Exxon pumping 30,000 barrels above safety limit in Liza 2; wants to push button further
Ex x o n M o b i l third quarter of the year to Presently, Liza One and barrels per day. Studies have Guyana Limited facilitate the tie-in works for Liza Two are producing demonstrated that that could (EMGL), the the Gas-to-Energy (GTE) about 150,000 bpd and bedone,so inthatshut down
operator of the project, the company will 250,000 barrels per day period where we are oil-rich Stabroek Block has take advantage of the (bpd)respectively installing the riser we will already breached the safe downtime to conduct T h
operating limits outlined in maintenance and further specifically outline 120,000 additional modifications, the Environmental Impact debottleneckingactivities. and 220,000 bpd, as the safe
Assessment (EIA) for its Routledge reported that operating limit for Liza One maintenance work that we second deep water project, the company had a “very and Two, respectively would have done a little later Liza Two; however, the strong” production start in Similarly, the third oil that we’ve accelerated company will be conducting the beginning of the year, project- Payara- is also forward for integrity activity further modifications to the resulting from the “industry producing approximately so there is other work in that Floating Production Storage leading ramp up of the 230,000bpdeventhoughthe shutdown that will hopefully and Offloading (FPSO) Payara project” and the very vessel’s nameplate capacity be beneficial also to the vessel- Unity- to accelerate s t r o n g r e l i a b i l i t y is220,000bpd. productioncapacity.” itsdailyoilproduction. performance in the Liza One Be that as it may, the Notably, Exxon also E x x o n ’s C o u n t r y andTwoassets. Country Manager disclosed, plans to mirror the Liza

levels that we produce at, Manager, Alistair Routledge Although all three of the “Part of the Unity shutdown Unity production at the
o n a l anticipate in a next month or Agency), the MNR (Ministry safetyofthepeopleonboard
PA we always start with safety last week told reporters FPSOs are currently is actually going to include Payara development. “We (Environmental Protection in mind Our first priority is duringamediaconferenceat producing a
Boy, 16, stabbed to death
A16-year-old boy was stabbed to pants waist and inflicted multiple stab death on Monday by a 22-year- woundsonSeaford. oldunemployedmanonGordon Following the attack, Seaford attempted
its head office in Kingston, respective design capacity, debottlenecking work where two, hopefully we’ll of Natural Resources) to the facilities, protecting the Georgetown that when the the Liza Unity is poised for we think maybe we could complete those reviews and ensure everybody has that environment ” FPSO goes offline in the furtheroptimizationworks. produce above 252,000 if that’s satisfactory then opportunity to test and be The President of we’llmakethatadjustment,” comfortable that it is safe to ExxonMobil Guyana went Routledgedisclosed. increasetothoselevels ” on to note that he would He reported that the He described the spend time with the offshore reservoirs at the Payara optimization works as a crew prior to increasing project were performing “verynormalprocess”where production, as they would e x c e p t i o n a l l y w e l l the company would assess ultimately decide if they are encouraging the company to the performance of the comfortable increasing daily increase the capacity of the facilities for existing production, following wells. Accordingtohim,the limitations of the installed extensive studies and Prosperity FPSO that equipment to determine how governmentreviews. operates the third project is thosecouldbeimproved. Even though experts similar to the Liza Destiny “For example, we may argue that the risk of an oil FPSO.Assuch,heexplained have a valve which is the spill is increased with the that the studies indicate a limitation. Could we change acceleration of daily similar capacity of 252,000 the trim in the valve to allow production activities, the bpd with relatively minor morefluidstoflowthroughit company is reluctant to modifications that would not safely? If its coolers or provide the country with an require any shutdown of the heaters that are the unlimited parent company facility limitation, could we put guarantee that protects this
The teen’s body was then transported to
Street,Kitty,Georgetown. to flee, running in a western direction on Dead is Benjamin Seaford of Lot 12 Gordon Street However, he collapsed PublicRoad,Kitty approximately100feetfromtheintersection ThesuspecthasbeenidentifiedasKeron of Gordon and Lamaha Streets. Boyer fled Boyer, also of Public Road, Kitty Reports thesceneshortlythereafter are that the incident occurred at about The police and Emergency Medical 00:45h. Technicians were summoned. Upon arrival, Police said that Seaford and Boyer were Seaford was examined and subsequently acquainted prior to the incident. On the day pronounced dead by a doctor from the of the fatal stabbing, a confrontation ensued Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation between the men at the corner of Lamaha (GPHC). andGordonStreets.
The argument quickly escalated into a the ‘Memorial Gardens’ funeral home, physical scuffle, during which Boyer whereitawaitsapost-mortemexamination. allegedly retrieved a knife from his left-side Investigationsareon-going.

To this end, Routledge additional plates or bundles country from the liabilities pointed out, “The studies intothosecoolerstoenhance associated with a disastrous have been done; we’re the capacity of them,” spill. working through reviews Routledgeposited. Presently, Guyana has M e a n w h i l e , w i t h been assured of a US$600 regards to the safety of this million insurance policy per process, he claimed, “It’s oil spill event and a US$2B always safe The production guarantee.

Exxon, Chevron still to appoint third arbitrator in
fight for Hess stake in Stabroek Block
Oil giants Chevron and both companies The 2024. Chevron said it is the United States of ExxonMobil are currently companies still need to confident despite challenges America According to seeking a third arbitrator appoint a third arbitrator by consortium partners, Forbes, the assets of before the arbitration before they go into the ExxonMobil and China ExxonMobil and Chevron as process enters the discovery discovery phase,Woods said National Offshore Oil well as other oil companies stage. Discovery is where during an interview on Company(CNOOC). arecurrentlybeingevaluated both parties will obtain facts CNBConMonday (Last)” Chevron takeover of by the Securities and and information from each Woods also foresees Hess Corporation entails it Exchange Commission, and other that will support their arbitration with Chevron assuming control of Hess’
e case and aid in preparation Corp over a premier stake in S
k, a Commission because of forthehearing. Guyanese asset stretching significant offshore block. climate related concerns and

A c c o r d i n g t o into 2025 due to the Currently, ExxonMobil competition law It is Bloomberg, “Exxon Mobil importance of the case to operates the block with a 45 important to note that Corp Chief Executive both companies Chevron percentinterestthroughEsso
filed for arbitration with Exxon’s acquisition of Officer, Darren Woods Corp is optimistic in Exploration and Production CNOOC Petroleum Guyana opposing claims These Pioneer Natural Resources foresees arbitration with winning a stake in the Guyana Ltd., while Hess Ltd.retainstheremaining25 cases have been officially and Chevron’s acquisition of Chevron Corp over a prolific Stabroek Block subsidiary Hess Guyana p
l confirmed in filings with the Hess placed them both at the premier Guyanese asset following its purchase of Exploration Ltd (HEGL) commenced arbitration
topoftheagencies’list. stretching into 2025 due to Hess Corp which it is holds a 30 percent interest. proceedings on March 6 Exchange Commission Furthermore, the two the importance of the case to hoping to finalise by mid- Additionally,ChinaNational before the International (SEC). To streamline the have been in a battle over Chamber of Commerce process, Hess revealed that Hess’ 30% stake in the tribunal, arguing that a pre- CNOC agreed to consolidate Stabroek Block offshore emption right outlined in the thearbitrationcasesintoone, Guyana – the centrepiece of Stabroek joint operating w i t h
Egyptian, French firms submit bids to train persons to conduct oil audits
Stratoil Energy Services technical support and areassuchas“Verificationof and Beicip Franlab (An training and capacity the completeness of the data
Egyptian and French strengthening services to the usedinthecurrentestimates, company respectively) are GoG. assessment of the credibility the only two competitors It was revealed by the of the assumptions and vying to train persons to Natural Resources Ministry methodologies used in review and monitor the that the objective of the c u r r e n t e s t i m a t e s , country’s oil and gas assignment is for the confirmation that the current resourcesandreservoirs. Consultant to provide petroleum reserve and Therewereinitiallythree advisory services, technical resource estimates are bidders for the Ministry of support and training and compliant with relevant Natural Resources project. capacity strengthening industry standards and The third company was services to the government, regulations, validation of the DeGolyer & Mac Naughton through the Ministry of accuracy and reliability of Corp(D&M)ofTexas,USA. Natural Resources, and the current estimates, validation At a recent opening of Sector Regulator – the of the level of uncertainty tenders at the National Guyana Geology and Mines associat
e Procurement and Tender Commission (GGMC) or the estimates, evaluation of the AdministrationBoardoffice, PetroleumCommission(PC) consistency of the estimates it was revealed that Stratoil once established – and other with previous estimates and Energy Services bid - attendant Ministries with the
US$381,200 (excluding aim of enhancing the identification of any areas local indirect taxes), country’s core capacity to for improvement in the US$129,000(localtaxes)for review, approve, authorise, petroleum reserve and the contract, and Beicip and oversee, monitor and resource estimation process Franlab bid US$451,930 report on the country’s oil
(excluding local indirect and gas reserves and
taxes), US$192,070 (local resources.
taxes). T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n enhancing the quality and
The Ministry of Natural
R e s o u r c e s i n a n assignment will include estimates.” advertisement sought consulting services for ‘Conducting Petroleum Resources and Reservoir Audit’.
T h e m i n i s t r y ’ s advertisement stated that the Government of Guyana (GoG) has received financing in the amount of US$20 million from the World Bank (WB) towards the cost of the Guyana
Petroleum Resources G o v e r n a n c e a n d
Management Project (GPRGMP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds to pay a consulting firm to provide advisory services,

i t y Chevron’s deal for Hess agreement (JOA) applies to administering the arbitration Corporation Chevron’s Chevron’s acquisition of confirmingtheconsolidation US$53 billion acquisition of Hess. This right enables a onMarch26,2024. Hess potentially gives it partner to prevent a co- It was previously access to Hess’ stake in the venturer from selling a stake reported by this publication Stabroek Block and to an outside party without that the fight over Guyana’s positions the oil major to first offering the stake to the oil, between oil majors profit from Guyana’s partner Chevron and ExxonMobil emergence as an
l S u b s e q u e n t l y , h a v e t r i g g e r e d a n powerhouse, boasting one of ExxonMobil on March 11, investigationintotheirassets the world’s fastest-growing and CNOOC, on March 15, by two federal agencies in economies.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
PPP Congress resolution
At the conclusion of its 32nd Congress on Sunday, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) announcedthatdelegatespassedaresolutionforthepartyto usesocialmediatofightbackagainstitscritics.
It is a laughable resolution and had it been from any othergrouping,perhapswewouldhaveignoredit.Firstof all,itisnotthefirsttimewehaveheardthisfromJagdeosometimebackatapartyfunction,hementionedthistothe faithful. We believe, he might have engineered this resolution,whichhesaidcamefrommembers.
Thereasonfortheresolutionisformemberstogetcarte blanche to robustly propagate the party’s message of achievements and to fight back against the “naysayers”, whichaccordingtoJagdeoifleftuncheckedwillleadtothe party being portrayed in an undesirable light by its detractors. The General Secretary disclosed too that the partyinthiseffortwillevenbetrainingitsyoungermembers toensurethatsocialmediapresenceisfelt,notto“criticise people or engage in nastiness” but ensure the party propagates its achievements and robustly fight off the critics.
It is instructive, that despite having at its behest two newspapers- Guyana Times and Guyana Chronicle - the NationalCommunicationsNetwork,withitswidereachand anumberofprivately-ownednewsagencies,masquerading as independent entities, the PPPis so troubled by its weak publicrelations,ithastonowemploytrollstodoitswork. We have already seen the employment of the basket of deplorables who have talk shows - morning and evenings. Even some ministers have their programmes, the likes of “It’sNewsintheNews”yet,wehavearrivedatthisjuncture where the trolls have been called up for service. Jagdeo spoke about the trolls not engaging in “nastiness”, we wonderhowhewillcontroltheLiveinGuyanablog,which isrunbyatleastonegovernmentministerandothersenior functionariesoftheadministration.
We recall that there was a time in Guyana when the mediawasalmostexclusivelyownedandcontrolledbythe State. It was not for the greater good. Free and frank articulationsofpositions,andpresentationanddissectionof thefullnessoffacts,werenotgivenuninhibitedpassageor reasoned reception. In fact, the opposite held true, with heavy hostility being the norm, when smidgens of contrarian expressions entered (somehow) into the local consciousness.
Towards the end of the last century, gradual changes occurred, with more independent private media entities casting bigger, deeper footprints, leaving more impressionable shadows. It was for the better Recently, particularlythelastthreeyears,StateMediahasextendedits rangeandinfluence,andPrivateMediaitsnumericalsilos, withmorepeculiarpresence. Theformershouldnotbe,the latter different; in both instances, alarming outcomes have made serious inroads in the media gains of the last few decades. The first difference is that Government (this PPP Government) has, for all intents and purposes, results, cleverly manipulated and extended the reach and presence of the state into selected private media spheres. While a reasonable expectation is some shrinking of State Media, theoppositehasoccurred,withartfulmouldingofthepublic mind,determinedattemptsatstiflingdissentingvoices,and a de facto expansion of State Media, through the establishment of private proxy arrangements, mainly willing surrogates. Thus, unethical leadership behaviours diminishcross-sectionalpublictrustandgoodwill.Thisis, whiletoday’sGovernmentLeaderstrumpetabidinglovefor democratic ideals and practices and have anointed themselves its guardians. A lynchpin of its ideals and practicesisapowerfulmediapresencethatisaccurate,fair, andequitable,withsmallallowanceforpropaganda. Thisis notwithstanding, Government or Leaders’ guiles to implement otherwise. All media sections are obligated to speak from foundations of truth and balance, even when
PPPowes teachers an apology for staging a crass skit ridiculing teachers at its congress
We, in theAPNU+AFC, view the insensitive, crass and callous skit that was dramatised by misguided PPPmembersinfullviewof their leaders including the Ministers of Labour and Education as being most distasteful, disgusting and disingenuous.
The skit is a clear demonstrationthatthePPPis anti-workers (teachers), uncaring and that is out of touch with the many challenges faced by our
teachers every day, in and outoftheclassrooms.Italso shows that anyone who stands up to the corrupt and incompetent PPP will be targeted for attacks. This administration must understand that that action and their involvement in diatribes like these are tantamount to being discriminatory, reckless and irresponsible.
The nation must raise its voice in condemnation. We, in the APNU+AFC, are disappointed that the
Congress, the highest decision-making forum of the PPP, amounted to a roadside comedy show and a mere sham, as it offered nothing of substance to benefit the people of this country Onthecontrary,the Coalition has always seen our teachers as being important and critical to Nation Building and will always hold them in high e s t e e m
As such, we call on the PPP to offer an apology to our teachers for the insensitive
programme management
demonstration during its Congress. To our teachers, be assured that your Government-in-waiting, the APNU+AFC will offer you an agreement that entails higher salaries and better working conditions that will be arrived at through the process of Collective Bargaining Be reminded that we value your service and will always hold you deartoourhearts.
Regards Office of the Opposition Leader
unit offers a solution to transgressions in infrastructural works
, Mr Charles Sohan (KN, May3,2024)disagreedwith the writer (KN April 23, 2024) that an umbrella programme management unit (UPMU) is urgently needed to oversee the various infrastructure projects in Guyana to deter corruption and to enable timely and quality infrastructure works. The crux of his contention is “The NPTAB has been functioning with a lot of criticism for its lack of transparency, allegations of discrimination and corruption in the award of contracts and purchase of equipment Therefore, a review and upgrade of its mandate is urgently needed not as suggested – an Umbrella Programme ManagementUnit.
For example, with respect to contract awards, the successful bidder should be selected as the lowest evaluated bidder and not as the lowest cost one. Bidders
should be selected not only because of their low bid but becausetheirselectiontakes into consideration their integrity, experience, financial capability, personnel, equipment, etc. Most of NPTAB awards have been to bidders who werethelowestoneswithout taking into consideration those other factors. Because of this discrepancy, many of them have suffered from time, costs overruns and other factors and were unable to complete their contracts which the Government has had to take over and complete eventually.”
Mr Charles Sohan, a prominent Civil Engineer, knows fully well that contract procurement is different from project management.InGuyana,the latter is called Supervisory Services.Themajorprojects (e.g., the New Demerara River Bridge) do have reputable firms performing Supervisory Services. It is
both are unsparing of Government and Leaders specifically,andPoliticians,generally
Regrettably, the PPP Government, given the media conductofLeadersandMinisterscherishtheopposite.Put pungently, today’s Government is populated with presences that deal in shadows, smoke, tricks, half-truths, fulllies,andnumerousthingstheypublicisethroughStatecontrolled Media, and collaborating private ones. Some standardsaresorooted,theyarenorms. First,StateMedia has been subverted to serve as the PPP Government’s exclusive channel for bewitching propaganda, vilifying actual opponents, and targeting perceived enemies (who mustbemadeexamples).
Thesenormsspeakpoorlyoftheambitionsandvisions of Guyana’s Leaders; do little to separate them from brawlers on social media, racists within their fold (including themselves) that they incite, and reward to intimidate critics, or propagate. Likewise, the same must be said for the professionals overseeing, operating, or contributing, in the media section(s) held by the State. StateMediainprint,cyberspace,radioandtelevision,must not come across as an unthinking, docile, and rank instrument of Political Masters, through fawning cooperation. There is a professional duty to Government andcitizenstodo,otherwiseyouwillbefailingthenation.
the relatively smaller infrastructure projects that project management is absent,inadequate,orpoorly executed.
The purpose of public procurementistoenablefair and transparent competition according to established rules and procedures N P T A ‘ s m i s s i o n (https://www.npta.gov.gy/ab out-us/the-npta/) is consistentwiththispurpose. Further, Mr Sohan is aware that in the procurement of civilworks,therearegeneral standards and special standards for contractors General standards, couched in legal language, refer to conventional requirements suchassatisfactoryfinancial resources, the necessary construction equipment, or the ability to obtain them, and so on The special standards are those qualifications and experiences, and financial bonds required for works such as pump stations, road construction,bridges,andso on.
These are generally prepared by the engineer in responsible charge or substitutes with the relevant experience.
The writer’s article (KN April 23, 2024) refers to problemsintheselectionofa contractor and possible corruption“Iftheengineeris inexperienced and is also compromised, then the contractor’s experience and qualifications and/or financial bonds can be lowered or tailored for a specificcontractor”. It is these special standardsthattheUPMUcan peer review to ensure compliance with the design requirements of the proposedproject.
T h e “ l a c k o f transparency, allegations of discrimination and
corruption in the award of contracts and purchase of equipment” in public procurementisnotuniqueto Guyana or the PPP/C government. Itisauniversal problem (alleged or real) in public procurement and contracting No country exists on this planet that cannotbelabeledascorrupt. Denmarkis theleastcorrupt country according to Transparency International ( 2 0 2 3 C o r r u p t i o n Perceptions Index: Explore the… - Transparency.org) withanindexof90,not100. Even Transparency International has been accused of corruption (Silencing a Whistleblower, AStoryofHypocrisy,Cobus deSwardt,2021).Atstakeis notcorruptionbutthedegree ofcorruption.Mr Sohanhas experience in Guyana of blatant disregard for public procurement norms and corruption(e.g.,hisarticlein KN April 21, 2024) during the Burnham’s regime. He wrote(KN,May3,2024),“a review and upgrade of its (NPTA) mandate is urgently needednotassuggested–an Umbrella Programme ManagementUnit.”
The mandate of Guyana’s NPTAB is “to facilitate the establishment and implementation of a regulatory environment conducive to transparency, economy, efficiency, openness, fairness and accountability in public sector procurement ” (https://www.npta.gov.gy/ab out-us/the-npta/).
This is consistent with international norms Mandates are often not the problems in government or privatebodies.
It is the application of rules and procedures within the mandates by personnel, whetherinfluencedby
Clarity and appreciation missing
DEAREDITOR, I have listened to the speeches given over the weekendandIhaveseenthe videos of the events leading up to the grand event. It is veryconcerningandunclear where the Party in power is headed. If they are putting theleftistagendaoftheParty up for vote and considering moving away from their communistpast,thenwhyis the President making speeches saying that the party will never abandon its corebeliefs.
It is important in this current geopolitical climate to be very clear as to where we stand as a country Otherwise, it will be perceived as deceptive and cause an inclination to shift powermoretothosewhoare capitalist and to those that aremoretrustworthy
It must be made clear where the government is headedsothateveryonemay make an informed decision in2025.
It was also stated that
t h e p a r t y o f t h e
government is the strongest that it has ever
been We must all
remember that our country was at its most united state during the 40’s and 50’s when there was only one major party and one united voice for independence In this unity, there was strength and our people were at theirstrongest Let’s not forget those days and how we have reachedtothispointinour history! We must, as a people, continue to strive for unity and overcome the division that has weakened our nation.
Being in tune with the current state of affairs in the country is a must for a n y l e a d e r t o b e successful in the future.
M o n e y a n d t h e distribution of wealth does not buy loyalty, but instead brings those who will take and not show appreciation in the future if the message of the messenger distributing the wealth is not
If the message of the messenger does not bring real change to the everyday lives of the poor and provide relief to those suffering on a scale that reduces the gap between the poor and the rich, the messenger and his message will be neglected.The ways ofGuyanahavealwaysbeen rootedinmutualsuccess.
We must prevent ourselves from departing from the core principles that have allowed us to be successful during both bad times and good times Communism, Socialism and Capitalism have their prosandcons.
We must be selective in what we do, who we do it with and how we do it
Our honesty and integrity musttakeprecedenceover any of these economic philosophies
There was also mention of the lack of experience in other parties We must also remember that those lacking in experience were given opportunities to run major sectors of the country and in some cases thishasledtoanuproarfrom workers in the fields all the way to an uproar from directorsintheboardroom.
Inexperience has also led to death on the worksite, yet a contract t h a t w r e a k s o f manipulation and deceit is given, and an invitation to lunchwiththePresidentis gained
The brazenness and the lack of shame of it all is only surpassed by the stench of the unclean trenchesinthecountry.
Humility must not be lacking and the enabling of those willing to help shape our future must be a priority No one has a monopolyongoodideas
The inexperience shows on both sides of the aisle and its cost is significant
The environment has been compromised, integrity is lacking, corruption is flourishing

and the success of future generations has not been secured
The mixed message of the “new” one Guyana motto must not replace what the founders of our country have sacrificed to create
We must all show respect for the past and t h o s e w h o w e r e instrumental in creating our independentcountry
An out-of-control ego can be destructive and powercanbeintoxicating I remember the first time I saw the moonwalk performed by Michael Jackson
It was amazing, but after he was charged with c h i l d a b u s e t h e amazementleft
The message we send and those we uphold as examples must be worthy ofourvalues
We must all help those in leadership to guard against an enlarged ego and the lure of too much power
A leader that truly loves his country knows when to cede control and whentointervene.
CRG will always be grateful to those whose shoulderswestandon
Theunitedvoiceofour people from when we were together in our pursuit for independence will always be the foundationuponwhichwe stand
We encourage those
who also hope to help shape the future of our country to also embrace the ideals and values that have gotten us to where wearetoday
The Jagans might not be perfect, but we should not turn our backs on them
The Burnhams might not be perfect, but we should not turn our backs on them There is good and bad in everything, we must seek the good, understand it and make it our priority while neglectingthebad.
Shame on those who turn their backs on the good that was done in the past Shame on those who would be ungrateful for the opportunities that have gotten us to where wearetoday
Shame on those who would sell the future of our people and our people’s childrenforafleetingdollar Shameonthosewhocarenot for the good that we can do as a united Nation, but only care for the riches that they can individually gain Selfishness is never a winning proposition We must find opportunities to make each other successful, because our individual success depends on mutual success. Our nation can be one united people if we so desire to have a shared destiny in which we all benefit.

My Nanee who wasn’t my Nanee but was my Nanee
As the Indian Arrival Day ceremonies come to a close, let’s not close our mindstothosewho,through hardships and deprivation, pavedthewayincreatingthe society all Guyanese enjoyed today The following is a glimpse into the life of a woman who madesuchsacrifice.
Utmie Nanee we called her Smallinstature,shestill carried the scars of prolonged intense labour in Blairmont sugarcane fields. Her hands, arms and face bore the signs of her struggles to earn a living of subsistence existence. Yet, one could not tell her hardships from the way she conducted herself
Whenever we visited my Mamoo with whom she resided, she appeared neatly dressed in her “coat and jacket”, footring, nosering, tilari, and rows of bangles, all of which she wore with solemnprideasifthesewere a part of her identity, her being.
As far as I can recall, I became aware of Utmie Naneeatthetenderageofsix when my mother took my younger sister and I to my last Mamoo’s (maternal uncle) wedding Utmie Nanee performed the
ceremonial rites of his mother,andasshedidso,my mother, who had just turned thirty, began to sob uncontrollably, which left mevisiblyscared.Atthefirst pause in her motherly ceremonialfunctions,Utmie Nanee came over and sat beside my mother Taking her in her arms, and gently strokingherhair,shequietly whispered to my mother in her broken English, “Noh cry bete (daughter), ting go be awright, me pramise you.”
Confused at the time of this incident, I understood very little as to the reason why my mother sobbed so uncontrollably And, as I grewolder,Ioftenheardmy motherrefertoUtmieNanee as Musie (maternal sister). Not knowing my Nanee (maternalgrandmother)who died before my birth, I had assumedthatUtmiewas my maternal grandmother, but when I heard my mother refer to her as Musie, I surmised that she was my biologicalNanee’ssister
Over the years, Utmie N a n e e v i s i t e d u s occasionally since we lived in Bath, and travel to and from Blairmont was not what it’s like today As customary,shealways (Continuedonpage06)

Our collective destiny lies not with the homeland of our ancestors, but with us
DEAREDITOR, I’ve always thought ‘Arrival Day’ was in commemoration of the disparate peoples that ‘arrived’herefromfarflung places.But,therealityisthat many of our ancestors were brought here as opposed to having volunteered to come half-way across the world.
The conditions and circumstances of arrival variedgreatly
Whateverkarmaitisthat has caused us to be on this small, green, muddy tract of the continent, my ancestors were clearly adventurous enough(ormaybejustcrazy) to decide that their fortunes layfarawayfromtheIndian subcontinent.
My upbringing dictated that rather than mourn this separation by distance and time,weshouldcelebratethe countrythatwecametoand have become, Guyana. A veritable cornucopia of races, ethnicities, religions, languages and ideologies. We have benefitted greatly
from this mingling; one has only to take stock of how successful those of Guyanese descent are, both in foreign lands and in country
Our collective destiny liesnotwiththehomelandof our ancestors, but with us...and the descendants of those brought here in shackles, with the peoples that were always here, and all others that came before and since. These are all our country men and women. Equally Guyanese as any of us.
My ancestors walked onto a ship and signed their lives away to order to develop the colonized land of an empire We have survived over a century of oppression on three continents (yes, if you are female, you have been consideredlessthanawhole person for millennia, on many continents). We tried to preserve our religions, languages and cultures, as we blended generation after
generation with the others we found here. So much so that we now have this spectacularly unique identity that is more a prism thanthesimpledimensionof a mono-culture We are whole made so by the vibrancy of our multicultural society that finally values the strength in our diversity
Now,alldescendantsare part of this nation that is blazing a path for others to follow Hopefully one that continues to champion the oppressedanditselfremaina paradigm for how the developing world fights the
, resources and that allimportant seat at the table where decisions are made that affect how the world turns Happy that my ancestors arrived here, gratefulthattheywerebold, courageous people, especiallythewomen.
Scheherazade Ishoof KhanMy Nanee who wasn’t my Nanee...
Frompage05 broughtwithheravarietyof sweetmeats which she shared with a smile on her faceasifsheknewwewould gobble all up with pleasurable satisfaction When it was time for her to leave, she would hug my sistersandI,assuringusshe loved us dearly and wished shecouldstayabitlonger
At my older sisters’ wedding, Utmie Nanee was with us to assist my mom, and perform her ceremonial functions as the elderly grandmother Each time she spoke to my mother, she would use the word, ‘Bete,’ which in some ways reinforced my thoughts that shewasmyNanee’ssister Utmie Nanee died three years after my sisters’ wedding.
At her funeral, my mothersobbed,andbetween her tears, she would utter these words, “Aw Musie, eventhoyounabeennobady fo me, you love me like you owndata.”
mymothers’wordscameasa shock to me Concerned about my mothers’ wellbeing, I tried to drown herwordsfrommymemory, but they kept resurfacing. Howcanthisoldladywhom weembracedasmymother’s maternal aunt not be related toher?
Back at home, I questioned my mother aboutherwords,andthisis whatshetoldme
Utmie Nanee and her mother were lured away from Uttar Pradesh when they were young children with promises of a better life
Two strangers, afraid and alone on the ship bound for Guyana, they took comfort in each other, and promised not to be separated Bounded to Blairmont Estate, they c o n t i n u e d t h e i r relationship as if they were sisters without disclosing their non-consanguineal bonds When my maternal Naneelaydying,sheasked Utmie to “look over” her children, two of whom were in their late teens and unmarried Utmie Nanee assumed her role as their substitute mother which she never relinquished until she died. Just before her death, she bequeathed her few pieces of jewellery with the words, “Ge dis to me only dataRamauti(mymother).”
As I think of Utmie Nanee today, I wonder, h o w m a n y o f u s acknowledge the love, devotion and sacrifices of the many indentured like her, who, wrenched from India, their homeland, and taken to Guyana, a far-off p l a c e w h e r e t h e y established bonds and relationships that transcended consanguineal ties–bloodlines Can such relationships thrive again? I think so, for the life and times of Utmie has taught me that she was ‘MyNanee,whowasnotmy Nanee, but truly was my Nanee.’
Regards NarayanPersaud
Umbrella programme management unit offers a solution...
Frompage04 outsiders or not, that is the problem.
In Guyana, the Audit Office is tasked with s c r u t i n i s i n g “ t h e expenditure of public funds on behalf of Parliament” (https://wwwaudit org gy/a bout.html). IurgeMr Sohan toread,ifhehasnotdoneso, the reports of the Auditor General to see the flaunting of the rules and procedures and transgressions in public civil works during this and previous Government regimes(seeforexamplethe writer’sarticleKNFebruary 1,2023).Theissueisoneof accountability and actionable corrections, and thisrequirespublicoutcry Mr Sohan questioned the selection of a contractor based on the “lowest evaluated bidder and not as
thelowestcostone.” Irefer Mr Sohan to my article on the topic (KN February 1, 2023) of contract procurement types, their a d v a n t a g e s , a n d disadvantages The writer is surethatMr Sohanisfamiliar withthistopic Inthatarticle, the writer wrote, “From the reportedtransgressions,there are two areas – contracting and project management –that are obviously dysfunctional.”The writer’s suggested umbrella programme management unit is intended as an integrated project management and planning service to assist the government in developing concepts, scopes of works, procurement of technical services (e g , special standards), quality control, andmonitoringacrossallits
infrastructural works. The primary benefits are value engineering, consistency, quality, minimisation of construction variant costs, timeliness, and building publicconfidence.
This Government has infrastructure construction works both in scope and scaleneverundertakeninthe historyofGuyana. Whileit is easy to find areas to criticise, and constructive criticisms must be encouraged, it behooves us tooffersolutionstoassistthe Government in raising the standards of living for all Guyanese I
the Government to accept or reject these solutions. An effective solution requires the correct identification of therootcauseorcausesofa problem and the context.

UnlikeMr Sohan,thewriter doesnotidentifytheNPTA’s mandate as a problem Rather,theproblemliesinits applications. Perhaps, a reviewisneededtoevaluate the application of the extant rules and procedures, identification of rules and procedures that require strengthening, evaluation process, contract types desiredforcertainclassesof projects,andpenalties.
If Guyana has a bevy of qualified, experienced, and resource-rich contractors, then the NPTA’s rules and procedures for open-source procurement, rigorously followed,willnotgarnerthe many, recent public accusations. Of course, the drumbeat of alleged corruptionwillstillflourish.
Over several decades, Guyanese have suffered
Government services and projects Corruption has become, justifiably, a Guyanese state of mind
Some may witness a 4-lane highway under construction andthefirstthoughtisnotof a progressing Guyana and the potential benefits but of lots of corruption Successfully transforming Guyana also requires transcendingthesociety
The root cause of the reported problems with infrastructural works is the shortageoftherequiredskill sets (contractors, engineers, technicians, programme managers,etc.). Intheshort term, the UPMU will, at least, alleviate the problems ofcontractors’defaults,poor workmanship, and other engineering project management issues The
UPMUisnotthesolutionfor building technical capacity By extending its services to advising and providing onthe-job training, it will facilitate the successful completion of projects Regardless of what remedial actiontheGovernmenttakes, the deluge of allegations of corruption, most without evidence, will persist as the label “Government corruption” has become fashionable It is imperative that the government assiduously works to stamp out corruption from top to bottom,activelyrespondsto allegations of corruption with counter-indicative evidence (data), acquires updated data, and makes thempubliclyaccessible.
Sincerely, Dr.MuniramBudhu ProfessorEmeritus

Congress and Kangalangs
Now that a certain political party’s congresshasended,wemustaskourselves whatarethemajortakeaways?
Imaginethepartyingovernmentfortwo daysheldtheirbigmeetingandthebiggest news coming out of it was that a former rape accused was reelected to the Central Committee,collectingmorevotesthanthe seasonedandupright.
The other things we reported on were expected outcomes. President Irfaan Ali was expected to get the most votes followed by Jagdeo - Ralph Ramkarran said it in his Sunday column.The ditching of Marxism, Leninism and socialism philosophiesfromthatparty’sconstitution happened since Cheddi Jagan died. The congress merely made it official. So when we summarised the weekend’s confabwhich was held at the expense of taxpayers, what really was achieved? We guessonlytimewilltell.
Seatrium Secures FPSO Topsides Integration Contract with MODEC
Seatrium Limited record in the FPSO space, (Seatrium or the Group) on including delivering a Monday announced that it significant number of FPSO has secured a Floating projects for MODEC since Production Storage and its first FPSO conversion Offloading (FPSO) topsides Whakaaropai in 1996. The integration contract from G r o u p i s c u r r e n t l y longstanding customer, undertaking integration

Japanese shipbuilder work for FPSO Bacalhau, MODEC. which will be operating in Thescopeofworkcovers the Bacalhau field, Santos the installation and Basin, offshore Brazil integration of topside Separately, BrasFELS, modules onboard the FPSO Seatrium’syardinAngrados Errea Wittu, and includes Reis,Brazil,isalsocurrently c o m p l e t i o n a n d executing topside modules commissioning support for fabricationforFPSORaia. role in Guyana’s oil sector, the Group has over 60 years Energies, with a growing major energy companies, MODEC. The FPSO Errea Wittu with first oil anticipated in of track record in the design f
MarlinKhiew,Executive will be deployed in the Uaru 2026.With an oil production and construction of rigs, solutions to advance the shipping companies, and Vice President, Oil & Gas Field, Stabroek Block, capacity of 250,000 barrels floaters, offshore platforms global energy transition and cruiseandferryoperators. (Americas) of Seatrium, a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 0 0 per day (bpd) and a gas and specialised vessels, as maritimedecarbonisation. S
vessel owners and operators,
said, “We are pleased to be kilometersoffshoreGuyana. production capability of 540 well as in the repair, As a premier global shipyards, engineering & w o r k i n g w i t h o u r The US$12 7 billion million standard cubic feet upgrading and conversion of player offering offshore technology centres and longstanding customer, Uaru project was sanctioned per day, alongside a storage differentshiptypes. renewables, new energies facilities in Singapore, MODEC, on yet another inApril2023andmarkedthe capacity of 2 million barrels
and cleaner offshore &
FPSO topsides integration startup of construction of the of crude, it will be one of the business segments include marinesolutions,Seatriumis Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, project, solidifying our FPSO Errea Wittu back in largestFPSOsglobally Oil & Gas Newbuilds and committedtodeliveringhigh the Philippines, Norway, the position as the industry February. This capacity sets the Conversions, Offshore standards of safety, quality United Arab Emirates, the leader in FPSO conversions. M O D E C h a d stagefortheprojecttobeone Renewables, Repairs & and performance to its United Kingdom and the Through our strong successfully secured an of the highest revenue- U
New customers which include UnitedStates. partnership and unwavering order for the Uaru project
ng from ExxonMobil. Under
decades of collaboration
n g , Guyana, significantly with MODEC, we continue procurement, construction impacting the nation’s oil to deliver cutting-edge and installation (EPCI) production capacity With offshore solutions that contract, MODEC will the Uaru project’s operation, redefine excellence deliver the Errea Wittu Guyana’s offshore oil
Exxon sees Hess arbitration dragging into 2025, CEO says
S e a t r i u m p r o v i d e s by the company on the order
Leveraging our deep floating production, storage production is set to exceed engineering expertise, and offloading (FPSO) the 1 million barrels per day international yard footprint, vesseltotheStabroekBlock. mark. and strong track record, Notably, the revenue made About Seatrium Limited
innovative, reliable, quality, does not include annual prov
and value-added offshore leasingcostswhicharelikely engineering solutions to the and marine solutions for our to kick in once the ship is up global offshore, marine and esteemedcustomers.” andrunning.
Over the years, Seatrium The Uaru FPSO is Headquartered in Singapore, has built a strong track expected to play a pivotal

HOUSTON, May 6 (Reuters) - U.S. energymajorExxonMobil’sarbitrationcase thatcouldblockChevron’spurchaseofHess will extend into 2025, Exxon CEO Darren Woods said in an interview on CNBC on Monday, ahead of a coming vote by Hess shareholdersonthedeal.
Exxon and CNOOC Ltd filed cases before the International Chamber of Commerce in March, seeking a right-offirst-refusal over any sale of Hess’s 30% stake in the Stabroek offshore oil block in Guyana, where the three companies control thelargestoildiscoveryinnearlyadecade.

Hess has set May 28 for a shareholder vote on the US$53 billion all-stock deal that would give Chevron a major stake in Guyana’s lucrative offshore oil fields, which to date have been shown to hold more than 11 billion barrels of oil and gas resources. Exxon would prefer to slow the said it sought to have the case heard by the deal closing to gain time to consider third quarter and completed by year-end. whether it wants to bid for Hess, Roy ChevronCEOMichaelWirthseparatelytold Behren, co-president of the New York CNBC the company is working toward U.S. investment firm Westchester Capital FederalTrade Commission approval and the Management and a large Hess shareholder, Hess shareholder vote. Hess did not reply saidinaninterview requestsforcomment.
Westchester Capital expects to vote its 2 An Exxon spokesperson said the 2025 millionHesssharesinfavouroftheChevron arbitration timeline was not new and did not dealunlessahigherbidmaterializes,Behren comment on the shareholder remarks on any said. Exxon has said it was not planning to impact on the Hess shareholder vote. U.S. bidforHessbutcouldconsideralargerstake antitrustregulatorshavenotyetapprovedthe in the Guyana joint venture. “Exxon would Chevron-Hessdeal. probably like to see a shareholder vote not The U.S. FTC last week consented to take place because it is one more of the Exxon’s$60billionall-stockpurchaseoftop dominos needed for the transaction to be U.S. shale oil producer Pioneer Natural completed,” Behren said on Monday “They Resources. wantshareholderstobenotcomfortablewith Exxonhasclaimeditholdsarightoffirst the assumption that this is a cake walk for refusal over any change of control in Hess’s Chevron.” Guyana properties as part of the Stabroek Woodscommentspresentalatertimeline consortium’soperatingagreement.Hessand for a decision on its claims and for when the Chevron have said they believe a right does Chevron deal could close. Previously, Hess notapplytothesaleoftheentirecompany
The PPP’s Congress was Political Fantasy
The PPP/C’s congress was characterised by a glaring disconnect from the realities facing Guyana and itspeople.Theleadershipof thepartycouldnothavebeen happier because the conclusion of the congress
strengthened their stranglehold on the party, free from any dissent or signs of dissatisfaction from themembership.
The party’s delegates squandered an opportunity to address more seriously and substantively critical challenges facing the nation and the Guyanese people. The congress’s failed to engageseriouslywithissues
such as oil wealth management, corruption, infrastructure development, and socio-economic hardships This failure showcased the party’s descent into political irrelevance. It exposed the leadership’s allegiance to self-preservationoverpublic service.
Instead of addressing critical challenges, the leadership orchestrated a spectacle aimed at cementing their dominance
while substantively neglecting the needs of the populace. The congress was turned into a farce and an exercise in political fantasy rather than a serious endeavour to address the issues confronting the countryandthepeople.
The paramount outcome of the congress was the solidification of the authority of the party’s
leadership, relegating substantive discussions on national concerns to the periphery This myopic focus on consolidating power within the party’s hierarchydetractedfromthe congress’s potential to serve asaplatformformeaningful dialogue and problemsolving.
The congress failed to engage substantively with crucial issues such as the managementofthecountry’s newfound wealth from oil resources. The absence of serious discourse on the oil contract and its implications for Guyana’s future development reflects a glaringoversightonthepart of the delegates. Instead of charting a strategic path for utilising oil revenues to benefit the nation, the congress remained fixated on the narrative of the leadership of the party, includingtheobsessionwith theOpposition.
At present, the opposition parties present a minimal to no threat to the ruling party and the government Despite this reality, the ruling party has optedtoconvertintoweekly press conferences into a sledge hammer against the Opposition and sections of civil society that dare criticise the government Thecongressunsurprisingly did not deviate from this pattern.
T h e c o n g r e s s ’s disproportionate focus on the opposition, despite this Opposition posing minimal
threattothePPP/C’sgripon power, reveals a misplaced sense of priorities driven by self-preservation rather than genuine concern for the nation’s welfare This fixationonperceivedthreats serves as a smokescreen to deflect attention from the party’s and government’s shortcomingsandreinforces a narrative orchestrated by theleadership.
The pervasive problem of corruption within the government, particularly concerning the award of major contracts to ineligible firms, was conveniently sideline
he congress This speaks volumes about the PPP’s unwillingness to confront s
t undermine public trust and hinder socio-economic progress. By glossing over corruption, the delegates ma
y perpetuating a culture of impunity
Unchecked corruption played a pivotal role in p
its parliamentary majority in 2011 and its eventual electoral defeat in 2015 Rampant corruption eroded public trust and confidence in the government’s ability to govern effectively and t
e perception of widespread g
, and cronyism within the administration fueled public outrageanddisillusionment, leading voters to seek changeandaccountabilityat the ballot box. Scandals
De lodgings for de hinterland delegates were terrible
De hinterland delegates to thePeePeePee Kongress were treated as second-class citizens While de big boys went home to their fancy mansions, dem hinterland delegates were herded together like cattle and put to sleep in one big hall, withoutprivacy
When dem boys see de lodgings fuh de hinterland delegates, dem boys thought dem was watching a scene from a refugee camp. Dem boys see a big roomwithcotslinedupand people lying in dem. Dem boys thought also it muss be part of some some rehearsal of an emergency evacuation. Demboyswanttoknow
if dem big boys would begin to share in such humble lodgings Perish the thought! No, they recline in the opulent embraceofhomesremoved from the indignity of the communal sleeping arrangements made for the hinterlanddelegates. In their rush to congregate the hinterland delegates like cattle, the party overlooked a simple solutionstaringtheminthe face With tens of thousands of supporters in Region4alone,whynottap into this vast reservoir of hospitality? Why not extend the hand of camaraderie and ask these loyal supporters to open theirdoors,theirhearts,and their spare rooms to the
i n v o l v i n g t h e mismanagement of public funds, the awarding of contracts to politically connected individuals, and thelackofaccountabilityfor corrupt practices tarnished the government’s reputation and undermined its legitimacy As a result, voters opted for a new direction, viewing the opposition as a viable alternative to address the systemiccorruptionthathad plagued the country under thePPP/C’stenure.
Another critical issue overlooked by the congress was the persistent delays confronting public works projects, exacerbating infrastructural deficiencies and impeding national development. By failing to seriously address these bottlenecks, the PPP
demonstrates a lack of commitment to addressing tangible challenges that directly impact the lives of Guyanese citizens The congress appears to have shown a lack of concern for the harm inflicted on the party’smoralstandingdueto allegations of criminal wrongdoing surrounding someofitsmembers.
Equally troubling is the congress’s low-keyed position on socio-economic hardships,includingthehigh c
unemployment among s
escalatingconstructioncosts and rentals. These pressing concerns, which directly affect the livelihoods of ordinary citizens, were conspicuously underemphasized during the Congress. If anything, this

realities faced by the populace.
Despite claiming to championtheworkingclass,
appreciation of the socioeconomichardshipsexposes its hollow rhetoric and underscores the PPP now becoming a handmaiden of thebourgeoiselite.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Instead,whattranspired was a spectacle of disregard, a reflection of the party’s callousness towardsitsowngrassroots. To treat these delegates as mere pawns, to herd them togetherinadisplayofutter disrespect, is not just a failure of hospitality but a betrayal of the very ideals the party claims to champion. All Guyanese should raise their voices in condemnation on this shadowycornerofpolitical neglect. This is, if ever there was one, a clear case of the powerful neglecting the powerless. And a true manifestationthatwhileall are equal, some are more equalthanothers. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

Like Gaza, like Guyana

For the last six months, a dirty seized. They run from country to First it was ideology, then the big smear them: the White man slaves little secret of America has been country, live in hovels and camps, prize of the newfound patrimony bearingtheWhiteman’sburden. In exposed. It is no longer a secret as clustered tightly like so many Exxon is Israel Exxon is Iran, he went by the identity of before,anditisnotalittleone. This cattle. This is the price of their America’s interest. Exxon must be Mohamed Reza Pahlavi, of the White man. They brutalize and is about Israel and America’s land. Thecosttotheirexistencefor powered and protected, so that Peacock Throne over the Persian pulverize the local Brown man, inseparable relationship with it. It their oases and waters. America America prospers. Exxon grabs, people. In Jordan, the Hashemites Black man, Bronze man. This they is more about what is going on in has constantly run to the defense of America gives cover Look at the who are in control can barely call governance Oneness Gaza,andthedevastationswreaked intruder and usurper Security Guyanese people and most of them whimper a word of protest over Nationalist. I see a sickness, and a against the Palestinians, the Council. Advanced weapons. The are not too distant from the trauma Rafah and Judea and know that to chronic madness, inside of men in existence to which they have been vaunted US Congress. And all to of the Palestinian people. As Israel saymorewouldbetheendofthem. leadership positions across the doomed. But of which the world assure the subjugation of people did to Palestinians decades ago, so The common denominator is Guyana political landscape. They media is carefully bland, subtly whose children have rocks and Exxon is doing to Guyanese today America, which was also in Iraq, condemn themselves to crawling disengaged, with few exceptions. slingshots. The shepherd boy There it was land, here it is for oil. and how Saddam Hussein was before, sucking up to, and drooling As a survivor of the World Trade David’s role reversed, with poverty In the Middle East, it was for water used, then made into a monster, over themselves for the pleasure of CenterDayofwrathandresistance, and peril ever-present realities for rights and grazing rights; here it is reduced to rubble last. Guyanese the foreign businessman andWhite there was deep pain from my the Palestinians. Yet, and yet, for contract rights and exploration have a domestic bruiser flitting to man. Let this be understood American wounds, of which public America has the unmitigated gall, rights. Twist it, swallow it, kick it: world capitals, thinking that he is unambiguously: I mean no insult to expression has been repeated. As a the overweening hypocrisy, to exploration is exploitation under theirdarling,whenheisseenasjust anyGuyanesebrotherorsister Itis humanbeingtoday,auniversalistin lecture the colored people of the civilized cover Business is another dockyard worker, which my duty as the messenger tasked to motion, I cannot continue to cling world about savagery and its business, whatever the underlying description begins with a capital c deliver the hard messages that blindly to how I was, what that human rights philosophy The driving forces. What is America and ends with an e. Another man cause great embarrassments, planted inside. Regarding my Gazans have been impoverished about, if not the business of its own alsobeingused,butnotcaring. We trigger endless rage I press sacred Guyanese heritage, and and humiliated, so that the Israelis priorities. have men from the neighboring forward. They still have to be present developments (also can steal their land. Then they are Look at the sacred kingdom of side of the local political delivered. If not me, then who? If involving Americans), I cannot insulted with food aid, while Saudi Arabia, and the sheiks and demographicrecruitedintoservice, not now, then when? If not for help probing for understanding of billions are set aside for weapons princes are so fattened that they and the best that the best of them Guyanese brothers, then for whom Gazan grimness and what that for Israel. Feed with one hand, and cannotandwouldnotliftafingerto can ever amount to in the eyes of canIeverbe,ifnotonlyformyself? impartsofwhereGuyanaistoday fatallywoundthemwiththeother assist their fellows. Palestinians, those they court is another hateful And whatever pitiful, treacherous The land of the Gazans (the What is different about Guyana notArabs, but people, nonetheless. word that is spelt with an n and life lived. We are Guyanese. We natural extension is Palestinians) and Guyanese? Long before the Brothers of the faith consigned to a terminates with an r They love are Gazans. We are well along that was seized under various world heard about boat people, dreadful fate. Right here and right where they are, who uses them, same trickster-filled, wellrationalizations, some said, others Guyanese were pioneers. now, there are those who stand scornsthem. camouflaged road. The parallels silent. Holocaust. Holy texts. Suriname, seamen, to England at silent, participate in the selling of This is what our Guyanese areveryprevalent. Homecoming. A people uprooted first, then Canada, and generations their own people into new slavery, brothers are proud of; they shrink (The views expressed in this and run off from their abodes, the to America. Living in basements when their patrimony makes from being made into, seen as, an article are those of the author and treasures of their pastures. Then ( h o v e l s ) , a n d c r a m p e d prosperity their birthright. I need Arafat. They surrender to the do not necessarily reflect the more land bought and sold or communities (camps in ghettos). not name names, for their titles visions and compulsions of the opinions of this newspaper.)

MP writes Parliament for costs of works done by Exxon to ramp up oil production and copies of safety assessments done by EPA
Opposition Member of
increasing daily production at the guarantee from Exxon to cover Parliament (MP) David Patterson Liza Destiny and Liza Unity costsabovethelimitedinsurancein has asked the Minister of Natural FPSOs. place. Resources, Vickram Bharrat to
Despite safety concerns Presently, the fight for the provide the National Assembly regarding the increased risk of an signed guarantee is before the with documents relative to the oil spill posed by the ramping up of Court ofAppeal, following a ruling increase of oil production in the oil production at these vessels, the by the High Court for the company Stabroek Block beyond the safe GoG has refused to secure an to provide the unlimited guarantee operatinglimits. unlimited parent company backinMay3,2023.

InhislettertoParliament,dated March 15, 2023, the former Minister of Public Infrastructure highlighted that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits fortheLizaDestiny,LizaUnityand Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vesselsapprovedthesafeoperating reviews, risk assessments, and all Assembly with copies of the limits at 120,000 bpd for the of those being reviewed by the revised EPApermits approving this Destiny FPSO and 220,000 bpd for governmentandtheEPA”. increaseddailyproduction. UnityandProsperity Consequently, he asked, “Can Moreover, the MP asked Be that as it may, he noted that the Honourable Minister provide Bharrat to provide the National ExxonMobil Guyana Limited the NationalAssembly with copies Assembly with the details, (EMGL) has announced that as of of documents submitted by including costs of the works February 2024, Liza Destiny was ExxonMobildetailingthetechnical undertaken to the FPSOs, to producing 160,000 bpd while the and environmental assessments support the increased daily oil Liza Unity was producing 250,000 undertaken to justify the increased production. bpd and Prosperity 230,000 bpd. production above the previously Back in September 2023, the Patterson was keen to note the approvedEPApermitlimits?” Government of Guyana (GoG) company stated “that production Patterson also requested that announced in the Mid-Year Report increasesneveroccurwithoutstrict Bharrat provides the National that ExxonMobil will be further

Hamas accepts Qatari-Egyptian proposal for Gaza ceasefire
Aljazeera - Hamas has US State Department approved a proposal for a spokesperson Matthew ceasefire in the Gaza war put Miller said Washington will forward by mediators Qatar “withhold judgement” on and Egypt, the Palestinian Hamas’s response to the group says, although Israel proposal until it has time to has yet to comment on the fullyreviewit. proposal.
“I can confirm that
“Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamashasissuedaresponse. thepoliticalbureauofHamas We are reviewing that movement, conducted a response now and discussing telephonecallwiththeprime it with our partners in the minister of Qatar, Sheikh region,”hesaid. M o h a m m e d b i n “It’s something that is a Abdulrahman Al Thani, and top priority for everyone in w i t h t h e E g y p t i a n this administration from the intelligence minister, Mr president on down,” Miller Abbas Kamel, and informed said. them of Hamas’s approval of Hamas’s statement was their proposal regarding a released after people started ceasefire agreement,” the tofleethecityofRafahinthe group said in a statement southern Gaza Strip after published on its official Israel ordered tens of websiteonMonday thousands of people to
Details of the proposal evacuate as fears grew of a werenotimmediatelyclear full-blown military assault Khalil al-Hayya, a there. More than 1.4 million member of Hamas’s political displaced Palestinians have bureau, told Al Jazeera soughtshelterinthearea. Arabic that the Qatari- Shortly after the Hamas Egyptian proposal includes a announcement, crowds of withdrawal of Israeli forces people gathered to cheer and from Gaza and a return of celebrateinRafah. displaced Palestinians to Israel and Hamas have their homes, as well as an been engaged in indirect exchange of Israeli captives talks mediated by Qatar and andPalestinianprisoners. Egypt over a potential
The proposal includes a ceasefireintheGazawarand three-stage truce, each phase an exchange of Israeli lasting 42 days, according to captives for Palestinian al-Hayya. prisoners.
Inthefirstphase,indirect Egyptian and Hamas negotiations through officialshavepreviouslysaid mediators will resume on the a potential ceasefire would exchange of captives and takeplaceinseveralstagesin prisoners. A withdrawal of which Hamas would release some Israeli troops from Israeli captives it is holding certain areas will also take in exchange for Israeli troop place, as well as the pullbacksfromGaza.
unhindered return of Palestinians ‘optimistic’ displaced families to their Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu homes, and the flow of aid, Azzoum, reporting from fuel and relief materials into Rafah, said people started Gaza,hesaid. celebrating near the Kuwaiti
In the second phase, al- Hospital upon hearing the Hayya said, there would be a Hamasannouncement. complete and permanent halt
Children and the elderly tomilitaryactivityinGaza. are among people cheering
The final phase would and chanting for a return to focus on reconstruction in GazaCity,hesaid. post-war Gaza, overseen by “Everyone … is happy Egypt, Qatar, and United because they believe a Rafah Nationsagencies,hesaid. invasion will bring an
“The ball is now in unspeakablehumanitarian Israel’scourt”,hesaid. (Continued on page 15)
Israel plays down Hamas move on Gaza ceasefire, hits Rafah
R A F A H , G a z a Since then, all efforts to Strip/CAIRO/JERUSALE reach a new truce have M, May 6 (Reuters) - Israel foundered over Hamas’s played down the likelihood refusal to free more hostages of a ceasefire in Gaza on without a promise of a Monday after Hamas said it permanent end to the hadacceptedaproposalfrom conflict, and Israel’s mediators, even as residents insistence that it would fled the city of Rafah in fear discuss only a temporary ofanIsraeliassault. pause.
The last-minute moves Taher Al-Nono, a Hamas towards a ceasefire came as official and adviser to IsraeliforcesstruckRafahon Haniyeh, told Reuters the Gaza’s southern edge and proposal had met the group’s orderedresidentsoutofparts demands, including of the city, which has served reconstruction efforts in as the last refuge for more Gaza, the return of displaced than a million displaced Palestinians and a swap of Gazans. Israeli hostages for
Hamas said in a brief Palestinian prisoners held in statement that its chief, Israelijails.
Ismail Haniyeh, had The Hamas deputy chief informed Qatari and in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya, Egyptian mediators that the toldAl Jazeera television the group accepted their proposal included three proposalforaceasefire. phases, each of six weeks,
The Israeli military said with Israel to pull its troops all proposals that would out of Gaza in the second releasehostagesheldinGaza phase. would be considered, while EarlieronMonday,Israel for now its operations were ordered the evacuation of continuinginparallel. parts of Rafah, the city on
An Israeli official, Gaza’s southern edge that speaking on condition of has served as the last anonymity said the proposal sanctuary for around half of thatHamashadacceptedwas Gaza’s2.3millionresidents. a watered-down version of Asked during a media an Egyptian offer and briefing whether Hamas included elements that Israel sayingitacceptedaceasefire couldnotaccept. proposal would impact a
“This would appear to be planned offensive in Rafah, a ruse intended to make Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari Israel look like the side said: “We examine every refusing a deal,” said the answer and response in the Israeliofficial,whospokeon most serious manner and are conditionofanonymity exhausting every possibility
An official briefed on the regarding negotiations and peace talks, also speaking on returningthehostages.” condition of anonymity, said “In parallel, we are still however that the offer operating in the Gaza Strip Hamas had accepted was and will continue to do so,” effectively the same as one hesaid. agreed at the end of April by Israel’s closest ally the Israel. United States has called on it
U.S. State Department nottoassaultRafah,sayingit spokesman Matthew Miller must not do so without a full said Washington would plan in place to protect discuss the Hamas response civilians there, which has yet with its allies in coming tobepresented. hours, and a deal was Israel said on Monday it “absolutelyachievable”. was conducting limited
“We want to get these operationsontheeasternpart hostagesout,wewanttogeta of Rafah, following a rocket ceasefire in place for six attack claimed by Hamas weeks, we want to increase fighters that killed four humanitarian assistance,” Israeli soldiers at the main White House national border crossing into Rafah security spokesperson John thepreviousday Kirby said, adding that “We’veaskedciviliansto reaching an agreement move out of harm’s way would be the “absolute best We’ve been extremely outcome”. specific about the areas RAFAH HIT BY which we’ll be targeting...”, STRIKES government spokesman
Any truce would be the David Mencer said.Israeli first pause in fighting since a bombardment of eastern week-long ceasefire in Rafah areas continued November, during which throughout the day on Hamas freed around half of Monday. the hostages its fighters “They have been firing captured in the Oct. 7 attack sincelastnightandtoday thatprecipitatedthewar. (Continued on page 15)

Palestinians react after Hamas accepted a ceasefire proposal from Egypt and Qatar, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 6, 2024.

From page 12 Rafah. catastrophe,” Abu Azzoum said. “Now they “The mood here is very, very different aresooptimistic.” than the mood in Gaza. Even if we have a
Hamas accepts Qatari-Egyptian... Boat captain arrested for gun, ammo possession
The announcement brought “a sense of deal,manypeopleherewillbefrightenedand relief and tranquility” among Palestinians thinkthatwelostthewar,”Lielsaid. who are “exhausted and traumatised”, he IfNetanyahuacceptsthedeal,Lielsaid,it said.Adisplaced Palestinian in Rafah toldAl mightbe“theendofhispoliticalcareer”.And Jazeera that he hopes he will be able to go if he does not accept the deal, “we will have backhome. international calls by the UN and
“Wehopewereturntoourhomes. Iam sanctions”,hesaid. fromGaza[City]itself,”hesaid. At least 34,735 people, mostly women Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher, reporting from and children, have been killed and 78,018 Washington, DC, said “the Israelis have said wounded in Israel’s assault on Gaza since theywillconductthewarhowtheyseefit”. October,accordingtoPalestinianauthorities.
“Whether the US expresses concern or The offensive has destroyed much of Gaza anger, it has made no difference to how the andanear-totalsiegehaspushedpartsofiton Israelisareconductingthiswar,”Fishersaid. thebrinkoffamine.
Alon Liel, former director general of Israel launched the assault after Hamas Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Al led an attack on southern Israel on October 7, Jazeera that there is “strong pressure” on the killing at least 1,139 people, according to an government to send ground troops into AlJazeeratallybasedonIsraelistatistics.
Israel plays down Hamas move on Gaza ceasefire...
From page 13
Some piled children and possessions aftertheevacuationordersthebombardment onto donkey carts, while others left by pickbecame more intense because they want to uporonfootthroughmuddystreets. frighten us to leave,” JaberAbu Nazly, a 40- Abdullah Al-Najar said this was the year-oldfatheroftwotoldReutersviaachat fourth time he had been displaced since the app. “Some families already left, others are fightingbegansevenmonthsago,asfamilies wonderingwhetherthereisanyplacesafein dismantledtentsandfoldedbelongings. thewholeofGaza,”headded. “God knows where we will go now. We Overnight, Israeli planes had hit 10 have not decided yet.” Nick Maynard, a houses, killing 20 people, Palestinian British surgeon trying to leave Gaza on medical officials said. The Israeli military Monday, said in a voice message from the said it had struck the site in Rafah from Gaza side of the Rafah crossing into Egypt: which the previous day’s rocket had been “Two huge bombs have just gone off launchedatitstroops. immediately outside the crossing. There’s a Instructed by Arabic text messages, lot of gunfire as well about 100 meters from phone calls, and flyers to move to what the us. We are very unclear whether we will get Israeli military called an “expanded out.” humanitarianzone”around20km(12miles) “Driving through Rafah, the tension was away, some Palestinian families began palpable with people evacuating as rapidly trundlingawayinchillyspringrain. astheycould.”

Policehavearrested a boat captain following the
discovery of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition on Sunday at Quartzstone Landing, Cuyuni River, Region 7.The discovery was made at about 17:00hrs during a search operation conducted by ranks of Regional Division #7.
According to the Guyana Police Force (GPF), ranks observed a metal boat tied to a tree near the river bank. They enquired about the ownerofthevesselandmade contact with a 30-year-old boat captain from Leonora Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara (WCD). In the presence of the captain, therankssearchedtheboat.
During the search, they found a red bucket beneath the bow of the boat. Upon opening the bucket, a silver and black Tanfoglio 9mm captain disclosed that he did
Firearm and Ammunition found

pistol without a serial not have one He was ammunition were properly number, along with a informed about the offences markedandpackagedaspart magazine containing eleven committed, cautioned, and of the evidence collection live rounds of 9mm subsequently arrested. The process. ammunition. ranks then escorted him to Inv
When asked to produce a theBarticaPoliceStation. ongoing. firearm licence, the boat

Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
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Vacancies Exist for Carpenter, Mason, Labourer, and Security Guard at Happy Acres, ECD. Call or WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 611-6151.
Room Attendant, Receptionist, Deskstaff, Supervisor needed at 233, South Road Lacytown. Call: 2250198.
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Stand-in Jose Raul Mulino wins
Panama presidential race
The stand-in candidate for popular ex-President Ricardo Martinelli has
Aljazeera - Jose Raul Mulino, a stand-in for a former president banned from running, has won the country’s presidential elections.
Authorities unofficially called the race late on Sunday after three of Mulino’s closest competitors conceded defeat. The former security minister, who was a late entrant to the race after his mentor President Ricardo Martinelli was removed from power after being convicted of corruption, secured more than a third of the votes cast in the country of 4.4 million people.
At stake for the new leader is the Central American country’s woes with government corruption, a severe drought that has affected maritime traffic in the economically important Panama Canal, as well as US-bound migrants passing through Panama’s jungles in droves.
“Mission accomplished,” Mulino said after the early re-

Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. For more information Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
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One 6076 John Deere 6 cylinder engine. Interested persons an make contact 7014000. Monday-Friday 8 am4 pm

Male & female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 6609093
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promised to boost the economy.
sults were released. “This is perhaps the most important date of my life, and the greatest responsibility of a Panamanian falls on my shoulders and my family to lead the destiny of the nation.”
Running on the ticket of the Achieving Goals and Alliance parties, the 64-year-old had led opinion polls ahead of the vote as he played up his connections to Martinelli, who was initially his running mate.
The popular ex-president, who oversaw a booming economy from 2009 to 2014, was set to run with Mulino as his deputy. However, he was barred due to a money laundering conviction.
The firebrand politician still dominated much of the race, campaigning for Mulino from inside the Nicaraguan embassy, in which he took refuge on February 8 after receiving political asylum.
Mulino acknowledged Martinelli after his win, saying: “When you invited me to be vice president, I never imagined this.”
More than 77 percent of three million eligible voters cast their ballots for a new president, parliament and local governments for the next five years.
Anticorruption candidate Ricardo Lombana trailed Mulino in second place, ahead of former President Martin Torrijos and former chancellor Romulo Roux. The three conceded defeat on Sunday evening.
Power behind the throne
Mulino, who will serve as head of state and prime minister, for a single five-year term, is set to take office on

July 1.
A last-minute Supreme Court decision had validated his bid to stand in for Martinelli after the former president lost an appeal against his conviction.
Mulino’s candidacy had been challenged because he had not won a primary vote or picked a running partner as required under Panama laws.
But the court dismissed that complaint in a ruling welcomed by Martinelli, whose government oversaw an infrastructure boom, including a widening of the Panama Canal and construction of Central America’s first metro line.
Mulino has promised a return to strong economic growth. Many believe expresident Martinelli will lead the country from behind the scenes.
Voters were highly concerned about corruption and the economy.
The term of outgoing President Laurentino Cortizo of the majority Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) was marred by allegations of
widespread official corruption, declining foreign investment and high public debt.
Last year, the country was roiled by protests, targeting a government concession for Canadian miner First Quantum to continue operating the Cobre Panama copper mine.
Critics say that the mine endangers water sources; a particularly sensitive issue in Panama currently. Drought has effectively handicapped trade transit through the Panama Canal.
The country also faces high income inequality, with unemployment close to 10 percent, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth is forecast to slow from 7.3 percent in 2023 to 2.5 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund.
Mulino will also have to tackle migration issues. Some half a million migrants have streamed through the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama.
Activists warn that they face the threat of exploitation and physical danger.
Cocorite mass murderer suspect held trying to flee to U.S
IAN) A 29-year-old man who has been called ‘the prime suspect’ in the mass shooting reported in Cocorite on Saturday night which claimed the lives of four men, and injured eight others, has been held attempting to flee the country.
The suspect, who was said to be from Waterhole Road in Cocorite, was held last night at the Piarco International Airport.
The Express was told that the suspect was attempting to board a plane to the JFK airport in New York.
On Sunday, a team of officers from the Western Divi-

India legend Yuvraj Singh promotes the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup at Miami Grand Prix
ICC Ambassador
Yuvraj Singh took the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 Trophy Tour into top gear at the Miami Grand Prix, walking the grid with the prized s
20 international teams will be vying for from 1-29 June in
The collaboration with Formula One, which also saw the Trophy lined up on the grid alongside NBA’s Larry O’Brien Trophy and the Miami Grand Prix Trophy, ignited the second leg of the USA stopsoftheTour
when Chris Gayle andAli Khan lit up New York’s Empire State Building, is nowinFlorida,whereitwill spendtwodays(6-7May)in Broward County, building excitement towards four T20WorldCupfixturesthat

will be held at Broward County Stadium, including co-hosts’ USA fixture againstIrelandon14June.
Tickets are available t
matches across the West IndiesandUSAattickets. T2
and at box offices at
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult ta
ou to
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Frompage21 tournament in the Kings competition, awarding automatic third-place position to MS Ballers, following Team Platinum’s misconduct during a semifinalclash.Asaresultofthis disqualification,MSBallers securedthethird-placecash prize of $200,000 This unexpected turn of events led to an exhibition match between MS Ballers and HururuonSunday
Shanghai Organisation organised and coordinated the tournament under the President’s One Guyana Initiative of bringing Guyanese together through sports and other events
prominent entities offered sponsorshipsupport.

select locations in the Caribbean. ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 Trophy Tour remainingstops: 6-7 May: Broward County,Florida 9 May: Washington D C 10-11 May: Toronto, Canada
18-20 May: Trinidad andTobago 22-23May:Guyana

2024 Kentucky Derby: Mystik Dan beats field, final odds and winning time
USA TODAY - The 150th annual Kentucky Derby saw a new horse adornedwiththeprestigious Garland of Roses after a truly impressive run in the Run for the Roses at Churchill Downs on Saturday that came down to thewire.
Before the race, Fierceness was the favored horse to win, at 5-2 odds.
Sierra Leone and Catching
Freedom were also
considered strong contenders.However,itwas the underdog, Mystik Dan,
who defied the 18-1 odds and emerged as the victor with a tome of 2:03.34, a result that surely left many spectatorssurprised.
The official top 5 are: Post 3. Mystik Dan, Post 2. Sierra Leone, Post 11 Forever Young, Post 4 CatchingFreedomandPost. 10TOPassword. Withhisimpressivewin, Mystik Dan now heads into thePreaknessStakesandthe Belmont Stakes, the next installments of the Triple Crown, as the heavy favorite.
Jamaica and Trinidad women shine to book 4x100m relay spots in Paris

Remona Burchell, Tia Clayton, Alana Reid and Jodean Williams after qualifying for Paris on Sunday
SportsMax - Jamaica continued their resurgence from a disappointing first day at theWorldRelaysintheBahamaswhenthey won their heat in round two of the 4x100m relaystoadvancetobooktheirticketstoParis thissummer
Using the same foursome – Jodean Smith, Tia Clayton, Alana Reid and Remona Burchell - that ran on Saturday, changed their running order with Burchell andReid–switchingpositionsonthethird andfourthlegs.
The change worked like a charm as they sped to victory in 42 74 seconds to

Jamaica’s Caribbean neighbours, Trinidad and Tobago will also be in Paris thissummer
The quartet of Taejha Badal, Reese Webster, Reyare Thomas and Leah Bertrand finished second in 43 54 to advance as automatic qualifiers to the OlympicGames Italy, who won the first heat in 42 60 and second-place finishers Côte d’Ivoire (42 63)aswellasNigeria(42 71),winners of heat three and Switzerland (42 75) are alsoofftotheOlympicGames

finish line to win the 150th running of the Kentucky Kentucky Derby at Churchill
Lionel Messi breaks more Major League Soccer records in astonishing performance
Lionel Messi broke more Major League Soccer records in latest performance.(Chris Arjoon/AFP/Getty Images)

CNN - Luis Suárez scored a hat trick for Inter Miami on Saturday, but it is not that impressive feat which is the focus of attention. Instead, it is once again Lionel Messi dominating headlines courtesy of a performance whichalmostdefiedbelief.
In a 6-2 victory over the NewYork Red Bulls, Messi broke two MLS records. “I don’t think we will ever see anything like that again,” said Miami’s head coach Gerardo“Tata”Martino,per theMLS.
The World Cup-winning Argentine became the first playerintheleaguetomake fiveassistsinasinglegame, while his goal and assists
made his six-goal contribution at Chase Stadiumthemostinasingle gameintheleague’shistory.
Last week, in Miami’s victory over New England Revolution, Messi had set twootherMLSrecords.
He has now scored and assisted in six consecutive league matches, taking his goaltallyfortheseasonto10 in eight games – equal with Suárez. No other player in the MLS has contributed moreassiststhisseasonthan Messi’s12.
MessiandSuárezformed a formidable partnership while at Barcelona and the pair have seamlessly t r a n s f e r r e d t h a t understandingontothepitch
whenplayingforMiami. Miami went into halftime 1-0 down, with Dante Vanzeir putting New York ahead in the 30th minute. But after the break, substitute Matías Rojas leveled in the 48th minute after being put through by Messi.
Messi then put his team 2-1 ahead before turning providerforSuárezonthree occasionsandagainfornew signing Rojas, who ended the match with two goals Emil Forsberg scored in the 97th minute for a consolationgoal.
Miamiremainstopofthe EasternConferenceandnext plays CF Montreal on May 11.
‘One Guyana’ Beach Football Championship... Young Gunners males and Speightland ladies are Kings and Queens of the Sand football champs

Young Gunners
m a l e s a n d
Speightland ladiesareKingsandQueens of the Sand One Guyana
B e a c h F o o t b a l l
Championship which concluded on Sunday last at thePPP-COfficecompound in Linden after intense clashes among the sides involved.
Ryan Arthur scored the ‘golden goal’ in the 1st minute of the game to hand Young Gunners the game and championship 1-0 as they held off Hi Flyers in a tenseshowdownforthe$1M

prize on offer Hi Flyers collected $500,000 in prize moneyfortheirefforts.
The ladies had earlier graced the sand and Nikkita Wayne netted in the 1st and Shenessa Cornelius in the 17th minutes to see Speightland become the Queens of the sand football champs 2-1 Nickesha Persaud pulled one back in the 37th minute for Hururu astheteamsfoughttoothand n a i l t o w i n t h e championship. Speightland were the more hungry and claimed the ‘lions’ share as theytookawaythe$400,000
first prize. Hururu, the tournament runner-up, had to settle for the $200,000, prize.
Aroaima overcame Rockstone 4-1 for the third place and collected $100,000 with the losers copping $50,000 Odessa Smithscoredallfourforthe third placed Aroaima, nettinginthe9th,14th,37th and 40th minutes, while Vonita(onlynamerecorded) pulled one back in the 37th forthelosers.
Team Platinum were disqualifiedfromthe (Continuedonpage19)
Muhammad, Little and Clayton headline stacked 400m hurdles field at Jamaica Athletics Invitational

SportsMax - The women’s 400m hurdles promises to be one of the most exciting events at the Jamaica Athletics InvitationalsetforMay11at the National Stadium in Kingston.
The field will include a number of the world’s top hurdlers including global medallists including the likes of Rushell Clayton, Shamier Little and Dalilah Muhammad.
Muhammad won Olympic gold back in Rio eight years ago and took silver in Tokyo five years later Her time in the Tokyo
final, 51 58, remains a personal best and makes her thethird-fastestwomanever
A t t h e W o r l d Championships, the 34year-old won gold in 2019 in a then-world record 52 16 She was also among the medals in Moscow in 2013, London in 2017 and Eugene in 2022
Clayton took bronze at t h e 2 0 1 9 W o r l d Championships in Doha and had a similar result last year in Budapest with apersonalbest52 81
Little is a two-time World Championship
silver medallist The first came back at the 2015 edition in Beijing and the second came in Budapest lastyear
Her personal best 52 39 was done back in 2021andputsherfifthalltime Saturday’s field is completed by two-time Commonwealth Games championJanieveRussell, Pan Am Games champion Gianna Woodruff, World Championship finalists Andrenette Knight and Anna Cockrell and Commonwealth Games silver medallist Shiann Salmon
Tom Stoltman wins World’s Strongest Man competition for third time in four years
USATODAY-Between his two nicknames, Tom Stoltman prefers “The Albatross” more than the “King of the Stones.” For one, the 6-foot-8 strongman enjoystheformerbecauseof the reference to his massive wingspan.
“Idon’treallycareabout being‘KingoftheStones,’” Stoltman told USATODAY Sports on Sunday “I just want to be ‘King of the World,’and that’s what I’ve donethisweekend.”
Stoltman, 29, wrapped up his third “World’s Strongest Man” title in four years moments earlier He led the 2024 World’s Strongest Man finals for a nearly wire-to-wire victory between the two days of lifting and moving and clinched the championship by winning his signature event,theAtlasStones. “I’ve worked for a third title for a while now and to doitbefore30yearsoldisan achievement,” the Scotland native said. “I’m just happy withmyself.Happywithmy

performance Kept my head.”
Stoltman finished with 53 total points – 5.5 points ahead of second place Mitchell Hooper, the 2023 champion.Hoopercouldnot
deny Stoltman another title, like he did a year ago when he prevented Stoltman from pulling off the rare threepeat.“(It)kindofbrokeme, not getting that title,” said Stoltman, who finished
second in 2023. But having Hooper in the World’s Strongest Man is “the best thing to happen to me,”
Stoltmansaid.Hooper’swin last year forced Stoltman to improveconditioningforthe competition Stoltman beganrunning–twoorthree kilometers–everyweekand began using hyperbaric chambers for recovery The workload in the gym also slightlyincreased.
“When we’re both 100 percent, we’re both unbeatable,” Stoltman said “Fortunately, I topped him in this competition. But he’s going to be back. We’ll be looking to take titles back andforthfromeachotherin thenearfuture.”
Stoltman, who weighs about400pounds,isnowtied with American Bill Kazmaeir (1980, 1981, 1982) for third on the WSM’s all-time winners list Mariusz Pudzianowski holds the r e c o r d w i t h f i v e championships, while four others (including American BrianShaw)havefour
“Iwanttobethegreatest,” Stoltman said “I don’t even thinkI’matmyprime” Evan Singleton finished inthirdplaceasthehighestplacing American in the event. He was also the lone American to advance to finals Singleton finished tied for fourth last year and was the best American then aswell.
Stoltman never finished worsethanthirdinanyofthesix eventsoverthetwo-dayfinals. Hetiedforthemostpointsin theMaxAxle(fourreps)and Keg Toss (five reps) on Saturday to put himself into theleadafterdayone.
Matthews among nominees for ICC Women’s Player of the Month award for April
SportsMax-WestIndies Women’s Captain Hayley Matthews has been named among three nominees for the ICC Women’s Player of theMonthforApril.
A past winner of the award and current holder of the ICC Women’s T20I Cricketer of the Year, Matthews is another topranked performer to have grabbedheadlinesinApril.
The 26-year-old skipper piled on the runs in her six outings for the West Indies, notching two brilliant ODI centuries followed by backto-back half-centuries in the T20I contests against Pakistan.
Alongside her 451 runs in April, Matthews also flourished with the ball, taking 12 wickets; six in the ODI matches at an average of 14, and six more in the T20Isat10.50.
Matthews’ competition for the award are South Africa’s Laura Wolvaardt and Sri Lanka’s Chamari Athapaththu.
The South African opener is looking to claim her maiden Player of the Month award in what is her fourth nomination, and is a strong contender after another historic series of displaysinApril.

Africa’s Laura Wolvaardt
Donovan Mitchell-led Cavaliers rally from 18 down, win series over Magic
Reuters - Donovan Mitchell scored 39 points to fuel the host Cleveland Cavaliers to the Eastern Conference semifinals with a 106-94 victory over the OrlandoMagiconSundayin Game 7 of their first-round series.
Mitchell, who scored 17 points in the third quarter, made 15 of 17 free-throw attempts and added nine rebounds. His scintillating performance came on the heels of a 50-point effort in Cleveland’s 103-96 loss in OrlandoonFriday

reclaimingthetopspotinthe ICC Women’s ODI Batting rankings after a stellar showinginApril.
Her innings of 41 in the first match preceded an emphatic 110 not out in the second to claim a vital win, butthe25-year-oldsavedher best score for the last game, blasting a national record scoreof184in147ballsonly for South Africa to be outdone by the brilliance of Athapaththu.
Athapaththu, last year’s ICC Women’s ODI Cricketer of the Year, continued her dominance in the 50-over format,
Records tumbled for the Sri Lanka skipper, thanks to a sparkling unbeaten 195 in PotchefstroomagainstSouth Africaasthetouristswonin arecordrunchase.
258 ODI runs was complemented by 148 runs inT20Is,whichincludedtwo half-centuries in South Africa, plus another against Scotland in the ongoing Women’s T20WC Qualifier in Abu Dhabi, where Sri Lanka eventually sealed their qualification thanks to semi-final success on Sunday.
Caris LeVert scored 15 pointsoffthebenchandMax Strus added 13 for the fourth-seeded Cavaliers, who overcame an 18-point deficit to record their fourth winathomeintheseries.
Cleveland,whichposted its first playoff series win in six years, will visit the topseeded Boston Celtics in Game 1 of the conference semifinals on Tuesday The Celtics captured two of the threemeetingsintheregular season.
The Cavaliers won despite playing withoutAllStar center JarrettAllen (rib contusion) for the third straightgame.
Orlando’s Paolo Banchero collected 38 points and 16 rebounds
while playing in his first careerGame7.
WendellCarterJr scored 13 points and Jalen Suggs had 10 points and nine reboundsforthefifth-seeded Magic,whomusteredjust15 pointsinthethirdquarter Franz Wagner made just 1 of 15 shots to finish with sixpointswhiledealingwith early foul trouble for the Magic. The Cavaliers shaved an 18-point deficit to 10 at halftime before Mitchell erupted for 17 points in the third quarter, capped by a driving layup to stake Cleveland to a 68-66 lead with 3:08 left Suggs answered with a pair of free throws before Strus sank
back-to-back3-pointers. Mitchell and Darius Garland each made a 3pointer to increase the Cavaliers’leadto88-77with 5:53 left in the fourth quarter.The Magic trimmed their deficit to seven before Garland sank a pair of free throwsandashortjumperto sendClevelandonitsway. Orlando scored 13 and nine straight points at separate junctures to seize a 33-18 lead early in the second quarter The Magic pumpedthatadvantageupto 18 at 47-29 following a 3pointer from Gary Harris before the Cavaliers answered with a 14-6 run to endthequarter (FieldLevelMedia)
Lyles, Thomas star as USA dominate World Relays
AFP - Noah Lyles anchored the US 4x100m men to World Athletics
Italy were initially credited with bronze, but werelaterdisqualified,third place instead going to France.
Olympic 200m bronze medallist Thomas then claimed two golds in 20 heady minutes, first as part of the women’s 4x100m relay-winning team including Tamari Davis, Celera Barnes and Melissa Jefferson. Theyscorchedhomeina championship record of 41.85sec,withFrancetaking silver in 42.75 and Britain claiming bronze in 42.80. Thomas was almost immediately back on track, helping a US quartet also comprising Quanera Hayes, Bailey Lear and Alexis Holmes to victory in the women’s 4x400m relay in
Relays glory and Gabby Thomas bagged a quickfire doubleastheAmericanteam wonfourofthefivegoldson offerinNassauonSunday Lyles took the baton from Kyree King and accelerated through the line in 37.40 seconds after slick earlyhandoversbyCourtney Lindsey and Kenneth Bednarek “Business is easy!” beamed Lyles, who wontreblegoldatlastyear’s world championships in Budapest. “It smells like Paris!”Canadatooksilverin 37.89sec thanks to a late charge by Olympic 200m championAndredeGrasse. ReigningOlympic100m gold medallist Marcell Jacobsranthesecondlegfor the Italians, the defending world relay and Olympic champions, but was powerlessafteradevastating firstlegbyLindseygavethe Americansahugegap.

3:21.70. Poland and Canada rounded out the podium.
“It’s been a great preparation,” said Thomas.
“AttheendofthedayIknew the girls would have it regardlessbecausetheyhave agreat4x400mrelaysquad.
“It’s a testament to how we came to World Relays, we came prepared with the mentalitytogetthejobdone and we were committed to that.”-Bolthwarted-
Not to be outdone, the USteamofMatthewBoling, Lynna Irby-Jackson, Willington Wright and Kendall Ellis also set a championship record when winning the mixed 4x400m relayin3:10.73. Netherlands’FemkeBol, the recently crowned world indoor 400m champion and reigningworld400mhurdles gold medallist, ran a superb last lap of 49.63sec, but the
deficit proved just too much and the Dutch had to settle for silver in 3:11.45. Ireland took bronze. The sole event not to be won by the Americans was the men’s 4x400m relay, star Letsile
Tebogo running a sensational 43.72sec split to help Botswana to victory in 2:59.11.
South Africa finished second in 3:00 75 with Belgium taking bronze in 3:01.16.Theeveninggotoff toanelectrifyingstartasthe Bahamassecuredtheirplace in the Olympics by winning their repechage heat in the mixed 4x400m relay in 3:12.81aheadofJamaica.
O l y m p i c 4 0 0 m champions and local heroes Shaunae Miller-Uibo and Steven Gardiner basked in the glory of a raucous carnival atmosphere at the Thomas A.Robinson NationalStadium.
“Itwasabitrockybutwe got it together and qualified for Paris and got a national record,”saidGardiner Jamaica’s women’s 4x100m relay team, without world and Olympic gold medallists Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce, Shericka
Jackson and Elaine Thompson-Herah, also secured their place in Paris, having struggled in their opening heat and needing a second bite of the cherry throughrepechage.
The US men’s 4x400m relay squad, the reigning worldgoldmedallists,heldit together to safely negotiate their way to Paris through the repechage, though there was heartbreak for the French. The world silver medallists from Budapest couldonlyfinishthirdinthe final repechage heat, meaning no automatic spot forthemonhomesoil.
KFCEliteLeagueSeasonSix Guyana Defence Force FC ends round one in top spot after stalemate against Slingerz FC
The Guyana Defence Force FC concluded Round OneoftheKFCEliteLeague Season in prime position at thetopofthetablefollowing their Saturday night clash withsecond-placedSlingerz FCwhichendedinagoalless draw
Entering the May 4 matchwithidenticalrecords of twenty-four points
garnered from eight consecutive victories, both Guyana Defence Force FC and Slingerz FC were primed for a showdown the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Training
Centre, East Bank Demerara.
Thearmysquadheldthe advantage on goal difference Slingerz FC, former champions making a returntotheleaguethisyear, were determined to end the defending title-holders’ unbeatenstreak.
Theeagerlyawaitedfirst clash of season six between the league’s top two teams
drew hundreds of enthusiastic fans, all
expecting a riveting encounter They were not disappointed with the display of top-notch athleticism as both sides stucktotheirattackinggame planswithprecision.
However, despite their
best efforts, neither team could find the breakthrough beforethefinalwhistleblew, leaving supporters eagerly awaiting the announcement oftheRoundTwodrawwith evenmoreanticipation.
Both Guyana Defence Force and Slingerz FC concludeRoundOnewith25 points each, stemming from eight consecutive victories andonedrawapiece.
The army club boasts an impressive goal difference, havingscored40goalswhile conceding only four, whereas Slingerz has netted 36 times and conceded just threegoals.
Completingthetopthree is Guyana Police Force FC with nineteen points. Their tally includes six wins, one draw, and two losses. The policeteamhasnotchedupa total of 22 goals while concedingthirteen.
In the earlier match on Saturday night, Santos FC clinched a captivating 3-2 triumph against Western Tigers FC to jump one spot to fourth place on the points table.
Santos’ Randy Roberts struck early, finding the net in the 6th minute, only for RandolphWagner to swiftly respond for Western Tigers in the 23rd minute, leaving thefirsthalfknottedat1-1.

GDF and Slingerz played out a stalemate as the army boys command the top spot in the League.
The second half saw Roberts regain the lead for Santos in the 51st minute, but Wagner once again levelled the score for Western Tigers in the 74th minute.
With both sides relentlessly pressing, the gameendedina2-2drawat full-time. However, Santos’ Stefan Reynolds netted a dramatic winner in the 90+4th minute, securing victory for Santos in the dying moments. The defeat
relegates Western Tigers to fifth place at the close of Round One, while Santos eyesanopportunitytobreak into the top three in Round TwowhichstartsinJune.
Santos’ record stands at fifteen points from nine matches, comprising five wins and four losses Meanwhile, Western Tigers, witheightgamesundertheir belt, holds twelve points from four victories and an equalnumberofdefeats.
In the league standings,
Den Amstel FC holds sixth place, followed by Fruta Conquerors FC in seventh.
Ann’s Grove United FC in eighth with Monedderlust FC trailing in ninth place. Buxton United FC finds themselves firmly rooted at thebottomofthetable.
GFF President Wayne Forde thanked the sponsors, clubs, match officials, fans andtheGFForganisingteam for their support throughout RoundOneoftheKFCElite LeagueSeasonSix.
“I want to thank our sponsors KFC, Namilco, GuyanaBeveragesIncunder the Turbo and Oasis Water brands, Courts Guyana under the Radio Shack and AKT Motor brands, as well as the ten clubs, their supporting teams, the dedicated GFF staff, the match officials, and the passionate fans who travelled to the NTC to supporttheirteams,towatch ourtopseniormen’splayers competeattheirbest.”
“ We h a v e s e e n exceptional football this round which embodies the spirit of the Elite League which is a national stage for Guyana’s premier senior clubs to compete. I was impressed with the level of skill demonstrated and look forward to Round Two in June,” the GFF top official added.
Elite clubs now have a b r i e f w i n d o w t o meticulously strategise for Round Two. The quest for the coveted first-place prize of $2,000,000 sees teams back in intense competition onMay25.
Clubs securing second, third, and fourth positions will also receive handsome cash rewards of $1,200,000, $800,000, and $500,000, respectively
GBA President Ninvalle praises IBA USD$80M investment
President of the Guyana Boxing
Association (GBA), Steve Ninvalle, has praised the International Boxing Association (IBA) for their landmark decision to invest some USD$80 millioninprizemoneyover the next four-years in Amateurboxing
TheIBAhadannounced on May 4th, that it will invest in excess of UD$80 millioninprizemoneyover the next four-year cycle, whichconcludesin2028.
This decision, which was approved by IBA’s Board of Directors, occurred in Madrid, Spain, andcameontheheelsofthe entity’s global calendar of activitiespronouncement.
Among the major declarations,theIBAMen’s a n d W o m e n ’ s Championships will be staged every other two
years, with the prize money for the former set at US$10.4 million per event and the latter pegged at US$4.8million.
The next edition of the IBA Women’s Championship will occur in Astana, Kazakhstan, from September 21– 6, 2024, while the male edition is slated for April 2025
Inasimilarvein,theIBA Y o u t h W o r l d Championshipswillattracta prize fund of US$1 million, with the Junior World Championship slated to occuronanannualbasis.
Ninvalle noted, “To designate or describe this decision by IBA as transformative and historic w o u l d b e a n understatement. With this policy implementation, amateur boxing, whose trajectory on the respective local and international circuits has been on a steep upward climb, has further

solidified its status as a genuine alternative and a lucrative alternate to the
He further stated, “Surely the possibilities are endless. Here is an avenue forboxersofanypersuasion and nationality to establish generationalwealthwithout the hindrances and inhibitions that often plague the professional strata
No longer can the amateur aspect of this storied discipline be viewed as a substandard past-time or brutish hobby and endeavour, but must be looked upon as a tangible and definitive careeroption
The GBA lauds the decision of the IBAunder the stewardship of President Umar Kremlev, who have indisputably displayed unwavering commitment in the development of the sport and its primary and most
important capital and resource,itsboxers.”
“IBA’s flagship pros t y l e e v e n t , I B A Champions’ Night packed 2024 schedule will not disappoint with regular events touching all corners of the world with a yearly prizefundof$7million Elite continental events for men and women are to take place yearly on each continent, with up to a $1 million prize fund allocated per event Youth and Junior events are scheduled for the continents for every yearongoing
In addition, the IBA launches the new IBA Team World Cup, taking place biannually with an inaugural edition planned for December 2024 in Dubai, UAE”, it was noted