冬日露宿 Homeless in Winter
參加者蓆地而睡,更能感受無家之苦。 Sleeping on ground during chilly winter, teenagers can be able to understand the feeling of homelessness and the importance of a warm home.
遊戲換物資 Material Trade
場內設有不同物資分發區,參加者透過遊戲獲 取物資,然後利用物資搭建自己的家。 There will be different Material Distribution Areas in the venue. Participants have to complete their tasks in order to trade for the materials and build their home.
天災來襲 Disaster Attacks
大會突襲小組將模擬天災環境,既有暴風雨亦 有地震、山泥傾瀉、水災及雪災等。 Ambush teams will use different ways to stimulate disasters like storms, earthquakes, landslides, floods and snowstorms.
重建家園 Rebuild Homes
導師及資深義工帶領小組重新設計及建立穩固 的家。 Instructors and senior volunteers will lead the group to redesign and rebuild a more resilient and safer home.
分享感受 Sharing
小組在導師帶動下分享感受及得著,嘉賓更會 上台振奮士氣。 Participants will share their feelings and experience in the workshop with the instructor. Guests will be invited to motivate them in the activity on stage.
報名費 Registration Fee** 學生組 Student Group
個人參加 Individual Registration 組隊參加 (10人一組) Team Registration (10 members per group)
公開組 Open Group
個人參加 Individual Registration
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation***
$ 100 $ 400 $ 1000 $ 3000
$ 100
$ 500
組隊參加 (10人一組) Team Registration (10 members per group)
$ 1000 $ 4000
親子組 (2-10人家庭) Family Group (2-10 members per family)
一名家長及一名 6-12 歲子女
One child aged 6-12 and a parent
報名費 Registration Fee**
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation***
$ 100
$ 700
其後每名 6-12 歲子女 For one extra child aged 6-12
$ 200
其後每名 13-21 歲在學子女 For one extra school child aged 13-21
$ 400
其後每名家長 或 18歲以上 子女 For one extra parent or child aged over 18
$ 500