ExxonMobilinsearchofGuyanesetomaintain townhouses,apartments and other facilities
…wants 24-hour response system, testing of electricity backup, exterior landscaping, pest fumigation, utilities paid and more
Ex x o n M o b i l for contractors to provide generators; maintenance of ants, rodents, flea, ticks and Guyana Limited f
fire protection equipment others,Exxonsaid.
( E M G L ) i s services for an onshore such as fire alarm systems, Additionally, Exxon
searching for location which houses the smo
noted, “EMGL may require Guyanese contractors to Fiber Optic Cable and extinguishers, carbon Contractortopayutilitiesfor provide Residential Facility AdministrativeManagement monoxide detectors and any residential units Such ManagementServices. Services for its leased related systems identified; services include, but are not The operator of the Recreational Facility landscaping of all exterior necessarily limited to: Stabroek Block in a Request Guyanese contractors can
electricity, water, cable TV, For Information (RFI) bid for one or all the
internet,replacementofLPG published on Thursday facilities. landscaped exterior areas gas cylinders for cooking explained that the company According to scope of such as patios/courtyards and refueling of generators. r e q u i r e s f a c i l i t y work, local contractors will and parking lots. Service Utility payments will be on management services for its betaskedwithprovidinga24 includes gardening, cutting preapproved basis and will leased residential portfolio hour on-call emergency grass, fertilizing, cutting and bereimbursed.” of approximately 180 units response system for the trimming of trees and plants, During the bid process, comprising apartments, provisionofcorrectiverepair powerwashing,cleaningand all prospective EMGL townhouses and houses, s e r v i c e s a n d general maintenance of contractors are required to within 13 locations across alterations/additional outdoorareas. demonstrate awareness of Georgetown, lower East services. The contractor will also theLocalContentAct(2021) Coast Demerara and East The list of duties also be expected to carry out and its potential application BankDemerara. includesAir Condition (AC) basic pest control work for to their work under the Additionally, the maintenance; testing and periodic fumigation against scope.
President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge

was introduced to allow fenced for Guyanese company is also searching servicing of standby power mosquitoes, cockroaches,
The Local Content Law

Guyanese to participate in participation via the supply the oil and gas sector and ofgoodsandtheprovisionof benefit from employment services which include: food opportunities created to supply,rentalofofficespace, supportthethrivingindustry accommodation, insurance, Under the Act, 40 accounting and legal categories of work are ring- services.

New GPC awarded 40 contracts worth over $7B for supply of pharmaceuticals

Owner of new GPC, local businessman Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP)
Ganesh Mahipaul
…PNCR calls for forensic audit of

NewGPCInc,whichwas purchased from the a t o r v a s t a t i n f o r Government of Guyana cardiovascular health. GPC (GoG) by local businessman also has to supply muscle Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ r e l a x a n t s l i k e Ramroop’s Queens Atlantic anticonvulsants and Investment Inc (QAII), was carbamazepine; and various last month awarded 40 allergy medications like contracts totaling over $7 diphenhydramine and billion for the supply and hydrocortisone. deliveryofpharmaceuticals. Specifically, a total of 22 The procuring entity is bids exceeded $100 million. the Ministry of Health The bids included amounts (MOH), and the contracts such as $416,811,546, were awarded by the $ 2 9 0 , 6 6 8 , 3 7 1 , National Procurement and $ 4 0 0 , 7 2 7 , 8 6 4 , Tendering Administration $ 3 3 3 , 1 3 3 , 6 7 7 , Board(NPTAB)Office. $ 6 5 7 , 8 4 2 , 3 8 7 , A c c o r d i n g t o $ 3 0 5 , 6 8 1 , 6 3 0 , information from NPTAB’s $ 3 9 6 , 8 8 9 , 7 3 0 , website the total for the 40 $ 4 0 4 , 5 9 8 , 6 4 0 , contracts is $7,018,528,39. $ 5 9 7 , 0 7 5 , 6 2 6 , a n d The highest bid was a $351,868,980. substantial $657,842,387, T h e G u y a n a while the lowest bid Pharmaceutical Corporation recordedaround$2million. (GPC) was privatized by the New GPC won the Government in 1999 and contracts to supply the renamedNewGPC. ministry with drugs like On Friday, the People’s bupivacaine and lidocaine National Congress Reform for anaesthesia, paracetamol (PNCR) called for a forensic and ibuprofen for pain relief, audit of NPTAB in light of and allopurinol for gout.The the contracts being awarded
l i s t a l s o i n c l u d e s tothenewGPC. medications such as “This is a brazen act of a m o x i c i l l i n a n d favoritism and corruption. ciprofloxacin for infections, The PNCR/APNU has metformin for diabetes verifiedthatNewGPCInc. m a n a g e m e n t , a n d (Continued on page 14)
A screenshot of the awarded sums posted on NPTAB’s website.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
ThePPP/CGovernmentgetsathrillfromtalkingabout howmuchitisforthelaw Seniorgovernmentleadershave reinforcedtheirlongstandingrespectfortheruleoflawand how order carries the day Talk is cheap, and there is none better than the PPP/C Government at cheapening through the disconnect between what it says and what is reality This publication and others in this country have heard how much freedom is cherished, from individual freedom of speech to freedomofthepress. Embarrassingrealitymakesamockery of those claims and postures from a government now committedtolipserviceonlyonimportantobligationsand standards in Guyana. When hypocrisy and leadership deceptionaresoughtafterasproof,Guyanaoffersatreasure troveofboth. ThePPP/CGovernmentstandsasthemajor contributor
This publication has a history of speaking frankly and powerfullyontheissuesthatdifferentgovernmentspreferto remainuntouchedandunaddressed. Onerecentexampleis theAPNU Coalition’s efforts atunderminingthedemocratic processduringthe2020elections,whichwerehammeredatand theparty’sleadershipputinanuglylight Twootherswerethe incompetence and mismanagement that plagued the last governmentanditsunpardonablemishandlingofthenation’soil wealth None of the coverage from this publication was met withtheregardthatwasdue Asanindependentmediahouse, andavoiceforandofthepeople,wewerefulfillingourduty Whentheyareinopposition,politiciansdelightintheexposures oftheiropponents Butwhentheyhavethereinsofpowerin theirhands,theirtuneandtheiroutlookchange Theyarestillfor pressfreedomandfreeexpression,butastheydecidewhatthose should be OnthePPP/CGovernment’spart,thereissimmering anger when contract award discrepancies and skullduggeries are presentedtocitizens CorruptionisatsuchrampantlevelsinGuyana that it would be a black mark on any neutral, unattached, and professionalmediaentitytolooktheotherwayandfailthepeople ButleadinglightsinthePPP/CGovernmentareoutragedwhen thealmostdailyreportsarepublishedforthepublic’sbenefit.
Thegripeisthatwhataboutalltheprogressthatisbeing made,thegoodbeingdone. Itseemsthatsomebodyforgotthat doing things of that nature are why a government is put into powerinthefirstplace. Doingwhatispositivedoesnotmean thatalltheincompetenceandshenanigansofanygovernment shouldbeignored Whenofficialwrongdoingisonanexpress track,whengovernmentleadershipishighlyquestionable,then thatiswhenpressfreedomispriceless Freespeechdoesnotand cannotcoexistwithwillfulblindness,nordoesitsurrendertothe dictatesofanycorruptgovernment,thewhimsofanypolitical leaderlookingtocoverhisorherbottom Freespeechexpressed responsibly is to the benefit of any government, helps it to identify the loopholes, guides it to make the appropriate corrections, even when it means handing alleged criminal colleagues over to the law Free speech is a vital check and balance on the apparatus of governance It has its role in ensuringthatthatmachineryisworkingasitshould
RegardingGuyana’soilpatrimony,thereissomuchthat isdeficient,somuchPPP/CGovernmentcowardice. When wepointtothegapsandfailuresinoversight,thegovernment and its people turn into a mindless mob Press freedom is assailedandsavaged Butthesearethesamepeoplespeakingso sweetlyaboutdemocracyandfreedomofexpression Ourstaff havebeenrepeatedlypoachednotbyprivatemediacompetition, butbythegovernment
Frequent leadership disparagement and social media revilements are now regular features in the life of the independentandoutspokenmediainGuyana ButthePPP/C Governmentisshamelessenoughtoinsistabouthowmuchitis for free speech The government’s management of the oil wealthhassomanysecrets,somuchcorruption,thatitfears the truth being presented, so its senior people lash out blindly The press is allowed to operate freely and responsibly,orthePPP/CGovernment’sfreedomtobehave unconstitutionally and lawlessly Free thinking Guyanese mustdecide.
Support for greater Civic Involvement in Policy Making
DEAREDITOR, Guyanese from both sides of the political aisle, including those who were involved in the struggle to deter electoral fraud in the 2020 elections, express scathingcritiqueorcriticism of the government for its limited or non-engagement ofthepublicandparticularly civic groups in policy making and decision making.
involved in the anti-rigging s t r u g
e s s disappointmentinaspectsof contemporary governance
The government is lauded foritsoutreachesandtaking government(governance)to thepublic,thefarcornersof the country, but is criticized for not ‘listening’ to the people, for not adopting the views of the public and for ignoringcivicgroups.Thisis not new Successive governments have not been keentoconsultcivicsociety orthepublicandadopttheir adviceonmatters. Therehas been a history of ignoring
civic groups and dismissing theirviewsonpolicies.
Guyanese, at home and in the diaspora, believe that civic associations and community NGOs, aside from direct outreaches, are themosteffectivemeansfor thegovernmenttodetermine the views of the public on proposed policies and decisions. They are also the most effective entities to communicate the public’s position on varied matters andtoinfluencegovernment policyanddecisionmaking.
Since the government doesnotlistenorpayheedto views of opposition parties, it is more likely that the government may pay attention to views of community groups or civic associations And with voting institutionalized by ethnicity, it is extremely unlikely that voters will be wooed by a party with a leadershipthatdoesnotlook like or represent them as a race.
Thus, engaging civic groups are a better option
Is the labelling
through which to reach all sections of society, regardless of class, gender, ethnicity The public urges communityassociationsand othercivicgroupstobecome more active in evaluating governanceandineducating orenlighteningthepublicon government policies And they also beseech the government to engage civic groups.
Civic participation (discussion,lobbying,social movements, volunteering, supporting a just cause, protests, etc ) all over the worldisafundamentalpillar of democracy Civic involvement speaks to the welfare of the public, representing their interests. Civic groups communicate people’sviewsonpoliciesto the government.They allow people to express views through the organizations b y p a s s i n g d i r e c t conversation with (criticism of)governmentandavoiding fearful consequences of free political speech Civic Groups with a large
following and or engaged in vigorous activism could in
hat advances the welfare of the collective Robust civic engagem
in many countries,nottheleastbeing USA, Canada, UK, India, is positively associated with i m p r o v e m e n t s i n governance and in the wellbeing of the public. The US Congressandparliamentsof many countries consult the public before policymaking. Lobbyists influence policymakingaswell.
Conversations with adultsalloverGuyanareveal thatpeoplebelievethatsome type of civic participation is influential for positive change nationally, better governance, and taming of corruption. The public has cultivated a growing confidenceincivicsociety’s ability to influence change. Government should have greater engagement with civicgroups.
Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram
of Guyana as
an autocratic society by some a specious or trustworthy claim?
DEAREDITOR, For Guyanese to feel overwhelmed by the chatter about ‘autocracy’ and ‘democracy’ within the recent past is quite understandable Several individuals, including myself, have either written, or commented on whether the current Guyana governmentis‘autocratic’or ‘democratic’.
As readers of the daily newspapers, Guyanese must have gleaned from letters to the editors that the opinions expressed by some of the contributing authors on ‘autocracy and democracy’
quickly became quite c o n t e n t i o u s T h e contentiousness springs from the trenchants of disquieting writers who
claim Guyana is an autocratic state Is this a specious or trustworthy claim?Let’sexamine.
Atarudimentarylevel,a specious claim is one that may appear true but is actually false or purposely deceptive Most often, the speciousness can be
attributed to one, or a combinationoffactors,such asthewriters’intent,his/her notion of autocracy, the absence of verifiable data to substantiate claims of autocracy, and the truism thatthetermsautocraticand democratic are fluid depictions of governance in which fundamental p r i n c i p l e s o f o n e predominates.
What then is the truly caseofGuyana?
Byitsverydefinition,an autocraticgovernmentisone in which “one person possesses unlimited or absolutepower.”
As readily evidenced, ‘unlimited or absolute,’ means total, unrestricted, and power refers to the ‘ability to control the behavior of others even against their will ’ Taken together, the questions arise as to: (i)Who in Guyana possesses unlimited power to dominate, and totally control the lives of Guyanese? (ii) Does this person have under his unilateral command a
supportive structure such as law enforcement, a paramilitary force, or personal army to assist in maintaining control –especially since such is necessary to establish and sustain domination (iii) Does the person have dominance over the judicial system that adjudicates in accordance with his dictates?(iv)Areopposition leaders prosecuted and imprisoned, or are they allowed to freely organize, campaign, espouse their political philosophies and challenge governmental decisions? (v) Are critics of the government constantly threatened, harassed and silenced?
Theabovearejustafew important questions associated with determining and authenticating the characteristics of an autocraticleader/statewhich then leads one to ask: Since much of the claim of autocracy seems to focus on Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo:HowcanGuyanabe considered an autocratic
state since Jagdeo neither has, nor enjoys absolute power Isn’t this a specious and not trustworthy claim? Or is it simply an attempt to insult the intelligence of Guyanese?
Withtheaboveinmind, let us focus attention on s o m e o f t h e m a i n principles/policies of a democratic state which will help in the determination whether Guyana is an autocracyordemocracy.
A s d e f i n e d b y Encyclopedia Britannica “democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercisedbythemdirectlyor through freely elected representatives ” And, as Levitsky and Ziblatt (2019) state, “… democracy [is] a system of government with regular free and fair elections, in which all adult citizenshavetherighttovote and possess basic civil liberties such as freedom of speechandassociation.”
These definitions make clearthatinademocratic (Continuedonpage05)
Woeful waste of money in circumstances where democratic norms are ignored
DEAREDITOR, Whenwillthismadness, thiswastefulspendingspree cometoanend?Instead,we havethetopbrassofthePPP Government talking about democracyintheirspeeches tothelocalandinternational communities, reminding them through their well-
o i l e d a n d f u n d e d propaganda outfit about the coalition’s misdeeds, with respect to the conduct of
regional and general elections.
Whatever may or may not be the justification for thisconstantandunrelenting assault against the coalition government,whatisperhaps of equal importance, is the c o n d u c t b y a n administration between elections.
Briefly, the Government had embarked upon the spending spree that constitutesawoefulwasteof money in circumstances wheredemocraticnormsare ignored You boast of building roads, schools, hospitals,bridges,damsetc. knowingfullywellyoulack thecapacitytomonitorthese works - the results, poor qualitywork.
And there is not a single instance of any construction undertaken since August
2020, that has been satisfactorily completed on time. I challenge the appropriate Ministries and Ministers to give one, only one example that satisfied this criterion of satisfactory work, being completed on time within the tendered price awarded Note for example, the Bamia School Contract is yet to be completed,inspiteofearlier completiondatesannounced earlier I had at one time, the Ministerialresponsibilityfor Agriculture, but I listened with amazement to the statement made by the Minister of Agriculture as reported in the media which stated that at a recent Meetinghostedbyhim,andI quote a senior GuySuCo official met with some five interestedbidders.Theyhad adiscussionwhichlastedfor aboutfifteenminutes.
The Report noted that “they had started to mechanise5,000hectaresof land at the Skeldon Estate with replanting of canes already started “We are hopingthatbytheendofthis year, we can plant a substantial amount of canes in that 5,000 hectares and also the intention is to complete an additional

5,000hectaresfromSkeldon that we will crush atAlbion and Rose Hall factories that have a capacity to crush morecanes.”
Interestingly, several of hissentencesbeganwiththe words‘itishoped.’Iamnot an expert, and I know that thosewithknowledgeofthe sugarindustryandGuySuCo will comment on the further mis-steps by this Government and the woeful waste of billions every month to keep the sugar industry, a failed enterprise limpingalong.
TheMinister’sstatement talksaboutmechanisationof the industry It is no secret thatsomeoftheirfriendsare getting concessions to import equipment for the industry,butinsteadmuchof the machinery is better suited to road construction. The irony for all of this is that when the PPP took office three decades ago, they had been talking about mechanisation and modernization of the sugar industry An industry where many of our ancestors, before and after 1838 gave their sweat, blood and tears. Thetimehascomewhenthe Government should stop making sugar a political football.
Looking at this absurdity, the Minister postulated the moving of canes from Skeldon (the showpiece, now white elephant of the PPP Administration) to Albion for crushing. Those of us who know the Corentyne wouldrealisewearetalking of moving cane from one location to a next over a distance of thirty-six (36) milesonthepublicroad,and you have to pass through markets and busy communities between Skeldon and Albion. Only someone who is idiotic, these days will embark on suchstepsofsheerstupidity
In all this, we hear our top brass talk about transparency, using gleefully that chameleon word, democracy, even as theGovernmentcontinuesto miniaturise those local government’s organsGeorgetown, Linden and New Amsterdam, where they do not command a political majority o using massive funds available, to set out to emasculate those local authorities by using state funds and state power to do things, which are the responsibility of the local authorities.Threecheersfor (Continuedonpage07)

Is the labelling of Guyana...
Frompage04 society, it is the people who electtherepresentativeswho then constitute the government, a government that upholds the freedoms andcivillibertiesofcitizens. This prompts one to ask. (a) How did the Guyana government come into being? Is it by democratic elections or military coup? and, (b) Do Guyanese enjoy such basic freedoms as criticizing, or protesting against the government withoutfearofretribution?
Perhapsarandomreview ofthedailynewspapershelps toprovidetheanswerstothese questions for they readily reveal that the current governmentwasdulyelected, and that daily attacks against theadministrationareongoing without retaliation or retribution
Inadditiontotheabove,it shouldbenotedthatelections andfreedomsarenotthesole hallmarks of democracy As Nobel laureate Amartya Sen (1999)noted,thetruerealities of a democratic society are how well the institutionspolitical, economic, social, educational, and health –interact and intersect to uplift the ordinary citizens of the society
Even at a preliminary level, one can attest to the rapid developments taking place because the Guyana
government has promulgated policies, and undertaken initiativesthatpermitfreeand fair elections, grant free education to all eligible citizens, make possible opportunities for gainful employment and housing, encourage entrepreneurship, improve healthcare, and does so without discrimination against, or victimization of religious, racial, and ethnic groups This being so, then how can one assume that Guyaneseliveinanautocratic andnotademocraticsociety? Is it because of the conscious effort of government opponentstopropagandizethe population? The answer is self-evident.Isn’tit?
Given that Guyana is a newly developing society, allgovernmentservicesmay yet to be realized, or evidenced at maximum levels, but such are the growingpainsofthecoming of age of this young nation state. Being cognizant of this, Guyanese are positioned to assess their lived realities for themselves,andinsodoing, would readily conclude that the freedoms and access to opportunities make the claim that Guyana is an autocraticstatespeciousand nottrustworthy Regards

The resignation of theAdministrator of the E.R. Burrowes School ofArts
Wearewritingtoexpress our deep concerns over an unfortunate incident that took place at the E R Burrowes school of Art involving the administrator, Mr Ian Ivor Thom on the evening of Saturday, September7,2024ataround 4pm.
The incident appears to reflectracismandtheunjust favour given to those in our society who have status. That incident led to Mr T h o m ’s u n t i m e l y resignation.
By most reports, the incident appears to have beenhandledwithoutproper justification or due process, and it sends a troubling message about how we treat those who dedicate their lives to the arts and educationinthiscountry
Ithasbeendisheartening forusstudentstowitnessthe
unfolding of such an unfortunatesituation.
The E R Burrowes school of Art is the only art school in Guyana, it is an institution vital to the country’s cultural and educationallandscape.
Mr.Thom is a renowned Guyanesesculptorandartist and he has made significant contributions to the development of the art school and has been instrumental in nurturing generations of artists who have gone on to represent Guyana both locally and internationally
Let us not forget dear editor, that Mr Thom is responsible for some of the iconic monuments and sculptures in Guyana. Most notably, the Damion Monument, the Dr Yesu Persaud Bust and the 1823 monument among others
The administrator’s tenure
wasmarkedbyapassionfor developing the arts, expanding the school’s programs and departments, and fostering a sense of community within the creativesector
Mr Thom’s efforts helped to elevate the art
school to become a respected institution, one that serves as a beacon of cultural expression and artistic growth in Guyana. To lose such a dedicated individual is not just a loss for the school but for the nationasawhole
Theysayartiscrucialto thehumanexistenceitisall around us; from the architecture of buildings, the designs of the cars we drive, to our choice of clothing,eventhemannerin which we present and plate our food, in all these things thereisart
Therefore, we must
ensure that those who contribute so much to the growth of the Arts are treated with the utmost respect and fairness they deserve
Editor, it is within this context that the students would like to express their heartfelt appreciation and thankstooneofthegreats.
Mr. Thom, your dedication, creativity, and passion for the arts have madealastingimpactonus
The knowledge and inspiration you’ve shared will continue to influence the artistic journeys of countless students, many of whom have flourished under your mentorship Your unique vision and expertise have truly enriched our school, and your absence willbedeeply felt.
Yoursrespectfully, Concernedstudents

Man sentenced to 3 years in prison for severely chopping fellow taxi driver
A33-year-old driver was waiting for him,” he on the steering wheel. He on Friday sentenced to three admitted. was paying attention to the years in prison when he
Magistrate McGusty road when he felt like appeared at the Georgetown then allowed De Jonge to something stung him on his Magistrates’ Court for present his side of the story rightarm. severely wounding a taxi
De Jonge explained that he He recounted, “I felt my driver had been working as a taxi hand pounding; when I took
Andrey Baired, also driver in the area for years a look, I saw my hand fall, known as ‘Dog Face,’ from and had noticed that new and I saw my bone. I then Lot ‘P’MochaArcadia, East drivers were not following saw Andrey with a cutlass; Bank Demerara (EBD), is the usual procedures, taking he was running.” He further accused of unlawfully and advantage of other taxi stated,“Iwenttothehospital maliciously wounding drivers.Outoffrustration,he (Georgetown Public Charles De Jonge by using a approached Baired and Hospital Corporation), and cutlass to chop his right arm, punched him twice in the the doctor told me I won’t be with the intent to harm, face. He added, “Later that able to use my hand; disfigure, disable, or cause day, I saw Andrey, and two however, I saw much grievousbodilyharm. police approached me I improvement.”

The incident occurred on went to the outpost (in After considering both May 21, 2023, at the Stabroek) where I was sides of the argument, intersection of Brickdam granted station bail, and the Magistrate McGusty Road and Cornhill Street, Magistrate Faith McGusty (De Jonge) walked past all returnedtothesamelocation matterwasdealtwith.” determined that Baired was Stabroek, Georgetown read the charge to Baired, thecarsandreachedmycar I the following day He told On the following day, in the wrong due to the Baired was arrested on who pleaded guilty with an was in my seat at the time, the court, “When I spotted whiledrivingandwaitingfor premeditated nature of the September 18, 2024, and explanation.Herecountedto and he held me up and start De Jonge in his car, I ended traffic to ease at the junction attack. Acknowledging that subsequently charged with the court that De Jonge on punch me all over He up dealing him a chop to his of Cornhill Street and Baired did not waste the thegrievousoffense. May 20, 2023 had attacked loosened me, pulled a knife, right arm with a cutlass from Brickdam Road, De Jonge court’s time by admitting to During the court him first by punching him to andjookme.” my car trunk, and I fled the placed his right arm on the the charge, he was sentenced proceedings, Principal hisface.Hestated,“Thisguy Seeking revenge, Baired scene… I had the cutlass car window and his left hand tothreeyearsinprison.

Georgetown Magistrates’ Court
Blackouts are Guyana’s unwanted national institution
It’s an ordinary day in Georgetown, Guyana. The heat wave is oppressive. People go about their day, working, shopping, socializing, and skylarking. Suddenly, the hum of daily
l i f e i s a b r u p t l y interrupted lights flicker, and then darkness envelops offices The fans stop spinning, computers crash, refrigerators hum their last breath,andbusinessescome toahalt.
Once again, there was a blackout. In Guyana, these blackouts have become so frequent, that they feel like an unwelcome but permanent feature of nationallife.
Foralmostfourdecades, Guyanese have been forced to endure the problems of a dysfunctional electricity grid The problems with power supply have transcended generations, administrations, and political ideologies. From thestreetsofGeorgetownto the interior regions, unreliable electricity has remained a frustrating constant in the lives of citizens And while the excuses have changed with e a c h s u c c e s s i v e government, the underlying issue remains power outages in Guyana are no longer just a technical failure; they are a national institution.
occurrence Successive governmentsmadepromises to address the issue, but improvements have been incremental at best, leaving much of the nation in the dark both literally and figuratively.
What is perhaps most shockingisthatinthealmost 40 years since these problems first surfaced, the situation remains largely unchanged. Despite billions being funneled into energy projects, grid upgrades, and new gene
infrastructureisasfragileas ever It’s not just the occasional blackout that plagues the country; it’s the total unpredictability of when and for how long poweroutageswilllast.
Aging infrastructure, poor maintenance, and increaseddemandhaveonly worsened the situation From transformers blowing to inadequate generation capacity, the challenges are immense and seemingly never-ending.
The roots of Guyana’s electricitywoesdatebackto the 1980s, a period of economic s t a g n a t i o n a n d infrastructural neglect. At thetime,thecountry’spower grid was already showing signs of wear, and by the m
Each administration, be it the People’s National Congress (PNC) or the People’s Progressive Party (PPP),hasgrappledwiththe el ectricity problem, yet n onehavemanagedtofix it.
During the 2015–2020 period, under the APNU+AFC coalition government,thereseemedto beaslightreprievefromthe endless blackouts The government focused on improving grid reliability and ensuring that electricity generation was more stable. Power outages, while still a reality, were not as frequent or as long-lasting as in previousyears.Thisrelative stability was notable, considering that the coalition inherited an alreadyfragilegrid.
However, the current PPP/C administration has been quick to place the blame squarely on the previousgovernmentfornot doing enough to modernize the system or invest in new generationcapacity Allegations abound that the APNU+AFC failed to inject the necessary funds into maintaining and upgrading the grid. While there may be some truth to theseclaims,theydonottell thewholestory
The APNU+AFC government managed to provide relatively stable electricity during its tenure. Theydidmanagetostaveoff theworsteffectsofanaging system Since 2020, however, the situation has deteriorated once more, and blackouts have once again become the norm. They had grandplanstomovetowards greenerenergy S i n c e
come back like bad weather
Yuhknowdeone:itdoesdisappearfuh alilbit,anddenshowupwithavengeance. Justlikehowdepowerboatcomefuhsave we,butnowdelightduckinginandoutlike ittekkingaholiday
First dem seh it was de transmission lines.Demneedchangingfuhdewidening of de embankment road. Who know road work does cut light? Dem boys seh deh widening de road, but all we getting is widenedblackouts.
And then de big one! Excavator touch powerlines!Demboyssehwhenexcavator touchdepowerline,dewholecitygodark. How come one machine could shut down half de country? In Guyana, we does feel blackout like is national sport.Any excuse good enough: a bird sneeze on de wire, blackout Somebody driving drunk, blackout.
De people tired hearin excuses. Last timeitwasgasturbineteksick.Distime,it’s
taking office, the PPP/C government has been busy planning ambitious energy projects, most notably the much-touted gas-to-energy plant, which is expected to bring an additional 300 megawatts of electricity to thegridby2025.Theproject ispartofalargerstrategyto meet the country’s growing energy demand, which has surgedinrecentyearsdueto rapid economic growth, largely fueled by Guyana’s burgeoningoilindustry.
On paper, the gas-toenergy project looks like a panacea for Guyana’s electricity woes. It promises cleaner energy, increased generation capacity, and a more reliable grid. But for many Guyanese, this grand plan seems like a distant dream. After all, they have heard similar promises b e f o r e e a c h n e w administration brings new energy projects and lofty ambitions, but the results have remained the same: sporadic electricity supply, equipment failures, and insufficient generation capacity
In the meantime, as the governmentfocusesonthese large-scale projects, little attention has been given to t h e i m m e d i a t e issue—keepingthelightson today Citizens and businessescontinuetosuffer fromfrequentoutages,while thelargerplansremainyears awayfromfruition.
The privatization of the power utility company in 1999 – through a 50/50 equity partnership – was supposed to inject muchneeded capital and efficiency into the system. Instead, the situation worsened. The privatization experiment failed to deliver thepromisedimprovements,
and the utility was eventually re-nationalized Since then, the management of the grid has been a perennial issue, with successive governments struggling to maintain oversight and ensure accountability
The PPP/C government hasnowexpressedconcerns over the management of the state-owned utility, hinting at potential restructuring. However,theseconcernsare not new, and simply changing management will not address the underlying problems of a poorly maintained and outdated grid.WhatGuyananeedsisa comprehensive, long-term plan that not only looks at increasing generation capacity but also addresses thesystemicissuesthathave plaguedthegridfordecades.
Electricity generation and distribution have been the Achilles heel of successive governments, both PNC and PPP/C alike. Despite their differences, neitherpartyhasbeenableto solve the electricity crisis thathasplaguedthecountry foralmostfourdecades.The grid remains fragile, the g
Thefuturedoesnotlook particularly promising While there is hope that the gas-to-energy project will bring relief, it is not a guaranteedsolution,anditis not even certain if this project will materialize any time soon. In the meantime, plans for a major hydroelectric power plant, which could provide a fast track to renewable energy andhelpGuyanaachieveits Net Zero goals, have been sidetracked and accorded lowattention.

Is it truly wise for Guyana to rush ahead with plans to construct nine internationally-branded hotels when the country’s electricity generation remains insufficient to meet currentdemand,letalonethe surge that these new developments will create? With persistent blackouts and a fragile grid, the addition of massive energy consumers raises serious concerns about the sustainability of such expansion Without a reliableandincreasedpower supply, these hotels may struggle to operate efficiently, and the very image of Guyana as an emerging destination could be tarnished by the inability to provide something as fundamental as steady electricity Shouldn’t the focus first be on securing energy stability before racing to add more strain to an already overburdened system?
Without significant investment in both new generation and grid modernization, Guyana’s electricity crisis will continue to be a national institution a constant r e m i n d e r o f h o w infrastructure failures can hold back even the most promisingofnations.
Fornow,Guyanesemust continue to endure the darkness, both in their homesandintheirhopesfor abrighterfuture.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
transmissionlinesneedsurgery.Nexttime, maybe de pole gon want vacation leave. Is bestdemdidjusttellwethatblackoutsare duetothecurrentsituation.
DemboyssehGPLstartbehavinglikeit playing peek-a-boo with we light. One minute we see am, next minute blackout. People plan fuh watchTV, blackout come. Peopleplanfuhcook,blackouttekoverde pot.Everybodycan’taffordsolarpaneland generatorlikedembigones.Demboysseh we living in de dark while we oil light up everybodyelse.
Blackout does mek dem boys feel powerless.Sowhenitgonend?Whoknow? Dem boys seh maybe when we get to heaven, de light gon finally stay on. Fuh now,wegottokeepacandlecloseby,cause deblackoutalwayswaitingfuhpounce. Butdemboyssehonethingsure,when blackoutend,pigsgonstartflyingtoo. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

The best recommendation, a sure meal ticket

I ask pardon for any occasional appearstochange,itisthesameold of relationship. Give some people charges of Sinophobia flare, then I could come in a flash. Confession: reference to myself in the third story Who knows, to label me as something to keep them happy for take them in stride: on the chin, itissurprisingthatIhavenowcome person. Given the context and anti-Exxon could prove to be all the pro bono legwork (dirty shrug, and move on. I thought I to represent so much, and attract so objectives of today’s contribution, beneficial because there are those work?)thattheydoforExxon. should record how much I detest much interest. I am humbled. itisunavoidable. who take notice and mentally file
Thesecondpointisanoldone,a commies and their fellow travelers, What it confirms to me is the Somebody, anybody, scouting for later use. Keep up a drumbeat tiring one because it is a repetition localorotherwise. That’sall,folks. lengths to which some would go to around for a way on how to get against Lall for his so-called anti- of earlier position. If there is one Similarly, some market give themselves an opening to ahead in this country, and I am the Exxon postures, and rewards could oil company that I would vote for themselvesasdefendersofthePPP enrichthemselves. best endorsement for them. Attack come; some lucrative opportunity every day to lead oil operations I encourage that right, defend it. At my expense. By attaching scathingly, work to bring down by could be found for someone who is here, it is America’s ExxonMobil. Defenders market themselves by what agenda or motive (never any means, and it is a good first adefenderofExxon’scause. What Not Total of France. Not ENI of targeting me. As a selling point, honorable, patriotic) that suits their step. The right people in the right is there to lose? There are two Italy therearefewbetterlocally Itcould purposes. This is not so wellplaces take note: good job! Keep things (only two) said for the Not any of the others from the yieldajob,acontract,oranoldone received, but accepted as how going. The old-timers are already record. oldSevenSistersofoil. Notanyof extended, richened. Goods sold; cravenGuyaneseare,andwhatthey well-steeped in what is required. First, if any Guyanese, or the new ones, whatever they are services bought. Leading PPP will do to boost themselves in the Theyknowthattheyraisethebaron anybody living anywhere, feel that called. It is Exxon, Exxon, Exxon Government lights (not the eyes of the powerbrokers and themselves, and they could be in it enhances their interests by notwithstanding all its mischiefs president busily cavorting in his decision-makers. even better standing with their bashing me, or pulling me down, and its deplorable dreadfulness to own world), may sit up, and Now I have a recommendation masters. I begin with the foreign then I urge them to do so. If some my fellow Guyanese. To cut to the recognize a new friend of robust of my own to make. Since I am contingentpresent. are so starved for bread from any chase, I recognize in Mr proportions. ThePPPdoesrightby suchadrawingcard,asurefirebet,I It is worth going after me by source, then have it. And if it Routledge, an Exxon warrior Guyanesewiththisoil,andnoforce urgefellowcitizenstodenounceme drilling holes, trying to slow down. means that I am the best Frankly, that makes him my can stop me from heralding it. publicly as anti-American because He is anti-foreign, Guyana’s Mr recommendation by attacking me adversary He holds onto what DittothePNCorAFC. ButthePPP it may be worth a bar of gold. A J i n g o i s t T h e tolookgood,thensobeit. Nobody prospers his company; I pursue revels in sticking it to those coveted US visa could be the speakers/writers/hustlersremindus should be hungry or unfulfilled if I what could benefit Guyanese upsetting its three-card conman reward. Myword!Lookatwhatwe of Indians and Africans who can help. Whatever the services Nothing anti-Exxon, anti-America. cart. Those harboring visions of (yes, we) have become, the things stoopedlowtoselltheirownsothat that could be utilized by Exxon, I How can I? Similarly, I am not too getting in the PPP’s good books, wewilldotogetahead. they could be favored by the urge the Exxon Guyana Country enamored of the Chinese around know what the territory demands. (The views expressed in this exploiters of our forefathers Head, Mr Alistair Routledge to that oil but must deal with that, Decapitate Lall and suddenly one article are those of the author and History has a peculiar unchanging help the situation by awarding a anyhow This is how capitalism can claim to be a true PPP friend. do not necessarily reflect the melody about it: even when it contract,andestablishingsomesort and corporate affairs work. Now if Translation: bash me and the cash opinions of this newspaper.)

Radio host nabbed with ganja at
Weldaad, remanded
Radio host and local singer
Shaima Muna
also known as ‘Sexy Berry’who hails from Charlestown was on Friday nabbed by police during an operation in the vicinity of the Weldaad Police Station with 14,515 grams of marijuana.
The woman was also charged at the Weldaad Magistrates’CourtonFriday morning with Possession of Narcotics for the Purpose of Trafficking.
She appeared before Magistrate R Mohabir where the charge was read to herandshepleadedguilty Muna was remanded to prison until October 4 when the probation report will be presentedtothecourt.
Charged: Shaima Muna also knows as ‘Sexy Berry’.

According to the police, “Munawasnabbedataround 5:47 hrs today at a ‘stop and search’ operation conducted on Weldaad public road, WestCoastBerbice,byranks from Weldaad Police marijuana emanating from cannabis amounted to a total Station.” the car, which prompted a of14kg515grams.
A motorcar bearing the searchofthevehicle. Muna was informed of registration number PAB A search was conducted the offense and arrested and 6190 which was headed and in the trunk of the car, cautioned The woman towards Georgetown was ranks discovered t two admitted to owning the stopped. traveling bags, red and blue narcotics and claimed that Muna, who was the only in colour, containing parcels her mother was in the occupant of the vehicle, of marijuana wrapped with hospital, and she decided to appeared to be nervous and transparentplastic. take a chance to assist her there was a high scent of When weighed, the withhermedicalbills.
Guyana’s electricity demand has reached 205 MW over the past three months - PM
DPI - The government is actively monitoring the increasing demand for electricity and implementing measures to accommodate the country’s growing power needs.
According to Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, the peak electricity demand has risen inrecentmonths.
H e m a d e t h e announcement on Thursday evening,duringtheAmcham Energy Mixer at the Guyana Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown.

“Around three or two months ago in a meeting, they [Guyana Power and Light Inc] told us that the bring us to 300 megawatts, initiative would be used to peak demand for electricity which will put all of us in a bridge the energy gap was somewhere around 188 good position,” Prime between the hinterland and and 189 megawatts. And MinisterPhillipsstressed. the coastland. Furthermore, yesterday they told us that Prime Minister Phillips the government intends to the peak is now around 205 also underscored that the marketgasandenergyacross megawatts,” the prime People’s P
theCaribbean. ministerstated.
Prime Minister Phillips
Earlier in the year, the Government is the only engageswithmembersofthe government procured an administration to have made privatesectorcommunity additional 36 megawatts of such a large-scale project a Reflectingonpastenergy electricity from a power ship reality initiatives,Phillipsnotedthat from a Turkish company to “The optimists are in if Guyanese had embraced boost supply. However, with power today Guyana is the PPP/C Government’s thecontinuedriseindemand, lucky because the gas-to- optimism earlier, the country more resources are being energy project will be would have benefited from considered to
165 megawatts of additional adequatepowersupply
Dead: Mammalogist, Meshach Pierre

Mammologist found dead at Oku backdam
A 30-year-old man room because he had a RegionalHospital. Mammalogist identified as meeting. Police also took Denhart Meshach Pierre was found Time passed and around into custody to assist with dead on Thursday at the G2 14:55hrs a colleague furtherinvestigations. Minerals Guyana Inc enquired of Denhart if he Meanwhile, on Friday at compound, Oku Backdam, was going to work. After around 11:15 hrs a postCuyuni-Mazaruni. checking the time, he mo
According to police, realized that work would performed on Pierre’s Pierre was assigned to carry startsoonsohehurriedtohis remains by Government out a mammal survey at G2 room. Pathologist Dr Nehaul Minerals, commencing on Upon opening the door Singh revealed that he died September14,2024. he found Pierre crouched on ‘compression injuries to the Pierre was part of a team theflooronhisrightside. neck’. that was accommodated at Denhart immediately Th
d w
s the company’s compound. called the Medic, who identifiedbyhisfather,Mark He shared a room with his quickly responded and later Pierre,a63-Veterinarian. assistant, PhilbertDenhart. informed him that his Meanwhile, Police have On the day in question, colleaguedied. since found a ‘suicide note’ Pierre approached Denhart The police were then in Pierre’s phone that was and two other workers who summoned by the medic to reportedly addressed to his were sitting under a shed in thesceneofthecrimeandthe family thecompoundandinstructed remainsofthedeceasedwere Investigations are Dehhart not to return to the transported to Bartica ongoing.
“We are now engaging MinisterPhillipsasserted. With the rise of new other contractors for 60 Withthefirstphaseofthe schools, hospitals, hotels, additional megawatts before project nearing completion, andincreasingdemandinthe the end of the year. We have the government is preparing housing sector, the to do this in the short term as tofocusonthesecondphase. government is implementing wewaitanxiouslyonthegas- Theprimeministerstated strategies to facilitate the to-energy project that will that the savings from this increaseinenergy

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips
Burrowes School of Art Administrator resigns over racist remarks

Former Administrator of the E.R. Burrowes School of Art, Ian Thom.
Renowned Guyanese that took place at the E.R. that day, he was taking out parking, you can’t park sculptor Mr Ian Ivor Thom Burrowes School of Art the garbage to the bins there.It is a passage way and who held the post of involving the Administrator, located just outside the apart from that, this area is Administrator at the E.R. Mr Ian Ivor Thom on the school when he received a reserved for the Burrowes Burrowes School of Art, evening of Saturday 7, call but missed it because his School of Art students and tendered his resignation September 2024 at around batterywaslow staff. He (driver) said but from the school earlier this 4pm.Theincidentappearsto He recalled that his car there is no school. I said but month after he was verbally reflect racism and the unjust was nearby so he went there you are also blocking the abused by a member of the favour given to those in our to charge his phone and passage way and even if it’s publicwhousedracialslurs. society who has status, as a whiletherehesawaredSUV not school, only our students Mr Thom’s resignation result,thatincidentledtoMr reversing in a parking space park there,” Mr. Thom from the school was T h o m ’ s u n t i m e l y close to him that he claimed explained. highlighted in a letter resignation,” the students was only reserved for staff He related that after addressed to this publication expressed. and students of the Art informingthedriverhecould in today’s edition of the Speaking with Kaieteur School. not park there, the man be abusive the way you are the story, you can have an newspaper by students who News about what transpired, Upon seeing this, Mr continued insisting that he trying to abuse me He interview them. He said to expressed deep concern Mr Thom said that on Thomsaidhesignalledtothe canpark. (driver) said, “oh it’s stupid me, your image is not a about the unfortunate September 7, he had a class driver to get his attention. “He continued insisting **[word withheld] people reflection of what he wants incident that led to his which finished around Thedrivercameoutfromthe that he can park there. I told like you make this country for this ministry I said well departure. 14:00hrs and shortly after he vehicletospeakwithhim. himifIcometoyourplaceof whereitisandthatiswhyall minister,youaretheminister “We are writing to began working on one of his “The person came out of work or place of residence kind of foreigners gotta and you will have to make a express our deep concerns projects. thevehicleandaskedwhatis and I park where I am not come in because of stupid decision or I would have to over an unfortunate incident He said around 16:00hrs the matter I said, that is a no supposed to park would you people like you,” Mr Thom make my appropriate recalled. decision and shortly after I

After the back and forth, left,”Mr Thomrecalled. Mr Thom said a young After that day, the woman exited the car and following day (Sunday), Mr enquired what was going on. Thom said he tendered his He said then a vendor from resignation because at the the entrance of the parking same time his contract with lot came over after she theministrywasonthebrink overheardtheracialslursand ofexpiring. enquired too what was Speaking to this happening. publication on Friday, the
Mr Thom said shortly formerAdministrator claims after, the young lady from that the government official the car asked him about his neverattemptedtoaddressor designation then she took a investigate the issue or the photo of his licence plate racial remarks made against thenshelefttomakeaphone him and to date, he has not call.
r e c e i v e d a n y
“She took my licence acknowledgement letter plate and then she picked up from the ministry pertaining the phone and she called, I tohisletterofresignation. don’t know who she called Mr Thom said he and about 15 to 20 minutes believes the matter could afterthenmyphonerangand have been handled properly I answered and it was the and if the minister wanted to Director of Culture and he get the truth, he could have saidtome,Minister(Charles launched an investigation Ramson) wants to see you intowhattranspired.
r i g h t a w a y i n t h e Kaieteur News on Friday Boardroom.” afternoon contacted the Mr Thom said he left to ministerforacommentbutit reach with the Minister that wasfutile. same afternoon and during Meanwhile,intheirletter their meeting, he began to to this publication, some of askwhathappened. the students of the Burrowes
After relating what School of Art said that, “By transpired, Mr Thom most reports the incident claimed that the minister appearstohavebeenhandled asked if he was the security without proper justification but according to the Mr or dueprocess,anditsends a Thom, he told the official no troubling message about but as administrator of the how we treat those who school,hisjobistolookafter dedicatetheirlivestothearts theinterestoftheschool. and education in this
Mr Thom said after country It has been relating in details what disheartening for us students happened and committing to to witness the unfolding of get names and numbers of such an unfortunate witnesses who saw what situation.” occurred, he noted that he “Editor, it is within this was not getting any context that the students satisfaction from the would like to express their minister. heartfelt appreciation and
“I even said to him that thanks to one of the greats, there were witnesses there M r . T h o m … y o u r who saw what happened and dedication, creativity, and I can get their names and passion for the arts have numbers and give it to you madealastingimpactonus,” and if you want the truth of thestudentsfurtheradded.

Miners complain of severe financial loss due to incomplete Ekereku airstrip
...contractor assures completion set for November
Two years after the situation. He said, “For the Orlando Charles Foundation past two years I ain’t hear w a s a w a r d e d t h e nothing about it, i don’t $308,034,237 contract for knowwhatishappeningwith the Ekereku Bottom airstrip, that contract there.... miners from the Ekereku
Something has to be done
mining district have because this thing is very
c o m p l a i n e d o f t h e verycostlyforus.” incomplete works on the
Clarityonissue airstrip, which has resulted
Contact was made with in financial losses, and a halt the contractor, Orlando oftheirwork. Charles who briefly said that
The Ekereku Bottom theairstripwillbecompleted airstrip located in Region byNovember Seven, is said to be the main

“No,no,Ican’tcomment airstrip for miners. Due to the airstrip is due to that fact and given that complete November this planes were unable to land at month. The work is ongoing the location, the miners are onitanditwillbecompleted facingseveralchallenges. (by) November,” Charles
T h e m i n e r s w h o moneyondiesel. explained that boats are not cannotaffordtousetheother incompleteairstrip. toldKaieteurNews. requested anonymity due to “Well, the fact that we always accessible, and often airstripstocomedown.” “...We need to put an Meanwhile, the Minister fear of victimisation told have to use the BSA airstrip time miners would have to K a i e t e u r N e w s operation down in the back ofPublicWorks Kaieteur News that because and you know to take up our wait days before being able understandsthatasaresultof there, where planes used to Juan Edghill in an they are unable to use the food and other supplies we togettospecificlocations. the incomplete airstrip at come and land and we had it interview with this incomplete airstrip they are have to buy boats to come “The airstrip is down for Ekereku, several small-scale easier, now we have to use publication stated that the forced to use Blakes Slater’s back down the river to our almost two years, and this minershaveleftthearea. Correia airstrip (BSA), contract period has expired, Airstrip (BSA). This airstrip location there, and that’s an has caused tremendous
Similarly, another miner which is far away....so it’s and that the airstrip is is reportedly farther and increase of cost in hardship for miners,” the told Kaieteur News there difficult,”themanrelated. incomplete. increasestheircost. everything, ” a miner miner said adding, “It has needs to be an urgent The miner stressed, Notwithstanding, the The frustrated miners explained. halted a lot of mining solutiontotheproblemsthey “Thisthingisreallyaffecting minister said that the project said that they spend more Further, the miner activities because people are facing as a result of the we this airstrip it’s a big team recently met with the problem. It has affected me contractorwhocommittedto financially a lot because I having the Ekeruru Bottom can’tgettodonowork.” airstrip project completed by

The frustrated miner said theendofNovember it is difficult to understand “There are a number of why the contractor has been challenges, that have led to unable to complete the the delays,” the Minister airstrip. pointedout.
“This year it will be two Minister Edghill assured years and they can’t finish that “We understand the the main airstrip in Ekereku seriousness, the urgency and we right now we which people will like to struggling because of this have the airstrip completed airstrip,” the miner told andit’swiththatinmindthat KaieteurNews. we have engaged Mr
Another miner ventilated Charles recently to get the his frustration about the matterresolved.”
From page 3
was not the lowest, most responsive bidder in all 40 lots,” Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Ganesh Mahipaul saidattheparty’spressconference.
He alleged the awards to the new GPC are deeply rooted incorruptionatNPTAB.
Mahipauladded,“Thisisorganizedcrimemasquerading as governance. The rot runs deep, with members of the evaluation committee and NPTAB allegedly getting their cut… This scandal is just a glimpse into the vast web of corruptionstranglingdevelopmentinGuyanaandinvolving theNPTABandRegionalBoards.”
To this end, Mahipaul called for an immediate forensic investigationintothedealingsofNPTAB.
Opposition MPMahipaul proposed a series of measures to combat corruption, including the establishment of an independent international investigative commission to conduct a forensic audit of NPTAB and related entities, free from government influence. He called for oversight from international anti-corruption agencies like Transparency International and the United Nations (UN) to ensure the investigation’sintegrity
Additionally, Mahipaul advocated for immediate reforms to procurement laws to enhance transparency in the bidding process, require public disclosure of contract awards, and mandate audits for significant public tenders. He also stressed the need for a robust legal framework to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and insisted that the resultsofanyinvestigationbemadepublic,withindividuals found guilty of corrupt practices prosecuted to the fullest extentofthelaw,includinghigh-rankingofficials.
The incomplete Ekereku Bottom airstrip.
AFC can become next Govt. with or without Coalition
Leader of the Alliance we believe we have as equal government but simply abled or challenged, all of For Change (AFC) Nigel an opportunity as anybody owing to the fact that this them, they are all important Hughes on Friday said he is else at the end of the Region has been “badly tous.” confident in the party’s campaign of forming a treated”. Since Nigel Hughes was placing on the Hinterland ability to overthrow the government. Whether we do Whenhewasaskedifthe elected Leader of the AFC, community to either create a People’s Progressive Party that alone, whether we do Indigenous community the party has redoubled minority government or (PPP) at the next Regional that in some other would be more instrumental efforts in highlighting the outperformthePPP and General Elections, combination we believe we in a victory for the AFC, plight o
Tothisend,theAttorneyscheduledfor2025. candothat.”
Hughes said it was fictitious. communities. In fact, former at-Law pointed out, “The The PPP emerged

Assuch,hesaidtheparty According to him, “Every rightsactivist,LauraGeorge, Alliance For Change is a victorious in the 2020 was not concentrating on the single citizen, every single who was a member of the political entity, as far as I elections and returned to Hinterland because it is ethnicity, every single class, Non-Governmental know, has never aimed for govern the country, aiming to create a minority every single person whether (Continued on page 17) second best. They may end following 23 years in office. up with second best but it’s Priortoitselection,itwasthe never aimed for second best AFC and A Partnership for so we are not aiming for a N a t i o n a l U n i t y minoritygovernment.”
Leader of the AFC, Nigel Hughes
(APNU/AFC) Coalition that D u r i n g a m e d i a He continued, “We governed between 2015 and conference, the Leader was believe that this is a different 2020. asked what weight he was dispensation in Guyana and

Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131. Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
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KEVIN LEON Petitioner/ Applicant (CHAITRAM)
KAMINI DEVI nee PANDAY Respondent -V-NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS ÔÏ: ÊÁÌÉNI DEVI CHAITRAM nee PANDAY Last Known Address116-23 130 Street, South Ozone Park, New York 11420, United States of America.TAKE NOTICE that on the 24th day of February, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by KEVIN LEON CHAITRAM the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 16th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) Consecutive Saturdays issues of the Kaieteur News in Guyana and New York Online. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at- Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related

documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 50 (fifty) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 13th day of November, 2024 at 11:30 am before the Honourable Madam Chief Justice Roxane George via Zoom. For further guidance and/or assistance, please contact the Chief Justice Chambers either by email at victorialawcourts@gmail.com or by telephone at 592-2256823 or 226-7947 [Extension 223/306] between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 27th day of August, 2024.


Last Known Address Lot 86 Lusignan, East Coast Demerara Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that on the 17th day of July, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DUVENA GONSALVES nee ISHWARDEEN the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 22nd day of August, 2024, the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Guyana and on the Worldwide WebAND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at George town, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 29th day of October, 2024 at 11:00 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Deborah Kumar-Chetty via Zoom Meeting ID: 703 085 9517, Password: DKCfamct1. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/ Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as theReg istry is closed. Dated the 27th day of August, 2024.

Attorney-at-Law: Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah Address: Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown Georgetown, Guyana. Tel No.: 638-8416/226-3197
E-mail: dar@donavonrangiahlawyer.com 2024-IC-DEM-CIV-FD-1172 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Petition No. FD1172 BETWEEN: DAYARAM (TALJPAUL) Applicant/Petitioner -and- DAYARAM (HARDAI) Respondent TO: HARDAI DAYARAM UNKNOWN. TAKE NOTICE that on the 23rd day of August, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by TAIJPAUL DAYARAM, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 5th day of September, 2024, the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutiveSaturday issues of the Guyana Kaieteur Newspaper and Toronto Star Newspaper. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKI NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Wednesday the 13th day of November, 2024 at 10:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Priscilla Chandra-Hanif in person.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it
Man remanded for stealing $3M from neighbour
A 26-year-old resident of Robb Street, Bourda, Georgetown, was on Friday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for breaking and entering into his neighbour’s home and stealing $3 million in cash and valuables.
Nick Willington was accused of breaking and entering the dwelling house of Toreza Dyal at lot 85 Robb Street, Bourda, where he allegedly stole $3,000,000 in cash, two six-packs of Corona beers valued $6,000 and an Amazon tablet valued $22,000, total value $3,028,000.
Willington appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty who read the charge. He pleaded not guilty to the charge.
According to police statements presented in court, around 9:30hrs, Dyal secured her home and left for the salon. At about 13:00hrs, she returned and observed that the northern door was broken.
She immediately made checks and observed that the cash and items listed in the charge were missing. The matter was reported to the police and investigators visited the scene and viewed the victims’ CCTV cameras. The footage reportedly showed Willington jumping

considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 7663086865?
Meeting ID: 766 308 6865
Passcode: 123456

over a fence and forcibly entering the home. Following his arrest, a search of Willington’s residence yielded the recovery of the victim’s Amazon tablet.
On the camera footage, police observed Willington jumping a northern fence and forcing his way into the victim’s home and stole the items mentioned.
Willington was arrested and a search was carried out on his home and the victim’s Amazon tablet was recovered. He was told of the allegation and cautioned.
He admitted to the offence and was subsequently charged.
During the court proceedings, Prosecution objected to bail citing the strong evidence presented in the form of the CCTV footage. As a result, Willington was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on October 11, 2024.
AFC can become next Govt. with or without...
From page 15 Organization, Amerindian Peoples’ Affairs (APA) resigned to team up with the AFC. George now uses her platform to highlight the difficulties encountered by Amerindians in their daily life while also lobbying for key governance shifts in those communities.
The AFC, founded in 2005, contested its first National Elections in 2006 where it copped five seats in the National Assembly. In the 2011 elections, the party’s votes increased, securing seven seats in Parliament.
Prior to the 2015 Elections, the AFC formed a Coalition the APNU where the group defeated the PPP, winning 33 seats in total. Over the years, the APNU and AFC have had differences causing the parties to part ways, following a seven-year union. The two parties have not yet decided whether they will contest the next elections as a Coalition.

Alleged motorcycle thief remanded
A 19-year-old Mason was on Wednesday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court in relation to bike theft.
Floyd Azore of Lot 89 Laing Avenue, Georgetown is accused of stealing a Jailing motorcycle valued $275,000 from Brad Farhun, on September 16, 2024, at Russell Street, Charlestown, Georgetown.
Azore is no stranger to the law. Police reported that he is wanted in Region 4B Division for similar offences. They stated that he has a habit of stealing motorcycles.
Azore appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, who read the charge to him.
He pleaded not guilty. According to the facts presented in court, around 08:25 hrs on the day in question, Farhun had parked his motorcycle securely in front of his home before going inside for about three minutes. Upon returning, he discovered that the motorcycle was missing. He
Remanded: Floyd Azore

made checks about his home and around the area but could not find it. Later that day around 14:00hrs, Azore was spotted riding Farhun’s motorcycle with another male. When Azore and his colleague noticed the police, they attempted to flee, but Azore was apprehended
while the other male escaped, leaving the motorcycle behind. At the Rumvieldt Police Station, Azore reportedly admitted to the theft, claiming he and the other male had stolen the motorcycle. During the court proceedings, the prosecution objected to bail, citing Azore’s
prior offenses and his attempt to evade police capture. Azore, however, denied the charge, stating, “The bike was not in my possession, I was at the back of it.” Azore was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on October 9, 2024, for further statements.

Top Hezbollah commander killed in Israeli strike on Beirut
BBC - A top Hezbollah military commander was killed in an Israeli air strike on the Lebanese capital Beirut on Friday, in a major escalation that has added to fearsofanall-outwar
Hezbollah confirmed Ibrahim Aqil’s death after Israel said he was one of several senior Hezbollah figureskilledinthestrike
Earlier, Lebanese officials said at least 14 people were killed and dozens injured in the strike thathitthedenselypopulated Dahieh area, a stronghold of the Iran-backed group in the city’ssouthernsuburbs.
There were chaotic scenes as emergency teams rushed to the site of the attack, rescuing the wounded and searching for people believed to be trapped under the rubble.At leastoneresidentialbuilding collapsed and others were heavilydamaged.
Streets were closed by Hezbollah members, some looking incredulous as the attack represented another humiliating blow in a week whichsawpagersandwalkietalkiesbelongingtothegroup explode. Dozens were killed and thousands wounded in thoseattacks,widelybelieved tobeorchestratedbyIsrael
Friday’sstrikewasthefirst to hit Beirut since July, when Hezbollah’s military chief FuadShukrwaskilled
In a statement, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesmanDanielHagarisaid Aqil, a senior commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan

forces, was killed alongside senior operatives in the group’s operations staff and otherRadwancommanders Hagarisaidtheindividuals killed were “planning Hezbollah’s ‘Conquer the Galilee’attack plan, in which Hezbollah intended to infiltrate Israeli communities and murder innocent civilians” The plan was first reportedbytheIsraelimilitary in2018,whentheIDFsaidit was blocking tunnels dug by Hezbollah to penetrate Israeli territory and kidnap and murdercivilians InApril, Washington said itwassearchingforAqil,also known asTahsin, and offered financial rewards to anyone with “information leading to his identification, location, arrestand/orconviction”
HewaswantedbytheUS due to his links and seniority withinHezbollah,agroupthat hasbeenproscribedaterrorist organisationbyIsrael,theUK,
In the 1980s, Aqil was a member of the group that orchestrated the bombings of theUSembassyinBeirutanda marine barracks, killing hundredsofpeople.
ConfirmingAqil’sdeathin a post on social media, Hezbollah described him as one of its “great jihadist leaders” The group was establishedintheearly1980s bytheregion’smostdominant Shia power, Iran, to oppose Israel At the time, Israel’s forces had occupied southern Lebanon during the country’s civil war Earlier on Friday, Hezbollahsaidithadlaunched strikes on military sites in northernIsrael.
The IDF said 140 rockets were fired into the north of the country, while Israeli police issued warnings about damage to roads. It came after Israel carried out extensive air strikesonsouthernLebanon,
saying its warplanes had hit more than 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers and other “terrorist sites” including a weaponsstoragefacility
The cross-border fighting between Israel and Hezbollah escalated on 8 October2023-thedayafter the unprecedented attack on Israel by Hamas gunmen fromGaza-whenHezbollah fired at Israeli positions in solidarity with the Palestinians Since then hundreds of people, most of them Hezbollah fighters, havebeenkilledinthecrossborderfighting,whiletensof thousands have also been displaced on both sides of theborder
Israel recently added the return of people displaced fromthenorthofthecountryto its list of war goals, and Defence Minister Yoav GallantsaidonThursdaythat hiscountryisenteringa“new phase of the war” ,
concentrating more of its effortsonthenorth
After the pager and walkie-talkie explosions across Lebanon earlier this week, there has been a deepened sense of unease in theMiddleEasterncountry.
It was an unprecedented security breach that indicated how deeply Israel had managed to penetrate the group’s communication system Many of the explosions occurred simultaneously, with walkietalkie explosions on Wednesday occurring in the vicinity of a large crowd that hadgatheredforthefuneralsof four victims of Tuesday’s pager blasts Hezbollah and Lebanese authorities have blamed Israel for the explosions Israeli officials have not commented on the allegations, but most analysts agree that it is behind the attack
In a televised address on
Thursday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said: “The enemy crossed all rules, laws and red lines It didn’t care about anything at all, not morally, not humanely, not legally” Nasrallah vowed a harsh punishment, but indicated his group was not interestedinanescalationofits current conflict with Israel Lebanese foreign minister AbdallahBouHabbibtoldthe UN Security Council on Friday that Israel had “deliberately undermined” diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire in Gaza and “all attempts of the Lebanese governmenttode-escalateand exercise self-restraint” Israel’s UN envoy Danny Danon said that while his countryisnotseekingawider conflict, it “will not allow Hezbollah to continue its provocation”. US and UK authorities have urged their citizens not to travel to Lebanon The White House said it was involved in intense diplomacy to prevent escalation of the conflict along the Israel-Lebanon border. Reiterating previous calls, the UK Foreign Office saiditis“continuingtoadvise peopletoleaveLebanonnow while commercial routes remain available” The BBC understands that during a Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR) meeting officials discussed ongoing preparedness work, particularly with regards to British nationals, should there be any further escalation.
Israeli forces kill dozens across Gaza as tanks advance deeper into Rafah
Aljazeera - Israeli forceshavekilledatleast27 Palestinians in tank and air attacksacrossGaza,astanks advanced further into northwest Rafah near the borderwithEgypt.
The unrelenting Israeli attacks in the enclave continuedonFriday,evenas a parallel conflict in the Lebanon-Israel border area involving Hamas’s allies Hezbollahintensified.
In the southern city of
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir el-Balah in central
Gaza, said the two properties were completely destroyedintheattack.
“Civildefencecrewsare scrambling to reach the scene of the attack as fightingbetweenHamasand Israel rages in the area,” he said.
“There are still people buriedinthedebris.” Tanks advanced further to the northwest area of
Rafah, at least 13 Palestinians,includingthree children, were killed in Israeli air raids on two residential properties in the Mesbah area, medical sourcestoldAlJazeera.
Rafah backed by aircraft, residents told the Reuters newsagency
Heavy fire and explosions echoed in the eastern areas of the city, whereIsraeliforcesblewup severalhouses,accordingto residentsandHamasmedia.
“Our fighters are engagedinfiercegunbattles against Israeli forces, who advanced into Tanour neighbourhood in Rafah,” Hamas’sarmedwingsaidin astatement.
Video Duration 1 minutes53seconds1:53 Separately, Palestinian
healthofficialssaidshelling by Israeli tanks killed eight peopleandwoundedseveral others in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central area of Gaza, and six others werekilledinanairraidona houseinGazaCity
In the northern town of Beit Hanoon, an Israeli attack on a car killed and w o u n d e d s e v e r a l Palestinians,medicssaid.
The Israeli military has said that forces operating in Rafah have killed hundreds of Palestinian fighters,
located tunnels and explosives and destroyed
militaryinfrastructureinthe lastfewweeks.
The United States and mediators Qatar and Egypt have attempted to secure a truce between Israel and Hamasformonths,buthave failed to bring about a final agreement.
Two obstacles have been especially difficult –Israel’sdemandthatitkeep forces in the Philadelphi CorridorbetweenGazaand Egypt, and the specifics of an exchange of Israeli captives for Palestinian prisonersheldbyIsrael.
Israel’s latest war on
GazabeganafterOctober7, when Hamas fighters enteredIsrael,killing1,200 people and taking about 250 captives, according to Israelitallies
Since then Israel has been relentlessly attacking the enclave, killing more than 41,000 Palestinians, according to the local health ministry, while displacing nearly the entire population of 2 3 million, causing a hunger crisis and leading to allegations of genocide at the World Court, which Israel has denied.
The strike caused at least one building in Beirut to collapse
Nobreachofconstitutionalrightscommittedduringsearch of‘MellyMel’s’relatives’home-
The office of the Attorney General
h a s f i r m l y rejected allegations of
constitutional rights violations committed againsttherelativesofsocial media activist Melissa ‘MellyMel’Atwell.
Abatteryoflawyershave writtentotheCommissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken seekinganswersonthelegal basisforsearchingthehome ofAtwell’s relatives located at Lot 86 BB Eccles, East Bank Demerara, earlier this week.
Police have come under heavy criticism for the searchduringwhichnothing illegal was found at the house.
Opposition political parties have deemed the search illegal and said it was aimed at intimidating and harassing Atwell who is a vocal critic of the PPP/Cadministration.
Titled “Trespass and V i o l a t i o n o f Constitutional Rights of Ms DebbieTysonandMs Josephine Tyson”, the letter was signed by lawyers: Roysdale Forde
S C , Nigel Hughes, Joseph Harmon, Eusi Anderson, Dr Dexter Todd, Narissa Leander, Iyanna Butts, and Darren Wade.
Ms Atwell is a wellknown human rights activist who has been using her social media platform to advocate

against widespread cases of alleged corruption within the Government of Guyana and the Guyana PoliceForce.
Intheirletter,lawyersfor Atwell’s relatives said their clients have also instructed them that ranks of the GuyanaPoliceForce,during the “unlawful search, conducted themselves in a manner amounting to a violation of Article 141 of the Constitution, which provides protection from inhuman or degrading treatment.”
In a letter responding to the allegations, Principal Legal Adviser Ronetta Sargent attached to the Attorney General (AG) Chambers denied the allegations.
She instead claimed that
Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates’ Court issued a search warrant based on reasonable grounds for suspecting an offence against the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substance ControlAct.
She emphasized that the police had reason to believe that evidence of the commission of an offence could be found at thepremises.
In the letter, Sargent e
, “We
conducted the search on 17th September, between 16:00 hours and 16:50hrs, did so in scrupulous
Woeful waste of money in circumstances...
Frompage05 authorities.Three cheers for democracy
Facing us today is a replay with the Minister of Local Government controllingwhoisemployed in the absence of the Local Government Commission The Commission expired this year, and it seems there is no anxiety by the Government to have it reconstitutedwhichoughtto be a standard operational procedure. Itwouldbeunnecessary to burden this letter of the rape of our democracy taking place before our very eyes on a daily basis. You have the gas-shore project, everything clouded in secrecy
compliance with the laws and the constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.”
“In fact, in conclusion of the exercise, the person who identified herself as Debbie and appeared to be the main occupant of the premises was specifically asked by the lead Police Officer whether she was satisfied with the conduct of the officers during the search and she replied in the affirmative ”
According to the
Principal Legal Adviser, “This conversation and almost the entirety of the execution of the warrant werevideo-taped.
Anoriginalcopyofthe said search warrant was left with person who identified herself as the main occupant of the premises.”
Sargent said that an original copy of the search warrantwasleftwithDebbie [Atwell’s mother] for reference.
The Principal Legal Adviser reassured that the police had no prior knowledge of “Debbie” or her connections, stressing that such information would have been immaterial to the caseathand.
Sargent reaffirmed the Guyana Police Force’s c o m m i t m e n t t o performing its statutory duties without fear or f a v o u r , e n s u r i n g compliance with the law

A copy of the search warrant served on
and the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
“In the circumstances each and every allegation of violation of the law the constitutional rights of your clients and breach of the constitution itself is strenuously denied and emphatically rejected Additionally, every ulterior illicit and improper motive which has been ascribed to
members of the Guyana Police Force in respect to this matter is similarly denied and rejected,”theletterfromthe AG’sChambersadded. Additionally, the missive stated that investigations regarding the matter are ongoing and th
e any potential legal actions taken against the police would be
Today while preparing thisletter,therewasablackout at about 2:45 pm in my area followed by two outages yesterday Speaking to a friend on the East Bank ofDemerara,hesaidthatthis hasbeenapattern,sincethis Turkish Ship et al is in operation.Yetanothersecret transaction.
We pleaded before, that ourdemocracyasdefinedby the Government has massive monies available to it but for reasons which are notobscured,theyfailwitha few exceptions to put in place, persons who are patriots and competent to manage the various sectors
continuethisspendingspree and the ordinary people, regardless of political
You have a tender for additional electricity for the Grid, forgetting that earlier this year, the powers that be boastedthatwiththeTurkish Ship and acquisition of several generators, cost not known to the public, blackoutswouldend.
affiliation or belief, except for the few who are getting thebigbucks,thepeopleare thevictims. Onemansaidto me, two weeks ago, a failed State, all because our Government failed to understand the unhappy consequences of Peter principle.
Soyoutakepeoplewho maybeexcellentcanecutters or excellent policemen and becauseoftheirloyalty,you put them in higher positions wheretheybecomeadismal failure.
Withthisfastestgrowing economy in the world, Editor, I ask you and all Believers to pray and pray unceasingly, so that the benefitfromthebillionsand billions we now harvest in theCooperativeRepublicof Guyana,willbenefitthisand succeedinggenerations.
HamiltonGreen Elder

Social media activist, Melissa ‘Melly Mel’Atwell.
‘Melly Mel’s’relatives

2024 Caribbean Premier League… GAW vs. STKNP
Joseph, Hetmyer,
bowlers rattle Patriots by 30-runs as Warriors seal first win at home
Fast-bowler Shamar
Joseph had a brilliant night withtheball,whileShimron Hetmyer cracked an eyecatching half-century which paved the way for a 30-run drubbingoftheSt.Kittsand Nevis Patriots last night at the G
Batting first in front of a
sold out capacity, the champswereguidedto1378 after 20 overs, thanks to ShimronHetmyerlayingthe foundation with 63 from 33 deliveries inclusive of five sixesandfourfours.
Power-hitting all-rounder
Romario Shepherd provided theshotinthearm,ashis22ball 34*, with 3 sixes and a

four, helped Guyana post a decent total in the end Playing on his home ground,

Shimron Hetmyer
CWI announces re-election of Azim Bassarath as Vice-President
ST JOHN’S,Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) yesterday announced the
BassarathtotheroleofVice President of its Board of Directors.
Pursuant to the CWI Articles of Association, a
Saturday September 21, 2024
ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)
A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.
TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)
Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow
You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.
Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.
The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.
Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.
If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.
If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.
You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a
a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.
Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone
Guyanese left-arm spinner AshmeadNeddtormentedhis countrymenashesnappedup 4-25 leading the Patriots bowling, with help from his more senior partner in South Africa leg-spinner Tabraiz Shamsi (2-13) TheAmazon Warriors spin barrage of a returning Imran Tahir (2-34), Gudakesh Motie (1-8) and Mooen Ali (2-9), kept the gameinfavorofthechamps
Joseph bagged 3-9 with help from Dwaine Pretorius (1-22), with Patriots opener Evin Lewis (49) almost pulling things off for the visitors Lewiswashistypical self, latching onto anything looseorinhiszone,asthespin trio ripped through the toporder, including Andre Fletcher (15), Mikyle Louis (4), Kyle Mayers (3) and JoshuaDaSilva(9).
Joseph then inspired a brilliant run out of Rilee Roussow(11)beforebagging afewkeylower-orderwickets tosealanemphaticwininfront ofamassivecrowd
Earlier, Nedd’s double strikeremovedopenersKevin Sinclair and the in-form Tim Robinson, who both fell for ducks, while Mayers (1-22) removedhisfellowBarbadian and West Indies mate, Shai Hope for (7). Hetmyer took theWarriorsteamscoreover the 50-run mark with a few much-needed boundary shots, soon reaching his second fifty of the tournament. However, the introduction of Shamsi shifted momentum as both Ali (10) and Hetmyer succumbedtotheGoogly,in quicksuccession.
The final spell from Nedd yielded two more wicketsforthePatriots,who werealreadytearingintothe Warriorslower-order
Meanwhile, St Lucia Kings battle Barbados Royals from 10:00h while the Warriors look to keep their streak alive against the Antigua and Barbuda Falcons tonight from 19:00h,aspartofSaturday’s d o u b l e - h e a d e r a t Providence.(CliftonRoss)
Members was convened yesterday, September 20, 2024,forthesolepurposeof electing a new Vice President
nominations, Mr Bassarath was the sole candidate, having been nominated by
Association and Leeward Islands Cricket Board The nominationswerecirculated as customary, and every territorial board, which constitutestheshareholders, wasadequatelynotified.
At the close of the meeting,CWIPresidentDr. Kishore Shallow thanked membe
s for their participation and reiterated calls for unity amongst West Indies Cricket stakeholders.CWIwillhost its next quarterly board meeting on September 28, 2024. The meeting will be held in Trinidad and Tobago.
Of his re-electionAzim Bassarath said, I’m excited toreturntomydutiesforthe goodofWestIndiescricket, working alongside my dedicated colleagues at Cricket West Indies. Since March of 2023 when myselfandDrShallowtook over,wemadegreatstrides in the most popular format of the game – T20 and we are determined to continue making these strides in the other two international formats. I have committed and remain committed to serving with integrity and respect for the process, while upholding the best governance practices. This vote of confidence signals that we can move forward withthebusinessofcricket and deliver the results shareholders and fans across the region and around the world are eager tosee,undertheleadership ofDr KishoreShallow All Territorial Boards except the Guyana Cricket Boardwereinattendanceat the Special Meeting of the Members. Guided by its Articles of Association, CWI reaffirms its unwaveringcommitmentto democratic principles and transparency.

Falcons keep playoff hopes alive
C P L - A n o t h e r intriguing match full of incidentinPortofSpainsaw the previous evening’s winners, Trinbago Knight Riders lose to Antigua & Barbuda Falcons by six wickets with an over to spare.
ThewinseestheFalcons keep their slim chances of progression alive and also gave them double bragging rightsovertheKnightRiders inthisyear’sRepublicBank Caribbean Premier League (CPL).
TheFalconswonthetoss andchosetofieldfirst,canny bowling restricted the KnightRiderstoabelowpar 134/8, Kieron Pollard’s 37ball47givingthehomeside a shot in the arm on a dewy night that made run scoring
quite tricky Last evening’s man of the hour Tim David chipped in with 25 off 20 ballstohelphaulhissidetoa competitivetotal.
Justin Greaves then playedaPlayeroftheMatch innings to give the Falcons their third victory in this year’s
Compiling a patient 46 off 48 balls he then retired himselfatthedeathtoallow a fresh, and bigger hitting teammate to finish the job.
The somewhat risky decision ultimately paid off forthevisitors.
Hassan Khan played a vital cameo with 36 off 20 deliveries and Imad
Wasim was there at the endtoseehissidehomein an eventful 19th over – in shades of the 2019 World
Cup final – a deflection off the bat as the batter’s returned for the second run saw the ball run over the boundary rope and six runs awardedtothebattingside.
1 8 r u n s w e r e plundered off the Josh Little over in total with Fabian Allen nudging the w i n n i n g r u n s t o midwicket to seal the victory and keep the Falcons flying in this year’sCPL.
“To win at Queen’s Park Oval is a special thing” said a beaming Greaves in the moments after the match “We haven’t had a great season but to beat TKR twice is good.

Justin Greaves then played a Player of the Match innings to give the Falcons their third victory
We’re just happy with how things panned out. To get the win against Trinidad in Trinidad, their fortress, feels good. We have to take one game at a time. You
TheKnightRidersfinish the evening still in second position in the table and the
Falconsendeditwithalittle hope that they could still salvage something from their2024CPLcampaign.
BMC O50s Tournament continues this weekend
- Sponsored by Permaul Trading & Distribution and Peter Lewis Construction & Asphalt services.
The Big Man Cricket O50s tournament continues thisweekendwith2fixtures in Demerara Jai Hind Jaguars and Essequibo Invaders O50s Masters will be engaged in a key match this weekend with both
teamslookingtosecuretheir spots in the playoffs with theirfinalleaguegame.
In the other final league game for East Coast Aash Décor, the lads from East Coast would be lookingtobouncebackafter
recording 2 defeats in their last 2 matches to cement a placeinthetop4againstthe bottom of the table Ex BerbicePolicyMasters.
This weekend’s f i x t u r e s a r e a s follows:

Thepointsstandingafter the last round of matches shows North Soesdyke
following with the same pointsbutlowerNRRs:

the pack with Essequibo Invaders & Everest Masters closely
Jamaica’s men’s netball team, “The Suns,” shine bright at America’s Netball Championships
SportsMax - Jamaica’s men’s netball team, “The Suns,” have successfully defended their title at the America’s Netball Championships, leaving Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis, as the only unbeaten team in the tournament
T h e i r d o m i n a n t performance across seven matches reaffirmed their status as the reigning champions, having first claimedthetitlein2022.
The Suns opened the tournament with a thrilling 30-27 victory over England in what was their closest match of the competition. From there, they never lookedback.
They followed that up with a commanding 56-27 win over Grenada before a resounding 76-20 thrashing ofthehostnation,St.Kitts& Nevis. However, their most emphatic victory came
against the United States, where they posted a staggering109-10scoreline.
Antigua & Barbuda fell 8314, and despite a more competitive match against Trinidad&Tobago,Jamaica pulled through with a 62-49 win. They capped off the tournament with a decisive 75-28 win over St. Vincent andtheGrenadines.
Asthedustsettled,“The Suns” stood tall as the only unbeatenteaminthesecond edition of the tournament, provingonceagainthatthey aretheteamtobeatinmen’s netball. Their commanding performances reflect the resilience and unity that defines Jamaican sports acrossalldisciplines.

Richard Hendricks, one of the standout players for Jamaica, was named the Tournament MVP, a testament to his brilliant performances throughout
Max Verstappen receives bizarre penalty after swearing at F1 press conference
Independent - Max Verstappen has been told to “accomplish some work of public interest” in an odd ruling by the stewards after swearing during Thursday’s FIA press conference in Singapore.
TheRedBulldriver,who leads this year’s world championship by 59 points toLandoNorris,hasnotwon in seven races and struggled lastweekinAzerbaijan.
Whenaskedabouthiscar in Baku, Verstappen replied that he knew “the car was f*****” and was warned about his language by the moderatoronThursday
After Verstappen was called to see the stewards yesterday, Friday, with a meeting lasting around 15 minutes, the decision reachedbythestewardswas an“obligationtoaccomplish some work of public interest.”
The stewards’ verdict read: “Max Verstappen, driver of car 1, used language to describe his car at the event in Azerbaijan
which is generally considered“coarse,rude”or may “cause offence” and is notsuitableforbroadcast.
“While the stewards accept that this may be true, it is important for role modelstolearntobemindful when speaking in public forums, in particular when not under any particular pressure.
“Verstappen apologised forhisbehaviour.”
O n T h u r s d a y , Verstappen also responded toFIApresidentMohammed Ben Sulayem insisting that driversneedtobemindfulof their language during races, which is then broadcast around the world on TV coverage.
The26-year-oldsaid:“A lotofpeoplesayalotofbad things when they are full of adrenaline in other sports, it justdoesn’tgetpickedup.
“I couldn’t even say the f-word... it’s not even that bad.Whatarewe5yearolds, 6yearolds?”
Lewis Hamilton, meanwhile, called out Ben Sulayem for a comment referring to rappers when discussing the broadcast of swearing in Formula One races – saying they had a “racialelement”tothem.
“Whensummonedtothe stewards, the driver explainedthatthewordused is ordinary in speech as he learnedit,Englishnotbeing hisnativelanguage.
Ben Sulayem, head of F1’sgoverningbody,sayshe hasaskedFormula1tolimit the amount of swearing –usually from drivers over teamradio–onTVcoverage of races. Swear words are currentlybleepedoutbefore beingbroadcast.
The 62-year-old Emirati executive said: “We have to differentiate between our sport–motorsport–andrap music. We’re not rappers, youknow
TheysaytheF-wordhow many times per minute? We are not on that. That’s them andweare[us].”
Hamilton, though admitting the sport could “clean up” foul language in b r o a d c a s t s , w a s unimpressed with the connotations from Ben Sulayem’sremarks.
“I don’t like how he’s expressed it,” Hamilton, the sport’s only black driver, saidaheadofthisweekend’s SingaporeGrandPrix.
“Saying‘rappers’isvery stereotypicalandifyouthink about it, most rappers are black.
So really pointed it towardswe’renotlikethem. SoIthinkthatwasthewrong choice of words. There’s a racialelementthere.”

The Suns successfully defended their title at the America’s Netball Championships.
India in control of first test after Bumrah takes 4-50 to help skittle out Bangladesh for 149
Associated PressCHENNAI, India (AP) — Jasprit Bumrah took 4-50 to help skittle Bangladesh for 149 and give India a firstinnings lead of 227 runs on Day 2 of the first test yesterday
On a day when 17 wickets fell, India was dismissed for 376 early in the morning session with Ravichandran Ashwin hitting113andlaterreached 81-3 at stumps — for an overallleadof308—having decided against enforcing thefollow-on.ShubmanGill was unbeaten on 33 and RishabhPantwas12notout.
In between all that, Bumrah ran through Bangladesh’s lower-middle
order in a fine all-round bowlingperformancebythe Indians that bundled out the visitors early in the third session. Pacers Mohammed Siraj(2-30)andAkashDeep (2-19) weighed in with economicalfigures. ShakibalHasan’s32was thetopscoreforBangladesh, which slumped to 26-3 at lunch and couldn’t stem the fall of wickets, losing two more quick after the resumptionofplay SirajhadcaptainNajmul Hossain Shanto caught at slip for 20 before Bumrah dismissedMushfiqurRahim in a similar fashion for 8, leaving Bangladesh at 40-5 after12.5overs. Shakib and Litton Das
resisted with a 51-run partnership for the sixth wicket.Dasscored22off42 balls,includingthreefours. Spinthendidthetrickfor India as Ravindra Jadeja (219) removed Das, who was caught at square leg by substitute fielder Dhruv Jurel. Jadeja picked up a second when Shakib was caughtatshortlegtwoovers later At 92-7, Bangladesh wasstaringdownthebarrel, thoughMehidyHasanMiraz scored27off52ballstosave the team from complete embarrassment He maneuvered the lower order toaddanother57runsforthe finalthreewicketswhilealso denying Bumrah a fivewickethaul.

India’s Jasprit Bumrah, left, celebrates with teammates the wicket of Bangladesh’s Mushfiqur Rahim on the second day of the first cricket test match between India and Bangladesh, in Chennai, India, Friday, Sept.20, 2024. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)
India’s star-studded toporder faltered once again in thesecondinnings. Rohit Sharma was caught atslipfor5,unabletofendoff extra bounce from Taskin Ahmed (1-17). Yashasvi Jaiswalchasedawidedelivery from Nahid Rana and was caught behind for 10, while ViratKohliscored17runs and added 39 for the third wicket with Gill before falling lbw to Mehidy Hasan (1-16) Replays suggested an inside edge and Kohli didn’t ask for a DRS review despite India having a full quota of threereviewsavailable
Gill and Pant closed out the day without further damage. Bangladesh pace bowlerHasanMahmudearlier picked up his second straight five-wickethaulinIndia’sfirst innings, which saw Ashwin gettohissixthtesthundredand a personal best at his home ground.Aftermiscuingapull tomid-off,Ashwinwalkedoff toarousingreceptionfromhis hometowncrowd Resuming on 339-6 from overnight, India lost Jadeja early,caughtbehindfor86off 124balls Thatendedthe199run seventh-wicket partnership with Ashwin
which had turned things around for India from a precarious 144-6 on the first day Mahmudfinishedwith583, becoming the first Bangladesh bowler with a five-wicket haul in India. It was also his second fivewicket performance in as manyinningsafterhetook543 against Pakistan in Rawalpindi
Taskin Ahmed had figuresof3-55. The second of two tests willbeplayedinKanpurand begins on Sept. 27, with three Twenty20 matches to follow

Slingerz FC set for showdown with SVG national team

SlingerzFootballClubis gearing up for an international challenge as theytraveltoSt.Vincentand the Grenadines for a twomatch friendly against the island’s national football team on September 29 and October2.
For St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the encounter with Slingerz FC will serve asvitalpreparationaheadof their crucial CONCACAF Nations League (League B) clash at home against El SalvadoronOctober10.
Slingerz FC president, Javed Ali, underlined the significance of the relationshipbetweenthetwo teams, noting that St VincentandtheGrenadines’ players have made a lasting impactonhisclub’shistory
He highlighted the contributions of standout playersWinslowMcDowall, Jolanshoy McDowall, and Keith James, who were instrumental in helping Slingerz FC secure the inaugural Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Elite Leaguetitlein2016.
“ We ’ v e a l w a y s maintained a close relationship with the players, who are highly respectedintheircountryfor their contributions to the nationalteam,”Alisaid.
This series of matches comes as part of Slingerz FC’s strategic preparation for the upcoming GFF Elite League season, with a broader goal of competing regionally in the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Club Championship.
Having finished the recent Elite League season undefeated but narrowly missing out on the title, Ali sees this trip as an
Caitlin Clark, Indiana Fever face Connecticut Sun in first round of 2024 WNBA playoffs
USA TODAY - It’s official: Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever will meet the Connecticut Sun in the 2024WNBAplayoffs.
The Sun, a preseason favorite to contend for the WNBA championship, locked up the third seed by blowing out the Chicago Sky, 85-54, in the regularseasonfinaleThursday
opportunity for growth, “Heading to St Vincent allows us to expand our brand and showcase that Guyaneseclubscanbewellorganized, have a professional setup, and engage f
gh merchandising.”
Headded,“Italsoallows ustoputourplayersonshow, most of whom are either on the Golden Jaguars or the National set-up I think it gives us a chance to also showcase Guyana’s football and to let people know that clubs like Slingerz FC exists locally”
With 10 Slingerz FC players currently part of the Golden Jaguars set-up, Ali pointed out, “We consider thisasanopportunitytohelp theGFFnationalprogramme as well, since we will be hosting Guatemala in Guyana Thismatchwillgive theplayersonourteam,who might be part of the Golden JaguarsteamfortheOctober 11 match, a chance to be meaningfullyengaged”
The club is working closely with the GFF to ensure all necessary protocols are followed for theinternationalfixtures.
Ali expressed gratitude to GFF President Wayne Fordeforhissupport,noting thatthesematchesalignwith the federation’s vision for developing the Elite League andfootballinGuyana.
St Vincent and the Grenadines are currently second in their group in the Nations League, coming off a1-1drawwithBonaireand a 2-0 victory over Montserrat. Their back-toback clashes with El SalvadorinOctober(10and 13) will be pivotal for their LeagueBcampaign.
The Fever are returning to the playoffs for the first timesince2016,liftedtothe postseason by the play of Caitlin Clark, who is practically a lock to win the 2024 WNBA Rookie of the Year award. Indiana boasts one of the league’s best veterans in guard Kelsey Mitchell,nowinherseventh professional season. But no Fever starter has WNBA playoff experience, whereas the Sun and its core have made multiple deep postseason runs, including a triptothe2022Finals,where they lost to the Las Vegas Aces in four games. Earlier this season, the Sun traded for guard Marina Mabrey, a sharp shooter on the perimeter, in hopes of bolsteringtheirtitlechances.
In the WNBA’s playoff format,thesixthseedmatches up with the third seed in the first round All first-round matchups are best-of-three series,withthefirsttwogames beingplayedatthehomeofthe higher-seeded team; Game 3, if necessary, is played at the home of the lower-seeded team This format means that lower-seeded playoff teams maynotseethehugefinancial benefit from hosting a

postseason game and, if they managetostealagameonthe road,itputsthehigher-seeded team in the tough position of winning Game 3 in a hostile environment
So,No.6Indiana(20-20) willmeetNo.3Connecticut (28-12).
Indiana vs. Connecticut playoffschedule
‘ Game 1: Sunday, Sept. 22atConnecticut,3p.m.ET onABC
‘ Game 2: Wednesday, Sept.25atConnecticut,7:30 p.m.ETonESPN
‘ Game 3 (if necessary): Friday, Sept. 27 at Indiana, tiptimeTBA,onESPN2
It’s worth pointing out that Indiana’s lone win over Connecticut this season came after the Olympic break, which has hugely benefited Clark and the Fever overall. Indiana has been one of the better teams since the WNBA resumed
playinAugust,amassinga94 record; Las Vegas is the only team Indiana did not beatthisseason.
Caitlin Clark vs DiJonai CarringtonIntheplayoffs,just liketheregularseason,Clarkis likely to be guarded by Connecticut’s DiJonai Carrington, one of the best perimeter defenders in the league Just 5-foot-11, Carringtonisasuperiorathlete itrunsinthefamily,asher brotherplayedeightseasonsin theNFL withlongarmsand quickfeetwholovesphysical play She and Clark have developed something of a rivalry this season, as Carrington has repeatedly complained to officials aboutClark’swhiningabout foulcalls.
Regardless, it’s clear Carrington knows how to defendClark,asthefavoriteto win Rookie of the Year has averaged just 39% (20-of-51)
shooting vs the Sun in four matchups, and shot just 34% (12-of-35)from3 Also,while Carrington has downplayed their individual matchup, it’s obviousCarringtontakespride in frustrating whoever she’s guardingandpressuringthem intomistakesandrushedshots
The Sun boast the best defensive rating in the league and have a bunch of playerswithlongwingspans who can harass Clark and Indiana’s other guards. If Carrington isn’t guarding Clarkit’llprobablybeeither DeWanna Bonner or Alyssa Thomas, two veterans who also love to make life tough foropposingguards.
Bottom line: Indiana has been playing great since the Olympic break, especially with the increased production from off guards Kelsey Mitchell and Lexie Hull. But the Fever have theirworkcutoutforthem.

Slingerz FC president, Javed Ali
Caitlin Clark (22) and DiJonai Carrington probably will match up if the Fever and Sun meet in the first round of the playoffs.