Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

Netanyahu threatens to resume Israel’s war on Gaza if captives not released

TheceasefirehasbeencalledintoquestionasHamas accusesIsraelofviolatingkeyprovisionsoftheagreement

In 5 years, Guyana gave up US$10 billion in taxes to ExxonM and par tners


Girl, 12, pregnant after stepfather allegedly sexually

Teen remanded for

murder of Cit y Councillor

A zruddin Mohamed denies claims of sexual abuse of a teenage girl

…calls for full probe; willing to take polygraph test

Gov t . issues 30-day notice remanded for allegedly raping student Bar tica teacher abused her and 9-yr-old sister

to terminate CGX , Frontera Corent yne Block licence


Girl, 12, pregnant after stepfather allegedly sexually abused her and

A mother is devasted after learning that the man she loved and trusted for ten years might have been sexually abusing her young daughters, leaving one of them pregnant.

The girls are only 12 and 9years-old respectively

The heinous took place in the

District, Region

g Kaieteur News is the children’s stepfather

P o l i c e h arrested him after a report was lodged with Region One police in January He spent 72 hours in the lock-ups but police were forced to release him on $200,000 bail as they continued their investigation.

9-year-old sister

Her mother has remained in the interior Region and is growing frustrated and angrier with each p

remains free.

“I need some kind a justice…I need some kind a justice I want to know why the process is moving so slow,” the woman said.


said she regularly checks with the

Azruddin Mohamed denies claims of sexual abuse of a teenage girl

Businessman and well-known philanthropist Azruddin Mohamed has denied claims of sexual abuse of a teenage girl. The businessman by way of a letter dispatched by his attorneys Eusi Anderson, Renea Marcus and Casside Nurse called for a full probe into the allegations.

“ We

mention of Team Mohamed’s and

Team Mohamed’s and Azruddin Mohamed pledge their unwavering support to all victims of sexual

…calls for full probe

to be asked and answers ought to be given forthwith, as to whether or not the minor child sought the proper help, in the proper sequence.

“It is our considered view that any victim of sexual exploitation and/or predation, especially a child, ought to have engaged the Police,

A month has passed since then and he is yet to be prosecuted. One of the children, age 12, he is accused of sexually abusing is sixmonths pregnant and is presently in Georgetown.

claim that the file is with the

Public Prosecution (DPP), SC. Shalimar Ali Hack.

“This happen almost a month now and every time I go to the station, they always telling me, ‘The paper ain’t come back yet they waiting for advice,” she claimed while adding that she now fears that the suspect might go into hiding.


News that she has since removed the man from her home.

Continued on page 12

exploitation. We remain disposed to assisting all victims of sexual abuse, sexual predation in whatever way we can. We implore the minor to make an official report and come forward to the authorities as soon as

Mohamed’s lawyers said.

The businessman was accused of raping a 17-year-old girl during an interview broadcast by social

‘Guyanese Critic’.

Mohamed through his lawyers vehemently and wholeheartedly

misconduct, sexual impropriety or predatory sexual behavior against the minor child, and anyone else involved in the broadcast made by the alleged victim in the interview

broadcast on February 10, 2025.

According to the statement, Mohamed is ready, willing and able to submit himself to any polygraph test, administered by competent professionals, be they at the FBI, S

allegations made against him.

The lawyers observed what they considered to be worrying aspects of the interview They noted that it begs belief that a minor child appeared on a national, public interview, with her face obscured but her parents absent while being interviewed by another adult.

Mohamed’s lawyers reminded that there are laws that prescribe the manner in which these interviews are to be conducted questions ought

counselling professionals, and if as an after-thought the media, last. If it becomes clear that that sequence has not been followed, there are more questions than answers as result of the interview.”

ought to be asked and answers ought to be given forthwith, as to whether or not the minor child sought the proper help, in the

considered view that any victim of

predation, especially a child, ought to have engaged the Police, first; second, the necessary medical, social healthcare and counselling professionals, and if as an afterthought the Media, last If it becomes clear that that sequence has not been followed, there are more questions than answers as result of the interview.”

Businessman, Azruddin Mohamed

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL - Tel: 624-6456

Editor-in-Chief: Nigel Williams

Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Belle View project- how the PPP Govt. does business

The $865M Belle View Pump Station contract award is just one example of the way that the PPPC Government and its specially chosen people do the nation’s business. The award was controversial, with glaring deficiencies relative to the winner, the Tepui Group, Inc, meeting some of the criteria for the project.

Despite some requirements not being met, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) turned a blind eye, and gave the contract to a group that could hardly be said to know how to fulfill it. The progress reports to date confirm that NPTAB’s decision further agitates Guyanese taxpayers, with more failures looking highly probable in days to come.

From all indications, the Tepui Group has not convinced citizens that it has the skills to get this pump station project done. On the other hand, it certainly has extraordinary skills at lifting millions from Guyana’s coffers. The Tepui Group has collected $182M so far, or slightly more than 21% of the total $865M project cost, but has only done 10% of work. This was what had to be squeezed out of Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustafa during the examination of the Estimates for his ministry in parliament last week. “The contractor was paid $182M…and it’s already about 10% of the work completed there”., according to the Agriculture Minister. “About 10%” could mean anything, including what is closer to below 5%.

We appreciate that the completion date for the Belle View project still has another five to seven months to go. What is not so encouraging is that the contract was awarded on August 14, 2023, and a year and a half later, only “about 10%” of the work has been done, which came from the m i n i s t e r ’s o w n m o u t h E i t h e r t h e c a l e n d a r, t h e mathematics, or the logic is suffering from an extended bout of the anemic. This is not good for a project award that was questionable and raised all manner of concerns from the start. We reason this as follows: if “about 10%” is where the project is after 18 months of the Tepui Group receiving the award (and close to $200M), then July or August of this year as the completion date looks as remote as the planets.

How much can the Tepui Group get done between now and August? If 10% in 18 months, what percentage in the remaining five to six months, as per the contract terms? This already has that peculiar smell associated with many other contracts awarded by the PPPC Government’s procurement and tender machinery We at this publication will make this bold predication from now, early in February: it is doubtful that the Tepui Group can deliver by the due date. It doesn’t have the depth nor the track record nor the people to position it for this home stretch. The clock is ticking on the Tepui Group and the PPPC Government. Perhaps both sets of Guyanese will find shelter in the traditional May-June rainy season, which is an excuse that has been used so often before, that it doesn’t get much traction. It just appears that the stage is already set for one of those old six-for-nine PPPC Government contract awards that will cost Guyanese taxpayers in many ways. Extra time needed is usually the first. Extra money goes hand-in-glove with that trick. Guyanese should brace for one more extra: the extraordinary efforts from Vice President Jagdeo to distance from these question marks hanging over the head of his government, while pretending at ignorance of NPTAB’s true modus operandi. Most of the people there are his own, so he should know

For clarity, we have no issue with a stranger to Guyana’s world of procurement and contracts. Where we have a problem is with the strangeness of awarding $865M of Guyana’s money to a group that lacked requirements in such vital areas. It was almost foregone that the Tepui Group is not in a position to give the people in the Belle View and wider neighborhood the pump station that is so badly needed. The only issue left for us is how many more millions will be advanced to the Tepui Group, and who else gets to share in the wasted millions.

PSC condemns inaccurate representation of Guyana’s ter r itor y at Sur iname’s conference

concern and disappointment

Conference organised by the Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce in Suriname,

presented by a Surinamese

portrayed the New River Triangle area of Guyana as part of Suriname, and no objections were raised by the

Guyanese attendees. T h e P S C w i s h e s t o condemn and disassociate itself from this significant

l a p s e i n n a t i o n a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y b y t h o s e G u y a n e s e p

D o

leadership the event was

apology to the Government and people of Guyana for p

incident to occur without

taking appropriate action.



It is over for the PPP


Desperation is a terrible thing and will cost the PPP t h e 2 0 2 5 n a t i o n a l a n d regional elections. The days of witch-hunting political h o p e f u l s w i l l n o t b e tolerated.

The people of Guyana will resist the darkness of such an abhorrent act. It is simplistic and dangerous to fabricate charges against citizens who are part of a patriotic process to see a better Guyana.

The PPP’s naked fear of j u s t i f i a b l y l o s i n g government is on display.

T h e y h a v e b e c o m e t h e proverbial wounded lion.

The smear campaign has b e g u n We a p o n i s i n g t h e

p o l i c e f o r c e a g a i n s t p r o m i n e n t G u y a n e s e businessmen, Dr Terrence

C a m p b e l l a n d A z r u d d i n Mohamed in an attempt to destroy them will inevitably bring the regime down faster than we will ever imagine.

In fact, such a move by the PPP will draw the electorate

c l o s e r t o C a m p b e l l a n d Mohamed.

I n t h e c a s e o f D r Terrence Campbell, he has done something we have not seen in Guyana’s political history.

He kickstarted a feverish political campaign laying bare before the eyes of the world the wanton abuse and corruption of the nation’s patrimony of oil wealth. It is

a blow that the PPP will not

r e c o v e r f r o m a n d t h e electorate will reject them.

M o h a m e d ’s c r i m e i s genuinely helping the poor and vulnerable in Guyana b u t i t h a s e x p o s e d a n uncaring government and citizens have been vocal in their support of Mohamed and are calling on him to run for office.

T h a t c a l l i s c o m i n g p r i m a r i l y f r o m t h e P P P support base. The PPP government is t h e r e f o r e c o m m i t t i n g political suicide by wanting to jail or kill Dr. Campbell and young Mohamed.

Desperation clouds good judgement and in the case of the PPP, this is a good thing;

the monster has commenced its own demise.

Dr Terrence Campbell and Azruddin Mohamed, in weeks, have done what the o p p o s i t i o n c a n n o t d o i n seven or eight months. What the Guyanese people will fervently fight against is the PPP’s growing persecution o f o u r t w o G u y a n e s e political heroes. What is most hurtful for the PPP, what exacerbates the PPP’s naked fear and what blinds the PPP with confusion, is the irrefutable truth that the opposition has come out in defence of those two Guyanese patriots. It is over for the PPP

Sincerely, Norman Browne

Oil contract: the taxation ar ticle


A r t i c l e 1 5 , o t h e r w i

Article, is 4-pages long and is part of the 114-page PSA ( P r o d u c t i o n S h a r i n g Agreement), better known as the Oil Contract. There is both good and bad stuff there. Let’s take a look.

Article 15 2 says, (to

[Exxon] is subject to the income tax laws of Guyana –a

C o r p o r a t

o n Ta x A c t o f Guyana.

Now that is great stuff. It means the Oil Companies (Exxon, Hess, Cnooc) are liable for taxes to the State of Guyana. They must pay corporate income tax (the same thing called profits’ tax) on profits made in the host country, Guyana.

I will skip over Article 15.3. This article doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. Taxable Income is the income on which the State applies the applicable tax rate to determine the amount of tax that must be paid.

Now let’s go to Article 15.4. It reads: “The Minister agrees:

(a) That a sum assessed pursuant to Art 15.2 and 15.3 will be paid by the M i n i s t e r t o t h e G u y a n a

Revenue Authority on behalf of the Contractor and that the amount of such sum will be considered income of the Contractor; [From where the Minister will get the money to pay to the GRA?] ( b ) T h a t t h e appropriate portion of the Govt’s share of Profit Oil . shall be accepted by the Minister as payment in full b y t h e C o n t r a c t o r o f Contractor ’s share of each of the following [tax] levies, whatsoever the applicable rate of such levies may be, which the Minister shall then p a y o n b e h a l f o f t h e Contractor to the [GRA]”.

Art 15.4 is very clear: the source of the funds to pay Oil Companies tax liabilities to the State is the “appropriate portion of [Guyana] share of profit oil”. Now we know this Oil Contract is asking the State of Guyana to pay OCs tax liabilities out of its [Guyana’s] profit-share. If you read this and conclude that OCs pay no profits’ tax or any tax at all to the State of G u y a n a , y o u a r e 1 0 0 % correct. That conclusion is very clear from a faithful reading of Art 15.4.

Guyana’s profit-share is a bare 12.5 barrels out of every 100 barrels It is unconscionable to ask host-

c o u n t r y G u y a n a t o p a y Exxon’s tax liabilities out of its [Guyana’s] profit-share. If this is meant to be an insult to the intelligence of the Guyanese people, it certainly is.

This Tax Article gets worse. Much worse.

Article 15.5 states, “The Contractor shall provide the M i n i s t e r w i t h t h e C o n t r a c t o r ’s i n c o m e t a x returns to be submitted by the Minister to the [GRA] so the Minister can pay income tax on behalf of Contractor.

“On such returns, the Minister shall note that he is paying the income taxes on behalf of the Contractor so that [GRA] can properly prepare the [Tax] receipts required under this Article 15.5”.

The clear takeaway from this Taxation article is that the Contractor [Exxon, Hess, Cnooc] pays no tax to GoG –but collects Tax Receipts. This is fraud Plain and simple.

The Govt of Guyana, even though it knows this is fraud, must feel deathly afraid to be deemed noncompliant, if it chooses not to issue the Tax Receipts GoG has been issuing Tax

Receipts to OCs stating taxes “fully paid”

W h a t d o t h e O i l Companies do with the Tax Receipts? As of today, we k n o w t h a t – t h a n k s t o Atty/Accountant Chris Ram – these Oil Companies have been taking tax deductions on their Income Statements for taxes (supposedly) paid to GoG and for which they have received Tax Receipts. We further assume they are using these Tax Receipts to claim tax credits on their U.S. corporate tax returns. This too, if it happens, is fraud.

I t i s t i m e t h e G o G summoned the courage, feel emboldened and empowered – y o u a r e a n I n d e p e n d e n t / S o v e r e i g n State, not a colony – to demand this Tax Article be revised.

E x x o n c o u l d h a v e written into the contract “all taxes are waived for the life of the contract”, but the whole problem arises out of greed.

Exxon wants its cake and eat too; wants Tax Receipts to take tax deductions on its income statements – but doesn’t want to pay for it. So, it resorts to writing a Tax A r t i c l e f u l l o f t o r t u r e d clauses to deceive.

Sincerely, Mike Persaud

The tender fabr ic of social implications


Budget 2025 is here and still in the air as Guyanese continue to hear and learn about all the goodies, cookies and candies which will sweeten their lives just as the Demerara sugar does. Now that Budget 2025 was approved by Parliament, the PPP/C Government can now proceed to translate the planned projects into reality

M o s t s o b e r - m i n d e d a n d

u n b i a s e d G u y a n e s e w o u l d immediately attest to the promising Budget which is not only positive but also, quite diversified and equitably inclusive. Perhaps, like anything else, it is not 100 percent “Kosher” or fool-proof, and the l


e reviewed and addressed. Returning

t o P a r l i a m e n t t o t a b l e “supplements” is nothing unusual

a n d p r o v i s i o n i s m a d e t o accommodate this element.

One of the critical issues is, of course, the priority payment of the $100K cash grants to all the legitimate recipients, including the overseas-based Guyanese returning home. What remains quite clear is that this cash grant will not be paid overseas. What needs more clarity a n d p u b l i c i t y i s t h e p r e c i s e locations established for Guyanese on vacation to register in all regions, where they can collect their cheques and when. This gravy area needs immediate attention in

order to avoid any frustration, c o n f u s i o n a n d a g g r a v a t i o n , especially for the elderly citizens.

U n d o u b t e d l y, i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l development is the backbone to n e t w o r k a f o u n d a t i o n f o r modernization, improvisation and expansion. As technology is altered for antiquity, machine is replacing manual and augmentation is the substitution for stagnation, the PPP/C government is traversing a fast track to make up for lost time

encountered by the past PNC government and rebuilding from their destruction of oversight, lack o f m a i n t e n a n c e a n d o b s c u r e d vision.

Yet, the metaphor, “Man must not live by bread alone,” is not an u n d e r s t a

p e s many values sympathetic to the back burner, which is providing necessary meals quite essential for a balanced diet B

b u r n i n g , t h e f l a m e i s b e i n g strangled due to the heat turned down to medium and in some cases, low The pipe line needs to be pumped up and the level increased.


acquisition is hogging the limelight and overshad

fabric of social implications. Yes, the subject agency was not left behind, but the approved resources may be considered as an overture for greener pastures.

Gender violence continues to eat away at the core of morality in

society Physical abuse of the female and children is weekly highlighted as a contributory factor to criminal behaviour in Guyana. The physical system is set up to

d financial, to say the least. But the machinery in process is judged as an aftermath effect. What is limited is the proactive concept. Having a social worker attached full time in each NDC or a village/town with

brainstormed. This will provide the opportunity for such a worker to have daily interaction at a ground level and be well informed of potential problems. Prevention is better than cure.

While the grass is growing, the horse is starving. Many suffer unnecessarily Our roads are not safe and are plagued with deaths, injuries and financial losses, among other setbacks. The Police Service is commendable but operates under

G u y a n a ’s traffic rules and regulations play second fiddle to drivers, riders and p

a n d irresponsibility Many incidents may be avoided if the 5 C’s are adhered to, the do not drink and drive rule is applied and there is less speeding and more precaution. The investment of traffic lights is an i n


manpower which can be further channeled for other avenues. In many areas, it will control the flow o f t r a ff i c a n d r e d u c e , i f n o t eliminate, the law of uncertainty and/or priority which leads to c h a o s , b u l l y i s m a n d p h y s i c a l altercations. Our round-abouts are impressive but many of them lack cohesion! The obvious flow of inout or out-in, is missing. It is time that Guyana starts to engineer overheads.

The hundreds of traffic tickets issued weekly reflect how serious and sincere the Police are in their attempts to curb and prevent accidents on our roadways. It also throws aspersions on how road

u s e r s a r e d e t e r m i n e d t o b e oblivious of doing the right thing on our roadways. One of the diseased illnesses on the roads is the noise nuisance which is an unharnessed

menace and appears to be a d o u b t f u l a r e a i n w h i c h l e g a l pursuance is absent or silenced. Not o n e k n o w n c a s e h a s b e e n published! Is there a deliberate reluctance or opaque limitation? The loud music is often popular in the presence of police who do not act accordingly Meanwhile, the abused public continues to suffer Why not remove all those extra sound equipment and electrical enhancement gadgets installed in vehicles ordained for hire and for public transportation for a start?


unaccepted norm in communities and often leads to grave dissention. I n s t a

consequence are not estranged to c

vility Guyana is a land of practiced unruliness not only by many of the citizens and business e n

breakdown in law and order We shouldn’t hide this problem, ignore it, pretend that it does not exist or worse, deny or refute it. How often have citizens not beg for the elimination of bars and nightclubs which are operating in residential areas? How often have citizens not plead for statutory regulations to close these premises at the stroke of midnight? Is the law sanctifying promiscuous behavior in public, lawlessness in the streets, sleepless nights for villagers, the depravity of peace, all at the encouragement for liquor premises to operate from dusk to dawn?

There is the good, bad and ugly culture. Culture is often applied conveniently, abused convincingly and appropriated controversially! G u y a n e s e h a v e a c u l t u r e o f ominously misinterpreting culture for instances of unwanted custom and undesired tradition! We also s u f f e r f r o m a w e a k n e s s o f procrastination. We also cannot overlook our deficiency of being unsatisfied. We crave for wants and not our needs. The saying, “A bird

Continued on page 6

Chinese companies bid over US$20M to design & build new medicine lab & office complex

The Ministry of Health will soon sign a contract for the design and construction of a medicine regulatory and laboratory and office complex.

The project, which went out to tender through the national bidding process, now has two Chinese contractors competing for the contract.

At the reading of bids on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was revealed that CAMCE – Sinopharmintl consortium bid US$22,094,220.89, while Shangdong HighSpeed Dejian Group Company Limited bid US$23,676,720 for the project.

It was reported that during this year ’s budget presentation, Senior Minister with the responsibility for Finance in the Office of the President, Dr Ashni Singh revealed that some $2.9 billion has been set aside in this year ’s budget for that project, among others.

y Laboratory and Office Complex, a national neurological rehabilitation centre and a centre of excellence for cancer treatment for which a sum of $2.9 billion is budgeted,” he announced last month.

Below are the companies and their bids:

Ministry of Heath Design and build the new medicine laboratory and office complex

Ministry of Agriculture – Fisheries Department Procurement of vessel tracking devices.


tender fabr ic of social...

From page 5 in the hand is worth two in the bush,” is not complicated but carries implications. As many toil to separate the sweet from the soil, let’s not foil the salt from our oil.

For many Guyanese, their days are numbered for when their nights will become numb! Legitimate NIS benefits should be processed today and not tomorrow which may never arrive. The minimum NIS pension should churn an average $50K per month. Guyana can do better and upgrade the old age pension to $50K. Guyana can afford $25K payment for public assistance. Sacrifice can be made to incorporate these expenses at the expense of curtailing other capital expenses. Budget 2025 can be adjusted. The time is now to put a smile on the faces of our broken seniors!

Yours respectfully,

Jai Lall

Budget 2025 review…

Old Age Pension,

Public Assistance and Disability


First off, permit me to express my congratulations to the honourable Minister w i t h r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r

Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and his staff at the Ministry of Finance for their efforts in crafting the nation’s largest budget and importantly, with no new taxes, a hallmark of its predecessors under the I f r a a n A l i - l e d administration.

A t $ 1 3 8 2 T r i l l i o n , budget 2025 exemplifies the fiscal prudence necessary to ensure social equity Allow me the space as I assess the impact this has, particularly

demographics covered by


n Services and Social Security

From my focal point, budget 2025’s allocation to the Human Services sector

Franklin D. Roosevelt who opined, “the test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security in 2025, has secured an allocation of $58.5 Billion. In 2019, the Ministry of Social Protection, as it was known then was allocated approximately $19 Billion, representing over a 178% increase in its allocation

s i n c e t h i s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n took office. Interestingly, the Honourable Minister for this sector, Dr Vindhya Persaud

revealed that approximately 80% of this year ’s budget for the sector goes to Old Age P e n s i o n a n d P u b l i c Assistance.

Minister Persaud further articulated that the number o f b e n e f i c i a r i e s h a s increased significantly since her tenure began with Public Assistance recipients almost doubling, if not surpassed as well as a steep increase in Old Age Pension to around 76,000 beneficiaries.

The People’s Progressive P a r t y C i v i c ( P P P C ) Administration surpassed its manifesto promise for old age pension, a feat that the p r e v i o u s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n could not accomplish.

F o r f i v e c o n s e c u t i v e b u d g e t s w e h a v e s e e n p r o g r e s s , f o r f i v e consecutive budgets we have s e e n i n c r e a s e d f i n a n c i a l support to our senior citizens but a budget is not just about numbers, it is about the people and the impact it has on improving their quality of life.

Our seniors now enjoy $41,000 monthly compared t o $ 2 0 , 5 0 0 w h e n t h i s administration took over This injects an additional $4.5 Billion in disposable income into their hands.

B u d g e t 2 0 2 5 complements the previous four budgets, highlighting the methodological approach t o g o v e r n a n c e b y t h i s administration almost as a neurosurgeon meticulously plies his trade with precision, p u r p o s e , p r u d e n c e a n d creativity

O v e r t h e y e a r s , pensioners have been on the receiving end of various initiatives that will no doubt continue and expand to ease their lives. Prior to 2020, senior citizens were only collecting at the post offices. Now, they have over 1,500 a g e n c i e s t o c a s h t h e i r monthly coupons such as M o n e y G r a m , S u r e P a y , BillExpress, Western Union or digital options including the banks or MMG. Persons who are expected to reach the required age for this noncontributary benefit need not go the offices and apply but do so from the comfort of their homes.

F u r t h e r m o r e , t h i s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a s reintroduced the subsidy on electricity to the tune of $882 Million, simply equating to $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 p e r y e a r f o r beneficiaries. Similarly, the water subsidy, which was t a k e n a w a y u n d e r t h e previous administration has b e e n r e s u r r e c t e d t o t h e magnitude of $298.1Million.

On another note, the M i n i s t r y h a s m a d e significant strides when it comes to Public Assistance, i n c r e a s i n g b y w e l l o v e r 100% over the last five years.

P e r m a n e n t D i s a b i l i t y a l s o c o n t i n u e t o h a v e initiatives that complement their increases in this form of public assistance. Like old age pension, persons under this category benefitted from cash grants throughout the last few years including $100,000 for children living with disabilities and most

recent, the $35,000 one-off cash grant.

A p p l i c a n t s a r e automatically renewed since the implementation of the new policy under Minister Persaud saw them receiving this benefit until reaching pensionable age and would consequently transition. The ease in which they apply are also significantly improved since they can do so online as well.

T h e M i n i s t r y c o m p l e m e n t e d p e r s o n s l i v i n g w i t h d i s a b i l i t i e s ’ social integration with the development of the learning lab which provides free skills t r a i n i n g e x c l u s i v e l y f o r persons under this category a n d i n 2 0 2 5 , t h e s e programmes are expected to amplify, according to the Honourable Minister I m p o r t a n t l y

President had announced all p

h disabilities can receive free assistive aids, an initiative delivered by the Ministry of Human Service, and to date, over 1,000 persons have benefitted from these aids i n c

u d i n g w h e e l c h a i r s , walkers, white canes and more.

O v e r a l l , s i n c e t h i s administration took office, the lives of our pensioners, persons with disabilities and public assistance recipients h a v e t r e m e n d o u s l y improved and will continue t o i m p r o v e w h e n t h e Ministry rolls out its plans following budget 2025.


Is Phagwah a Jouver t in Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara?


I am writing to bring awareness regarding activities hosted on the day of Phagwah in the community of Sister ’s Village, West Bank Demerara. I was at a local business within the community and I saw a flyer with the slogan “WET YUH FRONT” hosted on 14th March 2025 I found it distasteful, so I questioned the business owner about the activity I also asked the opinions of my colleagues and residents of the village w h o a r e o f d i f f e r e n t r e l i g i o u s backgrounds, and they shared the same sentiment as me; it is disrespectful of anyone to host an activity of such on the day of Phagwah.

In 2024, President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha and Human Services and Social Security Minister, Dr Vindhya Persaud, stated that we should respect and preserve Phagwah


y named “Wet yuh front” is not preserving or respecting the holiday and its history It is utterly disgusting that such activity

is being promoted on a day when Hindus celebrate “good triumph over evil”. The flyer is not the worst. There was a video advertisement featured on F a c e b o o k a n d t h e p r o m o t e r s emphasized “enjoy the day with girls”. It is sickening.

Historically, Lord Krishna applied powder on Radha, he did not whine or grind on random women, he did not attend parties on the day of Holi. Why is the celebration of Phagwah becoming like this?

Guyanese, over the years, will consume alcohol on Phagwah days and visit the houses of other Guyanese to throw water and powder on each other, which is much more decent than the activity called “wet yuh front”, which mostly sexualizes the celebration of Phagwah. Phagwah has been celebrated at the stadium over the years too. However, the celebration is more of unity and love, in keeping with the values of Phagwah. I never went to the celebration at Albouystown, so I cannot

speak of such. However, I’ve never seen flyers promoting Albouystown activity with any sexualizing slogan like ‘wet yuh front”. Over the years, people f r e q u e n t e d A l b o u y s t o w n a n d t h e stadium to celebrate or, in other words, play phagwah and not with the intention of “getting girls” like the activity being promoted by the event organizers in sister ’s village, West Bank Demerara.

Growing up in Sister ’s Village, p e o p l e f r o m d i f f e r e n t r e l i g i o u s backgrounds celebrate together and respect the day

There has never been such vulgar activity promoted, until now Local businesses that sponsored this activity, Disc jockeys and promoters that are partaking in this activity should be held accountable and offer an apology to the Hindu community I hope this letter reaches someone who has the authority to cancel this disrespectful event.

Kind regards, Anonymous, Community member

In 5 years, Guyana gave up US$10B in taxes to ExxonM and par tners

Guyana has so far given up over US$10B in taxes since it began producing oil in December 2019. During the same five-year period (2019-2024), the country’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF) received just over US$6B.

According to the December

2024 NRF report, a to

al of US$6,049,759,409 was paid into the NRF since 2019, including US$786,190,162 in royalty


i s

G u y a n a a n d E x x o n s h a r e d approximately US$10.5B in profits during the period.

It can further be deduced a whopping US$42B in revenue was generated between December 2019 and December 2024, since 75% of the total revenue was deducted by ExxonMobil for cost recovery

As such, at a 25% tax rate, it would mean that Guyana lost over

US$10B in taxes to the Stabroek Block partners alone in five years.



g Agreement (PSA) between the GoG and ExxonMobil does not require the company to pay any corporate taxes.

The contract states in Article 1 5

(ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjected to tax, value-added tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge, or impost in respect of income derived


Further, Article 15.4 states that the sum equivalent to the taxes owed by the company will be paid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General of the GRA. It should be

noted that the contract also allows for the issuing of a receipt to ExxonMobil, indicating that it has met the local tax requirements to


Though the fiscal terms of the contract have been condemned by

blatantly refused to engage the


President Irfaan Ali during his end of year press conference on December 31, 2024 made it clear that he has no interest in writing U.S. oil major, ExxonMobil to engage the company to renegotiate the oil deal.


committed to was to respect the sanctity of contracts and that the

implications for us as a country Other investors are looking on but what we said was that future PSAs would not have these fatal flaws and future PSAs would not have the type of lopsided arrangements that


Exxon had, and we have made those adjustments to future PSAs.”

But even as Guyana continues to refuse to engage the company, the country is losing more revenue

production of oil, as pointed out earlier in this article.

In fact, while the country gives aw

increasing its national debt. By the end of 2024, the debt increased to US$6B and is expected to climb further by the end of this year to US$7.5B.

President Irfaan Ali
Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge

Guyana’s silence represents a shocking neglect of its national interest

G u y a n a h a s l o n g championed the sanctity of territorial integrity and the rejection of aggression in international relations. From its vocal condemnation of Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982 to i t s f

Russia’s ongoing war in U k

consistently positioned itself as a defender of sovereignty and international law

Yet, in the face of former U S P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Trump’s alarming proposal to annex Gaza and displace its Palestinian population, Guyana’s silence is not only puzzling but also a shocking neglect of its own national

undermines Guyana’s moral

h o s e s u p p o r t i s c r u c i a l i n d e f e n d i n g i t s territory against Venezuela’s persistent claims.

At the heart of Guyana’s foreign policy is the need to s a f e g u a r d i t s t e r r i t o

i a l integrity, particularly against the existential threat posed by Venezuela’s longstanding c l a i m t o t h e E s s e q u i b o region. This claim, which encompasses nearly twothirds of Guyana’s territory, has been a source of tension between the two countries s i n c e I n d e p e n d e n c e I n recent years, Venezuela has intensified its rhetoric and actions, including military exercises near the border and the establishment of a new

s t a t e t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e s Guyana’s territory In this context, Guyana has rightly sought international support

including from the United States.

H o w e v e r , G u y a n a ’ s silence on Trump’s Gaza proposal risks undermining its credibility as a consistent d e f e n d e r o f t e r r i t o r i a l integrity and international law Trump’s plan, which r e p o

p r e s s

g n e i g h b o u r i n g Arab states to absorb its Palestinian population, is a b l a t a n t v i o l a t i o n o f international law and the p r i n c i p l e s o f s e l f -

d e t e r m i n a t i o n S u c h a proposal echoes the darkest chapters of history, where

p o w e r f u l n a t i o n s r e d r e w

b o r d e r s a n d d i s p l a c e d populations to serve their own interests. By failing to condemn this plan, Guyana is tacitly

e n d o r s i n g a d a n g e r o u s

p r e c e d e n t t h a t c o u l d e m b o l d e n a g g r e s s o r s w o r l d w i d e , i n c l u d i n g Ve n e z u e l a I f G u y a n a

r e m a i n s s i l e n t w h e n a

powerful nation like the United States proposes the annexation of territory and the displacement of a people, how can it credibly oppose Venezuela’s claims to the E s s e q u i b o ? T h e inconsistency is glaring and damaging to Guyana’s moral and diplomatic standing.

G u y a n a ’s s i l e n c e i s p a r t i c u l a r l y p e r p l e x i n g given its history of standing up to aggression, even when it involves powerful nations. These actions have earned Guyana respect on the global s t a g e a s a n a t i o n t h a t prioritizes principle over expediency Yet, by failing to speak out against Trump’s

Dem Boys Seh...

Gaza proposal, Guyana risks s q u a n d e r i n g t h i s h a r dearned reputation.

Guyana’s silence reflects a misguided assumption that aligning with U.S. interests, or at least not opposing them, w i l l s e c u r e A m e r i c a n support in its dispute with Venezuela. This assumption is dangerously naive. The United States, under Trump, is likely to prioritize its own interests above all else. The “America First” doctrine, which Trump champions, explicitly rejects the notion of the U.S. acting as a global p r o t e c t o r o r a r b i t e r o f international law While the U.S. has recently expressed support for Guyana in its dispute with Venezuela, this support is not unconditional and is unlikely to extend to military intervention in the event of a conflict. Guyana cannot afford to rely on American protection; it must i n s

integrity and the rule of international law America clearly does not exemplify such a commitment under Trump.


undermines its own domestic unity and moral authority

d opposition have historically been united in their defense of the Essequibo and their c o n d

a r e w

l i n g t o o v e r l o o k violations of international law when it suits their shortterm interests, rather than standing firm on principle.

T h i s a p p r o a c h w e a k e n s

G u y a n a ’ s d i p l o m a t i c position.

G u y a n a s h o u l d a l s o denounce Trump’s wild and r e c k l e s s s t a t e m e n t s r e g a r d i n g C a n a d a ,

G r e e n l a n d , a n d P a n a m a , which have raised serious concerns about his disregard for the sovereignty of other nations.

Trump’s musings about a n n e x i n g G r e e n l a n d , h i s threats to impose tariffs on Canadian goods, and his transactional approach to Panama’s Canal all reflect a t r o u b l i n g p a t t e r n o f

behaviour that undermines the principles of national sovereignty

A p r i n c i p l e d a n d consistent foreign policy requires Guyana to speak out

a g a i n s t a l l f o r m s o f aggression and disrespect for sovereignty, regardless of t h e s o u r c e D e n o u n c i n g

Trump’s statements would not only align with Guyana’s values but also reinforce its credibility as a defender of

territorial integrity of any

outrage It suggests t

Guyana’s political leaders

Guyana pot boil, but we only get de steam!

Dem boys hear how Guyana mekking one big pot of cook-up. A nice, bubbling, rich pot, full ah everything—oil, gas, gold, you name it. But before de thing even done cook, dem oil company boys come wid dem big spoon and start dip out de best part. Not just one, two spoon, but dem tek way de whole pot! Carry am straight to dem yard and lef we wid one lil enamel bowl wid couple spoonful inside.

But de story ain’t done deh. Yuh see, before de ordinary man get to taste de likkle leff-over, dem big ones in high place decide dem want first pick. So dem dive in wid fork and knife, chop out de chicken, dig out de beef, scoop out de shrimp, and leff back what? Some half-cooked rice and two dry peas.

Meanwhile, dem boys dem done full dem belly and tek off, leaving we to sop up de leffover

And hear dis—when people seh dem hungry, dem same leaders tun back and seh, “Man, y’all greedy! Look, we giving cash grant fuh buy lil salt and ketchup. Put dat in de cook-up and it gon taste better!”

Meanwhile, dem oil company boys sending shipment after shipment overseas, belly full, laughing at how easy Guyana full dem pot. Dem done tek de best meat and leff we licking de spoon. Dem boys seh, is like we cooking a whole Sunday pot, but by de time we ready to eat, all we gettin’ is de scent. Guyana, me brethren, we smelling nice, but we belly still empty! Talk half. Leff half

Now, de people watching all dis, and dem start fuh grumble. “Ow, wha happen to de meat?” But dem leaders smile and tell we, “Look how much nice gravy deh in de pot!”

integrity and international law The stakes are too high,

important, for Guyana to remain silent. By speaking

strengthen its international alliances, and send a clear message to Venezuela and the world that it will not tolerate aggression in any form.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the


opinions of this newspaper.)

Guyana must not make the mistake of assuming that silence will secure American protection or that it can afford to be inconsistent in its

Corruption - At epidemic proportion

C o r r u p t i o n o n a n unprecedented scale is tearing the heart out of Guyana. There have

been several major corruption scandals, but PPP Government leaders, ministers, and defenders all say that it is about clean governance. There is some irony in that the very people standing before m i c r o p h o n e s a r e r e p o r t e d t o employ fronts (family, comrades, and other proxies) to layer their accumulations, their self-enriching arrangements.

If there is one thing on which t h e g o v e r n m e n t c o u l d b e congratulated, it is that many who know where the dead bodies are have sealed their lips. Why cut one’s own nose? Spoil the gravy flow, and then whereto, what? The silver lining is that life has taught that however deep dirty matters are

b u r i e d , h o w e v e r s o p h i s t i c a t e d

c a m o u f l a g i n g e f f o r t s a r e , exposures come in time.

There is a man named Dr Ramayya in Berbice. There is a property in Queens, New York. There are prime lands in Ogle and e l s e w h e r e a l l f l o a t i n g t o t h e surface. One man resigned in disgust, another in haste. The latter

r e a s s u r e d e v e r y o n e o f h i s innocence. I believe him. I also believe that more needs to be said

about that US$770,000 New York p r o p e r t y, w i t h t h e s u p p o r t i n g narrative clear and convincing. The linkages are too neat. They are also a noose.

The Guyanese who got the prime lands, are also the real estate conduit for the property development in Queens Curiouser things have happened, but this unsettles When President Ali starts gyrating around ‘process’ and Attorney General Nandlall stars in a cameo about ‘procedures followed’, that’s when I start listening more closely What really have both honorable men answered?

It is not what they provided. It is what they avoided. Land has blights and convicted felons their taints, but both can be eradicated. The negatives that trouble, not the men. Another Guyanese, a medical p r o f e s s i o n a l i n N e w Yo r k , p o s s e s s i n g a l m o s t t h e s a m e grandeur as Drs. Ali and Nandlall succeeded in introducing some comedy in this grievous situation. He told a dogged media interviewer that he ‘didn’t measure the land’, so he couldn’t pronounce on its acreage.

Process, procedure, ignorance. As smokescreens go, they’re thin. From Ali to Jagdeo to Nandlall, my messages have been simple and

consistent. Deal with upright people. Let things be on the table. Speak straight, face the facts. The secrets have been too many, they build up, they spill out. Ramayya. Leaker Resignation. Innocence. Politicians.

Over and over, I cautioned the PPP Government, and those three leading luminosities named: do the people’s business that way, or there is sure to be a day when a button breaks loose. Guyanese appreciate that revelations, allegations, and s u s p i c i o n s a b o u t r u n a w a y corruption represent only the tip of the iceberg.

As stunning as VICE News, U S $ 2 1 4 m i l l i o n E x x o n a u d i t , budget slush fund set asides, cash grant mysteries (reconciliations), and now prime real estate are, they are mere matchsticks in an out-ofc o n


w i l d

W i t h accumulated national budgets in the trillions, unexplained wealth is a byproduct that is now too gigantic to suppress. With unchallenged control over the levers of power, and no contrarian eyes [minds], there is a certain inevitability on the horizon.

W h a t G u y

s e n o w s i f t through is less than half-priced prime lands, via some half-witted process (and procedure) involving

p r o d

c e d t h e s e h a

c o o k e d defenses. When clean people are sent packing and unclean people are held aloft as holy men and women, it shouldn’t surprise that corruption is a national industry in Guyana that is bigger than Exxon’s offshore returns.

At least, Exxon invests its equity, however earned The corrupt caste in Guyana invests nothing besides their machinations and maneuvers and willing men, and reap untold millions. They outdo Exxon, which takes some doing. As an aside, the Guyana Audit Office shouldn’t be happy to imitate Japanese stone monkeys.

Two last points need to be made. The PPP Government has convinced itself that corruption, no matter how chronic and costly, is not a vote loser. Its leaders should rethink, because there is usually a breaking point in life’s affairs, when people can’t take what is going on anymore. They have had enough. It was what the man in Region Six put out.

The probability is high that there are hundreds who know as much as him. A few more could break the PPP Government’s code of omerta. That could of silence doesn’t conceal. It confirms. What

accelerates to this state of mind is that Guyanese are catching hell, while their political heroes are enjoying the Cadillac lifestyle. Champagne. Caviar Chanel. It stinks, I think.

Considering the instances of corruption that have seeped into the public domain, those are massive enough and reach high enough for citizens to conclude reasonably that they are not the only ones. Clearheaded men and women, including P P P s u p p o r t e r s , b e l i e v e t h a t corruption is a killer virus. It is not so much a concern when that killer corruption virus is in Africa or India. When it is in Guyana in a time of abundant money, then Guyanese come to a clearer understanding about what the PPP Government and its cabals have done to them. How they are being used and misused, taken for fools.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Guyana and Suriname discuss convening of Border Commission


met with Her Excellency Ms. L

, Ambassador of Suriname to Guyana on Tuesday, at her request. D u r

discussed the convening of t h e B o r d e r C o m m i s s i o n

b e t w e e n G u y a n a a n d Suriname.

T u e s d a y ’ s m e e t i n g f o l l o w s t h e G u y a n a

G o v e r n m e n t a n d s e v e r a l

l o c a l e n t i t i e s s t r o n g condemnation of the use of a

map at a conference in Suriname that incorporated the New River Triangle as part of that country

“ E v e r y G u y a n e s e , especially those of us who hold positions of leadership and influence in this country, should know with certainty and conviction what are the limits of our territory The New River Triangle remains an integral and indivisible

Guyana, because it was so determined by a process recognised as binding under international law,” Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud said.

H i s r e s p

n s e c a m e following reports of the map


which was hosted by the Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce and organised by Action Invest Caribbean

I n c o r p

Event Partners.


Persaud in a statement on his Facebook page explained that the starting point of the boundary between Guyana a


determined in 1936 when


reaffirmed the commitment o

Suriname to the Strategic Dialogue and Cooperation Platform (SDCP), between t h e t w o c

potential for collaboration to


The Ambassador noted

reports in the media and

commitment to advancing its

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd met with Her Excellency Ms. Liselle Blankendal, Ambassador of Suriname to Guyana

y Commission identified the source of the Kutari River on the watershed with Brazil, as the tri-junction point where the boundaries of Brazil, British Guiana and Suriname meet. “

Suriname. The Report of the tri-junction point was signed b

Guyana,” the post stated.


Blankendal spoke of the success of the recently held

advancement of the private sector partnership between Suriname and Guyana.

“The Ambassador also

According to a statement posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Facebook p a g e , A m b a s s a d o r

following effect: The Mixed Commission, being satisfied that this is the only river which in any way answers to t h e S c h o m b u r g k ’ s description of the Kutari agreed that the boundary Surinam and British Guiana, as defined in the instructions i s s u e d t o t h e M i x e d Commission, should follow the left bank of its longest branch.”

Todd noted and affirmed Guyana’s commitment to the rule of international law, respect for sovereignty and

cooperation and enhancing the bilateral and friendly relations between Guyana and Suriname within the establish framework.

Girl, 12, pregnant after...

From page 3

“Presently, a don’t know where he is now, but a know he does go in the backdam and work. A don’t know if he is there or he is somewhere else,” she said.


The woman reportedly started a relationship with the suspect 10 years ago. They have a son together but she never knew he has a dark side until her daughter became pregnant. She said he is a miner and during last year they went into the back-dam with him to help out. At the end of August 2024, the distraught woman recalled that they made gold and the man w a n t e d h e r 1 2 - y e a r - o l d daughter to accompany him to sell it at a location, miles away from the backdam.

Trusting him, she allowed her daughter to go with him. When they returned days later from selling the gold the woman observed that her daughter was not the same.

“She was missing her period,” the mother said.

The mother said she asked her daughter repeatedly if she was sexually active but the girl denied. Concerned for her daughter ’s health, the w o m a n t o o k h e r f o r a m e d i c a l c h e c k - u p t w o months later It was then she discovered that the child was pregnant.

A t f i r s t , t h e c h i l d maintained her silence but later revealed to her mother, that her stepfather engaged in s e x u a l a c t i v i t y w i t h h e r “when they came out to sell the gold, August Monthend”.

The child reportedly told

her mother that the suspect had warned her that if she talks, he would go to jail and they would have no-where to live because his relatives will put them out of their home. Immediately, the mother took action but was in for additional shock when she learnt that the abuse was going on for a while and involved both her daughters.

“She left and she go to town with her grandmother and when she left and she go to town now she saying, “I should check the other sister” and we want to know why she keep saying check the other sister,” the woman recalled.

Picking up on the hint, the woman decided to take her younger 9-year-old daughter to the hospital. There she was told that the child was also being molested.

“I have the medical from the hospital,” she said while relating that the doctors explained that while the child d i d n o t s h o

bruises on her legs and on her private parts. It is believed that the man has been talking a

daughters for a while and has managed to keep up a façade.

She told Kaieteur News t

intervened and has assisted p

interview Notwithstanding the support she is receiving from the organization, the woman worries about the

herself for the disturbing ordeal they faced.


hopes new


will have larger appetite to lend for energy projects – Pres. Ali

President Irfaan Ali has expressed optimism that the new United States administration will adopt policies that encourage greater lending for energy projects, by making financing more accessible and affordable for countries like Guyana.

“Globally for example we know that and everyone knows that we went through a long period where capital for energy projects was drying up or becoming more expensive and that was because of a policy position globally,” President Ali said during an episode of Energy Perspectives Podcast on Sunday

The President said that with the new U.S. Administration, “we hope that there will be greater appetite for lending for energy projects and the cost of that financing will be more manageable because the cost was ramping up um those are uh key um issues.”

President Ali’s comment follows remarks made by Guyana’s Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, who signaled the government’s intention to take more loans from the United States.

Recently, the Guyanese government finalized a US$527 million loan agreement with the United States Export-Import (US EXIM) Bank for the

Wales Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project.

Guyana’s readiness to access another US$1.5 billion from the bank. Notably, the US EXIM Bank had committed a total of US$2 billion in financing for projects in Guyana through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2022, with US$527 million now allocated to the GTE project.

“There is still US$1.5 billion and we are looking forward to taking up all of that loan,” Dr Singh stated, signaling the government’s intent to continue strengthening its partnership with the US EXIM Bank.

President Irfaan Ali

Chevron banking on Guyana’s oil to boost reserves

…but deal to takeover Hess remains in limbo

Chevron’s oil and gas reserves have fallen to the lowest point in at least a decade, highlighting the importance of the United States’ major planned acquisition of oil producer Hess, that has stalled due to a court battle with Exxon Mobil.

Reserve replacement is one of the key metrics for investors in energy companies, as it gives a sense of how much oil and gas the companies could produce and for how long.

If Chevron closes the Hess acquisition, it would gain a stake in the lucrative Guyana oilfields that are operated by Chevron’s rival, Exxon. Exxon and CNOOC, the other minority partner in the Guyana field, have challenged Chevron’s bid for Hess in court, saying that they have first right of refusal on Hess’s equity in the project.

Chevron’s reserves, or the amount of oil and gas that it can potentially extract, declined from 11.1 billion barrels of oil equivalent in 2023 to 9.8 billion by the end of 2024. The reserves also declined in part due to sales of acreage.

The low rate of reserve replacement raises “red flags,” said Paul Cheng, an analyst with Scotiabank, highlighting concerns about the company’s longer-term prospects. Chevron said its reserve replacement ratio over the past 10year period was 88%. The company’s organic reserve replacement ratio, a metric that measures how much new oil and gas was added to the reserves compared to the amount it produced and excludes acquisitions and sales, was 45%. A ratio of 100% or more means the company is replacing its reserves at the same rate that it depletes them.

Cheng said the company’s replacement ratio has been below the breakeven requirement over the past three years Scotiabank maintains a sector outperform rating for Chevron Chevron declined to comment During the fourth quarter earnings call, CEO Mike Wirth said the company was focused on developing high-quality oil and gas assets, including in the Gulf of Mexico

The acquisition of Hess, a $53 billion deal struck in October 2023, could improve Chevron’s prospects. It would grant the company a 30% stake in more than 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent of discovered recoverable resource in Guyana, the company said when it announced the deal.

“The combined company is expected to have resource inventory depth into the next decade – much further than we can usually see with confidence in our business,” Wirth said in October. Exxon has not yet reported its replacement ratio for 2024, but the No. 1 U.S. oil producer also struggled to replace its reserves in 2023 and 2022, which may have contributed to its decision to buy oil and gas producer Pioneer Natural Resources, Cheng said. Exxon declined to comment.

The Pioneer acquisition last year made Exxon the largest oil producer in the Permian Basin, the biggest U.S. oil field. UK-based oil company Shell and French oil major Total Energies both have an average reserve replacement ratio over the past three years of more than 100%.

Only recently Kaieteur News reported that oil production from Guyana’s Stabroek Block, where Hess Corporation holds 30% shares, has emerged as the company’s top seller in 2024, with an average price of US$80.04 per barrel.

According to information from the company’s fourth quarter financial and operational highlights, Guyana’s crude commanded the highest price among Hess’ global operations, outpacing sales from North Dakota, offshore U.S. assets, and Malaysia. Hess reported net profit of US$542 million, for the Continued on page 22

Gov t . issues 30-day notice to terminate CGX , Frontera Corent yne Block licence

T h e G o v e r n m e n t o f

Guyana has issued a 30-day notice of its intention to cancel CGX Energy Inc. and F


o n ’s P

e u m Prospecting Licence for the Corentyne Block offshore Guyana. The joint venture (JV) partners revealed this in



e statement, the government has taken the position that t

Petroleum Agreement with

already been terminated. It was further noted that in the government’s view, there are no reasonable grounds to grant an extension to CGX

exploration and appraisal obligations.

determined that the JV still holds a valid licence, the letter serves as a formal 30-day notice of the government’s intent to cancel it

“The Government argues

terminated, it invites the Joint Venture on or before February 22nd, 2025, to submit any representations [the Joint Venture] wish[es]


Government] making [its] final decision,” it was stated. It was outlined that any licence will cease to be effective on March 10, 2025, unless representations made by CGX and Frontera are “ f a v o

a b l y c o n

d e r e d ” Additionally, the statement

i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e

government is open to good faith negotiations within the specified timeframe.

Moreover, despite the government’s position, CGX and Frontera maintain that t h e i r i n t e r e s t s i n t h e

C o r e n t y n e B l o c k r e m a i n valid.

“ T h e J o i n t Ve n t u r e remains firmly of the view that its interests in, and the Licence for, the Corentyne block remain in place and in good standing,” the JV said in their statement. Notably, the companies further stated t h a t t h e y a r e c u r r e n t l y evaluating legal options and intend to formally respond to the government.

C G X a n d F r o n t e r a u n d e r s c o r e d t h e i r commitment to resolving the issue and continuing its multi-year investment in the Corentyne Block. “The Joint Venture looks forward to expeditiously resolving this matter and continuing its m u l t i - y e a r e f f o r t s a n d investments to realize value

for the people of Guyana and its shareholders, ” it was stated.

Last month, the Minister o f N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s , Vickram Bharrat said that the Government of Guyana cannot legally extend CGX and Frontera’s exploration licence for the Corentyne Block, and as a result can do nothing to assist the joint venture, Minister of Natural Resources.

M i n i s t e r B h a r r a t h a d stated that the joint venture’s l i c e n c e , a l o n g w i t h a n e x t e n s i o n p r e v i o u s l y granted, had come to an end. C o n s e q u e n t l y , t h e

C o r e n t y n e B l o c k n o w reverts to State control.

He said, “With regards to CGX, the position remains the same. There’s no change to position, with regards to how we dealing or handling the CGX matter…”

Minister Bharrat stated that the government has applied the same system to all companies in similar situations.

Bar tica teacher remanded for allegedly raping student

A25-year-old school

t e a c h e r w a s o n

Friday remanded to prison for allegedly raping a student in Bartica, Region 7.

D a h l e r u s C o u r t m a n , a teacher of lot 87-89 Three Miles Potaro Road, Bartica, is accused of engaging in sexual activity

w i t h a 1 2 - y e

e student. He was arrested on

February 6, 2025 and charged w

activity with a child by abusing a position of trust. The news of the incident surfaced on February 6,2025

Courtman appeared at the B


required to plead to the charge

and was subsequently remanded to prison. He is scheduled to return to court on March 7, 2025. Kaieteur News reported that

dormitory, which is

allegedly occurred Police heard that the teacher,

who admitted that he had sex with the child, lured her to his dorm under the pretext that ‘her assignment was late and that she needed extra help’.

Prior to this incident, the teacher had sent text messages to the child telling her that ‘she should skip classes and come over to the government quarters for work review.’

REMANDED: Dahlerus Courtman

Teen remanded for murder of City Councillor

A 1 6 - y e a r - o l d b o y w a s remanded to prison on Tuesday for the murder of Georgetown City Councillor and businessman, 47year-old Kyle Anthony Solomon.

T h e i n c i d e n t o c c u r r e d o n February 5, 2025, at D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown. Reports indicate that Solomon was fatally stabbed during a botched home invasion. The teenager was later arrested and taken to the East La


The accused appeared before Magistrate, Annette Singh, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, where the indictable charge was read to him. He was not required to enter a plea and was remanded to prison.

His next court appearance is scheduled for March 6, 2025.

During the hearing, the court was informed that the teenager is a school dropout. A c c o r d i n g t o r

p o r t s , t h e attack took place around 04:00 hrs. The city councillor reportedly came out of his home and saw the 16-year-old suspect trying to gain entry into his shop. He raised an alarm and the boy ran.

Solomon reportedly chased and caught the suspect, police

said. They had an argument and during the exchange of words, the suspect pulled out a knife from his w a i s

e businessman. He then ran away leaving the

Solomon was pronounced dead.

Solomon was a city councillor who


ency Number 9.

DEAD: Kyle Anthony Solomon

Guyana to proactively engage US administration to protect trade interest -

With Guyana relying heavily on exports

f o r s u s t a i n e d e c o n o m i c g r o w t h , t h e g o v e r n m e n t m u s t p r o a c


n engaged in diplomatic discussions with the United States (US) to protect not only Guyana’s trade interest, but the wider Caribbean region.

This point was underscored by the G

Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo in response to a question fielded during his weekly press conference held last Thursday at Freedom House, Georgetown.

He explained that the US, because of its large economy, can drive economic growth from internal demand. Even large economies like China could not have achieved this in the past, but have gradually shifted towards domestic demand. “Small countries cannot do that. They rely heavily on export markets for their products to enhance prosperity That i

competitive,” he informed reporters.

Jagdeo elaborated further, noting that small countries, like in the Caribbean region must ensure industries like the agriculture

VP Jagdeo

competitively, to survive in the international market.

While President Donald Trump has focused on trade tensions with China, Canada, Mexico and the European Union (EU), Jagdeo highlighted that there has been no direct indication that he wants to change trade terms for the Caribbean.

However, “We are looking at all of these issues. Clearly, we have to remain engaged with the US government in ensuring that there is [trade] for the Caribbean countries, particularly a favorable environment for our trade with the US,” the general secretary, who serves as vice president, emphasised. He reminded that special trade arrangements

historically existed, and Guyana must work to prevent these from being eroded. “And it requires probably lobbyists not just for Guyana, but also for the region to engage with the new US administration to ensure that those complexities are ours or in their

policies,” he asserted. (DPI)

Cit y Mayor wants executive power to move Council work for ward

Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred Mentore has expressed the view that having executive powers would allow him to better execution of the role of the City Council.

Speaking to members of the Council at a statutory meeting on Monday, Mentore held the notion that the city administration would get more done if he was vested with executive powers to manage City Hall.

“ This administration continues to bubble. So, if they continue to bubble, I gon bubble with them? Me ain’t want bubble with them. So, I am saying, if they don’t deliver by this time, I will seek to get three quotes, identify the best quote, and the Council will pay for it. I will ask the Council’s permission to do that; because you know what? It is a necessity,” Mentore said.

He was at the time addressing the Council on his decision taken to independently a

Supermarket on Water Street.

P e o p l e ’s P

o g r e s s i

e P a

y C i v i c Councillor Steven Jacobs cautioned the mayor that matter required the approval of full council.

forward and still be standing up in the same place,” he said.

Former Mayor, turned PPP/C councillor, Patricia Chase Greene noted that the mayor is setting a terrible precedent.

The $44.8 million Department of Labour building which will house the Board of Industrial Training’s Skills Development and Certification Center and Office that was constructed in New Amsterdam, Region Six. (Photo courtesy, Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Six/ Facebook)

The Ministry of Labour, t h r o u g h t h e B o a r d o f Industrial Training (BIT), on

Tuesday commissioned a new $44.8 million training facility in New Amsterdam, Region Six.

According to a brief statement published by the

R e g i o n a l D e m o c r a t i c Council (RDC) of Region Six, the facility will house the Department of Labour along with the Board of Industrial Training Skills

D e v e l o p m e n t a n d

C e r t i f i c a t i o n C e n t e r a n d Office.

The RDC shared that Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton during his address a t t h e c o m m i s s i o n i n g ceremony highlighted that the new facility will offer a

o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o e q u i p residents there with essential skills, making them more employable and capable of contributing meaningfully to society “Over the past four y e a r s , 2 , 5 7 1 p e r s o n s i n Region Six have benefited from training through 109 programs executed by BIT, with an investment of over $185 million,” the agency reported,

The Regional Chairman and BIT Chairman, David A r m o g a n l a u d e d t h e government for its efforts to provide opportunities for Guyanese to acquire skills a n d b e c o m e p r o d u c t i v e members of society

“I hope when Guyana Stores, National Hardware, Kirplani’s and all those places come, we will be able to do the same for them because the record of the Council will show that since under the Mayorship of Mr Hamilton Green that they will be no reserve parking for any entity other than the banks for security reasons…You are setting a bad precedence which I am not in agreement with because what goes for one will go for all,” Chase Greene said.

However, Mentore claimed that Mattai’s parking situation created unique challenges for the business and customers alike.

“It was one of those things that we had to compromise on,” the mayor stated.


T h i s p u b l i c a t i o

“Mr Mayor, I saw you spoke of Mattai and their approval. I just wanna say Mr Mayor from what I read here, it basically states that Council gave their approval. Mr Mayor, I just want to caution you that the purpose and role of a committee is to properly vet and then make recommendations to full Council… To my understanding, we had never made a decision to approve… so in future we should make a collective decision,” Jacobs said. In response, Mentore noted that while he understands the position of the Council, his intention is to cause the work of the Council to be executed in a more prompt and timely manner

“…[What] I would like to see in this Council is that we stop procrastinate when a decision is tabled Rather than have Mr Mattai go and come back and the back and forth between us. I’m not interested in any of that this year From here on out, we will be making some on the spot decisions. I am not here to go forward and go back and go

Nevertheless, Councillor Jacobs insisted that there should have been proper due diligence on the part of the M&CC.

In response, the mayor said he believes the course of action will be necessary, if the city administration continues to move in such a slothful pace.

“If, I have to make a decision from a necessary stand point I will so do. I may not be an executive mayor but this Council gives me that executive power to do and put certain things in place. When we sit here and make certain decisions, I ask the powers be vested in me so that I could proceed or cause the administration to proceed,” Mentore said.

Logger gets life imprisonment for 2021 Berbice River killing

A29-year-old logger has been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after being found guilty of manslaughter

r a n g e o f t r a i n i n g

train as many individuals,

understands that in Region Six also another Board of Industrial Training Center is currently under construction a


7 5 million is allocated to benefit 2,397 more persons in 2025. $44 million BIT facilit y commissioned in Reg. 6

“He noted that BIT has been establishing training facilities across the country in line with its mandate to

responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh during this year ’s budget presentation said that under the Board of I n d u s t r i a l T r a i n i n g programme, approximately $2 billion was spent to train 12,768 persons over the last f

Marlon LaRose was accused of killing Kevin Hercules of Wiruni Village, Berbice River in 2021.

LaRose, from Maria Henrietta, Upper Berbice River ’s sentence was handed down by Justice Sandil Kissoon at the Demerara High Court on Monday

T h e i n c i d e n t t o o k p l a c e b e t w e e n September 12 and 13, 2021. Hercules’ body was discovered floating in the Berbice River, showing signs of violence, including facial injuries and a slashed throat.

According to reports, Hercules had been drinking with friends before requesting a ride home. He was last seen boarding a boat, but never arrived at his destination. His lifeless body was recovered on September 14.

LaRose was arrested on September 17, 2021, and initially charged with murder However, following the trial, the jury found him not guilty of murder but convicted him of manslaughter

The trial concluded on December 16, 2024, after Justice Kissoon summarized the case for the jury, who then deliberated on their verdict.

Prosecutors A. Ramotar and D. Fraser presented the case, while LaRose’s defense was handled by Attorney R. Bostwick.

Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred Mentore
Marlon LaRose sentenced to life in prison


Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.

Job openings: Truck drivers, project manager & Civil engineers. To apply send application via Whatsapp : 638-5303 / 608-2114.

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Wanted driver Diamond Grove E.B.D with Lorry License. Contact: 677-6620.

Maid to work 2-3 days per week, Campbellville G/ Town. Call: 621-5140.

Staff to work in office 5 days per week, Male and female. Call: 624-7436.

Porters needed at Rabbies Snackette 266 Thomas & New Market St. Call : 6488279.


Apartment to rent situated in Republic park area. Hot & cold water, air condition & Parking available. Tele : 724-4668.

Prime business area at Affiance, Essequibo Coast for rent bottom flat- Office 600 sq ft, industrial 1400 sq ft. Call: 670-2554.


Friendship East Bank, Yarawkabra & Long Creek, Soesdyke & East la-Penitence Front Road. Contact : Ray's Realty : 627-9685.


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Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female cleaner for Eccles office. Call : 615-9132 / 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office English 1, Maths 2. Call : 615-9132 or email application to techserigy@yahoo.com

Male / female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 699-8486.

Male / female needed to work in supermarket in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 674-9999.

Live-in Domestic needed, Must know to cook & Bake. Attractive salary offered. Call: 699-8486.

General Domestic , cook , iron, clean house ECT Apply Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office $6000 daily, 3day work

Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: bakshwork@gmail.com / 662-0469.

Handyman to work in Eccles area & Experienced driver expeditor Tele : 231-0363.

Handyman/ Maintenance Man- East Bank Location, Good pay, Added benefit if able to drive. Call : 739-8860.

One driver to make purchases in Georgetown. Contact : 701-4000.


Man who bought weed for wife’s birthday party, remanded

A 29-year-old man was on Tuesday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer to a possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking charge.

Teshawn McKenzie of Lot 6A Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt, Georgetown was charged for possession of 75 grams of weed on February

5, 2025 at his home. McKenzie pleaded guilty after the charge was read to him by Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty He told the court that he and his wife purchased the weed for her birthday party However, it was canceled and they were holding onto it in the event they decided to use it in the future.

Fisherman on $40k bail

A 24-year-old fisherman was on Tuesday placed on $40,000 bail when he appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates’ Court to answer several charges.

Ravindra Lall of Grass Field Lusignan, East Coast Demerara (ECD) faced six charges which include unlawful assault, throwing missiles and using threating, abusive language against his mother Savitira Visicaar also known as ‘Naderia’. These incidents occurred on January 4, 2025 at their ECD residence.

Lall also assaulted and caused bodily harm to Visicaar on January 23, 2025. Further, Lall is also accused of unlawfully and maliciously

GoGo GoGo Govt.tvt.t

wounding Marvin Harry on January 18, 2025.

The fisherman made his first appearance at the Vigilance Magistrates’ Court before Senior Magistrate Sunil Scarce, who read the charges to him.

He pleaded not guilty to all the charges related to his mother and pleaded guilty with explanation for unlawfully wounding Harry Lall told the court that it was not his intention to injure Harry

He said that Harry stole two bicycles belonging to him and his brother. Harry, reportedly denied stealing the bicycles and started throwing bricks at Lall.

“He come in my yard to

o spend

Having constructed a brand new market structure at Leonora, West Coast Demerara (WCD) for vendors for approximately $386 million, the government is preparing to spend an additional $70,276,260 for an extension at the same facility

This is according to an invitation for bids issued by the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

The project is expected to open on February 26, 2025 at

the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.

This publication reported that back in 2022, the government through the Local Government Ministry signed a $149 million contract to build a brand new tarmac to better accommodate the vendors there.

That project was awarded to S&D Construction to construct an 8000sq. meter tarmac, which would accommodate some 700 vendors.

The prosecution stated the weed was found when a search was being conducted after there was a brake and enter into a Chinese store within the area. The police officer disclosed that they were conducting random searches within the area with the aim of recovering the stolen items. The policeman said that intel was received that the

McKenzies were involved in the robbery and was hiding the items and money A search of his home unearthed the weed but not the stolen items or money

Magistrate McGusty remanded McKenzie to prison and requested that a Probation Report be completed by the Ministry of Social services, after which she will make her ruling.

The case was adjourned to March 4, 2025.

for assaulting mother

thief my bicycle and we started fighting,” Lall told the court.

Lall said he had a knife in his hands and went to push Harry, and the knife, “ended up boring him.”

Due to Lall’s explanation Magistrate Scarce changed his plea to not guilty

Meanwhile, Visicaar told the court that she wants nothing to do with her son and does not want him at her home.

She refused to pay Lall’s bail indicating to the court that she wants him to be incarcerated.

Lall after hearing his mother ’s statements begged for her forgiveness and chance. He said, “This gon be my last chance.” His pleading


road. Following that contract, another tender was out in 2023 for phase two of the market structure.

It was stated on the NPTAB website that the contract for that phase was awarded to Industrial Fabrications Inc. for $237,652,015. Together the two contracts bring the total spent on the market to $386 million.

did not change his mother ’s position.

Magistrate Scarce asked the fisherman if he had any other place to stay, to which he responded, “yes, my uncle them gon take me in, because I does go there for food and them does tell me come and live.”

Lall was placed on $20,000 bail for the unlawful and malicious wounding of Harry, as well as $20,000 for assaulting Visicaar

Additionally, he was placed on self-bail for the remaining charges. His conditions to bail are that he stays 500 feet away from his mother He is scheduled to return to court on March 17, 2025 for further proceedings.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 6190007, 629-5526.

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One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler , crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

The ministry had noted at the time that the new infrastructure comes after over five decades of vendors operating at Leonora near the main access

This publication had reported that the move to upgrade the market tarmac at Leonora was first announced back in April 2022 when President Irfaan Ali and several ministers had visited the area to address the concerns of vendors there.

During the visit, it was announced that the Leonora Market Old RSoad will be upgraded as well as the tarmac area.

“We want to propose one huge tarmac, one huge tarmac and bring everyone on the tarmac and then develop the infrastructure around of the tarmac, that is the proposition that we have made,” the President had stated during the visit.

It was reported that during this year ’s budget presentation, a sum of $2.7 billion has been allocated to undertake works at several markets across the country

Chevron banking on Guyana’s oil to...

From page 15 fourth quarter of 2024, an increase from US$413 million, in the same period of 2023.

Total oil and gas production averaged 495,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), up 18% from 418,000 boepd in the fourth quarter of 2023. Notably, Bakken in the United States contributed significantly, with production rising by 7% to 208,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from 194,000 boepd for the same period in 2023. It was highlighted too that

Guyana played a pivotal role in Hess’ growth, with net production soaring by 52% to 195,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd), compared to 128,000 bopd in the fourth quarter of 2023. The Stabroek Block which covers an area of 6.6 million acres is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil. To date, Exxon has obtained approval from the Government of Guyana for six development projects in the Stabroek Block – Liza Phase One, Liza Phase Two, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru

and Whiptail.

The first three projects are already producing oil at a daily estimated rate of 660,000 barrels per day (bpd).

With the addition of Hammerhead and Longtail, Exxon said this will expand gross production in Guyana to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day, with total production capacity expected to reach 1.7 million barrels per day on an investment basis.

(This REUTERS article was modified to include background information)

World-class scanners at all

por ts of entr y before year end

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has announced that all of Guyana’s ports of entry will be equipped with world-class scanners before the end of 2025. The government has partnered with the United States of America (USA) to craft a programme to install the scanners. This initiative is part of the government’s drive to digitise immigration services. During Sunday’s episode of the Energy Perspective Podcast, President Ali noted that legislative amendments, including stringent penalties for security breaches, will be necessary and addressed through the Ministry of Legal Affairs.

Another component of this initiative includes the electronic gates (e-gates) that have already been installed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). These innovative gates will revolutionise the travel process, offering passengers faster check-in times, smoother security screenings and a more convenient overall experience

The e-gates initiative is currently in the testing phase. President Ali stressed the need for education and awareness programmes, allowing travellers in and out of Guyana to

– President Ali

become acquainted with the process.

“It also requires our human asset and I had a discussion with Ramesh (Ghir), the CEO (of CJIA) to be more proactive in

frustrated,” the head of state said. He pointed out that the government envisions a system that guarantees accountability and

technological solutions to remove all human biases.

“We want to build systems that work, systems that are modern, systems that add to

systems that enable us to drive the economy

Ministry of Home Affairs is also working to introduce an online application system for Guyanese passports, in keeping with the government’s digital transformation agenda. This will allow citizens to apply remotely, streamlining the process and reducing wait times. (DPI)

Benchmark for world food commodity prices down in January

- Inter national quotations f or sugar and vegetable oils dr ive FAO Food Pr ice Index lower


ome – The FAO Food Price Index, the benchmark for world food commodity prices, declined in January, averaging 124.9 points during the month, down 1.6 percent from its December level. The drop was driven by significant decreases in the international quotations for vegetable oils and sugar, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported Friday The index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of a set of globallytraded food commodities, was 6.2 percent higher than its corresponding level one year ago but remained 22.0 percent below its peak reached in March 2022. The FAO Sugar Price Index was down 6.8 percent from December and 18.5 percent from its year-earlier level, mainly due to improved global supply prospects as a result of generally favourable w e a t h e r i n B r a z i l a n d t h e I n d i a n Government’s decision to resume sugar exports. The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index decreased by 5.6 percent from the previous month, reversing a recent increase, though it remained 24.9 percent higher than a year ago. The decline in January was mainly driven by lower world prices of palm and rapeseed oils, while those for soy and sunflower oils remained stable. The FAO Meat Price Index also dropped, falling by 1.4 percent in January, as lower international ovine, pig and poultry meat prices outweighed an increase in bovine meat quotations.

Meanwhile, the FAO Cereal Price Index increased by 0.3 percent from December but remained 6.9 percent below its January 2024 level. Wheat export prices dropped only slightly, while maize prices increased, partly due to lower production and stock forecasts for the United States of America. The FAO All Rice Price Index declined by 4.7 percent in January amid ample exportable supplies. The FAO Dairy Price Index increased by 2.4 percent from December and was up 20.4 percent from its January 2024 level. The rise was driven by a 7.6 percent monthly surge in

outweighed declines in butter and milk

IDB La b par tners with 19La bs to launch drone-delivered medical aid in Guyana

IDB Lab, the innovation and venture arm of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is partnering with19Labs to pilot the use of drone technology for delivering critical medical supplies to some of Guyana’s remote hinterland communities.

This initiative enhances the country’s expanding telemedicine and digital health network by providing a cost-effective, longrange, two-way drone-delivery system that can transport medical supplies in remote and geographically isolated regions.

In a press release, the IDB said the pilot is expected to benefit over 20,000 residents served by 15 telemedicine centers in most remote communities. By combining drone delivery with telemedicine, the initiative will enhance supply chain efficiency, reduce

communities have regular and emergency access to medications.

According to the bank, the success of this pilot will guide the nationwide expansion of drone technology as a valuable complement to telemedicine services. 19Labs is a pioneer in transforming rural healthcare solutions across Latin America.

powder prices.

New forecasts for major cereal crops in the year ahead

FAO also released a new Cereal Supply and Demand Brief on Friday, with fresh insights on cropping trends in 2025. The winter wheat planting season in the northern hemisphere concluded in January, with early indications pointing to increased sowings in France, Germany and the United Kingdom and a reduction in the Russian Federation, all influenced by weather conditions. M a i z e h

hemisphere will begin in the second quarter of 2025, with early indications suggesting improved yields in Argentina and Brazil, while record-high maize prices have driven an increase in plantings in South Africa.

FAO has raised its forecast for world cereal utilization in 2024/25, now estimated to rise by 0.9 percent to 2 869 million tonnes, primarily driven by higher expected use of maize for animal feed. World cereal stocks are now predicted to decline by 2.2 percent by the close of seasons in 2025, mostly due to an anticipated significant contraction in maize stocks in the United States of America. The global cereal stocks-to-use ratio in 2024/25 is expected to fall but to still remain at a “comfortable level” of 29.8 percent.

International trade in cereals in 2024/25 is forecast to contract by 5.6 percent compared to the previous year to 483.5 million tonnes, largely due to lower demand from China for barley, maize and wheat. FAO has also revised its forecast for global production in 2024, lowering it to just under 2 841 million tonnes, a 0.6 percent drop from 2023. The new forecast reflects a significant reduction in maize output in the United States of America, where late-season moisture stress curbed yields. At the same time, official production estimates for rice in China, Mali, Nepal and Viet N am have come in higher than anticipated, resulting in a new global rice output forecast of 539.4 million tonnes in 2024/25, a 0.9 percent annual increase and an all-time high.

Through its partnership with Guyana’s Ministry of Health, the company has introduced telemedicine services to connect regional hospitals to remote health facilities. The new drone program will enhance these efforts by ensuring timely and reliable delivery of medical supplies and blood samples for lab testing, improving access to care, and reducing transportation time and costs.

“This project represents a monumental l

innovation and excellence. By integrating cutting-edge drone technology, we are not only enhancing healthcare delivery in remote regions but also setting a new standard for accessibility and efficiency,” said Irene Arias Hofman, CEO of IDB Lab. “This initiative underscores our dedication to addressing the healthcare challenges faced by underserved communities and reinforces our role in driving progress in health innovation.”

19Labs’ drone delivery solution goes b

solutions for rural healthcare logistics. “Our work in Latin America has shown an urgent need for drone delivery solutions for remote areas. No provider offers a cost-effective,

deliveries exceeding 100 kilometers safely After a year of development, we are proud to launch our solution in Guyana in early 2025,” said Ram Fish, CEO and Founder of 19Labs.

The project will create training and local

technicians, and community coordinators. It includes the development of a scalable business model for replication in other regions.

The partnership between IDB Lab and 19Labs exemplifies how innovation and c

systems and set a precedent for sustainable, scalable healthcar e solutions across the globe.

Doctor slapped, robbed of cell phone in

hostel compound

A 49-year-old doctor was robbed of her mobile phone on Sunday at the St. Bernadette Hostel located at Lot 105 Lamaha Street, Georgetown.

The victim, Farida Dipa, is a medical Doctor attached to the Ministry of Health and stationed at the hostel.

The suspect stole a Samsung F05 Smart phone valued $25,000.

Police said that around 08:30 hours, Dipa was sitting on a flowerpot inside of the well fenced compound of the said hostel. She was on her phone when the suspect pushed open the gate which was secured by a bolt


A 45-year-old money changer was robbed of over $400,000 and his car key on Tuesday morning along the Rosignol Public Road, West Bank Berbice.

Jaipaul Heeralall, also known as ‘Drakes’ who resides at Lot 14 “B” Residential Dam, Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB), was approached by a suspect armed with a coloured handgun. The robber was dressed in a long-sleeve checked shirt, black pants, slippers, riding gloves, and a full-face h e l m e t , w h i l e r i d i n g a m o t o r c y c l e (registration unknown).

Police reported that around 10:00 hrs., Heeralall left his home in his white Spacio car (#PRR 4810), carrying the cash to conduct his trade on Rosignol Public Road. He was then approached by the suspect, who held him at

internally and entered the compound. Police said that the suspect approached Dipa and slapped her across her face and body several times before taking the phone and running out of the compound and making good his escape.

The thief was seen heading west on Lamaha Street, Georgetown.

The matter was reported on February 10, 2025.

Police are yet to review CCTV cameras but checks were made for the suspects to no avail.

Investigations are ongoing.

gunpoint and demanded that he hand over his belongings.

“The victim then handed over the money that was in his hand, along with his car key to the suspect, who then went into his car for more money but did not find any,” police said.

The suspect stole between $400,000 and $500,000 in cash before fleeing the scene on his motorcycle in a southern direction. No shots were fired during the robbery

Police canvassed the area for CCTV footage, which was located, and extractions are to be done. Further checks revealed that the suspect was seen passing through the Berbice River Bridge Toll area at 10:02 hrs. on the same day, without paying the toll. He then made his escape over the bridge. Investigations are ongoing.

UK and US refuse to sign international AI declaration

BBC - The UK and US

h a v e n o t s i g n e d a n international agreement on artificial intelligence (AI) at a global summit in Paris.

The statement, signed by d o z e n s o f c o u n t r i e s including France, China and India, pledges an “open”, “inclusive” and “ethical” approach to the technology’s development.

In a brief statement, the UK government said it had not been able to add its name to it because of concerns about national security and “global governance.”

E a r l i e r , U S V i c e President JD Vance told delegates in Paris that too much regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) could “kill a transformative industry just as it’s taking off”.

Vance told world leaders that AI was “an opportunity

t h a t t h e T r u m p a d m i n i s t r a t i o n w i l l n o t squander” and said “progrowth AI policies” should be prioritised over safety

His comments appear to put him at odds with French

P r e s i d e n t E m m a n u e l Macron, who defended the need for further regulation.

“We need these rules for A I t o m o v e f o r w a r d , ”

Macron said at the summit. The UK has previously been a champion of the idea of AI safety, with then prime minister Rishi Sunak holding the world’s first AI Safety Summit in November 2023. Andrew Dudfield, head

o f A I a t f a c t - c h e c k i n g organisation Full Fact, said the government’s decision

n o t t o s i g n t h e P a r i s

communique put that in jeopardy

“By refusing to sign

t o d a y ’s i n t e r n a t i o n a l A I

Action Statement the UK

G o v e r n m e n t r i s k s undercutting its hard-won credibility as a world leader

f o r s a f e , e t h i c a l a n d trustworthy AI innovation,” he said.

However UKAI - a trade b o d y r e p r e s e n t i n g businesses working in the sector across the country -

s a i d i t w a s t h e r i g h t decision

“While UKAI agrees that b e i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y responsible is important, we question how to balance this r e s p o n s i b i l i t y w i t h t h e growing needs of the AI industry for more energy,” said its chief executive Tim Flagg.

“ U K A I c a u t i o u s l y

welcomes the Government’s refusal to sign this statement as an indication that it will explore the more pragmatic solutions that UKAI has been calling for - retaining opportunities to work closely with our US partners”, he added.

What does the agreement say?

The statement signed by 60 countries sets out an ambition to reduce digital divides by promoting AI accessibility, and ensuring the tech’s development is “transparent”, “safe” as well as “secure and trustworthy”.

“Making AI sustainable for people and the planet,” is listed as a further priority

The agreement also notes that AI energy use - which experts have warned could rise to use as much as small countries in years to comewas discussed at a summit for the first time.

“Looking at the summit declaration, it’s difficult to pinpoint what exactly in that statement the government d i s a g r e e s w i t h , ” s a i d Michael Birtwistle, associate director at the Ada Lovelace Institute.

The government said in a statement it “agreed with

PAHO war ns of increased r isk of dengue outbreaks

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has issued an epidemiological alert regarding the increased risk of dengue outbreaks in the Americas, attributed to the growing circulation of the DENV-3 serotype in several countries in the region.

PAHO urges countries to strengthen their surveillance, early diagnosis, and clinical management to address potential increases in dengue cases. Dengue, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has four serotypes: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. Immunity against one serotype only provides lifelong protection against that specific serotype, meaning that subsequent infections with other serotypes can increase the risk of severe forms of the disease. The appearance or rise of a serotype that was not previously predominant in a region can lead to a surge in cases due to greater population susceptibility

The DENV-3 serotype has been identified in several countries across the Americas, including Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In 2024, Argentina reported its circulation, marking the introduction of this serotype into the country In the same year, Brazil and Colombia reported an increase in cases associated with DENV-3, particularly among children, and it has also been detected in other countries in Central America and the Caribbean. This serotype has been linked to severe forms of the disease, even in primary i n f e c t i o n s , r a i s i n g c o n c e r n s a b o u t i t s potential impact on public health.

The reemergence of DENV-3, after a prolonged absence in certain areas of the r e g i o n , i n c r e a s e s t h e v u l n e r a b i l i t y o f populations that have not been previously exposed to this serotype.

m u c h o f t h e l e a d e r ’ s declaration” but felt it was lacking in some parts.

“We felt the declaration d i d n ’ t p r o v i d e e n o u g h practical clarity on global governance, nor sufficiently a d d r e s s h a r d e r q u e s t i o n s around national security and the challenge AI poses to it,” a government spokesperson said.

T h e g o v e r n m e n t h a s signed other agreements at the Paris AI Action Summit, i n c l u d i n g a b o u t s u s t a i n a b i l i t y a n d c y b e r security, they added.

Downing Street has also insisted it has not been led by the Trump administration.

“This isn’t about the US, this is about our own national interest, ensuring the balance between opportunity and security”, a spokesperson


Balancing acts

I t c o m e s a m i d discussions at the summit about the impact of AI development on society, the e n v i r o n m e n t a n d governance.

P o l i c y - m a k e r s , executives and diplo

have been mulling ways to c a p t u

e t h e e c o n o m i c benefits of AI innovation, w h i l e a d d r e s s i n g t h e technology’s risks.

It was kicked off by M

deepfake clips of himself in popular films and TV series on social media.

“This summit is focused on action, and that is exactly what we need right now,” said European Commission president Ursula von der

Leyen on Tuesday S h e s a i d E

approach to AI, which has b e e n c h a m p

and “embrace the power of open source” technology


taking place at

time of

between the US and Europe.

decided to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports into the US, a move that will affect the UK and EU.

It’s understood the UK

y retaliate, as it seeks to tread

delicate path of maintaining

Trump administration while also building closer ties with the EU.

Netanyahu threatens to resume Israel’s war on Gaza if captives not released

- the ceasefire has been called into question as Hamas accuses Israel of violating key provisions of

A l j a z e e r a - I s r a e l ’s

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened to resume the war on Gaza unless Hamas releases the c a p t i v e s h e l d t h e r e b y

In 2024, the Americas region reported over 13 million cases of dengue, of which 22,684 were classified as severe (0.17% of the total) and 8,186 resulted in deaths (case fatality rate of 0.063%). In the early weeks of 2025, 23 countries and territories in the region reported a total of 238,659 cases, with the majority concentrated in Brazil (87%), followed by Colombia (5.6%), Nicaragua (2.5%), Peru (2.5%), and Mexico (2.5%). Of these cases, 263 were severe, and 23 people died as a result of the disease.

PA H O r e c o m m e n d s t h a t c o u n t r i e s strengthen vector control measures, enhance d i a g n o s t i c c a p a c i t y w i t h i n h e a l t h c a r e systems, and ensure early and adequate treatment for patients to prevent severe complications. Public education campaigns to reduce exposure to mosquito vectors and eliminate breeding grounds are also essential. Regarding vaccination, according to the evidence generated by the manufacturer and published in the main phase 3 study, the TAK003 dengue vaccine, used in some countries in the region, has shown lower protection against DENV-3, especially in children without a history of infection.

This highlights the need to ensure safe v a c c i n a t i o n a n d m a i n t a i n c o n t i n u o u s monitoring of adverse events potentially attributable to the vaccination. PAHO is closely monitoring the evolution of DENV-3 circulation along with the other serotypes, and will continue supporting countries in implementing effective control and response measures to potential outbreaks. It is critical that healthcare systems are prepared to manage the expected increase in cases and mitigate the risk of severe complications associated with this disease.


The continuation of the ceasefire, which began on January 19, has been called into question after Hamas o ff i c i a l s s a i d I s r a e l h a s violated key provisions of the agreement, prompting it to call off the release of three more captives on Saturday

“ I f H a m a s d o e s n o t

r e t u r n o u r h o s t a g e s b y

S a t u r d a y n o o n [ 1 0 : 0 0 GMT], the ceasefire will end, and the [Israeli army] will return to intense fighting u n t i l H a m a s i s f i n a l l y defeated,” Netanyahu said in a post on X.

H a m a s s a i d I s r a e l i ceasefire violations have reached a point where it would no longer hold up its end of the bargain and will delay the release of an upcoming group of Israeli captives indefinitely

“ T h e r e s i s t a n c e

leadership monitored the enemy’s violations and their n o n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e

terms of the agreement Meanwhile, the resistance fulfilled all its obligations,”

Abu Obeida, spokesman for Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, said on M o n d a y Interactive_Ceasefire_violat

i o n s G a z a F e b 1 1 2 0 2 5 -


Netanyahu, in a series of tweets on Tuesday, blamed Hamas for violating the ceasefire and added that he ordered the Israeli army to “amass forces inside and around the Gaza Strip”. So far, as part of the agreement, H a m a s h a s r e l e a s e d 2 1 c a p t i v e s i n a s e r i e s o f exchanges for hundreds of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

United States President

D o n a l d Tr u m p h a s s a i d

Israel should cancel the entire ceasefire if all of the roughly 70 captives are not f r e e d b y S a t u r d a y , threatening that if Hamas did not comply, “all hell is going to break loose”

A Hamas official quoted by Reuters news agency said the captives could be brought home only if the ceasefire was respected, dismissing the “language of threats” by Trump.

“Trump must remember there is an agreement that must be respected by both parties, and this is the only w a y t o b r i n g b a c k t h e prisoners. The language of threats has no value and only complicates matters,” senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said.

T r u m p i s h o s t i n g Jordan’s King Abdullah II at t h e W h i t e H o u s e a s h e escalates pressure on the A r a b n a t i o n t o t a k e i n P a l e s t i n i a n s h e p l a n s t o

the agreement

forcibly remove from Gaza as part of a “takeover” plan. Reporting from Amman i n J o r d a n , A l J a z e e r a ’s Hamdah Salut said Israeli officials are preparing for a return to full-scale war.

“You have members of the far right who are saying ‘now is the time to unleash the gates of hell on Gaza’ to hit it with what they call ‘complete fire storm’,” she said.

“ B u t i t ’s a l i t t l e b i t difficult to comprehend that after what we have seen in the 15 months of intense fighting, when most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and nearly 50,000 people killed, that Netanyahu is i s s u i n g t h i s u l t i m a t u m There have also been some Israeli offic

saying that Israel did, in fact, violate the terms of the agreement by not allowing that humanitarian aid that was agreed upon.”

A t l e a s t 4 8 , 2 1 9 P

confirmed killed by Israeli

e October 2023 and 111,665

o Gaza’s Ministry of Health.

The Gaza Government Media Office has updated the death toll to at least

under the rubble of Gaza’s buildings are now presumed dead.

From page 31 bowling attack. Top-order batsman Raymon Perez will desperately want to turn his starts into a big score, having gotten out of the blocks a few times thus far



i m o h a m e

i l e , h a s b e e n a revelation for the Eagles this season in both departments, being their best pacer to date while scoring his maiden his

brutal fashion against CCC.


Wednesday February 12, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Secure your emotions and make sure you're set in your mind before you take action today This is a terrific time to get things started. Following t h r o u g h t o c o m p l e t i o n shouldn't be a problem.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Break through the potential moodiness of the day, Taurus. Burst into song while walking down the street. Encourage others to sing back to you, as if your life were an opera.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

You may be plagued with restlessness, Gemini, to the point that you may not be able to get anything done. If you sense that this is happening to you even in the slightest degree, stop whatever you're doing and take a break.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Be careful of exerting your

w i l l t o o s t r o n g l y t o w a r d

someone who really isn't receptive to it, Cancer Be conscious of other people's feelings. Be gentle when it comes to love and romance.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Overall, this should be a pretty good day for you, Leo, as long a s y o u d o n ' t g e t o v e r l y sensitive about certain things. Your awareness is bound to be extra sharp today, so use this ability to stay alert and open to what's going on around you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

This is one day in which your heart pounds with excitement.

F o r s o m e r e a s o n , Vi r g o , there's a quiet voice inside warning that you may be getting yourself into a great deal of trouble.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Be more aggressive when it comes to your intentions in a romantic situation, Libra. It would be a great idea to impress your lover with a delicious home-cooked meal on a night like this.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

It would be a good idea to socialize with others today in a comfortable, open setting. Say what you feel instead of just concentrating on what you think, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS(Nov 22–Dec 21)

S t i c k w i t h w h a t c o m e s

naturally If something feels difficult or abrasive, this is a sign that your energy is better used elsewhere. But don't turn away until you're sure that what you're facing is actually a combative force.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Your heart may feel extra loving today, Capricorn, which i s g o o d , s i n c e y

u w i l l probably need it. There is most likely someone close to you who needs a lift of some sort.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

You may feel a bit protective today, Aquarius, and with good reason. Others are likely to be aggressive when it comes to moving in on your territory Be strong. Assure yourself as well as those in your charge that everything will be fine.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

You may be a bit confused today, Pisces. More than likely, it will be hard for you to get an

fortitude needed against a

bowling attack.


Looknauth all potent threats



d , Kevin Sinclair, Junior and Richie Looknauth, who also got some useful runs under his belt last game, all capable o f h o l d i n g d o w n m i d d l e / l o w e r - o r d e r t h e batting department; playing their first match under lights will be a test of the Eagles mental state after a few rounds.

WIA on the other hand cannot be discounted despite suffering an innings and 54run hammering at the hands of Barbados Pride in round 2, thanks in part to a returning double ton by opener and skipper Kraigg Brathwaite.

M i d d l e - o r d e r b a t s m a n

C a r l o n B o w e n - T u c k e t t , cracked a second innings ton against the Bajans, while Captain Teddy Bishop and Rivaldo Clarke both scored fifties, adding to the mental


Teams: Guyana Harpy

Thaddeus Lovell and Nial Smith could easily ruffle some feathers as the Eagles three-man pace attack.

Harpy Eagles, who are unbeaten in their first two

y second in the standings, just 0.2 points behind Leeward Islands Hurricanes, will also be keen on working out the WIA bowling unit which

batsmen in the last game.

The first day/night affair at Providence for the season is expected to bowl off from 13:00h, with one eye on the

(Clifton Ross)

Barbadian left-arm spinner Jomel Warrican.

SportsMax - Barbadian left-arm spinner Jomel Warrican was announced as the winner of the ICC Men’s Player of the Month for January on Monday Warrican wins his maiden ICC Men’s Player of the Month award from two other standout spinners from January’s contests, Pakistan’s Noman Ali and India’s Varun Chakravarthy

The 32-year-old’s exceptional month saw him take 19 wickets in two Test matches against Pakistan at an average of just 9.00.

Despite Pakistan winning the opening encounter, ten wickets fell to the left-armer in spin-friendly conditions in Multan.

Figures of 3-69 in the first innings preceded a career-best spell of 7-32 in the second, where, with the addition of two

Warrican named as ICC Men’s Player of the Month for Januar y

runouts, Warrican played a part in all but one of Pakistan’s wickets to fall.

His brilliance continued in the second Test, not only with the ball but also with bat in hand. Arriving at the crease with scores at 95 for nine in the first innings, Warrican (36 not out) and Kemar Roach foiled the Pakistan onslaught and propelled the tourists to a respectable 163 all out. Contributions of 4-43 and 5-27 came either side of 18 more valuable runs in the second innings, and the spinner ’s all-round heroics heralded an historic 120run victory alongside a richly deserved Player of the Series accolade.

Warrican becomes the first West Indian to win the award since fellow spinner Gudakesh Motie back in May 2024.

Gauff dumped out of Qatar Open by Kost yuk

AFP - Coco Gauff suffered a surprise early exit from the Qatar Open on Tuesday with a straight-sets defeat by Ukraine’s Marta Kostyuk, while Elena Rybakina eased into the last 16. Former US Open champion Gauff blew a healthy advantage in the second set as Kostyuk sealed a 6-2, 7-5 victory and a thirdround meeting with the winner of an allPolish tie between Magda Linette and Magdalena Frech.

“Coco is an incredible fighter,” Kostyuk said. “We always have incredible matches. I tried to stick to what I had to do.”

Gauff, playing for the first time since a quarter-final loss to Paula Badosa at the Australian Open on January 21, served seven double-faults and made 39 unforced errors in an erratic display The American made a terrible start, slipping 4-1 behind after dropping her serve twice.

Gauff was broken again in the eighth game as Kostyuk secured the first set in just half an hour The world number three hit back with a break en route to a 4-2 lead in the second set as she started to find her rhythm.

B u t K o s t y u k b a t t l e d b

performance which ended when she served two double-faults to be broken for the fifth time.

“The double-faults made it easier for me... I’m very happy that it ended in two sets,” Kostyuk told BeIN Sports.

- Rybakina throughRybakina, who lost to eventual winner Belinda Bencic in the Abu Dhabi semi-finals last week, saw off Payton Stearns in her opening match.

The fifth seed cruised to a 6-2, 6-4 win despite a late wobble to set up a third-round tie against Slovakia’s Rebecca Sramkova who beat Russian teenager Mirra Andreeva 36, 6-3, 7-5. Rybakina led 5-0 in the second set but missed three match points to take it 6-0 and then briefly fell apart as Stearns dragged

the set back on serve.

T h e f o r m e r Wi m

belatedly got over the line on her fifth match point. Chinese seventh seed Zheng Qinwen joined Gauff in crashing out, though, beaten 6-4, 6-2 by Ons Jabeur

Three-time Grand Slam finalist Jabeur claimed her first win against a top-10 opponent since last year ’s Madrid Open after struggling with injury.


Australian Open champion Sofia Kenin. Jasmine Paolini, last year ’s French Open and Wimbledon runner-up, also made a winning start to her campaign with a 6-3, 6-4 victory against Caroline Garcia in the second round.

American sixth seed Jessica Pegula negotiated a tricky second-round match, battling past Elina Svitolina 6-3, 7-6 (7/3). Czech youngster Linda Noskova earned a last-16 tie against three-time defending champion Iga Swiatek with a 6-2, 6-3 win over Kazakhstan’s Yulia Putintseva.

L a t e r , w o r l d n u m b e r o n e A r y n a Sabalenka plays her first match against Russian Ekaterina Alexandrova.

Marta Kostyuk has won two of her five career meetings with Coco Gauff. (Mahmud HAMS/AFP/AFP)

Emr it urges Red Force to stay grounded amid strong star t in West Indies Championship

S p o r t s M a x - R e c e n t l y a p p o i n t e d

Trinidad and Tobago Red Force head coach Rayad Emrit has called for his team to remain grounded and focused despite a dominant start to the West Indies Championship as they prepare for their third-round fixture against the Leeward Islands Hurricanes at Warner Park, St Kitts, starting today, Wednesday

T h e H u r r i c a n e s , w h o o p e n e d t h e i r campaign with a win over the West Indies Academy, surged to the top of the standings with 45.4 points following their five-wicket victory over the Jamaica Scorpions. The Red Force, who are just a point behind on 44.4 points, currently sit in third place.

W i t h t w o d o m i n a n t performances—innings and 75-run win over Combined Campus es and Colleges and innings and 176-run win over Windward Islands Volcanoes—in two matches, Emrit a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e s t r o n g s t a r t t o t h e campaign but emphasized that the season was still young and the focus must remain on the next challenge.

“We are taking each game as it comes. We are not thinking too far ahead. We are off to a very good start, and we want to continue this for the entire tournament. We have the Leeward Islands next, and they are going to be a tough opponent,” Emrit said.

Having climbed to the top of the table, the Hurricanes pose a significant threat, but Emrit remains confident that his team’s discipline and preparation will see them through.

“As long as we control what we can control and do our part, the results will take care of themselves. I am happy with where we are at, and hopefully we can continue to grow f r o m s t r e n g t h t o s t r e n g t h a n d k e e p improving,” he stated.

Reflecting on their latest performance against the Volcanoes, Emrit was full of praise for his team.

The Red Force dominated the day/night contest, with Khary Pierre producing a career-best bowling display, snatching 12 wickets in the match, including a sensational 8 for 27 in the second innings, as the Volcanoes crumbled to 114 all out.

With the bat, Cooper ’s 117 and Jason

Mohammed’s 103 propelled the Red Force to 456 in their first innings, setting up the crushing victory

“I thought it was a comprehensive victory The bowling did their part; the batters were excellent. Cephas Cooper getting his maiden century—he deserved it. He batted well in the first game and unfortunately got out in the 80s, but he showed a lot more maturity in this game and batted well again,” Emrit shared.

Mohammed, who played in his 100th first-class game for Trinidad and Tobago, continued his fine form, having also scored 176 in the opening match against the Combined Campuses and Colleges. He is now only the second Red Force cricketer to reach 100 first-class appearances, joining Imran Khan in the exclusive club.

“He [Mohammed] shows why he is here, using all of his experience to dominate and lead the batting. A lot of the batters are learning from him. We also had an excellent innings from (Amir) Jangoo, who got out in the 80s, and Yannic Cariah, who was out on 95 but batted really well. They are the guys to carry the batting,” Emrit beamed.

“I can’t praise Khary Pierre enough for leading the attack. He is one of those bowlers who, over the years, would come in and keep things tight for us. But these past two matches, he has ended up with 20-odd wickets, so that is excellent from him. We are just enjoying each other ’s success,” he declared.


CWI’s CEO Dehr ing visits TTCB as par t of ongoing engagement initiative


y appointed Chief Executive O

( C W

, C h r i s Dehring, met with President Azim Bassarath and other executives of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board ( T T C B ) a s p a r t o f h i s ongoing engagement with regional stakeholders.

Dehring, who assumed office on February 1, 2025, emphasized the importance of reconnecting with key figures in West Indies cricket to

opportunities within each territory

“While I’m no stranger to cricket administration, the landscape of the industry is al w ay s e v o lv i n g , s o i t ’s crucial to reacquaint myself with the stakeholders across the region. Each territory has u n i q u e c h a l l e n g e s a n d opportunities, and I want to ensure that the vision of Cricket West Indies aligns with the realities on the ground,” said Dehring.

During the discussions at t h e A l l o y L e q u a y Administrative Centre in Couva, Dehring also stressed the importance of territorial boards in shaping the future of West Indies cricket.

“Territories are the core

o f We s t I n d i e s c r i c k e t ’s production line. Rebuilding and retooling that pipeline to ensure it is fit for purpose in t h e m o d e r n p r o f e s s i o n a l sports world must be my focus as CEO. Our strength lies in our unity and shared v i s i o n o f a l l o u r

s t a k e h o l d e r s f r o m territorial boards to players, c o a c h e s , a n d f a n s ,

Newly appointed CEO of Cricket West Indies, Chris Dehring, meets with President Azim Bassarath and other executives of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board (TTCB) as part of his ongoingengagement with regional stakeholders.

notwithstanding the healthy tensions that will exist from time to time.

“If we want to compete at the highest level and ensure long-term success, we must build strong partnerships, invest in development, and create a sustainable structure t h a t b e n e f i t s e v e r y o n e involved. In this regard, my role is not just about making e x e c u t i v e d e c i s i o n s b u t about working alongside all of you to shape policies and innovative strategies that will move the game forward for generations to come

When our territories are strong, West Indies cricket is strong,” Dehring stated.

TTCB President Azim Bassarath, who also serves as Vice President of Cricket

We s t I n d i e s , w e l c o m e d

D e h r i n g ’ s v i s i t a n d

r e a f f i r m e d t h e b o a r d ’ s c o m m i t m e n t t o w o r k i n g alongside CWI.

“The TTCB extends its full support and best wishes

to Chris on this important journey

T h i s m e e t i n g d e m o n s t r a t e s o u r commitment to a sh

significant step in ensuring that Trinidad and Tobago remain a key player in the r e g


i c k e t i n g landscape. We look forward to collaborating with CWI to develop our players, enhance facilities, and elevate the overall cricketing structure i n t h e C a r i b b e a n B y working together, we can s t r e n g t h e n d o m e s t i c programs and contribute to the continued success of W e s t I n d i e s c r i c k e t , ” Bassarath said.

This engagement signals a renewed focus on unity and strategic planning, as CWI and its territorial boards work together to address c h a l l e n g e s , s e i z e opportunities, and ensure a bright future for the sport in the Caribbean.

Trinidad and Tobago Red Force head coach Rayad Emrit.

Luka Doncic embraced by LeBron James and L .A . in his memorable Lakers debut

Los Angeles Times via Yahoo News - It wasn’t any other night, not in the story of this season, not in the history of this franchise.

B e f o r e L u k a D o n c i c played his first second as a Laker, his name and number were on a T-shirt draped over every seat in the building. His aura was inescapable, from the Serbian pregame music to the buzz in the building each time his face

appeared on the scoreboard.

It’d been more than a

shocked everyone by dealing for Doncic, a move that secured the organization its future. This was what people wanted to see.


people? LeBron James.

Someday, this will be

Monday’s Lakers debut was

partnership between their two best players, No. 23 and No. 77 turning the building’s energy all the way to 100.

Before the Lakers’ 132113 win against Utah, James and Doncic gathered in the

Doncic, instead of James, heard his name last. And if D

reminder of how he was being embraced, James gave

it to him.

“Don’t fit in,” James told Doncic while addressing the team. “Fit the f— out. Be yourself.”

“Chills,” Doncic said of the moment.

James’ enthusiasm for this was obvious. Pregame, he warmed up in one of the Doncic No. 77 giveaway shirts. On the court, he didn’t shoot for nearly the first six minutes, setting the stage for

the kind of team basketball the Lakers want to play despite having two of the g a m e ’s b e s t i n d i v i d u a l scorers now in the same uniform.

I n t o t a l i t y, D o n c i c ’s i n d i v i d u a l d e b u t w e n t predictably — moments of brilliance like the stepback three for his first bucket, the full-court laser to James for the pair ’s first connection and the lockdown defensive p o s s e s s i o n o n J o r d a n Clarkson. Others were signs of accumulated rust, Doncic missing six threes and nine field goals in his first game since Christmas because of a calf strain. Before the game, coach JJ Redick said Doncic would be on a minutes limit as the Lakers “ease” him b a c k i n t o N B A a c t i o n Monday in the blowout, he logged just 24 minutes.

“Special,” Doncic said of the moment. “The way they received me, everybody, it was amazing to see. I was a little bit nervous before. I don’t remember the last time I was nervous before the game. But once I stepped on the court, it was fun. And just being out there again felt amazing.”

H e f i n i s h e d w i t h 1 4 points, five rebounds and four assists — well below his season averages.

“I think he handled it well,” Redick said. “And, you know, knowing Luka, whether he will admit this or not, like there was probably a little bit of nerves playing for the Lakers for the first time. And the anticipation that our fans have, this building had, h i s t e a m m a t e s h a d , o u r coaching staff had. He kinda gets that, he sees that...”

Around him, the Lakers (32-19) were the kind of excellent they’ve been for the last 14 games. During that stretch the Lakers have won 12 times, losing only to the Clippers and the 76ers, discovering a toughness on both sides of the ball that’s pushed them 13 games over .500.

M o n d a y, J a m e s w a s again terrific on both sides, scoring 24 but playing with incredible defensive energy Austin Reaves, fresh off a 4 5 - p o i n t g a m e S a t u r d a y, scored 22 on only 10 shots w h i l e g r a b b i n g n i n e rebounds. Jaxson Hayes, the Lakers’ new starting center after Mark Williams failed h i s p h y s i c a l , s c o r e d 1 2 points on perfect six-of-six s h o o t i n g A n d R u i Hachimura had 21 points and six rebounds in a game the Lakers led by as many as 34.

Reserve guard Jordan Goodwin, playing in just his second game since signing a two-way contract with the Lakers, scored 17 points and g r a b b e d e i g h t r e b o u n d s w h i l e p l a y i n g t e r r i f i c defence — a real need on the perimeter after the team dealt Max Christie. Battle is a good word for the way the Lakers have played, showing more fight and toughness in their final home game before the AllStar break. Doncic, who has been watching the team win all three of its games since he joined the team, saw the template Fit in, fit out, whatever

T h e r e a l t a k e a w a y Monday was that with the NBA’s hottest team, the No. 77 gold jersey looked like a big part of it all.

Lakers guard Luka Doncic scores on a layup in front of Utah Jazz guard
Keyonte George in the first half Monday
(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

Guyanese boxers shine in IBA World Rankings ahead of Caribbean Championships

Some of Guyana’s

t o p b o x e r s a r e heading into the

Caribbean Championships ranked among the best in the world, following the latest update from the International Boxing Association (IBA).

T h e G u y a n a B o x i n g

A s s o c i a t i o n ( G B A ) i s currently preparing its elite fighters for the Caribbean Championships, scheduled for February 27 - March 3 in St. Lucia, marking the longawaited return of the region’s premier boxing event, which was last held in 2019.

Leading the charge for G u y a n a a r e D e s m o n d

A m s t e r d a m a n d A b i o l a Jackman, both ranked 29th in their respective divisions.

Amsterdam, competing in the Light Heavyweight

d i v i s i o n ,


h e h i g h e s tranked Caribbean boxer in his category

Known for his powerful punches and quick footwork, he has cemented himself as a dominant force in regional

a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l

c o m p e t i t i o n s H i s

r e m a r k a b l e p e r f o r m a n c e s h a v e m a d e h i m o n e o f

G u y a n a ’ s t o p a m a t e u r boxing prospects.

S i m i l a r l y , J a c k m a n continues to excel in the Wo m e n ’ s H e a v y w e i g h t

division, maintaining her 29th-place ranking.

She is known for her aggressive, yet disciplined boxing style, using her reach

a n d s t r e n g t h t o c o n t r o l fights. Her success on the regional stage has solidified her status as a standout

p u n c h e r i n C a r i b b e a n boxing.

Beyond Amsterdam and J a c k m a n , G u y a n a b o a s t s

several other boxers making strides in the IBA world rankings.

A l e s h a J a c k m a n , t h e younger sister of Abiola, is ranked 62nd in the Light Welterweight division.

O l y m p i a n K e e v i n Allicock holds the 36th spot

i n t h e F e a t h e r w e i g h t

d i v i s i o n , j u s t b e h i n d

T r i n i d a d a n d To b a g o ’s

A n t h o n y J o s e p h ( r a n k e d 35th).

Jamal Eastman sits at 50th in the Lightweight division, proving his ability t o c o m p e t e a m o n g t h e world’s best.

C o l i n L e w i s , a n o t h e r

l i g h t w e l t e r w e i g h t contender, is ranked 83rd, r o u n d i n g o u t G u y a n a ’s representation on the IBA spectrum.

The IBA world rankings serve as a benchmark for amateur boxing excellence. Being ranked among the top boxers globally opens doors

f o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l

c o m p e t i t i o n s , f u n d i n g opportunities, and potential professional careers.

I t a l s o e n h a n c e s Guyana’s credibility as a boxing powerhouse in the Caribbean, attracting more i n t e r n a t i o n a l p a r t n e r s h i p s a n d d e v e l o p m e n t programmes.

President of the GBA, Steve Ninvalle expressed p r i d e i n t h e c o u n t r y ’s increasing presence in the IBA world rankings He reaffirmed the association’s d e d i c a t i o n t o s u p p o r t i n g local boxers and helping them improve their global


“We are proud of what our boxers have achieved so f a r T h i s i s j u s t t h e beginning. The GBA will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that more Guyanese fighters break into the world rankings and climb even higher,” Ninvalle stated.

He also highlighted the importance of developing young talent, ensuring that G u y a n a r e m a i n s a c o m p e t i t i v e f o r c e i n i n t e r n

years to come.

FLASHBACK! Abiola Jackman (right) celebrates her victory against Trinidad’s Lee ann Boodram (left).

Customer Representative at E-Net, Tiffany Ramdyhan (left) makes the presentation to SMI Principal, Edison Jefford.

Ministr y of Culture, Youth and Spor t endorses Mashramani Street Football Championships

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCY&S) will substantially support the Mashramani Street Football Championships ahead of its Semi-Final and Final set for this Saturday night at the National Park from 7pm.

In a press release yesterday, Sports Management Inc. (SMI), the organisation hosting the Mashramani Street Football Championships, expressed gratitude to the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson for supporting the event in a substantial way

“We are grateful to Minister Ramson, and want to go on record to thank him and by extension the Government of Guyana for supporting this event and the communities that participate at this level of sport. Really this is the leadership that’s necessary to develop sport holistically,” the release observed.

“The Government and the Ministry has been very active in the development of sport at every level. We believe that Minister Ramson has been very active and vibrant in pushing for the advancement of sport in Guyana and his support at the grassroots level will significantly impact the participants,” the release continued.

According to the document, principal of SMI, Edison Jefford contacted the Minister to formally request his support for the event, and the Minister did not hesitate to disclose MCY&S backing of the activity “In fact, the Minister indicated that he will be attending the event Saturday night,” the release informed.

The MCY&S is the Ministry responsible for Mashramani activities, and as such, the organising body believe it is a “big deal” to have the official “endorsement” of the only sport activity on the Mashramani calendar “We are elated and believe we are heading in the right direction to have such a major endorsement,” the release said.

Meanwhile, E-Net also offered their support this week. Customer Representative at E-Net, Tiffany Ramdyhan, made a presentation to SMI Principal, Edison Jefford at their office signaling their backing of the event.

The Mashramani Street Football Championships will culminate with a grand Final Four and Final Saturday night. The winner will pocket 500,000, second place 300,000, third place $200,000 and fourth place $100,000.

Trophies will be given to teams placing first to third while the Most Valubale Player (MVP) of the tournament gets $50,000 and trophy

There will also be a Plate Playoffs featuring the four losing quarter-finalists and the top two teams from the Super-16 round for a total purse of $100,000 while each of the top three teams in this competition will be rewarded with one case of Magnum Tonic Wine.

2025 CWI Regional 4-Day C/Ships Round 3…GHE vs. WIA

as fired-up Harpy Eagles eye 3rd straight win

- Junior Sinclair retur ns, Chander paul/ Joseph out, as champs make changes

After storming to two straight wins, a redhot Guyana Harpy Eagles will welcome the return of West Indies left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie, who returns tonight against the West Indies Academy (WIA) at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence.

Motie returns after completing Test duties in Pakistan where he ended with 7 wickets and a half-century under his belt from the two games, before relaxing with a bit of T20 Cricket in Dubai.

West Indies Test spinners

Kevin Sinclair (left) and Gudakesh Motie will reunite for their national side.

The left-arm spinner and younger partner of Veerasammy Permaul, will further add more ammo to the Eagles bowling unit, especially with fast-bowler Shamar Joseph being ruled out of today’s game. Joseph, who finished with 5 wickets in the last game, continues his full recovery from a shin splint injury and will load-manage for

Daniel Singh pockets East Bank Pool crown

The Grand Central Bar in Grove, on the East Bank of Demerara, came alive last Sunday as Daniel Singh was crowned champion of the East Bank Pool Club (EBPC) Pool competition.

The one-day event attracted some of the finest talent in the game, treating spectators to precise and exquisite shots as well as some thrilling victories. The competition, played

elimination rules, was keenly contested.

approach with tons of cricket left in the season.

Opener Tagenarine Chanderpaul is also unavailable due to a split webbing on his hand, thus opening the door for all-rounder Junior Sinclair, who earns a recall following his initial selection.

All-rounder Ronaldo Alimohamed could be an X-Factor with the pink ball and the bat.

With Tevin Imlach leading off a century and half-century in the last game, Matthew Nandu, Kemol Savory, Kevon Anderson and Ronaldo Alimohamed have all found their touch early and will be important to the team’s batting against a talented WIA

(Continued on page 29)

The tournament featured an array of exciting matchups, but in the end, Singh outplayed his rivals to claim the top spot. His victory secured him the first-place prize of $80,000 in cash and the coveted champion’s trophy His impressive display of tactics and ball awareness proved to be the key to his success. Meanwhile, en route to victory, Singh faced numerous challenges. One of the event’s highlights was his victory over second-place finisher Steven Persaud. Singh also overcame Shamar Nelson in a previous round, with Nelson eventually securing third place. Persaud and Nelson received prizes of $40,000 and $20,000, respectively, along with their trophies. Andre Boyce rounded off t


“On behalf of the East Bank Pool Club, I extend my sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to making this event a

Managing Director of Josh Contracting Service, Joshua Haripersaud (left) hands over first place spoils on behalf of sponsors.

success. Your sponsorship and participation are invaluable, and we encourage you to continue supporting the club in the future.


Congratulations to all the winners,” one of the

sponsored by several entities, including CS Logistics, Guyamerica and Construction Inc., Khan’s Trading Enterprise, Josh Contracting Services, L. Mahabeer and Son Cambio, and the proprietor of Grand Central Sports Bar.

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport endorses Mashramani Street Football Championships

FLASHBACK! Guyana’s Desmond Amsterdam (right) battles Eldric Sella during the AMBC) Elite Continental Championships.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson (second, right) along with Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle (right) and Assistant Director of Sport, Franklin Wilson (left) with Edison Jefford yesterday take a photo opportunity at the Ministry after disclosing their support of the Mashramani Street Football Championships this Saturday night at the National Park.

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