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Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news...Letters... Where your views make the news

Why is President Granger’s salary tax free? DEAR EDITOR, In an incontrovertible period of economic slowdown in Guyana, the

new Granger led APNU-AFC government’s decision to increase their salaries by over 50% while other public

servants got less than 5% h a s in one fell swoop converted itself from “the incompetent” to “the incompetent and heartless”. In an effort to provide some clarity I believe the more important question is: what is the cost of the new Granger led APNU-AFC government to the treasury?

With reference to the forgoing, I pose the following simple questions to the President Granger and the APNU-AFC government on behalf to aLL of the people of Guyana: 1. Will your increase mean higher productivity? (if the answer is ‘yes’ then it means that for the last 6 months you have not been working as hard as you could have been and if the answer is ‘no’ then you do not deserve an increase 2. Are you saying that the only way a country can have ministers who are not corrupt

is by having a large salary or a salary that is more than eleven times the average salary? If the answer is yes please show me where this was posted in your manifesto and contract with the electorate. 3. Can you account for your failure to deliver on your manifesto promise of 20% increase to public servants, police, teachers, nurses while giving yourself a 50%+ increase? 4. Since “public service” is intended to be a “service” to the “public” can the President and all the

Ministers publish their previous declared taxable income which will show how many of them ever earned more than their current salary? 5. How do you justify the President and the Attorney General’s salaries being tax free? Charles Ramson Member of Parliament (PPP/C)

Is Bharrat Jagdeo trying to revive the dead?

DEAR EDITOR, One of the headlines of Kaieteur News edition of Monday, November 8, is “Gov’t must be open to talks on Amaila Falls project or else …” This is more of a threat than a warning which the government should pay no heed to because of the following reasons. Jagdeo’s rating of success of all the projects he undertook has been one that indicates he is a colossal failure. The Skeldon factory, the Enmore packaging plant, the Fibre optic cable, the Speciality hospital, the Marriot, the Berbice river bridge and many others have wasted taxpayers’ money and brought about more grinding poverty on certain sections of the populace. With this track record doom awaits those who allow his participation in any decision making exercise. The Amaila falls was a project that was poorly conceived. No proper cost/benefit analysis was done and so it would not make the kind of impact as declared. We are told that in the dry season the falls will run dry so there will be no output during that period. In addition it is not a project for all Guyana as Essequibo would be excluded. With the above facts, the government should ensure new sites in the “Land of many Waters” are investigated. The increase of the cost of this project has been astronomical. Its initial stated cost was about $650 million U.S dollars. It went up subsequently and reached over 800 million US dollars.

Then we were subsequently told that it would exceed one billion US dollars. Reasons tendered for this exponential increase are not plausible, and so this provides another reason for halting this project. Taxpayers ultimately pay back loans taken by governments, and so they must have an input in decision making, especially of a project of this magnitude. However, this project, foisted on the people, was brought to light when the company identified to undertake the project was also doing a project in Jamaica, and only when details of their projects were published in Jamaica did we learn about the Amaila Falls. The people want to know why this project was shrouded in so much secrecy. Choice of contractors by the Jagdeo regime seemed to be consistent in choosing the worst. Four persons tendered for the road leading to the falls. The three Guyanese contractors who have vast experience were sidelined. Instead Fip Motilall, a person with no experience at all was chosen. It is not surprising that he was unable to complete the project and at the same, this questionable choice cost Guyanese hundreds of millions of wasted dollars. In fact when his office was located in America, it was not involved in carrying out any civil work but was involved in selling paraphernalia for the Hindu religion. We must thank Mr. Jagdeo who is trying now to revive the dead. Nazir Mohamed Region 2

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Kaieteur News

Monday November 16, 2015

Co-opting a few PPP officials is not power sharing - David Hinds Every citizen, regardless of party affiliation, has a right to work, says political activist, Dr. David Hinds. But when it comes to the coalition government placing top executive members from the People’s Progressive Party / Civic (PPP) in certain positions, he said that the playing field changes entirely. Should the government pursue this route, the columnist opined that it would be the “hottest slap in the face of coalition supporters.” He made these comments on the matter, among others, on his blog www.guyanacaribbeanpolitics.com. Dr. Hinds’ statements come in wake of news reports that the government is considering placing former Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud and former Labour Minister, Dr. Nanda Gopaul into certain top posts. Kaieteur News understands that Gopaul, for example, is likely to head a major multi-million-dollar city project for the government. The project, estimated to be worth over US$20M, would entail the development of D’Urban Park, which once boasted a race course. The park, overgrown with bush for years, is located east of the 1763 Monument. Government officials recently disclosed that indeed talks had been ongoing with Gopaul, but details are still being worked out. But Gopaul has since refused to admit or

deny that he is involved in such discussions with the government. In response to this, Dr. Hinds stated, “While I am still hoping that there is no merit to these reports, I have to proceed on the belief that they are being contemplated. If the government were to make such appointments, it would represent a blunder only slightly less grievous than the ministerial salary hikes.” In this instance, the University Professor said that it is not a case of simply finding work for citizens; these would be deliberate political appointments. He stated that the jobs which were cited in the press do not require any particular set of skills on which the two former Ministers have a monopoly. Hinds said that the government will have to explain how such appointments fit into its larger political strategy. The political activist noted however that one gets the impression that there is no well thought-out political strategy or direction where the coalition government is concerned. He said, “This government came to power as part of a transformational spirit that invariably infected a large section of our society. After more than two decades of backward governance, the appetite for something new and forward-thinking in the halls of government is huge.”

- Govt. appointing PPP members to top posts would be hottest slap in the face The University Professor continued, “After six months at the helm, the report card for the government is mixed. Some may say, with much justification, that it is too early to judge a government. I can say that the government has done an excellent job at delivering services to the people in multiple areas.” Dr. Hinds noted that the APNU+AFC has gone a long way towards restoring faith in government as a medium for meeting the basic common needs of the citizenry. He said however that government has not handled the larger political questions in the same manner. He opined that no government succeeds only on effective routine administration of the bureaucracy. He said that such has to be complemented by a clear political direction that is grounded in a keen sense of where the governors want to take the society. “In other words, what kind of society do you want to build? Do you want to continue the status quo, which you railed against, or do you want to change course? I have to admit that six months is enough time to provide proper answers to those questions. I am still waiting on the President to articulate to the country a clear political strategy and direction, and the principles that would guide them,” said the political activist. He stated that the government made an offer of power-sharing to the PPP, which was rejected. The political activist on that note, made the point that the PPP has no interest in sharing power with anyone; they want it all for themselves. It is for this

reason, he articulated that the coalition may be tempted to believe that the next best option would be to co-opt a few PPP officials and that would pass as power-sharing. Dr. Hinds said that the government may be hoping that the masses would see such a move in positive terms. Unfortunately, he said that is not power- sharing. He said that it simply amounts to a form of “political opportunism that yields no results for national unity.” “The PPP tried it; they called it Inclusive Governance. A few so-called non-PPP/Civic people fell for it. Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said then that nonPPP people were welcome, but only on the PPP’s terms. In other words, we have the power and we will co-opt and use you to mask our politics of dominance. Is that what this government wants to

emulate? I, for one, would have serious problems supporting such a political strategy,” Dr. Hinds shared. He professed that he is for power-sharing with the PPP in principle, but is thoroughly opposed to any political games with PPP people. Dr. Hinds said that this “business of buying individuals from across the aisle is demeaning, and should be discontinued.” He said, “The other problem for the government, should it go ahead with such a move, is that it would once again put itself on a collision course with its supporters. We do not need pollsters to tell us that government supporters want the wrongs of the past government to be prosecuted.” Dr. Hinds said that much to the frustration of its supporters, the government has been indecisive on that

Political activist and University Professor, Dr. David Hinds score. He said that this is compounded by the fact that many PPP operatives known for discriminating against poor people perceived to be supporters of the then opposition parties are still in their positions. He reiterated that to now appoint top officers of that government to top positions would be the hottest slap in the face of the coalition’s supporters.

Public Service COI to commence hearings in Linden The Commissioners on the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the Public Service sector is set commence hearings in Linden. According to notices sent out by the Commission, the public hearings commence at 10:00hrs at the Watooka Complex, River Street, Watooka, Linden. Several persons have already testified at the public hearing set up to inquire into the affairs of Guyana’s Public Service. Hearings have also been conducted in Berbice. The Commission was established to inquire into, report on and make

recommendations on the role, functions, recruitment process, remuneration, conditions and other matters pertaining to the personnel employed in the Guyana Public Service. The COI is also expected to determine measures to improve the efficiency of the Public Service, to review the methodology used in the classification and recruitment of Public Servants. The Inquiry is also slated to conduct a detailed examination of how the salaries and wages of Public Servants are determined and allocated; review the age of Public Servant retirement and make recommendations in this regard. Following his appointment to office, President David Granger had stressed the need for a more efficient and satisfactory Public Service. According to President Granger, Public Servants must possess expert knowledge and high standard academic education. He expressed his intention to introduce a Public Service Staff College, in which persons entering the administrative branches of the Guyana Public Service are required to undergo training.

The President had promised, too, that this would ensure that persons serving the nation would be more equipped, with the basics of Public Service delivery and a better understanding of how the Public Service is meant to operate. The COI was established as part of a plan to support President Granger’s vision for a modern Public Service and the establishment of a Public Service Staff College. The Commission is slated to operate during the next three to five months with the possibility of a renewal should the Commissioners need more time to complete the task. The hearings are open to the public for oral presentations, which will be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Watooka Complex. All persons desirous of testifying can submit statements of their intended testimonies in writing to the Commission. Persons in need of assistance can contact the Commission’s Secretariat or email to public servants commission @gmail.com or forwarded to the Secretariat’s address by calling 225-4321, 693-6902.

Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Venezuela must uphold rights of ‘even those who disagree with state policies’ GENEVA, Switzerland — At a special meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stressed the need to promote and protect human rights in Venezuela and to defend even those who disagree with the State’s policies, while Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Moros vowed to continue employing truth to defend his country against “audacious accusations” and “imperialist attacks.” The Council convened the special session to hear from Maduro about the human rights situation in Venezuela, which was just recently re-elected to serve on the 47-member body. “Membership of the Council comes with the responsibility to promote and protect human rights in one’s own country, but also on the global stage. It is my sincere hope that Venezuela will strive to make concrete progress on both fronts,” said High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein in his address to the meeting. Zeid commended

Venezuela’s continued cooperation with human rights bodies and welcomed its participation in the Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and in its review this year by both the UN Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. “My Office, in particular our Regional Office for South America, is ready to provide technical assistance in the implementation of the recommendations made by the Committees and in Venezuela’s UPR, as well as on the National Human Rights Action Plan. I also urge Venezuela to ratify again the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights,” he noted. At the same time, Zeid stressed that a number of human rights mechanisms, including the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, as well as his own Office (OHCHR), have raised serious concerns about the independence of the judiciary in Venezuela, the impartiality of judges and prosecutors and the pressures they face in handling politically

...UN human rights chief sensitive cases, specifying the cases of Judge María Lourdes Afiuni and Leopoldo Lopez. “The Human Rights Committee also recently expressed concerns, which I share, about intimidation, threats and attacks against journalists, human rights defenders and lawyers,” added Zeid, urging Venezuela to comply with the recommendations of the international human rights bodies and to ensure that such individuals do not face undue pressure in carrying out their important work. Further, he expressed concern at the implementation of a “broad” state of emergency in 24 municipalities that suspends a number of human rights protection, and urged the government to promptly lift it. Lastly, Zeid recalled that, although the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights praised Venezuela for the significant progress made in the

reduction of malnutrition and poverty, it did note “a regressive tendency in the results of the fight against poverty” and urged the country to address this. Following Zeid’s address, Maduro said that while Venezuela had always participated in the work of UN bodies in a spirit of transparency, this was not the first time it had “suffered audacious accusations and imperialist attacks by civil servants, taken from the agenda of global harassment, and it would not be the first time that we strike down these lies with the truth.” Thanking the UN for the support it provided Venezuela as it sought to build a new state of law and justice, he said, also thanking member states for the “universal vote of confidence” that has seen his country reelected to the Human Rights Council. He said that while the Council itself had made strides since its creation,

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein much work remained to be done to ensure the body achieved its goals of building a true dialogue among all humankind, “where there is no effort to impose one opinion on people [and where] each of our stories can be told.” The people of the global South must be respected in their own identities, Maduro, declared, citing Venezuela’s new constitution, which set forth the concept of putting people at the centre of efforts and outlines social justice,

environmental protection and labour rights, among others. At the same time, he acknowledged that the new society Venezuela is building is not without complex processes and has for decades suffered attacks from the “imperialist agenda of the United States.” Venezuela also faced ongoing harassment through the “manipulation of human rights by the West, which uses it to try to isolate our country and…to protect those that are seeking to destroy the system of human rights and democracy that our country has built over the past 17 years,” he said, explaining that at the upcoming UPR, Venezuela would present its efforts to fight against poverty, boost wages and provide decent jobs as a refutation of the imperialist harassment that was continually waged against it. The creation of a national human rights plan, he said, would be “in step” with the UPR and harmonious with the international human rights system. (Caribbean News)

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Kaieteur News

Monday November 16, 2015

Bavarian ally backs Merkel in row over refugee policy Reuters - German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s most senior Bavarian ally rushed to her defence in an escalating row over her refugee policy, saying his finance minister’s reaction to the attacks in Paris was “totally inappropriate”. The coordinated assault in the French capital, in which at least 129 people were killed, has fuelled a debate in Germany over Merkel’s welcoming approach to migrants and on how to pin down better intelligence about people entering the country. The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen from Friday night’s attacks passed through Greece in October, a Greek minister said, and another suspected attacker was thought to have entered Europe the same way. Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Soeder had cranked up pressure on Merkel to reverse her “open-door” refugee policy, saying the attacks in Paris underlined the need for tougher measures to control the influx of migrants. “The days of uncontrolled immigration and illegal entry can’t continue

Migrants walk along a street after passing the Austrian-German border near Wegscheid, Germany. REUTERS/MICHAELA REHLE just like that. Paris changes everything,” Soeder told Welt am Sonntag newspaper. “The CSU stands behind the chancellor, but it would be

good if Angela Merkel acknowledged that the opening of the border for an unlimited period of time was a mistake,” Soeder said.

His comments triggered a sharp rebuke by Bavarian state premier Horst Seehofer, leader of Merkel’s sister party, the Christian Social Union

(CSU). He said it was “totally inappropriate” to criticise the chancellor in times when all democrats should stand

united. Seehofer added migration and terrorism were two topics that had to be separated clearly. This echoed earlier comments from Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who both warned against making any hasty links between the assault in Paris and the refugee debate. German officials indicated that Merkel saw no reason to revise her stance on refugees in the wake of the Paris attacks. But the chancellor repeated her call for strengthening Europe’s external borders when speaking on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Turkey. The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence services called for “orderly procedures” regarding the handling of the daily entry of thousands of refugees and warned extremists could exploit the sometimes chaotic migration situation. While German police are currently conducting passport checks at border crossings and in border areas, thousands of refugees are thought to be coming into the country without any checks.

Monday November 16, 2015

There must be concerns somewhere about whether the new government will rig the 2020 elections in Guyana as a means of holding on to political office. Why else would the Stabroek News headline a story about declassified documents indicating that the western governments were reluctant to congratulate the Forbes Burnham administration after his party rigged the 1973 elections? This is not new news. Similar declassified documents had long indicated that the United States had anticipated that the 1973 elections would have been and were rigged. The United States clearly stated then that its only interest in Guyana was concerned with denying Cheddie Jagan from coming to power. It also anticipated that the Forbes Burnham government would have used fraud, including ballot box stuffing, overseas voting and proxy voting to secure victory in those elections.

Kaieteur News

The United States bragged about supporting Burnham in 1964. Declassified documents did establish that the PNC did receive substantial support from the CIA. Declassified documents also revealed that it helped Burnham with his fraudulent election victory in 1968 when the PNC dumped its coalition partner the United Force. The United States, however, subsequently took a decision that it would not approve any more dirty money for Burnham for the 1973 elections campaign. Neither would it help him to rig those elections. But it did anticipate that his government would rig those elections and it made no effort to impress upon him and his party that this should not happen. US primary national security concern was about keeping Jagan out and they did not mind if this was done by hook or crook. They however did not wish their fingers to get dirty. The issue about not offering congratulations to

Burnham therefore did not represent any major shift in US policy towards Guyana. The United States understood that Burnham’s reputation within the NonAligned Movement would have been hurt because of the rigging of the elections, the bulk of which took place while the boxes were under the control of the Guyana Defence Force. The Guyana Defence Force has a dirty and shameful past when it comes to politics in Guyana. It should use its 50th Anniversary to scrub clean some of those dirty stains. The Stabroek News’ belated discovery of declassified documents published by Wikileaks is therefore not an earthshaking development. That is old, sour news. The question is why would Stabroek News give such prominence to this story at this point in time? Is history about to repeat itself? Is the PNC/R about to dump its coalition partners and rig its way to victory in

Dem boys seh...

Li’l Joe showing wha to do wid money Li’l Joe do wha Jagdeo never do and Jagdeo handle more money than him. Li’l Joe know that he can only use so much money, therefore he got to give back. De other day Soulja Bai do de same thing. He give nuff money to dem old soulja to help dem in dem last days and to help others who wuk fuh de country but never mek enough to see dem through dem last days. Li’l Joe decide to give de increase back pay he get to help wid street lights in three place. De others gun do de same thing because dem got to prove that dem ain’t greedy. But what about dem pun de other side. When de government pay de back pay Jagdeo decide that dem got to give it back. Rohee couldn’t seh nutten till

Jagdeo mek de announcement. Well dem boys seh that two months pass and all who Jagdeo seh gun pay back ain’t saying a thing. And dem ain’t giving nutten to anybody. Is de same thing wid de Berbice Bridge. Jagdeo get Brassington and Luncheon on behalf of de NIS to put in nuff money. When was time to pay back de money, de Bridge people pay everybody else except de people who put in de most money—de ordinary people money. Is that does mek people talk bout putting you money wheh you mouth deh. De other people does talk bout putting money in dem pocket. De one from GPL who tek $28 million fuh heself, promise to pay it back and

then go way to Canada and get a lawyer fuh write how de man got a right to keep de money. Wha de lawyer actually saying is that if everybody could tek, wha do he man. Is de same tekking mek de same GPL man did get a good broadside pun Main Street. Dem boys seh that he promise a man something and he tek de man money. When he couldn’t deliver, de man get a cutlass and wait fuh Deo— that is de GPL man—and put some broadside on him. He boss see de broadsiding and he think that Deo was getting chop up. Strange, no police ever get involve because Deo tek he licking and keep he mouth shut. Talk half and don’t mek money rule you.

the 2020 elections? The AFC has clearly been sidelined by the PNC/R. There are tensions between the WPA and the PNC/R with the former speaking out against the salary increases afforded to government Ministers and to Parliamentarians. Unfortunately, the AFC is not expressing the same degree of dissent with the ruling coalition of which it is a part. So that while tensions may exist, these tensions are not at a snapping point and the ruling coalition is not in any risk of falling apart. Why then would Stabroek News find it necessary to resurrect such an issue at this time? Is it that there are concerns from within the United States camp that democracy can face a setback should the elections

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be rigged and there are also concerns about Guyana once again returning to the state of a pariah nation in the western hemisphere? Local Government Elections were to be held in December. They have been pushed back to April of next year. These elections are going to be contested by the PPP/C which won seven of the 10 Regions at the last elections and which lost one Region by one vote. Local Government Elections are going to be held in the context of declining popularity of the new government. Is the fear therefore, if as anticipated, the PPP dominates these Local Government Elections, that there is a risk of electoral fraud in the 2020 elections?

Such an eventuality is always possible but it is doubtful whether the international community would ever again allow for a government that emerged from rigged elections to be recognized. Guyana’s leadership is mature and sensible enough to appreciate that no government will be able to survive if it rigs elections. The international pressure will be too much. However, old habits die hard. Just in case there is a need for a reminder as to what the international community expects of Guyana in future elections, the Staborek News article about the 1973 elections in Guyana serves as a timely reminder.

Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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GRDB in discussions with Mexican Claims and Objections exercise private, public rice purchasing agents begins for Local Govt. Elections

Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) last Monday commenced its Claims and Objections exercise for the highly anticipated upcoming Local Government Elections next year. Within three days, the Secretariat received 558 applications for new registrations, 103 applications for transfers, eight applications for entry into the Preliminary List of Voters (PLVs) using Form 4, and 192 applications for Change/Correction. No objections were received so far. The exercise was initiated to produce a Register of Voters (RoV) for each of the nine Municipalities and 62 N e i g h b o u r h o o d Democratic Councils (NDCs); it is expected to end on December 13, 2015. Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield told reporters at a recent media briefing that GECOM is also registering persons who will be 18 years old and over by February 29, 2016 in non-local authority areas. This exercise also commenced on November 9 and will end on December 6, 2015. “To date in this exercise we have received 34 applications for new registrations, and four applications for transfers,” he said, noting that at the conclusion of the period, GECOM will have an administrative process where all electors who come onboard are matched to ensure that there is no duplicity of elector listed. Persons who will be 18 years old or over by February 29, 2016 and who are Guyanese by birth,

descent, naturalization or are citizens from a Commonwealth country living in Guyana for one year or more are eligible to vote at Local Government Elections. The electors are required to check the relevant Lists, which were posted at prominent locations in all of the respective Constituencies and apply for registration if their name is not on the list; apply for a transfer if the y h a v e changed their address since they were last registered and apply for a name change or correction if they have changed their name or if they listed information is not accurate. Lowenfield announced that GECOM has established some 160 Claims and Objections Offices at strategic locations within all of the Municipalities and NDCs to ensure the success of the exercise. All of these offices, he said, have been gazetted and published in the print media, prior to the commencement of the exercise, as is required by law. He further stated that there were scrutineers assigned to every office for the period. He added that prior to the commencement of the exercise, GECOM had embarked on a “fullfledged information drive at grass roots level” while awaiting the production of infomercials via the electronic media. At present, GECOM is engaged with placements of the infomercials via every available electronic media house, along with the publication of full page advertisements in the print media focusing on specific aspects of the Claims and Objections exercise initially and then with a shift towards Local Government Elections. These activities are included in a comprehensive Civic and Voter Education Strategy which has already been approved by the Commission. For a long time, the US government and other governments have been calling for the holding of Local Government Elections, which have not been held since 1994. These elections are expected to be held sometime after March 2016.

Prior to the teleconference, from left: President of the Guyana Rice Exporters and Millers Association, Dr. Peter De Groot, Head, (Ag) Guyana Rice Development Board, Nizam Hassan, Member of the Guyana Rice Exporters and Millers Association, Rajendra Persaud, President of the Rice Producers’ Association, Lekha Rambrich and Mexican Ambassador Ivan Robero Sierra Medel. The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) is in active discussion with Mexican rice purchasing agents, through a teleconference facilitated by the Mexican Ambassador Ivan Robero Sierra Medel. The discussions began on Saturday at the Mexican Embassy. When contacted, GRDB General Manager Nizam Hassan would only divulge that discussions were held with the Mexican Rice Council, a private sector body and the Diconasa, a public sector agency. It is understood that private exporters have commitments to export 220,000 tonnes over the next few months. Hassan has reported that to date, there has been a six percent increase in rice exports for 2015 in comparison to the same time period last year. Statistics for 2015 show 437,448 tonnes of rice being exported in comparison to 412,220 tonnes for the same period last year. And with just two months remaining in 2015, this has raised the confidence of rice officials that it will be a successful year for the industry. This is despite a difficult period for the industry, which has been rocked by protests from farmers who have suffered heavy financial losses; farmers whose production costs per bag of paddy have been more than the prices they have been selling for. Famers have also been

protesting the loss of the Venezuelan market, which bought Guyana’s rice at preferential prices. While the world market price for rice averaged at US$390 per tonne, Venezuela was buying white rice from Guyana for approximately US$780 per tonne. Currently, Guyana averages between US$335 to US$400 per tonne in its sale of white rice while parboiled rice sells for as much as US$600 per tonne. Venezuela has already told the Government of Guyana that it will not renew the rice-for-oil pact it had, beyond this month. Guyana had been taking oil under the PetroCaribe

arrangement and paying with rice and paddy, for years. That pronouncement had left the new Government scrambling to find new markets. In addition, Venezuela has already formed new rice purchasing agreements with other countries including Suriname, whose silos were full. As of November 6, paddy production stood at 1,017, 741 metric tonnes, which is equivalent to 661,532 metric tonnes of rice. This is compared with paddy production for 2014 being 977, 289 metric tonnes, and the rice equivalent was 635, 238 metric tonnes. Rice production for 2013

exceeded the 422,057 tonnes produced in 2012, thereby showing an increase of 25.43 percent. The 2012 rice production grew by five percent over the 2011 output. It had long been predicted that rice production for 2015 would exceed previous years, as the industry’s production was on an upward trend versus the other major crop produced by Guyana sugar. H o w e v e r, with G u y a n a ’s r i c e y i e l d steadily growing, the problem of finding new markets for the extra rice has consistently been at the forefront.

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Kaieteur News

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Monday November 16, 2015

DPP advises… Police officer to be charged for alleged sexual assault of female Constable The Guyana Police Force is preparing to charge one of its officers who has been accused of sexually assaulting a female Constable. A senior police official told this newspaper on Friday that Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has received advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions to charge Assistant Superintendent Deneshwar Mahendranauth in connection with the incident that occurred two months ago at Lethem. The advice comes a two weeks after the Constable’s mother had expressed a lack of confidence in the way the force was handling the matter. This was after she learnt that the Assistant Superintendent had been elevated to the post of Deputy Commander of the Force’s F Division which covers Lethem. It is being alleged that ASP Mahendranauth had summoned the Constable to his quarters and made sexual advances to her. The constable resisted the advances and later reported the matter to her uncle who is also an Assistant Superintendent of Police. The report was forwarded to Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud who immediately had the ASP removed from the Lethem Police Station and ordered an investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility. But as the matter dragged on there was a feeling that there were attempts to sweep it under the carpet.

Except for a statement on the matter from Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, many have been silent, including local women’s groups, which have in the past been vigilant against alleged sexual misconduct against females by persons in authority. The constable’s mother said that she read the initial Kaieteur News’ report about the alleged incident and felt comfortable that something was being done about it. But she had to wait for two months for something to happen. “I was wondering why it taking so long because I reading about other matters that come up already…. This thing happen in the Guyana Police Force, so if my daughter does not get justice what will the public think about the Force?” she had stated in a recent interview with this newspaper. With the advice of the DPP, the woman’s confidence in the justice system has been restored. In fact Minister Ramjattan had said that he will certainly not tolerate such actions from police officers. “I treat sexual harassment of females very seriously…but I don’t know what the OPR will say,” the Minister had told this newspaper. He however warned though, that if the Officer in this case is found culpable, he will be making an example of him, stopping short of saying exactly what penalties lie ahead. Minister Ramjattan, who has already shown an

inclination to deal sternly with rogue elements in the Guyana Police Force, has hinted at body cameras for ranks, especially females so that evidence of wrongdoing will be obtained. “Let us get the evidence,” he said. “We have a nasty culture in Guyana…and what is happening in our Police Force is a microcosm of our society and male chauvinism is a part of our culture that we have to get rid of,” Ramjattan added. He lamented the fact that despite increased training, it is still taking quite some amount of time to rid the Force of some unwanted practices. He said that he will be seeking more training in women leadership especially, so that certain attitudes will be inculcated that will make sexual harassment of females a thing of the past. “I would like to have some women with attitude like (Minister) Simona Broomes and no man will ever try to mishandle them…that is what I want in the Guyana Police Force,” Minister Ramjattan had stated. The Public Security Minister said that he will certainly be engaging the Police Service Commission once officers are found culpable of wrongdoing, especially when it comes to harassment of their female colleagues. A little over two weeks ago, the Director of Prisons Welton Trotz was slapped with a sexual assault charge, prompting Minister of Public Security to send him packing.

Two in custody for New Amsterdam Market Cambio dealer robbery Two persons who are well known to the authorities are in custody following the daring daylight robbery that occurred on Thursday last in the New Amsterdam Market. Acting on information, the police arrested a 19 year old businessman and a driver both of Canje, Berbice. According to reports, around 08:30 hrs on Tuesday last, a lone gunman dressed in a red shirt and black pants robbed the popular Hack’s Variety Stall, owned by Rashid Hack and escaped with a bag of cash. Hack sells a variety of items at the establishment, and also is a licenced Cambio dealer. The bandit had turned up

at the business premises under the pretext of conducting business. He suddenly whipped out a gun and held employee Alvin Mature at gunpoint and demanded cash. The thief who was unmasked and using expletives, had pressed the gun to the man’s mouth, threatening to shoot if he didn’t hand over money. He subsequently escaped with the money. While fleeing, the bandit held on to one of Hack’s employee who was on his way into work and held him hostage as he fired shots into the air. The man then ran out of the market and joined an accomplice on a motorcycle.

The men then rode up the one-way before turning into Lad Lane and disappearing in the vicinity of Angoy’s Avenue. The businessman stated that he had lost over $2M. The police were contacted and after visiting the scene they began diligent investigation. Several persons in the area were contacted and questioned, and acting on information received, the police arrested two persons. Christopher Osman, 19, a businessman of lot 114 Cumberland, East Canje, Berbice and Irishad Alli, 30, a car driver of No 2 Village East Canje, Berbice are assisting with investigation.

Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 21

MURDER, SHE CROAKED Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door; Only this, and nothing more.” The visitor who made the tapping sound that woke American author and poet, Edgar Allen Poe, was a raven – a species of bird for which the collective noun includes “unkindness” and “conspiracy”. The raven like the vulture or “Corbeau” of Trinidad and “John Crow” of Jamaica, especially too because of its black plumage, croaking call, and diet of carrion or “dead meat”, has long been considered a bird of ill omen and has been not just the subject of poetry but of many myths and legends. In Sweden, ravens are thought to be the ghosts of murdered persons. It is certainly not a reputation to crow about.

Crows, like ravens, are members of the “Corvus” family and in medieval days were thought to live extremely long lives and have the ability to predict the future. The English Language was even more unkind to crows than to ravens. The collective noun for crows is “murder”- a murder of crows. This is ironic since recent research has found some crow species to be among the most intelligent animals in the world, not just able to make tools but to design and build them. Using the concept of “encephalization quotient” (EQ), a measure of relative brain size defined as the ratio between actual brain mass and predicted brain mass for an animal of a given size, crows have an EQ that is close to many non-human primates. They are high up in the rankings – right after bottlenose-dolphins and chimpanzees. In other words, if they ever felt they wanted to live up to their collective name, it would be the perfect crime, a murder most fowl. Wherever we have lived in the Caribbean, and that includes Trinidad, Barbados, Belize and Antigua, the

knocking of crows against our window panes, their shrill and insistent call for my wife Indranie to come out and feed them, and their following her around the yard demanding sustenance, has been a feature of our lives. And not only crows – doves and keskadees or keskidees too. While keskidees are large, tyrant flycatchers, they are not limited to flies and are really omnivourous, but their tyranny knows no bounds. One morning in Belize when we had slept pretty late and were in the kitchen, me huddled over my coffee and Indranie about to put some bread in the toaster, this kiskidee started knocking on the glass window pane. When we moved to the bedroom, it started to knock on that window as well. We felt so sorry for the bird that Indranie went outside and scattered bread to all the waiting doves and crows as well. In Diego Martin, in the foothills of the Northern Range where we now live, there are birds of many feathers and they flock and fight together, holding their rampaging turf wars on the lawn and in a tree outside the

US$14M to be used to upgrade Bartica, Suddie, West Demerara hospitals - Contract on Specialty Hospital to be reviewed Minister of State, Joseph Harmon announced yesterday that the US$14 million balance of the US$18M loan by Exim Bank of India to build the Specialty Hospital will now be used to improve health care delivery at the Bartica, West Demerara and Suddie Regional Hospitals. He made the aforementioned statement at the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R) Regional Conference in Vreed en Hoop, West Bank Demerara. Harmon explained that the decision was made after completing successful negotiations with the Indian Government on how to better utilize the US$14M. This new arrangement, he said, would see the unused funds from the original deal being channeled towards the upgrade of three of the country’s Regional Hospitals, while a new pact is currently being negotiated for the funding of the proposed Specialty Hospital. The Minister of State said that the upgrades to the Regional Hospitals are necessary at this time since many persons have been bypassing the Regional Hospitals and going instead to the Georgetown Public

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon Hospital. He said that persons were making that choice due to conditions existing at the regional facilities. With the planned upgrades, the Ministers said this will no longer be the case. “The Georgetown Public Hospital is facing the pressure but what we will do is to ensure that the primary health care centres and hospitals are operational for the people. They must all have trained professionals and drugs and medication. We are going to spend every cent of the US $14 million dollars on primary health care,” he said. Minister Harmon

explained that the move to suspend construction on the facility while the government was in Opposition resulted from delayed timelines and inadequate accountability for public funds by the contracting firm, India-based Surendra Engineering Company Ltd (SECL). “When we were in the National Assembly, we asked for copies of the agreement. We wanted to see all of the facts and the documents in relation to the Specialty Hospital, put on the table for debate but they never did that. Instead what they did was enter into a shady agreement with a company, which robbed the country of its taxpayers’ money and after that, suing the company for fraud and all of that, knowing fully well that they were a part of it,” Minister Harmon said. He was at the time referencing reports that the company had issued to the Guyana Government, a forged document purporting to have emanated from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (CBTT). Minister Harmon said that the government is committed to transparency and this very attitude will be assumed when the new deal is brokered for the Specialty Hospital.

kitchen window where Indranie strung up a “bird feeder” meant for the busy humming birds and bananaquits (which never quit their quest for sweetness). She makes batches of sugar-water or syrup for them and the territorial humming-birds, when in residence, chase away the other humming birds as well as the bananaquits. Until the crows came. We’ve had feeders before but despite the lack of forage in Antigua during the dry season, the crows had never before displayed any interest in the simple syrup with which we fill the feeders. The ones here in Trinidad have now taken over the feeder. What is incredible is that the beaks of humming birds and bananaquits are designed to suck up nectar and pierce flowers. The feeder is designed for them and not crows but somehow the crows have worked out that when you’re

thirsty and cannot afford a red Solo soft drink or “Chubby” the next best thing is a red bird feeder. What is not as commonly known is that in addition to using and making tools, crows are smart enough to have a wry sense of humour. In an article in the Berkeley Planet, “Are Crows Smarter Than We Thought”, Joel Eaton wrote that Zoologist, Carolee Caffrey, “has watched crows in Encino land on wires above a road, drop pecans onto the pavement, and not fly down to inspect or retrieve them until a car had passed. The inference is that the crows know what will happen to a nut when a car runs over it, and take advantage of traffic to get at the tasty contents.” A research group questioned that conclusion saying they had found that

crows were as likely to drop walnuts or pecans on the road whether there were cars on it or not. Eaton concluded, however, “But I suspect Caffrey may be right. These birds are not just smart. Read, say, Bernd H e i n r i c h o n ravens, and you begin to believe they may have a twisted sense of humor. It would be just like a crow to decide to thwart the researchers: ‘Okay, now, just lay off the walnuts until those guys with the binoculars are gone’.” In our case, we don’t pay them enough to make tools. They work for crumbs. *Tony Deyal was last seen laughing at some crow puns like “What kind of crows always stick together?” Velcrow, and “Where do crows go to get drunk?” A crow-bar.

Bandits invade former... (From page 3) neighbour, that statement apparently resulted in the bandit who was carrying the music system, dropping it and running southwards. “I grabbed a cutlass and run out when I heard the (former) Crime Chief daughter screaming but the men see me and one ah dem seh ‘leh we shoot he’, and I run inside. Then they went to ‘Strong Man’s’ (another neighbor) house and chase he back in he house. Then they run up the road to the blacka.” Trini reiterated that the streets in Sophia need more lights. “This place full of thieves who does walk in twos and threes.” Two Police patrols were summoned and the area was searched. James said he communicated his ordeal to Commander of C Division Assistant Commissioner Marlon Chapman as well as his successor Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum and got the fullest cooperation and support. ON CRIMEAS AFORMER CRIMECHIEF The former Crime Chief also took the opportunity to

weigh in on the current crime situation. James said that any increase in crime, even if it is one percent, is a cause for concern. “I’m not sure if it was a random storming of my home, except to say that I’m a consummate professional who always execute my duties with professionalism.” James noted too that the area is normally patrolled by police but “as with everything else, there is always need for improvements in security.” The community recently formed a Community Development Council- James is one of the Executive members. His opinion is that there appears to be significant amount of idle time among the youth population and according to him “from how some crimes are committed, they clearly have no respect for anyone.” James who served as Crime Chief from April 8, 2014 to June 30, 2015, is advising the general citizenry that “should you experience any storming of home by criminal elements, it is always better to cooperate, as your life is

more important than any material thing.” “I’m concerned to know that despite my status as former Crime Chief that my home was stormed and I was robbed… so what of the ordinary person in communities? I commend the current initiatives in train, which I support, to address the crime situation and I commend the current initiatives for the Christmas policing strategies.” He also expressed confidence that once what is on paper is put into effect, it should yield results. JAIL TIME IS WASTE TIME James further stated that parents, guardians, community leaders and social workers need to be part of efforts to bring the youth into the understanding that crime is not the only way to a better life. He also made a pitch in support of former Parliamentarian and attorney at Law James Bond’s 007 promotion initiative, stating that the promotion is a profound one because youths need to understand that jail time is waste time.

Page 22

Kaieteur News




Female domestic to work in Trinidad, must be educated and know to cook. Between 25-35 years. Call 1868-683 1528

Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, A/C, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS CALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Landscaping: Palms, largest varieties of plants, Used in every one of our unique landscapes- Call: 648-1821/ 219-0468 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.com. Call: 225-6496, 662-6045 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES – CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer-Call: 231-0655; 683-8734. Omar LCD-Plasma-LED TV repairs etc. Contact Abdul Electronics. Call: 225-0391 INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, boat for Santa Mission Tours –Call: 6504362

Experienced general domestic pastry maker/ cake decorator, roti, puri cook, apply Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce Street. One manager to work at a Hotel on the Essequibo Coast- Call: 226-9768; 6156172 1 Cook and 1 assistant wanted to work at a Restaurant in Mahdia. Call: 684-1718 One able body porter; apply at Key Food Trading, Mc Doom Village during working hours. Urgently needed live in waitress- Call: 670-2323 Mechanic Driver 40years & older to work on garbage truck- Contact: 658-3079 Security officers to work shift 8hrs & 12yrs -$3,000 nightly, bouncers -$4,000 nightly, electronic security technician. Call: 231-6052 D r i v e r / Te c h n i c i a n : Physically fit, ages 25-30, Valid Car/Van License. Contact 223-5142, 227-4480 1 Live in Domestic -$60,000 – Call: 661-8673; 661-5992




-Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal, Mabelline. -Nail Technician Course Call: 647-1773/660-5257

Popular East Coast Gas Station Day/Night: pump attendants, sales & office assistant. Contact: 658-2013; 695-9880, Strathspey E.C.D.

Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461.

SALE! SALE! SALE One TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS GJJ series -$1.5Million. One Econoline FORD 2005 GSSSeries-$1.5M.Call:604-6108

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 2 Bedrooms bottom flat @ West Ruimveldt - $40,000 per month. Call: 692-7194; 6927377 Apartments for rent store space for rent. Call: 681-4275; 231-4432 House in Bel-Air Gardens; 4 bedrooms with all modern convenience. No agents! Call: 231-7839 working hours House in Bel-Air Park: 3 bedrooms upstairs/ downstairs, all modern conveniences $1,600US monthly. Call: 2317839 working hours 1-4 Bedrooms upper flat at Herstelling, First Street. Call: 265-3844



Contract Cars and Drivers. Contact: 227-1720; 227-1721; 660-6102

Engineering technician/ intern student, university graduation priority, good salary, to work in CJIA extension project- Call: 6687104, 614-9511 Supervisor, Handyman, room attendants- Call: 225-0198 or 233 South Road Lacytown.. One Trainee A.C, Refrigerator, Technician – Call: 231-0655 Urgently needed 8 bar girls to work in Mahdia, preferably with working experience, attractive salary- Call: 6011479 Immediate vacancy: one hair dresser with atleast two (2) years experienced; attractive package. Contact: 625-3899; 264-0034/Nalini’s Beauty Saloon Truck/tractor drivers, security officer, office assistant, excavators, skid steer operators, labourers, pastry chef, waitress/ waiters. Call: 603-4094


Company Secretary, one cashier, an accountant Attractive Salary. Send application via WhatsApp or Instant Messenger to 6975221 FOR SALE/RENT American Pools table-Call: 277-0578


Live in couple: good rates/ accommodation. Husband duties: mechanic/ driver/ welder. Persons to draw cones from machines- Call: 227-1830

1 New freezer Truck, preferable 3 tons- Contact: Wieting & Richter Ltd. Tel: 226-6150 Seafood Plant Procession Supervisor, labourers and Security Guard Attractive salary. Call223- 5180; 2258645 Excavator operator. Call 2235180; 225-8645

Monday November 16, 2015

Suriname Tour, Shopping, Tours, site seeing November 26th -29th Old years into New Years December 30th – January 3rd –Call: 639-2663; 665-5171 Tour to Suriname (20-24/ Nov- $34,000) & Brazil (25-30/ Nov- $46,000) transportation and accommodation, Booked Between 15th -21st -Call: 6600312; 667-3150

Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up rental- Call: 690-6494 Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997

3 Bedroom; 2 flat house for sale, Enterprise, Lincolin Street, Lot 135 -$14M negotiable. Contact: 597-858-4554 (Suriname), Guyana: 602-3643 4 Bedroom 2 storey house 2 lot 80’X144’,suitable for residence, school/business, all amenities @Zeeburg W.C.D. Contact: 277-0024, 684-6106 One Church & 1-2 Storey house at 180 Charlotte Street Bourda. Call: 227-6817; 6247341 2 Storied transported, concrete property, fully AC, semi-furnished @ Somerset Court. E.B.D 31M neg. Call: 681-1377; 625-2317

Computerised Accounting Programs: 4 Courses -$35,000 @ Micrographics, Vreed-EnHoop (Royal Castle Building). Call: 626-4833 TO LET One-Two bedrooms houseCall Joy: 218-1285; 649-9059

Smart Choice Auto Sales, in stock, Premio, Allion, Fielder, Bluebird, Carina 212, Spacio, Call: 652-3820/ 665-4529 Pearl white reconditioned, Prado Jeep. Call: 624-6702; 624-5838

AT170 Toyota Corona; need body works and CV. Asking $275,000 negotiable. Call: 6638033 NO. 7 Village West Coast Berbice, Road Side Property. Star Cars Auto Sales: Premio, Price negotiable- Call: 667- Spacio, Runx, IS, Fielder, Bluebird, Axela, Pit-bull, 1376 Raum, Benz -Tel: 268-3509; 2 Storey 45x35 concrete 679-3140 property, lower flat incomplete- Land 65x120 @ Bidding- 1 Hilux double cab, Diamond N/S 5th Avenue, starting $3.2M, end date: November, 22, 2015. Call Orin E.B.D- Call: 664-5052 Moses: 603-0535 Haslington, E.C.D: Building ‘A’, concrete/ timber modern 2 Ford F350 Pickup, lift kit, 2 storeys, 7 bedrooms, grilled 35inches rims and tyres, also & fenced. Building ‘B’, 3 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 610apartments, fenced- $18M 5370 negotiable - Call:255-3437; One Honda CRV, immaculate 698-3678 condition, 17" mags, AC, CD, Two storied transported price -$1.750,000 negotiable. concrete property upstairs, 2 Call: 626-2884 bedrooms, downstairs 2 Unregistered Fielder Wagon, bedroom, fully grilled block fully loaded, rims, camera, ‘8’ Mon-Repos, E.C.D -$18M. bodykit, HID, dark interiorCall: 625-1514; 231-7255 Call: 617-5536 PROPERTY WITH 54,000 SQ.FT BOND SPACE ON 1 ACRE OF LAND WITH LOADING & DISCHARGING BAYS. CALL: 225-0790; 226-4878

One Toyota Spacio Motor Car (PPP Series). Excellent Condition. Price: $1.5m Neg. Call 600 2466. For Sale: Toyota Spacio, PMM 3646. Call: 628-1620 Toyota AT212, Raum, Tundra, L-Touring Wagon, EP71 Starlet, Premio, Honda 600RR, Yamaha-R6&R1 Suzuki GSX –Call: 644-5096; 697-1453

TO LET EDUCATION Pre-Christmas Deal: 9 course Diploma in Computers, Windows 8, Office 2016 @ Micrographics, Vreed-EnHoop (Royal Castle Building). Call: 626-4833

One L-Touring Wagon with mag rims, alarm etc-Call: 6751581 First Class Auto: 08 Premio, Rush, Bluebird, 06 Premio, Spacio IST, Runx. Call: 6098188; 638-3045

Furnished executive one or two bedroom suite in Diamond. Ideal for foreigners-Call 600 2466. 4 Bedroom house furnished, self contained, master bedroom. Call: 603-6351 LAND FOR SALE Double lot, one corner land & one adjoining located at Buddy’s Gated Community (Providence) $10.5M. Call: 681-1377; 625-2317 Land @ Lot 1856 Farm, EBD, size: 50X80$2.7M negotiable-Call: 676-5229

LAND FOR SALE 1155 Acres of land at East Bank Berbice, price negotiable. Call: 612-2060 Formerly Globe Cinema, corner lot @ Church & Waterloo Street, size 126ftX133ft. Call: 610-2234 Developed, fenced, bearing fruit trees 40’X144’ @ Zeeburg W.C.D. Contact: 277-0024, 684-6106, price negotiable Land at Parfaite Harmonie $1.1M, $1.4M, $1.6M, Tuschen 2nd Street -$5.5M, Phase 2, $1.4M- Call:604-6724 Land at farm E.B.D -$3.7M – Call: 667-3771 Continued on page 33

Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 23

Letters... Where your views make the news...Letters... Where your views make the news

The Minister of Agriculture was given a salary increase because he is supposed to be smart

DEAR EDITOR, The much anticipated report from the Commission of inquiry (COI) into the operations of GUYSUCO has been submitted to Ministry of Agriculture for delivery to Government of Guyana. This was made known to the Guyanese public through various media outfits more than two (2) weeks ago. It is understandable that Government needs to review the report since it is a product of a multi-million dollar exercise paid for, by taxpayers however, these findings

should be released without much hesitation or it will foster anxiety within the society. The average Guyanese citizen understands the importance of sugar in the country’s economy. The expectation therefore, from this inquiry is not a restatement of known facts but provision of strategies on “how” to revive and remodel the industry into a “New GuySuCo” to overcome present and future challenges. Delaying the release of this report will not help the process of a new GuySuCo.

With each passing day, Governments’ “pregnancy” with this report is becoming worrying without a delivery date. The Honourble Prime Minister has been very vocal on GuySuCo and seems to have sugar among other sectors under his belt. It is therefore logical to identify him as the bearer of this pregnancy and therefore sugar workers are now agitating that labour be induced to end this pregnancy. Government should have no reason to be guarded and

cautious about the contents of the report since a key member on the inquiry panel, Professor Clive Thomas is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of GuySuCo. This means Professor Thomas, being a COI member was part and parcel of the recommendations emanating from the inquiry and will be tasked with execution of those recommendations as Chairman of GuySuCo. Recent history also tells us that Professor Thomas along with at least two (2) Board members (Mr. Anthony

MANY THINGS NOT RIGHT AT BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DEAR EDITOR, With disgusted I penned this letter and I would appreciate to know under whose purview the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) falls within the Ministry of Social Protection. It would be highly appreciated which one of the Ministers responsible for the functioning of the day to day running of this department should bring it under the microscope. I was closely associated with this department for a number of years. Although I am no

longer, I still take a keen interest in the functioning of this department. Instead of revolving into the twenty first century, it is rapidly plunging to its lowest. For the past three years the malfunctioning had begun when the previous administration favoured a young woman to head this department as its Chief Executive Officer/Secretary, a designation that was also created by the previous administration because formerly this department was

There are sins and sinners in the aviation industry DEAR EDITOR, The struggle at the Ogle Aerodrome is not due to greed or preferential treatment or power over the helpless. It is all strategic positioning by one operator over the others for long term benefit should the winds of change blow in Guyana. One operator decided to play by the rules and positioned himself in which there were no political affiliations, no appearances of illegal activities or compromise of integrity. The other operators played the political games for profit, pushed the envelope on highly questionable activity. Games were played without rules. Many said and did anything under the guise of an aviation business. Now the winds of change are here in Guyana. The law abiding rises above the rest to bask in the sunshine. And the corrupt struggles to stay relevant as the winds of change blow in our country. There appears to be a new horizon taking shape in Guyana. Guyanese should encourage this new horizon

to eradicate corruption, money laundering, drug smuggling and drug dealing. The people of Guyana wherever they are expect to see this. The winds of change are blowing all over Guyana. They take in the aviation industry too industry; only the law abiding will survive. No more handouts from the Government, eradication of kickbacks, nontraditional financing etc. The AML Bill is now signed with the DEA Office to open in Guyana by January 1, 2016. Let us see who ends up surviving the storms and the same winds blew right in the direction of Captain Khemraj Lall’s and money etc. Lights will now shine on the aviation industry. Many aviation operators known for past sins will be jittery. Now that they have to run a real business without the ‘accustomed trimmings.’ Let us sit back and watch the fight over the scraps. It will get worse...before the law abiding rise from the ashes as the playing field is leveled for all to play by the rules. Balram Bhagwandin

headed by a Secretary, enshrined in the Industrial Training Act 39:04 Laws of Guyana. To begin with this young woman has the relevant technical skills and is placed to run a department that is technically inclined. I don’t feel that she can differentiate between one type of machine from another. Secondly, she has given herself the power to employ and miss staff.. Now, it seems you can be employed by the Board of Industrial Training once you have certain connections. Thirdly, she had written to the administrative arm of the then Ministry of Labour Human Services and Social Security and had all of the permanent staff reassigned occupying desks in various sections with litle or nothing to do after serving this country for over 28 years. The opposition talks about witch hunt when they are the founders of witch hunt because they are the ones who placed these misfits into positions that they are not suitable qualified for. Now I noticed a few months back an established banking sector in this country churned out a batch of apprentices but no mention of the Board of Industrial Training so I am wondering who monitored these apprentices and certified them because as far as I am aware only the Board of Industrial Training has the mandate by law to certify apprenticeship programmes . This programme

has died a natural death. Over the years we had masters like Guysuco, GPL, Transport and Harbours etc. Guysuco being the largest amongst the set who used to train our young people in the various engineering trades. The certificates used to be highly recognized both here and aboard. Now this system is failing our young people because the head of this department do not appreciate Technical and Vocational Training because this area is not her passion. On the other hand the staff there who are responsible for the apprenticeship programme are not adequately qualified in the relevant areas they operate in. The Ministry is doing nothing about this. Some years gone back SIMAP had launch a Technical Vocational Training programme for the vulnerable youths in this country and that training programme was 100% successful because today you can go to workshops that are owned and controlled by those trainees especially in Region 3. Today this Department that is getting over three hundred million dollars per year, has an approved budget and is training young people to bake cakes and is doing a four months IT programme What can you learn in four months in IT and be marketable . This woman’s performance has to be reviewed Donald Alexander

PPP Parliament... From page 4 apology is not asking too much since these remarks were proudly laid in the public domain without reservation and remorse and the evidence is there to prove same. Failure for us to do so and ensure it is a reality will render us as signatories and accomplices to the violations of women’s rights and gender based violence. It is time for a change in our attitudes towards our women in leadership. Mrs. Gillian Burton-Persaud Member of Parliament (PPP/C)

Vieira & Mr. Earl John) have been analyzing GuySuCo continuously and have produced numerous missives in the print and electronic media on the industry’s performance and reasons for it. These learned gentlemen are now in very influential positions in the Corporation and have ample opportunity to practice what they preached not so long ago while not in Government circles. Any deviation from what they preached will justify how flawed their analyses were and will require an apology to the nation. It will be the morally correct thing to do. Delay of the COI report has now precipitated a spat between GAWU and GuySuCo. It is simply because the Corporation is awaiting advice on a way forward from Government (via COI report) while GAWU cited a breach of Trade Union Recognition Act for refusing to meet at the bargaining table. The outcome of this spat was three days of industrial action that dented sugar production by some 56% in conditions conducive for optimum production. GAWU seem to be pressing for increased wages for its members in light of recent wage increases awarded to public servants including Ministers of Government.

GuySuCo on the other hand is contending that the strike was uncalled for. In the circumstances, GuySuCo’s position can be construed to mean that Government’s priority for sugar is low, Government will tolerate breach of Trades Union Act, Government will trample on workers’ rights and sugar workers do not deserve better wages. If Government has an interest in sugar, and “will not abandon it in troubled times” to use the words of the Honourable Prime Minister, it must intervene now by requesting GuySuCo to engage the union in negotiations. The Honourable Minister of Agriculture should stop making wild statements and politicizing recent actions by workers. Instead, he should be advising the Government on the importance of presenting the COI report without hesitation. At least, he was given an increase in salary recently for being a “smart” Minister. Anymore delays simply mean that Government is boldly facilitating industrial unrest, reduced production performance and further financial crisis by deliberately withholding a report and breaching the Trade Union Recognition Act. Therefore, Government must accept the reward of its own actions or inactions. Frederick Yuvraj

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Obama urges Russia to join renewed effort to eliminate Islamic State

Members of the Group of 20 (G20) applaud after posing for the traditional family photo during the G20 leaders summit in the Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Turkey, yesterday. REUTERS/MURAD SEZER

France bombs Islamic State HQ, hunts attacker who got away PARIS (AP) — France launched “massive” air strikes on the Islamic State group’s de-facto capital in Syria last night, destroying a jihadi training camp and a munitions dump in the city of Raqqa, where Iraqi intelligence officials say the attacks on Paris were planned. Twelve aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs in the biggest air strikes since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to Syria in September, a Defense Ministry statement said. The jets launched from sites in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, in coordination with U.S. forces. Meanwhile, as police announced seven arrests and hunted for more members of the sleeper cell that carried out the Paris attacks that killed 129 people, French officials revealed to The

Associated Press that several key suspects had been stopped and released by police after the attack. The arrest warrant for Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old born in Brussels, calls him very dangerous and warns people not to intervene if they see him. Yet police already had him in their grasp early Saturday, when they stopped a car carrying three men near the Belgian border. By then, hours had passed since authorities identified Abdeslam as the renter of a Volkswagen Polo that carried hostage takers to the Paris theatre where so many died. Three French police officials and a top French security official confirmed that officers let Abdeslam go after checking his ID. They spoke on condition of anonymity, lacking authorization to publicly

disclose such details. Tantalizing clues about the extent of the plot have emerged from Baghdad, where senior Iraqi officials told the AP that France and other countries had been warned on Thursday of an imminent attack. An Iraqi intelligence dispatch warned that Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had ordered his followers to immediately launch gun and bomb attacks and take hostages inside the countries of the coalition fighting them in Iraq and Syria. The Iraqi dispatch, which was obtained by the AP, provided no details on when or where the attack would take place, and a senior French security official told the AP that French intelligence gets these kinds of warnings “all the time” and “every day.” However, Iraqi

Parisians look at the scene outside the Bataclan concert hall after an attack Friday in Paris, France. (Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)

intelligence officials told the AP that they also warned France about specific details: Among them, that the attackers were trained for this operation and sent back to France from Raqqa, the Islamic State’s de-facto capital. The officials also said that a sleeper cell in France then met with the attackers after their training and helped them to execute the plan. There were 24 people involved in the operation, they said: 19 attackers and five others in charge of logistics and planning. None of these details have been corroborated by officials of France or other Western intelligence agencies. All these French and Iraqi security and intelligence officials spoke with the AP on condition of anonymity, citing the ongoing investigation. Abdeslam is one of three brothers believed to be involved; One who crossed with him into Belgium was later arrested, and another blew himself up inside the Bataclan theatre after taking the audience hostage and firing on them repeatedly. It was the worst of Friday’s synchronized attacks, leaving 89 fatalities and hundreds of people wounded inside. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility. Its statement mocked France’s air attacks on suspected IS targets in Syria and Iraq, and called Paris “the capital of prostitution and obscenity.” In all, three teams of attackers including seven suicide bombers attacked the national stadium, the concert hall and nearby nightspots. The attacks wounded 350 people, 99 of them seriously.

Reuters – U.S. President Barack Obama vowed yesterday to step up efforts to eliminate Islamic State and prevent more attacks like those in Paris, while urging Russia’s Vladimir Putin to focus on combating the jihadist group in Syria. A White House official said Obama and Putin agreed during a 35-minute meeting on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Turkey on the need for a political transition in Syria, saying events in Paris had made it all the more urgent. The two-day summit brings Obama and fellow world leaders just 500 km (310 miles) from Syria, whose 4-1/ 2-year conflict has transformed Islamic State into a global security threat and spawned Europe’s largest migration flows since World War Two. Obama described Friday’s killing of more than 120 people in Paris, claimed by the radical Sunni militant group, as an attack on the civilised world and said the United States would work with France to hunt down those responsible. “The skies have been darkened by the horrific attacks that took place in Paris

just a day and a half ago,” Obama said. “We will redouble our efforts, working with other members of the coalition, to bring about a peaceful transition in Syria and to eliminate Daesh as a force that can create so much pain and suffering for people in Paris, in Ankara, and in other parts of the globe,” he said, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State. U.S.-led efforts to combat Islamic State were complicated when Russia joined the conflict a month and a half ago, targeting what the West says are mainly areas where foreign-backed fighters are battling Assad, Moscow’s ally, rather than Islamic State. The United States, Turkey and their allies want Assad out. Obama huddled with Putin during a working lunch and the two agreed on the need for a Syrian-led transition including U.N.-mediated talks, the White House official said. Putin and Obama talked “extensively”, Russian news agencies cited top Kremlin foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov as saying.

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U.S. says to support yuan in IMF basket, if it meets criteria

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (C) departs after attending a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Regnum Carya Resort in Antalya, Turkey, yesterday. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst BELEK, Turkey (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told senior Chinese officials yesterday he would support

adding the yuan currency to the basket on which the International Monetary Fund’s SDR unit is based, if it meets the IMF’s criteria,

Lew’s spokesperson said. Lew met with China’s vice premier and finance minister on the sidelines of the G20 leaders meeting in Turkey, the

spokesperson said. The IMF is expected to this month approve the inclusion of the yuan, also known as the renminbi, into its $280 billion basket of currency reserves, known officially as Special Drawing Rights, or SDR. Its inclusion in the basket would mark a major diplomatic victory for Beijing’s campaign to internationalise the currency. It moved closer to inclusion on Friday, after Fund staff and IMF chief Christine Lagarde gave the move the thumbs up. The IMF’s executive board, which represents its 188 members, is unlikely to go against the staff recommendation, said Meg Lundsager, a fellow at the Wilson Centre and until last year the U.S. representative on the IMF board. “I would not be surprised if it was pretty close to unanimous,” she said, adding that any opposition to the inclusion would have been voiced before now.

Monday November 16, 2015

Belgium seen central to Paris attack plans, France launches manhunt Reuters - Police investigating a wave of attacks in Paris launched an international hunt yesterday for a man they believe might have helped organise the deadly assaults with two of his brothers in Belgium. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for Friday’s coordinated suicide bombings and shootings, which have re-ignited a row over Europe’s refugee crisis and drawn calls for a halt to the ongoing influx of Muslim asylumseekers. France said the death toll had risen to 132 from a previous total of 129, with 349 people injured, of whom around 42 were still in intensive care. Two of the attackers who brought carnage to Paris were French nationals living in neighbouring Belgium, officials said yesterday. One of them blew himself up in the assault, while the other was arrested on Saturday as he tried to cross the border. Police said they were seeking a Belgian-born man, Abdeslam Salah, in connection with the attack, describing him as “dangerous”. The judicial source said he was a brother of the other two men, who have not been named. “The abject attacks that hit us on Friday were prepared abroad and mobilized a team in Belgium that benefited ... from help in France,” French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told reporters after meeting his Belgian counterpart in Paris.

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood.

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Monday November 16, 2015

Islamic State takes war to its foes after battlefield setbacks

An Islamic State militant who identifies himself as Abu Salman (2nd R) speaks at an undisclosed location, in this still image taken from undated video distributed by Islamic State Saturday. REUTERS/Social Media Website via Reuters TV Reuters - Facing military setbacks in its self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq and intensified air strikes from a US-led coalition, Islamic State may have decided in September to take the fight to France and elsewhere. The ultra-hardline group has frequently threatened to strike inside Western countries sinc e it established itself amid Syria’s civil war and then spread to northern Iraq last year, but one fighter reached inside Syria said its spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani had issued an instruction to act abroad. “He sent a written order to all sectors and security brigades to start moving, including in Lebanon and Turkey,” the Syrian IS fighter said via social media from northern Syria. “Lebanon and France and other places are all part of the operations ordered two

months ago.” Islamic State has said it was behind Friday’s killings of at least 132 people in Paris in revenge for France’s air strikes against it as well as twin suicide bombings which killed 43 people on Thursday in a Beirut stronghold of Lebanon’s Shi’ite Hezbollah, which is fighting the group in Syria. The ultra-hardline militants have also claimed responsibility for bringing down a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula on Oct 31 which killed all 224 people on board after Russia began its own campaign of air strikes in Syria. Turkish authorities suspect a high-profile British jihadist detained in Turkey last week may have been planning attacks in Istanbul similar to those in Paris, two security sources told Reuters yesterday. The group has also threatened to attack Saudi

Arabia, United States and Russia. It was not immediately possible to verify the reported order, which Islamic State supporters and fighters said was given to dormant cells in several places. “Their messages to us are sent by blood and carnage so we send them their messages back in the same way, it is simple,” the northern-Syriabased fighter said. The group operates in a very secretive way and has a complicated structure. In general, its Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the ultimate decision maker but his deputy is also powerful. They both consult a Shura Council which is compromised of military, religious and other leaders who give advice to Baghdadi on strategy and military plans. It practices a strict version of Islam which considers all those opposing it as infidels who should be killed.

OECS leaders to meet in Dominica ROSEAU, Dominica – Leaders of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) meet here next week to discuss a number of issues affecting the socio-economic development of the subregion, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced. He described the November 18-19 summit as “important” saying “the number of serious matters taking place in the world, one of which is the upcoming COP 21 summit on climate change in Paris and we have to discuss continue to ensure we have a united voice there”. Skerrit said that the twoday summit will also discuss

Roosevelt Skerrit “a number of issues affecting the OECS…so it is a very critical meeting” at a very crucial time”. He said the sub-regional

leaders had insisted that Dominica host the summit as a show of solidarity with the island still recovering from the passage of Tropical Storm Erika in late August that left at least 30 people dead and millions of dollars in damages. “We are very happy to host that meeting. I must say my colleague heads of government insisted that Dominica host the meeting,” he added. The OECS groups the islands of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts-Nevis, Montserrat, Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands. (Daily Observer)

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Kenya forms team to draw G20 leaders agree to cooperate on up plan to fight corruption migration as a global problem: draft NAIROBI (Reuters) Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta acknowledged weekend corruption was a major problem facing the country and said a joint government and private sector team would draw up strategies to combat the vice in one week. President Barack Obama raised the issue when he visited in July. Citizens also complain it is an obstacle to law enforcement and provision of public services. “ We a g r e e d w e a r e going to work and come up with a framework of dealing with real corruption as well as perceived corruption,” Kenyatta said after a meeting with business executives. “In a week’s time, the team that we put together, comprising both members of government as well as the private sector, would come up and give us a plan on how we shall work together to overcome that challenge,” he said. Kenyatta said one

Uhuru Kenyatta potential action against graft was to bar firms which do not sign up to a private sector-led code of conduct from participating in government tenders. The country’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission says 70 percent of all corruption in the country relates to procurement, especially in government ministries and departments, where greedy officials and unscrupulous businessmen collude to rip

off the public. “Corruption is happening around the entire system, both the private sector and the public sector, and we have got to have concerted effort of how to resolve this,” Adan Mohamed, the minister for enterprise and industrialisation, told Reuters. O n T h u r s d a y, t h e United States, Britain and nine other countries pledged to help Kenya to try to beat corruption, promising to step up efforts to prevent funds leaving the country and pushing for those involved in graft to be prosecuted. Deputy President William Ruto said he and the president would lead the fight against corruption and they expected all individuals and institutions to follow suit. “Every public official, every institution must be accountable,” Ruto said. “We are not going to talk. We are not going to have a discussion. We are not going to have a debate because it will not take us anywhere.”

BELEK, Turkey (Reuters) - Leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies (G20) will agree today that migration is a global problem that must be addressed in a coordinated way, in a diplomatic coup for Europe and Turkey, a draft communiqué showed yesterday. The leaders will also agree that all countries should help manage the migrant crisis, which is expected to bring a million people from the Middle East and Africa to Europe this year alone, through accepting refugees and humanitarian aid. Europe and Turkey, the most heavily hit by the crisis, had been pushing for the G20 to recognize the issue as a global problem and help to deal with it financially, despite opposition from China, India and Russia. “We call upon all states to contribute to responding to this crisis, and share in the burdens associated with it, including through refugee

resettlement, other forms of humanitarian admission, humanitarian aid and efforts to ensure that refugees can access services, education and livelihood opportunities,” the draft, seen by Reuters, said. The draft has yet to be accepted by all and is to be

published today. G20 leaders will also agree to step up financing for international organizations dealing with migrants, as requested by Europe, and to address the root causes of migrant displacement, such as the war in Syria, the draft said.

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Monday November 16, 2015

Regional fighters can infiltrate western borders — criminologist ISIS pursuing Trini foothold Trinidad Guardian Criminologist Daurius Figueira is warning that T&T Muslims recruited by ISIS could be used to infiltrate and destabilise western countries, including those in Europe coping with an influx of refugees. Exactly one week after ISIS released a video featuring four Trinidadborn fighters urging T&T Muslims to take up arms to fight in Syria, the terrorist organisation is claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks that killed well over a hundred people, saying that the attacks were in retaliation for France’s bombing in Syria. Speaking to the Sunday Guardian Figueira said: “There is a purpose to the video. Why produce a recruitment video only for T & T, given the comparatively small size of the Muslim population here. It accounts for only about five per cent of the population? “The people behind the Al Raqqa recruitment video are now sending a message specifically to Muslims in T&T that there is a T&T contingent of fighters now in ISIS, trained and led by nationals of T&T. “The Ministry of National Security must investigate that: The formation of a T&T ISIS contingent, the message they want to send and why

they want to recruit third world people whose first language is English.” He said the only other promotional release to date in English had British Islamic State fighters in it. Figueira said CARICOM nationals, Trinidadians and people from the Commonwealth who spoke English and were educated can be used by ISIS to take the fight on the home soil of first-world countries such as Britain and the US. T&T and eight other Caribbean countries enjoy visa-free travel to Europe. He said the state agencies of the previous government had failed to penetrate and dismantle these structures and the IS video was in fact taunting the state agencies of T&T on their failure. He said those fighters presented in the IS video will not return to T&T except if they wanted to escape IS for some reason. Figueira said the major issue for T&T was recruitment here and the export of potential fighters to IS. According to former National Security Minister Gary Griffith, about 30 T&T nationals made the trip to Syria to fight for ISIS last year. The United Nations had also warned that T&T is one of a number of countries with Muslim populations that is

Daurius Figueira being used as a recruiting ground for the terror group. Cyber hackers linked to the Islamist organisation attacked the government computers of Jamaica and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Former Executive Director of the National Operations Centre (NOC) Garvin Heerah told the Sunday Guardian that the details that had surfaced in the viral videos were alarming. He said the video and information obtained through internet surveillance continued to engage the attention of national security. Heerah there is continuity between the last National Security administration, and the current one led by Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon. Heerah said the probability that that the jihadist recruits could return to T&T should not be dismissed, and all the arms of security and law enforcement, here and abroad, must work together.

Curacao governor gives prime minister another opportunity to form new govt. WILLEMSTAD, Curacao — Following the resignation last week of the Cabinet, the governor of Curacao, Lucille George-Wout, has requested Prime Minister Dr Ben Whiteman to explore the willingness of the political parties to form a new cabinet within the shortest possible time that can rely on a majority of parliament in order to address several pressing issues. According to a press release from the Office of the Governor, on November 9, the Whiteman Cabinet requested the governor to grant their resignation after the coalition parties lost their majority in parliament. The governor took this request under consideration and then held consultations with the deputy chairman of

Lucille George-Wout the Advisory Board, the president of Parliament and the political faction leaders in parliament. She also met with some social organizations about their views on the political situation and on the steps

deemed necessary in the interest of Curacao. The consultations gave rise to further consideration as to whether, based on the current composition of parliament, there is the potential to achieve the formation of a government that can rely on a majority in parliament so that a number of important decisions on financial and socioeconomic matters may be taken, taking into account the processes that have already been put in motion in this regard. It will include taking into account that regular elections are planned for the second half of 2016. Whiteman has been asked to submit a progress report to the governor on Monday. (Caribbean News)

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Monday November 16, 2015

US congresswoman ‘glad’ IMF relaxed Ja’s primary surplus target ST JAMES, Jamaica – Congresswoman Yvette Clarke has welcomed the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) decision to lower the primary surplus target under Jamaica’s economic reform programme. “I am so glad to hear that the easement has been provided … Jamaica has earned it. Your record on the globe for what you have been able to accomplish is the envy of the world,” Clarke said. The IMF last week announced the decision to lower the primary surplus target under the island’s economic reform programme. But, Opposition spokesman of finance Audley Shaw has said that, while he

Yvette Clarke welcomes the relaxation, “its exposed to being interpreted as political interference on the part of the IMF,” arguing that it could free up the

Jamaica Ramps Up Preparedness For Zika Virus The Gleaner - The Ministry of Health says it is conducting preparedness activities for the possible introduction of the zika virus to Jamaica. The virus has been reported in Brazil, Colombia and suspected in the Dominican Republic. The Pan American Health Organization has indicated that it has been confirmed in Suriname. The island’s chief medical officer, Dr Marion Bullock Ducasse, says persons need to be more vigilant and should ensure that their environments are clean and mosquito breeding sites destroyed. She says the zika virus is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which also spreads chikungunya and dengue.

Government to embark on an election spending spree on the eve of national elections. Clarke, who was delivering the keynote address at the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MBCCI) Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday night at the Rose Hall Resort and Spa in St James, which was held under the theme: ‘Celebrating a Rich Heritage,’ commended Jamaicans for making tremendous sacrifice. At the banquet, the MBCCI honoured five outstanding business leaders by inducting them into its inaugural Business Leaders Wall of Fame. The five industry legends are hotel mogul, Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart; business exemplar, Anthony ‘Tony’ Hart; tourism transport mogul, Ralph Smith; the late in bond merchant pioneer, B D Dadlani; and real estate developer, ‘Slidie’ Joe Whitter. The Business Leader Wall of Fame is dedicated to creating an awareness and appreciation of the rich heritage of exemplary business leadership and the leaders who have shaped the development of the city of Montego Bay and the parish of St James. (Jamaica Observer)

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Nishikori fails to crack Djokovic riddle LONDON (Reuters) No one has come close to cracking the riddle of beating Novak Djokovic on an indoor court for more than three years and Kei Nishikori became the latest player on Sunday to discover just how difficult it is to solve that puzzle. Djokovic began his bid for a record fourth successive title at the ATP World Tour Finals with a brutal yet aweinspiring 6-1 6-1 hammering that left Nishikori in a daze. “No question, it felt like the best tennis I played this year,” the 28-year-old Serb told reporters. “I was at my best and it was an incredible performance.” Before the start of the match, both players stood heads bowed during a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of Friday’s Paris attacks — with the French flag’s red-white-blue tricolour plastered on the electronic banner surrounding the O2 Arena.

Novak Djokovic of Serbia holds aloft the trophy for finishing Number One ATP Men’s Tennis Player in the World for 2015 following his match. (Action Images via Reuters / Tony O’BrienLivepic) It was not long before Djokovic was at his unrelenting best.

The Serbian world number one showed the kind of form that has made him an

unbeatable force on indoor courts for more than three years with a 65-minute demolition job. Djokovic subjected Nishikori to an array of heavyduty groundstrokes, cruel lobs and sublime volleys as he chalked up his 38th successive win on an indoor court dating back to October 2012. As Djokovic romped to a 3-0 lead in the opening set, there were few opportunities for Nishikori’s fan club to pick up the vast numbers of Japanese flags draped over the arena’s metal railings. The red and white flags made a fluttering appearance when Nishikori finally held in the fourth game but the joy was fleeting as Djokovic easily sealed the first set before finishing off his opponent with a backhand volley. Since none of Djokovic’s rivals have worked out how to beat him indoors, one reporter asked the Serb for a solution.

Fortunate Warriors edge Nets in overtime to extend streak

Reuters (The Sports Xchange) - The Golden State Warriors won an 11th consecutive game on Saturday night, beating the Nets 107-99 in overtime with Brooklyn left with only themselves to blame. Reserve Warriors swingman Andre Iguodala sent the game to overtime with a tying three-pointer with 5.9 seconds remaining in regulation, allowing them to outlast the Nets and remain the NBA’s lone unbeaten team. But in between, Nets center Brook Lopez couldn’t convert a lob pass from no more than two feet in front of the rim as time expired, extending the game and eventually leading to the Nets’ ninth loss in 10 games this season. “I think our tank was on empty emotionally and physically,” Nets coach Lionel Hollins said of the overtime that immediately followed Lopez’s miss. “It’s a heartbreaking loss. We had a chance to have our shot at point blank and it didn’t go in.” Brooklyn, which completed its road trip 1-3, had two shots at a win, but point guard Jarrett Jack misfired on an 18-footer before Lopez’s miss at the horn. The play began with fivetenths of a second remaining,

“If I had (a solution), I wouldn’t share it with you, that’s for sure,” he quipped. Djokovic, who has lost only five times during a stellar season in which he won three out of the four grand slams, still has to play round-robin matches against Roger Federer and Tomas Berdych in the Stan Smith Group before the top

two players advance to next weekend’s semi-finals. The season-ending tournament features the world’s eight best players who are split into two groups. Andy Murray, Rafa Nadal, French Open champion Stan Wawrinka and David Ferrer will begin battle in the Illie Nastase Group on Monday.

From page 22

LAND FOR SALE 1500 Acres Transported land near Bartica, Forestry, Agriculture, loam, sand rock quarry, price to sell. Cal Mark: 603-1266;625-9788;704-465-2222 2369.664 Sq/ft of land @ Victoria village, E.C.D$750,000 Call: 255-3437; 6983678 Luxury gated community with pool, mall, swipe entry/exit, underground irrigation – Contact: 609-0783

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. House in Tuschen Main Road -$27M, 46ft fishing boat & 500lbs Nylon Seine $2.3M. Call: 696-6074 Crazy Deals: Dell/HP desktop & laptop computers from $49,000, free games & educational programs @ FutureTech: 231-2206 House Lots for sale at Parika, Blankenburg and Schoonord, also Financing Available. Call: 650-0402 / 260-4988

Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) reacts after the Warriors force a turnover against the Brooklyn Nets in overtime at Oracle Arena. The Warriors defeated the Nets 107-99. (Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports) with Nets small forward Joe Johnson inbounding from under the Brooklyn basket. “We feel like we should have had this one,” Lopez said. “I blew that chip shot. Joe made a perfect pass. It was exactly the way the play was drawn up. “I owe Joe. He put that on a platter and I just blew it.” The Nets didn’t respond well to the misfortune. They scored only two points in the five-minute overtime after

they had fallen 10 down in the first 3:10. Power forward Draymond Green had a hoop and two assists, capping the second triple-double of his career, in the winning burst as Golden State became just the 11th team in NBA history to open a season 11-0. The Warriors won despite a 13-of-31 shooting from the field by star point guard Stephen Curry, who led all scorers with 34 points. Curry

missed 11 of his 16 3-point attempts. Warriors interim coach Luke Walton hailed Iguodala’s clutch threepointer, which produced a tie at 97 after Nets power forward Thaddeus Young had given his team a three-point lead with 9.9 seconds left. “Andre plays his best when you need him to,” Walton said. “He’s a luxury to have on the court. He’s never rattled.”

FOR SALE Suzuki (750cc), Honda 92,000cc, Model M Truck (GRR series). All Mint Condition- Call: 662-6045 Pools-table cloth, balls, pocket, coin-shute, rubber, cue-stick, coin, chalk, spots gully boot, white ball, poolstable locks –Tel: 669-9927 Excellent quality Rottweiler pups. Must See! Hurry and get yours. Limited amount available- Call /Whatsapp: (592) 664-5401 Rotweiler pups. Tel: 6196086, 622-6646, 699-7077. PRADO: TOP CONDITION, SUNROOF, FULLY LOADED, 8 SEATER, FUEL, 2000 MODEL. CALL: 6845868 CRV EXCELLENT CONDITION, 1998CC, ALARM, DVD, MAGRIM, CLEAN ENGINE & BODYCALL: 684-5868

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Pliskova is Czech hero in Fed Cup triumph over Russia PRAGUE (Reuters) The Czech Republic defended their Fed Cup title yesterday as Karolina Pliskova became the home team’s hero with a starring performance in their thrilling 3-2 come-from-behind victory over Russia. Pliskova not only won her singles rubber to tie the match at 2-2 but then returned to the court after just a 30-minute break to help secure another comeback victory in the final set of the deciding doubles. It enabled the Czechs to celebrate their fourth Fed Cup triumph in five years in the event regarded as the World Cup of women’s tennis — and they succeeded despite Russian star Maria Sharapova winning both her singles matches over the weekend. Having started the day level at 1-1, the home side fell behind in the best-of-five series after Sharapova defeated their top player, two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 in the opening match of the day. The 23-year-old Pliskova, playing in her first Fed Cup final, tied the score after cruising to a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova with a service game and punishing forehand that overpowered the Russian. Pliskova was then forced to return to the court and partner Barbora Strycova in the decisive doubles after world No. 4 Lucie Safarova was unable to play due to an injury. Though the pair lost the first set and looked in deep trouble, they rebounded to earn a 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 victory over Russian pair, Elena Vesnina and Pavlkyuchenkova. Pliskova, who reckoned she was not worried about fatigue after being thrust into the key doubles, said: “Even though we lost the first set, we believed we could win. The Russians had also made a last-minute change in the doubles by electing to match Vesnina with Pavlyuchenkova rather than her Grand Slam-winning partner Ekaterina Makarova, who had not played since the U.S. Open.

Monday November 16, 2015


Kristian Jeffrey leads the field into the Clubhouse turn in his dominant performance, winning several races yesterday. In what must clearly be the most dominant performance of his career, Guyana and Caribbean champion Kristian Jeffrey obliterated the field in the Seaboard Marine Caribbean Motor Racing Championship to leave no doubt about who is the best driver in the Series. Driving in front of a capacity crowd in the final leg

of the Championship at the South Dakota Circuit yesterday, Jeffrey won all three races in the division to retain his title of Caribbean champion. Trinidadian Christian Boodoosingh trailed Jeffrey home in two of the races, but suffered mechanical problems and was relegated to a minor position in the other.

Trinidad and Tobago’s Group 3 driver Ravi Singh was also in scintillating form as he blitzed the field to duplicate Jeffrey’s performance, while young Matthew Vieira was another competitor who finished the day with three wins. Other outstanding performances came from Shan Seejattan, who won two Group 2 races, while Rameez

Mohamed won the other. Among those in attendance yesterday were Minister of Tourism Kathy Hughes and Director of Sport Christopher Jones. Up to press time, the full results and the winner of the overall championship were not disclosed and Kaieteur News will make them available in a subsequent issue.

Czech Republic’s Karolina Pliskova reacts during their final match of the Fed Cup. (Reuters/David W Cerny)

Gayadin excels, Avinash... From page 39 Club Vice President Patrick Prashad expressed great appreciation for the continued sponsorship of MACORP. He noted that, “Whenever members hear of a MACORP tournament they become electrified, and the whole atmosphere that MACORP brings enhances the camaraderie and harmony of the Club.” The provision of great meals and the raffle and giveaways of MACORP are all very encouraging he noted. Some 51 persons registered for this ninth annual tournament sponsored by MACORP. Winners for the day’s Medal Play format were; 1st Mike Gayadin 63/15; 2nd Sam Harry 64/10; and 3rd Patanjalee Pur “I love that winning feeling” Persaud 66/18. Best Gross (68) was won by Avinash Persaud and Nearest to The Pin (36 “) was won by Mahendra Bhagwandin. MACORP came out as a family! In attendance were some 12 staff inclusive of 3 managers, the training coordinator, 1 supervisor, 1 analyst, 4 assistants/representatives, 1 receptionist and 1 sales technician. Those present were Guillermo Escaraga, Jordi Pinol, Asif Sayab, Miguel Oviedo, Sonia Chan, Kevin Prashad, Kevin Bacchus, Samantha Latchman, Bonita Henry, Shiv Sukhdeo, Marissa Chen-a-tow and Gibran Persaud. The soft Latin American and other music that MACORP provided for social interaction at the end of the day were most refreshing.

Action in one of the Superbike races at South Dakota yesterday.

Monday November 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Ross Taylor hits unbeaten 235 BBC Sport - Ross Taylor became the first New Zealander to hit a double century against Australia as the Kiwis fought back in the second Test at the Waca. Starting the third day on 140-2, the Black Caps were 419 runs behind after David Warner scored 253 for the hosts. Taylor almost matched the Aussie’s tally, hitting an unbeaten 235 as his side reached 510-6, 49 runs behind. Kane Williamson scored 166 - his fourth century this year - and shared a third-wicket partnership of 265 with Taylor. The pair took their side to 352 before Australia finally made a breakthrough, with Josh Hazlewood snaring Williamson, caught by Mitchell Johnson at mid-on. Following Williamson’s departure, Brendon McCullum contributed 27 runs to an 80-run partnership with Taylor before being

bowled by Mitchell Marsh. BJ Watling (one) and Doug Bracewell (12) also came and went as Australia responded in the evening session, but Taylor remained unmoved, passing his previous best Test score of 217 and reaching 5,000 Test runs in the process. Australia, who lead the three-match series 1-0, look set to be without batsman Usman Khawaja for the final Test in Adelaide after he injured a hamstring. Did Starc bowl the fastest Test delivery? Australian pace bowler Mitchell Starc’s fourth ball of his 21st over was clocked at 160.4kph by the host broadcaster, which is 99.67mph. It was a yorker from the left-arm paceman which was dug out by Taylor and would be the fastest measured in Test history if correct. However, New Zealand

batting coach Craig McMillan called into the question whether Starc’s delivery was as fast as it was shown to be on screen. “Maybe someone in the (TV) truck was having a bit of fun,” said McMillan. “It looked pretty similar to a lot of the other deliveries throughout the day that were closer to 150 than 160. I’m not sure whether maybe the wrong button was pushed or what. “I just wonder whether there was a technical problem down at the truck that maybe led to that.” The fastest ever delivery is believed to be one from exPakistan paceman Shoaib Akhtar in a one-day international against England in South Africa in 2003, which was measured at 161.3kph. Scores: New Zealand 6 for 510 (Taylor 235*, Williamson 166) trail Australia 9 for 559 by 49 runs.

Ross Taylor clips one through the leg side, Australia v New Zealand, 2nd Test, Perth, 3rd day, November 15, 2015. (Getty Images)

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Mercedes Formula One driver Nico Rosberg of Germany celebrates after winning the Brazilian F1 Grand Prix in Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 15, 2015. (Reuters/Nacho Doce) SAO PAULO (Reuters) Nico Rosberg won the Brazilian Formula One Grand Prix for the second year in a row yesterday and denied Mercedes team mate Lewis Hamilton a first success in the homeland of his late hero Ayrton Senna. Triple champion Hamilton, who has now failed in nine attempts to win in Brazil, finished 7.756 seconds behind for Mercedes’s 11th one-two in 18 races so far this season. Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel finished third for his 79th podium finish. “Yeah guys, awesome,” whooped Rosberg after controlling the race from pole to chequered flag. “It was a good challenge from Lewis but I was able to control the pace,” added the German, who refrained from too much exuberance on the podium out of respect for the victims of Friday’s Paris attacks. “We saw Lewis dropping off a lot with degradation and that confirmed it was important to take care of the tyres.” The victory in the season’s penultimate race was Rosberg’s fifth of the year, second in a row and 13th of his career, and secured the German second place in a championship already won by his British rival. “I had good pace, it’s just you can’t overtake here,” said Hamilton, who started on the front row alongside Rosberg but could

not find a way past his team mate into the opening corner or at the subsequent three pitstops. “I just killed my tyres. It’s such a great track but you can’t get close enough to race.” The Briton, who clinched his third championship in Texas last month, had looked determined to take the fight to Rosberg but the harder he tried, the more he suffered from tire degradation. Hamilton still set the fastest lap as a consolation. Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen finished fourth with compatriot Valtteri Bottas fifth for Williams and securing that team’s third place overall for the second year in a row. Force India’s Nico Hulkenberg was sixth with Red Bull’s Russian Daniil Kvyat seventh and Brazilian Felipe Massa eighth for Williams, although he was summoned to stewards for irregular tyre pressures. Frence’s Romain Grosjean was ninth for Lotus while Max Verstappen took the final point for Toro Rosso after some standout overtaking moves by the 18-year-old Dutch rookie. Verstappen’s team mate Carlos Sainz started from the pitlane after his car broke down on the way to the grid and he then retired on the opening lap of a race without major incident.

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Kaieteur News

Monday November 16, 2015

Simon Pures on show as Pocket Rocket Countrywide Wolf Memorial Softball Cricket tournament to start mid month launches Linden Boxing card

Some of the boxers out of the Pocket Rocket Boxing Gym that will be on show. Coach of the Pocket Rocket Boxing Gym (PRBG), Orland Rogers remains committed to the development of his charges and the gym, once located in New Amsterdam, Berbice, has since been re-sited to Linden. Despite this, Rogers’ love for the sport and his desire to effect positive changes in the life of his charges are the factors that prompted him to plan a night of fistic fury at the New Silver City Hardcourt, Wismar on Saturday December 12. The tournament has received plaudits from the Guyana Police Force and Commander of E Division, Senior Superintendent, Calvin Brutus, affirmed the support of his entity. He further said that the event will encompass a part of the outreach programme of his jurisdiction. Meanwhile, Rogers said that fighters from his gym will match gloves with those from the Harpy Eagles, Forgotten Youth Foundation and the Rose Hall Jammers Boxing Gyms. He

said that he has carefully selected the pugilists in order to have several action packed affairs. The boxers out of the PRBG are Omar Pollard (97kgs), Travis Daniels (80kgs), Joel Allicock (112lbs), Rondel Bagot (jnr), who will weigh in at 50lbs, Herman Whyte (95lbs) and female boxers, Akea Lamazon (121lbs) and Rodessa Bagot (97lbs). The Guyana Police Force will donate the medals for the winners and losers and also provide snacks and bottled water for the contestants, while several other individuals and businesses will offer other support including Junior Stephens, owner of ‘Fresh from the Heart,’ a greens and vegetables stall in the Wismar Market. Chris Auto Spares will donate the trophy for the best boxer. The admission to the venue is $200 and the organizers said that this will assist in transporting the ring and other miscellaneous pertaining to the promotion of the event.

Some $200,000 worth in prizes are up for grabs when the Guyana Softball League administrated Wolf Memorial Softball cricket tournament begins on the Sunday 29th November. The event which will see Teams contest in Masters and Open category will be played on a round robin basis. The tournament is in memory of Imaam Hussain who is the father of Imran Hussain proprietor of Wolf’s Furniture store. The tournament will be played with the “big ball” that can be bought from the Trophy Stall in Bourda Market. The balls will also be at the grounds and at Wolf ’s Furniture Store for the West Coast teams. The winner of the tournament will receive

$100,000 plus a trophy, runners up $50,000 plus trophy and the MVP of the tournament one suite compliments of Wolf ’s Furniture Store. The tournament organizers are the Guyana Softball League and they will be hoping to have approximately 30 teams in the Open category. The Masters category will consist of players over the age of 40 and 23 teams are expected to participate. Most area boards have been informed of the competition and are expected to galvanize teams in their area in order to have the maximum participation. The rules and playing conditions of the tournament can be uplifted from all reps and any team wishing to participate can contact the

following persons :WEST COAST Leonard Harprashad – 646-0568/2682458; EAST BANK – Shafeek Mohamed -657-2300/2654720; East Coast – Nadir Baskh 222-3605 (After 5.30pm) ;Bashir Khan – 6090161; Essequibo -Ragubar612-3973; Upper Corentyne – James Hart- 628-2391/3353111; Lower Corentyne – Omeshwar Sirikishun- 3321127/627-5788; W.C.B- Alston Barrington – 628-8291; Georgetown(contact Leonard Harprashad – 646-0568; New Amsterdam – Pinkey Arthur- 615-2493; Linden – Mortimer Denny – 442-1562/ 639-0057. Any team not making contact with any representative can contact GSL direct on tel number 2682458.

Ronda Rousey Taken to Hospital Following Brutal UFC 193 Knockout Loss

David Okeyo investigated by IAAF over Nike sponsorship deal David Okeyo was picked to join the IAAF council in August. (Getty Iamges)

BBC Sport - IAAF member David Okeyo has been referred to the organisation’s ethics commission after being investigated by police in his native Kenya. Okeyo, vice-president of Athletics Kenya, is alleged to have siphoned off funds from a sponsorship deal between the national association and American sportswear firm Nike.

He denies any wrongdoing. The news adds to problems for athletics’ world governing body, after a week of doping and bribery scandals. The IAAF provisionally suspended Russia from athletics on Friday after an independent World AntiDoping Agency report alleged the country had been involved in state-sponsored

doping. Former IAAF president Lamine Diack, his son Papa Massata, advisor Habib Cisse and the former antidoping chief Gabriel Dolle are also being investigated by French police over allegations they were complicit in covering up Russian doping - allegations they deny. A IAAF statement read: “The IAAF was not aware of the investigation into Mr Okeyo in Kenya and the information has immediately been passed on to the independent IAAF ethics commission.” A spokesman for Nike told the Sunday Times the firm had acted with “integrity” in its dealings with Athletics Kenya and that the understanding of the AK sponsorship deal was that the funds would be “used to support and service the teams and athletes”. The spokesman added that Nike was co-operating with the local authorities in their investigation.

Ronda Rousey of the United States (right) and Holly Holm of the United States compete in their UFC women’s bantamweight championship bout during the UFC 193 event at Etihad Stadium on November 15, 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Quinn Rooney/Getty Images) Yahoo Sports - Ronda Rousey was taken to the hospital following her loss to Holly Holm at UFC 193, according to Dana White. The UFC president spoke with FOX Sports shortly after Holm’s upset of Rousey and explained that the now-former champion had to be stitched up after getting knocked out in Australia. “Yeah, she went to the hospital,” White said. “Her lip is split, and they’re going to have to sew her lip and put some stitches in it.” Rousey was outworked on the feet in the UFC 193 main event, eating far more

strikes from her opponent than she could dish out in return. Typically dominant against the UFC’s female bantamweight division, Rousey looked overmatched when Holm, a former professional boxing champion, picked her apart for the entirety of the neartwo-round fight. After being dazed by a left hand, Rousey dropped to the floor and worked her way back to the feet. It was then, however, that Holm threw the head kick that began the ending sequence to the fight, sending Rousey crashing to the floor. A new champion

was crowned after Holm finished the fight with strikes on the ground. Rousey, in a daze, lay on the floor, leaving the world in shock because she was on the receiving end of one of the UFC’s biggest upsets. White, too, was visibly in disbelief when the fight’s dust settled. The UFC boss explained that even though Rousey suffered the knockout, and that he was initially concerned she may have suffered a more severe injury, there were no serious issues that prompted the trip to the hospital. “As far as I know, she’s good,” he said.

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