…says Guyana’s marine eco-systems could be devastated by failure to adhere to robust standardsByDavinaBagot
International oil and gas companies are renowned for cutting corners in countries that lack basic monitoring capabilities, but as a major contributor now to the global petroleum market, Guyana must ensure the operators adhere to robust standards to protectitsmarineeco-systems.
This was recently stressed by Dr UlricTrotzduringaninterview with Kaieteur News on the sidelines of an event hosted by the GuyanaPressAssociation(GPA)at Moray House, Camp Street, Georgetown in observance of WorldPressFreedomDay
The Scientist who served as Dean,FacultyofNaturalSciences, University of Guyana and former DirectoroftheInstituteofApplied Science and Technology is renowned for his contributions to
the fight against Climate Change. Since 1997 Dr Trotz has been giving direction to the Caribbean Region’s efforts to build capacity forClimateChangeAdaptation.
He was asked by this newspapertogivehisviewsonthe dumping of produced water by the operator of Guyana’s Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), which is currentlyproducingapproximately 645,000barrelsofoilperday(bpd) from three Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels.
Produced water is a liquid that is extracted during oil production activities. It contains dissolved mineralsalts,ormaybemixedwith organic compounds such as acids, waxes,andmineraloils.Itmayalso bemixedwithinorganicmetalsand byproducts or with trace amounts of heavy metals and naturally-
occurringradioactivematerials,the USDepartmentofEnergysaidina research paper It is also usually very high in temperature, and can bedeadlytomarineorganisms.
Due to its toxicity, this substance is best re-injected into the wells, though this may be a costly exercise The Permits g
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) however requires the operator to treat the substance to ensure“oilcontentspecificationof produced water to be discharged doesnotexceed42mg/lonadaily basis or 29 mg/l on a monthly average”.
Former Head of the EPA, Dr VincentAdamshadwarnedthatthe accumulateddumpingofproduced water can have dangerous impacts onbothmarineandhumanlife.
Dr Trotzinaninvitedcomment elaboratedonthedangersposedby
the dumping of produced water
“Any sort of contamination in a pristine marine environment that provides so much to our livelihoods, our fisher folk, so much to our own nutritional diet with our dependence on marine sources for protein, for an environment that supports marine life, you think about turtle nesting facilities on Shell Beach- anything that disturbs that environment is notinourinterest.”
Tothisend,Dr Trotzexplained, “If there are international regulations that stipulate that what is being injected into our marine environment basically complies with international practice and in nowayunderminestheintegrityof our marine eco-system then that’s alright.”
He, however, pointed out that keytothesafetyoftheenvironment ismonitoringthedischarges.
“Dowehaveinplacethesortof capacity to monitor what Exxon tells us they are doing? So that’s importantandthat’swhytheEPAis such an important organization. I don’t know if they have the capacitybasicallytodothissortof monitoringthatweneedtoifweare to ascertain that international standards are being more or less followedbytheoilandgasindustry inGuyana,”Dr.Trotzsaid.
Importantly, he urged that the EPA must ensure that the regulationsdemandthattheoiland gasindustryoperatesinaccordance with international law Furthermore, he stressed, “They need to ensure that they don’t depart from that cause the general practice basically is that they cut cornersbecausetheyareina
Continued on page 8
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyanese born Professor, Dr Ulric Trotz has made it clear that the compensation that ExxonMobil pays this countryforflaringgasintotheatmosphereandenvironment doesnotdomuchtohelprepairdamagedone.
We agree, for when ExxonMobil has handed over its money, it is still woefully short of what Guyana needs to set things right in its still virginal environment. Further, as penaltiesgo,thereismuchlefttobedesired.Toomuchmore roomisgiventotheoilbehemothtopolluteatwill.
SinceDr Trotzisaknownandhighlyregardedauthority, it would be interesting if the PPPC Government and its always ultra-sensitive leadership gives free rein to their propagandiststogoafterhimineffortstodiminishhisrecord andhisname.Wethinkthatwilldotwothings,ofwhichone is to lend more muscle to what Dr Trotz is saying, and the otheriskeepingtheflaringissuebeforethepublic.
Thegovernmentiscaughtinabind.Ifitweretoletwhat Dr Trotz placed before the world go unaddressed, he could take stronger and sharper positions on this gas flaring issue, and the negligible slap on the wrist fee enjoyed by the companyforitsactions.Also,itwillencourageothersoflike or close stature to Professor Trotz to weigh in on what ExxonMobilhasbeengreenlightedtodobythegovernment. To make matters worse, if in some unexpected instance of prudence, the PPPC brain trust decides to leave what this Guyanese scientist said, it adds credence to the position that he has staked out. Looking at this flaring issue clinically, a feeorfineofUS$50pertonneofcarbondioxideequivalents is a joke, so meaningless it is in the bigger picture. For ExxonMobil, US$50 is not even a droplet in its big cash bucket. It is a halfpenny quickly paid and still more quickly forgotten for all the financial pinch that it created for this multibillion-dollar oil supergiant. US$50 per tonne of dangerousemissionsisnotadeterrentforacorporationwith the strength of ExxonMobil. It does the opposite: it incentivizes the company to continually ratchet up its daily oil production numbers at its offshore oilfields, which leads tomoreflaringanddamagingoftheenvironment.
HasthisnotbeenthecasewithExxonMobil,whereeven the recommended production safety limits have been exceeded almost rather recklessly? To some extent, it could besaidthatthelaughableUS$50feeismoreofanuisancefor ExxonMobil than a negative, so meaningless it is. We note that a component of the gas flared by ExxonMobil is methane, which is 28 times more harmful than carbon dioxide, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency The fact that there is an international agreement in place to cut methane pollution from oi production activities should givethegovernmentpause.Whatis revealingis how casual and contemptuous the leading government spokespeoplehavebeenaboutconcernssuchasthese.
It is frightening to contemplate how much leeway the company has been gifted, and the consequences for the environmentthatfollow,forestcoverandcarbonsinkornot, andwithbothgiventheirproperdue.Dr Trotzsaidit,andwe totallyagreethatwhateverExxonMobilispayingtoday,and could be increased in the future, it will not be enough to compensateforthedamageinflictedontheenvironment.Oil production activities have been allowed to flourish globally because they mean so much to energy demands and many national economies. Some governments have forced oil companies to take many precautions to reduce gas flaring emissionsintotheenvironment.Thefearsaboutdamageare atafeverpitch,yettheGovernmentofGuyanacouldbesaid tobeawillingpartytotheflaringexcessesofExxonMobilin its headlong rush to maximize its profits from its local offshore oilfields. For emphasis, US$50 per tonne of emission is nothing, and does nothing to guard the environment from being further damaged. Take gas flaring seriously, be aware of this country’s role, put caps on how much ExxonMobil is allowed to flare, and monitor what the companydoes.
DEAREDITOR, 2020 elections, his sudden connect with their people comfortable in his skin,
The critique posited by pivot to a moral high ground culturallyandstillhandlethe capable of sharing a moment Roysdale Forde in his recent on the “appropriateness” of rigours of statecraft with ofjoywithhisnation. letter about President Irfaan presidential conduct is utmost seriousness To In essence, Roysdale’s Ali’s dancing at the PPP/C laughable This selective suggest that these brief argument is not just weak; congressis,frankly,acaseof outrage seems more like a moments of levity could it’sadiversionfromthemore misplaced priorities and a political manoeuvre than a overshadow substantive pressing issues his political gross misunderstanding of gen
faction might want to avoid what truly affects the dignity democratic values If
discussing.It’sabouttimehe ofademocracy Roysdale is truly worried intelligence of the Guyanese and his colleagues focus on
His contention—that a about the image of people. substantive governance and simple cultural expression leadership and its impact on It is also critical to integrity in their party rather could undermine the gravity democracy, he would first dismantle the outdated than policing harmless of the presidential office—is address the unresolved notion that leaders must
unfounded and smacks of shadows over his party’s always present a stern President Ali’s dance is not hypocrisy, especially given electoralpractices. facade Authenticity and the problem here; the real his party’s sordid political Moreover, the idea that approachability are assets in issue is the audacity of such history President Ali dancing at an aleader,helpingtobridgethe baselesscriticismbeingused
First and foremost, it is eventcouldsomehowdetract gap between the government as a political tool. Guyana imperative to point out the from his ability to address and its citizens. President deserves better than this irony in Roysdale’s concern national issues is an overly Ali’s engagement in a
for presidential decorum.As s i m p l i s t i c v i e w o f cultural performance does outrage. a vocal defender during the leadership. Great leaders are not trivialise his office Sincerely, dubious proceedings of the multifaceted; they can Instead,itshowcasesaleader Alfonso DeArmas
DEAREDITOR, Unveiling Trade Prospects limitations. Dominica is Africa and the Caribbean. In January 2024, the through Cultural and vulnerable to external Dominica and Ghana share P r i m e M i n i s t e r o f Heritage Collaboration shocks, natural disasters and cultural elements, with Dominica, Roosevelt T h o u g h o f t e n its smallness in size, human notable similarities found in Skerrit, went on a overlooked, the creative capital, and economy poses the celebration of Carnival, diplomatic mission to industry holds immense many market constraints food, and other cultural Ghana to explore areas of potential as a vehicle for Therefore, exploring the traditions. These similarities cooperation with that e c o n o m i c potential of the cultural can be the basis for country’s Vice President, e x c h a n g e U N C TA D sector, which holds great e n h a n c i n g t r a d e Dr MahamuduBawumia Creative Economy Outlook promise, and establishing collaboration between the This visit builds upon for 2022highlights that connections with theAfrican twonations. existing relations between global exports of creative market through Ghana could Nurturing Cultural the two states, demonstrated goods amounted to US$524 be instrumental in nurturing Exchange for Trade by the signing of an million in 2020, whilst thesector’sdevelopmentand Development agreement in 2021 to waive exports of creative services catalyze positive economic Despite differences in visarequirements. reached a substantially growth across various size, population, and Discussions during the higher US$1 1 trillion sectors of the Dominican economies, both countries visitcoveredvariousareasof Although direct data on the economy value and appreciate their mutual benefit, including the c r e a t i v e s e c t o r ’ s Assessing Trade Trends cultural customs, which can strengthening of cultural, performance in Dominica is and Opportunities be observed through the tourism, economic, and very limited, the Dominica Dominica’sactiveefforts integration of their cultural diplomaticties. Import and ExportAuthority to enhance accessibility to traditions in their tourism Such engagements ( D E X I A ) 2
the Island through the products Despite current highlight the commitment of 2
challenges in accessibility, both countries to fostering highlights cultural services
t cultural trade remains viable South-South relations asaprimarysectorintrade.It highlight the necessity of through information through diplomacy and identifies performing arts e s t a b l i s h i n g n e w technology communications signify proactive strides (live and recorded) and connections to tap into (ITC), which can facilitate towards realizing the music as key concentrations, emerging markets Africa the exchange of music, film, potential of Caribbean- with heritage and cultural shouldnotbeoverlookedasa and fashion across borders. Africarelations. tourism as focus areas under potential market for trade C
To foster more robust tourism services. Carnival, and investment. Notably, the recognized as a sustainable trade relations between the cultural celebrations, and African Union considers the economic industry for trade two countries, it is critical to music festivals are major Caribbeanasthepossible6th among
veloping identify key sectors with the tourism products that region of Africa and as a c
e potential for growth and encourage an increase in strategic partner in foreign programs available like the expansion. economic activity due to relations. The International recently relaunched Cultural
One such area of focus, tourist arrivals and Trade Center report and Creative Industries as mentioned in the participation during the Expanding African- Innovation Fund from the communique of the Prime hosting of these activities. Caribbean Trade states that Caribbean Development Minister’svisit,isCulture. Thus, it is evident that the “Africa and the Caribbean Bank that offers technical This SRC Trading cultural and creative arts have more than $1 billion in assistance and grant funding Thoughts piece will briefly hold major potential export potential across a for the advancement of the explore the possibilities of economic value in driving range of goods and services s e c t o r D o m i n i c a ’s developing economic trade and attracting foreign sectors.”Creating historical policymakers can leverage cooperation and cultural investment As a Small and cultural connections is these opportunities by e x c h a n g e s b e t w e e n Island Developing State, one of the acknowledged crafting a modern cultural Dominica and Ghana, with a diversification in trade is pressing factors in forging policy that recognizes the specific focus on services critical to enhancing relationsbetweentheregions sector’s economic benefits, within the cultural and competitiveness as the and remains central in every fosteringexchangewith creativeindustries. country faces many conversation concerning (Continued on page 5)
From page 4 which can be explored with o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d
emerging markets like Ghana Ghana’s large collaborate. Ghana Collaboration in population size and rich Emmana Jeffers is a festivals,suchasDominica’s historical heritage provide trade professional and an Independence Season and ample opportunities for alumna (Cohort 20) of the the World Creole Music mutually beneficial Masters of International Festival, and Ghana’s collaboration and economic Trade Policy (MITP) Independence Day and Afro growth. By leveraging their p ro g r a m m e o f t h e Future festival, offers shared cultural elements and Shridath Ramphal Centre valuable experiences. These historical connections, for International Trade can be captured through Dominica and Ghana can Law,PolicyandServicesof film, as demonstrated by embark on a journey of trade The University of the West Ghanaian YouTuber and cultural exchange that Indies, Cave Hill. Learn W O D E M A Y A w h o fosters stronger diplomatic more about the SRC at showcases how tourism, ties and paves the way for www.shridathramphalcen digital technology and social sustainable development in tre.com. media all converge within both nations. These shared Regards culturalservices. experiences can strengthen Emmana Jeffers
Conclusion social connections and build
Thus,itisconclusivethat a sense of trust, making it the creative and cultural easier for businesses and industries hold immense individuals from both potential as a sector for countries to engage in trade, Dominica’s trade industry, e x p l o r e i n v e s t m e n t
DEAREDITOR, not only by the members useoftheConventionCenter membership has grown and anything that the PPP did green clothes Certain Clearly, the PPP’s present, not only by the and the flying of the PPP’s that it anticipated the largest duringits32ndCongress. government institutions, in leaders must be thrilled supporters of the PPP in flags at the Convention congress ever, looked to find Those who believe the fact, required persons to because in many ways the Guyana and in the diaspora, Center The National a suitable location and PPP violated any law should wear green uniforms. No 32nd Congress ranks as one but clearly frustrated and Convention Center, like c o n c l u d e d t h a t t h e challengeincourt. Guyanese citizen has of the most successful stressed out its opponents. Convention Centers in every Convention Center was fit- But if there is an forgottenthis. congresses of a political The PNC, AFC and other single country, is used not for-purpose The PPP’s organization that should But the desperation to party ever in Guyana’s political parties took note just for state events executive, therefore, nevermakethisanissue,itis find something they can history It also is, arguably, andbecamedespondent.The Corporations, other groups, proceeded to rent the the PNC. In making this an criticize forced Aubrey one of the most successful m a n y a n t i - P P P including religious groups, convention center to hold its issue, thePNC merelyadded Norton to make a long everinthehistoryofpolitical commentators have been usually rent convention 32nd Congress Other to its considerable credential statement in which all he parties in CARICOM. Not stunned into either silence or centers to conduct their political parties could also of hypocrisy But then again, could find to criticize about onlywasitthelargesteverin sunk into the abyss of fault- business or hold mass seek to rent the convention Burnham’s party carries the PPP’s 32nd Congress Guyana’s history, it is finding. events. During these events, center During the period of hypocrisy around as a badge was that the PPPviolated the difficulttofindanotherparty At the very beginning of the organizing groups fly the rental agreement, the of honor This is the party law This is the party that is congress larger anywhere in the Congress, while flags, if they have flags, and convention center was that enshrined party not timid when it comes to theCaribbean. clutching for some straw to decorate with their sacred ground for the PPP It paramountcy as a part of its ridiculousness, like 32 is Buttheunity,enthusiasm avoid drowning, the PNC paraphernalia There is wasfreetoflyitsflags.Itdid governance. As part of that greaterthan33. and confidence that oozed came out with the absurd nothingunusualinthis. and the scenery in and governance model, the PNC Now, one of their MPs, out of the congress were felt statement denouncing the The PPP, given that its aroundtheconventioncenter hoisted its flag over state Sherod Duncan from the wassimplyspectacular buildings and institutions, AFC, alleges that the Prime The PNC’s denunciation suchastheSupremeCourtof Minister, Mark Phillips, was was simply unfounded and Guyana.DoesthePNCthink sidelined at the Congress. disgustingly hypocritical we will ever forget these The allegation shows that When the convention center egregious acts? This is a Duncanisignorantorstupid. is being used to host party that spent hundreds of Eitherofthesepossibilities parliament, the Guyana flag millions of taxpayers’ (Continued on page 6) flutter proudly There has monies to paint buildings never been a PPP flag flown green, branding government in its full glory at the with the colors of the PNC, convention center when e v e n v i o l a t i n g t h e parliament is in session. In convention of colors for no public building has the State House, when they PPP flag ever flown colored the State House officially Given the green. It went so far as to circumstances where the intimidate people to paint convention center was theirownhomesgreenandto rented by the PPP, the party paint their vehicles green in had every right to fly its flag ordertoshowsupport. proudly No law or no Public servants were convention was violated by intimidated into wearing
From page 5 order to say something The truth is that the show that the opposition is negative They now are gathering of delegates from not ready for the big time. renewing the old, worn-out everynookandcrannyofour The truth is the PM was not argumentsof“isms”toinsist country, people representing eligibletobeontheballotfor that the PPP has abandoned all races, all economic delegates to vote for him. Cheddi Jagan’s principles grouping, all religious The PM is a member of the and values. For one, they section of our country Civic component of the insist that the PPP has p r e s e n t e d a g r e a t PPP/C coalition. The PPP abandoned its working-class consternation for the has honored its 1992 credentials, something that opposition and the anti-PPP contract with the Guyanese Cheddi Jagan scrupulously commentators. It has left people and a member of the guarded.The 32nd Congress themconfusedandsearching CIVIC is always the PM of the PPP, far from it, for something to find fault. candidate for the PPP reiteratedandemphasizedits The truth is that both the Between 1992 and 2015, working-class ideology and political opposition and the SamHindsheldthatposition commitment. It is why the usual suspects, the anti-PPP and was the leader of the PPP has created more than lunatic fringe, were left CIVIC Elizabeth Harper 70,000 jobs since August scratching their head and occupied that position in 2020,putbacktoworkallthe disheartened because what 2015. sugar and bauxite workers they saw was a harbinger for
In 2020, Mark Phillips that the PNC/APNU/AFC Election 2025, signaling of took up the challenge of sent home during 2015- the biggest ever political being the PPP’s nominee for 2020, and has increased victory in any free and fair the PM position. He has public servants’ salaries and election in Guyana. What served as Sam Hinds did benefits.Ithasalsoincreased they saw forced them to with distinction and has minimum wages for private acknowledge that the become an adored member sector and increased the challenge for the opposition of the PPP/C Cabinet.At the income tax threshold for all iswhethertheoppositioncan Congress, PM Phillips had a workersinGuyana. keep the PPP to an electoral front seat with President The removalofreferences victory with less than 36 Irfaan Ali and VP and GS, in the constitution to seats. Congress 32 tells the Bharat Jagdeo. Although Leninism/Marxism/Socialis country and the world that Congress was for PPP m through a resolution at the the PPP will emerge with a delegates, PM Phillips was 32nd Congress is not a victorygreaterthan36seats. welcomed to participate denunciation of socialism. It Burnhamisrestlessinhis throughouttheCongress. is aligning better the party’s grave as he sees those he left The PNC/APNU/AFC founding principle of in charge has destroyed his are digging in the proverbial ideological and economic party Cheddi and Janet muck to find something they pluralism The PPP has Jagan, Boysie Ramkarran, can criticize The same always maintained that the Brindley Benn, Hubbard, Duncan shamelessly asked privatesectoristheengineof Jacobs, Chase and many where are the SOPs to show growth in our country It is others are smiling, proud of who got what votes during the PPP that totally what they created, sustained the congress The PPP’s dismantled the PNC’s model andleft. election went smoothly, and of the State in command of They must be proud of the results were available the heights of the economy those that carry on, staying almost immediately and and shifted it to the private faithful to the principles and fully published But the sector While aggressively values they embraced when PNC/APNU/AFC, almost pursuing the social justice the PPP was launched on fouryearslater,isstillhiding agenda and the working- January 1, 1950, but its copies of the SOP from class credentialsof the party, continuously positioning the Election 2020. It is sheer the 32nd Congress sought to party to be fit-for-purpose in hypocrisy bring clarity to its dedication changingtimes.
The commentators are to ideological and economic
Sincerely, finding all kinds of muck in pluralism.
Dr Leslie Ramsammy
(BBC NEWS) Donald silence about having sex Ivanka, Ms. Daniels said, Trump’s lawyer attacked with him 10 years earlier - is s a y i n g t h a t p e o p l e Stormy Daniels’credibility at the centre of the historic underestimated both women during heated cross- New York trial, the first becausetheywerebeautiful. examination at the former criminal trial of a former US M
president’s hush money president. explained how the hushtrial. Mr Trump has pleaded money deal came to be,
“Am I correct that you not guilty to 34 counts of saying she first became hate President Trump?” falsifyingbusinessrecordsto interestedinsellingherstory askedSusanNechelesduring conceal paying Ms. Daniels once she heard someone else tense questioning in New to hide the alleged sexual was planning to. “I’d rather Yorkthatatpointsdescended encounter He has denied all make the money than intoashoutingmatch. wrongdoing. Earlier in the someone making the money
“Yes,” said the former day, under questioning from off of me,” she said. By adult-film star Ms. Daniels’ the prosecution, Ms. Daniels 2016, after Mr Trump had alleged sexual encounter providedadetailedpictureof launched his campaign for with Mr Trump is at the her alleged encounters with president, Ms Daniels centre of the former Mr Trump. But the star learned Mr Trump and his president’s first criminal witness was repeatedly lawyer, Michael Cohen, trial Mr Trump denies reprimandedbythejudgefor wanted to buy her story The falsifying accounts to cover her meandering answers deal would be a win-win, up a $130,000 hush-money “Ms. Daniels, please just Ms Daniels testified, payment to Ms. Daniels. Ms. keep the answers short,” because she did not want her Daniels detailed time she Justice Juan Merchan said. then-partnertofindoutabout says she spent with Mr Adding to the tension, her alleged encounter with Trump - an account that led lawyers for Mr Trump Mr Trump. to a combative cross- objected to nearly every But Ms. Daniels claimed examination. question prosecutor Susan she was not particularly Ms. Necheles, one of Mr Hoffinger asked Ms. Daniel motivated by the money, Trump’s defence lawyers, about the alleged encounter saying on the stand she worked to paint Ms. Daniels Justice Merchan mostly “didn’t care” about the sum as driven by hatred and a sustained the objections, that was eventually paid to desire for money Mr Trump sidingwiththedefence. her by Mr Cohen. And Ms. has denied that the sexual As the day went on, Daniels also laid out some of encounterwithheroccurred. however, prosecutors the specifics of the alleged
The exchanges between objected to several of Ms. deal, saying she would be the two women grew Necheles’ questions on forced to pay $1 million increasingly heated - they cross-examination Those every time she violated the were nearly shouting - when also were sustained Ms agreement and spoke out Ms. Necheles accused Ms. Daniels was allowed to walk about her experience with Daniels of trying to extort jurors through some of her Mr Trump. Most of what Mr.Trumpthroughthehush- alleged encounters with Mr. Ms. Daniels’ shared on money deal. “False,” Ms. TrumpinsidehisLakeTahoe Tuesday is not new Daniels replied. “That’s hotel suite in 2006. Mr. information, it’s been shared what you did, right?” Ms. Trump was wearing silk by Ms. Daniels in a number Necheles said. “False!” Ms. pyjamas, she said, and asked of interviews and in her Daniels repeated. Ms. her several “business-like” memoir.Butherstorycarries Daniels’ claim - that she questions about her family, someaddedweightnow,told r e c e i v e d $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 her upbringing and her work face to face with Mr Trump (£103,000) from Mr in the adult film industry At as part of the unprecedented Trump’s personal lawyer in one point, he compared Ms. criminal charges brought 2016 in exchange for her Daniels to his daughter againsthim.
Senior health officials pose with the nurses who were awarded for 30 or more years of service (DPI)
DPI - Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, urged nurses to ready themselves forapivotalroleinGuyana’sevolvingHealth Sectortransformation.
Addressing attendees at the Nurses and Midwives Council of Guyana’s awards ceremony for nurses serving over 30 years, Minister Anthony highlighted the imminent changes in medical practice and emphasised theimportanceofcontinuouslearning.
“Thewaythatwearepracticingmedicine is going to change drastically in Guyana, it has already been changing over the years…verysoon,ifwearenotthereinsome aspectsasyet,alotofwhatwewillbedoing, peoplefromthesurroundingareas,countries will be looking to Guyana as an example,” Minister Anthony stated, while addressing the nurses at the ceremony held at Cara Lodge,Georgetown.
He underscored the availability of resources under the Continuing Nursing Education programme and encouraged knowledge sharing, proposing a Nurses Research Conference led by nurses
With plans to build 13 new hospitals and upgrade existing facilities nationwide, specialised training for nurses is being prioritised to meet the expanding health sector’sdemands.
“Ifwearegoingtoprovidebettercardiac care, we need to have cardiac specialization, or cardiac nurses, critical care, we need criticalcarenurseswhateverareayouchoose becausewewillbedoingalotofspecialised careandtherefore,weneedtotrainpeopleto beabletoofferthesetypesofcare,”hestated.
Acknowledging the vital role of nurses, Minister Anthony proposed making the awardceremonyanannualeventtocelebrate their dedication and commitment to patient care.
He called for a shift in the narrative surrounding nursing, emphasising the significant impact nurses have on daily patientcare.
NursesWeekisobservedfromMay6-12 under the theme ‘Our Nurses, Our Future, TheEconomicPowerofCare.’
Frompage3 countrythatcan’tmonitorandthatwehaveto take everything so we need to develop the capacity to monitor and to ensure that whatever the oil and gas industry says that theyaredoing,that’sthefactandthatweare notbeingshortchanged.”
The EPAin a statement to the media last September assured that no discharges which can be described as “hot and greasy” would be dumped into this country’s waters during offshoreoilproduction.
The EPA head, Kemraj Parsram explainedthattheagencyrequiresanyimpact tobewellwithinacceptablelevelsandaslow asreasonablypracticable.Hiscommentcame on the heels of an article published by KaieteurNewsonSeptember12,2023under the headline ‘112,000 tonnes of hot, greasy water to be discharged daily from Exxon’s 6thproject–EIA’.
In that article, it was explained that EMGLwould be required to treat produced water and other discharges containing oil and other contaminants to specific standards It also noted however, that the
EPA did not respond to queries regarding mechanisms in place to verify that the discharges would be treated to the required standards
InhisstatementParsramnoted,“TheEPA wouldneverallowanydischargesthatcould be described as hot, greasy water from ever occurring in Guyanese waters…we use continuous independent satellite monitoring to detect even the slightest oil sheen on the waters and thermal imaging to detect every gasflaring.Weensurethatourstandardsare beingmeteveryday.”
In addition to the satellite technology being used to monitor these discharges, the Headoftheagencysaiditalso“receiveslive feed” of produced water releases from the FPSOs which are monitored constantly. Moreover, Parsram said independent samplingofwaterqualityisalsoconductedto ensurethattreatmentstandardsaremet.
Hewaskeentonotethatdespitethisclose oversight, the agency is committed to increasingitsmonitoringofdischargesfrom the FPSOs and developing an independent reviewofthemonitoringdatawiththehelpof internationalexperts.
Bharrat Jagdeo is naïve In the new Cold War, syst
and fierce and relentless as ever, into believing that the Cold Western imperialist states Followingthecollapseofthe democratic institutions has albeit in a different form. war has ended. His inability have pursued a strategy Soviet Union, Western been accompanied by a Guyana is being pitted now to recognise the ongoing aimed at spreading their powers embarked on a subtle but pervasive form of against Venezuela, China imperialist agenda will be political and economic mission to export their brand neo-colonialism led by and Cuba. Bharrat Jagdeo costlyforGuyana. ideologies across the globe.
may be naïve in his belief Guyana is being trained to
The fall of the Soviet T h i s h a s i n v o l v e d governance to regions and corporations.ForJagdeoand that the era of geopolitical become an imperialist Union marked, what many suffocating left-wing states, countries that had deviated his clan within the PPP who rivalry is behind us, but the sidekick. believed to be, the apparent deterring the emergence of
d fail to grasp the nuances of reality is far more complex (The views expressed in end of the Cold War era, alternative governance democracy. The Carter contemporary geopolitics, and enduring than he this article are those of the cha
acterised by the models, and actively Center spearheaded this the persistence of the Cold realises. The new Cold War a u t h o r a n
ideological and geopolitical subverting governments mission in Africa, Latin War may seem like an is alive and well, driven by a necessarily reflect the rivalry between the United deemed hostile to Western AmericaandhereinGuyana. abstract concept. However, relentless pursuit of Western opinions and beliefs of this States and the USSR interests Countries like LatinAmericaandAfrica therealityisthatthestruggle hegemony in an ever-
However,beneaththeveneer Cuba and Venezuela have became battlegrounds for for global hegemony is as changing world And affiliates.) a new Cold War has been felt the brunt of this this ideological struggle, q u i e t l y b r e w i n g , coercion, facing economic with Western powers orchestrated by Western sanctions and diplomatic supporting regime change powers aiming to uphold isolation for their refusal to and undermining left-wing their dominance in a global conform to Western norms. governments perceived as a landscape increasingly The sanctions on both threat to their interests. In shaped by neoliberal countries belie the idea that countries like Honduras, ideology and liberal the Cold War ended with the Bolivia, Brazil and Peru, democracy demise of the USSR. As far violent protests and judicial Despite assertions to the as the Americans are legislative putsches have contrary, the ColdWar never concerned,theColdWarwill b e e n u s e d t o o u s t truly ended for the not end until capitalism democratically-elected Americans and Europeans; dominatestheentireworld. leaders who dared to rather, it transformed into a The expansion of the challenge the neoliberal new form with the same European Union and NATO consensus. underlying objectives into former communist bloc The new Cold War is While some, like Bharrat countries was a deliberate characterised also by Jagdeo,mayviewthecurrent attempt to encircle Russia economic coercion, political international landscape and limit its sphere of subversion, and covert through a simplistic lens, the influence The present
reality is far more nuanced conflictinUkraineis
The traditional Cold War encroachment, with Russia increasingly multipolar was a clash of superpowers, feeling threatened by the world.FromtheMiddleEast with the USAand the USSR p r o s p e c t o f N AT O to Latin America, the as the main contenders, membershipforitsneighbor fingerprints of Western along with their respective The annexation of Crimea imperialism are evident, as satellite states. However, the and ongoing tensions in countries are destabilized demise of the Soviet Union Eastern Ukraine are and regimes are toppled in didnotheraldaneraofpeace symptomatic of a broader the name of democracy and andcooperationasmanyhad geopolitical struggle for freedom. hoped. Instead, it paved the dominance in the region. Even in countries like wayforanewColdWar,one Central to the new Cold War Guyana,wheretheColdWar characterised not by overt i s t h e s p r e a d o f may seem like a relic of the militaryconfrontationbutby n e o l i b e r a l i s m a n d past, the influence of subtler forms of coercion democracy as the dominant Westernpowersloomslarge. andinfluence. political and economic The promotion of free
The death is announced of the People’s Yet, as time wore on, its once fervent steps Progressive Party of Cheddi Jagan, a grew sluggish, its melodies muffled by the political party that fought for the rights of weightofcompromiseandpragmatism. the working class and the downtrodden. Now, as we bid farewell to this stalwart Like a fading light the demise of this party of socialist ideals, we mourn not just the markstheendofanerawhererhetoricoften passing of a party, but the death of an era. outpacedreality The funeral arrangements for the late PPP
Born in the fiery times of liberation will be announced in due course, though it struggles, the PPPprided itself on being the seems fitting that no wreaths be laid to rest true friend of the proletariat, the beacon of beside it. For what use are flowers when the hope for the impoverished masses. It soil is barren and the seeds of revolution lie strutted proudly as a brother to progressive dormant? forcesworldwide,embracinganycausethat The People’s Progressive Party of waved the flag of independence and Cheddi Jagan will be remembered as a freedom, often arm in arm with the valiant warrior in the battle for social Communist International. The party’s heart justice.Yet,likeallmortals,itsuccumbedto beat in solidarity with liberation the inexorable march of time, aided and movements, its pulse synchronized with the abetted by a stab in the back from the marchtowardssocialjustice. bourgeoisie class. As we reflect on its
A self-proclaimed sibling of Cuba and legacy, let us not mourn its passing, but all left-wing governments, the PPP reveled rather celebrate the spirit of resistance it in its kinship with those who dared to defy once embodied. Farewell, dear friend, may thestatusquo.Itsangsongsofcomradeship youridealsliveonintheheartsofthosewho with the oppressed, danced to the rhythm of daretodreamofabetterworld. resistance,anddinedatthetableofdefiance. Talk half. Leff half.
It is the merry month of May and Guyana is celebrating Thanksgiving A probable turkey all the way from Turkey to the turkeys here. This is why I am so supportive of the PPP Government, especially PresidentIrfaan'Youwantto see us fail' Ali, and Vice PresidentBharrat'Notacent more' Jagdeo These brothersarerealcharacters. Market the moment, and mess around with the message. An incandescent instance of intrigue from Istanbul. Kapow! Tekdah. Imarvelatthesellingpoints with this barge from the Black Sea by way of the Bosphorus. Jeez!IfeellikeI ambackinForm1. Thanks, bruddah Jay for another lovely class of reeducation onwhatsellsinGuyana,and what is withheld, as in kept underwraps.
Light bill will not increase. Thank God for Jaggo! The story dun rite deh Guyanese are so battered and bruised by
blackouts that they will gratefully accept any relief from even a street bum, and Jagdeo is miles higher, not ever to be mistaken for a roadhustler
The big man said the word, and it is done. Let there be light. Oh Lord (sorryLordJagdeo)letthere belight. SincetheGuyanese peoplewantlight,thenwhat the Guyanese need is what they will get. This is where theroadstartsgettingalittle twisthere,andabumpbythe time the next block is reached. How much is the real cost, the total cost, of this cooling, brightening, exciting package of energy fromTurkey?
Like some seasoned street operator, the information has to be extracted from the Vice President with a pair of pliers, a knee on his chest, and a rubber hose held high overhishead. Hewantshis lawyer in attendance, so he does not incriminate himself.
How much is the damn thinggoingtocostGuyanese whenthefinalbillistallied? Here is my story: whatever the cost-shared, hidden, 'sunk'andothersofasimilar type-let the boat come. I can'tbeclearerthanthat,can I? Orasthebrightboysand girlsofGuyanasaypellucid. Should locals be perplexed as to what I mean by 'sunk' costs, I urge them not to think of economics and principlesofaccounts. They should cast their minds on how the people's business is done in this country: their moneyissunk,andtheysink withit.
From the energizing and electrifying (no puns at all), the starved and slapped around in Guyana heard from Jagdeo what Yankee peddlers call icebreaker: energy bills will stay the same. Then, the cost of supply will be anywhere fromUS$.0.20centstoclose toUS$.30centsperkilowatt hour
iswhatiscalledateaser,and Guyanesegottwoofthemin rapid succession from that most clever of political salesman Barrybhai Jagdeo. Ihaverepeatedlywarnedmy fellowGuyanesewhowould listen. Itisnotsomuchwhat Jagdeosharesinpublic. Itis what he holds back and keepsunderlockandkey I should not have to say anythingmore.
Guyanese will get some blackout ease, let me take thatpositionfromnow But sift through the details and thereisthedevil,acoupleof them. It is how Guyanese are being setup for another roasting in the oven. The picture of a turkey drawn earlier should return and stick.
There is that US$1 million fee. Now, is that a workofart,orwhat! Iwrap my head around who else couldbehavingtheirfingers in that neat little smoothie, otherthanpeopleofTurkish descent. First,therewasthe teaser; now there is what Guyana's policemen usually call an encourager A little grease goes a long way, all thewaytoTurkey
Fortheskeptical,a helpful hand is extended. To appreciate how rogues and brigands (thieves)operate,thinklikea rogueorbrigand(thief). Itis my version of when in Rome, get an understanding of how the programs work, whatmakesthenativestick.
Look folks, if dese bannas would rip-off the people for chemotherapy and tricky exploitswithoilmoney,itis butashortsteptoexpandthe shadybusinesstoenergy
Especially given the demand levels. Guyanese don't care how much the lightcosts[thecountry],just stop the dreaded blackouts, please. That is music to the earsofpoliticians,including those making lots of noise aboutthosewhoarelooking topushdeguvamentdown.
Like a good sales script, there are those components that are trickling out of the government, i.e., Governor G e n e r a l J a g d e o Maintenance costs Operations costs. Charter costs. If I hear that word [costs]onemoretime,Iwill lose my carefully tended control.
David Patterson had to be the bad guy and warn Guyanese about US$200 million that could be hanging over their heads with this powerboat, when allissold,bought,andresold by Jagdeo to the Guyanese people.
JagdeoistheGPL,sonot to worry, Guyanese are in goodhands. Justlikehowhe and Ali have the first Nandlall, the second one betterbereadytobeyanked aroundasifonastring. Must stop as the light faded,butdoantekwurreez. Icanseeinthedark. Ithink Patterson (Mr ) US$200 million could be a bargain. With BJ, it is the way ThanksgivinginMaywitha turkeyfromTurkey Ireally should be dealing with Con Edison and not these con games prospering around here.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
A 25-year-old man was on Tuesday denied bail when he appeared before MagistrateFaithMcGustyattheGeorgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer two robbery charges.
The accused, Trifon Landry, has been charged with Robbery with Violence and RobberywithAggravation.
In relation to the Robbery with Aggravation charge, it was reported that on April 27, 2024 Landry robbed Adolphus Shepherd on East Street, Georgetown. The incidentoccurredatabout21:00h.
Landry reportedly struck Shepherd with an object and choked him from behind. The accusedthenreportedlyrelievedShepherdof a LG cellular phone valued $40,000, his electricscootervalued$60,000and$10,000 in cash. Landry pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Meanwhile,intheRobberywithViolence case,itisallegedthatat18:30honApril28, 2024 Landry robbed Gerald Joseph Campbell at City Hall, Regent Street. The accused reportedly stole a cellular phone worth$23,500,$40,000incashandUS$100.
It was further alleged that Landry resorted to violence during the robbery The total value of the stolen items amounted to $83,500. Landry also pleaded not guilty to thischarge.
Theaccusedtoldthecourtthathehasno family support Further, the prosecutor disclosedthatthemanlivesinanabandoned building on Vlissengen Road. Given the
Trifon Laundry at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court
President Dr. Irfaan Ali on Monday extendedcondolencestotheGovernmentand people of Brazil for the death of dozens of persons as a result of severe floods in Rio GrandedoSul.
In a letter to Brazilian President Luis InacioLuladaSilva,PresidentAlisaid,“We are deeply saddened at the news of the loss oflives,thedisplacementofpeople,andthe widespread destruction caused by severe floodinginthatregion ”
He further added, “I therefore, wish to express solidarity with the people of Brazil duringthisdifficulttime,Iamconfidentthat the determined and resilient spirit of the Brazilian people will triumph over this unfortunatetragedy.”
CNN News reported on Monday that the State’s Civil Defence Unit said, “The death tollfromaseriesofcatastrophicfloodsinthe southernBrazilianstateofRioGrandedoSul hasrisentoatleast83.”
The news site highlighted that authoritiesarealsoinvestigatingfourdeaths to determine if they were related to the storms
“A further 276 people are reportedly injured and at least 111 people are missing, while at least 121,000 people have been displaced, according to the Civil Defense of RioGrandedoSul.Thedisasterhasaffected more than 850,000 people in 345 municipalities, destroying homes, roads and bridges,”CNNstated.
An 18-year-old man reportedly drowned onMondaywhileswimmingintheEssequibo RiveratRockstone,LindenRegionTen.
PoliceidentifiedhimasAdielThomasof 14thAvenueDiamondHousingScheme,East BankDemerara(EBD).Thetragedyoccurred around13:00hrs.
Thomas and his friends reportedly traveled to Linden for its Town Week celebrations and decided to visit Rockstone forasite-seeingexpedition.
They hired a boat and went to Mosura Island,wheretheytookphotographs.
ItwastherethatThomasdecidedtotakea swim. He invited his friends to join but they refused. Alone he entered the river and reportedlybeganswimmingoutintothedeep. Police said, “His friends claimed that they were conversing while he was swimming, and after a few minutes, they turned to look forhimbutdidnotseehim”.
Theycalledoutforhimandaftertheygot no response they reported the matter to the police. A search party was formed and his bodywaslaterlocatedandretrievedfromthe river Investigationsareongoing.
Remanded: Kevin Springer
Twenty-eight year-old Kevin Springer of Lot 5 Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was on Tuesday remanded to prison for the murder of Joseph FordeofPlaisance,ECD.
Forde was murdered on May2,2024.
Springer, a contractor, was also slapped with an attempted murder charge. In that matter he reportedly acted with an accomplice, 30-year-old Denzil Scott, self-employed, of Lot 74 SparendaamECD.
Scott was arrested together with Springer on May 3 and also appeared at theSparendaamMagistrates’ CourtonTuesday
According to police, Springer and Scott had attempted to murder another Plaisance man identified as
Remanded: Denzil Scott
Williams. Police did not say how or when they allegedly tried to kill Williams but reported that the duo appeared before Magistrate Rushelle Liverpool They were not required to enter a plea and were remanded untilJune18,2024.
Meanwhile, Springer alone was charged for Forde’s murder He was reportedly killed onVictoria Road,ECD.
According to reports Forde was killed between 21:30hrs and 21:45 hrs. The deceased, also known as ‘Who U’ is a construction worker of Lot 38 Middle Street,Sparendaam,ECD. Hewasreportedlybeaten and chopped badly by his killer Hisrelativessaidthata day before he was killed,
Forde tried stopping the suspectsfrombeatingaman.
“They (the suspects) beenbeatingupanotherman the day before, which in he was there and he say ‘y’all can’tdoduh’andthemthing duh,themthrowthemanina trenchandJoe(thedeceased) picked him up,” the relative said.
The relative added that the following day the three suspectsarmedwithacutlass sawFordeandattackedhim. Following the attack, Forde reportedly received several chopwoundsabouthisbody The injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by public-spirited citizens, where he succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical treatment.
DPI - The recently arrived 36-megawatt power ship in Guyana will significantly alleviate existing electricity woes in thecountry
However, it is important to note that while it will address a substantial portion of the problem, it alone will not completely solve the challenges posed by the increasing demand for electricity due to population growth and heightened activities.
PrimeMinisterBrigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips conducted a comprehensive inspection of the vessel during a tour on Monday while it is anchored at Everton in Region Six. He emphasised that the ship represents a significant investment by the government.
“I must commend the technical manager and the crew of the ship for the immaculate condition that thisshipisin.It’sa22-yearold ship and it looks brand new,” the Prime Minister expressed.
While investing in additionalpowergeneration, the government is also ensuring the maintenance of existing power stations nationwide.
SeniorMinisterDrAshni Singh highlighted the ship’s role, along with new generatorsatGardenofEden and Colombia power plants, inassessingenergyneeds.
“The arrival and plugging in of this power ship into the grid along with the other investments will help but they will not solve the problem overnight However, we are going to continue to monitor how demand grows and what we candotoensurethatwehave adequate supply,” Dr Singh explained.
The government is simultaneously pursuing medium-term solutions, including the 300-megawatt Gas-to-Energy project at Whales.
Dr Singh reiterated that despite the power ship’s arrivalandconnectiontothe grid,therewillbenoincrease inelectricitybills.
Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (ag) at GPL, Kesh Nandlall affirmed the ship’s capabilities to deliver maximumgeneration.
“We are on track to interconnect the ship onto thenetworkforMay8aswe initially indicated. We have
constructedthetransmission linesandthenwehavetodo some protection work. We will then test the ship and connect it,” the CEO (ag) explained.
The vessel, which journeyed from Cuba, stopped at Everton for grid connection after being acquired through a multimillion-dollar contract between GPL, Urbacon Concessions Investments, WL L (UCI), a subsidiary of UCC Holdings in Qatar, and Karpowership International It will be rented for two years,withamonthlycharter fee of US 6.62 cents per kilowatt hour and a maintenance fee of 0.98 US cents per kWh based on electricitygenerated.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (ag) at GPL, Kesh Nandlall at the site of the ship at Everton, Region Six on Saturday
Jermaine Williams, a boat captain of LenoraVillage,WestCoastDemerara(WCD), on Tuesday appeared at the Bartica Magistrates’ Court to answer charges of ‘unlawful’ possession of firearms and ammunitionwithoutlicence.
Williams appeared before His Worship, Mr.Tariq Mohamed, who read the charges to him.Hepleadednotguiltytobothchargesand was granted bail in the sum of $200,000 and 100,000respectively
The man was arrested on Sunday, following the discovery of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition on his boat during a search operation conducted by ranks of RegionalDivision#7.
Ocean Edge Services, Inc (OES) yesterday announced the official formation ofanewcorporationinGuyananamedOcean EdgeServices(Guyana)Inc.
Thenewentityisanexpansionofathreeyear working relationship with Atlantic Marine Supplies, Inc. (AMSI), and a formalized joint venture between the two companies.
Ocean Edge Services (Guyana) Inc. will headquarter in Georgetown, Guyanawithplansinclude new,permanentfacility established in Geor within six months offer a full set of the expanding oil and gas industryinthe country
region,andtotheGuyaneseeconomy Allof usatOESareexcitedaboutthefutureofthis jointventure.”
The initial board of directors for Ocean EdgeServices(Guyana)Inc.includesRaouf Hadad; Vincent Thakur, Managing Director ofAMSI; and Moen McDoom Jr., partner at McDoom & Company, attorneys at law, a Georgetown,Guyana,firm.
“ O E S p r o j e c t activity in Guyana has been steadily increasing,andwefeltthatnowwastheright time to formalize our partnership with AtlanticMarineSuppliesandputdownroots as a Guyanese corporation,” said Raouf Hadad, COO of Ocean Edge Services and who will serve as Managing Director of the newcompany
“We recognize the challenges accompanying this international expansion, but we are committed to the long-term development of business in Guyana, to supporting our customers operating in the
The 2015 and subsequent discoveries of largeoilreservesoffthecoast of Guyana has had immense the people and the thenation. made Guyana the astest-growing economy In both2022and 2023,Guyana recorded the highest real GDP growth ratesofanycountryworldwide.
AMSIisatrustednameintheMarine/Oil & Gas Industries in Guyana. Dedicated to providing top-quality products sourced directlyfromleadingmanufacturersandwith acommitmenttoexcellencethrough16years of experience, they have become a trusted advisor for companies seeking reliable solutionsintheseindustries.
Their mission is to deliver unparalleled supporttoallsectorsinGuyanabyofferinga comprehensive range of superior products andservices.
Thirty-one-year-old Terence Pitt called ‘Shots’, wasonTuesdaysentencedto lifeimprisonmentforkilling Darrel Breedy during the course of a robbery on October 5, 2019 in Festival City, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown.
Pitt was sentenced by JusticeJoAnnBarlowatthe Demerara High Court. He wasarraignedforthecapital offence of murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter
According to the facts, Pittwasarrestedandcharged after he, while in the company of another, broke intothehomeof53-year-old Breedy and fatally shot him on October 5, 2019 in Festival City, North Ruimveldt Breedy’s television and $11,000 were alsostolen.
Meanwhile, in Pitt’s address to the court he apologized to Breedy’s family, and asked them to forgivehim.
“I am sincerely sorry for what happen, I regret every moment,”hesaid.
In his plea of mitigation, Pitt’s lawyer Kiswana Jefford asked the court to consider that her client has c o o p e r a t e d w i t h
investigators from the beginningandhasexpressed hisremorse.
The attorney also noted that Pitt had a difficult upbringing due to the absence of his father
Further, Jefford asked the court to impose the most lenient sentence on Pitt, one that tempers justice with mercy
Meanwhile, Prosecutor Praneta Seeraj, in her address asked the court to consider the aggravating factors that caused an innocentlifetobetaken.
The state attorney spoke to the prevalence of the offence and the effect it has onsociety Shedisclosedthat the use of a weapon and the stolen items are critical factors to be considered
The attorney urged the courttoinflictasentencethat reflects the severity of the occurrence.
Justice Barlow in handing down the sentence pointed to several aggravating factors She noted that the victim was injured from the gunshot wounds he received and his belongings were removed fromhishomebyPittandhis accomplice.
The Judge noted the traumathedeceased’sfamily still faces due to his death and said that it must have crossed Pitt’s mind that the homeownerwouldhaveput up a fight and, if he did, he wouldsufferharm.
Ta k i n g a l l t h e circumstances into consideration, Justice BarlowsentencedPitttolife inprison.Initially,theJudge said Pitt was eligible for paroleafter30years.
However, given the fact that he entered an early guilty plea, one-third was deducted from the 30 years reducing eligibility for paroleto20years.
Further, Justice Barlow noted that time will also be deducted for time spent on remand.
The Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) on Tuesday announced that it will on Thursday be resuming country-wide strike action following the failure of the Government of Guyana to engage in Collective Bargaining.
The announcement was made by President of the GTU, Dr Mark Lyte at a virtualpressconference.
TheGTUheadsaidsince the 29-day strike held in February, the Union was unable to have discussions with the government on the multi-year proposals for increasesinsalaries.
It was reported that the multi-yearproposalcoversa periodoffiveyears,2019to 2023 The Union had proposeda25percentsalary increase in 2019 and a 20 percent increase for 20202023.
“Wehaveheardfromthe Ministry of Education that they are not prepared and allowed to negotiate for the 2019-2023 [period] for which we have submitted a proposal, in fact they have
indicated that they are prepared to negotiate 2024 and current. A position that the union will not support and agreed to hence having taken the matter relating to thecuttingofsalariesandthe remittance of dues to the court and allowing that process to take place, the GTU would have consulted its members on the next step,” Lyte explained yesterday
Speaking of the next step,Lyteannouncedthatthe members of the Union had decidedseveralweeksagoto resumethestrikeaction.
“So here we are making an official announcement that because of the absence of collective bargaining and an attempt on the part of the government, the Ministry of Education to address the condition under which teachersworkespeciallyasit relatestosalarieswearehere to announce that on Thursday May 9th strike action will resume in all education districts all across Guyana,”hesaid.
The GTU President said
that the Union has officially informed the Education Ministry, through its Permanent Secretary and that the impending strike was brought to the attention of the Ministers of EducationandLabour,Priya Manickchand and Joseph Hamiltonrespectively
Also copies of the correspondence were issued to the Chief Labour Officer (CLO), Chief Education Officer (CEO), the The In
l L
ur Organization (ILO), and the Caribbean Union of Teachers.
“We hoped that as we haveindicatedinourmissive that the Ministry of Education who now has the authoritytonegotiateshould intheinterestofourlearners and the education sector in Guyana work to have the matter before us amicably resolved and this would not be resolved just by talks, it would be resolved through the active signing of the multiyearagreement,having come up with the areas that we would agree on,” Lyte stated.
In February, the GTU initiatedlegalproceedingsin the High Court to challenge the Government of Guyana (GoG)decisiontodeductthe salaries of the teachers participatinginthestrike,as well as to stop deducting teachers’ fees on behalf of theUnion.
TheGTUaskedthecourt foraconservatoryorderthat the status quo remains the same that the government willnotdeductmoniesfrom the wages and salaries of teachers engaged in any industrial action, and to
continue deducting the Union fees and remitting same to the GTU, until the determinationofthematter
The other orders and declarations, inter alia, include discrimination, breach of freedom of association, and breach of protection from deprivation of property Furthermore, GTU requested declarations of bad faith by the government and breach of natural justice. They also requested costs, aggravated damages, exemplary damages, and any other orders the court deems appropriate.
In April High Court Judge Sandil Kissoon ruled thattheGTU-ledstrikewas legal. As a result, the judge prohibited the government fromactingonitsdecisionto deduct the salaries of teachers who participated in the month-long strike in February The High Court Judge also slammed the government’s decision to discontinuedeductingunion dues from the salaries of teachers for the union
describing the move as “arbitrary, unilateral, and discriminatory”.
Following the Judge’s decision, Attorney General Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC had told reporters that the government will definitely appealthedecision.
When asked during the press conference that if resuming the strike is not a risk considering that the court case is likely to be appealed, GTU’S President said, “We have considered that, everything is a risk, when we took the matter to theHighCourtitwasarisk, when we stood out there for 29 days it was risk, I think thesituationathandwarrant therisktaking.”
This publication had reportedonFebruary5,2024 teachers from various educationdistrictsacrossthe country had held strike and protestactionforaperiodof 29 days calling on the Governmenttorelenttotheir demands for higher salaries viathecollectivebargaining process.
S e n e g a l e s e Police—gendarmerie—over the weekend with the support of its SubImmigration Support and RepressionGroup(GARSI), initiated measures to dismantle clandestine operations in that country’s gold fields, namely the, Kédougouregion.
Predominantly managed
by foreign nationals, p a r t i c u l a r l y f r o m neighbouring countries, these illicit gold panning sites often serve as hubs for various illicit activities includingtrafficking. The move is in keeping with the promises of newly elected Senegalese President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who on
taking office had vowed to clamp down on the skullduggeries taking place initsoilandgasandmining sectors. To this, end reports indicate that in pursuit of organizing and regulating the gold panning industry withintheKédougouregion, law enforcement officials, aided by GARSI targeted raids conducted in specific
Newly elected Senegalese President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye
something the Government of Guyana (GoG) cannot prevent.
areas resulted in the closure ofmultipleclandestinesites.
Notably, the operation conductedonSaturday,May 4th, in the village of Bagué, situated in the commune of MissirahSirimana,ledtothe seizure of several items including a generator, a motor pump, containers of gasoline, motorcycles, solar panels, a water pump, and a substantial quantity of narcotics. Law enforcement efforts remain ongoing acrosstheSoutheastzone.
According to reports, following the arrival of law enforcement personnel, illegal gold miners from BurkinaFasohastilyvacated the premises, abandoning their equipment, and fleeing across the Malian border to seekrefuge.
In a televised address to theSenegalesenationonhis assumption of office Faye, immediately revealed plans foracomprehensiveauditof the nation’s oil, gas, and mining sectors, and their terms and conditions under which they were handed out byhispredecessor.Inrecent years this publication has reported on a plethora of s h o r t c o m i n g s a n d exploitation in the sector, including those enshrined in the many contracts inked overtheyears.
O n l y r e c e n t l y, responding to concerns raised in relation to Canadian mining company, Reunion Gold Corporation selling 57 percent of its shares of its gold project for some US$638 million, days after disclosing the signing ofaMineralAgreementwith the Government of Guyana (GoG) – Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo, has stated that ‘flipping’ is not unusual particularly in the mining industry and it is
When asked about the announcement made by Reunion selling majority shares of its Oko West gold project located in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni),
to fellow Canadian company, G Mining
Ventures Corporation (GMIN), Jagdeo first noted thathewasnotawareofsuch a development He continued, “I don’t know who is walking away with s i x - s o m e t h i n g but remember we dealt withtheissueofflipping…” the Vice President added, “I pointed out that this is not unusualinmanypartsofthe worldsoIhavenodoubtthat a company may be selling a project here.” There are, on the Ministry of Finance’s website, five mining contracts namely:Aurora –Mineral Agreement; Guyana, GGMC and Reunion Manganese Inc. –Mineral Agreement; Guyana, GGMC, First Bauxite&GuyanaIndustrial Minerals Inc – Mineral Agreement; Karouni –Mineral Agreement and Toroparu – Mineral Agreement.
An additional 13 Licences granted to the miningcompanieswerealso made public. These include Atlantic Golds Inc; Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. 2006; Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. 2010; Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. 2012;BosaiMineralsGroup Guyana Inc. 03 2004; Bosai MineralsGroupGuyanaInc. 04 2004; Bosai Minerals GroupGuyanaInc.052004; Guyana Goldfields Inc ; Guyana Industrial Minerals Inc ; Guyana Manganese Inc. ML 022022; Guyana MiningLicenseG-1000000; Ontario Mining License and TroyResourcesPharsalus. TheBauxiteCompanyof Guyana Inc holds three large-scale licences for the extraction of bauxite in
Kurubuka(Block22),North East(Block5inKwakwani), Berbice(Block38)foratotal area of 16,691 acres, in which the Guyana Government has a state participation of 10% as confirmed by the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL).
Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Inc. holds three (3) large-scale licences for the extraction of bauxite in East Montgomery, Tailing area andDacouriaforatotalarea of 3,063 acres, in which the Guyana Government also has state participation of 30 percent as confirmed by NICIL. Correia Mining Co. holds a large-scale licence fortheextractionofgoldand diamonds for a total area of 3,681 acres. Guyana Goldfield Inc. holds a largescale licence for the extractionofgoldinCuyuni (Aurora) for a total area of 14,339 acres while Guyana Industrial Minerals Inc holds a large-scale licence for the extraction of bauxite in the Bonasika Mining project for a total area of 18,940acres.
Additionally, North American Resources Incorporated Ltd. holds a large-scale licence for the extraction of gold for a total 5,950 acres. Pereira Mining Companyholdsalarge-scale licence for the extraction of gold, silver, and valuable minerals for a total area of 5,105 acres Meanwhile, R o m a n e x G u y a n a Exploration Ltd holds a large-scale licence for the extraction of gold and valuable minerals for a total area of 11,110 acres; while OntarioIncorporatedholdsa large-scale licence for the extraction of gold and copper for a total area of 8,346 acres.Troy Resources Guyana also held a largescale licence for the extraction of gold for a total area of 15,160 acres, they have since shuttered that Guyanaoperations.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ExxonMobil Corporation (XOM), Darren Woods recentlytoldshareholdersof thecompanythatitwasable to deliver “unprecedented success”inGuyanafromthe country’s ramped up oil production during the first threemonthsof2024.
This enabled Exxon to return more profits to the pockets of the oil giant’s shareholders, Woods said during the company’s first quarter Earnings Call
Duringhisopeningremarks, the CEO of the Fortune 500 company said, “In the quarter, we continued to deliver unprecedented success in Guyana with growingproductioncreating additional value for our shareholders and the Guyanesepeople.”
He continued, “Our strategic projects, which are another important driver of our planned earnings improvement,helpeddeliver record first-quarter refining throughput and strong performance chemicals volumegrowth.”
The CEO was keen to
highlightthatExxonalsohas more projects planned for startup in 2025. During the first quarter of the year, ExxonMobilmadeUS$8.2B inprofitsand$14.7billionof cash flow Exxon’s subsidiary that operates Guyana’s oil rich Stabroek Block currently has three Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels producing above the respectivesafetylimits. Presently, Liza One and Liza Two are producing about 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 250,000 bpd r e s p e c t i v e l y. T h e Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs) each specifically outline 120,000 and220,000bpd,asthesafe operating limit for Liza One and Two, respectively Similarly, the third oil project - Payara- is also producing approximately 230,000bpdeventhoughthe vessel’s nameplate capacity is 220,000 bpd. Be that as it may, EMGL is planning to further ramp up its daily production at the Liza Two project.
D u r i n g a p r e s s engagement,thePresidentof ExxonMobil Guyana
revealed, “Part of the Unity shutdown is actually going to include some additional debottleneckingworkwhere we think maybe we could produce above 252,000 barrelsperday Studieshave demonstratedthatthatcould bedone,sointhatshutdown period where we are installing the riser we will also be doing some additional modifications, some other planned maintenance work that we wouldhavedonealittlelater that we’ve accelerated forwardforintegrityactivity
sothereisotherworkinthat shutdownthatwillhopefully be beneficial also to the productioncapacity.”
Notably, Exxon also plans to mirror the Liza Unity production at the Payara development. “We anticipateinanextmonthor two, hopefully we’ll complete those reviews and if that’s satisfactory then we’llmakethatadjustment,” Routledgedisclosed.
He reported that the reservoirs at the Payara project were performing e
encouragingthecompanyto increase the capacity of the wells. Even though experts argue that the risk of an oil spill is increased with the acceleration of daily production activities, the company is reluctant to provide the country with an unlimited parent company guarantee that protects this country from the liabilities associated with a disastrous spill. Presently, Guyana has been assured of a US$600 million insurance policy per oil spill event and a US$2B guarantee.
Canadian mining company, Omai Gold Mines Corporation on Tuesday announced that the Guyana Geology & Mines Commission (GGMC) has granted a new Prospecting Licence providing the exclusive right of occupation and exploration for gold, base metals, precious metals andpreciousstones.
Thelicencehasaninitialthreeyear term untilApril 29, 2027 that can be extended to 2029. This licence gives Omai the exclusive rightstoapplyforaMiningLicense and the company has commenced meetingswithgovernmentofficials thathaveprovidedguidanceonthe process.
OMAI’sgoldprojectislocated in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni) Guyana. The company holds a 100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits: the shear-hosted Wenot Deposit and the adjacent intrusive-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit.
The latest assessment incorporates expansions to the Wenot and incorporates the previously disclosed Gilt Creek deposit, solidifying the project’s potential for substantial gold production. The results from its first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Wenot Project revealed that the project is slatedtoyieldover142,000ounces of gold annually over a 13-year minelife.Atitspeak,productionis anticipated to soar to 184,000 ouncesinasingleyear,withatotal estimated production of 1,840,000 ouncesofpayablegold.
Moreover, the company also announce the appointment of
MarcelCameronP.Eng.asCountry Manager, Guyana. It was stated thatCameronisaMiningEngineer with 25 years experience in mine planning, engineering and project management for large-scale open pit and underground operations in North and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Guyana. He will be responsible for managing and advancing operations at the Company’s 100% owned Omai goldproject,overseeingpermitting and community engagement, and leading the Company’s broader businessactivitiesinGuyana. Elaine Ellingham, President
andChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO) said: “We are pleased to welcome Marcel to the team. His extensive hands-onexperiencewithtechnical and mine planning for advanced stage projects will drive forward thenextphasesofworkatourOmai project. We announced positive results for a baseline PEA about a monthagothatsetsthestageforthe next phases of project development. Our PEAprovides a solid mine plan and economics, while incorporating less than 45% of Omai’s current Mineral Resource Estimate This alone presentsobviousopportunities.”
She continued, “We are confidentthatwithsomeadditional drilling along strike and even withinthePEApitatWenotwecan incorporate additional known Resourcesandsomeoftheadjacent goldoccurrencesthatcouldexpand themineplanandmoreimportantly boost the overall economic return. At the same time, engineering, environmental studies, and permitting initiatives will accelerate now that our PEA is complete Mr Cameron is a Guyanese citizen. His early career experienceattheOmaimine,when itwasalarge-scale300,000ounces
per year operation, is invaluable, giving him an excellent base of knowledge of the property and its potential to be redeveloped as a largescalemine.”
Looking ahead, Omai sees immense potential for expansion and enhanced economics. Identified gold zones along strike and at depth within the Wenot deposit are expected to bolster mineral resources, while incorporating the adjacent Gilt Creek Deposit could extend the minelifetoover20years.
Additionally, plans to exploit high-grade near-surface zones promisetoelevateprocessingplant feed quality and boost economic returns. The PEA marks a pivotal step for Omai as it progresses towards a Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS), signaling a steadfast commitment to advancing the OmaiProjectin2024andbeyond.
On February 8, 2024, the company had announced an updated MRE for the Omai Property The combined estimates from the Wenot and Gilt Creek deposits stands at 2 0 million ounces of gold grading at 2.15 g/t gold in the indicated category and 2.3 million ounces of gold grading at2.26g/tintheinferredcategory
This represents a notable increase compared to the previous resource estimate conducted in October 2022, with indicated ounces seeing a 4% uptick and inferred ounces experiencing a substantial 28% surge. In 2020, Omai re-entered Guyana’s mining industry The company had said that their work completed thus far, hasputthemontracktobecomethe next large-scale gold mine to open inGuyana.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One Puri/ Roti Maker and Kitchen assistant needed at Robbies Snackette. Call: 6488279/ 231-6591.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
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(BBC NEWS) Heavy rains which caused widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have left hundreds of towns under water.
One experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.
Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.
Vacancy for Receptionist and Hotel Attendant at Hick's Ville Hotel. Email: info@vegeworld.net or Call: 227-7714/ 223-3448.
Masons, carpenters, & skilled men labourers wages $8,000-$10,000 per day & Labourer 5-7K per day. Call: 650-1394, 692-7110.
1 Office Assistant, must have atleast maths and english. Ages 20-35 years. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Canter Driver needed. Ages 30 years & older. Must have atleast 5 experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@ gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
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Male Engineer & Project Supervisor at road and building construction. Must have atleast 5 years experience. Email CV: rbinvestmentinc@gmail.com, Call: 613-0855.
Mason, Labourer, and Security Guard at Happy Acres, ECD. Call or WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 611-6151.
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At least 85 people died in the floods and about 150,000 have been displaced from their homes, officials said. Some towns remain isolated and hopes of finding the more than 130 people who are still missing are dwin dling.
Further heavy rains forecast for this week are expected to further exacerbate the situation in the region. Many residents had to leave their homes, with some of the most vulnerable people evacuated by rescue workers.
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. For more information Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
One income generating property. Land size 37'x 345' at Middle road, Pouderoyen. For more information Call: 655-7405/ 694-7817.
One 6076 John Deere 6 cylinder engine. Interested persons an make contact 7014000. Monday-Friday 8 am4 pm
Rescue workers have been evacuating the most vulnerable people.
The Brazilian Airlines Association said on Tuesday that the airport in Porto Alegre would remain closed until at least the end of the month after the Guaíba river burst its banks and flooded the runway and key buildings.
The river reached a record high level of 5.3m (17.4ft), local officials said.
The previous record was reached in 1941 and stood at
4.76m. The airport is not the only large building which had to close in Porto Alegre, a city which is home to some 1.5 million people.
The pitch of the Arena do Gremio stadium is also covered in brown sludge.
The situation in some of the areas surrounding the city of Porto Alegre is even worse. Canoas is one of those badly hit. The extreme
weather has been caused by a rare combination of hotter than average temperatures, high humidity and strong winds. Climate expert Francisco Eliseu Aquino told AFP news agency that Rio Grande do Sul had always been a meeting point between tropical and polar air masses but said that “these interactions intensified with climate change”.
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One, two and three bedroom furnished & unfurnished Apt in Diamond, Providence New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 216-2299/ 604-6664.
Far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir has repeatedly threatened to leave the Israeli government if a deal with Hamas is agreed [File: Amir Cohen/Reuters]
Palestinians, in the east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip start to leave their homes and migrate to areas they consider safer in Gaza’s Rafah. [Ramez Habboud/Anadolu Agency]
agreed to a deal, Israel was willing support a full-scale invasion “If Israel goes into Rafah and to blow that up by commencing Israel’s war cabinet may be trying wreakscarnageanddamage,thenit their assault on Rafah,” said Omar to satisfy public opinion by going will be no closer to its strategic Rahman, an expert on Israel- ahead with the Rafah offensive and objectiveandIthinkthatwillcreate Palestine with the Middle East initially rejecting a ceasefire, said more complications for Netanyahu Council for Global Affairs, a think Hugh Lovatt, an expert on Israel- intheweeksandmonthsahead,”he tankinDoha,Qatar Palestine with the European told Al Jazeera In May, US
“The goal is to destroy Gaza in Council for Foreign Relations President Joe Biden warned (ALJAZEERA) Israel appears disbanding Hamas battalions and itstotality,”hetoldAlJazeera. (ECFR).
Netanyahu against invading Rafah tohavebeenblindsidedbyHamas’s seizing control of the Gaza- Selling a victory? “It might be too difficult for the and said such a move would be a announcement on Monday that it Egyptian crossing, which Israel Rafah has become the last Israeli government to accept a “redline”. had agreed to an Egyptian-Qatari accusesHamasofusingtosmuggle refuge for Palestinians fleeing proposal that is seen [by the Israeli Lovatt believes that the US ceasefire proposal. But the Israeli weapons into the besieged enclave. Israeli attacks across the enclave’s public]tobeonHamas’sterms,”he should penalise Netanyahu for government quickly made its Buthumanitariangroupshavebeen northern and central regions. It has told Al Jazeera. “By going into disregarding Biden’s threat. He positionclear–theproposalwasn’t quick to point out that a closure of not been totally spared attack, but Rafah, Israel could be seen as added that the US should suspend somethingitwouldagreeto,and,to the crossing will have disastrous the Israeli army had not – until saying…we have taken over the military aid and clarify that the make matters more explicit, its consequencesforthemorethanone Monday – sent in ground forces to corridor,wehaveuprootedterrorist ceasefire proposal accepted by military forces took control of the million Palestinians living in occupy territory there. But having infrastructureandnowwecanhave Hamas is in line with the one that Palestinian side of Egypt’s border Rafah, the majority of them conducted ground operations aceasefire.” CIA chief Burns helped mediate. withGazainRafah. displaced. And it also jeopardises across the rest of Gaza, and with Clinging to power “ItappearsthatIsraelisbypassinga
For many analysts, the Israeli hopes of securing a deal between Hamas still operational and dozens Netanyahu’s political career ceasefire proposal that Will Burns government’s message is clear: Israel and Hamas, which Egypt, of Israeli captives still being held, alsohingesoncontinuingthewarin worked on. This is a massive move there will be no permanent Qatar and the United States have Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Gaza, analysts told Al Jazeera. against US diplomacy and I think ceasefire, and the devastating war spent days attempting to broker, Netanyahu has begun his attack – They explained that a permanent the US needs to put its foot down,” onGazawillcontinue. withWilliamBurns,theheadofthe although its still to be determined ceasefire could lead to the collapse Lovatt told Al Jazeera. “This is “Israel wants to reserve the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) howfarhisforceswillgoinRafah. ofhisfar-rightcoalition,prompting about saving Netanyahu from right to continue operations in heavily involved. Israel said that TheconundrumthatNetanyahu early elections and his removal himself and saving Israel from Gaza,” said Mairav Zonszein, a the terms of the Hamas ceasefire faces is that he has promised the frompower itself.” senior analyst on Israel-Palestine differed from previous proposals it Israeli public victory against Israel’s far-right national The US has delayed the sale of for the International Crisis Group had seen. But analysts believe that Hamas – and a large majority of security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, thousands of precision weapons to (ICG). She added that a deal seems the wider issue is that Israel is not Jewish Israelis support an invasion and finance minister, Bezalel Israel, but Elgindy is sceptical that impossible as long as Israel refuses willing to agree to a permanent of Rafah, according to a survey Smotrich, have reportedly both the US will exert more pressure to to end the war, for good. “If you ceasefire, even after Hamas taken in March by the Israeli threatened to leave and collapse avert a catastrophe in Rafah. He enter a ceasefire deal, then you will releases Israeli captives. “The last Democracy Institute. But the US, Netanyahu’s coalition if Israel said that Biden still doesn’t appear [eventually] need a ceasefire,” she couple of days have proved that despite its overwhelming support agrees to a captive deal and to grasp Israel’s strategic error in toldAlJazeera.Israel’sbombingof Israel was not really negotiating in for Israel throughout the war on ceasefire Khaled Elgindy, an Gazaorthescaleofthedisasterthat Rafah has the ostensible aim of goodfaith.ThemomentthatHamas Gaza,hasmadeclearthatitwillnot analyst on Israel-Palestine for the he has enabled. “Some people in Middle East Institute, believes that Biden’s administration have Hamas’s acceptance of a ceasefire reached that conclusion [that Israel proposal puts Netanyahu in an committed a strategic error], but awkward position since he can no they are not decision-makers. They longer claim that a reasonable deal are not the president,” he told Al isn’tonthetable. Jazeera. Zonszein, from Crisis
“Netanyahu needs the war to Group, added that it is unclear how continueandexpandforhimtostay far the US will go to push in power. He personally doesn’t Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire. have an incentive,” he told Al ShesaidthattheUSappearstohave Jazeera. Lovatt, from ECFR, added given the mediators private that invading Rafah also carries guaranteesthatanyceasefirewould medium and long-term risks for eventually lead to a permanent end Netanyahu and Israel. He fears that to the war “The US is very much if Israel significantly escalates its interested in stopping this invasion offensiveonRafah,thenitwilllose into Rafah and I think it has the the remaining Israeli captives ability to stop it,” she said.” It just without arriving any closer to its doesn’twanttoappeartobehelping statedaimof“eradicatingHamas”. Hamas,soit’satrickysituation.”
From page 31 three stages: starting with loveofthebeautifulgame.” MackenzieHigh,NewSilver I A E,
’s apiece. Wisburg triumphed wished the teams well and preliminary round-robin Georgetown’s fixtures City Secondary, Linden Academy over Harmony Secondary reiterated her company’s matches held regionally, featured Queen’s College, St Foundation, Wisburg StJohn’sSecondary2–1 and Linden Foundation, commitment to investing in followed by the round of 16 John’s Secondary, Institute Secondary and Harmony I.A.E while Mackenzie High youth,girlsandfootball. and quarterfinal group stage of Academic Excellence, Secondary Queen’s College 5 – 0 secured victories against “I am excited to see so clashes.
At the end of the N
Wismar Christianburg many faces here today to P
championship, outstanding Secondary Secondary and Linden start this competition. I wish Wo m e n ’
performances including the Chase’s Academy 1 - 1 Foundation, setting the stage everyteamallthebest.” AssociationAndrea Johnson GeorgetownSecondary top four teams, will receive N o
i o n a l advised the athletes to “seize Meanwhile, Region One awards.Trophieswillalsobe Secondary ahead. championship places a themoment.” competing schools were
for an exciting competition T
Wismar Christianburg strong emphasis on player “This tournament is not Santa Rosa Secondary, performers,suchasTopGoal Chase’sAcademy Secondary 0
Mackenzie development, guaranteeing just about the thrill of the W
, Scorers, Most Valuable
each player a minimum of competition, it’s about Kamwatta Primary and Players (MVPs) and Top College
e empoweringouryounggirls, KwebannaPrimary Goalkeepers. New
opportunity for up to sixteen providing them with a Region Ten players
appearances. platform to showcase their
talents will be
The competition has skills and nurturing their Christianburg Secondary, identifiedforfurthertraining
as part of the national team
You're visionary and progressive today, Aries, despite what people may say about your tendency to be conservative.Youcouldeasily comeupwithaneffectiveway tohelppeople.
Today you should abandon any intellectual pursuits and concentrate on practical problemsrelatedtoorganization andgoalsetting You'relikelyto find perfect solutions within an hourofstarting.
You're a great creator of systems, Gemini. You can tinker with every sort of construction, from theories and computer programs to scientific experiments and strategicevaluations.
Who would have guessed that you have an ability to understand subjects as irrational as human passions? You're getting down and dirty with the sticky, trivial realities of day-to-day life that never interestedyoubefore.
Until now, you didn't know youwerecapableofmanaging people with problems. But the so-called poetic universe you inhabit is actually much more realistic than it seems at first glance.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Atlast,adayofrelieffromthe tension! The flow of communication facilitates personal and professional projects. Now is the time to listen to your partner or other familymembers.
You're well aware that your happiness in love doesn't depend on emotional promises alone. In order to attract your attention, anyone new in your life has to make some material offeringaswell.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
The mood is one of bustle and change, Scorpio. It's a good day to clear out your wardrobe or other belongings. Out with the old, in with the new! You mayconsigntheoldstufftothe basementorgiveittocharity
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Todayisagooddaytoorganize professional or personal meetings They will be productive. It's an auspicious time for efficient, serious communication, realistic plans,andgroupharmony
It isn't always easy to win the admiration you expect from your partner, Capricorn. But in this area today seems to be better than most. You're likely to be brimming with ideas for ways to enhance your most appealingqualities.
No one dislikes red tape and bureaucracy more than you. But take advantage of the atmosphere today If you have any applications to submit or formalities to complete, you'll find the process much easier thanusual.
Some people tend to make mountains out of molehills. Currently, you're likely to feel asthoughyou'resurroundedby people who exaggerate problems.
programme, providing them
with an opportunity to Chase’s Academy
continue their development Queen’s
and potentially represent
Region One Wisburg
WaramuriPrimaryended Mackenzie
the opening day with a the day with two wins CitySecondary flawless performance, clinchingthreevictoriesinas
Primary, Kwebanna Primary andKamwattaPrimary
Kamwatta Primary 0 – 1 KwebannaPrimary
Santa Rosa Secondary 8 –0KamwattaPrimary
Waramuri Primary 1- 0 KwebannaPrimary
Santa Rosa Secondary 3 –0KwebannaPrimary
Waramuri Primary 9 – 0 KamwattaPrimary
Region 4
Q u e e n ’s C o l l e g e maintained an impeccable record, securing three consecutive victories in as many games. They emerged victorious over New Campbellville Secondary,
SportsMax - Jamaica and contest LeagueAin a “Swiss style” TrinidadandTobagoaresettocross league system, with each team swords in the group stages of this playingatotaloffourgames(twoat year’s fourth edition of the homeandtwoaway).
Concacaf Nations League, as both Jamaica, last edition’s semiwere drawn in Group B of League finalist, and Trinidad and Tobago, Afor the 2024/25 campaign which who made the quarterfinals, are is scheduled to kick off in drawn alongside Honduras, Cuba, September. Nicaragua, and French Guiana, This year’s Concacaf Nations while Group A comprises, Costa League will again be contested in a Rica, Guatemala, Martinique, three-league format –LeaguesA, B Guadeloupe, Suriname, and and C –and will see the Guyana.
The results of Monday’s Concacaf Nations League draw. (Concacaf)
Confederation’s 41 senior men’s After group stage play in national teams doing battle during September and October, the first the FIFA match windows of and second-place finishers of each September, October, and group, will advance to the November2024. quarterfinals, where they will join Thesemi-finalsandfinalsofthe the four top-ranked League A tournament, which serves as the teams, Mexico, United States, Group B -Curacao, Saint teams will host the October Islands qualifiers for next summer’s 2025 Panama,andCanada.
Lucia,Grenada,andSaintMartin matches,andthebest-rankedteams Where centralized venues are Concacaf Gold Cup, are scheduled Thequarterfinalswillbeplayed Group C -Haiti, Puerto Rico, will host the decisive November concerned, the second highestforMarch2025. in a home-and-away format, with Aruba,andStMaarten matches. ranked teams in each group will
The teams have been grouped the winner of each fixture, on Group D -Dominican Over in League C, which host the September matches, and across the respective Leagues aggregate, set to secure a berth in Republic, Bermuda, Antigua and consists of nine teams, divided into the highest-ranked teams will host based on their results from the nextyear’sFinals. Barbuda,andDominic three groups of three teams, the theOctobermatches. 2023/24staging.
Meanwhile, League B will Matches in each group will be format takes a similar shape, where Schedule:
The Reggae Boyz and their feature 16 teams divided into four played at a centralized venue each team will play every team in Group Stage: September 2-10, Soca Warriors counterparts, who groups of four teams. Each team instead of the previous home-and- itsgrouptwice. October 7-15, and November 11contested the business end of the will play every team in its group away format, to alleviate travel Group A -Barbados, Bahamas, 19,2024 competitionforthefirsttimeinthat twice. The groups were drawn as challenges that Member andUSVirginIslands Quarterfinals: November 11campaign, will be hoping to do so follows: Associationsface.
Group B -Belize, Turks and 19,2024 againonthisoccasion.
Group A -El Salvador, The third best-ranked teams in CaicosIslands,andAnguilla Semifinals:March20,2025
They are among 12 teams, split Montserrat, Saint Vincent and the each group will host the September GroupC-SaintKittsandNevis, Final andThird Place Match: in two groups of six teams each to Grenadines,andBonaire matches, the second best-ranked Cayman Islands, and BritishVirgin March23,2025
SportsMax - Following another series of top-notch performances over the weekend, it comes as no surprisethatCaribbeanplayers continue to line the statistics leaderboards in the early exchangesofthe2024Suncorp Super Netball League campaign.
Jamaica’s Jhaniele FowlerNembhard and Shanice Beckford, assisted West Coast that has her atop that category, jointly with Fever to a thumping 75-59 win Fever’s teammate Alice Teague-Neeld and over New South Wales Swifts, the team of LizWatsonoftheSunshineCoastLightning. Trinidad and Tobago stalwart Samantha Aiken-George retains top spot for Wallace-Joseph, while other Jamaicans, offensivereboundswith22tohername,with Romelda Aiken-George, Shamera SterlingFowler-Nembhard (13) fifth in that category, Humphrey, and Latanya Wilson, were while Sterling-Humphrey (8) has slipped instrumental in Adelaide Thunderbirds’ 69third in the defensive rebound category, 49winoverJodi-AnnWard’sGIANTS. behindRemiKamo(10)andSarahKlau(8). Fowler-Nembhard, an imposing figure in
However, Sterling-Humphrey is not to be the shooting circle, scored 61 goals from 62 beaten elsewhere though, as she maintains a attempts in the Fever’s latest win, and strangle hold atop the deflections and remainstopofthetablesinseveralcategories intercepts tallies with 27 and 15 to her name. – namely, Nissan Net Points (490.5), goals Her teammate Wilson sits fourth and second (243)andattempts(248).Aiken-George(148 on the deflections and intercepts lists with 22 goals and 171 attempts) and Wallace-Joseph and 14. Meanwhile, SundayAryang andAsh (138 goals and 148 attempts) are fourth and Ervin have taken second and third for fifth in the goals and attempts categories deflectionswith26and25respectively respectively Teague-Neeld remains on top of the goal Beckford has been finding her footing at assists leaderboard with 107 to her name, the two-point Super Shot line in her debut followedcloselybyLizWatson(96). season, but it is the 86 centre passes received
The Telegraph - A British darts player stepped up demands for tighter rules for women’s sport after forfeiting the Denmark Open becauseshewasfacingatransgender opponent.
Deta Hedman, 64, pulled out of a quarter-final match against NoaLynn van Leuven, prompting some supporters to offer to pay her prize money
VanLeuvenhasdividedhersport since joining the women’s circuit afterbeginningtransitioningin2022. Lynne Pinches, who has also forfeited VanLeuvenwontwotournamentsinMarch– matches on the women’s pool circuit for the thePDCWomen’sSeriesinWiganandaPDC same reason, said she had “full respect” for ToureventinHildesheim,Germany Hedman’sstand.
“I triedto enjoylifeas muchas possible,” Hedman, a three-time WDF World van Leuven told Sky Sports. “I transitioned Championship finalist and a veteran of the before going through a lot of meetings with a sport since the 1980s, has previously psychologist.” secured titles at the World Masters and Hedman has previously called on the DutchOpen Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) and Last year, the 64 year-old said she has theWorldDartsFederation(WDF)toexclude found it “wrong since day one” that trans trans women from female tournaments. She womenwereabletofacewomeninhersport. wrote on X, the platform formerly known as “For many months I’ve struggled with Twitter, that: “I wouldn’t play a man in a transgenders playing in the women’s world ladiesevent”. rankedevents,”shewroteinonepost.“Ihave
In a message to the Save Women’s Sport thoughtthisiswrongsincedayone,Ihaveno campaigngroup,sheadded:“Thissubject[is] problem with transgenders in life...Noa is a causingmuchangstinthesportIlove.People reallyniceperson,nobodyisdisputingthatat can be whoever they want in life but I don’t all...it’sjustmybeliefandmanyotherwomen think biological-born men should compete in players’ belief that trans shouldn’t be in women’ssport.” women’srankedevents.”
ICC - Dramatic progress of the build of the Nassau CountyInternationalCricket Stadium in New York which issettohosteightICCMen’s T20 World Cup 2024 matches in June has been unveiled, as the latest timelapse shows the rapid constructionofallstandsand thepitchareawithjustovera month to go until the event begins.
The timelapse released yesterday shows the near completion of both the East and West Stands including spectator seating across the entire stadium which will housemorethan34,000fans. The north and south premium hospitality and media pavilions structures are also on target with a spectacular viewing experience and world class opportunities for Broward versus Pakistan Visit close
hospitality for all guests. County Stadium in Florida tickets.t20worldcup.com for outfield laid. To see
Work continues at pace on and Grand Prairie Cricket d e t a i l
the modular stadium’s Stadium, Texas have now hospitality@t20worldcup c shows the transformation The stands are up, the stadium construction
playing surface with the turf beenlaunched.Fanshavethe om. from a stadium to a world- seatsarein,thetechnologyis Completed outfield now laid and chance to be part of a Excitement of the ICC classcricketfacility,withthe being installed, the outfield
preparation work completed differenthistoryattheWorld Men’s T20 World Cup pitch block installation has been laid and the pitches construction of drop in pitch before installation of the Cup opener on 1 June in continues to build with the takingplaceshortly are on their way We can’t area–Completed pitchesbeginsnextweek. Texas in a repeat of the first announcement that Sean “With only 39 days to go waittowelcometheworldto C
With just 39 days to go ever international match Paul and Soca superstar Kes until the historic World Cup this incredible venue this turfing of outfield –until the first historic first USAagainst Canada and Sri will join forces to produce match between Sri Lanka June.” Completed match takes place at the Lanka face World Cup theofficialanthemandsprint and South Africa, I would All fixtures and local Installation of drop in Nassau County International debutants Nepal in Florida’s legend Usain Bolt named as encourage all fans who starttimesfortheICCMen’s trays/pitches–W/B29April Cricket Stadium between first match on 11 June which WorldCupAmbassador haven’t got their ticket yet to T20World Cup are available Stadium construction 2014 champions Sri Lanka is an occasion not to be ICC Head of Events, v i s i t here. completion–W/B21May and South Africa, fans are missed. Chris Tetley said: “It is tickets.t20worldcup.com to Timelines Completion of testing urgedtogettheirticketsnow There is also limited amazing to see the progress make sure they are a part of Demarcation of site in and commissioning – W/B at tickets.t20worldcup.com hospitality availability at all of the Nassau County the biggest T20 World Cup NassauCounty-Completed 25May to ensure their part in the matches at the Nassau Internationa
biggestT20WorldCupever CountyInternationalCricket Stadium over the past few T20 USA, Inc CEO preparatory turf works –
- Sri Lanka v Additionally, hospitality Stadium, including India weeks with all stands very Brett Jones said: “It is NearCompletion SouthAfrica–3June
GCBT10Blastactioncontinuedyesterdaywithhugewins for the Demerara Pitbulls and the Berbice Caimans yesterday attheEnmoreGround.
Demerara Pitbulls beat Berbice Piranhas by 8 runs
Man-of-the-match, opening batsman Junior Sinclair scored 38 with 5 sixes at the top of the order while Sachin Singh punched 50 off 22 balls with five sixes and a pair of fourstohelpthePitbullspostamatch-winning109-4.
Off-spinner Sagar Hetheramani and all-rounder Rickey Sargent grabbed a wicket for the Piranhas, who in reply were restrictedto101-4bythetime10oversexpired.
Berbice Caimans beat Demerara Hawks by 94 runs
In-form batsmanAlexAlgoo smacked a vicious 67 with 8 maximums and a four while KevlonAnderson (17), Jonathan VanLange(10)andKevinSinclair(10)took104-3.
SpinnersAryanPersaud(1-9)andTotaramBishun(1-19), led the Hawks bowling before the match ended with the score 10-3,sufferinga94runlossasthematchended.
HarpyEaglesopenerTagenarineChanderpaulhit29,with support from Veerasammy Permaul (26), Rajiv Ivan (14) and 10 runs each from Quentin Sampson and Ronaldo Renee failedtotaketheirsidehome.
unbeaten with 4 wins, while Gafoor, Jacobs and Sharma were tied on 3 games each. No
The Guyana ScrabbleAssociation (GSA) other player was in contention for a podium continues its revival with the successful spot.InthatroundKrakowskywascomingup completion of another tournament in the against Gafoor while Jacobs was matching country skills against Sharma as they competed for
Thetournament,whichwassponsoredby thetopthreespots.
former president of the GSA Leon Belony, AlthoughGafoordefeatedKrakowskyby was named the Leon Belony Open Scrabble 77 points to join him on four wins each he Tournament. could not stop him from becoming the
The one day competition, which was championwhileSharmadefeatedJacobsby3 played recently at the Guyana Cricket Club points to snatch 3rd position on the last word (GCC) pavilion, was won by veteran player intheirgame.
James Krakowsky with Moen Gafoor The days preceding action was not occupying the second spot. Coming in third without its fair share of upsets with the first was Rai Sharma.The tournament was played major one being the victory of Winslow over5rounds. Jacobs over Gafoor in the 2nd round by 66
During the competition Krakowsky points.
scored the most seven letter words which
amounted to 11 in total. Gafoor for his part commendation for newcomer Tiana Da had the highest points score without a 7 letter Costa.Sheplayedwelltowin2games. word.
A total of 14 players inclusive of 4
Entering the last round, Krakowsky was femalesparticipatedintheday’saction.
ESPNcricinfo - Sanju But Porel did not let DC’s Samson’s46-ball86wentinvainas momentum slip, racing to a 28-ball DelhiCapitals’221provedtobetoo half-centuryofhisown.Hetookon much for Rajasthan Royals to RiyanParagandYuzvendraChahal chase. Kuldeep Yadav, Mukesh to keep the boundaries coming. Kumar and Khaleel Ahmed shared Even after Axar Patel fell in the six wickets between them as DC tenth over, Porel took 27 runs off successfully defended their total the next two overs. But in the 13th, after being asked to bat, subjecting hebecameAshwin’sthirdvictimof RR to their second defeat on the thenight. trot Jake Fraser-McGurk and Stubbs provides the finish Abishek Porel set up DC’s batting When Rishabh Pant fell to effort as they both hit rapid half- Yuzvendra Chahal in the 14th over, centuries. DC faced a slowdown as Stubbs R Ashwin, who had come into beganslowly.Betweenthe14thand the game with two wickets in the 17th overs, DC added just 22 runs season, returned a three-wicket with Stubbs on eight off 11 balls. haul to slow DC down, but Tristan ButStubbschangeditaroundwhen Stubbs once again provided the he took on Chahal in the spinner’s hosts with a powerful finish to take final over. His assortment of themtoatotalbeyondRR’sreach. sweeps helped take 16 run off Fraser-McGurk, Porel bedazzle Chahal’s final over Gulbadin Naib Fraser-McGurkwalkedintobat was out to Boult next over, but with an average of 57.33 and strike ImpactPlayerRasikhSalamhittwo rate close to 300 at theArun Jaitley scoops to take DC past the 200 Stadium. To stop him, Trent Boult mark. Stubbs then hit back-to-back started from around the wicket to sixestostartthefinalovertoensure try and keep him quiet. For one DCfinishedbeyond220. over,itworked. Samson stands
Yadav celebrates getting rid of R Ashwin. (Associated Press)
ButwhenBoultreturnedfor his up to DC’s bowlers second over, Fraser-McGurk met Khaleel Ahmed had Yashasvi partnership when he castled the in- Samsonholeout.Hopetookacatch that was given not-out initially himwithaloftdownthegroundfor Jaiswal miscuing to mid-off in the formParagfor27. runningtohisleftfromlong-onand Then, he tossed up his final ball of six before hitting him for two more first over of the chase, but Samson Samson had made just eight almost tripped himself on to the the spell wide outside off stump, fours in a 15-run over He then tore kept motoring on in the powerplay runsoffnineballsinthepartnership boundary rope. After the third and Ashwin miscued his slog. He into Avesh Khan, starting his first Khaleel, Ishant Sharma and with Parag, and the dismissal umpire confirmed that it was finished with 2 for 25 in four overs, over with three consecutive fours Mukesh all bore the brunt of appeared to bring out a sense of indeed out, Samson went to the leaving RR needing 37 off the last and finishing it by going 6, 4, 6 to Samson’s assault as he raced to 41 urgencyintheRRcaptain.Asixoff umpire in protest but had to keep 12. Salam and Mukesh closed it bring up his half-century off 19 off16.HisrunshelpedRRfinishon a free-hit against Kuldeep that walking. out, and DC moved to fifth on the deliveries. Ashwin struck in the a strong 67 for 2 after six overs, brought up his half-century was Kuldeep wraps it up points table with their third home final over of the powerplay when losing Jos Buttler to Axar in the followedbytwosixesandafouroff With RR still ending 60 off 26 wininarow Fraser-McGurk thrashed a low full penultimateballofthepowerplay the next over, bowled by Salam. A balls, Shubham Dubey’s big shots Scores: Delhi Capitals 221 for toss straight to cover Shai Hope Kuldeepthengaveawayjust11 17-runoveroffIshantwasfollowed offKhaleelbrieflygavethemhope, 8 (Porel 65, Fraser-McGurk 50, was then run-out at the non- runs off his first two overs as by a wayward one from Khaleel, but Kuldeep’s double-wicket 18th Ashwin 3-24) beat Rajasthan striker’s end as Sandeep Sharma SamsonandParagtrudgedalongin whobowledfourwidesinarow overgaveaknockoutblow Royals 201 for 8 (Samson 86, gotahandtodeflectPorel’sstraight a 36-run stand that came off 31 But with the momentum just He first had Donovan Ferreira Kuldeep 2-27, Mukesh 2-30) by 20 driveontothestumps. balls.Salam’sslowerballendedthe shifting towards RR, Mukesh had trapped lbw off a skiddy delivery runs.
Guyana’s very own FIDE Master Anthony Drayton finished tied for 4th Place in the
Challengers Section of the 2024 Heroes Day ChessTournamentinBarbadoswithTrinidadandTobago’s KhafraEnen-Sa-TefaAb.
Drayton, with a FIDE rating of 1978, has already become a household name on the regional chess scene. He made a scintillating start to the event, picking up four straight wins in the first four rounds against Jeremiah Farley, Adam Roachford, WCM Hannah Wilson, and a spectacularvictoryagainstEngland’sChrisWhite.
ThetournamentcommencedonApril27thandendedon May1st,2024,afternineroundsofcompetition.Despitehis initial success, Drayton faced challenges in the middle of thetournament,sufferingthreepivotallosses.
These defeats were against St. Vincent’s Chinedu Enemchukwu, where Drayton fell into a trap in the Scotch Gambit;againstKhafraEnen-Sa-TefaAb,whereastrategic oversight in the London System, Jobava variation, led to a loss; and against Justin Parsons, marking a turning point in hiscampaign.
Meanwhile, despite these setbacks, Drayton showcased resiliencebysecuringwinsinthefinaltworounds,finishing withascoreof6/9points.
ThetournamentendedwithBarbados’EmarEdwardsas theoverallvictor,whofinishedtheeventon7pointsfroma possible9.
Edwards’onlylosswasatthehandsofJustinParsonsin round four However, he was held to a half point on two separate occasions by 2nd place finisher Chinedu EnemchukwuandRonaldoRoachford.
Drayton’s journey through the 2024 Heroes Day Challengerssectionisanarrativeoftriumph,resilience,and the relentless pursuit of excellence. He has proudly represented the GoldenArrowhead, and has inspired many youngchessenthusiaststofollowinhisfootsteps.
Anthony Drayton is a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating that with dedication, strategic thinking, and resilience, success is within reach on the global stage. Reflecting on the tournament, Drayton acknowledged the challenges and thanked the Guyana Chess Federation for their support and the Barbados Chess Federation for the invitation.
He regarded the tournament as a valuable experience contributingtohisgrowthasachessplayer
Drayton’s achievements in Barbados showcased his skill and dedication, underscoring Guyana’s rising prominenceintheinternationalchesscommunity
The grand-one day Jet Thoroughbred Racing promoters and the relevant attempts in 2014, and key horserace meet at the Port Committee, is set forAugust authorities are working elements include provisions Mourant Turf Club which 11 at the Rising Sun Turf towards the horseracing toaddressviolations,expand was billed for Sunday May Club. The last race day was legislation All systems theAuthority’s membership, 2 6 , w a s c a n c e l l e d held on April 28 at Rising should be in place for the introduce term limits, and According to the organisers Sun. It was a race which was greatly-anticipated Guyana implement licensing for at the Port Mourant Turf labeled a “heist” where Cupraceday owners, jockeys, and Club, the race was cancelled StolenMoneystoletheshow T h i s i m p e n d i n g trainers. to give horse owners more with a remarkable comeback legislationaimstoestablisha This development is time to prepare. The horse win. Fans will experience recognized Guyana Horse expected to bring clarity, racingcalendarfor2024now more excitement in the Racing Authority, tasked structure, and oversight to schedule the next horse race upcoming races with more with regulating major the horse racing industry in meet for July 1 at Port fresh horses to be imported stables, officials, jockeys, Guyana, marking a Mourant. for the major Guyana Cup andhandlers. significant step toward its Guyana Cup, which will eventinAugust. The legislative initiative formal recognition and be organized by the Jumbo Behind the scenes, the comes after previous regulation.
Scenes from Inter Organisation Table Tennis Championship.
In a w h i r l w i n d o f partnership between GTTAand the Participants from various and Lieutenant Berachah A B while the GDF held the Chinese
c a m a r a d e r i e a n d Chinese Embassy, aimed to sectors of society graced the Garrett emerged as the champion Embassy (A) team to a 3-nil defeat.
competitive spirit, the promote table tennis across the tournament, including Director of team with a 3-2 victory, turning Notable performances from teams Guyana Table Tennis Association country,fosteringcamaraderie,and Sport Steve Ninvalle, Managers of back the challenge of the Fire representing the Chinese Embassy (GTTA) joined hands with the providing a platform for several corporations, and esteemed Service team of Warren Hackshaw and Wartsila added to the People’s Republic of China recreational and competitive members of the Guyana Defence Section Leader and Ewart Kesney tournament’scompetitivefervor Embassy in Guyana to host the playersalike. Force (GDF) and Guyana Fire Rank Sub-Officer, who earlier Meanwhile, in the Friendly Guyana-China Inter Organisation With objectives ranging from Service (GFS) as well as members defeated them in the group stages edition, a mixed team led by Table Tennis Championships. The strengthening the ties between ofthenationalassembly byasimilar3-2margin. Mansoor Nadir, Speaker of the event was held at the Guyana Guyana and China to promoting The tournament featured both The semifinals witnessed National Assembly, and Chinese Olympic Association Auditorium healthy lifestyles through sport, the competitiveandfriendshipevents. intense battles, with the Fire Men Ambassador Guo Haiyan emerged locatedinLilliendaal. event was more than just a In the fiercely contested defeatedEverestteamconsistingof triumphant,furtherhighlightingthe
The championships, a competition;itwasatruesymbolof Competitive event, the GDF duo of Mansoor Nadir, Ramdeo Kumar spirit of cooperation and goodwill t
owing unityandcollaboration. Warrant Officer Devon Richmond and Ray Persaud by a 3-0 margin, thatdefinedtheevent.
Participants of the China-Guyana Inter Organisation Table Tennis Championship.
Student athletes from Regions t h r e e - m o n t h U 1 5 G
s fewweeks.
One (Barima-Waini), Four Championship is the largest girls’ Hetoldthegroup“Iwantyouto (Demerara-Mahaica) and Ten competition in the history of have fun and enjoy competing (Upper Demerara-Berbice) on Guyanafootball.
while also embracing the valuable Saturday morning anxiously In his brief welcome before the life skills you will most definitely awaitedabreakintheraintotaketo Georgetown start whistle, GFF develop as a team player the fields to kick off the Guyana P r e s i d e n t Wa y n e F o r d e throughoutthecompetition.”
Football Federation Blue Water acknowledged the commitment With sixty schools and more Shipping Under-15 Girls’ National demonstrated by the students who than a thousand student athletes set SecondarySchoolChampionship. showed up ready to play despite to compete, the championship
St John’s College girls react following a goal during the action.
A total of twenty-two matches adverseweatherconditions. marksthestartoftheFIFAFootball were played on May 4: six at “We are deeply honoured to see For School (F4S) programme’s Guyana on May 12, 2022, aims to GFF Blue Water Shipping Moruca Ground in Region One; the determination of the students to competitivestage. contribute to the education, S
nine at Queen’s College Ground in participateinthechampionshipand F4S, jointly launched by FIFA, development and empowerment of Operations,Ms.JenniferFalconer Region Four and six at Wisburg we are looking forward to the the GFF, and the Government of studentsacrossGuyana. (Continued on page 25) School Ground in Region Ten. The spirited competition over the next
Education Officer