The Village Edition, January 2025

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As the calendar turns to a new year, we are presented with a fresh opportunity to re ect, set oals, and stren then the ties that inds our illa es and towns as a co unity hile the world around us continues to chan e at a di yin pace, the heart eat of our town and local illa es re ains the sa e our people, our s all usinesses, and our co unity or anisations n , let us resol e to nurture these lifelines and ensure their sur i al ocal usinesses, the life lood of our econo y, ha e weathered unprecedented challen es so e o er any years hey pro ide o s, support fa ilies, and infuse our towns with character and i rancy ery cup of co ee fro one of our local caf s, e ery ift ou ht fro a local shop, and e ery eal shared at a local restaurant or pu contri utes not only to the econo y ut to the uni ue tapestry of our co unity upportin these usinesses isn t ust a out co erce it s a out

connection As the people ehind all usiness aturday say, supportin s all usinesses eans supportin so eone s drea s all usinesssaturdayu co o unity or anisations also play a critical role in fosterin connection, and we can see so any e a ples of this in o unity ews each onth hether it s the local ani al rescue centre, a youth sports lea ue, or an en iron ental ad ocacy roup, these or anisations are often sta ed y tireless olunteers dedicated to a in our co unity a etter place heir e orts often o unsun , yet their i pact is profound hey pro ide safety nets, opportunities, and spaces for us to co e to ether, e en in the ost tryin ti es o, how can we a e the year we truly show up for our local co unity Continues p2

NEW YEAR’S DAY 12 noon - 3.00 pm

AS NORMAL FROM ursday 2nd January 2025

AMAZING HOLIDAY LET – SLEEPS 8 Available from mid January Contact Howard direct: 07836 353537


We are OPEN EVERY DAY from 8.00am until 10.30 pm


French Pattiserie and Savouries, Coffee and Cake Specials Open 8.00am – 4.00 pm EVERY DAY

BRITON’S BAR – Old-style Pub OPEN EVERY DAY 12 noon – 10.30 pm

Contact the White Hart Inn direct on: 07856 912107

ank you to all our Customers for your support in 2024

We look forward to welcoming you in 2025



17100 Community News Magazines are delivered to homes during the first week of each month in Lavenham, Kersey, Bildeston, Chelsworth, Boxford, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Whatfield, Monks Eleigh, Brent Eleigh, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Newton Green, Raydon, Hitcham, Holton St Mary and other outlets in these areas.

We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue.

Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month

irst, let s co it to shoppin local hen faced with the con enience of online iants, it can e te ptin to clic and for et ut y choosin to shop local whene er possi le, we help eep our nei h ours doors open and their drea s ali e onsider participatin in co unity ar ets or su scri in to local ser ices these s all steps can a e a world of di erence

econd, let s i e the ift of ti e and e pertise any co unity or anisations are stretched thin, relyin on a s all core of olunteers to eet rowin needs f you ha e s ills to share, whether it s accountin , ar etin , or e en ust a willin ness to roll up your slee es, reach out to an or anisation that inspires you en a few hours a onth can ha e a lastin i pact

inally, let s spread the word se your oice to cha pion the causes and usinesses you care a out

o ether, we can ensure that is a year of connection, rowth, and renewed co unity spirit ere s to a prosperous and united ew ear for all!

Free Tips to Keep a Lid on Those Bills

appy ew ear eryone! he world ay see ore precarious with each passin onth ut ta in practical action is a reat way to eep ahead of the winter lues or the ne t few onths A o e ner y ro ect is on hand with so e reat practical tips a out how you can help to eep the lid on your ills and the heat in your house

ncreasin your house s ener y e ciency, will help rin down ener y ills, i portant at a ti e when costs of li in are so hi h for so any of us And y reducin

the a ount of ener y you use, you are also doin your it for cli ate chan e he s illion ho es account for ore than of the country s total car on e issions, with three uarters of this co in fro heatin syste s of ho es are on the as networ , usin fossil fuels and producin lar e uantities of car on e issions And since our housin is so e of the least ener y e cient in urope there s lots of car on to e sa ed throu h s aller ills

ur o unity ner y ha pions are local people who are trained to i e free i partial ad ice throu h face to face con ersations, co in to tal with roups, attendin local e ents, eetin online and ho e isits he ner y ha pions aren t sellin anythin , ust i in strai htforward, free ad ice on thin s li e ener y e ciency, reducin heat loss, and ho e insulation

o if you want to now what rants are a aila le for your ho e, or help understandin your ener y ills, then ust i e us a call or catch one of the ner y ha pions when they are out and a out in the town e will e at orrisons, the i rary and t arys o er the ne t few onths so ust drop y and say hello

A ha e also tea ed up with atural o ford and will e oinin the at their As he perts ent on the anuary a p at o ford illa e all o co e and see what a ran e of e perts ha e to say a out how to eep your ener y ills down he o unity ner y ha pions are here to help and are a aila le until the end of arch when this sta e of the fundin ends so do eep an eye out on social edia or contact isa on or e ail heatener y co u if you want to now ore

Editor: Jason Holder 01473 823366

To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838

Elmsett Primary School

Advent at Elmsett School

At the e innin of Ad ent e ers of t eter s hurch and l sett ethodist hurch lead our hristin le orship he children learnt a out hristin les and what they sy olise, they then wor ed in roups to create their own his acti ity was supported with resources fro the hildren s ociety and orrisons, adlei h who indly donated the oran es hildren fro our o ins lass were the stars of the show as they perfor ed their ati ity hoops a aisy An el to their fa ilies, the school and our co unity

On Guard!

Owls Class Cafés

As part of their lessons wls lass ade hrist as cushions hey desi ned and created their appli ue, cut it out and then sewed it on to the cushion y hand with the help of parents and randparents at our ter ly lass af s

urin our half ter ly sport enrich ent days, re ier ports deli ered a encin lesson to all our children hey learnt the asic s ills and rules to ena le the to ha e their own outs

Mrs Kearn

At the end of the Autu n ter and after years we said ood ye to rs earn, who started wor in in the early years unit efore o in into class teachin or the past years she has een our dedicated co, pro idin espo e support to pupils with educational needs or disa ilities er dedication and hard wor has een appreciated y countless parents durin this ti e he also o ered pupils the opportunity to learn new s ills with pro ects at her raft lu he will e reatly issed y all at l sett and we wish her all the ery est

Friends of Elmsett School

wor ed hard to create two successful fund raisin e ents in aid of our school in the lead up to hrist as heir hrist as hoppin e ent at l sett and Aldha illa e hall raised to support enrich ent acti ities and school isits heir anta s rotto was a i hit with children and parents in the lead up to hrist as and it is planned to continue oth on an annual asis hey are ta in a well deser ed rea efore their ne t e ent which will e for other s ay School Applications

f your child was orn etween epte er and Au ust , they are eli i le to start school in epte er eception pupil applications for epte er ust e ade directly to Ad issions at u ol ounty ouncil ia www su ol o u ad issions y th anuary

e welco e isits if you are loo in for a school for your child and appoint ents can e arran ed ia our chool ce, please contact Elmsett C of E Primary School, The Street, Elmsett IP7 6PA Telephone: 01473 658303 Email: For more information, please visit and nd us on Facebook.

Exciting News from Travel Stop

ra el top is deli hted to announce that in the ew ear, the adlei h i h treet ranch will once a ain e openin its doors daily ro onday th anuary , the shop will e open onday to aturday, fro a to p ounder and owner rid et ee il said a so pleased to e a le to fully re open our adlei h ranch and pro ide espo e tra el ser ices, on a face to face asis throu hout the entire wee as we did efore the pande ic e ha e spent the last couple of years re uildin our tea and are now ready to pro ide a daily ser ice once a ain nder the lead of odie las ow who will e headin up the tea , we will e ready to assist and inspire our clients in all their tra el plans

As ed a out the ene ts of usin a ra el A ent rather than oo in online, rid et hi hli hted the i portance of A A and A protections, and the ene ts of ha in the support of a trou le shootin tea in the e ent of tra el co plications ost i portantly thou h, she elie es that personal en a e ent etween clients and specialist tra el sta ensure that the ery est holidays are desi ned, and all at co petiti e prices sin the espo e ser ices of ra el top rarely adds any e tra cost a o e oo in online whilst un uestiona ly deli ers a uch ore considered pac a e n further news, ra el top are e cited to continue their popular presentation pro ra e into the ew ear startin with A alon aterways on uesday th anuary ith presentations at oth p and p , representation fro A alon will tell uests all a out the e tensi e ran e of i er cruises they operate in urope, the ar ast, ypt and the A a on aren will rin to life the i er ruisin e perience and e plain why it is such a fa ulous way to e plore new places atch out also for details of a presentation for apan and the ar ast to e held on th e ruary in con unction with he nside ra el roup f you would li e to attend either presentation, please contact ra el top usin the ail en uiries tra el stop co u , callin on or si ply poppin into the ranch

All the sta at Travel Stop wish readers a very happy 0 5 and look forward to assisting you with your future travel plans.

GoStart searches for Volunteers

oo in to support your o unity in ud ury s co unity transport charity, o tart, is loo in for olunteers to ena le ore crucial ourneys oth ri ers and assen er Assistants are needed to support people in our co unities y ta in the to i portant edical, appoint ents, shops and social e ents, in our specially adapted usses e rely on our alued olunteers for e ery ourney f ou or someone ou now would li e to nd out more or if we can help ou with a ourne simpl call e mail or visit

Winter Gardening – A Busy Time of the Year

ha e lost count of how any ti es people ha e in uisiti ely as ed if had anythin to do in the arden durin the winter onths ha e een a professional ardener for o er years, and ha e ne er had a winter where was scrapin for wor to eep e usy n fact, it s ar ua ly one of the usiest ti es of the year!

here are a yriad of ardenin tas s that should e done durin the coldest onths of the year, li e prunin and shapin dor ant fruit trees and shru s apples, pears, currants, etc or orna ental trees and shru s that ene t fro winter prunin Another perfect tas for winter is rose prunin ha e wor ed in ardens where rose prunin alone would ta e a whole onth wor in at a ood pace All for s of roses shru s, cli ers and ra lers ene t fro a ood prune durin the winter to oost ower production in late sprin , as do ra pant isterias inter is also pri e ti e for preparin ardens for the ne t season cuttin ac orders and clearin de ris where pests and diseases i ht o erwinter, and ulchin orders and itchen ardens to protect the soil surface and a oid weed er ination here are other less la ourous tas s on the winter list that contri ute to a functional and tidy arden pressure washin all hard surfaces to a oid slippery paths and patios, deep cleanin of reenhouses, cleanin ird feeders aths, in ra el paths and order ed es, cleanin and sharpenin arden tools could continue, ut thin you et the point! ut the ost e citin thin a ardener can do durin these onths is plannin ! ardens are e er e ol in spaces that chan e constantly and the opportunity to sit down with a nice cup of co ee when the weather is ra in outside and plan the year ahead is old his i ht in ol e re isitin what wor ed well and less well last season and plannin accordin ly restoc in the seed ca inet assessin if there are areas of the arden that need rethin in and redesi nin plannin what to row in the reenhouse and su er pots and ust ta in pleasure fro the e cite ent of startin it all o er a ain inter can indeed e a usy season ut it is also a season to ta e a deep reath and, for once, slow down a notch and appreciate all the hard wor that has een put into creatin and aintainin a eautiful space that a arden can e For consultancy, design and garden maintenance work, please contact or call 07464 856750 for a friendly chat about your garden needs.

‘Hugs’ Galore in 2024

t ay ha e een created as a lan et ut once it reaches a deli hted recipient it eco es a co fortin hu A a in ly, ro ect inus deli ered hu s in the u ol area in ur own local ho e nitters, now nu erin , ha e pro ided a lion s share of this i pressi e total heir steady contri ution of ulti si ed, nitted and crocheted lan ets ust et ore i a inati e and colourful e ery ti e

As well as other charities, hospital and special interest roups ene ttin fro their dedicated e orts, there has een a nu er of sin le donations to children who are attlin with their own issues on r ation fro so e appreciati e clients supports this “My little boy 2.5years and myself go to Bumblebees and they gave me a quilt that you made and I am so grateful, thank you. Daniel and I were both having a tough day yesterday and it was a lovely thing to receive”. From the charity, Pitstop. They are absolutely GLORIOUS! Thank you so much for your hugs. xxxx” incere than s to all the industrious, creati e nitters who ha e lo in ly contri uted to this re ar a le total hope that you will eep up the ood wor throu hout f you li e the idea of puttin your s ills to ood use y creatin a hu for life please contact e for further details an e ey de eys tinternet co or

French’s Care Haven

ello to our readers, hope as always you ha e all een eepin well

As so e people already now, our charity not only helps ani als in need, we also wor with people who need a little help with all sorts of thin s, fro loneliness, depression and ental health pro le s welco e alon anyone who could do with so ethin li e the ani als as a new focus into their li es, which can e upliftin as well as rewardin , to help y i in an ani al so e lo e and care



If your picture needs

I’m a member of the Fine Art Trade Guild, who themselves created the standards and guidelines for art framing together with picture printing. I continually work to these requirements.

Home or office visits are available. Following discussions about your requirements, in situ you’ll see the various framing options. Please contact me: 07769 858076

n our photo this onth is a chap called an e as ed to rin alon his other ay, who is in her early s and has de entia ay used to own horses and don eys years a o and an thou ht it would e ood for his u to co e and eet so e of our lo ely rescues ay ot to feed and stro e all of the ani als in the photo, plus little Annie our hetland and of course ucy our herapy do ucy welco ed an and ay y rin in the y lo e with a s ile on her face and stayin y their side all throu h the ti e they were at the far an too this photo of ucy an ade a donation as he could see all the hard wor and hu e nancial outlay that rench s has and need help with to eep us oin always appreciate people s indness when they a e a donation to us pea in of this, a than you as always oes out to the handful of people who do a e a re ular donation, herry, ale who are oth stars, ohn, e ra, a, eo rey, iana and o ina, wishin you all a appy ew ear alon with our readers

inally with a deep heart of sadness ended with the loss of a wonderful lady who had not lon efore the dreadful day had a cuddle and catch up with, a ie fro esaw will e reatly issed y all of her close friends and fa ily e ers and those who helped out at her charity, which now a sure will close, as a ie is no lon er around to attle on and eep it oin ou did a reat o o er the decades a ie, rest in peace lo ely lady or all our readers lease consider a in a personal donation to us if you can, your help will eep us oin in our ti e of nancial stru le and would e ery uch appreciated y our tea and of course our dear rescued ani als y contact details are at the otto of this pa e, if you would li e any infor ation a out eco in part of our s all tea and helpin care for our lo ely horses and don eys lus all donations are welco e with open ar s and uch ratitude

French’s is a charity on your doorstep, can you help, either with time, donations, or sponsorship. ou are welcome to come along and meet our animals. Call me for an appointment. Jann on: 07747 755556 or email: Website:


Doors open 7.30 pm - Music 8.00 pm - Ends 10.30 pm approx.

WED 8th January 2025     8pm      Price £25


John Etheridge – Guitars, Theo Travis – Saxophones, Steve Lodder – Keys Ben Crosland – Bass, Nic France – Drums

WED 22nd January 2025     8pm      Price £22


Joanna Eden – Vocals, Mark Crooks – Saxophone, Chris Ingham –  Piano Joe Pettitt – Bass, George Double – Drums

Hadleigh Garden Club

r ian awson, herself an acco plished otanical illustrator tal ed a out he ris lorile iu of ir edric orris he collection consists of otanical watercolour paintin s of iris red y ir edric orris at enton nd etween , all painted y the oyal orticultural ociety s old edal Award artists he roup was put to ether y r ian awson who a e us the ac round infor ation a out how the roup was awarded the presti ious innis cott oundation s otanical Art Award, which carried with it a pri e of , r awson e plained the award contri uted to costs in respect of a oo he edric orris orile iu which i es an account of the ac round history to the na es of the iris at enton nd and currently ein red and is a aila le to purchase at he dler oo shop in adlei h n addition, funds went towards scannin the i a es for prints, fra es and ounts that were displayed at the ains orou h ouse useu this su er and in due course will e displayed at enton nd as part of the refur ish ent pro ra e he tal was ery infor ati e and the illustrations e ceptional with further e planations fro r awson on how to achie e the est results fro paintin watercolour, slowly uildin up the layers and applyin s illed artistry to achie e the eticulous detail re uired for otanical accuracy he also e plained each paintin can ta e se eral onths to create the standard of art re uired o e of you ay ha e seen the e hi ition at the ains orou h ouse useu in ud ury alon with so e of ir edric orris paintin s in une e are all loo in forward to the restoration of the arden and house at enton nd, hich will e a reat achie e ent for those in ol ed and for reco nition of our lo ely town, adlei h

he o petition was won y iona for her ase of Autu n oila e ur ne t eetin will e on onday th anuary at in the uild oo opposite t ary s hurch adlei h ardenclu ail co he spea er will e Andrew a ie fro erennial spea in on easonal ontainer ardenin sual ra e, tea co ee and natter here is no co petition this onth embers per meeting and visitors are welcome for a fee of 4 per meeting. For more information contact: Angie on Tel: 07 46 744457

St Mary’s Renewal

A Community Project

Heating and Lighting: he o cial appro al or faculty for the new heat li ht syste has co pleted its day consultation period e e pect to e a le to display our otice for days, efore hrist as Pledges & Go Fund Me Money: he total a ount collected ia enerous pled es, donations and the atch fundin rant fro the ift to o reen initiati e a ount elow currently stands at , hen the ift Aid clai oes throu h we e pect to recei e a further , e are e tre ely pleased as this is an i portant contri ution towards the new heatin and li htin units incere than s to all who ha e i en so enerously f you are a le to add to this i pressi e su , a id oyle is the an to help you ee elow for details

Give to Go Green Initiative: he a i u has een raised so atch fundin accrued a total of , towards the enewal initiati e

Additional Funding: he fundraisin co ittee has applied for three ore rants includin one fro the u ol istoric hurches rust atch this space for further news

Heritage Lottery: nfortunately, our rst id for support fro the ational erita e ottery fund was not successful owe er, all is not lost as it would see a second id will stand a etter chance

Past Present and Future: A pictorial loo at all phases is ac on display he history of this iconic rade isted uildin is carefully docu ented to ether with photos of the repairs and so e aspects of the partially co pleted renewal pro ra e citin future plans are also there Wall Repairs: n th anuary wor will start on the hole in the wall at the site of the old estry

Regular Gatherings: Apart fro the special one o e ents, af hurch o ers a war welco e and a drin to all a es e ery riday ornin o e for a chat and treat yourself to one of Andrew s delicious rea fasts or a piece of an s traditional read puddin here is an added attraction on the st riday in e ery onth when a variety of craft stalls appear laden with lots of attractive treasures ela in lunchti e usic recitals can e en oyed on the nd ednesday of the onth a ily op ps are a re ular, popular happenin ut as ti es vary est chec the colourful t ary s op p icnic ad elsewhere in this a a ine e hope you will support t ary s whenever you can n addition to these welco in co unity atherin s and the re ular ti es for worship, the lar e audience for the service of e e rance has ade uately de onstrated the any uses for this wonderful space ts uch needed repair and renewal will ensure these can successfully continue

Best wishes for the coming year when we hope to welcome you to any of our varied activities.

avid oyle pled es davidhoyle ail co a le in venso ce st aryshadlei h co u hurch e sitehttps st aryshadlei h co u



Opening Hours: Sunday Closed

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm

Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm

Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm

Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

Tel 01473 822191

Polstead Village Hall

Regular Activities and Hire

olstead illa e all has a ran e of re ular clu s and activities at speci c ti es fro onday to riday

At all other ti es, the all is availa le for private oo in s here is a s all roo for hire, as well as the ain hall with its curtained sta e and an ad acent, well e uipped itchen lease note that the all now has i i

Anyone interested in hirin any of the all s facilities should contact the oo in s ecretary rs ue ownsend el or access the all s we site https polstead onesu ol net welco e to polstead f you thin you i ht li e to oin in any of the re ular wee day activities, please contact the relevant or anisers phone nu ers elow , even if you ust wish to a e further en uiries

Monday:Chair Exercise Class3.00 pmTel: 07860 824747

Table Tennis6.30 – 8.30 pmTel: 07470 635600

Tuesday:Yoga with Emma9.30 – 10.30amTel: 07788 660893

Art & Crafts Club2.00 – 5.00 pmTel: 07570 791716

Wednesday:W.I.10.30 am on 15 January

- Ho Down dancingTel: 07485 074341

Zumba with Luis Camacho6.00 – 6.45 pmTel: 07791 496767 Carpet Bowls Club7.00 pmTel: 07969 983554

Thursday:Body Movement10.00 – 11.00 amTel: 07860 824747

Parish Council Meeting 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm

riday: Co eeCaravan 3rd ridayofthemonth from 10.00 - noon Tel: 07969 983554

Film Night Monthly7.00 for 7.30 start – 10th JanuaryTel: 07939 223587

Saturday:Bingo6.30 for 7.00 on Saturday 11th JanuaryTel: 07969 983554

Additional January Events

Polstead WI Party n ednesday anuary , at a in olstead illa e all, the will e puttin on our tetsons and cow oy oots to do so e line dancin with osie acro o e and oin us sha e o those anuary lues and have so e fun All visitors ost welco e, each includin refresh ents

Rural Co ee Caravan he caravan will e visitin on riday anuary fro a to noon arry rin s alon lots of infor ation f you have pro le s llin in for s or are stru lin , please do not hesitate to contact arry on e loo forward to seein you for co ee, ca e and lots of conversation

Bingo ur ne t in o ni ht is aturday anuary for eyes down at he is a ar, refresh ents and ra e uture dates are e ruary and arch

Churches in Hadleigh – Praying for Hadleigh

he people of the churches in adlei h are co itted to prayin for our town ver the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in adlei h urin anuary we will e prayin for the followin streets

th an he reen, ower ill ane, illers lose

th an i perly oad, i perly lose

th an entworth lose, yers ourt, uc enha oad, eriton ise

th an ilson oad, he ranary, an s lose, unn lose

f you now people who live in these streets, we would e very pleased if you also would pray for the f you live on one of the streets ein covered durin a particular wee and would welco e prayer, please et in touch

Hadleigh Baptist Church -

Hadleigh C - Barbara obinson 8 835

St Joseph’s C Church - Anna cCrae 8 3041

St ary’s CoE - Jessica Janas 8 671

Why you should make a Will

here are any reasons why people ou ht to a e a will, ut apparently only a third of us do ost co only, it is one of those thin s that is always on the to do list, ut never see s to co e to the top of the list and et done suppose that in so e ways, no ody li es to thin a out their own ortality too uch owever, after irth and ta es, it is one of the three certainties in life ithout a will, the law directs who will inherit your estate, and this ay not e what you want riends, charities, and ore distant relatives who you i ht li e to ene t ay et nothin t is particularly i portant to a e a will if you are not arried his is ecause the law does not auto atically reco nise coha itants partners who live to ether ithout a will, no atter how lon the relationship has lasted, a survivin coha itant ay et nothin

here are, of course, any other reasons to a e a will A will can provide for who loo s after your dependents or iti ate the e ects of inheritance ta t can include a trust to provide for youn children, or a disa led person, or si ply protect your assets after you die nce ade it is i portant to review your will re ularly o e chan es to your circu stances ay a ect the validity of your will such as arria e, civil partnership, divorce, separation, etc ou should ta e advice at the appropriate ti e

A olicitor can provide e pert advice on drawin up your will, as there is a real ris that if you do one yourself, a ista e is ade, which could cause pro le s later

o a e a will, your olicitor will need details of what you own, who you wish to leave your estate to, and who you wish to appoint as e ecutors here ay e other wishes that you want to include Robert M Jackson

Ebony’s Blog

Life at The Shelley Centre

he winter onth s rin hrist as activities are over and with a ew ear co es a new ter or the entre there are new horses to inte rate into the tea which eans so e of our riders will have to et used to ridin a di erent horse t s all part of their therapy and a out acceptin chan e, which can e uite challen in for so e t is also the ti e when any people thin a out ew ear s esolutions d li e to su est one to you eco in a volunteer at helley started as a volunteer nearly ten years a o, doin the ini u re uired which is half a day a wee , ut only durin ter ti e was i ediately ade welco e and the tea ave e lots of help to understand how the Centre and the A sessions wor was happy dealin with the horses ut had no e perience of wor in with children and adults with physical or ental challen es ut soon found the whole e perience very rewardin and often e otionally ovin After a while, ecause so en oyed ein up at the Centre and ein part of a wonderfully friendly tea , e an helpin with the horses at wee ends and durin the holidays, and eca e a e er of the ridin tea that helps the ta le ana er with their care As with any or anisations, the ore you et involved, the ore you et out of it and efore lon was helpin with fund raisin events, writin this lo and eneral aintenance around the Centre eein the happy faces of the riders as they achieved even the s allest pro ress ives e i ense satisfaction we all li e to e needed don t we and et lots of fresh air and e ercise no need to pay y fees as well as real friendship ou don t have to have e perience with horses to oin us our e Chair an now resident ca e to us with no horse nowled e, pro ressed fro side wal in alon side riders to leadin ponies, to ridin herself, eco in a coach and rustee! All of us start with di erent s ills the co on factor is a desire to help others and a willin ness to ive a little it of ti e f you don t want to co it to helpin at re ular A sessions we always need people to help with the aintenance o s, fro pic in up horse poo fro the paddoc s not the ost popular o ! , paintin , endin and all the activities associated with fund raisin especially a in lovely ca es f you fancy learnin ore a out this fa ulous opportunity, ive the Centre a call and arran e a visit to see us and our wor t chan ed y life, provided new friendships and ave y retire ent a new purpose ay e it could do the sa e for you in Website: Facebook: Shelley RDA Centre elephone:

Volunteers taking riders out into the countryside for a hack, enjoying the company, fresh air and exercise.

Bildeston History on Screen

Anotherillustrated talk by Sue Andrews with images from Sue’s own archive.

Anothertour around Bildeston: from the gallows to the garage.

Saturday,1st February 2025 10.30am

Chamberlin Hall, Bildeston Free entry(donations welcome)


Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents

All rooms are well appointed with en-suite facilities

Nurse Call System: Passenger Lifts: Various Public Rooms: High standard of 24 hour personal care.

Enquiries to: Matron: Mrs Judy Carne RGN, RMA

Proprietor: Mrs. E. P. Knight RGN, RM

Talk followed by light refreshments. Sponsored by Bildeston Parish Council

Sue Andrews, our village archivist and historian, has kindly agreed to present asecondillustrated talk about the history of Bildeston with documents and photographs from her own archive.

This will provide a unique and fascinating glimpse into the past life of our village. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after Sue’s talk.


Milden Singers

espite set ac s earlier in the year when their concerts had to e cancelled, the ilden in ers ade sure the wait was worth it when they perfor ed their estive Concert at ilden avilion he evenin included Christ as classics and popular son s, alon with poe s, a violin duet, readin s and s etches llin the audience with Christ as cheer he choir are pleased to announce they raised in aid of ilden avilion and the ra e was enerously supported, raisin for eu ae ia

earl s passion for sin in with the oy it rin s her and others saw her foundin the ilden in ers in ver the years their concerts and rehearsals have raised a sta erin , to support ilden avilion, for which we are e tre ely rateful urin each concert the choir hold a ra e to support a charity of their choice and over the years they have raised up to , this has een shared with a wide variety of charities which have included the followin local and national or anisations eadway, ildeston ood an , Co passion, , helley idin Centre, Cardiac nit at ury t d unds ospital, he Children s Appeal at pswich ospital

ver the winter the choir are ta in a rea and they will e returnin to rehearsals in arch n ay they are loo in to hold a new ca aret style concert with a s ea arty to coincide with the national cele rations

To keep up to date with the Milden Singers and their concerts please visit or via Facebook at Milden Pavilion and Playing eld

Hadleigh Walkers

ur rst wal in will e on aturday th of anuary e will leave tonehouse oad car par at a and proceed via ove ane, ersey ale, riory ar , Colle e ar , indsey all, a pson s all, a s ye and return to adlei h via the on s ath and oppes eld rid e he distance of the entire route is around iles, and we should e ac in adlei h around p e will have two short refresh ent stops alon the way

As usual, we ai to avera e a not too de andin ph hr and wal ers need to e a le to aintain this pace tron shoes or wal in oots should e worn as the round can e rou h and uddy in any onth veryone is welco e, includin well ehaved do s oute aps can e re uested fro this we site

As usual at this ti e of the year we donate a proportion of the wal fee we re uest onth to a local charity nce a ain we have chosen the orch ro ect

For further information about these walks go to or email us at

Do you want to feel better?

A re inder that ni a adlei h is startin on anuary , please contact ian rutch eld ail co or utter yrachel ail co to secure your place ni a is a peer support roup usin a wor oo as tal in therapy ni a can e suita le for adults, with a wide ran e of ental health conditions and who are e periencin overwhel in e otions that a ect their daily lives ni a is run y roup e ers and the for at has run successfully for any years eople who have attended have included those e periencin depression, an iety and stress, and at varyin parts of the neurolo ical spectru y oinin a peer support roup, you will e eetin other people willin to share their personal e perience and tips of thin s that have helped i prove their health, as well as practisin indfulness essions are wee ly, every ednesday ter ti e! , p to p in a co unity space currently the C in adlei h f the roup is oversu scri ed, priority will e iven to new rst ti e e ers, please e ail us to en uire an and achels addresses are a ove or post a note with your contact details via rid e treet

Aldham Common Charity

(inc. John Alabaster’s Educational Foundation) he Aldha Co on Charity is availa le to ive rants, in cases of hardship, to help with the cost of unifor s, school trips and colle e university e penses

e are also a le to help with travellin costs to hospital appoint ents and replace ent of furniture and white oods

lease note that with e ect fro anuary the new cler is a ahoney

To download an application form please visit www.aldhamcommoncharity.onesu or email or ring 0776 7 11

Happy New Year from My WiSH Charity!

As we start a new year, we want to ta e a o ent to re ind you of who we are and the wor we do e are your local charity, supportin the est u ol oundation rust and we are here for everyone providin vital care across all a es, fro efore irth to end of life care e support patients and sta at the est u ol ospital, ew ar et Co unity ospital and in healthcare settin s and patient s ho es across u ol ou ay e fa iliar with our wor if you ve supported ca pai ns li e our i pon A tar Children s Appeal, which i ht lead you to thin we are a children s charity r you ay have contri uted to the ac illan unit at est u ol ospital and you associate us with cancer care ou i ht have supported the cardiac ward followin a loved one s stay, thin in our focus is heart care ut we are all of these and ore What does have in store for My WiSH is oin to e a special year for us as we cele rate our th irthday e o cially launched in , althou h the tradition of donatin to support healthcare oes ac uch further in ury t d unds, with so e of the rst records datin all the way ac to the s

e are wor in on so e e citin plans which we will share over the co in onths ut if you have a reat fundraisin idea, please do et in touch

Bildeston Carpet Bowls Club

uess what e are still top of the lea ue! hat fantastic news e have nished our atches for this year ut a listin elow our atches for anuary

uesday anuary ton o e

uesday anuary olstead o e

uesday anuary t la enha o e

on t for et we are always happy to see new e ers, even if you don t feel li e playin in atches you are always welco e to co e alon to our practice evenin s, which fall on uesdays when we are not playin a atch

ea, Co ee and iscuits and a chat are also availa le, so if you are interested please call i e or renda on or ust co e alon on the ni ht, you will e ade very welco e

Hadleigh Evening WI

n ece er we had our Christ as party with a es and ui es which everyone en oyed a very friendly cohesive roup that cannot help ut have a ood ti e! here was no pre arran ed a le or ani ed ut the weather was ood so on ednesday th there was a entle stroll alon the ailway al and endin up in Co lers for cuppa and ca e hould the weather a ain e ind, there ay e a pop up a le on the th ith so any Christ as eals in ece er the unch unch did not eet ut plans are well ahead for a return to elstead roo otel on the th oo wor s are readin ichelle a a s he i ht e Carry , which will e discussed on the anuary, the venue to e con r ed

ur ne t eetin is on the anuary when our treasurer etra enha will hold an open session a out her trans ender life ourney to date

e eet on the third uesday at p in the e inar oo of the i rary f you would li e to co e for a taster , contact the secretary lenn A assi on or the president heila e on and we will loo out or you

Best wishes to everyone in Hadleigh and beyond for 0 5.

Shed’s Second

Successful Year

n the two years since the adlei h en s hed opened, it has one fro stren th to stren th ur rowin e ership now en oys four popular sessions each wee , where wood is uite literally turned into all anner of creative and practical o ects f course, the woodwor in is ust the spar that rin s the en to the shed once here, they relish the opportunity to en oy a ood natter and a rew with li e inded chaps his year has een a si ni cant ilestone for us as we achieved charita le status y eco in o cially re istered with the Charities Co ission e ve also welco ed several hi h pro le visitors who popped in to say hello, and we rounded o the year on a hi h note y hostin u ol hedfest

he conference, held at adlei h nited oot all Clu , rou ht to ether dele ates fro sheds across the county in a wonderful spirit of ca araderie to share ideas and support one another oo in ahead to , we re ain opti istic and e cited for what s to co e e are especially loo in forward to wor in once a ain with the adlei h how tea on so e creative asterpieces so watch this space! ne of our top priorities for the year is to secure a per anent ase for the shed e have i a itions and plenty of ideas in the wor s so a ain, watch this space As we si n o fro , we want to e tend our heartfelt than s to all our e ers and supporters for their continued friendship and positivity A very special ention oes to two local superstars ichard and ue inch, who so indly allowed us to use their old wor shop hat started as a te porary arran e ent has stretched to over two years, and without their enerosity and unwaverin support, the adlei h en s hed si ply wouldn t e ist est wishes to all for ! If you d like more information or have any uestions please don t hesitate to email us at



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3 Norman Way, High Street, Lavenham, Sud ury, Su olk

We’re a founder-led team passionate about combinin and knowledge to provide a high standard of pet Hadleigh and the surrounding areas

We’reafounder-ledteampassionateaboutcombiningourexperience andknowledgetoprovideahighstandardofpethealthcarefor Hadleighandthesurroundingareas.

As a new veterinary practice, our ambition is to earn client at a time We pride ourselves on building genu with our clients – because taking the time to get to k their pets is the key to delivering truly personal

Asanewveterinarypractice,ourambitionistoearnourreputationone clientatatime.Weprideourselvesonbuildinggenuinerelationships withourclients–becausetakingthetimetogettoknowpeopleand theirpetsisthekeytodeliveringtrulypersonalisedcare.

Our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art facilit endoscopy, and orthopedic surgery capabilities, allo complex cases onsite and provide the best possible o pets We also offer overnight care for hospitalised needed, ensuring they receive round-the-clock atten during their recovery.

Ourpracticeisequippedwithstate-of-the-artfacilities,includingCT, endoscopy,andorthopedicsurgerycapabilities,allowingustohandle complexcasesonsiteandprovidethebestpossibleoutcomesforyour pets.Wealsoofferovernightcareforhospitalisedpatientswhen needed,ensuringtheyreceiveround-the-clockattentionandsupport duringtheirrecovery.

Experience exceptional veterinary care where your happiness are at the heart of everything

Experienceexceptionalveterinarycarewhereyourpet’shealthand happinessareattheheartofeverythingwedo.

g our experience healthcare for our reputation one ine relationships now people and ised care ies, including CT, wing us to handle utcomes for your patients when tion and support pet’s health and we do

Lavenham Library Newsletter

he riends of avenha i rary were very usy last onth with two very successful fundraisin events

Christmas Ra e

Con ratulations to all our ra e winners han you for all your ind donations you have helped our hard wor in riends of avenha i rary raise over han you also to ar aret and iane, fro the riends roup, for drawin the ra e and contactin the winners

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop han you to everyone who ca e to our Christ as wreath a in event in ece er pecial than s to iane ean for or anisin such a fun and successful fundraiser for our li rary, which raised A Happy ew ear to all our customers and supporters.

Lavenham Library, Lavenham Village Hall, Church St, Lavenham C 10 T Tel o: 01787 477

Email: lavenham.library@su u olk i raries charity num er

Hadleigh Bowling Club

t is with reat sadness that we record the passin of id Cleaver id was a very lon standin e er of adlei h owlin Clu and lled any si ni cant roles includin Chair an where he o ered a stron and positive leadership e always stepped forward when there were tas s to e done, and drew on his e tensive friendships and contacts in adlei h to support and further the interests of the Clu and its e ers e will e re e ered fondly y very any people for all that he did oth as a e er and in all the wor he did to ene t the Clu

Gerry Incles Chairman Hadleigh Bowling Club

Bildeston Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

KS Panathlon

anathlon is a national charity which ives youn people with disa ilities and special educational needs the opportunity to ta e part in co petitive sport rs artholo ew indly too alon two of our new reception children to the anathlon hey oth had the ost a a in ti e, were very well loo ed after and loved all of the activities o top their ornin o , they each received a participation edal, well done!

Santa Letters

Manor Adventure Residential estrel class en oyed an a a in wee lon residential at anor Adventures in orwich hey en oyed Cavin , encin , Crate uildin , ailin and of course anor ly pics hey en oyed tuc in into a hearty rea fast each ornin efore so e very usy days!

oldcrest class went to visit our villa e post o ce to send their letters to anta e are very proud of the for wal in sensi ly and nicely hey were iven a treat y the sta at the shop which was very ind of the han you to our very supportive parents for helpin us with this wal

KS Art

his half ter our art pro ect is a out ell ea er pottery which is lin ed to our tone

A e topic this ter he children will e plore di erent clay techni ues, which they will then use to a e and decorate a ell ea er style pot

Charity Work in our Community rs haw and rs ayes attended a very inspirin and infor ative presentation at t li a eth ospice to collect our tar a er everett that we will e decoratin for ne t year s art trail in pswich e hope it will e as e ora le as the wl trail ur creative ourney is ust e innin ! t was very ovin to hear a out the wor that the ospice does and the fundraisin that ta es place to support the pro ra es e hope to raise an a a in a ount of oney for the hospice with any events throu hout the acade ic year unds have also een raised this ter for Children in eed, ittle eople A A he Ar ed orces Charity han you to our parents who continually support the wor we do within our co unity!

f you are considerin ildeston ri ary as a school for your child, you are very welco e to visit Applyin for a reception class place for epte er is availa le online now at https www ov u apply for pri ary school place and closes on anuary

Bildeston Primary School Newberry Road, Bildeston, Ipswich, Su olk, IP7 7ES Telephone: 0144 740 6


Franklyn Nevard Associates

Architecture and Interior Design


Remembering our wonderful mother, lost eight years ago, but always in our minds. Steve & Julie

New Build / Extensions and Alterations / Feasibility Studies / Planning Building Regulations and Tender Specifications

Contact Franklyn Mobile: 07515 351 894




Hadleigh and Boxford Patient

Particpation Group (PPG)

Out of Hours Doctor: eed a doctor when the ealth Centre is closed, includin wee ends

Call for advice and details of your nearest out of hours duty doctor

Comings & Goings: adly, after any years, r veritt has retired ur sincere than s for her any years of dedicated carin service e wish her a well deserved, lon and happy retire ent r halid, who has already oined the edical ea , has added any additional appoint ent ti es for patients

Call Back Option: ave you tried this save y place in the ueue option yet any patients are still not aware of this very helpful, e cient return call option elievin that they will lose their turn in the ueue est assured you do not as your call will e returned once it reaches your turn Choose the call ac option and then han up t eats the tediu of han in on

on rgent Appointments: Avoid the early ornin scra le y usin consult Availa le and your re uests will e dealt within hours his will also free up the line for ore pressin appoint ent needs

The NHS App: id you now you can order your repeat prescription via the app, view your edical records and uch ore via the app o you have access to this very useful app ou will e surprised how uch useful infor ation can e found there f you ever have reason to use a doctor outside adlei h they can i ediately access your edical records savin valua le ti e and a lot of stress incere apolo ies to anyone who went to the adlei h i rary for the ece er trainin session also went n e nown to the duty i rarian, the uru was in the upstairs roo here will etter co unication and si na e in future to avoid this happenin a ain he sessions will continue

Repeat Prescriptions: At the ractice dispensary please allow three wor in days for these to e processed har acies outside the ractice have their own ti eta le Medicine Wastage: he statistics for edicine wasta e are sta erin ou could easily do your it to i prove these shoc in statistics e check your stock of prescription drugs before re-ordering more, keep your repeat prescription up to date and stop ordering medicine you no longer take, before you leave the pharmacy check the contents of the bag and return unwanted items for re-use. f you wait until after you have left the pre ises their cost eco es part of the illion edicine wasta e

Volunteer Drivers: en astwood, coordinates a roup of volunteer drivers who are willin to ta e patients, needin transport, to their doctor or hospital appoint ents f you are a driver with a few hours to spare please contact en details elow and support this invalua le service nsurance issues are addressed when you si n up

Art in Practice: A new display for you to en oy his ti e the wor of local artist o o an ur than s to a el radshaw s students for ri htenin the ealth Centre s waitin area for several wee s ne of her student s pieces was sold and of the purchase price went to the ractice s Charita le rust f you are interested in uyin any of the artwor please contact e and not the ractice personnel JD WISHING PATIENTS AND READERS A HAPP HEALTH .

Both Practices: ut of ours: also online www nhs u pp: www nhs u nhs app

Practice Dispensary: www hadlei hhealth co u openin hours

Volunteers Drivers: en eastwood ail co Coordinator en astwood e site: www hadlei hhealth co u ace ook: www face oo co adlei h o ford roup ractice

PP rt ales: deveys tinternet co Chair an evey or

EmBARKing on a PAWsome

Farm enterprise pays o for one Su olk family

A local fa ily far is reapin the ene ts of a recent diversi cation enterprise, and so are its four le ed custo ers!

o rolic, in o ersha , opened its rst do eld last une and uic ly eca e one of u ol s pre ier private e ercise sites t proved so popular that the Caston a ily have now created a second private eld he idden eadow which opened its ates at Christ as he two fully fenced elds allow do s co plete freedo in pretty rollin countryside, close to pswich, adlei h and eedha ar et reviously, this part of the far was ho e to , free ran e hens, ut y allowin do s to have free ran e instead, the enterprise has helped sta lise the far s inco e, avoid uncertainties around Avian lu, and provide a uch valued canine service rivate hire elds are especially useful for reactive or nervous do s, and those without ood recall uch facilities are also invalua le to those with ully types, who are welco e at o rolic provided a few additional conditions are et ut all inds of pooches love a visit and usiness owner ucy atchelor yla reports people often reco nise it s a reat eet up venue where oth two and four le ed fa ily e ers can let o stea ! he is uic to praise her custo ers who enerally eep the eld really clean

A uic lance at usiness s reviews reveal custo ers love the lar e si e of the eadows each is over acres, and the o vious fun their do s have on the natural features and a ility e uip ent he elds feature tunnels, A fra es, u ps and lo s and the new eld even oasts a sand pit and a play house ust for do s! oth have you covered literally in wet weather with eld shelters and undercover seatin , so co e rain or shine your do will et the o lead oo ies they need! To nd out more go to

Photo by Kevin Pigney

Lavenham Carpet Bowls Club

ishin every one a happy fro the Carpet owls Clu he ladies e ers of the Clu nished on a hi h! n our in house co petitions that ohn , our Clu Captain, or anised at the end of the year, the ladies did rilliantly he winner of the in les co petition, pictured with Clu e ers was al, who is our reasurer and i ture ecretary yself, arilyn and ose ary, won the ou les, and the lassies eat the lads in the resident s Cup ut the atches were hard fou ht and several were only won on the last end eally ood atches and a sure ne t year the uys will e ac and et their reven e o you can see the Carpet owls is a a e that ladies can play, ust as well as en o reat stren th is needed and it is a fun sport hy not co e and see if it is so ethin you i ht en oy in he rst two sessions are free e eet on ednesday afternoon at p until p , and hursday evenin at p until p at avenha illa e all oo forward to seein you

Stour Valley U3A

a e the ost of life once you re no lon er in full ti e wor and co e and e plore new ideas, interests and s ills with niversity of the hird A e Across the country A e ers are eetin new people, learnin , stayin active, and havin fun later in life t s local, social, friendly, low cost and open to all e have over interest roups includin wal in fro strollers to ilers theatre trips, arden visits, art appreciation, curry clu , international dinin , science roup, lan ua es, eep t, pic le all, overseas travel there s so ethin for everyone e ership costs only a year

onthly co ee ornin s are held on the rst riday of the onth a p at the a e chool, aston treet, ast er holt Co e alon , eet so e e ers, hear ore a out us and decide whether you d li e to oin

onthly lectures are held on the second ednesday of the onth at p in the Consta le all, andish oad, ast er holt uests are welco e for a char e of ur spea er on the anuary is udith ood ivin with the aranor al , on e ruary we have a e er of the ast An lian Air A ulance tal in a out their role and on arch Claire enn, Assistant rofessor at Ca rid e niversity s Centre for the uture of ntelli ence, will tal on A and Chat

Please take a look at our website for more information and contact details.

Orchard Barn News

Learning from the past how to build a greener future

Building Community at Orchard Barn hat a reat year has een here at rchard arn! ur lon ter pro ect to re instate the s on ouse for use as an education space has once a ain een our ain focus, and than s to the wonderful e orts of a wide ran e of people, oth practically and with donations, we have ade fantastic pro ress

ould you li e to oin our friendly co unity of olunteers he ew ear is traditionally a ti e to loo forward to new achieve ents and e periences, so why not do so ethin di erent and volunteer with us

a e new friends oth fro this area and further a eld earn new s ills usin traditional reen woodwor in tools

Contri ute to a worthwhile pro ect ene t fro wor in outside in the open air pend ti e in a eautiful, tran uil environ ent full of wildlife eco e part of a co unity of friendly people eel the satisfaction of a in a di erence

e need volunteers to help a e the wooden roof tiles shin les for our on ouse, and also to help aintain our site no e perience is necessary!

a e a start y oinin a olunteer or in arty on anuary a to convert rashwood fruit tree prunin s into iodiversity ha itat y usin loppers and secateurs to cut the rash and uild a deadwood screen

o nd out ore a out us and what we do, or to volunteer with us, ta e a loo at our we site http www orchard arn or u , call arah on or e ail her at sarah orchard arn ail co

Orchard Barn Ringshall Stowmarket Su olk IP L

for our unior ivision which is so e feat iven the si e of our clu e started our year with a o ide trainin day in April and this has spawned four rand new riders who have u ped head rst into our clu ersey at oth oad acin and our clu favourite Cyclocross disciplines ere we have a uic run down of the unior riders achieve ents for the last onths

Issac irst ever race and the youn est co petitor at C evolution C event reat potential

Wilf H e ut in oad and C co petition and co peted to uch applause at the e er ill Cli reat riathlete too

Denny ad three wins in ountain i in efore scorin ine consecutive podiu s in e ional Cyclocross e was awarded our clu s ider s ider of the year rophy

Teddy ad a season s est ei hth place at ac ney C and could a e top ten in the lea ue which would e a a in Wilf G he s ile on his face at race day says it all owerin forwards in his rst season in a devilish di cult nder C series

Archie nspired y his elder rother An us he too on the tou hest trainin sessions and turned out so e e a perfor ances in and C

Isla Another new ie to racin and a ain in the treacherous nder class A solute oy to watch her deter ination edals alore in the irls division o een to practice and i prove he future is ri ht Oli earned so e valua le lessons in oad, and C this year in rst assault on in lon races ill e uch stron er for all the e ort Angus op ten in the nder s at the rst atte pt is a rilliant e ort on races have ta en their toll ut stren th and deter ination to succeed will ear fruit ne t ter ully deserved adlei h s unior ider of the ear rophy

Emily irst ever race at the e ionals a ainst the ritish Cha pion odiu in nder irls espect

Ciaran eads y e a ple ost e cellent results all year in all disciplines nspiration for the youn er riders Awarded with a place at the e ional chool of acin for oad and Cyclocross wo people we o viously can t for et are

Benson pic o as coach, tea driver, photo rapher, otivator and advisor eward was seein CC launch to i hth in the tea standin s in Cyclocross

Finally Kate our wonderful safe uardin o cer is retirin fro the Co ittee till continuin to pedal feverishly co e rain or shine any than s e tended to her for any years service fro the clu

ee you uys on your i es in For up to date news please head to the Internet for our Facebook page @hadleighcyclingclub

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Hadleigh Hares Races 2024

he annual adlei h ares ile, ile and unior races were held on ove er startin fro adlei h nited C in in ers ane A very lustery day welco ed our athletes on arrival, settin the pattern for what would e a de andin windy run ahead nce a ain, the event proved to e very popular with all the races sellin out efore race day, leavin a waitin list of disappointed runners who ust left it too late or those who did a e it to the start line, the unior ilo etre race ased around the adlei h river wal was rst o his year, to a e it a it ore inclusive for the co petitors, we used a new route, startin and nishin at race his did re uire a lon er than usual closure of oppes eld rid e to ensure the childrens safety, and we, as a clu are rateful for the patience and for earance of the local co unity in allowin us to achieve this espite a sli ht hold up due to an a ulance needin to et y, it all wor ed well and the runners had a reat ti e irst oy ho e was Al e elly in and rst irl was A alie wydell in n previous years the start of the adult races was notoriously crowded, so this year we split the starts with the ilers oin o rst followed y the ilers, inutes later Anyone who has run either of these courses will tell you they are not easy with plenty of steep hills to contend with ith the added onus of winds up to ph, it eca e even tou her for our co petitors who all, nevertheless, ade it ac to the nish line to receive their special th anniversary adlei h ares edals irst ho e in the ohn Chisnall ile event was randon ar er in a rilliant , who was followed y adlei h irl arcy ladwell who set a new course record of hat record had lasted for ten years since so no ean feat, particularly in the conditions oth the ile winners successfully defended their titles fro last year atric annah nishin in and ate Crea in adlei h ares would li e to than our ain sponsors, Chisnall and ons and lant arts td for their continuin and enerous sponsorship, and oss ody, u ers, Co lers, et oun e, A eycroft eisure and weet e ories for indly donatin spot pri es to our nishers e t year we will e holdin the event on ove er, so if you fancy it, est et trainin

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Franklyn Nevard 07515 351894

One Group ............... 01473 807754

Accountants / Financial Services

Thompson Financial Consulting 01473 828973

Walter Wright.

.01473 822143

Su olkTaxAccountants ...01473 657000

Bathrooms Plumbing and Heating

Gallagher 01473 828806

Plumbmate 01473 810088

Roundhouse Plumbing 07939 082630

Spear .................... 07775 690158

GJ Watts 01473 829644

MSL Plumbing 07979 288844

CJ Plumbing&Heating. . . .01473 822775

AHM Installations 01473 206918

Buddha Plumbing & Heating.07710 081745

Andrew Pipe 07766 311575

Blinds for windows & conservatories

Ventanilla Blinds .......... 01787 313677

Caribbean Blinds ........ 0344 800 1947

Builders / Property Maintenance

MMS Plastering 07767 211336

C.A. Builders 01473 824404

Simon Farthing 07823 333451

One Group 01473 807754

Anglia Lime 01787 313974


Andrews Butcher 01473 827720


Dick Bushell .............. 07717 474672

Cards Gifts Stationery

Keith Avis Newsagents 01473 823131

Carpets / Flooring

A.J. Carpets 01473 822240

Your local business DIRECTORY

Car Sales Servicing

Repairs & Valet

Ainger Holbrow 01473 823286

Complete Car Services 01473 828991

Crockatt Garage 01473 824342

Invicta Garage 01473 823172

Chimney Sweep / Fireplace Services

TL Chimneys 07733 420611

Clements Chimney Sweep .07810 616837


ZOR Boutique ............ 07969 525859

Marst Agri 01473 455205

Computer Repair & IT Support

Home Computer Services..01473 829552

Doors and Windows

Andy Grimsey.

.01473 823584

Tim Allen Windows ........ 01473 827086

Sure x ................... 01473 827004

A&B Glass 01787 880099

Electrical Goods and Supplies

Hicks TV & Audio Solutions07968 686035


S Cowle Electrical 01473 823179

Estate Agents

Frost & Partners.

.01473 823456

Chapman Stickels 01473 372372

Hizzy .................... 01473 875101

The Letting Department ...01473 372222

Farm Shops

Hollowtrees .............. 01449 741247

Funeral / Grave Services

R. Gwinnell 01473 824440

W. A. Deacon ............. 01787 248282

Garden Machinery / Repairs

W. J. Green 01473 823839

Marst Agri ................ 01473 455205

Steve Blake 07813814623


Tel: Mark 07979 288844

Garden Services

4 Life Landscapes 01473 828117

The Landscaper 07737 272341

Green Star Gardening 07939 226117

Hair and Beauty

Hadleigh Hairloom ........ 01473 822191

Alice Capriotti 07517 874342

Health and Fitness

Hadleigh Boxford Practice .01473 822961

Hadleigh Dental Surgery ..01473 823092

Sally Mowles Foot Health Care 01473 822902

Hadleigh Physiotherapy ...01473 810185

Body & Mind As One 07506 350 455

Kinetic Health 01473 806240

Backs For The Future 07818 420029

Mung Bean ............... 01473 829998

Lavenham Dental Practice .01787 247058

House Moving / Removals

Todds Removals 01787 377489

Laundry Services

Press Gang ............... 01473 558448


Key Locksmith Services ...01206 431440


Keith Avis Newsagents 01473 823131

Nursing & Care Services

Lax eldHouse...01787 247340 / 247495

City On A Hill Care ....... 0330 1335 492

Green Rose Care 01269 850150


Dunstone Optometry 01473 823755

Painting & Decorating

Simon Farthing ........... 07823 333451

HW Painting & Sealing 07856 833104

Paste Paper Paint 07429 612344

Pest Control

Lister Countryside Services07919 287656

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