four community innovation center in Kosovo
four community innovation center in kosovo
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from a school to a community center
from geometry to flexible space
gives the voice to the user a space that comunicates
a complete interactive system
What would happen if the school discovers that there are things that it must also learn?
Mati, Sofalia, Prishtina and Arberia are four schools that had to learn to be for everyone. A school, is not only a space that serves students at certain times for specific activities. It has the ability to go further, to become a space for the whole community. A place open at different times so it can fosters countless activities. Those projects are open structures ready to adapt to the new educational, pedagogical, and economic conditions over the next years.
As a tactic to multiply the activity in the school and have a bigger impact in the neighborhood and in society, the project aims to articulate denied spaces in the architectural program to work differently. By understanding the physical-architectonical characteristics of each space in the project. The idea is to make possible the proposition and development of new activities that can foster new relations in the community and the multiplication of the public investment. This previous described understanding where architecture is reddened by its spatial possibilities, let us propose a mechanism for grouping and dividing the spaces so the aim of creating new activities can be though not only from top-down (developers, schools directors – architects), but as a possibility of empower the community with a clear guidance that come from architecture itself.
More than a closed and fixed object, we look for an open architecture composed by properties and different elements. Those qualities permits to transform the space in order to develop different activities, not only those attach to a formal curriculum school. This characteristic allows the space to have a full time activity period, unbundling the functionality of the space, from the schedules of formal academic activities, characteristic that permit to have different activities in the afterclass time and weekends. All this intentions in order to bring to the community a meeting place, where different kinds of activities can be developed by different groups of people. From the students who appropriate the space in the class schedule, to the families and other member of the community that can take place of the space in evenings, nights and weekends. An architecture closer to human being, to a molecular structure with precise properties that can react to the external and internal conditions of the system.
objectives Considering the background previously described, this proposal draws a framework to develop a plan capable of integrating an urban vision within the project. Our proposal is driven to think these concepts in a wider way, aiming to become a replicable model of intervention that focuses on the following different principles.
a school for everybody: a community center for the neighborhood that can foster different forms of learning
a urban activator element: an architecture that can be recognizable and reproduced
a meaningful space: an architecture that can be reconfigured by the users in their everyday life experiences
a space that communicates: an architecture that suggest different forms to interact with the space
a manual: that is a platform to learn how to use the space
froma school to a community innovation center
3 different process of learning formal
non - formal
actors to impact students
schedules to program mornings
nights and weekends
learning means a collective process
The proposal is an integrated strategy that identifies the complex relationships between important elements involved in the functionality of this project .These 3 element are: (i) the 3 different actors the project is trying to support, (ii) the 3 different types of learning that is possible to attend with the different spaces of the school and (iii) the 3 different schedules and activities that need to be supported by each school. The main idea is to recognizes that actually a learning process isn't a static process, with specific actors, moments and activities. The long-term value of the architectural school system proposal will be its exibility to establish changing priorities and optimize limited and valuable resources The condition of programmatic instability is paradigmatic for the contemporary architectural scenario, implicating that programs, educative uses, and leisure spaces are modifiable. From this perspective classrooms could also be used as dance halls, corridors could become meeting places, and patios can be used as performance scenarios.
formal learning Is the kind of learning that is linked to the traditional use of a school, as it seeks to develop specific skills within certain areas. Where the students maintain a receiving role and the professors the issuer/transmitter. It follows a linear order established in Pre-school, Elementary and High-School.
non - formal learning Is the kind of learning that is planned but allows greater flexibility because it is not established within a curriculum, since it responds to extracurricular activities, where the role of the recipient can be taken by the students or by their parents, and there is space for a constructivist learning, where it is valuable to recognize that we can all learn from everyone.
informal learning Is the kind that occurs on a day-to-day basis without being planned by anyone and that, due to that informal and spontaneous nature, allows the community to be the protagonists, allowing the consolidation of links and activities related to the needs of the community.
processes of learning
Formal Learning (Students)
Non-formal Learning (Families)
Informal Learning (Community)
The creation of common spaces and creating the opportunity for the community to be involved in the process of adaptation of the space is in order to increase the common links and the collective learning where the creation of the new space makes an impact among the people involve. Proposing different activities that can be done in this spaces strength the interaction.
impact according to actors formal students
non - formal families
informal community
schedules to program outside activties orchards and planting
Fall Semester april h marc ru ar y fe b
market spaces
ri n
physical education and sports
r no ve m
training in specific fields
arts and crafts workshops
r B re
selling products
inside activities
Winte selling food and creating common dinnig spaces
entrepreneurship Talks
talks and social gatherings
ay m
technology classes to encourage development
emb sept
hours 7:00
from geometry to flexible space
how can a triangle h become spa 1.
Join the same color points! Start here
and follow the arrows.
These four schools understood that to respond to different uses and and flexible element that would allow them to adapt to the different
help these schools to aces for all ? 2.
Join the points! Start here
and follow the arrows.
diverse types of people, they should be made up of a geometric t situations and needs of its various users.
1 module
Each school is composed by a system of interchangeable pieces, enabling the project to adapt over time. More than a nished and enclosed architecture, we propose the development of an adaptive system composed of modules and patterns of association. This ensures adaptability to diverse situations, like programmatic, economic or educational. Capable of generating more than buildings, the exible con guration concept promotes material strategies with the capacity of changing and adapt according to speci c or temporary circumstances We are concerned about the organizational school system behavior, performance and future potential. The strategy of modules operates as pieces in a construction game, giving multiple possibilities to mix, slice, recompose or rearrange. An undetermined and adaptable project like ours is a procedure that needs to be modi ed over time, in this sense, there is not a platonic ending, but an open structure for the changing future. The architecture project is understood as an eco-social system that relates the parts according to their performance. Constructive structural systems, material qualities, geometrical dispositions, environmental networks and student communities are the patterns that will make possible the appearance of innovative features for the project. The idea of con guration is the key to de ne the proposed project as an adaptable system, versus the idea of a building as a xed object enclosed in time.
4 different schools ARBERIA
10 Modules
7 Modules
9 Modules
12 Modules
e hall
Taking advantage of the module system as an absorber of the stable and standardized program like laboratories and classrooms. The design proposes an integrating strategy for the broadest and most active spaces such as: access hall, sports courtyard, multipurpose hall and canteen. The dissolution of solid and fixed boundaries enables multiple and parallel uses during the day and different seasons, while also providing the option of a unified space where a massive single activity and large assistance can be arranged. This temporal and spatial flexibility is a key point to merge the school activities within the public realm of the surrounding neighborhood.
en cante
3 core spaces ARBERIA
public space
With the public space, it is intended to relate the activities and the geometric design that take place in the inside, with the outside, in order to link the schools with the context and the community. The geometry inside comes after the axes that mark the modules and their relation to the central space, which are extended outwards to help organize the outdoor spaces in such a way that the interior and the exterior can be read and understand as a single project. The main idea with the pĂşblic space is to develop spaces where other activities can also be developed to accompany the program of the interior of the schools. For example, spaces to support the laboratories on the first floor, to be able to make workshops of natural sciences on the outside, besides having near spaces of soil that can be sowed. Thus, taking full advantage of the context and supporting the program of the interior of the schools. Likewise, recreational spaces for diverse practices are proposed outside each school, linking these activities with those developed in the interior with the same characteristics, taking advantage of the context, the open air, lighting, ventilation and the natural temperature. The contact with the outside world is fundamental for the integral development of the students and it is necessary to complement and maximize some of the activities of the academic and hidden curriculum.
sandbox / sitting area
classroom / auditorium / sandbox
sandbox / sitting area / auditorium
sandbox / kids
auditorium / gym / classroom
kitchen garden / classroom
modules 3 core space public space
the system
The project is an open system ready to adapt to the new educational, pedagogical, and economic conditions over the next years. More than a closed and fixed object, we look for an open architecture understood as a diagrammatic strategy composed of properties. The main idea of this system is to achive space interaction between students and teachers, the modules are arranged in a cloister configuration around a “social-core�. This ensures space interaction for students and teachers between classes, while alsoacting as a bio-climatic regulator.
Standarization Strategy The standardization of a basic module can improve efficiency on insitu construction processes, optimization of local technologies and building knowledge, schedule and phasing planification, while also parametrization of costs and budgeting. The module also performs as a structural shell that effectibly encloses diverse program spaces into one single and standardized archetypical solution.
Replicability Strategy Having a standardized module that can be adapted to different scenarios, program needs and local technologies, is an advantage to the implementation of replicability strategies. This means that a local planning authority, architect or contractor, can rely on the
modules + core spa
4 differen
ace + public space
nt schools
gives the voice to the user
hidden geometry
We believe that the value of educational architecture cannot lie only in itself, but in its ability to promote diverse forms of behavior. Space performs as the third teacher holding a hidden curriculum condition. Educational spaces cannot continue being a system of corridors and classrooms arranged only for a functional and efficient circulation. New educational spaces must be capable to encourage diversity and innovation within the schools. The learning space should also be a place to meet, to play, to create. In short, a vast diversity of spaces will allow a wide range of behaviors and relationships within the school communities. The notion of functionality and efficiency in the educational space is transgressed by the idea of experience and play as structuring elements of learning. Architecture for education is no longer just about building functional structures for productivity, but about designing places where play can emerge as a main space-organizing strategy, where spatial discontinuity and diversity could become a multiplier of cognitive and learning experiences.
2012 -2015 Barcelona - Spain Ajuntament de Barcelona Public space superilles Public space superilles Ajuntament de Barcelona Barcelona - Spain 2012 -2015
Public space superilles Ajuntament de Barcelona Barcelona - Spain 2012 -2015
Public space superilles Ajuntament de Barcelona Barcelona - Spain 2012 -2015
flexible space
The geometry of the different modules and the disposition of the core spaces reveals the inside hidden geometries in every project, opening the possibility that different activities can happen simultaneously. The core of the school, although it can be used as a large space that takes the canteen, the multipurpose hall and the multiple court along with the surrounding classrooms, can also be divided into smaller spaces, which in turn can be subdivided into other surfaces of smaller area. The curtains system allows this phenomenon to occur because, just as they can be opened and generate a single space on the ground floor, when subdividing they begin to create spaces both inside and outside of these. The larger areas are used to develop large-scale activities, such as lectures and theater presentations or even big format exams, while the smaller ones can either support those larger activities and be spaces for rehearsals and dressing rooms, or they can acquire a different character. For example, they can occur workshops that relate to the use of the modules, such as natural science workshops near the laboratories, or culinary workshops near the kitchen, to enrich the space, and relate the different uses and scales, such as the module with the multipurpose space and these, with the outdoors.
2004-2007 Munich- Germany, Inside Outside, Haus der Kunst Inside Outside, Haus der Kunst Munich- Germany 2004-2007
Inside Outside, Haus der Kunst Munich- Germany 2004-2007
Inside Outside, Salone del Mobile Knoll International 2013-2014
1 shape (classroom) formal students
non - formal families
informal community
3 configurations Languages Mathematics Social Sciences
Workshops Training in Specific Fields Talks ad Social Gathering
Entrepreneurship Talks Training lessons in order to create competitiveness amog the market
1 shape(laboratories) formal students
non - formal families
informal community
3 configurations Biology Chemestry Technology
Robotics Cooking Orchards and Planting Arts and Crafts Workshops
Technology classes to encounarge development Selling food and creating common dinning spaces
1 shape(libraries) formal students
non - formal families
informal community
3 configurations Library Reading Room
Workshops Training in Specific Fields Talks ad Social Gathering
Entrepreneurship Talks Training lessons in order to create competitiveness amog the market
from sport hall to theater
bathroom hallways sport hall
The configuration of the theater is from the relation with the dressing rooms creating a system that can be adapted as an auditorium.
from classroom to learning system
complement space classroom practical lessons
The systematization with the public space makes a new learning group of spaces, that can have theorical and practical ways of learning.
from laboratory to kitchen
complement space kitchen picnic
The laboratory is converted in a kitchen, in order to create common links and activating the public space to have different relations between the community and the school.
from access hall to concert hall
art exhibition stage spectators
The access hall can be converted in a stage to make concerts and presentations and the access square a space to be adapted as the spectator’s space.
a space that comunicates
comunication system
This communication system is developed in 3 levels: 1. Branding 2. Signing 3. Web Site. The aim is to be able to use architecture as communication tool, and to produce embracement though the empowerment of the user. This is an opportunity transform the school into a model of centers for the community encounter that can impact the everyday life of students, families and neighbors.
happyschool loveschool bountyschool wonderschool
The embracement of signs and symbols in a community strengthens the constructed perception about their neighborhood, their own skills and their possibilities. To understand the image of a local high school as the center for consolidating community depends on bringing access to events and memories that people can experience in space. This is an opportunity to express though design the importance of rethinking education in a other way. A fundamental part for renovating the idea of what a school must be, is the generation of a collective imaginary that can be seen as open and changeable, that expresses the full range of diversity, values and dimensions that education can have. By giving the users the opportunity to use the space in different ways, is a strategy to build around the modular schools project, a sense of embracement, ownership and proximity. Our main objective with this branding is the appropriation by the citizens towards the idea of a school that goes beyond, and that is transformed into community innovation centers. This branding is a way of relating, generating identity, and containing memory, which undoubtedly are essential issues to maintain the dynamism and vitality of the schools we are reimagining. The main goal is to transform the user from being a guest, to an active owner of the space.
4 elements color The color, from an approach to diversity, and its capabilities to provide changing and dynamic environments, the aim is to break with the idea of an education that can be understood rigid or
name The name (ii) uses the same word in front, seeks to generate remembrance and connection of the coastal front from the responsibility of the citizen on the future of the same, and wants to promote an interest in the welfare of the same.
typography The typography (iii) used is modern and tends to be round, which generates empathy and gives the project an air of close communication and novelty or freshness.
graph and patterns The complementary graph and patterns, based on modular architecture, is proposed to help to identify of the relationship that the architecture has with experience of using the space from a positive, creative and stimulating vision.
color Blue is one of the most successful options to decorate study spaces. Above all, it is the better color to tackle complicated issues and that they require a lot of dedication. Blue helps improve reading comprehension. Help also to calm down and relax. Orange, can be used to raise the status of encouragement of people. Always with care and combined with other colors. It's a cozy color that stands out a lot, from this way the student's attention increases. As well helps promote comfort and can even help improve neuronal functioning. Green brings concentration and harmony extraordinary. A color like this low length of wave brings calm, concentration and improves efficiency. Green is a color that relaxes the body and eyes; well remember nature.
As a cultural symbol, it represents the future, the imagination and dreams while calm spiritually emotions. Inspires and expands psychic ability and intellectual lighting while keeping us with feet on the ground. This color has a wealth that makes him demand respect. Red tends to stimulate and overexcite, so it is not advisable for areas where you want to promote tranquility; In addition, it is exciting and very linked to passion. It works very well in spaces where the main purpose is activity and movement.
As a cultural symbol, it represents the future, imagination and dreams while spiritually calming the emotions. It inspires and expands psychic ability and intellectual enlightenment while keeping us grounded.
name The names of the schools are directly related to positive emotions, we want people to relate these spaces with feelings of well-being and thus foster more the sense of belonging..
bliss wonder inspire pride soul bounty
hope fun
alive joy
positive emotions
love spirit
The name of each school is a positive emotion and they are always accompanied by the word "School" at the end.
Sofia Pro
kkkkk k k k
ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 The schools have to communicate in a simple and clear way and at the same time not lose the didactic sense, that's why the chosen typography is the Sofia Pro family, a typography with different styles and very versatile, dry stick, easy to read, clear and simple, applicable to long texts, paragraphs and communications. It was established as the main typeface by the need to have a communication accessible to people of all ages.
graph and patterns We start from the same geometric figure with which the modules and blocks of each school are built, the triangle that is our main figure.
Different compositions can be created with the triangles to generate the logos of the four schools, this serves as a system if in the future more are built and it is necessary to generate more symbols. Always the triangles should be touching at some point and there should never be any left, this in order to reinforce the concept of community / unit.
branding composition
school 1 name school 2 name school 3 name school 4 name According to this, the symbols are composed under the same grid, each one is also identified with a specific name, maintaining a unity between them without being the same.
signage primary use
#FFBE00 PANTONE 7408 C RGB: 255-190-0
SofÃa Pro
CMYK: 0-27-100-0
#00BFE3 PANTONE 311 C RGB: 0-191-227 CMYK: 69-0-7-0
secondary use
#EF4353 PANTONE 710 C RGB: 239-67-83 CMYK: 0-88-63-0
#B2D235 PANTONE 375 C RGB: 178-210-53 CMYK: 35-0-100-0
color, typography and space
The main idea of this graphic proposal is to make visible the alternative uses that can be given to the differents spaces of the project, allowing all the actors of the project to identify which are the different uses that can be developed in the interior.The development of this graphic design is given by the application of color and typography in the interior spaces, those two elements are determined by two variables, the use and the type of space.
Variable use of space
There are two types of space use: primary use and secondary use. Primary use: In the cases where the space has at least two uses, the main use must be demarcated with yellow color and the typography that should be used is SofĂa Pro Bold. The only thing that will be written in the space is the subject that is taught in this place at the door of the space: mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. Secondary use: All the alternative should be demarcated according to the type of space as described below.
Type of space
Formal spaces, non - formal spaces and infromal spaces. For the secondary use of the space there are three color options, each associated with the type of space. For a formal space the blue color must be used, for a non formal space the red color must be used and for a informal space the green color must be used. The typography that should be used is KOSOVO.
catalog 1. amphitheater
audience 24 persons
2. spaces for sharing
3. exhibition gallery
symbols and space 4. runway
5. meeting place
6. canteen
7. projection
rules for color Understanding that the main idea is to highlight the secondary use, the activities that are carried out as the main use in a space will not be marked with these symbols. The symbols will be ruled by following cases. 1. For secondary use the color corresponding to the symbols will be set, depending on whether the space is formal, non formal or informal . The symbols will never go in yellow. Formal space for
Non Formal space for
Informal space for
2. In the case that a space has more than one secondary use, it will be marked with the colors that correspond to these uses: red, blue or green. It should not go yellow in any case.
3. In the case that a space has a single use, this will take the color of this use and the symbols will be white.
symbols and space 4. When an interior space has a secondary use, one of the walls should be painted with the corresponding color. In the case of the outdoors, the floor should be painted. When the space has more than two secondary uses, the walls or the floor must have a 50% color proportion for each use.
5. In the case that the symbols go on a wall or floor that is painted with the color of the secondary use, the symbol must go in white.
6. When a space has primary use and secondary use and it is essential to draw some type of signage for the main use this can go in white or black depending on the material
Sofía Pro
rules for typography Each space is marked with its specific name with the fonts defined for each use, if it is main in Sofia Pro Bold and if it is secondary in KOSOVO.
1. The nomenclature of the main use should be in the yellow color, provided that the space has more than one use. In case the space has only one use, it should go in the color of use
2. The nomenclature of the secondary use must be the color corresponding to its use or white if it is on the color.
3. In support of secondary use, motivational phrases may be used that must go in KOSOVO typography. In the event that the name of a secondary use space and a motivational phrase are put together, the secondary space will be filled and the phrase in outline
films projection
application examples Classroom numbering in Sofia Pro Bold, it goes black no matter what use it is given
Name of the main use in yellow in typography Sofia Pro Bold
Art gallery icons in white because wall background is in red
Red color in the wall because the gallery is a non formal space and its use would be secondary.
one secondary use Secondary use Art gallery
Red art gallery icons because the gallery is in a non formal space and its use would be secondary
Name of secondary use in white on red in KOSOVO typographic and fille
Motivational phrases in KOSOVO typography and outline
Marked area for furniture of principal use
Space for sharing symbols in red color because they are in a non formal space and its use would be secondary Projection space symbol in red color because they are in an equipped space and it's a secondary use
application examples
Motivational phrases in KOSOVO typography and outline
Main use nomenclature in Sofia Pro color yellow
Red amphitheater symbol because it is in a non formal space and its use would be secondary
Space for sharing in blue because it would be inside the curtain so it’s an intimate space and its use would be secondary
Red canteen symbol because is in a enon formal space and its use would be secondary
Name of secondary use in a white KOSOVO typography and filler
Demarcated areas for main use courts
one secondary use
Only use Playground White symbol because the space has a only use
White symbol because the space has a only use
Motivational phrase Sofia Pro's typography and in outline
Secondary use name in white on red in typography Sofia Pro
landing school happyschool
landing school happyschool
landing school happyschool
landing school happyschool
activities formal space
non formal space
informal space
internal activities page
internal activities page
internal activities page
website The access to Internet has created a huge amount of new possibilities to communicate and relate. Computers and even more mobile devices make an opportunity of thinking the creation of an online platform as an opportunity for the actors involved a design processes to express points of view, consider the opinions of others, identify innovative ideas and / or establish new approaches to the use of space and foster relationships that impact the way we live the Architecture. This website is conceptualized and designed by horizontal and El Equipo Mazzanti with the support of Montenegro Studio in Barcelona, and it aims to digitize the experience of using the space in the proposed high schools, to generate recognition, promoting the achievement of a new collective imaginary on education, and most of all empowerment people to use the space in different ways. The aim is to be able to transform the school into cultural centers, to impact the students, their families, and neighborhood. This proposal is in itself a strategy to generate a starting point in the inclusion of the other users in this project, and in its ambition is to consolidate a bigger sense of belonging and community. The idea is to build a virtual place that provides citizens with access to the institution, and the opportunity to participate in the initiative as active users. Conceptually, the website is in itself a way to understand education in other way, and recognizes formal, informal and non-formal ways to learn and relate. The site is designed to also function as an active institutional connection of citizens, so everything that is produced in the schools can be displayed and know. One main argument in the design is the importance of being able to generate a solid way to highlight the importance of fostering a sense of belonging through architecture. This is why the language of the page is in complete coherence with the proposed architecture, communication and branding system.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Book any activity
Create your own activity
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
Create your own activity
Create your own activity
Exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
home page
In the first screenshot users will find a representative image of one of the schools, the logo, the menu and as a main message a phrase that talks about the activities, with buttons that will take them to a form where you can either schedule an activity or create it directly . In the "Schools" menu users will be able to access the filter where they will see the activities of each school, in "Activities" they will be all the activities independently of the school and as a last option "Contact" to obtain more information that they need. In the second block are the logos and name of each school where users can access and see all the information corresponding to each one. In the third block we will have highlighted activities that users can access directly. Each one will have a specific color according to the type of use and space in which it will be made. In addition all the time there will be a floating button where users can also directly access the form to create an activity. In general this page will have a very neutral look where white predominates.
kosovo schools happyschool
Intimate space
Equipped space
Contact Create your own activity
Free space
Filter by date:
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 monday
Filter by activities:
Activity 1 / Activity 2 / Activity 3 / Activity 4 / Activity 5 / Activity 6 / Activity 7 / Activity 8 / Activity 9 / Activity 10 / Activity 11 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam..
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15.09.18 - 23.12.18
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
15.09.18 - 23.12.18
landing school page
Once the users enter the internal one, the name of the school they are visiting at the moment will be highlighted and they will have the possibility of accessing the others through a menu. Then users will have several options to filter the activities. First they can filter them by the type of space in which they will be made, then they can filter them by specific dates and finally they will be able to do it by the type of activity, where they will see different activities related to the filter they choose ( Soccer: -Torneo Su23 - Football lessons) The activities will appear in the lower part with their respective image, the dates and they will be highlighted with a color determined by the type of space in which it will be made. Once the users click on one of them they can access the internal of each activity. This page will also have a very neutral look where white predominates.
kosovo schools
Zumba & Fitness
Create your own activity From:
Mon - Wed - Fri Schedule:
10:00 - 15:00 - 18:00 Room:
#B103 Fee:
Free Book Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriurae dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate • Velit esse molestie consequat • vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros • Et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit • Praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
internal activities page
Already in the internal of a specific activity users will find all the information corresponding to it, this page will have as background color the color corresponding to the type of space where it will be made. You will find first the name of the activity and the photo on the left side, below the photo there will be the detailed description of the activity, in this space there may be more photographs, videos, all the information that the creator of the activity considers necessary. On the right side in this order you will see the dates in which this activity will take place, then the days of the week, the schedule, the classroom or space identifier, the activity cost information and finally the schedule button .
a complete interactive system
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level 1