c e m e n t , I s r a e l i

Defense Minister Israel Katz said he had instructed the c o u n t r y ’ s m i l i t a r y t o “prepare at the highest level of alert for any possible scenario in Gaza.”

T h e d e f e n s e m i n i s t e r described Hamas’ move as a

“complete violation of the ceasefire agreement and the deal to release the hostages.”

I s r a e l P r i m e M i n i s t e r B e n j a m i n N e t a n y a h u i s

c u r r e n t l y h

security leadership team, an Israeli official told CNN. A p o l i t i c a l - s e c u r i t y c a b i n e t meeting initially scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday local time is also being moved up to the morning hours due to Hamas’ announcement, the official said.

‘Time is of the essence’

H a m a s ’ t h

a t t o postpone the next hostage release represents a serious

ceasefire between Israel and Hamas – but it does not g


Hamas’ threat comes at an extraordinarily sensitive time in Israel, where the images of three emaciated h

n Saturday have been seared into the public conscience and are driving a sense of urgency about those still in captivity in Gaza. The Israeli government has also been d r a g g i n g i t s f e e t o n reengaging in negotiations with Hamas over extending the current ceasefire and right-wing politicians are already calling for a return to the war in Gaza Meanwhile, U S P r e s i d e n t D o n a

Palestinians from Gaza and for the United States to “own” the Strip have injected yet more uncertainty into the process Underlining the high stakes involved for the Israeli g o v e r n m e n t , p r o t e s t e r s gathered in Tel Aviv on Monday night, calling for all remaining hostages to be r e l e a s e d a n d a c c u s i n g Netanyahu of sabotaging the d e a l “ T h e I s r a e l i government just torpedoed the deal. The prime minister just torpedoed the deal, and the hostages are not expected to return on Shabbat. We cannot accept this,” Danny Elgarat, the brother of 69year old Itzhak Elgarat, said in a video seen by CNN. Itzhak was supposed to be released under the first phase of the Gaza deal, according to the Israeli government.

W h i l e H a m a s ’ postponement is a serious threat, it is not the first time complaints have been raised to the mediators. Hamas and Israel have accused each o t h e r o f v i o l a t i n g t h e

agreement throughout the f i r s t p h a s e o f t h e d e a l

Previous complaints have subsequently been resolved. An Israeli threat to delay the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza – which it followed through on – was u l t i m a t e l y r e s o l v e d i n

d i s c u s s i o n s w i t h t h e

m e d i a t o r s , f o r e x a m p l e

Following the news, the

H o s t a g e a n d M i s s i n g Families Forum said it had requested urgent assistance from mediating countries to “ h e l p r e s t o r e a n d implement” the ceasefire deal. “We stand with the I s r a e l i g o v e r n m e n t a n d encourage maintaining the conditions that will ensure the successful continuation of the agreement, leading to the safe return of our 76 brothers and sisters,” the f o r u m s a i d “ R e c e n t

e v i d e n c e f r o m t h o s e released, as well as the shocking conditions of the h o s t a g e s r e l e a s e d l a s t Saturday, leaves no room for d o u b t , ” t h e s t a t e m e n t continued. “Time is of the essence, and all hostages must be urgently rescued

from this horrific situation.”

Dozens of hostages still in Gaza

Hamas released three hostages on Saturday in the l a t e s t h o s t a g e e x c h a n g e since a ceasefire went into effect on January 19. In exchange, Israel released 183 Palestinian prisoners, of whom 18 were serving life sentences. The majority had been detained in Gaza since October 7 and had no public charges against them.

Hamas has now released a total of 16 Israeli hostages as part of the first phase of the ceasefire agreement, of a total of 33 promised at staggered intervals during this stage. Eight of those 33 are dead, according to the I s r a e l i g o v e r n m e n t Following the release of the three hostages on Saturday, Hamas and its allies still hold a total of 73 people taken from Israel on October 7, 2023, of 251 initially taken. Three additional hostages, held captive since 2014, are still in Gaza. The question now: How will the Israeli government react to Hamas’ threat?

WPA, PNCR sign coalition pact...

From page 16

the media that WPA views coalitions in two phases. “The first phase is electoral in nature whereby parties form coalitions to compete for office. The second phase is nationbuilding whereby parties come together in a National Government aimed at holding together the disparate and contending forces in the society for the national good.”

Hinds said since Guyana’s constitution d o e s n o t a c c o m m o d a t e p o s t - e l e c t i o n coalition governments, parties wishing to achieve this outcome must come together before elections “WPA is pursuing a coalition with other opposition forces to defeat the PPP which in our view has taken Guyana once again into the realm of autocratic rule. We do so with the full knowledge that our party lacks the electoral appeal to win an election on its own. Should

we go into an election on our own, we risk splitting the opposition vote and ensuring a return of the PPP to power Given the fact that our last three elections were decided by one seat, we are aware that the votes of a small electoral party such as the WPA could make the difference between keeping the PPP in or throwing them out of office.

Those who have pledged their support to the WPA are adamant that they do so partly to achieve the latter.”

Hinds said while the WPA concedes “our electoral limitations, we make up for that with our political capacity and our ability to mobilise such capacity from within the ranks of our allies in the wider society We also bring to any coalition a political integrity and independence that could lead to tangible o u t c o m e s i n v o t e r m o b i l i z a t i o n a n d accountable governance.”

Hamas fighters patrol a street before the handover of three Israeli hostages to a Red Cross team in Deir el-Balah, Gaza, on Saturday. Eyad Baba/AFP/Getty Images

CDB’s 55th Annual Meeting to drive action

for stronger, more inclusive Caribbean

T h e 5 5 t h A n n u a l

Meeting of the Board of Governors (BOG) of the C a r i b b e a n D e v e l o p m e n t Bank (CDB), to be held in Brasília, Brazil, from June 9 – 12, 2025, will mark a renewed drive for building

stronger Caribbean.

The Annual Meeting’s theme, “Building the Future: Resilient Institutions for a

Inclusive Caribbean”, and its official logo were unveiled on February 10 at the Hilton H

B a r b a d o s C D B ’ s n e w President, Mr Daniel Best, e m p h a s i s e d t h a t t h e meeting’s focus underscores the Bank’s commitment to transforming lives in the C a r i b b e a n b y e n a b l i n g resilient institutions to drive s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t

“The theme for this year ’s Annual Meeting represents our collective ambition and

commitment to respond to the critical challenges facing our people by reimagining h o w w e m a k e o u r i n s t i t u t i o n s m

purpose,” Best explained in a CDB press release.

“The choice of Brazil as o u r h o s t i s s i g n i f i c a n t B r a z i l ’ s e x t e n s i v e experience and culture of innovation present us with the opportunity to deepen our cooperation and leverage Latin America’s strengths to s u p p o r t t h e C a r i b b e a n ’s development agenda. Our discussions in Brasília will center on actionable and transformational strategies, highlighting the “rebirth” of the Bank as it evolves to meet the changing needs of its member countries amidst rapidly shifting global and multilateral paradigms. Our goal is to create institutions that can withstand external pressures while paving the w a y f o r e q u i t a b l e prosperity,” President Best added.

T h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g convenes CDB’s Board of

Governors, the highest level of leadership guiding the institution. Brazil, one of C D B ’

meeting for the first time.


Board, Ms. Viviane Vecchi



meeting agenda will advance shared regional priorities, addressing climate change,

engagement, and enhancing multilateral partnerships.

“The focus of the 55th A

closely with Brazil’s vision for regional cooperation and C D B

values its relations with the region and acknowledges the importance of keeping our countries connected. It is well known that Brazil has a

d implementing programmes for social inclusion, with a focus on food and nutritional security We are well aware

of the challenges brought by climate change in all of those fronts. I’m confident that CDB’s ongoing efforts to e n h a n c e i n s t i t u t i o n a l strength and resilience will benefit both the Bank and its m

Chairperson Vecchi Mendes

Regional law revision centre assures AG that revised laws will be ready for June this year

The Law Revision Commission of Guyana headed by its Chairman, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall SC on Monday met with Yolande Dash, Manager/Legislative Publisher of the Anguilla-based Regional Law Revision Centre

T h e L a w R e v i s i o n

C o m m i s s i o n o f G u y a n a headed by Attorney General Anil Nandlall SC on Monday

met with Yolande Dash, M a n a g e r / L e g i s l a t i v e Publisher of the Anguillab a s e d R e g i o n a l L a w Revision Centre.

A release from the AG’s office said Ms. Dash is in Guyana to provide guidance on the process of the ongoing law revision exercise. The most recent edition of the Laws of Guyana, commonly referred to as the Purple Volumes, was published in 2012. T h e R

currently undertaking a data capture, law revision, and consolidation exercise for



y a n a covering the period from 2012 to 2022. This project is expected to be completed by June 2025.

During their discussions, Ms. Dash acknowledged the importance of the exercise, emphasizing its significance for the country as a whole. Ms. Dash will continue to engage with the members of t h e l o c a

Commission and others to provide guidance as they work to complete the law

commitment to complete the

e ensuring a comprehensive review and consolidation of the new edition of the Laws of Guyana. He also engaged Ms. Dash on working with the Law Revision Centre Inc. o n p r o v i d i n g c o

training to members of the

y revise the Laws of Guyana. T h


m Commission of Guyana is

established pursuant to the Law Revision Act, Cap 2:02. Its functions are to p r e p

maintain in accordance with this Act an edition of the laws of Guyana to be known as the “ L




Accompanying the Attorney General in the meeting were M s A d e l e C l a r k e , Permanent Secretary, Ms Joann Bond, Deputy Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Ms. M e l i s s a A d o l p h u s , Parliamentary Counsel, Ms. Renee Sandiford-King, Law Revision Officer and Ms. D e n e i l l e G r i f f i t h , L e g a l Assistant.

The headquarters of the Caribbean Development Bank

(COP30), which Brazil will host in November We are convinced that this meeting will not only strengthen the CDB’s resilience but also d

Brazil and the Caribbean. We look forward to welcoming you to Brasília,” she added.

Beyond the high-level discussions, the meeting will

decision-making. The full agenda will be


All public sessions will be streamed live, ensuring global accessibility to these critical discussions.

Guyana Times pressman in cour t for disorderly behaviour, abusive and threating language

A30-year-old man was on Monday fined a sum of $20,000 and placed on $30,000 bail after he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer seven charges.

Seaton Daphness was charged with disorderly behaviour in public and using abusive and threating language towards Kennard Blackman, Shakeel Welcome and Kester Bethune. The incident took place at Princes Street and Mandela Avenue Georgetown on December 28, 2024.

The charges were read to him by Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore. He pleaded guilty to the disorderly charge and not guilty to the six abusive and threating language charges.

Daphness told the court that he was on his way to see his b

approached the scene to see what was happening and he was then included in the argument. He also mentioned that “them went cranking up guns, the police them”.

Magistrate Azore fined Daphness a sum of $20,000 and two weeks imprisonment for the disorderly behaviour in public charge and he was placed on $5000 bail on each of the six abusive and threating language charges totaling $30,000. He will return to court on February 17, 2025 for the continuation of the other matters to which he pleaded not guilty

Eagles demolish Chiefs to deny them Super Bowl three-peat

B B C S p o r t - T h e

P h i l a d e l p h i a E a g l e s demolished the Kansas City Chiefs 40-22 to deny them an unprecedented third straight Super Bowl.

The Chiefs were playing in their fifth Super Bowl in six years and much of the pre-game hype focused on a potential three-peat.

Mahomes was sacked six t i m e s a n d t h r e w t w o interceptions as the Chiefs’ bid for NFL immortality was ruthlessly quashed in the Superdome.

It is the Eagles’ second Super Bowl win having claimed their first in 2018, despite the Chiefs managing

But the Eagles utterly dominated in New Orleans, in particular their defence, which showed why it has been the NFL’s best this season. Kansas City’s star q u a r t e r b a c k P a t r i c k

to keep their star running b a c k S a q u o n B a r k l e y relatively quiet. I n s

Jalen Hurts stepped up to silence those who continue to question his passing game, throwing a superb 46-yard touchdown pass to seal a

Chiefs. Victory was revenge for the Eagles’ 38-35 Super Bowl defeat by the Chiefs two years ago, when Hurts put in a superb performance but ended up on the losing side. This time he helped Philly put the game beyond the Chiefs and was later named the game’s Most Valuable Player.

Tuesday February 11, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Overall, the forecast for today is fairly good. The aspects seem to favor figuring out the

n opportunity for you to take a leisurely

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Have you felt somewhat lost for the past few days? The fog may lift today and enable you to situate yourself at last. You're probably eager to settle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

You may have been feeling

s o m e w h a t d i s i l l u s i o n e d . Perhaps you lost sight of your goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some relief beginning today

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

You might be tempted to settle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take action to correct them.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but your inner world is likely to be in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solution to your heartaches as w e l l a s y o u r c a r e e r predicaments.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach things differently

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

You just can't do everything at once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every area of your life.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

This is a good moment to adapt your logic and

reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find new ideas plentiful.

SAGIT (Nov 22–Dec. 21)

It's going to be a little difficult

y , Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others,

people say

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Have you been reviewing your f a m i l y h i s t o r y l a t e l y ,

Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values? In the end.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your sense of self, Aquarius. You're just as good as anyone else, so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitive about having an ego.

E v e n t h o u g h y o u k n o w everyone does.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Today your intellectual and e

planets. It's an excellent time to organize your thoughts about presenting a project.

“I’ve been able to use every experience and learn from it, the good and the bad, using it as fuel,” he said.

“There’s always going to be doubts and questioning, but this is the purpose and my calling in life.

“Things come right on time and you know, the last Super Bowl wasn’t our time yet. Sometimes we have to accept that you have to wait your turn. “I couldn’t do any of this without the guys around me,” Hurts added.

“ D e f e n c e w i n s championships. We saw the difference they made in the game today “Winning a n

feeling That kid in me always kept working at this, and I stayed true to his v i s i o n ” L a c k l u s t r e s t a r t costs Chiefs historic feat

Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to attend America’s biggest game, while Taylor Swift w a s a m o n g t h e m a n y celebrities at the Superdome, cheering on her boyfriend Travis Kelce, the Kansas City tight end. Yet he and the Chiefs were never in the game. They earned just one first down in the first half and that was on their very first play Philadelphia opened the scoring on their second p o s s e s s i o n w i t h H u r t s scoring on the ‘tush push’ p l a y w h i c h t h e y h a v e mastered and no team has found an answer to.

Jake Elliott kicked a field goal on the Eagles’ next p o s s e s s i o n b e f o r e t h e i r defence took charge, sacking M a h o m e s o n s u c c e s s i v e p l a y s a n d o n t h e n e x t , Cooper DeJean returned an interception for a 38-yard touchdown. Mahomes had g o n e 2 9 8 p a s s a t t e m p t s

w i t h o u t t h r o w i n g a n interception, and he threw another just five plays later It was right in front of his own end zone and resulted in a touchdown for AJ Brown.

The Eagles added another field goal after half-time, before Hurts launched the ball down the middle for DeVonta Smith to claim a score fitting for the Super B o w l s t a g e P h i l l y f a n s began mocking the Chiefs by copying their Tomahawk Chop chant, as they faced becoming the first team to be shutout in a Super Bowl.

Kansas City avoided that ignominy with Mahomes throwing a touchdown pass to Xavier Worthy before Elliott added two more field goals in the fourth quarter Mah

Worthy to score in the final

proved one game too far for the Chiefs, who have at least g

champion in pursuit of a Super Bowl three-peat.

“Credit to the Eagles, they played better than us from start to finish,” said Mahomes. “Obviously the turnovers hurt - I’ve just got to take all the blame for that. Those early turnovers swing the momentum of the game and they capitalised on them.

“It was kind of 14 points that I gave them and it’s hard to come back from that at the Super Bowl.

“I just didn’t play to my standard and I have to be better next time.”

The Eagles scored a defensive touchdown through Cooper DeJean, who celebrated his 22nd birthday in style. (Reuters)

Archery Guyana hosts thrilling 2024 National Indoor Youth Open, showcasing the next generation of archery talent

Archery Guyana proudly hosted t h e h i g h l y anticipated 2024 National I n d o o r Yo u t h O p e n o n February 8-9, 2025, at the N

nation’s finest young archers for a weekend of precision, p


This year ’s event was a

h youth archers demonstrating r e m a r k a b l e s k i l l a n d sportsmanship in a highe n e rg y a t m o s p h e r e T h e competition was streamed live, allowing fans, coaches, and supporters to follow the action in real time. Archery Guyana also employed the globally recognised scoring software, ensuring accurate and instant upda

heightened the excitement for athletes and spectators alike. The competition featured i n t e

young athletes displaying

Participants and officials at the 2024 National Indoor Youth

t a l e n t a n d resilience.


y, a n d Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon e n s u r e d t h e e v e n t m a i n t a i n e d w o r l d - c l a s s officiating standards, while Director of Shooting, Ryan McKinnon, and the Results Management Team, led by R e s u l t s M a n a g e r, S a e e d Karim, ensured seamless operations throughout the tournament.

A Call to Aim Higher

At the closing ceremony, Director of Shooting, Ryan

M c K i n n o n , e x p r e s s e d appreciation to the parents, f a m i l y m e m b e r s , a n d supporters who came out to cheer on the young archers.

D e l i v e r i n g t h e f i n a l

address, Archery Guyana President, Vidushi PersaudMcKinnon, commended the athletes for their dedication:

“Young archers, over the weekend, you proved that the future of archery in G u y a n a i s b r i g h t !

Competing at a national level is no small feat, and you should be proud of yourselves.”

Mrs. Persaud-McKinnon proceeded to challenge the youth participants to not stop there and that with focus and commitment, they each have the potential to represent G u y a n a r e g i o n a l l y a n d internationally

The journey to greatness starts now—so aim higher, train harder, and come back even better in the 2025 Youth Open year end.

Archery Guyana extends heartfelt appreciation to the i n d i v i d u a l s a n d organizations that made this event possible: Hon. Charles R a m s o n , M i n i s t e r o f Culture, Youth, and Sport,

Mr Steve Ninvalle, Director of Sport, National Sports C o m m i s

President Godfrey Munroe & Executive Committee Mr S a m u e l A r j o o n ( G u y a n a B e v e r a g e s I n c – O a s i s Water) and members of the media.

Medalists of the 2024 National Indoor Youth Open

Barebow Under-15 Men

G o l d – B r a n d o n Cummings

Silver – Daniel Cox

Bronze – Ch


B a r e b o w U n


Gold – Fatima Gani

r - 1 5

Silver – Samiyyah La Cruez

Bronze – Summayyah Karim

Barebow Under-18 Men

Gold – Saifullah Gani

Silver – Samuel George

AG Vice-President Umasankar Madray presenting Gold Medal to Barebow U-15 Men Champion, Brandon Cummings.
Archery Guyana President Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon presenting Gold Medal to Barebow U-18 Men Champion, Saifullah Gani.

West Indies & Sri Lanka top their respective pools with hard earned victories in Round

We s t I n d i a n A n t h o n y Sahadeo records his maiden century POOL A


T h e e a g e r l y a w a i t e d clash between these two sides turned out to be a comfortable 6-wicket win

f o r t h e s t a r- s t u d d e d S r i Lanka side.

USA set an excellent base with the bat and were cruising at 156/3 with 10 overs to go but could only manage 53/5 in the death overs and their score of 209/8 looked sub-par Three ex-pat Sri Lankans - Sajith F e r n a n d o ( 6 9 n o t o u t ) , Sanjeewa Weerasinghe (46) and Naveed Peiris (36)scored 70 percent of the USA’s runs.

Saman Jayantha, who played 17 ODIs for Sri Lanka, looks like he could be a star of this tournament. After taking 1/23 from 9 overs, he then stroked an effortless 58 (41 balls) on debut to get Sri Lanka off to a flying start.

Ruvin Peiris (93 not out from 75 balls) was equally impressive, and the hosts swept aside the impressive USA spin attack to win with 14 overs to spare.


1 of the OVER-50s World Cup - Round 1 Summary

The second Pool A match was just as one-sided. The UAE came out of the gates hard against New Zealand and were 107/2 after 20 overs. However, their lack of batting depth was quickly exposed once the top order was out, and they crumbled to 152 all out, losing 8 for 45. The wickets were shared around, but the two left-arm spinners, Vishal Dube and Darren Sears, took 4/32 between them. The toothless

missing their best player in Khurram Khan - was never going to trouble the Grey Caps, who cruised home in the 28th over with 7 wickets

figures, with Robbie Frew’s 45 the top score.


The final Pool A game was between England and Zimbabwe. Missing most of their big guns from the last t o u r n a m e n t , Z i m b a b w e found a new one in the form of Jason Oates, who scored a brilliant 107 (9 fours and 5 sixes). I can’t confirm this stat right now, but I believe Oates could be the only player to score a century on f i r s t - c l

some support from the late m

commendable 220/6 against

Marcus Sharp took 3/39.

Surviving the England bowling is one thing, but g

formidable batting lineup is another

All of the top four made 3 9

gluttonous Giles Ecclestone top-scoring with 72 from 58 balls (following his century in a warm-up match two days earlier) as England eased home in the 37th over POOL B


The most exciting match i n P o o l B - p e r h a p s surprisingly - was between Pakistan and Wales. Pakistan started aggressively and, at 140/1 after 20 overs, any k i n d o f s c o r e l o o k e d p o s s i b l e H o w e v e r, t h e Welshmen fought gallantly to peg Pakistan back to 261/8. Mohsin Qarshi (66) and Muhammad Shahid (58) did all the blazing at the top, but none of the others passed 32. Iwan Rees took 3/39 with his off-spinners, and the dynamic Ali Bukhari bowled

impres sively fast to take 3/31.

Wales started their chase solidly Rees scored 47 at a run a ball while Simon H o l l i d a


s m o r e conservative. Holliday took u p t h e h i t t i n g a t R e e s ’ d i s m i s s a l a n d h i t s o m e beautiful shots en route to 56.

Huw Evans was also impressed by getting 45, w i t h B u k h a r i d o i n g t h e hitting at the other end. Bukhari had scored 125 not out in his only O50I innings prior to this tournament and he was the key for Wales. He smashed 59 from 44, with three sixes, but when he was out Wales still needed 29 from 21.

They fell an agonizing 3 runs short of what would have been a famous upset, but showed that they will be no easy-beats at this World C u p M u h a m m e d J a w e d took 4/30.


In what could certainly be termed an upset, West Indies beat the 2023 finalists South Africa by 18 runs in what I believe was the first meeting between these two sides. nthony Sahadeo put on a one-man show with the bat

for the Windies, hitting a dashing century He carried h i s b a t t h r o u g h o u t t h e innings, ending on 101 not out. In 24 previous matches, Sahadeo had only averaged 19 so his innings today was a s u n l i k e l y a s i t w a s impressive. Also impressive was South Africa’s Wiaan Smit, who took 5/21 from 9

middle order


The target of 200 looked

South Africans, and at 123/3 ( Ya h y a J i w a 5 5 , D a v e Bakker 42) they looked on track owever, the spinheavy Windies attack (four spinners out of five bowlers used) relentlessly pegged the b a t s m e n b a c k a n d t o o k regular wickets.

D e b u t a n t S u d e s h

Persaud was the pick of the WI bowlers with 3 for 26 off his 8 overs, Fareed Hosein also took 3 for 37 off his 9 overs. Vejai Seonarine took 2 for 33 off his 8. South Africa was bowled out for 181.This result throws Pool B wide open, as many had expected S o u t h A f r i c a t o c r u i s e through to the semi-finals.


I n d i a

excellent, chipping away at the strong Australian batting lineup, and at 143/7, the men in blue were well on top.

Waddington (24*) calmly added 51 to get Australia home with an over to spare. This effort showed the depth of the Australian batting lineup. Giddings, who bats at 8, has been not out 5 times out of his 8 innings at this

nearly 70. Waddington, at 9, has scored 84 runs for just once out.

All of the matches can be w

T h e Papare’s YouTube channel:

Australia survived more than a few nervous moments to overcome a gritty India side by 3 wickets in a very e x c i t i n g f i n i s h I n d i a recovered from 10/3 to post 191/7 (Mandar Phadke 83, Abhjit Ganguly 59). A score of 220+ was definitely on the cards, but some pedestrian l a t e - o r d e r b a t t i n g f r o m Dinesh Sharma (19 from 46) and tight Aussie bowling kept the score under 200. Craig Trindall was again o u t s t a n d i n g , t a k i n g 2 / 2 2 from 8.


Prashad claims victory at the recently concluded DEMLIFE Golf Tourney

The Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) was a l i v e w i t h excitement on Saturday last, as golfers teed off in the h i g h l y a n t i c i p a t e d D E M L I F E G o l f T

fairways and challenging greens set the stage for a day

o f i n t e n s e c o m p e t i t i o n , w h e r e s e a s o n e d p l a y e r s b a t t l e d f i e r c e l y f o r t h e coveted title. At the end of an exhilarating contest, Patrick



skill and consistency to secure victory with a gross score of 76, a handicap of 10, and a net score of 66.

T h e t o u r n a m e n t showcased top-tier golfing talent, with Mike Mangal finishing closely behind with a gross 77, HC 8, and net 69, w h i l e J a i p a u l S u k n a n a n rounded out the top three with a gross 80, HC 9, and net 71.

O t h e r s t a n d o u t

p e r f o r m a n c e s i n c l u d e d

Brian Hackett, who claimed the Nearest to the Pin award, and Mohanlall Dindanauth, w h o d i s p l a y e d i m m e n s e power to take home the

Longest Drive title. Prashad f u r t h e r c e m e n t e d h i s dominance by also securing the Best Gross award with his impressive 76.

Speaking on behalf of

A s s u r a n c e S o c i e t y ( D

emphasized the company’s commitmen


c o m m u n i t y e n g a g e m e n t through sports.

“We are proud to sponsor this event. At DEMLIFE, we believe in activities that bring people together, and today’s tournament was a t e s t a m e n t t o t h a t s p i r i t Congratulations to all the w i n n e r s , a n d w e l o o k forward to continuing this partners hip in the years ahead.”

LGC President Anasha Ally also expressed gratitude for DEMLIFE’s ongoing support, highlighting the significance of corporate partnerships in sustaining the sport.

Dem Life Golf Tournament concluded Saturday last. Pictured are winners and participants of the one-day tourney

“ O n b e h a l f o f t h e Lusignan Golf Club, I extend my sincere appreciation to D e m e r a r a M u t u a l Yo u r s p o n s o r s h i p a n d participation are invaluable, and we encourage you to continue supporting the club in the future. Today was a fantastic day of golf, even though some players felt they could have performed better The course played exceptionally well, thanks to the dedication of our staff who worked tirelessly to e n s u r e a s u c c e s s f u l


T h e D E M L I F E G o l f Tournament is more than just

a s p o r t i n g e v e n t i t

r e p r e s e n t s t h e e n d u r i n g

c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n Lusignan Golf Club and D e m e r a r a M u t u a l L i f e

A s s u r a n c e S o c i e t y , a partnership built on shared v a l u e s o f e x c e l l e n c e ,

resilience, and community development. With a legacy spanning over a century, D e m e r a r a M u t u a l h a s cemented its reputation as a trusted insurance provider, serving more than 20,000 policyholders across Guyana and the Caribbean. Through i n i t i a t i v e s l i k e t h i s tournament, the company

continues to reinforce its dedication to enhancing the w e l l - b e i n g a n d f i n a n c i a l security of its clients.

As the sun set on another successful edition of the D E M L I F E G o l f Tournament, the Lusignan Golf Club reaffirmed its p o s i t i o n a s G u y a n a ’ s premier golfing destination.

Khalil, Pollard and Barker reign supreme as BCQS and Int’l Masters concludes

Guyanese squash

p l a y e r s d e l i v e r e d standout performances at the 2025 BCQS International Masters Tournament, held at the Georgetown Club, with

Jason-Ray Khalil, Regan Pollard, and Indira Barker capturing divisional titles in dominant fashion.

K h a l i l a n d P o l l a r d reigned supreme in their

r e s p e c t i v e c a t e g o r i e s o n

Saturday as the Guyana Squash Association wrapped

u p a n o t h e r s u c c e s s f u l

Masters tournament The crowd erupted in support of hometown favourite Khalil as he entered the Men’s 3044 final undefeated, facing off against Barbados’ Shawn Simpson. Simpson, with his long reach and left-handed finesse, proved a formidable opponent. However, Khalil’s compact, powerful style, b a c k e d b y h i s s t r o n g

forehand and backhand play, posed a relentless challenge. The final was a gripping contest. Khalil struck first, taking the opening game 117, but Simpson responded strongly to level the match with a 7-11 win in the second.

A t 1 - 1 , b o t h p l a y e r s engaged in a thrilling third set, pushing each other to the limit with skillful exchanges and intense rallies. Khalil edged ahead with a 12-10 victory before shifting into c h a m p i o n s h i p m o d e , overwhelming Simpson 113 in the fourth set to clinch the title.

I n t h e M e n ’s 4 5 - 5 4 division, countryman Regan Pollard dominated the #2 seed, Barbados’ Don Benn, with an emphatic 3-0 victory Both players had showcased r e m a r k a b l e s q u a s h t h r o u g h o u t t h e f o u r- d a y t o u r n a m e n t , b u t P o l l a r d

wasted no time asserting his dominance in the final. He secured the first set 11-7 and maintained control, winning the next two 11-8 and 11-6 to d e n y B e n n a n o t h e r divisional title and claim the championship.

Indira Barker also made a resounding impact in the Women’s Over-35 category She sealed the title with two decisive wins on the final day against Tian Edwards and Maria Munroe Her triumph against top-seeded

Barbadian Alison SmithPadmore the previous day was crucial in securing her championship. Lydia Fraser finished in second place after a commanding 3-0 win over Anna Perreira, while SmithPadmore settled for third.

T h e M e n ’ s 5 5 - 6 4

d i v i s i o n , a t r u e t e s t o f e n d u r a n c e a n d s k i l l , p r o v i d e d i n t e n s e competition throughout the

Jason-Ray Khalil (left) wins Men’s 30-44 crown, sponsor rep. Sanjay Amin handing over winner ’s accolade, marking the conclusion of the 2025 BCQS Masters (Guyana).

event. Defending champion

J o s e p h M e k d e c i w a s d e t h r o n e d b y Tr i n i d a d ’s John Holley in a gripping final.

H o l l e y ’s a g i l i t y a n d precision proved too much, as he secured the title with an 11-4, 11-7, 11-6 victory.

T h e 2 0 2 5 B C Q S

winning the Women’s Over35 category, followed by Lydia Fraser in second and Alison Smith-Padmore in third. In the Men’s 30-44

gold, Simpson took silver, and Alex Arjoon finished third. Pollard, Benn, and

I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a s t e r s Tournament concluded with a grand closing ceremony, where the top performers were honoured with crafted memorabilia. The final standings in the m a j o r d i v i s i o n s s a w G u y a n a ’s I n d

Men’s 45-54 category, while in the Men’s 55-64 division, Holley triumphed ahead of Mekdeci and Dennis Dias. Securing three out of four titles, Guyana’s squash

another successful chapter in the sport’s rich local history

Patrick Prashad (right) receiving his winner ’s trophy at the conclusion of the event.
Indira Wellenkar Barker (left) receiving her first place prize in the Women’s Over 35 category.

Cricket West Indies passes historic governance reform at special meeting of shareholders

P O R T O F S P A I N , Trinidad - Cricket West Indies (CWI) has announced

t h a t i t s F u l l M e m b e r shareholders have officially approved a historic set of governance reforms at a Special Meeting of Members of Cricket West Indies Inc. on Sunday, 9 February 2025. This landmark decision represents a significant step

i n m o d e r n i z i n g t h e

organization’s governance

s t r u c t u r e , e n h a n c i n g accountability, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of West Indies cricket.

A t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f

t h e s e r e f o r m s i s t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f a t e r m

l i m i t o f a m a x i m u m o f

t h r e e t e r m s o f three years each for the positions of P r e s i d e n t a n d V i c ePresident.

T h i s c r i t i c a l c h a n g e

e n s u r e s f r e s h l e a d e r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s , p r o m o t e s c o n t i n u i t y w h i l e p r e v e n t i n g s t agnation, and aligns CWI’s governance framework with modern best practices.

A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e r e f o r m s i n c l u d e t h e i n c r e a s e o f t h e t e r m o f t h e

P r e s i d e n t a n d V i c e P r e s i d e n t f r o m two years to three years.

T h i s c h a n g e w i l l t a k e e f f e c t f r o m t h e n e x t

P r e s i d e n t i a l a n d Vi c eP r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n , w h i c h i s d u e in March 2025.

C W I P r e s i d e n t D r K i s h o r e S h a l l o w h a i l e d t h e p a s s a g e o f t h e s e r e f o r m s a s a l a n d m a r k

a c h i e v e m e n t : “ T o d a y marks a defining moment for Cricket West Indies.

W i t h t h e

i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f l o n g -

o v e r d u e t e r m l i m i t s a n d

c r i t i c a l g o v e r n a n c e

r e f o r m s , w e a r e t a k i n g a bold and uncompromising step toward stronger, more transparent, and accountable leadership.

F o r y e a r s , g o v e r n a n c e

h a s b e e n a t t h e h e a r t o f r e g i o n a l d e b a t e , w i t h

s t a k e h o l d e r s d e m a n d i n g

c h a n g e

T h i s i s n o t j u s t

r e f o r m ; i t i s a n e c e s s a r y

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n t h a t w i l l e n s u r e C r i c k e t W e s t I n d i e s i s l e d w i t h i n t e g r i t y , v i s i o n , a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y

T h e s e c h a n g e s l a y t h e f o u n d a t i o n f o r a m o r e

d y n a m i c a n d f o r w a r dt h i n k i n g i n s t i t u t i o n , o n e t h a t t r u l y s e r v e s t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t s o f We s t I n d i es cricket.”

T h e g o v e r n a n c e r e f o r m p r o c e s s h a s b e e n a s t r a t e g i c p r i o r i t y f o r C W I , u n d e r g o i n g e x t e n s i v e d i s c u s s i o n s a n d c o n s u l t a t i o n s o v e r t h e p a s t f e w y e a r s , i n c l u d i n g i n s i g h t s f r o m t h e We h b y R e p o r t S h a l l o w e m p h a s i z e d t h e c o l l a b o r a t i v e e f f o r t b e

responsibility to safeguard and strengthen West Indies cricket.

I also wish to express my deep appreciation to Don Wehby and his Task Force colleagues along with His Excellency Michael Findlay f o r t h e i r i n v a l u a b l e contributions—their report served as a crucial roadmap in shaping this important reform.

A d d i t i o n a l l y , I a c k n o w l e d g e p a s t p r e s i d e n t R i c k y S k e r r i t t f o r h i s s h a r e d v i s i o n t o

s t r e n g t h e n o u r g o v e r n a n c e s t r

Shallow also stated: “For decades, I have championed term limits in leadership, ensuring fresh ideas and new energy at the helm.

I fought for this principle as President of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Windward Islands Cricket Board, and I stand by it today

While the decision was not unanimous, there is no division in Cricket West Indies.

Every territorial board stands united in one common purpose—to strengthen our o r g a n i z a t i o n , u p h o l d transparency, and secure a brighter future for West Indies cricket.

We m o v e f o r w a r d together, committed to the growth and success of the game we all love.”

The introduction of term l i m i t s a n d t h e t e r m extensions, adds to a list of other sweeping governance r e f o r m s d e s i g n e d t o s t r e n g t h e n C W I ’ s operational structure and a c c o u n t a b i l i t y O v e r t h e years, CWI has implemented several governance changes

a i m e d a t i m p r o v i n g i t s s t r u c t u r e a n d e ff i c i e n c y These include: Board and Leadership Structure

Introduction of more

f e m a l e i n d e p e n d e n t directors to the Board to e n h a n c e g e n d e r representation in decision-

making, ensuring a broader r a n g e o f e x p e r t i s e a n d perspectives.

· Implementation of a S t r a t e g i c G o v e r n a n c e Committee.

R e d u c t i o n i n t h e n u m b e r a n d s i z e o f committees.

· Increased involvement of independent committee members.

·Implementation of more r o b u s t r e c r u i t m e n t a n d selection processes to ensure t h e m o s t q u a l i f i e d candidates fill key positions within the organization.

Ethical and Compliance Measures

·Centralized the ethics and disciplinary functions to one independently chaired

I n t e g r i t y & D i s p u t e Resolutions Committee.

·Strengthened financial

r e p o r t i n g a n d d i s c l o s u r e

r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r g r e a t e r accountability

Public release of an annual report consistently for the past four years, ensuring transparency and a c c e s s i b i l i t y o f k e y organizational activities and strategic priorities.

·Public release of annual audited financial statements, r e i n f o r c i n g f i n a n c i a l a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , d e m o n s t r a t i n g f i s c a l responsibility, and building trust among stakeholders.

Financial Oversight and Risk Management E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a n

President Dr. Kishore Shallow (left) standing beside Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) representatives Pedro Greaves (centre) and Senator Gregory Nichols (right).
President Dr. Kishore Shallow with member representatives from Guyana Cricket Board (GCB).

Khalil, Pollard and Barker reign supreme as BCQS Int’l Masters concludes


Participants, including winners and GSA officials share photo-op at Georgetown Club, marking the conclusion of the 2025 BCQS Squash Masters.

Cricket West Indies passes historic governance reform at special meeting of shareholders

Archery Guyana hosts thrilling 2024 National Indoor Youth Open, showcasing the next generation of archery talent

Prashad claims victory at the recently concluded DEMLIFE Golf Tourney

Official Photograph of the Special Meeting of Members in Trinidad.

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