Soaring gold price entices
Businessman and member of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Investment Committee, Dr TerrenceCampbellhasaccusedthe government of Guyana (GoG) of weaponizing the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and other crime related agencies, following his merecallsforaccountabilityinthe spendingofresourcesaccumulated fromtheproductionofoil.
“I would be lying if I said I am notshockedthattheCID(Criminal Investigation Departmentcybercrimes) and SOCU (Special Organized Crime Unit) are now directed at me for tax evasion and money laundering. All Guyana knowsthegenesisofthisisthefact thatIdaredtoaskforaccountability withouroilrevenues,”hesaid.
In an interview with Kaieteur News on Friday, Campbell chronicled a series of events that occurredsincehebecamevocalon theneedfortransparencyintheuse
of oil monies, including accusations of tax evasion, money laundering, racial discrimination and even allegedly threatening to commitmurder
The businessman recalled that around September/ October last year, after he made a social media post, an individual (name withheld), close to Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo became upset and abusive, threatening to engage the GuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA).
Thisledtohimreceivingaletter from the Agency, enquiring about his taxes Campbell said he submitted his receipts and he was
required to make some filings whichherequestedafewweeksto submit,whichwaslatersharedwith the Authority According to him, “Aftertheyrealizedthattherewere nooutstandingtaxes,theydugback in the file and somebody at GRA gavethemthatletteroftaxwaiver.”
that he was also made aware that SOCUwillbeinvestigatinghimfor moneylaunderingandtaxevasion.
“It shows that Guyana is heading in a direction that no serious citizen, no civic-minded citizen should want to see it go...I honestly feel the government wants a free hand with the (oil) fund, and to account for it is going to be a little bit restrictive, and so that’s why the fight is out in the public domain.”
Campbell made it clear that he hasneverevadedtaxes.Instead,he explained,“Therewasanissuewith late payment of VAT. I paid over $100M on penalties and interest andwhenthetaxesweretobepaid off, I asked for a waiver on the remaining interest. The GRA had promised I think in 2017 that once all of the taxes were paid, they would consider a waiver Waivers of penalties are done for people often,notonlyinGuyanabutacross theworldwithoutissue.”
The businessman is adamant that at no point did he hide any revenue or falsify any accounting for tax evasion purposes.As such, he said he is considering legal action against the VP for defamation.
Campbell told this publication
“I have since been advised that no such harassment will take place,” he added, explaining that he preferred not to state the name of the official who gave him this assurance.
In themeantime,Campbellhas called on the VP to publish the names of all persons who have benefittedfromsimilartaxwaivers sincehehasonlysingledhimout.
Morerecently,thebusinessman saidthathewastaggedinanonline newsarticlebyGuyanaDailyNews (GDN) in a comment made by Ameir Ahmad where he accused Campbell of racial discrimination and threatening to kill him (Ahmad).
Campbell explained that last Saturday, he made a number of posts about the land deal between former Chief Executive Officer of Central Housing and Planning Authority, Sherwin Greaves and Edul (Ed) Ahmad, a convicted
Businessman and member of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Investment Committee, Dr. Terrence Campbell
Following those comments, he saidhewasmadetounderstandthat hemadethreatstothefamilywhen infacthehadonlyraisedquestions about the business dealings of the family.
“All I have done is ask questions and in fact to any degree that he had done anything I had given him pre-action notice that I wasfilingacasefordefamationso subsequent to that, I was made to understand that Mr Ahmad via a postonhisfacebookreportedmeto the ERC (Ethnic Relations Committee) and secondly to the GuyanaPoliceForce,”hesaid.
As such Campbell told this newspaperthathe,togetherwithhis lawyer, visited the CID Headquarters on Vlissengen Road,
Georgetown on Wednesday afternoonbutwasinformedthathe wasnotneededatthetime.
A f t e r l e a v i n g C I D Headquarters,Campbellproceeded to the Brickdam Police Station where he filed a report against Ahmad for fabricating reports againsthim.
Despite the misleading post made by the news outlet, the businessmansaidthatheatnopoint visited Alberttown Police Station, nor was he arrested or placed in custody
While on a flight out of the country, Campbell said he saw the post that he was allegedly arrested by the GPF. “That post caused my family and friends severe anxiety. There are two posts that they completely made up and Guyana Daily News is absolutely out of control,”thebusinessmanrelated.
Campbell said he does not know what evidence was provided to the GPF for his alleged threats, but denied the allegations leveled againsthim.
Hesaidhewastoldthatthefile has since been sent to the Director ofPublicProsecution(DPP).
The businessman expressed dismay at the fact that he almost returnedtotheUSasafugitivedue to the false reports and fabricated chargesbytheonlineentity
Tothisend,hestated,“Itshows that Guyana is heading in a directionthatnoseriouscitizen,no civic-mindedcitizenshouldwantto seeitgo.” Headded,“Wehavea Continued on page 15
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PPP General Secretary and Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is a man of never-ending contradictions. Theprivatesectorisconcernedaboutstabilityanddivision duringtheupcominggeneralandregionalelections. When theprivatesectorconstituencyofthePPPCgovernmenthas a problem, Jagdeo makes that his problem. Interestingly, the private sector aired its anxieties about stability and divisivenessduringthiselectionyeartoJagdeo. Itsleaders wentstraighttotherightplace,becausetheyknowwhoisin charge.
Itmayhavebeentheflipofacoinbefore,astowhoisthe mostdivisivepoliticalfigureinGuyana,PresidentAliorVice PresidentJagdeo Onaweeklybasis,Jagdeohaspulledaway from the president relative to stability and especially with regard to divisiveness There is no more polarizing political presenceinGuyanathanBharratJagdeo,andheprovesitevery Thursday,onmostoccasionsthathesayssomethinginpublic Theprivatesectormayburyitsheadinthesand,duetoitsvery rewarding relationship with the PPPC Government, but the reality cannot be denied Jagdeo is a very unstable figure, a national leader who seemingly devotes his energies, his political skills to destabilize Guyana. When the former head of state should be the best example of calm and powerful self-control, he is happiest when he is doing his imitationsofastreetthugandapoliticalgoon.
Weekafterweek,thegeneralsecretaryandvicepresident useshisplatformtolashout,tearapart,andunsettlethenation JagdeoshouldbetheleaderforastableanddignifiedGuyana Guyana’sprideinthatheisamanofdeepsubstanceandnotof nakedvenomsandreekinganimosities Insteadlookatwhat GuyanesehavegotinVicePresidentJagdeo Theyhavehada seasontickettowatchJagdeocloseupashelosescontroland transformsintoaone-manmobbentonmischiefandmayhem Heissocommittedtohisunstableways,hisdestabilizingroles, thatheevenwalkswithhisownhumanpropstoboosthisego andhisarguments
The man is so insecure that he cannot fight his own battles, or a clean one, he has to be accompanied by flunkeys and brownnosers, who jump to add their shrill voices to his narratives. When Jagdeo himself is so seeminglyunstableonhisfeet,souneasyinhismind,then what stability can he inspire in others? Not much of the genuine article that Guyanese need, but which Jagdeo has turnedhisbackalongtimeago. Themanhasallowedhis lustforpowertodevourhimtosuchanextentthathewillgo out of his way to damage, to weaken and bring down, to reducetonothingwhenhehastodoso. Thisisaleaderwho stops at nothing, observes few standards, to maintain his increasinglyslipperyholdonpower
He carves out opportunities to play the worst kind of politics Withthenationaloilpatrimonyracingaheadatprolific speeds,thisiswheretheattentionandenergiesofGuyana’soil czar should be fiercely concentrated Instead, his best oil management attribute is to beat the Opposition PNCR into submission, by ridiculing the group nonstop One may appreciatethatastheintensityofpoliticalcompetition,butthe reality is that the divisions in Guyana are renewed and reinvigorated In this election year, and with equity in the distributionoftheoilpatrimonyatboilingtemperatures,what Jagdeodoesisaddfueltothefiresofdivision Heoftendivides to command, control, for cheap political purposes and ambitions Where there is division, Jagdeo flexes his muscles and pushes himself to intensify the division. He thrivesonkeepingGuyaneseapart,knowingfullwellthat hisracialwindowdressingisseenthroughbyeveryonefor whatitis:acraftypoliticianusingweakpeopleaspartofhis propagandashuffles. Hecursesconscientiouscitizensand the private sectors looks to him to heal the divide. He demonizes the people who represent close to half of Guyana’s electorate and Jagdeo is still seen as a liberator Hemustliberatehimselffirstfromthemob-likementality thathehasperfected.
DEAREDITOR, Following the Guyana National Budget 2025, the
collective hope. The right arguesthatweneedabudget for the sake of future generations.
Now is the moment to initiate substantial mediumand long-term public investments to stimulate job creation and foster new investment opportunities for industrialsectorsthatremain
development We must concentrateonbuildingnew urban and inter-regional roads, investing in the energy sector, expanding low-carbon energy sources, enhancing essential public services such as childcare
significantly increasing
education at all levels and workers’skills.
These investments, especially in public services and energy efficiency, are labour-intensive, create more jobs than increased consumer spending, and simultaneously support our environmental, community development, and social justicegoals.
We require a period of growth driven by public investment to revitalise the entire economy. Public infrastructure and services playavitalroleinenhancing the productivity of the private sector—investment from the public sector facilitates investment from theprivatesector
This high-growth strategy may represent the mostadvantageousapproach to establishing Guyana’s
modern industrial economy
However, given the emerging constraints on global demand, it is more likely to succeed in laying the foundation for sustained growth than a traditional export-oriented industrial strategy Furthermore, it would be more effective in creatingopportunitiesforthe majorityofGuyanesepeople intheshorttomediumterm, thereby helping to address employment.
Together,asweallstrive to cultivate a culture where others can lead lives filled withpurposeandservice,let us continue to learn from each other I agree that embarkingonorpersevering in our journey to become transformational leaders, like President Irfaan Ali, profoundly transforms one’s life This President,
however, also looks beyond the conventional growth metrics of Guyana’s economy and into its heart andsoul.
It should be a space dedicated to a purpose, where we engage in meaningful work with those wecareaboutandforacause wecherish.
Finally,thereismorality Morality encompasses a great deal, I understand. To me, morality signifies recognizing the difference between right and wrong. It involvessteeringclearofthe precipice to avoid succumbing to the trap. It is about doing the right thing, irrespectiveofthecost.
Yoursfaithfully SherwoodClarke GeneralSecretary Clerical & Commercial Workers’Union(CCWU)
Mr. Lelon Saul’s push for biometric voting is premature and lacks conclusive evidence
DEAREDITOR, Pleasepermitmeaspace in your newspaper to respond to Mr Lelon Saul’s letter in the Kaieteur News dated Tuesday, February 4, 2025, where he advocated for legislative reforms to facilitatetheuseofbiometric technologyinelections.
I wish to address some misconceptions and unfounded claims made by Mr Saul, particularly his push to replace physical ballots, which I believe remain the more secure method for ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections.
His assertion that biometrics will enhance the efficiencyandsecurityofthe electoral process lacks conclusiveevidence.
While biometric technologymayhaveaplace in modernising systems, its introduction will not automatically resolve issues such as voter fraud, inefficiencies, and security breaches commonly associated with elections worldwide. In my opinion, physical ballots are a better safeguard against the concernsMr.Saulraised.
It is important to remind Mr. Saul that just four years ago, during the failed attempts by his party, the
APNU/AFC, to manipulate the 2020 General and Regional Elections, it was the use of physical ballots that helped thwart those efforts.Hadbiometricsbeen in use during that election, the coalition might have succeeded in its attempts to manipulatethevotes.
Thephysicalcountingof ballots at polling places and thegeneratingofStatements of Poll subsequently exposed the inflated numbers that Mr Clairmont Mingowascallingout.
If the voting had been electronic, the GECOM staff, who attempted to manipulate the numbers from a “back room,” could have done so undetected, potentially even from a remotelocation.
Theintegrityofthe2020 elections was upheld through the painstaking recountofphysicalballots,a critical step that ensured the validityofthevotes.
The physical ballots provided clear evidence of the actual results and prevented manipulation of digital systems that might have gone unnoticed had biometric methods been employed. If similar attemptshadbeenmadewith biometric data, the results could have lacked
transparency, and tampering might have been harder to uncover
Regarding the issue of voter queues, Mr Saul’s claim that long lines are primarily the result of outdated voting systems is misguided.
In reality, long lines typically occur during the early morning rush when voters are eager to cast their ballots.Bynoon,thequeues
generally diminish
Simplifyingthisproblemby suggesting that biometrics would resolve the issue overlooks the fact that queuesareoftenareflection of human behaviour, not systemicinefficiency
Additionally, Mr Saul’s assertion that biometrics would significantly reduce delays or improve voter turnout does not take into account the complexities and potential complications a s s o c i a t e d w i t h implementing such technology Biometric systems require substantial infrastructure, including the collection and storage of sensitive data, which introduces new risks concerningdataprivacyand security.
Without a clear understanding of how this system would be monitored
and safeguarded against misuse, it is premature to claim that it would enhance electoralprocesses.
There are also ongoing concerns regarding the vulnerability of electronic systems to hacking, malfunctions, or human error In contrast, the security of physical ballots has been tried, tested, and trusted for decades, even amidst significant challenges.
While modernisation is important, the integrity of the electoral process should notbesacrificedforthesake ofconvenienceorperceived efficiency
Physical ballots remain themostsecure,reliable,and transparent means of ensuring that every vote is accurately counted and that the will of the people is accuratelyreflected.
Taking into account thesefactorsoutlinedabove, one now has to wonder why the opposition seems to be the only ones pushing to have physical ballots replaced with biometrics, given their attempts to manipulatethe2020General andRegionalElections.
Sincerely, EddyLayne Director of Public Information
DEAREDITOR, It’s election season and thechancesoftheopposition making any headway in bringing about a change of government is very slim, so there is a concerted effort to againforgesomesemblance of “Acoalition” of forces to see if they can make a change.
That process has already begun,albeitinaverysubtle way First in the list of strategies, is former PNC Member Simona Broomes has formed her own party and will be contesting the nextgeneralelection.
This from surface value, is a supposed breakaway from the PNC, but who will vote for her, from which voting pool can votes be sourced? And the logical answer is, she can only be abletodrawvotersfromthe disenchantedlistofthePNC, which in itself is not a good thing.
From an analytical perspective election watchers see this as a plan hatchedbytheLyingLawyer toforceNortontogiveuphis position as the presidential c a n d i d a t e o f a n y arrangement leading up to a coalition;thisispellucid!So, the wranglings intensify within the main opposition and its potential coalition partner Nortonisstickingto his position that the presidential candidate must come from his party, whilst the wily Nigel Hughes, is workingtowardshimwiping thatconceptoffhismind.So,
whiletheyjostleforpowerin the potential coalition, The Incumbent PPP/C looms greaterandstronger Now, here is where the n a m e A z h r u d d i n Mohammed comes in, the opposition would have opined that their present attempts to bring about an electoral change would not work so there is a strong encouragement to Mr Mohammed to enter the politicalrace.
Thedeveloperbillionaire now turn philanthropist is the candidate that they are counting on to remove the PPP/C. While this is a good gesture Mr Mohammed must consider some pertinent facts, and I have listedthembelow:
1. In the first place, running a country is not a gameofphotoopportunities, it is facing hardcore economic challenges and
making futuristic plans and goalstomoveaThirdWorld Country such as ours forward.
2. Who would be that cadre of trained and experience persons, that would make his team to contest.
3 Mr Mohammed should be aware that the peoplewhoarepraisinghim now, are the very same people who were just the other day vilifying him doing this before The InternationalCommunity
4. You would recall The Mohammeds were the contractors who were earmarkedtobuildtheshore base facility at Vreed-en Hoop, this plan fell through due to opposition’s vehement claims that The Mohammeds were linked to the PPP and were in the business of money laundering; this information
was passed on to The USA A u t h o r i t i e s w h o immediately placed sanctionsonthatfamily The saynomore!
5. The Mohammeds had to withdraw from that multimillion-dollar project all because of opposition’s accusations and intense pressure.
So, to turn again and praise a man that they so disparagingly spoke about shouldraisewarningflagsto The Mohammeds that they are in for another round of beingusedjustlike“Thetwo Little Indians” in The AFC Coalition.
The point is, Mr. Mohammed must never forget that he is still viewed as“AnIndian”whoisavidof power, but let them use that power he has to cause The Indian Block of voters to make a crossover and bring ThePPPdown.
That concept was hatched in 2011 and met its full manifestation in 2015.
However, and most importantly, Guyana was all the poorer because of that union of sorts, because the PNC took full control and created havoc in the economy
This, Mr Mohammed shouldtakekeennote,lesthe become overambitious and lurehimselfintothattrap.
RespectfullySubmitted NeilAdams
Acting Chief
McGusty on Friday postponed her ruling on the Special Organised Crime Unit’s (SOCU) application to gain access to additional bank records
Commissioner Calvin Brutus.
The decision, initially expected on Friday, was delayed after defense attorneys raised objections and additional submissions wererequested.
Brutus, along with Contractor Corwin Nicholson, face several charges in the financial crime case. Nicholson was charged alongside Brutus, while businessman Asif Zafarally, Latoya Brummel, and Sergeant Kevin George werealsorequiredtoappear incourt.
Brutus, Brummel, and Nicholson are jointly chargedwithsevencountsof conspiracy to commit a felonyandobtainingbyfalse pretense.The charges allege that, between December 1, 2023,andJanuary31,2024,
at the Guyana Police Force (GPF) headquarters at Eve
L e a r y, K i n g s t o n , Georgetown, the trio conspired to defraud the State. They are accused of unlawfully collecting substantial sums ranging from $14 million to $14.8 million on multiple occasions for goods that wereneverdelivered.
On Friday, Defense
Attorney Dommick Bess
challenged SOCU’s
application to access the bank records. He referenced past legal precedents, specificallyBarkerv.Wilson and Williams v. Williams, where magistrates had rejected similar requests According to Bess, the conceptofa“banker’sbook” originates from the 1800s and does not encompass modern banking records, especially the transaction statements that SOCU sought.
requestwasoverlybroadand did not fit the traditional definitionofabanker’sbook undertheEvidenceAct.
He was granted additional time to submit written responses in support of his argument. Bess also raised concerns about not personally receiving the application,whichledtothe delayintheruling.
AttorneyEvertonSinghLammy, representing Asif Zafarally, also made requestsforthedisclosureof
additional materials, including statements from key individuals such as Brutus’s mother-in-law, PatriciaThomas.
In response, Prosecutor Braithwaite maintained that modern banking records, including transaction statements, are integral to routine banking operations and should be accessible underthelaw
He emphasized the importance of these records
for SOCU’s ongoing investigation Braithwaite also expressed frustration with the timing of the defense’s submissions, stating,“Myfriendhascome here today, at the time of judgment, to make submissions at this last stage.”
G i v e n t h e s e developments, Braithwaite requested additional time to review the application and provide a response to the defense’sarguments.
In regard to Lammy’s requests for further disclosure, the prosecution clarified that they did not possess some of the statements requested, as
certain individuals had not made themselves available f o r q u e s t i o n i n g Additionally, some of the materials requested by the defense did not exist based on the investigation’s findings.
Lammy responded by asking if the prosecution would make the necessary disclosures, to which Braithwaite confirmed, stating,“Yes,aslongasthey are available.” Lammy, in turn,remarked,“Onlyafool would charge someone without having sufficient evidence or records against them.”
The Chief Magistrate advised the prosecution to make every effort to obtain and provide the requested materials where possible Given the ongoing developments and requests for additional time, the matter was adjourned to February 28, 2025, giving SOCUtimetorespondtothe defense’ssubmissions.
Brutus, Nicholson, Zafarally, Brummel, and Sergeant George are all requiredtoreturntocourton thatdate.
DPI-Fortypersonshave completed a one-week course on strategy and defence policy, led by the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studiesincollaborationwith Guyana’s National Defence Institute.
The graduates received their certificates of completion during a simple ceremony at the Guyana PoliceForceTrainingCentre onCampRoad,Georgetown onFriday Director of the National Defence Instititute, Dr. Randolph Persaud said that the training covered various elements of strategic thought,includingcommand and control, and defence planning.
“We also covered crisis decision-making during the week. We covered human rights. We did things like human security, small arms
and light weapons proliferation,” he said in an interviewonthesidelinesof thegraduationceremony He explained that the
participantswerenominated by
organisations, and included persons from the Guyana Defence Force, Guyana PoliceForce,Environmental Protection Agency, Guyana Revenue Authority, and OfficeofthePresident.
“Thequalityofquestions that came from them impressed the visiting faculty and of course the leadership of the National
Defence Institute,” Dr Persaud added, dubbing the course an “overwhelming success”.
The training aimed to enhance the participants’ knowledge in the areas of strategy and defence policy, especially with regards to internationalsecurity
The funding is internal. “We did not receive any funding from outside. The Perry faculty did this pro
Understanding. They are related as a knowledge producing and research institution to the U
government,” he further explained
The Perry Centre
faculty include Professors Celina Realuyo, Col (Ret2d) Glyne Grannum (Barbados),andDr Román
D Ortiz
Dr Persaud further pointed to the Institute’s CEO Cybe
y Workshop, which was conducted in November 2024 He explained that thistrainingalignswiththe Strategy and Defence Policy course in the NDI’s bid to strengthen the country’
The NDI, a brainchild of President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali was launched in September 2024 with the aim of establishing the institute as a ‘centre of excellence’ in defence, security, and development studies in Guyana and the Americas.
It helps to build capacity and expertise withinthenation’ssecurity architecture, offering world-class training to stakeholders locally and regionally
TheNDIislinkedtothe Regional Security System (RSS), the National Defence University in Washington D C and the WilliamJ PerryCentrefor Defense and Atmospheric Studies.
“By next September, we expect to have our enrollment system up, and oncethatisup,weexpectto runashortcourseinstrategic studies and development And then we begin to we expect to begin degree programs, hopefully by Septemberof2025,”hesaid.
The distribution
schedules of the $100,000one-off cash grant for regions two, three,four,five,six,andten will be published within a week.
Finance Secretary, SukrishnalallPashahastold the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the ministry is currently preparing these schedules, andsimultaneouslyworking on completing the verification process for persons who have already registered.
This effort has seen
tremendous results, especially against the backdrop of the relatively small team undertaking this initiative.
In fact, within one month,theministryhasbeen able to verify over 240,000 persons.
“We registered about 271,000sincethebeginning
of the year, and verified 242,000. Last year, about 390,000 persons were registered and verified. We alsosubstantiallycompleted distribution in regions one, seven, eight and nine,” Pashasaid,emphasisingthe magnitud
his achievement.
Pasha’s disclosure comes on the heels of General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo’s assurance that all Guyanese will receive the cash grant, and that the government is bent on ensuring that the process is as smooth and efficientaspossible.
N o w t h a t t h e government’s $1 138 trillion budget has been passed, Dr Jagdeo said the
sume distributionofthegrant.
“[Before], even if the cheques were cut, you
could not deliver them or get them cashed because the resources were not available,” he explained to reporters at the weekly Freedom House press conference.
Heunderscoredthatthis is a monumental project, recognisingthehardworkof the staff at the Ministry of Finance.
“Ittakestime.Ithasto be done diligently and people will get their money We’re not going to be rushed to do it,” he added.
L a s t w e e k , t h e Committee of Supply approved the over $40 billion allocation to support the distribution, of which $30 billion will be disseminatedtothe300,000 additional citizens aged 18 andolder
Approximately 121,000 Guyanese have already receivedtheirgrants.(DPI)
NigelHughesonFridaymadeitclearthathis attempt to acquire lease lands along the Essequibo River, Region Two was “above board”.Notwithstanding,hesaidhewelcome anyinvestigationintotheacquisition.
“…Iwelcome,Iabsolutelywelcomeand encourage a full investigation into my acquisition of lands on the left bank of the EssequiboRiver…”Hughessaid.
The prominent attorney also told reporters at his party’s weekly press conference that he also welcomes an investigation into any role he played in helping a company acquire lands at Plantation Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
He made it clear that he is not a shareholder of the company nor a direct beneficiaryofthelands.
On Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, while defending his government’s sale of over 35 acres of prime land to convicted fraudster Edul ‘Ed’Ahmad, at his party’spress-conferencehighlightedabidby Hughes to acquire 75 acres of undeveloped statelands.HealsosaidthatHugheswaspart ofacompanythatacquiredlandsatPlantation Ogle,ECD.
However, on Friday Hughes said that he purchased 50 acres of lands along the Essequibo River for $2 million from Simon Munroe.Hetoldreportersthat,“Istillhadto go to Guyana Lands and Surveys. I had to apply to them and they went through the process.”
Hughes said he does not know how long Munroe had acquired the land prior to his involvement. “Squatting or not, I wouldn’t know Whetherheis,isreallyirrelevanttothe process because at the end of the day, I still hadtogotoGuyanaLandsandSurveys.Ihad to apply to them and they went through the process…Whether he was squatting…none ofthatwasrelevanttotheGuyanaLandsand Survey,”Hughesexplained.
The AFC Leader said he was issued an approval for his application to acquire the statelandsinOctober2019fromtheGuyana
Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC). The approval came with conditions and he maintained that he has complied with all of the said conditions and was then granted provisional lease for the 50 acres of land in 2020.
“Since then, I have been writing, attending, asking the Guyana Lands and Surveystoissuetometheactualfinallease,” Hughes said while adding, “Every letter we havesenttothem…andtherehasbeenfour… they have refused to respond to either and theyhaveindicatedthatthereisnothingthey cando.”
Further,hesaidhewastold,unofficially, that the Commission was instructed not to issuelandstohim.
“Unofficially,wehaveheardthattheygot a specific instruction not to issue lands to NigelHughes.Ihavebeenwaitingsincethen. All the documents are there, and I welcome aninvestigation,”Hughestoldreporters.
Hughes disclosed that he applied for the land for business purposes but all of his partners have since moved away given the longwaitforthefinalleasetobegranted.
Meanwhile,theAFCleaderhascalledfor a full investigation into the sale of over 35 acres of prime city lands to convicted fraudster,EdAhmad.
In 1985, the Forbes
Burnham government looking for economic salvation, entered into a m e m o r a n d u m o f understanding with a fugitive from US justice.
The promise of an offshore bank, a mining enterprise, and an international hotel wastooenticingtoignore.
This fugitive had come knocking with a proposal to establish an offshore bank.
The PNC government was
so desperate for the
investment and the purportedbenefits,thatitdid notdosufficientbackground checksontheman.Littledid the PNC know that the man had a five-year conviction over his head for serious financialcrimes!
Having later discovered the bona fides of the man, and in a rare instance of prudence, the PNC government abandoned the scheme, implicitly acknowledging that dealing with a known financial criminal was both ethically indefensible and a threat to the nation’s economic credibility It was a moment of clarity in an otherwise murkyperiodofgovernance.
Fast forward to today, and it seems that such lessons have been conveniently forgotten by the incumbent PPPC government. Last Thursday,
the General Secretary of the PPPC was questioned about the government’s dealings with someone who was convicted of serious financial crimes in the UnitedStates.
The PPPC’s General Secretary employed diversionary tactics in response to the legitimate concerns about the government’s association withsomeonewhohadfaced a conviction for serious financialcrimes
The General Secretary’s answer raises troubling concerns as to the standards governing investment decisions in Guyana This, however,isnotatriflematter which can be dismissed by diversionary tactics The stakes today are far higher than they were in 1985. Guyanaisnowasignatoryto international agreements designed to protect its economic system from possible contamination of dirtymoney
The scrutiny is more intense, the risks more pronounced, and the consequences of negligence potentiallycatastrophic Guyana can face sanctions from the United Statesifitisfoundthatdirty money is entering our economy So far there is no evidence of this happening. There is no evidence that
dirty money is financing foreign investments in Guyana.Nonethelessitisthe government’s responsibility to undertake proper due diligencewhendealingwith investorsandinvestments.
Thequestion,then,isnot justwhetherthegovernment iswillingtodobusinesswith personsconvictedofserious financial crimes, but whether it has established clearandenforceableethical benchmarks for investment. Who is allowed to invest in ourcountry?Isitopentoany and every one? What safeguards exist to prevent theinfiltrationofillicitfunds into the local economy? What due diligence is conductedontheproceedsof funds invested by individuals and companies benefitting from state lands andfiscalconcessions?
If the government is willing to do business with someone convicted of serious financial crimes in the United States, where doesitdrawtheline?Would it welcome investments from the likes of John Gotti or Pablo Escobar, provided they promise employment andinfrastructure?Theseare not rhetorical questions but pressing concerns in an age where financial crime has evolved into a sophisticated andglobalenterprise.
The necessity of clear
Dem boys seh, some people got realnerve! Wegatgoodpeople inGuyanawhodoesgivefrom demheart.Anddemwahdoesbereceiving de kindness, does begin to feel like it is an entitlement.
Thenwegatsomepolitician.Demrich. But dem nah go into dem pocket fuh help people.Demsharingoutstateresourcesand dem mek it look as if dem doing people a favour
But is de same reaction by them who receiving. Some people getting handout and think is dem birthright. De day de government cut anything, dem gan start protestandcussdowndesamepeoplewho beenhelpingdemalldetime.
Dem boys seh, never get too comfortable with a free ride—one day, de drivermightparkupandwalkaway!
Itmekdemboysrememberdestoryofa manwhobeengivingabeggar$1000every month. Every month, de beggar collect he moneyandgoneheway Lifesweet! One day, de man give he $750 instead.
investment benchmarks extendsbeyondmereoptics; it is a matter of economic survival Guyana’s burgeoningoilwealthplaces it squarely within the crosshairs of international money launderers, tax evaders, and corporate raiders who see opportunity i
government eager to attract investment. Without robust due diligence, the country risks becoming a haven for illicit finance. Such risks s h o u l d n o t b e underestimated Dirtymoney distorts the economy, fuels corruption, and undermines the legitimacy of financial institutions It corrodes investor confidence, and invites the scrutiny of international regulatory bodies,potentiallyleadingto sanctions and restrictions on financialtransactions.
To avert this dystopian future, Guyana must adopt a framework that establishes clear, non-negotiable criteria for investment. First, the g o v e r n m e n t m u s t categoricallyrefusetoengage with individuals who have
been convicted of serious financialcrimes Thisisnota radical proposition It is a basic principle of sound governance Thereputational damage incurred by associating with criminals far outweighs any potential economicbenefits.
Second, a rigorous due diligence process must be institutionalized to vet investors seeking land and fiscal concessions This s h o u l d i n c l u d e comprehensive background checks,andanassessmentof the source of investment funds Anyinvestorunwilling or unable to disclose the origins and to satisfy the authorities of its legitimacy shouldbeshownthedoor
The United States, through its Department of State and Justice Department should take careful note of the PPPC’s General Secretary’s answer to that question at last T h u r s d a y ’s p r e s s conference. Guyana has to demonstrate greater seriousnesswhenitcomesto those who the government does business with and the degree of due diligence on
investors and source of financing before allocating state lands and fiscal concessions.
A nation that fails to define the limits of acceptable investment is a nationthatinvitesproblems. If Guyana’s government demonstrates a willingness to accommodate individuals withcriminalpasts,itinvites scrutiny and potential diplomaticconsequences.
The lesson from 1985 is clear: there is no economic benefit so great that it justifies entanglement with the persons who were convicted of serious financialcrimes.
T h e B u r n h a m administration, for all its faults, recognized this. The current administration, intoxicated by the allure of immediate financial gain, appears to have lost sight of thisfundamentaltruth.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
De beggar scratch he head but seh, “Well, $750betterthannothing.”Hetekdemoney andgone.
Nextmonthcome,anddemanonlygive he$500.Debeggarcouldn’tbelieveit!He frown up he face and ask, “Big man, wah goingonhay?
First yuh used to give me $1000, then yuh cut it to $750, now only $500? What happening?Tellmenah.”
Demansighandexplain,“Look,when mestartgiveyou$1000,mechildrenbeen lil and me had money to spare. But me daughter start university and dem school feeshigh,somehadtocutitdownto$750. Now me son start university too, and me expense raise up, so me could only afford $500.” De beggar watch de man serious, scratch he head and ask, “How much pickneyyuhgot?”
De beggar screw up he face and shout, “So wait! Yuh plan to send all dem to universityponmemoney?!” Talkhalf.Leffhalf
President Irfaan Ali leaves me awestruck and with more than traces of being starstruck (*). It has been that kind of breakout year for him, with similar spectaculars already on the move for 2025. For those stuck by that asterisk at the endofthefirstsentence,itis being awestruck and starstruckwithatwist,alittle ripple.
I congratulate President Aliforayearofmagnificent achievements. Under his majestic leadership, 2024 was a year of glorious developments. A man of such great benevolence, a regulardayforhimstartedin thepredawnhours,wherehe is all explosive energy, with voice resonating stridently It is an indication of a man steepedinthelearningofthe ancientGreeks.
unequalled wisdom, his leadership power And grandeur President Ali is notjustall-knowing,heisall over the place Thus, Guyanaiswhereitis,thanks
o the singlehanded dedication of party man, government man, badman, countryman, and family man, Mohamed Irfaan Ali. Now, the eagle-eyed in Guyana may think that I am imitatinglocalDr Parrots,or Mr Macaws in the diaspora at full ink flowing volume, fulsome expressions, about thepresident.
Those who do should collectmyprizesfromSanta Claus. Ingoodconscience,I really can’t accept them for making myself into a fullblown hypocrite, through lavishing hollow praise on President Ali Honest
Guyaneseknowthatthishas nobasisinreality President Ali is a shallow leader, a hollow man. A bobbing head, an empty suit. In his calmer moments, the president should be frank with himself: know that he hasbeenaboutatmospherics and aerobics rather than leadershipheroics.
Excellency Ali has presided over a string of record-breaking national budgets. Yet, the universal cry from Guyana’s hungry, poverty-stricken masses haunts in three words: where’s the beef? From vegetarians and religious citizens,thatplaintiveappeal can be compressed into another three words of piercing poignancy: ‘what about bread?’ Three years with trillions of budget dollarsandthosetwosetsof three words each capture
prowess. It’s the pathos of, maybe, three out of five oil enriched Guyanese holloweyed, empty-handed, hopedeficient Absorb that picture, esteemed Excellency
The president has compiled a deserved rep (rap) as a bellower He listens when he runs out of steam, spaces to roam. I admit that it was a lovely figure,notof36-24-36(why don’t we read of that anymore?), but $200,000. To bring every Guyanese back to earth, including the overseas based, it was $200,000 Guyana dollars and not American ones. In exactly one week, $200,000 took on the new identity of $100,000,withallvotingage citizens now in the circle of prospective collectors,
thanks to Father Christmas Ali Everyoneshouldseethat I have good grounds to thinkhighlyoftheleader To put a special sheen on his gift, the money that battered G u y a n e s e n e e d e d desperately was going to be delivered “immediately ” Like transparency and accountability, President MohamedIrfaanhashisown ideasofwhat“immediately” means.
There is MerriamWebster and there is MohamedIrfaan. Whatever Guyanese decide to believe, I am sticking with the white th people. October 10 to the end of December was the eternityof11weeks,andthe president’s “immediately” was more about the iffy, didn’t harmonize with reality Now January is gone, with Dr Ashni Singh failing to deliver the cash, andDr Jagdeonowjumping in and saying ‘after the budget.’ My question is whatabouttheelderly? Will they be forced to fight the below60groupforaplacein theline?
Pensionersweretoldthat they are among the priority peopletoupliftbecausethey are already in the system. Somebody in the PPP Government drop them downalift.
ButPresidentAlibeinga busy man (he said so himself) has already move on to other crisis matters in full battle formation. Sugar people read the riot act.
Electricity people read anotherriotact. Whosehead doesn’trollisadvisedtotake astroll. Whatisthis,afunny country with a comic book leaderincharge? AnSoSis sent to Attorney General MohabirAnilNandlallforan education on how many riot acts this country has. And also, if that is not the exclusive property of the Commissioner of Police. It couldbethatthepresidentis verbally riotous, or this is a riotpronecountry Timefor a quick station break: Mr President, how many of those 05:30 a.m. contractors havemadegoodnowthatthe deadline is over? President Ali’s deadline, not mine st. December31 Something should be clearfromallthis. President Ali is more brawn and bark than bite. Brute strength to impress As usual, his leadership balloon bursts loudly I trot out this American yarn: Excellency Aliremindsofsomeofthose Manhattan cowboys. He is all hat and no cows. Yes, I am awestruck and starstruck that he can pull these things off, get away with them for solong. Therewillbemore ofthesamein2025.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
For yet another week, reporters painfully endured the Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo’s afternoon gyaff at Freedom House on Thursday.
After refusing to show up at Parliament to contribute to this year’s Budget Debate, the VP spent the first half of his press cuss-frence rebutting points made by the Opposition in National Assembly.
We wish the VP would spare us the drama and go to the House, where he should have been, to address these points so that we can move on with critical matters, relating to the management of the country.
The Demerara
High Court on Friday dismissed the case filed by six Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara (EBD) squatters, who had sued the government over the demolitionoftheirhomes.
The court also ordered themtopay$1milliontothe state.
The squatters, Mark Gorgon, Shenika Simpson, Roxane Allen, Joyann Ellis, Junior Ellis, and Luretia George, who had been occupyinglandsonBlock'X' Plantation Herstelling (now partoftheFour-LaneHeroes Highway), argued that they had acquired prescriptive rightstothelandandsought $200millionindamages.
The Applicants claimed, inter alia that they hold prescriptive rights over the
MochaArcadia lands, while alsoseekingdeclarationsfor b r e a c h e s o f
fundamental rights under Articles 141 (Protection from Inhuman Treatment), 142 (2) (Deprivation of P
143 (ProtectionagainstArbitrary Entry)oftheConstitution.
However, Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George ruled that the squatters, “have no rights,interestsortitletothe lands, which are lands owned by the State,” a statement issued by the Attorney General Chambers said.
Justice George's ruling outlined that the squatters failed to provide sufficient evidence to prove their claims.The court found that they had not demonstrated anyprescriptiverightstothe landpriortotheenactmentof
Limitation)AmendmentAct of 2011. Additionally, no
credibleortangibleevidence was presented to prove they hadacquiredlegaltitletothe land or had any right to remainthere.
Thecourtalsonotedthat the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) had issued multiple notices to the squatters to be relocatedandinformedthem that the land could not be regularized because it was needed for the construction of the Four-Lane Heroes Highway The CHPA had also made efforts to incentivize the relocation by providing house lots to the squatters.
Despite this, the six squatters remained on the land and refused relocation. Asaresult,inJanuary2023, the government demolished their homes, while over 150 relocated. Furthermore, the Chief Justice ruled that the squatters were trespassers and that CHPAhad the legal righttoremovethemstating, “CHPA was entitled to remove them; they therefore remainedattheirownperil.”
The squatters' claims of constitutional breaches, including violations of their rights to protection from inhuman treatment, deprivation of property, and protection from arbitrary entry,werealsodismissedas unfounded and unsupported bycredibleevidence.
The court also rejected the squatters' claim against Guyana Sugar Corporation
(GUYSUCO), stating that the company no longer owned the land, as it had been transferred to the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited(NICIL)in2017.
In addition to dismissing the squatters' claim for damages, the court awarded significant legal costs to the respondents. The squatters are to pay costs to the Attorney General, the CHPA, and (GUYSUCO). They have been ordered to pay $500,000 each to GUYSUCO, and $250,000 eachtotheAttorneyGeneral andCHPA,onorbeforeJune 30,2025.
After the ruling, the government stated that they are willing to engage with the applicants and assist them with relocation if they choose to cooperate. The squatters were represented by Attorneys-at-Law Vivian M. Williams and Lyndon Amsterdam, while the governmentandCHPAwere represented by Attorney General Mohabir Anil Nandlall SC MP, Deputy SolicitorGeneralShoshanna V Lall,StateCounselShania S Persaud, Mohanie Sudama, and Marnice Hestick GUYSUCO was representedbyAttorneys-atLaw Kamal Ramkarran and RafiqKhanSC.
OppositionLeader Aubrey Norton
o n F r i d a y criticized the decision by Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh on shelving the introduction of digital finger prints calling it “unacceptable and inadequate”.
Commissioner Clement RoheeonhisFacebookPage on February 4, 2025 stated that Justice Singh decided
that “any focus on
preparations for the introduction of biometric fingerprint capture must be shelved until after the upcoming elections. At that stage, we can take the first step towards digital fingerprintcapture.”
In response to the decision, Norton told reportersathisweeklypress conferenceonFridaythatthe Oppositionhastakennoteof thereportsthattheChairhas proposed to hire a technical expert to advise the Commission on how to go about the introduction of digitalfingerprintcapturefor registration but this must be doneaftertheelections.
Norton questioned how the GECOM Chair, “arrived at the conclusion that it
[digital fingerprinting] cannot be done for the 2025 General and Regional Electionswhenshelacksthe technicalknowledge?”
“The Opposition rejects this latest proposal as i n a d e q u a t e a n d unacceptable. The GECOM Chair is acting as a bias arbiter, when she should be seeking consensus, and is causing Guyanese to raise questions about her competence, integrity and courage,” the Opposition Leadersaid.
He reminded of his party’s January 24, 2025 press conference where it wasstatedthat Justice Singh lacked experience in biometrics technology and project management. The party had called on the Commission “to seek proposals from expert firms on using fingerprint biometrics in Guyana for registration and voting.”
“This is the only acceptable basis that GECOM and stakeholders can have a shared understanding of the timeframe and other issues involved and to make knowledgeable decisions,” theoppositionpartysaid.
Norton said that the
Chair’s decision to dance around their position, by proposing the use of biometrics be explored until after the next election, will not work as she lacks “the technicalknow-howtomake suchacriticaldecision.”
Further, he said that the opposition remains resolute that the integrity and credibility of the next elections cannot be held hostage to the bias, and arbitrary decision of the GECOM chair when she lacks the requisite technical knowledge to do so; her ruling against the use of biometrics in the next election was totally devoid of any technical input from relevant experts and therefore remains deficient and unacceptable and GECOM must immediately
procedures for the acquisition and electronic processingofdata.”
tion, Singh highlighted that there is nothing in the law or otherwise that is currently preventing the system from being introduced where the fingerprints can be taken digitally, as it is the Commission that is empowered to determine suchprocedures.
hiretheexperts.Onlyonthat basis could proper decisions be made on the use of biometrics for registration and voting in the next election.
Meanwhile, Kaieteur NewsinitsFebruary7,2025 edition reported that Justice ClaudetteSinghsaid“Atthe last meeting, I gave an undertaking that I will give thought to the proposal to introduce digital fingerprint capture as a component of theregistrationprocess.Inso doing,Ihaverecognisedthat going in that direction is easiersaidthandone.”
The GECOM Chair mentioned, “Section 9(1A) of the National Registration ActasamendedbyAct14of 2005 empowers the Commission to determine from time-to-time
“Thisisstillmyopinion. However, I maintain apart from the necessary elements of implementing such a system,suchasprocurement of equipment, training of personnel and education of the public, there is still the need for the Commission to addressotherissues,suchas ensuring that there is adequate legislation pertaining to the security of prints,” the GECOM Chair said.
“In this regard, our first step would have to be in defining the objectives and scope to create the Terms of Reference to advertise locally and overseas for Expressions of Interest (EoI),leadingtothehiringof suchaconsultant,”theChair explained.
She further explained that, “The Consultant would then be required, based on research and analysis, to prepare a project taking all variables into consideration including technological, legal, financial and operational frameworks. In myview,thisiswhatshould be our first step in the direction of introducing digital fingerprint capture during the registration process.”
According to Singh, conceiving a project for capture of fingerprint digitally should not be done at the same time as preparations for the upcomingelections,because there will be challenges in logistics, technical considerations, political and socialacceptanceissues,and alsothecosts.
In the statement, she explained that although the technology exists to facilitate digital fingerprint capture to be introduced, it will be a new thing for GECOM and it must be ensured that all bases are covered It would be necessarytohireaTechnical Consultant to advise on the way forward if the Commission is to have this done in a comprehensive manner
Canadian company, Gold Port Corporation, the 100% owner of the Groete Gold Copper Project located in the Essequibo,hadtheirminingpermitsrenewedlastyearforfive years.
GoldPortmadetheannouncementinSeptember2024that theGovernmentofGuyanathroughtheGuyanaGeologyand Mines Commission (GGMC) granted the mining permits, which cover 1,384 hectares, will now remain in effect until July2027.
“Duringthisfive-yearperiod,theCompanyhastheoption to develop the Project and convert the Mining Permits into a Mining License. The Project is strategically located 64 kilometers west-southwest of Georgetown, the capital of Guyana, and 11 kilometers west of the Essequibo River, a majortransportationrouteinthecountry,”itwasexplained.
Notably,initsSeptember2024pressstatementGoldPort said that it had recently completed a review of the project in lightofsoaringgoldpricesthatwereseenlastyear
Gold Port said, “The Company has recently completed a projectreviewgiventhecontinuedstrongupwardtrendinthe goldprice.”
Theprojectboastsaninferredmineralresourceestimateof 1.57 million gold-copper equivalent ounces, contained in 74 million tonnes at a grade of 0.66 grams per tonne gold equivalent, according to a 2019 National Instrument 43-101 report.
“ThenotedresourcewascalculatedbaseduponUS$1,275 perouncegold,afarlowervaluethanthepresentgoldpriceof over US$2,470 per ounce,” Gold Port said in its release late lastyear
Further,thecompanyquotedinformationfromtheWorld Bank highlighting that their project has a strategic location nearexistinginfrastructure,andisinaminingfriendlycountry with Guyana boasting the fastest growing economy in the world.
To facilitate further development, Gold Port said, “The Company is interviewing additions to management to facilitateadrillprogramtoenhanceandpotentiallyexpandthe current known resource. The Company has its own drill equipmentinGuyanatocompletetheprogram.”
The Groete Project has a long exploration history, dating back to the 1960s when it was first drilled by the United Nations,followedbyadditionalworkconductedinthe1990s byCoeurd’AleneMinesLtd.
“TheprojecthasemergedasoneofGuyana’slargestgold copperzones,andtheonlydepositwithdeepwateraccess,”it wasstated.GoldPortnotedthattheProjectwaslastexplored in 2012, which included a drill programme that allowed the calculation of an Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.57 million gold equivalent ounces (gold plus copper) at a grade of 0.66 gramspertonnegoldequivalent.
The company’s plan is to focus the next round of explorationonthehigher-gradegoldportionofthedeposit.
probleminGuyanawherebycivilityisonthedeclineinthe waywespeaktoeachotherandsoon,andwhenwelookat theoperationoftrollsandIdon’tknowofany-andI’mnot sayingtherearen’tanyOppositiontrolls-butwhenwelook attheoperationofPPPtrollsit’sabsolutelyfilthyandnasty.”
He believes the only way forward for Guyana is with inclusive governance. Moreover, Campbell is of the view thatthereshouldbecivilizeddiscussionsonimportantissues such as theNRF or theGOALscholarships,ratherthanthe unhealthydebatesthatarecarriedon.
For instance, he explained, “Sometimes I think the Thursday afternoon press conferences descend into an uncivilized discussion. I heard he called the Publisher of KaieteurNewsamurderersoIwanttoseecivilityreturnto Guyana.WhatiscurrentlyhappeningisnottheGuyanaIcan beproudofandallpartiesneedtoreallystepbackandcome to a position whereby we can talk with each other and disagree.”
Campbell believes that government has been too hasty againstitscritics,especiallythosevocalontheoilsector He said,“Ihonestlyfeelthegovernmentwantsafreehandwith the fund and to account for it is going to be a little bit restrictive and so that’s why the fight is out in the public domain...weusedtodobetterinGuyanaandwecandobetter inGuyana.”
Afterbeingunderrehabilitationforabout eight years, the Bartica Stelling in Region Seven is finally completed and will be officially opened by the end of March, MinisterofPublicWorks,JuanEdghillsaid. Edghill,wasatthetimeprovidingupdates on the stelling projects across the country during the Consideration of Estimates and ExpenditureforhisministryonFriday
“I would like you to join us for the opening of the Bartica Stelling, which has been completed and which is now being tested and we are ready to go by the end of
March,”theministersaid.KaieteurNewshad reported that works at the Bartica Stelling began in 2017, when the first phase was awarded to Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited. According to reports, the firstphasewascompletedinOctober2018.
Thefirstphaseentailedthedemolitionof the southern section of the stelling. That section was reconstructed with support piles madeofgreenheartforthesubstructure.The phase now accommodates commercial concessions and a modernised passenger waitingarea.
It was reported in January 2019 that the second phase of the contract was also awarded to Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited. This phase entailed the extension of the northern section of the stelling, as a way to accommodate the drawbridge. It is unclear what works took placeafterthen,butin2021duringavisitto the Bartica and Leguan stellings, Minister Edghill had expressed disappointment with thepaceofworkongoingatthosefacilities.
TheministerwasquotedinaDepartment ofPublicInformation(DPI)articleassaying
that the projects which his government inherited from the previous administration were at a stage of failure and riddled with poorperformanceanddelays.
After that contractor failed to complete the works, the Public Works then sought another contractor for the project via public tendering. Back in 2023, a $553 million contract was awarded to K&K Construction and Hardware Supplies to complete the stellingproject.
Thestellingwasbeingupgradedtoensure thesafeusebycommutersandboatoperators.
CNN — At least two people were killed Friday after a small plane crashed ontoabusyroadandcollided with a bus in São Paulo, southern Brazil, leaving charred aircraft parts strewn alongthehighway
The crash took place around 7:20 a.m. local time (5:20 a m ET) along Marquês de São Vicente in t
Two people on the aircraft were burned to death, according to military police.Sixotherpeoplewere injured, including a motorcyclist and a woman onthebuswhowerebothhit byflyingdebris.
Investigators cordoned off the site. Authorities say the airport’s control tower lost contact with the aircraft just minutes before the collision. Ettore Chiereguini/AP
Itisnotknownifthetwo people who died were crew members or passengers, a spokesman for the fire department of the military policeinSãoPaulo,Captain André Elias Santos, later toldCNN.
Dramatic video of the deadly incident showed the small aircraft crashing into the busy road in São Paulo. The aircraft skidded along the highway, narrowly missing a long queue of
morning traffic, and was followedbyathickplumeof smoke.
Survivors were taken to the nearby Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital and the Upa Santana Hospital, accordingtoSantos.
President Donald Trump meets with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department has formally told Congress that it plans to sell more than $7 billion in weapons to Israel, including thousands of bombs and missiles, just two days after President Donald Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the WhiteHouse
Themassivearmssalecomesasafragile ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamasholds,evenasTrumpcontinuestotout his widely criticized proposal to move all PalestiniansfromGazaandredevelopitasan internationaltraveldestination
ThesaleisanotherstepinTrump’seffort to bolster Israel’s weapons stocks. In late January, soon after he took office, he lifted the hold on sending 2,000-pound bombs to
Israel.TheBidenadministrationhadpaused ashipmentofthebombsoverconcernsabout civilian casualties, particularly during an assaultonthesouthernGazacityofRafah. Trumptoldreportersthathereleasedthem toIsrael,“becausetheyboughtthem”
According to the State Department, two separatesalesweresenttoCongressonFriday Oneisfor$675billioninanarrayofmunitions, guidance kits and other related equipment It includes166smalldiameterbombs,2,800500poundbombs,andthousandsofguidancekits, fuzesandotherbombcomponentsandsupport equipment
Those deliveries would begin this year The other arms package is for 3,000 Hellfire missiles and related equipment for anestimatedcostof$660million.Deliveries ofthemissilesareexpectedtobeginin2028.
avenue to skip traffic on the parallel Marginal Tietê during the morning rush hour, when the crash likely occurred.
on Friday showed black clouds of smoke and bright orange flames unfurling over the highway
The small twin-engine King Air plane – which was en route to Porto Alegre in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul – took off from Campo de Marte Airport on Friday morning, but the control tower lost contact with the aircraft minutes before the crash.
Authorities have opened an investigation into the causeofthecollision.
Marquês de São Vicente is a key street in São Paulo, linedwithshops,officesand public transport stations Residents also use the
According to the Associated Press, the plane smashed into the road less than 3 miles (5 kilometers) from where it tookoff
One emergency crew official recalled “desperate people” scrambling to leave
the bus on Marquês de São Vicenteafteritwashitbythe plane.
“As we approached, we saw a lot of smoke,” Alexandre Lima Marques, a member of the Civil Guard, toldCNNBrasil.“Wecould see the plane on fire, desperate people getting off the bus. They were very scaredandinshock.”
In total, 14
department vehicles and 38 f
involved in the rescue operation, a spokesperson for the military police in São Paulo, Olivia Perrone Cazo,toldCNN.Emergency crews,includingfirefighters and traffic employees, were deployed to help rescue victims, São Paulo mayor, RicardoNunes,saidearlier Nunes expressed his “regret” over the fatal crash, in a post on X “We are providing all the support structures to help thevictims,”hesaid
Haitian soldiers patrol near the Toussaint Louverture International Airport following a gunfight with armed gangs on the surroundings of the airport, as the government declared state of emergency amid violence, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, March 4, 2024. REUTERS/Ralph Tedy Erol/File Photo
(Reuters) - Sexual violence against children in Haiti has surged in the last year and their bodies have been turned into “battlegrounds,” UNICEFwarnedonFriday
Describing the increase between 2023-2024 as “ s t a g g e r i n g , ” t h e spokesperson for the United Nationsagencyforchildren, JamesElder,toldreportersat the Palais des Nations in Geneva that armed groups h a v e i n f l i c t e d “unimaginable horrors on children” in the Caribbean country
Powerful gangs, armed with weapons largely trafficked from the United States,haveunitedinHaiti’s
capital Port-au-Prince under a common alliance. They control 85% of the city, accordingtotheU.N. Elder, who recently returnedfromavisittoHaiti, told reporters about a 16year-old girl who was abducted by armed men and extensively beaten, drugged and raped. She was later releasedandfoundshelterin a UNICEF-supported safe house.
Amid surging violence and what the U.N. describes as “rampant sexual violence,” more than 100 Kenyan police arrived in Haiti’s capital on Thursday to reinforce a security mission. Its future has been inlimbosincetheU.S.froze
$13 million in funding on Tuesday, before passing a waiver to unlock a separate batchoffunds.
The security mission, approved by the U N Security Council but not led bytheU.N.,hasstruggledto make headway in fighting gangsasitsnumbersremain farundertarget.
More than a million people, over half of them children, are displaced within Haiti due to ongoing violence, according to U.N. data.
Extremepovertyhasalso pushed children into gangs, with up to half of all armed groups made up of minors, “some as young as eight yearsold,”Eldersaid.
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AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 31s day of March, 2025 at 9:00am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif via Zoom Meeting ID: 337 040 4877 & Passcode: 123456.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/ Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the LawCourts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. dated the 24th day of January, 2025.
Hiring Kitchen & Canteen staff, Chef , Server & Security. Apply at 91 middle st, North Cummingsburg G/ Town. 231-5857. Two & Three bedroom Luxury apartments $2500 USD long term rental, Campbellville Georgetown. 682-2585/ 712-8641.
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2024/225-FD-PET-DEM IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Application No. FD-225 BETWEEN:(DA SILVA) NATASHA nee JAWAHEER Petitioner/Applicant and-(DA SILVA) PIERRE ALISTAIR Respondent TO: SHAWN ANDRE AUSUSTINE Formerly of 407 Block X Cornelia Ida West Coast Demerara Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 26th day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by NATASHA DA SILVA nee JAWAHEER the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. And FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 23rd January, 2025 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petitioner on you by publication of this Notice in tvo (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published andcirculated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-atLaw at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents
Formerly of Lot 77 Mon Desir
Clay Brick Road, Canal Number 2® West Bank Demerara.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 25th day of June, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by MELISIA PANDAY nee RAJCOOMAR, the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 8th day of November, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was
directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the world wide web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 30th day of January, 2025 at 9:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela CorbinLincoln via zoom meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 and password: Court12 .IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 13th day of November, 2024
Petitioner/Applicant-VPERSAUD (ALEX) Respondent TO: ALEX PERSAUD (Address unknown)
TAKE NOTICE that on the 27h day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by RAZENA RAZEEKA PERSAUD nee HAFEEZUDEEN, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 29th day of November, 2024 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the REGISTRY Of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), an Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the Second and final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 25t day of March, 2025 at 10:45 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty at the High Court at Georgetown via Zoom ID: 703 085 9517 and Passcode: DKCfamet1. IN DEFAULT of you filing an Acknowledge ment of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, an Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.CL Registry of the Family Division of the High Count is located at the a Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 31st day of January
Aljazeera - China has slammed Washington’s “Cold War mentality” in LatinAmerica after Panama quit its Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of ChinaonFridayhitoutatthe UnitedStatesforsabotaging the global infrastructure programme.
Beijing “firmly opposes the United States using pressure and coercion to smear and undermine Belt and Road cooperation,”said LinJianinastatement.“The US side attacks once again expose its hegemonic nature.” Referring to a visit this week to the region by Marco Rubio, Lin said the US Secretary of State’s comments “unjustly accuse China, deliberately sow discord between China and relevant Latin American countries, interfere in China’s internal affairs, and
undermine China’s legitimate rights and interests”.
Jiannotedthatmorethan 20 Latin American nations areamongthemorethan150 countries that have participatedintheBRIsince itwasrolledoutbyChinain 2013 Panama in 2017 becamethefirstintheregion toofficiallyjointhemassive infrastructure plan, which is a central pillar of President Xi Jinping’s bid to expand his country’s global influence. But on Thursday, Panama’s President Jose RaulMulinosaidhiscountry hasformallylodgedanotice thatitwillleavetheproject. The announcement followed a visit by US Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who also toured the PanamaCanal.
Acargo ship waits at Balboa port before crossing the Panama Canal [Martin Bernetti/AFP]
President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused Panamaofcedingcontrolof the strategic waterway to China, despite denials from bothcountries.
Mulino denied that the US had pushed Panama to make the move to quit the BRI Rubio, who had threatened action against
Panama unless it made immediatechangestoreduce Chinese influence on the c a n a l , h a i l e d t h e announcement as a “great step forward” for bilateral
relations. Beijing on Friday insisted that it “supports Panama’s sovereignty over thecanal”. “We hope that Panama will make the right decision
basedontheoverallsituation of bilateral relations and the long-term interests of the two peoples, and eliminate external interference,” Jian said.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has vowed to continue its judicial work after US President Donald Trump signed an order to impose sanctionsonitsstaff.
The ICC said it “stands firmly”byitspersonneland the order seeks to harm its “independent and impartial”work.
Trump’s order accuses it of “illegitimate and baseless actions”,aftertheICCissued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in Gaza, which Israel denies TheICCalsoissueda warrant for a Hamas commander
TheICCisaglobalcourt, althoughtheUSandIsraelare notmembers,withthepower to bring prosecutions for genocide, crimes against humanityandwarcrimes
In its statement, it said: “The ICC condemns the issuance by the US of an executive order seeking to impose sanctions on its officials and harm its independent and impartial judicialwork”
It added it stood by its personnel, pledging “to continue providing justice
and hope to millions of innocent victims of atrocities acrosstheworld”
In recent years, the court hasissuedarrestwarrantsfor Russian President Vladimir Putinoverallegedwarcrimes inUkraine,Talibanleadersfor “persecutingAfghangirlsand women” and Myanmar’s military leader for crimes against the Rohingya Muslims More than 120 countries are members, includingtheUKandmany Europeannations.Judgesat thecourthavesaidthereare “reasonable grounds” to suggest Netanyahu, his former defence minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas’ Mohammed Deif – who died last year – bear “criminal responsibility for alleged war crimes and crimesagainsthumanity”. But a White House
memo circulated on Thursday accused the Hague-based ICC of creating a “shameful moral equivalency” between HamasandIsraelbyissuing the warrants at the same time Trump’s executive order said the ICC’s recent actions “set a dangerous precedent” that endangered Americans by exposing
them to “harassment, abuse andpossiblearrest”.
The order adds it “threatenstoinfringeuponthe sovereignty of the United States”and“undermines”the national security and foreign policy work of the USandallies.
The sanctions, announced whileNetanyahuwasintheUS, place financial and visa restrictionsonindividualsand their families who assist in ICC investigations of Americancitizensorallies
The move has been met with condemnation by many US allies, including the NetherlandsandGermany
Aspokesperson for Prime MinisterKeirStarmersaidthe UK supported the independenceoftheICC
TheUnitedNations(UN) has called for the measure to bereversed,whileUrsulavon der Leyen, the European Commission president, said on X that the ICC “must be abletofreelypursuethefight againstglobalimpunity”
But in a post on X on Friday, Israel’s Foreign MinisterGideonSaarsaidhe “strongly” commended Trump’sexecutiveorder
He claimed the ICC’s actions were “immoral and
havenolegalbasis”,accusing thecourtofnotoperating“in accordancewithinternational law” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Facebook on Friday that Trump’s decision was “absolutely understandable”, alleging the ICC had “in recenttimesdisguiseditselfas abiasedpoliticaltool”
Hungary’s government has received widespread criticism for retaining close tiestotheKremlinfollowing its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and has invited Netanyahutovisitdespitethe internationalarrestwarrant
A former clerk to the court’s first chief prosecutor warned the sanctions could have “a profound practical impact”onitsoperations
“Thesanctions dohave the potential of freezing propertyandassets,aswellas suspending entry into the UnitedStatesofICCofficials and their immediate family members,”ZacharyKaufman toldtheBBCWorldService
The US has repeatedly rejected any jurisdiction by the body over American officialsorcitizens,andhas accused the ICC of placing constraints on Israel’s right to self-defence, while
ignoringIranandanti-Israel groups.Duringhisfirstterm in office, Trump imposed sanctions on ICC officials who were investigating whether US forces had committed war crimes in Afghanistan. This included a travel ban and asset freezesagainstformerchief prosecutorFatouBensouda. Thosesanctionswereliftedby President Joe Biden’s administration
Lastmonth,theUSHouse of Representatives voted to sanctiontheICC,butthebill foundered in the Senate In response to efforts to what they described as attempts to challengetheICC’sauthority, ninenations–includingSouth Africa and Malaysia –launched the ‘Hague Group’ last month in an effort to defend the court and its rulings During his last weeks in office, President Biden also criticised the ICC’s warrant for Netanyahu, calling the move “outrageous” and saying there was no equivalence between Israel and Hamas Trump’s executive order, meanwhile, saidthat“bothnations[theUS and Israel] are thriving democracies with militaries
thatstrictlyadheretothelaws ofwar” TheICCprosecutor’s case against Netanyahu and Gallant found reasonable grounds to believe that they “each bear criminal responsibility for the following crimes as coperpetrators for committing the acts jointly with others: the war crime of starvation asamethodofwarfare;and thecrimesagainsthumanity of murder, persecution, and otherinhumaneacts”. It also found reasonable groundstobelievethat“each bearcriminalresponsibilityas civilian superiors for the war crime of intentionally directinganattackagainstthe civilianpopulation” Trump’s signingofhislatestexecutive order follows his announcement during a joint press conference with the Israeli prime minister on Tuesday about a plan for the US to “take over” Gaza, resettle its Palestinian population and turn the territoryintothe“Rivieraof theMiddleEast”. After Arab leaders and theUNcondemnedtheidea, the US president restated it on his Truth Social social media platform on Thursday (BBCNews)
TwopoliceofficerswereonFridayplaced on$200,000baileachwhentheyappearedat theGeorgetownMagistrates’Courttoanswer a possession of narcotics for the purpose of traffickingcharge.
The accused, 39-year-old Kevin Thompson of 2244 New Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD) and 29-year-old Dewayne Perry of West Coast Berbice (WCB) were found in possession of 7048.4 grams of cannabis on January 14, 2025 at CampandNewMarketStreets,Georgetown.
Both police officers pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to them byActing ChiefMagistrateFaithMcGusty
Thompson’s attorney, Dexter Todd, told thecourtthathisclientisnottheownerofthe vehicle where the narcotics were allegedly found and that he is also under close arrest while still employed at the Guyana Police Force(GPF).
Todd told the court that Thompson was arrestedandtakentocourtinthesameweek without the substance being tested. He said too that his client is being spited by a particularofficerwhoseemstohaveaperson vendettaagainstThompson.
The attorney said that the said officer insisted that the matter be taken to court withoutthetestsbeingdonetothesubstance. He made it clear to the court that with the substance not being tested, it is unclear whether it is cannabis as claimed by the police.
Attorney Todd requested that the matter bestruckoutbecausethereis“noprovisionin law” for what has happened. There is no chargethattheprosecutionwilllaybeforethe court that is grounded in the suspicion that onecanhavesuspicionthatthereisnarcotics ornot.”
Further,Toddtoldthecourtthatthepolice cannot prove that the substance found belongstohisclient.
Meanwhile, Perry’s attorney Dominic Besstoldthecourtthathisclienthasnolinks to the matter He said Perry was picked up fromtheLindenbusparkbyThompsonwho offered him a lift to work. While on their journey, they were stopped and searched at CampandNewMarketStreetsbypolice.
Bess reassured the court that his client does not have any past or pending matters with the law and there is video footage as prooftoshowthathisclientdidnotenterthe vehiclewithanybagorluggage.
The prosecution told the court that the narcoticswasfoundinthecarthatwasdriven by Thompson, who was accompanied by Perry Thesubstancewasnottestedandthey are awaiting results from a sergeant. The resultsshouldbemadeavailableonFebruary 28,2025,theprosecution.
Guyana on Thursday extradited Harry Narine Rajkumar to Canada where he faces multiple criminalchargesincludingattemptedmurder, theMinistryofHomeAffairssaidonFriday Thursday’sextraditionofRajkumaristhe firstbetweenGuyanaandCanada.
“In a significant demonstration of international cooperation, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has successfully extradited a fugitive to Canada, marking a milestone in bilateral relations and collaborative efforts to combat in crime fighting,” the ministry said noting that both countriesarereinforcingtheircommitmentto upholdingjusticebeyondborders.
“Rajkumar was arrested by the Guyana Police Force (GPF) following an INTERPOL Red Notice Authorities had been tracking his whereabouts since May 2019 after he fled Canadian law enforcement After evading capture for several years, Rajkumar was apprehended in Guyana, committed to prison, and subsequently waived his right to an extraditionhearing,”theMinistrysaid Rajkumar consented to return to Canada tofacechargesincludingattemptedmurderin violationoftheCanadianCriminalCodeand aggravated assault in violation of the Canadian Criminal Code (Ottawa jurisdiction).
Subsequent to his arrest, an extradition request was submitted by the Canadian authorities, which was then processed in accordance with Guyanese legal procedures.
Appearing before Acting Chief
Faith McGusty Rajkumar formallyconsentedtohisextradition.
“The prosecution team was led by Ms. Lisa Cave, Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions at the Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers, Ms Ormella Gladstone, Treaty Officer at the Ministry of Home Affairs, and Sergeant Stephan Hinds from the Major Crimes Unit, supported by other law enforcement officers,” this Ministrysaid.
The ministry said that the success of Thursday’s extradition marks Guyana’s continuous commitment to international law enforcement cooperation and its dedication that regardless of borders justice must be served. This also serves to pave the way for future collaborations between the two countries.
court, Ken Corsbie was an icon in the creative arts, particularly in storytelling, poetry,andtheatre.
He played a crucial role in shaping Caribbean storytelling, captivating audiences across the region with his unique brand of humour,socialcommentary, andmasterfulperformances.
Born in British Guiana,
Corsbie’s impact on the creative arts stretched far beyond his homeland. He was a staple in Caribbean theatre and spoken word performances, combining wit and wisdom to address socialandpoliticalissues.
His performances, whether in small gatherings or grand theatre halls, connected deeply with audiences, reflecting the
everyday struggles and triumphsofCaribbeanlife.
Corsbie’s influence was particularly strong in Barbados, where he spent significant years contributing to the development of the performingarts.
He was a founding member of theTheatre Guild of Guyana and worked tirelessly to promote Caribbean identity through
storytelling and literature. Hisabilitytoweavehumour with insightful narratives madehimoneoftheregion’s most beloved cultural figures Ken Corsbie’s impact on Guyana and the wider Caribbean cannot be overstated.
In basketball, he was a pioneerwhopavedthewayfor international exposure and competitivegrowth
Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher
The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.
There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.
Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.
Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.
Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.
Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor
Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.
Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,
Inthearts,hewasamaster storyteller who captured the souloftheCaribbeanwithhis wordsandperformances His contributions have left an enduring mark, inspiring both athletes and artists alike to pursue e
community in Guyana will forever owe Corsbie a debt
of gratitude for his vision, leadership, and unwavering commitmenttothesport. His passing marks the endofanera,buthislegacy willcontinuetoliveoninthe courts and on the stages where he once reigned supreme. Ken Corsbie was not just a man of many talents, he was a true Caribbean legend. May his soulrestinpeace.
TheCaribbeanhaslosta giantinboththecreativearts and sports with the passing of Ken Corsbie, a name synonymous with cultural excellence and basketball pioneering in the region, particularlyGuyana. Corsbie, who passed away in the United States at the age of 94, leaves behind an indelible legacy that spans multiple decades and disciplines, influencing
countless individuals in Guyanaandbeyond.
Though many in the
Caribbean knew Ken Corsbie for his artistic ability, his contributions to basketball in British Guiana
(now Guyana) are equally historic.
Corsbie, the Taitt brothers, Clairmonte and Laurence, along with StanleyGreaves,formedthe Ravens Basketball Club in 1953,oneofthemoststoried basketball institutions in Guyana’shistory
His organizational skills shone brightly when he becamethefirstsecretaryof the British Guiana Basketball Association (BGBA), now the Guyana Basketball Federation, in 1955, setting the foundation for a structured basketball leagueinthecountry.
A true ambassador for
the sport, Corsbie was responsible for organizing the first foreign basketball tourstoBritishGuiana.
The visit of the
Woodbrook Limers of TrinidadandTobagoin1956 marked the beginning of international exchanges in basketball, a feat that would seethearrivalofteamssuch as the Wales Cagers (1957), Young China (1958), Independents (1959), City Midgets (1959), and Jay Makers (1959) from Suriname.
As a player, Corsbie captained British Guiana’s first overseas tour to Suriname in 1957. His
Frompage31 in the hemisphere. Guyana’s selection as a host nation is a testament to the GBF’s commitmenttogrowing3x3basketball.
General Secretary of the GBF, Patrick Haynes, who also serves on the FIBA 3x3 Commission and is President of the Central American and Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CONCENCABA), was instrumentalinsecuringtherightstohostthis historic event. His leadership has positioned Guyana as an emerging hub for 3x3 basketballintheAmericas.
Supporting Haynes in executing this milestone event is GBF Vice President and 3x3Organiser,RawleToney,whohasbeenat theforefrontofpushingfor3x3development inthecountryovertheyearswiththeRawle Toneyx3Classic.
Thetournamentwillnotonlybringsome ofthebest3x3playersintheworldtoGuyana but also expose local talent to the highest levelsofcompetition.
3x3 basketball has gained tremendous popularity worldwide, especially after its inclusionintheOlympicGames.
Theformat,playedonahalf-courtwitha 12-second shot clock, is designed to be fast, physical, and entertaining, making it the perfectfitforurbanandgrassrootsbasketball growth.Guyana’shostingoftheQuestplaces the country as a future battleground for elite 3x3 basketball in the Caribbean and the Americas.Thecountry’scentrallocationand commitmenttodevelopingthesportprovide a strong foundation for future high-profile
leadership and foresight extendedbeyondhisplaying days when he managed the British Guiana team to a historic victory over Suriname in a three-match series, coached by the legendary Joseph ‘Reds’ Perreira, at the Chinese Asphalt Court in Thomas Lands.
Corsbie also served as the manager when British Guiana embarked on their first-ever tour to Trinidad and Barbados in 1962, further cementing his place asoneofthesport’sforemost administrators.
Beyondthebasketball (Continuedonpage29)
tournaments, further solidifying its reputation on the international basketball map.
Beyond basketball, the 3x3 Quest will serve as a major boost to Guyana’s sports tourismsector Withteamsfromoveradozen countriessettocompete,theeventwillbring athletes, officials, and fans to Guyana, stimulating economic activity in the hospitality,transportation,andentertainment industries.
The GBF has ensured that all participatingteamswillhavetheiruniforms, accommodation, and ground transportation covered,makingiteasierforthebestteamsto attendandcompeteatthehighestlevel.
By attracting international players and basketballfans,thetournamentwillspotlight Guyana as a premier destination for sports events,furtherenhancingitsglobalprofile.
TheGBFhasexpresseditsexcitementnot onlyinhostingthisgroundbreakingeventbut also in giving teams from Guyana and the widerCaribbeantheopportunitytocompete onthebiggeststage.
With the Quest now on the regional calendar, Caribbean teams have an unprecedentedchancetoearntheirwaytothe top of the 3x3 world, fuelling greater participationandinvestmentinthesport.
Guyana’s3x3Questwillnotonlycrowna championbutalsopavethewayforanewera ofelitecompetitionintheregion.
The GBF noted, that with the world watching, Guyana is ready to take centre stageintheglobal3x3basketballmovement.
GBF Vice President and 3x3 Organiser, Rawle Toney
The Guyana Basketball Federation(GBF)willmake history onApril 5 – 6 at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, hosting the first-ever FIBA 3x3 Quest in the EnglishspeakingCaribbean.
Thislandmarkeventwill bring elite 3x3 basketball
regarded as the most electrifying and accessible formatofthegame.
The event will feature teams representing cities from Sweden, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Ecuador, Canada, the USA, England, Grenada, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, St Lucia, and Jamaica,makingitoneofthe biggest international showcasesof3x3basketball everheldinGuyana.
The FIBA 3x3 Quest is an official qualification tournament that provides a direct pathway to the FIBA 3x3 World Tour, the highest level of 3x3 competition globally
teamsfromtheAmericasand the Caribbean a rare chance toqualifyfortheWorldTour withouthavingtotravellong distancestoEuropeorAsia.
The GBF stated, that many elite teams in the region often face logistical and financial challenges in see
opportunities, making Guyana’s hosting of this event a game-changer for 3x3basketballdevelopment (Continuedonpage30)
teamsfromacrosstheworld toGuyana,withthewinning teamsecuringacovetedspot intheFIBA3x3WorldTour, thepinnacleofthesport. The two-day tournament will showcase the fastpaced, high-intensity nature of 3x3 basketball, widely
Teams competing in the Questwillbattlenotonlyfor a share of the USD 8,000 prize pool—$5,000 for the champions, $2,000 for the runner-up, and $1,000 for third place—but also for the ultimate opportunity to test their skills against the world’s best on the World Tourcircuit.
The GBF said the Quest’s significance cannot be overstated. It allows
SportsMax - Barring a miracle today, the Leeward Islands Hurricanes look set tomakeittwowinsfromtwo games in this season’s West Indies Championship after enjoying a dominant day three against the Jamaica Scorpions at the Sir Vivian RichardsStadiuminAntigua onFriday
The Hurricanes, after starting day three 301-7 off 79overstrailingby19runs, addedafurther34runsin8.4
overs before being dismissed for 335, enjoying a slim lead of 15 runs over the Scorpions but, importantly, securing first inningspoints.
Jahmar Hamilton narrowlymissedoutonwhat would’ve been a seventh first-class hundred, adding 16 to his overnight 77 to make a top-score of 93 off 126deliveries.
Marquino Mindley finished with 4-44 from 20 oversfortheScorpions.
Captain John Campbell addedtohisfirstinnings126 with a top score of 53 in the secondinnings.
That was is as far as top order success for the Scorpions in the second innings as Gordon Bryan and Jeavor Royal, batting at nine and eight, respectively, werethenexthighestscorers with34*and25. Jamaica lost the wickets of Carlos Brown (6) and KirkMcKenzie(10)earlyin proceedings, bringing the experienced pair of Campbell and Jermaine Blackwood, the hero from round one, together seeking tostabilizetheinnings.
They added 32 before Blackwood was run out for 20 with the score on 85. From there, it all went downhillfortheScorpions.
The Jamaicans then had a disappointing showing with the bat in their second innings, folding for just 170 in 58.5 overs, leaving the Hurricanes needing just 156 to secure their second outright victory already this season.
Pacer Oshane Thomas was excellent for his 3-44 from 10 overs while captain Rakheem Cornwall took 354from24overs.
TheHurricaneswere441 off 9.1 overs at stumps, needingafurther112runsto securevictoryonSaturday’s fourthandfinalday
Jamaica Scorpions 320 all out in 94 4 overs (John Campbell 126, Brad Barned 63* , Kirk
McKenzie 33, Jeremiah Louis 3-44, Rakheem Cornwall 3-71, Hayden Walsh Jr 2-78) & 170 all out in 58 5 overs (John Campbell 53, Gordon Bryan 34*, Jeavor Royal 25, Oshane Thomas 3-44, Rakheem Cornwall 3-54, ColinArchibald2-36)
Leeward Islands Hurricanes 335 all out in 87 4 overs (Jahmar Hamilton 93, Karima Gore 76, Hayden Walsh Jr 31, Marquino Mindley 4-44) & 44-1 in 9.1 overs (Kadeem Henry22*,KeacyCarty9*).
TheQuarter-Finalsinthe Mashramani Street Football Championships is expected to produce some enthralling conteststonightfrom8pmas eight top teams in the country seek to advance in the seventh annual competition at the National Park.
Joint winners from the recent Georgetown vs The Rest tournament, Taliban, will kick off proceedings against West Demerara, Pouderoyen-based, Showstoppers in the first Quarterfinal before former
champs, Bent Street tackle the defending champs, StabroekBallers.
Goal is Money will play relativenewcomers,Ztekk,a team in excellent form recently while Back Circle B, who shared the GeorgetownvsTheResttitle with Taliban, brings the curtaindownontheQuarterFinals against formidable Street Football side, North East.
Four teams will advance to next Saturday’s SemiFinals.The Finals andThird Place Playoff will also be
held next Saturday at the National ParkTarmac as the excitement continues in one of the Guyana’s signature calender street football tournaments over the last sevenyears.
Tonight, a Plate Playoffs will be introduced with the top four teams from the Round-of-16 seeking to advance to face the four losing Quarterfinalists next week The games are expected to kick off at 8pm with Broad Street taking on Albouystown followed by Festival City battling Laing
Avenue The top three finishersinthePlatePlayoffs will split a total purse of $100,000 while each will be rewarded with case of Magnum.
The winner of the tournament will pocket $500,000, second place $300,000, third place $200,000 and fourth place $100,000.
Trophieswillbegivento teams placing first to third while the Most Valubale Player (MVP) of the tournamentgets$50,000and trophy
SportsMax - Jamaica’s Reggae Boyz secured a narrow 1-0 victory over Trinidad & Tobago in the first of their two-match international friendly series at the Montego Bay Sports ComplexonThursdaynight. Alategoalfromcentre-back Sue-Lae McCalla proved decisive, giving the home sideamuch-neededwin.
McCalla,the32-year-old defender from Jamaica Premier League leaders Mount Pleasant FC, broke the deadlock in the 80th minute with his maiden international goal in just his fourthappearance.Hisstrike finally gave the small but spirited crowd at the Catherine Hall Sports Complexsomethingtocheer about.
Thematchwasaphysical encounter but lacked attacking flair, mirroring the scrappy back-to-back friendlies played between these two sides in Jamaica last year Despite Jamaica’s struggles in front of goal in
Jamaica’s Reggae Boyz secured a narrow 1-0 victory over Trinidad & Tobago.
recent months scoring only once in their previous three games McCalla steppeduptosecurethewin and spare head coach Steve McClaren’sblushes.
For Trinidad & Tobago, the loss extends the winless start for head coach Dwight Yorke, who took charge last November
The Soca Warriors have now failed to register a victory in his two outings at thehelm. The series will now shift to Kingston for the second and final match at the Anthony Spaulding Sports Complex on Sunday Both teams will be looking to put onanimproveddisplay,with Yorke aiming to find solutions to his team’s goalscoring woes, while McClarenwillbehopingfor a more convincing performancefromhisside.
SportsMax - The Executive Committee of the Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC) convened in Georgetown, Guyana, from January 30 to February 2, 2025, for its annual retreat, marking a pivotal moment in the region’s approach to sports development.
A key highlight of the meeting was a discussion withGuyana’sPresident,Dr IrfaanAli, who passionately emphasizedthat“notenough attention is being paid to sports as an economic enterprise that can enhance the broader development of
the entire Caribbean.” He urged CANOC’s Executive to actively engage regional governmentsandtheprivate sector to promote sport as a driver of economic growth andsocialprogress.
Dr Ali detailed the n u m e r o u s s p o r t s infrastructure projects already completed in Guyana, those nearing completion, and upcoming developments aimed at benefiting not only the nation’s youth but also young athletes across the Caribbean His call for innovative thinking and ambitious vision resonated with CANOC leadership
“Think big! Be innovative,” he advised, reinforcing his commitment to supporting CANOC’s mission and the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association’s hosting of C A N O C ’s A n n u a l Workshop and General AssemblyinOctober2025.
CANOC’s Executive reiterated its commitmentto fostering regional unity through sport, emphasizing that sharing resources and best practices can help end insularity and political divisions. The organization remains steadfast in its vision of using sport as a unifying force to drive prosperity for present and
future generations of Caribbeanpeople.
One of the key takeaways from President Ali’sdiscoursewastheneed toworkcloselywithpastand present Caribbean athletes, ensuring that their stories and achievements are recognized and celebrated. Their contributions to elevatingtheregion’sprofile on the global stage are invaluable, and CANOC aimstopreservetheirlegacy
Guyana has historically played a leadership role in the Caribbean, even in challenging times, and CANOC’s visit signalled a new phase in its mission to positively impact the international sporting c o m m u n i t y T h e collaboration between CANOC and regional governments is expected to pave the way for greater investment in sports as a
viableindustry O
regarding the future of Caribbean sports, with CANOC’s commitment to going “Beyond Possible” servingasadrivingforcefor t
on By leveraging the economic potential of sports, the Caribbean stands poised to enhance its global presence while empowering its athletes and communities alike.
Guyana Harpy Eagles Captain Tevin Imlach dazzled a rain-struck Day 3 with a classy hundred, backed by a scorching halfcentury from Ronaldo Alimohamedwhichkeptthe champsinthegame,trailing CCC by 64 runs with a mouth-watering last day under watch due to the weather
Imlach carried his team through the toughest period on day 2 at Providence before batting for the majority of the penultimate day, finishing unbeaten on 126 off 239 balls with 12 fours, his 4th first class ton which took Guyana to 1st innings343allout.
Alimohamed clobbered 7 sixes and 4 fours on his
way to 77 off 66 balls to register his first fifty at this level, with 19 apiece from KevlonAndersonandKevin Sinclair, capping off the list ofscorers.
CCC speedsters Ojay Shields (4-86) and Akeem Jordan (4-68) made amends fortheirwoesinthelastgame as the duo bowled good in tandem,withawicketeachfor spinnersAbhiji Mansingh (14 1 ) a n d A v i n a s h Mahabirsingh(1-76).Bythe end of play on the third day, CCCwereyo-yoingon32-3 battingasecondtime,losing In-form skipper Johnann Jeremiah who was knocked over by Shamar Joseph (113)for4. The captain’s departure was followed by that of SidduqeHenry(1)trappedby
Veerasammy Permaul (1-13) and Demario Richards (12) whohadhisstumpscleanedup by off-spinner Kevin Sinclair (1-1) OpenerDamelEvelyn (13*)andAndreBailey(2*) carried CCC to the end of p l a y w h i c h w a s accompanied by rain, leavingatantalizinglastday setfortoday
Earlier, Imlach and Alimohamed owned the rainstruckdayduringtheircentury partnershipwhichrevivedthe Eagles innings The pair playedanassortmentofshots afterovernightbatsmanRichie Looknauth(24)felltoShields, who seemingly looked to continuefromwhereheleftoff
partnership put Guyana, resuming Day 3 on 166-6,
Alimohamed injected the necessaryimpetusneededas heimposedhimselfontothe bowlers, smacking them around at will to reach his maiden 1st class halfcenturywithasix.
FreshoffWestIndiesTest duties, Imlach continued to frustrate the CCC bowlers, showing immense patience and timing despite a hazy, overcastsettingashefoundthe fencetobringuphishundred in celebratory fashion to the loud applause from his teammates and the few spectators
Withastrikerateofclose to 120 00 Alimohamed’s whirlwindknockcametoan abrupt end when wicketkeeper Richards completed histhirdcatchoftheinnings, afteramistimedcutshotoff
Mansingh; who finally got hisbreakthrough.
Agritty Permaul and his captainhelpedtheEaglesfly to 310-8 when rain forced the tea break, leaving
The Vurlon Mills Football Academy Inc. has partneredwithKFCGuyana tohosttheKFCU8andU10 Challenge Series, set for March1,2025,attheSaints Ground, Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown.
This tournament
provides a valuable
platform for young footballers to experience organised competition. A
total of 16 teams, representing various clubs, schools, and the VMFA, will compete in a roundrobinformat.
“Webelievethatthisage group doesn’t receive enoughattentioninGuyana. It’s crucial for young players to be introduced to structured training, coaching, and competition at this stage There’s incredible talent at this level, but it often goes unnoticed due to a lack of opportunities. The VMFA remains committed to
nurturing these young athletes,”saidVurlonMills, FounderandDirectorofthe VMFA.
Speaking at the launch, KFC Guyana’s Director of Marketing, Sadia Strand, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration: “We are honoredtopartnerwithMr Mills and the Vurlon Mills Football Academy This initiative not only introduces children to footballbutalsohelpsthem develop social skills, teamwork, and personal growth. We are excited for the Under-8 and Under-10 ChallengeSeries.”
The Vurlon Mills Football Academy extends itsgratitudetoKFCGuyana for its unwavering support, whichallowsustocontinue fostering an environment where young athletes can develop their football skills andgrowintowell-rounded sportsmen and women Kickoffissetfor8:00AM.
AFP - LeBron James joined NBA icon Michael Jordanastheonlyplayersto score 40 points in a game at the age of 40, pouring in 42 yesterdayastheLosAngeles Lakers held off the Golden StateWarriors120-112.
James,whoturned40on December 30, delivered another age-defying performance that featured a three-pointer from the halfcourtlogointhefirsthalfand a dagger three that pushed the Lakers’ lead to 115-106 with1:08remaining.
James’s sixth threepointer of the night helped thwart a late surge that saw theWarriorsslicea26-point deficittofivepoints—109104—with3:40remaining.
Warriors star Stephen Curry shook off a slow start tokeythecomeback,scoring 19 of his 37 points in the fourthquarter.
“What do I think? That I’m old,” James said of joining the exclusive 40-at40 club. “I need a glass of wineandsomesleep.”
More seriously, James added: “The biggest thing is that we got the win. But anytime I’ve been named or (put) in the category with any of the greats it’s always humbling.”
It was all under the admiring eye of Luka Doncic, the 25-year-old Slovenian star acquired by the Lakers from the Dallas Mavericks on Saturday in exchange for big man AnthonyDavisinadealthat rockedtheNBA.
Doncic, nursing a calf injury, could make his Lakers debut as early as SaturdaybutLakerscoachJJ Redick indicated it would now more likely to be in Monday’s game against Utah. The Warriors are also e a g e r l y a w a i t i n g
ButJamesandtheLakers wouldn’t be denied. James added 17 rebounds, eight assists, one steal and one blocked shot as the Lakers won their fourth straight game and their 10th in their last12.
reinforcements in the shape of Jimmy Butler, whose acquisition at the trade deadline ended Butler’s acrimonious breakup with theMiamiHeat. With the deal finalized, ButlerjoinedtheWarriorsin Los Angeles, where he said he was “just so happy to be playing basketball again” after being suspended three timesthisseasonbytheHeat
for conduct detrimental to the team in the midst of his tradedemand.
-EdwardsmilestoneAsthesightofDoncicon thesidelineswhettedLakers’ fans appetites for his debut, Minnesota star Anthony Edwards was busy breaking aDoncicrecord.
Edwards scored 41 points to propel the Timberwolves to a 127-114
home victory over the HoustonRockets.
One day after his 49point outburst led the T’Wolves to victory over Chicago, Edwards set the franchiserecordformost40point games with 14, surpassing Karl-Anthony Towns.
The 23-year-old made five three-pointers and became the youngest NBA player to reach 1,000 career treys, surpassing the mark set by Doncic — who did it when he was 24 years, 286 daysold.
Meanwhile, the newlook Mavericks, fueled by a scorching start from Klay Thompson, beat the NBA championCeltics127-120in Boston in an NBA Finals rematch.
Davis’sDallasdebutwas delayed again as he continuestorecoverfroman abdominalstrain.
Kyrie Irving added 19 points for the Mavericks, who led by as many as 27 points.
Jaylen Brown led Boston’s scoring with 25 pointsandJaysonTatumand Kristaps Porzingis added 17 apiece before Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla pulled his startersinthefourthquarter
In other games, NBA MostValuablePlayerNikola Jokic produced his 24th triple-double of the season, piling up 28 points, 10 rebounds and 12 assists before sitting out the fourth quarter of the Denver Nuggets’112-90 rout of the OrlandoMagic. PascalSiakamscored33 points and grabbed 11 rebounds for the Indiana Pacers, who erased a 22point deficit to beat the Los AngelesClippers119-112.
ButThompson,acquired in the offseason, provided plenty of firepower, scoring 23ofhisteam-high25points in the first half to put the Mavericks on the road to victoryintheirfirstreturnto Boston since they fell in game five of last season’s championshipseries.
TheLusignanGolf Club(LGC)isset tohostthehighly anticipated DEMLIFE Golf Tournamenttoday,Saturday, February 8, continuing its tradition of competitive excellence and camaraderie inthesport.
Sponsored by Demerara Mutual Life Assurance Society (DEMLIFE), this annual event promises an exciting contest among some of the country’s finest golfers, all vying for top honors on the club’s meticulously maintained course Participants will compete for several prestigious accolades, including Best Net in each flight,1st,2nd,and3rdplace awards, Overall Best Gross score, and special skillbased prizes such as “Nearest to the Flag” on Hole #4 and “Longest Drive”onHole#5.
T h e d e f e n d i n g champion from the 2023 edition, Mike Mangal, claimed victory in the 0-16 handicap flight, posting an
impressive Gross 79 and Net 71 off a Handicap 8
With another highly competitive field expected, this year’s tournamentisset to deliver an exciting showcase of talent and precision
As per standard tournament protocol, all participants must check in with the Club’s Manager on thedayoftheeventtocollect
their scorecards and complete payment of tournament fees Players will then proceed to their designated tee boxes in preparationforthe12:30PM shotgun start, signaled by a horn or siren. Following the completion of the tournament, the awards presentation ceremony will take place at approximately 5:30PM,wherewinnerswill be formally recognized for theirachievements.
The DEMLIFE Golf Tournament stands as a testament to the enduring partnershipbetweenLusignan Golf Club and Demerara Mutual Life Assurance
Society As a leading insuranceproviderinGuyana and the wider Caribbean, Demerara Mutual has built a strong reputation for over a century, offering reliable insurance solutions to more than 20,000 policyholders With a dedicated team of professionals, the company remains committed to ensuringthefinancialsecurity andwell-beingofitsclients
TheLusignanGolfClub extends its gratitude to Demerara Mutual for its unwaveringsupportoflocal golf and looks forward to anothersuccessfuleditionof the tournament Golf enthusiasts and supporters are invited to witness an afternoonofpremiergolfing action as competitors strive forexcellenceonthegreens.
The tournament will follow an 18-hole medal playformat,withplaysetto commenceat12:30PM. For further information and updates, interested individuals can contact the Lusignan Golf Club at 2205660.
2024 Female champion: Lydia Fraser found her groove on Day Two.
Guyanese star Alex Arjoon and top-seeded Barbadian Shawn Simpson continued their dominant runs in the Men’s 30-44 category at the 2025 BCQS
International Squash
Masters Tournament, maintaining perfect records
after two rounds of
competition at the
Georgetown Club on
Arjoon, the No. 3 seed, securedhissecondvictoryin emphatic fashion, defeating compatriotReganPollardin straight sets (3-0) to extend his flawless start in the Men’s U45 division Meanwhile, Simpson, the tournament’s top seed,
mirrored that performance with an 11-5, 11-3, 11-5 triumph over Guyana’s StevenXavier No. 2 seed Jason Khalil also made his mark, registeringacommanding30 victory over Deje Dias in hisfirstmatchoftheGuyana leg. Other winners in the categoryincludedJasonvan Dijk, who overpowered Michael Muir 11-1 in three sets, and Peter DeGroot, who bested Trinidadian Leonel Sorrillo 11-4, 11-8, 11-2.
Additionally, Jonathan Antczak swept Barbadian Patrick Downie 3-0, while Javid Rahaman and Dane
Pereira also notched
dominant straight-set victories.
IntheWomen’sOver-35 category, Alison SmithPadmore, Lydia Fraser, and Indira Barker all secured victories on day two Padmore remained unbeaten, holding off Tian Edwardsinahard-fought30 win. Barker saw offAnna Perreira 11-3, 11-7, 11-7, while Fraser rebounded from a first-round defeat, regaining her form to dispatch Maria Munroe 115,11-9,11-4.
The Men’s 55-64 category delivered its share of upsets and high-intensity clashes Trinidad’s John Holley led the charge,
Ken Corsbie was the first secretary of the Guyana Basketball Federation.
Peter DeGroot (left) having to work hard against Leonel
Guyana Harpy Eagles skipper Tevin Imlach scored a masterful hundred upon his return to the national side.