Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
-Trump’sexecutiveordercomesafterSouthAfrican PresidentCyrilRamaphosasaidhiscountrywouldnotbe‘bullied’ Trump freezes aid to South Africa amid spat over land expropriation law
Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
-Trump’sexecutiveordercomesafterSouthAfrican PresidentCyrilRamaphosasaidhiscountrywouldnotbe‘bullied’ Trump freezes aid to South Africa amid spat over land expropriation law
is worse off from the very start”
...saysoil-producingnationswithhigherroyalties,ring-fencing andtaxesnowturningtoBanksforhelpafterdepletingresources
102 Venezuelans to be deported
Mahipaul reiterates call for termination of ‘Guyanese Critic’s’ pump
AFC to prove biometrics can in three months during talks with diplomatic community be implemented station contract
Man shoots woman with
Campbell to remain concerns in use of revenues
...says oil-producing nations with higher royalties, ring-fencing and taxes now turning to Banks for help after depleting resources
While oil-producing nations, with depleted resourcesarenowturningto financialinstitutionsforhelp to manage their countries, Guyana that has only now
joined the league is continuously increasing its debt as government refuses to implement key measures torakeinmorerevenuefrom the sector to support the nation.
This is the view of Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall who during his weekly radio programme on Friday evening, aired on 99.1/ 99.5 FM, shared his views on the current economic status of the country
Lall,asternadvocatefor transparency and good governance, particularly in theoilandgassectorzeroed into the history of neighbouring Trinidad and Tobagoduringitsearlydays ofoilproduction.
Describingitsglorydays asanexcitingtimeinhistory, not only for the nation, but for those visiting for businessandotherpurposes, Lallpointedoutthatthebuzz and “wild rush” has now died.
He said, “What the oil giveth, the oil can taketh awaywhenacountrydoesn’t manage it right. And if you don’tbelieveme,justlookat Trinidad today Trinis applying for a US visa back inthosedays,wasn’tgranted a 3-month, one-year or twoyearvisa,theEmbassyuseto give them Indefinite Multiple Entry visas!
Meaning, until that individual dead, they could travel to the US with that typeofvisa.Itwasn’tjustthe business people and flight attendants with pilots who were granted those type of visas, no uncle, even the Trinis who were cutting cane, weeding the roadside and picking garbage were granted that visa, without a everything near done,andisadifferentstory at the embassy, because Trinis have become like Guyanese,dyingtogetavisa torunoutTrinidadinsearch ofabetterlife.”
Lallwaskeentonotethat his reason for highlighting thiswasnottoembarrassthe twin island, but merely to make the point of what can happen to a country with suchresources.
Infact,thePublishertold listeners that Trinidad was one of the better managed
Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall speaking on his radio programme
thirdworldcountriesthatgot to enjoy the fruits of its petroleumsector
“Can I say that about anyone of the African and Asian countries with these types of resources?
Absolutely no,” Lall said as hewentontoexplainthatin 2019-thesameyear,Guyana commenced oil productionGhana was dubbed the fastest growing economy in theworld.
He added, “Five years isn’tfinished,todayGhana’s new president not only driving out the foreign gold thieves in that country, but lining up at the World Bank forloanstofeeditspeople.”
Locally, Lall pointed out that Guyana has discovered massive resources that oil companies describe as an unprecedented discovery Instead of building a solid future for the country, the businessman argued that politicians have failed to make the right decisions to ensureitspeopleprosper
“The harsh truth my friends,isthatwearenotjust heading in the same direction as Trinidad and many African and Asian countries that have been strippedoftheirwealth—we are already worse off than them at this very moment. Andmindyou,wehaveonly just begun extracting oil,” theadvocatestressed.
He noted that those nations did all they could to ensure the country benefits fully from their oil wealth andstillfailed.
“Theyinstalledtheirown meters at the oil pumps to measure every drop extracted, and they still failed They set up Petroleum Commissions filledwithoilexpertstohelp managetheiroilsectors,and they still failed They collected their full taxes—everycenttheywere owed—andstillfailed.They
In T&T’s case, he recalled that some 18,000 persons were employed to
“Every single one of those nations collected higher royalties than Guyana — some as high as 15% to 20% and yet, failure still came knocking at their doors. Now, let’s look at Guyana.We have done none of those things. These (politicians) have not ring-fenced the oil projects, (are) bluntly refusing to install our own meters at the oil pumps; we don’t have a Petroleum Commission in place and we are not collecting any taxes from ExxonMobil and their partners.” - Glenn Lall
help manage its petroleum industry Today, the businessman said that the economy is struggling to
stay afloat with its growing debt.
“Every single one of those nations collected higher royalties than Guyana—some as high as 15% to 20% and yet, failure still came knocking at their doors. Now, let’s look at Guyana.Wehavedonenone of those things These (politicians) have not ringfenced the oil projects, (are) bluntlyrefusingtoinstallour ownmetersattheoilpumps; we don’t have a Petroleum Commissioninplaceandwe are not collecting any taxes from ExxonMobil and their partners,”Lallpointedout.
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
The PPP/C Government is all fury about the
exposures involving prime State lands. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is on the attack, and targetedprominentattorneyNigelHughes. Inaneffortto wiggleoutofyetanothertricky,embarrassingdevelopment trapping the PPP/C Government, Jagdeo informed GuyanesethatHughesshouldbethelastonetotalkabout prime lands, since he himself has been a recipient of 75 acresofStatelands.
Inanewscandalthatwarpsthegovernment,itisthe sameoldJagdeo.
Jagdeoisthatstrangestofpoliticalanimals. Hisspots getbiggerthantheywerebefore,andthenhepaintsothers withspotsofhisownchoosing. Itishowhestrugglesless than manfully to diminish the ugliness in the 35 acres of primeStatelandsinOglebytryingtopinoneonHughes. The PPP/C Government has a scandal of immense proportions on its hands, a tiger by the tail, and the vicepresident tries to distract from that situation by dragging Hughesintothelandpicture.
The35acresawardedtoagroupinwhichaGuyanese bornconvictedfraudster,EdAhmad,isapartof,areprime lands. Theseacresareinthegrowingcommercialhubthat isOgle. ExxonMobilhasitsheadquartersthere. Thereisa thrivingcommercialairportthere.
And there is intensifying interest from the entrepreneurial-minded, both foreign and local, to snare a pieceoflandtheretosetshop. Oglelookssettosoarfrom its former placid state to a profitmaking machine for the boldandresourceful. ThepriceofanacreoflandinOgle, therefore, should be going higher, not lower Mark that lowerpriceasoneconsiderationfromthegovernment(the Central Planning & HousingAuthority) to the EdAhmad groupinNewYork. TheOglelandisonlyonesliceofthe acreage handed to his group, with awards stretching from DiamondtoLethem,withstopsinLeonoraandelsewhere.
Ontheotherhand,the75acresthatJagdeodugupand threw in Hughes’face are not anywhere to what could be calledcompetitivestrips. Ofthe75acres,50wereleased fromSimonMunroebackin2016,andarelocatedoffthe beatentrackinEssequibo.
For emphasis, it is a private transaction between citizensandwithdocumentstoprove. Wemakenodefence forHughes,forhecandothatwellbyhimself. Itisworthy to note that he has said that he would welcome any investigation into his land dealings. We use the JagdeoHughes situation, in essence what is a confrontation, to point out how the PPP/C Government and Jagdeo react whencorneredbyscandal. Jagdeotrieseverykindoftrick as he seeks to redirect the nation’s attention to critics and opponents. Hughes shouldn’t talk, because he has big piecesoflandalso. Thosewhoknowthevicepresidentand party general secretary well, are quick to pick up that it’s not so much what he ventilates in the public domain, but howmuchheleavesout.
Jagdeohasearnedaspecialreputationasaleaderwho wouldworkanyschemetoslipoutoftrickycorners. The prime land scandal, with Ed Ahmad’s company name written all over it and the PPP/C Government deep in it, standsasthelatestinalonglineofsuchschemes. Thereis primelandversusforestedlandandHughes.
Thereisgovernmentinvolvementandarrangementfor land awarded at a friendly price in Ogle versus Hughes’s leaselandsinaprivatetransaction.
Then,thereisJagdeo,truetoform,doingwhathedoes best, with his half-baked defences that target others. It is artfuldodgingbyonewhoisapastmasteratsuchgyrations intendedtopullthewoolovertheeyesofGuyanese. Itis what Bharrat Jagdeo has made his modus operandi in almosteveryareainwhichheshowshisface.
Jagdeo is a picture of dodginess with oil and gas, throughwhatishidden,whathedilutes. Frombillionsin oilexpensestotheUS$2BWalesgas-to-energyproject,he dodgesanddilutes,destroyshimself. Nowheisatitagain withprimeStatelands.
We as Guyanese should take heed less, we fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). Do you remember the age of the yellow and TATA buses? Then came the ever-present micro/minibuses (erosion). Take a good look at the Stabroek, Bourda and Kitty markets (erosion). The St. George’s Cathedral, the OfficeofthePresident,many ministry and church buildings around the nation arerelicsofthe18,19thand 20th centuries. These relics of the past belong in a museum or should be demolished completely.
Some of the statues in our nation are not historical and uniting,buttheyaredemonic and unattractive. They keep us in our ‘place’as a people and as a nation (erosion). There’s deep erosion of people’s lives daily Ordinary Guyanese have tried, but they cannot stop the erosion in a nation they love(theirbelovedGuyana).
Just imagine non-
Guyanese travel from as far as10,118milestotakeaway your job, business, fill-up your communities with a different language and culture, and most of all, decrease your monies and
infiltrate your country with other gods. Let me say that there are many (as a tradition) trying to make children between 16 – 25yrs without a college education, ajoboreventheirownhome. Many are stealing, working night and day as security personnel, selling dog food or selling chips just to send their children to private or publicschools.Thispractice has been in the Guyanese psyche since the days of the enslavedandtheindentured. Most parents are still encouraging this practice as it’samirroroftheirownlife.
has a deep history of being our moral compass and in leading by example. Today, theChurchisinsular-driven, silentinthemidstofspiritual and moral decay and prefers to practice Bible poverty Guyanese were once proud of their gold, homes and year-round summer-like weather Today,thenationis marred by gold stealers, dilapidated homes and unpredictable weather patterns Further, the political and economically rich cliques are always a constant reminder of how pridefulandunconcerned
Between January 30th andJanuary31st,a33-yr-old woman and a 16-yr-old girl were murdered by their intimate partners while a weekbeforeanotherwoman was murdered These murdersalloccurreddespite a reported 33% reduction in domestic violence murders reported by Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum and Minister of Human Services for2024.
The brutality of these murders and all domestic violence murders are
shocking, violent, traumatizing gender-based crimes affecting women
predominately and unacceptable.
grieving and traumatized children, family members, Guyanesecommunitieswith intergenerational impacts and consequences to the societyasawhole. It is well known that Guyanahasoneofthehighest levelsofdomesticviolencein theworld,whichaccordingto The Guyana’s Women’s Health and Life Experiences Survey (GWHLES) (2018) 55%ormorethanoneoutof everytwoGuyanesewomen experience some form of gender-basedviolence.
Atrulyalarmingstatistics, but what is as alarming is the continuing absence of adequate and systematic information on levels of reported domestic violence annually in the face of these
high levels This cannot continue to be an accepted oversight but points to a deliberate policy to restrict thisinformation.
We know that the Guyana Police Force for decades are required to document every reported incident of domestic violence at police stations and take actions to protect victims and survivors
Therefore, there is absolutely no reason why this data is not available and disseminated unless deliberatelyrestricted
As far back as 2010, the NationalCrimeObservatory was launched by the MinistryofHomeAffairsas a vital management tool for collectinganddisseminating
Frompage04 people can be. They are constantly wooing you into their gossip and gaffe; they answerorlistentonoonebut themselves They are completely unaware of the subtle human and national erosion taking place. They arenowexposingeachother with their wealth gains and corrupt practices. If you are serious about this nation, stay quiet, admit that you don’t know a lot of things and work on a new nongovernmental or political organization God knows thisnationneedstostartover –yes,startover Allow me to conclude with the following story –
Uzziah – King of Judah (2 Chronicle 26). “Uzziah was 16yrs when he becomes King” (v.3) What are several 16-yr-olds doing in your home or community?
What have you heard in the news or on Facebook recently about a 16-yr.-old?
“Uzziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Amaziah had done” (v.4). Several 16-yroldswanttodowhatisright in the eyes of their parents, teacher, mentor and in the community “Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, Godgavehimsuccess”(v.5). “But after Uzziah become powerful,hisprideledtohis downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God…” (v 16).Uzziahthenenteredthe
temple with a wrongful disposition; he was confronted by the priest (warning),buthedishonored the priests and most importantly, the Lord God. Uzziah died with leprosy Leprosyisahorribledisease which eventually leads to separation and perhaps death.IsGuyanainadisease phase of its existence? Are we living in separation of mainly godly, justicehonoring or righteousprioritizing nations? Don’t missthis–aslongasUzziah “sought the Lord”, allowed himself to be mentored, or allowingGodto“helphim”, he was successful. Are you seeking the Lord in your
life? Are we as a nation asking God for help in this demoralized, disunited and helplessnation?
May we see the signs of erosionforourselvesandfor our nation. We need bold theologically-oriented speakers and writers in the nation. We need those same people to answer God’s call toleadandunitethenation’s communitiesingodlyliving, prosperity and not further erosion. Keep hiding and watching the erosion and youwillseefurthercollapse of enormous portions which will affect all on the land. All!
Dr DeniseMurray
comprehensive up to date crime information to assist law enforcement The I n t e g r a t e d C r i m e Information System (ICIS) was also touted at the same time as a system which wouldallowrankstorecord reports electronically as opposedtowrittenreports Guyana should not only be collecting but also publicly disseminating this i n f o r m a t i o n a s recommended by CEDAW in its 2017 recommendation (#35).Thatrecommendation specificallyoutlinedtheduty of States to establish a system to regularly collect, analyse and publish statistical data on all forms of violence including number of complaints, prosecutions, convictions, reparations, protection ordersetc. Additionally,the Second Hemispheric R e p o r t o n t h e
ImplementationoftheBelem do Para Convention MESECVI-CEVI (2012) also recommended collecting and makingpublicthisinformation disaggregated by sex, age, civil status and geographic location, prosecutions and convictions, femicides, including evaluating the
effectiveness of measures established to prevent, punish and eliminate these crimes.
The Sexual Offences
Act Section 89(2) Prevention states that “ Datashallinclude,numberof reportstothepolice,numberof arrests, prosecutions and successfulconvictions,gender and age of victims or complainants, geographical locations where offences are alleged to have happened, number of persons seeking medicalcare,typesofinjuries received by victims or complainants, relationship of victim or complainant to accused, number of matters withdrawn from Court and number of matters where complainants chose not to proceedfurther”
This requirement of the Sexual Offences Act 2010 isnotineffect
We also know that the
Domestic Violence Act, now repealed, was being used by many women successfully to getprotectionandotherorders for their safety through magistrate courts, but again there is no information on numberofDVAcasesfiledin magistrate courts across Guyanaandprotectionorders granted for the protection of survivors This is essential information as protection orders are the fastest and potentially easiest type of protection available to domestic violence survivors andarecompatiblewithatthe same time pursuing domestic violence criminal charges, whichtakealongertimetobe heard Both measures are now incorporated into the Family Violence Act 2024. However, if we look at the little information that is available, we see that for 2024,the914-hotline (Continuedonpage06)
In a democratic society, State agencies are entrusted with the duty to serve the public impartially, uphold the rule of law, and protect the rights of all citizens. However,inGuyana,thereis agrowingconcernthatthese institutions are being manipulated to serve political ends, targeting i n d
d u a l s a n d organizations that challenge orcriticizethegovernment.
A notable example involves the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). In 2014, leaked emails r
en Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur allegedly shared confidential tax information of media houses, including Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, withpoliticalfigures.
s perceived as an attempt to
intimidate and suppress independentjournalism.
Furthermore,theGuyana Public Service Union (GPSU) has reported instances of political in
rence, with government attempts to pressure members to leave the union Such actions underminetheindependence of labor organizations and erodeworkers’rights.
The political landscape has also been marred by
allegations of extrajudicial activities.Intheearly2000s, reports surfaced about the existenceofa“deathsquad” allegedlyresponsibleforthe execution of individuals deemed threats to national security
The then Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj, was implicated in these activities, leading to a Commission of Inquiry Although he was later cleared, the incident left a
lastingimpactonpublictrust inStateinstitutions.
These instances highlight a troubling pattern where State agencies are perceivedtobeusedastools for political persecution, targeting those who dissent or challenge the status quo. Suchactionsnotonlyviolate individual rights but also undermine the democratic principles upon which our nationisbuilt. It is imperative for the
citizens of Guyana to demand accountability and transparency from their institutions.
State agencies must operate independently, free from political influence, to ensurejusticeandequityfor all.Onlybyupholdingthese principles can we foster a society where freedom of expression and the rule of lawprevail.
Sincerely, Namewithheld
In1972,thestaunchanticommunist US President RichardNixonflewtoMao’s communist China after twenty-five years of no contact between the two nations, because he wanted to counterpoise the latter countryagainstitsarchrival Russia. Nixon could make that move because his impeccable anti-communist reputation precluded any domestic sandbagging for being“soft”onChina.Asfor instance, the liberal JFK wouldhavebeen.
In examining US Pres Trump’s strategy towards Venezuela–whichshouldbe of paramount interest
because of Maduro’s ongoing hybrid war against us–wehavetoconsiderthe possibility that he might attemptto“pulloffaNixon” visavisthatcountry Itisstill very early in the day, but therearealreadysomesigns of such a rapprochement developing We must considerouroptionstowards such an eventuality In early January,beforeTrump’sand Maduro’s inauguration, there were welcome signs that Venezuelan regime
change might be in the air, after Pres Biden entertained Opposition Candidate Edmundo Gonzalez at the W
But Pres. Trump and his hardline, anti-Maduro Secretary of State Maduro must have taken into consideration Gonzalez’ inability to even return to Venezuelawithanentourage of Latin American expresidents to give him legitimacy Then there were the less than stellar protests organized by Marìa Corrina Machado before and on the d a y o f M a d u r o ’s inauguration. She had to s t a g e a n a l l e g e d “momentary” detention to gainattentionbytheforeign media Trump would remember that his all-out backing of Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela after the 2018 elections, ended ineffectually and ignominiously The latter had to be flown to Florida fromColumbiain2023after being ejected from an international conference discussing the upcoming Venezuelanelections.Hehas
been living there quite luxuriously since. Among the entities funded by USAID that displayed the “incredible level of waste and corruption” in USAID complained of by Elon Musk, was the post-2019 Venezuelan opposition, where hundreds of millions were siphoned off from the US$1B+expended.
Trump however, sent his envoy Richard Grenell to Caracasonaspecialmission to meet Maduro directly to negotiate the release of six Americans who had been imprisoned for allegedly planning to assassinate the Venezuelan president Trump himself announced Grenell’s success and added Venezuela had “agreed to receive all Venezuelans camped in the United States under an irregular immigration status ” This must have already been negotiated. While Grenell said. “The only reward for Maduro was my presence: thefirstseniorUSofficialto visit the country in years,” that was certainly not the case. Venezuelan Attorney GeneralTarekWilliam Saab boasted, “If President
Donald Trump’s special envoy comes to discuss diplomatic issues and requests an audience with thepresident–whoendedup receivinghimintheofficeof theMirafloresPalace–what does that imply in formal, diplomatic, public and communication terms?” He crowed that this left the opposition in a “bad light”. Maria Machado, conceded that Grenell’s meeting with Madurowas“aterriblelook, butitiswhatitis.”
As one foreign policy expert explained, “Since 2019, Washington recognised Juan Guaidó and then the 2015 National Assembly as legitimate representatives of Venezuela. Recognition is a matter of practical en
maintains relations with governmentsthatitdoesnot considerlegitimate—suchas Iran, North Korea, and Russia under Putin. Diplomatic recognition is distinct from political approval.”
While strategic oneupmanship might have been Nixon’s rationale for breaking the ice with China, t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l inducementsforTrump.Ifhe concedes that the stick of regime change, even if successful as in Iraq, might bemessy,thenhemaytrythe carrot.Wemustnotethatthe license to Chevron to ship one quarter of Venezuela’s oilproductiontotheUSwas automatically rolled over under Trump, who had said only a month earlier that the US did not needVenezuelan
oil. But the latter can be leveraged against Canada’s protests against Trump’s 25% tariffs, since both are heavy crude needed to producediesel.
If Trump were to extend licenses to other US and EU oil companies, this might squeeze out both China and Russia, which would also further the US strategic interestswhileincreasingits influence over the Maduro regime.Theexpansionofthe economy should facilitate the absorption of the Venezuelan deportees. We should also expect less sabre-rattling from Maduro with Trump’s propensity to manners “uppity” leaders, like we saw recently with Columbia’sPetro.
Sincerely, RaviDev
numberonlyreceived3%of domestic violence calls according to the Minister of Human Services. So, while this is no doubt a useful service, it is not being utilized by the majority of persons experiencing domestic violence No information was shared on the number of domestic violence cases reported to the police or other State agencies for 2024, neither was there any information shared on number and type of cases the Community Advocate Network, CAN assisted with and in which region or community and outcomes of such cases There have been numerous policetrainingprogrammes,
the most recent ones were COP SQUAD programme which trained more than 1,000 police officers in gender related issues and domesticviolencein2023. HopeandJusticecentres have also been set up at Lusignan and Vergenoegen which offer counselling and legal and health services for gender-based violence besidesotherissues.Whatis missing is monitoring and evaluations of these programmes and others to ensurethattheyaremeeting the needs of survivors accessingtheseprogrammes andGuyaneseingeneraland theirimpactonthereduction and eradication of all forms of gender-based violence including domestic
violence. This failure to systematically collect data, make it publicly accessible, and utilize this empirical evidence to not only inform but also implement targeted actions for the prevention, protection from and prosecution of VAW, domestic violence, and SGBV in Guyana, is hampering Guyana’s ability to address the epidemic of VAW,andfemicidesasisthe sidelining of too many NGOs in Guyana who have been at the forefront of offering services and advocating for the rights of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence for years.
Yourstruly, DanutaRadzik
Banks DIH Linden Branch Manager, Sean Grant
B r a n c h
p e r f o r m e d exceptionally well in 2024 with a record-breaking revenue of $2 4billion, representing the most sales of all the company’s locations.
The 2024 revenue, reflected an increase of 29 percent of $557.2 million dollars compared to 2023 sales.
Branch Manager Sean Grant was awarded the prestigious Chairman’s awardfor2024.
At the recently held
Linden shareholders’ meeting at the Watooka Guest House, a proud Grant said this achievement could not have been possible without the invaluable support of the Linden business community and consumersofthecompany’s products.
“I look forward to your continuous support during this new year as we work together to achieve our
collective goals and outcomes,”Grantsaid.
Chairman of Banks DIH
Clifford Reis congratulated Grant and noted that the L i n d e n b r a n c h ’ s performancewashistoric.
Notably, the Citizen’s Bank Linden Branch also recorded a successful year with a 15 percent increase fromthepreviousyearwitha revenue of $197 million dollars which is $25.7 million more compared to thepreviousyear’srevenue.
Withthecompany’s2024 performance being dubbed as excellent, Reis posited that there are many avenues for expansion in services to the Linden community particularly in the housing sectorandaskedperspective homeowners to take
advantage of all the opportunities that will be affordedthem.
Overall, for 2024 Banks DIHreporteda17.76percent increase in its after-tax profitsamountingto$10.563
billion The overall performance of the group improved by recording a profit before tax of $16.979 billion compared to $14.509 billion in 2023, which is an increaseof$2.470billion.
Reis encouraged shareholders to hold on to their shares as the company understands shareholders’ value.
Heoutlinedaplethoraof plans to increase both the quality and quantity of products i
ding beveragesandbakedgoods.
Several infrastructural advances were also revealed including the development of Thirst Park II on the Linden Soesdyke Highway andtheconstructionofanew beer bottling plant which willbecapableofproducing 500,000 cases of beer monthly
“It’s a massive developmentprogrammewe are talking about there, we are gonna shift our production capacities at different areas we are sellingairconditions,weare looking at solar energy with panels, we are looking at other bakery products,” he disclosed. Meanwhile, the company also presented monetary donations to the R
y Schools.
DPI - Guyana and the United States continue to deepen their strategic partnership, bolstering Guyana’s national defence capabilities.
Through sustained and robust cooperation, the two nations reaffirm their dedication to mutual prosperityacrosskeysectors including defense and economicdevelopment.
Thisthrivingpartnership has garnered stellar commendations, most recently, from Foreign Secretary Robert M. Persaud.
The Foreign Secretary took to the stage and lauded the collaboration during a reception dinner celebrating the National Defense Institute’s first cohort of graduatesonFriday
His sentiments echoed through the room filled with distinguished guests including Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn, US Ambassador to Guyana Nicole Theriot, Heads of Guyana’s defence agencies and representatives from William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. Recently, Guyana’s NationalDefenseInstitutein partnershipwiththeWilliam
Studies graduated 40 ranks and officers from the Joint Services.
This comprehensive course provided graduates with critical knowledge and specialised training, enhancing their ability to safeguard Guyana’s nationalsovereigntyagainst threats such as drug trafficking, transnational crime, and illegal migration, as well as the concerning rhetoric emanating from Venezuela.
According to Secretary P
e effort exemplifies the strong partnership between the governments of the United States and Guyana. Our r e l a t i o n s h i p i s characterised by mutual respectandasharedvision f o r a s e c u re a n d prosperous Western Hemisphere.”
He expressed Guyana’s eagernesstocollaboratewith theUSonfuturetrainingand knowledge-sharing initiatives to strengthen the n a t i o n ’s s e c u r i t y capabilities.
In the same breath, he stressed the critical need to
bridge the gap between policy development and implementation to effectively address evolving threats.
“Security and defence are fundamental pillars of national prosperity,” Secretary Persaud asserted. “Aspolicymakers,wemust create synergies in policy formulation, adopting a holistic and inclusive approach to address security threats and challenges, always prioritizing our national interests.”
As Guyana continues to experience rapid economic d e v e l o p m e n t , t h e governmentdemonstratesits unwavering political will to safeguard democracy by implementing effective and adaptable policies, prioritising the development of a professional security apparatus and building strongregionalpartnerships. Beyond defence and intelligence cooperation, the two countries’ robust relationship extensively spansacrossdiversesectors, including democracy, trade, investment, economic development, energy, capacity building, and education.
The Jagdeo Doctrine is an absurd, reckless, and fundamentally shortsighted economic fallacy It rests on the tenuous premise that borrowing is a means towards growing wealth This is the deranged gospel preached by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo whose economic stewardship saw growth plummet and requiredrebasingtocreatea mirageofGDPgrowth.
Now, as if history does not exist, he claims that Guyana’s economy, being larger than in 1992, has greater capacity to absorb debt. This assertion is not only flawed but terminally so.AhighGDPmaysuggest arobusteconomy,butitdoes not necessarily reflect real economic activity or the government’s fiscal health.
In an oil-dependent economy, a substantial portion of GDP may be attributed to oil revenues, which are dictated by volatileglobalmarkets.Ifoil prices plummet, the illusion of prosperity remains momentarily intact until the government faces the stark reality of dwindling revenue. The economy may appearlargeonpaper,yetthe state coffers will tell a different,morebrutalstory
Debt servicing requires actual cash flow, not theoretical projections or inflated GDP figures. If oil prices fall, revenue from oil exportswilldecline,leaving the government scrambling to meet its debt obligations. Oil exports as a percentage of overall exports is already closeto90%.Itmaybeokay
whenoilpricesarerelatively high.Butifoilpricesplunge, export earnings and revenueswillbeaffected. This is all the more reason why the GDPfigure, swollen by past investments in oil infrastructure, becomes a useless abstraction, failing to account for a possible cashstrappedfiscalsituation.The quintessential flaw in Jagdeo’s logic is the belief that a bloated GDP guaranteesfinancialstability when, in reality, it may signify nothing more than a precarioushouseofcards.
Guyana’s reliance on oil exposes it to economic catastrophe.Whenoilprices tumble, as they inevitably will,thegovernmentwillbe forced to lean on non-oil revenues to sustain its activities.Hereliesthedeath trap: if non-oil revenues are siphoned off to service external debt, the result will bedevastatingcutsinpublic expenditure. Hospitals will suffer, infrastructure will decay, and social services will be gutted. This is the inescapable consequence of J a g d e o ’s f o o l i s h
bravado mortgaging Guyana’s future for the mirage of immediate growth.
Moreover, the currency riskcompoundsthislooming disaster A downturn in oil priceswillinevitablyleadto depreciation of the Guyanese dollar, making foreign-denominated debt more expensive to service. This will trigger inflation, further eroding any supposed economic gains.
TheGDPfigurewillbecome meaningless as the cost-ofliving spirals out of control.
At that point, the government will have only two choices either to default on its obligations or to impose draconian austeritymeasures.
One of the most egregious errors in Jagdeo’s thinking is his failure to recognize that a high GDP does not translate into a manageable per capita debt
burden Per capita debt something the PPP
financialweighteachcitizen must bear The man who once decried Guyana’s per capita debt under the PNC, nowconvenientlyignoresit. If debt continues to grow while oil revenue remains volatile, future generations will inherit an economic noosethattightenswitheach passing year This is the ma
disregard for sustainability, replaced by the reckless pursuit of borrowing as an economicstrategy
Ahigh per capita debt is notjustanacademicconcern i
or determining a country’s
d investorrisk.WhatJagdeois tooinexperiencedtograspis that a high per capita debt, coupledwithdependenceon a volatile sector, makes Guyana an unattractive borrowerinthelongterm.It signals to investors that the nation’seconomyisaticking time bomb, susceptible to collapse with the next
One day, teacher decide fuh test Little johnny to see how good he was with his numbers. She ask, “Johnny, yuh know yuh numbers?”
Johnnypuffuphechestandseh,“Yeah, medaddyteachmegood,good!”
Teacher decide fuh see how much he reallyknow Shestarteasy
“Whacomeafterthree?”sheask. Johnnysmileandseh,“Four.” Teacher nod. “Good, good. Now, wha comeaftersix?”
Johnnyain’thesitate,“Seven.” Teacher grin. She tell Johnny, “Yuh father do a fine wuk. He really teach yuh well.”
But teacher decide fuh push lil Johnny justalikklemore.
“Wha come after ten?” she ask, expectingabrightanswer
Withoutmissingabeat,Johnnyseh,“A jack!” Dem boys seh teacher nearly fall
downturn in global oil prices Any responsible economic planner would takeheed,butJagdeoinstead barrelsforward,peddlinghis debt-laden fantasy as economicwisdom.
The inconvenient truth, which the Jagdeo Doctrine conveniently ignores, is that Guyana’s economy is dangerously imbalanced
TheGDPsize,largelydriven by oil, does not reflect the country’s ability to withstand external shocks. Oil prices can crash overnight; debt obligations, on the other hand, do not vanish The absurdity of using GDPas a justification for increased borrowing is akintoagamblermeasuring his wealth by the number of chips in front of him while ignoringtheinsurmountable debt,heowesthecasino.
Thus, the size of Guyana’s GDP, inflated by
oil revenues, becomes an irrelevant metric when e v a l u a t i n g d e b t sustainability What matters i s a c t u a l , s t a b l e revenue—theabilitytomeet obligations without triggeringeconomicturmoil. And while our debt service to revenue remains low, it must be considered that a decline in oil prices could t h r o w t h i s i n t o disequilibrium Therefore, Jagdeo’s insistence that borrowing is viable simply because of GDPgrowth and low debt servicing to revenue ratios is not just misleading—itisdangerous, irresponsible, and emblematic of economic mismanagement.
Acountrycannotborrow its way to wealth any more thananindividualcanspend their way to riches with a credit card. The time will comewhenthebillsmustbe
paid,andwhenthatmoment arrives, Guyana will be left exposed overleveraged, underprepared, and at the mercy of forces beyond its control.
Jagdeo’s approach to economic management is a spectacle of hubris and shortsightedness. His belief that a high GDP equates to fiscal resilience is an insult to reason. His advocacy for borrowing as a pathway to prosperity is a reckless gambit that will burden generationstocome.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
down! She realize Johnny ain’t learning numbersalone—helearningcardstoo!
NowdemboyswantfuhknowifJohnny daddy teaching he school maths or casino maths. Next thing yuh hear, Johnny gon startcallingoutace,king,andqueeninstead ofeleven,twelve,andthirteen!
Dem boys seh some people sending dempickneytoschoolfuhlearn,butwhen yuh check it out, dem pickney done graduatefromthebackroomdominotable!
People does learn dem numbers in different ways Some does learn by countingmatchstick.
Some of we learn by counting on we fingers and some of we, like Lil Johnny, learnbycountingwithcards.
Some people nah know fuh read. But dem can count money good. So it don’t matterhowyuhlearnyuhnumbers,oneyuh masterdem,yuhganbealright. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
I acknowledge it: Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is an unreal character, a real political angler Some may say political hustler Not I! How can I, why should I, lessen the luster of such an illustrious local operator? One who is such a major deflector and distractor; one who could also be considered a defector from straight talk. Take this development involving prime lands at Ogle and
elsewhere, and encircling one of his prized friends, a New York based real estate tycoon with a strange pedigree. The New Yorker was such a force for good thatheblewhimselfstraight into the comforts of that S t a t e ’ s p r i n c e l y accommodations. Whenthe swirling controversies now dogging those Ogle land awards intensified, it dawned immediately on Dr. Jagdeo that he needed the
company of his other good friend, Mr Nigel Hughes, Leader of the AFC and politicalcompetitor
Upfront and straight up, this is said: Nigel Hughes must answer frankly, c o m p l e t e l y , a n d convincingly about his own 75 acres. From the representations that he has madetodate,thedocuments submitted, the dates embedded, and the parties involved, I think that Mr
Hughes gave a good accounting for himself There were private transactions (two of such) involving so-called distant jungleland(KN,February7, 2025) versus prime plots in places with plush potential. My preference would have been for out-of-the-way and out-of-mind and untouched land, and not the indecorous ‘jungle’ land. The first transaction with Mr. Simon Munroe from 2016 falls on safe ground. On the other hand, the one in 2019, post the December 21, 2018 noconfidenceupheavals,needs some additional elaboration. I am on uncertain ground here, because there is an insufficiencyofdetail. More is needed, with the exact sequenceinconcrete.
Nevertheless, I do note, however, that the second parcel of land for 25 acres was also a private transaction, which gives the appearanceofstandingonits ownfeet. Asasserted,thisis going to require some more fleshingout. Leteverything be put on the table, and on top of the tablecloth Guyaneseneedtoknowwho isontherightsideoflawand principleonthisone. Inmy early assessment, Mr Hughes seems to hold the higher ground on the 25 acres. I hope he maintains hispresencethere.
In contrast, prior to the Hughes’disclosures, Jagdeo went for the jugular at his Thursday afternoon press workout. Words favoured included “duplicitous” for Mr Hughes,whocameinfor special mention. And, there
were “illegal” and “criminal” to convey the essence of what the APNU Coalition did with prime landsbetweenthesuccessful December 2018 noconfidence motion and the March 02, 2020 elections. MuchofwhatVicePresident Jagdeo put before the public is found disturbing on how theAPNUcoalitionparceled out land during that uncertainandtroubled20182020interval. Idon’tlikeit. I have problems with it. From timing to sizing to pricing, every component reekofthelessthanstraight, what could be stood for, becauseitissound. Theydo not persuade Though besieged, or departing, governments have a habit of rapidlyandthicklybuttering thebreadoftheirownfolks,I dealinwhatpayshomageto the ethical and not what serves the political. More thanafewpiecesofJagdeo’s disclosures have the roiling about them, and rings with whatiswronginthiscountry, its politics, its leadership, and its governance. Neither the PPP nor the PNC can claim clean hands. They have both exhibited, however, great skill in showingapairofcleanheels, in racing away from secret deals, and preferential treatments with their inner circles. Neither can ever be thought of in the same manner as Caesar’s wife. I have repeatedly cautioned both groups and their leaders: transactions involving close companions must pass more than paper andprocesstests. Theymust
pass those three most importanttests. Smelltests. Taste tests And the grandaddy of tests: ethics tests.
Frankly, things look and smell rotten in Ogle, in Wales, and in Peter’s Hall, among other now shaded grovesofpoliticalrealestate politicalgenius.
This is what is now coming to light, as could be traced to both major parties wheningovernment. Inthe reciprocal exposures and condemnations, Guyanese get a clearer understanding ofhowtheyarerepresented, about what goes on behind theveilsofgovernance. The arrangements, the slicing up and parceling out, and the pricing that seem too cheap to receive a cheer from the public. Wherewasandisthe leader, who stood up before andthentodayandsaid:like hell!Noneofthisisgoingto happen under my watch. Wherewasandishe? Where werethesubjectminister,be suchaheorashe?
Whether New Global Investment Corp now, or whoever collected prime State lands at cut prices during the post noconfidenceseason. Boththe substanceandopticsofthese transactions should generate concern in Guyanese. They provokegreatdisagreements inme.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
‘I saw her vision and it matched mine’
Helpingthepoor,thoseinneedandtryingtobeapillar forthevulnerableinsocietyareamongthereasons19-yearold Matthew King has joined the recently launched AssemblyforLibertyandProsperity(ALP)party,founded byformerministerofgovernment,SimonaBroomes.
Broomes, a former member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), launched the political movement one week ago with the aim of promoting equality, social and economic development and empowering communities, protecting civil rights and fostering sustainable development through ethical governanceandcollaboration.
King,inaninterviewwith Kaieteur News,saidthathis decision to join the ALP sparked from his own personal experiencewithpoverty HesaidthatBroomes’visionfora fair,inclusiveandprosperousGuyanawhereeverycitizen enjoys equal opportunities and sustainable development, alignswithhisvision.
Continued on page 11
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
Pottellin’Kettlehe bottomblack!
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat has mocked the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) for failing to committoarenegotiationof thelopsidedExxonMobiloil contract.
Heproudlycalledoutthe party in Parliament for its
mere commitment to “review” the oil deal, something this present administrationalsodidwhile in Opposition - only using the words renegotiation/ b e t t e r c o n t r a c t administration
ThetruthisGuyanesesee pastthepettypoliticsatplayagameofpottellin’kettlehe bottom black A fearless
leaderwillnotonlystandby his promises but boldly pursue what is in his country’s best interest Guyana is battered and bruised from these two parties.
May dawn come soon to thisgreatnation.
Therehasbeenmuchtalk about the PPP/C sweeping thepolls,wheneverelections are held. We dare say if that party wins, it will not be because of ts myopic electoral strategy, it will be on the back of a president w h o , u n l i k e h i s predecessors, can still claim tobeintouchwiththepulse of the people. The PPP/C’s biggest liability is not its
“MynameisMatthewKingandI’m19yearsofage.Iamthe third child for my mother and seventh for my father My motherwasinanabusivemarriageandshemovedonwhenI wastheageof10yearsold,”Kingsaid.
The youngster told this publication that life became increasingly difficult after his parents separated. He said, he wasbasicallystrippedofhischildhood,beingforcedtoassist hismother
“She maintained her dignity and worked hard to make endsmeet.So,growingup,Ialwayswantedtomakesurethat everydayismemorablewithmymother.Ialwayswantedto makeachangeinbothyouthsandsingleparents’lives.Igrew uparoundmymotherwhotaughtmehowtodothingsinthe houseandhowtobeapersonwithrespect,”hetold Kaieteur News
King explained that despite the tremendous challenges thatfacedhisfamily,hismothernevergaveup.Shedidwhatit tooktotakecareofhimandhissiblings.This,hesaid,forced himtoexperiencelifedifferentlyandmaturefaster
The teen said while the circumstances were unpleasant and he isn’t proud of the poverty, he lived in, he used his challengestocharteranewcourseinhislife.Hesaidheand hissiblings,alongwithhismotherlivedonadamwithafixed householdbudgetwithnoroomtomanoeuvre.
He explained that his mother worked two jobs to make enoughmoneytomaintainthehouseholdandtopurchaseland forthemtolive.Describinghisstrugglesare“hard”Kingsaid, determination is key to surviving poverty and all that comes withit.
“I saw a vision similar to mine in how Simona Broomes was helping those in need. This inspired me and drive my attentiontobeapillarinmycommunitythroughhelpingthose inneed,acommunitywherewethepeoplehaveavoicewhich needstobeheardandrespected,”theyoungstertold Kaieteur News
Kingsaidoftentimepoorchildrenandyouthgenerallyare overlooked.Hestronglybelievesthateachcitizenmusthave accesstoequalopportunitieswheretheyareabletothriveand riseabovetheircircumstance.
“Everychildneedstheresourcesandsupport…theyneed tostandfirmandbelievethattheycandomore,”hesaid.
King,amemberoftheALP’sYouthCabinet,seeshimself asanadvocateforyouthanddespitehishumblebeginnings, hewantstodemonstratetootherinsimilarsteadthattheytoo canseethelightattheendofthetunnel.
Heintendstopromoteeducation,womenempowerment, andpushtovariousreformsthatwillhelpthevulnerable.
opponent but the albatross around its neck-Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo For all of President Irfaan
Ali’s dynamism, his government is still shackled to the omnipresence of a political relic whose weekly diatribes and e
atic pronouncements threaten to domoreharmthangood.
f Ali is the party’s greatest electoral asset, Jagdeo is its most glaring vulnerability Histiradesand imperious attitude make for excellent fodder in the opposition’s counternarrative.
Every time he lashes out at the press or delivers anotherofhiscondescending diatribes he gives greater publicity, relevance and credencetohisparty’srivals.
Patchedstreetsand bouncyhighways
We live in a country today where infrastructure spendinghasbeenprioritised bythegovernment
While Guyana is no doubtinneedofbetterroads and more highways, the quality of work being paid for with Guyanese tax dollarsisbeyondappalling.
Every day a new hole appears in roads recently redonebycontractors.These contracts often cost millions but require another round of patchinginjustweeks
Similarly, these bouncy highways being built today makes one wonder whether they are driving in the interior.
Pregnantwomendarenot use these new roads, which thecaringPPPboastsof.
For the billions being spent on infrastructure, the government has a solemn duty to ensure public funds are not wasted and mismanaged.
Every Thursday is designated National Press Circus Day in Guyana. It is the day when a two-term formerpresidentandnowthe defacto chief executive of Guyana, holds an afternoon cuss down session at his party’sheadquarters.
The media get an invitationsayingitisapress conference They know better, so most of the seasoned journalists avoid it like the plague. Yesterday was another round of the circus, starring Bharrat Jagdeo.
He was handed an honorary doctorate and he insists that he be addressed as doctor So, the invitation comes out with Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and the State media operativesandtheprivatelyownedStatemediaallfallin line...Dr Jagdeo, they call
him.Fullcircus.Lookoutfor itnextweekat2PM.
Jagdeoandhispost BudgetDebate presentation
For yet another week, reporters painfully endured the Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo’s afternoon gyaff at Freedom House on Thursday
Afterrefusingtoshowup atParliamenttocontributeto this year’s Budget Debate, theVPspent the first half of his press cuss-frence rebuttingpointsmadebythe Opposition in National Assembly
We wish the VP would spareusthedramaandgoto the House, where he should have been, to address these points so that we can move on with critical matters, relating to the management ofthecountry
The Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana (EFG)
h o s t e d i t s a n n u a l International Epilepsy Day
Awareness Walk on Saturday, February 8, 2025, inGeorgetown.Theevent,a cornerstone of the foundation’sinitiativessince itsinceptionin2014,aimsto f o s t e r c o m m u n i t y engagement, reduce stigma, and encourage support for individuals living with epilepsy
Established in 2014, the EFG has dedicated over a decade to advocating for people with epilepsy, fostering awareness, and providing support and resources to improve the quality of life for those affected.InNovember2024, the foundation celebratedits 10th anniversary with an inspiring evening of education and celebration, hosting a Continuing Medical Education (CME) session and an appreciation dinner at the Herdmanston Lodge. In2015,theinternational community, led by the International League
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) andtheInternationalBureau for Epilepsy (IBE), announced the creation of
Participants at the 2025 International Epilepsy Day Awareness Walk
International Epilepsy Day, observed on the second Monday of February each year
The EFG, as a full memberoftheIBE,alignsits efforts with this global initiative to raise awareness and understanding of epilepsy
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve apartofthebody(partial)or t h e e n t i r e b o d y (generalized).
These seizures are
caused by excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells and can vary from brief lapses of attention or muscle jerks to severe and prolonged convulsions According to t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h Organization, around 50 million people worldwide livewithepilepsy,makingit one of the most common neurological diseases globally Over the past decade, the EFG has grown into a trusted resource, providing advocacy, support, and education to those living with epilepsy acrossGuyana.
The foundation offers
key services to the
community, including
electroencephalogram (EEG) tests in partnership withTeleEEG, a UK charity dedicated to supporting epilepsy diagnosis in underservedregions.
Additionally, the EFG provides free anti-seizure medications, generously donated by international partners such as the ROW Foundation.
Theorganizationhasalso facilitated medical outreacheswithneurologists specializing in epilepsy and conducted awareness
sessions in schools and companies.
Furthermore, the EFG has established support groupsforindividualsliving with epilepsy and their caregivers, providing a platform for shared experiences and mutual support.
As the Epilepsy FoundationofGuyanalooks forward to the future, it remains dedicated to expanding its reach, e n h a n c i n g p u b l i c understanding of epilepsy, and improving access to care.
The foundation’s decade-longjourneyreflects a deep commitment to creating an environment where individuals with epilepsy can live with dignity, hope, and opportunity
For more information on the Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana and how to support itsmission,pleasecontact: E m a i l : epilepsyfoundationgy@gma
Facebook: Epilepsy FoundationofGuyana
AbouttheEpilepsy FoundationofGuyana
TheEpilepsyFoundation of Guyana is the first and only organization in the country dedicated to advocating for people with epilepsy, fostering awareness, and providing support and resources to improve the quality of life forthoseaffected.
Established in 2014, the foundation is affiliated with the International Bureau for Epilepsyandhasbeenatthe forefront of epilepsy advocacy and support in Guyana.
“He [Greaves] has assured us, and so far from what he has said to us, I consider it credible that he has legitimately acquired the properties and so we will have to examine that but right now, we are not going to witch-hunt people on the basis of conjecture.”
Those are the words of none other than former President, now Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on the issue of a land scandal involving the former Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority,Sherwin Greaves.
Jagdeo’s comments, as usual, raise more questions than it lays concerns aside For one, could the Vice President explain how on a public servant salary could he afford such a luxurious purchase in the United States?
Secondly, can the Integrity Commission state whether Greaves ever made this declaration as a public officer? Do his earnings match his assets and finally, if this government considers the explanation by Greaves “credible” why did it accept his resignation? Why wasn’t he sent on administrative leave, pending an independent investigation?
IT IS CLEAR THAT THIS GOVERNMENT FEARS INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS; as it refused to investigate allegations of corruption against Jagdeo, just as is it hoping to sweep this matter under the proverbial rug
Opposition Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul
Parliament (MP) Ganesh Mahipaul on Friday reiterated his party’s call for the $800M Belle Vue pump station contract awarded to the TEPUIGroupownedbysocialmedia commentatorMikhailRodriguesalso known as ‘Guyanese Critic’ to be terminated.
procurement process was deeply flawed His call follows Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s claim on Thursday that he had no knowledge oftheawardmadeto‘Critic’fromthe inceptionbuthasbeenvilifiedforit.
On February 4, 2025 Kaieteur News reported that the Belle Vue Pump Station contract which was awardedto‘Critic’isonly10percent completedthoughthecontractorhad
alreadycollectedsome$182million. This w
disclosed by Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha during the Consideration ofEstimatesandExpenditureforthe Ministry ofAgriculture last week in theNationalAssembly Mustapha was grilled on the completion date for the project as wellastheamountofmoneyreleased Continued on page 60
Mikhail Rodrigues also known as ‘Guyanese Critic’
Businessman Dr Terrence Campbell has said he will not walk away from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Investment Committee,despitehisdeepconcernsforthe lackoftransparencyinthewaytheresources are being spent by the Government of Guyana(GoG).
In an interview with Kaieteur News, Campbell said, “I will continue to remain a member until I think either time, or other obligations no longer permit me to function effectivelyasamemberofthatcommittee.”
It would be recalled that last year in a letter to the Editor, he pointed to the glaring lackoftransparencyintheuseofoilmoney, despitelegalrequirementsintheNRFAct.
In a December 2024 letter, the businessman shared, “A little over a month ago,IbeganpressinginternallyfortheBoard of the Fund to demand a justification for withdrawals from the Fund in accordance with Section 16 (2) subsections (a) and (b). These subsections specify that withdrawals must be for national development priorities and/or essential projects to ameliorate the effects of a natural disaster.” Campbell howevernotedthathisrequestwasmetwith stoutresistanceeveninthefaceofmythreat toinitiatelitigation.
To this end, he concluded, “In essence, the Board signs a blank cheque with each withdrawal. This effectively reduces the Board to a rubber stamp and the Public Accountability and Oversight Committee (PAOC), which is supposed to provide oversight,toawhiteelephant.”
Campbell described the matter of the
Accountability and Oversight Committee andtheycannotproperlydotheirworkifthey do not know how NRF funds are being spent.” Campbell therefore questioned the useofthatbody,asheoutlinedhisreasonfor remainingamember
NRF, its procedures for withdrawal and the rateofdepletionasrequiringurgentnational attention. Further, he vowed to donate all of hisremunerationtocharityandcalledonthe members of the Investment Committee and thePAOCtodolikewise.
Thebusinessmantold Kaieteur News that while he considers tendering his resignation manydays,itishisviewthatthereshouldbe diversityonsuchBoards.
He explained, “The problem with the NRFBoardandallofitscommittee,withthe exception of the Investment Committee, is that there is no one - I think, and in my personal judgment- who will actually stand up and question any directive from the government because there is an
“I’ve stayed on the inside to continue paying attention to what’s happening and externally, to avoid the back and forth with the Vice President and the Minister of Finance over interpretation of Section 16 of theAct,”hesaid.
Thebusinessmanhintedthatthismatteris likelytobetakentoCourtverysoon.
TheAllianceForChange (AFC) will be in talks with members of the diplomatic community with the aim of proving that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) can implement biometrics within three months.
Leaderoftheparty,Nigel Hughes told reporters on Fridayassuredthathisparty will make every effort to en
onal partners with the aim of showing GECOM that
biometrics can be implemented ahead of the 2025 General and Regional Elections.
Kaieteur News asked Hughesathisparty’sweekly press conference what the party’s next move is, given the last statement by GECOM’s Chair, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh that theintroductionofbiometric fingerprint capture must be shelved until after the elections.
In response, Hughes
said, “it’s not over until the fat lady sings”. He said that hispartydoesnotacceptthe position taken by the GECOM Chair noting that, “we believe, and we are undertaking efforts to speak to all the friends of Guyana internationally Wearegoing to continue to provide evidencethatbiometricscan be all fingers, fingerprints canbeharvestedinlessthan three months, and that processispossible.”
The prominent attorney
said the AFC is deeply concerned about Guyana’s stability and believes that any independent means of verifyingtheintegrityofthe 2025 elections should be pursued.
He said the AFC “will continueoureffortstomake sure that biometrics as an independent verification of the results announced by GECOM are pursued. We arecertainly…I’vejustsaid, we are engaging the internationalcommunity.”
Further, Hughes also disclosed that his party intends to meet with the Private Sector Commission (PSC) to discuss matters of national importance Last month, the party met with GECOM and Hughes told reporters that the Commission is incapable of holding the 2025 General andRegionalElections.
Hedescribedthemeeting between members of the AFC and GECOM officials as nothing but “disastrous.”
At a subsequent press briefing, the AFC Leader sought to update media personnel on matters discussed during the three hours long meeting with the electionscommission.
The meeting provided the party with insight on GECOM’s preparedness to manage the upcoming electionsaswellastheissues related to the commission’s internalmanagement.
Hughes stated that during the discussions, Justice Singh among other things admitted that it conducted no review of the 2020elections.
“GECOM admitted it had not conducted any review of its operations. It had not conducted any review of the way in which they internally managed the 2020elections.Weenquired of them if any of the recommendations made by the[International]observers were actually implemented and they said none of those as far as they are aware,” Hughesrevealed.
Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton on Fridaycriticizedthedecision byJusticeSinghonshelving the introduction of digital finger prints calling it “unacceptable and inadequate”.
Norton told reporters at his weekly press conference thattheOppositionhastaken note of the reports that the Chair has proposed to hire a technicalexperttoadvisethe Commission on how to go about the introduction of digital fingerprint capture forregistrationbutthismust bedoneaftertheelections.
Norton questioned how the GECOM Chair, “arrived at the conclusion that it [digital fingerprinting] cannot be done for the 2025 General and Regional Electionswhenshelacksthe technicalknowledge?”
“The Opposition rejects this latest proposal as i n a d e q u a t e a n d unacceptable. The GECOM Chair is acting as a bias
Leader of theAlliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes
arbiter, when she should be seeking consensus, and is causing Guyanese to raise questions about her competence, integrity and courage,” the Opposition Leadersaid.
He reminded of his party’s January 24, 2025 press conference where it wasstatedthatJusticeSingh lacked experience in biometrics technology and project management The party had called on the Commission “to seek proposals from expert firms on using fingerprint biometrics in Guyana for registrationandvoting.”
“This is the only acceptable basis that GECOM and stakeholders can have a shared understanding of the timeframe and other issues involved and to make knowledgeable decisions,” theoppositionpartysaid.
Norton said that the Chair’s decision to dance around the party’s position, by proposing the use of biometrics be explored until after the next election, will not work as she lacks “the technicalknow-howtomake suchacriticaldecision.”
Further, he said that the opposition remains resolute that the integrity and credibility of the next elections cannot be held hostage to the bias, and arbitrary decision of the GECOM Chair because she lacks the requisite technical knowledgetodoso.
The GECOM Chair as partofherdecisionsaidthat “Section 9(1A) of the National RegistrationAct as amended byAct 14 of 2005 empowers the Commission to determine from time-totime procedures for the acquisition and electronic processingofdata.”
According to Singh, conceiving a project for capture of fingerprint digitally should not be done at the same time as preparations for the upcomingelections,because there will be challenges in logistics, technical considerations, political and socialacceptanceissues,and alsothecosts.
entrepreneurandownerand founder
DeCarlablendscreativityand passionintoherbusinesses,offeringtop tierservicesanduniquepieces.
Inhersparetime,thisweek’sbeauty enjoystravel,exploringnewdestinations, newrestaurantsandcatchingupwithher friendsandfamily
Asafirmbelieverinauthenticity,someof hermaingoalsaretostaytruetoherself whileembracingnewexperiences, travelingmoreandgenerallycontinuing toelevateherlife.Herfavoritequoteis “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” by Oscar Wilde.
Welcome back
to Talking
Dollars & MakingSense.Today,we’re diving into the updated social policy proposal from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).
If you recall, the party initially proposed giving every adult Guyanese an average of $125,000 per month, which totaled a jawdropping $900+ billion a year But in February 2025, the party scaled back that plan and introduced a more affordable programme costing $607 billion a year. Let’s breakdown what this newplanmeansandwhether Guyanacanaffordit.
TheNewSocial Programme:What’s Included?
Here’s a snapshot of whatthePNCRisproposing:
The party’s economist, Elson Low, claims the programme will pay for itself and not add any spending to the 2025 national budget, which is $1.382 trillion. But how?
The plan involves saving money by cutting wasteful spending and using higher tax revenues from increased consumer spending. Let’s seeifthisholdsup.
Can We Save $300 BillionbyCuttingWaste?
The PNCR points to a reportfromtheInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) that says Guyana wastes 41% of
its infrastructure spending duetoinefficiency Mr Low argues that by fixing this problem, the government could save $300 billion and redirect it toward the social programme. Let’s assume they succeed If the government saves $300 billion, it would reduce spending from the current $1 382 trillion budget to $1 082 trillion without cuttingimportantservices.
IncreasedVATRevenue fromMoreSpending
The PNCR is also banking on increased tax revenue.Withpeoplegetting more money through cash grants and higher pensions, consumer taxable spending is expected to rise by $525 billion. Since essentials like rent, electricity, and water are VAT-exempt, only $525 billion will be taxed
Applying a 14% VAT to the taxable portion would generate $74 billion in additional government revenue.
Let’sDotheMath Here’s how the numbers stackup:
1 Starting budget: $1.382trillion.
2. Savings from cutting waste:Subtract$300billion, leaving$1.082trillion.
3. Add $55 billion for higher old-age pensions because $37 billion is already allocated in the current budget. 4. Subtract $34 billion from total
revenue (increase tax thresholds)
5.Add$74billioninnew VATtothetotalrevenue.
This leaves the government with total spending of $1.618 trillion and projected revenue of $1.74 trillion. Clearly, this socialprogramproposalwill add $236 billion in additionalspendingandwill leaveonly$122billioninthe Natural Resource Fund (NRF)bytheendoftheyear WhatIfOilPricesDrop?
This plan assumes oil prices will average $72 per barrel in 2025. But if prices drop to $50 per barrel?That would slash Guyana’s oil revenue by $190 billion, completely wiping out all funds remaining in the NRF and leaving the government with a $68 billion deficit. In this case, Guyana would either make deep spending cuts or borrow more money–putting the country inaworseposition.
DrainingtheNatural ResourceFund
Even under the current plan, the PNCR would need to withdraw nearly all the
remaining money in the NRF Todothis,they’dhave tochangethelawthatlimits withdrawals, which raises concerns about long-term sustainability
The PNCR’s updated policyismorerealistic,butit still carries significant risks anddoesnotachieveitsgoal
of not adding any spending to the budget. Saving $300 billion by cutting waste and relying on increased VAT coll
ons as
mes everything will go smoothly –whichisrarelythecase.
The revised social programme policy proposal, though slightly better than the last, could still completely wipe out the
NRF and result in a deficit. Weneedtobalancespending with fiscal discipline to ensure Guyana’s long-term financialstability
Let me know what you think. Is this new policy a good move, or does it still need work? I’d love to hear yourthoughtsaswecontinue to explore Guyana’s economicfuture.
Officialsandmining companiesusing corruptionaround licensesandcontractsto denycitizensafairshare …companiespaying bribestoshortcut environmentalstudies – NRGI
The Natural Resource
Governance Institute (NRGI),initslatestreporton the red flags for corruption, has outlined the areas often used to fester corrupt acts in mineral licensing and contracting.Accordingtothe report, “Some government
officials and mining company executives are already using corruption
around licenses and contracts to deny citizens andcommunitiesafairshare of the benefits of mining transitionminerals.Through corruption that starts in the licensing and contracting
phase, companies are neglecting and harming vulnerable populations and ecosystems with impunity And corruption is delaying
mineral production, sometimesforyears.”
NRGI pointed out that corruption in transition mineral supply chains is a global problem, with its study identifying a whopping 53 cases of corruption in 30 countries across five continents, involving a diverse range of minerals Corruption cases have been documented in eight out of the 10 countries with the highest levels of transitionmineralreserves.
The Institute said, “Over and over, our dataset shows mining firms and officials
conspiring to block competition for mining rights and capture windfall profits they did very little to earn This can involve officials taking hidden interests in companies; allowing middlemen to buy minerals or licenses at depressed prices and then resell to more experienced firms; using contracts to siphon off royalties that couldhavegonetothestate; orconvincingcapturedstateowned firms to borrow money for their essentially privatebusinessventures.”
Meanwhile, the resource watchdog found that other companiesarepayingbribes tohavelowertaxandroyalty payments written into their licenses and contracts. They
are also using their favored status, along with familiar tricks of tax avoidance and evasion, to pay far less than theyowe.Inothercases,the country and its people receive no benefits from mining licenses at all because the companies that wonthemthroughgraftlack theexpertise,capital,orwill to do the hard work of extraction.
The Natural Resource Governance Institute said it hasnotattemptedtoestimate the total costs of losses nonetheless, the available estimates of lost public revenue in many of the individual cases are huge often hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.
Data, however, shows that corruption paved the way for and papered over, many destructive, unjust business practices. “Mining firms paid bribes during licensing and contracting processes to cut short
consultations with
communities, skip environmental and social impact assessments and environmental audits, and convince traditional and local leaders to betray their constituencies Companies
behaved with similar impunity when they started developing their corruptly acquired assets, ” the Instituteexplained.
It added that there were cases where firms illegally took possession of and destroyed land, including a n c e s t r a l f a r m s , archaeological sites, and religious shrines, without legallyrequirednegotiations
or paying adequate compensation.Communities enduredforcedrelocations.
“The water that people used for cooking, drinking and washing was diverted into extraction projects or polluted Community
development projects promised during license or contract negotiations never tookplace.
Working conditions in
Minister,Dr AshniSinghon Friday guaranteed that the government will protect the rights of all foreign businesses “as long as they create jobs and business opportunitiesforGuyanese”.
Singh made the promise whiledeliveringthekeynote addressatadinnerorganised by the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana, in honour of the ChineseSpringFestival.
some mines were terrible, with reports of child labor, dangerouslylongshifts,lack of sanitary facilities or safe ventilation, explosions and collapses,” according to the report.
The Institute said that many companies that won their rights through corruption, likewise ignored rulesandstandardsmeantto constrain their behaviour, withdisastrousresults.
“They violated air and water quality regulations, sometimes repeatedly and often with no punishment from the government. Over time, toxic dust from mines stunted crops and entered nearby homes; leaks and waste dumps killed marine life, sickened communities, and introduced harmful levels of lead and other poisons into people’s food and bodies Once some companies were caught harming people and ecosystems, they seemingly used their pol
protected status to escape accountability,” NRGI pointedout.
Further to that, there werecaseswherecompanies
investigations, intimidated and harmed protesters, and
remediation even when requiredbylaw Whenthose affec
ed protested— sometimes violently or went on strike, conditions didnotalwaysimprove.
NRGI said findings like these echo other research into the socioenvironmental costs of transition minerals the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, for instance, found over 500 allegations of human rights abuses in key supplychainsover12years.
Govt.vowstoprotect foreignbusinessesin returnforjobsand businessopportunities
Guyana’s Finance
sector, particularly those building roads and the New Demerara River Bridge, by boasting that projects are being completed at a fast rate.
Dr Singh told the Chinese diplomats and company representatives at the dinner that his government is inviting them in for the sole purpose of improving the lives of the Guyanesepeople.
The finance minister made it known that Guyana is on a path to development and transformation backed by its newly found lucrative oilresources.Hespokeofthe key investments his government is focusing on and listed them as infrastructural and social investments – education and health.
Dr. Singh said too that Guyana wants to invest heavilyintechnologybefore stating that Chinese businesses h
contributing to the government’s development plan by providing jobs for theGuyanesepeople.
“If you look at every sector in the economy, you will see Chinese community contributingtowhatwewant toachieveinGuyana,”Singh said before making special mention of the Chinese National Oil Company (CNOOC), the co-venturer in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana, and Chinese Bauxite company, BOSAIMineralsInc.
“BOSAI is playing a remarkable role in the resurgence of Bauxite in the country,” the finance minister said as he highlighted the sectors that Chinese businesses have investedin.
Healsorecognizedthose involved in the construction
“So, what this means for the rest of the world is that Guyana is open for open business to companies from all over the world,” The financeministersaid.
“…We are eager to have more companies from the UK, US, Canada and even Europe,” he continued before vowing to protect theirrightsinGuyana.
“As long as you are a law-abiding corporate citizen, you respect the laws of Guyana, you generate value for the Guyanese people,particularlyjobsand c r e a t i n g b u s i n e s s opportunities,” Dr Singh saidtheywillbeprotected.
The finance minister pointed to strategic business partnerships that are key to the country’s development. “You are welcomed to do businesshereinGuyanaand we will protect your rights,” heassuredasmembersofthe Chinese community cheered.
SimonaBroomeslaunches newpoliticalparty …Promisestotackle corruptionand“bevoice ofthevoiceless”
Former member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and government minister under the A Partnership for National Unity andAlliance
for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition has stepped away from politics of old and launched her own political party
Theparty,TheAssembly for Liberty and Prosperity (ALP), was launched at De ImpeccableBanquetHallon Brickdam amidst much pomp and ceremony The party’smissionistofightfor dignity,justiceandrights.
Pledging to lead with integrity and transparency while promoting equality, social and economic development, the party is dedicated to empowering communities, protecting civil rights and fostering sustainable development through ethical governance a
on Therefore, striving to create a society where every individual can thrive and contribute to shared prosperity.
Further, the party envisions a fair, inclusive and prosperous Guyana where every citizen enjoys equal opportunities and sustainable development ALP also aims to empower individuals, strengthen communitiesand uphold the dignity and rights of all, while celebrating and fostering innovation for a resilientfuture.
The launch began at approximately 13:00h with an emotional Broomes makingagrandentranceinto the Hall amidst a burst of cheers and encouragement by members and attendees alike.
Among those who attended the party’s launch wasleaderoftheAFC,Nigel Hughes,leaderoftheJustice for All Party, Jaipual Sharma, former Magistrate Dawn Holder-Cush and businessman Terrence Campbell.
Arepresentativefromthe United States Embassy in Guyana was also present Broomes warmly embraced attendees who wished her well in her new political venture.
“Iamaproductoffeeling downtrodden and a product of feeling that listen you can’t do it…We are here to bethevoiceofthevoiceless. Tostandagainsttheviolence a n d c r i m e a g a i n s t women…it just means that we are here for that good change,” an emotional
Broomes said as she announced the launch of her party
Sheexplainedthather Continued on page 21
Frompage20 partystartedwith10persons in a room and is not funded
b y “ b i g b a c k e r s ”
Notwithstanding, the ALP leadersaidthenumbershave sinceincreasedtomorethan 1000stronglocallyandover 300 being women from the Diaspora.
Speaking without a prepared script, Broomes told the packed venue that her party “will stand against crime and violence against womenandgirls.”
The former miner and internationally recognised trafficking in persons (TIP) herosaid,“Wearenotgoing to fight, but we’re going to beat up poverty in this country We’re going to put some blows in poverty As a people, we are unique as Guyanese. Our geographics, our culture, our different r e l i g i o u s b e l i e f s , background, we have enough wealth. We are different than any other countryintheworld.”
She said that her party willmeeteveryGuyaneseby “knocking on your doors, t h r o u g h s o c i a l media…because Guyana is ontherise.”
Broomes, who is no stranger to the political arena, said that she and her party members have a clear
understanding of the intricacies of the political landscapeandnotedthatasa woman she will experience “ d i s r e s p e c t a n d discrimination”.
“I understand the discrimination and the disrespectIwillhavetoface, my family will have to face, and you will have to face.
All the calls… we want a good change, and we are breaking barriers and pushing down and beating back against darkness. We understand that, and I put youonnotice,allofyoufrom nearandfar,thatIamready,” an enthusiastic Broomes said.
Meanwhile, on the sidelineoftheparty’slaunch Broomes told reporters that sheresignedfromthePNCR while adding that she believes she can achieve moreoutsideofthepartyshe was a member of since she wasateen.
“ I ’ l l b e a b l e t o accomplish exactly what I want to do,” she said while makingitclearthattherewas
no falling out with Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton,whowasinvitedbut wasanoshow “I don’t know anything
about that We’ve just launched a movement… we call women to arise, and I hopethateverybodyisproud about ALP and what we stand for…I didn’t opt out.
It’sbeenawhileasIwasout, I’m doing my social work. I’minthecommunities,”she stated.
The women’s rights activist pointed the main objectivesofherpartynoting
that there is an everincreasing need to advocate for marginalized voices, ensure access to free and quality education and healthcare, eradicate poverty, promote access to jobs and fair wages, uphold democratic values, ensure citizen security, build resilient infrastructure, implement technological infrastructureandencourage innovation.Further,shesaid
t h a t c o m b a t i n g discriminatory practices and corruption, advocating for women and girls, ending human trafficking and i n t e g r a t i n g a n d implementing policies across the government that support the well-being of each citizen are critical and necessary goals her party intendstoachieve.
The ALP has a presence on social media and can be found on TikTok and X formerlyknownasTwitter
Govt.assuresExxon nothidingtrueoildata …saysnewdiscoveries donotequateto moreoilforGuyana
While Guyana has seen anincreaseinoildiscoveries overthepastyears,thisdoes not mean the country now has more oil, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram
Bharrat told the Committee of Supply of the National Assemblylastweek.
He was at the time responding to questions on the allocations to his ministry in this year’s budget. Shadow Natural Resource
questioned Bharrat on whetherthereisanallocation in this year’s budget to monitor and understand the reserves as new discoveries occur He also asked for an explanation on why government has been failing toupdatethereserves.
To this end, Minister Bharrat told the House, “When you look at it logically, there is no reason forExxonorthegovernment of Guyana to withhold any information as to our discovered resources. As a matter of fact, it would be counterproductivenottosay wehave15or20or30billion (barrelsofoil).”
ExxonMobil is the operator of Guyana’s largest oil block- Stabroek- where thecompanyfirstdiscovered oilin2015.Sincethen,there has been a string of successful finds, taking the totaldiscoveriestodateupto 46.InApril2022,Exxonsaid the reserves in the Stabroek Block totaled 11 billion barrels. Two years and eight d i s c o v e r i e s l a t e r, governmentsaidthisgrewto 11 6B Notably, although Exxon supplies government with data, the company said its estimate of the resources waslowerthan11Bbarrels. While there continues to be questions about the real resources in the Stabroek Block, Bharrat told the National Assembly that updating the reserves to a higher number would make thecountryamoreattractive
reserves may come down “Based on the appraisal programme, it could say look, instead of 165 feet of oil-bearing sand, we now have 250 feet and we can estimate at 500 million barrelsofoil;ortheappraisal programme could go the otherwayandsayyouknow what, we over estimated at firstandtherealityis,itisnot 165,itisjust65,anditisnot 500 million barrels, it is just 200millionbarrels.”
To this end, Bharrat said new discoveries do not equate to more oil for
has been put on alert by the US about the business dealingsofEdAhmad. It is alleged too that he has managed to amass more lands in Guyana apart from the Ogle property, namely 12.5acresoflandinLethem for the purpose of Soya cultivation,sixacresmoreat Diamond, East Bank of Demerara and another five acres along the Heroes Highway
place for investment As such,heurgedthatthereisno reason to believe the government is withholding anyinformation.
The Minister explained that had there been an increase to the oil reserves, this would have helped the recent bid round to be more successful, as more companies would have been vying for a piece of the GuyanaBasin.
Similarly, Bharrat said the non-release of this informationbyExxonwould not be helpful for the company According to him, “If Exxon can say that we have15Bbarrelsofoilinthe Guyana Basin, their share pricewouldgouptomorrow morning…soit’snotthatwe don’t want to say, but that is the figure We cannot manufacture figures and say ohwehave15B,ohwehave 30B.”
He stressed that governmenthastoensurethe truth is presented to the public and the fact remains thatthecountry’soilreserves is just 11 billion barrels of oil.
The Minister noted that while there have been additionaldiscoveriesbythe oil giant over the years, the discovery pace has slowed down.Hewentontoexplain the technical process associated with determining oilreserves.
He said, “Yes you may have a discovery and you may say oh we encounter 150 feet of oil-bearing sand and you might decide that you’re going to use that to shore up your resources and saythisisequivalentto2Bor 3B-itdon’tworklikethat.”
Conversely, the Minister saidthatduringtheappraisal programme that follows an oil discovery, the estimated
Guyana “It is not a straightforward thing to say thatohwehad50discoveries andthenweaddsixmoreso we supposed to increase. It don’t work like that. It is based on the appraisal p r o g r a m m e b y t h e company,” the Minister stated.
SheriffHoldingsdistances selffromconvicted fraudsterEdAhmadover suspiciousOglelanddeal -Govt.sayssaleof 30acresprimelandswas alegaltransaction
Sheriff Holdings Inc. on Saturday issued a full-page Ad in the daily newspapers distancing itself from Edul
Ahmad, a convicted
fraudster in the US, following the suspicious purchaseofsome30acresor prime state lands at Ogle, EastCoastDemerara.
Ahmad, commonly known as Ed Ahmad is related to the owners and representatives of Sheriff Holdings Inc. Recently, he has come under public scrutiny for the purchase of state lands in Guyana through companies he is associatedwith.
T h e l a n d s w e r e reportedly purchased in July 2024 from the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) at a priceofGYD$30millionper acre by a company called Global Investment Inc. for the purpose of real estate development. According to a purchase
agreement shared by Attorney-at-LawandLeader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, Ed
Ahmad is listed as a representative of the company His designation seen on the document is Secretary/Director
The land deal was exposedfollowingreportsby a prominent journalist that the Guyanese government
The convicted fraudster has reportedly denied some of the claims, but AFC leader, Hughes has been pressing the government to comecleanonthelanddeal.
Hughes questioned the price per acre that Ahmad’s company paid for the Ogle primelands.
“Can CHPA indicate whereacitizencanpurchase an acre of land in Plantation Ogle near to ExxonMobil’s intended Head Office, from CHPA for $30M”, Hughes wroteonhisFacebookPage.
“A house lot in some residentiallocationsexceeds 30M” he added before demanding that the “Ministerwithresponsibility for CHPA issue an immediate statement on the authenticity”ofthelandsale agreement.
The CH&PA has since issued a statement claiming that the deal for the Ogle landswasbythebooks.
“CH&PAguaranteesthat all transactions follow established protocols including those concerning therecentsaleofcommercial lands”, the government agency stated before explainingtheprocess.
“The Ministry publicly advertised a call for Expressions of Interest from housing developers, and multiplecompaniesnotonly expressed interest but also met the outlined criteria unequivocally.” CH&PA continued as it moved on to highlight its pricing standards.
“Concerning pricing, a uniform rate of $30 million per acre was established for all developers”, the CH&PA said while assuring, “There w a s a b s o l u t e l y n o preferential rates or special considerations afforded to anyentity
“Per our standard procedures, all companies acquiring prime commercial lands are strictly required to adhere to the stipulated agreements regarding p r o p e r t y u s e ” t h e governmentagencyclaimed Continued on page 22
Frompage21 adding “any deviation from these agreements will incur penalties, as detailed in the contractualarrangements.
CH&PA then iterated, “The CH&PA stands firmly committed to ensuring a fair and transparent process for the allocation of both residential and commercial lands, fully aligned with national development goals”.
Meanwhile as the heat intensifies onAhmad, many have led to believe that Sheriff Holdings Inc. might bepartoftheselanddealstoo given his family relations withtheowner
This has prompted Sheriff Holdings Inc to makeapublicannouncement in a full-page ad claiming thatAdmadisnotassociated with or affiliated with the company EdAhmadwasconvicted in the US for Mortgage Fraud. In 2017, he was sentencedtotwoyearsinjail. He was also ordered to pay some US$2 7 million in restitutiontohisvictims.
CEOofHousingMinistry resignsfollowingland salescandalinvolving EdAhmad,others
Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority,
Sherwyn Greaves has reportedly resigned with immediate effect days after he was named in a land sale scandal involving convicted fraudster,EdulAhmad.
Ed Ahmad is under scrutiny for the suspicious purchase of 30 acres of Prime State Lands at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD) fromthegovernment.
The purchase agreement was for the lands was made
between CH&PA with Greaves at the helm and Global Investment Inc , a company that Ahmad is associatedwith.
A day later more suspicions over the transaction were raised after a document was circulated across social media platforms showing Greaves asthebeneficiaryofproperty in New York USA worth someUS$750,000.
According to the document Greaves purchased the New York property from Reliable Custom Builder Inc , a company that might be also linkedtoAhmad.
Businessman Terrence Campbelle has since written to the US Department of Justice requesting an investigation in the land deals between Greaves and companies that might be linkedtoEdAhmad.
Greaves was appointed CEOoftheCentralHousing and Planning Authority backinSeptember2020.He hadreplaced LelonSaul. At the time of his appointment, the CH&PAhad said that he possessed a wealth of knowledge in the areas of effective leadership and communication as he holds UTCa Master in Business Administration from the
Australia Institute of Business, a diploma in banking from the Associate Institute of Canadian
Bankers as well as a certificate in People and Team Management from the Canadian Securities Institute.
With a career in banking spanning over 27 years, Mr Greavesheldkeymanagerial positions throughout the
Localtruckerscomplain bitterlyofbeingsidelined byforeignquarry …Chinesetruckers making2/3tripsbefore theycanget1
Kaieteur News recently posed as a truck driver after scores of local truckers repeatedly complained bitterlyofbeingsidelinedby aforeigncompanyoperating a quarry at Arisaru Mountain,RegionTen.
The local truckers ply their trade lifting aggregate from the quarry to their employers’clients. They get paid by their bosses per trip and claimed that in the past they were able to make multiple trips per day but recently they have been sidelined by the Chineseowned quarry in favour of Chineseownedtrucksdriven byChinesenationals.
Now,theChinesetrucks, according to them, are makingtwotothreetripsper day while they can only get
one after waiting for 10 hours or more- some days. The local truckers said that the setback has greatly impacted their pay, significantly reducing their income.
After reportedly getting no satisfaction from the management, the truckers turned to the media, voicing their frustration Their multiple pleas led Kaieteur News to pose as a truck driver seeking aggregate for anemployer.KaieteurNews began its journey late one afternoon after conducting somerepairstoatruckwitha capacitytoliftsome48to52 tons of aggregate and had to wait some 19 hours before lifting 47 tons of ¾ inch aggregatefromthequarry
The truck arrived at around 20: 00hrs one evening and joined other local trucks outside of the quarry, waiting for a turn to enter Wemadearequestfor the¾inchaggregateandwas toldthatwewillhavetowait until the following day. Kaieteur News joined the
Whilewaitingthenewspaper spoke with local drivers to findouthowthelongwaitis affectingthem.
restoflocalswaitingoutside of the quarry all night while the Chinese-owned trucks approached the scale and entered into the mine. They did not leave. A few local trucks were allowed to enter and load up. Kaieteur News learnt that they had been waiting there for hours. Some had arrived very early in the day A few left with their aggregate while others exited but waited outside of the quarry to leave at dawn thefollowingday
Meanwhile, the Chinese trucks remained inside the gatesasthequarryclosedoff its operations around 02:00 hrs. the following morning. Itwasscheduledtobereopen atdaylightaround06:30hrs. When the hour arrived the gateswerestillclosedbutthe Chinese trucks that had entered the previous night were leaving filled to capacity A few minutes aftertheyleft,thegateswere opened and the locals including Kaieteur News rushedtobookintheirtrucks foranearlyload.
Trucks were booked in the order of the time they arrived.Shortlyafteralineof local trucks, that had been waiting there for almost a day before Kaieteur News andothertruckshadarrived, were allowed to enter The rest were told to wait. After they left, Kaieteur News sought an update and was toldthattheaggregateitwas there to uplift was not available and that the plant was only washing crusher run (a crushed form of aggregate used in the constructionofroads).
This newspaper enquired about the Chinese trucksthathadleftearlyand wasinformedthattheylifted crusher run. Kaieteur News waited for hours as the Chinese trucks returned and left again with another trip.
Some said: “It is what it is” while others were vocal. To protect their identity Kaieteur News will not disclose who they are because they fear that they could land their bosses in trouble and get suspended from the quarry Some vented their frustration saying that when the trail was all slush, they were the onlyoneswhosupportedthe quarry “Now the road (Linden to Mabura trail presentlyunderconstruction at cost of US$195M) get good dem bring a set of Chinese trucks and giving them priority over we”, one truckdriversaid.
Another added, “We don’t have a problem with theChineseworkingbutthey mustjointhelineliketherest of us,” as he accused the Chinese truckers of cutting in the line in front of them. After waiting an entire day and almost an entire night Kaieteur News was able to lift its quota of aggregate from the quarry leaving a long line of locals still waitingtheirturn.
Quarry management
Later Kaieteur News contacted the quarry’s management relating the local truckers’ claim that theyarebeingsidelined.The quarry’smanagementdenied the claims dismissing it as a “rumour” and stated the company does not prioritise any truck above the locals.
They said that their distribution process for aggregate is a transparent oneandaskedthenewspaper to produce the evidence provingotherwise.
Kaieteur News shared a video clip of local trucks waitingwhileChinesetrucks were leaving filled to capacity The management said that the clip was not enoughproofandsaidonlya photograph of the waiting list could clear-up any misunderstanding the truck drivers might have A photograph of a waiting list was provided and Kaieteur News explained that it will not reveal the identity of the truck drivers for the trucks booked but assured that it is in possession of evidence thatthelocalswereonlyable to lift aggregate more than tenhoursafterbookingin.
The management remained adamant that the listdoesnotprovethatthe Continued on page 40
The Grey-winged trumpeter locally knowninGuyana as the Warakabra is a small bird that packs a punch and reportedly has an eye for evil.
Fully grown it stands at some 52 centimeters tall but don’t underestimate it Accordingtolocalsitcanbe aggressive and “fight just like a dog” to protect itself and territory, even killing venomoussnakes.
If you have never seen these interesting birds then you can take a trip down to the Georgetown Zoological Park and Rescue Center, located at the Botanical Gardens,toobservethem.
Scientists have given them the name Psophia (pronounced as Sofia) crepitans and said that they belong to a small family of birdscalledPsophiidae.
They are native to the Amazon Rainforest along
the Guiana Shield in South America and can be found not only in Guyana but Brazil, Suriname, Colombia Venezuela,PeruandBolivia. These forest birds are described as chicken-like because of their long neck and legs combined with a humpback. The name greywingedtrumpeterisbecause of its stand-out ashy greycoloured wings and rump. The rest of its plumage is mostly black. The bird’s stoutisslightlydecurvedand the bill is yellowish green while the legs and feet are greenish olive. Some also sport a violet-purplish crescentonitbreastcloserto theneck. Theiruniquebody structure has some disadvantages and one of them is that they are weak flyers and prefer mostly to run. To thrive in the wild, warakabras nest in hollow trees and would normally live in flocks of up to 15,
feedingmostlyonfruitsthat fallontheforestfloorsorleft overs from monkeys foraging in the overhead trees.Theirdietalsoconsists ofsmallarthropods. However,onlytheyoung ones would prefer this cuisine. Adultsrarelyeatthe invertebrates and prefer stickingtoafullfruitdiet. When it comes to family life and reproduction a dominant female in the flock hasherluck Uptothreemales can mate with her and the responsibility of incubating theeggsandraisingtheyoung is a shared one among the flock.
Although these birds are considered to be wild ones they can be easily tamed and raisedaspets
The indigenous people of Guyana love treating them as family and having them in their yards and around their home One of the main reasonsforthisisbecausethey
Awomanwhohadreared warakabrasaspetinthepast said they preform the same tasks as a dog. “Dem does runyuhdownandfightbad, you can’t come in the yard jussa dem would peck yuhup just like how duh pigeon peck up the lady”, she said.
behaviour claiming that the
Grey-winged Trumpeters at Guyana’s Zoological Park and rescue centers.
forestbirdhasakeeneyefor dangerous predators and are always on the look-out for a threat.Ifathreatapproaches, they would raise a loud alarm with a low humming vocalizing sound “wuh wuh wuh wuh”. They are also rumored to be fierce snake killers but in Guyana some locals rear them for a differentreasonanditallhas to do with a folk-lore that
thesebirdscandetectevil. It is believed that if some-one plants “obeah” in your yard or home, the warakabras would peck it out, expose it and toss it away Remember this is only a folk-lore and cannot be scientifically proven, but the warakabra wins this week’s bid for The Waterfalls’ interesting creatures.
As we move toward Saint Valentine’s Day in the next five days, we reflect upon the genesis of that unique holy or festive day which is commemorated or celebrated on 14th February everyyear.
In the 21st century, Valentine’s Day is widely celebrated in Western Countries as a day of romantic love, with the United States being the capitalofsuchcelebrations
Couples, married or
unmarried, exchange tokens of love which are nowstylizedintomostlyred roses or bouquets with red roses dominating, chocolates or red heartshaped boxes contain confections or other useful gifts of jewelry and often with pictures of the GrecoRoman mythological God ofLoveCupid,shootinghis arrows of love into human heartsengenderingeroticor romanticlove
Saint Valentine’s Day
has also developed its own language of colours which send messages covering the gamut of romantic relationships, for example red denotes the wearer is already deeply in love; Orange, will be proposing; Blue- the wearer is free and opentoproposals; Pink-has already accepted someone’s proposal; orGreen-waiting forsomeone.
O w i n g t o t h e commercialization of the holy day where, in the United States for example, over $18 billion in flowers and chocolates are sold and couples engage themselves in dinners, dances and picnics, the religious significance of the Day, which involves the martyrdom of Bishop Valentine of Rome in the third century A.D. and who was later elevated to Sainthood, is either completely forgotten or divorced from connection withtheDay
In the ancient Roman
religion,there was a festival known as Lupercalia, which celebrated human fertility andalsotheshe-wolf,which succoured Romulus, the founder of Rome. By the second century A D, the festivalhadlostitssolemnity and had deteriorated into a greatorgy.
Goats and dogs were sacrificed, skinned and their skinswerecutintostripsand the celebrants would dip thesestripsintothebloodof the animals and frenziedly run around Rome naked, striking women who were infertile after which they were believed to become childbearing.
There was also a lottery of unmarried men and women who were then pairedoffandwentintoshort termrelationships,oratmost for a year until next Lupercalia.
The Lupercalia festival wascelebratedbetween13th and15thFebruary
The next strand of the origin of St Valentine’s Day
is Christian. In the second centuryAD,Valentinewasa Bishop of the Catholic ChurchinRomewhenRome wasstillapaganempireand city.
TheEmperorofRomeat the time was Claudius Gothicus,whofoundthathis armies were always short of men because married men could not be enlisted Claudius therefore banned marriages but Bishop Valentine secretly kept on solemnizingthemarriagesof youngmen.
When the Emperor found out what Bishop Valentine was doing, he had him arrested and sentenced todeath.
TheBishopbecamevery friendly with his jailer to whom he had explained the Gospel and who said he would publicly declare himself a Christian, if the Bishop’s prayers could cure his blind daughter of her blindness.
BishopValentineplaced hishandsoverthegirl’seyes,
prayedandmiraculouslyshe regainedhersight.
Before his execution on the same day, he left a note forthecuredgirlendingwith the words “Your Valentine” which was adopted over the centuries in all Valentine correspondence.
o p Valentinus was canonized as Patron Saint of Marriage and families in theFifthCenturyAD,14th February was chosen as his Feast Day enveloping Lupercalia, minimizing it ofitsorgiasticexcesses
During the 19th and 2
religious aspects of Saint Valentine’s Day, which
importance of marriage and th
ng of children, were ignored or neglected because the populationoftheplanetwas growing at a rate which the resourcesoftheworldcould notsustain.
The growth of world
centuries was caused by
science, the improvement
he continuous betterment of
instance, in wastedisposal, which resulted in greater longevity and the reduction intherateofinfantmortality
In the 21st century, however, the populations of several parts of the world are in net decline
become extinct, except there is immigration, with South Korea and J
The present logical demographic prediction is that homo sapiens could again be a small minority of the earth’s creatures if creative effort is not made tostabilizethesituation In this effort, the message of StValentine’sDayisofthe highest importance and needstoberesuscitated
European Commission
-Sofia Pereira Sá was diagnosed with cancer in summer2023andunderwent 20 rounds of chemotherapy She still feels some side effectsnow,suchas“chemo brain”.
“All these side effects preventedmefrombeingthe mum I wanted to be for my one and half-year-old son. I couldn’t play with him, I couldn’t bathe him, I couldn’t take him to school. This was the hardest part of the whole treatment. It was heartbreaking,” recalls Sofia. Sofia’sstoryisalltoo commonandareminderthat thediseasetouchesusall.
World Cancer Day on 4 February encourages cancer
prevention globally and mobilises action to address it According to the
European Commission’s CountryCancer2025reports for EU countries, Norway and Iceland, cancer survival rateshaveincreasedby12% across the EU. However, cancer prevalence has increasedby24%andcancer inequalities persist across EUcountries.
The reports find that abouthalfofcancercasesare caused by four main cancer types:/colorectal, lung, prostate and breast. They a l s o n
rates/andan/overalldecrease in/alcohol use. Overweight and obesity, however, remain an increasing challenge, with over half of adults in the EU being overweight.
The EU is actively playing its part in tackling the disease. In 2021, it launched Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. This has seen the establishment of several key initiatives to improve cancer prevention, early det
treatment and quality of life of cancer patients and survivorsintheEU.
One of these initiatives, the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer, published the first official version of the/European qualityassuranceschemefor breastcancerservices,ahead of World Cancer Day./The scheme defines a set of quality requirements for breast cancer care, covering
, treatment, and follow-up acrosstheEU.
Várhelyi is hosting his first Youth Policy Dialogue, with 30 young cancer survivors and young cancer
professionals TheDialogue is an occasion for the participants to share their viewsonEUhealthpolicies andprogrammesinthefield of oncology and discuss howhealthpolicycanbetter serve cancer patients and survivors Meanwhile, Sofia - now working in communication at the European Research Executive Agency - is drawing hope from an ongoing research project funded under the EU’s Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions programme.Their ‘superglue’ treatment could help the immune system fight cancer more effectively, with less side effects
The2025editionof the Guyana M o n a c o Mousetrap Car Grand Prix, held today at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, saw 12 secondary schools compete in a thrilling engineering and creativity challenge.
Students were tasked with designing and building their own model cars powered by a mousetrap engine. The event was organizedbySBMOffshore, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, providing studentswithanopportunity to showcase their skills in engineering, creativity, and innovation The students competed in three categories: Acceleration, Advance, and Innovation and Creativity Each team
battled for the prestigious first prize in their respective categories,whichincludeda cash award of $350,000 to support the development of their school’s science laboratory,aswellasatripto Monaco to compete in the internationalmeet.
Abram Zuil Secondary Schooltookhomefirstplace in theAcceleration category with their mousetrappowered car that drove the
Winners of the competition in different categories,Abram Zuil Secondary School, St. Rose’s High School and Friendship Secondary School
farthest in the shortest amountoftime.Theschool’s innovative design outpaced
IntheAdvancecategory, St Rose’s High School claimed the top spot with their impressive car, which not only raced along the track but also autonomously reversed to the starting line after completing the course Their success highlighted the students’ advanced engineeringandprogramming
Secondary School, a firsttimecompetitorandtheonly
hinterland school in the competition, clinched the first-place prize in the Innovation and Creativity category Theircarwasbuilt usinganindigenousmaterial traditionally used to craft arrows for hunting and fishing. The plant material, both lightweight and strong, gave the car a unique advantage, showcasing the students’ creativity and resourcefulness.
This year’s event marks the third edition of the Guyana Monaco Mousetrap Car Grand Prix, which continues to grow in both popularityandparticipation.
Open to all secondary schools across the country, the event saw registrations conducted online, providing an accessible platform for young minds to engage in practical science and engineeringprojects.
T h e s u c c e s s f u l competition highlights the importance of fostering creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork among students It also underscores the role of corporate and governmental partnerships in providing valuable learning opportunities for the next generationof innovators and engineers.
Frompage22 company is sidelininglocals
for Chinese trucks However,itdidnotdenythat the Chinese trucks are making more trips than the locals who have to wait sometimes 10 hours and moreforaloadofaggregate. The management said that there is an explanation for this and assured that it has nothing to do with forcing the locals out of business or sideliningthem.
Speaking with Kaieteur News one of the company’s representatives said that trucks might have to wait longerdependingonthesize ofaggregatetheyarethereto collect. “ThereisonethingI think you are confusing, So Kinawa trucks (Chinese owned trucks) only load crusher run and the trucks that wait the long time is other size (larger size aggregate) so there is no
wrong” , the company representative explained while adding that trucks lifting crusher run is not limited to only Chinese “Kinawa trucks or any other trucks that load for crusher run they don’t have to wait theycanloadliketwo,three, four trips everyday” the representative continued before adding “but the other size we don’t have enough (can’tproduceenoughatthe same time) so they have to wait a day sometimes 10 hours more to wait for the stonebecauseit’sadifferent size”.
No sidelining
According to the company representative crusher run is quicker to produce and that this was explained multiple times to t h e c l i e n t s T h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e acknowledged that indeed truck drivers have raised concerns about the waiting time. “I got calls every day, theysaytruckscutinlinebut whentheyconfrontme,they find out the truth,” the company representative told KaieteurNews.
Kaieteur News then asked the company representative if there is any possiblesolutiontotheissue between the local truckers and the company and even suggestedthatperhapsitcan dedicate specific days to produce larger size stones onlyandcrusherrunonother
days In response the representativesaid,“itisnot aseasyasyouthink,ittakesa whole day to change the screen(toproducelargersize aggregate).”
The representative said that the quarry has an operationalplanonwhatsize aggregate to produce first and it is created to suit its contractual obligations ratherthanretailers(mostof the local truckers) “We have signed contracts for c r u s h e r r u n , ” t h e representative said, explaining that failure to meet contractual obligations willseethecompanyhaving to compensate its clients
One of the quarry’s contractual arrangements is to supply materials to the Ministry of Public Works
The representative assured thatthelongwaitmaynotbe “all the time” for the locals. “But for the last two weeks wehavesomanyorderslike big ones. So they have to wait.EveryclientItoldthem they have to wait for more than10hoursevenmorethan a day,” the representative said.
Govt.revealsnames ofsixcompaniestoget newoilblocks …threedaysafter MinistertoldParliament hecouldnotdisclose information
After informing the National Assembly on Fridaythatthecompaniesto beawardedoilblockswillbe announcedatalaterdate,the Ministry of Natural Resources on Monday disclosed the companies, following a media report by anonlinepublication.
News Source reported that the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat had declared earlier that Government has “nothing to hide” with regard to the management of the Petroleum Sector, but
declined to provide the ParliamentaryCommitteeof Supplywiththenamesofthe four companies that are expected to sign the new Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)forfourof the country’s lucrative offshoreoilblocks.
Inresponse,theMinistry deemed the report “very mischievous” as it maintained that the oil blocks auction has been transparent, with ongoing publicengagement.
TheMinistrynoted,“The most substantially responsive bidders have been publicly announced, and the process is currently in its final stages, with the awardees expected to be formalisedsoon.”
To this end, it said that upon the completion of the regulatory process, a press eventwillbeheldtomarkthe
PSAs, ensuring that the public
d throughouttheprocess.
In the meantime, it shared the list of companies and blocks for which PSAs areexpectedtobesignedthis year
“TheseincludeblocksS4 – TotalEnergies, Qatar Energy, and Petronas; S5 –
International Group InvestmentInc.;S7–Cybele Energ
On Day One of the Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2025, Minister Bharrat explained that the four PSAs to be signed this year relates to the recent bid round.
Hewaskeentopointout that while four oil contracts aretobesigned,thisdoesnot meanthatdifferentdealswill be approved. According to him, the fiscal terms of the agreementswillbethesame.
W h e n a s k e d b y Opposition Parliamentarian, David Patterson, to provide the House with the list of companiestobeawardedoil blocks, Bharrat responded that this will be done later “forobviousreasons.”
“We will announce the four blocks that will be awarded (to) the companies atalaterdateandforobvious reasonstoo,”hesaid.
In December 2022, PresidentIrfaanAlilaunched the country’s inaugural bid round for 14 offshore oil blocks.
Bids were later opened on September 10, 2023 where it was disclosed that six companies submitted bidsforeightoftheblocks.
Kaieteur News had reportedthatelevenoftheoil blocksonauctionarelocated intheshallowareaandthree are in the deepwater zone. Importantly, each area is governed by separate PSAs. They range between 1000 square kilometres to 3000 square kilometres with the majorityofthembeingclose to2000squarekilometres.
The oil companies will be expected to pay a 10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax to the government of Guyana. In the meantime, the cost recoverywillbecappedat65 percentinagivenyear,while profits will be shared 50/50 betweentheparties.
A c c o r d i n g t o government, it recognises
thesignificantpublicinterest in this sector and remains committed to ensuring that the development of the oil and gas industry is conductedinamannerthatis b
beneficialtothecountryasa whole.
Houseapproves$51B forcontroversial gas-to-energyproject -PMsays20%of workcompleted,eyes Novemberstart-up
Construction of the Gasto-Energy (GTE) project is only 20% completed so far, butPrimeMinisterBrigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips has informed the National Assembly that the project will be completed by November2025.
This year government has allocated $51B towards the completion of the gas project, aimed at reducing the cost of electricity by 50% Already, government has expended $105 3B on the project to date The allocation for this year includes $74M for the Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board; $33M for land acquisition; $36.2B for the power plant and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
plant; $6 2B for the relocation of subsea cable; $1 7B for project management consultants; $331 7M for transformers; $4.5B for transmission lines and substations; $67.1M for consulting and engineering servicesfortheintegrationof Guyana National Control Centre; $554 3M for engineering, procurement andconstructionservicesfor theconstructionofabuilding for the Guyana National Control Centre and $38.9M for consultancy services for theconstructionofabuilding for the Guyana National ControlCentre.
U n d e r a n o t h e r subheading, government allocated funds for three different consultants for the
project. On Monday, during D a y T w o o f t h e Consideration of Estimates for Budget 2025, the Prime Ministersaidthatforthehire of consultants to support the request for proposals for phasetwooftheGTEproject $64.6M has been set aside, while another $96M will go towards the request for proposalsandoperationsand management of GTE phase one NGLplant ($96M), and $42 5M for an advisor/ consultant to the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister committedtolayoverthelist of all the advisors to the House Meanwhile, he informed the Committee of theSupplythatbyNovember 1,2025,thesimplecyclewill be on stream for the gas-toenergy project. The Prime Minister was asked by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson for an update on the percentage of work completedtodate.
According to the PM, constructionoftheprojectis currently 20% completed, whiletheoverallcompletion is 62% Also considered were the engineering, procurement and logistics related to the project in arriving at the total percentagecompleted.
He said that additional work is to be done on the foundationandtheassembly of the plant but the components have been delivered and are in the country
BrutussackedbyPolice ServiceCommission
Embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Calvin Brutus has reportedly been dismissed from his position in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) by the Police Service Commission(PSC).
KaieteurNewslearntthat B
r on Wednesday evening Demerara Waves quoted the letter, issued by the PSC which reads: “You are hereby notified that the Commissionhasdetermined that you should be and are hereby dismissed from the Guyana Police Force, effective,February5,2025.” Additionally, the PSC directed that Chief Commissioner of Police CliftonHickenbeinstructed Continued on page 41
Frompage40 to “take all such actions as are necessary to facilitate your handover and return of all documents, equipment, andotherassetsbelongingto theGuyanaPoliceForcethat are currently in your possession,” the letter to Brutusstated.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthatBrutus,who isfacing261financialcrime charges at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, was found guilty by a special tribunal of the disciplinary chargesbroughtagainsthim. Based on this ruling, the tribunal recommended his dismissalfromtheforce.
Efforts to reach representativesfromboththe PSCandBrutusforcomment were unsuccessful However, Brutus’ lawyer, Eusi Anderson, was contacted for clarification regardingtheterminationbut he stated that, he nor Brutus received a letter from the PSC. “Icanconfirmthatwe haven’treceivedanythingof thatnature…”hesaid.
OnJanuary22,2025,the PSC appointed a special tribunal to investigate a seriesofseriousdisciplinary charges against Brutus Despite being summoned, Brutus had failed to attend any of the hearings, instead opting to approach the High Courttoseekthedismantling of the tribunal. He argued that the tribunal was biased against him and that he would not receive a fair hearing.
The tribunal that was tasked with investigating Brutus’conduct,waschaired by ShoshannaV Lall. Other membersincluded:Attorney Keoma Griffith and former Commissioner of Police
Seelall Persaud The tribunal’s administrative affairs were managed by Hugh Park, an Attorney-atLawwhohasbeenappointed as the Secretary, while Bernard da Silva also an Attorney-at-Law, served as CounseltotheTribunal.
Brutus faced two major charges from the Tribunal, under Section 4 (z) of the Police (Discipline) Act, Chapter 17:01 The first charge alleged that Brutus directed a payment of $13,670,204fromtheGPF’s WelfareFund,inviolationof the Force’s Standing Order 36 The second charge accused Brutus of falsifying records at the Quartermaster Stores It is alleged that Brutus created false documentation to show that
g o o d s v a l u e d a t
$101,431,050 had been delivered by Corwin Nicholson, trading as 3D Construction, leading to fraudulent payments being made.
The month of February thus far has proved to be a tragic period for Guyana, as six lives have been lost in a series of road accidents that spannedacrossthenation.
F r o m E a s t B a n k Demerara(EBD)toBerbice, grief-stricken families and friends mourned the sudden deaths of their loved ones, with the tragic series of accidentsbeginningearlyon Sunday and continuing yesterday
The latest accident on Wednesday resulting in the death of 65-year-old Vakeanand Sukdeo. He was killedwhenatruckslammed into him on the Covent Garden Public Road, EBD. Police reported that the incident occurred around
06:25h The accident involved a motor lorry with registration number #GAF 9065, owned and driven by 21-year-old Joshua Lim, a resident of Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke-LindenHighway Investigations revealed that Sukdeo was riding his bicycle proceeding south along the western driving lane of Covent Garden Public Road, while the lorry was proceeding north along the eastern driving lane of the western carriageway of the said road. “As the lorry driver approached an open space between the concrete median that separates the twocarriageways,hemadea right turn (east) onto the eastern carriageway of the road and collided with the pedal cyclist, ” police reported.
Following the collision, thepedalcyclistfellontothe road surface where he received injuries about his
beingrushedtotheDiamond DiagnosticCenter,bothmen were pronounced dead on arrival.
Just a few hours earlier, around 21:00h, 18-year-old motorcyclistFinidyMiggins from Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara, had also losthislife.Finidy,whowas speeding along the WCD road, collided head-on with anothercarwhileattempting to overtake another vehicle.
body An ambulance was summoned to the scene, along with Medical Technicians who examined Sukdeo, and pronounced him dead. His body was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination. “Thedriverof the lorry was arrested and placed in custody, where he i
The spate of deadly accidents started on Sunday morningwhenSureshSingh, a 25-year-old man from Hillfoot, Soesdyke was killed. He was driving his black Toyota Fielder Wagon when tragedy struck According to eyewitnesses, Singh lost control of his vehicleandcollidedhead-on with a truck traveling in the opposite direction at Timerhi,EBD.Theimpactof the crash left Singh motionlessontheroadway,a sight caught on a video that soon spread across social media News of his death reachedhisclosefriend,Joel Sutherland, who saw a Facebook post early that morning. Heartbroken, Joel sharedthepost,captioningit, “RestEasyChamp.”
At around 11:00h, Joel Sutherland sent a voice message to Singh’s sister expressing his condolences.
“My condolences to you my sister I just see this thing on Facebook and right now me head hurting It so sad I know the feelings, hold it up,”hesaid,unawarethatthe tragedy would soon strike himaswell.
Later that same day, around 23:00h, Sutherland, along with his friend
Ronaldo Gordon, was in a FielderWagonwhendisaster struck once more. The car, driven by Gordon, crashed into a bridge along the Land of Canaan Public Road EBD. Both Sutherland and Ronaldo were ejected from thecaruponimpact.Despite
councilor for constituency Number9.Investigationsare ongoing.
Following his death tributespouredonFacebook. Councillor Lelon Saul said, “Guyana,mournsthelossof one of its dedicated public
The crash flung both Miggins and his 19-year-old brother,TerronMiggins,into theairbeforetheylandedon the pavement Tragically, Miggins succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment at the Leonora Cottage Hospital, while his brother was hospitalised withsevereleginjuries.
ThecarnageonGuyana’s roadways did not stop there.
On Monday morning, another motorcyclist, Edwin Hartman, lost his life on Eversham Public Road in Corentyne, Berbice. Thirtyfive-year-old Hartman was ridinghismotorcyclewhena car, which was driven by a 67-year-old man from Eversham, signaled to make a right turn As Hartman attempted to pass, his motorcyclecollidedwiththe car’s rear and front doors, throwing him onto the road. Hartman sustained fatal injuriesandwaspronounced dead shortly after the collision.
Citycouncillor killedbyboy,16
Georgetown City Councillor, 47-year-old businessman Kyle Anthony Solomon was stabbed to death early Wednesday, reportedly by a 16-year-old boy in D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown.
ReportsarethatSolomon waskilledaround04:00hrs. during a botched home invasion.Thecitycouncillor reportedly came out of his home and saw the 16-yearold suspect trying to gain entryintohisshop.Heraised an alarm and the boy started to run. Solomon reportedly chased behind the suspect, police said and caught up with him They had an argument and during the exchange of words, the suspect pulled out a knife from his waist and began stabbingthebusinessman.
He then ran leaving the businessmanbleedingonthe ground. When help arrived, Solomon was pronounced dead. Solomon was a city
was tragically and brutally taken in an act of senseless violence that has left a void thatwillresonatethroughout hiscommunity
Solomon was described to be a man of integrity, compassion, and who has unwavering commitment to h
“Councillor Solomon spent his life uplifting those aroundhim,especiallyinthe often-overlooked areas of D’UrbanBacklands.Though his roots were planted in a section of Georgetown that has faced many challenges, Solomon was a beacon of hope a symbol of perseverance in the face of adversity His enduring legacywillbehisdedication toimprovingthelivesofthe most vulnerable in his community,”Saulsaid. He related that the councilor was dedicated to justice,equality,andserving his community through empathy and leadership Tragically, he was killed during a robbery attempt His kindness and impact on others will not be forgotten saidSaul.
Additionally, also on Facebook Denzel C. St Hill expressed that he met Solomon two years ago when he was first appointed as a casual Employment ManagerforBanksDIH. “I remembered him saying to me, “Denzel, we may sit across from each other on twodifferentpoliticalfences but we have a duty to the community and young people.” I replied and said “Kyle, we may be on two different sides but our primarygoalistoensurethat we serve all Guyanese,” he saidintheFacebookpost.
VPJagdeotriesto compare75acresof junglelandsNigel Hugheswantstoacquire with35acresof primecitylandssoldto EdAhmadandothers …misleads nation that the AFC leader had acquired the lands
In a desperate bid to d
y government’ssaleofover35 acres of prime land to convicted fraudster Edul ‘Ed’Ahmad, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday sought to highlight a bid by Attorney, Nigel Hughes to lease and purchase 75 acres ofundevelopedstatelandsin Continued on page 42
Frompage40 the Essequibo jungle.At his press conference, Jagdeo stated, “Imagine two days ago, he [Hughes] said we must pause, a legitimate g o v e r n m e n t n o t a government in caretaker mode must pause on giving lands, and he secured for himself75acresoflandafter theCCJ[CaribbeanCourtof Justice] had ruled and after theelections.”
However,areviewofthe documents presented by Jagdeo during the press conference shows that
Hughes was granted approval for leased lands intended for agricultural purposes Two Provisional Leasedocuments,bothdated March19,2020,indicatethat Hughesreceivedatotalof50 acres of State land situated on the left bank of the Essequibo River, below the mouth of the Groete Creek. Both documents state that the land was approved for agricultural purposes at an annualrentof$800peracre.
Notably,atthebottomof the documents, it is stated, “Thisleaseshallnotsubletor givepermissiontoanyoneto occupy the land or part thereof.”
Athirddocument,aletter dated October 24, 2019, shows that Hughes, along withoneMs.NoreenGaskin, received approval for an additional25acresoflandat the left bank of the Essequibo River, below the mouth of the Groete Creek. These lands were allocated throughtheGuyanaLands& Surveys Commission (GLSC).
Under the laws of Guyana, a lease can be obtained for the cultivation on a large scale of rubber, limes or other citrus fruit,
cacao, coffee, fibres, coconuts, and other permanent agricultural
products, under the State LandsAct.
In his response to Vice President, Hughes in a Facebookpostexplainedthe statusofhisleasedlandsand alleged that the PPP government has denied grantinghimafinallease. Hughes explained, “In relation to 50 acres of heavily forested land on the leftbankoftheEssequiboat Groete Creek, in January 2016,Ipurchased50acresof landfromSimonMunroefor thesumof2milliondollars.”
Hedisclosedthatinorder forthelandtobetransferred to him, he was required to make an application to the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission (GLSC) which was done and other obligationslikeconductinga survey However, he stated that since the provisional lease was granted back in March2020,thegovernment has frustrated the process to grantafinallease.“Sincethe grantoftheprovisionallease in 2020 March, the GLSC has perisistently refused to issue a final lease. This has
prevented and frustrated all attempts to transfer the property.”
According to Hughes, GLSC refused to accept his payment of rent. In addition to that he noted that despite sending four letters of r e q u e s t t o G L S C Commissioner for the issuance of the lease, he has not even received an acknowledgment to his letter
“He has persistently refusedtoevenacknowledge m y l e t t e r s A s a consequence, all investment plans for the project have been intentionally frustrated,”Hughesstated.
Hughes claimed that be believes that only “the friends, family and the favoured”ofthegovernment are allowed to go forward and see their investments mature.
Addressing the latter 25 acres of land, Hughes said that this too suffered the same fate, with frustration fromGLSCtograntthefinal lease.
To this end, he said, “I
welcome and urge a full investigation of this acquisition and the reason whyithasbeenfrustrated.”
Jagdeo speaking at his weekly press conference yesterday sought to defend lands sold to Ahmad, a convicted fraudster and his allegedcloseaffiliationwith Sherwyn Greaves who abruptly resigned from his post as Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority over the scandal surroundingthesaleoflands here This publication previously reported that Ahmadwasgiven12.5acres of land in Lethem for the cultivation of soya bean, another 30 acres of prime lands at Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara for real estate purposes, six acres of landatDiamondontheEast Bank of Demerara, another five acres of prime lands on the Heroes Highway near MochaArcadia,and17acres at Leonora, West Coast Demerara.
Regarding the lands given toAhmad at Ogle, the Vice President defended the government’s decision He used land allocation by the previous APNU+AFC government as grounds to defend the government’s decision to sell prime lands toAhmadandothersfor$30 millionperacre.Jagdeosaid, “Imagine all the lands that we’ve given out so far for private development, not a single person has received title in these areas for housing development, not a single one, including Ed Ahmad. They all paid $30 million per acre, the same price that they were selling thelandat…” Hecontinued, “They had to pay the 30
Notably,initsSeptember 2024 press statement Gold Port said that it had recently completed a review of the project in light of soaring gold prices that were seen lastyear
Gold Port said, “The Company has recently completed a project review given the continued strong upward trend in the gold price.”
The project boasts an inferred mineral resource estimate of 1 57 million gold-copper equivalent ounces, contained in 74 million tonnes at a grade of 0.66 grams per tonne gold equivalent, according to a 2019 National Instrument 43-101report.
million, there is nothing wrong, nothing corrupt about it, same price they are paying. Nigel Hughes questioningthatprice.”
For his part, Hughes called for an investigation into all lands sold and acquiredatOgle.
He stated, “I invite the VPto name the companies I haveanyequityin.Whilehe is at it, he should cause a similarinvestigationintothe allocations of land along the Heroes Highway where the beneficiaries transferred property to the CEO in New York.”
Soaringgoldpriceentices Canadiancompanyto renewpermitsinGuyana
Canadiancompany,Gold Port Corporation, the 100% owner of the Groete Gold CopperProjectlocatedinthe Essequibo, had their mining permitsrenewedlastyearfor fiveyears.
Gold Port made the announcementinSeptember 2024thattheGovernmentof Guyana through the Guyana
Geology and Mines
Commission (GGMC) granted the mining permits, which cover 1,384 hectares, will now remain in effect untilJuly2027.
“During this five-year period,theCompanyhasthe optiontodeveloptheProject and convert the Mining Permits into a Mining License The Project is strategically located 64 kilometers west-southwest ofGeorgetown,thecapitalof Guyana, and 11 kilometers westoftheEssequiboRiver, a major transportation route in the country,” it was
“The noted resource was calculated based upon US$1,275 per ounce gold, a far lower value than the present gold price of over US$2,470 per ounce,” Gold Port said in its release late lastyear
Further, the company quoted information from the World Bank highlighting that their project has a strategic location near existinginfrastructure,andis in a mining friendly country with Guyana boasting the fastest growing economy in theworld.
To facilitate further development,GoldPortsaid, “ T h e C o m p a n y i s interviewing additions to management to facilitate a drillprogramtoenhanceand potentially expand the currentknownresource.The Company has its own drill equipment in Guyana to completetheprogram.”
The Groete Project has a long exploration history, dating back to the 1960s when it was first drilled by theUnitedNations,followed by additional work conducted in the 1990s by Coeurd’AleneMinesLtd.
“The project has emerged as one of Guyana’s largest gold copper zones, and the only deposit with deep water access,” it was stated. Gold Port noted that theProjectwaslastexplored in 2012, which included a drillprogrammethatallowed thecalculationofanInferred Mineral Resource of 1 57 million gold equivalent ounces (gold plus copper) at a grade of 0.66 grams per tonnegoldequivalent.
Thecompany’splanisto focus the next round of exploration on the highergrade gold portion of the deposit.
Two of the competing steel orchestras in the Republic Bank’s Panorama 2025
On February 2, 2025, at the Kingston Seawall, hundreds of peoplegathertoseethelaunchof the2025RepublicBank’sPanoramalaunch.
The events had special performances for a few Steel pan groups who will also be competinginthefinals.
Groups such as the Guyana Police Force Steel Band, Ansa McAL Parkside Steel Orchestra, Pangroove Steel Orchestra,
KunjazSteelOrchestraandtheBuxtonPride SteelOrchestra.
The competition final is scheduled to commenceonFebruary19,2025,gatesopen at 16:00hrs and the competition starts at 18:00hrssharp.
Atotal of 12 Steel Orchestra groups will becompetingforthetitle.Thecompetitionis divided into two categories, which are the YoungBandsandLargeBands.Therewillbe
three winners for each of the category first, second and third place; these winners will walkawaywithmonetaryprizes.
This year will be bigger than last year sinceitisalwaysagreatexperiencetowitness withitssupportandaudiencebeinglargerand larger over the years. You can expect an amazingmusicalarrangementofthedifferent groups,goodvibesandmostdefinitelytough competitionbetweeneachcategoryandthese groups.
Let’s meet the groups representing the YoungBands.
This category is designed to allow schools, smaller groups and now upcoming orchestra player to stand a fair chance when
The qualifiers for this segment are the West Demerara Secondary School, Buxton Pride Steel Orchestra, Kunjaz Young Steel Orchestra,President’sCollege,BerbiceHigh School, New Amsterdam Multilateral and lastly, the Regional Division #6 Police Steel Band.
The Large Band Category allows the moreseasonOrchestraPlayerstocompetefor the title of 2025 best orchestra group. This category consists of Ansa McAL Parkside SteelOrchestra,KunjazSteelOrchestra,The Guyana Police Force Steel Band, The Panamanics and the Pangroove Steel Orchestra.(FrancwaFortune)
Guyanese Soca Princess
Omaiah Hall is heating up the Soca charts with her hit single ‘Breakway’
Omaiah Aaliyah
H a l l i s a performingartist whoismakingwavesinthis year’s Mashramani Soca competition with her hit song,‘Breakway.’
The co-host at 94 1
evening rush, brand ambassador for One Communicationwearsmany hats—mostimportantlyshe is a Guyanese Calypso and Socaartiste.
Speaking to T h e Waterfalls, Hall revealed that she started performing around the age of six in her church.Shesaidthatherlove for music has grown tremendously over the years and cannot be compared to anythingelse.
“I saw all these big names doing it and I knew I’d make it possible somehow,” Hall said. Little did she know in years to come, she would be one of those,“bignames.”
In2020,Halltookpartin her first ever competition and was the Junior Calypso Monarch with a song titled “TellmeHowcome”,within the same year, she secured thirdspaceintheJuniorSoca Competition with her song “ProudofWhoIAm”
In2024,Halltookpartin herfirsteverSeniorCalypso
withher2024and2025entry songs Rum and Breakway Rum hasa“feelgoodvibes” while Breakway is a more freedom and self-liberating song, that is why it was the perfect entry to this year’s competition because it reflects her emotions towardsthecompetition.
Hall told The Waterfalls thatsincehersong’srelease,
“I want to collect the males dominating in the Soca field like infinity stones and when I snap my fingers, we upturn the world with a mad power Soca”
her friends, family and even Guyana at large rallied around her and would have given her the love and supportsheneeds.
She mentioned that because of that, it made her come to the realization that she has a strong passion to capture the crown when comparedtolastyear
and Soca Competition singing “My man” as her Calypsoentryand “Rum” as her Soca entry She did not place in those competitions; however, she took the Soca stage by storm deliveringan unforgettable performance and putting her name on the map. She said, “There’s so much tension during the seasonandcompetitionbutit was worth it because that solidifiedmylovefortheart because nothing was stopping me.” She said the competition was an eyeopenerfortheworldthatshe chose.
Later that year, because of Hall’s exceptional performances, she was featured on several stages thatyear;onebeingthesuper concertwhereshesharedthe stage with the famous Jamaican artiste Mavado, she then performed at the One Communication Launchwhereshesharedthe stage with the Trinidadian singerNailahBlackmanand in May 2024 at an event called “Kool Out” hall performed with Patrice Roberts.
On January 10, 2024, Hall released her Senior Soca entry called “Breakway”. She was given inspirationfromthewayshe views Soca Additionally, shestatedthatthedifference
She expressed her love for the arts platforms, and she wishes to do so much withit.“Thattitleismine,it needstobe”shesaid.
Despite all her love and support, some of the major challenges she faces on the journey to this year’s monarch is acquiring sponsorship and little to no rest due to her dedication to the art that she loves Nevertheless, Hall does not letthesechallengeskeepher down, she has been praying and seeking advice from individuals she looks up to, and that gives her the motivation to keep her eyes ontheprize.
Hall’s long-term long goal for her performing arts craft is to be “Guyana to the world” becoming as huge as MachelMontanoandRobyn Rihanna Fenty Break barriers and having streets namedafterher
She expressed that one day, she wishes to collaborate with the famous and international Jamaican Artiste Vybz Kartel as well as the Trinidadian singers Nailah Blackman and PatriceRoberts.
Omaiah Hall can be found on all platforms, her catalogueispresent. Follow her on socials Facebook@I am Omaiah Hall Instagram: omaiahhallofficial subscribe to YouTube: Omaiah Hall Official
The cameras were out, and spirits were up as Granny Ivelaw brought this crowd to life at the Guyana Marriott Hotel
somepointheardGranny radios, or seen her perform on hiddenpersonalitybehindthe always shared a passion for beforeGrannywasbirthed.
CarltonDansfordCampbell, dancer, actor, Disc Jockey and all round performer, he loved entertainment sincehisschooldays.
Ivelaw told The Waterfalls, “Incidentally, it was my ability to love anything that brings fun and joy to people...In schoolIwaspartofevery activity and even tried my hands at athletics. I watched professional dancers perform and always felt I can do the same, or better, once fate permittedme.”
entertainer said so far he alized on what he learnt, added his own touch of anny Ivy was a character out 22 years ago while he cting with some dancers to Ivelaw, “The current
Granny Ivy is a rebranded version of the original Granny, and this time acting and singing have been added to back up the dancing” Interestingly, Ivelaw’s passion for dancing led him to launch his own dance school Around2005,heopenedthedoorsto the Dance Fanatics Theatre, at the GeorgetownFootballClub(GFC)Groundin Georgetown Theinstitutionhelpstodevelop theskillsandpassionofdancersfromagefour andolder
Theentertainersaidhefeelsprivileged to have been able to build a wealth of experience during local performances, beforemovingontoanoverseasaudience Heexplained,“I’vebeenasignificantpart ofactivitiesatMashramani,Independence, Emancipation Festival, the Motor Cycle Show and many other entertaining activities locally I’ve also provided stress relief for audiences in the USA, St Maarten, Barbados, Trinidad and Suriname ”
Withoutthehelpofpromoters,thelocal star said he could not have been as successful as he is today These promoters made opportunities available to him to performwhiletherewerealsoafew“middle men” who recommended him to promoters andorganizersofshowsandprogrammes.
As a young man, he recalled staying focused on ensuring he lived up to the
expectations of those who expressed confidence in him. “From there, things movedprogressivelyupward,”hesaid.
According to the entertainer, “There havebeen,andstillare,attemptstomake things difficult but I wouldn’t label them as difficulties That’s because I don’t even pay attention to negativity One small challenge is the stigma that is associated with the character, but because I know the majority of people with better sense know better and I’m provided with a workable income, it really doesn’t make any impact on me and my work.”
His advice to those passionate about the arts is to not allow anyone to distract you from your purpose, especiallyifyouareonthepath tosuccess.“Butthisentailshard work, lots of sacrifice and stayingfocused,”theentertainer urged. To book any of the services offered by Granny Ivy, contact677-4977or672–2828.
Granny Ivelaw during an electrifying performance in St. Maarten a few years ago
One chilly February afternoon, Emily was visitingherGrandmaRose’s house. The sweet scent of cinnamon cookies filled the air as she sat at the kitchen table,sippingwarmcocoa.
“Grandma,” Emily said, “Valentine’s Day is coming up,andIwanttomakethebest card ever! But I don’t know what to write Do you think Valentine’s Day is only for sweethearts?”
Grandma Rose chuckled
“Oh,no,mydear Valentine’s Day is about love in all forms family, friends, and specialpeoplewhotouchour hearts” Emily took a bite of her cookie, deep in thought “Haveyouevergottenareally specialValentine?”
Grandma’seyestwinkled “In fact, I have Would you liketoseeit?”
Grandma led her up the creaky attic stairs The attic smelled of old books and memories Sunlight peeked through a round window, castingawarmglowoverthe wooden floor Grandma walkedovertoanoldwooden chest, lifted the lid, and carefullypulledoutasmall, fadedpinkenvelope.
“This, ” she said, handing it to Emily, “is my mostspecialValentine.”
Emily carefully opened the envelope. Inside was a beautiful, hand-drawn
Valentine’s Day card with delicate lace edges The wordsinsideread:
“TomydearestRose, Your smile brightens my days, Your laughter is my favorite melody, And you will always have my heart.
F o re v e r y o u r s , Thomas.” Emily looked up in surprise “Who’s Thomas?” Grandma smiled wistfullyandsatdownonan old rocking chair “Thomas was my very best friend when I was your age. We l i v e d i n t h e s a m e neighborhood, and we did e v e r y t h i n g together climbed trees, raced bicycles, and even builtsnowfortsinwinter.”
Emily leaned closer “Did he give you this card whenyouwerekids?”
Grandma shook her head. “Not yet. Let me tell youthewholestory.”
“When we were in school, Thomas and I were always partners for class projects But as we grew older, he moved away with h i s f a m i l y I w a s heartbroken. We promised to write letters, but as time passed,welosttouch.
Yearslater,whenIwasa young woman, I went to a Valentine’s Day dance in town.And guess who I saw standing by the punch
There'saneatlittleclock Intheschool-roomstands, Itpointstothetime Withitstwolittlehands.
Itisneverlatetodoitswork, Andalwaysdoesitwithgusto; Ittellswhenustostart Andwhentostopandgo.
Andmaywe,likethatlittleclock, Keepafacecleanandbright, Withhandseverready Todowhatisalwaysright.
bowl?” Emily gasped “Thomas?” Grandma nodded.“Itwaslikenotime hadpassedatall!Wetalked, we laughed, and before I knew it, we were best friendsagain.Thatnight,he gave me this card—the first Valentine he ever gave me. And,mydearEmily,doyou knowwhathappenednext?”
Emily shook her head, eyes wide Grandma chuckled “Wefellinloveand gotmarriedafewyearslater That’swhythisValentineisso specialtome”Emilyheldthe cardcarefully,feelingthelove that had lasted for so many years “That’s the most beautiful Valentine story ever,”shewhispered.
Then,athoughtstruckher “Wait Grandma,yousaidhis name was Thomas But Grandpa’s name is Tom. Is that thesameperson?”
Grandma’s eyes sparkled “Yes, my dear Your grandpa’s full name is Thomas, but he’s alwaysgonebyTom He’sthe same boy who gave me this card all those years ago” Emily’s jaw dropped “Grandpa Tom wrote this? That’ssoromantic!”
Grandma laughed softly “It is, isn’t it? He’s always been my best friend and my greatestlove.”
Emily’sSpecial Valentine…
That night, as Emily lay in bed, she thought about G r a n d m a ’s s t o r y Valentine’s Day wasn’t just about giving cards—it was about showing love in specialways.
The next morning, she gathered her craft supplies red paper, markers, lace, and glitter She worked carefully, making the most beautiful Valentine she had ever created. When she finished, shewroteinside:
“DearGrandma, Your stories are my favorite,Yourhugsarethe warmest, And you will alwayshavemyheart.
On Valentine’s Day, Emily handed Grandma the card. Grandma read it, her eyes shining with happy tears “Oh, Emily,” she whispered, hugging her tightly “This is the most special Valentine I’ve ever received ” Emily beamed “Now we both have a specialValentinetotreasure forever.”
And from that day on, Emily knew that the best Valentine’s cards weren’t just about hearts and lace—they were about love thatlastsalifetime.
Pom Pom Heart1 Create your heart templatebyfoldingasheetofpaperinhalfand drawing half a heart shape. Cut around the heart and flatten.2. Draw around your heart template in the centre of the canvas.3. Add PVAgluetosectionsoftheheart,addingpom pomsasyougo.4.Allowthegluetodry.
ButtonHeart1.Usingyourhearttemplate from before, draw around the template in the centre of the canvas 2 Add PVA glue to sectionsoftheheart;adddifferentsizebuttons tofilltheshape.3.Allowthegluetodry
TissueHeart1. Using your heart template from before, draw around the template in the centre of the canvas.2. Rip and scrunch small pieces of tissue paper, the more you have the more effectiveyourheartwillbe!3.AddPVAglueto your heart, adding the tissue paper to fill the shape4.Allowtodry
Foam Heart1. Using your heart template from before, draw around the template in the centreofthecanvas.2.Placeyourfoamhearts into the drawn heart shape, arrange until you are happy with the design.3. Carefully use PVA glue to stick down the foam heart shapes.4.Addthesmallglitterpompomsand
shiny hearts to the gaps, filling the heartshape.5.Allow todry
Count each object and place the number in the boxes below
In this effort at selfimprovement, you have to strengthenyourdetermination to keep in mind the highest priorities of your life. These are the things that will matter mostinyourlife,soyouneed to always strive towards becoming successful in attainingthem.
Insettingyourpriorities, you need to first ask yourself whatareyourmostimportantgoalsinlife, whatarethethingsmostimportanttoyou, andwhatyouwouldlikeyourlifetolook like Eachofusonlyhassomuchtime,so much energy, so much resources and so much emotional capacity to effect the things that matter most Once you have consciouslydeterminedthethingsthatare mostvaluabletoyou,whatyouwantyour lifetolooklike,thenyouhavetocommit yourselftousethemostofyourtimeand resourcestobringtheseintoreality.
This determination also necessitatessettingasidetimetofigure out what kind of changes you need to
make. It is important to have your prioritiesplacedinorderofimportance so as to determine which to devote the most resources to fulfil. They should first and foremost involve your own welfare and that of your family members. Then you need to consider takingcaretoformtherightassociation with your friends and the other people whoimpactyourlife,andthethingsyou needtodotokeepontrack.
You will then have to create a plan of where and how you would like toseeyourselfattheendofsomeperiod ofmonthsoryears. Themostpractical waytodothisistocreatealistofwhat
you truly value, and what will work best towards making the whole process more manageable. Youcanthenrate each item according to its importance so as to know whichtothinkaboutfirstwhen it comes to choosing what shouldbedoneineachperiod. Rememberthatitisnormal foryourprioritiestochangeover time as your goals and circumstanceschange Spendsometime to go over each area of your life as you movealong,writeoutanyideasorgoals thatyouwillhavetoachieveprogressin these,andanyadjustmentsyouwillhave to make to keep your priorities on track Take time each day to remind yourself ofyourprioritiesandputthemonyour scheduleforthedayorweek,blocking off other activities when these would interfere with your success in getting them done. You will also need to makeaspecialefforttogetridofcertain distractionsthatwillrobyouofsuccess inyourgoals.
Each row and column contains four unique Y shapes (four
YsshouldnotformstraightlinesbytouchingotherYs. Thereisauniquesolution. ThispuzzleisbasedonideasfromPeterBruinandJaredMcComb.
Ioftenconsidertheclaimwemenmake, Thatshowswearemorethanflesh, WepropoundthatwearemadebyGod InHisownimageandlikeness.
Thissurelymeansthatwepossess SomepowersoftheOneMostHigh, Weknowforsurewehavethegrace Tolove,forgiveandmultiply
Roy powers divine
Butmostofallwemayassume Somedivineabilitytocreate; Weweregrantedfullmindandspirit, SothatwecouldthegoodLordemulate.
Thenboldlyusethisgodlikepower Toimagineandconceivenewways; Ourworldsoreneedstofindthecures Fortheever-increasingafflictionsofmoderndays.
Makeboldtoexplorenewideasandfrontiers, Daretoinnovateandinventlikenoother; Findfreshwaystodothemundanethings, Asyouruniquenesssurelygivesyouthepower
Withnewpastimesyourabilitieswillbeexposed, Youwillbeamazedatthetalentsyoupossess; Theactofinventionwillputyouinastateofflow, Creatinginyourlifemuchresourcefulness.
As a human being who controls his own destiny, you have to ceaselessly work towards making the best of yourself.
Twenty-three-year-old Osei Clarke popularly known by his stage name, “OKC,’ is a Guyanese artiste, who has competedinseveralcompetitionssince2007.
Clark and has placed in all genres of the performing arts andisaphysicaleducationandlanguageinstructorataprivate institution. He is also a television presenter as well as the reigning2024CalypsoMonarchofGuyana.
Hisfirstinspirationcamefromhismotherwhoisasinger in her church He said her constant support and encouragementpushedhimintotheperformingarts.
Clarkesharedthathisfirstcompetitionwasbackin2007. He competed in his school’s Mashramani competition in dramatic poetry and placed first and was named national poetrychampionforthatyear
In 2021 he broke the barriers when he entered the Junior Calypso and Soca monarch competitions, winning in both categories and making history since he was now the first juniortoeverwinbothtitles.
In2024afterwinningtheSeniorCalypsoCompetitionand placing second in the Senior Soca Competition, as well as having an excellent showing in the Senior Chutney Competition,Clarke’smusicalcareertookaturnforthebetter He was given numerous opportunities to perform at the StateHouseforPresidentIrfaanAli,aswellasperformingat theconferencecentrefortheCARICOMSummit.Hedidnot stop there, he was given the opportunity, as the reigning Calypsomonarch,toperforminTrinidadandSurinametwice.
ClarkereleasedhisSeniorSocaentryforthisyearcalled ‘Bashment Overload’ on January 14, 2025. The inspiration came from a preparation for carnival back in August 2024, whenthesongwaswrittenforGuyana’scarnivalcelebration. However,theartistandhisproducerdecidedthat“weneedto do a bashment song for mash, since it is not so popular in Guyana.”
Hetold The Waterfalls “PreviousyearsI’vebeenlooked at as an underdog in this competition.” He excelled in the junior categories and has been excelling in the seniors in all musicalgenresthatheentered.
Clarke mentioned that his journey to the crown last year wasnoteasy Hewasfacedwithseveralchallenges.Hismajor challenge was acquiring sponsorship from companies, because he was not as recognized as some of his other competitors.Hewasnotgivenasmuchsupport,andsohehad to work ten times harder to acquire all that he needed to compete. He overcome his challenges by preparing himself mentally as well as watching motivational videos and performances of his favorite artistes, Voice and Olatunji, whichgavehimthecouragetogoon.
Clarkerevealedhislongtermgoalforhismusicalcareeris to take it internationally and perform on stages such as MarshalMonday,vibeswithVoiceandsecondSunday However, he is currently laying the foundation, to take over Soca music and become the face of Soca music in Guyana.Caribbeancountriesarealsoopeningdoorsforhim to secure his dream of becoming an international artiste. Additionally,hewishestocollaboratewithfamousGuyanese artisteslikeTimekaMarshallandAdrianDutchinandperform and collaborate with OlatunjiYearwood and Voice, who are bothTrinidadianmusicians.
Two female Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)havebeenlaudedby the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) for their quick and courageousactionsinsaving thelifeofa28-year-oldtruck driver involved in a serious accident on the Lusignan
Phebe Scott and Lynsia Pyle, both stationed at the Melanie Fire Station, were amongthefirstrespondersto theaccidentcall,whichcame in around 11:25 hrs on Thursday Upon arriving at the scene, they found the
Four-year-old, Shemira Henry of the
Laluni Nursery Class last week copped first place in the Children’s Mashramani competition at the National Culture Centre.
She entered in the category“Fantasy”and pulled the float depicting SnowWhite and the Seven Dwarfs, highlighting the cottage they lived in.
“Youngentrepreneurshavetheuniquepurpose ofcreatingnewindustriesandopportunities,paving thewayforinnovationandgrowthinoursociety.”
In a world where technology is evolving,makingthe impossiblepossiblehasbeen truly leaving a tremendous impact in our world today
With new inventions introduced everyday it pushes people to not only educate themselves but developnewskills.
Here in Guyana, there are countless timesthatnew t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d interventions have been impacting and transforming thelivesofmany Take for instance, Sheridan Wood and her husbandKennethParriswho sinceAugust2024havebeen bringing people’s ideas to lifethrough3Dprinting.
With 3D printing services not widely known and available across our country, the couple decided last year to introduce their services through a business
Speaking about their
newly introduced business venture and what inspired them, Wood in a recent interview with T h e Waterfalls shared that “Our initial interest was in creating 3D-printed miniature architectural
models, given my background in architecture.
As we researched, we realized there weren’t any other companies locally offering this service. This motivatedustofillthatgap.” Wood said from there, theybranchedouttoprinting home décor items, props, figurines,andkeychains. For those unfamiliar, is a 3D printing service that prints a variety of items, including cosplay/costume masks, decorative vases, jewelry boxes, and custom models for businesses or personal projects.
Speaking about their journey since their existence, the young
entrepreneurs stated that when they first started, they had to figure out the most effective processes for 3D printing. “It was a lot of experimenting, learning how to use the machines, exploringdifferentsoftware, and becoming familiar with how to produce the best quality prints, ” she explained.
She noted too that initially, they were not finding the most suitable materials, like the right type of filament for specific projects. However, through
trial and error, they have learnedwhatworksandwhat doesnotandthisshesaidhas helped them consistently to improve the quality of their work.
Wood is also a teacher and digital artist with a passion for digital modeling anddesign.Herhusband,she noted shares a love for technology, making them a great team for this venture.
Also part of their team, Wood said, is her 17-yearold sister, who helps with contentcreationandproduct brainstorming “Together,
we’re committed to making a go-to for 3D printing solutions in Guyana,”sheadded.
Already making an impactinthecountry,Wood expressed that so far, their support base has been wonderful. She related that family, friends, and early customers have been incredibly encouraging and havehelpedspreadtheword abouttheirbusiness.
“Theirpositivefeedback motivatesustokeepgoing,” sheremarked.
By Shania Williams
“I’m someone who values family, community, and helping others.Lifehastaughtmealot,and I try to bring that perspective into everything I do. I’m easy-going, but I’m also someone who shows upwhenitmatters...”
These are the words of Detective Royston Charles, a UnitedStates-basedGuyanesewho wasrecentlyhonouredbytheNew York City Police Department (NYPD) for his distinguished service as part of Black History Month.
Charles,whoimmigratedtothe US from Guyana at the age of 13, initially moved with the hope of fulfilling his American Dream of becomingapilot.
His career started as serving as an Emergency MedicalTechnician EMTwiththe NewYorkCityFire Department(FDNY)fortwoanda half yearsbeforetransitioninginto lawenforcement.
Howeverstillsetonhislifelong dream, Charles’ dedication to publicserviceeventuallyledhimto the prestigious NYPD Aviation Unit, where he now serves as a pilot, providing critical air and sea rescueservicesandtacticalsupport
Air-Sea Rescue Pilot of NewYork City Police Department (NYPD), Detective Royston Charles
Due his outstanding work and unwavering commitment, Charles washonouredbytheNYPDduring Black History Month but beyond his impressive career, Charles is a proud father of a 13-year-old girl and a humble Guyanese from MeadowBrookGardens.
He is one of five siblings and was raised by both parents who instilled strong values in him. Though his family relocated to the U S for better opportunities, Charlescherishesthetimegrowing upinGuyana.
“It the best years of my life; would not trade it for the world. I felt so free and happy I’m not saying I didn’t feel happy when I leftbutmyheartwillsalwaysbein Guyana.”Charlesrelated.
After moving to the US, Charles recognized the significant impact of public service and felt a callingtohelpothers.
“After moving to the U.S., I saw the impact that public service hasonpeople’slives,andIwanted to be a part of that. I’ve always believed in helping others, and I knewthatacareerinpublicservice would allow me to make a real difference in my community and support people when they need it
Whilepursuinghisprofessional goals, Charles worked as an EMT with the NYFD for two and half years.Duringthattime,herealized that he wanted to broaden his impact of wanting to serve and protect people in a diverse way
“My two and a half years as an EMTwasincrediblyrewarding,but I realized I wanted to have a broader impact In emergency medicalservices,Ihelpedpeoplein criticalmoments,butIfeltdrawnto theideaofservinginamorediverse way…,”Charlesrecalled.
Eventually,hetransitionedinto the NYPD Aviation Unit and moved up the rank to a Detective. The journey wasn’t easy, and he faced many challenges to qualify for the role He recalled the immenseworkandtraininghewent throughalongtheway “Joiningthe NYPD aviation specialized unit takeshardwork,training,andbeing ready for anything It’s about stayingcalm,thinkingquickly,and working well with your team. I’ve learnedhowtomakefastdecisions intoughsituations,andI’vegained skills in communication and problem-solving , ” Charles explained.
Serving as an air-sea rescue
pilot is an intense and high-risk job. It is twice as risky when you have a family to return to. In his case, the NYPD officer recalled one of his most challenging missionsasanair-searescuepilot involved someone having a heart attackonafishingboatoutatsea.
He recalled “Winds were gusting strong but we had to act quickly to get the individual to a hospitalfortreatment.Takinghim byboatwouldhavetakenhours.I wasthepilotincommandandhad to make a decision on how we weregoingtohandlethesituation. We were able to lower someone fromthehelicopterontotheboat; we then brought patient into our helicopter and transported him to
“Another challenging mission was a male stranded on a small islandaftergoingjetskiingandhis jetskiwasrunningoutoffuel.Each time, it required quick thinking, precise coordination, and staying focused under pressure to ensure everyone made it out safely,” he recounted.
Detective Charles expressed immense gratitude on the role he has played in his community and proud to be honoured by his team during this historic time as an AfricanAmerican.
“Beinghonouredformyservice during Black History Month is incrediblyhumbling.It’sa
Continued on page 63
Within three days, 102 Venezuelans have been detained forillegallyenteringGuyanainlargemetalboats.
Police in Region Three have taken the Venezuelans into custodyandaccordingtotheCommander-in-Chargeofpolice operations in the district, Mahendra Siwnarine, they will be deported. Hesaidatthemoment,thegroupsofVenezuelans are being processed. The Venezuelans reportedly entered Guyana’swatersinbatchesovertheweekend. Kaieteur News is in receipt of cellphone videos recorded by the migrants as thepoliceturnedthemaway
Some of the Venezuelans who illegally entered Guyana via Supenaam, Region Two
tothecontractor Mahipaulhadaskedtheministertoprovide anupdateonthepumpstation,notingthat“nothingisreally happeningthere,andIknowthatit’sstillwithinthecontract period,butisthereanyupdateyoucanprovideusintermsof, where,how,whatisthenewcompletiondateandsoon?”
MinisterZulfikarinformedtheCommitteeofSupplythat thecompletiondatefortheprojecthasnotchanged.“It’sstill under the contract period, and it’s about 10% work have alreadybeencompletedthere.”
He was then asked to provide the date by which the project was supposed to be completed, as well as monies collected. He informed the National Assembly that the projectisslatedtobecompletedbyJulyorAugustandthat thecorrectdatewouldbeprovided.
“However, the contractor was paid mobilisation, advanceandmaterial,sheet,pile,and,Ibelieve,timber.He waspaid$182million,”Mustaphasaid.
OnFriday,theMPtoldreportersthatfromtheonset,the Opposition has said openly that the contract should have neverbeenawardedtotheTEPUIGroupinthefirstplace.
“The evaluation process will determine your further eligibility to be awarded the contract…If you are the most responsivebidder,thelowestmostresponsivebidder,thenit isexpectedthatyoubeawardedthecontract.Hewasnever (the lowest responsive bidder) and we established that the matter was examined by the Public Procurement Commission,andtheconclusionwasthattherewereseveral violationsintheawardingofthecontracttoTEPUIGroup,” hesaid.
Mahipaulhighlightedthatthecountryisseeing‘Critic’s’ inabilitytocompletethecontract,astheworksaretechnical andtheydonotfithisscope.Hestressedthatif‘Critic’had beenproperlyevaluatedandnotawarded,therewouldbeno issue.
Heremindedthatthecontractsawardedforotherpump stationsfacingsimilarcircumstanceshavebeenterminated.
“When you look at the at the Black Bush Polder pump station,overtwoto$300millionandthatcontracthadtobe terminated.WhenyoulookatthisoneatBelleVue,it’s$182 million and that will be terminated, I’m telling you, even though it is still within the contract period, and June is expectedtobethecompletiondate,IdidheartheMinisterof Agriculture saying that there will be no extension. Well, I wanttoseewhatwillhappenafterJune,”hesaid.
Inoneofthevideosseenby Kaieteur News,themigrants attempted to enter Region Two via Supenaam. As the boat arrived at the Supenaam Stelling, ranks from the Guyana PoliceForceandGuyanaDefenceForce(GDF)CoastGuard interceptedthemandturnedthemback.
Kaieteur News understands that members of the Coast GuardescortedthemigrantsfromtheSupenaamStelling.As themigrantswerebeingtakenoutoftheboats,onewasheard
wassaying“Thesepeopleareangryhere;therearesendingus back.”
Kaieteur News learnt that after being turned away from Supenaam, the group attempted to re-enter through Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) but authorities theredetainedthem.
The migrants are fleeing the economic crisis in neighbouringVenezuela.
TheMinistryofAgricultureonSaturday handed over four mini-excavators to four Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) to empower local government authorities acrossthecountry
Themachines,whichwerepresentedby subjectministerZulfikarMustapha,areeach valued $14million. They will be used to carry out drainage works in the residential communities within each NDC’s respective
Minister Mustapha while addressing residents at the Mahaica Mahaicony Abary Agriculture Development Authority’s (MMA–ADA)officeonSaturday,disclosed that all ten NDCs in Region Five now have access to their own excavator, thanks to the GovernmentofGuyanawhichrepresentsan investmentofapproximately$56million. Hetoldresidentsthataspartofthe
Continued on page 64
The four excavators that were handed over to the NDCs in Region Five
Twenty-one firms submitted bids to supply generators and automatic transfer switches to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).
This was revealed recently at the opening of bids at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)office.
Below are the companies and their bids: GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA) Supply&DeliveryofGenerators&ATS (automatictransferswitch),On-Premise
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headquarters as BJPcelebrates its win in the Delhi state assembly elections, in New Delhi, India, February 8, 2025. REUTERS/AdnanAbidi
NEW DELHI, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party on Saturday regained powerinthenation’scapital forthefirsttimein27years, a boost for the Hindunationalist leader after a disappointing national electionlastyear
Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Partywon48ofthe70seats in the Delhi capital district, well ahead of the 22 for the opposition Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of Arvind Kejriwal, a fierce critic of Modi,datafromtheElection Commission of India showed.
“It is our guarantee that we will leave no stone unturned in developing Delhi,improvingtheoverall
quality of life for the people,” Modi wrote on socialmediaplatformX.
AAP, which grew out of an anti-corruption movement in 2012, tasted its first electoral success in Delhi and has ruled the territory, which includes India’s parliament and federal government offices in New Delhi, for twotermsfrom2015.
Kejriwal, 55, an anticorruption crusaderturned-politician who was arrested on graft charges weeks before last year’s general election began, alleged a political vendetta by the Modi government. The BJP denieshisclaims.
Kejriwal, who was
releasedonbailandresigned as Delhi chief minister to focusoncampaigningforthe stateelection,losttheseathe wascontesting.
AAP will play the role of constructive opposition after trying to improve the city’s infrastructure, education, and healthcare in the past ten years, Kejriwal saidinavideomessageonX.
AAP, which won the past two elections with thumping majorities, was popular because of its largesse, such as free water and power for the poor, its mainvoterbase.
To counter AAP, the BJP promised monthly payments of 2,500 Indian rupees ($28) to all poor women,aone-timepayment
of 21,000 rupees to each pregnantwoman,subsidised cooking gas, a monthly pension of 2,500 rupees for the elderly and 15,000 rupees for the youth to prepare for competitive exams.
Modi lost his majority in India’s parliament last year but returned as prime minister for a recordequallingthirdtermwiththe support of regional parties. His BJP has won three of four subsequent state elections.
State election victories help political parties boost their numbers in the upper house of parliament, which iskeyfordecision-making.
($1 = 87.6270 Indian rupees)
Frompage59 reminder of the progress we've made and the sacrificesofthosewhocame beforeme…”“Charlessaid.
He further stated that as an African-American in the law enforcement, he sees himselfassomeonewhocan help bridge the gap between communities and the police. Growing in America as an immigrant and becoming someonewhohasbringforth change, is one of his proudestmoments.
As such, Detective
Charles hopes to inspire youth in the US, especially those from immigrant backgrounds to make a difference in their community.
“Your background is part of your strength, and you can achieve anything if you stay focused and workhard Keepbelieving in yourself and keep pushingforward,”Charles stated, affirming the youths
Charles noted to keys moments that shaped his career He said his family has played the most significant role in his life, especially his father who served as member of the GuyanaPoliceForce.
“One of the biggest influences was my family, who always emphasized the importance of helping others and giving back,” hesaid
The NYPD officer also praised the people he met alonghisjourneythattook their time to guide and challenge him and shaped his perspective on the public service “Their support and belief in me pushed me to keep going and pursue my career in law enforcement, always with a focus on making
celebrates his achievement intheU.S,DetectiveCharles planstovisitGuyanasoonto connectwithhisfamilyhere andspendqualitytimeinhis homeland.
Kitchen Assistant needed Tel: 676-5534 / 709-8131 Famous Flavour Restaurant.
Job openings: Truck drivers, project manager & Civil engineers. To apply send application via Whatsapp : 638-5303 / 608-2114.
Wanted Live in maid. Call: 744-3418.
Saw man to work in the interior . Call: 700-1196.
Land dredge workers, cook for interior & experienced excavator operator for mining, serious enquires only. Call: 677-2385.
r ed.
One Welder, must have mechanical knowledge & Handyman free living accommodation provided. Call: 627-5043/ 228-5655.
Service man to work in the interior. Call: 700-1196.
Wanted driver Diamond Grove E.B.D with Lorry License. Contact: 677-6620.
Maid to work 2-3 days per week, Campbellville G/ Town. Call: 621-5140.
Staff to work in office 5 days per week, Male and female. Call: 624-7436.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female cleaner for Eccles office. Call : 615-9132 / 645-8443.
One clerk for TSI Eccles office English 1, Maths 2. Call : 615-9132 or email application to
Male / female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 699-8486.
Male / female needed to work in supermarket in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 674-9999.
Live-in Domestic needed, Must know to cook & Bake.
General Domestic , cook , iron, clean house ECT. Apply Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office $6000 daily, 3day work
Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: / 662-0469.
Handyman to work in Eccles area & Experienced driver expeditor. Tele : 231-0363.
Hiring Kitchen & Canteen staff, Chef , Server & Security. Apply at 91 middle st, North Cummingsburg G/ Town. 231-5857. FOR RENT
Apartment to rent situated in Republic park area. Hot & cold water, air condition & Parking available. Tele : 724-4668.
90' x 90' open land for rent with 90' x 10' driveway to St at Lying & Princess street. Charlestown Georgetown. Call / Whatsapp : 627-3650.
2 bedroom apartment at Herstelling. Call: 601-0223 / 676-6914.
Prime business area at Affiance, Essequibo Coast for rent bottom flat- Office
600 sq ft, industrial 1400 sq ft. Call: 670-2554.
Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call : 2642946-9
From page 58
Noting that this is only the beginning of a wonderful journey, Wood shared that their long-term goal moving on is to expand their services to include 3D-printed models for companies, particularly architectural prototypes, given her background in architecture.
“Additionally, we want to produce costume pieces for cultural celebrations like Mashramani, such as masks and accessories.
The possibilities with 3D
printing are endless,” she said.
With their aim to take their craft to the next level, Wood is of the view that as the Guyanese economy grows, new needs are constantly being discovered.
She said this creates opportunities for businesses to thrive in ways that did not exist before.
She observed that, “Young entrepreneurs have the unique purpose of creating new industries and oppor-
tunities, paving the way for innovation and growth in our society.”
Asked what she thinks can be done more locally to help develop small businesses, the businesswoman suggested there should be more hosting of expo events with a lower barrier to entry.
“And creating more spaces like pop-up shops would help small businesses introduce their products and services to a wider audience. These opportunities allow
businesses to connect with potential customers and build their presence in the community,” she commented If anyone is interested in connecting with, you can do so through telephone number (592) 610-6292, email or their social media pages on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok Also their store location is at the Girl House, 92 Middle Street between Main and Carmichael Streets, Georgetown, Guyana.
From page 49 attention. According to the GFS, “upon arrival, EMT Scott immediately climbed onto the truck and initiated a rescue operation, while administering medical care to the driver.”
The driver was later extricated and transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a conscious state.”
The truck driver, identified as 28-year-old Atash Singh, had lost control of his vehicle, colliding with both a car and a two-storey house, causing significant damage to the properties. Singh suffered severe facial injuries and lacerations to his right arm. The driver of the car, 31-year-old Jameela Kelvin, also sus-
Handyman/ Maintenance Man- East Bank Location, Good pay, Added benefit if able to drive. Call : 739-8860.
Need a grocery shopper, ship chandler or visa application preparer: USA, Canada, UK ETA? 6267040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 6190007, 629-5526.
Land for Sale / Lease 3000 Sq ft Vacant land on Robb street, Bourda. Georgetown. Call : 628-1363.
Land for Sale / Lease 5 Acrea of land on Linden, Soesdyke Highway from road to Hauraruni creek. Call : 6281363.
Friendship East Bank, Yarawkabra & Long Creek, Soesdyke & East laPenitence Front Road. Contact : Ray's Realty : 6279685.
Building with 4 apartment & double lot in South Ruimveldt, Gardens by Heros Highway & Mandela Avenue. Call : 628-1363
2 Storey concrete building in East Ruimveldt close to Mandela Avenue. Call : 6281363.
Providence (Public Road), Bent Street, Queenstown, Soesdyke. Contact : Ray's Realty : 627-9685.
For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 6268918
One Nissan Double cab pickup, fully off road setup ; -5 Million Negotiable. Call: 626-8919 / 661-3030.
One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
tained body abrasions and shoulder pain.
The crash caused severe damage to the house, owned by Bibi Navia Shaffie, at Lot 2 B Area H, Lusignan Public Road. Fortunately, no lives were lost in the incident, and all individuals involved received prompt medical attention. In recognizing their outstanding efforts, the GFS praised EMTs Scott and Pyle for their dedication and swift action.
tal role that emergency responders play in ensuring public safety.
Their efforts contributed significantly to reducing the potential loss of life on the roadways, reinforcing the vi-
The GFS expressed its gratitude, emphasizing that the commitment and professionalism displayed by the two EMTs were critical in preventing further tragedy on the East Coast Demerara.
From page 62 government’s vision to develop a comprehensive drainage system across the country, the Ministry of Agriculture through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) has a critical role to play when it comes to providing drainage and irrigation in both cultivation and residential communities.
“At the Ministry of Agriculture, we are not only focusing on the agricultural aspect of development in the country. When we have dry weather or a heavy rainy period, the Ministry of Agriculture through the NDIA plays an important role. When farmers don’t have water, we have to put systems in place to provide irrigation. Similarly, when communities are experiencing flooding, we have to provide drainage. This is why, the government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is working to develop a comprehensive drainage system across the country,” he explained.
Minister Mustapha said President Irfaan Ali and Vice
President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo have directed that resources be allocated to empower local government authorities to be able to maintain the drainage systems within their communities.
“Upon the instruction of the President and Vice President, we are working to empower all the NDCs so that they can become more responsive to the communities’ needs. This region, Region Five, is the first to have all of its NDCs equipped with machines to carry out community drainage works. The NDC will be responsible for developing a work programme. We know that they might not be in a position to maintain these machines so the NDIA will be responsible for maintaining the machines, providing fuel, and also paying the operator. These machines are to be used to execute community work, not private work,” the Minister explained.
“I asked the Regional Chairman to invite the officials from the four NDCs to come and receive the machines that will be beneficial to their communities and utilize them to improve their drainage. But, because o f petty politics, the Chairman and the overseer from the NDC at Union/Naarstigheid refused to attend this ceremony.
This machine will benefit the residents of the community. We have to move away from petty politics so that the country can move forward,” he said.
The NDCs that benefited from today’s handing over were Blairmont/Gelderland, Rosignol/Zeelust, Union/ Naarstigheid and Bath/ Woodley Park.
Minister Mustapha said before the end of the year, all local government authorities in Guyana will have a miniexcavator to execute works to upgrade internal drainage systems in the communities.
Minister Mustapha also condemned the actions taken by the Chairman and overseer of the Union/Naarstigheid, who, he explained were invited to receive the machine on behalf of their NDC but chose not to attend.
Trump’s executive order comes after South African President Cyril Ramaphosa saidhiscountrywouldnotbe ‘bullied’.
PresidentDonaldTrumphas frozenaidtoSouthAfricain an escalation of a rift between his administration
and Pretoria over a
controversial land expropriation law aimed at tackling inequality stemmingfromapartheid.
In an executive order signedonFriday,Trumpsaid the law showed a “shocking disregard” for citizens’ rights and would allow the government to seize land from ethnic minority
Afrikaners without compensation.
The passage of the Expropriation Act, signed last month by SouthAfrican President Cyril Ramaphosa,
followed “countless”
policies designed to dismantleequalopportunity, as well as “hateful rhetoric” and governmentactionsthat havedrivenviolenceagainst “racially disfavored” landowners, Trump said in
South Africa has also taken“aggressivepositions” towardstheUSanditsallies, including accusing Israel of genocideattheInternational Court of Justice (ICJ) and boosting relations with Iran, Trumpsaidintheorder “The United States cannot support the government of South Africa’s commission of rights violations in its country or its undermining UnitedStatesforeignpolicy, which poses national security threats to our Nation, our allies, our African partners, and our interests,” the US president saidintheorder Trump’s order also said his administration would promote the resettlement of Afrikaners “escaping government-sponsoredracebaseddiscrimination”.
Trump and Ramaphosa have been engaged in an escalatingwarofwordsover the law since Sunday, when theUSpresidentaccusedhis counterpart’s administration of “confiscating land” and mistreating “certain classes ofpeople”.
US President Donald Trump, pictured in Washington, DC, the United States on February 6, 2025, and SouthAfrican President Cyril Ramaphosa pictured n Maputo, Mozambique, on January 15, 2025 [Ting Shen andAlfredo Zuniga/AFP]
On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Marco Rubiosaidhewouldskipthe upcoming Group of 20 (G20) talks in Johannesburg inresponsetothelegislation and other “very bad things” happeninginthecountry Ramaphosa has insisted thelawisnota“confiscation instrument” but part of a “constitutionally mandated legal process”, and argued that it will ensure public access to land in an “equitableandjustmanner”.
In an address to
parliament onThursday that appeared to take aim at Trump,Ramaphosasaidthat his country would stand united amid a rise in the “pursuitofnarrowinterests” and“thedeclineofcommon cause”.
“Wewillnotbedeterred. Wearearesilientpeople.We willnotbebullied,”hesaid.
Under the expropriation law, the government may seize land without compensation where it is
deemed to be “just and equitable and in the public interest”, such as in cases where it is not being used, and after efforts to reach an agreement with the owner havefailed.
Ramaphosa and his African National Congress have said the legislation is necessary to alleviate huge disparitiesinlandownership stemming from colonial settlement and the subsequent institution of racialsegregationandwhiteminorityrule.
The government has yet to expropriate any land underthelaw
TheDemocraticAlliance (DA), SouthAfrica’s largest opposition party and a member of the ANC-led national unity government, has strongly criticised the law, casting it as a threat to property rights and muchneededforeigninvestment.
The DA, which draws most of its support from white,Indianandmultiracial South Africans, has also expressed concern about Trump’s threats and denied suggestions that the law allows land to be seized
Land ownership is a heated issue in SouthAfrica due to the legacy of apartheid,whichlastedfrom 1948until1994.
Although Black South Africansmakeupmorethan 80percentofthepopulation, they own just 4 percent of privately owned farmland, according to a government auditconductedin2017.
White South Africans, whomakeupabout7percent of the population and are divided between Afrikaansspeaking descendants of Dutch settlers and Englishspeaking descendants of British colonialists, hold about three-quarters of the land.
Trump’s campaign against South Africa comes as his administration is clamping down on foreign assistance more broadly, including by effectively dismantling the US Agency f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l Development(USAID). Washington allocated about$440minassistanceto South Africa in 2023, accordingtothemostrecent USgovernmentdata.
Trump says some white South Africans are oppressed and could be resettled in the US. They say no
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) Groups representing some of South Africa’s white minority responded Saturday to a plan by President Donald Trumptoofferthemrefugee status and resettlement in theUnitedStatesbysaying: thanks,butnothanks.
Theplanwasdetailedin an executive order Trump signed Friday that stopped all aid and financial assistancetoSouthAfricaas punishment for what the Trump administration said were “rights violations” by the government against someofitswhitecitizens.
T h e T r u m p administration accused the South African government of allowing violent attacks on white Afrikaner farmers and introducing a land expropriation law that enables it to “seize ethnic minority Afrikaners’ agricultural property withoutcompensation.”
The South African
government has denied there are any concerted attacks on white farmers and has said that Trump’s description of the new land l a w i s f u l l o f misinformation and distortions.
A f r i k a n e r s a r e descended from mainly Dutch, but also French and German colonial settlers who first arrived in South Africa more than 300 years ago. They speakAfrikaans, a language derived from Dutch that developed in South Africa, and are distinct from other white South Africans who come from British or other backgrounds.
Together, whites make up around 7% of South Africa’s population of 62 million.
‘We are not going anywhere’
On Saturday, two of the most prominent groups representingAfrikanerssaid theywouldnotbetakingup
Tr u m p ’s o ff e r o f resettlementintheU.S.
“Our members work here, and want to stay here, and they are going to stay here,” said Dirk Hermann, chief executive of the Afrikaner trade union Solidarity, which says it represents around 2 million people. “We are committed tobuildafuturehere.Weare notgoinganywhere.”
At the same press conference,KallieKriel,the CEOoftheAfrikanerlobby groupAfriForum,said:“We have to state categorically: We don’t want to move elsewhere.”
Trump’s move to sanctionSouthAfrica,akey U S trading partner in Africa,cameafterheandhis South African-born adviser ElonMuskhaveaccusedits Black leadership of having ananti-whitestance.Butthe portrayal ofAfrikaners as a downtrodden group that needed to be saved would surprise most South
“It is ironic that the executive order makes provision for refugee status in the U.S. for a group in South Africa that remains amongst the most economically privileged,” South Africa’s Foreign Ministry said It also criticized the Trump administration’s own policies,sayingthefocuson Afrikaners came “while vulnerable people in the U.S.fromotherpartsofthe world are being deported and denied asylum despite realhardship.”
There was “a campaign of misinformation and propaganda”aimedatSouth Africa,theministrysaid.
SouthAfrican President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokesperson said: “South Africa is a constitutional democracy We value all South Africans, Black and white. The assertion that Afrikaners face arbitrary deprivation and, therefore,
need to flee the country of their birth is an assertion devoidofalltruth.”
Whites in South Africa still generally have a much better standard of living than Blacks more than 30 years after the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule in 1994 Despite being a small minority, whites own around 70% of South Africa’sprivatefarmland.A study in 2021 by the South Africa Human Rights Commission said 1% of whites were living in povertycomparedto64%of Blacks Redressing the wrongs of colonialism Sithabile Ngidi, a market traderinJohannesburg,said she hadn’t seen white people being mistreated in South Africa. “He (Trump) should have actually come from America to South Africa to try and see what was happening for himself andnotjusttakethewordof an Elon Musk, who hasn’t lived in this country for the longestoftime,whodoesn’t even relate to South Africans,”Ngidisaid.
But Trump’s action against South Africa has giveninternationalattention to a sentiment among some white South Africans that theyarebeingdiscriminated againstasaformofpayback forapartheid.Theleadersof the apartheid government wereAfrikaners. Solidarity, AfriForum and others are strongly opposed to the new land expropriation law, saying it will target land owned by whites who have worked to develop that land for years. They also say an equally contentious language law that’s recently been passed seeks to remove or limit their Afrikaans language in schools, while they have often criticized South Africa’s affirmative action policies in business that promote the interests of Blacksasracistlaws.
Trinidad ExpressInvestigations continue into the alleged role suspended CommissionerofPoliceErla Harewood-Christopher may have played in the importation of two sniper rifles that were later sent to the Strategic Services Agency sometime in late 2023.
The team investigating the matter yesterday again visited Director of Public ProsecutionsRogerGaspard forlegaladvice.
After some time and
discussion,theteamleftand was told to return at a later date. T
ongoing,andtheteamwill have to continue the
process and again visit Gaspard to determine whether there is sufficient
harge Harewood-Christopher Police are trying to determine if there was any wrongdoing; and, if so, if
misbehaviour in public office H
appointed Commissioner in February 2023, and had three and a half months left on her contract at the time of her suspension on January31.
After she attained the retirement age of 60 on May 15, 2023, her service wasextended
Shewasdetainedather office at the Police Administration Building,
Port of Spain, on January 30, by a team of detectives
headed by Deputy Commissioner Suzette
Martin Harewood-
C h r i s t o p h e r w a s questioned for two days and eventually released from the St Clair Police StationonFebruary1
However, while she was incustody,onJanuary31the Police Service Commission (PolSC) placed HarewoodChristopher on suspension withimmediateeffect.
Following her release,
Harewood-Christopher’s lead attorney, Pamela Elder, SC,saidtherewasnotaniota ofevidenceagainstherclient to be charged with any offence.
The PolSC later recommended that DCP Junior Benjamin act as policecommissioner
The proposal was debated in Parliament on Wednesday afternoon, and granted.
T h a t s a m e d a y,
Harewood-Christopher was granted permission by J
Sieuchand to pursue her claim for judicial review against the commission’s decisiontosuspendher
However, the judge refused to give the green light to HarewoodChristopher’sbidtostopthe appointment of Benjamin as actingtopcop.
On Thursday, Benjamin was granted his instrument of appointment to act in the roleofpolicecommissioner He now holds the most seniorofficeattheTTPS.
ST JAMES, Jamaica — Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, has reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to securing Jamaica’s economic independence andresilience.
Thisassurancecomesin the wake of the recently announced halt in funding support provided under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)programmes.
“So far, we have assessedthatwehaveabout US$54 million of programmes being funded by the USAID over several [yearly] budget periods Some programmes [range] from one to three years, or maybe a little bit more. So what Jamaica is doing, of course, is assessing any potential fallout from the holdplacedonfundingfrom USAID,”Holnessoutlined.
He said, however, that the adm
nistration recognises the sovereign right of the United States (US) to adjust its policies, and assured that Jamaica remains steadfast in its l
of reducing reliance on aid whilst strengthening its economicfoundation.
The prime minister pointed out that the Government has been
proactively making strides toward reducing its dependency on foreign aid by developing a robust economy, improving fiscal management and creating an environment conducive to sustainable inclusive growth.
Holnessmaintainedthat rather than focusing on aid dependency, the aim is to build mutually beneficial bilateral relationships with
“So we await what wou
be the new direction and we look forward to working with the United States Government on issues that are of mutual and strategic importance.
I am confident that there will be a new future f o r U S - J a m a i c a relations,”hesaid F o u r n e w l y
constructed NSHPhouses
The recipients were Beatrice Appleby and Maureen Adams of Porters Mountain, and Patricia Webb of New Galloway, Whithorn, who each received a two-bedroom unit, and Samantha Fray of Savanna-la-Mar, who got a three-bedroomhouse.—JIS
AwomanwasshotonSaturdaywithanbowandarrowat FiveStarBackDam,NorthwestDistrict(NWD),RegionOne.
The woman was identified as Edith Gouveia, 42. The incidentreportedlytookplacesometimearound05:00hrs.
In a photo sent to Kaieteur News, the arrow was seen lodgedinherbody
Itenteredundertheleftarmclosetotheribcageandmight havenarrowlymissedvitalorgans.
GouveiawastakentotheBaramitaHealthCentreandwas scheduled to be air lifted to the city for further medical attention.Thecircumstancessurroundingthearrowandbow shootingisunknownatthistime.
Results of the second round matches played recently in the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB)/LCSS Alumni Inter Zone U15 cricket competition in
East/Bank Berbice scoring victories.
In the game between West Coast Berbice and Lower Corentyne played at Cotton Tree West Coast, Berbice. Lower Corentyne battedfirstandmade142as Rafael McKenzie topscoredwithanunbeaten41.
Bowling for West Berbice, A. Ali picked up 4 wicketsbuttheteamwasnot
fortunateinthechaseasthey wereskittledoutfor40.
Leon R
s unplayable picking up 8 for 10 from 5 overs, giving his teamvictoryby102runs.
Intheothergameplayed attheJaiHindGroundonthe C
Amsterdam/ Canje/ East Bank Berbice team got past
reached 72 for 8 off their allotted 50 overs Luke Amsterdam top scored with 64 while Lemuel DeJonge made38.
President’s XI saw Khemraj Bharrat3snarethreewickets
Today you will have all the energy you need to deal with long-term family problems. Indeed, you'll probably clash with some of your relatives. But this situation won't cause anyseriousissues.
You enjoy caring for others andyouinterveneregularlyin their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clearviewofyourownlife.
We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society.You may have strong beliefs, but it's difficult to combine your idealsandasociallife.
You'vealwaysfelttheneedto free yourself from society You need to feel independent at any cost. You may need to face certain relationship problemsatthistime.
You may feel annoyed about the attitude of some of your groupoffriends.Unlikethese people, you're very openmindedandyoucandealwith situations as they arise Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation.
Today, Virgo, you'll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you'll be revisiting your childhood
Youmaybeveryedgy Thisis agooddispositioninwhichto analyzeyourlife.
You really know how to seduce,Libra.Thereisaspark inside of you that spreads naturally to those around you. You have a big reservoir of sensitivity and emotion that couldgrowtoday
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You're a very active person, Scorpio, but today you'll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won't understand yourneeds.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Nothing much is happening today, yet you seem worried and tense. You'll have to use this day to your advantage. Think about your life. You'll also think about the needs of yourrelativesintheyears.
You often need to thrive on personal emotions.Today will benoexceptiontotherule.For instance, you could try to captivate the attention of peopleyouadmire.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You shouldn't try to fight the feelings that run through you today Don't even try to rationalize them These feelingsareprobablyrelatedto emotions dating back to your childhood You shouldn't avoidoranalyzethem.
You'll be lost in your thoughts today, analyzing your life and relationships.You'll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the peoplearoundyou.
while Saiad Jumratty and Ravindra Persaud had two each. In reply, President XI wasbowledoutfor109with Jumrattymakingtopscoring with29.
Bowling for NA/Canje/ East Bank Berbice saw JoshuaThomasandRichard Ramdeholl pick up three wickets each with Brandon
Grimmondtakingtwo. In the meanwhile, the competitionhasbeenputon holdwithmatchesscheduled for this weekend called off due to the inclement weather
Play in the competition will resume as soon as the weather improves. (Samuel Whyte)
THE stage is set for the Georgetown Softball CricketLeague(GSCL)Inc. three-day Republic Cup softball extravaganza which bowls off on Friday at various venues around Georgetown.The finals will be played at the Police Sports Club ground, Eve Leary on Sunday, February 16.
According to the GSCL, mostsystemsareinplacefor the tournament which will feature male teams in the Open All Stars, Masters Over-40 and Legends Over50withsomeplayersusingit as a precursor to the upcoming Orlando Cup, set forApril4-6.
The GSCL pointed out that the tournament is being staged in honour of Guyana’s 55th Republican statusandlikeithasdoneon numerous occasions for sportsinandoutofGuyana, Trophy Stall, through the generosity of its owner, Ramesh Sunich, has consented to sponsor all the winners, runners-ups and incentivetrophies.
Among the teams signalling their intention to participate to date are Regal Legends,AashDécor,Parika Defenders and Premier Insurance in the Over-50 category; Regal Masters, Ariel Masters, Fisherman Masters, Avengers, Super Strikers and Hyde Park MastersintheMastersOver40andRegalMasters,Hyde Park All Stars and Team
Jonhatan Sunich, son of Trophy Stall proprietor
Sunich, hands over one of the winning trophies to GSCLPresident Ian John.
Double V in the Open All Stars.
Withthedrawscheduled to take place at the Gandhi Youth Organisation (GYO) pavilion on Tuesday at 4.00 pm, GSCL President Ian John pointed out that registration is still open to interested teams. They can contact 219-0451 and 6107902.
The GSCL pointed out that softball cricket has always been part of the
Guyanese culture and it is determined to keep the grassroot sport alive. It said that as an organisation, its visionisaboutthepromotion and playing of softball cricket.
“ W e a r e a l s o endeavouring to achieve the goal of encouraging and fostering a sense of community among all cricket enthusiasts, hence the staging of the Republic Cuptournament.”
Demerara Cricket Club thirteen years old all rounder Makhaya Jones is the latest to benefit from thisjointinitiativebetweenKishan Das of the USA and long serving cricketadministrator,AnilBeharry of Guyana. The right handed pace bowler/batsman, was the recipient ofonepairofcricketshoes.
The Cambellville Secondary School student recently participated in the Demerara Cricket Board inter association under15tournament,whichisused to select the county team to participate in the upcoming inter countychampionship.
At a simple ceremony held recently, Jones, the son of softball
stalwart, Wayne Jones, expressed gratitude for the shoes and promisedtoworkhardonhisgame. He was encouraged to focus on cricket and education and be disciplinedatalltimes.
This initiative will continue to strive to make every community a better place, and is pleased to be part of the development of young cricketersinGuyana.Ouraimisto keep them off the streets and get them actively involve in sports, cricketinparticular
Total cricket related items received/purchased so far:
$560,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricketuniforms,onesetofstumps, two trophies, thirty three pairs of cricket shoes, thirty seven pairs of
battingpads,fortysixcricketbats, fortypairsofbattinggloves,twenty eight thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards,twochestpads,twoboxes, thirteen gear bags, thirteen bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, one pair of floppy hat, fourteen boxes and four of white cricket balls, thirteen boxes of red cricket balls, one bat cone and twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear with value of over $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collectedisbeingusedtopurchase cricket gear requested and not availableatthetime.
To date, ninety four players,
male and female, from all three countiesofGuyanahavebenefited directlyfromcashandusedornew equipment.
Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana Skills, discipline and edu
characteristics of the recipients. Talentspottingisbeingdoneacross the country and club leaders also assisttoidentifysame.Progressive and well managed cricket clubs with a youth program, will also benefit.
Anyoneinterestedtocontribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623 6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.
Makhaya Jones poses with his brand new pair of cricket shoes.
Cl a s s y 2 n d innings halfcenturies from Guyana Harpy Eagles
Captain Tevin Imlach and opener Matthew Nandu, inspired the champs to a turnaround 8-wicket win over a spirited Combined Campuses and Colleges (CCC) yesterday at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Guyana surged to their second successive win on home soil, enduring a back and forth tussle against the College team, who pushed the champs to their limits overthelastfewdays. In the end, Guyana playedlikethechampsthey arethankstoadazzling126 not out from Imlach in the
first innings and 77 from Ronaldo Alimohamed, which set the tone for a successfulrunchase.
The Harpy Eagles bowlers had a much better outing during the second innings, led by the veteran Veerasammy Permaul who claimed a quick 4-41, adding to his 3 first innings wickets.
Pacers Shamar Joseph (2-28),Alimohamed (2-21) each ended with 5-fers in thematch,havingpickedup 3 additional scalps during the first innings; with offspinner Kevin Sinclair pickingupjustonewicket.
CCC, after making an imposing 375 in the first innings,wereknockedover for 133 batting a second
time.OpenerDamelEvelyn (48) and middle-order batsman Shaqkere Parris (39) found little help from their partners this time around.
Set at 165 for victory, theEaglessoaredtointheir second innings 168-2, after Imlach followed up his ton with stylish 80 off 125 (9 fours).
Nandu broke the shackles with a solid, sharingacrucial2ndwicket stand of 166 alongside his captain.
Only leg-spinner
Abijhai Mansingh (1-31) managed to create a breakthroughduringCCC’s secondbowlinginnings.
Chasing a decent target with two sessions to play,
Raymond Perez was the first to go to the final over before lunch, knocked over by a good length delivery which swung into the offstump of the right-hander, hurting the champs’ chase as they headed into the break.
Imlach and Nandu then dropped the anchor as they found the necessary boundaries while keeping therun-rateincheck.
The West Indies Test players brought up his second fifty in as many innings, slapping offs p i n n e r Av i n a s h Mahabirsingh to the boundary as he continued hisfineform.
By tea, Guyana were 106-1 well on course to
victory with Nandu settling in nicely Play continued with the home team eyeing their target with lots of wickets and overs remaining. Nandu got to his halfcentury, a much-needed one,aftershowingglimpses of form recently as Imlach looked set for another possible hundred, before Mansingh pinned the big fishLBW
By then, the champs were already in their front yard Kevlon Anderson (11*) put the game to bed, courtesy of a cracking four through mid-wicket to seal an emphatic come-frombehindwin.
Day 4 was tough going for the visitors as Evelyn
continued to grind on the final day and could have gotten to his fifty had it not been for Permaul, who managed to sneak one through the gates which ended the batsman’s 129ballinnings.
His overnight partner Andre Bailey (5) fell in similarfashiontoJoseph,as Parris tried to keep the ship on course, hitting a couple of sixes and three fours as CCC tried to extend their lead.
The continuous fall of wicketspriortomuchadded to the team’s overall demise; as the left-arm spinnerPermaulcleanedup the remaining batsmen at the stroke of noon. (Clifton Ross)
LeBron James becomes both oldest and youngest player to score 40 points in NBA history - Michael Jordan is the only other NBA player to score 40 at 40 years old
Yahoo Sports - LeBron Jamesisinhis40s.Atsome point,that’sgoingtomatter But not now. The Los
Angeles L
recorded 42 points, 17
t assists on Thursday in a 120-112 win over the Golden State Warriors, making him the oldest player in NBA history to score 40 points, while also being the youngest to do
so The only other player to score 40 at 40: Michael Jordan, the object of J a m e s ’ e n d l e s s comparison James’ performance i n c l u d e d 6 - o f - 9 shooting from 3-point range, i
cluding a stretch of three straight 3-pointers that ended with him pulling up from the logo T
between two teams in a state of transition The Lakers are still waiting for Luka Donèiæ to fully recover from a calf strain after shockingly trading Anthony Davis for him last weekend (he’s reportedlytargetingMonday for his Lakers debut), while the Warriors just acquired Jimmy Butler in one more shake-upofStephenCurry’s supportingcast.
Curry joined James in recording a timeless
finished with 37 points after trying to get the Wa
n it during the second half
Despite the loss of Davis, the Lakers have now wonfourstraightgamesand currently sit in fifth in the Western Conference at 3019.
Th e B C Q S
International Masters Squash Tournament heated up on Friday evening at the Georgetown Club, as Barbadian Shawn Simpson and Guyanese Indira Barker
delivered standout performances in their respectivedivisions,inching closer to championship glory
In the Men’s 30-44 division, the lanky Simpson showcasedhisdominanceby defeating Guyanese Alex Arjoon in the final round. Despite Arjoon’s valiant resistance, Simpson sealed the victory in straight sets, 11-8, 11-7, 11-5. Guyanese contender Jason-Ray Khalil also made a statement, securing the #2 seed with a commanding 3-0 win over thecraftyPeterDeGroot.
The Women’s Over-35 division saw reigning champion Lydia Farser continue her winning streak with a decisive 11-3, 11-3, 11-4 victory over Tian Edwards. However, it was Indira Barker who stole the
show, toppling top-seed Alison Smith Padmore in straight sets. Despite some
dispatching the Barbadian 11-6,11-4,11-2.
In the Men’s 45-54 category, Regan Pollard solidifiedhisstatusasatitle favourite by dismantling #3 seed Peter Pitheesingh of Trinidad and Tobago in a dominant 3-0 performance. This win sets up a thrilling showdown ag
nst powerhouse Barbadian Don Benn,whoearnedhisspotin the final with a hard-fought 3-1 victory over home favoriuteJavedAlli.
The Men’s 55-64 division also saw gripping action, as Trinidadian John Holleybookedhisspotinthe championshipmatchagainst defending champion Joseph Mekdeci. Holley impressed with a 3-0 sweep over #5 seed Lloyd Fung-a-Fat, while Mekdeci outclassed Barbadian Peter Harris in a clinicaldisplay
Other notable highlights included Fabio Rivera’s 3-1
Scenes from Day Two between Peter DeGroot and Leonel Sorrillo
triumph over Gowkarran Bissoon in the Men’s 45-54 category and Brian Yong’s upset win over Roger Padmore. Meanwhile, Rob Edwards, Sanjay Amin, and Orson Simpson emerged victorious in the Men’s 55-
64 division, notching wins against Dean Straker, Narendra Singh, and Peter Adams,respectively In the Men’s 30-44 division, Jonathan Antczak, JavidRahaman,LeeFung-aFat, Reagan Rodrigues, and Leonel Sorrillo all secured impressive victories. On the Women’sside,AnnaPerreira andMariaMunroedelivered anelectrifyingfive-setbattle in the O35 category, with Perreiraprevailing4-11,117,7-11,14-12,11-6.
Asthetournamentedges closer to its thrilling conclusion, anticipation builds for the high-stakes clashes ahead Detailed coverage of the penultimate dayofactionwillbefeatured inasubsequentedition.
VAcademy Inc and SBM Offshore Guyana launch the second year of the Girls in Football Development Program
February 5, 2025, Georgetown: The Vurlon Mills Football Academy (VMFA)andSBMOffshore
Guyana successfully launchedthesecondyearof the Girls in Football Development Program on Saturday, November 29, 2024,attheSaintStanislaus Ground,CarifestaAvenue.
The Girls in Football Development Program is designedtoempoweryoung girls by exposing them to a range of potential career paths,mentorship,andother positive benefits derived from participating in football.
The program aims to instill confidence and ambitionintheparticipants, equipping them with the skills necessary to succeed inanyendeavortheychoose to pursue. The first year of the program saw 52 participants between the agesof12-17yearsoldfrom 14 schools completing the program which ran for a periodof12months. There were weekly football training sessions and several valuable life skills and mentoring sessionsheldthroughoutthe year by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, a ‘Kickin’ Conversations’ mentorship session with female SBM Offshore
Guyana employees was conducted. Visits to tertiary institutions; Georgetown Technical Institute (Jill of All Trades), and Carnegie SchoolofHomeEconomics werealsoconducted.
As a result of this program, a 70% increase in the number of girls being selected to represent their respective schools in the Under 14 and Under 15 Competitionswasrecorded. Some of whom were selected to represent their clubs in the National Women’s League. 5 girls were included as part of the Guyana Women’s National U17 Team that represented Guyana at the Inter Guiana Gamesand7girlswerealso included as part of the provisional squad at the
Under 15 level for the ConcacafU15Tournament.
For the second year, the program will build on this momentumbyexpandingits reach to additional schools inRegion4andestablishing a satellite program in Region3.Itwillalsoseethe development of coaches t h r o u g h c o a c h i n g education, increase the numberoflifeskillsessions and facilitators, increase visits to tertiary institutions and increase the level of awareness of scholarship opportunities.
Founder of the VMFA, Mr VurlonMillssaid,“This project continues to have a significant impact on the girls involved by providing themwiththeopportunityto learnanddevelopboththeir
footballskillsandimportant life skills. As we venture intothesecondyear,wewill continue to enhance their skill level, introduce the game to participants who never played before or who are now learning the game, andwillcontinuetodevelop the participants’ football skills, confidence, and overallwell_being.
I must say thank you to SBM Offshore Guyana for their commitment to the VMFA and this program, providinganopportunityfor personal and football developmentforgirls.”
Ms. Gwenetta Fordyce, Sustainability Lead at SBM Offshore Guyana said, “SBMOffshoreisdelighted to continue supporting the Vurlon Mills Football
Academy through the Girls in Football Development Program.Overthepastyear, wehavewitnessedfirsthand the transformative impact this initiative has had on young women, fostering growth through mentorship andskilldevelopment. We are proud to remain partofthisjourneyandlook forward to seeing the continued positive impact and progress this program bringstoitsparticipants.”
TheVMFAwouldliketo express sincere gratitude to SBM Offshore Guyana, the Ministry of Education, the coachesandparentsfortheir invaluable contribution in making this program a success and changing the lives of many young women.
In an era where sports have become a significant
pillar of national
d e v e l o p m e n t , t h e Government of Guyana under President Irfaan Ali and Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport Charles Ramson Jr. has made an unprecedented commitment tothesector.
The 2025 national budget reflects their unwavering dedication, with an $8 billion allocationtosports,thelargest
investment by any government in Guyana’s history
This staggering figure brings the total investment under President Ali’s administration to over $22 billionoverthepastfiveyears
Between2020and2024, the government directed $13.61 billion toward sports
d e v e l o p m e n t , a n unprecedented leap that underscores Guyana’s
growing ambition to competeontheinternational stage, foster national wellness, and nurture athletictalentatalllevels.
S p o r t s F u n d i n g EvolutioninGuyana Guyana’s sports budget has seen remarkable growth
over the years, with allocations more than doublingeachcycle.
In 2020, the sector received $805.3 million. By 2021, this figure had surged to $1.5 billion. The upward trajectory continued in 2022
with a $2 4 billion allocation, followed by $4.3 billion in 2023 and $4.6 billionin2024.
This year’s $8 billion budget further solidifies the government’s recognitionof sportsasacrucialvehiclefor national progress, with a significant portion of these funds has been directed
government has embarked on the construction of new stadiums, rehabilitation of communitygrounds,andthe enhancement of athletic and recreationalfacilitiesinboth urbanandruralregions.
Duringhisrecentaddress to Parliament, President Ali
r e a f f i r m e d h i s administration’s position, adding, “We are building an ecosystem to support cultural, youth, and sports development.”
His words highlight that theseinvestmentsgobeyond the playing field and more
about improving the quality of life for every Guyanese citizen A Pro-Sports President Some might say, that for the first time in Guyana’s history, the country has a pro-sports president in Irfaan Ali Unlike his predecessors,Ali has consistently engaged with athletes and officials across various disciplines anddemographics.
Whether it’s football, cricket, basketball, or track and field, his direct involvement signals a refreshingshiftinhowsports are viewed at the highest levelsofgovernment.
Sports associations have lauded the government’s commitment.
The Guyana Basketball Federation, for instance, highlighted that its national team’s participation in the recent AmeriCup 3x3 tournament in Puerto Rico was fully funded, eliminating the usual struggleofseekingcorporate support.
Similarly, the Athletics Association of Guyana has seen the government take full responsibility for financing its Carifta Games team, an unprecedented
move that has lifted a significant burden off the association’sshoulders.
However, as with any large-scale investment, questionsprojectcompletion timelines have surfaced. While the numbers paint a promising picture, critics argue that the pace of development has been sluggish. Many regions, particularly in rural areas, haveyettoseethepromised infrastructural upgrades materialize.
Somecommunitygrounds remain incomplete, delaying access to proper training facilities for young athletes Are the investments yielding optimal value, or is a significant portion lost in administrativeoverheads?
Furthermore, despite the government’saggressivepush to develop sports infrastructure, some projects have faced inexplicable delays
Take, for example, the two track and field facilities in Linden and Berbice, initiated under the previous administrationin2016.
Almost nine years later, these projects remain
incomplete, with no clear timeline for completion Such prolonged stagnation contrasts sharply with the government’s swift execution of initiatives in other sectors In Region 10, Linden to be specific,footballenthusiasts havehadlittletocheerabout in recent years. The Mackenzie Sports Club Ground, once a vibrant hub for football, has been closed for its transformation into a world-classcricketormultipurposefacility
However, for nearly threeyears,therehasbeenno alternative venue for football,leavingplayersand fansfrustrated.Despitethese c h a l l e n g e s , t h e government’s efforts to bring major regional and internationalsportingevents to Guyana must be acknowledged.
Beyondcricket,therehas been a noticeable push to diversify the nation’s sporting portfolio. Hosting high-profile events not only showcases local talent but also bolsters Guyana’s international reputation as a seriouscontenderinsports. Perfection remains
lusive,andthereisstillworkto be done to streamline project execution and improve transparency
However, to deny that progress has been made would be both dangerous anddisingenuous
T h e $ 8 b i l l i o n investmentin2025signifies anunwaveringcommitment to elevating sports in Guyana Whether these investmentswillyieldlongterm dividends depends on the efficiency with which funds are managed and projects completed One thing is certain, sports in Guyana have never been in a better position than they aretoday
The challenge now lies in ensuring that this momentum is sustained and that every Guyanese a t h l e t e , f r o m t h e grassroots to the elite level, reaps the benefits of
(L-R) President IrfaanAli, Minister of Sport Charles Ramson, and Director Sport Steve Ninvalle at a recent meeting with athletes.
Participants of the Program and Coach Vurlon Mills took a photo op at the launch of the event.