HFHC Annual Report 2010 - English

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for H t a t i b

u n n A


na y Chi

, 2009 1 y l u J

, 2010 0 3 e - Jun

, s e m o . H e p g o n H g n i Buildi Build Habitat for Humanity China 17th Floor, Sun House, 181 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852)2520 4000 Fax: (852)2520 4020


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


“We seek to transform the lives of those in need of decent homes and the hearts of everyone involved along the way, starting with mine…and with yours.” Jonathan T.M. Reckford, Chief Executive Officer Habitat for Humanity International

Habitat for Humanity is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to eliminating

poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has built, rehabilitated, repaired or improved more than 400,000 homes worldwide, providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than two million people. In the Asia-Pacific region, Habitat for Humanity helped an estimated 29,600 families in the year to June 2010. That means every 18 minutes a family has a better home and a better life thanks to Habitat for Humanity, its volunteers and partners.

Our Vision A world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live.

Our Mission

Table of Contents Highlights of the Year Honorary Chairman’s Review Our Operations Our Programs Program Highlights Volunteer Engagement List of Program Our Homepartners Our Volunteers Financial Overview Our Board and Management Team Our Sponsors Where to Find Us

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Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build homes together with households in need.


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Highlights Of The Year (Financial Year: July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010)



Honorary Chairman’s Review The year has marked strides in Habitat for Humanity China’s partnership with volunteers, families in need of decent housing, and donors and supporters.

Total number of houses completed in China (built & restored)

8,424 Number of volunteer teams hosted in China (Global Village)


Estimated number of people helped in China


Number of volunteers building in China

Number of families served in China

HK $26,896,694

HFH China continues rebuilding in earthquake-devastated Sichuan province in southwest China, long after the disaster stopped making headline news. Last November, after the end of the financial year under review, HFH China and its partner, Jet Li’s One Foundation, worked with more than 130 Chinese and international volunteers to rebuild homes in Sichuan. As the third anniversary of the May 2008 earthquake approaches, Habitat has helped more than 1,000 families settle into decent and permanent homes. A year earlier, Sichuan was the site of a Habitat signature event – the 2009 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project – where nearly 240 volunteers worked in Qionglai city. Our neighbors in need in Hong Kong are not forgotten. In May 2010, HFH China launched a stilt house restoration project in Tai O fishing village, Lantau island. The three-phase project aims to help low-income elderly residents improve their living conditions and preserve a historical community. A highlight of the year was the establishment of the pilot project in Shanghai, the commercial and financial hub of mainland China in October 2010, after the year under review. Habitat completed renovations or repairs for eight of the 20 elderly families in the initial phase.

Total amount of money raised for HFH China projects

We have also reached out to help families in earthquake-torn Haiti and Chile by raising funds for Habitat’s rebuilding efforts in those countries. It has been a fulfilling year with Habitat for Humanity China’s leadership team and staff committed to building homes and hope. We are particularly thankful to our corporate supporters who continue to contribute valuable resources during a time of economic downturn. Working in the world’s most populous country has its challenges but opportunities to help also abound. Tens of millions of people in China still need decent housing, especially the poorest communities living in remote or minority regions. In Hong Kong and Shanghai, the low-income households lack the means to make home repairs and improvements. Please join and support us to ensure that people in need will have a decent place to call home.

Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS Honorary Chairman Habitat for Humanity China


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Our Operations HONG KONG


Habitat for Humanity China’s Hong Kong office focuses on fundraising

Habitat for Humanity has been active in Yunnan, one of China’s

and recruiting volunteers. Donations are allocated to Habitat housing

poorest provinces, since 2000. The project office was opened in

programs in mainland China and disaster response efforts around the

the provincial capital Kunming in 2002 and has been actively

world such as the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. In May 2010, a

building homes since that time.

three-year restoration project in Tai O was launched to help ensure that homes of impoverished elderly residents are safe.

SHANGHAI Habitat for Humanity China opened an office in Shanghai in January 2010. It is responsible for raising awareness of poverty housing issues, developing projects, and creating partnerships in the Yangzi River delta area, including the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui. The Shanghai office operates a

GUANGDONG The Guangdong project office works in partnership with the Guangdong and Guangzhou Disabled Persons Federations, the Shaoguan and Qujiang Communist Youth League, and the Guangdong Lions Club District 381. Established in Guangzhou in 2005, the office oversees projects that provide housing solutions in poor rural communities.

satellite office in Pinghu, Zhejiang, and plans to extend projects to neighboring provinces in the coming year. At the World Expo 2010, Habitat for Humanity China had a presence through the US national pavilion.

GUANGXI Located in Nanning, the Guangxi project office focuses on starting new projects and developing cooperative relationships with other organizations.


Since opening in

2004, the office has assisted with projects for the poor as well as for marginalized communities of people affected by leprosy.

Habitat for Humanity China opened an office in Chengdu, Sichuan, to organize rebuilding projects for survivors of the devastating earthquake which struck the province in May 2008. Later this became the center of operations for Habitat’s work across southwestern China.


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Program Highlights Disaster Response In Sichuan

Our Programs Habitat for Humanity believes in giving a hand-up, not a hand-out, to families in need. Families contribute their own labor and other resources to the construction of their houses and others.

Repayment of the no-profit

Habitat for Humanity China is rebuilding homes and lives in communities affected by the devastating earthquake which struck Sichuan province in May 2008. With support from donors, partners, volunteers and government officials, Habitat for Humanity China has been working on seven projects designed to bring secure, decent shelter for some 1,000 families. The pilot project was launched in February 2009. Hundreds of volunteers have taken part in building work including celebrities Daniel Wu and Karen Mok.

WHERE WE BUILT after the disaster

mortgages goes toward a fund which helps to


build more houses.

Taizi village, Xiaoyudong, Pengzhou

In China, Habitat works in partnership with local governments and organizations to help families in need.

Zhongba village, Xiaoyudong, Pengzhou Yangping village, Xiaoyudong, Pengzhou Luoyang village, Xiaoyudong, Pengzhou Changzhen, Xiaoyudong, Pengzhou Jiexing, Zhongjiang Bailu, Pengzhou

Number of Homes

252 130 45 84 57 145 306

“Working with Habitat is a life-changing experience. It was such a pleasure to actually be able to see and talk to the ones we were helping.� Daniel Wu, Habitat for Humanity Celebrity Volunteer


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


2009 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project

Cargill Pinghu Community Development Project in Shanghai

Every year since 1984, former US president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn contribute one week of their time – and their building skills – to Habitat and lead a major volunteer building event that attracts thousands of volunteers from around the world to build safe and affordable homes for poor families.

With support from Cargill, an international provider of food, agricultural, and risk management products and services, Habitat for Humanity China is helping 3 impoverished families in Pinghu, south of Shanghai on China’s east coast. Since September 2009, 60 volunteers have worked in teams on three sites in Pinghu to build two homes, an earthquake-resistant kindergarten, and paint an IT education room for a local primary school.

Qionglai City, Sichuan province, was the China site of the 26th annual Habitat for Humanity Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project that took place from November 15 to 20, 2009, in five countries in Asia. Nearly 240 volunteers – including local and international celebrities Daniel Wu, Lisa S., Andrew Lin and Ken Wong – worked alongside families to help construct 16 units in the first of a series of multistory blocks. These multi-story, low-cost rental housing units are part of a government project which will eventually serve 174 families who often are unable to afford home ownership. The 2009 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project marked the beginning of a five-year Habitat for Humanity initiative to work with 50,000 families across the five countries where this signature event took place – Chiang Mai, Thailand; Sichuan, China; Hanoi, Vietnam; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Vientiane, Laos.


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Economic Development Zone Kindergarten Since Pinghu is an attractive location for companies to set up their factories or plants, it has a significant population of migrant workers. These newcomers to the region often settle down to have children and start a family. Pinghu’s need for education and pre-education services is constantly increasing. The Economic Zone Kindergarten Project was commenced in response to this trend. New communities accommodating migrant workers and their families surround the kindergarten, and its completion will allow the educational needs of these workers’ children to be met. Approximately 1,300 children between the ages of 3 and 6 are able to study and play in safe, bright, and comfortable classrooms and function rooms. Changfusi Primary School In the wake of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, China established a new policy regulating the quality of all teaching buildings: every such building must be able to withstand earthquakes up to a seismic intensity of 7. Buildings not meeting this requirement must be reinforced or rebuilt entirely. This new policy is responsible for the approval of the Changfushi Primary School reinforcement project. The school’s oldest teaching building and playground will be demolished and replaced by a new building, a new playground, and a library. When the project is finished, approximately 660 students from nearby communities will have a well-lit, spacious, and safe location in which to study and play.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Tai O Stilt House Restoration and Community Development Project in Hong Kong In an affluent society such as Hong Kong, it is easy to overlook that there are many low-income households who cannot afford to improve their living conditions. One such community is in the picturesque Tai O fishing village. While it may enjoy being called Hong Kong’s Venice of the Orient, the housing conditions of some households, especially the elderly, leave much to be desired. Habitat for Humanity China is running a three-year project to help residents in Tai O, Lantau island. The project involves a sustainable cultural and building conservation program. From the launch of the project in May 2010 to the end of 2010, Habitat had restored 24 stilt houses and 1 neighbourhood walkway for low-income elderly residents. Volunteers participated in a series of “Habitat Builds”, each spending a full day working and restoring homes. Habitat’s goal is to restore a total of 88 stilt houses and 12 neighborhood walkways, and introduce solar energy solutions and an improved household sanitation piping system by 2013. Habitat for Humanity China also plans to establish a Habitat Resource Centre to provide job training and community education for local residents, as well as community capacity building activities, such as environmental protection and cultural conservation, to help the lives of people living in Tai O.

Volunteer Engagement Global Village is Habitat for Humanity’s principal overseas volunteer program. The program seeks and mobilizes volunteers for a life-transforming experience, for both the volunteers and the families whose homes they help build. In partnership with local villagers, teams of 10-15 volunteers travel to their chosen host country to build and learn about local housing needs and become part of an international movement to rebuild the community. Habitat for Humanity China organizes “Mainland Builds” for individuals, business teams, and students from secondary schools and universities all over the world. Each volunteer team raises its own funds to cover the costs of the trip and a donation to support the purchase of construction materials, pre-construction arrangements and administrative support. Most build trips last for five to seven days.

Building in

Number of Volunteer Teams

Number of Volunteers
















Tai O Project supported by the Hong Kong Ballet Benefit Performance “Brilliant Steps” On 23 May 2010, more than 1,500 people, including 700 youth from various backgrounds, attended the Hong Kong Ballet Benefit Performance “Brilliant Steps” at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to support Habitat for Humanity’s Restoration Project in Tai O. The evening helped raise over HK$350,000, and public awareness of the plight of the Tai O residents.


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


List of Programs YUNNAN

GUANGDONG Transforming Lives, Homes, and Communities in Shaoguan (Phase One)


Shilata Village Housing Project


June 2008 - June 2010 (Ongoing)


September 2007 - May 2010

No. of Houses Built


No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

25 families /98 people served

No. of People Helped

68 families / 340 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved


No. of Volunteers Involved

658 (164 in FY2010)


Transforming Lives, Homes, and Communities in Shaoguan (Phase Two)


June 2010 - October 2010

No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

20 families / 100 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved




Cargill Pinghu Community Development Project


September 2009

No. of Houses Built

3 homes, 1 kindergarten, and restoration of the IT education room for a school

No. of People Helped

3 families and 2 schools / around 1,968 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved



Eliminating mud houses for low income families in Conghua, Guangzhou (Phase Three)


April 2010 - April 2011


No. of Houses Built



Qinzhou Leprosy Houses Building Project

No. of People Helped

57 families /285 people served


June 2009 - February 2010

No. of Volunteers Involved

508 (76 in FY2010)

No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

70 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved



Guipin Hanchong Leprosy Houses Restoring Project


February 2010 - October 2010

No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

50 people served





Tai O


May 2010 - June 2010 (Ongoing)

No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

4 families

No. of Volunteers Involved


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.

04 14

Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report



Qingchuan Zhuyuan Nursery School


Zhongba Village Xioayudong Town, Pengzhou City


Changzhen Community Xioayudong Town, Pengzhou City


September 2009 - April 2010


May 2009 - November 2009


January 2010 - present

No. of People Helped

500 people served

No. of Houses Built


No. of Houses Built


No. of Volunteers Involved


No. of People Helped

130 families / 425 people served

No. of People Helped

57 families / 168 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved



Bailu Township Bailu Town, Pengzhou city


May 2009 - April 2010

No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

306 families / 994 people served


Jiexing Township Jiexing Town, Zhongjiang County


April 2009 - September 2009

No. of Houses Built



Wenlai Apartment Complex Lowrent apartments in Qionglai City


Yangping Village Xioayudong Town, Pengzhou City


October 2009 - October 2010


May 2009 - March 2010

No. of Houses Built


No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

402 families / 1206 people served

No. of People Helped

45 families / 167 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved


No. of Volunteers Involved



Taizi Village, Xioayudong Town, Pengzhou City


Luoyang Village Xioayudong Town, Pengzhou City

No. of People Helped

145 families / 478 people served


November 2008 - September 2009


September 2009 - June 2010


No. of Houses Built


No. of Houses Built


Sanlang Village Zhuyuan Town, Qingchuan County

No. of People Helped

252 families / 913 people served

No. of People Helped

84 families / 328 people served


July 2010 - present

No. of Volunteers Involved


No. of Volunteers Involved


No. of Houses Built


No. of People Helped

120 families / 334 people served

No. of Volunteers Involved



Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.

04 16

Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Our Homepartners “Thankful for a safe home”

Tai O local finds hope and happiness in old age For many years, 84-year-old Wong used to live in a squalid stilt house in a state of despair; the walls and doors were badly corroded by rain and winds. He used paper and cardboard to cover a make-shift entrance which opened onto a broken passageway. The wooden underpinnings of the house were seriously corroded and could collapse any time. With his health and memory deteriorating, Wong relied on social security assistance. He was no longer in contact with his family. Fixing his house was an impossible dream. Habitat for Humanity China has since replaced the roof of Wong’s house and stabilized the crossbeams. New doors and windows have been installed. The toilet and kitchen facilities have been renovated. Wong can now enjoy his golden years in a safer and more comfortable home.

Our Volunteers “I made a promise to myself that I will join a Habitat trip every year” I remembered watching TV on Boxing Day morning 2004 and was utterly shocked and sadden by the devastation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. I was living in Singapore then and being in the same region where the disaster happened really hit home. For the next few weeks my office received lots of calls from various charitable organizations and also the Sri Lankan Embassy checking whether we could help carry much needed medical supplies to Sri Lanka. As weeks went by, I had a stirring in my heart that there must be more that I can do personally. So when the opportunity arose with Habitat for Humanity Singapore to join their First Builder trip to Sri Lanka,

I jumped in with both feet. Naturally I had no idea what I was getting myself into but it just felt right. That first trip was the most unforgettable not only because I had a chance to build and to work alongside the home owners and other volunteers but I also made some life-long friends and most importantly I saw love and hope amongst devastation. Since that first trip I was completely "hooked". I made a promise to myself that I will join a Habitat trip every year. Since March 2005 I have been to Batam, Indonesia, around 6 times to build. I have built in Mongolia, Romania, Hungary and in 2009 I joined the Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter Work Project to build in Sichuan, China, after the devastating earthquake. Last year I joined the mass build in Pokhara, Nepal. People often ask what motivates me to keep volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. Although it sounds like a cliché but I believe I gain far more from these trips than I give. These experiences show me what true happiness is. None of the homeowners measure their happiness on acquiring the newest i-Pad or the latest fashion. For them happiness is having a decent home for their family. As for me, I can't think of a better way to spend my holiday than to be reminded to count my blessings every day. - Olivia Wong


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


HFH China Financial Overview 2010 INCOME

Financial Overview

Locally Raised Income :

Revenue Stream (2010) Local - Churches : 5%

International Raised Income Local - Individuals : 2%

Local - Corporation : 7%


Global Village

Local - Other Income : 2% Local - Corporation

- Corporation


- Churches


- Foundations


- General


- Other income


International Raised Income Global Village

Global Village : 11%

2,986,661 Total Revenue

International Raised Income : 72% Local - Churches

19,346,926 = 26,896,694

Transfer from Trust Money Fund


Local - Individuals


= 35,036,418

Local - Other Income Local - Foundations : 1%

Local - Foundations



Education & Public Awareness


General Administration

2,050,515 Total

= 28,896,142

Balance Sheet As At 30 June 2010

Total Revenue = HKD26,896,694



Funding Allocation (2010) Program

Education & Public Awareness : 17.2%

Admin : 7.1%

Program : 75.7%

Accounts And Other Receivable


Amount Due From Headquarter


Cash And Bank Balance Total

Admin Education & Public Awareness

6,799,332 =


CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts And Other Payables

524,272 524,272



RESERVE General Fund

Funding Allocation = HKD 28,896,142


Building Homes, Building Hope.


The Financial Statements Of HFH China Ltd For The Year Ended 30 June 2010 Were Audited By Fan, Chan & Co. CPAs And Approved By The Board Of HFH China Ltd. The Full Financial Statements Can Be Made Available Upon Request.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Our Board and Management Team

July 2009 – June 2010

Habitat for Humanity China Board of Directors


Habitat for Humanity China would like to thank all donors and the following corporations, organizations, schools and institutions for their generous support to our work. Corporations

Richard Kevin HATHAWAY


Michael Kam Cheung LAI Ronald Tak Fai YAM

Deputy Chairman Honorary Treasurer

Dr. Anugerah PEKERTI Herman Yung Sing TO Teck Meng YONG Peter Charles WITTON

Habitat for Humanity China Board of Advisors Dr. Darwin CHEN, SBS Jonathan Chung Ming CHAN Janice Wing Kum CHOI Michael Kai Hung LEUNG Winnie NG


A. T. Kearney (Hong Kong) Limited



MoneyGram International

American Express International Inc.

Morgan Stanley

Avenue 8

Macquarie Group Services Australia Pty Limited

Banyan Tree Private Collection

NYSE Technologies

Barclays Capital Asia Limited

Ogier Services (Asia) Limited

Bel Air Management Office

On Hing Paper Company Limited


Orijen Limited

Carla Foster

Pacific Coffee Co.

Cerebos Pacific Limited

PepsiCo Inc

China Mobile

PepsiCo (China) Limited

China Resources Property Limited

Pokit Consultant Company


Pret A Manger (Hong Kong) Limited

Citi Foundation


Citibank, N.A.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation

CLP Group

QBE Mortgage Insurance (Asia) Limited


Revolution Talent Management

De Ha

Schneider Electric

Deutsche Bank AG - Singapore Branch

Starbucks Coffee Company

Dot. Asia

Scout of World Award

Emerson Network Power Limited

Skechers Hong Kong Limited

Exxon Mobil

The Arcade

Fiducia Limited

The Coca-Cola Company


The Dow Chemical Company

Fluor (China) Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd.

The Glamour Bar on the Bund

FX Creations International Limited

The Home Depot Foundation

Gammon Construction Ltd

The JLJ Group

GID. Event Security Company Limited

The Mok-A-Bye Baby Workshop

Goldman Sachs International

The Shamrock Chengdu

Habitu & Suzuki Cafe

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Haworth (Gift-in-kind)

UL-CCIC Company Limited

Home Depot

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

Wells Fargo Bank

Hong Kong Disneyland

Whealthfields Lohmann (Hong Kong) Limited

Hong Kong Wing On Travel Service Limited

Whirlpool Corporation


Wing On Travel

JLJ Group (pro bono)

Yuk Yin School

Kerry Logistics


Korea Exchange Bank


Korea International Cooperation Agency


Lycee Francais de Shanghai, Iere Euro


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Schools / Tertiary Institution

Media Support

Government / Public Organizations

Professional Bodies

Alliance Primary School (Kowloon Tong)

China Economic Review

HKSAR Civil Engineering & Development Department

Fan, Chan & Co.

American International School Guangdong


HKSAR Drainage Services Department

Morrison Foerster Foundation

American International School of Guangzhou

Happy Men Magazine

Hong Kong St. John Ambulance

Beijing City International School

Harbor City


Community Groups & Associations

Canadian International School of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Economic Journal


American Consulate Charity Group

Christian Zheng Sheng Association Limited

Langham Place


Amity HK

Concordia International School Shanghai

Olympian City


Bin Hai Grace Church

Changchun American International School

Plaza Hollywood


Caritas Hong Kong

Delia School of Canada

SP. Luxos


H.K.Y.W.C.A. Tai O Community Work Office

Division of Building Science & Technology, City University of Hong Kong

South China Morning Post


Island Evangelical Community Church

George Town University, Qatar

Times Square


Jame's Church

German Swiss International School

Weekend Weekly


Le French May


MMM International (Hong Kong)

HKUST Connect



Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Russian Grand Priory Hong Kong

Hong Kong Korean International School

Daniel Wu


Red Cross

Hong Kong International School

Karen Mok


Scout Association Hong Kong

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Sandra Ng


Shanghai Community Fellowship

Island School

24 Herbs


Singapore ACCT

International School of Beijing

Lisa S.


Tai O Rural Committee

Korean International School

Jun Kung


The Hong Kong Ballet

Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

Ken Wong


Tsit Wing

Seoul International School


Tuen Mun Alliance Church

Shanghai American School


United Way Int’l

Shanghai American School Pudong



Shanghai American School Puxi



Shanghai Concordia International School


Hangzhou International School

Shatin College The School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE)


Utahloy International School

Guangzhou Harmony Foundation

Wuxi #1 Middle School

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archbishop World Relief Fund

YuK Yin School

One Foundation The Bharti Charitable Foundation The Hung Chi Ching Charitable Fund The Morrison Forester Foundation Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


Habitat for Humanity China

Annual Report


Where to Find Us Habitat for Humanity China Offices Hong Kong Office 17th Floor, Sun House, 181 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852)2520 4000 Fax: (852)2520 4020 Email: enquiry@habitatchina.org Website: www.habitatchina.org Shanghai Office Room 1007, No.107 Si Nan Road, Shanghai, China, 200025 Tel: (86)021 5054 3396

What a Habitat home means: Shelter from rain, wind and sun is a basic human need. The door to improved health, better performance in school, greater economic opportunities, and increased community cohesion.

Sichuan Project Office Rm B10, 25 Floor, Block B, Times Digital Building, No.1, Section 4, South Renmin Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 610041 Tel: (86)028 8631 7192/ (86)028 8631 7193 Guangdong Project Office Rm 2212, No. 20, Ming Yue Ge, Ming Yue 1 Lu, Yue Xiu District, Guangzhou Guangdong, China 510600 Tel: (86)20 8735 8926 Guangxi Project Office Jing Wang 1604,Jiang Nan Xiang Ge Li La, Xing Guang Da dao, Nanning Guangxi, China 530031 Tel: (86)771 4804214 Yunnan Project Office Room A2, 18th Floor, Dantong Building, No. 548 Baiyun Road, Kunming Yunnan, China 650224 Tel: (86)871 5700282

Habitat for Humanity International Offices Asia and the Pacific Area Office Q House, 8th Floor, 38 Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand 10500 Tel: (66)-(0)2-6320415 Fax: (66)-(0)2-6320445 Email: ap_info@habitat.org Website: www.habitat.org/ap International Headquarters 121 Habitat Street, Americus, Georgia, USA 31709-3498 Tel: +1-229-924-6935 Fax: +1-229-9246541 E-mail: publicinfo@habitat.org Website: www.habitat.org


Building Homes, Building Hope.

Building Homes, Building Hope.


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