- audit reveals

dies after car crashes into truck

Contractorsbidover$50M tobuildfishvendorshed atMeadowBankwharf …as shareholders re-elect all directors Baby
- audit reveals
Contractorsbidover$50M tobuildfishvendorshed atMeadowBankwharf …as shareholders re-elect all directors Baby
Years later, the Government of Guyana is yet to recovertensofmillionsofUS dollars that were illegally deducted by Exxon Mobil fromGuyana'sprofits.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was asked at his Thursday last press conference at Freedom House, by this publication to give an update on the audits and actions taken to address the discrepancies they highlighted.
Hesaidthat,“Weneedto close the first audit…you need to formally say, so I have to find out if that was doneanditshouldhavebeen done because that was like about three weeks ago, that they had to write and say we had a difference of opinion over US$214M So that letter, closing it with Exxon, so there is no room for negotiationanymore.”
Howeverinrelationtothe second audit government is still in talks with the oil
company to address the instances the auditors flagged. The VP said that, “Theystillareinaback(and forth); they still have been writing Exxon and awaiting responseonalotoftheissues thatyouhaveserializedinthe KaieteurNews.”
The first audit into ExxonMobil's expenses incurred during the period 1999-2017 which amounted to US $1.6B was conducted bytheinternationalfirmIHS Markitandrevisedintheyear 2021.
In this audit the auditors highlighted in the introduction that there was some “$214.4 million plus overhead adjustments of the costs currently included by EEPGL in the Cost Bank” that the Government of Guyana “has reasonable groundstodispute.”
The second audit into Exxon's expenses incurred for the period 2018-2020 whichamountedtosomeUS $7.3B was done by local
consortium Ramdihal & Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality AccountingandConsultancy Inc (VHE Consulting). In this audit it was identified that there was some US $65.1Mwhichwerelistedas exceptions This included “Improper Charges for Ogle Office Complex Studies and Construction Costs” which totaled US$18 9M , 'Enterprise Development Center' at US $3.5M and a numberofothers.
Itisimportanttonotethat costs recovered by Exxon have to be directly related to oil production in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.InOctober2023this publication reported that ExxonMobil had used Guyana's oil profits on Christmas cookouts, zumba andyogaclasses.
Itwasrevealedthattheoil c o m p a n y u s e d U S $136,003.62 to cover costs attached to sponsorships, fitness classes, promotional
items and other similar activities, which auditors said were in no uncertain recoverable. The Stabroek Block Production Sharing
Agreement was also referenced by them and it said that only those costs associatedwithexpensesand expenditures relating to the petroleum operations can be recovered from the Stabroek Blockaccount.
For further clarity the auditors noted that in order foracosttoberecoverableit had to be in connection with production operations Hence, the removal of US $136,003 62 from the Stabroek Block account to cover Yoga and Zumba fitness classes for its expatriates, a Christmas potluckluncheon,thehosting visit for a Shell Beach
Outreach Programme including catering and boat and ground transportation; Exxon branded duffel bags, coolers, and lanyards for a ContractorSafetyWorkshop; Meals, beverages, tents, chairs, and facilities for “Culture of Health” 5K run/walk and other similar events leave it in breach of thecontract.
Another instance highlighted in the second auditwasthemisuseoffunds topayfordrillshipstobeon standby for Kaieteur and Canje blocks. Going a little more into detail the auditing
team noted that Exxon had four drill ships from Noble Corporation in early 2020 working.
After suspending the services of Stena Carron and Noble Tom Madden and move them closer to shore intoa“hotstandby”(idlebut stilloperational)modedueto staffing issues, records show that Exxon had Stena on standbytoexecuteworksfor StabroekaswellasCanjeand Kaieteur which it walked awayfromin2023.
Records also show that Exxon had the Stena Carron drill ship drill the Tanager-1 well in the Kaieteur Block beginningSeptember9,2020 and ending November 23, 2020. Stena was then moved to the adjacent Canje Block where it worked on the Bulletwood-1wellbeginning December 31, 2020 and endingMarch2,2021.Stena was also used to drill the second well in Canje called Jabillo-1beginningMarch
Continued perusal
of an audit conducted on the expenses of ExxonMobil's Guyana-led consortium operating in the Stabroek Block reveals persistent, significant breaches in the adherence to the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)
with the Guyanese government.
The audit, spearheaded by VHE Consulting, found onesuchcasebeingthecosts
associated with the Enterprise Development Center (EDC) established by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), which the auditors determined do not meet the PSA's criteria for costrecoverableexpenses.
The EDC, launched in 2017 and managed by DAI Global,wasintendedtoserve as a center for local business development across various sectors, including catering, safety equipment, marine operations,andwarehousing. It also operates as the portal through which all local suppliersaresourced.
The auditors in their report found however, that the establishment and operation of the EDC do not qualify as "Petroleum Operations," and as such, its associated costs are not recoverable under the terms
TheEDC,thereportsaid, was designed to provide training and business opportunities for local entities in various sectors, including catering, safety equipment, marine operations,andwarehousing. It aimed to serve as a center for local business development across multiple industries, not exclusively fortheoilandgassectorand this broader focus was emphasizedandnotedbythe auditors, pointing to a 2017 article by the Guyana Chronicle, in which it had described the center's role in supporting sectors such as information communication technology,mining,forestry, andagriculture.
That PSA, the auditors reminded, outlines specific categories of expenses that can be recovered by the contractor and according to the auditors the costs for the EDC were neither listed under "Costs Recoverable Without FurtherApproval of the Minister" nor "Costs Recoverable Only with Approval of the Minister," making them ineligible for recovery, the auditors
reaffirmed Despite this, EMGL included EDCrelated expenses in its Cost RecoveryStatement.
According to the PSA's definition of "Petroleum Operations," it is limited to activities directly related to t h e e x p l o r a t i o n , development,andproduction ofpetroleum.
As such, the auditors found that by contrast, the EDC's services extended to
development throughout Guyana, which disqualifies these expenses from being recoverable and in fact further invalidated its
a recoverable cost under the PSA.
This conclusion, the auditors re-affirmed was supported by ExxonMobil's owndeclarations,statingthat the EDC was aimed at g e n e r a l b u s i n e s s development for the broader Guyaneseeconomy.
Theauditorsfoundtooin a notable parallel, that the Greater Guyana Initiative (GGI), launched by ExxonMobilin2021,tofund the operation of the Center for Local Business
Development (CLBD), explicitlystatedthatitscosts would not be included in the costrecoveryprocess.
This, the auditors affirmed, aligns with the audit's findings and suggests a p r e c e d e n t f o r distinguishing nonrecoverable community and business development expenses from recoverable petroleumoperationcosts.
E x x o n M o b i l nonetheless, contested the auditors' findings, arguing thattheEDCwasestablished to meet local content and training requirements under Articles 18 and 19 of the PetroleumAgreement.
According to the now
public report, EMGL claimedtheinitialcostswere for startup activities necessary for supporting operations related to the StabroekBlock.
The auditors however,
maintained that the Accounting Procedures outlinedinAnnexC—which spells out the classifications of categories of expenditure thatcanberecovered—ofthe PSA, do not provide for recovery of such costs without specific Ministerial approval, which was not obtained.
Theaudithassincecalled forEMGL,tocredittheCost RecoveryStatementforthese non-recoverable costs, pointing to the need for stricter adherence to the PSA's provisions to ensure t r a n s p
management of Guyana's oil resources.
It was noted too that ExxonMobil's internal documentation and public statements further supported the audit's findings, and outlined that in a 2021 interview, Alistair Routledge, President of ExxonMobil Guyana, clarified that initiatives like GGIwouldnotbepartofthe cost recovery process, despite their alignment with
Thus, since the initiative was intended to support the EDC's mission of enhancing local business capabilities but explicitly excluded its costs from recovery claims, setting a precedent for handlingsuchexpenses.
Despite these clear delineations, the auditors said ExxonMobil disputed the audit's conclusions, asserting that the EDC was established to fulfill local content requirements since the startup activities of the EDC were necessary for supporting Stabroek Block operations.
However, the auditors notedthatwhileArticle18of the PSA requires efforts to train local suppliers and contractors, it does not authorize recovery of these trainingcosts.
Only specific training costsunderArticle19,which require ministerial approval, arerecoverable.
The auditors poignantly noted too that ExxonMobil had already credited some EDC costs out of the Cost Recovery Account, implicitly “acknowledging their non-recoverable nature”andassuchcalledfor the remaining nonrecoverable costs to be similarlycredited.
Bloomberg - Welcome to our
guide to the energy and commodities powering the global economy Today, senior reporter Kevin Crowley outlines the obstacles holding up Chevron Corp.'s acquisition of Hess Corp. The Big Take explores how the world's largest nuclear plant sits idle while energy needs soar. Michael Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, saystheendofgreen-washingisin sight under a Biden administration plan.Togetthisnewsletterinyour inbox,signuphere.
Chevron Corp. cleared the first majorhurdletowardclosingits$53 billionacquisitionofHessCorp.— and securing a share in one of the world's most promising oil fields. The chief executive officers of the two companies may want to keep theircelebrationsincheck,though.
Tuesday's vote of approval by investors holding a majority of Hess shares was a much-needed win for Chevron's Mike Wirth and counterpart John Hess more than seven months after the takeover
Despite Hess and his family controllingabout10%ofthestock, the outcome wasn't guaranteed.
Severalmajorshareholderssaidthe voteshouldbedelayedbecauseofa dispute with Exxon Mobil Corp. over Hess' key asset — its 30% stake in Guyana's 11 billion-barrel oil field. John Hess found himself personallycallingleadinginvestors to rally support for the deal in the days before the meeting. At least three more obstacles await. First, the acquisition must be approved by the FederalTrade Commission, which is taking a more active interestincorporatemergersunder ChairLinaKhan.
Earlier this month, the agency wavedthroughExxon's$60billion purchase of Pioneer Natural Resources Co. — but only after issuing a remarkable consent decree that accused Pioneer founder Scott Sheffield of colluding with OPEC and barred him from a seat on the Texas oil giant's board. Sheffield denounced the claims Tuesday and is asking
John Hess and Mike Wirth during a Bloomberg Television interview in October. Photographer:
Second, Chevron must resolve its dispute with Exxon, which operates the Guyana asset and claimstohavearightoffirstrefusal overHess'stake.
Chevron is confident in its position, calling the matter
“straightforward” in a statement yesterday
But Guyana is as much a game changer for Exxon as it would be for Chevron, and the former has shown no signs of backing down.
CEO Darren Woods has warned thatthearbitrationcaseitfiledmay run into next year Third, Chevron will need to make sure Guyana's governmentiscomfortablewithits entry into a sector that dominates the country's economy For Wirth andHess,thelegacy-makingdealis moving closer But there's still a longroadahead.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
In Guyana, and we suspect for most of the former colonies of the various European empires that gained independence by the middle of the last century, the departure of the erstwhile masters has mostly meant their replacementbylocalsofadarkerhue.
The earlier euphoric talk of a new egalitarianism replacing the rigid hierarchical structures of colonial rule seemstohavepeteredoutundertheharshrealityofthenew occupants revelling even more ostentatiously in the perquisites of power They are the new “Big Ones”. Take, for instance, the aloofness practiced by the old governors thatwascultivatedtoencouragethesenseofmystiquethat proppeduptheirrule.Haveyoutriedrecentlytogetintouch withanyofyourrepresentatives–atwhateverlevels?Good luck. As soon as these individuals become ensconced in theirnewpositions–whetherbyelectionorbyselection–they become unreachable. It would appear that they disappear into a black hole, from which as we learnt in school, signals may enter but can never exit.They are lost forever–probablytoloiterforeverinanotherdimension.If you–theordinarycitizenthatis–trygettingthemontheir phones, their secretaries (God forbid that you thought the newBigOneswouldanswertheirownphones)insistthey arealways“unavailable”.
Theyareat“meetings”–withtheimplicationofbeing bogged down with making weighty national decisions or “out” – presumably working diligently to fix the broken nationalinfrastructure.Itisobviousthatthestandingorders are that no calls are ever to be put through – excepting, of course, if they are from another Bug One. And don’t try reaching them on the now ubiquitous cell phones that promisednonstopconnectivity–theblackholefactorkicks inandtheelectromagneticsignalneverescapes.Ifyouare fromtheoldschoolthatstillbelievesinwritingletters,don’t holdyourbreathtoevenexpectanacknowledgement.
In the old days, the long-suffering subjects in need of someofficialinterventiontoremovesomestateimpediment totheirlivelihood,mightlieinwaitforabureaucrattopass onhiswaytosomefunctionorotherandmakehispetition. Notanymore.
The new Big Ones move around in SUV’s so heavily tinted that gamma rays could not penetrate much less the sight of a poor peasant. Emphasising the inaccessibility of theBigOnesastheytraversetheland,policeoutriderswith sirenswailingensurethatallandsundrygetoutoftheway Asthecitizenspickthemselvesoffthegrassintowhichthey plunged to escape bodily dismemberment, they are supposedtobethankfulbecausetheirrepresentativeswere dashing furiously to prevent another catastrophe from smitingtheland.
Itwouldappear,however,thatatsomelevel,thereisan awareness of the discrepancybetweenthe rhetoricand the reality of communications between governors and governed in our fair land. And so we have the new institutionofthe“CabinetOutreach”beingcreated.Oncea year, for one week, the President gathers his Cabinet of twenty-odd Big Ones and makes a foray into the countryside to mix and mingle with the great unwashed masses. Of course, there was the precedence of Mr Burnhamwithhis“meetthepeopletours”ofthesixtiesand even before him the Governor would have granted “audiences”topetitionerswheneverhemadehisoccasional tour of the Queen’s domain. As usual, after this year’s Cabinet Outreach there have been cries of this or that community being ignored or bypassed.And just as usual, thereistheripostethatthereareonlysomanycommunities that can be touched in the allocated time. What seems to haveescapedmostiswhyinacountryoflessthan800,000–andonlyabouthalfofthembeingadults–ninetypercentof thempackedinanareaoflessthan200squaremilesalonga singlemainroad,oneneedsaspecialoutreachweekbythe bigonestomeettheirconstituents.Exactlywhatwerethey occupiedwithduringtherestoftheyear?
I read in your Saturday, May28anarticleinKaieteur News “Guyana is a much betterplaceafteracheckered past”.
I am of the opinion that this learned gentleman is saying Guyana is a better place since Independence Day,May26,1966.Iamnot a match academically for this gentleman, but I have been living in Guyana 60
years of my life. I could r e m e m b e r w h a t Georgetown, Guyana use to bebeforeIndependence. Georgetown was the Garden City short only of AdamandEve.
The outskirts of Georgetown full of rule of law and decency, pride and honesty were the order of thosedays.Mr Editor,Ihave been to 32 countries in the world, and I am confident
that Georgetown in terms of appearance, the way we use theroad,thewayweaddress our elders, the police and even the behaviour of teachers are worst. I agree that our Independence Day struggle started since 1949 when a young dentist was practicing the wrong ideology in the eyes of the power that existed at the time. When Independence did come, other persons got
the praises, but since then, Georgetown and its environment are worse off than May 26h, 1966. Mr Ally, the Bible says “man shallnotliveonbreadalone, but by thy sweat of thy brow”, it’s better to be beautiful with moral values and decency than having wealth and don’t have morals.
Regards FrankDeAbreu, On the occasion of G u y a n a ’ s 5 8 t h Independence Anniversary, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali is reported to have said that from 2020 to now (2024), the country’s life expectancyhasincreasedby two years overall to 70 in males, and 74 for females. And that government’s new target is to increase overall life expectancy to 72 years by 2025 and 75 years by 2030(demerarawaveshttps:/ /demerarawaves com/2024/ 05/26/guyanas-lifeexpectancy-increasing-
Undoubtedly, every Guyanese would be more thanhappytowelcomethese statistics of improved life expectancy, for it would demonstrate that the quality oflifeisonanupwardtrend. Additionally, this outcome would indicate that there is widespread access to all forms of health care; there would be the enhanced availability of nutritious food; and a reduction in malnutritionandthepoverty headcount, which measures the share of the population
that lives below US$5.50 a day(https://wwwkaieteurne wsonline com/2022/11/03/ world-bank-says-almost50-of-guyanese-living-ongyd1000-per-day/).
However, one would have to be skeptical of the life expectancy data as reportedbyPresidentAlifor the following reason. In a report published by the w o r l d m e t e r (https://www.worldometers. info/demographics/lifeexpectancy/#countriesr a n k e d - b y - l i f eexpectancy),it is confirmed that the average life
expectancy at birth in Guyana in 2023 was 69.80 years, with the average age for females being 73 33 years; and the average for malesbeing66.36years.
The published data also confirmed that Guyana was ranked at the lowest level among several CARICOM countriesforbothmalesand females.
From the data it is also observed that Guyana is rankedatposition142outof 201countries,andwaslisted below the averages for CARICOM and the World(Table1).
It is therefore contended that in order to boost the confidence and believability inwhatisbeingexpressedby President Ali, it would be useful if the data and methodology that was used to generate the average life expectancyageofthetypical Guyanese should be published. This is a job for the technical people and not thepoliticians.
M e a n w h i l e , a preliminary analysis of Guyanese life expectancy can be undertaken from an examination of the persons
who receive old age pension/NIS benefits. How many of these senior citizens, who have contributed so much to Guyana, are in or above the average age group, given that the median age of the typicalGuyaneseis26years (https://wwwworldometers i n f o / w o r l dpopulation/guyanapopulation/)?
It is also useful to note that healthy life experiences depend on the timely access to several goods and services, and access to
nutritiousfood,includingan adequate supply of fish and shrimp, which were the cheapestsourceofproteinin the Guyanese diet; but are now in short supply, and risingpricesduetoanumber offactors.Andinthisregard, thecost-of-livingexperience of the typical Guyanese, as publishedbyStabroekNews (SN:https://www.stabroekne ws com/2024/05/27/news/g uyana/how-the-cost-ofliving-is-affecting-people38/), is an opening for investigating the problems oftheaccesstohealthyfood;
andthepovertyheadcountof thenumberofpersonsliving below US$5.50 per day If Stabroek News were to complementtheirinterviews byaskingtheageandincome of the persons (only report averages, no names) that data would provide some valuable information, and enhance our understanding of the many concerns raised in this letter on life expectancy
Sincerely, Dr.C.KenrickHunte Professor and Former Ambassador
ThestoryoftheTortoise and the Hare is one of Aesop’s Fables known to many generations of children and serves to promotethetruismthatslow andsteadywinstherace.
I also recall the lyrics of the Pointer Sisters 1981 release “Slow Hand” which confessesthat“Iwantaman with a slow hand, I want a lover with an easy touch, I want somebody who will spend some time, not come andgoinaheatedrush”.
I use the above to demonstrate that political understanding is not complicated; it can even be found in a children’s story andanR&Bsinglefromthe 80’s and easily understood byeveryone.
Both illustrate that victory in a race, much less the most important race of your life, satisfaction in a relationship or success of any kind, generally requires slow and steady progress with a determined focus on theprize.
Aubrey Norton became Leader of the PNC/R at the end of 2021 with overwhelming support for a united, inclusive and determined programme to launch the coalition’s return to office within the shortest possibletime.
More than two years on thepartyhasregressedandis less united, inclusive and further away from returning to office than at any time in
itsproudhistory Ineffective and uninspiring leadership has led to a loss of support internally and externally which culminated in the PNC/R losing ground to the PPP/Cinallareasduringthe Local Government Elections less than a year ago The party retreated fromsomeareasanddidnot contest;whereitdidcontest, it either lost or won with diminishedsupport. The magnitude of its failure was such that the PPP/C’s support was almost double that of the PNC/R (61%/34%) in total votes and more than double (52/23) in Local Authority Areas.
These are not strategic withdrawals but selfinflicted wounds and unmitigateddisasters,which recognition has led to the display of authoritarian and cosmetic postures to shield himfromresponsibility
Every child knows that you do not win by going backwards. In almost any army, or organization, the
generalorCEOthatpresided over such unqualified failures would be removed.
To argue for his retention because of lengthy party affiliation,thathecandance or possess considerable social skills which can advance his well-earned popularity, but not the interestsorstrategicgoalsof the party, is to suggest a c o m p l e t e l a c k o f understanding of the raison d’etre of political parties, which is to compete successfully for political power
The undeniable truth is that Aubrey Norton is a beloved comrade, but as a leader he is out of his depth and a danger to the viability of his party, who seems to view leadership solely in terms of position, power relationships and personal goals.
H i s h u b r i s , Machiavellian and backward instincts, threaten tofurtherdiminishtheparty and the chances for a better futureforall.
M o r e o v e r , h i s
determinationtocontinuein office by manipulative and exclusionary means signals adefiantmovementtowards despotism, both within the partyandcountryasawhole, as a weak opposition will only embolden an already unrestrained and rapacious rulingparty
Abraham Lincoln admitted that “I’m a slow walker, but I never walk back”.
Roysdale Forde is sim
approaches his mission deliberately, consensually and firmly directed, ever goingupwardsandforward, never back, intent on upliftingusall.
He is the superior candidate, who Confucius says “is modest in his speech, but excels in his actions”andis,undoubtedly the intelligent and correct choice for Leader of the PNC/Ratthiscriticaltime.
OscarDolphinDEAREDITOR, I thank you for publishing my previous letter captioned “HE is confused on the banking sector” This letter is a followuponthissameissue and demonstrated how the Government through the GRAis holding an axe over theheadofthelocalbanking sector and by extension every Guyanese citizen. I have reviewed the annual reports of 3 banks (CBGL, GBTI and RBGL) and have notedthefollowing:
Page 67 of the bank’s annual report for 2023 indicates that “the GRAhas sought to raise additional corporate and property taxes…”. The sum claimed by the GRAover the period 2010to2021is$488M.
Pages 63 and 64 of the bank’s annual report for 2023 indicate that the bank, since 2018, has been continuously receiving “noticeofassessment”from the GRA after filing its annual tax returns. These notices of assessment from the GRA basically demand additional taxes from the banks, as at the end of 2023 the total additional sum d e m a n d e d w a s
Page 107 of the bank’s annual report for 2023 indicated that “…. the GRA r a i s e d a d d i t i o n a l assessmentsfortheyears 2010-2021)”.
The additional sum demanded by GRA was not clearly stated in the annual report,however,page130of theannualreportindicatesa deferred tax amount of $684M and other liabilities of $3 8B Thus, the additional sum claimed by GRA can be a combination oforasubsetofdeferredtax andotherliabilities.
Collectively the GRA is claimingapproximately$2B more from these 3 banks, whileothercompaniesinthe OilandGassectorspaylittle tonotax.
This matter has been prolonged for several years and has engaged the High Court with no near end in sight.
What has HE done to ensurethatthisdarkcloudis removed from over the headsofthesebankssothey can have a more positive outlook and invest more, as he desires, into Guyana’s economyanddevelopment?
Formanyyearstherehas (Continuedonpage16)
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) faction of the political Opposition is calling for the plans ofAmerican oil giant, ExxonMobil to push oil production in the Stabroek Block beyond the safe operating limits to be thoroughly vetted by
independent international consultants rather than the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
Inarecentinterviewwith this newspaper, Oil and Gas spokesman for the Opposition, Elson Low said the group was concerned about the EPA’s capacity to
assess the safety of the modification works being conducted by the oil company to boost production on the Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels. All three FPSOs currently producingoilintheStabroek Block are operating beyond
On the evening news they showed the Finance Minister speaking of Guyana being the envy of the world, then shortly afterwards they showed a video of the GDF marching out of sync. If the situation wasn’t serious we all would be laughing. Guyana is on the brink of war and the troops are still struggling to gettheiracttogether Ifthey arenotuptoitthenweneed to quickly allow the U.S. to build a base on our border oppositeAnkokoIsland.The Venezuelans are not playing a game with us to acquire votes for Maduro. They are quite serious about their intentions. Guyana needs to take this situation seriously and properly prepare our troops and strengthen the presence of our allies along the border before an invasionoccurs. Humility will serve us better than speeches filled with over confidence as we navigatethisverydangerous situation. Members of the Cabinetseemtobelivingin analternatereality Focus on the reality of the national security situation and the very real threat of climate change. Wasting money on unsustainableinitiativesthat they think give “envy” is quite childish and irresponsible. It’s time to stop taking unnecessary risks and stop the overspending Keep the
envy under lock and key. Focusonwhatreallymatters before it is too late. Renegotiate the oil contract and ensure that we are producing oil within safe limits, while also carrying sufficient insurance coverage.
The fact that the governmentdoesn’tknowif s u r p a s s i n g t h e recommended production levels will breach the insurance policy is very telling of the high level of reckless behavior that is beginning to permeate the cabinet’s decision making. It’stimetoslowitdownand getgroundedinournation’s realitybeforeit’stoolate.
JamilChangleethe safety limits outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the respectiveprojects.Exxonis also planning a second debottlenecking activity to further ramp up production at the LizaTwo project later thisyear
To this end, Low told Kaieteur News, “We are especially concerned as to the EPA’s capacity to assess the safety of these modifications to the FPSOs and believe that an international consultant shouldbecalledintoreview eachproject.”
He said there is no evidence that the EPA has staffed itself with the requisite expertise to assess such technical plans. Low pointed out that when the previous Head of the EPA, Dr Vincent Adams was dismissed from the agency, othertechnicalofficerswere also sent packing shortly after. Moreover, Low explained, “One of the specific reasons that we question the capacity, you would of course know some oftheconcernswithregards to the waivers of EIAs, but alsoJusticeSandilKissoon’s decision regarding the unlimited parent company guarantee.” He continued,
“Oneofthethingshesaidis that the EPA had failed to takeanyefforttoevenassess whether or not what was purported to be insurance was in fact insurance. That has created great skepticism in us regarding whether or not the EPA has actually beencheckingwhetherthese modifications to the FPSOs are indeed safe and appropriate.”
By failing to conduct robustreviewsofsuchplans, he said Guyana is allowing an increased risk of a spill.
“Ifwehavenotbeenableto assess these modifications we are looking at an increased risk of an oil spill acrossmultipleFPSOs.Now the risk will spread across the entire field and will
continueifadditionalFPSOs are similarly modified without the EPA having robust monitoring and assessments.”
To this end, he said the government should strongly consider utilizing the skills of an independent international firm with the expertise to conduct the assessmentstoensuresafety Low was keen to note, “It’s not just one FPSO, its multipleFPSOsthattheyare modifying and really, one w o u l d b e b a d enough without an unlimited parent company guarantee, we will continue tobeanxiousabouttherisks t o o u r e c o n o m y, environment, people and neighborsfromanoilspill.”
, Pleaseallowmespacein yourpaperstopaytributeto one of Guyana’s most dedicatedandpatrioticsons, former minister of government, member of parliament, ambassador, national awardee, and general secretary of the Peoples National Congress Reform,OscarClarkeCCH, whoisfondlycalledGSasif this acronym was his first name. Cde. Clarke’s sudden passing was more than a shocker to me. However, as thenewssettledin,Ibeganto reflect on my many interactions with him. The last time I saw GS was last June when we were both participating in a picket/ protest activity in front of GECOM.
Wechattedbrieflyaswe walked the picket line, and he quickly noted that he knewIwouldbethereonceI wasinthecountry;Ilaughed and remarked at how well I thoughthelooked.Icameto knowMr ClarkewhileIwas a member of the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM), the youth arm of the PNCR. However,mycloseworking relationshipwithhimstarted when I was elected as the organization’s National Secretary in 2000. It was customary then for the National Secretary of the party’s youth arm to work closely with its general secretary I welcomed the opportunity to work with andlearnfromGS,anexpert on PNCR and an ardent follower of the party’s constitution. Through our many interactions, I became familiar with many aspects of the party’s constitution, on which he was an expert. He would not advise you on anymajorpartyundertaking without referencing the constitutional provision supporting his position, and it appeared that he always had a constitution in his possession.
andcommittedtotheoffice’s work He was always available to take your calls and respond to your questions. GS was always willing to assist the GYSM and was instrumental in helping us with logistical support for many events, including leadership conferencesandeducational retreats.
For these events, he ensured all logistical arrangements were in place and that the activities were wellexecuted.Healsomade presentations on leadership and the party’s history at some of these events. He wanted us, the young comrades, to know and understand the party’s historyandlegacy,whichhe retold as stories to many of us.
and the PNC government. He represented a symbol of the party’s institutional memory Irecalledthatwhen I was elected as chairperson oftheGYSM,GSwasoneof the people I turned to for guidance as I wanted to know what his YSM experience was like and whatsuggestionshehadthat could help the new executive.
share good jokes, but he often laughed before he couldfinishtellingthejoke.
somedidn’tneedchange.To this, he smiled and thanked us.
OscarClarketookhisjob as general secretary very seriously and was dedicated
OscarClarkewasagood storyteller He was always keen to provide the story behind a particular PNCR policy position taken during the PNC Burnham government He was a humanarchiveofthePNCR
Hewashappytoengage me in that conversation and delighted I asked. We spent hours discussing his early involvement in the party’s youth arm, and he enjoyed talkingaboutthatexperience while often interjecting, “You know you are the first female to hold that office,” as he raised his finger and pointed at me He was interjecting this line to demonstratethathebelieved itwassignificantandworthy of celebrating. Those who knewMr Clarkewellwould know that any conversation youhadwithhimwouldnot be complete without some funnyanecdote.GSlovedto
In 2006, while we were preparing for national and regionalelections,Itoldhim that I was taking a team to Region Six to sell the New Nations papers and campaign and that I would have been happy if he could arrange for me to get the papers for me to sell. GS lookedatmeandaskedhow manypapersIneeded;Itold himeverythinghecouldget. Thenextday,thepapersand transportation were organized, and we went to New Amsterdam and the Corentyne, where we sold those papers When I returned the next day to delivertheproceedsfromthe sales,heaskedhowwecould makethatkindofprofitand, in jest, asked if we sold the papers on the “black market.” He barely got the comment out before he was consumed with laughter I responded that we did not but that some folks left monetary donations while
O s c a r C l a r k e ’s contribution to Guyana and thePNCRisinvaluable.His service to the country, both overseas as an ambassador and in the country as an administrator of a public institution,cannotbedenied. This was a man who loved his country and party and worked to make both better He has certainly made his impact. He was a selfless, committed, and dedicated comrade and general secretary He was an advocate for his country I amhonoredtohavemethim and grateful for the invaluable conversations. I learnedalotfromhim.GS’s passing will undoubtedly leaveavoidinthePNCR,the pool of Guyanese patriots andintheparty
Sincere condolences to his family, friends, and the PNCR family May his soul restinperfectpeace.
Sincerely LurleneNestor
Today is another press conference day for Bharrat Jagdeo.
What does he have to offer?
What will be different about his oil management?
What will be better for the Guyanese people?
What self-improvement has he worked on, will deliver?
Will he be the same spitting, spiteful leader?
Will he be twisted by hate, poisoned by his own venom?
We are waiting, the world is watching. What will it be Jagdeo?
Good, bad, or ugly, come out Jagdeo.
We are ready, have a job to do Jagdeo rants or not, it must be done. Move along, bud.
Electionsfraudcasetrial opensonJuly29
The trial into the 2020 elections fraud case is scheduled to open on July 29-somethreeyearsafterthe matter was brought before theMagistrates'Court.
Thetrialfortheelectoral fraudcasewillbeconducted by Senior Magistrate, Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates'Court.
Multiple criminal charges were brought against several former officials of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), as well as two People's National Congress/Reform (PNCR)
members in relation to the alleged attempt to rig the March 2020 General and
Regional Elections and the eventsthatfollowed.
Those charged are:
former GECOM Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO), Roxanne Myers, former D
) ReturningOfficerClairmont Mingo, PNC/R members, Volda Lawrence, and Carol Smith-Joseph and other GECOM e
s, Sheffern February, Enrique Livan, Denise BobbCummings and Michelle Miller
On Wednesday, during court proceedings, Daly announcedtothecourtdates and timing for the trial. The state's legal team is led by DarshanRamdhani,KC,and comprises of Attorneys-atLaw Glen Hanoman, ArudranauthGossai,Ganesh Hira, Mark Conway and George Thomas; while Attorneys-at-Law Nigel Hughes, Ronald Daniels, Eusi Anderson, and Konyo Sandiford are representing thedefendants.
(Reuters)- Chevron shareholdersonWednesday voted to re-elect all 12 sittingdirectorstoitsboard, in a sign of support for the oilmajor
CEOMichaelWirthsaid the company was moving ahead on the U.S. Federal TradeCommission'sreview ofitsproposedbuyoutofoil producer Hess Corp in the coming weeks, and was confident that Chevron's position would be affirmed inthearbitration
The $53 billion deal requires U S regulatory approval and faces a challenge by Exxon Mobil and CNOOC, which claim they have pre-emption rights to any sale of Hess' Guyanaassets.
SharesofChevronwere down 1.4% in afternoon trade,followingadeclinein the broader stock market. Shareholders rejected all four proposals brought forward by investors, with 98% voting against reporting about the risks from voluntary carbon-
reductioncommitmentsand 92%votingagainstareport on how the business would be affected by consumers sharply cutting their use of single-use and virgin plastics.
A proposal to hire an outside group to evaluate Chevron's human rights policies fell with 78% opposed, the lowest rejection of any of the resolutions.
A b o u t 8 5 % o f shareholders voted against hunger group Oxfam America's petition for the company to issue a tax transparency report that follows the Global Reporting Initiative's Tax Standard guidelines Chevron's board had recommendeda"novote"to alltheproposals.
Wirth also pointed out that the company has completed several acquisitionsinrecentyears, including deals for U.S. oil and gas producer PDC Energyandrenewablefuels makerACESDeltain2023.
President Bharrat Jagdeohas recently spoken on the issue of trade between Guyana and Trinidad, following a decision of the latter to
restrict entry for a
consignment of milk products exported from Guyana.Commentingonthe dispute,Jagdeosaid,“Allwe want is for our goods to be treated fairly in their market as their goods are being treatedhere.”
It would have been advisable if he had left the issuethere.But,asistypical ofhim,hehadtoputhisfoot
in his mouth, by saying that while he did not wish for a tit-for-tatthatGuyanawould insist in reciprocity going forward. He insisted that, “The way our [Guyana’s] goods and our exports are treated across the Region –but in this particular case in Trinidad and Tobago – the same way their goods entering the Guyanese market will be treated [There will be] full reciprocity on all of the issues, because if they can insistonaphytosanitarytest that we don’t implement on their goods, but that they want to conduct on our
goods before they enter into their market, then we will have to deal in the same manner as they’re doing.” It is hard to see the difference between reciprocity and titfor-tat.
Jagdeo, of course, is the least person who should be speaking about fairness in trade practices. During the PPPC administrations, in which he served at high levels, some of the most egregious violations of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas took place, undermining his and his government’s moral authority to speak on this
12, 2021 and ending March 20, 2021 Furthermore, Exxon was caught by auditors spending Guyana’s oil profits to pay for the monitoring of newspapers and media between the period2018and2020.
A review of the company’s expenses during the period found that a total of US$2,465,061 62 was claimed by Exxon for its Public Affairs Program
Thesecosts,accordingtothe auditors are not related to petroleum operations and should therefore not be billed to the country’s oil. According to the audit report, Exxon used the sum stated above on media messaging; stakeholder
r e l a t i o n s , i s s u e s
management; recording, editing, and voice talent for public service messages on Guyana’s Sovereign Wealth Fund;hostingvisitforShell Beach Outreach Program including catering and boat and ground transportation; Liza Destiny Arrival Commemoratory Event; branded drawstring sports packs and bottles; media monitoring services and newspapers as well as brochuresforExxon. The misuse of Guyana’s oil profits flagged in the second audit report byVHE Consulting, should have already been finalised between the Government of Guyana and the operator of the Stabroek Block, ExxonMobilover 230 days ago.
This is according to the provisions of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement that governs the unusually large oil block, measuring 26,800 squarekilometers.Itmustbe noted that the PSAmakes it clear at Section 1.5 (b) that:
“…If within sixty (60) days of the Minister’s further investigation,thePartiesare unable to agree to the dispositionoftheMinister’s audit claim, the claim shall be submitted to the sole expert in accordance with Article 26 of the Agreement.” Article 26 of the contract sets out the conditions as it relates to arbitration.
ThismeansthatthePSA has allocated 180 days to complete the review of the auditreport.
e m b o y s s e h democracyaliveandkickin’ in Guyana. But only if yuh likeyuhricecookoneway
Amanoncetryfuhform he own political party in Georgetown.Demanbrave, pick a public building and all. But when he reach de venue, only one person show up – and that was a reporter Man, de reporter was probably more confuse than de man who launch de party! Fast forward to January,andwegotanother hopeful. This man, he been withdePeePeePeeandthen jump ship to de Hay F Cee. He decide to form he own party too. Give it a fancy name and everything. But instead of a public launch, hetektoFacebook.
De man seh, “Indicate yuh interest.” But guess wah? He do worse than de first man. Nobody, and we
mean nobody, show any interest. Talk about a hard crowd! Now, if we follow thislineofprogression,dem boyssehdenextpersonwho announce he forming a political party might not even support he own self. Picture it: “Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby announcedeformationofde No-ShowParty!Asfounder, I’msorry,butIcan’tendorse myself.”
Islikedetwobigparties, dePeePeePeeanddePeeN Ceetekupalldeoxygeninde politicalroom Anybodyelse try fuh breathe, dem just suffocate De political space so tight, even sardine would complain!Yuhsee,intheory, Guyana is a democracy
Pluralism supposed to mean
yuh can form a party and have a fair chance But in reality,demtwomainparties dominate de scene like de
issue One of the most notableinfractionsunderthe PPPC was the imposition of an environmental tax on all imported non-returnable beverage containers. This tax, was instituted shortly beforeJagdeowasappointed as the Senior Minister of Finance but while he was a Junior Minister in the country’s Ministry of Finance. The tax, applied selectively to imports and not to locally produced goods,blatantlycontravened CARICOM trade rules, w h i c h p r o h i b i
discriminatory measures that favour domestic p
CARICOMmemberstates. The discriminatory nature of this tax was eventually challenged by a Surinamese company at the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). The CCJ ruled that Guyana had breached Article 87(1) of the RTC by imposing an environmental tax on imported nonreturnable beverage containerswhichqualifyfor Community treatment Jagdeo is now contending that the amount levied was never a tax but a processing feethatwasrefundableonce the containers were exported The relevant legislation however explicitly describes the measure was a tax. The measure was announced in the National Assembly in 1995 as an environmental tax that would take effect from 1st March of that year. In 2010, Jagdeo’s Minister of Finance described the measure as a tax when he stated, “The Environmental tax is one source of revenue for the budget… This tax
goes into the Consolidated Fund.”(KaieteurNews20th April,2010.”Butregardless ofwhetheritwasatax,alevy oraprocessingfee,itwasin violation of regional trade rules.
Anotherglaringexample of Jagdeo’s administration flouting regional trade rules involvesthecaseofTrinidad Cement Limited (TCL). In this instance, Guyana unilaterally waived the Common External Tariff (CET) on extra-regional cementwithouttherequisite approval from the CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) This unilateral action prompted TCL to seek redressfromtheCCJ,which ruled in favour of TCL, declaring that Guyana had indeed violated its treaty obligations.
By waiving the CET w i t h o u t p r o p e r authorisation, the PPPC administration breached the treaty Despite the CCJ’s ruling,Guyanafailedtotake corrective actions. As such, an application was made to holdGuyanaincontempt.In 2010, in a decision on the application to hold Guyana in contempt, the CCJ Court found ample evidence that Guyana did not comply promptly with its Order to reinstate the CET and that Guyana’s application for an extension of time for compliance was an admission that it had not complied.Assuch,theCourt made a declaration that Guyana was in breach of Article 215 of the RTC, whichmandatescompliance withordersoftheCourt.
These incidents underscore a pattern of
behaviour under the PPPC that was inconsistent with the principles of fair trade. This history of treaty violations raises serious questions about whether the PPPC or Jagdeo has the moral authority to now champion the cause of fair trade.TheRevisedTreatyof Chaguaramasismorethana legaldocument;itrepresents a c o m m i t m e n t b y CARICOM member states to work together towards economic integration and mutual benefit. When one member state disregards these commitments, it undermines the foundation of the entire regional integrationproject.
Jagdeo’scurrentrhetoric on fair trade, therefore, appears disingenuous given his government’s past actions. It is difficult to reconcile his current advocacy with his administration’s record of treaty violations and protectionist measures Jagdeo should be careful with his rhetoric about reciprocity This columnist has argued that the Local ContentActisinviolationof the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC) and Guyana is fortunate that the Trinidadians have not yet challengeditattheCCJ.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
only two mango trees in a yardfullofplantainsuckers If yuh not with dem, yuh betterdon’tbodda So,while we laugh at de man who launch he party to an empty room and de other who get blank on Facebook, de real joke is on us We talk big about democracy and choices, but de truth is, forminganewpoliticalparty in Guyana is like selling ice to Eskimos – it nah mek sense De system rigged for de big players, and anybody else trying to join de game end up like a lonesome cowboyinaghosttown
Demboysseh,nexttime yuhhearsomebodyforming anewparty,justremember: democracy in Guyana is a partywhereonlytwoguests get invite and de rest of we watching from outside de window Talkhalf.Leffhalf
It was the legendary Bob Marley who pleaded to colored people all over the world “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery….” It waswithgoodreasonthathe called himself and his choir, theWailers,somethingshave
struck a deep chord
Redemption Song is one of thoseclassicsthatinspirethe mind,thattouchestothecore andbringsashiver
On each occasion that I ponder that cry into my soul that should sweep through Guyana, there is some more hearing of the profoundness that graces those five words now etchedintoimmortality
On this day of national Independence, I find myself thinking of their reach, the placeswheretheyshouldgo, but from where there is so much local retreating. On this Guyanese day, whither thesacredlibertyofthetruly emancipated!
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery….” I nod to the grip of racial slavery. I stare at the passions stoked by political
slavery There is disgust at the slavery wrought by cult leaders and the blind bondagethatissofataltofree thinking, so devastating to ourprospects. IftheProphet Mohamed had such fervent neighbors and followers, he would not have had to partake of the hegira in 622 fromMeccatoMedina. Nor would the Galilean have had occasion to 'go out of their midst' to fulfill his own defined time I recall Jonestown, and that distant enclave is now reborn and occupies spaces throughout Guyana. The twisted and demented reverend from California has a handful of reincarnations in places he could only have dreamed of, but there they are, the Guyanese versions of an Americandestroyer
The call of a different Robert Oppenheimer The call of a commander of the cult. Followers willingly drink the blood of others; all theleaderhastodoistopoint a finger. If they believe that they could get away with it,
leaders will dash babies to pieceswithcheerfulzeal,and not think twice about such horrors. Tokeeptheirhands clean, leaders recruit followers to do their dirty deeds This is where independence from old mastershasbeenreplacedby their offspring in the New World. Itmightbenew,and there is no arguing that fact here, but the practices are as old as harlotry, and twice as unsavory, the essence of extraordinaryrapine. Onthis Independence Day (really yesterday), this is where Guyanese are, the quality of the emancipation of their minds.
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery ”
Mental slavery fuels racial slavery,whatisprizedforthe psychic energies that it unleashes. Allthispotential, and there is willingness by Guyanesetoremainyokedto what has hobbled and poisoned. Thecousinsofthe old lecherous, covetous, treacherous masters now study the territory and lace
their own racial poisons into theenvironment. Somehave received an abundance of riches;thebulkofthepeople are told that their turn will come, only they don't know when. Thatis,ifever With Jim Jones for leaders, the promiseisalwaysofheaven, then there is also that long, hardcrash. ManyinGuyana are still yearning for tomorrow when the maximumblessingsfromthe local patrimony will flow like never before. Racial slavery continues to rope Guyanese to a narrow rainbow that consists of two colors. One is brown, the other is black. Meanwhile, the people who are of a brighter, lighter complexion havetheirownfavoritecolor that is treasured above all other things. It is green, and though not grass, it is even moreabundantforthem. How stupid can a people be? Icutthroughtheniceties of correctness and slap my people repeatedly across the face,ifonlytobringthemto theirsenses,togetsometiny
spark out of them.
I say it again: how stupidcanmysisters and brothers be in this land of ours, now converted into a playground and fairyland for others? Man! They must hate me with passion, mark me. I couldgiveadamn. Thenew enslavers who come from afar are too civilized, too cute, for their own good to dip their hands into the swamp that is the Guyana of this era. They get my local brotherstojumptotheringof their bell. This is more than mental slavery This is national slavery, and universal slavery, all in one place.
craven groveling from the heights,thismongrelizingof t h e m a n h o o d a n d womanhood of Guyanese. My word! What must these people think of locals? No backbone. Only one bone after another to pick with another, or to stick to the other
“Emancipate yourself /from mental slavery….” is thecallandcrythatgoesout on this post-Independence Day To free oneself from mentalslaveryistostepaway from the pull of political slavery. Who the hell cares about ideology? Just show the people the money that belongs to them, that should be theirs first, and in the fairest share. A man from foreign shores claims to be the best benefactor ever, a local one the best friend, of all Guyanese The fire shouldflarefromthenostrils, and when the air clears, they shouldseethingsourway,or thereisonlyonewayleftasa choice. It is that highway over there. Enough of this
Emancipate from mental slavery…”theslaveryofthe fair skinned. “None but ourselves can free ourselves can free our minds.” Onthis day that is supposed to represent national liberty, I reach to all by brothers and sistersofGuyana:“Won'tyou help to sing, these songs of freedom?” Then get up and get going from the place to which all have been so slavishly stuck for centuries, renewed now for a decade. On this Independence Day, theresolveofGuyanesemust be:freemeninafreecountry Freedom from America's newest peculiar institution, this odious Exxon contract. This is not a contractual issue;itisamoralone.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaperanditsaffiliates.)
Electrician employed at J.J's Electrical Contracting Services, suffered burns in the region of his face and both hands, after the electrical panel he was conducting voltage tests on caught fire at the National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD) on Fridaylast.
Theinjuredmanhasbeen identifiedasNeilMcGarrel.
According to a report issued by the Ministry of Labour, an investigation has been launched and is currently being undertaken by the Ministry of Labour's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department. Nevertheless, it is reported that on Friday last at the National Stadium, whilst McGarrel was conducting voltage test on an electrical panel, an electrical short
circuit occurred, resulting in a fault that escalated to flames,causingburnstoboth hands and a section of the faceofMcGarrel. Following that he was escorted to the Burns Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where heisreceivingtreatment.
Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton expressed concerns about the occurrence of workplace injuries and accidents. “He holds the view that when a workerleaveshomeandgoes to work there is an expectation by the family that he or she will return safely at the end of the work dayorworkperiodandevery effort should be made to ensure that workers are protected on the job,” Hamilton is quoted in a releaseassaying.
President Irfaan Ali on Tuesday administered the Oath of Office to the remaining members of the Constitution Reform Commission and the Law ReformCommissionduringa ceremonyathisOffice.
The newly sworn-in members of the Constitution Reform Commission are tripartite (A New and United Guyana, the Liberty and Justice Party, and the New Movement) representative Mr Timothy Jonas;
representative of the Guyana Bar Association, Mr Kamal Ramkarranandrepresentative oftheChristianorganisations, Mr KeomaGriffith.
The other 18 members of the 21-member commission, including the chair, Justice (retired)CarlSingh,tooktheir oathofofficeonApril3,2024.
In addition, Dr Marie Correia and Mr Everton Singh-Lammy are the newest members of the Law Reform Commission, led byAttorney atLawEmilyDodson.
An autopsy conducted on the remains of a Berbice man found dead in a house on Sundayrevealedthathedrank himself to death. The post mortem revealed that he was killed by acute alcohol poisoning.
Thedeadman,Doodnauth Singh, was found on Sunday Morning at N0. 70 Village, Corentyne Berbice, Region Six.Police said he was, a labourer of No. 68 Village, C o r e n t y n e I n i t i a l investigations revealed that Singh started living with a friend at N0. 70 Village two weeks ago The friend recalled that on Saturday morning, Singh was lying on his bed and they chatted brieflywitheachotherbefore he, (the friend), left for his work.
Singh's good friend reportedly returned around 14:00hrs with a bottle of rum and noticed that Singh was still lying on the bed. He did notdisturbSinghbutwentout into his yard and imbibed by himself before heading to a
The man reportedly said he returned home around 20:00 hrs and retired to bed.
The following morning, the friend said he found Singh lying motionless in the same positionhelefthimandafoul scentwasemanatingfromthe room The man said he observedwhatappearedtobe bloodonthefloor
The man said he immediately alerted the neighbourhood and the Police.
The University of the West Indies (UWI) Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) has benefitted from a substantial grant aimed at bolstering the department's scientific endeavours and graduatelevel education in natural resource and environmental management.
This includes student support, funds for research and the purchase of a new drone funded through the RobertLJones,HarrisPaints EnvironmentalGrant.
The company said in a press statement that the annual grant was created to mark Harris Paints' 50th Anniversary, which was celebrated in November 2022,andlookedbackonan outstanding history of promoting the more sustainable benefits of quality paints and emulsion technology
It was named in honour
ofthethenChairmanRobert L J o n e s , a n a v i d environmentalist, who in t u r n m a t c h e d t h e contribution to provide a totalawardofBBD$40,000.
Director of CERMES, Dr DavidYawsonexplained thatoneofthegreatbenefits ofthisgrantistheflexibility with which it is structured allowing support to be directed where there is greatestneed.
“This is the first year to receive this grant and we werenotonlyabletoprovide scholarships to three students,KerstinCorbinand Dina Hinds, both with specialties in Tropical Coastal and Marine Resource Management and Shernise Mayers-Springer whoispursuinganinterestin Climate Change, but importantly, it has allowed us also to put funds towards realizing students' research projectswhichisaveryvital part of the programme” the Directorsaid.
Another addition to the department will be the purchase of a Mavic 3 (M) droneequippedwithamultispectral camera that can produceanimagebasedona range of light beyond our visiblesight.
This tool has many applicationsandcanprovide valuable insights, for example, to help farmers optimize crop health and water productivity; coastal zonemanagerstounderstand changes in coastal vegetationandwetlands,and planners to produce detailed mapsoflanduseandcoverto informlandmanagement.
“We have a deep respect for the important regional workdoneatCERMESwith the highest degree of professionalism” noted Harris Paints' Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Luke Ticknor He continued, “So we are exceptionally happy to be able to lend some support to the programme and to assist
Caribbean young people who will be tasked with solving the challenges our planetwillfacetomorrow”. Moreover, for the coming year 2024-5 the RobertLJones,HarrisPaints EnvironmentalGrantisopen to applicants in the MSc Programme in Natural R e s o u r c e s a n d EnvironmentalManagement
(NAREM) and the MPhil/ PhDprogrammestostudents who are nationals from Anguilla, A
gua & Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, C
Montserrat, St Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Maarten, St. Vincent & the GrenadinesandSuriname.
A Sales Representative assisting a customer at the PCC booth.
MACORP unveils its latest customer service enhancement with the launch of the MACORP Parts,Cat.Com(PCC)booth.
This initiative, part of the 'MORE in 2024' campaign, underscoresMACORP'ssteadfastdedicationtoimproving the online shopping experience for its customers, the company said in a release on Wednesday Located at MACORP's Providence head office, the PCC booth operates from 8am to 4:30pm, providing registration and extensive support for customers accessing its online parts store:https://parts.cat.com/en/catcorp.
FelixRojas,PartsManager,emphasized,“Wevalueour customers and aim to deliver convenience and efficiency using technologythrough our onlineshop, where they can buy parts online 24/7 from anywhere and also enjoy great savings.”Thecompanyhasalistingofvariouspartsonitsecommerce site and encourages customers to initiate requestsforreplacementpartsusingthedigitalplatformto receivediscountedpricesandattheirconvenience.
The company is hopeful that more customers will embrace and adopt the digital shopping experience as it continuestomaketheportalmoreconvenient. MACORP prides itself as Guyana's premier heavy equipment companyandthesoleauthorizedCaterpillardistributor
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) late Tuesday Evening said that executive member of the Working People's Alliance (WPA) Kidackie Amsterdam was arrested by police for encouraging or inciting person(s) to commit murder against the Head of State, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali and other Govt Officials.
He was reportedly arrested at his recording studio at Annandale, East CoastDemerara(ECD).
In the statement the police said that he was arrested in relation to three cybercrime offences which include; “Using a computer system to transmit words spoken by a video that encourages or incites any persontocommittheoffence of Murder against the President and members of
the Government, using a computer system to disseminate information knowing same to be false.
Some of the offences, police said, was committed against abusinessmanandothers.
Policeaddedthatiffound guilty, Amsterdam can face u p t o f i v e y e a r s imprisonment and pay millionsofdollarsinfine.
Investigators said that they are treating the matter seriously
Withregardtomurderof the head of state and other government officials, a tape seen by this media house revealed that it was a caller on Amsterdam's morning show,whoincitedthemurder oftheheadofstateandother governmentofficials.
Nevertheless, it was noted that Amsterdam made noattemptstostopthecaller
An 18-month-old baby boy died on Wednesday after the car his father was drivingcrashedintoatruck around 13:45 hrs along the the Brittania Public Road WestCoastBerbice.
WPAexecutivemember, Kidackie Amsterdam
Meanwhile, the WPA condemned the arrest of Amsterdam by saying that the criminal charges now beingleviedagainsthimcan onlybeseenasanattemptto influence the civil matter brought against him or “to f u r t h e r p e
c u t e Amsterdam. “WPA views this development as another brazen utilisation of the policebythepoliticalbosses to harass and intimidate political opponents,” the WPAstated.
The Amerindian village of Nappi in Region Nine is set to get a secondary school buildingforthefirsttime,whichwillbebuilt foranestimatedcostof$215million. Theprojectwhichisbeingundertakenby the Ministry of Education was opened on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office and a total of 18 contractors have bid fortheworks.
Thesecontractorsare:SurajpaulBalkaran & Sons Construction - $206,400,000; S. Alves Investment - $213,428,360; Osbert & So
$213,860,930; Deodat H. Construction & Transportation - $213,802,200; R. Kissoon contracting service $293,520,400; Titanium Engineering & Construction Company Inc.$219,971,650; Ceraturium - $214,030,500; Leo's Aggregates & Construction Services$212,294,870; Panko Steel Fabrication & Construction - $325,000,000; Reaz Akbar
$300,446,810; Sheriff Construction Inc.$195,165,520;RameshBarkerConstruction$213,477,500; 3D Construction$208,083,580; J's Stone Construction$207,672,980; QA Civil Works$201,757,988; NK Engineering Services$184,106,750; Romain D. Construction - $ 214,331,040, and Quality Concrete Products &Construction-$207,052,075.
Kaieteur News understands that there is no secondary building for secondary school agedstudentsthere.
They usually attend the Nappi primary toptoreceivetheirsecondaryeducation.The new school when completed is set to benefit some 300 students and surrounding villages suchasHaiawaandParishara.
It was reported by the Department of PublicInformation(DPI)thatduringavisitto Region Nine last month, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand had disclosed that in pursuit to achieve universal access to secondaryeducationby2025;foursecondary schools will be constructed in the villages of Tabatinga,Nappi,Massara,andMariwaunau.
It was also reported that the construction of the secondary schools will ease the overcrowdingatStIgnatius,whileclosingthe primary tops in the other communities to providestudentswiththeopportunitytohave better access to learning. This year, the Ministry of Education was allocated some $74.4Billion,aportionofwhichwillbeused fortheconstruction,rehabilitation,extension
Thebabywasidentified as 18-Month-old Karson Mayers of Belmont East CoastDemerara(ECD).He wasapassengeralongwith Monique Richmond in a car being driven by KishawnMayers,30.
Accordingtopolicethe senior Mayers allegedly crashedthecarintoatruck owned by John Fernandes Limited. The truck was reportedly travelling east while the car was heading i
P o l i c alleged that the senior M a y e r s w
ing an
controlwhile negotiating right turn He reportedly ended up in the truck's path and could not avoidthecollision.
Alloccupantsofthecar weretakento
n Hospital, where KarsonMayerswas pronounced dead on arrival, while Monique Richmondwasadmittedasa patient for observation
Breathalyzer tests were conducted on senior Mayers and the truck driver and it revealed both had alcoholintheirsystembutit was way below the prescribedlimit. Investigati
facilities.This newspaper reported that the Ministry of Education has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation's children have access to secondary education.
Contractors submitted bids to build a shed for fish vendorsattheMeadowBank Wharfrangingfrom$52Mto $81M. President Irfaan Ali during an outreach at the wharf earlier this year had announced the construction oftheshed.
At a recent opening of bids for the project at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)officeitwas revealed that six contractors haveappliedforthecontract and they are: Colin Talbot Contracting Service$52,579,640; Keystone Industries - $59,639,900; A
General Contracting Service Inc. - $59,802,300; KGM Construction&SupplyInc.$81,003,400; and Epcot E n t e
$76,003,400. This project would be executed through the Ministry ofAgriculture. The ministry had previously issued a tender to undertake majorrehabilitationworksat thewharf,workswhichwere
$96,372,850 During the outreachtothewharfbackin March. President was joined by Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha where they listened to concerns raisedbythefishvendors. It was reported by the Department of Public Information(DPI)thatoneof the major concerns raised was the need for running water in the area and repairs to the wharf They also requested additional street lights for the area. After
listening to their concerns, PresidentAlisaidthatallthe issues raised would be addressed and noted that the road leading to the wharf would be rehabilitated and a numberofstandpipeswillbe s
a Additionally, a shed will be constructed in the area to properly accommodate them This publication reported previously that a similarvisitbythePresident backin2022sawtheGuyana P
(GPF) establishing a permanent presence at the location to ensure the safety of those plying their trade and the safetyofcustomers. T
intervention also saw the installation of proper washroom facilities and lightingforthefisherfolks.
President Irfaan Ali during his visit to the wharf back in March.
The 27 year old vendor, Shamar Browne
A 27-year-old vendor of Parfaite Harmonie, WCD, was apprehended and charged with the offense of 'Possession of Narcoticsforthepurposeoftrafficking.'
Shamar Browne appeared on Tuesday at the Diamond Magistrate's Court before Her WorshipJudyLatchmanwherehepleadednot guilty',andwas'remandedtoprisonuntilJune
The cannabis found in house at Eccles
6, 2024 During a 'cordon and search' operation conducted by police officers in Regional Division 4'B' on May 23, 2024, a total of 6,100 grams of suspected cannabis was discovered at a property on Eccles Old Road, East Bank Demerara. As a result, Browne was arrested in connection with the seizure.
Despite writing-off in excessofhalfabilliondollars in bad or non-performing loans, compounded by an 18 percent increase in its overhead operating cost, up to $1.2B, Citizens Bank, has still managed to increase its after-tax profits by as much as 22 percent, to in excess of $1B.
This according to the Chairman of the Banks DIH Group, Clifford Reis in his reportforthefirstsixmonths ofthebank'sfiscalyear2024, whichdocumentsthatforthe
periodendingMarch31,last, the financial institution recordedanafter-taxprofitof just about $1.1B. Citizens Bank, is a subsidiary in the Banks DIH Group of Companies. Reis, in his first q u a r t e r r e p o r t t o shareholders,saidthatforthe period under review, the company after-tax profits grew by $188.4M, over the $838.3M it earned in the previousperiodreviewed.
In his report, Reis disclosed too that the bank's operating expenses stood at
T h e C a r i b b e a n Development Bank (CDB) willspotlighttheculturaland creativeindustriesasdrivers of sustainable development and resilience in the Caribbeanregionataspecial s e m i n a r e n t i t l e d
"Imagineering: Using Creative Industry Research to Devise Development Strategies” to be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, during the Bank's Annual MeetinginOttawa,Canada.
The knowledge-sharing event will examine how research on the economic impacts of creative sectors like music, art, fashion, and multimedia can help shape effective policies and programmes to boost jobs, innovation, and resilience in CDB's Borrowing Member Countries,thebanksaidina pressrelease.
The findings have been garnered from research initiatives undertaken through CDB's Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Fund which was launchedinDecember2018. "The cultural and creative industriesplayavitalrolein Caribbean economies and societies, but their full contributions have often been undervalued or poorly measured,"saidMr O'Reilly Lewis, CDB's Director of Projects(Ag)."Thisseminar will highlight pioneering research that quantifies the creativesector'simpactsand explore how those insights candrivesustainablegrowth strategiesacrosstheregion."
A panel of analysts will discuss new data on the contributions of copyright-
based industries to Caribbean nations' GDP, employment, and trade, and theinitialfindingsofastudy
$1.2B, reflecting an increase of 18 5 percent for the corresponding period last year This, he attributed to increases in personnel costs, “as well as the cost of goods andservices.”
According to Reis, net impairment on the financial institution's financial assets, was $420.1M compared to $ 8 2 8 M f o r t h e corresponding period. As it relates to the bad loans, the Chairman recounted that the Bankduringtheperiodunder review, “wrote- off nonperforming loans amounting to $549M.” He did note however, that this was done in compliance with the revised Supervision Guidelines issued in July 2021, and that “these loans
on how public development banks' engagement with arts and culture initiatives can furthereconomic,social,and environmental sustainability goals.
Perspectives will be shared by Ms Marsha Cadogan, PhD, Intellectual Property Law Specialist, Dr Marcus Goffe, Attorney at Law and past Deputy D i r e c t o r, J a m a i c a Intellectual Property Office, and Dr. Hilary Brown, CARICOM's Programme Manager for Culture and Community Development, amongothers.
To facilitate crosssectoral dialogue, the event will also examine how the Region's cultural and creative industries promote social stability, and economic opportunities consequentlycontributingto sustainable development, resilience,andprosperity
"From catalysing green entrepreneurship to safeguarding intangible culturalheritage,thecreative industries offer incredible opportunities to accelerate progress on the UN Sustainable Development GoalsacrosstheCaribbean," saidMs.LisaHarding,Head of CDB's Private Sector Division,(Ag).
"Thisseminarwillspark vital dialogue on unlocking that potential through smarterpolicies,investment, a n d c r o s s - s e c t o r collaboration." Theseminar is a main event on the schedule of the 54thAnnual MeetingoftheBank'sBoard of Governors which will run fromJune17–21,2024.The proceedingswillbestreamed liveonCDB'sFacebookand LinkedIn pages, and on the Bank'sYouTubechannel.
written-off are fully collaterised, and full collectionisanticipated.”
Meanwhile, as it relates to its services provided, Chairman Reis reported that for the period under review, the net loans and advances' balance, was at $55 8B, compared to 43.1B in the correspondingperiod.
Totaldepositsheldatthe bank, amounted to $110.6M when compared to the $73.3B, it held in deposits at the end of March last year
The Citizen's Bank interim report for the period, comes on the heels of scathing remarks recently by Head of State, President Irfaan Ali, whoduringtherecentPrivate Sector Commission's (PSCs) Annual General Meeting
(AGM), lambasted the domestic banking sector, for not keeping apace with the country's development trajectory
Atthetime,PresidentAli lamented, “ the banking sector has been given one of the most dynamic platforms to support capital formation inthiscountry,yettodate,the banking sector has not responded with the speed, efficiency, reliability and time to exploit the opportunities that are here in Guyana.” According to the President,theroleofthebank in the country and its economy is not just to take depositsandtolendinalowriskenvironment,“theroleof the bank is also to seek opportunity, to understand wheretheeconomyisgoing, to create an ecosystem to support where the economy is going and to build upon whatishappeninginthe
Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
One male Driver to do personal and business chores, ages 25-50 years residing on W.C.D or W.B.D. Call: 6240239.
One male able- bodied Staff. For more information Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
One female able-bodied Staff. For more information Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
Full/part time person with experience in sewing of school uniform in Georgetown. Call/ WhatsApp: 689-4912/ 6243797.
Land to purchase in Parfaite Harmonie, Provindence or anywhere on the West and East Coast. Call: 702-7100.
To buy scrap radiator, aluminum, copper, brass, etc. Call: 670-8788.
Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.
Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.
Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. For more information Call: 615-9132.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.
Vacancies for Cooks, Salesgirls, Cashiers & Porter boys. Contact GK Variety store, Robb & King street, 653-0475.
Vacancies exist for Security guard and Carpenter at Happy Acres, ECD. Call/WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 6116151.
W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com.
A man died Wednesday afternoon after his car collided with a truck at Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke Linden Highway.
Dead is 68-year-old Rudolph Caines of Hillfoot Village.
Police in a press release stated that on Wednesday at about 05:15 hrs the accident occurred at the junction of Hillfoot Public Road and Hillfoot Access Road Soesdyke Linden Highway, involving a truck with registration number GAG 6169 owned by Assaf Hoosein of Lot 14 North Road Georgetown and driven by Yogeshwar Ramnarine, age 38, of Lot 298 Richmond Housing Scheme Essequibo Coast, and motor car with registration number PGG 6390 owned and driven by
Supreme Car rental and transportation services, for bookings call: 615-5597.
Rudolph Caines, with occupant Maxine Caines, age 66, both of Hillfoot Village Soesdyke Linden Highway. Inquiries revealed that the motor car was traveling north along the eastern side of Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke Linden Highway. As the car approached Hillfoot Public Road on Soesdyke Linden Highway, it is alleged that the driver failed to stop and veered into the path of the truck, which was
travelling west along the southern side of the same road. This caused the truck to collide with the right-side centre portion of the car. As a result of the collision, both vehicles were damaged leaving both the driver and the occupants of the car with serious injuries. The occupants of the car were placed in a passing vehicle, and transported to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where they were both seen and examined by doctors on duty. However, Rudolph Caines was pronounced dead on arrival.
A breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver of the truck and no trace of alcohol was in his system. Both vehicles were lodged at the station to be examined by a licensing and certifying officer. The body of the deceased was escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting postmortem examination.
Two women were on Wednesday granted bail after they pleaded not guilty to assaulting each other when they appeared in court.
Takesha Henry and Crystal Fletchman appeared before Chief Magistrate Sherdel Issacs-Marcus to answer the separate charges before them. The charge against Fletchman alleges that she on
May 12 at Housing Compound, Tucville used threatening language against Henry. Additionally, Fletchman was charged with ‘Assault to cause actual bodily harm’ against Henry on the same date and location mentioned.
Fletchman pleaded not guilty to both charges against her. She was granted bail in
the sum of $20,000 for Use of Threatening language and $30,000 for assault. Meanwhile, Henry was charged for unlawfully wounding Fletchman on the same day. She pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted $20,000 bail.
The women are to reappear in court on June 20, 2024 for statements.
From page 05 been a lot of pomp about additional banks entering Guyana, this has not materialized and will never materialize unless current policies are changed to make Guyana more attractive. The reality is that if the GRA gets its
way almost every citizen will suffer as this expense of additional taxes will be passed on by lower interest rates on deposits and higher interest rates on loans. With highest regards Marcus Perry
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956. One experienced Accounts clerk for administrative functions business may require applicants may send their resume via Email: bakshwork @gmail.com One Hauler Driver needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106.
Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call : 673-7373.
One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.
One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.
Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.
Domestic Worker for Kitty area, Farm worker for Hauraruni and Driver/ Expeditor. Call: 231-0363
Do you like working with the elderly? Then come on board with us. Call: 233-5160 / 6561875.
Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.
Mature domestic help needed to work in a workshop on the East Coast Demerara. Call: 662-1883/ 654-2516.
Vacancy At People's Choice Kitchen for night Cooks and Kitchen assistant. Call/ Whatsapp: 673-8315.
Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.
Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
Repairs at affordable prices fridge,air conditioner,washing machines, dryers, tv, microwaves & freezer. Call: 6105846/ 661-8158.
From page 15 country.” With this in mind, he suggested rhetorically, “if any bank that is here in this country can point to me to an investor banker that is employed by the bank that has created five or six business opportunity and develop five or six business plans to bolster the private sector, I will publicly laud that bank.”
Reminding of his many government initiatives, the President said “some of the banks have been doing an
extremely good job at following the initiative; but a very poor job at concluding the arrangements.” Emphasising his point, the President used the occasion to point out that the domestic local private sector and “local leaders are doing a tremendous job in trying to open up opportunities especially in the non-oil-sector but the speed at which the banks have been operating and processing does not match the type of dynamism that is in the economy.”
As such, the President was adamant, it is time for us all to review our mode of operation and to find that as we confront these challenges in the new year.” With this in mind he suggested, “realigning our outlook in the banking sector and our management in the banking sector to match what is required in the economy.” According to the President, “this is no way being critical of anything, this is just being very frank and very open with you.”
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC has urged the Parliamentary Opposition to submit their feedback on the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill of2024nowanddonotwait untilthebillisbeingdebated intheHouse.
During his weekly “Issues in the News” programme on Tuesday night, Nandlall assured that all feedback will be taken onboard and used to inform thecreationoftheBillwhich willbetabledintheNational Assembly
Particularly,hemadethe call on the Opposition Parliamentarians to make their submissions early and avoid submitting them last minute.
There is a noticeable trendwiththeOpposition,to commentonnewbillsbythe government but not actually utilisingthefeedbackperiod tomakesubmissions.
Nandlallsaid:“Thereisa view out there that the PrincipalActisharsh,thatit isoppressive(and)ittendsto be biased in a particular
direction ” He continued, “Well,thisistheopportunity forthosewhoholdthatview, so that adjustments to the PrincipalAct can be made.”
The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Ministry ofLegalAffairs,onMonday published the draft seeking recommendations and proposalsfromcivilsociety
A copy of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 2024 can be accessed at the Ministry of Legal Affairs’ w e
: https://mola govgy//bills/T HE%20SEXUAL%20OFF ENCES%20(AMENDMEN T)%20BILL%202024 1716 843811 pdf Persons with recommendations on the draft bill can make submissions via email to: agchambersmola@gmail co mwithin21days.
T h e p r o p o s e d amendments cater for the creation of a national sexual offenderdatabase.
The draft bill contains three amendments, five new sections, an insertion of a new part as well as the insertion of a third, fourth, fifthandsixschedulestothe Sexual Offences Act 2010.
The new part is called Part IXA and applies to a sex offender who is a citizen or resident of Guyana and who was convicted of an enterable offence by a court within or outside of Guyana on or after May 25 2010, or who completed and not completed his sentence before the commencement ofthispart.
Similarly, it applies to a citizen of Guyana or a resident who is convicted of anoffencebyacourtoutside ofGuyana.
Notably,PartIXAisnot applicable to a person who wasachildatthetimeofthe commission of a sexual offence or someone suffering from a mental disorder that substantially impaired his mental responsibility for his acts or omissions in then commission of an enterable offence.
M o r e o v e r, t h e Commissioner of Police is tasked with maintaining a National Sex Offender Database, as per the
guidelines set by the Minister of Home Affairs. The database must be meticulously managed to ensure accurate information entry and robust security against unauthorized access ormisuse.
This database will includedetailedinformation about each registered sex offender,butitwillgenerally not be accessible to the public Access may be
successful application to the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of Home Affairs, with a written request specifying thereasonforaccess
The draft bill states that before the discharge of a sex offender from prison, a designated officer, assigned by the Commissioner of Police, will collect essential information such as the offender’s name, aliases, date of birth, photograph, intended address, and d
o f p a s t convictions
The sex offender will also be informed of their
obligation to report to the nearest police station within sevendaysoftheirrelease. It also states that sex offenders must report to the nearest police station under specific conditions, such as within seven days of their release from prison after a local conviction, within seven days of entering the country if deported, or within 48 hours if convicted abroad and staying for more thantwodays.
Existing offenders must report within six months of t h e n e w l a w ’ s commencement.
Offendersarerequiredto report in person, though those with mental disorders may be accompanied by a representative.Adesignated officer will conduct an interview and gather necessary information Within seven days, the officer must verify, record, and register the information intheNationalSexOffender Database and provide written notification to the offender Non-compliance can lead to a $500,000 fine a n d o n e y e a r o f imprisonment.
In its effort to push for the decentralisation and modernisation of its services, the Ministry of Labour on Wednesday, launched its first public mobile application on the GooglePlayandAppstores.
The Ministry of Labour disclosed that the app name isLabourAdvice.Thisappis said to allow for the computerised management of complaints and inquiries being submitted to the m i n i s t r y ’s l a b o u r department. Notably, Chief Labour Officer Dhaneshwar Deonarinenotedthattheapp serves as both a quick and easy mechanism to access the ministry’s advisory services and lodge disputes and complaints. He further reinforced that the app would not replace the ministry’s current walk-in services,butinsteadbolsters the ministry’s capacity to ensurethatGuyaneseacross thelengthandbreadthofthe country can access these services. “This app is designedtogiveworkersand employers a convenient, efficient, and user-friendly tool to stay informed about their rights and seek assistance when necessary,”
the Chief Labour Officer said.
The launch of the “Labour Advice” mobile application ties into the ministry’s efforts to digitise and thereby improve its services through a shift towards more localised and innovative approaches This includes the Ministry’s National Job Bank, which was launched through the Ministry’s Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency(CRMA)inMarchof 2022 Both of these services werecreatedincollaboration with the National Data Management Authority (NDMA).
Meanwhile, Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton, who delivered feature remarks,highlightedthatitis especially important to view the launch against the backdropofthedevelopment that has been taking place in thelaboursectorsincethereestablishment of the Labour Ministry in 2020. He underscored,“Wearemoving fromaplacewherefrom2015 to 2020, this country had no Labour Ministry, and that is importanttonote” The Minister added, “Through there establishment
of Labour Ministry, and the expansions thereof, to today 29thMay,wearelaunchinga user-friendly application to allow for workers to engage the Ministry of Labour” He furtherpointedoutthatwhen the Ministry was reestablished, it deliberately set out to ensure that offices were established in every region—except for Region Eight—for the convenience of workers countrywide Notably, this approach was to ensure that persons have direct access to officers of theMinistryofLabour
“Thatwasthefirstphaseof this activity We are now moving into the phase of technologyandreadyaccessto theLabourMinistry,”Minister Hamilton said He also emphasized that the work of theMinistryisclearinseveral areas
This includes the thousands of individuals graduating annually from the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), persons g
Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA), the revitalisation of the Cooperativessectorthroughthe Department of Co-
Chief Labour Officer Dhaneshwar Deonarine (left) Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton
operatives and Friendly Societies (CO-OP), the promotion of safety and health in workplaces through the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Department, and the advocacyoftheprotectionof workers’ rights through the LabourDepartment.
The Minister said, “Therehasneverbeenatime in this country where the MinistryofLabourisvisible likeitistoday Theproof,astheysay,is in the pudding.” He further
disclosed, “In the last, less than four years, through the work of the Chief Labour Officer and his officers, we have recouped over $160 million from employers, for employees.”
He noted: “You cannot put a price to the work that the Labour Department does, free of cross this countrytoallandsundry So, people (should) appreciate and re
s application, its launch and the importance of engaging
expeditiously with people who have complaints from daytoday.”
To this end, he took the opportunity to urge those with industrial relations matterstocontacttheLabour Ministry to have their disputes or queries sufficiently addressed, ratherthanairinggrievances publicly
“If you have a problem, the proper place to come is Lot 82 Brickdam to report your matter so that we can investigate,”hesaid.
(AL JAZEERA) The UnitedStateshasonceagain issued a strong warning to Israeloveritslackofapostwar strategy for Gaza, leavingopenquestionsabout how the territory will be governedandstablised.
Speaking at a news conference in the Moldovan capital Chisinau on Wednesday, Secretary of StateAntony Blinken said it was “imperative” for Israel to have a plan to ensure the defeat of Hamas and restore security and governance in Gaza.
“Intheabsenceofaplan forthedayafter,therewon’t be a day after,” Blinken told reporters. He added that the Israeli military has achieved “realsuccess”initseffortto destroy Hamas’s military capacity, but he warned that Israel should not be directly responsible for the future of Gaza. “If it is, it will simply haveanenduringinsurgency on its hands for as far as we can see into the future,” Blinkensaid.
In the absence of a postwar plan, Blinken added, “Hamas will be left in c h a r g e , w h i c h i s
unacceptable.Orifnot,we’ll have chaos, lawlessness and a vacuum that eventually willbefilledagainbyHamas ormaybesomething—ifit’s possible to imagine — even worse.”
US officials have been publiclypressingIsraelfora so-called “day-after plan”, saying that Gaza should be governed by a “reformed” Palestinian Authority (PA) afterthewar.
But Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected the notion of handing the enclave to the PA, stressing that Israel will maintain security control over the occupied Palestinian territories, includingtheWestBankand Gaza.Israelileadersalsosay they are pursuing a “total defeat”ofHamas.Whilethe administration of US President Joe Biden has placed significant emphasis onwhatwillhappentoGaza after the war, it remains unclear when or how the violence will end On Wednesday, Israel’s National Security Adviser TzachiHanegbisaidthewar
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a joint news conference with Moldova’s President Maia Sandu in Chisinau on May 29 [Vadim Ghirda/Pool via Reuters]
will not conclude before the endoftheyear “Thefighting in Gaza will continue for at leastanothersevenmonths,” he told Israel’s public radio, according to the Jerusalem Postnewspaper
The war began on October 7, 2023, and after nearly eight months of fighting, Hamas remains active throughout Gaza Israel is in the process of invading Rafah in the
southernGazaStrip,whichit describes as the last Hamas strongholdintheterritory
The international community, however, has warned Israel against a military offensive in Rafah, where an estimated 1 5 million civilians previously fled to avoid bombing elsewhereintheenclave.
This month’s fighting has nevertheless displaced more than one million
people from the city, according to United Nations estimates.
DespiteportrayingRafah as the final front, Israeli forces have also been engaging in fierce battles with Palestinian fighters in Jabalia and Gaza City in northern Gaza, where the Israeli army said in January that it had dismantled H a m a s ’s m i l i t a r y infrastructure.
On Tuesday, Israeli officials said three of its soldiers were killed in fighting Rafah, and Hamas claimed credit for an attack on an Israeli infantry unit in thecitythatitsaidkilledand injured 15 troops with explosives.
Meanwhile, Israeli forces have been levelling entire neighbourhoods in northern and southern Gaza in what critics say is a systemic push to make the territory uninhabitable Israel has also put most hospitals in Gaza out of commission and destroyed dozens of schools and universities in the enclave. Moreover, the US ally is imposing a strict blockade
(BBC NEWS) A senior Israeli official has said he expects the war against Hamas in Gaza to continue for at least the rest of this year
“The fighting in Gaza will continue for at least another seven months,” the prime minister’s national security adviser, Tzachi Hanegbi, told Israel’s Kan publicradio.
He also said Israel’s militaryhadtakencontrolof 75% of the buffer zone along the Gaza-Egypt border, as it pressed ahead with an assault on the southerncityofRafah.
Residents of Rafah meanwhile reported that there had been more Israeli airstrikesandthattankshad mountedraidsincentraland western areas before retreating.
A senior World Health Organization (WHO) official also warned that Rafah’s last hospital was barely functional and that a “full incursion” by Israeli troops could lead to its closure and a “substantial” numberofdeaths.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on
Tuesday that troops were operating in a “very targeted” way against Hamas’s remaining battalions in Rafah, from which more than one million Palestinians have fled over the past three weeks.
The US government alsosaiditdidnotbelieve“a major ground operation” wasunderway,whichcould triggerachangeinitspolicy onmilitaryaidtoIsrael.
Israelhasinsistedthatit must take Rafah to achieve victory in the war triggered by Hamas’s unprecedented attack on the country on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were takenhostage.
At least 36,170 people have been killed across Gaza since the start of the conflict, according to the Hamas-run health ministry
Mr Hanegbi - seen as a close confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - told Kan that he was expecting another sevenmonthsofconflict“in
order to fortify our achievement and what we define as the destruction of
the governmental and military capabilities of Hamas and [Palestinian] IslamicJihad”.
That suggestion will worry many in Israel and outside There has been growing international pressureonIsraelileadersto outlineafullstrategytoend the fighting and a convincing post-war vision for the Palestinian territory US Secretary of State AntonyBlinkenlatersaidit was imperative that Israel formulateapost-warplanas soonaspossibleifitwanted to ensure Hamas’s lasting defeat. “In the absence of a plan for the day after, there won’tbeadayafter,”hetold reporters on a visit to Moldova.
In his interview, Mr. Hanegbialsosuggestedthat Israel would soon take full control of the Philadelphi Corridor - a buffer zone, only about 100m (330ft) deep in parts, which runs along the Gaza side of the 13km (8-mile) border with Egypt.
“InsideGaza,theIDFis nowincontrolof75%ofthe Philadelphi Corridor and I believe it will be in control
Theplan,headded,was to work with the Egyptians to “ensure weapon smugglingisprevented”.
Egypt has denied weapons are still being smuggled under the border ButtheIDFsaidonTuesday that it was demolishing tunnels that led to the Sinai peninsula.
Residentshavesaidthat troops have seized about 9km of the Philadelphi Corridor, including the Rafah border crossing, sincethestartoftheground operation in Rafah on 6 May The troops have also graduallypushedintobuiltup neighbourhoods of Rafahcityfromtheeastand south, and reportedly reachedthecentralal-Awda roundaboutonTuesday.
O n We d n e s d a y, residents told Reuters news agency that tanks advanced into western Tal al-Sultan and central Yibna and Shaboura areas before pulling back towards positionsontheborder
TheIDFalsoannounced that three Israeli soldiers were killed in combat in RafahonTuesday
on Gaza, bringing it to the verge of famine Rights experts have accused Israel ofusinghungerasaweapon ofwar
On Sunday, an Israeli attack against a camp for displaced people in Rafah killed 45 people, including children. A similar Israeli bombing in southern Gaza claimed the lives of at least 21PalestiniansonTuesday.
Blinken said on Wednesday that the images of carnage from Sunday’s attack hurt on a “basic human level”. “We have been very clear with Israel [that] the imperative in this instance, as in other instances, [is] to immediately investigate and determine exactly what happened and why it happened and if accountability is necessary, to make sure that there is accountability,” the US top diplomatsaid.
B l i n k e n ’ s U S Department of State has approved the transfer of billions of dollars in weaponstoIsraelduringthe war, which has killed more than36,000Palestinians.
Sam Rose of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees(Unrwa),whoisin western Rafah, told the BBC that “most people are now packing up and leaving”.
“I was on the road this morningandsoweremany, many others. It seems that even though the operation, the Israeli troops, haven’t reached this far west of Rafah yet, people have taken the signs... that it’s time for them to leave,” he said.
“Alotofanxiety,alotof fear in the air The Rafah chapter of this conflict, which we hoped wouldn’t be upon us, is now under way.” Meanwhile, Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry warned the Israeli bombardmentofRafahwas making it increasingly difficult for patients and health teams to reach the Emirati maternity hospital inTalal-Sultan.
It came a day after the WHO said the hospital was barely functional and could nolongeracceptpatients.
“If the incursion would continue,wewouldlosethat last hospital in Rafah,” Dr
Rik Peeperkorn, the agency’s representative for GazaandtheoccupiedWest Bank, warned in an interview with Reuters and AFP news agencies in Geneva.
WiththeEuropeanGaza HospitalinthecityofKhan Younis inaccessible because of Israeli evacuation orders and fighting on the ground, the estimated 1 9 million people in southern Gaza wouldbeleft“dependenton a string of field hospitals alongthecoast”,hesaid. Dr Peeperkorn said there was a contingency plan to refer patients to alAqsa hospital in the central townofDeiral-Balahandto restoreservicestotwoother hospitals in Khan Younis whichwereraidedbyIsraeli forces. But, he added, if therewasa“fullincursion”, theplanwould“notprevent what we expect [to be] substantial additional mortalityandmorbidity”. All the field hospitals still functioning in the R a f a h a r e a a r e overwhelmed by casualties and undersupplied, accordingtotheWHO.
International series sweep over South Africa propelled West Indies up the ICC Men’s T20I Team Rankings into fourth place, ahead of the much-anticipated T20 WorldCup.
e heading into the June 1-29 showpiecetobehostedinthe Caribbean and United States.
Withtheserieswin,West Indies (254 rating points), the champions of the 2012 and2016editionsoftheT20 World Cup, are at the fourth place in the list led by 2007 champions India (264 rating
Despite missing a few big faces, West Indies managedtosweeptheseries, andthatalongwiththerisein rankings should provide a significant boost to the confidence of the Darren Sam
champions Australia (257 rating points) and defending champions England (254 rating points) at the second andthirdplacerespectively
There were individual bright spots for West Indies in the series, who gained substantially in t h e T 2 0 I P l a y e r Rankings
This included standin skipper Brandon King,
whose 159 runs helped him jump up five places to the eighth position in the Men’s T20I Batting Rankings
H i s o p e n i
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a
u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
blistering 69 from 26 balls in a Player of the Match performance in the third game of the series, gained 17 spots
h place Meanwhile, Kyle Mayers (31st place in Batting Rankings) and Gudakesh Motie (27th p l a c e i n B o w l i n g Rankings) were the other beneficiaries from the recentlyconcludedseries
These results bode well for the Men in Maroon, who will be looking for a record third title during their home T20WorldCup
They are placed in
Guinea, and Uganda
They start their campaign
Guinea in Guyana on Sunday ICC Men’s T20I TeamRankings
Hanif scores...
Yash Patel claimed three wickets conceding 14 runs from three frugal overs, delivering for Superstar Colts.
Superstar Colts will be back in action June 9 at the samevenueagainstOakville CricketAcademy
Mississauga Ramblers will meet up Vaughan CricketClubthesamedayin their fixture at the EG East facility,Etobicoke.
NBCNews-Authorities plan to ramp up police presence at cricket watch partiesandtheFBI’sNassau County office will work on security with NYPD and other local law enforcement partners leading up to next month’s ICC World Cup 2024 after a pro-ISIS outlet posted a graphic featuring host venue Eisenhower Stadium and an ominous message, a senior law enforcementofficialfamiliar with the investigation said Tuesday
The image purportedly included the new 34,000seater venue, which is about 25 miles east of New York City,anddronesflying,with textindicating,“Youwaitfor matches and we wait for you.”ItmentionedJune9.
T h e s e n i o
w enforcement official says there’s no evidence of any plot specifically targeting the World Cup (qualifying actionsoontogetunderway) oraspecificgameonJune9.
The ISIS symbolism was notable,theofficialsaid.
According to the senior lawenforcementofficial,the intelligence assessment is thatISIShopesforviolence, and hopes it can incite someonetodosomethingby circulating its propaganda.
The terror group is known for using chaos to fuel its sinister efforts across the globe. Maybe someone will feel moved to attack, they hope,theofficialsaid.
“The worst threats are the ones you don’t see coming,” said former
Homeland Security Advisor
Michael Balboni He believes the non-specific threat is meant to stir up chaosandgettheirfollowers toact.
A large crowd is expected at the Nassau County stadium through the duration of the tournament, particularly for the June 9
game. That one’s a major rivalry — India vs. Pakistan — and not only is a big crowd is expected to watch in person, but a billion people could tune in worldwide.Theofficialsays the fact that ISIS is calling out the World Cup as an e v e n t m e a n s l a w enforcement should plan
The Long Island cricket stadium.
Nassau County police declined to comment on Tuesday County officials were expected to hold a security briefing yesterday listing road closures and safetyproceduresduringthe WorldCup.
Some of those who have already purchased tickets,
which are now selling for several thousand dollars, said they aren’t going to let the threat stop them from participating.
“Nothing is going to prevent me from coming to cricket.That’smylifenow,” said Al Ahmed, who flew from Guyana to watch the matches.
The Rising Sun Turf Club will host a grand oneday Gymkhana on Sunday June16.
Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, AJM Enterprise, and Banks DIH are on board for the event which is expected to feature seven races at the Rising Sun Turf Club, West CoastBerbice.
The days’ event is expected to run-off at 12:00hrs and close to two million dollars in cash and prizes will be up for the taking.
The G Class and Lower race will run at seven furlongs and is Open to all horses. In the G Class race, the top horse will bag
Seven races are on the cards for June 16 Gymkhana.
Other races on the Gymkhana card are the J Class and Lower, Threeyear-old Guyana-bred winner of one race and maidens, the L Class race, two-year-old trial, L Class Non-winner/low earner and L Class Low Earners of the dayandFarmHorses.
Five horses must start before third place prize is paid.Sevenhorsesmuststart beforefourthprizeispaid.
There will be no demotions or promotions at thisevent.
Entrieswillbeclosedon June 12, 2024 Jockeys MUSTbeindresscode,and jockeyswillbeweighed.
The next major race in
GuyanaissetforJuly1atthe Port Mourant Turf Club, followed by the Guyana Cup,whichissetforAugust 11 at the Rising Sun Turf Club.
This year’s Guyana Cup promisestobethebiggestin the history of Guyana’s horse racing, and it will be organized by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee.
Rivalriesareexpectedto besettledandnewhorsesare expected to grace Guyanese shores to ignite Rising Sun TurfClub.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth,andSporthasteamed up with Speed Capital Commission to host a threeday track and field programme as part of their EliteAthletesinitiative.
Scores of athletes from around the country will gather at the National Track
and Field Centre in Edinburgh, West Demerara, to undergo a series of trainingregimensconducted by the Speed Capital Commission, led by Luke Robinson.
Jonathan Terry, who c o a c h e s W o r l d Championship 200m Silver (2023) and Bronze (2022) medallist Erriyon Knighton, isaSeniorVicePresidentof the club and will be one of thecoachesattheevent.
The other coaches include Earl Smith, Head
Coach, and Shelton Guilyard, Olympic Strength andConditioningCoach.
Speaking to the athletes atthecommencementofthe
programme, Minister Ramson highlighted that the eventmarksthebeginningof the final pillar for the Sport Ministry’sacademy
“We know we have a lot of raw talent; we’ve proven
that, but there’s a big gap betweenearlyrecognitionof success,andthenconverting that into world-class athletes.
Ittakesalot,andittakes a lot of focused, very intelligent, very scientific applicationthatwejustdon’t have here (in Guyana),”
Headded,“Wejustdon’t havethatexperience,wejust don’t have a track record…whatwe’redoingis making this investment on your (the athletes) behalf, to connectwithpeoplewhohas a track record of success, they have that technical
Fayyaz Hanif, Son of former Guyana first-class wicketkeeper/batsman Azib AlliHanif,feltshortofaton byonerunlastSundaywhile representingSuperstarColts
against Mississauga Ramblersinthecontinuation of the Toronto and District
Cricket Association (T&DCA) Under-16, T20 competition.
PlayingatThackeryPark venue in Etobicoke, the right-handed Hanif hammered 11 sixes and tucked away two fours duringhis68-ballstayatthe crease.
His team replied with 121-7whenthe20-oversran out after Mississauga Ramblers won the toss and made a challenging 129-8 fromthe20-overs.
Apart from the 15-yearold Hanif’s impressive knock, no other batter was able to reach double figures aswicketsfellregularly
SeamerArhamAziztook 3-7 from four economical oversforthewinnerwhilehe got good support from Abdullah Parvez who finished with 2-22 in his three overs. Earlier, Captain Dimitri Ramjatthan led the
wayfortheRamblershitting a top-score of 29. He also shared a solid, 69-run opening stand with Assis Singh who contributed a vital 28 and 26 from AbdullahNoor Leg-spinner (Continuedonpage21)
expertise that they can then, throughengagementwithus, they can then impart that, guideitwithourcoaches.”
Minister Ramson said the three-day programme is just the start of a series of engagements between the Ministry, the Athletics Association of Guyana
(AAG) and the coaches at SpeedCapitalCommission.
“We have very good coaches, but we do not have elitecoaches.
You can make the investment where they’re doing programmes, and it’s stillnotenough.Youhaveto have the exposure…we felt
that it’s important, if we’re goingtotakethetalenttothe nextlevel.
Youwanttoseeourtalent on the world stage. We felt thatwehadtobridgethatgap and bring these coaches down,becausetheyhavethe expertise,theyhavethetrack record,” Minister Ramson stated.
Meanwhile, Robinson thanked the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, particularly Minister Ramson, and praised the initiative, calling it a “game changer.”
President of the AAG, Amanda Hermonstine, remarkedthattheinitiativeis timely, as track and field have been on a positive trajectory, especially at the youth level, noting their success at the CARIFTA G a m e s a n d Yo u t h CommonwealthGames.
The Speed Capital Commissionwasfoundedin 2019byRobinsonandTerry It is presented as an organisation committed to enhancing the youth athletics experience from an event and performance perspective while educating practitioners on the importance of balancing academicsandathletics.
Nicolas Kirton (52) spur Canada to ICC T20 Warm-up victory over Nepal
Right-arm seamer and Canadabased Guyanese Dillon Heyliger and frontline batter Nicolas Kirton produced handsome bowling and batting performances respectively to help Canada trounce Nepal by 63 runs in their International Cricket Council (ICC) T20 WorldCupmatchonMondayintheUSA.
Heyliger grabbed 4-21 from 2 3 overs as Nepal were tumbled out for 120 in the 20thoverafterKirtonstruckafluent52to propeltheCanadianstoasolid183-7from theallotted20-overs
Heyliger received good support from fellow pace-man Jeremy Gordon who took 2-25 from four overs, while skipper and left-arm wrist-spinner Zaad Bin Zafar also with identical figures (225)
Kushal Malla provided some sort of resilience for the Nepalese with 37
When Canada were invited to take first strike, Kirton slammed four effortless sixes and a two fours during his 39-ball knock
Ravinderpaul Singh hit a fiery 41 towards the end and opener Navneet Dhaliwal contributed 32. Abinash Bohara took2-27from3overs.
Meanwhile, the 20-team global event bowlsoffSaturdayinDallas Both Canada and USAare in GroupA which also contained heavyweights India andPakistantogetherwithIreland
Richard Rodrigues reaches for a close-cut return from Demetri Lowe in five-game showdown.
Part of the action between Emily Fung-A-Fat (left) and Justin
TheKraftMacand Cheese Juniors
S q u a s h tournament kicked off Tuesday at the Georgetown Club on Camp Street, featuringavibrantdisplayof young talent. Competitors engaged in fierce battles across six categories: The Cheeseiest, Spiral, Three Cheese, Thick and Creamy, White Cheddar, and Original. Early victories set the tone for an exciting tournamentahead.
Kicking off with the White Cheddar draw, Zoey McDonald, Tahani Munroe, and Kristia
wins, showcasingtheirprowesson thecourt.
TheSpiralcategorysaw thrilling performances from Demetri Lowe, Safirah Sumner,andBlakeEdwards. Lowe’s match against Richard Rodrigues was a highlight, with Lowe overcoming a 2-1 deficit to win in a five-game
showdown Rodrigues initially led after losing the first game 13-11 but rebounded to take the next two games However, Lowe’s determination saw him secure the final two games 11-9 and 12-10, clinchinga3-2victory
Safirah Sumner and JeremyTenPow’sclashwas another spectacle. Ten Pow tookthefirstgame11-8,but Sumner fought back to win thesecond11-9.
Ten Pow regained the
lead by winning the third game 11-7, but Sumner shiftedgearstodominatethe last two games 11-4 and 115.
Blake Edwards made a strong start by defeating Ethan Bulkan in straight games,registeringa3-0win.
The Thick and Creamy andThreeCheesecategories wereequallyintense.
Egan Bulkan and Jacob McDonald dominated the Thick and Creamy draw, each securing 3-0 wins
against Nijad Bacchus and NidalBacchus,respectively In the Three Cheese category, Brenna Da Silva triumphed over Tiana Gomes with scores of 11-5, 11-7, and 11-7. A thrilling match between Justin GoberdhanandEmilyFung-
A-Fat ended with Goberdhanwinning3-2. In another Three Cheese encounter, Rylee Rodrigues defeatedKayleeLowe3-1.
Jonathan Antczak and Justin Ten Pow emerged
victorious in the Original category, adding to the competitive spirit of the tournament as it progresses intoitssecondday The tournament, which started on Tuesday, will continue until June 2 at the samevenue.
Detailed results from yesterday’s matches will be featured in tomorrow’s edition, promising more exciting updates from the Kraft Mac and Cheese Junior’sSquashtournament.
Hope Secondary School clinched
t h e I n t e rSecondary Schools Boys Tapeball Independence Cricket Competition title by defeating Beterverwagting (BV) Secondary by 14 runs on Monday at the National CultureCentreTarmac.
In an all East Coast
final, seven schools
participated in this prestigious 5-over knockout competition
Batting first, Hope Secondary School set a total of 61 runs against a formidable BV bowling attack.
Johnatan Singh led the scoring for Hope Secondarywitharesilient 17 runs, helping his team reach60allout
Alex Duttendeen was the standout bowler for BV, taking 3 wickets for 13runs BVSecondary, in their
managed only 47 runs for the loss of 7 wickets in theirallotted5overs
This effort fell short, securing a well-deserved
Secondary, who lifted the championship trophy and
Supplies & Computer Spares
BV Secondary was awarded the runner-up trophy, d
The tournament was coordinated by James Lewis and the Tapeball Academy In other news, the GOAPC Inter-Ministries Ta
originally scheduled for Saturday, May 25 at the same venue, has been postponed due to heavy rainfall
Following the exit of all the Guyanese boxers at the Wo r l d Q u a l i f y i n g tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, president of the Guyana BoxingAssociation (GBA), Steve Ninvalle, expressed his satisfaction withtheirperformance.
W h i l e D e s m o n d
A m s t e r d a m , J o e l Williamson, and Emmanuel Pompey were eliminated early, Keevin Allicock progressed further, reaching the round of 16 in the 57kg division.
However, Allicock lost to Turkey’s Batuhan Ciftci via split decision, with the judges scoring 4-1 in favour ofCiftci.
Ninvalle noted that all is not lost for the Guyanese boxers, as they still have a chancethroughtheTripartite Commissionallocation.
Tripartite,alsoknownas universality, spots are reservedbytheInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) and allocated by the TripartiteCommission.
The commission includes representatives from the IOC, the
Association of International
Association of National Olympic Committees (NOCs).
These spots are designated for athletes from countries with little or no representationintheGames.
Chelsea Edghill became the first Guyanese to competeintabletennisatthe Olympics after being selected by the IOC’s Tripartite Commission for theTokyoOlympics.
To be eligible for a tripartite spot, a country musthaveaveragednomore than eight athletes over the lasttwoSummerOlympics. The country must apply by nominating an athlete.
Only athletes who participatedinsomeformof the regular qualification processareconsidered.
“Wewould’vemadethat theyhadthehighest-possible training. My heart greaves for Keevin Allicock because I know what he has been through.Ilookedatthefight, I think he did well, but have to go back to that drawing board.Thegoodthingisthat
most of these guys are still young as it relates to boxing,” Ninvalle told KaieteurNews.
However, Ninvalle believe that countries in CARICOM will need to work together, since no E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g Caribbean athlete made it to the final round of the qualifiers
“If you look across the Caribbean; the Caribbean hasn’tbeenabletodowell also
Trinidad and Tobago sent five boxers, even had a three-week camp in Thailand and they haven’t been able to do well,” Ninvallesaid
Headded,“Ittellsusas aregionthatweneedtosit and start discussing how we as a Region, not Guyana alone as country, how do we approach boxing Maybe we can look at how cricket is in the Region, where we havehigherfigures,trying to determine where we go asaRegion
Up to now, Michael Parris remains the only medal for CARICOM that
has been won at the Olympicsinboxingandthat spellsabiggerpicture.”
He said the GBA will continue to expose their boxers, “Especially the youngones.
We have started an
aggressive programme for theyoungboxers,especially thefemales.”
“We now a large pool of females in boxing than we’ve ever had before and we intend to aggressively deal with that though our U16programmes. When we have our National novice, which is in another weeks’ time, we intend to have overseas boxerstohelpraisethelevel for our local boxers,” Ninvallenoted.
Minister Charles Ramson, Coaches from the Speed Capital Commission and officials from theAAG and Sport Ministry, gather with athletes at the start of their three-day elite coaching programme. (Rawle Toney photo)
- Minister Ramson hails start of Elite Programme
Windiesgetmajor boostinrankingsahead oftheT20
Pro-ISISgroupposts ominousmessageshowing LongIslandcricketstadium settohostWorldCup