Kaieteur News

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PPP will not act against Dharamlall before police probe - Jagdeo

General Secretary (GS) becauseoftenwhenyou’rein time, until the next central of the People’s Progressive politics,peopletrytorunyou committee where we will Party (PPP) Bharrat Jagdeo, downtoo,theyrunyoudown a p p o i n

on Thursday stated that the and I want the process that secretaries.” party will not act against the police have embarked on Jagdeo reminded that it’s Nigel Dharamlall, an to reach its conclusion and an allegation that is being executive member of the maybe at the end when the investigated by the relevant party until the police findings are known to the authorities. He noted that a investigation into the sexual public then I will speak my determination will be made assault allegations is mindonthismatter.”

Recently, Dharamlall investigation. “So as like in

on the basis of the completed.

“This is a sensitive was re-elected to the 35- thefirstsetofallegations,we matter, as you correctly member Central Executive did not jump the gun as a


has nothing to do with party pointed out and the least I of the PPP Dharamlall party of a government. We membership, so that

people would not deem it as

secured the sixth highest said let the laws be applied different matter,” the investigation is completed, allow the course of justice to number of votes among uniformlytoeveryoneandin General Secretary said. He then a decision will be made proceed in a fashion where those nominated for the 40- this case, it is being noted that the investigation onthewayforward.

PPP Executive Member and former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall

member Central Executive done Nigel Dharamlall interference,” Jagdeo said in Body and five non-voting responding to a question at members. his weekly press conference.

As such, Jagdeo was

OnTuesday,Dharamlallwas asked what actions the party accused of sexually released on $500,000 station would take in light of the assaulting 28-year-old Sarah bail after he was questioned new allegations. In his Hakh, a former female at the Cove and John Police response, the General employee of the ministry he Station. Secretary clarified that there headedin2020and2021. He denied the sexual areonlythreepositionsinthe Jagdeo told reporters at assault allegations Last party that have already been his press conference that year, Dharamlall stepped appointed: the general women are highly respected down from his ministerial secretary, the executive in the PPP party He stated, positionfromtheMinistryof secretary and the finance “But I believe in a fair Local Government and secretary He continued, process, it’s got to be fair to Regional Development “There’s nothing to step the alleged victim and to amidst allegations of rape of down from. So those are the Nigel Dharamlall too a minor He is now being threepositionsatthispointin

Bikerhospitalisedaftercolliding withcaronHomestretchAvenue

Police are investigating an accident that 9571 owned and driven by Yansen was occurred on Wednesday afternoon on proceeding south on the said avenue. Police Homestretch Avenue near the Guyana Fire reported that the motorcar veered into the Service involving a motorcar and a pathofthemotorcycle,resultinginacollision motorcycle. that sentYansen and the motorcycle airborne

The individuals involved have been beforecrashingontotheroad. identified as Ricky King, 34 and Andy The rider was then rushed to the Yansen. According to a police press release, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation around 17:00hrs motorcar PRR 1371 owned (GPHC)andKingwastakenbythepoliceand and driven by King was proceeding east on iscurrentlyincustody Homestretch Avenue while motorcycle CL Investigationsareon-going.

d d i t i o n a l
t a
was elected by the
is a business, until the
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Friday May 17, 2024
General Secretary (GS) of the PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo

ExxonMobil wants to recover money for IT gear but unable to account for spending

A perusal of the audits charges As such, the shared in the pre-January c o


e d b y t h e auditors concluded that the 2020 costs unless the Government of Guyana in validity and propriety of the Operator can fully explain relation to the expenses of EMIT/IT costs cannot be and support that no other ExxonMobil Guyana ascertained without the operations utilised any of distributed among various

Limited (EMGL) has supporting invoices and this equipment.”With this in other Cost Objects in revealed scores of charges further documentation and mind, it was noted that accordance with their being claimed by the explanation. exception is taken to the respectiveallocationcriteria. operator as recoverable, but Under the Production costs until EMGL supports To this end, the auditors which cannot even be Sharing Agreement signed that the costs are for specific reported that the Contractor accountedfor between the Guyana Petroleum Operations, were failed to “justify why these

One such instance Government and EMGL the to credit “the Cost Recovery supporting invoices and billed at actual costs, are costs were exclusively obtained, when auditors operator is allowed to Statement for these further documentation and supported by invoices are designated for Stabroek checked into the accounts of recover technology costs unsupported EMIT / IT explanations.” supported journal vouchers, operations.” EMGLasitrelatestoaclaim such as computers, software, costs.”

EMGL was further advises how and where the The auditors were for $1,381,000 but when etc.,butthecostsmustbefor The Auditors found too requested to clarify why applications are used, and adamant, “without question asked to verify, the company Petroleum Operations and that EMGL included on the expenses, such as those that 100 percent of the costs other departments supported could only account for the Contractor must Cost Recovery Statement an invoiced to Cost Object that were directly billed to operations other than US$68,000 The audit adequately support that the a l l o c a t e d s h a r e o f Orders, until January 2020, Stabroek are solely for Stabroek prior to January conducted by Martindale costs were billed at actual ExxonMobil Information were entirely attributed to Stab

2020, so those other Consultants, Inc. and VHE costs. With this in mind, the Technology and IT costs Stabroek, rather than being Operations. operations should have C o n s u l t i n g , w a s auditors outlined an instance billed by EEPGL’s Affiliate commissioned by the where “of the $1,381,000 in ESSO Exploration Inc. This government to review cost requested documents, the the auditors, found was recovery statements Contractor only provided charged through various submitted by Exxon Mobil $68,000 of expense report Cost Object Orders and Guyana Limited (EMGPL) detail.” It was noted that the when EMGL was requested for the period between 2018 remaining costs, and those to provide invoices and and 2020. According to the not included in the sample, journal entry detail for auditors, EMGLincluded on could not be determined to selected sample charges, theCostRecoveryStatement be proper and valid costs only provided general ledger allocated costs for EMIT without the requested line-item detail and a broad (ExxonMobil Information supportingdocuments. description for what the Technology) and Telephone “Exceptionistakentothe charges included The but when requested to costs until the Contractor general ledger line-item, the provide invoices and journal supports these costs as auditors said detailed and entry detail for selected specific to Stabroek broad descriptions do not sample charges, the Petroleum Operations and provide any additional company only provided were billed at actual costs by relevant information than requested expense reports providing the requested whatwasinitiallyprovided. but none of the third-party or invoices and fully supported As such, the validity and other documents were journal vouchers” and as propriety costs “cannot be provided to support the such, EMGL was requested ascertained without the

Chevron reportedly set for UK North Sea exit after 55 years

Chevron is set to commence the sale of seen a decline from its late 1990s peak of its remaining UK North Sea assets, which approximately 4.5 million barrels of oil will mark the US energy giant’s departure equivalent per day (mboe/d) to around from the basin after more than five decades, 1.2mboe/din2023. reported Reuters Additionally, Chevron is looking to

The planned divestment is part of divest its smaller stakes in the Sullom Voe Chevron’s strategy to refocus its portfolio oil terminal and the associated Ninian and and follows the company’s $53bn deal to SIRGE pipeline systems. Industry sources acquireHess. suggestthesalecouldpotentiallyfetchupto

Previously, Chevron said that Hess’ $1bn, excluding tax advantages.The formal acquisition, which has hit a roadblock, sale process is anticipated to launch in June includes a global asset sale programme this year, the sources added. This move valued between $10bn and $15bn follows Chevron’s review of its global asset Chevron’sdecisiontoexittheUKNorthSea portfolio,withCEOMikeWirthfocusingon is part of a broader trend among leading oil thecompany’smostlucrativeassets. and gas companies, which are gradually In 2019, Chevron divested many of its withdrawing from the mature British basin North Sea holdings to Ithaca Energy, to concentrate on more recent global echoing similar actions by ExxonMobil and discoveries. Shell over the past decade. Chevron has Its holdings in the region include a clarified that the North Sea sale is not 19.4% interest in the BP-operated Clair influenced by the UK Government’s 35% oilfield, the largest in the British North Sea, windfall tax imposed on North Sea which currently produces 120,000 barrels producers after the spike in energy prices in perday 2022. ”As part of Chevron’s focus on BPiscontemplatingathirddevelopment maintaining capital discipline in both phasefortheClairfield,dubbedClairSouth, traditional and new energies, we regularly which remains one of the most significant review our global portfolio to assess undevelopedfieldsintheNorthSea.Bottom whether assets are strategic and competitive ofForm for future capital,” the company was quoted Oil and gas production in the UK has assaying. (Offshore Technology)

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Friday May 17, 2024
n d
c t
roek Petroleum


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Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Oil production safety limits

There must be some limit to how far Guyana’s Vice President and Chief Policymaker would go to defend ExxonMobil. Apparently, there is no such limit, for there was Jagdeo defending ExxonMobil’s pushing its daily production levels at the offshore oilfields above the recommendedsafetylimits. Whenheshouldbeconcerned, manifestanxietiesaboutwhatcouldbetheresultforGuyana intheeventofabigoilspill,Jagdeoiscontenttoshirkhis dutyandhidebehindtheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA). He fiddles with bland generalities. For someone whoisusuallysoquicktospotaweaknessormissinglinkin many other matters and places, it is baffling how Jagdeo goes out of his way to defend whatever ExxonMobil does whilepretendingtobeknowingandconfident.

The recommended production safety limits for Liza 1 and Liza 2 could not be clearer For Liza 1, it is 120,000 barrels daily and for Liza 2, it is 220,000 barrels. ExxonMobil is producing 30,000 barrels more per day in each of those two fields. In the instance of the Liza 1, the dailyoverproductionisahefty25%more,whileitisabout 15% above the safety limit recommended by experts for Liza2,asthecompletedstudiesindicate. Asafetylimitcan becomparedtoalinethatshouldnotbecrossed Sensibleand carefulpeoplegivethemselvesadditionalprotectionbysettinga limitbelowwhatisrecommended Itcouldbeanythingranging from 5,000 to 10,000, even 15,000 barrels fewer in daily productionlevels Itiscommonsense,andbusinessmanagers whoholdsafeoperatinglimitsasaseriousmatter,ahighpriority, usually give themselves that cushion Hence, it is neither impropernorunreasonabletothinkthatanationalleaderwith theinsightsandpowerofChiefPolicymakerJagdeowouldsee thesafetylimitissueinthisconservativemanner Ifhedid,he wouldinsisttoExxonMobil’sGuyanaCountryHead,Alistair Routledge,thatthismustbetheway Thatis,productionmust stayclosetotherecommendedsafetylimit,andnever,ever,go aboveit Itishardnottothinkthat,though,Guyana’soilczar knowswhatthebestthingistoprotectGuyana,heseemsnot tocare. Truthbetold,itcouldbesaidwithsomeaccuracy that Jagdeo is going in the opposite direction. Instead of working assertively and with authority to look out for GuyanabyreininginExxonMobil,thecompanyisgiventhe fullestfreedomtodoasitpleases.AccordingtoJagdeo,by hiscalculation,ExxonMobilisbreachingtherecommended safety limits of Liza1, Liza 2, and the third oil project, Payara,byatotalof100,000barrelsdaily Thisisalarming, and yet this country’s Chief Policymaker is the picture of nonchalance.

According to Jagdeo, he has received guidance from the Ministry of Natural Resources: “So the question has been if you’reproducingmorethanwhattheinitialannouncedcapacity of these FPSOs whether you are doing so safely and so the Ministry has assured me that before this is done, they have reviewedthis” Whatisthebasisofthisassurancegivenbythe ministry? HecontinuedbysayingthattheEPAhasreviewedthe optimisation plans submitted by Exxon to increase daily oil production “Theyhavesaidthatthisissafe,soit’ssafeandit wasonthebasisofoptimisation”Obviously,Jagdeomustrely on people he calls ‘the technical people’, but he himself has repeatedlybemoanedthefactofGuyana’sstarklackofcapacity in many areas, none more than in the soaring oil sector GuyanesehavealreadyseentheEPAforwhatitis,whichisa shellagency,andnothingbutanemptyfrontsubjecttothe manipulations of its political masters. Unsurprisingly, it makessenseforJagdeotohandthehotpotatosafetyissueto the EPA and insulate himself by talking about “optimisation” and “independent check” and clearance being given by the “technical people” at the ministry Guyanahasahugeholewithtechnicalexpertise,onewhich ExxonMobilmaximisestoitsadvantage(andlocaldanger), and Jagdeo is playing these reckless games. ExxonMobil breachessafetylimits,Jagdeowinksandyawns.

Mr. Frank DeAbreu takes us down memory lane

DEARMR.EDITOR, Couldyoupleasepublish these 10 companies, business organisations or serviceorganisationsinyour newspapers that started between1793-1898. It takes joy for me to inform those who don’t knowandremindthosewho know

In1793,theGuianaPost Office was launched by the then French government of Guiana With the first postmasterbeingMr Adrian Loncq. The postal service would deliver on the East Coast of Demerara and on the East Bank of Demerara, they also delivered mail on theWest Coast of Demerara and the West Bank of Demerara using six African slavestopaddletheboatand four white officers deliveringthemail.Thatwas an element of kindness by the white postmasters. They would leave when the tide waswashingfromStabroek, later known as Georgetown and take them 2 hours to reach Vreed-en-Hoop, after delivering the mail. They wouldreturnwhenthetideis falling,2hoursafterleaving Stabroek. So, you see sir, slavesdidnotonlybuildand plant,buttheyhadtheirhand in other commercial activities. So, Mr Editor, that led the way to the establishment of the ferry service from Stabroek to Vreed-en-Hoop.

By 1839, the Guiana PoliceForcewasestablished

at the said spot, on Camp Road, Eve Leary and from Eve Leary, they spread to other parts of the country. During that period, 98% of the police were men of integrityandbravery Iwish I could say the same today, howeverthepolicearedoing a good job in the circumstances.

•Inthesameyear,wesaw the first commercial bank, Barclays Bank at the said spot in Water Street, it all started in 1839. The bank was full of competence, kindness, and upright gentlemen The manager would expect a fair-skinned boy to apply if there was vacancy

•In 1834 – 1840, that period led a series of labour shortage in the sugar industry and agriculture, at the same time, Portugal and Maderia saw a decline in their sugar, wine, trade and political instability The workers, especially those from the agriculture sector, being the majority of w o r k e r s i n Portugal/Maderia, they decided to sail to British Guiana,SouthAmerica,fora better life. Their initial idea was to search for Eldorado which was highly spread in the world. (It’s my own belief that Eldorado was a myth, since it was our first people, the Amerindians, misled Walter Raleigh). On May 3rd 1835, a group of Portuguese and Madeirans arrived in Demerara via

London. It’s not known if D’Aguiar’s family came on that journey, but by 1840, Mr.JoseGomesD’Aguiarof Maderia started a rum business which developed into a chain of spirits’shop. By 1885, Mr D’Aguiar businesswasdoingwelland went into cocoa and chocolate and shipping agency Cocoaandchocolate wereknowntotheD’Aguiar, thatknowledgewas brought fromMaderia.Itallstartedat Stabroek and Brickdam, opposite the Parliament Building, which is now known as Demico House. While Mr D’Aguiar was developinghisrumbusiness in1840,wesawtheopening of Guiana’s first Ice House, by W&R. Let me pinch in a place as far as Water Street, as I’m here, the street is on the bank of Demerara River with slush and mangroves, but with the help ofAfrican and indentured labour and thegovernment’scapital,the areawasalwaysfullofwater from Kingston to La Penitence, so the then government built a road alongthebankandnamedit WaterStreet.

The W&R Ice House buildingisthesamebuilding thatwasbuiltonWaterStreet since 1840. By 1896, the four brothers (D’Aguiar Bros.) were formed. After thedeathofMr D’Aguiarin 1893, in that same year the brother purchased the Ice House and named it D’Aguiar’s Ice House,

which then consisted of a hotelandliquorbar.Inthose days, ice would come from Canadawithaschooner.The initial DIH started in 1934, and at the age of 22, Peter D’Aguiar took over as managing director Mr D’Aguiar concentrated on manufacturing, especially soft drinks and rum. He borrowed heavily to refinance the business Gradually, old debts were paid off and the business began to flourish. In 1942, Peter D’Aguiar acquired Pepsi-Cola making British Guiana the first in South America to bottle this beverage, I-Cee beverages wereacquired1952,andthe production of XL rum was expanded and became the No.1rumin1959.

•In 1844, we see the establishment of Queen’s College grammar school on Carmicheal Street where Bishops’ High School now stands.Queen’sCollegehad m a n y a c a d e m i c achievements and is still the leadingsecondaryschoolsin theWestIndies,producing4 presidents and at least 2 Prime Ministers, and if we could find 100 Guyanese brightest boys, I would believe that 80% of them would’ve been to Queen’s College. Let me finish off withastoryIwastold,Iwas told by one student among the 4, that in 1950, 4 royal QC students of Trinidad weregoingtoOxford


Cartoon published in Stabroek News on May 10, 2024


International Decade for People of African Descent

A s s e m b l y - G u y a n a (IDPADA-G) would like to register in the strongest terms our disgust and disappointment that a media house would sanction the publication of a cartoon depiction of poverty in Guyana’s future symbolised by a person of African descent in rags, armed, and driving fear into some haplessvictim. It is indeed true that the current administration’s policies are leading to the rapid rise of poverty in the

A f r i can G u y a n e s e community, however it is insulting and offensive to extrapolate that African Guyanese poverty is at the root of Guyana’s horrific crime rate. We are wary of daily publications burnishing the stereotype of the African Guyanese as a criminal with images of people ofAfrican descent in conflict with the law Since Emancipation, African Guyanesehavebeendragged before the courts more often than other groups – it is a legacy of our enslavement

a n d o f t h e p o s t -

Emancipation syst

m created to oppress freed Africans–andanexampleof thesystemiclegaciesthatthe

Decade is intended to dismantle.

Of greater importance, and completely overlooked intheone-sideddepictionof poverty, is the rampant white-collar crime that is weakening the economy, depriving the nation of revenue and resources that could, if abated, address the growing poverty in our society Insteadofthecrude assumptions made by Mr Harris’insultingcartoon,the media should join in the demand that government must collect and provide disaggregated data by ethnicityontheincidenceof and perpetrators of white collar, blue collar and street crime and their economic

impact on our society That information will serve a moreusefulpurpose–astep towardsfightingtherampant crime now destroying our nation at all levels. If properly utilised, that data can also be used to reduce and ultimately end poverty

The fourth estate may wish to use its powerful position in our society to explore the wide range of crimes -white collar, blue collar, and street crime, their causation and impact on development, particularly human development.

Sincerely OliveB.Sampson Secretary Coordinating Council, IDPADA-G

Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Friday May 17, 2024
, The Coordinating Council and member organisations of the
Apatternisemergingtodelegitimiseand criminaliseourpublic-schoolteachers.

DEAREDITOR, The Jagdeo/Ali regime’s continuous transgression of the right of the nation’s public teachers is not a matterthatshouldbetreated lightly for it has dire implications for every citizen, including the religious community PresidentIrfaanrecentlymet with. The Constitution of Guyana is explicit in guaranteeing unionised workers the right to collective barg

g (Article 147), equally as the Trade Union Recognition Act, Sect 23 (1) places an obligation on the employer to treat with the union in goodfaith.

Recent statement by Education Minister, Priya Manickchandthatteachersare holding a gun to the government’s head by submittingajustrequestforan across-the-board increase cannot be more excessive in tone or content. The nation was initially told by the Government that the teachers’ strike was illegal; the High Court ruled it was legal. Simultaneouslywiththe accusation that the teachers wereengaginginanillegalact, the Minister of Education accused the teachers of misappropriating the cash grants The teachers provided explanations and evidence to the contrary A pattern is emerging here to delegitimise and criminalise ourpublic-schoolteachers.

The regime is seeking to portraytheteachersaslawless and violent to cover their social, economic, political, emotional and physical violence against them The regimeisdeliberatelysetting atonethatwouldallowthem to react to the teacher’s legitimate protest or right to protest with force or violencebygivingthepublic the impression that the teachers are criminal-minded and violent This is not an accident

Clearly, it is not that the Government of Guyana cannot afford to pay better wages/salary to public servants. Never before has the country had this amount of money to take care of its citizens’needs.Wemustask whatisdrivingthisvendetta towards this section of society.Thesituationiseven more egregious when compared to the regime’s heavy financial investment in the ailing sugar industry and the pronouncement of the court that the ministry never engaged the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) in

collectivebargaining. The Government complains of learning loss A World Bank Report stated Guyana’s education development lags behind its LatinAmericanandCaribbean counterparts In spite of these challenges,theregime prefers our teachers to be out of the classroom rather than negotiateimprovedworking conditionsandremuneration packagesthatcouldenhance thedeliveryofeducationand equip our teachers and children to effectively function in the 21st Century oilandgaseconomy

The statement by the regime that it cannot pay an interimincreasehasnomerit This nation would recall in 1999whenthepublicservants struck,a25%interimincrease waspaidtothoseworkers

In 1999, the National Budget was $2.97 million andGuyanawassubjectedto a World Bank/IMF Structural Adjustment Programme. In 2024, the National Budget is $1.146 trillionandthisyear,Guyana is expected to earn US$2.4 billion in oil revenue.Yet in 2024,theJagdeo/Aliregime refuses to pay our 15,000 public school teachers a 20 % interim increase until a new Collective Labour


This is not an issue of moneybutthatofpoliticalwill orvindictiveness

The teachers’ grievances areours Theynotonlymould themindsofourchildren,but theyco-parentwithus,andare thecustodiansofourchildren formostoftheirwakinghours duringtheschoolperiod

Ourteachersdeservetobe treated with respect and dignity Their labour and sacrifices must be justly rewarded They must be allowed to work in an environment conducive to learning and rewarding their service TheGovernmentand PeopleofGuyanacanaffordit

All the teachers are asking is that we the people to stand in solidarity with themintheirpursuitofajust cause.Wecanaffordtogive them that Today, the teachers have a burden to bear Tomorrow it could be ours Given the role of teachers in society and the intertwined relationship of our existence, in the face of growing disrespect by the regime for the ordinary Guyanesepeople,wecannot affordnottorallybehindthe nation’s public-school teachers.


WPAappalled at Stabroek News insensitive cartoon


WPA is appalled at a racially insensitive cartoon published in the Stabroek News May 9 edition and calls for universal condemnation of this publication While the cartoonist may have intended to highlight the high crime rate in Guyana, theassigningofaracialface t o i t i s m o s t counterproductive to race relations in general and an assault on the dignity of African Guyanese. Not for thefirsttime.

African Guyanese have beenshamedbyasectionof the media which have generally been too flippant on the race question. WPA recalls the equally racially insensitive editorial in the July 3, 2012 edition of the state-owned Guyana Chroniclewhichopinedthat the then political opposition was socialising African Guyanese men as criminals


Thecartoon’ssuggestion that crime is a consequence ofpovertycannotbedenied, buttheimageofablackman with gun in hand apparently attacking citizens who are begging for their lives is racially loaded. The image of African aggression and the consequent fear from otherethnicgroupscanonly feedthealreadystrainedrace relations Further, the cartoon’s location of this imagery in the context of Guyana’sfutureisexplosive tosaytheleast.

Thisisanimagethathas been utilised throughout the world over time to criminalise African people which in turn frames the violent approach of the police, the criminal justice system and other state agenciestoAfricanmen.

WPA is carefully characterisingthecartoonas racially insensitive, but also wishes to point out that one

ofthestandarddefinitionsof racism is the attaching of negative labels to particular ethnic groups. We therefore callontheStabroekNewsto, in the first instance, apologise to the African Guyanese community Nothing short of that should suffice.

W P A i s a l s o recommending that media personnel undergo training inracialsensitisation.

The habit of avoiding conversations on race in the public sphere and characterising those who do so as racists have led to a palpable ignorance of this central component of our nationalbeing.Finally,WPA calls for some form of disciplinetobemetedoutto theauthorofthecartoonand the functional superior who gave the permission to publishit.


Working People’s Alliance

Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Friday May 17, 2024



As a member of the public who weekly attends meetings of the Guyana Reparations Committee, I

am very concerned with the public manipulation of the bi-monthly Reparations, nowTVAProgrammewhich has been in existence for

over 7 years. This show is usuallyslatedforthesecond and fourth Sundays every month.Sincelastyear,when the show was prevented

from being shown live after Jonathan Adams suggested the Guyana Government should do more for Haiti, thereseemstobecontinuing

censorship of the Programme.

Of late, and especially over the last 2 years, the show is manipulated whenever the Government feels. The show normally comes on at 8:30pm immediately after the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha TV show which begins at 7:30. Whenever there is a holiday, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Showkeepsitstimeslot,and the Reparations now TV show is either not shown or shown at an hour when the audience is going to bed.

Morerecently,lastweek,the Reparations now TV show was not shown. Instead, a Bollywood Show was shown followed by a movie that is shown almost every day about an African American football player who lived with a white family

Many times, the Editor, although the Guyana Reparations Committee pays for the show to be shownnationwide,peoplein bothBerbiceandLindenand Essequibocomplainthatthe showiseithernotshown,or shownatanerratictime.

Editor,thereseemstobe a full-court press by the Government to silence the voice of African Guyanese.

Theshamefulrepresentation byNeazSubhanattherecent Geneva Permanent Forum for People of African Descent is also part of this silencing of African voices. You can also see this in the veryugly1823cointhatwas minted without the consultation of African organisations.

Finally, Editor, I heard it said that Indians can speak on behalf of Africans because Guyana is a Plural society.This is the height of political and racial folly as only a few months ago, in Geneva, there was an event for Indigenous People and 5 Indigenous People attended and spoke on behalf of their culture. Neaz didn’t attend sotheonlyconclusionisthat he was sent there to counter IDPADA-G’s comments in Geneva and what a global shamethatwas.

The PPP needs to understand that the entire Caribbean is watching their behaviour It is also very hypocritical for President Ali to speak about helping Haitians when Guyana has all but banned them from beingherebutwehaveover 100,000 Venezuelans who arenotmembersofCaricom. I guess, he also speaks forthem.Thankyou!


PPPis no good for Guyana

DEAREDITOR, Democracy, a free press and independent political affiliation, is under threat in Guyana from the President IrfaanAliandVicePresident B h a r a t J a g d e o administration The PPP government has been practising authoritarianism and autocracy The ABCE countries need to take note and take measures like canceling visas to send a strongmessagethatabuseof powerisnotacceptable.

ThePPPgovernmenthas been very critical of Mr GlenLall,targetinghimand his newspaper Kaieteur News with some terrible abusesaswellasgoingafter others who seek to hold the government accountable Agents of the government alsoattackedStabroekNews and Kaieteur News for editorials assailing government policies and for carrying reports exposing wrongdoing Other independent thinkers and reporters are also under threat, being warned to tow the government line or face

sanctionsthatincludelossof income and / or physical violence that could potentially bring about brokenlimbsand/ordeath. Reporterswereassaulted duringtheprevioustenureof thePPPregime(1992-2015). One has not forgotten that CN Sharma TV was closed downtwiceforbeingcritical of the then government Now, anyone who critiques or constructively criticises the government or VP Jagdeo or President Irfaan Ali is harassed and / or intimidated. He or she loses job, resulting in loss of i n c o m e A t p r e s s conferences, reporters who asked the PPP leaders the ‘wrong questions’ are targeted and worse are denied State resources Unaligned media houses, StabroekNewsandKaieteur News specifically, are warned of consequences of critiquing the government.

In the past, state advertisements to both publications were withdrawn.Theregimeis (Continuedonpage09)

Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Friday May 17, 2024


The PPP and Dharamlall

We at this publication are of the view that even the most irresponsible, brain dead, organisation would have put the most distance between itself and Nigel Dharamlall and not want such a person to be anywhere near its deliberations, its most watched gathering. But instead, the PPPrewarded him with a high seat attheparty’sjustconcludedCongress.

The PPP has insisted that it is about clean governance, the best people that Guyana has to offer,andsettinganexample.

But then there is Dharamlall and how the party holds him in high regard despite his less than stellar record. The PPP, including female members in the group, loves to present a narrative about how much the women of Guyana are respected. But then there is Dharamlall, a PPP stalwart who has been rewarded with one of the most powerful endorsements that any political body has in its handstogive.

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Friday May 17, 2024

Govt. walks back on NIS requirement for UG loan write-off

Guyanese who have completed programme, as the government

-saysNIScontributions,proof ofemploymentnotmandatory

It is important to note that the their studies at the University of aims to make it easier for students government committed to paving a Guyana (UG) are eligible for the with outstanding loans to access path to free university education $11 billion student relief relief without imposing restrictive through a phased approach this programme being implemented by conditions. “We want to make this year the government, regardless of easy for our people, our students

Already, this plan is in motion, whether they were employed and who have outstanding loans. We andaccordingtoDr Singh,italigns made a certain number of don’t want to put in conditions that with President, Dr Mohamed contributions to the National will minimise the impacts of this IrfaanAli’sOneGuyanavision. InsuranceScheme(NIS). initiative,” he underlined at a press “[This] vision seeks to create a According to the Ministry of conferenceonThursday society where all Guyanese Finance, individuals must have G o v e r n m e n t i n i t i a l l y irrespective of where they live, graduated from a programme announced on Monday that over

funded by the GoG Student Loan 13,000 Guyanese are expected to background, their political Agency Additionally, they should receive $11 billion in student loan affiliation or gender or other have been employed or self- relief, saying this was in keeping orientation, have the opportunity to employed in Guyana for at least with its manifesto promise of Loan Agency He said too that bonds intended to bar students with leadproductiveandhappylives. three years, as evidenced by a providing free tertiary education to subsequent to graduation, persons outstanding loans from traveling. It aims to achieve this by minimum of 156 contributions to Guyaneseby2025. must have been employed or self-

“This rendered fear in scores of reducing inequality and access to theNISaftergraduation. Senior Minister in the Office of employed in Guyana for at least students across the country This education, health and other social

However,theGeneralSecretary thePresidentwithresponsibilityfor three years, as evidenced by a hostile approach by the APNU+ services, employment and income of the People’s Progressive Party Finance,Dr AshniSingh,madethe minimumof156contributionmade AFC Administration is yet another and security and justice,” the (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo clarified announcement during a live to the National Insurance Scheme example of the colossal non-caring minister asserted. Graduates can on Thursday that these broadcastonMonday Hesaidtobe (NIS). natureoftheAPNU+AFCandisin explore the eligibility criteria and requirements are not necessarily eligible, persons must have Minister Singh recalled that striking contrast to the people steps on how to apply at: mandatory He emphasised that graduated in relation to the after 2015, the previous centred approach of the People’s https://shorturl.at/kvyB5. You can students falling under these programme funded by the APNU+AFC Government had Progressive Party,” the minister alsodownloadtheapplicationform categories can still benefit from the Government of Guyana’s Student proposed the introduction of travel pointedout. at:https://shorturl.at/qsIO5.

Kaieteur News PAGE 08 Friday May 17, 2024
their ethnic or religious


(AL JAZEERA) South Africa has urged the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to order Israel tohaltitsassaultonRafahas part of its case accusing Israelofgenocideagainstthe Palestinians.

SouthAfrica,whichfiled its case in January over Israel’s war on Gaza, is

seeking additional emergencymeasuresoverits offensiveonRafah,acityin the southern Gaza Strip wheremorethanonemillion displaced Palestinians had sought shelter from Israeli attacks on other parts of the enclave.

It told the court in The Hague on Thursday that the Palestinianpeoplearefacing “ongoing annihilation” and the assault on Rafah was “part of the endgame in which Gaza is utterly destroyed”.Israelispressing on with its attacks in Rafah despite “explicit warnings” that they could carry “genocidal” consequences, South African lawyer TembekaNgcukaitobisaid.

Israel,whichhasrejected SouthAfrica’sclaimthatitis violatingthe1949Genocide Conventionasbaseless,will respond on Friday Minutes before the court hearings opened, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said the widely criticised operation in Rafah “will continueasadditionalforces willenter”thearea.Rafahis a tiny, overcrowded city where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have taken shelter in tents

South African and Israeli delegations sit in front of the judges at the ICJ at a hearing in which South Africa requests new emergency measures against Israel due to its attacks on Rafah [Yves Herman/Reuters]

Israel’s declared aim of wipingGazafromthemapis about to be realised,” South Africa’s legal representative Vaughan Lowe said to the judges.

“Further, evidence of appalling crimes and atrocities is literally being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect wiping the slate clean forthosewho’vecommitted these crimes and making a mockeryofjustice,”hesaid.

Palestinians continues through military attacks and man-madestarvation.”

and are facing the rapid spread of diseases and a severelackoffoodandclean water The only hospital in the area has shut down, leaving only a small facility thathasbeenoverwhelmed.

Judges at the ICJ have previously issued provisional measures, ordering Israel to take actionstolimithumanitarian suffering in Gaza. Among those provisions was for Israel to ensure basic food suppliesarrivewithoutdelay to the Palestinians in Gaza, all of whom are suffering from severe hunger – some haveevenfacedfamine–as aresultofIsrael’stotalsiege. Thismonth,theIsraeliarmy seized and shut down the PalestiniansideoftheRafah border crossing between the GazaStripandEgypt,avital entrypointforhumanitarian aid Aid agencies have warned that the closure

significantly hindered their operations.

Because it is Gaza’s p r i m a r y h u b f o r humanitarian assistance, “if Rafah falls, so too does Gaza,”SouthAfricasaidina written submission to the court “The thwarting of humanitarian aid cannot be seen as anything but the deliberate snuffing-out of Palestinian lives. Starvation to the point of famine,” lawyerAdilaHassimsaid.

‘Wiping Gaza from the map’

South Africa also asked the ICJ, the top court of the United Nations, to order Israel to cease its military operations in the Gaza Strip and to immediately withdraw from all of the territory It asked the ICJ to order Israel to allow unimpeded access to Gaza forUNofficials,aidgroups, journalistsandinvestigators.

PPPis no good for Guyana...


pondering the same policy and even givingwarnings.

Overall,therehasbeenanunprecedented attempt to undermine our democratic institutions with threats against and / or warningstothosecriticalofthegovernment and demanding transparency and accountability PPP IS NO GOOD FOR GUYANA!



ItaddedthatIsraelhassofar ignored and violated earlier courtorders.Italsoaskedthe courttoensureIsraelreports backonitsmeasurestakento adhere to the orders. “The key point today is that

Another attorney for South Africa, Max du Plessis, said Israel’s declared safe zones were a “cruel distortion” because people were often too starved to flee. Those strong enough to leave to shelters were sometimes attackedbyIsraeliforces,he said.

“There is nothing humanitarian about these humanitarian zones,” he said. “Israel’s genocide of

About half a million Palestinians have been displacedinrecentdaysasa result of Israel’s ground and aerial campaign in the north and south of the Strip, according to UN figures. Israel’s assault has killed at least35,000peopleinGaza, according to Palestinian health authorities The hearings on Thursday and Friday will focus only on issuing emergency measures. It will likely take years before the court rules onthemeritsofthegenocide case. The ICJ’s rulings and orders are binding and without appeal. While the court has no way to enforce them, an order against a country could hurt its international reputation and setlegalprecedents.

Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Friday May 17, 2024

Ambassador Theriot’s silence makes sense

American Ambassador, Nicole mostoftheheavywork,hasalready shakermustnotbeempty-handed. It must not be lost on locals that D. Theriot’s silence was surprising been executed As one

Relative to governance in the hard-fought battles for national at first. Then, as that silence comprehensive example, citizens Guyana, Ambassador Lynch did independence by Guyanese l e n g t h e n e d , i t b e c a m e are urged to think of two things. yeoman work. With powerful political pioneers in the 1950s and unfathomable. It was only when The first was how building blocks assistance from then US Secretary early 1960s from the United the sustained silence of the were painstakingly laid out one on of State, Michael Pompeo, Kingdom has been feebly and American Way Things are on American plenipotentiary was top of the other for the Wales gas- Excellency Lynch lured the PPP cowardly surrendered to renewed autopilot here, which makes coupled to her near invisibility that to-energyprojecttospringfromthe Government to the best place US hegemony (imperialism) less Ambassador Theriot’s posting a the light came. Her arrival, her drawingboardandlandinthelapof imaginable: fully accounted for, than 60 years later The liberties walk in the park. She can whistle disappearanceintotheUSEmbassy Americanbigbusiness. Second,an lock, stock and barrel. To use a introduced by Independence from and bird watch, since there is little fortress, all made perfect sense. To American financial institution was familiar Americanism: the PPP the British have been subjugated to requirementforhertofoistonlocal express diplomatically, Excellency recruited to lend over three quarter Governmentisinthebag. National the yoke of American imperialism. minds. Alreadysealed,delivered. Theriot has her hands full and her billion dollars for one phase of the governance in Guyana is in a very Gunboatdiplomacypluswarplanes I think of Exxon’s power here, mind occupied. Her hands are full project, present hiccups good state from an American emphasizing American imperialist and American influence now so of nothing to do; and her mind notwithstanding. An additional perspective. From a Guyanese stranglehold here. The PPP dazzlingly dominant in Guyana, occupiedbyboredom. way of thinking about how the point of view, it is a mixed bag. Government is an American and I recall that impeccable title

In fairness to the US ubiquitous Excellency Lynch went Thereisagovernmentandthereisa stooge. Business is happy. The chosen by Steve Coll for his Ambassador, she came to this about her overt duties would be National Assembly, but both are at legislature functions for what incomparableworkofpenmanship. posting with a disadvantage. Her visualizing how those pipelines for the call and command of America feathers Exxon’s interests. Many It is: Private Empire: ExxonMobil predecessor,theirrepressibleSarah theWales gas-to-energy project are and its interests. In fairness, the tribunes in the magistracy rule with and American Power.” Personally

A n n L y n c h b l a z e d a n laid out, viz., one following the Guyana parliament has its share of an eye on the way the winds blow speaking, that says it all, could not unprecedented trail, left big shoes other,andallthepiecesconnecting. upstarts and mavericks (the It is a work-in-progress following have been crafted better Even a foranysuccessortofill. Inaddition In other words, that was the opposition contingent), who can be in the subservient steps of passing study of Guyana confirms to that handicap, Ambassador comprehensivewayshewentabout ornery from time to time. Apart government, parliament, and thecommercialandimperialpower Lynch spoiled Guyanese. The her duties to the American fromsomejoustinganddivinghere private sector By this time, that rules its day, its life. In more she spoke, the more they government and American and there, everyone in that august thinking Guyanese should have surveying the condition of Guyana couldn’tgetenough. Themoreshe taxpayers aided by the powerhouse house is pro-America and none discerned thatAmerica allows PPP today, it is why Excellency Nicole swooped around, scouted about, Pompeo. NotethatIlimitedmyself dares to risk being sharply anti- Government leaders to preen and D. Theriot can sing to herself and and worked her special brand of to her overt duties only and American. Notonememberorany prance about without too much speak not a word more than is American magic, the more speaking only about commercial group would be that politically restraint in the domestic arena and necessary in Guyana. God bless Guyanese wanted, the more they interests. This leaves Ambassador suicidal. There would be no rising on matters that are purely local in America. Just don’t ask me where expected. Who can cope with such Theriot to tick boxes and mop up from the dead in such an instance. character I encourage citizens to thatleavesGuyanese. a legacy? But, despite that, or loose ends. Or welcoming new This is raw politics, not soothing examine the piteous state to which (The views expressed in this because of it, new Ambassador Americancompaniesseekingtoget Christianity It is that strange new public institutions has been article are those of the author and Theriotinheritedanothergiftthatis thelayofthelandhere,whoseearto beast flourishing here: democratic reduced. But, on matters involving do not necessarily reflect the priceless. All the groundwork, bend and hand to shake. The hand- imperialism. bigbusiness,thereisonlyway The opinions of this newspaper.)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 Friday May 17, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BY GHK LALL
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Friday May 17, 2024

Guyana on high alert as Venezuela expands military presence at border

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo demonstrating“ourroutinesecurity said Guyana is on high alert and cooperation and expanding will remain vigilant as Venezuela bilateral defense partnership with expands its military presence at the Guyana,” the US Embassy in borderwiththiscountry Guyana wrote. While smaller than

Media reports have shown a Idaho, Guyana is home to vast oil massivedevelopmentontheisland, reserves and is on track to become with a bridge being made from the the world’s highest per capita oil mainland of the neighbouring producer It, however, has an army country across the Cuyuni River, to estimated to be less than 5,000 AnkokoIsland. soldiers, and lacks the hardware or Ankoko Island legally belongs manpower to face possible to Guyana and Venezuela, as the Venezuelanaggression. 1899 Arbitral Award made a All things considered, “if demarcation on the island giving you’re Guyana, and your army is both countries ownership 5,000 people, it doesn’t seem like However, for decades, Venezuela the Venezuelans are taking their has occupied the entire island, foot off the gas,” Ryan Berg, essentiallyseizingpartofGuyana’s directoroftheAmericasProgramat territory CSIS and lead author of the report,

Aerial view of the Essequibo region taken from Guyana on December 10, 2023. Roberto Cisneros/AFP/Getty Images

During his weekly press toldCNN. conference, Jagdeo made it clear There has been speculation that thatthegovernmentisnotturninga presence at our border in a amounts to about two-thirds of expanded and now includes a small theupcomingVenezuelanelections blind eye to the actions being taken threateningposture,”theGSsaid. Guyanese national territory, control tower, CSIS writes at the end of July have given by Venezuela, which can be Much to lose mounted last year after a Satellite imagery from March Maduro the motivation to escalate described as threatening. “We are Meanwhile, US news network Venezuelan referendum in which showed an area next to the airfield againstGuyana,usingitasawayto very vigilant. We are watching the CNNreportedearlierthisweekthat voters assented to creating a with more than 75 field tents, distractfromhisrecord:Millionsof development. We are working with Venezuela continues to build up Venezuelan state within the “enough for a battalion-sized unit people have fled the country due to ouralliesonthismatter,”hestated. military infrastructure and disputed region. Guyana had called of several hundred personnel.” The poor economic conditions, food

While admitting that Guyana’s hardware close to the border with themoveasteptowardsannexation field tents have since been shortages and limited access to portion of Ankoko Island is indeed Guyana as President Nicolas and an “existential” threat as the relocatedtothesouthernsideofthe health care CSIS argues that occupiedbyVenezuela,Jagdeosaid Maduro and his supporters scale up specter of armed conflict loomed airfield “demonstrating the base’s instead of tamping down the the primary focus of the their threats to annex an oil-rich overtheregion. continued ability to provide aggression after the vote, “Maduro government is to preserve the pieceofGuyaneseland.

CNNsaiditpreviouslyreported logisticsandresupplyforasizeable may be tempted to ramp up both territorial integrity of the country In a report shared with CNN, in February about an expansion of militaryforcecontinuouslyforover rhetoric and action related to the He revealed that the bridge is the Washington-based think tank operations at Venezuela’s Anacoco amonth,”itwrote. Essequibo in a true gambit to indeed being constructed at Center for Strategic and Island military base despite both Meanwhile, by the coast, at manufacture a regional crisis in the Venezuela’s legal portion of the International Studies (CSIS) warns countries agreeing in December to least two Iranian-built Peykaap III aftermathofastolenelection.” island; however, Guyana must that while the Venezuelan pursue a diplomatic avenue to (Zolfaghar) fast missile boats are It may not be in Maduro’s remain vigilant about the build-up government “has little to gain and resolvetheconflict. Usingsatellite seen at Venezuela’s small coast interest to “initiate a full-blown of persons in the area. As such, much to lose from a full-blown imagery and social media, CSIS guard station at Punta Barima, conflict with neighbour Guyana, Guyana has alertedits international conflict” it continues to play “a found that the expansion of “placing Venezuelan missiles and but his escalatory rhetoric tethers partners about the situation. “We dangerous game” over its claim Anacoco Island’s military base has naval forces within arm’s reach of his political reputation and have made it clear and the requisite over the densely forested continued. A bridge is seen being the Guya

legitimacy to his willingness to bodies have been written to, Essequibo region. “The constant built across the Cuyuni River to Essequibo” as it just 40 miles (64 back his words with force” consistent with the Argyle drumbeat asserting ‘the Essequibo connect the Venezuelan riverbank kilometers) from the Guyanese especiallywithhiskeyinternalally, agreement and the provisional is ours,’ alongside the creation of totheisland,whichhasbeenapoint border. the armed forces, CSIS writes. measures announced by the ICJ new military commands and legal ofcontentionbetweenthecountries Maduro could “Thus, one of the most concerning [International Court of Justice].We structures to oversee the defense of after it was awarded to Guyana in ‘fall victim to own rhetoric’ possibilitiesisthatMadurowillfall have notified all the relevant the region, is helping to an 1899 ruling by an international The threats to Guyana have victim to his own rhetoric. He has partners, both multilateral and institutionalize a sense of perpetual tribunal. Venezuela annexed it in concerned its partners. Last week, whipped up nationalist passions bilateral about the continued prewarfooting,”itwrote. the1960s. two US Navy F/A-18 fighter jets without providing an escape attemptsbyVenezuela,tobuildupa Tension over the region, which The island’s airfield has flew over the capital Georgetown, valve.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Friday May 17, 2024

CARICOM has shown maturity, growth over the years - Pres. Ali - Pres. Ali

Wi t h d e m o c r a c y leading on forest in the and Trinidad and Tobago, or reigning, the Caribbean global conversation and theremovaloftradebarriers, Community (CARICOM) [on] finance. On peace, we and the common food has grown exponentially a r e l e a d i n g t h e securitygoals. over the past years, conversation, and on PresidentAliassuredthat managingtoreapcontinuous reparative justice. the body will not be left successontheglobalscalein Recently, we have found behind as he will ensure that variousareas. ourselves in the excellent C A R I C O M w o r k s

This position was position of ensuring, what collectively to foster emphasised by President Dr. many leaders in the past success. “I want to say very Mohamed Irfaan Ali on spoke of, that this region clearly that there is no Wednesday evening during remains a region of otheroptiontosucceedand the book launch of democratic credentials,” win. CARICOM will not ‘Caribbean Perspective’ thePresidentstated. lose and CARICOM will which was written by long- T h e C A R I C O M not be left behind. As a standing Journalist, Sandra chairmanfurtherencouraged collective, we are going to world’s economy The future to get greater

AnnBaptiste. his members to conduct and confront the challenges of country’s leader urged other respect,” the head-of-state following the development

Delivering the feature impose upon themselves the the past and the present. Caribbean countries to not

, of CARICOM She read address at the Cheddi Jagan decision-making framework We are going to overcome lose focus but to remain Baptiste,deliveringremarks, excerpts of the book which Researc

Centre in that will allow the body to thosechallengesandweare vigilant. He noted that they said the work chronicled was gifted to the attendees at Kingston, Georgetown, c o n t i n

overthepastthreedecadesof the ceremony At the President Ali noted that the permanently operate in an C A R I C O M a

h e programmes and policies the community’s rich ceremony were the Minister book which outlines three efficientmanner strongest block,” President that will upkeep the steady experiences with regional of Foreign Affairs and decades of inter-regional Additionally, the head of Aliasserted. growthofthecommunity integration. She explained International Cooperation, development of CARICOM, state added that CARICOM The president posited

“The maturity of that it also describes the Hugh Todd and members of shows how much work has each day gets closer to its that with contributions from CARICOM has grown concomitant challenges D

been, and will continue to be goal of closely linking its former leaders, CARICOM enormously. The collective faced with unity within the C

putintotheunion. member states either by way has been able to expand its attribute of CARICOM union, and deals with very General, Dr Carla Barnett, “We are leading on of transportation with the presence on the global scale, has grown enormously…It important topics within the members of CARICOM and climate in the global ongoing ferry service becoming an important is this collective strength bloc.TheJournalistalsosaid other invitees were also conversation We are between Guyana, Barbados, stakeholder in growing the that we must deploy in the it is a breathtaking take on present. (DPI)

Govt. to tweak extradition laws to allow for wider range of evidence

The Government of submitted to the Minister of Guyana will move forward Home Affairs in Guyana with amendments to the through the Ministry of Fugitive Offenders Law to Foreign Affairs. Following broaden the admissibility of receipt of the request, evidence in extradition Guyana’s Central Authority proceedings when the House acknowledges its receipt and meetstoday forwards the necessary

The proposed changes documents to the Director of aimtoallowforawiderarray Public Prosecutions (DPP) of evidence, including for the commencement of records of the case, to be extraditionproceedings.

c o n s i d e r e d d u r i n g The DPP’s office, in extradition hearings. These collaboration with relevant adjustments, detailed in an ministries, assesses the accompanying Explanatory extradition request within a Memorandum, seek to week to determine its establishment, construction

expand the scope of legality and compatibility and maintenance of sea and admissible documents and with extradition treaties. If river defences, natural o u t l i n e p r o c e d u r a l deemed appropriate, defences and to provide for requirements for their extradition proceedings are relatedmatters.Additionally, acceptance. initiated in the Magistrates’ through Attorney General, Once approved, the Court, culminating in a trial Anil Nandlall government amendmentswillintroducea where evidence is presented. willalsobelookingtodebate newprovisiontotheexisting If the court finds sufficient and vote on an Arbitration laws, enabling the inclusion evidence, the Minister of Bill, to facilitate domestic of records of evidence that Home Affairs will then andinternationalarbitrations would otherwise not be authorise the extradition of by encouraging the use of admissible Importantly, the individual to the arbitration as a method of these modifications will not Requesting Country Other resolving disputes; and for restrict the evidence that can bits of legislation up for a connected purposes. These be presented in extradition debate and vote include the inadditiontoamendmentsto hearings. Sea and River Defence Bill, the Criminal Procedures In Guyana, extradition aimed at repealing and (Paper Committal) Bill, in procedures are governed by replacing the existing order to “to provide for the the Fugitive Offenders Act, legislation on sea and river abolition of preliminary Chapter10:04oftheLawsof defence. inquiries; to provide for the Guyana The extradition This, in order to make procedureinrespectofpaper request is typically initiated provisionforprotectionfrom committal proceedings in by the Central Authority of inundation from the sea or criminal matters; and for the Requesting State and rivers and to provide for the mattersconnectedthereto.”

Truck-driver in Saffon Street fatal accident freed

Atruckdriveraccusedof causing a fatal accident on Saffon and Sussex Streets, Charlestown was on Thursday freed by the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court after an almost fouryear-longtrial.

Eric Kennedy was 23 yearsoldwhenhewas (Continued on page 16)

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Friday May 17, 2024
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali along with Caricom Secretary-General, Dr. Carla Barnett and author of ‘Caribbean Perspective’ Sandra Ann Baptiste
er life and journey
o u s l
a n d g o i n g t o p o s i t i o n should keep crafting
s t
i p l o m a t i c C o r p s
RICOM Secretary
Freed truck driver, Eric Kennedy Dead: Terry Dhanraj

Canada extends funding for sexual reproductive health project

In photo, seated: 2nd from left, Ms. Jenny Karlsen, UNFPA Deputy Director for the Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean, High Commissioner Mark Berman, Mr. Headley Pio, Regional Chairman, Ms. Hamwantie Bisesar, Deputy Director of Social Services at the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security & Dr. Johnathon Dudnauth, Deputy Director (a.g.), Regional Health Services

Canada’s High Commissioner Violence (GBV), most frequently 1,7,8 and 9 as well as for an SocialSecurity aspirations and rights of individual to Guyana, Mark Berman and the experienced by women and girls. expansion of coverage into regions Jenny Karlsen, speaking on womenandmen. United Nation’s Population Fund More specifically, the project previouslyunservedbytheproject- behalf of UNFPA recognized the Ms Hamwantie Bisesar, (UNFPA) Deputy Director for the applies a holistic approach to Regions2and3. launch ceremony as a tangible Deputy Director of Social Services Sub-Regional Office for the support national efforts to reduce HighCommissionerBerman,in demonstration of the commitment at the Ministry of Human Services Caribbean, Jenny Karlsen, signed a the prevalence and incidence of his remarks, stated that the of Global Affairs Canada to the andSocialSecurity,inherremarks, two-year extension of the Canada- adolescent pregnancy, GBV and extension and accompanying cause of advancing women and highlighted that the Ministry is funded “Enhancing Quality, sexually transmitted infections, financial resources, builds on girls’ sexual and reproductive committed to working along with Access and Logistics of Sexual that is inclusive of all persons Canada’s already well-established health and rights as well as their the Region to ensure service and Reproductive Health and regardlessofsocialstatus,location, footprint in the local and regional empowerment. delivery to all villages of Region 8. Rights” (EQUAL SRHR) project gender identity, disability, health sector and aligns strongly Ms Karlsen thanked key The need for the expansion of the onTuesdayinMahdia,Region8. ethnicity,orsexualorientation. withtheHumanDignitypillarofits government partners, the Ministry knowledge base of citizens on The ceremony, at the Roger The two-year/CAD$2.250M Feminist International Assistance of Health and the Ministry of programs such as EQUAL SRHR Hinds Hotel, was conducted in the project was part of Canada’s wider Policy, which seeks to close Human Services and Social was emphasized, along with the presence of representatives of the response,in2021,toaddressingthe persistent gaps in sexual and Security, as well as civil society work of the Ministry’s Sexual Ministry of Health, the Ministry of ongoing Venezuelan displacement reproductive health and rights for partners, such as Help and Shelter, Offences and Domestic Violence Human Services and Social crisis, particularly in the womenandgirls. the Guyana

Policy Unit. She also highlighted Security, Regional Chairman communitiesthatweretheirhosts. He added, that with this Parenthood Association, and the importance of ensuring that Headley Pio, Regional Health However, during this period of extension, Canada will now be Blossom Inc., for their continued women and girls have the power to Officer Dr Thalita Cort, Mayor implementation and following providing more than CAD$15M in collaborative efforts. Ms. Karlsen make their own choices when it Eslyn Romascindo-Hussain, c o n s u l t a t i o n s w i t h k e y bilateral international assistance to highlightedthattheEQUALSRHR comes to their sexual and Toshao of Campbelltown Jillian implementing partners, it quickly support the wider health sector in project is essential in supporting reproductive health, through the Williams, as well as officials from became apparent that the initial Guyana, in areas such a mental Guyana to reach its development servicesmadeavailabletothem. GlobalAffairsCanadaandUNFPA, two-year timeframe would not be health, maternal, newborn and objectives. She highlighted that the Dr Johnathon Dudnauth, and scores of residents of Mahdia sufficient to adequately tackle the child health, early childhood EQUALSRHRprojectensuresthat Deputy Director (a.g.), Regional andsurroundingareas. issues UNFPA subsequently developmentandforensicevidence weplacepeople’sdignityandrights Health Services, representing In a press release, the High approached the Government of gathering for victims of sexual at the heart of sustainable Minister of Health Dr Frank Commission said the EQUAL Canada for an extension and assault. development; reaffirming that Anthony,in addressing the GBV SRHR project was launched in additional resources, both of which This, he added, is in addition to inclusive sustainable development component of the project, stated October 2022 and hinges on the were granted. The extension, to regional Canadian-funded projects is not possible without prioritizing that GBV is not merely a women’s strengtheningofsystemstoaddress December 31, 2026, will now and the recent CAD$120M human rights, including issue, but rather a human rights Sexual and Reproductive Health allow for both a realistic timeframe sovereign loan to improve social reproductive rights, empowerment violation that corrodes the very and Rights (SRHR) and to respond for completion of originally services in Guyana through the ofwomenandgirls,andaddressing fabricofourhumanity to instances of Gender-Based programmed activities in Regions Ministry of Human Services and inequalities as well as the needs, He added that it is every citizen’s responsibility to stand up, speak out, and take action against GBV in all its forms and challenge the toxic attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate it, while working to dismantle the systems of oppression that enable genderbasedviolencetothrive.

This, he added, means challenging patriarchal structures, promoting gender equality, and ensuring that everyone has access to the resources and support they need to live free from violence and fear Together, he concluded, we can create a world where every individual is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion regardless of their gender - a world where love, not violence, is the norm. Following the ceremony, UNFPA and Canadian officials interacted with villagers to learn about their experiences and how the project hasbenefittedthemthusfar

Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Friday May 17, 2024
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Friday May 17, 2024


Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.

Paruima, Batavia, Santa Rosa Villages get new Toshaos

The Amerindian Vil lage Elections started on Wednesday, May 15 with around 16 new toshaos, deputy toshaos, senior councillors, and councils elected across the various administrative regions.

One experienced Salesperson, knowledge in writing bills, stocktaking, cashing & 1 General Domestic. Apply at Keyfood Mc. Doom Village next to the Post Office.

Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650. Hiring spray Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

Workers needed to work on Cash Crop Farm, $6500 per day. Call: 679-7552.

One general cleaner, Must be able to assist in the preparation of vegetables. $4000 per day. Call: 696-2520

One arc Welder, Handy boy and lorry drivers needed. Living accommodation provided. Call: 627-5043/ 639-1315.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Vehicle for sale 1-Modlem Truck $2.5 Million Contact: 650-0402 / 652-0251

Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office,Storage Bond, other.. Call: 603-6400

4 bedroom, fully furnished apartment at 21 Seafort street, Campbellville. For more information call: 621-5140.

One bedroom apartment at New Road, Vreed-en- Hoop. Call: 627-3800.


Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 6981267/ 657-9121.

Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English & Mathematics,grade 2.Email application:techserigy@yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area call: 615-9132

Male cleaner for Eccles call:615-9132 or 645-8443

Auto electrician and Mechanics needed send your CV To: omaransarimi@ gmail.com contact :618-7066

Part-time Graphic ArtistContact:233-2725 / 601-7580

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Security, Labourers & Maintenance Workers. Call: 621-6969/ 6157784.

Vacancy exist for one labourer. Call: 677-8104.


Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 6838734/ 654-9711.

For low cost repairs for AC units, refrigerators, freezers, gas stoves, washing machine, dryers, etc. Call: 6294946, 225-4822.


In Santa Rosa Village in the Moruca sub-district, Region One residents headed to the polls and elected young and vibrant Raul Hendrick as their new leader.

Meanwhile, Derrick John, current Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) was reelected to serve as Toshao for Moraikobai, the only Amerindian village in Region Five.

Over in East BerbiceCorentyne (Region Six), another young man named Laurence Vandenburg was elected as Toshao of OreallaSiparuta. In the Upper Mazaruni District, Region Seven, Member of Parliament (MP) and former leader, Lee Williams was voted to serve as Toshao for Paruima Village, an emerging player in the tourism sector. Batavia Village in

Mazaruni also saw the election of Murphy Gomez as the newest Toshao. Meanwhile in Guyana’s largest region – Region Nine, Brian Ambrose, Micah Davis, Archer Moses, Randolph Francis, and Clarence Rudolph have been elected as Toshaos for Potarinau, Toka, Katoka, Yurong Paru, and Parabara respectively.

Sebai, Region One; Santa Mission, Region Three; St.

Cuthbert’s Mission, Region Four and Wiruni Village in Region 10 also conducted their elections on May 15.

Similar elections were also conducted in Taruka and Micobie in Region Eight. Elections will continue for approximately one month until every village elects its leaders. These critical elections, mandated by the 2006 Amerindian Act, are held ev-

ery two to three years and involve the selection of new council members for over 200 villages and communities nationwide.

The legal corporate bodies are responsible for administering the villages’ affairs, including providing for the planning and development of villages and national representation for their respective communities, among other functions. (DPI)

Truck-driver in Saffon Street fatal accident freed...

From page 13 charged with causing death by dangerous driving and was remanded for four months before he was finally released on $300,000 bail. His lawyer Bernard DaSilva after winning the case said, “After four years, Acting Chief Magistrate (Sherdel Issacs-Marcus) upheld my no case submission”.

At the time of the crash on

May 25, 2020, Kennedy was the driver of a container truck that was turning right from Saffon Street onto Sussex Street when a speeding car crashed into its trailer.

The accident took place around 17:45hrs and later claimed the life of the front seat passenger, Terry Dhanraj, 23 of Ogle, Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara.

Police had reported that Dhanraj was a passenger of motor vehicle PSS 1314, which was being driven by Stephon Pearson. Pearson was proceeding north along Saffon Street allegedly at a fast rate before crashing into the truck’s trailer. Pearson was able to free himself from the wreckage but a badly injured Dhanraj remained trapped in the front seat.

Two ambulances arrived shortly after and took both men to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where Dhanraj was said to be in a critical condition. As was feared, Dhanraj passed away on May 26, 2020, around 13:00hrs due to the extent of his injuries while Pearson was discharged from the hospital with a broken arm and multiple lacerations to the body.

Mr. Frank DeAbreu takes us down memory...

From page 04 University with the government of Trinidad and Tobago scholarship, the principal and teachers invited them to a dinner, as an encouragement for their success, the students were bragging and boasting, that they were the brightest in the west indies, the principal cautioned them after congratulating them about their success, the principal said, go my boy, go to Oxford, but when you reach to the university, look out for them boys

from (BG), to this day Queen’s maintained that reputation, it might be unfortunate but true.

•In 1865, Hand-in-Hand Fire Insurance was established.

There are no records of where the initial building was established, but looking at the structure, it might be the same as it stands today with maintenance and good aesthetic.

• In 1870, we saw the establishment of the Bishops’ High School for girls only, but

then Queen’s College would’ve gone to Brickdam where the Ministry of Health now stands, giving way for Bishops’ to be established where it is today.

In my personal opinion, working with both schools and having children from both schools, I can identify a Bishops’ girl from a QC student by observing them, the Bishops’ girl is very lady like and professional, while the QC student is bright, giving the devil his due, I think it would

be safe that 70% of the brightest females in Guyana attended Bishops’.

•In 1891, the Demerara Life was established, hats off to the management and staff of the company, they managed and maintained a prestigious building and surroundings for 133 years.

•Finally, I’d like to look at the 10th company, we saw the establishment of a boat building yard and an engineering school, that establishment became M/S Sprostons and Company, now GNIC established in 1898.

From its inception, the company produced a number of high-quality trade men for British Guiana and the West Indies. I must mention that there was once a time when the best trade men in the West Indies came from British Guiana.

Yours truly, Frank DeAbreu.

PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Friday May 17, 2024
Living and Business Quarter for rent at James and Hunter Street. Visit Location for more information Call: 674
German shepherd mix with Husky available. Call : 648- Middle

Over 30 nursery schools in Berbice for rehabilitation

The Ministry of Education will

soon spend

a p p r o x i m a t e l y

$203,100,000 to rehabilitate over 30 nursery school buildings in Region Six

The projects were recently opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)office.

The Ministry of Education was this year

Some of the schools are located in Fryish, Bohemia, Reef, Belvedere, Albion, Williamsburg, Manchester, Whim, Port Mourant, Ankerville,andRoseHall.

Below are the companies and their bids:

Package1–rehabilitationofBohemiaand No.1ReefnurseryschoolsinRegionSix.

Package2-rehabilitationofFyrishRoad,FyrishVillage andBelvedereNurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package3-rehabilitationofAlbionFront,AlbionBack andWilliamsburgNurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package5–rehabilitationofAlnessManchester,Whim, BloomfieldandTainNurserySchools,RegionSix.

allocated $74.4B, a portion ofwhichwillbeusedforthe construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance ofeducationalfacilities.

Atapressconferenceon Tuesday, Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Manickchand said that the tender process for the

rehabilitation of schools across the country is ongoing.

She said every effort is being made by the government to ensure the nation’s children are in a comfortableenvironment.

“In addition to building new schools what we are doing currently is repairing schools. ThePresidenthasmade it clear that he does not want any school to be w

Package4–rehabilitationofPortMourant,Ankerville andRoseHallNurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package6-rehabilitationofBushLotand NurneyNurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package7-rehabilitationofLeeds,No.7,Kiltearn andPhillippiNurserySchools,RegionSix.a

Package8-rehabilitationofNo.56and No.54NurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package12–rehabilitationofPrincetown andNo.72NurserySchools,RegionSix.

washrooms and plumbing, electricity, a good roof where there is no leaking


So across the country right now, the Ministry of Education is attempting to go out and receive bids for the repairs of all schools, nursery, primary and secondary,” Minister Manickchandtoldreporters.

Package9-rehabilitationofBabylonand No60NurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package10-rehabilitationofNo.69and No.67NurserySchools,RegionSix.

Package11–rehabilitationof No.77NurserySchool,RegionSix.

Package13–rehabilitationofNo79and SpringlandsNurserySchools,RegionSix.

(Continued on page 18)

Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Friday May 17, 2024
thout functioning
and [repairing] the dilapidated looking

Israeli military casualties mount as assault on north Gaza meets resistance militar

(BBC NEWS) Israel’s military says five soldiers have been killed by Israeli tankfireinnorthernGaza,in oneofthedeadliestincidents of its kind since the war against Hamas began in October

An initial probe found that two tanks fired at a building in Jabalia refugee camp where the troops had gathered. Troops went back into the area this week after previously pulling out, sayingHamashadregrouped there. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have fled the fighting and bombardment. Both the Israeli military and Hamas’s military wing said onWednesdaythatbattlesin Jabalia camp and the surrounding town of Jabalia wereintensifying.

Battlesalsoragedaround the southern city of Rafah, from where nearly 600,000 people have fled since the start of an Israeli operation 10 days ago. More than a milliondisplacedpeoplehad beentakingrefugethere.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said five soldiersservinginthe202nd BattalionoftheParatroopers Brigade were killed in Jabalia camp on Wednesday evening“asaresultoffireby ourforces”. Twotanksinthe area fired two shells at a building being used by the

battalion’s deputy commander, according to a statement.

“From the initial investigation it appears that the tank fighters, from the ultra-Orthodox paratrooper company Hetz, identified a gun barrel coming out of one of the windowsinthebuilding,and directed each other to shoot at the building,” it said.

Seven other soldiers were wounded by the tank fire, three of them seriously The deaths increased to 278 the number of Israeli soldiers killed since the start of the groundoffensiveinGazaon 27October

Another348troopswere among the 1,200 people killed in Hamas’s unprecedented cross-border attackonsouthernIsraelon7 October,whichtriggeredthe war Some were also taken back to Gaza as hostages. More than 35,270 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry.

According to the IDF’s website, 44 of the soldiers killed in Gaza as of Wednesday-15%ofthetotal - died as a result of what it describes as “operational accidents”. Twenty-two of them were killed by “friendly fire”, five died

because of “firing irregularities”, and 17 as a result of “accidents”, including incidents involving weaponry and trampling.

On Thursday morning, official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that therehadbeenintenseIsraeli air strikes in the al-Hoja streetareaofJabaliarefugee camp, causing its “complete destruction” Five people weremeanwhilewoundedin adronestrikeintheal-Faluja area,itadded.

Hamas’s military wing claimed on Thursday that it hadfiredananti-tankmissile at an Israeli troop carrier in the Block 2 area of Jabalia campandtargetedarmoured bulldozers with explosive deviceseastofJabaliatown.

TheIDF’sChiefofStaff, Lt Gen Herzi Halevi, told troops in Gaza on Tuesday that Israeli forces were “striking widely and strongly”inJabalia.“Wesee thereattempts[byHamas]to hold on and rebuild, therefore we need to deal with this again, and prove that we will return each time,”headded.

Wafa also cited medical sources as saying that more than 30 civilians, including 10 children, had been killed in Israeli air strikes on residential buildings in

nearby Gaza City Palestine

Post photojournalist Mahmoud Jahjouh and several members of his family were reportedly amongthedead.

The IDF scaled down operations in Jabalia, Gaza Cityandtherestofthenorth in January after declaring that it had “dismantled” Hamas’s battalions there Butthatleftapowervacuum in which the group has been abletorebuild.Anestimated

300,000 people trapped in the devastated region are also experiencing a “fullblown famine” due to a lack of aid deliveries, according totheheadoftheWorldFood Programme. In the south of Gaza on Thursday, fresh Israeli air strikes killed at least five people in southern and central Rafah, Wafa reported.

The IDF has ordered the evacuation of a number of neighbourhoods since 6

May, when it began what it called “precise operations” against Hamas in “specific areas of eastern Rafah and the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing”.

Israel says it needs to send troops into the city because Hamas’s last remaining battalions are basedthere.ButtheUNand Western powers say an allout assault could lead to mass civilian casualties and ahumanitariancatastrophe.


Package15–rehabilitationofSchepmoed andLinePathDNurserySchools,RegionSix.


Kaieteur News PAGE 18 Friday May 17, 2024
Package14–rehabilitationofLochaber PrimaryandNurserySchools,RegionSix. Package16 rehabilitationofGangaramandBara CaraPrimaryandNurserySchools,RegionSix.

Guyana will not get into tit-for-tat with T&T

...Jagdeo urges level playing field in trade

TheGovernmentof importation of Animal therewillbereciprocity.”

T&T based on an evaluation Guyana (GoG) P r o d u c t s f r o m a n y He continued, “So it of the Trinidad Market by a will not get into a Caribbean Community doesn’t necessarily mean we Trinidadian business

tit for tat with (CARICOM) Member State are gonna put in a repressive enterprise. Trinidad and Tobago on the including Guyana It phytosanitary regime but we

While two containers of export of locally produced however noted that for these will ensure that on the packaged milk products goods. products to be exported to balance of things that you were denied entry and This is the position of Trinidad and Tobago, can’thaveunimpededaccess returned to Guyana, the requirements. ready access to everybody Vice President Bharrat countries must be approved intoourmarketsandthenwe bottled water products have Samaroo explained, “If else. It is wrong.” Kaieteur Jagdeo He made the by the Ministry of willtoleraterestrictedaccess been restricted from sale you are going to accept as a News asked the Samaroo comments on Thursday Agriculture, Land and into your market.We are just pendingthecompletionofan norm, different set of rules whether he was calling for a during his weekly press Fisheries (MALF). To this sending that signal.” Jagdeo “ u n c o n v e n t i o n a l l y and different standards then standard to be set across conference at Freedom end, VP Jagdeo said he pointed out that Guyana has exhaustive examination” of we can’t have free trade. It CARICOM for the import House, Georgetown. His anticipates that the matter l o n g a r g u e d t h a t the products. DDL currently hastobeonacommonbasis. and export of products comments come on the heels would be addressed through phytosanitary restrictions exports the same products to The European Union, the among member states. He of a complaint by local themechanismsavailable.In must not be used to stymie three other Caribbean states North American Free Trade responded, ”I am calling for beverage manufacturer, the meantime, the former the flow of goods and includingSuriname,St.Kitts all on common basis. You whatever it takes to allow Demerara Distillers Limited President explained, “...any services across the region. and Barbados and has not can’t have a set of rules that even access to each market.” (DDL)thattwocontainersof country believe that it could Approximately US$100,000 encountered such barriers to an exporter to your market When asked if this would be its milk products were treat our goods unfairly worth of packaged milk and trade Moreover, Guyana has to go through these a suggestion to government, refused entry into Trinidad, whenitenterstheirmarketor US$40,000 of flavoured does not enforce such hurdles and then you have hesaid,“absolutely.” although adhering to the even prevent our goods from bottled water produced by c o u n t r y ’ s k n o w n entering their market whilst DDLhave been denied entry requirements. having free access to our into Trinidad and Tobago.

T&T’s Ministry of Trade marketthentheywouldhave Executive Chairman of and Industry in a subsequent to have a second (thought) DDL, Komal Samaroo statement issued on May 15, about the matter because we explained that in March this 2024 explained that there is are going to ensure that we year, DDLexported four 20no prohibition on the examine everything and foot shipping containers to

Taxi driver identified

as thief who broke into woman’s car

Swift work by police has led them to identify a suspect

who on Wednesday afternoon allegedly broke into a woman’s car parked on SheriffStreet,Georgetownand stole a substantial amount of cash she had set aside to pay herbills.

T h e w o m a n A t i k a Stephens, a single mother, recalled that the incident occurred on the vicinityofMae’sSchoolaround15:45hrs. An eyewitness reportedly noted that the thief was driving around in a dark-grey Toyota212carandmanagedtonotedownthe licenceplatenumber,PPP8752.

Stephens reported the matter to the Kitty Police Station and investigators quickly found out that the car was owned by a man livingontheWestBankofDemerara(WBD). After learning this information, Stephens made a public post and he came forward to clear his name. He said that he was not the thiefbutrentshiscartoataxibase.

The man took the owner of the base with him to the police station to identify the driver of the car during the time of the theft. Police weretoldthatthedriverwasBrentolCharles. Charles had been arrested for similar offencesandothercriminalactivities. Police have issued a wanted bulletin for him and is advising anyone with information about his quickly to get her daughter “It happened whereaboutstomakecontactwiththenearest within minutes”, the woman said as she police station. Kaieteur News reported on recalledhearinghercaralarmgoingoff. She Thursday that Stephens had gone to pick-up returned immediately to the car only to find her daughter from Mae’s School when the outthatsomeonehadbrokenthewindowand thiefstruck. stole her handbag containing the cash, her It was raining at the time so she secured Samsung cell-phone, identification card, her vehicle with the handbag inside and ran driver’slicenceandbankcards.

Kitty man remanded for murder of 16-year-old

A22-year-oldman knife from his left-side pants was remanded waist and inflicted multiple on Thursday to stabwoundsonSeaford.

prison for the Following the attack, murder of 16-year-old Seaford started running in a Benjamin Seaforth The westerly direction on accused, Keron Boyer, was Gordon Street. However, he arrest


turday collapsedapproximately100 following the issuance of a feet from the intersection of wanted bulletin by police on Gordon and Lamaha Streets. Friday Reports are that Boyer Boyer, of Public Road, immediatelyfledthescene. Kitty, Georgetown made his

first court appearance at the

Georgetown Magistrates’

Reports are that on May

Court before Chief summoned Upon arrival, 6, 2024, Boyer and the Magistrate (ag) Sherdell Seaford was examined and teenager were part of an Isaacs-Marcus, where the subsequently pronounced argument which quickly chargewasreadtohim. dead. escalated into a physical

He was not required to Boyer is scheduled to altercation. During the fight, enterapleafortheindictable return to court on June 25, Boyer allegedly retrieved a offence. 2024.

Friendship man remanded for armed robbery and burglary

A 24-year-old man was on Wednesday remanded to prison when he appeared before Magistrate Orinthia Schmidt at the Vigilance Magistrates’Court.

The man, Kewshawn Nero, was charged for Robbery UnderArms committed on Sharon Sarjoo contrary to Section 222 (C) of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act Chapter 8:01, and Burglary committed on Ama Edwards contrary to Section 233 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act Chapter 8:01.

He was not required to enter a plea for the Robbery Under Arms charge. He however pleaded not guilty to the burglary charge.Awanted bulletin was issued for Nero of Friendship, East Coast Demerara (ECD) on Friday for a series of robberies andrape;hewasarrestedonSaturday

The prosecutor objected to bail being granted for the accused noting that he is a flight risk and is expectedtobechargedforothercrimes.

Magistrate Schmidt remanded Nero to prison untilJune12,2024.

Remanded: Keshawn Nero

Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Friday May 17, 2024
Wanted: Brentol Charles Atika’s car with the window smashed
T h e p o l i c e a n d
Emergency Medical
T e c h n i c i a n s w e r e
ed on
Remanded: Keron Boyer
PAGE 20 Kaieteur News Friday May 17, 2024

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Linden edition underway

Three-time defending

c h a m p i o n s S w a g Entertainment, Excuse the Rush, Hard-ball, and Spaniards were among the winnerswhenthe‘Guinness Greatest of the Streets’ Linden edition commenced onWednesdayeveningatthe SilverCityHard-court.

Swag Entertainment needled ‘Anybody Could

Get It’ 1-0. On the other hand, Excuse the Rush later demolished Tidal Wave 6-2. Similarly, the Spaniards grounded the Hi-Flyers 3-1. Meanwhile, Hard-ball squeaked past the Universal Ballers 2-1 on penalty kicks afternormaltimeended1-1.

Onthe In other results, Fearless brushed aside Coomacka 2-

0, while Young Guns defeated Super Strikers via walkover

The event will continue todayatthesamevenuewith anotherroundofmatches.VSide and High Rollers will battle in the opening match at 19:00hrs, while the BB Ballers and Turf President will take centre stage at 19:40hrs.

The third encounter of the evening will pit the Top Strikers against Double 6 at 22:20hrs, while One Side will lock horns with the DC Ballersat21:00hrs.

Friday May 17, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Ithasbeenfairlyeasyforyou to detect the truth behind the situationsyou'veencountered lately However, beginning today,youranalyticalabilities won'tbesoreliable.


Howintensethepastfewdays have been! You could spend months just reflecting on these recent experiences. But the mood isn't conducive to introspectionrightnow


The day ahead may help you break away from the surroundinggloomanddoom. A more playful influence is trying to make its way into your relationships, especially y o u r e m o t i o n a l commitments.


Sometimes you feel like you're navigating through a thick fog, but the obscurity will finally lift today The skies ahead are sunny and clear! You can expect an invitationtotakealittletripor anoffertobelongtoaspecial group.


Was someone close to you r u d e w i t h o u t a n y provocation? Were you the targetofunpleasantcriticism? Youtaketheseslightstoheart. Beginning today, and throughoutthedaystocome.


Havingapersonalopinionon any question isn't the most difficult thing in the world to do, Virgo. More difficult is confronting with some objectivity the opinions of others.


Enough of thinking about yourself, Libra! The hour has now arrived to draw some conclusions. You're at the end of the lengthy volume you werewritingonyourinnerlife.


Seduction through words is your real power, Scorpio.You haveagreattalentforanything involving words. So you're goingtobeabletoattracteven more admirers around you today


With today's celestial energy, you'regoingtofeellikeyou're on vacation, Sagittarius. This planetary configuration often gives people the feeling of having a fresh mind and calm disposition.


Do you say yes every time someone asks for a favor, Capricorn? Is it sometimes hard to find time for yourself becauseyou'resobusycoming to the rescue of a friend or family member? Today's celestial energy asks you to thinkaboutyou.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.

PISCES(Feb.19–Mar 20) Hasitbeendifficultthesepast fewdaystocommunicatewith those close to you?Are you a little skeptical about your charm? In fact, have you been feelingsomewhatunsure.

In the fifth fixture, Amoria will match skills with the Silver Bullets at 21:40hrs, while YMCAwill face off against the Assassa Ballers in the final match of theeveningat22:20hrs.

The winner of the tournament will walk away with $500,000 and the championship trophy They will also earn an automatic berth to the national championship, which is penciled for August in Georgetown.

Meanwhile, the second, third, and fourth-place finishers will pocket $400,000, $300,000, and $250,000 apiece and the correspondingaccolade.The tournamentisalsosponsored by Colours Boutique, which hasprovidedtheplayingkits fortheentiretyoftheseason.

Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Friday May 17, 2024
ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers11:50hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers12:50hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers02:00hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs FridayMay17,2024 SaturdayMay18,2024 SaturdayMay18,2024 Berbice RiverBridge Closure to RoadTraffic Demerara RiverBridge Closure to Road Traffic D 5 G.L.C.357LamahaStreet,NorthCummingsburg,Georgetown Tel:226-0753.Whileeveryeffortismadetoensurenumbersare correct,pleasecallthehotlineforconfirmation,TheG.L.C.and KaieteurNewscannotbeheldresponsibleforprintingerrors. 9 4 8 4 3 7 8 15 18 19 23 DATE: 05/15/2024 DATE: 05/16/2024 DATE: 05/16/2024 DATE: 05/16/2024 10 12 13 15 17 21 1 12 15 16 2 5 7 ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers01:00hrs FridayMay17,2024 Afternoon Evening
Excuse the Rush Football team thrashed Tidal Wave 6-2 in opener.

Stena Drilling throws support behind Petra/ ExxonMobil U14 Football championship

As 56 teams prepare to compete in the FifthAnnual ExxonMobilBoysandGirls

Under-14 Football ChampionshipfromMay25 to June 29, the Petra Organisation has secured a sponsorship from Stena Drilling.The announcement wasmadeyesterdayatStena Drilling’s Fourth Street, Subryanvillelocation.

Petra’s Co-Directors, Troy Mendonca and Marlan Cole, along with Nareeza Latif-Boston, attended the ceremony RepresentingStena DrillingwereRigManagerTim SwainandAdministrationand LocalContentOfficerChristina Ramroop, who expressed enthusiasm for the new partnership In her opening remarks,Ramroopstated,“Iam

honoured to stand before you today on behalf of Stena Drilling as we extend our wholehearted support for the 5thAnnualExxonMobilU-14 Football Tournament As a company, we are deeply committed to fostering community engagement and promoting healthy lifestyles We recognize the immense value of events like this in

bringing people together through the shared love of football.”

The tournament was conceived five years ago to bridge the gap between the U11 and U18 age groups within schools It provides a platform for both boys and girls to showcase their athletictalentswhilecreating opportunities for individuals fromdiversebackgrounds to connect and form lasting friendships.

During the ceremony, TroyMendonca,Co-Director of the Petra Organisation, expressedhisgratitudeforthe support from Stena Drilling, saying,“Weareverypleased withStenaDrilling’ssupport This will greatly assist us in overcoming logistical challenges i n t h e tournament.”

He also highlighted the overwhelmingresponsefrom teams, with 72 teams registering to participate This necessitated organising elimination matches on Saturday, May 18, at the Ministry of Education (MoE) ground. Mendonca explained, “This has added costs to the organisation for

transportation, meals, snacks,beverages,andother logistical needs. With this donation, we are now equipped to handle the additionalexpenses.”

The tournament will feature 41 schools, with 32 boys’ teams and 24 girls’ teams competing in a roundrobin format The boys’ teams will be divided into eight groups, vying for top positions to advance to the

final 16. The competition will then progress to the quarterfinalsandsemifinals. Thegirls’teamswillfollowa similarformatfromapoolof fivegroups.

The tournament is supportedbyStenaDrilling, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, MVP Sports, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) under the Pepsi Brand, and the MinistryofEducation.

AAG can now send all its qualifiers to U20 World Championships

clarification from World Athletics, the Athletics AssociationofGuyana(AAG) will now be able to send all seven of its qualifiers to the World Athletics U20 Championships in Lima, Peru Previously, Kaieteur News had reported that despite seven athletes from Guyana meeting the qualifying standard time for the World Athletics U20 Championships, the AAG could only send two, as per correspondence received from the global governing bodyofathletics

However, it has been confirmed that following a plea and clarification from the AAG, World Athletics has granted permission for all of Guyana’s qualifiers to participate in the

championships scheduled forAugust26–31.

Leading the qualifiers for the 20th edition of the U20 World Championships isTiannaSpringer,oneofthe top-ranked U18 athletes in the 400m category worldwide Springer has successfully qualified to competeinthe100m,200m, and 400m events.Malachi Austin, currently ranked as the world’s fourth-fastest U18athleteinthe400m,has secured his place in his specialtyevent.

Joining him are Narissa McPherson (200m/400m), NalicaGlen(200m),Ezekiel Newton (100m/200m), Jermaine Crummewing (100m), and CARIFTA

100m U17 champion Athaleyah Hinckson, all of whom have successfully qualified Kaieteur News understands that the AAG

aims to broaden its pool of qualifiers before the July 10 deadline Guyana’s participation in the World A t h l e t i c s U 2 0 Championship since the event’sinceptionin1986has beeninconsistent.

Infact,thelastathleteto participate was Berbician Revon Williams, who competedinthe400matthe 2021 Championship in Nairobi,Kenya.

Sincetheinceptionofthe U20 World Championships, Guyana holds only one medal, courtesy of Kadecia Bairdinthewomen’s400m. Baird crossed the finish line in 51.04s, claiming the silver medal behind the USA’s Ashley Spencer and ahead of another American, Erika Rucker Baird’s remarkabletimeremainsthe fastest U20 performance by aSouthAmericanathlete.

PAGE 22 Friday May 17, 2024 Kaieteur News
Following recent developments and
RAWLETONEY Troy Mendonca, Co-Director of Petra Organisation yesterday at the Stena Drilling presentation.

Coca-Cola, ICC team up to bring Real Magic for

Coca-Cola and the International Cricket Council (ICC)arecollaboratingonce againfortheupcoming2024 ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup, as part of the global strategic partnership agreement between the ICC and the iconic beverage company that entails CocaCola is the exclusive nonalcoholic beverage partner oftheICC.

The move combines the strength of the Coca-Cola Company’s diversified portfolio of over 500 brands with ICC’s unwavering focus to expand the sport’s footprintglobally.

With this partnership, Coca-Colawilluseitsiconic globalreachtoconnectwith fans around the Caribbean throughaseriesofonlineand offline activations and will alsobringtheTrophyTourto the region for the first time ever Fullygearedtokindlethe enthusiasmofcricketlovers, the brand is all set to ignite the passion and bring real magic as the official beverage partner of the tournament.

Speaking about the partnership, Emilia Villamarin, Marketing Frontline Director for The CaribbeanatTheCoca-Cola Company said, “For the Coca-Cola Caribbean System, we are thrilled to bring the partnership to life intheregion.

With The West Indies proudly hosting the World Cup and cricket being a passion point for the region, the brand is inviting fans to live the excitement of every game. Wealsopaytributeto the region’s immense love for cricket and continue serving as a point of connection and collective joy,nowthroughouttheICC WorldCup.”

Men’s T20

Coca-Cola will embark on many exciting brand activationswithitsbeverage portfolio, including fan engagements, social media campaigns and promotions to win tickets to the World Cup alongside unique onground experiences during the ICC Men’s Cricket WorldCup2024.

Carlton Joao, Sales and Marketing Manager for BanksDIHLimited,bottling partner for The Coca-Cola Company in Guyana also mentioned that, “Coca-Cola is proud to be the Official beverage of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2024, as we believe that this is the biggest cricket event for the world.”

Joao added that the Partnershipprovidesuswith a great opportunity to bring together our customers, consumers and brands with thesport.

“Our activations will engage consumers through innovativeofflineandonline promotions and create memorable experiences for sportsfans.”

Recognizing that cricket isn’t merely a game but an unifying force and an integral part of the West Indies culture, The brand is thrilled to leverage on the unwavering passion of cricket fans throughout the region and the excitement and anticipation in the leaduptotheICCMen’sCricket World Cup this year to continue to engage with its consumersandresonatewith themontheirCoca-Colahas been globally committed to supporting local sporting events & organizations aroundtheworld.

T h e C o c a - C o l a Company has an eightdecade-long association with the Olympics Moreover, for over four decades, it has been

Cricket World Cup 2024

associated with the FIFA, T20 World Cup, and using the power of sports to bring p

transform lives, as a testimony to the Company’s purpose of refreshing the world and making a difference.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as Coca-Cola and the ICC

join forces to create an extraordinary ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2024 experience.

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Friday May 17, 2024
le together and

Bakewell renews long standing RHTYSC sponsorship

- Sponsors two cricket teams and 2024 academy

The long standing relationship betweentheRose HallTownYouthandSports Club and Bakewell was last Friday renewed for the 25th consecutive year during a simple presentation ceremony at the company’s

Triumph East Coast Demerara Head Office. The

company started its sponsorshipoftheRHTYSC in 2000 by supporting the club’sseconddivisionteam.

Club secretary Hilbert Foster stated that over the years,Bakewellhasbeenthe second longest official sponsor after Farfan and MendesLtd,whichcameon board in 1997. Bakewell’s sponsorship now covers the club’s under17 and second

divisionteams.Additionally, the popular bakery is also a co-sponsor of the RHTYSC annualCricketAcademy Foster disclosed that the company’s sponsorship has resulted in both teams winning a combined 23 cricket titles over the years and has produced dozens of players for Berbice, Guyana andWestIndies.Theplayers includeKevinSinclair,Esau Crandon, Royston Crandon, Assad Fudadin, Kevlon Anderson, Shemaine Campbell, Shabiki Gajnabi, Jonathan Rampersaud, Dominique Ricky, Akshay Homraj, Delbert Hicks, Khemraj Mahadeo, Jeremy Sandia, Junior Sinclair, Keith Simpson, Matthew Pottaya,ShenetaGrimmond,

Erva Giddings and Slyus Tyndall.

Anderson, Tyndall, Kevin Sinclair and Junior Sinclair were the foundation of the Bakewell second division teamfiveyearsagoaspartof


opmental progress and today they are allestablishedplayersforthe senior Guyana team or the AmazonWarriorsCPLteam. Dominique Ricky and Akshay Homraj, former membersoftheunder17and second division teams have also gone on to play international cricket for the UnitedStatesofAmerica. The partnership has produced a combined 12 players who have played at the international level and

the RHTYSC was very grateful to Bakewell for its sponsorshipovertheyears.

RHTYSC cricket manager Robby Kissoonlall statedthatthe2024under17 team would be led by Berbice player Romesh Bharat with Kulmalchan Ramnaris as his Deputy while Surendra Kissoonlall and Jonathan Rampersaud are responsible for the seconddivisionteams.

Under the sponsorship, the two teams would be required to undertake a combined total of 45 community projects. These w

d hampers,awardceremonies, feeding of the needy, clean up campaign, television programme, educational programmesandyouthcamp amongothers.

The RHTYSC cricket academy would be held at theArea H ground from the 8th to 19th of July The academywouldcaterfor120 youthsbetweentheagesof8 to 19 years and the club is hoping to attract at least 25 young females. The academy would commence at 9am daily and snacks would be provided to all of the attendees along with the needed educational materials for the classroom work.

Special emphasis would beplacedonteachingyouths the history, rules and


traditionsofthegame,while improving their skills in batting, bowling and fielding The team of coaches would be led by head level three coach Winston Smith while experienced educators would host several lectures on topics of importance to youths including peer pressure, importance of education, team unity, personal discipline and drug abuse. A total of $300,000 worth of prizes would be shared out to the top awardees of the academy including cricket gears, designer clothing, footwear, electronic tablet, cycles, educational materials, household items and gold

jewelry Youthsinthecricket academy would also be involved in several communityactivities.

Foster stated that application forms are now available at the clubArea H ground for interested youths forthe34thcricketacademy of the club The long standingsecretaryexpressed thankstothemanagementof Bakewell for their support, especially General Manager R a j i n G a n g a a n d administrative assistant NatashaBhikhari. Ganga in brief remarks stated that his company was verypleasedtobeassociated with the RHTYSC and hailed the club as an outstanding representative ofitsbrand.

Sunrisers qualify for playoffs after


against Titans

SRH have sealed a top-four finish for the first time since IPL 2020

ESPNcricinfo -

Sunrisers Hyderabad sealed aplaceintheplayoffsofIPL 2024, with one point from their washed-out game against Gujarat Titans ensuring they will finish the league stage in the top four They now have 15 points with one game remaining, against Punjab Kings on May19.

It was their first playoff qualification since IPL2020,afterfinishinglast in the league in 2021 and 2023, and in eighth place in 2022.

SRH’s hopes ofatoptwo finish, however, took a

hit.Theycanstillachieveitthey need to beat PBKS and hope that Rajasthan Royals, who currently have 16 points, lose their last league game against table-toppers Kolkata Knight Riders - but itisnolongerentirelywithin theirhands.

GT’s campaigncame to a gloomy end, with their last two matches - against KKR at home on May 13 andthisoneinHyderabadwashed out without a ball bowled They finished the season with 12 points, which currently puts them third from bottom, but they couldslipdownoneplaceif


The Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium was under covers for most of Thursdayevening

Abrief dry spell led to the announcement of an 8pm toss and an 8 15pm start, but rain returned almost immediately, and did not let up in any meaningful way thereafter Thematchwascalledoffat 10 10pm,twohoursand40 minutes after its scheduled start.

Result: Sunrisers HyderabadvsGujaratTitans Match abandoned without a ballbowled.

Kaieteur News PAGE 24 Friday May 17, 2024
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Natasha Bhikhari hands over the sponsorship to RHTYSC secretary Hilbert Foster

RHTYSC cricket teams host annual Jessica Sandia Mother’s Day programme

The cricket teams of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club on Sunday last hosted their Jessica Sandia Mother’s Day programme and also handed over the annual RHTYSC/DTV8 mother of the yearaward.

The teams involved were Poonai pharmacy under11 and under13, Farfan and Mendes under15, Bakewell under17 and seconddivision,Pepsiunder19and intermediate, Metro females, NAMILCO under23 and First Division.

The teams over the weekend distributed hundreds of food hampers across the county of Berbice to mothers from single parent and less fortunate families. The team led by RHTYSC executives Hilbert Foster, Keith Hicks, Robby Kissoonlall and TyronePottayavisitedthehomesof mothers to hand over the hampers. Eachhampercontainedcloseto20 food items including flour,


margarine, soap powder, onion, garlic, potatoes, sugar, split peas, matches,pastaandsoap.

The cricket team also donated hamperstomothersattendingmass

at the Saint Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church in Port Mourant and the Saint Agnes Anglican church located at No. 64 village in UpperCorentyne. Additionallyfor

the mothers at Saint Francis, they didreceiveagiftMother’sDayrose and shared a special Mother’s Day cake.

All of the mothers received a b


Club secretary Hilbert Foster hailedthehardworkofthedifferent teamsinmakingtheJessicaSandia programme a success in 2024 and congratulated the teams on a job welldone.Henotedthatthesuccess of the club has been based on a simpleformulaofhardwork,team unityanddedication.

The RHTYSC over the last 34 yearshavewon121tournamentsat alllevelsandproduced122players combinedforBerbice,Guyanaand theWestIndies.

Specialthankswereextendedto Canadian based Guyanese Andy Moonsammy who was a main sponsor in honour of his late aunt. The team also expressed thanks to other donors including the NAMILCO, Guyana Beverage

Company,AnsaMcAl,Foodforthe Poor,DeScincoTradingandBanks DIH.

Meanwhile, the teams named miss Priya Babulal as the RHTYSC/DTV 8 mother of the year2024.

Miss Babulal, who resides in the quiet village of Nigg, recently lost her husband and is a single parentoffourchildren.

Hereldestson,KhemrajBharat is a member of the RHTYSC under13 team. Female cricketer Stephanie Ramdas congratulated Babulal on her achievement and urged her to uphold the high standards she has set herself as a singleparent.

Cricket manager Robby Kissoonlall reassured the 2024 mother of the year that the RHTYSCwouldgiveassistancein thefuture.

Ms Babulal received two specialgifts,foodhampers,trophy, medal and a framed certificate of excellence.

Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Friday May 17, 2024
st after the mass
RHTYSC female cricketer Stephanie Ramdas (right) presents award to Priya Babulal.

Athaleyha Hinckson powers crossed the finish line to win the Girls U17 100m finals at the CARIFTAGames ahead of Jamaica’sAdora Campbell. (News Room photo)

Coca-Cola, ICC team up to bring Real Magic for Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 Sports

U14 Football championship

Stena Drilling throws support behind
AAG can now send all its qualifiers to U20 World Championships
Carlton Joao, Sales and Marketing Manager for Banks DIH Limited. Tim Swain, Rig Manager of Stena Drilling handing over sponsorship to Troy Mendonca Co-Director of Petra Organisation (center) in the presence of other Stena Drilling representatives and Petra Rep.

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