Microsoft Word - EVALUATION%20QUIZ[1].doc

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Project: European Toy Visit (2008-2009) Teacher: Thalia Hadzigiannoglou Class: 6th Grade (ΣΤ2) Student Evaluation Quiz Answer the following questions: 1.What did you learn about Romania (Write 3 lines)? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.What did you learn about France (Write 3 lines)? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. How will you use what you have learnt? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. In this project, I improved: (Please, tick (√) as many as you like).  My computer skills  My foreign language vocabulary  My writing  My reading  My artistic skills (making Christmas/Easter cards, bookmarks etc.)  None of these  Other ____________________________ 5. In this project: (Please, tick (√) as many as you like).  I made new friends  I liked writing letters  I liked receiving letters  I learnt about the language of the other partners  I learnt about the customs of the other countries  I learnt about important sites of the other countries  None of these

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