Hackney Family Information Service Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane London E8 1GQ Helpline: 020 8820 7590 fis@learningtrust.co.uk www.learningtrust.co.uk
Parenting Classes in Hackney January - April 2013 (updated 24/1/13)
„Parenting is an important part of loving and caring for your child. Good parenting is about providing a warm, secure home life, helping your child to learn the rules of life (e.g. how to share, respect others, etc.) and to develop good self-esteem.‟ (Royal college of Psychiatrists March 2012) Being a parent and raising children is one of the most important and rewarding jobs. At the same time it can be hard work and challenging. Babies and children change and develop at a rapid rate and parents need to adapt their approach to parenting to keep up. Parenting programmes are one type of support available to parents and carers, which provides them with the opportunity to develop their skills and strategies in parenting and raising their children. Parenting programmes are mostly delivered to groups of parents and carers, who come together to work through a programme which has a track record of improving outcomes for families. The parenting programmes are delivered and facilitated by a trained worker who has experience of delivering the programme and supporting parents and carers to develop their parenting skills. In Hackney we recognise that parents will require access to different levels of parenting programmes depending on their particular circumstances. Therefore we have provided an overview of the Parenting Classes provided in the borough and indicated which circumstances each programme will best meet: Universal Information, advice, support and guidance for all parents and carers and their families Universal Plus Early identified and increasing needs are being experienced by parents and carers and their families Complex Specialist and statutory support for parents and carers and their families where poor outcomes exist
“There is no more important job in any society than raising children, and there is no more important influence on how children develop than their parents.” (Laurence Steinberg)
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
List of Parenting Classes in Hackney (updated 24/1/13) Dates & times
Name of parenting class
Where held
Contact information
7/1/13 Mondays 10am-12pm (11 weeks)
The Incredible Years SchoolAge Parenting Group
Lauriston Primary School Rutland Road E9 7JS
Facilitators: Jo Temple and Gemma Rowland
Parents of children aged 612 years
Limited places: waiting list in operation.
January 2013 8/1/13 Tuesdays 1pm-3pm (8 weeks)
Positive Parenting Sessions
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre, 54 Mapledene Road, E8 3LE
Professionals can refer parents to a group using the normal First Steps referral form. Parents can also self-refer by calling us on 0207 683 4611 – Vedat Barut, parenting group administrator, can take a referral over the phone, or for more information. Pamela Dushi Mainly for parents 020 7249 8139 with children PDushi@learningtrust.co.uk under 11 yrs. And To join: please call June Boughen 07739343922
No crèche provided: Referrals via Pamela Dushi who will fill in a lone parents, form with the parents unemployed, who want to attend receiving benefits course. and families in need Spaces still available (Social care). for this class: please Candidates must be contact June at least at ESOL entry 2 level
8/1/13 Tuesdays 10am12.00pm (11 weeks)
The Solihull Approach Parenting Group
10/1/13 Thursdays 9:15 to 10am
Clapton Park Children’s Centre 161 Daubeney Road E5 0EP
Children’s Centre at Gainsborough Berkshire Road
Facilitators: Una Mulkerrin, Jane Tyler, and Gemma Rowland
For parents of 0-5 year olds
Professionals can refer parents to a group using the normal First Steps referral form. Parents can also self-refer by calling us on 0207 683 4611 – Vedat Barut, parenting group administrator, can take a referral over the phone, or for more information. Judy John Lewis For parents of 0-5 020 8525 9020 year olds Jjohn2 of 10
Limited places: waiting list in operation.
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Dates & times (6 weeks: term time only) 14/1/13 Mondays 1pm-3pm (8 weeks) 29/1/13 Tuesdays 10am-1pm (8 weeks)
Name of parenting class
Where held
Contact information
E9 5ND
Morningside Children’s Centre, Chatham Place E9 6LL Children’s Centre at Tyssen Oldhill Street N16 6QA
Marie Kerrigan 020 8525 2400 MKerrigan@morningside.hackney.sch. uk Telephone Susie Longford on 020 7683 4098 or email Susie.longford@homerton.nhs.uk
Self referrals accepted Crèche available
For parents of 0-5 year olds.
Comet Children’s Centre 20 Halcomb Street N1 5RF
Telephone Susie Longford on 020 7683 4098 or email Susie.longford@homerton.nhs.uk
For Area E parents of 0-5 year olds.
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
Daubeney Children’s Centre Daubeney Road E5 0EG
Jenni Talbot Tel: 020 8525 7000 JTalbot@daubeney.hackney.sch.uk
All parents with children up to 19 years
Crèche and snacks provided. A HENRY bag will be given to all parents. Please ask programme leader about dates and times. Crèche and snacks provided. A HENRY bag will be given to all parents. Please ask programme leader about dates and times. Waiting for programme leader to confirm dates. Please contact Jenni Talbot
30/1/13 HENRY (health, exercise, Wednesdays nutrition for the really 10am-1pm (8 young) weeks)
29/1/13 2013 Tuesdays 9.30am12.30pm (13 weeks: term time) 29/1/13 2013 Tuesdays 9.30am12.30pm (13 weeks: term time)
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
Daubeney Children’s Centre Daubeney Road E5 0EG
Jenni Talbot Tel: 020 8525 7000 JTalbot@daubeney.hackney.sch.uk
All parents with children up to 19 years
Feb 2013
Transition to Nursery
Children’s Centre at
Judy John Lewis
By invitation: and
Time Out for Parents
HENRY (health, exercise, nutrition for the really young)
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Waiting for programme leader to confirm dates. Please contact Jenni Talbot
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Dates & times 1/2/13 Fridays 1pm3pm (6 weeks)
Name of parenting class
5/2/13 Tues HENRY (health, exercise, (12.30-3pm) nutrition for the really young) 8 wks
Where held
Contact information
Gainsborough Berkshire Road E9 5ND
020 8525 9020 Jjohnlewis@gainsborough.hackney.sch.uk
for Area D parents
Ihsan Children’s Centre, 66-68 Cazenove Road, N16 6AA Linden Children’s Centre 86-92 Rectory Road N16 7SH Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre, 54 Mapledene Road, E8 3LE
Telephone Susie Longford on 020 7683 4098 or email Susie.longford@homerton.nhs.uk
For Area B parents
Pauline Mighty 020 7254 9939 Razia Lunat 07908 420 061
All parents with children up to 19 years
Parents needing crèche should attend at 9.30am on 6 Feb
June Boughen 07739343922
All candidates must be entry level 2 English
Includes referrals from social services Registered number of candidates on course 12
6/2/13 10am-1pm (13 wks: term time) 7/2/13 Thurs 1pm3pm (10 weeks)
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
February 2013 Introductory session February – March 2013 8 weeks 17/2/13 9:30am12:30pm (5 weeks)
Family SEAL
Brook Community School, Sigdon Road E8 1AS
Sandra Hibbert SHibbert@brook.hackney.sch.uk
For parents of primary aged children
Open to parents of children attending the school. Please ask programme leader about dates and times.
BERGER PRIMARY SCHOOL Anderson Road, London E9 6HB
For Turkish speaking parents with children 0-18 years
Creche available for 0-5 yr olds, light refreshments provided.
April 2013 (tbc) 10 weeks
Empowerment for Parents (Strand A)
African Community School at Princess May School 3 Princess May Road
Duygu Bozkurt T : 020 7923 7226 M : 07946 348 341 E : Duygu.Bozkurt@learningtrust.co.uk Minik Kardes Children’s Centre 53-55 Balls Pond Road N1 4BW Kome Owusu 07863 234 832
For parents of children aged 510 years. Referrals via
Waiting for programme leader to confirm dates
Time Out for Parents
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre Tel 0207 249 8139
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Dates & times
Name of parenting class
Where held
Contact information
N16 8DF
Kome (parents can self-refer)
17 April 13 Weds 9.30am12.30pm (13 weeks: term time) April 2013. (date to be confirmed)
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
Comet Nursery School & Children’s Centre 20 Halcomb Street N1 5RF
Jeanette Cordery 0207 749 1210 / 077669 23755
Parents of children up to 19 years
Strengthening families Strengthening Communities.
Woodberry Down Children’s Centre. Springpark Drive. Green Lanes. N4 2NP
Graeme Jardin or Donna Reece
Hackney Residents
25/4/1311/7/13 Thursdays 13pm (term time only)
The Solihull Approach Parenting Group
Wentworth Children’s Centre Granard House, Bradstock Road, E9 5EX
Katrin Karlsdottir
Parents of preschool children, 0-5 year olds This group is intended for parents and carers who want to know more about sensitive and effective parenting
It aims to: promote understanding of children’s behaviour within the context of developmental issues; promote the development of parent/child reciprocity; increase confidence and selfesteem in both parents and children; give parents a strategy for repair when things go wrong; and develop a framework of thinking about parent/child relationships which can be developed into
020 8815 3270
020 898 53491 (option 2) Facilitated by First Steps
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Dates & times
Name of parenting class
Where held
Contact information
a lifelong skill. The programme explores issues such as: tuning into children; exploring feelings; parenting styles; communication (what is being communicated through behaviour); temper tantrums and what might be meant by them; sleep patterns; and behavioural difficulties. April (after Easter break) dates & times to be confirmed
Time Out for Parents
Morningside Children’s Centre Chatham Place E9 6LL
Marie Kerrigan 020 8525 2400 MKerrigan@morningside.hackney.sch. uk June Boughen 07739343922
All candidates must be entry level 2 English. Includes Social Care referrals.
Waiting list: please contact June
April (after Easter break) dates & times to be confirmed
Time Out for Parents
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre, 54 Mapledene Road, E8 3LE
June Boughen 07739343922
Mainly for parents with children under 11 yrs. And
Waiting list: please contact June
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre Tel 0207 249 8139
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lone parents, unemployed, benefit claimants and Families in Need (Social care). Candidates must be at least at ESOL entry 2 level
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Hackney Family Information Service Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane London E8 1GQ Helpline: 020 8820 7590 fis@learningtrust.co.uk www.learningtrust.co.uk
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Description of different parenting classes in Hackney: Produced by Jacqueline Thompson, Hackney Learning Trust Parenting Programme Creative Parenting
Who is it for?
What happens?
Universal Parents of children aged 6 years to late teens
10 weekly sessions 2 hrs each session
Empowerment for Parents
The programme aims to empower participants to develop highly effective parenting skills, by developing the knowledge, techniques and strategies necessary to develop and maintain healthy family relationships.
Universal Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Complex/High risk Parents of children aged between 0-16 years.
Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programmes. Sessions are delivered to a group of parents (minimum 4-6, maximum 16) There are two strands. Strand A has 10 weekly sessions, 3 hours each session Strand B has 10 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
Family SEAL
To help parents to develop their skills to support their children’s social and emotional development. To support parents and carers to support their children’s social, emotional and behavioural development. To provide parents and carers with the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and explore the link between thoughts, feelings, behaviour and learning. To enable schools to develop and encourage partnership working between the school and the home. Family SEAL should be part of the
Universal Parents of children aged 3-11 years
8 weekly session 1 hr 30 mins per session
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How to find out more? June Boughen trainatetd@hotmail .com Shacklewell School Jodie Cariss Parental Involvement Coordinator
Claire Tregear Claire.Tregear@learni ngtrust.co.uk
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Fathers Matter Too
school strategy, using a whole school approach for working in partnership with parents and carers. Support father figures to develop the often unrecognised but vital role they play in the long term development of their children HENRY (health, exercise, nutrition for the really young) focuses on parenting skills combined with healthy eating and physical activity and knowledge to prevent and reduce children becoming overweight
Incredible Years
Incredible Years seeks to alter the quality of relationships between parents and children and children with their peers. It is an early prevention programme used to promote positive and nurturing parenting and to increase parental involvement in school. The programme covers play, praise and limit setting.
Peace of Mind
Provide practical ways for people to be proactive about staying mentally well
Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting "Time Out" series of programmes make a practical difference to parents. There are a
Universal Father figures
10 weekly sessions (6 weeks group + 4 weeks 1:1) 2 hours each session
David Mullings david@fatherfigure.o rg.uk
Universal Parents of children aged 0 – 5 years
8 weekly sessions 2½ hours each session 30 minutes of the session is family time, parents and their children together 2 hours of the session is parent time Parents receive a HENRY goody bag 12 weekly sessions 2 hours each session It is a structured manual-based parenting programme that covers play, praise and limit setting in two hour group sessions that run once a week for 12 weeks.
Telephone Susie Longford or Rachel Waite on 020 7683 4098 or email Susie.longford@ho merton.nhs.uk
Addresses all issues about quality of life and living, including parenting
Randal Cremer Primary School Edward Ablorh
Timeout for Parents (0-9) 5 core sessions, 4 optional sessions hours each session
Hackney Ark Miri Sizak-Cohen Tessa Constable
Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Complex/High risk It can be used for all parents or as targeted, specialist or treatment programme for parents of school aged children exhibiting a range of behaviour difficulties Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Complex/High risk Mainly for parents at Randal Cremer School Universal Universal and Universal Plus 9 of 10
First Steps www.incredibleyears .com
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
variety of titles in the series, which enables parents to share with and learn from each other.
Partnership Parents of children from 0-16 years
Timeout for Teenagers (9-16 years) 6 core sessions, 2 optional sessions Timeout for Juniors (7-11 years) 8 sessions, 2 hours each Timeout for special needs 7 weekly sessions
Practical Parenting
This is an introductory parenting programme, which enables parents to improve their parenting skills and develop a positive approach to family life. There are a variety of programmes available to deliver to parents
Universal Parents with children under 8 years old
5 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre Alex Harrison
Prevention & Reduction of Gang/Gun/Knife Crime Parenting Programme
To improve the quality of life of parents whose teenage children have been affected or fear of being affected by knife or gun crime
Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Parents in Islington and Hackney
9 weekly sessions 3 hours each session
Minik Kardes Children’s Centre 020 7923 7226 Selda Aygun Selda.aygun@tisca li.co.uk
Solihull Approach
To improve parent sensitivity and responsiveness in the parent child relationship, by helping parents develop ways of relating to their child that promotes child development and effective behaviour management
10 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
First Steps Nicola.harding@ch pct.nhs.uk
This programme encourages parents to provide positive sex and relationships education in the home and to take on the role of sex and relationships educator.
Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Parents who want to know more about sensitive and effective parenting approach to behaviour management Universal Parents of children of all ages
8 weekly sessions 2 hours each session Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programme. The sessions are delivered, by two facilitators, to a group of parents (minimum 6,
Parental Involvement Coordinator
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Children’s Centre at Tyssen Children’s Centre Deb Wooding
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
maximum 12). Each session is 2 hours long. It is recommended that a taster session is delivered prior to the programme starting. Strengthening Families 10-14
The Strengthening Families Program10–14 is designed for parents or caregivers and their children aged 10 to 14 and aims to help: parents build on their strengths in showing love and setting limits, youths develop skills in handling peer pressure and building a positive future, and families grow together
Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Parents of children and youth aged 10-14 years
The goal of the program is to prevent substance abuse and behaviour problems during adolescence.
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
It is a universal and inclusive programme designed to help and support parents with the challenges they face in raising happy and successful children. It helps parents to think about their own experiences and about how their culture and family backgrounds have shaped their parenting styles. The course also looks at the importance of community involvement. A family engagement programme supporting parents in promoting their
Universal Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Parents of children aged 3-18 years.
Universal Parents with children 11 of 10
7 weekly sessions 2 hours each session Each session contains a variety of activities: Parent sessions include viewing and discussing videos that portray negative and positive interactions with youth, skill-building activities and group support. Youth sessions include game-like learning activities, discussions and skill-building activities. ¡Family sessions include parent-youth discussions, games, projects, skillbuilding practice and videotape viewing. Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programme. There are 13 weekly sessions, delivered over 13 3 hours each session The first session is an introductory session. Each session lasts for 3 hours. The programme is facilitated by two facilitators.
www.mystrongfamily .co.uk
6 weekly sessions 45 minutes each session
Wentworth Nursery and Children’s
Parental Involvement Coordinator www.raceequalityfou ndation.org.uk/sfsc
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
children’s happiness and emotional well-being through taking part in positive learning experiences together
Complex/High risk Parents of teenagers (11-19) with Autism Spectrum Disorder and or moderate to severe learning disability Universal
Teen Troubles
Transition to Nursery Triple P
Parenting Programme Creative Parenting
3 – 5 years
Triple P is a parenting and family support strategy that aims to prevent severe behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents. Triple P is a multi-system of parenting programmes designed and tailored to the needs of parents. There are five levels to choose from Aims
6 parents and 6 children maximum in Centre Katrin Karlsdottir a group 020 8985 3491 Gainsborough Children’s Centre Judy John Lewis Morningside Children’s and Parents’ Centre Marie Kerrigan Daubeney Children’s Centre Bolu Heather 6 weekly sessions Clinical Psychology/ CAMHS 020 7014 7071
Universal and Universal Plus Partnership Complex/High risk Parent and carers of children (0-12 years) and teenagers (12-16 years) with mild to severe behavioural or emotional difficulties Who is it for?
Teen Triple P/ Triple P Groups 8 weekly sessions (4 group sessions + 3 individual consultations + 1 end of programme group session) 2 hours for each group session
Hackney Quest familysupport@hac kneyquest.org.uk 020 8525 6490 First Steps Nicola.harding@ch pct.nhs.uk
What happens?
Parents of children aged 6 years to late teens
10 weekly sessions 2 hrs each session
How to find out more? June Boughen trainatetd@hotmail .com Shacklewell School
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Jodie Cariss Parental Involvement Coordinator
Empowerment for Parents
The programme aims to empower participants to develop highly effective parenting skills, by developing the knowledge, techniques and strategies necessary to develop and maintain healthy family relationships.
Parents of children aged between 0-16 years.
Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programmes. Sessions are delivered to a group of parents (minimum 4-6, maximum 16) There are two strands. Strand A has 10 weekly sessions, 3 hours each session Strand B has 10 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
Family SEAL
To help parents to develop their skills to support their children’s social and emotional development. To support parents and carers to support their children’s social, emotional and behavioural development. To provide parents and carers with the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and explore the link between thoughts, feelings, behaviour and learning. To enable schools to develop and encourage partnership working between the school and the home. Family SEAL should be part of the school strategy, using a whole school approach for working in partnership with parents and carers. Support father figures to develop the often unrecognised but vital role they play in the long term development of their children HENRY (health, exercise, nutrition for the really young) focuses on parenting skills combined with healthy eating
Parents of children aged 3-11 years
8 weekly session 1 hr 30 mins per session
Claire Tregear Claire.Tregear@learni ngtrust.co.uk
Father figures
10 weekly sessions (6 weeks group + 4 weeks 1:1) 2 hours each session
David Mullings david@fatherfigure.o rg.uk
Fathers Matter Too
Parents of children aged 0 – 5 years 13 of 10
8 weekly sessions 2½ hours each session 30 minutes of the session is
Telephone Susie Longford or Rachel Waite on 020 7683
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
and physical activity and knowledge to prevent and reduce children becoming overweight
Incredible Years
Incredible Years seeks to alter the quality of relationships between parents and children and children with their peers. It is an early prevention programme used to promote positive and nurturing parenting and to increase parental involvement in school. The programme covers play, praise and limit setting.
It can be used for all parents or as targeted, specialist or treatment programme for parents of school aged children exhibiting a range of behaviour difficulties
Peace of Mind
Provide practical ways for people to be proactive about staying mentally well Positive Parenting "Time Out" series of programmes make a practical difference to parents. There are a variety of titles in the series, which enables parents to share with and learn from each other.
Mainly for parents at Randal Cremer School Parents of children from 0-16 years
This is an introductory parenting programme, which enables parents to improve their parenting skills and develop a positive approach to family life. There are a variety of programmes available to deliver to parents
Parents with children under 8 years old
Positive Parenting
Practical Parenting
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family time, parents and their children together 2 hours of the session is parent time Parents receive a HENRY goody bag 12 weekly sessions 2 hours each session It is a structured manual-based parenting programme that covers play, praise and limit setting in two hour group sessions that run once a week for 12 weeks.
4098 or email Susie.longford@ho merton.nhs.uk
Addresses all issues about quality of life and living, including parenting
Randal Cremer Primary School Edward Ablorh Hackney Ark Miri Sizak-Cohen Tessa Constable
Timeout for Parents (0-9) 5 core sessions, 4 optional sessions hours each session Timeout for Teenagers (9-16 years) 6 core sessions, 2 optional sessions Timeout for Juniors (7-11 years) 8 sessions, 2 hours each Timeout for special needs 7 weekly sessions 5 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
First Steps www.incredibleyears .com
Children’s Centre at Tyssen Children’s Centre Deb Wooding
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre Alex Harrison
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
Prevention & Reduction of Gang/Gun/Knife Crime Parenting Programme
To improve the quality of life of parents whose teenage children have been affected or fear of being affected by knife or gun crime
Parents in Islington and Hackney
9 weekly sessions 3 hours each session
Minik Kardes Children’s Centre 020 7923 7226 Selda Aygun Selda.aygun@tisca li.co.uk
Solihull Approach
To improve parent sensitivity and responsiveness in the parent child relationship, by helping parents develop ways of relating to their child that promotes child development and effective behaviour management This programme encourages parents to provide positive sex and relationships education in the home and to take on the role of sex and relationships educator.
Parents who want to know more about sensitive and effective parenting approach to behaviour management Parents of children of all ages
10 weekly sessions 2 hours each session
First Steps Nicola.harding@ch pct.nhs.uk
8 weekly sessions 2 hours each session Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programme. The sessions are delivered, by two facilitators, to a group of parents (minimum 6, maximum 12). Each session is 2 hours long. It is recommended that a taster session is delivered prior to the programme starting.
Parental Involvement Coordinator
The Strengthening Families Program10–14 is designed for parents or caregivers and their children aged 10 to 14 and aims to help:
Parents of children and youth aged 10-14 years
7 weekly sessions www.mystrongfamily 2 hours each session .co.uk Each session contains a variety of activities: Parent sessions include viewing and discussing videos that portray negative and positive interactions with youth, skill-building activities and group support. Youth sessions include game-like learning activities, discussions and skill-building
Strengthening Families 10-14
parents build on their strengths in showing love and setting limits, youths develop skills in handling peer pressure and building a positive future, and families grow together 15 of 10
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
The goal of the program is to prevent substance abuse and behaviour problems during adolescence.
Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
It is a universal and inclusive programme designed to help and support parents with the challenges they face in raising happy and successful children. It helps parents to think about their own experiences and about how their culture and family backgrounds have shaped their parenting styles. The course also looks at the importance of community involvement. A family engagement programme supporting parents in promoting their children’s happiness and emotional well-being through taking part in positive learning experiences together
Teen Troubles
Transition to Nursery Triple P
Triple P is a parenting and family support strategy that aims to prevent
Parents of children aged 3-18 years.
activities. ·Family sessions include parent-youth discussions, games, projects, skillbuilding practice and videotape viewing. Parents are recruited and invited to attend the programme. There are 13 weekly sessions, delivered over 13 3 hours each session The first session is an introductory session. Each session lasts for 3 hours. The programme is facilitated by two facilitators.
Parents with children 3 – 5 years
6 weekly sessions 45 minutes each session 6 parents and 6 children maximum in a group
Parents of teenagers (11-19) with Autism Spectrum Disorder and or moderate to severe learning disability
6 weekly sessions
Parent and carers of children (0-12 years)
Teen Triple P/ Triple P Groups 8 weekly sessions (4 group sessions
16 of 10
Parental Involvement Coordinator www.raceequalityfou ndation.org.uk/sfsc
Wentworth Nursery and Children’s Centre Katrin Karlsdottir 020 8985 3491 Gainsborough Children’s Centre Judy John Lewis Daubeney Children’s Centre Bolu Heather Clinical Psychology/ CAMHS 020 7014 7071
Hackney Quest familysupport@hac
Produced by Hackney Family Information Service
severe behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents. Triple P is a multi-system of parenting programmes designed and tailored to the needs of parents. There are five levels to choose from
and teenagers (12-16 years) with mild to severe behavioural or emotional difficulties
+ 3 individual consultations + 1 end of programme group session) 2 hours for each group session
kneyquest.org.uk 020 8525 6490 First Steps Nicola.harding@ch pct.nhs.uk
Hackney Family Information Service Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane London E8 1GQ Helpline: 020 8820 7590 fis@learningtrust.co.uk www.learningtrust.co.uk
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Produced by Hackney Family Information Service