






Offshore Energy -
ExxonMobil Guyana, a subsidiary of America’s oil majorExxonMobil,isgoing in hot pursuit of more
hydrocarbons in the StabroekBlockoffthecoast of Guyana, thanks to ongoing drilling operations, which are being carried out with drillships owned by Noble Corporation, a U.S.headquartered offshore drillinggiant.
Following the first oil discovery in Guyana’s Stabroek Block in 2015, ExxonMobil has found over 30 major discoveries, encompassing recoverable resources of more than 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe). The firm recently handed out more work to four drillships operating in Guyana under the commercial enabling agreement (CEA) with Noble.
As a result, the Noble Tom Madden, Noble Sam Croft, Noble Don Taylor, and Noble Bob Douglas secured 4.8 additional rig years of backlog in Guyana, assigned evenly across the
fourmobileoffshoredrilling units (MODUs), extending each rig’s contract duration from June 2027 to August 2028.
Three of these drillships arecurrentlyhardatworkon Guyana’s Stabroek Block, based on the data the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) provided The drilling operations at the LIZ_4i9 wellsitewithintheStabroek Block
Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) began on October 23 and will conclude by November30.
Theseactivitiesarebeing conducted with the Noble Bob Douglas rig with assistance from multipurpose subsea vessels des
construction and equipment installation, IRM and ROV services, such as Havila’s Havila Ph
enix, CInnovation’s C-Installer, DOF’s Skandi Constructor, and Maersk Nomad. The w
ly 102 6 nautical miles or 190 2
kilometers off the coast of Guyana, covers an area of 0.29squarenauticalmilesor 1squarekilometer
F u r t h e r m o r e , ExxonMobil continues drilling operations at the WT_2i04wellsitewithinthe Stabroek Block with the Noble Don Taylor drillship, whichisduetoconcludethis task on November 30. The rig’sactivitiesarealsobeing supported by multiple offshore vessels. The well site is located around 110 nautical miles or 203 9 kilometers offshore Guyana and covers an area of 0.29 square nautical miles or 1 squarekilometer
In addition, the U.S.basedenergygiantisdrilling at the UA_3i11 well site within the Stabroek Block with the Noble Sam Croft drillship.Theseactivitiesare scheduled to end on December31,2024,andalso entail assistance from offshore vessels. The well site lies around 105 23 nautical miles or 194 86 kilometers off the coast of Guyana and covers an area of0.29squarenauticalmiles or1squarekilometer
One of the Noble drillships working for Exxon offshore Guyana
Kaieteur News had reported that earlier this year, Liam Mallon, ExxonMobil Upstream President disclosed that EMGL is operating six drill rigs in the Stabroek Block daily costing an average of US$420,000 (GYD$84 million) to US$500,000 (GYD$100M) per day for each ship, based on current market-rate.
Notably, Noble had explained that market-based day rates are reset twice per year (March 1, and September 1) to the projected market rate at that time.
A two-month-old baby was admitted to theGeorgetownPublicHospitalCorporation (GPHC)onSaturdayaftersustaininginjuries fromatwo-vehiclecrashthatoccurredatthe intersectionofSouthRoadandAlbertStreet, Georgetown.
The collision resulted in both vehicles being damaged and the two passengers in Chase’s vehicle were injured. The injured persons were transported to GPHC where they were treated by a doctor The twomonth-old baby was admitted for further treatment.
Theinfant’sconditionwaslistedasstable. Meanwhile, CCTV footage is being reviewedasinvestigationsareongoing.
KaieteurNewsunderstandsthatmotorcar bearing registration number HD 2152 was being driven by Daniel Chase at the time of the accident. Chelsea Solomon and the twomonth-old baby were passengers in the vehicle while motorcar bearing PAF 7775 was driven by Christopher Jaundoo. Sharon Huntewasthelonepassengerinthatvehicle. InformationreceivedsuggeststhatChase washeadedEastonSouthRoadatafastrate while motor HD 2152 was headed South on AlbertStreet.ReportsarethatChasefailedto stop at the intersection and crashed into the vehicleJaundoowasdriving.
Vice President (VP), Bharrat Jagdeo
ABrazilianmanreportedlydiedafterafueltruckfelloff the Maushparu Bridge along the Lethem trail on Saturday afternoon.ThedeceasedwasidentifiedasVenacioLima.
Detailsaresketchysurroundingtheincidentbutaccording toavideoseenbythismedia,thetrucktoppledwhilecrossing thebridgeandendedupinwhatappearstobeariver
It is believed that the driver was pinned and probably drownedbecausethedriver’scabinwassubmerged.
In the video persons were seen trying to pull the driver fromthesubmergedfueltruck.Basedonthecommentary,the manmayhavebeenstuckaspersonswereadvisingthatarope beusedtofreehimfromthetruck.
The government of Guyanaintendstoamendthe Income Tax Act to address tax evasion tactics by oil companies. Kaieteur News
understands that oil companies have been rotatingforeignworkersina bidtoevadetaxobligations.
Vice President Bharrat
Wednesday at his weekly press conference held at the Freedom House, Robb Street,Georgetown.
At the press conference,
Jagdeo was asked for an updateontheamendmentsto the Local Content Act of 2021. Since the law was enacted, several loopholes were observed and concerns raised. The government has since promised that the amendments will be made and according to Jagdeo, “it will happen probably next year.”
The Vice President said too,“I’veseenevidencethat is available to the local content Secretariat, where they have a long list of
workers who are rotating workers, and a lot of them areinmanagement.”
Hesaidthisisameansof taxevasion.
Jagdeosaidaccordingto Guyana’sIncomeTaxAct,a foreigner working in Guyana has to be resident for six months before they are required to pay income tax
“So, they’re bringing in rotatingworkers,longlistof them, foreigners They’re getting work permits for them,andwebelievethey’re
doing it for two purposes, one, to bypass the Income Tax Act. So, they’re rotating them in for six months and then sending them off So, they’re bypassing the taxation of those individuals, their eligibility for taxation,” Jagdeosaid.
The Vice President further indicated that the government is working with
Authority (GRA) to draft legislation to close this loophole.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Guyanese must have a referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil oil contract. They must have it now, before the national elections. By agreeing to hold a referendum on renegotiation, the PPPC Government manifests its willingness to listen to where Guyanese stand withtheirgreatoilbonanza.
Thanks to an incompetent APNU+AFC government, the contract terms foisted upon Guyana by ExxonMobil havegeneratedmuchdisagreementamongcitizens.
Thoughunknownastohowmany,Guyanesehavesome position on whether the ExxonMobil contract should be renegotiated or stay untouched. We at this paper are firm: Guyanese must be given the opportunity to express their position, which binds whoever triumphs in next year’s elections. Theywillbeforcedtocomplywiththewishesof the voting public. It is time to stop the disputes about who committedtowhat(orsaytheydidn’t),theissueofsanctity andnationalreputation,andwhatisfairtobothGuyanaand ExxonMobil.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has come out against a referendum. It would complicate matters because as Guyanese know elections are a difficult time. A referendum would add to the confusions and controversies that are now normal aspect during elections. Though we disagree that a referendum would make elections complicated, it doesn’t have to be tied to the elections. A referendum all by itself, and reduced to the simplest footing, a straight “Yes” or “No” question about renegotiation is worth the exercise. The results should decrease present uncertainties, and could ease the nonstop bickeringsurroundingrenegotiation.
We believe that the PPPC Government could be doing itself a favour with a standalone referendum. There is mostly negative reaction (‘No’ to renegotiation), and it is clear sailing for the government and oil czar, Jagdeo. Neither he nor the president nor the government would have to deal with questions about renegotiation of the oil contract going forward. Because the referendum result would have settled that issue for the foreseeable future, if notaslongastheStabroekBlockhasoil.
The great amounts of negative energy and leadership cleverness expended on the renegotiation issue would then be gone, and now be available for dealing with the many other oil management issues. It is surprising that a politicianandaleaderwiththeastutenessofVicePresident Jagdeocannotbringhimselftocometothatplace,agreetoa referendum. Though standing against a referendum (complicatesmatters),hehadhisreadyPlanB.
The cabinet would have to discuss the issue, decide what the best course of action is. Unfortunately, Jagdeo couldn’t help himself, given his ongoing conclusion that Guyanesearefools. Hisassertionthatthecabinetwouldbe the decisionmaker on whether there is a referendum or not falls flat, is laughable. For Jagdeo is the woodwork, the glue, and the varnish that holds the PPPC Cabinet where it is. The decider on a referendum is himself, and he alone. But in seeking to hide behind the Cabinet on whether there shouldbeareferendum,Jagdeohasgiventhenationitsfirst clueonhowmuchhefearssuchadevelopment.
ItisclearthatthismostcunningofGuyanesepoliticians flinched when a referendum on renegotiation of the ExxonMobil contract surfaced. He saw the end before the referendumevencametolife. Itposesaveryseriousthreat to his management of the oil sector, his stranglehold on power If Jagdeo has his way, he would not have one, and he would never agree to a referendum. It invites too much terroronhishead,couldrupturehisalltoocozyrelationship with the leaders of the American oil giant. He knows that most Guyanese know one thing about this oil wealth of theirs: they are not benefiting from it as they should, and nowhere as much as they had anticipated. ExxonMobil reaps most of the rich benefits, while Guyanese live like servants,anditismostlybecauseofthoselopsidedcontract
DEAREDITOR, Will the President step in meet. They will also be able to be held accountable and
The rejection and silence and ensure that our citizens to afford the necessities to the judiciary must act on the proposed referendum will gain a comfortable take care of themselves and a c c o r d i n g l y T h e to vote on changing the PSA existence by getting a fair theirfamilies. unwillingness shown to date with Exxon is confirmation share of the income earned The government has its
of the lack of concern for our fromtheirresources? purpose, but the level of democracy and our electoral citizens’purse. Or will those who have corruption is beyond control system leaves much to be
Whose will is Parliament fallen from grace continue to asseeninrecentevents. desired. carryingout? exerciseundueinfluenceand This has made it urgent Only our citizens can
That of the people or that control over the will of that we as a people insist on change the current path of oftheirown?Itwouldappear others? taking control of our ourcountry that the population of our The strong must show allotment of earnings from Stand up and demand nation is now being their strength and the will of ournaturalresources. justice and the right to a subjected to the personal the people must be sought If not, the few will comfortable existence, or desire
e d a n d continue to flourish and the remain in the servitude of Government. embraced many will remain dependent those who embrace the
Thequestioniswhy?The Withtheestablishmentof on trickledown economics co
power of the vote remains, monthly income from the that trickles to a drop in the exploitationbyforeigners. but it has been taken for NRF our citizens will not currentcorruptsystem. With utmost concern, granted. needtostruggletomakeends The political class needs Mr. Jamil Changlee
DEAREDITOR, Guyanese spoke Bhojpuri, a main celebration It is millionsdeyas. Guyanese celebrated vernacular of Hindi, which celebrated similarly I was previously at the Diwali at home and in the itself is rooted in Sanskrit, everywhere with lighting of Diwali celebration in 2017 diasporalastThursdayandor among the oldest spoken and deyasandelectroniclights. when some 200,000 deyas Friday written languages, and also a In India, Diwali is were lit; the numbers kept Several Guyanese also language of computers celebrated similarly as in going up ev
celebrated the festival in Sanskrit is a language of Guyanaandotherpartsofthe thereafter various parts of India, the specificity; each word has Hindu Caribbean and North A new mandir has been ancestral home of the Diwali only one meaning – which is America.All over India, as I constructed in the city to festivities. also how computers travelled around observing Lord Rama with a cost of
Visiting Guyanese function. the urban and rural areas, some US$235 million, all celebrated in Delhi, Jaipur, AyodhyaistiedtoDiwali people lit deyas in front of donations.Itisamagnificent Benaras, and Ayodhya. A because history has it that t h e r e s i d e n c e s a n d structure whose work is group of almost five dozens when Lord Rama returned businesses. ongoing. Guyanese on tour in India from exile after fourteen Businesses, including The Guyanese touring celebrated the festival in years, the people of the city banks and government group that included popular AyodhyaandinJaipur lit diyas to welcome their offices, lit deyas in front of singers Terry Gajraj and
This writer celebrated kingandhisconsortGoddess their buildings. These were Lake Persaud visited Diwali in Ayodhya and in Sita. Diwali is a national augmented with electronic Ayodhyaandthenproceeded Delhi. It was a magnificent holiday lights. to also observe Diwali in festival with streets, Because the dark moon The place was brilliantly Mathura (where Lord buildings, and temples fell on two days this year in illuminated with the kind of K r i s h n a m a d e h i s brilliantly illuminated with the month of November, the lights never observed appearance) and Jaipur. electronic lights below festival was observed on two anywhereelse. Radio personality Jaskaran which are earthen deyas days not only in India but in Also, there were very Persaud also celebrated similar to celebrations in America and in several other elaborate and colourful Diwali in the holi cities of G u y a n a a n d a m o n g countries. rangolis (designs made from Haridwar, Rishkesh, and Guyanese Hindus in the It is one of the major powder, colourful rice or Ayodhya culminating in a diaspora especially in New festivals of Hindus and a some other materials, celebration in Delhi on YorkandpartsofFlorida. holiday in over a dozen drawings, etc ) at the Friday Diwali is linked to countries. entrance of their home and TheAyodhya celebration Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Though not a national on the spot where they was called the grand Rama who made his holiday, it is s celebrated in conducted Pooja and or on “Deepotsav”, the biggest appearance on earth in the places where large numbers the roads and or near Diwali celebration ever in city of Ayodhya, one of the of Hindus are found mandirs. the town. It lit up like never holiest cities in India including the UK, Ireland, I was very fortunate to before.The 2017 celebration Several Guyanese trace their Australia, New Zealand, celebrate pre-Diwali was not even close to this roots to Ayodhya and Holland, US, Canada, South (including Chota Diwali or year’s. It was a magnificent neighbouringareas. Africa, Paris, and Germany, the night before the big one) spectacle in the evening. I visitedAyodhya at least among others. The official onthebanksoftheholySirju Before the evening lights a dozen times and conducted holiday in India was on River in Ayodhya (where camealive,therewasagrand fieldresearchintheholycity, Thursday in India, but many Lord Rama ruled) starting parade of skits (on floats) the first time inAugust 1985 businesses also observed the theTuesday recreating scenes from the asavisitingscholar festivalonFriday On Wednesday evening, Ramayana.
Ayodhya is a Bhojpuri, At any rate, Diwali, I joined other volunteers to It was awe inspiring with Hindi, and Sanskrit speaking according to the scripture, is help light some 2.5 million the lighting and the district. a five day festival – two days deyas, a Guiness Book of fireworks a spectacle to M o s t i n d e n t u r e d before and two days after the WorldRecord. behold.
Therefore, it is highly probable that a referendum on renegotiation would be overwhelmingly “Yes.” Guyanese must test this, know this for themselves. A “Yes” result would demand their government bring ExxonMobil to the renegotiation table for better terms, distinctively better contracttermsandconditions.
The banks of the river Those Guyanese who cametolifewithbrilliantlyit observed the celebrations in flames. Ayodhya, Jaipur, Delhi, and Hundreds of thousands elsewhere in the land of their of people descended on the ancestors said it was an citytovisitthenewlyopened unforgettableexp/erience. Lord Rama Mandir and to Yours truly, observe the lighted 2.5 Vishnu Bisram
DEAREDITOR, referendum on the issue and o p p r e s s i o n a g a i n s t 2014)?
are the most notable ConstitutionalLaw,2023). A referendum is a suggestions that the minorities (‘Constitutional ‘In binding referendums examples, and this in turn There are two common majoritarian instrument that referendum should be Design for Divided on constitutional issues, may reflect challenges of types of referendums: is generally unsuitable for conducted at the same time Societies,’ Journal of referendums cannot protecting minorities, mandatory and optional. A use in ethnically divided as the forthcoming 2025 D e m o c r a c y, 2 0 0 4 ) establish the equality languages, and cultures mandatory referendum societies such as Guyana. national elections. Here, the ‘Supposethatanopportunity majoritarianism requires These considerations of usually deals with important Recently, a Ram & McRae proposed plebiscite on the arises for Israelis and without supermajority weight are driven by the idea matters defined in the survey showed that four out Exxon contract is a topical Palestinians to reach a requirements.’ Importantly, that even formal equality is constitution or other laws of five (83.2%) Guyanese sidebar:themainreasonIam settlement in their decades- ‘There are all kinds of good not self-sustaining Without such as article 164 of want more than the current tackling this issue is because old conflicts. Would holding representational reasons that these kinds of interventions, Guyana’s Constitution that 2% royalties provided in the the notions of constitutional areferendumbeusefulinthe democracies weigh different minorities of different relates to its alteration country’s contract with reforms and referendums are
votes differently They do
Exxon and 79.4% of them closelyassociated. (‘Negotiatedsettlementsand thiswhenbalancingdifferent religious, or linguistic, for referendums, such as the want changes to the existing Arend L
kinds of representation. The example—do not have an present one being requested tax arrangements. There is suggested that referendums EuropeanJournalofPolitical influence of representation equal, basic opportunity to todealwiththecontroversial also talk about having a mightserveasinstrumentsof Research, Volume 53, bypopulationandgeography participateindemocraciesor Exxon contract, may be protecttheirrights.Thereare initiated by the executive, often good reaso
DEAREDITOR, has the following: Calories- of Agriculture, Zulfikar get the work done. Then in Shrimp farming is really 99;Fat-0.3grams;Carbs-0.2 Mustapha, who had a terms of making the venture ‘catchingon’inGuyana,and grams; Cholesterol-189 profitable face time with wholesome, farmers are I am very happy with this. It milligrams; Sodium-111 some of the shrimp farmers being urged to ensure that is not rocket science, and milligrams; Protein-24 in the region, “prior to the the cost of a bucket of their Guyana has the personnel grams, and I add other government’s intervention, shrimp remain at an andambienceforit,andIsay vitamins and minerals such brackish water shrimp was affordable price, so that ‘let it continue to gather as Phosphorus, Copper, being produced 9,833 kg per consumers can afford to momentum,’ more so, that Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, month.However,production purchasetheshrimp. the People’s Progressive Potassium, Iron and from January to September In 2023, Guyana earned Party/Civic Government is Manganese. h a s r e a c h e d a n approximately $1.8 billion really ‘pumping’ a lot into Going back to 2020, unprecedented 98,159 kg, a from the production of this area of aqua culture. As when the brackish water record never seen before.” brackishwatershrimpdueto we know, shrimp production shrimp initiative was Specifically, before the the government’s heavy isquiteprofitable,withsome promoted by President Ali, government’s intervention, focus on increased food estimates suggesting a Guyana has come a far way, shrimp farmers were production and economic minimum profit of 30% for with numerous brackish producing approximately growth. farmers.
water shrimp farms, 9,000 kilograms monthly
This represents a 49 Shrimping aquaculture, resulting from continued Farmers are now producing percent increase when in fact, is a major source of investments made over the approximately 98,000 compared to the 548,900 livelihood in countries with pastfewyears. kilogramsmonthly kilograms produced over the large coastal areas, and In fact, since regaining This kind of yield, as I sameperiodin2022.Iexpect Guyanafitsthismilieu. governance, the PPP/C intimated, resulted from a by the end of the year, both So, it is very heart- Administration has been government-led plan,
yields and profits will get warming, learning that accommodating and incorporating specialised extremelyhigh. “Shrimp production (is promoting the growth of machines that are being Yours truly, reaching) levels ‘never aquaculture in Region Six, rotatedamongthefarmersto Hargesh B. Singh recorded before’ in Guyana, increasing the overall and this rise hopefully will number of shrimp ponds continue Outside of the from 40 to 150, and monetary gain, shrimp ultimately tripling shrimp nutrition is something to production,earningatotalof behold, as on the average, $1.8Bin2023. 100 grams of cooked shrimp As noted by the Minister
, legislature,civilsociety,etc., particularly in deeply
divided societies, to require government and may or may majorities of multiple notbebinding. c
r Supporters argue that constitutional change. Such referendums help to counter
voter disenchantment with undermine equality, they t
support it. The purpose of democratic participation and specia
ority, or thus strengthen political supermajority, requirements legitimacy and democracy in such circumstances is to But this argument needs to ensure formal parity as take into consideration that between different political turnout at referendums is communities, even if those usually lower than at political communities are of national elections. It also different sizes ’ (Matt aids political stability and Qvortrup, Leah Trueblood, increaseslegitimacywhen International Journal of (Continued on page 6)
DEAREDITOR, timely intervention of the b i r t h p l a c e o f H i s and the presence of the VP,
Itissaid,“Astitchintime wary Commander himself, Excellency, the President of Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, which saves nine.” Leonora, being the President, or his Guyana, Dr Mohamed promptedthepresenceofthe prime realty and a promising observing Field Marshal, the Irfaaan Ali, his paternal Top COP to give the reality for township, is once Home Affairs Minister, or parent and grandparents, marching orders for noise againinaclosesightthrough their ever-alert Lieutenant, Leonora, technically, is the
the telescope, under the lens theCommissionerofPolice? component of Pasture, the
of a microscope for Maybe, the salient voice of New Housing Scheme, ingredientfordirectionanda transparency, under the the Attorney General in the Parafield, Seafield and curfewfortimetoturninbed spotlight for clarity and background, translated an Seaspray But reference is is required for a good night’s under the scalpel to bisect execution of justice! also made not to deliberately rest. and dissect the insinuations, Perhaps, the synchrony of exclude Groundveldt and We do need an equitable intimations and innuendos musicians, provided music Shantytown as extensions of and compassionate society for the implications from a in harmony Many hands do a united village to represent Then again, the President’s post mortem. The likes and makelightwork. one community for all the visitation to Leonora’s dislikes from the exposed The sauce for the Goose residents Regardless of Deepavali Mahotsav on popularity (unnecessary?), should be good for the location, do not attempt to Monday, necessitated the were calls proven to be too Gander This week, the distinguish or isolate its
close for comfort which village of Leonora on the identity as a separate entity
irritated many but also West Side has made the Each villager, East, West environment for him to light influencedmost.Thisvillage national news for several North or South, stands tall in theDiya. was riding on the edge of a reasonsduetothesignificant staking the claim that the The community could precipice to be nicknamed visits by three distinguished current President is from not have afforded another ‘Sodom and Gomorrah,’ but leading personalities their village, Leonora. What murder in the wee hours survived in the nick of time encompassing different goesforone,goesforall.On prior to him entering the and avoided the shame of responsibilities and on the other hand, COVID-19 village.Attheendoftheday,
disgrace Corrective separate occasions This didnotdiscriminate. whenGoodovercameEvil,it measures went into action in removed doubt and Was it the assembly of was the Commissioner of order to alleviate the negativity after a passionate youths on Sunday to house Police who presented residents who were patience for help was the PYO’s Conference at himselfastheinstrumental suffering. Was it through the summoned. Holistically, the Leonora’s Track and Field (Continued on page 15)
From page 5 concretisingwhatisformal. consequential constitutional That is, making policy andotherchangesareratified based upon what Guyana is by referendums. Further, not–amalleablemultiethnic mandatory referendums can state - rather than upon what provide a broad consensus it is - a quarrelsome ethnic that negotiators may be able bicommunal society in to use to reach solutions on which ethnic political highlycontroversialissues. support is prioritised - with
On the other hand, it is the expectation that the suggested that referendums outcomes will be like those weaken representative of the more pliable states.As democracy by undermining such, one could personally the role and importance of support seeking changes in elected representatives, are the Exxon contract but most means by which some likely not back such an electedrepresentativesavoid approachif one is advised by taking unpopular positions one’s ethnic party that it is andinducevoterstomakeill- likely to jeopardize its informed decisions based on possibility of winning and/or p a r t i a l k n o w l e d g e , holdinggovernment.Inother particularly where complex words, in Guyana a issues such as constitutional referendum that is not change, international affairs, supported by both parties etcareconcerned. will not induce a meaningful
Note too that, as with public opinion around this, if Guyana’s 1980 Constitution any,seriouspoliticalissue. and the presidential Secondly,whileitmaybe commissions the PPP has moreeconomicaltocombine been organising, if the referendums with national government has the power to elections, the prudence of d e t e r m i n e w h e n doing so depends on the referendums are held, they national situation. In normal canbeusedasapoliticaltool circumstances, national to suit the needs of the electionsareintendedtohold governing party rather than governmentsaccountablefor theinterestsofdemocracy their performance during
To mitigate the effects of theirperiodinoffice,and,for majoritarianism, states use example, to combine that different approaches For w i t h s u p p o r t f o r example, Australia has a improvements in the Exxon doublemajority: mostofthe contractcanbeconfusing. States and most of the I n d e e d , a electors voting must approve malfunctioning government theproposedlaw might well be tempted to
In Italy the proposal will frame its response to the be approved if a majority of referendum to detract from those eligible to have itsnon-performance participated in the voting, Thirdly,thecontroversial and if it has received a historical nature of national majority of valid votes elections in Guyana would Montenegro provides for a suggest that the usual supermajority: for the corrosive environment referendum to be declared created by them is most validated, turnout must, be likely to spill over to the over 50% of those on referendum issue, and this electoral lists and must be should be avoided if, approved by at least 55% of notwithstanding my voters. contention above, a united
InrelationtoGuyanaand public opinion is the the Exxon contract, even if objectiveofthereferendum. its sample size is questioned, However, organising a very few persons associated referendum would be a with Guyana will doubt the simple matter if political general results of the Ram & consensus is reached on the McRae survey that most question to put to the vote Guyanese will support andthePPPandAPNUagree renegotiations of the Exxon tosupporttheresult. deal. It may not have gone to a A referendum can only referendum, but substantial have been proposed because consensus was reached the political elite is reluctant around the changes made in to engage Exxon and there is the 2000 Constitutional a belief that a referendum reformprocess. will pressure it and the Butthe2000reformsalso government into such a beg the question that if the negotiation. political behemoths agree,
However, this belief is what is the point of a fundamentally flawed and referendum? results from the common
Sincerely, practice in Guyana of Dr Henry Jeffrey
The Alliance for ChangeonFriday called out the Government of Guyana for its treatment of the dire situation at the Guyana
Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), saying that
merely changing the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will not fix theproblems.
TheGuyanaAgricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) raised concerns about the (GuySuCo) not meeting its production target. Former Leader of the Alliance for Change Khemraj Ramjattan saidthat“Thesugarindustry suffers fundamental problems, which cannot be solved by replacing CEOs, or fooling Guyanese with expectations of the hollowestorder.”
Going into some statistics he told reporters that out of the 37,000 tons target for the first crop of 2024 (GuySuCo) managed to produce only 6,738 tons and for the second crop so far, they have managed to produce 25,000 tons of the 63,000 tons, with two months remaining to concludeit.
“All the chatter which came from former PPP appointed CEO Sasenarine
Singh early this year that (GuySuCo) will realise increased sugar production in 2024, by expansion of acreage, retooling and mechanization was just poppycock and propaganda. When the PPP realised that Sasehasfooledthem,itsent Sase Singh off to Brussels and then brought one of its loyalistactivistsMr Cheong
as the replacement, ” Ramjattanlamented.
He highlighted that the loans taken to facilitate the project,whichhedeemedas “probably the worst investment ever since independence” is saddling thebacksofGuyanesewitha minimum repayment of US $3.8Mperyear.
“This burden would run at a minimum until 2033. Additionally, subventions to (GuySuCo) from the PPP government this year alone stands at $9.2 B. Since the PPP’s coming to office in 2020anapproximatesumof $43B, have so far been imputed to that corporation. So, the sweet talk of improving the production is thus all hollow The intent was to create great expectations to the support base and to perpetuate massive misspending and corruptioninthesector,”the
Former Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan
Furthermore,herepeated the party’s position that “sugar has been dying since Guyana lost our preferential prices to the European marketwhentheWTOruled that the preferential prices violatedopenmarketrules.”
GAWU last said it was deeply concerned over the current trend of sugar production. As of October 26, 2024, the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) produced 24,711 tons of sugar, representing just 39 per cent of its 63,276 ton target. As much as 60 per cent of the cropping period
cannot be delinked from the management of its cultivation and agricultural operations According to GAWU, before the commencement of the crop, the Union drew GuySuCo’s attention to several important issues that requiredintervention.
“It appears that our concerns were brushed aside. Recently, we have expressed concern about the
question: What are the factor(s) which have inhibited production levels? The industry remains heavily reliant on manual
mechanised loading, a practice that is now decades old.”
has been exhausted, and the GAWU is apprehensive that the deficit cannot be closed in the remaining cropping weeks.
In a statement GAWU said from its perspective, “the industry’s sad situation
trajectory Itseemsthatthose charged with agricultural management in the industry have, for reason/s best known to themselves, chosen to turn a Nelson’s Eye.”
GAWU said given the conducive weather to m e c h
n i s e d s u g a r operations over the past few weeks,itispuzzledthatdaily production levels remained constrained “It begs the
According to the union, themajorchallengerevolves around the quality of canes being produced, noting that while the industry cane yieldshavebeenhigherthan anticipated, though well below their potential, the sucrose content remains depressed.
“We are conscious that the El Nino drought conditions would have had an impact. However, given the collective managerial experience in GuySuCo, better planning could have been advanced to mitigate someofthechallenges.”
A man caught thieving a fan from a supermarket on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) promised not to steal again.
In a viral cell phone recorded video thecapturedmansaid,“Itwasamistake and ah sorry and it would never happen again”.
Grilled about his actions and why he stolethefan,thethiefresponded,“Asee it and it look nice and is like duh is the mistake.”
With his hands bound behind his back,thethiefevenspokesomewordsof wisdom as he promised never to steal again.
“I would never thief a fan in ma life again or even try or attempt and I am sorry You boy don’t like violence, you boy don’t like doing stupidness because ofhowlifedoesgo,”themansaidadding thathetriestostaypositive.
“Sometime you is here, sometime youdoesjustdisappear,”hesaid.
Vice President Bharrat Rather than focusing on who be “sickening”. This serves Thus, one must consider someone’s life would be Jagdeo found himself at the was targeted, it is necessary to further cast a negative whether the intent behind “sickening” raises serious center of a controversy toscrutinizetheimplications shadow on the person Jagdeo’s words was to concerns. regarding the nature of his ofJagdeo’swords. Describing actions as demean. And one must also Jagdeo’s reliance on comments about a former To assess whether “sickening” carries a consider if what was said hearsayaddsanotherlayerto inmateofthePrisons.Jagdeo Jagdeo’s comments were judgmental tone that qualifies to be deemed as this discussion. By claiming has fervently denied any homophobic, we must first suggests these behaviours homophobic. that the information was allegations of homophobia, scrutinize the content of a r e a b
m o p h o b i a relayed to him from prison asserting that neither he nor what he said. Jagdeo unacceptable. encompasses a range of authorities, he distances his party endorses such described the individual as S
attitudes and actions that him
ct statements. sentiments. However, a the “reigning queen” of the comments can perpetuate perpetuate discrimination knowledge of the situation. Jagdeo should withdraw closer examination of the p
ng a harmful stereotypes The against individuals based on Hearsay, while permissible hiscommentsevenifhefeels remarks he made, their mocking or derogatory tone. term “queen,” in certain their sexual orientation or in certain legal contexts, is therewasnomaliciousintent context, and his motivations He then claimed that there contexts, can be used gender identity A statement often deemed unreliable. By in them It was wholly for making them raises was an attempt to smuggle a
basing his comments on unnecessary for Vice significant questions about wig and lipstick to this s o m
g i s s a i d considered homophobic if it unverified information, President Jagdeo to make the implications of his person These comments pejoratively, it implies a meets certain criteria that Jagdeo opens himself to those comments especially statements. carry with it a weight of critical or disparaging typically reflect prejudice, criticism regarding the given the high office he
Disclosingtheidentityof ridicule since the issue was attitude, often intended to discrimination, or hostility validity and intention behind holds. the individual to whom Vice not about smuggling but diminish the value or worth toward individuals based on hisstatements. His office carries an President Jagdeo was what was alleged to have ofthesubject. theirsexualorientation. Arelated question arises: inherent responsibility to referring is unnecessary been attempted to be For example, using a To judge homophobia why did Vice President model respect and civility in This will only divert smuggled. term pejoratively means accurately, context, intent, Jagdeo feel compelled to publicdiscourse. attention from the more More disturbing is that using it in a way that reflects and the statement’s impact share these comments at all? Such statements not only critical issue at hand: the Jagdeo prefaced his remarks contempt or disapproval, are essential considerations. This is why understanding reflect poorly on his problematic characterization – revealing what he knew rather than in a neutral or Even seemingly subtle the context in which they judgmentbutalsoundermine embedded in his statements. about the individual would positivelight. comments can reinforce were made can provide the dignity of the office he harmful beliefs or validate insightintohismotivations. occupies We need more discriminatory attitudes, and The assessment of thoughtful leadership in such cases, intent does not whether Vice President Considering Jagdeo’s long necessarily negate the effect. Jagdeo’s comments were political experience, he The specific wording and homophobic necessitates a needs to set an example of tone used are crucial in careful examination of the s u c h l e a d e r s h i p interpreting the statement’s language used, the intent Withdrawing the comments impact, but even casual behind it, and the context in would be a step in the right remarks can perpetuate whichitwasdelivered. direction. stigma.
Dem boys seh some people like a good anothertoinventstories‘boutdeloss.Better bedtime story, especially if it make dem feel dem start learning how to play fair an’ like a hero or victim. Election Day 2020 prepare fuh next time. You cyan’t go crying went smoothly No major complaints. Was fuh extra time in a cricket match after de last congratulationsonawell-executedelection. balldonebowl. But look what happen afterward. How Dem boys seh some of these sore losers people still dig up all kinda wild tales after gon stretch de truth like chewing gum, dem see the results. Dem say votes cast fuh hoping it big enough fuh people to believe. deadpeopleanddemwhomigrate.Now,that Butpeopledonefedup.Demwantprogress, is like saying a fish swim outta seawater an’ dem want development, not soap opera end up in a frying pan – impossible unless reruns about imaginary votes.You lose, you somebodydomagic! learn,youtryagain–unlessyoudetypewho
Dem foreign observers look pon all dis like tilting at windmills, dreaming up an’shake dem head. Dem seh, “We nah see reasons why de whole world against you. no ghosts casting no ballots, an’we sure nah Betterdemspendsometimestudyinghowto see nobody who migrate voting.” But wha win next time instead of recycling ole fairy dem care? Dem fellas who lose crying tales. “Fraud!Fraud!”whenalldemgottodoistek So here’s de truth, plain an’simple: Stop agoodhardlookindemirror trying to rewrite history, accept de ting, an’ You know, dem parties had polling getreadyfuhnexttime.Demboysseh,ifyou agents right there at every station, sharp like really care about de people, prove it – not by hawks, watching who coming and who shouting‘boutghostsan’shadows. going. Dem boys seh is one ting to lose an’ Talk half! Leff half
His characterization of (The views expressed in Jagdeo’s statements, I the former inmate as the this article are those of the believe when examined “reigning queen” and the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t closely, seem to lean toward framing of the narrative necessarily reflect the a negative characterization. around hearsay both raise opinions and beliefs of this The lack of respect inherent significant concerns about n e w s p a p
s in saying that discussing the implications of his affiliates.)
There is always this faint hope thatBhar-ratJagdeowilllearn No matter how remote, I hope for him, in him, that he will come to his senses. Asaleader Asaman. Asa citizen in this madhouse called Guyana. Whystrivetobethebest representation of what is vicious, what is malicious? In its previous vindictiveapplication,thestopping of State ads to SN and KN fell on rockyground. Notraction.
Moredigginginoftheheelsand resistingwhatwasinterpretedtobea test of professional character, a challenge of will In its earlier exercise, the yanking of State ads
madeJagdeolookworsethanheis and helped others (SN and KN) to bebetterthantheywere,eventhan they thought they were capable of, could deliver Experience has shown that the punitive has utility that lasts for a time only, and then makesmattersworsethantheywere
For someone who has been around the world, who may even fancy himself the king of Guyana’s world, it is regrettable that Mr Jagdeo could be so lacking in circumspection. I think he knows better, is a better man than he appears, whatever his political calculationspushhimtodo.
Over the years, Guyana has madesignificantstridesinachieving gender equality when compared to othercountriesglobally
Thisresultsfromimplementing and adhering to various plans of action,guidelines,andlawsamong otherformsofcharters Ithasseen women being equally involved in decision-making within various forums in the country such as cabinet, parliamentary, judicial sittingsandbusiness
According to Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) Dr Leslie Ramsammy, the country’s push for gender equality has reaped success in severalconsensusessuchastheUN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination (CEDAW’s) recently launched General Recommendation 40 (GR40), the BeijingPlatformofActionof1995 andtheGlobalGenderGapIndex.
In a recent letter, Dr RamsammypointedoutthatGR40 allows women to be involved in decision-making processes on the global,regional,andnationallevels while seeking parity CEDAW, adoptedin1979,isaninternational billofrightsforwomenthatdefines discrimination and sets national action agendas. It was ratified by Guyanain1980.
Additionally, while the Beijing Platform mandates a 30 per cent national participation by women, Guyana has managed to achieve thistoanextent Infact,Guyanaisa partofthesixCARICOMcountries that have had a woman head-ofstate The other countries include Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago,DominicaandHaiti
Guyana is also one of the countriesthathavemadeaconcerted efforttoachievetheBeijingPlatform targets for parliaments The 2001 constitutionmandates33percentof national and local government electionliststobewomen.Guyana’s parliament currently comprises
Backsomepeopleagainstawall andthesteelintheirbackbonegain strengthsthattheyneverknewthey had,thenstillmore.
IfBhar-ratJagdeodoesn’tknow that,thenhedoesn’tknowanything He should have learned that from Guyanesewhodon’ttaketookindly to bullies and their cheap intimidations. To resort to threats about rearranging the State ad allocationsisalowdowntrick,one unbecoming of a former head of state. The Mirror and the New Nation are sure to have their following.
president’s hand against the latter’sbestjudgment. Whatthen? Whatisnexttobeexpectedfroman increasingly shrill and strident Jagdeo? Who is in line to be targetedandhow?
about 40 per cent of women
Members of Parliament (Mps) It mustbenotedaswellthatpresently in CARICOM, only two countries have met the 30 per cent Beijing target for women MPs, these are GuyanaandTrinidadandTobago
Meanwhile, the 2024 Global Gender Gap Index (GGI), introducedbytheWorldEconomic Forum (WEF) in 2006, ranks 146 countriesbasedontheirprogressin economicopportunities,education, health, and political leadership Guyana was one of the 146 countries that met the eligibility standardsforbeingincluded.
Guyana’sGGIscoresimproved from 35th with a score of 765 per cent in 2024 to 53rd in 2021 with 728percent
The average (mean) score for the146countrieswas685percent, showing that Guyana was eight points above the global average Guyanaisalsoaheadoftheaverage score for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) which was 742 per cent in 2024, with Guyana 23 percentabovethisaverage
Thecountry’saveragescorefor economic participation and opportunity for women is 728 per centwitharankof47intheworld Furthermore, with an aggressive missionbyPresidentDr Mohamed Irfaan Ali to engage women and youth in agriculture, the country’s GGIscoreswilldrasticallychange
Last week, President Ali addressed the closing ceremony for the World Food Forum which washeldinRomethroughavideo messagewherehecommittedthat women will own 30 per cent of agri-businessesinthenearfurture.
Fifty per cent will also be ownedbybothwomenandyouths. Guyana is one of few countries in the LAC with a Women and Gender Equality Commission. In everysectorofthecountry,thereis women’s involvement such as construction, infrastructure, technology,andhealth.(DPI)
Butaretheythebestnewspaper forumstogiveGuyanese,thepeople paying for State ads, the best value for their shilling? Further, for the PPPGeneralSecretaryandnation’s chief policymaker to place KN alongside the Mirror and New Nation, political papers through andthrough,isalittlelowevenfor amanlikehim. Somehaveopined thatthevicepresidentisdesperate. That is because he has the fullest knowledge of the nightmares with hishandprintsalloverthem,which hehasheapedonGuyanese.
He is morbidly fearful of challengers to his hold over Guyanese, and his increasingly shakier perch in this country My concernisthatadesperatemanisa dangerousman. YankingStateads is the white-collar edition of a specialkindofviolence.
As many Guyanese know, Jagdeo’s legacy is one where his hands have considerable blood on them HethreatenstopullStateAds in his untiring efforts to force the
The Guyana Police Force is a state institution that is in a most distressed condition It is a place that could benefit from straightforward attention and actionbythevicepresident. Ifthe policymaker pretends not to know, thenheisinbadcompany Because the rest of Guyana knows, could sellhimanencyclopediaortwoon whatisgoingwrongthere.
It is one of the struggling national entities that could use his energies, his long years of accumulated administrative knowhow For emphasis, administrativeknowhow,notmore clever political shenanigans. The private sector has done well on its own, so its members would be better off doing without Dr Jagdeo’sprescriptiononhowtogo abouttheirbusiness.
Again,iftheywantthebestvalue for their ad dollars There is no question that private sector businesses and leaders may be heavilybeholdentoVicePresident Jagdeofordifferentreasons.
Nevertheless, they must have that little something in them that issues a warning Ceasing to send theiradstoKN(asthevicepresident has cajoled) would reflect poorly on their business skills, and their personal duty to doing the right thing. When powerful politicians are done talking and instigating,
there is still the ethical imperative, and living with oneself (and family).
There is a song with the title of “Walkinginthefootstepsofafool” thatappliesinthissituation Jagdeo isafarcryfrombeingafool,though he comes perilously close on occasion. ThreateningtopullState ads from KN is one such unwise instance. Beingpetty,petulant,and puerile are the rough judgments thatheattractsuponhimself.
I think that Bhar-rat Jagdeo needstotakeatimeout,givehimself room to take stock He is not in a goodplace Themoreherants,the morehestripshimselfnaked.
Themorethethreatens,themore some Guyanese laugh in his face He must find ways to partner with the independent media for a better Guyana. Of course, he must talk and then walk a straight line with thenation’soilwealth.
His troubles are self-inflicted, arisefromhiscommitmenttoapath that closely resembles Guyana’s racingcircuitinSouthDakota. Too many twists and turns and there is that curly goose neck, which so wonderfullyrepresentsOilJagdeo. Think again about those State ads, brotherBhar-rat. Findanotherway tobattleKN. Cleanly Frankly
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The Executive of the Guyana PressAssociation(GPA)onSunday presented its Audited Financial Statement 2023 at a General Members meeting held at the Theatre Guild in Kingston, Georgetown.
The financial audit was completedbycharteredaccounting firmVaughnBusinessSolutions.
The audit was among the commitments made by the Executive at the association’s
Annual General Meeting in 2022/2023.Thefinancialstatement waspresentedbyPresidentNazima Raghubir before GPA’s executive andmembers.
The GPA said that it will continueitsdistributionofhardand soft copies of the proposed amendments in the coming weeks duringanoutreachtoitsmembers.
“Itishopedthatmembersofthe media will use the opportunity to share their suggestions and thoughts on the proposed Amendments for inclusion,” the Associationsaid.
“That presentation saw the facilitationofquestionsandqueries on the statement and copies of the statement were distributed On Sunday also, members were presented with hard copies of the proposed amendments to the GPA constitution for consideration,” the GPA said in a statement issued Sundayevening.
Eleven houses that accommodate studentswhoattendtheKarasabaiSecondary School were destroyed on Sunday after a bout of heavy winds coupled with heavy rainfall wreaked havoc in the Region Nine village.
Reports from Region Nine’s Regional Executive Office (REO) are that a team has been dispatched to the area by the Regional Council(RDC) Theteam’sroleistoassessthe extent of the damages suffered by the residents
storm started around 16:30h and several children sustained minor injuries while scamperingforsafety
“A very strong wind came from all directions,” the resident recalled while addingthatzincroofs blewoff andconcrete wallswerebrokenintheprocess.
TheresidentsaidthatSunday’sstormwas thestrongestexperiencedinthevillage.
Residentsarecallingontheauthoritiesto provide assistance to rebuild the homes that accommodate the students who come from far-flungcommunities.
The aftermath of the storm at Karasabai, Region Nine (Region 9’s Regional Executive Office)
In its fourth annual honorary degree
conferral, the University of Guyana (UG) has revealed its 2024 roster of exemplary Guyanese in science, business, arts, and education who will receive honorary doctorates at this year’sconvocation.
The awards, to be presented during the 58th Convocation from November7to16,recognize notable alumni and leaders acrossdiversefields.Among the honorees are Sir Ronald Ramjattan, founder of Barron Foods and an alumnus of UG’s Faculty of Natural Sciences; Dr Narendra Chetram Singh, a Toronto-based surgeon and medical innovator; Hansib Publishing founder Mr.Arif Ali; and linguistics and language expert Prof. Ian Robertson.
Other recipients include
e n t r e p r e n e u r a n d philanthropist Victor ComptonInsanally;shipping industry leader Christopher Fernandes; finance and management expert Ralph Bazilio;childrightsadvocate Ann Greene; historian and consumer advocate Patrick Parbhu Dial; celebrated musician and culturalist Eze Rockcliffe; and cultural icon PaulineThomas, also known as“AuntieComesee” Moreover, the university explained that the selection for the honorary doctorates is made over a year-long process Nominations for honorary doctorates are made through an academic division within the universityatleastoneyearin advance of the award to allowfortheshortlistingand the five approval steps and background research to be conducted. Those receiving this symbolic gesture of excellence must have been nominated and must exemplify decades of consistentexcellenceintheir areas of service, the universitysaid.
To attend or view the presentations visit: https://www.facebook.com/
uniofguyanaand UG Broadcasting Service at
https://broadcasting.uog.edu .gy/. The following are brief synopsesofeachawardee.
SirRonaldRamjattan, FounderBaronFoods SirRonaldRamjattanisa w e l l - r e s p e c t e d Chemist/Food Technologist. He is the CEO and founder of Baron Foods Ltd. Sir Ramjattan began his academic journey at the Muslim Education Trust College in Brickdam, Georgetown. His passion for chemistry led him to the University of Guyana, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistryin1972.
Upon graduating from UG, Mr Ramjattan started his professional career as a Chemist with GuySuCo before joining the firm of Ricks&SariAgroIndustries Ltd in Guyana as a Food Technologist. He was later transferred to manage the company’s operations in S a i n t L u c i a a n d subsequently made the bold decisiontoestablishhisown companyBaronFoodsLtdin SaintLuciain1991.
U n d e r R o n a l d Ramjattan’s visionary leadership,BaronFoodsLtd has evolved into the largest food processing products manufacturer in the Eastern Caribbean The company now boasts a portfolio of over 165 award-winning foodproductsandexportsto boththeCaribbeanandinternationalmarkets.
This celebrated entrepreneur has received numerous awards, including The Businessperson of the Year 1999 Award and the coveted Ernst & Young “Entrepreneur of the Year”
1999Award. In addition, he wasbestowedwiththeOrder oftheBritishEmpire(OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in November2014.Ramjattan, who is also a notable philanthropist, will be awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Science on Thursday, November 7th at the 4pm ceremony
Dr.NarendraSingh, Surgeon,Medical InnovatorandEducator
Dr Narendra Singh is currently the Director of Pediatric Critical Care Services at the South Tex-as Health System Additionally, heistheStrategicAdviserto the Minister of Health in Guyana In2018,heretiredas the Chief of Staff at Humber RiverHospital,Toronto
Dr Singh is also the Programme Director for the Pediatric Post Graduate Programme, University of Guyana/GeorgetownPublic Hospital Corporation, and Associate Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine at the McMaster University He founded Guyana Help the Kids in 2009toaddressneonataland infant mortality rates in Guyana.
Dr Singh has received numerous awards including the Meritorious Service Medal of Canada and the RoyalCollegeofPhysicians andSurgeonsofCanadaPrix d’excellence (Specialist of the Year) He will be awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Medicine on Saturday, November 9 at the 4pm ceremony
ArifAli,Author,Publisher andCaribbeanist
Arif Ali has over 50
years’ experience in publishing for and about the Caribbean in the United Kingdom. Ali’s career as a newspaper publisher started in 1973 with the acquisition ofWestIndianWorld.Under Ali’s editorship, the West Indian World prospered, campaigning on various educational issues that were a f f e c t i n g b l a c k schoolchildren in Britain Ali went on to further engage and communicate with the Caribbean, African and Asian communities by establishingtheAsianDigest (August 1980), the newspapers Caribbean Times (1981), Asian Times (1983) and African Times (1985), as well as Root Magazine(1987).
In 1997, Ali sold his newspaper companies in ordertoconcentrateonbook publishing, and Hansib remains “the biggest and most diverse black book publisher in Britain”. He is therecipientofmanyawards for his service including 2024 Bocas Henry Swanzy Award for Distinguished Service to Caribbean Letters Mr Ali will be awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Literature on Friday, November 8th at the 4pm ceremony
Prof.IanRobertson, LinguistandTrailblazer
F o l l o w i n g t h e completionof his secondary education at Queens College, Prof Ian Robertson went on to the University of the West Indies, Mona, where he completed the Special Honours degree in English. He returned to the University at the St Augustine campus where he
completed his Ph D in Linguistics.
Prof. Robertson worked in the education system in Guyana and Trinidad and Jamaica for more than forty years. He has also been activelyinvolvedinthework o f t h e C a r i b b e a n Examinations Council having served as Assistant ChiefExaminerattheCSEC EnglishpanelandasChairof the syllabus development committee for the preparation of the CAPE CommunicationStudies.
Inacademia,hisworkhas covered a number of areas includingCreoleLinguistics, English Language Education in the Caribbean, the Caribbean Oral Traditions, amongotherareas
“In the world of Creole linguistics, he will be best remembered as the rediscoverer of Dutchlexicon Creole in Guyana. His rediscovery of Berbice Dutch was not fortuitous. His personal exploration of the documented history of the language and the geography of Guyana convinced him that the language could not be extinct before he undertook thequesttofindspeakers.He appliedhislinguisticworkto the educational needs of speakers of Creole languages at the level of teach-er education through hisface-to-faceteachingand through his publications, both as sole author and in collaboration with other distinguishedscholars”.
Prof. Robertson will be awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in LiteratureandLinguisticson Saturday, November 9th at the9amceremony.
ChristopherFernandes, ChairoftheBoardJohn FernandesLtd.
Patriarch of the F e r n a n d e s c l a n , international shipping magnate and servant leader, Mr John Fernandes’ work experience covers a wide range of activities in the fields of business and management, as well as s o c i a l , c u l t u r a l , humanitarian and sports in Guyana He pursued his tertiaryeducationattheIrish Management Institute and Pennsylvania State University Heiscurrentlythe Chairman of John Fernandes GroupofCompanies Chris Fernandes also served as the Hon. Counsel for Germany to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana from 2003 – 2010. HewastheFirstPresidentof the Shipping Association of Guyana Inc. (1995 – 2002). HewasalsotheChairmanof Caribbean Shipping Association.
In2002,hereceivedThe G o l d e n A r r o w o f Achievement (AA) award for long and dedicated service in the field of Commerce and Shipping Additionally, in 2007, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from theGeorgetownChamberof Commerce & Industry (GCCI) for his outstanding accomplishments and significant contributions to thebusinesscommunityand thewiderSociety Hewillbe awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Business, Sports, Education and Civic Engagement on Thursday, November 7, at the9amceremony
Continued on page 15
The latest audits of Skeldon Energy Incorporated (SEI) for the years 2020-2021 reveals significant financial difficulties for thecompany
“The financial statements have been prepared on a going-concern basis,” the Auditor General Report of 2023 said about thestateenterprise.
AccordingtothereportSEIexperienced a deficit of $490.985 million in 2020 and $1.198billionin2021.Thisindicatesthatthe company’s financial health has worsened over the audited period. The report also highlightsnegativeretainedearnings,which were$1.216billionin2020andincreasedto $1.588 billion in 2021. Negative retained earningsmeanthattheagencyhaslostmore moneythanithasmadeovertheyears.
Additionally, the audit raised concerns regarding a $52 million advance payment madeinMarch2017forboilertubesfroma South African supplier Notably, the companycouldnotprovideacontractforthis transaction, and attempts to contact the supplier have not been successful, leaving thispaymentinquestion.
AccordingtoSEI’swebsite,thecompany was established as a special purpose company in April 2015 to operate and maintaintheenergyassetsofGuyanaSugar Incorporated,Guysuco’sSkeldonEstate.
SEI was initially designed to generate electricityfromtwosources:HeavyFuelOil (HFO)foritsthreeWartsilaengineswitha10 MWtotalinstalledcapacityandBagassefor its30MWSteam/ThermalEnergyTurbines.
From page 13
Ann Greene, Social Worker and Child Protection Advocate
Ann Greene is a career social work professional with over 45 years of experience in the Public Service in Guyana. She has served in a number of capacities in the Social Services in Guyana, starting as an administrative staff and moving to a probation and welfare officer a capacity in which she served for several years before reaching the height of Chief Probation Officer and later Director of the Childcare and Protection Agency (CCPA).
Greene is the recipient of the Order of Service of Guyana for long service with exceptional dedication in the probation and welfare service (2011). She also received other awards including the European Union Human Rights Award for relentless work for the development and protection of children’s rights in Guyana. Greene will be awarded an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Children’s Welfare, Protection, Social Services and Professional Development on Saturday, November 9th at the 4pm ceremony.
Ralph Bazilio, Accounting Tzar and Philanthropist
Ralph Bazilio has over 37 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant in the US. He has built a distinguished career providing audit, accounting, financial, and management advisory services. As the CEO of Bazilio Cobb Associates and the Managing Partner of Watson Rice LLP, Bazilio has demonstrated exceptional
leadership and expertise in both firms, guiding them to prominence in the accounting and consulting sectors.
Bazilio has a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of the District of Columbia, He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM). He will receive an honorary doctorate for Excellence in Business, Sports, Education and Civic Engagement on Friday, October 8 at 4pm.
Mr. Patrick Dial, Historian, Public Servant and Educator
Pat Dial is a historian by profession. He served in numerous capacities in the public service over several decades, including at the level of Permanent Secretary in the then Ministry of Information and Culture and as Executive Director of the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) which later evolved into the National Broadcast Authority.
He also lectured History and Caribbean Studies for many years at the University of Guyana. Mr. Dial’s work on consumerism spans several decades and to this date, he serves as President of the Guyana Consumers Association (GCA). As a Justice of Peace (JP), he provides assistance to members of the public. For his excellent work and contribution to Guyana’s national development, he was awarded the Cacique Crown of Honour (CCH) and the Golden Arrow of Achievement (AA). Mr. Dial will receive an honorary doctorate for Excellence in History on Thursday, November 7th at 9
Vic Insanally, Veteran Broadcaster, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
Victor Insanally has had a long and illustrious career through which he has made immense contributions to the arts, culture, and public life of Guyana. He has been a pioneering force in Guyanese arts, culture, public relations, and philanthropy. His contributions to the creative and civic life of Guyana, particularly as a distinguished broadcaster, cultural leader, and pioneering entrepreneur is unparalleled, Moreover, his devotion to the upliftment of Guyanese children through the Tina Insanally Foundation exemplifies his commitment to using his talents and influence for the greater good.
In recognition of his exceptional contribution to the field of The Arts, the Theatre Guild of Guyana recently awarded him the 2023 Icon of the Arts Award for Marketing and Promotion of the Creative Spirit. In 1998, he was conferred with the Cacique Crown of Honour for his outstanding services to the country. He will receive an honorary doctorate for Excellence in the fields of Business and Entrepreneurship on Friday, November 8th at the 9am ceremony.
Eze Rockliffe, Musician and Cultural Icon
Eze Rockcliffe is a cultural icon. He is the lead for the Yoruba Singers band, formerly known as the “Kitty Young Ascrians”. Due to Rockliffe’s exceptional talent and
From page 6 tool at the beginning of the day, to rescue knowledge from ignorance.
There is a popular saying, “Every cow feels and cries for its own calf.” Many villagers may not have been affected by the noise nuisance in Leonora directly because of not residing in close proximity to the Red-Light District and choose to distance themselves from this claim. Others were so disturbed and distraught that they became disappointed in the system that is supposed to protect the people and prevent such pervasiveness.
Few were stranded in an isolated battle to fend for themselves but at the said time, to offend others by highlighting this problem as a Leonora issue. Some realized, Leonora was seeking a resolution not only for this village, but to broadcast a national message for the entire Guyana to face the music and act accordingly. Also, many others were sympathetic to lend support in different shapes and forms. But the
President of Guyana did postulate at Leonora that the Government policies and programmes do promote principles which portray positive changes. Everything has a shelf life, so, be a good Samaritan and look out for the person who is down and in need.
Even the messengers of bad news (writers, editors, columnists) were persecuted for their annoying antagonism and constant allusions. Some chose to marginalize this writer as personalizing his problem and for him to seek redress through the legal system. Little did they knew that, there is a list of signatures attesting to this offense. It was a case of one for all and all for one.
While one’s music may be sweet to the ear, it becomes unbearable to the sick and babies who need to rest quietly, especially after midnight. Let’s not discuss the quality and level of profanity with lewd lyrics for digestion. The budding attorneys were appalled, amazed and even apprehensive, when they learnt
leadership, the band has achieved many significant successes for over half a decade. Owing to the fact that the band has never broken up, it is by far the longest continuing ensemble of its kind in the country. It is the first to have played at almost every version of the Caribbean Festival of Creative Arts (Carifesta), and the first musical group or outfit from Guyana to have had the honour to perform at the world-famous Maddison Square Garden alongside the Mighty Sparrow and the late Lord Kitchener back in 1983.
Rockcliffe and the Yoruba Singers have more than 100 recorded songs, the majority of which are originals.
Rockliffe will be awarded an honorary doctorate degree for Excellence in Performing Arts, Music and Culture on Saturday, November 9th at the 9am ceremony.
Pauline Thomas, Folklorist and Performance Artist
Pauline Thomas— affectionately known as “Auntie Comesee” is a living legend at one hundred and two years old. Her name resonates deeply within the realms of storytelling, folklore and cultural preservation. Her legacy has not only enriched the artistic community in Guyana but has also influenced the wider Caribbean diaspora.
Thomas’s captivating performances at the Theatre Guild of Guyana set the standard for stage acting in the country, earning her widespread admiration for her ability to blend humour, pathos, and cultural nuance in her roles.
However, it was her work as “Auntie Comesee” on the radio that truly solidified her status as a national icon.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Domestic (Live in option available), female cook and male & female workers for the interior :660-9093 / 674-9999 / 680-7803.
COINS Wanted, I buy coins best prices paid. Tele : 6430902 / 653-4287.
Canter Driver age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
One nursery school teacher for three year old, 3 days per week from 11 am -1 PM. Call : 629-5439.
One driver residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must be licensed for Car,van & truck. Call : 2642524.
One handyman to clean yard once a week. Call : 623-8414.
One handyman / Porter residing on West bank /West coast demerara,must know to read & write.Call : 624-0239..
Male sales-rep 22-28 years old, Knowledge about vehicle models would be an asset. Call : 709-4313.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call : 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Live- In housekeeper needed to cook, clean and do laundry in Virgina, U.S.A, free room & Boarding offered. Call : 845-325-8241
One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132. Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132 Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443
Mason, Labourer & Carpenter wanted to work in Linden. Contact : 602-9469 , 6157526,660-6385 , 625-7642.
Vacancy exists for one nanny, Please call : 612-0149.
Male desk staff, Male room attendant, receptionist 25-30 years old. 233 South Road Lacytown. 225-0198.
Maintence worker, Cleaner / handywoman , welder / Fabricator , Carpenter / Masonary , Labourers. Call : 621-6969/ 615-7784.
One (1) qualify physiotherapist for home services in East Bank area Call 615-9132.
that the messenger of hope visited the village to alleviate the problem in Leonora and provided immediate relief, without the recourse of the court system.
The festive season has proven that the society in Leonora can grow based on the foundation of freedom of rights, spiritual guidance and the application of the rules of law.
There is room for unity and inclusivity at the forefront if we preserve the right culture in Guyana and not taking for granted that, the prosperity of humanity comes after tirelessly working and playing together in a conducive society which shares and cares with a common understanding and desire for honesty, integrity and dignity.
That will only materialize when light dispels darkness. Let’s not go cherry picking in a sugar cane orchard. The Festival of Lights is a 5-day celebration. Shukria and Shubh Diwali again from Leonora.
Yours respectfully, Jai Lall
Thomas’s contributions to Guyanese arts have been celebrated through numerous prestigious awards and recognitions, both locally and internationally. Some of her most notable accolades include: The African Canadian Achievement Award in Arts (2000), the Guyana Folk Festival Award from the Guyana Cultural Association of New York (2007), the Guyanese Artistic Music Awards (GAMA) Storyteller and Actor Award (2008) and the Guyana Awards (Canada) for Media and Culture. At the remarkable age of 79, she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in World Religion and Fine Arts Studio from the University of Toronto. Ms. Thomas will receive an honorary degree for Excellence in Performance, Arts and Letters on Friday, November 8th at the 9am ceremony.
These awardees join only 21 other honorary doctorates ever awarded by the University in its 61-year history.
Fish process to work in Georgetown. Contact : 6825002
Seeking a reliable housekeeper / Maid for 4 days weekly in Providence. Must be trustworthy. 624-8591.
One sales girl wanted to work in boutique in Georgetown. Call : 698-7152.
Reputable transportation service is seeking experienced Chauffeur with mini bus and hire car license. Call: 645-0025 / 707-9428.
FIRST AID/CPR/AED & HOME NURSING COURSES, Starting soon at St. John Association. Call: 225-9082.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Executive Apts - Fully furnished in Parfaite Harmony and Herstelling USD1100 call : 608 -3575
Warehouse for rent in Central Georgetown , 16,000 Sqarefeet. Contact : 613-9899 / 226-4878.
Commericial space Croal street( Stabroek market area) Sheriff street( Residential Houston & Friendship, East Bank.Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Queenstown, North-East LaPenitence, Agricola Public Road (80x269), Parfaite Harmony. Contact: Ray's Realty 627-9685
Family members mourn as they carry the shrouded bodies of Palestinian children Nayef and Abdallah Nashwan, who were killed in Israeli bombardment of al-Zawaydeh village in the central Gaza Strip on October 29 [File: Eyad Baba/AFP]
( A L J A Z E E R A ) the water are not sufficient. Jabalia, which has suffered UNICEF says more than 50 The convoys of food and theworstofIsrael’sattacks. children have been killed in water are being denied into “The attacks on Jabalia, Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp the north It is absolutely thevaccinationclinicandthe in the past 48 hours, with the catastrophic,” Cummings UNICEF staff member are Save the Children charity said. yet further examples of the saying the high number “We are seeing the grave consequences of the shows “the intensity of this apocalypsenow unfoldingin indiscriminate strikes on conflict and this war on the north of Gaza ” Dr civilians in the Gaza Strip. children”. Hussam Abu Safia from The entire Palestinian
“Children are under Kamal Adwan Hospital, population in north Gaza, constant bombardment, in northern Gaza’s only especially children, are at constant fear,” Rachel functioning facility, said the imminent risk of dying from Cummings, Save the hospital has been “flooded disease, famine, and the Children International’s with victims”. He urged the ongoing bombardments,” Humanitarian Director and internationalcommunityand the statement said On Team Lead in Gaza, told Al health organisations to press Sunday, the World Health JazeeraonSunday for an “urgent humanitarian Organisation (WHO) said More than 16,700 passage” to deliver fuel and Israeli forces dropped a stun children have been killed in medical supplies and for grenade on a polio Israel’sassaultonGazasince specialised medical staff to vaccination centre in Gaza October last year, according helpwiththecasualties. City, wounding at least four to Palestinian officials, more ‘Horrific level children, despite agreeing to than a third of the overall of child deaths’ a humanitarian pause for a death toll of 43,341 In its statement on long-delayed inoculation confirmed by health Saturday, the UN agency campaign. The Israeli army authorities. said the children were killed also killed 13 Palestinians in
Speaking from Deir el- in an Israeli attack which an air raid targeting two Balah in central Gaza, levelled two residential densely populated areas in Cummings said that the buildings sheltering the north amid the siege, number of casualties among hundreds of people. “Taken which has caused a childrendoesnotaccountfor alongsidethehorrificlevelof humanitarian crisis UN the approximately 20,000 child deaths in North Gaza rights chief Volker Turk said who are missing or have from other attacks, these the “darkest moment” of the become unaccompanied in most recent events combine conflict is unfolding in thiswar. to write yet another dark northernGaza.
Israel has killed more chapter in one of the darkest Israel launched the than 1,000 people during its periods of this terrible war,” military offensive, what month-long violent siege of according to a statement by many dubbed “a war of Gaza’snorth,duringwhichit UNICEF’s Executive r e v e n g e ” a g a i n s t hasblockedtheentryoffood Director Catherine Russell. Palestinians, in the wake of a and medical aid and crippled It also said a UNICEF staff Hamas-led attack on Israel healthfacilities. member working on a polio on October 7, 2023. More “People are being vaccination campaign in the than 1,100 people, mostly constantly bombarded with north of the enclave came civilians, were killed, and aerial attacks, and of course, under fire by a quadcopter about 240 people were taken we know that the food and while driving through captiveintheattack.
DPI-CaribbeanAirlines (CAL)LtdislinkingGuyana and Suriname with direct flights from Eugene F CorreiaInternationalAirport
(Ogle Airport) to Paramaribo, Suriname, for thefirsttime.
Flightswilloperatetwice weekly on Sundays and Fridays.
This move signals greaterregionalconnectivity with more job opportunities and additional economic benefitsforGuyana.
A formal ceremony was held on Sunday at the Ogle Airport to launch the new flightdestination.
Caribbean Airlines on Sunday celebrated its inaugural flight from Ogle AirporttoSuriname Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill
pointed out that the government’s hard work to promote Guyana as a p r e m i u m t o u r i s m destinationoverthelastfour yearsispayingoff.
“This shows that we’re
not just talking and engaging, but people are believing, trusting us, and they’re making the necessaryinvestments.Over the last four years, you would have seen how many new airlines we would have broughtonboard,”hestated.
The minister said these direct flights will
complement similar initiatives to link the two countries,suchasthebridge acrosstheCorentyneRiver
The final phase of planning for this massive projectisunderway
“We want to ensure that tourists coming from the
Caribbean Airlines on Sunday celebrated its inaugural flight from Ogle Airport to Suriname
Meanwhile, Caribbean Airlines Ltd Country Manager for Guyana and Suriname,RenathaMarshall reaffirmed the airline’s commitment to Guyana and itspeople.
This new route will be served by the airline’s ATR 72-600 aircraft, which is poised to meet the overwhelming customer demand.
Netherlandsandalltheother places that land at Suriname must have an opportunity to also experience Guyana seamlessly Wemustbeable to ensure that the tourists who come to Guyana from NorthAmerica, Europe, and other parts experience Suriname seamlessly And forustobeabletodothat,we must provide a link that is reliable,” the minister explained.
He also linked this new development to the construction of the Ogle to Eccles four-lane highway, underscoring that the aim is to position Guyana as a hub forconnectivity
Minister Edghill commendedCALforitsrole in fortifying the relationship between Guyana and Suriname.
“Our platform of dialogue between Guyana and Suriname is very pronounced, it’s very aggressive. We still have outstandingitemstotickthe boxes as completed, and we hope to get those boxes tickedsothatbothSuriname andGuyanawouldbeproud oftheengagementthatwe’re having,”headded.
Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, added that this new route aligns withthegovernment’svision for tourism expansion and increased economic opportunities.
“As a government, we have seen a push for more connectivity because that is what will undergird our tourism thrust for the world toseethatGuyanaisindeeda premier eco-tourism
On Sundays, Flight BW 383 will depart Ogle, Guyana at 9:55 AM and arrive in Suriname at 12:05 PM. The return flight, BW 384,willdepartSurinameat 12:50 PM (Suriname time).
On Fridays, Flight BW 383 will depart Ogle, Guyana at 10:45 AM and arrive in Suriname at 12:55 PM. The return flight, BW 384, will depart Suriname at 1:50 PM (Surinametime).
Rose Hall Town would now face Rose Hall Bisram Narine (12) and a crucial partnership of 51 caught behind off medium- 2inthe3rdover F a r f a n a n d Canjethisweekend. Akash Sukhall (6) were then for the fourth wicket before pacer Ramnauth while They never recovered
Mendes Ltd Albion has already dismissed by national left- Mohammedseemedunlucky Roh
Under15 team reached the finals of the arm spinner Gilbert Griffth to be given out LBW for a Deonandan at 190 for 6. dismissed for 12 from 27.2 marched into the semifinals tournament. to leave the home team well-composed 32 by National under 13 player, overs. of the Berbice Cricket Rose Hall Town won the shakily placed at 34 for 3 in medium pacer Beaton at 85 Leon Reddy was left McPhersonscoredwitha Board/ DrAmarnauth Dukhi toss in hot humid weather thirteenovers. for4inthe22ndover unbeaten on 12 not out with solid unbeaten 43 with five Under-15 Tournament. They and quickly lost opener Vice-captain and Perriera,aBerbiceUnder two boundaries along with boundaries while Sinclair 20 defeated archrivals Tucber Munesh Rampersaud LBW national player Sohil 15 player was joined by Raffel McKenzie on 2 not offered some resistance at ParkCricketClubby84runs toRohlehrfor2tobe11for1 Mohammed and the talented national under 13 player out as RHTFM ended on an theend. at the Area H ground and in the 3rd over Opener MatthewPerrierathenadded Tameshwar Deonandan and impressive212for7offtheir McKenzie (2 for 23), together the pair added 101 allotted45overs. Munesh Rampersaud (2 for forthe5thwicket. Needing to score 213 20) and Dinesh Singh (3 for Perriera struck 8 from 45 overs to advance to 7) were the best bowlers for delightful boundaries in his the semifinals, Tuber Park Rose Hall Town while well-played 49 while the lost openers Kuten and De mediumpacerReddi1for18 free-scoring Deonandan hit Jonge for 02 and 01 and off-spinner Balraj nine boundaries in his respectively to the fiery Narine(1for19)alsobowled majestic 55. Perriera was RaffelMcKenzietobe12for well.
You may have recently inherited either some money or some free time. This is a real gift, and if invested wisely, it could lead to some importantself-discoveries.
Today is well suited for making new friends, Taurus. Your sense of adventure is undoubtedly up to it!You will be your usual confident self, but others will seem to respondtoyourcharismaeven morethanusual.
This is a very spiritual and creative day for you. You're especially intuitive. Any creative effort will likely resonate deeply. Even if you don'tfeelyouhavethetalent.
Today is ideal for romance, Cancer It's great for forming new relationships or improving existing ones. If you don't have a special someone, make an effort to expandyoursocialcircle.
You have a good heart, Leo, andtodayitexpandstobestow love on all mankind.You can't help but feel connected in a deep, spiritual way with all who have come before you andallwhofollow
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You will likely find it difficult to keep your mind on serious matters with today's playful planetary energies, Virgo You're in the mood for romance,andyouwanttomake sureeverythingisinplacefora flawless evening with that specialsomeone
Your innate talent and conscientious work ethic earn you admiration and respect. Whether you're aware of it or not, others look up to you as someonewhohasittogether
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
It looks as though you're about to hop on the bandwagon, Scorpio. Friends will try to get you to support one of their causes. Think carefully They aren't going to settle for a check. They want your handsonsupport.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Love and passion are at the forefront of your thoughts today Work seems tedious compared to the rich fantasy inside your head! If possible, makeapointofgettingtogether tonightwithyourmate.
Ifyoubecameananimaltoday, you'd be a puppy, Capricorn, all frisky and affectionate. By all means, put your passion to good use! Surprise a special someone with a home-cooked meal.
Youhaveacreativeandartistic nature that you might want to put to good use today, Aquarius You could have some good ideas for home improvements Perhaps you need some bookcases to help yougetorganized.
You may miss friends and family who live far away Why not make yourself a cup of tea and write some letters? It will help you feel connected in a different way than sending an emailormakingacall.
Th e G u y a n a withhisreboundingprowess
- Tournament continues November 6
B a s k e t b a l l and relentless blocks, Federation(GBF) effectively sealing their fate
E l i t e 1 6 earlyon.
Byhalftime,Ravensheld dominatingperformancesby acommanding36-17lead. RavensandColts,delivering
Though the Nets showed statement wins before an a spark in the third quarter, energized crowd at the putting up 16 points to NationalGymnasium. Ravens’ 17, they couldn’t
In the opening game of makeupground. thetournament,Coltssurged
Amateur Basketball
display of skill and
With Ravens and Colts
DennisNilesledtheNets ahead with a commanding with a game-high 15 points, 32-point win over the New but the Ravens’ collective Amsterdam Warriors (88- force proved too much, 56),whileRavenssoaredtoa closing out the game with a 67-41 victory over the Nets, 14-8fourth-quarterrun. sending their Georgetown
advancing, the tournament Association rivals home in a schedule is set to intensify
On November 6, Eagles will teamwork. face off against the Guyana
The opener between the Defense Force (GDF), Colts and Warriors was an followed by a showdown intense start to the between Kobras and Block 65-45 lead going into the saw the Ravens in complete tournament, with the 22FlamesfromLinden. finalperiod. controlagainsttheNetsfrom Warriors initially holding a
Thecompetitionheatsup Despite the Warriors’ jumpball. narrow lead (19-17) by the through November, with the efforts, led by Malcolm With a cohesive and endofthefirstquarter semi-finals on November Mickle with 19 points and efficient offense, the Ravens
However, Colts’ point 23, culminating in the grand Shemar Fraser with 17, they built an early lead that only guard and captain, Shelroy finaleonNovember30. couldn’t keep up with the expanded as the game Thomas, quickly took
T h e t o u r n a m e n t Colts’ unyielding pace and progressed. control of the game, rallying champion will walk away disciplineddefence. Team captain Dominic his team with an impressive with$300,000,whilesecond The Colts’ strategy, Vincente scored 12 points, 31points. and third place will take anchored by Thomas’ while teammates Nikolai
His scoring surge,
home $100,000 and skillful playmaking, sent a Smith,TerrenceDaniels,and particularly in the third $50,000,respectively strong message to the Sariah Clarke each quarter, widened the gap Additionally, the competition that they’re contributed 10, showcasing betweenthetwoteams.Colts tournament’s MVP will earn h e r e t o t a k e t h e the team’s balanced outpaced the Warriors 35-17 a $25,000 prize in tournament’s $300,000 approachtoscoring. in the penultimate quarter, recognition of their standout first-placeprize Defensive standout Jude establishing a commanding performance. The night’s second game Corlette kept the Nets at bay
Sixteen fierce teams are title and a chance to win big; Rick and Sari’s, along with LennoxArthur,theeventhas ready to lace up as the up to one million in cash and the Dr Linden Dodson garnered support from a countdown to the exciting prizes. trophy and medals The range of sponsors, including Inter-Ward/Village nine-a- Defending champions, runner-up stands to earn a One Communications, Gold side Knockout Football the Stabroek Ballers, led by respectable $250,000 along Reunion, John Fernandes, Championship hits full Derwin George, are back withtrophyandmedals,with Gafoors, ENet, and throttle this Friday at the with eyes on retaining their the third and fourth spots NAMILCO, alongside National Training Centre title But with fierce securing $150,000 and donations from prominent (NTC)inProvidence. competitors like Den $100,000,respectively figures like Dr Linden As Georgetown’s former Amstel, Uitvlugt, Dynamic, Arthur, the tournament’s Dodson, Dr Michael Sue, Mayor, Hamilton Green Gold is Money, Bent Street, coordinator, says Dr Green Edmond Vieira, Floyd gears up for another BackCircle,andSpartaBoss is looking forward to Haynes,andEddie’sBobcat. milestone celebration, hot on their heels, victory is witnessing a “fury of goals.” Originally scheduled for kicking off his 90th birthday farfromguaranteed.Willthe For the players, there’s November3atSt.Stanislaus with a thrilling Inter-Ward Ballersgoalltheway,orwill added incentive: a valuable Ground,thechampionshipis football event set to new challengers rise to p r i z e a w a i t s t h e now shifted to November 8c a p t i v a t e f o o t b a l l dethrone them? The field is tournament’s top goal- 10 at NTC due to unforeseen enthusiasts from November set, and the stakes are high, scorer; ensuring strikers delays, but excitement only 8to10. with a first-place prize of have plenty of reason to go continuestogrow
The Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) proudly inaugurated the Brava Guyana Open on November 2, 2024, drawing an unprecedented 104 golfers from countries including the United States, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad, Fiji, Mexico, Surinameamongothers.
This event has set a new milestone for the club, reflecting LGC’s growing international reputation and commitment to promotinginclusivity,progress,andempowermentwithinthe sport.
Inheropeningremarksattheprecedingevening’scocktail reception, LGC PresidentAnashaAlly expressed her pride in the club’s achievement and acknowledged the collective dedicationthatmadethiseventpossible.“Thistournamenthas attracted a record total of 97 participants, and I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to the exceptional team that worked tirelessly to make this event a reality This achievement is a testament to our club’s commitment to inclusivity, progress, and the empowerment of women in the sportofgolf,”Allynoted.ShefurtheremphasizedLGC’score values of sportsmanship, integrity, and respect, urging all members and participants to uphold these principles throughouttheevent.
The Brava Guyana Open marks the third year of partnership between LGC and Brava, a collaboration that has strengthened the club’s mission and enhanced its stature within the regional golfing community Candacy Toney, Brava’s Public Sector Lead, reaffirmed the Company’s supportforthetournamentandencouragedplayerstoembrace the spirit of competition and camaraderie, saying, “To the players,Iencourageyoutohavefun,andmaythebestmanand womanemergevictorious.”
Also addressing attendees at the reception, Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., reiterated the government’s commitment to enhancing the Lusignan Golf Club’s facilities and its role in the community Ramson outlinedplanstoprovidetheclubwithupgradedequipmentto improve the course and mentioned initiatives aimed at integrating the club with the surrounding communities, including a vision to transform LGC into a country club that could offer additional amenities such as restaurants and other sports facilities. “With the new communities developing in Lusignan, I will do my utmost to merge them with the Lusignan Golf Club, so the club may experience a transformation into a more inclusive and vibrant hub,” Ramson stated, encouraging the LGC to begin preparing for theexpectedgrowthinmembership.
The opening day of the Brava Guyana Open featured spirited performances from enthusiastic golfers who eagerly took to the course in the spirit of friendly competition. Feedback from both members and visitors has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the club’s welcoming environment and the high standard of the event’s organization.
This action-packed two- $500,000 and a host of alloutonthepitch. As teams prepare for day tournament will see top additional rewards, Organised by former what’s expected to be a teams vie for the prestigious including 12 hampers from national football coach t h r i l l i n g t w o - d a y showdown, all eyes are on the NTC pitch next Friday Will Stabroek Ballers cement their legacy, or will a new champion emerge? The answer awaits you under the NTClights.
The Brava Guyana Open will continue throughout the weekend, offering participants a thrilling display of skill and sportsmanship. This record-breaking event is not only a celebration of golf but also a reflection of Lusignan Golf Club’s dedication to fostering a community that values inclusivity,respect,andthesharedenjoymentofthesport.
The upset results in the
now oppose Gold is Money CarlGriffith-7th Bent Street ‘Champion of in the second semifinal after OwnGoal-29th C h a m p i o n ’ F u t s a l the latter edged Mocha 4-3. TeamCruelscorer tournament continued last Shamar Koulen recorded a Diquan-19th evening as Back Circle was hat-trick in the second, 15th, Quarterfinal2 sent packing, losing 1-4 to and 17th minutes apiece. Gold is Money-4 vs North Ruimveldt on
Andrew Murray supported Mocha-3 Saturday night at the withaconversioninthesixth GoldisMoneyscorers National Gymnasium, minute. Shamar Koulen-2nd, MandelaAvenue. For the losers, Lloyd 15th,and17th Back Circle joined Matthews, Ian Mars, and AndrewMurray-6th fellow heavyweights Sparta Devon Padmore scored in Mochascorers Boss and Bent Street on the the fifth, 16th, and 19th LloydMatthews-5th sidelines of the event minutes,respectively IanMars-16th following a disappointing 1-
The winner of the event, DevonPadmore-19th 4loss. which will resume on Quarterfinal3
S t e p h o n Wa l t o n
Saturday, will pocket Stabroek Ballerz-3 vs. commenced the rout with a
$1,000,000 and the CaliforniaSquare-0 third-minute strike. Tyrese championship trophy, while LionelHolder-13th Louisthendoubledtheirlead thesecond,third,andfourth- MarkJhalu-21st in the 20th minute. Leandre place finishers will receive JamalCozier-29th Arthurfurtherextendedtheir $500,000, $300,000, and Quarterfinal4 advantage with a 22nd-
$ 2 0 0 , 0 0
n d t h e North Ruimveldt-4 vs. minutestrike. corresponding accolade, BackCircle-1
North Ruimveldt stunned Back Circle to enter the final four
Back Circle eventually respectively On the Northscorers reduced the deficit in the individual side, prizes will Tyrese Louis-20th and 25th minute as Simeon also be given to the highest 40th Moorescored.However,any goal scorer, most valuable StephonWalton-3rd attempts at a comeback were player, best defender, and LeandreArthur-22nd extinguished as Louis North East La Penitence, double in the third and 26th
Similarly, Stabroek goalkeeper,respectively BackCirclescorer recorded his double in the who will now battle North minutes, while Carl Griffith B a l l e r z d i s p a t c h e d CompleteResults SimeonMoore-25th 40thminute. Ruimveldt in the semifinal scoredintheseventhminute. California Square 3-0. The Quarterfinal1 Day5Semifinals Meanwhile, North East segment, continues to Adding to the score in the trio of Lionel Holder, Mark North East La Penitence- (5): Stabroek Ballerz vs. La Penitence, Gold is improvewitheverymatchas 29th minute was an own Jhalu, and Jamal Cozier 4vs.TeamCruel-1 GoldisMoney Money,andStabroekBallers they thrashed Team Cruel 4- goal.Aconsolation goal was scored in the 13th, 21st, and NorthEastscorers (6): North East La secured their berths to the 1. scored by the loser in the 29thminutes,respectively Kelvin Moore-3rd and P
semifinalround. Kelvin Moore bagged a 19thminute.
Stabroek Ballerz will 26th Ruimveldt
The management and members This, he stated, was a fitting Three of the four RHTYSC of the Rose Hall Town Youth and tribute to the hard work of the females have played for the West Sports Club (RHTYSC) would like players and the massive Indies at all levels- T20 and ODI to congratulate eight members of investmentsmadeintotheircareers with Campbelle currently serving the club who have obtained annual by the management of the as vice-captain of the team which cricketing contracts with either the RHTYSC Anderson, Kevin recently reached the semifinals of Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) or Sinclair, Junior Sinclair and theICCT20WorldCup. CricketWestIndies(CWI). Tyndall have obtained a one-year Campbelle has received a
The eight members of the club contract with the Guyana Cricket multi-year contract with the CWI who gained contracts are Kevin Boardattheseniorlevel.Kevinhas while Gajnabi is on an Academy Sinclair, Kelvon Anderson, Junior represented the senior West Indies contract Grimmond and Sinclair, Slyus Tyndall, Shemanine team at all levels while Anderson Millington were part of fourteen Campbelle, Shabika Gajnabi, has represented Guyana over the regional female cricketers awarded Sheneeta Grimmond and Plaffina last two years, even served briefly contracts by the CWI. The offMillington. ascaptainandisalsoaformerWest spinner, Millington, was the best
The RHTYSC was formed in Indies Under-19 and Academy bowler in the 2024 female CWI September 1990 by the three-time player tournament with outstanding
Commonwealth Youth Service Junior Sinclair, who is yet to performances at the T20 and 50Guyana Cricket Club of the Year playedinthecareersofplayers.The
cricket club has also won the the RHTYSC for the roles they
Awardee, the St. Frances Xavier makehisseniordebutforGuyanais overlevels. Award five times (2004, 2005, sponsors are Farfan and Mendes
Roman Catholic Youth Club and aformernationaljuniorplayer The RHTYSC organising secretary 2009,2010&2016). Ltd, Poonai Pharmacy, Bakewell, has since grown into Guyana’s talented all-rounder has and cricket manager Robby Kissoonlall noted that currently Pepsi, Metro Office Supplies and most dynamic youth and sports represented the Amazon Warriors Kissoonlall urged the players to two of the club’s female junior NamilcoThunderboultFlour club with an unmatched list of team for the last three years in the remain focused and to continue players,DaniellaMannaandTrisha The RHTYSC since 1994 has activitiesandachievements. Caribbean Premier League training to better themselves. The Hardatt, are with the West Indies produced 124 players for Berbice Club secretary Hilbert Foster Tyndall, a former national junior veteran administrator stated that Under-19 team in Antigua andGuyanawhileaTotalofsixteen stated that the club was very proud fastbowler,isyettomakehissenior RHTYSCpridesitselfonachieving Additionally, players like Clinton has gone on to play for the West of its members and that the debut but is currently with the success via a simple formula of Pestano, Keon Sinclair, Jonathan Indies at different levels. The club RHTYSC has perhaps the most Guyana 50-over Squad inTrinidad. personal discipline, sheer hard Rampersaud and Matthew Pottaya has also won a total of 125 titles at members in the West Indies for a Former West Indian pacer Ian work, determination and a strong are currently playing in the all levels including three National club at the National and Regional Bishop has been very high in his faith in god. Kissoonlall expressed NationalT20League. Championships The vibrant levelswithcricketingcontracts. praisesoftheBerbicefastbowler gratitude to the cricket sponsors of
(SportsMax) - West the halfway stage, when one the team’s depth in the alongsidecontributionsfrom Indies white-ball coach aspectof the job is done, you middleorder. Phil Salt (59), Jacob Bethell Darren Sammy was both can never be complacent “I think we did some (55), and Sam Curran (52), encouraged and frustrated about it Yes, Liam really good things; Shai Sammy acknowledged that after his team’s five-wicket Livingstone played a Hope another 100, the joint the West Indies bowling losstoEnglandinthesecond brilliant innings to get his fourthmostbyaWestIndian, attack could have been more ODI in North Sound, teamhome,butIthoughtasa the way Keacy Carty batted, effective in applying Antigua,onSaturday bowlinggroupourexecution as well as Sherfane pressure to seal the win after
Despite a standout was really off, hence we lost Rutherford making a fourth- Hope’sbrilliance. battingperformancethatsaw a record chase here in consecutive 50. The way “I think Shai will be the West Indies post a Antigua,” Sammy said in a Matthew Forde bowled and firstonetotellyouthatit(his formidable 328-6, Sammy post-gameinterview the way Roston Chase came knock) doesn’t matter b e l i e v e s m i s s e d While disappointed with back after being put under because it came off a losing opportunities in the bowling the loss, Sammy found pressure in the second over,” cause. But, as I said before, department ultimately reasons for optimism, Sammyreasoned. Shai Hope is a class act and handed England the edge. particularly in captain Shai “So we were right in the one of our icons in ODI England chased down the Hope’sexceptional117—his game until the last 10 overs, cricket, but I know he would total with relative ease, 17th ODI century—which where I think they scored want nothing more than a With the three-match and won, so I am hoping we finishing on 329-5 with was the highlight of the 100 off seven overs; that is wininsteadofahundred. series now tied 1-1, Sammy can again. It is two young captain Liam Livingstone’s innings and pushed him to not good enough. But I think “Again, it (the overall expressed hope that West teamslookingtodevelopand masterful unbeaten 124 joint third on the all-time as a team, it is about performance) shows that we Indies will bring their best get better in ODI cricket. leadingtheway WestIndiesODIcenturylist. understanding where we are are still far off but we are game to the decider in Again, it is all to play for, so “It is tough. Obviously, Hope received ample atandthesmallstepsthatwe making little strides that BarbadosonWednesday if the fans come out and when you put 328 on the support from Keacy Carty have to take to improve,” he will help us along our way “This is a rivalry, so we support,inreturn,wehaveto board, you expect to win. ( 7 1 ) a n d S h e r f a n e noted. with the goal that we have have all to play for at home. give you guys something to However, that is the beauty Rutherford(54),whosesolid With Livingstone moving forward,” Sammy The last time we played in smile about in Barbados,” of international cricket; at contributions underscored anchoring England’s chase explained Barbados, we made history Sammyended.
As t h e renovated court, thanks to ExxonMobil ExxonMobil’ssponsorship.
F u t s a l With a grand prize of $1
Championship million up for grabs, teams nears the end of its have been giving it their all preliminary rounds, teams in front of enthusiastic are intensifying their crowds,makingeverymatch performances to secure a aspectacle. spotinthetournamentfinals, One Syde started the with YMCA, Hard Knocks, night strong with a dominant and One Syde emerging 4-0shutoutofTigersFC. victorious in their latest JavierAkeemledtheway matches on Saturday at with two goals, putting his Linden’s Retrieve Hard team comfortably ahead by Court. halftime with a 2-0 lead. In Organized by New Era the second half, One Syde E n t e r t a i n m e n t , t h e maintained control of the championshiphascaptivated game, with Pharez Noble
fanswithintense,high-speed and Ryan Arthur each One Syde’s defence held team play proved just
Part of the action in the ExxonMobil Futsal championship in Linden at the Retrieve Hard Court.
Barely breaking a sweat, for YMCA, whose cohesive consistency and offensive OneSydeclash.
Young Gunners will action each night, all finding the net to secure the firm, giving Tigers FC few
formidable contender for the meet DC Ballers, and the happening at the newly commandingwin. chances to counter and B
Kevlon Anderson (Getty Images)
Guyana Harpy Eagles suffered a narrow 1-wicket defeat yesterdayatthehandsofBarbadosPrideasRegionalSuper50 Championship action continued at Queen’s Park Oval, TrinidadandTobago.
Middle-order batsman Kevlon Anderson steadied the Eagles middle-order with a gritty 52 off 72 finding just two fourswhichtookthemto203allout.
Opener Tagenarine Chanderpaul (34), captain Tevin Imlach (34), vice-captain Keemo Paul (25) and Ashmead Nedd (19) helped carry Guyana to a psychologically good score.
Barbados bowlers had a good outing, led by an experienced crew in spinner Jomel Warrican (2-27), Nyeem Young (2-29), Dominic Drakes (2-38) and Javed Leacock (343).
The Bajan chase was bumpy thanks to a returning Nedd whospunhiswayto3-43butthePrideeventuallygotto204-9 in44thover.
Wicket-keeper Leniko Boucher (29), Zachary McKasie (18), Kyle Mayers (22) and top-scorer Demitrius Richards, whoguidedhisteamtoacomebackwin,ledwith65notoutoff 121ballsincludingasixandfivefours.
Guyana Harpy Eagles will play Leeward Island Hurricanes on Tomorrow (Tuesday) in a Day/Night match at theBrianLaraCricketStadiumfrom13:00h.
championship’stopprize. evening will conclude with keeping their clean sheet attacks. The tournament resumes Silver Bullets facing off intact. Favoured to win it all, on Friday with an action- againstEmpire.
In the evening’s most HardKnockscontinuedtheir packed schedule featuring The tournament doesn’t thrilling match, YMCA winning streak with a eight matches, beginning at just offer team rewards; defeated Bamberz in a close convincing 6-2 victory over 6:30pm. individual players also have 6-4 contest that kept fans on Germans. HardKnockswilllookto thechancetoshine. theedgeoftheirseats. Former standout youth continuetheirmarchtowards The runners-up will YMCA’s offense was led player Omar Brewley stole the $1 million prize as they receive $500,000, while by Nicolas Gentle and Jonah the spotlight, scoring a hat- face off against Turf third and fourth places will Simon, each scoring twice to trick that showcased his Presidents in the first match earn$200,000and$100,000, keep their team in the lead. technical skill and goal- of the evening, while respectively ButBamberzrefusedtoback scoring prowess His Germans will aim for Addingexcitementtothe down,withDuquanSamuels teammate Kwesi Quinton redemption against Dead c o m p e t i t i o n , t h e scoring a remarkable hat- added two more goals, while Pool. tournament’s Most Valuable trick and an additional own Omar Williams also found The lineup continues Player (MVP) will receive a goaladdingtotheirtally the back of the net, keeping with DC Ballers facing Old brand-new motorcycle, Former youth national Germans at bay throughout Kara Kara, Fearless taking generously sponsored by player Keyshawn Dey and thegame. on Spaniards, and a much- C e v o n ’ s W a s t e Kevin Gittens sealed the win H a r d K n o c k s ’ anticipated YMCA versus Management.
-Chase,Waramuri alsowithvictories
The Republic Bank dismantling East’s defense Rondell Peters then took Meanwhile, West Schools Under-18 Football andnettingthefirsthat-trick control, securing the win for Ruimveldt Secondary and Leaguekickedoffitssecond of the 2024 league in the Waramuri with two goals in Bartica Secondary played round with a thrilling 10th, 65th, and 68th the 30th and 39th minutes. out a closely contested 1-1 display of skill and grit minutes. This marked Waramuri’s draw, with goals from yesterday at the Ministry of Teammate Shaquille second victory of the Donavon Welcome (West E d u c a t i o n G r o u n d Dalrympleaddedtothetally tournament,keepingthemin Ruimveldt) and Billy Smith Highlights included Jamal with two goals, bringing his strongcontention. (Bartica) ensuring both Williams and Bryan season total to four, while Likewise, defending teams walked away with a Wharton recording the Collen David rounded off c h a m p i o n s C h a s e ’s shareofthepoints. league’s first hat-tricks, as the scoring with a brace, Academic Foundation Sponsored by Republic C h a s e ’
m i c underscoring Dolphin’s continued their impressive BankLimitedandsupported F
Secondary, and Waramuri EastRuimveldtside. commanding 4-0 victory, Education, the Ministry of Top Secondary continued In another fixture, this time over South Culture, Youth, and Sports, theirwinningways. Waramuri Top Secondary Ruimveldt. Captain Bryan the league is also expertly After a relatively calm showcased resilience and Wharton led by example, organised by the Petra opening round, Sunday’s skill in their 3-1 comeback achieving his hat-trick with Organization. matches brought the win over President’s goals in the 13th, 20th, and A
competition to life. Dolphin College Michael Joseph 53rd minutes. Omar Sam
Secondary set the tone with opened the scoring for addedafourthgoaltocapoff sponsors such as Guyana a resounding 7-0 victory President’s with a powerful a dominant display by the Beverage Inc (Busta over East Ruimveldt long-range strike, but reign
mpions, Brand), MVP Sports, and Secondary Jamal Williams Shakeel Marks quickly signaling their intent to Tiger Rental have added to was the standout player, responded to level the score. retainthetitle. thetournament’ssuccess