Haileybury Foundation News - Winter 2021

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The past 18 months have been a challenging time for all of us, with pandemic-induced health, financial and social impacts rippling through families and communities. While the green shoots of a vaccine-led pathway towards increased freedom are beginning to appear, it may be some months before we feel their effects. It has been heartwarming for me to witness the continued generosity of our Haileybury community and, at our recent Foundation Board meeting, we were all pleasantly surprised with how strong the donations inflow continues to be during 2021. Despite the day-


Most of you will be aware of the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, and we are witnessing a large-scale displacement of people amid what is now a humanitarian emergency. Since the start of the year, conflict has already driven some 550,000 vulnerable people out of their homes – and numbers are growing by the day. This latest wave of conflict is another blow for Afghans, who have suffered more than 40 years of conflict, natural disasters, chronic poverty and food insecurity. On top of this, the COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed Afghanistan’s health system, and less than 4 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated. To support the Australian-Afghan community, the Haileybury Foundation will offer two fully funded scholarships, awarded on the basis of academic merit and potential, to two girls from the Australian-Afghan community to complete their secondary education at Haileybury.


to-day uncertainties posed by lockdowns and evolving restrictions, Old Haileyburians, parents, staff and past parents have continued with their compassionate contributions. The 22 Foundation Scholarships now confirmed for 2022 are fine examples of how we can quantify such generosity. They include 10 across our Melbourne campuses and, in a moment of great pride, three inaugural Indigenous scholarships at Haileybury Rendall School (Darwin). I have no doubt that the 13 new students entering our fold in 2022 will thrive and excel, academically and beyond, ready to contribute to their communities and to society when they graduate. Our ability to continue making such a positive impact on young lives has been further boosted recently: firstly, with the receipt of two bequests pledged selflessly some years ago by two of our alumni; and, secondly, by our Haileybury Workplace Giving Program, which has reached the wonderful milestone of having 100 staff donors, leading to the creation of a second Staff Giving Scholarship. Simply saying ‘thank you’ to everyone who has donated may seem an insufficient way to express our depth of gratitude. However, our thanks are genuine and heartfelt and, more importantly, your generosity will make a very real difference and truly change the lives of these students forever.


It is intended that the scholarships will commence in 2022 and will benefit students from an economically and socially disadvantaged background. Women in Afghanistan have faced many barriers to their education, not least the continued threat of violence and attacks on educational facilities in the country. This scholarship will offer two AustralianAfghani girls the opportunity of an education experience free from the threat of violence at one of the best schools in Australia, where they can expand their knowledge and build networks that will help transform them into leaders of the future.

Haileybury is home to a thriving multicultural community. Students join Haileybury from a wide range of backgrounds, coming together to share their learning and friendship in a caring and supportive community. At Haileybury, the recipients of these scholarships will benefit from the opportunity to mix with brilliant students and teachers in a range of academic and co-curricular opportunities. We look forward to sharing the news of the allocation of these gifts with you all.



This month, Haileybury celebrates Workplace Giving month. We are thanking our very own Haileybury staff, who are going out of their way to change lives for others. Did you know that more than 100 Haileybury staff contribute to the Haileybury Workplace Giving Program? Their contributions alone have provided a scholarship for one student – Faith Kauseni – who is now in Year 8 at City. Due to the rapid uptake of staff wishing to be a part of the program, we are excited to announce a second Workplace Giving Scholarship for 2022. We thank our staff enormously and we look forward to a special morning tea at each campus to celebrate another life that is about to be changed forever. Here is what our staff are saying about their involvement: “It is very rewarding to contribute to the Haileybury Workplace Giving program as it provides me with the opportunity to have a positive impact on a young person through enabling them the rich and life-changing experience of attending our School.” Brent Ritchie, Year 6 Teacher, Newlands. “I am proud to be part of the Haileybury Workplace Giving program and feel so uplifted to see our first scholarship recipient, Faith, thriving in our Middle School. It’s amazing to

be part of something that is so life changing for someone else.” Jan Munro, Head of Thrive. “I give to the Haileybury Workplace Giving program because not only am I able to help someone get an outstanding education, but I am also able to be a part of providing them with incredible opportunities outside of a textbook that would otherwise be out of reach.” Sandra Tiepermann, Head of Girls Middle School, Newlands. “The Haileybury Giving program affords a student hope. Hope is the starting point to a better future. It gives wings to motivation, creativity and commitment to succeed. I know this personally because throughout my own life, the faith of others encouraged me to dive deeper – to go for it! Hope, with financial support, provides the fuel and incentive for recipients to dive in with energy. Tracey Ker, Music Teacher. All gifts to Haileybury Foundation are tax deductible. Our staff are providing an enormous impact and we have been delighted with the involvement of other parts our community: past parents, parent community groups, alumni and current parents, and former staff. Thank you all.



BEQUESTS A bequest is a wonderful way to celebrate your past, while planning for the future. By making a provision for Haileybury Foundation in your will, and choosing how these funds will be used, you can create an enduring legacy and help to ensure that future generations of students follow in your footsteps, continuing to acquire a lifelong love of learning and service to the community. For further information on leaving a gift in your will, please contact Russell Davidson for a confidential discussion.

CONTACT US If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact us via the options below.

Haileybury Foundation is on socials. Please follow us to stay updated on Haileybury Foundation community activities at the links below: www.facebook.com/Haileyburyfoundation https://www.linkedin.com/ company/36137842

TO DONATE Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible, and a receipt will be provided.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6141 | foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au | www.haileybury.com.au/giving

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