Kaieteur News

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2 killed as car slams into bridge -fourroadfatalities within24hours

as he walks away from Region Six coordinator job-

says Jagdeo took offence when he raised issues on television

resigns following land sale scandal involving Ed Ahmad and others

…Chinese trucks making 2/3 trips

Convicted Fraudster, Edul Ahmad

Ramayya cites “worst corruption in histor y of PPP”

Coordinator for the Region Six Rapid

R e s p o n s e Taskforce, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya has tendered his resignation to Minister of

L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t a n d

R e g i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t , Sonia Parag, with effect from the end of this month.

In an exclusive interview

w i t h K a i e t e u r N e w s , D r

R a m a y y a s a i d h e w a s “dissatisfied with the way

t h i n g s a r e ” a n d t h a t h i s p r i n c i p l e s w o u l d n o t b e compromised.

A c c o r d i n g t o h i m , corruption is now at its worst in the history of the Peoples P r o g r e s s i v e P a r t y ( P P P ) g o v e r n m e n t A d d i t i o n a l l y, he shared that he was not comfortable with the way he w a s b e i n

e x p l a i n e d t h a t h e w a s recently told that he was not

The National Insurance Scheme’s (NIS) headquarters on Brickdam, Georgetown

- as he walks away from Region Six coordinator job - says Jagdeo took off ence when he raised issues on talk show

doing his job; this while he worked seven days a week.

“I am not going to blame the President for this, I want you to understand that but at t h e R D C ( R e g i o n a l Democratic Council) level, I was made to understand that

I am not doing m

Kaieteur News that he has a p r o g r a m m e s t r e a m e d o n Facebook where he would highlight flaws within the

The National Insurance Scheme, which was recently criticised by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) for its operations, expressed disappointment that the Chamber chose to make a public s t a t e m e n t r a t h e r t h a n a d d r e s s i n g

challenges through a meeting.

This is according to a letter sent to Kaieteur News on Monday by NIS’s Public Relations Officer, Diane Baxter. NIS said it is surprised and disappointed by the statement published by GCCI since over the years NIS a n d C h a m b e r h a v e s h a r e d a g o o d professional relationship which have led to t h e m e n g a g i n g i

conferences among other things.

The Scheme also expressed concern that t h e p u b l i c c o m p l a i n t s c o u l d h a r m i t s reputation. As a result, NIS is now conducting an investigation into the allegations raised by the GCCI and requested an urgent meeting with the Chamber ’s executives to address the matter NIS also mentioned that officials at the C h a m b e r h a v e a n e a s y a c c e s s t o t h e management of the Scheme as well as the public relations office. “It must be pointed out that NIS is not in possession of any missive from the Chamber requesting an audience to discuss their dissatisfaction,” the letter noted. “ I t i s e x p e c t e d t h a t s i n c e t h e r e i s a n established relationship with the Scheme that a meeting would have been arranged with N I S t

members of GCCI are faced with,” NIS stated. I n c o n

hospitals, roads and even the Guyana Police Force (GPF). His most recent episode was aired on January 29, 2025.

“ I t a l k a b o u t w h a t i s happening with the police, the hospitals are not properly equipped- so these are some of the things I was trying to remind them of…it’s not that I’m condemning what the government is doing I’m j u s t c r i t i c i s i n g t h a t t h o s e situations can be correctedlike now you want to do an MRI or a scan test, they paying for it, but before, the patient got to pay for all of this scan test, these are some of the things I would talk about but I was told that I’m criticising,” he said.

Dr Ramayya said that he even received a phone call from Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo who was seemingly n o t p l e a s e d w i t h t h e

c o m m e n t s h e m a d e T h e

R e g i o n a l C o o r d i n a t o r however made it clear that he d o e s n o t “ s t a n d f o r

nonsense” and would not

r e m a i n s i l e n t , a s t h e objective of his employment

is to help poorer citizens access better services. “Even the Vice President called me t h a t h e h e a r t h a t I a m

Coordinator for the Region Six Rapid Response Taskforce, Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya

a b o u t , t h e r o a d s a n d

e v e r y t h i n g , I t h i n k I h a d enough of everything,” he said.

professionalism, urging that future concerns be channeled through its Public Relations

S e c t i o n T h i s r


n s e f o l

p r e s s statement issued by GCCI on Friday, which expressed frustration with NIS’s operations and called for a review of its systems. The C h a m b e r h i g h l i g h t e d s e v e r a l o n g o i n g complaints, primarily about NIS’s failure to transition to a digital system, which has c a u s e d i n e f f i c i e n c i e s a n d d e l a y s i n processing.

The GCCI said its upbraiding of NIS follows several complaints about the entity’s processes The organisation said that the primary complaint was NIS’s failure to transition to a digitised system to expedite processes.

“ T h e C h a m b e r c o n t i n u e s t o r e c e i v e complaints from members of the business community, as well as individuals registered with NIS, over the slow pace of conducting business with the agency, inefficiency in services, as well as NIS’ failure to transition to a digitized system that would allow for timely and convenient transactions,” GCCI

s a

reapply The GCCI also emphasized that Guyana’s growing economy should not be

Chambers also called for reforms to address the challenges facing the agency, stressing that the business landscape in Guyana cannot a d v a n c e w h i l e b e i n g i m p e d e d b y “incompetence and complacency” at NIS.

c r i t i c i s i n g w h a t t h e government is doing. I don’t h a v e t o p r a i s e n o b o d y i f something is not going right. That is not my way of life. My objective here is to help people…the Vice President called and said he heard, this is what he told me, he heard t h a t I b a d t a l k t h e government, so he nah want nobody criticise nobody, and I ’ m n o t g o n n a t a k e t h a t , because the poor people are t h e o n e s w h o a r e suffering…for all the years I am here- 25 plus years when I was with AFC, I defend the poor people and I am for the working class, so as a result of all these factors I talk

B a c k i n 2 0 2 1 , D r Ramayya had resigned from the taskforce. At the time, he h a d s a i d , “ T h e b i g g e s t corruption taking place right n o w i s t h e f l o o d m o n e y distribution.” Following his res ignation, he s aid there were talks in the Region that h e b e g g e d b a c k f o r h i s position; however, he said “the truth is that I received a call from President Irfaan Ali.”

No turning back

T h i s t i m e a r o u n d ,

Ramayya said there is no

t u r n i n g b a c k f r o m h i s

d e c i s i o n H e s a i d h i s r e s i g n a t i o n w a s t e n d e r e d over a week ago, and he has not received a call from any g o v e r n m e n t o f f i c i a l D r.

Ramayya noted, “…so this is the second time that I resign because I told them the first time, that the previous 23 years of their government, the first two years of this government is worst off with the corruption…”

He said he had raised s i m i l a r c o n c e r n s a b o u t

c o r r u p t i o n w h e n t h e coalition was in government. “I told them there was corruption in the hospital and other agencies, they didn’t listen to me and I resigned because of that because the p e o p l e w e r e n o t g e t t i n g d r u g s a t t h e h o s p i t a l , ” Ramayya said. “I can’t stand f o r n o n s e n s e T h a t ’s m y position. I even left the REO position when I was with the Coalition, so I took this job to help people I don’t need help. I can go back overseas and live my life.” T

x Coordinator even revealed

secretary are yet to be paid. “I was there last week no money was there for them. T

prefers to walk away now before the elections season. “Before I get caught up in this election year and I don’t want to do things that would hurt them later on, I prefer to resign now,” Dr Ramayya stated.

Motorcyclist dies in Corentyne, Berbice accident

m o t o r c y

i s t d i e d i n a n accident on Monday evening on Eversham Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. Dead is Edwin Hartman a r e s i d e n t o f D u k e s t o w n Corriverton, Corentyne. T h e a c c i d

6524, owned and driven by Hartman. Reports said that around 07:15 hrs, the car was proceeding north along the

western side of the road and stopped. He signalled a right turn by activating his right indicator While attempting to make the turn, Hartman’s motorcycle collided with the

right, front and rear doors of the vehicle. Hartman sustained fatal injuries from the impact and succumbed shortly after His body was transported to the P

Mortuary, where

The driver of the motor car is currently in police custody, assisting with the ongoing investigation.

Kaieteur News

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Publisher: GLENN LALL-TEL: 624-6456


Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Building strong families

G o v e r n m e n t s h a v e a t e n d e n c y o f l a u n c h i n g programmes with a lot of media fanfare, but do little to report on its successes or failures and whether there will be follow-up initiatives to build on what went before.

One such initiative was a parenting skills programme launched back in 2021 to empower parents to help them build stronger, stable families. The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security back then had even partnered with the National Commission on the Family to launch the training programme, targeting trainers from across the country to work along with parents in communities. The training was to be done through the Internationally Accredited Mothers Union. The programme was to span a period of three weeks, on weekends and every trainee in the programme should have benefitted from a manual containing the details of the training.

Among other things the parents would have learnt how to communicate with families, help families deal with issues, parent at different ages, identify issues such as depression and suicide, and identify key signs of child abuse. At the end of the training, participants were expected to meet the ministry’s objective of making parents more aware of issues involving their children and how to address and resolve them. There is no doubt that the outline of this programme on paper was laudable and it would be disappointing if the objectives were not achieved. But there was no follow up report on this initiative and it begs the question as to what really transpired.

We bring this programme up as it goes to the heart of what our country is badly in need of- strong, stable family units. The family circle it is said, should be regarded as a sacred place, a mirror in which to reflect ourselves. Friends and acquaintances we may have, but in the home life they are not to meddle. A strong sense of proprietorship should be felt, giving a sense of ease, restfulness, trust. The family is a microcosm of the nation. Therefore, if we want to have a strong nation, we must endeavour to build a strong family It is also true that strong families make strong communities, and strong communities result in strong nations.

The family is the single most important institution of a nation and the basic building block of any society Therefore, it is the responsibility of those in authority to ensure that the family receives the greatest care and respect at all times. Everything of value can be found in the order of families. However, failure and calamity invariably resulted when the family values and systems broke down. The role of the family in society should not be taken for granted. Neither should the family be overlooked in the pursuit of community and national development because it is supposed to be the raison d’etre of development and growth. The family is the foundation which makes human development possible.

However, most of the problems Guyana is currently experiencing are due to the breakdown of the family Guyana cannot afford to ignore the family in the nationbuilding process. To do so would be short-sighted and even ridiculous. Studies done in a number of countries over the years show that the nuclear family structure has played key roles in determining outcomes, not just for family members, but also for the nation as a whole. For example, on average, married couples enjoy larger incomes, higher net worth, and greater year-on-year increases in net worth. Their children enjoy a better environment; less poverty and more economic mobility than any other group. The children also have better educational outcomes than children living in single parent households. They may even have higher IQs and tend to have better employment prospects when they enter the workforce.

The nuclear family is critical to the early stages of child development, especially in the first eight years when the personality of a child is formed. The family is where the minds of individuals are first developed and shaped to play their role as responsible, decent and law-abiding citizens in society All the essential character qualities such as

The Need for Constitutional and Legislative Reforms to Enable Biometrics at Polling Stations in Guyana

DEAR EDITOR, Guyana’s democracy has long been a beacon of hope in the Caribbean, but its

Allegations of voter fraud,

verificatio n, and outdated voter registration processes have, at times, undermined public confidence in the fairness and transparency of elections.

To address these issues and modernize the electoral system, it is imperative to

amendment and amend the Representation of the People Act (Cap. 1:03) to enable the use of biometrics at polling stations. These reforms are not merely optional—they are essential to safeguarding the integrity of elections, enhancing efficiency, and restoring pu


B i o m e t r i c t e c h n o l o g y, w h i c h u s e s u n i q u e physiological traits such as f i n g e r p r i n t s , f a c i a l recognition, or iris scans, offers a secure and efficient method of verifying voter identity Unlike traditional m e t h o d s o f v o t e r identification, which rely on paper-based systems or ID cards that can be forged or m a n i p u l a t e d , b i o m e t r i c s provide a fool proof way to ensure that each voter is who they claim to be.

T h i s t e c h n o l o g y c a n e l i m i n a t e v o t e r i m p e r s o n a t i o n , d o u b l e voting, and other forms of

electoral fraud, which have plagued Guyana’s elections in the past.

B y i m p l e m e n t i n g biometrics, Guyana can take a significant step toward ensuring that every vote is legitimate and that the will of the people is accurately reflected in election results.

H o w e v e r, t h e c u r r e n t legal framework in Guyana does not explicitly authorize the use of biometrics in elections. The Constitution and the Representation of the People Act (Cap. 1:03) were drafted in an era when such technology did not exist, and they do not provide the n e c e s s a r y p r o v i s i o n s t o support its implementation. Wi t h o u t a c o n s t i t u t i o n a l a m e n d m e n t a n d corresponding changes to the Representation of the P e o p l e A c t , t h e u s e o f biometrics at polling stations would lack legal clarity and could be challenged in court.

T h e r e f o r e , l e g i s l a t i v e

r e f o r m s a r e n o t j u s t desirable—they are essential t o p r o v i d e a c l e a r a n d enforceable legal foundation for biometric technology in elections.

O n e o f t h e m o s t compelling arguments for enabling biometrics through constitutional and legislative reforms is the need to restore public trust in the electoral process.

In recent years, Guyana has experienced contentious e l e c t i o n s m a r k e d b y allegations of fraud and irregularities. These disputes have eroded confidence in

interpersonal relationships, skills, work ethic, personal discipline and self-control are taught and guided by families.

Whenever the family unit is dismantled, the nation would be at risk; crime and violence would likely escalate which means that we would be much better off if we were to protect, promote and elevate the family structure. The family provides the natural place where the emotional and material needs of the population should be met without putting a strain on government resources. Where family structure is missing, or where single-parent family structures dominate, greater social benefits and state intervention are needed to help them cope. The family has and continues to play a significant role in predicting outcomes for children. Factors such as educational attainment, income levels, emotional stability, and the likelihood of engaging in crime or experiencing teenage pregnancy are all significantly linked to the family. Pope John Paul II was correct when he said: “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”

the fairness of elections and, at times, led to social and p o l i t i c a l i n s t a b i l i t y B y a d o p t i n g b i o m e t r i c s , Guyana can demonstrate its commitment to conducting free, fair, and transparent elections. When voters see that cutting-edge measures are in place to protect their rights, they are more likely to trust the outcome of the e l e c t i o n a n d a c c e p t t h e legitimacy of the results.

This, in turn, strengthens the foundation of democracy and fosters a culture of civic engagement.

In addition to enhancing s e c u r i t y, b i o m e t r i c s c a n significantly improve the eff icien cy o f th e v o tin g process.

Long lines, delays, and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e e r r o r s a t polling stations are common complaints in Guyana, often d i s c o u r a g i n g v o t e r participation and leading to f r u s t r a t i o n B i o m e t r i c systems can streamline voter verification, reducing the time it takes to check in and cast a ballot.

F o r e x a m p l e , a

f i n g e r p r i n t s c a n n e r c a n

a u t h e n t i c a t e a v o t e r ’ s i d e n t i t y i n s e c o n d s , eliminating the need for manual checks and reducing bottlenecks.

This would not only i m p r o v e t h e v o t e r e x p e r i e n c e b u t a l s o encourage higher turnout by making the process more accessible and convenient.

A m e n d i n g t h e Representation of the People Act to allow for biometrics would ensure that the legal framework supports these t e c h n o l o g i c a l advancements, paving the way for smoother and more efficient elections.

By enacting these reforms, Guyana has the opportunity to position itself as a regional and global


As democracies around the world grapple with issues of fraud, inefficiency, and d

, Guyana can set an example by embraci ng cutting-edge solutions.

A c o n s t i t u t i o n a l amendment and changes to the Representation of the People Act would signal to the international community that Guyana is committed to conducting free, fair, and

bolstering its reputation as a stable and forward-thinking democracy T

C r i t i c s o f b i o m e t r i c s often raise valid concerns a b o u t p r i v a c y a n d t h e p o t e n t i a l m i s u s e o f personal data These concerns must b e a d d r e s s e d t h r o u g h robust legal and technical safeguards. A c o n s t i t u t i o n a l amendment a nd c hanges t o the Representation of the P e o p l e A c t c a n i n c l u d e provisions to protect voter privacy, such as strict data protection laws, encryption protocols, and transparent oversight mechanisms By e n s h


We must continue to fight for biometrics before the next elections

DEAR EDITOR, Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran is one of the few

G u y a n e s e w h o c a n

genuinely claim to have

played a central role in shaping this nation as a lawful state—one where the power and duty to manage and develop the country lies with its people, especially when it comes to issues directly affecting their wellbeing.

A s C h a i r m a n o f t h e 1997 Constitution Reform

C o m m i s s i o n , w h i c h

e m e r g e d f r o m t h e

Herdmanston Accord and S t L u c i a S t a t e m e n t following the 1997 General

a n d R e g i o n a l E l e c t i o n s ,

stabilise the nation

Many still remember the post-election turbulence of that period; an environment where division, denial of

b a s i c r i g h t s , a n d t h e deepening of ethnic and

r a c i a l t e n s i o n s w e r e

w e a p o n i s e d f o r p o l i t i c a l gain On both sides of the divide, the cries of the people were loud and clear, fuelled by fear for their futures

Ramkarran, along with G u y a n a E l e c t i o n s Commission (GECOM) Chair

J u s t i c e C l a u d e t t e S i n g h , w i t n e s s e d f i r s t h a n d t h e challenges of those days-the protests, the violence, and the destruction of livelihoods. Both were in positions to o b s e r v e , i n d i f f e r e n t capacities, the anguish of

ordinary citizens, not the elites

So, if Ramkarran and Justice Singh can appreciate that laws are meant to serve the people, why are they now standing in the way of a system that could c r e a t e a m o

n d equitable society?

I f b i o m e t r i c s i s t h e solution to ensuring fai


C h a i r o f G E C O M , k n e w f u l l w e

biometrics for years. Now, she too must act to make it happen.

B o t h R a m k a r r a n a n d

Justice Singh are aware of the

biometrics, across the political spectrum, from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to the People’s National Congress (PNCR)

Ramkarran, as a leader

a m e n d m e n t s W e ’ v e s e e n t h i s

b e f o r e w i t h t h e r e f o r m s i m p l e m e n t e d b y

P r e s i d e n t D e s m o n d

H o y t e a n d O p p o s i t i o n

L e a d e r C h e d d i J a g a n i n t h e 1 9 9 0 s W h y c a n ’ t w e a p p l y t h i s s a m e p r i n c i p l e 3 5 y e a r s l a t e r ? We h a v e s e e n

G E C O M , o n S i n g h ’ s w a t c h , m a k e r u l e s / l a w

(Order 60/2020) for the 2020 Elections I a s k R a l p h , s o m e o n e I ’ v e k n o w n f o r d e c a d e s , w h o s e f a t h e r , B o y s i e

R a m k a r r a n , a n d m y o w n ,

S t e p h e n L e w i s , s h a r e d a

l o n g f r i e n d s h i p , w h y, a t

t h i s c r i t i c a l j u n c t u r e , i s h e t e l l i n g t h e n a t i o n t h a t b i o m e t r i c s i s i m p o s s i b l e ?

W h y n o t w o r k w i t h u s

t o m a k e i t p o s s i b l e ? T h i s i s n o t j u s t a l e g a l i s s u e ; i t ’s a b o u t

p e o p l e T h e s a m e q u e s t i o n g o e s t o J u s t i c e


, has a duty to advise on how to bring the people’s desire to life, not to defend why it can’t happen



clear: to devise a plan and present it to the government f o r f u n d i n g , m a k i n g biometrics a reality in our elections.

We live in a nation where elections have too often devolved into ethnic c e n s u s e s a n d v i o l e n t clashes, where our political system has failed to foster “inclusionary democracy,” as mandated by Article 13 of the Constitution Instead, elections have become a s o u r c e o f m i s e r y

national disintegration R

We must act decisively before the next general and r e g i o n a l e l e c t i o n s O u r bloated Voters List, almost t h e s i z e o f t h e e n t i r e population, has raised alarm b e l l s b o t h l o c a l l y a n d internationally.

We don’t need to be told that this is a recipe for disaster; it’s clear to anyone who’s paying attention.

If we don’t address this, w e r i s k r e p e a t i n g t h e c a t a s t r o p h i c h u m a n a n d infrastructural damage of previous elections.

History has shown us the ugly aftermath of election violence: political graveyards, c i v i l i a n c l a s h e s , p o l i c e brutality, and wi

d property destruction

The 2020 elections were marked by PPP supporters attacking schoolchildren on the West Coast Berbice and the death of a PPP protester following an altercation In 2 0 1 1 , p o l i c e s h o t a t

injuring several, including p

attorney-at-law James Bond and retired Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff, Edward “Eddie” Collins


, relatively peaceful, benefited from the tone set by the David Granger/Moses Nagamootoo

a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a commitment to upholding citizens’ right to peaceful protest

escalate unless we act.

As of today, the forces preventing the introduction of biometrics are the same ones that once supported it:

the PPP, which now opposes it, and GECOM, which, under the cover of Ralph Ramkarran’s influence, is stalling progress.

This nation stands at a dangerous crossroads. But those of us who want an electoral process that is free, fair, and transparent know b

o n

y possible—it is necessary. We must continue to fight for it before the next elections. The evidence of our past, and the current state of our Voters List, makes it clear: this is the only path forward.

And to that, we, the p e o p


Lincoln Lewis

Tombs Desecration at Golden Grove Burial Ground, EBD


Permit me to address a Facebook post/notice dated T h u r s d a y, J a n u a r y 3 0 t h 2025, by the Ministry of Health re: Relocation of t o m b s a t G o l d e n G r o v e Burial Ground.

According to this notice,

t o m b s a t G r o v e B u r i a l Ground would have to be relocated due to construction

of pumps used to increase the drainage capacity in the Diamond/Grove Area. Y

c o m

project and it’s unfortunate that only now the Ministry has decided to alert the public after a few tombs

have already been destroyed or lost at the construction site. A meeting on Friday, J

frustrating since no one was able to provide any useful

tendees were assured that construction

w o u l d b e h a l t e d f o r

relocation arrangements, but a site visit the next day indicated otherwise.

Relatives were given the sense that this is “how things run in Guyana” and to add m o r e a n g u i s h , a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f r o m t h e construction company was heard boasting that their boss knows “big ones” in the

g o v e r n m e n t s s o t h e r e ’s nothing anyone can do! This must never be the case in any decent society and proper consultation is necessary to address, where, when and h o w r e m a i n s w o u l d b e relocated.

I n s h o w o f r e s p e c t t o t h e d e c e a s e d a n d t h e i r r e l a t i v e s

prevails. D. Rampersaud.

Our workers need work-life balance


Consideration should be given to the possibility that our workers may be in need o f b e t t e r w o r klife balance?

T h e P a r t y t h a t w a s

e s t a b l i s h e d t o f i g h t f o r w o r k e r r i g h t s s h o u l d

u n d e r s t a n d t h a t w o r k e r s

d o n o t a b u s e s i c k l e a v e u n l e s s t h e y a r e i n n e e d o f

t i m e o f f G i v e n t h a t i t i s

c o n s i d e r e d w i d e s p r e a d i s m o r e p r o o f that there may

b e a s e r i o u s u n d e r l y i n g issue.

I t h a s b e e n s t a t e d t h a t

s o m e w o r k e r s a r e

w o r k i n g v e r y l a t e i n t o t h e

e v e n i n g t o h e l p m o v e

g o v e r n m e n t i n i t i a t i v e s f o r w a r d I t h a s e v e n b e e n

s t a t e d t h a t t h e i r d e d i c a t i o n t o t h e w o r k a t h a n d i s e x e m p l a r y I f w o r k e r s a r e

w o r k i n g l a t e i n t o t h e

n i g h t t o g e t t h i n g s d o n e , i t m e a n s t h a t t h e r e i s t o o

m u c h t o g e t d o n e

We h a v e s e e n t h i s

m a n i f e s t i t s e l f i n t h e p o o r

w o r k b e i n g d o n e d u e t o

t h e l a c k o f c a p a c i t y t o

m eet the emphasis being p l a c e d o n s p e e d o f implementation.

T h e g o v e r n m e n t m u s t

r e c o n s i d e r t h e w o r k l o a d

t h a t t h e i r e n t h u s i a s m f o r

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n i s

c r e a t i n g M a i n t a i n i n g

b a l a n c e b e t w e e n w o r k a n d l i f e i s e s s e n t i a l t o s u s t a i n i n g a m o t i v a t e d a n d h e a l t h y w o r k f o r c e

The punitive approach being taken by the President may create more backlash and backlog than intended.

It may be better for each m i n i s t r y e x p e r i e n c i n g workers taking questionable sick leave to review the w o r k l o a d a n d s e e k suggestions from their teams as to how to balance the work to allow for better work life balance.

There is no rush to get s e v e r a l o f t h e p r o j e c t s implemented.

We must reconsider the urgency of the work at hand and structure the timeline so as to allow our workforce to c o m f o r t a b l y a c h i e v e t h e goals set in an effective manner

or overtime will do so. At the same time, we must allow those who prefer time with family and time to enjoy the finer things

o experience, to do so. Work is a means to an end. It is not the end goal.


our core advantage.

We m u s t a l l o w o u r development to be in sync with our easygoing culture. Our workers’ rights must remain important, and our c o n c e r n a n d e m p a t h y towards the workforce must be exemplary

This is why we must maintain the correct work life balance needed to ensure that our workforce continues to enjoy what they are achieving.

Best regards, Mr. Jamil Changlee Chairman

T h e C o o p e r a t i v e Republicans of Guyana

Hampshire-Tain corridor a growing crime hotspot

The residents of Central C o r e n t y n e , p a r t i c u l a r l y those along the HampshireTain corridor, are living in fear

uniformed ranks is essential, a d d i

n a l m e a s u r e s a r e r e q u i r e d t o k e e p o u r communities safe. I r e c o m m e n d t h e establishment of community policing groups that can work alongside the police to m a i n t a i n a w a t c h f u l p

A s p a t e o f c r i m e , i n c l u d i n g a c t u a l a n d attempted home invasions, has made this area a growing crime hotspot. Immediate intervention is needed to restore a sense of safety and security The police must increase patrols, particularly during the night, to deter c r i m i n a l s w h o s e e m emboldened by the lack of visible law enforcement W h

after dusk.

T o e n s u r e t h

s u s t a i n a b i l i t y o f t h e s e community policing groups, members should receive a stipend similar to what is paid to the ten-day workers. In fact, some of these tend a y w o r k e r s s h o u l d b e conscripted as community police officers to assist in patrolling after dark.

Sincerely Sanjiv Nandipersaud

Ongoing audit will inform nation of amount deducted by Exxon so far to restore environment

T h e d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g

m o n i e s t a k e n o u t f r o m Guyana’s oil profits will be

r e v e a l e d u p o n t h e

c o m p l e t i o n o f o n g o i n g

US$19.6B audit of American oil major, ExxonMobil.

This was related to the


f N a t u

a l Resources, Vickram Bharrat during the Consideration of

h e 2 0 2 5 Budget.

During the Committee of Supply, Opposition Member

o f P a

( M P ) , Shurwayne Holder asked for an update on how much has been withdrawn to date by t h e c o m p a


o r decommissioning activities. Decommissioning refers to the clean up and restoration

following the life of an oil


equipment used during the production of oil. In his response to the

Minister Bharrat informed



information will be made known in the ongoing review of the company’s expenses. He said, “That will be part of the audit that is being done. The decommissioning fund is something that was introduced in the Petroleum Activities Act. There was no

Petroleum Activities Act was

passed in 2023.”

Bharrat pointed out that, “There is none of those new developments- I think its Uaru and Whiptail that has started to produce as yet, so w

requesting, that would be part of the audit.” T

expenses is being conducted by local consultants VHE Consulting and Martindale

Consultants, with additional

e Norwegian technical firm IKM Acona AS. By March 2025, the team is expected to complete the cost recovery audit of US$19.6 billion, accumulated over three years and set to be recovered from revenues generated in the Stabroek Block.

During his first press conference of the year, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo s a i d t h a t t h e decommissioning fund for future oil projects will be managed by both Guyana and Exxon, as the long-term goal of the government is to get the funds previously d e d u c t e d i

m e account.

The Chief Policymaker for the sector was at the time addressing a question from this publication on how government would ensure the cost of decommissioning is left as a burden on Guyana.

To this end, Jagdeo said while the decommissioning costs can be speculated, he does not want to do that, however he disclosed that in the previous agreement by the APNU administration the

being kept by the investors.

keeping it in that account that they said they have,” he said. He added, “We know what the sums are they and I think that was given some time in the past. I can’t remember what it is now But what did we do? The same way, we changed the PSA and effectively renegotiated the other contracts outside t h e S t a b r o e k B l o c k , w e passed a new Act, and the act now says, if you have the decommissioning cost, you have to keep it in an account held jointly between the government and the oil and gas companies.”

Jagdeo explained that the l a s t p e r m i t g o v e r n m e n t issued, ExxonMobil is now r e q u i r e d t o d e p o s i t t h e decommissioning cost of the project once it begins, into the account. He said he is hopeful that all of the monies t h e c o m p a n y h a d b e e n h o l d i n g f o r decommissioning for the current producing projects will be able to be added to the account.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

The burden of proof rests on the asserting party

In recent days there have been serious assertions made

and associations implied

w i t h o u t a n y s u p p o r t i n g evidence. In light of this, it is necessary to remind those in our legal profession of the onus of proof and about the

d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n coincidence and nexus.

The principle that “he who asserts must prove” is a foundational doctrine in both legal and logical reasoning. It places the burden of proof squarely on the party making a claim or assertion. This

p r i n c i p l e e n s u r e s t h a t i n d i v i d u a l s c a n n o t m a k e unsubstantiated allegations

a n d t h e n s h i f t t h e responsibility to others to disprove them.

The burden of proof in our common law tradition lies with the asserting party


cannot establish a valid

c l a i m w i t h o u t

b e h i n d t h e p r i n c i p l e i s simple: it is unjust to require o t h e r s t o d i s p r o v e a n assertion when the person making the claim has not provided sufficient evidence to justify it in the first place.

For example, if Person A accuses Person B of theft, P e r s o n A m u s t p r e s e n t

e v i d e n c e s u c h a s e y e w i t n e s s t e s t i m o n y ,

f o r e n s i c a n a l y s i s t o substantiate the claim. This principle is not only a legal standard but also a logical one. In rational discourse, an assertion without evidence can be dismissed without evidence The burden of proof is a safeguard against frivolous claims and ensures that arguments are grounded i n f a c t s r a t h e r t h a n speculation.

Therefore, if you make an allegation or an implicit assertion that there was a corrupt transaction, it is for you to prove it. Not for the accused or anyone else to establish otherwise. Shifting the burden of proof to the accused would create an untenable situation where i n d i v i d u a l s c o u l d m a k e baseless accusations and force others to disprove them, leading to chaos and u n d e r m i n i n g j u s t i c e To f u r t h e r i l l u s t r a t e t h e importance of the burden of proof, it is necessary to d

T h e s e t e r m s a r e o f t e n conflated, but they represent f u n d a m e n t a l l y d i f f e r e n t concepts.

A coincidence is the occurrence of two or more events or circumstances that happen at the same time or in

close proximity but are not

Coincidences are random

events. A nexus, on the other hand, refers to a causal or logical connection between t

implies that one event is d i r

r influenced by the other T

d nexus is the presence or

relationship. Coincidence is

nexus is based on evidence of a connection. Suppose Person X is involved in a car accident on the same day that Person Y, a stranger, wins the lottery These two events occur simultaneously but are entirely unrelated. There is no evidence to suggest that Person X’s accident had any connection to Person Y’s lottery win. This is a classic e x a m p l e o f c o i n c i d e n c e t w o e v e n t s happening at the same time without any causal link.

Now, suppose Person X is involved in a car accident because Person Y ran a red light while driving under the influence of alcohol. In this case, there is a clear causal connection between Person


TV change we life - fuh better or fuh worse?

Long before TV come, people use to sit down and mind people business like it was a full-time job. Yuh window was yuh own private television, and de street was de channel. If yuh neighbor pass wid a new pair of slippers, right away de discussion start: “Is who she think she impressing?” If a man pass looking fresh, people start whispering, “He geh new woman.” And if somebody walk fast, was guaranteed to be some drama, because “he running from something.”

Then TV come, and people stop peeping through dem window Now dem peeping at soap opera—same bacchanal, just on a smaller screen Instead of discussing de neighbor business, dem discussing who backstab who and who deh with who in de Young and De Restless. But de worst thing TV do? It kill family time. Long time, de whole family use to eat together If de food wasn’t nice, yuh had no choice but to smile and chew, because everybody watching yuh. Now? Everybody eating in front de TV Yuh father watching news, yuh mother watching soap opera movie drama, yuh sister watching fashion show, and yuh lil brother watching cartoon. Nobody talking. If de house fall down, nobody gon notice till de WiFi stop work. And wuh happen to de old-time family games? Long time, people use to sit down and play cards, dominoes, and ludo. Now,

Y’s actions and Person X’s

a c c i d e n t T h e n e x u s i s e s t a b l i s h e d t h r o u g h evidence, such as traffic c a m e r a f o o t a g e , w i t n e s s statements, and toxicology reports, which demonstrate that Person Y’s behavior directly caused the accident.

A common fallacy in legal and logical reasoning is t h e a s s u m p t i o n t h a t c o

a l l a c y, known as “post hoc ergo propter hoc” (after this, therefore because of this), occurs when one assumes t

a t b e c a u s e E v e n t A occurred before Event B, Event A must have caused Event B. However, without evidence of a nexus, such an assumption is unfounded.

For instance, if Person Z claims that their neighbor ’s

new security camera caused their dog to stop barking, they must provide evidence to support this claim. The m e r e f a c t t h a t t h e d o g stopped barking after the camera was installed does not, by itself, establish a causal relationship. It could be a coincidence—perhaps the dog stopped barking due to age, illness, or a change in routine. Without evidence of a nexus, Person Z’s assertion remains unproven. T h i s p r i n

legal proceedings, where the consequences of accepting unsubstantiated claims can be severe. Courts require plaintiffs to establish a nexus b e t w e e

n d a n

’s actions and the alleged harm. Without such evidence, the claim must fail. Therefore, if

you are merely saying that a man buys

house at the same time as another man buys

coincidence until you can

between the two. Without

claim based on



(The views expressed in this article are those of the

opinions of this newspaper.)

people playing “who can find de remote first?” And if yuh ever change de channel when somebody watching dem show, yuh might just get exile from de family

De biggest casualty was de old folks.

Granny use to sit and knit. Now, granny watching de cooking channel but can’t boil water And grandpa, who use to sit and listen to de radio, now watching wrestling and feel he could suplex somebody if dem step pun he corns.

Dem boys seh TV change we life. It mek some people stop peeping through dem window, but it also mek some people forget how to talk to one another De only time some families does really talk now is when de electricity cut off. And even then, dem more vex because dem can’t charge dem phone to check de time TV coming back. Dem boys seh de old days was simple, but at least people use to interact. Now, people know more about de life of a fictional character than dem own family Imagine, some people does cry fuh a character in a series but don’t know if dem neighbor hungry

TV come and bring de world closer, but it push families further apart. Maybe one day we gon switch off de screen and switch back on we real life. But don’t hold yuh breath—de final episode of dem new series just start! Talk half. Leff half

Straight talk

I think it was the Native Americans who coined that

r e v e a l i n g t e r m : f o r k e d tongue. Words that travel in different directions, mean different things to different

p e o p l e U s u a l l y w e l l

c a l c u l a t e d b e f o r e h a n d , usually intended. What has happened to straight talk in Guyana? On simple things,

b i g o n e s ? F r o m

n g Somebody is not dealing in the real thing. They are more than ordinary things that mean little, but big situations

t h a t h a v e b i g g e r implications.

P r e s i d e n t A l i s p e a k s most feebly, unconvincingly about “sanctity of contract.” Forked lightning, or forked

tongue, is the question that stands unanswered before all G u y a n e s e , w h e t h e r supporter or other I see a fork in the road, and the one route that Excellency Ali chose, the refuge where he battens down. The choice was simple, a mere tossup:

renegotiation or election

The president and his group didn’t hesitate. Election is what must be. Elections, head and shoulders, will always beat back and beat

d o w n a n y c a l l s f o r renegotiation. Straight talk, Mr President, would have delivered some

h e Guyanese electorate. ‘The priority is the election and continue leading, for that w i l l f a c i l i t a t e f r o m referendum to renegotiation, and where Guyana goes from

detect a leader that can be believed, one that may even be trusted. It is what has sanctity written all over it.

Vice President Jagdeo has made the Wales Gas-toEnergy project his signature u

US$2 billion, Guyanese are owed more than a leader trapped in

distancing, decrying about its foundations.

Guyanese that I know, who d o e s n ’

electricity and a reliable supply of it. Show the people the studies, whatever p

Straight talk and straight

q u i

l i n g , n o c i r c l i n g , nothing to be riotous about

every Thursday afternoon. What could be straighter than that, dear Dr Jagdeo? Can be done, is worth doing. J u s t t r y i t , E x c e l l e n c y Jagdeo. Truth may hurt speaker and listener initially; but it makes both better in the long run. Gas-to-Energy should not be such a secret, with all the hazy, tricky, talk. Straight talk is what must be. Come clean, no need to scream.

What is there to hide? At least, US$2 billion should b u y e n e r g y - s t a r v e d

Guyanese some clarity for that kind of money Straight talk, Mr Jagdeo, try it some time. Does have its merits, and they are irrefutable, as they are profound.

H o n M i n i s t e r o f t h e

People’s Purse, Dr Singh has lost the ability to speak straight. I question myself as to whether the returning refugee from the Maldives ever had that ability at straight talk. Reading a budget does not fit into this formula. A week before the n a t i o n a l b u d g e t h i t t h e

a i r w a v e s , c a s h g r a n t distribution was among the most watched activity in this town. For two days in s u c c e s s i o n ( M o n d a y a n d

Tu e s d a y ) b e f o r e b u d g e t Friday, Dr Singh addressed the expectant in Guyana through the medium of SN.

‘Do not worry No need to panic.’ Arrangements are in motion, people will be paid, with some reference to the GDF space, the Sports Hall space, and RDC space. Then all of Dr Singh’s words

came to naught They

e v a p o r a t e d t o n o t h i n g , d

n a t i o n a l r a d a r I a m

disappointed at this Guyana

S c h o l a r ; h e s h o u l d b e chastened, do that himself. How difficult is it, my trusted

b r o t h e r S i n g h t o t e l l

expectant Guyanese this:

‘there will be a pause in cash


until after the budget?’

How undermining to the PPP Government could such s


Why was it necessary for the f o r k e d t o n g u e o f ‘ d o n ’t

p a n i c ’ a n d t h o s e s i t e s identified to set up the hopefuls for a fall? My r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t o D r

Singh (and Drs. Ali and Jagdeo) is to be brave and frank with the people. Tell them as it is, and go from there. However, the cookie crumbles, it crumbles.

Last, there was that farce that is the tragicomedy of Guyana’s politics. Dr Singh i n h i s d i s m a l b u d g e t presentation paying tribute to “Madame Speaker.” Is this a real country? One where its people have some association with what is called character? Is this a c o n f i r m a t i o n o f t h e d o m i n a n t n a t i o n a l characteristic? No man, no woman, should be so crass, as to crave access to what does not belong, what is long p a s t i t s t i m e N e i t h e r promise nor position nor power nor pickings should mean so much that the soul is first squandered, then what is left of it sold. For what, a place in the sun? It is a dark sun, one that is diabolical given its source. As I have h a d c a u s e t o r e m i n d President Ali repeatedly, a man’s word once given is not returnable, not retrievable. There was that agreement, that understanding, made with comrades by a sister that now sits in parliament. It can’t be of no value w h a t s o e v e r M a d a m Speaker rings mockingly, disparagingly Why defame self so willingly, so cheaply A mind committed to the straight empowers straight talk And walking the straight path impeccably If this is Guyana, Gaza looks like a better proposition.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e opinions of this newspaper.)

Jagdeo admits climate change poses challenges to Amaila hydro project


While the Amaila Falls H y d r o p o w e r P r o j e c t ( A F H P ) r e m a i n s o n t h e government’s agenda, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo last week admitted that climate change does pose challenges to hydro projects but noted that the risks will be shared with the investor

However, despite Jagdeo said the risks will be shared, u


major risks involved in the project.

T h e s e i n c l u d e t h o s e r e l a t e d

o p o l i t i c a l

c e majeure, payments risks in the event that electricity sold is not sufficient to meet the P P A

with the likelihood of there b e i n g i n s u f f i c

n t w a t e r s u p p l y , m e a n i n g i f t h e A m a i l a F a l l s r u n s d r y , among other risks.

At his press conference

l a s t T h u r s d a y, t h e Vi c e President was asked if the government plans to update i t s h y d r o l o g y s t u d i e s , i n c l u d i n g c l i m a t i c predictions, before investing

i n a n y l a r g e - s c a l e h y d r o project, given the impact of d r o u g h t s o n h y d r o p o w e r projects in South America, with the most recent case in Suriname.

In his response, Jagdeo

n o t e d t h a t w h i l e c l i m a t e change presents challenges for hydropower projects, he

n o t e d t h a t h y d r o p o w e r projects are cost-effective and viable option. “Okay, so climate change has posed challenges for hydro power but I don’t think you can beat hydropower, at this stage as in terms of cost and being base load at the same time,” the Vice President said. He noted that while solar might be a cheaper option, when it comes to being a b a s e l o a d e n e rg y o p t i o n –hydro is the better option at this time. “It’s not base load and what I mean it doesn’t r u n 2 4 h o u r s a d a y continuously If you put in the batteries, then the cost go up significantly So if you do a grid tie in system, you might get it fairly around the same price that the hydro, but

that means you can only get it in sunlight when there is sunlight,” he noted. As such, Jagdeo stated

that at this point in time hydropower projects will out

compete wind energy and solar as base load, and still be competitive in terms of price of energy Further, the Vice

The Amaila Falls during one of its dry spells back in 2013

s t u d i e s a r e d o n e a n d updated,” he noted. The Vice President elaborated that in Guyana’s case government

p l a n s t o m i t i g a t e

h y d r o l o g i c a l r i s k s b y

s t r u c t u r i n g t h e p r o j e c t i n such a way that the investors bear part of the burden. “Yes, I said that you have to, of

n e c e s s i t y, l o o k a g a i n a t

h y d r o l o g y r i s k , b u t t h e

would have to examine that themselves to see because it’s their money that they’ll be using,” he said. Notably, it w a s r e p o r t e d b y t h i s publication that the previous m o d e l p u r s u e d b y t h e government revealed that the G u y a n a P o w e r a n d L

President acknowledged that changing weather pat

ns c o u l d i m p a c t w a t e r availability for hydropower plants globally However, he noted that he does not think hydropower projects can be put aside. He added that with c l i m a t e c h a n g e p o s i n g challenges he stated that he

b e l i e v e s t h a t n e c e s s i t a t e careful planning, adequate r e s e r v o i r s a n d b a c k u p power

“ S o , i t d o e s p r e s e n t challenges but I don’t see it as fatal to the development of hydropower but of course when you develop it you h a v e t o e n s u r e t h a t y o u r

m o d e l a l s o t h a t w e h a v e pursued in the past, and we intend to pursue, place the risk to some extent on the investor, because they will not be paid for a period, like for energy. They may be paid for capacity, but not energy for the period when they d o n ’ t s u p p l y p o w e r, ” h e explained. He further stated that the project would not be owned by the government and that t h e g o v e r n m e n t w i l l b e purchasing power However, he stated that the state will share the risk. “You share the h y d r o l o g y r i s k h e r e b u t clearly an investor, if they’re c o m i n g i n t o i n v e s t a n d

n e e d s a s o r t o f r e t u r n t o justify the investment, they

Flashback: Table showing the risks of the project

purchase all of the power to be delivered to Georgetown from the Amaila Falls hydro project, has also agreed to a s s u m e t h e h y d

o l o g i c a l risks involved in the project. As such, it would mean that GPL would bear the incurred l i a b i l i t y w h e n e v e r t h e Amaila Falls runs dry or if

reservoir is unable to feed the

according to Project Head, Winston Brassington, when he provided an update on the project for stakeholders at the 2022 Energy Conference a

Marriott Hotel in Kingston. The Amaila Falls hydro project had been shelved on s

returning to office in 2020, the PPP vowed to revive the

hydro project after talks with

through. A revised Request

issued under a Build-Own-

model. Four companies had submitted bids in December 2023 – however the project

President Jagdeo indicated

Two killed as car slams into bridge

Sunday proved to be a dark day for the friends and family of four young men who were k i l l e d i n s e p a r a t e r o a d accidents in less than 24 hours.

Three of the dead men were friends from the same n e i g h b o u r h o o d w h i l e a fourth was an 18-year-old motorcyclist of Den Amstel, W e s t C o a s t D e m e r a r a (WCD).

The three friends are identified as Joel Sutherland, 23, of Lot 94 Timehri North, East Bank Demerara (EBD), Ronaldo Gordon, 22, of Lot 354 Timehri North, EBD and Suresh Singh, 25, better k n o w n a s “ N e l l o ” o f Hillfoot, Soesdyke, EBD The motorcyclist, according to police was identified as Finidy Miggins.

The first tragedy took p l a c e a r o u n d 0 6 : 3 5 h r s Sunday morning at Timerhi, EBD, when Suresh Singh reportedly lost control of his black Toyota Fielder Wagon and slammed head-on into a t r u c k t r a v e l l i n g i n t h e opposite direction.

C e l l p h o n e r e c o r d e d v i d e o o f t h e a f t e r m a t h showed a motionless Singh lying on the roadway beside

Killed in a car crash at Timehri, Suresh Singh

the mangled car News of his death was reported across social media platforms. His friend Joel Surtherland learnt o f h i s d e m i s e f r o m a Facebook post early that morning. Paying tribute to his dead friend he shared the post with the caption “Rest Easy Champ”.

At around 11:00hrs. he sent a voice message to Singh’s sister expressing his sincere condolences to her S u t h e r l a n d s a i d , “ M y condolences to you my sister I just see this thing on Facebook and right now me head hurting. It so sad. I

- four road fatalities within 24 hours

know the feelings, hold it up”. At that time neither, Sutherland nor Singh’s sister had any clue that he too (Sutherland) would face a similar fate hours later at Land of Canaan, EBD.

P o l i c e s a i d t h a t

Sutherland was travelling as a front seat passenger in a Fielder Wagon also, driven b y h i s f r i e n d R o n a l d o Gordon when they crashed into a bridge along the EBD corridor around 23:00hrs

B o t h m e n w

e d

“Enquiries disclosed that the car was proceeding north along the western drive lane of Land of Canaan Public Road at a fast rate when the driver, Ronaldo Gordon, lost c o n t r o l o f t h e v e h i c l e ” , police said.

Gordon and Sutherland were thrown out of the car upon impact They were r u s h e d t o t h e D i a m o n d D

p e r s o n s w h o s t o p p e d t o render assistance but doctors pronounced them dead on arrival.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e m o t o r c y c l i s t , F i n i d y

Miggins met his demise around 21:07hrs. on Sunday evening, along the public road at Den Amstel, WCD.


pillion rider at the time of the crash and was left severely injured.

According to police he is

Joel Sutherland (left) and Ronaldo Gordon, both dead hours after their friend, in a second EBD car crash.

legs. Police said that Finidy was speeding east along the northern side of the WCD road when he decided to overtake a car


another car heading in the oppo

e direc

ion The impact flung him and his

brother into the air before they landed on the paved road Persons stopped to assist and rushed them to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where, Finidy Miggins died while receiving treatment.

His brother was later t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e We s t Demerara Regional Hospital where he remains a patient.

Local truckers complain bitterly of being sidelined by foreign quarr y

…Chinese trucks making 2/3 trips before they can get 1

Kaieteur News recently posed as a truck driver after s c o r e s o f l o c a l t r u c k e r s r e p e a t e d l y c o m p l a i n e d bitterly of being sidelined by a foreign company operating a q u a r r y a t A r i s a r u Mountain, Region Ten.

The local truckers ply their trade lifting aggregate from the quarry to their employers’ clients. They get paid by their bosses per trip and claimed that in the past they were able to make multiple trips per day but recently they have been sidelined by the Chineseowned quarry in favour of Chinese owned trucks driven by Chinese nationals.

Now, the Chinese trucks, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e m , a r e making two to three trips per day while they can only get one after waiting for 10 hours or more- some days. The local truckers said that t h e s e t b a c k h a s g r e a t l y i m p a c t e d t h e i r p a y , significantly reducing their income.

After reportedly getting no satisfaction from the management, the truckers turned to the media, voicing t h e i r f r u s t r a t i o n T h e i r multiple pleas led Kaieteur News to pose as a truck driver seeking aggregate for an employer. Kaieteur News began its journey late one afternoon after conducting some repairs to a truck with a capacity to lift some 48 to 52 tons of aggregate and had to wait some 19 hours before lifting 47 tons of ¾ inch aggregate from the quarry

o t h e y a r e because they fear that they could land their bosses in trouble and get suspended f r o m t h e q u a r r y S o m e

v e n t e d t h e i r f r u s t r a t i o n saying that when the trail was all slush, they were the only ones who supported the q u a r r y “ N o w t h e r o a d

(Linden to Mabura trail presently under construction at cost of US$195M) get good dem bring a set of Chinese trucks and giving them priority over we”, one truck driver said.

A n o t h e r a d d e d , “ We don’t have a problem with the Chinese working but they must join the line like the rest of us,” as he accused the Chinese truckers of cutting in the line in front of them.

to produ

proving otherwise.

Kaieteur News shared a video clip of local trucks waiting while Chinese trucks w e r e l e a v i n g f i l l e d t o capacity The management said that the clip was not enough proof and said only a photograph of the waiting l i s t c o u l d c l e a r - u p a n y misunderstanding the truck d r i v e r s m i g h t h a v e A photograph of a waiting list was provided and Kaieteur News explained that it will not reveal the identity of the truck drivers for the trucks booked but assured that it is in possession of evidence that the locals were only able to lift aggregate more than ten hours after booking in. T h e m a n a g e m e n t remained adamant that the list does not prove that the company is sidelining locals f o r C h i n e s e t r u c k s However, it did not deny that t h e C h i n e s e t r u c k s a r e making more trips than the locals who have to wait sometimes 10 hours and more for a load of aggregate. The management said that there is an explanation for this and assured that it has nothing to do with forcing the locals out of business or sidelining them.

Speaking with Kaieteur News one of the company’s r e p r e s e n t a t

T h e t r u c k a r r i v e d a t a r o u n d 2 0 : 0 0 h r s o n e evening and joined other local trucks outside of the quarry, waiting for a turn to enter We made a request for the ¾ inch aggregate and was told that we will have to wait u n t i l t h e f o l l o w i n g d a y. Kaieteur News joined the rest of locals waiting outside of the quarry all night while the Chinese-owned trucks approached the scale and entered into the mine. They did not leave. A few local trucks were allowed to enter and load up. Kaieteur News learnt that they had been wait

capacity A few minutes after they left, the gates were

Some had arrived very early in the day A few left with their aggregate while others exited but waited outside of the quarry to leave at dawn the following day Meanwhile, the Chinese trucks remained inside the gates as the quarry closed off its operations around 02:00 hrs. the following morning. It was scheduled to be reopen at daylight around 06:30 hrs. When the hour arrived the gates were still closed but the C h i n e s e t r u c k s t h a t h a d entered the previous night

rushed to book in their trucks for an early load. Trucks were booked in the order of the time they arrived. Shortly after a line of local trucks, that had been waiting there for almost a day before Kaieteur News and other trucks had arrived, were allowed to enter. The rest were told to wait. After they left, Kaieteur News sought an update and was told that the aggregate it was

available and that the plant was only washing crusher

shed form of a g g r e g a t e u s e d i n t h e construction of roads).

This newspaper enquired about the Chinese trucks that h a d l e f t e a r l y a n d w a s informed that they lifted crusher run. Kaieteur News waited for hours as the Chinese trucks returned and left again with another trip. While waiting the newspaper spoke with local drivers to find out how the long wait is affecting them.

Some said: “It is what it is” while others were vocal.

After waiting an entire day and almost an entire night Kaieteur News was able to lift its quota of aggregate from the quarry leaving a long line of locals still waiting their turn.

Quarry management

L a t e r K a i e t e u r N e w s

c o n t a c t e d t h e q u a r r y ’ s

management relating the local truckers’ claim that they are being sidelined. The quarry’s management denied the claims dismissing it as a “rumour” and stated the company does not prioritise any truck above the locals.

T h e y s a i d t h a t t h e i r

d i s t r i b u t i o n p r o c e s s f o r aggregate is a transparent one and asked the newspaper

trucks might have to wait longer depending on the size of aggregate they are there to collect. “There is one thing I think you are confusing, So K i n a w a t r u c k s ( C h i n e s e owned trucks) only load crusher run and the trucks that wait the long time is o

aggregate) so there is no


s lifting crusher run is not limited to only Chinese. “Kinawa trucks or any other trucks that load for crusher run they don’t have to wait they can load like two, three, f

representative continued

Continued on page 16

Filled Chinese truck leaving the quarry while the locals wait.
Waiting queue for locals
Most of the trucks on this list received aggregate more than 10 hours after booking in for an early load.

Biker dies, brother injured in Den Amstel accident

A n 1 8 - y e a r - o l d motorcyclist lost his life on Sunday night following a collision on Den Amstel Public Road, West Coast Demerara. The deceased has been identified as Finidy Miggins, a resident of Lot 31 Den Amstel. His 19-year-old brother, Terron Miggins, the pillion passenger, sustained broken legs. The accident involved motor car #PAJ 7560, driven by 26-year-old Gavin Samier Bacchus from Patentia Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara, and an unregistered motorcycle.

According to reports, the i

ound 21:07 hrs. when Miggins was proceeding east along the northern side of Den Amstel Public Road at high

Dead: Finidy Miggins

veering into the path of Bacchus’ vehicle traveling w

“Motorcycle #JSP 2 was proceeding east along the northern side of Den Amstel public road, at a fast rate of speed, and whilst overtaking

unknown), it ended up on the southern side of the road and

motorcar #PAJ 7560 which was proceeding west along the road.”

Following the collision, both brothers were thrown from the motorcycle, landing on the road. They were picked up by public-spirited persons in a conscious state

Cottage Hospital. However, Finidy succumbed to his injuries, while Terron was treated and later transferred to West Demerara Regional Hospital for further care due to his broken legs.

pending. Investigations into the incident are ongoing.

Duo found guilty of 2018 Bourda cheese vendor murder

The two men, who were a c c u s e d o f k i l l i n g Tr o y Ramalho, a cheese vendor in 2018, were found guilty by the High Court on January

3 1 , 2 0 2 5 a n d w i l l b e sentenced on March 5, 2025.

T h i r t y - s e v e n - y e a r - o l d Royce Sandiford, a labourer, a n d 3 1 - y e a r - o l d A k e e m

M o r r i s , a m i n e r , w e r e charged with murder during the course of a robbery The killing occurred on August 15, 2018, on Robb Street, Bourda, Lacytown.

T h e t r i a l s t a r t e d o n January 22, 2025 and ended on January 31, 2025. After five hours of deliberations on January 31, the jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict for both men.

Morris was arrested on

A u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 , w h i l e

R o y c e S a n d i f o r d w a s arrested a few days later, on S e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 8 . A n identification parade held at the Brickdam Police Station on September 5, 2018, led to the positive identification of Sandiford as one of the individuals involved in the crime.

B o t h M o r r i s a n d Sandiford were identified by an eyewitness. As a result, they were charged with the offence and remanded to prison. Two other persons, Nya John and George Paton, w e r e a l s o c h a r g e d i n connection with Ramalho’s murder

J o h n ’ s c h a r g e w a s discharged after a successful No Case Submission while Paton, a taxi driver pled guilty

(From left) Royce Sandiford and Akeem Morris were found guilty of murder.

murder, he was at home with his one-year-old daughter and had no knowledge of the c r i m e T h

back Meanwhile, Morris took the three gold rings and c h a i n s R a m a l h o w a s wearing. The trio then fled the scene in a getaway car driven by Paton.

During the trial, Morris’ defence lawyer, Kishwana

J e ff o r d , a rg u e d t h a t t h e identification parade was c o n d u c t e d u n f a i r l y a n d claimed that Morris was being victimized by police officers after he was arrested f o r a n o t h e r m u r d e r i n February, 2018. She stated that Morris h i m s e l f t

i e d i n a n unsworn statement, stating that on the night of the

According to the facts, on the night of the incident, around 23:05 hrs. Ramalho had just finished his work at h i s s t a l l w h e n h e w a s a p p r o a c h e d b y M o r r i s , S a n d i f o r d , a n d J o h n Sandiford pulled out a gun, pointed it at Ramalho, and instructed him not to move. He then shot Ramalho, who fell to the ground. John fled the scene, but Sandiford used obscene language to call him

t i o n argued that this was the first time Morris had provided specific details about his defence. They also stated that one of the accused had provided information to the police, implicating both him and Sandiford. Surveillance footage from the scene also captured both men walking toward Ramalho’s stall and

robbery S

attorney, Dexter Todd, also

procedures were followed.



suggested that he was being wrongly identified by an eyewitness with whom he had a prior altercation.

Sandiford also presented two witnesses, Eon Grant

Continued on page 17


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Recently rehabilitated Paruima Airstrip

closed for repairs – Min. Edghill

…to be reopened in a few months

The Paruima Airstrip in Region Seven which was commissioned in July 2024 has been closed for repairs and will be reopened in “a few months”, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill disclosed on Friday.

The minister was questioned in the Committee of Supply during the Consideration of Estimates and Expenditure about the airstrip by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Dawn HastingsWilliams.

“Honourabe minister, does this line item cater for the rehabilitation and maintenance of airstrips.

If that is so, how much of this sum is allocated towards the completion of the airstrip at Paruima and when can the residents expect its completion?” Hastings-Williams asked.

Minister Edghill in his response clarified that the line item does not cater for the Paruima Airstrip but 78 other airstrips that fall under his ministry.

“As it relates to the issue of Paruima …because it is a matter of concern, the contractor working on the Paruima Airstrip at no cost to the government has to get the problems there fixed and as far as I am aware, the last report I had a week ago from the engineer is that work is ongoing.

The airstrip is currently closed, and it will be reopened as soon as that work is complete in a matter of a few months, a few months not

in July 2024.

long,” Eghill said. The $397 million Paruima Airstrip was commissioned in July 2024 after infrastructural work was done by International Import and Supplies. Shortly after it was commissioned concerns were raised by persons using the airstrip that there were defects on the surface.

In response to the concerns, the ministry said that the rehabilitation of the Paruima Airstrip is currently under the Defects Liability Period and the contractor is obligated to remedy all defects arising thereafter.

Works on the airstrip were completed on April 14, 2024, and the project site handed over to the Ministry of Public Works on April 15. The ministry’s representatives along with the contractor had conducted a joint site visit on June 19, 2024, following reports from aircraft operators that the runway was in distress.

During the inspection, several surface defects were

highlighted, and the contractor was given clear instructions to have these defects remedied.

Meanwhile, Opposition MP Ganesh Mahipaul queried about the condition of the airstrip at Wakeenaam, Region Three.

“Could the Honourable Minister say what is the status and intention with the Wakenaam airstrip in the Essequibo River that has been constructed for a while and is in a terrible state.

I know that money is being given to the Wakenaam NDC for maintenance but when one looks at that airstrip or what is supposed to be an airstrip it’s an eyesore,” Mahipaul related.

In his response, Edghill explained about $1 million was spent in the maintenance of the existing surface. He said that the operation of the airstrip is a completely different matter.After it was confirmed that $1 million is spent annually to maintain the airstrip,

Mahipaul called on the minister to check the current state of the structure, since according to him there is no value for money.

“Sir, may I implore on the minister, and I am sure minister Indar would agree with me that looking at that airstrip which was constructed in 2012 I think… that $1 million has never been spent to maintain that airstrip and perhaps there is need for us to look at what is happening to that $1million,” he stated.

The MP added, “As I said it is overgrown with bushes, cows, goat, donkey everything you can think about that have four legs are using it to graze and so on. I don’t think we are getting value for that money and perhaps you should take a closer look at whether it is maintained or not.”

Minister Edghill assured that his ministry will follow up on the matter. “We will certainly take note of your concern,” he said.

Local truckers complain bitterly...

From page 14

before adding “but the other size we don’t have enough (can’t produce enough at the same time) so they have to wait a day sometimes 10 hours more to wait for the stone because it’s a different size”.

No sidelining

According to the company representative crusher run is quicker to produce and that this was explained multiple times to the clients. The representative acknowledged that indeed truck drivers have raised concerns about the

waiting time. “I got calls every day, they say trucks cut in line but when they confront me, they find out the truth,” the company representative told Kaieteur News.

Kaieteur News then asked the company representative if there is any possible solution to issue between the local truckers and the company and even suggested that perhaps it can dedicate specific days to produce larger size stones only and crusher run on other days. In response

the representative said, “it is not as easy as you think, it takes a whole day to change the screen (to produce larger size aggregate).”

The representative said that the quarry has an operational plan on what size aggregate to produce first and it is created to suit its contractual obligations rather than retailers (most of the local truckers). “We have signed contracts for crusher run,” the representative said, explaining that failure to meet contractual obligations will

see the company having to compensate its clients. One of the quarry’s contractual arrangements is to supply materials to the Ministry of Public Works.

The representative assured that the long wait may not be “all the time” for the locals. “But for the last two weeks we have so many orders like big ones. So they have to wait. Every client I told them they have to wait for more than 10 hours even more than a day,” the representative said.

The Paruima Airstrip in Region Seven which was commissioned

Harbour br idge staff will not lose

job when new br idge opens - Edghill

WD e m e r a r a

River Bridge expected to be operational in the second half of this year, the National Assembly on Friday approved a sum of $450 million to maintain the current Habour Bridge for use.

The sum which formed

was approved by Committee

Minister, Juan Edghill about what the $450 million will cater for

Noting that vehicles like

components of the bridge on

minister in his response said,

fabrication of 300 10ft deck p l a t e $ 1 2 0 m i l l i o n , procurement and operation of patrol boat $95 million, rehabilitation of 60 end post $54 million, rehabilitation of g a n t r y $ 4 5 m i l l i o n , rehabilitation of the dredge $20 million.”

The minister added that the sum is to keep the bridge operational. “When the new bridge becomes operational, t h e D e m e r a r a H a r b o u r Bridge will not be scrapped iron, there are places that the bridge can be used. So it is n o t m o n e y t h a t i s b e i n g thrown in the fire it is to keep it going and to ensure that when we have to move it elsewhere we got a proper bridge to use,” he related.

S t i l l o n t h e t o p i c , P a t t e r s o n f u r t h e r a s k e d , when the new bridge comes on stream what will happen

with the employees?

“Sir what happens to the D



idge Corporation on the 1st of September 2025? Because 31st of August is the dropdead date and there are 155 employees.

Sir, they would no longer b e n e e d


l s collecting, with no bridge to maintain, sir that is why I asked my question what this c a

M P questioned.

working day of the New Year he had met with the staff of the Corporation and they had discussed the reality of the new bridge coming to being.

h e Government of Guyana, the Irfaan Ali led administration


Neville Roberts, a s e c u r i t y g u a r d , was on Monday sentenced to four years in prison and fined $3M when he appeared at the G e o rg e t o w n M a g i s t r a t e s ’ Court to answer a possession of narcotics charge.

R o b e r t s f r o m N e w

Amsterdam, Berbice was charged with having in his possession four kilograms of marijuana on January 28, 2 0 2 5 a t t h e M e r r i m a n ’s Mall, Bourda, Georgetown.

He pleaded guilty to the charge which was read to him by Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

After entering his plead, t h e s e n i o r m a g i s t r a t e informed him that he will not have a trial and will be sentenced to a mandatory three-year sentence.

Roberts told the court t h a t h e w a s f o r c e d t o t r a n s p o r t t h e m a r i j u a n a because he was not paid by h i s j o b s i n c e D e c e m b e r 2024.

“ T h i s s i t u a t i o n w a s forced on me, I had no choice,” he told the court noting that he tried his best to avoid violence.

When asked if he had prior antecedents, Roberts recalled that he was charged for a damage to property in 2005. D u r i n g t h e c o u r

proceedings, the prosecutor sha

stopped and searched by police at the Merriman’s Mall.

Police said they found a m u l t i - c o l o u r e d s h o

and say to the workers and all t h e



suspected to be narcotics. Roberts was arrested. He told the police that he was transferring the parcels to a nearby club. He was taken to the Alberttown Police Station and subsequently charged. T

listening to me. This caring government will not throw any of them to the curb because of a new bridge, we will not do that it’s not in our DNA, it’s not our modus operandi, it’s not o u

will engage the workers and

The minister continued, “We at the appropriate time

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has been allocated just over $7.3 B to conduct activities linked to the upcoming national elections.

GECOM’s budget was approved on Monday during the c


ly Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira who presented o n b e h a l f o f G E C O M a n d o t h e r constitutional agencies gave a breakdown of how the sum will be spent.

She was at the time responding to questions posed by Opposition Members of Parliament Teixeira told the House that $1 8B of the sum was set aside for GECOM’s operating expenses; 1 114B is set aside for the acquisition of goods and services including civic education programmes, production of infomercials and publication of electionrelated notices. Teixeira also revealed that $1 7B to cover employment costs and a further $1 6B for wages, and salaries for the upcoming elections The minister explained that $227 3M was set aside for rental and maintenance of buildings

“Under education and training $193 M has been allocated, advertisement for e l e c t i o n s w o r k e r s $ 3 M ; p r i n t i n g o f manuals $95M; procurement of T shirts for election staff $135M; $15M for printing

and distribution of filters and brochures, and $25M for engagement with civil organisations,” Teixeira said.

Teixeira explained just about 19,000 p

y Election Day staff. According to the M i n i s

y A

f a i r s a n d Governance another $193 M is allocated to GECOM to pay for security at all the registration offices and at the polling stations for elections. Meanwhile, Teixeira faced enquiries in relation to an increase in allocation for the rental of buildings by GECOM. She explained that the sum increased for rental of building “because we have elections and we have to cater for polling stations some of which may be privately owned rented facilities.”

Duo found guilty of 2018 Bourda cheese...

From page 15 and Trevor Bentham, who testified that Sandiford was at a Superbet shop at James a

, Albouystown on the night of the murder However, under c

witnesses admitted they had

information to the police or in the magistrates’ court. Furthermore, they claimed

to have perfect recall of the

provide details consistent

statements. Sandiford also claimed that his parents and a u n

m p

o retrieve surveillance footage to support his alibi, but they were unsuccessful.

The prosecution, led by State Counsel Christopher Belfield and Muntaz Ali, successfully argued that the evidence against the accused was compelling, including the positive identification by witnesses and surveillance footage Defense attor

included Kiswana Jefford and Nigel Hughes for Akeem Morris, and Dexter Todd and E x c e l l e n c e D a z z e l l f o r Royce Sandiford.

The current Demerara Harbour Bridge.
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

Mexico and Canada say Trump will pause tariffs for one month


C I T Y / WA S H I N G TO N / O TTAWA, Feb 3 (Reuters)U S P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Trump backed away from his threat to impose steep tariffs on Mexico and Canada on Monday, leaders of those countries said, but U.S. tariffs on China were still due to take effect within hours.

Both Canadian Prime

Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum said they had agreed

f o r t s i n response to Trump’s demand t o c r a c k d o w n o n i m m i g r a

n a n d d r u g s m u


i n g T h a t w o u l d pause 25% tariffs due to take effect on Tuesday for 30 days, both leaders said.

Tr u d e a u s a i d C a n a d a

w o u l d d e p l o y n e w technology and personnel along its border with the United States to stop the flow of fentanyl.

There was no immediate confirmation from the White H o u s e , b u t Tr u m p t o l d reporters that a phone call

with Trudeau went “very well.”

M e x i c o a g r e e d t o reinforce its northern border with 10,000 National Guard members to stem the flow of illegal migration and drugs.

T h e a g r e e m e n t a l s o includes a U.S. commitment

to prevent trafficking of high-powered weapons to Mexico, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum said on X. The two leaders spoke by phone on Monday, just hours

b e f o r e U S t a r i f f s o n Mexico, China and Canada

were set to take effect

Economists say the steep l e v i e s w o u l d c a u s e widespread economic harm, including increased prices

for U S businesses and consumers.

The U.S. and Mexico

will use the month-long suspension to engage in further negotiations, Trump said on social media.

“ I l o o k f o r w a r d t o

p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h o s e negotiations, with President Sheinbaum, as we attempt to achieve a ‘deal’ between our two Countries,” he wrote on

Truth Social.

“We have this month to work and convince each other that this is the best way forward,” Sheinbaum said at a press conference.

The agreement came less than 48 hours after Trump announced sweeping tariffs on goods from the top three U S t r a d i n g p a r t n e r s , accounting for $2.1 trillion of annual commerce. The about-face was emblematic of the often chaotic nature of the early days of his second presidency

T r u m p w a r n e d o n Monday he might increase tariffs on Beijing beyond the 10% he imposed and that he would discuss the matter

w i t h t h e C h i n e s e government’s leadership in the next day or so.

“ C h i n a h o p e f u l l y i s going to stop sending us fentanyl, and if they’re not, the tariffs are going to go s u b s t a n t i a l l y h i g h e r, ” h e said.

The tariffs on China remain poised to begin at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday (0501 GMT Wednesday).

The latest twist in the saga sent the Canadian dollar soaring after slumping to its lowest in more than two decades. The news also gave U.S. stock index futures a lift after a day of losses on Wall Street.


Tr u m p s u g g e s t e d o n S u n d a y t h e 2 7 - n a t i o n European Union would be his next target, but did not say when.

“They don’t take our cars, they don’t take our farm products.

T h e y t a k e a l m o s t n o t h i n g a n d w e t a k e everything from them,” he told reporters.

EU leaders at an informal s u m m i t i n B r u s s e l s o n Monday said Europe would be prepared to fight back if the U.S. imposes tariffs, but also called for reason and negotiation.

The U.S. is the EU’s largest trade and investment partner

T r u m p h i n t e d t h a t Britain, which left the EU in 2 0 2 0 , m i g h t b e s p a r e d tariffs, saying: “I think that

U.S. President Donald Trump looks on, on the day he signs an executive order in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., January 31, 2025. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/File Photo

one can be worked out”.

tariff s could cause some short-term pain for U.S. consumers, nevertheless has argued the tariffs are needed to curb immigration and narcotics

domestic industries.

Trump’s tariffs would cover almost half of all U.S. imports and would require the United States to more t h a n

cover the gap - an unfeasible task in the near term, ING analysts wrote.

Other analysts said the tariffs could throw Canada and Mexico into recession and trigger “stagflation” -

unemployment - at home.


America’s problem and said it would challenge the tariffs a

a d e Organization and take other countermeasures, but also left the door open for talks.

Exxon awards “major” contract to Baker Hughes for

5th, 6th

projects in Guyana

Baker Hughes, an

e n e r g y t e c h n o l o g y c o m p a n y , o n M o n d a y a n n o u n c e d t h a t i t h a s s e c u r e d a s i g n i f i c a n t

contract from ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to supply specialty production

c h e m i c a l s a n d r e l a t e d services for the oil major ’s

U a r u a n d W h i p t a i l

d e v e l o p m e n t s i n t h e S t a b r o e k B l o c k o f f s h o r e Guyana. The announcement was made at Baker Hughes’ 2 5 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g i n Florence, Italy

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e

c o m p a n y , t h e c o n t r a c t includes the Errea Wittu and Jaguar floating production

The multi-year agreement

includes topsides, subsea, water injection, and utility

chemicals for the FPSOs, w h i c h w i l l e a c h h a v e a

p r o d u c t i o n c a p a c i t y o f 250,000 barrels per day Once operational, these vessels are expected to bring Guyana’s

t o t a l d a i l y p r o d u c t i o n capacity to approximately 1 3 million barrels MODEC, a

J a p a n e s e s h i p b u i l d e r w a s a w a r d e d t h e c o n t r a c t b y Exxon on November 1, 2022 for the Errea Wittu vessel and D u t c h s h i p b u i l d e r, S B M

Offshore was awarded the contract for the Jaguar FPSO Uaru and Whiptail mark ExxonMobil Guyana’s fifth a n d s i x t h p r o j e c t s i n t h e

s t o r a g e a n d o f f l o a d i n g (FPSO) vessels, which are expected to begin production i n 2 0 2 6 a n d 2 0 2 7 , respectively

president, Oilfield Services & E

experience operating across the country’s energy supply c

The company noted that it has extensive experience

to address the unique needs of these developments.

c o u n t r y T h e t w o developments will include up to 20 drill centers and 92 p r o d u c t i o n a n d i n j e c t i o n wells. “ExxonMobil Guyana and Baker Hughes share a long history of supporting Guyana’s energy sector, and we look forward to working togeth

The Errea Wittu FPSO


…Govt., contractor given 28 days to take decision to arbitration

Th e D i s p u t e

Av o i d a n c e a n d

A d j u d i c a t i o n

Board (DAAB) on Friday issued its ruling on the Gas-

to-Energy (GTE) project, which binds the government

a n d c o n t r a c t o r t o “confidentiality”.

I n a s t a t e m e n t o n

Monday evening, the Office of the President said, “On 31 January 2025, the DAAB issued their ruling on the matters referred to it. In relation to this ruling, the

p a r t i e s t o t h e d i s p u t e resolution process are bound

b y c e r t a i n r u l e s o f confidentiality.”

G o v e r n m e n t d i d n o t specify the details of the

d e c i s i o n m a d e b y t h e

D A A B , f o l l o w i n g a c o m p l a i n t f i l e d o n September 19, 2024. It only revealed that the Parties have 28 days to determine if they wish to refer the decisions, or

a n y p a r t t h e r e o f , t o Arbitration, which would be the next stage in the dispute resolution process.

Government reminded

t h a t E x x o n M o b i l w a s i n v o l v e d i n p r e p a r a t o r y works for the Wales, West Bank Demerara site where

the 300-megawatt power

In addition to doubling

g Exxon/Mobil, as well as relevant legal and technical advisors, determine the best course forward for GOG.”

F u r t h e r m o r e , government made it clear that priority is to ensure that project is completed in the shortest possible time and in keeping with contractual specifications, with a view to bringing the power plant and the NGL plant into operation and delivering the associated benefits to Guyanese as early as possible.

p l a n t a n d N a t u r a l G a s Liquids (NGL) facility are being constructed. To this end, it explained, “The GOG will, therefore, in the next few weeks, in c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h i t s p a r t n e r s , i

completion of the project will facilitate other benefits such as a reduction in the cost of LPG cooking gas to households and businesses,

y with significant surplus for the export market.”

S o f a r , t h e G T E contractor, Lindsayca/CH4 has submitted two claims to the DAAB. The first claim a m o u n t s t o U S $ 5 0 M , reportedly related to cost o v e r r u n s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t Bharrat Jagdeo had blamed E x x o n M o b i l G u y a n a

during the examination of the estimates for the Ministry of

Assembly Mustapha was grilled on the completion date of the project as well as the amount of money released to the

Ganesh Mahipaul had asked the minister to provide an update on the pump station, noting that “nothing is really happening there, and I know

contract period, but is there any update you can provide us in terms of, where, how, what is the new completion date and so on?”

M i n i s t e r Z u l f i k a r informed the House that the c o m p l e t i o n d a t e f o r t h e project has not changed. “It’s s t i l l u n d e

period, and it’s about 10% w

completed there.”

Limited (EMGL) for the construction delays in the Wales gas plants. Jagdeo said t h a t E x x o n M o b i l w a s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e s i t e preparation, the road, the M a t e r i a l s O f f l o a d i n g Facility (MOF) and the laydown yard.

“We were supposed to hand over the site to the contractor by June, we did not hand over the site, that is, Exxon did not hand over the site until September and it was still incomplete…so a three months delay,” he said. Guyana Shore Base Inc (GYSBI) was contracted by ExxonMobil to complete the site.

Jagdeo further stated that

the government decided to g i v e t h e c o n t r a c t o r s a n extension of three months (from the end of 2024), “that is why we are arguing that the plant must be completed by April of 2025, instead of end December 2024.”

The former Head of State said the GoG is at odds with the contractor over the delay period. He explained, “That is where the three months we are arguing the three months delay on the project came. They want a longer period b e c a u s e t h e l i q u i d a t i n g damages for not completing the project on time for the contractor, if they don’t complete the project on time,

it’s over US$11M per month

delay on the project, so they are arguing they need more

months. We are saying three months is adequate.” M

claim made by the contractor relates to issues relating to the soil. Jagdeo said, “There have been some additional c

Lindsayca, particularly as

conditions and those would

whether they are

He was then asked to provide the date by which the project was supposed to be completed, as well as monies collected. He informed the National Assembly that the p r o j e c t i s s l a t e d t o b e completed by July or August and that the correct date w o u l d b e p r o v i d e d “H

, advance and material, sheet, pile, and, I believe, timber

He was paid $182 million,” Mustapha said. The contract was first awarded on August 14, 2023 for the sum $865.544 million w h i c h h a d c o r r e s p o n d e d with the amount stated in the Contractor ’s Bid Form and priced bills of quantities. However, this award was

The Belle Vue pump station project site during a visit by the Auditor ’s General Office in August 2024.

CEO of Housing Ministr y resigns following land sale scandal involving Ed Ahmad and others

Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and P

immediate effect days after he was named in a land sale scandal involving convicted fraudster, Edul Ahmad.

E d A h m a d i s u n d e r scrutiny for the suspicious purchase of 30 acres of Prime State Lands at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD) from the government. The purchase agreement was for the lands was made

Greaves at the helm and Global Investment Inc.,

associated with.

transaction were raised after a document was circulated

e d i a platforms showing Greaves as the beneficiary of property in New York USA worth some US$750,000.

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e d o c u m e n t G r e a v e s purchased the New York p r o p

company that might be also linked to Ahmad.

Businessman Terrence Campbelle has since written to the US Department of J

n investigation in the land deals between Greaves and companies that might be linked to Ed Ahmad.

Greaves was appointed CEO of the Central Housing a n d P l

y back in September 2020. He had replaced Lelon Saul. At the time of his appointment, the CH&PA had said that he p

knowledge in the areas of e ff e c t i v e l e a d e r s h i p a n d communication as he holds UTCa Master in Business A

banking from the Associate I n s t

w e l l a s a certificate in People and Team Management from the C a n a d i a n S


With a career in banking spanning over 27 years, Mr. Greaves held key managerial p


Tuesday February 04, 2025

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Things are on the upswing for you today, Aries. People are finally coming around to see things from your perspective. There's no need to doubt yourself. Look in the mirror and know that the person you s e e i s c a p a b l e o f accomplishing anything.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Take a step back from the line of fire today and examine your position. You've made some bold moves and now it's time to pause and evaluate. Listen to others' reactions.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

You may not feel like you're in tune with your situation today, Gemini. Try not to get too pushy with your opinions about how things should be done. Honor other people's perspectives and approaches.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Try not to be too competitive today, Cancer The more you try to drive your point across, the more it will meet stubborn opposition. This is a better day t o o b s e r v e t h e s i t u a t i o n Emotions are running high.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Sink into a soft, gentle rhythm and you flow with everything around you, Leo. Ease your mind about any worries. Your subconscious knows the way The key today is sensitivity and intuition.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Sink into a soft, gentle rhythm and you flow with everything around you, Leo. Ease your mind about any worries. Your subconscious knows the way The key today is sensitivity and intuition.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

This is a favorable day for you to deal with intimate and sensitive issues, Libra. You w i l l b e i n c o m f o r t a b l e situations that allow you to

There's no need to hold back.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

T h e r e ' s a v e r y h e a v y atmosphere around you that might feel stifling, Scorpio. Situations are cropping up that urge you to think practically with regard to your emotions.

SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Just when you thought that the whole world was turning on you, Sagittarius, things start to come back around. You will find that you don't need to hide. In fact, the more you let your true spirit emerge.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

The more you let your ego and f

y , Capricorn, the more friction you will encounter Others aren't going to be fooled, nor are they going to want to deal with frivolity

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)The hard work and detailoriented planning you've done lately are really starting to pay off, Aquarius. The key is to maintain your sensitivity and look to where you can be of service to others.

wander far from your bedroom today That's fine. Take this opportunity to get things done around the house that make you feel like your energy is


Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority, Sherwyn Greaves

SporTT Expands Secondar y School Cricket Programme with 19 New Coaches

S p o r t s M a x - C r i c k e t development in Trinidad and To b a g o h a s r e c e i v e d a significant boost as The Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago (SporTT) has announced the addition of 19 new coaches to its School & C o m m u n

2 0 2 5 T h e s

d e d i c a t e d professionals will play a key role in shaping the future of y o u n g c r i c k e t e r s a c r o s s secondary schools in the country

Over the next few days, the new recruits will undergo comprehensive training in key areas such as First Aid, Safeguarding, Strength &

C o n d i t i o n i n g , C o a c h i n g

P e d a g o g y, a n d S e s s i o n Planning These essential skills will prepare them to not

o n l y d e v e l o p t e c h n i c a l cricketing abilities but also foster a culture of discipline, safety, and holistic growth among young athletes

T h e i n i t

commitment to grassroots c r i c k e t d

v e l o p m e n t , ensuring that students at the s e c o n d a

receive top-tier coaching to

understanding of the game

With these new additions, the programme is expected to create a more structured and


This expansion comes at a crucial time as Trinidad and Tobago continues to invest in the development of local talent, with an eye on strengthening the nation’s

C o a c h e s P r o g r a m m e remains a vital platform for identifying and nurturing the next generation of cricket stars, with this latest cohort of coaches set to make a lasting impact on the sport in the region.

The group of 19 new coaches for the Trinidad and Tobago School & Community Cricket Coaches Programme for 2025.

Cricket West Indies Launches Bold New Scouting System with Focus on West Indies Championship

S p o r t s M a x - C r i c k e t

We s t I n d i e s ( C W I ) h a s unveiled a groundbreaking, data-driven scouting system aimed at identifying and d e v e l o p i n g t h e b e s t cricketing talent across the region.

This initiative marks a significant shift in player

a s s e s s m e n t , w i t h S e n i o r Talent Managers, Territorial Talent Identifiers (TTIDs), and a network of scouts collaborating to provide a

s t r u c t u r e d , a n a l y t i c a l a p p r o a c h t o t a l e n t identification.

With the West Indies Championship as their first m a j o r a s s i g n m e n t , t h e scouting team will ensure that every performance is

t r a c k e d , a n a l y z e d , a n d reported, creating a clear p a t h w a y f o r e m e r g i n g cricketers to progress to the highest levels.

CWI’s newly appointed S e n i o r Ta l e n t M a n a g e r s , Jamal Smith (Male) and Ann Browne-John (Female), will oversee the management of senior player data, work closely with analysts, and assist in selection decisions.

They will coordinate with s i x T T I D s a

specific regions: Henderson B r o o m e

(Guyana), Delroy Morgan (Jamaica), Samuel Spencer (Leeward Islands), Gibran M o h a m m e d ( Tr i n i d a d & T o b a g o ) ,

E m m a n u e l ( W i n d w a r d I s l a n d s ) A d d i t i o n a l l y , r e g i o n a l s c o u t s F

n i x Thomas (Dominica), StacyAnn Adams (St. Vincent), Anthony Gray (Trinidad & Tobago), and Shane Jeffers (St Kitts) will assist in evaluating talent during the West Indies Championship.

A c c o r d i n g t o C W I

D i r e c t o r o f C r i c k e t M i l e s

B a s c o m b e , t h i s i n i t i a t i v e

r e p r e s e n t s a s i g n i f i c a n t s t e p t o w a r d p r o f e s s i o n a l i z i n g t a l e n t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n “ We a r e m o v i n g b e y o n d j u s t

r e l y i n g o n w h a t w e s e e o n s c o r e c a r d s T h i s s

f o c u s o n t h e s k i l l s e t s

d i s p l a y e d , t a c t i c a l

BBC Sport - England slumped to a record T20 defeat as Abhishek Sharma’s s c i n t i l l a t

y powered India to a 150-run win in Mumbai. T h e

reached 247-9.

C h a s i n g a n e a r i n s u r m o u n t a b l e t a r g e t , J o s B u t t l e r ’ s s i d e c r u m b l e d i n t h e i r r e p l y a n d w e r e s k i t t l e d f o r j u s t 9 7 i n 1 0 3 o v e r s - a r e c o r d d e f e a t b y m a r g i n o f r u n s - as they lost the series 4-1.

H a v i n g b e e n p u t i n t o b a t o n a g o o d s u r f a c e a t t h e Wa n k h e d e S t a d i u m , I n d i a b l e w E n g l a n d a w a y i n t h e p o w e r p l a y t o r e a c h 9 5 - 1 a f t e r t h e f i r s t s i x o v e r s A b h i s h e k b r o u g h t u p h i s f i f t y f r o m 1 7 b a l l s , t h e n p o w e r e d o n t o r e a c h h i s c e n t u r y i n 3 7 d e l i v e r i e s - t h e t h i r d

f a s t e s t i n a m a t c h

b e t w e e n T e s t - p l a y i n g n a t i o n s He hit his 13th and final six, another national record,

one ball before he was finally dismissed, caught on the cover boundary by Jofra Archer off Adil Rashid.

P h i l S a l t d i d h i s b e s t

t o k e e p E n g l a n d u p w i t h

t h e r e q u i r e d r a t e , h i t t i n g

5 5 f r o m 2 3 a t t h e t o p o f

t h e o r d e r, b u t n o o t h e r

b a t t e r p a s s e d 1 0 i n a d i s m a l c h a s e I n d i a s e a m e r

M o h a m m e d S h a m i t o o k

3 - 2 5 , w h i l e A b h i s h e k

c l a i m e d 2 - 3 f r o m h i s s i n g l e o v e r , r e m o v i n

l s t r e n g t h. They will also compile detailed reports a n d c o l l a b o r a t e w i t h coaches, selectors, and highperformance staff to refine the development pathway

B a s c o m b e

e m p h a s i z e d t h a t t h i s n e w

s y s t e m p r o v i d e s a f a i r a n d t r a n s p a r e n t s t r u c t u r e

a c u m e n , a n d g a m e a w a r e n e s s W e a r e c o l l e

f o r a l l p l a y e r s

“ P l a y e r s i n t h e r e g i o n w i l l n o w b e s e e n a n d

e v a l u a t e d b y m u l t i p l e

t a l e n t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o p e r a t i v e s , r e s u l t i n g i n

m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n

g a t h e r i n g a n d b e t t e r -

b a l a n c e d d a t a o n

p e r f o r m a n c e s Wi t h t h i s

a c c o u n t a b i l i t y m e t r i c i n

p l a c e , o u r n e t w o r k o f s c o u t s e n s u r e s t h a t n o

t a l e n t g o e s u n n o t i c e d ”

H e f u r t h e r c a l l e d o n a l l s t a k e h o l d e r s i n We s t

I n d i e s c r i c k e t t o s u p p o r t

t h i s n e w d a t a - d r i v e n a p p r o a c h “ We a r e m o v i n g i n t o a

n e w e r a o f r o l e - b a s e d ,

d a t a - d r i v e n s e l e c t i o n t h a t w i l l h a v e r i p p l e e f f e c t s

a c r o s s o u r c r i c k e t s y s t e m ,

f r o m t h e w a y p l a y e r s p r e p a r e t o t h e w a y w e

m e a s u r e p e r f o r m a n c e s

I n a d d i t i o n , i t a l l o w s

u s t o e x a m i n e d e f i c i t s i n

p l a y e r s a n d t o o p t i m i z e

t h r o u g h o u r h i g h -

p e r f o r m a n c e f r a m e w o r k

However, I would like to

reiterate that data-driven does not only equate to statsbased; huge emphasis will be placed on qualitative data.

Beyond selection, this data will be used to refine player

programming, ensuring a targeted approach to getting players international-ready.”

With the West Indies

C h a m p i o n s h i p c u r r e n t l y underway, all eyes are on the c o m p e t i t i o n a s t h e f i r s t major test of this scouting system.

TTIDs and scouts are

closely monitoring every match, with performances being recorded in real-time to help identify potential future stars.

Bascombe highlighted

t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f t h i s championship in shaping the future of West Indies cricket.

“ T h e W e s t I n d i e s Championship is where we

e x p e c t t o s e e o u r n e x t generation of Test cricketers

e m e r g e Wi t h t h i s n e w system, we will have more eyes on players than ever before and clarity about what we are looking for This

e n s u r e s t h a t s e l e c t i o n methods are consistent over time and based on merit and data-backed insights.”

Cricket West Indies’ bold n e w s c o u t i n g m o d e l represents a significant step t o w a r d r e v i t a l i z i n g t h e region’s talent pipeline. By combining modern data analytics with expert scouting, CWI is ensuring that West Indies cricket remains competitive on the global stage.

With a clear structure in place, the next generation of Caribbean cricketing talent now has a defined pathway to success.

Ramnaresh Sarwan
Mohammed Shami struck early for India. (Associated Press)
Abhishek Sharma launches one down the ground. (Getty Images)

Berbice Educational High CSEC Physical Education

Class Visits Nexgen Golf Academy - Students prepping for CSEC 2025

Some 27 students from B e r b i c e E d u c a t i o n a l High school, with the support of the Region Six REDO’s Office, BEI’s HM and PE teachers, took the day to travel to Nexgen Golf Academy to prepare for their upcoming CSEC PE examinations in which they have chosen Golf as their elective.

G u y a n a B e v e r a g e s I n c provided Oasis Water for the students as a part of their ongoing

sponsorship of the student golf programme.

The students were given oneon-one training by Master Coach Aleem Hussain during the 4-hour session and participated in a Chip Putt and Drive tournament which saw the girls easily winning over the boys, a trend that continues to surprise.

The top player for the day was Xianna Castello from Grade 11. According to Hussain, “BEI was

one of the first pilot schools that we began the CSEC golf programme in 2021 and it’s heartening to see so many students opting for golf as their PE elective. With virtually all of the Region Six schools now fully engaged in golf, it is imperative that a facility is developed in Berbice to provide the over 8,000 learners access without having to travel to Georgetown.” T

N e x g e n G

f A c a d e m y

s t o provide learners in Grades 10 and 11 with training, equipment, balls and curriculum to successfully pass Physical Education at CSEC. This initiative was started in 2021 and has seen the numbers grow each year along with 100% pass rate with over 92% at Grade I Seven of Region Six PE school teachers along with the Tain CPCE trainee teachers’ college were given hands on training over the past few weeks by GGA President Aleem Hussain at the request of the REDO’s office and equipment and balls provided to all secondary schools by the Guyana Golf Association. The goal according to the GGA, is to have all teachers

Julien Alfred Sets St. Lucian National Record,

Terrence Jones Shines at New Balance Grand Prix

S p o r t s M a x - J u l i e n

A l f r e d d e l i v e r e d a sensational performance at the New Balance Grand Prix in Boston on Sunday, blazing to victory in the women’s 300m with a new St. Lucian national record of 36 16 seconds. Leading from the start, she split 11.83 at 100m and 23.18 at 200m, before surging to the finish, leaving Great Britain’s Dina AsherSmith in her wake. AsherSmith finished second in a personal best 36.87, while France’s Emma Montoya took third in 38.37.

A l f r e d ’s c o m m a n d i n g run further solidifies her status as a top-tier sprinter, proving she is a force to be reckoned with in the 2025 indoor season


, Baham

seconds. He split 21.12 at 200m, staying in contention before Americans Quincy Wilson (45.66 PB) and Will Sumner (46.27 PB) edged ahead in the final stretch.

Beckford had an excellent showing in the men’s high

finish second on countback behind USA’s Vernon Turner, who took the victory at the same height Puerto Rico’s

cleared 2 19m, finishing third with a season’s best


n sprinter Terrence Jones also made a statement in the men’s 60m dash, finishing second in 6.57 seconds, a season’s best. He was only beaten by American world champion Noah Lyles, who stormed to victory in 6.52 seconds. PJ Austin of the United States took third in 6 6 0

control after a 10 77 opening 100m split, extending his lead through 200m in 20 90, before closing out the race with an 11 31 final 100m He finished ahead of fellow American Vernon Norwood (32 39 PB), while Matthew Boling placed third Meanwhile, Trinidad a

showing in the men’s 400m,

’s 6

m hurdles, Bahamian Devynne Charlton was impressive, clocking a season’s best of 7 85 seconds to finish third She was narrowly beaten by Masai Russell (7 80 SB) and Grace Stark (7 81), both of the United States Jamaican sprint hurdler Ackera Nugent

a podium finish.

27 students from Berbice traveled to Nexgen Golf Academy in Georgetown to prepare for their upcoming CSEC PE examination.
Julien Alfred delivered a sensational performance at the New Balance Grand Prix in Boston.
American world champion Noah Lyles


K ARCC hails 2025 Guyana-Suriname Group Ride a massive success

Th e K a i e t e u r

A t t a c k R a c i n g

C y c l e C l u b (KARCC) hosted the 6th edition of its Cross-Country Cycling Group Ride, which commenced last Thursday in front of the Sheriff Medical Centre on Sheriff Street, Subryanville, Georgetown.



c y c l i s t s j o u r n e y i n g f r o m Guyana to the Suriname border (Albina), navigating through the bustling streets of Georgetown and the East

C o a s t b e f o r e r e a c h i n g Springlands in Berbice.

This year ’s ride was particularly significant, as it

C a r i b b e a n a n d S o u t h America. Although the event did not follow a traditional r a c e f o r m a t , i t w a s a resounding success, serving as a rigorous training ride

a i m e d a t e n h a n c i n g t h e endurance and fitness levels

o f l o c a l a t h l e t e s

Additionally, it provided cyclists with an opportunity to explore the East-West

c o r r i d o r a m i d o n g o i n g i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l developments.

The Guyana-Suriname Group Ride is the brainchild

o f K w a m e “ K e y M a n ” Ridley and the KARCC. It utilizes cycling as a means to p r o m o t e s p o r t s t o u r i s m

a c r o s s t h e G u i a n a s , t h e Caribbean, and even into South America and Europe.

N o t a b l y , i n t e r n a t i o n a l participation in the event has

b e e n s t e a d i l y i n c r e a s i n g each year

It is with great optimism

t h a t , t h e o rg a n i s e r s a r e

suggesting that by 2026, the r i d e w i l l b e o f f i c i a l l y i n c l u d e d i n t h e G u y a n a

T o u r i s m A u t h o r i t y ’ s calendar of activities.

Over four days, cyclists pedaled through Guyana and Suriname, culminating at Albina on the SurinameFrench Guiana border On

Day 2, the peloton had

a l r e a d y c r o s s e d f r o m Guyana into Suriname, with a t e a m o f 6 0 r i d e r s embarking on a 75-mile journey

T o m a i n t a i n t h e i r

endurance, cyclists made intermediate stops every 30 miles for refreshments and rest.

The ride continued on S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 ,

c o v e r i n g 5 5 m i l e s o f

S u r i n a m e ’s p i c t u r e s q u e landscapes before resting for

Scenes from 2025 Guyana-Suriname Ride. KARCC rider, Kwame Ridley leading the charge during the four-day ride.

Cyclists shared one last moment in Suriname, following the completion of the 2025 Cross-Country Group Ride.

the night in Paramaribo. On the final leg, the cyclists rode through the Gothic cityscape en route to Albina.

D a y 4 p r e s e n t e d a grueling 90-mile ride to Albina, with 71 participants, including 13 Guyanese, 18 from French Guiana, and 40 from Suriname. They were supported by a convoy of vehicles, medical personnel, security teams, and other support staff, ensuring the smooth execution of the event.

Reflecting on the ride, participant and co-organiser Kwame Ridley remarked, “The event has surpassed expectations.

T h e t u r n o u t w a s excellent, and everything ran smoothly I want to thank everyone who participated.

underway to expand next year ’s event to include even more countries.”

H e a l s o

x t e n d e d gratitude to the sponsors w h o c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e e v e n t ’s s u c c e s s , a d

i n g , “2026 promises to be even bigger.”

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K ARCC hails 2025 Guyana-Suriname Group Ride a massive success success

Day two of the Guyana-Suriname Group Ride, Surinamese contingent decked out in their numbers.

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