Build in Sichuan – Mayan Village, Qionglai City

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危房改造之旅 一磚一瓦 改變一生 建在四川邛崍

簡單、安全、舒適的安身之處, 對於在中國一億五千萬人來說,只是遙不可及的願望! 仁人家園啟動「危房改造之旅」,決心為飽受天災及貧窮居住問題威脅的家庭,將危機四伏的居所 改建成有能力抵禦天災,安全穩固的新家! 日期 地點 工作 名額 最低籌款額

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2012年9月8-13日 (星期六至四) 四川省邛崍市馬岩村 砌磚、掃漆、抹灰、鏟水泥、運磚等建屋工作 150人 (必須年滿16歲,名額有限,先到先得) HK$3,200(全數作建屋之用) +HKD2,800 (包括當地住宿、膳食、交通、保險及 行政費用,不包括香港及成都來回機票)

*6月30日前報名,首50名參加者可以下列優惠價購買香港及成都來回機票一張: HK$1900購買港龍航空機票(名額30個) 或 HK$1770購買中國國際航空機票(名額20個) (價錢不連稅及燃油附加費。名額有限,先到先得。)


日期 9月8日 9月9 日 9月10日 9月11日 9月12日 9月13日

行程 上午 下午 上午 下午 全日 全日 上午 下午 上午 下午

由香港出發至成都 揭幕儀式及安全簡介,晚上自由活動 探訪仁人家園四川災後重建項目--小魚洞 參觀都江堰及出發至邛崍 建屋 建屋 建屋 參與農務、閉幕儀式 由邛崍出發至成都 成都回香港

認識四川邛崍馬岩村 馬岩村位於四川省邛崍市油榨鄉,距離成都約60公里(2小時車程),村內人口約1380人,是一個山明水秀的小農村。村 民以務農為生,居於用竹木、泥草和青瓦片搭成的舊房子裡。房子建造年代久遠,有的飽歷超過一世紀的風霜雨雪。泥 土地面陰暗潮濕,衛生條件惡劣,既沒穩定的電源也沒有安全的飲用水。2008年四川大地震波及馬岩村,令山體被震 裂,加上翌年的幾場大暴雨造成嚴重山泥傾瀉,山坡上的房子轟然倒塌滾到山崖下,剩在山坡上的房子也都嚴重傾斜、 搖搖欲墜,將馬岩村打擊得體無完膚。 四川邛崍市政府於2010年啟動了「農村危舊房改造」項目,農戶可自願報名參加。新房子按照抗8級地震房屋標準設 計,結構用上鞏固的磚泥,大大提高安全性,更會改善日常生活設施。馬岩村於2011年開始有150戶參與,每座新房子 的建造成本約人民幣100,000元(16,000美元),雖得到政府給予每戶人民幣30,000元(4,800美元)的建房補助,其餘 資金仍得由農戶自行籌集,但馬岩村每年人均收入只有人民幣5,900元(約940美元),即使有建新家的美夢,要成真也 很困難。

馬岩村的楊婆婆 81歲的楊婆婆住在馬跑井山頂茶馬古道旁。她面目慈 祥,給人一種出自書香門第的感覺。大兒子50多歲,已 經當爺爺了,他成家後不久就搬離了這座老宅,在山口 邊建起了他家自己的房子。小兒子40多歲,與楊婆婆一 起住在這座老宅院裡。每天早出晚歸在外打工。 2009年冬天,楊婆婆突發中風半身不遂,兩個兒子輪換 著把她從山上背到山下,再背過踏水橋,等在路邊,坐 上路過的鄉村巴士,趕到火井鎮上的醫院。若在平時, 這條山路對兒子們來講只需十幾分鐘,但他們背著老母 親走一趟要四十多分鐘。為了省下住院的錢為母親買 藥,他們連續七天背著老母親往返于山上山下去醫院治 療。 2012年2月,春寒料峭,仁人家園的工作人員去了楊婆 婆家,房子裡的一切都籠罩在黑暗中。那天很冷,楊婆 婆手裡拄著一根拐棍,說前幾天摔著了。她覺得山上的 冬天陰冷潮濕很難過,現在只有盼著山下的新房子早點 建好,能早點搬進去。在楊婆婆這個早已無欲無求的年 紀,這可能是她唯一的期盼吧? 馬岩村的農民居住社區正在建設中。新房子會很明亮, 有自來水、廁所、天然氣、光纖電視、污水處理……那 時,楊婆婆和兒子們會住在同一座新房子裡,再一次生 活在一個屋簷下。而陡峭的茶馬古道、破敗的老宅院都 將離楊婆婆們遠去,但它們所承載的歷史將存留在馬跑 井山的山頂上,成為不朽的傳說。

查詢:(852)2520 4000 /

仁人家園需要你的參與,為馬岩村的家 庭伸出援手,獻出力量,助他們早日將 危房改建成安穩舒適、孩子可健康成長 的家,去迎接新希望、新未來!

New Hope Build Building Homes, Building Hope

Build in Sichuan – Mayan Village, Qionglai City In China, more than 150 million people are suffering from homelessness and housing poverty. Having a simple, safe and decent shelter to live is just an impossible dream for them. Habitat for Humanity China has initiated the “Eliminating Endangered and Old Farmhouses Project”, aiming to help families in poverty and disaster-prone areas to build a safe and disaster-resilient home.

Date Place Building Task Quota Mininum Donation

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Sept 8-13, 2012 (Sat to Thurs) Mayan village, Qionglai City, Sichuan Laying Bricks, Wall Painting, Dust Cleaning, Mixing Cement & Moving Material 150 participants (must be over 16 years of age & first come first serve basis) HK$3,200 (all goes into building project) + HK$2,800 (including accommodation, meal, transportation, insurance and administration fee; excluding round trip air ticket from HK to Chengdu)

*The first 50 participants registered by Jun 30 can enjoy the following discounted fare for one round trip air ticket between Hong Kong & Chengdu, HK$1900 with Dragon Air (30 quotas) OR HK$1770 with Air China (20 quotas) (Fare excludes all taxes and fuel surcharges. First come first serve)

Enrollment Deadline: Aug 10, 2012

Date Sept 8

Itinerary (am) (pm)

Sept 9

(am) (pm) All Day All Day (am) (pm) (am) (pm)

Sept 10 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 13

Departure from Hong Kong to Chengdu Opening Ceremony & Safety Orientation Free time at Night Visit HFHC Post Earthquake Project - Siu Yu Dong Visit Dujiangyan and Travel to Qionglai City Build Build Build Farm Work & Closing Ceremony Back to Chengdu Departure from Chengdu to Hong Kong

Highlights of Mayan Village, Qionglai City in Sichuan Mayan village is located in Youzha Township, Qionglai city in Sichuan; 60km away from Chengdu. It is a picturesque village with 405 families, contributing to a total population of 1,380 people. The villagers earn their living from subsistence farming and raising livestock. Some of them are living in old houses built 100 years ago with mud, wood and green bricks, which are vulnerable to landslides. The living environment is deplorable with no proper sanitation, stable electricity and clean water supply. After the devastating earthquake in 2008 followed by a rainstorm in 2009, the mountain structure of Mayan village has been damaged, leaving the houses in shaky and dangerous conditions. In 2010, the government of Qionglai City supported the national “New Rural Construction Policy� to raise the safety level and improve the quality of life. New houses are constructed with strong cement and based on the standard against magnitude 8.0 earthquake. The villagers can join the program on a voluntary basis. Since 2011, a total of 150 families in Mayan village have participated in the project. However, the building cost for each house is approximately RMB100,000 (USD16,000). Although the government can provide financial support of RMB30,000 (USD4,800) to each family, the villagers have to settle the large remaining balance. With their average annual per capita income of RMB5,900 (USD940), it is simply impossible for them to have a new home.

The Story of Grandma Yang at Mayan Village 81-year-old Grandma Yang Shao Fen lives at the top of the hill of Mayan village. Her home was right at the side of a muddy rocky road, which was the ancient transportation route for tea leaves, salt, etc to Tibet over a hundred years ago. Grandma Yang has two sons. The elder one has his own family near her house and already become a grandfather, while the younger one is living with her and working through days and nights. Since her stroke in winter 2009, she has suffered from paralysis. In order to save money for her regular medication and treatment, her sons have to carry her downhill 7 days a week to catch the local bus to Huo Jing town for hospital treatment, instead of hospitalization. The normally 10-minute downhill journey turns into 40-minute when they carry Grandma Yang. When the staff from Habitat for Humanity China visited her in February 2012, she was injured from a fall. Living in the damp and humid environment, Grandma Yang found it very difficult to survive the winter. Her only hope is to move into a new house near the foothill sooner for better care. With the help of Habitat for Humanity China, the community for Mayan village is underway. The new houses will have proper sanitations system, gas, cable TV, etc‌ Grandma Yang and her two sons will soon move into their new house, living together as a family again. The ancient rocky road and the century-old house will then be resigned to history as a timeless legend.

For more information: (852)2520 4000 or

Habitat for Humanity China needs your helping hand to support the families at Mayan village, helping them to rebuild a safe home; bringing hope and future to the children!

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