Make 2025 the Year of Connection, Growth, and Renewed Community Spirit
As the calendar turns to a new year, we are presented with a fresh opportunity to re ect, set oals, and stren then the ties that inds adlei h as a co unity hile the world around us continues to chan e at a di yin pace, the heart eat of our town and local illa es re ains the sa e our people, our s all usinesses, and our co unity or anisations n , let us resol e to nurture these lifelines and ensure their sur i al ocal usinesses, the life lood of our econo y, ha e weathered unprecedented challen es so e o er any years hey pro ide o s, support fa ilies, and infuse adlei h with character and i rancy ery cup of co ee fro one of our local caf s, e ery ift ou ht fro a local shop, and e ery eal shared at a local restaurant or pu contri utes not only to the econo y ut to the uni ue tapestry of our co unity upportin these usinesses isn t ust a out co erce it s a out
connection As the people ehind all usiness aturday say, supportin s all usinesses eans supportin so eone s drea s all usinesssaturdayu co o unity or anisations also play a critical role in fosterin connection, and we can see so any e a ples of this in o unity ews each onth hether it s the local ani al rescue centre, a youth sports lea ue, or an en iron ental ad ocacy roup, these or anisations are often sta ed y tireless olunteers dedicated to a in our co unity a etter place heir e orts often o unsun , yet their i pact is profound hey pro ide safety nets, opportunities, and spaces for us to co e to ether, e en in the ost tryin ti es o, how can we a e the year we truly show up for our local co unity
Continues p2
irst, let s co it to shoppin local hen faced with the con enience of online iants, it can e te ptin to clic and for et ut y choosin to shop local whene er possi le, we help eep our nei h ours doors open and their drea s ali e onsider participatin in co unity ar ets or su scri in to local ser ices these s all steps can a e a world of di erence econd, let s i e the ift of ti e and e pertise any co unity or anisations are stretched thin, relyin on a s all core of olunteers to eet rowin needs f you ha e s ills to share, whether it s accountin , ar etin , or e en ust a willin ness to roll up your slee es, reach out to an or anisation that inspires you en a few hours a onth can ha e a lastin i pact
inally, let s spread the word se your oice to cha pion the causes and usinesses you care a out o ether, we can ensure that is a year of connection, rowth, and renewed co unity spirit ere s to a prosperous and united ew ear for all
HUFC Community Programme
17100 Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green, Holton & Raydon
We warmly welcome contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every
o unity ro ra e continues to row and de elop for our nder s and s on aturday ornin s he nder s ha e recently participated in a festi al held at adlei h nited oot all lu he oys and irls played nu erous a es a ainst es ra e, ast er holt, t ohns, atch ay u as, apel lou h and oplestonians ots of fun was had y e eryone in ol ed he o unity ro ra e restarts a ain in arch for children in ears ne and wo f your child is interested in attendin , please e ail a in eters stri ersltd aol co
Do you want to feel better?
A re inder that ni a adlei h is startin on anuary , please contact ian rutch eld ail co or utter yrachel ail co to secure your place ni a is a peer support roup usin a wor oo as tal in therapy ni a can e suita le for adults, with a wide ran e of ental health conditions and who are e periencin o erwhel in e otions that a ect their daily li es ni a is run y roup e ers and the for at has run successfully for any years eople who ha e attended ha e included those e periencin depression, an iety and stress, and at aryin parts of the neurolo ical spectru y oinin a peer support roup, you will e eetin other people willin to share their personal e perience and tips of thin s that ha e helped i pro e their health, as well as practisin indfulness essions are wee ly, e ery ednesday ter ti e , p to p in a co unity space currently the in adlei h f the roup is o ersu scri ed, priority will e i en to new rst ti e e ers, please e ail us to en uire an and achels addresses are a o e or post a note with your contact details ia rid e treet
Hadleigh Garden Club
r ian awson, herself an acco plished otanical illustrator tal ed a out he ris lorile iu of ir edric orris he collection consists of otanical watercolour paintin s of iris red y ir edric orris at enton nd etween , all painted y the oyal orticultural ociety s old edal Award artists he roup was put to ether y r ian awson who a e us the ac round infor ation a out how the roup was awarded the presti ious innis cott oundation s otanical Art Award, which carried with it a pri e of , r awson e plained the award contri uted to costs in respect of a oo he edric orris orile iu which i es an account of the ac round history to the na es of the iris at enton nd and currently ein red and is a aila le to purchase at he dler oo shop in adlei h n addition, funds went towards scannin the i a es for prints, fra es and ounts that were displayed at the ains orou h ouse useu this su er and in due course will e displayed at enton nd as part of the refur ish ent pro ra e he tal was ery infor ati e and the illustrations e ceptional with further e planations fro r awson on how to achie e the est results fro paintin watercolour, slowly uildin up the layers and applyin s illed artistry to achie e the eticulous detail re uired for otanical accuracy he also e plained each paintin can ta e se eral onths to create the standard of art re uired o e of you ay ha e seen the e hi ition at the ains orou h ouse useu in ud ury alon with so e of ir edric orris paintin s in une e are all loo in forward to the restoration of the arden and house at enton nd, hich will e a reat achie e ent for those in ol ed and for reco nition of our lo ely town, adlei h he o petition was won y iona for her ase of Autu n oila e ur ne t eetin will e on onday th anuary at in the uild oo opposite t ary s hurch adlei h ardenclu ail co he spea er will e Andrew a ie fro erennial spea in on easonal ontainer ardenin sual ra e, tea co ee and natter here is no co petition this onth
Members £2 per meeting and visitors are welcome for a fee of £4 per meeting or more information contact ngie on el 4 444
‘Hugs’ Galore in 2024
t ay ha e een created as a lan et ut once it reaches a deli hted recipient it eco es a co fortin hu A a in ly, ro ect inus deli ered hu s in the u ol area in ur own local ho e nitters, now nu erin , ha e pro ided a lion s share of this i pressi e total heir steady contri ution of ulti si ed, nitted and crocheted lan ets ust et ore i a inati e and colourful e ery ti e
As well as other charities, hospital and special interest roups ene ttin fro their dedicated e orts, there has een a nu er of sin le donations to children who are attlin with their own issues on r ation fro so e appreciati e clients supports this “My little boy 2.5years and myself go to Bumblebees and they gave me a quilt that you made and I am so grateful, thank you. Daniel and I were both having a tough day yesterday and it was a lovely thing to receive”. From the charity, Pitstop. They are absolutely GLORIOUS! Thank you so much for your hugs. xxxx”
incere than s to all the industrious, creati e nitters who ha e lo in ly contri uted to this re ar a le total hope that you will eep up the ood wor throu hout f you li e the idea of puttin your s ills to ood use y creatin a hu for life please contact e for further details an e ey de eys tinternet co or
SATURDAY 8th FEBRUARY 2025, 10-11.30am
The Salvation Army Hall, Duke Street, Hadleigh
We would like to thank you for supporting our Coffee Mornings throughout 2024
Mayor’s Diary
Hello everyone
ishin us all a happy ew ear wonder what holds for us all o dou t for ost of us a helpin of happiness, e cite ent, pain, fun, rief, lo e, friendship, lau hter, co passion and oy A whole i ed a as usual t can feel a scary world out there with e erythin that is oin on o, we han on for the ride and try and ensure our own li es are lled with all the ood thin s we can pac in adlei h is such a uni ue co unity and now ore than e er we ust ensure we don t lose that a ic
nfortunately, tor arra h saw o the planned hrist as e ent and li htin up cere ony on aturday ece er, howe er with foresi ht and uch hard wor , the sta at the own ouncil ensured that all the planned craft, charity and so e outside stalls were a le to sell their wares in the own all co ple where the footfall was ery ood ots of people turned up and wal ed away with ifts, ra e tic ets and full ellies ha in purchased hot drin s and ince pies, where they could sit in the war and ossip with friends as the rain and wind attled away outside he hot chocolate with aileys was ery welco e ur own ouncil sta wor ery hard on ehalf of our town, and this is often o erloo ed A i than you to the and their fa ilies for puttin up with the odd and late hours they often ha e to eep ensurin that own ouncil e ents in the town are held and run s oothly idn t the tree in the ar et lace and those alon the i h treet loo wonderful A i than you to the own ler and the ar y of olunteers who ade this all happen he adlei h o unity hoir winter concert was a real step into hrist as he choir san eautifully so e old and new son s in addition to the hy ns with the audience helpin the alon atch out for the date of the su er concert t is planned to cele rate i e Aid forty years on suddenly feel ery ery old a e any of you co e across the eat o e ner y ro ect that A are pro otin ou can contact the for roup tal s, ho e isits, or ust a chat o er the phone hey will pro ide ad ice on reducin condensation and ould, assistance with a aila le rants, ho e insulation and reducin ener y ills hey can e contacted on heatener y co u or e site hadlei hheat or arah and i on ho pson ha e set up a new non for pro t roup called adlei h roductions hey are plannin to rin ore art and usic e ents to adlei h n o e er last year they or anised for ra ti lassics to perfor at the ld chool ra ti lassics are a roup of ery talented usicians who played wonderful usic with hu our, o es and i s yes i s hey were fa ulous and ery funny t was a really en oya le e enin e can loo forward to ore e ents fro adlei h roductions
At the own ouncil eetin in ece er ohnson ad ised a out the increase in house ehicle rea ins in the surroundin areas lease all do eep i ilant and safe
As we o into , thou ht it worth re indin e eryone a out the isit adlei h we site f you are arran in an e ent, please do re e er to notify the for placin details on the we site hat way, if you are arran in an e ent, you can chec on the we site and loo at dates to ensure you don t clash with another e ent and thus a i ise any fundraisin now of a few occasions last year where e ents clashed and nu ers at e ents were su se uently reduced here is roo for us all and ane nowdon does a wonderful o at eepin the we site up to date and rele ant, ut she is reliant on us feedin her the infor ation isithadlei hsu ol co u
sn t it lo ely to see ohn unnin ha ac in adlei h loo in so well et s all a e a year to cele rate oursel es and adlei h, of course a e care of yoursel es and each other Sue
Winter Gardening – A Busy Time of the Year
I have lost count of how many times people have inquisitively asked if I had anything to do in the garden during the winter months. I have been a professional gardener for over 10 years, and I have never had a winter where I was scraping for work to keep me busy. In fact, it’s arguably one of the busiest times of the year!
There are a myriad of gardening tasks that should be done during the coldest months of the year, like pruning and shaping dormant fruit trees and shrubs (apples, pears, currants, etc.) or ornamental trees and shrubs that bene t from winter pruning. Another perfect task for winter is rose pruning: I have worked in gardens where rose pruning alone would take a whole month working at a good pace. All forms of roses (shrubs, climbers and ramblers) bene t from a good prune during the winter to boost ower production in late spring, as do rampant isterias. inter is also prime time for preparing gardens for the ne t season: cutting back borders and clearing debris where pests and diseases might overwinter, and mulching borders and kitchen gardens to protect the soil surface and avoid weed germination.
There are other less glamourous tasks on the winter list that contribute to a functional and tidy garden: pressure washing all hard surfaces to avoid slippery paths and patios, deep cleaning of greenhouses, cleaning bird feeders baths, ing gravel paths and border edges, cleaning and sharpening garden tools… I could continue, but I think you get the point! ut the most e citing thing a gardener can do during these months is planning! Gardens are ever-evolving spaces that change constantly and the opportunity to sit down with a nice cup of co ee when the weather is raging outside and plan the year ahead is gold. This might involve revisiting what worked well (and less well) last season and planning accordingly; restocking the seed cabinet; assessing if there are areas of the garden that need rethinking and redesigning; planning what to grow in the greenhouse and summer pots; and just taking pleasure from the e citement of starting it all over again.
inter can indeed be a busy season but it is also a season to take a deep breath and, for once, slow down a notch and appreciate all the hard work that has been put into creating and maintaining a beautiful space that a garden can be.
For consultancy, design and garden maintenance work, please contact or call 07464 856750 for a friendly chat about your garden needs.
Why would you join the u3a in Hadleigh?
•It’s to be made welcome, whatever your interests may be
•It’s to nd like-minded people with whom you can share your enthusiasms
•It’s to join well organised trips to local places of interest
•It’s to join our meetings where a wide range of speakers present their talks on a wide range of topics.
The u3a is a national organisation but is run locally. Hadleigh u3a helps or organises all the above and strives to make newcomers feel comfortable and welcome.
U3a members run their own interest groups and there are many of them covering a wide range of topics.
It’s only a 1 annual fee to join. e meet at .30pm on the second Monday of each month at the United Reformed Church for a presentation by a speaker or a group. If you come to one of these meetings, just make yourself known to the reception desk so you can be made welcome.
Or try us out by contacting or our website hadleigh su
New Art Exhibition in the Health Centre
ocal artist, ob Hogan has very kindly loaned his work for display in the Health Centre for the ne t few weeks. After studying at Ipswich chool of Art for years ob’s rst jobs were in ondon designing vinyl record covers and book jackets. He then returned to u olk and worked rstly in a design studio and then an advertising agency where his roles spanned graphic art and design, advertising and photography.
A few years later ob set up his own business in Ipswich working primarily for agricultural and animal health pharmaceutical companies dealing with their graphics and design. As time went on ob was asked to take on more and more work designing and constructing e hibition stands for shows throughout the U and urope, with tight deadlines to meet and health and safety e ecutives to satisfy! uring this time and in order to improve his skills, ob took a City and Guilds furniture and cabinet-making course at u olk College. adly, this course is no longer available to budding cabinetmakers.
Having spent many years in the thick of the e hibition world and many, many days away from home, retirement beckoned and ob has returned to his roots enjoying sketching, and painting in oils and watercolours. After taking a superb printing course run by Gainsborough’s House in udbury, ob was enthused to e periment with drypoints and linocuts. He has enjoyed learning more about those techniques, most recently attending a course in cotland on the ne art of reduction lino printing. His pictures are inspired and in uenced by nature and the environment. e are hoping they will raise your spirits when you ne t visit the waiting area. If you wish to purchase any of them please contact me, an evey deveys 01 3 0 1 0 1 (not the personnel on the front desk).
Digital Voice Roll-Out for
Landline Telephone Customers
Town Councillors have been approached by some residents of Hadleigh who have been receiving telemarketing calls related to igital oice Roll- ut which are giving out incorrect information and pressurising people to take up contracts with them.
Two Town Councillors will be attending training in early 0 and will then hold open sessions for the public during 0 look out for more details in the Community ews.
The below information has been sent to the Town Council by the ast of ngland igital oice olunteer Coordinator:
The Digital Voice service is a national roll-out with a completion date of 2027 for all copper landlines to be switched to digital (over internet) and all telephone providers are required to do this with the exception of PlusNet who will be internet only; therefore, these customers with a landline will be encouraged to switch contract (free of charge) to EE or BT or have the choice to go elsewhere e.g.
customers may not have broadband, and these will be considered Dedicated Landline Users so BT will contact them in this regard. Openreach maintains the copper line currently and the providers are the companies such as BT, EE, Virgin, Sky, TalkTalk etc. Customers who have a landline will pay the company so if they pay Sky for their landline and broadband then it is Sky that will manage the switchover. There is confusion that BT are Openreach so therefore people think this is solely a BT switchover. I have not heard that Openreach are calling anyone so that immediately raises concern. The switch will not cost customers more than what they pay already unless they want to change broadband
broadband packages. Customers will keep their phone numbers (unless they opt to switch providers in which case they should ask to keep same number). The switch will be managed by each provider who will arrange engineers if customers are eligible.
considered scams. Digital Voice will work on speeds as low as 3mb/s so any company saying that they need to upgrade their broadband package is hard selling.
BT will write to customers at least 4 weeks prior to the intended switch date. This will be by post. They do not cold call. Customers can delay if they have additional vulnerabilities that BT are not aware of and may require additional equipment such as battery back ups or have a telecare alarm that may not be compatible at that stage. Customers should inform BT and their healthcare provider of the alarm. I would hope that all providers will give notice of the switch and send equipment required before the intended switch date. No one should be pressurized into making the switch immediately.
ottom line is that igital oice is free, so therefore customers will not see their packages increase unless they are entering a new contract by agreement. eople should be wary of scam calls especially if not from their provider and to make contact with their provider from a number that is di erent to what they are given by the cold caller. I have googled some information that may be helpful but may be worth checking out providers’ websites. o customer should be cut o from their landline service without notice communication from their provider so they should be reminded to ensure that their details are correct with their provider and to check email and their junk spam folders regularly.
Planning Application for Lidl Superstore
The Town Council have been noti ed of the planning application to build a idl tore on land at ady ane.
ur lanning Committee will be meeting to discuss this on Tuesday 1 anuary 0 , but due to time constraints we will be holding a ublic Meeting to hear residents comments prior to this meeting on Monday th anuary 0 at .30pm in the ining Room at the Town Hall (entrance opposite The Ram). lease come along and share your views.
If you would like
Every lunchtime,Monday to Friday
The Cock Inn
Happy ew ear folks and wow, did 0 y by! I think as we get older times moves quicker. I remember my grandfather telling me just that and boy, he was not wrong. ith all that is going on around the world and onald’s inauguration set for this month too, 0 is sure to be an uneventful one. hat an interesting year that has just passed us by, culminating with widespread ooding, the U elections, Assad being chased out of yria, The George reopening after its ovember make over and the epidemic of charging spaces within our valuable car parks. e wish the new management well in their new venture at The George as it’s rather nice to have a reasonable selection of places to visit and closed properties on our High treet are not good for the town.
Talking of the town, The Tractor oys are sitting precariously near the foot of the remier eague and will need to put a string of results together if they want to retain top ight status. It’s a very tough league and perhaps the most challenging in the world, but let’s see if there are any additions in the anuary transfer window ieran Mc enna is a top coach, but is that enough hat about the gamble in signing alvin hillips, who at years of age has failed to impress, though not helped by injury one may add. ince their triumph away at purs things have not moved on. et’s see as this is a critical month. Talking footy, I can’t help commenting on the freefall of Man City. ho would ever have predicted that. Chelsea are starting to look like the contenders to upset iverpool’s title challenge, but don’t write o The Gunners just yet. e will show all the live football throughout the month and will shortly install a T in the ounge ar so that we can show a third event even if the Giant creen is unavailable. The Champions and uropa eague tures heat up this month as we move towards quali cation for the knockout stages. And all U games are screened Tuesdays through to Thursdays each week. As you know, or may not, The Cock Inn can show three separate live events at the same time. Magic eh!
There is not much in the way of other live sport this month as the Rugby i ations gets going at the beginning of ebruary and the 0 1 Grand ri Calander commences in Australia in March, followed by China.
ur regulars will know that we now sell tella Artois lager on draught and there are plans to add some other well know brands in the new year. ur cask ale range is the best in town and we promise to always have at least two visiting guest cask ales every week. There are hundreds of smaller real ale breweries strewn across the U and it’s important to us that you have the opportunity to sample as many as possible. ast year we o ered you over 0 di erent beers and this year we hope to reach maybe to 0 from all four corners of the U . e have a large choice of single malt whiskies too and all are available under our enlarged ouble Up’ spirit promotion. ou can opt to make a standard spirit a double for just 1. 0 e tra and brands include mirno , Gordons, ells, acardi, , Captain Morgan ark piced or for only 0 e tra you can invest in a double measure of a single malt like Glenmorangie, Haig Club or McCallan. raken, Grey Goose, the entire range of hitley eil Gins are included, though please drink responsibly. e have a huge range so please call in and enjoy. h and it’s all day every day, e cept when we are closed!
ollowing a cra y music month during ecember which nished with a great tribute to U 0 by Ub t, we have a few dates for live music this month. Making their debut at The Cock Inn is new wave and mod revival band ake Up The ation. These three guys will take you back to those great days of the The’s... The am, The ho, The Clash, The tranglers, The pecials and more! on’t miss this gig on aturday 1 th at pm. The following day we welcome back Annika Rhodes on unday 1 th at 3pm. Annika is back by popular demand, is local to the area and will entertain you will great covers from the 0s 0s. n unday th at a slightly later time of 3.30pm we welcome ave and i, an incredible duo who alternate between keyboard drums playing tunes from The inks, owie, Abba, quee e, 10cc, Motown much more! inally, and to kick o ebruary we have the ever so popular Three teps to Heaven on stage on unday nd at 3pm. o groovy folks!!
e have four teams in the Hadleigh i on art inter eague. It’s neck and neck thus far with The Cock’s raken leading the table pre- mas followed closely by another of our teams, awsey’s ets. The George is there abouts in third place with our two other teams, Cocksure and The Rebels further down the table. ooks like it’s going to be a close contest once again with a long way to go yet.
e have an event every Tuesday evening, always starting with uskers ight on the rst Tuesday of the month. e welcome musicians, singers, poetry recitals etc. ou can participate or just come along and listen. All events start at pm. The second Tuesday is dedicated to our popular pub qui with a di erent qui master each month which kinda makes it rather unique. There is a 1 entry fee and money raised goes to charity. There are pri es of chocolates for the top two teams and a bag of elly abies for the du The third Tuesday accommodates our pen Mic night, kindly and e pertly hosted by a eacon of a Co. lease contact a to book your slot as it’s always busy. inally the fourth Tuesday is dedicated to ar illiards for beginners and popular oard Games. o why not come along and enjoy.
The good news is that our e tremely popular arly ird’ weekday promotion has been e tended to include the afternoon window. reviously you could enjoy discounted drinks between noon and pm then pm to pm. ow it’s simply noon till pm and tella lager has been added too.
Churches in Hadleigh – Praying for Hadleigh
The people of the churches in Hadleigh are committed to praying for our town. ver the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in Hadleigh. uring anuary we will be praying for the following streets:-
C th an :- The Green, Tower Mill ane, Millers Close.
C 1 th an :- Timperly Road, Timperly Close.
C 1 th an :- entworth Close, yers Court, uckenham Road, Meriton Rise.
C th an :- ilson Road, The Granary, anks Close, unn Close
If you know people who live in these streets, we would be very pleased if you also would pray for them. If you live on one of the streets being covered during a particular week and would welcome prayer, please get in touch.
adleigh aptist hurch
adleigh arbara obinson 828352 barobi
t oseph s hurch nna Mc rae 82304
t Mary s o essica anas 82267
The Cock Inn
Traditionally run freehouse
Hadleigh’s largest selection of Cask Ales, Gin, Vodka, Whiskies and Wines plus a super glass froster for chilled lagers!
Early Bird Prices are now available weekdays from 12 noon to 7pm plus our ‘Double Up’ on spirits now applies to all spirits, available all day every day (£1.70 extra standard spirits, £2.20 extra premium spirits), includes single malts and premium gins and spiced rum etc.
The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 941049 • FB: The Cock Inn Hadleigh Gang
Exciting News from Travel Stop
Travel top is delighted to announce that in the ew ear, the Hadleigh High treet branch will once again be opening its doors daily. rom Monday th anuary 0 , the shop will be open Monday to aturday, from .30 am to pm. ounder and owner ridget eevil said: I am so pleased to be able to fully re-open our Hadleigh ranch and provide bespoke travel services, on a face-to-face basis throughout the entire week as we did before the pandemic. e have spent the last couple of years re-building our team and are now ready to provide a daily service once again. Under the lead of odie Glasgow who will be heading up the team, we will be ready to assist and inspire our clients in all their travel plans’.
Asked about the bene ts of using a Travel Agent rather than booking online, ridget highlighted the importance of A TA and AT protections, and the bene ts of having the support of a troubleshooting team in the event of travel complications. Most importantly though, she believes that personal engagement between clients and specialist travel sta ensure that the very best holidays are designed, and all at competitive prices. Using the bespoke services of Travel top rarely adds any e tra cost above booking online whilst unquestionably delivers a much more considered package.
In further news, Travel top are e cited to continue their popular presentation programme into the ew ear starting with Avalon aterways on Tuesday th anuary. ith presentations at both pm and pm, representatives from Avalon will tell guests all about the e tensive range of River cruises they operate in urope, the ar ast, gypt and the Ama on. aren will bring to life the River Cruising e perience and e plain why it is such a fabulous way to e plore new places. atch out also for details of a presentation for apan and the ar ast to be held on th ebruary in conjunction with The Inside Travel Group. If you would like to attend either presentation, please contact Travel top using the -mail: enquiries, calling on 01 3 or simply popping into the branch.
ll the sta at ravel top wish readers a very happy 2025 and look forward to assisting you with your future travel plans.
Hadleigh Evening WI
In ecember we had our Christmas party with games and qui es which everyone enjoyed - a very friendly cohesive group that cannot help but have a good time! There was no pre-arranged amble organi ed but the weather was good so on ednesday th there was a gentle stroll along the Railway alk and ending up in Cobblers for cuppa and cake. hould the weather again be kind, there may be a pop-up amble on the th. ith so many Christmas meals in ecember the unch unch did not meet but plans are well ahead for a return to elstead rook Hotel on the 1 th. ookworms are reading Michelle bama’s The ight e Carry’, which will be discussed on the 3 anuary, the venue to be con rmed.
ur ne t meeting is on the 1 anuary when our treasurer etra enham will hold an open session about her transgender life journey to date.
e meet on the third Tuesday at .30 pm in the eminar Room of the ibrary. If you would like to come for a taster’, contact the secretary Glenn Abbassi on 0 0 31 0 or the president heila ebb on 01 3 and we will look out or you. est wishes to everyone in adleigh and beyond for 2025.
in the comfort and convenience of your own home
Stuck inside? Find it hard to go to the hairdressers? Been in Hospital?
Ladies: Cuts, Blow-dries, Sets, Perms and Colours. Manicures available. Gentlemen: Classic cuts and beard trims.
Contact Danielle - Tel: 07890 186065
Why you should make a Will
There are many reasons why people ought to make a will, but apparently only a third of us do. Most commonly, it is one of those things that is always on the to-do’ list, but never seems to come to the top of the list and get done. I suppose that in some ways, nobody likes to think about their own mortality too much. However, after birth and ta es, it is one of the three certainties in life.
ithout a will, the law directs who will inherit your estate, and this may not be what you want. riends, charities, and more distant relatives who you might like to bene t may get nothing. It is particularly important to make a will if you are not married. This is because the law does not automatically recognise cohabitants (partners who live together). ithout a will, no matter how long the relationship has lasted, a surviving cohabitant may get nothing.
There are, of course, many other reasons to make a will. A will can provide for who looks after your dependents or mitigate the e ects of inheritance ta . It can include a trust to provide for young children, or a disabled person, or simply protect your assets after you die. nce made it is important to review your will regularly. ome changes to your circumstances may a ect the validity of your will such as marriage, civil partnership, divorce, separation, etc. ou should take advice at the appropriate time.
A olicitor can provide e pert advice on drawing up your will, as there is a real risk that if you do one yourself, a mistake is made, which could cause problems later.
To make a will, your olicitor will need details of what you own, who you wish to leave your estate to, and who you wish to appoint as e ecutors. There may be other wishes that you want to include.
Robert M Jackson
Canalling the Brett
I read an’ yrne’s article with interest but I think a few thoughts about some of the items in her article will make things easier to understand. A canal is de ned as either; the widening or altering of a river’s Channel (its natural course) by human intervention; or the construction of a new water course by human e ort. It doesn’t have to go anywhere or be bu lt or any s ec c ur ose
As an says; the section of the rett beside Hadleigh in these terms is de nitely a canal. ut not one designed for transport. Its purpose was to act as a Headwater (a giant ground-level water tank really) to build up and hold a store of water to enable Toppes eld ater Mill to operate. As she says: records indicate the work was done pre-A 1 00, but they probably don’t say how much work was done, nor tell the length or width e cavated.
Digging it an says this doesn’t appear as an itemi ed cost in accounts anywhere. It could have been dug out piecemeal (gradually) over many years and not appeared in any nancial records.
Its purpose To provide a power source for the Mill.
ater mills work by having water at a higher water level on one side of the mill than the other. The water on the higher side contains a lot of potential energy which can be harvested by letting it fall sharply to the lower level. ocally, millers did this by allowing the sudden change in water level to come about via a specially built channel (often very narrow) called the Millrace in which they ran a wheel of paddles. As the falling water encountered the paddles it tried to push them out of the way. ut it’s a wheel so the water turns the wheel, delivering its energy (kinetic energy) to the Miller via a drive shaft as turning power (Torque) which he then uses to power his mill. The more water the miller has available in his Headwater and the greater the fall, the more work it can do for him. Toppes eld Mill has gone (burned down in the 1 0s) the Mill Race was lled in and the Headwater allowed to ll with silt. Ancient documents These can tell us where the mills were but are often very vague about si e.
Four-arched Bridge an suspects that the river adjacent to the
current bridge may have been widened at some time, but I’m not so sure, it may have just been a low spot. The ground on the other side of the current road is low and oods at times even now.
hen the original stone bridge was built it would most likely have had piers going into the riverbed. ow these piers are large things (have a look at Toppes eld ridge) which can severely restrict the ow of ood water. The river in ridge treet is very shallow, normally with a low ow rate, so to create su cient space for oodwater to pass under any bridge the river must be wider. Any bridge must also have considerable spare capacity (arches in this case) built into it: some of which would probably be dry for much of the year, but - come the wet season - they might all be in use. ithout this seldom used capacity the bridge would present an obstruction to oodwater which can do unpredictable things, like: 1 lood areas where you can tolerate it least! o irreparable damage even to the point of washing away the bridge!
The bridge designer builder would have made provision for all this: that’s probably why (although no one seems to know how wide they were) he put in four arches, If he hadn’t, he might well have worsened a problem rather than solving it
The Chapel A Chapel doesn’t necessarily have a pulpit and congregation. It could be a small, enclosed space housing some sort of Religious gy enabling a traveller to give thanks for their safe return. In which case it could well have been built on, or into the bridge itself. uilding one of the piers large enough to support a small building is easily possible. Again, records only say it was there and kept in reasonable repair.
The route out of Hadleigh A likely e planation is that the road sort of followed’ the edge of the river’s ood plain. The highways in ancient times were very poor, and had the road encroached onto the oodplain, you couldn’t have used it at all during the times of wet weather or ooding. Taking this sort of route also avoids any major inclines. That’s why many railways follow rivers. The road may not of course have followed e actly the route we use today
The Romans As an says: the Romans frequently supplied their settlements by water and dug canals to do so, but these were generally by either making alterations to e isting rivers, or canals dug across level ground ( ens for instance). Modern Topographic maps show that Hadleigh is 0 plus metres above sea level, and the Romans didn’t have the technology of ound-locks to enable them to ascend hills. ( ound-locks didn’t appear in the U until long after the Roman occupation ended) ithout this technology, the movement of a boat of any si e along a possible canal to Hadleigh couldn’t have been achieved.
Shelley “docks” Many place names do have historical origins, but not all. helley ock is around -10m above sea level so I suppose it is remotely possible that - with a bit of canal engineering - boats could have got as far upstream as helley. ut - unless there is clear historical evidence about there ever being a ock - we mustn’t give it too much credence.
Flooding further downstream asically a ood is just what it says. As you’ve seen on T recently, it’s almost impossible to control water under these circumstances. The only practical solution is to allow the e cess water to go on to the ood plains (now farmland or housing) upstream, which is not going to be popular. Allowing the water to spread-out in this fashion slows it up and gives it more time to drain away. ecause the practice in recent history has been to dig the river channel wider, deeper, straighter and remove obstructions, controlling oods is getting increasingly di cult because all these changes encourage the water to move downstream more rapidly.
Good news for those in the upper reaches but not for those downstream.
Mick T
Remembering our wonderful mother, lost eight years ago, but always in our minds. Steve & Julie
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Are you an overthinker?
o you nd it hard to make decisions and lack con dence in the ones you do make Are you quick to judge, then react in response to what you think someone might be thinking o you overthink or panic in situations that are beyond your control
These are e amples of unhelpful thinking habits, which are easy to get stuck in and are detrimental to your mental health and quality of life. ut it doesn’t have to be this way. ou deserve better.
In a gentle, empathetic way I will guide and help you to regain control over negative thoughts and have con dence in your ability to take a breath, step back and give yourself time to have a di erent outlook. our con dence, self-esteem, resilience, and positivity will increase. So, if this resonates with you, and you’re willing to work for the positive changes that you deserve, contact me on 07702 454491 or sarah emotionalsupportforyou com
What a year it's been for Hadleigh Library!
As we re ect on 0 , I wanted to share some of the incredible moments that made this year special: This year, we unveiled a transformed children’s library a bright and welcoming space with new furniture including a market stall kinder bo ! oung readers now have a delightful space to lose themselves in their favourite books.
ur IT area also received a muchneeded refresh, featuring new desks, chairs, and a fresh coat of paint.
ur ummer Reading uest was a standout success, concluding with an honorary visit from Town Mayor usan Monks.
e’re incredibly proud of anine oolston, a former manager of Hadleigh ibrary, who raised 00 by running the Ipswich Half Marathon in support of u olk ibraries. he dedicated her run to the memory of her father-in-law Ray and her ana aine, both avid readers whose love of books inspired her to take on this challenge.
e also hosted some wonderful local authors, including auline Manders and loyd hankley, who shared their original stories with us. As a charity, we are deeply thankful for your continued support. rom those who use our library as a warm pitstop, to those who hire our spaces for book clubs, art groups, and even our local village midwifery group you make this place thrive. e couldn’t do it without the incredible dedication of the riends of Hadleigh ibrary, our sta and volunteers, who go above and beyond (even braving windy weather).
Looking Ahead to 2025
•Grief Recovery Programme: ering a supportive space for those navigating loss. ( nquire at the library for details.)
•Menopause Group: A monthly meeting every fourth aturday from 11 am to noon. The ne t session is on aturday anuary.
•Local Author Storytelling for Children: aren oller will read from her book Jack’s First Birthday Adventure, followed by a drawing activity. This free event will take place on aturday 11 anuary, from 11 am to noon . ooking is required.
Hadleigh Bowling Club
It is with great sadness that we record the passing of id Cleaver. id was a very longstanding member of Hadleigh owling Club and lled many signi cant roles including Chairman where he o ered a strong and positive leadership. He always stepped forward when there were tasks to be done, and drew on his e tensive friendships and contacts in Hadleigh to support and further the interests of the Club and its members. He will be remembered fondly by very many people for all that he did both as a member and in all the work he did to bene t the Club.
Gerry Incles, Chairman, Hadleigh Bowling Club
Independent Family Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons
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Winter Programme 2025
Monday 6 January
7.30pm - AGM
Monday 3 February
7.30pm - Wild Flowers of the Italian Dolomites - Roger and Tina Loose
Monday 3 March
7.30pm - Ladybirds Adrian Knowles
Meetings held in the Seminar Room upstairs in Hadleigh Library. Visitors £3.
Saturday 12 April
10am-noon - Spring Fayre - Ansell Centre
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Letters to the Editor to the Editor
Please write to: Jason Holder
Dear Editor,
68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF or email: comnews keithavis co uk
I was so very pleased to see the e cellent article in the ovember 0 edition of Hadleigh Community ews about the ounds of the ast collection in Monks leigh. I remember coverage in I believe the ast Anglian aly Times, and possibly on the television news, when it was established. However, as it was only occasionally open, we only managed to visit it around 3 years ago.
It is a real Aladdin’s cave of memories from the simpler world we grew up in, but throughout the collection there are the pointers of progress to current times. I can remember my parents rst ye television in 1 1, which replaced the wartime hilco Radio which my sister, much to my fathers dismay, managed to regularly retune to Radio u embourg!! In 1 , and travelling daily by train to orwich, I bought my rst ony alkman, and in 1 , in fordshire, my rst H video recorder; my rst computer in1 was a inclair pectrum!
I was sad to read that aul Goddard, whose collection it was, has sadly passed away. I remember that on our visit he was only too pleased to talk to us about his collection in the chapel, plus what was stored elsewhere!! He was so knowledgeable and helpful that it made our visit very worthwhile. He also mentioned that he was involved in organising rock n’ roll dances locally. My dancing skills are best described as two left feet’!! ike many however, rock and roll played a part in my life, especially when as a 13 year old, my brother in law lent me his ill Haley records! It never leaves you!
The fact that there are now several knowledgeable volunteers able to assume aul’s knowledge mantle and assist visitors is wonderful. There are no other similar collections in u olk or beyond, and we would hope to make a return visit in the near future. It really is quite a unique collection, of which Monks leigh will be justi ably proud. It really is a most ama ing (and unique) e perience.
I also hope to persuade a classic car club with which I am involved to perhaps arrange a visit in the future. lease thank the author of the article for providing a superb update on the collection for your e cellent Hadleigh Community ews.
Graham Day
Dear Editor,
After 0 ’s record turnout for Hidden Gardens, which raised nearly 000 to support the maintenance of our parish church and the eanery Tower, I am hoping we can do even better in 0 pening your garden on une 0 is a hugely enjoyable way to support the riends of t Mary’s and to attract visitors to Hadleigh, who came from as far a eld as ournemouth.
HGH is becoming something more than a local event, and is really helping to put Hadleigh on the map. o if you feel you might be interested in taking part, please email me via the email address info fosm-hadleigh., and I will send you full details of what the event entails.
Frank Minns
Aldham Common Charity
(inc. John Alabaster’s Educational Foundation)
The Aldham Common Charity is available to give grants, in cases of hardship, to help with the cost of uniforms, school trips and college university e penses.
e are also able to help with travelling costs to hospital appointments and replacement of furniture and white goods.
lease note that with e ect from 30 anuary 0 the new clerk is mma Mahoney.
o download an application form please visit www.aldhamcommoncharity.onesu or email or ring 07762 722
Hadleigh and Boxford Patient
Particpation Group (PPG)
Out of Hours Doctor: Need a doctor when the Health Centre is closed, including weekends Call 111 for advice and details of your nearest out of hours’ duty doctor.
Comings & Goings: adly, after many years, r veritt has retired. ur sincere thanks for her many years of dedicated caring service. e wish her a well-deserved, long and happy retirement. r halid, who has already joined the Medical Team, has added many additional appointment times for patients.
Call Back Option: Have you tried this save my place in the queue’ option yet Many patients are still not aware of this very helpful, e cient return call option believing that they will lose their turn in the queue. Rest assured you do not as your call will be returned once it reaches your turn. Choose the call back’ option and then hang up. It beats the tedium of hanging on.
Non-Urgent Appointments: Avoid the early morning scramble by using consult. Available and your requests will be dealt within hours. This will also free up the line for more pressing appointment needs.
The sessions will continue.
Repeat Prescriptions: At the ractice dispensary please allow three working days for these to be processed. harmacies outside the ractice have their own timetable.
Medicine Wastage: The statistics for medicine wastage are staggering. ou could easily do your bit to improve these shocking statistics e.g. check your stock of prescription drugs before re-ordering more, keep your repeat prescription up to date and stop ordering medicine you no longer take, before you leave the pharmacy check the contents of the bag and return unwanted items for re-use. If you wait until after you have left the premises their cost becomes part of the 110 million medicine wastage.
Volunteer Drivers: en astwood, coordinates a group of volunteer drivers who are willing to take patients, needing transport, to their doctor or hospital appointments. If you are a driver with a few hours to spare please contact en (details below) and support this invaluable service. Insurance issues are addressed when you sign up.
The NHS App: id you know you can order your repeat prescription via the NH app, view your medical records and much more via the NH app o you have access to this very useful app ou will be surprised how much useful information can be found there. If you ever have reason to use a doctor outside Hadleigh they can immediately access your medical records; saving valuable time and a lot of stress. incere apologies to anyone who went to the Hadleigh ibrary for the ecember IT training session. I also went. Unbeknown to the duty ibrarian, the IT guru was in the upstairs room. There will better communication and signage in future to avoid this happening again.
Art in Practice: A new display for you to enjoy. This time the work of local artist ob Hogan. ur thanks to Ha el radshaw’s students for brightening the Health Centre’s waiting area for several weeks. ne of her student’s pieces was sold and 10 of the purchase price went to the ractice’s Charitable Trust. If you are interested in buying any of the artwork please contact me and not the ractice personnel. JD WISHING PATIENTS AND READERS A HAPP , HEALTH 2025
Both Practices: 01 3 1
Out of Hours: 111 also online
NHS App: nhs-app
Practice Dispensary: opening-hours
Volunteers Drivers: jen.eastwood
Coordinator en astwood 01 11 3
Facebook: Hadleigh- o ford-Groupractice-10 0 1
PPG & Art Sales: deveys Chair an evey 01 3 0 1 or 1
Ebony’s Blog
Life at The Shelley Centre
The winter month’s bring Christmas activities are over and with a New Year comes a new term. For the Centre there are new horses to integrate into the team which means some of our riders will have to get used to riding a di erent horse. It’s all part of their therapy and about accepting change, which can be quite challenging for some. It is also the time when many people think about New Year’s Resolutions. I’d like to suggest one to you: becoming a volunteer at helley. I started as a volunteer nearly ten years ago, doing the minimum required which is half a day a week, but only during term time. I was immediately made welcome and the team gave me lots of help to understand how the Centre and the RDA sessions work. I was happy dealing with the horses but had no experience of working with children and adults with physical or mental challenges but I soon found the whole experience very rewarding and often emotionally moving. After a while, because I so enjoyed being up at the Centre and being part of a wonderfully friendly team, I began helping with the horses at weekends and during the holidays, and became a member of the riding team that helps the table Manager with their care. As with many organisations, the more you get involved, the more you get out of it and before long I was helping with fund raising events, writing this blog and general maintenance around the Centre. eeing the happy faces of the riders as they achieved even the smallest progress gives me immense satisfaction (we all like to be needed don’t we ) and I get lots of fresh air and exercise (no need to pay gym fees) as well as real friendship. You don’t have to have experience with horses to join us our exChairman (now President) came to us with no horse knowledge, progressed from side walking alongside riders to leading ponies, to riding herself, becoming a coach and Trustee! All of us start with di erent skills the common factor is a desire to help others and a willingness to give a little bit of time. If you don’t want to commit to helping at regular RDA sessions we always need people to help with the maintenance jobs, from picking up horse poo from the paddocks (not the most popular job!), painting, mending and all the activities associated with fund raising – especially baking lovely cakes. If you fancy learning more about this fabulous opportunity, give the Centre a call and arrange a visit to see us and our work. It changed my life, provided new friendships and gave my retirement a new purpose. Maybe it could do the same for you in 0 ..
Energy on Tap Limited
07780 975787
Over recent months, the Layham Road football pitch has seen large amounts of dog poo. This is unacceptable and we ask all dog owners to pick up after their animal.
Website: Facebook: Shelley RDA Centre Telephone: 01473 824172
Hadleigh Walkers
ur rst walk in 0 will be on aturday 11th of anuary. e will leave tonehouse Road car park at .30 am and proceed via Love Lane, ersey ale, Priory Farm, College Farm, Lindsey Hall, ampson’s Hall, aks Tye and return to Hadleigh via the Monks Path and Toppes eld ridge. The distance of the entire route is around 10 miles, and we should be back in Hadleigh around 1.30 pm . e will have two short refreshment stops along the way.
As usual, we aim to average a not-too-demanding mph ( km hr) and walkers need to be able to maintain this pace. trong shoes or walking boots should be worn as the ground can be rough and muddy in any month. veryone is welcome, including well-behaved dogs. Route maps can be requested from this web site.
As usual at this time of the year we donate a proportion of the 1 walk fee we request month to a local charity. Once again we have chosen the Porch Project.
For further information about these walks go to or email us at
Bag that poo – any rubbish bin will do
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WEDNESDAY 15 January
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Shed’s Second Successful Year
In the two years since the Hadleigh Men’s hed opened, it has gone from strength to strength. Our growing membership now enjoys four popular sessions each week, where wood is quite literally turned’ into all manner of creative and practical objects. Of course, the woodworking is just the spark that brings the men to the shed; once here, they relish the opportunity to enjoy a good natter and a brew with like-minded chaps.
This year has been a signi cant milestone for us as we achieved charitable status by becoming o cially registered with the Charities Commission. e’ve also welcomed several high-pro le visitors who popped in to say hello, and we rounded o the year on a high note by hosting u olk hedfest
The conference, held at Hadleigh United Football Club, brought together delegates from sheds across the county in a wonderful spirit of camaraderie to share ideas and support one another.
Looking ahead to 0 , we remain optimistic and excited for what’s to come. e are especially looking forward to working once again with the Hadleigh how team on some creative masterpieces’ so watch this space! One of our top priorities for the year is to secure a permanent base for the shed. e have big ambitions and plenty of ideas in the works so again, watch this space.
As we sign o from 0 , we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our members and supporters for their continued friendship and positivity. A very special mention goes to two local superstars: Richard and ue Finch, who so kindly allowed us to use their old workshop. hat started as a temporary arrangement has stretched to over two years, and without their generosity and unwavering support, the Hadleigh Men’s hed simply wouldn’t exist. est wishes to all for 0 ! If you’d like more information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at
St Mary’s Renewal
Community Project
Heating and Lighting: The o cial approval or faculty for the new heat light system has completed its -day consultation period. e expect to be able to display our Notice for days, before Christmas.
Pledges & Go Fund Me Money: The total amount collected via generous pledges, donations and the match funding grant from the Gift to Go Green initiative (amount below) currently stands at , .00. hen the Gift Aid claim goes through we expect to receive a further 10, e are extremely pleased as this is an important contribution towards the new heating and lighting units. incere thanks to all who have given so generously. If you are able to add to this impressive sum, David Hoyle is the man to help you. ee below for details.
Give to Go Green Initiative: The maximum has been raised so match funding accrued a total of 10,000 towards the Renewal initiative.
Additional Funding: The fundraising committee has applied for three more Grants including one from the u olk Historic Churches Trust. atch this space for further news.
Heritage Lottery: Unfortunately, our rst bid for support from the National Heritage Lottery fund was not successful. However, all is not lost as it would seem a second bid will stand a better chance. Past, Present and Future: A pictorial look at all phases is back on display. The history of this iconic Grade 1 Listed building is carefully documented together with photos of the repairs and some aspects of the partially completed renewal programme. xciting future plans are also there.
Wall Repairs: On th anuary 0 work will start on the hole in the wall at the site of the old estry.
Regular Gatherings: Apart from the special one-o events, Caf Church o ers a warm welcome and a drink to all ages every Friday morning. Come for a chat and treat yourself to one of Andrew’s delicious breakfasts or a piece of an’s traditional bread pudding. There is an added attraction on the 1st Friday in every month when a variety of craft stalls appear laden with lots of attractive treasures.
Relaxing lunchtime music recitals can be enjoyed on the nd ednesday of the month. Family Pop-Ups are a regular, popular happening but as times vary best check the colourful t Mary’s Pop-Up Picnic ad elsewhere in this maga ine. e hope you will support t Mary’s whenever you can. In addition to these welcoming community gatherings and the regular times for worship, the large audience for the service of Remembrance has adequately demonstrated the many uses for this wonderful space. Its much-needed repair and renewal will ensure these can successfully continue.
Best wishes for the coming year when we hope to welcome you to any of our varied activities.
David Hoyle (pledges)davidhoyle1 @gmail.comOR mma Fleming-Ovenso 3 Church ebsitehttps:
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Free Tips to Keep a Lid on Those Bills
Happy New Year veryone! The world may seem more precarious with each passing month but taking practical action is a great way to keep ahead of the winter blues. For the next few months H AT’ Home nergy Project is on hand with some great practical tips about how you can help to keep the lid on your bills and the heat in your house.
Increasing your house’s energy e ciency, will help bring down energy bills, important at a time when costs of living are so high for so many of us. And by reducing the amount of energy you use, you are also doing your bit
for climate change. The U ’s 30 million homes account for more than 1 of the country’s total carbon emissions, with three-quarters of this coming from heating systems. of U homes are on the gas network, using fossil fuels and producing large quantities of carbon emissions. And since our housing is some of the least energy e cient in urope there’s lots of carbon to be saved through smaller bills.
Our Community nergy Champions are local people who are trained to give free impartial advice through face to face conversations, coming to talk with groups, attending local events, meeting online and home visits. The nergy Champions aren’t selling anything, just giving straightforward, free advice on things like energy e ciency, reducing heat loss, and home insulation.
o if you want to know what grants are available for your home, or help understanding your energy bills, then just give us a call or catch one of the nergy Champions when they are out and about in the town. e will be at Morrisons, the Library and t Marys over the next few months so just drop by and say hello.
H AT have also teamed up with Natural oxford and will be joining them at their Ask The xperts’ vent on the anuary 10am-1pm at oxford illage Hall. o come and see what a range of experts have to say about how to keep your energy bills down. The Community nergy Champions are here to help and are available until the end of March when this stage of the funding ends so do keep an eye out on social media or contact Lisa on 0 1 0 or email heatenergy@gmx. if you want to know more.
GoStart searches for Volunteers
Looking to support your Community in 0
udbury’s community transport charity, Go tart, is looking for volunteers to enable more crucial journeys. oth Drivers and Passenger Assistants are needed to support people in our communities by taking them to important medical, appointments, shops and social events, in our specially adapted busses. e rely on our valued volunteers for every journey. If you or someone you know would like to nd out more, or if we can help you with a journey, simply call 01787 242116, e-mail or visit
Bates Wells and Braithwaite
Supporting Hadleigh Community with Legal Needs and Document Recovery
ates ells and raithwaite olicitors are stepping up to support the Hadleigh community not only with their legal needs following the closure of Gotelee olicitors but also by assisting former clients of the rm in recovering important documents such as deeds and wills. Operating from Hadleigh Library every Tuesday, this initiative has seen a strong response from local residents, highlighting the growing need for accessible, community-focused legal services. In addition to free 30-minute consultations on Tuesdays, ates ells is also able to o er appointments outside of these times, subject to prior arrangement and availability. The demand for their services has been driven by increasing frustration with impersonal, technology-driven alternatives.“We’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response to our
that people value the opportunity to speak directly with a solicitor, and we’re proud to provide the kind of face-to-face service that’s becoming increasingly rare. Personal, approachable service is at the heart of what we do.” ates ells is committed to providing exible options for clients who may require assistance with wills and probate, family law, conveyancing, or other legal matters. The consultations take place in the library as it’s a convenient venue in the town, close to parking facilities, ensuring easy access to professional advice without unnecessary travel. The rm’s dedication to the Hadleigh community re ects its traditional values of personalised legal support and community service. ith plans to establish a more permanent presence in the town, ates ells aims to bridge the gap left by Gotelee olicitors and ensure residents continue to have access to reliable and professional legal support. To book an appointment or for more information, please contact ates ells and raithwaite olicitors at or call 01 3 1
News from your Babergh councillors
e have had a busy year in 0 doing our best to represent the people of Hadleigh. Following a request from a resident ane investigated the possibility of getting a anking Hub in the town centre. e are pleased that Cash Access U , a not-for-pro t company who run the hubs, have now found a suitable premises on the High treet and are in discussion with the owner. It is hoped that the hub will be up and running by the summer. This will bring a return of banking services to Hadleigh which are of vital importance to businesses and residents who may not have access to online banking.
e consulted with residents via our last newsletter about Lidl’s plans to build a supermarket on the edge of Hadleigh. They have now put in a planning application for the site at the top of Lady Lane the details of which can be seen by visiting abergh District Council’s website https: w application-search-and-comment and putting in the reference number DC 0 3
The introduction of parking charges has been a huge issue. e worked alongside Cllr. Grandon in collecting the views of residents and High treet businesses with a survey on free ing cold days last anuary the results of which were presented to Full Council. imon also took the views of residents to the abergh Cabinet. He called in the Cabinet’s initial decision on the grounds that they hadn’t given enough thought to the recommendations of the council’s Overview and crutiny Committee and that Cabinet had failed to give su cient weight to the results of a public consultation. e hoped that they would reconsider the details of a 1-hour free’ option which would cover short trips into the town centre. adly, despite these e orts, the nancial needs of the council took precedence, and we were unable to secure this.
e supported the council’s tree planting scheme which provided hedging and trees in Pykenham Park for Parkside Nursery’s Forest School and fruit trees in some residential areas. e hope that more trees can be planted in future to bene t both human and wild residents for many years to come. If you would like any trees planted on council owned land near where you live, please do get in touch.
Simon has requested better surfacing on footpaths from eavers Meadow to Tower Mill Lane the details of which will be con rmed once the open space is adopted by abergh to manage. e were also pleased to hear that a 30-mph speed limit is soon going be introduced on Stone Street after Simon campaigned with residents to get the limit reduced on this dangerous stretch of road.
ane ensured a broken gas cupboard of many years standing was xed on Spooners Lane, has helped residents with getting vegetation cleared from paths where necessary and has acted on issues of access along pedestrian routes.
Our Locality Grants have helped Hadleigh Cricket Club, Hadleigh Movers and St. Mary’s church so far this year. There are still some funds in the pot so please contact us if your organisation needs nancial help and we can see if you qualify.
Looking ahead to 0 we have the County Council elections on May 1st. District Councillor Simon Dowling is our prospective candidate for the Hadleigh division.
Simon said It’s been a privilege as a district councillor to work with local people to get things done. If I’m elected as a county councillor too, we can achieve even more together’.
e both feel honoured to have served the residents of Hadleigh this year and wish you all a happy new year!
Please get in touch if you have any issues you would like to raise.
Rotary Review
CHRISTMAS EVENTS: The plan was to start the Christmas season with the Rotary oat and Father Christmas attending the lighting up ceremony but the atrocious weather put paid to that. However the Club had already prepared a large Christmas hamper to be ra ed on the day so the Town Council very kindly found room for us at the craft fair in the Town Hall on the same day. Unfortunately Father Christmas was unable to attend but the people who attended the fair were very generous and the ra e raised 3 0. The lucky winner was Sheila ebb. Many thanks go to everyone who contributed.
A few days later the Club held its Christmas lunch for partners and friends and a small ra e was held there as well raising . The funds for both ra es will go to the Club’s Charitable Trust Fund for ultimate distribution to deserving causes both nationally and internationally. The Christmas lunch itself was held at Hintlesham Golf Club and everyone enjoyed an excellent spread. Many thanks to the sta for looking after us so well.
Still to come is the President’s co ee with mincepies meeting for members, partners and friends followed by the Champagne reakfast in the New Year.
CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS: The rst collection of the year took place at Morrisons on 1 December and raised the magni cent sum of 30 . This is a very good start and it is hoped that it augurs well for the following week. Full results will appear in the February issue. Many thanks to those who contributed on 1 th for their generosity DONATIONS: A number of donations were made recently and the following charities bene tted:
th Hadleigh St Mary’s Guides, Surviving inter in Hadleigh, ast Anglian Air Ambulance, St li abeth Hospice, Mercy Ships U and Mary’s Meals
Members wish all readers a very happy New Year. Read more about Rotary on line at maga Find us also on Facebook and at Rotary Club of Hadleigh website or tel David 01473 827226.
We’re a founder-led team passionate about combinin and knowledge to provide a high standard of pet Hadleigh and the surrounding areas
We’reafounder-ledteampassionateaboutcombiningourexperience andknowledgetoprovideahighstandardofpethealthcarefor Hadleighandthesurroundingareas.
As a new veterinary practice, our ambition is to earn client at a time We pride ourselves on building genu with our clients – because taking the time to get to k their pets is the key to delivering truly personal
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Our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art facilit endoscopy, and orthopedic surgery capabilities, allo complex cases onsite and provide the best possible o pets We also offer overnight care for hospitalised needed, ensuring they receive round-the-clock atten during their recovery.
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Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm
Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm
Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm
Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Tel 01473 822191
Bildeston History on Screen
Anotherillustrated talk by Sue Andrews with images from Sue’s own archive.
Anothertour around Bildeston: from the gallows to the garage.
Saturday,1st February 2025
Chamberlin Hall, Bildeston Free entry(donations welcome)
Talk followed by light refreshments. Sponsored by Bildeston Parish Council
Sue Andrews, our village archivist and historian, has kindly agreed to present asecondillustrated talk about the history of Bildeston with documents and photographs from her own archive.
This will provide a unique and fascinating glimpse into the past life of our village. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after Sue’s talk.
Hadleigh Community Forum - 53
Tuesday 10 December 2024
IN ATTENDANCE: CHAIR: Richard Fletcher Notes: ess anas
1 WELCOME: The Chair welcomed everyone
HFLAG (Hadleigh Flood Action Group - Several conversations have been held with other stakeholders of the river (anglers, the sea scouts and H AT) in order to put a united front to the nvironment Agency. The weir gates is a tricky problem to solve to everyone’s satisfaction, as all have di ering requirements of the river. There will be a river clear-up on Saturday 1 anuary from 10am. The rst AGM of HFLAG will be at Hadleigh Pool and Leisure at .30pm on Tuesday 1 anuary. veryone is welcome to come to both events. Contact for further information. The Forum o ered its congratulations to HFLAG for its progress.
BENTON END - enton nd looks forward to kicking o their rst Learning ellbeing programme in early 0 . The April Open Day is currently in planning and more details will be available soon.
HEAT Hadleigh nvironmental Action Team) - The nergy Champions are working to help people reduce energy bills, stay warm and to o er advice. For further information and to book a Champion to come and speak to a group, or at an event, talk with Lisa Matthews at heatenergy@ A programme of talks has been arranged through the Spring, including Tony uniper (ex-Chair of Natural ngland and xC O of Friends of the arth). Information on H AT’s website or email for more information.
ST MARYS CHURCH - The faculty (o cial approval) for the new heat light system has completed its -day consultation period and we expect to be able to display our Notice (for days) before Christmas. ork will start on the hole in the wall on anuary 0 . The Carol Service is at pm December, Crib Service pm December, Midnight Mass 11.30pm December and Christmas Day services at am and 10 am on December.
HADLEIGH & BOXFORD PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG) - A report was given to the meeting, the full version of which can be found in the PPG’s monthly column in the Hadleigh Community News.
VISIT HADLEIGH - The Christmas Special themed tour is in St Mary’s on December at 11am. The tour will meet with the Rector’s ife of 1 and will illuminate not easily seen features of the church. Tickets per person from Avis the newsagent or contact snowdonjane@
Funding: A variety of community group and capital grant funding opportunities are available and assistance with external grants can also be given. For full details on all grants, and any questions, contact the Grants Team bmsdcgrants@baberghmidsu
Retail Site: A planning application has now been received from Lidl. To view the application, go to https: w applicationsearch-and-comment and put in the reference number DC 0 3 . Deadline for comments is December 0
DC owned land: As no community groups have come forward for what will be a monumental task with an unworkably short deadline, this land will be placed on the open market.
anking Hub: Cash Access U , a not-for-pro t company who run these hubs, is in discussion with the landlord of a potentially suitable local site.
Christmas Holiday activities. Spaces may be booked through the Holliday Activities and Food Programme – DC MS website
The Christmas vent sadly had to be cancelled due to Storm Darragh but there was some room for stallholders in the Town Hall. The indoor event was very well attended.
National Digital Rollout with T. T will write to their customers c. weeks prior to the intended switch. Some councillors will be attending training in order to assist and advise and an open session will be held in 0 to support those a ected. There will be information in the anuary Community News.
Grants udget still has , 1.33 remaining until 31 March 0 POLICE STATEMENT - PC Niall ohnson provided a full report for the meeting, the details of which will be in his regular column in the
Hadleigh Community News.
ill Mason reported that PC ohnson had spoken to those attending Together Tuesday about how best to avoid and deal with scams and bogus calls and left paperwork for the attendees to take away with them. All were most grateful to him.
Solicitors in Hadleigh: ith the closure of Gotelees, some 0,000 documents have been passed to Simpsons who, it is anticipated, will be opening an o ce in the High Street. There are currently weekly surgeries being held in the Ansell Centre by appointment only. ates ells Solicitors will also be holding advice sessions in the upstairs private room of the Library, every Tuesday (10am – pm) including Christmas ve and New Year’s ve (both 10am – pm), by appointment in the morning and by drop-in in the afternoons.
The History Group of the Hadleigh Society has now completed the book The History of the Guildhall, Hadleigh, Su olk which is now on sale through Avis and the Idler at 10 or through the Hadleigh Society. This is a wonderfully researched, beautifully produced, illustrated and informative history of over 00 years of use of this magni cent building.
The meeting closed at . 0pm
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 14 January 2025 @ 4:15pm.
St Mary’s Primary School Choir
Thursday 1 December, the choir visited 3 di erent care homes in Hadleigh. They sang Christmas songs to the residents. The children loved sharing Christmas joy with everyone we met, and the residents were thrilled to have a visit from such talented singers.
The following Monday, we had the wonderful opportunity to join the St Mary’s Choir for a performance at enton nd. The choir delivered a stunning performance to an appreciative audience that included local councillors and school governors.
e also hosted a Christmas card competition, where three talented winners were recognised for their outstanding designs and received pri es.
very child who attended was treated to a delightful Christmas gift and enjoyed a delicious bu et.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success the children had a fantastic afternoon.
@ Hadleigh Pool and Leisure. Chair: Jan Devey. Backs
Brick Barn, Kersey Mill, Hadleigh IP7 6DP
Lucinda A. Salway DO Registered Osteopath
Tel: 07818 420029
Parish Council
St Mary’s C of E Primary School
elow are the main matters discussed during the Parish Council meeting of November 0
Public Forum A parishioner expressed concern about light pollution from the Marquis. He said there were blinds on the A-frame which faced downwards and di used light; however, these did not appear to be in use at the moment. The Chairman said the PC would investigate; he asked the parishioner to email his photographs to the Clerk.
People & Place Plans The Chairman introduced David Clarke, Service Improvement Advisor for Sustainable Communities at abergh Mid Su olk. District councils had been asked by the previous government to encourage communities to have more say in developments within their parishes; David explained that there was no template for a People Place Plan’ as such, but even small parishes should consider having some kind of plan in place. The Chairman commented that decision making on planning applications appeared to lack due regard’ and was inconsistent. Layham had produced a Parish Plan in 00 , which was revisited in 01 and again in 01 . It was agreed to discuss this further at the anuary meeting.
District Council Cllr Curran was grateful to Cllr ard for the grant from his locality fund for the emergency plan boxes. There was some concern about the government’s plans for Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs); the nglish Devolution hite Paper due to be published shortly would provide more detail.
County Council The Chairman said he would like to know whether road repairs carried out by SCC’s contractor were monitored by anyone at the council; the Clerk would ask. Councillors welcomed the launch of an interest-free loan programme, part of Su olk’s Climate mergency Plan, to help residents make energy e cient upgrades such as insulation, solar panels and heat pumps. ith regard to the Plug in Su olk Car Club’ initiative, Cllr Hall had con rmed that the list of locations was provisional at the moment but SCC was hopeful that Hadleigh might be included.
Signage The Clerk had received a response saying her request for a sign at the junction of Mill Lane and Upper Street stating there was no vehicular access to Lower Layham was under consideration. However, her request for the damaged 30mph sign on Stoke Road to be repaired had received the standard response that it did not meet the criteria for intervention’, although it would continue to be monitored.
Car parking charges Car parking charges in Hadleigh would be introduced on 13 anuary 0
Budget & Precept A draft budget and recommendations from the working party had been circulated before the meeting. Councillors agreed that it was necessary to increase the precept for 0 - ; there had been no increase for three years and reserves had been depleted year on year.
Tree & Wild ower Scheme It was noted that applications were now open for the abergh Mid Su olk scheme; the Clerk would circulate information to any interested parties.
Social Club
e meet at Layham illage Hall on the rst and third Mondays of each month. The meetings are between 10 am and 1 pm. e have refreshments, chat and a speaker demonstration. veryone is welcome.
Next Meetings:
January 6 David acobs will speak about Ukraine Aid and his humanitarian trips to Ukraine to deliver much needed items. These include: torches, new thermal clothing phone power banks, medical supplies- bandages, anti-septic wound dressings, new toiletries and as new blankets and sleeping bags. Please look out any of these items and either donate on the day or we can arrange delivery.
January 20 Lisa Matthews from the organisation H AT will give advice and tips on keeping warm in the winter months.
Recent Talks:
November 18 Father o gave us amusing, charming and intelligent insights into his musical journey, linked with memories and his relationships. Punk, heavy metal, classical and pop singles’ extracts were played and included songs by U , Simon and Garfunkel, Siouxsie Sioux and The eat.
December 2 Reverend eith Lovell, once he had found us in the depths of Su olk, gave a most entertaining and hilarious talk about Christmas traditions. There was much laughter, audience participation – some heckling and good-humoured banter.
December 16, we celebrated our second Christmas as a club with lots of delicious home-made food, qui es, Christmas jokes and yarns.
Layham Festive Fair
The annual fair was held on December in the illage Hall. Despite the chilly weather, wind and rain a good time was had by all. In the jolly Christmas atmosphere mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls were enjoyed.
Among the many stalls it was good to see so many young people making gifts, including I y’s recycled products and Hadleigh Guides who were fundraising for a trip to Swit erland. A particular favourite with children was the soft toy Lucky Dip.
Many thanks to those who generously gave ra e and tombola pri es, including The Marquis, Queen’s Head, Hair Lounge, Fergusons, Morrisons. A Touch of eauty and the Co-Op. Thanks also to all those who baked, made preserves and crafted. Above all a big thank you to the volunteers on the day. Layham vents Group made a pro t of over 00 and in the New Year grant applications will be invited.
Playing Field 120 Club
Grand Christmas Draw
0 Ticket No Garnett
0 Ticket No Holloway
100 Ticket No 10 Roberts
Stour Valley U3A
Make the most of life once you’re no longer in full time work and come and explore new ideas, interests and skills with University of the Third Age. Across the country U3A members are meeting new people, learning, staying active, and having fun later in life. It’s local, social, friendly, low cost and open to all. e have over 0 interest groups including walking – from strollers to milers – theatre trips, garden visits, art appreciation, curry club, international dining, science group, languages, keep t, pickleball, overseas travel... there’s something for everyone. Membership costs only 1 a year.
Monthly co ee mornings are held on the rst Friday of the month 10am – 1 pm at the Lambe School, Gaston Street, ast ergholt. Come along, meet some members, hear more about us and decide whether you’d like to join.
Monthly lectures are held on the second ednesday of the month at .1 pm in the Constable Hall, Gandish Road, ast ergholt. Guests are welcome for a charge of . Our speaker on the anuary is udith Hood Living with the Paranormal , on 1 February we have a member of the ast Anglian Air Ambulance talking about their role and on 1 March Claire enn, Assistant Professor at Cambridge University’s Centre for the Future of Intelligence, will talk on AI and ChatGPT lease take a look at our website stourvalley for more information and contact details.
Mob: 07717
Hadleigh Community Primary School
The HSA have given our Gardening Club some money to spend, so they have started with buying a new laurel hedge from oolpit Nurseries.
Christmas Cracker: HCPS took a group of S children to the Christmas Cracker Festival on Thursday December at Inspire
Su olk Ipswich. Along with 1 other schools, the children took part in circus skills, archery, boccia, cricket and the daily mile.
All pupils put together a dance routine and performed it to all the parents. Much fun was had by all, including wearing their Christmas jumpers and putting everyone into the Christmas spirit! U9's Dodgeball: HCPS entered teams into the Under ’s Ipswich area Dodgeball Festival at Inspire Su olk. There was a total of 1 schools that entered this event. oth HCPS teams played league xtures each during the afternoon. From the groups, one team managed to reach the nal, just missing out to the eventual winners, Sidegate Primary, and our other team nished th overall from the 1 competing schools.
As a result of this HCPS have progressed through to the County Dodgeball nals in Ipswich during 0 !
The Repair Café
The Repair Caf is back on Saturday 1 anuary 0 . Our volunteers will be pleased to see you with any items you may have at home that no longer work and could possibly be xed, rather than throwing them away. From electrical, clothing, artwork and toys, we can look at them and let you know if they can be repaired by us or where to take them. If your item is repaired there is no fee, just a donation for supplies. You can nd us in the Dining Room of the Town Hall (opposite The Ram) from 10am until 1pm, have a cup of tea co ee and biscuit while you wait, and you can also browse our books video D D’s and take them away for a small donation.
The next few dates for 2025 are Saturday 15 March and Saturday 17 May.
Friday 10th January at 7.30 pm
A feisty 93-year old grandmother sets out on a treacherous quest across Los Angeles to reclaim what was taken from her by a phone scammer. Inspired by a real-life experience of director Josh Margolin’s own grandmother.
Friday 24th January at 7.30pm
A prison social worker assembles a cycling team of teenage convicts and takes them on a transformative 1,000 mile ride. £4.50 on the door. No need to book There
Hadleigh Town Council
Extraordinary Full Council Meeting
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7pm held in The Guildroom at Hadleigh Town Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN
Present Councillors ayliss, lliott, Gower, Howlett, Loftus, McLeod, Miller, Minns, Monks (chair), Shearly-Sanders, Taylor and ilson. In Attendance Town Clerk and abergh Councillors Carruthers, Dowling ard.
Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone and advised that the Council, members of the public and press may record lm or broadcast the meeting, when the press and public are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends the meeting is advised that the Town Council cannot control 3rd party recording. The Town Council will record the meeting.
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors eggerow and right.
Approval of Absence Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor ilson the absence of Councillors eggerow and right was approved. ote 1 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Declarations of Interest Councillor ilson declared a non-registrable interest in HTC 00 and HTC 01 A10 1 mployment Site ( eavers Meadow) as he is a resident on eavers Meadow.
Dispensations There was no consideration of dispensations.
Public Forum A member of the public sent in a statement regarding the A10 1 mployment Land.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Proposed by Councillor ilson, seconded by Councillor Gower it was agreed to exclude the press and public in pursuance of Section 1( ) of the Public odies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1 0 the Press and the Public shall be excluded for the next items of business on the grounds that it is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the con dential nature of the business to be transacted due to commercially sensitive nancial matters being discussed. ote 1 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
CONFIDENTIAL SESSION: EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC A1071 Employment Site (Weavers Meadow) The A10 1 mployment Site was discussed.
A1071 Employment Site (Weavers Meadow) Actions were agreed for A10 1 mployment Site. ote 1 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Close of Meeting The meeting closed at 3pm.
Wendy Brame, Town Clerk
seconded by Councillor Miller the minutes of Thursday 1 th September 0 were approved. ote For, 0 Against, Abstain
Minutes 1st October 2024 Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Gower the minutes of Tuesday 1st October 0 were approved. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Reports The report from abergh District Council ard Councillors was noted.
Public Forum A member of the public discussed item HTC 1 xternal Audit Report 3 and read out a statement.
Finance – Payments Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor eggerow, the schedule of invoices was noted and payments over ,000 that have not previously been agreed were approved. In alignment with the adopted Financial Regulations, all payments under 1,000 are approved by the RFO, as are items between 1,000 and ,000 with clearance of the Chairman of the Council or Chairman of the appropriate committee. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Finance – Quarterly Report Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor ilson the quarterly report for the period 1st uly 0 to 30th September 0 were received.
ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Finance - IFV It was noted that the IF has signed the quarterly bank reconciliations evidencing veri cation and that there are no exceptions.
External Audit Report 22/23 – External Audit Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor ilson the xternal Audit report for 3 was received. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
External Audit Report 22/23 – Breach of Conduct Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor ilson a new motion was proposed To agree that going forward if a Councillor is found to have breached the Code of Conduct and the Monitoring O cer has noti ed the Town Council that the Town Council will mark Assertion 3 as No’.
After a vote the above motion was agreed. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor Gower the above motion was agreed. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
External Audit Report 22/23 – Other Matters It was noted that point 1 and 3 from the other matters not a ecting our opinion which we draw to the attention of the authority’ have been reviewed at a previous meeting and point is ongoing.
Grant Applications – Sudbury Citizens Advice Proposed by Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor eggerow under Section 13 of the Local Government Act it was agreed to award 1300.00 to Sudbury Citi ens Advice to run their Hadleigh Outreach Service x monthly. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Standing Order 14D - Code of Conduct Review Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor McLeod the Code of Conduct decision regarding Councillor Taylor was reviewed.
Full Council Meeting
Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7pm held in The Guildroom at Hadleigh Town Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN MINUTES
Present Councillors ayliss, lliott, Gower, Howlett, Loftus, McLeod, Miller, Minns, Monks (chair), Shearly-Sanders, Taylor and ilson Councillors ayliss, eggerow, Gower, Howlett, Loftus, McLeod, Miller, Minns, Monks (Chair), Shearly-Sanders and ilson.
In Attendance Town Clerk and 3 members of the public (and 3 via oom)
Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone and advised that the Council, members of the public and press may record lm or broadcast the meeting, when the press and public are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends the meeting is advised that the Town Council cannot control 3rd party recording. The Town Council will record the meeting.
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors lliott, Taylor and right, and abergh District Councillor Carruthers and Dowling and County Councillor Fraser.
Approval of Absence Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor ilson the absences of Councillors lliott, Taylor and right were approved. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Declarations of Interest Councillor Howlett declared a non-registrable interest to cover the whole agenda as Hadleigh Town Council is sole trustee of Hadleigh Market Feo ment Charity.
Dispensations There was no consideration of dispensations.
Minutes 19th September 2024 Proposed by Councillor eggerow,
ote 10 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Standing Order 14D - Code of Conduct - Action Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor eggerow consideration was given to whether any course of action should be taken against Councillor Taylor and it was decided that no course of action should be taken. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Councillor Loftus left the room at 1pm.
Standing Order 14D - Code of Conduct - Review Proposed by Councillor Howlett, seconded by Councillor Miller the Code of Conduct decision regarding Councillor Loftus was reviewed.
ote For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Standing Order 14D - Code of Conduct - Action Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor Monks consideration was given to whether any course of action should be taken against Councillor Loftus and it was decided that no course of action should be taken. ote For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Councillor Loftus returned to the room at pm.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Proposed by Councillor Howlett, seconded by Councillor Minns it was agreed to exclude the press and public in pursuance of Section 1( ) of the Public odies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1 0 the Press and the Public shall be excluded for the next items of business on the grounds that it is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the con dential nature of the business to be transacted as the discussion is commercially sensitive.
ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
The meeting was suspended at . pm.
The meeting reconvened at pm.
Minutes (Con dential Session) The minutes of the Con dential session held on Thursday 1 th September 0 were approved. ote For, 0 Against, Abstain
Minutes (Con dential Session) The minutes of the Con dential session held on Tuesday 1st October 0 were approved. ote For, 0 Against, Abstain
Visit Hadleigh A potential Service Level Agreement with isit Hadleigh was discussed.
Updates – Cemetery Lodge The update regarding Cemetery Lodge was received. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Updates – Cemetery Lodge Actions This item was withdrawn from the agenda.
Updates – Corks Lane Play Area The update regarding Corks Lane Play Area was received. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain Updates – Corks Lane Play Area Actions This item was withdrawn from the agenda.
Updates – Timperley Play Area The update regarding Timperley Play Area was received. ote 11 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Updates – Timperley Play Area Actions This item was withdrawn from the agenda
Layham Road Sports Ground This item was withdrawn from the Agenda
Future Meetings The next scheduled meeting will be on 1st November 0
Close of Meeting The meeting closed at .30pm. Wendy Brame, Town Clerk
Full Council Meeting
Thursday 21st November 2024 at 7pm held in The Guildroom at Hadleigh Town Hall, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN MINUTES
Present Councillors ayliss, eggerow, lliott, Gower, Loftus, McLeod, Minns, Monks (Chair), Shearly-Sanders and right.
In Attendance Town Clerk and 1 member of the public (and via oom)
Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone and advised that the Council, members of the public and press may record lm or broadcast the meeting, when the press and public are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends the meeting is advised that the Town Council cannot control 3rd party recording. The Town Council will record the meeting.
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Howlett, Miller, Taylor and ilson, and abergh District Councillor Dowling.
Approval of absence Proposed by Councillor Gower, seconded by Councillor ayliss the absences of Councillors Howlett, Miller, Taylor and ilson were approved. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Declarations of Interest There were no Members’ declarations of pecuniary, other registrable and non-registrable interests.
Dispensations There were no consideration of dispensations.
Minutes 17th October 2024 Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor Miller the minutes of Thursday 1 th October 0 were approved. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Reports The reports from Su olk County Council abergh District Council ard Councilors were noted.
Councillor Fraser read out parts of his report speci cally the work being carried out on Toppes eld ridge and the associated road diversions. Councillor Carruthers read her report and questions were asked regarding the anking Hub.
Public Forum No members of the public wished to speak.
Finance – Payments Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor Gower, the schedule of invoices was noted and payments over ,000 that have not previously been agreed were approved. In alignment with the adopted Financial Regulations, all payments under 1,000 are approved by the RFO, as are items between 1,000 and ,000 with clearance of the Chairman of the Council or Chairman of the appropriate committee. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain Sta Salaries It was noted following the announcement from National oint Council for Local Government Services (N C) regarding new rates of pay applicable from 1 April 0 that all sta will receive the relevant pay rise as per their contracts.
Grant Applications – Citizens Advice Ipswich Proposed by Councillor
McLeod, seconded by Councillor Minns under Section 13 of the Local Government Act it was agreed to award 1000.00 to Citi ens Advice Ipswich to support and advise Hadleigh residents, but to ask them about the applications they have made to abergh District Council. ote For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Neighbourhood Plan The submitted referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan was received. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain Councillors asked that their thanks to the many volunteers who assisted in the plan by gathering evidence and producing policies be recorded. ith particular thanks to Our Projects O cer, Alicja arnes without whom the plan would not have been completed so e ciently or to such a high standard.
Local Transport Plan Proposed by Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor Shearly-Sanders it was agreed to delegate to the Town Clerk the completion of Su olk County Council’s Local Transport Plan Survey and individual Councillors are encouraged to respond.
ote For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain
Government Consultation Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor eggerow the response to the consultation on allowing remote and hybrid attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings in ngland was agreed and individual Councillors are encouraged to respond. ote For, Against, 0 Abstain
Emergency Plan Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor lliott this agenda item was deferred to a future meeting. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Christmas Opening 27th December 2024 Proposed by Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor Gower it was agreed that the o ce will close on Friday th December and all sta will use 1 day of annual leave for this day. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
Christmas Opening 24th, 30th and 31st December Proposed by Councillor Minns, seconded by Councillor lliott it was agreed that the o ce opening times on Tuesday th, Monday 30th Tuesday 31st December will be .30am – 1 .30pm and any sta who should work more than this will use annual leave. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain Exclusion of the Press and Public Proposed by Councillor eggerow, seconded by Councillor Gower it was agreed to exclude the press and public in pursuance of Section 1( ) of the Public odies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1 0 the Press and the Public shall be excluded for the next items of business on the grounds that it is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the con dential nature of the business to be transacted as the discussion is commercially sensitive. ote 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain
The meeting was suspended at .0 pm.
The meeting reconvened at .1 pm.
Minutes (Con dential Session) The minutes of the Con dential session held on Thursday 1 th October 0 were approved. ote For, 0 Against, Abstain
A1071 Employment site (Weavers Meadow) The A10 1 mployment Site was discussed.
A1071 Employment site (Weavers Meadow) Actions Actions to A10 1 mployment Site were agreed. For 10 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain Future Meetings The next scheduled meeting will be on 1 th December 0
Close of Meeting The meeting closed at 1pm.
Wendy Brame, Town Clerk
Orchard Barn News
Learning from the past how to build a greener future
Building Community at Orchard Barn hat a great year 0 has been here at Orchard arn! Our long term project to re-instate the 1 0s Long House for use as an education space has once again been our main focus, and thanks to the wonderful e orts of a wide range of people, both practically and with donations, we have made fantastic progress.
ould you like to join our friendly community of olunteers The New Year is traditionally a time to look forward to new achievements and experiences, so why not do something di erent and volunteer with us
• Make new friends both from this area and further a eld
• Learn new skills using traditional green woodworking tools
• Contribute to a worthwhile project
• ene t from working outside in the open air
• Spend time in a beautiful, tranquil environment full of wildlife
• ecome part of a community of friendly people
• Feel the satisfaction of making a di erence
e need volunteers to help make the wooden roof tiles (shingles) for our Long House, and also to help maintain our site – no experience is necessary!
Make a start by joining a olunteer orking Party on anuary 10.30 am -1. to convert brashwood fruit tree prunings into biodiversity habitat by using loppers and secateurs to cut the brash and build a deadwood screen.
To nd out more about us and what we do, or to volunteer with us, take a look at our website http:, call Sarah on 0 0 0 or email her at Orchard Barn, Ringshall, Stowmarket, Su olk, IP14 2LY
Beaumont Community Primary School
hat a joy the autumn term has been. As I write this, the Christmas trees are sparkling and I can hear the children practicing for our carol concert on the last day of term. e have already enjoyed watching our Nativity, where the children put on a spectacular performance and made parents and sta very proud. Last week we put on our Christmas jumpers and pulled crackers over a delicious Christmas lunch. e are all feeling very festive and counting down to the big day!
This term has been a busy one and as 0 comes to a close we remember all that we have done and look forward to everything the spring term has to o er.
Our year Owls class have challenged themselves and conquered fears on their residential trip to Manor Adventure Norfolk Lakes, where activities included paddle boarding, climbing, caving and crate stacking. Ms Grainger and Miss Clapham had a full, fun-packed week with the children and we are very grateful to them both for running this fantastic trip.
e always enjoy welcoming parents into school for celebration and book share’ class assemblies - thank you to everyone who is able to take part. Our wonderful families have also collected a huge amount of food items this Christmas time and we would like to thank them for their ongoing support. Miss Clapham is bringing back our Friends of eaumont association, so please do contact her if you wish to be involved.
As you read this, 0 and the new term will be under way and we will be dreaming of lighter evenings. ith so much to look forward to, everyone at eaumont wishes you all a very happy and prosperous new year.
News from St Mary’s School
The end of the autumn term is always really busy with lots of festive fun! All the classes have been working on Christmas-themed Design Technology projects. Year 1 and Year 3 enjoyed sharing their projects with each other and explaining their designs. Year 1 made Christmas hand puppets and Year 3 made stockings. ell done to all the children for learning new skills, persevering and crafting some wonderful creations!
Our annual Christmas lunch was another fun- lled day. All the children made festive hats and came to school in their Christmas jumpers. There was festive food and music and lots of merriment. Thank you to our kitchen and lunchtime sta for making this day a success and thanks to everyone who donated to Save the Children to make sure our joy spreads to those who need it most.
Our wonderful ey Stage choir went on a festive, singing tour around care homes in Hadleigh. Mrs Ratcli e, Mrs Pope and Mrs Roberts were bursting with pride to see the e ort, kindness and giving nature of our fantastic choir. Their beaming smiles were re ected around the rooms they visited and music and joy lled the air! Many thanks to all the sta and residents for having us. The choir also enjoyed a special performance at enton nd, where we were joined by local councillors and had a lovely time. Many thanks to everyone involved in organising our annual Christmas Fayre. The children had the chance to play games, visit Santa and wrap up Christmas gifts. The ra e was very popular – thank you so much to all the people and businesses that donated ama ing pri es! e have also enjoyed two fabulous Christmas plays. The arly Years performed The Sleepy Shepherd’ and ey Stage 1 put on a performance of aubles’. All the children sang and danced brilliantly. They had a lot to learn and were thoroughly entertaining. ell done to everyone involved – you made us all feel very Christmassy! e hope that everyone has a lovely Christmas, full of peace and joy and we look forward to seeing you again in 0 !
Hadleigh U3A
Happy New Year to you all. e kick o the New Year’s monthly meetings on Monday 13 anuary, .30pm at the United Reformed Church in Hadleigh. This month we have Lisa ones with an intriguing talk entitled, nickers, the History of omen’s Underwear . If you are retired or semi-retired and would like to know more about the u3a and the events we run please feel free to come along to the talk, pick up some information and meet us all. Or contact us through our website at https: hadleigh-su
Doors open 7.30 pm - Music 8.00 pm - Ends 10.30 pm approx.
WED 8th January 2025 8pm Price £25
John Etheridge – Guitars, Theo Travis – Saxophones, Steve Lodder – Keys Ben Crosland – Bass, Nic France – Drums
WED 22nd January 2025 8pm Price £22
Joanna Eden – Vocals, Mark Crooks – Saxophone, Chris Ingham – Piano Joe Pettitt – Bass, George Double – Drums
To deliver The illage dition’ Maga ine to homes and businesses during the rst week of each month in Hintlesham Chattisham.
e deliver the maga ines to your home and ask you to deliver them within -3 days.
100 delivery reliability is expected.
For further details ring Matt Barber on 01473 823366 or email
French’s Care Haven
Hello to our readers, I hope as always you have all been keeping well.
As some people already know, our charity not only helps animals in need, we also work with people who need a little help with all sorts of things, from loneliness, depression and mental health problems. I welcome along anyone who could do with something like the animals as a new focus into their lives, which can be uplifting as well as rewarding, to help by giving an animal some love and care.
In our photo this month is a chap called Ian. He asked to bring along his mother ay, who is in her early 0’s and has dementia. ay used to own horses and donkeys years ago and Ian thought it would be good for his mum to come and meet some of our lovely rescues. ay got to feed and stroke all of the animals in the photo, plus little Annie our Shetland and of course Lucy our Therapy dog.
Lucy welcomed Ian and ay by bringing them my glove with a smile on her face and staying by their side all through the time they were at the farm. Ian took this photo of Lucy. Ian made a donation as he could see all the hard work and huge nancial outlay that French’s has and need help with to keep us going. I always appreciate people’s kindness when they make a donation to us. Speaking of this, a thank you as always goes out to the handful of people who do make a regular donation, Cherry, Gale who are both stars, ohn, Debra, mma, Geo rey, Diana and Romina, wishing you all a Happy New Year along with our readers.
Finally with a deep heart of sadness 0 ended with the loss of a wonderful lady who I had not long before the dreadful day had a cuddle and catch up with, Maggie from Sesaw will be greatly missed by all of her close friends and family members and those who helped out at her charity, which now I am sure will close, as Maggie is no longer around to battle on and keep it going. You did a great job over the decades Maggie, rest in peace lovely lady.
For all our readers: Please consider making a personal donation to us if you can, your help will keep us going in our time of nancial struggle and would be very much appreciated by our team and of course our dear rescued animals. My contact details are at the bottom of this page, if you would like any information about becoming part of our small team and helping care for our lovely horses and donkeys. Plus all donations are welcome with open arms and much gratitude. French s is a charity on your doorstep, can you help, either with time, donations, or sponsorship. ou are welcome to come along and meet our animals. all me for an appointment. ann on 07747 755556 or email ebsite Frenchs are
Happy New Year from My WiSH Charity!
As we start a new year, we want to take a moment to remind you of who we are and the work we do. e are your local NHS charity, supporting the est Su olk NHS Foundation Trust and we are here for everyone providing vital care across all ages, from before birth to end-of-life care. e support patients and sta at the est Su olk Hospital, Newmarket Community Hospital and in healthcare settings and patient’s homes across Su olk.
You may be familiar with our work if you’ve supported campaigns like our iSH Upon A Star Children’s Appeal, which might lead you to think we are a children’s charity. Or you may have contributed to the Macmillan unit at est Su olk Hospital and you associate us with cancer care. You might have supported the cardiac ward following a loved one’s stay, thinking our focus is heart care. ut we are all of these and more.
What does 2025 have in store for My WiSH?
0 is going to be a special year for us as we celebrate our 30th birthday. e o cially launched in 1 , although the tradition of donating to support healthcare goes back much further in ury St dmunds, with some of the rst records dating all the way back to the 1100s.
e are working on some exciting plans which we will share over the coming months but if you have a great fundraising idea, please do get in touch.
A wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Hadleigh Cycling Club
0 has seen unprecedented success for our unior Division which is some feat given the si e of our club. e started our year with a Go-Ride training day in April and this has spawned four brand new riders who have jumped head rst into our club jersey at both Road Racing and our club favourite Cyclocross disciplines. Here we have a quick run down of the unior riders achievements for the last 1 months.
Issac – First ever race and the youngest competitor at C Revolution C event. Great potential.
Wilf H – Debut in Road and C competition and competed to much applause at the Semer Hill Climb. Great Triathlete too.
Denny – Had three wins in Mountain iking before scoring Nine consecutive podiums in Regional Cyclocross. He was awarded our club’s Rider’s Rider of the year Trophy.
Teddy – Had a season’s best eighth place at Hackney C and could make top ten in the league which would be ama ing.
Wilf G – The smile on his face at race day says it all. Powering forwards in his rst season in a devilish di cult Under 1 C series.
Archie – Inspired by his elder brother Angus he took on the toughest training sessions and turned out some mega performances in MT and C
Isla – Another newbie to racing and again in the treacherous Under 1 class. Absolute joy to watch her determination. Medals galore in the Girls division. So keen to practice and improve. The future is bright.
Oli – Learned some valuable lessons in Road, MT and C this year in rst assault on 30min long races. ill be much stronger for all the e ort.
Angus – Top ten in the Under 1 s at the rst attempt is a brilliant e ort.
Long races have taken their toll but strength and determination to succeed will bear fruit next term. Fully deserved Hadleigh’s unior Rider of the Year Trophy.
Emily – First ever race at the Regionals against the ritish Champion. Podium in Under 1 Girls. Respect.
Ciaran – Leads by example. Post excellent results all year in all disciplines. Inspiration for the younger riders. Awarded with a place at the Regional School of Racing for Road and Cyclocross.
Two people we obviously can’t forget are;
Benson – pic job as coach, team driver, photographer, motivator and advisor. Reward was seeing HCC launch to ighth in the team standings in Cyclocross.
Finally Kate... our wonderful safeguarding o cer is retiring from the Committee. Still continuing to pedal feverishly come rain or shine. Many thanks extended to her for many years service from the club.
See you guys on your bikes in 0 For up to date news please head to the Internet for our Facebook page @hadleighcyclingclub
X/Twitter @HadleighCycling Instagram hadleighcc or
Hadleigh Hares Races 2024
The annual Hadleigh Hares 10 mile, mile and junior km races were held on November starting from Hadleigh United FC in Tinkers Lane. A very blustery day welcomed our athletes on arrival, setting the pattern for what would be a demanding windy run ahead. Once again, the event proved to be very popular with all the races selling out before race day, leaving a waiting list of disappointed runners who just left it too late. For those who did make it to the start line, the junior kilometre race based around the Hadleigh river walk was rst o . This year, to make it a bit more inclusive for the competitors, we used a new route, starting and nishing at race HQ. This did require a longer than usual closure of Toppes eld ridge to ensure the childrens’ safety, and we, as a club are grateful for the patience and forbearance of the local community in allowing us to achieve this. Despite a slight hold up due to an ambulance needing to get by, it all worked well and the runners had a great time. First boy home was Al e elly in :0 and rst girl was Amalie Twydell in : In previous years the start of the adult races was notoriously crowded, so this year we split the starts with the 10 milers going o rst followed by the milers, minutes later. Anyone who has run either of these courses will tell you they are not easy with plenty of steep hills to contend with. ith the added bonus’ of winds up to 0mph, it became even tougher for our competitors who all, nevertheless, made it back to the nish line to receive their special 0th anniversary Hadleigh Hares medals. First home in the ohn Chisnall mile event was randon arber in a brilliant : , who was followed by Hadleigh girl Darcy Gladwell who set a new course record of 3 : . That record had lasted for ten years since 01 so no mean feat, particularly in the conditions. oth the 10 mile winners successfully defended their titles from last year. Patrick Hannah nishing in :0 and ate Creak in 1:0 : Hadleigh Hares would like to thank our main sponsors, M Chisnall and Sons and Plant Parts Ltd for their continuing and generous sponsorship, and ossbody, Hu ers, Cobblers, et Lounge, Abbeycroft Leisure and Sweet Memories for kindly donating spot pri es to our nishers. Next year we will be holding the event on 3 November, so if you fancy it, best get training!
Phone: 07823 333451
M S L Plumbing and Heating
Mark Carey
Plumbing & Heating Engineer
General Plumbing including Bathrooms, Showers, Radiators, Toilets and Taps
No job too small
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Over 15 years experience
Tel: Mark 07979 288844
Franklyn Nevard 07515 351894
One Group ............... 01473 807754
Accountants / Financial Services
Thompson Financial Consulting 01473 828973
Walter Wright 01473 822143
Su olk Ta ccountants...01473 657000
Bathrooms, Plumbing and Heating
Gallagher 01473 828806
Plumbmate 01473 810088
Roundhouse Plumbing 07939 082630
Spear .................... 07775 690158
GJ Watts 01473 829644
MSL Plumbing 07979 288844
CJ Plumbing eating 01473 822775
M nstallations 01473 206918
uddha Plumbing eating.07710 081745
ndre Pipe 07766 311575
Blinds for windows & conservatories
Ventanilla Blinds .......... 01787 313677
Caribbean Blinds ........ 0344 800 1947
Builders / Property Maintenance
MMS Plastering 07767 211336
C. . Builders 01473 824404
Simon Farthing 07823 333451
One Group 01473 807754
nglia Lime 01787 313974
ndre s Butcher 01473 827720
Dick Bushell .............. 07717 474672
Cards, Gifts, Stationery
eith vis Ne sagents 01473 823131
Carpets / Flooring
.J. Carpets 01473 822240
Your local business DIRECTORY
Car Sales, Servicing, Repairs & Valet
inger olbro 01473 823286
Complete Car Services....01473 828991
Crockatt Garage 01473 824342
nvicta Garage 01473 823172
Chimney Sweep / Fireplace Services
TL Chimneys 07733 420611
Clements Chimney S eep .07810 616837
ZOR Boutique ............ 07969 525859
Marst gri................ 01473 455205
Computer Repair & IT Support
ome Computer Services..01473 829552
Doors and Windows
ndy Grimsey.............01473 823584
Tim llen Windo s........ 01473 827086
Sure 01473 827004
B Glass 01787 880099
Electrical Goods and Supplies
icks TV udio Solutions07968 686035
S Co le lectrical 01473 823179
Estate Agents
Frost Partners...........01473 823456
Chapman Stickels 01473 372372
i y.................... 01473 875101
The Letting Department...01473 372222
Farm Shops
ollo trees.............. 01449 741247
Funeral / Grave Services
R. G innell 01473 824440
W. . Deacon ............. 01787 248282
Garden Machinery / Repairs
W. J. Green............... 01473 823839
Marst gri................ 01473 455205
Steve Blake 07813814623
Garden Services
4 Life Landscapes 01473 828117
The Landscaper 07737 272341
Green Star Gardening 07939 226117
Hair and Beauty
adleigh airloom ........ 01473 822191
lice Capriotti 07517 874342
Health and Fitness
adleigh Bo ford Practice .01473 822961
adleigh Dental Surgery..01473 823092
Sally Mo les Foot ealth Care 01473 822902
adleigh Physiotherapy...01473 810185
Body Mind s One...... 07506 350 455 inetic ealth 01473 806240
Backs For The Future 07818 420029
Mung Bean ............... 01473 829998
Lavenham Dental Practice .01787 247058
House Moving / Removals
Todds Removals 01787 377489
Laundry Services
Press Gang ............... 01473 558448
Key Locksmith Services...01206 431440
Keith vis Ne sagents....01473 823131
Nursing & Care Services
La eld ouse...01787 247340 / 247495
City On ill Care ....... 0330 1335 492
Green Rose Care 01269 850150
Dunstone Optometry 01473 823755
Painting & Decorating
Simon Farthing ........... 07823 333451
W Painting Sealing....07856 833104
Paste Paper Paint 07429 612344
Pest Control
Lister Countryside Services07919 287656
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