Kaieteur News

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New York doctor claims he doesn’t know investing money with Ed Ahmad is illegal

Woman brutally stabbed by ex-lover

…after she allegedly refused to leave new boyfriend

Trump says US will ‘take over’ Gaza Strip and doesn’t rule out using American troops Gas-to-Energy

…as land sale scandal brings down CHPA, CEO

Gov t . reveals names of six companies to get new oil blocks Linden man charged for abducting ex-lover

Man found dead in Pomeroon River after seen swimming to retrieve drifting boat

House approves $51B for controversial

New York doctor claims he doesn’t know investing money with Ed Ahmad is illegal

In an attempt to clear his name of allegations of fraud,

m o n e y l a u n d e r i n g a n d controversial acquisition of prime lands in Guyana, New York-based Guyanese Dr. Phillip Baldeo has claimed

t h a t h e d i d n o t k n o w i n v e s t i n g m o n e y w i t h

c o n v i c t e d U S - b a s e d fraudster, Ed Ahmad for real estate purpose is illegal.

B a l d e o ’ s l a n d transactions came to light amid revelations that the Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA),

S h e r w y n G r e a v e s h a d allegedly facilitated the sale of prime lands to him and

o t h e r s a t b e l o w m a r k e t value. The scandal has since caused Greaves to resign

f r o m t h e e n t i t y w i t h immediate effect, stating that social media commentaries on the issue have affected his mental health and family Ahmad was convicted in the US for Mortgage Fraud. In 2017, he was sentenced to two years in jail. On his r e l e a s e , t h e c o n v i c t e d businessman was under five years of supervised release, w i t h s p e c i a l c o n d i t i o n s imposed including an order not to work in the mortgage (real estate) industry

When confronted with this information during a


journalist Travis Chase, Dr Baldeo claimed that he was not aware of this.

Chase enquired whether Dr Baldeo was aware that Ed Ahmad was convicted in the US for fraud, by way of his release, was ordered by the court certain conditions one of which is to stay away from real estate.

“And if you are investing in a company which is Ed Ahmad’s business or vice v e r s a a n d h e h a s d i r t y money, doesn’t that make your money dirty as well?”

Chase proffered.

After silently nodding in

investor replied, “Chase you

…as land sale scandal brings down CHPA, CEO

business with someone who has lands at Ogle?” Chase

US-based fraudster, Ed Ahmad

don’t know how happy I am that you are giving me facts I didn’t know about but I will ask my attorney.”

Dr Baldeo suggested too that if it is found that his investment with a company

al questions, “I will withdraw my funds as fast as I can.”

He however explained that he and Ahmad have known each other for years and are friends but he is not aware that the source of A h m a d ’s f u n d s m a y b e questionable. “Do you have any lands at Ogle?” asked Chase. “Personally, in my name no, I don’t own lands at Ogle personally...,” retorted Dr Baldeo. “You are in

co ntin u ed “Yes I can say…” Dr Baldeo started to say before Chase interjected. “Thirty acres perhaps…?” the reporter asked to which Dr Baldeo replied I don’t k n o w ; I h a v e n e v e r measured but I think it’s about that size.” Dr Baldeo sought to clarify that he was not in business with Ahmad, but rather a company the

c o n v i c t w a s p a r t o f

Describing himself as a patriot, Baldeo said that his only aim is to invest in his homeland to bring about employment and economic activities to help lift his

G u y a n e s e b r o t h e r s a n d sisters out of poverty

H e i n s i s t e d t h a t h e legitimately acquired lands at Providence, East Bank Demerara and two properties at Heroes Highway through his two real estate firms,

Luxury Investments which was later incorporated as Luxury Realty Inc. and Hari Development Inc.

Q u e s t i o n e d b y w h a t means he obtained the land along the Heroes Highway, the developer said that he bought it from someone with a L i m i t e d L i a b i l i t y Company (LLC). He said however, he is clueless as to how the individual obtained the land, which he bought. “I guess they are owned by the CHPA or the sugar workers,” he said.

T h e b

claimed that he has been investing in Guyana’s real estate market since 2013. “Let me explain to you that since 1994, I’m a practising p h y s i c i a n i n N e w Yo r k City…In addition to that, in 2013, I bought 30 acres of land from CHPA at the price in which it was fair market value,” Dr Baldeo said. He continued, “I paid o v e r U S D $ 2 8 M f o r acquisition or about that including attorney fees and Continued on page 6

Dr. Phillip Baldeo

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL - Tel: 624-6456

Editor-in-Chief: Nigel Williams

Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


No advice needed - Jagdeo

When Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo says that “we know what we are doing,” he is only making a cartoon character of himself. When he insists that the government ‘doesn’t need independent advice’ to renegotiate the ExxonMobil oil contract, he makes himself into a figure of fun.

Neither he nor the president, nor the minister of natural resources, can speak frankly about renegotiation of the ExxonMobil contract. Nevertheless, the government knows what it is doing and doesn’t need any advice to guide it through a complicated process. The PPP/C Government and its leaders are a picture of subservience to ExxonMobil, but they know what they are doing. In Jagdeo’s twisted way of thinking, frightened into silence on renegotiation and doing nothing represents knowing what has to be done.

T h e w o r d r e n e g o t i a t i o n d r i v e s t h e g o v e r n m e n t underground, so terrified it is of facing ExxonMobil and saying that Guyana must get more, due to changed offshore circumstances. Guyana is now past the initial exploration stage, and well into the production stage, with more barrels of oil produced daily Though the current count is a closely guarded secret, this country’s oil reserves are no longer the 3 billion barrels of 2016, but almost four times as much as over 11 billion barrels.

When Guyana’s chief oil minister Jagdeo should be going toe-to-toe with ExxonMobil’s Darren Woods and his team for a fair share of the national patrimony for Guyanese, his preference is to hide from them under many flimsy excuses. What Guyanese observe is a Jagdeo that is all bluster, a man now in love with his weekly diatribes, one who has lost control of himself. Worse, the man in charge of the wealth of citizens no longer has any self-respect left. So, what he does is dissemble and disagree and try to destroy those who show him all the flaws in his management of the nation’s oil bonanza.

How could seeking independent advice on renegotiating the ExxonMobil contract be to the detriment of Guyana’s interests? For the most part, national governments are usually made up of men and women whose biggest recommendation is their lust for power, which is then compounded by their push for total control. Is this not what Vice President Jagdeo has come to represent, deteriorated to, right before the eyes? Governments and their ministries in advanced countries with tens of millions of people consult with experts, listen to their counsel, and then decide which way to go. Jagdeo is telling Guyanese that the PPP/C Government doesn’t need that, see no value in embarking on such action.

It is the wise man, what makes for a better leader, who is honest enough to know what he doesn’t know, and to admit so openly. If the Government of Guyana were only to move to engage credible experts in the international arena, Jagdeo knows that that would leave him exposed to ExxonMobil. It is that dread of incurring the wrath of ExxonMobil’s top executives that drives Jagdeo to bend himself into all shapes, sizes, and forms to evade doing his duty for Guyana. Somebody from high up in the PPP/C Government let the cat out of the bag recently when it was said that fighting to renegotiate the ExxonMobil is a sure way to lose the pending elections. Jagdeo and the PPP/C Government have convinced themselves that Guyanese cannot see their fear of offending ExxonMobil and what that could mean regarding holding on to power Because to recruit independent experts for guidance on renegotiation of the oil contract would send the wrong signal to ExxonMobil.

For sure, Jagdeo knows what he is doing, which is to keep secrets for ExxonMobil. The PPP/C Government is doing so well that it has now operate as if it is some secret society The government knows so much that it cannot even write ExxonMobil to express an interest in discussing renegotiation. President Ali knows that he has to hide behind “sanctity of contract”, even though that makes him look less like a president and more like a puppet. It is obvious that all that the PPP/C Government knows is that it must stay tight with ExxonMobil. Renegotiation is, therefore, sacrificed on the altar of political calculations.

Beware: They are it again!


I have noted that the opposition p

questioning the accuracy of the voters’ list and threatening to be their usual destructive selves. In the process, they are relying on downright lies, distortion and half-truths. It is true that the voters’ list is somewhat large. However, from the time the decision was taken to move towards continuous reg

ion, a decision that the opposition was fully on board with, it was known that this situation would have arisen.

The reason was to avoid having to do a completely new list at every election. Moreover, it was realised that if a no-confidence motion was passed unless we have continuous registration, we would not be in a position to hold

he constitution requires. The PNC and others who were in the opposition at that time were very keen on this. They supported it wholeheartedly. Moreover, if for any reason we needed an urgent r e f e r e n d u m , t h e o l d s y s t e m o f registration could not suffice.

The main issue here must be that all the names on the list are real persons and not fictitious. Many measures have been put in place, at great cost, we should

note, to ensure that was so.

For instance, whenever a person is registered, GECOM officials along with r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f t h e r u l i n g a n d opposition parties visit the homes of the registrants to ensure that all the information is correct. It is then signed off by a GECOM official and the representatives of the political parties.

The other issue is the question of biometrics. When talk of this arises, the opposition deliberately chooses to ignore the fact that every registrant is fingerprinted. Before elections are held, the whole database is sent abroad, to reputable companies in either the US or Canada, accompanied by officials of GECOM and representative of the political parties, to be checked for any duplicate registrants. This guarantees that a voter is only registered once. This system has been working very well and was tested on more than one occasion.

I n 1 9 9 7 , t h e e l e c t i o n s w e r e forensically audited by a team of c o m p e t e n t C A R I C O M e l e c t i o n s specialists headed by Mr Ulric Cross of Trinidad and Tobago. In the final report, it was stated that not a single fraudulent vote was found.

In 2001, the Chairman of GECOM, Mr Joseph Singh, Major General

(Retd.) invited international elections specialists to audit the elections before he demitted office. Again, not a single fraudulent vote was found. It’s because it is so difficult to rig the elections that the PNC/APNU/AFC tried to do so from inside. From all appearance, they succeeded in 2015 but were caught in 2020. In relation to dead people being on the list, it seems very unlikely or at best very minimal since the list of dead persons is sent over monthly from the Births and Deaths Department so that those names are removed from the list.

The fundamental points should not b

confusion, that is, firstly all the names on the list are real people, some may be abroad temporarily (maybe President Trump’s deportation policy would help to ensure that they return.). The second fact is that a person can only vote once. The opposition would be better served if they play a positive role in nation building in whatever capacity they are operating instead of attempting to disrupt.

That would be the patriotic thing to do.




“Yuh bruk and ain’t got no money to run a successful campaign but yuh still playing a big bai on ppl. Seven or eight m o n t h s a w a y f r o m e l e c t i o n s a n d nothing in motion yet; no plan nothing just more division and people running from the party because of yuh attitude.

When people talk about yuh attitude and how arrogant and malicious you are, is the people who are the problem not you.

Is duh you want the supporters believe? The former Georgetown mayor publicly endorsed the party’s leadership and seh he gon work hard behind it. Yuh call the man and promise fuh meet wid he. Lo and behold, yuh feel yuh too big fuh meet wid he suh you send somebody fuh talk wid he. Is dis the way you waan unite wid people and work wid dem to beat the PPP at the polls?

The truth is, your attitude and behaviour in leadership hurting people badly Yuh tekkin simple criticism

p e r s o n a l l y a n d m e k k i n p e o p l e permanent enemies but when people talk, you gat a few people wuh you promise fuh put in Parliament and also mek minista, cussing and sayin, we mustn’t wash we dirty linen in public. The truth is people caan’t talk to you because is ur way or the highway I see it coming tho, yuh would rather see the party bruk up quietly and the PPP win elections by a two thirds majority than sit down and accept the best possible strategy fuh mek we win.

Broomes gaan, Bond gaan, even yuh ole PR man that been wid yuh faithfully before yuh become leadah gaan to the AFC. Thousands of we supporters uncertain right now but stayin quiet because dem suh shame and dem ain’t

waan give PPP tings fuh talk. Yuh is a selfish and wicked big man.

Deh AFC leadah tryin he best fuh wuk out something wid yuh so we could unite and beat the PPP Yuh mash dat up from behind the scene. Is only you could be presidential candidate and you ain’t kay if we lose.

The couple diehard people yuh paying and gat behind yuh, dem frighten fuh tell yuh the truth. Dem jus deh deh fuh attack people when dem give dem views about yuh.

The PPP is at its lowest right now but you waan mek people believe that unity in we party is everyone bowing to you and gaffa do wuh you seh. But dirty linen or not, a gon address today on a Live. Yuh is a wicked big man.”


Social and Political Activist

Greaves’ resignation and transparency


The recent resignation of Sherwyn Greaves from his position as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Central H o u s i n g a n d P l a n n i n g A u t h o r i t y (CH&PA) has intensified concerns regarding the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration’s commitment to transparency and ethical governance. While official statements have detailed the reasons behind Mr Greaves’ departure, the abrupt nature of his resignation has led to widespread speculation and unease among the populace.

This event is perceived by many as part of a broader pattern of alleged corruption and mismanagement within the current government. Notably, the Guyana Police Force has been under scrutiny for allegations of massive corruption involving significant sums of taxpayers’ money Despite the gravity

of these accusations, there appears to be a lack of transparent investigations or efforts to address the issues.

In response to these concerns, the PPP/C has publicly reiterated its zerotolerance policy towards corruption. General Secretary, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo emphasized that any public official found engaging in corrupt practices will face the full extent of the law, regardless of their affiliation he stated, “If you b e l i e v e t h a t y o u h a v e a s p e c i a l relationship with the government and t h a t w e w i l l , p u r s u a n t t o t h a t relationship, cover up your misdeeds, you have it wrong.”

However, despite these assurances, public skepticism remains high. His administration’s focus on historical grievances, such as past election rigging and its own legacy, does little to address the immediate concerns of citizens who demand accountability and effective governance.

The resignation of Mr Greaves should serve as a pivotal moment for the PPP/C to reassess its approach to governance. The party must prioritize t r a n s p a r e n c y, a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, a n d inclusivity to restore public trust and fulfill its mandate to serve all Guyanese citizens equitably

While the PPP/C has articulated a commitment to combating corruption, recent events underscore the need for concrete actions over rhetoric. The g o v e r n m e n t m u s t d


g o v e r n a n c e through transparent investigations and by holding individuals accountable for m i s c o n d u c t ,

prosperous and just future for all and cease victimization of those who speak out against corruptions.


R. Williams

A Cr itical Analysis of the Budget

As for other budgets in recent years, I was present in parliament and listened some to presentations; it was not a d e b a t e l i k e t h o s e o f presenters of years gone (1970s thru 90s) when there were sharp, witty, humorous remarks that evoked laughter among members and the audience. There were hardly any serious addresses or a real debate that left lasting impressions from either side. But one positive aspect is that there were no lewd,

l a s c i v i o u s , m i s o g y n i s t i c remarks and disrespectful presentations that denigrated members of the other side about their sexuality, family, gender, etc. that brought the c h a m b e r i n t o d i s r e p u t e There was a lot of heckling mostly from government side; some of it was not necessary but it has become habitual. One had to be in the chamber to hear or see it; youths and the nation in general would be turned off. Hecklers don’t carry respect from the public. And almost every member was on the phone hardly listening to presentations, disrespecting

contributions of colleagues.

A s I l e a r n e d f r o m

pursuing a post-graduate degree in Economics and in teaching the subject, no budget (not even in America o r I n d i a ) i s w i t h o u t controversy and no budget is liked by everyone. There were several positive aspects of the budget and there were some negatives or items that g o v e r n m e n t c o u l d h a v e included or given additional revenues. I traveled around the coast engaging people a n d o t h e r s c o n d u c t e d interviews for me on the budget and contemporary issues. There was an overall positive response to the budget by the public. The opposition’s role is to criticize the budget and there was much of that. Only a f e w m e m b e r s o n t h e government side focused on how it will transform the e c o n o m y O n l y a f e w opposition members were fair and objective. Almost every member on the ruling bench focused on history reminding the nation of the terrible governance of the PNC (APNU) during its 33 y e a r s i n g o v e r n m e n t I

suppose in an election year, that makes for good politics. Bishop Juan Edghill and G e e t a C h a n d a n - E d m o n d were excellent. There were also very good presentations

Ferguson, newcomer Suresh

S i n g h , a n d V i k

Ramkissoon, among a few o

Leader, Aubrey Norton erred in ‘proudly defending’ the ban on foods during the Burnham era.

Overall, the budget aims at inclusive development T

income-tax relief set the stage for continued growth. It was a politically crafted,

agriculture, social welfare, and other ministries. There was almost something for everyone. Every ministry got an increase The Natural Resource Ministry brings in the most revenues but got


The budget strengthens

bridges, air strips, electric p

d investment in infrastructure and social welfare will drive inclusive economic growth. Agriculture, a key pillar of

resources with the aim of enhancing productivity that is critical for food security A significant amount of money

s o n a l t a x r a t e c u t s

without disturbing any other

g h i t c o u l d d r i v e inflation that is already very h i g h M o r e r e v e n u e s i n people’s pockets will boost consumption and add to growth, but it will also lead to increased imports and dry up foreign exchange. Higher d i s p o s a b l e i n c o m e , a s

l e a r n e d f r o m e c o n o m i c s lessons, is known to trigger a v i c i o u s c y c l e o f h i g h e r consumption and increased i m p o r t s t h a t h u r t s a n economy if not managed well.

The revisions in personal income and corporate tax

rates under the new tax

r e g i m e , s i g n i f i c a n t l y reducing tax liabilities, offer welcome relief to middlei n c o

l l , people I engaged around the country were pleased over the income tax relief, taking home more spending money

f o r h o u s e h o

e s However, it benefits a small fraction of the taxpayers as m o r e t h

n h a l f o f t h e workforce earn below the tax t h r e s h o l d L o w e r- i n c o

groups remain untouched by a

added a scheme that directly benefit those outside of the tax threshold income.

populations, who barely earn e n

a i n themselves, end up paying a lot in VAT on essential goods and services that they can’t afford while those on higher

disposable income to pay for such goods and services. The

offered some kind of relief to the poor like subsidies on essential goods (particularly staples — flour), medicines, utilities, etc. Schemes should

segments (classes) of the population not just the upper,

Continued on page 6

GPHC Pathology Lab earns GNBS cer tification on World Cancer Day

The Georgetown Public H

s ( G P H C ) P a t h o l o g y L

b o

t o r y o n Tu e s d a y received certification for its compliance with the national GYS 170:2021 standards.

T h e c e r t i f i c a t i o n

c o i n c i d e d w i t h Wo r l d

Cancer Day At a simple ceremony held at GPHC’S New Market Street location, manager of the pathology

l a b o r a t o r y , M a r c e a C o m a c h o , s a i d t h e l a b provides a crucial service in both anatomical and clinical pathology and plays a vital role in the diagnosis of diseases by analyzing patient tissues, cells, and bodily fluids.

T h e a n a t o m i c a l pathology laboratory is at the f o r e f r o n t o f d i s e a s e detection, with a wide range

o f r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s S h e explained that these include

a n a l y z i n g b o d y f l u i d s , surgical tissue samples, and

p o s t - m o r t e m s a m p l e s t o determine the cause of death.

I t a l s o h a n d l e s g r o s s pathology, frozen section analysis, histology, cytology, immunohistochemistry, and a u t o p s i e s , o f t e n incorporating a dedicated molecular pathology section for more detailed studies.

Reflecting on the lab’s journey, Comacho said, “I recall a time in 2013 when establishing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and achieving compliance was a

challenge, that’s when I

k n e w, I n e e d e d t o d o s o m e t h i n g a b o u t c a n c e r diagnosis in Guyana. Today, the process of establishing

s y s t e m s i s n o t o n l y encouraged and expected but t h e r e s o u r c e s a n d

c o m m i t m e n t s a r e 1 0 0 percent provided.”

She added, “Thank you to the dedicated team that m a d e t h i s c e r t i f i c a t i o n possible.”

Additionally, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony emphasized the laboratory’s g r o w i n g i m p o r t a n c e i n diagnosing various cancers, an area where the country h a s m a d e c o n s i d e r a b l e progress.

“Before this lab was opened, we (Health sector) were very contended to just know that you had some pathology whether it’s a breast sample or whatever it is, but very often we weren’t able to understand what type, now with all histopathology services that we have here, w e c a n d o a l o t o f differentials which makes a big difference in how we treat,” Dr. Anthony said. Dr. Anthony explained that the pathology laboratory p l a y s a v i t a l r o l e i n d i a g n o s i n g d i s e a s e s b y analyzing tissues, cells, and body fluids noting that it f o c u s e s h e a v i l y o n i d e n t i f y i n g p r e v a l e n t cancers in Guyana, such as breast, cervical, prostate, and rectal cancers.

Dr Anthony also pointed out the strides being made in early detection, such as the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f H P V testing and future plans to screen for anal and rectal cancers.

“ T h i s y e a r , w e a r e p l a n n i n g t o s t a r t a programme to screen for anal, rectum cancers, so the four major cancers that we have in the country, we start doing something about it but this lab will help us if we n e e d t o d o t h o s e d i ff e r e n t i a l s , ” t h e h e a l t h minister said.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran, said while the hospital has achieved this important certification, more is yet to come.

“I am hoping just by the end of the second quarter that w e w i l l h a v e o u r I S O (International Organization f o r S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n ) accreditation, just to say we are already on stream with t h i s , w e h a v e s e v e r a l meetings, we had with the J a m a i c a n C r e d i t Association, and …Canada accreditation association and Continued on page 24

From page 3

closing cost and I spent another USD$2M developing that piece of land. During the intergovernmental changes, the price for property decreased. I thought I may very well end up losing my loans from the bank in the United States to purchase those lands but I still continued to develop it because I think I owed the persons that I did the best job that I can…” Baldeo asserted that he is a patriotic Guyanese and has invested here not since PPP came to power but also under the last administration.

The real estate developer explained that he doubled down on his investment in the country following the call by President Irfaan Ali for Guyanese to come home and invest. Questioned about the source of his investment funds, the doctor said that all of the monies generated to buy and develop the lands came from his pockets.

“I purchased the lands from my monies

in the United States, wire-transferred monies to this country I provided the development o

employment for thousands of Guyanese and all came from my pocket...”

Asked whether he knows when his

incorporated, the businessman said that he p

information. As the owner of the company, Dr Baldeo admitted that he is supposed to be privy to some of that information but noted that he prefers not to talk off the top of his head. “I would love to wait until I have the facts and share them with you sir,” he told Chase. In response to whether he would be willing to subject himself to a lie detector test by the FBI specifically about his funds and other source of income and his ties to Ed Ahmad, the businessman deflected stating he would only do so if the reporter is willing to undergo a similar test.

A Cr itical Analysis of the Budget

From page 5 middle, and the business class.

The budget will give a boost to the aspirations of young professionals already in or entering the workforce. Specifically, greater consumer spending will benefit retail

opportunities. Enhanced spending can further

economic activity across all sectors. And, of course, it strengthens logistical backbone throughout the economy, ensuring long-term growth and employment opportunities.


n g f o r entrepreneurial startups is welcomed. I would have liked to see significant funding for an internship scheme in ministries and the private sector

Also, there was not much emphasis on m

economy will assume importance as people move away from growing food; developing sections of the coast will create growth opportunities for trade and the emerging blue ec

could have offered farmers crop insurance against floods, drought, insect invasion, and other threats. There could have been more resources for enhancing post-harvest storage infrastructure, improving irrigation facilities, transforming the agricultural landscape, i n c r e a s i n g r u

n g economic activity in the hinterlands. Higher rural purchasing power will indirectly benefit

involved in consumer goods and agricultural supply chains. More resources could have

hinterland livelihoods because the budget a

agency to look at economic diversification so to avoid the resource curse. An agency could have been created to advise or reorient efforts on good or better governance. It is not clear

strategies for new workers and those already in the workforce.

A critique of the budget is the lack of a clear goal. A budget is not merely an accounting exercise but also a platform for the government to present its economic vision. A vision was not very clear – what long term goal the country has; what it will like to see Guyana become; will Guyana become a health or tourism hub, should the country delve deeper into agro processing; will there be a manufacturing hub say for fertilizers or other products; etc. An ‘one office’ to ease the process of getting permits f o r b u s

e d b y investors.

The overarching framework of the budget suggests it is proactive and forward-looking. As businesses and stakeholders begin to analyse and the public adapt to the new measures, the true impact of Budget 2025 will unfold in the next few months.

Yours sincerely, Vishnu Bisram (PhD)

Gov t . reveals names of six companies to get new oil blocks

A f t e r i n f o r m i n g t h e

N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y o n Friday that the companies to

be awarded oil blocks will be announced at a later date, the M i n i s t r y o f N a t u r a l

R e s o u r c e s o n M o n d a y

disclosed the companies, following a media report by

an online publication. News Source reported that the Minister of Natural

Resources, Vickram Bharrat had declared earlier that Government has “nothing to hide” with regard to the

m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e

P e t r o l e u m S e c t o r , b u t

d e c l i n e d t o p r o v i d e t h e Parliamentary Committee of Supply with the names of the four companies that are expected to sign the new P r o d u c t i o n S h a r i n g Agreement (PSA) for four of t h e c o u n t r y ’s l u c r a t i v e offshore oil blocks.

In response, the Ministry deemed the report “very

m i s c h i e v o u s ” a s i t m a i n t a i n e d t h a t t h e o i l

blocks auction has been transparent, with ongoing public engagement.

The Ministry noted, “The m o s t s u b s t a n t i a l l y

r e s p o n s i v e b i d d e r s h a v e been publicly announced, and the process is currently in its final stages, with the awardees expected to be formalised soon.”

To this end, it said that upon the completion of the regulatory process, a press event will be held to mark the s i g n i n g o f t h e P S A s , ensuring that the public r e m a i n s i n f o r m e d throughout the process.

I n t h e m e a n t i m e , i t shared the list of companies and blocks for which PSAs are expected to be signed this year

“These include blocks S4 – To t a l E n e r g i e s , Q a t a r Energy, and Petronas; S5 –I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r o u p Investment Inc.; S7 – Cybele

E n e r g y ; a n d S 1 0 –

I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r o u p

I n v e s t m e n t I n c , ” t h e M i n i s t r y s a i d i n i t s statement.

O n D a y O n e o f t h e Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2025, Minister Bharrat explained that the four PSAs to be signed this year relates to the recent bid round.

He was keen to point out that while four oil contracts

are to be signed, this does not mean that different deals will be approved. According to him, the fiscal terms of the agreements will be the same.

W h e n a s k e d b y Opposition Parliamentarian, David Patterson, to provide the House with the list of companies to be awarded oil blocks, Bharrat responded that this will be done later “for obvious reasons.”

“We will announce the four blocks that will be awarded (to) the companies at a later date and for obvious reasons too,” he said.

I n D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 , P r e s i d e n t I r f a a n A l i l a u n c h e d t h e c o u n t r y ’s inaugural bid round for 14 offshore oil blocks.

Bids were later opened o n S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 where it was disclosed that six companies submitted bids for eight of the blocks.

K a i e t e u r N e w s h a d reported that eleven of the oil blocks on auction are located in the shallow area a n d t h r e e a r e i n t h e d e e p w a t e r z o n e Importantly, each area is governed by separate PSAs. They range between 1000 square kilometres to 3000 square kilometres with the majority of them being close to 2000 square kilometres.

The oil companies will be expected to pay a 10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax to the government of Guyana.

In the meantime, the cost recovery will be capped at 65 percent in a given year, while profits will be shared 50/50 between the parties.

A c c o r d i n g t o government, it recognises the significant public interest in this sector and remains committed to ensuring that the development of the oil a n d g a s i n d u s t r y i s conducted in a manner that is b o t h t r a n s p a r e n t a n d beneficial to the country as a whole.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

Democracy is a long-ter m commitment

Some things in life just shouldn’t have an expiration date—like true love, a fine bottle of Bordeaux, and t r a v e l s a n c t i o n s a g a i n s t those who tried to pull off the most embarrassing election heist in modern history

Yes, I’m talking about the infamous 2020 Guyanese

e l e c t i o n s , w h e r e t h e APNU+AFC administration

s e e m e d t o b e l i e v e t h a t democracy was less of a sacred institution and more of a game—rigged in their favour, of course.

Now, if there’s one thing we all learned from that fivem o n t h f i a s c o , i t ’s t h a t patience is a virtue—except when it comes to political fraud.

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) waited, agonized, and even flirted with resignation before the proverbial cavalry rode in, decked out in red, white, and blue.

That’s right, big and bad Uncle Sam himself, with his travel sanctions in one hand and a strongly worded press

s t a t e m e n t i n t h e o t h e r, stepped in to ensure that democracy got its due. And l e t ’s b e h o n e s t , t h e r e ’s nothing quite as motivating as the sudden realization that one’s summer shopping trips to Manhattan and family

vacations to Orlando might be put on hold indefinitely

But here’s the problem: w h i l e

rewards to most of those w

stood up for democracy, it has completely missed the g o l d e n o p p o r t u n i t y o f ensuring that these sanctions aren’t just a one-time slap on the wrist. Because, let’s be real, if you were willing to toy with democracy once, you’re probably willing to do it again.

T o t h e P P P / C ’ s

a d v a n t a g e , D o n a l d

Tr u m p t h e m a n u n d e r whose administration these glorious, democracy-saving t r a v e l b a n s w e r e f i r s t i n t r o d u c e d i s b a c k , wielding executive orders left, right and center. And honestly, it’s the perfect time to slip in a little request: Dear Mr President, please

e n s u r e t h a t t h e f i n e gentlemen and ladies from G u y a n a w h o t h o u g h t election rigging was a viable career option never again set foot on American soil.

It’s not a radical ask. In fact, it’s a rather modest one. If a person can get deported permanently for overstaying, surely someone who tried to pull off a political daylight robbery should at least be

Dem Boys Seh...

denied entry into Uncle Sam. And while we’re at it, let’s not stop at just the 2020

c o n s p i r a t o r s a n y o n e currently daydreaming about creative ways to subvert democracy should be gently reminded that their vacation plans are not guaranteed. Think of it as a preemptive strike against bad decisionmaking.

But let’s not be draconian about it. We could, of course, o

affidavit admitting to their c

public apology, and perform 500 hours of community s

importance of fair elections, we could consider letting them visit Disneyland under strict supervision. But until then, the answer should be a firm no entry


travel sanctions, why not go the extra mile? Perhaps we could get a special clause a

much as entertains the idea of rigging an election should

every airport, train station, and seaport. And every time they try to book a flight, an e

Smar t phones and Inter net tun we into technology slaves!

Dem boys remember when TV first come, and life change just so. Before that, people use to sit down and watch de street like it was dem personal drama series. Now, nobody know who passing outside because dem too busy watching TV Families stop eating together, parents stop talking to dem children, and everybody start living life in front a lil screen.

But just when we thought TV was bad, along come Wi-Fi, de Internet, and Smart Phones—and bai, dem things tek over we life like a bad habit. Long time, people use to spend four hours in front de TV Now, dem spending eight hours—except it ain’t in front de TV no more, is pon dem phone!

People wake up, and before dem stretch, dem scrolling. Before dem even brush dem teeth, dem checking messages. Before dem tell dem wife good morning, dem telling social media “Rising and grinding” like if is flour dem kneading.

Dem boys seh family time dead and gone. It used to dead when TV come, but now is a proper funeral. At dinner table, everybody head down, fingers flying, scrolling and texting. Yuh could put salt instead of sugar in de food and nobody gon notice—until dem phone battery dead, then suddenly dem realize dem hungry Parties

u s e d t o b e a b o u t m u s i c , v i b e s , a n d socializing. Now?

People at party scrolling pon social media. People pon de dancefloor checking WhatsApp. Is like dem need Google Maps

appear: “Democracy does not recognize your existence at this time. Please try again never.”

L e t ’ s a l s o m a k e i t abundantly clear: this isn’t about revenge—it’s about preservation. Preserving the s a n c t i t y o f t h e v o t e , preserving the faith of the p e o p l e i n t h e e l e c t o r a l process, and preserving the idea that if you try to cheat, you don’t get to gallivant around the free world like nothing happened. Actions have consequences, and in t h i s c a s e , t h o s e c o n s e q u e n c e s s h o u l d include a lifetime supply of staycations.

So, to the PPP/C, I say:

fuh navigate deir own life. If dem ain’t post de party online, was like dem never went.

And don’t talk about relationships!

Couples used to hold hands, now dem holding dem phone. People used to look in each other eye, now dem only looking at de screen.

If yuh significant other send yuh a long romantic text, chances are dem copy and paste it from Google. Dem boys seh we tun slaves to technology Before, we use to chain up in front de TV, now we chain up to de WiFi signal. If Wi-Fi drop, people does panic like if food shortage come. Some people does check dem data balance more than dem bank account.

Is like we living two lives—one in real life, and one online. And de online life al

y, everybody rich, everybody living dem best life—till yuh see dem in real life looking like dem need a good night sleep and a proper meal.

Dem boys seh technology was supposed to mek life easier, but instead, it mek people dumber People don’t remember phone numbers no more, people don’t read books, and if Google shut down tomorrow, half de population gon forget how to think. One day, dem boys hope people gon wake up and realize life happening in front dem eyes, not inside a phone screen. But by de time that happen, AI gon be running de world and we all gon be working fuh robots! Talk half. Leff half.

making sure you never step foot on his soil again.



(The views expressed in this article are those of the

act now, before the moment slips away Send your best diplomats, your smoothest n e g o t i a t o r s , a n d , i f necessary, a few well-placed Twitter posts to Washington. M a k e t h e c a s e t h a t democracy is a long-term commitment, and so too should be the penalties for those who tried to undermine it. The message must be clear: if you conspired to rig an election, then your last chance to see Times Square was before March 2020. And to the would-be election riggers of the future, let this be your cautionary tale. If you want to enjoy the simple pleasures of American fast food, Broadway musicals, and shopping sprees, then may I humbly suggest you play fair Because if you don’t, Uncle Sam won’t just b

opinions of

Renegotiation-speaking only for me

When renegotiation of the Exxon oil contract is involved, I can only speak as this matter is seen through the eyes of my mind.

There is no intention to sway or steer, to infringe and influence, the thinking and position of any Guyanese Though all 750,000 (or 812,000) may adopt a radically different position, I just must be me. Renegotiation is where I stand, so help me God.

It was Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said that all societies hinge, progress, on the death of men There must be willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for one’s beliefs.


e s i d e n t A

o n o f t h e E x x o n contract He has wilted Even before there is a flicker, with not so much as a flame visible.

Vice President Jagdeo should speak for renegotiation The former head of state loses his head, his moorings, and lashes out at those who remind him of what he once stood for, but now abandons.

Captain General Nandlall has been in the forefront of fighting for Exxon against anything that threatens its interests When

Guyanese interests are at stake, he disappears to the rear

If the injustice of the Exxon contract is now an inseparable but acceptable segment of Guyana’s oil wealth, then the preference is to stand outside the company of Guyanese who are of that mental cast.

For what is a man if he doesn’t have the personal integrity to s t a n d a g a i n s t a n i n j u s t i c e s o odious that it spells nothing but what is disastrous for the peoples of this country?

What kind of existence does he condemn himself to, when he doesn’t care? A cricket bat with an A m e r i c a n a c c e n t i s n ’ t t h e sweetness of the willow

It is slash of the whip used artfully to make Guyanese happy with baubles and trinkets, while the fatted calf is sneaked away a million moos (barrels) day after depleting and enriching day

The oil does not replenish itself; the oil consortium prospers f r o m t h e p a t r i m o n y o f t h e Guyanese people Guyanese still have their cricket bats and cricket hats.

Thus, renegotiation is bartered away; the paucity of consideration

in what Exxon insists is a fair exchange between partners Mr Alistair Routledge knows what he can do with his trifles. He has lots of takers.

Intuition and instincts, that sixth sense, tell me that President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo are m o r e d o g g e d l y a g a i n s t renegotiation of the Exxon contract than Exxon itself is. Currying favour is taken into new territory; its spices grow more compelling, its aroma more irresistible to those so cravenly committed to Exxon’s cause.

Exxon is in the business of making profits for its people What are Guyana’s leaders in the business of, if not prostration before Exxon and surrendering of the Guyanese people patrimony I

prosperity and destiny of this country

E x x o n ’ s Wo o d s a n d h i s corporate partner Hess have been proud to acclaim Guyana’s oil as their crown jewel, this world class oil patch in the middle of the ocean. Chevron’s Wirth has just cleared another hurdle, should be set to join

the enchanted corporate chorus.

Never has been such a gem, such a crown jewel, been obtained so cheaply, so easily wrested from the grasp of those chosen by the people to stand at the bridge and hold the tide for them.

The tragedy for the Guyanese people is when their own turn traitor, betray them for a bag and some office space on the higher floors.

The Exxon contract consigns Guyanese to the cargo holds of slavery, and there are Guyanese leaders only too glad to endorse that slavery Sanctity Men or masters of verbal masquerades, that is the question which should be on the lips of every citizen?

When an oil contract is the epitome of injustice, how can I stand for it, and still declare that I am about integrity? How can any Guyanese, be he or she leader or follower? Love of country, I accept, is now an ancient concept that has no relevance, no psychic command, for many

But at what price: a jill, a bit and bit n’ half? Or, for more m o d e r n a c q u a i n t a n c e s h i p , a nickel and a dime?

M a n ! G u y a n e s e c a n ’ t b e

selling themselves this cheaply My conclusion is that after a lifetime of selling oneself cheaply, then that is all that is known, what is liked.

The CIA country profile of Guyana should be rich with such evaluations, conclusions. To say renegotiate the Exxon contract is to earn one the label of enemy in this country. Oil has done that before, and everywhere that it has been found. I remind my fellow Guyanese of what was done in Africa and India, to the Aztecs and Incas, and to the Cherokees and Comanches.

First, they took the land Then they took the rich oxygen out of the lifeblood of those who owned that land It was gold Now it’s oil. And always there were those who were proud to be by the side of the predators and plunderers.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper )

Gov t . failed to deliver on key promises – MP Patterson


renegotiation and Petroleum Commission promise, amendments to Local Content Law and f inalising Exxon audits

O p p o s i t i o n M e m b e r o f Parliament (MP), David Patterson, during the 2025 budget debate

c r i t i c i z e d t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s management of the oil and gas sector and highlighted areas it has failed to deliver on

Patterson asserted that the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Oil and Gas Unit has been largely inactive over the last budget cycle “The Ministry of Natural Resources Oil and Gas unit, has been comatose over the last budgeting period, delivering nothing, simply operating on autopilot or awaiting the VP press conference for direction on how to proceed,” Patterson said AUDITS

MP Patterson pointed out that the first two audits of ExxonMobil’s expenses in Guyana are yet to be finalised, and the public remains uninformed about whether any funds owed by the oil giant have been remitted

The audit, covering ExxonMobil Guyana’s US$7 3 billion Stabroek Block operations for 2018-2020, was conducted by local consortium V H E C o n s u l t i n g , c o m p r i s i n g Ramdihal & Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & C o n s u l t a n c y I n c , w i t h international support from SGS and Martindale Consultants

Kaieteur News had reported that an analysis of the initial second audit report revealed missing details on key expenditure that were covered in the first oil audit done, by British

firm IHS Markit, of the company’s 1999-2017 expenses IHS had recommended that the Government of Guyana (GoG) disallow US$214 million in costs being claimed by Exxon for the misuse of Guyana’s oil

commissioned by the Coalition g

comprehensive data on significant costs, such as those for supply vessels, drill rigs, SURF, helicopter services, and waste management, while these details are notably absent from the audit report by the local consortium.

Notably, late last year, the auditors disclosed that the finalised version of the second audit was submitted to the government The last update received on the second audit was that the government has

supplied additional information requested by ExxonMobil regarding the finalised second audit report of the company’s expenses PETROLEUM COMMISSION

Patterson further criticised the g

d Petroleum Commission, which was expected to oversee the sector’s regulatory framework

May 2025 will mark 10 years since Guyana is without an updated

framework that is essential for the protection of the oil industry against mismanagement and corruption. O

architectures that remains in limbo is the Petroleum Commission Bill that

appointment of an independent regulator At the beginning of its term, the People’s Progressive Party

Commission as a priority

However, the Irfaan Ali ledadministration is in their fifth year and is yet to deliver on that promise


Moreover, Patterson noted that the revision of the Local Content Act, which was meant to address loopholes previously highlighted by the opposition, has not yet been tabled

Guyana’s Local Content Act was enacted in 2021, however, certain loopholes were identified and the government had announced their

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson

intention to amend the law Last year, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said that the law will be amended in 2 0 2 5

strengthen compliance and add new areas to the local content schedule



Patterson accused the PPPadministration of not fulfilling its m a n i f e s t o c o m m i t m e n t t o renegotiate the existing Stabroek Block contract

He said, “The PPP are very comfortable with the “do nothing approach”, while the oil resources of our country is being squandered away ” The Stabroek Block deal was signed by the previous APNU+AFC government which Patterson was a p a r t o f T h e d e a l a g r e e s f o r ExxonMobil and its partners, Hess

and CNOOC to pay Guyana a 2% royalty on oil revenues, allows for the oil companies to recover 75% of the revenue to cover cost before the remaining goes to profit-sharing, and caters for Guyana to cover the oil companies’ taxes

The contract has been widely c r i t i c i s e d f o r g i v i n g t h e o i l companies a tax-free ride, the highcost recovery rate and lack of ringfencing provision This has led to calls for renegotiation from various quarters However, the People’s Progressive Party government has maintained that it will abide by the terms of the deal

President Irfaan Ali and the PPP c u r r e n t s t a n c e c o n t r a s t s w

statements Ali made as the PPP/C presidential candidate During an

president back in March 2020, Ali had strongly criticised the PSA signed by the Coalition Government with ExxonMobil

He stated at the time, “We have made it very clear, and we can never agree, how could, how could, I don’t think any Guyanese agree with this, no Guyanese except the government that is defending it We have made it very clear that we have to go towards, we’re looking at these

management and all of these things Everything we have to relook at because we have to ensure that our country does not get the wrong end of the stick.”

President Irfaan Ali

Big Oil bleak on refining profits going into 2025

Big Oil executives this week saw little prospect of a near-term improvement in r e f i n e r y p r o f i t s a f t e r Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell all reported fourthquarter earnings that were hit hard by a downturn in the margins for producing fuel

An increase in global refining capacity in 2024, combined with sputtering

demand growth has hurt refining margins

C h e v r o n ’ s s h a r e s declined 4% after it reported a loss in its refining business for the first time since 2020, causing the No 2 US oil producer to miss Wall Street’s profit estimate “This trend we have seen of margins softening through 2024 is something you can expect to

continue to see, to extend into 2025,” Chevron CEO Mike Wirth said in an interview

“It was a weak fourthquarter, there’s no doubt about it,” he said on a postearnings conference call in response to a question from an analyst about the refining downturn “I’m not going to call it a perfect storm, but it

everything went one way and it was negative ” W i r t h s a

v r o n would focus on what it can control in order to bounce b

scheduled maintenance for refineries over the next year. E


2.5% after it reported a 75% plunge in adjusted earnings from refining compared with the third quarter The broader S&

index was down 2.8% on Friday Th

remains under pressure from a

y entering the market after new refineries opened in different countries around the world, said Exxon’s Chief Financial Officer Kathryn Mikells in an interview Orsted announced on Friday it’s replaced its CEO Mads Nipper with company insider, Rasmus Errboe. “That’s really what we’re watching as we look ahead to 2025,” she said.

The No. 1 US oil producer still beat profit estimates with higher production from the Permian basin, the top US oilfield, and Guyana, the latest oil hotspot UK-based Shell said on Thursday that while it had no plans to exit the refining business, it did not plan to

expand either The company’s fourth-quarter earnings nearly halved from the previous year to $3 66 billion, partly due to weaker refining margins Shell sold its refining and chemicals hub in Singapore last year and plans to shut d o w n a n o


r p l a n t i n Wesseling, Germany HIT TO INDEPENDENT


While higher oil and gas production helped cushion oil majors from the impact of lower refining profits, the pure-play refiners took a hit as fuel demand faltered in the US and China, the two largest oil consumers. Phillips 66’s

plummeted to $8 million from $1 26 billion in the yearago quarter Valero’s refining profit dropped 73% in the fourth quarter

Two US refineries are set to close this year and limited capacity additions beyond 2 0 2 5

refining margins over the long term, said Valero CEO Lane Riggs on Thursday Investors were also worried about US President Donald Trump’s threats to impose tariffs on crude imports from Canada and Mexico on Feb. 1, which could raise costs for US refiners.


fourth quarter results on Feb. 5 and British oil producer BP reports on Feb. 11. BP has warned that a drop in refining margins and the impact of turnaround and maintenance activity would result in an up to $300 million decrease in p


Woman brutally stabbed by ex-lover …after she allegedly refused to leave new boyfriend

A 42-year-old woman who was stabbed trice to her stomach and once to her head by her ex-lover with an ice pick last month is calling on the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to locate her attacker and place him before the court.

The victim, Parbati Gaj, said that her jealous ex-lover attacked her because she refused to rekindle their relationship. He demanded that she leaves her current partner, a 27-year-old man.

Gaj told Kaieteur News on T u e s d a y t h a t s h e w a s i n a relationship with the 30-year-old man for approximately two years. The relationship ended in 2023 after the suspect battered her and broke her hand.

The frustrated woman told this publication that since the end of their relationship, the man has been stalking her and insisting that she leaves her partner, Joshua Griffith, whom he also injured last month.

On January 24, 2025, the suspect who lives next to Gaj visited her home. This resulted in an argument after she refused to leave by Griffith and restart their

relationship. While the suspect was l e a v i n g G a j ’s h o m e , G r i f f i t h appeared and an argument ensued between the suspect and Griffith.

Gaj recalled that her ex-lover threatened to stab Griffith.

“I say jok (stab) me when you ready Soon I walk off, he run behind me, after he run behind me, I run and go through the gate. Soon I run… me girl see me and run fuh open the gate, then he jok me inside the yard,” Griffith recounted.

He added, “After he don jok me, he run and he go to she and throw she down, kick she up, jok she.” Thereafter, Griffith said he ran inside of the home.

Gaj said after she was brutally attacked by the suspect, she ran into her home.

“I was on the floor bleeding out, he [the suspect] picked me up and kidnapped me and he took me to his house [next door],” Gaj related noting that she was there for about 40 minutes.

Griffith, who is a police officer, ran to the police station to summon help.

“He was just pacing back and forth in the house looking to see if the police will come and then telling me that he is the love of my life and I need to let this boy [Griffith] go and be with him,” Gaj recounted.

She added, “[he said] no one will take care of me but him and really… I think he is a psychopath because the things he was saying. I was bleeding out of my stomach and I needed to go to the doctor and he said he will be my doctor, he is the only doctor I need,” Gaj recounted.

The woman said police arrived hours after Griffith left for help and by that time her ex-lover made

good his escape.

Gaj recalled being taken to the Turkeyen Police Station despite bleeding heavily from wounds where statements were taken from her and her partner She was taken to Georgetown Public Hospital where she was admitted.

The 42-year-year-old woman was rushed to the theatre where doctors were forced to cut her stomach vertically to suture the wounds. Gaj was discharged from the hospital on February 1, 2025.

The frustrated woman told Kaieteur News that the suspect c a l l e d a n d t h r

o n Monday while demanding that she ends her relationship with Griffith.

“ if I don’t leave him, (Griffith) he is going to kill me,” Gaj recalled.

She added, “I feel like I need to

get this boy in jail, this is very scary I’m fighting to not break down, I’m barely holding my life together, b e c a u s e h e d a m a g e d m e , h e damaged my life, I want justice I want anyone who knows him to turn him into the police because they are looking for him.”


report, police were unprofessional.

Griffith told Kaieteur News that, “when I carried her to the station to make the report, the corporal turn and ask her which one of the man she wanted, if it’s me or the guy that jok she.”


When contacted on Tuesday, Crime Chief Wendel Blanhum advised that the victim makes a report of the alleged unprofessional behaviour to the Police’s Office of Professional Responsibility

“serious” efforts will be made to apprehend the suspect.

A wounded, Joshua Griffith
Victim, Parbati Gaj
Parbati Gaj shows off the wounds to her abdomen
The stab wound the boyfriend received by his lower back

GDF mar ine wing gets $2.1B boost

Guyana’s national

security is set to r e c e i v e a significant boost in 2025

w i t h a $ 5 0 4 b i l l i o n allocation for the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).

The sum was approved by the Committee of Supply on Monday while the budget was being examined in the

N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y T h e fund will allow GDF to


, acquire and maintain critical assets and strengthen the n a t i o n ’s d

territorial threats. M i n i s

Parliamentary Affairs and G

agreements and investing heavily in educating staff in

cybersecurity She explained that training for GDF staff


initiative to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to handle a variety of threats while being able to adapt to any new machinery procured.

“It is never a one-stop shop that you train a pilot and they can jump in any

plane and fly it. It is a constant training and I believe the GDF has been s

n s i t i v e t o d o t h a t , ” Minister Teixeira pointed out A whopping $2.1 billion was set aside to procure

machinery for the army’s m

support new members has

increased drastically

“The Guyana Defence Force has been increasing the intake of ranks and training so this continues in 2025 with equipping ranks and making sure they have the proper and a p p r o p r i a t e k i t s a n d equipment in keeping with t h e n

w a n d e m


n g trends of modern military uniform attire et cetera,”

the minister said. T

emphasise the government’s commitment to equipping the GDF with the most up-

evolving threats. The force’s agricultural

bolstered with the provision

farming necessities. (DPI)

Technician continues to harass ex-girlfr iend while on cybercr ime tr ial

A 3 3 - y e a r - o l d I T technician, currently on trial for cybercrimes involving his ex-girlfriend, is accused of continuing to harass her

b y a l l e g e d l y c r e a t i n g a Telegram group where he posted explicit photos and videos of her Smith, who resides at Lot

1 3 9 M e a d o w B r o o k

Gardens, Georgetown, is currently charged with three counts of cybercrime, one

c o u n t o f b r e a c h i n g a protection order, and one

c h a r g e o f d a m a g e t o property These charges stem


acquisition and distribution

o f i n t i m a t e i m a g e s a n d videos of Lenese Alexis. Alexis, who ended her relationship with Smith due

t o h i s a l l e g e d a b u s i v e

b e h a v i o u r , s p o k e w i t h Kaieteur News on Tuesday

a b o u t t h e o n g o i n g

h a r a s s m e n t S h e r e l a t e d though he is currently facing legal actions at the Courts,

h e r s i t u a t i o n w o r s e n e d recently “ He would have created a Telegram group last night posting my photos in the group and he posted one of the videos that he r e c o r d e d w i t h o u t m y

knowledge on his secret camera of us having sex, he posted that in the group as well. Up to this morning (Tuesday), he posted me in the group,” the woman said. In response to the continued harassment, Alexis indicated she will report the latest incident to the Criminal

I n v e s t i g a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t (CID) on Wednesday She a l s o m e n t i

n e d t h a t a n o ff i c i a l f r o m t h e S o c i a l P r o t e c t i o n S e r v i c


A l e x i s r e c o u n t e d t h e continuation of the trial was called on Monday at the G e o rg e t o w n M a g i s t r a t e s ’ Court. However, Smith did not make an appearance. The m a t t e r i s s c h e d u l e d t o continue with further crossexamination of Alexis by S m i t h ’ s l e g a l c o u n s e l , Darren Wade, on February 17 and 21, 2025 “This m a t t e r w a s s u p p o s e d t o finish, but every minute, there’s some adjournment because in some instances, his counsel has something to do. I am tired; I am drained. But I can’t let this matter go because this is ridiculous. I don’t even have words; this is emotionally and mentally draining,” Alexis expressed. The cybercrime charges stem from allegations that between March 11 and May 6, 2023, Smith unlawfully obtained intimate electronic data, including photos and v i d e o s , f r o m A l e x i s ’ s W h a t s A p p m e s s a g e s Additionally, between May 27 and July 16, 2024, Smith is accused of publishing this content through a computer system, causing emotional distress to his ex-girlfriend. His matter was first heard b e f o r e M a g i s t r a t e C l i v e Nurse on July 22, 2024. Smith has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Smith also has

an additional charge at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court

f o r b r e a c h i n g p r o t e c t i o n order against Alexis.

Alexis also claimed that he has additional matters to be filed. “You know how much jackets waiting to be sent to court but he has to sign off with recognisance. I have matters after matters against Mr Smith,” Alexis said. She added, “On my updated restraining order, he is not to post anything that would ruin my reputation.”

In a separate matter, Smith’s mother, Ann Smith, was found guilty on January 24, 2025, of attempting to obstruct justice She had been accused of trying to hide her son from police, who were attempting to arrest him in connection with h i s i n v o l v e m e n t i n publishing explicit content of Alexis. Ann Smith, aged 67, was fined $100,000 by Magistrate Annette Singh, and was informed that failing to pay the fine would result

related charges but was later released on bail.

More funds approved for land regular isation, Guyana law school

The Ministry of Legal Affairs’ land regularisation exercise will be accelerated this year with some hundreds of land titles slated to be distributed, providing longawaited home ownership to residents in several squatting areas.

A p p r o x i m a t e l y $ 4 2 4 m i l l i o n w a s approved for the project and other initiatives on Monday, as the Parliamentary Committee of Supply scrutinised the $1.6 billion b u d g e t a r y a l l o c a t i o n f o r t h e m i n i s t r y. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC disclosed that within the next month, over 250 transports will be distributed to residents of Walton Hall on the Essequibo Coast. He reminded, “We have delivered over 250 titles at Cotton Tree and we have 1000 more in the pipeline for about four or five villages on the West Coast of Berbice. We are also working with the Ministry of Housing to deliver 450 titles at A n n e ’s G r o v e o n t h e E a s t C o a s t o f D e m e r a r a ” T h e L a n d R e g u l a r i s a t i o n programme is executed in conjunction with the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority, the Central Housing and Planning Authority and the Land Registry

La bourer granted bail for phone theft


A 23-year-old labourer was charged and placed on $50,000 bail on Monday when he appeared at the G e o rg e t o w n M a g i s t r a t e s ’ Court to answer a larceny charge.

Rashawn Forde of Lot 2 3 , N o r t o n S t r e e t , Georgetown was charged for stealing an iPhone 14 Plus cellular phone from Derrick Norton on February 1, 2025. The crime reportedly took p l a c e o n T h o m a s a n d

Q u a m i n a S t r e e t s , Georgetown. Forde pleaded not guilty to the charge which was read to him by Senior Magistrate Fabayo

A z o r e T h e p r o s e c u t i o n objected to bail due to the seriousness of the offence.

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e prosecution, on the day in question, Forde was riding a m o t

approached Norton, blocked his path and snatched the phone. Norton immediately raised an alarm after which F o r d e d r o p p e d h i s motorcycle and ran away

The accused was caught w i t h t h e p h o n e i n h i s possession. In response to the allegation, Forde told the Court that he was on his way to the mother of his child when he met his cousin and a friend on a motorcycle. He said he asked for a lift and they took him to an unnamed street. Forde further told the court that while he was taken to the location, he saw his cousin’s friend snatched the phone from Norton.

The accused said he went to the location of the crime to see what was happening and his cousin’s friend handed him the phone.

“Everybody turned on me my worship, I didn’t steal the phone; I have never had any problem with the law,” said Forde. Forde is scheduled to return to court on February 17, 2025.

Linden man charged for abducting ex-lover


jailed for 8 months on other charge of breaching protection order

A 31-year-old taxi driver who is accused of abducting h i s e x - g i r l f r i e n d w a s remanded and sentenced to 8 months in prison on Monday when he appeared at the V i g i l a n c e M a g i s t r a t e s ’ Court.

“We have successfully undertaken and delivered to hundreds of families titles and t r a n s p o r t s f o

l a n d s t h


e b e e n occupying for decades,” the minister noted. These budgetary funds also provide for work to advance on the establishment of a Law School in Guyana. The AG reminded that some seven acres of land on the University of Guyana campus at Turkeyen have been identified, and a preliminary feasibility report for this project submitted. The Council for Legal Education (CLE) has established a high-level subcommittee to work alongside the government on this project.

Minister Nandlall said that this subcommittee has agreed on several guidelines for the submission of the entire feasibility study for its consideration. The Council will consider this study at its September meeting.

“This [allocation] also covers the project of the revised laws of Guyana and the law reports,” the AG further disaggregated. It also provides for the advancement of Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Terrorism of Financing activities, which aim to ensure that Guyana’s anti-money laundering framework r e m a i n s r o b u s t a n d c o n s i s t e n t w i t h international regulations. (DPI)

Ronald Balgobin, from Lot 785 Cinderella City, L i n d e n a n d L o t 1 0 5 8 A m e l i a ’s Wa r d , L i n d e n , Balgobin is charged with kidnapping and breaching a p r o t e c t i o n o r d e r, c r i m e s against Basmattie ‘Penny’ B a s s a n t , a 3 7 - y e a r - o l d h o u s e w i f e r e s i d i n g a t A n n a n d a l e , E a s t C o a s t Demerara.

The incident reportedly occurred on October 27, 2 0 2 4 , a t 1 0 : 0 0 h r s a t Annandale, ECD.

A wanted bulletin was s u b s e q u e n t l y i s s u e d f o r Balgobin for those crimes and he was later arrested on February 1 at his Land of C a n a a n , E a s t B a n k Demerara (EBD) home. He appeared before Magistrate Sunil Scarce who formally read the charges to him.

Balgobin pleaded guilty to the breach of protection

o r d e r c h a r g e a n d w a s sentenced to eight months in prison. However, Balgobin

w a s r e m a n d e d f o r t h e

abduction charge and is s c h e d u l e d t o a p p e a r o n March 13, 2025 for report.

Bassant was not present d u r i n g t h e c o u r t proceedings.

I t w a s r e p o r t e d t h a t

Balgobin was found lying

u n d e r a b e d a t a r o u n d 17:00hrs on Friday Two o t h e r p e r s o n s w e r e a l s o arrested for harbouring a wanted person.

Bassant had shared on her Facebook page that she w a s i n a n a b u s i v e relationship with Balgobin. She alleged that on the day s h e w a s k i d n a p p e d , t h e a c c u s e d a n d t w o accomplices forcibly took her from her Annadale home. She claimed that Balgobin drove her to the Linden Soesdyke Highway, where she managed to escape when a police patrol passed by She ran towards the police in a

distressed state, without any underwear or shoes.

Bassant further described the alleged ongoing physical and emotional abuse from Balgobin, who controlled and isolated her from her family and friends. She was placed in a shelter for safety but left when her condition worsened.

She expressed ongoing fear for her life. “I am still very fearful for my life because my ex did mention that he doesn’t want to go to prison on live feed social media!!! He also always tells me that if he can’t have me, no other man can have me,” she expressed.

Rashawn Forde
Ronald Balgobin


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Trump says US will ‘take over’ Gaza Strip and doesn’t rule out using American troops

CNN - President Donald Trump on Tuesday said the United States “will take over” the Gaza Strip — possibly with the help of American troops — while the Palestinians who live there should leave, a stunning proposal that would dramatically reorient the Middle East and subject a population of more than a million to further displacement. “The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too,” Trump said during a joint press conference alongside his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu, later describing his vision for the area as a new “Riviera.”

“We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site, level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings,” he said. Asked whether he was willing to send US troops to fill a security vacuum in Gaza, Trump did not rule it out.

“As far as Gaza is concerned, we’ll do what is necessary. If it’s necessary, we’ll do that. We’re going to take over that piece that we’re going to develop it,” he said.

Trump stands on the next phase of a ceasefire in Gaza.

But Trump’s dim views of Gaza as a permanent home for Palestinians was certain to provide grist for far-right allies of the Israeli leader, who have called on Netanyahu to abandon the temporary truce that was struck last month.

President of the United States, Donald Trump

heard that Gaza has been very unlucky for them. They live like hell. They live like they’re living in hell. Gaza is not a place for people to be living, and the only reason they want to go back, and I believe this strongly, is because they have no alternative.”

Later, he added that Palestinians could be among those who return to Gaza, but he was clear he did not envision the strip as a permanent home for them.

“Palestinians also. Palestinians will live there. Many people will live there,” he said.

And Trump’s proclamation laying claim to Gaza as US territory did not appear likely to convince Hamas to return immediately to the negotiating table. Trump said he was still determined to free the remaining hostages in Gaza. “We’d like to get all of the hostages, and if we don’t, it will just make us somewhat more violent,” he said.

Trump has claimed credit for the hostages-for-ceasefire agreement struck in the days before he entered office – and even officials in the outgoing Biden administration acknowledged Trump’s imminent arrival helped apply pressure on Israel and Hamas.

President Joe Biden had been pursuing before the October 7, 2023, attacks. Trump, who openly pines for a Nobel Peace Prize, may see his opportunity in such a pursuit, which could transform the entire Middle East and create a new bulwark against Iran, a common foe to Jerusalem and Riyadh.

It’s not clear his comments Tuesday will be helpful. Saudi Arabia has said it won’t commit to normalization with Israel without guarantees of a Palestinian state.

Whether Netanyahu is interested in diplomacy – or whether he instead sees Trump’s arrival in Washington as a moment to take decisive action against Iran, potentially even taking out its nuclear program – remains to be seen. Ahead off his arrival, there was speculation Netanyahu could use the talks to take Trump’s temperature on a direct strike, seizing a moment when Iranian proxies have been decimated, Iran’s nuclear ambitions appear to be accelerating and while he has friendlier ties to Washington.

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Trump’s comments are a remarkable assertion from a sitting American president, particularly one who rose to political power in the United States through his criticism of America’s longest wars in the Middle East and pledges to return US investments back to its citizens. They open a host of questions about how Trump’s land-grab would proceed, what its legal authorities would be and who would pay for the effort.

“I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East,” Trump told reporters in the East Room of the White House. He said later: “This was not a decision made lightly. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent.”

There will be many in the region who oppose Trump’s plan, despite his claim that all of his interlocutors love it. Already, Egypt and Jordan have rejected the notion of accepting additional Palestinian refugees, wary of destabilization and fearful they will never be allowed back home.

Trump suggested that was exactly what he envisioned: a future in Gaza that largely does not involve Palestinians.

“I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza,” Trump said in the Oval Office earlier in the day. “I

Trump, a former real estate developer, said during his press conference that he had studied the matter “closely, over a lot of months.”

Those comments followed his suggestion earlier in the day that Gazans move to a new location provided by one or more nations in the Middle East. “I mean they’re there because they have no alternative. What do they have? It is a big pile of rubble right now,” Trump said moments before hosting Netanyahu for Oval Office talks. Trump’s suggestion that Gazans leave the strip permanently amounts to a provocative stance that will endear him to Israel’s most conservative politicians but is generally a non-starter for Israel’s neighbors, who have said they are unwilling to accept new Palestinian refugees from the enclave.

At first on T uesday, Trump framed the matter as a humanitarian one, saying it was impossible to believe anyone would want to remain in the war-torn territory

“Why would they want to return? The place has been hell,” Trump said, ignoring a reporter who cried out: “Because it’s their home.”

Instead of Gaza, he suggested the Palestinians be provided a “good, fresh, beautiful piece of land” to live.

Netanyahu, sitting alongside Trump in the Oval Office, smiled as Trump was speaking. The Israeli leader, under conflicting pressures domestically, was in Washington to ascertain exactly where

Netanyahu, perhaps seeking to ingratiate himself with his host, praised Trump’s efforts. “I think President Trump added great force and powerful leadership to this effort,” Netanyahu said in the Oval Office. But for all of his prodding to get the deal inked, Trump will still need to oversee the remaining two phases of the three-phase plan. “We’ll see what happens. We’re dealing with very complicated people, but a deal can absolutely get done,” he said.

There was plenty for Trump and Netanyahu to discuss beyond the immediate matter of the ceasefire agreement.

There is the prospect of a broader normalization of relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors, principally Saudi Arabia, that former

Before Netanyahu arrived, Trump signed a directive authorizing a tough approach to Iran meant to prevent the country from obtaining a nuclear weapon while warning of “obliteration” should he be assassinated by Tehran’s operatives.

Trump said he’d left directions for his team on how to respond should he fall prey to an Iranian assassination plot. “I’ve left instructions,” Trump said. “If they do it, they’ll be obliterated.”

To read more: https:// edition.cnn.com/2025/02/04/ politics/netanyahu-trumpwhite-house-meeting/ index.html

Miner found dead in Pomeroon River after seen swimming to retrieve drifting boat

A 47-year-old miner, identified as Shawn Christopher Henry, was found dead in the Pomeroon River, Region Two, two days after he was seen swimming to retrieve a drifting boat. Police recovered Henry’s body from the river around 15:40hrs. on Monday in the vicinity of Grant’s Enterprise, Lower Pomeroon River. It was stuck between tree roots. Henry lived at St. Vincent, Lower Pomeroon River with a farmer The farmer recalled that he left home around 09:30hrs on Saturday in a wooden boat powered by a 15 horsepoweroutboard engine. He left to purchase rum at Ruben Gonsalves but never returned to his home.

Hours later, Henry’s brother visited his home in search of him. After he learnt that he left for Gonsalves, he ventured there but did not see his brother. Gonsalves said Henry did buy rum but he last saw him swimming behind his drifting boat. He could not confirm if Henry was able to recover the boat. Henry’s brother followed his trail and found the boat still drifting with its engine close to the right river bank but there was no sign of him. Two days later, police patrolling the Pomeroon River found his body



Parliament approves $1.2 billion for Guyana Digital School

Construction of the Gasto-Energy (GTE) project is only 20% completed so far, but Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips has i n f o r m e d t h e N a t i o n a l Assembly that the project

w i l l b e c o m p l e t e d b y November 2025.

This year government has allocated $51B towards the completion of the gas project, aimed at reducing the cost of electricity by 50%. Already, government has expended $105.3B on the p r o j e c t t o d

Adjudication Board; $33M for land acquisition; $36.2B for the power plant and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)

p l a n t ; $ 6 2 B f o r t h e relocation of subsea cable; $ 1 7 B f o r p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t c o n s u l t a n t s ; $331.7M for transformers; $4.5B for transmission lines and substations; $67.1M for consulting and engineering services for the integration of Guyana National Control

$64.6M has been set aside, while another $96M will go t o w a r d s t h e

Control Centre and $38.9M for consultancy services for the construction of a building f


Control Centre.

allocated funds for three different consultants for the project. On Monday, during D a y T w o o f t h e

Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2025, the Prime Minister said that for the hire of consultants to support the request for proposals for phase two of the GTE project

C e n t r e ; $ 5 5 4 3 M f o r e n g i n e e r i n g , p r o c u r e m e n t and construction services for the construction of a building for the Guyana Nat

e q u e s t f o r proposals and operations and management of GTE phase one NGL plant ($96M), and

Minister committed to lay

Meanwhile, he informed the Committee of the Supply that by November 1, 2025, the simple cycle will be on stream for the gas-to-energy project. The Prime Minister was asked by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP),

update on the percentage of work completed to date.

According to the PM, construction of the project is currently 20% completed, while the overall completion is 62% A

t h e e n g i n e e r i n g , procurement and logistics related to the project in a r r i v i n g a t t h e t o t a l percentage completed.

He said that additional work is to be done on the foundation and the assembly o f t h e p l a n t b u t t h e c o m p o n e n t s h a v e b e e n delivered and are in the country

Additional charge for dr unk dr iver after attempt to settle with victims fail

P o l i c e w i l l s l a p a n alleged drunk driver with an a d d i t i o n a l “ d a n g e r o u s driving charge” after his attempts to settle with the owners of a car which he totaled failed.

The suspect reportedly crashed into a parked 2011 model Toyota Premio on January 16 last at Leonora, West Coast Demerara, a few lots away from the Police

S t a t i o n C C T V f o o t a g e captured the incident and showed that the owner of the car he totaled, Keron Daniels narrowly escaped from what might have been a tragedy He had just parked his car on the roadside, exited and was walking into the yard when suddenly, the speeding car slammed into his vehicle. The loud impact caused him and some others to turn around. They began taking pictures and videoing the scene. His car was wrecked, Daniels decided to report the accident at the police station.

H e e x p r e s s e d dissatisfaction at the police’s response and alleged that the driver appeared drunk. At the L

driver Police did not say

what the results of the test were but advised Kaieteur News that he will face a DUI (Driving under the influence)

c h a r g e K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the driver and his relative (his father) subsequently requested to s e t

y compensating him for his wrecked vehicle in order to avoid additional charges.

D a n i e l s

y agreed.

They agreed

he driver would loan him a car until he was able to replace h

e b y January 30. However, the legal settlement between the two parties had stalled and

reportedly fell through on Tu e s d a y K a

u r N e w s understands that the driver w

c h a n g e Daniels by taking possession of his wrecked car and replacing it with an older m o d e l a s c o m p e n s a t i o n Daniel refused to accept the deal because the replacement car is worth $800,000 less than the value of his 2011 model. Daniels claimed that he had given them (the driver and his relatives two options to finalise the deal but they

h a v e r e f

u r e them into accepting the old c a r. T h e o p t i o n s a r e , according to Daniels, that he

l e a v e s t h e m w i t h t h e i r wrecked vehicle and gave them the older car as a satisfactory compensation or if he wants to take possession of the wrecked car, he must p a y t h e d i f f e r e n c e o f $800,000.

As a result of the fall-out

i n a g r e e m e n t , D a n i e l s refused to return the loaned car Daniels alleged that he opted to share his story with the media because it appears as if the driver is colluding with police to force them into r

satisfactory compensation.

Police have denied these allegations.

O n T u e s d a y, t h i n g s escalated and police had to intervene Speaking with K a i e t e u r N e w s , a h i g hranking officer said that the driver is now opting to squash the settlement and let the court decide his fate.

This means that Daniels will get to keep his wrecked car but must return the l o a n e d c a r w h i l e p o l i c e investigators take over the matter Police said, “We will n o w b e i n s t i t u t i n g b o t h charges against him (the driver) the dangerous driving charge and the DUI”.

The National Assembly on Friday night approved a sum of $1,255,370,000 to establish Guyana’s first ever ‘Digital School’. The sum formed part of the $100 billion budgeted for the Education Ministry which was approved by Committee of Supply On Friday night, during the Consideration of E s t i m a t e s a n d E x p e n d i t u r e , O

Parliament (MP), Ganesh Mahipaul questioned what the $1.2 billion allocation will cater for

“Sir, I have taken note that [line item under Current Expenditure] 6284, there

vy incr

from $234,009,000 to $1,255,370,000…a very big increase. Can the honourable member please provide us with an explanation for this huge increase?” Mahipaul queried.

Responding to the MP, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand initially pointed out that the digital school is the brainchild of President Irfaan Ali.

Meanwhile, providing a brief explanation about the school, the minister said, “This Digital School, the dream of His Excellency, is that each and every child in the country will be able to access from nursery to CAPE, lessons on the channel at free of cost that aligns with our local curriculum and any internati

Examinations Council (CXC).”

Minister Manickchand continued: “This is going to be launched very soon by His Excellency and so that school is expected to have children beginning with fourth and fifth formers are expected to have access to lessons. So, we will no longer see only who could access the fancy teachers in Georgetown getting service, we will now have this same lesson available to everybody across the country.”

According to the minister, communities as far as Chinoweng in Region Seven, Karasabai and Nappi in Region Nine, and Monkey Mountain in Region Eight will have access to the digital school when it is established.

Manickchand told the House that some of the content will be delivered using artificial intelligence and will be merged with local and international curricula.

“It will be aligned to the curricula that is being tested that is what we are very conscious of, there is going to be tests that are marked, there is going to be books that can be accessed on this digital school and of course, it is going to be uploaded to a place where children can refer to it later on. So, it is not only live, it is going to be available as a prerecorded school also,” she added.

Meanwhile, Mahipaul asked if there is a criterion to select teachers for specific subjects. In response, the minister said that her minister is constantly in search of experts and have since place an advertisement in search of experts.

“I want to assure you that we are very keen on two things, getting expert work and having the content aligned to our local and international curricula because it is very important that we don’t teach things or that we failed to teach things that would be tested, so we are very careful about that,” the minister stated. Last October, President Ali during a special session of Parliament announced plans of establishing the Guyana Digital School.

Quoted in a Department of Public Information article at the time, the Head-of-State said, “The digital school will be resourced like any brick-and-mortar facility, with the added benefit of using artificial intelligence to support the learning process. It will be equipped with the entire Guyana curriculum, from nursery to grade 12.” He added too that students from other CARICOM countries can enroll in the school as well.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand
Photo taken of the crash on January 16
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips and his team during the Consideration of Estimates in Parliament

China counters with tariffs on US products

B E I J I N G ( A P )

China announced retaliatory tariffs on select American imports and an antitrust investigation into Google on Tuesday, just minutes after a sweeping levy on Chinese products imposed by U.S.

P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Tr u m p took effect.

A m e r i c a n t a r i f f s o n imports from Canada and Mexico were also set to go into effect Tuesday before Trump agreed to a 30-day pause, as the two countries acted to address his concerns about border security and d r u g t r a f f i c k i n g Tr u m p planned to talk with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the coming days.

“It is being scheduled and will happen very soon,”

White House Press Secretary

K a r o l i n e L e a v i t t s a i d Tuesday

This isn’t the first round of tit-for-tat actions between the two countries. China and

the U S engaged in an escalating trade war in 2018,

w h e n Tr u m p r e p e a t e d l y raised tariffs on Chinese goods and China responded each time.

This time, analysts said,

C h i n a i s m u c h b e t t e r prepared, announcing a slew of measures that go beyond

t a r i f f s a n d c u t a c r o s s different sectors of the U.S. economy The government is also more wary of upsetting its own fragile and heavily trade-dependent economy

“It’s aiming for finding measures that maximize the impact and also minimize the risk that the Chinese economy may face,” said Gary Ng, a senior economist at Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking in Hong Kong. “At the same time China is trying to increase its bargaining chips.”

John Gong, a professor at t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f

- it will also investigate Google Guohua Power Stattion, a coal-fired power plant, operates in Dingzhou, Boading, in the northern China’s Hebei province, Nov. 10, 2023. (AP Photo/ NG Han Guan, File)

International Business and Economics in Beijing, called the response a “measured” one. “I don’t think they want the trade war escalating,” he said. “And they see this example from Canada and Mexico and probably they are hoping for the same thing.”

C h i n a s a i d i t w o u l d implement a 15% tariff on coal and liquefied natural gas products as well as a 10% t a r i f f o n c r u d e o i l , agricultural machinery and large-engine cars imported from the U.S. The tariffs w o u l d t a k e e f f e c t n e x t


“The U S ’s unilateral t a r i f f i n c r e a s e s e r i o u s l y violates the rules of the World Trade Organization,” China’s State Council Tariff C o m m i s s i o n s a i d i n a statement. “It is not only unhelpful in solving its own problems, but also damages normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.”

T h e W TO c o n f i r m e d Tuesday it received notice of C h i n a ’ s r e q u e s t f o r c o n s u l t a t i o n s w i t h t h e United States regarding the tariffs imposed on Chinese goods. The move sets off a 60-day period for the two s i d e s t o r e s o l v e t h e i r differences, and if not, the case can be brought before a three-ju

Geneva-based trade body

H o w e v e r, t h e W TO ’s dispu

cess has been stymied in recent y e a r s a s m u l t i p l e U S a d m i n

d appointments of judges on its appeals court.

The impact of China’s measures on U.S. exports may be limited. Though the U.S. is the biggest exporter of liquid natural gas globally, it does not export much to China. In 2023, the U.S. exported 173,247 million cubic feet of LNG to China,

according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

China imported less than 110,000 vehicles from the U.S. last year, though auto market analyst Lei Xing thinks the tariffs will be painful for GM, which is adding the Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC Yukon to its China line-up, and for Ford, which exports the Mustang and F150 Raptor pickup.

The response from China a p p e a r s c a l c u l a t e d a n d m e a s u r e d , s a i d S t e p h e n

D o v e r , c h i e f m a r k e t strategist and head of the F r a n k l i n T e m p l e t o n Institute, a financial research firm. However, he said, the world is bracing for further impact.

“A risk is that this is the beginning of a tit-for-tat trade war, which could result i n l o w e r G D P g r o w t h

e v e r y w h e r e , h i g h e r U S inflation, a stronger dollar and upside pressure on U.S. interest rates,” Dover said.

Further export controls on critical minerals

China announced export controls on several elements critical to the production of modern high-tech products. The measure took effect u p o n a n n o u n c e m e n t o n


They include tungsten, t e l l u r i u m , b i s m u t h , molybdenum and indium, m a n y o f w h i c h a r e d e s i g n a t e d a s c r i t i c a l m i n e r a l s b y t h e U S Geological Survey, meaning they are essential to U.S. e c o n o m i c o r n a t i o n a l security that have supply c h a i n s v u l n e r a b l e t o disruption.

The export controls are in a d d i t i o n t o o n e s C h i n a placed in December on key elements such as gallium.

“They have a much more developed export control regime,” Philip Luck, an economist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former State Department official, said at a

panel discussion on Monday

“We depend on them for a lot of critical minerals: g a l l i u m , g e r m a n i u m , graphite, a host of others,” he said. “They could put some s i g n i f i c a n t h a r m o n o u r economy.”

Going after Google C h i n a ’ s S t a t e Administration for Market Regulation said Tuesday it is i n v e s t i g a t i n g G o o g l e o n s u s p i c i o n o f v i o l a t i n g

a n

mention the tariffs but came just minutes after Trump’s 10% tariffs on China were to take effect.

It is unclear how the probe will affect Google’s operations The company has long faced complaints from Chinese smartphone makers over its business practices surrounding the Android operating system, Gong said.

Overall, Google has a smaller presence in China than many markets, with its search engine blocked like m a n y o t h e r W e s t e r n platforms. Google exited the Chinese market in 2010, after refusing to comply with censorship requests from the Chinese government and f o l l o w i n g a s e r i e s o f c y b e r a t t a c k s o n t h e company

G o o g l e d i d n o t immediately comment. Tommy Hilfiger in the crosshairs

The Commerce Ministry also placed two American companies on an unreliable entities list: PVH Group, which owns Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, and I l l u m i n a , w h i c h i s a b i o t e c h n o l o g y c o m p a n y with offices in China. The listing could bar them from

engaging in China-related import or export activities

a n d f r o m m a k i n g n e w investments in the country

T h e m i n i s t r y s a y s investigations show these two U.S. companies have “disrupted normal business with Chinese companies, t a k e n d i s c r i m i n a t o r y measures against Chinese c o m p a n i e s a n d s e v e r e l y harmed the legitimate rights of Chinese companies”

B e i j i n g b e g a n investigating PVH Group in September last year over “improper Xinjiang-related behavior” after the company allegedly boycotted the use of Xinjiang cotton. Illumina competes with the Chinese biotech firm BGI in gene-sequencing. In a statement, Illumina said it has a long-standing presence in China and that it complies with all laws and r e g u l

w h e

e v

i t operates. “We are assessing this announcement with the goal of finding a positive resolut


P u t t i n g t h e s e U . S . companies on the unreliable entities list is “alarming” because it shows that the Chinese government is using the list to pressure U.S. companies to take a side, said George Chen, managing director for The Asia Group, a W a s h i n g t o n D Ch e a d q u a r t e r e d b u s i n e s s policy consultancy

“It’s almost like telling American companies, what your government is doing is bad, you need to tell the government that if you add more tariffs or hurt U.S.China relations at the end of the day it’ll backfire on American companies,” Chen said.


From page 6

we had decided to go with we went through their proposals and so those work are ongoing,” he said.

The CEO recalled that after being with the hospital for over 20 years, and returned in 2021, he noticed that the pathology lab had remained the same. The lab had developed an association primarily with autopsies and the deceased, causing many to overlook its crucial role in the early diagnosis of diseases.

“Now we are here and with more automotive process, we are able to do faster [tests], there are diagnosis that we can fast track and have them [done], depends on the urgency some of the physicians requested,” Rambarran said.

Speaking of the significance of the certification, Executive Director of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) Trevor Bassoo pointed to the importance of certification particularly in the areas of quality assurance, consistency and credibility

“Certification provides quality assurance, c

consumers satisfaction it also provides a competitive advantage to certified products and businesses and it helps to mitigate risk by r e q u i r i n g o rg a n i z a t i o n t o f o l l o

practices,” Bassoo stated.

The Executive Director said that GPHC’s pathology laboratory is the second medical laboratory to receive certification under the GNBS programme.

“In addition, this laboratory is now the 32nd medical laboratory to be certified under the National Standard GYS 170, the requirements for operation of a laboratory a

laboratories are certified allow these facilities to develop a comprehensive management s

b e monitored by the laboratory itself and by regulatory bodies,” he said.

Notably, the GYS 170 was revised in 2021 to align with the International Standard for Calibration and testing laboratories (ISO IEC 17025) standards, taking locally certified l

international certification and accreditation.


From page 35

which allows students of all capabilities to participate, “I’m impressed by Nexgen Golf Academy’s approach which shows that everyone, regardless of speed, strength or height can take part and succeed in playing well But more importantly, the networking opportunities that will be realized when our kids enter the job market are exceptional and coupled with scholarship opportunities to top universities worldwide, we definitely want to proceed as quickly as possible ” GGA president Aleem Hussain engaged with students at the Crane and Lusignan facilities to introduce the sport and was pleased with the response. “The reaction of young players who for the first time are given access to golf and find out that they can be good at it is the main reason we continue to push the development of the sport.”

He ended, “The addition of Camille’s Academy is testament to the hard work our organization has put into developing access to golf across Guyana over the past three years.”

PAHO calls on Car ibbean countr ies to improve access to essential cancer medicines and supplies

The Pan American Health O rg a n i z a t i o n ( PA H O ) i s urging governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to prioritise access to essential cancer medicines, supplies, and equipment

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in t h e A m e r i c a s r e g i o n , claiming the lives of more than 1.4 million people and resulting in more than 4 million new cases annually Dr Jarbas Barbosa, Director of PAHO, emphasised the need to improve access to treatment. “We must work toward a future where no one is without the cancer care

they need to survive,” he said. “Improving equitable access to these treatments is essential for better outcomes and quality of life.”

While progress has been made, several barriers still exist, including high costs, i n e f f

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, including updated

increase predictability and address the high price of cancer medicines.

Inequality in childhood cancer treatment

Wednesday February 05, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

You might be planning or leaving on a much-needed vacation now, and feeling very excited about it. Plans should go smoothly, Aries, so you're apt to get everything together with few glitches.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Ambitious plans for your future could necessitate your giving a lot of attention to practical matters, such as finances. This could be a drag, but if you're serious about your ideas, it needs to be done.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

The coming days promise a busy social time, Gemini. You might host a party at your home. You may feel terribly rushed and wonder if you will be able to get everything done.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Your energy level should be high, so you're going to feel restless and spend most of your time out and about There might be some chores you need to get done, family members should help and you're apt to finish them quickly

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

You may be looking forward to an evening with close f r i e n d s , L e o , p r o b a b l y including a romantic partner Occasions such as sporting events, movies, or concerts could be on your agenda.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Members of your household may feel a bit restless today, and therefore might spend most of their time out and a b o u t Yo u m i g h t t a k e a d v

absence to catch up on work you need to do alone, Virgo.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Your neighborhood is likely buzzing with activity today, Libra. New neighbors could move in, improvements could be made, and new businesses could open their doors. Expect a lot of visitors and calls.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

T h e p r o m i s e o f p o s s i b l e

financial advancement could cause you to plunge into a lot of paperwork today This could be related to a job, Scorpio, or it

working on.

SAGITTARIUS(Nov 22–Dec 21)

Your physical energy is likely to be very high today, and you might want to spend most of your time out and about, probably in the company of others.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22–Jan 19)

This is a good day to spend some time alone. You may have projects you want to finish, and you have the energy to get a lot done. You could feel restless, but socializing might not be a good idea.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Discussions in a group you're affiliated with could get heated as disagreements escalate. A goal you've been working t o w a r d m i g h t f i n a l l y n e a r fulfillment, and tempers are short.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Today you could put a lot of energy into mundane chores and tasks, as you won't want them hanging over your head and interfering with your evening plans As a result, Pisces, you might feel very stressed and your temper could be a bit short

tools needed for cervical c a n c e r e l i m i n a t i o n , ” D r Barbosa added.

Elimination of cervical cancer: An achievable goal

C e r v i c a l c a n c e r continues to claim the lives of around 40,000 women in the Americas each year, but with appropriate strategiesHPV vaccination, screening and treatment- it could be eliminated as a public health issue. Cervical cancer is one of the more than 30 diseases and related conditions that PAHO aims to eliminate as p a r t o f i t s D i s e a s e Elimination Initiative.

T h e d i s p a r i t y i n childhood cancer care is particularly concerning. In L a t i n A m e r i c a a n d t h e Caribbean, it is estimated that around 30,000 children and adolescents under the age of 19 will be diagnosed with cancer each year Of these, nearly 10,000 will die from the disease. In highincome countries, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured, but in many lowa n d m i d d l e - i n c o m e countries, the cure rate is around 20%. “The gap in survival rates is largely due t o l i m i t e d a c c e s s t o affordable, quality-assured m e d i c i n e s , ” s a i d D r

Mauricio Maza, PAHO’s Regional Advisor on Cancer PAHO also continues its work with global partners to improve childhood cancer care. Through the Global P l a t f o r m f o r A c c e s s t o

C h i l d h o o d C a n c e r

M e d i c i n e s , P A H O i s working with WHO, St. Jude

C h i l d r e n ’ s R e s e a r c h Hospital, and UNICEF to ensure a continuous supply of affordable, quality cancer

m e d i c i n e s t o l o w - a n d

m i d d l e - i n c o m e c o u n t r i e s (LMICs). In 2024, PAHO signed an agreement with St. J u d e t o i m p l e m e n t t h e platform in Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to s c a l e a c c e s s e ff o r t s a n d strengthen national planning and procurement capacity, including enhancing supply

c h a i n r e s i l i e n c e f o r childhood cancer treatments.

T h e s e p a r t n e r s h i p s a r e

c r i t i c a l t o c l o s i n g t h e survival gap for children in LMICs.

PAHO’s Strategic Fund is a key tool in improving access to cancer medicines. “We urge all countries in the region to better utilize this r e s o u r c e , w h i c h o f f e r s essential cancer medicines, a s w e l l a s H u m a n Papillomavirus (HPV) tests for cervical cancer screening a n d c e r v i c a l p r e - c a n c e r treatment devices, critical

cases of invasive cancer receive treatment. In the region, 48 out of 51 countries and territories have a l r e a d y i n t r o d u c

d H P V vaccination, and half of them use the single-dose scheme, which increases uptake and coverage. PAHO supports countries in accessing the HPV vaccine at affordable prices through its Revolving Fund and is promoting the adoption of HPV tests for


To achieve this, three goals must be met by 2030: reaching 90% coverage of vaccination against HPV in girls at 15 years of age; 70% coverage of screening with h i g h - p r e c i s i o n t e s t s i n women at 35 and 45 years of age; and ensuring that 90% of precancerous lesions and

incorporated these tests into

Finally, PAHO, with support

Organization (WHO) and U N I TA I D

thermal ablation devices for

seven countries.

BCA and GCB to attend CWI meeting on Febr uar y 9

Cricket Association (BCA) and Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) have agreed to attend the meeting of February 9 2025, set by CWI to discuss the proposed resolutions to a




disappointment in the way in which the matter has been handled by CWI the BCA and GCB have continuously a

governance reform and at the last AGM tabled suggestions aimed at moving the matter forward.

“We asked for further dialogue but, instead, our concerns were referred to the

Resolution Committee. The committee, chaired by a CWI D

position,” read the statement.

“It must be pointed out that no committee has the

request of a representative of

furthermore, any Ethics or I

m m i t t e e s h o u l d b e independent and should not be chaired by a sitting CWI Director.”

“Dr Shallow chaired two forums just prior to the AGMs of 2023 and 2024 which allowed members to articulate their positions on various resolutions without having to vote thus allowing Shareholders to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).”

However, in this case C W I i s n o t h o l d i n g a d i s c u s s i o n f

r u m b u t i s instead holding a Special Meeting to vote on the proposed resolutions.

“ W h y a r e w e b e i n g denied a forum which would allow us to ventilate what we consider to be fundamental to be the way forward for CWI? Why the indecent haste?” continued to read the release.

The narrative has also been sent that BCA and GCB

y misleading. We have voted in favour of most resolutions inclusive of some that are

questionable. In light of no dialogue, BCA and GCB

have written the CARICOM Secretary General setting out our concerns and proposed a way forward as it relates to t h e

t e m s b e i n g t a b l e d surrounding years to three years with term limits of three consecutive terms.


s matter will be elevated at the next CARICOM Heads of G

February 19 21, 2025 in Barbados.

disrespectful to the BCA and GCB that CWI Directors have publicly admonished us for not attending the last meeting despite our known p o s i t i o n I


, i t i s unprofessional and a breach of the Code of Ethics.

Booker breaks Suns scoring record in loss to Por tland

Devin Booker became the Phoenix Suns’ all-time leading points scorer with this three-pointer in the third quarter. (Getty Images)

Booker became the Phoenix Suns’ all-time leading points scorer against the Portland Trail Blazers on Mondaybut it was not enough to earn victory Booker topped the game’s scoring charts with 34 points to surpass Suns legend Walter Davis’ total of 15,666.

However, he missed a free throw at the end of overtime that would have l e v e l l e d t h e g a m e , w i t h Portland claiming a narrow 121-119 win.

pointer in the third quarter, sparking a warm reception from the Portland crowd, before hugging his family on the sidelines at the next timeout.

The four-time All-Star has spent his entire career at t h e S u n s , m a k i n g 6 4 2 appearances since being 13th overall pick in the 2015 draft.

Davis, a six-time AllStar, played in 766 games for Phoenix between 1977 and

Brunson scored 42 points

deficit in the fourth quarter to

beat the Houston Rockets 124-118.

T h e O k l a h o m a C i t y Thunder extended their lead at the top of the Western Conference with a 125-96 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks.

S h a i G i l g e o

Alexander top-scored with 34 points for the Thunder, who led by 44 points at one stage in the third quarter A depleted Bucks side

Lillard, Brook Lopez, Khris Middleton and Bobby Portis.

Memphis Grizzlies beat the San Antonio Spurs 128-109, with Jaren Jackson Jr topscoring with 31 points.

Trae Young scored the game-winning basket with 1 6 s


e f t a

h e Atlanta Hawks won 132-130 at the Detroit Pistons to end t h


Nikola Jokic scored 27 points with 14 rebounds and 10 assists as the Denver N

Warriors beat the Orlando Magic 104-99.

Raducanu loses in Abu Dhabi Open first round

Hope finishes league phase of ILT20 as top run-scorer with 467 runs in 10 innings

by losing five consecutive games.

Vondrousova, who returned from a sixmonth lay-off in January following shoulder surgery, saved four break points early in the second set before breaking for a 5-3 lead and the chance to serve out the match.

Emma Raducanu reached a career-high ranking of 10 in 2022. (Getty Images)

BBC Sport - Britain’s Emma Raducanu lost in the first round of the Abu Dhabi Open as she went down in straight sets to former W i m b l e d o n c h a m p i o n M a r k e t a Vondrousova.

Raducanu, 22, was beaten 6-3 6-4 as she proved unable to take advantage of her late wildcard entry to the main draw

She made a positive start against Czech Vondrousova and led 3-1 after an early break of serve, but she then surrendered the first set

While Raducanu offered an immediate response to stay in contention by winning the next game, the 2021 US Open champion’s hopes of making a comeback were soon ended. It was all over when Vondrousova, the 2023 winner at Wimbledon, clinched her third match point.

Raducanu was promoted into the main 28-player field in Abu Dhabi at the weekend, having initially been set to compete in qualifying for the first time since her fairytale run in New York three and a half years ago.

The world number 56 reached the third round of the Australian Open last month. She climbed back into the world’s top 60 last year after missing most of the 2023 season following surgery on both wrists and her left ankle.

Vondrousova will play Kazakh fourth seed Yulia Putintseva next.

New Red Force coach Emr it hopes to build on momentum left by Furlonge with title in sight

SportsMax - Newly appointed Trinidad and Tobago Red Force head coach Rayad Emrit is confident of making a smooth transition into the role as he looks to build on the foundation left by David Furlonge with hopes of guiding the team to long-awaited four-day championship glory Emrit, who previously served as assistant coach, takes charge for the remainder of the West Indies Four-Day Championship after Furlonge resigned following Red Force’s innings and 75-run victory over Combined Campuses and Colleges (CCC) at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy on Saturday “It’s a big privilege, an honour to take over from David. He’s been there for a while, and he’s done a very good job with the whiteball team. Obviously, the four-day title has eluded us for some time now That’s probably

my first goal; try to secure silverware in that department,” Emrit told the T&T Express Emrit, a former Red Force all-rounder who played 84 first-class matches over 13 years, was part of the last Trinidad and Tobago squad to win the regional four-day title in 2006. Now in charge, he intends to refine match preparation and instill a new team culture in pursuit of championship success.

“We have a good bunch of guys who want to bring glory to Trinidad and Tobago cricket. I’ve played a lot of cricket with guys there. The camaraderie is there, the respect is there,

understanding,” Emrit shared.

With the Red Force’s next assignment

Volcanoes starting on Wednesday, Emrit welcomed the return of West Indies internationals Joshua Da Silva, Jayden Seales, Amir Jangoo, and Anderson Phillip to bolster the lineup. The

Manick, Antonio Gomez, Andrew Rambaran, and Aaidan Racha will have to make way

“It is a big boost for us to have these four international guys back in the squad. It’s going to make the job a little harder now to select the final XI, but it’s a good headache to have,” Emrit said.

“We’re hoping that they can bring back their international experience into the team...There is a leadership role that we need. There are a lot of guys who have been playing first-class cricket for a while. I think we have a very good bunch. The focus is to play positive cricket...and get the results we are looking for,” he added.

West Indies ODI captain Shai Hope has enjoyed an excellent run of form.

SportsMax - West Indies ODI captain

Shai Hope enjoyed an excellent run of form during the league phase of the ongoing 2025 International League T20 (ILT20) season in the United Arab Emirates. The 31-year-old finished the season as the leading run-scorer with 467 runs in his 10 innings for the Dubai Capitals. He made those runs at an average of 66.71 and a strike rate of 126.90, hitting one hundred and three fifties.

The Barbadian also finished not out on three occasions.

His highest score of 101 came against the

Emirates in their second game of the season on January 12 and he followed that up with 83* against the Sharjah Warriorz four days later


preliminaries, Hope made scores of 47, 74*, 45, 36 and 52*.

He will be looking to bring this form into the playoffs which begin on Wednesday when his Dubai Capitals will take on the Desert Vipers in qualifier one.

The winner of that encounter will advance straight to the final.

Reggae Girlz Star Shania Hayles Scores as Newcastle Women Stage Thrilling Comeback Against Southampton

SportsMax - Jamaican international Shania Hayles played a pivotal role in Newcastle United Women’s dramatic comeback against Southampton Women in the Women’s Super League (WSL) on Sunday, as the Magpies battled from two goals down to snatch a crucial 2-2 draw in the dying moments of the match.

It was a case of déjà vu for Newcastle, who for the second time this season managed to salvage a point against Southampton in the final seconds of second-half stoppage time.

Southampton took a commanding 2-0 lead in the first half, thanks to a brace from Molly Pike. The Saints struck first when Araya Dennis delivered a precise pass to the onrushing Pike, who bundled the ball home from close range. Pike then doubled

capitalizing on a defensive lapse to fire into the top corner

Hayles (right) celebrates during the match.

Newcastle nearly pulled one back before the break when Hayles broke through Southampton’s offside trap but was unable to convert as her touch around goalkeeper Fran Stevenson proved too heavy, allowing the Saints to recover and clear the danger

but Claudia Moan produced a crucial save to keep her side in the game. The Magpies then pressed relentlessly for an equalizer, with Murphy and Andrews both testing Stevenson, who was forced into several key stops.

persistence paid off when Hayles struck in the second half

A slick passing sequence involving Amy Andrews, Emily Murphy, and Freya Gregory found the Reggae Girlz forward in the box, and she expertly spun past her marker before blasting the ball into the top corner With that goal, Hayles cemented her s

Championship top scorer

Southampton nearly restored their twogoal lead moments later, as Dennis once again found space behind the Newcastle defense,

Newcastle’s persistence finally paid off in stoppage time when a Beth Lumsden corner caused chaos in the Southampton box. After a frantic scramble, Andrews pounced on the loose ball and rifled home through a crowded goalmouth to complete the comeback and secure a vital point on the road.


Women continue to show resilience in the W


Newly appointed Trinidad and Tobago Red Force head coach Rayad Emrit.

Chris Dehring begins tenure as Chief Executive Officer of Cricket West Indies

ST JOHN’S, Antigua – Cricket West Indies (CWI) officially welcomes Chris Dehring as he begins his tenure as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) February 3, 2025.

Chris Dehring was greeted at the CWI headquarters at Coolidge Cricket Ground (CCG) by CWI President Dr Kishore Shallow, Vice President Azim Bassarath, and Chief Operating Officer Lynford Inverary as he takes up the mantle to lead the organization into its next chapter

With West Indies cricket standing at a pivotal crossroads, Dehring’s arrival signals a commitment to renewal and progress. As the regional game navigates an evolving global cricket landscape, CWI is looking to redefine i t s a p p r o a c h b a l a n c i n g t r a d

t i o n w i t h innovation, restoring competitiveness, and strengthening the deep connection between the team and its people.

P r e s i d e n t D r K i s h o r e S h a l l o w emphasized the transformative nature of this appointment, stating:

“The appointment of Chris Dehring as CEO is not just a change in leadership—it is the start of a new era for West Indies cricket. We recognize that the game is evolving, and s o m u s t w e H i s v i s i o n , e x p e r i e n c e , understanding of the region and deep-rooted passion for cricket make him the right person t o g u i d e u s t h r o u g h t h i s p e r i o d o f transformation, both on and off the field. The road ahead requires bold decisions, fresh perspectives, and an unshakable belief in what West Indies cricket can be, and I am confident that Chris will help steer us toward that future.”

Dehring, stepping into the role with a clear sense of purpose, reflected on the responsibility before him, stating:

“West Indies cricket has always been


Mr Hafiz Ali, CEO of the R o c k a w a y G r o u p o f Companies home to the renowned Rockaway Roti Shop and Royal Empress Hall—once again opened his doors to host a farewell d i n n e r f o r t h e Wi n d i e s Masters as they prepared for their journey to the O50s World Cup in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

more than just a sport—it is a symbol of identity, resilience, and excellence that has united generations across the region. I take on this role fully aware of the weight of that legacy, but also with the conviction that we must not stand still. Progress requires both continuity and change. My aim is to build on the foundation laid by those before me while charting a new course—one that embraces modern realities, reignites our competitive spirit, and ensures that West Indies cricket is not just remembered for its past, but celebrated for its future.”

With Dehring now at the helm, CWI is set to embark on a renewed push toward s t r e n g t h e n i n g i t s c

, enhancing commercial opportunities, and deepening engagement with players, fans, and stakeholders across the region.

T h e R o c k a w a y R o t i Shop and Royal Empress Hall have gained a reputation as the go-to destination for a u t h e n t i c We s t I n d i a n cuisine in the New York area, known for their exceptional quality offerings to both C a r i b b e a n a n d N o r t h A m e r i c a n p a t r o n s T h e f a r e w e l l d i n n e r w a s a delightful event, attended by 14 of the 17-member squad along with four directors from the Cricket West Indies M a s t e r s A s s o c i a t i o n (CWIMA): Chairman Raj Singh, Vice Chairman Dave Narine, Zamin Amin, and Gerald Singh. Mr and Mrs. Hafiz Ali were also present, along with several other supporters. Notably absent from the gathering were players Sudesh Dhaniram, S t e p h e n H o w e l l , a n d Surendra Seeraj. The West Indies team finds themselves in the more challenging of the two pools, competing a l o n g s i d e A u s t r a l i a , P a k i s t a n , I n d i a , S o u t h Africa, Wales, and Canada. They will kick off their c a m p a i g n a g a i n s t S o u t h Africa on Sunday, followed by a match against India on Monday All games will consist of 45 overs and

utilize Duke balls. After a day of rest on Tuesday, the team will take on Canada and Pakistan on Wednesday and T h u r s d a y, r e s p e c t i v e l y

Following a three-day break, they will face Australia and Wales the following Monday and Tuesday

During the dinner, the Windies Masters expressed t

Indies polo shirts.

Romain, Sudesh Persaud, Surendra Seeraj, Anthony Sahadeo, Rajendra Sadeo, F

Persaud, Stephen Howell, J

Dhaniram, Deonarine Deyal, H

Sumair, and Vejai Seonarine, with Raj Singh serving as the team manager

T h e U p

Association (UCCA) has advanced to the final of the Ivan Madray T/20 first division cricket competition for teams in Berbice.

The UCCA created a major upset in Berbice cricket when they defeated the powerful Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports C l u b ( R H T Y S C ) i n t h e i r s e m i f i n a l encounter In the game played recently at the No 69 Vikings Ground on the Corentyne, UCCA won by two wickets.

Winning the toss and taking first strike RHTYSC were dismissed for 95 in their 20 overs. Eon Hooper top scored with 24, JN Sinclair made 19 and Junior Sinclair 15.

Bowling for UCCA there were two wickets each for Omesh Mathurah, Steve Embrack and Thameshwar Ramoutar.

In reply UCCA reached 96 for 8 in 19 overs with Thameshwar Ramoutar making 33.

B o w l i n g f o r R H T Y S C a l l r o u n

Clinton Pestano snared 4 wickets, Junior Sinclair picked up 2 while there were one each for Kevlon Anderson and Jeremy Sandia.

The UCCA will now meet Albion CC in the final of the competition which will be played shortly The Competition is being played in memory of the late former West Indies cricketer Ivan Madray, who hailed from Berbice.

Albion CC had advance to the final by defeating Tucker Park CC in their semifinal e n c o u n t e r w h i c h w a s p l a y e d e a r l i e

(Samuel Whyte)

Polo shirts being presented to Mr & Mrs Hafiz Ali
CWI CEO Chris Dehring (second right) with CWI President Dr. Kishore Shallow (second left), CWI Vice President Azim Bassasrath (left) and Chief Operating Officer Lynford Inverary. (CWI)

Hockey PAHF Junior Challenge schedule released

- teams to be announced next week

Nkosi Saul in control during recent practice.

The excitement is building within the Guyana boys’ and girls’ Under-21 hockey teams as they prepare to showcase their talent at the upcoming 2025 PAHF Junior Challenge. The tournament, set to take place in Bridgetown, Barbados, from March 8-16, serves as the regional qualifier for the highly anticipated Junior Pan American Games in August.

With a couple rigorous training sessions under their belts, the Guyanese teams are eager to hit the turf and compete against the best in the region. Both squads have been putting in the hard work at the GCC ground in Bourda during the week and intensifying their sessions at the Providence stadium on weekends, all in preparation for the prestigious event.

In the girls’ competition, Guyana will compete in a singlepool format alongside hosts Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. Their campaign kicks off on March 6 at 10:00 AM against Guatemala, a team they have never faced before. However, with a superior world ranking of 36 compared to Guatemala’s unranked status, the Guyanese girls are optimistic about starting the tournament on a strong note.

Their schedule continues with a crucial match against Mexico, ranked 40th in the world, which is expected to be their toughest challenge. After a well-deserved rest day, Guyana will take on Puerto Rico, followed by hosts Barbados, before wrapping up their pool matches against Trinidad & Tobago. Barbados, ranked 33rd, enters the competition as the highest-seeded team, but the Guyanese girls remain confident in their ability to compete at the highest level.

The boys’ team will also compete in a single-pool format, facing off against Brazil, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Guatemala, and Venezuela. Like their female counterparts, they will open their campaign against Guatemala before taking on Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Brazil, and Barbados in what promises to be an intense and thrilling competition.

As the final squad selections are set to be confirmed by Sunday, February 9, anticipation is at an all-time high. The Guyana Hockey Board has expressed its confidence in the teams, highlighting their commitment and determination throughout their training regimen. The players, too, are eager to don their national colours and represent their country on the international stage.

Mash Street Football Super-16 Showdown in Mocha tonight

Tcontinue tonight with the Super-16 Showdown at the Mocha Community Centre

MVP Sports officially had over sponsorship for the annual event.

Seasoned campaigners, Goal is Money kick things off against new comers and

Bragging Rights while West Demerara, Pouderoyen to be exact, based Showstoppers take on the formidable Street Football side, Albouystown in the next game.

- MVP Spor ts hand over sponsorship

North East tackle the Timerhi based Footsteppers while defending champions, Stabroek Ballers play the East Coast foundation side, Team Cruel to bring the programme to the halfway point.


Street takes on West Side Ballers and in-form, Festival City battles Ztekk in the next two games.


o f t h e Georgetown vs The Rest competition, Back Circle B plays Broad Street in the penultimate contest while Taliban, who they shared the Georgetown vs The Rest title

with, battle Laing Avenue Ballers to bring the curtains down on the Super-16 stage of the competition. Eight teams will advance to Saturday’s Super Eight ( Q

National Park Tarmac as the excitement intensifies in one of the signature calender street football tournaments over the last seven years. The title is one of the most sought after and significant ones annually

O n e o f t

sponsors of the event from its

s yesterday handed over its sponsorship for the 2025

Diversity Investments Inc.


Inc. of Lot 36 Happy Acres, East Coast, Demerara is the latest donor to support this joint initiative between Anil B e h a r r y o f G u y a n a a n d Kishan Das of the USA. The fast-growing company has donated cash which will used by the project to purchase cricket gear requested but not in stock.

A t a s i m p l e b u t significant ceremony held recently, Safraz Haniff, son of Chief Executive Officer and owner, Raymond Haniff, presented the cash. He stated that his father, a former v e t e r a n c r i c k e t e r a n d administrator of Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club and a former senior staff of Guysuco, has been following the progress of this venture and observed that many of the current West Indies and Guyana players benefitted, hence his contribution.

We are very thankful for the assistance as we continue to strive to make each and every community a better place for all. This project is pleased to be part of the d e v e l o p m e n t o f y o u n g cricketers in Guyana. Our aim is to keep them off the streets and get them actively involved in sports, cricket in particular

To t a l c r i c k e t r e l a t e d items received/purchased so f a r : $ 5 6 0 , 0 0 0 i n c a s h , t h i r t e e n c o l o r e d c r i c k e t uniforms, one set of stumps, two trophies, thirty two pairs of cricket shoes, thirty seven pairs of batting pads, forty six cricket bats, forty pairs of


presentation on behalf of the company highlighting the imp

ting grassroots sports.

The winner will pocket

$200,000 and fourth place $100,000.

Trophies will be given to teams placing first to third while the Most Valubale P


r ( M V P ) o

h e tournament gets $50,000 and trophy

finals are set for February 15 at the National Park.

batting gloves, twenty eight thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, thirteen gear bags, thirteen bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, one pair of floppy hat, fourteen boxes and four of white cricket balls, thirteen boxes of red cricket balls, one bat cone and twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear with value of

over $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former N a t i o n a l w i c

keeper/batsman All cash collected is being used to p u r c h a s e c


requested and not available at the time.


elated items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and p r o m i s i n g c r i c k e t e r s i n Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important




Kishan Das on 1-718-6640896.

Anil Beharry (left) and Safraz Haniff.

2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 2…GHE vs. CCC

Bolstered Har py Eagles eyeing perfect home record as stars retur n to XI

- Imlach, Joseph, Sinclair retur n for CCC battle

With a number of stars


Guyana Harpy Eagles side,


ons will be hunting another win at home come today when t


Both teams endured solid practice sessions yesterday with the home team in prime form heading into today’s battle, against a franchise in much need of a win having suffered a mauling in the opening round.

Wi c k e t - k e e p e r K e m o l Savory, who led Guyana to their first win by 10 wickets in three days, will assume the vice-captaincy role now that Imlach, fast-bowler Shamar

J o s e p h a n d a l l - r o u n d e r Kevin Sinclair have returned

f r o m i n t e r n a t i o n a l Te s t duties.

C e n t u r i o n K e v l o n

A n d e r s o n , o p e n e r s

Tagenarine Chanderpaul and Matthew Nandu, Imlach and Savory will be key to the E a g l e ’ s b a t t i n g , w i t h exception of the skipper having owned the majority of both innings last game.


Fast-bowling all-rounder

middle/lower order, showing his pinch-hitting/ wickettaking capabilities and will have a good partner in Sinclair, who should provide a much-needed balance to the batting order.

O f f - s p i n n e r R i c h i e

Looknauth finished with 9 wickets after the round one encounter with the Barbados Pride and will have the Test

o f f - s p i n n e r i n S i n c l a i r a l o n g s i d e h i m s e l f a n d

leading first class wickettaker, Veerasammy Permaul. West Indies pacer Joseph makes a much-anticipated return to the side coming off of injury and will fit nicely

a l o n g s i d e t h e l i k e s o f A l i m o h a m e d a n d


pronged attack. After being crushed by the Trinidadians in the last game, CCC will be keen on turning their luck around against one of the best teams in the tournament.


partner at the top Damel Evelyn, both scored fifties in

important step for the duo.

C C C ’s

Parris, Sadique Henry and Kyle Corbin got a few starts but will need to be watchful of the Eagles star bowling

attack should they look to make amends.

B o w l i n g c o u l d b e a problem for CCC as their operators struggled terribly in their last match. Pacers Akeem Jordan and Ojay Shields will have their work cut out for them against the champs.

Their slower bowlers in l e g - s p i n n e r A b i j h a i Mansingh, Parris and other part-timers will also need to s t e p u p a f t e r s h o w i n g glimpses in the last game. CCC are currently last on t h e p o i

second-place position and knock the T&T Red Force off the number one spot, as they seek to maintain a p e r f e c t h o m e r e c o r d a t Providence.

First innings is expected to bowl off from 10:00hrs. (Clifton Ross)

Assistant Coach Garvin Nedd getting in position for some drills during team’s training pre-match session. (GCB pics)

Director of Sports, Steve Ninvalle speaking to squash officials Saturday last.

Gov t’s unified approach will see significant improvements in Spor ts - saysDoSNinvalle

I n a s i g n i f i c a n t s t r i d e t o w a r d a d v a n c i n g s p o r t s development in Guyana, the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport has unveiled a state-of-the-art squash facility, featuring the country’s first-ever doubles court, a groundbreaking addition not only for Guyana but for the entire region. This achievement is part of a broader, unified approach within the ministry, which Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle has hailed as a game-changer for the nation’s sporting landscape.

Speaking at the commissioning of the new facility, Ninvalle emphasized the transformative impact of the ministry’s collaborative efforts, noting that the unified approach has significantly improved the quality-of-service delivery to young athletes and the public. “The ministry’s new approach has fostered a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among staff, enabling us to deliver a better sports package for our young men and women,” Ninvalle stated. “This is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together as one cohesive unit.”

The Director of Sports highlighted the stark contrast between the ministry’s current operations and its previous s i l o e d s t r u c t u r e , w h e r e d

independently without effective coordination. He credited the transformation to the leadership of Charles Ramson Jr., who was appointed Minister in 2020. Under Ramson’s guidance, the ministry has transitioned from a disjointed group to a unified team, enhancing productivity and service delivery across the board.

“Before 2020, continuous meetings, mutual guidance, and close collaboration between the National Sports Commission, sporting associations, and federations were not common practices,” Ninvalle explained. “Today, we see a significant improvement in communication and support, which has directly contributed to our success in nurturing talent and developing world-class facilities like this squash court.”

The new squash facility is not just a symbol of progress but also a strategic investment in Guyana’s Olympic aspirations. With squash now recognized as an Olympic sport, the facility is poised to play a pivotal role in nurturing future Olympians. Ninvalle emphasized the importance of such infrastructure in providing young athletes with the tools they need to compete on the global stage.

The ministry’s unified approach has also fostered a collaborative environment that extends beyond infrastructure development. By breaking down silos and encouraging teamwork, the ministry has been able to better serve the people of Guyana, reflecting the positive impact of its new direction. “We have turned a disparate group into a cohesive family,” Ninvalle remarked. “This unity has been instrumental in achieving our goals and improving the quality of service we provide to the public.”

The commissioning of the squash facility marks a m i l e s t o n e i n G u y a n a ’s s p o r

showcasing the government’s commitment to creating opportunities for young athletes. As the ministry continues to build on its unified approach, the future looks bright for Guyana’s sportsmen and women, who now have access to world-class facilities and a supportive ecosystem to help them achieve their dreams.

Camille’s Academy unites with GGA Nexgen Golf Academy

Ms. Camille Deokie-Gorakh flocked by some of her students of the institution alongside GGA executives.

Westside Golf Course.

, Westside has announced a

Nexgen Golf Academy that will see the schools having access to top-level training, equipment and facilities at Nexgen Golf Academy and

leader in education and sees sport as a key development factor for young students.

“Over the years, it’s been clear to me that our focus should be more than just academics if we want to produce the best-rounded leaders of tomorrow I have

always been interested in golf but thought of it as a sport reserved for just a few elites until we met with Mr. Hussain who has changed the approach and access to golf in Guyana.” she said.

Effective immediately, students will begin learning the basics of the sport and g r a d e 1 0 ’ s c o m m e n c e preparation in anticipation

for CSEC PE examinations in 2026. There are plans for s e v e r a l i n t e


t i o n a l J u n i o r G o l f

Championship scheduled for July 2025.

M s D o e k i e - G o r a k h touted the benefits of golf

Continued on page 29

President, Bissoondyal Singh
President, Conde Riley
Supervisor, Selvin Apple (left) hands over
Tevin Imlach returns to his role as Captain of the Guyana Harpy Eagles team following a successful Test run with the West Indies.
New comer, Keitana Percival ready to rumble as Guyana Women’s U21 prepare for PAHF Juniors.

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