Amid growing concerns as to what specific projects oil funds are used to finance withdrawn from the NRF in G$239.176 billion) within the need for possible through 2022 to 2024. The the government onThursday 2024. the total of US$1.586 billion amendments to the Natural revenues earned from oil are announced that it has A
(equivalent to G$329 9 Resource Fund (NRF) Act.
transferred $62 3B more ministry, in accordance with billion) approved to be Section 16.2 of the NRF Act Consolidated Fund, blurring from the Natural Resources t
withdrawnin2024. states that, “All withdrawals tracks of expenditure Fund bringing its total Government of Guyana has Lack of transparency from the Fund shall be G
withdrawal to date for the made its fourth transfer for
In a statement Thursday
Concerns have been
identified the “national yearto$239.176B.
evening the Ministry of to G$62.394 billion) from NRF and only recently
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh
Consolidated Fund and shall development priorities”
US$300million (equivalent management of the of the be used only to finance: (a) being funded by the revenue
from oil. This is particularly
Finance said pursuant to the the NRF on October1, 2024, Chairman of the Public priorities including any concerning as the legislation Natural Resource Fund to the Consolidated Fund. Accounts Committee (PAC) initiative aimed at realizing features no penalties for (NRF)Act2021,asamended
This transfer brings the of the National Assembly, an inclusive green economy, misuseofthefunds.Figueira by the Fiscal Enactments accumulated withdrawals to Jermaine Figueira called for and(b)essentialprojectsthat had however pointed to the (Amendment) Act 2024, U S $ 1 , 5
date in 2024 to US$1.150 transparency in the use of are directly related to need for transparency in the Parliamentary approval has ( e q u i v a l e n t t o billion (equivalent to Guyana’s oil money, citing ameliorating the effect of a use of resources from the
G$329,885,563,088) to be majornaturaldisaster.” sector, urging that the NRF
To date, government has Actisclearonhowthefunds budgeted approximately shouldbespent.“…we US$2 6B in oil money (Continued on page 16)
A53-year-oldmanisathiswitsend,afterrentinghiscarto anotherman,whohassincevanishedwithoutatrace. Attempts so far to contact the renter have been unsuccessful. The vehicle was collected on August 5, 2024.
The car owner Rafudeel Razaca during an interview told Kaieteur News that he came into contact with the renter through someone. On August 5, 2024, Razaca met with the renter and the car was handed over However, since then the ownerofthevehiclehasnotseenorheardfromtherenter
“I collect a number for he (renter) and I keep calling the number, but he ain’t answering.” Razaca said. He explained thatdespiteattemptstocallfromdifferentnumbershehasnot been able to get in contact with the man. “After I see he ain’t turning up with the car I decided fuh take no more chance because the insurance almost expire, and the car gatta service.” As such, he ventured off to the Providence Police Station and filed a report so that police can assist in locating therenter
Razaca said that on Wednesday he received a call from a relative,whoinformedhimthatthevehiclewasspottedonthe WestBankDemerara.Policeareinvestigatingthematter
Vice President Bharrat are watching that carefully been changed within a year in Guyanese businesses Jagdeo on Thursday put so I hope if some of them On the other hand, he said, Jagdeo was keen to note that foreign companies on notice applying for it, I see some of “The schedule to the Local in the absence of this that the Government of the big companies applying Content Act has remained legislation, the country Guyana(GoG)willnotallow for that, they are not gonna unchanged We have not would have merely secured thenaturalisationofoverseas succeed. They have to give taken account of experience just about US$50M instead. employees seeking to fill o u r p e o p l e m o r e and how it has worked To this end, he said, “So first high paying job vacancies in opportunities and better compared with what we of all we should hail thisAct theoilandgassector paying jobs too. Some of thoughtitshouldbe.” as the biggest impact. We Jagdeoduringhisweekly these companies will do When asked to comment don’t even talk much about press engagement was everything.” on this state of affairs, our success but this Act in responding to a question Jagdeo was keen to note Jagdeo said the Local itself is a great success. This fromKaieteurNewswhenhe that government will be Content Law was delivering Act by the end of this year major, major change and we not address the rapid pace at
i g moving to strengthen the major benefits to Guyanese. will drive US$700M of intend to create even more which the sector is being c
e now legislation and expand Infact,hepointedoutthatby business to our local room for our people developed but noted that a applying for their employees opportunities available for the end of 2024, some companies That’s not a provided they develop the revisionoftheLocalContent to become naturalised Guyanese in the sector The US$700Mwouldbeinvested small sum of money...that is capacity.” Notably, he did Actisongoing. citizens in Guyana, claiming VP’s comments come on the to have been in the country heelsofarecentcommentary for five years. Subsequent to by Attorney-at-Law and
on, Chartered Accountant, foreigners would be able to Christopher Ram who enjoy benefits provided for argued that the rapid Guyanese under the 2021 development of the Local Content Act The petroleum sector was legislation seeks to ensure preventing Guyanese from Guyanese gain employment enjoying the real benefits of inthesector Italsooutlinesa LocalContent. number of services that must “Part of our problem is be provided by Guyanese to that we have tried to move the oil companies, as well as too fast. We have moved theirsub-contractors. from zero to 100 in a couple The Vice President said, years. We don’t have the “It’s our intention to close capacity so we can’t have the loopholes that some real local content ” Ram foreign companies are pointed out that the Local utilizing, it’s our intention ContentAct sets out 40 areas because some of them get for Guyanese to benefit high paying jobs so the from.Hesaidthiswasamere management they have fraction given that there are higher paying jobs for the about 300 to 500 types of foreigners but overtime they expenditure incurred by the have to change the oil companies and submanagement so a lot of the contractors. He said, “Only big companies, and we will for 40 (areas) and some of start exposing them, they are them they range from 100% trying to get their foreign like for cleaners which is no staff,claimingthattheylived big deal, Guyanese are good here for five years and to get cleaners apparently but we themGuyanesenationality.” can’tdothehigherthings.” Jagdeo said government With Guyanese being is carefully monitoring that paid to do minor jobs, situation. He also alerted the receiving meager salaries, companies that they would the Lawyer noted that the not succeed in any such respective percentages for effort. He made it clear, “We the 40 areas should have
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Americans are resourceful people. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) barred John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, and a 30% partner in the ExxonMobil-led Guyana offshore consortium, from being a director on the Chevronboard. Chevron’sCEO,MikeWirth,thebuyerof HessCorporation’s30%stakeinGuyana’sStabroekBlock, was initially taken aback. Where is the harm, how could therebeanythingfoulwithJohnbeingonChevron’sboard? The setback barely gave pause to Chevron’s wisemen, of whom Mike Wirth is the wisest.With typical American ingenuity, Chevron and Hess concocted a sweet, longlasting toffee that is all upside for both sides to the still pendingHesstoChevrondeal. JohnHesswillnowserveas anadvisertoChevronongovernmentrelationsinGuyana.
Chevronstartedoutontherightfootinitschoiceofthe knowledgeable, energetic Hess for government adviser HessknowsthetoppoliticalplayersinGuyanaliketheback of his hand. There is a school of thought in Guyana that, despite being a junior partner in the ExxonMobil consortium, John Hess has Guyana’s leading government presenceseatingofhishand. Hessisinsuchlockstepwith the PPPC Government that he could have all but ‘guaranteed’therulingonamatterbeforetheGuyanacourts involving full parent company oil spill coverage. His guarantee was not based on guesswork, nor some superior intellect, nor even the accumulated wisdom of how governmentsfunctioninGuyana. Rather,Mr Hess’sbasis forhismindboggling‘guarantee’ontheoutcomeofalocal judicialproceedingwasfromanunchallengeablesource. It wasstraightfromtheheartoftheGuyanaGovernmentand atheadheightalso,asiftoroundoffsomegrandbargain. It wasMr Hesshimselfwhoallbutsaidsopublicly Though this opens the issue of political interference in the local judiciary, we at this publication steer clear of such ideas, suchnotunreasonableinterpretationsofwhatcamefromthe Hess CEO. This gathers considerable strength when the alleged source of Mr Hess’s bold statement about a ‘guarantee’madeitswayintothepublicdomain.
WithMr Hessbyhiselbow,Chevron’sMikeWirthjust gave himself the best edge that could be conceived. America’s FTC can stew in its own broth, and may it be a high temperature for those commissioners who voted againstHess’spresenceonChevron’sboard. Thisrolefor Hessasadviserongovernmentrelationsispriceless. Itdid morethanneutralizethebarfromChevronboardservice;it just made official the wheeling and dealing for which oil companiesaresonotorious. InGuyana,andwiththePPPC Government in charge, this is the best combination of circumstances that any of the oil powers or government involvedpartiescouldhaveconcocted. JohnHessbecause of his still viable presence as an ExxonMobil partner has accesstothehighestlevelsofthePPPCGovernment. Due totheintimaterelationshipscultivated,thereis confidence intherewardingtwo-waystreetassociation. Infact,atone time,itwasthesameHessCEOwhotookituponhimselfto pronounce with some vigor and conviction about the democraticnatureofthegovernmentofGuyana.
Clearly, John Hess has exhibited all the persuasive attributesofamanabouttowninGuyana. Tobeclear,notin thestreets,buttothepointwherehismindandthatofmost oftheleadingmembersofthePPPCGovernmentareasone. MikeWirthandChevronjustdealtthemselvesadeckfullof aces in settling for the government advisory role of John Hess. The American ambassador and America’s CIA are reduced to a pale shadow when compared to the reach and results that Hess could and would produce. The Chevron peoplemayhavethoughtthattheyboughtanoilmanandhis prized piece of Guyana’s now legendary Stabroek Block. ThebonusisthattheyalsoboughtagoldmineinHessforall thenuggetsheissuretoproducefromthewiderichPPPC Governmentleadershippit.Itisbottomlessonewithmuch dangerforGuyanese. TheHessgovernmentadvisoryduty just gave Chevron a seat in Guyana’s cabinet, if not its OfficeofthePresident.
Ramkarran’ssuggestionsthatthe PPCwasnotestablishedduetoa toleranceforcorruptioniswayoffmark
Mr Ralph Ramkarran’s article of September 22, 2024 generated much interest That article spawnedanotherpieceinthe said newspaper two days later The topic which is pretty controversial today dealt with corruption in procurement.
The article created the impression that the PPC cameaboutduetocorruption inthesystemandcreatedthe impression that successive PPP/C government did not establish the Commission because it was protecting corruption.
Those impressions are incorrect. It appears that the author of the article was more influenced by later events which he transferred to the period when the issue was dealt with in the early partofthecentury
I must point out that the time this matter surfaced corruption was not a big problem. In fact, during the 1997 elections campaign, it wasnotanissue.
At this period the PPP/C wasdoingitsbesttotakeon board as many suggestions from the opposition so that wecouldhavegottenonwith the issue of developing the country
Inpassing,itwasinthis period that we even agreed that the Chancellor and Chief Justice would be appointed with the agreementoftheopposition. That concession of the PPP/C was not made because it thought that the officers were biased but the feeling was it would have created a much better atmosphere for the PPP/C and the PNC-R to improve theirrelations.
It was a mechanism which was designed to be inclusive.
The result of that decision is that for years those two positions cannot
besubstantivelyfilledtothe w h o l e n a t i o n ’ s embarrassment. It was the same reasoning that influencedthePPP’sattitude to the establishment of the PPC.Icannotrecallwhofirst madethesuggestiontosetup thebody
What I do recall is the discussions in the PPP’s Executive committee when itwasraisedthere.
It was welcomed by the Party’s Exco for the reason statedaboveandthefactthat the Party was opposed to corrupt practices and was eagertostampitout.
It was in that period as well that the PPP/C took a bill to the National Assembly to allow the media to be present at meetings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) andintoallothercommittees of the National Assembly, Standing Committees as well as select committees. All measures to promote transparency
The problem with the PPC began when the Executive sent the Bill to theNationalAssembly
In the original bill that the Executive sent to the Assembly it had retained that cabinet would havea“Noobjection”tothe awards.
It was on the floor of the assembly that the then Attorney General, Mr Doodnauth Singh, on the suggestion of the opposition removedthatclause.
The Executive was annoyed since it had givenupitsrighttoaward contracts
The Executive was not consulted in that move and sought to have it restored. Despite the Executive’s dissatisfaction attempts were made to establish the PPC. It was taken up by the PublicAccountsCommittee.
Mr. Lance Carberry and Donald Ramotar met to
agree on the Commission. That process collapsed after Mr Carberry sought to get the majority on the Committee’s membership, RAMOTAR disagreed, and thingsremainedunresolved.
Later in the 2006-2011 period Mr Winston Murray replaced Carberry and pushedforthePNCRtohave the Chairmanship of the Commission Ramotar’s position was that the Executivehadalreadygiven upquitealotanditwasonly reasonable for the PPP/C to appointtheChairperson.
Again, it was not resolved.Mr Murraypassed away and no one replaced him from the PNCR. After the elections in 2011 which saw the PNC/APNU/AFC controlling the National Assemblyitwasnotpossible for the PPP/C to establish thisbody
Recall that the opposition was doing everything to destabilize thiscountry
They opposed the Budgets, cutting out many important capital programmes The PPP/C administration had to take the matter to the court to restore its budgets
M o r e o v e r , t h e opposition refused to vote for the Anti-Money LaunderingBill
It should be pointed out that previously they voted in favor of the same bills when they did not have the majority in parliament However, because they wanted to damage our financial sector, they withheld theirsupport
They were in the mood to disrupt and obstruct any program that would have benefitted the masses This was happening from the very out-set. Recall that they were the ones who
n old practice of the Parliament where the Governing Party Cand
position and the candidate from opposition as the part of the Deputy Speaker The PNC/AFC/APNU took both positions.
I n t h o s e circumstances for the government to set-up that b o d y w h e r e t h e opposition would have taken the majority, and the chair would have only serv
o give the opposition another lever to sabotage the work of the administration Mr. Ramkarran wrote that “ The resistance to the P
on was so deeply entrenched that the 2011 PPP/C Government sacrificed itself instead of appointingit.
The AFC undertook to withdraw the motion of no confidence in 2014 if the Procurement Commission wasappointed…” S o m e o n e h a s obviously misled Mr Ramkarran for that never occurred
Discussions were held with the Leader of the Opposition and the President Atthatmeeting RamotaraskedtheLeader of the Opposition if there was anything he wanted that the Government can do to avoid the motion Mr Granger said he w a n t e d L o c a l Government Elections Ramotar said that he too wanted it and the only reason he did not call it was the uncertainty that existed due to the oneseat majority which the oppositionhad.He went on to tell Mr Granger that the APNU should speak totheAFC (Continued on page 05)
Ambassador Hinds should withdraw his letter
DEAREDITOR, I refer to a letter captioned, ‘Let’s feel good about what we are getting from our oil’written by His Excellency Samuel Hinds, Ambassador, Former Prime Minister,andFormerActing PresidentoftheCooperative RepublicofGuyana.
In that letter, it is stated…‘Ifwehavetroubles absorbing the US $4 4 billion according to some
reports, what more troubles we would have had in absorbing U.S. $10 billion! Sometimes there could be toomuchofagoodthing.’.
This comment is highly disturbing and a troubling concept, for the US$10 billion collected can be placed in a bank account, earninterestandbeavailable for current and future generations.
The Natural Resource
Fund (NRF) is one example ofthisopportunity I contend that this generation cannot leave a holeintheground,anempty bank account, and skyrocketing national debt Moreover, we have poor people who are currently struggling: teachers, nurses, farmers,otherworkers.
Editor, a withdrawal of this appeasement from AmbassadorHindswouldbe
in order, if he wishes to continue protecting the interest of Guyana; for the role of an Ambassador is to represent their home country’s government and promote their nation’s interests, policies, and viewpoints.
Dr . C . K e n r i c k Hunte
P r o f e s s o r a n d Former Ambassador
IrefertoaletterintheKNof24thSeptember2024captioned“Jagdeois theonlysailorwho[is]sailingandnotseeingthecorruptioninGuySuCo andtheMinistryofAgriculture”writtenbyoneLeroyCharles
In his letter Mr Charles statesthatwhenheenquired from GuySuCo what the newSkeldonprojectwasall about, he was told that they were going to plant 1500 hectares of cane there, sic, and transport it 30 miles by road to Albion by trailer Editor, properly grown canes from 1500 hectares would amount to around 112,000tonnes of cane! We keep doing the same nonsense over and over again wasting precious national resources simply to buy votes and enrich politicians.
Editor in 2016 they closed Wales factory, the farmerswhoweresupplying almost as much cane to the Walesfactoryasthe GuySuCo fields, were then told to take their canes to Uitvlugt factory less than two years later most of those farmers abandoned growing cane This happened since the additional distance to be
traveled from Wales factory to Uitvlugt [about 20 miles] was too far to be economical These were existing farmers, not the kamikaze new farmers that are now invited to grow cane at Skeldon and make huge losses
In his letter the writer alludes to a milkman and a mansion, and there is abundant evidence that not only this milkman, who has presided over more than one disaster at GuySuCo, but still continues to be elevated within that organization, butotherswhowere removed for several
transgressions, even fraud, continue to operate
A s f a r a s t h e preparation of the lands at both Albion and now Skeldon are concerned, whatever the cost is, I have a few very burning questions/problemsabout it
1 Is it true that the contractor AJM is getting duty-free concessions to bring in the necessary machinery to do these conversions, but is charging an alleged 1 4
million per acre as claimedbyMr Charles?
2 Is it also true that these machines are then being used to do
roadwork without ever having paid the necessary duties? Giving this contractor an unfair advantage when bidding against others who are paying duties etc for theirmachines?
3 Is the contractor aware that the land preparation he is doing is completely disastrous, he is converting Dutch beds to board English beds? incidentally a layout I am completely against, but theystill doing this nonsense notwithstanding that that sort of conversion was what destroyed LBI and EnmoreEstates?
4 I saw pictures on Facebook put there by the presidenthimself s h o w i n g l a n d preparation which is using road graders and not laser levelers! which is what that sort of conversion must employ to succeed, every proper rice farmer in Guyana is now using lasers to level their lands to optimize
t h e i r y i e l d s , b u t GuySuCo, wallowing in their ignorance, despite glaring past evidence against such a layout for mechanical harvesting, are continuing hoping that it will work this time?
And are hiring a contractor at very fancy
prices and conditions, to convert land from one layout to another without firstlevellingit and grading it to make sure that water can drain away from those fields to a l l o w m e c h a n i c a l harvesting.
When will someone in the sugar industry’s main unionstartobjectingtoallof this waste on behalf of their members?
5. Is it also true that seniormembersofthesugar unions are getting big Government contracts and other financial assistance to bribethem
f r o m p r o p e r l y representing their workers? Repeatedly I have said that theworkersofGuySuCoare not benefiting from any of this,only corrupt politicians through these contracts are benefiting from it I have no doubt in my mind that all of this will fail, and not benefit either the people of Guyana, or the sugarworkers
I am not even going to e
a b o r a t e o n m y c
ntention that the Ministry of Agriculture,[ MOA] is doing more for corrupt contractors rather than for the farmers, the sugar industry and the peopleofGuyana
Finally Editor, the current Director General
o f t h e M O A a l s o
chairman for GuySuCo, referred to by Mr Charles, was he not the same Mandanlall Ramraj (PPP Central Committee
Member) who was charged with thirty two counts of fraud at the GuyanaRiceBoardbya person like Professor Clive Thomas then in charge of Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) ? In seeking to find out what happened, I discovered that 16 of the charges were thrown out, when on 11th October 2018, as reported in the Stabroek News, due to the
nonappearance of superintendent of SOCU Sheronie James, who was testifying in another SOCU matter in the courtroom of the Chief Magistrate, the SOCU’s request for a further date was denied by the magistrate and the matter thrownoutofcourt
Editor these 16 chargeswerenotproperly h a n d l e d b y t h e prosecution and fell
apart No one established that this man was not guilty of the offences,
I’m not sure what happened to the other 16 charges, but this is the man now in charge of a bigger portfolio at the MOAand 97 billion dollars with a minister like Mustafa! WhenIwasfouryearsold my mother taught me
about circumstantial evidence “where there is smoke there is fire” putting such persons in charge of big money is fraughtwithdanger Thisis the government created by
Mr Jagdeo.
T h e r e w a s n o corruption with the Jagan government prior to 2000, today, invoking Cheddi Jagan’s name and reputation at every opportunity, Jagdeo has built one of the most corrupt governments anywhereonthisplanet. His calling for less corruption in procurement now, is just his usual pappy show!
Sincerely TonyVieira
Ramkarran’ssuggestionsthat thePPCwasnotestablished...
Frompage04 to have them withdraw the motion or the PNC should abstain from voting on it when the bill was put to the vote.
The approach was made to the PNC/APNU because it was not that Party that had moved nor seconded the Motion.ItwasatotallyAFC affair
Mr Grangerthenreplied thathehadgivenhiswordto the AFC that he would supporttheirmotion.Hewas not willing to go back on it.
Therefore,itwasimpossible to call a Local Government election if the motion could notbestopped.
As a result, when the date for the Prorogation of the National Assembly expired,thePresidentcalled theelections!
Those are the facts. Mr Ramkarran’s suggestions that the PPC was not established due to a tolerance for corruption is wayoffmark.
, When will this madness, thiswastefulspendingspree come to an end? Instead we havethetopbrassofthePPP Government talking about democracy In their speeches to the local and international communities, reminding them through their wello i l e d a n d f u n d e d propaganda outfit about the coalition’s misdeeds, with respect to the conduct of r
Whatever may or may not be the justification for thisconstantandunrelenting assault against the coalition government,whatisperhaps of equal importance, is the c o n d u c t b y a n administration between elections.
Briefly, the Government had embarked upon the spending spree that constitutesawoefulwasteof money in circumstances wheredemocraticnormsare ignored You boast of building roads, schools,
hospitals,bridges,dams etc. knowingfullywellyoulack thecapacitytomonitorthese works - the results, poor quality work. And there is not a single instance of any construction undertaken since August 2020, that has been satisfac
ily completed on time I challenge the appropriate Ministries and Ministers to give one, only one example that satisfied this criteria of satisfactory work , being completed on time within the tendered price awarded.
Noteforexample,theBamia School Contract is yet to be completed,inspiteofearlier completiondatesannounced earlier
I had at one time, the Ministerialresponsibilityfor Agriculture, but I listened with amazement to the statement made by the Minister of Agriculture as reported in the media which stated that at a recent Meetinghostedbyhim,andI quote a senior Guysuco official met with some five interestedbidders.Theyhad adiscussionwhichlastedfor about fifteen minutes.”.The Reportnotedthat“theyhad started to mechanise 5,000 hectares of land at the Skeldon Estate with replanting of canes already started. “We are hoping that bytheendofthisyearwecan plantasubstantialamountof canes in that 5,000 hectares and also the intention is to completeanadditional5,000 hectares from Skeldon that we will crush atAlbion and Rosehall factories that have a capacity to crush more canes ” Interestingly, several of his sentences began with the words ‘it is hoped.’ I am not an expert, and I know that those with knowledge of the sugar industry and Guysuco will commentonthefurthermissteps by this Government and the woeful waste of billionseverymonthtokeep the sugar industry, a failed enterpriselimpingalong.
TheMinister’sstatement talksaboutmechanisationof the industry It is no secret
thatsomeoftheirfriendsare getting concessions to import equipment for the industry,butinsteadmuchof the machinery is better suited to road construction. The irony for all of this is that when the PPP took office three decades ago, they had been talking about mechanisation and modernization of the sugar industry Anindustrywhere many of our ancestors, before and after 1838 gave their sweat, blood and tears. Thetimehascomewhenthe Government should stop making sugar a political football.
Looking at this absurdity, the Minister postulated the moving of canes from Skeldon (the showpiece, now white elephant of the PPP Administration) to Albion for crushing. Those of us who know the Corentyne wouldrealisewearetalking of moving cane from one location to a next over a distance of thirty six (36) milesonthepublicroad,and you have to pass through markets and busy communities between Skeldon and Albion. Only someone who is idiotic, these days will embark on suchstepsofsheerstupidity.
In all this, we hear our top brass talk about transparency, using gleefully that chameleon word, democracy, even as theGovernmentcontinuesto miniaturise those local government’s organsGeorgetown, Linden and
New Amsterdam, where they do not command a political majority So using massive funds available, to set out to emasculate those local authorities by using state funds and state power to do things, which are the responsibility of the local authorities.Three cheers for democracy
Facing us today is a replay with the Minister of Local Government controllingwhoisemployed in the absence of the Local Government Commission The Commission expired this year, and it seems there is no anxiety by the Government to have it reconstitutedwhichoughtto be a standard operational procedure It would be unnecessary to burden this letter of the rape of our democracy taking place before our very eyes on a daily basis. You have the gas-shore project, everything clouded in secrecy You have a tender for additional electricity for the Grid, forgetting that earlier this year, the powers that be boasted that with the TurkishShipandacquisition of several generators, cost not known to the public, black-outswouldend.Today while preparing this letter, there was a black-out at about 2:45 pm in my area followed by two outages yesterday Speaking to a friend on the East Bank of Demerara, he said that this hasbeenapattern,sincethis TurkishShipetalisin
During the 61st countries. said. that prioritizes the health of measures to reduce tobacco policies that counter tobacco D i r e c t i n g The Strategy and Plan of The strategy identifies the population over the demand. industryinterference. Council of the Action to Strengthen youth as a central target for profits of industries that P r
Pan American Tobacco Control in the the tobacco industry, which depend on the sale of comprehensive quality responds to a request from H
ganization Region of the Americas seeks to attract children and harmfulproducts. services that support PAHO Member States (PAHO), high-level health 2 0 2 5 - 2 0 3 0 a i m s t o adolescents to replace Five strategic lines of effective cessation efforts d
authorities approved a new a c c e l e r a t e t h e tobacco users who quit action The regional strategy and proper treatment for Directing Council last year, strategy aimed at enhancing implementation of measures smokingordied.Inaddition, establishes five lines of tobaccodependence. who sought support to tobaccocontrolintheregion. contained in the WHO there is an increasingly action: Ratification of the WHO develop a strategy and plan
This initiative seeks to Framework Convention on aggressive promotion of Implementation of Framework Convention on of action to continue efforts bolster efforts against Tobacco Control (FCTC) in emerging products aimed at effective measures to Tobacco Control and the to implement the most costsmoking while addressing the region, promoting this target population, such regulate the consumption, Protocol to Eliminate the effective tobacco control emergingchallenges,suchas healthier, more sustainable as electronic cigarettes, marketing and advertising of Illicit Trade in Tobacco measures and address the rising use of electronic and equitable environments, whose consumption among conventional and emerging Products. challenges such as digital cigarettes among youth, and prioritizing the youngpeopleexceedsthatof tobaccoproducts. Strengthening the marketing tactics and PAHO said in a press release protection of young people, adult populations in most
capacityofMemberStatesto ongoing tobacco industry onThursday women and lower income countries.
Each year, one million populations. The five measures of the people die from tobacco use “There is still much to be FCTC recognized by the in the Americas. Despite the done to combat one of the WHO as the “best buys” to decrease in consumption world’s leading preventable p
l rates, it is estimated that 133 causes of death. This new noncommunicable diseases million adults and 5 million resolution will help advance (NCDs) form the basis and adolescents aged 13 to 15 proven measures that are starting point of the new continue to use tobacco. The cost-effective in reducing strategy and plan of action. substance represents one of tobacco consumption and By discouraging tobacco use the main threats to public protecting health, especially andnicotineaddiction,itwill health, creating considerable among people in vulnerable a l s o c o n t r i b u t e t o social, economic, and situations,” Dr Jarbas environmental protection environmental burdens on Barbosa, Director of PAHO and promote an economy
develop public health interference.
The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) is Services, Rhonda La Fargue, explained that warning customers to upgrade their prepaid “with an upgraded system, there is some metres immediately or risk losing electricity better functionality so it’s necessary that we altogether areapartofthat.”
Approximately 18,000 customers must Failure to upgrade within the deadline call GPL now to get their metres upgraded will result in power loss since metres will no before October 31 To comply with longer be able to accept pre-paid tokens. international mandatory standards, it is Eligible customers should contact GPL via mandatory for GPL to transition to the latest 603-8635 or 690-3128 for assistance. Once version of the Standard Transfer their eligibility is confirmed, GPL staff will Specificationforallprepaidmetres. providethethreenecessarytokens. The upgrade will enhance GPL service The first two are upgrade tokens while countrywideandwillbenefitcustomers. thethirdactsasa“test”tokentoverifythe GPL’s Divisional Director of Customer (Continued on page 10)
On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a series of coordinated attacks on Israeli civilians, resulting in thedeathsofoverathousand people.
This brutal assault has been characterized as terrorism, and rightfully so. It was a deliberate targeting ofnon-combatants,intended to instill fear, provoke outrage, and further a politicalagenda.
Yet, while Hamas’s actionsmeetthedefinitionof terrorism, they do not constitute state-sponsored terrorism.Tounderstandthis distinction is critical, especially in the current geopolitical climate, where accusations and labels are wieldedasweapons.
Hamasisanorganization that, through its actions, seeks to advance a specific politicalgoal—theliberation of Palestinian territories and the eradication of Israeli presence therein. Its tactics reflectabroaderstrategythat has historically relied on violence to achieve objectives. The nature of their actions on that fateful day was designed to strike fear and compel response, characteristics inherent to terrorism.
However, what sets Hamas apart from statesponsored terrorism is the
absence of a state apparatus that supports its violent endeavors. Hamas operates as a non-state actor, relying on its own resources and ideology to conduct operations against Israel
Whilethegroupmayreceive financial and military supportfromothernationsor entities, it does not act as an agent of a recognised sovereign state. Therefore, the actions of Hamas on October 7 were terrorism, but not state-sponsored terrorism.
In stark contrast, the actions of the Israeli government illustrate a troubling reality of statesponsoredterrorism.Israel’s policy towards its opponents, particularly Palestinians, can be characterizedasasystematic campaign of extermination through military warfare. This includes airstrikes on civilian populations, the destruction of homes, and a strategy that seeks to eliminateoppositionthrough fear and violence Such policies are sanctioned and directed by the Israeli state, making them inherently different from the isolated acts of violence committed bygroupslikeHamas.
Israel’s policy of assassinating military commandersandindividuals
deemed enemies constitutes terrorist activities because it employs targeted killings as a method of statecraft. It is therefore state-sponsored terrorism as distinct from terrorism practiced by nonstateactors.
The distinction lies not justintheactionsthemselves butintheintentandstructure behind them The Israeli government has employed military tactics that are systematically violent, designed not only to neutralize immediate threats but also to instill long-term fear and obedience among populations under its control This is statesponsored terrorism a systematic use of violence, endorsed by the state, to achievepoliticalends.
What makes this even more alarming is the complicity of the United States in these actions. The U.S. has historically providedsignificantmilitary aid to Israel, effectively condoning its policies that result in widespread violence against Palestinian civilians.Inthiscontext,one must consider the hypocrisy inherent in U S foreign policy The U S has absurdly accused Cuba of sponsoring terrorism, despiteCuba’sactionsbeing farlessegregiousthanthose
Dem boys hear people complaining ‘boutnoisenuisancealloverdeplace.But holdon!Welovenoisesomuch,wecould feelcompelledtoupdevolume.
Whenyuhgotoaweddingorparty,yuh can’t even hear yourself think, much less haveadecentconversation.DeDJplaying music like he trying to wake up de ancestors,andwejustdancinglikeweina trance.
Even wake house now, yuh does gat to beonthelookoutbecausesomepeopledoes hire big music set fuh de last night. And don’t get we started on de house parties! Yuhknowdemneighborswhofeellikedem isdenextbigthinginmusic?Demblasting tunes so loud, even de cockroaches in de pantryhavetoholdontosomethingtokeep from vibrating outta de house. Yuh know dempeoplewhoopendewindowsto“letin somefreshair,”butalldatdoescomeinisa cacophony of bass that shakes de neighbors’dishes.Islikeacompetitionfor whocouldmakedeloudestracket,andwe allplaying!
Butwait!Derealculpritsarededrivers withdemassivestereosystems.Ahtellyuh, demspeakerscouldprobablyblowderoof offdecar!Yuhdrivingalong,mindingyuh own business, when suddenly, yuh hear a
of Israel This double standard not only underminesthecredibilityof U.S. accusations but also highlights the politically motivatednatureoftheterm “terrorism.”
WhenwelabelHamasas a terrorist organization, we must do so with the understandingthatitisnota
understanding of the geopolitical landscape Instead, it is essential to recognize that terrorism, in its broadest sense, encompasses both statesponsored and non-state actions. The tragedy is that both forms of violence perpetuate a cycle of suffering for innocent civilians.
Moreover, framing the c o n f l i c t a s o n edimensional—Hamas as the terrorists and Israel as the i n n o c e n t victim oversimplifies a
deeply complex situation. It ignores the historical context, the systemic oppression faced by Palestinians, and the continuouscycleofviolence that has characterized this conflictfordecades.
Hamas is fundamentally attempting to liberate Palestinian territories from over 70 years of Israeli occupation, which has systematically deprived Palestinians of their rights, land, and sovereignty Since theestablishmentofIsraelin 1948, Palestinians have f a c e d w i d e s p r e a d displacement, military control, and the erosion of their national identity Hamas positions itself as a resistance movement advocatingfortherightsand aspirationsofthePalestinian people, aiming to end the occupationandachieveselfdetermination. While its methods are controversial and often violent, they are
rootedinahistoricalcontext of oppression, where the organization sees itself as fi
international laws and humanitariannorms.
To accurately assess the dynamics at play, one must
implicationsofstatepolicies that contribute to the violence and despair faced by ordinary people on both sidesoftheconflict.Andnot be lulled into framing one side as villain and the other asvictim.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the
not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
soundsolouditcouldwakededead.Islike dey have a personal vendetta against silence.Yuhinyuhcar,tryingtocatchalil’ peace, and here come Mr I-Love-ToDistract-Yuh, rattling your eardrums like maracasatacarnival.
And don’t forget about de cricket matches! Yuh go to de game, expecting some chill vibes, and all yuh get is horns blowing and fans shouting louder than de players.Ifyuhwanttohaveachatwithyuh buddy next to yuh, yuh practically have to screamlikeyuhinahorrormovie!“What’s dat,man?!”“Ican’thearyuh!Isitdecrowd ordesoundsystem?”
Yet, in de midst of all dis, we have de nerve to complain ‘bout noise nuisance? We love noise more than we love our own peaceofmind!Ifitain’tmusicblaring,isde sound of hammers hammering, or de neighbors arguing over who borrowed who’s lawn mower and never returned it. So,what’sdefussallabout?Wecan’thave ourcakeandeatittoo!Ifwelovedenoise so much, we might as well embrace it. Is likedeloudnessispartofourculturenow, like curry and roti. So, next time yuh hear someone hollering about noise nuisance, justsmile. Talkhalf!Leffhalf!
Note is taken of great- intentions. The question has a sticky wicket. Guyanese dignified existence Guyana,erodedAmbassador uncle Sam A A Hinds, merit: Is Excellency Sam should go down on their Ambassador Hinds can be Hinds’donesomethingtohis former top dog in Guyana, Hinds still Guyana’s knees and be thankful for excused for forgetting that mind? The liquids can be now prowling about in the Ambassador to the United small mercies, which are such people exist, since it is strong up on DC, call for luminaries and other g l i t z i e r c o r n e r s o f States,orhashemutatedinto really big ones, according to known from firsthand greatdiscipline,shouldthere Guyanese with a wide swath Washington, DC, but still Exxon’s chief envoy and ExcellencySam. experiencehownumbingthe be any dabbling with the of the uneven in them. Dr finding the time to care and cheerleader to Guyana? the “Let’s feel good for what Washington winters can be. spirits Guyanese are Hinds was not the only writehome. question is both timely and we are getting….” Who is The head is the first part of catching hell in the richest ambassador who graced Thank you, Excellency relevant for it has been that the “we” in the getting that the anatomy that gives up t o w n i n t h e w o r l d Guyanese with his singular Sam for “Let’s feel good for kind of year, just made Ambassador Hinds wrote so some of its prior robustness, (Washington, DC included) grandness spoced with good what we are getting from our immensely better by the richly about? It certainly that keenness which allows and the man in Uncle Sam words. oil” (SN October 02, 2024). touchy-feely, feel-good era can’t be the ordinary people s o b e r p a r
f country insists “Let’s all feel One who was here and If that is not compassionate thatthevenerableUncleSam inGuyana,withteachersand circumstances in sun good for what we are getting was the epitome of skulking care from one of Guyana’s reminded all Guyanese public servants standing at blistered Guyana The from our oil.” Somebody secrecy broke the veil with mostloyalsons,thennothing about In Ambassador the head of the line. Nor can Americansarehavingafeast didmorethanlosttouchwith some sugary offering over a else is. A man and an Hinds’ world, it is not so they be the little people of inGuyana,andGuyaneseget reality; that party lost touch book. ambassadorwithaheartand, much what Guyanese are Guyana crying out week to console themselves with with life, no matter how It was apanting, drooling if it may be said, a mind that missing, it is what they are after week in SN about how Exxon’s pittances, while well-meaning their position. encomium to those with the works in some ways that are collecting Hooray for what they are getting is not having to make do with The children of slavery and power to put such folks at a not usually followed by highlighting the high notes enough to help them live at a famine. Has the passage of indentureship (serfdom) safe distance from Guyana. those with patriotic andputtingapositivespinon healthy standard, maintain a time, the distance he is from should know better, know Burnhamusedtodothatwith the new exploiters who grab people who needed shelter all the treasure, while From him or other interested leaving the shavings for the parties.
dominant local tribes Jagdeo may curse Feeling good about that is Burnham, but he has been rankbetrayal. one of his best imitators, if
Here is a consideration not an even better one for Excellency Hinds: while Given where Guyana is he is helping himself to today, and the great interest another batch of Maryland that it generates, this crab cakes: there are country’s ambassadors Guyanese left adrift here, should have their hands so who would welcome some full that they don’t have a crab shells to keep them spare moment to start typing going. on a keyboard about No, Excellency Hinds, anything. not as sturdy bed of shells on That would include how which to walk, but the brittle all Guyanese should be sections of the carapace his gratified with what the oil is downhome brothers and g i v i n g ; o r w h o s e sisterswouldusetopropupa penmanshipisatestimonyto meal. greatness. It must be either
Though thousands of the foreign air, or the spring miles now separate from his water, or they have too much roots, Ambassador Hinds is electricity. not the kind of man to It could also be that they abandonhispeople. havenoworktodoandareat
The politician in him and a loss about what to do with its gnarled PPP roots may themselves It is the prompt him to so consider, evidence of who is getting but not the man, Samuel A. and who has it good in A. Hinds, CCH and XYZ. Guyana.
Thisisdismal. IfSamHinds (The views expressed in today,whoisnextonthe‘we this article are those of the must all feel good’ a u t h o r a n d d o n o t bandwagon? necessarily reflect the
Onanothernote,itseems opinions and beliefs of this thatitistheseasonofwriting n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s for plenipotentiaries and affiliates.)
From page 8 upgrade’ssuccessandthemetre’sabilitytoacceptcredit. La Fargue noted that this process can be completed in abouttwominutes.“It’sasimpleprocessthatacustomercan do themselves,” she explained Thus far, GPL has implementedseveralmeasurestonotifyandassistcustomers inswiftlyandeffectivelyupgrading.
Theagencyhaspublishedthemetrenumberseligiblefor the upgrade, publicised contact details, and conducted outreachesinvariouscommunities.Forcustomerswithnonupgradable metres, GPL is committed to ensuring they are not left without power As the world advances, the government remains dedicated to keeping Guyana up-todate with every necessary upgrade, guaranteeing access to essentialservices. (DPI)
It must be a joke for a former President and Prime Minister to say that Guyana should be glad it collected US$4.4B from its own resources when it should have received US$10B
The executives at ExxonMobil must be rolling over laughing, giving each other high fives saying “we got them.”
The words uttered by Mr Samuel Hinds should be seen by every Guyanese for what it is, ‘disrespect’ in the highest form.
Four firms including a Guyanese the areas. So when you have less data, people company have been shortlisted to bid for the don’t put in great bids because they don’t contract to conduct 3D seismic surveys know what is there, they can’t interpret the offshore Guyana The Government of data.”
Guyana (GoG) through the Ministry of Jagdeo said 3D-seismic may be Natural Resources had put out a tender conductedfortheunallocatedareas;however, seeking a reputable and experienced firm to this will not be paid for by the government. conduct 3D multi-client seismic surveys The data will however be shared with the offshore Guyana. On June 27, 2024, eight Ministry of Natural Resources and other companies had expressed their interest in related agencies while interested oil conducting the surveys. However, during the companies will be required to pay for the opening of tenders on Thursday at the information.
National Procurement and Tender Seismic surveys can provide crucial Administration Board (NPTAB) office it was information on subsurface rock layers. It revealedthatonlyfouroutoftheeightbidders involves emitting acoustic waves, recording were shortlisted to continue with the their reflections and measuring their biddingprocess. aracteristics Through this
Against the background of a rapid growth in Chinese businesses across Guyana, citizenshaveraisedconcerns about the viability of their enterprises and have called on government to intervene urgently
Earlier this week residents of Agricola took to the streets to protest the establishment of a Chinese supermarket in their area.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
The four bidders who echnology, oil and gas submittedtheirproposalsareas companies gain valuable follow: PSSGEO (Pre Stack insights into potential Solutions-GEO) out of reserves.
Norway; CGG Veritas
Following the VP press ServicesUKLimitedfromthe conference, the People’s United Kingdom; Latitude National Congress Reform Energy (from Guyana) in joint (PNC/R) spokesman on oil and venture with Shearwater GEO as, Elson Low at press ServicesLimited;andTGSMagseis conferencewaskeentonotethatthe of the USA. In its tender document, the revelation by Jagdeo during his presser Natural Resources Ministry had stated that came after government had hurriedly the objective of the assignment is to acquire, launched the country’s maiden bid round last processandinterprethigh-quality3Dseismic yearintheabsenceofseismicstudies. data to facilitate exploration and potential
The Opposition argued that seismic development of hydrocarbon resources studies would have allowed bidders to access offshoreGuyana. much more detailed information about each
Also the assignment is to ensure high- block. As such, Low told reporters, “There quality seismic data is available for effective was therefore understandable surprise when evaluation during future bidding and thegovernmentdecidedtopushforwardwith licensing rounds This publication had the auction without the needed studies. Now, reported that at a press conference in July, like a child who ran to play without doing his Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo announced homework, Jagdeo has to go right back to that government went out to tender seeking conduct the very seismic studies he this service and noted the importance of the neglected.” It was reported that Guyana’s surveys. maiden auction launched in December 2022
“Wewent(at)thelastauctionwithoutany featured 14 blocks but only eight received 3D-seismic so we didn’t have much data for bids.
The gutted Identification Room
Fire of unknown origin destroyed the 18:33 hrs. and the first jet went into action at Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) old Criminal 18:34hrs,”theGFSsaidwhileaddingthatthe
ment (CID) firefighters were successful in quickly Identification Room at Eve Leary on containingandextinguishingflames. Wednesday, the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) “…The building sustained significant reported.According to the GFS, the building damage, and its contents were destroyed,” was at the time being used as a storage reportedtheGFS. facility Thefirereportedlystartedat18:27. An investigation is ongoing to determine “The first unit arrived on the scene at thecauseofthefire.
Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday in response to a question by Kaieteur News on issue said that the regulatory bodies suppliers.
need to uniformly enforce He stated that there is the ventilation, but next door the laws on these Chinese argument that there are cases there is a Chinese company b u s i n e s s e s J a g d e o where the Chinese business selling pharmaceuticals but explained that he has been in owners often times bypass there is no ventilation contact with citizens and regulatory approval and the whatsoever, they are not they have claimed that they agencies responsible for applying the law uniformly,” are being displaced by enforcing the regulations do theVPsaid.
C h i n e s e n a t i o n a l s not hold them accountable in Explaining that to sell establishing businesses in according with the laws of certain items like alcohol their communities. On the the country “So they there are different permits other hand, he said there are (Guyanese)putupabuilding needed, Jagdeo highlighted other business person who that breaches the building that some of these Chinese are pro-Chinese and rent permits, no ventilation there entitiesselleverythingunder their properties to them so on the building, they will get the sun without having the they can do business, saying a visit from the inspector necessary permissions in that there are no payment w h o s a y s t o s e l l placeandthisshouldnotbe issues even if they are pharmaceuticals here you (Continued on page 13)
A serious road accident on Sunday morning at the La Bonne Intention (LBI) Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara, resulted in the death of 60-year-old SalimaHeeralal. She succumbed to her injuries around 02:40 hrs. on Monday at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) The incident occurred around 06:00 hrs. which involved two vehicles: motor car #PAE 672, driven by 21-year-old MarshallAllicockfromEarls Court LBI, and motor car #PAH 5148, driven by Salima’s husband, 58-yearoldPrakashHeeralal.Salima was an occupant in the vehicle.
The van that the Heeralals were in, crashed into nearby bridge. (Demerara Waves)
According to police statements, initial inquiries disclosed that Prakash was travelingwestinthesouthern from their vehicle and By Monday morning, a lane of the embankment transporting them to the policeofficerwhovisitedthe when Allicock, exiting the hospital’s Accident and Intensive Care Unit was LBI access road, failed to Emergency Unit for urgent informed of Salima stop at the intersection. This care. Due to the severity of Heeralal’s death Prakash resulted in a collision with her injuries, Salima was later Heeralal has since been the right side of Heeralal’s moved to the Intensive Care dischargedfromthehospital, vehicle, causing it to strike a Unit. while Allicock remains nearbybridge Meanwhile,Allicockwas hospitalized.
Witnesses quickly taken to a private city Investigations into the intervened,helpingtoextract hospital by a family member incident are currently both Salima and Prakash forobservation. ongoing.
By Shania Williams
compete against foreign firms that
identify opportunities, which poses nationals, who plan to renovate it benefit from better financing and a threat to our local businesses. We intoasupermarket.
Former President of the support from their home countries, must proactively find solutions to One vendor, identified only as
Georgetown Chamber of it can devastate indigenous and protectourcountryanditspeople.” Ms. Clark, who has been selling Commerce and Industry (GCCI), family-owned businesses,” the
outside the building for over 50 Timothy Tucker has called for formerGCCIheadsaid. importance of supporting local years, expressed her frustration: “I stronger protections for local small He emphasised the vital role v
can’t understand Chinese coming businesses against foreign these small businesses play in particularly in light of recent to put me out of my little business competition, asserting that “we do providing additional income for initiativeslikethelocalcontentlaw thatI’mhustlingfor Ihavemylittle not want to become second-class single parents, retirees, and in the oil and gas sector “We need h
citizensinourowncountry.” families, while warning that toensurethatthevendorsandsmall grandchildren, and now I have to His comments come in the without protective measures, they businesses that have been part of move for the sake of the Chinese wakeofrecentprotestsbyresidents risk being overwhelmed by foreign our communities for generations coming here.”Another vendor said and vendors ofAgricola against the competition. “We must safeguard are not pushed aside. Finding ways that the local shops have been establishment and operation of themfromlarge,syndicatedforeign to support them is crucial for the takingcareofthecommunity Chinese supermarkets in their investors that mimic local mom- futureofoureconomy.” “Wehaveabusinessassociation community and-popstores,asthisthreatensthe Protest in Agricola where our businesses In an exclusive interview with potential for middle-class
Earlier this week residents and take care of our community We Kaieteur News on Thursday, entrepreneurship and community vendors of Agricola protested don’t want them here,” the vendor Tucker acknowledged the sustainability,”Tucker said adding, Additionally, Tucker proposed against Chinese-owned businesses said. Themanfurthercriticizedthe importance of foreign investment “If we don’t protect these that the government holds being
government of Guyana for for Guyana but stressed that it businesses at the community, communitymeetingstoallowsmall community They fear that allowing foreigners to “snatch” should not come at the expense of regional, and national levels, we business owners to voice their establishments such as the opportunities from locals: “The small and micro businesses will face serious problems in the challenges and needs. “I envision supermarkets will drive the locals government is bringing in Tucker said that inadequate access future.” broad consultations where each out of business. Vendors voiced foreigners that are not benefitting to financing is a significant barrier Tuckerurgedthegovernmentto community can share its their apprehension about a new Guyanese… We can’t go to China tothegrowthofthesmallandmicro reinforcethelawsthatprotectsmall experiences, enabling us to Chinese supermarket set to be andopenabusiness.” businesses adding that, “The real businesses and called for a review empower local government to opened at the corner of Brutus Another vendor said the reason small businesses struggle to of zoning and anti-competitive control the types of businesses that Street and the East Bank Public vendors in the community will grow is their lack of proper access laws to support indigenous operate in their areas.We shouldn’t Road. suffer should the Chinese owned tofinancialresources.” enterprises. “We should look at have ten foreign supermarkets T h e y a r g u e t h a t t h e supermarket open. “What will He said that foreign businesses community frameworks similar to withinaquarter-mileradius.” supermarket’s presence will happen to the people that already often enter the market with the small business associations in He expressed concern over the threatentheirsmallvendingshops. establish their business for over the substantial financial backing and the United States that provide ease with which foreign businesses KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat years?Yestheyaregoingtosellata competitive advantages, which protections, tax exemptions, and canpenetratetheGuyanesemarket, these vendors would sell their cheaper price at the beginning and jeopardizes local enterprises access to financing for local stating, “These companies have the products from outside of a building after time goes by they are going to “When small businesses have to businesses.” resources to analyze markets and that was recently sold to Chinese increase,”thevendorsaid.
From page 12 open business here, it’s reserved so. “One may go to a store to buy for Canadians orAmericans can’t nails and want a beer, a shop next openbusinesseshereit’sreserved door may have the permit to sell for people from India or some thebeerbutyouwouldbuyitfrom part of the world You can’t place the store you are currently in restrictions on opening business because it’s convenient at the time based on nationality It would not even though they do not have the only be against the World Trade approval to distribute alcoholic Organisation rules but it would beverages.” run you into a very difficult
Thisisoneoftheotheravenues foreign policy situation,” the VP that Guyanese are highlighting as noted a disadvantage and Jagdeo said F r o m a c o m p e t i t i o n that “the Guyana Revenue disadvantage point of view he Authority does not pay careful admitted that the persons attention for payment of VAT and protesting are in their right to do other things, or hold them so, adding that if he was in that accountable for paying VAT and position he would have done the other taxes that they have to pay same thing if he was next to a “So we have made it clear to the business owned by a foreigner regulatory bodies you have to who wasn’t observing the laws of enforcethelawsuniformlyandwe his native land. “So that’s how we believe that sometimes people are approachit,butwecan’tiftheidea induced not to do that so we are is to stop people based on paying careful attention to this,” nationality,itwouldbeimpossible Jagdeosaid. to do it. You cannot do that
He made it clear that discriminate on the basis of government will discriminate nationality, but you can ensure against a business based on the compliance with the laws of the owner’s nationality and once a country So they have to pay their foreign national is accepted into fair taxes, they have to look at all the country there are no oftheregulationsandifourpeople restrictions here to prevent them are not allowed to sell multiple from opening shop “So we things in a single store then they cannot say oh the Chinese can’t mustnottoo,”headded.
Anew$27millionbuildinghasbeencommissioned at West Demerara Secondary School in Region
The new two-storey building features five large classrooms and other essential amenities and will create a spacious environment for some 150 sixth-form students. Currently, thirty-three students are enrolled in Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) studies at the school, which offers a variety of subjects, including Economics, Physical Education, Communication Studies, Law,andIntegratedMathematics.
During the commissioning ceremony on Wednesday, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, said the upgrade is part of the government’s broader plan to ensure all schools areequippedwiththenecessaryfacilitiesforstudentstoexcel. In her message to the students, she encouraged them to make fulluseoftheeducationalresourcesavailabletothemtoexcel in their studies.
“Your job now is to do well…I commit to you that this is not the end for us at West Demerara [Secondary],”ministerManickchandsaid.
Minister Manickchand also unveiled plans to construct a swimming pool and a multi-purpose court at the West Demerara Secondary School, which will provide students with increased recreational opportunities Community participation will play a significant role in these developments.
Outlining some of the plans for the region, the education minister said several new secondary, primary, and nursery schoolsareexpectedtobeconstructed.
A new block will also be opened at Leonora Secondary SchoolonFriday
Theministersaidthatherministryiscurrentlylookingfor suitablelandfornewsecondaryschoolsatNismesandVreedEn-Hoop and is hopeful that her ministry’s proposals for the schoolswillbeapprovedbyCabinet.“Inabouttwoyearswe are going to have all the secondary schools we need in Region Three,” Minister Manickchand said. Extension works at De Willem Secondary School have recently been completed and the space can now accommodate the school’s growingpopulation.
Theseinitiativespromisetoenhanceaccesstoeducational opportunities for many students and reduce the need for long commutesforstudents. (DPI)
Raimundinha Rodrigues Da Sousa says her indigenous community is at risk from inhaling so much smoke
(BBC NEWS) “If these fires continue, we indigenous peoplewilldie.”
Raimundinha Rodrigues Da Sousa runs the voluntary fire service for the Caititu indigenous community in the Brazilian Amazon.
Their land is supposed to be protected under the Brazilian constitution.Butithasbeenonfireformorethan15days.For her brigade, their fight feels personal. “Today it is killing the plants,inawhileitwillbeus,becauseweinhalesomuch,”she says.
“Itisaveryaggressivefirethatkillseverythingthatcomes its way.” Her father,Ademar, tells us the constant smoke has caused him respiratory problems. “I can’t sleep due to a lack ofair Itwakesmeup,IfeellikeI’mdrowning,”hesays.
TheAmazon has had its worst forest fires in two decades. More than 62,000 square kilometres have been burned this year already – an area bigger than countries like Sri Lanka or Costa Rica.The world relies on theAmazon to absorb a lot of itscarbon.Thesefiresmeanitisnowemittingrecordamounts itself. Most fires here are illegally started by humans, according to scientists, the Federal Police, and the government:loggersandminerslookingtoexploitlandinthe Amazon,orfarmersturningitintopasture.
It is much rarer for fires to occur naturally in the humid, tropicalrainforest.Manyfiresencroachonprotectedreserves or indigenous land, eitherby accidentallygettingout of hand, or set by people as deliberate attempts to grab land. Raimundinha says that when her brigade arrives at the scene of a fire, they often find bottles of gasoline and matches. As she speaks, she spots another plume of smoke from some trees. She is certain it was started deliberately, as they’d only justextinguishedthefiresthereandcreatedanaturalbarrierto stop it spreading, by removing any dry vegetation from the area.
Her team go to investigate. As we get nearer, there is a distinctive smell of smoke. The landscape on the way to the fire is like a graveyard of trees, collapsed and blackened in their entirety The rainforest here barely merits its name. The trees still standing are charred and warped like burnt matchsticks. The ground is coated in white powder like the remainsofabarbecue.Herteamtrytoputouttheflameswith hoses they use to spray water, attached to small plastic containers they wear like backpacks. The water is limited, so theyhavetobeselective.
The problem is, as soon as one is put out, another starts. The indigenous chief, Ze Bajaga, says that the majority of these fires are arson, set by people who “no longer want the wellbeingofhumanity,ornature”.
Zé Bajaga, an indeigenous chief, says a lot of the fires are causedbyarson
In recent years, deforestation has slowed in the Amazon. But despite attempted crackdowns by state authorities, lawlessness is still rife, and the state presence feels minimal. Some of the Amazon is privately owned by individuals or companies. Private owners are meant to conserve 80% of the rainforestontheirlandbylaw,andcandeveloptheremaining 20%.Butthisisnotwellpoliced.
Some of the land is classified as a state-owned protected reserve, or as an indigenous reserve. Some land though is undesignated entirely - meaning it is not privately owned by anyone, and has also not been protected as a reserve. Those areas are particularly vulnerable to land-grabs. Everywhere you drive or fly over in the south of Amazonas state, mines, loggers and farms are visible. Dorismar Luiz Baruffi, a soy farmer based in the Amazonas town of Humaitá, has owned hislandformanyyears.Heisagainstthefires,butcanexplain (Continued on page 16)
More than 62,000 square kilometres of Amazon rainforest has been burned this year already
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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From page 2 require more specifics because the Act is very clear with regards to how those funds should be spent and if you just lump sum it into the consolidated fund we need to know definitely of those funds that were transferred into the consolidated fund that are they being used for the specific purposes with regards to what the Act speaks to.”
the oil money should be subjected to a separate audit. Figueira explained, “This is the most important sector and therefore a lot of attention should be directed specifically to these funds.
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Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
The Parliamentarian said the NRF Act may require amendments to justify transfers to the Consolidated Fund for spending across the board, rather than for specific purposes outlined in the Act. These amendments according to him are crucial to ensure there is absolute conformity with the legal requirements.
He said, “Given how it is being transferred and the unknown of how it is being utilized it therefore requires some additional amendments to give greater clarity on the direction of how these funds should be directed and used.”
Figueira was adamant that the public must be able to know what portion of the Fund was used for a specific project.
This can be done, according to him, through the Budget documents, to certify that the funds are utilized according to the Act. Furthermore, he also shared the view that
We want to ensure that the country doesn’t suffer from the Dutch disease and therefore, these funds should be dispersed in a manner that is very responsible and therefore special attention should be directed specifically to that sector to manage the fund.”
With little transparency regarding the use of Guyana’s oil wealth, International Financial Analysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the country and improve the lives of its poor citizens.
For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), Tom Sanzillo had pointed out that the government has not been prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme which may very well benefit its partner, ExxonMobil more than the citizens in the country.
Meanwhile, the government previously said that money from the oil account
is transferred directly to the Consolidated Fund which blends the various revenue streams. This means that the government is therefore unable to say what specific projects were funded by those earnings.
Back in July this year, this newspaper reported that the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) in 2023 generated an interest of US$86.8M, a substantial increase when compared with the returns earned in 2022.
This information is contained in the 2023 NRF Annual Report, tabled in the National Assembly by the Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh.
According to the document seen by this newspaper, “Net return generated by the Fund totaled G$18,105.25 million (US$86.84 million) for the year 2023, a substantial increase of 396% (G$14,455.17 / US$69.33 million) over the previous year’s level on account of higher interest rates on overnight deposits during 2023.”
An annual portfolio return of 4.824% was achieved by the Fund in 2023 compared with 1.581% in 2022.
The 2023 NRF Annual
Report states that Brent crude oil prices fell by 10.32% during 2023 moving from US$85.91 per barrel at the start of the year to US$77.04 per barrel as at the end of December 2023. Further, total barrels of oil produced by Guyana’s three Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels totaled 142 million barrels during 2023 in comparison with 101.41 million barrels for 2022.
Notably, as at December 31, 2023, the Fund accounted for inflows of US$1.6B during the reporting period, and represented an increase of 13.90% when compared with the inflows of US$1.4B for 2022.
These inflows were deposited into the Natural Resource Fund account held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with the exception of two profit oil payments for two lifts which occurred in December 2023, totaling US$148.91 million. These payments were received in January and February, 2024. Meanwhile, the report outlines that outflows in the form of withdrawals from the Fund totaled US$1,002.13 million in 2023, which reflected an increase of 64.92% (US$394.48 million) over the previous year’s level of U$607.65 million.
From page 06 operation. Yet another secret transaction.
We pleaded before, that our democracy as defined by the Government has massive monies available to it but for reasons which are not obscured, they fail with a few exceptions to put in place, persons who are patriots and
From page 15 why farming has “exploded” in the Amazon. At the heart of his, and others’, argument is the belief more land should be productive, not just protected.
“Growth of the population has increased planting up here. I started here because the region is good, it rains well here,” he explains.
“I believe if you’re working within the law, there’s no problem. It is a place that provides food. It is a state that can produce a lot. I think there is still a lot of land to be cultivated here in Amazonas.”
Deforestation is bad for farmers too though.
The fewer trees there are, the less water vapour is emitted to create rain for their crops - which some farmers burn their land to make room for. “We did poorly this year because of the drought,” he says. The fires may be mostly
competent to manage the various sectors and therefore would continue this spending spree and the ordinary people, regardless of political affiliation or belief, except for the few who are getting the big bucks, the people are the victims.
One man said to me, two weeks ago, a failed State, all
because our Government failed to understand the unhappy consequences of Peter principle.
So you take people who may be excellent canecutters or excellent policemen and because of their loyalty, you put them in higher positions where they become a dismal failure. With this fastest grow-
started by humans, but they have been made worse by Brazil’s worst-ever drought, which has turned the normally damp vegetation into a dry tinderbox. The drought has seen the level of the rivers drop to historic lows, and almost 60% of the country is under stress from the drought. The rivers, in parts, are now completely dry and resemble a parched desert. João Mendonça and his community live by the river. But the dry riverbed means they can no longer travel on the water, meaning they are cut off from nearby towns and cities. Every day, at dawn, they must now travel by foot to the nearest city to fill up tanks of water. Here, dolphins can be spotted popping out of the river and blue macaws fly overhead.
But João and his fellow villagers must then carry it on their backs to their commu-
nity, burning their feet on the cracked dry riverbed and occasionally passing dead river life like turtles. They make this journey several times a day in scorching heat. “It’s the worst drought I’ve ever seen in my life,” João says. “It has brought a lot of consequences… the absence of food on the riverside dwellers’ table.
The fish are gone.” “One of the biggest difficulties is access to the city, now the river is dry. There are elderly people, people with chronic illnesses who must make this journey.” Sandra Gomes Vieira, who lives with a kidney disease, and her family are among those now cut off from the city. “Before it was easier when I was feeling sick. My husband would put me in a canoe that would arrive in the city. Now, I must walk across that sand to reach it. There are days when I can’t
ing economy in the world, Editor, I ask you and all Believers to pray and pray unceasingly, so that the benefit from the billions and billions we now harvest in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, will benefit this and succeeding generations. Hamilton Green Elder
do anything, I need people to carry me,” she says. One of her three daughters has had to drop out of school: “She’s not studying because she couldn’t face walking across that sand in the heat. She felt sick.” The drought is also making it harder to make a living. “We live off selling products we grow. Now my produce is spoiling. And there is no way to take them to the city.”
The impact of these fires and the drought on people’s lives in Amazonas is clear, but their message for everybody else is too.
“There are people who don’t even care about this kind of thing,” says Raimundinha Rodrigues Da Sousa, who is battling the fires every day. “They’re just doing it without thinking about tomorrow. But for you to live in nature, you must take care of it.”a
Moffer valuable solutions that can be used to address the current crisis over global foodinsecurity
President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali made this remark during the birth anniversary ceremonyofGandhiandLal Bahadur Shastri, India’s second Prime Minister. The ceremony took place at the Gandhi Statue in the Promenade Gardens in Georgetown.
People around the world commemorate Gandhi’s legacy of non-violence, truth,andsocialjusticeevery yearonOctober2.Thisyear marksthe155thanniversary
of Gandhi’s birth and the 120th anniversary of Shastri’s.GandhiandShastri recognisedtheimportanceof foodsecurityinIndiaduring their lifetime. President Ali said that while agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, and soil preservation may seem like modern concepts, these historical figures were already advocating and practisingthem. The issue of food security persists as both an economic and ethical challenge The president pointed out that 800 million people go to bed hungry everynight,whiletheUnited Nations estimates that 1.3 billion tonnes of food go to waste every year “We all
part of the problem and we are all contributing to this injustice We must first acknowledgethatwearepart of the problem and then dedicateourselvestobepart of the solution,” President Alisaid.
The head of state said thatGandhiforesawmanyof thesystemicissuestheworld grapples with today, noting that it was no accident Gandhi’s famous protest against British colonial rule in India was called the ‘Salt March ’ “He understood longbeforeanyofusdidthat food security is not simply about production. He saw that food prices were linked to ethical choices, justice, self-reliance and how we
The government
of Guyana through the MinistryofEducationisset to use portion of a World Bank loan to pay for the supervision service for the construction of a new industrial block at the Annandale Secondary
School, East Coast Demerara(ECD).
This is according to a tender the ministry had advertised for the project. During the reading of bids
a t t h e N a t i o n a l Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office yesterday, it was revealed that six firms have expressed their interestintheproject.
Those submitting their bids are: CB & Associates Inc ; E&A Consultants Inc ; Sizwe Jackson Consultancy Service in
joint venture with Satriv
n Investments;KalitechInc.;
a n d I n n
Engineering Consultancy Services.
I n i t s t e n d e r document, the ministry stated that the contract falls under the Guyana Strengthening Human C a p i t a l t h r o u g h Education Project which is being funded by the WorldBank Kaieteur News had reported that in August 2022, the government signed a US$44 million loan agreement with the World Bank through that projecttitle According to the ministry at the time, the project focuses on the expansion of access to quality education at the
secondary level and improving technical and vocational training (TVET)
The project will support the piloting and national rollout of a new curriculum for Grades Seven to Nine and finance textbooks for Grades Seven to Eleven It will also see the development of a new TVET sector policy for 2022-2030 and improve the delivery of TVET at secondary and postsecondaryinstitutions
In brief remarks, the Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand stated thatthisprojectalignswith the Education Ministry’s goals to improve and expand access to quality secondary education while simultaneously developing thecountry’sTVETsector
care for each other and the earth.” Gandhi argued for
advocating that towns and villages should cultivate their own food. He believed that the strength of a community or nation lies in its ability to feed itself. The PPP/C administration has been working diligently to transform Guyana’s agricultural sector into a major food ecosystem, encou
involvement as part of the solution. Highlighting these
President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali attends birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri, India’s second Prime Minister, at the Gandhi Statue in the Promenade Gardens, Georgetown on Wednesday
efforts, President Ali said that“ifwearesayingthatwe want to be more self-reliant, the 25 by 2025 goal shows you the relevance of Gandhi’s philosophy in today’sworld.Hepushedus to consider the ethics of food,themoralityofhowwe eat and how we treat those who grow our food ” Gandhi, known as a ‘great soul,’ sought peace through walking, sharing ideas, and demonstrating through his lifestyle what peace is and what its virtues ought to be. (DPI)
T h e C a r i b b e a n Development Bank (CDB) has announced a series of key initiatives aimed at reshapingeducationsystems acrosstheregion,asoutlined by Acting President, Mr IsaacSolomonattheBank’s inaugural Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education currently underway in George Town, Cayman.
Accordingtoapressrelease, speaking at the opening ceremony on October 3, 2024, Mr Solomon highlighted CDB’s commitment to supportinggreateruseofdigital technologies to increase access to education, promoting effective use of artificial intelligence,andtheacceleration of skills development to promote youth employability He said the Bank will be implementingaFrameworkfor Mathematics Education designed to address chronic underachievement in numeracy, and advancing support for learners with special education needs and
disabilitiestoensuregreater inclusivityineducation.
In contextualising the C D B - c o n v e n e d Symposium, the Acting President said, “This is a milestone moment that can radically change our region’s education system. I saythisbecauseitisthefirst event in the Caribbean organised around the five action tracks agreed to regionally to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education, post-COVID-19.”
Additionally, while acknowledging the ongoing challenges and systemic inequalities in existing teaching and learning systems, Mr Solomon said, “This symposium offers a crucialopportunitytodevise a roadmap for making our education systems more inclusive, resilient, and adaptable to a rapidly changingworld.”
He also emphasised the critical role of partnerships among governments, educators, civil society, and
the private sector in driving thenecessarytransformative change. “We cannot do this alone. Let this symposium be a catalyst for deepening those partnerships and driving the change we need,” he asserted The Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education wasorganisedbytheCDBin collaboration with leading regional and international organisations.
The event, which runs from October 2-4, 2024 has brought together more than 150 participants, including governmentrepresentatives, e d u c a t o r s , y o u t h representatives, civil society, and private sector leaders to co-create actionable solutions for reshapingeducationsystems across the Caribbean. The outcomesofthesymposium will be presented at the upcoming CARICOM Council of Human and Social Development Ministers’meetingattheend ofOctober
Aljazeera - Iran has told the United States via an intermediarythatanyIsraeli attack against Iran would meet an “unconventional response” that includes t a r g e t i n g I s r a e l i infrastructure.
In exclusive remarks to Al Jazeera, an Iranian official said on Thursday that his country has sent a messagetotheUS,viaQatar, addressing rising regional tensions after Iran’s missile attackonIsrael.
In the message, Tehran told Washington that “the phase of unilateral selfrestraint has ended”, adding that “individual selfrestraintdoes not secure our n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y requirements”.
The indirect message also emphasised that Iran doesnotwantaregionalwar, theofficialsaid.
On Wednesday, Israel pledged to respond after Iran’sIslamicRevolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) fired a two-wave ballistic missile attack at military and securitytargetsinIsrael.
Iran says Tuesday’s missile attack was in responsetoIsraeliattackson the besieged Gaza Strip and
In indirect message to the US via Qatar, Iran says it doesn’t want a regional war, but that Israel must be ‘deterred’, an Iranian official tells Al Jazeera.
Lebanon, and the killing of key officials in Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas.
The salvo of about 200 projectiles caused no casualties as most missiles were intercepted, according totheIsraeliarmy
The US has repeatedly promised to back its close ally Israel Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett, reporting fromWashington,saidIran’s message sent to the US appearedtobearesponseto President Joe Biden’s
comments on Wednesday in which he said Israel had the right to respond to the missileattack.
“BidensaidIsraelhasthe right to retaliate for the recentIranianstrikes,unlike what happened in April whenIrantargetedIsraeland the White House cautioned Israel not to respond,” Halkettsaid.
The Iranian message couldbeinterpretedinoneof twoways,shesaid.
“It could mean, ‘We don’t want you to do
anything, we’re trying to deter that,’ or it could be a warning: ‘You take action and our response is going to be even bigger,’” Halkett said.
The Iranian official who spoketoAlJazeerasaidthat in the message to the US, Iran reiterated the need to curbIsrael“anditsunbridled madness”intheregion.
Israel this week sent ground troops into southern Lebanoninwhatitdescribed as “limited” raids and has
continued to bombard the country,includingitscapital Beirut,fornearlytwoweeks. Its attacks have so far killed morethan1,000people,and displaced more than 1 million from their homes, according to Lebanese officials.
It has also continued its deadly assault on Gaza, which it launched nearly a yearago.
Some 90 percent of the enclave’s population has been displaced and Israeli forces have been accused of exacerbatinganalreadydire humanitarian and hunger crisis by obstructing the supplyofaid.
Morethan41,000people havebeenkilledintheIsraeli assault, the majority women and children, according to Palestinian authorities Israel says it is fighting Hamas “targets and infrastructure” in the campaign.
Israel must be “deterred practically”, the Iranian officialsaid.
TohidAsadi,awriterand Iranian affairs specialist, told Al Jazeera that while Iran had no interest in “dragging the entire west Asia into a full-fledged, all-
outwarscenario”,Israelhas continuedtotestitinthelast fewmonths.
“Withthedevelopments, weareobservingthesedays, we are seeing and hearing a sort of double-edged statement by Iranian officials,”Asadisaid.
“Ononehand,theyclaim theyarenotinterestedinwar at the same time, they’re saying they’re not afraid of war,”hesaid.Thecomments suggest that in case of any further aggression, there w o u l d b e “ t o u g h consequences”.
“The message clearly heard from Tehran these days is that it’s not going to patientanymorebecauseits patiencehaslimits,”hesaid.
Elijah Magnier, a military analyst, agreed. He toldAl Jazeera that Iran has two choices: either “wait until all of its allies are defeated and then its turn will come to be attacked by Israel”, or “join the battle now”.
“Iran will not tolerate any Israeli attack, even against military facilities or security facilities because Iran considers they are noweven Israelhittwice, Iranhittwice,”hesaid.
Oct3(Reuters)-Onein sixchildreninHaitiisfacing emergency food insecurity, just one step away from famine,accordingtoareport from charity Save the Children published on Thursday
WHYIT’SIMPORTANT Haiti is immersed in a social and political crisis, with particularly severe violence among armed groups in and around the capitalPort-au-Prince
e Classification(IPC). BY THE NUMBERS
Citing data from the IPC, Save the Children said that mo
n 760,000 children in Haiti face emergency food insecurity, with acute malnu
The organization said that’s a 21% hike in the number of children at risk since March, due to the increasing armed violence inthecountry
Inadditiontoviolence, Haiti is also dealing with
The ongoing conflict has left 700,000 people internally displaced while some five million, nearly half of the population, struggle to feed themselves due to the crisis, according to the Integrated Food S e c u r i t y P
soaring inflation that has pushed households to allocate 70% of their spendingtofoodcosts,the reportadded
“Haiti is currently grapplingwithrecordhigh hunger levels, with gang violence, spiraling lawlessness and climate disasters sparking severe food shortages,” Save the Childrensaid It also pointed out that “armed violence and a lack of available services and suppliesarepreventingSave the Children and other aid agencies from reaching many children and adults in need.”
T w o w e e k s o f celebration of the Rose Hall Town attaining the status of Townshiphasendedandhas been described as highly successful by the organizers RoseHallTownNAMILCO
Thunderbolt Flour First Division team and the Rose Hall Town Council. Rose Hall became a Township on the 20th of September and overtheyearshasundergone massivedevelopment.
The 54th anniversary celebration started on Saturday the 14th of September when the Rose HallTownPepsiteamhosted an under 19 team from the MalteenoesCricketClubfor a30overmatch.Malteenoes wontheexcitingmatchby1 wicketattheAreaHground. Live television programmes were hosted on NCN channel 26 on Sunday the 15th, Rose Hall Town
Poonai Pharmacy under13 defeated the Guymine under13 team to win the Lorenzo Johnny memorial trophy.
A cross country race across the Township attracted a total of 52 entries andEssanHooperemergedas champion to take home over $200,000 in prizes including $30,000 cash Other sporting competitionheldwereaninter school basketball tournament
Money matters might cause you a few headaches, Aries. Youcouldbetornbetweenthe desire to put money aside for the future and the impulse to buy something that you've wantedforalongtime.
Too much rigorous exercise over the past few days might have you feeling a little sore andtired,Taurus.Yournerves may be on edge, and you could be more likely than usual to snap at those around you.
Spiritual breakthroughs may have you feeling a little disconcerted, Gemini. Clearing away deadwood, such as past traumas, might tell you a few things about yourselfyou'drathernotface.
Avirtual conference of some kind could touch upon some pretty volatile issues, Cancer People could disagree to the point that the meeting turns intoashoutingmatch.
Is your significant other caughtup infamilyproblems andunabletospendtimewith you?Don'tletyourinsecurity get the best of you. Your partner needs to deal with familynow
M a t t e r s i n v o l v i n g communication seem to be fouled up, Virgo. Messages maynotgetdelivered,emails may not go through, and people might misinterpret yourwords.
Your values could oppose thoseofabusinessorromantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dreamworld.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
If you've been having trouble reaching a romantic partner, Scorpio, it might be a good ideatostoptrying.Yourfriend is having a rough day and might not make the best company
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Youmayfeelabitrestlessand unsettled without really knowing why, Sagittarius Stressesonthejobcouldchurn up repressed resentment from the past that you need to release.
Too many people could be vyingforyourattentiontoday, Capricorn. All of them want advice or help. This could be flattering, and you'll probably want to help them, but it can also be unsettling and make it hardtofocus.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aquarius Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossibletoworktogether
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Squabbles may come up between you and a sibling or neighbor, Pisces. Your ability to compromise is definitely called for here. If you aren't careful, this could turn into a battleofwills.
which was won by JC Chandisingh secondary school while the football tournamentwaswonbyRose HallTownA OnTuesdaythe organizers hosted an essay competition at the Lower Corentyne secondary school and the Rose Hall Town primaryschoolwhileaposter competition was held for students of the Lower Corentyne secondary, Rose Hall primary and Rose Hall nursery Thetopthreewinners in each category from the different schools receive attractiveprizesandtrophies.
A medical outreach by staff of the Port Mourant hospital was held on Wednesday18thofSeptember where dozens of residents receive medical treatment, while JC Chandisingh secondaryschooldefeatedthe Lower Corentyne secondary school to emerge as champions of the inter secondary school debating competition RHTYSC on Thursdaythe19thpaidtribute tofourofitsmostoutstanding cricketers by naming the two bowlers end after them The northernendwasrenamedthe Royston and Esan Crandon end while the Southern end wouldbearthenameofAssad FudadinandKevinSinclair
Dozensofstudentsdrawn from six schools in the area wereinvolvedinanantidrugs march on Friday 20th of September while an impressive 54th anniversary celebration ceremony was held at the Lower Corentyne secondary school Eight residents were honored under the tribute to outstanding resident’s award programme while 7 long serving employeesofthetowncouncil were also recognized and honor 16 years old Marissa Siriram received a $250,000 RHTYSC/Carol Trim Bagot University of Guyana scholarship while six grade 6 students received awards under the Zaheeda/Sharima
Haniff bursary scheme The Township also rewarded Celicia Narain and Kevin Basdeo as their best grade 6 and CSEC student respectively A pictorial exhibitionwasalsohostedon thetownship’shistorywhilea souvenir leaflet was also unveiled Dozens of kids on Saturdaythe24thweretreated to an afternoon of fun involving trampolines and bouncycastlewhiletheyeach receive ice cream compliments of Sterling products The Guyana Police Force Steel pan band on Saturday also held a two hours musical concert at the Rose HallArch square. The celebrationendedonSunday the29thwitha4teamcricket tournament in memory of Naeem Nasir founder of Bakewell.
National flags donated by the Minister of Housing Collin Croal decorated the
Townshipforthecelebration while electric poles around the Town were painted with colors of the national flag compliments of Minister Zufika Mustapha. The RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt FlourteamandtheRoseHall town council would like to express thanks to everyone who supported the week of celebration which was held under the patronage of Minister Ashni Singh and under the motto ‘simply the best’. TheRHTNAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour team is Berbice’s most dominant first division team and has players like Kevin Sinclair, Junior Sinclair, Kevlon Anderson, Clinton Pestano, Silas Tyndall, Eon Hooper, Jonathan Rampersaud, Matthew Pottaya, Jason Sinclair, Shemaine Campbell, Vidal Crandon and Keon Sinclair among others.
With the urgent need for all support, inclusive of
Government and the Corporate Community, Fitness Express and Twins Manufacturing acted with a
acrity following confirmation of their respective sponsorship packagesrecently
The two entities act of goodwill will certainly go a far way in ensuring that the upcoming CAC Body
Building & Fitness Championshipsscheduledto bestagedhereattheNational Cultural Centre, is an overwhelmingsuccess. President of the Guyana Body Building & Fitness
Federation (GBBFF) Keavon Bess in a release confirmed their support to the event following the simple presentation ceremonies, during which they handed over their sponsorshippackages.
Acting on behalf of Fitness Express was owner Jamie McDonald, who handed over a cheque for an undisclosed sum to Organising Secretary of the GBBFF Videsh Sookram, while Aadam Ferouz did likewisetoBess.
The two corporate partners are Gold and Platinum sponsors respectively.
The GBBFF in the release stated that it is
extremely heartened by the response of the two entities, adding that Twins Manufacturing has been providing exceptional products and services to the Guyanese people for a long time and those attributes make them a fitting partner tobeonboardCAC2024.
In relation to Fitness Express, the GBBFF was high in praise of this entity whichthestatementrevealed hasbeenaconsistentpartner ofthesportforover15years.
Additionally, the release stated that the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport, the NationalSportsCommission and the Guyana Olympic Association are being classified as mega sponsors
and to this end they are delightfullygratefulfortheir supportaswell.
Over 250 athletes from more than 20 countries will be descending on these shores to compete from October19-20.
Meanwhile, the GBBFF hasshortlisted30athletesfor preparations and according toanearlierreleasetheBody isexpectedtomeetshortlyto name the final composition oftheGuyanateam.
Among those identified are defending champions Emmerson Campbell and Hanna Rampersaud, who claimed gold medals in the Mr. Physique and Wellness categories respectively in Aruba.
Sponsored by PermaulTrading and Peter Lewis Construction and Asphalt Services, BMC-GY cricket continues this weekend with a solitaryfixtureonSunday North Soesdyke will clash with bottom ofthetableExBerbicePoliceMastersatthe Farm Cricket ground to improve their standings.
table clash between the 2 Berbice teams at the Jai Hind ground between Jai Hind JaguarsandExBerbicePoliceMasters. Bothteamswillbelookingtogetoffthe markandwinalltheirremainingmatchesfor achanceinthesemifinals.
TabletoppersEverestMasterstakeonthe Essequibo Invaders who are now placed in the#4spotattheParika/Salemground. Allmatchescommenceat12noon.
Frompage28 wokeuptousethebathroom and decided to peep outside toseeifeverythingisOK.It wasthenthathenoticedthat his gate was wide open and his bike was missing. He quicklyventureddownstairs andraisedanalarm.
Roberts stated that he could remember locking his gate and reasoned that the banditorbanditshadtoscale the fence and pick the lock because his bike was a big bike. Roberts, who is popularly known as
“coachman”, has given Yeoman Service in the cyclingfieldinGuyanafrom his years as a cyclist to his morethanthreedecadesasa coach. He has single handily kept the sport alive in Berbice(Region5and6).He has coached and trained hundreds of cyclists. Many ofwhomhavedonewelland
stilldoingwelloverseas. IronicallyjustSundayhe organised the annual cycle roadraceinhonourofretired Assistant Commissioner of Police Eon Amsterdam aroundNewAmsterdam. Thematterwasreported to the Central Police Station Anyone with information is asked to contact Roberts on telephonenumber6288211 or the nearest Police Station (SamuelWhyte)
TheLusignanGolf Club (LGC) is gearing up for a dynamic stretch of tournaments and growth, teeing off with the Brava
Guyana Open Golf
Tournament set for November 2–3. This event standsoutasoneofthemost important fixtures on the club’scalendar
Newly elected president Anasha Ally has unveiled a slateofactivitiesplannedfor the upcoming months. In a recent interview, she reflected on the challenges and rewards of her new role while highlighting the significance of the Brava
Guyana Open Golf Tournament 2024 “This eventisacontinuationofthe club’s strong golfing legacy,”Allystated.
few months as president,
h demanding and fulfilling.
Thoughbalancingtheclub’s leadership has been tough, sheremainsoptimisticabout the progress made and
In addition to the Brava Guyana Open, the club is preparing for the Trophy Stall tournament this Saturday, followed by the Citizens Bank Golf TournamentinNovember
Ally also shared her long-term vision for the club, revealing that a preliminary plan will be presented to a smaller committee in the coming weeks. She confirmed that preparations for the Brava Guyana Open are well underway and emphasized the need for early registration, with a deadline ofOctober19,2024.
what’s ahead. “At times it’s been difficult, but with everyone’ssupport,it’sbeen e n c o u r a g i n g a n d
The tournament is expected to attract 80 to 90 participants.
After the Brava Guyana Open, MACORP will host their traditional event, and
Ally hinted at another tournament is scheduled for thelistofactivities,thisone sponsoredbylong-timeclub supporterFerozeBarakat.
Meanwhile,asshelooks ahead, Ally reassured club membersthathereffortsare focused on making this year’s tournament the best yet, building on recent momentum. She candidly acknowledged the challenges of meeting the diverse needs of the club’s members but stressed the importance of community and collaboration in making Lusignan a “home away fromhome”foreveryone.
With Ally’s leadership and vision, Lusignan Golf Club is poised for a successfulseason,grounded in preparation, member involvement, and long-term planningforabrightfuture.
Guyanese darts
heroes Norman
Madhoo and
SudeshFitzgeraldarepoised to begin their campaign at the third and fourth qualifiers of the 2024 Championship Darts Latin America and Caribbean (CDLC) in Santiago, Chile. Thecompetition,heldatThe Hotel Torremayor from October4-6,willbeacrucial stepforbothplayersasthey aim to secure spots at the 2 0 2 5 P D C Wo r l d Championship.
Madhoo,aveteranofthe sport and member of the Foreign Link Dart Club (FLDC), enters the qualifiers in top form, having won 36 of his 49 matches to clinch the top spot in the second card of thisyear’squalifiers.
His success has propelledhimtothenumber one spot in the CDLC TwoYear Merit of Order rankings, and he will be eager to maintain that momentum. Darts fans will be watching closely to see
how Madhoo approaches this key event, as his technique and mental fortitude have been hallmarksofhiscareer
Joining him is fellow Guyanese and FLDC club mate Sudesh Fitzgerald, currently ranked second in the CDLC rankings Fitzgerald is no stranger to high-pressureenvironments, and he’ll be looking to elevatehisgameinSantiago tochallengeMadhooforthe topspot.
Both Madhoo and
Fitzgerald ultimate aim to secure another PDC World Championshipberth.
The stakes could not be higher, with the player leading the CDLC points table at the end of the year earningacovetedspotinthe World Championship Currently, Madhoo has amassed 66 points this year withanimpressiverecordof 155 wins and 61 losses, while Fitzgerald is right behind with 58 points and 156winstohisname.
The Guyana Darts Association and FLDC are rallying behind these two “sons of the soil,” hoping theycancontinuetheirform on the international stage. Madhoo and Fitzgerald are aimingnotonlytorepresent Guyana with pride but also to carve their place in the upper echelons of global darts.
As Qualifier Three and Four unfold, the spotlight willbeonthesetwotalented players as they battle for a shot at the biggest darts tournament in the world the PDC World Championship, set to begin inDecember2024.
Thieves on Tuesday morning made off with the Motorcycle belonging to national Cycling coach Randolph Roberts leaving him without a mode of transportation. The motor cycle is an Elite Made 150 Dirt Bike, Black in colour with license plate number CF9083.
Roberts of 24-31 Alexander Street, New Amsterdam is a veteran coach He has been coaching and training cyclistsforover33years.He isalsothefounderandcoach of The Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC) of Berbice
whichisoneofthetopclubs inGuyana.
Speakingwiththemedia, Robertsstatedthatheowned thebikeforover10years.It was a gift from one of his brothers and it was bought forthecostof$360,000. He said that he would use the bike to train the cyclists. He statedthatheparkedthebike in his premises on Monday evening and retired to bed. Duringtheeveningheheard some noise, but did not pay much mind, because people will pass the street at all hoursandmakenoise.
ST JOHN’S, AntiguaCricket West Indies (CWI) forthefirsttimehasawarded multi-year contracts for several of its top Men’s and Women’splayersforthenext two years This historic achievement comes on the back of a new four-year M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding (MOU) signed in January 2024 between CWI and the West Indies Players Association (WIPA). Fifteen (15) Senior Men’s players have been contracted, with six (6) of those players being offered multi-year contracts based ontheirperformancesduring the 2023-2024 Evaluation Period. Of the fifteen (15) Senior Women’s players contracted, three (3) were awarded multi-year contracts.
Miles Bascombe, CWI
Director of Cricket remarked, CWI has committed to maintaining open and honest dialogue with players and being practical about the realities of the modern game. The players have responded in kind and the acceptance of multi-year contracts is an
indication of clarity, c o n f i d e n c e , a n d commitment on both sides. I’d like to congratulate the entire cohort on their contract awards, and I look forwardtoseeingthembuild on their performances in the nextassessmentperiod West Indies (WI) Men’s International Retainer Contracts
T h e W I M e n ’ s contracted pool of international players is relatively stable, with only two changes in the fifteenmember group Kavem Hodge, who made his test debut this year against Australia receives his first ever international contract, alongwithRostonChase. Hodge played a pivotal role in the regional team’s first test win in Australia in 28yearsinBrisbaneandthen followed that up with a maiden test century against England at Trent Bridge, he wasalsotheleadingscorerin the series for the Caribbean Men.Chase,averaged60.25 with the bat for the year in T20internationalsatastrike rate of 141 76 in eight innings where he notched
241runs.Healsobagged12 wicketsintheformatwithan economy rate of 6.43. The all-rounder also averaged 32.85 with the bat in eight One Day Internationals for thelast12months
Tagenarine Chanderpaul and Kemar Roach are no longer on international r
s Chanderpaul, will take up a franchise retainer contract with the Guyana Harpy Eagles for the upcoming year, while Roach a decorated and accomplished senio
ayer, is in discussions with CWI regardinganewdualplaying and mentorship/coaching roleashebeginstoplanand considerthenextstageofhis c
His involvement aligns with CWI’s Elite and HighPerformance strategic pillar As a mentor, Roach’s role willdirectlycontributetothe pillar’sobjectiveofdeveloping top-tiertalentbyleveraginghis vastexperienceandleadership on and off the field. His guidancetoemergingplayersis a key element in fostering a high-performance culture and preparing the next
generation of cricketers for elitecompetition. WI Men’s p
1 ShaiHope
2 AlzarriJoseph
3 ShamarJoseph
4 BrandonKing
5 GudakeshMotie
6 JaydenSeales
WI Men’s players awarde d o n e - y e a r internationalcontractsare:
1 AlickAthanaze
2 KraiggBrathwaite
3 KeacyCarty
4 RostonChase*
5 JoshuaDaSilva
6 KavemHodge*
7 AkealHosein
8 RomarioShepherd
9 RovmanPowell
W I W o m e n ’ s
s The Senior W
s po
has maintained consistency, though several players have shifted grades within the contracted group annually The WI Women will benefit from an updated performance assessment structure, now aligned to those used for International and Regional Men. This also comes with increased contract levels of pay in keeping with the commitment to a move to parityinmatchfeesandprize money across Men’s and Women’s professional cricketbyOctober2027.
WI Women’s players awarded multi-year internationalcontractsare: 1.ShemaineCampbelle
2 HayleyMatthews
3 StafanieTaylor
WI Women’s players awar d e d o n e - y e a r internationalcontractsare:
1 AaliyahAlleyne
2 ShamiliaConnell
3 DeandraDottin
4 AfyFletcher
5 CherryAnnFraser
6 ChinelleHenry
7 ZaidaJames
8 QianaJoseph
9 AshminiMunisar*
11 KarishmaRamharack
12 RashadaWilliams
Munisar has been awarded an international contract for the first-time, following her improved performances, including being the leading wicket taker in the CG United Super50tournament.
The Rose Hall Town NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour first division team in conjunction with the Rose HallTownCouncillastweek
honored outstanding students as part of the 54th anniversary celebration of the township. The students were honored under the Zaheeda and Sharima Hanif memorial bursary awards scheme during the 54th annive
ceremony at the Lower Corentynesecondaryschool with Minister of Finance doctorAshniSinghandlocal government minister Sonia Paragasspecialguest.
RHTYSC secretary HilbertFosterstatedthatthe club had agreed to a request
from the council to coo
54th anniversary celebration and
then the NAMILCO ThunderboltFlourteamwas mandated to spearhead the
weekofevents. The students honored were drawn from the Rose Hall Town primary school and the JC Chandisingh secondary school. The top five grade 6 primary school students who did well at the recentexam,CaliciaNarain, Noorisha Harinarain, Diven Sukra, Abigail Persaud and Jeremiah Budhoo each received a trophy, medal, framed certificate of
excellenceand$10,000each after emerging as the best students from the grade 6 exam. Additionally Narain, whotoppedtheschoolandis now attending Queens College, received a laptop computer compliments of Minister Ashni Singh, an electronic tablet from BheshamRamnauthofNew Yorkandalargetrophyfrom Guyana Breweries Inc. The laptop compu
donated by Mr Singh at the requestofFostertoassistthe top grade six student whose motherisasingleparent. Kevin Basdeo, the top CSEC student with roots with Rose Hall Town, carried home $35,000 in cash and electronic tablet from Bhesham Ramnauth, trophy and medals. Basdeo who is seeking to become a teacherobtained10 subjects at the recent CSEC. Former
Human Resource Manager
o f G u y a n a S u g a r Corporation, Raymond Haniff, sponsored a bursary and educational award programme in honor of his
Meanwhile, the Rose HallTownYouthandSports club also continue to assist youths to fulfill their educational ambition by awarding a one year scholarship to 16 years old MarissaSiriramofChesney Siriram received $250,000 under the RHTYSC/Coral Trim Bagot educational scholarshipfund.Fosterwho recently served as the president of the Berbice Cricket Board stated that Mrs. Bagot a formal Rose Hall Town resident readily agreed to sponsor the fund aftershewasapproachedby the club as part of the 54th anniversary celebration
Miss Siriram was one of several students from the university who applied for the scholarship and was eventually selected by three judges. Mrs. Bagot stated that she was pleased to support the fund and committed to supporting Miss Siriram for the rest of university classes. Miss Siriram ambition is to becomeamedicaldoctorand expressed happiness at obtaining the scholarship. She wished the RHTYSC and its cricket team more successinthefuture.
Rose Hall became a Township on the 24th of September1990withHubert BennasitsfirstMayor Over theyearsthesmallTownship has undergone massive development and today is widelyconsideredBerbice’s economic center. The present Mayor is Mr Dave Budoo.