2 minute read
Hadleigh Patient Participation Group (PPG)
With the first quarter of the year behind us and the lighter nights fast approaching we should, hopefully, feel more like getting involved in various activities. Whether it be sociable or physical, both will contribute to your general well-being and subsequently your overall good health. The “What’s About Hadleigh” event in the town will provide a perfect opportunity to find a group that suits your needs and interests. The PPG will be there on Saturday 27th May from 10a.m to 2pm. in the Guildroom. We will be highlighting the many medical services which are available at the Practices (Hadleigh and Boxford) and also an easy peasy guide to booking appointments on line. The ongoing internal renovations continue to cause some disruption in the Practice car park. As there is no gain without pain you can be sure it will be wonderful when it’s all over.
On Sunday 16th July, the group will be welcoming walkers at the end of their 5 ½ mile walk, from the Boxford Practice to the Hadleigh Health Centre, in memory of the late Gareth Meredith. Further details elsewhere in this magazine.
Many patients collect repeat prescriptions from one of the town’s Pharmacies but how many check the contents of their package on receipt? As this medication cannot be re-issued once it has left the premises, your vigilance will greatly help reduce the currently, horrendously high level of medicine waste.
Have you got the NHS App yet? If not, check out how useful it could be offering you access to a mass of information and services. See website details below. This month, Gavin Young, one of our PPG members, who is also gainfully employed by the Ambulance Service will be passing on his valuable first aid skills to local Primary School pupils in Year 6. Hopefully, weather permitting, you will be able to enjoy the Coronation celebrations and the additional public holiday, in the great outdoors. We look forward to welcoming you to our stand on 27th May.
PPG Chair: Jan Devey 01473 827091. deveys@btinternet.com. www.hadleighhealth.co.uk
NHS App: www.hadleighhealth.co.uk/the-nhs-app