






The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Tuesday announcedamilestoneachievementthatits team successfully performed a kidney transplantbetweenidenticaltwinsisters.
The procedure, which took place on October 21, 2024, represents a significant advancement in Guyana's healthcare capabilities.
The transplant team, led by Dr Kishore Persaud, performed the surgery on a 22year-old patient, with her identical twin sister serving as the donor According to GPHC, the close genetic match between (Continuedonpage6)
WConsulting instructed to release the finalised second
audit of ExxonMobil's StabroekBlockexpensethis week – citizens should remember that under the 2016 Production Sharing
A 40-year-old painter, Federick Boyce, was released on $1 million bail on Tuesday after facing six charges, including robbery under arms,
gal possession of a firearm and
discharging a loaded firearm.
Boyce, a resident of the Melanie Village squatting area, East Coast Demerara (ECD), is accused of using an illegal firearm to rob two individuals and discharging a loaded firearm at them on October 21, 2024, at Campbell Avenue and Middleton Street in Kitty,
Georgetown Boyce appeared before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat theGeorgetownMagistrates' Court, where the charges were read to him The charges state that Boyce, armed with a dangerous w e a p o n a 3 8 pistol robbed Ronique Mohabeer and Dominic Narayanof$10,000each.He allegedly discharged a loaded firearm at both victims with the intent to "maim, disfigure, disable or cause grievous bodily harm." Additionally, he was charged with possessing an illegal firearm and two live rounds of .38 ammunition during the robberyBoyce pleaded not guilty to all charges The prosecutor objected to bail, citing Boyce's previous conviction in 2019 for similar offenses.
However, Magistrate McGusty considered Boyce's gunshot wound before granting bail. The breakdown of the bail included$150,000forillegal possession of a firearm, $150,000 for illegal possession of ammunition, $200,000 for discharging a loadedfirearmatMohabeer, and $150,000 for robbery
under arms against Mohabeer The charges for robbery under arms against Narayan were s
s scheduled to return to court on December 4, 2024, for f u r t h e r proceedings.According to
police statements presented in court, Ronique Mohabeer istheproprietorofTechGuy Solution, where the incident occurred. On the day of the incident, around 11:40 hrs, Mohabeer was having lunch with a companion when Boyce entered the store posingasacustomerseeking phone repairs. Boyce then pulled out a handgun and demanded valuables from Mohabeer,whohandedover $10,000 When Narayan entered the store shortly after, Boyce pointed the firearm at him and relieved himofanother$10,000. In response to the robbery, Mohabeer drew his licensed firearm and discharged two rounds at Boyce, striking him in the right side of his abdomen. Boyce then fired one round at the victims, injuring Narayaninhislefthand.The two men managed to pull Boyceoutofthestorejustas Corporal Grumble was passingbyandassistedthem by taking possession of Boyce's firearm Narayan was taken to Woodlands Hospital by a friend while policeescortedBoycetothe GeorgetownPublicHospital Corporation (GPHC) for treatment Boyce was dischargedfromthehospital on November 8, 2024. On November 11, police conductedavideoandaudio interview with him regarding the allegations During this interview, he claimed he could not remember what happened butlaterdismissedthevideo evidencebystatingthat“the recording is camera tricks.”
Following further investigations, Boyce was charged with the current offenses.
Agreement (PSA), the oil company faces no penalty for adding unauthorised expensestoberecovered.
For the second audit which covers the period 2018 to 2020, Exxon submitted US$7.3 billion as recoverableexpenses.Under the 2016 deal signed by the
ExxonMobil,acostrecovery provision is included. This allows Exxon to recover 75% from the revenues generatedfromthesaleofoil beforetheremaining25%is spilt 50-50 with Exxon and its Stabroek Block partners andGuyana.
H o w e
h e Government of Guyana retains the right to audit all records related to the contractor's cost recovery claims.
Notably, while the
contract includes a cost recovery provision it does not impose penalties on the oil company for submitting unauthorised expenses to be recovered.
This means that, while unapproved costs cannot be
revenues,ExxonMobilfaces no additional sanctions for attempting to recover ineligibleexpenses.
The second audit had revealed that ExxonMobil use profits generated from the Stabroek Block to finance work for the Kaieteur and Canje blocks.
Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo had previously addressed the cost recovery aspect of the agreement When asked to expound on the consequences, Jagdeo only said that the contract thattheoilgiantsignedwith Guyana means that the
ExxonMobilCountry ManagertoGuyana, Alistair Routledge
expenses will not be includedinthecostbankfor theStabroekBlock.
“I maintain my position that it would be illegal and I repeat that If you did unauthorisedworkyoudon't gotojailaccordingtoPSAit just doesn't form part of the
costbank,”theVPhadsaid. According to Article 11 of the Petroleum Agreement, thecontractor(ExxonMobil) “shall recover Contract Costs as Recoverable Contract Costs only from Cost Oil and/or Cost Gas as hereinprovided.” Notably,aperusalofthe PSAshows that it makes no provision for penalties or sanctions if unauthorized
, underscoring Vice President Jagdeo's explanation that such expenses are merely excludedfromrecovery
published on the second auditflaggedseveralcharges asimpropercharges. It is important to note that costs recovered by Exxon have to be directly related to oil production in the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Areview of his record confirms that Bharrat Jagdeo has rarely been about what offers genuine benefits to Guyanese. Be it as president, vice president, man of finance, or main oilman in Guyana, Jagdeo has almost certainly never been a part of anything that transfers any power from within his graspanddeliversittoGuyanese.
Whatever he has done, it has been about looking out for hisinterests,withtheinterestsofcitizensnotfeaturinginhis calculations. His commanding seat at Guyana’s oil table stands as the biggest public exhibit of what matters most to Jagdeo:himselfandhisholdonthereinsofpower
A referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil oil contract has the potential to remove some power from his handsandplaceitinthehandsofGuyanese. Itisthestuffof nightmares for a man well on his way to making himself a maximum leader in the mold of that unbroken line of North Koreans or the old East Germans. The mere idea of a referendum in its simplest, no-frills form, is enough to provokeheartburnandconstipationinJagdeo.
What would he do then, should those casting the ballot call for a renegotiation? Where would that leave him with his masters at ExxonMobil, with what he could be forced to do against his wishes and theirs also? Jagdeo has not gotten to where he is, and lasted as long as he has, by being weak, undecided,orlackinginnimblenessoffeet. Instead,hefinds refuge in what has served him well over the years: he comes upwithexcuses.
Different conditions require different excuses, and there isnonequiteasgoodinGuyanaasJagdeoincomingupwith excuses that he believes gives him the right camouflages. Thoughtheyareusuallylame,andfoolsveryfewGuyanese, his excuses buy him time, give him room to slip away from tightcorners.
So, according to the excuse prone and excuse energized Jagdeo, a referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil contract (that he had blasted before) is the worst thing to be talking about at this time. Such a referendum would complicate the elections picture and plans. It is his feeble excuse not to have one, no matter how pathetic that sounds, howslipperythatmakeshimlook. Hisownrecordwillshow thatJagdeohasneverbeenonetodistancehimselffromwhat lookscomplicated,mayactuallybecomplicated.
The US$2B Wales gas-to-energy project is being fasttracked by Guyana’s oil czar, with next to nothing known or sharedaboutwhetheritmakeseconomicsenseornot. Once something is good for him, he makes all the complications vanish. Thevoluminousandcomplicateddocumentsrelated to new oil projects that require a significant amount of time (many months) to review and decide, he reduces to nothing. When a matter is truly complicated, he waves it away as if it is as simple as a child’s alphabet and absorbed in no time. ButwhenhewantstoblockwhatcouldbenefitGuyanese,he distortsitintowhatiscomplicatedanduntimely,becauseitis unwantedbyhim.
Complicated is his excuse for a referendum on renegotiation. Sanctity of contract was the excuse that he and his government came up with, so as not to touch the paralyzing2016ExxonMobiloilcontract. Spookingforeign investors was the excuse that he waved like a red flag before Guyanese,whenhehadtobeagainstacourtrulinghavingto dowithafullparentguaranteefromExxonMobilintheevent of an oil spill. When he needed to shake himself free of any responsibility, his repeated excuse to avoid accountability wastoshiftdisputedissuestothetechnicalpeople,orothers. When Jagdeo wanted to please ExxonMobil by not ringfencing the oil projects that he approved, or the new ones waitinginline,hisexcusewasthattherewillbemoremoney for Guyanese later When Jagdeo is set against doing anything that has some prospects for Guyana, he manufactures an excuse to help him evade doing anything today Excuses keep him power, excuses have become the heartandsoulofhisleadershippractices.
DEAREDITOR, iftheyareleftunattended. substitute. Those with more about five lesson plans, to be T h e M i n i s t e r o f O n e o f m y teaching periods, about 28 , replenished as required. The Education has lamented duties/responsibilitieswasto will be timetabled to substitute teachers will then about the high rate of create a substitute timetable substitute less than those uplift a lesson plan for each a b s e n t e e i s m a m o n g atthebeginningoftheschool with less periods , about 20 classtheycover teachers The resulting year after each teacher’s .If perchance more than two This can be implemented scenario of unattended timetable is finalized. I substitutes were required for secondary and tertiary level students can have dire would print copies of each a period then a third free educational institutions in consequences: children timetable, then make a teacherisaskedtofillin. which teachers have nonbeing deprived of education, spreadsheet of all the Some teachers would teaching (formerly known as disorderly classrooms, teachers who had non- complain that they are rarely free) periods. It would also bullying, horseplay, teaching periods, from absent and it is unfair to preclude the need to vandalism, disrupting other period1to7eachday ThenI them. outsource/employ educators studiousclassmatesetc. would make the substitute This point is taken and f r o m o u t s i d e t o
This situation is timetable. If two teachers theyshouldbecalleduponto substitute/supply in schools unacceptable and needs a had non-teaching periods on do less substituting when a daily many-pronged approach to Mondayfirstperiodtheywill third or fourth substitute is There are other damage remedy it; one of them being besubstitutes1and2forthat needed for the same period. control methods which the the existence of an in-school periodandsoforth. Otherwise, teachers Ministry of Education may substitute timetable in each In that way all classes substitute for others because implement. school. I worked as a teacher were taught. The substitute they also are sometimes M y i n p u t i s a /administrator in Belize for teachers were made aware of absent, and the students are preventative, proactive , 20 years and can attest to the the timetable and it was taught and not left workable solution , not a fact that this system is postedinthestaffroom.They unattended. reactive,punitiveone. effective, especially in were expected to be on At the same time, each Thank you, schools with at-risk students standby during the periods teacher is required to lodge a Sincerely , who can trash the classroom that they were slated to folder in the office with Karan Chand
DEAREDITOR, deteriorated to the point From November 2019 to it wasn’t until September Whenever, the Ethnic whereIfacedseveralhurdles July 2020, I was given the 2020, two months after my Relations Commission when I attempted to become runaround. A simple phone complaint that the HM sent (ERC) comes out of a trained teacher although I calltotheHMinstructingher the required document to the hibernation for ‘high profile’ had been teaching for a (their subordinate) to give ERC When Mr. Smith cases I am reminded of my number of years and the me what I requested which handed it to me my reaction own interaction with this Ministry of Education’s w a s o n e o f h e r was impassive and I entity public position on training is administrative duties would reminded him that it was the
FortheERCtobeseenas that it fully supports teachers have solved my problem but HM’sdutyandnotafavour acredibleandimpartialbody whowanttobecometrained. alas, that apparently that A few days later, Mr by ordinary Guyanese it Despite the challenges, I would have taken too much Smith called me and must treat all cases with the was able to complete my effort After, becoming requestedthatIvisittheERC same level of commitment programme, a Post Graduate frustrated by not having my urgently On arrival, he told andimportance.Afterall,for Diploma in Education from plight addressed by the me that the HM sent my file the sake of optics the ERC the University of Guyana relevant officials I informed which was kept in her office should be a ‘One Guyana’ (UG) which is equivalent to the personnel manager that I instead of responding to my entity the training teachers receive was going to complain to the complaint. I was told not to
I n J u l y 2 0 2 0 , I atCPCEandentitlesonetoa ERC. My intention was still touch or read the documents approached the ERC about a subsequent upgrade in status not potent enough to elicit within the file and was never workplace matter In fact, to that of Trained Teacher if positiveactionsfromhim. given copies. Mr Smith then after trying all other avenues one is equipped with a In July 2020, I formally proceeded to read them and to get my simple problem Bachelor’s degree only complained to the ERC asked me to respond to the resolved without success the However, the application about the headteacher’s ‘charges’.Forinstance,Iwas ERC became my last resort. processrequiredaletterfrom discriminatory behaviour asked why I didn’t stay after F o r m a n y y e a r s , I theheadmistress(HM)ofthe towards me which was the school had dismissed for experienced discomfort (to school, Ms. Cindy Crandon hindering my professional a meeting in 2013 and why I put it lightly) at my stating that I did not attend advancement. Copies of my ‘protested’sometimein2016 workplace and although I classes at UG when I was letter were sent by registered when my table was used as a sought a transfer on more supposed to be on duty mail or hand delivered to the bag bay and someone took than one occasion from the Classes for the programme then CEO Dr Hutson, GTU my chair! Luckily, I was relevant education officials were held on Saturdays only Rep , then REdO Ms saved from this charade by a my transfer was denied and and I was not required to Harvey, the HM and HR fumigation team that told my predicament worsened. work on weekends. Also, all Manager Nobody contacted everyone to leave the My concerns were not personnel I spoke with at the meaboutmycomplaint. building. addressed, I was being MoE said that they were At the ERC, the Soon after, Mr Smith gaslighted, discriminated awareofthisfactyettheHM investigator, Mr. Smith calledmeanddemandedthat against, emotionally abused refused to give me the handled my matter and I I return to respond to the rest and pushed to the brink of necessary document and the can’t say that I was satisfied. of the ‘charges’or some sort tendering a ‘voluntary’ officials insisted that it was a In fact, I feel that the ERC of action would be taken resignation. requirement although I officers need more training againstmeifIdidn’tcomply
The education officers informed them of the HM’s on how to be impartial. I Irealisedtheabsurdityof who were responsible refusal.Ievencomplainedin went there and gave my the situation and how I was for/assigned to the school writing to an education prepared statement along being manipulated by this where I was stationed never officer at the DoE Region 4, with additional documents man. I informed him that I addressed my complaints thethenCEOattheMoEand and was interrogated by the would write to the although I approached them the GTU but received no investigator I don’t know commissioners of the ERC on numerous occasions communication from whethertheHMwasaskedto whichIdid.Copiesofmy Hence, the situation anyone. giveherstatement.However, (Continued on page 5)
DEAREDITOR, the BJP and Chief Minister his next visit would be as the New York and New Jersey organization he belonged. Singhal,whovisitedGuyana I thank Ravi Dev (Nov of Gujarat in late 2001 and head of the world’s largest that Dharamdatt Durjan When others blanked him, a couple times, revealed to 10) for sharing his subsequentlyasCMandPM. democracy His visit is (formerly of Mahaica) and a treating him as a pariah and Ravi Dev that Modi had experience in his first Modi came to Guyana eagerly anticipated with few other Guyanese, bashing him with a lot of (has) all the qualities of a enco
with Shri extending a trip he had made grand welcome planned at including this writer, would anti-Modi propaganda, I leader and would one day Narendra Modi. I was not at to Trinidad at a Hindu severalevents. patronize; he was a deeply visited the Gujarat booth at become PM. Naraynsingh the 1993 Hindu conference conference at which several Modi encountered religious man, a devotee of PBD in January 2003 latterafterhisencounterwith in Washington. But I had Guyanese were present Guyanese and other Indo- Goddess Durga. Modi was a (Delhi), 2004 (Delhi), 2005 Modi at the Washington s e v e
o r a b l e including this writer Much Caribbean people when he devoted social worker (a (Mumbai), and several other conference had described encounters with Modi in water has flown under the was a student and a Hindu pracharak) who PBDs when he was CM as M o d i j i a s e r u d i t e , New York, New Jersey, bridge since his only visit to pracharak (volunteer) in volunteeredhistimetoassist well as PM. Bharrat Jagdeo charismatic, brilliant and Trinidad,andIndiabeforehe Guyana in 2000 Little India and when he attended othersaswashistrainingand was the Chief Guest at PBD Prime Ministerial material; becameGeneralSecretaryof wouldModihaveknownthat programs of Gujaratis in c o m m i t m
actions towards
DEAREDITOR, across ministries were flatters without adhering to littleornomovementsonthe On the morning of spoken down to; Ministers laws and governance project site concerning this Tuesday, November 13, cameinfortheirfairshare. standards, this is what the project. 2024, just after my devotion Editor, while I have no results would look like. So, I am convinced that at approximately 05:45hrs, I objection with Mr. Ali please do not cast all something is amiss with this decided to check in with my engaging professionals and aspirations at the feet of the project. I guess, the phone and read a posting by contractors; I believe his professionals in the
Permanent Secretary, Mr. Big Smith News Watch, actions could have been Ministry. Do not play the Valdim Persaud and his ‘President Irfaan Ali this doneinamatureway Iguess gameblame,Mr Ali!
Technical Staff were tasked morning called a 5:30 his exhortation at the Mr Ali had before him with compiling the list of meeting with Government meeting was to prove to the lists for ALL Ministries and Contractors with existing Ministers, their Permanent world that, ‘I am in control.’ he recognized them and ongoing projects Secretaries, their Engineers Why were professionals individually, requested of through the Ministry of and Contractors at State forcedfromtheirhomesfora the Minister(s), Permanent Public Works Was this House, his official residence 05:30hrs meeting? What Secretaries, Engineers for deliberate not to have in Georgetown.’ The article consideration was given to Projects, technical staff and ‘Caribbean Green Building furtherstated,‘Thepresident many of the professionals, contractors to stand. Just Inc’listed amongst the other called the meeting to receive who are single parents and aftertheMinistryofHousing Contractors? updates on major projects would usually have to and Water, the Ministry of Editor, I conclude by which are beyond four prepare children for school? P u b l i c W o r k s publicly requesting Bishop monthsbehindschedule.’ Couldn’t the meeting be representatives, etc were Edghill, to provide to the I decided to review the convened during regular asked to stand, while Mr Ali nation information on the recording, carried live on working hours? What was called on contractors to following questions: why social media platform of Mr theshowabout? stand, as their names were wasn’t Caribbean Green Ali At first, I thought Editor, I turn my announced What was Building Inc on the list? professionals were attending attention to the reasons for surprising, the name Where is the $7.6B being high school and for some the meeting, as published by ‘Caribbean Green Building spent? Where is the office of reasons they were called ‘Big Smith News Watch.’ Inc.,’wasnotcalledfromthe Caribbean Green Building before the principal, in the That is, to get an update why list. Editor, just Monday, Inc, be located? and who are presence of their respective projects are four months November 11, 2024, your the principals of Caribbean head teac
t o t h e 2004. Gujarat had one of the Naraynsingh related his largest booths at PBDs and views to Pandit Raviji Modi engaged everyone Maharaj Naraynsingh including critics and would meet Modi again detractors. (As an aside, I twice in Trinidad before he stand to be corrected that became CM, the last time in Narendra Modi is the only 2000,atHinduconferences. individual who attended all Modi came to Guyana PBDs – a gathering of after the 2000 Trinidad Indians from the diaspora; conference and was hosted next January would be the by several prominent figures 18thedition). not the least being Ravi Dev Modi’s rise as PM was and Swamiji Aksharananda. predicted by ARSP I remember a conversation Pracharak Chaman Lall, withSwamijiaround2009in VHP Leader Ashok Singhal, which he said that Modi Trinidadians Raviji Maharaj should be the PM’s and Dr Vijay Naraynsingh, candidate;thegreatLK and Guyanese as well (Continued on page 6)
The ERC itself needs...
From page 4 letter were either hand delivered or sent by registered mail to the HM, GTU Rep.,ACEO and REdO.Among other things, I questioned whether my file, which I was never given access to, was the property of the HM and if she had the authority to sendittotheERC.
Also, I requested to view it and have my responses recorded as well. I received no communication from anyone apart from Mr Smith in October 2020. It was a brief letter stating that my new complaint would be investigated and nothing further was received. For the ERC to be seen as a fair and credible entity it needs to treat all cases equally and employthesamelevelofefficiency Iawaitanupdatefromthe ERCinthenearfutureonmycomplaint.
Yours faithfully, Narissa Deokarran
s to be behind This I found publication, published Green Building Inc ? As d i s c i p l i n e d f o r interesting, since there are anotherletterfrommeonthe statedinpreviousletters,itis misdemeanor. Mr. Ali’s hundreds of projects lagging ‘mysterious 12 Storey TIME Bishop Juan Edghill a c t i o n s
r d s behind for more than four G
comes clean on this mystery p r o
o n a l s w e r e months.Mr Alishouldknow Complex,’forwhichthesum project. “distasteful and obnoxious.” when contracts are given to of $7.6B was approved by Yours sincerely, Not only were professionals friends,family,favoritesand the National Assembly, with Annette Ferguson, MP
From page 2 betweenidenticaltwins.” identical twins made the procedure The statement continued, “We are particularly smooth, with no intraoperative thrilledtosharethatonOctober21,2024,the complications and minimal immunological Transplant team at Georgetown Public risk. Thehospitalconfirmedthatbothsisters Hospital Corporation (GPHC), led by Dr have recovered well, with the donor’s KishorePersaud,hassuccessfullycompleted remaining kidney functioning effectively a similar transplant between two identical and the recipient’s new kidney showing sisters.” stablehealthandoptimalfunction. The hospital also noted, “As the first and Reflecting on the significance of this only certified kidney transplant center in the event, GPHC’s statement noted that, “In nation, GPHC continues to deliver life1954, Dr Joseph Murray and his team changing procedures to its patients. Both achieved a groundbreaking milestone in sistersarenowhomeandwillreceivefollowmedical history by performing the world’s up care to monitor their kidney health and first successful human kidney transplant ensurelastingsuccess.”
DEAREDITOR, ownpeople. responsible for making them I have chalked up more Guyana’s political leaders and giving them the than half of a century in history has been replete with opportunity to govern but political activism and if I Black politicians of great you are “permanently ‘dead walk away now, I would still intellect and calibre who in your boots’ if you consider my sojourn a were forced to walk away challengethemandcallthem h u m b l e b u t s o l i d from a particular political out. contribution in the constant party because of the curse of I have recently been struggle for rights and a which is mentioned in this asked why much is not betterGuyana. missive. coming from me in relation
What motivated me over Men and women whose to my party and the the decades to continue had foundation and ideology are opposition. It hurts because nothing to do with financial blacker than black have many are saying that the gain because I have had walked away risking the oppositionisuninspiringand literallynoneandIcontinued eternal condemnation of out of touch with their own most fervently and with being sellouts and I have people. I will agree that my passion, consistency and been guilty of being one of party’s performance in conviction. the chief figures that would opposition lacks energy and
Thefiretofighthadtodo pointsuchafinger. leaves much to be desired with ensuring that Guyanese However, those who and the PPP is allowed free had the inalienable right to havewalkedawayarecaught rein. freedom,justiceandequality in a dilemma of being Trump is back and that and most importantly the “second class” elsewhere makes it more difficult for righttolife. because of our political theoppositiontobehelpedto
ThePPPhasalwaysbeen cultureandthedominanceof regain power Such is the a threat to the above and any race. PPP disregard for the decent person that loves Such is the hurt inflicted opposition that it may opt to country should not remain by their own that they would h e l p B l a c k p e o p l e silent. I have been conflicted rather remain comfortable financially and socially in many times about the with their present status and the run up to national wickedness of some Black position than to return or elections and win the hearts leaders in Guyana; creep into the dustbin of ofmany wickedness; especially public and political Meanwhile, I have to towards their own and it obscurity decide whether I will retire hurtsdeeply
The cancel culture in the from political activism and Black leaders in Guyana halls of black politics in find a social media hobby I have a sense of entitlement Guyana has been around am a political animal so I and the highest levels of ages before that term was don’t know how that will ingratitude,arroganceandan coinedandpopularised. workout.Weshallsee. unforgivablenature.Iamyet You dare not publicly or Sincerely, toseeanotherethnicgroupof privately challenge the Norman Browne politicians in Guyana who leader or leaders. Don’t get Social and Political are as contemptuous of their me wrong, you can be Activist
From page 5 with Gujaratis including Dr visited Gujarat several times Advani led the BJP in the Mukund Mody, a close and and was very impressed with election and lost. Modi, a dear friend of Indo- the development of the state disciple of Advani, would CaribbeanHindus.Dr Mody under CM Modi leadership. become the PM candidate in facilitated encounters with Under his tenure (2001-14), 2014 carrying the BJP to a Modiji. Gujarat was and remains the landslide victory and re- My multiple encounters most developed state with elected again by a landslide of Modi found him to be thehigheststandardofliving in 2019 Swamiji knew charming, personable, andqualityoflife.Itwasalso Modiji quite well and had affable, remarkable, the safest state in India. encounters with Modi-ji in telegenic, articulate, Women used to fear going India when the former was a brilliant, a star, and a man of out during the dark prior to student there as did Ravi-ji substance. In NY and New ModibecomingPM. Maharaj and Pandit Dr Jersey, Gujaratis flocked to During his tenure and till I n d r a n i R a m p e r s a d him. now, females have felt safe (currently teaching courses As CM and at Gujarat going out at all hours of the on Indian diaspora and booth in India, he knew what dayornight. Hinduism) at Benaras Hindu he wanted for his state; he He was an outstanding University where she did was development oriented politician, a man who cares stints of studies Several and encouraged people to for his people and who is not Guyanese and other Indo- investinGujarat.Therewere aboutself. Caribbeans studied at BHU; beautiful glossy brochures Modi has become the this writer was a guest advertising the state that was most followed political lecturer on multiple open for investment. Modi personality on social media. occasions at BHU with himself appeared at ease Modi has carved a place in another appearance planned interacting with guests or the the minds, thoughts, and for early January Modi also publicwhovisitedthebooth. heartofGuyaneseandothers came to NewYork at the UN He made comments that whoengagedhim. Millennium conference in evoked laughter or smile and Yours truly, August 2000 and interacted he laughed quite a lot. I Vishnu Bisram
The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) hasgranteda25%waiveron outstanding rates owed by the former Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT), now rebranded as ONE Communications.
In a statement on Monday evening, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag called the decision by the Mayor of Georgetown, Alfred Mentore, and the City Council “alarming and unlawful.”
Minister Parag criticised the Council's financial choices and argued that the decision comes at a time wh
ncil continuously laments its financial woes and requests bailouts from Central Government, claiming to be cash-strapped.
“It is baffling that while pleading poverty, the Council finds it prudent to forgo significant revenue thatcouldhavebeenutilised to improve vital services such as garbage collection, market management, and overall sanitation – all areas in which they have
Firstly, she highlighted that Section 215(3) of the Municipal and District Councils Act, Cap. 28:01 clearly stipulates that any discount on rates due must not exceed 10% “By approving more than double this legally mandated limit, the Mayor and his council have blatantly disregarded the rule of law and their fiduciarydutytothecitizens of Georgetown, ” the ministersaid.
consistently, and miserably failed,” Minister Parag stated Moreover, she underscored that this legally questionable and fiscally irresponsible decision, warrantsanurgentreviewto ensure compliance with the
situation According to Mayor Mentore, “The waiver was aimed at allowing the company to settle its outstanding taxes, an initiative that was both pragmatic and potentially beneficial to the city's revenuestream.”Heasserted thatdiscussionswithGTTon the matter have been ongoing since 2016, spanning both the current andformeradministrations.
Mentore argued that Parag's condemnation of the C
However,inhisresponse to the minister's criticism, Mentore defended the City Council's decision to grant the 25% tax waiver on accrued interest to the GTT He contends that the waiver was within the Council's authority, aimed at enabling the company to settle outstandingtaxes.
n demonstrates a concerning trend in the government's hand
The mayor accused Minister Sonia Parag of oversteppingboundariesand m
ing of local government issues He added that her statements reflect “a direct, very crude assault on the principles of separationofpowers.”
Mentoreemphasizedthat (Continuedonpage22)
So,thereIwas,blissfully that nobody—and I mean morning interrogations as a outsourcedtoanyonewilling
dreaming about cappuccinos n o b o d y d e l i v e r s hobby to take them on, provided completed? Will the public and tropical sunsets, when I humiliation quite like a Let’s be clear, though: they’repreparedtobegrilled finally get their roads, heard about the President’s Guyanese president on a this wasn’t a productive ifthingsgosouth. schoolsandbridgesontime? meeting. Let me clarify: this publiclivestream. meeting. There was no deep And why the choice of Doubtful. What we will get, was not just any meeting. It It appears that short dive into the delays, no 5:30 AM, you ask? Some however, is the knowledge was the mother of all notice was given for this nuanced examination of the might argue it was to catch that at 5:30 AM, in the heart meetings—the kind where meeting One contractor, root and multifaceted everyone off-guard, to instill of State House, people were officials scrambling to alarms went off, egos were stationedinthefarreachesof reasons for projects being a sense of urgency But, standing stiffly, like students please, but a leader who trampled, and professionals the interior, missed the show behind schedule. This was, knowing our leader, I’m before a teacher, fumbling apparently believes that true were grilled as if they’d entirely No one mentioned instead, a masterclass in tempted to believe it was for words as the President statesmanship is best wandered into an unholy the need to rescue those “leadership by fear,” where purely for the optics—a nod unleashedhiswrath. conducted at dawn, with a inquisition. senior officials stranded at public servants were held that the “early bird catches In the end, this meeting spreadsheetandascowl. At the crack of dawn, thegatesofStateHouseafter accountable not to reason, thecontractor.”Nothingsays was nothing more than (The views expressed in while the rest of the world arriving too late Late buttospectacle. “I’m serious” quite like a politicaltheater,thekindthat this article are those of the was blissfully unaware of its comerswerequicklytaughta The spreadsheets might President who disrupts the trades actual progress for
existence, the President lifelessonaboutpromptness, have been out, but they sleep schedules of his entire drama, project completion necessarily reflect the summoned his ministers, the hard way But some weren’t guiding this administration. for power plays And if opinions and beliefs of this permanent secretaries, Ministers were seen taking meeting only amplifying So, here we are, left to you’re still awake by the end
engineers, consultants and their seats after the the performance. One would wonder: what was achieved of it, you’ll see that the real affiliates.) contractors working on inquisitionhadcommenced. think that permanent by this display? Will the spectacle was not the government projects that The President didn’t just secretaries or technical staff were believed to be behind reprimand contractors or would be the ones running schedule by more than four poke a stick at a few slack- the nitty-gritty on these months. For reasons best jawed engineers; he went projects. But no. Here, it understood by folks who after his own ministers also. seems, the President himself wear sunglasses at night, the Yes,thesepeoplewereasked must publicly step in, filling meeting was called at 5:30 to stand up to answer the a role better suited to a AM, an hour when most kind of direct, unflinching managerthanaheadofstate. humanbeingsareengagedin questions that no self- There are professionals. the very responsible activity respecting official should They’ll tell you that the ofsleep. have to endure before reasons for stalling are
To p g o v e r n m e n t sunrise. They must have felt complex, involving supply officials, including like students caught chains, staff shortages, Ministers, bleary-eyed and cheating, standing before a problems with the weather, clutching coffee like teacher who seemed all too unforeseen circumstances lifebuoys, had to drag ready to send them to and force majeure. But the themselves to State House detention. President, in his boundless before the sun had fully Our dear ministers were wisdom, has reduced these clocked in. It was like a reduced to nervous complexities to a neat little poorly scripted sitcom, but adolescents. The President, show of public reprimands. the laugh track was missing, meanwhile, was like a The contractors were, replaced instead by the headmaster with a thirst for naturally, to blame, as were President’s unrelenting, public displays of discipline. the engineers, and quite baritone scolding, his This was a moment of possiblysleep-lag. audience recoiling at the transparency, all right—the And let’s not forget, that spreadsheethewieldedlikea kind where dignity, respect, the consultants were scrollofdoom. and professional courtesy presumed to be responsible If you tuned in expecting were so transparent, you for ensuring the contractors nuanced dialogue or couldn’tseethematall. werepresentatthisludicrous constructive problem- If this were a sensible hour You would think there solving, then you must be administration, the ministers are systems in place, chains new to Guyanese politics. w o u l d t e n d e r t h e i r of command that don’t This was no ordinary status resignationsinprotest.But,I require consultants to play report. This was the Head of suspect they know better sheepdogs for contractors. State’s moment to shine, a than to cross paths with a But no, apparently, chance to remind everyone leader who’s taken up early- administrative duties can be
Demboyssehschoolgettin’fancy,butis religious clothes on de last day before big poor people feeling de squeeze! Every time religious holiday Dem boys seh dat idea isalil’graduation,parentsgottobreakpiggy goodintheory,buthowitlookin’fuhdepoor bank to keep up. Dem lil’ ceremony might pickney who don’t have no shalwar or look small, but is big dollars. Every time de dashiki hangin’in de closet? How dem gon’ child ready fuh “graduate” (and dem gat feel seein’classmates all dolled up in fancy graduation now fuh nursery, primary, high wear, while dey lef’ out because mummy school, you name it), de parents got to find anddaddycan’taffordit? money fuh fancy clothes. Dem teachers seh Nobody tinkin’ about how poor man boys must come in white shirts, black pants, child feel – dem standin’ dere lookin’ like neat neat neat, and de girls in white dresses, dey miss out, just because dem family fresh out de store. But where poor man gon’ pocketslight.Yuhgotalldesebrightideasto findalldemkindaclothes,eh? make school “inclusive,” but dem boys seh Then de school tellin’dem parents, “Oh, inclusionshouldn’tcomewit’apricetag. andyuhgottochipinfuhdegraduation.”So, Maybe is time fuh de big brains at de besides buyin’clothes, dey askin’parents to Ministry to put a stop to all dese graduation hand over hard-earn dollars fuh fancy things. balloon an’ big decoration! Dem boys seh Save de parents money, mek school datain’tfair,nottomentiondeburdenfuhde about learnin’– not showin’off clothes poor peoplewhoalreadybarelygettin’by people can’t afford Let the children And like dat ain’t enough, dem school graduateindemschoolclothes! big-wigs decide children could wear Talk half. Leff half
It is better to keep everything serene today, the day after that American Tuesday As usual, I am sharing from the predawn hours, so there is scant insight about developments coming throughout the day Still, I go on record with whattheUSElectionmeans to me, what a return of Mr Donald Trump to the presidencywouldsignify Though unattached, the preference was for a Ms. Kamala Harris' victory Though not the ideal inspiration for a candidate, the spirit still associated.
There is too much Democratic Party baggage for her to carry, any progressive pol to manage. The Biden legacy doesn't favor But,afterthis,andthe manyothermoreexpansive, wiser analyses, Ms. Harris represented the America I knew and loved (still do), however limited and flawed her candidacy may have been. In sum, a President Harris is a lesser menace to the US Constitution and democracy itself. Oh, and onemorethingbeforeIgetto
the main man: there is that ancestralissue. Peoplewho I can identify with, leaders who identify with people like me, well, they get the mark. We do vote that way in Guyana, don't we? And fromsomeofthequickscans done, there are Guyanese who feel proud to do in America what they are loathetodoinGuyana. Itis the issue of issues I recognize the right of all to vote for one who curses people like them; but I haven'treachedthatsublime state,yet.
Having reeled Mr Trumpintothiscontribution, another American name spills into the conversation. HisnamewasJoeMcCarthy, senatorfromWisconsin. His party affiliation doesn't matter The late Senator McCarthy saw enemies of Americaeverywhere:hiding under rocks, plucking them out of thin air When he couldn't find any (which history has emphasized was almostalways),hewasonly toodelightedtomanufacture them Whatever was thrilling to his feverishly
sizzling imagination, he gave shape, delivered. To America On hapless victims. For then and for history Thefewwhodared trying to stop him were steamrolled President Trumanstooduptohim,and a new enemy was born. President Eisenhower was incensed with him, but needed an SOB to do dirty work for government and party Theproblemisthata president is bigger than a senator, incomparably bigger This is the problem forAmericans. Itisforme.
The issues are crippling, customized for a man of the truths of Mr Trump Economy Abortion. Law and order And, that bonein-the-throat called immigration. Back in the day, those less careful ones, there was the Yellow Peril. Then came the Browning of America. Now, there is this Invasion of America, and swamping of it. One man was given the freedom (and thenod,possibly)tosaythat America is for Americans. ThequestionIaskofmyself is simple: what place,
therefore, for people like me? What consideration, thence, for those tired and poor and huddled masses who yearn…. There is no morevisceral,morevolatile, more violative issue than immigration, (not even abortion) Frankly, the concern is not about Norsemen nor Celtics Think of the darker side of thesun.
And no matter how brightlyImayshine,orhigh there's rising, that is all I count for, for that is me. Now,Icloseoutthepersonal andcreepintothenational.
A Trump presidency would be about making Exxon still greater No issues there. But a greater Exxontranslatestoaweaker, moreprostrateGuyana. For a man who could be so cavalier about the rights of man, especially the colored man, the prospects look bleak. I am talking about Guyana. The ambassador wouldn't be taking up time cautioningabout'inclusivity' and 'all Guyana benefitting' from the national wealth. The honoring of contracts
spoken so solemnly about by those whose lives have been littered with the dishonorablewouldgain traction that couldn't challenged. Instead of two warplanes overhead, there could be two dozen. They wouldn't be a reminder to Mr Maduro to mind his manners.
Thoseplaneswouldbeto shakeupthenativeshereby sending the strongest message to them: look after ownbusiness. LeaveExxon toitsownbusiness.
I admit that is taking things to the extreme, since the local Mau Maus and guerillasaresofew Rather, my mind is concentrated on all those Guyanese looking to America as the way out from oil rich Guyana Already, nativist emotions are raw and ragged (razor sharp)overtoomanypeople who look like Guyana's demographics taking over their neighborhoods, their jobs, and their concert halls. There is that other one that nobody is talking about: eyeing their womenfolk
Outoftheman'sownmouth came such incendiaries as criminals and rapists. With the exits corked up, the pressures here would build. For sure, there will be countless visiting delegations from the USA. But for taking, and little aboutgiving.
I think I have said enough, except for this one straggler
When someone like Vladimircouldseeabrother in Donald, there is nothing thatIcansayorwritethatis better It's what is frightening. About where Americaanddemocracyand demagoguery could all be going. AsAmericagoes,so couldGuyana.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
A referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil oil contract has the potential to remove some power from the hands of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and place it in the hands of Guyanese.
It is the stuff of nightmares for a man well on his way to making himself a maximum leader in the mold of that unbroken line of North Koreans or the old East Germans.
The mere idea of a referendum in its simplest, no-frills form, is enough to provoke heartburn and constipation in Jagdeo.
What would he do then, should those casting the ballot call for a renegotiation?
Where would that leave him with his masters at ExxonMobil, with what he could be forced to do against his wishes and theirs also?
Jagdeo has not gotten to where he is, and lasted as long as he has, by being weak, undecided, or lacking in nimbleness of feet. Instead, he finds refuge in what has served him well over the years: he comes up with excuses.
The draft final report of the deadly Guyana Defence Force helicopter crash late lastyearhasbeencompleted and is being sent around to relevant stakeholders for their comments, Minister responsible for Civil Aviation, Juan Edghill said inastatementonTuesday “ConsistentwithSection 71 of the CivilAviationAct 2018, the Minister for Civil Aviationisentrustedwiththe r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f investigating all aviation accidentsandincidentsinor above Guyana. In keeping with the provisions of the Act,onDecember9,2023,I appointed an Investigator in Charge to investigate the unfortunate crash of the GDF's Bell 412 helicopter, registration 8R-AYA, that occurred on December 6, 2023,”Edghillsaid.
He added: “I am pleased toadvisethattheDraftFinal Report into the tragic accidentiscompletedandas per ICAO Annex 13, the Draft Final Report will be sent to the va
ous stakeholders associated for their comments before the report can be finalized These stakeholders include the Guyana Defence Force, National Transportation Safety Board, Transport Canada, Bell Helicopters and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority These stakeholders will have sixty (60)daysuponreceiptofthe DraftFinalReporttoreview andprovidetheircomments. Upon completion of this exercise, the Final Report will be released.” Edghill saidtoothatheishappythat “we have reached this stage of having a Draft Final Report and that we are very close to concluding this matter I wish to thank the media and the public for waiting for the Final Report to be published before makinganycommentonthis
tragicaccident.” Only last month Leader of the Opposition Aubrey Norton raised concerns aboutthedelayintherelease of the report and to update citizens on the information
found on the aircraft's black box, to determine the cause of the incident On December 08th 2023 five of seven occupants of the Guyana Defense Force (GDF) Bell412 helicopter died when the aircraft crashed in the jungle between Arau and Ekereku in Region Seven Those confirmed dead are: the pilot-in-command, veteran (Continuedonpage22)
Toensurelocalinclusion and benefits from the growing oil and gas sector, Dutch shipbuilder, SBM Offshore has contracted three Guyanese fabricating companies to help build the country's sixth Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Jaguar
TheJaguarFPSO,willbe the fifth vessel that SBM is
b u i l d i n g , i s f o r ExxonMobil's Whiptail
development project, located in the Stabroek Block.
On Tuesday, SBM
Offshoreheldasteelstriking ceremony at the Guyana Shorebase Inc. (GYSBI) located at Houston, to
c o m m e m o r a t e t h e
c o m m e n c e m e n t o f fabricated fixtures for the vessel.The three local firms contractedbySBMOffshore to fabricate the fixtures are Zeco Group of Companies,
Industrial Fabrications (InFab) and Guyana Oil and GasSupportServices.
Speaking at the simple yet significant ceremony, SBM's General Manager, Martin Cheong said that the project is yet another indication of his company's commitment to building local content and ensuring thatGuyanesearepositioned to play critical supporting rolesforthegrowingoiland gassector
“Overayearago,wemet under similar circumstances t
f fabricated fixtures for the ONE GUYANA FPSO by the very same fabricators who are providing services for the Jaguar FPSO. This ceremony also signifies the capability of our local fabricators to continue providing essential steel structures for the FPSOs, demonstratingtheirabilityto
ntain international standards of fabrication,”hesaid.
Having been able to witness this milestone, Cheongstatedthesteelstrike ceremony is a direct reflectionofSBMOffshore's commitmenttolocalcontent objectives.
“Aswecontinuetowork withGuyanesecompaniesto ensure their inclusion and benefitfromtheindustry,we also continue to employ Guyanese to provide critical support for the vessels,” he noted.
Assuring the efforts to enhance the Guyanese people and the country nation are not taken lightly, butwithgreatunderstanding of their criticality, the G e n e r a l M a n a g e r commended the fabricators for their commitment to reachingandmaintainingthe quality of work that has resulted in Tuesday's
In brief remarks, President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL),
Alistair Routledge highlighted the importance of having local skilled persons involved in the industry since it helps build the country's capacity in the sectorandthatitcontributes towards the development of the economy Ensuring that services and opportunities are there to benefit the people Routledege said that
the company could have easily gone to China or Singapore to have the parts fabricated. “But that would not be in the spirit of the partnership with the country andtheintentofbuildingthe capacity at ensuring that the people of the country can truly benefit from the developmentoftheirnatural resource,” he noted The EMGL President mentioned that his company is looking forward to working with more local businesses, since
additional vessels and projects will be coming ons t r e a m i n t h e future.Deliveringthefeature address, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat congratulated ExxonMobil and SBM for their partnership, for their insight and for working with the government and the local Private Sector in ensuring benefits are derived for Guyanaanditspeople. He also commended the (Continuedonpage21)
KLM Royal Dutch AirlineswillconnectGuyana to Europe with new direct flights from Amsterdam to Georgetown starting on June 4,2025.
InastatementonTuesday, the airline said that this new service will operate twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays with a stopover in SintMaartenontheoutbound journey
The Airbus 330-200 aircraft for this route will offer 18 seats in World
Business Class and 246 in Economy, catering to both businessandleisuretravelers.
The outbound KL789
f l i g h t w i l l d e p a r t
Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport at 10:00 a.m., arrive in Sint Maarten at 1:00 p.m., and then continue on to Guyana, landing at Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIAat4:35p.m.
The return flight leaves Georgetown at 5:55 p.m., arriving back in Amsterdam at9:15a.m.thefollowingday
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi will visit Guyana between November 19-21, the Office of the Presidentsaidinapressrelease.
TheOPreleasesaidthatthevisitis at the invitation of His Excellency Dr MohamedIrfaanAli.
“The visit underlines the historically strong relations between IndiaandGuyana.Itmaybenotedthat H E Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, PresidentoftheCo-operativeRepublic of Guyana, visited India in January 2023 as the Chief Guest at the 17th PravasiBharatiyaDiwas,wherehewas awarded the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman.”
During his State Visit, Modi will engage in summit-level bilateral discussionswithPresidentAli.Hewill alsoco-chairthe2ndIndia-CARICOM Summit in Georgetown, Guyana, alongside Prime Minister of Grenada, Mr DickonMitchell,andPresidentAli. Modi is also scheduled to address the NationalAssemblyoftheParliamentof theCo-operativeRepublicofGuyana.
Alsoonhisagendaisanaddressto the Indian community and the Indian
diaspora in Guyana Additionally, Modi will offer a floral tribute at the Mahatma Gandhi statue at the Promenade Gardens in Georgetown, whichwasinstalledin1969duringthe Mahatma G
y celebrations. He will also visit the Indian Arrival Monument in the Monument Garden, which commemorates the arrival of the first ship carrying Indian indentured labourers to the Caribbean. The ship arrivedontheshoresofthethenBritish Guianain1838.
Meanwhile, according to Times of IndiaarticleModiwillalsovisitBrazil andNigeriabeforecomingtoGuyana. ThevisitmediareportsinIndiasaidis aimed at strengthening India's relationships with these countries
community engagement, and highlevel summits. PM Modi's tour will begin with a visit to Nigeria from November 16-17 at the invitation of Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.Thiswillmarkthefirstvisitby an Indian Prime Minister to Nigeria in 17 years, underscoring the importance
of bilateral ties between the two nations.
During his stay, PM Modi will engage in high-level discussions to review and expand the strategic partnership established between India andNigeriain2007.Thetwocountries havecooperatedextensivelyinsectors like energy, defense, and economic investments, with over 200 Indian companies investing US$27 billion in Nigeria.
The Prime Minister will also address the Indian diaspora, (Continuedonpage22)
Newly-formed Canadian mining company, Greenheart GoldCorporationreportedon Monday that initial geochemical sampling at the AbuyaProjectinnortheastern Guyanahasidentifiedseveral promising anomalous zones forfurtheractivities.
Anomalous zones are areas where samples have been taken and indicate the potentialforgolddeposits.
Greenheart Gold was formedasaspin-offfromthe merger between Canadian firms-G Mining Ventures Corporation (GMIN) and Reunion Gold Corporation. Earlier this year, Reunion announcedthatGMINwillbe acquiring the company for some US$638 million, and willbecomethenewownerof Reunion's flagship Oko West project located in Region Seven(Cuyuni-Mazaruni).
According to the statement, in relation to the Abuyaproject,thefirstphase of sampling covered a 100square-kilometer area, with samples taken at 100-meter intervals on lines spaced 1
kilometer apart This reconnaissance phase aimed to quickly narrow down potential gold-bearing zones across the large project area. Notable findings include anomalous gold values of up to 0.55 grams per ton (g/t) of gold, which align with significant geological features, such as granitic and volcanic contacts and regional fold axis
Follow-up exploration in early 2025 will include more detailed infill sampling at 500-meter by 50-meter
spacing, along with geological mapping and potentialgeophysicalsurveys to further evaluate these promisingzones.
According to Greenheart Gold, the Abuya project sits just 15 kilometers west of Zijin's Aurora Gold Mine (AGM) and covers 90 square kilometers of highly prospective land, held under 20 medium-scale mining permits.
Notably,GreenheartGold said its goal is to build a robust portfolio of the earlystageexplorationprojectsthat target the key geological factors believed to have been crucial to the discovery of Oko West. The Oko West Mineissettobealarge-scale goldprojectandisexpectedto produce 353,000 ounces of gold annually over its 12.7year mine life, with a total output of 4.5 million ounces. Productionisexpectedtostart in2025.
Moreover, the company noted, “Greenheart Gold is primarily focused on gold prospects in Suriname and Guyana, offering a favorable combination of promising geology and supportive governments.
The company is actively pursuing discussions to expand its pipeline of explorationprojects.”
A34-year-old mother and four of her five children died early Tuesday morning in a fire that destroyed their two-storey home located at No 64 Village,Corentyne,Berbice.
Reports are that the fire startedataround02:00h.
The victims have been identified as Hemwatie
Singh, a 34-year-old housewife, and her children Kelvin Ramjatan (14), Brandon Ramjatan (10), Cindy Ramjatan (11), and TomeshRamjatan(2).
H o w e v e r, K e v i n Ramjatan, Singh's 17-yearold son, managed to escape the blaze unharmed. It is unclear how he managed to get out, but he later alerted relatives about the fire. He is currently in police custody assistingwithinvestigations.
According to reports, the family was asleep when the fire started. The children's father, Rohan Ramjatan, known as 'Map head', a 36year-old cattle farmer, was not home at the time the fire occurred. The man was arrested by police for cattle rustling.
already been consumed by flames.
Kevin noted that he had closed their steel gate on Monday evening at around 18:30 hrs, but when he escaped the next morning, it wasopen.
Firefighters arrived at the scene around 3:35hrs but foundthehousealreadyfully engulfed.Afiretender,ledby Section Leader Williams, attempted to extinguish the fire, and once the blaze was under control, the charred remains of five individuals, believed to be Hemwatie Singh and her four children werediscovered.
The bodies of the victims were taken to the Skeldon Public Hospital Mortuary for post-mortem examinations, and Kevin is assisting the
The destroyed two-storey house
Kevin reportedly told police that he was asleep on the veranda when he was awakened by flames originating from the lower flat of the house, where his father'scarwasparked.
"Ashesawtheflames,he immediately ran down the stairstothelowerflat,"Police stated in a press statement. Upon opening the door, Kevin said he found his mother and siblings awake andattemptingtoescape.
“They tried to run out of the house but as they saw the large flames in front of the house, they turned back and went upstairs,” he reportedly toldpolice.
As a result, they became trappedinthefire.
The teenager explained that he was unable to call the police immediately because hedidn'thaveaphone,andhis neighborswereunresponsive. He ran to his grandmother's house to get help, but by the time they returned to the scene, the entire house had
p o l i c e w i t h t h e i r investigations.
Singh's nephew, Azim Mohamed, told The News Desk, that he heard a loud explosionaround3:00hrs.
“My cousin (Kevin) ran and told me that someone set firetotheircar,andthehouse was burning. Saying that he mommy, brothers, and sister in there burning up,” Mohamedsaid.
Uponhearingthenews,he ran to the scene but unfortunately the house was already engulfed in flames stating, “we couldn't save nobody.”
The tragic loss has shockedthelocalcommunity and country President Irfaan A l i e x p r e s s e d h i s condolences on Facebook, stating, “My heart aches for their loved ones as they cope with this unimaginable loss. No words can ease the pain, butIhopetheyfindcomfortin the love and memories shared.Maytheirsoulsrestin (Continuedonpage22)
A 19-year-old man died onTuesdayafteranexcavator he was operating sank in swampy lands at Kara Kara, Mackenzie, Linden, Region Ten.
Police identified him as 19-year-old Ezekiel Benjamin Benjamin was
employed by Dindyal Sookramforasub-contracted job and was tasked with operatinganexcavatoronthe northeasternsideoftheKara Karaland.Hisjobwastodiga draintoallowlodgedwaterto run out to the Kara Kara Creek.
While doing so the excavatorsankintheswampy area ”The excavator sank
from the side and became submerged in the swamp, trapping the deceased (Benjamin)insidethecabin," policesaid.
Operators from another company, BOSAI Minerals, discovered the submerged excavator and raised an alarm They rendered assistance by breaking the excavator cabin's glass window and pulling Benjamin from the vehicle. Unfortunately,hewasalready deadwhenhewasfreedfrom the excavator.Kaieteur News understands that Benjamin th wouldhavecelebratedhis20 birthday today.Investigations areongoing.
Reuters (November 11) - A pipeline exploded on Monday at a natural gas complex operated by Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA UL) in the country'sEasternMonagasstate,leavingfivepeople injured,thestatecompanysaid.
OutagesandaccidentsatPDVSA'sdeteriorating facilities are common. Last month, a large fire at a crude storage tank in the country's Western region leftmorethan20peoplewithminorburns.
Balls of fire and firefighters working to extinguish them were seen in videos and photos posted by neighbors on social media. The fire left blackened and damaged pipelines and equipment, thephotosshowed.
Loop Caribbean News - Heavy downpours have resulted in severe flooding in Grenada. Flooding has been reported in several areas including River Road, Westerhall,Woodlandsandinthevicinityof theNationalStadium. Videosonlineshowed vehicles being washed away by strong floodwatersalongRiverRoad,whilestudents were seen climbing on top chairs at the flooded T A Marryshow Community College. The Ministry of Education in a statement a short while ago advised principals, parents and guardians that the deteriorating conditions caused by flash
floodingmustbetakenseriously Itsaidschool leadershavebeenadvisedtoinstructstudents nottoproceedintothefloodproneareas The Ministry stated parents should go to the schools to collect their children or send a guardiantocollectthemontheirbehalf Itsaid: "Letusdoallwithinourpowertoensureour teachers and students are safe and protected fromthefloodwaters."GISGrenadaissueda statementfromtheMinistryofInfrastructure which advised the public that the Molinere Roadwillbeopenedimmediatelyandremain openforthenext24hoursinthefirstinstance, to allow people to get to the west coast.The
Ministry of Infrastructure is urging extreme caution however, since the road is unpaved. The opening of the Molinere road is being employedasatemporarymeasurebecauseof landslides in the by-pass road through Mt. Moritz,asaresultofincessantrain.
Meanwhile, the Grenada Electricity Services Limited advised about outages in relation to the inclement weather Grenlec said its team is working to restore service to all affected customers. The National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) also advised that due to the recent inclement weather,alldamsarecurrentlyexperiencing
blockages, and it has received reports of damaged pipelines caused by landslides. NAWASAsaidtheseissuesareimpactingits ability to maintain a consistent water supply across affectedareas Customerswithaccessto waterhavebeenencouragedtostoreanadequate supplyforessentialneedsuntilNAWASA'steams can conduct a full assessment and begin restorationefforts Spiceweather473inaweather update today said showers and possible thunderstorms were expected to affect the state of Grenada this morning. There was a warningforalowchanceoffloodinginareas prone.
Chairman of Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL), Vincent Pereira, announced on Tuesday that the Group achieved a profit attributable to equity holders of US$300 million for the year ended September 30, 2024.
This is an increase of US$38millionor14.6%over the 2023 reported profit of US$262 million, the bank said in a press release. In announcing the results Mr Pereira said, “throughout this pastyear,theGrouphasmade notable progress in executing on our s
y By maximising the value of our c o r e b u s i n e s s segments—retail, mortgage, SME, and corporate markets— and through the Group's c
rcial excellence programme, we continued to optimise efficiencyandtosimplifythe way the Group delivers performance. In addition to th
o strategically expand in the areasofinsuranceandwealth management. This value-led growth approach has enabled us to solidify our market presence while continuing to create space to explore new opportunities.”
He added: “The Board of Directors has declared a final dividend of US$0.53 per share, bringing the total dividend to US$0 85 per shareforthefiscalyear(2023: US$0 78), an increase of 9.6% or US$0.07, over the previousyear,inlinewiththe 9.2% increase in core profits after tax. The final dividend will be paid on December 4, 2024, to shareholders on record as of November 21, 2024. With a closing share price of US$16 75, this equatestoadividendyieldof 5.09% (2023: 4.30%). The
Group's capital adequacy ratiosremainrobustacrossall countries and at the consolidatedlevel.”
In addition to reporting thefourthquarterresults,Mr Pereira also took the opportunity to address work being undertaken by the Group on the sustainability front “During 2024, the Group continued to grow its Sustainability Capability and Focus, ensuring that this remainsapriorityaswemake strides in reducing our environmental footprint, improving energy efficiency, andsupportingourcustomers through financing for sustainablegrowth.
In line with this commitment, Republic Bank Limited hosted its inaugural Sustainability Expo on September13and14,2024in Trinidad and Tobago featuring 126 exhibitors and attracting over 3000 participants.
The Expo was a success and provided a platform for like-minded businesses and consumers to explore innovative solutions aligned with the Group's sustainable finance practices and longtermgrowth.”
Pereirasaid,“Onbehalfof the Board of Directors, I extendmyprofoundthanksto our valued shareholders, our customers and business partners, for your continued support and trust in RFHL. Your commitment is the foundation of our success, and we are grateful for the confidence you place in us. We look forward to sharing more successes with you as we work together to continue to grow and strengthen our organisation. I am excited by what lies ahead for the Republic Financial Holdings LimitedGroup.”
The recent incidence of equipment malfunction during an investigation into an oil-like seepage in homes at Crane/Nouvelle Flanders, West Coast Demerara ( W C D ) b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) only points to the need for capacity building within the organization.
This is the perspective of formerExecutiveDirectorof theEPA,Dr VincentAdams. with the World Bank to Dr Adams’commentson Dr Adams in an invited further help put together and the EPA’s capacity come comment with Kaieteur train a high-powered team to even as investigations into News emphasized the need helpmanagetheaffairsofthe the alleged seepage into for the EPA as the agency EPA.” homes at Crane continue. mandated to help safeguard However, under a new The affected residents are the environment to be well m a n a g e m e n t a n d stillawaitingthefinalresults equipped with the apparatus dispensation,Dr Adamssaid oftheinvestigations. and expertise to competently that the EPA did not follow At a recent visit to the carryoutfieldoperations. through with the plan that affected homes, EPA
He was at the time was already in place to boost Officials noted that the responding to reports of the itscapacity samplescollectedinitiallyby EPA’s equipment providing “Ibelievethatthey(EPA) the team before testing, an incorrect reading cancelled the capacity provedinsufficient. detecting sulfur dioxide building programme which As such, the team was during its investigation into was sponsored by the World tasked with collecting more the seepage of an oil-like Bank Outside of the ofthesubstancefortesting. substanceatCrane,WCD. capacitybuildingofthestaff. T h e a g e n c y h a s
As a result of the I personally ensured that all nevertheless ruled out e r r o n e o u s r e a d i n g , the equipment were hydrocarbons in its Executive Director Kemraj recalibrated and tested to preliminary testing of Parsram had explained that ensure that they in order I samples taken from the the equipment used in the sayallthistosaythatthereis seepage of a chemical testing of samples was out of no reason why the EPA substanceinhomes. calibration. In response to should these issues with At this juncture in the Parsram’s explanation, Dr faultyequipmentetc.” investigations, the EPA has Adamssaidthatthereshould Dr Adams noted further begun a Global Positioning be no reason why such a that as an oil producing System (GPA) survey of the critical agency has country, the EPA should be affectedarea. equipment that is out of modernized to deal with K a i e t e u r N e w s calibrationinthefields. various environmental understands that the use of Reflecting on his tenure issues. the GPS is just a part of the at the EPA, Dr. Adams said, “Butitallcomesdownto probe. “I remember when I first thegovernmentandthereisa “The GPS is just a went to EPA, there was a lot d i ff e r e n c e b e t w e e n regular part of what we do in of space building capacity philosophy and competence these circumstances. It is not we didn’t have any and from all the facts anything out of the experience scientists but I presented it does not look ordinary,” an official of the ensured that we hired six liketheauthoritiesoftheday EPAsaid while assuring that engineers and about 30 are interested in ensuring residents will be updated as environment al studies that the EPA is properly soon as any development in graduates to help boost the equipped to carry out its the investigations becomes capacity and I was working mandate.” available.
From page 13 contracted companies who expressed their three local contractors for taking the bold gratitude for the projects, noting that their initiative and risk in investing in a new companies are committed to contributing to sectorandexpandingtheiroperationssothat thecountry’sevolvingoilandgassectorand they can accommodate jobs from this new buildinglocalcapacity sector and execute in a manner that is This publication had reported that the acceptableataninternationallevel. Jaguar FPSO vessel will be designed to He noted that the ceremony, “It is a true produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day, and representation of government’s effort to will have associated gas treatment capacity ensure that Guyanese and Guyanese of 540 million cubic feet per day and water businesses benefit whether it is directly or injection capacity of 300,000 barrels per indirectly from the growth in the oil and gas day The FPSO will be spread moored in sector.” water depth of about 1,630 meters and will
The Minister added that not only the be able to store around 2 million barrels of three contractors are harvesting benefits crudeoil. from the sector but many others. “That is To date, SBM has constructed four exactly what the government is working to FPSOs for Guyana, including the Liza achievethroughoutthelocalcontentlawand Destiny, Liza Unity, Prosperity and One Secretariat,”theMinistersaid. Guyana.Exxonhadrecruitedtheservicesof Among those attending the ceremony Japanese ship builder, MODEC, for its fifth were the different heads of the three FPSO,ErreaWittu.
President Irfaan Ali on meeting. Minister of Human and tardy behaviour at his Tuesday roasted contractors Services and Social meetings. for infrastructural project Protection Dr. Vindhya Dr. Singh tried to explain delays while reprimanding Persaud was not at the instead of providing a direct ministers, permanent meeting and this appeared to answer and in response secretaries and engineers for haveangeredthePresident. President Ali said, “And I pooroversight.
“There is a reason why I don’t wanna see semantics Ali reportedly invited called this meeting,” he said this morning and words, is contractors who are four before adding “Because for yesorno” months or more behind on these projects to be Singh responded that government projects to a continueditrequireseffort.” therearecontractorswhofail 5:30 AM meeting at State M i n i s t e r P r i y a to attend meetings from time House. All subject ministers Manickchand and her staff totime.
and their permanent were next in line to be
Meanwhile, Minister of secretaries as well as reprimanded. Public Works Juan Edghill
engineers were also After learning that one of was scolded by the president mandated to attend the the contractors working with for trying to make excuses meetingwhichwasstreamed the Ministry reportedly did for a delayed project live on his Facebook Page not have a representative in Similarly, a contractor had and other social media the city, Ali reacted by objected saying that he was platforms. saying, “That is what y’all not at fault for the delay in
The Ministers, along taking? The excuses from the project he was awarded with their staff (Permanent thesepeopleallthetime”. since he did not receive a Secretaries (PS) and He then turned his commencementletter
Engineers) and some attention to that ministry’s This was the case with a contractors arrived on time permanent secretary, asking fewcontractors. for the meeting. However, “How dem does collect The President asked the those who were late were payment,howdotheycollect Ministry’s engineer for an locked out of the President’s payment PS, ansa hard, a explanationandthetechnical home. want hear yuh, ah want the officer claimed that he
The contractors were whole country to hear, they providedthecommencement badly scolded for all to see. come to the Ministry of letter but the contractor The live broadcast, which Educationtocollectpayment maintained he did not was widely circulated, was but they can’t come to a receiveit. viewed by at least 145,000 meeting, when they are Amidst the exchange persons. The ministers and behindonproject.” between the contractor and the engineers and other President Ali continued the engineer, Minister technical staff were not to blister the Ministry for Edghill informed the s p a r e d T h e y w e r e Education for its poor president that “terrible bad reprimanded for poor oversight and told the blood’ between the oversight. Minister Manickchand, contractor and the engineer
The head of state singled “Priyayuhseeyourproblem, and it is affecting his out each ministry and a total lack of commitment M i n i s t r y ’s p r o j e c t instructed the ministers, and if yall continue to allow Management. permanent secretaries and it, we won’t get any success. Ali responded, “That is engineers to stand before Out of all the contractor that how we managing project naming each contractor wasinvitedfromyoursector, now? By bad blood? Man guiltyofdelayedprojects. oneishere”. Minister…Iain’texpectyou
The meeting began with Attention was placed on fuhgetupandtellmethis.” the Ministry of Culture the Ministry of Local After disciplining his Youth and Sport and Ali Government.Thatministry’s ministers, Ali warned called on EC Modern permanent secretary arrived contractors that if the Design, GD’s Construction late and was forced to stand projects are not finished by and Supplies, Angad outside of State House. The year end, then their contracts Ghanesh, Morris Jefferies head engineer for that willbeterminated. Enterprise. ministrywasalsolate. He said, ”There are
He then moved on to the “That is why these certain basic things Ministry of Tourism, projects can’t complete, they necessary in conditioning IndustryandCommerce. gating,” the president y o u r m i n d s t o b e
The Minister was declared. successful…the first thing unavailable but the He then asked “What is is positivity, what type of permanent secretary did not the name of the PS?” and energyyoudemonstrate”. attend the meeting added“Awantyuhannounce Ali added, “From his Notwithstanding, the it (PS’ Name) let the people verymeeting,theapproach president named the hear.” f r o m s o m e o f t h e
contractors working on T h e p e r m a n e n t contractors and the projects that are under the secretary’s name was given engineers, tell me that the purview of that ministry as as Miguel Chukhan. The right balance of energy is was done for the previous Engineer was identified as not existing for an effect ministry SatrohanNauth. (tive) project management
He continued the trend M i n i s t e r w i t h environment.” until he unleashed a scolding responsibility for Finance He reminded the on everyone when he found Dr Ashni Singh did not contractors that if they fail out some contractors were escape the president’s ire. to complete their projects late for the meeting and The president asked him then they will be black others did not attend the whether he tolerates the lax listed.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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From page 12 aviator Lieutenant Colonel Michael Charles, Colonel Michael Shahoud, Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Welcome, Staff Sergeant Jason Khan and Brigadier (Ret’d) Gary Beaton. Lieutenant Andio Michael Crawford, a pilot on board the aircraft, and Corporal Dwayne Johnson survived the crash.
Shortly after the crash Public Works Minister, Juan Edghill had appointed a special investigator to probe the incident and at a news conference late December 2023 he disclosed that the Blackbox of the chopper had
been sent to the United States (US). The Minister said then: “I as Minister of Public Works under the Civil Aviation Act of 2018 have fulfilled my obligations in appointing an accident/ incident investigator.” Edghill said back then also that he had approved the travel of the investigator to the US to transport and deliver the Black box to the National Transportation and Safety Board. “The Black box was sent so that the readings would be able to inform the investigation [team] as it relates to what happened,” he said.
From page 14
strengthening cultural and economic ties between the two nations.
Following his Nigeria visit, PM Modi will head to Rio de Janeiro on November 18-19 to participate in the G20 Summit hosted by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. India, currently part of the G20 Troika along with Brazil and South Africa, has been instrumental in shaping the summit’s discussions and outcomes. During the summit, PM Modi will articulate India’s stance on critical global issues, building on resolutions from the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration and the Voice of the Global South Summits. On the sidelines, PM Modi is expected to hold bilateral meetings with several world leaders to further India’s diplomatic outreach.
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Meanwhile, with close to a year and no real update on the investigation Norton said at a press conference late last month he was concerned that citizens were in the dark on this serious matter. “I want to raise an issue, because when you see all of these things you know you remember some of the things. We had a helicopter that crashed. This helicopter is a Bell Helicopter, has been built to specifications. I was doing some research and in researching I recognised that the black box they are talking about is made to take off far more pressure than would have occurred there and that secondly it is generally placed at the tail of the helicopter…” Norton noted.
Concluding his tour, Modi’s visit will mark the first by an Indian Prime Minister to Guyana since 1968, symbolising a renewed commitment to IndoCaribbean relations.
President Ali, who visited India in 2023 and received the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman, has expressed optimism about advancing bilateral cooperation. During the visit, PM Modi will engage in discussions with President Ali, meet other senior officials, and address both the Parliament of Guyana and the Indian diaspora.
Norton said assuming that the device was indeed damaged as the government has claimed, he has done his own research which suggests that information can still be retrieved. “So, I want to make a special plea to the government to ensure the investigation is completed and we get the information from the black box,” Norton urged. He stressed that there is no sense in making the deceased heroes, if the government is not prepared to have an investigation to
pinpoint exactly what happened on that fateful day. “I am not saying they aren’t (heroes). All I am saying is that the government seems to be covering up. They’re telling us garbage about the black box being damaged, people find black boxes all across the world, in worse environments and were able to get information from it. Apart from the fact that the government is incompetent, they can have a professional job done and let the people of Guyana know what the situation is surrounding the loss of life of those Guyanese,” the opposition leader stated. He was asked to comment on the two survivors and the reason he believes their stories have not been heard. In response Norton said: “In fact, my understanding is that they were both warned not to say anything or they will suffer the consequences, and that is why I’m so gong ho that really and truly we need to get the information from the black box, beca use they have already muzzled the survivors and in the situation that exist it is going to be difficult for them to speak… the black box is the last resort in terms of getting actual information of what occurred,” he said.
From page 8
the Council, as an elected body, has the constitutional right to make decisions about city governance without interference. Citing Section 228 of the Munic ipal and District Councils Act, Mayor Mentore claimed the Council has the authority to review and adjust property rating
statuses within its jurisdiction. He further defended the relationship with GTT, noting the company’s longstanding role as “a good corporate citizen to the city.”
Mentore went on to criticize what he described as a pattern of interference from the central government, saying that it speaks volumes
From page 16
peace, and may the family find strength in this difficult time. Please keep the family in your prayers.”
The Ministry of Home Affairs also issued a statement of sympathy, with Minister Robeson Benn and Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham expressing their sorrow over the tragedy. “We are profoundly saddened by this devastating loss of life. Our hearts go out to the family and friends affected by this horrific event.”
Locals, including friends of the mother, expressed their shock and grief on social media. Mariana Badall wrote on Facebook, “Oh god, my heart hurts. You were such a friendly person, never passed me anywhere without a smile.”
Another friend, Arifa Shazam, posted, “Rest in peace, my friend.” Others described the loss as “shocking” and “heartbreaking.”
As the investigation continues, the community is left in mourning over the loss of the mother and her young children.
about the wider political intentions.
In his statement, Mayor Mentore also questioned the government’s approach to foreign and local businesses, arguing that the government often provides significant concessions to foreign corporations, particularly in the oil and gas sector, while local businesses are made to struggle.
Moreover, the mayor argued that true democracy requires respect for the independence of local governance, stating, “Local governments must have freedom to make decisions that best serve the interests of their constituents without fear of retribution or interference from the central government.”
He suggested that the central government’s actions threaten local bodies’ independence, raising concerns about their commitment to democratic principles.
Children sit in the back of a donkey cart as Palestinians displaced from shelters in Beit Hanoon cross the main Salah al-Din road into Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip following Israeli army evacuation. [Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP]
Gaza Strip. [Eyad Baba/AFP]
Dozens of Palestinians have tables and chairs set up in the sand been killed in Israeli attacks across in an enclosure made of corrugated Gaza, including a drone strike on a metal sheets. In northern Gaza, cafe in the al-Mawasi area in the Palestinians were forced to flee sort of aid. As soon as they left the dead,”AbuOudasaid”. camp in central Gaza, killing three south of the territory which was shelters and camps in Beit Hanoon, school, they were targeted by Many bodies are still buried people including a woman, previouslydesignateda“safezone” according to Al Jazeera’s Hani Israeli quadcopter drones as a under the debris. Israeli warplanes, according to al-Awda Hospital, byIsrael’smilitary Mahmoud, as Israeli forces methodofintimidation.” quadcoptersandartilleryhavebeen which received the casualties. The
AnIsraelistrikelateonMonday escalatedanoffensiveinthearea. The evacuations come after bombarding us all night long. Even strikewounded11others,itsaid. hit a makeshift cafeteria used by “The Israeli army surrounded Israeli forces bombarded the area snipers were deployed and started There was no immediate displacedpeopleinal-Mawasi. an evacuation centre and a school overnight. Sohair Abu Ouda, an gunningdowncivilians.” comment from the Israeli military
At least 11 people were killed, housing hundreds of Palestinians, evacuee from Beit Hanoon, said In the southern city of Khan onthestrikes. including two children, according calling on them to flee Israeli forces were “wreaking Younis, 11 people were killed in At least 43,665 people have to officials at Nasser Hospital, southwards,”hesaid. killing in Beit Hanoon all night Israeli air strikes on vehicles, been killed and 103,076 wounded where the casualties were taken. “The Israeli soldiers had long, pounding the few buildings accordingtotheNasserHospital. in Israeli military attacks on Gaza Video from the scene showed men ordered women to flee southwards stillstanding”.
AnotherstrikeearlyTuesdayhit sinceOctober7,2023,accordingto pulling the wounded from among without allowing them to take any “We could not even bury the a house in the Nuseirat refugee Palestinianhealthofficials.
BAKU, Azerbaijan, the Asian Development impact comes from our andsystemicimpactmustbe (CMC) – Caribbean B a n k ; t h e A s i a n a b i l i t y t o d r i v e informed by climate results, Community (Caricom) Infrastructure Investment transformative change,” the the MDBs have released the countriescouldbenefitfrom Bank;theCouncilofEurope MDBs said in the statement, “Common Approach to a new initiative announced Development Bank; the adding that they are MeasuringClimateResults” at COP 29 by multilateral European Bank for “focused on amplifying our UpdateandIndicators”. developmentbanks(MDBs) Reconstruction and catalytic effect by The common approach, outlining financial support, Development; the European enhancing the results and issued in April, is the first expected to top US $120 Investment Bank (EIB); the impact of our financing, shared framework to define, billion. I n t e r - A m e r i c a n deepening engagement with measure, and link global In a recent statement, Development Bank (IDB), countriesthroughplatforms, progress on climate MDBs shared estimates the Islamic Development supporting clients’ climate mitigation and adaptation detailing that by 2030, their B a n k , t h e N e w ambitions, and increasing with the climate results of annual collective climate Development Bank; and the p r i v a t e s e c t o r MDBactivities. financing for low- and WorldBankGroup. mobilization”.
T h e M D B s a l s o middle-income countries Caribbean countries are The statement said that published their” Country will reach US$120 billion, members of the IDB and in rallyingtothecallforurgent Platforms for Climate with US$42 billion for the past have benefitted climate action, the MDBs Change-MDB Statement of adaptation; and they aim to fromtheassistanceprovided recognize the central Common Understanding mobilize US$65 billion bytheEIB. importance of establishing a and Way Forward, ” fromtheprivatesector MDBs significantly New Collective Quantified reaffirming their joint For high-income exceeded their ambitious Goal on Climate Finance support for efforts to foster countries, this annual 2025 climate finance (NCQG) at COP 29 in collaboration between host collective climate financing projections set in 2019, with Baku. countries, MDBs, donors, is projected to reach US$50 a 25 per cent increase in “Arobust and ambitious andtheprivatesector billion, including seven direct climate finance and NCQG is essential for Based on country billion US dollars for mobilization for climate achieving the goals of the demand, MDBs will build adaptation, and MDBs aim efforts doubling over the Paris Agreement, and we on successful examples to to mobilize $65 billion from pastyear urgePartiestoreachastrong support the launch of new theprivatesector “While the scale of conclusion on this platforms, while deepening The statement was M D B s ’ f i n a n c i a l objective,” the statement collaboration with partners issued by the African commitments is essential, said. including the International Development Bank Group; MDBs’ most significant Recognizing that quality MonetaryFund.
Police officers patrol near the Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on November 12, 2024. (Photo by Clarens SIFFROY / AFP)
NEW YORK, United States (AFP) – The United States’ aviation regulator banned on Tuesday all civilian flights from the country to Haiti for a period of 30 days, a day after a gun attackon
The United States
E m b a s s y , through the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and the World Customs
Organization (WCO), conducted a five-day training course with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Customs AntiNarcoticsUnit(CANU).
Thetrainingwillsupport Guyana's efforts to interdict
illicit firearms and ammunitionatmajorportsof entry and border controls. This is the second phase of Project Bolt, a joint programme between INL andtheWCO.
Throughout the week, participants received practical training with presentations from experts from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, U S Customs Border and Protection, INTERPOL, and the WCO. Training topics included
firearmstracing,methodsof illicit export, global and regionaltrendsinsmallarms andlightweaponsdetection, weapons identification and their components, forensic handling, vehicle search techniques, and emerging threats. The U.S. Embassy and INL also delivered
specialized equipmentincluding density meters, metal detection wands, and toolkits-totheGRA.
At the training's opening ceremony on November 4, Chargé d'Affaires, a i
k highlighted the cooperation between the United States
andGuyanatocombatillicit firearms trafficking and ensure stable and secure
Ms. Galanek noted that the U.S. Government works closely with local and regional partners, through
Security Initiative, to fund initiatives like Project Bolt that deepen our security p
Government of Guyana, while also directly tackling the illicit proliferation of firearms and ammunition in theregion. Shefurtheraffirmedthat
“the United States believes stronglythatwemusttakean activeroleinaddressingthis shared responsibility and remains committed to supporting Guyana's frontline Customs officers with the necessary tools and knowledge to do their jobs effectively.”
From page 35
SportsMax - Jamaica’s onGrandSlamTrack’ssocial throw away from Nugent’s national 100m hurdles mediapagesonMonday alma mater, Excelsior High recordholderAckeraNugent The22-year-oldOlympic School. couldn’t hide her excitement and World Championship “That’s a great feeling when she found out that the finalist is one of three being on home soil,” Nugent first ever Grand Slam Track Jamaican athletes, alongside saidintheinterview event would take place on RoshawnClarkeandRushell “I know I need to focus homesoilinJamaica. Clayton, to sign to the on the meet but the food, Nugent found out for the inaugural season of Grand getting a free trip home, firsttimeduringaninterview SlamTrackasracers. having my mom being able with Grand Slam Track The first of four slam to see me, not only at trials founder and four-time events will take place at the but at another very big meet Olympic Gold medallist National Stadium in competing against ladies Michael Johnson published Kingston, Jamaica, a stone’s from different areas and countries, that would be really good,” added the reigningnationalchampion.
work, perseverance, hunger, passion and the desire to play this sport, I believe it’s my time to give back to Guyana and Berbice because without patience you achieve mediocrity,” Kallicharanpointedout.
On behalf of the Minister of Education Priya Manickchand, Dr Tularam said the Minister highly applauds the initiative and will move in the direction of purchasingsomeofthebooksforstudentsstudyingsportsin Guyana.
He added that the Ministry’s clear vision entails every child being exposed to one sport, one foreign language, one tradeorskillcoupledwithplayingmusicalinstruments.
Book Author McWatt said he was grateful to ‘Kali’ the opportunity to author the book, and thanked everyone involved.
ReverendWhiteaddedthathewasexcitedtobeinvolved as spiritual insight is always recommended in sports, stating that North Carolina plans to bring the sport of cricket to its USAbasedState.
A group of people oriented toward artistic, spiritual, or humanitarian pursuits could meet virtually today to work onadvancingtheirprojects.
Errandsorothershortjourneys in your neighborhood could resultinachancemeetingwith someonewhocouldbeofgreat benefit to you in the future. Opportunitiestoadvanceyour educational interests could openup.
Today you might hear of opportunities to make extra money through creative work of some kind, Gemini. This could be a genuine lucky breakachievedbybeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime.
Today you should be looking and feeling great. You might attract some admiring looks from passersby on the street. Sex and romance might be on your mind, Cancer You're likelytowanttospendtheday withyourspecialsomeone.
Yourmindisfullofwonderful thoughts today, Leo You might consider spending the day meditating, doing some volunteer work, or turning yourinspirationintoanartistic projectofsomekind.
A desire to be creative could have you experimenting with various kinds of artistic disciplines, perhaps in connection with computers, Virgo. At some point today you could be in the right place attherighttime.
Artisticinspirationcouldcome fromdeepwithinatsomepoint today, perhaps even from a dream or vision. You're likely to have a lot of energy to pour intocreativityrightnow
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today you might toy with the idea of publishing, exhibiting, or otherwise making public whatever creative innovations you've been working on, Scorpio. Spiritual information could come your way from afar
Inspiration in various contexts could fill your mind today, Sagittarius. Opportunities to advance your artistic or spiritual interests could come your way, perhaps through advice given by a new acquaintance.
CAPRICORN(Dec 22–Jan 19)
Social events with artistically or spiritually inclined people could have you feeling especially inspired, Capricorn, and looking forward to the future in whatever discipline interestsyou.
Today you might feel inspired to help others less fortunate, Aquarius. The opportunity to do some volunteer work could come your way, perhaps for a church, charity, or other humanitarianorganization.
Creativity and romance are the words for today, Pisces Artistic or other creative projects are likely to catch the attention of others, perhaps bringing valuable contacts yourway
The 2023 NCAA Indoor and Outdoor sprint hurdles champion also believes this experience will be good for fans in Jamaica who will get toseeathletesthattheynever thought they would see competelive.
“I feel like the nation itself would really like that andtheywouldcomeoutand support because they’re going to be able to see athletes that really did not ever come to the country but they’refansof,”shesaid.
Nugent is coming off a bittersweet 2024 season. On one hand, she experienced disappointment at the Paris Olympics in August, failing tofinishthefinal.
On the other hand, she established a new national record of 12.24, the joint fourth-fastest time ever, at the Rome Diamond League laterthatmonth.
From page 34 they will once again be on board.” Reflecting on the growth of 3x3 basketball in Guyana, Singh highlighted the GBF’s efforts over the past year to promote this dynamicsport.
“Since its inception, we’ve prioritized the promotion of 3x3 basketball across Guyana We’re pleased to see a surge in local tournaments, which is critical for our participation in international competitions l i k e t h e F I B A 3 x 3 AmeriCup,”henoted.
Selecting the final team will be challenging, given the depth of talent available, but Singh is confident that the bestathleteswillbechosento representthecountry
3x3 basketball is one of the fastest-growing urban sports worldwide, officially recognized as an Olympic sport during the Tokyo 2020 Games.
KallicharanwascaptainoftheGuyanaunder-16Guyana teamback1966,makinghisfirstclassdebutayearlater
Aformer Wisden Cricketer of theYear for 1983, he was partofthe1975and1979teamsthatwonthe50-overCricket World Cup, retiring with over 20,000 runs from across all formats,underhisbelt.
He hung up his gloves with a Test average of 44.43 including 12 hundreds and 21 half-centuries, hammering 187againstIndiaduringthe1978-79seriestour (C. Ross)
AFP - Coco Gauff Gauff had knocked out
Theralliesgotlongerand pulled off an incredible became the youngest player the world’s top two players, morephysicallytaxingandit stretch volley to strike back towintheWTAFinalstitlein Aryna Sabalenka and Iga was Gauff who cracked first, andeventhescore2-2. 20yearswithagruelling3-6, Swiatek, en route to the final double-faulting to hand Zheng mustered all the 6-4, 7-6 (7/2) victory over andpickedupherfourthtop- Zhenga5-3lead. power she could, unleashing Olympic champion Zheng eightwinoftheweekwithan Zheng had to save a h u g e s e r v e s a n d Qinwen in Riyadh on impressive physical breakpointwhileservingfor groundstrokes to create Saturday performanceagainstZheng. theset,whichsheclosedona another gap and surged
The 20-year-old Gauff The American was nettedbackhandfromGauff. ahead5-3. rallied back from 3-6, 1-3 unaware she had earned a
The seventh seed kept up Gauff would not relent down, and erased a one- record prize cheque and her momentum and clinched and once again wiped her break deficit twice in the laughed when she was told afifthgameinarowtogoup deficit. Zheng saved two decider, to overcome Zheng how much she made by a 2-0earlyinthesecondset. championship points on her in three hours and four reporter. “Idon’tknowwhat Gauff stopped the own serve in game 12 and minutes–thesecond-longest I’ll do with it, that’s a lot of bleeding though and fought carried the match into a WTAfinalin2024. money. What you said? 4.8 her way back to level for 3-3, decidingtiebreak.
“Thismeansalottome,” (million)? I hope I’m one of
finally claiming her first Gauff was dialled in for saidGauff. the highest paid female break of serve on her sixth the breaker, racing to a 6-0
“This is the first tennis players this year, or opportunity of the match advantage and Zheng professional women’s tennis athletes, so that would be Zhengappearedtohavelosta couldn’t catch up as the event here in Saudi Arabia exciting,”shesaid. bit of her speed and Gauff world number three and I’ll forever be etched in Zheng is just the second took full advantage of the completed a remarkable historyinthatstandard. Asian woman, behind Li Na situation comeback victory on her
“It’s the second biggest in 2013, to reach the singles close. And at the end, when finalattheWTAFinalssince The American made it fifthopportunity title in our sport, so it means championship match at a you play these type of Maria Sharapova’s win over four games in a row to put The doubles title in a lot.And just to be etched in WTAFinals. matches, it’s not about Serena Williams in 2004, herselfinthepositiontoserve Riyadh was secured by history forever, it’s pretty The Chinese star wraps tennis, it’s about choices on Gauff and Zheng, 22, forthesecondsetbutcouldn’t C
cool and hopefully there’s up her breakthrough 2024 court,”saidZheng. brought their A-game from close,asZhengsavedapairof
moreeventshere.” campaign having won 31 of “It hurts to lose this thestart. setpointstopegheropponent Zealand’s Erin Routliffe, By clinching the trophy, her last 37 matches, and will match of course but I think It was Zheng who faced back and break Gauff w
Gauff pocketed a record rise to a career-high number it’sbetterIforgetitandmove morepressureonserveinthe retaliated the next game to Wimbledon final loss to $4,805,000 – which is the fiveintheworldonMonday onformynextsteps.” opening games, saving a scoopthesecondsetandforce Taylor Townsend and largest ever payout at a “The match today came - Youngest finalists number of break points to adecider Katerina Siniakova by professional,sanctionedtour down to just a couple of in two decades - keep things on level terms Gauff dropped serve at defeating the Americanevent. important points. It was very Contesting the youngest withherAmericanopponent. the start of the final set but Czechduo7-5,6-3.
medal, jumping 17.61m to finish fourth by 03 centimeters. The other two finalists are Italian World Under-20 long jump record holder Mattia Furlani, who alsotookhomeWorldIndoor silver and Olympic bronze, SportsMax - World World U-20 leader in the and the Netherlands’ Niels Under-20 triple jump record event with his 17.75m done Laros who broke the World holder Jaydon Hibbert was at the Racers Grand prix on U-20 1000m record and namedbyWorldAthleticson June 1 at the National finished sixth at the Paris Monday as one of three StadiuminKingston. Olympicsinthe1500m. finalists for the 2024 Men’s At the Paris Olympics in The winner of the award RisingStarAward. August, the 19-year-old will be announced on In 2024, Hibbert was the narrowly missed out on a December1.
Jamaica’s Sport Minister Olivia Grange (center) alongside four-time Olympic champion and founder of Grand Slam Track, Michael Johnson (left) and Jamaica Olympic Association President, Christopher Samuda.
SportsMax - As a token of appreciation tothegames. for their efforts, members of Jamaica’s team These grants are in addition to over totherecentOlympicandParalympicGames twenty million dollars disbursed to athletes in Paris, France will be compensated through under the Athletes Assistance Programme as grants from the Government of Jamaica, the they prepared for the Paris Games, according Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment toGrange. and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, Junior athletes who competed at the saidatapressconferenceonMonday World Athletics U20 Championships in “I have J$45M allocated to provide Lima, Peru will also receive gift vouchers AppreciationGrantstomembersofJamaica’s totalingJ$760,000fromtheMinistry delegation to the Paris 2024 Olympic and The Minister was speaking at the press ParalympicGames,”shesaid. conferencetoannouncetheJamaicalegofthe Grange said the money was being new global athletics league, Grand Slam disbursed directly to 66 athletes, including Track, being led by the former World and one Paralympian, and 21 athlete support Olympic champion and record holder, personnel who formed Jamaica’s delegation MichaelJohnson.
Shaka Hislop…
I think the big challenge for Dwight coming in with this squad is it’s not a very talented squad, if I may say so.
SportsMax - Though Dwight Yorke is committed to throwing his best efforts into his new role as senior Soca WarriorsHeadcoach,formerteammateShakaHislopbelieves it is the talent within Trinidad and Tobago’s setup that will ultimatelydeterminethesuccessofhistenure.
Yorke, the former Manchester United and Soca Warriors striker, was given a mandate by the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) to qualify the Twin Island Republic to the 2026 Fifa World Cup or face the boot and the 53-year-oldhasdeclaredhisreadinesstogiveofhisbest.
“Rest assured, I will give 100. I feel very calm, very excitedatthesametime,butfullyawareofthechallengethatis lying ahead.There’s lots of hard work to be done,”Yorke told TTFA media interview shortly after arriving in Trinidad and TobagoonFriday
“Not just me, the backroom stuff, the players to get where we want to get... obviously, trying to qualify for the World Cup.Andyes,alongtheway,I’msurethey’regoingtobesome testing times for us. But that’s the challenges that lies ahead. Soonceweembraceit,oncewearefullyawareofit,andonce we get the support, I fully believe, I’m fully confident that we cangetthejobdone,”headded.
However, Hislop, while welcomingYorke’s appointment, knows all too well that coaches coach but the results will ultimatelycomefromhowtheplayersperformonmatchdays.
Infact,Hislop,whoalongwithYorkerepresentedtheSoca Warriors at the 2006 global showpiece, was not shy to admit that the current squad lacks depth and sufficient talent, which he believes represent the toughest aspect of the puzzle at this point. This, as aside from AEK Athens striker Levi Garcia, Yorke’s current crop is made up of mostly lower leagues or home-basedplayers.
“We’vekindofstumbledfromcoachtocoachoverthelast four or five years, probably dating back to Stephen Hart when he was in charge. But I think the TTFA got it right this time. That’s with the greatest respect to our teammate Dennis LawrenceandAngusEve,whohavebothbeeninchargeofthe team, but results really didn’t go their way,” Hislop shared duringapodcast.
“I think the big challenge for Dwight coming in with this squad is it’s not a very talented squad, if I may say so... certainly, on paper, and results would bear that out. How he’s able to find the right pieces for this puzzle is going to be Dwight’sbiggesttest,”theESPNanalystadded.
That said, Hislop also pointed to the significance of match fitness and, as such, urged the TTFA to ensure Yorke and his players consistently engage warm-up games during the November2024andMarch2025internationalwindows.
Trinidad and Tobago currently sit second in Group B on four points, two behind Costa Rica, with St. Kitts and Nevis (three points), Grenada (one point), and the Bahamas (zero point) completing the group. Qualifying action will resume in June2025.
“We’ve got some games during the international window as well. We’ve got the November window, which will be Dwight’sfirsttimeonthesidelines.Sowehaveopportunityto see the squad, to make adjustments, to try to bring in players before things get very serious in terms of qualifiers,” Hislop noted.
SportsMax - The Barbados Setarevisedtargetof245from Pride rebounded from their defeat 46 overs, the Volcanoes fell atthehandsoftheCCCintheirlast agonizingly short of a win, being game with an eight-run DLS bowledoutfor237intheend. method win over the Windward Jeremy Solozano tried his best Islands Volcanoes at the Queen’s with an 88-ball 85 while West Park Oval in Port-of-Spain on Indies batsman Kavem Hodge Monday made37.
In the rain-reduced 46 overs- Mayers led from the front with per-side affair, the Pride, after theballwith3-50fromsevenovers winning the toss and choosing to of medium pace while Dominic bat, posted 239-9 from their 46 Drakes and Javed Leacock each overs. tookapairofwickets.
In form batsmen Kevin Full Scores: Barbados Pride Wickham and Leniko Boucher led 239-9 off 46 overs (Kevin the way for the Pride with 47 and Wickham 47, Leniko Boucher 43, 43, respectively while Kemar Kemar Smith 34*, Kyle Mayers 33, Smith (34*) and captain Kyle Kenneth Dember 3-33). Mayers (33) also made valuable Windward Islands Volcanoes contributions. 237 off 46 overs (Jeremy Solozano
KennethDemberwasexcellent 85, Kavem Hodge 37, Kyle Mayers in his 10 overs of off-spin, 3-50, Javed Leacock 2-37, finishingwithfiguredof3-33. Dominic Drakes 2-42).
Lily Yohannes made her international debut with the USWNT in June and scored a beautiful goal just 10 minutes after subbing in. (Photo by Erin Chang/ISI Photos/USSF/Getty Images for USSF)
Yahoo Sports - Lily Soccer,”Yohanneswroteina Despite this, Yohannes Right now, the USWNT Yohannes, 17, has made it postonsocialmedia. was still free to choose has a rotation of incredible official: She’s joining the Yohannes was born in between the two countries forwards and one of the best red,whiteandblue. Virginia, but moved to the since the game was a defenses in the world. But a
The young, exciting Netherlands when she was friendly.AsrecentlyasApril, boost at midfield might be midfielder, who had been 10 years old with her family. Yohannes told The Athletic exactly what the team needs d e c i d i n g b e t w e e n She has trained with both the thatshewasintheprocessof moving forward. Most of the representing the United U.S. and Dutch youth applying for Dutch midfielders who have States and the Netherlands at nationalteamsinthepastfew citizenship, which would recently received call-ups the international level, years and signed a contract make her officially eligible have been young up-andannounced Monday she was with Dutch club Ajax at age to join the Netherlands. But comers,meaningthatthereis officially committing to the 15. in the end, she will join a good chance for Yohannes U S women’s national The teen phenom Emma Hayes and the United tocomeinandshine. team. received her first USWNT Statesastheteammovesinto The United States will “ A f t e r m u c h call-upinMarchaheadofthe aneweraofsuccess. close out 2024 by traveling consideration, I have SheBelieves Cup the Yohannes, who has built to Europe for friendlies decided to commit to youngest player to receive a herself as a consistent against England and the represent my country, the senior call-up since Sophia startingmidfielderatAjax,is Netherlands — the team’s UnitedStates.TheU.S.ismy Smith. Yohannes was called anincrediblytalentedplayer, first friendlies outside the homeland, my birthplace, up again in June, making her known for her ability to U.S. since January 2023. and where my extended international debut in a maneuver the ball through Hayes will likely announce family resides. These strong friendly against South Korea tightspacesandhervisionon thenextrosterinafewweeks connections have driven me onJune4,whereshescoreda the field. Plus, she scores and will now have one more to honor my roots and stunninggoaljust10minutes some absolutely outrageous young,talentedmidfielderto proudly commit to U S aftersubbingin. bangers. choosefrom.
Cr i c k e t We s t
Indies Masters
A s s o c i a t i o n
(CWIMA) will be hosting a massive
M a s t e r s C r i c k e t Extravaganza as part of its selection process for its squad for the International Masters Council (IMC)
O50s World Cup to be held in Sri Lanka in February 2025 and the O40s T20 World Cup slated to be held in Karachi Pakistan also in 2025.
Players were invited to these trials from all age groups-O40s, O50s & O60s All age groups have
to keep our players various international tournament in Barbados in occupied and for them to tournaments in 2025; the November 2025 featuring showcase their talent and first one being the O50s about4to6countries. bond with each other whilst World Cup featuring 14 The 4 teams will be nd at the same time getting countries in Sri Lanka, the 2 captained by 4 seasoned s o m e m u c h - n e e d e d tournament being the veterans- RED DEVILS competitive games under bilateral O60s series (Rajendra Mangalie), theirbelt between West Indies and STRIKERS (Lawrence The Windies O50s are England in England during Farnum), ROYALS (Ryan also slated to take part in a June/July 2025, then Ramdass) & WARRIORS q u a d r a n g u l a r O 5 0 s followed by the O40s T20 (RajendraSadeo). tournament in Houston, World Cup to be staged in All the players are Texas in December 2024 P a k i s t a n i n rearing to arrive in Barbados prior to selecting their final August/September 2025 for this historic tournament squadfortheSLO50sWorld West Indies is also and it promises to be a belter (3 league games, semifinals Each squad contains 13
Cup. considering hosting an with5matchesforeachteam andfinals). players,andeveryonewillbe
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua –
Cricket West Indies (CWI)
has announced two changes
to the West Indies Senior
leg of the “Rivalry” series
moves to Saint Lucia,
experienced all-rounder
Andre Russell has been ruled
out due to a left ankle sprain
sustained during the opening
T20I at the Kensington Oval
in Barbados on Saturday In
his place, all-rounder Shamar
Springer, fresh off two T20I
Alzarri Joseph, having
completed his two-match
suspension, will rejoin the
squad in Saint Lucia for the
crucial final leg of the series,
Fans are encouraged to
come out in their numbers
and rally around the home
games at the Daren
By Rawle Toney
Brackenridge, the seasoned 31- is Enoch George, a dynamic Garrett, Liam Gordon, Leo Lovell, Golden Jaguars last tasted defeat at year-old defender from forward who competes with FC Marcus Wilson, Curtez Kellman, the hands of the Tridents, dating s the Golden Jaguars Harborview FC, is set to make his Lisse in the Netherlands’ Derde RomaineBrackenridge back to a 2-0 loss in the 1999 gear up for a pivotal seniorinternationaldebut. Divisie, the fourth tier of Dutch - Midfielders: Nathan CaribbeanCup.Sincethen,Guyana
two-leg showdown in K n o w n f o r h i s s o l i d football. Ferguson, Nathan Moriah-Welch, has maintained a dominant record the CONCACAF Nations League performances in the Jamaican At just 22, George has already Maliq Cadogan, Ambumchi against Barbados, boasting eight Play-In Tournament, three fresh P r e m i e r L e a g u e ( J P L ) , demonstrated an impressive knack Benjamin winsandfourdraws. faces are set to make their debut for Brackenridge brings experience for finding the back of the net and - Forwards: Omari Glasgow, In a 2018 encounter at the Guyana. and defensive prowess to the will be looking to make an impact Isaiah Jones, Kelsey Benjamin, National Track and Field Centre, D e f e n d e r R o m a i n e Guyanesebackline. ontheinternationalstage. EnochGeorge,OsazeDeRosario controversy ensued, where Guyana Brackenridge and forwards Maliq He has expressed his The Guyana F
otball The stakes couldn’t be higher was awarded a 3-0 victory after Cadogan and Enoch George have excitement about representing Federation (GFF) announced its forthistwo-legseries,withaspotin CONCACAF ruled that Barbados been called up to bolster the squad Guyana, sharing with Jamaican 21-man roster, a mix of local and the CONCACAF Gold Cup had fielded two ineligible players, astheypreparetofacetheBarbados media that he’s ready to give his all overseas talent, aimed at securing a preliminariesontheline. Hallam Hope and Krystian Pearce, Tridents. fortheGoldenJaguars. spotintheGoldCuppreliminaries. Barbados, buoyed by an duetoincompleteFIFAclearance.
The Golden Jaguars will first Meanwhile, Cadogan, a Acting head coach Wayne undefeatedruninLeagueC,willbe For Guyana, the upcoming clash with Barbados on November promising 20-year-old forward Dover, stepping in following the looking to capitalize on their matches are not just about 15 in Bridgetown, before returning c u r r e n t l y p l a y i n g f o r departure of Jamaal Shabazz, momentum. However, the Golden advancing in the tournament but home to host the second leg at the Kidderminster Harriers FC in expressedconfidenceinthesquad’s Jaguars are determined to regroup also about reaffirming their status National Track and Field Centre in England, adds a burst of youthful preparation. and avoid a premature exit, as one of the Caribbean’s EdinburgonNovember19. energy and creativity to the attack. Full Squad: especially after their recent competitivefootballingnations.
The matches are said to be Cadogan’s speed and technical - Goalkeepers: Quillan challengesintheNationsLeague. TheGoldenJaguarsareeagerto crucial as they will determine ability will be assets as the team Roberts, Akel Clarke, Kyle Adding fuel to the fire is the returntotheGoldCupstage,where which team advances to the 2025 looks to break down the Barbados McKenzie-Lyle long-standing rivalry between they made history in 2019 by C O N C A C A F G o l d C u p defence.
- Defenders: Jalen Jones, Reiss GuyanaandBarbados. qualifying for the tournament for preliminaries. Roundingoutthenewadditions Greenidge, Colin Nelson, Jeremy It has been 25 years since the thefirsttime.
Delroy James makes a clutch basket during the FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup.
The Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) has officially confirmed Guyana’s participation in the highly anticipated 2024 FIBA3x3AmeriCup tournament, which will take place fromDecember13to15inSanJuan,PuertoRico.
The competition serves as the premier 3x3 basketball event in theAmericas, drawing top teams from across North, Central,andSouthAmerica.
Now in its fourth edition, the FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup has established itself as a crucial stepping stone towards global championships, including the FIBA 3x3 World Cup and potentiallytheOlympicGames.
The tournament provides a unique platform for countries to showcase their talent, build their international reputation, andvieforaplaceamongthebestintheworld.
For Guyana, participation in the championship is not just about competing but also about gaining recognition on the international basketball stage. It is a golden opportunity to elevate the nation’s standing in the rapidly growing sport of 3x3basketball.
Guyana made its debut in the FIBA3x3AmeriCup during its inaugural edition in 2021 and continued its participation in 2022,withbothtournamentsheldinMiami.
Unfortunately, financial constraints prevented the team fromcompetinginthe2023editioninSanJuan.Nevertheless, Guyana’s performance in previous tournaments has been commendable,consistentlyprovingthemselvesasformidable competitorsfromtheCaribbean.
In the 2022 tournament, the Guyanese squad, featuring Delroy James, Gordon James, Shelroy Thomas, and Nikolai Smith,displayedexceptionalskillandresilience.
The team went undefeated in the qualifying rounds, only narrowly missing out on advancing to the quarter-finals after intense, closely contested matches against Canada (17-19) andMexico(15-16).
Guyana finished 11th out of 17 countries, with an impressive record of three wins and two losses, cementing their status as one of the top 3x3 basketball teams in the Caribbean.
GBF President, Michael Singh, expressed his excitement about Guyana’s return to FIBA’s marquee 3x3 tournament, highlighting that the Federation is committed to fielding the strongest possible team to represent the nation, drawing from bothlocaltalentandplayersinthediaspora.
“The GBF is thrilled to be back in the FIBA 3x3 AmeriCup,” Singh stated. “Our focus now is on selecting the bestplayerstocompete.Inourlastouting,wehadagreatmix with two locally-based players and two from overseas, and theymadeusproud.Thistime,withtheexperiencegained,we areconfidentofgoingfurtherinthetournament.”
However,Singhacknowledgedthatcorporatesupportwill be essential to their preparations. The GBF plans to hold a one-weektrainingcamptobringtheteamtogetherandensure they are well-prepared. “We are counting on the continued support of our partners,” Singh added. “We’ve reached out to several companies, and we’re hopeful for positive responses. The Government of Guyana and the Guyana Olympic Association(GOA)havealwaysbeensupportive,andwetrust (Continued on page 25)
Members of the Guyana Badminton team take a photo as they head to Suriname.
Th e G u y a n a B a d m i n t o n Jonathan Debidin will compete for a spot in Association (GBA) team, the main draw Priyanna Ramdhani andAkili
comprising Akili Haynes, Haynes are set to participate directly in the Priyanna Ramdhani, Nkosi Beaton, Frank main draw, which begins on November 14, Waddell, and Jonathan Debidin, will 2024, positioning them as key contenders in represent Guyana at the Suriname theirevents.
International 2024, scheduled from The GBA extends its best wishes to the November 13-17 in Paramaribo, Suriname. team and expresses gratitude to the Guyana The tournament will feature Singles, OlympicAssociation,ChetBowling,Andrew Doubles,andMixedDoublesevents. Browne, Gavin Caio, and Jason Stephney for In the preliminary round on November their support in making the journey to this 13, Nkosi Beaton, Frank Waddell, and tournamentpossible.
Legendary Guyana and West Indies batsman Alvin Kallicharan unveiled his brand new book yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel.
Legendary Guyana and West Indies Kallicharan whose book exemplifies love, batsman Alvin Kallicharan unveiled his trust and bonds between people of different brand new autobiography yesterday, as his races and religions who are all driven by one missiontogivebacktocricketgetsunderway commongoal.
“ColourBlind”,thenameofthefirstbook ThelaunchwasheldattheOasisCafe,the is a piece dedicated to the breaking of racial oldPegasusHotelwingwherethe75year-old barriers as it relates to sports/cricket, while former Guyana/West Indies legendary providing a manual on being a professional batsman,openedanewchapterpost-cricket. cricketer for youths interested or already Diving deep into the outer realms of involvedincricket. cricket, the Kallicharan Foundation’s latest
“The life journey, mixing of races, the gift to cricket was unveiled ahead of a few journey started with Basil Butcher giving me days of touring and promoting his book my first cricket bat. Lance Gibbs was one of acrossGuyana. my greatest mentors, Rohan Kanhai and Sir The head table featured Reverend Gary Sobers are a big part of my life and Lawrence White of North Carolina USA, we’re all different colors”, said Kallicharan Author Tony Mcwatt, Foundation Pro Sean yesterdayduringhisspeech. Devers, Dr Ritesh Tularam DCEO Ministry
“Going to England playing cricket and ofEducation. making money off the white man, how can I “The game has been so good to me, from turn back and say it prejudice, so it’s about thevillagetotheinternationalworld.Hard bringingonenesstousasapeople”continued (Continued on page 29)