Annual Report 2012

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FY2012 July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Why we

BUILD Homes, Communities and Hope

Our Vision 我們的理念 A world where everyone has a decent place to live 世上人人得以安居

Our Mission 我們的使命 Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. 仁人家園貫徹神愛於生活中,以行動凝聚眾人, 攜手建設家園、社區及希望。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Table of Content 目錄

Letter from the Honorary Chairman



Board Chairman and Managing Director’s Review



Who we are



What we build



Why we Build? Homes


我們建構 為了築建家園

Why we Build? Communities


我們建構 為了共建社區

Why we Build? Hope


我們建構 為了締造希望

Our Events



Our Financial Review



Our Board



Our Donors and Supporters



Our Contact



Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Letter from the Honorary Chairman 榮譽主席感言 Building Homes Changing Lives


hile China has benefitted from steady and

What we have created is similar to mounting a house

robust economic growth over the past year,

upon on a rock. “The rain came down, the streams rose,

we must not forget that there are some

and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it

150 million people who live in dreadful conditions,

did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

what we call “poverty housing”. Many have lost their

(Matthew 7:25) With the help of volunteers and our

homes through natural disasters. With their lives ruined,

family partners’ own strength, HFH China endeavors

families encounter another critical challenge: building a

to provide affordable housing. We endeavor to make

replacement. Rebuilding a home is a very difficult task.

poverty housing history and bring new hope into the lives

Many people prefer to stay in their badly damaged,

of our partner families. Building on a rock makes a house

ramshackle houses. They cannot afford a suitable new

durable. Without a strong foundation, what we build will

house. Worst still, there are families who face the future

be meaningless. When the rain comes down, the streams

without a roof over their heads. These people are in dire

rise and the wind blows and beats against, the house will

need of our help to improve their living environment, and

tremble and fall. The house is most durable and rock-solid

change their future.

if we stand together to help those families in need.

Habitat for Humanity China believes in “A world where

This is the reason why we keep on working with—

everyone has a decent place to live.” Over the years, we

alongside—our partner families!

have served many low-income families in China through the construction of new homes, and the maintenance,

Looking into the future, we aim to expand our services

rehabilitation and repair of existing ones.

through our office network and reach out a hand to more people who are in need of decent homes. To do

This year marks the 12th anniversary of HFH China. We

this, we need the support of all our volunteers, donors,

are proud to say that our achievements are more than

companies, government officials and bodies, and our

just providing simple and decent housing to families in

many other backers.

need. What is more important is to bring together the different sectors in the community and to find ways to

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone

partner with families in need to rebuild homes that are

who has participated in our events over the past year,

safe, solid, decent and affordable. Only in such a way can

helping us complete one project after another, for helping

disadvantaged families see how hard work can produce

to create the resounding success we have witnessed

new homes and lives filled with a sense of dignity and




Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

去一年,中國經濟發展穩步上揚,可是,國內尚 有 1.5 億人民缺乏安居之所,不少人更面對各種 自然災害的挑戰,家園盡毀,流離失所,導致貧

窮住屋問題。很多貧困家庭、災害倖存者,更因為沒找到 適合安置的房屋,至今仍然居住在隨時倒塌和衛生情況惡 劣的破舊房子裡。當中很多家庭,甚至面臨「無瓦遮頭」 的考驗,他們正默默亟待各界支持,改善生活環境,改寫 未來命運。 中華仁人家園本著「世上人人得以安居」的理念,在全國 各地組織大規模房屋建造或維修工程,幫助需要安穩住房 的家庭。今年是中華仁人家園成立的第十二個年頭,成立 至今,我們一直不只為有需要的家庭,築磚牆、蓋房子; 更重要的是,我們彙集社會各界四方八面的力量,聯同有 需要的人,結成合作伙伴,與他們同手齊心,合力建設適 切的房屋,協助貧困家庭建立一個安全、穩固、又能負擔 的體面居所,靠自己的力量,重築家園,從而有尊嚴地生 活下去。 我們所造的,好比把房子蓋在磐石上:「雨淋,水沖,風 吹,房子總不倒塌,因為根基立在磐石上。」( 馬太福音七: 25) 我們的使命,就是扶助伙伴家庭,憑藉他們個人的努 力,再配合支持者的援助,改善生活環境,脫離貧困,改 寫生命。這就好比把房子的根基紮在磐石上,這樣房子才 會穩固。單單為貧困家庭建一所房子,就有如把房子蓋在 沙土上;遇到雨淋,水沖,風吹,房子就會倒塌。只有我 們團結一起,加上伙伴家庭自強不息的力量,建起來的房 子,才是堅固的。 這,就是我們為他們結成伙伴家庭攜手興建家園的原因 ! 展望未來,我們將繼續透過六個地區辦事處的網絡,幫助 更多家庭得以安居。我們的目標是凝聚不同的志願者、捐 助人士、企業及支持者,與貧困家庭聯手重建家園。 在此,本人萬分感謝過去一年參與中華仁人家園活動的所 有支持者,協助我們完成一個又一個項目。

Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS


Honorary Chairman Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園榮譽主席

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Board Chairman’s Review 主席回顧


012 was a fruitful year for Habitat for Humanity China. We used our office network in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan to implement existing projects and identify new ones. Our prime aim is to serve families in need. We also seek projects and locations that are suitable for largescale participation by our many volunteer builders. Our task is not merely charitable giving. We bring together partner families and volunteers to build homes. Families benefit from a renewed sense of dignity, selfconfidence and happiness. Volunteers benefit from understanding how their efforts make a real and lasting difference. Everyone benefits from reminding themselves what the concept of “family” or “home” truly means. A home is more than just a comfortable structure, it is also the place where families create memories as they live, grow, learn, play, laugh, cry and celebrate together. In 2012, we organized our first “Habitat for Humanity Youth BUILD” program. HFH China joined Habitat affiliates in four other Asian countries to put into practice Habitat’s dream of a world where everyone has a place to live. Some 5,000 young volunteers from many different nationalities and cultures built in many locations at the same time. Through “Habitat Youth BUILD”, young volunteers develop their potential and broaden their horizons as they become the leaders of their communities and societies in the years ahead. In 2013, we will build on our foundations. We aim to build more homes. We also look to contribute to finding new ways of help families caught in poverty housing. We will work to extend our activities in existing locations. We will seek to develop new opportunities using our Shanghai office as a hub for new programs in eastern China. In the coming year, we will continue to gather more supporters to provide safe and affordable housing to those families living in distressing circumstances. Come and join us. Build —literally if you wish—a better world and bring hope to more deserving families.

去一年,是中華仁人家園成果豐碩的一年。我們 透過廣東、廣西、香港、上海、四川及雲南支部 的網絡,在中國不同地區進行多個項目及開展全

新的計劃。我們的首要任務,就是要協助有需要的家庭建 設家園。此外,我們亦不斷尋找更多適合志願者參與建屋 的地點,讓他們有機會與伙伴家庭,一同流汗、一同建屋。 我們的志願者們親自參與建屋,讓他們感受到個人的力量 也可為他人的生命帶來轉變。 我們的工作不是施捨,卻是與他們攜手興建家園,讓他們 活得有尊嚴、自信和快樂。我們幫助他們重築家園的同時, 也從他們身上重新認識「家」的定義:一個「家」是一個 溫暖的安樂窩,讓一家人樂融共聚時光。 2012 年,我們不但在中國完成多項不同規模的建屋項目, 中華仁人家園更聯同亞洲另外 4 個國家,舉辦首屆仁人家 園「青年領袖建屋計劃」,召集 5,000 名志願者攜手興建 房屋,讓青年發揮潛能及擴闊視野,將「人人得以安居」 這個理念,傳遞到更遠的角落,讓更多人關注貧窮住屋的 問題。 在 2013 年,我們將厚積沉澱,繼往開來,並非單單協助建 屋,而是主動尋找問題的根源,對症下藥,解決貧窮住屋 的問題。除了現有的計劃,我們將積極拓展中國東部的全 新項目,並將上海支部的發展更上一層,成為該地區的「大 腦」。 展望未來一年,我們將繼續彙聚世界各國更多支持者協助 修建家園,讓世上人人都擁有安全、又能負擔的體面居所。 我相信,這樣的世界,一定會更美好、更充滿希望。我期 待與大家攜手合作 !

Mr. Peter Charles Witton 魏德恩先生

Chairman of the Board of Directors Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園董事會主席


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Managing Director’s Review 行政總裁回顧


eing part of the Habitat for Humanity China family means more than a job to me. It is a gift from God. As the Managing Director of HFH China, I have the opportunity to engage in the planning, organization and execution of multiple projects. I also have the opportunity to be on Habitat building sites. Going through the same mission alongside volunteers and home partners as they build houses together—despite all the sweat and pain—is a blessing. With hard work, together with support from HFH China and our volunteers, I see families who change their destiny and turn over a new page in their lives. In May 2012, over 300 volunteers joined “Habitat for Humanity China Youth BUILD” to lend their helping hands to 110 partner families to build new homes in Shuiweidong Village, which is located in Conghua, Guangdong. In Hong Kong, we completed our two-year Tai O Stilt House Restoration and Community Development Project. The project carries meaningful significance as HFH China has not only organized home repairs and maintenance. We have also played a role in the preservation of the unique culture of one of Hong Kong’s special fishing village communities. The success of the Tai O Project has made us realize that there are still people in Hong Kong in need of our help. That’s what has inspired us to roll out more projects in Hong Kong, including the “World Habitat” Campus Beautification Program. Last year, we launched the “Age-friendly” Housing Project in Shanghai, which is now widely recognized and supported by the local government and the public. To date, a total of 571 volunteers have helped the elderly families to significantly tidy up and improve their homes. HFH China successfully completed various projects in Sichuan and Yunnan following destruction from earthquakes. We have built new homes that can withstand magnitude 8.0 earthquakes for 162 partner families in Sichuan. We launched a project to eliminate dangerous farm houses in Chahe Village, Yunnan. Some 38 Hani families now have safe and secure homes. Our partner families in Chahe have also learnt to grow high-profit crops e.g. grapes providing a source of income that helps break the poverty cycle. Witnessing the sheer joy on the faces of a family as they enter in their new Habitat home gives me reason to believe that hope is all around us. The smiles are worth more than a thousand words. Such smiles are the motivation behind my work. I want to play my part in eliminating poverty in the world. My colleagues and I seek no greater dividend than this, and this is indeed, what drives us towards our goal. Creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live will come true if we act now!

與中華仁人家園的不同項目,是上天給我的一份禮 物。由構思、籌備到開展項目,以至親身參與,我都 一一經歷過。我見證著伙伴家庭新居落成,一磚一瓦, 蘊涵厚情,更是改變他們一生的轉捩點。 2012 年 5 月,我們在廣東開啟大型建屋項目,召集超過 300 位青年志願者,參加中華仁人家園「青年領袖建屋計劃」,於 廣東從化水尾洞村,幫助 110 戶建造安全穩固的新家。 在香港,歷時兩年的「大澳棚屋複修及社區發展計劃」竣工。 此項計劃饒具意義,因為我們不僅複修房屋,更保留及活化傳 統的漁村文化,令仁人家園的項目注入嶄新的保育元素。大澳 計劃的成功,令我們深深明白,香港仍有很多人需要協助, 激發我們推出更多針對香港人需要的計劃,包括啟動「世界家 園」校園美化計劃,讓學生們快樂健康地學習,發展所長。 去年在上海推出「適老性」住房改造計劃,得到當地廣泛支持 和政府的全力肯定。2011 至 2012 年度,我們邀得 571 位志 願者,為遍佈上海的老年人家庭,徹底改善居住環境。 過去一年,我們在四川和雲南啟動的多個建屋計劃相繼落成。 四川開展的地震災後重建項目,合共幫助 162 戶伙伴家庭建造 可承受 8 級地震的新居。另外,雲南普洱市寧洱縣岔河村啟動 的「危房改造計劃」,讓志願者與少數民族哈尼族 38 戶家庭, 共建安全穩固的家園,當地政府又教導他們種植更具經濟效益 的農作物如葡萄,打破跨代貧窮。 看見伙伴家庭重獲安居之所後洋溢的喜悅,他們由心而發的笑 容,勝過千言萬語。這不單是我和所有同事最大的回報,也是 我們最大的推動力。在新一年,我們會繼續努力,為仍然面對 貧窮住屋問題的家庭改善環境,達到「人人得以安居」!

Mr. Kester Yim 嚴啟泉先生

Managing Director Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園行政總裁

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


H Who we are

abitat for Humanity (HFH) is a global non-profit Christian housing organization that seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Since

1976, Habitat has served 3 million people from more than 600,000 families by welcoming people of all races, religions and nationalities to construct, rehabilitate or preserve more than 600,000 houses; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to



help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity China (HFH China) was established in 2000 and merged its operations in Hong Kong and Mainland China into a single entity in 2006. Habitat for Humanity China currently works in Guangdong, Guangxi, Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan, as well as in Hong Kong to eliminate poverty housing problem in rural districts and disaster-prone areas.

人家園是一家致力消除貧窮住屋問題的國際非盈利組織。我們與不同 背景、種族、信仰的人士同心協力,跟有需要的家庭結成伙伴,攜手 修建他們的家園。自 1976 年成立以來,仁人家園與受助家庭結成伙

伴,聯同當地社區團體及志願者等攜手合作,在世界各地興建及修葺了超過 60 萬間房屋。至今逾 60 萬家庭合共約 300 萬人,居住在「仁人家園」所修建的房 屋內。 中華仁人家園則成立於 2000 年,並於 2006 年將香港及中國內地的運作融合, 在廣東、廣西、上海、四川、雲南和香港設有分支,為不同地區消除貧窮住屋 問題及災後重建。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


No. of houses completed (built, rehabilitated and repaired) in Mainland China and Hong Kong in FY2012 FY2012 中國內地及香港完成的房屋總數﹙包括新建、改建、修葺的房屋﹚


No. of families helped in Mainland China and Hong Kong in FY2012 FY2012 中國內地及香港受助家庭數目


No. of volunteers joined in Mainland China and Hong Kong in FY2012 FY2012 中國內地及香港志願者參與總人數

70,782 No. of volunteering hours in Mainland China and Hong Kong in FY2012 FY2012 中國內地及香港志願者服務總時數


4,310 families 家庭

Total no. of houses completed by HFH China (since 2006) 中華仁人家園完成的房屋總數﹙自 2006 ﹚

12,300 people 人

Total no. of families/ people served by HFH China (since 2006) 中華仁人家園協助的家庭 / 民眾總數 ﹙自 2006 ﹚

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Yunnan 雲南 No. of Houses Completed 完成房屋數目 (FY2012)


(10 houses 房屋 + 1 sports and leisure public area 休閒及康體公共空間 )


No. of Families Helped 受助家庭數目 (FY2012) No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數 (FY2012)


(12,088 hours 小時 )

Sichuan 四川 No. of Houses Completed 完成房屋數目 (FY2012)


No. of Families Helped 受助家庭數目 (FY2012)


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數 (FY2012)


( 10,456 hours 小時 )

Guangdong and Guangxi 廣東及廣西 No. of Houses Completed 完成房屋數目 (FY2012)


No. of Families Helped 受助家庭數目 (FY2012)


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數 (FY2012)


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


(35,120 hours 小時 )

Hong Kong 香港 No. of Houses Completed 完成房屋數目 (FY2012)


No. of Families Helped 受助家庭數目 (FY2012)


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數 (FY2012)


(34 Houses 房屋 + 3 Schools 校園 )

(3,894 hours 小時 )

Shanghai 上海 No. of Houses Completed 完成房屋數目 (FY2012)


No. of Families Helped 受助家庭數目 (FY2012)


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數 (FY2012)


(9,224 hours 小時 )

What we build 我們建構 了什麼 Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Why we build?


我們建構 為了築建家園 A Decent Home 體面的居所


atural disasters together with poverty issues have

night. Grandma Yang seldom goes out since she became

destroyed homes of numerous families remain

paralyzed due to stroke in winter 2009. To save money for

unrepaired in many regions. The key work of HFH

her regular medication and treatment, her sons had to carry

China is to join hands with the affected families as partners

her downhill seven days a week to catch the local bus to Huo

and build safe, decent and affordable homes.

Jing Town for hospital treatment, instead of hospitalization. The normally 10-minute journey down the hill turned into 40

HFH China started its operation in Sichuan Province in

minutes when they carried Grandma Yang.

2008 in response to the devastating earthquake. Its postearthquake rebuilding projects in 2011-2012 included

In 2010, the government of Qionglai City supported the

the settlement area in Liang Shaba XiJiaba in Qingchuan

national "New Rural Construction Policy" to raise the

County as well as “Eliminating Endangered and Old

safety level and improve the quality of life. New houses

Farmhouses Project” in Mayan Village located in Youzha

are constructed with strong red bricks and based on the

Town, Qionglai City. New homes that can withstand

standard that can withstand magnitude 8.0 earthquakes.

magnitude 8.0 earthquakes have been built for 162 families.

The building cost for a house of a 3-member family is approximately RMB80,000 (USD12,800). Although the

The Mayan villagers mainly earn their living from

government can provide financial support of RMB30,000

subsistence farming and raising livestock. All of them are

(USD4,800) to each family, the villagers have to settle the

living in old houses made of mud, wood and tiles, which

large remaining balance. With their average annual per

are vulnerable to landslides. The living environment is

capita income of RMB5,900 (USD940), it is simply impossible

deplorable with no proper sanitation, stable electricity

for them to have a new home. In 2011, HFH China partnered

or clean water supply. After the devastating earthquake

with Grandma Yang to build a safe home with sanitary

followed by a rainstorm, the mountain structure of Mayan

facilities downhill, so she can have an improved living

Village has been damaged, leaving the houses in shaky and


dangerous conditions. Flooding is another natural disaster that causes damages The home of Grandma Yang is at the hill top of Mayan

to homes in China. Longyang Village in Mashan County,

Village built in the last century. Her damaged home was

Guangxi is attacked by rainstorms and floods every year

built near the “Ancient Tea-Horse Trail”, which was the

due to its location in the basin surrounded by mountains.

ancient transportation route for tea. Grandma Yang’s elder

Villagers lost their crops and livestock and their old houses

son is over 50 and has his own family near her house, while

are further damaged. From February to November 2011,

the younger son aged 40 is living and works from day to

HFH China has provided no profit loans to nine family partners in Longyang Village to build safe, secured, new homes with proper sanitary facilities.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

2009 年冬天,她突發中風半身不遂,兩個兒子輪替地背她 到山下,再背過踏水橋,等候鄉村巴士。原本十分鐘的路 程,足足花了四十分鐘,才趕到鎮上的醫院。兒子們為了 省下住院費為母親買藥,他們每天都要背著母親,往返醫 院治療。

邛崍市政府於 2010 年啟動「農村危舊房屋改造」項目, 國不少地區不但面對貧困問題,更長期飽曆天災,

按照 8 級抗地震房屋標準設計,以堅固的紅磚興建新房子,


大大提高安全性,改善村民日常生活設施。每座 3 人家庭


新房子的建造成本約 80,000 元人民幣(12,800 美元),


雖然政府給予每戶 30,000 元人民幣(4,800 美元)的建房


補助,但其余資金則由農戶自行籌集。不過,馬岩村每年 人均收入只有 5,900 元人民幣(約 940 美元),興建新家

自 2008 年四川大地震後,中華仁人家園在四川啟動建屋

的美夢,要成真也很困難。2011 年,中華仁人家園與楊婆

計劃。2011 至 2012 年期間開展的地震災後重建項目,包




崍市油榨鄉馬岩村的農民新居項目,合共幫助 162 戶伙伴


家庭建造可承受 8 級地震的新居。 除地震外,內地亦受到水災的困擾,其中廣西省馬山縣龍 邛崍市油榨鄉馬岩村,村民以務農為生,居於用竹木、夯





受損。2011 年 2 至 11 月,中華仁人家園為龍仰村 9 戶伙





當中,楊婆婆的家,位於馬岩村馬跑井山頂上,是一座建 于上世紀初的大瓦房院落,已經殘破不堪。她的房子建于 茶馬古道邊,茶馬古道是古代中國最古老用作運送茶葉的 國際信道之一。楊婆婆的大兒子 50 多歲,成家後不久已搬 離這座老宅。小兒子 40 多歲,與楊婆婆住在這座老宅院, 每天早出晚歸在外打工。山路彎彎,楊婆婆甚少離開居所。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


A Foundation of Joyful Home 美滿家園的基石


eisure and sports development holds a key part in life. Many rural areas in Mainland China fail to provide comprehensive construction planning

with leisure facilities. In addition to assisting the family partners to build homes, HFH China has also established recreation installations to answer their needs. In 2011, HFH China built retaining walls for Ganhaizi Village in Yunnan to resist landslides. A public sports field including a basketball court was also built with the help of Nike Sports. Now all the 60 families are able to enjoy a public area where they can play sports, relax and communicate to benefit their health and well-beings.

樂及體育發展是生活重要的一環,但內地不少農村,都缺乏周詳的城鄉規劃及康體設施。 中華仁人家園除了協助伙伴家庭興建房屋,更關注村民對生活環境的需求,為他們修建休 閒設施,建立美滿的家園。在 2011 年,中華仁人家園為雲南省幹海子村,建造了擋土牆

來抵禦滑坡,並與耐克運動合作,修建了包括休閒區、籃球運動場等設施在內的社區運動中心,讓 60 戶村民得到更安穩的生活之外,同時擁有公共空間,享用體育設施,促進健康生活,並與村內村 外多作交流,提高生活水平。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

A Space to Learn and Live Freely 愉快學習的空間


a brand new project, “World Habitat” Campus


Beautification Program.


upils spend most of their daily time at school. School campuses therefore are our dearest children's second home and places where our

future leaders are raised. Hence, HFH China started

子們每日都會在學校花上大 半天時間吸收知識,校園成 為了莘莘學子的第二個家,


化計劃。 “World Habitat” Campus Beautification Program is a learning workshop which lets volunteers and pupils learn


the relationships among different habitat’s architectural


features, local living needs, geography and culture.


Volunteers and pupils then join hands to complete


educational activities such as designing a mural using


the theme of “World Habitat”, filling the school walls,


floors and classrooms with paintings and planting. In the


year of 2011-2012, there were a total of 188 volunteers

2011 至 2012 年度,共有 188 名志願

leading pupils from three schools to beautify the campus

者,帶領 3 間學校的學生,為校園增

and add vitality to the schools. A good environment


with the help of an interesting activity allows students to


maintain in better physical and mental states to develop


their strengths. Children also learnt to cherish their school


more and enjoy their campus life.

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Why we build?


我們建構 為了共建社區

Uniting with Like-minded Supporters 彙聚志同道合的支持者 Since 2009, the local government has initiated a program called “Eliminating Mud Houses for Low11-13, 2012. Mr. Jet Li, along with

Income Rural Families”, which aims

other Build Ambassadors, Ms. Karen

to transform mud houses into safe

Mok, Ms. Christie Wo and Ms. Viann

homes. Families who qualify for

Liang, led over 300 volunteers to join

this program will receive a subsidy

the build in Conghua, Guangdong.

of RMB45,000 (USD7,100) from the

The team has helped 110 family

government to build a new house.

partners to build new homes.

However, the average cost of a brick

FH China is devoted to

Community facilities including

house with a reinforced concrete roof

its vision “A world where

water supply, sewage system and

in the Conghua district is RMB70,000


everyone has a decent place

roads are improved. HFH China

(USD11,000). To help the 110 families

to live”. Every house-building project

has transformed the village into

of Shuiweidong Village to reach their

focuses on eliminating poverty

a community that is secure and

dream of safe and decent homes,

housing problems. Every year, HFH


HFH China provided the families

gathers volunteers from all over the

with a no profit loan that gave them

world to build homes in different

the funding needed to complete the

regions. Support from all sides is

construction of their houses and help

received to let everyone have a safe,

to transform their entire community.

affordable and decent home. The projects of HFH China also HFH China launched its first-ever

gathered groups from different

“Habitat Youth BUILD” program,

sectors. Alcan Cable (China) [now

one of the biggest annual volunteer

General Cable (China)] is one: “As

building activities of Habitat for

a global leader in the wire and

Humanity. With the slogan of “Today’s

Shuiweidong Village is a small rural

cable industry, we have constantly

Builders, Tomorrow’s Leaders”, youth

farming community in Guangdong

fulfilled our social responsibility. In

from different cultures are led by our

Province, one of the most rapidly

2012, Alcan Cable (China), for the

Build Ambassadors to build homes

developing provinces in China.

first time, joined HFH China and the

across countries in Asia-Pacific.

Guangdong is also an area that has

One Foundation to participate in

Young volunteers can develop their

the most visible disparity between

the ‘Habitat Youth BUILD’. All our

potential and broaden their horizons

the rich and poor. Many families in

staff contributed to the community

to become future leaders of different

Shuiweidong are living in primitive

of Shuiweidong Village by building

sectors and contribute to society.

and dangerous houses made of

houses. Through all the sweat and

mud walls and tiled roofs. These

hard work, we are proud and pleased

Mr. Jet Li, the founder of One

houses are lacking proper ventilation

to put our social responsibility into

Foundation, supported “Habitat

or sanitary systems and often

practice. The build created a platform

Youth BUILD” program by

house both the family and livestock

for groups from various sectors and

joining Habitat as a Habitat Build

together. Not only are the houses

regions to unite together to carry out

Ambassador and Charity Partner

uncomfortable and unhygienic, they

our social responsibility and move

to co-organize the activity on May

are also vulnerable to floods and

forward to a better future."

typhoons that regularly hit this area.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012




的帶領下,滙聚超過 300 位年青志願

屋 計 劃, 都 以 消 除 貧 窮 住



造之旅,幫助 110 戶家庭建造安全穩









中華仁人家園舉辦首屆「青年領袖建 屋計劃」,是仁人家園其中一項最大












履行企業社會責任。2012 年,對於加















結 成 慈 善 合 作 伙 伴, 合 辦 2012 年 5



月 11 至 13 日的青年領袖建屋計劃。


欣慰,更深深體會到我們對社會應當 履行的責任。這項建屋計劃為企業築

在李連傑先生及另外兩位仁人家園建 屋大使莫文蔚小姐、胡敏珊小姐,以

從 2009 年起,當地政府開展「農村








供的建房補貼 45,000 元人民幣 (7,100 美元 )。不過,當地建造一座房屋,需 要資金 70,000 元人民幣 (11,000 美元 ) ,因此,中華仁人家園向水尾洞村的 村民提供非盈利小額援助貸款,協助 110 戶家庭興建安全穩固的新家,實 現夢想。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Forging Friendship 建立跨越領域的友情


FH is a platform for volunteers and family

possible. With coherent actions and high efficiency, hills

partners to bond tightly through building

of bricks were moved from one side to the other side of

homes together. HFH China organizes volunteer

the building site and passed to the second floor for the

activities to build houses all over Guangdong, Guangxi,

volunteers to keep on laying bricks. This has embodied

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan. Although

the power of solidarity.”

each trip lasts only for a few days, all volunteers not only build a safe home with families, a solid friendship is also

Habitat’s family partners have different backgrounds


and needs. After joining HFH China’s Tai O Stilt House program and “Habitat Youth BUILD” in Guangdong,

The Sichuan earthquake in 2008 deeply struck the world.

Karen felt that the families share the same eagerness for

In the following year, Ms. Karen Mok, famous Asian singer

a safe, secure and comfortable home. “When I built the

and actress, joined Habitat as Build Ambassador and

houses with bricks and tiles, I had such a concrete feeling!

rebuilt homes for families in the disaster-affected area.

When I saw the smile on the villagers’ faces, I felt so warm

Karen subsequently partook in our “Tai O Stilt House

in my heart. Everyone wants to have a home. As long as

Restoration and Community Development Project” in

we work together, this dream can surely come true. I look

Hong Kong and “Habitat Youth BUILD” program in

forward to building houses with Habitat again so that I

which she has built friendships with Habitat volunteers of

can help more people to achieve this dream!”

different nationalities and together they have taken part in eliminating poverty housing.

KIA Motor and Dongfeng Yueda KIA share the same view on undertaking roles on public welfare sector. Thus, the

The scene of volunteers chaining up to pass bricks in

two groups have implemented the “Happy Move Build”

the site has deeply crafted into Karen’s mind: “Holding

with HFH to emphasize “A society where happiness is

the brick knife, laying the cement on bricks, putting

shared” since 2009. By joining hands with volunteers,

the bricks together piece by piece, while doing all the

families living in poverty areas are helped to build new

above, I kept reminding myself to maintain balance and

homes and enjoy family life under a safe habitat. This

symmetry … because I was building a house! It was a cold

has a significant meaning towards the Chinese society

winter that was only 3-4 degrees Celsius. The villagers

because the concept of a family being together safely

were living in temporary shelters. They also joined in to

is highly valued. In 2011-2012, around 300 Chinese and

build together with the construction team and volunteers

Korean university students contributed a total of 12,600

from Hong Kong and overseas. All of us were working

hours to build homes for eight families.

very hard so that they could have a new home as soon as


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012






磚牆,記緊要砌得平衡、對稱 ....... 因為我正在興建一所穩


固的房子 ! 在只有三四度的寒冬下,災民在臨時帳篷下生




也加入建屋大軍,為他們早日搬進新家而努力。大家動作 一致,效率之高,不消一會,便將整座小山丘高的磚塊,

2008 年四川汶川大地震,震撼全球心靈。翌年,亞洲歌




災區,為汶川地震災民重建家園。莫文蔚小姐其後又參與 中華仁人家園在香港大澳的「大澳棚屋複修及社區發展計





需要,但他們對一個安全、穩固、舒適家園的渴求,如出 一轍:「當我用雙手一磚一瓦地築建房屋,感覺如此實在 ! 當我見到伙伴家庭的笑容時,感到相當溫暖。人人都想擁 有一個家,只要我們同心協力,這個夢想,一定可以實現。 我十分期待與仁人家園再次出發,為更多人圓夢 !」 起亞汽車及東風悅達起亞,同樣關切參與公益事業,因此 以「共享幸福的社會」為主題,由 2009 年開始,與仁人 家園在內地共同組織「起亞家園」建屋活動,援助中國貧 困地區居民建造房屋,讓企業和志願者攜手努力,使許多 的貧困居民得以喬遷新居,安享天倫之樂,對極其重視家 庭觀念的華人社會,具有重大意義。2011 至 2012 年度, 「起亞家園」建屋活動凝聚約 300 名中韓大學生的力量, 一起貢獻 12,600 小時,為 8 戶家庭修建家園。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Revitalizing Traditions and Communities 活化傳統社區


s cities continue to develop, many aging communities fail to catch up and are gradually forgotten. Many houses of the elderly are dilapidated and inadequate for living. Elderly often face difficulties in their daily life when they cook and bathe. Some even become depressed because of being neglected. In Shanghai and Hong Kong, HFH China has renovated homes for the elderly who have contributed to the society so that they will not feel left behind.

市不斷發展,社會上出現不少老化的社區,這些社區因為追不 上步伐,漸漸被忽略遺忘。很多老年人長年居住的房屋,日久 失修,起居設備亦不足,日常生活如炊飯、洗澡,都面對困難, 部分長者更缺乏關懷變得意志消沉。中華仁人家園分別在上海及香港, 針對這一群曾經為社會默默耕耘的老年人,幫助他們修葺房屋,並送上 溫暖。

In Shanghai, the “Age-friendly” Housing Project is widely recognized and supported by the local government and public. In 2011-2012, HFH China successfully invited 571 volunteers to improve housing for elderly families by accomplishing nearly 100 sessions of 7-hour volunteer service. In particular, our family partner Grandma Gao has to take care of her youngest daughter who is mentally ill all by herself. Her husband passed away years ago and her son was addicted to drugs and unable to find a job after rehabilitation. The living condition was very poor. The walls had turned yellowish. Wires and circuit box were worn out and sanitary conditions were not good. She did not have savings to improve her living environment. Thus, HFH China joined with Grandma Gao as partners and provided her with assistance. After one and half months of renovation, Grandma Gao is very excited to see the house that she has been living for several decades has now turned into a clean and bright home. 在上海,中華仁人家園推出「適老性」住房改造計劃, 得到當地社會的廣泛支持和政府的全力肯定,於 2011 至 2012 年間,邀得 571 位志願者,提供近 100 次每次 7 小 時的服務,為上海的老年人家庭,徹底改善居住環境。當 中,高婆婆的丈夫已去世,要獨力照顧患有精神病的女兒, 兒子又曾經染上毒癮,雖然成功戒毒卻找不到工作。縱然 房子牆身發黃、電線電路殘舊、衛生條件又很差,但她沒 有儲蓄改善環境。中華仁人家園決定與高婆婆結成伙伴, 成為「適老性」計劃的協助對象。經過約一個半月的修葺, 高婆婆第一次看到住了數十年的居所光潔如新,牆身變得 亮麗,整個房子都光亮起來。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

In 2010, HFH China initiated the “Tai O Stilt House Restoration and Community

中華仁人家園於 2010 年在香港啟

Development Project”. Tai O is the only


remaining intact fishing village in Hong


Kong. HFH China helped the low-income


families to repair and maintain their stilt


houses and at the same time conserved


the unique culture of the community.

2012 年 6 月圓滿結束,約 1,500

The two-year project came to an end in

名志願者參與活動,合共完成 92

June 2012. HFH China had successfully

項工程,為 72 位退休長者家庭複

recruited 1,500 volunteers to complete

修棚屋,同時為約 50 個家庭維修

92 restorations which included stilt

及 美 化 10 條 棚 屋 區 內 的 鄰 舍 通

houses of 72 retired elderly, repairing and


beautifying ten neighborhood walkways

更特意舉辦志願服務日,組織 60

for 50 families. A special volunteer day


was organized during Chinese New Year


to send blessings to the Tai O community.

為 15 戶長者家庭大掃除,打掃家

60 volunteers who once participated in


repairing stilt houses joined Habitat to provide house cleaning service for 15 elderly families to welcome a new year!

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Why we build? 我們建構 為了締造希望

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty 打破跨代貧窮



hahe Village, located 160 km from Kunming,

Mr. William Chan, Habitat Build Ambassador, joined 45 volunteers from Shanghai and Hong Kong to Chahe Village to build homes for three low-income families in October 2011.

capital city of Yunnan Province, is one of the mountain villages where the Hani settled. Hani is

an ethnic minority in China that can trace their roots back to the ancient nomadic Qiang people who made their homes along the mountain slopes. The Hani of Chahe

仁人家園建屋大使陳偉霆先 生 與 45 位 來 自 上 海 及 香 港 的志願者,在 2011 年 10 月 到岔河村,親手為 3 個低收 入家庭重建家園。

Village lives in dangerous primitive houses made of mudbrick walls. These houses have no ventilation or sanitary systems. Since the houses are built along slopes, they are very vulnerable to earthquakes and landslides. As farmers, with their average annual incomes amounting to only RMB1,496, it is an impossible luxury for families to repair

Habitat supporter Steven To never regretted his choice

their homes. The poverty cycle extends to their next

to spend a vacation doing volunteer work in Chahe:


“Can you imagine the sense of fulfillment I had when I witnessed the completion of a big house’s foundation in


In early 2011, HFH China started the “Eliminating

just three days? I became so convinced how Habitat used

Endangered and Old Farmhouses Project” in Chahe

the donations and engaged the volunteers that I decided

to provide no profit loan for 149 villagers in 38 families.

to join them again.” During April 2012, he organized

Family partners and Habitat volunteers built a homeland

a build for his company The Boston Consulting Group

which is safe and sound. The local government also

(BCG). 23 colleagues of BCG embarked on their journey

taught them to plant high-profit crops e.g. grapes so that

to Mayan Village. The trip was so well-received that they

they can improve their income to break the poverty cycle.

decided to make it an annual event.

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

於雲南普洱市寧洱縣的岔河村,是一條小山村, 距離雲南省省會城市昆明 160 公里,是哈尼族人 聚居的村落之一。哈尼族的祖先可追溯到中國古

代的氏羌族群,許多哈尼族人現今主要居住在山坡上。居 住在岔河村的哈尼族人,他們居住的土石房破舊不堪,而 且衛生條件惡劣,又欠缺通風設施;更大問題是大部分的 房屋都坐落於陡峭的山坡,極有可能受到地震及滑坡的侵 害。岔河村的村民,以務農為生,年均收入只有 1,496 元 人民幣,僅僅足以餬口,貧窮問題更延伸至下一代。 2011 年年初,中華仁人家園在岔河村啟動「危房改造計 劃」,向 38 戶家庭 149 名村民,提供非盈利小額援助貸款, 並率領志願者與村民攜手興建安全穩固的家園,當地政府 又教導他們種植更具經濟效益的農作物如葡萄,大大提高 收入,使他們打破跨代貧窮的問題。 仁人家園支持者杜子中在假期期間到岔河村投入志願工 作,並沒有後悔當初的選擇:「在短短 3 天,我見證了一 個房子的地基完工,滿足感難以言喻。我更加確定仁人家 園非常認真對待捐款的處理和志願者的參與,我決定再次 加入他們的行列。」在 2012 年 4 月,他為波士頓咨詢集 團的同事組織了一個建屋團隊,23 位志願者踏上旅程,到 四川馬岩村建屋。此行廣受歡迎,他們決定將建屋之旅變 成每年一度的盛事。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Changing Lives 改寫命運

Building for a Better Future 建立美好的未來


u Zhao Bing lives in Chahe Village with his family of five. He makes his living by planting rice, chili and grapes. However, his house is perched along a

steep mountainside, the family must carry everything they need up steep, narrow, slippery paths. Although he is subsidized by the local government to build a new home downhill, he did not have enough savings for the rest of the payment. Therefore, HFH China backed him as family partner and provided him a no profit loan so that he can build a structurally safe brick house located closer to the main road for easier access. A new home is expected to be ready for the Pu family in 2013. Zhao Bing hopes to increase his grape cultivation and begin a new tourism business. He plans to invite people from nearby cities to spend a day or two on his farm to enjoy the countryside. For this outgoing, genial family, a new home will bring new opportunities, and be the building block for a bright future.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Pu Zhao Bing (left) and HFH China staff Tom Zhang have become friends. “This have been a long-awaiting day for me. Thanks to the volunteers of Habitat. I can soon give my family a safe home. I also wish to welcome visitors in my new house as host to promote the economic development of our village,”Pu Zhao Bing said. 普照兵(左)與仁人家園的員工張灿成為好友。普照兵稱:「我期待這天的 來臨很久了,感謝仁人家園的志願者,我很快可以給家人一個安樂窩,也希 望可以藉新房子招待外地的旅客到訪,推動我們村的經濟發展。」

河村村民普照兵,一家五口在山坡上生活,每天 要在狹窄、易滑的山路奔波,到山下種植大米、 辣椒及葡萄。雖然當地政府提供補助資金,支持

他在山下興建新居,不過他們沒有積蓄支持其余的建屋費 用,所以中華仁人家園決定與普照兵結成伙伴,提供非盈 利小額援助貸款,幫助興建新居,選址靠近公路,交通便 利,預計 2013 年,他們一家便會搬進舒適的新居。 普照兵計劃房子建成後,開墾一個葡萄園,開發農家旅遊, 邀請住在附近城鎮的居民,來岔河村享受一兩天的休閒時 光。一個新家將會給這個熱情好客的家庭帶來新的機遇, 造就一個美好的未來。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Building Love and Self Development 共築關愛 累積人生歷練


lobal Village volunteers have travelled to locations

proud of what I did especially when I can really see that the

throughout the world. Every seven minutes

villagers appreciate what we do. Whether it is through a small

Habitat serves a family in need of decent housing.

cup of tea or even just a verbal ‘thank you’, the very fact that

Global Village offers a unique opportunity for volunteers to

someone is grateful for our work is enough to make me feel

experience another culture and interact with people from

that my work is not for nothing. Overall, Habitat has allowed

various backgrounds. Volunteers can partner with families

me to meet another side of the world and has taught me that

suffering from poverty to help build decent and affordable

even an individual like me can affect someone’s life.”

homes, and create a true "global village" of love, homes, communities and hope.

Mano Lee, an 11th grade member of Campus Chapter, has been to two builds so far. The first one was the “Habitat

In 2011-2012, HFH China organized 64 Global Village trips in

Youth BUILD” and the second one was a “Global Village”

Mainland China and gathered 23 volunteer teams to build in

trip. He especially enjoyed forming a human chain to

Asia-Pacific countries. A total of 2,000 volunteers have lent

transport the bricks:

their caring hands to families in need in different regions and forever changed the lives of others.

“Meeting the new crews, bonding through the endless passing of bricks – our human chains literally 'linked' us all

Volunteers who participated in the "Global Village" short-

as one gigantic sweaty mass, eager to build. More than one

haul trips experienced something that improved themselves

hundred pairs of committed, handy hands never showed

and enhanced their lives. After being involved in labor works,

a sign that they did not want to be there. Silently working,

students from American International School of Guangzhou

numb to tiredness. It was a unique feeling that brewed

(AISG) have come up with different insights.

from the blend of bricks, sands, cement, and our compact collaboration.”

As the PR Officer of HFH Campus Chapter in AISG, HeeChul Byun has led his schoolmates to join “Global Village” trips

Also an 11th grade member of Campus Chapter, David Won

five times. He gained a sense of self assurance after the trips:

has joined the same builds with Mano. He enjoyed a lot in both trips:

“Each build feels new and the sheer joy of being able to help out hands on and not just through donations. I can

“Habitat Youth BUILD was my first ever build experience, and

actually see where my money’s going and this makes the

it is very valuable to me. Both builds were pretty exhilarating

experience even richer. All five of the builds I’ve been on

and overall a satisfactory experience as well. In 'Global

were full of sweat and hard work. Sure, there was a searing

Village' trip, I was able to interact with people coming from

pain in my arms and back by the end of the day. But I feel

other schools. Generally, I adore the builds, as I can get to do activities that I normally don't do.”


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

人家園的慈善足跡踏遍全球,每 7 分鐘,便有一 個家庭得到仁人家園的幫助。我們的「地球村」 活動,為志願者提供一個獨特機會,與世界不

同文化背景的人士交流,體驗異國文化,與當地的貧窮家 庭結成伙伴,協助興建可負擔的體面居所,創造一個充滿 「愛、家、社、望」的地球村。 2011 至 2012 年度,中華仁人家園於中國內地舉辦了 64 次「地球村」活動,同時組織 23 隊志願團隊前往亞太地區 建屋,總動員近 2,000 人,為不同地方有需要的家庭伸出 關愛之手,改寫他人生命的旅程。 參與「地球村」的志願者,透過這個短途的建屋之旅,取 得珍貴的學習體驗,自我增值,提升人生歷練,當中包括 廣州美國人國際學校的同學們,親身參與體力勞動後,都 有不同的領悟。 邊熙哲以仁人家園校園分會公關主任的身份,5 次帶領同 學們參與「地球村」建屋活動後,獲得自我肯定的滿足感: 「每次參加建屋之旅,都帶給我新的感受。除了捐款之外, 能親手幫助別人,更看到自己的捐款確實地應用在建屋之 上,我非常享受那種快樂。回憶中,每次旅程都充滿著汗 水和努力,每天在工地完成工作,必定滿身酸痛,但看到 村民們流露的感激之情,我便十分自豪。哪怕是一杯茶, 或是一聲道謝,已經令我覺得一切辛勞都是值得的。更重 要的是,仁人家園讓我體會,個人力量也可為他人的生命 帶來轉變!」 11 年級學生李宰英,曾經參與「青年領袖建屋計劃」和「地 球村」建屋活動,對組成人鏈搬運磚塊,特別有感覺:「每 次遇到新的志願者,都會因為傳遞磚塊而變得親近,我們 形成的人鏈,令大家化成一股渾身是勁但又充滿汗水的力 量。超過一百對手連成一線,眾人目標一致,默默地工作, 完全忘記疲勞。由磚、砂、水泥,還有人和人之間緊密的 合作,形成一種獨特的感覺。」 李宰英的同級同學元東載,同樣參加過「青年領袖建屋計 劃」和「地球村」建屋活動,也非常享受兩次旅程:「領 袖建屋計劃是我的第一次建屋,是非常寶貴的體驗。兩次 活動都讓我相當振奮,而且非常滿意。在『地球村』之旅, 我更能與來自其他學校的人互動。建屋之旅讓我完成一些 平常生活不會接觸的事,令我刻骨銘心!」

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Our Events 我們的活動


ith the vision of “A world where everyone has a decent place to live”, Habitat for Humanity China has implemented a series of house-building projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong to build homes, communities and hope with our home

partners. To raise more donations and public awareness on poverty housing problems, HFH China has actively organized a variety of fundraising events and educational activities. Consequently, the society can contribute to our building projects in multiple ways to help families in need.

華仁人家園一直以「人人得以安居」為理念,透過在中國內地及香港開展的建屋計劃,合力與伙伴家庭建立 家園、社區和希望。過去一年,中華仁人家園不遺余力地舉辦各式各樣的籌款活動和教育項目,希望籌募更 多善款,向大眾宣揚關注貧窮住屋問題的信息,同時讓社會各界透過不同的形式,為建屋計劃出一分力,幫 助有需要的家庭。

Habitat Brick Race Charity Walk 一步一磚建家園


n July 10, 2011, HFH China organized the “Habitat Brick Race” Charity Walk at Hong

Kong Disneyland Resort. Board Member of Hong Kong Tourism Board Mr. Clifton Ko Chi-sum, MH, was invited to be the guest of honor while Habitat Build Ambassadors, Mr. William Chan and Ms. Sherman Chung, as well as Mr. Adason Lo, Mr. Danny Choi and Mr. German Ku from Asian Millionstar were invited to join the walk. Over 500 participants put on their helmets and carried plastic bricks in the 4-kilometer charity walk. After returning to the finish line at the coach park, all participants built the “House of Dream” with plastic bricks, symbolizing the hope of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. This event raised a total of HKD220,000.


011 年 7 月 10 日,中華仁人家 園於香港迪士尼樂園度假區舉

辦「一步一磚建家園」慈善行。超 過 500 名參加者,由主禮嘉賓香港 旅遊發展局成員高志森先生 MH、 仁人家園建屋大使陳偉霆先生及鐘 舒漫小姐,以及活動嘉賓星光家族 成員羅力威先生、古卓文先生及蔡 梓銘先生帶領,戴上安全帽,攜帶 膠磚,步行約 4 公里,並在終點築 建一個巨型磚屋,象徵仁人家園匯 聚社會不同的力量,實踐人人得以 安居的願望。是次活動籌得善款共 220,000 港元。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Habitat Golf For Charity Tournament 仁人家园慈善高球日


olf lovers in Hong Kong supported the “2011 Habitat Golf for Charity Tournament”, the first golf tournament held by HFH China, in association with The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club on August 26, 2011 and raised

nearly HKD200,000. HFH China invited Hong Kong celebrities, Professor Felice Lieh-Mak, CBE, JP, Chairman of Medical Council of Hong Kong, Mr. Michael Wong, International artiste, Mr. Patrick Dunn, former Chairman of Artiste Golf Association of Hong Kong and Mr. Ronald Yam Tak-fai, Honorary Treasurer of HFH China, to be the guests of honor. The tournament was also greatly supported by Ms. Gemma To, Ms. Cindy Lee, Ms. Yu Siu Po and Mr. Norman Law from Artiste Golf Association of Hong Kong, who joined and played in the tournament.

眾樂善好施的高爾夫球愛好者, 出席中華仁人家園與清水灣鄉村

俱樂部在 2011 年 8 月 26 日合辦首屆 「仁人家園慈善高球日」, 為仁人家 園籌募接近 200,000 港元。是次活動 邀得香港醫務委員會主席麥列菲菲教 授 , CBE, JP、著名藝人王敏德先生、 香港藝人高爾夫協會前會長鄧梓鋒先 生及中華仁人家園榮譽司庫及董事會 成員任德 先生擔任主禮嘉賓,主持開 球禮;更獲香港藝人高爾夫協會的成 員杜貞貞小姐、李思雅小姐、余少寶 小姐及羅文先生到場支持。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


World Habitat Day 2011 2011 世界人居日 ‧ 十月建家在中华


total of nine large-scale volunteer building trips were organized in different areas including Guangdong, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan, during October 3-29, 2011 to echo the 26th World Habitat Day. The

build marathon recruited 310 volunteers from different regions to build safe and decent homes for over 30 families living in poverty. On October 27, Habitat Build Ambassadors Mr. William Chan and Ms. Sherman Chung attended the ceremony with Mr. Kester Yim, Managing Director of HFH China, to share their feelings on building homes with Habitat.

華仁人家園由 2011 年 10 月 3 至 29 日於廣東、香港、上

海、四 川 及 雲 南 等 地 區, 接 連 舉 行 9 個大型修建房屋志願者計劃, 響應第 26 屆「世界人居日」。這 項馬拉松式修建房屋活動,召集了 310 名來自不同地區的志願者,為 超過 30 個貧困家庭,帶來安穩舒 適的居所; 10 月 27 日,仁人家 園建屋大使陳偉霆先生及鐘舒漫小 姐,更聯同中華仁人家園行政總裁 嚴啟泉先生,向公眾分享修建房屋 的感受。

Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2011 蘭桂坊嘉年華 2011


FH China has proudly been engaged with Lan Kwai Fong Association as Charity Partner for three years

starting from 2011. On November 12-13, HFH China participated in the LKF Carnival and set up creative game booths. The booths attracted some 250,000 people and raised HKD50,000 in total. HFH China will continue to work with LKF Association to promote more charity activities in the coming two years.

2011 年起,中華仁人家園與蘭桂坊協會成為三年的 慈善合作伙伴;並於 11 月 12 至 13 日的蘭桂坊嘉年

華,擺設互動遊戲及義賣攤位,吸引大約 250,000 人參觀, 中華仁人家園共籌得善款 50,000 港元。在未來兩年,雙方 繼續攜手努力,推動更多活動和計劃。 (From left) Mr. Kester Yim, Managing Director of HFH China, Habitat Build Ambassador Ms. Sherman Chung, Dr. Allan Zeman, Chairman of LKF Association, Habitat Build Ambassadors Ms. Crystal Kwok and Mr. William Chan, attended the opening ceremony to arouse public awareness on poverty housing. ( 左起 ) 中華仁人家園行政總裁嚴啟泉先生、建屋大使鐘舒漫小姐、蘭桂坊協會 主席盛智文先生、建屋大使郭錦恩小姐及陳偉霆先生,出席蘭桂坊嘉年華開幕典 禮,呼籲大眾宣揚關注貧窮住屋。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Build For Hope Charity Concert 《揚樂韻 ‧ 築希望 ‧ 家》慈善音樂會


FH China jointly organized the “Build for Hope” Charity Concert with Watoto Asia at the Hong

Kong Polytechnic University’s Jockey Club Auditorium on February 28, 2012. The performance of the Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda, East Africa, united people with music and raised funds to support building projects to provide safe and decent homes for more people in need. Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, joined the concert as the guest of honor. The concert raised nearly HKD200,000 with proceeds to support HFH China’s building projects, Watoto Child Care Ministries and their housing projects.

華仁人家園於 2012 年 2 月 28 日 假香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館舉

行「揚樂韻 ‧ 築希望 ‧ 家」慈善音 樂會。透過遠道由非洲而來的 Watoto 兒童合唱團的演出,以音樂凝聚大眾, 為建屋活動籌款,讓更多人擁有安樂 窩。是次音樂會更得到平等機會委員 會主席林煥光 , GBS, JP 支持並擔任主 禮嘉賓,共籌得接近 200,000 港元善 款,為仁人家園建屋項目及 Watoto 關 懷兒童事工籌款,以及支持其兒童村 的建房計劃。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012




Corporation 公司捐款



Individual 一般捐款



Internationally Raised Income 海外捐款



Global Village 地球村





Program 項目經費



Education & Public Awareness 公共意識及教育經費



General Administration 行政經費





















Net Current Assets 非流動資產



Net Assets 淨資產





INCOME 收入 Locally Raised Income 本地捐款

Total Income 總數 EXPENDITURE 支出

Total Expenditure 總數 BALANCE SHEET AS AT June 30, 2012 截至二零一二年六月三十日止年度的資產負債表 Non-Current Assets 非流動資產 Current Assets 流動資產 Accounts and other receivables 應收帳款 Amount due from headquarter 應收仁人家園國際總部 Cash and bank balance 現金及銀行結余 Current Liabilities 流動負債 Accounts and other payables 應付帳款

Reserve 儲備 General Fund 基金余額

The financial statements of HFH China Limited for the year ended June 30, 2012 were audited by Fan, Chan & Co. and approved by the Board of HFH China Limited. The full financial statements can be made available upon request. 中華仁人家園有限公司於二零一二年六月三十日止年度之財務報告,經范陳會計師事務所核數師審核及中華仁人家園有限公司董事會認 可。歡迎索閱有關報告全文。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

REVENUE STREAM FY2012 經費來源 Locally Raised Income - Corporation 本地公司捐款


Locally Raised Income - Individual 本地一般捐款


Global Village 地球村


INCOME Total Revenue 總收入:

HK$ 21,783,941

Internationally Raised Income 海外捐款


Funding Allocation FY2012 經費分配 General Administration 行政經費


Program 項目經費



Funding Allocation 經費分配:

Education & Public Awareness 公共意識及教育經費


HK$ 23,526,227

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Our Board 我們的董事會 Habitat for Humanity China Board of Directors 中華仁人家園董事會

Habitat for Humanity China Board of Advisors 中華仁人家園顧問委員會

Chairman 主席

Peter Charles Witton 魏德恩

Chairman 主席

Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS 陳達文博士,銀紫荊星章

Vice-Chairman 副主席

Lai Kam Cheung, Michael 賴錦璋

Members 成員

Chan Chung Ming, Jonathan 陳忠銘

Hon. Treasurer 榮譽司庫

Yam Tak Fai, Ronald 任德

Choi Wing Kum, Janice 蔡關穎琴

Members 成員

Yong Teck Meng 楊達明

Leung Kai Hung, Michael 梁啟雄

To Yung Sing, Herman 杜勇聲

Ng, Winnie 伍穎梅

Richard Kevin Hathaway Dr. Anugerah Pekerti 白興良博士 Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS 陳達文博士,銀紫荊星章 Peter Gape


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Our Donors and Supporters 我們的贊助伙伴和支持者 ( 排名不分先後 In Alphabetical Order) 759 Store 759 阿信屋

Corporations/Professional Bodies/Associations/Individuals 企業 / 專業機構 / 組織 / 個人 Credit Suisse Group 瑞信

AEG Business Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Limited 安舒茨企業管理咨詢﹙上海﹚有限公司

Databox Records Management (Shanghai) Limited 德保檔案文件管理﹙上海﹚有限公司

Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited 富通保險﹙亞洲﹚有限公司

Direct Supply

Alcan Cable (China) [now General Cable (China)] 加鋁電纜﹙中國﹚﹝現為美國通用電纜﹙中國﹚﹞

DKSH Hong Kong Limited 大昌華嘉香港有限公司 DnAGolf

Allied Architects International AAI 國際建築師事務所 / 上海亞來建築設計有限公司

DOW Chemical 陶氏化學﹙中國﹚ 有限公司

Aqua Gold Holding Co. Limited 金麗泉控股有限公司

Dr Lam Siu wing, JP 林兆榮博士, JP

Architecture for Humanity



Eaton 伊頓

Ashworth (YGM Trading) 雅獅威 YGM 貿易 Atelier Pacific


BBL Flooring

Eli Lilly China 禮來製藥中國

Bloomberg 彭博信息

Emerson Electric Asia-Pacific 艾默生電氣﹙亞洲﹚有限公司

BSI Investment Advisors (Hong Kong) Limited


Callaway Golf 卡拉威高爾夫

Fan, Chan & Co. CPA 範陳會計師行

Cargill 嘉吉公司

Fluor 福陸﹙中國﹚工程建設有限公司

Century State Limited

G1 Golf Company Limited

Chateau Star River


Chun Wo Development Holdings Group 俊和發展集團

Golf 007


Golf Partner

Cindy Hong Sum Yee 康心怡 Cisco Systems Hong Kong Limited 思科系統﹙香港﹚有限公司 Citi-SFS Operations 花旗集團慈善公益隊 Citrix Systems Information Technology Limited 思傑系統 Citylinks Golf Lounge CK Retail 21 (Hong Kong) Limited Clifford Chance 高偉紳律師行 CLSA Limited 里昂證券有限公司 Community Builders Limited 社建師集有限公司

Golf Corner Golf Performance Centre Golfing World 高爾夫球世界 Golfwork Studio 高球工作室 Heavy Putters Hitachi 日立 HK Golfers HKCECML Honda Motor Company Korea 本田汽車 Hong Kong Descente Trading Limited 香港迪桑特貿易有限公司 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Corporations/Professional Bodies/Associations/Individuals 企業 / 專業機構 / 組織 / 個人 Shui On Construction and Materials Limited 瑞安建業有限公司 Hung Fook Tong Holdings Hui Siu Wing 鴻福堂集團

Sports Life Asia Limited

Hyundai Motor Group 現代汽車集團

Sportsmark Trading Limited

Inflector (Asia) Limited

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行﹙香港﹚有限公司

ITGolf Limited

SVB Capital

J & A Workshop

Swire Coca-Cola HK Limited

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 摩根大通


Jeanie Kwok Jimmy Marsin JLJ Group 杰而杰集團 Kudos Photographic Design Lan Kwai Fong Association & 20 member restaurants 蘭桂坊協會及其下 20 間成員餐廳 Langham Hospitality Group 朗廷酒店集團 Le Coq Sportif 樂卡克 Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Limited 利豐 (1906) 慈善基金有限公司 Loo Lai Sun, Nancy 羅乃新

Swire Properties Limited 太古地產有限公司 TaylorMade Golf 泰勒梅高爾夫 Team Yoshimura Techtronic Industries Co. Limited 創科實業 The Boston Consulting Group 波士頓咨詢集團 The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club 清水灣鄉村俱樂部 The Harley Owners Group of Hong Kong 哈利車主會 The Home Depot 家得寶 Times International Creation Limited

Lotus Hill Golf Resort 蓮花山高爾夫球會

Ting Fung Sanitaryware & Building Materials Limited 鼎豐潔具建材有限公司



Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利

ToysRus Hong Kong 玩具反斗城

Okia Optical Co. Limited 澳加光學有限公司

Trinity Limited 利邦控股有限公司

Pet Line Co. Limited 聯達寵物用品有限公司

UBM Asia Limited 亞洲博聞有限公司


UL-CCIC Company Limited UL 美華認證有限公司

Pura Golf Purcell Miller Tritton HK Limited QBE Hong Kong & Shanghai Insurance Limited 昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司 QBE Mortage Insurance (Asia) Limited 昆士蘭按揭保險﹙亞洲﹚有限公司 R & S Far East Co. Limited R&A Apparel Resources Co. Limited RomaRo Ronald Lu & Partners 呂元祥建築師事務所 Royal Bank of Scotland 蘇格蘭皇家銀行 Savills (Hong Kong) Limited 第一太平戴維斯﹙香港﹚有限公司 Shanghai Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Co. Limited 上海奧美廣告有限公司

United Family Hospital 和睦家醫院 Univar China Limited 尤尼威爾﹙中國﹚ U-Vex Chemicals (Hong Kong) Co. Limited 悅愷化工﹙香港﹚有限公司 UWW Volvo 香港富豪汽車 Wearnes Motors (HK) Limited Wells Fargo Bank 美國富國銀行 Whirlpool Corporation 惠而浦公司 Wiseville International Limited 智群國際有限公司

Shenny Ruan

Wong Yee Mei Wendy

Shiu Tak Printing Press 兆德印務


Yes! Putter Zhao Qing Golf Resort


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Government/Public Organizations 政府 / 公營機構 Civil Engineering and Development Department, Pinghu Lindai Township Government HKSAR Government 平湖市林埭鎮政府 香港土木工程拓展署 Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau Drainage Services Department, HKSAR Government 上海市民政局 香港渠務署 The Civil Affairs of Yunnan Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR 雲南省民政廳 Government The Red Cross of Guangxi 香港環境保護署 廣西紅十字會 Gaoqiao Township Government The Red Cross of Ning'er County 高橋鎮人民政府 寧洱縣紅十字會 Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government The Red Cross of Rongshui County 香港民政事務總署 融水縣紅十字會 Huaibao Town Government US Consulate Guangzhou 淮寶鎮人民政府 美國領事館 – 廣州中國 Jiuchi Township Government, Pengzhou Wuzhi Township Government, Jianyang 彭州市九尺鎮人民政府 簡陽市五指鄉人民政府 Liangkou Town Government, Conghua Youzha Town Government, Qionglai 從化市良口鎮人民政府 邛崍市油榨鄉人民政府 Mohei Township Government 磨黑鎮人民政府 Schools/Tertiary Institutions 學校 / 專業教育學 American International School of Guangzhou Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School 廣州美國人國際學校 梨木樹天主教小學 American School of Dubai Lycée Français de Shanghai Cambridge International Centre of Shanghai Normal University 上海法國學校 上海師範大學劍橋國際中心 Nanjing Foreign Language School Canadian International School of Hong Kong 南京外國語學校 香港加拿大國際學校 NYU Shanghai Chinese International School 上海紐約大學 漢基國際學校 Peter F. Drucker Academy City University of Hong Kong 彼得.德魯克管理學院 香港城市大學 QSI International School of Dongguan Concordia International School Shanghai 東莞 QSI 國際學校 上海協和國際學校 S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School (Lei Muk Shue) Council on International Educational Exchange Study Centre 聖公會主愛小學 ( 梨木樹 ) 美國國際教育交流協會 Sha Tin College Delia School of Canada 沙田學院 地利亞書院 Shanghai American School Pudong Hangzhou Foreign Language School 上海美國學校 - 浦東 杭州外國語學校 Shanghai American School Puxi HK University of Science and Technology 上海美國學校 - 浦西 香港科技大學 The High School Affiliated to Renmin University HKU Space Community College 中國人民大學附屬中學 香港大學附屬學院 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy HKUST Connect 弘立書院 香港科技大學侍學行 The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture HKUST Rotaract Club 香港大學建築學院 香港科技大學學生會科大扶輪青年服務團會 Tianyi High School HKUST Student Affairs Office 天一中學 香港科技大學學生事務處 United Christain College Hong Kong International School 匯基書院 International Academy of Beijing Wuxi No. 1 Middle School 北京 IAB 國際學校 無錫市第一中學 International School of Beijing Wuxi Taihu International School 北京順義國際學校 太湖國際學校 International School of Qingdao Yuk Yin School 青島 MTI 國際學校 育賢學校 I-Shou International School Zayed University 義大國際高級中學 Zhenhai High School Island School 鎮海中學 港島中學

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


Celebrities 名人 Aaron Kwok 郭富城 Adason Lo 羅力威 Anthony Sandstrom Christie Wo 胡敏珊 Cindy Lee 李思雅 Clifton Ko Chi-sum, MH 高志森 MH Crystal Kwok 郭錦恩 Danny Choi 蔡梓銘 Gemma To 杜貞貞 German Ku 古卓文 Jet Li 李連傑 Jocelyn Luko Joe, Law Hon-Wah 羅漢華 Karen Mok 莫文蔚 Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP 林煥光, GBS, JP Manting Chan 陳文婷 Michael Wong 王敏德 Norman Law 羅文 Patrick Dunn 鄧梓鋒 Professor Felice Lieh-Mak, CBE, JP 麥列菲菲教授, CBE, JP Ronan Pak 白健恩 Shawn Yu 余文樂 Sherman Chung 鐘舒漫 The Chung Brothers 鐘氏兄弟 Viann Liang 梁慧恩 William Chan 陳偉霆 Yu Siu Po 余少寶


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012

Foundations 慈善基金組織 Amity Foundation 愛德基金會 Benoy Foundation 貝貝基金會 Guangdong Harmony Foundation 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會 One Foundation 壹基金 Pinghu Charity Foundation 平湖市慈善總會 Shanghai Senior Citizens' Foundation 上海市老年基金會 Community Groups 社會團體 2G Entrepreneurs Association Binhai Grace Church Ebenezer Church H.K.Y.W.C.A. Tai O Community Work Office 香港基督教女青年會大澳社區工作辦事處 H.K.Y.W.C.A. Tai O Cultural and Ecological Integrated Resource Centre 香港基督教女青年會大澳文化生態綜合資源中心 Hong Kong Christian Council 香港基督教協進會 Hong Kong Jazz Association 香港爵士樂會 Hong Kong People Radio Club Joint School Volunteers' Association 聯校義工協會 Kong Fok Church 港福堂 RIDE 4 HOPE Rotary Club of Wan Chai 灣仔扶輪社 Shanghai Community Fellowship Tai O James' Church 大澳雅閣堂 Tai O Rural Committee 大澳鄉事委員會 Zonta Club

Our Contact 聯絡我們 Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園 Hong Kong 香港

Shanghai 上海

Sichuan 四川

香港上環德輔道中 181 號大新行 17 樓

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17th Floor, Sun House, 181 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel 電話 : (852) 2520 4000 Fax 傳真 : (852) 2520 4020

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Guangdong 廣東

Guangxi 廣西

Yunnan 雲南

廣東省廣州市越秀區 明月一路 20 號明月閣 2212 室 郵編:510600

廣西省南寧市星光大道 34 號 江南香格里拉景灣 1604 號房 郵編:530031

雲南省昆明市長青路 96 號 翡翠灣 2 幢 1006 室 郵編:650051

Room 2212, Ming Yue Ge, No. 20 Ming Yue Yi Lu, Yue Xiu District, Guangzhou PRC Zip code: 510600

Room 1604, Jiang Nan Xiang Ge Li La Jin Wan, No. 34 Xing Guang Da Dao, Nanning, Guangxi, China PRC Zip code: 530031

Room 1006, Block 2, Fei Cui Wan, No. 96 Chang Qing Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China PRC Zip code: 650051

Tel 電話 : (86) 20 8735 8926

Tel 電話 : (86) 771 480 4214

Tel 電話 : (86) 871 6563 2881

Donation Details 捐款方式 Online Donation 網上捐款 *Hong Kong 香港 PPS 繳費靈服務

Merchant Code 商戶編號 : 6057

Crossed Cheque 劃線支票捐款 Cheque payable to “Habitat for Humanity China Limited”. Please send it with your contact information to us. 抬頭請寫「中華仁人家園協會有限公司」,並連同個人 / 公司聯絡資料寄往本會。

Direct Bank-in/ATM Transfer 直接銀行存款 / 自動櫃員機轉帳 HSBC 香港上海滙豐銀行: 502-476591-002 〔HKD 港元〕 502-476591-274 〔USD or others 美元或其他貨幣〕 Please send us the bank-in slip with your contact info. 請將收條副本及聯絡方法交回本會。 *Donations of HKD100 or above are tax deductible. Donation receipts are available upon request. 捐款 100 港元或以上,可索取捐款收據作退稅用途。

**Mainland China 中國內地 Telegraphic Transfer 電匯 Bank 銀行: Bank of China 中國銀行股份有限公司 Branch 分行: Nanjing City Branch 南京城中支行 Title/Account 戶口及賬號:Amity Foundation 愛德基金會 5430-5819-1301〔RMB account〕 Note 注: Amity Foundation is the authorized financial partner of HFH China to receive donation for projects in China. 愛德基金會為仁人家園於國內接收捐款之合法伙伴機構。 Please send us the TT advice with your contact information. 請將入數紙及聯絡方法交回本會。

Telegraphic Transfer 電匯 Bank 銀行: China Construction Bank 中國建設銀行 Branch 分行: 廣州中山大學支行 Title/Account 戶口及賬號:Guangdong Harmony Foundation 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會 4400 1430 0460 5250 0228 〔RMB account〕 Note 注 :

Guangdong Harmony Foundation is the authorized financial partner of HFH China to receive donation for projects in China. 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會為仁人家園於國內接收捐款之合法伙伴機構。 Please send us the TT advice with your contact information. 請將入數紙及聯絡方法交回本會。 **Donation Receipt can be provided with a minimum donation of RMB200. 捐款 200 元人民幣或以上,可獲發捐款收據。

Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report |FY2012


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