JOIN Yunnan Oct Build to build homes and hope for the families in need in Chahe village, Yunnan

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Build in Lost of Heaven 雲南建屋之旅 3~7/10/2011 Chahe Village, Yunnan Province 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村

You Can Make a Difference in the Lives of Others Building Homes, Building Hope

你可 改寫 他人的生命 同建家園 共創希望 Typical mud-brick house

JOIN Yunnan Oct Build to build homes and hope for the families in need in Chahe village, Yunnan There are 38 families with 149 villagers living in this village; all of them are the Hani people. The main income source of them is planting economic plants and raise livestock. However the harvest is not big enough for them to sell in the market and make money. The villagers’ average annual income reported by the government in year 2009 was only RMB1, 496 (USD220). The village

The current houses in Chahe village are made of earth walls and floors, tiled/grass roofs, and without proper sanitary facilities. Most of houses are broken or threatened by the earthquake. Housing and sanitation are the two major concerns for the villagers. And a simple and safe place to live is an impossible luxury for them. We need your support to extend a helping hand to build homes together with the families in need in Yunnan! What we build is not just shelter, but a home with stability, dignity, and hope for a brighter future.

A villager and her home

請你與我們一同身體力行,參加雲南建屋之旅,為雲南岔河 村的村民建造房屋,帶來希望。 岔河村有38戶家庭149名村民,全部是哈尼族人。居民主要的經濟 來源是種植一些經濟作物和畜牧,但農作物的收成並不多,不足以 在市場出售賺錢。2009年村民年平均收入隻有是1,496元人民幣 (220美元)。 岔河村目前的房屋是土房,房頂由瓦片或茅草鋪就,地板為土制, 沒有足夠衛生設施。大多數現存房屋已破損或被地震損壞並面臨著 地震的威脅。 住房和衛生是村民們最關心的兩個關鍵問題,但是,建造新的房子 對於他們來說是遙不可及的夢想。因此,我們邀請你參與和支持,

一起為當地居民建造一個簡單安全的棲息之所,以實現居民的夢 想。我們建立的不只是房子,不只是一個安定的居所;更是一份尊 嚴,能為居民未來帶來新希望。 A local Hani Women

Building Homes, Building Hope. 仁人同心 建家. 建希望

Build in Lost of Heaven 雲南建屋之旅 3~7/10/2011 Chahe Village, Yunnan Province 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村

How to Participate 如何參加 - General Information 基本資料 Date 日期

3-7 / 10 / 2011 (5 days 日)

Place 地點

Chahe Village, Puer City, Ning’er County 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村

Building Tasks 工作

Digging, Wheel barrow, Sieving sand, Soil work, Moving stuff, Laying bricks 挖掘、搬運、篩沙,鏟泥土、鏟砂、砌磚

Quota 名額

40 participants; must be aged 16 or above (first come, first serve) 40 人,必須年滿 16 歲(名額有限,先到先得)

Enrollment 報名日期

From today to Sept 11, 2011 即日至 2011 年 9 月 11 日 Click here for registration 登記請按此。

Min Sponsorship 最低籌款額

HK$7,800 (USD1,000) including HKD4,680 (USD600) to support the project in Yunnan and HKD3,120 (USD400) in-country (meal, accommodation, land transportation, and insurance in Yunnan) and administration cost. 港幣 7,800 元,當中包括捐助雲南建屋項目的港幣 4,680 元,以及在雲南當地行程 的交通、食宿、保險費用,以及相關行政費用 港幣 3,120 元。

Remarks 注

The minimum donation of HKD7,800 does not include the participant’s airfare. Participants have to arrange their own tickets to and fro Yunnan. 基本籌款額港幣 7,800 元並不包括参加者的來回機票。參加者須自行安排來回雲 南的機票。

Itinerary 行程 3/10





The itinerary is subject to change 行程或會有變動

Noon 中午

Gather at Yunnan Wujiaba Airport 雲南巫家壩機場集合

pm 下午

Transportation to Chahe Village, Puer, Ninger 前往寧洱縣普洱市岔河鄉村

am 上午

Opening Ceremony and Briefing 開幕典禮及簡介 / Build 建屋

pm 下午

Build 建屋

am 上午

Build 建屋

pm 下午

Build 建屋/ Visit tea factory and enjoy Pu’er 參觀茶廠品嚐普洱

am 上午

Visit HFH China post-earthquake reconstruction site in Miaoshan 參觀仁人家園庙山地 震災後重建工地 / Build 建屋

pm 下午

Build 建屋

Evening 晚上

Closing ceremony and visit township community and closing ceremony 閉幕典禮 /與當 地居民交流 Transportation to Yunnan Wujiaba Airport 前往雲南巫家壩機場

am 早上

For inquiries, please contact Iris Tse at 2520 4016 or email: Building Homes, Building Hope. 仁人同心 建家. 建希望

Build in Lost of Heaven 雲南建屋之旅 3~7/10/2011 Chahe Village, Yunnan Province 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村 What you will do 你的工作/活動

Building Homes, Building Hope. 仁人同心 建家. 建希望

Build in Lost of Heaven 雲南建屋之旅 3~7/10/2011 Chahe Village, Yunnan Province 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村

What we will build to Strengthen Homes and Hope….

A Foundation For Dreams To Come True 家,梦想实现的基石 Pu Zhaobing lives in the small mountain village of Chahe with his family of four – his wife, daughters, and elderly mother. Pu Zhaobing and his family are Hani, an ethnic minority in China that can trace their roots back to ancient nomadic Qiang people. Zhaobing started to grow grapes two years ago after a life of subsistence farming of rice and chili. He has a Photo above: Pu family outside their traditional mud

dream to open a ‘farming excursion’, bed-and-breakfast

brick house in Chahe Village, Yunnan Province

for eco-tourists, who would like to spend a day or two in


the countryside. However, his current home – located far from the main roads, and built of mud bricks with little

light or ventilation – is hardly a foundation for building his dream. Habitat for Humanity China is providing the Pu family with a non-profit loan towards the construction of a new, safe and decent home. With an improved location, facilities, ventilation and protection from the elements and disasters, Mr. Pu’s home will be worthy of his dreams and enable him to provide a better, healthier life for his family. 普照兵跟他的妻子、兩個女兒和老母親生活在一個叫岔河的小山村裡。他們一家都是哈尼族人,哈尼族的 祖先可以追溯到古代游牧民族羌族。 照兵以前靠種植水稻和辣椒維持生計,生活很是拮據;兩 年前他開始種植更有經濟價值的葡萄,希望可以改善收入 情況。他有一個夢想,那就是把自己的葡萄田發展成“採 摘樂”園地,自己的家則成為客人吃飯或過夜的地方。這 樣,收入就能再增加一些。但是,他現在的家,坐落在遠 離主干道的山腰上,用泥磚砌成,透光和通風都很差,根 本不可能幫他實現夢想。 中華仁人家園將向普照兵一家提供無利潤貸款,以幫助他 們興建安全、得體的新家。新家將更易通達,設施、通風、透光都更好,而且能更好地抵御惡劣的自然環 境及可能的災害。有了這個新家,照兵就可以一步一步實現自己的夢想,也可以給家人提供更好、更健康 的生活! Building Homes, Building Hope. 仁人同心 建家. 建希望

Build in Lost of Heaven 雲南建屋之旅 3~7/10/2011 Chahe Village, Yunnan Province 寧洱縣普洱市岔河村 What we will build to Strengthen Homes and Hope….

A New Life Starts At Home 家,新生活开始的地方

Peng Dexiang (41) lives in the mountain village of Chahe with his 15 year old son and 81 year old mother. Hard times hit this small family when Dexiang was injured in a car accident. With medical bills mounting, Mr. Peng’s wife despaired for the future and deserted him. His son, despondent, dropped out of school to take on small jobs. Dexiang’s mother now struggles to care for the house and her grandson. Picture above: Mr. Peng’s wood and cinder block farmhouse is dark, humid and unhealthy

Dexiang would like to remarry, but cannot do so without a


decent house to call his own. He would also like to pass a good


home on to his son, so that he too can start a family. He

remains hopeful for a better future, if he can rebuild his home and family: “I want to build a new home, so I can be able to remarry, and my son can marry. The life will be much better!” Habitat for Humanity China will issue the Peng family a non-interest loan towards the construction of a new and structurally sound house. This home will bring security, dignity and pride to the Peng family, and improve their overall health and well being – for a fresh start and a brighter future. 彭得祥今年 41 歲,跟他 15 歲的兒子和 81 歲的母親生活在雲南省普洱市寧洱縣岔河村。幾年前,得祥在 一次車禍中受了傷,在那之后,不幸的事接二連三地打擊了這個家。得祥的妻子擔心得祥會失去勞動能力 ,因而拋棄了家庭;得祥的兒子因為母親的離開變得非常沮喪、 孤僻,對讀書也失去了興趣,最后在初一的時候輟了學,出外打 工,很少回家。現在,得祥的老母親隻能掙扎著料理家務,照看 著這個家庭。 彭得祥希望可以再結婚,但住在現在這老房子裡面,沒有人願意 跟他成家。他也想給他兒子留下一間好一點的房子,那樣兒子以 后也好成家。說起他現在的心願,他說:「現在就是想建一間新房 子,我能再結婚,兒子也能結婚,生活就能好起來!」 Picture above: Mr. Peng’s mother



家。這個新家將會極大地改善彭得祥一家的生活環境,並為他們 帶去保障、尊嚴和自信。這個新家將會是他們新生活和美好未來的開端! Building Homes, Building Hope. 仁人同心 建家. 建希望

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