By: Muhammad Saleem Athar Chief ATCO/
Chief Operation Officer, JIAP, Karachi
PREFACE This Booklet contains Station Air Traffic Instructions (SATI) which are almost of permanent nature. SATI provides guidelines for ATS Officials deployed in ATS units/offices at JIAP Karachi. The procedures outlined therein supplement the instructions issued by Headquarters Civil Aviation Authority. The main objective is to enhance the operational capabilities of ATS officials to ensure safe and efficient handling of Air Traffic in Karachi FIR and at JIAP, Karachi. The procedures should be applied judiciously and with common sense. 2.
The procedures/guidelines have been updated upto 31st December,2004. (Note:This office has tried its level best to incorporate/integrate/update all the previous instructions. However, if any omission is observed the same should be reported to the COO/FOO in writing).
The SATI has been grouped into eight parts as under:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)
Part-1 General/Administration Part-2 Pre Flight Information Services (Air Traffic Services Reporting Office) Part-3 Area Control Service and Flight Information Service. Part-4 Approach Control Service Part-5 Aerodrome Control Services Part-6 On the Job Training Part-7 Directory of Duties Part-8 Attachments
This SATI supersedes all SATI’s issued from time to time uptil 31st December 2004.
(MUHAMMAD SALEEM ATHAR) Chief ATCO Facility Operation Officer JIAP, Karachi
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The duties and responsibilities of ATS personnel have been laid down by the HQCAA. In addition they will carryout any other duties assigned to them by the Airport Director, COO,FOO and Shift Manager. The senior most Air Traffic Control Officer having valid ratings in all ATS units shall take over as Shift Manager of the shift in addition to ATC duties if manning requirements so demand. He/She shall handle all matters pertaining to Air Traffic Services and management of the shift. Shift Manager shall be responsible to Chief Operation Officer and Facility Operation Officer for supervision, ATS operations and management of the shift. Shift Manager shall; a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
ensure manning of all operational positions for smooth and efficient handling of aircraft movements in the provision of Air Traffic Services.. provide guidance to ATS personnel in emergency and/or when encountering any practical problems; co-ordinate and handle the emergency situations as per existing SOPs. ensure that ATS record is being maintained properly. handle VVIP/VIP movements in smooth and effective manner as per the directives of the Government of Pakistan, HQCAA/AIP Pakistan. scrutinise the IOUDO report and ensure its accuracy before its submission to DCO for dissemination. prepare absentee report by filling the columns of the proforma and log the Casual Leave/Absentees in ATS log. ensure that the schedules/non schedule clearances are filed and recorded adequately in the relevant registers and files upon receipt. record the date and time on the leave application upon receipt and forward the same to FOO alongwith comments/recommendations.
EFFICIENCY AND DISCIPLINE: All ATS officials must arrive 15 (fifteen) minutes before the duty hours. ATS personnel are not permitted to leave their respective units/positions unmanned during their tenure of duty unless properly relieved. Whenever it is 4
absolutely necessary for any ATS official to leave his place of duty for a short period, necessary interim arrangement shall be made within the shift by Shift Manager in such a manner so as not to impair the efficiency of any service being rendered by that ATS unit/position. ATS personnel shall not leave their positions without the permission of the Shift Manager. ATS officials and staff shall comply with the instructions of the Shift Manager in letter and spirit. All Air Traffic Controllers and officials shall keep themselves abreast with the latest developments and keep studying the ATS procedures, relevant documents, NOTAM’s AIRAC’s, Memorandums, Circulars and other professional knowledge related to the duties/functions they are required to perform. ATS officials shall not relax during the period of duty in order to ensure safe, smooth and efficient flow of air traffic. 1.1.3
TAKING OVER WATCH: Before taking over watch, Air Traffic Controllers shall; a) ensure that they are aware of the latest promulgated orders, instructions , NOTAMs and signals pertaining to their duties with particular reference to the serviceability of their units (i.e. aerodrome, approach, control area, FIR as appropriate) facilities, navigational aids, danger, restricted/prohibited areas, VVIP/VIP movements etc. b) obtain full information and briefing from the meteorological office with regard to the current/forecasted weather conditions for the period of their watch. This can be accomplished by a visit to the meteorological office with a personnel briefing or by a study of forecasts and charts provided by the meteorological office for this purpose (or on telephone). c) ensure that they have full appraisal and understanding of the current traffic situation paying particular attention to maintaining separation standards. d) acquaint themselves with the serviceability state of all equipment in their charge and likely to be required during their period of duty. e) go through the concerned ATS log books for the period of his/her off duty/leave. Upon completion of the above, the controllers will sign the Air Traffic Control Log as having completed taking over watch. 5
HANDING OVER WATCH: When handing over watch, Air Traffic Controllers shall ensure that their successor has; a) b) c)
complete information on the current traffic situation; been informed of any items of specific interest which could influence or have a bearing on the continuation of the watch; been advised and accept that the displayed traffic as a true representation of the existing traffic situation. Should there have been any development during the watch, requiring any action, report and recording in the interest of efficiency or safety, it is considered expedient for the Air Traffic Controller to complete all actions and subsequent reports and recording rather than transfer the responsibility to another controller. Inspite of the fact that the watch roster determines the hand over time, the Air Traffic Controller handing over will remain on duty until his responsibility for such action has been discharged completely and effectively. When the Air Traffic Controller taking over is fully acquainted with the current traffic situation and accepts responsibility for the watch, the Air Traffic Controller handing over will sign the Air Traffic Control Log as having handed over watch. All ATS officials shall follow the handing over/taking over procedures in letter and spirit. They shall sign the log book accordingly before assuming the control of their position. The signature should be followed by complete name and date. 1.1.5
ENTRY INTO THE ATS UNITS Unauthorised person, are not permitted to enter into any ATS Unit. Airlines operational person may enter PFIU (Air Traffic Services Reporting Office) for the purpose of filing flight plan, delivering or receiving messages, signing of landing fee forms and filing of other relevant details etc. Flight Operations Officers of airlines are permitted in the ATS units at the time when their aircraft is in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area. In case of emergency or when circumstances so warrant, aircraft engineering/operations personnel may be permitted to enter the control tower by Aerodrome Controller. Familiarisation visits / all other visitors shall be subject to the prior approval of the Airport Director (Airport Manager), Chief Operation Officer / Facility Operation Officer. 6
DAILY ABSENTEE REPORT A daily shift manning/absentee-leave report on the prescribed proforma (Annex1) shall be submitted by the Shift Manager before handing over watch. Air Traffic Controllers of PFIU, GOC and Aerodrome Control Tower shall inform the Shift Managers about the absence of ATS officials and late comers. A nil report shall be submitted if there is no absentee in a particular shift. All absentee reports covering the whole day and short leaves during duty shall be forwarded to FOO at 0900 hours on each working day. 1.1.7
ATS LOG ATS officials shall; a) sign the ATS log, write the complete name below signature alongwith date, time group after completing handing/taking over procedure; b) record the pre-duty checks carried out; c) record the unserviceabilities of radio/navigation aids, telephones direct speech circuits and intercoms etc; d) record the incidents, occurrences and accidents; e) record the coordination affected for any significant incidents, occurrences, accidents and VVIP/VIP movements. f) record the information of significant nature received from other ATS units/FIC’s/ACC’s . g) record the diversionary flights. h) ensure that the information recorded in the log book is comprehensive, concise and clear. i) go through the log books for the period they were availing off/holidays/leave to update themselves. j) ensure that the ATS log is complete in all respects so as to give clear picture of the events. Whenever additional responsibility is assigned or assumed, the same shall be recorded by handing over/taking over in respective log books by the concerned ATS officials. 7 DATCO Tower shall maintain the log (Register) of verbal instructions which are issued by Director, Deputy Director, COO and FOO from time to time. Shift Manager shall record in his log the verbal instructions issued by the Airport Director, Deputy Director, COO and FOO. Shift Manager shall check and countersign the log books of ATS staff (ACC) for his shift. Shift Manager, shall send the ATS log book (of air traffic control positions only) to FOO for his perusal on working days at 1000 hours. B. OPERATIONAL: 1.2
Answering Telephone Calls: While answering telephone calls, the ATS officials will identify themselves as follows: All numbers with Area Control centre All numbers with Approach Control All numbers with Aerodrome/GMC All numbers with GOC All numbers with PFIU
Area Control or Radar Approach Tower or Ground Operation. Pre Flight
Closure of any Facility :
Whenever any ATC facility is shut down for any reason, Shift Manager shall issue a telex, to that effect, to OPHQYAYO, OPHQZXAS, OPKCYDYX immediately in consultation with C.O.O / F.O.O.
Un-serviceability of Air-Conditioners:
The un-serviceability of any of the air-conditioners installed in ATS units should be recorded in the relevant logbook on the left hand side giving the following details: a)
Time when the equipment becomes unserviceable;
Time when the equipment becomes serviceable;
Name of the person who was informed to rectify the fault;
Subsequent actions.
The above stated information is to be recorded on a date-wise basis so that a consolidated report may be sent to HQCAA at the end of each month.
EMERGENCIES: All emergencies/including, accidents, incidents and occurrences shall be handled as per SOPs and Accident plan. 8
1.6 A. T. C Incident Reports;
All ATC incidents including ground incidents/accidents shall be immediately reported to C.O.O and F.O.O. The record related to the incidents should be collected and submitted to C.O.O/ F.O.O along with the written report by Shift Manager.
Statement of the Pilot-in-Command of the concerned aircraft shall be obtained in respect of landing aircraft.
Reporting of Aircraft Accident/ Incidents : When an incident/accident occurs in Pakistan to a civil registered aircraft, the Pilot-in-Command shall be responsible for ensuring that a notification of the accident or incident is furnished to the ATS unit concerned by the quickest possible means. It must be followed by a written report as soon as practicable. On receipt of the information about any accident /incident by ATS unit, the duty Shift Manager will immediately inform the following; i)
Ministry of Defense ( In case of Bomb Threat, Runway blockage, Hijacking)
S.O to D.G.C.A.A.
S.O to Dy. D.G.C.A.A.
Airport Director J.I.A.P.
Director Operations
General Manager A.T.S
Dy Director J.I.A.P.
C.O.O& F.O.O, J.I.A.P.
President S.I.B
Chief Pilot Investigator
Chief Inspector
Chief of airworthiness
(In case of Pakistani registered aircraft) Dy. Chief of airworthiness (In case of Pakistani registered aircraft)
9 Shift Manager shall issue necessary message regarding the incident / accident. Notification of occurrence / incident / accident should contain the following information as appropriate; i) Name, designation /telephone number of the officer reporting the occurrence; ii)
Name of the Airport from which message originated;
Aircraft information;
iv) 1.6.2
The type, nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
The name of owner, operator and hirer(if any) of the aircraft;
The name of the Pilot- in- Command;
The date and time when accident/incident occurred;
The last point of departure and the point of intended landing of the aircraft and the nature of the flight;
The location of the accident /incident with reference to some easily defined geographical point;
The total number of person on board;
The nature and cause of the accident/incident as far as known;
The nature and extent of damage to the aircraft;
Weather condition and the summary of occurrence.
NOTIFICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE In case of Bomb threat, Aircraft accident, Hijacking and Runway blockage, Shift Manager shall issue necessary message to Airport Manager Islamabad for onward submission to Ministry of Defence in addition to the verbal information by Procedure Controller of ACC sector north, through direct speech circuit/telephone, more preferably on the hot line with Ministry of Defense.
Reporting of Incidents/Occurrence/Un-serviceability/Overshoot in I.O.U report. 10
The Incidence, Occurrence and Un-serviceability report shall be compiled by Aerodrome Controller in coordination with Shift Manager and other duty Controllers under the following headings: a)
Radio Nav-Aids
Telecom i)
ATS Coordination (DSC’s, ISD’s).
Visual Aids
Operational vehicles
Operational Areas
Aircraft Reports
Overshoots except those carried out by training flights for training purpose.
The I.O.U.D.O report shall be prepared according to the sequence mentioned above.
Aerodrome Controller shall seek concurrence of Shift Manager regarding contents of the IOUDO report before sending it to communication centre. Aerodrome Controller shall co-ordinate with all ATS Units. All duty officials shall ensure that complete information has been provided to the aerodrome controller.
I.O.U.D.O. report shall be sent by 0530hrs daily positively.
Pre-Flight Information Services
Pre Flight Information Unit A unit established for the purpose of receiving reports concerning air traffic services and flight plan submitted before departure (ICAO name- Air Traffic Services reporting office).
Pre flight operations: a)
Pre-flight Information Officer is responsible to the Shift Manager for the provision of pre flight information services.
Pre Flight Information Officer is responsible for accepting the flight plan messages, the OTHER relevant ATS messages, NOTAM’s, Weather information (METAR, SPECI, Weather Warning) and disseminate the information to appropriate ATS units, operators and aircraft appropriately.
Duties of Pre Flight Information Officer: In discharging his/ her responsibility, he/ she shall perform the following duties: i)
Provide pre-flight information service to the Pilot-in-command or their designated representatives in accordance with the provisions contained in MATS & AIP.
Prepare CAA forms438 (Housing & landing) and ensure that the Pilot or his designated representative signs such forms before the aircraft concerned departs from Karachi airport.
Receive Post Flight Information report from the pilot or his designated representative and submit to C.O.O/F.O.O.
Ensure that all NOTAMs/Charts are updated/displayed and relevant documents are properly placed
Maintain the PFIO’s logbook and ensure that all important matters are recorded.
Maintain the aircraft movement register in respect of all aircraft movement at Karachi Airport and prepare the summary of movements for each day after 2400 UTC
Scrutinise flight plans and relevant ATS messages and after approval, pass these to Karachi Area control centre and other A.C.C’s / F.I.C’s through AMSS. 13
Upon the receipt of METAR, SPECI, Weather Warning and SIGMET information etc, disseminate these information’s to aircraft through ATIS broadcast and to the concerned ACCs/FICs through AMSS.
Maintain and update the Aeronautical Information Publications or data of Aerodromes within /outside Pakistan provided in PFIU.
Ensure that landing and housing charges in respect of NonSchedule operators are correctly assessed, payment voucher issued and payment has been made.
Any other related duties assigned by the Shift Manager dispatch of FPL & Revenue data.
2.2 Flight Plan i)
Flight Plan may be accepted between 30 minutes and 2 hours prior to ETD of an IFR flight.
Not less than two copies of flight plans to be accepted.
While accepting the flight plan, the PFIO must scrutinise it for any obvious errors and shall be pointed out to the Pilot in command/Representative for changes/corrections.
Flight plan of all PIA eastbound flights must be transmitted immediately upon receipt on “DD” priority.
No flight plan to be accepted if it includes an addressee which is not in accordance with ICAO abbreviation and the operator shall be informed accordingly for corrective measures.
A “Multiple Flight Plan” filed in respect of each flight covering the sectors “Karachi & back” via the intermediate landing points shall be accepted before the departure of the flight.
Changes in the multiple flight plans if any may be filed at the intermediate aerodrome.
All changes to the flight plan including any delay shall be filed with Karachi Pre-Flight Information-Unit. However from intermediate stop the changes should be passed to Karachi ACC through available sources of communication.
PFIO after scrutinising the FPL, shall transmit it to all concerned stations/ATS units at least 30 minutes prior to ETD.
2.3 Flight Plans for Training/Test Flights. a)
The operators concerned has to submit the flight plan in writing for each flight for aerodrome circuit operation only on the register provided in the Pre Flight Information Unit. Alternatively if it is not possible to submit the flight plan in writing due some reasons, they may submit the plan on telephone to P.F.I.O, who will record it in the relevant register. In exceptional cases they may submit the flight plan on R/T to Control Tower. In such an eventuality the flight plan shall be submitted sufficiently in advance, so that necessary coordination may be effected before the flight operation.
For all flight operations outside aerodrome traffic zone including flights carrying out instrument approaches, a proper flight plan on specified flight plan Performa must be submitted at least thirty minutes before the estimated time of departure.
2.4 Flight Plan in Respect of VVIP/VIP Flight to Disused Airfields Whenever any VVIP/VIP aircraft is going to land at a disused /uncontrolled airfield, and if it is to Fly back from there, the Captain of the VVIP/VIP aircraft shall be required:
To file flight plan for return flight along with departure flight plan and;
In case the return flight is not going to take place in accordance with the flight plan already filed, to notify the changes to the appropriate area control center on telephone. If for any reason intimation on telephone is not possible, aircraft departure time and any change in the flight plan shall be notified on R/T to the appropriate ground station as soon as possible after departure to ensure flight safety.
ATS Messages a)
No ATS message shall be accepted if it includes an addressee which is not in accordance with ICAO abbreviation.
No administrative message shall be originated without the prior permission of C.O.O/F.O.O.
PFIO shall keep the record of all ATS messages received, disseminated and filed with Pre-Flight Information Unit for reference, revenue collection and investigation purpose etc.
All Emergency messages pertaining to Military aircraft shall be treated as “SECRET� and not to be transmitted on any civil telecommunication system. 15
All messages received in PFIU shall be properly initialled by PFIO with Date and Time group.
All Operational messages shall be handled in accordance with the instructions as contained in relevant ICAO documents and MATS.
2.5.1. Arrival messages Flights a)
JIAP Karachi as destination:When an aircraft land, at JIAP Karachi (Intended destination), PFIO shall only be required to transmit arrival message to the point of departure, if the ATS unit originating the flight plan message has indicated that an arrival message is required.
Diversionary Landing:When landing at JIAP Karachi is a diversionary landing, arrival message shall be sent by PFIO to the intended destination and to: i) the point of departure ii) the ATS units, serving each FIR through which, according to the flight plan the flight would have passed, had it not been diverted to JIAP Karachi. Domestic Flights a)
Arrival from Aerodromes in Karachi FIR:When the arrival is from an aerodrome within Karachi FIR to JIAP, arrival message shall be sent to the point of departure on DSC/SSB by concerned ACC (P) Controller or by PFIO if AMSS/AFTN link is available, as the case may be.
When the arrival is from Lahore FIR & JIAP Karachi is the intended destination, arrival message shall be sent to:i)
the point of departure.
In case of diversionary landing, arrival message shall also be sent to the intended destination by concerned ACC (P) Controller on DSC/SSB or by PFIO if AMSS/AFTN link is available as the case may be. Departure Messages 16
Departure messages of all flights departing from JIAP Karachi shall be transmitted in accordance with the procedures laid down in MATS and DOC 4444
Departure messages of all PIA eastbound flights must be issued under “DD” priority. Transfer of Control Message. Transfer of Control message has to be sent to adjacent FIR under “DD” priority. In-Section Delays of Messages
The time of origin of all out-going messages and the time of filing with the Communication Centre shall be compared to check any in-section delays. If any delay of more than five minutes is observed D.C.O should be informed accordingly.
A report of such delays, if any encountered during the watch must be submitted to COO/FOO regularly.
Flight Movement/Landing & Housing Charges Register JIAP Karachi
2.6.1. Two registers are for flight movements at JIAP and the other for landing/housing charges have been provided in PFIU. These shall be maintained properly by duty PFIO’s to ensure correct ollection of revenue/record. Following procedures shall be following duty officers;
All columns of both the registers shall be filled in adequate by for all aircraft movements.
Only the first departure and last landing shall be recorded for local training flights. In the arrival side of the movement register, against the last arrival entry, number of day and night landings should be recorded in the remarks column. The serial number in column “LOCAL” will show the total number of landings for day housing register, total number of landing during day and night shall be recorded separately.
Register for Landing and Housing Charges Following registers are provided in different ATS units to record data for landing and housing charges. a) In control Tower,
Aircraft movement register CAA form 447
b) In Pre-Flight Information Unit
Aircraft movement register 17
CAA form 438
c) In Ground Operation Control
Bay Planing register
d) In Area Control Center 2.8.
CAA register 460 November register
Landing Housing and Related Aeronautical Charges Unless an alternate arrangement has been made, all charges for use of the aerodrome are payable by the pilot of the aircraft on demand or before the aircraft departs from the aerodrome. Instructions as contained in AIP Pakistan and subsequent instructions/charges on the subject issued by HQ CAA shall be followed in letter and spirit. Following are the basic guidelines;
2.8.1. Non-Schedule Flights Aeronautical charges (Landings housing, avio-bridge and route navigation charges from etc). a)
Non-Schedule flights of schedule operators are to be recovered through preside billing to the operators. However airline representative shall sign in the landing and housing register maintained at PFIU.
Non-Schedule flights of casual operators (non-schedule operators) shall be recovered on the spot unless otherwise prescribed by HQ CAA. Cash payment of landing, housing, parking, avio-bridge and route navigation charges shall be received through the prescribed basis at airport in he revenue collection account of Director JIAP Karachi.
2.8.2. Flying Clubs a)
Training flights of flying clubs are exempted from aeronautical charges.
The chartered flights of aircraft belonging to flying clubs shall be charged. Mode of payment of charges shall be through billing or as otherwise prescribed by HQ CAA.
2.8.3. VVIP Flight VVIP Flights on state visit are exempted from landing, avio-bridge, parking & route navigation charges etc. 2.8.4. Schedule Flight 18
Schedule operators shall be billed through billing section commercial directorate JIAP, Karachi.
Requirement of General Declaration. a)
Prior to accepting the flight plan of Non-Schedule flight of casual aviator operating from Karachi, it shall be verified from the General Declaration form that Customs, Immigration and CAA Embarkation clearance has been obtained and stamp with date has been affixed. Only then the flight plan is to be accepted and the flight will be authorised to depart.
The above procedure is not applicable to non-scheduled flights operated by any of the Schedule airlines using Karachi on regular basis, for such flights the operator is responsible to obtain the clearance prior to the departure, and submit the general declaring later.
Clearance of Non Schedule Flight To/From JIAP All Non Schedule flights operating to/from JIAP are required permission from HQCAA or Military Authorities. Duty PFIO should check the clearance from Shift Manager about non-schedule flights prior to clearing the flight plan.
NOTAM Data Bank Facility The NOTAM data bank facility has been introduced at JIAP. NOTAMs from various airports are received and fed in the NOTAM data bank by NOTAM Office. These NOTAMs can be retrieve through a request message on AMSS terminal installed in PFIU and ACC through request retrieval message addressed to OPKCYNYD. The text of retrieval request is: RQM/ OPKC (Name of location for which NOTAM is required)
Night Flying By Single Engine Aircraft a)
Following AIR SAFETY CIRCULAR issued by Headquarters CAA vide HQCAA letter number, HQCAA/1774/GA dated 30 th March 2001 and HQCAA/1103/6/ATS dated 3rd April 2001 regarding night flying by single engine aircraft for the purpose of cross country night operations shall be followed which defines that: “ Forthwith no single engine aircraft cross country night operations are permitted for other than training flights for the purpose of acquiring appropriate flying licenses�
PFIO will not accept flight plan for night flying by single engine aircraft for the purpose of cross country night operations, unless the Flight Plan is accompanied by covering letter by the CFI of the concerned flying school or a copy of night flying training program under signature of CFI 19
and is sent to P.F.I.O in due time for necessary reference when such a flight plan is submitted. 2.13.
Handling of Meteorological Information Reports on weather forecast species and weather warning to be disseminated timely to adjacent ACCs / FIRs, whenever such reports regarding weather , deterioration received. It will benefit to Air Traffic and will avoid last minute deviations by long haul International / Domestic flights. To enable flight crew to descide alternative course of flight following action must be taken;
Up-date of ATIS broadcast.
On receipt of SIGMET information originate AFTN message to all adjacent ACC’s/FIR’s and broadcast on VHF/HF for traffic likely to be effected/over flying the affected airspace.
On receipt of weather warning or information on actual weather deterioration, an AFTN message to all Aerodromes/Airports in Pakistan and to Adjacent FIR’s/ACC’s shall be issued and CQ/broadcast on all VHF/HF SSB channels sent.
Contents of ATIS Message The ATIS message shall be transmitted in the form of broadcast on VHF airground frequency 126.7 MHz for both arriving and departing traffic. The message shall be Transmitted after every 30 minutes in the following format: a) Name of Aerodrome b) Designator c) Time of observation, if appropriate d) Type of approach to be expected e) The runway(s) in use f) Status of arresting system constituting a potential hazard if any g) Significant runway surface conditions and if appropriate, braking action h) Holding delay if appropriate i) Other essential operational information if appropriate j) Surface wind direction and speed including significant variations k) Visibility and when applicable RVR value l) Present weather m) Cloud below 5000feet, CB if the sky is obscured n) Air temperature o) Dew point temperature 20
p) Altimeter setting q) Any available information on significant meteorological phenomena in the approach, take-off and climb-out areas. r) Trend-type landing forecast, when available s) Specific ATIS instructions.
Introduction: Karachi area control centre (ACC) is responsible for the provision of air traffic services in Karachi Flight Information region (FIR). Karachi FIR has been divided into three sectors i.e. sector East, West & North. The ATS officials shall adhere to the procedures applicable in the respective sectors as contained in A.I.P Pakistan, MATS and relevant ICAO documents. The guidelines/principles given hereunder shall be followed in addition to the above mentioned/procedures to ensure smooth functioning of ATS Units.
Airspace Classification in Karachi F I R AREA
Control Area
Area bounded by the line joining from point 2330N 06610E to 2418N 06525E to 2422N 06449E then clockwise along ARC of 130 NM centred at Karachi VOR to 2632N 06532E to 2618N 06606E to 2517N 06644E to 2519N 06719E to 2622N06802E to 2658N 06740E to 2705N 06740E then clockwise along ARC of 130 NM radius centred at Karachi VOR to 2630N 06850E to 2606N 06829E then clockwise along ARC of 100NM radius centred at Karachi/airport to 2530N 06850E to 2542N 06941E to 2520N 06948E to 2510N 06859E then clockwise along the ARC of circle of 100 NM radius centred at Karachi Airport to Pakistan/India boundary at 2415N 06848E then along Pakistan/India boundary to 2330N then along 2330N to 2330N 06610E. At and above FL155
A Below C ATS Routes
All routes falling in Karachi FIR above FL155
A Aerdeome C Traffic Zones
All Controlled Aerodromes within Karachi FIR
Control Zones
All Control Zones in Karachi FIR
B Multan TMA
All portion of Multan TMA in Karachi FIR
E Jacobabad TMA D
A circle of 20NM around Jacobabad airfield 23
Upto FL110
Airspace covering whole FIR except the above
G Airspace
Limits of FIR Unlimited
mentioned airspace. Upper limit Lower limit
Ground/water 3.3
Sectorization of FIR The Karachi FIR has been divided into three sectors as under; a)
Karachi Area Control Centre (West) Airspace within Karachi FIR west of the line joining point’s N2330E06700, N2800E06700, and N2948E06600 is the area control sector west. (Sector-1)
Karachi Area Control Centre (East) Airspace within Karachi FIR east and south of the line joining points N2330E06700, N2800E06700, N2823E07017 (RahimYar-Khan) and N2800E07030 is the area control sector east. (Sector-2)
Karachi Area Control Centre (North) Airspace within Karachi FIR east and north of the line joining points N2948E06600, N2800E06700, N2800E07030 (Rahim-yar Khan) and N2823E07017 is the area control sector north. (Sector-3)
Provision of Air Traffic Services: Relevant air traffic services in Karachi FIR will normally be provided by; a)
Karachi ACC West sector in sector-1.
Karachi ACC East sector in sector-2.
Karachi ACC North sector in sector-3. Depending on work load of ACC sectors two or more sectors may be combined for efficient handling of air traffic whenever such a need arises. The duty air traffic controllers shall seek permission from the duty Shift Manager whenever circumstances so demand. Proper log entries shall be made in the respective log books in this regard.
3.4.1. Manning Each sector of the Area Control centre shall be manned as follows: i) ii) iii) iv)
Area Procedure Controller Area Radar Controller Area Co-ordinator Flight Data Assistant
One One One One
Whenever traffic conditions permit, Shift Manager may combine procedure & radar control positions with the consent of duty controllers. This will provide adequate relief to the ATS officials to prepare them for heavy density traffic.
Duties of Area Controllers: a)
Area Controller (procedure) Area Controller (Procedure) shall be responsible to the Shift Manager for: -
i) efficient administration and control of his/her work position. ii) providing Air Traffic Services in accordance with the provisions laid down in AIP, MATS, SAR Manual and local instructions issued from time to time to ensure that aircraft flying in the controlled or uncontrolled airspace in his area of jurisdiction to remain procedurally separated as per airspace classification until and unless released to Radar Controller for provision of Radar services. iii) issuance of Air Traffic Control clearances per laid down procedures. iv) taking over the control of traffic and providing non-radar separation in the event of radar failure. iv)
informing Airport Manager of a particular Airport when it is necessary to extend the working hours of Radio/Nav. Aids and/or ATS unit
vi) providing alerting service and to take appropriate action when aircraft are known to and/or believed to be in need of assistance, as per laid down procedures. vii) effecting co-ordination with relevant ATS units. viii) maintaining/updating Flight Progress Board. ix) depicting exact flight details as per current flight plan on the Basic form-076 as well as on the computer-generated/manual 25
strips. ADC number and “N” time shall also be checked and recorded on the appropriate strips. x) as soon as the flight leaves his area of jurisdiction concerned Radar controllers Flight Progress strip and non-radar strip shall be attached with Basic form-076 and handed over to the next concerned Procedure controller. xii) completing the B-3 form for all transit flights except transit traffic via BINDO. (Procedure Controller West). xii) monitoring HF-RT and taking appropriate action accordingly. xiii) completing the B-3 Form for transit flights via BINDO .(Procedure Controller North) xiv) ensuring that the flights (Schedule, non-Schedule) are permitted to operate in accordance with the clearances issued by the appropriate authority.
Maintaining relevant Journals and records as per laid down procedures.
Maintaining close liaison with the airline operators in respect of their aircraft requiring assistance.
Any other related duties assigned by superiors.
Area Controller (RADAR) Area controller Radar shall be responsible to the Shift Manager for: i)
efficient Administration and Control of his/her position.
providing Air Traffic Services based on Radar to the air traffic operating in his/her area of jurisdiction in coordination with Area procedure Controller and according to the provisions laid down in AIP (Pakistan), MATS, SAR Manual and local instructions issued from time to time.
handling of VHF air ground communication channels provided in ACC and furnishing aircraft’s position report and ground speed as displayed on Radar, over all compulsory and non compulsory reporting points or when requested, to the area procedure controller for the purpose of updating Flight progress Board.
maintaining radar surveillance of air traffic in his/her area of jurisdiction to Provide complete position information. 26
providing radar navigational assistance to the aircraft between established navigational fixes or as required under the circumstances.
ensuring that radar alignment checks are carried out in accordance with laid down procedure.
provide non-radar separation in the event of radar failure prior to handing over the traffic to area procedure controller. After handing over traffic, assist area procedure controller in all matters pertaining to ATS.
maintaining relevant records as per laid down procedures.
providing alerting service and to take appropriate action when aircraft are known to and/or believed to be in need of assistance in accordance with laid down procedures.
providing information to the pilot on storm and precipitation areas observed on the radar if possible.
taking action in accordance with aircraft crash plan, antihijacking plans as and when required.
any other related duty assigned by Shift Managers.
Area Co-ordinator Area Co-ordinator shall be responsible to Area Procedure Controller for: i)
efficient coordination with adjacent ACC/ATS unit according to the existing letter of agreements/procedures.
posting coordination data on first or last flight progress strip as the case may be and informing the concerned procedure controller for updating other relevant flight progress strips.
effecting coordination with concerned aerodromes in the area and other ATS units.
keeping the adjacent ACC’s/FIC’s/ATS Units updated about the aircraft’s current flight plan.
effecting coordination with other agencies/officers as and when required.
any other duty assigned by Area Procedure Controller or Shift Manager.
R/T Phraseology and ATC Clearances i)
Standard R/T phraseology as contained in MATS Pakistan and PANS/ATM DOC 4444 shall be used at all times and compliments to be exchanged only at the initiation of the pilot
ATC clearance when delivered to Ground Movement Controller Karachi, ATC Masroor or ATC Faisal, shall be issued by using standard phraseology and read back must be carefully monitored and acknowledged.
Air Traffic Control Clearance to all controlled flights shall be issued for the complete portion of the controlled airspace, i.e. to the destination aerodromes or to the limits of controlled airspace, if it is ensured that necessary coordination for the control of the flight will be affected with concerned sectors/ATS units en-route and at destination as the flight progresses.
ATC Clearances shall be issued in the following format as appropriate, along with any restrictions / instructions if required.
Cleared to (Destination Aerodrome) via (ATS routes) maintain Flight level---Cleared from (significant point) to (significant point) via ATS route maintain FL----Cleared to (Destination Aerodrome) via (SID), there after follow ATS route ________, climb and maintain Flight level----Cleared to (Destination Aerodrome) via ATS route and (STAR) maintain Flight level ___________or when ready descend to Flight level-------
NOTE: (Nothing shall be assumed/understood in ATC clearance, a complete and specified clearance should be issued) v)
Some pilots are in the habit of saying “ROGER” instead of reading back ATC clearance issued to them. The Controllers shall insist on read back of the ATC clearance.
NOTE: Instances have occurred wherein some pilots misunderstood the meaning of the Phraseology e.g. “Descent to flight level…”as stated in the normal ATC clearance to arriving aircraft and thereby assumed that they had to leave their cruising level immediately for the level thus assigned. To avoid such confusion, the following Phraseology shall be used while issuing ATC clearance. “ When ready Descent to flight level…” *
Whenever the flight plan level is not available the standard phraseology shall be used.
FL… not available till time or position (if applicable due traffic) suggest to cruise FL… or FL ……… advise 28
FL… not available due (traffic) suggested alternatives are FL…. or FL….. advise
While referring to levels, the numbers designating the levels should not be omitted. e.g. “Continue climb to FL…” but not “ Continue climb to cruising level”.
Radiotelephony Transmission Techniques a)
Radiotelephony transmission technique of some of the controllers is not of the desired effectiveness. Inarticulate speech and too fast speed of utterance have been noticed as the most common drawbacks. Transmissions suffering from these drawbacks are likely to lead to confusion or misunderstanding.
The following points should be kept in mind while transmitting on R/T or ATS coordination circuits:
Speak all words plainly and end each word clearly, so as to prevent running together of consecutive words.
Maintain normal conversational speech rate. When transmitting data required to be copied in whole or in part, adjust the speech rate accordingly.
Avoid large pauses and introduction of hesitant sounds.
Separation Minimas
Vertical separation (CVSM/RVSM), horizontal separation (Longitudinal / Lateral). And radar separation minimas as authorised by appropriate ATS authority shall be applied as under; a)
between all flights in class “A” airspace.
between all flights in class “B” airspace.
between IFR flights, between IFR & VFR flights in class “C” airspace.
between IFR flights in class “D” airspace.
between all IFR flights, and Traffic information about VFR flights to IFR flights in class “E” airspace.
flight information service to all flights in class “G” airspace.
all even levels are West bound levels and all odd levels are eastbound levels.
Non-RVSM equipped aircraft are not allowed to fly in RVSM airspace
approved state aircraft (Military, Custom, Police) are allowed to fly in RVSM airspace with requirements of non-RVSM airspace. AIRSPACE : Transition airspace between Karachi and Kabul FIR on ATS route B466 between route segment BARBI – SERKA has been established for level change from RVSM to CVSM and vice versa before entering in CVSM/ RVSM airspace.
FLIGHT LEVEL ALLOCATION SCHEME: FL-310 – 350 – 390 are all Eastbound levels in RVSM airspace. However their use shall be discontinued as eastbound level in transition airspace rather they will be used as westbound level.
Flights from Kabul FIR to Karachi FIR are required to be certified as RVSM equipped to operate in RVSM airspace.
Aircraft entering Karachi F.I.R. via SERKA maintaining eastbound levels FL330 and FL370 will remained unchanged, the lowest level for entry from Kabul FIR to Karachi FIR is FL290.
Aircraft entering Kabul FIR from Karachi FIR will be required to change from RVSM levels FL340, FL360, FL380 to Non-RVSM levels i.e. FL310, FL350 and FL390 between BARBI and SERKA (as appropriate).
PROHIBITED, DANGER AND RESTRICTED AREAS: Prohibited, Danger and Restricted Areas are considered as Non RVSM airspace.
EFFECTS OF TURBULENCE ON RVSM: Weather condition such as shear waves, thunderstorm, orographic or mountain waves can have a significant impact on ability of an aircraft to maintain her assigned level resulting in decrease in standard vertical separation in RVSM airspace. Following actions will be initiated by concerned area procedural controller under such conditions; 30
MET office will be asked to arrange special forecasts of routes.
NOTAM action shall be taken if weather conditions are likely to persist.
respond of RVSM in the affected areas. FLIGHT PLANNING REQUIREMENTS: To meet flight-planning requirements following categories of aircraft are established: a) b) c)
RVSM approved aircraft. Non-RVSM approved aircraft. Non-RVSM approved state aircraft. Non RVSM approved aircraft compresses of the following; a) b) c) 3.9
State aircraft Military aircraft Police, costom aircraft.
The terms used in application of Longitudinal Separation 4444 For the purpose of application of longitudinal separation the terms same track, reciprocal track and crossing tracks have the following meanings;
Same Track: Same direction tracks and intersecting tracks or portions thereof, the angular difference of which is less than 45 degrees or more than 315 degrees and whose protected airspaces overlap.
Reciprocal Track: Opposite tracks and intersecting tracks or portion there, the angular difference of which is more than 135 degrees but less than 225 degrees and whose protected airspaces overlap.
Crossing Track: Intersecting tracks or portions thereof other than those specified in a) and b) above.
Transfer of Control
3.10.1 For the purpose of provision of lateral separation (non-radar) between westbound flights on ATS routes G214 & G325, points KALAT and SHANO shall not be considered laterally separated. ACC sector (west) shall ensure standard longitudinal or vertical separation between west bound flights converging over “PG� immediately after crossing change over points (Kalat & Shano) 3.10.2 For the purpose of provision of separation between east bound flights on ATS routes G452 & G214 or 31
J112/R462N etc, point ROVER and ZEMKO / ZOHAR shall not be considered laterally separated. ACC sectors (North/East) have to ensure standard longitudinal or vertical separation between east bound flights converging over ”RK”. For this purpose FDA east shall prepare one strip of flights operating on route G452 for “RK” for the information of area procedure controller (East) 3.10.3 Non radar horizontal or vertical separation shall be provided between all controlled flights until they are identified on radar and appropriate radar separation could then be applied in accordance with the prescribed radar separation minima 3.10.4 Radar hand over shall be effected between radar sectors of ACC when aircraft are within 20NM short of the transfer point. However, Radar control shall be assumed by the accepting unit when the aircraft is 20NM past the transfer point unless otherwise agreed between the transferring/ accepting sectors. 3.10.5 Radar controllers shall co-ordinate with each other when an aircraft is operating within 25NM of sectorization limits. 3.11 Radar Control Service 3.11.1 Radar control service shall be provided by Karachi Area Control Centres in Karachi FIR within Class “A” “B” and “C” airspace in accordance with the directives contained in MATS-Pakistan. 3.11.2 Radar Advisory and Flight Information Service shall be provided by Karachi ACC to aircraft outside of control airspace and within Radar coverage on “as and when required” basis.
Radar Alignment Checks The Radar Controller shall check the alignment of Radar by observing the distance and bearing of test transponder as follows given hereunder; POSITION OF TEST TRANSPONDERS OF RADAR IN KARACHI F I R
A- 0020
A- 4444
111NM B-187° 96NM B-126° 100NM B-202° 86NM B-124°
Transfer of Control Points between ACC Sectors 32
388NM B-172° 318NM B-192° 67NM B-171° 292NM B-108° (B = BEARING)
3.13.1 Following significant reporting points shall be used as transfer of control points: i)
δ 3.14
between ACC sector West and sector East: a)
Karachi VOR A791E/W
Abeam Karachi VOR
on ATS route A791S
on ATS route G214
between ACC sector East and sector North: a)
R.Y.Khan VOR
on ATS route G214, R462N, J112/ J162
on ATS route J172
on ATS route B466
Intersection of G214 on ATS routes J115/119/157/158/163
on ATS routes G326, J133
between ACC sector North and sector West: a)
on ATS route G452
on ATS route J133
on ATS route J152
Conflict resolution
3.14.1 Whenever a controller observes any confliction in his/her area of jurisdiction he/she must resolve that confliction without any delay and will not wait for my loss of reparation etc. 3.14.2. Following are the critical conflicting points along different ATS routes in Karachi FIR which may require careful monitoring/surveillance; i.
Rahimyar Khan
3.14.3. Area Procedure/Radar controllers must pay proper attention on above conflicting points and shall resolve any possible conflictions timely and should not allow two aircraft at the same level within radius of 30NM of the conflicting points. 3.15
Inter Area Coordination i)
Coordination between ATS Units is one of the most important factors. All ATS units must ensure proper inter unit coordination on RICS (Radar Inter-unit Communication System) in standard format as defined in MATS.
Estimate/Coordination messages regarding transfer of responsibility for the provision of ATS to concerned flights shall be exchanged between concerned sectors at least 15minutes prior to the flight estimates over designated transfer point.
If the flying time of any aircraft from place of departure to transfer point is less than 15 minutes, prior coordination / level approval shall invariably be effected before the departure.
Revision of estimates in excess of three minutes shall be disseminated without delay to concerned sector/ATS Unit.
Level change shall only be approved after the prior coordination with the concerned sector.
Information on aircraft operating to/from aerodromes located within 25NM of sector boundaries shall be timely co-ordinated with the ACC sectors concerned.
3.15.1. Coordination Between Karachi Tower and ACC/Approach i) When an aircraft is ready to start engines, Ground Movement Controller shall co-ordinate Start up and ATC clearance with concerned Area Procedure Controller. The respective Area Procedure Controller shall 34
issue the start up and ATC clearance (Route clearance, Flight level and SID) to Ground Movement and inform Approach Controller as well. ii)
The Area Controller while issuing ATC clearance may follow it up with VIFNO.
In case of VFR flights or aircraft operating solely within the Terminal Control Area, Approach controller shall issue ATC clearance. Aerodrome Controller shall obtain the clearance for such departure from Approach Controller when the aircraft requests start up and coordinate for release when it approaches the runway in use.
No coordination like“ PIA302 is requesting level…” or “ PIA501 is ready “ shall be made.
After the aircraft is airborne, the Aerodrome Controller shall inform Approach Controller and concerned Area Controller about the departure time, and hand over the subject departing Flight Progress Strip to FDA Tower.
3.15.2. With Karachi Approach i)
Coordination between Karachi ACC (East/West) and Karachi approach shall be effected in accordance with the standard procedures laid down in MATS and DOC4444.
Approach/concerned Area Controller shall forward the progress of an aircraft before it approach 50 NM from Karachi.
3.15.3. Coordination Aerodrome Control Towers in Karachi FIR and Karachi Area Control Sector i)
Karachi ACC sectors shall affect coordination with Aerodrome Control Towers located within their area of responsibility and vice-versa as per standard procedure presented in MATs Pakistan and doc 4444.
In case of communication failure between ACCs and concerned Aerodrome, following procedures shall be followed; a)
IFR flights departing from any airport within the area for FL160 or above shall initially be restricted up to FL150/140 as applicable in accordance with semi-circular cruising level system until approval/clearance from concerned ACC is obtained or the flight concerned establishes 2 way communication with concerned sector and clearance is obtained directly.
Aircraft departing from OPNH bound for Karachi shall initially be restricted to FL60 until approval/clearance from ACC (East) is obtained.
3.15.4. Coordination between Karachi ACC and Adjacent Area Control 35
Centres/Flight Information Centres a) Karachi ACC Sector (East) shall affect coordination for transfer of responsibility for the provision of ATS with Mumbai/Ahmedabad ACC/FIC and with ACC Sector (West & North) b) Karachi ACC Sector (North) shall affect coordination for transfer of responsibility for the provision of ATS with Lahore, Delhi, Kabul ACC/FIC, Multan Approach/ ACC Sector(East & West) c) Karachi ACC Sector(West) shall affect coordination for transfer of responsibility for the provision of ATS with Muscat/Tehran ACCs and ACC Sector (East & North). d) Karachi ACC shall co-ordinate with Mambai ACC and Ahmedabad ACC as appropriate for departures via TELEM and SAPNA as soon as the aircraft requests start up clearance. 3.16
Minimum Cruising Levels Whenever a minimum IFR en-route altitude has been specified by HQ CAA, no aircraft on IFR flight shall be permitted to operate at an altitude lower than the level specified. In case there is no such level specified, the minimum cruising level shall be based on 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 5 miles of the estimated position of the aircraft in flight except when necessary for landing and take-off or when so specifically authorised by the HQCAA.
Deviations from route near Information Borders When a flight informs any ATS unit of its deviation from flight plan route to avoid bad whether near the Indo-Pakistan boarder, the Area Controller (Procedure) shall ensure that Delhi, Bombay or Ahmedabad ATC is informed about it including reasons for deviation of flight from the prescribed route. SOC shall also be kept informed.
V.M.C Climb-Descent V.M.C climb /descent is not permitted to any aircraft operating within controlled airspace. ii)
Aircraft operating in class “G� airspace, desiring VMC climb/descend maintaining own separation may do so during day .In all such cases it shall be ensured that not only the essential traffic information is issued to the aircraft concerned but alternative suggestions are also issued to the aircraft, to be followed in case it is unable to maintain V.M.C during its climb or descend phase
Nawabshah Airport 36
Nawabshah Airport is an alternate aerodrome of JIAP Karachi, and shall be alerted by ACC(E) procedure controller for; a) aircraft diversion from JIAP Karachi due to bad weather or any other reason b) enroute aircraft landing in emergency. c) expected diversion from JIAP when landing at JIAP is not possible due to any reasons. d) when speed of surface wind at Karachi exceeds 25 knots and direction is changing more than 45 degrees of the landing direction. 3.20 Provision of Flight Information Service a) Karachi Area Control Centres shall also provide flight information service to all aircraft operating outside class “A� airspace within Karachi FIR. b) Essential traffic information shall be issued to concerned aircraft when separation is known to have or is likely to be reduced to less than the standard applicable/separation minima, irrespective of the type of the flight. c) Essential traffic information shall be issued to concerned aircraft either directly on VHF or on HF Radio or through ATS units with whom the aircraft are suppose to be in contact. 3.21
Violation of International Borders a) No aircraft is permitted to fly within 15 NM of the International borders. b) when ever an aircraft requires landing at a place within15NM of the border, prior permission from COO/FOO shall be obtained and coordination with concerned adjacent ACC shall accordingly be de made.
Diversion of Air Traffic a) All diversion of air traffic within Karachi FIR shall be included in IOUDO report. b) Diversion reports shall include diversion of National carriers due to weather or technical problem from any Airport within Karachi FIR. c) Weather element responsible for diversion shall be described. d) Each diversion report shall comprise of the following items in the sequence as under;
Date and time of diversion 37
Call sign of the Aircraft and type.
Departure Aerodrome and ATD.
Destination Aerodrome.
Aerodrome to which diverted and ATA.
Reason for diversion.
Information of Arrivals at JIAP to Flight Inquiry a) Information on all arriving aircraft except military, local or training flights shall be passed to G.O.C by ACC FDA as soon as the ETA of any arriving flight is received. The GOC Controller will pass this information to Flight Inquiry. b) Whenever there is a change in ETA of any flight in excess of 5 minutes GOC. must also be informed.
Note: 1.
Flight Inquiry Desk has been established in ACC for collection and dissemination if flight movement information for FLIGHT INQUIRY. ACC Controllers concerned & Approach Controllers shall inform the changes/revisions pertaining to flights landing/departing from JIAP to this desk for onward information to Flight-Inquiry.
Note: 2.
If flight inquiry staff is positioned in ACC, the responsibility of passing ETA shall rest with him, instead of FDA ACC/GOC.
Operation of civil aircraft to Jacobabad Airport
3.24.1. No civil aircraft except PIA schedule flight is to be cleared for Jacobabad Airport without prior clearance from the Appropriate Authority (AHQ). 3.25
Operations at Unmanned Airfield
3.25.1. When operating in Karachi FIR from/to unmanned airfields or places where there is no direct communication with Karachi ACC, and/or when no contact can be established between the aircraft and concerned ACC, it is necessary for the operator to give advance information on such flight to concerned ACC. information on such movements shall be obtained before the commencement of their operations. 3.25.2. PFIO shall inform the Shift Manager whenever such information is received from the operator/pilot is command. 3.25.3. The details of unmanned airstrips within Karachi FIR is given in the table below;
Operation of Civil Aircraft at an airfield not listed in AIP 38
3.26.1. Civil aircraft are not generally permitted to land/take off at/from any aerodrome not listed in AIP Pakistan except when special permission has been granted. 3.26.2. In case any civil aircraft desires to operate at any unlisted Licensed / Unmanned or military airfield, it must adhere to the following conditions;
Operation will be only during day and in VMC, except when specific permission from Competent Authority for night operation is obtained.
Prior permission must be obtained from the agency concerned/ PAF.
Takeoff / landing at unmanned aerodrome will be at operator’s own risk.
Irrespective of the above facts Flight Plan must be filed with the concerned ACC for Search and Rescue and Air defense identification purposes.
Night Operation to / from Khaskhaili Airstrip a) Night operations to / from Khaskhaili airstrip are permitted by HQCAA vide letter No.
HQCAA/1777/34/GA dated 15th September 1990 (Permission for night operation)
HQCAA/1109/1/ATS dated 31st October 1991 (Approval for holding and approach to land procedure)
HQCAA/1776/15/GA dated 17th October 1995 (Endorsement for night operation)
Night operations to / from Khaskhaili airstrip shall be conducted in accordance with the following conditions;
Instrument Flight rules shall be observed by Pilot-in-command,
Aircraft shall be operated by Instrument rated Pilot,
Provision of night landing facilities ( including NDB) shall be the responsibility of the operator
All operations to and from Khaskhaili shall be on Pilots/operators own risk
Flight Plan for all IFR flights must be submitted by the operator to Karachi ACC Night Landing Facility at PASNI and TURBAT Airport 39
3.28.1. Civil Aviation Authority has the operational control on Pasni and Turbat Airports and Aerodrome Control services are being provided at these airports during schedule operation hours. Night landing facilities at these airports shall be provided with the prior approval of Director Operations. In the absence of D.Ops, General Manager Air Traffic Services or Chief Operation officer JIAP have been authorised to issue such approval vide Headquarters CAA letter number HQCAA/1103/43/ATS dated 20th June 2000. 3.28.2. The concerned ACC(P) Controllers shall ensure that necessary permission have been obtained for night operation. 3.29.
Operation to / from BHIT
3.29.1. The operations to / from BHIT airstrip are permitted subject to the following terms and conditions. a) Operator as per existing procedure shall submit flight plan. b) Upon receipt of flight plan all arrival and departure to / from Bhit shall be co-ordinated with Masroor ATC / MMR Karachi. c) No flight will be undertaken during national emergency conditions/extension military conditions. d) All operations shall be conducted at operator’s own risk. e) Operations shall be carried out during day and in VMC only. f) “N” shall be informed well in time. 3.29.2. The routing between Karachi – Bhit – Karachi will be as under; a) From Karachi proceed on KC VOR radial 040 until 83 DME from Karachi. Thereafter turn left on heading 293 to Bhit. (Bhit airstrip is located at 37 NM from this position) b) After take off from Bhit fly on heading 113 to join airway J112 at (N255652 E0680644) and then proceed to Karachi on VOR radial 040. 3.29.3. ACC P/R East Controllers shall to ensure proper coordination and to strict compliance of the instructions. 3.30
Night Flying by Single Engine Aeroplanes.
3.30.1. No single engine aeroplane cross country night operations are permitted for other than training flights for the purpose of acquiring appropriate flying licenses. 3.30.2. No ATCO (PFIO) will accept a flight plan for night flying by single engine aeroplane for the purpose of cross-country night operation, unless the flight plan is accompanied by a covering letter by the CFI of the concerned Flying School, 40
or a copy of night flying program under signature of CFI is sent to the relevant ATCO (PFIO) in due time for necessary reference, when such a flight plan is submitted. {Ref: HQ CAA/1103/6/ATS dated 3rd April 2001, HQ CAA/1774/GA dated 1st &30th March 2001 Air Safety circular. 3.31.
Withdrawal of Aerodrome Facilities
3.31.1. Dalbandin, Sehwan Sharif, and Hyderabad airports have been closed and all CAA aerodrome facilities have been with drawn. 3.31.2. Sehwan Sharif and Dalbandin Airports have been placed under the administrative and functional control of Airport Managers of Moenjodaro and Quetta respectively. Operators may operate at these aerodromes at their own risk after filing a flight plan .ATC and RFF facilities are not available at these aerodromes. All correspondence regarding these aerodromes shall be addressed to Airport Manager Moenjodaro and Quetta respectively. 3.31.3. Hyderabad Airport is placed under the administrative and functional control of Director CATI. Hyderabad NDB is operational from dawn to dusk. ATC and RFF facilities are not available. These facilities may be arranged by Director CATI on 24 hours prior notice. Operators may operate at their own risk after filing flight plan without prior notice. 3.31.4. ATS personnel shall ensure timely coordination in respect of all flights operating to/ from these airports is effected with all concerned. 3.32
Air Defence Clearance from India for PIA Flights. Following procedure is to be followed for obtaining Air Defence Clearance from the concerned Indian FIC for PIA flights operating through or across India. a) Immediately on receipt of flight plan, a plan message is to be originated by PFIO with specific request for A.D.C number. The message is to be originated with “DD� priority. b) Area Procedure Controller (North/East) shall co-ordinate made on DSC or ISD to obtain ADC number prior to the ETD of the flight. c) If ADC number is not received by 30minutes before ETD, requested concerned FIC shall again be on D.S.C/ISD. d) A.D.C number shall be passed to Ground Movement Controller and PIA Operations through PFIO (ACC (P) Controller) immediately. e) Ground movement Controller shall pass the ADC number to aircraft while issuing start up clearance. The pilot shall be informed that delay is due to:i)
Non-availability of ADC number from India.
Lack of communication contact with Indian Station concerned. 41
A record is to be kept of :-
Time when the flight plan message was originated.
Time when flight plan message with ADC request received by India.
Time when Air Defence Clarence received from India.
Time when Air Defence Clarence relayed to PIA.
Delay beyond ETD, if any.
Remarks including reasons for delay etc.
Activation of Quetta Flying Areas.
3.33.1. Quetta training flying areas have been established as per AIP Supplement S03/99 .The operation timings are from dawn to dusk with the limits from ground to FL300. 3.33.2. Area Controller (North) shall co-ordinate for civil traffic operating on ATS routes falling in these areas at least 15 minutes prior to entering in these areas. According to the SOP issued by HQCAA, following procedures to be followed:1)
PAF Quetta (ATC) shall pass the information to Karachi ACC sector (North) on activation of any of the above areas atleast 30 minutes prior to first departure preceding to the area concerned. Whenever any area is deactivated PAF Quetta (ATC) shall immediately inform ACC Karachi.
On receipt of the information on activation of any of the areas from PAF Quetta (ATC) Karachi ACC shall; a)
Analyze traffic situation on the routes with respect to PAF local flying area. In case any confliction is anticipated the area controller north shall pass the estimates and Actual Time of Arrival (ATA) of the effected aircraft to Quetta ATC and advise them to effect appropriate vertical separation between PAF aircraft and effected enroute aircraft.
Enroute civil flights have the right of way through PAF training areas. Quetta (PAF) ATC shall not alter the level of enroute civil traffic unless requested by the pilot and approved by area controller north rather will change the level of PAF local flying aircraft to ensure appropriate vertical separation between civil and PAF aircraft. However, level of aircraft arriving to land to Quetta may be alerted in coordination with the Karachi ACC and subject to the acceptance by the Pilot of the concerned flight to facilitate sequencing. 42
A nominal vertical of 1000 feet below FL-290 and 2000 feet at or above FL-290 shall be ensured in case of non-RVSM aircraft by Quetta ATC between civil and PAF aircraft when civil aircraft are flying through PAF local flying area and flying in the area effecting the civil flights.
On the request of Quetta ATC Karachi area control (north) may change over the aircraft to Quetta ATC for position reporting and passing of estimates. Quetta ATC after receiving the estimates of entry and exit points of enroute civil flights from concerned flight shall changeover the aircraft back to Karachi Control without delay.
Quetta ATC shall also keep all military aircraft (proceeding to enter any flying area or returning to Quetta from the area for landing) separate from all civil traffic.
PAF shall be responsible for separation, safety of military traffic, as well as all civil traffic transiting through flying areas and arriving / departing to/ from Quetta Airport.
PAF flying shall commence only when it is ensured by PAF Quetta (ATC) that the information about activation of particular area has been relayed to Karachi ACC and subject adherence of restriction imposed (if any).
Bird Hit Report.
3.34.1 Whenever a pilot reports bird hit during in flight, or after landing/departure he should be advised to fill in the prescribed form (in duplicate). 3.34.2 It shall be ensured that the pilot fills the form in detail. This form should be submitted to C.O.O immediately upon receipt. These reports are required to be sent to HQCAA within 24 hours of the bird hit occurrence. 3.34.3 In case a bird hit incident is reported, the duty controller shall pass the details of the bird hit to the following; i)
Director ATS
General Manager ATS
Chief Inspector
President SIB
Controller Airworthiness
Chief Operation Officer 43
Facility Operation Officer
3.34.4 A message under “DD� priority shall also be originated to the above Officers except COO/FOO giving details of the bird hit incident. 3.34.5 If the bird hit incident occurs on /over the runway then runway inspection shall be carried out before using it. In case the bird hit is reported to by departing aircraft, location of the dead bird if found, in relation to the centre line of runway in use may be helpful for a pilot to assess area of aircraft airframe where the damage could have occurred. Therefore post inspection results may also be communicated to the pilot, aircraft ground engineer and COO etc. in the following order;
No dead bird found on and near the runway.
Dead bird (vulture / kite etc.) found left of runway centre line approximately 3000 feet down the runway 25R etc.
Notification of Rescue Services
3.35.1 When an emergency phase exists regarding an aircraft, the Rescue Services shall be notified as follows: i)
Uncertainty Phase Notify search and reason (via ATC Masroor at the discretion of Rescue coordination centre), given details of the aircraft type registration , no. of person on bard , last position reported and estimate of next position back side.
Alest and Distress Phase Reason co-ordinate centre shall alert rescue services.
3.35.2 When an aircraft is placed in Alert Phase COO/FOO shall be informed immediately. 3.35.3 Search and rescue action should be taken in accorlished by the D.G. CAA. 3.35.4 Emergency Phase involving US Military aircraft Whenever US military aircraft operating within Karachi FIR is placed in any of the emergency Phases. A signed as follows should be originated under DD Priority addressed to Flight Services Centre, Athens, ICAO LGWAYY KC/------- phase (INCERFA, ALERFA, DETRESFA) type of aircraft, R/T case sign, QRD, last position report, next estimate & any other pertinent information. 3.36.
Handling of VVIP / VIP Flights 44
3.36.1 Responsibility: Area Control Center Karachi is responsible for obtaining current Meteorological reports and forecasts for en-route stage & destination of VVIP/VIP, Special interest flight while for airports within Karachi FIR. Particular emphasis shall be given to the occurrence or expected occurrence of weather deterioration as soon as this can be determined. In addition, information on the operational status of visual and non- visual navigation aids used for approach, landing and take off at destination shall also be kept readily available particularly for those aerodromes / airfields for which there is no approach control office has been established. Air traffic controller must remain most current with information on Aerodrome conditions and operational status of associated facilities. Above information shall be passed to the pilot-in-command at the time of filing of flight plan or immediately when deemed necessary requested. 3.36.2 Procedures: Upon receipt of information with regards to the movement of VVIP/VIP/Special Interest flight, concerned area procedure controller shall initiate the following actions: a)
Raise a request to meteorological office through PFIO for weather forecast for the intended route of the flight. Also request current weather/forecast for the destination airfield.
Transmit flight plan details by the quickest available means to destination, clearly specifying the name of dignitary on board.
Particular attention shall be given to flights destined for Quetta and other airports in Balochistan / Coastal areas, joint user airfields within the FIR. The pilot shall be specifically briefed regarding the availability of facilities, airfield status at such destinations.
Inter unit coordination shall promptly be made as per procedure, during VVIP flight.
In the event a flight is held up due adverse en-route/ destination weather conditions, the concerned area procedure controller shall obtain amended and special weather reports and shall communicate the same to the pilot in command.
3.36.3 Operations Following operational procedure shall be adopted during VVIP/VIP flight operation. a) Aerodrome Traffic Zone/circuit 45
No aircraft shall be allowed to land or depart from the aerodrome or operate in the circuit for the period: “5 minutes before E.T.A of VVIP flight till “DOOR OPEN TIME” “DOOR CLOSE TIME” till 5 minutes after take off.” b) Controlled Airspace
Standard separation shall be provided in controlled airspace except the following.
The vertical separation minimum shall be 2000 feet at all levels
No VFR operation shall be allowed during the period VVIP flight is expected to operate in controlled airspace.
c) Uncontrolled Airspace When the VVIP is flying in Karachi FIR, no other aircraft shall be cleared to operate in the block of uncontrolled air-spaces defined below: “ 2000 feet below and above the cruising level and 25 NM either side of the intended route of the VVIP flight in uncontrolled airspace.” This restriction will not be applicable when it is known that horizontal separation based on the current flight plans will exist between VVIP and other flights. 3.36.4 Following actions, on behalf of COO / FOO shall be taken by a)
Manager Airside
Inspect Runway taxi-way and other operational areas to ensure that there is no obstruction or FOD.
Ensure that all ground Aids are clearly visible, properly marked and functioning.
C.F.R.O. i)
Adequate RFF facilities are available and operating at optimum efficiency. 46
Ensure all vehicles are checked and positioned at the proper location 30 minutes prior to arrival or departure of the VVIP flight.
Shift Manager (ACC) i)
Ensure that the estimated time of arrival and significant changes thereto are passed to CAA higher Officials, TM VIP lounge and concerned protocol officer,
Ensure availability of en-route, destination and alternate aerodrome weather forecast.
Training/Local flights shall be kept away from the control zone or on ground at least one hour before the arrival/departure of the VVIP flights until15minutes after departure of VVIP flight or when VVIP leaves the airport.
The VVIP aircraft movement shall be co-ordinated with the “N” well in time so that flight follow service should be made available to such flight by “N”.
All ATS positions shall be properly manned by qualified controllers/officials.
Flight plan/Departure plans on receipt shall be thoroughly checked for conformity with planned details or clearance. Discrepancies if found, are to be notified to COO/FOO and the other concerned authorities.
Under normal circumstances deviation of the planned route/destination of Foreign (VVIP) flights shall not be allowed unless otherwise permitted by HQCAA. A close liaison shall be maintained with “N” under such circumstances.
Ensure that progress of the flight is actively monitored while operating within FIR until the aircraft leaves the FIR or lands at the destination.
Ensure that all (good-will) messages received from the VVIP aircraft or messages addressed to VVIP aircraft are transmitted immediately.
x) ECR should be notified of the expected receipt of goodwill message with VHF/HF frequency for recording of the same. Note: Old SATI 2.31.4. Misalliances please copy. 47
Handling of Diversionary traffic
3.37. 1 Responsibility When the weather conditions are likely to deteriorate to an extent where in the diversion of Air Traffic is likely to occur, the concerned area procedure controller shall be responsible for obtaining current meteorological reports and forecasts for major airports located within Karachi and adjacent Flight Information Region. If practicable forecast for en-route stage of flight should also be kept readily available. vii All ATS units shall emphasise the need to know the occurrence or expected occurrence of weather deterioration well in advance in order to allow sufficient time to the pilot to decide his course of action keeping in view the available fuel on board. In marginal visibility/ceiling conditions the pilot may attempt to execute approach or missed approach before diverting to their flight plan alternate destinations. 3.37.2. Procedures Upon receipt of information from Met Office or from the Aerodrome Controller on the existing or expected weather conditions the concerned area /approach controller shall inform the flights operating in their respective areas of jurisdiction.
The concerned area procedure controller shall obtain current weather from alternate airports located in Karachi and adjacent Flight Information Region and keep with him readily available all the pertinent route forecast. The approach Controller while transmitting the current or expected weather to the pilot, shall ascertain the fuel endurance on board the flight while it is overhead Karachi Airport and is likely to commence approach for a landing/missed approach. In the event an aircraft after making an instrument approach, is unable to land or execute overshoot the intentions of pilot-in-command shall be obtained whether he would like to hold over the fix for further attempt or till improvement of the weather condition or would divert to his alternate. In the event a flight has decided to divert, special care shall be given to ensure that the flight is cleared to its desired cruising level with minimum of restrictions of holding the flight at lower altitude. Flights diverting to alternate aerodromes after executing instrument/missed approach procedures and holding over the approach fix are considered to be critical on fuel endurance. Due care shall be given to ensure that the pilot of such a diverting flight is able to land at his alternate aerodrome without any compromise on fuel situation on board. Timely/extensive coordination shall be maintained between the units/adjacent centers for the transition of flight from its destination to alternate aerodrome. 3.38.
Coordination with “N�
The following procedure shall be followed for coordination with S.O.C in respect of getting ADC number and for passing the information on aircraft movements in Karachi FIR. 3.38.1 Departures. On receipt of flight plan, the FDA “N” position shall immediately pass the FPL details to “N” assistant on direct line. On receipt of ADC number of International Departures FDA”N” shall immediately pass the same to Ground Movement Controller. The ground movement Controller shall ensure that no International flight is permitted to depart without ADC number. 3.38.2 Arrivals/ Transits On receipt of estimate/ETA on International / Domestic Arrival and Transit flights FDA “ACC” concerned shall pass the details to FDA”N”.
FDA”N” shall pass this information to “N” assistant on direct line. “N” will pass the ADC number for International arrival/Transit flights to FDA “N” FDA”N” will pass the ADC number to concerned Area Procedure Controller. The time of passing details to “N” assistant shall be noted on register and concerned strip / basic from. 3.38.3 Area Procedure Controller shall ensure that information on all movements is passed on to “N” as soon as it is received, & normally within 3 minutes of the receipt of the first information. In the event of receipt of a flight plan on an expected arrival, this information shall be passed to “N” as it may be possible that departure message is delayed and there is no contact on R/T 3.38.4 The time at which the information is passed to “N” shall be recorded on the basic and the Karachi strip (for arrival) and in the last column of the last fix position strip for out going flights. 3.38.5. Whenever any unauthorised deviation of current flight plan is reported by “N” the written explanation of the Pilot-in-Command shall be taken immediately after arrival at Karachi Airport. 3.38.6. In case of departing aircraft the written report regarding deviation as reported by “N” shall be sent immediately to C.O.O. 3.38.7. In case of refusal by “N” to accept flight plan information of departing flights from JIAP Karachi or flight expected to arrive at Karachi, a note to that effect should be made in the remarks column of “N” assistant logbook and C.O.O/FOO be informed. Written report shall also be made. 49
3.38.8. It should be ensured that all air traffic movements planned as well as actually taking place has been passed to the “N” assistant without delay by the quickest possible means i.e. on the RICS and the time of passing information to “N” shall be noted in the following manner.
Flight planned information on left top corner of Basic form and on the flight plan message
Actual movement information on right top corner of Basic form as well as on the last box of strip of last fix of the sector in the first upper line.
FDA “N” shall note the time of passing information to SOC (N) along with the name and rank of receiving PAF personnel on his movement register
PIA Operations
3.39.1 Extra Flights by PIA i)
Domestic flights PIA is permitted to operate extra-scheduled, non-scheduled and chartered flights within Pakistan without the permission of HQCAA.
International flights PIA is permitted to conduct operation of extra sections out-side the country with prior intimation to HQCAA and Area control center Karachi/Lahore.
3.39.2 It would be the responsibility of PIAC to obtain clearance from the countries concerned while operating extra section outside Pakistan, and prior permission from HQCAA 3.40.
Operation of PAKISTAN NAVY/MSA outside Control Zone
3.40.1 ACC ATS officials shall follow SOP regarding Naval/MSA operations. 3.40.2 Main operational procedure as contained in SOP are reproduced below for ready guidance. Operation of Military aircraft shall be the responsibility of Military authorities and CAA has nothing to do with them. Flight plan will be required by Karachi ATC only for information and safety of civil aircraft. Flight plan approval and operational clearance to military aircraft outside controlled airspace will not be the responsibility of Karachi ATC. PN/MSA shall carry out their Atlantic, P-3, 50
Foker Defender aircraft etc operations outside control airspace as under with all the responsibility regarding safety of aircraft: Note:CAA only requires information on military aircraft to ensure safety of civil aircraft. Therefore captains of Naval aircraft are responsible for navigation, separation and safety of their aircraft when operating outside controlled airspace’s and for avoidance of neighbouring ADIZ. Over Sea operation i)
Atlantic, P-3,F-27 and Defender aircraft will operate over sea a)
between radial 165 to 310 clockwise of KC VOR up to 50NM called as “LOCAL AREA”
between radial 140 to250 clockwise of KC VOR beyond 50NM called as “DEEP SEA AREA”
between radial 125 to 165 clockwise up to Pak-India Border called as “MANGROVE AREA”
surveillance Area over deep sea for surveillance purposes, named as CAPELLA 1 to CAPELLA 7
Height Band in the above areas a)
Military (PN and MSA) aircraft’s while operating over sea shall maintain following height bands.
from KC VOR up to 50NM, 5000 feet or below
up to 30NM from the coast 3000feet or below
beyond 50 NM from KC VOR 7000feet or below.
Aircraft intending to fly higher than the altitude mentioned above, shall obtain clearance from Karachi APPROACH /AREA CONTROL as appropriate.
PN/MSA aircraft shall fly VFR in class “G” airspace. * When two or more aircraft’s of PN/MSA are required to operate in same area. The responsibility of altitude separation will not go to Karachi APP/AREA. * Karachi ATC will not be responsible for getting position reports.
3.40.3 Recovery from Deep Sea 51
PN/MSA aircraft returning from deep-sea missions shall recover through reporting point “SADHO” on KC VOR (R) 180 at 70 NM and “WAHID” on KC VOR (R) 250 at 70NM and shall squawk designated code on mode-3 3.40.4 Coastal Training Areas Lateral timely of the coastal training areas are as under; a)
2506N6425E, 2506N6437E, 2450N6425E, 2450N6437E
2505N6312E, 2505N6336E, 2453N6312E, 2453N6336E
2455N6206E, 2455N6223E, 2440N6223E, 2440N6206E
2543N6241E, 2552N6336E, 2530N6341E, 2522N6246E above four training areas are established close to Ormara, Pasni, Gwader and Jiwani. For the operation in above areas following procedure shall be followed; a)
Advance flight plan will be filed with Karachi prior ATC clearance and departure release shall obtained from Karachi TWR/APP/ACC as appropriate.
When flying closer than 10NM of ATS routes or 20 NM from the coastal airport military aircraft will descend to 2000feet or below unless otherwise approved by Karachi ACC.
When flying 30NM of the coast and nature of exercise permit, Naval aircraft will contact ATC of the nearest aerodrome and pass position report during operation hours positively.
3.40.5. Over Land, cross-country operation Atlantic and F-27 aircraft may fly training and cross-country missions subject to filing Flight Plan and obtaining ATC clearance/departure release from Karachi TWR/APP/ ACC as appropriate. The Karachi ATC will accord permission subject to traffic conditions and weather depending on the type of flight. 3.40.6 Operation for Makran coastal Airports. In order to meet the operational requirements Naval aircraft have to operate to the coastal airports on a very short notice due to which requirement of 24hours prior notice to the concerned airport can not be can not be met. Operation to JIWANI, GWADER, PASNI and ORMARA airport. Thus to facilitate the Naval operation, the requirements of advance notifications has been revised under the following conditions (only of military operations); 52
Such operations shall take place during day and in VMC. Flight plan shall be passed to Karachi ATC.
Local Naval authorities at Jiwani, Gwader, Pasni and Ormara shall provide detailed information on such flights including Callsign, type, ETA, remaining fuel endurance of aircraft to the respective Airport Manager at least three hours before operation and Naval authorities (ATC) at Shahra-e-Faisal will confirm the same to Karachi ACC.
Local Naval authorities at Jiwani, Gwader, Pasni and Ormara will assist there respective Airport Managers in calling CAA Officers/Staff on duty for handling such flights.
In case of parking confliction with civil aircraft, Naval aircraft will accept delays as advised by ATC except in emergency.
Concerned airport Manager will provide necessary ATC, RFF and Navigational services as for as practicable.
Karachi ACC will accept multiple flight plan for such flights, if required. In case of naval aircraft operates during night in emergency to Pasni or Turbat the clearance from G.M ATS or COO Karachi on behalf of D.ATS will be required.
4 3.41.
3.41.1. The duty air traffic controllers shall handle all emergencies in accordance us the in the appropriate SOP’s. 3.42.
Recording Of Aircraft Movement/ATS Revenue Data and ATS Messages ATS flight data assistant in Area Control center, control tower and PFIO has to fill/prepare
Landing and housing Form 438 prepared by PFIO
Flight Movement Register prepared by PFIO.
Movement register 447 by FDA Tower
Movement Register by FDA Tower,
Computerised aircraft Movement Report prepared by FDA Tower
Rout Navigation (over flying) input Form B-3 and B3-1 prepared by Area Coordinator.
Bay movement record by GOC Controller. 53
Wrong, incomplete and incorrect entries may lead to embarrassing situation for CAA. Missing of aircraft movements in the respective Forms or in the movement registers may lead to revenue loss for CAA. These omission/incorrect movement record creates problems for the preparation / compiling of ATS revenue data and resulted in delay in billing to the different operators.. 3.42.1 Following procedure shall be followed in letter and spirit to ensure proper recording of aircraft movement/ preparation of revenue data and ATS messages; columns of landing and housing Form-438 must be filled. Arrival and departure time in column 9 and 10 must be recorded in UTC. columns of movement register CAA-447 must be filled. Correct aircraft registration and type must be recorded in respective column. B – 3 and B3 – 1 shall be completed by the concerned ACC (P) controller and FDA November respectively. Non-schedule clearance number must be recorded in B3-1 Form. Register shall also be completed by FDA “N”. All columns shall be filled in adequately. receipt of Flight Plan in workstation FDA – 1 shall complete the Basic Form 076. – 1 shall activate the FPL upon the receipt of departure message and/or estimate message and hand over the basic complete in all respect to the FDA November. “N” upon receipt of estimates of Aircraft shall pass the current flight plan details to SOC obtain ADC Number (if applicable), make complete entry in the register “N” record time of coordination and ADC number (if applicable) on Basic Form 076 and send it to concerned Procedure controller. procedure controller/coordinator shall pass the revisions/changes of estimates of aircraft to FDA “N” who will pass it to S.O.C. Record the coordination time again in “N” register. “N” shall record the revision in appropriate columns of the register., upon the receipt of clearances for schedule/Non-schedule flights/request for clearances shall send them to Shift Manager for his perusal after putting initials with date and time group. shall forward the other messages to concerned officials for their action immediately after putting initials with date time group. received messages shall be recorded in the Message Record Form (copy enclosed) by FDA-1 so as to ensure that no message is misplaced/mishandled. 54
Shift Manager shall ensure that the Non-schedule clearances / Approved Schedules received during his duty period are not only properly recorded in appropriate registers but also properly filed.
3.42.3. ACC Procedure controller shall ensure that a) Exact flight details as per current flight plan have been depicted on the Basic Form-076 as well as on the computer-generated / manual strips. ADC number and “N” time shall also be checked and recorded on the appropriate strips. b) As soon as the flight leaves his area of jurisdiction concerned Radar controller’s Flight Progress strip and non-radar strips shall be attached with Basic Form-076 and handed over to the next concerned Procedure controller. c) The above procedure shall continue as long as flight remains in Karachi FIR. d) ACC Procedure Controller West sector shall complete the B-3 Form for all transit flights except transit traffic via BINDO. e) ACC Procedure (North) controller shall complete the B-3 Form for transit flights via BINDO. f) Non Schedule Flights i)
The co-ordinator of North/West sector as appropriate will check the clearance of non-schedule aircraft movement for the perusal of concerned Procedure Controller and Shift Manager. For Sector “E” the Procedure Controller will himself check the clearance.
Contents of the clearance shall be read thoroughly and followed in letter and spirit. Any clarification required therein may be made from the Shift Manager.
Shift Manager shall affect coordination with Air Transport Directorate/SOC as deemed appropriate and if so considered necessary.
In case the clearance is not available, then Shift Manager shall co-ordinate with appropriate authority for clearance. Upon the receipt of clearance on telephone etc. the same shall be recorded in the ATS Log and concerned clearance register. The Shift Manger may assign this job to any other officer of his shift.
The clearance number of Non-schedule flight landing at Karachi international should be passed to PFIO by the 55
procedure controller. PFIO will record the same in Landing and Housing Form 438 against Arrival / Departure of the same flight. vi)
Upon receipt of estimates of Non-schedule flight the coordinator shall inform Shift Manager and apprise the procedural controller, who will check the clearance thoroughly and will ensure that it is accurately recorded on basic Form 076 and shall pass this information to PFIO for landing flight at Karachi International directly or through co-ordinator.
November FDA shall also record the Non-schedule flight clearance number in November Register and Route Navigational (over flying) input form B3-1.
g) Diversions of schedule/Non-schedule flights/Technical landings shall not only be recorded in the ATS log but also in the concerned movement registers and forms. 3.42.4 As soon as the flight exits Karachi FIR or lands at Karachi, the complete data along with flight progress strips and Basic Form # 076 shall be sent to FDA-2. FDA-2 shall a) Record the details of the flight movement in ACC movement register; b) also feed the same data in computer; c) staple the data (Basic form-076, Strips, ATS Messages etc.) and file it to preserve record; d) Prepare the summary of aircraft movements during night duty and bring it forward. 3.42.5 Aerodrome Controller/Ground Movement Controller shall hand over the departure / arrival strips complete in all respect to TWR FDA. Ground Movement Controller shall record the bay movement of all aircraft on the prescribed form (copy enclosed as Annex ----) and pass the same to Tower FDA. 3.42.6 FDA Tower shall ensure that a) the complete details of aircraft movement on apron are recorded in Control Tower movement register 447 and movement register. The same data shall be recorded in the computer. b) FDA Tower shall pass the aircraft movement complete in all respect to PFIO regarding arrival, departure, technical landings etc. c) The computer print of ATS revenue data has been obtained by 0030 UTC daily 56
d) The recorded ATS revenue Form-447 and movement register has been attached with the computer print. 3.42.7 FDA Tower shall send all ATS revenue record to Shift Manager by 0045UTC daily. The other ATS record shall also be sent to shift Manager. Confirm the receipt and log it accordingly. Senior duty controller in Tower will ensure compliance. 3.42.8 Upon the receipt of the Flight details from Aerodrome Control Tower, duty PFIO shall a) record the same in Landing/Housing Form 438 and Flight Movement register. b) check / correlate the landings and flight plans of departure from JIAP Karachi with approved schedule of the airline so as to ensure its correct implementation and to detect any irregularities. The irregularities shall be recorded and reported to shift Manager. c) send the recorded ATS revenue data for the day along with National Bank receipt and Bank challan if any for Non-schedule flights to Shift Manager at 0015UTC. The other ATS record shall also be sent to Shift Manager. Confirm the receipt and record it in the logbook. d) on the first day of each month send the Form-438 along with other data to Shift Manager and ensure that same have been received by him. This shall be recorded in the logbook. e) prepare the summary of the aircraft movements and bring it forward. 3.42.9 Computer provided in Area Control Centre and Aerodrome Control Tower for the recording of ATS data shall not be used for any other purpose. Shift Manager and Senior Aerodrome Controller shall ensure strict compliance. 3.42.10
Duty Shift Manager shall ensure i)
That the above prescribed data are received from PFIU and Aerodrome Control Tower by 6 A.M.
Form B-3, B-3-1 and other Aircraft Movement Registers are being completed by the concerned officials.
The handing over of prescribed data to incoming Shift Manager who will hand over the data to ATS revenue officials and record the same in logbook.
All the officials of his shift are following the procedures in letter and spirit.
That the irregularities/mistakes are not only checked but also corrected and reported to the F.O.O. for necessary action as deemed appropriate. 57
3.42.11. The ATS officials deployed for the collection and compilation of ATS revenue data shall i)
Cross check the data by comparing approved schedule/nonschedule clearances, issued by the HQCAA. In this regard the Flight schedules, Non-schedule clearance register, Military clearances and Blanket clearances available in Area Control Centre may be consulted to check the discrepancies.
Correlate the schedule/non-schedule clearance/military clearance and blanket clearances for transit flights with the aircraft movement data.
Report the missing/incomplete/incorrect entries to the CM ATS revenue for necessary action.
3.42.12. ATS Revenue officials shall be held responsible for missing, incorrect and incomplete entry of revenue data in landing, housing input form B-2. 3.42.13. All ATS officials are advised to ensure strict compliance of the above guidelines.
3.43. FIR
Controlled Aerodromes and NAV Aids in Karachi
(07/25)R (07/25)L 02/20 01/19 03/21 13/31 06/24 12/30 06/24 06/24 08/26 18/36 08/26 08/26 14/32 15/33 27/09 08/26 06/24 05/23 02/20
3200/45 3400/45 3948/45 2743/30 1783/46 1524/31 1524/23 1829/31 1524/23 2743/46 1829/31 1970/31 1524/23 2743/31 2743/31 3048/45 2728/61 3200/46 2743/45 3048/45 2133/31
17/35 13/31
1970/30 1524/23
RWY LCN/PC N P68 P68 P68 68 10 10 30 10 30 P-6 45 10 45 P-31 45 83 40 30 40 35 30 20 58
9 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
393 290 330 388 303 405 380 400 237 322 332 304 375 397 254
112.9 113.7 112.7 114.3
C58 C34T C76 C84 C74 C90
255 464 223
118.1 122.2 122.9 118.1 122.5 122.3 129.9 124.3 118.7 119.4 129.8 119.6 122.5 122.5 126.0 124.3 122.5 119.7 122.9
4 4
338 295
120.8 129.5
113.3 244 410 293
3.45. 3.45.1.
Sector-wise Speed-Distance & Time Calculation SECTOR WEST
DISTANCE KC-130-PR PR-168-JI PR-211-AL PR-98-PG PG-228-ZAH DO-130-KC PG-75-DO LM-130-KC AL-194-LT JI-169-LT ZD-187-SOK SOK-120-GA EG-74-PG KT-114-SOK JI-168-PG PG-182-SH PG-180-KT
300 26 37 42 20 46 26 15 26 39 34 37 24 15 23 34 36 36
350 22 29 36 17 39 22 13 22 33 29 32 21 12 20 29 31 31
380 21 27 33 15 36 21 12 21 31 27 30 20 11 18 27 29 29
400 20 25 32 15 34 20 11 20 29 25 28 18 11 17 25 27 27
420 19 24 30 14 33 19 11 19 28 24 27 17 10 16 24 26 26
440 18 23 29 13 31 18 10 18 26 23 26 16 10 16 23 25 25
460 17 22 28 13 30 17 10 17 25 22 24 16 9.5 15 22 24 23
480 16 21 26 12 29 16 9 16 24 21 23 15 9 14 21 23 23
500 16 20 25 12 27 16 9 16 23 20 22 15 9 14 20 22 22
520 15 19 24 11 26 15 9 15 22 20 22 14 8.5 13 19 21 21
540 14 19 23 11 25 14 8 14 22 19 21 13 8 13 19 20 20
560 14 18 23 11 24 14 8 14 21 18 21 13 8 12 18 20 19
580 13 17 22 10 24 13 8 13 20 17 20 12 7.5 12 17 19 19
600 13 17 21 10 23 13 8 13 19 17 19 12 7 12 17 18 18
560 11 18 12 13 12 13 19 8 11 13 14 6 12 16 6 11
580 11 17 11 13 12 12 18 7 10 13 13 6 11 15 6 10
600 10 17 11 13 11 12 18 7 10 12 13 6 11 15 5 10
DISTANCE KC-104-NH NH-165-RK NH-110-ZM NH-124-MARKA NH-115-JAKSI NH-117-SAROJ KC-177-KODAR ZM-72-SH KC-100-TM TM-123-SO TM-127-VA TP-59-KE SO-110-KE KE-148-KC RAMSA-55-KE KC-101-SP 3.45.3.
300 21 33 22 25 23 23 35 15 20 25 26 12 22 30 11 20
350 18 28 19 21 20 20 30 12 17 20 22 10 19 25 10 17
380 16 26 18 20 18 18 28 11 16 19 20 9 18 23 9 16
400 16 25 17 19 17 18 27 11 15 18 19 9 17 22 8 15
420 15 24 16 18 16 17 25 10 14 17 18 8 16 21 8 14
440 14 23 15 17 16 16 24 10 14 16 18 8 15 20 8 14
460 13 22 14 16 15 15 23 9 13 16 17 8 14 19 7 13
480 13 21 14 15 14 15 22 9 12 15 16 7 14 19 7 13
500 13 20 13 15 14 14 21 9 12 15 15 7 13 18 7 12
520 12 19 13 14 13 14 20 8 12 14 15 7 13 17 6 12
540 12 18 12 14 13 13 20 8 11 14 14 7 12 17 6 11
300 21 24 15 15 23 11 15 14 35 24 17 17 32 24 14 15 22 22 24 27 15 13
350 18 21 13 13 20 9 13 12 30 21 14 15 27 21 12 13 19 19 21 23 13 11
380 16 19 12 12 18 8 12 11 28 19 13 14 25 19 11 12 18 17 19 22 12 10
400 15 18 11 11 17 8 11 11 26 18 12 13 23 18 10 11 16 16 18 20 12 10
420 15 17 11 11 17 7 11 10 25 17 12 12 22 17 9 11 16 15 17 19 11 9
440 15 16 10 10 16 7 10 10 24 17 11 12 21 16 9 10 15 15 16 18 11 9
460 14 16 10 10 15 7 10 9 23 16 11 11 20 16 9 10 14 14 16 18 10 8
480 13 15 9 9 14 6 9 9 22 15 10 11 20 15 8 9 14 13 15 17 10 8
500 13 14 9 9 14 6 9 8 21 15 10 10 19 14 8 9 13 13 14 16 9 8
520 12 14 9 9 13 6 8 8 20 14 9 10 18 14 8 8 13 12 14 16 9 7
540 12 13 8 8 13 6 8 8 20 14 9 9 17 13 7 8 12 12 13 15 9 7
560 11 13 8 8 12 5 8 8 19 13 9 9 17 13 7 8 12 11 13 14 8 7
580 11 12 8 8 12 5 8 7 18 13 8 9 16 12 7 8 11 11 12 14 8 7
600 10 12 7 7 12 5 7 7 18 12 8 8 16 12 7 7 11 11 12 13 8 6
N294115 E713339 N255652 E0680644
N254700 E671000 N2801 E6940 N3000 E7030 N2825 E7000 N283043 E7003 N2813 E6436 N2904 E6141 N2712 E6909 N2816 E2916 N2828 E6936 N2447 E6936 N2857 E6904 N2904 E6905 N2802 E6921 N2657 E685226 N2753 E6533 N2934 E6750 N2838 E6912 N2714 E6852 N2839 E6834 N2450 E6721 N264330 E674010
4000 4000 3000
50 25 75
N2840 E7045
Approach Control Service: Approach Control Service (Procedural / Radar) is being provide by qualified Approach Controller (Procedural/Radar) in the Karachi Terminal Control area through Approach Control Office as under: -
Area of Responsibility: AREA AIRSPACE
Control Zone B
Circle of 25NM centred at Karachi & Masroor GND/WATER to F150. A
Terminal control
within control zone from Fl150 to FL 250 from Control Zone up to50NM above F150 from F050 to F250
Duties of Approach Controller: In all matters pertaining to ATS Operations, Approach Controller is responsible to Shift Manager for the operation of Approach Control Office. In discharging this responsibility, he/she has to perform the following functions: a)
b) c) d) e) f)
Before taking over watch and whenever necessary during the tenure of duty, ensure the availability and record of the following : 1) Current and forecast weather during the tenure of duty. 2) Serviceability status of radio navigational aids, aeronautical ground aids and other connected facilities for aircraft operation. Provide radar/ non-radar approach control service within the area of responsibility in accordance with provisions as contained in AIP and MATS. Provide Flight information service and Alerting service to aircraft operating in his area of responsibility. Coordinate with and pass to concerned sectors of ACC/Tower as prescribed in MATS. Take appropriate action in cases when aircraft are known or believed to be in need of assistance. Take action in accordance with anti-hijacking plan and airport emergency plan as and when required.
A C below F150
g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) p) q)
Maintain continuous radar monitoring while using radar in the provision of approach control / Terminal control services so as to ensure flight safety at all times in the area of responsibility. Provide radar service to aircraft within area of responsibility, in accordance with provisions contained in AIP/MATS and supplementary instructions. Conduct surveillance radar approaches as and when required, subject to workload and equipment reliability. Ensure that the radar equipment is properly aligned and checked in accordance with laid down procedures. Maintain approach control journal and ensure that all matters of significant importance are recorded. Impart on-job-training when authorized to do so. Ensure coordination with concerned duty engineer in case of unserviceability or unsatisfactory performance of radar, communication, navigation or landing aids, and record the same in his logbook. Compile and submit reports on any irregularities in the operation of aircraft as required by Shift Manager. Ensure that the observed weather is passed to MET office and other concerned ATS units. Any other duties assigned by COO, FOO & Shift Manager.
4.4 Aerodromes in TMA: 4.4.1
There are three aerodrome Karachi TMA (including control zone). a b
i) JIAP Karachi. ii) Masroor Military Base. iii) Faisal Military Base.
4.5 Separations between aircraft. 4.5.1
Vertical/ Horizontal or Radar Separation shall be applied in: a) Class A airspace between all IFR flights. b) Class B airspace between all flights. c) Class C airspace: between IFR &IFR IFR from VFR between Special VFR.
Holding Facilities.
Following navigation aids/fixes may be used for holding an aircraft in the air awaiting further clearance. a) b) c) d) e) f)
KO (Locator beacon)
Approach Sequence:
First come and first land procedure shall normally be followed. However in case of Radar plan the sequence in a manner to enable the maximum number of aircraft to land in minimum time interval without causing un-necessary delay to schedule IFR traffic.
Expected Approach Time (EAT) During Non-Radar Operation:
Arriving aircraft shall be notified if there is any delay on arrival. Following time intervals shall be used to determine EAT; a) b) c)
4.9 4.9.1
7-minutes between two successive arrivals (using outer locator). 9-minutes for Jet behind F27. 4-minutes at MARVI, between aircraft established on ILS (timed approach) for aircraft of same similar performance.
Approaches: Following approaches can be carried out at JIAP, Karachi; a) Instrument Approaches: i) ILS Approaches (For Runway25R/L) ii) VOR/DME Approaches for Runway 25R/0 iii) NDB Approaches b) Visual Approaches.
4.10.1. Inter-unit coordination between inter units to be affected on RICS/intercom as per procedure, prescribed in MATS-Pakistan and DOC-4444. 4.11
Operation from WATEJI and CHOTA MALIR STRIPS: Operation from Wateji (245000N672150E) and Chota Malir (254700N671000E) may be conducted by army aviation after necessary approval/clearance from HQCAA/COO. Approach controller should remain careful during such operations to ensure separation with other IFR arrivals departures and other local traffic.
Timed Approaches From MARVI:
4.12.1. Appropriate ATS authority has prescribed special procedures for timed approaches from VOR/DME fix MARVI. These procedures have been prepared for conducting straight-in-ILS/VOR/DME or VOR/DME 65
approaches to runway 25. These procedures have been based on following parameters; (a) Aircraft to maintain an IAS not greeter than 180kts and not less than 150 kts between MARVI and 10 DME on inbound to final approach segment. (b) Approach speeds should be between 180kts and 100kts (indirect). The pilot advise ATC of its estimated approach speed before commencing approach. (c) A transition altitude 4000 feet will be utilised for holding/level flights. (d) A transition level FL060 will be used. (e) Initial approach altitude will be 3000 feet. (f) 2 minutes spacing will be achieved by application of the timed approaches interval ex-MARVI as approached below. 4.12.2. Normally 7 or 9 minutes interval is applied between successive arrivals (EAT) making VOR/DME ILS approaches from MARVI for Runway 25R/25L .In order to expedite arrivals, timed approach procedures may be followed, when: a)
reported ceiling and visibility are equal to or greater than 1000 feet and 5Km .
there is no east bound departure expected during the period via BADIL,PUNAM,DANGI and NANSI. However East bound departure if any, can be accommodated by clearing on appropriate track to ensure lateral separation from the aircraft/holding over MARVI until vertical separation on top of the stack is achieved.
4.12.3. When timed approaches are to be conducted from MARVI, following procedures will be followed for ILS or VOR/DME approaches to runway 25R/L. a) b) c) d)
Minimum holding level to be utilised over MARVI will be 3000 feet on QNH. Subsequent levels to be used should be 4000 feet on QNH, F60, F70, F80 etc Do not use F50 for holding. Advice/arriving aircraft that timed approaches are in progress and issue time check. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Timed approaches are in progress from MARVI to runway 25R or 25L. Check time (minutes) (second)” e)
Instruct aircraft to maintain IAS not greater than 180 knots and not less than 150 knots while on inbound leg between MARVI and 10DME. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Maintain speed not more than 180 knots and not less than 150 knots Indicated when departing MARVI until 10 DME.” 66
Check estimated approach speed (indicated) of aircraft before issuing approach clearance.
Clear first aircraft to 3000 feet and for approach. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Descend to 3000feet cleared for straight in ILS (VOR/DME) approach Runway 25R / 25L.” h)
After issuing approach clearance ask aircraft to report immediately upon departing MARVI and also when leaving 3000 feet on ILS or10 DME for VOR/DME approach and check/record the time accurately. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Report immediately departing MARVI & leaving 3000 feet on glide path/10DME” i)
When the first aircraft departs MARVI, clear the second aircraft to proceed to intercept localizer / to VOR on R-074 at 4000 feet departing MARVI at a specified time spaced at 04 to 05 minute at MARVI inbound depending on aircraft performance. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Depart MARVI at (time) inbound to intercept localizer. Maintain 4000 feet. OR Depart MARVI at (time) on radial 074 inbound to VOR. Maintain 4000 ft.” j) Compute the specified time by adding the minutes required for the following aircraft to the time the proceeding aircraft reported departing MARVI k)
When the first aircraft leaves 3000 feet on glide path / 10DME clear the second aircraft to 3000 feet and for approach.
Clear subsequent arrivals likewise.
Chang over aircraft to tower frequency (118.3MHZ) when crossing 4DME. Use the following phraseology.
“Crossing 4DME contact Karachi tower on 1183 .Report leaving this frequency.” n)
When weather is marginal for circling minima, clear the first following aircraft beyond final fix (10DME) only when the preceding aircraft reports visual and landing is assured.
If an aircraft misses approach (not due to weather) direct it to an alternate fix or on the top of stack. Let the following aircraft to continue approach. 67
Advise Tower of spacing being used between aircraft (time or distance).
Tower shall ensure that landing aircraft expeditiously clears the runway in use. Following phraseology shall be used.
“Clear to land runway 25R/25L. After landing expedite vacating runway Traffic (aircraft type) 2 minutes or 5miles behind.” 4.13
Radar Approach Control: Radar Control services is being provide by Karachi Approach in Karachi TMA in accordance with the procedures prescribed the MATS- Pakistan. 2
Radar advisory Service may be provided by Karachi Approach Radar to Aircraft outside of Controlled Airspace and yet within Radar coverage on an “ as required “ basis.
Vectoring Approaches:
4.14.1. A Vectoring Approach is generally used to position an aircraft onto final Approach or other circuit positions, at circuit altitude and speed, for visual approach. A vectoring approach may be used to position an IFR aircraft to a pilot-interpreted approach aid. Aircraft destined for Karachi, Shahra-e-Faisal/ Masroor, may request vectoring approaches. Such approaches are generally requested in I.M.C or in poor visibility conditions or when let down at Karachi /Masroor is not available or feasible. 4.14.2. Karachi approach controllers shall utilize the radar derived data to expedite arriving aircraft. This will not only reduce the fuel cost of the operators but also save the precious foreign exchange as well as time of the passengers. It will also result in reducing the pollution and thus will provide better environment. 4.14.3. After establishing positive Radar contact, Karachi Approach will position the aircraft on the extended centre line of the runway is use, about 3NM from the runway threshold at a height of 1500 feet. The aircraft may be brought down to 1000 feet. Approach controller shall; a) b)
advise the aircraft to execute missed approach and; issue appropriate ATC instructions.
4.14.4. control of the aircraft shall be transferred to aerodrome control tower, when the pilot reports visual contact with the runway-is-use. 68
4.14.5. whenever an aircraft is vectored to position on aircraft to a pilot interpreted aid the approach controller shall adhere the procedures prescribed for that particular aid. 4.14.6. the minimum vectoring altitude for instrument and visual approaches is as under; a)
Minimum sector altitudes as published in AIP shall be adhered strictly. The details are reproduced below; (i) (ii) (iii)
Bearing 030 – 050 Bearing 050 – 300 Bearing 300 – 030
3700´ 2600´ 4100´
Within 10NM from Karachi excluding North West sector and Masroor circuit, the minimum vectoring altitude shall be 3000 feet. However within 10NM east/south east of Karachi and within Karachi aerodrome traffic zone 2000 feet may be used during day.
Within 5NM from Karachi 2000 feet.
4.14.7. The approach gate for runway 25R is; At 10NM for 3000 feet. At 7NM for 2000 feet. 4.15
Radar Alignment Check:
4.15.1. The Approach Radar Controller shall to check the alignment of radar as follows: a) b) c) d)
by correlating the runway map and the radar position indications of departing aircraft from Karachi. (Faisal/Masroor). by correlating the radar blip and the corresponding radar position symbol /SSR response, by correlating the radar position indication of an aircraft reported to be established on ILS and the runway centre line depicted on the radar display. by means of permanent echoes observed on radar as given below: i) ii) iii)
Microwave Tower (245332N670340E) on bearing257degrees and 0.5 NM from Radar antenna. H.T power station (245834N670920E) on bearing 002degrees and 0.4 NM from Radar antenna. Turning link of HT Wire in SE sector (245016N671829E) on bearing117degrees and 10NM from Radar antenna.
by checking distance and bearing check of Test Transponder A0020 observed on Radarscope, (110NM on bearing 187 from Karachi VOR). 69
4.15.2. Approach Controller shall carry out alignment checks while taking over watch. He should also carry out alignment checks thereafter as and when deemed appropriate. 4.16
Monitoring Approaches:
4.16.1 Approach Controller utilising Radar to monitor IFR approaches are responsible for maintaining minimum separation between aircraft on final approach from the approach fix to the Airport. The Approach Controller shall monitor approaches in their entire phase, even after transferring the control of aircraft to the aerodrome control tower. 4.16.2. When approaches are being monitored on Radar, the Radar serves only as a secondary aid, since the pilot has selected the Navigational Aid as the primary aid for the approach. 4.17Speed Adjustment: 4.17.1. To avoid excessive vectoring in sequencing of arrivals and to achieve a safe and expeditious flow of air traffic, pilots of radar controlled arriving aircraft may be requested to adjust aircraft speed in accordance with the procedures outlined in relevant documents. 4.17.2. All speed adjustment requests shall be expressed in terms of knots and shall be predicted on indicated air speed(IAS). 4.17.3. Controllers should avoid speed adjustment requests which require alternate decreases and increases of speed. Controllers should also avoid specifying a ……………. “MINIMUM SUFFICE.”
4.17.4. Speed adjustment is not a substitute for good vectoring technique and therefore should be applied only when necessary. 4.17.5. Controllers may request a flight to reduce to or maintain a specified speed or to increase or decrease speed by specified amounts utilising increments of ten knots or multiples thereof. 4.17.6. Unless prior concurrence of pilot in the use of a lower speed is obtained, speed adjustment requests for an arriving flight to maintain a specified speed shall be made in accordance with the minima’s given in the table on next page;
1 Multi-engine turbo-jet & propeller driven
Not less than 250 knots
2 Do
3 Do
Not less than 200 knots
4 Multi-engine turbo-jet 5 Multi-engine propeller driven
Less than 20NM
Not less than 180 knots
Not less than 150 knots
6 All
Less than 10NM on final approach for landing
Not less than the designated approach speed given by the pilot
4.17.7. Utilization of the minimum speeds as above for propeller driven aircraft will sometimes be impractical since some aircraft in this category cruise at lower speeds and cannot attain the speeds specified. 4.17.8. When the Controller determines that the application of speed adjustment is no longer required, he shall so inform the pilot concerned by advising the aircraft to resume normal speed.
4.18 Surveillance Radar Approaches (SRAs): 4.18.1 Surveillance Radar Approaches shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures contained in MATS section 3 chapter 2. 4.18.2 SRAs shall be provided by Approach Radar controller for Runway 25R/07L at Karachi. 4.18.3 SRAs may be provided by Approach Radar controller for Runway 09/27 at Masroor. 4.18.4 SRAs shall be terminated at 2NM from touchdown. 4.18.5 The published minima for SRAs provided by Karachi Approach is as under;
400feet & 1 NM 700feet & 2NM 71
4.18.6 All radar controllers with valid ratings have to conduct SRAs to maintain the validity of their rating by completing a minimum of FOUR practice or actual SRAs in a calendar month.4.18.7 25 practice SRAs are to be conducted by a Approach Radar trainee during his OJT to qualify for grant of rating, with pilot concurrence and in VMC only, under direct supervision of an OJTI 4.18.7 The approach radar controller shall provide the following to the pilot us command while conducting surveillance radar approach; a) b) c) d)
Current altimeter setting prior to start of Surveillance Approach. Current weather whenever reported ceiling and / or visibility is at or below the highest circling minimum for the Airport concerned. Pertinent Airfield conditions which are considered necessary for safe aircraft operation. Surface wind velocity and any subsequent variation thereto along with direction.
4.18.8 Pilot shall be advised of the runway to which the approach will be made. Recommended mean sea level altitudes will be furnished at each mile on final. Additionally final approach airspeed shall be requested and obtained from aircraft to enable the controller to determine an approximate rate of descent. 4.18.9 As soon as practicable after an aircraft is identified the pilot shall be instructed about the procedure to be followed in the event of radio communication failure/lass of communication. 4.18.10.Descent profile: i.
ii. iii.
The initial approach altitude for surveillance approach shall be 3000 ft AMSL within 20 NM from KAR/MSR/FSL unless an aircraft is already operating at an altitude of less than 3000 feet but preferably not less than 2000 feet AMSL. Further descent to 1600 feet shall be given when the aircraft is within 10NM radius of Airport or when it is clear of obstructions. A/C shall be asked to maintain an altitude of 1600ft from the approach end of the runway in use until a specified distance and shall be instructed to commence descent at the specified rate the specified rate. The airspeed obtained shall be used to determine the approximate final approach rate of descent in the following manner: Subtract or add the surface wind velocity( depending upon whether it is a head wind or tail wind component respectively) 72
Calculate the rate of descent for a given ground speed on a final approach of three degree glide slope by dividing the ground speed by two and adding a zero to the quotient. The resulting figure is the desired rate of descent in feet per minute. While on downwind leg, the pilot shall be advised to perform cockpit checks for landing. This advice shall be issued in sufficient time to allow completion of checks prior to turning the base-leg. When an incomplete pattern is used, the pilot shall be advised to perform cockpit checks prior to starting descent on final approach.
The pilot shall be advised of his position at least once prior to the start of final approach.
Prior to start of final descent the pilot shall be given the recommended rate of descent and notice of commencing instructions for descent. 4.18.16
Prior to the start of descent the pilot shall be instructed as to the procedure to be followed in the event radio communications are lost on final approach.
When the aircraft reaches the point on final approach from where descent is to commence, the pilot shall be advised to start descent and not to acknowledge further transmissions.
After descent is started on final, he shall be issued corrective guidance when necessary to return his aircraft to the prescribed course and shall be advised of the distance of aircraft from the end of the runway at each mile. Concurrently recommended altitudes shall be specified at each mile, except that no altitude shall be specified for the point, one mile from the end of the runway.
On final approach the pilot shall be issued the clearance to land, touch and go or execute low approach as obtained from the tower. When such clearance is not received or is cancelled the pilot shall be so advised and alternative instructions issued.
When a surveillance approach is being conducted during IFR conditions the pilot shall be requested to report when he has the runway in sight.
If the pilot has reported the runway in sight prior to reaching the one-mile point surveillance approach may be discontinued and landing or other clearance be issued. If however the pilot does not report the runway in sight prior to one mile from the end of the runway, he shall be instructed at that point to execute missed approach. 73
When a flight with a malfunctioning directional gyro make a surveillance approach, the pilot shall be advised prior to the issuance of vectors to make all turns at the standard rate and to execute turns immediately upon receipt of instructions.
After the aircraft has been turned on to final approach, he pilot shall be advised to make turns at half standard rate.
Coordination with Aerodrome Control Tower: a)
After receiving a request for a surveillance radar approach from an aircraft, Approach controller shall inform the tower about the same, as early as possible, giving pertinent details of the flight such as call sign, type and latest position of the aircraft. b) Approach Controller shall advise the Tower when the aircraft is at 6 and 3 miles respectively from the runway. c) Aerodrome Controller upon receiving 6 and 3 miles information shall advise the approach Controller as to whether landing clearance is granted or refused. d) A surveillance radar approach for runway 07L shall not be commenced unless prior coordination with Masroor has been effected. Prior to conducting a surveillance approach, the Controller shall ensure that the scope is properly aligned and there is no apparent drift in the synthetic map.
Whenever a surveillance radar approach is conducted by a trainee for practice purposes, the following conditions shall be met: a) b)
Flight conditions correspond to V M C irrespective of day or night. Pilot shall be informed in the following manner “This will be a practice surveillance approach conducted by a supervised trainee�
Pilot agrees to participate in such an approach.
Surveillance Radar Approach at Masroor is to be conducted only after the approval for the same is received from Masroor ATC.
Whenever a PAF jet aircraft is given a surveillance approaches at Masroor or Karachi, the pilot should be asked to recheck gears down and locked at or little before 5 miles from threshold. It must be ensured that this transmission is acknowledged. 74
4.18.28 PATH
TYPICAL RATES OF DESCENT FOR A 3 – DEGREES GLIDE GROUND SPEED 40 kts 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
RATE OF DESCENT 200 feet/minute 250 feet/minute 300 feet/minute 350 feet/minute 400 feet/minute 450 feet/minute 500 feet/minute 550 feet/minute 600 feet/minute 650 feet/minute 700 feet/minute 750 feet/minute 800 feet/minute 850 feet/minute 900 feet/minute
Note: Using the ground speed resulting determine the approximate rate of descent per minute from the table.
Arrivals- General:
4.19.1 The provision of radar approach control service to arriving traffic at Karachi Airport is achieved by Karachi Approach control by vectoring and metering spacing in terms of required landing interval) of all arrivals either for a visual approach or to an approach aid appropriate to the runway-in-use. 4.19.2 If an arriving aircraft does not indicate that she has received the current ATIS broad cast, the Approach Controller has to pass the latest weather and airfield conditions to the aircraft. 4.19.3 It is the responsibility of Approach Controller to immediately relay all changes in weather (RVR) and airfield conditions to all arrivals under his control and in direct communication with him. 4.19.4 Designation of the runway-in-use is the prerogative of the Aerodrome Controller, but all changes to this designation shall be coordinated with the Approach Controller will in time. 4.19.5 Aircraft requests to use other approaches or runways must be coordinated with Aerodrome controller and shall be accommodated if possible. Such requests should be refused or defered if it results in delay to other traffic. 75
4.19.6 The Approach Controller shall keep the Aerodrome Controller updated about the landing sequence of arriving aircraft. 4.19.7 Normally all aircraft in a series of arrival expect to carry out the same type of approach to land in turn on the same runway. The type of approach to be executed by each one of the series of arriving aircraft need not be repeated to the Aerodrome Controller unless it differs significantly from other in the sequence. 4.19.8 Area Control has to co-ordinate arrivals coming from airspace under its jurisdiction by ensuring that flight plan estimates have been passed to Approach at least five minutes before the aircraft is expected to enter the TMA. The changes in the CPL shall also be passed to approach control without delay. 4.19.9 Area Control has to clear inbound aircraft, to MARVI fix via the appropriate STAR. ACC E/W controllers shall coordinate with approach about the levels below FL 250. level to which an aircraft is cleared shall be passed invariably. 4.19.10 When ETA’s at the Marvi fix indicate traffic in excess of the approach acceptance rate (sequencing interval) Area Controllers shall issue clearance to hold over Marvi with appropriate EAT. Approach Controllers shall be informed accordingly. 4.19.11 Area control will transfer the control of inbound traffic to Approach at so DME from Karachi or at any other position agreed by then. Approach Controller shall not give climb above the last assigned level by ACC arriving aircraft unless prior coordination has been affected with concerned ACC Controller. 4.19.12 Approach Controller will not normally provide advisories to aircraft after crossing final approach fix to the runway except when radar reveals a situation, which in the opinion of the controller, is likely to affect safety of the flight.
Arrivals to Runway 07L/R at Karachi:
4.20.1 There is no instrument approach procedure for arrivals on runway 07L/R at Karachi other than execution of an instrument approach to runway 25R followed by a visual circling approach to land on runway 07L/R. 4.20.2 When the runway 07L/R are in use and weather conditions permit Approach Radar Controller shall vector arrivals to position them on final approach, aligned with runway approximately four miles from touchdown and at an altitude of 1600 feet. The aircraft may be cleared descend to 1600 feet AMSL when within 10NM of the Karachi VOR/DME. 4.20.3. If the pilot does not report the runway or PAPI’s in-sight at a range of 3NM and at an altitude of 1600 feet, the aircraft may be given descend to an altitude of 1000 feet. 76
4.20.4 If the pilot does not have the Runway or PAPI’s in sight at 1000 feet, he shall be instructed to execute a go round and given appropriate climb /vector instructions. 4.20.5 When weather conditions do not permit vectoring approaches to runway 07L and yet permit Surveillance Radar approaches with reasonable assurance of a landing, SRA’s will be carried out for runway 07L arrivals. Coordination shall be affected with Masroor ATC. 4.20.6 While vectoring arriving aircraft to final runway 07L/R the airspace within 5NM of Masroor is not to be penetrated unless co-ordinated with Masroor. 4.20.7 During poor visibility coordination’s the landing clearance to arriving aircraft shall not be issued until the pilot reports PAPIS / RWY 07L in sight.
4.21. Visual Approaches: 4.21.1 The visual approach shall be subject to the following conditions: i) Pilot reports Aerodrome insight and can maintain visual reference to terrain. ii)
Traffic conditions permit resolution of traffic conflictions and sequencing.
Weather conditions, the reported ceiling is not below the vectoring altitude and the visibility permits the visual approach and reasonable assurance exists that the landing will be accomplished visually.
4.21.2 Visual approach for RWY 25R/L is usually requested by aircraft inbound via “KA” and KAJAL. The aircraft inbound via BADIL, PUNAM and NANSI being in position for straight in ILS approach, should be vectored for ILS approach as per existing procedures. Unless otherwise requested by the pilot. 4.21.3 The aircraft shall be vectored to an appropriate position in the circuit from where the aircraft can have the runway insight for visual approach. 4.21.4 Appropriate separation minima’s shall be maintained between aircraft carrying out visual approach and other arriving and departing aircraft. 4.21.5
Procedure for visual approach for RWY 07L/R is as under: i)
When radar is available, depending upon the direction of approach, the aircraft should be provided with radar vectors for visual approach to runway 07L/R to position it on final approach via left/ right base. 77
Traffic inbound from “KA” shall, when 10NM be given appropriate vectors to position the aircraft at 4NM on final approach for runway 07L/R.
The aircraft shall be kept at 2000feet till 5NM right/left base runway 07L/R and thereafter given further descent to1600feet. Further descent to 1000feet can be given if the aircraft does not report runway insight at 4NM.
Marginal / Poor Visibility Conditions:
In case of marginal / poor visibility / low ceiling, extreme care shall be exercised for monitoring the aircraft while it is on a radar vector. For achieving an uninterrupted approach, advance and timely coordination shall be effected with Masroor ATC. Civil traffic shall be kept well clear of Masroor aerodrome traffic circuit to avoid confliction with PAF aircraft.
Landing Clearance:
When radar is available, aircraft should be vectored until fully established on final approach course runway 07L/R and continue to monitor till such time the aircraft has landed or the Aerodrome Controller has confirmed the aircraft insight and on final. Aircraft shall be kept on approach frequency till 3NM from runway 07L/R. Caution must be given regarding runway 08 of Faisal base, preferably using this phraseology. “ CLEARED VISUAL APPROACH RUNWAY 07L (07R). CAUSION RUNWAY 08 SHAHRA -EFAISAL SITUATED 2 NAUTICAL MILES SOUTH WEST OF RUNWAY 07L /07R.” Strobe lights and PAPI for runway 07L/R should invariably be switched on and landing clearance to aircraft for runway 07L/R should be given after getting confirmation from the aircraft that it is established on PAPI or STROBE lights for runway 07L insight.
4.24 Masroor Operation: 4.24.1 Aerodrome Traffic circuit A radius of 5NM centered at Masroor, vertical limit upto 1500 feet. 4.24.2 Airspace reservation for military operations: i.
PAF Training Area, Sonmiani Firing Area, Air to Air Firing Area (Area Foxtrot), Climb/Descent Area, Low Flying Area. 78
There shall be complete freedom for PAF operations when their aircraft are operating within the airspace over the above mentioned areas at all times except that they shall not operate above 2000 feet in the low flying area where civil aircraft are permitted to operate at 3000feet or above, and aircraft operations in climb/descent area shall be subject to clearance from Karachi Approach to avoid any conflict with west in/out civil traffic operating via BEGIM. No civil aircraft shall operate at any time over the areas mentioned above except west in/out civil traffic operating via BEGIM which shall be informed in advance by Karachi Approach to Masroor. PAF aircraft operating in low flying area will avoid an area of 10NM radius around Nawabshah and Hyderabad airfield.
4.24.3 Operation in control Zone: The following PAF operations shall be confined in the western section of the control zone; a)
PAF Operation over Sonmiani: i.
PAF aircraft will operate at or below FL130 over Sonmiani Range. ii. Civil aircraft inbound via KAJAL will maintain FL140 until North Masroor intersection or when observed on radar, to be clear of essential traffic. iii. Civil flights routing via KAJAL below FL140 shall be coordinated with Masroor well in advance. Masroor will in turn, ensure that none of their flights operating over Sonmiani conflicts with such civil traffic. iv. Positive co-ordination between Karachi and Masroor will be effected on all matters relating to such operations. Karachi Radar/Approach will continue to feed civil traffic movement (west bound/west in) information to Masroor. Training Area Departures: After getting airborne from Masroor aircraft shall remain at 1500ft till 5 NM due North of Masroor Traffic Zone i.e. 10 NM from Masroor. They will then continue climb to be not above FL50. Further climb shall only be made after the aircraft are inside the Training Area. WAIVER PAF Masroor/MMR may obtain block time clearance from Karachi Approach for unrestricted climb/descent of PAF aircraft operating within the corridor joining Masroor with Training Area. Such block time clearance shall be subject to termination at 10 minutes or more advance notice. High Level Holding and Instrument Approach: i. Aircraft returning from the training area shall hold in the Masroor high level holding pattern between FL180 79
and FL300 (inclusive). However, they may operate above FL300 with prior ATC clearance from Karachi Approach/Radar provided they have two way R/T contact with Karachi Radar/Approach. The NDB instrument approach shall be to the south, outbound track 210° and inbound track 360°. Aircraft shall commence descent from FL180 or above when proceeding out-bound from Masroor Beacon (i.e. Beacon Two). When inbound, aircraft shall be at 2000 ft. or below from 10NM south of Masroor, i.e. well before the coastline. ii. Whenever area “ALPHA” is active, PAF aircraft shall carry out beacon let-down at Karachi Airport and thereafter proceed to Masroor maintaining visual reference with the ground. Practice let-down at Karachi Airport by PAF aircraft shall only be permitted when traffic conditions permit. In this connection direct coordination between Karachi Approach and Masroor ATC shall be effected. iii. High level jet approaches shall not be conducted without prior clearance from Karachi Radar/Approach. When clearance is delayed due civil traffic PAF jets shall hold in the Masroor holding pattern. If PAF aircraft in emergency is to leave the holding point to conduct instrument approach for landing, Karachi ATC shall immediately be notified. iv. Any individual PAF high level instrument approach conflicting with a civil west-in arrival and/or west-bound departure, may still be permitted provided: a) Radar performance is adequate and satisfactory, b) Both the aircraft are positively radar identified, c) Both the aircraft are in radio contact with Karachi, d) Radar/Vertical separation can be provided by Karachi Radar, e) Work load of the Radar Controller permits to achieve the objective, Departure to and Arrival from air to air firing area: i. The aircraft shall remain at 2000ft or below when within 10 NM of Masroor. They shall climb above 2000ft or descend to 2000ft in the climb/descend area beyond 10 NM south of Masroor. As an alternative route (During day in VMC) they could proceed at any level between FL180 and FL300 from PAF Training area to area “FOXTROT” via NDB Masroor, or with prior ATC clearance from Karachi Radar/Approach proceed at any level direct from Training Area to Area “FOXTROT”. ii. PAF operation referred to in para (i) above shall not be permitted without prior-clearance from Karachi Radar/Approach. 80
WAIVER: PAF aircraft may proceed from Masroor direct to area ‘F’ provided that the aircraft is positively identified by Karachi Radar, who shall provide separation from civil traffic. The same procedure shall be followed when the aircraft returns from area ‘F’. e)
Standard Air Test (Jet aircraft) Procedure: This flight shall be carried out during day in VMC. The aircraft may operate between flight levels 70 and 150 within 10NM of Masroor or Karachi Airport for a maximum duration of 15 minutes. Prior to take off, a block time clearance shall be obtained from Karachi Radar/Approach. This clearance shall be given when traffic conditions permit and will specify the area of flight in relation to Masroor or Karachi Airport. Once the aircraft is in flight, it shall operate on a priority basis and its exercise will not be cancelled except in case of emergency.
Flag Aircraft Departure and Arrival from Air to Air Firing Area (i)
This flight shall be operated during day preferably in VMC. The standard routing shall be: Departure :– Proceed on track 280° climbing till the coastline, then proceed south following the coast in climb to be FL160 south of Masroor, then proceed at this level to the Firing Area via Korangi Arrival : – Same routing as above. Aircraft to maintain FL160 till south of Masroor, then descend to be 1500 feet west of Masroor.
A standard flight plan to cover the departure and arrival shall be filed with Karachi Radar/Approach. Clearance shall normally be given unless traffic conditions do not permit. Delay on the ground shall be acceptable to Flag aircraft due other traffic with Karachi Radar/Approach. Once the aircraft is in flight it shall proceed and return on a priority basis in accordance with the approved clearance and no other restrictions or delays shall be maintained between this and other civil traffic if any. Flag aircraft shall be handed over by Masroor to Karachi Radar/Approach when leaving Masroor circuit, and by Karachi Radar/Approach to Masroor when entering Masroor circuit. WAIVER: To avoid delay to flag aircraft/civil traffic, radar separation may be provided by Karachi Radar between PAF flag aircraft and other traffic provided both are positively radar identified and are in contact with Karachi Radar.
Hot Scramble Operation from Masroor: 81
In addition to PAF defence exercises, hot scramble aircraft will operate, at any time, under the following conditions: i.
PAF Badin SOC will give 5 minutes advance notice to Karachi Radar/approach in respect of a hot scramble and its initial vector to be flown, ii. Aircraft will contact Karachi Radar/Approach on channel five immediately after departure from Masroor and will remain on that frequency till the aircraft is clear of civil traffic or above FL200. If no conflict wit civil traffic is likely the aircraft may be asked to change to PAF Badin SOC directly. iii. Aircraft when on an initial vector to east will cross overhead Karachi Airport not less than FL80. iv. Karachi Radar/Approach, on receiving initial notice from Badin SOC will adjust its civil traffic accordingly so that no conflict with scramble aircraft will arise. GCA Let Down at Masroor: (i)
Following block timings may be utilized for GCA let down at Masroor; 0800 1145
0930 Hours 1245 Hours
Note: These timings can by changed by COO JIAP, Karachi commensurate with International/Domestic timely Airlines schedule. (ii)
PAF Masroor shall affed coordination with Karachi Approach for GCA let down. (iii)
If GCA is in Progress: Karachi approach shall maintain separation between civil aircraft and PAF aircraft until the GCA aircraft is in Masroor circuit at 1500 feet and below. This may involve holdings and delay when necessary. Thereafter no GCA approaches will be allowed till the civil aircraft for Karachi Airport has landed.
If no GCA is in Progress: Masroor will not allow GCA approaches till civil aircraft lands. All military aircraft will remain within the existing agreements. WAIVER: Arrivals May not be delayed and/or GCA approaches may be continued if normal operation, consistent with safety, can be continued with help of radar.
If GCA is in Progress a Departure from JIAP Karachi: Will be delayed till the GCA aircraft enters the Masroor circuit. Thereafter the departure may take-off and no further GCA 82
approaches will be given by Masrror till the civil aircraft is well separated either est of Karachi Airport or west of Masroor. (vi)
If no GCA is in Progress: Masroor will not commence any GCA approaches and the civil departure aircraft be cleared for take-off GCA approaches may then commence after the civil departure is well clear east of Karachi airport or west of Masroor.
In the event of emergencies, PAF aircraft will clear the air-space as required for civil traffic in emergency and vice versa.
In the event of Masroor Runway getting blocked, the PAF aircraft may divert and land at Karachi Airport. Following procedures shall be followed to ensure safe and smooth operation of air traffic during such period; a)
e) f) g)
Masroor ATC will immediately inform Karachi Approach. Whenever Masroor runway is blocked. b) Masroor ATC will transmit a call on Guard frequency to all aircraft in the air informing them of Masroor runway getting blocked. c) PAF Jet aircraft diverting from PAF training area will contact Karachi approach on appropriate UHF channel and will comply with the instructions issued by Karachi approach. d) Aircraft diverting from Masroor circuit will contact Karachi approach on appropriate UHF channel and will join Karachi circuit according to the instructions given by Karachi approach. PAF Jet aircraft joining Karachi circuit for runway 25R will report position INITIAL at altitude 2000 feet for right hand pitch and descend to 1500 feet on inner down wind. PAF Jet aircraft joining Karachi circuit for runway 07L will report INITIAL at 2000 feet for a left hand pitch and descend to 1500 feet on the inner down wind leg. The aircraft after going around may request for closed circuit pattern (i.e. the aircraft will turn right for runway 25R and left for runway 07L after going around to intercept downwind for the respective runways followed by base leg and subsequent approach. The aircraft will climb and maintain 1500 feet in the pattern. During this pattern the report point “OPPOSITE�, indicates that aircraft is half way down on the down wind leg.
Minimum Noise Track & Associated Procedures: 83
a) b)
All arrivals and departures shall follow the published noise abatement procedures as applicable. Straight-in approaches for runway-07 under radar control may be permitted provided necessary coordination with Masroor has been effected.
4.27 Military Aircraft with only UHF Radio Operating in Civil Airspace: Military aircraft except aerodrome traffic operating with UHF radio for communication in civil airspace shall maintain two way communication with Karachi Approach/Karachi Control as appropriate on the designated UHF channel.
Control of Masroor & Faisal Arrivals:
Karachi Approach (Radar) will;
Vector all Masroor and Faisal arrivals either for a vectored approach to the appropriate runway or, in case of Masroor for Surveillance Approach if so requested by aircraft.
Position the aircraft in line with the runway-in- use at about 3NM from the threshold and at an altitude of 1600 feet after establishing positive radar contact transfer the control of aircraft Faisal or Masroor when the transfer aircraft reports visual contact with the runway.
Give descend to 1100 feet if the aircraft do not report runway in sight of 1600 feet.
Will be instructed to execute a missed approach and issue an appropriate clearance / instructions. If the pilot does not have runway in sight at 1100 feet at 1NM from runway.
Discontinuation of Radar Approaches:
4.29.1 When a Radar Approach connot be continued due to any circum-stances e.g. Radar contact having been lost, the amount of Radar clutter, failure or malfunction of the radar Equipment or of the associated air-ground communication, the aircraft should be immediately informed as applicable, that a Radar Approach or continuation there of is not possible and: a)
If the aircraft has not commenced final approach, it should be cleared to an appropriate facility for an alternative approach, in which case non-radar separation shall be provided.
If the aircraft has commenced final approach, the approach may be continued if this is possible using non-radar facilities or if the 84
pilot reports that he can complete his approach visually, otherwise an alternative clearance should be given as in (a).
4.30. Missed Approaches: 4.30.1 An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to execute a missed approach; a) when the aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach, or b) for reasons involving traffic conflictions, or c) if no clearance to land has been received from the Aerodrome Controller by the time the aircraft reaches a distance of two nautical miles from the runway. In all such cases the reason for the instruction or the advice should be given to the pilot.
4.31 Activation of AREA ALPHA: a) b) c)
d) e) 4.32.
Advance notice in respect of activation of AREA ALPHA shall be given by Pakistan Navy. According to the agreement with NAVAL authorities, the firing can be stopped on 15 minutes notice. In order to stop firing, information regarding expected movement is to be passed to Naval authorities at least 15 minutes prior to the time the aircraft is expected to operate through the DANGER AREA. When the traffic is clear of the firing area, the approach controller has to inform Naval authorities accordingly, so that firing may be resumed. If possible, block timings for firing may be given to Naval authorities. In case of any emergency area ALPHA can be deactivated at 10 minutes notice.
PAF LET DOWN at Karachi Airport when AREA ALPHA is
active: 4.32.1 When area ALPHA is active, PAF aircraft may request instrument approaches at Karachi using the Karachi NDB. 4.32.2 Karachi approach for PAF aircraft will be outbound 100 degrees and inbound 250 degrees. 4.32.3 Weather minima for beacon let down in respect of PAF aircraft at Karachi airport will be 1000 feet and 1.0NM for day and 2.0NM for night. 4.32.4 PAF aircraft desiring to carry out practice let down over Karachi will obtain prior permission from Karachi radar to do so and the latter will allow such let down only when traffic condition permit.
4.32.5 PAF aircraft carrying out practice let down over Karachi will not descend below 2000 feet for beacon 3 (reporting over the beacon after the completion of let-down) after beacons 3 the aircraft will proceed to Masroor at 2000 feet maintaining VMC Aircraft are not permitted to fly lower than 2000 feet over Karachi City in VMC.
4.32.6 If radar is available and can provide more expeditious service to aircraft; Karachi Approach shall so advice. Suggested phraseology is as follows: “Unable to approve NDB Approach at Karachi due traffic suggest you to accept radar vectoring to final approach Runway _______�. 4.32.7 If weather conditions so indicate, Approach Controller should offer a Surveillance Radar Approach instead. 4.32.8 Whenever the cloud base over Masroor is below 1000, feet but above 700 feet with a visibility of 1NM for day and 2NM, for night PAF aircraft may request a Surveillance Radar Approach to runway 27 at Masroor from Karachi Approach. For landing on runway-09,a circling approach will be made after visual contact has been established with the runway. 4.32.9 Whenever the cloud base at Masroor is 700 to 500 feet with a visibility of one NM by day and two NM for night, they may utilize Karachi Radar for a surveillance approach to Karachi Airport and may land there. Note: The above conditions are to meet the emergency situations where an aircraft is unable to proceed to Nawabshah due shortage of fuel. 4.32.10 In case PAF aircraft lands during night hours may be parked in front of PIAC hangers in coordination with PAF engineers and during day towards PAF Pens. Area should be kept clean for the purpose through airside staff.
NAVAL OPERATIONS: Pakistan Navy carries out their operations from Faisal on regular basis Following procedures are being followed when any aircraft leaves Faisal circuit for Off circuit operation;
Helicopter Flying Area over Sea ( Area X-Ray)
Helicopter may fly over sea in an area, south and west of Cape-Monze, named as area X-Ray, bounded by following coordinates with maximum height of 7000feet:
Helicopter operation in area X-ray is subject following conditions; a) b) c)
File a flight plan with Karachi ATC. Obtain ATC clearance from Karachi Approach through Karachi Tower. Obtain release from Karachi Tower (Karachi Tower will obtain release from Karachi Approach).
Helicopters will proceed direct to area X-ray at 500 feet AMSL or any other level assigned by Karachi Approach.
Helicopters shall maintain two way communications with Karachi approach while flying in Karachi Control Zone. N2445E6330, N2445E6330
In case of radio communication failure, returning helicopter will descend to 250 feet AMSL and proceed direct to OPSF, and report arrival on land line through ATC Sharah-e-Faisal.
When firing area “A”(OPR/108) and “E”(OPR/107) are active, helicopters will effect direct coordination with firing units of these areas and no responsibility will rest in this respect with CAA/Civil ATC.
Military Flying Areas over Land.
Following areas have been established for military operation; (a) An area named as area “VICTOR” located south of Masroor with following coordinates: 2448N6658E,2450N6639E,2450N6630E,2430N6630E,2430N6655E have been established. PN helicopter will operate in this area with prior clearance from Karachi Approach and Masroor ATC. (b)
An area named Area ZULU, located east of GHARO & bounded by following coordinates with upper limit 5000feet AMSL and lower limit surface have been established for naval helicopters. 2442N 6742E, 2445N 6753E, 2435N 6738E, 2437N 6753E & 2442N6740E.
An area named area “YANKEE” located close to area “ZULU” bounded by following coordinates/lines: 2439N 06730E, then along Karachi VOR radial 130, 2420N 06753E, 2504N 06847E, 2504N 06803E, then along railway line, 2445N 06736E, then along Karachi control zone boundary. Lower limit GND upper limit 4000 feet.
Pakistan ARMY Local Flying Area (Sec AIP). Lower limit ground upper limit 5000 feet.
PAF GCI is conducted around Gharo beacon. Upper & lower as required & approved by Karachi approach. 88
Height bands for different areas in flying area over land: Area YANKEE Area ZULU Pak Army Area PAF GCIs Approach
6000feet to 9000feet GND to 4000feet GND to 5000feet As required and approved by Karachi
Following procedures shall be followed in the areas over land: a)
The primary control of the area shall remain with Karachi approach/Area Control.
All operations to/from there areas will be subject to submission the flight plan a day in advance and obtaining departure release and ATC clearance from Karachi APP/TWR. Aircraft shall maintain two wayradio communication with Karachi approach while operating in Karachi Control Zone.
After receipt of flight plans Karachi ACC(East) shall coordinate with SOC
Priority shall be given to Navy and Army aviation aircraft in the area.
In case any aircraft is delayed beyond 30minutes from ETD, Karachi Approach can permit other user to operate.
PAF GCI missions will be adjusted in the area in the same manner .In case the advance flight plan is not received, the GCI will be adjusted at the available height band.
When more than one aircraft are flying in area, they shall be responsible for their own separation. Karachi Approach will provide available traffic information only.
In case of radio communication failure, aircraft returning from areas shall descend to 500feet in the area and proceed to OPSF via GHARO beacon and approach OPSF from south avoiding any conflict with traffic operating at JIAP, Karachi.
Naval aircraft and helicopters on operational mission having filed there flight plan in advance are permitted to depart OPSF without departure release and ATC clearance from Karachi ATC as under; After departure, aircraft/helicopter will make the shorter turn to SOUTH onto track170degrees from OPSF and climb not above 500ft.All such aircraft shall establish two-way radio communication with Karachi Approach before leaving circuit and obtain further ATC route clearance. Faisal Tower shall pass departure time specifying the mission of the flight and the initial route and level without delay to Karachi Tower. 89
Aircraft proceeding on Search and Rescue mission may file flight plan on R/T. Faisal ATC is authorized to clear Search and Rescue aircraft for take off on track 170 maintaining 250feet for helicopters and 500 feet for fixed wing A/Cs without waiting for clearance from Karachi. After leaving Faisal circuit the aircraft are to establish Radio communication with Karachi APP for further clearance.
All aircraft shall maintain two-way radio communication with Karachi Approach, ACC as appropriate while flying in controlled airspace.
Winching Operation: a)
Area Quebic-1 is bounded by a circle of 2NM radius around point 2445.3N 06705.8E
Area quebic-2 is bounded by a circle of 1NM radius around point 2447.7N 06700.1E
The height band of the above areas is from ground/sea level to 500 feet
Exit/entry is to be controlled by Karachi Approach.
Karachi APP/ACC will not repeat/ask flight plan on R/T. However the take off permission would be refused till such time desired information is not passed to Karachi Tower.
Recovery from deep sea mission PN/MSA aircraft returning from deep sea missions shall recover through reporting point “SADHU” (70NM of KC VOR R180) and “WAHID” (70NM of KC VOR R250)
VVIP FLIGHTS: V V I P flights shall be handled in accordance with procedure laid down in AIPPakistan and M.A.T.S.
Control of Departing Aircraft: a)
The approach controller shall issue; (i) (ii)
Appropriate SID etc to the departing IFR aircraft. Appropriate ATC clearance for VFR flights and post the same on the flight progress strip in the appropriate column.
Approach controller shall also post the ATC clearance issued by ACC upon receipt. For this purpose be shall ensure that prior coordination has been affected with concerned ACC sector. 90
The Approach Controller shall release the departing aircraft to the appropriate ACC sector jurisdiction at 50NM from Karachi or when aircraft reaches FL250 which ever is earlier. However ACC sectors and Approach Control may affect transfer of control at any other agreed point. For this purpose position have coordination shall be ensured.
The Approach Controller shall not give climb to an aircraft above the level last assigned by the Area Controller without prior approval and coordination. The approach Controller may impose additional restrictions on departing flight, if necessary to the extant that it does not change the initial ATC clearance issued by the Area Controller unless prior coordination has been effected to that effect.
Approach Controller shall ensure that departing aircraft are established on their assigned routes, before transfer of control. Whenever this is not & practicable so as to ensure standard separation between aircraft, and to facilate climb through radar vectors, coordination with shall be affected well in time.
Night Operation to/from Khas Khaili: Night Operations to / from KHAS KHAILI are permitted by HQCAA vide letter numbers HQCAA/1777/34/GA dated 15th September 1990.Night operation to/from KHAS KHAILI to be conducted in accordance with the following conditions:
IFR operations shall be observed by pilot-in-command
Pilot should be Instrument rated.
Night landing facilities including NDB operations will be the responsibility of the operator.
EMERGENCIES: All emergencies (Accident / Incidence / Occurrence) shall be handled as per concerned SOP’s.
IMPORTANT LOCATIONS IN TMA Approach Radar Controllers must acquire and maintain a good knowledge and appreciation of local geography and topography. The following short list of locations is a minimal expression of this knowledge requirement LOCATIONS BHOLARI CAPE-MONZE GADANI
BEARING 066 257 298 91
017 109 295 101 068 098 081
14NM 24NM 17NM 34NM 68NM 33NM 47NM 355
188 260 257.5 108 103 253 054 325 114.5
23NM 07NM 12.4NM 6.1NM 54NM 43NM 6.5NM 46NM 13NM 12.7NM
Aerodrome Control Service Aerodrome Control Service shall be provided by qualified Aerodrome and Ground Movement Controllers in the vicinity and on the manoeuvring / movement area of aerodrome at JIAP Karachi.
Operation The following units shall be involved in Aerodrome operations at JIAP Karachi: a) b) c) d)
Aerodrome Control Tower. Ground Movement Control. Ground Operation Control. Airside Management Office.
Area of responsibility Following areas falls under the responsibility of above units a) Aerodrome Circuit of Karachi Airport including Faisal circuit. b) Manoeuvring / Movement area of JIAP Karachi.
Airspace Classification. Aerodrome traffic circuits of Karachi and Shahrah-e-Faisal airbase falls in class “C” Airspace.
Duties of Tower Controllers.
Aerodrome Controller: The Aerodrome Controller shall be responsible to Shift Manager for: • • • • • •
Issuing instructions and information to aircraft/vehicles under his/her control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic and preventing collisions between: Aircraft flying in the vicinity of aerodrome, Aircraft in the process of landing and take-off, Aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area immediately before/after entering/vacating runway, Aircraft and any obstructions/vehicles/personnel on or close to the runway, Coordination with ATS/other units as required under existing procedures,
• • • • • • • 5.5.2. b
Obtaining and delivering ATC clearance/instructions to aircraft including those operating from adjacent airfield. Maintaining close liaison with Faisal ATC, Provide alerting service and to take appropriate action when aircraft are known to or believed to be in need of assistance in accordance with laid down procedures, Maintain Aerodrome Controllers logbook and ensure that matters of significant importance are properly/timely logged, Ensure that all instructions issued by COO/FOO/Shift Manager from time to time are complied with; Any other related duty assigned to him by Shift Manager, Keep a close liaison with airside office regarding cleaning inspection and serviceability of Runways/Strips,
Ground Movement Controller. The Ground Movement Controller shall be responsible to Shift Manager • Regulating activities and movement of aircraft, vehicles and other traffic under his control to achieve safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic and to prevent collision between: a. Aircraft, aircraft and other traffic on the apron, taxiways and parking area, b. Aircraft and obstructions on the apron, taxiways and parking area, c. Regulating activities and movement of vehicular/other traffic on Apron, d. Obtaining and delivering of ATC route clearance to departing flight, e. Coordination with other units as required under appropriate procedure, f. Allocating parking stands for arriving and departing flights in coordination with ground movement controller, g. Plan and make allotment of parking stands especially on remote area in efficient manner for their best utilisation, h. Co-ordinate all VVIP/VIP movement in a most efficient manner with various operating agencies, i. Supervise and control Bird Shooters and deploy them in different areas, j. Switching on/off Aeronautical Ground lights operates from control tower, k. One time inspection and ensuring serviceability of all direct lines, telephones, and circuits to be used in emergency and otherwise. He shall also record the same in his journal, l. Any other duty assigned by Shift Supervisor, FOO or COO,
Ground Operation Controller: The Ground operation controller shall be responsible to the Shift Manager for: • Coordination with Ground Movement Controller for parking of arriving and departing aircraft. 95
• • •
• • • •
Allotment of Aero-bridge for arriving and departing aircraft’s in coordination with Airline. Coordination with FIDS and Flight inquiries, Airline operators, Health, Costumes, Immigration for information of arriving / departing flights. Reporting un-serviceability and malfunction of any Aero-bridge or other equipment to complaint reporting center and keep Ground Movement Controller informed of such un-serviceability and also when it resume normal operation. Keeping the Ground Movement Controller informed of any known delay to the departing flights. Inform Fire Station and Ground movement Controller in case of Fire or any other emergency occurring at Jinnah Terminal Operation of Aeronautical Ground lights operating from his Office Any other duty assigned by Shift Supervisor, FOO or COO.
Aerodrome Inspection Inspection of Manoeuvring / Movement areas of the aerodrome and aeronautical ground aids is one of the primary responsibilities of aerodrome controller on duty. All aerodrome/ground movement controllers on duty shall inspect Manoeuvring area at least once during their duty period. Both Tower controllers may relieve each other, turn by turn, during lean traffic period to conduct the inspection Each controller should brief the other regarding his observations and record in the log book. In addition to this they shall also inspect RFF vehicles and generators for standby power supply to operational facilities. The discrepancies or observations if any shall be forwarded to COO / FOO for necessary action. Additional inspections after arrival /departure shall be carried out by fire / airside staff. Following points shall be noted during the inspection and appropriate remedial action be initiated without delay. a) Pavement condition. b) Runway / Taxiway markings. c) Aeronautical ground lights conditions. d) Presence of FOD / contamination. e) General cleanliness. f) Presence of Birds. g) RFF vehicles and Generators providing standby supply to operational facilities h) Any other significant point affecting safety of Aircraft.
Operation of Aneroid Barometers in Control Tower :
Reading of Aneroid Barometers provided in Control Tower shall be taken by duty aerodrome controller once in each shift. A corrective index of +0.6 to be added to the reading obtained and the QNH value thus achieved shall be compared with that provided by the MET and recorded in the logbook.
Cleanliness of Movement Area 96
Increase in the aircraft movement has resulted in continuous use of the Movement area. Hence it is imperative that efforts be maximised to keep the movement area clean of latters/FOD at all times. Manager Airside has been provided with Airside Inspectors along with two Runway Sweepers and twelve Apron cleaners. Runway sweepers shall be deployed from 7: 30AM to 8:00PM. Out side the above mentioned timing, trained SVDs from Fire station could be deployed if required. Apron cleaners shall be deployed on the round the clock basis to collect latter/FOD, to keep the movement area clean. To ensure cleanliness of the entire movement area following action shall be taken by: a)
Action by Duty Aerodrome Controller i) ii) iii)
Action by Manager Airside i) ii) iii) iv)
Carry out daily inspection of the movement area & to apprise DATCO of the inspection for recording. Maintain a record of observation / work required. Record on the spot instructions issued. Submit the logbook to the COO and/or Airport Director as and when required.
Action by Duty Airside Inspector i) ii) iii) iv) v)
Carryout inspection of the movement area before taking over watch and record his observations in the log book. Initiate measures to remove litter, if any Report to MAS/COO in case of problem requiring resolution by them.
Remain watchful and vigilant on the apron at all times and carry out inspection after regular intervals, Inspect the affected area and ensure that it has been properly cleaned. Deploy manpower for removal of litter / objects reported or observed or oil spillage etc on Bays. Maintain logbook for the tenure of his duty and make all entries of his actions. Report to Manager Airside about all the cases beyond his competence.
Vehicular Traffic on the Movement Area. i)
No vehicle shall be allowed to operate on the apron without valid apron vehicle permit (AVP). Vehicle shall be driven by a licensed driver holding a valid apron-driving permit. The vehicle shall remain within the area marked for vehicular traffic and will conform to the rules and regulations/instructions issued from time to time. Airside inspectors shall be responsible to carry out checks on the vehicles operating on the apron and report any violation of the rule/instructions by the drivers to the 97
Ground Movement Controller/Manager Airside, who will take necessary action as deemed necessary and make a report to C.O.O.
It is mandatory for all vehicular traffic proceeding towards runway to obtain Clearance from Control Tower by visual signal or R/T, before entering on the Runway /Taxiway. Such clearance shall be obtained regardless of any prior permission obtained from and / or arrangements made with Control Tower. Since this procedure has been adopted in view of flight safety, hence there is no exception to this rule for any one.
All vehicular traffic shall obtain prior clearance from Control Tower before Operating on manoeuvring area outside the area marked for vehicular movement.
Parking of Aircraft. a)
Characteristic of Parking Stands. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)
Stand 11-18 on Domestic Satellite at JTC, refuelling and provided with 400Hz ground frequency. Stand 21-28 on international Satellite at JTC, refuelling and provided with 400Hz ground frequency. Stand 51-66 on western Apron nose in parking (Non refuelling). Stand 67-73 on Eastern Apron nose in parking (Refuelling). Stand 74-76 on eastern Apron Foker parking stand (Bouzer refuelling) Night Parking Stand Washing Bay (Two stands) Run Up Bays (Three stands) * Subject to closure of facility for repair from time to time by E.J.H.
Parking Procedures i) ii) iii) iv) v)
All international schedule arrivals shall be parked on International Satellite at JTC from Parking stands 21 to 28 on first come first serve basis. All domestic arrivals shall be parked on Domestic Satellite at JTC from Parking stands 11 to 18 on first come first serve basis. All Foker flights shall be parked on stand no 74A, 74B, 75A, 75B, 76A & 76B. In case of non-availability of parking stand at JTC satellite arrivals could be parked on stand no 67 to 73 & Airline to be informed in advance. Night parking area is allotted to YAK42, B737, DC9 and other types of aircraft. Following are the details a) Four YAK42 /smaller aircraft may be parked simultaneously facing west. 98
b) c)
4 DC-9 or 5 smaller type aircraft may be parked simultaneously facing south towards terminal building. Aircraft having dimension higher than BAC1-11 such as Boeing and Airbus etc may be parked in the area marked for YAK42, subject to availability of space.
Parking in night parking area is subject to the following conditions: a)
vi) vii) c)
Procedure for parking of Aircraft at JTC satellites. i) ii) iii)
Aircraft may be parked on its own power or by towing. b) Guidance shall be provided through the Marshaller to taxing in aircraft. c) Follow Me van may be provided if considered necessary. d) Nose wheel of YAK42, B737 and DC-9 or smaller type shall be positioned at the cross bar marked on the ground. e) Area shall not normally be used for parking of passenger flights. However in case normal parking bays are not available, flights may be parked subject to prior coordination with concerned airlines/agencies. f) Area falling between western edge of night parking area and East of stand no 66 may be used for parking of light aircraft/helicopters. All VVIP flights shall be parked on stand 62/64 or as otherwise instructed. Stand 66 is being utilised by EADHI Air Services.
Parking stands 11,18,21 and 28 are Non bridge stands. B747 or equivalent aircraft should not be parked on stands 11,12,17,18 21,22,27 and 28 In case of parking of any International flight on Domestic satellite Aero Bridge shall not be connected.
Procedure for parking of aircraft under Bomb Threat on isolated parking stand. Aircraft requiring isolated parking stand shall be parked as per SOP. Marshellers shall be positioned on isolated parking stand for parking of aircraft and for the guidance of vehicles/equipment operating to/from the aircraft under Bomb Threat.
Procedure for departure from remote area. i) ii) iii) iv)
All stands from 51 to 63 and from67 to 73 are nose in parking stands. All departing aircraft shall push back to appropriate position before taxi. All Foker can taxi out at their own power from stand no 74A, 74B, 75A, 75B 76A & 76B. Aircraft parked on stand 65and 66 can taxi out from stand at minimum power. Aircraft parked on stand 64 (VVIP stand) shall be instructed to taxi straight ahead till stand 63 and then turn right. Aircraft shall be cautioned to use minimum power while taxing out. Follow-me van shall be positioned in front of the aircraft. Marshaller should be instructed to provide Follow-me service. Extreme caution shall be exercised for tail engine aircraft as the blast create disturbance in close proximity of the aircraft position.
Procedure for Night Parking departure. Taxi out on own power from Night parking area shall not be permitted until the aircraft is push back/pull forward and /or is positioned clear of other aircraft, to avoid jet blast. However light aircraft parked clear of other aircraft / obstructions may be permitted using discretion if in the opinion of ground movement controller manoeuvre is expected to be safe.
Procedure for departure from JTC satellites. i) ii)
The aircraft parked on stands 11,12,13 17,18,21,22,26,27and 28 shall push back/pull forward to appropriate BAP(Break Away Point) as applicable (AIP). The aircraft parked on stands 14,15,16,23,24and 25 shall push back on taxiway “K� and aligned on taxi guide lines as per ATC instructions.
Parking Time Limit Normally an aircraft may occupy a hydrant-refuelling stand for two hours. If any aircraft occupies such stand for a period exceeding two hours, an additional fee at the rate equivalent to two percent of its landing fee shall be levied for each exceeding 15 minutes or part thereof .For calculating parking stand occupation charges, the time from parking to leaving of stand by an aircraft shall be noted in the Movement register. Such charges shall not be applicable on night parking and/or non-refuelling stand.
Information on parking of aircraft to Fire Station. Stand allotted by GOC Controller shall be passed to Ground Movement Controller in advance. E.T.A and stand numbers of arriving aircraft shall 100
be passed to the Fire station by Ground Movement Controller at least 15 minutes before the arrival. In case stand allotment is changed due to unavoidable circumstances the marshaller shall be advised on R/T. Information to such change shall also be given to all concerned.
Movement from/to General Aviation Hanger For aircraft proceeding to Hamilton hanger, Follow-me van shall be provided to guide the aircraft up-to the hanger. Follow-me van shall be dispatched to the hanger upon receipt of information regarding the readiness of the departing aircraft for taxi.
Use of Follow-me van service Follow-me van service shall be provided in the following cases a) For Non-scheduled flights not familiar with the aerodrome layout. b) In Poor visibility conditions c) When requested by the Pilot-in-command d) When aircraft is to be parked at in Night parking area. e) When considered necessary by Duty Ground Movement Controller in the interest of flight safety.
Operation of Vehicular traffic on the Movement area a)
b) c)
All ground handling equipment shall be kept in hangers or at area marked for the purpose, except when required for use at the time of arrival/departure of flight and shall be removed immediately after the aircraft has departed or removed. Vehicles awaiting for the flight shall be parked on the area marked for the purpose on the side of the vehicular track. All such equipment/vehicles shall not move towards the aircraft until it has completely stopped, in this case the vehicle must be stopped at least 25feet from the nearest portion of the aircraft. No ground handling equipment shall be left unattended on the apron. Ground Movement Controller has to observe that drivers on apron shall: • • • • •
Keep to the left at all time Not overtake another vehicle on vehicular track. Not drive anywhere outside the vehicular track marked for the purpose unless specifically permitted by ATC / MAS. Not drive at a speed more than 25Km per hour on vehicular tracks. Not operate the vehicle in reverse gear under any circumstances except to keep clear of aircraft of the aircraft and in such case a Marshaller shall be positioned for signalling. Not turn around his vehicle anywhere except in the area in front of steel hanger and operation wing. 101
• • •
Not make “U” turn on the vehicular track except the following areas designated for making “U” turn on the apron: i) Opposite parking stand No 62 ii) Between stand No 65 & 66 iii) Opposite Terminal-3 baggage area. iv) Opposite stand No74,75 & 76 v) Line Maintenance-II in front of parking stand 59 & 60 Keep within the vehicular track except when positioning near the aircraft. Keep the obstruction lights of the vehicles “ON” when operating on the apron during night Not smoke on apron while driving or otherwise.
Helicopter Operation From Faisal:
Operation from Shahra-e-Faisal airfield shall be conducted as follows: a) Helicopter operations may be conducted below 500feet AMSL during day and in VMC with information to Karachi ATC. b) Helicopter shall make ½ mile half circuit toward south of Faisal RWY08/26. c) Advance flight plan shall be required from Faisal ATC well in time. d) No prior start up clearance or departure release shall be required for operation below 500FT in circuit. Faisal ATC shall pass ATD/ATA to Karachi Tower. e) Karachi Tower/Approach shall pass essential traffic information of helicopters to other affected traffic. f) Karachi Tower shall inform Faisal Tower well in time whenever departures are turning left after departure from runway 25R/L.
When Runway 25 R/L is in use at JIAP.
Arriving aircraft using left-hand traffic circuit are not permitted to descend below1500 feet AMSL until well past Shahra-e-Faisal aerodrome and on base leg of runway25. There is no restriction for right hand circuit.
There is no restriction for helicopters when departure turns right after take off from runway25. When departures are making left turn after take-off from runway25, helicopter in Faisal circuit shall maintain either 250 feet AMSL or proceed to 5miles south of Shahra-e-Faisal airfield.
Karachi Tower has to inform Faisal ATC when departures are making left turn and ask to make helicopters fly at 250 feet in the circuit or proceed 5miles south. Helicopters will be recalled in the circuit when clear of traffic.
When Runway 07 L/R is in use at JIAP 102
When arriving aircraft are using left-hand circuit pattern for Runway 07, helicopters may continue at 500 feet in Faisal circuit. Essential Traffic Information of helicopters shall be passed to arriving aircraft at JIAP.
When arriving aircraft are using right-hand circuit pattern or base-leg for Runway 07, helicopters at Shahra-e-Faisal may be permitted at 250 feet in circuit or proceed 5 miles south of Shahra-e-Faisal at 500 feet.
Karachi Approach/Tower shall to inform Faisal regarding right-hand traffic pattern at JIAP and ask them to advise helicopters to fly at 250 feet in circuit or proceed 5 miles south at 500feet.
Essential traffic information of helicopters shall be passed to concerned arriving aircraft.
In case of departure from runway 07, helicopters may fly at 500feet in Faisal circuit uninterrupted.
General aviation (light/medium) aircraft may be permitted circuits and landing operations using right-hand pattern for Runway 25 and left –hand pattern for Runway 07 at JIAP, whereas helicopters in Faisal circuit may fly uninterrupted at 500 feet.
Multi –engine aircraft on local training flights at JIAP using Runway 25/07 may be permitted for any circuit pattern at1500feet when helicopters are flying in Faisal circuit at 500 feet. Essential traffic information shall be passed to each aircraft.
Aerodrome Controller at Karachi must use their best judgement to ensure that traffic at Faisal circuit does not conflict with traffic operating at JIAP. He may instruct his traffic to maintain1500feet until base leg or established on final or maintain runway heading until reaching/passing a safe height above Faisal traffic.
Helicopters and other fixed wing aircraft at Faisal when intended to be flown above 500feet in the circuit may be permitted to do so provided advance flight plan has been filed, start up/ATC clearance and departure release have been obtained from Karachi ATC, depending on prevailing traffic and metrological conditions.
Helicopters flying in Faisal circuit at/ below 500ft during day and in IMC shall be treated as Special VFR flights. However helicopters shall terminate flying in circuit when ground visibility becomes less than 1 miles (1.5Km) or ceiling/vertical visibility is less than 500feet.
No aircraft shall be allowed to operate below 500 feet during night.
Faisal Tower will ground its traffic on 5 minutes advance notice when there is any arrival/departure at JIAP during night. 103
Instrument approaches by aircraft arriving at Faisal: shall be conducted at Karachi. On completion of Instrument Approach aircraft will proceed to Faisal base flying with visual reference to the ground and having prior clearance from Karachi. Approach Radar Controller may vector the aircraft direct to the final of runway 26/08 of Faisal subject to the traffic conditions. All aircraft arriving at or departing from Faisal shall comply with the procedures applicable to civil traffic i.e. filing flight plan with ACC Karachi, obtaining ATC clearance from Karachi Tower prior to operation All local or training flights to be conducted in the airspace reserved for PAF operations. Out side Faisal circuit all aircraft are required to contact and get clearance from Karachi Approach for their operation.
Karachi Airport and Shahra-e-Faisal base have a common circuit. PAF aircraft at Faisal may conduct training operations at Karachi with prior approval from Karachi Approach/Tower.
Circuit Height of Karachi Aerodrome Traffic Zone: Circuit height for all aircraft with all up-weight of 12500 lbs. or less is 1000 feet and for all other aircraft 1500 feet unless otherwise specified.
Procedures concerning Departure from Karachi/Faisal:
No westbound departure is normally allowed to turn left after take off from runway 07 L/R of Karachi and from Runway 08 of OPSF without prior approval from Karachi Approach.
The Aerodrome Controller at Karachi shall obtain en-route clearance from Karachi ACC for departures from Karachi/ Faisal, unless the aircraft is to operate wholly within the Karachi TMA, in such case Karachi Approach will issue the required ATC clearance.
The Aerodrome Controllers at Karachi/Faisal shall obtain departure release from Karachi Approach for each departing aircraft except local flying, in which case only initial departure needs to be coordinated.
The Aerodrome Controller at Karachi/Faisal shall provide separation between departures, between departures and arrivals on final approach.
Unless otherwise prescribed, the Aerodrome Controller, Karachi / Faisal shall advise the Approach Controller of a missed Approach and shall instruct such Aircraft to contact Karachi approach for further instructions immediately.
Aerodrome controller at JIAP shall effect necessary coordination with Karachi Approach/Area Control Centre in respect of departures from Faisal, and forward the same to Shahra-e-Faisal ATC on FM link.
Airfield lighting system shall be operated in accordance with criteria specified. 104
MAS may be requested to position one Apron Management Officer/Assistant Manager on airside for assistance as and when circumstance so demand.
Simultaneous Use of Parallel Runways. i)
Simultaneous landing on parallel Runways 25R & 25L/07L & 07R are not permitted.
Separation between departing aircraft may be reduced to less than one minute; a) b) c) d) e)
during day in VMC. if both the aircraft will diverge after take off. when both the aircraft are in-sight to Aerodrome Controller. if both the aircraft are operating on same frequency. when specific traffic information about each flight is passed to the other.
Extreme care and judgement must be exercised by the Aerodrome Controller while permitting such operations so as to eliminate any chance of confusion, misunderstanding and/or mishap.
Aerodrome Operation in poor visibility Conditions (Low visibility procedures)
5.18.1. The Aerodrome Controller shall not declare the aerodrome below/above minima. If the visibility at the airfield reduces to/ below the established minima for takeoff /landing and as alternate aerodrome declared by HQCAA , Area and Approach Control shall be informed immediately. 5.18.2. In case any civil aircraft operates below the specified minimum visibility criteria, the Aerodrome Controller shall make a log entry and inform the following: a) Director Operations. b) General Manager ATS. c) Airport Director JIAP, Karachi. d) Dy. Director (ops) JIAP, Karachi. e) Chief Operation Officer JIAP, Karachi. f) Facility Operation Officer JIAP, Karachi. 5.18.3. A signal addressed to Director Operations, G.M ATS, President SIB, Chief Flight Inspector shall also be originated. 5.18.4. Extreme care shall be taken in issuing Taxi/Towing permission to aircraft during poor visibility. If possible position of the first aircraft be ascertained before clearing other on the same taxi route. 5.18.5. Runway clearance report / taxiway crossing report where needed be obtained on RT from aircraft. 5.18.6. A follow-me van may be used for piloting where needed. 5.18.7. Runway 25L may be preferred as its lighting system is move bright/brilliant for arriving aircraft.
Determination of Runway breaking conditions. 105
Information about runway breaking condition is of paramount importance to the pilot of aircraft particularly when the runway surface is wet due to rain. For this purpose MU meter has been provided and should be used to note readings according to standards mentioned hereunder; a. Under normal conditions the friction meter reading shall be taken weekly. (shift in-charge Fire Station). b. Reading will be valid unless weather condition further deteriorates or rain continues. c. If it becomes too poor, fresh reading must be taken as soon as possible. d. The Aerodrome Controller shall be informed of all friction readings both in terms of figures as well as breaking actions. e. Whenever breaking action is categorised as poor, the Aerodrome Controller should give friction readings and breaking action (poor/moderate/poor) for all three segments of runway to landing aircraft.
The runway friction reading should also be taken to ascertain breaking conditions caused due to rubber deposits on the runway and before giving surface treatment to runway. The relationship between co-efficient of friction and breaking efficiency are as; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
MEASURED COEFFICIENT 0.40 and above 0.39-0.36 0.35-0.30 0.29-0.26 0.25 and below
ESTIMATED BREAKING ACTION Good Medium to Good Medium Medium to Poor Poor
During rainy conditions, MU meter reading shall be taken to determine runway conditions. Number of readings taken in a day shall depend upon intensity of rain. In case of continuous rain, the readings must be taken at least 30 minutes interval or immediately before the arrival of aircraft depending upon the traffic conditions and position of arriving aircraft .The runway surface condition along with the state of breaking conditions shall be passed to aircraft before landing and takeoff.
Information on Runway in use & Wind conditions
It is the responsibility of Aerodrome Controller to inform PFIO, Area Controller, and Approach Controller about surface wind at Karachi Airport when it exceeds 25 kts and when the direction is different by more than 45 degrees of the landing direction. Cross wind component shall in such circumstances be given to all arriving and departing aircraft. Whenever pilots are informed of runway in use the surface wind direction and its speed should invariably be passed. It should be ensured that, in case the runway is changed, the surface wind direction and the speed are also passed. It is possible that the pilots may request to land on runway other than the runway in use. 106
Such requests may be acceded-to-if consistent with the safety of aircraft and traffic conditions. The Aerodrome Controller shall keep Karachi ACC and Approach informed of the active runway and the impending runway changes at Karachi/Faisal airfield. Aerodrome controller shall also remind PFIO of amending the ATIS when circumstances so require.
Provision of Runway Visibility in deteriorating Weather conditions.
Whenever the visibility deteriorates due to weather, an ATC Officer, along with an observer from MET shall be sent to the end of the runway in use on a R/T fitted vehicle. The person concerned shall count the number of runway lights visible in one particular row, and inform the Aerodrome Controller. The runway visibility shall thus be obtained by multiplying this number by 60, in meters. Runway Visibility = (No. of runway lights visible x 60) meters. The runway visibility so obtained may be passed to arriving/departing aircraft on their request and/or at the discretion of Aerodrome Controller when in his opinion such information would benefit the pilot. In case of rapidly changing weather and expected movements the vehicle along with the observer may be stationed on the warm up area as long as necessary.
Human RVR Observation
Headquarters Civil Aviation Authority has instructed vide letter number HQCAA/1114/3/ATS dated 25th April 2001, that in case the visibility reduces to less than 1500m and RVR equipment is unserviceable or not available then, as an alternate human RVR observation will be used to determine visibility. It will be based on visual observations using lights or special markers, by human observer’s as follows; a) b) c)
A pro-determined timetable should be followed to obtain human RVR reading. Human RVR reading be obtained before each arrival/departure as applicable. No other person except personnel from ATC along with Met observer should be deployed to obtain the human RVR reading.
Pre Storm Action
In case of storm warning received from MET office or when the Storm activity is visually observed by the Aerodrome Controller and/or storm is discernible on Radar, the following action shall be taken;
By Aerodrome/ Ground movement Controller: a) Inform all Airline operators concerned to make picketing arrangements for their aircraft parked on the apron. 107
b) Park arriving / departing aircraft into the wind if wind speed exceeds 20 kts. c) Inform Flying Club, and other General Aviation agencies. d) Instruct in charge Fire Station to ensure that all small aircraft are properly picketed. e) Ask Apron Management Officer to carry out inspection of whole movement area. f) Inform Duty Terminal Manager. g) Inform In charge of Avio bridges and CM E/M through GOC Controller. h) Inform COO/FOO. i) Inform DY Director Operations. j) Inform Faisal ATC.
During the Storm Action
By Aerodrome/Ground Movement Controllers: a) Keep Approach and Area Controllers informed about the latest prevailing weather conditions, and trend if possible. b) If the storm persists or is likely to persist, determine runway visibility and intimate PFIO/ACC/APP.
By Area Controller: a) b) c)
Keep all arriving aircraft informed about the latest prevailing weather conditions as obtained from Aerodrome / Approach Controller and/or by reports from aircraft in flight. Alert OPNH for possible diversions. Inform other adjacent airports/ACCs
By Approach Controller: If the storm area is discernable on radar provide additional service to aircraft in accordance with the radar manual.
Post Storm Action.
By Aerodrome/ Ground Movement Controller: Ask Apron Management Officer for the inspection of Movement area, AFL system and Hangers to check any apparent noticeable event occurring due to storm. If necessary proceed personally for such inspection and report results of significant importance to COO/FOO. A log entry to this effect shall be made.
Crash-Fire & Rescue Services.
All Aerodrome/ Ground Movement Controllers are required to get the strength of fire staff and status of RFS vehicles during their tenure of duty. The Fire 108
Supervisor on duty shall keep the Tower Controller abreast of any unserviceability of crash tenders and ambulances besides informing the CFRO. The Ground Movement Controller shall operate the fire bell provided in control tower in the following manner: a)
To indicate arriving aircraft on final.
To indicating departing aircraft entering runway for take off.
To indicate departing aircraft start up
To indicate a crash or fire of aircraft
On hearing the rings as mentioned at (a) to (c) above, the Duty Fire In-charge shall manage at least two Crash Tenders to be suitably mounted by their crew and kept in state of alertness. On hearing the rings as mentioned in (d) above the duty Fire-In-charge shall make the vehicles move out of Fire station and contact control tower on frequency 121.8MHz and request instructions.
Safety Facility Minima
The safety facility minima established by HQCAA for Karachi Airport (CAT 9) is as follows: Three Barracuda (10,000 Ltrs Water, 1200 Ltrs Foam and 250 Kg DCP each) In the event of facilities at Karachi Airport falling below the above mentioned minima, the Fire In-charge on duty shall inform the Tower Controller, who in consultation with COO/FOO will issue a NOTAM as follows: “ONLY LIMITED FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT KARACHI AIRPORT”
When none of the fire fighting facilities are available, the NOTAM will be issued in consultation with COO/FOO, as follows: “FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES NOT AVAILABLE AT KARACHI AIRPORT TILL FURTHER NOTICE”
Use of Safety Facilities
Fire services at Karachi Airport are provided mainly for the use in aircraft operations. However in the larger interests of safety of Technical installations of civil aviation and airport agencies the following premises should also be provided within the coverage from the existing fire services: 109
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 5.28.2.
Jinnah Terminal Complex and other Terminal Buildings. PIAC Hangers. Area Control Center (Radar Building). Steel Hanger. Oil Storage at Airport EJH etc. Electronics Engineering Depot. General Engineering Depot. Supply Depot.
While attending the fire not connected with aircraft operations, the availability of safety facilities should never be allowed to come down below the minima laid down by HQCAA.
Bird Menace. a)
A vigilant watch shall be kept for any bird activity in the vicinity of the Karachi Airport by Aerodrome/Ground Movement Controllers.
Manager Airside should ensure intensive patrolling of runway side strips and around take off and approach areas within aerodrome perimeter by bird shooters on R/T fitted vehicles particularly during early forenoon and late after noon periods.
Aerodrome Controller should keep a watch on the movement of birds on the path of aircraft during landing and takeoff phases and furnish the pertinent information on presence of birds to concerned aircraft well in advance.
Aerodrome Controller should arrange for frequent runway inspections with the instructions to the personnel deputed for the purpose to take particular notice of presence of birds on and around the runways and taxiways approach and take off areas and notify the tower if birds are observed.
Aerodrome Controller on observing/receiving information of bird activity, should dispatch the bird shooters to the area to scare off and disperse the birds away from the aircraft path and also furnish information on presence of birds to aircraft which may be affected by them.
Aerodrome Controller should ask the PFIO to add the caution about bird activity around the airfield in the ATIS broadcast as and when required.
Whenever a bird hazard warning is issued to an aircraft, an entry shall be made in Aerodrome Controller logbook.
Whenever a bird hit incident is reported by the aircraft, the prevailing visibility shall be noted in the log and signal should be issued regarding the incident. 110
In event of bird strike during landing or take off role, runway shall be inspected carefully and location/type of dead bird if found be noted.
Recall of Departing Aircraft by Operating Agencies at the Airport .
No departing aircraft, whether taxing out or in-flight, shall be called back at the request of the ASF/Customs/Immigration/Health authorities unless such a request is received in writing and duly signed by an authorised officer. In such a case, COO/FOO are to be invariably informed. In such cases, the message so received shall be conveyed to Pilot immediately and intentions requested.
Information on Non-Schedule Arrivals to Immigration. a)
ETA of all non-scheduled International aircraft shall be passed well in advance to Immigration arrival desk and OIC customs.
The duty GOC Controller shall record the time of passing the ETA together with the name and designation of the Immigration and customs personnel to whom the information has been passed.
Operation of General Aviation Aircraft
The general Aviation operators before submitting the flight plan will co-ordinate with Approach Controller/Shift Manager for checking up of lean period of traffic during which it will be possible for them to carryout flying (local, training or other VFR operation).
The Approach Controller/Shift Manager after analyzing the prevailing and anticipated traffic will advise the timing for carrying out such flight operation by general aviation aircraft. These timing will be subject to revision, depending upon the changed traffic conditions at that time.
5.32.3. The general Aviators after necessary coordination with the Approach Controller/ Shift Manager shall ordinarily submit in writing a flight plan (operations within the aerodrome circuit) on the register provided in the Pre-Flight Information Unit. Alternatively if it is not possible to submit the flight plan in writing due unforeseen reasons, they may submit the flight plan on telephone to Pre-Flight Information Unit, who will record it in the register. In exceptional cases they may submit the flight plan on R/T to Control Tower. In such an eventuality the flight plan shall be submitted sufficiently in advance, so that necessary coordination with different ATS units and SOC is effected before the flight actually commences operation. 5.32.4.
For all flights operating outside aerodrome traffic zone including flights carrying out instrument approaches, a proper flight plan on specified flight plan Proforma shall be submitted at least thirty minutes prior to the ETD. 111
VFR flights during day may be permitted to operate outside control zone on specified locations in the Gharo area whenever weather and traffic conditions including military traffic permit such flights. IFR flights on cross-country may be permitted subject to traffic conditions.
In case a flight plan is submitted for more than one sortie, the Aerodrome Controller shall ascertain, name of the pilot-in-command, number of person on board, duration of sortie and fuel endurance before each sortie.
During Day General aviation aircraft may operate within the aerodrome traffic circuit and over GHARO with the prior information/ approval from Karachi Approach. Standard separation between these flights and any other aircraft must be ensured according to the airspace classification.
During Night General Aviation aircraft shall normally be held on ground 15 minutes prior to the ETA and 5minutes prior to the departure of any other flight during night except when specific approval/instructions from Karachi Approach (when radar service is available) has been obtained.
Training Flights and practice Instrument Approaches
All aircraft on training flights carrying out circuits and landing shall be under Aerodrome Controller and position information on these flights shall be passed to Approach controller when ever it is likely that this flight may conflict with an arriving or departing IFR flight
5.33.2. Aircraft carrying out practice instrument approaches will be kept with Aerodrome Control and will be handed over to Approach only when there is an arriving or departing IFR flight. This handing over shall take place at least 7 minutes prior to the ETA of the IFR flight over the approach fix and in case of departures it shall be handed over to approach when the departing flight taxies out.
5.33.3. All training flights shall take place with prior coordination of Approach. No training flight shall be permitted to operate below 2000feet or carry out practice forced landing over Gharo due to safety reasons.
Blood and Urine Tests of Air-Crew In case of any aircraft occurrence in the vicinity of JIAP Karachi, one of the Authorized Medical officers is to be instructed to collect blood and urine samples from cockpit crew within two hours of the occurrence. (Reference: HQCAA/1901/AIB dated 20th December 1990) 112
Diversion of PAF Aircraft to Karachi Airport
In the event of Masroor Runway getting blocked, the PAF aircraft may divert and land at Karachi Airport. The procedures evolved to cater for such situations and to ensure safe and smooth operation of air traffic are out lined below;
PARKING AREAS a) First eight aircraft will be parked in the PAF Pens. Any additional aircraft will be parked on the eastern remote parking stands. If eastern remote stands are not available they will be accommodated on any other parking stands preferably on night parking area (or as requested by PAF Ground staff/Pilot). b) In case small sized aircraft are involved, more than one aircraft may be parked on single stand with proper spacing without jeopardising safety.
TAXIING TO PARKING AREAS a) Aircraft landing on runway 07L and taxiing to PAF Pen will back track on the runway. In case traffic conditions do not permit back track on the runway, they will clear the runway via taxiway F or G and follow taxiways G, E and A to PAF Pen. Taxing aircraft will obtain clearance from Control Tower prior to crossing both the runways. b) Aircraft to be parked on civil tarmac after clearing the runway 07L via taxiway F and G will proceed to designated stand via appropriate taxiways. c) Aircraft landing on runway 25R and parked on civil tarmac after clearing the runway via taxiway A or D will proceed to designated stand via appropriate taxiways. d) Aircraft after landing will proceed to PAF pens via taxiways R,S,T,U. If parking is planed on civil apron, the Follow-Me van shall be provided. e) Parking of A-7 should be expedited as far as practicable due to aircraft limitations of 5 to 6 minutes on ground with engines on.
Operation of Aeronautical Ground Lights
Approach lights shall be turned “ON� 5 minutes prior to the ETA of the aircraft and shall remain lighted throughout the approach until the aircraft has landed or has requested that they be turned OFF, provided the aircraft remains in contact with the station from at least 15 minutes before ETA till the time of landing; if no R/T contact is established 15 minutes before the ETA or time of losing contact whichever is earlier. During the time when the approach lights to the 113
runway to be used are lighted the runway lights and threshold lights shall also remain lighted. 5.36.2. Runway lights shall be turned on 5 minutes before the ETA of the aircraft and shall remain lighted until the landing aircraft has cleared the runway unless otherwise requested by the aircraft using the runway, provided the aircraft remains in contact with the station from at least 15 minutes before ETA to the time of landing. If no R/T contact is established lights will be turned on 15 minutes before ETA or time of losing contact whichever is earlier, and shall remain lighted until the landing aircraft has cleared the runway. 5.36.3. Runway lights shall be turned ON before the departing aircraft commences taxi for the purpose of take off and shall remain lighted for at least 5 minutes after take off, provided the aircraft remain in R/T contact with the station up to at least 15minutes after departure. During these 15 minutes the lights will be turned “ON” whenever R/T contact is lost. During the time when the runway lights are operating the threshold lights of the runway to be used shall also be lighted. 5.36.4
Operation & Control of Lights.
Control panels of runways and taxiway lights are provided in Control Tower and GOC. The switch marked MAIN should be operated before any other controls are set. Indication lamp will glow when switch is “ON”.
Runway Lights a) Set brightness control to minimum. b) Operate runway / approach main switch to “ON” position. c) Allow lights to come up to their full brilliancy at 1% and set brightness control to required intensity by rotating from one position to the next, allowing lights to attain full brilliancy at each step before proceeding further. d) Do not switch directly to high brilliancy stages, as this will put an unnecessary strain on the main supply and circuits, which may result in a prolonged failure. Taxiway Lights a) Operate “Taxiway Main” switch to “ON” position. b) Operate circuit switches corresponding to numbers, on mimic diagram, as required.
The use of intensity of Approach and Runway lights shall be as follows:Runway Visibility
Intensity Stage
i) Less than 550 meters ii) Between550 & 1100M iii)Between1100&2000M iv)Between2000&5000M 114
5Max 4 3 2
Percentage 100% 30% 10% 3%
v) Greater than5000meters
Indicator lamps on mimic diagram only indicate the circuits switched on, in the case of taxiways and brilliancy selected on runway and approach lights. They are NOT an indication that circuits are actually on.
Whenever electric lights of runway and / or of any taxiway are unserviceable, aircraft are to be warned.
Failure of Tyre Treading
Failure of tyre treading particularly on take-off have taken place on various occasions. Such an information, when available with ATC is of vital importance to the pilot of the aircraft concerned, who if intimated in time can take necessary precautionary measures while making a landing at the next aerodrome.
Whenever tyre treadings are found during runway inspection/ information received through other sources, the following action shall be taken immediately; Relay complete information to the aircraft as to the location of tyre pieces found, in relation to centre line of Runway as under:a) Directly if operating within Karachi FIR and is in two way R/T contact with any control unit. b) Through other ATS units if operating outside Karachi FIR and/or in case of loss of radio contact.
When the information is relayed through other ATS units, Using the AFTN, DD priority shall be used.
Inform the airline concerned for further necessary action, if any.
It may be borne in mind that information on failure of tyre treading can play its useful role, in ensuring the safety of aircraft and passengers, only when it is communicated to all concerned by the most expeditious means.
Aircraft Accident.
In the event of aircraft accident crash occurring on or in the vicinity of the Aerodrome, The duty Aerodrome Controller shall take the following actions: a) b) c)
Press Crash Bell with fire station and telephone exchange for10 seconds. Operate Crash Siren for 2 minutes. Inform Fire Station giving details in the following order: 115
1 2 3 4
Accident on Airport. Location. Type of Aircraft. Request read back.
On establishing R/T contact with Fire and Rescue vehicles pass remaining details if available. 1 Number of occupants. 2 Aircraft Operator. 3 Fuel on board( if known) 4 Any dangerous goods on board. 5 Surface wind.
e) f)
Inform ATC Shift Manager in detail Issue appropriate control instructions to aircraft on the frequency in coordination with Area/Approach Control. Contact Airport Meteorological Office and request special Crash Weather observation. Coordinate with On-Scene Commander on 121.8MHz. Coordinate with Shift Manager to inform COD/KMC/PAF for Fire Rescue Services assistance, if required. On notification from On-Scene Commander that the emergency has ended, notify all units, previously informed.
g) i) j) k)
Duty Ground Movement Controller will inform: 1)
Telephone Exchange, Terminal-1 and JTC.
ASF Control Room.
PIA Flight Control.
Chief Operation Officer.
PAF Faisal ATC.
PIA Engineering Line1&2.
In case of Hijacking of CAT “A” or “B” following actions shall to be taken;
Aerodrome Controller will inform:a) b) c) d)
CAA Medical Center. Manager Airside. SATCO/DATCO Faisal ATC. E.C.R the frequency on which the hijacking conversation is taking place for the purpose of recording. 116
Ground Movement Controller will inform:a) Dy. Director OPS. b) Chief Operation Officer. c) Facility Operation Officer. d) Duty Fire Officer. e) Duty engineer AMSS.
Ground Operation Controller will inform:a) ASF Control Room. b) PIA Operations Control Room. c) Senior Admin Officer. d) Duty Terminal Manager and Duty Airside Inspector. e) Duty Facilitation Officer (Domestic & International)
All ATS personnel shall act as per S.O.P on the subject,
Emergency medical Assistance to Passengers
In case any request is received from aircraft or airline/agency for medical assistance/ambulance DTM should be informed for the needful through GOC Controller and log entry should be made accordingly.
Do not allow simultaneous landing on parallel runways Do not allow 180 degrees turn to B747 on runways Do not allow simultaneous push back to aircraft’s from stand 18/21 & 17/22 Do not allow towing to aircraft without R/T contact Do not allow any Vehicle/Person on runways/taxiways without R/T Do not allow any operator to leave equipment on Apron 117
Do not allow any unauthorized movement on movement area Do not allow U-turn to any vehicle except in authorized areas. Do not allow any Aircraft/vehicle on any runway when an aircraft is landing during poor visibility. Do not allow engine run up on full power on any parking stand. Do give simultaneous take off subject to his judgment Do give caution for bird activities Do not allow taxi to departures close to taxiway “M” facing east. Do give any abrupt change in weather Do give priority to arrival on departure Do remember delay can be justified but disaster can never be Do give priority to Pilots transmission over coordination Do give caution for Rwy08 of Faisal when Rwy07 in use at JIAP Karachi Do use full call sign of the aircraft Do read back the ATC clearance issued by Area Control Do remember proper coordination reduces last minute adjustment. Do give idle power run to aircraft on parking stand.
Introduction: The Job Training Standard JTS required for the air traffic controller’s rating, covers a wide spectrum of knowledge in various fields and it is essential that the trainee understands all the material to the level specified in MATS Pakistan. However, the relative importance of the knowledge, compared with the ability to apply that knowledge must be kept in mind. The trainee’s ability to put his knowledge into successful practical application is an even more important aspect of the considerations necessary to the granting of rating for any ATS Unit. The trainee is required to demonstrate his/her ability to meet the standard in a solo capacity by applying the rules, regulations, procedures and practices in a live operational environment for obtaining a solo rating. Emphasis must be placed on this aspect during OJT. Before recommending the trainee for a solo check, the officer-in-charge OJT section/cell (Training Officer) should be completely satisfied that the trainee has reached the validation standard for the rating and this should be confirmed by a writ. On the job training on ATS facilities is conducted as a routine job. O.J.T.I.s has to pay an important role in conducting OJT. They have to impart knowledge, professional guidance and monitor carefully the progress of Air Traffic Controllers deployed for OJT with them.
6.2.1. The Job Training Standard (JTS) is a carefully devised syllabus for the rating disciplines of OJT, indicating the depth of knowledge and degree of skill required for each specific discipline for the JTS. 6.2.2. The JTS is divided into five parts as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Requirements for Aerodrome Control Rating. Requirements for Approach control Rating. Requirements for Area Control Rating Requirements for Approach Radar Rating. Requirement for Area Radar Rating.
6.2.3. In order to achieve a high proficiency level, a training programme has been planed for training of newly inducted/posted trainee ATC Officers. The training programme has been divided in three phases;
In Phase one:
the trainee will get training at each FDA position. In Phase two: the trainee will get him/herself prepare to conduct OJT on live traffic.
In phase three:
the trainee will carry out OJT on live traffic
Requirements for Aerodrome Control Rating
6.3.1. Phase One:
‘5’ watches 30 Hours. Trainee will be required to work at Flight Data Assistant’s position to learn about; i) ii) iii) iv)
The procedures to be complied by FDA. The record keeping by FDA for revenue purposes. The information required by Aerodrome/Ground Movement Controllers from FDA. The coordination to be affected by FDA with different units/agencies. Hands on practice at FDA position will enable the controller to have effective control and supervision of the work related to Air Traffic Control activities. 6.3.2. PHASE TWO:
General: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)
Introduction Organization of JIAP Function of AIS Functions of ATS Units Functions of RFF Services Preparation of IOUDO report Standard Strip marking Handling of VVIP flight Notification of ATC incidents, accidents etc Handling of bomb threat and Hijacking. INCLUDING
Duties and responsibilities of Aerodrome controller Aerodrome Layout and facilities. Local taxing procedure. Aerodrome/Local traffic on manouevring area. Parking plan and procedure Arrival and departure procedure Coordination procedures with other units Local procedures for operation of aircraft at OPSF/OPMR General Aviation aircraft operations at JIAP Visual Aids SIDs/STARs Radio/ NAV aids Instrument Approach procedures and minima Minimum Approach altitude Operation in IMC including special VFR operation Airport accident plan
(120Hours) After successfully completing an approved training course, the trainees must acquire a level of knowledge and practical ability to meet the required standards, for an aerodrome control rating as per MATS Pakistan. Operational Duties
Practically demonstrate his ability to (Within initial 42Hours): i) ii) iii)
iv) v)
handle control tower equipment including pyrotechnic and signal lamps; identify signals, frequencies and other pertinent data regarding air navigation facilities within 25NM of aerodrome concerned; receive and handle flight plans and other data (including NOTAM’s, Met reports received from Met. Office, routine and special aircraft Met. Observation) from and to the flight operation offices and other ATS units. handle safely, orderly and expeditiously; arriving and departing aircraft, aircraft in the circuit, aircraft and vehicles on the maneouvring area,
Practically demonstrate his ability to (Within next 36Hours): i. ii. iii. iv. v.
apply local operational instructions, including letters of agreements; Disseminate information; Provide meteorological information and understand weather effect on aerodrome operations; handle all communication facilities; and carryout aerodrome surface and lighting inspections.
Practically demonstrate their ability to (Within last 42Hours) vi. vii. viii. 6.4.
issue essential aerodrome information; maintain an accurate and neat flight progress strip display representing the current traffic situation and use of runway blocking strips, provide essential traffic information
Requirements for Area Control Rating;
6.4.1. PHASE ONE:
(12 Watches/72 Hours). The trainee controller shall practically learn the working of; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
FDA November FDA 1 FDA 2 FDA East FDA West FDA North 122 Upon the completion of 12 watches the trainee controller should be able to work independently at all FDA positions in ACC. This will enable him to acquire sufficient knowledge to supervise effectively the FDA’s working under him while performing duties as Area Controller. 6.4.2. PHASE TWO:
(10 Watchs/60Hours) General: j) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix)
Introduction Organization of JIAP Function of AIS Functions of ATS Units Functions of RFF Services Preparation of IOUDO report Standard Strip marking Handling of VVIP flight Notification of ATC incidents, accidents etc Handling of bomb threat and Hijacking. INCLUDING
Duties and responsibilities of Area Controller Coordination with adjacent ACC’s/FIC’s Division of Airspace and classification Operation of military aircraft and air defance exercises Operation of schedule and non scheduled flights Search and rescue organization and procedures Air defence clearances The trainees for an area control rating must have successfully completed an approved training course They must now demonstrate a level of knowledge and practical ability to meet the required standard for the area control rating as per MATS Pakistan. 6.4.3. PHASE-THREE:
(120Hours) Duties Practically demonstrate their ability to (Within initial 10 watches/ 60hours) ; i. ii. iii. iv. v.
determine the airspace classification within FIR; determine the danger, restricted and prohibited areas within FIR determine the airspace route configuration, bearing and distance between reporting points; identify the route designation and their uses; handle the equipment in ACC;
Practically demonstrate their ability to (within next 10 watches/ 60hours) vi.
vii. viii. ix. x. xi.
receive and handle flight plans and other data (including NOTAM’s, Meteorological reports from the Met. Office, routine and special aircraft Met. observations from and to the flight operation offices and other ATS units. identify and resolve confliction; apply standard separation as per airspace classification; apply restrictions as applicable within the airspace; issue clearances and releases to air traffic; handle high and low level holding patterns;
Practically demonstrate their ability to (within last 10 watches/60Hours); xii. xiii. xiv 6.5.
determine and provide essential traffic information when necessary ; maintain an accurate and neat flight progress strip display, representing the current traffic situations; maintain a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;
Requirement for Approach Control Rating
6.5.1. The trainees for an Approach Control Rating must have successfully completed an approved training course. They must now demonstrate a level of knowledge and practical ability to meet required standard for an approach control rating as per MATS Pakistan. 6.5.2. Operational Duties Practically demonstrate their ability to (within initial 10 watches) ; xiv. xv. xvi.
determine the airspace classification within TMA; determine the danger, restricted and prohibited areas within TMA determine the airspace route configuration, bearing and distance between reporting points; xvii. identify the route designation and their uses; xviii. handle the equipment available at approach position; Practically demonstrate their ability to (within next 10 watches); xix.
receive and handle flight plans and other data (including NOTAM’s, meteorological reports from the Met. Office, routine and special aircraft Met. Observations) from and to the flight operation offices and other ATS units. xx. identify and resolve confliction; xxi. apply standard separation as per airspace classification; xxii. apply restrictions as applicable within the airspace; xxiii. issue clearances and releases to air traffic; xxiv. handle high and low level holding patterns;
Practically demonstrate their ability to (Within last 10 watches); xxv. determine and provide essential traffic information when necessary ; xxvi. maintain an accurate and neat flight progress strip display, representing the current traffic situations; ivx maintain a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic; 6.6.
Requirement for Radar Rating
6.6.1. To ensure a safe and expeditious flow of air traffic, en-route and in the vicinity of aerodromes, radar equipment is used as the Air Traffic Controllers main tool in carrying out their duties. When employed for radar duties, the air traffic controller derives information presented on radar displays, in addition to the information obtained form pilots estimates and current flight plans, and not as in the case of non-radar where information is derived partly from the pilot and partly from his own estimates/calculations. The guidance given by the radar controller must be accurate because of the reduced separation minima applied. Proficiency in radar control can only be achieved by practical application of established techniques and the use of standard phraseologies and procedures. Performance of radar equipment can be affected by meteorological and other factors and it is essential for radar controllers to have a thorough knowledge of the operational characteristics of the equipment in use and its limitations. For obtaining a radar rating ( Area & Approach)the trainee should be fully conversant with and able to apply in a practical environment the following elements in the use of radar; Operation Technique and Procedures Practically demonstrate their ability to (within 30 watches): i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv.
set up the equipment and carryout routine checks; identify aircraft (all methods) provide vertical radar separation standards and avoiding action; pre-plan and provide safe and expeditious routing of aircraft; apply speed control; apply mode “C� separation and its limits; execute the procedure for radar failure; execute the procedure for radio failure; employ correct RTF technique and phraseology; carryout surveillance radar approaches; apply terrain clearance; accurately position aircraft for the final approach or on other radar/radio aids; co-ordinate with and transfer control to adjacent air traffic services units; and; apply the emergency procedures.
6.7 Daily performance report 6.7.1
6.7.2 6.7.3
Daily performance report is a vital part of On-Job-Training of Air Traffic Controllers. The purpose of this report is to record the performance of a trainee in detail on all aspects of training. This will enable the training Officers and OJTI’s to understand the weak areas and emphasize on them accordingly. The training data has to be very concise and extremely clear, leaving no room for any doubt. Daily performance report shall be filled in duplicate by the OJTI at the end of each watch and be discussed with the trainee. It shall be signed by trainee thereafter. Daily performance report shall be submitted to Facility Training Officer through Shift Manager. One copy shall be retained by the OJTI.
Monthly Progress Report:
Monthly progress report shall be filled in duplicate by OJTI keeping in view the daily progress report of the respective month. Monthly progress report shall be submitted to FOO by 5 th of each month positively. The duplicate copy of the daily performance reports retained by the instructor shall be attached with the monthly report.
6.9 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3
Guidelines for the completion of Daily Performance Reports and Monthly Reports: Daily performance reports shall be filled-in such a manner that it should reflect clear, unambiguous and meaningful description of the trainee’s performance during the watch being reported. The deficiencies observed during training along with the remedial measures shall also be reflected. Following paras describe procedures for proper and meaningful completion of OJT reports. Various items of report are discussed below as to what the Instructor is supposed to observe about the trainee’s performance and how it should be described. ITEM-01: Taking Over/Handing Over Procedures: i) Controller is required to fully prepare himself for commencement of his ATC duty, by acquainting himself of the following information and functions: a) Current NOTAMs b) Latest information and instructions c) Clearances of expected non-scheduled flights. d) Current and forecast weather. e) Status of navigational aids. f) Status of communication facilities. g) Accuracy of clocks h) Current flight plan and clearances of prevailing traffic i) Filed flight plan of expected traffic j) Any other significant information required for safe aircraft Operations. Similarly while handing over watch he should brief the relieving controller of all known significant information and traffic conditions. 126
This item should be described in the following manner: a)
All pre-checks carried out one by one and briefed to next controller accordingly; or
Taking over watch / Handing over watch procedures not followed. ITEM-02: Strip marking: i)
Strip marking is a means of recording control actions. Information on flight progress strip helps the controller to analyze the traffic conditions in order to ensure safe and efficient traffic handling. Standard signs and symbols are available for the purpose to which controllers are required to confine themselves. Use of non-standard or non-prescribed symbols causes confusion and leads to hazardous situation. Instructors must pay paramount attention to this item and make all efforts to achieve a high standard of strip marking during the training.
This item should be described using the following expressions: a)
Only prescribed signs, symbols and contractions for Strip marking are used; or
use of non-prescribed symbols and its use inappropriate to the situation.
Markings made in correct sequence of manoeuvres of aircraft expected and clearance and instructions issued.
Hap-hazard c)
marking done irregularly.
marking done immediately on occurrence of a reported event, clearances and instructions.
Posting delayed
when considerable time elapsed before a clearance, instructions or report issued or received is posted on strip. ITEM-03: R/T Phraseology and Microphone technique: i)
All controllers are required to use Standard R/T phraseologies while communicating on R/T, intercom, and direct speech circuits to convey ATS messages clearances and instructions. Communication and coordination should be concise, accurate and doubtless. Instances may occur wherein information required to be transmitted could not be confined to prescribed phraseology. In such cases the message should be spoken in simple concise English so as to be easily under-stood by the addressed personnel / aircraft. 127
It shall be ensured that • • • • •
rate of speech is neither fast nor too slow, clarity is at optimum level tone is neither loud nor harsh microphone is pressed and depressed to allow complete text transmission Lengthy phrases, sentences and speech are avoided as far as practicable.
Performance of trainee controller under this item should be appropriately evaluated by the instructor and accurately described in the OJT report. Following expression may be selected to describe the trainee’s performance; a)
Most appropriate/prescribed phraseology, simple and correct English is used; or
If the prescribed phraseology or simple and correct English appropriate to the meanings to be conveyed could not be used.
Rate of speech, loudness and pronunciation are well understandable Repetitions and corrections are not too often needed
If rate of speech, loudness or pronunciation is such that correct message is usually not communicated or understood & repetition / corrections are often demanded.
Concise and clear
Phraseology used is short, appropriate and clearly spoken.
Lengthy/ambiguous when lengthy phrases / word are used which do not convey correct meaning of intended message.
ITEM-04 Intercom Use i)
Performance evaluation parameters for this item are identical to that of item-03. Use of standard, prescribed R/T phraseologies, correct methods of speech, knowledge of equipment and adequately quick response are to be closely monitored. The evaluation under this item should, therefore be made in the same manner as done in the item - 03.
ITEM-05: Application of Procedures 128
This item comprises of two aspects; • •
ii) iii) iv)
OJTI shall ensure that the trainee acquires comprehensive and complete knowledge of applicable procedures. OJTI shall make utmost efforts to enable the trainee controller to apply the appropriate procedure, best suited to a given situation. Deficiencies shall be pointed out clearly. While evaluating the performance of a trainee controller under this item, OJTI may give written / oral test to assess the knowledge of ATS procedures. Relevant sections of the following ICAO Documents / Annextures shall be given preference; a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t)
Knowledge of procedures. Application of procedures.
DOC 4444. (Air Traffic Management). DOC 8168 Vol I & II (Holding and Approach to land Procedures). Annex 2 Rules of the Air. Annex 3 Meteorological services for international Air Navigation. Annex 5 Units of measurement to be used in Air and Ground Operations. Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks. Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft. Annex 10 Vol 1 – Communication Procedures Vol 11- Communication procedures including those with PANS systems. Annex 11 Air Traffic Services. Annex 12 Search and Rescue. Annex 14 Volume 1 Aerodrome Design and Operation. Volume 2 Heliports. Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Service. Annex 16 Environmental Protection. Annex 17 Security – Safeguarding international Civil Aviation against Acts of unlawful interference. DOC 8400 ICAO Abbreviations and codes. DOC 7030 Regional Supplementary procedures. AIP Pakistan. MATS Pakistan. Other local procedures and practices prescribed from time to time including SATI.
Evaluation may be expressed in the following manner. a)
Appropriate Trainee possesses adequate knowledge of procedures and applies in an efficient manner according to situation. 129
lacking knowledge or showing inability to apply the procedures appropriate to the situation.
Planned and instructions, clearances or informations are issued in advance and enable pilot/ATS unit to comply with them in a safe and efficient manner.
Coordinated Irregular and
delivery of clearance, instructions and information are incorrect and unsystematic so that safety and efficiency can not be achieved or compliance is impracticable.
Hap-hazard ITEM-06: Awareness: It pertains to controllers ability to understand the intended/planned manoeuvres of aircraft, to visualize actual and projected position of all aircraft based on filed or current flight plan and position reports as made by conflicting or emergent situation and take action to resolve it timely and efficiently. i)
Trainee’s performance under this item may be expressed as under;
controllers knowledge of traffic, their individual and relative positions and disposition is correct.
Controller’s knowledge of traffic and relative positions is in incorrect / inadequate and disposition is poor.
Situational awareness is not lost during the watch; or
controller loses awareness of situations and conflictions/emergencies are not visualized in time.
Controller takes executive action to resolve conflictions and handle emergencies in an efficient and safe manner ; or
if a Controller is unable to take corrective action in time.
ITEM-07: Productivity and Speed i)
This item defines Controller’s over-all performance and net result of his functions. 130
The assessment involves Controller’s handling of normal and emergency traffic. Evaluation under this item may be expressed as follows: a)
Controller’s delivery of clearance, instructions, and information is adequate to ensure safe operation of aircraft under control; or
Safe operations are not ensured.
Expeditious Controller responds to traffic demands effectively and aircraft are not delayed without valid reasons which are made available to the pilot / operator. ITEM-08: Planing of traffic. i) ii)
This item pertains to the quality of planning of traffic as it is executed, which should be judged as to safety, efficiency, expeditiousness and orderliness in maintaining the flow of traffic Evaluation under this item may be expressed with the following: a)
Advanced Delayed
Planning is such that safety of air traffic is ensured.
Planning does not ensure safe flow of traffic.
Traffic is planned in a way that allows aircraft to operate with minimum possible delay which is unavoidable. Unnecessary delays to traffic are involved.
Delaying d)
Controller prepares a plan of actions taking into consideration CPL/FPL of aircraft and are handled well in time. Plan of action is not prepared before hand.
Orderly When traffic is planned to accommodate flight plans without much disruption such as faster, long distance, high performance flights are given preference over other flights. When planning does not give pay due consideration to flight plans, and faster, high performance aircraft get restricted due to low performance ones.
ITEM-09: Judgement i)
This item gauges controller’s ability to judge traffic situations, confliction and suitable actions to resolve such conflictions. 131
Evaluation of controller’s performance under this item should be expressed as: a)
when a confliction or any other eventuality is likely to develop and has been timely visualised by the trainee controller; or
confliction and other developing eventualities are not visualised / realised timely.
Conflicting situations are anticipated well before it occurs; or
Situation sense is lacking or event is known by the trainee after it actually occurs or not known at all. ITEM-10: Initiative i)
It describes the ability of a controller to initiate an action in advance of its demand. It may include issuing clearances and instructions, passing essential and meteorological information, and taking measures to avoid delays, resolving conflicting situations and assisting aircraft in emergencies. a)
Timely Late
Action is taken at right times or If action is delayed.
Appropriate Improper
Action taken is suitable to the situation or Action is not suitable to situation
Aggressive Inactive
Completion of action is pursued or Action to be taken is not pursued till conclusion ITEM-11: Coordination i)
Coordination is the backbone of air traffic services. Controllers are required to affect accurate timely and complete coordination with other ATS units, organizations and agencies using prescribed format and phraseologies. Instructors must pay special attention to this item during conduct of OJT.
Evaluation under this item may be described as: a)
All relevant information / data is passed to the next control unit. 132
Coordination data is deficient.
Message is in correct format and correct phraseology used.
Message format is incorrect or hap-hazard and phrased inappropriately.
When coordination is done well before transfer of control and communication.
When timely coordination is not effected and do not provide ample time to the accepting unit to make efficient use of it. ITEM-12: Rate of progress: i) ii)
Rate of progress should be carefully monitored by comparing the previous watch. Evaluation under this item should contain qualifying remarks as given below: a)
performance of trainee shows remarkable improvement during the watch as compared to the previous watch.
Performance of trainee shows improvement over previous watch.
When the trainee shows no or little improvement. ITEM-13: Working Relationship: i)
This item pertains to the trainee’s behaviour with colleagues and other agencies. His performance may be evaluated in the following manner; a)
Cooperative & Helping
When the trainee shows acceptability for others problems and assists them to alleviate their problems,
Indifferent and Inconsiderate.
Argumentative and obstructive.
When he/she does not consider the problems/difficulties of colleagues/ other agencies and do not give them due attention. When the trainee puts unnecessary arguments with other officials and agencies and acts in such a manner that the problems get further complicated.
133 ITEM-14: Interest and Willingness: i) ii)
Interest and willingness shown by the trainee is judged by efforts made to learn procedures, rules and practice on live traffic. Instructor should carefully note and suitably describe the trainee’s attitude in this respect. Evaluation under this item may be qualitatively described using the following: a)
When it is noted that trainee puts extra efforts in learning and shows marked improvement in performance.
Trainee makes efforts but improvement is slow observed.
No or little efforts are made by the trainee to improve upon on his knowledge and proficiency.
marked ITEM-15: Punctuality. i)
Trainee’s performance with regards to his attendance and punctuality should be reported. It may include a proper and accurate reflection on his habit of availing leaves, his arrival on duty time and leaving his duty earlier or during duty time either with permission or otherwise. Performance of the trainee under this item may be described as: a)
Regular Irregular
Trainee attends duties without absentees Trainee avails leaves and/or remains absent from duty quite often.
On time Late
Trainee arrives on duty in time. Trainee usually reports for duty late.
Diligent Casual
Works with care and effort; Works carelessly and irregularly. ITEM-16: Supervision: i)
Trainee’s supervision of junior officers’ ATS staff and GSA is to be evaluated under this item. The controller is required to ensure that all sub-ordinate officers and staff perform their assigned duties smoothly and completely with proper discipline. Necessary action is taken in case of any lapse or deficiency observed. Trainee’s performance under this item may be described by using following:
Observes and supervises the work and duties of subordinates actively. When trainee does not observe and cares about the work and duties of subordinate staff.
Proper guidance is given to obtain good quality of work.
When subordinates are not given adequate Guidance to obtain good quality of work.
Limitation of subordinates is given due consideration. Does not consider personal limitations.
Unmindful ITEM-17: Alignment of Scope and setting up sequence. i)
Radar controller is required to set up his radar scope in a way that best picture is obtained for providing safe and efficient service. Neither deficient information is selected nor superfluous data is kept displayed to clutter the scope. Ability to identify various symbols and knobology is also to be noted. Performance under this item may be described using following phrases: a)
Trainee sets up scope to obtain the most suitable picture for the type of service being provided. Superfluous or deficient data is displayed.
Inaccurate b)
Selection of switches and knobs is made appropriate to the required function. Information not required is displayed and erased on and off or fumbling with switches and knobs.
Efficient Inefficient
Scope setting is done with ease and fluency. Takes time or does not do proper scope setting. ITEM-17-B: Vectoring technique: i)
Navigational guidance is provided to aircraft using radar vectoring to achieve separation, track shortenings, positioning on required tracks for pilot interpreted navigation, avoidance of danger or restricted or prohibited areas or areas of adverse weather. Vectoring therefore requires initiation, continuous monitoring and termination of vectors. Correct turns and information regarding purpose of vectoring are primary requirements of good vectoring. Both inadequate turns and wider vectors fail its very purpose. OJTI should minutely monitor the 135
trainee performance in this regard and attempt to cultivate good vectoring capability in the trainee. ii)
Performance of trainee under this item may be described as follows: a)
Correct and
When turns are given in correct direction and of sufficient magnitude to achieve the purpose of vectoring.
Adequate Superfluous b)
Well-monitored Unobserved
When direction of turn is not correct and magnitude is less than required or much more. Aircraft under vector is continuously monitored and kept on required track. Monitoring is not continuous and required tracks are not followed. ITEM-17-C: Surveillance Approaches (SRA): i)
SRA is provided to aircraft to bring it to the predetermined point on final approach for landing in poor visibility / ceiling conditions. A good SRA involves correct alignment on the extended runway centerline and a suitable descent profile. Correct and timely information on heading, rate of descent and point of commencement of approach are mandatory to achieve an efficient approach profile.
Performance of trainee may be described as follows: a)
When sequence of passing information is in accordance with prescribed procedure.
Sequence of prescribed SRA procedure is not maintained.
When turns and descent is given as such that proper descent path is achieved.
When turns or descent are not suitable to achieve the correct descent path.
All essential features of approach are maintained ; or
Essential features furnished.
6.10.1 This report is intended to record and report the progress of a trainee at the end of each month, so as to monitor the progress and to take corrective actions to enhance and expedite the training. 6.10.2 Evaluation of progress of a trainee should be made by comparing the level of proficiency achieved during the month, against the required proficiency to be achieved at the end of training and the time/number of watches given to the trainee as compared to the time generally taken by an average intelligent trainee to obtain his solo rating. An average intelligent trainee completes his training approximately in a period (number of watches)as given below; UNIT
Initial OJT After Course
Aerodrome/Ground Movement Control Area Control (Procedure) Area Control (Radar) Approach Control (Radar) Approach Control (Procedure)
30 40 30 30 30
Subsequent OJT on transfer/posting For revalidation 10 15 10 10 10
If the progress of a trainee is considered such that he is expected to complete his training in a particular unit within the period in the table given-above, his progress should be evaluated as Good. If he is expected to take 20 to 30percent more time progress may be evaluated as Average. In case of trainee does not achieve adequate proficiency within period of more than 30 percent of the required watches his progress should be evaluated as “Below-average” positively.
Discontinuation of on the job training of individual due to administrative or personal-reasons.
This factor should always be kept in consideration while making evaluation of training progress. 30 days continuous break in OJT may effect the progress of trainee considerably. Therefore discontinuation of training for 30 days or more should be reflected in progress reports.
6.10.6 Special attention should be paid to cases where evaluation of progress of trainee is described “Below average” Appropriate remedial action should invariably be recommended in such cases on the trainee’s performance and progress. 6.10.7 The report is to be completed by the OJTI and submitted to Facility Training Officer by 5th of the month following the month reported upon. The FTO will verify the report by comparing the daily reports of the month as well as by personally observing the performance of the trainee. He should complete the monthly reports by giving his remarks and submit along with daily reports to C.O.O. for his perusal and onward submission to HQCAA (Director Ops) by 7 th instant positively. 6.11
To keep rating valid an air traffic controller has to perform at least 4 duties in the unit within 180 days. Rating in any unit shall become invalid when an air traffic controller has ceased to exercise the privileges of the rating for a period of 180 days and the rating shall remain invalid until the controller’s ability to exercise the privileges of the rating has been re-established.
Operation of Schedule / Non-Schedule Service by Foreign Airlines 7.1
Definition. a)
Schedule Services. Schedule services are those services, which operates according to the published timetable approved by D.G. CAA.
Non-Schedule Service. A service other than Schedule services which operates on request or intimation to states through whose territory the aircraft will operate without any published time table.
Technical purpose.
A landing for any purpose other than taking on or dropping passengers, Cargo or Mail.
Commercial /traffic rights. The right to pick up and/or drop of both passengers, cargo and mail so approved by D.G. CAA.
The Airport Director of JIAP Karachi is authorized by Director General of CAA to clear the Non-Schedule Flights of schedule operators on six-hour advance notice by the operator. (Ref: HQCQQ/1601/AT-1 dated 15th June 1992).
The following Categories of Non-Schedule flights may be cleared (Ref. HQCAA Letter No HQCAA/1601/AT-1 dated 16th June 1992) a) b) c) d) e)
All Non-Schedule flight operating with technical landing at JIAP Karachi. Extra section flights of Schedule Operator operating on regular basis to/through Pakistan including over-flying /technical landing. Ambulance flights for the Evacuation of Patients/ Casualty making technical landing or over flying as per their request filed. Special Ferry flights to recover unserviceable Aircraft (in Pakistan or Abroad) and/or to operate to carry the load of the unserviceable aircraft. Flights diverting and operating through Pakistan due to any emergency. 140
f) g) h) j)
Following categories of Non-schedule flights shall be cleared by HQCAA. a) b) c) d) e)
Non-Schedule chartered flights desiring to over fly Karachi FIR. All requests for technical landing at Islamabad, Peshawar or Quetta. Traffic rights to Non-Schedule chartered flights. Aircraft belonging to Israel, departing from or destined to an aerodrome with in Israel. All VVIP/VIP flights.
Foreign Military Aircraft a) b)
Relief flight being operated in aid to victims of natural calamities. Flights operated by United Nation, aircraft or on behalf of United Nations. Schedule operators who wish to omit landing in Pakistan. Relief flights for schedule operators in case of any technical problem.
No Foreign Military aircraft shall be cleared to operate through Karachi FIR without prior permission from Air Headquarters. No Foreign military aircraft shall be cleared for any incidental flight not covered in the original clearance (test flight, training flight etc) without permission of Air Headquarters.
Following procedure shall be followed for clearing the Non-Schedule flights, of schedule operators.
7.6.1. For processing the case of clearance following information shall be required from the Operator; a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Name of Operator. Type of Aircraft and Registration number. Date and time of arrival and departure from Pakistan. Place or places of Embarkation and dis- embarkation of passengers and freights on broad.(as the case may be), Purpose of flight and details of passengers and or nature and amount of freight. Name, address and charter of business if any. Route of the flight including entry/exit point with timing
7.6.2. The Airport Director/Manager of Karachi or Lahore in whose FIR the aircraft will first enter in Pakistan airspace shall be the Competent Authority to issue the clearance. 141
7.6.3. The clearance so granted shall forthwith be intimated to: a) b) c) d)
The operator or his authorized agent. Airport Manager of the concerned airport where the aircraft shall make technical landing and ACC in whose FIR the aircraft would subsequently transit/enter. Concerned Air Defense Unit (SOC) through ACC for necessary coordination. D.OPS, Air Headquarters and General Manager Air Transport HQCAA, through TELEX message.
Complete record of all such permissions shall be kept. A monthly detailed report in this regard shall be submitted by D.JIAP/AIIAP Lahore to HQCAA at the end of each month.
Efficient handling of all requests made in connection with Technical landing or Over-flying Pakistan shall be the responsibility of Shift Manager. He will ensure the implementation of HQCAA instructions. Complete record of all correspondence made in this regard shall be maintained. (Ref: COO memorandum No KAP/3422-1/ATS dated 25 th June 1992) 6.
All messages regarding the clearance will be issued from file NO KAP/3422-1(40)/ATS.
Shift Managers should remain vigilant about the instruction issued by Govt. of Pakistan / HQCAA from time to time regarding the clearance of flights and shall comply those instructions in letter and spirit. (Ban on flights from Israel etc and any other such restrictions shall be kept in mind while clearing the flights).
STANDARD STRIP MARKING. The entries on the Arrival, Transit & En-route/departure (ACC/APP) strips shall be made as under: A B
Aircraft identification.
Type of aircraft
Flight level or Altitude
Fix designator.
Estimate over fix or ETA/ETD.
a) b) c)
I. e J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U.
Actual time over the fix. ATA.(in case of no Holding). Time the aircraft over the fix for holding in case holding is involved. ATD in case of departure.
a) b) c)
Time the aircraft left the fix in case of holding. ATA at destination in case the aircraft was held prior to landing. Actual time over CTR/outer fixes.
Place of Departure. Route designator. Destination. Previous reporting point Estimate/actual time for previous fix. Time at which Instrument approach clearance issued Time at which aircraft commenced instrument approach or reported outbound. Time aircraft reported inbound established during standard approach procedure. Time of coordination with ATS units A= Area P= Approach Z= Control Tower G= Ground Control Time, place or altitude at which the aircraft handed over to next ATS Unit–RVSM / W & X Clearance limit “A” for arrival “V” for over flying No delay or EAT, Weather, Type of Approach, Runway.
Route Time
PIA795 B777/H 487 7404
KC 2245 OPKC
Taxi Time
DEST Start-up Approved Start-up Req
Cood Time Cood Unit
STAR Route
PIA 303 B747/H 480 0107
0700 OPLA
Initial CCT
Switch Off Time
Freq Change Over Time
Cood Time
Strip Marking/Symbology the following symbols are used data recording on flight progress strip. CONTROL ABBREVIATION
Cleared to Aerodrome
Cleared to NDB
ATC Clearance (When relayed through other unit)
Cleared to depart a Fix/Aerodrome
Cleared to Fix
Cleared to Hold (Holding instructions issued)
Cleared for ILS Approach
Cleared to land
Clearance not delivered.
Cleared to fly specified sector of a NAV aid
Cleared to over fly the fix
Cleared to cross [airway, route, radial at (point)]
Cleared for SRA
Cleared for Straight-in-approach
Cleared for Visual approach
Cleared for VOR or VOR/DME approach
Area Control center
Coordination effected
Clearance expires at (time)
Expected approach time
Aerodrome Control
After passing
Flight Information Center
Final approach
Expect further clearance at (time/fix) 146
Ground Movement Control
Initial approach
Left Turn
Missed approach
Approach control office
Procedure turn
Radar contact
R (with slash on R)
Radar service terminated
R (R to be crossed)
Radar contact lost
R (encircle R)
Radar hand over
Request further altitude change enroute
Reverse course
Runway heading
Report leaving (fix/level)
Report passing (fix/level)
Report reaching
Release subject to your discretion
Right Turn
Radar vector
R (with slash on V)
Pilot to resume own navigation
Report crossing (airway, route, radial)
Aircraft given time check
Traffic is
Additional traffic is
Until further advice
Aircraft given appropriate altimeter setting
Clearance void if not off ground by (time)
W (With red pen)
Current Weather passed
Delay not determined
MEANING Climb and maintain Descent and maintain
Level passed by aircraft
Coordination affected Cruise
At (rate of descent/climb)
Maintain (level) Join or intercept route, airway, track radial While in control area Enter control area Leave control area NW
Enter control zone (entry from north west) W
Leave control zone (west bound) Through CTR
Aircraft requested to adjust IAS 250knots
Aircraft requested to reduce IAS by 20 knots
Aircraft requested to increase IAS by 20knots 148
Special VFR operations authorized in vicinity of Aerodrome. (Level)
Level cancelled
Level re-cleared
Before (time)
After (time)
Level in-appropriate to magnetic track Until time, fix, level
Alternate instructions At or below At or above
(level) B (level)
Block level assignment Clearance void if not off ground by (time)
Aircraft reported at assigned level Information forwarded Other than assigned level reported by aircraft (Encircle the reported level)
VOR/DME holding: Upper figure holding
fix, 65
VR 160
Lower figure limiting distance No delay expected R/T contact established R/T contact lost or transferred to unit at Climb under radar control Descend under radar control
CC Climb cruise
SYMBOLS 370 NH 270
Climb (coordinated)to FL-370 Cross NSH at or below FL-270
370 330
Climb (coordinated) to FL-370 Cross NSH at or above FL-330
Descend (coordinated) from FL-350 to FL-80 Cross 80DME FL-260 or below
350 80D/ 260 80
Climb to FL250 maintain FL170 (due traffic) further climb under Radar control
Descend from FL310 to FL260 further descend under radar control
Climb coordinated to FL330
Descend coordinated from FL 350 to FL200
350 200
Climb cruise from FL150 to FL370
Cleared to fly between radial 090/120 25DME to50DME between FL100/FL200
CC 150
090-120 25D-50D 100B200
TYPICAL RATES OF DESCENT FOR A3-DEGREES GLIDE PATH GROUND SPEED RATE OF DESCENT 40kts 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
200 feet/minutes 250 feet/minutes 300 feet/minutes 350 feet/minutes 400 feet/minutes 450 feet/minutes 500 feet/minutes 550 feet/minutes 600 feet/minutes 650 feet/minutes 700 feet/minutes 750 feet/minutes 800 feet/minutes 850 feet/minutes 900 feet/minutes
APPENDIX-A DIRECTORY OF DUTIES FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT-I (WORK STATION) Flight Data Assistant – I (Work Station) is responsible to Shift Manager for:a)
Processing and updating of ATS messages received from Pre Flight Information Unit on AMSS terminal or through any other source including ATS units/SHF/MSR/PNS Mehran etc. for ACC/APP.
Endorsing time of receipt in six-digit date time group (DTG) on all ATS messages received on AMSS.
Preparing CAA form 213 (basic) and submitting the same to concerned ACC Sector Controller.
Creating, Validating, modifying and processing the flight plans.
Informing Shift Manager about messages containing information of urgent/Important nature, e.g. VVIP/VIP flights, clearance of Nonschedule flights, Notams and adverse weather conditions etc.
Maintaining record of all incoming messages.
Any other duty assigned by the Supervisor.
APPENDIX ‘ B-2 ‘ 154
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT-II (WORK STATION) Flight Data Assistant – II (Work Station) is responsible to Shift Manager for:a) Maintaining record of all the aircraft movements in the FIR movement register. b) Preparing daily aircraft movement summary after 2400 UTC. c) Maintaining record of aircraft movement on completion of flight. d) Preparing and updating the aircraft movement data in the computer for ATS revenue. e) Preparing and transmitting ATS messages. f) Entering Non-schedule clearances in relevant register. g) Any other duty assigned.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT- N Flight Data Assistant (November) shall be responsible to Shift Manager for: a) Passing all the Flight Movements, received from East, West and North Sector to SOC – PAF (South), and obtain ADC number. b) Passing departure time of all domestic/international flights to SOC immediately upon receiept from FDA Tower. c) Passing all stored flight plans of domestic/international flights to SOC immediately upon receipt. d) Reflecting ADC Number on basic (form CAA – 076) and pass the same to concerned sector controller. e) Maintaining Movement Register (November) in all respects. Write the names time to whom the information has been passed in S.O.C. f) Any other duty assigned by Supervisor.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT ACC (WEST) Flight Data Assistant (ACC WEST) is responsible to Area Controller (Procedure/Radar) for: a) Preparing the computer generated/or manual flight progress strips. b) Passing aircraft movement details to FDA ‘N’ and obtaining ADC numbers. c) Informing ETA of aircraft to Ground Operation Center and FDA Approach. d) Exchanging of FPL and ATS messages with FDA ACC (East) or (North) as appropriate and other ATS units. e) Updating and correlating flight plans in ACC Visual Display Unit (VDU). f) Any other duty assigned by Supervisors.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT ACC (EAST) Flight Data Assistant (ACC EAST) is responsible to Area Controller (Procedure/Radar) East for: a) Preparing the computer generated or manual flight progress strips. b) Passing aircraft movement details to FDA ‘N’ and obtaining ADC numbers. c) Informing ETA of aircraft to Ground Operation Control and FDA Approach. d) Exchanging of FPL and ATS messages with FDA ACC (West) or (North) as applicable and other ATS units. e) Updating and correlating flights plans in ACC Visual Display Unit (VDU). f) Any other duty assigned by Supervisors.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT ACC (NORTH) Flight Data Assistant (ACC NORTH) is responsible to Area Controller (Procedure/Radar) for: a)
Preparing the computer generated or manual flight progress strips.
Passing aircraft movement details to FDA ‘N’ and obtaining ADC numbers.
Informing ETA of aircraft to Ground Operations Control and FDA Approach.
Exchanging of FPL and ATS messages with FDA ACC (East) or (West) as applicable and other ATS units.
Updating and correlating flights plans in ACC Visual Display Unit (VDU).
Any other duty assigned by Supervisors.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT (APPROACH) Flight Data Assistant (APP) is responsible to their respective Approach Controller for: a)
Preparing computer generated/manual flight progress strips.
Exchanging of FPL and ATS messages with FDA Tower as applicable and other ATS units.
Passing aircraft movement details to FDA Tower.
Updating and correlating flights plans in Visual Display Unit (VDU).
Any other duty assigned supervisors.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT ACC (Tower) Flight Data Assistant (TWR) is responsible to their respective Aerodrome / Ground Movement Controller for: a)
Receiving flight plans from ACC East, West, North and PFIU / Shahrahe-Faisal.
Preparing computer generated/manual flight progress strips for arrival / departure flights.
Obtaining ADC from FDA (November) for departing flights.
Passing ATD of aircraft to FDA ‘N’.
Correlating the departure in the Visual Display Unit (VDU).
Coordination with Line-1, Line-II (PIA) and Domestic Airlines Operations for towing the aircraft on apron.
Maintaining Movement / Revenue Register (CAA-447)
Maintaining updating the Aircraft movement Data in the computer system for ATS revenue adequately.
Coordination with FDA-GOC and Pre-Flight information Units for passing flight movements.
Preparing daily aircraft movements (Arrival / Departure/Local), summary for IOU.
Any other duty assigned by supervisors.
FLIGHT DATA ASSISTANT ACC (GOC) The FDA Ground Operation Control is responsible to Ground Operations Controller for: a)
Maintaining record of vacant and occupied Gates at Jinnah Terminal satellites.
Maintaining record of arrivals / departures timings of aircraft using Jinnah Terminal satellites.
Passing gate numbers of flights using Jinnah Terminal satellites to FIDS & Flight Inquiry, aircraft Operators.
Passing the ETA and revision of arriving aircraft to FIDS, Flight Inquiry.
Coordinating with Tower/PFIU for arrival and departures timing of schedule / Non-schedule flights.
Any other duty assigned by supervisors.
AIRLINES SCHEDULE / NON-SCHEDULE CLEARANCE COORDINATION OFFICER Airlines Schedule / Non-schedule Clearance Coordination Officer is responsible to F.O.O. for: a) Updating the diary of all non-schedule flights (Civil/Military) in sequence of YA Numbers of AT Branch, HQ CAA/MC Number of Air Headquarters. b) Making entries of non-schedule clearance issued either locally or by HQCCA/AHQ in the relevant warning registers. c) Ensuring that airline schedules (domestic/international) are kept up to date. d) Retrieving, preparing and transmitting non-schedule clearance with coordination of Shift Manager. e) Issuing clearances to non-schedule flights/making technical landing or over flying Karachi with coordination of Shift Manager if incase the clearance is not available. f) Any other duty assigned by FOO/COO
Director General CAA
DY.Director General CAA
Director Administration
Director Technical
Director Air Traffic Services/Operations
Director Air Transport
Director Finance
Director Works
Director Airport Management
Director Plans & Project
Director Coordination
Director Legal Services
President Safety Investigation Board
Chief of Flight Standard
Chief of Airworthiness
Director CATI
Director Flight Inspection
Staff Officer to DGCAA
Secretary to DGCAA
Staff Officer to DY.DGCAA
Secretary CAA Board
General Manager Administration
General Manager Coordination
General Manager Personnel
General Manager Training
General Manager Employment
General Manager Air Traffic Services
General Manager Air Transport
General Manager Fire Services
General Manager COMM OPS
General Manager Electronics
General Manager Facilitation
General Manager Vigilance
General Manager Gen-Aviation
General Manager MIS
Chief Pilot Calibration
Chief Operation Officer
General Manager Gen-Engineering
General Manager Commercial
General Manager Project
Chief Medical Officer
General Manager Plans
General Manager Statistics
General Manager Supply
General Manager Works
General Manager Revenue
General Manager Disbursement
General Manager Account
General Manager Legal
RSM – 870 200 NM (ONE WAY) 300 (AIRCRAFTS/TARGETS) 1030
60 MHZ
AS – 809, 36 DIPOLES
1/52 NM
B747 B757 B767 B777 B737 B707 B727 A300 A310 A320 A330 A340 IL86 IL96 IL76 IL62 DC10 DC9 DC8 L1011 MD11 MD83 MD90 MD87 BAC1-11 TU154 F-27 DHC-6 ATLANTIC C-130 YK42 LEAR-JET C-172 C-402 CITATION-5 FALCON-20 B-200
LENGTH (IN FEET) 10000 5400/9200 5900 6700 6500 – 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8600 10000 9000 10000 7000 9500 10000 6800 10000 10000 10500 6800/8300 7200 6200 4700/7400 8200 5000/7000 2000 7000 4660 7220 3500 1800 2100 3200 3850 2845
80 – 90 80 – 90 80 – 90 70 65 – 75 80 – 90 49 80 – 90 80 80 80 70 49 60 49 80 80 48 80 80 80 65 70 65 33 39 10 10 60 10 40 20 10 10 10 15 12
CATEGORY 9 8 8 7 6 7 7 8 8 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 7 7 9 9 6 7 6 6 7 4 3 5 4 6 3 3 3 3 3 3
VIP/VVIP MOVEMENTS VIP / VVIP aircraft or aircraft carrying VVIP/VIP shall be dealt as under; 167
when information regarding VVIP movement will receive G.M.C shall inform iiiiiiivv-
PIA Line Maintenance – I. PIA Line Maintenance – II. Airside Office Fire Station. General Aviation through GOC. when FL regarding VVIP flight will GMC shall take following action;
Inform C.O.O. Inform TM VIP. Inform PIA Flight Control. Inform CFRO. Inform MAS. when actual ETA/ETD of VVIP flight received the Aerodrome Controller shall take following actions;
Inform C.O.O. Inform TM VIP. Inform CFRO. Inform MAS.
ARRIVAL VVIP movements after landing on runway 25R/25L will follow Taxiways A/E, C and B. Follow-Me vans shall be positioned on taxiway ‘B’ for guidance of further taxi till parking stand. All VVIP flight to be parked on stand number 64 or 62 in coordination with COO / FOO or Manger Airside. DEPARTURE Aircraft carrying VVIP parked on stand 64 shall be push back facing east before starting taxi. Aircraft VVIP parked on Bay No 64 shall be instructed to taxi straight ahead to bay 1 and then turn right. Aircraft shall be cautioned to use minimum power while taxing out. This would avoid inconvenience likely to occur due to blast from the aircraft to the dignitaries near about bay No, 64. Follow-me van shall be positioned in front of the aircraft and the Marshaller will be instructed to provide Follow-Me service in the manner quoted in Para Extreme caution shall be exercised for tail engine aircraft as the vortices generated create disturbance in close proximity of aircraft position. Turn, if allowed to such aircraft before reaching bay No.62 would not only result in upsetting the dignitaries but would also cause damage to the terminal and allied equipment. 168
DEPARURE FROM BAY NO.62 Since Bay no.62 is mainly pushback bay and the location of the dignitaries is such that no blast is likely to effect the line up, the pilot in this situation, shall be advised to get pushback to the nose-wheel guidance line for positioning before commencing taxi on his own power. DEPARTURE FROM BAS 62,64& 65 Immediate right turn from these parking bays shall not be permitted and the aircraft shall be advised to taxi straight ahead until, in the judgement of the Aerodrome Controler, the aircrafts blast would not effect the protocol line. For achieving a smooth operation of flight, the pilot shall be briefed before departure regarding the taxi manoeuvres and also the same instructions shall be transmitted on R/T at the time the aircraft is ready to taxi out. When Rwy 07L/R in use aircraft will enter on runway via taxiway C & A for 07L and via B & E for Rwy 07R. When Rwy 07L in use the aircraft; -
will follow taxiways B & C to enter on Rwy 07R and will follow taxiways B, C & A to enter Rwy 07L thereafter will taxi on Rwy than will back track for Rwy 25R/L.
instructions regarding the aircraft movements during VVIP movement are given in AIP Pakistan.