Kaieteur News

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AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Check Exxon’s inflated expenses! to appraise wells to update oil reserves ...but Govt. ducking information from public GTU prepared to compromise on salary hike demands Man charged for raping three-year-old boy crash succumbs Guyana’s oil driving Exxon’s future Exxon Annual Report: Remandedfor rapeofchild, TaleshwarPersaud ...says Govt. yet to table counter proposal Online: www.kaieteurnews.com May31,2024-Vol.26 No.22 Online readership yesterday, 53,214 Friday Edition Price $100 Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony charges Former
United States President, Donald Trump
growth plans Waterlogged Lethem trail to reopen today–Min.Indar Surinamese singer in fiery ExxonM continues
The water level at Pirara Bridge located along the Linden-Lethem corridor is currently extremely high.
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Friday May 31, 2024

ExxonM continues to appraise wells to update oil reserves

...but Govt. ducking information from public

Ex x o n M o b i l

Guyana Limited (EMGL) in its most recent Annual Report, publishedfor2022highlights that appraisal activity was conducted across the Stabroek Block to assess the quality and quantity of oil found,buttheGovernmentof Guyana (GoG) continues to hidethedatafromthepublic.

Chiefpolicymakerforthe petroleum sector, Vice PresidentBharratJagdeowas asked by Kaieteur News on Thursday for the umpteenth timeduringhisweeklymedia conference to provide an update on the reserves, since he previously committed to reviewing the reports submitted by Exxon- which contains information on reserves - to be made public. Jagdeohadsaidheneededto determine whether the r e p o r t s c o n t a i n e d “proprietaryinformation”.

Thepoliticianwhenfaced with the question however soughttoclarifythathenever promised to provide an updateontheoilreserves.In fact, he told reporters that there has been no change to reserves.“WhatImighthave said is that they are required to, every three months, give the Ministry an update on changes in the reserves and I knowthatnoupdatehasbeen

given on the changes in the reservesbuttheyarerequired everythreemonthstoissuea document to the Ministry updating the reserves if they have any information about the reserves being updated. Thereissofarnoneofthat,” Jagdeoreported.

Notably, the Vice

President again explained that Exxon is focused on oil production rather than appraisalactivity

According to him, “because you make a new discovery, (it) doesn't automatically adjust the reserves, a subsequent action, appraisal action etcetera that could either

increase or decrease the reserves at this point in time, the focus is not on the update of that (reserves) because that is what Exxon said, updating the numbers, because we are moving to productionstage.”

Although Jagdeo claims that the company is not focusedonunderstandingthe reserves, the company has communicated otherwise in its Annual Report. In fact, ExxonMobil is required to conduct appraisal activities beforemovingtoproduction. Duringappraisal,delineation wells might be drilled to determine the size of the oil or gas field and how to

develop it most efficiently According to the 2022

Report seen by this newspaper, a total of 11 exploration and appraisal wells were completed that year It states, “Extensive drillingoperationscontinued intheStabroekBlockin2022 with three of the six rigs focusing on exploration and appraisal activity eleven exploration and appraisal wells were completed in 2022 with activity extending across the block in the northwest, southeast and centralareas.”

ExxonMobil was keen to note that exploration and appraisal activities in the block are critical to enhance understanding of the block's potential to increase value and inform future development opportunities. Although the reports on the appraisal works have been shared with the government, the administration is reluctant to disclose the country's updated oil reserves.

VP Jagdeo, at previous press conferences said there was no significant update to the last resource update, provided by the company in April 2022, some two years ago. Since the last update, ExxonMobil has announced eight new discoveries in the

Stabroek Block. One of the Co-Venturers,CNOOC,inits 2023 Annual Results, disclosed the Lancetfish discovery, which was made inApril2023,averagedsome 100 million tons, which is equivalent to 746 million barrels, according to the conversion formula of the Independent Petroleum


The last resource count, dated April 26, 2022, declared the recoverable resource for the Stabroek Blockatnearly11billionoilequivalent barrels Since then,Exxonannouncedeight subsequent discoveries, the Seabob-1 and Kiru-Kiru-1 wells, Sailfin-1, Yarrow-1, Fangtooth SE, Lancetfish-1, andLancetfish-2wells,along with the recently announced Bluefindiscovery

In an invited comment, Opposition Parliamentarian, David Patterson said the nationwasnotbeingupdated on its oil reserves as this would trigger massive countrywide protests for a betterdeal.

The previous Coalition government had accepted a 2% royalty and granted excessive tax holidays to the Contractor and its subcontractors. Guyana merely receives12.5ofprofits,after Exxon deduct 75% each month to recover its investments Patterson believes that the blackout of information

n the recoverable resources could beastrategicmovebytheoil majortoavoidanintensified public pressure for renegotiation of the lopsided Production Sharing Agreement(PSA).

“If Guyanese are clamouring every single day for a renegotiation when we only have 11 billion barrels proven reserves, imagine the clamourandtheoutcrywhen they (Exxon) actually finish appraising these wells and it jumpsfrom11billionbarrels to say something like 40 billion barrels and the true magnitude of what Exxon has already discovered becomesknown,”theformer Ministersaid.

...renews mission to “grow global supplies” Woods re-elected to head Exxon

Ex x o n M o b i l Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Darren Woods was unanimously reelected to the helm of the US Oil Major, withamandate,accordingto him to grow supplies of affordable energy and products and reducing greenhousegasemissions.

This was the message of

Woods following his reelection on Wednesday, w h e n t h e g l o b a l conglomeratehelditsAnnual General Meeting for 2024. Woods, subsequently said, “our investors sent a powerful message that rules andvalue-creationmatter.”

With this in mind he posited their vote, “signals a beliefthatweareontheright

track by overwhelmingly reelecting our directors and soundly defeating all four proposals that would have hampered our ability to create long-term value by providing the world with the energy and products it needs while investing billions to reduce carbon emissions in our own business and others.”

With this in mind, he suggested, “we expect the activist crowd will try and claimvictoryontoday'svote, butcommonsenseshouldtell you otherwise in light of the largemarginoftheloss.”

Looking forward however,theExxonbosswas unwavering, “we look forward to continuing our ongoing extensive

shareholder engagement as we work to solve the 'and' equation – growing supplies of affordable energy and products and reducing greenhousegasemissions.”

ExxonMobil based in Houston Texas has as its subsidiary ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL). TheEMGLledconsortiumis presentlyproducingupwards of 645,000 barrels of oil in the Stabroek Block from three Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessels (FPSOs), the Liza Destiny, Liza Unity, and Prosperity.

Additionally, the Uaru, Yellowtail and Whiptail Field Development plans have already been sanctions with works underway at



The company in addition to undertaking, at present, a number of appraisals since a number of significant discoveriesinordertoupdate the proven 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, of proven resourcesinthatBlock.

Additionally, the company holds interests in

the Kaieteur and Canje Oil Blocks for which there also continues to be exploration wellsbeingspud. F o l l o w i n g t h e tabulation of votes, it was revealed that Woods and team on average secured about 95 percent of the ballots for those up for the available positions of

According to ExxonMobil, the 2024 AGM saw 3 3 billion shares represented at thismeetingwhichequatesto approximately 84 percent of outstandingsharesentitledto vote.

Formal documents seen by this publication outlines that “On average, 95 2 percentofthevoteswerecast forthe12personsnominated by the Board to serve as directors: Michael J Angelakis, Angela F Braly, Gregory J. Goff, John D. Harris II, Kaisa H. Hietala, Joseph L. Hooley, StevenA. Kandarian, Alexander A. Karsner, Lawrence W. Kellner, Dina Powell McCormick, Jeffrey W. Ubben, and Darren W Woods.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Friday May 31, 2024
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Stretching costs to make them recoverable

ExxonMobil interprets recoverable costs anyhow it wants, selects any expense that attracts its interest, then dumps that on Guyana to pay The 2016 Production SharingAgreement(PSA)listsinAnnexCthosecoststhat canberecoveredfromlocaloilrevenues. ExxonMobilhas evidenced that it does not care to limit itself to those identifiedrecoverablecosts. Whateverappealstoitsgreed isbundledtogetherforapprovaltodeductfromoilrevenues, whichmeanslowerprofitsforGuyana

Theschemesthatthisoilcompanypartnerofourscame up with are mindboggling. General business that has nothing to do with oil exploration, development or production finds expenses related to it hung around Guyana’sneck.Oneofthefindingsoftheauditorswasthat the expenses related to the establishment and operation of the Enterprise Development Center had no place under explorationfor,anddevelopmentandproductionofoil.

There is no way that an oil company with the century plusyearsofglobalexperienceofExxonMobildoesnotfully know by now what is a legitimate expense under its own engineeredandlopsidedGuyanaPSA Still,theself-enrichers of ExxonMobil cannot help themselves, so they push the envelope with one ineligible expense after another The oil superknowsthisiswrong,butstilltriesitshand,sotospeak,to seehowmuchitcansucceed Ithasapushovergovernmentinits fists,andleaderswhopushthemselveswithsicklyenergytogetout ofExxonMobil’sway Oilassociatedexpensesarejustoneinstance wherethecompanyistheworstpossiblepartnerthatthiscountry couldhavefoundandmadeapact Inaparallelfinding,theVHE ConsultingteamofauditorsdeniedtheexpensesfortheGreater Guyana Initiative that was launched by ExxonMobil in 2021tosupportanotherlocalentitythatcouldnotbelinked tooiloperation. Weatthispaperwouldarguethatthereis every indication that instead of ExxonMobil devoting a comprehensive interest in how to partner honestly and openly with Guyana, it is going in the opposite direction Rather than finding ways to be the best partner for Guyana, ExxonMobil is actively engaged in how to prey upon it and gorgeitselfsickonthiscountry’soilmoney LiketheMidasof legendandhisinsatiablegreedforgold,ExxonMobilcouldend upwithastatueofstoneandsteelandnotanoverloadedbank vaultforallitsslickefforts Constantplottingonhowtofuse offshoreandonshoreexpensescouldbackfire Thereisalesson inrecallingwhatthecaringfatherdidtohisowndaughter

At different times, we have exposed the expenses that thecompanyhasbilledGuyanaforandwonderwherethese exercises in corporate excesses stop. Whenit hasn’t been bills for Christmas parties, it has been for getting and keeping fit. ExxonMobil is training its people to be in tiptop condition, so that they can develop new ideas and ways to charge Guyana’s oil revenues for any and every expense. If,accordingtoExxonMobil,helpinglocalswith catering and the like can fall into the pool of eligible expenses, then it is reasonable to make the case that the expenses related to maintaining this daily publication is alsorelatedtooffshoreoiloperations.

What is interesting is that the more that the auditors affirmaboutwhatexpensesareineligibleand,therefore,donot pass muster for deduction from local oil revenues, the more ExxonMobildoesnotagree,putsupawallofresistance,and drags out findings for years Compared to this country, the companyhasalltheadvantagesonitsside Ithastheskillsand capacity; we have little of either It has time to play time consuminggames,Guyananeedsthesefindingstoberesolved now than next year or the one following It has energy in abundance,while Guyana is panting for breath and falling farther behind in the face of these corporate tricks. The auditshaveidentifiedacultureofthecompany:whetherthe expensesarebigorlittle,stickthemtoGuyana. Regardless ofiftheyareeligibleornot,stillpushthemforward. Thisis Guyana’soilpartner

Royal runaround to rehabilitate changing rooms and showers at the National Park Rugby Ground


, I write this letter as patronoftheGuyanaRugby Football Union (GRFU) because I was astonished to read in the Sunday Stabroek Sport,26thMay,2024,thata straightforwardrequestfrom the Rugby Union to the P r o t e c t e d A r e a s Commission (PAC) to rehabilitate the changing rooms and showers at the National Park Rugby Groundtoenablethehosting of an International Rugby Match and subsequently made to the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport for support by the Protected Areas Commission (PAC), “is currently before Parliament and awaiting approvalfromCabinet”.

The Union has, in fact,

rehabilitationcanbeaffected forlessthan$1M.

Here are the facts. The Guyana Rugby Football Union(GRFU)isduetohost the Trinidad & Tobago Rugby Football Union (TTRFU) on 22ndJune, 2024, in the Southern Caribbean round of the Rugby Americas North (RAN) Qualification for the World Rugby Cup Championships.

I wrote the Minister of Sport, Mr Charles Ramson

Jnr., on 13thMay, 2024, so informing him and drew his attention to the fact that the players’changingroomsand showersattheNationalPark Rugby Ground require immediate rehabilitation in order to host this internationalmatch.

The National Park has neglected to maintain these facilities over a number of years.Iattachedtomyletter to the Minister, detailed recommendations for upgrading these facilities. Receipt of my letter was acknowledged on 14thMay, 2024, by the Minister’s PersonalAssistant.

In the meantime, I had s p o k e n w i t h t h e Commissioner of the P r o t e c t e d A r e a s Commission (PAC), Mr JasonFraser,responsiblefor the administration of the National Park on the matter and I attended, along with other Members of the Executive Committee of the GRFU, a meeting hosted by the Assistant Commissioner of the PAC, Mr Fitzroy Sealey, on 17thMay, 2024. The meeting agreed to carry out sufficient emergency upgrading of the changing room facilities to enable hosting of the Tournament providing that the Ministry of Sport would support the

undertaking, including upgrading of the playing field and installation of lightingfortheplayingfield as the PAC did not have the budgetarycapacitytodothis work.

Commissioner Fraser wrote to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture,Youth&Sport,Ms. MelissaTucker,onthesame day, requesting “Funding SupportforRehabilitationof R u g b y F i e l d a n d Infrastructure” on an urgent basis.

Mr Fraserconcludedthe letter to Ms.Tucker inviting representatives from the Ministry to meet with the PACattheNationalParkon 20thMay, 2024, “to develop the scope of work and with your support to start the rehabilitation of the rugby fieldintimeforthematchin June”. Mr Fraser’s letter was copied to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, PAC, Mr Robert Persaud, andtotheUnion. Iamaware that Mr Fraser has spoken directly to Permanent Secretary Tucker and to the MinisterofSportrequesting anurgentdecision.

At the time I write this letter, the Protected Areas Commission still awaits a decision from the Ministry ofSport.Wearenow23days

away from the Tournament and the Union will have to inform Rugby Americas North very shortly as to its preparation for hosting the Tournament.

I have made several attempts to contact the Permanent Secretary withoutsuccess.

Guyana defeated Trinidad&Tobago,24-23,in thefirstmatchofthe2games qualifier, hosted at the HaselyCrawfordStadiumin Trinidad, a stadium with comparative facilities to Guyana’s National Stadium atProvidence.

Should Guyana be unable to host this Tournament, Guyana would forfeit the game and be significantly penalized, probably fined and disqualifiedfromanyfurther part in the Championship. I must point out that Guyana was able to successfully participate in the Grenada Rugby World Sevens Championship Tournament in November last year with the full and generous financial support of the MinistryofSport,alongwith the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) and private sector company sponsorship.

Yourssincerely, KitNascimento

AquacultureAdvancements in Guyana



emerged as a vital sector in Guyana’s agricultural landscape, and its progress

u n d e r d i f f e r e n t administrations showcases the impact of policy and leadership. A comparative analysis of the strides made underthecurrentMinisterof

Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, against the backdropoftheAPNU/AFC administration, reveals significant advancements in the sector under Minister Mustapha’sleadership.

Aquaculture under the APNU/AFCAdministration

During the APNU/AFC administration (2015-2020), efforts in aquaculture were relativelymodest.Whilethe government recognised the potential of the sector, i n v e s t m e n t s a n d comprehensive policies to boost growth were limited. Statistics from the Guyana Bureau of Statistics shows that by 2020, aquaculture p r o d u c t i o n w a s approximately 1,000 metric tonsannually,withthesector facing challenges such as

inadequate infrastructure, limited technical support, andinsufficientfunding.

Transformative Changes under Minister Zulfikar Mustapha

Since taking office in August 2020, Minister Zulfikar Mustapha has prioritised the development

o f a q u a c u l t u r e , implementing a series of strategicinitiativesthathave resulted in remarkable growth Under his leadership, the Ministry of Agriculture launched targeted programmes to enhance production, improve infrastructure, and provide technical and financialsupporttofarmers.

1. Increased Production: By 2023, aquaculture production had surged to 3,500 metric tons annually, reflecting a 250% increase since 2020. This significant rise demonstrates the effectiveness of the policies andsupportmechanismsput in place by Minister Mustapha.

2 Infrastructure Development: The government, under

Mustapha’s guidance, has invested heavily in modernising aquaculture facilities. This includes the construction of new fish ponds and hatcheries, and the upgrading of existing infrastructure These improvemen

s h

ve enhanced the capacity and efficiency of aquaculture operations across the country

3. echnical Support and Training: Recognising the importance of knowledge transfer, the Ministry of Agriculture has provided extensive training programmesforaquaculture farmers These programs focus on best practices in fish farming, disease m a n a g e m e n t , a n d sustainable production techniques.TheMinistryhas collaborated with international experts to ensure that Guyanese farmers are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.

4. Financial Support and Incentives: To encourage investment in aquaculture, the government has

introduced various financial incentives, including grants and low-interest loans Thesemeasureshavemadeit easier for farmers to expand their operations and adopt moderntechnologies.

5 R e s e a r c h a n d Development**: Under Mustapha’stenure,therehas beenasignificantincreasein research and development activities aimed at improving aquaculture practices.Theestablishment of research facilities and partnerships with academic institutions has led to innovations that enhance p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d sustainabilityinthesector


The comparative impact ofthetwoadministrationsis stark.WhiletheAPNU/AFC administration laid some groundwork, the lack of comprehensive policies and limited investment hindered substantial growth In contrast, Minister Mustapha’s tenure has been marked by robust policy implementation, significant investments,andafocuson (Continuedonpage06)

Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Friday May 31, 2024
stimated that th
uaculture has

Citizens of Guyana arise from your slumber before it is too late


, My generation grew up with the understanding that those elected to political leadership are bound by the constitution, our tradition and encircled by honesty,

propriety and truth Recently, we were persuaded that with the acquisitionofaTurkishship and other paraphernalia we would see an end to a stressful spate of outages. Not so, at 9:29 a.m. there was an outage as usual withoutnotice.

The majority of us, who are lucky to have a generator,havehadtoutilise that facility, of course having to buy diesel fuel. I left home at 1:00 p.m. to attend a function and power was not restored until after 3:00p.m..

In a letter published earlier, I postulated that any business enterprise or servicerequiresthreethings - money, machinery and management.

This Government, for the first time in our PostIndependencehistoryhasan abundance of money and therefore access to machinery The missing tragic and all-consuming M ismanagement.

If a Government is serious beyond its rhetoric about providing a credible service in the power and other sectors, they must overcomethishighhurdleof appoi

persons whose prequalifications seem to be supportersoracolytesofthis PPPregime.

DearEditor,thetimehas come when the suffering soulsmustnolongerremain silent and appear to be subservient or victims of a well-funded propaganda outfit.

Butwhatisworrisomeis that when journalists from the two major independent media-houses, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News ask probing questions, they are deemed by no lesser personsthanthetopbrassof thePPPasgutter-journalists. Sillystepsofsheerstupidity

As an ordinary layman, thru your medium, I would respectfully ask of the President,thefollowing ( 1 ) H o w m a n y generators were purchased oracquiredoverthepastfew months.

(2) From whom was it purchased and the total cost

including fees for

Consultantsand Agents

(3)Havinglistenedtothe VP last Thursday and the questionofProcurementand his Government’s last tournament on those in breach of Procurement and allied rules and regulations, wewouldliketoknowwhat mechanisms were used, to identify the source of these generatorsandwhetherthey were new, second hand or reconditioned.

Similar questions about the Turkish ship, which we wereassuredrecentlywould bring a halt to these disgusting inconveniences ofoutages.

Onalighternote,Irepeat whatafriendobservedwhen faced with continued blackouts notwithstanding theTurkishshipthatwemay needtoreplacethePwiththe twentieth letter in the alphabet.

But Editor, there is one smallquestion,whyisitthat with all of those earnings from gold, diamonds, manganese, timber oil, that logic suggests that by now, the Guyana dollar would returntotheolddayswhenit was4-1oreven20-1.

I am neither an economist nor a financial expertbutIhavebeeninthe vanguard of the noble effort to put meaning to our Independence.

That is ownership and control of our natural resources.

Today, thanks to some ambivalent ideology, we havenothingtodemonstrate thatwecontrolanythingthat belongs to us, so we boast that Guyana is the fastest

growing economy in the world Yet because the economy is now firmly controlled by those who harvest our non-renewable natural resources; they are theoneswhoaredefactoin control and we are allowing a cleverly contrived con gametocontinueunabated.

Onesimpleexample,the mighty conglomerates sell theproductsrawandrefined in most cases and earn US dollars, pounds sterling or EU but pay their expenses and local personnel in Guyana dollars deemed local content so it is their interest with a weak complicit Government to ensure that the exchange remains at 200 plus Guyana dollarsto1USdollar.Sothe old colonial type relationship, the experience with bauxite, for example, remains undisturbed and intact. Silly steps of sheer stupidity

So with these massive gold reserves proving that we are indeed an Eldorado, ourillustriousPresidentand Vice President, shout from the mountaintop how many newjobsareintheoffingas a result of new investors descending on Guyana to exploitourmassivegoldand


This appears to be the only benefit to come to us theownersoftheseprecious materials.

Instead of investing moneyandskillstoestablish a gold refinery, we are satisfied with being a colonial outpost to provide the primary products, with no concepts, no efforts of value added. Silly steps of sheerstupidity

Toouryoungpeople,we must guard against and not allowanyGovernmenttobe guilty of this unworthy abjectsurrendertothewiles andwishesofoutsiders.


Remembering Oscar Clarke and relations with Derek Jagan of PPP

DearEditor, Many glowing tributes were deservedly paid to OscarClarke.Iwouldliketo contribute an anecdote as relates to the relationship between Mr Clarke, then PM Forbes Burnham, and Derek Jagan (brother of Cheddi), former Speaker of the Assembly I was informed that Derek and Oscar enjoyed very warm relations despite the toxic politics between the then ruling PNC and the oppositionPPP

I happened upon Mr Clarkeinpassingduringthe 1970s when I was a high school student and again at other times when I spent extended periods during my breaksinGuyanaduringthe 1980s and after Mr Clarke was well known as a Regional Minister and a Minister of Government. I knew of him as someone who was married (second wife)toaformerresidentof FreeYard,PortMourant,one of a handful of Afros (Mixed) who lived in Port Mourant prior to the 1960s raceriots.

As related to me years ago, when Derek Jagan was alive,OscarandDerekwere close though I am not familiar with the nature of therelationship. Derekwas also very friendly with Forbes Burnham and they would frequently meet for social drinks after parliament or after work. Derek played some role in Oscar being promoted by Burnham either as General SecretaryandorMinisterof Government. As related to me, at a social together, Burnhamwaschattingabout filling a vacancy and Derek recommendedOscarClarke. Burnham turned to Derek andasked,whyOscarforthe position, querying whether “it was because they were friends”.

And Derek replied no, Oscar was competent and qualifiedfortheposition.

IwastoldthatOscarwas instrumental in providing limited assistance to the Jagan’s including neighbourhood security where they lived especially when Cheddi and or Derek wasoutoftown.

Ialsolearnthatinspiteof the divisive politics of the 1960s, he became close friends to leading Indian figuresinthePPP Oscarwas respectful!

Yourstruly, VishnuBisram

Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Friday May 31, 2024
ting to
anagerial positions
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It is with profound sadness that the New York PNCR Group pays special tribute to the late Party Stalwart Oscar Eleazar Clarke, CCH Our great party has lost a giant of a leader In the words of Kipling, “He walked with KingsandQueens,butnever lost the common touch.” He wasamanofthepeoplewho remainedhumbledespitethe multiplicity of important offices he held during his more than five decades of service to his beloved Guyana.

Comrade Clarke’s illustrious career as General Secretary of the People’s National Congress, spanned the tenures of three-Party Leaders–FormerPresidents Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, O.E., President Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C, and President David Arthur Granger, M S M, M S S Thiswasindeedtestamentto hisastutenessasaleader,his political acumen and a trusted confidant of three different party leaders. In fact, when he retired as General Secretary of the party on June 30th 2017, he washailedasastalwartwho came through the ranks and served the party with vigor anddistinction.

Starting in the Young SocialistMovement(YSM), the youth arm of the party, ClarkebecameaMemberof P a r l i a m e n t a n d subsequently served as a Parliamentary Secretary in 1965andasDeputySpeaker of the National Assembly from January 1, 1969 to December31,1969.Hisfirst stintasGeneralSecretaryof thePNCbeganonDecember 1,1968. Inhismulti-faceted career, this outstanding Guyanese patriot served as MinisterofState,Ministerof Regional Development, Minister of Home Affairs

and Guyana’s High Commissioner to Zambia and the Front-Line States as well as Ambassador to the RepublicofCuba.

It is significant to note, that Cde Clarke’s appointmentasAmbassador totheFront-LineStates,was very strategic. It was in keeping with Guyana’s commitment to the liberationmovementandthe dismantling of apartheid in South Africa in the 1970’s and 80’s The Frontline States comprised Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe (fo

merly Rhodesia) Oscar Clarke played a pivotal role in


Leadership in the AntiApartheid Movement in the Caribbean and globally Through the efforts of the Front-Line States and the Non-Aligned Movement, Apartheid was dismantled andNelsonMandelabecame President of SouthAfrica in 1994.

It is also significant to note that Oscar Clarke’s deathcoincideswithGuyana 58

Independence on May, 26, 1966, Oscar Clarke would have already entered the hallowedhallsofParliament asaParliamentarySecretary

The New York PNCR Group salutes this great son ofthesoilandlooksforward toafittingtributebeingpaid bytheNationalAssemblyof Guyana, in recognition of thetwenty-one(21)yearsof dedicated service by Oscar Eleazar Clarke, to this nation, as a Member of Parliament.

We extend deepest sympathy to his wife and children as well as other relatives and friends. May hissoulrestineternalpeace and his memory cherished forever





IN OURSELVES, THAT WE ARE UNDERLINGS.” Citizens of Guyana, arise fromyourslumberbeforeitistoolate and we accept that getting two percent is acceptable Further,asteadydrifttoclassApartheid

So w

while the Nova Riche can afford to send their children to high-priced Private Schools cementing the conditions to widen the gap between the haves and the haves not

Today, silence is no option HamiltonGreen Elder

AquacultureAdvancements in Guyana...

Tribute to Oscar Clarke CRG

Frompage04 capacity building, resulting in a thriving aquaculturesector

Thestatisticsclearlyindicatethatunder Minister Mustapha, aquaculture in Guyana has advanced rapidly, positioning the country as a potential leader in the Caribbean’saquacultureindustry

“You bruk it? FIX

DEAREDITOR, Ithinkitistruetosaythat every right-thinking person appreciates progress, real progress; not the one that takes you one step forward andtwostepsbackward.

We the residents of Bel Air were overjoyed when some months ago, our street was re- surfaced and we could drive smoothly to our destination.

As progress would have it, pipes needed to be run alongthewesternsideofthe road, so GWI alerted residents of First Street Bel Air Village, via a flyer, that during the period 1st April 2024to2ndMay2024.“

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will be upgrading the distribution network to improve water quality&thelevelofservice within Bel Air Village Worksincludethecuttingof roads and entrances The contractor assigned; Rudolph Kissoon of R K

services will be responsible for all reinstatement during workexecution...”(acopyof thefullnoticeisattached).

Sometimeafterthedates indicated on the flier, on the same day that excavation works had to be done to facilitate the laying of the pipes,residentslivingonthe western side of the street who parked in front of their homes, were informed that they needed to remove their vehicles. We complied. The earthwasdugup,alongwith everything in its path; our bridges were broken and neat strips of concrete that facilitatedtheparkingofour cars were also dismantled. Mud was piled up on the westernside,andthebroken slabs of concrete from the former parking area, were dumped on the eastern side ofthestreet.

Thepipeshavebeenlaid. Now who is responsible for returning the street to its pristine state. Heaps of mud prevent us from parking in

The substantial increase in production, coupled with improved infrastructure and farmer support, highlights the transformative impact of strategic leadership and investment in this critical sector

Sincerely SatrohanSingh


front of our homes. Two vehicles got stuck in the mud. Sand was generously thrown in front of our bridges to help us navigate the pathway Pensioners such as I continue to mince our way through these uneven“paths”aswetryto keep our balance while trying to avoid taking sand into the house ( an almost impossible task!) This untidystateofaffairscaused oneneighbourtocomment:“ this is not a squatting area” (with due respect to squatters).

Thanksforeveryeffortat improvement but long story short... (I need some Creolese to express my frustration.).

Is when ‘y’all comin’’ back to fix back we street, bridges and neatly paved parking areas, like you met t h e m ? Whenwillwebeabletopark infrontofourhousesagain

Yoursprogressively Concernedresident

condemns calls for political violence!

DEAREDITOR, The recently highly publicized call for violence against key members of the Cabinet is yet another in recent times. Not too long ago,therewerealsocallsfor armed insurrection against the government The politically motivated acts of domestic terrorism against government supporters also lingers, and the prosecution of the perpetrators is still pending. It is our hope that the government will take swiftactiontoensurethatthe upcoming national elections will be one free of violence andfreeoffear CRG condemns any

form of political violence and intimidation Our democracy is precious and should be protected. It is every Guyanese citizen’s responsibility to ensure that we bring to light any plans for politically motivated violence Knowledge of such plans should be shared immediately with the authorities. The will of the peopleofGuyanashouldnot and will not be thwarted. Everyone who works hard fortheGuyanesepeoplewill eventually have an opportunity to further help ourcountry Thereisnoneed to take power by force if intentionsarehonourable.

Thosewhoaregreedyfor powerandoilwealtharenot worthy of our support and help. Let not their wicked intentions be successful. If there is a justified grievance between political factions then the courts should be used to settle the matter Leaders of all political factionsmustsetanexample where the rule of law is upheld and where all those who have been selected to serve our country can do theirdutiesinsafety Withutmostconcern, Mr.JamilChanglee Chairman


Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Friday May 31, 2024
T h e C o o p e r a t i v e Republicans
ng Guyana
nniversary of Independence When Guyana gained its
th A
e can be cruel to Teachers
issoon Contracting


True to form, or his usual press formula.

We gave oil chief Jagdeo a chance. Fix self, stop fooling around.

Be a leader!

Lead like a man, a real oilman…

What did he do at his press riot yesterday?

Same rowdy Jagdeo.

Same surly, grumpy Jagdeo!

Jagdeo is gone; gone for good!

Clueless, helpless, classless!

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Friday May 31, 2024

Guyana’s oil driving Exxon's future growth plans -ExxonAnnualReport


annual report underscores the pivotalroleofGuyanainthe company's strategic growth plans, highlighting the completion of 12 6 net exploratoryanddevelopment wells in Guyana's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),

which it said is the cornerstone of its future expansion.

This extensive drilling activity marks a significant milestone in ExxonMobil's effortstosolidifyitspresence and maximize production in Guyana, an area rapidly becoming central to the company's operations, according to the report

Guyana's offshore operations, the report observes, now span 4 6 million acres, with major

projects like the Payara development leading the charge.

The Payara project, whichbeganoperationswith the Prosperity floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel in November2023,hasnotably boosted ExxonMobil's production capabilities. By January 2024, the company Payara had already reached its nameplate capacity, contributing to a combined gross production of nearly 440,000barrelsofoilperday from the three operating FPSO vessels on the StabroekBlock.

on the Stabroek Block in 2023.

“These discoveries reinforce the region's strategic importance and potential,” coupled with the now sanctioned sixth FPSO projectatWhiptail.

According to the company's annual report, ExxonMobil's strategic investments in Guyana are complementedbysignificant activitiesinotherregions.

Itnotedadditionally,that the planned merger with PioneerNaturalResourcesis s

representing37percentofits total16.9inprovedreserves. Significant transfers from proved undeveloped, to proven developed reserves, were achieved through developmentactivitiesinthe United States, Guyana, Australia, and the United ArabEmirates.

This has since been ramped up to 645,000 barrels, with the consent of the Environmental ProtectionAgency “This robust output underscores ExxonMobil's efficient project execution, with Payara achieving these milestones well ahead of schedule.”

Thecompanyinitsreport also reminded that, the

successful commencement ofPayaraispartofabroader strategy that anticipates six FPSO vessels operating on the Stabroek Block by the endof2027.

This expansion is further supported by the ongoing development of the YellowtailandUaruprojects, each expected to initially produce approximately 250,000barrelsperday

These developments, the company reaffirmed in its report, not only enhances ExxonMobil's production c a p a c i t y b u t a l s o demonstrate the company's commitment to sustaining andgrowingitsoperationsin Guyana.

With this in mind, it was reported that for the year in review, exploration success in Guyana continued with four additional discoveries

business, particularly in the PermianBasin.

Thismergerwillcombine the strengths of two leading

ing resource recovery and operational efficiency while reducingemissions.

The integration with Pioneerisexpectedtoplaya crucial role in ExxonMobil's growth, leveraging the synergies between the two companies to maximize outputandefficiency

The 2023 report also highlights that as part of ExxonMobil's broader upstreamcapitalprogram,its priorities lie with low-cost, high-supply opportunities suchasinGuyana.

At yea

d 2023, Ex

d approximately6.3billionoilequivalent barrels in proved undeveloped reserves,

As such, the company outlines that ExxonMobil's ambitious plans in Guyana and its strategic investments globally are poised to drive significant growth and maintainitscompetitiveedge intheenergysectorandwith “the company's ability to execute projects efficiently and ahead of schedule, coupled with successful mergers and acquisitions, positions ExxonMobil to navigatetheevolvingenergy landscape and capitalize on emerging opportunities ” According to the company, the completion of 12.6 net exploratoryanddevelopment wells in Guyana serve to highlight ExxonMobil's aggressive expansion efforts in the region with robust production capabilities, ongoing development projects, and strategic mergers, and as such posits that with its assets such as in Guyana, “ExxonMobil is well-positioned to sustain its industry leadership and achieve longterm growth in the global energymarket.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Friday 31, 2024
et to transform the company's upstrea
ors, e
ExxonMobil's 2023 annual report underscores the pivotal role of Guyana in the company's strategic growth plans

The nuanced art of newspaper cartoons

Three weeks ago, Stabroek News carried a cartoon which triggered controversy among two groups in Guyana who accused the cartoon of stereotyping African Guyanese. Stabroek News has not responded to this criticism nor has it removed the cartoon from its online edition.

Those who criticised the carton missed entirely what was being depicted and the deeper meaning behind the cartoon They essentially sawwhattheywantedtosee. Butthatisnotanunusualor unique occurrence

Interpreting a cartoon is a nuanced art And not everyone always grasps the message and context

Cartoons with their potent mix of humour, satire, and artistry, serve as a powerful medium for social and political commentary They encapsulate complex issues into a single, impactful image, often but not always using exaggeration, irony, and symbolism to convey their messages. However, discerning and interpreting these cartoons is a nuanced task that poses several challenges for some viewers.

Cartoonsheavilyrelyon symbols and metaphors to communicate their messages. A broken scale might represent a flawed justice system, while an oversized boot could symbolise oppression Thesesymbolsareculturally and contextually specific, requiring the viewer to possess a certain level of background knowledge Withoutunderstandingthese symbols, the cartoon’s

message may be lost or misinterpreted.Caricatureis a common technique in cartoons, where public figures are exaggerated to highlight specific traits While exaggeration is intended to be humorous, it cansometimesbemisreadas disrespectful or offensive. The challenge lies in balancing satire with sensitivity, ensuring that the caricature is interpreted as intended: a critique of actions and policies, not a personalattack.

A well-crafted cartoon often leaves room for multiple interpretations, adding to its complexity

This ambiguity is intentional, inviting viewers to think critically about the issues presented. However, it also means that different viewers might derive different meanings from the samecartoon,influencedby theirownperspectives.

This subjectivity can unfortunately create misunderstandings which is what appears to have happened to both IDPADAG and the WPA Both organisations issued statements critical of the cartoon.Theformeraccused thecartoonistofpresentinga one-sided characterisation of poverty and crime and objectedtowhatitsawasthe stereotype of the African Guyaneseasacriminalwith images of people ofAfrican descent in conflict with the law The latter, the WPA, accusedthecartoonofbeing insensitive and of assigning aracialfacetohighcrime.

The criticisms do highlight the fact that in a multiethnic society, cartoonistsmustbesensitive

to racial, religious and other cultural feelings While editorialfreedomisalicence giventocartoonists,itisnot withoutboundaries.Myown viewisthatthesetwogroups misread the cartoon completely The cartoon did notsetouttostereotypeany raceorgroupingnordiditdo so unwittingly It is debatable whether the child depicted in the cartoon representsanyspecificrace.

The child’s head is completelybald,eliminating any clear ethnic identifiers. Thosewhoassumethechild isAfrican might have made thisinferenceduetothedark shadows on the child’s face, which they may have been mistaken for his skin tone, thus associating it with a particularrace.

The dark lines and shadows, however, symbolisethegrimrealityof poverty and the pervasive impact it has on the lives of the impoverished The central message of the cartoonisthatpovertydrives theinnocent,representedby the child, into crime, including violent crime. In cartoons, the use of dark shadow or shades is a powerful visual tool to symbolise grim times and circumstances. These shadows often convey a senseofforeboding,despair, or hardship, creating an immediate emotional response in the viewer By casting parts of the scene or characters in shadows or darkness, cartoonists highlight the severity and bleakness of the situation

being depicted This technique can effectively underscore themes of poverty, oppression, or




clash between the Old School Play Crew and the New Age Digital Brigade. Back in the day, dem youth been running wild with games like gamorbanga.

Dem boys used to play war break and cowboys,dodgingimaginarybullets.Dem girls perfecting their hopscotch game like it was an Olympic sport.Today we gat a contestofthetwogenerations.Innadione corner, we got the Past Generation, dem legends who knew how to hustle in the streets and yards with games that didn’t neednofancygadgets.Demkidswereout there, strategizing in cowboys and war break, forging bonds thicker than molasses.

Whentheyshouted“One-two-threered light,” it was like a battle cry that echoed through the blocks, bringing everyone together faster than freeWi-Fi. Now, inna

moraldecay,addingdepthto the narrative without the needforwords.

Critics of the cartoon may have overlooked that the child depicted is a reluctant participant in crime The cartoon illustrates this with a single teardrop falling from his eyes and him sniffing, indicating he is crying. This detail underscores his fear and apprehension about

being driven into crime by poverty.The child’s poverty is evident in his tattered clothing and bare feet. The cartoon sends us a warning that if poverty is not addressed, Guyana’s future will see innocent youth being forced into crime survival This powerful message has unfortunately been overshadowed by the criticisms directed at the cartoon.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

di odda corner, we got the Present Generation. These tech-savvy warriors may not know the thrill of scraping knees on concrete, but they’re masters of their own digital domain. Instead of street corners, they’re holding court in virtual realms, slaying dragons and conquering galaxieswithaflickoftheirthumbs. Buthey,whoneedshumaninteraction when you’ve got online avatars and anonymous chatrooms, am I right? So, which crew takes the cake in this epic showdown?Theoneswhoperfectedtheart ofstreetgamesortheoneswho’vegottheir heads stuck in screens? Well, that’s a debatehotterthanpepperpotonChristmas morning.

But one thing’s for sure, whether you’re rocking the retro or living in the future, playtime ain’t what it used to be. Anddemboysseh,ain’tthatthetruth! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Friday May 31, 2024


Pres. Ali with the Financial Times

The Financial Times headline can be envisioned: 'Guyana prefers Chevron over Exxon in Hess buyout development.'

This was what the prestigious and much followed Financial Times hadtohavewalkedwithfrom its chat with Guyana's

President Irfaan Ali Chevron's shares could get a boost, Exxon's stay still, while Hess' is up in the air What would the presence of ChevroninGuyanameanfor Guyana?

HowdoesExxonscheme through this? Where does Chevron take its new 30% ownershipintheStabroekoil basin, if its deal passes all hurdles?

And, not to forget, how could Exxon and Chevron put their heads together to leadGuyanaforadance,and make bigger dummies of all

Guyanese? Well, almost all ofthem.

Chevron in Guyana means several things for Guyana. The first is that Guyana could find itself

c a u g h t b e t w e e n a bloodsucking oil company vampire and a flesh-eating corporate cannibal. We get two for the price of one.

President Ali spoke of increasing competition Wellsaid,sir Their choice is simple: race each other to rush production upwards Or work out between themselvesaboutwhatisbest for their respective interests.


WehaveaGuyaneseEPA thatisanonstarter,aVPthat isshufflerandaballetdancer, and twoAmerican corporate predators that are serial stalkers, the best of stealth operators. WoodsandWirth

will weave their way and work their magic. Adouble whammy in Guyana, a double dose of bitter reality for Guyanese. Is anybody hereseeingthis,gettingthis?

On the issue of competition which the president spoke about, he should have left himself some room to think of collusion.

Huge, powerful

American companies are tricky enough and bold enoughdothisinAmericafor prices and supplies and market share, despite all its layers of capable and crediblewatchdogs.

Whatistheretoholdback these two oil giants from goingoverboardinGuyana's oilfields,wheretheyhavean openfieldandthefreesthand to operate as they please. Guyanastartedoutwithlittle to watch out for its interests,

and even that has been transformed into a farce. Here there is this diabolical racebyExxontobeatthelast daily production record, it standstoreasonthatChevron would want to get into that game, either as a partner, or asacompetitor

Did someone say something about safety limits? When VP Jagdeo is onthesamepagewithExxon and billions in project expensesareconcealedfrom thenation,whothehellcares aboutsafetylimits?

When there is this difficulty, this infidelity to national duty, before Exxon standing on its own, then there isn't much of a chance for better with local troubles now doubling if Chevron showsitsfacehere.

As the new 30% partner intheExxon-ledconsortium, Chevronwilluseitssmartsto work with Exxon to the advantageofboth.

I don't discern how that improves competition here. Bothcompaniesareseasoned enough to recognize the advantages of working together, as opposed to against each other In Guyanese lingo, it would be 'haan' wash 'haan' and everybody belly full through having a great good time at Guyana's expense. Guyana isripeforsuchexploitations. As a competitor operating in

its piece of the Stabroek Block,Chevronhassome catchinguptodo,butithas the Exxon blueprint to study andfollow.

Does any Guyanese see Chevron charging Guyana less for its FPSOs? If Chevron is going to enhance competition, how does that favourGuyana?

How when it is going to be doing business under the same unpardonable, unacceptable, 2016 contract terms and conditions that formedanintegralpartofthe bargainboughtfromHess?

Oilcompanieslockedina contractual relationship with Guyana should not be permitted to pass their percentages of the Stabroek Blockfromhandtohandasif theyareinsomeMonteCarlo cas

no, and Guyana represents the bluest chips. Guyana is not up for sale, as though this country is a willing participant in some traffickingscheme.

This is an issue that should have made President Aliblazewithfire,inthathe had had enough with this dreadful contract Somebodymustputastopto thiscrassness.

The Financial Times will deliver President Ali's comforting posture to the deep-pocketed, profitoriented in the global investor community Both Exxon and Chevron's boast the same names among their biggest shareholders: Vanguard and BlackRock, among other investor superheavyweights.

I don't think that Vanguard'sTimBuckleyand BlackRock's Larry Fink are going to stand idly and let either of the companies compete recklessly and undermine the lucrative Guyanafranchise.

Itisincomprehensiblefor any Guyanese to think that the coming of Chevron would be helpful to this country

I urge connecting to Chevron'srecordinThailand andEcuador Chevronisnot the Hess Corporation Chevron is Exxon in disguise Take warning (Theviewsexpressedinthis article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

If the Hess Corporation has plans that does not include staying in Guyana, then its 30% share of the Stabroek Block should be part of a premature relinquishment back to Guyana.

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Friday May 31, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL

Draft oil spill legislation to be released within a week – Jagdeo

The Government of Guyana will within one week release draft oil spill legislation to the public for extensiveconsultations,Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo disclosedonThursday Jagdeo was at the time addressing reporters at his weeklypressconferenceheld at Freedom House, Robb Street,Georgetown.

The Vice President said that the legislative framework will set out the proposed procedures for oil spill preparation, planning andresponseaswellasissues relating to liabilities and damages. It will detail the state's responsibilities and those accountable in the event of an oil spill, whether it be companies operating in the sector or a shipping company

“Withinaweek,we'llget adraftfortheEnvironmental Spill Legislation to ensure

that we safeguard the country; fortify it with a law that forces these companies to own liability should there be an oil spill,” he told reporters at a press conferenceonThursday At a previous press conference, Jagdeo said that theadministrationisactively studying similar legislation of other countries including the United States (US), to incorporate relevant positions.

“So we have been working at this for a while now, looking at how we strengthen legislatively, so wecanhaveclearlegislation onhowtotacklethesethings, there is no ambiguity, just in case these things happen,”

theVicePresidentsaid. He underscored the importance of clarity and fairness, stressing the need for independent mechanism toresolvedisputesregarding compensation for spills. He

noted, “Often oil companies argue if the government comes up with a figure for compensation they will argue(for)adifferentfigure. So an independent fair mechanism for all of those things.”

Jagdeo further explained that the Government's aim is to strengthen the law governing any situation in theeventofanoilspill.

“We will determine responsibilitiesbothfromthe states side and from the parties causing the spill, we will determine liabilities in theactwhowillbeliablefor what,wewouldhavetohave a mechanism that allows us to immediately tackle the consequencesofthespillbut also a mechanism that could lead to resolution to things like compensation etcetera,” Jagdeotoldreporters.

The Vice President also addressed the complexities surroundingliabilityincases

ILO expects global unemployment to drop slightly in 2024, but slow progress to reduce inequalities is “worrying”

Newprojectionsindicate that global unemployment will fall modestly this year evenasinequalitiesinlabour marketspersist,withwomen in low-income countries

particularly affected, according to a new

International Labour Organization(ILO)report.

The ILO's World Employment and Social Outlook: May 2024 Update predictsthatthe2024global unemployment rate will stand at 4.9 per cent, down from 5.0 per cent in 2023.

The figure revises downward the previous ILO projectionof5.2percentfor this year However, the downward trend for joblessness is expected to flatten in 2025, with unemployment remaining at 4.9percent,thereportsays.

According to a press releasefromtheILO,despite this outlook, the report underscoresapersistentlack o f e m p l o y m e n t opportunities The ILO estimatesthatthe'jobsgap'which measures the number of persons without a job but whowanttowork-standsat 402millionpersonsin2024. This includes 183 million people who are counted as unemployed."Today'sreport reveals critical employment

challengesthatwe must still address. Despite our efforts toreduceglobalinequalities, thelabourmarketremainsan uneven playing field, especially for women," said ILO Director-General, GilbertF Houngbo.

" To a c h i e v e a sustainable recovery whose benefitsaresharedbyall,we mustworktowardsinclusive policies that take into considerationtheneedsofall workers.

We must place inclusion and social justice at the core of our policies and institutions. Unless we do, we will fall short of our objective to ensure strong andinclusivedevelopment."

Detailedfiguresfromthe report show that women, especially in low-income c o u n t r i e s , a r e disproportionately affected by the lack of opportunities. The jobs gap for women in low-income countries reaches a striking 22.8 per cent,versus15.3percentfor men. Thiscontrastswithhighincome countries, where the rateis9.7percentforwomen and 7.3 per cent for men. Thesedifferencesarejustthe “tip of the iceberg”, as significantly more women than men are completely

involvingvesselshiredbyoil companies, highlighting the gaps in existing regulations. Hesaidthenewlawwillcater for spills that occur during the transport of petroleum products.

Jagdeo said, “So if a vessel were to have a blowout, one of these big

vessels transporting oil and gas they may not be associatedwithExxon,thisis a company that they hire. So whoisliableinthatinstance?

And how do we enforce the liability?

Allofthesearequestions that we would look at in the legislation.” Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

detached from the labour market.Thereportfindsthat family responsibilities can explain much of the difference seen in women's andmen'semploymentrates. Globally, 45.6 per cent of working-age women are employedin2024,compared to69.2percentofmen.

Even when women are employed, they tend to earn far less than men, particularly in low-income countries. While women in high-income countries earn seventy-thre


nts compared to a dollar earned by men, this figure drops to just forty-four cents in lowincomecountries.

More generally, despite the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, progressinreducingpoverty and informality has slowed down in comparison to the previousdecade.

The number of workers in informal employment has grown from approximately 1.7 billion in 2005 to 2.0 billion in 2024. To achieve t h e S u s t a i n a b l e Development Goals, "a comprehensiveapproach"to reducing poverty and inequality is urgently needed, the report concludes.

Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Friday May 31, 2024

CDB strengthens commitment to sustainable trade logistics at inaugural Global Supply Chain forum

Tk (CDB) reaffirmed its commitment to building economic resilience and enhancing sustainable trade logistics through partnerships at the inaugural GlobalSupplyChainForum.

The event, which was hostedinBarbadosfromMay 21-24, provided a vital platform for knowledge sharing, consensus building, and priority setting, and addressed the unique challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS), CDB said in a press release.

CDB's Acting President, Isaac Solomon, highlighted the importance of the Forum which aligned with CDB's o b j e c t i v e s , " O u r participation in and support for the Forum raised awareness and understanding oftradelogisticsanditsnexus w i t h s u s t a i n a b l e development, and in doing so, further highlighted the special attention required for SIDS and their heightened vulnerabilities " A central focus of the Forum and for CDB was the vulnerability of the Region's supply chains and the need for strategic solutions to minimise these disruptions on lives and livelihoods.

Meanwhile,CDB'sActing Vice President of Operations, Therese Turner Jones, emphasised the strategic importance of the event. She indicated that "The Bank's participation and focus remain ensuring inclusive, sustainable, and resilient Caribbean economies paying particular attention to our uniquevulnerabilities.

TheForumwasastrategic investment for CDB to yield tangible benefits and an understanding of the challenges faced by the logistics sector to enhance trade-led growth in our client countries.”

A t t h e F o r u m , participating Borrowing Member Countries and CDB representatives examined financing, connectivity and policy issues, which impact the resilience of Caribbean andgloballogistics.

This information fed into theGlobalSupplyChain2024

Forum Declaration, an outcome document with concreterecommendationson actions to address supply chain challenges, which will be presented at the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing StatesinAntiguaandBarbuda fromMay27-30,2024.

CDB's Director of Economics, Ian Durant, underscored the Forum's and the Bank's role in promoting knowledge exchange and innovation.

"CDB as a regional enabler is keen to promote knowledge exchange, contributetoinnovations,and the latest trends and developments in global supplychains.

Through plenary sessions and active participation, the Bank has contributed to and advanced recommendations intended to stimulate trade, foster regional integration, a n d e n h a n c e t r a d e competitiveness.”

The Bank co-hosted a p a n e l o n r e g i o n a l connectivity and services, in collaboration with the CARICOM Private Sector Organisation (CPSO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Thiscreatedaplatformfor stakeholders to exchange ideas and explore solutions for greater regional connectivityintheCaribbean. As a sponsor of the Forum, alongside the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), U N C TA D , a n d t h e Government of Barbados, CDB facilitated connections forits19BorrowingMember Countries with key global stakeholders in transport, logistics, and trade, strengthening consensus, and prioritising actions on tackling supply chain issues. Global supply chains underpin economic activity andgrowth.

Theyenabletradeandare critical for maintaining economic stability and w e l l - f u n c t i o n i n g societies They are also integral to achieving the S u s t a i n a b l e Development Goals and thedevelopmenttargetsofour vulnerable regional economies.

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Friday May 31, 2024
he Caribbean Development B

GTU prepared to compromise on salary hike demands

...says Govt. yet to table counter proposal

The Guyana Teachers' Union (GTU) wants the Government to put up a counter proposal to theirs as they seek to bring an end to the over 50-days strike action for better salaries. They said too that they are prepared to amend their multi-year agreement proposal from 2019-2023 to 2022-2025.

During a live stream via the Union's Facebook page on Tuesday, the GTU's PresidentDr.MarkLytesaid that: “What the government was asking us to do was to forego a five-year period duringwhichforthree,there were impositions with no collectiveagreement.

Weevenbelievethatone ofthethingsthatgovernment couldhavedonewastocome to the table with a reason as towhytheybelievewedon't deserve an increase for that period.”

On Thursday, Lyte told News Source that the Union is prepared to compromise and begin negotiation on an agreement that would cover the years 2022 to 2025. According to News Source, the GTU President said the Union is willing to give up morethantwoyearsfromits original proposal, and he believesitisnowtimeforthe Ministry of Education to show that it is serious and also offer two years for negotiationthatwouldmatch the two years that the Union would have remaining from its original proposal.” If the Union is ready to compromise on some of those back years, the Government has got to be prepared to compromise on itsposition.

But all we are hearing is that the Union must compromise and not the other side and it is unfair to workersofthiscountrytobe askedthroughtheirUnionto compromisefiveyearswhen there is no compromise on theotherside.

Iwouldsaythisnow,that if the Government is prepared to take two years –2022 and 2023 – and we go with2024,2025,thenwecan have a four-year agreement ASAP, if the Government is preparedtogowiththat.

We are prepared to give up some of the years under the proposal that we s u b m i t t e d I s t h e

Government prepared to go backandcompromise,rather than hold its position to say 2024 and no more?” Lyte is quoted by News Source as saying.

Speaking to Kaieteur News on the issue, GTU General Secretary, Coretta McDonaldsaidthisisnotthe first time that the Union has presented the government with a compromise as it relates to the multi-year agreement.

“We have always been willing to comprise but it's the Government not prepared to do the same. Every time, we offer something the Government hasanexcuseastowhythey can'tmeetthedemand.

The GTU said is prepared to take two years –2022 and 2023 – and we go with 2024, 2025, then we said we are prepared to give up some of the years under the proposal that we submitted.

They said no… We ask for lump sum they said no.” Mc Donald lamented that while the government continues to be stiffed necked;thenation'schildren aresuffering.

“Children are suffering learninglossjustbecausethe government can't seem to meettheunionhalfway Then the Government wantstocomeandpreachto thecitizensabouthowmuch theycare. Theycareenoughtooffer no compromise while parents, teachers and childrensuffer.”

Meanwhile, during his Facebook live on Tuesday, Lyte explained that he is hearing of talks that the teachersdidnotworkduring the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that “many teachers across this country strongly debunked that because it is

suchalietosayourteachers did not work during the COVID…”

“Ourteacherswereinthe field distributing school work and the Ministry of Education is on record boasting and thanking our teachers for taking the risk.” Lyte noted too that several teachers lost their lives duringthepandemicbecause theytookthatrisk.

“Icancallseveralnames butIdonotwantthefamilies torelivethat,”theGTUhead added.

On February 5, 2024 teachers from across the countrytooktothestreetsto protest for better wages and salaries.

This action went on for almost a month and resulted in a court battle between the Union and the government. In response to the GTU's i n d u s t r i a l a c t i o n , government had announced that teachers who participated in the strike action – salaries will be deducted.

H o w e v e r , G T U challengedthegovernment's decisionincourtandonApril 19, 2024, High Court Judge, Sandil Kissoon ruled in favour of the teachers, affirming the legality of the strike and prohibiting the g


The GTU has been callingonthegovernmentto hike teachers' salaries and have since put a multi-year agreement 2019-2023 to the g o v e r n m e n t f o r consideration.

The government has since refused to accept the proposal, noting that it is only prepared to engage the Uniononsalarymattersfrom 2024 onwards. This resulted in the Union utilising industrialaction.

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Friday May 31, 2024
o v e r n m e n t f r o m implementing salary
GTU President, Dr. Mark Lyte

First Lady teams up with Sheriff Guyana to build recreational park at Anna Regina

First Lady Mrs.AryaAli on Thursday took her National Beautification Project to the PomeroonSupenaam region where the s o d w a s t u r n e d foranewrecreationalparkat AnnaRegina.

Situated near the State House with access from the Anna Regina Public Road, the park is being developed

by the Office of the First Lady in partnership with Sheriff Guyana and the Ministry of Public Works. The park is expected to be completed in four months, the Office of the First Lady saidinapressrelease. A signboard bearing an artist'simpressionofthepark wasunveiledbyMrs.Aliand ManagingDirectorofSheriff

Group of Companies, Mr Ameir Ahmad, Regional ChairpersonVilmaDaSilva, and Mayor of Anna Regina, Devin Mohan, at the project site, in the presence of regional officials and residentsofregiontwo.

Theparkwillfeatureplay amenities for children, a modern gazebo, an outdoor gym, a fountain, washroom

facilities, a paved walkway, benches, decorative lights, andgarbagereceptacles.The park will be outfitted with securitycamerasandfreewifi. Speaking to residents, the First Lady said that this projectisinkeepingwiththe g o v e r n m e n t ' s commitment of improving the lives of the Guyanese people. “This park is being

The Amerindian village of Kurukubaru in Region Eight is set to benefit from improved water supply

service through the Caribbean Development Bank's (CDB), Basic Needs

Trust Fund (BNTF) programme.

A c c o r d i n g t o information released from the BNTF on Thursday, the Government of Guyana through the Basic Needs Trust Fund signed a $69,990,816contractearlier this month with contractor R Kissoon Contracting Service to execute the project.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the scope of works would include the drilling and construction of a d


ll, construction of an elevated trestle, installation of

distribution network, installationofaphotovoltaic pumping syst

developed in keeping with t h e g o v e r n m e n t ' s commitment of ensuring we provideabetterqualityoflife for you – our Guyanese family Wehopethatwhenit is commissioned in the next few months, you will take great pride in maintaining and upkeeping it so you all can continue to enjoy it,” Mrs.Alistated.

She noted that parks like this one help to strengthen village economies – by providing employment opportunities – and improve social relations within communities through increased social activities. Forhispart,Mr Ahmadsaid that Sheriff Guyana was pleasedtoaddthisprojectto


A 73-year-old pensioner

was found dead on

Wednesday afternoon in his home located at Section 'E' Cummings Park, East Coast Demerara(ECD).

The dead man has been identified as Norman Emanuel Vieira also called 'Peter'.

Police related in a report that the death of Emanuel occurred between 19:00hrs on Tuesday and 16:05hrs on Wednesday Investigations revealed that the deceased livedaloneinatwo-bedroom woodenstructure.Policesaid that according to one of the deceased neighbours, Emanuel had no known relative and was a patient of the cardiology clinic at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Notably the neighbour

disclosedthatVieirawaslast seen at about 19:00hrs on Tuesdayathisdoor

Furthermore, it was stated by the neighbour that onWednesday,whileshewas in her yard, she got a foul stench emitting from the deceased's home. Following the smell, she ventured over to Vieira's home and reportedly found him lying motionless.Uponseeingthis, the neighbour contacted police through the 911 hotline The body was examined for marks of violence, but none was seen. The Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) were summoned,andthebodywas pronounceddeadbyadoctor Thebodyispresentlylyingat Sandy's Funeral Parlour awaiting post-mortem examination.

On Wednesday, a

Project Manager of BNTF, Karen Roopchand and a representative of R. Kissoon Contracting Service signing the $69

installation of solarpowered standalone lights. The intervention also includes aWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) training,BNTFnoted. “The sub-project, which has been identified as a priority for the Kurukubaru community,willupgradethe

24-year-old woman was nabbed with 3015 grams of cannabis during a 'Cordon andSearch'operationatLot4 Public Road, Ruimveldt, Georgetown.Thesearchwas done by police from RegionalDivision#4'A'.

According to a statement issued by police, the woman was informed by police that they had received information about narcotics being stored at the said location and requested to searchthepremises.

During the search, a bedroom on the upper floor, which was secured by a padlockwasdiscovered.The

womanwasaskedtoopenit, after which it was searched. Police found 11 transparent Ziploc bags containing a quantityofleaves,seeds,and stems suspected to be cannabis.

The woman was informed of the alleged offence, cautioned, and arrested She was taken, along with the suspected narcotics, to the East La PenitencePoliceStation.

The suspected narcotics were photographed and weighed in the suspect's presence after which it was sealedinanevidencebag.

The suspect remains in custody as investigations continue.

Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Friday May 31, 2024
r a n s m i s s i o n a n d
m and
system so that residentscangainexpanded access to potable water u s i n g a c o m p l e t e reticulation system, ” BNNTFstated.
a cyclical grant funded programme by the Caribbean Development Bankthataimstoreducethe incidence of poverty by targeting the cause of inequitableaccesstoquality waterinpoorandvulnerable communities. This programme is being implemented through the MinistryofFinance. $69M contract signed to set up water supply system at Kurukubaru
eep wate
water supply
It was reported that the BasicNeedsTrustFundis
Woman, 24, arrested after cannabis found stashed in bedroom Pensioner dead in home
million contract.
First Lady, Mrs. Arya Ali and other officials turning the sod for the construction of a recreational park at Anna Regina.

Eccles Health Centre first to receive supplies to help smokers quit

The Ministry of Health is rolling outanewinitiative to help smokers give up the harmfulhabit.

The Ministry of Health's Chronic Disease Unit on Wednesday handed over a quantity of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) supplies to the Eccles Health Centre to support smoking cessationefforts.

TheEcclesHealthCentre, located on the East Bank Corridorsisthefirstfacilityto receive these supplies as part of the MOH treatment programme.

Lastyearinobservanceof World No Tobacco Day, a TobaccoCessationClinicwas launched at the Industry Health Centre, East Coast Demeraraasameasuretohelp tobacco users quit smoking. The initiative was later set to be rolled out at nine other healthfacilities.

These clinics are located at health centres in Craig, Grove, Buxton, East La Penitence, Lodge, Festival City, Industry, Enmore and Kitty Thehandoverwasdone in observance of World No Tobacco Day which will be observedonMay31,andaims to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and harmful use of tobacco products.

Through the clinic, healthcare workers will use the5A'sstrategytoencourage patients to quit smoking. As such, it will see them asking thepatientsabouttobaccouse at every visit and recording their status followed by the patient's commitment to quit within 30 days from the first initial visit. At the clinics,

advice will be provided and personalised in a manner for every tobacco user to stop using tobacco and nontobacco users to remain tobacco-free while assisting and helping all tobacco users to stop based on their willingness.

WithEcclesHealthCentre now being added to the collection, the Nicotine ReplacementTherapywillbe anewadditiontotheTobacco Cessation Clinics and it will see tobacco users gradually reducing their nicotine dependence, making it easier to quit smoking and improve overallhealth.

The nine other health centres are expected to have this addition within a month.

In her remarks, Technical Officer for Tobacco Dr Shelieza Gopie noted that with the NRT, instead of smoking, tobacco users will be given Nicotine Lozenges, which are like little candies you let dissolve in your mouth. She added that they comeindifferentflavoursand helptoreducethecravingsfor cigarettes without exposing users to harmful (toxic) chemicals.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Non-Communicable Disease Programme, Dr. Lachmie Lall stated that this move is part of the Pan A m e r i c a n H e a l t h Organisation package to achieve tobacco control and reduce smoking rates in Guyana. Present at the handover ceremony were Chronic Disease Unit

Coordinator Dr. Dianele DrepaulandActingDoctorin Charge Dr Michelle SinghSarran.

Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Friday May 31, 2024
Healthcare providers at the Eccles Health Centre after the handing over ceremony on Wednesday

Taleshwar Persaud

Mancharged forraping three-year-oldboy

A man identified as Taleshwar Persaud, 23, was remanded on Thursday to prison for allegedly raping a three-year-oldchild.

Persaud appeared at the Bartica Magistrate's Court before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed. The court heard thathecommittedtheheinous crime on May 23, 2024 Persaud was not required to plea to the indictable charge and was refused bail. He is expected to return to court on June21,2024

Surinamese singer in fiery crash succumbs

A Surinamese singer who recently recorded a song with local music company, The Bad Family Music, on Wednesday succumbed to injuries he sustained during a fiery m o t o r c y c l e c r a s h a t Campbellville,Georgetown.

Steve Caesar, 40 was riding a motorcycle with a female pillion rideronMonday,whenhecrashed head-on into another motorcycle along First Street Campbellville, Georgetown. Police said that Caesar lived in B-Field Sophia, GreaterGeorgetown.

Investigatorsdidnotsaywhat time of the day the crash took place but revealed that the other

motorcyclistidentifiedasSinclair was heading east along the northern side of First Street, Campbellville while Caesar was heading in the opposite direction alongthesamestreet.

In the vicinity of the CampbellvilleSecondarySchool, Caesarlostcontrolofhisbikeand crashed into Sinclair's motorcycle. “Both riders and pillionwentupintheairandfellto thegroundandreceivedinjuries,” police said, before adding that Caesar's motorcycle burst into flames. All three of them were rushed to the hospital and Caesar was admitted in a critical condition.

Kaieteur News PAGE 16 Friday May 31, 2024
Dead Suriname Singer, Steve Caeser
Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Friday May 31, 2024

Waterlogged Lethem trail to reopen today –Min.Indar

Vehicles that have been

KurupukaritoLethemTrail, Region Nine should be able to traverse the terrain by noon today, Minister within the Ministry of Public Works,DeodatIndarsaid.

The Minister's statement follows the disruption of traffic along the trail due to flooding caused by heavy and persistent rainfall that washedawaysectionsofthe

trail and several bridges on Wednesdaymakingtheroad impassable.

The Ministry of Public Works in a statement on Wednesday announced that there is a significant

Kurupukari to Lethem trail noting that at around 15:40hrs, a truck traversing thetrailattemptedtocrossan eroded section within the Iwokrama Concession and

collapsed as a result of sustained pressure from a stormsurgecausedbyheavy rains.

The truck fell into the huge sink hole and within a matter of hours was completely submerged as flood waters began washing awaythatsectionoftheroad. Aswaterlevelsrosequickly, other bridges at different locationswerewashedaway too On Thursday, the ministry said that it completed a series of site visits to assess and address infrastructural concerns in Region 9 due to recent flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, led the

inspections and focused primarily on bridges and areas showing signs of erosion.

“Three bridges were identified with significant erosionissues,”theministry said while adding

“Contractors have been instructed to address these problems immediately to prevent further degradation andensuresafety.”

The inspection covered all bridges from Annai, beginning with bridge number 19, to the washout bridge, number 3 “In addition to erosion repairs, some bridges require the wideningoftheirchannelsto facilitate better water


Miner injured in mining pit collapse at Matarkai

Aminer was on May 25, 2024 injured when a 17-foot mining pit wall collapsed at Arakaka Perseverance, Matarkai, Region One (BarimaWaini).

The injured man was identified as Nolan Leung, an employee of Airton De Oliveira,Matarkai.

The Ministry of Labour in a statement said that it is probing the mining pit

collapse. The ministry said that it has received information from witnesses and relatives that suggested thatataround07:30h;Leung was jetting using a six-inch waterpumpnearthepitwall whenthecollapseoccurred. Leung was transported immediately to the Port Kaituma District Hospital for treatment.Investigations areongoingbytheMinistry's Occupational Safety and Health(OSH)Department.

Kaieteur News PAGE 18 Friday May 31, 2024
Injured: Nolan Leung
stranded along the
disruption along the
of Public Works,
assessing the situation along the Linden to Lethem trail on Thursday. (Ministry of Public Works)
Minister within the Ministry
Deodat Indar and team


Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud, on Thursday, met with HOSAKA Yasushi, ParliamentaryVice Minister for ForeignAffairs of Japan who is in Guyana on a onedayvisit.

The Vice Minister was a c c o m p a n i e d b y MATSUBARA Yutaka, Non-Resident Ambassador of Japan to Guyana and representatives from the MinistryofForeignAffairs ofJapan

Foreign Secretary Persaud expressed Guyana's appreciation for

the support offered by the Government of Japan through economic and technical cooperation projects at the bilateral level He alluded to the

, particularly in the oil and gas sector and affirmed the government's commitment

environment to attract foreigninvestors

Foreign Secretary also acknowledged the close

p between Guyana and Japan as elected members

of the United Nations SecurityCouncil


HOSAKAunderscoredthe importance attached by Japan to its traditional friendship with Guyana, one based on the core principles of freedom, the rule of law, democracy,

ional law and humanrights.


government's interest in

development of Guyana and assured of Japan's

Trinidad: Sedition Act used to charge Chris Must List

Trinidad Express - The Sedition Act has been used to file a criminal charge against Canadian blogger Christopher Hughes, better knownonlineasChrisMust List,who,ifconvicted,faces afineorprisontime.

According to the charge laid by an officer of the Special Investigations Unit (SUI), on May 9, in north Tr i n i d a d , H u g h e s “published a seditious publication to wit: an audio/visual video via YouTube the social media platforms”.

T h e o ff e n c e i s contrarytosection4(1)© of the SeditionActChapter 11:04.

U p o n s u m m a r y conviction, he could be fined $3,000 or serve two yearsinprison.

If convicted in the High Court, Hughes would face a $25,000fine, five years in prison, and the seditiousmaterialseized.

Hughes was spending a third day in police custodytoday

He was arrested by police early on Tuesday morning in relation to a seriesofYouTubevideoshe had uploaded over the last

few weeks featuring interviews with members of gangs.

In 2020, the sedition laws were suspended after Justice Frank Seepersad had ruled that sections 3 and 4 of the Sedition Act, which came into effect in 1920, were not in conformity with the Constitution as they imposed disproportionate and unjustified restrictions on citizens’ free speech, expressionandthought.

The judge also held that the act infringed on the right to freedom of the press

However, the Appeal Court suspended the order o f J u s t i c e F r a n k Seepersad who found last monththatpartsofthelaw were unconstitutional, as it infringed on the rights of citizens to freedom of expression, thought and freedomofthepress

The effect of the ruling meant that people could no longer be charged with the actofsedition.

Therulingbroughtahalt to a preliminary enquiry against Watson Duke, who was charged with sedition last August over statements

cooperation that will seek to


Guyana and Japan established diplomatic relationson11June,1969 Guyana has benefited from several technical

Government of Japan in the areas of training and capacity building, water sanitation and disaster riskmanagement World Expo 2025, at whichGuyanaisexpectedto participate, will be held in Osaka, Japan from 13 April to13October2025.(DPI)

Waterlogged Lethem trail to reopen today...

Frompage18 discharge,” the Ministry said. The ministry said that this measure is crucial to enhancing the resilience of the infrastructure against potentialflooding.

he made during a protest at telecoms provider TSTT in 2018.

Duke was successful in having a charge of sedition againsthimdiscontinuedby Chief Magistrate Maria Busby-Earle Caddle in the PortofSpainCourt.

Jamaat al Muslimeen leader Yasim Abu Bakr, also made an application before Justice Maria Wilson in the Port of Spain High Court for a charge of sedition against himtobedischarged

That charge came following st

t during a sermon in which Bakr allegedly incited others to demand money by menace and to commit a breach of the peace during an Eid sermon at the Jamaat’s Mucurapo RoadMosquein2005

In 2012, his trial at the High Court ended in a hung jury, resulting in a retrial beingordered.

The retrial did not take place and Abu Bakr has sincedied.

Justice Seepersad was overturned by the Appeal Court, which allowed the provisions of the Sedition Acttoenforced.

“Allrelevantcontractors have been informed of the necessary work to be undertaken,” stated the Public Works Ministry Indar also visited the washoutareaandspokewith stranded drivers and passengers, indicating that vehicles should be able to traverse the area by noon today Recent heavy rains have caused significant floods in Region Nine and Region Ten. With regard to Region Nine, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC)saidthatanumberof communities were impacted. Potarinaru in South Central Rupununi, is flooded almost entirely, the CDC said “Other communities such as Aishalton, Parishara and Nappi villages are affected as well some access roads and bridges in areas such as Kurupukari are covered by floodwaters,”theCDCsaid.

Meanwhile, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo said government will continue to monitor the flooding situation and provide the necessary i n t e r v e n t i o n s t o communities affected Jagdeo addressed the matter during his weekly press conference at Freedom House on Thursday “Over the past week, we have had some unusual levels of

rainfall and this has caused untold hardships to many people across the country I want to assure them that all efforts are being made to address these issues to ensure that we can bring relief to those who were affectedacrossourcountry,” the general secretary highlighted.

He further underscored that the Cabinet has deployed several ministers totheseareastoaddressthis situation Jagdeo then pointed out, “We expected that after the prolonged drought, there would be prolongedrainfall.

And a lot of work had beendoneinpreparationfor this. But in some areas, in particularly, in the Rupununi,wehavehadeven beyond what the usual capacity to handle this situation.”

In the case of Linden in Region Ten, critical D&I works are being undertaken in the township to address thefloodingissuesinseveral areas The region experienced approximately four and a half inches of rainfall which prompted immediate interventions.

The Ministry ofAgriculture along with other agencies including the Ministry of PublicWorks,hasmobilised machinery to desilt canals and engage in manual cleaning with residents in West Watooka and Fair’s Rust. Works are currently ongoing in affected areas, withplansforfurtherefforts inotheraffectedareaswithin Wismar shore – Silvertown,

Victory Valley, and First, Second, and Third Alleys. Manual cleaning and other workswillcontinueinareas surrounding Kara Kara C r e e k i n c l u d i n g Speightland,OldKaraKara, Retrieve, and the Oval. The Ministry of Public Works has also deployed emergency teams towards the restoration of the Linden-LethemCorridor

The route along the Kurupukari–Lethem Corridor was significantly disrupted on Wednesday when a truck attempted to cross a damaged section of the road within the Iwokrama Concession Meanwhile, the government has since implemented several strategies to prevent major flooding in Georgetown with the functionality of 12 pumps there.

The Ministry of Agriculture has also assigned three engineers to monitorthesystemsona24hour basis in the city, ensuring the timely operation of pumps and sluices. These pumps will be serviced regularly to avoid mechanical failures. High levels of water have been recorded on the Corentyne CoastinareassuchasBlack BushPolderandtheCentral Corentyne areas. As such, efforts are ongoing to clear several outfalls in Eversham, Adventure, and No. 43 to improve drainage capacities, with pumps complementing these systems.

Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Friday May 31, 2024
growing presence of Japanese investors
t o c r e a t e a s a f e
ing relationshi
i c e - M i n i s t e r
e signaled his
t h e e c o n o m i c
readiness to explore f u r t h e r a r e a s o f
rojects from the
Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud and Hosaka Yasushi, Parliamentary Vice- Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan
Kaieteur News PAGE 20 Friday May 31, 2024
Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Friday May 31, 2024


Caricom Insurance is now hiring Sales Agents/Representatives. Attractive Commission and Training provided. Call (592) 610-6650.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.

One male Driver to do personal and business chores, ages 25-50 years residing on W.C.D or W.B.D. Call: 6240239.

One male able- bodied Staff. For more information Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.

One female able-bodied Staff. For more information Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.

Full/part time person with experience in sewing of school uniform in Georgetown. Call/ WhatsApp: 689-4912/ 6243797.

Land to purchase in Parfaite Harmonie, Provindence or anywhere on the West and East Coast. Call: 702-7100.

To buy scrap radiator, aluminum, copper, brass, etc. Call: 670-8788.

Wanted two office Staff, must have English and Mathematics. Call: 677-4896/664-2374.

Live-in family, husband- mechanical background and license for car and van. Call: 227-1813.

One Hauler Driver needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106. Porter to work in warehouse and Canter driver. Experience is an asset, Attractive salary. Call : 673-7373.

One handyboy age 16 or older, Living accommodation and meals provided $75,000 per Month. Call: 6391315,625-5043.

One Babysitter, must be experienced and able to travel overseas. WhatsApp 973508-2743 or 347-331-1223 to apply.

One able bodied porter in a hardware store at Sheriff Street, Attractive salary .Contact: 689-4041.

Mature domestic help needed to work in a workshop on the East Coast Demerara. Call: 662-1883/ 654-2516.


Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction for Lessons, Church, Office, Storage Bond, other. Call: 603-6400.

Vacancy for professional or trainee Welder. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.

Live-in housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virginia, USA. Free room & boarding offered. Call: 845-325-8241.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132. Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. For more information Call: 615-9132.

Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.

Auto Electrician and Mechanics needed. Send your CV To: omaransarimi@gmail.com or Call: 618-7066.

Vacancies for Cooks, Salesgirls, Cashiers & Porter boys. Contact GK Variety store, Robb & King street, 653-0475. Vacancies exist for Security guard and Carpenter at Happy Acres, ECD. Call/WhatsApp Saoud Osman: 643-9861 / 6116151.

W/union CSR'S, Cashiers, Sales representative, Porters, Bond & Accounts Clerk. Call:609-2995,Email: survivalhumanresources2@ gmail.com.

Lathe Operator, Welder & Handyman needed at Good Hope, ECD. Call: 645-9333/ 220-6078.

$30M allotted to rehabilitate road between Waramuri & Santa Rosa villages

Following a plead to upgrade the road link between Waramuri and Santa Rosa villages in Region One, President Irfaan Ali announced on Thursday that approximately $30M will go towards this project. The President made the announcement while engaging residents of Waramuri Village. The President along with Minister of Housing and Water, Colin Croal and Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha and other officials are on a two-day outreach in Region One.

Among those raising their concerns on Wednesday with the Head-of-State was Head


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

Vacancy At People's Choice Kitchen for night Cooks and Kitchen assistant. Call/ Whatsapp: 673-8315. 1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Chainsaw Operators and Labourers needed for wood concession. Call: 633-6030.

Now hiring: Truck Drivers, Secretary & Accounts clerk to apply send application via Whatsapp at 608-5303/6082114.

Restaurant Manger experience in management & customer service, Good communication skills required. Emil resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com

Head chef, Experience in designing menus and managing staff.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com

Lead Bartender, experience in designing menu, Overseeing staff & Train servers.Email resume: vincent.metivierali@splashmins.com

Full time Domestic/ Maid needed, knowledge of Indian cooking. Call: 618-1853.


Visa Application and consultation, advertisements publishing, graphics design, local & USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

teacher of the Waramuri Primary School, Colin De La Cruz who said that one of the reasons the school could not participate in the inter-school athletics championship last year was due to the condition of the road.

“The road link between Santa Rosa and Waramuri, we need some attention there. Look we had the first day when the children started to write CSEC, the very first day, the bus stick up in the white sand. The children had to reach in late to write CSEC,” the headmaster explained.

“We need to have that road link fix, it is one of the vital transportation connections between the two communities,” he added.

Another issue the headmaster raised was the funding of sport activities in the region and sporting development for his village.

“I keep asking and there seem to be no answer so I would use this forum and find an answer. The budget for sports in Region One… does Region One actually have a budget for sports, when it comes to things like national competition, the region needs to do more,” he stressed.

According to the headmaster, Waramuri over the

years has been producing athletes and football players who are excelling at the national level. He called on the administration to do more to develop sports in the region.

“In Region One, we need to do all these things, the ministries are mandated to do these things and I am appealing to the Honourable Charles Ramson (Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport) to come out from his comfort zone and come to Region One and come to Waramuri and let us see how we can develop and move sport. We have the foundation, we need the people to intervene,” De La Cruz pleaded.

Another “burning issue” De La Cruz spoke about relates to the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) and the provision of a bus.

“A bus was given to transport the children of Skyland to school, now since this bus come, we have not been able to receive the service of this bus and the children would walk to school in rain and sun,” he explained.

After listening to headmaster’s concerns, President Ali assured that Minister Croal will investigate the issue with the bus.

The Department of Public In-

formation (DPI) back in January 2022 reported that Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai handed over the minibus to Skyland Village to eliminate the miles- the long walk.

Meanwhile, President disclosed that $11 million has been allocated in the National Budget to rehabilitate one section of the road link referenced by the headmaster. The contract for that project will be signed next week, the President told the residents adding that that road’s surface will be of laterite.

“In addition to that $11 million, we are going to make available another $20 million to extend the road a bit further, so this year we are going to spend $30 million in total on that road,” the President announced.

Additionally, the Head-ofState said that $10M will go towards the community so they can upgrade the sports ground. Another $10M will be handed over to the region to facilitate the dredging of the Moruca River.

“I have instructed already that this week $10M be transferred to the region and by Friday, you must start the clearing of the river,” President Ali said.

Jamaica: 3-y-o chopped to death by ‘mentally-ill’ man in St Mary, five others wounded

ST MARY, Jamaica — A three-year-old boy is dead while five other people are nursing injuries following a chopping incident in Pagee, Port Maria in St Mary on Wednesday.

Police have identified the deceased as Asha Campbell of Pagee. Another child is among those wounded.

It is reported that the vic-

tims were attacked by a man believed to be of unsound mind.

According to the Port Maria Police, between the hours of 3:30 and 4:00 pm, Asha was walking with family members when he was attacked with an iron pipe and a knife.

In her efforts to stop the attack, the boy’s mother and

five others were injured as they received chop wounds to different parts of their bodies.

The police were alerted and the wounded persons were taken to hospital. The young boy was pronounced dead on arrival.

One person was treated and discharged; the others remain hospitalised.

PAGE 22 Kaieteur News Friday May 31, 2024 PAGE 22 News Friday May 31, 2024
President Irfaan Ali during his visit to Waramuri Village. (Photo courtesy, Barima Waini Region RDC) Head teacher of Waramuri Primary School, Colin De La Cruz

Govt. working to strengthen internal

audit capabilities - Min. Singh

Guyana’s oil and gas industry is driving the need for more robust auditing systems to ensure continued compliance with internal regulations.

This is according to the SeniorMinisterintheOffice of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr AshniSingh,whowasatthe time speaking during a training seminar hosted by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Guyana ChapterInc.,attheRegency SuitesHotel,Georgetownon Thursday

Theministeremphasised the importance of these


(WPA) executive member, Kidackie Amsterdam was released on Thursday on $200,000 bail when he appearedattheGeorgetown Magistrates’Court charged with using a computer system to encourage or incite persons to commit a criminaloffenceagainstthe President.

Amsterdam was arrested by ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), on Tuesday. He appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty to answer to the indictable charge The chargewasreadbeforehim in which he pleaded not guilty Bailwasobjectedby the Prosecutor, however after the Magistrate ruled that Amsterdam be put on bail The matter was adjournedtoJune10,2024, for statements and transferred to Georgetown MagistrateCourt#1.

systemstoensureadherence torelevantlawsandpolicies. Against this backdrop, the minister said that the government is working to strengthen existing internal audit systems for more comprehensive coverage acrossallministries.

Internal audits are ind

processes that examine an organisation’s operations andfinancialrecords,among otheraspects.Theprocessis aimed at identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations The government currently has an effective internal audit system in the Ministry of Finance, but Dr. Singh a

d inconsistencies across other ministries.“Someministries have an internal audit department, [and] some don’t,soweareourselvesin government considering howwecanbetterdeploythe internal audit capabilities in the Ministry of Finance a

of government so that we can address [and] identify critical areas that we are of the view should be covered by the internal audit function,” the minister said. He explained that this system will help in bolstering oversight and accountability, and aligns withthegovernment’saimto


sponsible management of public resources and maximise the value of Guyana’s growing economy

“It is our intention to further roll out the internal audit function across the whole of government to ensure that we have comprehensive coverage and to ensure that we maximiseonthetremendous value that can be added by i n t e r n a l a u d i t i n government,” he explained. The minister further noted that information and communications technology (ICT) is also a critical element in managing government resources and

ensuring that they are expended effectively In this regard, Minister Singh r e c a l l e d t h a t a comprehensive Integrated Financial Management and

Accounting system was deployed years ago at the Ministry of Finance, and he said that this system continuestoproveeffective.


CARICOMHeadswelcome designationofHaiti’sPrimeMinister

First Lady teams up with Sheriff Guyana...

Kidackie released on $200K bail on cybercrime charge Frompage14

The Heads of Government of the C


(CARICOM) on Thursday welcomed news of the designation of Dr Garry Conille by the Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) as Haiti’s transitionalPrimeMinister

Dr Conille was unanimously elected by the TPC following a selection process with nominations from several stakeholder sectors. The CARICOM Secretariat in a statementsaidtheelectionofthetransitional Prime Minister is another important step forwardonthepathtofreeandfairelections andthereturntoconstitutionalorderinHaiti.

“Aware that there are still many challenges ahead, CARICOM expresses its support for the new Prime Ministerdesignate and reiterates its commitment of support to the Transitional Presidential Council and to the people of Haiti CARICOM looks forward to the early completion of the process to officially establish the institutions of transitional governance in accordance with the agreement of March 11, 2024,” the CARICOMSecretariatsaidonbehalfofthe CARICOMleaders.

Further, CARICOM Heads commended the Transitional Presidential Council for putting the interest of the country and the peopleofHaitiaboveallelse.

“This will remain a paramount objective as the TPC, working with Transitional Prime Minister Conille, continues to move forward in restoring security and in establishing the critical broadly representative institutions necessary for the delivery of public services, the provision of humanitarian relief, facilitating socio-economic improvement, and the holding of free and fair elections in a timely manner,” the statementadded

improve the lives of the Guyanese people

Both the Regional Chairperson and the M

d appreciation on behalf of the people of Region Two Some residents, however, did not give up miss the opportunity to personally register their gratitude for the

He also lauded the efforts of the First Lady and praised her for using her office to undertake transformational projects

undertaking which they said will add value to the lives of residents of AnnaRegina T

e N a t i o n a l Beautification Project aims to safeguard the scenic qualities of public spaces in Guyana, promote environmental sustainability, and foster social cohesion through c


Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Friday May 31, 2024
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Israel extends control of Gaza’s entire land border

BBC - Israel’s military has said it has taken control ofthestrategicallyimportant buffer zone along the GazaEgypt border known as the Philadelphi Corridor, meaning it now controls Gaza’sentirelandborder

A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saidabout20tunnelsusedby Hamas to smuggle weapons into Gaza had been found withinthezone.

Egyptian TV quoted sources denying this, and said Israel was trying to justify its military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The IDF has continued its offensive in Rafah and elsewhereinGaza,sayingair strikes hit over 50 “terror targets”overthepastday

An Egyptian soldier standing guard in a watch tower, seen from the Gaza city of Rafah (file image) (Getty Images)

Tensions between Egypt and Israel have heightened since Israeli forces took control of the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing point three weeks ago as part of their offensive against Hamas.

Earlier this week, an Egyptian soldier was killed in an incident involving Egyptian and Israeli troops in the border area near Rafah.

Egypt is a strong supporterofthePalestinians and has condemned Israel’s military campaign in Gaza and the killing of thousands of civilians by Israel in the war

Hedescribedtheareaasa “lifeline” for Hamas, through which the group “regularly smuggled weapons into the Gaza Strip”.

He said troops were “investigating and neutralising” tunnels found inthearea.

Three Israeli soldiers were killed and three others seriously injured on Wednesday in a boobytrapped building in Rafah, the IDF said. Two other soldierswerekilledinacarrammingattacknearthecity of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, it said. Security forces are searching for the driver IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said on Wednesday that forces had “established operational control” of the Philadelphi Corridor

Mr Hagari later said in a briefing with reporters that he could not be sure that all of the tunnels crossed into Egypt, the New York Times reported.

ThePhiladelphiCorridor is a buffer zone, only about 100m (330ft) wide in parts, which runs along the Gaza side of the 13km (8-mile) border with Egypt. Gaza’s only other land border is withIsraelitself.

Egypt has previously said it had destroyed crossborder tunnels, making any weapons smuggling impossible.

And a “high-level” Egyptian source, quoted by Al-Qahera News, accused Israel of “using these allegations to justify continuing the operation on thePalestiniancityofRafah and prolonging the war for politicalpurposes”.

Israel has insisted that it must take Rafah to achieve victory in the war triggered by Hamas’s unprecedented attack on the country on 7 October,duringwhichabout 1,200peoplewerekilledand 252 others were taken hostage.

At least 36,170 people havebeenkilledacrossGaza sincethestartoftheconflict, according to the Hamas-run healthministry

Like Israel, Egypt has maintainedablockadeonits border with Gaza since Hamas came to power in 2006. Hamas is an off-shoot of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood organisation, whichisbannedasaterrorist groupinEgypt.

Egypthas,however,kept channels open with Hamas and has been acting as a mediator in on-off indirect talks between Israel and the group to try to reach a ceasefire deal and release of Israeli hostages held by HamasinGaza.

Jury finds Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts at hush money trial

NEW YORK, May 30

(Reuters) - Donald Trump became the first U S presidenttobeconvictedofa crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.

After deliberations over two days, the 12-member jury announced it had found Trumpguiltyonall34counts he faced. Unanimity was requiredforanyverdict.

Trump watched the jurors dispassionately as they were polled to confirm theguiltyverdict.

The verdict plunges the United States into unexploredterritoryaheadof the Nov 5 presidential election, when Trump, the Republican candidate, will try to win the White House back from Democratic PresidentJoeBiden.

Trump, 77, has denied wrongdoing and was expectedtoappeal. He faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison, though others convicted of that crime often receive shorter sentences, fines or probation Incarceration would not prevent him from campaigning, or taking office if he were to win.

Opinion polls show Trump and Biden, 81, locked in a tight race, and Reuters/Ipsos polling has found that a guilty verdict could cost Trump some support from independent andRepublicanvoters

The jury notified the court they had reached a verdict at 4:20 p m (2020 GMT) and read out all 34 guiltycountsshortlyafter5 p m

The jury found Trump guilty of falsifying

business documents after sitting through a five-week trial that featured explicit testimony from porn star Stormy Daniels about a sexual encounter she says she had withTrump in 2006 while he was married to his currentwifeMelania.Trump denies ever having sex with Daniels.

Trump’s then-fixer Michael Cohen testified that Trump approved a $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 election, when he faced multiple accusations of sexualmisbehavior

Cohen testified he handled the payment, and that Trump approved a plan to reimburse him through monthlypaymentsdisguised aslegalwork.


credibility, highlighting his

imprisonmentandhishistory oflying.

Falsifying business documents is normally a misdemeanor in New York, butprosecutorsinManhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’sofficeelevatedittoa felony on grounds that Trump was concealing an i l l e g a l c a m p a i g n contribution.

Trumpcomplainedthat he could not get a fair trial in his heavily Democratic hometown

The case was widely regarded as the least consequential of the four criminal prosecutions Trump faces Jurors heard testimony of sex and lies that have been publicsince 2018, although the charges themselves rested on ledger accountsandotherrecordsof Cohen’sreimbursement.

It was known as the “zombie case” because Bragg brought it back to

life after his predecessor optednottobringcharges

This case was also likely to be the onlyoneto gototrialbeforetheelection, as the others are delayed by proceduralchallenges.

Ifelected,Trumpcould shut down the two federal cases that accuse him of illegally trying to overturn his 2020 election loss and mishandling classified documents after leaving officein2021. He would not have the power to stop a separate election-subversion case takingplaceinGeorgia. Trump has pleaded not guilty in all the cases, and has portrayed his various legal troubles as an effort by Biden’s Democratic a


PAGE 24 Friday May 31, 2024 Kaieteur News
lawyers hammered Cohen’s
criminal record and
ies to hurt him
Former President Donald Trump appears in Manhattan Criminal Court, Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York. Seth Wenig/ Pool via REUTERS
Friday May 31, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 25
PAGE 26 Kaieteur News Friday May 31, 2024

First individual Olympic gold and 200m world record among Shericka Jackson’s goals for 2024

SportsMax - Two-time 200m world champion

Shericka Jackson is setting her sights on her first individual Olympic gold medal this summer in Paris and and a shot at the 200m world record by the end of the season. Speaking at a mediaconferenceinOsloon Wednesday, Jackson shared her ambitions ahead of her competition in the Diamond Leaguemeetingyesterday

Two-time 200m world champion Shericka Jackson

Jackson, who broke her ownchampionshiprecordof 21.45secondssetinOregon in 2022 with a stunning 21.41 at the 2023 World ChampionshipsinBudapest, h a s c o n s i s t e n t l y demonstrated her prowess on the track. She further solidified her status with a 21.48 run at the Diamond League meeting in Brussels and concluded her season with a 21 57 at the


MCYSandNSCofferswimming classesforpersonswithdisabilities onSaturday’sduringJune



Friday May 31, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Today you're likely focused on sex, romance, and committed relationships. The planetaryenergiessurrounding love are promising, Aries. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner could make plans.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makes it very difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we're alltryingtonavigate,Virgo Youprefertotravelsolo


Libra, you should be looking be

ng especiallypositive,warm,and loving-attractingpeopleofall kinds to you Your selfconfidence, optimism, and determination should peak overthenextfewdays.


Creative inspiration could come from deep within today, Scorpio. Visions, dreamsanything that excites your imagination-couldbringideas fornewprojects.


Group activities prove beneficial on several levels, Sagittarius. You might project powerful warmth and love for all life You're feeling especiallyoptimisticaboutthe future.


Youmightfindyourselfinthe publiceyeatsomepointtoday, Capricorn. This is fine since you're looking and feeling great.You'relikelierthanusual to project warmth and friendlinesstoothers.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)If you've considered a careerinpublishing,Aquarius, thisisthetimetogoforit.It's alsoagreatdaytoenrollinlaw school, an advanced degree program,oranyfieldofhigher education.


Your dreams could be vivid, pleasant, and full of informationtohelpyoumakea decision. New and exciting contacts could come into your life today, Pisces, possibly provinghelpfulinshowingyou waystoincreaseyourincome.

securing the Diamond League double by also winningthe100min10.70.

Reflecting on her pursuit of the elusive 200m world record of 21 39, set by American Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988, Jacksonrevealedherandher c

ch’s me

iculous approach.“CoachandIhave been working on so many thingsthisyear

Last year we came close, we also did an attempt at I think it was Brussels and it went pretty well

This year we’re working on the fine details and hope for the best at the end of this season,” she said Jackson’s Olympic journeyhasseenitsshareof highsandlows.AttheTokyo Olympics, she was a gold medal favorite in the 200m but was eliminated in the preliminary round due to a mistimedrun.

However, she redeemed herself by securing a gold medal as part of Jamaica’s 4x100m relay team. For the Paris Olympics, Jackson is determinedtoclaimherfirst individual Olympic gold medal.

World No 1 Iga Swiatek calls...

Frompage32 tournament organisers to takeaction.

“A lot of people are complaining, a lot of umpires feel that there is a lot of disrespect,” Goffin continued.“Thisisrepeated a lot in the locker room and among the ATP authorities. We’re going to have to do somethingaboutthat.

“I think it only happens in France. At Wimbledon, obviously, there’s not that. OrinAustraliaeither.Atthe US Open, it’s still rather quiet. Here, it’s a really unhealthyatmosphere.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 27 Friday May 31, 2024
ful and f
ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers10:50hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers12:00hrs ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers01:00hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs For Ocean Going Vessels opening last 1-1½ hrs FridayMay31,2024 SaturdayJune01,2024 SaturdayJune01,2024 Berbice RiverBridge Closure to RoadTraffic Demerara RiverBridge Closure to Road Traffic H 28 G.L.C.357LamahaStreet,NorthCummingsburg,Georgetown Tel:226-0753.Whileeveryeffortismadetoensurenumbersare correct,pleasecallthehotlineforconfirmation,TheG.L.C.and KaieteurNewscannotbeheldresponsibleforprintingerrors. 1 8 7 9 7 5 5 13 20 23 24 DATE: 05/29/2024 DATE: 05/30/2024 DATE: 05/30/2024 DATE: 05/30/2024 2 3 10 15 16 24 1 12 18 19 7 8 9 ForOceangoingVessels&Trawlers23:30hrs FridayMay31,2024 Afternoon Evening The Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports (MCYS) along with the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission (NSC) are offering swimming classes forpersonswithdisabilities everySaturdayinthemonth of June at the National Aquatic Center Of note thisprogrammeisfree. Registrationandclasses start tomorrow, Saturday Sessions will be held from 2:00-3:00 PM and 3:004:00 PM All ages are welcome to participate Don’tmissthisopportunity tojoin
and be part of this
refontaine Classic,

Beatrice Masilingi to run women’s 100m at AP Invitational

- JasmineAbrams, Michelle-LeeAhye in the line-up

With just 23

d a y s

remaining before the return of the AP Invitational, the women’s 100m field is shaping up to bethehighlightoftheTrack and Field event, which will beheldonJune22.

The field will feature Commonwealth Games (2018) champion from Trinidad and Tobago,

Michelle-Lee Ahye, Namibia’s 100m record holder, Beatrice Masilingi, and 2023 Central American and Pan Am Games silver medallist,JasmineAbrams.

Also competing will be Athaleyha Hinckson, the CARIFTA Games 100m champion, alongside fellow Guyanese athletes Keliza Smith, Shantae George, and JuvonnaCornette.

Masilingi, the 2021 World U20 100m silver

medallist, the AP Invitationalcouldbeherlast

chance to qualify for the Paris Olympics, following her return to the track after serving a suspension imposed by World Athletics due to elevated testosterone levels.

In 2021, a week before the Tokyo Olympic Games, World Athletics barred Masilingiandhercompatriot Christine Mboma from competingineventsbetween 400m and one mile unless they agreed to take drugs to lower their natural testosteronelevels.

Thepaircompetedinthe 200m at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, where Masilingi finished sixth, and Mboma took silver, finishing behind Jamaica’sElaineThompsonHerah.

In March 2023, World Athletics announced that female at

Ahye and Jasmine Abramsshareabitofrivalry inthe100m.

At the Pan Am Games

last November in

Santiago, Chile, the

Guyanese athlete clocked 11 52 seconds to finish second in the finals, just behind Cuba’s Yunisleidy Garcia, who ran 11 36 seconds The Trinidadian finishedthird,running11.53 seconds.


Abrams and sprinter

b e c a m e t h e f i r s t

Guyanese track and field athletes since Marian

Burnett and Ali

excitement fo


h participating athletes and fans.

She is encouraging fans to turn out in large numbers at the National Track and Field Centre in Edinburgh

Pompey, Guyana’s Commonwealth Games 400m gold and silver medallist, had to cancel the fifth edition of the AP Invitational in 2020 due toCOVID-19

h differences in sexual development (DSD), resulting in high naturally occurring levels of testosterone, would need to reduce their blood testosterone to below 2.5 nanomolesperliter—halfof thepreviouslyacceptedlevel of five nanomoles—for a minimumof24months.

lowered her natural testosterone, Masilingi is now ready to compete and vie for a place at the Paris Olympics.

Having successfully

Masilingi holds Namibia’snationalrecordin the 100m, with a time of 11.20seconds.

For Michelle-Lee Ahye, who missed the Tokyo Olympics following a twoyearbanforfailingtonotify doping testers of her whereabouts,thegoalwillbe to run under the 11 07 seconds set by World Athletics.

performances to medal at thePanAmGames M

event’s organiser, Aliann Pompey, expressed her excitement for the 100m showdown, adding that the line-up for other disciplines will be announcedinduecourse

W i t h t h e A P Invitational being part of the World Athletics Continen

Tour, Pompey noted that the June 30 deadline for Olympic qualification adds an extra layer of

With the completion of remedial work at the National Track and Field C e n t r e , P o m p e y anticipates an epic meet, offering local fans the chance to witness topnotch talent from the countryandtheregion T h e 2 0 1 8 A P Invitational saw Kirani James, the 2012 Olympic Champion, 2016 Olympic silver medallist, and 2020

O l y m p i c b r o n z e medallist, clocking 44 99 seconds to win the 400m and set a new track record

At the inaugural AP Invitational in 2016, 11 athletes from overseas qualified to compete at the OlympicGamesinRio.

Pepsi lends support to Petra/ ExxonMobil Boys & Girls U14 Football

F o l l o w i n g t h e overwhelmingsupportofthe 2024 ExxonMobilsponsored Boys and Girls Schools Under-14 Football tournament, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), Petra’s long-standing partner, has extended their supporttothetournamentfor itsfifthyear

This development was announced during a brief presentation ceremony held yesterday at DDL’s Great Diamond Plantation on the EastBankofDemerara.The event was attended by Petra Organisation Co-Directors Marlan Cole and Troy Mendonca, along with D D L ’ s B r a n d s Communication Manager, SchemelPatrick.

The tournament, which began on May 27, will run through to July 6, with matches being played at the Ministry of Education ground. The opening day

witness an impressive 76 goals being scored across both divisions, setting the tone for what is there to come.

In his opening remarks, Mendonca expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Pepsi Brand for their unwaveringsupportoverthe pastfouryears.

He said, “I am truly happy to be here today, and receiving this donation is an evengreaterfeeling.Iwould like to thank the teams at DDLaswellasMissPatrick forthiscontribution.

Your support has been tremendous over the past four year, allowing the tournament to grow immensely Welookforward to continued growth in the yearstocome.”

Meanwhile, DDL’s Brands Communication Manager, Schemel Patrick, highlighted the importance ofsuchtournaments.“Weat

Pepsiarethrilledtobepartof this tournament once again.

Beyondthesportitself,Iam pleased to support the youth(s)astheypursuetheir sportingjourney I am particularly impressed by the inclusivity ofthetournament,withboth boys and girls having the chance to represent their respective teams. We are confident with Petra’s coordination, having seen thequalityandgrowthofthe tournamentoverthepastfew years.

With this, I say, we at Pepsiareproudtobepartof makinghistory.”

The tournament is sponsored by ExxonMobil, withadditionalsupportfrom the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and other prominent entities including MVPSports,StenaDrilling, and DDL through the Pepsi Brand.

es wit
manuel Archibald
ann P o m p e y ’ s 2 0 0 3
e a n w h i l e , t h e
r b
Friday May 31, 2024 Kaieteur News
FLASHBACK! Guyana’s Jasmine Abrams (right) battling Trinidad’s Michelle-Lee Ahye in the women’s 100m at the World Indoor Championships. The two will meet at the AP Invitational on June 22.

Five players to watch in West Indies’ pursuit of T20 glory

SportsMax - With the 2012and2016titlesalready to their credit, West Indies will no doubt be intent on adding this year’s ICC Men’sT20WorldCupcrown to their accolades, but achieving that feat will require efficient all-round executionfromtheoff.

Like the 19 other participating teams in the

historic June 1-29 showpiece, the Darren Sammy-coached 15-man squad–tobeledbyJamaican Rovman Powell –is lined with its own fair share of talent and explosive batting, enough to prove a formidable force, as they seek to make amends for their disappointing campaigntwoyearsago.

Still,amongtheblendof experience and youthful exuberance, it is no secret that a few players will be heavily relied on, more than others,tocarrytheweightof theCaribbeanside’schances to possibly finish tops in a tournament they co-host withUnitedStates.

T h a t s a i d , SportsMax.TV zones in on five key players –in no particularorder–thatcricket enthusiasts worldwide will undoubtedlykeepakeeneye onwheretheirperformances are concerned, eager to witness the West Indies’ questforanotherT20World Cuptitle.

RovmanPowell–Middle orderbatsmanandcaptain Took over leadership of theT20 team from Nicholas Pooran after the failed 2022 outinginAustralia.Sincehis appointment last year, Powell has emerged as a crucial figure in the West Indies T20 setup, both as a powerful middle-order batsman and a strategic leader He led the regional side to three bilateral series victories over South Africa, India and England, before a

loss to Australia earlier this year

Besides the fact that Powell’s leadership skills have been instrumental in shaping a cohesive unit, his ability to turn games around with his aggressive batting style makes him a player to watch.

The hard-hitting

Jamaican has so far scored more than 1,300 runs at a strike rate of 144.81 in 61 international innings and nearly4,000oversinallT20 matches, with 16 fifty-plus scorestohisname.Powell’s penchant for big hits and sixes can also be evidenced by his boundary numbers, which feature more maximumsthanfoursacross allT20s.

Powell’s overall experience in domestic and international T20 leagues certainly adds a layer of tacticalacumentohisgame, and his knack for hitting sixes under pressure and guiding the team through challenging situations will be vital to West Indies’ campaign.

Nicholas Pooran –Wicketkeeper/batsman Fresh off impressive performances in the IPL 2024 in India, where he ended with 499 runs at a strike rate of 178 21, includinganunbeaten48off

experience is poised to be useful for West Indies. His presence behind the stumps also adds value, as his sharp reflexes and quick decisionmaking are critical in the shorter format, but whether ornothewillweartheglove is left to be seen, as Shai Hope and Johnson Charles can also cover that task, providedallthreearefielded inthesamestarting11.

Roston Chase –Allrounder

26balls,61off27balls,and a 29-ball 75, Pooran will definitely be a significant factor to West Indies chances, especially if he maintains that rich vein of form.

Known for his explosive hitting and agile keeping s k i l l s , P o o r a n ’ s performancesinT20leagues worldwide have cemented his reputation as a formidable player, and it is his ability to accelerate the scoring rate and play innovative shots that makes himakeyassetinthemiddle order In fact, many would love to see him in the top order batting at number three, but let’s see what SammyandPowelldecides.

That aside, the

Trinidadian’s experience and understanding of the T20formatwillbecrucialin navigatingthehigh-pressure scenarios typical of World Cupmatches.

He boasts over 300 T20 matches, including 88 internationals, in which he has tallied 1,848 runs at a strikerateof134.69,with11 h a l f - c e n t u r i e s t o complement those figures. Overall,Pooranhasamassed over7,000T20runswith39 half-centuries and two centuriestoshow

Simply put, Pooran’s expansive limited-overs

Golden Jaguars home games set...

Frompage33 againstSurinameathomeon September5. The Golden Jaguars are in Group A of League A in the CONCACAF Nations

League, alongside Suriname, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, andCostaRica.

Group B of League A includes Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Nicaragua, andFrenchGuiana. Since Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson netted a double to lead Guyana to a 2-0winoverSurinameatthe GuyanaNationalStadiumin 2016, the Golden Jaguars have lost back-to-back games against their South American neighbours, with scores of 2-3 in the 2016 Caribbean Cup and 1-2 in a friendlymatchin2022. Following their match

e, Guyana will travel to Fort-de-France to face Martinique on Monday, September9

Guyana moved up to League A of the Nations L

undefeated in League B, where they won matches

(5-1, 6-0), Puerto Rico (3-1, 3-1), andTheBahamas(3-2)

Saywhatyouwantabout Roston Chase’s batting tempo, he brings balance to theWestIndiesteamwithhis all-round capabilities A reliablebatsmanandacrafty off-spinner, Chase provides depth in both departments. Never mind the fact that he hasonlyplayed13T20Isand scored 210 runs at a strike rateof125.00,orthefactthat he lacks the explosive boundary hitting power of others, it is his calm demeanor and ability to anchor the innings that makes him a stabilizing forceinthemiddleorder

The Barbadian even proved that much in the recent 3-0 sweep of South Africa at Sabina Park, as he endedunbeatenon32and67 in the first two encounters, and also took a wicket in bothgames.

With the ball, Chase’s variations and control can stymie the opposition’s scoringrate,especiallyinthe middleovers.

All in all, Chase’s versatilityallowstheteamto adapt to different match situations, and the fact that he is no doubt intent on silencing his doubters with big performances, makes himanindispensablepartof thesquad.

Andre Russell –Allrounder

One of the most feared all-rounders in T20 cricket, Russell, a two-time T20 World Cup winner for the West Indies, packs incrediblepower-hittingand athletic prowess that can changethecourseofagame single-handedly

The explosive Jamaican hasexperienceinnearly500 T20matcheswithover8,000 runs to his credit at a strike rate of 169.80. He also has close to 450 wickets at a remarkablebowlingaverage of25.32.

Russell’s ability to clear the boundary with ease and finishinningsonahighnote

Roston Chase –All-rounder

is unparalleled, a quality he againdemonstratedwhenhe assisted KKR to the title in the just-concluded IPL. For the 2024 campaign, he tallied 222 runs, at a strike rate of 185.00, and took 19 wickets.

With his fast bowling and sharp fielding adding to his value as a complete T20 package, coupled with his ability to consistently perform under pressure, Russell is certainly one of West Indies’ best bets to excel inthetournament.

Shamar Joseph –Fast Bowler

B u r s t o n t o t h e international scene with h i s s e n s a t i o n a l performances against Australia in the Test series earlier this year, and that spurred much talk about his immense potential to prove effective in the game’s s h o r t e s t v e r s i o n However, he got a tough introduction to the IPL in Aprilwhenheleaked47runs in Lucknow Super Giant’s contestagainstKKR.

S t i l l , J o s e p h ’s selection in West Indies

final squad prior to making his T20I debut, underscores Sammy’s confidence in his ability, and the Guyanese could very well reward that confidence, once he finds

hisfootingintheformat Joseph’s debut in the 3-0 series sweep against South Africa recently, yielded three wickets for 67 runs, with a best of 226 in the final encounter While that might not seem like much to write home about, there is no denying that Joseph is a raw talent, and his ability to bowl with pace and precision certainly makes himapotentthreat.

Furthermore, there is a sense of anticipation that Joseph, if given the opportunity, might produce something special at the tournament as he has proven that he can rise to the occasion when it matters most and, as such, will be keen to leave his mark on the international stage once more.

West Indies will open their campaign against Papua New Guinea in GuyanaonSunday Full squad: Rovman Powell (Captain), Alzarri Joseph (Vice Captain), Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Shai Hope,Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon K

Kaieteur News PAGE 29 Friday May 31, 2024
u d a k e s h
o t i e , Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario
, O
t S
e after
against Antigua and

The Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Karate Association captures 24 medals at NAFMA Championship

The Guyana Mixed

Martial Arts Karate Association (GMMAKA), has attended The North American Federation of Martial Arts (NAFMA) ChampionshiplastSaturday, 25th May, 2024 at the SheratonHotelAtlanticCity New Jersey The team of 16 participants displayed talents to capture a total of 24awards(5Gold,10silver and9bronze).

M a s t e r L l o y d Ramnarinecongratulatedall of his students who participated in this exciting event in which they were successfully He applauded themfortheirhardworkand determination and wished them all the best in their upcomingfuture.

Mr Ramnarine would like to thank all of his sponsors who made this

event a successful one for the association. Special thanks to: Atlantic Marine Supply Inc., Howard Restaurant and Bar, Silvie’s Industrial Solution and BalgobinandSons.

The GMMAKA is currently preparing for a Regional event in August 2024 in Suriname. Master


government to intervene on behalf of his association in aiding the development of youths in

arious communitiesandtofinancial sponsortheAssociationtoaid students to represent their country

For more information kindly reach out to us on WhatsApp on 698-6727 /698-7456 /689-9288 /6811 7 0 1 o r g m a i l : ramnarineliyah@gmail.com

Rashid the spark for England before Buttler, Salt dismantle chase

ESPNcricinfo - There wasn’t much to separate these two sides when they met in the last T20 World Cup final, but in the final T 2 0 I b e f o r e t h a t tournament’s next edition kicks off, the gap between the two is positively chasmic. A disciplined, allround bowling performance fromEngland,followedbya brutal barrage of top-order hitting from openers Jos Buttler and Phil Salt saw EnglandcrushPakistanby7 wickets with 27 balls to spare,andclaima2-0series win.

How the game started under overcast skies wasn’t quite a harbinger of the overwhelming dominance England would eventually establish. Babar Azam and Mohammad Rizwan, who opened the batting for the first time this year, got Pakistanofftoasteadystart in the first four overs before finishing the powerplay strongly; the 59 they managed was Pakistan’s second-highest powerplay score since January But England struck back with five wickets for 27 runs either side of a brief rain break, spearheaded by Adil Rashid.

Brief, happy-go-lucky resistance from Usman Khan - whose 21-ball 38

bolstered Pakistan when they were in danger of crumpling - kept hopes of a competitive target alive for long enough But Liam Livingstone, who England utilised to perfection in the middleovers,prisedhimout thanks to a stunning catch from Chris Jordan, and Pakistan eventually folded for157.

There was a suspicion it wasn’t quite enough, but England’s openers made a mockery of the idea it was ever even in doubt Mohammad Amir was leathered for 16 in his first over, Naseem Shah pulverised for 25. England

scored 78 in the Powerplay, their highest since they managed 82 in Lahore against the same opposition in 2022. And though Haris Rauf restored some respectability to the score withthreewicketsinafiery, spirited spell, the hosts wouldn’t even let him have the last laugh, with Harry Brookclobberinghimforsix over cover to seal a statement-making win before their World Cup defencebegins. Rashidtriggerscollapse Rizwan and Babar had given Pakistan a platform, but what happened off the final ball of the powerplay

was more significant than anything that went before.

The Pakistan captain edged one to short third, which Rashid held on to The openers have often been accused of slowing down afterthepowerplay,sowhen Rashid breached Rizwan’s defences next over, the middle order had their platform laid out for them.

ButFakharZamanholedout asRashidtookasharpcatch during a passage of play when he simply couldn’t be kept out of the game. He returned to clean up Shadab Khan first ball, with Mark Wood’s sheer pace sending Azam Khan packing for a

nightmare was only just beginning.

Livingstone’s bowling heroics

Every time Livingstone was thrown the ball by Buttler, it seemed like the timeforPakistantosneakin a big over And yet, the spinnerfoundawaytobowl perfect lines to perfectly set fields; the big shot never quite seemed to be on. But not content with being milkedfor16inhisfirsttwo, Livingstone bowled the most impactful over of the game in the 15th, sending down a double-wicket maiden Pakistan’s topscorer Usman holed out to Jordan before Shaheen Afridi smeared at one that eventuallyhithisstumps.By the time Livingstone was done, the last dregs of Pakistani batting resistance had been stomped out of them. Theonslaught On a wicket as true as this, surely Pakistan’s pace quartet would find a way to keep England honest, right?


Wrong Shaheen and Naseem might have been slightly unlucky to concede 18withoutrewardinthefirst two, but everything that followed was a one-sided drubbing. Even the pace of

the wicket played in the batters’favour,thetouchand timing of Buttler and Salt meaningcaressesflewtothe boundary Pakistan’s bowlers, flustered and harried, found their lengths waveringandtheirpaceonedimensional.Itwasonlytoo easy for England’s openers totakefulladvantage.

Azam’sdayout Azamreceivingasnorter of a short ball he wasn’t mobileenoughtoevadewas just the start of his horror day Withhiscredentialsasa middle-orderbatterseverely diminishedbyhisstintinthe side, his status as their wicketkeeper also took a battering Stationed there only because he can’t be hidden elsewhere, he droppedtwostraightforward chances off an otherwise impressive Rauf, with his embarrassment so palpable it was borderline uncomfortable viewing When he eventually did grasp a straightforward catch, Rizwan jogged up to give him a pat on the back. You would imagine it isn’t long before Rizwan is stood therepermanentlyagain.

Scores: England 158 for 3 (Salt 45, Rauf 3-38) beat Pakistan 157 (Usman 38, Livingstone 2-17, Rashid 227, Wood 2-35) by seven wickets.

PAGE 30 Friday May 31, 2024 Kaieteur News
Ramnarine is pleading with the
ive-ball duck His
The successful Guyanese participants display their accolades. Jofra Archer celebrates the wicket of Babar Azam. (Getty Images)

Top drivers expected to battle in second round Circuit championship

The second round of the 2024circuitchampionshipis set for June 30 at the South Dakota Circuit, and top drivers will be battling for supremacy

Some of the Guyanese drivers are fresh from the SpeedJam Motorsport Festival in Trinidad and Tobago which was curtailed duetoaccident.

According to President oftheGuyanaMotorRacing

a n d S p o r t s C l u b (GMRS&C) Mahendra Boodhooexhilaratingracing is expected for June 30, and driverswillbebringingtheir ‘A’game.

“Once you have a reliablecar,youcancompete atthetop.Reliabilityplaysa major part in motor racing, especially now,” Boodhoo said.

The star-studded roster expectedfortheJune30race

includedriversfromGuyana and the United States of America.

The drivers include Vishok Persaud, Mark

Mohamed Jr., and Gavin Gayadinamongothers.

While the fans will be expecting to see the top driversinaction,Boodhoois

calling on prospective driverstotakethebravestep intheneedforspeed.

“Everyone has a hidden sideofthem.Mostpeopledo like speed. What we do at GMRS&C is put the speed under a controlled environment We have a rookie class, and once your equipment is up to safety standards, we allow you to raceinthatclass.Fromthere on, once the driver is

developed, they are placed into groups,” Boodhoo advised.

In the opening round of the circuit race in April, lap records were broken. In the Rookie Class, Jeremy Ten Pow with his Honda Civic clocked 1:28 105 The Group 2 Lap Record was broken by Shan Seejatan with his Honda Civic at a timeof1:25.370.TheGroup 3LapRecordwasbrokenby

the ever-consistent Mark Vieira with his Lotus Exige, where he stopped the clock at1:21.033.

In the Super Stock B Bikes, Alain Hopkinson broke the Lap Record with hisYamahaR6at1:21.674. Someofthesponsorsfor the second round of the circuit championship are GuyOil, Castrol, ENET, Tropical Shipping, AJM Enterprise,andPegasus.


AFP - Novak Djokovic reachedtheFrenchOpenlast 32 for the 19th successive year yesterday as Roland Garros organisers banned alcoholfromthestandsinan effort to counter growing complaints from players over disrespectful, rowdy fans.

Defending champion Djokovic cracked 43 winners past Spain’s 63rdranked Roberto Carballes Baenatocantertoa6-4,6-1, 6-2win.

T h e t h r e e - t i m e champion, seeking a record 25th Grand Slam title, goes on to face either Gael Monfils of France or Italian 30thseedLorenzoMusetti.

Djokovic holds a 19-0 winning record against Monfils and has defeated Musetti four times in five meetings.

However, the Italian gave the Serb a major scare at the French Open in 2021 when he won the first two sets before having to retire injuredinthedecider “It was a difficult match

againstRoberto.Hehitalot of very good and precise shots,”saidDjokovic.

“The last game of the first set I played really well andstartedtoplayatahigher level.Attheendofthematch I was then playing very well.”

Also easing through to the third round on another rain-hit day in the French capital were women’s title contendersArynaSabalenka andElenaRybakina.

H o w e v e r , t h e behaviour of fans at the tournament, which was brought into focus by B e l g i u m ’s D a v i d Goffin’s claim that he had chewing gum spat at him, prompted a series of measures to clampdown on loutish behaviour

“Alcohol has been allowed in the stadiums until now but that’s over, ” tournament

d i r e c t o r A m e l i e M a u r e s m o t o l d

mobile vendors, will still be sold around the grounds

Mauresmo said fans will be ejected if they throw something at a player and that “umpires have tighter, even more precise instructions on keeping the crowd under control”

F o u r t h s e e d

Alexander Zverev, who effectively ended Rafael

Nadal’s French Open career in the first round, defeated Goffin 7-6 (7/4), 6-2, 6-2

Zverev arrived in Paris on the back of winning the Rome Open title and is the only player to reach the semifinals at the last three F r e n c h O p e n tournaments

Today, a Berlin court will hear an appeal by

Zverev against a fine for allegedly assaulting his e x - g i r l f r i e n d H e received a 450,000-euro

($487,000) fine in October but appealed the ruling earlier this year, leading to a full trial

The 27-year-old is not required to attend the proceedings and insisted on the eve of the tournament that he “believes in the Germansystem”.

Yesterday, he refused to furtherdiscussthecase.

“I have said everything before the tournament,” he said.

After only nine singles matches were played after a Wednesday washout, 55 second round ties were scheduledyesterday

Amongstearlywinners were world number two Sabalenka who fired 27 winners past Japanese

q u a l i f i e r M o y u k a Uchijimatowin6-2,6-2

-‘Blanketandtea’T h e t w o - t i m e

A u s t r a l i a n O p e n champion, a semi-finalist

in Paris in 2023, has made at least the last four at her past six Grand Slams and is expected to be Iga Swiatek’s chief rival in the Pole’s quest for a fourth FrenchOpentitle.

Sabalenka will take on close friend Paula Badosa of Spain for a place in the last16

“It’s not the best weather I feel like going back to the hotel Getting a blanket and hot tea, and Netflix, ” said the Belarusian who had the benefitofplayingunderthe roof of Court Philippe Chatrier

F o u r t h - s e e d e d Rybakina,theonlywoman to defeat Swiatek on clay this year, was similarly untroubled Sheeasedpast

Arantxa Rus of the Netherlands6-3,6-4

Former world number one Daniil Medvedev moved into the last 32 after his opponent Miomir Kecmanovic retired with injurywhiletrailingthefifth seed6-1,5-0.

Kaieteur News PAGE 31 Friday May 31, 2024
V i e i r a
o h a n Rangasammy, Danny Persaud, Mahendra Boodhoo, Nasrudeen
, M
ohol including beer from
reporters How
Top drivers will return to South Dakota on June 30 for the second round of the circuit championship. Aryna Sabalenka

Toucan-Kraft Juniors Squash Tournament continues

Safirah Sumner, Rafael Brathwaite shine on Day Two

Day two of the

Toucan/Kraft Mac and Cheese Juniors Skills

Level Squash Tournament hit full swing Wednesday at the

Georgetown Club with a packed lineup of 16 matches driving the 2024 tournament into its third day ofcompetition.

StartingwiththeWhiteCheese division, Zoey McDonald and Tahani Munroe secured their second victories. McDonald

decisively defeated Kristian Viapree in straight games, while Munroe outplayed Maxwell Viapree 11-7, 11-7, 11-4. Rafael Brathwaite overpowered Ella Fernandes, winning convincingly 11-4,11-4and11-0.

In the Three Cheese division, Justin Goberdhan, Emily Fung-AFat, and Rylee Rodrigues made significant strides. Goberdhan continued his impressive run by beatingBrennoDaSilva3-1.Fung-

Some of the action on Day Two in the Toucan-Kraft Juniors Squash Tournament.

A-Fat earned her first win of the tournament against Tiana Gomes with scores of 11-2, 11-2, 11-7, while Rodrigues triumphed over MaliaMaikooinstraightgames.

The Spiral division saw Blake Edwards and Jeremy Ten Pow engaging in an epic five-game battle, with Edwards emerging victorious 11-9, 3-11, 11-8, 11-13, 11-6. Ethan Bulkan delivered a stellar performance against DemetriLowe,ultimatelywinning

3-1. Safirah Sumner continued to dominateinjuniorsquash,securing her second consecutive win in the tournament against Richard Rodrigues with scores of 11-4, 911,11-5and12-10.

Continuing withThe Cheesiest category, Michael Alphonso and Nickolas Verwey impressed with wins over Mohryan Baksh and LouisDaSilva,respectively.

While in Thick and Creamy division, Egan Bulkan overcame

World No 1 Iga Swiatek calls out French Open crowd after thrilling win over Naomi Osaka

Independent - World No 1 and defending French OpenchampionIgaSwiatek called out fans for making noise during points after surviving an epic three-set battle against fellow fourtime grand slam winner NaomiOsaka.

Swiatek saved match point on her way to denying an inspired Osaka her biggest win since returning to the sport, as the 22-yearoldfoughtfrombehindinthe decidingsettowina7-61-6 7-5thriller

Thematchwasaninstant classicbutwhenspeakingto former World No 2 Alex Corretja afterwards in her on-court interview, Swiatek referenced a shot she had missedearlierinthethirdset whenamemberofthecrowd screamedoutassheprepared tohitadrivevolley

Unprompted, Swiatek said:“Iamsorrytobringthis up. I have huge respect for you guys and I know we are playing for you. This is entertainment and we are also making money because of you “But sometimes underalotofpressurewhen you scream something during the rally or right

before the return, it’s really, really hard to be focused. I usually don’t bring this up becauseIwanttobethiskind of player that is in the zone andreallyfocused.

“This is serious for us, we are fighting our whole lives to be better and better Sometimes it’s hard to accept that. The stakes are big. There is a lot of money to win. The few points may changealot.

“So please guys, if you can support us between the ralliesnotduringthatwould be really, really amazing. I hope you are still going to like me because the French crowd might get some players that they don’t like

and boo. I love you guys. I love playing here - let’s continuethat.”

While Swiatek’s only madereferencetothecrowd making noise during points, the World No 1’s comments came after the behaviour of the French Open fans come underrenewedfocus.

On Tuesday, Belgian playerDavidGoffinclaimed he was “spat” at by a fan as he accused crowds at the French Open of “total disrespect” during his firstround victory over the local favourite Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard.Goffin,theformer WorldNo7,triumphedover his French opponent in a marathon five-set match on

Tuesday, which was played out in front of a raucous atmosphereonCourt14.

Mpetshi Perricard, the 20-year-old wildcard, had the full support of the home crowd but Goffin said fans went“toofar”.The33-yearold Goffin was jeered as he leftthecourtafterhiswin,as heheldhishandtohisear

“When you are insulted for three, three and a half hours, you have to tease the public a little,” Goffin told Belgian media. “Clearly, it goes too far, it’s total disrespect. “It’s really too much It’s becoming football, soon there will be smokebombs,hooligansand fights in the stands. It’s starting to become ridiculous. Some people are there more to cause trouble thantocreateanatmosphere.

“Someone spat out their chewing gum at me. It (the match) was getting complicated. That’s why I wanted to stay calm. If I started to get angry about it, it could have destabilised me ” Goffin said the atmosphere at the French Open is unlike any of the othergrandslamsandurged (Continuedonapge2)

Matthew Daby 3-1, and Nijad BacchuslosttoJacobMcDonaldin atightlycontestedmatch,finishing 9-11,1-11,11-5,13-11,13-11. Over in the Open-Original division, Jonathan Antczak had a mixeddaywithawinagainstJustin Ten Pow 3-1 and a loss to Kristen Gomes3-2laterintheevening. More exciting matches were contested yesterday, with further detailsandcoveragetobefeatured inSaturday’sedition

Royals and Jets start LABASenior League with opening wins... Twomorematches tomorrow nightatAmelia’sWardHardCourt

Victory Valley Royals and Amelia’s Ward Jets secured important wins when the first Senior League Club championship to be staged in the mining townbytheLindenAmateur Basketball Association (LABA)aftertwoyears,got underway last Saturday night at the Amelia’s Ward HardCourtinLinden.

This senior club tournamentwillbeplayedon aroundrobinformatinitially with the five clubs, namely, Amelia’sWardJets,Retrieve Raiders, Block 22 Flames, Kings and Victory Valley Royals, to determine the semifinalistsandthatwillbe followed with the final On the opening night last Saturday, Victory Valley Royals triumphed against Block22Flames35-17,with Yannick Tappin being the best player on show with11 points His brother Kobe added eight in the victory For the Flames Johnston Clarkegotninepoints In the second game played, Amelia’s Ward Jets overcame the challenge of

Retrieve Raiders 52-33 as QuincyEastonledallscorers with 19 points and Leon Benjamin 10 being the top scorersforthewinners.The Raiders top shoots were Shemar Anderson with six points and Jamar Bethune gotfiveinalosingcause. Asexpected,thefactthat it was over two years since competitive basketball was playedinLinden,thedisplay bytheteamsreflectedwasnot as efficient as expected The tournament continues tomorrow, Saturday, with another double header feature at the Amelia’s Ward Hard Courtwhereat630pmBlock 22FlamesfaceKingsandthe second is between Victory Valley Royals and Amelia’s WardJetsfrom830pm

The winners of this tournament will get $100,000 and the losing finalist$75,000.Thirdplace winnerscollect$50,000and fourth place team gets $25,000 Nigel Hinds Financial services recently donated $200,000 to the LABA towards the staging ofthischampionship.

Kaieteur News PAGE 32 Friday May 31, 2024
Iga Swiatek defeated Naomi Osaka in a three-set epic. (Getty Images) Blake Edwards having to work hard against Jeremy Ten Pow in an exciting 5-game showdown.

Golden Jaguars home games set for Edinburgh return



The National Track and Field Centre in Edinburg will be ready to host the Golden Jaguars’ home games in the CONCACAF Nations League and the FIFAWorld Cup Qualifiers, following an assurance by Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr The West Demerara facility boasts the country’s only FIFA-approved pitch for international matches outsidetheGuyanaNational Stadium.

While the Golden Jaguars will kick off their World Cup qualification campaign on June 6 in

Panama City against

Panama, the Jamaal Shabazz-coached side will play their home game against Belize on June 11 in Barbados.

This decision came after theEdinburgvenuefailedto meet FIFA’s basic requirements for hosting internationalfootball.

During their previous Nations League campaign, the Golden Jaguars were able to play only one home

gameinGuyana,againstThe Bahamas.

Consequently, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) was fined by CONCACAF due to the inadequate conditions of the facility, and as a result, Guyana’s home games have been relocated to venues in Barbados, St Kitts and Nevis, and Antigua and Barbuda.

“It came as a surprise to me, the excoriating commentsbeingmadeabout theground.

Idon’tthinkthattheway a decision is made for hosting an International match is just, is the facility available and just book it, andturnupandplay;Idon’t think that’s a sensible way for anyone to run an International match programme,” Minister Ramsonsaid.

He added that while understanding the facility’s importance to both international and domestic football, a decision was made to close the field to allow for necessary work to be done Since then,

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr

remedialworksweredoneto the pitch, “We still have some top dressing to get doneheresothatit’sflatand we’renowgoingtopayalot moreattentiontoit,sothatin anextmonthorso,it’sgoing to be a perfect location to hostmatches.”

According to Minister Ramson, “From a system standpoint,it’snolongerthat we are going to facilitate a request; the request must be that you come in for an

examination, you must be satisfied that the venue is suitable for us to host and if it’snot,howlongwillittake tobereadybecausethisfield isusedconstantly,itwillget damage.”

“We’re not hosting parties here; the field is being used but for constructivepurposes.Butif w e ’ r e h o s t i n g a n international match it’s not foranassessmenttobedone after the match,” Minister

Ramson said. The Minister ofSportsaidhewasirkedat a painted perception that his M i n i s t r y a n d t h e GovernmentofGuyanawere r e l u c t a n t t o h o s t International matches “The impressioniscreatedasifwe don’t want to host matches here, as if hosting matches herewouldnotbebeneficial to our team…of course we wantourteamtoplayinfront ofaGuyanacrowd.”

Minister Ramson said

the investment has been made to get the ground ready, pointing to earlier challenges caused by the prolonged dry spell, “But now, thankfully the rain is cominginandthat’sgoingto help in getting the ground ready.”

The remedial work on the ground could mean that theGoldenJaguarswillplay their opening CONCACAF NationsLeaguematch


Kaieteur News PAGE 33 Friday May 31, 2024
The football pitch at the National Track and Field Centre. (Rawle Toney photo)


DDL’s Brands Communication Manager, Schemel Patrick (left) handing over Pepsi’s donation to Troy Mendonca, Co-Director of Petra Organisation withAlleah Hamid sharing the moment.

to run women’s 100m at AP Invitational Sports


Pepsi lends support to Petra/ExxonMobil

Boys & Girls U14 Football

Beatrice Masilingi
Beatrice Masilingi
Five players to watch in West Indies’ pursuit of T20
Shamar Joseph Fast Bowler Nicholas Pooran –Wicketkeeper/batsman Rovman Powell – Middle order batsman and captain

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