The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) has equated the US$2B oil spill guarantee submitted by ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOCtoaglasskey
S p o k e s m a n o n petroleum related matters, Elson Low in an exclusive interview with this newspaper, registered some of the concerns of the political party- chief among those was the slim chances for the country to access the finances to aid in clean up andcompensationfollowing amajordisaster
Low pointed out that the document requires the government of Guyana to showhowExxonhasnotmet
itsobligations.Accordingto theGuaranteeandIndemnity Agreement, the country will firstberequiredtowriteeach of the three guarantors informing of the company’s failure to meet its legal financialobligations.
The document makes it clear, “In order for the Beneficiary (GoG) to exercise its rights under this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement, the Beneficiary must provide to the GuarantorattheGuarantor’s addressstatedinSection4.4, written notice, signed by an authorized representative of Beneficiary (the “Notice”), of EEPGL’s Default of the E n v i r o n m e n t a l
The notice to the
guarantor must detail the environmental obligation(s) that is (are) purported to have been defaulted on, including the legal basis giving rise to the environmentalobligation(s) in question; how Exxon failed to satisfy the applicable Environmental Obligation(s)andtheunpaid amount for which the companyisliablefor Tothis end,Lowexplained,“weare concerned that without an unlimited parent company guarantee there is scope for oil production and service companies to fight among each other, in the course of anurgentcrisis,toapportion blame...insodoing,itcould easilybecomeadisputeover whether a contractor providingfaultyworksorthe oil company is liable. This could be used as an excuse nottopay,therebycausinga significant delay to clean up efforts.”
Moreover, the PNC/R pointed out that the agreement also shield the
guarantor from paying costs toGuyana,sincethecountry allowed the operator of the Stabroek Block to produce oil above the safe operating limits.
“The guarantor could arguethatthegovernmentof Guyana, having approved operations beyond nameplate capacity, bears someliability,andthusdeny ourclaimontheguarantee.”
To this end, he, reasoned,
“This document is a glass key It’ll break off in your hand when you try to open thedoor.”
The Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement was lodged by the Stabroek Block partners on June 9, 2023.
ExxonMobil, the operator of the Stabroek Block, holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% inte
Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.
Each Co-Venturer has contributed to the US$2B guarantee, relative to its participating interest in the StabroekBlock.
Jamestown Insurance Company Limited is the Guarantor for Hess; while CNOOC Limited, a companyorganizedinHong Kong and Exxon Equity Holding Company is the Guarantor for CNOOC and Exxon,respectively Appeal Court Judge, Justice Rishi Persaud had
ordered ExxonMobil Guyana to lodge a US$2B parent and/or affiliate company guarantee as a condition to a stay of executiongrantedonalower court’sorder
That order, originally issuedbyHighCourtJudge, Justice Sandil Kissoon called for an unlimited parentcompanyguaranteeto be provided to the EPA by June 10 or the Liza Phase OneProjectPermitwouldbe suspended.
The misuse of Guyana’s oil profits flagged in the second audit report by VHE Consulting, should have already been finalised between the Government of Guyana and the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil 231 daysago.
This is according to the provisions of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement that governs the unusually large oil block,
measuring 26,800 square kilometers. On April 13, 2023 during a press conference at FreedomHouse,Georgetown,Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told reportersthatgovernmentreceived the final report of the US$7.3B audit of the company’s expenses, relativetotheperiod2018to2020. Annex ‘C’ of the contract
outlines the procedures relative to the completion of cost oil audits. Based on the agreement, Guyana can conduct an audit within two yearsfromtheendofeachcalendar year At the conclusion of the process, the Contractor must be furnished with the report and its findingswithin60daystoprovidea response The response from Exxon will detail its objection or acceptanceoftheauditclaim,along with explanations thereof. The contract also allows the subject Minister to conduct further investigations within 60 days of receiving the Contractor’s response.
It must be noted that the PSA makes it clear at Section 1.5 (b) that:“…Ifwithinsixty(60)daysof theMinister’sfurtherinvestigation,
thePartiesareunabletoagreetothe disposition of the Minister’s audit claim,theclaimshallbesubmitted to the sole expert in accordance with Article 26 of the Agreement ”Article 26 of the contractsetsouttheconditionsasit relatestoarbitration.
This means that the PSA has allocated180daystocompletethe review of the audit report. Today however marks a total of 411 days
since Jagdeo revealed that the reportwasreceived.Consequently, a final decision regarding the way forwardonthesumsflaggedshould have been made at least 231 days ago During his most recent engagement with the media however, Jagdeo said the government was still working assiduously to close the first audit for the period 1999 to 2017. That review was conducted by a British
He said, “We need to close the first audit...you need to formally say,soIhavetofindoutifthatwas done and it should have been done because that was like about three weeks ago, that they had to write and say we had a difference of opinion over US$214M. So that letter, closing it with Exxon, so there is no room for negotiation anymore.”
Meanwhile, on the second audit,JagdeorevealedthattheGoG andExxonarestillintalkswiththe operatoronthecostsflaggedbythe report. According to him, “They still are in a back (and forth); they still have been writing Exxon and awaiting response on a lot of the issues that you have serialized in theKaieteurNews.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
This is a country of surprises; some would say contradictions. There is a concerted Venezuelan buildup in the vicinity of the Ankoko region of our borders, and it is businessasusualinthePPP/CHighCommand.Littletimeto focus the attention of the nation on that ominous development,lesswordsofconcernandurgencycomingout ofofficialquarters.
We foresee no imminent threat toAmerican interests, so Guyanese are on their own. For emphasis, warplanes and warships, or neither of the two, and Guyana is still talking to itself, facing the music all alone international reassurances notwithstanding. The international posture is that there can be no violation of borders and usurping of territory, through superior force. Well, just what is that man Maduro doing down there in the hinterlands of Guyana, if not encroaching in Essequibo with more determined footsteps? When Maduro should be watched like a hawk and his every action carefully studied, the government is more focused on perceived local enemies. Because of what he is doing in his Ankoko buildup, alarms should ring at high government levels.
That said, Guyanese are still waiting for a measured response from the government and leadership. Any kind of full-throated response, one that is persuasive and inspiring. For all intents and purposes, what Guyanese have been graced with at this time of threatening developments from neighbouring Venezuela is the kind of nonchalance that is best represented by near total silence. What’s going on? Even Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo barely gave it passing mention in his last press battle, was quick to shove it out of theway Agentsofthegovernmentareenergeticandecstatic to rush forward at the slightest movement of a leaf involving troublemakers in this country and slash them. Where are they now, waiting for a signal from their handlers in the PPP/CGovernment? Theyshouldbeidentically,ifnotmore, enthusiastic, about coming out and going after the border developments. There is no bigger, no more sinister, troublemaker around Guyana than Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. He is building bridges, and it is no sweat from PPP/C camps; all the war dogs have gone to a canine convention. Perhaps, it is another one at the Arthur Chung Convention Center He has mobilised his forces (to some extent) and redeployed them in our backyard, in the middle of the yard it could be said, and the brawny Palace Guard in the government are more focused on internal menaces. In other words, there is a reconcentration of their attention, a redistribution of their visceral energies at stubborn locals. Timid and tongue-tied, they have become when Maduro is involved,andwithfurthercoweringinmind. Will somebody, please, stand up and lead the way, say something sensible? Indeed, the local armed forces stand with escalated vigilance; they also need that support from each Guyanese beginning with the highflying ones. Now is not the time for any one ranking person in the PPP/C Government to be quick and curt onAnkoko developments. We appreciate that there may be a flurry of exchanges going on behind the scenes. While good in their right, the Guyanesepeoplecannotandshouldnotbelefthanging. We know more from American and other foreign media outlets about the moves in Ankoko than is heard from government here. Whatever has been forthcoming is characterized by terseness. We agree that the situation is tense as a tightrope. But there is insistence from this paper that Guyanese should have been raised to a state of alertness equivalent to the December referendum in Caracas. There have been alarmingdevelopmentsinCaracas(law,belligerentrhetoric, and so forth), and Guyana seems to be shrinking deeper and deeperintoashellduringthistime.Whathappenedtoallthe flag waving, drum rolling and chanting over here? Every citizen ought to have been fully situated on the Venezuelan moves, if only for information purposes. Nothing to induce panicking, but enough to alert that the unacceptable and perilous are underway We repeat, we may haveAmerica by our side (or think that we do), but when heat intensifies, all thatthepeopleofGuyanahaveareeachother,andnoother
DEAREDITOR, schools, affecting the first century, politicians, the manipulation from powers
Afew years ago, Guyana education of students, government, and unions that be using hangouts, etc. came onto the international especially those in interior cannotcometoanagreement for votes Perhaps the scene as one of the fastest- and rural areas This concerning salary increases Government and the GTU growing economies in the situation has led to concerns whenthiscountryisboasting want to see a protest by developing world due to its about the widening of an oil boom and revenues, children in this country to oil and petroleum discovery education gap between while underprivileged return to school soon so that As a result, the country is privileged and marginalized children of the rural and it prompts both to come to a making investments in communities. Highlighting hinterland communities are mutualagreement.Onlythen infrastructure, healthcare, a stark contrast between suffering, not attending will they respect the andeducation.Afewmonths governmentministersandno school, and losing out on struggling masses/ the ago also, the President of doubt the TGU leadership, meritocraticeducation. m a r g i n a l i z e d Brazil visited Guyana and who send their children to The education that underprivileged, demanding expressed hope that the thebestprivateschoolsinthe interior and rural people their rights in society from g o v e r n m e n t w o u l d city, while underprivileged receive is not the best, and the education hegemony in
e masses are treated like the most of us are on the losing thiscountry investments in these sectors wretched of the earth in end. The ongoing industrial In conclusion, can the with improvements in the publicschools. action in education triggered government pay the relevant quality of life for its citizens. It seems that the by the government and the amount the teachers are This statement came at a government is not bowing to t e a c h e r s ’ u n i o n i s demanding and let them time when teachers had been the GTU leaders’ request, compounding the situation return to school to teach the and continue to be on a raising the question of for less fortunate children poorchildren? c o u n t r y w i d e s t r i k e whether the response would attending public schools Yours sincerely, demandinghighersalaries. have been different if the This may result in most of MedinoAbraham, The ongoing issues with union leaders were from a our children becoming a Msc, Researcher on the teachers’ strike have different ethnic group. It’s vulnerable population in the Indigenous and Rural caused the closure of many sad to see that in the twenty- future to skullduggery and Education in Guyana
DEAREDITOR, doubts, they must make that mustbeonePNCR Whenthe presenting themselves to our Our supporters and known and it must be dealt leaderiselected,whoeverthat supporters telling them why Guyanese in general at home w i t h t o e v e r y o n e ’s will be, all of us must rally they are best for the top andabroadneedtohearfrom satisfaction There can be no behind that person no matter positionandotherchallengers usinsimplelanguage. division and dissatisfaction how we feel about them are not The debate must They want us to be very after; total unity is expected Certainly, I have no time to happentooandintheconfines clear and direct with the The loggerheads currently discuss any nonsense about a ofthosedebatesthedirtylinen narrative we give to them. ongoing in the US with NAR consensuscandidate can justifiably be washed But most importantly their and other PNCR groups must And I will not tell the Our supporters expect these greater concern is to see a be addressed and a way thousands reading this to things in order to be united PNCR after party forward must be agreed on entertain any discussion empowered and emboldened elections are held next before the party conducts its about that. It is us who have to support completely the month Whatever the internalpolls Irepeat,ifthere lift up the new leader as the national challenge to oust the divisions and differences; is need to expose, fight and best possible candidate for PPP Iron out everything now they must be not only sort out the rut, it must begin the presidency of our or we will lose countless of wrapped up but must be to happen now and end at the country We have to rally our supporters coming up to binnedafternextmonth. door of Congress in June behind that leader fervently nationalelections
We expect to have a There must be no Granger, andinunison.
Sincerely, smooth, fair and transparent Forde, Norton, Amanza, Iamafraidthatthereisno Norman Browne party elections If aspects of Harmon, Amna and Volda realcampaignhappeningnow Social and Political the leadership have any factions after Congress It whereleadershiphopefulsare Activist
DEAREDITOR, geographical location, we terri
ry is open to “control”dogma. The flag raising event to areallonepeople,onenation government to meet and President Jagdeo quickly commemorate our 58th and looking forward to fellowshipwithitspeople. curbedtheirenthusiasmwith Independence Anniversary arriving at a unified The Linden situation the statement, “I am should have been a non- destination. reminds us of an earlier time president of all of Guyana” event, so said the Opposition The Opposition’s when President Bharrat hence no place is excluded PNC. Consumed by a spirit retrograde call stems from Jagdeo visited the squatting from his outreach and no of negativity, they have the fact that they claim area of Angoy’s Avenue on place is excluded from his askedthepeopleofLindento Linden to be a PNC the outskirts of New largesse. The PNC has over boycott the event, however, ExclusiveZone,andassuch, Amsterdam, that visit the years valiantly struggled interestinglyenoughthatcall a PPP/C Government has no brought consternation from with that reality, backing to stay away was scoffed at business holding an event the PNC Controlled themselves into a miserable by Lindeners who otherwise there. Nice sounding words Municipality there. In that corner,astheirso-calledgrip came out in their numbers to to those who wish to see us instance, the PNC’s on strongholds slowly another national milestone divided, however, that did contention was (a) The diminish. event. nottakeplace,whichsendsa President should have asked What the PNC must T h i s y e a r ’ s clear message to the their permission to go to the realize is that Guyana has independencecelebrationsin Opposition that we now squatting area and (b) The moved on, never to be the Linden, marks another step stand together as one people. monetary handout of $10M, same again. We are now in the bonding of our nation Gone are the days of The should have been handed looking forward to a new inunity,aswejourneyonthe PNC’s Triumphalism and over to the town council Guyana where peace, road of development and no-go areas, we are now in instead Again, this progressandharmonyreigns progress. No longer would the state where every highlights another attempt supreme. we allow ourselves to be habitable place in these by the PNC at asserting Respectfully, divided by politics, race or 83,000 square miles of themselves with that NeilAdams
DEAREDITOR, theirleaders. must be rooted in some of the individual and groups minorities is committed to create the environment in Throughout the modern This is the ‘political consensus about the long, b
s which genuine free and fair political history of Guyana, reality’ that has been medium, and short-term majorities, various forms of Declaration on the Rights of elections and open discourse the destiny of its two major continuously used by the objectives and the major vetopowers,etc. Persons Belonging to can flourish, but it will not ethnic groups –Africans and politicalpartiesinGuyanato problems the process is Guyana’s ethnic context N
, comeeasily Asnotedbefore, Indians - has been widely win and hold votes and is intendedtosolve. is particularly complex but Religious and Linguistic in 2000, the PPP had to be perceived by them to be now the reality out of which Put another way, a m
f Minorities, which states that literally forced into the essentially dependent upon democratic constitutional democratic constitution democracy are sufficiently persons belonging to reform process and its whether their ethnic party– governance will have to be must be designed for the
minorities have the right to
the People’s National structured if it is to realise at peopleastheyareandnotthe realisation of the three participate effectively in apparently minimal and Congress (PNC) or the least three important people being unnecessarily objectives mentioned above. cultural, religious, social, largely defensive of the People’s Progressive Party objectives, namely (1) allow forced to remain in a
economic, and public life existing system Similar (PPP) - is in government. To all ethnic groups to feel preconceived system of democratic government that and in decision-making at behaviour can be expected some degree this has been socio/economically secure, governance until they I prefer and from which one the national and, where onthisoccasion. true,andthishasallowedthe (2) fa
become something else or can easily extrapolate was appropriate, regional level. W
political leadership of both democratic governance and some illusionary trust is presented by President Bill They also have the right to participation of civil society, thesecommunitiestopresent (3) gradually transform b
establish and maintain their itisthePNCthatwillhaveto ethnically biased but Guyana into one people and constitutions are rooted in anniversary of the Northern own associations and drive the reform process. I ‘satisfactory’ stories to their one nation with a single the philosophy that holds
governments must adopt concluded last week’s article constituencies about their destiny that every citizen has a stake
appropriate legislative and by calling upon Mr Aubrey socialcondition. The major problem with in the country and should be Democracyis‘majorityrule; other measures to achieve Norton as its present leader
Much of the politicking the 2000 constitutional able to participate in an minority rights; individual thesegoals.
in these types of ethnically reform process is that, for equitablefashionindeciding rights;theruleoflaw;shared I hope that President suboptimality is embedded divided countries is taken up whatever reason, it did not itsprioritiesandfuture. political decision-making; Irfaan Ali takes note that in general social/economic with claims and counter- properly account for the They contain the rules shared economic benefits.’It wiping out racism is management under the claims of discrimination and above reality and set proper and precedents by which a must also create ‘a space for fundamentally different current institutional and associated activities and goals for itself. A workable state is governed and place the identity and the interests from attempting to wipe out structuralregimes. arguing with their positions constitution cannot be the governing power in the and the values of all the and suppressing ethnic H
is largely a waste of time constructed upon wishful hands of the citizens in a peopleinvolved’. political parties, as he is immediately design and because the communities thinking, self-denial or crass manner that generates trust Guyana as a country attempting in Linden.This is p l a
h e prioritise the positions of political gamesmanship. It by protecting the freedoms co
DEAREDITOR, the amount of traffic at 5:30am to join a long queue in order to ensure that I am writing this letter to massively during the queue it annoys you to see traffic order is maintained highlight the abuse of power morninghours. individuals who arrive and flow freely towards the by the Guyana Police Force However, this exercise is about half hour or more DemeraraHarbourBridge. during the peak hour of hampered by the Police afterwards is allowed to If this priority lane is morning traffic at the Force allowing hundreds of drive straight to the bridge eliminated, then I think the DemeraraHarbourBridge. vehicles,ifnotmore,todrive withoutbeingstopped morning traffic will be a First of all, let me take straight up to the junction of Asacitizen,itmakesyou smoothflow the chance to commend the theroadleadingtothebridge wonder whether the reason, Weallknowthatwetend management of the without joining any queue. theseindividualsareallowed tosayinGuyanathesethings Demerara Harbour Bridge This area is patrolled by the togetawaywiththisisdueto happen and say, “Is Guyana, on the early start of the two inspectors in charge of some corrupt practices wah we gon do!” but these double lane exercise as well this, so these are the officers between the officers and practices need to stop if we as allowing the West Bank who allow these vehicles to thesedrivers. are to move forward as a traffic to use the right-hand join directly As a law- These officers would be country laneoftheroadleadingtothe abiding citizen, who wakes much betterplacedalong the Regards, bridge which has relieved very early and leaves home West Bank and West Coast Concerned Driver
g of ethnic particularly gross when one membership, civil society is solidifying one’s ethnic and the public a holistic political party. It is also why document that seeks to the above recommendations establish more inclusive should be incorporated into governance. the suggested future Bill of Notwithstanding all its Rights that will be hype about democracy, etc., justifiable. the PPP has grown into a For some considerable more autocratic contraption time,Guyanahasbeenaland that will not easily give of warring ethnicities, but it ground. must be something of a It appears to me, travesty that when although therefore, that the present both two of the larger parties factional quarrel in the PNC usually receive almost 50% over the forms of public of the votes at elections, in protest will soon have the 2022 only 22% of the space for all the present citizenry felt certain that contestantstoparticipateand governments are legitimate. thiswillhopefullybearfruit. Only something akin to the Sincerely, scenario outlined above will Dr Henry Jeffrey
Isaacs got into a car with a inthelegsbybullets.Hewas 44-year-old man and they t r a n s p o r t e d t o t h e drove away Isaacs was Emergency Department by
The Guyana Police and had withdrawn a large between October 12 and trackeddownandarrestedon ambulance and was Force (GPF) on Tuesday amount of cash. He had also October13,2023. October 13, 2023 at about subsequently treated in the issued a wanted bulletin for a made withdrawals from the The report stated that 19:00hrs,thereportstated. hospital All Surinamese 3 2 - y e a r - o l d m a n i n bankseveraldayspriortohis investigations revealed that A f t e r d e t a i l e d police posts and units have connection with the brutal death. After returning back an argument had probably information, Isaacs was been informed of Isaacs’ murder of an overseas-based to the Reliance property, the arisenbetweentwomennear spotted shortly afterwards in escape.Effortsareunderway Guyanese businessman back individual is said to have left a bar During the argument, the Latour district, after to have his arrest again. in 2021 at Reliance, East the premises around
22:30hrs on August 3, 2021 handgun The victim Offenses, in collaboration information about the
one of the men pulled out a which members of Capital A n y o n e w h o h a s Canje Berbice.
The wanted man has andshortlyafterthesuspects attempted to mediate with the Central Regional whereabouts of Isaacs is been identified as Jason enteredtheyardandattacked betweenthetwomenandthe Assistance Team, made the askedtocontactthepoliceon Isaacs Police said that Pardesi. armed man allegedly shot at arrest around 19:30hrs 226-6978, 225-8196, 227Isaacs last known location Police in a statement thevictim.Aftertheshooting Duringhisarrest,theofficers 1611, 225-2317, 226-7065, was at Lot 18 Bristol Street,
back then had said that at the aforementioned were forced to use firearms, 600-9545 or the nearest E a s t C a n j e B e r b i c e
Pardesi was last seen alive intersection in Paramaribo, causing the suspect to be hit policestation. Murdered is Hemraj Pardesi and well by his nephew on called ‘Prem’. Pardesi was house. She then made thesaiddate,inthecompany killed during the course of a contact with Isaacs when of another male. His body robbery at his house in East Pardesi left to go home. was found lying face down, Canje on August 3, 2021 Bissoondyal said when motionless with what between 23:00hrs and Pardesi entered his yard, appeared to be blood oozing 24:00hrs. they attacked him near his fromhisnose.Tracesofwhat
The following day, steps and struck him to the appeared to be blood was whilst acting swiftly on head with a steel rod and seen on the steps leading to information received, police duct-taped his neck until he the upper flat and the entire arrestedMaryoBissoondyal, passed out. The suspect told upperflatofthebuildingwas a person who was hiding in police that they then took the ransacked.Therewasnosign the waters of the Canje keys Pardesi had on his offorcedentry Creek,RoseHallEstate,East person to gain entry into the Meanwhile, Isaacs, who Canje He subsequently upper flat They then washospitalizedafterhewas cracked under questioning ransacked the building in shot in the legs by police and confessed to being an searchforthecash. duringhisarrestinSuriname accomplice in the crime, He said Isaacs escaped on October 13, 2023, while implicating two with a bag while he escaped escapedfromtheParamaribo others,Isaacsandafemale. empty-handed and went into University Hospital on Kaieteur News had hiding until he was found October 14, 2023. A report reported that Bissoondyal andarrested. from the Suriname media confessed and told police Pardesi had returned to website,Weterkant.com,had thattheirintentionwastorob Guyana a few weeks prior to related that Isaacs was a Pardesi of money, which he the attack to carry out some suspect in Suriname for had at his home. The suspect renovations to the property allegedly shooting a man said the female lured Pardesi Pardesi, in the company of a dead on the corner of out of his yard with a phone friend on August 3, 2021, Waaldijk and Eugene call to come over at her visited a commercial bank Gesselstraat on the evening
withPresidentAli.Tofurther Despite a concerted Alston Roach Wilson of demonstrate the importance attempt by a couple of well- J a m a i c a e x t e n d e d of her Guyanese heritage, known destabilizers resident congratulations to Guyanese she ensured that the event in Brooklyn, New York, the on behalf of the other was also graced by some Flag Raising ceremony at Caricomcountries. NYC Guyanese-origin Bowling Green Square, The Chair of the policeofficers. Manhattan, that was held on Bowling Green Association, The Mayor informed the M a y 2 4 , 2 0 2 4 , t o Mr Arthur Piccolo says that audience that several key commemorate the 58th he is proud to be associated o f f i c i a l s i n h i s anniversary of Guyana’s with the Guyana flag raising administration are of independence, proceeded event at this site that was GuyaneseheritagelikeTania smoothly and efficiently The started 15 years ago at the Kinsella and Matthew event site at Bowling Green initiative of Guyanese Fraser He pointed out that Square was brought to life by Felicia Persaud He also Ms. Tania is the second in this colorful and patriotic commended Guyana for charge of the largest police display of Guyanese pride being an emerging oil giant force in the world, the andsenseofhistory butlamentedtheexistenceof NYPD. He commended the Under a clear blue sky alopsidedcontract! Guyanese New Yorkers for and brilliant sunshine, the Guyana’s Consul General their contribution to the event site which is tightly Ambassador Michael City’s development. After surrounded by huge majestic Brothersononwelcomingthe extending congratulations to concretebuildingslaidoutin senior staff of the Mayor’s Guyana on its 58th 18th century architectural Office, members of Caricom anniversary, the Mayor was splendor, the Guyana flag Consular and Diplomatic givenatokenofappreciation was risen alongside that of Corps, and the NYC’s Mayor (a gold tie pin with a Guyana the American flag The Eric Adams, stated: The map) by Ambassador symbolism was powerful: excellent bilateral relations Trishala Persaud, Deputy Guyana has arrived on the that exist between the PermanentRepresentativeof international scene and has Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the United become an important player GuyanaandtheUnitedStates Nations(GRGUN). in energy, climate change, of America, and our two The host of the program, and food security Passersby nations’ shared values and the popular Brooklynitemoving in vehicular traffic extant collaborations, are not Guyanese Pastor James or as pedestrians could not only ample testimony of the Richmond, invited wellrestrain their curiosity and recognition of Guyana as a knownGuyanesefolksinger, stopped to view the credible partner, but also a Mr Rick Dalgetty to proceedingsmomentarily responsible and respected serenade the audience with In attendance at the Flag member of the international Guyanese folk songs, while Raising ceremony, were top community” He continued: Jevanah La Rose rendered ranking officials of the New “The unprecedented two patriotic songs The York City’s administration: economic growth, including American flag was raised by the Commissioner in NYC infrastructural and social Ambassador Brotherson and M a y o r ’s O f f i c e o f developments are embedded MayorAdamstotherendition International Relations, in the stated and pursued of the American National Hon. Edward Mermelstein; national development Anthem while the Guyana Commissioner in NYC objectives of President Ali flag was next raised to the M a y o r ’s O f f i c e o f and the Government of Guyana National Anthem. Immigrant Affairs, Hon Guyana ” The audience was then Manuel Castro; and NYC’s InintroducingtheNYC’s invitedforrefreshmentsatthe Chief Technology officer, Mayor Hon. Eric Adams, GuyanaConsulateat228East Mr Matthew Fraser What is Ms. Tania Kinsella, NYC’s 45th Street, NewYork It was special about Mr Fraser is First Deputy Police a great moment for Guyana that not only is he a young Commissioner, proudly said and the program was well put and talented Guyanese, but that her name is Tania together by the Guyana he also extols the role of his Mahabir, to emphasize her Consulate and the GRGUN parents in his upbringing. Guyanese heritage She staff
The Chair of Caricom referred to previous Sincerely, Consular and Diplomatic engagements she has had Dr Tara Singh
Hess Corporation (HES.N) on Tuesday approved the company’s US$53 billion merger with the No. 2 U.S. oil company Chevron,accordingtopreliminaryresultsof thevote.Reutersreported.
The merger required a majority vote to approve the deal by a majority of Hess’308 million shares outstanding to pass. The company did not immediately provide the vote tally Chevron offered to acquire Hess last October in a move to gain a foothold in oil-richGuyana’slucrativeoffshorefields.
The deal has been stalled by an ongoing review by the U S Federal Trade Commission and clouded by an arbitration claim filed by Hess’ partner in Guyana, Exxon Mobil (XOM N) and CNOOC (0883.HK).
SincetheannouncementoftheUS-multibillion takeover of Hess, there have been several new developments in relation to Hess’ most valuable asset in Guyana – the StabroekBlock–HessGuyanaholdsa30% interestintheoilblock.
The operator of the block, ExxonMobil andCNOOChavebothmovedtoarbitration, filingtheircaseattheInternationalChamber of Commerce in Paris, arguing that it has a rightoffirstrefusaloverHess’stake.Exxon holds a 45% interest in that block, and CNOOCwith25%interest.
Darren Woods, the CEO of Exxon has said that his company is trying to secure preemption rights over Hess Corporation’s
The result is a win for Hess CEO John Hess and puts to rest claims by some shareholders who wanted additional compensation for the delay in closing the sale. Exxon’s arbitration could push the deal’sclosinginto2025.“AssumingChevron wins the arbitration from Exxon or finds a settlement, the transaction is now going to happen,” said Mark Kelly, an analyst with financialfirmMKPAdvisors.
Guyana assets (the 30% stake) in its dispute with Chevron. He clarified that Exxon was not trying to buy over Hess Corporation. For their part, Hess and Chevron have said they disagree with Exxon’s interpretation of the Joint OperatingAgreement(JOA)thatgoverns the Exxon, Hess and CNOOC consortium governing the Stabroek Block.
The fight over Guyana’s Stabroek Block resources finds its genesis in the lopsided oil deal signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition administration backin2016.
Thisdealextendsfavourabletermstothe oil companies, providing unlimited tax waivers,uncappedinterestratesandperhaps the lowest royalty rates known to the industry,atameagertwopercent.Production from the Stabroek Block developments sits above 600,000 barrels per day (bdp) – with
Exxon having the Liza 1, Liza 2 and the Payaraprojectsonline.
The oil companies have embarked on an aggressivedrillingcampaignintheStabroek Block targeting three other developments: Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptail projects. It should be noted that Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptailhavealreadybeenapproved.
Addressing a recent create proposals for the proposals. Those proposals sugar industry may have These practices hinder the forum of the Private Sector businesssector must come from investors long been closed totally. But banks’ ability to accurately
Commission (PSC), The President comments and it is the banks to decide if anything, Ali has been assess a company’s credit President Ali said: “The were unfortunate. It seemed whether they will finance consistent in his call for a worthiness. They increase President should focus on banking sector has been just a few months ago, he those proposals and on what shift in our banking culture. theperceivedriskoflending.
given one of the most was boasting how Guyana terms. He genuinely wants to see Inaccurate financial records
dynamic platforms to had the best record of non- While banks do go the sector modernized. He can conceal underlying companies to adopt the support capital formation in performing loans in the looking for businesses, they w
financial problems, raising reforms advocated by PPP/C this country Yet, to date, the Caribbean. do not develop proposals. investment banking even the risk of default on loans. governments for over two banking sector has not He ought to know that Theydevelopproductstotap thoughitisdoubtfulthereare The lack of trust in the decades These reforms, responded with the speed, this was not by chance but into the need for financing. proposals languishing for
efficiency, reliability and because of the prudent risk The President will recall that financing because of the provided undermines the transparency, accountability, t
the management undertaken by the same banking sector, of absence of investment credibility of borrowers and
opportunitiesthatarehere.” local banks. He was also which he is now critical, was banking. raises concerns about their governance within the
ding to the high in praise last December responsible for developing a That shift in our banking integrity thus serving as a private sector, are crucial for President, the role of the for the lending of banks to syndicated loan for the mustbeginwithintheprivate disincentivetolend. fostering an environment banks is not just to take thecountry’svarioussectors. MarriotHotel. sector.Mostlocalbusinesses Almost 15 years ago, conducive to economic deposits and lend in a low- He particularly praised the Ontothisdayanddespite aretiedtothetraditionalway Jagdeo had expressed growthandinvestment. risk environment. He stated role of the banks in lending AML/CFT legislation, even of doing business with disappointmentatthelackof There are elements that “The role of the bank is to the agricultural and the government was unable banks. Many of them are not progress in encouraging withintheprivatesectorwho also to seek opportunity, to miningsector to find out who were the keen to expand and some of companies to go public, may have been nudging the understand where the These are two sectors syndicated investors into them prefer not to borrow emphasizing the importance President in the direction of economy is going, should thatarenotlow-risk.Yet,itis that project which is owned because they know that their of transparency in public criticizing the banking create an ecosystem to the local banking sector that by the government but for financial records are not companyoperations. sector It is hoped that this support where the economy has been bankrolling these which the syndicated credible and would not stand Then, Jagdeo had recent broadside against the isgoing,andtobuildonwhat sectors. investors had preferred scrutinybybankers. stressed the significance of banking sector does not lead is happening in the country,” The President is also rights.
Under two years ago, good corporate governance, government to consider the Guyanese leader added. misguided when he calls for It was also the banking Vice President Jagdeo had stating that it not only setting up a revolving fund Hisoverallcriticismwasthat the banks to develop sector which provided emphasized that the private
d for private companies. If this the banks needed to match proposals for the business fundingforGUYSUCO.The sector needs to enhance its governance in government is done, it removes the risk the accelerated pace of the sector. The role of the banks loan was backed by the financing strategies and but also enhances overall from those companies and local business community is to consider proposals not APNU+AFC government. If long-termplanning. confidence in the system. He banks and places it on He also wants the banks to to develop business that loan was not given, the
A50-year-oldmanofQueenStreet,South customer Cummingsburg appeared before Chief During this period, the accused and Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus on Tuesday to Holder had a misunderstanding due to an answertothechargeofmurder obstruction of traffic. Holligon, then armed Fitzroy Holligon also known as ‘Fishy’is himself with hand gun and discharged a accusedofkillingEonHolder,ataxidriver round,hittingthedeceasedinhisrightsideof ItisallegedthatHolder,a43-year-oldtaxi hisface.Themandiedonthespot. driver was hired by a customer to pick them Investigations were conducted promptly upattheBourdaMarketatabout21:30hrson and Holligon was taken into police custody February24,2024. The matter was adjourned to June 7, 2024 for On arrival at the Bourda Market, Holder statements and Holligon was remanded to had parked his car and was waiting on the prison.
Long time ago, when a fella went to a hazard. party and saw a nice gyal, he could sidle up Deproblemspilloverintobarstoo.Gone andstartalilsweettalkwithoutendingupin are de days when yuh could sit at de counter sheearlikeamosquito.Butnah,today,deDJ and chat with de bartender, who usually done decide he gon deh give you a free know more secrets than a confessional box. hearing test. Man, yuh walk in de party, and Now, you order a drink, and yuh have to is like yuh step into a hurricane of bass. The mime. ”One rum and coke,” yuh shout, but music loud like it trying to wake up de de bartender hand you a gin and tonic ancestors. becausehethoughtyuhsay,“Onerumjoke.” Back in de days, yuh coulda sid down Ahmean,what’sdepoint? with a nice rum punch and actually hear de All dis loud music not just drown out bubblespopping.Yuhcouldspotaladyfrom conversation; it drown out humanity Yuh across de room, give a wink, and stroll over can’t get to know nobody because yuh can’t with yuh best line. Now? Good luck wit dat. hear dem. De only ting yuh might learn is if Yuh better hope yuh know sign language, somebody mouth hygiene on point. Imagine because yuh gon end up waving yuh hands tryingtochatupaniceladyandyuhleavede like a windmill trying to say, “Hi, my name party knowing more about she dentist than is…” Before yuh get to “name,” she done shefavouritemovie. walkawaybecauseshethinkyoumad. So,nexttimeyuhheadtoapartyorabar, Even when yuh reach close enough to bring earplugs and a notepad. It might be de shout in she ear, it’s a whole other story Yuh only way to hold a decent conversation. Or gottagocheektocheekjusttoseh,“Hi!”and betteryet,findaquietcornerandhopedeDJ by de time yuh done scream it, yuh voice nah spot yuh and crank up de volume even gonehoarseandyuhbreathsmelllikedelast more. drinkyuhhad.Romantic?Morelikeahealth Talk half. Leff half.
Hepointedoutthatmany highlighted the importance taxpayers who effectively companies are reluctant to of transparent management willhavetofinanceanysuch establish the necessary in both public and private revolvingfund. structures and accounts for spheres. By shifting the narrative accessing greater financing. What has changed since away from criticizing banks He urged businesses to then?Howmanyofourlocal andtowardsempoweringthe consider partnerships and to privatecompanieshavegone private sector to enact longgo public to raise funds p u b l i c ? H o w m o r e overdue changes, the beyond debt financing. He transparent have become our President can effectively saidthenthattransparentand businesses? catalyze the transformation accurate record-keeping are It therefore is ill-advised needed to drive economic also essential for accessing of the President to direct progress and strengthen the financing. criticism towards the nation’sfinancialsector
Poor record-keeping and banking sector The (The views expressed in manipulated accounts by responsibility for fostering this article are those of the private companies create change primarily lies with a u t h o r a n d d o n o t significant disincentives for the private sector Rather necessarily reflect the banks to provide loans than faulting banks, the opinions of this newspaper.)
Mohamed Irfaan Ali is b o t h w a r r i o r a n d unfortunately a wimp, when the occasion suits him. In this kind and gentle profile of Guyana’s head of state, I emphasize how Excellency Ali is a sleeper on the job, while a man ever on the move.
The president is a contradiction:heisahedger butconvinceshimselfthathe is heroic. He talks a good game with the naive, but his game is shallow, and he has his fallback option: wrap himselfinsmoke.
Guyanahassoaredintoa universal symphony; a Number 1 hit worldwide. OIL. WhereisPresidentAli onthis?Heisplayinghooky (skulkingfromschool):busy withsmallerthingswhenthe major matters beg for his attention, intervention When the president should beengaged,excited,effusive aboutoil,hehasrelinquished controlofthattoVPJagdeo, who then lost control of himself.
The oil is too vital to Guyana for the President to be occupied with duties more relevant to secondary portfolios.Timeandpriority management, master. I assert that plans and visions associated with agriculture
T h e f a c t s a n d circumstances emphasize how PresidentAli has been. Helikesbeingpresident.He doesn’t like the tougher duties that go with national leadership. OIL. Give Excellency Ali a shovel, a plane ticket, somebody to hug/kiss, and a cameraman nearby, and he is the man. Say oil, and he is MIA (no pun).
are best left to Zulfikar He must be capable; check the highregardthepartyfaithful has for him at the last PPP
Congress Therefore, matters involving blackeye peas, red peas and cassava are believed to be in competenthands.
Also, there are
Education, Labour, and Local Government (city cleanups) ministers; they must pull their weight, deliver IthinkthatPresident Ali artfully dodges when he dives into the minutiae of comparatively smaller matters in Guyana. Perhaps, itistodistancehimselffrom the oil portfolio, his version of denial, not-so-slick escapism. He cannot afford to continue doing so, not when Guyana’s leading oilman is falling apart, and everyone sees right through
hisanticsandtantrums. Theygetworsewitheach new public appearance either a circus or a riotous affair This oil means too muchtoleaveanylongertoa man who studied in a country where propaganda, s u p p r e s s i o n , a n d destabilizing are main courses. Show who is boss: reshufflehim.
President Ali is the president; I humbly remind him. He must act like one. I hear the president is welldiplomaed, he must live up to it. Prove by performing, sir He must be more than a regular cabinet minister, morethanahopper,skipper, and a jumper all over in his now transparent efforts to evade the responsibility that thenewandglitteringoilera has placed on his head. It cannot bow now, ever. Avoidances only make matters worse, for there is the nation’s leading oilman makingamessofthings.
On oil, President Ali mustleadfromthefrontwith authorityandzest. Studythe stuff. Surroundhimselfwith people who are steeped in oil,andwhosemainstapleis oil. I urge Excellency Ali (respectfully, naturally) to stophisconstantmovingand pontificating and take stock of where Guyana is today Oilistheeconomy Oilisthe global conversationGuyana’s cheap, highquality crude is the destiny ofGuyanese.
When President Ali just mustbeuptohiselbowsand eyeballs in oil, in terms of cracking the whip on the Vice President and
demonstrating very tangibly who is in charge, he prefers retreat, absenteeism, and being a shadow leader I invite any Guyanese to checkhowmuchofhistime, howmanyofhiswords,how frequent his postures on oil in comparison to the rest of issues, in which he involves himself to slip past any seriousdealingwithit.
Isitbecauseheisfearful of confronting Exxon, wimping out before Woods and Routledge, when he has thestronghandthathedoes?
Who wants this oil more?
Superpower or not, twist Exxon’s arm to renegotiate that foul-smelling contract, which Dr Ali was all about when in opposition. A fair packageisnon-negotiable.
Contrastingly, President Aliisatowerofpowerwhen dealing with locals. He is brash, he is bold, he is bristling with either barely suppressed hostility or the pugnacity of a young Mike Tyson. That is, a man not to be tampered with, one who must have his way, and who will bulldoze his way over whoever stands in his way Showthesameenergyonoil, itcannotbeaone-manshow (crediblecommission).
Thepresidentcannotbea disconnected bystander; he must be bold, reset his vision, refurbish his reputation There is too muchhingingonoil;thereis toomuchdangerwithoiland natural resources in general remaining under Jagdeo President Ali is in charge, and he can reshuffle and restrain,hecanpromoteand
I gave President Ali a bracewhenhereactedlikea tightlycoiledspringintothe face of a BBC man. On reflection, I asked myself whether that was not the classicsymptomofsomeone abusedinthehome(party’s) who takes out his wrath on theunwary
The movements, the outcomes,hissuccesseswith oilwillbethebestreflection on his presidency A quick note on other areas Perceptions and reports of corruption have plagued his reign. Secrecy has overrun transparency.
And accountability has takenabackseattotheselfenrichment of selected few. In each instance, President Ali doesn’t seem to care beyond the misplaced aggressiveness when reminded. Blustering about thesechronicfailures,trying to intimidate and overrun thosewhopointtofarcesand fraudshavebackfired.
Presently,PresidentAli’s legacy to history is sickly, sloppy If he cares, I gave him a hand up on what he should make his priority Lead from the front. Take charge of the oil treasure. Behavelikeapresidentwith genuinesubstance.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)Departmentispresentlyinvestigatingaworkplaceaccident at Vreed-en-Hoop Shore Base Inc. West Coast Demerara, Region ThreethatleftaSaipememployeehospitalized.
According to the Labour Ministry, the employee identified as Collis Hall was seriously injured after a 400-tonne Manitax Walk Crawler Crane, which he was operating during a test loading exercise,suddenlytoppled.
TheaccidentreportedlyoccurredonSaturday,May25,around 18:57hrs. HallispresentlyadmittedattheWoodlandsHospital.
TwomenonMondayshowedupattheKittyPoliceStation to make a report against each other but one of them found himselfinhotwaterafterhecuffedthoughtheglasswindowof thepolicebuilding.
Rankstherearrestedhimimmediatelyandlockedhimup fordamagetoproperty PoliceidentifiedhimasJohnPrahalad. According to police, the man had an argument with a Kitty PublicRoadresident,KeiferMcDonald,36,beforetheyboth wenttothestation.
McDonaldwasthefirsttoarrivethere.Hetoldpolicethat he was riding a motorcycle along the railway embankment whenhewasstruckbyPrahalad’scar Thetwostartedarguing ontheroadoverwhocausedtheaccident.
McDonald alleged that during the quarrel, Prahalad attemptedtostabhimwithaknifesohewenttothestationto reportthematter Whilehewasthere,Prahaladshowedupto makeareporttoo.
Police did not say what happened after but reported that Prahalad started behaving disorderly and ended breaking the station’s glass window with a solid punch. Investigation continues.
Social media Talk show host and executive member of the Working People’s
Amsterdam was arrested on Tuesday by police at his home over cybercrime allegations.
Amsterdam managed to make an eight-minute live broadcast of police ranks from the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Criminal Investigation Department (CID) turning up at his BuxtonEastCoastDemerara (ECD) during the morning hours. Accordingtothelive video,Amsterdamresponded to a banging on his gate. He asked the men to identify themselvesbeforeheopened up.Theyrespondedthatthey were detectives As he queried the reason for their visit to his home, the detectives could be heard sayingthattheyweretherein relationtocybercrimereport.
Nothingelsewasheardor seenafterbecausethecamera went dark before the live ended. Kaieteur News later learnt that he was arrested and taken to the CID headquarters for questioning in relation to cybercrime allegations made against him.TheForceisyettoissue an official statement to clear the air on Amsterdam’s arrest.
WPA Executive Member, Kidackie Amsterdam
According to the WPA, the criminal charges now being levied against Amsterdamcanonlybeseen asanattempttoinfluencethe civil matter brought against him or “to further persecute Amsterdam.
“WPA views this development as another brazen utilisation of the policebythepoliticalbosses to harass and intimidate political opponents,” the WPA stated The WPA claimed too that Amsterdam wasalsodeniedstationbail.
“WPA therefore deems Mr Amsterdam a political prisoner whose civil rights arebeingtrampledupon”,the politicalpartysaid.
MeanwhiletheWPAsaid that he was arrested around 10:00hrs on Tuesday. “He was taken to the CID headquarters and held for two hours before he was transferred to the Ruimveldt police station where he is currently being detained.”, theWPAsaid before adding, “he was informed of the reasonforhisarrestonlyafter repeated queries by his attorney,NigelHughes. TheWPAallegedtoothat “the complainant named by the police, is known to be a close friend of a high governmentfunctionarywho has already brought a civil case against Mr Amsterdam stemming from remarks made on the Guyana Morning Time Social Media broadcast.”
The proposed Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill of 2024 caters for the creation of a national sexual offender database.
The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Ministry of Legal Affairs, on Monday published the draft seeking recommendations and proposals from civil society
Thedraftbillcontainsthreeamendments, fivenewsections,aninsertionofanewpartas well as the insertion of a third, fourth, fifth andsixschedulestotheSexualOffencesAct 2010.ThispartiscalledPartIXAandapplies toasexoffenderwhoisacitizenorresidentof Guyana and who was convicted of an enterableoffencebyacourtwithinoroutside of Guyana on or after May 25 2010, or who completed and not completed his sentence beforethecommencementofthispart.
Similarly,itappliestoacitizenofGuyana oraresidentwhoisconvictedofanoffenceby acourtoutsideofGuyana. Notably,PartIXA isnotapplicabletoapersonwhowasachild at the time of the commission of a sexual offence or someone suffering from a mental disorder that substantially impaired his mentalresponsibilityforhisactsoromissions inthencommissionofanenterableoffence.
Moreover,theCommissionerofPoliceis tasked with maintaining a National Sex Offender Database, as per the guidelines set by the Minister of Home Affairs. The database must be meticulously managed to ensureaccurateinformationentryandrobust security against unauthorized access or misuse.
This database will include detailed information about each registered sex offender, but it will generally not be accessibletothepublic.
Access may be granted to certain individuals upon a successful application to theCommissionerofPoliceandtheMinister
of Home Affairs, with a written request specifyingthereasonforaccess.
The draft bill states that before the discharge of a sex offender from prison, a designated officer, assigned by the Commissioner of Police, will collect essential information such as the offender’s name, aliases, date of birth, photograph, intended address, and details of past convictions The sex offender will also be informed of their obligation to report to the nearest police station within seven days of theirrelease
It also states that sex offenders must report to the nearest police station under specificconditions,suchaswithinsevendays of their release from prison after a local conviction,withinsevendaysofenteringthe country if deported, or within 48 hours if convicted abroad and staying for more than two days. Existing offenders must report within six months of the new law’s commencement.
Offendersarerequiredtoreportinperson, though those with mental disorders may be accompanied by a representative A designated officer will conduct an interview and gather necessary information. Within seven days, the officer must verify, record, and register the information in the National Sex Offender Database and provide written notificationtotheoffender.Non-compliance can lead to a $500,000 fine and one year of imprisonment.
A copy of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 2024 can be accessed at the Ministry of Legal Affairs’ website at: https://mola govgy//bills/THE%20SEXUA L%20OFFENCES%20(AMENDMENT)%2 0BILL%202024.1716843811.pdf
Persons with recommendations on the draftbillcanmakesubmissionsviaemailto: agchambersmola@gmail com within 21 days.
Two men on Tuesday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court on a joint robbery charge stemming from an incident that occurredonMay23,2024at A l b o u y s S t r e e t , Albouystown,Georgetown.
Police identified the men as 30-year-old Lion Santy, a Cuban national, living in the vicinity of Bourda Market, Georgetownandemployedat a supermarket, and 44-year oldShizadKhan,amasonof Albouystown.
The accused appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel IssacsMarcus, where the charge wasreadtothem.BothSanty andKhanpleadednotguilty
Police said that on the mentioneddateandlocation, the accused stole various items totalling $222,500 from Shimeik Romain, including one Nike bag valued $3,000, one scientific calculator valued $10,000, three-piece ear set valued $3,000, one spectacle case valued $5,000, an umbrella
REMANDED: Shizad Khan
valued $5,000, a Samsung cell phone valued $80,000, one Wi-Fi external valued $30,000and$86,500incash. Prosecutor Morpha Cox, objected to bail due to the prevalenceoftheoffence,the significantvalueofthestolen items, and determined that both accused have no fixed placeofabode.
Cox also noted that both defendants confessed to the
REMANDED: Lion Sanchez Santy
crime, admitting to splitting the stolen money between them.Investigationsrevealed that Khan is currently under police investigations for previous charges of similar nature. It was confirmed to the court that no item was recovered from the robbery Consequently, bail was denied for both accused, and theyaresettoreturntocourt onJune12,2024.
Excitement mounts as The Bahamas prepares to host the Afreximbank Annual Meetings (AAM) and the AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum (ACTIF)from12–14June2024in Nassau.
SpeakersatACTIFwillinclude global superstars Viola Davis, Serena Williams, Didier Drogba andAfricanandCARICOMHeads of States. Themed “Owning Our Destiny: Economic Prosperity on the Platform of Global Africa,” ACTIF2024 is set to forge significant pathways for economic prosperity between Africa and the Caribbean.
Other distinguished speakers will include Heads of State from seven CARICOM countries, former Prime Ministers, Ministers of Trade, Economic Development and Finance, Dr Roger W Ferguson,FormerViceChairofthe Federal Reserve, USA, Prof Andreas Klasen, Professor of InternationalBusinessandDirector of the Institute for Trade and InnovationatOffenburg,andmany more.
Professor Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Afreximbank, said: “We are witnessing shifts in theglobaleconomiclandscapeand
the trade strategies of major economies, making it imperative for African and Caribbean nations touniteformutualprosperity
The Afreximbank Annual MeetingsandAfriCaribbeanTrade and Investment Forum in The Bahamas will serve as a strategic platform to enhance our economic bonds. These events indicate a vibrant assertion of our shared destiny We are poised to harness the dynamic economic growth within our regions, enhancing our
The event promises to be a pivotal platform for high-level
development and regional integration Building on the successes of the inaugural
Investment Forum held in Barbadosin2022andthegathering last year in Guyana, this year’s ForuminTheBahamaswillfurther elevate and expand upon the discussions and initiatives previously set in motion ACTIF2023, which focused on strengtheningeconomicbondsand
opportunities, sets a precedent for meaningful collaboration between AfricaandtheCARICOMnations.
Professor Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors,Afreximbank
Afreximbank invites industry leaders, trade organisations and other stakeholders in the CARICOM region to participate andattend.
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) on Tuesday concluded the third edition ofitsStandardsinAcademia Quiz Competition at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.
The competition aimed at educating pupils at the primary level about
Standardisation and Metrology and included twenty selected schools in Regions Three, Four, Five, SixandGeorgetown,GNBS saidinarelease.
Copping first place was Graham’s Hall Primary School which represented the Georgetown district at the competition, with thirtyeight (38) points, followed by St Therese’ Primary SchoolfromRegionSixwith thirty-three (33) points. The other participating schools were La Grange Primary
from Region Three, Diamond Primary from Region Four and Novar PrimaryfromRegionFive.
After receiving the ‘ChampionsTrophy,’one of the pupils from the winning school Malachi Nelson said “itfeelsreallygoodtowin.It was fun participating in this competition and I really enjoyedit.”
The teacher from
Graham’s Hall Primary School, Ms Maureen
Hunte-Singh said she expected her pupils to win the competition as she is confidentintheirabilities.“I am so proud, I am so proud of my boys…after we won the first leg, I was confident [because] I saw the confidence in them and I knewweweregoingtocome outvictorious,”shesaid. The winner received a
trophy and a fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) gift voucher while the school placed second received a trophy and a gift voucher valuedtwenty-fivethousand dollars ($25,000). The gift vouchers are redeemable at TheFamilyStore.
The best performing student for this year’s competition was Latonya
Halley from St. Therese’s Primary with an overall score of thirty-six points. She received a laptop from theGNBS.
Deliveringremarksatthe prize giving ceremony, ExecutiveDirectorofGNBS (Ag) congratulated the winningschools.Hepointed
Finalists of the Standards in Academia Quiz Competition
out that “the competition’s structure is meticulously designed to foster a spirit of healthyrivalryandlearning. Continuedonpage18
SeveralcommunitiesintheminingtownofLindenareheavily floodedfollowingintenserainfallonMondaynightandthroughout Tuesday CommunitiesonboththeMackenzieandWismarshores severelyaffectedbythefloodincludeKaraKaraandRainbowCity, VictoryValley,SpeightlandandNoitgedacht
Sections of central Mackenzie also experienced flooding, particularlyinthebusinesssectioncausingasignificantslowdown inbusinessonTuesday Residents,whosoughttotransactbusiness atthecommercialbanks,wereseenstandinginfloodwaterswhile somehomeswereinundatedwithuptotwofeetofwater
Residents suffered many losses as their furniture and home appliances were damaged due to the floods The angry residents expressed their disappointment in the prolonged neglect of the town’sdrainageandirrigationsystemsandthelackofpreparationby theRegionalandCentralgovernmentfortheMay/Junerains
Althia Chester, a resident of Rainbow City, said most of her appliancesthatareinthebottomflatofherhomeweredamaged “Everything damage, freezer, carpet, washing machine, music system, everything damage,” said Chester who was at the time speakingtoLinden’sMayorSharmaSolomon,whowasinthefields with other regional and municipal councillors assessing the damages SolomonthrewtheblameonCentralGovernment Hesaid the government has been neglecting the drainage and irrigation systemandtherehasbeennodesiltingofthecreekthatwouldhave allowedforthewatertodrainquickly
“Hereistheyardthatyouhaveandthecreekisjustabout10feet awaywhichshouldhavebeenabletodrainyouryard,hadyourcreek beencleared ”Solomonsaidnotingthatsome$77millionwas Continued on page 21
Allegations of discrimination, racialandeconomictothepointof allegedapartheidinthecountry,in additiontothedivideandruletactic beingemployedbythegovernment were among concerns raised by residents of Mocha Arcadia when they met with Jonathan Jackson, Representativeofthe1stDistrictof Illinois, United States on Tuesday Residents also spoke about the destruction of their proprieties when government sent bulldozers to forcefully remove them off a landtoconstructaroad.
The Government organized visitbyCongressmanJackson,son of the revered US Civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson saw residents baring their souls to him, complaining about their suffering. Minister of Information KwameMcCoy,inanattempttoset thetonefortheconversationahead, while thanking residents for the mid-morning meeting suggested that“theCongressmanhasbeenin Guyana for a few days, and is visiting our country for the first time, and I am sure by the impressions he has, he will certainly be repeating visits to Guyana, and to our country in which we have so much to celebrate in terms of our diversity, ourethnicdiversity.”
Congressman Jackson however, opted to modify the format of the meeting, instead of the presentations on development initiatives by the administration, insistinghewasnottheretogivea speech.Hewasinfact,unwavering inhisposition,“Ihavecomeoutto hear from you as a Representative from the US Congress, Representing the First CongressionalDistrict,andIwould like to share with my colleagues what I have heard from you; You sharewithmewhatIshouldknow.”
and I wanna hear from you and I would hope that you would be as candidasyoucan,somepeopleare going to take longer because they have more to say and I appreciate that,andthat’sfair.”Withthatsaid, Opposition Member of Parliament (MP)NinaFlueBess,wasthefirst to take the opportunity, as a constituency representative, and
According to the Congressman: “I am here as one of your brothers, oneofyourcolleagues,oneofyour friends, I wanna hear from you, I don’thaveaspeechtogivetoyou,I wanttoknowyourhopes,Iwantto know your ambitions, I wanna know your challenges, I wanna know the things that you have experienced.”
He confirmed for those in attendance that, “I have been offered this opportunity to be here today by President (Irfaan) Ali. I want to thank him for having extended that opportunity.” The President, he said, “also encouraged me to meet with the Opposition and to come into the community and to listen to the people ” With this in mind however, and recognising the joined histories of the two peoples–joined through slavery and its parallels, Congressman Jackson said, “...in the spirit of bringing us together, in understanding what we can do together,tounderstandingthatthis government be held accountable forthechallengesthatweface.”
At this point, things took another turn, since having delivered his presentation and the activity was now opened up to contributions from the residents, the moderator attempted to limit contributionsbyresidentsto30/60 seconds, to which Jackson responded, “this is a family dialogue.” He adumbrated further, “ifonepersonwantstotalklonger, I am available to listen, so we are goingtodothislikewearesittingin the kitchen, I want to hear from you,Iwannaknowthechallenges.”
According to the US Representative, “...I am not here representing no government, I am here as a representative of my District,theFirstDistrictofIllinois
presented the US Congressman with a dossier, outlining among other instances of perceived discrimination including the destruction of properties and livelihoods of residents in the communities.
The Ministry of Housing and Water’s Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA),
with the assistance of the Guyana PoliceForce,demolishedanumber of homes, livestock and farms in theEastBankDemeraravillagelast year Thereasonsgivenatthetime was for the construction of the highway, which according to residents has since proven false. Duringthecourseoftheboisterous Continued on page 21
The transformative US$190 million Linden to Mabura Road project is making significant progress with works 24 percent completed.
The critical road network is utilised by 50,000Guyanesetransportinggoodsfromthe coast into the inlying regions of Guyana. Therefore, recognising the difficulties that commutersfacewhenmanoeuvringthemain dirt road, which usually puts the safety of travellers as well as their goods at risk, the governmentincollaborationwithitsfinancial partners, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB),andtheUnitedKingdomembarkedon thismassiveprojecttoresurfacetheroad.
Detailing the scope of works and advancement of the project, Alya Constructora’s Operational Director, Juarez Miranda told the Department of Public Information (DPI),thatworksarebeingexecutedinstages to complete 70 kilometres of the project by
year-end. Currently, the contractor works as far as 45 kilometres of the 121-kilometre project.
Miranda explained, “We have this segment of 28 kilometres paved with two layers of asphalt so the progress is going well.” He further highlighted that works on thetwobridgeslocated75and87kilometres withintheprojectspanaresettocommencein August when the rainy season ends. The constructioncompanyalsohasanasphaltand crusherplanttoacceleratetheproject.
The historic project was signed in 2023 andisslatedtobecompletedbyJuly2025.Itis part of the government’s strategic plan to ensure connectivity by linking the coast and hinterland, eventually linking Guyana to Brazil. The project will also be linked to the deep-waterharbourtofacilitatethemovement of goods and services in and out of northern Brazil.(DPI)
Drone shot of works on the Linden/Mabura road project
TopreparefortheQuiz,studentsweregivena copy of the Standards in Academia Booklet detailingtheessentialconceptsoftheGNBS, Standardisation, and Metrology This resource served as valuable study material ahead of the competition, ensuring that our young learners are well-equipped and informed.”
“Thejourneynotonlyteststheknowledge of our pupils but also encourages teamwork, critical thinking, and a passion for learning. The winning schools demonstrated exceptional knowledge and dedication, and we are immensely proud of their accomplishments,” the GNBS ED (ag ) added.
On behalf of the GNBS, Mr Fraser thanked the Ministry of Education and the
Guyana Learning Channel for the support shown throughout the journey and the MinistryofTourism,IndustryandCommerce for the resources to conduct these activities. GratitudewasalsoexpressedtoKFCGuyana forsponsoringmealsfortheTuesday’sfinals. The Standards in Academia Quiz Competition is hosted biennially to promote standardisation and metrology which are important to our current and prospective leaders, business owners, and consumers. Other participating schools of this year’s competitionwereBelleWestPrimary,MetenMeer-ZorgPrimary,WindsorForestPrimary, St. Margaret’s Primary, West Ruimveldt Primary,RedeemerPrimary,SupplyPrimary, Gibson Primary, Beterverwagting Primary, Rosignol Primary, Hopetown Primary, Tain PrimaryandRoseHallPrimary
A motorcyclist identified as Steve day the crash took place but revealed that Caesar age 40 is in a critical condition at the Sinclair was heading east along the northern Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation side of First Street, Campbellville while (GPHC) following a fiery motorcycle crash Caesarwasheadingintheoppositedirection on Monday at First Street Campbellville alongthesamestreet. Georgetown. In the vicinity of the Campbellville Police said that Caesar of B-Field SecondarySchool,Caesarlostcontrolofhis Sophia, Greater Georgetown was at the time bike and crashed into Sinclair’s motorcycle. riding a motorbike without a licence plate “Both riders and pillion went up in the air and carrying a female pillion rider when he andfelltothegroundandreceivedinjuries,” crashed into another motorcycle CJ 8097 police said before adding that Caesar’s leaving her and the other rider Kwame motorcycle burst into flames. All three of Sinclair,45,ofD’UrbanBacklands,injured. them were rushed to the hospital. Caesar, Investigatorsdidnotsaywhattimeofthe however,remainsinacriticalcondition.
From page 16 situation demands a from the Ministry of spent over the last week but coordinated and proactive Agriculture’s National the central government approach to disaster Drainage and Irrigation “failed to do consultative management and public Authority (NDIA), the work so that we could have healthprotection.Immediate Municipal and Regional said to them Hymara Creek intervention is necessary to Administration as well as a is a creek that should have alleviate the suffering of the technical team from BOSAI been cleared, now look [at] affected communities and to MineralsCompany theconditionoftheplace.” prevent future occurrences BOSAI has since Meanwhile, Regional of such de
a rap
d Member of Parliament impacts.” assessment exercise across Jermaine Figueira in a Some $6.9 billion was allaffectedareasinLinden. statement, called on the allocated in the 2024 budget “The central authorities government to take swift for enhancing the resilience have since engaged two action to provide immediate ofseadefencestructures. contractors to clear blocked relief, assistance, and Meanwhile, the Ministry drains and take other action compensation to the affected of Public Works said that to allow for quick run-off of households. technical teams have been flood waters in areas in “It is imperative that dispatched to assess the Wismar and Mackenzie collaborativeeffortsbemade situation along with regional Additionally, the Civil with the Mayor and Town officials to quickly Defence Commission has Council, alongside the determine the appropriate begun preparations for Regional Democratic amelioratory and remedial establishing two shelters Council, to establish a risk interventions. Officials of within the township of assessment committee. The the Public Works Ministry Linden before nightfall gravity of the current will be joined by the teams today,”thestatementsaid.
From page 17 outside Guyana can access number of bottlenecks, and candid interactions, land within a month.” She frustration division to the residents spoke of the surmised the, “problem point where one resident attempts by the government seems to be an Afro- claimed “all Aaron does do, topayaslittleas$5Mforlost Guyanese problem,” a is sell you dreams.” “We homesandbusinesses. sentiment shared by many need justice, we are UNDERPAYMENT present. homeless people and we are
According to one Terrorism and bullyism living uncomfortable,” resident, Lashawda Ellis, were also adjectives accordingtoanotherresident “$5M can’t build a house for attributed to the incumbent in her desperate plea for nobody in Guyana, much administration with regards assistance as another pig less a family of nine; we had its treatment of the people of farmer lamented his cattle and farms…” It was MochaArcadiasuchasinthe struggles to now pay rent outlined too that among the varyingvaluationsofferedto having had his property compensatory packages was persons of different destroyed. relocation to lands, one ethnicities in the over
“Mocha is not a bed of where they could not ebullient activity lasting just roses; this place is not a bed conduct businesses, or in overanhour of roses. Life is hard in this some cases, they are still to Numerous complaints place; Life hard and we need receivethepromisedlands,a werealsolodgedspecifically betterment, y’all saying is year later Ellis dubbed this against CH&PA’s Rawl oneGuyanashoweverybody as unfair, especially since, Aaron, who residents that this is one Guyana; not “people coming from blamed for a significant justpickoutsome.”
RIODEJANEIRO,May27(Reuters)- ministryorsomeotherorganization. Petrobras’newchiefexecutivesaidabasinin “I think that every time we restrict a Brazil’s Equatorial Margin, an discussion to a single institution, and do not environmentally sensitive offshore prospect expand this discussion to national interests, seen as the country’s most promising frontier welose,”Chambriardsaid.Thediscussionon for oil exploration, was a matter of “national exploring the region must take into account interest.” thepotentialbenefitstoBraziliansociety,she Magda Chambriard, who took over as the said. Chambriard noted that the president state-controlled oil company’s chief would be the one to sign off on any executive after President Luiz Inacio Lula da deliberation by the CNPE “Every SilvafireditsformerCEOthismonth,saidon deliberation of the National Council of Monday she wanted to escalate talks about EnergyPolicyissignedbythepresident.” the region near Guyana to the National ManyofChambriard’sstatementsechoed Council of Energy Policy (CNPE), which those made by her predecessor, Jean Paul advisesthepresident. Prates, who Lula fired after members of his
In her first public comments since taking cabinet accused him of failing to deliver on the company’s helm on Friday, Chambriard investments that would prop up Brazil’s said replenishing oil reserves was a priority economy and create local jobs. Like Prates, for Petrobras, and that exploring the Chambriard promised investments in the EquatorialMarginwaspartofthateffort. refining and fertilizer sectors, as long as they Petrobras has been waiting for about a areprofitableforthefirm. year for Brazil’s environmental agency Tasked by Lula to speed up the firm’s Ibama to rule on an appeal after the agency $102 billion investment plan for 2024 to denied it the license to drill in the area, which 2028, Chambriard said Petrobras would is about 175 km (109 miles) off the coast of follow governance and compliance rules, but the state of Amapa, in the Amazon region. hoped to surmount roadblocks by talking to Ibama’s initial ruling cited the project’s independent bodies that have oversight over potential impact on the environment and the firm such as Brazil’s federal audit court Indigenouspeoples. (TCU). Chambriard also said Petrobras
The offshore basin is seen as a potential wouldmaintainitscurrentpricingpoliciesfor bonanza because it shares geology with gasoline and diesel sales, stressing that the nearbyGuyana,whereExxonMobilXOM.N company had to be profitable while also is developing huge fields. Chambriard said meeting shareholder needs Petrobras discussions on whether or not to explore the implemented last year a more market-based area should not be left to one single fuel pricing policy for gasoline and diesel government body, without specifying sales to favor greater flexibility while whether she meant Ibama, the environment avoidingdrasticpriceswings.
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
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This past week, I had the privilege of attending the inaugural Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF)jointly hosted by the Government of Barbados and United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Bridgetown, Barbados, from May 21-24, 2024.
As an international trade specialist and researcher at the Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (SRC) at The University of the West Indies - Cave Hill, I found this four-day event to be a timely and invaluable forum, coinciding with UNCTAD’s upcoming 60th anniversary. It offered opportunities for knowledge exchange and discussions on the critical challenges confronting global supply chains, especially for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). I share my main takeaways from the Forum in this SRC Trading Thoughts. Global Supply Chain Issues from a SIDS perspective
Simply put, global supply chains describe the process, or more accurately the network, of getting a product from production to the consumer. Globalization has made global supply chains more complex as companies offshore or outsource manufacturing processes and source raw materials and intermediate inputs from distant locations. This geographical distance, as well as the trend of lean production practices, makes global supply chains more susceptible to disruptions from economic,
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
environmental, and geopolitical factors.
The GSCF was initiated by a request from Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, the current President of UNCTAD during its Fifteenth Quadrennial Conference (UNCTAD 15) held in Barbados in 2021.Barbados’ hosting of the GSCF is historic as it is the first international UN conference on global supply chain issues. The GSCF highlights the challenges faced by SIDS and places these issues squarely at the forefront of the global policy agenda, particularly amidst rising shipping costs caused by climate and geopolitical disruptions. The Forum’s urgency is further underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic, which had exposed severe supply chain and procurement difficulties for SIDS, especially in obtaining vaccines and personal protective equipment (PPE). Prime Minister Mottley has repeatedly described the market for these products as “the wild wild west.”
It is,therefore, no surprise that climate change, food security, procurement and regional integration were recurring themes throughout the four days. Shipping accounts for nearly 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to statistics from UN Trade and Development. International trade via sea currently accounts for about 80% of global tradeand this percentage is even higher for many SIDS which are highly dependent on maritime transportation due to their geographic isolation. For this reason, decarbonizing and greening maritime transport is crucialto combatting the climate crisis, to which SIDS are especially vulnerable.
Due to their high dependence on international trade, SIDS are disproportionately impacted by climate- and geopoliticalrelated supply chain disruptions and shocks. Historically low water levels in the Panama Canal due to a prolonged drought has impacted both the volume and size of the ships which could transit the Canal, a major node in the global maritime transportation network and with knock-on effects on shipping costs, times and emissions.Longer shipping times and higher costsadversely impact the price and availability of products for the average consumer, especially those living in import-dependent SIDS. UNCTAD Secretary General (SG) Ms. Grynspan, who visited the Canal on her way to the Forum, also touched on this theme during her address at the Opening
Ceremony. Global supply chain challenges are further compounded by the disruptions in the Black Sea and the Red Sea due to geopolitical conflicts –Russia/Ukraine war and the Israel/Palestine conflict, respectively, which have forced ships to find alternative routes. This increases shipping times and costs, placing added strain on other shipping channels, like the already stressed Panama Canal.
Delegates of the Forum were treated to a mix of plenary and parallel sessionswith discussions on climate change adaptation and resilience building, responsible business conduct, regional connectivity,services, and gender equality. I will justhighlight a couple panels which I found particularly stimulating.
The High-Level SIDS Ministerial Panel, moderated by Ambassador Matthew Wilson, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations (UN) and other international organisations in Geneva, highlighted both the shared challenges and the innovative solutions being implemented by SIDS globally. The Ministers, which hailed from Barbados, Curacao, Fiji, Guyana,the Marshall Islands, Martinique, Seychelles and Tuvalu, all indicated the significant challenges the COVID-19 pandemic had wrought on their countries or territories, how they met those challenges and some of the on-going initiatives to boost trade facilitation.
The need for deeper regional integration was a constant theme emerging from the sessions. I really enjoyed the panelon Regional Connectivity and Services and the data shared by both main speakers, Anthony Ali, CEO of Goddard Enterprises Ltd. and Garvin Medera, CEO of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) on regional connectivity, levels of regional trade and where some of the opportunities exist. It was also a timely reminder that despite on-going renovations, Caribbean countries still have far to go to improve thecompetitiveness of their port infrastructure but also that Jamaicais a best practice in the region for the upgrades it has made in its quest to become a logistics hub. Thefrank and open discussion which followed their presentations highlighted the missing political will needed for solving these problems.
The third panel which really stood out for me was
the plenary panel on Day 4 on gender equality in supply chains. According to Director General of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Gilbert Houngbo, women now comprise a large percentage of the supply chain workforce, but still represent a small percentage in the maritime sector and in higher-level jobs. Women in supply chain jobs also face several challenges, such as discrimination and the stigma of being seen as weaker than men and less capable to hold certain positions in the sector. Other challenges include lack of decent working conditions, high levels of insecurity, financing challenges and sexual harassment and violence. Theesteemed panelists also highlighted some of the interventions their organisations are making in addressing these issues, including special programmes to encourage women’s involvement in this sector.
The UWI played a significant role as a key partner of the Forum. Several UWI academics, including the SRC’s Director Dr. Jan Yves Remy, participated as panelistsin the Forum. The UWI and UNCTAD cohosted a side event on The UWI’s Cave Hill campus featuring UNCTAD SG Rebeca Grynspan as the key speaker. During the ninetyminute session, she shared insights with UWI students on her career and UNCTAD’s efforts to address many of the challenges being discussed. Additionally, UWI / SRC also co-organized a panel on the role of young people in supply chains. A special shout-out must go out to the hard working volunteers, which included current and former UWI students.
For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of the Forum was the chance to network with fellow trade professionals from across the world. An additional treat was theTechnical Visit to the Port of Bridgetown, which afforded us a close-up view ofsome of the upgrades currently underway to expand the port’s capacity and efficiency, facilitate trade and improve our competitiveness.
The Way Forward
While many of the topics discussed were familiar, the depth and richness of the discussions offered much food for thought. I end this piece with three suggestions.
Policy action: First, the solutions proffered should be incorporated into policy discourse and action at national, regional, and international levels. The SIDS (Continued on page 22)
During the reading of Two Miles Primary School tenders on Tuesday at the Annex the Kamarang National Procurement and Nursery School, and over Tender Administration $200 million is estimated to Board(NPTAB)office,bids complete the works. At the were opened for the opening,itwasrevealedthat c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d over 10 contractors have rehabilitation of several submitted bids for each schoolsinRegionSeven. project.
These projects are being K a i e t e u r N e w s undertaken by the Regional understands that to fund Democratic Council (RDC) projects for Region Seven ofRegionSeven. t h r o u g h t h e R D C ,
This publication had approximately $2.6 billion reported that the RDC is was approved and allocated preparing to build nursery in national budget for that schools in Karrau, Itaballi, purpose. Batavia and Kako villages, B e l o w a r e t h e and rehabilitate and extend companiesandtheirbids:
Regional Democratic Council of Region 7
Construction of Kako nursery school, Region Seven.
Rehabilitation and extension of Kamarang Primary School
Rehabilitation and extension of Two Miles Primary School annex.
Ministry of Health Extension of Mental Health Building.
Rehabilitation of Six X- Ray rooms.
Construction and Installation of an Elevator-Linden Hospital Complex.
Professional Engineering Consultancy Services for Supervision of the Construction: Suddie Nursing School and The NewAmsterdam Nursing School.
From page 22
Ministerial Declaration on Transport adopted at the Forum willbeacriticalinputfortheupcomingFourthInternational Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS 4), whichIamattendinginAntigua.
Best practices database: Second, the sessions focused on global best practices for implementing ASYCUDA, electronic single windows (ESWs), national trade facilitation committees (NTFCs), efficient port management, border agency cooperation, and greening global supply chains. I hope an online database will be created, if not already available, for countries and stakeholderstoshareandlearnfromthesebestpractices.
Partnership: Third, the GSCF showcased the immense potential of collaboration among international organizations, academia, governments, and the private sector I’mencouragedbytheMOUsignedbyTheUWIand UNCTAD, formalizing their longstanding relationship, and look forward to the benefits of these strengthened partnerships.
As a Barbadian, it fills my heart with pride to see my country and by extension, the Caribbean, host yet another impactful international event, again writing our name on history’s page and being craftsmen of our fate I close by extending my heartfelt congratulations to Carlos Wharton, Ambassador Matthew Wilson,and all the other members of TeamBarbados,theUNCTADteam,andtoanyoneelsewho madethisForumaresoundingsuccess.
IeagerlylookforwardtothenextForuminSaudiArabia in2026!
Guyana’sparticipationintheWorldQualifying boxing tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, ended yesterdayafterKeevinAllicockexitedintheround of16ofthe57kgcategory
Allicock facedTurkey’s Batuhan Ciftci, losing 1-4onthejudge’sscorecards,ultimatelyendinghis Olympicjourney
The boxer, who just turned professional, became the first Guyanese since John Douglas in the 1996 Olympic Games to represent the country at the Olympics, having qualified for the event in Tokyo.
Desmond Amsterdam and Joel Williamson were eliminated early, while Emmanuel Pompey lost his 92kg bout against Georgia’s Georgii KushitashvilionMonday (Rawle Toney)
Keevin Allicock
From page 27 fast as Shoaib Akhtar when closeforthe2022T20World three-match T20I series at growing up in Pakistan Cup, when they won the home Before that, they While that did not come to Americas regional Qualifier trounced Canada 4-0 in a pass, he can land his yorkers the previous year, staying five-match T20I series, also at a decent pace. He has also unbeaten throughout the athome. beenaregularintheCPL. tournament.Butintheglobal USA will face Canada After the 2012 Under-19 Qualifier, with two spots to once again in the World Cup World Cup, Ian Chappell g
opener in Dallas on June 1. compared left-arm spinner Netherlands in the semiIndia, Pakistan and Ireland Harmeet Singh, who final. are the other three teams in represented India in that Formguide* theirgroup. event,toBishanBedi,saying LWWWW
Key players the youngster was ready for Squad Corey Anderson, who i
Monank Patel (capt), played one ODI World Cup Harmeet made his T20I Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, and two T20 ones for New debut for USA last month, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Zealand, will turn out for scoring 34 not out off 17 Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, USA this time. He made his balls and taking 4 for 18 Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, USA debut against Canada againstCanada. Nitish Kumar, Nosthush lastmonthandscored28and USAin major K
You can't force creativity Not even you, Aries. As much as you want to produce something fantastic right this minute, you will find that mere mortals such as us need thehelpofacreativemuse.
You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the combination of professional and social obligations If you're doing any entertaining tonight,seeifyoucandrumup someextrahelp.
Youcouldbefeelingthepushpull of internal desires versus external demands today. As much as you want to stay in bed today, with covers pulled tight to your chin, the world is clamoringforyourattention.
When it comes to home improvement, there is something to be said for immediate gratification Today you could find yourself heading out to do some necessaryshopping.
You really don't need to prove anything to anyone. You may be feeling under a bit of pressure to get a lot of work done But some projects, especially those that require creativity, simply can't be rushed.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You really don't need to prove anything to anyone, Leo You may be feeling under a bit of pressure to get a lot of work done Tthose that require creativity, simply can't be rushed
It seems that you're ready for a major change in your life, Libra. But take care that you don't implement change merely for the sake of change. Thinkcarefullyaboutwhatyou reallywanttodo.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You have a keen mind, Scorpio, and are always absorbing new bits of information. What is amazing is how much of it you manage toretain.Today,however,even yourconsiderablebrainmaybe taxedbeyonditslimits.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Take care not to take on too much today, Sagittarius. Your intentions are certainly good and your motivation pure, but evenyouarelimitedbythefact thatthereareamere24hoursin aday
Don't take anything at face value today, Capricorn, especiallyifitinvolvesmoney It's likely that a friend or colleague will approach you with a deal that is too good to passup.
You may find yourself overwhelmedwithinformation today, Aquarius. By midday both your voice mailbox and your email box could be full up. It seems everyone needs a pieceofyoutoday
Eventhoughyoumighthaveto work today, Pisces, you should still try and take things fairly easy You're just not ready to embrace your workload with your usual vigor Be sure to eat ahealthybreakfastandlunch.
55 in two outings. Anderson tournaments Netravalkar, Shadley van heldtherecordforthefastest They have never been Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, ODI hundred at one time, part of a World Cup ShayanJahangir and USA will want him to previously, though they did *in last five games roll the clock back to the make it to the Champions against teams featuring in formofthatperiod. Trophy in 2004. They came the 2024 World Cup Ali Khan, one of the biggest names in USA cricket, wanted to bowl as
ESPNcricinfo – Nepal their most reliable run-scorers.
The year 2023 started with Riazat moved to Uganda when he Nepal conjuring 12 miracles to was 16 years old but missed out on make it to the ODI World Cup the next Under-19 World Cup qualifiers and ended with them because the logistics around his qualifying for the T20 World Cup eligibility were not finalised. He for the first time in a decade. In the was 20 when he debuted for group stage of the World Cup Asia Uganda in 2018, and is now one of Qualifier, they beat Singapore and theirtopperformers. Malaysia and made it to the Roger Mukasa and Simon knockouts despite losing to Oman. Ssesazi are the other two Ugandans In the semi-final, they met old foes withmorethan1000T20Iruns,and UAE, who were entering the
knockouts unbeaten. In front of a
Ssenyondo,isthecountry’sleading packed home crowd, Nepal T20I wicket-taker and six away restricted UAE to 134 for 9 and frombecomingthefirstUgandanto made it to the final with eight 100T20Iwickets. wicketsand17ballstospare,which Uganda in major tournaments also confirmed their qualification Uganda have never played at a fortheT20WorldCup.Theylostto cricket World Cup but have OmaninthefinalintheSuperOver, innings at a strike rate of 193.26. Ten members of the current squad failed to win any of their three competed in several multi-team but their World Cup ticket was Malla also bowls left-arm spin and played in the 2021 edition held in games. tournaments in Africa with a fair secured. has 19 wickets at an economy of the UAE and Oman. Assad Vala Formguide* amount of success. They won last Key players 6.18inT20Is. remains captain and allrounder WLLWL year’s East Africa Cup in Rwanda
Rohit Paudel was Nepal’s Nepal in major tournaments Charles Amini is his deputy The Squad withvictoriesin11outof12games, leading run-scorer in T20Is last This is Nepal’s first T20 World bowling unit will be led by Assad Vala (capt), Charles and reached the semi-final of this year, with 403 runs in 13 innings at Cup appearance since 2014. They medium-pacer Norman Vanua, Amini,Alei Nao, Chad Soper, Hila year’s African Games in Accra, an average of 50.37. The Nepal madeittothe2023ODIWorldCup PNG’s highest wicket-taker in Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John wheretheylosttoNamibia. captain is also going into the T20 qualifiers last year, but couldn’t T20Is. Kariko, Kabua Morea, Kiplin Formguide* World Cup in prime form having make it to the main event. In 2023, Key players Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman LLLLL scored 265 runs in four innings, Nepal also qualified for the Asia Tony Ura is one of PNG’s most Vanua, Semo Kamea, Sese Bau, Squad which included a century and two Cup for the first time in history but experienced batters and is coming TonyUra Brian Masaba (capt), RiazatAli fifties against a West Indies A side failed to register a win in two into the World Cup on the back of Uganda Shah, Kenneth Waiswa, Dinesh that had bowlers of international attempts. fifties against Hong Kong and A former British colony with a Nakrani, Frank Nsubuga, Ronak repute. Formguide* Nepal in a tri-series in Hong Kong substantial South Asian diaspora Patel, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Dipendra Singh Airee, Nepal’s LWLWW in March. He is PNG’s highest run- population (both before and after Kyewuta, Bilal Hassan, Fred highest run-getter in T20Is with Squad getterinT20Isoverallandsincethe the Idi Amin dictatorship, during Achelam, Robinson Obuya, Simon 1626 runs in 56 innings, has had a Rohit Paudel (capt), Aasif startof2023,andwassecondonthe which Asians were expelled from Ssesazi, Henry Ssenyondo, Alpesh stunning 12 months. Last year Sheikh, Anil Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, run-scorers’ list in the EAP the country), Uganda has a cricket Ramjani,JumaMiyagi against Mongolia he broke the T20 Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Qualifier history that comes from outside USA record for the fastest fifty, getting Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Charles Amini’s all-round influence, but its present is home- They have qualified for the there in just nine balls. More Gulsan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis abilities will hold the key for PNG grown. The majority of the current tournament by virtue of being corecently, he smashed six sixes in an GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash at the World Cup. He is third on squad are Ugandan-bor
, hosts. This will be their first World over in a T20I against Qatar Airee Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal PNG’s run-getters’ list (994 in 48 developed in the sport through the Cup in any format. Wicketkeeperis also a handy offspinner with 37 Airee innings) in T20Is, behind Ura and schooling system and are now a opener Monank Patel will lead the T20I wickets, and is an electric Papua New Guinea Vala, and second on the wickets pioneering generation of cricketers side; Aaron Jones will be his fieldertoboot. PNG booked their place in the charts (47 in 48 innings), behind for their country This is the first deputy Kushal Malla, just 20 years old, 2024 T20 World Cup after going Vanua. time a senior Uganda side will play USA come into this World Cup holds the record for the second- unbeaten through the 2023 East- PNG in major tournaments at a World Cup, a feat that has not havingbeatenBangladesh2-1ina fastest century in T20Is, getting Asia-PacificQualifier,sealingtheir In their only previous World yet been achieved by the national (Continued on page 25) there in 34 balls, against Mongolia berthwithagametogo. Cup,in2021,PNGwereplacedina footballteam. last year. He had an excellent 2023 This will be their second group with Scotland, Bangladesh Uganda qualified ahead of where he scored 402 runs in 12 appearance at the T20 World Cup. and Oman in the first round but Zimbabwe via the Africa Qualifier tournament last year, where they beatZimbabwebyfivewicketsand finished second on the seven-team points table.The only side they lost to were fellow qualifiers Namibia; they convincingly beat all other opposition, including their onceup-and-coming neighbours, Kenya.
Key players
Frank Nsubuga began his cricket career 27 years ago (although official records have his first cap recorded in 2004), and at 43hewillbetheoldestplayeratthis T20 World Cup. He is heralded as one of the fittest members of the squad, who runs 10km before training and aims to sign off from the international game after this event.
Riazat Ali Shah, born in Gilgit, Pakistan, is Uganda’s vice-captain, one of three batters in the side with over 1000 T20I runs, and one of
Opener Tony Ura scored two half-centuries and got his 125 runs at a strike rate of 164.47 in the T20I tri-series in Hong Kong in March.
CNN - Coco Gauff raced into the second round of the French Open on Monday, taking just 52 minutes to defeatRussianqualifierJulia Avdeeva6-16-1.
Gauff, who won her first grand slam title at last year’s USOpen,reachedthefinalat RolandGarrosin2022andis looking to go one better at thisyear’stournament.
The 20-year-old was dominant against Avdeeva, dropping just two games –one at the start of each set –
Œwi¹tek celebrates her 15th consecutive win at the French Open. (Clive Mason/Getty Images)
Coco Gauff breezed past Jelena Ostapenko to reach the US Open semifinals. (Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters)
Channel after her fifth first- up a blockbuster second- Open She now has an and winning 23 out of 24 round win at Roland Garros, round clash against fellow unusually difficult second- pointsonherfirstserve. Gauff reflected on some of four-time grand slam winner round match against Osaka,
“It was a good day for the long-term goals for her NaomiOsaka. who has returned to tennis me,” she said in her on-court career. “I just want to win as Œwi¹tek, like Gauff, this year having become a
interview “She played well manyslamsaspossible,”she wasted little time in her mother today, I think I was just the said “Being inspired by opening match, requiring “She’sagreatpersonand betterplayer.” the main draw of a major for semifinals of the French Serena Williams – she’s the just over an hour to wrap up hergamestyleisprettyfunto
The victory was Gauff’s thefirsttime.
Openthreeyearsago–byfar one and true and only GOAT her 15th consecutive victory watchaswell,”Œwi¹tektold 50th in the main draw of a NextupfortheAmerican her best-ever run at a grand – but I think being inspired atRolandGarros. reporters about facing the grand slam, while Andeeva, is Czech qualifier Tamara slam. byher,itallowedmetomake The22-year-oldŒwi¹tek Japanese star “I haven’t by contrast, was playing in Zidanšek, who reached the
Rain had the last say in theGuinness‘Greatestofthe S t r e e t s ’ L i n d e n Championship, as a persistent shower forced the cancellation of the second semifinal, third-place playoff,andeventualfinalon Sunday evening at the RetrieveTarmac.
The tournament officials took the decision to reschedule the remaining matches for Saturday, June 1st, following discussions with the officiating crew and Guinness Brand Executive LeeBaptiste.
The four trophies that will be awarded to the top four finishers.
Speaking to the Tennis my dreams as limitless as is the first women’s player to actually played against possible. reach that milestone since Naomi on clay, so we’ll see
The playing surface, which was battered for more than 90 minutes by a culminate the tournament. Goal’ [a goal scored in the consistent downpour, was While we understand the finalthreeminutesofnormal deemed unsafe for the frustration of the players and time counts as two] in the players. the spectators, safety for 23rdminute.
In a formal statement everyone involved in the The second semifinal issued by the organising championship,especiallythe fixture will pit Hardball team, “Discussions with the players and the fans, is Management against Turf relevant parties, including tantamount.” President. The winner of the theteams,itwasdeemedthat The rescheduled date tournament will pocket the venue was unfit to will be staged at the same $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d t h e contest the remaining venue. championship trophy They matches. The safety of the Before the unfortunate will also earn an automatic playersisthemostimportant decision to suspend the berth to the national element, along with matches, the Silver Bullets championshipduringAugust providing a quality defeatedtheSpaniards3-0in inGeorgetown. experience for the patrons. thefirstsemifinal,whichwas Meanwhile, the second, The integrity and overall partially affected by the third, and fourth-place quality of the tournament downpour finishers will walk away must be maintained, so the Damion Williams with $400,000, $300,000, decision was taken to opened the scoring in the and $250,000, respectively, reschedule the matches for fourthminute,whileColwyn and the corresponding Saturday, which will Drakes tallied a ‘Guinness accolade.
“I was taught from a Justine Henin won 24 howthat’sgoingtogo. young age to make your matches and three-straight “We need to prepare dreams as big as possible, titlesbetween2005and2010 tactically for sure, but all even if they don’t feel – the latter a feat that the thesematchesthatweplayed realistic.” Polish star is trying to on hard court were always
Elsewhere in the replicatethisyear really intense and tough. I’m women’s draw, defending The world No. 1 is also just glad that she came back champion Iga Œwi¹tek unbeaten since April having and she’s playing more defeated French qualifier won in Rome and Madrid tournaments even than LeoliaJeanjean6-16-2toset ahead of this year’s French beforethebreak.”
The Diamond/Grove NDC hosted a three a side dominoes competition on Independence Day for the resident in the community
Three teams entered the tournament; Big 3, Super 3 andNDC.CouncillorKelvin Rampersaud was the Chief Steward along with his assistant Yadesh Persaud Both Kelvin and Yadesh gave their welcoming remarks along with vice Chairman Anand Persaud andChairmanUlricPaul. Big 3 led by captain Jiaram took an assailing lead overSuper3andNDC.Big3 three players of the winning included ex-councilor amassed 44 points with team were bedecked with Nafeeza Rodrigues, exSuper 3 on 34 followed by medals and the winning councilor Jiaram, Charles NDCon33. trophy Hetmeyer and Sasha Breedy RasheedGafoormade17 The two other teams both residents. Mr Balraj games for the winning team, were also given a trophy party organiser, Mr Ulric while Jiaram made 15 and eachfortheirinvolvement. Paul, Chairman, along with Salim Gafoor made 12 each. Concluding the games, Ke
Rasheed Gafoor was named there were a number of councilor player of the day and was speeches from the residents Food and drinks were on awardedaspecialtrophy All and Councilors These thehouse.
SportsMax - With the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup now just only a few days away, Chairman of the National Organising Committee Noel Lynch says the iconic Kensington Oval is just about ready for the showpiece which is scheduled to begin on Saturday
Lynch’s confirmation came during a media tour of the venue, which will host nine matches, includingtheJune29final.
“Kensington Oval has never lookedasgoodasitdoesrightnow The field, in particular, is in its best condition ever, and those who have played on it are nodding in agreement,”Lynchopined.
Though some finishing touches arestillbeingapplied,Lynchpraised the dedication and hard work of the curators and groundsmen, as he declared the Oval is ready to host the inclusion of a three-tier engaging the local community “This isn’t just about the World communitydirectly,”headded. cricket matches “We are not hospitality suite, upgrades to the through the KOMI Good Neighbor Cup; it’s about an ongoing, Finally, there will be an open boasting,butweareready We’re95 media centre and the erection of a Programme The programme sustainable programme,” Lynch house on Wednesday, where per cent to 99 per cent ready,” he temporary stand with a 2,500 focusesoninvolvingresidentsfrom said “We have walked every Barbadians and visitors are invited declared The infrastructural seatingcapacity nearby areas, providing them with avenue in Pickwick Gap, gone to get a firsthand look on the improvements to the Oval include Aside from the World Cup, job opportunities related to the house to house with the member of upgraded Oval ahead of the World upgrades to the bathroom facilities, Lynchpointedoutthattheyarealso Oval’supkeep. parliament, and engaged with the Cup.Gateswillopenat1:00pm.
Rasheed Broadbell… My preparation for the Grand Prix is just a part of the bigger preparation which is the Olympics.
SportsMax - One of exceptional talent, but also going great and I pray it Grand Prix is just a part of Jamaica’s premier hurdlers, cementedhisstatusasoneof remainsthatway,”hesaid. thebiggerpreparationwhich Rasheed Broadbell, is set to the leading hurdlers in the The 23-year-old, who is is the Olympics and to get electrifythetrackonceagain world. no doubt targeting a spot on myself into race shape for as he competes on home soil That victory fuelled his Jamaica’s team to this the upcoming Olympic trials at the highly anticipated ambitions and set the stage summer’s Paris Olympic alsomymindsettowardsthis RacersGrandPrixscheduled for a promising season Games, will be up against competition is to just get out forSaturday ahead. Broadbell revealed compatriot and reigning there,execute,finishhealthy Broadbell, whose that he has been undergoing Olympic champion Hansle and give some excitement to exceptional performances an intensive training Parchment, as well as thehomecrowd,”headded. have made waves on the regimen in preparation for American standout Trey As Broadbell gears up international stage, is his season opener at the Cunningham and rising star for the Racers Grand Prix, returning with renewed RacersGrandPrix. Tyler Mason in what is the nation is eager to witness vigour and determination “Every year my season expected to be one of a one of their own in action. following his spectacular opener surprises me. I may several explosive events at Broadbell’s presence at the v i c t o r y a t t h e notknowwhattoexpect.It’s theNationalStadium. Racers Grand Prix promises Commonwealth Games the first race of the season “It has been a roller tobeamongthehighlightsof
e and the first race since I fell coaster journey thus far; the night, as he is poised to Commonwealth Games at the world championships grateful for every part of it, d
it,” hurdlers.
practising at training Broadbellshared. The event is set to begin
From page 31 with3:54left. Tuesday’sGame4.Atightly It remained a two-point contested game saw neither game until Brown knocked side lead by more than eight downafloaterwith2:40left points until the Pacers put to tie the score at 102-102. forth a 5-0 run, capped by Shortly thereafter, the AllNembhard’s 3-point play Star forward rejected with8:57lefttoplay,totake Nembhard in the lane as a94-85advantage. Boston’s Al Horford Indiana led 98-90 with grabbed the rebound with under six minutes to go the contest headed towards before the Celtics began thefinalminuteofplay catching fire. After Brown Brown then found an hit two free throws and open White in the right Tatum knocked down a 3- corner,andthevaluedguard pointer, Holiday drove the drained a 23-footer to send lane and was fouled while theCelticsahead. getting a layup to go down Indiana had one final following a made basket by chance to force overtime, Nembhard Boston’s but Nembhard’s 3-point try veteran guard calmly hit the missed the mark and the ensuing free throw to bring Pacers failed to get another the Celtics within 100-98 shotoff.
The Youth Basketball Guyana Technical Institute (GTI). Linden (YBG) Tertiary League Season Two emerged victorious with a 6-point continuedwithanaction-packedthird difference, thanks to Kimol round fixture on Sunday at the Grimmond’s outstanding doubleNational Gymnasium indoor court. double performance of 16 points and The intense triple-header saw the 10 rebounds. Neil Marks provided GuyanaSchoolofAgriculture(GSA), solid support with 14 points and 8 Linden Technical Institute (LTI), and rebounds,whileCollinPhillipsadded University of Guyana (UG) securing 11 points. For GTI, Peter Langevine solidvictoriesastheyadvancedtothe and Delmar Grant combined for 29 nextroundofthecompetition. points, but their efforts were not
In the opening clash, Upper enoughtosecurethewin.
Corentyne Combined (UCC) faced Thefinalgameoftheeveningsaw off against a confident GSAside. The UG battling New Amsterdam game got off to an electrifying start Technical Institute (NATI) in another with Dexter Quintyn and Dennis close encounter UG clinched the win Prince leading the charge for GSA. with a 45-39 scoreline, driven by Their strong defensive plays and Jushawn Bailey’s excellent shooting efficient scoring propelled GSA to a display. Bailey racked up an 41-33 victory Avery White was impressive25points,9rebounds,and instrumental, contributing a 4 steals. Malachi Grimmond also commendable 17 points and 4 contributed significantly with 13 rebounds. Quintyn and Prince also points and 10 rebounds. NATI’s shone brightly, each adding 11 points JeromeTrimalsohadagoodgamebut to the scoreboard, with Quintyn unfortunately his efforts could not grabbing 9 rebounds and Prince preventthelosstoUG. securing 7. Despite the loss, UCC’s The excitement continues as the Fredrick Lashley delivered a valiant tournament progresses, with the next effort,scoring16points. roundofgamesscheduledforSunday, Game two featured a nail-biting June 2nd, starting at 5:00 pm at the contestbetweenLTIandGovernment samevenue.
Former Guyana first-class opener Krishna Arjune slammedanenterprising87forBetter-HopeonSundayatSt. Bedes venue in Scarborough, Ontario, in the opening round of the 2024 Ontario Masters Softball Cricket Clubs T20 B DivisiontournamentagainstAll-Stars.
Theright-handedArjunestrikeninesixesandthreefours during his 50-ball exhibition at the crease as Better-Hope ralliedalongtoaformidable193-6fromtheallotmentof20overs.All-Starsinreplyreached79alloutinthepenultimate over
He also shared a steady, 40-run opening stand with Anand Nirmal who contributed 19 and then a more aggressive, 63-run second-wicket partnership with the veteran and Canada-based Guyanese Jai Singh. Singh scored an impressive 31 as Colin Mohamid grabbed 2-17 fromthreeovers.
SunilRamkissoongrabbed3-2fromthreeoverswhilehe got good support from the experienced Jerry Brittannia who snatched2-19offthreetidyovers.
Meanwhile, details from the other fixtures will be released in a subsequent post, but the 7-team round-robin tournament is slated to continue on Sunday CarrTec Sports Clubisthedefendingchampion.
Back-Circle Ballers (B), a young and aspiring bunch of footballers, won the Inaugural Mocha-Arcadia’s
Independence Street Football tournament on Sunday (May 26, 2024) at Mocha Community, Centre Ground The young side
from East Ruimveldt defeated the Tucville based Taliban Ballers side 2-1 in a Penalty shootout after a 1-1 full-time stalemate to takeaway $150,000 and the first place trophy and medals, while Taliban Ballers received $75,000 along with the corresponding trophy andmedals. andmedals. teams were great which
Meanwhile, Victoria The exciting three days made the event a great Eagles Ballers defeated competition started on May success and help to Genesis in the third-place 23rd and concluded on accomplish the aim of the playoff to pocket $50,000 Sunday May 26, 2024 to tournament to foster unity and the 3rd place trophy and celebrate our country’s 58 within our communities and Genesis Ballers received YearsofIndependence. provide a constructive outlet $25,000 along with trophy The support for each forthetalentsofouryouthas we proceed towards a safer andmoresecureGuyana.
South Africa stand-in captain Rassie van der Dussen.
The tournament had 24 teamstakingpart.
The tournament was sponsored by; The Guyana Police Force, Big Smith News Watch, Reliable Graphics Design, Ballerz Ent,PantherSecurity,Secure Innovations and Concept, M i n i s t r y o f L o c a l Government and Regional Development, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, Mantra Restaurant and Bar, Green Ice Taxi, Mocha
SportsMax - South Africa stand-in “Ithinkwejustgottaughtalessononhow
Captain Rassie van der Dussen gave hisWest to play in Caribbean conditions, especially Indian counterparts all the praise in the world fromabowlingfront.Itwasadifficultwicket afterhissidesufferedadominant0-3defeatin to bat on. I think they just out-skilled us, their three T20Is from May 23-26 at Sabina especiallywiththeball,”headded. ParkinKingston.
The hosts won last Thursday’s first from the three games, he singled out openers encounter by 28 runs, their biggest win over Quinton de Kock and Reeza Hendricks as SouthAfricainT20Is,andfolloweditupwith well as young leg-spinner Nqaba Peter who a 16-run win in the second game on Saturday played the last two games, the first twoT20Is and a dominant eight-wicket triumph in the ofhiscareer. thirdmatchonSunday.
The 35-year-old, who was left out of
The skipper put the South African South Africa’s squad for the upcoming T20 performance down to an inability to quickly World Cup, says an adjustment he hopes the adapt to the conditions of the Sabina Park team makes with the bat is to take a few more pitch. “We just couldn’t adapt early enough. chancesupfront. Yes, we had a long week in terms of layovers “Maybe just be a bit braver We saw the in Miami and so forth. I think we saw that in way the West Indies play, especially in the the first match but you can’t keep making the power play They really take it on and when same mistakes,” van der Dussen said after theball’snewer,it’seasiertoscorethaninthe Sunday’sgame. backendwhentheballgetssoft,”hesaid.
The Boston Celtics are into the NBA Finals for the second time in three years with a 105-102 win over the Indiana Pacers.
SportsMax - Derrick White’s tie-
Holiday totalled 17 points and nine breaking 3-pointer with 45 seconds left sent rebounds while White had 16 points on 7-oftheBostonCelticsintotheNBAFinalsforthe 14 shooting along with a game-high five secondtimeinthreeyearswitha105-102win steals. over the Indiana Pacers in Monday’s Game 4 The sixth-seeded Pacers were unable to oftheEasternConferencefinals. extend the series while playing a second The top-seeded Celtics, who were ousted straight game without All-Star guard Tyrese in seven games by the Miami Heat in last Haliburton, who injured his hamstring in year’s East finals, completed a sweep of this Thursday’sGame2. best-of-seven series by rallying from a nine- Andrew Nembhard led Indiana with 24 pointdeficitwithundernineminutesleft. points and 10 assists, while Pascal Siakam Jaylen Brown led Boston’s comeback by posted19pointsand10rebounds. scoring 10 of his 29 points in the fourth The Celtics will face the winner of the quarter and coming up with a key late block Western Conference finals between the that preceded White’s winning shot. The Dallas Mavericks and Minnesota Celtics also received 26 points, 13 rebounds Timberwolves, and will host Game 1 on and eight assists from Jayson Tatum, as well Thursday, June 6. The Mavericks lead that as another strong performance from their series3-0andcanadvanceathomein backcourtduoofWhiteandJrueHoliday (Continued on page 29)