5 minute read

Report by District Cllr Dr Sian Dawson - Hadleigh North Ward

Dear Residents,

This will be one of the last reports prior to the Election. The main issue will be voting on the Budget, which Conservatives have agreed to support on the condition that there will be no introduction of parking fees. We anticipate parking charges will be introduced at some stage by the Independents and Greens after the election, as the Cabinet have just deferred implementation, and the Cabinet Member for Environment can implement at any time. However, the Independents will not do this until after the election knowing it will be unpopular. The general consensus by our Group is acceptance of the 2.99% increase in taxes will cover the cost of parking, enabling it to remain free. The Conservatives do not expect increased budget costs and parking!!


Hadleigh progress:

• Corks Lane remains a closed site, all work has stopped for over 3 months or is minimal. It is self evident, the Independents and Greens are unlikely to deliver a profitable project without severely reducing the quality of the build, i.e. no carpets, cheaper fittings etc at delivery. I am advised by the Independent Portfolio Holder Cllr Busby (Growth) that we are awaiting further information…in the meantime progress seems minimal and whilst the Independent Leader Cllr Ward advised flats may well be available June, ’23 I think this most unlikely!

• Belle Vue House, Sudbury – I received criticism by the Opposition when I highlighted at Planning Committee the fact that Churchills had architectural plans indicating they had no intention of retaining Belle Vue House and had considered demolition at the outset. Whilst they denied this, when I requested a condition to be included as part of the planning consideration, that demolition could not be considered. Churchill have now indicated they will not Appeal the proposal following refusal of their Planning last year. Babergh must realise it is a lost cause not wanted by residents. Let us hope Belle Vue will be retained and will be restored to the standard of East House in Hadleigh, which had great sentimentality to Hadleigh residents and has been fortuitously retained.

• Garden Waste - The Rainbow Cabinet of Independents, Labour and Green have increased the cost of garden and bulky waste collections in Babergh, which means residents will be paying almost £70 to start and £60 to renew the service. The District Councils Cabinet agreed to include new fees and charges in the draft budget.

• H.C.C. - Simon Gladwell Hadleigh Cricket Club kindly agreed to remove the banners off the historic wall and gate at the Cricket Ground. A number of people have commented on the half hung flapping banners, which also causes drivers to be distracted by the street furniture at the beginning of Gallows Hill. He kindly advised banners will be removed by the end of the week. All advertising within the ground will remain as this generates income for the Club.

• Locality Budget - I am delighted to support the Hadleigh Cricket Club with funding from my Locality Budget, which will go towards the junior section. The club has approximately 100 junior members who enjoy 12 weeks of coaching between mid-April and end of July. Could I encourage any youngsters interested to participate and go along and sign up for coaching sessions, sport is important for health and wellbeing as well as the enjoyment of the competition.

• Highway Waste - I have put in a request to have the bypass tidied up again – Persimmons walked the site but again plastic bags and boxes litter the roadside and whilst untidy is also dangerous for drivers. This is Suffolk County Council Highways responsibility and another request has also been made to clean the highway signs.

• Graffiti - I have requested the cleaning of the offensive graffiti on the park bench by the river at Toppesfield Gardens.

• The fallen tree over River Brett and blocking parts of the river is not Babergh’s responsibility. This has fallen from the Medical Centre who have been advised accordingly and will deal with the matter.

• Residents have contacted me about the environmental issues surrounding the removal of thistles. In areas of creeping thistle close to pathways and spreading in areas of meadow grass. As its names suggests, if untreated this plant can take over large area if left unchecked, resulting something of a monoculture in terms of flora. The areas of Public Open surrounding Manor Gardens along the river, these pathways are intended to be treated as wildflower grass mixes being cut twice a year in a “meadow” grass regime. This method of cultivation should mean wildflowers and grass seeds have time to develop, which will themselves be attractive to insects and other fauna. The value of thistles and similar plants as a part of a diverse range of flora and when we paid our site visit, we specified that only the areas within the public open space which was to be maintained as meadow grass would be treated for the thistle. Where it was growing at the fringes of these areas it was to be left untreated, We would hope in this way to maximize the variety of habitats to attract a corresponding variety of wildlife.

Cllr Dr Siân Dawson, sian.dawson@babergh.gov.uk 07931 703157

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