Edu4 Vocalab and Genesis Speech Mate in Tunisia

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Multimedia Language Labs: The case of Edu4 New Tools = New Perspectives

Understand Act Make a change NEW CHALLENGES 

Official decision to integrate ICT as a major component in the Tunisian system of education (Eduation Reform & Educ Act 2002) Three dimensions for the 2010 national action plan 1 :Computer literacy for all Tunisian teachers ( INTEL literacy training programme) 2 : Mobile Multimedia Language Labs for language teachers (French+ English: EDU4 & GENESI) ) 3 : Interactive Whiteboard for biology, maths & physics teachers

The use of C in ICT to enhance education… OBJECTIVE: Use ICT to develop competencies Through ICT, we create an interactive language environment  expose students directly to languages  develop autonomous learning  foster all communication skills 

Enhance exposure to languages What to do?  Glean & select authentic multimedia resources See Teachers of English In Tunisia (TEIT)

Create a database for the resources  Put the authentic resources at the disposal of 



Free Individual Access to Resources 

PODCASTING : subscription / downloading of digital resources (audio/ video)

TRANSFERABLE MATERIALS: offline usage of a local (computer)server containing the resources

OUTSIDE SCHOOL USAGE OF RESOURCES : Students & teachers have free access to resources (they can take home for research / project/ revision…

Producing & using MM resources Oral practice Listening Practice – Audio files, songs (mp3 /wav) Listening Comprehension tests using those files Producing resources (eg. Video, slideshow, story with PPT) Speech Mate

Audacity AUDACITY Software for producing / editing / using audio/ video files

Other useful software for MMLLabs  PowerPoint (presentations, slideshows, audiovisual stories…)  JClic (interactive exercises)  Hot

Potatoes (interactive exercises)

 Textoys (fading-out text, scrambled sentences)

Your expectations !!! -Ministry Expectations!! Your Expectations       

- ………………………………………… - ………………………………………… - ………………………………………… - ………………………………………… - ………………………………………… - ………………………………………… - …………………………………………

Ministry Expectations!!         

- Learn by practice - Cascade what you know to your (school) colleagues - Coordinate the use of language lab - Coordinate with trainer if help needed - Work with colleagues - Glean resources for language labs - Share resources - Adapt your teaching to the new environment (MMLLabs) - Use language labs by 3rd term 2010

Our Scheme of Work: A six-week training program per group Group1: Group1 EDU4 / VOCALAB & MULTILAB February 15 22 March






Group2: Group2 GENESIS & SPEECH MATE April








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