Kaieteur News retracts a n d a p o l o g i s e s t o Businessman, Beian Cui for incorrectly publishing his photograph on our front page on Friday May 3, 2024 purporting it to be that of Chinese national, Su Zhi Rong. From the onset we wish to make clear that this newspaper never set out to besmirchthecharacterofMr Cui or maliciously publish his photograph. Our reporter who attended an event where Mr Cui was present was informed that he was Mr Su, t h e c o n t r o v e r s i a l businessman who had accused Vice President BharratJagdeoofcorruption. Clearly this information was false and for this Kaieteur News offers its unreserved apology to Mr Cui and his family We are alsoatthistimeretractingthe article and photograph. This publication previously reported Jagdeo as saying thathewasawaitingadefault judgment in a $50M lawsuit he had filed in 2022 against his former friend Su
Speaking with a Kaieteur News reporter, Jagdeo said: “We are awaiting judgment by the court, that's the update”.
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC during a previous edition of his weekly programme called 'Issues in the News' had said that Su never showed up in court to defend himself. “I am informed that he has never entered an appearance nor filed a defence to the lawsuit filed against him by the vice president and that is wherethemattersare.”
In 2022, the VP filed a $50 million lawsuit against, Mr Su Zhi Rong over statements that the businessman made in a Vice Newsundercoverreport.
One year and months later, Jagdeo revealed that he had found Su. According to legal documents seen by this publication, Jagdeo through his attorneys, Manoj Narayan and C.V Satram, outlined that the statements made by Mr Su that were
contained in the news broadcast clearly imputed criminal and unlawful conduct on the part of the VicePresident.Theattorneys had described the statements
The lawsuit outlined that the s
d words were calculated to disparage Mr Jagdeo personally and in the office he now holds According to the lawsuit, owing to the statements that w
documentary, Jagdeo has s
l i c condemnation, humiliation, ridicule, and embarrassment. Additionally, the legal d
statements have caused serious injury to the Vice President'sreputationandhis political standing locally and internationally Jagdeo was implicated in allegedly collecting bribes for multimillion-dollar government contracts in a VICE News documentary that premiered on July 7, 2022. Su had disclosed to VICE News reporters posing as Chinese investors that Jagdeo took “cash bribes” for the contracts and that he was his middleman.
In the documentary,
Jagdeo called Su “a good friend of ours” and his tenant during an interview with one of the VICE news reporters. In Vice News undercover investigation, the Chinese businessman was recorded saying that bribes would have to be paid to the Vice President for them to be guaranteed contracts in Guyana. He could be heard on the recording too telling the team that Jagdeo only accepts“cash.”
The documentary also showed that Su took the “fake Chinese investors to Jagdeo's home to meet him. The documentary was viewed by thousands of Guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora.
Additionally, the extendedYouTube edition of the report has attracted more than two million views to date.
Jagdeo's defence is that he had repeatedly denied the
allegations in the extended news report which was aired on the US televisionnetworkShowtime and posted on YouTube. The allegations had triggered calls by a number of civil society groups and the Opposition for there to be a f u l l i n d e p e n d e n t investigation of the serious corruptionallegations,which have all been denied by Vice PresidentJagdeo.
“Vice News came into my house to catch me doing something illegal and taking abribe…andyoucouldn'tdo that in my most unguarded moment…They have done this around the world with leaders they got taking bribes…theyarenevergoing tofindanythingofthatnature with me,” Jagdeo had said.
Jagdeo had said too that he was not conducting official government business at his home but was rather meeting with an investor of Su. “Su
did not get anything special here and it was not a government project, it was his investor he wanted me to meet.” Notably Su, the man Jagdeo had described in the documentary as a “friend” has amassed a significant portion of mineral-rich land u n d e r t h e P e o p l e ' s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration. Su holds some 12,000 acres of preciousstonesandgold-rich lands under his name. This information is provided in the Guyana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GYEITI) documents While Jagdeo awaits his default judgment in the case, the Top Cop, Clifton Hicken has been written a formal complaint to investigate corruption allegationsagainstJagdeo. Hicken was written by a local organisation called Institute for Action Against Discrimination(IFAAD).
The 12-inch gas pipeline being constructed by ExxonMobilGuyanaLimited (EMGL) will be delivered by the company by the end of this year, however, the power plantandNaturalGasLiquids (NGL) facility will not be completeduntilthefollowing year
In light of the foregoing, the company will be required to conduct additional works to ensure the structure is safe to operate when the other components of the Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project have beencompleted.
This is according to President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge The Country Manager of the company during a press conference on Tuesday at Exxon's Duke
S t r e e t , K i n g s t o n , Georgetown office explained that it was not unusual for
varying elements of a major project to be come on stream atseparatedates.
As such, he pointed to measuresthatwillbetakenby Exxon to secure the US$1B pipeline. “What we will do is we'll complete the pipeline and we will make sure that it issecure.
Generally we will leave it within an earth gas like nitrogen,perhapswithtreated water, we are looking at the details of that depending upon how long we think it will be left idle until we are ready to commission it with gas which would be when we already know that the plant is ready to receive gas,”
He added, “We'll do the testing of its integrity, but therewillbeablindflangeon the end of it waiting for the newplanttobeconnectedand in the meantime we will just
keep that pipeline if you like, in earth and safe, ready to go fortheoperation.”
Repayment Notably, Exxon was asked about its repayment for the 225 kilometers offshore and onshore pipeline since it was previously reported that the Government of Guyana (GoG) would be paying the company for its investment throughthepurchaseofgas.
Exxon was specifically
commence for the structure.
To this end, the Country Manager said, “The payment for gas does not start until the gas is flowing or at least until we get to the critical step. There's no material impact to t h e c o u n t r y o r t h e government from the delays
other than the delay to people seeingthebenefits...”
Bethatasitmay,the2018 to 2020 audit report indicates
deducting Guyanas oil to repay the pipeline costs. It was reported that the audit,
ExxonMobil spent some US$2 1M on the project during the period under review, which was billed to Guyana'soil.
This newspaper therefore asked the Exxon official to clarify whether cost recovery forthepipelinehasbegun.
According to him, “Cost go into one cost recovery bank,thatisfairtosaysocost
I think the number we
President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge addressing members of the media during a press conference
talkedaboutlasttimeiswe've invested around US$30B and around US19-US$20B have recovered to date, so it's a questionofwhatyouconsider tohavebeenrecoveredatthis stage but I would say they are in that overall cost bank but no additional costs or revenues are being gained fromthegaspipelineuntilthe gasstartstoflow.”
The political opposition has in recent months lamented ad nauseum the failuretoholdmeetingsofthe Public Accounts Committee (PAC), on account of an absence of the government members resulting in their being no quorum resulting in the opposition being unable to scrutinize the observations and findings of the Audit ReportsoftheAuditOfficeof Guyana. With this in mind,A Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), Member of Parliament (MP), Ganesh Mahipaul, has taken to the parliament in an attempt to remedy the situation by way ofamotion.
The next sitting of the National Assembly is scheduled for next Thursday, and is set aside as Private Members Day—held once every four sittings of the Assembly, where the opposition's business in the Housetakesprecedence.
The Motion tabled by Mahipaul, is calling on the Members of the House to vote on rescinding an earlier decisionthathadchangedthe numbers required for a quorum—minimum number of persons needed—for a PACmeetingtocommence.
Qualifying his position the MPnoted that Resolution No 35 of the National
Assembly of Guyana, which was passed on Wednesday, 13th April, 2022, amended Standing Order 82 by inserting immediately after paragraph (3), the following paragraph - "(4) A quorum shall be five (5) members, two (2) representing the Government, two (2) representing the Opposition andtheChairperson.”
Hewentontoexplainthat Resolution No. 35, a quorum for the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was in keeping with Standing Order 95 (6) which states, “Unless the Assembly otherwise direct, three (3) Members shall be the quorum In ascertaining whether there is a quorum present, the MemberintheChairshallnot beexcluded.”
Since the existence of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), its work has always gone unhindered up until Resolution No. 35 of the
Opposition Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul
Ever since the adoption of Resolution No 35, however, 11 meetings of the Public Accounts Committee havebeencanceledduetothe lack of a quorum and “on all eleven (11) occasions it was due to no member of the Governmentsideshowingup for the Public Accounts Committee.”
To this end, Mahipaul is looking to have the members of the House vote to resolve that “That this National A s s e m b l y r e s c i n d s Resolution No.35 which was passed by the National Assembly on Wednesday, 13thApril,2022.”
According to Mahipaul, the (PAC) is yet to complete the examination of the Auditor General Reports for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 and further the Committee is yet to submit reports to the National Assembly for the financial years 2017, 2018, 2019,2020and2021.
Qualifying his positions further, the APNU+AFC MP recalled that the PAC derives
its mandate from Article 223(5-8) of the Constitution of Guyana (2003) and Standing Order (82) of the NationalAssembly
To this end, he reiterated that that PAC “exercises supervisory oversight of the functioning of the Audit Officeinaccordancewiththe Rules, Policies, and Procedures Manual, the Audit Act, and any other Law.”He further argues that among the duties of the PAC is to examine the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by the Assembly to meet Public Expenditure and such other accounts laid before the Assembly as the Assembly may refer to the Committee
together with the Auditor General'sReport.
Additionally, the PAC examines the economy and the efficiency of the administration of these publicexpendituresby:a)All central and local government bodies and entities; b) All bodies and entities in which the state has a controlling interest; and c) All projects fundedbywayoftaxes,loans or grants by any foreign state ororganization.
This, in addition to exercisingpowers in keeping with the Legislative Bodies Evidence Act, Chapter 1:08, allowing, for the summoning of witnesses to give evidence and or provide documents to theCommittee.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The National Procurement and TenderAdministration Board (NPTAB) is struggling to shake off the stain that sticks to it with that $865M Tepui pump station contract award. NPTAB is only making matters worse for itself, madetolookevenmoredistastefulwhenweakdefensesare offeredtorationalizewhathappened. TheCabinetfailedin its duty to be the evaluator of last resort, when the noobjection process came up for approval. From all indications, the Cabinet saw itself as a rubberstamp, even part of a fixing scheme that ensured the contract was awardedtooneandonlyonerecipient.
AsmuchasthePPPCGovernmentmaywiggleandweave tocoverstories,theTepuicontractawardreeksofapoliticaland bureaucraticcook-up,thesmellofwhichsickens ThePublic ProcurementCommission(PPC)wasexpectedtobeasturdy line of defense, to sit in keen post scrutiny of awards like this $865M pump station to a group that was clearly unqualifiedandcondemnit,butducked. ThePPChadtobe honest and fearless in calling the Tepui award for what it was: an insult to any tender process, a mockery of claims aboutaccountability
ThereisagrowingconsensusthatthePPCnowhaslittle credibilityandthatthemoreitputsuppublicdefenses,themore laughableitlooks,themoredamageisinflicteduponitselfand itslessthancleandeliberations. TheNationalDrainageand Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the procuring entity, now standsbesmirched. TheNDIAlookslikeacleverplaying alongagencyfusedinsometypeofpartnershipwiththose identifiedinthiscontractfixing,andlessofaprocuringone insistent on getting the best people to get the most value fromthat$865Maward.
Notoneofthoseinvolvedpartiesmentionedabove,allofthem saddledwithsomedegreeofevaluationresponsibility,haditinthem tostandinobjectionandrejecttheTepuibidthatwassoegregiously lacking NotthesuspectNPTAB,notthepowerfulCabinet,not thenextlayerofaccountability,theself-trashingPPC,andnot thestrangelyunseeinganduncaringNDIAwhichhadavested interestingettingpeoplewhoknowwhattheyaredoing,and havethebackingtoprove(it),togetaproperpumpstationjob completed Guyanese do not need any special insight to interpret what went on with that $865M Tepui pump station contractaward.
ItwasextraordinaryhowallthecomponentsinthePPPC Governmentmeshedandclickedinperfectalignmenttoensure that there was only one outcome, one winner of that pump stationbid TheCabinetandthePPClooktheworstofthelot becausewhenthebrakeshadtobeapplied,moregaswasgiven TheCabinetneedednohigh-leveltechnicalexpertisetorefuse itsno-objection,forwhatwasescalatedfromNPTABwasso shabby,evensordid ThePPC,operatingafterthefact,settled foratouchy-feelyapproach,andwithasugarcoatedreportto completethecircleofwhatgleamsofaprearrangedschemeand the fix that resulted Former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran, was blunt: the NPTAB is not a post office limited to receiving documents, but of so much more significance. Even in its self-appointed capacity as a village post office, it was just about closed for business, since it did so little,so poorly, with what was placedin its hands.RegardingthePPC,apparentlysomeofitsmembers see their primary functions as those of funeral directors. BecausewhatthePPCdidwaswhitewashthatallbutdead $865M Tepui pump station contract award and hustled to bury it under an avalanche of verbal perfume. The award stinkssomuchthateventhePPC’sbesteffortsatspraying embalmingfluidsdidnothingtodiminishitsputridstate. In fact, most of that embalming fluid spilled on the PPC and scarred its members pretending at impotency and, it could be said, some level of asininity Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo tried his hand at some damage control, but of all people he ought to know that some things are beyond salvaging. The big question is how many more such contractawardswerefinalizedandGuyaneseinthedark.
In a matter of days the ruling People’s Progressive Party(PPP)willatitsbiggest decision-making forum chose its leaders who will chart the course for its campaigntoreturntopower in2025.Thescheduled2025 general elections since the 1992 watershed one will p r o b a b l y b e m o s t challengingone.Thereasons aresimple.Thevotersarefar more informed with the advent of social media and withyoungvoterswhodon’t know two hoots about Cheddi or Forbes, rather the focusisonqualityoflifefor Guyanese People will accept the cash handouts without shifting loyalties. Onecanexpectthenumbers alongraciallinesnottoshift dramatically On top of this, thePPPwouldbewellaware ofthatone-votemajority So why is the PPP not confidentdespitebeingcash richandincontrolofbillions of dollars in oil money? Well, Jagdeo has side-lined
many within his party using bullying tactics and consolidating powers with a youngbreedofloyalists.Let therebenoillusions.Thereis a huge faction in Freedom House. Reports have it that an angry Jagdeo ordered former president Donald Ramotar ejected recently from his office at Freedom House. Let us don’t forget t
strangulation of Anil NandlallandFrankAnthony J
i s e d renegotiation of the oil deal in2020yetbacktracked.Let us not forget the Su-Gate affair and alleged ties to secretdealforkickbacks. Hemayhavewiggledhis wayoutbutthevideoisthere for the world to see. He allowed widespread corruption in housing and helped make toothless the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board. How else can you
explain the infamous almost $900Msluicecontracttohis hangout buddy who he uses indiscriminatelyashisattack dog on hapless critics who challenge his powers? SittinginhisdualroleasPPP GeneralSecretaryaswellas Vice President, Jagdeo cannot wash his hands and blame his handpicked president, IrfaanAli. Jagdeo as General Secretary if he loves Guyana would do the right thing and show his partyandallGuyanathathe issincere.
FrankAnthony has huge support while Anil Nandlall has proven his strategic importance. It is time to prepare for the reigns to be handed over The question on the table will always be why despite the billions of dollars of oil money it is rolling in, that the PPP remains worried of that one seat? Strategically, the PPP has made a huge mistake in thinking that Guyanese would remain subjugated and be mesmerised by the
smoke and mirrors, never seeingthesleightofhand.
Thedolingoutofbillions of dollars of contracts withoutdueprocesstoclose friends and families are all there for people to see Perhaps one of the biggest missteps would be PPP’s leadership of allowing Guyaneseownedbusinesses to be stifled in the face of onslaught by the Chinese and others. Many mom and pops operations have been shuttered and local entrepreneurs are no match for the deep pocketed foreign companies. PPP is overseeingthesellingoutof thiscountry
In the meantime Guyanese, especially our senior citizens and single parents are catching hell. Inflation has kept them in poverty Yes Jagdeo...it is time...do the right thing to shepherd your party to the futureanddon’tallowtherot tocontinue.
Concerned PPP and supporter
, The significance of World Press Freedom Day
2024 is particul
important in safeguarding the right to freedom of
Through this medium, information reaches the citizenry to inform of fundamental issues that are occurring. By way of this mechanism the public has access to information and thatgovernmentsrespectthe freedomofexpressionofthe people.TheUnitedNations’ intention is to raise
awareness of the challenges Journalists the world over are facing, exacerbated by war and mental health issues, the loss of lives, including threats, violence, and censorship arising from thisexposure.
Ensuringthevisibilityof these issues is crucial for promoting peace and democratic values Worldwide.
The Theme of World Press Freedom Day 2024 is “A Press for the Planet: JournalismintheFaceofthe environmentalcrisis”.
observance serves to raise awareness of all aspects of the global environmental crisis and its consequences are essential to build democratic so
rk is indispensable for this purpose.
The Guyana Public Service Union supports the role and purpose of the ‘FREE PRESS’ in ensuring that its integrity and credibility are upheld and maintained.
ThePrintandelectronic media in Guyana, inclusive of social media platforms
must be enduring and operate according to the InformationActtoallowfor the free flow of information tothecitizenry
The GPSU wishes to express felicitations to all Journalists worldwide and more particularly, the GuyanaPressAssociationto operate according to high professional standards, whiledisseminatingcredible and factual information to thepublic.
Once again, best wishes for World Press Freedom Day2024.
Arewetoassumetherearenoworthypersonalitiestohonour andcelebrate?
Are contributions to national development and nation buildingnottoberecognisedinanationalway? ShamshunMohamed
Another independence anniversary is upon us. It would seem there would be no national awards announcements, sincetherehasbeennocallfornominations. Thelasttimenationalawardsweremadewasin2020onthe occasionofGuyana’s50thRepublicAnniversary TheOrderofDemocracycreatedfollowingthe2020election shenanigans has seen no recipients Will we witness another slightingofourcitizens?
In its May 2nd, 2024 edition, Kaieteur News publishedaletterwrittenby Rajendra Bisessar under the headline; ‘The “lean and clean” government of Dr Cheddi Jagan is a thing of thepast.’
Inhisletter,Mr Bisessar bad-talked the PPP from beginning to end Unsurprisingly,hisprincipal target was PPP General SecretaryandVicePresident BharratJagdeo.
But it was the PPP as a whole, it’s congresses and theelectionofPartyleaders.
Mr Bisessar sought to besmirch and to bring into disrepute believing narcissisticallythathisletter would influence delegates and observers attending the historic event at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre. Itjustwouldn’thappen.
Mr Bissesar has established himself as a known critic of the PPP in general and Jagdeo in particular Setting himself up as a know-all about the PPP, his criticisms of the Party, its internal procedures, electoral practices and policies usually lack substance Moreover when factchecked, the content will be found to be based on selfinflicted bitterness. And the thrust of his arguments suffer from muscular atrophy.
Like so many of his ilk who left the PPP, Mr. R. Bisessar, unashamedly, sought refuge in the legacy of Cheddi Jagan declaring
rather cynically that Jagan was a good man while all those who now sit at the leadership level of the PPP have betrayed his legacy This is old hat. It never gained traction because all Party leaders are democratically nominated andelectedbyaprocesslaid downintheConstitutionand by a time-tested electoral process.
In case Mr Bisessar has forgotten,letmeremindhim that Article 5 of the PPP’s Constitution ‘Rights and Duties of Members’ provides that every member has the Right within the Party, to openly express his or her view on any question under discussion; every member shall practice criticism and self-criticism; everymemberhastheRight to address a question or statement to a leading committee to which there must be prompt response; every member in good standing has the right to be nominatedandelectedtoall offices and committees; every member has a right to beheardwheneverdecisions aretakenregardinghisorher activities or conduct; every member, group or committee disagreeing with a decision of any leading Committee has the right to appeal the decision to the nexthigherbodyandrequest that the question be reopened. Mr Bisessar must have forgotten aboutArticle 15 of the Constitution treating with ‘Party Discipline.’
For the period while he
was a Party member Mr Bissesar gained the reputation of being a ‘‘griper’ and ‘born complainer’ Interestingly, therecordswouldshowthat he never formally utilized any of the above mechanisms to address any ofthe‘grievances’heraised in his letter, his preference w a s t o g o a b o u t complaining, voicing his grievances and pointing to anything and everything he deemednegative.
The fantasies contained in his letter about cadre developmentandpromotion and about the Party’s internal electoral process, are so bizarre, they suggest that it’s author is capable of seeing‘moredevilsthanvast hellcanhold’.
What Mr Bissesar alluded to in respect to election to leading Party bodies is mind boggling to saytheleast.Itisdifficultto fathomwhatwasinhismind when he wrote about that in his letter since it seemed such a patchy, sketchy and wonky version just good enough to be consigned as fake news full of gaps, falsehoods,assumptionsand hisownfuzzyrecollectionof aprocessthatisindisputably democratic.
What was surprising is n o t s o m u c h t h e imperfections of the picture
painted by Mr Bisessar about PPP congresses and theinternalelectoralprocess within the Party, but how littlehislamentationsmatter toGuyaneseinthecontextof the bigger picture depicting the rapidly unfolding developmental trajectory in the country under the Ali administration.
Mr Bisessar joined the ranks of PPP haters a long timeagoaftersulkingonthe periphery of Party politics fromthedayhejoinedtothe day he left. He eventually found his calling as a junior fabulator formulating narratives that made no sense in the evolving world of Guyanese politics. In his letter, Mr Bisessar made a crude attempt to distort and mislead readers about the workings of the PPPhoping thatbydefaulthisunfocused and mushy narrative will gaintraction.
Bisessar’s letter is an irrational blend of fiction and fantasy He constructs a narrative characterized by imperfection and disjointed personal experiences supplied by a host of negativity so characteristic of the man for those who knowhim.
Moreover, his flight of fantasy concerning internal democracy in the PPP is basedonhisown
DEAREDITOR, Reference is made to Ms SharmilaAlly’s May 3, 2024 letter to your
Ms.Ally is denouncing the PPP’s plan to hold its Congress on May 5, 2024- same as INDIAN
I applaud and support Ms Ally’s timely and compellingdenouement
and pragmatic prose should serve as a wakeup call for ALL Indians ( Hindus & M
ancestors - Jahajis- (ship
(akin to our African ancestors out of Africa) on their journey to (now) GuyanafromIndia
Their mostly forced journey,andsacrificearethe optimal causative reasons forour(Indians)modernday presence in Guyana and sho
d neither be besmirchedordisrespected.
Editor, I am not sure what political gambit or o
simultaneity but, in my humble opinion, the PPP’s insensitivity and laissefaire attitude, denuding this deeply meaningful INDIAN Arrival Day 2024, by scheduling their 2 0 2 4 C o n g r e s s contemporaneously, can negatively reverberate within their voting base in the upcoming 2025 GuyanaGeneralElection I urge the PPP to reconsider
JonathanSubrianEsq.Aljazeera - The prosecutor’s office at the InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) has appealed for an end to what it calls intimidation of its staff, saying such threats could constituteanoffenceagainst the “administration of justice” by the world’s permanentwarcrimescourt.
The Hague-based office of ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement on Friday that all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials mustceaseimmediately
While the prosecutor’s statement did not mention Israel, it was issued after Israeli and US officials
h a v e w a r n e d o f consequences against the ICC if it issues arrest warrants over Israel’s war onGaza
“The Office seeks to engage constructively with all stakeholders whenever such dialogue is consistent with its mandate under the Rome S
impartially,” Khan’s office said. “That independence and impartiality is undermined, however, when individuals threaten to retaliate against the Court or against Court personnelshouldtheOffice, infulfillmentofitsmandate, make decisions about investigations or cases falling within its jurisdiction.”
It added that the Rome Statute, which outlines the ICC’s structure and areas of jurisdiction,prohibitsthreats against the court and its officials.
Over the past week, mediareportshaveindicated that the ICC might issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Prime M
Thecourtmayprosecute individuals for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanityandgenocide.The Israeli military has killed nearly 35,000 people in Gaza and destroyed large partsoftheterritorysincethe
Statement released after Israeli and US officials rebuke the court for possible arrest warrants over Gaza war.
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khanhas said his team is investigating alleged war crimes in Gaza [File: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters]
News of possible ICC charges against Israeli officials led to an intense pushback by the country and its allies in the United States
OnTuesday,Netanyahu released a video message rebuking the court “Israel expects the leaders of the free world to stand firmly againsttheICCoutrageous assault on Israel’s inherent right of self-defence,” he said.
“We expect them to use all the means at their disposal to stop this dangerousmove ”
“It would be a fatal blow to the judicial and moral standing of ICC to pursue this path against Israel, ” Democratic
Senator John Fetterman wrote in a social media postthisweek
“Calling on [Biden] to intervene as part of the administration’s ongoing commitmenttoIsrael ”
In Washington, several legislato
President Joe Biden to intervene and thwart any ICCactionagainstIsrael
In 2021, the Biden administration lifted US sanctions against ICC officials that had been imposed by f
Israel and the US have not ratified the Rome
Statute, but Palestine, a permanentobserverstateat the United Nations, has accepted the court’s jurisdiction
The court has been investigating possible Israeli abuses in the occupied Palestinian territory since 2021 Khan has said his team is investigating alleged war crimes in the ongoing war inGaza.
InOctober,Khansaidthe court had jurisdiction over any potential war crimes committed by Hamas fighters in Israel and by IsraeliforcesinGaza.
mind-records and false recollectionsmanyofwhich are poorly detailed and so unconvincing,thatnoonein their right senses will ever believethatwhatheclaimed occurred ever happened at PPPcongresses.
Appearing to be so caught up in conjecture and falsehoods, Mr. Bisessar probably didn’t even realize thatinhisletterhereferredto occurrences that never happened since he relied exclusively on his limited storeofknowledgeaboutthe workings of the PPP,
memorylapsesanddistorted beliefs.
Mr Bisessar’s letter exposed his predilection for inventing stories whether it wasabouthimselfandothers or about the PPP’s internal electoral procedures, in the circumstances, he comes across as someone apparently afflicted by a spellofhisownmaking.
Mr. Bisessar claimed that what he wrote in his letter was learnt from actual lived experiences for the period he was associated with the PPP, however without even
knowing it, his letter turned outtobeaheapofnonsense becausehereliedheavilyon the axe he has to grind with thePPP
Sadly, Mr Bisessar is unabletofreehimselffrom t h e l o a d s o f misinformation, half truths andfalsehoodstowhichhe hasshackledhimself.
As Theseus said: ‘Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, such shaping fantasies that apprehend more than cool reasonevercomprehends ’
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
The unspoken objective of the PPP Congress which opens today is to solidify its hold on power, so that it can partner with ExxonMobil to continue ripping off Guyanese.
General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo would solidify his ways to dominate the PPP and control its visions and thinking. The congress will be a farce- it's about one man ruling for the enriching of his favoured, to settle scores with opponents, including those inside the party.
No genuine and honest PPP loyalist is safe. The PPP Congress is about one man and his ambitions, his betrayals of the party's founders. The PPP Congress will be about what perpetuates his stranglehold on followers, stifling resistance, and killing Guyanese hopes. The PPP CONGRESS is about how the PPP as a party and as a government have become the stooge of ExxonMobil and Jagdeo its enforcer.
TheAllianceForChange (AFC) on Friday called for full transparency of the sale of the Marriott Hotel. The government has to reassess thesaleofthehotelduetothe d e a t h o f A m e r i c a n businessman Ramy ElBatrawi, who was the leading bidder for the acquisitionofthehotel.
Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan told reporters on Friday during a press conference that it is important that any sale of MarriottHotelmustmeetthe required transparency, so as to make the transaction above the board and free frompoliticalinfluence.
E l - B a t r w a i h a d submitted a bid for US$90M to acquire the Kingston, Georgetownproperty Last December, it was
announced that the GoG decided to sell the profit makinghotel.
Ramjattan said, “The AFC demands that in these circumstances the new and m o r e a c c o u n t a b l e transparent approach be followed rather than one where a friend, family or favorite flatterer will be the beneficiary.”
Further, the AFC leader suggested that reputable accounting firms, Ernst & Young or Price Waterhouse should manage the sale of thehotel.
“As is the practice, these firms they would be the creationofadataroomsetup w
informationneededtoattract the best offer from credible investors Namely with good track record in the
tourist and hospitality industry inclusive of their audited financial accounts, evaluation management agreements among other requirements,” Ramjattan said.
The Attorney-at-Law also noted that the credible accounting firms ought to thenmakerecommendations not just to the cabinet but parliament.
He explained, “The accounting firm selected ought then to make its recommendations to cabinet or better still to cabinet and parliament.”
Notably, the sale of the Marriott Hotel is being
National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited(NICIL).
In December 2022, the Government announced that it intends to sell the hotel.
Negotiations with ElBatrawi and NICIL began in June2023. F
x companies had submitted their proposals for the hotel. However, in May, the government had informed the bidders that their initial bids were rejected, because thebidsweretoolowanddid not reflect the true value of thehotel.
Thereafter, four bidders dropped out leaving X, LLC owned by El-Batrawi, and local consortium Integrated Group Guyana Limited, headed by Ravindra Prashad, whose second bid wasUS$86.1million,falling short of El-Batrawi's US$90Mproposal.
Ihave not read the decision of Justice SandilKissooninthe case brought by the Guyana Teachers’Union against the government.ButfromwhatI havereadinthenewspapers, it is my opinion that aspects ofthisrulingaregoingtobe overturnedbyahighercourt.
It is not that I think that thedecision,basedonwhatI have read, is fatally flawed. ItisratherthatIbelievethat it is a decision that is before its time, in the same way as Justice Ian’s Chang’s decision in the ‘third-term’ case was too advanced and progressive.
Readers will recall that the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) overturned Justice Chang’s and the Guyana Court of Appeal’s decision in the Cedric Richardson case. But it was notaunanimousdecisionby theCCJ. Guyana’shighest court by a majority of 6-1 upheldtheconstitutionalbar to President’s having a third term.
In his ruling in the local courts Justice Chang had arguedthattheArticle90(2)
and (3), had effectively rendered ineligible to stand as President perhaps hundredsofpersonswhohad acquired citizenship of Guyana by registration and perhaps thousands of nonresident citizens of Guyana bybirthordescent.
In his legal reasoning, Justice Chang posited that the Parliament of Guyana did not have untrammeled power to reconstitute the political foundation of the nation and that any attempt to dilute pre-existing democratic rights of the electorate would be invalid and without legal effect unlessdoneviareferendum.
In his dissenting judgment,attheCCJ,Justice Anderson said, “A core feature of a sovereign democratic state in which sovereignty belongs to the people is that the people must be free to choose the personswhowillgovernand representthem,especiallyas their President. Free, that is, of any constraints that they themselves have not approved at the founding of their Constitution or by the
processes specified for their involvement in defining suchconstraints.Thereisan irrebuttable presumption that the people know who would best represent their interests in government They are the ones to decide upon the suitability and categories of qualifications ofpersonstostandforoffice.
The imposition of restrictions that disqualify large numbers of persons fromstandingforelectionas President,whichrestrictions are not sanctioned by the peopleintheconstitutionally authorized manner, necessarilytrenchesontheir freedom to choose their representatives and is concomitantly a fetter upon theirsovereignty.”
Hewentontostate,“Itis tobeemphasizedthatitisnot for the executive, the legislatureorthejudiciaryto decide the universe of candidates from which the people can choose their President. That would usurp sovereignty from the people andrelocateittosubservient organs of the state. Any temptation presented to
Isafunnything.DePeePeePeeusedto criticize de former government fuh employingoldpeople.ButwhendePeePee Peeannouncedemappointments,demnah tell we how old are dem persons dem appointing. Yuh does gat fuh guess by de greyindemhairandbyhowlangdembeen about.
Disissueraiseupawholedebate‘bout retirees getting government Dem politicianssehdeywantyoungbloodinde system, but look, it’s like dey got dis addiction to wrinkled foreheads and silver hair.Demnahjustwantexperiencedfolks, dey want seasoned veterans... and I ain’t talking‘boutseasoningindecurry
Some ah dese appointees act like retirement is some kinda foreign word. Dem boys seh dem nah even know how to spell it! Retirement fuh dem is like dat ex
who keeps comin’ back, no matter how manytimesyuhchangedelocks.Deyretire one day and de next thing yuh know, dey backindeoffice.
It’s like de older yuh get, de better yuh chance of landin’ one ah dem senior appointments. It’s as if dem in charge got dis fear ah new ideas, new faces, new energy Dey prefer de tried and tired, dey clingin’todepastlikeit’salifepreserverin astormysea.
But tell yuh what, dis whole thing got mewonderin’ifdeyreallyshouldbecalled retireesatall.Maybeweshouldstartcallin’ dem ‘rehirers’instead.After all, dey retire onedayanddenextday,deybackinaction likedeyneverleft.It’saviciouscycle,bai, and it’s got we all scratchin’we heads like wegotdandruff.
these organs of state to refashion the democratic sovereignty of the people in awaythatwhittlesawaythat sovereignty, ought to be resisted.”
Like Justice Chang, he concluded that, “I am persuaded that the recognitioninArticles1and 9thatsovereigntybelongsto the people who exercise it throughtheirrepresentatives necessarily entails the corollary that the people are free to choose who their representatives will be, free that is, from any constraints not imposed by the people themselves ” Chang’s arguments in relation to the structure of the constitution wereprogressive.Theywere upheld by majority by the Court of Appeal but dismissedbymajorityinthe CCJ. Despite this, it shows that there is a growing
maturityinthejurisprudence within the Caribbean. Our juristsaredemonstratingthe ability to make far-reaching and groundbreaking decisions.
Justice Sandil Kissoon’s decision in the GTU case may be in that category in relation to the right of collectivebargainingandthe need for the Ministry of Education to act in good faith in its dealings with the Union However, it is difficult for me to wrap my headaroundtheaspectofthe decision dealing with nondeductionofpayforworkers on strike. I anticipate that thisaspectwillnotbeupheld inhighercourts.
Despite this opinion, I would not dare to describe the judge’s decision as ‘presumptuous’ This is intemperate language since whatever flaws others may
feel exist in the decision, it can hardly be said that the judge has overstepped his boundariesorjurisdiction.
Thegovernmenthassaid that the decision has turned industrial relations upside. This, however, may only be soinrelationtooneaspectof theruling.Butthereareother aspectsoftherulingthatare in my humble estimation, solid, including the issue of thelegalityofthestrike.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
ThoughIhavesaidittime and again, it is still worth sayingonemoretime:thereis none better at putting on a propaganda party than the People's Progressive Party Thisgoesbeyondrecognition and admiration. I am filled with awe. For a long trail of supporting evidence,I point totheBurnaBoycaravanthat came to these sunny shores and put on an electrifying show
Upon reconsideration, it would be better to make that rain-soaked shores, for the time being. What a show it was! A jolly good time for those who were leaned upon to go and see, as well as for those who went to make sure thattheywereseen.
Myfirstreactionwaswho the hell is this entertainer and showstopper,Mr BurnaBoy When I heard that he came from not Jamaica but was recruited all the way from Nigeria, I wondered what Black people in America thought about that, since to callaman'boy'inBrooklynis
considered a gross insult.
Anyhow, my recent musical senses have been largely stirred by artistes from the regionandthegoodoleUSA. Did anybody say Snoop Dog or MC Hammer See what I mean! Ancients! Grumpy old men in the fastmoving world of musical taste. But Burna Boy, it was, and brought here not by PPP regulars, but an Indian entrepreneurwithlong,deep, and storied political roots. PPP roots, not PNC ones, bruddahs and sistaz. For there was the man from the ballooning E-Networks conglomerate, Mr Vishok himself leading the initiative by plucking an African performer of superior standing from the heart of Mother Africa and planting himdowninGuyana. Whata move, and for a man who knows how to get in the groove.
I was going along with theprogramandthinkingthat this was all in the interests of pureentertainment,withafat
little business bounty as a bonus for all the effort, only to find out how wrong I was. It was only then that it dawned that this was more than partying, this was politics dressed up in the usualPPPcolors.
The first clue was the presence of Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and the manwhohassomethingtodo with the nation's money, Dr Ashni Singh. If a pardon is due, I am giving it in advance. For if those two lovely fellows ever listened to a song, heard a song, danced to a song, or hummed the notes to a song, then I am the man from Mars and my name is Mohamed Rafi or BobMarley
These guys know nothing about music, and the only song they know have a certain lyric and tune to it. Try listening to one of J a g d e o ' s f i n i s h e d symphonies, and they have a language and tone of their own.
They are a thing of
beauty So, when I absorbed the fact of these two great Guyanese song and dance lovers in attendance, all thoughts about partying fled andpoliticstookover The second giveaway was all those enraptured Indian presence at the Nigerian's festival, and all havingagrandtime.
They never used to come out in the street for their own Mashramani jamming because it was a Burnham ting, but there they were at this Burna Boy concert, and looking deliciously lost Take it from this concert goer, if yuh caan sing a line and get up and shake a leg, then it is better to stay home and avoid making a fool of oneself. Guyanese who duz suck de teeth wen deh hear Marcel or Ziggy or Buju tun up in droves for Burna Imagine that lustrous change ofheart.
With more than a few from the non-African side of theGuyanesedemographic,I slowly realized that the fix
was in, and that the PPP propaganda machine was swinging and gyrating and wining and getting down. And, touching back on Vishok,itisenlighteningthat the PPP propaganda master craftsmen were wise enough not to use their own favorite Guyanese promoters of a certaincolor Ofcourse,Iget it,Iaintnodunce. Demfellas busy trying fuh finish off de school.
Allthisgotmetothinking Black promoters separated from a lucrative opportunity fromaBlackperformer
A carefully engaged Indian entrepreneur-actor, plus Indian guests, plus members of the Cabinet, plus Bharry and Ashni. Was Alistairthere? Whatwasthat all about? It is to show to the world the mixing of Indians and Africans in Guyana at a showcase event starring a Black Nigerian showman Racial division? Feelings of discrimination?
P o s t u r e s a b o u t pauperizing economic
conditions?Only a dirty and devilish entity like the PNC couldnurturesuchnegatives. It is said that a picture is worthamillionwords. Well, the Burna Boy Show was goodformorethanahundred million.
That is what is being beamed by PPP seniors, sharpies, satellites, and surrogates all over the world. There is no problem here. Come to Guyana and invest money here, for there is big money to be made here.
When I see the PPP propaganda machine in action, I know I stand on good grounds when I say that the PPP can take the heat. AndthePPPhasthebeat. Now bring on some more BurnaBoys.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
Decommissioning deepwater projects is a highly complex processthatrequiresdeeppockets.
Wood Mackenzie in a new report pointed to the challenges associated with decommissioning deepwater projects compared with shallowwaterfacilities.
Decommissioning refers to the plugging of wells and cleanup of the seafloor following oil productionactivities.
AccordingtoWoodMackenzie, a global provider of data and analytics for the energy transition, deepwater projects have high operating costs even after p r o d u c t i o n e n d s , a n d decommissioning requires cuttingedgeequipmenttoaccesswells,lift subsea equipment and safely remove enormous floating platformsfordismantlingorre-use.
Presently, ExxonMobil is operating Guyana's Stabroek Block, approximately 200 kilometersoffshore in water depths of about 1200 meters or more than 4200 feet. With Exxon and its CoVenturers already clenching licenses for six deepwater projects, with a string of new discoveries locally, Guyana was highlighted in the report among the giant discoveriesofthelastdecade.
The country must however be weary that it will require deep pockets for meeting its decommissioningobligations.
Representation of the subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) used for oil production
In fact, Wood Mackenzie pointed out, “Among the highestcost upstream abandonment plays, leading deepwater countries and operators face up to US$27 billion of decommissioning expenditure (decommex)inthenext10years.”
Neighbouring Brazil, the US Gulf of Mexico and Angola that holds mature deepwater projects account for 80% of forecast decommex over the next decade, accordingtothereport.
It explained that while decommissioning any offshore project requires significant spend,
Wendell Hamilton, the 41year-old man who was busted with an AR-15 rifle, four live
rounds of 7.62 x 39 ammunition, a quantity of suspected cannabis, and cannabis plants at his Roraima Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara (WBD) property this week was on Friday sentenced toprison.
Hamilton pleaded guilty to the charge when he appeared before Magistrate Rhondell Weever at the Wales Magistrate Court and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for possession of a firearm, one year for possession of ammunition, $30,000 or six months' imprisonment for possession of narcotics and $50,000 or six months' imprisonment for cultivating a prohibitedplant.
All sentences will run concurrently
The accused, Wendell Hamilton
challenges compared to shallowwaterfacilities.
Oil-rich Guyana must also be mindful that a tight deepwater rig market is also ratcheting up decommissioning costs, with rates having doubled over the last five years Guyana has already commenced the payment of decommissioning fees, even though the ExxonMobil's subsidiary and operator of the Stabroek Block, EMGL may abandon the subsea equipment on the seafloor.ExxonMobil Guyana's
Projects Manager, Anthony Jackson during a public scoping sessioninFebruarylastyearforthe sixth project- Whiptail- explained that these costs must be deducted even though decommissioning is notafixedplan.
He outlined, “It's two things we are paying for, first no matter what, if we do have to decommission the FPSO [Floating Production StorageandOffloadingvessel]that is a cost and that is independent of the SURF [subsea umbilicals, risers,andflowlines].”
Jackson said that even if the
equipment will be abandoned on the seafloor, at the very least, ExxonMobil must detach the risers which are the equipment that goes from the seabed floor to the surface of the FPSOs After that is removed, he said the lines will be purged to ensure there is no water, oilorgasleftthere.
Additionally, he said that the wells must be capped thereby plugging to abandon it, after it has reached its production timeline. It must be sealed to ensure there is no release of hydrocarbons to the environment.
An 18-year-old, who was in police custody for larceny, wasonFridayremandedto prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answerthecharge.
Kaieteur News understands that Carleto Williams appeared before SeniorMagistrateLeronDalywherehe pleadedguiltywithanexplanation.
ReportsarethatonApril23,2024at the Stabroek Police Outpost, Stabroek Market Williams claimed that he was on a bus with a friend when an argumentensuedatthebackofthebus. He stated that he exited the bus, and while the person involved in the argumentwasstillonthephone,athief
snatched the victim's phone and ran away.
Williams, was caught by police but while in custody he managed to escape whenhewasbeingtransportedtoacell. However, he was apprehended by the police near the Stabroek Police Outpost.
Notably, Williams already has a similarcasependingincourt.
Meanwhile, the accused explained to Magistrate Daly, that he didn't know the seriousness of escaping police custody
Magistrate Daly ordered a probation report to be prepared Williams was remanded to prison until May31,2024.
A man on Friday returned an envelope containing $2M (Gyd and US Currency) he found on the road in thevicinityofacitybanktoitsowner
The man, Richard Nichols, told Kaieteur News that he visited the bank Friday morning with his daughtertopayhismortgagewhenhe foundtheenvelope.
Nichols recalled that there was a vagrant apparently combing in the nearby bushes for valuables when he (Nichols) stepped out of his car and spotted the envelope.Not only did it containalargeamountofcashbutthe owner's (a woman) ID card, passport andotherimportantdocuments.
Instead of keeping his find a secret, Nichols went home and made a post on Facebook to locate the woman.He posted, “My Mom raised me to be a good human being and believe in humility and honesty I went with my daughter this morning topaymymortgage.AsIwasaboutto park I saw this envelope. It was water soaked and had over $2million dollars and some US currency” and publishedthewoman'sname.
The post went viral and it did not
take long for the owner to contact Nichols.
“She was very thankful and happy,” Nichols said as he recalled herreaction.
He learnt that the woman had withdrawnthecashfromthebankand lost it. She did not expect to find the money and was devastated because it was reportedly money she had borrowed.
Asked if he was tempted at any time to keep the find for himself,
Nicholsrespondedinthenegative.He said, “Money like that don't be blesseditiscursed”.
He further explained that he himself is going through some trying timesfinanciallyandknowshowhard itistoworkaneighttofourjobtotake care of his family and pay his mortgage.Nicholssaidhecannotsteal from anyone. He is overjoyed that he was able to set the right example for his daughter who was also happy that thewomanreceivedhermoney
Ramsay Ali has been reelected as President of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) unopposed.Ali was re-elected to head the new GMSA Board of Directors for the term 2024/2025. The association's Annual General Meeting (AGM), conducted in two parts, saw the reelection of the incumbent P
leadership positions within theorganization.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the board of directors were elected through an electronic voting process by members who attended in-person on April 18, 2024 while on May 2, 2024, the President, three Vice-Presidents and Treasurerwereelected.
According to a press release issued by the GMSA, the remaining members were elected to form the Board of Directors inclusive of Chairpersons of the various Sub-Sectors.
To this end, Ali, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sterling Products Limited, was re-elected unopposed as
President of the Association. He will be supported by Roseann Bulkan, Showroom Manager of Bulkan Timber Works as First Vice
President, Vasudeo Singh, Group Finance Director & Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Demerara DistillersLtd.asSecondVice President and Treasurer and Rafeek Khan, Managing Director of Durable Wood Products Inc. as the Third VicePresident.
With this in mind, the GMSA in announcing the new board said, “the diverse expertise and perspectives of the newly elected directors promise a vibrant and inclusive governance framework for the upcoming year.”
Ali's professional career began in 1988 with a background in sales and marketing. Over the years he hasworkedwithentitiessuch as Colgate Palmolive, Banks DIHLtd.,andthentoSterling ProductsLimited.
According to the GMSA, Ali has also given of his time in helping not for profit organizations such as the Guyana Re
2. Bulkan Timber Works Inc.–RoseannBulkan–First V i c e P r e s i d e n t & ChairpersonoftheExtractive IndustriesSub-Sector
3 Demerara Distillers
Limited – Vasudeo Singh, Second Vice-President & Treasurer
4 Durable Wood ProductsInc.–RafeekKhan, Third Vice-President 5 Khayr Organics – Earlecia Hieronymo, Chairperson of the Agro-Processing SubSector
6. Corriea & Corriea Ltd. - Dr M
Malisa Nokta, Chairperson ofServicesSub-Sector
10. DENMOR Garment Manufacturers Inc. – Upasna Mudlier, Chairman of Textiles & Sewn Goods SubSector
11. Banks DIH Limited –DavidCarto,Chairmanofthe Trade, Investment & Legal Committee&BoardMember
12. Edward B. Beharry & Company Limited –Raymond Ramsaroop, Board Member
13. UMAMI Inc. – Chris Persaud,BoardMember
14 Barama Company Limited – Mohindra Chand, BoardMember
Re-elected GMSA President, Ramsay Ali
Parenthood Association (GRPA)wherehealsoserves as Chairman, Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) and the Scouts Association of Guyana where he is the Vice President.
“For years, Mr. Ali has m a d e i n v a l u a b l e contributions to the GMSA where he aggressively pushes for success and development in the manufacturing sector He is
Twenty-three-year-old Shamar Davis, who was on remand for break-and-enter robbery,wasonFridayfurtherremandedafter he was charged with the murder of another prisoner,AnthonyPrince.
Davis called 'Stamma' of Lot 56 B Field, Sophia yesterday appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Orinthia Schmidt, where the charge was read tohim.
Hewasnotrequiredtopleadtothecharge and was remanded to prison until June 6, 2024.
The police reported that 23-year-old Prince, who was also on remand at the Lusignan Prison, was fatally injured during a fight on March 30, 2024. The incident occurredaround13:50hoursinBlock3ofthe NewBuildingattheLusignanPrison.
Investigations revealed that Prince and Davis had shared the same cell. On the day of the incident they were in the cell block awaiting water to shower when an argument ensued between them over the infidelity of theirgirlfriends.
It is alleged by Davis that he saw Prince with what appeared to be an improvised weapon in his hand after which he punched Prince and while he was taking cover, he observed Prince was bleeding from a wound on the right side of his neck. The Guyana PrisonService(GPS)hadreportedthatPrince was stabbed to the neck with a piece of mop stick.
He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he died while receiving treatment. An investigation wassubsequentlylaunched.
the Brainchild of the G M S A ' s U n c a p p e D Marketplaceandcontinuesto support small and micro enterprises in their development, marketing and otherpertinentareas.”
The 2024/2025 Board Membersareasfollows:
1. Sterling Products Ltd. – Ramsay Ali, President of
Construction & Engineering Sub-Sector
7. Rid-O-Pes Inc. - Mr Timothy Tucker, Chairman of
& PharmaceuticalsSub-Sector
8. Keen360 Inc. – Mr ZahidKhan,Chairmanofthe I n
Technology (ICT) SubSector
9 E
Management Consultants –
15 ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. – Dr Vishnu Doerga,BoardMember
16 National Milling Comp
yana (NAMILCO) – Vishal Lalbachan,BoardMember
17. Kanoo (Guyana) Inc. – Chet Bowling, Board Member
18. Brass Aluminium & C a s t I r o n F o u n d r y (B.A.C.I.F) – Peter Pompey, BoardMember
A 34-year-old man from Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was on Wednesday struck and killed by a speeding police officer along the Farm Public Road, EastBankDemerara(EBD).
The dead man has been identifiedasRupertSingh.
Accordingtoreports,the accident occurred at approximately 21:40h Singh was crossing the road from west to east when he was struck by a Toyota Allion motorcar, allegedly driven by a 25-year-old policeman stationed at the Criminal Investigations
D e p a r t m e n t ( C I D ) Headquarters.
Eyewitnesses state that Singh was hit by the car, whichwastravelingatahigh speed in a northern direction, causing him to be thrown into the air and landing on the road,
sustaining severe injuries.
The driver of the car did not stopaftertheaccident.
Concerned citizens who witnessed the incident rushed to assist Singh and transported him to Diamond Diagnostic Hospital
However, upon arrival, medical professionals pronouncedhimdead.
Singh's body was then taken to Memorial Garden Funeral Home, where it awaits a post-mortem examination.
Policesaidthatactingon information, traffic officers fromtheDivisionvisitedthe residence of a 25-year-old police constable in South Ruimveldt Gardens, Georgetown, on May 2, 2024. The constable was informed of the allegations a g a i n s t h i m a n d subsequentlyarrested.
Dead: Rupert Singh
Later, the constable led the officers to an area in Caneview, where the car involved in the accident was discovered hidden under bushes.Thevehiclewasthen transported to Providence P o l i c e S t a t i o n f o r examination by a certified officer
The police constable remains in custody at Providence Police Station as investigations continue into the'hit-and-run'accident.
FormerChancellorofthe University of Guyana, Professor Compton Bourne has been appointed as
E x t r a o r d i n a r y a n d Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in Brazil. The Brazilian government made the announcement on Thursday Professor Bourne is a graduate of the University of London, the University of Birmingham and the University of the WestIndies.
He is also the author of 10 books and more than 50 academic articles, as well as more than 50 research
reports and advisory memoranda for Caribbean
governments, foreign
g o v e r n m e n t s , a n d international development institutions and agencies, an article published by the Diplomacia Business reported.
“Throughout his career, Bourne has actively contributed to public economic policy in the Caribbean, Africa and the Philippines since 1975,” the report said Meanwhile, former Agriculture and Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy has been appointed as Guyana's Ambassador designate to Switzerland where he will assume the responsibilities
Professor Compton Bourne
Former Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy
GuySuCo's CEO, Sasenarine Singh
of Guyana's Permanent Representative to the United Nations(UN)inGeneva,and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) Sasenarine Singh was recently appointed as Guyana's designate ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium. He will also be appointed as Guyana's
PermanentRepresentativeto the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States and will be based in Brussels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statementonFriday
The Foreign Ministry said that the trio are “expected to take up their positionsshortly”.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Male & female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 6609093
Hiring Manager for Akash people Variety store at lot 4 Robbstreet, Georgetown. Contact - 709-0340
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132. Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office. Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
One BMW for sale, mileage 082443. Call: 655-7405/ 6947817.
LFS at Soesdyke. Call: 700-0797.
First AID/CPR/AED & home nursing courses Available at St. John Headquarters. For more information Call: 2259082.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.
Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.
Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info@vegeworld.net or Call: 227-7714/ 223-3448.
Masons, carpenters, & skilled men labourers wages $8,000-$10,000 per day & Labourer 5-7K per day. Call: 650-1394, 692-7110.
1 Office Assistant, must have atleast maths and english. Ages 20-35 years. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Canter Driver needed. Ages 30 years & older. Must have atleast 5 experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Skilled Labourers needed for road construction. Ages 20 years & older. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Male Engineer & Project Supervisor at road and building construction. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Vacancies Exist for Carpenter, Mason, Labourer, and Security Guard at Happy Acres, ECD. Call or WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 611-6151.
Room Attendant, Receptionist, Deskstaff, Supervisor needed at 233, South Road Lacytown. Call: 2250198.
Cook and Male & female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 699-8486 / 674-9999
Experienced landridge worker to work on 6 inch. Call: 6883844 or 681-3801
1 fully furnished Luxurious, 4 bedroom apartment, Hot and Cold water, remote gate etc in Campbellville. G/ town. Price US$2000. Call: 621-5140.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. For more information Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
One income generating property. Land size 37'x 345' at Middle road, Pouderoyen. For more information Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One 6076 John Deere 6 cylinder engine. Interested persons an make contact 7014000. Monday-Friday 8 am4 pm
One, three bedroom selfcontained house for sale in Republic Gardens, gated community. Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040. Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526. For Land Clearance (Grubbing), Sand fill, Housing Plan and Estimates. Call K. Lakeram Building Contractor 692-8464 or whatsapp 622-0267.
DIVISION Petition No. FD-1775
Between: -
(AULT) OLIVE SAMANTA nee DALGETTY Petitioner/ Applicant
AULTFormerly of Byderabo Road Bartica
TAKE NOTICE that on the 8th day of December, 2023 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by OLIVE SAMANTAAULT nee
DALGETTY the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 10th day of April, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 12th day of June, 2024 at 9:00am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Password: 786 445.
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of
Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 15th day of April, 2024.
2.GLORIA MATTHEWS, represented by her duly constituted attorney, STANLEY WILLS agreeable with Power of Attorney executed on the 6th day of July, 2010 and numbered 5004 of 2010
3.MAXINE CHARLES represented by her duly constituted attorney STANLEY WILLS agreeable with power attorney executed on the 5th day of October, 1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October
1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October 1990 and numbered 4357 of 1990.
2.STANLEY WILLS in his capacity as the administrator Ad Litem of the Estate of NORMA GITTENS, deceased by virtue of Court Order date the 24th day of October, 2023.
3.WILFRED SOLOMON in her capacity as the Administrator Ad Litem of the Estate of PHILMA SOLOMON, deceased, by virtue of Court Order dated the 24th day of October, 2023. Added Claimants
EDWARD HARRY JR. Defendant NOTICE OF DEFENCEAND COUNTERCLAIM TAKE DEFENCE that EDWARD HARRY JR., of Sublot ‘A’, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, Guyana, intends to defend this said Application. Any person intending to oppose the Notice of Defence and Counterclaim must file a defence to counterclaim within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of the notice and shall include that the matter is adjourned to 19th August 2024 at 3:00 p.m before Honourable Justice Corbin Lincoln in Court 8 for case management
This Notice was filed by Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorney-at-Law for the Respondent, whose address for service and place of business are at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana. LEGAL NOTICE (3)
Application No. FD-34
Petitioner/ Applicant –and(HOOPER)GARFIELD ANTHONY
Formerly of 219 Charlotte Street, Bourda, Georgetown
TAKE NOTICE that on the 5th day of January, 2024 a petition for divorce and Application relating to children was filed against you by LAUREN ALETHEA
HOOPER nee DUNCAN, the petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 19th day of April, 2024, the petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of her petition and Application on you by publication of the notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issue of the Kaieteur Newspaper, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the registry of Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce and Application related to children, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the registry, Answer and / or Cross petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (Thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for directions hearing on FRIDAY the 21st day of June, 2024 at 9:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Simone Morris Ramlall via Zoom Meeting ID: 461 884 5616 and Password:court6 IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of service. Notice of Intention to defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your
PORT AU PRINCE – At least 12 people have been reported dead following the torrential rains that drenched Cap-Haitien for several days causing widespread floods and landslides, the authorities have confirmed.
The Municipal Commission of Cap-Haitien in expressing its “deep sadness” and condolences to the families of those killed, said that in one instance at least 11 people lost their lives in Labori, a shantytown not far from Barrière Bouteille in a landslide which destroyed three houses.
It said rescue teams and residents are continuing to
search through the mud and rubble and that another person died in Rival in another landslide.
“The Municipality calls on residents to remain vigilant and follow the safety instructions issued by the Civil Protection authorities and recommends avoiding all unnecessary travel in areas at high risk of landslides,” it said.
The Municipal Commission said it is fully mobilised to assist those affected and coordinate relief efforts and is continuing to work in collaboration with the various emergency services and local organisations to overcome this tragedy. (CMC)
A 24-year-old man in St Vincent sentenced to eight years in prison on Tuesday, for having sex with a 10-yearold girl when he was 19 years old.
Justice Rickie Burnett handed down the sentence on Stefan Glasgow, of Campden Park, at High Court No 2, in Kingstown.
A jury found Glasgow guilty, on Dec. 4, 2023, of the charge that on a date unknown between Dec. 31, 2018, and Dec. 18, 2019, he had unlawful sexual intercourse with the virtual complainant, she being a girl under the age of
your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts (Georgetown, Demerara).
The office is open to the public between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30 pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 23rd day of April, 2024.
The sentencing took place after the preparation of pre-sentencing reports.
The judge said that in the victim impact statement, the complainant spoke about the physical pain she felt during the experience.
She, however, said that the physical pain could not be compared to the mental suffering after the physical encounter was over.
“She was crying without water. That came out in the evidence,” Justice Burnett said.
The report quoted the victim as saying she has nightmares all the time and has lost weight because of a change in her eating habits.
The victim’s mother said in the statement that she lost her child and is trying to find her. The girl has put up a mental block and the mother cannot get through it, the statement said.
The mother said she misses her daughter’s bubbly personality and remembers her happy times.
The victim has no interest in socialising with friends.
Justice Burnett said there could be little doubt that children and young people who have been sexually assaulted can suffer a range of psychological and behavioural problems. He said they can range from mild to severe and can present challenges in the short and long term.
“The effects of unlawful sexual intercourse on a child, in the case at bar, a 10-yearold child, tend to vary depending on the circumstances of the sexual encounter and the child’s developmental stage.”
Justice Burnett said the violation of a child at such a tender age can have long-term effects on the child and her understanding of the world, the people who live in the world and her belonging as a member of society.
Meanwhile, the social inquiry report said Glasgow has 17 siblings and spent most of his formative years living with his paternal aunt from when he was 3 months old.
He attended the Lowmans Leeward Anglican Primary School before migrating to Canada where he was homeschooled.
On his return to St. Vincent, he attended the Buccament Bay Secondary School and then migrated to Antigua, where he got to Form 4. He returned to St. Vincent but worked as a gardener instead of completing secondary school.
The report said Glasgow uses marijuana for his asthma.
He also suffers from depression characterised by inability to concentrate, memory problems, racing thoughts, and suicidal thoughts Glasgow’s father was absent from his son’s life in his formative years as the father travelled extensively.
Glasgow told the social worker that he is in prison innocently as he did not commit the act.
In his community, he was described as a quiet person whose behaviour changes when he is intoxicated.
One villager said the inci-
dent appears to be “out of character” while another described Glasgow as “very disrespectful and rude”.
The social worker said Glasgow appeared to be heavily dependent on marijuana, which he uses at least 10 times a day.
Glasgow faced a minimum of life imprisonment, a notional sentence of 30 years in prison.
However, the magistrate used a starting point of 12 years, having considered the consequences and seriousness of the offence.
In assessing the aggravating and mitigating features of the offence, the judge said that the evidence suggests that ejaculation occurred, an aggravating feature.
Mitigating was the absence of violence except that inherent in the act.
The judge did not adjust the sentence.
There were no aggravating features of the offence and mitigating, the court held that Glasgow has good prospects for rehabilitation, is young and was previously of good character.
The court, therefore, reduced the sentence by three years. The court deducted from the sentence the four months and 27 days Glasgow spent on remand, leaving a sentence of eight years, seven months and three days in prison.
The judge further ordered that Glasgow receive counselling for two years at His Majesty’s Prison and a report be submitted to the court every six months during that time. Jomo Thomas appeared for Glasgow while Richie Maitland and Allana Cumberbatch represented the Crown.
(Reuters) - An Israeli incursioninRafahwouldput the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gazans at risk andbeahugeblowtotheaid operations of the entire enclave, the U N humanitarian office said on Friday, as the World Health Organization announced contingency plans for an incursion.
Israel has repeatedly warned of an operation against Hamas in the southernGazacityofRafah, where around a million
displaced people are crowded together, having fled months of Israeli bombardments triggered by Hamas fighters’ deadly cross-border attack on Oct. 7.“Itcouldbeaslaughterof civilians and an incredible blow to the humanitarian operation in the entire strip because it is run primarily out of Rafah,” said Jens Laerke,spokespersonforthe U N humanitarian office (OCHA), at a Geneva press briefing.
Israel has said it will work to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians from Rafah.TheUnitedStateshas longsaiditcannotsupportan
Mourners react next to the bodies of Palestinians killed in an Israeli strike, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at Abu Yousef al-Najjar hospital in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 3, 2024. REUTERS/Hatem Khaled
assault on Rafah by its ally Israel unless there is a comprehensive plan to protectcivilians.
Israel has given Wa s h i n g t o n s o m e preliminary information, saidaU.S.official,speaking on condition of anonymity, but “we haven’t seen a full plan, nothing that would giveustheconfidencewe’re looking for.” A second U.S. official, speaking on
conditionofanonymity,said theIsraeliproposaloutlining theprovisionofshelter,food and evacuation routes “needsmorework.”
Aid operations in Rafah include medical clinics, warehouses stocked with humanitarian supplies, food distribution points and 50 centres for acutely malnourished children, Laerkesaid.
OCHA would do
The deaths were recorded out of nearly 200 suspected measles cases in the state ofAdamawa, official says.
Aljazeera - At least 42 people have died from a measles outbreak in a little more than a week in Nigeria’s north-eastern state of Adamawa, the state’shealthcommissioner says.
FelixTangwamisaidon Friday that the measles outbreak had mostly affected two local government areas where nearly 200 suspected cases wereidentified.
“Measlesvaccineshave beenreleasedtothoseareas and our field teams are containing the situation,” hesaidatamediabriefing.
Measles is a highly contagious, airborne virus that mostly affects children undertheageoffive.Itcan be prevented by two doses of vaccine Its early symptoms include high fever, cough and runny nose. It also often causes rashes and bumps all over thebodyofthepatient.
More than 50 million measles deaths have been
a v e r t e d t h r o u g h vaccinations since 2000, according to the World HealthOrganization.
Widespread insecurity in many northern Nigerian states is often blamed for disruptions in vaccination
campaigns, leaving children particularly vulnerable.
Since the armed group
Boko Haram started launching attacks in Nigeria in 2009, more than two million people have been displaced from their homes,spawningoneofthe world’s worst ongoing humanitarian crises Criminal gangs have further deepened security woes in north-western Nigeria.
T h e C O V I D - 1 9
pandemic has also disruptedthehealthsystem
a n d v a c c i n a t i o n programmes in parts of the country, according to Doctors Without Borders, knownbyitsFrenchinitials MSF
MSF said earlier this year that the inability of public health actors in Nigeria “to achieve the 95 percent vaccination rate required to suppress measles”ledtoanalarming riseinthenumberofpeople affected by the virus last year
MSF said it treated 3,965 patients between OctoberandDecember
“This is notably due to the difficulties for health workers in accessing rural communities surrounding Maiduguri, ” Jombo Tochukwu-Okoli, MSF medicalactivitymanagerat the Gwange Pediatric Hospitalinthecapitalofthe northeasternstateofBorno, said in a statement in February
The virus can spread q u i c k l y a m o n g unvaccinated children “One infected child can spreadthevirustobetween nine and 12 other unvaccinated children,” Tochukwu-Okolisaid.
everything possible to ensure aid operations continued, even in the event of an incursion, and was studying how to do that, he added.
A World Health Organization official said at the same briefing that a contingency plan for Rafah had been prepared, which included a new field hospital, but said it would not be enough to prevent a
substantial rise in the death toll Already, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in nearly seven months of conflict, according to Gaza’s health ministry
“Iwanttoreallysaythat this contingency plan is a band-aid, ” said Rik P eeperkorn, WH O representative for the occupied Palestinian territory via video link. “It
will absolutely not prevent the expected substantial additional mortality and morbidity caused by a militaryoperation.”
Other preparations include pre-positioning medicalsuppliesathospitals furthernorthincaseRafah’s three hospitals become nonfunctional, as has happened multiple times in the sevenmonthconflictduetoIsraeli raidsandbombings.
WHO data shows that just a third of the strip’s 36 pre-warhospitalarepartially operational. Israel accuses Hamasofusinghospitalsfor military purposes and says its operations against them have been justified by the presence of fighters. Hamas and medical staff deny the allegations.
Peeperkornaddedthathe was “extremely concerned” that any incursion would close the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt which is currently being used to import medical supplies.
“We are pushing and lobbying that, whatever happens, that it remains open,” he added, saying WHO had raised this issue withIsraeliauthorities.
BBC - The next chapter ofcampusprotestsmaysoon begin, with universities across the US preparing for possible disruptions at commencementceremonies.
Four universities rocked by pro-Palestinian protests will hold graduation events thisweekend.
Many others, including Columbia University, have scheduled ceremonies throughoutthemonthandin June.
Universitiesareworking to enhance security while protesters contemplate
walkouts and other possible actions. Protesters set up camps and staged campus demonstrations to call on their universities to cut ties with Israel over the war in Gaza. Many colleges responded by calling police, leading to thousands of arrests. There have been demonstrationsatnearly140 institutions across 45 states and Washington DC since the protests started at Columbia last month, accordingtoaBBCtally Now,studentsonatleast oncecampusareplanningto
protest at graduation ceremonies. University of Michigan, Indiana University, Ohio State University, and the University of Connecticut –all of which have experienced demonstrations over the last two weeks –have commencement events onMay4and5.
University of Michigan officials have announced plans for designated protest areas, where banners and flags will be prohibited and protesters will be subject to securityscreenings.
While it is widely reportedthattheExxonMobil led consortium's latest US$ 1 2 7 B W h i p t a i l Development Project could potentially cause Guyana's coastline to be ravaged by a tsunami, former Head of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams disclosed that not only Guyana's coastline could be affected by a tsunami but the Caribbean region.
“The EIA looks at where those plumes are going to go, it's not only going to wash awayGuyana'scoast,areyou kidding me… it's going to wash away the entire Caribbean coast,” said Dr Adams who was at the time addressing reporters on Friday at the Alliance For Change (AFC) weekly press conference.
An earthquake is generally caused by the shiftingoftheearth'stectonic th platesandwithExxon's6 oil project being located in the vicinity of the fault line close to the South American and Caribbean Plates, the activity poses increased seismic activitythatcouldpotentially see Guyana's coastline being ravagedbyatsunami.
This is documented in ExxonMobil's recently approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that was submitted to the EPA.
th The 6 oil project is l o c a t e d s o m e 2 9 4 kilometers away from an area that poses increased risk of seismic activity—at the boundary between the Caribbean and South Americanplates.
The document also outlines that with regards to the Whiptail Development Area “deep-seated faults on the outer shelf, some of which appear to offset the seabed, may indicate a slightly higher risk of seismic activity than has p r e v i o u s l y b e e n considered.”
As such, it was reported
that “Guyana could
experience tsunamis generated from seismic activity outside Guyana if such activity propagated
waves of sufficient magnitude and in the requireddirection.”
According to the d o c u m e n t , “ m a j o r
earthquakes frequently occur along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, where the South American Plate is
subducting beneath the CaribbeanPlate.”
The Whiptail Production Area, according to the EIAis located approximately 294 kilometers from the boundary between the Caribbean and South American plates and more than 1,050 kilometers from the nearest area of active seismicity (in the vicinity of PuertoRico).
According to Exxon based on its studies, “there is a 2 percent chance in a given 50-year period that a very small seismic event (which mightnotevenbeperceptible if someone were at the exact location of the event) would occurinthePDA(Production Development Area) Referring to the map, the nearest area identified on the map as having an elevated seismicriskisapproximately 294 kilometers away from the PDA, at the boundary between the Caribbean and SouthAmericanplates.”
Taking this into account Dr Adams explained that the EIA is a “Sacred document” one which a company should never exceed; however he said, “Exxon is more than exceedingtheEIAintermsof operating, because of greed and this Government is allowingit.”
wouldmostlikelybeaffected by such inconveniences are Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela, along with other Caribbeancountries.
“Trinidad, the entire eastern coast from north to southwillbegone,buthereis even the more scary part the whole coast of Venezuela will be washed away.” Dr Adamsstressed.
Guyana based on historical records. Notably, historical data did not indicate tsunami risktoGuyana.
Nevertheless, futuristic assessments by UNISDR took into account the potential impact of tsunamis on Guyana. According to UNISDR 2014, while floods pose the most significant risk, the risks from earthquakes and tsunamis were deemed not significant enough to be included in the economic analysis due to their predicted low recurrenceinterval,”theEPA said.
tsunamisasmediumrisk,and earthquakes as very low risk for Guyana (World Bank 2020).”
Also contained in the approved EIA is that the company found in its modelling surveys, “the same would be true of seismic activity along the western portion of the Puerto Rico Trench. Guyana could theoretically be exposed to a tsunami that arose at the extreme eastern end of the Puerto Rico Trench and propagatedsouthward.”
downplayedaKaieteurNews report published onApril 21, 2024, that said seismic activities being carried out in the Stabroek Block have the potential to cause a tsunami inGuyana.
In its response, the EPA said that the public EIA document referenced by this newspapercontextualizesthe activities in the Production Development Area (PDA) in relation to various natural disasters, including tsunamis, as part of a comprehensive futuristic EIAassessmentofrisk.
The EPA said that under the heading 'Natural Hazard
However, the EPA's rebuttal does ignore the section of the EIA that specifically says “Guyana could experience tsunamis generated from seismic activity outside Guyana if such activity propagated waves of sufficient magnitude and in the required direction. Most of the available research on seismic risk in the region has focused on three potential locations where seismic activitycouldoriginate.”
As intimated by the EPA, in its response, the EIA does indicate that, “the area offshore of Guyana has a very low risk of exposure to seismic events; therefore, the Project is considered to have a negligible potential to resultinseismicrisk.Guyana isnaturallybufferedfromthe effects of a potential tsunami originating at most of the known seismically active zones in the region, even in the extremely unlikely event thatsuchaneventoccurred.”
This is documented in Clause “ Assessment ofTsunamiRiskstoGuyana” of the EIA. Additionally, the EIA that was vetted by the EPA states, “Additionally,
Importantly,commenting on the potential tsunami risk th the 6 oil project poses, Dr Adams said, “The EIA looks at where those plumes are going to go, it's not only going to wash away Guyana coast,areyoukiddingme,it's goingtowashawaytheentire Caribbeancoast.”
He further added that some of the countries which
The former Head of EPA further exclaimed, “Trust me they (Exxon) are going to continuetoviolatetheEIAas they are doing in the production rate due to greed.” He added, “because of greed they are cutting corners.”
“Yes you are absolutely correct but it is not just Guyana coast, it's the entire Caribbean, Trinidad will be the first to go and then some other countries and Venezuela,” Dr Adams concluded.
Notably this publication hadreportedthatonApril26, 2 0 2 4 t h a t t h e E PA
Risk Ratings for Guyana' findings from the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) assessments in 2014 were mentioned.
“These assessments, conducted as part of a global initiative, identified floods, droughts, and landslides as the most significant risks to
the World Bank Group's ThinkHazard! tool, an online, natural hazard risk database for emerging market countries, was queried to assess relative risk ratingsforasuiteofpotential natural hazards for Guyana. The results of the assessment are generally consistent with the UNISDR assessment, ranking floods as high risk,
According to the EIA conducted by ExxonMobil, theWhiptailProject'sdrilling activities would not have a reasonable potential to affect seismic stability at the areas identified in the region as the nearest areas having an elevated seismic risk are approximately 294 kilometersawayfromthe Production Development Area.
The EPA however contends definitely the EIA for ExxonMobil's 6th oil project (Whiptail Development Project) doesnotindicateanylink between the proposed project's activities and Tsunamis.
I t i n s i s t s t h a t Tsunamis are natural events resulting from undersea earthquakes caused by movement of the Earth's tectonic plates.
H o w e v e r , t h e environmental body does concede that the EIA i n f o r m s t h a t t h e likelihood of natural events such as tsunamis impacting the Development Projectisminimal.
According to the EIA, “The Project has very low potential to affect seismic r i s k t h e r i s k o f earthquakes, submarine landslides, tsunamis, and othernaturaleventsrelatedto movements in the earth's crust.” (ChristalYong)
SportsMax - Umpire
Joel Wilson and match
referee Sir Richie Richardson will be the only West Indies officials involved in the upcoming ninth edition of the ICC Men’sT20World Cup to be staged jointly in the Caribbean and United States. Wilson, 57, boasts a wealthofexperience,having stood in matches across all t
r e e f o r m a t s o f
international cricket, and was also a member of the 2015,2019and2023Cricket World Cup match officials, whileRichardson,62,aWest Indies legend, has been a prominent match referee since his appointment to the ElitePanelin2015.
The two are among 20 umpires and six match referees,selectedbyICC,to officiate in June 1-29 tournament, which will for thefirsttimesee20teamsin action across 55 matches over28daysatninevenues, making it the largest ICC T20WorldCuptodate.
Adatewithasignificantother could bring up discussions about plans for the future, Aries. Talk could run the gamut of all your concerns, from the practical to the artistic to business to philosophicalmatters.
A number of visitors could come to your home today, Taurus, and a number of fascinating subjects could comeupinthecourseofyour conversation.
Some short trips in your neighborhood and contact with neighbors or visitors to your community could bring some interesting information yourway,Gemini.
Atalentforinteriordecoration thatyoumayormaynothave been aware of could inspire youtodosomeworkonyour home You'll probably consider a lot of different optionsandmakelonglistsof possibilities,
Spiritual and intellectual mattersmaybeverymuchon yourmind,Leo.Alotofideas could have come your way, although until now they may not have been very focused.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
Although your mind may have been a bit clouded over the past few days, today the fog should clear and you'll feel more focused. Money matters might need some attention.
Stimulation that you could receive today from group activitiesmightopendoorstoa wealth of rich experiences, Libra. Your innate organizing talents may be called upon. Discussionswithothersleadto anewunderstandingofsocial.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
U n c e r t a i n t y a b o u t
professional matters can lead to an increased determination to get ahead, Scorpio, despite confusion as to how to do it exactly Itmightbewisetodo someresearch.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
The opportunity to travel, perhapswithfriendsoragroup you belong to, could come your way today, Sagittarius. Discussions with others could lead to the confirmation of practicalarrangements.
An increased focus, clarity of mind, and sense of concentration could lead to success in career matters and increased income, Capricorn. Intuition can provide practical guidancetohelpyouadvance.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Invitationstoattendsocial events, perhaps business related, could bring surprising results, Aquarius. You might meet more than one person who shares some of your interests.
While you may not have been feeling quite your usual self over the past day or two, Pisces, today you're likely to be feeling mentally and physically stronger and more focused.
very exciting tournament,” he added The Match Officials for the ICC Men’s T20WorldCup2024: Umpires: Chris Brown, Kumar Dharmasena, Chris Gaffaney, Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Richard Illingworth, Allahudien
P a l e k e r, R i c h a r d Kettleborough, Jayaraman
Madanagopal,NitinMenon, Sam Nogajski,Ahsan Raza, Rashid Riaz, Paul Reiffel, Langton Rusere, Shahid Saikat,RodneyTucker,Alex Wharf,JoelWilsonandAsif Yaqoob Match referees: David Boon, Jeff Crowe, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft, Richie Richardson andJavagalSrinath.
Alsoincludedontheelite list of umpires is last year’s winneroftheDavidShepherd TrophyforICCUmpireofthe Year, Richard Illingworth, along with Kumar Dharmasena,ChrisGaffaney and Paul Reiffel, who all featured in the 2022 T20 World Cup final between England and Pakistan at the MelbourneCricketGround.
The match referees’team includes Ranjan Madugalle, whoofficiatedthe2022final, along with the format’s most experienced referee, Jeff CroweofNewZealand
Croweholdstherecordfor officiating in most number of T20Is, having made 175 appearances, while Andrew Pycroft, also part of the elite list, is just one match away fromreachingthemilestoneof 150T20Is
ICC’s General Manager WasimKhan,reflectedonthe selection of the Match Officials for the historic event “We are pleased to announce our team of match referees and umpires for the historic ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Within the selected cohort, we have a compliment of experienced matchofficialsandotherhigh performing members who have been recognized for their strong and consistent performances The throughputfromthepathway programme will continue to see the development and emergence of high-quality match officials across the game,”Khansaid
“With 20 teams and 55 matches played over 28 days,thiswillbethebiggest T20WorldCupeverandwe are proud of the team we have assembled We are confident that our officials will perform strongly We wishthemallthebestofluck for what promises to be a
Wisburg Secondary, Linden Foundation, and Mackenzie High. In North Georgetown, the action begins at the Queen’s College ground with St John College facing off against Institute of Academic Excellence (IAE) at 10:00 hours, followed by matches involving Chase’s Academic Foundation and N
Secondary The Queen’s College team will have a challenging day ahead as
they take on multiple opponents, including New Campbellville, I.A.E, and
throughouttheday. As the Blue Water Shipping Girls Under-15 Football Development Leaguekicksoff,excitement fills the air, promising a journey filled with skill, d
and teamwork for young female footballersacrossthenation.
Twenty three (23) more individuals,includingsix(6) females from the Rupununi RegionNine(UpperTakutuUpper Essequibo), on Sunday successfully completed the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) RefereeIntroductoryCourse as part of the Federation’s efforts to bolster the referee pool.
GFF Head of Referees Lenval Peart and Referees Instructor Sherwin Johnson led the practical and theoretical workshop, conductedfromApril26-28, 2024inLethem,Rupununi. Participants were tasked with grasping the intricacies ofthebeautifulgameandthe integral role referees play in matches, which included
familiarising themselves with international regulationsandguidelines. They also completed vitalfitnessevaluations.
Gaibert Salty, Clifford Marcel, Neville Gillette, Peter Isaacs, Vandette Henry,Loraine Alcides, Ireen Chico, Don Melville, Christopher Phillips, Adon Jacobus, Morphie Robertson, Samantha Paulino, David Francis, Shannon Williams, Glenia Charles, Garville Daniels, Carl Albert, Gabriel David, Clivelin Captain, Ovid Brown,Gilbert Williams, Ronaldo IgnatioandRowlVictoriano wereallawardedcertificates attheendoftheworkshop.
Peart said he was satisfied with the group’s high level of engagement and focus on understanding thegame.
“The GFF remains committed to investing in
Participants take part in a practical session during the programme.
training programmes aimed at recruiting new referees to guarantee the presence of officials for matches across Guyana.
The new referees take part in a class room session.
international rules and regulations.”
He added that the recruitment drive will continue throughout the
Additionally, we also ensure our registered referees’ participation in FIFA and CONCACAF training seminars so that th
year Since the beginning of the recruitment drive, seventy-six(76)individuals, includingformerfootballers, havesuccessfullycompleted the course and are now registered with the GFF RefereesDepartment.
Indies win fifth T20I by eight wickets to
SportsMax - The West Indies Women defeated hosts Pakistan by eight wickets in the fifth and final T20 International at the Karachi National Stadium yesterday to complete a 4-1 seriesvictory
Pakistan, after being put in to bat by the West Indies, hadanexcellentstarttotheir innings with Ayesha Zafar and SidraAmeen putting on 38forthefirstwicketbefore Zafarfellinthefifthoverfor 22.
AmeenandMuneebaAli then put on a further 46 beforethelatterfellfor25in the13thover
That same over saw Pakistan reduced to 86-3 whenNidaDarfellfortwo.
Whatproceededthatcan only be described as a collapseasthehoststhenlost their next five wickets for just35runsinfiveovers.
They eventually ended their20overs134-8.Ameen wasthefinalpersonoutfora top score of 48 as Afy Fletcher was excellent with theballfortheWindieswith
secure 4-1 series victory
Qiana Joseph also bowled well with 2-26 from fourovers.
Thesuccessfulchasewas then anchored by superstar batterHayleyMatthews.
The skipper faced 59 balls and hit 11 fours on her waytoatopscoreof78asthe WestIndiesneededjust18.2 overstoreach136-2.
Shemaine Campbelle provided good support with
thanksto her 205 runs and seven wickets.
Full scores:
2-26);West Indies 136-2 off 18 2 overs (Hayley Matthews 78, Shemaine Campbelle33).
Cricket West Indies (CWI) announcedastarstudded 15-man unit, with a record number of five Guyanese included; as the Caribbean side set sights on becoming the first host nationtowinaT20title.
Yesterday’s news came asanumberofothernations, like England, Australia, India and others announced their sides over the past few days with this year’s spectacle being Co-hosted byWestIndiesandUSA.
The inclusion of 5 players from Guyana is a huge deal for the Windies, giventhetremendousoutput of talent and winning impetus players from Guyana have added to the West Indies team, in recent times.
Star fast-bowler Shamar Joseph, hard-hitting allrounders Romario Shepherd and Sherfane Rutherford,
left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie and the dynamic ShimronHetmyer Joseph, following his historic Test win over Australiaafewmonthsback, willlooktoshowhisclasson the grandest stage, with added comfort playing alongside a number of his countrymen and local teammates.
Hetmyer batted himself back into form with a solid IPL while Rutherford will looktocementhisspotinthe teamafterhisrecallrecently which saw him play his last international T20 game as recentofFebruary2024.
Motie and Shepherd have been mainstays in the Windies team across all of not most formats over the pastfewyears.
During yesterday’s press conference, Windies Men’s chiefSelectorandlegendary ex-opener Desmond Haynes along with Head Coach and
former 2-time T20 World Cup winning skipper Daren S
following the release of the team.
The team will be led by RovmanPowellandfeatures seasoned T20 guns like; Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Jason Holder, Shai Hope, Andre Russell and BrandonKing.
demographics in both cohosts’ backyards, the Caribbean boys will be gearing up for their first encounter on June 2, when they battle Papua New Guinea (PNG) at the National Stadium, Providence.
Also, Haynes outlined that the reserves will be announcedinthenearfuture, asplayerswilllooktogelas quickly as possible ahead of theWorldCup’sstart.
West Indies T20 World
The Guyana Football
Federation (GFF) is embarking on an exciting new venture in women’s
f o o t b a l l w i t h t h e commencement of the Blue WaterShippingGirlsUnder-
15 National Schools Football Development League.
The league, starting today, aims to empower young female athletes in schools across the nation. The tournament aligns perfectlywiththeGFFFIFA
Football for Schools initiative, promises to ignite afireofpassionandskillon the pitch in nine participatingregions.
Tailored to meet the specificneedsanddreamsof young female footballers, the tournament which is sponsored by Blue Water Shipping, focuses on nurturing talent, promoting sportsmanship, and
fostering inclusivity Spanning across the entire country, except for region eight, this league is set to makesignificantwavesfrom onecoasttoanother
The anticipation is palpable as the competition kicksoffinregions1,4,and
GFF/Blue Water Shipping National Secondary Schools U15 Championship kicks off today in regions 1, 4 and 10.
10,withteamsgearingupto represent their respective schools and showcase their abilities on the national stage. In region one, action beginsattheMorucaground with Santa Rosa Secondary facing off against Waramuri in the opening match at 1 0 : 0 0 h o u r s Simultaneously, Kamwatta Secondary will take on KwebennaSecondary Santa Rosa, Kamwatta, and Kwebanna Secondary will have multiple matches
scheduled throughout the day Meanwhile, in Linden, nine exciting matches are scheduled at the Wisburg ground. Wismar Secondary will test their skills against Mackenzie High at 10:00 hours, while New Silvercity Secondary battles the Linden Foundation simultaneously Thedaywill witness intense clashes between various schools, includingWismar (Continuedonpage21)
Aftersixroundsof play, National W o m e n ’ s ChampionJessicaCallender isaheadontiebreakwithfive points in the Diamond Insurance 2024 National W o m e n ’ s C h e s s Championship.
The nine-round roundrobin competition commenced last weekend at theNationalRacquetCentre, withtenfemalesvyingforthe coveted National title Callender won against Treskole Archibald, Emma John, Sasha Shariff, Chelsea Harrison,andParnitaKishun butlosttoNellishaJohnsonin thesecondround
The second-round duel withthedefendingwomen’s champion and Johnson ended in checkmate to Callender’s King Both players ‘castled’ their King
on opposite sides of the boardandanintensestruggle e n s u e d J o h n s o n successfully mounted an attack on Callender’s King with her Queen and Rook invadingthecentralfiles.
Callender’s defending Knight was captured in the onslaught, leaving the undefendedKingexposedto
checkmate and Johnson sealing the victory Young AditiJoshiremainsaforceto be reckoned with, with five points after victories against Johnson, Harrison,
ShazeedaRahim,andEmma John. JoshidrewwithShariff andArchibaldinroundsthree and six The thirteen-year-old came out ahead of all her
Sasha Shariff (left) paying keen attention during a previous round six match.
female counterparts in the qualifying tournament for the championship An endgame struggle between Joshi and Rahim in Round Four was dominated by their fighting Kings and mobile pawns marching to become Queens Joshigainedtheupperhandby successfully ‘queening’ her pawn first to execute
Rublev beats Fritz to reach Madrid Open final against Auger-Aliassime. Lehecka joins injured list
Andrey Rublev beat Taylor Fritz 6-4, 6-3 yesterday to reachtheMadridOpenfinal where he will meet Felix Auger-Aliassime.
Auger-Aliassime advanced after Jiri Lehecka hadtoretireat3-3inthefirst set of their semifinal and joined the list of players injuredattheevent.
The men’s final for the clay-court event is on Sunday
The eighth-ranked Rublev entered Madrid on a four-gamelosingstreakafter early exits in Indian Wells, Miami, Monte Carlo and Barcelona. He has won four straight in Spain’s capital, including against two-time defending champion Carlos Alcarazinthequarterfinals.
“It’s the good thing about sports, about tennis. One weekcanchangeeverything, youhavetorememberthat because you can’t perform always at 100%, so it is normaltherewillbeupsand downs.”
Rublev is seeking his 16th career title and his second of the season after winning Hong Kong in January Hehasa5-1record against Auger-Aliassime, including a win in their sole matchuponclay Lehecka wept — and smashed his racket on the ground — when he called it quitsduetoanapparentback injury. Auger-Aliassime hugged him at the net to show his support for the 31st-ranked Czech, who knockedoutRafaelNadalon Wednesday
Thiswasthethirdtimeat the tournament that AugerAliassimemovedonafterhis opponent had physical problems.
His second-round opponent, Jakub Mensik, retired in their second set, and in the quarterfinals topseededJannikSinnersaidhe couldn’t play due to a hip injury and gave AugerAliassime a walkover The 35th-ranked Canadian, who beat Casper Ruud in the round-of-16,willbeseeking hissixthcareertitle.
“It’s crazy,” AugerAliassime said. “It’s kind of a weird situation to be in on mypart.It’sneverhappened to me in my career, a withdrawalorawalkoveror retirement of this sort, and back-to-backlikethis.
“I have a lot of empathy for Jiri, and I can’t do anything but try to prepare forSunday.”
The men’s side has been hard hit by injuries and fitnessconcerns.
Novak Djokovic withdrew before the tournament.
In addition to Sinner, Mensik,andLehecka,Daniil Medvedev retired in the quarterfinals; Alcaraz was hamperedbyasorerightarm beforehefelltoRublev;and Nadal did what he could before bowing out of what was likely his last appearance in his home country
Fritz, ranked 13th, enteredthematchwitha5-3 recordagainstRublev
After an evenly contested start, Rublev pounced by breaking Fritz fromloveonhislastservice game of the first set. He remainedincontrol.Fritzhit seven aces — to Rublev’s five—butlandedonly55% ofhisfirstserves.
in an expected key battle that may determine the winner of the 2024 National Women’s Championship With the remaining three matches for each player, it is anybody’s guesswhowillemergeasthe winner Ifbothplayersendup with the same number of points, a playoff would become inevitable The tournament, sponsored by DiamondInsurance,continues today, May 4th and ends tomorrowMay5th.
checkmate With her lone monarch left on the board versus Joshi’s superior King andQueen,Rahimresigned, giving her opponent the win afteralmost60moves.
JohnsonandCielClement aretiedwith45points,while Shariff and Archibald are on 35 Joshi and Callender will clashinRound9thisweekend
The FIDE-rated competition is under the supervision of FIDEArbiter JohnLee.Theyoungfemale players will get a chance to earn ratings depending on their success in winning the games against their rated opponents Unfortunately, Rahim was unable to continue to compete due to unforeseencircumstances.
Frompage25 he could impart to young person (s) desire to own a horse, or want to get involved in the sport declared, “I do not drink or smoke. So, my money goes into the expenses of this horse. It is an expensive sport. Horse racing is about dedication - literally 24/7. Yoursociallifeisimpacted.”
Clearing the air on the impactofsociallife,Antonio, who has completed his secondary school studies explained, “Yes, I have a girlfriend, and she has been complaining that I am not spending more time with the horse, than with her My advice to young people who wantstoownahorseistolearn about time management, so your girlfriend will not get upset”Speakingonthesports’ development,andwhatimpact it will have on the country, Antonio shared, “I am seeing the sport is developing tremendously the Rules now aretakingittoadifferentlevel People feel more secure coming to the track It is gettingmoremediaexposure I am a small owner and got lucky. I never believed my pictureormystorywouldbein thepapers.HereIamayoung boyfromasmallvillage;Little Biabooisgettingrecognition, andbringingrecognitiontothe village” Switching to how Country Rock got its name he said, “We live in the countryside, and that is how he got Country, and he got Rock from his sire Rock
Movistar.”Antonioadmitted that Country Rock did win very easily, but his horse must improve more to remainontop.
He explained, “Country Rock was beaten by Starfire Goldeverytimetheymeet We were looking forward to avenging at least one of the defeats,butshedidnotturnup Iunderstandshehadatraining problem I wish her a speedy recovery Thesportneedsstar, andsheisone” Hecontinued,“Iambeing realistic. Starfire Gold is unbeaten,andsheisthehorse Country Rock will have to contend with She has very good early speed If she can carry it around two turns, she will be hard to beat, but with furtherimprovementexpected in Country Rock It will be a date with history for Country Rock ” He pointed out; “Country Rock has proven he can stay He has not competed against the Trinidad-bredhorsesyet.So, we do not know how good they are. I have confidence inmyhorse.Heisassolidas a Rock and will have the place rocking when the Derby is over. He will raise the Guyana flag on Guyana CupDay.”
Closingoffonthefuture racing plans for Country Rock he advised, “We are giving him some time off. We are not rushing to race himanytimesoon.Wewould see if the race impacted on him,andthenwewilllookat gettingaprepracebeforethe GuyanaCup.”
“If you pass your CSEC exams I will buy the horse for you” this motivational promise was made to Antonio Hossain by his grandfather, Azad Hossain threeyearsago.
YoungAntonio,whowas 17-year-oldatthetimeofthe promise passed the CSEC exams His 65-year-old grandpakepthispromiseand giftedhimhisdreamhorse.
Jockey Ronaldo Appadu piloted Country Rock to a superb win.
As fate will have it, this horse is now one of the leading three-year-old amongst the West Indianbred, and Guyana-bred horses heading into the Guyana Derby scheduled to berunoffontheGuyanaCup Day, Sunday 11th August 2024atRisingSunTurfClub (RSTC) West Coast, Berbice. This horse is the only three-year-old West
Indian-bred or Guyana-bred to win around two turns1,600metresthisseason. He didsowithconsummateease - scoring unchallenged by close to a dozen lengths beating Bin Ladin, She’s A Monica and Easy Jet in that order,inthesixthraceofthe seven-racecardpromotedby Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee (JJTRC) runoffonApril28,2024.
The horse in question is Country Rock bred at Machado Stables in Danzic, East Coast, Demerara. He is bay colt, whose pedigree is Rock Movistar out of the mareZionane.
Antonio explained, “I pickedoutthehorse.Ididnot have any money and was going to school at the time. When I saw him, he was a yearling He had good conformation, and that is everythingthatisneededina horse. His breeding and the farmhaveagoodreputation. So,Iknewhewillbeagood horse.”
Asked if his family was
Country Rock connections after the win at the Jumbo Jet Race of champions.
involved in the sport, Antonio declared, “Yes, We had horses such as Blondie, and Rude Boy My uncle Kamalodeen Hossain, who had stopped training horses said to me when he saw Country Rock, It reminded himofRudeBoy,andhesaid he will return to training horses.”
My uncle, Kamaloodeen declared, “I will get back in racing This horse is everythingyouwanttoseein
a horse. This horse proved him right; fulfilling the dream of training a good young horse and have a runner in the Derby to run amongst the elite owners in the country, as we are coming from very humble background.”
Sharing how the success of Country Rock has impacted on his young life, andthatofhiscommunity,he responded, “Sunday gone wasmybirthday,andhegave
me a birthday gift that I will never forget in my life Country Rock brings over 100 people from the village and surrounding to support him whenever he is racing. They are very proud of him. Nowthathehaswon.Hewill bring more people to the track.”
Antonio, who is now self-employed in his own business dealing in horse feed,quizzedonwhatadvice (Continuedonpage24)