COVID-19 Friendly Fundraising for Schools With distanced learning and delayed events, school groups have to get creative with how their community fundraises. Habitat Systems has some ways to help! Scratchcard Program Habitat Systems’ scratchcard program yields 100% profit. We will work with you to personalize your cards with your playground design so that people will connect to your cause and therefore be more willing to support it! This program can be executed without the need for students to meet with family or friends to gather funds. Using virtual meeting platforms such as Facetime, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams, students can execute the program and collect funds using e-transfer. Many schools have benefited from this program over the years. Flip the page to read program success stories.
MunchALunch The Munch-a-Lunch program assists schools with running all aspects of a fundraiser online such as selling school branded hoodies, plant sales, cookie sales etc. The program provides online payment so that no cash collection is needed keeping everyone safe and item distribution organized. You can run detailed reports with the click of a button so that everyone on PAC can see class participation and profit amounts easily. Habitat has a team member with extensive program experience who can walk you through the benefits and connect you with Munch-a-Lunch directly.
Digital Pledge Sheets We are able to provide our clients with personalized marketing materials such as fundraising “thermometers”, banners, posters, and pledge sheets to help schools get the word out to the community. Pledge sheets featuring your school’s 3D playground rendering with a personalized message and an appeal for donations can be printed or we are able to provide a digital form that can be sent via email to parents and community members.
Visit to begin working with us on fundraising for your playground.
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